October 23rd 2014

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The Morung Express

Dimapur VOL. IX ISSUE 292


Music in the soul can be heard by the universe


Thursday, October 23, 2014 12 pages Rs. 4 –Lao Tzu

Arun Jaitley hints at UPA minister’s name in black money list

Taylor Swift Opens Up About Constant Kidnap And Death Threats

Recycling waste items into utility products

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Shooting locks down Canadian parliament

Halep routs Serena Williams at WTA Finals [ PAGE 12]

HOnEy in THE ROCKS ‘Children still wait for food’

(LEFT) A bee harvester from Khonjiri village in Mt Saramati Range under Kiphire district engaged in rock bee harvesting. (RIGHT) Villagers biting into the honey combs during the harvest.

Ashikho Pfuzhe Pungro | October 22

Villagers of Mimi, Khonjiri and its surrounding villages near the Indo-Myanmar border in Kiphire district are fast learning that there’s money in honey – courtesy the Nagaland Bee & Honey Mission (NBHM) and Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai, The ‘Livelihood enhancement through rock bee harvesting’ (2009-10), a project initiated by NBHM with support from Tata Trust, has not only upgraded the traditional skills of rock bee farmers, finding an outlet to sell their produce in the market but has also gone a long way in reviving the almost dying art of honey harvesting in Mt. Saramati region. The Mimi and Khonjiri area is famous for rock bee sites and according to locals here, there are more than 20 rock bee sites in this side of


By Sandemo Ngullie

the border with a single site containing 80-140 bee hives. On October 17, a 10-member NBHM team took part in the honey harvest at ‘Muzhi’ rock bee site, some four kilometers from Khonjiri village. The honey yield at ‘Muzhi’ was poor this time owing to late harvest. However, the method of honey harvest by the villagers passed down from generations was

not only chases away the bees from their hives but also reduces their ability to sting. After this, a ladder is lowered from the top of the rock and a couple of expert harvesters and climbers from both ends of the ladders make their way to the hives build into crevices of the rock. With spatulas, the hives and combs are extricated from the rock and put into baskets. Before

would place more importance on the wax extracted from the honey combs. “During our forefathers’ time, the honey we gathered was meant for domestic consumption only and not sold outside. But the wax, after it was filtered in bamboo containers was very valuable. People from Myanmar side exchanged a Mithun for two traditional baskets of wax.

Cultivating the practice of honey harvesting to enhance livelihood in the Mt Saramati region

a rare treat to visitors including some NBHM members witnessing the harvest for the first time. From the base of the ‘Muzhi’ rock, a 300-350 feet high rock mountain, villagers make fire at three places and throw bananas and other green plants into the fire to produce smoke, which travels up to the bee hives. The smoke

the intervention of NBHM, the rock bee climbers, who display tremendous agility, used only bamboo ladders secured with cane and vine ropes without other safety measures like harnesses. Rock bee honey harvest is done twice in a year, during June-July and SeptemberOctober. Earlier, the villagers

Paddy fields were also bartered for wax”, a villager said. Realizing the potential of rock bee honey in Kiphire district, the Nagaland Bee & Honey Mission set up in 2007, stepped in to provide the much needed assistance and logistic support to boost livelihood of the local bee farmers. Besides training on hon-

ey harvesting and distributing equipments like spatula, climbing rope, caribiner, harness, barrels, filter and bee veil, NBHM is also buying honey and wax on the spot so that local bee farmers do not have to take the trouble of searching for buyers. “Rock bee honey contains lots of moisture (water) and it has to be treated in the laboratory first otherwise the honey will ferment in three months time and cannot be sold. The wax also needs to be processed and filtered properly as the traditional filtration of wax done by the villagers still contains lots of impurities”, said NBHM team leader, Wonchio Odyuo at the site of the harvest. The other NBHM members included Nzambemo, Er. Nitoshe, Bodevi, Er. Kuhovi, Bendangmoa, Temjenchuba, Letgong Patrick, Er. Temsukaba, Deventhong and Francis (project assistant).

DIMPAUR, OCTOBER 22 (MExN): The Eastern Naga Student’s Federation (ENSF) is dismayed by the Nagaland state government’s “non-fulfilment” of its assurances regarding regular implementation of the Mid Day Meal (MDM) scheme on all school days as per existing norms. Despite repeated appeals, a press note from the ENSF lamented that the concerned department has “neither handed the letter of assurance nor improved the system of providing MDM in government schools.” ENSF reminded that the Deputy Commissioners of the four eastern districts had convened a meeting with all the in-charges of MDM from the grassroots level. Accordingly, an “oath of assurance” for strict implementation, it informed, had been signed in the presence of the DCs and the respective tribal student’s organisation of the 6 tribes. The Federation sought answers from the state supplier of MDM food grain as to how it has been implemented. It informed that no sufficient food grain is being received on time at the SDEO level, “as reported by the officials.” It directed the federating units to collect the detailed Utilization Certificate from the SDEO level from 2010-2014 and submit the same by November 10, 2014. Informing that the PAB had clearly marked the transportation cost, the ENSF lamented that the “cost is only being used by the suppliers from FCI to the storage,” and that transportation cost from the storage to the respective schools is “never sanctioned.” The MDM in charge from the school had to sell some bags of rice in order to meet the transportation charges, it added. As a result, ENSF said that there is always shortage of food grains in the school and the children remain hungry and malnourished. It demanded that the concerned agency allocate the transportation cost from the storage to the schools.

Regarding appointment of cooks and helpers, the ENSF stated that the honorarium of Rs. 1000/- per month is “too little.” However, it added that as “schools do not serve MDM, their burden is lightened and so their grievances are left untold.” It demanded that the list of cooks so appointed should be furnished and thorough investigation be made. It further alleged that “many MDM helpers’ names are being manipulated at the official level.” “Their salary bounces back reaching the district after all official procedures are made. Such irregularities and anomalies should be rectified,” it added. Urging the General Manager of the FCI to furnish the total quantity of food grain dispatched from the office to the respective districts, especially the four eastern districts for the past three financial years; the ENSF informed it will investigate at the district level to trace “defaulters.” ENSF cautioned that if anomalies are detected, “the Federation shall move for befitting action against the defaulters which might require befitting legal actions.” The ENSF further appealed to all the Naga Political Groups to “abstain from indulging in the shares that is meant for the poor children in the schools.” “It should be noted that though it’s indulgent share might be just nominal, the blame it gets tarnishes its good image while it strives and sacrifices for Naga sovereignty,” the federation said. Rather, it urged that “under the aegis of the Kilonser for Education and its competent officials in all the groups, the NPGs should also extent its cooperation in checking and routing out the discrepancies and anti social element that exist in the system today.” No Nation, it asserted, is built without imparting good education to the younger generation. The ENSF cautioned that failure of the Nagaland state government to act on these issues would compel the federation to revoke its temporarily suspended agitation.

NERPSIP to strengthen NE ‘power scenario’ Transmission and distribution projects formulated for Nagaland

KOHIMA, OCTOBER 22 (MExN): TRAnSmiSSiOn SCHEmES The Department of Power for Naga- Transmission lines land State today informed that a pol- • LILO of Mokokchung (Nagaland) – icy to strengthen the power scenario Mariani (Assam) 132 kv D/C line at in the North East region has been forLongnak mulated by the Central government. • New Kohima – Mokokchung (PG) 220 kv S/C on D/C Chief Engineer for the Department of Power, Nagaland, in a public • Tuensang – Longleng 132 kv S/C on D/C line notice, informed that the Government of India, with financial assis- • New Kohima (Zadima) – New Secretariat Complex Kohima 132 kv D/C tance from the World Bank, has forline mulated the North Eastern Region • LILO of Kohima – Wokha 132 kv S/C Power System Improvement Projline at New Kohima ect (NERPSIP). The project envis- • LILO of Kohima – Meluri (Kiphire) ages constructing new power sub132 kv S/C line at Pfutsero What’s stopping you from stations, transmission/distribution • Wokha (Doyang river) – Zunhenaming the 800 Swiss A/c lines and simultaneously augment/ boto – Mokokchung 132 kv S/C on holders? expand the existing sub-stations and D/C line transmission lines. In the state of Nagaland, the EHV Sub-Station NERPSIP will broadly aim to load • 132 kv Longnak (New) SS enhancement of the state’s transmis- • 132/33 kv Longleng (New) SS sion and distribution network as well • 132/33 kv Zunheboto (New) SS DIMAPUR, OCTO- as reduce the transmission and dis- • 132/33 kv Wokha SS (EXTN) BER 22 (MExN): One tribution (T&D) loss. It will further • 132/33 kv Mokokchung (State) SS (EXTN) person was shot at al- aim to adequately address the de- • 220 kv Mokokchung (PG) GIS SS legedly by Assam Police mand side management for ensuring (EXTN) at Liphanyan village in adequate supply of electricity. • 132/33 kv Secretariat Complex KoThe notice further informed that hima (NEW) SS Ralan area of Wokha district around 1:30 pm the Department of Power, Nagaland • 132/33 kv Pfutsero (New) SS today. The victim, iden- will be the “owner” of the projects in • 132/33 kv Tuensang SS (EXTN) kv New Kohima SS tified as Hekuto (32) was the state under NERPSIP. Under the • 220/132/33 (EXTN) scope of the project, transmission brought to Dimapur schemes and distribution schemes and is currently under- will be taken up in the state. DiSTRibUTiOn SCHEmES going treatment at Civil For transmission lines under the Distribution lines Hospital. According to project, the notice informed that land • Tapping of 33 kv existing Mokokchung – Mariani line at Longtho (new) a source, the victim suf- acquisition and the damages caused S/s fered a bullet wound on will be compensated. Provision has • LILO (ACSR-Raccoon) of Mokokchis neck. The source in- been made in NERPSIP, it added, hung – Mariani 33kv existing line at formed that the Assam for payment of compensation to the Longnak 132/33 kv (new) S/s Police had fired when project affected families for any dam- • 33 kv line on ACSR Raccoon from 132/33 kv Longleng (new) s/s to Hekuto along with two ages caused during the project. Longleng Town with 1 bay (new) s/s The notice further informed friends were trying to avoid the police “for fear that grievances/complaint from the • 33 kv line from Zunheboto (new) 132/33 KV S/s to Zunheboto south of being arrested.” One public pertaining to the mentioned point with 1 bay (new) S/s projects may contact Er Khose Sale, of the victim’s friends • 33kv line from Akuloto Existing S/s to was also reportedly as- Project Director, SPIU 0/0, Chief Engineer for Transmission & Gensaulted by the Assam Kohima. It added that griev- culation of this notice. Police and is said to be in eration, ances should be forwarded within a The State Department of Power critical condition. period of 15 days from the date of cir- has expressed hope that implemen-

One shot at in Ralan area


Suruhuto existing S/s • 33kV line from Torogonyu S/s to Pughoboto existing S/s • 33kv Line on ACSR Raccoon/Hare from Existing Mokochung 66/33 kV S/s to Mokochung Town Power House (new) S/s • 33kv Line on ACSR Raccoon/Hare from Existing Mokochung 66/33 kV S/s to Mokochung Town Hospital Area with 1 bay(new) S/s • 33kV line on ACSR Raccoon from Kohima 132/33kV (New )SS to Zhadima (New Kohima) (new) S/s • 33kV line on ACSR Raccoon from 132/33kV Pfutsero (New) s/s to Pfutsero (new) S/s • 33kV line on ACSR Wolf from 132/66kv existing Nagarjan S/s to Padam Pukhri (new) S/s Sub-Stations • Longtho with 1 bay (new) S/s-2x 5 MVA; • Augmentation at Mangkolemba existing S/S - Addition of 1x5 MVA • Longleng Town with 1 bay (new) S/s2x 5 MVA • Augmentation at Changtongya existing S/S - Addition of 1x5 MVA • Zunheboto south point with 1 bay (new) S/s-2x 5 MVA • Augmentation at Suruhuto existing S/s - Addition of l x5 MVA • Bay addition at Akuloto Existing S/s • Bay addition at Suruhuto Existing S/s • Augmentation at Wokha power house existing S/s - addition of 1x5 MVA • Augmentation at Chukitong existing S/s - addition of 1x5 MVA • Augmentation at Tseminyu existing S/s - addition of 1x5 MVA • Augmentation at Pughoboto existing S/S - addition of 1x5 MVA • Mokochung Town Power House with 1 bay (new) S/s-2x 10 MVA • Mokochung Town Hospital Area with 1 bay(new) S/s-2x 5 MVA • Bay addition at Pughoboto existing S/S

tation of the NERPSIP in Nagaland will contribute to the socio-economic development of the State.





Thursday 23 October 2014

Recycling waste items into utility products

Mokokchung, october 22 (DIPr): As part of the National Sanitation Awareness Campaign (Swachh Bharat), an exhibition cum sales day on recycled products was held at Mokokchung Municipal Shopping Complex on October 22 organized by Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Mokokchung Division, sponsored by Water and Sanitation Support Organization (WSSO) Kohima, Nagaland. This initiative was tak-

en up to create awareness and sensitized the people on the need to control wastes in our surrounding by recycling them into various utility products thereby creating a healthier environment. Executive Engineer PHED Mokokchung, N.Yanger Pongen while appreciating the active participation added that the idea of organizing the exhibition came up not only to encourage the people to utilize wastes to create useful products but also


The Morung Express C

MEx File kohIMa, october 22 (Mexn): In pursuance of the Tobu Area Union Kohima (TAUK) Executive meeting held on September 13, the 4th General Session of the TAUK will be held on October 23 at 10.30 am in its treasury. All the Tobu Area members residing in Kohima are requested to attend the meeting with genuine agendas for adoption. A press note issued by Yenso Poangba, General Secretary, TAUK informed that the next office bearers for the term 2014-2017 will be nominated and announced in the session.

to help reduce wastes. He hoped that this exhibition would be a trend setter in controlling wastes. He also made a point that these enthusiastic participants in today’s exhibition would be an encouragement to others. Some of the products showcase during the exhibition cum sales day included decorative items, kitchen needs and accessories. Earlier in the day, Achila Imsong, Watsu President graced the occasion as the chief guest.

Advocacy meeting on HIV at Dhansiripar on Oct 25

OMS conducts medical camp at North Sikkim


Students’ Spiritual Conference in Dimapur

DIMaPur, october 22 (Mexn): The three days Students’ Spiritual Conference will be held at Agri Expo 4th Mile Dimapur under the theme ‘Save Generation’ from October 24 to 26. Pastor Ketou Theünuo, President & Founder, Cross Wonder Church & Ministry and Rev. Moa Longchari Pastor, Baptist Mission Church, Kohima are the conference speakers. On Day 1 (Friday, October 24), the arrival and registration will start at 10:00 am followed by inaugural function at 11:00 am. State Chaplain NBCC, Rev K Luruo-o will do the flag hoisting and invocation while Yitachu, parliamentary secretary for School Education will be the guest. The main highlights of From left: Nchumbemo Lotha, Dr. Joel Ngullie, Dr. Swuduvelu Ngullie, Nchumbeni, Zubeni the conference will be seminars for students and teachEzung, Nrisao Merry and Rev.J.T. Lotha. ers and worship services. camp could be conducted he and his family provided food to the team while the The resource persons in North Sikkim. Moreover, free accommodation and team was at Naga Namgor. for the seminar include

Rev Dirang Lunglang, Rev Fr Chacko, Asha Sanchu, Rev Dr P Dozo and Dr Rabi Pamei. They will be talking on topics such as ‘Your identity in Christ,’ ‘Moral responsibility of a mentor,’ ‘Father’s Heart,’ ‘Building a clean future generation,’ ‘Science and God,’ ‘Building career with God’ etc. The organizers have informed that every 50 students should have a leader to mentor them. Students are requested to attend the conference in school uniform on October 24 and 25. Teachers are requested to help their own students by leading them for counseling during the conference. While encouraging the drop out students to join the conference, the organizers have informed that students from class nine and above, till degree level are encouraged to attend the conference positively.

Nukhu addresses conference of college principals PWC 23rd fresher’s social cum annual function held


kohIMa, october 22 (DIPr): The department of Higher Education organised a conference for principals of government colleges with Parliamentary Secretary for Higher Education and SCERT, Deo Nukhu as the chief guest at the conference hall of Directorate of Higher Education, Kohima on October 22. Addressing as the chief guest, Deo Nukhu suggested that the University to introduce MSW (Master of Social Work) and to establish two law colleges lo-

cated in Kohima to build up the students’ career within the state. The chief guest also suggested that for promotion of education vocational education on music and sports should be provided for better results in every field. He urged the college principals especially to those who are serving in the rural districts to attend their office regularly and also advised them to coordinate and work hard together in order to bring about the quality education and to promote higher education in the greater

heights. Earlier, the chief guest also inaugurated LED advertisement screen and Kirloskar silent generator. The function was chaired by Commissioner & Secretary, Higher and Technical Education, F.P. Solo who also delivered the welcome address. Vizohulie Edward Whuorie, M/S Synergy Group Enterprise Kohima also delivered short speech and Pastor Keduoneituo Yhome, Phezoucha Baptist Church New Capital Complex, pronounced invocation prayer.



DIMaPur, october 22 (Mexn): Legislators’ Forum of AIDS (LFA) is organizing an advocacy meeting on HIV at Dhansiripar, Dimapur on October 25 in collaboration with Care Centre, People’s Development Society (PDS) Dimapur. The participants will include village and colony council members, NGOs, government officials, district administration, youth leaders, women group and church leaders. During the meeting, the participants will deliberate on the role of community response towards sustainability issues related to HIV/Aids. LFA State consultant Dr Vinito L Chishi in a press release stated that Tokheho Yepthomi, MLA is expected to attend and address the gathering.

Alumni of Aghuyito GMS informs DIMaPur, october 22 (Mexn): The alumni of Aghuyito Government Middle School are informed that the school will be celebrating its golden jubilee on November 21. As a part of the programme, there will be a Golden jubilee celebration day, erecting of monolith and publication of souvenir. Therefore, all the alumni and well-wishers are requested to extend contribution. For further information, you may contact Dr. Akashe zhimomi, Editor @ 9436073135 and Vighozhe Chishi, Chairman, Planning Committee @ 9402841558.

Ban on sale and use of crackers in Mkg Mokokchung, october 22 (DIPr) : Deputy Commissioner, Mokokchung Sushil Kumar Patel has issued an order banning sale and using of crackers in and around Mokokchung town. The order is to comply with immediate effect till further notice.

ENWOKU get-together cum annual meeting


kohIMa, october 22 (Mexn): Eastern Nagaland Women Organisation Kohima Unit (ENWOKU) would be organising a get-together cum annual meeting under the theme "Hemmed In Prayer" on October 25 at 10 am at the State Academy Hall, Kohima. A press note issued by Lemei B. Phom, Vice President and T. Throngpila Sangtam, General Secretary has requested all the ENWOKU officials, members and Eastern Nagaland sisters who are married to other tribes and residing in Kohima to attend the program.

Evidence meeting of committee on estimate

Pranabanana Women’s College students performing a Konyak fold dance. (Morung photo)

DIMaPur, october 22 (Mexn): Pranabananda Women’s College, Dimapur on Wednesday held its 23rd fresher’s social cum annual function at its college premises with Additional Director for Municipal Affairs Urban Development, Dr. Toshimanen Ozukum as the chief guest. Dr. Ozukum encouraged the students to develop and exhibit their talent and work

with zeal towards fulfilling their goals. He further encouraged them to maintain their identity and get engaged with various co-curricular activities of the college. Special guest, Bano Haralu who is also the Managing Trustee of the Nagaland Wild Life and Biodiversity Conservation Trust spoke about conserving the environment which could begin with small initiatives

in educational institutions and work places. She urged the students to delve deeper into their roots to learn the values of their ancestors and uphold it. Chief Executive Officer of DMC, Atokhe Aye was also present as a special guest during the programme which was marked with various entertainment programmes by the students.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Kelhousito Chϋtso (G.B New Reserve Phesama Kohima) 30th Sept 1963-18th Oct 2014. We express our deepest profound gratitude to every individual,friends,well wishers who stood by us spiritually, physically,materially and financially throughout the prolonged illness and sudden demise of our beloved Lt. Kelhousito Chϋtso on 18th October 2014. We would like to convey our special thanks to: 1) C.L. John Hon’ble Minster RD 2) P.Imti Phom (P.I.P Enterprises) 3) All political P.S to Minister R.D 4) Vikho-o Yhoshu Parliamentary secretary Treasuries and Accounts 5) Joseph Hesso S.P Kohima 6) Mrs. Nicky Kire 7) Doctors and Nurses of NHAK Oncology(ENT) ward 8) Dr.Lhoukhovi Jua Sr. MO Peren Civil Hospital 9) Mr Razoulhouto Mejura 10) Dr. Asalie and family 11) Mr. Kulhiseo and family 12) New Reserve Council 13) Tekhuba Khel Council 14) Tekhuba Youth Org. 15) New Reserve Youth Org. 16) Tekhuba Women Society 17) New Reserve Women Org. 18) Angami Welfare Society New Reserve Phesama 19) Sumi Friday Fellowship New Reserve Phesama 20) Phesama Baptist Church 21) Phesama BKK 22) CRC Phesama Prayer House 23) Medical Dept. Engg. Wing Khm 24) Excel Coaching Centre Kohima 25) Ratakhrie Peli Phesama 26) Makhuma Khel Phesama We regret our inability to mention every individual but it is our prayer that the Almighty God bless you abundantly. Loving wife,daughter and loved ones.


TAUK 4th General Session

Achila Imsong, Watsu President and others going through the item on display during the exhibition cum sales day on recycled products at Mokokchung Municipal Shopping Complex on October 22. (DIPR Photo)

DIMaPur, octo ber 22 (Mexn): The Okotsoe Mission Society (OMS) conducted a oneday medical camp at Naga Namgor, North Sikkim on October 17. Altogether 220 patients were attended and treated. The doctors included Dr. Joel Ngullie & Dr. Swuduvelu Ngullie. Two nurses Zübeni Ezung and Nchumbeni assisted them and were accompanied by three members of the board of directors of OMS Nchumbemo Lotha, Nrisao Merry and Rev JT Lotha. Nim Tshering Lepcha, Upadakshya (Deputy Minster), of North Sikkim of the Government of Sikkim, warmly received the team. Okotsoe Mission Society, chairman Rev JT Lotha in après release stated that it was through Nim Tshering Lepcha that the medical


We lost a wonderful Father who can never be replaced. The family of Lt. S.Vihoto Khukishe would like to thank, Rev.Vitoshe Swu, E.S.Akuvuto, various Churches, groups, organisation and everyone who prayed for us, sent beautiful floral arrangements, donations, called us with a kind word or was just there to help with anything that needed to be done. The sudden loss of our beloved Father was made a little easier with immense loves and support we received from our family and friends. Your expressions of sympathy were greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten. Loving Wife, Children, Son-in-laws, Daughter-inlaw & Grandchildren

kohIMa, october 22 (Mexn): Evidence meeting of the committee on estimate with departmental representatives of power department, women development department, school education (SSA and RMSA) department and horticulture department will be held on October 27 and 28 at 11:00 am in the committee room of NLA. All the committee members concerned are requested to attend the meeting. Further, NLA joint secretary Aosenla in a press release has requested all members to collect the relevant papers from the legislators’ Home, Kohina and bring the same during the meeting.


NASU winter bazaar kohIMa, october 22 (Mexn): The Northern Angami Students’ Union (NASU) will be organizing winter bazaar at Local Ground, Kohima from November 7 to 27 in aid of ASU biennial general conference. NASU general secretary Ruokuovizo Chiese has informed in a press release that forms will be available at NASU office, C/o NAPO building, Keziekie Kohima; Khezhie Printex Old NST Kohima opposite to Rutsa bakery Kohima and NC Computer Opp, NSF Office Kohima. For details contact @ 9436001904/98 62977797/8974433360.

SDEO informs kohIMa, october 22 (Mexn): All the Government appointed Hindi Teachers in Private and Government Schools under Kohima, Chiephobozou, Tseminyu and Pughoboto are directed to present physically along with all the documents in original and a set of xerox copies to the office of the SDEO, Kohima for verification on the following dates without fail. The date for the Centrally Sponsored Scheme Hindi Teachers is on October 27 and the rest Hindi Teachers in on October 28. This was informed in a press release issued by Kohima Sub-divisional Education officer, Rokovolhoulie Nagi

UBCA-NEI singing conducts singing competition for women

Lt.S.Vihoto Khukishe, G.B. H.Khehoyi Village Born: 1936 Died: 18/10/2014

DIMaPur, october 22 (Mexn): A singing competition for women titled “voice of angels” was organised by United Baptist Church North East India (UBCA-NEI) for the churches under the association at United Baptist Church Wophangtaro, Karbi Anglong in Assam on October. The UBC, Khekiho Colony, Kuhuboto won was declared the overall winner after a tough competition while UBC Balijan, Karbi Anglong and UBC Midland, Dimapur bagged the second and third place respectively. The judges for the competition were Rev. L Hevuto Awomi, Executive Secretary UBCA-NEI, Peli, Vice Chairperson, Women Dept. UBCA-NEI and Thonsenlo Magh, office secretary, UBCA-NEI. Exhorting the congregation, the Women Secretary of UBCA-NEI, Vitoli Yeptho said all women under the umbrella of women department of the association must work hand in hand for the growth of the church. The woman chairperson of UBCA-NEI, Akala Sharma distributed the prizes.



The Morung Express

Northeast Briefs

Judicial remand for Tripura ‘molesters’

AGARTALA, OcTObeR 22 (TNN): The chief judicial magistrate of West Tripura on Tuesday sent 18 persons, accused of molesting a housewife in public in the Chandrapur area of Agartala on October 5 this year, to 14 days' judicial custody. A lower court had earlier granted anticipatory bail to them. The court has asked police to interrogate them in jail and also arrest the last accused, a woman, who did not appear in court. This incident has snowballed into a political issue after the opposition parties blamed police for initially refusing to accept the FIR after the incident. Finally, when the footage of the incident was aired in local television networks, police registered the case. But they did not include charges of molestation. Civil society groups and political parties then raised their voice against the police for non-inclusion of molestation charges in the case. On October 13, the chief judicial magistrate's court recorded the statement of the victim who had raised objection when some youths forced her husband, Nirmal, to have liquor during immersion of goddess Durga.

Six ULFA cadres nabbed KOLKATA, OcTObeR 22 (PTI): Six ULFA (anti-talk faction) militants have been nabbed by the Army along the Assam- Meghalaya border and arms and ammunition seized from them, an Army officer said on Wednesday. A mobile checkpost of the Army nabbed the ULFA militants during a routine check last night at a place in Meghalaya bordering Goalpara in Assam, he told PTI over phone from Shillong. Six pistols, two grenades, 20 rounds of ammunition and a car were seized from them, he said. They were handed over to the police.

Kaziranga elephant killed in tiger attack JORHAT, OcTObeR 22 (TNN): A 28-year-old elephant fell prey to a group of tigers at Kaziranga National Park on Tuesday. 'Konwar', the pachyderm, was attacked by a herd of tigers in the Mihimukh area of the park under the Kohora forest range when it was grazing there. Park officials said the elephant was not keeping well and was under treatment. "Konwar had become weak and could not fight back," said divisional forest officer (Kaziranga) S K Seal Sharma. The veterinarians have conducted a post mortem on the carcass and are awaiting the reports. Another park official, who spotted the carcass near the Mihimukh anti-poaching camp, said, "Konwar was missing since Saturday morning. We had launched a search operation in the area and found Konwar lying dead around 1.30 pm. We saw four tigers roaming near the carcass."

GUWAHATI, OcTObeR 22 (IANS): An Assam village has been making firecrackers for over a 100 years and has now got a logo that will help it distinguish from the hugely popular Sivakasi products. The traditional firecracker makers in Ganak Kuchi village in Assam's Barpeta district are determined to make their presence felt, at least in the markets of Assam this time. They face tough competition from the firecrackers made in Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu. The Assam village recently got its logo designed by the National Institute of Design (NID). "This logo will give us an identity and help us stand out in the market," said Gopajit Pathak, president of the Barpeta Atasbaji Silpi Samabai Samity, an organisation of the artisans involved in making the firecrackers for generations. The artisans involved in the Barpeta firecracker units have already pre-



GUWAHATI, OcTObeR 22 (IANS): Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi Wednesday asked the commander-in-chief of the anti-talk faction of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), Paresh Baruah, to join mainstream politics. Gogoi also said he would urge the Centre to give Baruah amnesty, if he decides to respond to the offer. Gogoi's reaction came a day after Baruah told a local newspaper (The Assam Tribune) that the political leaders of India should learn about true

democracies from countries like Great Britain who dared to hold a plebiscite on the demand for separation of Scotland. Canada, he said, had taken a similar step, but leaders in India lack the courage to go for such a move. In response, Gogoi said, "There is no need to hold plebiscite in Assam. Elections are held in Assam freely and in almost all the elections in the past, more than 70 percent of the people have participated." "This indicates that the people of Assam feel

that Assam is a part of India and also believe in the parliamentary democracy system, which is followed in Assam and other part of India." "I appeal him to come overground and join politics and take part in the elections and prove that people of Assam support him," said Gogoi while interacting with journalists here. "If he decides to come overground and join politics, I would urge the central government to give him amnesty. I do not know whether they would

Dibang project gets nod despite differences NeW DeLHI, OcTObeR 22 (bS): Dibang, India's largest hydel project in Arunachal Pradesh that got the green nod from the Union ministry for environment, forests and climate change last month, had to battle dissenting voices within the appraisal committee. The minutes of the Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) meetings between September 22 and 23, uploaded on the ministry's website this week, revealed that the 3,000-Mw project got the panel's nod by allowing the project proponent, National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC), to reduce dam height by only 10 metres a proposal which had been rejected only a month ago by the ministry.

The project proponent had submitted an analytic report stating the implication of reduction of dam height by various proportions and concluded that a 10-metre reduction in dam height is optimum. One of the FAC members raised objection that the justification by the power ministry and the company to reduce dam height by 10 metres does not "fully address the ecological concerns particularly in view of the rich biodiversity of the area". "Mega dams around the globe are known to have considerable upstream and downstream impacts both ecological and social," a member had noted. However, the rest of the members said, according to the report, "Per Megawatt requirement of land

and per unit power tariff were important objective parameters to appraise the projects from ecological and socio-economic objective with least possible subjectivity and likely bias in appraisal." The NHPC report said reducing the dam height by 40 metres would entail a revenue loss of Rs 1,000 crore to the company and the power tariff will also go up significantly. "With 10-metre height reduction, the increase in tariff is negligible. The tariff is Rs 5.66 per unit compared to Rs 5.64 at 10 metre height reduction. The tariff increases significantly with further height reduction. At 40-metre reduction, the tariff is Rs 6.24 per unit, which may make the project unviable," NHPC had said.

making firecrackers since 1885. Gopajit's grandfather, Lakhiram Pathak, was inspired to make firecrackers after going through a Chinese book that was translated into

Bengali. The book gave him an idea of cracker-making techniques and he started the first unit in 1885. The firecrackers in Barpeta are made mostly with hands and mini-

mum use of machines. About 2,000 workers are directly or indirectly employed in the firecracker industry at Ganak Kuchi village.

agree to this or not, but I'll urge them to give him amnesty," Gogoi said. The chief minister also said he would be in New Delhi Friday to meet the Congress high command to discuss the issue of a cabinet reshuffle. "There will be reshuffle within this month. I am going to New Delhi day after tomorrow to meet the party high command. The reshuffle will include filling up of the vacant portfolios in the cabinet and inclusion of news faces in the cabinet," Gogoi said.

GUWAHATI, OcTObeR 22 (IANS): Nine people, including seven women, have been arrested on charges of criminal conspiracy for branding an Assam athlete as a witch, police said Wednesday. Tulumai Medhi, Jugamayee Medhi, Kalmeswari Medhi, Purnima Hazarika, Meera Deka, Soroju Koch and Sarumai Bora have been arrested till date after the incident in Karbi Anglong district Thursday. Two men - Radha Laskar, a Naamgharia (the person who heads a community prayer hall), and Dilsen Medhi - were also arrested after an FIR was lodged by the ath-

lete's husband, a farmer. Debajani Bora, a javelin thrower, who had won a gold medal in the 2011 National Masters Championship in Haryana, was targeted by the villagers at the instigation of the Laskar last Thursday at Cherekali village, about 20 km from the district headquarters Diphu. She was attacked after a meeting at the Naamghar (the community prayer hall) concluded that a "witch was hidden" within Debajani that caused some deaths in the village. The athlete, however, managed to escape after she received injury on her chest and back and was admitted to a local hospital.

HOLLOTOLI SCHOOL C.B.S.E. AFFILIATION NO: 1430012 DIMAPUR – 797 116 [NAGALAND] : 03862 – 234175, FAX: 03862 – 234171 Email: hollotolischool@gmail.com, hollotolischool@yahoo.co.in

REGISTRATION FOR THE ACADEMIC SESSION 2015-2016 • Registration is open for class NURSERY only. • Registration Forms can be collected from the School Office during the working hours (9:00 AM- 3:00 PM). • Last date of registration is 18th November 2014. • Interaction of the parent and child with the Admission Committee will be held on 24th November 2014. GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND




Dated Kohima the th Oct’14

This is to bring to the notice of General Public that in order to strengthen the power scenario of the North Eastern States including Nagaland, the Government of India with the financial assistance of the WORLD BANK, has formulated the North Eastern Region Power System Improvement Project (NERPSIP) which envisages in construction of new power Sub-stations, Transmission & Distribution lines and simultaneously augmentation/ expansion of the existing Sub-stations and Transmission lines. The NERPSIP in the state of Nagaland broadly aims at:• Load enhancement of the transmission and distribution network of Nagaland as well as reducing the transmission and distribution (T & D) loss. • To adequately address the demand side management for ensuring adequate supply of electricity. Department of Power, Nagaland is the owner for the projects in the state of Nagaland under NERPSIP. Under the scope of NERPSIP, following projects will be taken up in Nagaland under Tranche-1:-


Sl.No Name of the Scheme Transmission Lines 1 LILO of Mokokchung (Nagaland) - Mariani (Assam) 132 kV D/C line at Longnak 2 New Kohima-Mokokchung (PG) 220 kV S/C on D/C 3 Tuensang-Longleng 132kV S/C on D/C line 4 New Kohima (Zadima) - New Secretariat Complex Kohima 132 kV D/C line 5 LILO of Kohima - Wokha 132 kV S/C line at New Kohima 6 LILO of Kohima-Meluri (Kiphire) 132 kV S/C line at Pfutsero 7 Wokha (Doyang River) -Zunheboto-Mokokchung (Nagaland) 132 kV S/C on D/C line EHV Sub-Station 1 132 kV Longnak ( New) SS 2 132/33 kV Longleng (New) SS 3 132/33 kV Zunheboto (New) SS 4 132/33 kV Wokha SS (EXTN) 5 132/33 kV Mokokchung (State) SS (EXTN) 6 220 kV Mokokchung (PG) GIS SS (EXTN) 7 132/33 kV Secretariat Complex Kohima (NEW)SS 8 132/33 kV Pfutsero (New) SS 9 132/33 kV Tuensang SS (EXTN) 10 220/132/33 kV New Kohima SS (EXTN)

Pickup point for Buses Students spiritual Conference At Agri Expo Dated-24th to 26th October Time-7:30 Am to 11:00 AM

INFORMATION The Benreului Nkwa, Kohima (BNK) will be hosting its 14th Annual Meet on the 25th October 2014 at the official residence of Mr. Lungriading Nsarangbe, IPS, ADGP (OPS), Police Reserve, Kohima. All Benreului living in Kohima are requested to come for the meet attired with atleast one traditional apparel. Bus service will be made available starting from high school junction at 9 am on the 25th October. Iluheing Nsarangbe President BNK

23 October 2014

arrested for branding Gogoi urges Paresh Baruah Nine Assam athlete a witch to join mainstream politics

An Assam village making firecrackers for over 100 years pared 30 to 35 varieties of crackers and sparklers this season and are now expecting to sell firecrackers to the tune of Rs.70 to 80 lakh. The Pathaks have been


Ahiobe Kulim General Secretary BNK



NO.HR/GEN-1/INTRV/2014/2376-78 Date Kohima, the 21st Oct ’2014


In inviting a reference to the Directorate of Horticulture, Nagaland, Kohima advertisement NO.HR/GEN-1/ INTRV/2014/3029-33 dated Kohima the 21-1-14 published by the undersigned in the local dailies for the post of tractor driver, it is hereby notified to the following shortlisted candidates that the viva voce and tractor driving skills will be conducted on 11th November 2014 at 10:00 AM onwards at the state horticulture nursery, Dimapur, Nagaland. Sl.No Name 1 Mr.Tarepyuba 2 Mr.Khumong 3 Mr.Hom Bahadur 4 Mr.Haimawangbe 5 Mr.Krowelo Khape


1. No separate calling letters will be issued. 2. The result will be put up in the notice board of the Directorate of Horticulture, Nagaland, Kohima. (WATIENLA JAMIR) Nagaland, Kohima




(Affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi)

School Code: MNOO1

Email- patkai2011@gmai1.com

WANTED 1. Principal 2. Candidates for the job must meet most, if not all, of the following qualifications: I) M.A., B.Ed II) Adequate Administrative Experience III) Committed Christian IV) Honesty & Integrity V) Committed to elementary High School Education VI) Willingness to work with the office staff and faculty VII) Leadership qualities and outgoing personalities 3. Pay scale: 15,600-500-39,100 plus other permissible benefits. 4. Application with detailed biodata should be addressed to the Chairman, Board of Trustees. 5. You may send your application to the following e-mail address: 1) Patkai2011@gmail.com 2) wkonghar@yahoo.co.in 6. For query: 1) Chief Justice (Retd) W.A. Shishak, Chairman (9615187135) 2) Atim Jajo (Ukhrul region) - 9436855560 3) Rev.Dr.Wungnaoting Konghar (lmphal region & others) - 8131917109 4) Donray A shishak (Kohima & Dimapur region)-9436420068 Sd/Principal

Sl.No Name of the Scheme Distribution Lines 1 Tapping of 33 kV existing Mokokchung-Mariani line at Longtho (new) S/s 2 LILO (ACSR-Raccoon) of Mokokchung-Mariani 33kV existing line at s Longnak 132/33 kV(new)S/s 3 33kv Line on ACSR Raccoon from 132/33kV Longleng (new) s/s to Longleng Town with 1 bay (new) S/s 4 33kv line from Zunheboto (new) 132/33 KV S/s to Zunheboto South point with 1 bay (new) S/s 5 33kv line from Akuloto Existing S/s to Suruhuto existing S/s 6 33kV line from Torogonyu S/s to Pughoboto existing S/s 7 33kv Line on ACSR Raccoon/Hare from Existing Mokokchung 66/33 kV S/s to Mokokchung Town Power House (new) S/s 8 33kv Line on ACSR Raccoon/Hare from Existing Mokokchung 66/33 kV S/s to Mokokchung Town Hospital Area with 1 bay(new) S/s 9 33kV line on ACSR Raccoon from Kohima 132/33kV (New)SS to Zhadima (New Kohima) (new) S/s 10 33kV line on ACSR Raccoon from 132/33kV Pfutsero (New) s/s to Pfutsero (new) S/s 11 33kV line on ACSR Wolf from 132/66kv existing Nagarjan S/s to Padam Pukhuri (new) S/s Sub-Station 1 Longtho with 1 bay (new) S/s-2x 5 MVA. 2 Augmentation at Mangkolemba existing S/S - Addition of 1x5 MVA 3 Longleng Town with 1 bay (new) S/s-2x 5 MVA 4 Augmentation at Changtongya existing S/S - Addition of 1x5 MVA 5 Zunheboto South point with 1 bay (new) S/s-2x 5 MVA 6 Augmentation at Suruhuto existing S/s - Addition of 1x5 MVA 7 Bay addition at Akuloto Existing S/s-1nos. 8 Bay addition at Suruhuto Existing S/s-1nos. 9 Augmentation at Wokha power house existing S/s - Addition of 1x5 MVA. 10 Augmentation at Chukitong existing S/s - Addition of 1x5 MVA. 11 Augmentation at Tseminyu existing S/s - Addition of 1x5 MVA 12 Augmentation at Pughoboto existing S/S - Addition of 1x5 MVA 13 Mokokchung Town Power House with 1 bay (new) S/s-2x 10 MVA 14 Mokokchung Town Hospital Area with 1 bay(new) S/s-2x 5 MVA. 15 Bay addtion at Pughoboto existing S/S-1nos.

For the construction of the above transmission line, land acquisition and the damages caused will be compensated. Provision has been made in NERPSIP for payment of compensation to the project affected families for any damages caused during the project. We hope that implementation of the North Eastern Power System Improvement Project (NERPSIP) in the state of Nagaland will definitely contribute in the socio-economic development of the State. It is notified for information that in case anybody has any grievances/complaint from the public pertaining to the above mentioned projects may please contact Er. Khose Sale, Project Director, SPIU O/o.The Chief Engineer, Transmission & Generation, Kohima within a period of 15 (Fifteen) days from the date of circulation of this notice. (Er. K. MIACHIEO) Chief Engineer Transmission & Generation Department of Power Nagaland: Kohima


public discoursE



23 October 2014

The Morung Express

We Need No ‘Necessary Action’. Do It To Prove


hy do they hate people from their so called north east India? Is their reason we are being part of Union of India? Are their gods mightier than ours? Are they born higher that we be looked below their feet? How long could we keep on wailing, lamenting and condemning while Indian city law keeping agencies and police do the postmortem job, process forensic information and other namesake crimes procedures? Human rights groups, civil societies, news centers and other credible jobs done by justice-loving people to stem violent attacks against these frolicsome mongoloid is one; but the saner question is what remedy to keep in place and prevent recurrence; or, are the people from this remote fringes less human than those Indian big cities dwellers are that they are governed by other superior laws?. If they are, say just like that. It is far better if Indian authorities stop promoting vengeance, for, given the amount of adrenaline those so called super human beings in Indian cities have injected to youths from the NE can sufficiently pickle solid pumpkin now. Is not their superior mentality the seed of separatist actions or so called ‘separatist tendencies’ in

tics ambitious few, it is yet very far off from becoming being ‘real us’, to allow us to live justpeace. To ‘engage people’ from this outer reaches requires human connectivity, not a mere surface connection, friendly environment in Delhi. But that is not all; in fact, far from complete unless and until serious Indians become real citizens of NE if that be part of India, feel like the way they are, to be liked by them. ‘Act East’ through feeling human beings and not gun, rupee and lavish promises of special packages. No matter how important is your ‘idea of strategic location might be the North East, that remains your strategy; we still feel foreign, never as Indians. And that is our misfortune. And that is the anxiety of both governors and governed. India should do well to remember that many broken spirits in this frontier are still living fear: intimidation, torture, rape and genocide. While the quality of AFSPA still hangs low over many of us and stares, can one ever imagine mothers of their children working or studying in Indian cities sleep their nights? Expecting blood-bathed picture in the next local dailies issue that the next victim could be my son, my daughter! News papers reporting that the mortal remain to arrive tomorrow? Oh what a wonderful

the region right from post-independence era?. Are not those hate promoters recruiting separatist thoughts? We have had enough of their portable stopgap whenever murder, rape and other most loathsome crimes are flagrantly committed. At the most, their laws could advance to further the extra strong sense of unbalanced thinking and rejection. Free India had experienced ridiculous managements and messiness to the question of resurgent movements in the past. While imposing the idea of feel-great-being-India, they have peremptorily acted quite alien. Processed data inputs on petro-carbon gas, other minerals, topograghy and strategic mapping of NE apart from rediscovering the peoples of ‘seven nations in NE,’ as the former Indian Army Chief had said, can yield little less than wholesale unrest. We do love Justpeace; Indian government are afraid of so called ‘greater Indians’ becoming being part of north eastern frontier, and therefore, supply thoughts of unrest, troubles to keep the people living in this part of region agitated through various agencies and over-burdened security arrangements with heavy military expenditure. The ambition of easing our weary toiling through packages is one; or, pacifying some poli-


nner Line Permit (ILP) for quite some time has become a popular vocabulary within the Northeast region. If one could look at such discourse it has also become an important marker of who the ‘Local’ and who the ‘non-locals’ are, in spite of such a simple division there are also numerous dimensions that ranges from resource based to the space based that defines certain boundaries of what the tribal community inhabit, share and produce. However, such social implication which determines the meaningful life process is today becoming a myth. More so, such primordial sentiments are finding hard for a space within our community. As a result, Society such as ours is more problematic with diverse and serious issues (unemployment, crime, alcoholic, corrupNiekhoyi Rhakho Stephen tion, illegal taxation etc.)

What if we envisage fraternity? For that ensures sanity; What if chaos be eased And peaceful solution embraced? What if the bloodbath scene be done away And fellow folks once again embrace each other with love? What if we understand one’s erring? For no man lives unerringly; What if “racism” be ceased And the spirit of human dignity restored? What if our tainted society once again reconcile For ultimate prosperity?

Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”

SUDOKU Game Number # 3033




Queen Esther QUEEN

































never assure security and sense of belonging. Therefore, shared feeling of belonging police officials armed with authority to deal with, from North East, should be put in place. Indian judiciary has the longest tongue like that of the anteater. It can at the most attract many preys to be stuck, to be swallowed. Finally, let me be blunt while I throw this line of submission: Our children never forget that we find difficulty to strike cords in many ways of others’ own doing things. It is difficult for us to come away from our hide and be like the rest of (other super beings) out there. If we think we are the same humans in Dimapur, Imphal or inside our villages, people in Munerka, Kotla or Chirac will not buy our idea of the world. We are bound to go down and lick the dust while, at the most, we can make lot of sounds for help. Our sisters may do well never to forget that there are eyes keeping on your cleavages and beautiful legs if you are on shorts while outing or, may be so called ‘unchristianly’ with your costumes. Indian cities are hot climate. The other spirits are also hot here. While on the road, do not say “Ama la rasta ase” like we do in Dimapur. Change and wear your other face, not the one you do in your native village. Essen-

is taken to mean positive) which I need not mention here. But surprisingly what we have become today is also not without question. For many of us, we like to compare the traditional structure with modernity in many occasion in dealing with our societal changes, of course, this are unavoidable divisions of time and civilization that cannot be compromise, even in the academic discourse this implies the march of human rational mind and thoughts. But here at this juncture, I feel irrational and illogical to make a comparison dealing with our present human reality for I fear that such division would only mean for the majority to long for the past. What then is our reality, Is the government real? Is the ILP real? And I think, since all our problems are real than the question raised should also be real. I wish to use ‘Immigration’ or ‘illegal-human mi-

gration’ as my concept in dealing with ILP, but without further delaying in trying define the conceptual meaning, I wish to directly address the issue here, Till recently there has been a serious talk and policies for land reforms, NSDZ and the suspension of ILP by the state government which have raised certain question of concerned. Government as an important institutional structure of a modern society do make laws and policies for the people that are govern by certain laws and administration, within certain boundary and certain territorial space, however, such laws are not without question. If policies are implemented who does it benefit. Certainly, government theories imply that it is for the people who are governed; it also implies certain un-contestable supremacy of those in power. However, in this light I wish



Answer Number # 3032



which have become part of our everyday life and we find ourselves hard to address such matters that need to be address. One cannot also overlook the engagement of civil society as well as other agencies, but of what has happened and is happening around, gives us a clear picture that every individual role is out most required, and Perhaps even needs to become more articulated, whether it is the case of ILP or the others. But this essay is limited to address the issue of ILP in our state. It is also not my concerned here to provide the historical formation and the process that it has come to be, for what it is today and what it was in the past is quite the contrary. For it is obvious that human community and societal structures also transform and towards certain acceptable or towards progress (negative as well as positive; but progress here



exception of fortunate and unfairly blessed few, far bigger portions of the total population in the region are gnawing the ground like a dog worrying over the bone. Migrating to cities in India for study and job is never the best option. It is, for many, a necessity, with a fond hope of acceptance that they too, are Indians. They found themselves plunged into a fiercely unfriendly and totally foreign land! They are rendered hopeless, no matter few young women can beg for help and respect their body. They are there as though they are hostages of their own (may be) wrong choice. Battered future and hopelessness. This is all but crushing site of economy in the home fronts. It is nothing but lie-ability in politics of the region and liability of rejection and prolonged alienation. Governors and chief ministers in the NE should meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi for allowing respective state police to be put in place. Tell him to bear all police expenses that may accrue. Let those police men from amongst us man the offices of help lines and other allied duties in Indian big cities. That can guarantee security of people from NE. Anti racial laws can be framed but should the same people with the same attitude tasked the duty will never,










tially remember: we can learn to complete our sentences without ‘l***.’ We are identifiable as we are exotic. Let us be proud of being who and what we are. Let us feel unique while we are on our outfit as they are. Our darling daughters, why should you expect others to respect your body while your eyes are flirting wives’ husbands. Why should we not be ashamed of ourselves when our women are trading their womanhood and mortgage whole-sale identity? To select one’s choice of life’s partner does not include the freedom to sell someone’s identity as many often do when they offer even their feminine. While no civilized person will interfere with our individual liberty, neither of us is entitled to enjoy unabated autonomy to throw shame and hate on all you and I are unalienable part of. And that happens when we cannot remember ourselves just because we have failed to accept who we are in the first place. Finally, most importantly: If there be law to protect NE from racial hate and attacks, the law must clearly say that those culprits be handed over to the law of NE peoples. Otherwise, any law on this will be just a beautiful gun without bullet. We demand both. S Varah

Is Suspension of ILP the right thing to do?


What If!

thoughts of being equal citizens while such gawking chasm leers at the outskirt and smiles at the so called ‘mainstream! People in high places are only ‘aiming and no arming’ as appropriately ascribed to the Indian Defense community. No matter how much could we splash the water, an ocean of attitude that spews hate and the spirit of you-are-less-than-monkey still stands tall and seemingly indomitable! Assured sense of security protection put in place and accessible for instant response of law and justice will never occur as long as law keeping people are as heedless and deadened as those perpetrators of crimes in the domain of highly prejudiced class societies like India. To put a halt to all these abominable crimes, BJP government who is often seen a fundamentalist should sufficiently demonstrate her seriousness and be tough to ethichate-violence through actions, not assurances or necessary action. What is necessary action to ‘very unusual act of human? Back home, Chief Ministers of NE and people’s representatives should be frantically awakened to the glare of these senseless sports on humans. Why should the 21st century people remain tolerant to such exploit, lethal social mindset! With the














ACROSS 1. Cancel 5. Speech defects 10. Droops 14. Maguey 15. Agitated 16. Threesome 17. Catches 18. Days gone by 20. Dais 22. Unyielding 23. Buffoon 24. Vesicles 25. Talk in a pompous manner 32. Utilize 33. Exploded stars 34. A type of evergreen tree 37. Nonclerical 38. Internment camp 39. Information 40. Santa’s helper 41. Fool 42. Sweetener 43. A possible event 45. Anagram of “Blade” 49. Zero 50. Enliven 53. Sickness 57. Likeness

59. Type of sword 60. Send forth 61. European currency 62. Location 63. Collections 64. Streamlets 65. Fraud

DOWN 1. Campers 2. Margarine 3. Greek letter 4. Dictatorial 5. Furlough 6. Wild goat 7. Mayday 8. Falafel bread 9. Sleigh 10. Hinder 11. Territories 12. Goliath 13. Classifies 19. Contests of speed 21. Get-out-of-jail money 25. Wan 26. Egg-shaped 27. Childlike 28. Accustom 29. Part of the large intestine 30. ___-garde

31. Children’s game 34. A sharply directional antenna 35. French for “State” 36. Cautious 38. Governor (abbrev.) 39. Bluntness 41. Award 42. Travel on water 44. If not 45. Foundations 46. Japanese cartoon art 47. Circumscribe 48. Gives forth 51. Layer 52. Decorative case 53. False god 54. Sweeping story 55. Bristle 56. Appear 58. Website address Ans to CrossWord 3039

to engage in certain critical dialogue over the suspension of ILP in the state. ILP has been an important line of demarcating ‘the others’ and ‘the self’(locals), it is also a line which indicates community rights and the ownership of its resources based forest and land. But such statements are not without critics, in line of modern civilization and integrating global force of which we are all aware. But how far are we aware of the reality? How much do we know of our potentialities? Reforming in the name of investment (in the name of big companies) is just another political agenda’s that try to shy away from dealing with the objective reality. What more investment do the government want, when it is unable to even deal with existing industries (sugar, paper etc.). The bigger picture even lies with the immigrants that is gradually trying to swamp over the local population in spite of ILP being in existence and what happens when local community land are faces with reforms and changes, certainly there is hope for the nonlocals to occupy such land which was once restricted, as result our environment as well our social environment are likely to be destroyed. The present structure of our society is also worth mentioning at this point, elite class and elite status has become very important identity for the Nagas. Wealth has also created a system of loyalty and power, it is hard to imagine a Naga life today that without a wealth your position in society is just another story in the bigger book. At one side of our Naga community life, certain people are struggling to even purchase a tin sheet to built a home while on the other side, for certain group of people building a home is out of question as there are certain politicians as well as contractors who can even purchase the whole village if it was materially for sale. Here the question, from where is this wealth accumulated? Is not only a rational question but answering to this question at this point of time is also irrelevant. Apart from this there has also been a popular vocabulary of development buzzing around all corners of the state, but how far it has achieved and how far it has been democratically implemented is also a question that also need no answer, development as I understand here does not only mean the state’s project but the involvement of the local community. As Amartya Sen puts that ‘development is a process of expanding

the real freedoms that people injoy... it requires the removal or neglect of public facilities as well as the intolerance or overactivity of repressive states. Of what have been said above, also requires critical thinking of which I left open. However, there are realities which the government as well the public and the agencies need to ask. We should also critically ask what kind of pressure the Indian state are imposing on the state perhaps reforms could be one such outcome of Indian state political engineering. The whole system theory of development in the state of Nagaland are failing to address the issues and suspending the ILP could be only adding fuel to the flame. ILP today is not something that is demarcating us from the worlds of global capital but it is also becoming an important tool for protecting the locals but once such line is open, local peoples are no match for larger illegal encroachment of job markets as well as on community resourceses. Thus what is needed at this point of time is not suspending but the state should be focusing on how different agencies in our society can be strengthen without been politicise or been manipulated. It also requires deeper commitment and deeper sacrifice on all institutions of law enforcement agencies as well as civil society and keeping in mind the social reality it should be implemented, there is also a need for newer framework and a paradigm shift which would produce a result that is fruitful and is acceptable for the benefit of the Nagas. Thus certainly it is not COME MAKE IN NAGALAND, as we don’t need Gujarat’s model of development , nor do we need big industries at this point nor do we need 10000 crores of rupees, thus reality have to be confronted and contextualised, not only do we have limited and unsuitable lands scape but also their are social and human capital challenges that needs to be address. Perhaps competing with global market can began from the bottom-up approached, food processing small scale industries needs to be encourage, farmers and cultivators can become a key player along with the technicality of the state rather than been left abandoned in their unproductive sector. For we all know that human history and civilization have survived and sustained through their means of production. Thepfusalie Theunuo


The Morung Express

Thursday 23 October 2014

New Market Panchayat in Kma Solar power plant for Vety & AH directorate writes to DC on road safety Our Correspondent Kohima | October 22

KOhima, OctOber 22 (mexN): The New Market Area Panchayat in Kohima has requested the Deputy Commissioner of Kohima to adopt precautionary measures required for making the ‘Box Cutting Road’ (located below the Ladies Mile Road) linking National Highway 29 a ‘danger free zone’. In a letter to the DC, New Market Area Panchayat general secretary, Zerüüzo Suoho and chairman, Kuotsuwhielie highlighted that ever since the opening of the ‘Box Cutting Road’, more than ten motor accidents and collisions have occurred on the said stretch of road and as a result, three lives have been lost and several properties

damaged within a short span of time, i.e., three to four months. The letter mentioned that the road is in a “very precarious position as it stretch is steeply sloping and the vehicles plying on the stretch pose grave dangers to the daily commuters consisting of office workers, students including the traders/ residents and the building / houses adjacent to the National Highways as they regularly use this Road as their main communication passage.” Expressing apprehension that the rate of motor accidents are likely to increase on the aforesaid stretch, the letter stated that appropriate precautionary measures are needed to be taken from now

on to monitor the movement of the vehicles, including the trucks coming from Manipur State, through adoption of Systematic Regulations and Proper Enforcement of Traffic Rules. The Panchayat further proposed the following suggestions for consideration: “Restriction may be imposed on the heavy vehicles (Bus, Trucks, Etc.) to ply on this Diversion Road, Traffic control or duty point may be constructed/ erected at the junction of the roads connecting the highways, No vehicle coming from Naga Hospital side may be allowed to enter from the lower end of the road and No Entry sign board may be put up at the Entry Point.”

State ex-servicemen asked to register for re-employment KOhima, OctOber 22 (mexN): All ex-servicemen from Nagaland, who are keen on re-employment in various departments of the State, including Police, Directorate of Sainik Welfare, Defence establishments like DSC, Semi Government organisations, Banks and Corporate sector etc have been requested to register their names with service particulars and qualification at their respective Zila Sainik

Welfare Offices. PRO (Def) Lt Col Emron Musavi informed in a press release that Brigadier KK Roy Choudhury, SM, VSM (Retired) Secretary Rajya Sainik Board and Director, Directorate of Sainik Welfare & Resettlement has intimated the information. The Directorate will pursue the cases with concerned authorities and Defence Services Placement Cell for their re–employment. So far, all applica-

tions received have been processed and forwarded to various Agencies for re– employment. Further, all ex-servicemen and widows have been requested to register themselves with newly established ‘Army Veterans Portal’ for which application forms are available with Station HQ Rangapahar, Zakhama, Chakabama and Zila Sainik Welfare Offices. These registrations will be done free of cost.

Nagaland’s department of New & Renewable Energy (NRE) today commissioned 10 KW Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant at the office of the Directorate of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry, Kohima. Speaking on the occasion, NRE director Er. T.S. Angami said that with the commissioning of 10 KW solar power plant, it will facilitate regular power supply to the office. It can also be used for computers and printers. In the meantime, he asked the department not to use the same for heater and other heavy electric appliance. He informed the gathering that the state had

spent Rs. 260 crore on purchase of power last year. The director said the department is planning to commission solar power plant in all 47 directorates within this year. NRE director also stated that the department is extending solar power plant facility even to the private parties especially in Kohima, Dimapur and similar facility will be extended to the rest of the districts in due course of time. He said the commissioning of solar power plant will minimize the volume of power purchase and at the same time indirectly reduce power consumption. He stated that the introduction of bio-gas in different parts of the rural areas reduces the use of firewood and as

well as save the environment and forest. Earlier, commissioning the solar power plant, Dr. M. Timothy Lotha, director, veterinary and animal husbandry thanked the NRE department for bringing such facility to the department. He was optimistic that the expenditure on purchase of power will come down drastically with the commissioning of the solar power plant in the directorate. The function was chaired by Dr. R.T. Ezung, additional director of veterinary and animal husbandry while welcome address was delivered by Dr. S.A. Walling, joint director of veterinary and animal husbandry. Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. I.P. Khala.

Dr. Neiphrezo Keditsu takes oath as MLA

KOhima, OctOber 22 (NepS): Newly elected NPF MLA, Dr. Neiphrezo Keditsu took oath as Member of the 12th Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) today at the conference hall of the NLA. Speaker of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly Chotisuh Sazo administered the oath. Dr Keditsu defeated rival BJP candidate Visasolie Lhoungu in the Northern Angmai-II by-poll held on October 15 by a margin of 3,045 votes. The MLA seat was earlier held by former Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, who vacated it after being



Mex File Midland youth for removal of auto parking Dimapur, OctOber 22 (mexN): The Youth Organization, Midland Colony, Dimapur has informed the Dimapur District Auto Driver Union (DDADU) to respect the resolution made between DDADU and Midland Council on September 23 last and remove the auto parking from Dhobinalla Traffic Point to Sewak Main Gate-1, Midland under the jurisdiction of Midland area within seven days from the issue of notice by the colony council. The youth organization cautioned that the DDADU would be held solely responsible for any eventuality arising out of non compliance of the resolution.

NPF Dimapur meeting Dimapur, OctOber 22 (mexN): The NPF Dimapur Division has informed the following to attend a meeting on October 25, 10:00 am at the Division Office: Division office bearers, president and general secretary of the division frontals and representatives from the Assembly Constituencies by their respective presidents and general secretaries only.

Vigilance awareness pledge taking KOhima, OctOber 22 (Dipr): The Home Department General Administration Branch II in a circular informed that ‘Vigilance Awareness’ Pledge will be taken on October 27 at 11 a.m. in the Civil Secretariat Conference Hall, Kohima as part of the observation of the Vigilance Awareness Week. Principal Secretary & Home Commissioner, Pankaj Kumar shall conduct the Pledge. Therefore, all the government employees including Central Government in the Civil Secretariat have been requested to attend the function positively.

Western Huker Kiure Arih Ako meeting Dimapur, OctOber 22 (mexN): The office of the Western Huker Kiure Arih Ako has convened its executive meeting on October 23 at 10:00 am at its treasurer's residence. Therefore, all the members have been asked to attend the meeting without fail. newly elected nPF Mla neiphrezo Keditsu (right) takes oath at nla conference hall on October 22, 2014.

elected to the 16th Lok Sabha. A large number of NPF workers and supporters of the new NPF MLA also at-

Zeliang Students Union Nagaland informs

tended the “Oath taking Ceremony.” Deputy Speak- pereN, OctOber 22 (mexN): The present Zeliang er of NLA Er Levi also at- Students Union Nagaland has invited presidents and secretaries of federating units for formation of new oftended the ceremony. fice on October 24 at Peren Town Hall at 12:00 noon. ZSU (N) president Iteichu Zelaing in a press release stated that all the students unions of Zeliang native villages under Peren district are informed this as per the resolution adopted on October 9 consultative meeting held at DB Hall Peren.

Brighter Academy students & teachers tour Delhi Services available for citizens Dimapur, OctOber 22 (mexN): The Brighter Academy (School) Dimapur organized an educational tour to Delhi with the theme ‘Travel, Explore & Learn’ from October 14 to 20. The touring team, which comprised of 20 students, 7 teachers and 3 staffs, was led by the school Assistant Head Teacher Robi Nayak. A press release from the school manager, KK Newmai, informed that the objective of the tour was to create awareness for both the students and teachers about the people and places, social attributes, religious beliefs, interest in the his-

the Brighter academy (school) students and teachers at the red Fort in Delhi on October 17.

tory including economic developments. Delhi was mainly chosen for this year’s educational tour program as Delhi, besides the capital of India, has

been the seat of power for several rulers and many empires, it stated, adding Delhi has been and is the political hub of India. “The city’s importance lies

not just in its past glory as the seat of empires and magnificent monuments but also in the rich cultural diversities. Today’s Delhi is the perfect blend of tradition, culture, power and politics.” The team visited some important places and centres such as Red Fort, Qutub Minar, Gandhi Smrithi, Lotus Temple, India Gate, Akshardham, ISKCON Temple and others, including Taj Mahal at Agra. The students were also given firsthand experience of local markets, busy schedules of the city dwellers, city planning, communication and travel, according to the release.

under IT&C department

KOhima, OctOber 22 (Dipr): The Department of Information Technology & Communication has informed that there are various government services available to citizens at nominal fee. The department has set up 220 Common Service Centres (CSC) under the brand name of ‘NagalandOne’ across the State where one can avail services such as: Passport Application, PAN Card Application, Inclusion of Names in Electoral Roll, Application of Scholarships for both Higher Education and Technical Edu-

RBPD scheme in Pughoboto DSE reminds on Swachh Bharat campaign puGhObOtO, OctOber 22 (mexN): The Department of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry, Pughoboto Sub-Division organized a formal launch programme of free distribution of Kuroiler chicks with water & feed troughs under Rural Backyard Poultry Production (RBPD) Scheme 201314 at SDVO’s office premises in presence of ADC Pughoboto, Nokchasashi along with public leaders of the area on October 21. A press release informed that Dr. Meyatoshi Aier, Sub-divisional Veterinary Officer (SDVO) explained on the implementation process and govt.’s objective of the scheme. According to Dr. Aier, who is also the DVO Zunheboto, 71 beneficiaries each from

6 villages would be benefited under Zunheboto district under the scheme and it would be done in phase manner for the remaining beneficiary villages. While encouraging the farmers, he was hopeful of the RBPD beneficiaries sustaining their families with the small scheme. The ADC in his short speech expressed happiness to the department and officials concerned for the help given to the rural poor (BPLs). He encouraged all the beneficiaries to follow the instructions and guidance of the department concerned and requested them to maintain offsping generation from the stock they received so as to propagate and enhance their family income.

KOhima, OctOber 22 (mexN): The Directorate of School Education (DSE), Nagaland today reminded all its staff at the Directorate Office, District Education Offices, Sub-divisional Education Offices, teachers and students of both government and private schools in the State to participate in the "Swachh Bharat" campaign launch on October 24 (Friday), while informing all concerned which have not yet launched the campaign to do so on the day. To make the campaign successful and effective, the directorate has directed for a one hour theory class on the importance of sanitation based on: The statement given by Mahatma Gandhi

the Dreamz Unlimited, as part of national sanitation awareness Campaign (swachh Bharat Yatra), staged a play at Zisaji Presidency College, Kiphire, which was witnessed by students, faculty members and department officials. Welcoming the gathering, Er subongyanger, executive engineer, PHeD said that the national sanitation awareness campaign has been started to make the roads and environment clean in all the villages. He stated that with good sanitation practice, environment would be clean, economic growth will improve, leading to happy life. (Morung Photo)

- "Sanitation is more important than independence," the scriptural text- Deut, 23:13-15, and the maxim "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." It also asked to cover topics on ecological balance, beautification and cleanliness of their working places, hand washing, stoppage of open defecation etc, “even by inviting” PHED personnel, district administration, health workers. Further, it informed all concerned to have one hour practical class in cleaning their respective work places by providing necessary working tools and proper supervision.

Also, to evaluate the success of the campaign, reports of the programme supported by few photographs of the activities, has been asked to be submitted to the directorate on or before October 31, 2014 positively. Further, it urged all concerned that once the campaign is launched, the spirit of "Clean India" be maintained by the departments. This programme has become necessitated due to “holiday moods” of the offices and schools during the first week of October 2014, it added.

cation, NPSC application, Births and Deaths Registration (For Kohima District only), Aadhar Card printing. Additionally, one can avail other business services like: Desk Top Publishing, Basic PC repair, DTH recharge, SIM activation, Mobile bill payments and recharge, Microsoft e-learning education package, Instant Passport Photo, e Ticketing, CSC Bazaar (online shopping), Payment of LIC premium at any of the 220 Centres. Under Financial Inclusion, these Centres shall also act as Banking Correspondents and will help in opening and operating bank accounts. To support all these services, the department has the required IT infrastructure, including a robust network for data, voice and video connecting all Hqs. of DC, ADC and SDO (C) with the State Headquarter, a state-ofthe-art Data Centre, and a State Portal integrating all available Government services For further information or queries one can visit the website www.itngl.nic.in, www.nagaland.gov.in or contact 0370-2271470 or email at dit-ngl@nic.in or visit the Directorate of Information Technology & Communication.

‘View border problem from a humanitarian perspective’

GuWahati, OctOber 22 (pti): A joint peace mission comprising church leaders of Assam and Nagaland met Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi to discuss the issues relating to the troubled inter-state border. "Church leaders from Catholic and Protestant churches while apprising the chief minister about peace initiatives undertaken by them in the trouble-torn areas along the Assam- Nagaland border, said status quo has to be maintained at any cost and that the problem has to be viewed from humanitarian perspective," a release from the CMO said today. In the meeting, which

took place last evening, Gogoi accepted their view and said that the people displaced during violence must be rehabilitated, it said. The church leaders told the chief minister that the peace process has to be carried out at the grassroots level and the involvement of the village headmen is a must for reconciliation and ushering in durable peace along the inter-state border, the release said. They said that while an early political solution to the disputed areas would take time, the reconciliation process among the people living along the border is of utmost necessity for peace to prevail there. Gogoi echoed their

sentiments and said it was 'high time' for better sense to prevail and to acknowledge the fact that "One has to live together, no one can live in isolation". "The task of rehabilitation of displaced people living in relief camps should be completed as soon as possible. We seek the cooperation of one and all, including the church leaders towards this end," Gogoi added. He lauded the peace initiatives of the Church leaders and hoped that their efforts would help to restore complete normalcy by rekindling the age-old ties between the people of both the states living along the border.

15th state level youth festival KOhima, OctOber 22 (mexN): The 15th State Level Youth Festival under the aegis of the department of youth resources and sports will take place on October 28 at Indira Gandhi Stadium here. The opening ceremony will start from 10:00 am onwards. Kelei Zeliang, director, youth resources and sports and Neilalhoulie, joint director, youth resources and sports will grace the occasion as the chief guest and guest of honour for the opening and closing ceremonies respectively.

Launch of central market in Kma KOhima, OctOber 22 (mexN): The launching programme of central market at Serii, Kohima will take place on October 24 at 10:00 am. Lithrongla Tongpi, CEO, Kohima Municipal Council will grace the occasion as the chief guest.

Diwali greetings Tovihoto Ayemi: Parliamentary Secretary for IT&C, Science and Tech, Technical Education and Taxes, Tovihoto Ayemi has extended heartiest greetings to the Hindu community on the occasion of Diwali. “Diwali, being the festival of lights, I urge upon the people to remain true to the meaning of the festival and usher in brighter atmosphere in the society and march toward progress and prosperity.” MCD: The Muslim Council Dimapur (MCD) has wished all a very happy and prosperous Diwali. “May the Divine and spiritual light of the holy festival brightens up our lives with health and Joy,” wished A. Jalil Tapadar, Jt. Secy, MCD. “May this festival lead us to the path to destroy all evils and brings peace and brotherhood among us." NPF Dimapur: The NPF Dimapur Division on the occasion of Diwali (the festival of light), has wished all a "Happy Diwali 2014". A press release from NPF Media Cell, Dimapur stated that the festival signifies victory of good over evil and a festive time to overcome differences among each other and mark the beginning of a prosperous time ahead.

NLA gears up for 50 years anniv KOhima, OctOber 22 (NepS): Hectic preparation is underway to celebrate the 50 years anniversary of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) at its complex on November 29. Speaker of Lok Sabha, Sumitra Mahajan will be the chief guest, while Nagaland Chief Minister TR Zeliang will share “Greetings”. The golden jubilee celebration of the NLA will also be addressed by State Governor PB Acharya and other guest of honors – Dr SC Jamir, Governor of Odisha and ex-IBM, MP and former Nagaland Chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio and Leader of Congress Legislature Party, Tokheho Yepthomi. Talking to NEPS at his office chamber, NLA Speaker Chotisuh Sazo said, during the celebration, Lok Sabha Speaker will unveil the “50 Years Commemorative Mono-

lith” and release the “50 Years Commemorative Souvenir and Memento”. The celebration will also be marked by “Photo Exhibition – The Nagaland Legislative Assembly in Transition,” which will be inaugurated by the Lok Sabha Speaker at 12 noon, while the “Glimpse of Nagaland” will be staged at the State Banquet Hall at 6 PM. It has been informed that the past and present MLAs of NLA, Ex-IBMs, past and present Nagaland MPs, former secretaries and senior officers of NLA, chief secretary, AHoDs, HoDs, NPSC members, RTI Members, Nagaland Women Commission Members, State Chaplin, NBCC General Secretary, presidents of Naga Hoho, NMA, ENPO, ENWO, NSF, ENSF, NPMHR and other Civil Societies and also leaders of all recognized political parties will be invited to attend the celebration.



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express THursDAy 23 OcTObEr 2014 vOlumE IX IssuE 292 by Aheli moitra

Dropping out of the sky


he Naga hills and its surroundings are full of mystery. Among many of these found in the forests of the region, the Zeme Nagas living in Assam’s former NC Hills, and now Dima Hasao, district found one a long time ago—at a time when they inhabited Jatinga. During their festive rituals around fire or simply sitting around the fire, there came a time in autumn (mid August to early November), on dark moonless foggy nights, when birds would simply swoop right into the fire! Like ideas, they dropped out of the sky. Some of them were migrating from one place to the other when they are attracted to the light; were they being ‘suicidal’, did they have ‘evil intent,’ or was it simply ‘ready meat’? It remains unclear to date what attracts the birds to the light, and right into a fire, if that be the source of light. The birds, says a board on a tourist watchtower at Jatinga constructed in 1982, come on “foggy moonless nights flying against the wind when it flows South-West-North-East. Elimination of even one of these conditions results in non appearance of the birds.” The birds, perhaps, would not have been so mysterious if the light had not been there. The light would not have been there, perhaps, if there were no communities sitting around the fire. Like the birds in Jatinga, even ideas often drop out of spaces when we sit around the fire, in the comfort of its warmth and light, and wonder about the future of our present with our peers or kin. And much like the birds, they are a product of the particularity of our lived, shared and perceived experience. Let us not eat up those ideas, albeit their tasty disposition, but nurture them and see where the sweeping migration of ideas and alternatives—from south to west to north to east—may lead.

Swooping ideas may be sent to moitramail@yahoo.com

lEfT wiNg |

Kimberly Hefling AP Education Writer

Native Indian schools face decayed buildings, poverty


ederally owned schools for Native Americans on reservations are marked by remoteness, extreme poverty and a lack of construction dollars. They also are among the lowest performing in the U.S.. The Obama administration is pushing ahead with an improvement plan that gives tribes more control. But the effort is complicated by the disrepair of so many buildings, not to mention the federal legacy of forcing American Indian children from their homes to attend boarding schools. Consider Little Singer Community School, with 81 students on a remote desert outpost. The vision for the school came in the 1970s from a medicine man who wanted area children to attend school locally. Here's the reality today: a cluster of rundown classroom buildings containing asbestos, radon, mice and mold. Students often come from families struggling with domestic violence, alcoholism and a lack of running water at home, so nurturing is emphasized. The school provides showers, along with shampoo and washing machines. Teachers have no housing, so they commute together about 90 minutes each morning on barely passable dirt roads. The school is on the government's priority list for replacement. It's been there since at least 2004. Not even one-quarter of the students were deemed proficient in reading and math on a 20122013 assessment. "We have little to work with, but we make do with what we have," says Verna Yazzie, a school board member. The 183 schools are spread across 23 states and fall under the jurisdiction of the Interior Department's Bureau of Indian Education. They are in some of the most out-of-the-way places in the U.S.; one is at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, reachable by donkey or helicopter. Most are small, with fewer than 150 students. Native Americans perform better in schools that are not overseen by the federal bureau than in schools that are, national and state assessments show. Overall, they trail their peers in an important national assessment and struggle with a graduation rate of 68 percent. Already, tribes manage about 120 schools, and the plan will turn the rest over as Washington shifts to more of a support role. The plan calls for more board-certified teachers, better Internet access and less red tape, making it easier to buy books and hire teachers. The Interior Department wants to help schools accelerate the use of Native American languages and culture. Lofty ambitions, but the rundown state of many schools can't be ignored. More than 60 are listed in poor condition. An estimated $1.3 billion is needed to replace or refurbish these schools. But since the 2009 release of about $280 million in stimulus money — part of an anti-recession package — has gone to major school construction or renovation. So Interior Secretary Sally Jewell is in a tight spot. She recently visited Crystal Boarding School on the Navajo reservation in Crystal, New Mexico, where some classes are held in a building constructed by Depression-era workers in the 1930s. The school is now primarily a day school, but about 30 children stay in dorms there. A second dorm was condemned. Jewell thanked the students for "making do with this school the way it is." Later, she told school leaders she could not promise the money will be there to build a new school. "For schools throughout Indian country, this is a chronic problem," she said. "I don't want to stand here and make promises I can't keep. What I want to say is, I get it." The effort to shift more control to tribes has drawn some praise. "It's an important step for us to go ahead and take control over what we know we can do best," says Kimberly Dominguez, Crystal's vice principal. Others, though, say Washington is merely washing its hands of its responsibilities.



Mary Hansen YesMagazine

Beating ‘Climate Change’ by Retooling the Economy The Story Begins in Navajo Country

A proposed communityowned solar project on an abandoned coal mine in Arizona illustrates how cooperative economics make it possible to stop extracting fossil fuels—without leaving workers behind


grew up without running water,” Nichole Alex, a young woman from Dilkon, Ariz., says in a video released by the activist group Black Mesa Water Coalition. Alex grew up on the Navajo reservation in the rural Black Mesa region of Arizona, where for decades a controversial coal mine emptied the region’s aquifer, leaving local wells dry. “I grew up traveling 20 miles to gather water,” Alex continues. “That’s not fair, that my community is being sacrificed to power the valley here.” In 1970, the Peabody Coal Company began mining on the reservation. Although tribal members were initially enthusiastic about the jobs the mine would provide, over time the relationship grew rocky. The company built a coal slurry pipeline that cut straight through the reservation and pumped billions of gallons of water from the Navajo Aquifer. Peabody mixed the water with coal and pumped the fluid mixture to a power plant in Nevada where the coal was burned to generate electricity for the nearby cities of Phoenix and Tucson, as well as other parts of the Southwest. But local people like Alex were left without access to water. It’s a story echoed around the country: From the East Bay in California to the mountains of Appalachia, fossil fuel companies have drilled, burned, and mined their way into towns, cities, and rural areas— especially communities of color, as well as indigenous and low-income ones—disrupting the lives of people and damaging the environment. But local residents have fought back. In 2001, Navajo and Hopi youth created the Black Mesa Water Coalition to stop the depletion of the Navajo Aquifer. They educated their peers and neighbors about the problem, and eventually persuaded the Navajo Tribal Council to cut off Peabody Coal’s access to the aquifer. That work, combined with a lawsuit that charged Peabody with violation of the Clean Air Act, helped to force the shutdown of the Black Mesa coal mine in 2005. The problem with that outcome was that it left many residents of the reservation without jobs. About 300 Navajo and Hopi people had worked for Peabody, according to the advocacy group Cultural Survival . Efforts by the Black Mesa Water Coalition and its allies to create green jobs through traditional livelihoods, like wool-making and farming, have made only a small dent in the unemployment rate, which hovers around 50 percent. Furthermore, the land where the coal mine had been is not suitable for living or farming. The story of Black Mesa illustrates a realization that is sweeping through the network of organizations, individuals, and coalitions working to fight global warming: While the burning of fossil fuels causes climate change, simply shutting down these industries leaves workers and their families behind, and often result in a familiar conflict over “jobs ver-


eople are changing Earth so much, warming and polluting it, that many scientists are turning to a new way to describe the time we live in. They're calling it the Anthropocene — the age of humans. Though most non-experts don't realize it, science calls the past 12,000 years the Holocene, Greek for "entirely recent." But the way humans and their industries are altering the planet, especially its climate, has caused an increasing number of scientists to use the word "Anthropocene" to better describe when and where we are. "We're changing the Earth. There is no question about that, I've seen it from space," said eight-time spacewalking astronaut John Grunsfeld, now associate administrator for science at NASA. He said looking down from orbit, there was no place he could see on the planet that didn't have the mark of man. So he uses the term Anthropocene, he said, "because we're intelligent enough to recognize it." Grunsfeld was in the audience of a "Living in the Anthropocene" symposium put on last week by the Smithsonian. At the same time, the American Association for the Advancement of Science is displaying an art exhibit, "Fossils of the Anthropocene." More than 500 scientific studies have been published this year referring to the current time period as the Anthropocene. And on Friday the Anthropocene Working Group ramps up its efforts to change the era's name with a meeting at a Berlin museum. The movement

sus the environment.” That in turn prevents many workers and low-income groups from joining the fight against climate change—something movement leaders say they cannot afford. The late Tony Mazzocchi, a labor leader with roots in the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, advocated the rejection of this dichotomy and called on environmentalists to lobby for what he deemed a “just transition” in situations when environmental policies eliminate jobs. As the Institute for Policy Studies’ Chuck Collins recently wrote in YES!, a just transition “would offer benefits far beyond the pitiful job retraining programs included in trade agreements like NAFTA.” Now, many climate justice activists are picking up on Mazzocchi’s idea and refusing to be limited by the “jobs or the environment” dichotomy. Among them is Michelle Mascarenhas-Swan, co-director of the Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project and co-chair of the Climate Justice Alliance. The alliance is a network of 35 organizations working at the intersection of job creation and environmental protection in places like Black Mesa, where residents have been resisting oil rigs, gas wells, and coal plants, in some cases for decades. These organizations create projects that provide stable livelihoods, protect fragile environments, and, ultimately, help speed the transition away from fossil fuels. “The central solutions to address the climate crisis are not actually going to come from looking up and counting carbon in the atmosphere,” MascarenhasSwan said. “They are going to come from remaking the economy, which is the root of this struggle.” Few have thought more about just how to go about doing that than the 130 member organizations in the New Economy Coalition, which are a part of some would call the “new economy movement.” For many years, these groups have been building worker-owned cooperatives, land trusts, and community financial institutions, all designed to keep wealth local and provide good jobs. Eli Feghali, the coalition’s director of communications and online organizing, says that his members are starting to converge on the

same vision as climate justice organizers. “Folks have been imagining alternatives to capitalism for centuries,” Feghali said. “But a new context is emerging, the center of which is the climate crisis. Our economic system is fundamentally opposed to a livable future.” Feghali says new economy groups can contribute to the push for a just transition by helping groups like the Black Mesa Water Coalition start worker-owned cooperatives and by lobbying for policies that support cooperative economies. The new economy movement has some work to do in the way of diversity and representation of people of color and those from low-income areas, Feghali acknowledges. But, he says, “the good news is that these groups are already building alternatives and providing leadership.” That leadership can been seen back in Arizona, where the Black Mesa Water Coalition is moving forward on a 1- to 5-megawatt solar power plant proposed for the site of the abandoned coal mine. And here’s where new economy ideas come in: The coalition hopes the facility will be owned and controlled by the Navajo people and will provide reliable jobs. “We were once the battery for the Southwest [with our coal production],” said Roberto Nutlouis, the Black Mesa Water Coalition’s green economy coordinator. “Why not convert these reclaimed lands into something more sustainable and healthy for our community?” The proposed project would use the money made from the utility-scale solar plant to create local reinvestment funds that would then support wool production and food sovereignty projects, whereas Peabody’s profits mostly benefitted faraway shareholders. “There’s a deeper way of valuing things, beyond a capitalist way,” Nutlouis said. “We need an economy that restores the health of our people and the health of our land.” If efforts like this work in Black Mesa, they could help to blaze a trail out of the climate crisis that workers can get behind.

Anthropocene - the age of humans seth borenstein AP Science Writer

With their mark on Earth, humans may name era, too was jump started and the name coined by Nobel laureate Paul Crutzen in 2000, according to Australian National University scientist Will Steffen. Geologists often mark new scientific time periods with what they call a golden spike — really more of a bronze disk in the rock layer somewhere that physically points out where one scientific time period ends and another begins, said Harvard University's Andrew Knoll, who supports the idea because "humans have become a geologic force on the planet. The age we are living now in is really distinct." But instead of a golden spike in rock, "it's going to be a layer of plastic that covers the planet, if not a layer of (heat-trapping) carbon," said W. John Kress, acting undersecretary of science for the Smithsonian. Kress said the Smithsonian is embracing the term because "for us it kind of combines the scientific and the cultural in one word."

It's an ugly word, one that many people don't understand, and it's even hard to pronounce, Kress admitted. (It's AN'-thruh-poh-seen.) That's why when he opened the Smithsonian's symposium, he said, "We are living in the Anthropocene," then quickly added: "the age of humans." "Never in its 4.6 billion year old history has the Earth been so affected by one species as it is being affected now by humans," Kress said. Steffen, one of the main leaders of the Anthropocene movement, said in an email that the age of humans is more than just climate change. It includes ozone loss, disruption of nitrogen and phosphorous cycles that are causing dead zones, changes in water, acidification of the ocean, endocrine disruptors and deforestation. Steffen said there's no scientific consensus for the term Anthropocene yet, but he sees support growing. To become official it has to be


approved by the International Union of Geological Sciences' Commission on Stratigraphy. That process is detailed and slow, said Harvard's Kroll, who spearheaded the last successful effort to add a new time period, the little known Ediacaran period, about 600 million years ago. It took him 15 years. The head of that deciding committee, Stan Finney at California State University at Long Beach, said in an interview that he is often called "the biggest critic" of the Anthropocene term. He said while there's no doubt humans are dramatically changing the planet, creating a new geologic time period requires detailed scientific records, mostly based on what is in rocks. Supporters also don't agree on when the Anthropocene starts. Suggestions include the start of farming, industrialization and the use of the atomic bomb. The Geological Society of America hasn't taken up the term yet, but may soon start paying attention to the concept, said society president Hap McSween of the University of Tennessee. "I actually think it's a great idea," McSween said. "Humans are profoundly affecting the environment, probably as much as natural events have in the past. And when effects become profound enough, we draw a new boundary and make it a period. ... It's a good way to point out the environmental havoc that humans are causing."

Letters to the Editor should be sent to: The morung Express, House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur - 797112, Or –email: morung@gmail.com All letters (including those via email) should have the full name and Postal address of the sender. Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.




23 OctOber 2014


Recognizing Palestine

Tolerance & India's plurality amit Kapoor

John Feffer Foreign Policy in Focus


As more European governments line up to recognize a Palestinian state, Israel (and the U.S.) look more isolated than ever


n his recent meeting with President Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he was “committed to the vision of peace for two states for two peoples.” That sounds nice. But if he’d been pressed, Netanyahu might have admitted that the two states he had in mind were Israel and the United States, not Israel and Palestine. After all, Netanyahu has done everything possible to demonstrate that he’s not interested in negotiating a two-state solution with Palestinian representatives. The most recent example is the go-ahead given to new construction in the Givat Hamatos neighborhood of Jerusalem, across the Green Line, which will make it more difficult to share the city with a Palestinian state. Over the summer, the Netanyahu government annexed nearly 1,000 acres of West Bank territory. And then there was the disproportionate use of force against Gaza, which left more than 2,000 people dead and the equivalent of the population of Boston homeless. Despite all of these recent setbacks, a majority of Israelis continue to believe in a two-state solution, and that goes even for the supporters of the rightwing Likud Party. At the same time, a majority of Israelis no longer believe that their prime minister is committed to such a resolution. Netanyahu aside, Most Israelis are fervent pragmatists. They don’t support a two-state solution out of idealistic sympathy for the Palestinian cause. Rather, Israelis understand that the laws of demographics— a higher birth rate among Palestinians than Israeli Jews—will make Jews a minority in their own state by 2025. Allowing Palestinians to form a separate state is, to put it bluntly, an internationally legitimate form of ethnic cleansing. It would achieve what partition did for India and Pakistan: create two more homogenous entities. Israel’s survival as a Jewish state depends on the negotiation of a two-state solution. And yet, despite this obvious self-interest, the Netanyahu government has refused to compromise, in part because there are political actors in his administration even more intransigent than Netanyahu himself. The sticking points include the status of Jerusalem, land swaps that would compensate Palestine for the territory seized by Israeli settlers, and the right of Palestinians to return to land that they owned before the expulsion in 1948. As the more powerful side in the negotiations, Israel has been playing hardball, waiting for the Palestinians to buckle. It’s absurd, of course, to imagine that a state and a non-state can engage in fair negotiations—unless the non-state has some additional leverage that can compensate for all the advantages the state enjoys. Kosovo, for instance, had the support of the United States and, as importantly, a European Union that could use membership as a carrot to push Serbia to the table to make concessions. Kurdistan, the northern part of Iraq, has used its relative stability and its current role in the fight against ISIS to achieve de facto statehood. Palestine does not enjoy any of those advantages. But its weakness, paradoxically, has been a kind of strength. The Palestinians have been perpetual underdogs, even as they have acquired quasi-control in Gaza and with the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Palestinians who live in those areas have at least some semblance of self-determination, even if it is illusory. Palestinians elsewhere don’t even have that. Without a real state, no one will stand up for all the Palestinians scattered throughout the region—in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and elsewhere. For the last couple decades, the most likely route to statehood for Palestine was through negotiations with Israel, usually brokered by third parties like Nor-


o me, the draft post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a poorly made Khichdi—otherwise a delicious Indian hotchpotch of rice, lentils, and any vegetables at hand, suitably spiced up and of course bien cuit. My skepticism apart, or perhaps because of it, I read with interest the commentary on human rights and the SDGs by Radhika Balakrishnan and Ignacio Saiz. Their own work reflects how the engagement between heterodox economics and human rights imagination can lead to new articulations of the relevance of human rights to economic policy. For instance, speaking about financial flows or taxation and fiscal measures in relation to human rights obligations. My concern in this piece, therefore, is not whether human rights is relevant to development or economic policy, but rather how development is received and constructed within the human rights framework – and the resulting impacts. I use as my point of departure, Balakrishnan and Saiz’s comment that the draft SDGs “are conspicuously silent” on the role of human rights as “a universal normative framework for sustainable development”. (Emphasis mine) Insofar as I understand this claim, I am not sure how or why it is seemingly self-evident. It also gives rise to some questions, starting with two. Are we locked into a ‘human rights and’ or a ‘human rights-based approach to’ X, Y or Z, with the latter detached from other ethical and political vocabularies? What does such human-rightsification imply for both human rights and development? Underlying the so-called human rightsbased approach is the belief that human rights provides an all-encompassing normative and ethical framework. Regardless of the

Israeli police officers detain a Palestinian man during clashes near Jerusalem's old city on Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Israeli police in riot gear have fired stun grenades to break up a group of Palestinians throwing rocks near sensitive holy sites in Jerusalem's old city ahead of a Jewish festival. The Palestinians were protesting against recent visits by Jews to the site. Palestinians view such visits as a provocation. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean)

way or the United States. But there is another path to statehood that does not go through Israel. Quite a few countries have already recognized Palestine as a state—134 of them, actually. That’s a lot more than Taiwan (21), more even than Kosovo (108). But most of the countries that have recognized Palestine don’t have much economic or diplomatic pull. That’s about to change. A new center-left government recently took over in Sweden and immediately announced its intention to recognize Palestine. If it follows through on this pledge, which is likely, it will be the first European country, as a member of the EU, to recognize Palestine. The Swedish foreign minister was blunt in anticipating objections from Washington: “The USA doesn’t decide our policy,” Margot Wallström said. A conservative member of the Swedish parliament has countered that the government must go through the country’s advisory council on foreign affairs. But the new government hadn’t made a unilateral declaration—it had simply signaled a future action, which would follow the necessary protocol. Even before the international media had digested the Swedish announcement, the UK parliament voted by a large margin—274 to 12—to recommend recognition as well. The UK government isn’t likely to take that step under its current political leadership, but the Labor Party might well be in charge after the May 2015 elections. Lest you think this was a purely partisan effort, listen to Richard Ottaway, the Conservative chairman of the foreign affairs select committee. He told his parliamentary colleaguesthat Israel’s annexation of 950 acres of the West Bank this summer “outraged me more than anything else in my political life. It has made me look a fool and that is something I deeply resent.” Even the British ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gold, took pains to warn the Netanyahu government indirectly “about the direction of public opinion in Britain and beyond Britain in the absence of progress towards peace.” Meanwhile, the French government is reportedly mulling a recognition move of its own. Israel might ultimately care as little about the attitudes of “old Europe” as Donald Rumsfeld did around the invasion of Iraq. But Israel can’t ignore the increasing impatience of its chief supporter, the United States. Immediately after Netanyahu’s meeting last week with Obama, the White House issued a statement declaring that the prime minister’s recent moves “call into question Israel’s commitment to a peaceful negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.” European recognition won’t magically transform

the Palestinian state into a universally recognized entity any time soon. But it does strengthen Palestinian moves to strike off on their own. One of the first signs of Palestinian unilateralism came two years ago when Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, called on the United Nations to “issue a birth certificate of the reality of the State of Palestine.” The UN General Assembly voted by a large margin to grant Palestine nonmember observer status. Only nine countries voted against the resolution: Canada, the Czech Republic, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Panama, Palau, and the United States. This win at the UN opened up a wide variety of options for the Palestinians: they could suddenly join 60 UN organizations and agencies. But instead of pushing for these perquisites of UN membership, the Palestinians decided instead not to overly irritate Israel so that they could secure the release of more than 100 long-term prisoners. Last April, however, Abbas changed tactics and announced his intention to join 15 conventions and treaties, including the Geneva Conventions, conventions against torture and genocide, and conventions guaranteeing the rights of women and the disabled. But even this effort to circumvent Israel and acquire all the trappings of a state is, after the recent Gaza war, not enough to satisfy an increasingly radicalized population. A post-war poll indicates that 72 percent of Palestinians favor an armed intifada against Israel. Meanwhile, a number of analysts have urged the Palestinian Authority to dissolve itself— and stop playing a role in policing Palestinians on behalf of Israel. Frustration with the Netanyahu government is generating a range of different responses. At the moment, the United States and much of the world is focused on the threat of ISIS. As a result, Secretary of State John Kerry doesn’t have time to devote to yet another round of pleading with Israelis and Palestinians. But if anything, ISIS is a reminder of what happens when legitimate grievances—those of Sunnis in Syria and in Iraq— are ignored. Strong, democratic states are an antidote to ISIS-style extremism. As such, a strong Palestinian state is in the interests of Israel, the United States, and the entire Middle East. At his meeting with Obama, Netanyahu said that it was time to “think outside the box.” The Palestinians, by pursuing statehood by all means necessary, are doing just that, as are several European countries. It’s time for Israel to do the same. John Feffer is the director of Foreign Policy In Focus.

he world is becoming increasingly connected, both physically and digitally. It has raised the fundamental ‘death of distance’ debate. According to the debate, the pro-side believes that the world is becoming increasingly flat while the opponents point to the relative non-availability of data about internationalization to conclusively say that distance is dead. While we believe that, 'distance' still matters, we do feel that increasingly there is a movement towards distance becoming irrelevant over a longer time frame. A fundamental question then arises-what does this mean for labour and capital that are the basis of production in an economy. What about the mobility of these two within and across international borders? So far, movement of capital can happen more freely, within as well as across borders. It is because the financial architecture shaped by the digital revolution has resulted in the movement of capital relatively freely both within as well as across borders. The capital across borders mostly includes financial flows like foreign direct Investment flows, remittance flows, development assistance, etc. Also, within borders there are plenty of government schemes (think on the lines of Jan Dhan Yojana, MNREGA in India, Bolsa Familia in Brazil) as well as private sector models (like M-Pesa in Kenya) that point to an increasing effort to facilitate the flow of money and capital. Similarly, the capital markets are both deepening and widening in developing countries with better technology leading to efficient mobilization of funds. It points to relative ease of movement of capital within borders. Labour is mostly restricted within national borders, but migration is becoming an increasingly well-known reality. It is happening both within the country as well as abroad. Internationally, India already has the second largest diaspora abroad with some 22 million overseas Indians. Within any country, the urban – rural opportunity divide is the main driving force for movement of people to urban centers for jobs and better opportunities. In our neighborhood, China recently (since 1978) underwent the largest internal migration in human history where it saw the movement of 160 million people from its rural heartland to urban centers. It was fuelled by a desire to improve their quality of life. Similarly, India is expected to see a massive migration in the years to come as more people from its rural and suburban areas (roughly 70 percent at present) move to the urban centers (roughly 30 percentat present) over the next 20-25 years. What do these broad urbanization and globalization prospects imply for societies? In our opinion, this calls for tolerance as a fundamental driver for social progress within and across societies. Tolerance is the ‘willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own’. It appears to us that this fundamental value at the level of individuals and communities will have a very strong bearing on the way the world will re-structure in the years to come. Economic mobility should also lead to social understanding and cohesion else this will lead to a situation of alienation and conflict. The World Values Survey recently came up with data on 81 countries where respondents were asked to identify people who they did not want as their neighbors. The survey showed that a large fraction of Indian respondents (43.5 percent) chose that they did not want a neighbor from a different race. It was the second worst percentage after Jordan where 51.4 percent surveyed people did not want people from a different race to be their neighbors. It leads us in the question of racial tolerance. While we believe this survey may not completely capture intolerance, it certainly points to some deep biases within our society. Broader and deeper research is necessary for settling the debate on racial prejudice and ways to tackle this in society. It is indeed very unnerving and painful to hear stories of northeastern people in our country being beaten and tortured in Gurgaon and Bangalore recently. Similarly, when it comes to the racial insensitivity against black people we seem to have a profound bias against them as a people. True, sometimes like everyone they might be at fault but taking the law in one’s hands is no solution to diffusing tensions and resolving matters. The recent incident where three African youth were beaten up by a mob for allegedly abusing a woman passenger inside a metro station points to a dark and disturbing trend. We as a people have been known historically for our long tradition of religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence with people from other faiths and beliefs. It may be pertinent to understand what the Father of the Nation had in mind when he talked about the idea: “I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any.” It is critical that we don’t get blown off but equally pertinent is the willingness to let the culture of all lands blow entirely across our house. If we do not allow this to happen, we will remain autarkic to ideas and thoughts as well as to trade and commerce. It is the anti-thesis to the idea of Indian civilization that is based on tolerance, openness and mutual respect.

Development and human rights – a plea for a more critical embrace issue—social policy, debt and the financial system, the global aid architecture, climate change and the environment, trade and intellectual property, criminal justice—human rights is already and always, apparently, an effective normative guide. This is hard to sustain, especially with regard to development. Notwithstanding their value, core human rights concepts like ‘non-discrimination’, ‘equality’, ‘participation’, or ‘accountability’, tell us nothing about the structures and processes of development that have resulted in discrimination, inequality, and lack of participation or accountability. In fact, for decades the critique of development has been that these wrongs are inherent to its processes, not merely incidental. That is, the issue is not (merely) inadequate recognition of human rights within development, but development itself. The problem, as I see it, is that human rights and its core concepts do not provide a sufficiently deep analysis of the interior of development – the material conditions, the political, economic, and ideological structures shaping it, and the inner logic of the resulting violence against society and the environment. The human rights story of development is told largely in terms of impacts—that must be anticipated, measured and monitored, and negative ones mitigated and redressed. This risks entrenching a techno-bureaucratic rationality. Many positive and negative impacts and outcomes of development can

Vijay Nagaraj

The human rights framework provides an inadequate tool for understanding the deeper processes of development, and its uncritical embrace risks imposing a legal and bureaucratic rationality that will further mask violence and degradation indeed be explained in human rights terms. But even here the human rights approach can only recognize victims of development by framing their experience in its own normative terms rather than in terms of the social and political-economic structures and relations that cause harm. And its obvious anthropocentrism means that non-human victims do not even get an audience. How can human rights provide a ‘universal normative framework’ for something it cannot even fully explain, let alone discursively contain, except through an act of normative appropriation and forced universalization that is tantamount to discursive violence? While the push for a right to development was a contingent political maneuver by states


emerging from colonialism, it is important to ask if the very act of framing development as a right has in fact impeded the space available to question the idea of development itself. Within human rights circles the debate has tended to focus on the technical and legal substance of right to development (i.e., soft/hard law, justiciability, indicators, etc.), rather than development itself. This point is also underlined, albeit differently, in a recent book on the right to development published by the UN’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). This 500-plus-page volume on development does not appear to engage substantially with the critique of the idea of development—a voluminous body of work going back decades that is of immense political and intellectual significance. As far as this volume is concerned the history of development essentially begins with the 1986 Declaration on the Right to Development, in which is latent an internally referenced pre-history (pronouncements by various intergovernmental/UN bodies going back to the 1940s). Actually this is hardly an exception or an oversight, but rather exemplifies the tendency within mainstream human rights discourse to often erase the pasts of the ideas and vocabularies it embraces. On its front cover, the OHCHR volume includes photographs that appear to be from the protests at Tahrir Square in Cairo and the Occupy movement in New York; there is in fact a

reference to both in the High Commissioner’s foreword. But the authors - the voices inside are almost all either academics (many long in circulation within the UN System) or other ‘experts’ currently or formerly within the UN system. There are no voices from ‘Tahrir’, Occupy or other social and political movements speaking about the fundamental challenges posed to dominant ideas of freedom and development. This small but significant act of simultaneous erasure and appropriation – invoking particular, ideologically motivated narratives of resistance to bookend a very different set of universal claims – signals the dangers flowing from the bureaucratisation of ‘universal normative frameworks’. Further, the last part of the book reflects the increasing preoccupation of human rights with metrics – constructing complex measures and indicators. It is pertinent to ask if the human rights approach is increasingly tending towards melding a juridical rationality with a technobureaucratic rationality (characteristic of dominant neo-liberal economic and development thinking), to generate a new knowledge-power complex with far reaching ‘truth effects’. None of this is to suggest that the human rights framework has nothing to contribute to debates around development or economic policy. Rather, it is a plea that it starts from a more modest place, one that not only recognises its own limitations but also the importance of political histories and other ethical vocabularies. The idea that human rights can provide a ‘normative universal framework’ for just about everything is as dangerous as it is mistaken. Given its vulnerability to being structured from above by a global human rights machinery and the state and non-state investments in it, more than ever before the human rights discourse merits a very critical embrace.




Thursday 23 October 2014

India still on guard against polio New Delhi, OctOber 22 ((iANS): Despite being declared polio-free by the World Health Organization (WHO), India has not let its guard down and is screening passengers from neighbouring countries where the disease is still endemic, officials said Wednesday. India completed 3 full years without reporting any case of polio, which was celebrated as a landmark event for a south Asian country. The WHO certified India as polio free in March. “We, however, have to be careful that the disease does not enter the country again and have scaled up measures to prevent the virus from re-entering,” a health ministry official said. India has in fact made it mandatory for all travellers from certain countries, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, to take the polio vaccine. All visitors from Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Syria, Kenya, Somalia, Nigeria and Pakistan are required to take the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) six weeks before departure from their country, the official said. Polio vaccine will also be administered to all travellers from India to these polio-affected countries. The new polio vaccination regime has come into effect from March 1. India has not reported any case of polio since a twoyear-old girl got polio paralysis Jan 13, 2011, in West Bengal’s Howrah district. This is an unprecedented progress for a country which reported more than half the global polio cases until 2009, the WHO had said. Experts had predicted India would be the last to stop polio as its endemic pockets in parts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar were among the most difficult places in the world for polio eradication. The WHO said India overcame huge challenges, with a strong commitment that matched $2 billion allocation over the years to stop polio.India reported more than half of the global polio cases until 2009. India introduced the oral polio vaccine in 1985 in the universal immunization programme in the backdrop of over 200,000 cases of polio annually. WHO regional director for South-East Asia Poonam Khetrapal-Singh said: “World Polio Day is a reminder of our monumental victory over polio. A victory that came through extraordinary efforts leading to polio-free certification of WHO’s South-East Asia region in March this year. “But as we recall our victory over this crippling virus, we must remain mindful that the risk of polio persists and we need to continue our efforts until polio is eradicated globally,” she said.

The Morung Express

Black Money: Cong dares Jaitley to come out with full information

New Delhi, OctOber 22 (Pti): Congress on Wednesday launched a blistering attack on Finance Minister Arun Jaitley over his remarks that disclosure of names of those holding illicit foreign accounts will embarrass the Opposition party and dared him to come out with full information instead of “half truths” and “selective leakage”. “Congress is not going to be blackmailed under any such threat....Congress party is above individuals. Stricter possible action should be taken against whoever is involved in it but that should not be inspired by vindictiveness and it should also not be half truth,” AICC Communication Department chairman Ajay Maken told reporters here. The issue of blackmoney has led to a war of words between the ruling BJP and Congress. The government recently told the Supreme Court that it cannot disclose the names of Swiss bank account holders, a stand the UPA had taken earlier. As Congress accused the BJP government of “practising “hypocrisy” on the issue, Jaitely yesterday

Jaitley hints at UPA minister’s name in black money list

New Delhi, OctOber 22 (Pti): Finance Minister Arun Jaitley Wednesday may have dropped hints that a minister in the previous UPA government could be one of those who had stashed money abroad. “ I

said, “The names (of black money account holders) will be public shortly... I can assure you there is no embarrassment I (BJP) will have when all the names are disclosed. There is some embarrassment the Congress party will have because of those names”. Dismissing it, AICC general secretary Digvi-

know who you are hinting at. But please wait for the appropriate time,” he told a news channel when asked if he was not violating the treaty (on confidentiality) if you say that it could be a person in Manmohan Singh’s council of ministers. Asked if he was not denying that there could be minister from the UPA government, Jaitley quipped, “I am neither confirming nor denying, I am only smiling.” To a question if there was anyone from the council of ministers of the government headed by Manmohan Singh, he said, “I don’t want to give details about that because then again I will end up violating the treaty, I don’t want to give those details.” To another question whether an influential member of the Congress party was among the names with the government, he said, “If we are able to prove charges against any person, politician or otherwise, the names will be told to

jay Singh accused Jaitley of “bluffing” while Youth Congress chief Rajiv Satav wondered what is stopping the Finance Minister from naming those people. Reacting sharply to Jaitley’s remarks, Maken said, “There is no need to blackmail Congress. Whatever name they have, they should reveal and act as they have a

the court and it will become public. I don’t want to get into specific details at the moment because I don’t want to be accused of violating the treaty.” Explaining the process involved in prosecuting the persons named by foreign government of holding black money abroad, he said the accounts will be made public in accordance with the due process of law. “So, all we intend to tell the (Supreme) court is, we will make those names public against whom charges have been filed in the court,” he said. When told that political parties protect political parties in such matters, Jaitley said, “that is absolutely wrong. If my opponent’s name is there I will be very enthusiastic in declaring the names. “I think you wait for the facts. In case charges are proved against some politician, that politician he or she happens to be a member of any political parties, the names would be made public.”

government. They should not try to blackmail us. “We also tell them not to limit the declaration of names only to 136 individuals. We want to tell the BJP and the Prime Minister that half truth is not the truth. They should not go for selective and vindictive leakages. They should come out with all the names.”

Maken also recalled that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his Lok Sabha election campaign, had said that if the black money is brought back, each citizen will have Rs 15 lakh while Home Minister Rajnath Singh, who was then BJP President, had promised to bring back black money within 100

days. “Do not mislead people about names. People of the country are not going to get into this trap of names. People of the country are waiting that when will the government bring back blackmoney. 100 days have already passed and it is to be 150 days. So not not a single penny has come.” “People of the country including me are waiting for Rs 15 lakh to come into their accounts as was promised by Modi ji,” he said. Youth Congress president Rajiv Satava said on Twitter, “A traitor is a traitor. He is neither a Congressman nor a BJP man. What is stopping Jaitley ji from naming the traitors?” AICC general secretary Digvijay Singh tweeted “FM instead of bluffing people should tell us when he is depositing 3 L (lakh) in a/c of every citizen as promised by Modi in his campaign speeches.” Continuing in another tweet, he said ,”Can it be a Diwali gift under Jan Dhan Yojna or we have to wait till 2019 ! FEKUISM at its best once again.” Congress had attacked Narendra Modi during the Lok Sabha campaign on social media under the hashtag ‘Feku’.

India ready for nuclear CPI-M calls for radical electoral reforms no-first-use agreements UNiteD NAtiONS, OctOber 22 (iANS): Reiterating its traditional policy of not using nuclear weapons first and not targeting non-nuclear weapons nations, India has offered to enter into agreements incorporating the two principles while ruling out joining the non-proliferation treaty. “As a responsible nuclear power India has a policy of credible minimum deterrence based on a No First Use posture and nonuse of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states,” Ambassador D.B. Venkatesh Varma said Monday. “We are prepared to convert these into bilateral or multilateral legally binding arrangements.” Varma, the Indian Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, was speaking at a meeting of the UN General Assembly Committee on Disarmament and International Peace. While New Delhi is “unwavering in its commitment to universal, nondiscriminatory, verifiable nuclear disarmament”, he said, “there is no question of India joining the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) as a non-nuclear weapon state.” That would require New Delhi unilaterally giving up its nuclear weapons. On another matter impacting the restriction of nuclear weapons, Varma

offered New Delhi’s qualified support to the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) negotiations. “Without prejudice to the priority we attach to nuclear disarmament, we support the negotiation in the Conference on Disarmament of an FMCT that meets India’s national security interests,” he said. Such a treaty would stop the making of materials that could be used in nuclear weapons. Reintroducing a draft resolution on a Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons, he criticised countries with nuclear weapons coverage that have repeatedly voted against the proposed measure since it was first introduced in 1982. Varma expressed “regret that a sizeable minority of member states - some of them nuclear weapon states, some with nuclear weapons stationed on their soil and others with alliance partnerships underwritten by policies of first use of nuclear weapons - have voted against this resolution”. And, “for reasons that are difficult to understand, some member states which are today in the forefront of efforts to highlight the humanitarian impact of use of nuclear weapons have also voted against this resolution”. Reflecting the concern of the international com-

munity to the dangers from terrorists, Varma said India will be introducing again a draft resolution on “measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction”. Participating in the debate, Pakistan called for the development of an international non-proliferation system “through policies that are equitable, criteriabased and non-discriminatory”. In what may be seen as an indirect criticism directed at India, Yasar Ammar, a third secretary in Pakistan’s UN mission, said, “There should be no exceptionalism or preferential treatment driven by motivations of power and profit.” The US has an agreement with India on civilian cooperation in nuclear field and because New Delhi has not signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, it required a waiver from the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), an international body that deals with trade in nuclear materials and technology. Pakistan wants a similar agreement with the US, which has been cool to it because of Islamabad’s record of transferring nuclear technology. India has the support of the US, Russia, Britain, and France for joining the NSG. Pakistan opposes India’s membership if it is not extended to it also.

New Delhi, OctOber 22 (iANS): The CPI-M Wednesday called for radical electoral reforms, saying the BJP was winning legislative majorities with just a third or less percentage of popular support. This was due to the anomalies of the ‘first-past-the post’ system in elections, the Communist Party of India-Marxist said in an editorial in its journal “People’s Democracy”. This called for “radical changes in our electoral system, including, moving towards a proportional representation through, may be, initially, a ‘partial proportional representation’ system practiced

in several Western democracies today,” it said. “The BJP seems to be by now perfecting the art of securing for itself a majority, under multi-polar electoral contests while receiving a third or less percentage of people’s support,” the editorial said. “It won a comfortable majority in the Lok Sabha polling just 31 percent of the votes cast. “In Haryana, it has now won a majority by polling 33 percent of the polled vote. In Maharashtra, it has won 123 seats polling only 29 percent,” it said. “The results of these state assemblies have, again, underlined the urgency to initiate such re-

forms to strengthen our system of parliamentary democracy and make it truly democratic - rule of the majority. “Instead, we now have continuously at the centre and in a majority of states, a situation when parties/coalitions control the government polling less votes in their favour than the votes polled against them. “Such a distortion of democracy needs urgent correction,” it said. The CPI-M said the Maharashtra verdict showed there had been a decline in support for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) since the Lok Sabha election. “The BJP and Shiv Sena which

contested Lok Sabha elections together led in 245 of 288 assembly segments at that time. “This time around, the BJP won 123 and Shiv Sena 63, together 186 in comparison. Even discounting a highly disputed theory that together they may have won more seats, this shortfall is still significant... “The claims of growing BJP support in the country needs also to be tempered by the fact that in Maharashtra, it can only form the government by forging an alliance with some other parties,” it added. “Under these circumstances, the claims by the BJP leaders that the era of coalition is over sounds incredulous.”

Saradha scam: CBI files first chargesheet KOlKAtA, OctOber 22 (iANS): The CBI Wednesday filed its first chargesheet in the Saradha scam, naming scam kingpin Sudipta Sen, his close aide Debjani Mukherjee and suspended Trinamool Congress parliamentarian Kunal Ghosh. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) filed the chargesheet in the Saradha Tours and Travels case before the court of the metropolitan magistrate here. “The chargesheet has been filed against Sen, Mukherjee, Ghosh and four Saradha Group Companies and Strategy Media, a company owned by Ghosh, under sections 120 B, 409 and 420 Indian Penal Code and sections 4 and 6 of the Prize Chit and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act 1978,” a CBI official said. The Saradha Tours and Travels was allegedly favoured in getting a contract from the IRCTC for providing logistics support to the “Bharat Tirth” project announced in the 2010-11 railway budget by the then railway minister Mamata Banerjee. This was the first chargesheet submitted by the investigation agency after it took over the probe of the multi-crore-rupee scam following a directive by the Supreme Court in May. The CBI has questioned and arrested many high profile people, including Trin- Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj, right, shakes hand with Mexican Secretary of Foreign amool leader and former IPS officer Rajat Majumdar. Affairs Jose Antonio Meade Kuribrena in New Delhi on Wednesday, October 22. Kuribrena is on a four-day visit to India. (AP Photo)

Fears for penalties grow as India cleans up business

MUMbAi, OctOber 22 (reUterS): An unprecedented ban on DLF, India’s largest property developer, from tapping capital markets has fuelled expectations of tougher penalties ahead, as the country’s regulators feel emboldened to take on even companies long sheltered by political connections. The result has been a slide over the past week in shares of firms known to be under investigation - adding to what was already a year-long weakness in the stocks of companies seen as tied to the Congress party, which was ousted from power in May. Cleaning up India’s grubby business climate is top of the agenda for

both regulators and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, which was elected in May partly on a promise to do just that. India ranks 94th among 177 nations in the global corruption index published by Transparency International. “If you are in a business which depends on government largesse, then questions will be asked,” said Avinash Vazirani, a London-based manager with the Jupiter India Fund. Shares in Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JNSP.NS: Quote, Profile, Research), for example, have dropped 8.6 percent since Oct. 13, when regulator SEBI announced its bar on the country’s largest listed

property developer DLF Ltd (DLF.NS: Quote, Profile, Research). Local media also reported that police are investigating the firm over accusations it paid bribes to secure coal blocks. Jindal’s chairman is a former member of the Congress party. Jindal Steel and Power did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Other investigations of companies with ties to Congress include one into whether a former minister allowed Malaysia’s Maxis Group to take over mobile carrier Aircel in exchange for investments in Sun Group companies belonging to the brother of the minister. Companies belong-

ing to the Sun Group have fallen. Sun TV Network Ltd (SUTV.NS: Quote, Profile, Research) has dropped 5 percent since SEBI’s ruling on DLF, while the broader index has been flat. Sun Group did not immediately respond to requests for comments. DLF itself has slumped 17.4% since the SEBI ruling. The punishment doled out to DLF - for failing to provide key information on subsidiaries and pending legal cases at the time of its initial public offering in 2007 - showed how painful the clean-up process could be, even for heavyweights with political ties. It came weeks after the Supreme Court cancelled more than 200 coal min-

ing licenses, citing the arbitrary and illegal allocation process of the previous government, which threw billions of dollars of investment into question. The new government says it will auction the cancelled blocks, spurring hopes of more transparent allocations. DLF - whose founder has traced his success back to a chance encounter with the Congress party’s Rajiv Gandhi before he became prime minister - was already fighting India’s antitrust regulator in court. It is now appealing last week’s SEBI ban. SEBI did not respond to a request for comment. Politics and business have long been closely con-

nected in India, especially in sectors such as coal and telecoms, which depend on large government contracts and are often funded by state-owned banks. Political funding remains opaque at best. MISSION CREEP Investors have welcomed the effort to clean up India’s capital markets, but many caution that excessive zeal carries risks for both broom-wielding regulators and investors. The Central Bureau of Investigation sparked indignation after publicly announcing a probe into industrialist Kumar Mangalam Birla last December in relation to a coal block allocated to a company be-

longing to his Aditya Birla Group. It dropped the case in August, citing a lack of evidence. “There could be a risk of throwing out the baby with the bathwater - just because you have some political links doesn’t mean you have done anything wrong,” said Jupiter’s Vazirani. “If you look at this coal mining saga, a whole list of companies were investigated and cleared of wrongdoing. Despite that, the licenses were cancelled - because the government did not follow the law.” For others, this may be the end of the political connections that for so long oiled the wheels of busi-

ness in India. Saurabh Mukherjea, head of institutional equities at Ambit Capital, maintains an index of 75 stocks whose core competitive advantage is political connectivity. It has underperformed the Sensex since 2011, despite an improved performance in the leadup to the April-May general election. Modi himself has not commented on regulatory investigations or legal cases. But he has not been shy about making political hay from accusations of Congress party sleaze, harping on DLF land transactions in the state of Haryana ahead of elections there last week. DLF has denied any wrongdoing.


the Morung express

Thursday 23 October 2014



Hong Kong protesters march after fruitless talks with the government HONG KONG, OctOber 22 (reuters): About 200 Hong Kong protesters marched to the home of the city’s Beijingbacked leader on Wednesday to push their case for greater democracy a day after talks between student leaders and senior officials failed to break the deadlock. Others continued to occupy main streets in the Chinesecontrolled city, where they have camped for nearly a month in protest against a central government plan that would give Hong Kong people the chance to vote for their own leader in 2017 but tightly restrict the candidates to Beijing loyalists. A wide chasm separates the protesters and the government, which has labelled their actions illegal and repeatedly said their demand for open nominations is impossible under the laws of the former British colony. “I’m here hoping the government will listen. If they don’t listen we will come out again and again to fight for our basic, grassroots nomination right,” said protester Wing Chan, who took part in the march. Expectations had been low for a breakthrough in Tuesday’s cordial, televised talks which pitted five of the city’s most senior officials against five tenacious but poised student leaders wearing black T-shirts. Protesters were unhappy about what they felt was a lack of substantive concessions. Andy Lau, a 19-year-old college student, said now was the time to step things up. “I think it is time to seriously consider escalating the movement, such as expanding our occupation to many more places to pressure the government to really face and answer our demands,” he said.

Generational & Political division

Protesters use mirrors to reflect images of the police back at themselves, at the pro-democracy protest site in the Mong Kok district of Hong Kong, early Wednesday, October 22. Hong Kong officials and student leaders held talks Tuesday to try to end pro-democracy protests that have gripped the southern Chinese city for more than three weeks, though chances of success are slim given the vast differences between the two sides. (AP Photo)

Demonstrators marching to the home the city’s leader, Leung Chun-ying, repeated calls for him to step down. Many were angry at remarks he made this week that more representative democracy was unacceptable in part because it would result in poorer people having more say in politics. Hong Kong returned from British to Chinese rule in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” formula that allows it wide-ranging autonomy and freedoms and specifies universal suffrage as an ultimate goal. But Beijing is wary about copycat demands for reform on the mainland eroding the Communist Party’s power. Leung told reporters before Tuesday’s talks that the panel that picks candidates for the 2017 elec-

tion could be made “more democratic”. That was first indication of a possible concession. ‘VERY DISAPPOINTED’ The end-game for the protests remains unclear. Hong Kong’s high court issued injunctions this week barring protesters from blocking roads, but the police appeared unwilling or incapable of carrying them out. On Wednesday afternoon, a handful of taxi drivers who had filed the injunction turned up at the Mong Kok demonstration zone, on the Kowloon side of the picture-postcard harbour, and started to pull apart makeshift barricades. Police intervened to calm the situation and make space between the two sides. The use of tear gas by

police early in the protests backfired, sparking outrage among many in Hong Kong and helping to swell the ranks of the demonstrators. Since then, police have occasionally used pepper spray and batons but they have not tried to fully clear the streets. The government appears to be in a quandary: unable to make concessions but wary that a crackdown would only exacerbate the protests. Analysts say the government is biding its time. The unprecedented open debate on democracy on Tuesday night reflected a shift in the government’s approach to engage rather than shun a movement that has lasted beyond most people’s expectations. The officials offered the prospect of discussions about how the nominat-

ing committee that will pick candidates for leader is formed, and said they would send a report to Beijing on the situation and the protesters’ demands. After the meeting, disappointed students said they had yet to decide whether to hold more talks. “It is very obvious why many people are still staying here tonight,” student leader Yvonne Leung told thousands of cheering demonstrators at the tentfilled main protest site in the Admiralty district, near government offices, on Tuesday. “It is because we absolutely have no idea what they were talking about ... The government did not give us a concrete reply and direction in the dialogue today. We are absolutely very disappointed about this.”

Shooting locks down Canadian parliament OttAWA, OctOber 22 (reuters): A gunman shot and wounded a soldier in Ottawa and then entered the country’s parliament buildings chased by police, with at least 30 shots fired, according to media and eyewitness reports on Wednesday. CBC TV said that a suspected gunman was shot dead inside the parliament building. It was not clear if he was acting alone. Ottawa police said they were actively looking for one or more suspects. Parliament was locked down and Prime Minister Stephen Harper had left the building safely as police converged on the area. As the situation developed, CBC News said in a tweeted news alert that more shots were fired near parliament and the gunman was still at large. Police and tactical teams converged on the area, crouching behind police cars and along fences. Police cleared streets around parliament and cleared people from the area, shouting “it’s still active.” People in downtown Ottawa should stay away from windows and off roofs due to an “ongoing police incident,” the Royal Canadian Mounted Police cautioned in a statement. The wounded soldier was taken into an ambulance where medical personnel could be seen giving him cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. The shooting comes two days after an Islamic convert ran down two Canadian soldiers with his car, killing one, near Montreal, before being shot and killed by police.

risks. “We know that we are fighting against something that we don’t totally understand. We know what can happen. We know we’re going to a hostile environment,” said Leonardo Fernandez, 63. “But it is our duty. That’s how we’ve been educated.” The Ebola virus has killed more than 4,500 people since March, mostly in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. The numbers include more than 200 healthcare workers. Some 165 doctors and nurses have already arrived in Sierra Leone and another 91 were flying on Tuesday for six-month missions, with 53 destined for Liberia and 38 for Guinea. Yet another 205 medical professionals have undergone a three-week training course in Cuba, with extensive practice in using the protective, full-body suits, but have yet to receive an

government to abandon a requirement by China’s legislature for a committee to screen candidates for inaugural 2017 elections for the top leader. They say it gives the city’s pro-Beijing elite too much say. President Xi Jinping, who has taken a hard-line approach to dissent in other Chinese regions, is unlikely to give any ground. As student leaders considered whether to meet officials again, protesters vowed to keep occupying the protest zones despite three court injunctions granted this week to taxi and minibus operators and the owner of an office tower ordering them to leave. Cheung Kuen, a retired 55-year-old stock trader who watched the entire meeting, said there were no winners. “The students have their rights, and the government has its problems,” Cheung said. “Nothing has changed. The government side already gave some proposals, which were not very deep. The students and society already know them. Hong Kong is only a region and can’t do any more so now it’s about who has more patience.”




Dated.Kohima the th Oct.2014 NO.IND/DEV/HORNBILL/314/03: The selected list for allotment of stalls at India International Trade Fair at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from 14th to 27th Nov. 2014 and Hornbill Festival at Naga Heritage Village, Kohima from 1st to 10th Dec. 2014 is shown as per the annexure I & II enclosed. A N N E X U R E –II NO.IND/EXH-PUB/2/90 (Vol-II) Dated Kohima,the th Oct. 2014 The following under mentioned Societies/Individuals are hereby allotted stalls for Exhibition cum Sale of Local Indigenous Produce at Nagaland Pavilion,Pragati Maidan, New Delhi during the India International Trade Fair from 14th to 27th Nov. 2014. All the selected entrepreneurs will strictly follow to display Indigenous Products. The selected Societies/Individuals are hereby directed to submit 2 passport photo for 2(two) persons per stall by 31st Oct. 2014 at Exhibition Branch, Directorate of Industries & Commerce. Kohima Sl. No Name & Address of the participants No. Of Stalls alloted 1 Shokenye, Tseminyu Town, Kohima. 1 nos 2 M/s Lila Weaving Society, Nepali Bosti, Dimapur. 1 nos 3 M/s Gwasenle Weaving Unit, Nepali Basti, Dimapur 1 nos 4 Chalemla, Kiphire. 1 nos 5 Sipiru Pochury, Dimapur. 1 nos 6 Medovinou Talie, Dimapur. 1 nos 7 Ato Chuzho, Dimapur. 1 nos 8 M/s Weaving Industrial Centre, PWD Colony, Kohima. 1 nos 9 M/s Sano Chaya Society, Chandmari, Kohima. 1 nos 10 Nyekha Craft Unit, Diphupar Village, Dimapur. 1 nos 11 Lima Craft Society, Duncan Basti, Dimapur. 1 nos 12 M/s Titipen SHG, Chumukedima, Dimapur 1 nos 13 Niehulu Yoho, Phusachodu Village, Phek. 1 nos 14 M/s Sungyu SHG, Kumlong Ward, Mokokchung 1 nos 15 M/s Simu Weaving & Knitting Unit, Padumpukhuri, Di- 1 nos mapur. 16 VIDI Society, Kohima 1 nos 17 Naga Roots, Dimapur. 1 nos 18 Detolu Lohe, Porba Village, Pfutsreo. 1 nos 19 Charity Club MPSC, Wokha. Ph.no-9862110257 1 nos 20 Gugu Kuotsu, Dimapur. Ph.no-9612856869 1 nos 21 Neihunuo Sorhie,Kohima 1 nos (Keneilel Angami) Director of Industries & Commerce

A N N E X U R E -I



NO.IND/DEV/HORNBILL/314/03 Dated.Kohima the th Oct. 2014 The following under mentioned Societies/Individuals/Departments are hereby allotted stall at Bamboo Pavilion,Naga Heritage Village, Kohima for Exhibition cum Sale of Local Indigenous Produce during the Hornbill Festival from 1st to 10th Dec. 2014. All the selected entrepreneurs will strictly follow to display Indigenous Products. The selected Societies/Individuals/Departments are directed to pay the rent fee from 24th to 5th Nov. 2014 at Exhibition Branch, Directorate of Industries & Commerce, Kohima.Those who fail to pay the rent fee within the stipulated time will be cancalled.

A Royal Canadian Mounted Police intervention team responds to a reported shooting at Parliament building in Ottawa, Wednesday, October 22. A soldier standing guard at the National War Memorial has been shot by an unknown gunman and there have been reports of gunfire inside the halls of Parliament. (AP Photo)

Cuban doctors proud to risk lives in mission to halt Ebola

HAVANA, OctOber 22 (reuters): Cuban doctors and nurses departing for West Africa to combat Ebola consider themselves lucky. Among the 15,000 who volunteered, they are among only 256 who have been chosen for the job. “There have been fights breaking out, heated arguments, with some doctors asking, ‘How come my colleague gets to go and I can’t?’” doctor Adrian Benitez, 46, said on Tuesday just hours before he was due to board a plane for Liberia. Despite a global alarm over the worst Ebola outbreak on record, Cuban doctors are eager to travel to West Africa and start healing the sick. Nicknamed as the “army of white robes” and citing a long history of Cuban medical missions in Africa and elsewhere, they speak of a sense of duty and are willing to assume the

HONG KONG, OctOber 22 (AP): On one side of the table sat the idealistic and earnest young students in jeans and black T-shirts, knapsacks by their sides. Facing them was the line-up of seasoned government officials in their formal suits. In an unprecedented two-hour televised meeting Tuesday, the students passionately explained why they had taken to the streets for more than three weeks to fight for greater democracy in the specially-run Chinese region. The officials responded that the students’ demands were not legally feasible. The discussion yielded scant progress, and protesters remained camped out on streets in three busy districts of the Asian financial hub on Wednesday. The meeting also highlights the vast generational and political divide that needs to be bridged to end Hong Kong’s biggest political crisis since China took control of the city 17 years ago. The student-led protests are rooted in growing discontent among young people about poor economic prospects amid one of the world’s biggest wealth gaps. The protesters want Hong Kong’s

Ebola assignment. It is the latest example of Cuba’s medical diplomacy. The Caribbean island has dispatched medical brigades to disaster sites around the world since the 1959 revolution that brought Fidel Castro to power. The communist government made 11 of the departing doctors available to reporters on Tuesday. All of them have been on previous overseas missions, and they all expressed pride in their mission, saying their families were supportive. There is no proven cure for Ebola, and about half those who contract it die. With economic aid from the Soviet Union, Cuba built a healthcare system that was the envy of the developing world, though some of those advances have been lost since the communist bloc collapsed. Many Cuban hospitals

have fallen into disrepair and Cubans say they have difficulty getting medical appointments or finding medicine. With 83,000 doctors today, Cuba says it has 7.2 physicians per 1,000 people, one of the highest rates in the world. But with about 25,000 doctors working overseas, that ratio falls to about 4.6, even when counting 5,500 recent medical school graduates, according to Health Minister Roberto Morales. While Cuba provides doctors and nurses for disaster relief free of charge, it also exchanges them for cash or goods on more routine missions. In all, there are more than 50,000 health workers in 66 countries. Those recruited for the Ebola missions underwent three weeks of training at the Pedro Kouri Tropical Medicine Institute on the outskirts of Havana,

where trainers set up a field hospital of tents to simulate conditions in West Africa. Should any Cuban doctors or nurses contract Ebola in West Africa, they will be treated at a special site for international aid workers until they are cured or die, said Jorge Perez, director of the Pedro Kouri institute. All of them will be held for at least 21 days of observation at the hospital upon returning to Cuba, the same as any visitor coming to the island from the affected countries. Despite the risks and inconvenience, Ivan Rodriguez, 50, said his family was supportive and proud. “I would have felt disappointed and sad if they would have been afraid for me to take this step,” Rodriguez said. “Now, there are 15,000 (volunteers). I’m convinced there could be 15,000 more.”

Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

No. Of stalls M/s Viholi Zhimo, Dimapur 1 nos Alon M.P.C.S Ltd, Dimapur. 1 nos M/s Aienla Jamir, Dimapur 1 nos M/s Imstalar Handloom Unit, Dimapur. 1 nos Nizau Women Society, Dimapur. M/s Kenny Society, Kohima village 1 nos M/s Handloom Centre, Kohima, 1 nos Nagaland Weavers Association, Kohima 3 nos M/s Temsula, Kohima. 1 nos M/s Handloom Store, Kohima 1 nos Sungyu (SHG), Mokokchung 1 nos Dunyis’ Multi-Purpose Society, Phek 1 nos Nen Chizami Weave, Phek. 1 nos Alih Konyak, Mon. 1 nos M/s Ebibeni, Wokha 1 nos Miss.Jenneyfere Yasey, Malaysia 1 nos M/s Songmao, Dimapur, 1 nos Chuba Wooden Crafts, Dimapur 1 nos Craft & Development Society, Dimapur, 1 nos M/s VK Lohe & Sons, Dimapur 1 nos Naga Indigenous Crafts, Dimapur 1 nos M/s Yemyatetla, Dimapur 1 nos Classic wood craft, Dimapur. 1 nos Chekro Welfare Association, Dimapur. 1 nos Local Decorative & Handicraft, Dimapur, 1 nos M/s Pongener Craft, Dimapur. 1 nos M/s Kiitholiito Phesa-o, Dimapur. 1 nos Kinro Design, Dimapur 1 nos M/s Cane & Bamboo, Kohima village. 1 nos Craft It, Kohima. 1 nos Woodland Crafts Unit, Kohima. 1 nos M/s Kezhaseria Meyase, Kohima. 1 nos UNIQRAFT, Kohima. 1 nos M/s Black Stone Pottery, Kohima 1 nos Ching-tam Handicraft,Imphal, Manipur 1 nos M/s Andi Chophy, Dimapur 1 nos Name & Address of the Applicant

Sl. No 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 1 2

37 M/s Kashini, Dimapur 38 M/s Akhali Handloom & Handicraft Unit, Dimapur 39 M/s N. Savino,Craft Council of Nagaland, Dimapur 40 M/s K.Onia, Dimapur.

1 nos 3 1 nos 4

41 Tarensen (SHG), Dimapur

1 nos 7

1 nos 5 1 nos 6

No. Of stalls Kirep MPSC, Dimapur, 1 nos Khriesavilie Vitsu, Dimapur. 1 nos M/s Handloom Handicraft, Kohima 1 nos M/s Longnarola SHG, Mokokchung 1 nos Creative Hills Craft (SHG), Jalukie 1 nos Manli Konyak, Mon 1 nos Okho (SHG), Dimapur 1 nos Friends (SHG), Dimapur 1 nos Naga Roots, Dimapur. 1 nos M/s Tsanino Emporium, Kohima, 1 nos M/s Temsubenla Lanu, Kohima. 1 nos Lorenzas, Kohima. 1 nos M/s Narola Shilu Ao, Mokokchung. 1 nos M/s Ester Collection, Pughoboto 1 nos M/s Mesengulo-u, Dimapur 1 nos M/s Asune, Dimapur. 1 nos M/s Nobi, Dimapur, 1 nos M/s Sane Rose, Dimapur 1 nos Serenity(SHG), Dimapur. 1 nos Tepenjem MSPC, Dimapur. 1 nos M/s Orchids flowers & Handmade, Kohima 1 nos Yhenyele Tep, Kohima. 1 nos Moakala Aier, Dimapur . 1 nos Jaikar Mojris, Mumbai. 1 nos Heritage Publishing House, Dimapur 1 nos M/s Easterine Kire, Kohima. 1 nos M/s Precious me Love, Dimapur 1 nos M/s Theja Sekhose, Kohima. 1 nos M/s Tribal Farmer’s Association, Peren. 1 nos M/s Lady Bug, Kohima 1 nos Gorilla Marketing, Dimapur. 1 nos National Insurance Co.Ltd, Dimapur. 1 nos Airtel, Guwahati. 1 nos DEPARTMENTS Tourism Department 5 nos North Eastern Development Finance Cor- 1 nos poration (NEDFI), Kohima. Department of Art & Culture 1 nos Khadi & Village Industries, Kohima 8 nos Name & Address of the Applicant

Department of Post: India Kohima, 1 nos Ph.no-9436601324 Directorate of Underdeveloped Areas, Ko- 2 nos hima. Ph.No-8974052450 Nagaland Social Welfare Board Kohima. 3 nos ph.no-9612163251 (Keneilel Angami) Director of Industries & Commerce




Thursday 23 October 2014

The Morung Express

BoxeR SaRITa SuSpenDeD 3rd Inter Dept Tourney Mon District foR aSIan GaMeS pRoTeST MON, OcTObeR 22 (DiPR): In connection to the 3rd Inter Departmental Tournament 2014 of Mon district which is scheduled for November 18 to 22, the Deputy Commissioner and President of Officers’ Club, Mon, Angau I. Thou, IAS, has in a notification informed that SDO (Civil) Sadar, Keyirangding Hequi, NCS will be the Convenor of the Organising Committee. The DC also informed that it will be mandatory for all the Departments based in Mon Headquarters to participate in at least one category of the event and the outposts are also fervently

requested to participate. Departments failing to participate will attract a penalty of Rs. 5,000/-. Sporting events include badminton, carrom, table tennis for both men and women and the categories include singles, doubles and mixed double. The winners and runners up will be awarded cash prizes with medal and citation. There will be eleven Categories of competitions and the winners will be awarded with medals and cash prizes. The registration fee of Rs. 500/- only per entry shall be charged from all the participating Departments. The last date

of registration is by November 15. The forms must duly be filled up and submitted at the DC’s office during office hours along with one flag of the department concern with logo, if any, and with “Government of Nagaland” in a dimension of 3 X 4 feet. There is no limit on the number of teams participating from one Department, however, an individual can only partake in two categories. Retired government officers from the district are also allowed. In this connection, a social work will be conducted on November 15 at the Officers’ Club from 8 a.m.

20th n.D. Memorial Trophy from nov 1

DiMAPUR, OcTObeR 22 (MexN): Dimapur Lotha Students’ Union has informed that the 20th Late N.D. Memorial Football Running Trophy 2014 will be held from November 1 to 7 at State Stadium, Dimapur, near D.C. Court Junction. A press release from DLSU Games & Sports Secretary, R.

Elis Lotha, has informed that S. Richard Humtsoe, Member, Vigilance & Monitoring Committee, Ministry of Rural Development for Nagaland, will grace the opening ceremony as chief guest while Ntsemo Ngullie, General Secretary, Naga Council Dimapur, will grace the closing ceremony as special

guest. The DLSU Sports Secretary has informed that participating players should be bona fide Lothas only. Scheduling of fixtures will be held at 2 p.m. on October 30 which will also be the last date for form submission. For further information, one may contact 9862530532, 9615670127.

Bhaichung inducted to AFC'S hall of fame

India's L. Sarita Devi, right, waves and leaves the podium, as gold medallist China's Yin Junhua gestures to her watched by bronze medalist Vietnam's Thi Duyen Luu, and silver medallist South Korea's Park Ji-na stands by the side, after Devi refused her bronze medal during the medal ceremony for the women’s light 60-kilogram division boxing at the 17th Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea, Wednesday, October 1, 2014. India's protest against the outcome of an Asian Games boxing semifinal that was awarded to South Korea's Park Ji-na over Devi in New Delhi, OcTObeR 22 the women's 60-kilogram division was rejected on Tuesday. Devi rejected her medal in protest against the result. (AP Photo)

New Delhi, OcTObeR 22 (PTi): Taking a strict action, AIBA has provisionally suspended India's woman boxer Laishram Sarita Devi for refusing to accept the bronze medal at the Asian Games podium ceremony. Protesting against a controversial verdict, Sarita in an unprecedented move, had refused to wear the medal around her neck as she broke down on the podium during the ceremony for the 57-60 kg category. "The AIBA also provisionally suspended Sarita's coaches (Messrs Gurbakhsh Singh

Sandhu, Blas Iglesias Fernandez and Sagar Mal Dhayal) as well as Indian chef-de-mission in the Incheon Asiad, Adille J Sumariwalla and will not allow any of them to participate at all levels of competitions, events and meetings until further notice," an AIBA statement said. This case has been sent for review by the AIBA Disciplinary Commission and it means that Sarita Devi, the above mentioned coaches as well as Sumariwalla, will not be allowed to participate in the AIBA women's world boxing champi-

onships in Jeju Islands (Korea), 2014, the statement added. The 29-year-old boxer accepted the medal in her hand and wiped her tears holding it, before handing it to South Korean silver medallist Ji-Na Park, who had defeated Sarita after what seemed to be a "bad" referee decision. Even though the AIBA had taken note of her written apology, the international body surprisingly decided to suspend the boxer and the national coaches. Reacting to her suspension, Sarita said that she

is unaware of the development and will only act when she gets a formal word from AIBA. "I have not received any communication from AIBA as of now. When I will see the letter, I will decide what I have to do," Sarita said. On the other hand, coach Sandhu was optimistic about the situation and said the matter will be resolved soon. "We have got the notice from AIBA and we have to reply to it in 7 days time. We are preparing our reply and hopefully the matter will be resolved," said Sandhu.

(iANS): Former Indian football team captain Bhaichung Bhutia has been inducted to the Asian Football Confederation's (AFC) Hall of Fame, the continent's football governing body confirmed Wednesday. "It is my pleasure to announce that India's legendary player Bhaichung Bhutia has been selected to be honoured as an inductee to the AFC's Hall of Fame," Dato Alex Soosay, general secretary of AFC, wrote in a letter to the All India Football Federation (AIFF) Wednesday. Besides Bhaichung, nine other legendary footballers of the continent

will be inducted to the elite list. The awards are being instituted for the first time and Bhaichung is the sole Indian to be recognised. "The AFC is celebrating its 60th anniversary in the Philippines Nov 30 where a joint event will take place to celebrate the occasion as well as reward Asia's finest at the AFC annual awards," Soosay wrote in the letter. Bhaichung thanked the AFC for the honour. "It's a great honour for me. I need to thank AFC for finding me competent enough. I also need to thank AIFF for their continuous support." Bhaichung said. "It wouldn't have been possible without the support of

all my teammates, coaches and the clubs I have represented. A special thanks to all my fans. This award is more for you than mine," he said in a statement Wednesday. AIFF president Praful Patel and general secretary Kushal Das congratulated the Sikkimborn striker. "Bhaichung has been the flag-bearer of Indian football in over 100 international matches. My heartiest congratulations to him. Post retirement, he has been closely associated with AIFF and we expect to work closely for the development of the sport in the country," Praful Patel said.

West Indies seek talks Bayern beats Roma for record away win with India after legal threat

bRiDGeTOwN, OcTObeR 22 (ReUTeRS): The West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) will ask for a meeting with their Indian counterparts as they seek to find a way out of the crisis caused by the abandonment of their tour. Hours after India's powerful board (BCCI) announced they would take legal action against the WICB and were suspending all planned tours of the Caribbean -- moves that could have a devastating financial impact on the West Indies -- officials gathered at a beachside hotel to deal with the fallout. The return home of the team after the fourth of five one-day internationals and before three scheduled tests, left India facing losses, according to local media reports, of around $65 million. After a seven-hour meeting, the WICB issued a statement that was clearly designed to appeal to the BCCI and which did not include any sanctions against players who had quit the tour. "The West Indies Cricket Board regrets, and is deeply embarrassed, by the premature and unfortunate end to the recent tour of India," the statement read. "The WICB once again expresses to the BCCI and all stakeholders -- especially the cricket-loving public of the West Indies and India -- sorrow for the events leading up to this development. "The WICB believes a way can be found to repair the damage that has been caused and to ensure similar events do not recur, with the focus being on the betterment of West Indies and world cricket," the statement added. As well as requesting a meeting with the BCCI, the West Indies board said they had set up a task force to examine the cause of the tour's collapse. The WICB

also vowed to "assure Cricket South Africa that it will use its best endeavours to ensure a successful tour of South Africa as scheduled". The first of three tests against South Africa is due to start on Dec. 17.

Lucrative Deals India were due to tour the Caribbean in 2016 and if that tour is lost, the WICB will miss out on lucrative television and sponsorship deals. The cause of the conflict was a new 'Memorandum of Understanding' and collective agreement between the WICB and their union, the West Indies Players Association (WIPA), regarding payment for the cricketers which the leading test players said was signed in September without their consent. The players said the deal would result in a significant loss of earnings while the WICB argue the new arrangement allows for more cricketers across the Caribbean to be given central contracts. Grenada's Prime Minister Keith Mitchell on Tuesday publicly offered his services as a mediator and said the crisis was bad for the entire Caribbean. "It is a bit frightening for the region, not just for sport, but for our people, our economies on the whole," he added. The situation has caused dismay in a region where, despite disappointing performances, there remains a great passion for cricket and pride in West Indies's past achievements. There appears little sympathy for any of the disputing parties but former pace bowler Michael Holding put the blame at the feet of the WICB. "The problem with West Indies is that the WICB always pushes things to the brink and waits till the last moment," said Holding, now a television commentator.

ROMe, OcTObeR 22 (AP): Pep Guardiola's Bayern Munich lineup is finally starting to resemble his Barcelona team that revolutionized football not too long ago. Arjen Robben scored twice as Bayern routed Roma 7-1 on Tuesday for a club-record away win in the Champions League, showing the German club is once again among the favorites to take the title. Having taken target practice in a 6-0 rout of Werder Bremen at the weekend, it was more of the same from Bayern early on at the Stadio Olimpico with five goals in the first half. "It seemed like watching Barcelona again, with small, rapid players running all over the place," Roma midfielder Daniele De Rossi said. Robben put the 2013 champion ahead nine minutes in with an expertly curled shot from a tough angle, before Germany's World Cup hero Mario Goetze doubled the lead in the 23rd and Robert Lewandowski made it 3-0 in the 25th. Again taking advantage of poor defense from Ashley Cole, Robben scored his second goal on

Bayern's Franck Ribery, center, chased by Roma's Vasilis Torosidis, scores past Roma goalkeeper Morgan De Sanctis during the Group E Champions League soccer match between Roma and Bayern Munich at the Olympic stadium, in Rome on October 21. (AP Photo)

the half-hour and then Thomas Mueller added a penalty in the 35th after Kostas Manolas was whistled for a handball at the edge of the area. Gervinho pulled one back for Roma in the 66th, 10 minutes after hitting the post, but then substitutes Franck Ribery and Zherdan Shaqiri added more goals for Bayern. Bayern's previous biggest away win in the Champions League was a 5-0 victory at Sporting Lisbon in the

first knockout round in 2009. Guardiola took over Bayern last season and, although he secured the Bundesliga title, his club lost on 5-0 aggregate to Real Madrid in the Champions League semifinals. "Last season we had the legs but not the mindset," Guardiola said. "We needed to decide things a split-second quicker and now we're doing that." The transfer of midfielder Xabi Alonso from Real Madrid has added

more Spanish flavor to Bayern. "He's one of the most intelligent players I've coached," Guardiola said. The outcome matched Roma's heaviest defeat in the competition, a 7-1 loss at Manchester United in the 2007 quarterfinals. "This is a fluke," Guardiola said. "It's not normal to win 7-1." Bayern has nine points atop Group E, five clear of Roma. Manchester City has two points and CSKA Moscow one. Earlier, City

wasted a two-goal lead in a 2-2 draw in Moscow. "The only good news tonight came from City and CSKA, which allowed us to stay second in the group," said Roma coach Rudi Garcia, who took responsibility for erring in his tactics and acknowledged that his squad should have sat back more. "Tonight they were better than us. We were spectators," Garcia added. "It shows us we have a way to go to reach the level of the world's top squads." Roma entered full of confidence after a strong start in Serie A but its lack of experience in Europe was glaring — the Giallorossi are back in the Champions League after a three-year break. "We've got to look for the positives. This could be a lesson that helps us in the future," Roma midfielder Daniele De Rossi said. "They're clearly superior but we could have done better. I don't have a clear explanation for why we conceded all these goals." Despite the rout, Roma fans applauded their club at the final whistle, while the 5,000 Bayern fans in attendance celebrated wildly. The teams meet again in two weeks in Munich.

Champions League sets record with 40 goals in one night

FRANKFURT, OcTO beR 22 (AP): The Champions League returned on Tuesday with a 40-goal bonanza as Bayern Munich thrashed Roma 7-1 for its biggest victory on the road and Luiz Adriano scored five as Shakhtar put seven goals past BATE Borisov. On a record-busting night, Chelsea wasn't far behind in a 6-0 win over Maribor, but Manchester City remained without a victory in three matches after wasting a two-goal lead to draw 2-2 at CSKA Moscow. Schalke also squandered a two-goal lead before scoring a controversial penalty in stoppage time to edge 10-man Sporting 4-3. Neymar and Lionel Messi scored in Barcelona's 3-1 win over Ajax. Messi's 69th career goal in Europe's top-tier competition moved him to within two goals of the all-time record set by Raul Gonzalez. He is tied with Cristiano Ronaldo before Real Madrid visits Liverpool on Wednesday. Away from the big-scoring games, Paris Saint-Ger-

main edged APOEL 1-0 in Cyprus. Adriano's five-goal performance in Belarus —with two goals from the penalty spot — equaled Messi's five against Bayer Leverkusen in 2012. Adriano is the first to manage four goals in the first half, doing so in a record span of 17 minutes. With a late penalty, he also matched Messi's record. Shakhtar, which has been forced to move from its home in Donetsk because of fighting between Ukrainian government troops and pro-Russian rebels, matched the biggest away victory in the history of the Champions League. Olympique Marseille also won 7-0 at MSK Zilina in 2010. The biggest Champions League victory came in 2007, when Liverpool thrashed Besiktas 8-0. With eight more matches to be played Wednesday, the record of 63 goals for a matchday, set on the opening day of the 2000-01 season, could be broken. Five-time champion Bayern, which won the ti-

Shakhtar's Luiz Adriano, right, scores against BATE during their Champions League Group Stage in group H soccer match in Borisov, Belarus, Tuesday, October 21. (AP Photo)

tle in 2013, made itself one of the favorites this season with an overwhelming performance in Rome, with Arjen Robben scoring twice. It matched Roma's heaviest defeat in the competition, a 7-1 loss at Manchester United in the 2007 quarterfinals. "This is a fluke," Bay-

ern coach Josep Guardiola said. "It's not normal to win 7-1." But Bayern is starting to look like the Barcelona squad that Guardiola coached to two Champions League titles. The Spaniard took over Bayern last season and saw his club lose 5-0 on aggregate to Real Madrid in the semifinals.

"Last season we had the legs but not the mindset," Guardiola said. "We needed to decide things a splitsecond quicker and now we're doing that." Messi started an outstanding performance at Camp Nou by setting up Neymar in the seventh minute before the Argen-

tine scored in the 24th. "I am pleased with our game, in the first half we were by far the better side. We created a lot of chances and could have scored two more goals," Barcelona coach Luis Enrique said. "We could have pressed more in the second half. You have to finish out the

match." Eden Hazard netted twice and Didier Drogba scored his first goal since returning to Chelsea in the victory over Maribor. Drogba's two-month search for a goal ended in the first half shortly after replacing Loic Remy, who sustained a groin injury while netting Chelsea's opener in the 13th minute. But Chelsea coach Jose Mourinho must now cope with Drogba as his only fit striker for Sunday's Premier League match at Manchester United, with Remy joining Diego Costa on the sidelines. "We don't cry on injuries, it is our philosophy," Mourinho said. "One injury means an opportunity for somebody else." Chelsea remains two points ahead of Schalke, which clinched a 4-3 victory over 10-man Sporting Lisbon in stoppage time when Eric ChoupoMoting converted a penalty. Adrien Silva, who had brought Sporting back from a two-goal deficit, was penalized for a handball — although television replays

clearly showed the ball had bounced off his chest. Without the injured star striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Paris Saint-Germain needed a goal from Edinson Cavani three minutes from time to beat APOEL. "I believe that we didn't play a great game. Honestly, it's not one that we'll remember. But what we'll keep is the three points," PSG coach Laurent Blanc said. In freezing Moscow, goals from Sergio Aguero and James Milner gave Manchester City a comfortable two-goal lead by halftime at Arena Khimki, where CSKA was made to play behind closed doors as punishment for racist behavior by its fans. But CSKA substitute Seydou Doumbia pulled one back in the 65th minute off a cross from Ahmed Musa and Bibras Natcho leveled in the 86th from the penalty spot after Doumbia was fouled by Aleksandar Kolarov. Substitute Ricardo Quaresma scored in the 75th minute to give FC Porto a 2-1 win over Athletic Bilbao.


The Morung Express C M Y K

On a personal note …

23 October 2014



Tali Angh’s Debut Album


hen I first heard Tali Angh sing, I Moatemjen (UDX) was seriously overwhelmed, it was Musician (guitar) for Tali Angh debut album back in the year 2009 and he was singing one of his originals ‘Pole Star’. The words were quite a handful and I was thinking, “that’s something new” to be able to tell so much in a song with such depth yet being able to relate to any regular guy. Though, ‘Take It Slow’ is his first album Tali Angh has been in the music scene for a long time that many people inadvertently think he already has previously released albums. All of us have our own prejudices and as a Christian Artist, it is pretty easy to be stereotyped. So to give you a ring side view of how the album is, we talked to the recording crew of the album to get their personal take of the album and its making. Tali Angh”s Debut album ‘Take it Slow’ is slated for release on the 28th of October. When I first heard bro Tali, I had just beKevi Neibulie Kiso (The Jam Tree) gun my piano classes and to be part of his DeMusic producer and Musician (guitar) for Tali but album I am just ecstatic. , I usually have a Angh debut album pre-planned "what to play" thing in my head but for this album, I just told myself to let go. It just clicked during studio sessions - just pure "in the moment" recordings. Every time I heard a new song from this album, the first impression was always - People need to hear this!! Just pure - no added preservatives heart to heart songs with a contemporary modern touch to it. These are the type of songs I would listen to everyday !! Bottom line - THIS ALBUM IS A MUST HAVE!!

Definitely the most unique artist I have ever come across. What I like about his music is that it is versatile, innovative, and original. His powerful lyrics backed with incredible musical arrangement is going to surprise many of the listeners. The skills and the artistic touch of the musicians and the sound engineer are to be applauded. I am very optimistic that this album will inspire many young artists to explore as well as experiment new possibilities in writing music.

Tali Angh’s album has been one of the inspiring projects to date for me because the first time I hit the studio for my session, I thought I knew which direction I was headed to, with regards to my sound and playing, my direction took a major ‘U’ turn and it ended up being something completely different from what I had imagined. Drawn from his experiences as a Christian believer and his life, I am certain everyone who listens to this album will definitely relate to at least one of the songs if not all. It’s definitely an album you wouldn’t want to miss listening to.

Akum Jings Jinger (We the Giants) Musician (drums) for Tali Angh debut album.

Joey Woch (professional violin and guitar teacher) Musician (violin) for Tali Angh debut album.

Musically it was an enriching experience working with some of the most talented musicians in Nagaland. I’ve learned many new things and one thing in this project that sets it apart from many other projects I have worked till now has been the opportunity and experience to grow personally. I know TaliAngh as a person and that most importantly his songs are all about connecting with the heart, and even as I played I felt it in a different dimension which I have not experienced before. Meyasunep (We the Giants) Musician (Bass) for Tali Angh debut album.

Personally, I would describe the album as “One Giant Beautiful Painting” with so much of vibrant colors; working with Tali Angh has been an excellent experience. A Man with "Beautiful Mind, Heart &Soul, comes with the most beautiful Songs" is what I would describe about him. I ask the people to expect nothing from the album cos' I believe one should actually listen to the album FIRST to really understand and recreate the beauty that was imprinted in this Album. Music at its finest Art form is what I would conclude with.

Matthew McConaughey admits wife pushed him into marriage


hey've been happily married for more than two years, but it appears that Matthew McConaughey's wife Camila Alves had to talk him into tying the knot. The 44-year-old star admitted in the November issue of GQ magazine that it took a while to say 'I do to the 32-year-old model, even though she had already given him two children (a third would come later). 'I had to get to the point where I saw it as more than just the thing to do,' the Oscar winner said. He added, 'And look, some of it had to do with her putting it on me. It took her going, "C’mon, Big Boy, Mr. Easygoing-We’ll- Get-to-It-When-We-Get-to-It. Either sh** or get off the pot." 'I wanted to really want to. You know, I didn’t want it to be a destination; the fun is that we’re on the adventure together.' The couple have three children: Livingston, aged two, Vida, aged four, and Levi, aged six. The Dallas Buyers Club star said he loves being a dad. 'It’s the one thing I’ve always wanted to be. Never is a man more of a man than when he is the father of a newborn. 'You know what’s important. I definitely got more selfish. And at the same time, I think I got more compassionate.' Matthew, who can next be seen in the upcoming science fiction film Interstellar, admits he doesn’t have to work hard to maintain his infamous body. 'I have good genes. My dad was an athlete. I got real fortunate with that.' the cover boy boasted. 'I haven’t used a weight in three years. Plus 10 pounds, minus 10 pounds — I can go bam, within a week. 'I am vain. I think vanity is a good thing. It’s done more good things for me than it has not.'


'I'm glad folks think I look different!' Renee Zellweger calls plastic surgery rumours 'silly' and attributes new face to 'healthier, happier lifestyle'


he shocked fans on Monday with her startlingly different face at the Elle Women in Hollywood Awards. But Renée Zellweger thinks all the web chatter about her so-called plastic surgery is 'silly.' 'It seems the folks who come digging around for some nefarious truth, which doesn't exist won't get off my porch until I answer the door,' the 45-year-old Oscar winner told People on Tuesday. 'I'm glad folks think I look different! I'm living a different, happy, more fulfilling life, and I'm thrilled that perhaps it shows.' The Case 39 actress - who's been romancing Doyle Bramhall II since 2012 - said she's spent the past few years 'making a home,' 'loving some-

one,' and 'growing into myself.' 'My friends say that I look peaceful. I am healthy,' Zellweger insisted. 'For a long time I wasn't doing such a good job with that. I took on a schedule that is not realistically sustainable and didn't allow for taking care of myself. 'Rather than stopping to recalibrate, I kept running until I was depleted and made bad choices about how to conceal the exhaustion. I was aware of the chaos and finally chose different things.' There's no doubt the Monsters vs. Aliens star is fit and strong having done the Los Angeles Walk To Defeat ALS with Reese Witherspoon on Sunday. And last Thursday, Renée was spotted hitting up her Los Angeles


Kevi Pucho (Element Indie Studio/We the I feel honored to have worked with some Giants) awesome fellow musicians. It has greatly Co-music producer and recording engineer enhanced my skills as a musician and also for Tali Angh debut album. helped me grow as a person. They are extremely talented and I look forward to work with them even in the future.

Kevin Savino, Musician (keyboard) for Tali Angh debut album



gym. 'People don't know me in my 40s,' the three-time Golden Globe winner admitted. Zellweger's most recent acting role was as paraplegic singer Jane Wyatt in the 2010 dramedy My Own Love Song alongside Forest Whitaker. She said: 'People don't know me [as] healthy for a while. Perhaps I look different. Who doesn't as they get older?! Ha. But I am different. I'm happy.' Last year, the Texan-born blonde created a seventies-set drama pilot called Cinnamon Girl, but Lifetime passed on it. Renée will next play the mother of a 17-year-old murder suspect in the 2015 indie courtroom thriller The Whole Truth with Keanu Reeves and Gugu Mbatha-Raw.

Meren It was indeed a great privilege when Tali honored me -a rookie, to work with him in composing some of his music back in 2012. A man of great depth, patience and a true songwriter, his proficiency in music is eloquently translated through his songs. Developing this album was a fresh experience not only for me but for all the crew members as well which extended from sound designs, practice and production which required imparting untiring energy and constant motivation and the ideology of a clean and honest music making. I believe that Tali’s songs will find its way into the hearts of many that are seeking for a Hope in their lives. “Heroes lose to win, they only fall to rise again”

Taylor SwifT Opens Up About Constant Kidnap And Death Threats



he 24 year-old singer recently revealed the daily security measures she must take due to the ongoing threats she receives. Taylor Swift is one of the most popular female recording artists in the world right now, and it is not unknown that with fame comes a lot of criticism and hate, but the 24 year-old singer recently revealed she experiences something on a daily basis that is beyond a Twitter troll. Swift recently spoke with the November issue of Esquire magazine about the security measures she must constantly take due to the threats of kidnap and death she receives. "I fought the idea of having security for a very long time, because I really value normalcy," Swift explained. "I really do. I like to be able to take a drive by myself. Haven't done that in six years. They have to be in a car behind me. Because just the sheer number of men we have in a file who have showed up at my house, showed up at my mom's house, threatened to either kill me, kidnap me, or marry me." "This is the strange and sad part of my life that I try not to think about," she continued. "I try to be lighthearted about it, because I don't ever want to be scared. I don't want to be walking down the street scared. And when I have security, I don't have to be scared." Swift is known as a serial dater after being involved in several brief romances with highprofile stars such as Harry Styles and Jake Gyllenhaal, but she doesn't see why this attracts such a lot of attention. "I would date someone, figure out we weren't compatible or figure out we didn't work out, and then we'd break up," she said. "That seems like a very normal thing for a young 20-something to do. I think it's healthy for everyone to go a few years without dating, just because you need to get to know who you are." But the Grammy Award winner is now purposely staying single for a very important reason, to lose this reputation as someone who only makes music about failed relationships. "I just stopped dating people, because it meant a lot to me to set the record straight - that I do not need some guy around in order to get inspiration, in order to make a great record, in order to live my life, in order to feel okay about myself," she said. "I wanted to show my fans the same thing."










Halep routs Serena Chelsea routs Maribor in CL Williams at WTA Finals LONDON, OctObER 22 (AP): Eden Hazard netted twice and Didier Drogba scored his first goal since returning to Chelsea in a comprehensive 6-0 victory over Maribor in the Champions League on Tuesday. Hazard scored the last two goals against the Slovenian club, including one from the penalty spot, as Chelsea consolidated top spot in Group G in a ruthless manner. Drogba's two-month search for a goal ended in the first half shortly after replacing Loic Remy, who sustained a groin injury while netting Chelsea's opener in the 13th minute. Just like his last Chelsea goal — the winning strike in the 2012 Champions League final shootout — Drogba netted his 158th for the London club from the penalty spot. "We scored two goals but we didn't stop, we continued to play," Drogba said. "We have a lot more quality than the previous (Chelsea) teams I played with, the team is younger." The Premier League leaders' supremacy was never in doubt after cap-

Chelsea's Didier Drogba scores a penalty during the Champions League Group G soccer match between Chelsea and NK Maribor at Stamford Bridge stadium in London Tuesday, October 21. (AP Photo)

tain John Terry scored his first goal in 13 months, and Maribor defender Mitja Viler inadvertently diverted Eden Hazard's ball into his own goal at the start of the second half. Maribor squandered the chance of a consolation goal when Agim Ibraimi hit a penalty against the post, but Hazard did find the target from the spot before completing the rout in the 90th minute. Chelsea remains two

points ahead of Schalke, which clinched a 4-3 victory over Sporting Lisbon in stoppage time when Eric Choupo-Moting scored a penalty. But Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho must now cope with Drogba as his only fit striker for Sunday's Premier League match at Manchester United, with Remy joining Diego Costa on the sidelines. "We don't cry on injuries, it is our philosophy,"

Mourinho said. "One injury means an opportunity for somebody else." On Tuesday that meant Remy started in place of Costa, who has a hamstring problem, and the France striker took just 13 minutes to score his first Champions League goal. But there was no chance to score another after he sustained a groin injury that could keep him out for two weeks, allowing the 36-year-old Drogba to

come off the bench. Terry took his chance, the center back charging forward into an unusually advanced position to meet Cesc Fabregas' cross after Hazard had launched the counterattack. Although Hazard had a low strike saved before half time, nine minutes into the second half the Belgium international's cross from a tight angle was turned in by Viler.

Messi closes on Raul, Barca defeats Ajax

Romania's Simona Halep celebrates after defeating Serena Williams of the U.S. in their singles match at the WTA tennis finals in Singapore,Wednesday, October 22. (AP Photo)

SINGAPORE, OctO bER 22 (AP): Serena Williams was routed 6-0, 6-2 by Simona Halep at the WTA Finals on Wednesday in one of the most one-sided losses of the 18-time Grand Slam champion's career. The last time Williams managed to win just two games in a WTA Tour or Grand Slam match was in 1998 when she was just 16. "Embarrassing describes the way I played today," Williams said. "Very embarrassing." The loss in the round-robin match snapped Williams' 16-match winning streak at the year-end championships, where she is the two-time defending champion. "My forehand was off today," Williams said. "It's obviously gone on an early vacation. My serve was at best at the 10-and-under division of juniors." The fourth-ranked Halep had never before beaten a player ranked in the top 3. In her previous two

matches against Williams, both last year, the Romanian had won a total of seven games. For a player who was ranked No. 47 two years ago, Wednesday's win over No. 1 Williams represented a new career high. "It was my best match of my life," Halep said. "I played unbelievable shots. It means a lot this match. At an important time I played really well, and after today my confidence will be more high." Halep, runner-up at this year's French Open, beat Eugenie Bouchard in her opening match and moves to 2-0 in the Red Group. Williams slips to 1-1 and will face Bouchard next. Williams' defeat jeopardized her chances of finishing the year as the topranked player. Had she won Wednesday, the only way she could have lost the No. 1 spot is if Maria Sharapova won the title. Now, just reaching the final may be enough for the Russian,

depending on the result of Williams' match against Bouchard on Thursday. Halep has been careful not to raise her sights too high at this tournament. She remained cautious even after two dominant victories. "I have confidence I can get to the semifinals," Halep said. "First I have to forget this day, but it will be hard to forget. I am so happy." Williams served six double-faults in the opening set and had 36 unforced errors — three times Halep's total. But the key to the result was the performance on break points. Both players had six: Williams took none of them while Halep converted five. Williams was surprised by Halep's performance, saying "she has never played like this before." "To be frankly honest, I am looking forward to our next meeting because she is going to make me go home, train hard and particularly train for her," Williams said.

bARcELONA, OctO bER 22 (AP): Neymar and Lionel Messi each scored for a fifth consecutive game to help Barcelona to a 3-1 victory over Ajax in the Champions League on Tuesday as the Spanish giant returned to winning ways in Europe. Messi started an outstanding performance at Camp Nou by setting up Neymar in the seventh minute before the Argentine scored in the 24th. Messi's 69th career goal in Europe's top-tier competition moved him to within two goals of Raul Gonzalez's all-time record of 71. He is tied with Cristiano Ronaldo before Real Madrid visits Liverpool on Wednesday. Anwar El Ghazi pulled one back for Ajax in the 88th, while fellow substitute Sandro Ramirez struck in stoppage time for the hosts. Messi said his partnership with Neymar would only get better. "We both bring goal-scoring to the team and we are understanding one another on

Barcelona's Lionel Messi, centre, dribbles the ball through the Ajax defense during the Champions League group F soccer match between F.C. Barcelona and Ajax at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Tuesday, October 21. (AP Photo)

the pitch more and more," Messi said. "We could have scored another goal to finish off the match. Later it got a little complicated, but that's the Champions League." Barcelona, which had lost 3-2 at Paris Saint-Germain in its previous match, has six points from three games in Group F. PSG remained top of the group with seven points after Edinson Cavani scored

three minutes from time to grab a 1-0 win at APOEL in Cyprus. Ajax is third with two points while APOEL has one. Barcelona can now focus on its Spanish league clash at Real Madrid on Saturday, when it will look to strengthen its lead while Messi hunts for one goal to equal Telmo Zarra's all-time league record of 251 goals. "We were obliged to take the three points after losing

in Paris," said Barcelona's Andres Iniesta, who set up Messi's goal and almost scored one of his own. "We are arriving in good form for the 'clasico' and it will be a good game to keep alive our aspirations to win it all." Messi and Neymar continued their scoring connection to put Barcelona on its way before the half-hour mark, and only the woodwork, some sound goalkeeping and

the two stars being substituted saved Ajax from a bigger defeat. Ajax coach Frank De Boer, a former Barcelona defender, compared Messi and Neymar to Madrid's Ronaldo and Gareth Bale, saying "they play like they are from another world. "But I am disappointed because we can play much better. For me, the problem was we had too much respect for our rival.

Shitilong shocks Retsüng in MDFA tourney

MOkOkchuNG, OctObER 22 (MExN): Defending champions Retsüng SA suffered a shock loss today at the hands of Shitilong SA in the third quarter final match of the ongoing MDFA tourney as the boys from Mongsenyimti handed them a 1-0 defeat. The lone goal of the match was scored by Aküm (23) of Shitilong SA in the 76 minute. Lanuyanger of Retsüng and Tangit and Menang of Shitilong were awarded yellow cards in the course of the closely fought match. The match was officiated by


Lanu Imchen as the main referee with Alemkümzük, District Sericulture Officer Mokokchung witnessing the game as match patron. The fourth and last quarter final match to be played between Soyim Sports Society and Rising Star SC will kick off at 1 p.m. on Thursday with Kazüpokba, BDO, Ongpangkong North as match patron. Players of Retsüng SA (red) and Shitilong SA in action during their quarter final match meeting at the ongoing MDFA tourney.

15th NSF Martyrs’ Memorial Trophy

October 22 (1st Semi final): Naga United Club beat Tangkhul Katamnao Saklong 1-0 (NUC: Velukho Chakhesang 103') Match patron- Temsu Wati, Addl. Development Commissioner Nagaland NB: The losing semi finalist walked away with Rs.20,000/- sponsored by M/S United Brothers Distillers (Pvt) Ltd.


Night exhibition match on Oct 24


kOhIMA, OctObER 22 (MExN): A night exhibition match as part of the 15th NSF Martyrs’ Memorial Trophy 2014 under the aegis of the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) is scheduled to be held on October 24 at Kohima LoPlayers of Naga United Club and Tangkhul Katamnao Saklong with match patron Temsu cal Ground. The night exhiOctober 23 (2nd semi Wati, Addl. Development Commissioner Nagaland. final) fixture: bition match will be played Barak FC Peren vs MT Youth 2nd Round- Defeated Orion Total goals scored- 11 Pre-Quarter- Defeated Naga under halogen lights. A Club @1.30pm FC, Kohima 2-0 Total goals conceded- 1 Students’ Union Guwahati press release from the ConMatch patron- L. Dekho, Pre-Quarter- Defeated Highlights of MT Youth Club 4-3 via tie-breakers; 1-1 AET. vener Organising CommitMLA, Manipur Meriema Village Students’ 1st Round- Defeated kandi Quarter final- Defeated Highlights of Barak FC, Peren Union 2-1 FC 6-0 Rengma Students’ Union 2-0 tee, Kezhazer Angami, informed that the entry for 1st Round- Defeated Quarter final- Defeated 2nd Round- Defeated Total goals scored- 12 Alianza FC, Kohima 4-0 the match will be free. Tiema-Khe, Kidima 3-0 Twenty XI FC 3-0 Total goals conceded- 1 Published, Printed and Edited by Aküm Longchari on behalf of Morung for Indigenous Affairs and JustPeace from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Telecommunications, Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

For news email: morung@gmail.com and for advertisements and circulation contact: (03862) 248854, Fax-235194 or email : morungad@yahoo.com

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