Finding Your “Why” for Getting Fit to Help You Stay Motivated
Different things motivate people to accomplish what they want in life. But rarely does anything get accomplished if the “why” is not there. How many times have you started a fitness program only to quit after a few months or even a few weeks? Why did you quit? We’ll get to that in a moment.
down burning desire that keeps you focused on accomplishing something that is important in your life. It is the driving force that when faced with a fork in the road, you go left for success instead of right to failure. But at times, even the strongest motivation can wane and take us off our path.
Motivation is that deep-
Back to why you quit.
Figuring out the “why” is sometimes tricky, but most experts agree that it has to be something YOU want to do; you can’t do it because others want you too, nor can you do it because it happens to be the “in” thing to do at the time. More times than not if that is the motivation, you will be doomed to failure. Why? Because it was not YOUR