Stories of Perseverance #1

Page 1

Issue 1


Tateonna Hass Founder of Sunshine Beads

Happy s ’ e n i t n e l Va Day!

Unleashing Joy:

How Therapy Dogs Bring Hope and Healing

Love in Every Step: The LaForest Family’s Story of Adoption and Autism


Table of Contents

Page 8

Page 19

Page 20

Page 22

Embracing the Joy of Reading

Page 23


Eat with theSeasons!

Fun Family Recipes with Ika Greens

Bright and Flavorful Spring Citrus Salad

Tateonna’s Favorite Things

Tateonna Hass: Founder of Sunshine Beads

About us

With Rae Indigo

Ingredients 1 Grapefruit, sliced 1 Orange, sliced Handful Kumquats, sliced 1/2 Onion, thinly sliced Fava Bean Microgreens (or Spinach/Arugula) Handful Cashews, toasted Sprinkle Black Sesame Seeds 2 Tbsp Olive Oil 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 Tbsp Lemon/Orange Juice

Love in Every Step: The LaForest Family’s Story of Adoption and Autism Method: Whisk oil, vinegar & juices. Toss citrus and onion with greens, cashews and vinaigrette. Top with sesame seeds. Enjoy!

Page 15

We are a small, family-owned grocer located in Mesquite, NV - about an hour North East of Las Vegas. We focus on seasonal produce and meat from local and regional farms, and small-batch products made in Nevada and surrounding states. We grow microgreens as well as herbs and other leafy greens hydroponically on-site. We have an attached kitchen where we re-purpose some of the produce we bring in to make a rotating variety of salads, soups and ready-made-meals that are available to take home from our refrigerators and freezers in the grocery section. The kitchen is also a shared-use commissary for local makers and chefs to make and showcase their products and menus - hot service is available weekly from rotating chefs.

Ask Rae

Unleashing Joy: How Therapy Dogs Bring Hope & Healing

Page 11


a my son to ssly k o o t I , ly ffortle Recent here he e , w k r a p l r children loca e h t o h it dw e. connecte his amazing smil ff o showing im playing and ren h g in her child t o Watch e h t h g wit joy. connectin art with so much n he hildre filled my hat our c t e m d e break It remind redible ability to c ness in ead kind r have the p s d n a ok. rriers down ba sometimes overlo lief e be in ways w ents reinforce my that m nd These mo ows no bounds a nity n k mu that love ly enrich the com ru our kids t em. around th



- Mary

One of my fa vorite mom ents came during a school perf as a parent ormance where my d aughter, wh o ha took the sta ge for the firs s autism, t time. She w nervous at fi as rst, but as th e music start she found h ed, er rhythm a nd danced with pure jo y. The crowd erupted in applause, an dI with pride. In could see her beaming th help but thin at moment, I couldn’t k about how powerful it is to embra ce our child re n’s unique talents and celebrate th eir victories. courage not Her on reminded ev ly inspired me but also ery beauty of em one in attendance of th e bracing diffe rences, bein in the mom g ent and rem embering to have fun!

eeds special n h it w d il h ac ce Parenting importan e h t e m t has taugh and perspective. de ea of gratitu y and kindness ar hey h t tt a Her emp minder of the ligh tfelt re hear beautiful rld. These shine o w e h t bring into here our children ies, alit s, w moment h their unique qu it t brightly w st our family bu t ju inspire no ound us. ar everyone

- Nancy

r - Jennife




e a R Ask With Rae Indigo

Rae Indigo, is an esteemed yogi and martial artist known worldwide for her unique courses on wellbeing, including mind science, meditation, and breathwork. As a biochemist, she also pioneered a line of high-end, organic skincare. When she’s not teaching others how to live stress-free, she’s likely surrounded by the love of her three feisty Pomeranians.


Hi Rae,

What’s the best way to relax when I’m feeling really overwhelmed and I have to keep moving forward with my day as a parent my kiddos have to keep moving forward and do not have a lot of downtime. I keep hearing about breathing techniques but not sure which is best to do? - Selena Mae


The Secret to Dealing with Overwhelm

When we’re overwhelmed, it’s common for a little voice inside to suggest taking a deep breath. While this advice is well-intentioned, its effectiveness often falls short unless you know the right technique. Here’s a powerful, quick method to regulate and balance stress. Parenting a child involves a rich tapestry of advocating

for their needs, navigating complex systems, and addressing social misconceptions, all while maintaining yourself and your well-being. You must be in top form because life’s path is intricate and demanding. Self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for maintaining the strength to journey through life’s challenges. Introducing the Long Exhale Technique, which 8

involves extending your exhale to twice the length of your inhale, based on ancient breathing practices designed to reduce stress and anxiety. By lengthening your exhale, you stimulate the “rest and digest” response, countering the “fight or flight” stress response. Here is a powerful and fastacting technique using your breath that can be done for just a few moments to completely shift your

nervous system out of a stress response. You can use this whenever you are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious or stressed out to quickly regulate your system and help keep your mind clear and steady. Meet The Long Exhale. The practice of lengthening the exhale to twice the length of the inhale is a powerful technique rooted in ancient breathing exercises aimed at reducing stress and anxiety. This method leverages the body’s natural response to breathing patterns; when we extend our exhalation, we stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, often referred to as the “rest and digest” system, which helps to counterbalance the stress-inducing effects of the sympathetic nervous system, or “fight or flight” response. To practice this technique, it can be done standing or seated, and a minimum of 3 repetitions will give you a change in state. More repetitions will lead to more change, but sometimes you need a quick reset because you are feeling stressed at the moment and have to be there for your child. Begin by taking a normal

breath in through your nose for a count of, say, four seconds. Then, slowly exhale through your nose or mouth for a count of eight seconds. This ratio can be adjusted slightly based on personal comfort, but the key is to make the exhalation noticeably longer than the inhalation. As you extend your exhale, imagine releasing tension, stress, and anxiety with each breath out. This not only helps in slowing down your heart rate but also encourages a deeper state of relaxation.

challenging moments. This practice can help regulate your nervous system, reduce stress, and increase your resilience to the emotional and physical demands of life. It will also give you more energy overall, as feeling stressed, frustrated or anxious uses up your energy and leaves you feeling exhausted. I like doing this before bed to let go of the day and feel relaxed.

This simple yet profound breathing technique, where you exhale for twice as long as you inhale, can be a transformative tool for you as a parent. By practicing this method, you’re not only giving yourself a moment of peace amidst the daily challenges but also setting a powerful example of selfcare for your child.

Remember, your well-being is crucial. By taking time to center yourself with each breath, you’re not just managing your own stress; you’re indirectly enriching the environment for your child. Your calm presence can be incredibly soothing and reassuring, fostering a more supportive and loving household.

Incorporate this breathing exercise into your daily routine, perhaps when you feel the weight of the day or during moments of transition like right before helping with homework or after your child goes to bed. Once you are used to doing it regularly, your day will have more ease even in the midst of chaos. You will find yourself naturally using it throughout the day, and especially in those

Celebrate each breath as a victory in your journey. This technique isn’t just about managing the present; it’s about building a foundation of patience, understanding, and self-awareness that will benefit both you and your child in the long run.


Here’s to breathing easier! Love,



Unleashing Joy: How Therapy Dogs Bring Hope and Healing Ever considered Pet Therapy or maybe thought about a service dog? As a dog lover I’m here to give you some insight into why dogs aren’t just cute & awesome, by participating in Pet Therapy or having a service dog could change a human’s life tremendously & even save it. 11

Pet therapy, also known as animal assisted therapy, has been around in some way or another for over 100 years & studies have shown that dogs can relieve anxiety, stress, & provide comfort. How? It’s been scientifically proven that petting or playing with a dog can increase your amount of physical activity & exercise & boost endorphin levels & also to improve your mood by decreasing distress or pain. Just being around a dog boosts endorphins which triggers the release of chemicals that act as a painkiller & produce euphoria. Dogs can decrease levels of cortisol, norepinephrine, & epinephrine; these are all stress hormones. This just doesn’t apply to dog & animal lovers but for anyone who is neutral about animal companionship.

been proven even fish, bearded dragons, & insects like crickets can help improve focus & create positive emotions. This type of therapy has no age range & has helped many college students, people in nursing homes, as well as young kids who see a therapist, counselor, or social worker.

activities such as exercise or interacting with others.

Great for anyone who suffers from dementia, depression, anxiety, autism, ADHD, & also schizophrenia. Including anyone who suffers from physical conditions such as epilepsy, heart failure, pain from cancer treatment, postoperative Whether you’re sick or recovery, or recovery after doing your best to process a major stroke or another difficulties in life, animal condition that causes a companions are a helpful person to lose motor skills. distraction from symptoms or other problems, If you are unsure how to not only that it is also undergo this therapy or good practice for social live under circumstances interactions to develop that you cannot own a social & behavioral skills pet, there are plenty of & is beneficial to mental resources & things you health by increasing can do to get the therapy motivation toward you need by talking with

Pet Therapy applies to any animal whether it being cat, rabbit, horse or even farm animals like goats & cows are helpful. It’s 12

a doctor or therapist to help point you in the right direction, or volunteering at a farm or animal shelter, & by contacting a local handler who has a trained therapy dog or animal for a session.

provides a patient with a disorder letter for their pet to be recognized as an emotional support animal. Which just allows you to have your pet even if your place of living, or landlord does not allow pets.

Service dogs provide so much help & are truly lifesavers to many individuals in their day-today life. Service dogs are trained to make daily tasks easier on mental health, cure your pain, or save your life. Disabled or able Most individuals don’t Under the fair housing act, Sick or in pain, stressed know the differences you will have the right to or depressed, or even between a therapy animal, have your pet for private just trying to process the emotional support animal, support in the comfort difficulties life throws your or service animal. An of your home, but not in way. Animal companions emotional support animal public places or on airlines. will always be there for is normally someone’s pet A service dog or animal you at your worst & your who is there to primarily can go with you anywhere best. They will never judge support an individual in public & or on flights. you & love you completely. with some form of mental The difference is the Always there to give you health issues. A mental training & the task that a love & support no matter health professional dog or animal provides. what.


Love in Every Step: The LaForest Family’s Story of Adoption and Autism Life is an unpredictable journey, especially when it comes to parenting. For many families, the path to parenthood is filled with joy, anticipation, and sometimes unexpected challenges. This is the story of one family’s journey through adoption and the beautiful, yet complex, world of raising a child with special needs. 15

Our story begins with wanting to be parents. It was a time when we were hopeful, excited, and ready to welcome a little one into our lives. Living in Ann Arbor, Michigan, news about Baby Jessica echoed in my mind. A family had adopted a baby, only for the father to want her back after three years. The emotional turmoil surrounding that situation left me unsettled. I thought to myself, “Is this what adoption in this country is like?” After much contemplation and a desire for stability, we turned our sights internationally to adopt. Having Chinese-American friends, we felt that was the right path for us. But as fate would have it, we learned that there were age restrictions that would delay our dream. Unwilling to wait until we were over 35, we shifted our focus to South Korea, where adoption processes were well-regulated, and children were cared for in loving foster homes. After countless forms, background checks, and the exhaustive FBI vetting process, we were ready to welcome our child. One snowy winter day in Michigan,

as the world outside was blanketed in white, our caseworker called with wonderful news. “I have a picture of your baby,” she said, but the weather had made it impossible for her to deliver it in person. Without a second thought, we bundled up and ventured across town to collect that precious image. The moment we laid eyes on our son, Jaxon, we knew he was meant to be ours. He was just six months old, and he was adorable. We soon discovered that he was also a bit of a handful. 16

Jaxon had a way of keeping us on our toes; he never slept well and needed constant motion and attention. As a parent, I had experience with babies, but he was a unique challenge. As we navigated the early days of parenthood, I began to notice certain behaviors that concerned me. Jaxon blinked excessively, and his speech development seemed delayed. Despite the doctors reassuring us that “he’s just a boy,” I felt something deeper was at play. My instincts with having a degree in

special education kicked in, and I pushed for an eye examination, only to find out that Jaxon was blind in one eye and had limited vision in the other. With this revelation came new challenges. Jaxon’s struggle with communication was evident, but once he began to speak, we discovered his extraordinary intellect. One day, while driving, he suddenly began to read street signs and recite words that left us in awe. It was a bittersweet realization; my heart swelled with pride at his brilliance, but I also began to recognize that he might be on the autism spectrum.

As time went on, we decided to expand our family. We began the process again with our adoption agency, hoping to welcome another baby from Korea. The rules stipulated that our first adopted child had to be a boy, which we already had. This time, we were determined to adopt a girl. After about a year of waiting, we switched agencies and within three months, received a call about a baby girl. “She has a defect,” the caseworker mentioned casually. My heart raced; what could it be? Turns out she was born with a tooth, I never quite understood what they meant by that.

Molly entered our lives at four and a half months old, and although she was The journey to tiny, she was feisty. The understanding Jaxon joy of welcoming her into was filled with ups and our family was palpable, downs. At two and a half, and soon we found I voiced my concerns to ourselves navigating the our pediatrician, who complexities of raising two dismissed my worries with extraordinary children. a joke. “What do you get if Then we were blessed you throw butter out the with a third surprise … window?” The punchline we were pregnant. So was “butterfly,” and while in October of 2002 we Jaxon laughed, I knew this had three kids under four was not the measure of Jaxon, Molly, and Brady, autism. Yes, Jaxon had a the best of both worlds. fantastic sense of humor, but it was not a defining As a mother, I learned that characteristic. the world looked different 17

through Jaxon’s eyes. His autism shaped our experiences, often leading to moments that both challenged and warmed our hearts. The meltdowns that would occur in public could be daunting, and I often felt the eyes of strangers upon us. Once, while shopping, Jaxon had a meltdown, and I found myself in a silent battle to soothe him amid curious stares. My heart raced as I assured him, “Mom’s right here. We’re okay.” In those moments, I learned the importance of community support. One day, a kind woman approached us in the store, offering to walk with Jaxon. It turned out she was a para-educator, and her understanding made a world of difference. Those instances of connection reminded me that kindness exists everywhere, even in the chaos. Life with Jaxon is a beautiful blend of challenges and triumphs. He is hyper-verbal and often dominates conversations, sharing his interests with enthusiasm. His love for history, video games, and particularly ghost-themed shows like “Ghost Adventures,” paints

a vivid picture of his unique character. He often reminds me of how special it is to embrace one’s quirks and individuality. Yet, there are days when Jaxon’s autism, coupled with his Tourette’s syndrome and OCD, can make life feel overwhelming. He has a set routine and specific needs that must be met, including quiet moments to manage his tics. I often find myself in a cycle of supporting him through these moments, standing behind him and applying gentle pressure to help him cope. It may seem strange to outsiders, but this is our reality — a reality filled with love, laughter, and a lot of patience. Jaxon’s memory is remarkable. He can recall the smallest details from past experiences, often surprising us with his observations. “Mom, this smells like that one restaurant we visited when I was five,” he’ll say, and my heart swells with pride for his ability to connect memories with sensory experiences.

Throughout our journey, I’ve learned that parenting a child with special needs requires a shift in perspective. The little things that once bothered me no longer hold weight. If Jaxon decides to do something unexpected, I remind myself to embrace the moment with humor and grace. After all, isn’t that what being a parent is about? As we navigate our lives, we hold onto the friendships we’ve built in our community. In Michigan, Jaxon was known and loved by many. Here, we are working hard to create a new village, one that understands and embraces our unique family dynamics. 18


The journey of parenthood, especially for families with special needs, is filled with ups and downs, laughter and tears. It can be isolating at times, but it’s also a path that fosters deep connections and understanding. As we move forward, we are committed to advocating for Jaxon and celebrating all that makes him who he

In our home, we strive to nurture Jaxon passions, whether that’s delving into video games or exploring new adventures in arts and crafts. We have learned to embrace the unpredictability of life and cherish the small victories along the way. Our family story is one of resilience, love, and hope—a testament to the beauty of embracing life’s unexpected turns. So, to all the parents navigating similar paths: know that you are not alone. Your journey may be filled with challenges, but it is also adorned with immeasurable love and joy.

Ika Greens

Open Tues-Sat 9am-6pm 570 W. Pioneer Blvd. #101 Mesquite, NV 89027

grocer & kitchen

! N E P O W O ikagreens Kitchen N • Salad • Soup • Sides • • Ready-Made Meals • M a d e F r e s h I n- Sto re H e a l t h y V e g a n & N on- Ve ga n Optio ns S e a s o n a l , Q u a l i t y I ngre d ie nts. V a r i e t y C h a nge s. F i n d i n t h e I ka G r e e n s g ro c e ry r e f r i g e r a t e d se c t i o n .

Tue/ WED

O r de r t h r o u g h t h e D r i ve T h r u .

About us

We are a small, family-owned grocer located in Mesquite, NV - about an hour North East of Las Vegas. We focus on seasonal produce and meat from local and regional farms, and small-batch products made in Nevada and surrounding states. We grow microgreens as well as herbs and other leafy greens hydroponically on-site. We have an attached kitchen where we re-purpose some of the produce we bring in to make a rotating variety of salads, soups and ready-made-meals that are available to take home from our refrigerators and freezers in the grocery section. The kitchen is also a shared-use commissary for local makers and chefs to make and showcase their products and menus - hot service is available weekly from rotating chefs.


V e ga n M e x- s t yle S t r e e t F ood E v e r y Th u r s da y 9 a m- 6 p m


Coming Soon

Rotating Guest Chefs serving hot food at Ika Greens weekly.

oon S g n i m o C

Coming Soon

Weekly Schedule


H and -crafted . Fresh Ing red ients. E v e ry Saturd ay 11am-6pm

Eat with theSeasons! Bright and Flavorful Spring Citrus Salad Ingredients 1 Grapefruit, sliced 1 Orange, sliced Handful Kumquats, sliced 1/2 Onion, thinly sliced Fava Bean Microgreens (or Spinach/Arugula) Handful Cashews, toasted Sprinkle Black Sesame Seeds 2 Tbsp Olive Oil 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 1/2 Tbsp Lemon/Orange Juice Method: Whisk oil, vinegar & juices. Toss citrus and onion with greens, cashews and vinaigrette. Top with sesame seeds. Enjoy!

Tateonna Hass: Founder of Sunshine Beads In the world of creativity and entrepreneurship, one young star is shining brightly: Tateonna Hass, founder of Sunshine Beads! This talented young woman has turned her passion for crafting into a delightful business that brings joy to families everywhere through her handmade bead bracelets. 20

From a young age, Tateonna displayed a natural talent for creativity. What began as a simple hobby soon blossomed into Sunshine Beads, a thriving enterprise filled with colorful glass, stone, and clay bracelets.

the colorful assortment of bracelets and connect with Tateonna’s sunny personality.

As she continues to grow her business, Tateonna remains committed to her mission of spreading joy. Her story Tateonna’s journey shows serves as a reminder for us that with a little love families everywhere: and dedication, dreams when you pursue your can truly come to life! passions, amazing But Tateonna’s influence things can happen! extends beyond her online Tateonna’s creativity and shop on Etsy. She actively entrepreneurial spirit participates in her local inspire not only young community by setting up pop-up boutiques and visiting farmers markets. Families are drawn to her cheerful booth, where her warm smile and eyecatching creations create an atmosphere of happiness. It’s a wonderful experience for parents and children alike, as they explore 21

aspiring artists but also families who encourage their children to dream big. Whether you’re looking for the perfect accessory to brighten up your family’s wardrobe or a thoughtful gift to share with loved ones, each bracelet carries a little piece of sunshine and a whole lot of heart. With Tateonna leading the way, it’s clear that with hard work and creativity, anyone can shine brightly and make their dreams come true!


Embracing the Joy of Reading 23

Do you love to read? Do you have a young one who loves books & stories? Growing up I loved reading books & that feeling I got going to the local or school library to pick one out. Having my parents read me a bedtime story every night. Even as I got older & started getting chapter books, my mother would still read at least a chapter to me at bedtime. It was something I always looked forward to & got me excited about books. Reading with your children provides a lot of positive benefits for their progressive learning & enjoy it more when you read aloud to them.

in school. Reading teaches them to listen & to pay attention to what you’re saying, which helps enhance comprehension & focus. Practicing at home generally will reflect in school settings as well. So many good things can come from just reading a book or chapter a night, strengthening not only your child’s development but the bond you share. A trip to the local library together would make a fun bonding experience and helps you as a parent engage with your child and learn what they are interested in just from the books they choose.

you read. Books can also help children learn how to handle their own feelings in healthy ways. Seeing their favorite characters in books experience life lessons or emotions like sadness or anger lets kids know that feelings are normal and a part of life, also giving them a chance to discuss their own difficult or non-difficult Reading aloud to your feelings. Most children kids gives transformative struggle with being power to the story and From reading they learn so able to get themselves they can learn what real much about language and into a book and lose reading has to offer, which they get exposed to new concentration, but being can also do a lot for their words and their meanings, read a book boosts their creativity and imagination. opening them up to a interest and helps them Reading opens their wide range of vocabulary. engage in the storyline. mind to so many different Even the classic bedtime things and can help their stories like Little Red You create and set the cognitive skills strengthen Riding Hood, Robin Hood, tone when you read a because it helps sustain and The Ugly Duckling, all story out loud in a way attention, abstract have hidden lessons that that captivates their thinking, critical thinking, teach social and emotional attention and gets them & also logical reasoning. life lessons that help with excited to read and learn. It gives them general development. That’s the best thing about knowledge & makes it books. There are several easier to learn about As well as your child books for everyone in the world & experiences being open to learning any age range, at any that is setting them up empathy and emotional development stage, to learn new subjects awareness different books and even books that are 24

beneficial for a newborn. Yes, reading to an infant does have its benefits, laying down the neurological groundwork for effective language use and literacy. The sensory experience of being read to is beneficial and important even before they can communicate verbally. Who knew squeezing in a book in here and there could do so much for your development as a person? There are so many movies, tv shows, and technology around us these days that the importance of a good book gets overlooked, but adding some reading time to your child’s routine will make a huge difference. Even having your child participate in reading with you and, to you can build the strongest connection & even help with their confidence in speech. Teaching them how to pronounce and sound words out will improve their confidence when reading on their own. If you are a parent and have a heavy workload to where you cannot make frequent trips to your local library, E-books are a good solution. Whatever app or device you have there are many different books you

can rent or buy to read along with to get your child excited about.

at the books you could rent or buy that would have your child jumping for joy. There is nothing Scrolling through an better than snuggling endless list of possibilities up, and tucking them in & opening a wide range tight, preparing them for of books could just be the an exciting storybook fun task your child needs. adventure they’ve chosen. I have met a lot of people Connecting them to all who do not like to read, the wonders that reading and I feel it’s because can bring and knowing they never had a core you’re making positive memory bedtime story changes for their very own experience, so they never development in the future. had the opportunity to Connecting to your child engage with a story line in one of the best ways and in return they struggle possible and knowing to concentrate when it that you are creating comes to reading. So, I’d everlasting positive like to encourage you to memories. get excited about reading and get your children Let’s make books, libraries, excited about reading. and reading fun again. You’ll be happy with the Let’s make bedtime fun results and the bond you again by ending it with and your children will an amazing story ending. strengthen. Let’s give our children something to talk about Encouraging them and something to share. grow to be confident, Let’s make bedtime stories knowledgeable, and come alive again and creative. I urge you to not a thing of the past, get them excited about but something we can books and reading and encourage generations to encourage them to never come to pass down. stop learning. The next time you and your children Knowledge is power and see a library be sure to you can learn anything stop in and look around. just by turning a page. Watch their eyes light up Never stop reading, never when they see a book that stop learning, never stop grabs their attention. creating and imagining The next time you’re there is a whole world of scrolling on a tablet look books & possibilities. 25






















Over Christma s, w for the first tim e went ice skating e, and it was s o much fun! My broth er helped me learn how to do it! - Tyle r


We love hearin g about your ic e skating adventure! Chri stmas is such a fun time, and spending it with family m akes it even better.

ay cards, but D ’s e n ti n le a V ake my more I’m trying to m to make them s y a w re o m I want to learn - Heather fun! Any tips? rds is such a a c y a D ’s e n ti n king Vale ickers, or even st , e Absolutely! Ma p ta l u rf lo o using c lso personalize a n a fun project! Try c u o Y . le rk me spa g. glitter to add so n inside joke or a little drawin a fu -up element p o each card with p a te a re c idea is to Another great surprise effect! a r fo rd a c e th inside

I’m starting to plan my summ er bucket list, want to make and I it epic! What’s something fu suggest addin n you’d g to it? - Teres a That sounds ex citing! How ab out adding a ‘P Scavenger Hun hoto t’ to your bucke t list? You can c list of items to reate a find around yo ur town, and th pictures of eac en h one. It’s a gre at way to explo take have fun with fr re and ien DIY project or a ds! Also, don’t forget to includ ea roa are looking forw d trip to a nearby destination . We ard to hearing about your sum mer!


Dog Lovers Corner with Rissa Fun & Easy Chia Seed Dog Treats Ingredients • 2 Cups Whole Grain Flour (whole wheat or spelt are best) • 3 Tbsp Ground Chia Seeds (use coffee grinder to grind seeds) • 1.5 Cups Vegetable or Beef Broth • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil • 3 Tbsp Water

Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a small bowl, combine chia seeds with water and let stand for about 30 seconds. 2. Combine flour, chia/water mixture, and oil in the bowl of a stand mixer. 3. With the stand mixer running on low, slowly pour in the broth, adding just enough so that mixture comes together as a dough. It may take a little less than the 1.5 cups, so keep an eye on it. 4. Roll the dough out on a lightly-floured surface and cut out the shapes with cookies cutters of your choice. No need to chill the dough before rolling! 5. Bake the treats on parchment-lined baking sheets for about 30 minutes or until they’re firm. 6. Be sure to let them cool completely before feeding them to you dog! 6

Healthy Snacks For You Fruit and Yogurt Cup

Peanut Butter Banana Roll-Ups



• Yogurt (any flavor) • Fresh fruits (berries, bananas, or apples) • Granola or nuts

• Whole wheat tortilla or wrap • Peanut butter (or almond butter) • Banana • Honey (optional)



1. Take a clear cup or bowl. 2. Spoon a layer of yogurt at the bottom. 3. Add a layer of your favorite fresh fruit on top of the yogurt. 4. Sprinkle some granola or nuts over the fruit. 5. Repeat the layers until the cup is full.

1. Lay the tortilla flat on a plate. 2. Spread a generous layer of peanut butter over the entire tortilla. 3. Place a banana at one edge of the tortilla. 4. Roll the tortilla tightly around the banana. 5. Slice into bite-sized pieces and drizzle with honey if desired.

Veggie and Hummus Cups

Apple Nachos



• Hummus (store-bought or homemade) • Fresh vegetables (carrots, celery, cucumber, bell peppers)

• Apple • Nut Butter (peanut butter, almond butter) • Toppings (granola, mini chocolate chips, raisins, or coconut flakes)

Instructions: 1. Wash and cut the vegetables into sticks or bite-sized pieces. 2. Take a small cup or bowl and spoon in some hummus at the bottom. 3. Arrange the veggie sticks around the hummus in the cup. 4. Dip the veggies in the hummus as you enjoy your snack!

Instructions: 1. Wash the apple and slice it into thin rounds or wedges. 2. Arrange the apple slices on a plate. 3. Drizzle nut butter over the apple slices. 4. Sprinkle your choice of toppings on top of the nut butter. 5

My Daily Journal


Table of Contents Recipes 5

Healthy Snacks for You


Dog Lovers Corner with Rissa

Community Spotlights

13 Heart-Shaped Homemade Pizza


Community Showcase


Share the Mic

20 Vivian’s Must Haves

17 Berry Banana Smoothie


Crafts 15 Valentine’s Day Coloring Page 18 Florals & Hearts Coloring Page 19 Craft Time 21 Love in Every Line Doodle Page 23 How to Tie-Dye a Shirt

Activities 4

Daily Journal


Love Yourself


Good Deed Challenge


6 19

10 Valentine’s Day Word Search 23

11 Thrift Your Way to Family Fun 14 Square Up For Love Game 16 Valentine’s Day Crossword Puzzle 22 I Love... 24 Journal Page


25 Valentine Word Scramble 3


Issue 1

Dog lovers corner pet treats

ick thy u Q eal s k h c sna

Tons of

fun activities Look Inside!

Journal Time

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