2Inspire Health & Fitness Magazine #22 - July 2021

Page 16

Dennis: It’s really like you said about listening to your body and figuring out what’s working for you. There are people Also, muscle increases who can get on that your natural resting treadmill and just go metabolism. Throughout for three hours without the day, someone with it impacting their food a lot of muscle mass will choices, and then there burn more calories while are those who don’t just sitting down and do any cardio and only working than a person lift. So we really have to with less muscle mass, figure out what works for because muscle is an each of us. But no matter active tissue that requires what, getting started is so much energy to important, so what are maintain. some good starting lifts for people who don’t Dennis: Another thing, have a lot of experience just to piggyback off that, with weight training? is people don’t realize that lifting weights burns Kevin: There are about three times the fat that five key lifts that I think cardio does. guys should consider doing. Each of these has Kevin: Yes, and cardio been chosen because it’s can also increase your effective, practical and appetite. So when people very easy to do. think they will just do cardio for a half hour a The first is pull-ups. Some day, they don’t realize how people call them the king much it’s going to increase of exercises. To do them, their appetite. There’s all you need is the bar. You also the psychological hop on that bar and rip aspect of thinking you out some pull-ups. They did something so you get work your lats, which is to reward yourself with great for looking a little some food or drink. A lot wider. They work your of times, this leads people biceps and your forearms. to eat way more than It’s a functional exercise the cardio burns—where that can come in handy in they might not have that your everyday life. If you’ve problem when they focus never done them before, on lifting. get some exercise bands you build that muscle, you’re also more resistant to injury, which is a great thing.


or use the assistance machine that a lot of gyms have until you can do one without assistance. And then from there, just do more and more. The second exercise uses a small piece of equipment that’s probably a hundred years old. It’s a power twister bar, and you can find it on Amazon. It’s a bar about three feet long with handles on the ends and a big spring in the middle. All you do is bend it in half. You can alternate your grip to vary the resistance, and you can target the lower chest by bending it a specific way. It targets your chest the same way bench presses do, but without the shoulder strain and equipment. The third one is doing lat raises with 10-, 12.5- and 15-pound dumbbells. Watch a couple of videos on how to do lat raises. They’re great for your shoulders. That’s another point that you want to target. Then, there are squats. If you’re trying to see results quickly, squats are great for just about everything. Squats make your whole body stronger, and they really target the glutes, the quads and the hamstrings,

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