against gum disease. Over time gum disease can elevate your risk of heart disease, by almost 100% above normal. This roundabout benefit that Aside from lowering your yogurt delivers to your LDL levels (which is a good heart is made possible through the presence thing), pomegranates of “good bacteria” called prevent the oxidation probiotics, which also offer of cholesterol in the the positive side effect of body. This means you contributing to a healthy form less plaque in your gastrointestinal system. cardiovascular system, making your heart Brown Rice and Oatmeal stronger and healthier. that have been processed, with artificial flavors, sugars and other unhealthy man-made chemicals added.
Red Wine
Along with similar foods like flaxseed, oatmeal and healthy brown rice (as In moderation, red wine opposed to processed, bumps up your HDL enriched, nutrient-free (good cholesterol) levels. This helps prevent plaque white rice) are full of healthy dietary fiber. They buildup, much like garlic. also provide essential nutrients like potassium, As explained by John Folts, Professor Emeritus of folate, niacin, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. Cardiovascular Medicine and Nutrition at the Your heart once again University of Wisconsin benefits from a healthy at Madison, polyphenols cardiovascular process, found in a high concentration in red wine and does not have to work as hard to pump make your blood vessels blood and valuable very flexible. oxygen throughout your body. This increases This reduces your risk of your chances of living a clotting, and helps your heart combat a long list of long, healthy life, while diseases. (Not more than 1 decreasing your risk of glass of wine 3 to 5 days a contracting heart diseases and cancer. week is recommended.)
Natural Dark Chocolate
Research shows that a diet with above average levels of yogurt protects
We are definitely referring to natural dark chocolates here, not sugar and
chemical-packed sweet chocolate treats. There are plenty of health studies that show the positive heart benefits of the flavanols found in minimally processed cocoa. Harvard cardiologist Dr. Norman Hollenberg found that the Kuna Indians of Panama have extremely few cases of high blood pressure and hypertension. Their secret? Cocoa made from dark chocolate. Your heart benefits from improved blood vessel flexibility from just a few small squares of natural dark chocolate eaten daily. Kidney Beans and Black Beans Most legumes are very healthy, and deserve a place in your diet. Like the other foods on this list incredibly high in dense dietary fiber, you only have to eat a very small amount to feel full quickly. That fiber is naturally soluble, and joins calcium, B complex vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids as heart healthy components. As far as dining possibilities, there might not be a more versatile and flexible food than beans. Tossed in your salad, used to make a