10 Ways to Make Exercise Part of Your Daily Routine Exercise is really just sustained physical activity. Some people think of the word exercise, and they immediately react negatively. Think about these things instead: • Playing catch or tag with your children or grandchildren • Cycling with a friend • Enjoying a day on the water, stand up paddleboarding, kayaking or canoeing • Hiking or camping with the family
You probably just experienced happy thoughts, or at least positive ones, when you read through that short
list. That’s a good thing, because the 3 activities listed above are just a few that qualify as exercise.
make your body stronger, more fit and better looking. (Who doesn’t want that?)
Exercise does not have to mean lifting heavy weights in sweaty, dirty gyms where your risk of contracting colds, flu and diseases is immediately raised as soon as you step inside. It also does not have to mean painful running sessions that go on for miles and miles.
However, so many people have busy, hectic lifestyles these days. So how are you going to find time to exercise? The following are 10 proven methods for making exercise a part of your daily schedule, tips and strategies for keeping physically active that anyone can put into practice starting today.
Anytime you are physically active, especially on a regular basis, you maintain a healthy body weight, enjoy a mental boost and improved mood, and help
1 – Focus on a Goal or End Result, Not the Exercise Itself Pretend you decided to do some body weight