4 Things Women in Business are Doing Wrong We women are AWESOME, and we do a lot. But as we strive to give our best, we need to evaluate what we are doing, because there are some things we are not doing quite right. Here are a few things we are doing wrong. Saying Yes. We say YES far too often. And I get it, we want to be helpful and support others. The truth is, however, that saying YES too often is stealing time away from other things we need to accomplish. We need to shift our focus from saying NO is a bad thing, you understand that it is perfectly acceptable to say No and still be successful. Business Coach, Christie Wright said “an honest NO is better than a dishonest YES”. When we say yes and do not really mean it, we are not giving our best or showing up authentically. 33
So, how can we say NO and not have it cause issues? Well one way is to say it in a better way, such as “I would love to help you with that, but I have a previous commitment”. Another thing you can do is line up the request with your goals – if it fits into helping you achieve your goals… do it! If not, pass. No Self Care. We cannot help and serve others when we are burned out. Self-care needs to be a non-negotiable to us. It keeps us healthy, focused, energized and happy. Far too many women put themselves and their needs on the back burner telling ourselves we do not have time. We need to MAKE the time. It doesn’t have to be hours, a simple 5-15 minutes a day to step away and take care of ourselves can make all the difference. Here are some simple tips to self-care: Drink more water, take a 5-minute walk