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WWP Welcome: Sheran Harper introduces you to our new members’ magazine


Our Worldwide President Sheran Harper introduces the very first issue of our brand-new membership magazine



It is an absolute pleasure to welcome you to the inaugural edition of our new bi-annual membership magazine, Connected.

As members, we just love a great Mothers’ Union magazine, and this one is extra special because it is filled with the kind of inspiration we need at this time. Thank you, members, for your contributions, which certainly helped to make this venture a reality, and our team at Mary Sumner House, who captured the ideas and created this masterpiece.

Drawing us together

As we have observed the COVID-19 safety protocols in our countries, and continue to do so, members have been expressing feelings of loneliness and isolation, hopelessness and uncertainty. They miss the stability of feeling deeply rooted in a community of faith. I can understand this, because just the thought of a Mothers’ Union gathering creates a surge of excitement that is greatly missed. Social distancing and the fear of contracting COVID-19 has really caused us to withdraw into our own shells and spaces. Well, Connected is here to help alleviate some of the isolation, and re-energise the commitment to all that we stand for. It will, of course, also nurture the kind of fellowship we are so used to having, even if it is in a different way. Connected will be doing exactly as its name implies: strengthening links across provinces, dioceses and branches; and providing opportunities to draw from the strength of others and make a real difference in the middle of everyday challenges.

You can expect each issue of the magazine to be colourful and filled with contributions from our faithful members. These will highlight the impact of Mothers’ Union as a whole, including our work with the UN Women’s Committee, and to carry content that shares information about the projects members are involved with.

Keeping focused

As we journey through the final year of this triennium in faith, and look to our 150th anniversary in 2026 with hope and confidence, it is my fervent prayer that we will keep God at the centre of our priorities and have a clear focus, as CEO Bev Jullien has said: ‘To ensure that MU continues to survive, while sowing

the seeds to thrive beyond the crisis’. Of course, everything we plan and do will be aligned with the extensive work undertaken through Mothers’ Union Listening, Observing and Acting (MULOA) in our zones, and at Worldwide Council (WWC) 2019 in Kigali, as well as the three core areas approved in our Strategic Plan set out in 2019. These areas are: transforming lives by way of a peaceful and safe environment for all, gender justice where all can flourish, and self-reliance so that no one goes hungry.

With the global increase in domestic abuse resulting from COVID-19 lockdowns, members have taken the stand to move campaigning against domestic abuse from 16 days to 365 days. This is essential to bring an end to the alarming figures of one in three “ As Christians we were created to stay connected through prayer and Bible study, and as members in fellowship and service

women globally experiencing some form of domestic abuse. Our partnership with the two Christian organisations, Thursdays in Black and Side by Side, will strengthen our commitment to making this world a safe place where God’s love shines through.

In addition to all that is happening in the busy life of MU, it’s time for triennial elections once again. May I ask that we approach the election process prayerfully, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Walking with God

Even as we launch Connected, and use it to help build the profile of Mothers’ Union throughout the Anglican Communion and wider community, may we always be mindful that as Christians we were created to stay connected through prayer and Bible study, and as members in fellowship and service.

As I think of this verse from John 15, I am reminded of the eternal bond that unites us with God and with each other: ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing’. John 15:5 (NIV)

The thought of many branches getting their sustenance and strength from the parent vine is a beautiful analogy of our total dependence on God, and it gives us every reason to stay connected with him, and through him with each other.

May this Ascensiontide fill us with confidence for the future, for Jesus said:

‘I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen’. Matthew 28:20 (NKJV) Enjoy reading Connected. Your feedback is welcome.

With my love and prayers,

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