docentes en servicio

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Any technology isn´t worth, if a space is modified by introducing innovations if maintains unchanged stocks, closed and vertical educational practices.. Jakeline Duarte.

TECHNO-PEDAGOGICAL GUIDELINES Guidance on the use and application of digital learning resources in website.

INTRODUCING This proposal aims in order to contribute to the background and guidelines that should be ruled in a project in order to produce a techno-pedagogical design of digital resources. Two years ago, we attended multiple featuring building initiatives for teacher training materials. Therefore, the Jefatura de sector 01 has always shown some concern about contributing multimedia dose of pills that add to the guidelines of English curriculum 2011 .Perhaps, because it is considered an essential vector for the integration of new technologies. For designing social network economic resources has been spent .Although, it is not something that is checked through the time, no doubt that the success or failure achieved in a production project materials determines the qualitative and quantitative level in order to contribute in working classroom daily.


The process of learning through technology must be thought by a serious pedagogical reflection. It is not possible to use these means to whim or chance, every possibility, so that we have the same educational foundation we must have a reason to justify its use.

Pedagogical mediation is aimed at achieving a greater communicability and interaction, from the relationships (face to face or e- learning) among participants and from the processes of pedagogical resources (printed text, digitized, audiovisual).

As it can be seen by reviewing these authors, the lesson (text, TV, educational software, CD ...) They can´t generate an educational act by themselves. "There is no possible text without context, and the context in education is called process ... As much as we do an alternative , transformer text if we don´t change the way of studying , to relate to the context of applying in daily life what we have learned "we´ll never change to a different traditional education ." 2

The teacher in these areas is also trainer, habits, skills, attitudes, values that would hardly alone technology, human presence is undoubtedly for this determinant. The educational component of this proposal is based on the Instructional ASSURE system which incorporates six phases or procedures for design as presented below in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Phases ASSURE Instrucional System.

Source: Adaptation of ASSURE Instructional Design System (Heinich, Molenday, Russell, 1993: 67116). TECHNOLOGICAL MEDIATION

Another element that is critical in the design of online courses is a serious reflection on the process of using technological means, each resource has its own use procedures, and each one optimizes learning if subject and desired objectives are right. Technological mediations correspond to the physical and technical characteristics different media. This makes each resource apply specific rules in order to produce networking. So, the platform and various applications of digital learning resources are proposed by us.

Academic Area: English Subordination: Secretaría de Educación Pública .Jefatura de Sector 01 de Secundarias Generales Federales.

Program or area: Equipo técnico pedagógico de la Jefatura de Sector 01 de Secundarias


Available in :


Modality: Face to face

On line



17 hours

30 hours

37 hours

Blended learning

Requirements: To be promoted the program HDT levels: Basic Level I: basic computational tools for education, Basic Level II: Internet educational applications and Intermediate level: education web 2.0 applications to take this advanced level (Appendix 3).

Instructional Objective : Teachers of English Secondary from Sector 01 General Federal will know and implement digital learning resources at least 80 % from the techno-pedagogical proposal ( motieduca @) in the platform based on the ASSURE instructional system to contribute to the professionalization and promote skills development : competition for logging in and management of digital information and language proficiency . General skills: The compendium of teaching strategies on the approach by competencies, expected to develop is based on the development and interaction of learning activities that encourage the successful of their learning and development process of metacognition, assigning tasks and activities such complex processing as mind maps, critical analysis argued , reading reports , design and creativity in a didactic proposal as well as the shares of collaborative work as chats , discussion forums developing of e- portfolio.

General skills

General skills

Strategies for development skills

1. Students know and appreciate Students are responsible for their own themselves and address issues and work to develop participation activities challenges taking into account the such as chats and discussion forums set goals. bringing their reflections on what they learned. 2. Have students held up a Students interact with members of the personal position on issues of course, providing their views. global concern and relevance , Analyzing readings and defend their considering other points of view own position in their readings critically and reflective reflection.

3. Students listen, interprets and Students use learning objects such as delivers relevant messages in forums, team interaction, chats and

different contexts using media other digital resources as a means of tools and appropriate codes of communication with their partners and communication. advisor.

4. Students learn by initiative and Students develop the process of self-interest throughout life. metacognition and organize time and space considering the course schedule. Students develop digital competence exploring and proposing technological resources in order to improve their work.

5. Students participate and Students participate in collaborative collaborate effectively in diverse work. teams. Students share their thoughts and creativity develops.

6. Students participate with a civic .Students discuss and debate in forums conscience and ethics. so always under the ethical and civic framework, without transgressing the social rules. Students do the work of criticism not as a process of devaluing the reading but as a process of improving their learning.

Subject specific skills: General skills

Strategies for development skills

1. Digital Competence: This skill It communicates with a clear and looks up for obtaining, process correct language in discussion information, communicate forums, respecting the views of the information and transfer it into members of the course and makes knowledge. Ability to access and use of technological resources in transmit information in different order to solve problems. sources.


competence: It regulates the processes of Competence in linguistic communication and understanding communication involves a set of (listening / reading) and production knowledge, skills and attitudes that (speaking / writing) of meanings interact and support each other in the and solving problems that arise to act of communication. get the goals.

Course organization: The course in a blended mode, it is aimed to english teachers wishing to develop digital skills and language skills in order to improve their professional training. Purpose: The course aims, first at all, to provide knowledge and skills, as professionalizing area teachers from the right implementation of methods aligned to english curriculum 2011 methods. Objectives: Knowing: Have students know previous knowledge about basic windows program and the various features of digital resources with an approach, in order to improve research needs, communication and promotion of self-learning. Doing: To design the Ning platform as an innovative proposal by the support of learning objects based on curriculum 2011, promoting the development of skills: linguistic competence and digital competence in order to apply it in their educational context. Being: To participate in collaborative and cooperative tasks creating a friendly environment assessor- participant, acquiring progressive autonomy in activities designed.

Learning Activity

Type of teaching

Planning activities Resources Strategies or means Face to use face

On line

Warming up and presentation of the planning by the advisor

Session led by the advisor

Computer Internet Proyector

Oral presentaci贸n

Doing an essay on a blog

Session led by the adviser and collaborative work

Computer Internet Proyector Blog account

Write an essay not more than 500 words about the topic teacher evaluation

3 hours

Doing conceptual map on Cmap tools

Session led by the adviser and cooperative work

computer Internet Download the program Cmap tools

By creating a concept map of the english curriculum 2011

1 hour

To create an email account in Gmail

Session led by the adviser and collaborative work

Computer Internet Gmail account

Generate an email account in Gmail and send specific information


Computer Internet facebook

Creating a community of practice in


Creating a Session led community by the of practice in adviser and

5 hours

Time to

2 hours


collaborative account and cooperative work

facebook and edit profile

Participation in the discussion forum

Session led Computer by the Internet adviser and collaborative and cooperative work

Answering a blasting question generated by the advisor

All the course

To create a digital book of the on issuu

Session led by the adviser and collaborative work

Computer Internet Issuu account

To create a digital book and write down an abstract

1 hour

To design platform*

Session led by the adviser and cooperative and collaborative work

Computer Internet Ning account

Development of a project to design the platform

Creating a presentation on Slideshare

Session led by the adviser and collaborative work

Computer Internet Slideshare account

Creating a Slideshare presentation with a theme Proposed

5 hours

Total 30 hours

2 hours

Recording a class video and embed YouTube

Session led by the adviser and collaborative work

Computer Internet YouTube account

Recording a class video upload to YouTube and embed the code embed in platform

To edit a Session led Voki avatar by the adviser and cooperative and Voki collaborative work

Computer Internet Voki account

To edit a Voki avatar in english language

2 hours

Session led Computer by the Internet adviser and cooperative and collaborative work

To write 5 hours down a file with the main characteristics of the English planning 2011

5 hours

Session led by the adviser and cooperative work

By teams look up a subject thought a WebQuest resource and develop the seven components of it

5 hours

To Generate a document and answer the question on Wiki

2 hours

4 hours


Development of a research task in Web Quest

Computer Internet

Rules and regulations of the course

The Regulations are based on three main aspects: The role of the participant (teacher): This course assumes that participants are adults and, as such, they have the primary responsibility to manage and guide their own learning processes. Although the assessor is a facilitator of such steps, learning is the last responsibility. To extent that participants take free, conscious and active that responsibility, the learning objectives will be achieved. Therefore, teachers are expected to participate actively in each of the programmed taks; It is expected to clearly state their specific training needs; and they are expected to share any experience working with their partners The mediator's role (consultant): The main purpose of the advisory is to provide a service to the participants, facilitating their learning and achievement of set objectives .In order to achieve this, each of the activities in the course will be monitored and evaluated by the mediator. The guidance and support will focus both learning processes and the products generated from these tasks .So, the assessment will focus to provide feedback to the teacher in certain learning activities. Learning Environment: The idea of learning environment refers to classes online mode. This is a space for educational purposes advisors and participants will share through a technological platform and in regard it is important that users know the use of the platform. A policy of course assumes that the mediator is responsible for ensuring access to this platform, to review each section and to follow it. About collaborative and cooperative work is expected to encourage participants an environment of new ideas, have students been generous in sharing their knowledge and experience with the aim of developing their own skills and team work. Have students done the commitments with their assessor and their partners and work with honesty and ethical. The basic precepts of communication are important, such as politeness and respectful.


Jefatura de Sector 01 secondary schools

Professional English Training By: Mtra. Floricel Gayosso Lechuga COURSE EVALUATION


Rating for specific activity

Warming up and introducing the issues by the advisor Development an essay on a blog

Any average

Development of a conceptual map on Cmap tools


Create an email account in Gmail


Creating a community of practice in facebook


Participation in the discussion forum


Designing a Digital book on Issue


Platform design*



5% Creating a presentation on Slideshare Recording a videoclase and embed YouTube


Configure a Voki avatar


Generate a document and answer the question posted on Wiki


Development of a research task in the Web


Quest Total


Final task

Designing an innovative pedagogical approach “Challenges for professional english training in secondary schools”

Faced with the challenges of the twenty-first century education, we must modify our teaching practice, incorporating different models in the learning of students. However taking into consideration your talent as an English teacher you are going to design a pedagogical proposal with various learning activities. Going back to what you learned about strategies and collaborative and cooperative work you have to design a platform on social network which must contain: Your profile, a Voki avatar welcome the proposal introducing , and the design of digital resources learned according to the activities and needs of your students. At the end send the invitation of Ning. Com to your advisor´s mail:

The following section describes the design to assess the final work of an innovative pedagogical approach in *.

Wishing you success in your educational field... Respectfully Mtra. Floricel Gayosso Lechuga.

Bibliography Bibliography

Frola Ruiz, H. Patricia. (2011). Competencias docentes para la evaluación cualitativa de los aprendizajes .México: Trillas. Jefatura de Sector 01 de secundarias Generales del estado de Puebla de origen Federal. Disponible en: López

Carrasco, Educación.

M. Ángel. (2013). Aprendizaje competencias y TIC. México: Pearson

SEP (2011), Educación básica. Secundaria. Lengua Extranjera. Inglés. Programas de

estudio 2011,

México. SEP (2006), Reforma de

la Educación

Secundaria. Fundamentación



Extranjera. Inglés, México. Further reading: Cabero, Julio; Salinas, Jesús; Duarte, Ana M. y Domingo, Jesús. (2000). Nuevas Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Educación .Madrid: Editorial síntesis. Ogalde, Isabel y González Videgaray, Mary Carmen. (2008). Nuevas tecnologías y educación. México: Trillas. Wiggins, G. y McTighe, J. (2005). Undestanding by design (Expanded 2nd Edition).Alexandria, VA (USA): Merril Education/ASCD.


Educational activity

Professional skills

Support Resources and links

Blog Through this activity, the teams are asked to develop through a blog, an essay with an educational theme (parameters of English teachers) in Word program. The activity induces teachers to reflect, develop written communication, to design a product in order to obtain a product to and share their ideas and eventually obtain a product that supports collaboration and cooperation tasks. Critical and reflective thinking. Collaborative and cooperative work. Written expression. Social responsibility. Web page : http://www.blogger. com/ Tutorial:


Besides images, audios and videos with evidence, conferences or contributions of members of the group are integrated.

Strategies that promote evaluation

Brainstorming session by experts. Essay. Product generate on a blog



Conceptual structure

Raises a complete conceptual structure: Introduction , conclusions and bibliography


Explain briefly and clearly the issues to be treated


It presents the main idea developed and argued It sets the objective to be achieved Sets for what and for whom it is important to test Development activity

It presents the secondary ideas that support the arguments It presents and defends personal ideas




Summarizes the arguments presented above Develops the test objective Close conclusions taking a stand


It presents the references looked up and / or requested underlying ideas that argue

Educational activity

Cmaptools In this activity, the teacher writes the characteristics of the English curriculum 2011, approaches and objectives. The main objective presents through a conceptual map the highlights discussed in the document.

Professional skills

Promotion of self-regulation and metacognition. Written communication. Critical thinking and argumentation.

Support Resources and links

Power point Cmap tool program: Tutorial: English Program Plan and 2011.


The product is shared on the Ning platform. com, as well as spaces academies grade and Technical School Boards.

Strategies that promote evaluation

Maps. Review of the literature discussed. Product design of a concept map.

Checklist for assessing conceptual map Indicators



Student deliver task just on time Students research primary or secondary sources Students Embed the concept map in the indicated web platform Concepts relate connectors The conceptual map shows hierarchy of concepts *5 percent



Educational activity

e-mail Through e-mail tool allows to communicate, interact and share information. It is suggested to create an email account in Gmail .After that, teachers send information related to types of tests for learning english

Professional skills

Communication Collaboration. Management and analysis of information Skills in the use of ICT

Support Resources and links

Web page: Tutorial:


You can use instant communication tools (chat ) in order to leave quickly messages , associated with the delivery of files, by using the mail.

Strategies that promote evaluation

Product: e mail account and in box evidences


Sending emails

Rubric for evaluating an e mail account Excellent Very good Good 5 scores 4 scores 3 scores The user successfully sends an email and It includes title and message and files attachments

The user successfully sends an email and includes : title and message

The user sends an e-mail but does not include : title and message

Need improvement 2 scores Mail does not reach to the mail address 2 puntos

The member will be able to receive and send mails and to forward, mark as spam, load files, delete, and review the inbox.

The member is almost able to receive and send mails, and to forward, mark as spam, load files, delete, and review the inbox.

The member rarely is able to receive and send mails, and to forward, mark as spam, load files, delete, and review the inbox.

The member is not able to receive any mails, and not able to do any command.

Language code

E mails express ideas very clearly, correctly applies spelling, grammatical and syntax rules.

E mails express ideas clearly enough; applies in most cases spelling, grammatical and syntax rules.

E mails do not express any clear ideas and applies spelling, grammatical and syntax errors rules.

E mails do not express clearly; applies spelling, grammatical and syntax rules, with many errors.

In box

The member logs in a mailing account; he receives messages successfully and is organized.

The member logs in a mailing account he receives messages on in box and checks them successfully.

The member logs in a mailing account he receives messages on in box and check them successfully but does not read them.

The member can´t log in a mailing account.

Delivering mails

Educational activity

Facebook Facebook provides electronic support in order to create a community of practice. Through teams, assessor asked to the members to create a Facebook account as a tool to help the development of the assigned activity. By this Technology have participants establish the profile of the group, integrated photographs of the experiences, and share audios with educational content. Have professors generate a brainstorming virtual space develops. The embed code can be pasted on platform.

Professional skills

Able to speech Written expression. Cooperative leadership . Participation by teams. Digital competence .

Support Resources and links

Web page :www.facebook Tutorial:


Users invite other members to join the social network in order to generate a learning community.

Strategies that promote evaluation

Discussion forums. Product open facebook account and edit profile Rubric to assess the cooperative teamwork on facebook. Criteria

Effectiveness and control group motieduc @

Quality of task

Higher 10% Users always control the effectiveness of the group and makes suggestions to make it more effective.

High 8% Users repeatedly Monitors the effectiveness of the group and works to make the group more effective.

Low 6% Users Occasionally monitor the effectiveness of the group and works to make it more effective.

Lower 4% Users Rarely controls the effectiveness of the group and does not work for this to be more effective

It provides high quality work.

It provides quality work.

It provides work that occasionally needs to be checked or modified by other members of the group to ensure its quality.

It provides work that usually needs to be checked or modified by other members to ensure its quality.

Cooperative work

Collaborative work

Users always listen to, and share. Trying to join members in cooperative work.

Users frequently listen to, and share. Trying to join members in cooperative work.

Users sometimes listen to, and share. Trying to join members in cooperative work.

Users rarely listen to, share. Trying to join members in cooperative work.

Users always provide useful ideas when participating in the group and contribute optimistically.

Users usually provide useful ideas when participating in the group and contribute optimistically.

Users ooccasionally provide useful ideas when participating in the group and contribute optimistically.

Users rarely provide useful ideas when participating in the group and contribute optimistically.

Educational activity

Forum Undoubtedly, one of the most versatile tools that offer virtual learning environments are discussion forums .A discussion forum is part of an asynchronous conversation between two members of the group through an electronic tool. Users are asked to answer the question blasting How do you induce your students to the use of digital resources in order to promote collaborative and cooperative work?

Professional skills

Collaborative and cooperative work Able to speech written communication

Support Resources and links

Web page: Forum tutorial on

Recommendat ions

A group is optional for and one against, while a third member will moderate the discussion. The assessor participates only analyzing the task of three teams also will take care that the debate is conducted in the best way.

Strategies that promote evaluation

Discussion forums. Product: evidence of doing Rubric CRITERIA



Argumentative quality of the participants in the forum

Members present significant and relevant contributions in more than three arguments that articulate in order to contribute to group

Members present contributions that are just opinions without articulating arguments in order to contribute to group content

Grammatical communicative quality of communicative competence and textual

In the units contributions are less than four spelling and grammatical errors are evident

In the units contributions are evident between five and nine spelling and grammatical errors

NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 1% Members present contributions that are just opinions without arguments that articulate contribute content

Members present in the units / contributions over ten spelling and grammatical errors are evident

Collaborative and cooperative / work discussion of the contributions of the partners

It is evident more than three feedbacks of the contributions of the partners

Two feedbacks from the contributions of the partners are evident

No feedback was evidence of the contributions of the partners

Number of contributions in forum

It shows more than five contributions or participation in the forum

It shows three contributions or participation in the forum

Any participation is no evidence in the forum

Educational activity

Issuu for literacy Literacy structure is a process of thinking in which reading and writing are inseparable .For Development Understanding the moderator apply Generating a digital book -themed recreational activities English language Teaching. Product: Write down an essay

Professional skills

Critical thinking Troubleshooting. reading and writing skills Abilities to analyze information in digital format.

Support Resources and links

Digital texts in PDF format Web page: Tutoriall:

Recommendations It suggests generate digital books and produce new texts in digital format that provides the ability to exchange information with other users and embed the code on platforms like Strategies that promote evaluation

Hipetextuales and hypermedia analysis. Review of the literacy discussed. Product: a digital book Checklist to assess Issuu No. 1 2


Indicators The book includes introduction It illustrates introduction, index and paged a minimum of ( 25 pages ) It includes illustrations and graphics associated with the subject


The content is explicit and concrete


It presents details of the author





It includes bibliography * 5 scores


Educational activity

Professional skills There are several teachers who receive the same session. In blended modality. Have students to open a space in the platform and embedding embed codes and other links. The final product is evidenced by the contributions of students members in this case). Skills in the use of ICT Language proficiency: oral and written communication. Acquisition and analysis of data and information. Obtaining knowledge from different fields.

Support Resources and links

Web page: Tutorial: Settings: Features:


Sessions supported by tutorials and discussion forum space

Strategies that promote evaluation

Development of a special project ( design the platform) Product: To open an account on the Ning platform. com and invite members. Rubric for final product Excellent 20 scores

satisfactory 15 scores

Fair 10 scores

Need improvement 5 scores Tasks or activities not seem to be organized or classified.

It includes all activities designed educational content and set goals.

It classifies and archives most activities or jobs related to the objectives in the development of activities.

It classifies and files or some of the activities related to the contents and objectives outlined in the project work.

It includes variety of materials , articles, hypertexts , videos and relates what they have learned in new situations in their educational context.

It includes some news articles, hypertexts , videos and relates what they have learned in new situations

It includes material : news , articles, hypertexts and relates them to what learned in new situations

It includes materials not entirely relevant no relation to what has been learned

It shows the deep and meaningful acquisition of integrating in hypertext or other schemes knowledge.

It shows the deep and meaningful knowledge acquisition using schemes , hypertext or other ones

It demonstrates knowledge acquisition using schemes, hypertext or other.

It does doesn´t demonstrate any significant acquisition or otherwise.

Educational activity

Slideshare Members Through Slide share can share the presentation of the session. The mediator asks users to make a PowerPoint presentation with the investigation of the topic “Strategies for learning English.�

Professional skills

Creativity and innovation. Ability to understand and manipulate ideas. Management and analysis of information.

Support Resources and links

Web page: Tutorial:

Recommendations We recommend opening an account on Slide Share and upload the PowerPoint presentation. Strategies that promote evaluation

Product design of a PowerPoint presentation in Slide upload share. Performance evaluation Checklist Indicator



It develops the requested topic Introduction, development, conclusions It includes text, titles , headings and paragraphs It includes colors, design and transition It is Illustrated by background and images It presents grammar spelling and punctuation marks The file is located in the space Slide Share *5 scores



Educational activity

Youtube Developing a video is available to teachers .Taping a videoclase with an innovative strategy and the elements that integrates a session: initiation, development and closing, then opening an account on YouTube and upload it .For embedding video embed code in the platform.

Professional skills

Planning. Organizing tasks Critical and creative thinking electronic media skills

Support Resources and links

English Program curriculum 2011. Video camera. Cell phone. Images. You tube account: Tutorial:


Additionally, the teacher can make a script considering: introduction to the topic, argument development ideas, use of illustrations, closure or conclusion of the presentation.

Strategies that promote evaluation

Performance evaluation. Video recording Product: To develop a videoclase.


Rubric to evaluate a videoclase Deluxe task Standard task (10) (8)

Task in progress (6)

Image quality and editing videoclase

The video features, clear images. It is embedded in Youtube.

Some of the images and scenes are not clear, but they are understandable. It is embedded in youtube.

Most of the video is unclear and poor quality images. The video is not embedded in Youtube.


All students show much interest and contribute to class participation.

Some students show interest and contribute to class participation.

Few students show interest and contribute to class participation.

Development of generic skills

The videoclase shows examples and promotes the development of generic skills.

The videoclase shows examples; but it has a poor approach to generic skills.

The videoclase lacks examples and it does not promote the development of generic skills

Development of disciplinary powers

The videoclase shows examples and / or promote the development of disciplinary skills (basic / extended).

The videoclase shows just one example of disciplinary skills (basic / extended).

The videoclase lacks examples and does not promote the development of disciplinary skills (basic / extended).

Video elated to assigned program.

Video content is completely related to the english curriculum 2011.

Most of the content is related to the english curriculum 2011.

Video content is not related to the english curriculum 2011.

Total scores:10 ( High)

Educational activity

Voki Sign in Voki web page and select character, set it and design the character recording in English program with a message greeting and Welcome students.

Professional skills

It encourages the use of digital resources. Language proficiency: oral and written communication (production). Critical and creative thinking. Autonomous learning.

Support Resources and links

Account (register): Tutorial:


It is suggested personalize your animated avatar.

Strategies that promote evaluation

Product: designing an avatar Performance evaluation Rubric to assess the character creation application with Voki CategorĂ­a

Expert 5% The avatar is very creative and original.

Accomplished 4% The avatar is pretty creative and original.

Capable 3% The avatar is sufficiently creative and original.

Begginer 2% The avatar is not creative and original.


It is very appropriate

It is appropriate.

It is fitting regularly.

It is not appropriate.

Oral text editing

It is coherent and cohesive fine.

It is consistent and well cohesive.

It is coherent and enough cohesive.

It is neither coherent nor cohesive.


It is maintaining excellent intonation and right tone.

It is maintaining good intonation and right tone.

It maintains regular proper intonation and tone.

Intonation and tone are not appropriate.

Speed and guidelines

It presents a quite adequate speed and rhythm.

It presents a very adequate speed and rhythm.

It has a speed and regular rhythm.

It does not present neither speed nor adequate rhythm

The character or avatar

Educational activity

Wiki The counselor asks to work in groups of three or four participants in order to review and analyze the content of the English curriculum 2011. Subsequently they were asked to create together a file in Zoho Wiki for realizing their analysis and views.

Professional skills

Critical and reflective thinking. Collaborative and cooperative work. Written expression. shared responsibility

Support Resources and links

Page: Tutorial:


It is recommended that teachers provide feedback information to the advisor.

Strategies that promote evaluation

Special: Project Product: project presentation Criteria

Excellent 10 %

Very good 8%

Good 6%

Objective Wiki

It is partially achieved.

It is almost achieved.

It not seen reached.

Frequency of publication

There are more than 6 posts.

There are about 4 or 3 post.

There are only two posts.


All items cited are related to the topic of English curriculum. It includes enough visuals aids.

Half of the articles are related to the topic of English curriculum. Incluye escasos elementos visuales. It includes few visual aids

They are not related to the topic of English curriculum. It does not have any visuals aids.

Visual aids

Educational activity

Professional skills

Support Resources and links

Web Quest Through teams preselected by the teacher and in order to promote cooperative learning. The mediator requests to develop the activity called the “teaching skills for Qualitative evaluation of Learning " .By using developing A WebQuest the seven components : 1 – Introduction: where the scene of action is prepared to develop by the participants. 2. The task: Follow one is describing a detail what students will have to do. 3. The determination of the process: the path 4. -The evaluation: analyzes the expected level of performance and develop. 5. -The conclusions: reestablish analysis activity. 6. -The guidance: establishes the orientation of the activity. 7. References and credits: consider the sources consulted in the analysis and ES Credits do reflect the names of the participants. Research skills Critical and reflective thinking Encourages collaborative and cooperative work Bibliography: qualitative assessment of learning, Frola (2011). Page: Tutorial:

Recommendations In order to complement the WebQuest can be used problem-based learning. Strategies that promote evaluation

Troubleshooting Product: Development of WebQuest and its seven components.

Estimated scale Excellent Level Indicator Looking up information and processing it It includes the seven WebQuest It presents adequate information marked on Task Colaborative and cooperative work Contemplates the bibliography and credits are reflected in the names of Participants


Needs improvement


Name of resource


Image or logo symbol Resource

Link download / page web

License Agreement

Resource Overview

Educational use

Pรกgina: http://www.blo gger. com/

Free access member should be directly addressed from the link Internet

Website regularly updated with texts or articles from one or more authors. The use or Blog theme school allows teachers to publish content topics evidences of class, lesson plans and activities.

Free access. member should be directly addressed from the link Internet.

CmapTools is a map generator of ideas, sketches, and diagrams, mind maps to organize concepts and ideas in a simple and practical way.

Blogs in educational settings have several possibilities (Rabbit 2002). 1. educators options : Files related to professional practice. -Sharing Staff and network knowledge. -Notices, Educational advice for students. -Advertisements Courses, workshops, conferences, events, etc. - Links. - Content Management This digital resource in its educational applications, allows presentations of an issue to organize concepts.

Free access. Member should be directly addressed from the link Internet.

It is a network service that allows users to send and receive messages by electronic communication systems.

Tutorial: https://www.yo ch?v=pwjjHng OsLY


Cmap tool programa: http://cmap.ih d/ Tutorial: https://www.yo ch?v=TMNq_o CFyi8

Electronic mail

Pรกgina: http://www.inic iarsesioncorreo m/ Tutorial: https://www.yo ch?v=NmRxzit BtJw

A major educational app is the possibility of communication and interaction by the electronic mail ( email ) between people ( teachers, students , experts a themes.


Ingresar a pรกgina :www.faceboo k Tutorial: https://www.yo ch?v=ewlC5p8 51KE


Pรกgina: http://www.nin Tutorial foro en https://www.yo ch?v=mSJzCu K0yLM


Pรกgina: m/ Tutorial: https://www.yo ch?v=AWp65 UDwXjM

Pรกgina: http://www.nin


Tutorial: https://www.yo ch?v=VfAqhfn 4q78 Pรกgina: https://es.slides Tutorial: https://www.yo

Free access. Member should be directly addressed from the link Internet.

It is a website .This social networking space allows the creation of your profile and offers the possibility of creating groups.

Through this app seek users to develop a communication process and create groups in order to share experiences.

Free access. Member should be directly addressed from the link Ning Internet. com

A discussion forum is part of an asynchronous conversation between two members of the group through an electronic device.

Through this app, the exchange of professional experiences The mediator has the advantage of inducing the participation of members to socialize so that members develop collaborative and cooperative work.

Free access. Member should be directly addressed from the link Internet.

Issuu is an online service that allows viewing electronically digitized material such as books, e portfolios, numbers of magazines, newspapers and other print media.

For educational purposes, this app allows to convert digital magazines with the aim of promoting virtual readings.

Free 30-day trial Payment accessible by license. You should be directly addressed from the link Internet.

Ning is an online platform for users for creating social websites and social networks.

In education, Ning is used in various ways. The first and most important is to create online courses. Ning allows teachers to interact students from all over the world.

Free access. Must be accessed directly From the link Internet.

Free space where users can send PowerPoint presentations or OpenOffice, for display and network shares.

The teacher has the advantage of sharing their PowerPoint presentations Using Slideshare On order to share the presentation in its class students and colleague.

ch?v=emLOEwHwW0 You tube


Cuenta en youtube: http://es.kioske Tutorial: https://www.yo ch?v=oZvBuq RxaPs

Free access. You should be directly addressed from the link Internet.

It is a space to generate videos controlled by an administrator.

Teachers and administrators control the published videos and no restriction on the comments posted.

Abrir cuenta: http://www.vok

Free access. You should be directly addressed from the link Internet.

Widget (like an "extra”) free that produces a " voki " or character ( avatar) that moves and speaks the text we type.

As a teaching resource it is an app for producing a character; which we can characterize it and make it unique in our own way. You can program it in different language.

You should be directly addressed from the link Internet.

Users of a wiki can create, edit, delete or modify the web page, easily and fastly.

In academia it encourages critical thinking and thoughtful addition to the collaborative work.

Free access. You should be directly addressed from the link Internet.

The WebQuest is an inquiryoriented activity in which most of the information is to be used on the Web.

The WebQuest is used as a teaching resource by teachers for implementing the learning strategy guided by a work process developed by students discovery.

Tutorial: https://www.yo ch?v=vMSKm VhakFE


Page: https://www.zo Tutorial: https://www.yo ch?v=s_23_isd f_c

Web Quest

Página. http://phpwebq p/ Tutorial: https://www.yo ch?v=jwHPLm 4EBr4

Source: Adapted from López (2013). ICT and learning activities, pp. 125-156.

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.