MotorSports/53deluxe June 2012

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Vol. 17 No. 6

JUNE 2012 Publisher & Editor-in-Chief - Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins E-mail: Office & Production Manager -

Jimbo Perkins

Advertising Sales & Marketing - 228 596-0664 Printing & Bulk Mail by: Baton Rouge Press - 225 275-8429 CRUIZIN’ IN THE PASSIN’ LANE Jimbo Perkins HOT COFFEE……….. J. Roberts SPRING FLING………. Staff CAMELLIA CLASSIC……… Fred Minke 1951 FORD SHOEBOX……. Kane Mcmellon JOE HUDSON’S ‘68 OLDS….. “17 FOREVER” …. Terry Mason Barfield TRUNK TAILS …….. “Cubby” Hole HARLEY WL……….. Brandon Shearer CRUIZIN’ GOURMET………Bobbi Webber-Clark NEECY’S CANDIDS………. Neecy Cobb CHEVY BOW TIE………… Ray West THE KLONDIKE KID……. Rob Wise ‘57 STREET PROWLER… Todd Merrick CAR SHOW DIVA……… Jeannie Rupprecht FEATURED ARTIST …. Todd Merrick CALENDAR GIRL ZOE SCARLETT ……. DIRT TRACK MEMORIES ..… Larry Dunham THE PINEAPPLES EXPRESS… Lynn Makua DEAN JEFFRIES……… LOVE SHACK JOKE PAGES……... CAR EVENTS………………….... CLASSIFIED ADS ……….. BUSINESS DIRECTORY …… SUBSCRIPTION FORM……

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THIS MONTHS PHOTOGRAPHERS Jimbo Perkins …... Jeanie Rupprecht…. Todd Merrick…… Kane Mcmellon….. Neecy Cobb……..

Info - 228 596-0664

Dixie Press Publishing LLC PO Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS. 39505

Phone 228 596-0664 Subscription $20 Year Sent by Bulk Mail The Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine / 53 deluxe / Coast Cruizers Newsletter, is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press



By: Jimbo Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio? They billed it “the 100th annual Coon-Ass Rednecks Nationals” (just incase you might not be around to attend the show 70 or 80 years from now) This years show took place April 26 -29 and there were plenty of cars and people who showed up early to get their parking spots.. When I checked into the host hotel, the parking lot was filling up with the “regulars” because this show is the one people talk about and look forward to all year. I believe the reason that this show is so popular is the fact that Randy, Tuna and the rest of the Two State Rodders attend shows all year, handing out flyers, personally inviting folks to the show. Most of you who are reading this know what I’m talking about… you see members of the Two State Rodders everywhere and that is what makes a show successful. They do all this and give proceeds from the show to charities they help support and Hot Rodders in need. The Ambassador of Cultural Affairs, Randy Wilson, and all the members of the Two State Rodders wanted me to make sure I let ya’ll know just how much they appreciated your support in attending this show. Also the Tangipahoa Parish Tourism & Visitors Bureau, a proud sponsor of this show, wanted to thank everyone for attending this years show. The next show I went to was the Fireman’s Appreciation Day May 5th in Vancleave, MS. Best turn out they ever had. The next weekend was the Coast Cruizers Spring Fling, May 12th, it was a great show. People showed up even tho it was suppose to rain. Over 60 cars. I missed goin’ to the Dixie Rodders show, (magazine deadline) but I stopped over to the Magnolia Classic Cruisers show in Pascagoula, MS May 19th.. (over 200 cars) and made an appearance at the Tim Harrison Memorial May 20th in Biloxi, MS. That was the biggest show they ever had. At each of these shows there was one thing that stood out; people were talking about ….the people who drive their show cars/truck

Pop Quiz How smart are you really? This Test has been used for over 50 years and has pretty much done it with great accuracy. If you don't score high, remember, you can always improve. It has been said Bill Gates once took this test and scored a 3 on it. Good Luck! Questions 1.Do they have a 4th of July in England? a. I Don't Know b. Yes c. No 2. How many birthdays does the average man have? a. I Don't Know b. 1 c. 2 d. 3+ e. 5+ f. 10+ 3. Some months have 31 days; how many have 28? a. I Don't Know b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 e. 6 f. 9 g. 12 4. How many outs are there in an inning? a. I Don't Know b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 e. 6 f. 8 5. Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widow's sister? a. I Don't Know b. Yes c. No 6. Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the answer? a. I Don't Know b. 10 c. 35 d. 50 e. 70 f. 90 7. If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have? a. I Don't Know b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 8. A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How many minutes would the pills last? a. I Don't Know b. 20 c. 40 d. 60 e. 90 9. A farmer has 17 sheep, and all but 9 die. How many are left? a. I Don't Know b. 1 c. 3 d. 5 e. 7 f. 9 10. How many animals of each sex did Moses take on the ark? a. I Don't Know b. 3 c. 2 d. 1 e. 0 11. How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen? a. I Don't Know b. 1 c. 3 d. 6 e. 9 f. 12 Answers on page 6

(Continued on page 6)


into the “show area” take a parking spot, set up camp, join in the conversation with their neighbor, criticize the show promoters and judges and generally just being a jerk… AND never even registered or gave a donation to the event. (that just ain’t right)

Scrapin the Coast will be June 22-24, and MotorSports/53deluxe - Coast Cruizers will have a hospitality tent set up. We have a few reserved parking spots so come on out and join the fun. For all my Flame-throwing cars/truck buddies, we are sponsoring a $500 cash prize to the winner of the Saturday night FlameThrowing Contest. For those of you who have never been to Scrapin the Coast, you really are missing out on one really big time. All vehicles are welcome. Great entertainment, and lot’s of vendors. Now it’s time to put this magazine to bed, it takes about six hours to convert the pages into a PDF that will magically transfer all these pictures and words into the magazine you holding and reading... While it’s doin it’s thing I may just pour me a small one, just to relax a bit… I don’t know why but it made me think of the time I was at a bar one Saturday night. I had a few drinks… I noticed two very large women by the bar. They both had strong accents, so I asked, "Hey, are you two ladies from Scotland?" ... One of them turned to me and screamed, "It's WALES, you IDIOT!" So, I immediately apologized, and said, "Sorry, are you two whales from Scotland?"

(Continued from page 5)

The Answer Key 1. Is there a Fourth of July in England? Yes, it comes after the third of July! 2. How many birthdays does the average man have? 1, Just one! 3. Some months have 31 days; how many have 28? 12, all of them! 4. How many outs are there in an inning? 6, three per side! 5. Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widow's sister? No - because he is dead! 6. Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the answer? 70, (30 divided by 1/2 equals 60! ) (Takes some thinking.....) 7. If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have? 2, you took them, remember? 8. A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half hour. How many minutes would the pills last? 60 - Start with the 1st pill, 30 minutes later take the 2nd, then 30 minutes for the 3rd. 9. A farmer has 17 sheep, and all but 9 die. How many are left? 9 10. How many animals of each sex did Moses take on the ark? 0. Moses didn't have an ark, Noah did! 11. How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen? 12. There are 12, 2 cent stamps in a dozen! Results 0-1: Umm, no comment. 2-4: I'm sure you're good at sports..... 5-7: Normal Intelligence 8-10: Honor Student 11: Only 3 people have ever scored this high!


American Legion Post 1992 3824 Old Spanish Trail, Gautier MS, 39553 The 1st Ever A.L. 1992 Ambucs was formed in April of 2012, we help to provide independence and self reliance to our disabled veterans and or their disabled children by giving therapy bikes and encouraging rides with us; as well as promoting involvement within the community. We were able to form this group by combining our many talents through the American Legion Post 1992 in Gautier MS. The American Legionnaires, Women's Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, as well as the American Legion Riders have all helped to bring an idea to fruition. We are the 1st Ambucs to operate out of an American Legion Post and only the 2nd Vets initiative that focuses primarily on disabled Veterans. The 1st ever A.L. 1992 Ambucs was privileged to donate a bike trainer to the VA hospital in Biloxi, MS and a therapy bike to a disabled veteran. This event took place at the American Legion Post in Gautier MS. On May 23rd, 2012. Riding a bicycle is one of those activities as adults we just take for granted. Most of us learn how to ride as a child and it follows us into adulthood. This is true for those who enter the armed forces and if everything goes as planned they return to civilian life able to resume their lives. But, things don't always go as planned. Many of our veterans, who bravely fought to protect our country, now face life changing disabilities. The act of riding a bicycle is no longer a given, but can become a huge challenge. AMBUCS believes these soldiers should have every opportunity to be engaged in the active life style they had prior to their disability. AMBUCS has been working for over a decade to give those with disabilities the opportunity to ride. Veteran Cycles are all about abilities, focusing on what a veteran can do, not what they can't. Disabled riders often have balance issues preventing them from bringing a bicycle up to speed. To aid this issue, the AmTryke cycle operates from a tricycle platform with the goal of getting a rider balanced and feeling secure. This allows the rider to translate their movements to riding. In addition, these cycles can be hand or foot powered allowing those veterans with mobility issues the opportunity to return to bike riding. Given opportunities to be physically active, veterans with disabilities can demonstrate enhanced health and overall quality of life. Physical activity is known to improve heart and lung function, promote bone strength, reduce stress, enhance and/or maintain cognitive function and provide opportunities for recreation and social interaction. The Center for Disease Control recommends that adults between the ages of 18-64 participate in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week and on two or more days a week they work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms). Veterans with physical and/or cognitive impairments are greatly limited in their participation in recreational and physical activities. With an AmTryke riders can get moving, they can increase their cardio function and build strength all of which will impact their overall health and fitness. The AmTryke Veteran Cycle also promotes inclusive participation with family and friends in the meaningful and important activity of riding a bike. We would like to invite all supporters to contact us for information on how you can get involved with Ambucs. Our chapter will focus on disabled veterans located on the Mississippi Gulf Coast area. Please help us support our Veterans 1st Ever A.L. Ambucs 1992 P.O. Box 682 Gautier MS, 39553-0682 Tania Whitfield President 228-623-5588 Founded in 1922, National AMBUCS™, Inc. is a non-profit service organization consisting of a diverse group of men and women dedicated to creating mobility and independence for people with disabilities. That mission is fulfilled by performing various forms of community service, awarding scholarships to therapists, and providing AmTryke® therapeutic tricycles to individuals who are unable to operate traditional bikes. Currently, there are over 5,500 AMBUCS members spread out in more than 130 chapters in 28 different states. For more information, please visit

By: J Roberts Where is a café you can go and get a good breakfast and talk fishing also. J. E. and I have visited this place quite a few times. I am talking about the Palace Café and Restaurant in downtown Gulfport. It has been in downtown for over 50 years. It started out a block over to the west, where the parking garage for Hancock Bank now sets. In 1977 it moved to the present location on 25th Ave. Mr. Don Parks (the owner) had been running the café, along with his daughters and his wife until early this year. Mrs. Parks passed away the first part of this year and has been greatly missed. Lori one of the daughters has been waiting on tables for her dad for 26 years and Kelli has been doing the same for 20 years. J. E.'s wife and Lori went to school together so J. E. has known Lori for some years. The food is great both breakfast and lunch. The best thing for breakfast is the smoke link sausage. It come from a meat packing company in Hattiesburg. I always get a double order of the link sausage with my eggs. There are the usual sandwiches for lunch and a lunch special everyday. They also make their on deserts , the peach cobbler is real good. I think it was a Tuesday that they have cobber. Now if Mr. Don is there you can find out where the fish are biting and maybe which bait he is using. There are several men that meet in the morning and talk fishing, where to go and what to use. If it is like most fishing stories you might have to take that story about the one that got away with a grain of salt. The café is open from 6:30am until 2pm Monday thru Friday. Close Sat and Sun. Go by and say “Hi to Lori and Kelli” Look for the Coast Cruizers decal on the window because we eat there.

Every Thursday the parking lot at the Silver Slipper Casino fills up with classic cars, hot rods and motorcycles. The staff from the Silver Slipper have turned the parking lot into a party central with great music and prizes, awards, etc. If you haven’t been to this Thursday night cruisein your missing out on a good time. Inside the Casino you will find a terrific buffet featuring their jumbo snow crab legs and just about anything else you could imagine. Then there is the gaming that will make some of you smile as you cash in on good fortune. It’s a great time and easy to find… the Silver Slipper Casino is located at, 5000 South Beach Boulevard in Waveland, MS - phone 228 469-2777


May 1, 2012 Jimbo Perkins Gulf Coast Motorsports Dear Jimbo, The Harrison County Career & Technical Center extends a big "thank you" to you and the “Rat Pack� cruizers that visited our center last month. Not only was your presence enjoyable, it was educational as well. Your visit provided an opportunity for these young people to see and appreciate how vintage vehicles can be transformed into classic beauties. We appreciate you taking time away from your busy schedule to entertain and educate our students. We hope that you will make your visit an annual event. Please feel free to visit our center anytime. Sincerely, Jim Vierling Auto Service Technology Instructor


With rain in the forecast, the Indian Point Spring Fling seemed iffy at best. The Coast Cruizers put their best foot forward and hosted the car show rain or shine. Good things happen to those who stay true to their cause…. No rain!!! (good karma I guess) Coast Cruizers want to thank the 50 + cars and trucks who registered for the show and the spectators who showed up in their daily drivers and classics to drop off donations. Our thanks go out the many sponsors who donated prizes and 50/50 items, the Misfits Street Kruizers for DJ’ing the event and the Magnolia Classic Cruisers who showed up in mass. A huge “thank you” to thank James Lee and his staff at the Indian Point RV Park who made everyone feel welcome. There were lots of prizes…...50/50, raffles, Top 25, Best of Show and even some “Just because” awards but this event was all about helping out the Jackson County Animal Shelter. Some of our Coast Cruizers club members took cash proceeds from the show and went shopping as The Spring Fling Car Show generated over $1,000.00 for supplies that the Cruizers will deliver to the shelter. Boy that is one big wish list but we will only make a small dent in it. I mean it’s not like they are only going to be there for a few weeks… Now I know most of you who are reading this have a pet or two, or at least a soft spot for the one you lost. What is your first reaction when you see the TV news and the local animal shelter is asking for help? Shelters or the Humane Society are not very high on our local government priory list of giving funds to support their needs. It’s time all the pet lovers step up to the plate. We can buy a little extra and make a trip to the local shelter in our neighborhood.

Indian Point RV Park is a great location to host an event. They have a large pavilion, café and two buildings that are air-conditioned and can be used for large groups who want to hold their events inside. This location is ideal for just about any large gathering you can imagine. Don’t have an RV? Indian Point has cabins for rent also. Easy to get to...only 1.8 miles from I-10 (exit 61). Indian Point RV Park is located at 1600 Indian Point Pkwy in Gautier, MS 39553 Call 228 497-1011 or toll free 866 497-1011 for more information.


I've had my '73 Corvette a year this April; went to Cruisin the Coast last October but didn't register my Vette. I’ve been to a few Cruise–in's with it and had loads of fun. All the looks, stares and questions from people off the street really makes me proud and encourages me to want to keep it extremely clean and make it shine like glass. When I heard about the Mobile Bay Club Car Show at Bellingrath Gardens, April 14th 2012, I decided to register my "Little Red Corvette," to see what being in a Car Show was all about. Seeing all the different Classic Car's was a little overwhelming and especially all the fine Classic Corvette's I was competing against. I didn't think I'd stand a chance at winning (never won anything in my life!) but was just glad to be there. When they finally got around to calling the winner's in my class and said the first place winner is...Jackie Vaughn! There are no words that can describe the feeling I had at that moment. I could hardly walk to have my Awesome First Place Plaque presented to me. Thank you Mobile Bay Mustang Car Club! Jackie Vaughn


Camellia Classic Car Show By: Fred Minke Most people who have shown their cars over the past 19 years know about the Camellia Classic Car Show. This wonderful show is put on by the Mobile Bay Mustang Club at the Historic Bellingrath Gardens in Mobile, AL. The show is held in early April, so that all the flowers are in full bloom. With your registration, you get to walk around the gardens and look at all the beautiful flowers, plants, and beautiful scenery (if you are like my wife, you see an occasional snake). This year there were around 300 cars on the grand lawn with the Azalea Trail Maids and 'the Band' to make for a fun time for young and old. Make plans to attend next years show and for more info on the Camellia Classic visit .

STOP BY MY SHOP… Oh yeah.. I forgot…. you don’t know where it’s at.

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Joe Hudson's '68 Olds (in his own words) Hi my name is Joe Hudson of Cincinnati Ohio. This is the story of me and my 68 Olds 442. Where it began! I purchased this car in June of 1977 as a birthday present to myself. I was out looking for a "NICE CAR" to replace the $35.00 Buick I had been driving for the previous 6 months or so. I was driving down Ohio 125 looking at all the car lots for that "SPECIAL" car. I was actually on my way home empty handed and somewhat disappointed I hadn't found anything! As I drove past a local Chevrolet dealer's Used Car lot I spotted a 1971 Monte Carlo SS Black paint Black Vinyl Top Black interior and a 454 to boot! Oh how COOL it was! I was in LOVE! As the salesman approached I asked him the price of that car and to my disappointment, it was out of my price range! So with my tail between my legs and my head down I was walking back to my Buick when there in the third row I spotted a gleaming Dark Green Oldsmobile 442! Now I was VERY APPREHENSIVE to ask again about the price of this beauty as I surely didn't want to be told again I couldn't afford a car! But I HAD to know! Well as fate would have it and a kind older brother to co-sign for me, I got to take her home! It was bone stone stock when I purchased it with a 400 cid, Muncie 4 speed, 391 posi traction 12 bolt rear end and the cool dual exhaust! The exception being some Keystone Classic Wheels that someone had painted the spokes white! UGLY WHEELS! But I was glad to have em! Five months after I purchased it I was off to the Marine Corps. So, for the next three years the car sat in my VERY UNDERSTANDING girlfriends Mother's back driveway. After I returned home for good I was hard at it getting the car back on the road. But finances and job requirements SLOWED my progress down quite a bit! But after about a year I had it running and driving. The time it sat idle, outside hadn't been kind to the paint! So with some help from my Dad and an old friend of his who had a body shop, I was able to barter some and get the car painted! I was so proud to get it back and take it to car shows and cruise it around! The apartment my then my wife and I had at the time had a one car garage thank goodness! But after a couple years we bought a house...yep you guessed garage! So after six more years of outside parking the paint had died again. But in the meantime I was able to erect a fine shop of my own at home and working at car dealerships enabled me to get some good deals on the materials to paint the car myself in my garage. In 1991 a good friend and I spent a weekend painting my ride! Today this car shows it's age (chips, scratches, etc) from the miles and miles of cruising I have done with it. But that paint is still on it today. That just shows what inside parking can do for the life of a paint job! About 5 years ago I removed the original 400 and installed a 455 that I had built at a good friend of mine machine shop (R.I.P. Red Dog). It's a 455 bored 30 over. It has forged pistons and 10.5:1 compression. It has roller rockers and roller lifters. 515 intake 533 exhaust valves. Comp Cams. Cloyes True Double Roller timing chain. All gaskets are by Fel Pro. When installing the fresh 455 I also installed Hooker Super Comp headers and Torque Technology's 3 inch exhaust with Flowmaster Series 40 2 chamber stainless mufflers all Jet Hot Coated. The 455 is topped off with two Carter Competition Series 500cfm carburetor's on an Offenhauser 360 dual quad aluminum intake manifold. With a polished dual quad ball milled Air Cleaner. MSD Pro Billet Distributor and a 6al box I also installed CoolFlex Hoses for the heat and upper radiator hose. Also installed 15x8 and 15x7 polished American Racing Torque Thrust II wheels with B.F. Goodrich Tires which have since been replaced by Micky Thompson S/T radials 215/65/15 front and 275/60/15 rear. I drive this car all over the place. It's been to The Woodward Ave Dream Cruise/Hot August Nights in Reno Nevada/The Grand Rod Run Pigeon Forge Tenn numerous times/The Shades Of the Past car show Pigeon Forge Tenn numerous times/ Somerset Somernights Cruise numerous times, and many many more places! Believe it or not this is the SHORT story. After THIRTY FOUR...yes, THIRTY FOUR years of ownership I have VERY MANY STORIES I could share about this car! Thanks for having a look! Joe

These photos were taken in 1977

Joe’s 1969 Olds 442 as it looks today

We are always looking for kick-ass rods, cool classics, antiques you’ve had forever, and memories of you rides. Lets see what you got! Send us your info and a little blurb about your ride and we will feature it in MotorSports Magazine. Send photos and story to 15

Question: I bought a 1966 Chevelle with a 350 engine and an automatic transmission. The engine and transmission are not original. The car is very fast, which is why I bought it, but I didn’t realize how fast the engine would be revving on the highway. I feel like it’s going to explode, even at only 55 MPH. Do you have any suggestions?

1. From Gulfport Head North toward Saucier on US-49 2. Turn left Old Hwy 49 at the "Y" (Family Dollar Store - Saucier) 3. Take the 1st left onto Saucier Lizana Rd …. go about 1.1 mi 4. At Caution light Turn right onto Pete Hickman Rd


Answer: Sure I have an answer – don’t drive it on the highway. Actually, I have a solution, but first let me tell you what your problem is. Your car has a very “short” gear ratio in the rear end. Simply put, this gear ratio determines how many revolutions the rear axles turn for each revolution of the driveshaft. The more revolutions that the axles turn for each revolution of the driveshaft, the “shorter” the gears. The rear axles drive the rear wheels, which drive the car. These “short gears” can have a tremendously positive impact on a cars “off the line” performance, but the trade-off is that the engine will rev very high, very quickly, making it more suitable for the drag strip than the highway. Rear end gears are available in a wide variety of ratios. You can replace them with a ratio commonly referred to as “highway gears,” but then you’ll lose the performance that you enjoy so much. If you want to retain this performance while still being able to take trips on the highway, I would suggest removing the transmission and replacing it with a later model GM transmission called a 700R4. It’s basically the same transmission that is in your car now - with one big exception. It has an overdrive gear, which will bring the RPMs down dramatically on the highway. The 700R4 transmissions are plentiful, and not particularly expensive. Our transmission shop can easily complete this swap, along with any minor modifications that may be required to make the overdrive functional in your car. This “shift” in transmissions will even improve your fuel mileage.

The National Automotive Parts Association (NAPA) was founded in 1925 to meet the United States' growing need for an auto parts distribution system. It is a retailers' cooperative that distributes parts to both corporately and independently owned auto parts stores. NAPA's parent company is Genuine Parts Company (NYSE:GPC ) (founded 1928), which operates 58 of NAPA's 69 distribution centers. NAPA's only other member, since the acquisition of NAPA Hawaii by Genuine Parts, is Quaker City Motor Parts of Pennsylvania. The management of Genuine Parts and NAPA are highly integrated. NAPA has 6,000 Auto Parts stores, 69 Distribution Centers, 13,000 affiliated NAPA AutoCare repair facilities, over 320,000 parts in inventory every day, and ASE-Certified Parts Professionals. NAPA is a supplier of replacement parts, specialty parts and equipment for the automotive repair, collision, heavy-duty truck, and industrial markets. NAPA serves automotive consumers through the UAP (United Auto Parts) division of Genuine Parts and NAPA Autopro repair facilities in Canada, Mexico and other locations throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. NAPA is an official sponsor of NASCAR. The company sponsors the #56 Toyota Camry driven in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series by Martin Truex, Jr. for Michael Waltrip Racing, and also sponsored Michael Waltrip from 2001 until 2009 when he drove for Dale Earnhardt, Inc., Bill Davis Racing, and his own team. All four of Waltrip's wins were with NAPA as his sponsor, including the 2001 and 2003 Daytona 500s. NAPA also sponsors Truex's brother Ryan in the NASCAR K&N Pro Series East and was the sponsor for multi-time champion driver Kelly Moore in the same series. NAPA also sponsors the Schumacher Racing Dodge Charger Funny Car driven by Ron Capps in the NHRA Full Throttle Drag Racing Series. It was also the corporate sponsor of ArenaBowl XXIII

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17 FOREVER… I keep getting questions or assumptions about the name By: Terry Mason Barfield 17 FOREVER, so let me go back and explain the name one more time for the new readers. It’s from the movie American Graffiti, in the first five minutes of the movie Ron Howard’s character and the Richard Dreyfuss’ character are arguing about going to college. About that time the star of the movie makes its first appearance, the yellow 32 Ford Hot Rod. Ron Howard says “don’t be like Johnny… you can’t stay 17 FOREVER! Oh but you can stay 17 FOREVER. That’s where the name came from and staying 17 FOREVER is what this column is all about! Road trip time! Time for the 2nd Annual Burning Up the Beaches Car Show in Ft. Walton Beach, FL. I have been looking forward to this adventure and planning for this show for a couple of months now. I scheduled vacation days to get off that Thursday and Friday for a good long 4 day weekend. We got the Hot Rod Hotel loaded up on Wednesday night and Thursday morning we were ready to hit the road for an adventure. It rained on us off and on, on the way down, but nothing too hard. We arrived at the Boardwalk in Ft Walton Beach about 3:30pm and sat up the Hot Rod Hotel for the weekend. The car show was in a happening location at the beach in front of some very popular night clubs on the Boardwalk. The Burning Up the Beaches Car Show is not a large show, but a quality show. There was lot of value for the money. Registration was $70.00 for both showing and cruising or $50.00 for just one. About 100 cars were there. Plus every bit of the profit went to a local charity, Horizons. Horizons put on the show, they are a local ARC agency that helps intellectually challenged persons with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Autism. Last years show paid for a group home to be completely remodeled. Now the quality of the show… registration cost VS what you get! There were only about 100 cars registered so your odds were good on everything, you got a dash plaque, a nice event T-shirt, a goody bag and at least (1) $5,000 draw down ticket. You got a dinner and a show Friday night and a dinner and a show Saturday night. Saturday night the $5,000.00 drawdown was run by computer software, which built drama and excitement. Plus many numbers that were eliminated from the drawdown came with nice parting gifts. I got a $25 gift certificate from the local mall. The 50/50 pot from Saturday was $652 dollars; the winner got $326 dollars. Guess who won the Saturday jackpot, no not me… my brother. Then in the $5,000.00 drawdown he was still alive with a ticket with 15 people left. I told him I would kill him if he won that money also. The Top 10 were in the money. Winner got 18

$1,500.00, there were also $500.00 winners, $250.00 winners and $100.00 winners. My brother got knocked out at number 13, no more money for him… so I let him live. The entertainment Friday and Saturday night was awesome. Friday night at Howling at the Moon we saw the Dueling Pianos Show. It’s plays there every week, an incredible show that features good music and a cast of good musicians. Saturday night it was the Emerald Coast Blues Brothers at the Swamp, another weekly show. Both dinners and shows were included with your registration ticket. If you’re ever down in Ft Walton Beach or Destin, check out those shows, especially the Dueling Pianos. Friday and Saturday there was cruising. You cruised to various checkpoints to get your cards stamped, if you hit all the stops, you received an extra $5,000.00 drawdown ticket. You also earned an extra drawdown ticket for getting your registration in by the early bird deadline. So you could earn a possible 3 $5,000.00 drawdown tickets. All in all, the best value for any car show I’ve ever been to. Just the dinners and shows covered the cost of your registration. Friday at the car show, a live DJ provided music. Saturday’s Show and Shine a good band by the crazy name of A Flock of Sea Monkeys performed live. Plus a bunch of some of the nicest trophies I’ve ever seen, they had flames and a 40’s style Hot Rod on top, cool. The show also provided security for the show cars Friday and Saturday night if you wanted to stay in your spot. Now the featured cars at the show... I always like to feature at least a couple of cars from each show and it’s always tough to pick ‘em out. The first vehicle caught my attention with the name on the side… HIS and HEARSE. A 1938 ¾ ton Chevrolet Delivery Sedan owned by Roy Kelly from Ft Walton Beach, FL. You don’t see many of them because the military got most of them for ambulances and hearse’s. Roy found this one in Montana; he said it was a hippy truck complete with shag carpet. But after a frame up restoration, it is one sweet ride!

Roy Kelly of Ft. Walton Beach, FL and his 38 Chevy Delivery Special

The next car featured I owned as a teenager… but not one that looked like this one, a 1967 Chevrolet Camero R/S S/S with a 454 big block owned by Dale Tropeano of Santa Rosa Beach, FL. Remember me talking about the steals that went on at the car auction at the Emerald Coast Cruizin in Panama City Beach, FL back in November? Well Dale got his dream ride during that auction and the smile on his face told me he stole it.

Dale Tropeano of Santa Rosa Beach, FL and his 1967 Chevy Camero

Here are some of the photos from Burning Up the Beaches Car Show in Ft. Walton Beach, FL…

Every thing went pretty well for the 4-day weekend until I started to load up the T-Bucket. I have wall cabinets on both sides of the garage part of the Hot Rod Hotel. Clearance has never been an issue before, because the cabinets were always closed! I was in a hurry to get loaded up and get on the road for home and I left the cabinet door open where I keep my tie down straps, (the door hinges up and down) it caught the cloth top on the bucket and cut the top in about four places and slightly bent the support rod. Stupid is as stupid does… thank god Hagerty Collector Car Insurance has a policy for stupid and after one call, they are taking care my stupid mistake. I still have to do all the running around for estimates and the hassle of it all, but isn’t that how we learn our best lessons? We got home Sunday night, got everything unloaded and unpacked. It was about 11pm when I finally sat down and took a deep breath and got a second to think back over the weekend. That was one action packed 3 day show, a large part of any show is the people and that show get’s a 10 on my list! I’m living the dream and you can too. Get that ole Hot Rod out of the garage, put on your jeans and t-shirt, crank up the oldies, head on down the highway and enjoy that 17 FOREVER Hot Rod state of mind! Til next month…

Terry Facebook: Terry Mason Barfield 19

It was my first year of college and dormitory life was a brand new experience for me. My social life up to this time had not included living with others of my own age group, my being an only child growing up. Not many can forecast what they are going to experience as they enter onto the college scene. We must just wait and see. It was confusing when upon leaving for class one morning I discovered a picture of a moose that had been torn from a magazine and taped to the outside of the door. What was the meaning of this? Who had put it there? No logical clues came to my mind. I went to my classes and proceeded with my normal day. Dinner found me sitting down at the table with my new found friends. “Hi Bullwinkle”, was the greeting received. “Who are you talking to?” “Me?” “What does that mean” was my query? “That is your new name” was the reply. There was no explanation as to why. One could conclude that it was perceived appropriate because I was tall and skinny with a large nose. For the next four years the name “Bullwinkle” was used to identify me. I cannot say that it was a distinction that I enjoyed. It turned out that everybody who resided on the 7th floor of Sandison Hall was given a nickname. My roommate was “Cheetah”, and across the hall was “Teddy Bear” and “Short Fred”. “Weiner” and “Skinny” roomed together. Then there was “Rock”, “Scholar”, “Festus”, and “Master Bates”. “Dino” and “Lippy” were across the hall from “Cosmo”. There were four names I am uncomfortable putting in print. In all there were 38 men living on the floor, all with nicknames. Not one of them was called “Smitty” or “Jimbo”. What is the reasoning behind giving someone a different name from the one they were given at birth? That is a question that someone needs to explain to me. The internet did not provide me with much useful information. Some theories were expressed about people in organized crime being labeled with nicknames by the media for easy identification or to make a good headline. The names could have been given to them by their associates as well. This was not what I was searching for, particularly. Where did this begin and why? One of the men in my circle of friends is “Fuzzy”. His nickname is a puzzle to me. I’m fairly certain it is not because he is soft and fuzzy (as in warm and cuddly). He is past 60 and has assumed a visual appearance that suggests fuzzy. I also associate with “Red”. Can you guess what color his hair is? One of my friends is called “Mac” and his last name is McWilliams. That one is easily understandable. “Cubby” came out of my own head when Mr. Perkins was kind enough to give me the opportunity to write this column. (Thanks a million, Jimbo). I wanted a “catchy” name to grab attention. I thought Cubby Hole was funny and had more cache’ than Greg. I didn’t realize at the time that I would not be able to hear any of you readers laughing. I might just as well have used “Bullwinkle”! So what is your nickname? Do you have one? Does it fit you? Where did it come from? Email me at and enlighten me. The reasoning behind this phenomena is curious to me. Gotta Cruise! Cubby


Jimbo, On May 6th at Panama City Raceway all the local car clubs came together for a drag race challenge. While at the race some side bets were made, and we ran some heads up races. My ‘50 Chevy was running well that day and I was able to win the money. The car club challenge is run three times a year, at the last race of the season the winning club, the one with the most points, is given a trophy and bragging rights until the next season.... Let's do this at the Gulfport dragstrip? or don’t any of the car clubs on the Coast have cars that do more than park at shows? What do you think? ….. Brian Yeah, Yeah Brian bring it on… I’ll run ya!! Ya’ll come on over in October, we got 4 day’s of racing.. and if you break down you can watch the shiny cars Cruizin Hwy 90…….. Jimbo



Harley was commissioned by the War Department to produce some 80,000 WL’s during the war, 20,000 of which were crated and shipped to the Soviet Union under the lend lease program. The others were used by the US army and Harley also produced a WLC model for the Canadian army which was slightly different and a 74 c.i. for the Navy/Marine Corps. The most known was the US Army 45 c.i. "Flathead" WLA, sometimes called the "liberator." After the war, many were sold as surplus and bought by returning GIs and turned into "bobbers" and "choppers" by removing the fenders and military equipment and raking the forks. By the 1970s most were gone. Mine was a Soviet lend lease bike found by a Marine Corps intelligence officer through the Ambassador to Uzbeckistan over some drinks. In 2002 he shipped it back with his household items and took it apart and lost most of the hardware, much of which was Russian fabricated, similar to the cars in Cuba. I found it on Craigslist in 2008 from him but first he changed his mind and wouldn't sell until I told him I was a Marine too and in the Motor Transport field so he sold it to me to "keep it in the family." I have been restoring muscle cars my whole life and never had a bike before so then the research came from obtaining the original 1943 supply and maintenance manuals and attempting to scrounge the globe for all the original parts I could find. All that was really salvageable was the frame, tanks, engine, generator, front finder, and trainy. The rims were bent, the seat was missing its leather, the luggage rack was gone, the handlebars were cut and re-welded, and all the military gear was missing. I rebuilt the 32E generator myself with its wartime copper tag, pressed all new springer fork bearings, rebuilt the transmission several times, and B&B Racing of Metarie, LA rebuilt the engine. New wheels, handlebars, 3 used M88 wartime carburetors (until I found the right one), rare cold weather leg shields, military foot boards, Thompson machine gun rack and ammo can, exact repo saddlebags, and a hundred other parts went into it over the next two years. Nearly every bolt and nut is unique in size and dimensions. Finally, it started to all come together and several hundred miles before all the bugs were worked out with many miles of pushing it home or getting "rescued." Then, one lucky day, I found a rare Goulding LS sidecar on e-bay, and won the bid. These were specifically for the 45 c.i. Harley and were used from 1929 to 1953, although the US Army did not buy these for military use. Civilian models and Canadian bikes did use them but after the war they fell out of favor. My wife, Gabriela and I joined the Living History Corps at the National WWII Museum in New Orleans. We take it over every month for reenactments. I dress up as an armored motorcycle dispatch scout and her as a WAC. We also have driven it in veterans and Mardi Gras parades and have won several 1st place trophies in local bike shows. I believe this is one of 3 WLAs in the United States that have a sidecar and probably only a few hundred are left in the world in their original wartime condition, including many in Europe. Here's a picture of it (blue) before it's disassembly and some other pics of the finished bike and my lovely wife Gabriela. Brandon Shearer - (817)-455-1200

Here's a great site on the history of the bike:


Cruizin' Gourmet mixing old cars and good food By: Bobbi Webber-Clark April 16, 2012 Ronnie and I cruised on over to Jefferson, Tx. for the Outlaw Nationals. We arrived early since we just came from Oklahoma City NSRA Nationals. I began my taste testing for this column. Today, we sampled food at BeJes Diner. This diner is reminiscent of the 1950s diners. We met BeJe who said her food was just down home cooking. Ronnie tried her daily special of fried pork chops, field peas and cornbread. Side dishes included Mac & cheese, carrots or salad. I had a delicious BLT with home made potato chips. Plus I had to try the coconut cream pie...did I say delicious. BeJes also serves a great breakfast. Restaurant also has a great garden patio. BYOB. We walked around the town after lunch. Jefferson is a small town dating back to the early 1840's. There are several beautiful Bed & Breakfast inns and the Jefferson Hotel here. There are a multitude of Antique Shops right in the center of town. We poked around in several shops and I bought a couple of Christmas gifts. We wound up in the General Store for ice cream cones! Jefferson General Store reminds me of the 5 & Dime stores of my childhood. It has a little of everything. Wednesday, we lunched at Austin Street Bistro. This restaurant has old world charm with large French doors opening out on the sidewalk. There is a beautiful and huge old bar. Cloth table clothes top round tables. It reminds me of New Orleans, casual, relaxing with excellent service and food. BYOB! From a very small kitchen, in plain site of customers, owner Gena McCormick whips out wonderful meals. Gena told us that All food is prepared on site to ensure freshness. Ronnie had the meatloaf and commented that it was definitely delicious. I tried the Frittata (a crust less quiche with red bell peppers & mushrooms). Fresh bread with maple honey & butter is made fresh daily. Thursday we ate a late lunch at Auntie Skinners, a fabulous old building which began as a Riverfront warehouse. It has been a drug store, offices and a saloon. Architectural features include 3 French doors with fan windows reminiscent of New Orleans. Scarred floors and tables and old brick walls with lots of riverboat pictures and beer signage just adds to the Texas feeling. Ronnie and I both tried the Poorman's steak with fries and Texas toast. Delicious! The servings were so big, guess what Ronnie had for dinner? Service was excellent. Auntie Skinner's, named after the old Dixieland song, "Auntie Skinner's Chicken Dinner", is a major sponsor of the Outlaw Nationals. Located on Austin Street, I suggest you check this place out. Antique stores abound here. I had to shop. With Ronnie in tow to carry my purchases, we stopped in several stores. You can find a little bit of everything, old and new! Ronnie loves the junk stores, looking for old tools and fishing gear. I love shopping for old dishes, especially a California brand, Metlox. I have quite a collection. Friday, we had dinner with Klassy Kruzers and friends at the Hamburger Store and More. Talk about hamburgers, this restaurant had burgers done a dozen different ways. Ronnie tried The Cowboy Steak. This hamburger steak had opinions, mushrooms, jalape単os topped with chili and cheese. You know Ronnie hums when he eats if he likes what he is eating. The boy sounded like a 5 piece band! I know his food was delicious. I had a great salad there. Saturday, we met some new friends from Texas for breakfast at The Bakery. Omelets were very good as was the cinnamon raisin toast. It was a busy little place, but the food was worth the wait! Lunch was provided by Auntie Skinners for all the car show folks. Hamburgers were fat and juicy. Ronnie and I had dinner at Kitt's Cornbread Sandwich & Pie Place. Yes, the sandwiches are made on cornbread. Ronnie had the "Redneck" sandwich, which was fried baloney with American cheese on cornbread.


He said it was delicious. I had the strawberry, walnut salad with poppy seed dressing and coconut buttermilk pie. Ooh, my fat was clapping!!! Since we had walked all over town doing NSRA Safety Inspections, I asked Ronnie to bring around the wheel barrow to get me back to the RV. Outlaw Nationals was a great car show. The weather was beautiful on Saturday. There were about 225 great vehicles, every thing from rat rods to fabulous street rods and classic cars and trucks. Jefferson closes off streets around a park in the center of town, walk east to west and north to south over several blocks and you will see just about every car and a lot of the stores. Sunday morning awards included some trophies for several of our friends. Roy Dean Walton of Milo, Ar. won Top Ten Award for his bright red 35 Chevy coupe. Doug dove, Junction City, La. Won Top Ten and the "Coors of Long Beach, TX award. Rob Harris, Nacogdoches, TX., Top Ten post '49, Excel Chevy, the Jim Ross Award and Ladies Choice for his red '58 Chevy Yeoman (not a nomad) station wagon! Sissy Cartwright, Rob's wife, won the Lug Nut trophy for her '69 Camaro SS convertible. Bill & Linda Murphy of Crossett, AR won Top Ten post '49 & the Auntie Skinner award for their Chevy 2 door hardtop BelAire.

The were many other winners for some great vehicles. Plus 50/50 winner took home $300. Four people split the Wipeout pot with one person having 2 numbers. Don Reynolds won the grand prize of $1000. This is one of our favorite shows. If you have never been to The Outlaw Nationals, you should put this shown your "bucket list" for next April. I hope to see you there, mixing old cars with good food! Bobbi

Tell Us About Your Car, Truck or Bike For more information give us a call at 228 596-0664 e-mail - or send to: Gulf Coast MotorSports P.O. Box 2847 路 Gulfport, MS 39505





By: Ray Wert You may have heard the legend of how Chevrolet's co-founder Billy Durant came up with its famous bow-tie logo when he saw the design on wallpaper in a Paris hotel. Except the legend isn't true. Here's the real story. William C. Durant, the co-founder of Chevrolet, loved to develop logos for his products. And for years, the story of the Chevrolet bow tie emblem was consistent. The 50 Year Anniversary issue of The Chevrolet Story, printed in 1961, tells the story: "This was also the year (1913) that the famous Chevrolet trademark was first used on the cars. The distinctive trademark has appeared billions of times on products, advertisings and sales literature as the mark of dependability, economy and quality in motor transportation. It originated in Durant's imagination when, as a world traveler in 1908, he saw the pattern marching off into infinity as a design on wallpaper in a French hotel. He tore off a piece of the wallpaper and kept it to show friends with the thought that it would make a good nameplate for a car." Billy Durant's widow, Catherine, however, claims that's not actually how he came up with the Chevy logo. According to Mrs. Durant in an interview by Lawrence R. Gustin, who interviewed her for his book "Billy Durant," in 1973, the bowtie emblem was first seen by her husband in an illustrated Virginia newspaper, while they vacationed in Hot Springs, Virginia around 1912. Mrs. Durant said: "We were in a suite reading the papers, and he saw this design and said, ‘I think this would be a very good emblem for the Chevrolet' " Given that there were two competing explanations for the bowtie, it seemed that finding proof of one over the other would be nigh impossible. That is until Chevrolet historian Ken Kaufmann came across the key that unlocked the truth. Kaufmann, while reading old issues of the Atlanta, Georgia-based The Constitution from 1910 to 1917, came across an ad for Coalettes brand coal. The date of the ad? November 12th, 1911, nine days after Durant incorporated the Chevrolet Motor Company. We'll let Kaufmann take it from here: Notice some of the similarities between the Coalettes and Durant designed Chevrolet Bowtie! Both started with a ‘C', had nine letters, had the suffix ‘let', and were hard to pronounce-in a French way. Both emblems had a dark background with white boarders and white letters. The main difference was the Coalettes letters were slanted and used a stylistic type face, while Durant used a more formal Roman type face and squared off the center bow, three letters wide. It looks like the reason the Southern Compressed Coal Co. designed the bowtie logo in the first place was to highlight the large, middle ‘E', to help the public pro-nounce this coined word easier. Maybe, this is where Durant got the idea, "Pronounced Shev-Ro-Lay. " I looked up the suffix ‘—-let' or ‘-lette' in the dictionary and was surprised to find it means little or small. Therefore, the coined word Coalettes means "Little Coals." I would think the Southern Compressed Coal Co. had the Coalettes name and bowtie emblem registered as a trademark and will look through the trademark registrations at the Patent Office in the future. So, basically, General Motors might owe whoever owns the current rights to the Southern Compressed Coal Co. logo a decent pile of change. Good to know.




This month we have Jack Meckes '57 Street Prowler. Subtle, clean, and just bad ass! He took some of the best body lines from some of Detroit's best Chevy's and combined them all into one to make one bitchin little hotrod. The simple and subtle changes Jack made really make his '57 stand apart from your typical '57 Chevy… just goes to show you its always possible to make an already iconic car look better with a little ingenuity, talent and hard work. Story on the car: I started this project because a lot of the comments on my previous car and bike builds were along the lines of " If I had $75k to throw at a project I could do that too…. Well, the point of this build is that it is the design and the execution that grabs attention, not how much you spend. I set out to build a low buck bad ass street prowler that doesn't need to be waxed, polished, and shined up for 8 hours after driving it for 20 minutes. I haven't totaled up yet but I think there is only about $15k in this car not counting my work. Everything was done by me except stitching up the upholstery. First thing I did was cut out the back floor over the rear axle and welded in a set of 8? C notches, got a Ford rear axle, S&W coil overs and CE 3 link bars and slammed the rear. Next, I cut the front of the frame off from the firewall forward. The 57 used ball bearings and drum brakes….yuck. I replaced it with an 81 Camaro front sub frame with power steering. I had to narrow the Camaro frame 4? so I could swing 20? wheels side to side with the car near ground level. I cut the crossmember in the center and removed 2? and welded it back up. I got the other 2? by taking 1? out of each control arm. Then I cut 2? out of the center link and welded that back together. Last, I cut 1/2? off each inner and outer tie rod. I modified the front frame ends to accept the 57 bumper brackets. Next, I cut out the spring pockets and opened them up to 8? diameter so they would accept 7? Slam Specialties air bags. I welded the new front end to the 57 frame 6? higher than original location so There is a 6? slam built in to the car. With the front suspension in it's sweet spot, half way through it's range, the front bumper sits about 6? off the ground. I had to do a little notching here and there to get the LS1 engine in since the frame was now narrower. Next, I did the final fitting up for the engine and trans and moved on to the body. Since I went to coil overs in back, I could tub the rear without moving the frame rails in. The rear is tubbed with 40? tubs that go all the way up to the package tray. The front tubs were a graft of a set of trailer fenders and the rear half of the original inner splash shields. Next, CUT THE ROOF OFF! I did a 1 1/2? chop and swapped in the roof from a 59 Chevy 2 door sedan. I never thought the 57 should have used the old 55 and 56 roof. Chevy made a dramatic change in body style in 57 and left that old roof on it. The roof looked correct on the 55 and 56 because they were square and boxy but to me it just didn't look right on the 57. The 59 roof is about 1 1/2? wider than the 57 and much flatter. The flat roof doesn't look right on the roundish 57 so I cut the center of the roof skins off both roofs, narrowed the 59 roof cross braces, kept the 57 windshield frame with the 1 1/2? chop, welded the 59 sides and rear window frame on, laid the 57 skin over the top, massaged the lower rear window area to blend with the 57 and it's done…almost. I also wanted to remove the rockets from the hood. I bought a 58 Chevy hood and cut the skin off, then cut the skin off the 57 hood and put the 58 skin on the 57 frame, ta dah! I wired the car with a Painless 21 circuit harness and tied in the LS1 engine harness to run in the non computer car. I have made a tutorial on EXACTLY how to adapt the LS1 PCM to any noncomputer car. If anyone needs the help, just send me an email and I'll forward it. Anyway, the rest of the reassembly is pretty much standard stuff. I 32

am down to finishing up the A/C hoses, radiator, condenser, button up the dash, a few misc. things to finish up, fluids, and fire it up. It goes out to get a front end alignment and it's party time. The whole idea behind doing this was to prove that it doesn't take a boatload of money to build a cool car. It takes a lot of planning, a lot of work, and SOME money. As I said, I only have about $15k in this car. I also took my time with it for those out there that say they don't have time. Two years, on weekends and a day or two during the week if I don't have anything else that needs to be done.


I have been asked quite a few times if I knew a pinstriper in the area or who I recommended. Now most of the car guy’s and gal’s I know want a few lines on their rides to give it that final touch. There’s nothing like watching the artist load up his brush and lay down that first line… it’s really a personal feeling and then, there is the relationship you develop between you and the pinstriper. Some of you will go for the famous guy and some will go for the local guy or the one that shows up at the show, but whoever you choose stick with him or her, at least on the car they are doing their artwork on. Most artist don’t like to work on someone else's painting. Besides most of us can if you are looking for a real finish to all your hard work and you want art on your car, do a little research. I know a few of these artists and the others a magazine legends. All of them live the lifestyle we do and have a large following. This is an example of “True Talent” nurtured at a young age. The result? One hell of an artist. Junior Huff is the talent behind the brush. You couldn’t ask for a better roll model/teacher, when your the son of custom car builder/designer/artist Bo Huff. Although his dad was a major influence, he pursued, developed and enhanced his talent while working with the Von Dutch award winner Steve Stella. Junior started at a young age and has continued to perfect the art of pinstriping. We are very excited to see such creative talent at such a young age and anxious to see what is in store for him on his long successful road ahead. He has the ability to keep this artform in demand for years to come and we believe he will! Computers and technology have no match for talent like this and we need more hands on artists like Junior to keep this artform/lifestyle alive. Bio: My name is Junior Huff and I am 20 years old. I was brought up around 50’s style custom cars with my dad Bo Huff. My dad had a lot of influence on me from a young age. He had me laying flames at the age of 6. By the time I was 13 I was learning how to stripe under Von Dutch award winner Steve Stella and I now continue to stripe daily. Contact Junior Email: Phone: 435 630 4412



Once again . . . I love cars, car shows and car owners, but I really, really love car stories! Ya know, I love to hear “I've always wanted one” or “my Dad had one when I was a kid” and I especially like “we dated in one of these!!” But when Robert Long of Vinita, OK said to me, “I built it myself, we even painted it in my garage” I just got all giddy inside! Most guys say they built their car when what they really mean is that they contracted each step. Not this one . . . it brings the phrase 'home built' to a whole new level! Long's burgundy with ivory accents, '47 Ford pick-up is nice, really nice. It won awards in Tahlequah at the Red Fern Festival and in Locust Grove at the Centennial Celebration. As a matter of fact, he won several in Locust Grove.

And I know you're not gonna believe this, but it's powered with a FORD 302 and cooled with the best, a Walker radiator! The bed is finished with oak planks and it has late model suspension, which gives it a really nice stance!


So since we're tellin' stories, did you know Bank Robber “Pretty Boy” Floyd was raised in Oklahoma and had a little incident with Federal Agents in Ada, Oklahoma? Okay, so here's the story . . . Joe Ford and his sons are hunting near Ada along the Illinois River and they looked over the bluff and saw something in the water. Upon further inspection, they discovered it was a car, buried up to the roof in mud.

Took the Mr. Ford and his boys two days to dig the car out of the river and two-and-a-half years of research to prove it to be the 1929 Ford ditched by Floyd after a 1932 run in with the Feds. So, I know you're askin' “how can you be so sure it's the same car?” Well, reports from agents involved stated that during the chase, 110 rounds were shot at Floyd's car. “Pretty Boy” had armor plate put in the back of the seats so he wasn't hit but the body of the car took 52 bullets and the holes are still there to prove it. It's pretty popular too, not only at car shows but Mr. Ford has turned down offers from a car museum in Vegas as well as the FBI to purchase the car. It took 5 years for Ford and his sons to complete the restoration and they did everything, except the upholstery, themselves. It's not hard to recognize, it's the only time I've ever seen a car with 52 bullet holes and a sign that says “Don't touch me, I've been shot”!

No story, if you know me at all, you know I have a thing for Mercurys. When John Shearin showed up with his sweet, '53 Mercury M-100 truck, I was awe struck. Not only was it beautiful, but since when did Mercury make trucks? From April of '46 until March of '68, that's when . . . and only in Canada. They were basically just a clone of the F-series Fords, with Mercury badging. I had to Google it and can I tell you what an amazin' thing the internet is and what wonderful things you can learn with it! Well, once again, this completes todays lesson and NO, there will not be a test but ya know what? It's never too late to learn somethin' new, especially when it's about cars! See ya next time!

Jeanie The Car Show Diva

Contact Jeanie at -


This month for our feature artist we have Brian Stupski of Problem Child Kustoms. I’m not going to give a big long full of hot air intro here because there is no need for it. His work speaks for itself! Check it out, these are some of the best renderings we have seen and Brian’s one hell of a nice guy to boot! Brians Story: The scene: Late-night television. A man with odd hair and a strangely compelling voice and demeanor wanders across an art studio, wiping what could be paint, might be blood from a brush. He pauses, looks to the right, then back at the camera, and says “What do drawing hot rods and custom cars, sweeping a shop, and drawing a fat lady sitting on an overturned bucket all have in common? They can come together, and lead you to a glorious career in illustration and hot rod design! It worked for Brian Stupski, although his results may not be typical. Thank whatever god it is you may worship for that.” He goes on to describe Brian’s youth, growing up in a house with car-obsessed parents, jobs sweeping floors in shops, selling auto parts, collision repair, and eventual decline to working in a cubicle. The lighting goes dark, almost somber… “Neckties,” he explains, “seem to cut off just enough of the blood flow to stop the really creative stuff from moving between the brain and the rest of your body. Brian witnessed this activity throughout his twenties. Thoughts of golf, however, get through OK, almost better than anything else. Soon, you’re high-fiving and fistbumping the sales staff, talking about LeBron’s 38 rebounds last night, and looking at a Lexus. It’s scary. And left unchecked, well… let’s not go there.” “As a kid,” our odd, sort of lanky host continues, “Brian wanted to be an automotive engineer. A stylist, A designer. The next Harley Earl… or, at the very least, the guy who came up with the split rear seat in a Camaro. Exposing the hump… Brilliant. Sounds like something you’d read on the Enquirer. ‘Hollywood Legend Caught in Midnight Tryst With Talk

Show Diva: Exclusive Photos Expose the Hump that Rocked the Hills’. What were we talking about? Oh yeah, engineering.” He pauses for a sip of coffee. “Brian started down that road. Mathematics, Engineering. Sadly, his youthful mind was filled with visions of fast cars, girls, parties…. Imagine walking from a room full of guys talking slide rules and angles, and wandering into a room loaded with laughter, girls, music …and naked models. Yes sir, the Fine Art building. Or ‘Home’ as he called it. A trek to the Administration offices, and he was on to a new major: Fine Art.” “Building on his natural skills for drawing, our subject honed skills in painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, typography, and balancing a full-time job and building his Chevelle from garage-based basket-case to boulevard basket -case. Jobs in auto parts stores, collision shops and more gave him experience in how things were put together, and what it took to build a car, manage a project and so-on. Between this work, he’d draw and paint. Life drawing classes were a constant stream of oddly-proportioned models and strange fruit and dinnerware.


Our boy honed observational sketching, art history and technique, and hit on girls. When he wasn’t hitting on those girls, he’d hit on other girls. ‘Art’, he famously said, ‘seems to involve a lot of girls and booze. I’m imagining that the job market is gonna be tough upon graduation’. A visionary statement indeed.” The scene is a blur of painting, drawing, partying, working, and finally, a long shot of an office building. The camera weaves through a maze of offices and cubicles. The focus sharpens as it nears one cubicle in particular, where a man is printing off a page from his computer. The camera pans past photos of hot rods, sketches made on company memos, depicting low-slung sleds and high-powered street machines… Continue panning and land on what emerges from the printer: A letter of resignation. Brian is off to start his own Studio: Problem Child Kustoms. Odd name, odd fellow. A match made in Oddville. The screen fast-forwards through many a late night drawing thrash, with car after car scrolling across the screen, peppered with t-shirt and print designs, grocery lists, web sites, and an occasional suicide note. Numerous magazine features with our subject’s work, both illustrations as well as the cars they’ve inspired. Not an easy life, raising three boys and a couple of dogs, working eighteen hours per day, occasionally all night, too. But he’s pushing forward. Enjoying the friends he’s been fortunate to make, and reveling in meeting his hot rod heroes. “Certainly, it’s not all happy times and sunshine. It’s hard work, dedication, and an absolute passion for doing something you love. Forging a new path, breaking new styles, and finding a way to push forward when all seems bleak. For Brian, it’s a lot of that plus trying to make the power steering in the family car stop squealing. He’s a giver. You can be one, too, and follow his footsteps to art and design freedom. You can stop by and learn more at, or follow his day-to-day whatever it is on Facebook at, where you’ll learn valuable tips on being a self-employed arteest, laugh and cry with him as he fits 80+ hours of work into four days, and generally marvel at how he managed to land a beautiful wife and have kids.” The camera follows our host as he motions us aside, leans in and quietly offers the following: “Or, just skip all of that, and follow his sage advice, and become a dentist. ‘Those guys make a sh*tload of cash’, Brian says, ‘but they have to deal with people and touch their mouths. I’ve never really had to do both at once while drawing a car’. Amen, brother. Amen.”



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How to Sell a Car in a Week or Less By: Sophie Spyrou

Some Tips and Observations on How to Prevent It. By: Rex Michaels. It's all too natural for drivers on the road to get angry when someone in the other lane cuts you off or tries to turn right in front of you. I've been guilty on several occasions myself of getting angry when someone tries to cut me off. However, when I feel the blood rushing to my head when another driver tries to make an illegal move, I take a deep breath and realize that road rage won't get me anywhere. On the contrary, road rage is a terrible thing for drivers everywhere; unfortunately, not many people realize when they're experiencing road rage and many of them don't know what to do about it. But there are several reasons why one shouldn't give into road rage while they're driving. One of those reasons includes the law. Many states have enacted legislation that has penalties and other fines for those who go over the top with road rage. If you've ever given a certain finger to someone who just cut you off on the highway or to someone who thought they could turn safely in front of you, you not only are committing road rage but you're also making it easier for yourself to get even more angry at the person or car that you're mad at. Safety Whether you're concerned with your safety or the safety of the other drivers on the road, committing acts of road rage won't help you lessen safety on the highway. More than 30,000 motorists die on the highway each year; making yourself vulnerable to road rage only decreases the safety on the highway for you and for all the other motorists. Do yourself a favor and take a deep cleansing breath to make the anger go away. By not giving into road rage you are ensuring the safety of all the other drivers on the road. Just think what would happen if so many people decided not to give into road rage feelings; crashes and fatality rates certainly would go down! Setting an Example Another reason why you might be concerned with dealing with road rage feelings effectively would be to set an example for the other people in your car or the other drivers on the road. For example, what lesson would you be teaching the future drivers in your car if all you do is honk when your angry, dish out the middle finger when your furious, and tailgate others when they've cut you off? You are only providing an excuse for young children and others to follow in your footsteps and commit the same acts of road rage that you do all so well while driving. Giving Peace and Tranquility a Chance Many people find it hard to actually let go of the road rage feelings that they have when their other peer drivers has just made an illegal automobile move. However, it's time to stop the madness and let go! One person who stops him or herself from experiencing road rage will ultimately create a ripple effect and set a good example for future motorists and people already driving. So take a deep breath, get set, and relax!


Selling a car can take weeks, days or even hours, depending on the type of vehicle, condition, price and other factors. If you are hoping to sell your car in a week or less due to a sudden move or some other reason, you will need to make the car as attractive as possible to potential buyers. Research the Car's Value Before you put your vehicle up for sale, research the car's value. Kelley Blue Book is a resource that many car owners look at when they are trying to determine their vehicle's value. Based on the condition of the car, special features, year and other factors, you will receive a good idea of what to list your car for. Listing the car too high above its current value will make it difficult to get what you want out of the car. Take Care of Necessary Repairs Car owners who hope to sell their vehicle in a week or less must ensure that all necessary repairs and maintenance take place. Is the car due an oil change or a tire rotation? Has the car been washed and the interior shampooed? In some states, such as California, vehicles must pass a smog check before they can be sold. Many buyers are not willing to buy a used car that will involve an investment of time and money to get the car up to par, unless it is a vintage model. Make Use of Social Networking Sites and Craigslist Do not underestimate the power of social networking sites, such as Facebook, when you are trying to sell your car quickly. Put the word out, add pictures and ask friends to spread the word to their friends and acquaintances. Craigslist is also an effective way to sell a car quickly. Post as much information as you can about the make, model, year, price, condition, recent photos and mention whether you own a clear title to the vehicle. Have a Backup Plan In the event that you do not sell your car quickly, have a backup plan in place. A Power of Attorney will allow a trusted friend or family member to sell the car on your behalf if you are unable to sell it yourself. Or you can look into the possibility of selling your car through a dealership. But if you choose a car dealership to sell your car, you should be prepared to accept less than the going rate you currently have the car listed for. Preparing to sell a car quickly often takes much longer than a week. But if you do your research and plan properly, it is often possible to put the word out and sell your car to the right buyer and for the right price.

Only a Southerner knows the difference between a hissie fit and a conniption, and that you don't "HAVE" them but "PITCH" them. Only a Southerner knows how many fish, collard greens, turnip greens, peas, beans, etc., make up "a mess". Only a Southerner can show or point out to you the general direction of "yonder". Only a Southerner knows exactly how long "directly" is - as in: "Going to town, be back directly."

Even Southern babies know that "Gimme some sugar" is not a request for the white, granular sweet substance that sits in a pretty little bowl in the middle of the table. All Southerners know exactly when "by and by" is. They might not use the term, but they know the concept well. Only a Southerner knows instinctively that the best gesture of solace for a neighbor who's got trouble is a plate of hot fried chicken and a big bowl of cold potato salad. (If the neighbor's trouble is a real crisis, they also know to add a large banana puddin'!)


This month we feature the Pin-Up beauty Zoe Scarlett. We love that she embodies a look and presence that not only makes a stunning photo today, but would also make her a star had she been born a 50?s blonde bombshell. Zoe has a classic sensual edge to her work that creates an effortless glamour appeal. BIO: Born & raised in Basel / Switzerland, Zoe Scarlett had a passion for Elvis Presley and the Rockabilly movement at a young age already. In her childhood days she likes to remember the family excursions to flea markets, Oldtimer car shows or Drag races. Together with her older brothers she was brought up in the middle of antiques, American cars and the 50?s vibe. In 2006 Zoe’s first Pin Up pictures were published on magazine covers worldwide. Followed by various TV programs, ad campaigns, sponsorships and ambassador contacts. In 2007 Burger King has equipped a restaurant with Zoe 46

lemonade. More over she appeared in the Italian edition of VOGUE in 2010. In 2011, Zoe Scarlett premiered her Burlesque performance “Purple Diamond” with her LED dress show, where she undressed 59 articles of clothing. Not enough, The smart blonde now teaches “the art of tease” at her own Burlesque Dance School while holding a top ten spot on the board of “Switzerland’s hottest blondes”. Find more ZOE SCARLETT:

Scarlett’s pictures. Shortly after she was nominated for the Swiss TV award “Glory” as the best Newcomer of the Year. In 2009 Zoe arranged a Burlesque show with a glass dance for Cynar (Gruppo Campari), later that year Zoe worked in front of the camera as a model for Davidoff Cigarettes. Her stunning appearances through her young career have brought her engagements such as the new campaign of the world famous Ars-Vivendy Nylon Stockings. A honorable job, performed by the most famous international burlesque dancers before. Later that year Zoe Scarlett became the first contemporary PIN UP beauty, to grace the Italian bottle of Abbondio Aranciata




by: Larry Dunham Some are in wheel chairs, many are dead, none of my articles have they read, but my thoughts always return to them. I just heard “Till Then” on my car radio 1390 am. That one was a “biggie” in WWII, came out in 1944 Les Brown, also the Mills Brothers. “Hebert” and “Jack the Hat” at the “Tiffen Room” on 34th St. (809) in Gulfport know it I'm sure. Well, Debbie, Kayle, Rene`, Lynn, Leeroy with, I'll start backwards so you don't have to read all the auto stuff. Its 1947 its raining in Salem, Oregon, and I'm living with Mom and going to college at Willamette U. on the G.I. bill. I look out the window of the house my dad bought in 1930. It was 2 story, but today its called a split level. So, anyway it's 2 p.m., I look across the street and there is this darlin' child waiting for the bus. It's no fun waiting for a bus in the rain right? So, I dash out the front door, turn right to the driveway where my 1940 Ford Coupe sets. I called her “Shadow Darlin'”, hit the starter button with my left thumb, and blasted out of the driveway. I pulled up, leaned over, and rolled the window down. “Going to town”? I said (the bus only went 15 blocks to town) (population of Salem 29,000) I popped the door open and she closed her umbrella and jumped in. “Thanks” she said, as she took off her coat, I glanced over, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing white buttons on the front blouse that had a pair of 36's straining to get out! I smiled my “nice guy” smile and said “where to”? “I'm headed for Del Monte Cannery on 12th St. to apply for a job” she replied. Now my dad bought our place on the last road in town, 25th RFD and I only had 13 or so blocks to 12th St. and no time make my move! Down Ferry St. I went, as we were only driving 25 mph I had a chance to ask “ok to pick you up after you apply”? “If you want to” she said softly. “But how will you know when I'm finished?” she asked. As I pulled in the Del Monte parking lot, I pointed across the tracks and 12th St and see “Berties” Tavern over there I'll be watching for you. She smiled and said “My name is Doris” what's yours?” I put my right hand on her forarm, gave her a squeeze and said “do them a favor and take the job”. At 2:30 p.m. she re-appeared stood looking over at “Berties” as I was “lighting up” Shadow Darlin' and went over and picked her up “how did it go”? I asked. “I start tomorrow at 6 a.m.” she replied with a soft smile. “Would you like to go to the Ace Café and have a sandwich”? I asked. “No” she answered, go over to High St. turn left about 3 blocks and we can go into my friend Joan's apt. and I can fix us something. Where is “Joan” I ask and she replies “working until 5 p.m. at the State Capital. I never got a chance to thank her friend Joan for the use of her apt. and as we smoothed the bed sheets, cleaned the shower, I'm sure they (Doris and Joan) talked about it later. NOW ITS TIME TO GO RACING: By the way, Good to Go sells and buys cars now (see their ad) I'm in my '46 Ford its 1953 and Johnny Tolan and I are on our way to Bill Kretchs “Inglewood Tire”. (The Kretch Brothers made all the recaps for the So. Cal. Midgets in those days). Johnny drove the #76 Offy midget for Kretch when he ran it during the winter months in California, (when the Midwest was shut down due to weather). I got the top down on the 46 Ford and we are cruising up Firestone Blvd headed for Kretch's Tire Shop in Inglewood, when along side comes Sky Blue 1953 Ford Convertible with a darlin' driving, (top down, black hair blowing in the wind) and she


says “Johnny” are you running Culver City Saturday nite”? He looks at me, grins, and turns to her says “no, I'll be in San Jose (CA) but Larry here will be driving his own car at Culver”. She says “if your headed for Kretchs why don't we stop at the Clock Drive-in on the way”? We did, and that's another story. So, I look at Johnny and say “who is hell is that?” He (grins again) and says her daddy has two Offy's the #34 and #44. But they run AAA and if you want in one of the cars she has to o.k. it. “Who is driving them now?” I ask. “Dempsey Wilson has the 44 but I think the 34 is open”, he says, with smile (cause he knows what I'm thinking). “What about her?” I query, Johnny says “Her Daddy's Rich, and her Momma's Good Looking”. (a line from Porgy & Bess by Gershwin) Well, we meet her at the Clock have cokes. She is really as good as she looks, but, (her clothes, nails, shoes, tell me she is way out of my league). My what a knockout! “You set fast time at Culver last week” she says to me as she is looking straight into my eyes. (see ads for fast time) “That's true” I say , “but in 30 laps its tough to get the checker to win the main”. She smiles at me and says “will you drive for me in my car, the #34 sometime? So I say why don't we get together some night this week and talk it over”? She says “here is my phone number” (that's another story). Yes, I take the phone # (of the daughter of the midget car owner). Now this is a bad idea, because I own and drive my own midget and a lot of the owners (not all) are hard to deal with. So, a month later AAA throws a race at Gardena, Calif. which is strictly an Offy track but I'm ready to give the Offy a try! Its' her car, but I'm in the pits, that Daddy and crew are not happy with me being the daughters “shoe”. So, I set faster qualifying time than the team car (with Dempsey Wilson in it). (Dempsey got a ride at Indy) So, I start behind him in the feature, (main event) and after about 20 laps (it's a 50 lapper) I drive by him and get myself a 7th and he finishes 10th. So, during the week off my little Darlin' car owner says: “Daddy is putting Dempsey in my car (#34) and your to drive

the 44 car”. “If you want it”. Well we are at the drive in, she is leaning her head on my right shoulder, and I say “you want me to change cars?” She looks up at me with those soft brown eyes, and says “please”. (love is a beast with eyes full of tears)

Well I qualified 9th in the 44 car and Dempsey was 11th. We are at San Bernardino Orange Show Stadium, and I couldn't ask for a better set up to race. (see ad fast time) In the flathead Ford-V-8-60 Red circuit I was in the dash at least 1/3 the time, but the offys have the edge and my 9th time would have made the dash with the V-8-60 but the offy driver quality was better in the “Blue” offy circuit than the “Red” (Ford) circuit. I got a 8th in the main, the 34 car finished behind me, I don't know where, but, that was the last time I ran an Offy, just went back to the flathead and made money! IN THOSE DAYS THE WORLD WAS OURS TO CONQUER? IN EACH LOSS THERE IS A GAIN - BUDDA MAY THE WIND BE ALWAYS AT YOUR BACK KEEP IT BETWEEN THE FENCES Larry Dunham usaclarry

Larry Dunham at San Bernaradino, Ca. With pit crew after winning main. His #55 car Notice the skid type front bumper that kept me from flipping. Kuzma built it and probably saved me a lot of headaches. My pit crew, my brother-in-law Gene Janke (behind me) and Melvin Smith friend and midget freak. 51

by: Lynn Makua I go out the door (10:30 a.m.) and my cell phone rings! It's a reader that can't find our magazine! He is in Waveland, so I send him to “Kent & Sue's on Lower Bay Rd. and Lakeshore Blvd. I tell him to say hi to Bruce. Bruce is planning to open the old Dempsey's Restaurant. Diane used to have Dempsey's which is now in Kiln. (see her ad) He is going to call it Sellier's. He said he is going to start with lunch and dinner and later serve breakfast. Bruce will have cocktails, beer and wine. It will be about July or August before he open's. I can't wait. I live about five minutes away. Cricket's Honkie Tonk is right in back of Sellier's. Cricket has not opened yet. I think when my next article comes out he will have opened. I will keep y'all informed. If your not a local, Sellier's and Cricket's Honkie Tonk both are on Lower Bay Rd. and Lakeshore. It's right on way to the Silver Slipper. If you like to go to the Silver Slipper this will be a great stop. When Crickets and Sellier's open I can go to Cricket's Honkie Tonk have a glass of wine, watch the dancers on the great big dance floor he has, and walk over to Sellier's and have dinner. Yes, I will take Larry with me. (or as Debbie of Anita's says Pineapple's Husband) All our advertisers from the Bay Bridge to Slidell get copies twice a month. On 603 it's Bubba Woods, Good to Go, farther up in Kiln it's Dempsey's, CC's, Reds Pub. Waveland is B&k Auto, Lakeside Auto, Lakeshore Collision. In BSL its Anita's, VFW, Ugly Pirate. Now it's about 10:45 a.m. and I start precious, my 300zx (thanks to B & K) it starts right up. You know who will not work on the rice rocket as he calls it. He just does air! (he say's) I can't think of what tape to plug in. Michael Bolton, George Strait, Four Seasons, Don Ho, or just turn the radio and see what Super Dave is up to on 102.3. Super Dave is off at 10 a.m. so forget that. It's a beautiful Mississippi morning and of course I start thinking of Hawaii, so I plug in Don Ho. (Don Ho is a famous singer from Hawaii) One of my favorite songs on his tape is “I'll remember you”. (you gal's would love it) Last article I said I would tell you about Duke Kahanamoku Brothers. He had five brothers. In my last article I had picture of all the brothers. Duke's brother Sam was most celebrated. A gifted swimmer, surfer, and canoeman, he captured the bronze medal in the 100-meter freestyle at the 1924 Paris Olympics. He was also gifted singer; his rich baritone voice could be heard on Sunday evenings when the beachboys gathered on the old Moana Pier. He later became the caretaker of “Shangi-la, the seaside mansion owned by tobacco heiress Doris Duke. Brother David, who later became a farmer on Maui was good enough swimmer to have made the 1924 Olympic swim team. In 1961, Associated Press dispatch from Jones Beach, New York, reported that “an unusual combination of waves and undertow imperiled scores of swimmer Sunday at this resort center. Nine were pulled to safety by David Kahanamoku.” At the time he made this daring rescue, David was sixty-seven years old. Next month I'll tell you about the next two brothers. I have a great picture I think you guys would like. Duke's trophy


collection as it appeared in August 1913, a year after he won his first Olympic gold medal the age of twenty-two. From the E. Edgeworth Collection, courtesy of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Ok, back to Mississippi. I head for the Ugly Pirate, (see their ad) its one of cutest places in town. It's located a block behind Trapani's, on the corner of 2nd & DeMontluzin St., Bay St. Louis, MS. Since they have beer and wine I decided to have a pizza and a glass of chardonnay. The chardonnay was great so I had two. The pizza was a surprise. I was thinking of Pizza Hut type of pizza. It was a gourmet type. It was great. They have plenty of parking, and outside tables. You Classic car people will love this place. You music lovers better stop in to Anita's on Hwy 90 (see her ad). I was talking to Debbie the bartender at Anita's and she told me on Sunday's they have live bands starting at 2 p.m. and also, Mike Woods does Karaoke on one of the Sundays. (I hope Paris is still with Mike, she is great). As I started up Beach Blvd. from the “Pirate” there were a few white caps, the view was great made me miss Hawaii very much. (I bet y'all thought I was going to write a about Hawaii again) The Waveland Pier was loaded, as was the beach, before and after. For you visitors - beware of the 25 mph speed limit all the way to the Silver Slipper Casino. The Waveland Cop Cars are all black and they do patrol the beach blvd. Went into Rickeys to see my friend Pat Bain, who is bar manager and tends bar in the rear. You can walk straight thru, and you can eat in the bar area, (they have tables and chairs). I've known Pat for about 20 years now, she is formerly from the French Quarter. We went thru Katrina as did everybody. I had her make me my Hawaiian Sunset. I'm starting a contest of who makes the best Hawaiian Sunset. So far I have 12 bartenders in it. I'll let you know more about it next issue. It's Thursday and VFW is open and I'd better see if Sammy sold the `48 Packard (brand new restored) that was missing from his lot when I drove by. Oh, I forgot to mention, Trica of Reds Pub in the Kiln, (see her ad) said that Dustin and Eddie & Lisa are back. They can cook up a storm. Red's Pub is also going to start Karaoke on Thurs. Did I tell you that Dempsey's is open 7 am on Saturday and Sunday for breakfast, don't be late because they really pack them in! (see their ad) CC'S in the Kiln has pool, darts, live bands weekly, and yes, you guys with the low slung cars, the driveway has been fixed. Can you believe it they have happy hour 7 days. (See their ad) Since I headed home I decided to stop at Red's Pub and have my Hawaiian Sunset. Red of Red's Pub was on. So, I had him make my Hawaiian Sunset. He is the only guy in the contest. It was very good! (good out of 12) Watch next month for some of my old and new places. ALOHA YA'LL Pineapple


Dean Jeffries From Edward "Dean" Jeffries was born February 25, 1933 in Lynwood, California . Dean Jeffries is a legendary pinstriper and car builder. As a pinstriper Dean was known as "The Modern Painter". Dean was the middle child between an older sister, Darlene, and Evon that was born a year later. His father's name was Edward James Jeffries, and his mother's name was Viola Allison Jeffries. Dean grew up across the street from legendary Indianapolis 500 racer Troy Ruttman. Dean's father Edward was also wrenching on midget racers and race cars, so racing became a passion for Dean early in life. In the book Dean Jeffries 50 Fabulous Years in Hot Rods, Racing and Film Dean tells that throughout his life he has considered himself more a racer than a hot rodder. As his father he was more interested in the design and construction of race cars than in driving them. Growing up in the Compton area, Dean lived around the corner from Barris Kustoms. After school he used to hang around the shop looking at the cars. He attended Lynwood High with Dick Jackson, who also hung around the shop. Jeffries left high school at the age of 17, through a special arrangement with the armed services Dean left school and went directly in to the army. Dean was sent to the U.S. facilities in Sanhoffen, Germany where he was assigned as a map maker. During his time in Sanhoffen Dean bought his first car, an old Horch. He used the car to tour Europe on the weekends. During his stay in Germany Dean became friend with an older German man who painted stripes on pianos and custom furniture. The man thought Dean the art of striping using thin brushes and a steady hand. Once Dean had learned the trade it didn't take long time before his Horch was pinstriped from bumper to bumper. Dean was now eager to return to Lynwood and start his own business. By doing some repair work for an officer in the map department, Dean was able to return home after only one year. Back home Dean got a job in the evening at a machine shop in Compton, California. The job learned him to operate milling machines, lathes, and drill presses. Dean worked night so he could spend his days looking over the shoulders of masters like George Cerny, Sam Barris, and Von Dutch. Dean spent a lot of time around Von Dutch, and the pair became known as Von Dutch and "The Kid". In the book Dean Jeffries 50 Fabulous Years in Hot Rods, Racing and Film Dean is quoted saying that he really learned striping from Von Dutch. At the time Von Dutch working at a motorcycle shop in Compton . Dean began to hang out with Kenny Howard way before he started to call himself Von Dutch. Kenny used to paint a third eyeball on his forehead. This gave Jeffries an idea, and in 1951 he designed a logo with an eyeball and wings that he later trademarked. The logo is known as "the Flying Eyeball ". Kenny kept using it, and Jeffries never bothered to make a deal out of it. Jeffries still owns the right today, but somebody else is making big bucks out of the design together with the Von Dutch Brand. According to Von Dutch's sister Virginia Howard Reyes, Ed Roth created another version of the "Flying Eyeball" before Dean Jeffries. Dean Jeffries drew one with a roller skate on it, Jeffries eyeball is his own creation and not the same as Von Dutch's, and no one is fighting over Jeffries eyeball because it never became as popular as Von Dutch. Hanging around George Cerny's shop, George asked if Dean could stripe a boat. The job came out okay, so George asked if he could stripe his 1950 Plymouth wagon. The wagon was the second thing Jeffries ever striped. After that the work became a steady flow. He was still working nights at the machine shop, but he was striping at Cerny's Custom Shop during the day. At the time Jeff and Von Dutch were the only one doing modern striping. The Baron and Ed Roth came along soon after. One day George Barris called "Jeff" and asked if he could pinstripe a car for him. The car turned out to be Johnny Zupan's 1949 Mercury which Barris Kustoms had just two-toned in metallic gold and rust. After he had pinstriped the car, George asked if Dean would work for him. Dean said that he didn't want to work for him, but that he would gladly rent some space from him. George agreed, and Dean moved in to a little spot next door to the Barris Kustoms shop in 1956.


Dean Jeffries working hard in front of his 1947 Mercury . The girls is his high school sweetheart Carol Lewis . Photo by George Barris . Jeffries had now become the Barris Kustoms "house striper." Von Dutch had worked as Barris Kustoms "house striper" until Jeffries' arrival, but according to Hersh Conway, Von Dutch was too moody. George Cerny wasn't too happy about Dean moving out, but he could make more money working out of Barris Kustoms, because when Cerny went home, Dean also had to go home. At Barris Kustoms he could work whenever he wanted, and as long as he wanted. Jeffries' scallop, pinstripe, and flame painting business grew once he moved next door to Barris Kustoms, and a lot of the cars he painted got coverage on magazine covers. In addition to painting and striping cars, Dean was also early into custom airbrushing on T-shirts at car shows in order to earn some extra bucks. One day as he was pinstriping a boat he added a little character to it. People seemed to like it, so from that he started to add artwork to his striping. After that he learned to airbrush, and started painting T-shirts and sweatshirts. Dean did actually start to airbrush custom T-shirts and sweatshirts way before Ed Roth. Jeffries' continued attending car shows and customizing T-shirts and sweaters into the 1960s. While being the "house painter" at Barris Kustoms, Jeffries was able to learn all he wanted about metal shaping and fabrication. Jeffries never became an employee at Barris Kustoms, but he became a contractor taking in his own business as well as jobs Barris would throw his way. One of the cars he worked on at Barris Kustoms was Clarence Catallo's 1932 Ford 3-Window Coupe, also known as the Little Deuce Coupe . James Dean and Dean Jeffries shared a passion for car racing. This passion made them become friends, and Jeffries actually painted the No. 130 and the name "Little Bastard " on James Dean's 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder. Jeffries also pinstriped Dean's helmet. December 7, 1957, after a hard day in the shop, Jeffries went over to the restaurant across the street from the Barris Kustoms Shop for a

supper. As he started to eat he heard someone yell "FIRE!". Jeffries put his jacket over his head and ran into the burning building saving his girlfriend Carol Lewis' 1956 Chevrolet from the flames. The firefighters managed to stop the fire just short of the Ala Kart. 14 cars were destroyed in the fire, including the Wild Kat, Jayne Mansfield's Jaguar, and Archie Moore's Jaguar. After the shop fire George had Gene Simmons take over as general manager so that George could concentrate on getting the business back in order. One section of the shop was not touched by the fire, so he set up the workshop there and renovated the rest of the shop. George also extended the shop out back, and added space up front for a Kustom Accessories store and pinstriping shop that he continued to rent out to Dean Jeffries. The walls were beginning to close in on Jeffries, and he saw a demand for his business growing to compete with Barris instead of complementing Barris. Jeffries pulled up stakes and moved his shop to Hollywood. A move that would help start his extremely successful career building cars for movies. Dean Jeffries married Judy Maxson. The marriage didn't last long, but they had time to give birth to a son. Kevin Dean Jeffries was born on November 24, 1960. Dean and Judy were divorced in 1971. Dean kept in touch with Judy's parents after the marriage, (her father was a wealthy racing enthusiast), and they actually helped him a buy the shop and tools for his new venture in Hollywood. Jeffries tried two locations on Sunset Boulevard before moving out to Cahuenga Boulevard. Jeffries is in 2009 still located on Cahuenga Boulevard. Jeffries called his new venture Jeffries Studio of Style. In his new shop Jeffries painted and pinstriped cars, he also began metal forming, and in addition to this he also sold pinstring brushes and supply for home stripers, as well as custom "mod" sunglasses. In 1963 Jeffries restyled a brand new Ford Falcon for the Custom Car Caravan. The car was called the Falcon Python . Dean Jeffries was the first person to apply a Metalflake paintjob. The Metalflake Corporation of America came up with the idea of putting small aluminum flakes into paint. The problem was that nobody could get the flakes to come out of the gun in a smooth, consistent pattern. Jeffries experimented with the spray gun and managed the flotation of the flakes by working at a higher pressure. The first car he painted in Metalflake, and the first car ever to be painted in Metalflake was Dick Scritchfield's 1932 Ford Roadster.

In 1982 Jeffries married his second wife Rosalie Berman. Rosalie and Dean was together until Rosalie died in September 2008. Jeffries and George Barris have had a personal and professional rivalry for the past four decades. This rivalry is based on Barris taking credit for custom cars that Jeffries has built. One example is one of the two Monkeemobiles that Jeffries built. George Barris bought one of these. After buying the car he went to the people who make toys and models and hustled them into taking Jeffries name off the boxes and putting his name on it instead. The facts inside the boxes were also changed to saying that Barris built the car. George has also listed the car on his webpage as a custom car by Barris.

In 1963, while in his Sunset Boulevard location Jeffries built his most famous car, the Mantaray. Jeffries built the car in order to prove that he was capable of competing head to head with customizers such as George Barris and Gene Winfield . In 1968 Jeffries designed and built dune buggy called the Kyote. The first generation of Jeffries' buggies were called Mantaray II Kyote. An altered version of the Mantaray II Kyote was launched as the Kyote I, and went into production in 1969. When he manufactured the buggies, Jeffries had about 15 people working for him. Around 1100 buggies were turned out of the shop on Caluhenga Boulevard. About 500 Kyote I models, and about 600 Kyote II models. This resulted in the movie and stunt vehicle and hot rod business temporarily had to be pushed to the side.


When you’re a car guy that’s what you dream about, and talk about, spend your extra cash on, and if you have the knack you draw them. Check out the work of Mississippi Gulf Coast’s own Vince Hoda. Vince has been drawing cars, truck, bikes, race cars, drag cars, fact is if it has wheels or looks fast he is going to put it on paper. “I’ve been drawing cars for as long as I can remember and I enjoy doing portraits of peoples Hot Rods and Cars or Trucks. It started awhile back when a friend asked me to draw her husband’s car. She wanted to surprise him with a present for Christmas, and I guess that was the my first paid drawing.” Vince can even take your ideas and incorporate them to create a wild rendering of your future project. Each of his works is completely hand drawn and colored with no aid of any kind from computer software or digital enhancements. If your interested in more information about Auto Portraits by Vince Hoda you can e-mail him at or check him out on facebook.



Artie said, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful husband, a fine spiritual leader, and a great family man." Eugene commented, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful teacher and servant of God who made a huge difference in people's lives." Al said, "I'd like them to say, 'Look, he's moving!'" Smith climbs to the top of Mt. Sinai to get close enough to talk to God. Looking up, he asks the Lord. "God, what does a million years mean to you?" The Lord replies, "A minute." Smith asks, "And what does a million dollars mean to you?" The Lord replies, "A penny." Smith asks, "Can I have a penny?" The Lord replies, "In a minute." A man goes to a shrink and says, "Doctor, my wife is unfaithful to me. Every evening, she goes to Larry's bar and picks up men. In fact, she sleeps with anybody who asks her! I'm going crazy. What do you think I should do?" "Relax," says the Doctor, "take a deep breath and calm down. Now, tell me, exactly where is Larry's bar?" John was on his deathbed and gasped pitifully, "Give me one last request, dear," he said. "Of course, John ," his wife said softly. "Six months after I die," he said, "I want you to marry Bob .." "But I thought you hated Bob ," she said. With his last breath John said, "I do!" I was in the 'Ten Item Express' lane at the supermarket, quietly fuming. Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead of me had slipped into the check-out line pushing a cart piled high with groceries. Imagine my delight when the cashier beckoned the woman to come forward, looked into the cart and asked sweetly, "So - which ten items would you like to buy?" Wouldn't it be great if that happened more often? Because they had no reservations at a busy restaurant, my elderly neighbor and his wife were told there would be a 45-minute wait for a table. "Young man, we're both 90 years old," the husband said. "We may not have 45 minutes." They were seated immediately. The reason Politicians try so hard to get re-elected is that they would "hate" to have to make a living under the laws they've passed. All eyes were on the radiant bride as her father escorted her down the aisle. They reached the altar and the waiting groom, the bride kissed her father and placed something in his hand. The guests in the front pews responded with ripples of laughter. Even the priest smiled broadly. As her father gave her away in marriage, the bride gave him back his credit card. Women and cats will do as they please; and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. Three friends from the local congregation were asked, "When you're in your casket, and friends and congregation members are mourning over you, what would you like them to say?" 58

A man goes to see the Rabbi. "Rabbi, something terrible is happening and I have to talk to you about it." The Rabbi asked, "What's wrong?" The man replied, "My wife is poisoning me." The Rabbi, very surprised by this, asks, "How can that be?" The man then pleads, "I'm telling you, I'm certain she's poisoning me, what should I do?" The Rabbi then offers, "Tell you what. Let me talk to her, I'll see what I can find out and I'll let you know." A week later the Rabbi calls the man and says, "I spoke to her on the phone for three hours.. You want my advice? The man said, "Yes;" and the Rabbi replied, "Take the poison." A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner. “Good morning,” said the young man. “If I could take a couple minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners…” “Go away!” said the old lady ''I'm broke and haven't got any money!'' and she proceeded to close the door. Quick as a flash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed it wide open... ''Don't be too hasty!'' he said. ''Not until you have at least seen my demonstration..'' And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse manure onto her hallway carpet. ''Now, if this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse manure from your carpet, Madam, I will personally eat the remainder.'' The old lady stepped back and said, ''Well let me get you a fork, 'cause they cut off my electricity this morning." Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business. When he found out he was going to inherit

a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a wife with which to share his fortune. One evening at an investment meeting he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away. “I may look like just an ordinary man,” he said to her, “but in just a few years, my father will die, and I'll inherit $20 million.” Impressed, the woman obtained his business card and three days later, she became his stepmother. Women are so much better at financial planning than men… The husband was watching TV as his wife was out cutting the grass during the hot summer. He finally worked up the energy to go out and ask his wife, "What's for supper?" "WHAT?!? You sit in the air conditioning all day while I'm out here working?!? I can't believe you have the nerve to ask me about supper right now! Tell you what -- imagine I'm out of town. Go inside and figure out dinner for yourself." The husband went back in the house and fixed himself a big steak with potatoes, garlic bread and a tall glass of iced tea. The wife finally finished the lawn and walked in about the time he was finishing up. "You fixed something to eat? So where is mine?" "Huh? I thought you were out of town." His viewing is Monday from 2-4 and 7-9. His funeral is Tuesday. Hospital regulations require a wheel chair for patients being discharged. However, while working as a student nurse, I found one elderly gentleman already dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitcase at his feet, who insisted he didn't need my help to leave the hospital. After a chat about rules being rules, he reluctantly let me wheel him to the elevator. On the way down I asked him if his wife was meeting him. “'I don't know,” he said. “She's still upstairs in the bathroom changing out of her hospital gown.” The doctor that had been seeing an 80-year-old woman for most of her life finally retired. At her next checkup, the new doctor told her to bring a list of all the medicines that had been prescribed for her. As the young doctor was looking through these, his eyes grew wide as he realized she had a prescription for birth control pills. “Mrs. Smith, do you realize these are BIRTH CONTROL pills? “Yes, they help me sleep at night.” “Mrs. Smith, I assure you there is absolutely NOTHING in these that could possibly help you sleep!” She reached out and patted the young Doctor’s knee. “Yes, dear, I know that. But every morning, I grind one up and mix it in the glass of orange juice that my 16 year old granddaughter drinks………. And believe me, it helps me sleep at night.”

Been There Yet? Saturday Morning Breakfast at The Love Shack 8am to 10:30am Eggs, pancakes, omelet's, home made biscuits & sausage gravy, and lot’s more to choose from. All made with that Home Cookin’ that Katie is famous for. 59

June 2012 June 2 Tylertown, MS Walthall Dairy Festival Car & Truck Show (Cow Bag Nationals) pre 1980. Holmes Water Park in Tylertown. Peoples choice, Top twenty. Dash plaques, Door Prizes. Registration 9am to 1pm. Awards at 3pm. Info Randy Wilson 601 684-2609 June 2 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 June 2 Slidell, LA Coastal Cruisers Cruise-in at North Shore Square Mall in front of Sears. (take exit 80 off I-12, North Shore Blvd./Airport Dr.), Slidell, LA. Cruise night, 1st Saturday of each month, 6-9pm. Hosted by the Coastal Cruisers Car Club. Info: Terri 985 863-9256 or Brenda 985 639-9919 June 2 Mobile, AL Cruise-in at Krystal Burger (next to the Skyline Bowling Alley) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. "Where the Cruisein's started back in the 60's" 5pm - 8:30 pm. Proceeds to benefit local charities. Information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 June 2 Bay Springs, MS Bay Fest Fun Run 2012. Open Car, Truck and Rod Show at Bay Springs City Park. Presented by Southern Cruisers Car Club. Awards to top 100 vehicles, Best of show car & truck, Mayor's choice. Entry fee $20 per vehicle. Registration 8am - 11am. Awards at 1pm. Door prizes and goodie bags for all participants. 50/50 ticket drawings. No Pets or Alcoholic Beverages Allowed! Info: John 601 425-4865, Mark 601 739-3181, Gerry 601 764-3279 June 2 Biloxi, Ms. Benefit Fish Fry & Open Car Show. Sponsored By The National Association Of Letter Carriers Branch 1374. All Proceeds Go To Muscular Dystrophy Association. Show Will Be Held At The Biloxi Elks Lodge #606 - 1178 Beach Blvd, Biloxi, Ms. From 8am-2pm. Registration From 8am-12pm. $20.00 Registration Fee Day Of The Show. Awards Ceremony At (Continued on page 63)


Just for being at the 1st Saturday Night Edgewater Cruise-in. NO Purchase is Necessary! You

MUST have a Coast Cruizer Sticker on Your Windshield to be eligible for Cash & Prizes. The Coast Cruizer Stickers are FREE. You do Not have to be a member of the Coast Cruizers to receive a free sticker. $100 CASH PRIZE

Donated by Thomas Transmission & Automotive Repair



(Continued from page 60)

1:00pm. Top 35 Awards, Best Engine, Best Paint, Best Interior, Best Of Show And Ronnie's Choice Award. We Will Have Dash Plaques, Door Prizes, And 50/50 Tickets Available For Purchase. If You Prefer A Hamburger Or Hot Dog They Will Be Available Upon Request. Come & Join Us For A Day Of Good Food, Good Music, And Great Fun. Please Come Out And Help Support MDA At The Same Time! It's All For A Wonderful Cause! For Show Info: Contact Crystal 228-348-0425 or Ronnie 228-3657884. June 3 Kenner, LA Back To The Beach Car Show at Laketown, Williams @ Lake Pontchartrain. Registration 8 am till noon Awards 4:30 200 Awards All proceeds benefit Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation, 5 Bands, Food, Crafts on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain. 1st 300 Dash Plaques and Goody Bags Reg $25 till 5/29 $30 Day of Show Info Custom Cruisers Walter or Pam Larter 504-282-2862, June 8 Lucedale, MS Lucedale Breakfast Cruise-in every 2nd Friday at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more information contact Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 June 8-10 Denham Springs, LA Southern Style Car Show at the Days Inn.(I-12 Exit 10, Days Inn is located on the South Side of the Interstate, Range Ave) Mention Show for special rate. Overflow Hotel Hampton Inn. Open to all classes. Motorcycles are welcome. 50/50 Raffle, Door Prizes, Lots and Lots of Old Cars, Great Food, DJ (Playing all your ole school tunes) and Just Good Ole Southern Style Hospitality. Pre Entry: $20 (Before May 31, 2012) Day of Show $25 Cars must be registered to be judged and Dash Plagues awarded to the 1st 100 Pre-Registered Vehicles. Some of the proceeds from the show to benefit the Christmas Crusade for Children for Livingston Parish. For more information on show or for vendor information: contact: Kenny Stumpff (225) 207-9304 or Tish Stumpff 225 207-9269 email:

Mayor's Choice, Police Choice, BankPlus Choice, Blueberry Queen's Choice, Good Time Cruisers Choice Awards. 50/50, 50&60 Music, Give Aways, Dash Plaques to the first 100. Then there is the Festival its self Crafts, Food, Venders of all type & all kinds of Blueberry Products. Ya'll come Info: 601-799-1932

June 9 Long Beach, MS Got Grace? Classic Car Show 10am 4pm 50/50 Drawing, Door Prizes, Trophies, 50s & 60s Music, Food and Fun for the Whole Family. Whether you are an exhibitor or not, come out for an afternoon of good clean family fun and support MS Gulf Coast Charities! Be sure to bring your children and their kiddie cars for more fun, prizes and awards. There will be two classes in the kiddie car show, one for pedal cars and one for electric or battery powered cars. Registration: $20 before May 9, $25 day of show Exhibitors & Registrants call 228-864-4248 Proceeds to be contributed to Mississippi Gulf Coast charities. Registration is open to all cars or trucks of 1985 vintage or earlier. Presented by Grace Lutheran Church

June 9 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Night Cruise-in at the Train Depot in Bay St. Louis, MS. 6pm - 9pm. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers, Always draws a big crowd of people enjoying the "Swamp pop music", 50/50, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. Info: call Terry 228 216 1259

June 9 Poplarville, MS Blueberry Festival and Car Show at BankPlus (105 South Main St.) Top 30 Cars, Top 15 Trucks, Best of Show Car & Truck, Best Paint, Best Engine, Best Interior,

June 15 Long Beach, MS 3rd Friday Night Cruisin' Jeff Davis Ave. It's the real deal... park or cruise the strip it's up to you. No

June 9th Star, MS 1st Annual Tiger Booster Club Car & Bike Show, McLaurin High School, Star, MS. 8:00am,ALL proceeds to assist the community pee-wee football clubs by helping to pay fees for those who need it & purchase equipment. Kid Corral, door prizes, trophies, food, ect. $20 preregister. More info

(Continued on page 66)




MS. At 11 AM we will cruise over to the Smokehouse Bar-B-Que located at 2227 Hwy 471, Brandon, MS, for lunch. Boo has a great menu to choose from and will be offering a 10% discount for us cruisers. After fueling up on BBQ we will hit the road for the 60 mile trip to the Veterans Home in Kosciusko located at 310 Autumn Ridge Drive, Kosciusko, MS. We will be there from 2 to 4 PM. This is a free event, no judging or trophies. Thanks to our sponsors, we'll have dash plaques for the first 50 vehicles. Make your plans to attend, if you cannot make the whole day, join us anytime. We had a great time last year and we are looking forward to this year's event. Any Questions? Contact Ollie Patterson at 601 -829-2589 or Casey Yates at 601-829-0689. Flyer 1 Flyer 2 * June 23 Pascagoula, MS. Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex, Hwy 90, Pascagoula, Ms. Large Parking lot is 100% lighted, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. (March through October) Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS Info:, Call: Bob Hand at 228-218-7218,

July 2012 July 4 Saucier, MS July 4th Blowout Classic Car Cruise-in at the Triple Nickle, 18369 Hwy 49, Saucier, MS. Events start around 5pm featuring the Coasts Hottest upcoming band the LUNATyPE and Fireworks start about 8:30pm. Lots of food, cars, music and fun. Get there early, classic car drivers R.S.V.P. 228832-7005 to receive VIP privileges.

(Continued from page 63)

prizes, 50/50, dj's or give-a-ways, just the coolest place to be seen on a Friday night. Everyone Welcome. Plenty of great places to eat. June 16 Gulfport, MS Orange Grove Kruiser's 3rd Saturday Cruise-in. 6pm-9pm at the Acadian Plaza (2 miles north of I-10 on Hwy 49) Valve cover racing, 50/50, music, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. This is a year around cruise-in. Everyone Welcome. Need information or want to join the Orange Grove Kruiser's call: Jessie 228-239-6822 June 16 D'Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Dairy Queen Grill & Chill 10634 Auto Mall Pkwy. Cruise Night Specials 4pm - 8pm. Info 228 396-4420 June 16 D'Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Cedar Lake & Popps Ferry Rd. (I-10 Exit 44) across the street from KFC & Sonic drive-in 6-9 pm, Music, 50/50, Games. Fun for the whole family. Coast VW Club & Mississippi Coast Antique Automobile Club June 22-24 Biloxi, MS Scrapin the Coast the wildest show on the Coast! Car & Truck Show, Vendors, Live Bands including 2 LIVE CREW to play at this years Scrapin' the Coast!!!, Stereo Competition, Frame Draggin', Burnout Contest, Bikini Contest $$$$, Hydraulic & Air Bag Competition, Cash - Trophies - Prizes, and check out our Facebook site June 23 Jackson, MS The VA Fun Run is a different kind of car event, instead of just sitting around looking at vehicles let's drive'em and honor our Veterans that have a hard time getting out to car shows. The Fun Run will kick off at 9 AM at the Mississippi State Veterans Home located at 4607 Lindbergh Drive, Jackson,

July 7 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 July 7 Slidell, LA Coastal Cruisers Cruise-in at North Shore Square Mall in front of Sears. (take exit 80 off I-12, North Shore Blvd./Airport Dr.), Slidell, LA. Cruise night, 1st Saturday of each month, 6-9pm. Hosted by the Coastal Cruisers Car Club. Info: Terri 985 863-9256 or Brenda 985 639-9919 July 7 Mobile, AL Cruise-in at Krystal Burger (next to the Skyline Bowling Alley) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. "Where the Cruisein's started back in the 60's" 5pm - 8:30 pm. Proceeds to benefit local charities. Information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 July 13 Lucedale, MS Lucedale Breakfast Cruise-in every 2nd Friday at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more information contact Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 July 14 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Night Cruise-in Bay St. Louis, MS. 6pm - 9pm. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers, Always draws a big crowd of people enjoying the "Swamp pop music", 50/50, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. Info: call Terry 228 216 1259 July 20 Long Beach, MS 3rd Friday Night Cruisin' Jeff Davis Ave. It's the real deal... park or cruise the strip it's up to you. No prizes, 50/50, dj's or give-a-ways, just the coolest place to be seen on a Friday night. Everyone Welcome. Plenty of great places to eat. July 21 Gulfport, MS Orange Grove Kruiser's 3rd Saturday Cruise-in. 6pm-9pm at the Acadian Plaza (2 miles north of I-10 (Continued on page 67)


(Continued from page 66)

on Hwy 49) Valve cover racing, 50/50, music, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. This is a year around cruise-in. Everyone Welcome. Need information or want to join the Orange Grove Kruiser's call: Jessie 228-239-6822 July 21 D'Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Dairy Queen Grill & Chill 10634 Auto Mall Pkwy. Cruise Night Specials 4pm - 8pm. Info 228 396-4420 July 21 D'Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Cedar Lake & Popps Ferry Rd. (I-10 Exit 44) across the street from KFC & Sonic drive-in 6-9 pm, Music, 50/50, Games. Fun for the whole family. Coast VW Club & Mississippi Coast Antique Automobile Club July 28 Pascagoula, MS. Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex, Hwy 90, Pascagoula, Ms. Large Parking lot is 100% lighted, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. (March through October) Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS Info:, Call: Bob Hand at 228218-7218,

August August 4 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 (Continued on page 69)



August 4 Slidell, LA Coastal Cruisers Cruise-in at North Shore Square Mall in front of Sears. (take exit 80 off I-12, North Shore Blvd./Airport Dr.), Slidell, LA. Cruise night, 1st Saturday of each month, 6-9pm. Hosted by the Coastal Cruisers Car Club. Info: Terri 985 863-9256 or Brenda 985 639-9919 August 4 Mobile, AL Cruise-in at Krystal Burger (next to the Skyline Bowling Alley) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. "Where the Cruisein's started back in the 60's" 5pm - 8:30 pm. Proceeds to benefit local charities. Information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 * August 9-11 Hiawassee, GA Georgia Mountain Moonshine Cruiz-in. Georgia Mountain Moonshine Cruize In, is held in Hiawassee, Georgia located in the North Georgia mountains. If you have never been to this part of the country, what a treat awaits you. It's breathtaking views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, ice cold clear streams, charming landscape, and some of the world's friendliest people will truly spoil you. Located on Lake Chatuge, The Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds will host the event. You will enjoy strolling the pioneer setting, with live mountain music, folk exhibits, local crafts, and of course hundreds of hot classic cars. With plenty of automotive vendors on display to help you with a hard to find part for your classic car or street rod. You will love the shade trees, lakeside views, and a chance to relax in your chair beside your hotrod with a cold glass of lemonade. All of this will convince you to stay forever. Thanks to the City of Hiawassee and the kind people of the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds, there will be some good ole mountain music shows, held Friday and Saturday night at the Anderson Music Hall located on grounds. The nominal admission charge for the show will prove to be one of your best deals for the summer. Don't miss it! Registered vehicles will receive a discount. So make your plans now for the best Classic Automotive fest you have ever attended. See ya n tha Hillz! Show info: 662 587-9572 August 10 Lucedale, MS Lucedale Breakfast Cruise-in every 2nd Friday at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more information contact Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 August 11 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Night Cruise-in at the Train Depot in Bay St. Louis, MS. 6pm - 9pm. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers, Always draws a big crowd of people enjoying the "Swamp pop music", 50/50, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. Info: call Terry 228 216 1259 * August 17 Long Beach, MS 3rd Friday Night Cruisin' Jeff Davis Ave. It's the real deal... park or cruise the strip it's up to you. No prizes, 50/50, dj's or give-a-ways, just the coolest place to be seen on a Friday night. Everyone Welcome. Plenty of great places to eat August 18 Gulfport, MS Orange Grove Kruiser's 3rd Saturday Cruise-in. 6pm-9pm at the Acadian Plaza (2 miles north of I-10 on Hwy 49) Valve cover racing, 50/50, music, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. This is a year around cruise-in. Everyone Welcome. Need information or want to join the Orange Grove Kruiser's call: Jessie 228-239-6822 August 18 D'Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Dairy Queen Grill & Chill 10634 Auto Mall Pkwy. Cruise Night Specials 4pm - 8pm. Info 228 396-4420 August 18 D'Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Cedar Lake & Popps Ferry Rd. (I-10 Exit 44) across the street (Continued on page 70)


(Continued from page 69)

from KFC & Sonic drive-in 6-9 pm, Music, 50/50, Games. Fun for the whole family. Coast VW Club & Mississippi Coast Antique Automobile Club August 25 Pascagoula, MS. Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex, Hwy 90, Pascagoula, Ms. Large Parking lot is 100% lighted, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. (March through October) Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS Info:, Call: Bob Hand at 228218-7218,

September September 1 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 September 1 Slidell, LA Coastal Cruisers Cruise-in at North Shore Square Mall in front of Sears. (take exit 80 off I-12, North Shore Blvd./Airport Dr.), Slidell, LA. Cruise night, 1st Saturday of each month, 6-9pm. Hosted by the Coastal Cruisers Car Club. Info: Terri 985 863-9256 or Brenda 985 639-9919 September 1 Mobile, AL Cruise-in at Krystal Burger (next to the Skyline Bowling Alley) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. "Where the Cruise-in's started back in the 60's" 5pm - 8:30 pm. Proceeds to benefit local charities. Info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 * (Continued on page 72)



(Continued from page 70)

September 8 Hattiesburg, MS. 2nd Annual Cruise In and Gospel Sing, 8 am til 1 pm. Preregistration is $20.00 and $25.00 the day of. Trophies awarded for Best Ford, Chevy, Mopar, Rat Rod, Truck, Custom Bike, Original Bike, Peoples Choice, Best in Show. Proceeds to support Wounded Minute Men of MS. There will be a swap meet also. Located at the back entrance to Paul B. Johnson State Park, 10 miles south of Hattiesburg, MS. Sponsored by Pineview Baptist Church and Pineview Cruisers September 8 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Night Cruise-in at the Train Depot in Bay St. Louis, MS. 6pm - 9pm. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers, Always draws a big crowd of people enjoying the "Swamp pop music", 50/50, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. Info: call Terry 228 216 1259 September 14 Lucedale, MS Lucedale Breakfast Cruise-in every 2nd Friday at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more information contact Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 September 14 Long Beach, MS 3rd Friday Night Cruisin' Jeff Davis Ave. It's the real deal... park or cruise the strip it's up to you. No prizes, 50/50, dj's or give-a-ways, just the coolest place to be seen on a Friday night. Everyone Welcome. Plenty of great places to eat. September 15 Gulfport, MS Gulf Coast MotorSports 8th Annual Hot Rod Weekend at Gulfport Dragway. Gate opens Saturday at 9am - Awards at 3pm. Car Show, Swap Meet, 50/50, Street Drag Racing (Traditional Street Drags Rules, No Classes, No time slips, 1/8 mile, Drivers decide winner), Gulfport Dragway is located 1 Mile South of I-10 (MS Exit 31) on Canal Road, Gulfport, MS - Vendor Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 or Track Phone 228 863-4408 September 15 Gulfport, MS Orange Grove Kruiser's 3rd Saturday Cruise-in. 6pm-9pm at the Acadian Plaza (2 miles north of I-10 on Hwy 49) Valve cover racing, 50/50, music, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. This is a year around cruise-in. Everyone Welcome. Need information or want to join the Orange Grove Kruiser's call: Jessie 228-239-6822 September 15 D'Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Dairy Queen Grill & Chill 10634 Auto Mall Pkwy. Cruise Night Specials 4pm - 8pm. Info 228 396-4420 * September 15 D'Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Cedar Lake & Popps Ferry Rd. (I-10 Exit 44) across the street from KFC & Sonic drive-in 6-9 pm, Music, 50/50, Games. Fun for the whole family. Coast VW Club & Mississippi Coast Antique Automobile Club * September 21-23 Diamondhead, MS The New-Old Diamondhead Rod Run presented by the Rat Pack. This will be a Traditional Hot Rod & Custom Car Show. Hot Rods, Customs, Bobbers, Choppers. Live Band, Pinstriping, Art Show, Vendors, Rockabilly. The show will be held at the Diamondhead Resort 228255-1300 (I-10 Exit 16) Rooms $59 a night. Vendors Welcome. Info: 228 596-0664 September 22 Pascagoula, MS. Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex, Hwy 90, Pascagoula, Ms. Large Parking lot is 100% lighted, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. (March through October) Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS Info:, Call: Bob Hand at 228-218-7218 (Continued on page 75)




September 22 Bogausa, LA "Crusin The Park" 3rd Annual Benefit Car Show for Justin Wheat at Cassidy Park, Bogausa, La. Raffle Grand Prize LS Engine, 50/50, food, music, awards for Cars, Trucks & Motorcycles. Top 20, Best of Show, Sponsors Awards and more. Contact Troy Trevalon 985-335-5200 Hosted by the Open Road Cruisers September 22 Biloxi, MS. First Annual Car Show Under the Oaks. 2750B Mission Lane Biloxi MS. at the Edgewater Christian Fellowship Church. Registration 9am - Noon. Registration fee: $25. Awards at 1:00pm. Trophies, Pastor's Award, Dash Plaques, Best of Show Awards, 50/50, Door Prizes, Food, Fun, For more information call Condie at 228-860-2911. Proceeds Benefit the Benelovence Fund. September 22-23 Houston TX Gulf Coast Classic will be one of the biggest classic and custom car shows in Texas and the Gulf Coast. This will be a two day festival of custom cars, bikes and body art. Many vendors and artist will also be at the festival. Over 50 class groups. Get on board now to be a part of this huge event. Check out our Flyer find us on Facebook at gulfcoastclassic or e:mail September 28-29 Panama City, FL. 12th Annual Old Drag Racers Reunion and Hall of Fame Ceremony. Friday night, the annual "legends of drag racing dinner ceremony". Famous drag racers Dick Brannan and Hubert Platt will co-host the "50th anniversary of the class of 1962".. old factory drag racers from 1962 like Phil Bonner, Gas Ronda, Butch Leal, Don Grother, Arnie Beswick, Roger Lindamood, Bill Jenkins, Buddy Martin, Jimmy Arnold, Bruce Larson, Bobby Watson, Jack Cooley, Sidney Foster and Bill Connell have been invited as special guests. A huge car show featuring super stock race cars from the








2 Issues Classified Ad Rate Picture Ad - $10 路 Non Picture Ad - $5 50 words or less In the Magazine & on the Web Site

Info - 228 596-0664

2003 Nissan 350Z, 86,000 miles, 6-speed manual transmission, Chrome Silver in color, touring package with Bose Sound System and leather. Nice! Book value $12,000.00. Asking $11,500.00 firm. Call Terry 228 669-8122

2007 Lexus GX-470 3 row seats, leather, 4 wheel drive, navigation, 103K miles, one owner, garage kept-immaculate. $25,500 or $2,500 and take over the payments... Call 228-332-1137

1963 Cadillac Park Ave. 4 Door H/T. Rare car; only 1575 produced. 92,000 original miles - 390 c.i.d. with re-built 4 speed hydro. Trans; clear glass - No missing parts. New radiator, water pump, Edelbrock carb., electronic ignition, ball joints, exhaust, headliner and pioneer stereo with remote. Factory GM service manual. Everything works except cruise and A.C. $6,500 O.B.O. Call Mark at 228 861-1136

20 Foot Car Hauler, dove tail, new treated wood deck, bull dog hitch, electric brakes, emergency disconnect brake system, trailer tires, DOT tape, round pin electrical connector. A really nice unit that tows great. $2350 Ollie Patterson, phone 601-829-2589


For Sale 4 (four) 77 Corvette Aluminum Rims $375 5' Car Trailer ramps (steel) $175 2 (TWO) 850 CFM Holley's. New in box, street or strip $1200 1 Aluminum intake 502 cu in Chevy $160 Call Rob 228 217-5263

Buying Junk Cars Cars that need work. Must Have Title Wrecked Cars Free Towing.


1969 Camaro Factory a/c and power steering. Frame off restoration in 2005/06, 1000 miles since. Rebuilt balanced and spec'd 350ci V8, rebuilt 700r4 overdrive trans and 12 bolt posi rear end. All new mechanicals, suspension, tires, exhaust, chrome, interior, radio/spkrs, etc. Paint and body excellent, no rust. No expense spared. Beautiful, powerful, dependable. $35,000 obo. Call Mike 601-906-1196

1946 Ford, 2 door - Super Deluxe Coupe. Beautiful light blue. We purchased this jewel in 2001 from a party North of Chicago. Tailored it home and have enjoyed it for many years. Losing my husband in ’07, it needs a new loving home. It has won many awards and in February 2001 was the featured car in State Farm national ad: Asking $20,000 if interested please call 228-861-7357

1974 Ford Bronco p/s, automatic, 302, bright green on top raptor liner on bottom runs and drives great, turns heads every time I drive it. Lots of new parts no rust. Only selling to start new project. $11,500.00 call 228-860-2629

1971 Ranchero, P/S, P/B, auto trans, factory air. $4800 Firm. Call Bill 228 216-0547

1957 Chevy 210 restored/rebuilt frame-off restoration, 5 years ago, exterior India Ivory/ Larkspur Blue, blue interior, leather seats, 454 crate engine, new 700R4 trans, custom interior by Jim McFall’s Auto Trim, "Best Interior Award" by Hot Rod magazine. LongHorn gauges, new Griffith aluminum radiator, new Vintage Air, custom floor shift, tilt steering wheel, new weather stripping, new carpet, Boyd Coddington chrome wheels, new B. F. Goodrich tires, power disc brakes, power steering, front sway bar, all exterior chrome replaced or re-chromed. Sony CD player. 3525 miles since the restoration. Car is located at the Busted Wrench Garage Museum and Gift Shop, 2311 29th Street, Gulfport, MS 39501. $29,900 or best offer. call John, at 228-617-6660

2008 Club Car Precedent 48v with the new 4 battery set up. Complete with charger. $2500. 601-672-8830

1951 Chevy P/U $14.5K New: crate motor, tires, brakes, upholstery, gauges, radiator, etc, etc. 3.08 Posi, '79 Camero susp, PS, PB, CD, Tilt, serious amount of custom work. All for the price of the parts alone. U paint. Tom 228-875-3951

1970 Mustang Convertible. V-8 automatic. New convertible top, magnum wheels and tires. Great driver. $12,500 obo. 423-762-1016 or 228-623-9453

8.5x20 foot Open Car Hauler, that we bought to transport our old 51 Chevy pickup to shows. The hauler has only been used once; when we brought the Chevy home from Tupelo. It has lots of extras and new paint; and is ready to go to the shows. The Hauler comes with the special tie downs that go over the wheels. Give me a call if you are seriously needing a good hauler - Call Donna, 601-906-1337

1969 Chevrolet Camaro R/S. 500hp 383 EFI built by American Speed. 700 miles on total rebuild. Asking $55,000 Wayne 601 594-0868

1953 Ford Mainline 73A 350/350 Chevrolet subframe Good daily driver $7,500. Call Shannon 228-861-4366

1966 AMC (American Motors Corporation), American 440. This is the last year that the name Rambler appeared, a rare power top convertible, 199 CI, 3 speed automatic. Many new parts. Needs a good home and TLC. One of a kind at a show. $5900 Ollie Patterson 601-829-2589


1971 Olds Cutless 442 clone. 350 engine. Mostly original and automatic. $15,000.

30 Ford Model "A". 327 engine, turbo 350, Ford 9", A/C asking $23,500 call 985-264-0991

1929 Ford T-Bucket. Titled, 440 Dodge, auto 727 trans, 8 3/4 rear-end. Many new parts. Extra Plymouth (1967) station wagon (restorable). (4) 727 trannies, (2) 400 Dodge engines, (11) 383 H.P. block and heads, etc. $8,500 invested, sell or trade for 56-59 Ford 2 door, running of same value. Call 601-567-2467 or 601-395-0073 Utility Bed for 3/4 ton truck. 8' x 80" Knapheide. 6 locking tool boxes. $850. (228) 669-8890


40 Packard. P/S, P/B, A/C, 454 Chevy motor, auto trans, tilt steering, CD, electric seats, Cararo suspension, Ready to cruise $23,500 OBO or Trade Sammy 228-467-5324 or 228-493-2327

1970 VW Bug Truck $5,800 Call James 228475-4646 CHECK OUT ALL THE CLASSIFIED ADS AT

4 - Pacer Rims & Tires (15" Rims) tires are in fine shape. 2ea P205/75 R15 and 2ea P295/50 R15 (Chevy Rims) $400. Call Dick 228-332-0850

For Sale buy the drive trane get a free Mustang with a clear MS. Title. 331 stroker built by McMurtrys $3000, Paxton super charger Novi 1200 $3500, trick flo heads, roller rockers, cam $2500, trans is built for 700 hp $3500, 1985 Mustang GT hatch back drop springs, new struts, back end boxed, up graded 4 link suspension, 5 point racing seats, bbk subframe connectors, Aeromotive fuel pump, boost regulator, complete roll cage not installed, aluminum radiator, etc., etc, car runs 10.9-11.3, drives needs brake work. over $12,000 invested plus will take $4,300 Mark 601-766-1066

1951 International Fire Truck. 6 cyl with manual trans. Most all equipment is there 4" hose, fire ext. It was running, now mostly sitting. Would make a great parade, Mardi Gras, or just a cool thing to carry the kids around on local parades. It is all there, $2,500.00 Call 228-617-6660 1948 Plymouth 350/350, new trans, Lokar shifter, alum.rad., 650 Edelbrock carb., new gas tank, new painless wiring, 17 in. billet alum rims. $12,500 obo/trades Call 504 329-2114 or 985 288-0053

1980 GMC Cabellero (Chevy El Cameno) 2nd owner, California car. No rust, no dents. 305 engine (out) 350 (crate) in, choice of engines. New seat covers, carpet, etc. Sell for $2,500 with worn 305 eng or $3,500 with 350 never started. Call 601-567-2467 or 601-395-0073

1956 Chevy SWB, SS, 350, 700R4, 3.42 posi, ps, pb, pw, Vintage Air, AutoMeter gauges. $17K OBO Call Philip 251-610-6103 1940 Buick Super 4-Dr sedan, immaculate, original interior tan, exterior beautiful green, straight 8 motor, radio, need to call for more details. Charles 601-573-5549


1959 Chevy Apache 1 ton, long fleet side, new "327", 3 speed auto, needs t.l.c., Solid frame. $8,000 Call Bob 228-348-1391

1964 Ford F250. 292 V-8, 3 speed. All original. Very Nice. $6000 OBO Call 601 798-4279 (leave message) 1931 Buick Series 50, 4-Dr Phaeton Conv. Only 325 made, 75 exported. Can only account for 3 or 4, mostly original, straight 8 motor. Call for more details. Charles 601-573-5549.

1936 Chevrolet 2 door Sedan. Late built 1936 (Z) Body. Chevrolet did not use a lot of wood on the late built 1936 cars. The doors are all metal. Car is original New Mexico CAR. Solid body, good sheet metal. Doors open and close Good Roller. Has Interdependent front end with disc brakes and 9" Lincoln Versailles disc brake rear end. Original Frame. Original Dash. Late model Corvette tilt steering column. No Glass, have garnish moldings. Glass is flat glass and easily obtained. $3800.00 cash not interested in trades, Need the space, car stored inside. Rogers 281 960-3636 Santa Fe, TX

1967 Chevelle SS Clone 396, 4 speed. New brakes, new paint, new bumpers & emblem, new carb, new molding, new tires, new exhaust. $13,500 or Trade Sammy 228-467-5324 or 228-493-2327


1965 Ford Mustang Convertible, highly desirable color combination of Wimbledon White with black top and interior, 3 speed, 289, fully restored to original, runs great. $23,000. Call Clint at (601) 421-0941

1968 Chevelle SS 396 true 138, professional frame off restoration. Fuel injected. Rebuild completely documented and on Internet. Over $100k invested, asking $50k. 251 421-0033 70 Lincoln MK III 58 k #'s match 200 psi All cylinders 460 cu storage AZ 18 years 2nd owner. Needs park & turn lites. Needs new top, mirror glass. New master cyl. in trunk Call Larry Dunham 228-671-6216 $7500.00

53 Ford, good condition, flathead V-8 runs good, good interior. $5000 OBO Call Harold 228 324-1821

1968 Ford F100. 240 6cyl, 3 speed, Runs Great $4000 OBO Call 601 798-4279 Rebuilt TH350 transmission. Asking $350. Contact John at 601 941-8476

1985 Dodge 600 ES Turbo Convertible; Purchased new as an Easter gift for my wife in 1985. Loaded with all power options, 2.2 Liter four-cylinder, with factory turbocharger. Perfect interior/top/tires. 122,000 actual oneowner miles. Professionally maintained and serviced since new. Excellent gas mileage. $4000. Call Marcus 601-253-2732

1946 Chevy, V8, turbo 350. Runs Good. $14,000 OBO 228-860-5083

1969 Cutlass S-455 Big Block, Silver with Red Interior, Bucket seats and console, Chrome 15" SSI Wheels with front disc brakes. $13000 Call 228-363-2893

Feature You Club or Business 路 Share Your Clubs Activities 路 Tell Us About Your Car, Truck or Bike For more information give us a call at 228 596-0664 e-mail - or send to: Gulf Coast MotorSports

79 Z-28 Camaro, New 383 roller stroker, 480 HP, 2800 stall, 15K invested, sell 13K firm. More info and pictures, Chuck 228-860-7506 1947 Dodge "Rat Rod" Truck This truck is FUN! Fresh 440 Big Block Chrysler with choppy cam. 727 torque flight automatic with 2800 rpm stall. 1995 S-10 front end and rear end with 2x3 tube chassis. Lots of custom, quality workmanship! $12500 FIRM Chavus 228-697-2972

1969 Buick Sportwagon: 3 seat, 400 engine, 400 transmission, AC, PS, PB, cruise, delay wipers, remote door locks. 93,500 miles. $15,000. Tom, 228-860-5454

1951 Chevy Bel Air - 2 Dr. HDT - Mild Custom Modifications- Olds 1 Piece Windshield, Shaved & Decked, Custom Paint Yellow and white, 53 Buick Type Side Trim, Lakes Pipes, Spinners & Skirts, Black Roll/ Tucked Upholstery, 350/350 Combo W/ Column Shift, New Drive Shaft & Front end Work/ New Tires. Over $20,000 Invested. Sell for: $17,500 251-990-0833 or 251-605-5443

1948 GMC 5 window, 327/350 combo with 9" Ford rear 325 gears. Chassis Engineers rear suspension, mustang II style front with tubelar upper and lower control arms. PWR rack, Vintage air, heat, defrost. EZ Wire harness, Flaming River steering column. Shaved handles with remote door openers. Electric wipers, Am/ Fm/CD. NSRA safety inspection. asking $18,500 OBO call 601-833-8620 or 601-835-3064 1967 Chevrolet 4-Dr Bel Air, immaculate, totally original, A/T, P/S, A/C, P/B, radio, blue with blue interior, 57k miles, 283-V8, have the original check when purchased. Has original seat covers. For more details call Charles at 601-573-5549.



Crager wheels, #441812, 17" X 8", 5 X 4.5" lug pattern. Tires: Hankook Ventus; Rears 255/50ZR/17; they measure 10 1/4 " wide and 26 3/4" tall; Fronts 225/45ZR/17; they measure 8 3/4" wide and 24 1/2" tall; Includes Center Caps, lug nuts, Less than 500 miles, phone Ollie Patterson, 601-829-2589

1951 Ford Truck. Cab extended 12", top chopped 4", 425 Cadillac engine, turbo 400 trans, Nova rear, 273 gears, Camaro front, approx 6,500 miles, new paint, pinstripes, tires. $20,000 No Trades.. call Bill 251-599-0235

36' Car Hauler 2011 special order. Winch, storage, work bench, spare tire, electric landing gear, solar charger. Asking $15,500. Call Wayne 601-594-0868.

Three (3) Mustang Cobra wheels, silver in color, size is 17"x8" +30 offset. They have tires on them, but the tires are not in good condition. $60. Call Canaan at (601) 896-8480 Wanted: A steering gear box for a 83 Mercedes 280sl. Also rear view mirror, tan visors, tan original seat covers, speedometer. Anyone knowing where I might get the above items please let me know. We are trying to buy local. De (601) 218-2383 cell.

1980 Dodge Power Wagon Completely restored in 2008- W100, 65,000 original miles. 6 inch lift, 4x4, 20 inch wheels, 35 inch nitto mud grapplers, a/c, power windows, CD/ Kicker 12 inch subwoofers, Silver metallic paint. Interior is silver/burgundy, work done by Randy's upholstery. $20,000.00 Call Tanny 601-506-5211

The Secret Service scandal was discovered when a disagreement on how much a prostitute wanted for her services came to light. She wanted $800.00. The Secret Service Agent offered $30.00. How ironic is it that the only person in Washington willing to cut spending gets fired?


1959 Buick LeSabre 4-Dr Sedan, V8 auto, great shape, original interior, 79k, new tires and brakes. This car is currently being used in the filming of "The Haunted" in Greenville, MS. 1955 Buick 4-Dr Special, V8 engine, Std shift, 11.7k actual miles, original tires, "totally original untouched". 1930 Plymouth Coupe 2-Dr Coupe, mostly original, beautiful two-tone black and blue, 4cyl engine, interior needs some work, need to see to appreciate. I have records of the first gas put in it in 1929.

Picture Ad-$10 Non Picture Ad-$5 Two Months In the Magazine & on the Web Site

Info - 228 596-0664

2000 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail, loaded, only 22,624 miles. Stored inside, Very nice. Asking $10,500 OBO Call 601 798-4279 leave message

2004 Harley-Davison Soft Tail Duece with Screaming Eagle Motor, lots of extra, 5000 Miles - Like New - $10,500.00 Call Harold 228 324-1821

1954 Harley K model, kick start only, runs great looks great. asking $6000.00 o.b.o. possible trade, no projects, if you need pics call me... Mark 601-766-1066

2001 Harley-Davidson, Sportster XLH Custom 1200, lots of chrome; 25K miles; Excellent Condition; Always Garaged and Adult Driven. $5000 OBO. Call Marcus, 601-253-2732 (H) or 601-253-2833 (O).

Wheel weights have been around for many years, but are no longer the only solution for trucks, commercial vehicles, trailers, aircraft and motorcycles. We want you to get the highest possible tire mileage by offering a Dynamic Balancing Solution, a high-density ceramic bead that, when installed, continuously balances your tires as you drive. The amount of material will distribute itself in weight and position dependent on the balance requirements of the individual tire. The result is a smooth, vibration-free ride, derived from a balancing media that is always repositioning itself as the tire wears. If you own a pickup truck, commercial truck, motorhome, RV, tractor trailer, motorcycle, or similar vehicle, and want to get rid of those wheel vibration and tire cupping problems, then you need to move up to Dyna BeadsŽ! Attention Motorcycle Owners‌. Dyna Beads dynamically balance tires on the move, resulting in a smoother ride, and one that lasts the life of the tire. Dyna Beads are small ceramic spheres, high in density and perfectly smooth, that travel inside the tire to locate themselves opposite heavy points to eliminate out-of-balance motion. The result is not only a smoother ride, but a better look - Dyna Beads eliminate the need for spoke or stick-on weights applied to those beautiful alloys. They can be used with tubes or tubeless tires, and work for scooters as well.

Let us smooth out you ride - call Bradley for more information



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Gulf Coast MotorSports P.O. Box 2847 Gulfport, MS 39505


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