Message to Marco fan Bastin-Fifa Technical Director

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To FIFA&AFC Technical Panel Sample tests assumed in FIFA or AFC courses for real development for coaches and trainers to create new analytical minds coach’s generation. It supposed to local unions to develop their training programs and raise the Practical and Theoretical tests and standards for coach which doesn’t obstruct progress of coach Test course participants will not done by the course instructor and his assistance but by a third Technician Party Represent FIFA or AFC especially during advanced courses, and the matter is not related to success and failure, but measuring the true training capacity for coaches

We design 20 questions or more (as in Example) and displays each question in sequence on a screen in front of trainers for 30 seconds each and then blocking the image on the screen for (2) minutes (it is time to answer the question by the coaches) and immediately displays the second question for 30 seconds and blocking for (2) minute (time of the coaches to answer the question) and so on

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