Art Cartooning and Animation
Yearbook Editor Training
This course will provide students with a hands-on opportunity to experience the fundamentals of cartooning and animation as literary and artistic works of art. Emphasis is based on original character sketches, composition and layout, inking, hand lettering and storytelling through this visual medium. During the cartooning segment of the course, students will create characters, comic books and comic strips. The animation segment will be an introduction to traditional two-dimensional animation. Students will study current animation and comics in order to develop their own drawing skills, as well as inspire an appreciation of this art form.
This course includes completion of the publication of the yearbook, as well as proofreading pages prior to final printing. Production of the spring supplement and distribution plans are experienced. Students interested in editor positions apply for and plan for the following years’ production.
Course Number: 3112 Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: .5
Course Number: 3136 Grades: 10, 11, 12 Credit: .5 Prerequisites: Instructor approval required. Note: : Offered second semester only and is only available to students who were in Yearbook Publication. This course is designed to be a continuation of Yearbook Publication, as well as provide training for the following year’s editors.
Digital Photography I
AP Art and Design
This class will focus on providing students with experiences in digital camera controls, functions and image manipulation through the use of Adobe Creative Cloud. An overview of the development of photography will include hands on experiences with darkroom and digital processes. It will provide basic preparation for pursuit of photography as an inventive and expressive art form, as a hobby or a career. Digital cameras are recommended, although not required.
The AP Art and Design class enables highly motivated students to submit a portfolio of work for the College Board evaluation at the end of the school year. This course follows the AP course guidelines designed by the College Board. The guidelines for AP Art and Design have been designed to accommodate a variety of interests and approaches to art. The two sections of the portfolio are: Selected Works the development of a sense of excellence in art; Sustained Investigation-an in-depth commitment to a particular artistic concern. Students will create approximately 15 high quality pieces.
Course Number: 3124 Grades: 10, 11, 12 Credit: .5 Note: Students who successfully complete this course will have the opportunity to earn college credit.
Digital Photography 2
Course Number: 3125 Grades: 10, 11, 12 Credit: .5 Prerequisites: Digital Photography I with a grade of “B-” or better Experiences with digital cameras and Adobe Creative Cloud will be combined with a study in alternative photography techniques in the darkroom and classroom including hand-coloring, toning photographs, and creating mixed-media works of art. The focus of this class will be on building a portfolio of photographs created through a study of digital and darkroom photography. Digital cameras are recommended, although not required.
Yearbook Publication
Course Number: 3129 Grades: 10, 11, 12 Credit: .5 Prerequisites: Application and instructor approval prior to registration. Note: Offered first semester.
Course Number: 3116 & 3117 Grades: 11, 12 Credit: .1.0 Prerequisites: Art I, Drawing, Painting or Instructor Approval Note: Students must register for both semesters
Hybrid ARCC College Art Appreciation
Course Number: 3111H Grades: 11, 12 Credit: .5 Note: This course is offered at Irondale High School. This is an Anoka-Ramsey Community College Course. Students will earn three college credits for ART 1100 Art Appreciation upon successful completion. This course fulfills the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Goal 6: Communications and Goal 8: Global Perspective. Students must enroll for both college and high school credit. Introduction to Art is the historical and topical study of art and its relationship to culture and society. This course incorporates the extensive use of visual materials to teach the essentials and aesthetics of art, civilization, and daily life.
The students in this course develop, plan, supervise and implement the production of Irondale’s yearbook utilizing an online program. Skills experienced include planning coverage, design, writing copy, shooting, and evaluating photographs. All aspects of layout, graphics, writing and editing are covered. 22 I
College credit associated with this class