Enhanced Emergency Medical Technician (Spring Lake Park HS)
Grades: 11, 12 Credits: 2.0 (2-hour, year-long course) Note: Please see your dean to register for this class. This is a yearlong, 2-hour course. This course is offered at Spring Lake Park High School. Prerequisite: Grade of B+ or higher in EMT 1&2 Fees: EMT uniform required for clinicai experiences, own transportation (may carpool with classmates with parent permission), AHA instructor testing fees (if pursued). Note: Students who successfully complete EMR and EMT in 11th grade will be eligible to apply and enroll in the Medical Internship in 12th grade. Students will be trained to work alongside paramedics in the Enhanced EMT course. Parts of this course are taught by paramedics. Units include advanced emergency medical training: • EMT skills & academic review • EMR skills examiner • American Heart Association CPR & First Aid Instructor course • Ambulance Operations • Advanced Airway intubation including Endotracheal tubes, iGels, and King Airways, CPAP and BiPAP • Electrocardiogram (EKG) interpretation • Basic cardiology medications • Intravenous therapy, blood draws, intraosseous infusion • Final mega-code demonstration including the use of cardiac monitor/defibrillator, starting an IV, and administering medications used in a mock cardiac arrest Emphasis is placed on leadership as intern students are expected to work with and mentor EMR students by assisting at after school labs, evaluating student skills, running scenarios, and leading new students at medical events. This course is taught by OEC faculty and ancillary staff, including paramedics, registered nurses, and others. POTENTIAL CERTIFICATIONS: AHA CPR & First Aid Instructor
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College credit associated with this class