It is helpful to map out a tentative four year plan of courses. You may use Naviance or the 4-Year Planning Grid to assist you in this process.
Think about your goals for after high school and your involvement in things besides academics. Discuss with your parents or guardians the time commitments allocated for school, family and activities.
Review the variety of options offered in the Registration Guide. An overview of course offerings can be found at the front of the guide. Read the course descriptions of classes that interest you.
Think about the physical education and health requirements and decide how you will address them in high school. Will you take more than a “minimum” in this area? When will you take the classes?
Schedule Changes After the Registration Deadline Classes and staff allocations are based on registration numbers, so it is very important that students register correctly and accurately. By having students register correctly we are able to keep class sizes lower. Students are encouraged to communicate with their teachers and deans before registration to make sure all questions have been answered and they feel comfortable with their selections. AFTER the registration window closes, we will ONLY make changes for the following reasons: The student... • failed a course which would affect the schedule sequence. • needs a course to meet graduation requirements. • had placement/scheduling errors. • had a schedule with class section balancing problems
Dropping a Course During the first seven (7) weeks, juniors and seniors may drop a class and request to be a Peer Tutor or Office Assistant if they are on track for graduation. Drops made during the first three (3) weeks of a semester will not appear on transcripts. Drops made during weeks four through seven (4-7), will appear as “W” for “withdraw” grade on transcripts. (Students receive a .5 credit with a grade of “P” or “NG” if they are a Peer Tutor or Office Assistant)
Hybrid Course Information
Hybrid courses are available at both Irondale and Mounds View High Schools and are noted in the course description. For a full list see page 9 in this guide. In a hybrid course, 60% to 80% of the course is delivered online through web-based programs such as Moodle, Google Sites and other tools and 20% to 40% is through face-to-face instruction in a seminar. Seminars for hybrid classes will most often meet one to two times per week. Some seminars meet before school starts (zero hour), some after school (7th hour), and some are part of a student’s daily schedule. Students may take a hybrid course with a seminar held at either Mounds View High School or Irondale High School; however, students must provide their own transportation if taking a course at a school other than their home high school and/or if the course meets outside the school day.
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