Sustainability Meets Performance
Areas of use APPAREL
Kids & City
Outdoor & Sport
Corporate Workwear
Fashion & Lifestyle
Work & Safety
Corporate Fashion
Police & Ambulance Service
Preface / Table of contents At Sympatex, we have made it our goal not only to do what is required by law but also what is technically possible to make our contribution so that the textile industry can close the ecological loop as quickly as possible. Based on our own developments as well as a close dialogue with our customers, we would like to promote a clothing industry that combines high individual requirements with an uncompromising responsibility to future generations. We believe that these two aims don't have to be mutually exclusive and that it's not enough to optimise only individual aspects, such as durability. For us, the highest level of freedom is to voluntarily commit to one goal to the best of our ability: “Closing the loop”. We invite our customers to join us in trying to reach our shared goal.
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Sympatex Inside Sympatex Technologies has been one of the leading global suppliers of high-tech functional materials in clothing (Apparel), footwear, protective workwear (Contract & Workwear) and technical applications since 1986. We develop, manufacture and sell membranes, laminates, functional textiles, finished products and bespoke end products for a range of applications with selected partners all over the world. Our continuous development in products and technologies enables us to provide our customers with a wide range of laminates to suit their specific needs. Our focus is on protection, comfort, performance and perfect functionality together with ecological responsibility. Obtain detailed information about the technologies and benefits. Sympatex - The ecological alternative among textile functional specialists!
Performance and ecology Top Performance Lovers of the great outdoors have high demands for their clothing. It must keep their bodies dry whilst controlling the body temperature perfectly in all weather and regardless of activity level. The best way of ensuring comfort and perfect protection from the weather is with the ‘onion system’, which involves layers of different garments: –– A base layer with conductive, wicking properties –– Mid-layers with an insulating and heat-regulating function –– An outer layer with a weather protection function (waterproof, breathable and windproof)
The outer layer has a demanding task: On the one hand, it must allow sweat to escape whilst, at the same time, it must protect the body from wet and cold from the outside. For this, we offer the perfect solution that can “breathe” dynamically - like a second skin.
Maximum Ecology Often, it is assumed that a compromise in performance must be made when it comes to ecological compatibility. For over 30 years, we have been proving that both aims are perfectly attainable at the same time. Our ecological claim not only covers individual improvements but a change in the entire product life cycle: –– Minimum environmental impact in production, in particular, energy, water and chemicals –– Maximum durability so that clothing can be used for as long as possible –– Maximum value-retaining recycling of raw materials during disposal
Performance and sustainability are the twin strands of our “corporate DNA” - we constantly work on finding solutions to close the textile loop. Only when clothing doesn’t leave any traces in the environment can we enjoy nature without restriction.
Top Performance ––
100 % waterproof
100 % windproof
Optimally breathable
Dynamic climate control
Very thin and high stretch poreless membrane
Extremely hard-wearing
Maximum Ecology ––
100% recyclable and climate neutral membrane
100% recyclable and recycled laminates
Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 certified, bluesign® approved
PTFE-free and PFC-free membranes and laminates
Fluorocarbon-free treatments
Laminates with a completely balanced carbon footprint
Ecology “Supported by disruptive technologies, fashion has the talent, the networks, the funding, and all of the resources it needs to transform itself. Now is the time to start doing things differently.” Boston Consulting Group 2017, „Pulse of the Fashion Industry“
About 45 years after the Club of Rome pointed out to the world that our economy, which is orientated towards continuous growth, would reach its limits in less than a century. Meanwhile, this prediction has become real and visible with ever greater frequency. Global warming, water shortage, air pollution, chemicals in the food chain and polluted oceans are only the obvious symptoms. Now it’s not just NGOs but also reputable consulting firms that are calling for an urgent change from linear economic thinking to a closed-loop economy that minimises the social and ecological impacts of economic activities. We not only consider this as an absolutely necessary course of action but as an opportunity for the future. That is why, since our foundation, we have been working on innovations that will lead to this goal: a closed raw material loop within the clothing industry - with no ecological collateral damage. Our 2020 Agenda includes all sustainability aspects that are essential for this: –– Minimising the production of CO2 to counteract global warming – already implemented for the entire
membrane production since 2017
–– Reducing water consumption to counteract water shortage in manufacturing countries using recycling –– –– –– –– –– ––
and modern dyeing processes Reducing energy consumption based on efficient use of energy sources and raw material recycling Using plastic waste (upstream recycling) to save natural resources Product design and co-operation for downstream upcycling to reduce waste Avoiding harmful substances (in particular PFC, PTFE) to protect future generations Avoiding toxic chemicals to protect the biosphere Minimising soil pollution to protect biodiversity
A high degree of transparency and close co-operation with leading NGOs such as Greenpeace are essential for us to continue to support our credibility which our brand has represented for decades. In order to guarantee social sustainability, and therefore comply with our due diligence obligations towards human rights, we use the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) for our supply chain. 8
Sympatex Roadmap 2020 – Sustainability meets Performance
1990 1985 Discovery of a hole in the earth’s ozone layer
Global agreement to fully ban production and use of CFK’s and CFC’s by 2000
Apple launches its iTunes music store, based on the MP3 format
Launch of AirBnB, a peer-to-peer online marketplace and homestay network for lodgings in residential properties – partially replacing the monopoly of hotel accommodation
1992 Establishment of MPEG-1 standard as a music compression format (MP3)
1987 The Montreal Protocol radically reduces output of CFC’s
1970 The Global Ecological Footprint exceeds a value of 1.0 as humanity consumes more resources than the earth’s regeneration rate
2005 The Kyoto-Protocol enters into force – the first global legally binding limitation of climate gas
Founding year of WhatsApp that rapidly replaces SMS as a smartphone instant messaging service – as such undermining the business model of the major telecom providers
Greenpeace launches global Detox Campaign regarding the use of PFC’s/PTFE’s in Outdoor and Fashion
The first iPhone is presented to the market by Apple and initiates a technical revolution in smartphones
Start of manufacturing of Tesla Roadster
The world population exceeds 6 billion people
2013 Major Chinese cities suffer from massive fine dust air pollution
Launch of Google by Larry Page and Sergey Brin that rapidly outruns Yahoo! as the dominant search engine on the internet
The world population exceeds 7 billion people
The world population exceeds 5 billion people
After the Fukushima nuclear accident, Germany decides to exit nuclear energy by 2022
2007 Nokia, radical fall of status quo Nokia initially did not join the Smartphone revolution. Their market share decreased from 50% in 2007 to below 3.5% this year (2016)
2010 Apple presents the iPad to the market, building on the success of the iPhone
Sweden bans the use of PFOA’s and its salts and esters in textiles and other consumer products
Denmark covers > 30% of its electrical energy needs through wind energy
2013 2011
Tesla sells 500,000+ electric cars. The whole car industry was already shocked by the success of Tesla since 2013. But nobody predicted that the potential sales of a car that does not yet exist would be this high. Tesla’s results challenge many of the assumptions currently driving the existing industry. It is an example of radical change, which can and will happen to most industries
Trump as president elect. “Big data” failed to predict that Trump would be elected ahead of Clinton — yet big data helped him to run a tailored election campaign
2015 VW & Audi suffer major losses after discovery of falsified test results regarding their diesel engines’ emission levels
2015 UN climate conference in Paris – agreement of 200 states to limit global warming at 2°C
2016 Brexit Nobody seemed to expect Brexit to actually happen. The interesting thing is that 68% of people below 35 years voted for staying in the European Union. The impact of leaving is mostly felt by them. Not by the voting majority
2016 The Global Footprint Network estimates the Global Ecological Footprint to be 1.6 which means that humanity consumes 60% more resources than the earth can regenerate
2017 The world population exceeds 7.5 billion people
2023 The world population exceeds 8 billion people
2009 Sympatex starts offering laminates composed of recycled textiles from PET bottles
1986 Founding of Sympatex
VAUDE and Sympatex launches the recycling project “Ecolog”
Sympatex is a pioneer in the market with its PFC-free (C0) textile coating
Sympatex joins the Textilbündnis (German Sustainable Apparel Coalition)
Sympatex produces Zero CO2 by Certificate
Opening of the Sympathy Lab™ for partnerships. The relaunch of a startup with 30 years of experience
Sympatex’s ambition for 2020: Closing the loop together
2017 100% of Sympatex membrane is climate neutral (zero CO2)
2016 1992 Sympatex is a founding member of the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100
Sympatex starts to collaborate with bluesign® and certifies its membrane
Sympatex joins the SAC (Sustainable Apparel Coalition)
Sympatex terminates its “10% Sympathy Inside™” portfolio
Sympatex decides to offset 100% of the CO2-footprint of its membrane production pending full replacement of its fossil materials by bio-based materials
2020 2/3 of Sympatex portfolio is at least “70% Sympathy Inside™”
2020 Sympatex terminates its “30% Sympathy Inside™” portfolio
2018 2017 Launch of Sympathy Inside™ label
2/3 of Sympatex portfolio is at least “50% Sympathy Inside™”
2020 Functional textiles based on a fully closed apparel loop is in series production
Membrane The compact hydrophilic system with a long-term effect. Although it sounds complicated, it is actually very straightforward. When the body sweats, it does so to protect itself from overheating. Although this natural process is vital, it also creates the risk that the body will be cooled excessively; for example, if the moisture in the clothing removes the heat from the body. The consequences of this would be reduced performance and a high risk of catching a cold. The solution is called Sympatex.
Excellent comfort whatever the weather: waterproof, breathable, windproof. There is nothing more unpleasant than wet and cold clothing. Sympatex has therefore developed a special membrane which absorbs the water vapour and removes it through the clothing to the outside. This keeps the body warm and dry even in extreme situations. And the best thing about it is that the higher the physical activity, the more efficient the Sympatex membrane works. Functional textiles with a Sympatex membrane also provide effective protection from low temperatures and rain.
Basic membrane properties –– Compact hydrophilic membrane –– Completely safe copolymer (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen)
made of polyester and polyether –– 5 µm to 40 µm membrane thickness –– 100% waterproof –– Optimally breathable –– 100% windproof –– CO2-, oxygen- and water vapour permeable –– Can be stretched by up to 300% –– Elastic properties –– Easy care, poreless membrane, insensitive to dirt and deter-
gent residues, no adverse effect on the membrane function
Protective properties –– Durably waterproof, regardless of whether it is washed,
dry cleaned, subjected to permanent kinking, or soiled by fuel or oil –– Excellent protection from viruses, bacteria and bodily fluids –– Resistance to various chemicals –– Suitable as a medical product due to its biocompatibility –– Thermal protection –– Protection from condensation
Ecological properties –– 100% recyclable like a PET bottle –– 100% reusability of the polyester obtained during the
recycling process –– Perfectly healthy product with Oeko-Tex®* Standard 100
certification, appendix 6, product class 1 –– Compliance with extremely stringent regulations in the pro-
duction process with bluesign® certification** –– Completely PTFE-free and PFC-free –– Climate-neutral production
* Sympatex is a founding member of the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 testing and certification system and therefore satisfies with wide-ranging quality requirements for safe, nontoxic textile products. ** As a bluesign® system partner, Sympatex satisfies the most stringent guidelines in the world in its production processes in terms of protecting the environment, health and product safety.
100 % waterproof
When outdoors, we are exposed to the prevailing weather conditions. Functional textiles which feature the 100% waterproof Sympatex membrane provide excellent performance and make for more outdoor enjoyment. The waterproofness of the membrane is measured on the basis of the water column under the pressure of which the material starts to allow water through it. According to EN 343, a membrane is waterproof if it can resist a pressure of 1,300 mm. Pursuant to ISO 811, the Sympatex membrane far exceeds these values and is extremely waterproof with a water column of over 45,000 mm.
Glass cylinder Sympatex membrane: > 45.000 mm
EN 343 standard: 1.300 mm Membrane
100% windproof
The Sympatex membrane is 100% windproof, pursuant to DIN EN ISO 9237. This functional property is important to avoid the wind chill effect, the subjective feeling of feeling cold in the wind.
Wind chill effect The wind removes the warming layer of air from around the body. The perceived temperature is lower than the actual temperature. No wind chill effect with Sympatex membrane: 0 litres of air per second pass through 1 m² of Sympatex membrane. This means that according to DIN EN ISO 9237, the Sympatex membrane is absolutely windproof and prevents any drop in performance.
Perceived temperature 3°C
Perceived temperature -11°C
Perceived temperature -6°C
5 0 -5
km/h Wind speed
Actual temperature
Perceived temperature
Optimally breathable
Breathable clothing which removes perspiration in the form of water vapour from the skin supports a pleasant body climate and prevents overheating. Function In contrast to other membrane technologies, the poreless compact Sympatex membrane is based on a physical and chemical principle. The water-attracting (hydrophilic) part of the membrane absorbs the moisture from the body and emits it to the outside by evaporation. The water vapour molecules are transported outwards along the hydrophilic molecular chains. The molecular structure (hydrophilic components) of the Sympatex membrane swells in moisture and therefore provides space for water vapour transport and fast evaporation. This effect increases as the difference in temperature and moisture rises. A partial pressure gradient, which results from different temperature and humidity inside and outside, is the driving force for the water vapour transport through the membrane.
Temperature approx. 20°C
Humidity low: approx. 60% Humidity gradient
Temperature gradient
Temperature approx. 37°C
Membrane: Hydrophilic polyether Hydrophobic polyester
Humidity low: approx. 90%
Water droplets
Water vapour molecules
Dynamic climate control The more your body sweats, the more moisture the membrane can transport outwards. The effectiveness of ‘Smart Dynamic Membrane Technology’ therefore increases dynamically and on the basis of need. The Ret value is used as a value to measure breathability. This is the resistance that a material shows to the passage of water vapour. A Ret value of less than 6 is described as very good breathability. The Sympatex membrane achieves absolutely top values with Ret values of up to 0.5.
Inside Water droplets
Water vapour molecules
Compact Sympatex membrane: Hydrophilic polyether
Hydrophobic polyester
Properties of PES
Properties of PTFE
Properties after washing
Poreless / even greater breathability after 1-2 washing cycles
Microporous / pores may clog due to detergent residue. Adverse effect on membrane properties, especially breathability
> 300%
Approx. 100%
Breathability increases during greater physical activity = dynamic climate control
Consistent, not dynamic. No removal of fluid (sweat)
100% waterproof
Yes, but there is a risk of reduced waterproofness due to soiling after wearing, improper care or enlarged pores caused by overstretching the material
100% windproof. 0 litre / (m2 x sec.)
Windproof; > 2 litres / (m2 x sec.)
Extremely durable and tough
Durable. Porous structure can change/ deteriorate. Pores can be blocked
Virus and bacteria proof
Viruses and bacteria can penetrate micropores
Properties of PES
Properties of PTFE
PES based, environmentally friendly
Not eco-friendly, PFCs used in manufacturing process
Can be easily fed into the recycling process in combination with PESs textiles
Not recyclable with any sort of textiles – require incineration or landfill disposal
Carbon footprint
140 kg CO2 per km; Fully compensated starting 2017
7.6 t CO2 per km = 50x higher
Water consumption
1.6 m3 per km
2.8 m3 per km = 2.5x higher
End-of-life incineration (esp. open fire)
Combustion products/gases similar to wood
Highly toxic gases, e. g. Teflon flu
Compact Sympatex membrane: Water droplets
Hydrophilic polyether
Water vapour molecules
Hydrophobic polyester
Microporous membrane: Water droplets
Including PTFE
Water vapour molecules
Laminates We develop 2-, 3-, and 4-layer laminates to suit the specific technical requirements of the users or customers (usage, performance and properties). The Sympatex membrane (5 – 40 ¾m) is connected to a wide range of possible base materials such as woven fabrics, knitwear, fleece, foam or leather to form a laminate for a specific application. The application of tapes tailored to the specific usage of the laminates is what makes the end product (for example a jacket or shoe) into performance functional textiles. Uniform high quality is ensured by the interplay between the laminate, tape and technical processing guidelines. This is the only combination that sets a licensed Sympatex product apart from the rest.
Structure of 2-layer laminates Primarily for Apparel, Contract & Workwear, Technical Applications 1
2 1
2-layer laminate 1 Upper 2 Membrane
Structure of 3-layer laminates Primarily for Apparel, Contract & Workwear and Technical Applications
Insert laminate 1 Membrane 2 Textile layer
Structure of 4-layer laminates Primarily for Footwear
1 1
3-layer laminate 1 Upper 2 Membrane 3 Lining
Lining laminate 1 Textile layer 2 Membrane 3 Intermediate layer 4 Lining
Water repellent treatment (DWR) In order to meet the highest requirements for functionality and care, outer fabrics for outdoor garments are usually water repellent on the outside (waterproofed) and combined with a membrane on the inside. The Sympatex membrane ensures the waterproofness of functional clothing. A water repellent finish also offers long-lasting textile waterproofing and prevents or delays water penetrating the outer fabric. The consequences: the garment does not absorb moisture, the body doesn’t feel damp and breathability remains at a high level. DWR technologies and their features can generally be divided into two groups: –– fluorocarbon-free DWR = C0 –– DWR (PFC) containing fluorocarbon = C6
PFCs (perfluorinated and polyfluorinated chemicals/fluorine compounds) are used in the textile finishes of outdoor garments and shoes, guaranteeing water repellent, dirt repellent and oil repellent properties. However, these fluoroorganic compounds are regarded as ecologically harmful. The high stability of the carbon-fluorine compound results in a resistance to numerous decomposition mechanisms. Therefore, PFC will remain in the environment for a long time once it has made its way there. As an alternative, finishes containing fluorocarbon can be replaced by wax, paraffin, polyurethane, dendrimer or silicone. An independent test initiated by Greenpeace examined functional alternatives to products containing fluorocarbon. It showed that water runs off comparatively well from fluorine-free products. This protection can be re-activated when waterproofing is repeated using PFC-free agents. In co-operation with our partner Rudolf Chemie, we have offered an environmentally friendly, fluorocarbon-free DWR finish for textiles since the middle of 2008 in the form of Bionic Finish® Eco. In 2008, we were the very first functional specialist to completely equip functional garments without using components containing fluorocarbon. Compared with waterproofing containing FC, FC-free waterproofing offers the same performance for all outdoor requirements. Oil and dirt repellency that still requires the use of products containing FC is generally not necessary. In our Apparel Business Area, we offer products which, thanks to their PTFE-free membrane and FC-free finish, are completely PFC-free. Since 2012, as part of the “Detox” Campaign, Greenpeace has been repeatedly testing waterproof and water repellent outdoor products for their pollutant content. During these tests, two products made using Sympatex materials were tested, among others. In both cases, the Sympatex products were clearly among the top products. Other outdoor brands have also committed themselves to implement the DETOX pollutant list. The list demands threshold values below the detection limit. Therefore, it represents one of the strictest pollutant lists in the world. Many of these companies are Sympatex customers. In order to continue to guarantee this pioneering position, we regularly check all fluorocarbon-free technologies available on the market to ensure the best available technology for our customers and the environment.
Sympathy Inside It is our goal to make the entire laminate portfolio sustainable by 2020. We offer our portfolio in five laminate categories. This classification is based exclusively on sustainable aspects. They range from “10% Sympathy Inside” for the currently lowest level of sustainability up to “100% Sympathy Inside" for the best ecological category which complies with all requirements for a sustainably closed clothing cycle. The criteria include sustainable raw material, energy and water usage, the avoidance of harmful greenhouse gases and a ban on chemical toxins, and also include the option of value-retaining material recycling.
100% Sympathy Inside • 100% climate-neutral laminate • Made from min. 2/3 recycled or renewable material • Material composition compatible with upcycling • PFC & PTFE-free • Manufactured in accordance with strict social & environmental standards • Complies with Oeko-Tex® RSL and ZDHC mRSL
70% Sympathy Inside • 100% climate-neutral membrane • Made from min. 1/3 recycled or renewable material, or material compatible with upcycling • PFC & PTFE-free • Manufactured in accordance with strict social & environmental standards • Complies with Oeko-Tex® RSL and ZDHC mRSL
50% Sympathy Inside • 100% climate-neutral membrane • No environmentally challenging material mixtures • PFC & PTFE-free • Manufactured in accordance with strict social & environmental standards • Complies with Oeko-Tex® RSL and ZDHC mRSL
30% Sympathy Inside • 100% climate-neutral membrane • No environmentally challenging material mixtures • PTFE-free • Complies with Oeko-Tex® RSL and ZDHC mRSL
10% Sympathy Inside • 100% climate-neutral membrane • PTFE-free • Complies with Oeko-Tex® RSL and ZDHC mRSL
Dised n co tinue c sin 2017
Climate neutrality In its 2016 Risk Report, the World Economic Forum classified global warming as the biggest existential risk to humanity with the highest likelihood of occurring. We take these predictions seriously. We are aware of the risks outlined and we therefore decided to act. Even in the last few years, we were able to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of our product caused by the manufacture of our Sympatex membrane. In specific terms, this means: The production of a Sympatex copolymer, compared with a PTFE polymer, generates 50 times less CO2*. In order to completely eliminate our contribution to global warming, since 2017, we have also compensated for the CO2 quantity that is released during the annual membrane production by supporting internationally certified climate protection projects. With the world's first climate-neutral membrane, we are again pioneers in sustainability. Many of our customers have already joined us – together with them, we now compensate for the CO2 footprint of each textile type and even of the entire garment or shoe. * Calculation based on SAC data per kg (SAC=Sustainable Apparel Coalition)
We offer climate neutral products Since 20/12/2016 Sympatex Technologies GmbH offers climate neutral products in partnership with ClimatePartner.
Sympatex Technologies GmbH Climate Neutral Sympatex Membrane 2017 & 2018 This certificate confirms the offset of carbon emissions by additional carbon offset projects. Supported offset project
Forest Protection Kasigau Wildlife Corridor Kenya ClimatePartner-ID
Munich, 16/01/2017
Moritz Lehmkuhl Managing Director ClimatePartner GmbH
Issued on
Use the following URL for more information about the offset and the supported carbon offset project:
Technologies Additional functions and manufacturing technologies Depending on usage and the requirements, the various functions of the membrane can be increased or supplemented with additional functions such as Sympatex HigH2OutÂŽ and, in footwear, by Moisture-TechÂŽ. These additional functions and specific technologies ensure that the product is perfectly tailored to your individual needs. Sympatex applications offer more performance, more individuality and more possibilities.
Sympatex HigH2Out® Excellent climate control
Upper Membrane
Extremely absorbent textile layer
Areas of use
–– Fast and effective removal of sweat by the
–– Apparel
hydrophilic membrane combined with a particularly absorbent textile layer –– Droplets of sweat are absorbed in a matter of
seconds and removed from the skin –– 120% better breathability combined with excel-
–– Footwear –– C&W –– For extreme conditions and top sporting
lent climate control
Sympatex Moisture-tech® Excellent microclimate in your shoe
Function –– Innovative waterproof lining laminate –– Improved moisture removal from the foot –– Large surface area transfer of moisture to the
hydrophilic membrane through an innovative intermediate layer –– Full area activation of the membrane
–– Perfect dynamic breathability –– Maximum wear comfort and dry feet for maximum
performance in changing climatic conditions Areas of use –– Footwear
Recycling While the focus of sustainability is often placed on the manufacturing process, there are now clear indications that the disposal of products also leads to ecological impacts that have acute consequences on our own living environment. Given the fact that clothing often ends up in third world countries where there is hardly any controlled disposal, our industry bears the secondary responsibility that air, oceans and land become polluted by gases from unfiltered combustion or uncontrolled landfill sites. That is why we have made it our goal to close the textile loop completely and to make a gradual contribution to the process that waste clothing can be recycled to become a raw material within our own industry. For clothing as well as for shoes, we have already shown that partial or even complete recycling is now technically possible if the right materials are selected in the first place. The Sympatex membrane is the perfect starting material due to its recyclability. In order to provide the right logistics for this, we have founded a consortium comprising major industrial partners. The consortium is open to all partners who pursue exactly the same goal: the collection and value-retaining recycling of textiles. In view of the 25 billion pairs of shoes and 1.5 million tonnes of clothing thrown away in Germany per year, this may only be the first small step - but it represents a functioning nucleus for a future in which we are true to our overall responsibility as an industry.
wear2wear is an innovative industry partnership for high-quality and, at the same time, sustainable clothing. Five competent partners joined forces in Europe, covering the entire recycling loop. The sustainable wear2wear concept is a synonym for high-quality, responsible clothing. New functional textiles are made of textile fibres from waste items of clothing in Europe and employs state-of-the-art production equipment. Depending on the application, the fibres produced fulfil high requirements, for example they are waterproof, breathable and provide protection and comfort. To close the resource loop, these textiles can be fully recycled at the end of their life. This means there is no waste because recycled materials are turned into apparel again. In this network, all participants guarantee that 100% recyclable functional fabrics from recycled textile fibres are used, ranging from the quality of the starting materials through to the guaranteed recycling process at the end. 24
Closing the loop together!
Quality High standards of quality All products which feature Sympatex are manufactured exclusively by professional, licensed partners. The licensees are trained and supported by production guidelines, production processes, patents and test equipment. The products with the Sympatex membrane are tested in minute details at the Sympatex laboratories to ensure that they feature good workmanship, are water and windproof, breathable and durable. In addition, all seams are sealed with genuine Sympatex tape to ensure that they are waterproof. All tests conducted by Sympatex comply with Sympatex quality standards and international standards. Sympatex uses the tests to ensure that all its functional materials comply with or exceed these standards.
Quality control of raw materials
Testing membrane properties
Finished product is checked again
Released after profound testing
Production advice, inspections
Testing and licensing
Care Care instructions A real plus for the Sympatex membrane - it has no pores and instead works on a purely chemical and physical principle. The hydrophilic (water-attracting) components of the Sympatex membrane absorb moisture from the body and transport it to the outside so that it can evaporate. At the same time, the poreless structure of the membrane prevents the ingress of rain. This means clothing which features Sympatex products are extremely easy to look after. Since unlike porous membranes (Gore-Tex, eVent) the Sympatex membrane cannot be blocked by either sweat (salt crystals) or dirt, the garments must be washed each time after wearing so as to maintain the function of the membrane. But detergent residues (tensides) can also not affect the poreless membrane which means that the garments retain their full performance even after frequent washing. So, it does not matter whether you wash the garments more or less often - 100% function and breathability remain guaranteed.
Washing –– Simple washing as specified on the care label –– Use of mild detergent or special detergent for functional textiles without washing additives –– Do not use softener –– Reduced spin speed (easy-care or delicate program) –– Close zips, velcro and buttons before washing –– To maintain finish and colour freshness, we recommend thorough rinsing of the garments Dry cleaning –– Dry cleaning is possible –– See care label Drying –– We recommend the use of a tumble drier as it activates the impregnation –– Dry at a low temperature and at low speed Ironing –– Ironing reactivates the impregnation. The iron temperature should not exceed 110°C (1 dot / 1st setting) Reimpregnation –– Reimpregnate the upper material as soon as the water ceases to form beads –– Add the wash-in impregnating agent to the washing machine according to the instructions –– Apply spray-on impregnation product to the outside of the damp or dry garment –– Then dry in the tumble drier. The heat will help the impregnation product to condense and will improve its water repellent effect –– Reimpregnation is also possible in dry cleaning cycle Special notes –– Sympatex laminates which feature a fluorocarbon-free finish (e. g. Bionic Finish®), should be re-impregnated with a commercially available fluorocarbon-free product such as TX-Direct by Nikwax –– Do not use wash-in products with Sympatex HigH2Out® laminates since they will get on to the lining side and have an adverse effect on the HigH2Out® effect. The zip fasteners and buttons must be closed during application of spray-on impregnation products
Cleaning –– Footwear should be cleaned from the outside with a soft brush and lukewarm water Drying –– Dry footwear slowly and never place it in direct sunlight or on heating radiators Impregnation –– Regular reimpregnation maintains protection from dirt and helps the beading effect of the water –– Avoid extremely oil-based creams so as not to adversely affect breathability –– Suitable care products for footwear with a Sympatex membrane are available from your footwear retailer
Damaged functional clothing need not be thrown away. In line with sustainability and durability, tears and holes can be sealed with the correct materials and the know-how of our “Repair Partners”. Broken zips, torn-out pockets or sleeves that are too long are not a problem either. Our authorised “Repair Partners” can be found at under “Information and Care”.
Sympathy Lab™
No one needs to tell you or us that we should work to close the ‘textile loop’. We are part of one of the most polluting industries, while public opinion is asking us to take action. Like no one else, we understand that this is not a simple task. Growing your business and reducing your environmental impact seems like a contradiction. But we believe this is not the case. Sympatex decided it will settle for no less than a 100% closed-loop garment. We can only get there together. Sympathy Lab™ creates the space for us to collaborate. It is an initiative from Sympatex, which means it is a ‘start-up’ with 30 years of experience.With Sympathy Lab™ we offer a dedicated partnership and a step-by-step process to close the loop together. 30
„I embrace collaboration. Globalisation and connectivity made us aware that we are part of a complex system. Together we can solve the greatest challenges that face us as a species, including through choosing the type of clothing we wear.“ Dr. Rüdiger Fox, CEO Sympatex
For further information: Sympatex Technologies GmbH Feringastrasse 7a 85774 Unterfรถhring/Germany Phone: +49 (0) 89 9400 58-0 Fax: +49 (0) 89 9400 58-297