Shootin’ the Breeze
FREE PUBLICATION February 15, 2012 Volume 1 – Issue 22
Brand Brand Name Name
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outdoor outdoorgear gear footwear footwear&& apparel apparelatat
Clearout Clearout Prices Prices 797 797Main MainStreet Street
Downtown Downtown Pincher Pincher Creek Creek
Spectacular Savings Continue At
Ruffles Boutique The more you buy ... the more you save!!! Buy 1 item save 30% Buy 2 items save 40% Buy 3 items save 50% Buy 4 or more items save 60% Open Monday to Saturday 803 Main Street
10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Pincher Creek
Chili Cook-off March 16 Open to charity groups only – Register by March 14 For Information: 403-627-2667 Pincher Creek Co-op Pincher Creek Co-op donates over $30,000 each year to local charities – another way we give back to the community!
8506 19th Avenue Coleman 403-562-0003 1-800-207-8584
Mariya Mariya Soetaert of Stavely took to the stage like a pro as one of the opening acts for Shane Chisholm at Claresholm last Friday. The 17-year-old musician is already making a name for herself locally and beyond. Her debut EP CD was released in November and is available from local vendors and on iTunes. Her single “Anonymous Angel” is already earning airplay on CKUA Radio out of Edmonton.
New Coleman Office Hours
obin & Co.
Chartered Accountant
Dennis Robin, B. Mgt., C.A.
Thursdays 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed 12 - 1 p.m.