Vol. 2, Issue 6
October 17, 2012
Brand Name
70% Up To
outdoor gear footwear & apparel at
Clearout Prices 797 Main Street
Downtown Pincher Creek
Fall 2012 Collection The Ruffles girls are excited to show you the amazing fall selections now arriving daily!
Ruffles Boutique Visit us at 803 Main Street in Pincher Creek 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday
Take home a taste of Italy today! A Taste of Italy in Your Own Kitchen!
Photo by Shannon Robin
Still smiling after 24 pepperoni pizza
12 Inch
Pincher Creek Co-op Food Store 1300 Hewetson Avenue, Ranchland Mall 403-627-3000
October Entertainment Lineup Oct. 19 – The Due Clause Oct. 20 – Mountain Radio 40th Anniversary Clayton Bellamy and more!
A weary Dan Crawford poses with the 24 for Life trophy after the 24-hour hockey game wound up Saturday night. Dan spearheaded the event, which raised over $20,000 to purchase a new defibrillator for the Pincher Creek Health Centre.
The Grand Hotel Pub and Restaurant
Jam session with artists from all venues only at the Grand Union!
Oct. 27 – Halloween Dress Up with D.J. Chow BANDS START AT 10 P.M.
7719 17th Avenue Coleman
HAUNTED HOUSE - OCT 27, 28, 29, 31
Clayton Bellamy – Sat., Oct. 20 Joined by Boom Chucka Boys, Larry Vannatta, Friday Night Satellites and The Orchard, and other performers from the Mountain Radio Festival in an open jam after the show. Show starts at 6 p.m.
Get your tickets today!