A weekly breath of fresh air!
March 15, 2017 Year 6, Issue 27
Daring to be square
Photos by Erin Fairhurst
The Dare to be Square barn dance Saturday night shook the walls of the old Polish Hall in Coleman. Families danced and neighbours came together for an unforgettable evening filled with community spirit. “This is a part of our culture, and it’s an important part of our culture,” said guest musician Gordon Stobbe, who was also calling the dances. The event was organized by Paul Pichurski with support from Crowsnest Pass Allied Arts, Crowsnest Pass Music Festival and the Alberta Society of Fiddlers. In top row, from left, are Paul and Becky Pichurski, Tynan and Eli Groves, Jeff and Norah Smith. In middle row are Mike Swystun and Jen Carpenter, Leta Crombie and Ella Woodman and a group shot of the dancers. In bottom row are musicians JJ Guy, Gordon Stobbe and Korri Spruyt.
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