Geier Hall Magazine

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hanks to the record-setting $20 million Building for the Future comprehensive campaign, Mount Pisgah Christian School's upper and middle school students and faculty now enjoy an environment that rivals many colleges. With the opening of the new Geier Hall Upper School, students enjoy three levels of stateof-the art space designed to maximize instruction, collaboration, creative expression and fellowship. The highlight of the main level is the innovative Learning Engagement Center (LEC) with easily-accessible technology as well as modern furniture that can be arranged into pods for collaboration and conversation. Throughout the day, students can be found in the LEC working on computers, clustered into project groups, chatting with teachers or just relaxing with friends during free time. This main floor also houses classrooms, the College Counseling suite, administrative offices and a large science lab/classroom. Much thought went into the design of the classrooms in order to allow teachers the freedom to be mobile during instruction but still have access to technology. Desks can also be easily configured in a variety of arrangements to allow for collaborative project work. Geier Hall's lower level features the Student Commons, a multi-use space featuring a bright dining hall, gourmet kitchen and servery, the Patriot Cafe and a stage for theatrical productions, assemblies and chapel. The large physics classroom and lab is also located on this floor with space for Pisgah's growing robotics program.


Additional classrooms and another science lab are located on the top floor along with the Student Life Office. The Head of School enjoys an expansive view of the campus from his office suite on this floor. The sleek, modern design has already inspired a sense of pride among students, who appreciate the innovative architecture. 'f.

After years in modular buildings that could not fully accommodate growing enrollment, Pisgah middle school students and faculty have now moved into the former upper school building. Eighth grader Michael Nardella said, "Now we have a building as excellent on the outside as what has always been happening on the inside." Students and faculty have quickly made the building their own, enjoying the larger space as well as the convenience of being together in one building. "This is truly a fundamental change in our surroundings," said Head of Middle School Trey Arnette. "The absolute joy and excitement of both the students as well as the middle school faculty team is truly palatable." The Pisgah family celebrated the opening of Geier Hall and expressed gratitude for the many donors and supporters at a dedication and ribbon cutting. Several elected officials, including Johns Creek mayor and city council members, participated in the event. "We congratulate Mount Pisgah Christian School on the addition of their upper school building, Geier Hall, as they expand their campus in Johns Creek," said Mayor Mike Bodker. "This is yet another milestone in the continuing success of Mount Pisgah Christian School and further evidence of their commitment to high standards, strong values and student achievement. Education is the key to a bright future and our city is proud to have a top-rated private school that is well supported by parents, leadership and our community. We appreciate their dedication to the City of Johns Creek and wish them every success in the future."

Front路 row left to right: Sonya Tablada , Project Manager; Cori Davenport, Johns Creek City Council; Mike Bedker, Johns Creek Mayor; Larry' Payne, Trustee; John Marshall, Head of School; Doug Williams, Board Chair; Bob Gray, Johns C re~ k City Council; Steve .Broadbent, Johns Creek City Council; Jim Gilvin, Alpharetta City Council. Second ro w left to right: ,)..enny Zaprows ki , J9trns Creek City Council; Diane Geier, Benefactor; Jay Geier, Benefactor; Jim Brady, Trustee; Mary Ann Morris, Upper School Head; Lori Pay ne, Benefac:tor, Third ro w le.ft to r ight, Steve Woo.d, MPUMC Senior Pastor; Dianne Williams, Benefactor.

aving spent the past few months watching Geier Hall come to fruition under the steady care and direction of Project Manager Sonya Tablada and Upper School Head Mary Ann Morris, I would like to share a few initial impressions of a building that has the potential to help transform our school into one of the premiere Christian schools in the nation.

The Significance of Physical Space The right space is vital to host successful meetings and gatherings, both large and small. A little-known sticking point in negotiations to bring an end to the Korean War had to do with the shape of the conference room (even the conference table) being acceptable to both North Korean and United Nations peace negotiators. Space and room design matter. To elevate human interaction and group decision-making, the size and shape of rooms and furniture make a tremendous difference. Geier Hall is a blessing to us in many ways, including the flexibility it gives us to configure space and furniture for a range of educational purposes.

Technology A key behind -the-scenes administrator is our talented Director of Technology, Johnny Green. It is rare to ex perience such a smooth launch when an intricate coordination of technology is required. Johnny's ex pertise and attention to detail and the support of his team ensured our students and teachers had a smooth transition and access to the equipment they needed to begin the semester. I appreciate his leadership, solution-oriented approach, heart for the Lord and dedication to this building. Johnny Green is a very special person, and we are blessed to have him on the leadership team. Thank you, Johnny!

The Gift of Light In John 8:12 Jesus said: "I am the light of the world. Those who follow me will never walk in darkness. They will have the light that leads to life." While seeing Geier Hall from the road gives one the impression of an imposing edifice that looks somewhat like a mighty fortress made to protect our children, being inside this remarkable building gives one the overwhelming feeling of openness. Light pours into the building 's high-ceilinged spaces from a seemingly endless number of windows. From my office on the top floor, I see the gym, the Middle School in its new home in the H Building, the Meditation Garden, parking lots, the fields through the trees and the magnificent cross perched high atop the Sanctuary. The Lord is the beacon of light for all of mankind, and Geier Hall is a beacon of what the Lord can do, helping us shine the light of education on our students.

Teachers and Teamwork I once worked at a school where each teacher had a private office. Located in older buildings, the school's many small rooms accommodated teachers' desire for privacy, where each person could work quietly and uninterrupted. Sounds wonderful, right? Not at all. The isolation undermined collaboration, departmental interaction, creative brainstorming and team work. Building design was a huge factor in creating a culture where teachers had little opportunity or desire to interact with one another. Thanks to our visionary architects, Geier Hall fosters collaboration, brainstorming and fellowship with its open spaces, glass walls and numerous meeting areas and faculty workrooms. Our teachers have already found creative uses for Geier Hall 's myriad spaces. They are, after all, experts at recognizing and ma ximizing potential!

Food and Dining Area As a Pisgah parent with a background in the hospitality industry shared with me, "After seeing the Students Commons, kitchen, serving area and Patriot Cafe, I wasn't sure whether I was at a school or at the newest Intercontinental Hotel. It feels like a food court at a college or university. Attention was paid to every detail - well done! " A special thank you to District Manager Tim Green and Food Service Director Saskia Hess of SAGE Dining Services for their assistance in designing and implementing the kitchen and servery.

Space to Develop Social and Emotional Intelligence At almost any time of day, the Learning Engagement Center (LEC) has students clustered in small groups, working on class projects, planning a club activity or discussing an advisory topic. We recognize the importance of providing opportunities for students to learn to interact with peers and develop their communication, facilitation and problem-solving skills. Without question, Geier Hall is an answer to prayer for so many of us. I would like to thank those who have been instrumental in making our dream of a new Upper School a reality. Thank you to Jay and Diane Geier, Doug and Dianne Williams and their families for leading the way and inspiring others. We are blessed to have an attentive and hard -working Ad vancement team, led by Director of Advancement Melissa Santee. We appreciate the ex traordinary leadership of our trustees, including Advancement Committee Chair Jim Brady and Building and Grounds Committee Chair Curtis Hicks, who provided valuable insight and guidance. We are thankful for the vision, dedication and support of our Building for the Future campaign co-chairs John and Mary Alden and Larry and Lori Payne. We are grateful for the hard work of our volunteer division chairs : parents Todd and Deb Bater, Rick and Leigh Ann Bishop, John Goodhew and Cleve and Donna Shultz; grandparents Happy and Lynn Mayer; parents of alumni Joe and Courtney Gaynor and faculty members B.J. Crane and Leah Di xon. And last, but not least, thank you to each and every person who has made a financial commitment to the Building for the Future campaign. We could not have done this without you. If you have not been into Geier Hall, please come visit us soon! In His Service,

John D. Marshall, Head of School





Our new building gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate the way we work together. I LOVE the new Learning Engagement Center and the open spaces it provides for students to gather and collaborate outside of the traditional classroom. And the Student Life Office was built for the sharing and exchanging of ideas! Roomy, inviting and located smack in the middle of the academic corridor, students can easily stop by to explain their next great idea, ask a question or share a laugh."

Katie Keller, Student Life Coordinator




The Learning Engagement is great! I like having a space where I can work with friends because that really helps me understand the material. It's nice to have a quiet place to get things done! "

Morgan Weaver, Class of 2077

' ' Geier Hall is a blessing and I am so excited to be in this amazing building. I really like the Learning Engagement Center (LEC) because I can do my homework in a great environment. The furniture in the LEC is so comfortable and nice. I also really like the furniture in the classrooms. The desks can be put into pods, allowing us to discuss questions and answers and do group work. " Ashley Odom, Class of 2076



Geier Hall purposefully supplies teachers with the resources that allow us to do what we do best. The classroom technology and furniture almost disappear because of their ease-of-use and how seamlessly they integrate in a working classroom to create a very comfortable and effective learning environment. Interaction and collaboration occur naturally in the building to foster even more of the community feeling that people have always loved about Pisgah. Thank you to those who put so much into making this building what it is. "

Alison Cuppia Science Instructor





I love our new Student Commons because our entire upper school can eat together and we have so many food options to choose from. Our Learning Engagement Center is really awesome because not only does it look cool and interactive, but we also always have a quiet place to focus on school work. "

Katherine Gooding Class of 2075



I feel as if I am teaching at a college campus! The spaces are beautiful, and I am amazed at how much thought has clearly gone into them. "

Eric Lang English Instructor




Considering I'm about to graduate, I thought it was cool to see a preview of what was to come for the school in the near future in the form of Geier Hall. I really like the bigger lockers, the better lunches and cafeteria and the overall atmosphere of the place. It's also good to know that when I have a lot of homework I can just go into the LEC during a break and knock some of it out without being disturbed. I enjoy being a part of this in my senior year and getting to be part of a new chapter for Pisgah. " Ross Bullock, Class of 2075

,.8~() Geier Hall opens




You feel cooler when you walk down the hallways. "

Nick Speros, Class of 2079


Being a long time Pisgah parent I can fondly remember when my science lab' in the· former. Middle I Sc hool served 'as the cafeteria for our middle and · first upper school· students! .Alth'o ~gh I felt like we w ere still well equipp ~ d to do everything th ~ t needed to be done i'n that classroom, I can't even explain ~ow exciting it is to be in our new home equipped wi t h all the 'bells and whistles' frr~ pres-sive eno.ugh for even an.advanced upper schoo l chemistry lab! To be . . . . able to conduct i:niddle school classes with '! hjs type of equiprl!ent really takes us to thE? next level and outpa'<~:es any _m iddle scho_ol science labs I have seen · ·anywhere! To-be able to-teach in a ·lab classroom that is also comfo·rtable_enough for dail~ lessons keeps all of my materials. and 'teachable- moments' only an arm's length away. To also have the high ceilings for demqhstrations and less worry of setting off smoke . detector? is wonderful. All that· coupled wit.h the magnificent light and views from the windows Just . ma'kes this an awesome environment to live and learn in every day! " ~

Marc Felice, Science Instructor

' ' It's really spacious. It's a different environment because we aren 't so crowded. It is easier to talk to friends now. " ,:-.•

Jordana Jimenez, Class of 2076 4



It's hard for me to put into words how I feel about being a part of this Middle School and the Pisgah family. I consider the blessing of being a teacher here as one of my life's most perfect gifts. Not once have I felt that the Middle School was inadequate based on bricks and mortar; it's what's happening inside of the walls that has always mattered to me. To echo my fearless leader Trey Arnette, our Middle School has, hands-down, the best and brightest faculty in any Middle School. .. anywhere in the county, state and even the country! There's not a day that passes that I do not hear my colleagues teaching their hearts out all the while making connections and relationships with their students. The kids really appreciate being in a new building and many of them even 'get' the importance of Geier Hall's construction. It is a game changer because it enables our kids to be in an outstanding facility and allows our teachers to excel and surpass their goals for being the best and leading from the Middle." Heather Parker English Instructor


We don't have to weave in and out of classrooms to get down the hallway anymore. And the lunch tastes better. Better ice cream. "

Will Gansereit, Class of 2027


I'm excited and glad to see Pisgah continue to grow, and I have no doubt that Geier Hall will serve our school and community well. Having experienced the school's development firsthand and enjoyed the benefits of a new gymnasium, academic building and athletic campus while I was a student, I realize what an exciting and momentous time this is for the whole Pisgah family. Mount Pisgah Christian School is a special place, and I'm thrilled to know that Geier Hall will be a blessing to students, teachers and families for years to come."

Daniel H. Gaynor, Class of 2007 Attorney, Wargo & French LLP, Atlanta


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As an alum, I am proud to see how our school community is coming together to provide this awesome opportunity for the growth of Pisgah. I was able to visit Geier Hall during Christmas break and was beyond impressed with this stateof-the-art facility. "

Alex Dixon, Class of 2072 Princeton University, Politics Major Pictured with his sister Sarah Dixon Class of 2076

' ' When I walked into the new upper school building with a few of my old classmates, the first thing we said was 'WOW'. As soon as you walk in you see it is something different from any other school. Everything looks so new, modern and, for lack of a better word, it is just plain cool. I think it is going to be great for the current students and all of the kids who come through in the future because it allows for such a different experience from anywhere else. "

Flint Geier, Class of 2073 Cornell University Applied Economics and Management Major

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I am so happy to see this new chapter of growth for Pisgah. While a building might seem to be a few walls, what transpires within those walls is nothing less important than the formation of young men and women. Supportive teachers who inspired my passion for language and literature led me to choose my majors in English and Spanish. Friends who continue to stand by me four years later have pushed me to reach for leadership and goals I once thought impossible. I associate these role models and peers with a place, Mount Pisgah Christian School. Now that the place itself has expanded, I know that more current and future students will have those same associations. I am deeply grateful to all the donors who have helped to make this opportunity possible. "

Katherine Ochs, Class of 2077 Sewanee: The University of the South, English and Spanish Major

An update and note of gratitude from Building for the Future campaign co-chairs Larry and Lori Payne and John and Mary Alden.

e would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who made a commitment to the historic $20 million Building for the Future comprehensive campaign. The $17.5 million capital goal was exceeded, with total commitments surpassing $17.9 million. And with a deadline of June 30, 2015, the Annual Fund only needs $173,734 to reach its goal of raising $2.5 million over three years. In less than two short years, the Building for the Future campaign has transformed Mount Pisgah Christian School. The support of our tight-knit community members is a testament to their common desire for Pisgah to advance in purpose and physical presence. We would also like to offer our sincerest gratitude to Jay and Diane Geier, Doug and Dianne Williams and their families for providing lead gifts for the upper school building. In doing so, they encouraged numerous other families to prayerfully give, and at levels they never thought were possible. We strongly believe in Pisgah and are grateful for the work and support of those who came before us. It is our time to pay it forward for future generations of Pisgah Patriots. While the Building for the Future capital goal was exceeded, we still have the opportunity to secure a historic $2.25 million from two foundations if we raise an additional $92,442. We encourage everyone to give to this endeavor and the Annual Fund. Your gifts, at any level, will strengthen Mount Pisgah Christian School. Your faithful support will take us from one of the best Christian schools in Georgia to one of the best in the country. For more information on the Building for the Future comprehensive campaign, including available naming opportunities in Geier Hall and the permanent donor wall, please visit

God Bless,

Larry and Lori Payne

~4 'Yvwc!~ John and Mary Alden




Thank You To Our Donors Jack and Kimeran Johnson Sam and Jody Johnson Andrew Jones Dwight and Allison Jones Bill and Whitney June Kazrus Foundation Jennifer Keeton Katie Keller Tony and Jolene Kellner Erik and Michelle Kern Fawzi Khalaf Kevin and Jennifer Kiernan George and Katherine Kingsmill KM Homes Stephen and Deborah Knoblock Shawn and Megan Koch Lynn Kornegay Wade and Kelly Kruse Kelly Lamelas Eric Lang Ngai Leung and Yik Chun Wu Scott and Elizabeth Lewis Wei Lin and Michelle Huang Alan and Donna Lowe Macdonald Family Foundation Christine MacKay Chad and Jennifer Mann Earl and Cera Marsh John and Rebecca Marshall Myron and Shelley Martin Bernie and Meg May Happy and Lynn Mayer Jill Mccart Terrell and Kristen McCollum Doug and Kacey Mccroskey Robert and Lena McCubbin Craig and Ann-Marie McGaughey Shawn and Michelle McKinnon Keith Mcswain Gene and Carol Meany Jim and Kristi Mehalso Matt and Kim Mellott Jane and Randy Merrill Foundation The Merrill Family Michelle Merrill Josh and Wendy Merry John and Kristin Messinger Microsoft Charitable Giving Campaign Don and Bettilee Miller Ty and Bonnie Miller Larry and Jeanine Millikan Marshall and Pam Millikan Jane Montgomery Nick Morgan Bob and Mary Ann Morris Meredith Morris Reid and Gay Lynn Morrison Mohsen Mostajabi and Mahnoosh Mostajabi-Shoaei Tammy Mozingo Bob and Judy Murphy Michael and Diane Nardella

Dominic Nasieku and Winnie Mbogo-Nasieku National Christian Foundation National Philanthrophic Trust Norfolk Southern Foundation Eric and Angela Norman John O' Neill, Ill Dan and Jennifer Osborne Louise Osborne Eric and Laura Paczewitz Brian and Heather Parker Grace Parsons Bill and Christine Pascucci Emily Payne Larry and Lori Payne Richard and Jo Peden Richie and Christie Peden E. B. and Debbie Peebles Matt and Allison Petersen George and Janet Peterson

Tiffany Searcy Roger and Michelle Shadburn Collin and Alli Sheets Raymond and Lori Sheley Bill and Susan Shelnutt Cleve and Donna Shultz Dale and Brenda Slack Bobby and Ginger Smart Boyd and Heather Smith Brad Smith Chad and Stacy Smith David and Vicki Smith Greg and Joyce Smith Mike and Laura Smith Fred and Kimberly Soller Randy and Rusti Spence Nita Stokes Ian and Jere Street Worth and Anita Stuart Roger and Wendy Sullivan

Mike and Kara Peterson Roy and June Pettway Steve Phelps Mike and Cathie Phillips PNC Bank Mike and Abbe Poline Sergey and Rita Popov Russ and Phyllis Porter Patrick and Lesley Posey Carm Powers Ray Price and Deborah Arsenault-Price Dennis and Pat Raftery Scott and Jennifer Raley Brian E. Ranck Jay and Susan Reilly Joe Reilly '07 Matt Reilly '10 Sam Reilly '12 Mike and Christina Reinsel Brian and Molly Richey John and Kathleen Riordan Tom and Julie Roberts David and Beth Rogers Donald and Susan Rolader Donald and Kelly Rolader Jamie Rosa Geoff and Misty Rothermel Mark and Angela Rountree Jim and Sherry Russell Erin Ryser S & S Development Partners, LLC Jeff and Pat Sachs Ashley Sakamaki Shannon Sanders '07 Shannon and Melissa Santee Scheduling Institute, Inc.

Suntrust Bank Julian and Sonya Tablada Ryan and Leisel Talley The Dallas Foundation Alan and Melissa Thomas Grant Thomas '11 Mark and Nancy Thomas Dewitte Thompson, Ill '06 Dewitte and Millie Thompson Brian Pruitt and Stephanie Thompson Taylor Thompson '11 Russell and Katie Thomson Thrivent Financial Will and Debbie Tiller The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Tersoo Uhaa Gray and Chantelle Vallely Rod and Jenny Vanderslice Greg and Vicki Wachowiak Mark Waldrop Sally Waldrop David and Elaine Walker Gary and Rinette Walsh Ken and Lisa Wayco Waypoint Systems, Inc. Bill and Lesley Weatherly Chris and Peggy Weaver Michael and Shannon Webster Eric and Dany Weer John Whitehurst Anthony and Maria Williams Doug and Dianne Williams Scotty and Rebecca Williams Victoria Williams Brad and Heather Wi Ison Carrie Winchester John and Diane Winfield Steve and LeAnne Wood Richard and Carolyn Woodham Rodney and Marie Woods Wilson York Jordan and Jessica Zeitlen

Michael and Julie Schertell Mike and Nikki Schmitz Thomas Schretter Tim and Michelle Schretter Schwab Charitable Fund Clarke and Jennifer Scott

$5 Million

Current Status

Upper School Building


Middle School Building

$1 Million


Current Status

Student Commons

Lower Level


Learning Engagement Center




Current Status



Current Status

Cuisine Gallery

Lower Level


Patriot Cafe

Lower Level


Lobby and Foyer





Current Status

College Counseling Suite



Reception Area





Current Status

Drama Stage

Lower Level


Lab - Physics

Lower Level


Lab - Chemistry

Lower Level


Lab - Biology



Office - Head of School



Plaza (outside Student Commons) Internal Roadway throughout East Campus





Office - Dean of Students

Lower Level

Office - Head of Upper School


Learning Engagement Center Conference Room


Current Status


Classroom (11) Classroom - Chemistry Classroom - Biology


Classroom - Physics/ Robotics



Current Status

Learning Engagement Center Classroom



Guidance Counselor Office



Faculty Workroom


Office - Faculty Coordinator


Office-Schedule Coordinator (Student Commons)


Office - Registrar


Office - Learning Engagement Center


Study Room - Student


Office - Student Life


Study Room - Student




Classroom - Small 2




. "' '




mount pisgah CHRISTIAN SCHOOL The .mission of Mount Pisgah Christia!1 Scho<)I is to provide 路 an outstanding G ollege ~ preparatory education g"roy oded in Christian faith and ' values. The essence of the mission is best described as College Prep. Life Ready.

9820 Nesbit Ferry Road : Johns Cre.ek, Georgia 30022 .


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