Academics brochure 2017-18

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MountSaint Saint Mary Mary College Mount College Newburgh, New York

Focused on Success

Exceptional academic programs full of possibilities Academics brochure 2017-18.indd 1

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Arts and Letters

Let your creativity flow

Communication Arts/ Media Studies • Journalism • Production

nhance your communication skills and expand your horizons with an array of courses including literature, creative and journalistic writing, advertising, video production, photography, foreign languages, and graphic design.

Communication Arts/ Public Relations English


Our passionate faculty will prepare you for graduate school and careers in journalism, filmmaking, advertising, public relations, education, web design, and communications.

English BA/MS in Education (5-year) English BA/Publishing MS* with Pace University *The MS can also be paired with other majors

Hispanic Studies Technology and Digital Media

Add a minor or concentration Expand your skills by adding a writing concentration or a minor in Theatre Arts and Music, Art, or Film Studies.

The most valuable part of an education is learning to find just the right book. Daniel Shea, PhD Professor of English Chair, Division of Arts & Letters

Learn on Location The Mount has a radio station, online newspaper, literary magazine, digital software-based television studio, and a Mac video-editing suite.

Join the Club There are clubs for theater, reading, writing, singing, dancing, or just being creative in general.

In the Field Internships include CBS 48 Hours, the Today show, MTV Networks, the New York Mets, and Hudson Valley Magazine, to name a few.

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Media studies develops production skills behind the camera, in the studio, in our state-of-the-art editing suite, and in the field.

Learning is a collaborative process in the arts programs: students and faculty work together.

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Business Accounting Accounting BS/MBA (5-year) Business BS/MBA (5-year) Business • Finance • Marketing • Sports Management Pre-Law (advising track)

Save Time and Tuition The Mount’s 5-year programs let students earn both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in less time while increasing their marketability.

In the Field Mount Business and Accounting students have interned at Morgan Stanley, Victory Theater, U.S. Secret Service, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Atlantic Records, Good Housekeeping magazine, Merrill Lynch, and Habitat for Humanity.

What’s New in Business

Expand your horizons G

lobalization, technology, borderless markets, politics, and economics all play key roles in 21st century business.

The Mount’s outstanding business faculty will help you negotiate the new age of business, and prepare you to lead in a new economy. The Business major offers specializations in Marketing, Finance, or Sports Management. As an Accounting or Business major, you can earn a bachelor’s degree and MBA in five years.

We focus on the global nature of contemporary business. Students are prepared for employment in an environment that is continuously changing.

Moira Tolan, PhD Professor of Business

The Mount’s MBA program now offers an optional concentration in health care to help students prepare for health care management roles.

Accreditation Specialized accreditation from the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE).

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School of Business faculty provide experience and a global perspective

Students gain knowledge from business-focused events, trips, and visiting experts

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Share your knowledge

Childhood Education Options • Special Education • Middle school extension • Early childhood

eaching students and preparing educators are integral parts of the Mount’s foundation. Over the past half-century, generations of Mount-prepared teachers have shared the Dominican motto of “Teach me the truth” with their students.

Adolescence Education Options • Special Education • Middle school extension

You’ll find that the Mount’s reputation in preparing educators can open up career and networking opportunities.

Biology BA/MS in Education (5-year) Chemistry BA/MS in Education (5-year) English BA/MS in Education (5-year) History BA/MS in Education (5-year) Math BA/MS in Education (5-year)


I invite students to consider new possibilities for engaging young learners as lifelong readers.

Janine Bixler, PhD

Professor of Education Chair, Division of Education

The Mount Advantage Students develop an academic area of expertise, and graduate with a bachelor’s degree and education certification. Fieldwork may begin in sophomore year. Students can also achieve dual certification in education and Special Education, or extend certification to include teaching at middle school.

Preparing great teachers Two Mount graduates have been named New York State Teacher of the Year in the past decade.

Accreditation National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

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Bishop Dunn Memorial School, located on the Mount’s campus, is just one of many classroom experience opportunities.

Student teaching and fieldwork turn theory into practice for our education students.

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Math and IT Mathematics • Actuarial Science Math BA/MS in Education (5-year) Information Technology • Cybersecurity • Educational Technologies • Networking • Web Technologies

Be a problem solver T

echnology and the study of mathematical solutions continue to shape our lives and the spirit of innovation.

Mount courses cover a wide array of topics, including statistics, geometry, programming, networking, website creation and design, e-learning, presentation media, and so much more. You’ll find a close-knit community atmosphere with plenty of opportunities for research, internships, and career exploration.

Technology and Digital Media

Math Club The Math Club organizes lectures and performs community service. Students hone teaching and math skills offering nontraditional math lessons to elementary school children at the on-campus school, Bishop Dunn.

Byte Knights All students with an interest in technology are welcome. The club sponsors game nights, trips, social gatherings, and professional events.

National Math Honor Society Kappa Mu Epsilon recognizes students with outstanding achievement in mathematics.

In the Field Mount students have interned at IBM, UPS, Marvel Comics, Travelers Insurance, Horizons-on-the-Hudson, San Miguel Academy, Minisink Valley, Wallkill Elementary, and Pawling Elementary Schools.

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In mathematics, we look for ways to connect the dots and understand the world around us. Mike Daven, PhD Professor of Mathematics

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The Mount’s computer labs offer the latest and best in sophisticated learning technologies and interactive spaces.

Faculty members encourage hands-on learning, collaboration, and individual initiative.

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Natural Sciences Biology Biology BA/MS in Education (5-year) Chemistry Chemistry BA/MS in Education (5-year) Interdisciplinary Studies General Science Pre-Health Professions • Biology - Dentistry prep • Biology - Medicine prep • Biology - Physical Therapy prep • Biology - Physician Assistant prep • Biology - Podiatry prep • Biology - Veterinary prep

Save Time and Tuition Do you want to be a science teacher? The Mount offers 5-year programs to help you qualify in less time.

Gaining Experience Our science students have interned at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Burke Rehabilitation Hospital, Walt Disney World Animal Kingdom, and West Point. You can also qualify for a paid summer research position right here on campus.

Explore our world B

eing a science major at the Mount means hands-on learning, such as student-faculty research projects, the American Chemical Society chapter, presenting at professional conferences, honor societies, science tutoring, hiking trips, family science night, and trips to museums. Biology or Chemistry majors who want to teach can join the 5-year master’s degree in Adolescence Education track.

Students put their classroom experiences into action by conducting independent research with faculty mentors across campus.

Douglas Robinson, PhD Associate Professor of Biology

Pre-Health Professions Partnerships with New York Medical College, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, and New York College of Podiatric Medicine open up graduate study opportunities.

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The Hudson River and its tributaries provide a natural laboratory for scientific and environmental study.

Pre-Health Professions programs prepare students for graduate study and careers.

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Nursing Nursing

Affiliations The Mount has affiliations with more than 40 healthcare agencies in the Hudson Valley and Connecticut, such as Westchester Medical Center, St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital, Orange Regional Medical Center, Vassar Brothers Medical Center, Danbury Hospital, and Good Samaritan Hospital.

In the Field Mount nursing students have interned at Yale-New Haven Medical Center, New York University Medical Center, Hackensack Medical Center, Lenox Hill Medical Center, V.A. Medical Centers, DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center, and Montefiore Medical Center, among others.

Launching careers Mount nursing graduates are finding work in their field. In fact, 98% of 2016 nursing graduates were employed within 6 months.

Learn vital skills T

he Mount’s Nursing program develops the broad knowledge base needed in a rapidly changing healthcare system.

Our Nursing Learning Resource Center provides workstations and interactive multimedia software that simulate a clinical setting. Our Nursing program enjoys a widespread reputation for excellence, and many students go on to complete master’s degrees and post-master’s in Nursing at the Mount.

The Nursing Learning Resource and Simulation Center is committed to creating a stimulating learning environment that fosters nursing students’ essential knowledge, skills, and attidues.

Nancy Spear Owen, MA

Nursing Simulation Educator

Finding Success Recent graduate Sean D’Onofrio ’16, a registered nurse at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., was named the hospital’s first Conway Clinical Scholar.

Accreditation Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)

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The Mount’s advanced simulation labs give students hands-on experience on campus, in addition to their clinicals at healthcare sites.

The Nursing Learning Resource Center offers computerized human patient simulators.

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Social Sciences Criminology History History/Political Science History BA/MS in Education (5-year) Human Services Human Services or Psychology BA/ Counseling MS with Pace University

Be a force for change S

ocial science and history majors study why individuals, groups, governments, and institutions do what they do, and use this knowledge to achieve positive change. Through intensive research projects outside the classroom and courses that engage students in active learning, the division’s students develop leadership skills and investigate career options. Social Science majors graduate with resumes that reflect both academic and real-world learning.

Our criminology program is progressive in its approach to the study of the criminal event: it focuses on the victim, offender, and society.

Human Services, Psychology, or Sociology BA/Social Work MSW with Fordham University Psychology Pre-Health Professions • Psychology - Physical Therapy prep

Social Sciences

Jenifer Lee-Gonyea, PhD


In the Field

Associate Professor of Criminology

Students have interned with the Alzheimer’s Association, Bethel Rehabilitation Center, Boys & Girls Club, Head Start, Integrated Pediatric Therapies, New York State Police, and the NYS Dept. of Mental Health.

Centers of Excellence The Mount is home to the Center for Adolescent Research and Development, and the Center for Aging and Policy.

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Students can take elective courses in Philosophy or Religious Studies or choose to minor in these areas. Other available minors include art, theatre and music, film studies, and more.

Small class sizes and a 14:1 student-to-faculty ratio offer students individualized support.

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Undeclared It’s your choice If you haven’t yet decided what you really want to study in college, you’re not alone. In fact, nationally, the majority of students change their majors at least once during their college career.

Explore with activities! • Big Brothers Big Sisters • Creative Writing • Essence of Poetry Club • Knight Radio • Mount Messenger (newspaper) • MSMC Theatre • Musical Exchange • Science Club • Student Business Association • Video Club the Field •In Yearbook club Students have interned with the Your own Association, coach Alzheimer’s Bethel You’ll start yourCenter, academic Rehabilitation Boyscareer & Girlsat the Mount with support from your Club, Head Start, Integrated Pediatric very own Academic Coach courtesy Therapies, New York State Police, and of Office ofof Student thethe NYS Dept. MentalSuccess. Health.

Explore internships! Centers with of Excellence

Internships may lead you to an Center for Adolescent Research interest and major. Mount students and Development have interned with a wide Center for Aging and Policyarray of top organizations from New York Clubs, organizations City to Albany, and beyond. Aging United, Political Awareness, Academic Advising Psychology Club, Big Brothers, Big You will be assigned an Sisters, Habitat for Humanity advisor who will monitor your course selections, and guide you along the way to the major that’s right for you.

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Explore your options T

he Mount has a program specifically designed to help you explore your options. Students with an undeclared major can take up to 45 credits before choosing a course of study. Don’t worry: It won’t take you longer to finish your education. The Mount requires that freshmen of all majors take a wellrounded set of introductory liberal arts courses. You can sample a variety of classes and disciplines, and stay on track for graduation in four years.

There’s a benefit in exploring new ideas and new opportunities. The liberal arts curriculum exposes you to fields and areas that you may not have even thought about before.

Lawrence T. Force, PhD Professor of Psychology Director, Center on Aging & Policy

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Your classes, the professors you meet, and even the activities you participate in may help you decide on your major.

Evaluate the possibilities in many exciting fields by taking courses across the disciplines.

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Student support Academic Coaching

Find success T

First Year Experience

he first days of college are exciting, and different enough to make even the steadiest students a little nervous. We recognize that freshman year is a whole new experience for students. The Mount is there with student support and resources for everyone, from your first day until the day you graduate.

Kaplan Family Library and Learning Center

The Mount’s low student-to-faculty ratio means your professors will know you by name.

Student Support Center Counseling Center

Tutoring Writing Center

First Year Experience Specially-designed programming to help first year students transition to college life and find success.

Supporting In the Field Success

The Student Support Center Students have interned withprovides the academic and personal support Alzheimer’s Association, Bethel services so thatCenter, students have the Rehabilitation Boys & Girls resources to succeed in college. Club, Head Start, Integrated Pediatric Advisors and academic coaches Therapies, New York State Police, and work with students individually. the NYS Dept. of Mental Health.

College Center CentersWriting of Excellence

The college Writing Center offers Center for Adolescent Research supplemental writing instruction and Development through one-on-one Center for Aging andconsultations Policy and co-curricular events that help all Clubs, organizations students improve their writing skills. Aging United, Political Awareness, Tutoring Psychology Club, Big Brothers, Big Mount have highly Sisters,tutors Habitat for been Humanity recommended by college faculty on the basis of their knowledge, communication skills, and interpersonal abilities. Tutoring is free! Academics brochure 2017-18.indd 18

There is no one, correct way to approach the writing process. At the Writing Center, we teach writers how to identify and practice the writing tools that work for them. Gina R. Evers, MFA Writing Center Director

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Academic coaches and advisors are here to support students throughout their time at the Mount.

Our academic success coaches provide students with individualized support.

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MountSaint Saint Mary Mary College Mount College Newburgh, New York

Mount Saint Mary College Office of Admissions 330 Powell Avenue Newburgh, NY 12550




Mount Saint Mary College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, creed, sexual orientation, gender, age, national and ethnic origin, veteran status, disability, or any other characteristic or classification protected by federal, state, or local law in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic programs, and other school administered programs. Academics brochure 2017-18.indd 20

Ranked a Top Value-Added College MONEY is a registered trademark of Time Inc. and is used under license. From MONEY Magazine, Š2017 Time Inc. Used under license. MONEY and Time Inc. are not affiliated with, and do not endorse products or services of, Mount Saint Mary College.

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