Mount Saint Mary College Magazine - Winter 2018-19

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WINTER 2018-19


SERVICE Beth Mills ’77 brings community to life in Brooklyn

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Professors navigate off-grid adventure Sr. Ann, Dr. Cotter, and other Pillars of the Mount Athletics Hall of Fame Class of 2018

Letter from the President

Mount Saint Mary College Magazine

Volume 41, No. 1 The Office of Marketing and Communications prepares this magazine for alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff, and friends of the college. EDITOR / DESIGN DIRECTOR Dean DiMarzo MBA ’13 SENIOR WRITERS Matt Frey ’05 MSEd ’10 Emily Ricci ’15 PHOTOGRAPHER Lee Ferris DESIGNER Sten Miller Perkins CONTRIBUTORS Michael Doughty Lynn Frank Michelle Iacuessa ’94 COPYEDITORS Lauren Giacalone Tabatha Mays ’14 CIRCULATION 8,000 ©2019 WEBSITE EMAIL MOUNT SAINT MARY COLLEGE 330 Powell Avenue Newburgh, NY 12550 845-561-0800 ADMISSIONS 888-YES-MSMC (888-937-6762)


s Mount Saint Mary College approaches its 60th year in 2019-20, we find ourselves looking back with pride, and looking forward with anticipation.

In my first six months as president, I have devoted my energy to getting a deep understanding of the Mount and our extensive community of students and parents, staff and faculty, partners and friends. Along the way, I found inspiration in the spirit of our students as they prepare for life after college. This issue touches upon many of the enduring qualities embodied by the Mount community. One of the most recognizable hallmarks is a commitment to service, which is woven through the academic and extracurricular lives of our students, staff, and faculty. In these pages, we introduce you to some shining examples of alumni who carried this into their post-college life, including Beth Mills ’77 and Steve Juergensen ’17. Although they graduated 40 years apart, both carry on a spirit of service that would make our founding Dominican Sisters proud. In looking back, we also explore how the pillars of Dominican Life — Community, Study, Spirituality, and Service — helped to shape the college. We spoke with four important figures — you might call them pillars of the Mount as well — to get a glimpse of how the college grew with these guiding principles. You’ll find these and many other stories of interest here, including the latest news and alumni happenings, as well as the story of two professors and the boating trip that unexpectedly stranded them. I wish you all a happy and healthy new year and hope to keep in touch,

A Dr. Jason N. Adsit P.S. The Mount has been blessed with the support of many friends and alumni. We present our Honor Roll of Donors (pgs. 44-60) with great appreciation to them.

INSIDE 4 News & Notes 9 Dominican Scholars of Hope

14 Pillars of the Mount: Our history through their eyes

12 Academics & Authors 29 Fall Sports Roundup 34 Alumni Notes 43 Academy Alumna 44 Supporting the Mount 61 A Look Back

10 Off-grid adventure

24 Spirit of Service

28 Skyline champs again

30 Athletics Hall of Fame

32 Alumni Weekend 2018

40 Gala celebration

Thank you for your support! Honor Roll of Donors: Pages 44-60

Celebrating 60 years

The 2019-20 school year will mark the 60th year since Mount Saint Mary College was founded. In this issue, we are introducing a new feature — Pillars of the Mount — to share the Mount’s history through the eyes of those who lived it. Look for this feature (page 14) and more in future issues.

News, photos, and videos

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Alumni: Share your news!

If you have news, we’d love to share it with your fellow Mount alumni. Submit your alumni notes at

An ’80s spin on a Shakespeare classic Scholars say Shakespeare may have written his comedy Love’s Labour’s Lost in the 1580s, but the Mount’s recent performance of the classic play brought viewers back to the good old days of the 1980s.

Love’s Labour’s Lost offered a humorous take on life, love, and the human condition. The play “feels like a John Hughes movie to me,” Phillips explained. “So it just seemed a natural fit.”

Tom Cruise took to the sky in Top Gun, the Nintendo Entertainment System was the cutting edge of video games, and Wang Chung’s “Everybody Have Fun Tonight” was one of the hottest songs around. The year was 1986 – the perfect era to serve as the backdrop of Love’s Labour’s Lost, says director James Phillips, associate professor of Theatre.

Working with the dedicated students to create something special is one of the best aspects of his job. “This is what I enjoy doing the most,” Phillips explained. “These are the things that the students will remember when they’re looking back on this 30 years from now.”

The production mixed the Bard’s original dialogue with famous ‘80s tracks like Bon Jovi’s “You Give Love a Bad Name,” infamous fashion trends, and iconic imagery. “I have a theory that the ‘good old days’ are always roughly 30 years ago,” Phillips explained. “So right now, our good old days are in the ‘80s.”




Something tame in the neighborhood

Decked out in their Halloween best, therapy dogs delighted students during the midterm crunch. Co-sponsored by the Kaplan Family Library and Learning Center, the Counseling Center, and Health Services, the animals came to the Mount via Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.



Good to the last drop

The Mount community gave the gift of life at a recent blood drive. Along with medical professionals from the New York Blood Center, the college’s Nursing Student Union (NSU) assisted at the event. Nick Terzulli, president of the NSU (right), and Mack the Knight reminded students that every drop of blood donated could help save a life.

Getting down to business

The Business Advisory Council brings together Mount professionals and local business leaders to examine cutting edge business practices. The council is co-chaired by Thomas Fitzmaurice, assistant professor of Finance; and Michael Fox, assistant professor of Business Law and Pre-Law advisor.

‘Bold New World’ offered new point of view

The Mount hosted “A Day with Donna Wright: A Bold New World for Clinical Education and Professional Development” at the Mount. Wright, a consultant with Creative HealthCare Management, encouraged nurses to foster a culture of dialogue in the workplace.



Putting poverty into perspective

The Poverty Simulation Experience at the Mount, held days before Thanksgiving, highlighted difficulties faced by those in need. For teachers and teacher-candidates, the experience provided motivation to help create a positive, safe atmosphere for at-risk students.

Fr. Andrew Hofer, OP at the Mount

CDI speakers shine

St. John’s Bible: Heritage Edition


he Mount recently acquired the full seven-volume Heritage Edition of the Saint John’s Bible, a fine art replica of the original handwritten and illuminated tome. The college owns number 133 of only 299 copies of the majestic reproduction, explained Derek Sanderson (left), assistant librarian for Reference Services.

Fr. Andrew Hofer, OP, a Catholic and Dominican Institute (CDI) guest speaker this semester, discussed the formation and impact of biblical canon. Other CDI speakers included Judith Valente, an author and journalist; Alicia D. Myers, assistant professor of New Testament and Greek at Campbell University Divinity School; and Fr. Alejandro Crosthwaite, OP of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.


Sakac Hall on track for Spring 2019

Sakac Hall, home to the Mount’s freshman women, is on track for a Spring 2019 reopening. Mold within the building necessitated moving the students to alternate housing for the majority of the Fall 2018 semester. Crews continue to work on the building through the winter break. In addition, preventative measures were taken, including improvements to the building envelope and HVAC systems. The freshman students are scheduled to return this coming semester.

Campus eaglets named


t was a close race, but “Thomas and Dominic” (aka Tom and Dom) were selected by the Mount community as the nicknames for the pair of eaglets born on campus in the spring. Many from the college and local communities submitted nicknames for the eaglets. The nicknames were voted on through various social media platforms by nearly 300 people. The birds’ namesakes are Saint Dominic de Guzman, founder of the Dominican Order that established Mount Saint Mary College, and Saint Thomas Aquinas, a scholarly Dominican monk after whom the college’s main academic building is named. Other suggestions included Wilbur and Orville, Bonnie and Clyde, Hudson and River, Birdy McBirdface, and Knight Flight.

Keep an eye on the Mount’s eagles

Will the eagles return to raise another family in the majestic tree next to the Villa? Tune in to find out. View the feed from the Mount’s new eagle camera at

Triplets kick off college career

Beginning their college careers together this fall were the Romaniello triplets of Waterbury, Conn. All of them were in the top 10 of their class. Ashley and Haley selected the Mount for its prestigious Nursing program. Ashley, who was the valedictorian of Wilby High School, had received a full scholarship to another college. However, she turned it down in favor of the Mount’s small class sizes and tight-knit, family atmosphere. The third triplet, Jessica, is an English major on the Adolescence Education track. “I was planning on going to another college, but when I came with Haley to Accepted Student Day, I fell in love with the campus and how nice the people here are,” she said.


Schools of Nursing, Business upgraded

The Mount recently renovated the offices of the college’s Schools of Business and Nursing. The project transformed Aquinas Hall room 100, site of the former Curtin Memorial Library, into an enhanced working and learning space for the School of Business. The college created five additional offices on this floor. School of Nursing offices are on the second floor of Aquinas Hall. Upgrades included additional faculty offices and open spaces for students. These renovations were made possible, in part, by two matching grants, both for $500,000. They were from Empire State Development and the state Higher Education Capital Matching Grant program (HECap).


College moves toward a ‘Clean Air’ campus

In an effort to reduce pollution and improve local air quality, Mount Saint Mary College has become a Clean Air NY Campus. As a Clean Air NY Campus, the Mount offers assistance with carpooling, taking transit, biking, or walking to campus. Through a partnership with 511NY Rideshare, Clean Air NY helps commuters find easy, affordable, and sustainable alternatives to driving alone. The initiative is being spearheaded by Lynn Maelia, professor of Chemistry. “We need to be good stewards of the Earth,” she said. “Educating students about sustainability and how we can take care of our world is a responsibility we all bear.”

Seniors take the trophy at 2018 Mount Olympics


fter a demanding competition that included performances, relays, and more, the senior class claimed victory for the second year in a row at Mount Olympics, part of the college’s annual Spirit of the Mount Week. About 700 students attended the competition. Students also warmed up with the college’s annual bonfire, attended a kickoff Mass, enjoyed a powder puff football game, and more. The junior class skit had a cameo by Fr. Greg, campus chaplain.

College continues Christmas traditions

Mount seniors network with the pros

Students, faculty, and staff also got into the holiday spirit at the annual Christmas Tree Lighting, with classic carols and hot chocolate.

Hosted by the Career Center, the series unites students with professionals in a variety of fields, including high profile recruiters and successful alumni. The gatherings afford personal connections that larger job fairs often can’t.

As it has each holiday season since 1974, Mount Saint Mary College presented a service of lessons and carols at the annual Christmas Vespers program. The singers lifted their voices to the heavens in the Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary in the Dominican Center. Professor Durward Entrekin, Arts and Letters, directed.

With graduation only months away, Mount seniors got a jump on their career hunt at two Real World Connections events. About 40 professionals, including successful alumni, networked with the forward-thinking students. Above, Jeremy Smith ’06, director of Automation Engineering at Travelers Insurance and owner of SKYWIREme; and Kathleen O’Keefe, director of the Mount’s Career Center (both left), chat with seniors at the event.


Lip Sync Battle winners

Organized by the college’s Advancement office, Mount students were recently challenged to create a lip sync video for the Lip Sync Battle of Giving. After voting by the Mount community, only one group lip synced their way to the top to claim the $1,000 prize – Danielle Petricca, Eliza Benfer, Lily Chimenti, and Camille Muschio with “You Make My Dreams” by Hall & Oates. Next semester, the group will reunite for one last song, this time with Mount President Dr. Jason Adsit and other faculty and staff.

Emotional Wellness Fair gives peace of mind

Students learned how to keep themselves healthy and happy at the Emotional Wellness Fair, hosted by the college’s Counseling Services. Activities included expressive art projects, exercises to help students identify how they are thinking and feeling, ways to explore spirituality, exercise and athletics stations, and more. “Sometimes we’re in such a rush, and we don’t stop to think, ‘How am I feeling? Am I taking care of myself?’ If we don’t draw attention to it, we forget about it,” explained Orin Strauchler, assistant dean of Student Support Services and director of Counseling.

Colin Jarvis, executive director of the Newburgh Ministry (left) and Dean Goldberg, associate professor of Communication Arts and Film Studies at Mount Saint Mary College and president of the Newburgh Ministry Board of Directors, at the recent Making a Difference Awards Dinner.

Mount hosts Newburgh Ministry’s Making a Difference Awards Dinner


he Newburgh Ministry’s First Annual Making a Difference Awards Dinner, hosted recently at the Mount, recognized the outstanding efforts of local community members. The dinner was held in celebration of Newburgh Ministry’s 35th anniversary. The ministry is a culturally diverse, grassroots organization located in the City of Newburgh’s east end. It serves the area’s low-income and homeless populations. Mark Sanchez-Potter ’18 was one of those recognized for his service. He enhanced the Newburgh community throughout his time at the Mount, including mentoring local students, leading a class of sixth graders from San Miguel Academy in the creation of the journal Old Newburgh, New Newburgh, and aiding in the success of the Jumpstart program at the Newburgh Ministry, which was founded by Mount students. “The Newburgh Ministry inspires me with all the good work they do,” he said. Dean Goldberg, associate professor of Communication Arts and Film Studies, serves as president of the Newburgh Ministry Board of Directors. “The Mount and the ministry are in the same family,” he explained, adding that he hopes the Mount’s long-standing friendship with the ministry will continue for many years to come.

Nurse pinning honors 27

The Mount honored Nursing program graduates at a pinning ceremony in December. Blessed by Fr. Gregoire Fluet, Mount chaplain, the pin displays the college seal and motto, doce me veritatem, which translates as “teach me the truth.” Student Michael Petkos (left) credited the group’s professors with molding them into the confident nurses they are today.



Roger May Jr.; Sr. Peggy Murphy, OP; Victor Azuaje; and Charles Zola

‘El Futuro is Here!’

Joined by professor Charles Zola and Jeanne Conboy from the college’s Catholic and Dominican Institute, 14 Dominican Scholars of Hope enjoyed a service learning trip to the Mariandale Center in Ossining, N.Y.

Scholars serve and learn with Dominican Sisters


he Dominican Scholars of Hope (DSH) recently spent a day reflecting on St. Dominic’s Pillars of Study with the aid of their namesake, the Dominican Sisters of Hope. Rooted in the values of the Judeo-Christian and Dominican heritage of the college, DSH is a nonacademic living and learning community for highly motivated Mount students. The scholars traveled to the Mariandale Center in Ossining, N.Y. to help the sisters winterize their vegetable and herb gardens. They harvested crops, pulled weeds, and more. Sr. Bette Ann Jaster, OP, Environmental Program specialist, offered a reflection on contemporary ecological problems like global warming and pollution. She explained the importance of good stewardship of God’s creation and challenged the students to think critically about the world around them. Sr. Jaster took the scholars on a tour of the property, which included stops at a shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Healing and a grotto dedicated to Our Lady of

the Rosary. Freshman Richard Conboy said that the event provided “a peaceful atmosphere which allowed me to connect spiritually for the first time in a while. The walk that we took at the end was extra special to me because it allowed me to get some alone time to pray.” The DSH program is spearheaded by Charles Zola, associate professor of Philosophy, director of the Mount’s Catholic and Dominican Institute, and assistant to the president for Mission Integration.

Four Mount faculty and staff members recently attended the “El Futuro is Here! Doing Campus Ministry and Theological Education Latinamente” conference held at Dominican University in Fall River, Ill. The conference inspired Catholic colleges and universities to better suit the spiritual and academic needs of the young Latino population. The three-day conference drew about 100 participants from nearly 40 schools, including Notre Dame de Namur University and Boston College. Attending from the Mount were Sr. Peggy Murphy, OP, professor of Religious Studies; Roger May, Jr., resident director for Guzman Hall; Victor Azuaje, associate professor of Hispanic Studies, and Charles Zola, associate professor of Philosophy, director of the Mount’s Catholic and Dominican Institute, and assistant to the president for Mission Integration. Sr. Murphy said the conference afforded an “increased understanding of the growth of the Latino community, and especially the number of Hispanic young people of college age. It was a very hopeful experience of the vitality of the Catholic tradition.” It was revealed at the conference that about 40 percent of the Catholic Church in America is Latino. But as Zola notes, Latinos represent far fewer than 40 percent of students enrolled in Catholic colleges and universities. It’s an especially important topic for Mount Saint Mary College, said Zola. “This speaks to our Dominican mission and identity,” he said. “It’s not just a matter of enrollment, but also of community outreach and service.”


From left, Doug Robinson, MSMC associate professor of Biology; Corbin Robinson; and Mike Daven, MSMC professor of Mathematics

Stranded! It was supposed to be a three-hour tour...


hen they set sail on the Neversink River on August 7, 2018, Mike Daven, professor of Mathematics; Doug Robinson, associate professor of Biology; and his teenage son, Corbin Robinson, expected to be home by dinner. The water had been deemed “low runnable,” and the 11-mile float trip was supposed to be an easy one. Everyone in the group is an experienced woodsman, and in 2017, Daven and Robinson had successfully traversed nine miles of the Delaware River. “It should have been fine,” said Robinson. After furnishing their wives with the location of their upcoming adventure,



they set off. Daven parked his vehicle at what was planned to be the end of their run, and Robinson drove the team to their starting point. “We get on the river, and the water is runnable. This looks like it’s going to be fantastic,” Robinson explained. With Daven and Corbin in kayaks and Robinson in a canoe, they were off. As anticipated, it was smooth sailing – until about the fourth mile. That’s when the rapids started getting rough, and the tiny ships were tossed. Separated by a small distance, Robinson could only see the top of Daven’s head and his brightly colored personal flotation device (PFD), so it was difficult to tell exactly what had happened.

That is, until Robinson watched as his son was tossed into the drink as well. “The back of the boat hit a rock, and then the current caught me and spun me around,” Corbin explained. “Then I flipped over. I knew that’s when we were in trouble.” Luckily, neither Daven nor Corbin were ever completely underwater, thanks to their PFDs, Daven explained. It wasn’t a particularly dangerous situation since their feet were touching the bottom of the river. The real problem: the kayaks lazily continued down the river, leaving Daven literally up the river without a paddle. Corbin managed to hang on to his paddle, but not much else. Robinson chased after the kayaks, and it would be another hour before the men regrouped – sans Daven’s paddle, but boats collected and ready for more. Within five minutes of setting out however, Corbin was in the river again, his boat submerged and jammed against some rocks. After setting it free, they forged ahead as best they could. But by 7 pm, things weren’t looking good.

A change of plans “It’s clear that we have gone only about halfway, and the way things are going, we’re not going to finish before nightfall,” Daven explained. According to Robinson, the men had traveled only seven miles in seven hours. They pulled the boats to the side, and thanks to their GPS, they knew roughly where they were. What they didn’t know was that their waterproof bags were not as waterproof as advertised, and so they were down two cell phones. They soon discovered it didn’t matter anyway: there was no cell service. With their families expecting them home hours ago, the men ditched the boats and tried to hike out to the road. But lack of trails and steep inclines kept them from getting very far. Setting up camp “was the only logical decision,” noted Robinson. “If something’s not going right, don’t keep wandering around. Stay put where you are.” Corbin was more annoyed than afraid. “I wasn’t very worried. I just wanted to go home already. I wanted to stop walking around in my shoes with

“If something’s not going right, don’t keep wandering around. Stay put where you are.” — Doug Robinson on the decision to camp for the night

no socks and my bathing suit.” Fortunately, Robinson and Daven are no strangers to the wilderness. Earlier this year, the two men immersed about a dozen Mount students in experiential learning during 24 days in New Zealand. It was just one of many times Robinson had lead this study abroad experience. Camping is a regular part of those trips, he said. Daven and the missing family Robinson made a fire using a lighter from their emergency supplies. They had plenty of water and enough food to get them through the night. Emergency blankets kept them warm and their PFDs served as pillows or mattresses. The moral of the story: “Come prepared,” said Daven. “The biggest issue was we couldn’t get ahold of our wives,” said Robinson. The next morning, the group climbed high enough to get cell phone service. On their single remaining phone, they called for help. That’s when they learned that 15 New York State Troopers and two search and rescue teams had been looking for them since 10 pm the night before. The helicopter, drone, and scuba divers who were being mobilized for the

search were called off. On the way back to civilization, rescuers informed Daven, Robinson, and Corbin that they had spent the night in an area known to be inhabited by snakes and bears. “Thankfully, we didn’t see any of that,” said Daven. Their wives, they added, were ecstatic to see them safe and sound. Thankfully, the experience didn’t affect the group’s desire to continue their outdoor adventures. Robinson is now armed with a personal GPS locator beacon, which he is planning to bring on his six-month sabbatical to New Zealand in the Spring 2019 semester. During the sabbatical, he plans to work on animal research and establish new connections “to make our study abroad trip that much more incredible for our students.” But as for their ill-fated river trip, the story truly came to a close days later. The men drove out to the road nearest to their makeshift camp. With dry cellphones and plenty of water in-hand, they trudged into the woods. Soon, they found their kayaks and canoe, safe and sound, ready for another trip. “We’re eager to get back on the river,” said Daven.



Mara Schiff

Nursing students receive ‘Blessing of the Hands’ About 100 Mount Nursing majors gathered at the college’s Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary early in the semester to have their hands blessed. Fr. Gregoire Fluet, chaplain and director of Campus Ministry at the Mount, led the college’s first dedicated Blessing of the Hands ceremony. “We have gathered together as a family to celebrate [the students’] service, and their healing, and their love,” said Fr. Fluet. Susan LaRocco, dean of the School of Nursing, told the Nursing students to take a good look at their hands. “What do you see?” she asked. “Your hand is composed of 27 bones, three nerves, and some of the densest nerve endings in the entire body. But your hands are so much more than the muscles and bones you learn about in anatomy. Your hands are an extension of your heart. They can comfort a crying child. They can provide a caring touch to a terrified patient. They also will develop the technical skills to provide effective care.” She added, “Let you heart and your mind guide your hands to provide compassionate, safe, and culturally appropriate care, now and throughout your career.” School of Nursing professors assisted Fr. Fluet during the blessing, and Fr. Fluet ended the ceremony with the Mount Saint Mary College School of Nursing Prayer.


CARD conference examines ‘School to Prison Pipeline’

The 9th annual Center on Adolescent Research and Development (CARD) conference, “Restorative Justice: Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline,” wowed local educators and Mount pre-teachers. It featured keynote speaker Mara Schiff, associate professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the College for Design and Social Inquiry, and a performance of Notes from the Field, Reflections on the School to Prison Pipeline by playwright Anna Deavere Smith. “When I talk about the School to Prison Pipeline, I’m talking about educational policies that criminalize particularly minor infractions of school rules,” explained Schiff. She said that at-risk students – particularly students of color – often act out due to difficulties at home. In the classroom, “If I know we [student and teacher] have a relationship and I can talk to you about what happened at home last night, I am far less likely to act out in your classroom because of what I am carrying inside,” she said. Other speakers included Kelisa Wing, U.S. Department of Defense Teacher of the Year; Dr. Jason N. Adsit, the Mount’s president; and Mount Criminology professors Jenifer LeeGonyea and Kate Melody Burmon. In the evening, Smith’s powerful performance gave a voice to those who have experienced the School to Prison Pipeline firsthand.


Robert Miller

Explore the relationship between sports and faith

When a ballplayer knocks one out of the park, does God take notice? Robert Miller, associate professor of Religious Studies and Division of Philosophy and Religious Studies chair, kicked off the Fall 2018 semester’s Investigating Research on Campus (iROC) series with his talk, “Is God a Sports Fan? The Relationship between Sports and Faith.” “In the Judeo-Christian tradition, we are taught to seek God in all things,” Miller explained, “including leisure and sports.” So with this in mind, is God a sports fan? Probably, said Miller. However, the idea that it’s “God’s will” for a particular team to win needs to be sent back to the bleachers. “To imply that God is controlling all the events, particularly in a sports game, would be to say that God removes every semblance of chance from the world – and free will as well,” Miller explained. Other Fall 2018 iROCs included Rob Wakeman, assistant professor of English, revealing innuendo in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure; Thuy Linh Nguyen, associate professor of History, discussing the illicit shadow economy of Vietnamese coal mines in the early 1900s; A. Reza Hossain, associate professor of Economics, who presented on the correlations between a mother’s education and childhood mortality rates in Bangladesh; Derek Sanderson, assistant librarian for Reference Services, who examined student library usage; and Michael Fox, assistant professor of Business Law and the PreLaw advisor, who explained ever-evolving anti-discrimination laws in the U.S.


Kelsey Simeone

Trading places: Mount seniors become student teachers

Seniors Kelsey Simeone, John Paul McLoughlin, and many of their fellow pre-teachers at Mount Saint Mary College celebrated a major milestone in fall 2018: They spent the semester on the other side of the classroom as student teachers in local school districts. Simeone, an English major pursuing certification in Childhood and Special Education, taught at Cornwall Elementary School in Cornwall, N.Y., under the guidance of Mary Lynn Conklin, a 1999 Mount graduate. “In my classes at the Mount, I learned how to prepare and plan for a lesson, design activities that were individualized for my students, and how to incorporate technology into my teaching,” Simeone noted. Meanwhile, McLoughlin, a History major on the Adolescence Education certification track, was beginning this foray into student teaching at Highland High School in Highland, N.Y., where he taught several history classes. Passionate about keeping his students engaged in his lessons, he noticed many in his class enjoyed superheroes. So when teaching about corporations and shareholders in the Gilded Age, he compared the historical topics to Batman’s alter ego, Bruce Wayne, who owns a corporation with multiple shareholders. The lesson, he noted, was a success. “My cooperating teacher has given me great advice, tools, and lesson ideas to do for when I am on my own,” he said. “The Mount has also given me a lot of confidence and has thoroughly prepared me to eventually have my own classroom.”

Tiffany Davis, Assistant Librarian for

Michael J. Olivette, Vice President

Instruction Services Book chapter: Strategic topic development: an active, flipped lesson for FirstYear Students, published in: Framing Information Literacy — edited by Mary K. Oberlies and Janna Mattson, ACRL, 2018

for Academic Affairs Book: Building an Adirondack guideboat: Reproductions of a unique regional classic (2nd ed.), published by: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018

Lawrence T. Force, Professor of Psychology; Director, The Center on Aging and Disability Policy (with students) Book edited: Gerontology: An Interactive Text, published by: National Social Science Press.

Jen Park, Assistant Librarian for Access and Outreach Services (with Sabine Dantus) White paper: Marketing academic library resources and services published by: ACRL/Choice

Michael Fox, Assistant Professor of Business Law Article: Considering Law School? Undergraduates Should Contemplate This Advice from Pre-Law Advisors, published in: New York State Bar Association Journal, Sept. 2018 Article: Objection, Your Honor (to your social media activity?), published in: New York State Bar Association Journal, March/April 2018 Article: Who has access to decedents’ electronic assets and social media?, published in: Pretrial Practice and Discovery, Winter 2018

Denise A. Garofalo, Associate Librarian for Systems and Catalog Services Book chapter: A road not planned: My journey in library IT, published in: We Can Do I.T.: Women in Library Information Technology — Edited by Jenny Brandon, Sharon Ladenson and Kelly Sattler, eds. (Library Juice Press, 2018)

Yasmine Konheim-Kalkstein, Assistant Professor of Psychology Article (online): A Sabbatical abroad with kids?, published in: Inside Higher Ed July 5, 2018

Susan A. LaRocco, Dean of the School of Nursing (with Coleen E. Toronto) Article: Family perception of and experience with family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: An integrative review, published in: Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2018

Dakin Roy, Instructional Media Coordinator, Adjunct Arts and Letters Professor Photograph: Relegated: A Series of found abstractions, published in: Light: A Journal of Photography & Poetry,Summer 2018 Ludmila Smirnova, Professor of Education (with Bojan Lazarevic) There is more to digital learning than counting on your fingers: Transforming learning and teaching with digital pedagogy, published in: Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 2018

Frances Spielhagen, Professor of Education; Project Director, Teacher Opportunity Corps; Director, Center for Adolescent Research and Development Book: Caecilia et Verus in Foro Romano, published by: Royal Fireworks Press. Nancy Von Rosk, Professor of English Book chapter: Women, work, and crossclass alliances in the fiction of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, published in: Working Women in American Literature, 18651950 Miriam S. Gogol, ed., Lexington Books, 2018

Charles Zola, Assistant to the President for Mission Integration; Director, Catholic and Dominican Institute; Associate Professor of Philosophy Article (online): Remembering a forgotten Renaissance Dominican Artist, published on:, July 20, 2018















s we prepare to celebrate our 60th anniversary 1959-201 in 2019-20, it’s the perfect time to look back and see how the four pillars of Dominican life – Community, Study, Spirituality, and Service – helped shape Mount Saint Mary College. We asked four pillars of the Mount community to tell 1959-201 us how the college’s evolution looked through their eyes. 9




James Finn Cotter, PhD, professor of English

James Finn Cotter J

ames Finn Cotter has been an invaluable resource at the Mount since September of 1963. In his 55 years with the college, the English professor has taught in or chaired the Divisions of Humanities, Arts and Letters, and Religious Studies and Philosophy. As a scholar, Cotter brings much to the table. In addition to having enhanced the education of thousands of Mount students, he is a celebrated translator of Dante’s Commedia, a Fulbright-Hays lecturer, and a recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities grant. Cotter is the author of Beginnings: the First Twenty-Five Years of Mount Saint Mary College, A New Life: Learning the Way of Omega, and the Mount’s alma mater, among others. He is also one of only two individuals in the college’s history to have served as mace bearer at Commencement. Currently the Mount’s longest-serving professor, Cotter has begun a phased retirement, though he has not yet selected when his final semester will be.

What was the college like when you first arrived?

Our population was growing pretty rapidly. In 1960 and 1961 – before I was even here – there were 18 students, three of them residents. After Aquinas Hall opened in 1963, the year I arrived, there were 240 students, 64 of whom were residents. At the time, I was one of seven laymen and 11 laywomen professors.

What were some of the college’s early initiatives?

In the early days, we were really involved in setting up committee work with Dr. Whittaker (another professor at the time). He was very important in giving us a sense of collegiality and setting up faculty participation through things like Faculty Senate. We were hard at work establishing ourselves as a college that was fully committed to our mission of education.

What’s one of your most significant academic accomplishments in your first decade at the Mount?

I got an NEH [National Endowment for the Humanities] grant to take the summer off here at the Mount in 1968. I ended up writing a book. I sat down and wrote, and wrote, and wrote all summer long, and I produced Inscape: The Christology and Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. That established me as a serious Hopkins scholar.

You’re also known for your rhyme-free translation of Dante’s Commedia. As the story goes, you began that project one Christmas morning in the 1980s.

James Finn Cotter, 1977

Yes, my kids weren’t up and I started the translation. It’s funny, the translation was on scraps of paper – the backs of envelopes. I was just working on it as a pastime at first. I did the first five cantos that way!

What motivated you to donate much of your personal library to the Mount?

I’ve been interested in how the Bible was illuminated in the Middle Ages. Many of my books fit in well with the theme of the Saint John’s Bible, which [the Kaplan Library] recently bought a reproduction of. But there’s also art books and other religion books. It’s a benefit to me to have somebody using the library I collected.

Online Extras Poetry from Cotter

Watch video of Cotter reading a selection of his own poems.

With retirement on the horizon, what do you enjoy about teaching at the Mount?

I enjoy working with anybody. Students occupy my head when I’m teaching; I really do work hard to help them. I hope they leave my class with a love of the text. I very much enjoy reading what they wrote and helping them to improve.




Sr. Ann Sakac, OP, MSMC president from 1976-2008

Sr. Ann Sakac S

r. Ann Sakac, OP took the helm at Mount Saint Mary College in 1976, but she had been part of the college community since 1969 as a professor of English, assistant dean of students, and director of Residence Life. Under her 32-year leadership at the college, Sr. Sakac oversaw much of the college’s expansion from a fledgling institution to a pillar of the community. Some of the highlights of her tenure at the Mount were the development of the college’s first master’s degree program; the opening of the Kaplan Recreation Center and Hudson Hall; new and renovated residence halls; and the development of the Mathematics, Science and Technology Center in Aquinas Hall. Sr. Sakac retired in 2008, but she continues to be an important member of the local and Mount communities.

What was life at the Mount like during your first decade here?

In the early days, I lived in College Court 412 with freshmen; that was the Class of ’73. Life on campus was interesting. The ’70s were difficult years nationally: the economy was down, we had the Vietnam War, and we had national protests. Because there was so much unrest nationally, there was unrest on campus. I’m not saying we took part in huge protests, because we didn’t, but we did march on Broadway in honor of those killed at Kent State back in the early ’70s. But there was always a closeness among the students. You never felt alienated, and I know from having lived with students how much they appreciated their relationships with the faculty. That was a hallmark of the Mount in the early days – I think it still is.

What was one of the college’s early triumphs?

One of my goals when I was named president was to balance the budget. We could not continue operating with annual deficits. And that’s where community support became so important. The Evening News was very supportive of the college. On more than one occasion, they talked about the Mount being the center of Newburgh. And

Sr. Ann Sakac 1977

so, the community supported us when it came time for development drives. I can’t thank the residents and businesses enough for the support they gave us as we balanced the budget and began the development of an endowment.

How else did we strengthen our relationship with the community?

St. Luke’s accepted our Nursing students for fieldwork; local businesses like IBM, big in Poughkeepsie, were also big supporters of the college; and small businesses like Afron Oil – those are the people who helped the Mount develop in the ’70s and early ’80s. As we grew, recognizing the support of those business and individuals, we knew that we had to get out into the community to help the community – they were helping us! Service had to become a hallmark of our operation, because we survived thanks to the community.

Online Extras Looking back

Watch a 2008 interview with Sr. Ann Sakac reflecting on her 32-year presidency.

What do you hope all Mount students, past and present, take away from their time at the college? The idea that we are here to serve. The individual then picks up the role of service as they leave this campus and spread out nationally.



Sr. Margaret (Peggy) Murphy, OP, DMin, professor of Religious Studies


Sr. Peggy Murphy S

r. Margaret (Peggy) Murphy, OP, professor of Religious Studies, has been an exemplar of spirituality to the Mount community since she joined the faculty in 1999. After growing up with Dominican teachers in both elementary and high school in Queens, N.Y., Sr. Murphy decided to build on her strong faith by joining the novitiate of the Dominican Sisters of Amityville in 1962. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education, a master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling, a master’s degree in Psychiatric Social Work, and a doctorate in Christian Spirituality. Sr. Murphy’s courses at the Mount focus on world religions and Dominican spirituality, but she is also a leader in the field of counseling as a certified substance abuse counselor, social worker, and conference speaker on child development and mental health issues. At the Mount, she is the face of the college’s Dominican Heritage tour, having led hundreds of tours highlighting the Mount’s history to new faculty, staff, and students. Spring 2019 will be her final semester as a full-time faculty member at the Mount, but she hopes to continue teaching as an adjunct professor.

How did the Dominican Sisters’ faith influence their decision to begin a school here in Newburgh?

Opening a women’s college in the early 1960s was particularly courageous as a number of women’s colleges were closing or merging at that time. The sisters were visionaries, but also tireless workers – often a full-time professor was also a full-time administrator and a residence life director! The spirituality that guided the decision for higher education came from the mission of the Dominican Order’s tradition of scholarship and questioning, based on St. Dominic’s ideal of “listening” – he was deeply touched by suffering. We hope to continue to listen to our students and inspire others to respectful listening and dialogue.

What is an example of Mount students living out spirituality?

Years ago, a group of our popular, star athletes were honoring their friendship with a young man from a nearby group home on Graduation Day. I’m not sure if many others on campus knew of this friendship, but the visitor told me how these friends from the Mount had taken him and his housemates to the bowling alley

Sr. Margaret (Peggy) Murphy

each weekend, and the great times they had shared together. These young men were more than academic and athletic successes – it was a glimpse of the Kingdom of Heaven on our campus that day.

Why do you enjoy teaching Religious Studies at the Mount?

I am always encouraged by our students who have overcome personal or family challenges and have persevered, as well as their parents who often sacrifice so much for the privilege of higher education. Also, I am motivated by the openness of the students as we explore the religious traditions of Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism. The quest for wholeness and transcendence exists in all of these traditions, and I am inspired by the acceptance and respect that our students express.

Online Extras Take the video tour

Experience the Dominican Heritage Tour of campus from your computer with Sr. Peggy as your guide.

What are your hopes for the Mount’s future?

I offer this quote for hope for our future by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was a Protestant theologian executed by the Nazis in 1944 – “The victory is certain.” Knowing our students and their parents, I believe this is also true of our future.


SERVICE Frances Spielhagen, PhD, professor of Education, director of the Center for Adolescent Research and Development 22 MOUNT SAINT MARY COLLEGE MAGAZINE | WINTER 2018-19

Fran Spielhagen F

rances Spielhagen, professor of Education, has made a lasting impact on Mount students throughout her 16 years at the college. After briefly considering a life of service as a Dominican Sister, Spielhagen became an educator and is currently in her fifth decade of teaching. She had long been encouraging her high school students to consider the Mount and was impressed with their success upon graduation. Now, as a Mount professor, she enjoys guiding her students to that success. Spielhagen is also the co-founder of the Center for Adolescent Research and Development (CARD) and the director of Teach the Change and Teacher Opportunity Corps at the Mount, all of which provide resources, training, and support for local adolescence educators and promote teaching careers in high-need, underserved school districts. Spielhagen is currently planning to take her well-earned retirement in two years.

Why did you become a teacher?

Teaching is a sacred trust. There are only three professions that touch the essence of human life: ministry, medicine, and teaching. Ministry feeds the soul, medicine tends the body, and education develops the mind. Teachers help everyone else become who they are supposed to be. What a wonderful way to spend your life!

What motivates you to empower at-risk youth?

I was a kid from the projects in Brooklyn, and we were very poor. I was bilingual and navigating between immigrant and American culture. But we always had in our family a sense that you had to give back, no matter what. So I began my teaching career in the Bronx in a working-class neighborhood, and really saw how families struggled there, and I also worked in Harlem. It wasn’t long before I incorporated a service-learning component into my classroom. With one class, we set up a soup kitchen project, and 20 years later, it’s still feeding people. When I came to the Mount, I found myself in a city of kids who could have been me. I thought, “This is an opportunity to show these [college] students how to serve, and how to empower the youth of Newburgh.” We need to bring in role models underserved students can connect to.

What impact do you hope Mount Education alumni make in the world?

I loved being a classroom teacher, and I hope to convey that same passion to the teachers I prepare. Nothing gives me more pleasure than when I hear from an alumna that her new class assignment, although challenging, is working out…or hosting Mount alumni at Teach the Change so that they can share their insights with new candidates for the profession. I am thrilled when my Mount alumni “pay it forward!”

How has the college improved since your arrival in 2002?

Serving Newburgh is big [at the Mount] and we’re always finding ways to do more. It’s part of our tradition: we’re connected to this community.

Early in her career, before coming to the Mount, Spielhagen and her husband Jerry taught in a summer program in New York City.

Online Extras Service & Learning

See how Mount students have been lending their talent and time to help in the community.

What will you miss about teaching at the college?

Through CARD and Teach the Change, if we can support the profession, we’re also supporting the kids. What I’ll be sad to leave is young, vibrant students with street cred, who know the classroom and are committed to community. That’s who we are at the Mount.






Beth Mills ’77 pays it forward with NYC co-op


hen Beth Mills arrived at Mount Saint Mary College in 1972, she found a welcoming community focused on helping her succeed. Now, more than 40 years later, she is paying it forward through a similar community of her own. Mills is the board president of 1346 Park Place HDFC, a co-op for low- to middle-income families in Brooklyn, N.Y. with a unique management approach: all residents are expected to pitch in and help maintain the upkeep of the building and agree to certain community living standards. In exchange, the residents feel a sense of shared leadership and responsibility, and enjoy a positive and mutually respectful living space. “Our community is based on trust, respect, responsibility, and earning the right to participate,” she said. “We identify in-house talent that enables us to manage all levels of operation.” Over time, some residents have the opportunity to become shareholders, which most eagerly accept because they have grown to believe in the mission of the community and are proud to be a part of it. Doing so, Mills explains, helps families understand the benefits of ownership and determination. She equates this process of ownership and encouragement to the way the Dominican Sisters of Hope encouraged her when she first arrived at the Mount. Mills found out about the Mount through a chance conversation. She was an English and dual certification in Special and Elementary Education major. Mills was accepted into the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) and spent her first year at the college, but due to family circumstances, had to make a choice at the end of that first year - would she remain at the Mount, or discontinue her education? The latter was never an option in her mind, Mills said, so she gave up everything for her education. “I said (to myself), ‘this Mount

“I was a woman from the Mount with promise.” Online extras

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Saint Mary is going to be my saving grace one day,’” she noted, adding that the sisters helped her make the transition and believed in her in a way she’d never before known. One memory she has of her college years that would foreshadow her future was being the first female member of the Mount’s Maintenance team. Today, she has been in the business of home improvements, maintenance, renovations, and overall property management for 30 years. “Every little bit of preparation helps,” she notes. She was particularly impressed by the leadership skills they emulated. “They are amazing people and women. This is why I relate to Mount Saint Mary the way that I do, because there, I saw women who had achieved,

1346 Park Place HDFC

who were in leadership positions, who were competent and brilliant, and I thought, ‘I’m a woman – this could happen for me, too.” “I was a woman from the Mount with promise,” she added, knowing that she would someday use the tools she gleaned from the Mount. “Someday” came through the form of the co-op, and also when she went to Columbia University School of Social Work to earn a master’s degree in Social Work. “All of the foundation from Mount Saint Mary is what took me through Columbia,” she added, noting that the study and research skills she learned while at the Mount prepared her for the rigor of graduate school. “If I hadn’t gone to Mount Saint Mary and experienced all of that, I don’t know that Columbia ever would have happened.” Her vision for the co-op reflects the very atmosphere she discovered at the Mount: Both are places “where old good ideas should remain, and at the same time, make room for all of the new good ideas. It is a place where all should be welcome but with the understanding that it takes everyone working together to ensure the best outcome.” Looking back, Mills reflected that it was her Mount foundation that convinced her of her potential and gave her the tools and courage to do this work. “Mount Saint Mary saved my life,” she said. “It saved my life in terms of grabbing hold of me and giving me the opportunity to develop. It is one of the best kept secrets. It is truly an amazing school.”




From left, Matuza, McGuinness, Juergensen, and Gries

Steven Juergensen ’17 uses business ‘Threads for Education’ to help support students in Ghana


ust a year after graduation, Steven Juergensen ’17 is using the business skills he learned at the Mount to make a difference more than 5,000 miles away. Juergensen recently took ownership of Threads for Education, an apparel company with a mission to benefit education in Ghana, where many children have to walk hours to get to school and cannot read or write. The company sells shirts, hats, and pants with unique patterns or inspirational messages like “Be the Change” to inspire others to get involved as well. He credits his Mount experiences – including leadership positions in the Student Government Association, founding the Musical Exchange club, and working as a resident assistant and orientation leader – for giving him the courage to take on this project. “[The Mount] helped me learn how to delegate, lead, and most importantly, use time management,” he said. He also believes his faith and involvement in Sunday Masses at the Mount shaped his service-oriented worldview. Juergensen’s efforts have attracted the interest of fellow Mount alumni Jennifer



Gries ’16, Shannon McGuinness ’16, Jesse Matuza ’17, and RoseMarie Distefano ’15, who all lend their time to Threads for Education. One of the company’s recent highlights was a trip to Ghana, which only intensified Juergensen’s desire to help. He and almost a dozen volunteers, including Gries, McGuinness, and Matuza, spent the week immersed in rural Ghana by living with host families, walking the children to school, and aiding in classrooms. The experience made him realize that while gratitude for blessings is important, it shouldn’t stop there: “It taught me to remember to be grateful for what you have, but also remember that there are others that may need your help.” The group plans to return again in 2019. Juergensen encourages everyone to do their part to help the community, even if it seems small. Serving others doesn’t require a full-time job in a service profession, he notes. “Do what you can, when you can. Just a little effort could change other people’s whole world.” Find out more about Threads for Education at

Mount students hungry to serve Mount students donated a whopping $2,000-plus worth of food to feed local people in need this Thanksgiving. Students, faculty, and staff collected and delivered the food to Newburgh’s Loaves and Fishes program for distribution to local families. The initiative was spearheaded by the college’s Campus Ministry, the Athletics Department, and the Student Athlete Advisory Committee. Through a “coin war” wherein each undergraduate class worked to collect as many donations as possible, the Mount community amassed $1,859.36 over five days. This is the highest total on record for the yearly food drive. Student volunteers used the money to purchase food for donation, in addition to items collected on campus over the course of nearly a month. Fr. Gregoire Fluet, director of Campus Ministry and Mount chaplain, thanked the Mount community for their generosity. “I’m very proud of what we’ve all done,” he said. “This shows us what Mount Saint Mary College is about: People coming together to do good.” In addition, more than a dozen local youths were thankful for food, friendship, and fun at the college’s Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Thanksgiving luncheon. According to club president Jacqueline Hogan, about 15 Mount mentors joined in. After a hearty lunch, the youngsters and their big brothers and sisters enjoyed some board and card games, including the ever-popular UNO. But the college’s spirit of giving didn’t end there: The Mount also helped families in need through the annual Giving Tree collection. Tags hung like ornaments from the tree, with a gift request from an underprivileged child written on the back of each. The Mount community donated the requested items, creating happy holiday memories for local Newburgh children. Fr. Fluet estimates that the Mount community donated more than 1,000 gifts this year, shattering their goal of 600 by nearly double.

Mount student volunteers pack up donations during the college’s annual Thanksgiving food drive. Students from the Mount’s chapter of Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

Catholic Relief chapter donates food, time Service to their community is an important part of life for students in the Mount’s chapter of Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Once a month, Mount CRS Student Ambassadors volunteer their time and effort at St. Mary’s Church food and clothing drive. Through this ongoing program, items are distributed to those in need in the City of Newburgh. The students sort boxes of donated food and serve those who come to the church to get necessities.

CRS Student Ambassadors also volunteer regularly at the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley: They sort food to be shipped to local organizations that assist the less fortunate in the area. In addition to these projects, the Mount’s food vendor, Parkhurst Dining, routinely donates meals to the Newburgh Ministry charitable organization. CRS Student Ambassadors are happy to deliver some of this food to the ministry twice a month. Serving the community “gives us the opportunity to see what life is like outside the gates of our campus and inspires us to help those that are in the utmost need,” noted Christina Mistretta, president of the Mount’s CRS.


Photo courtesy of Doug Fuge


Men’s Soccer claims second straight Skyline Conference Championship


he Mount Saint Mary College Men’s Soccer team capped off an impressive 2018 season with its second straight Skyline Conference Championship win and the third crown in program history. The win in the title game gave the Mount its 14th win of the season, setting a new single season program record for triumphs. The season’s beginnings saw alternate wins and losses over the first eight games of the year. Following a 4-0 loss at home to Middlebury, the Mount went without a loss over the next five contests, posting a 4-0-1 record, outscoring its opponents 15-0 over that stretch. Following a road setback at Maritime that snapped the unbeaten streak, the Mount allowed just three goals through the Skyline Conference


Championship, earning the top seed in the tournament and hosting both the semifinal and championship rounds. After clinching the top seed with a 2-1 victory over St. Joseph’s-L.I. in the regular season finale, the Mount posted a convincing 3-0 victory over Old Westbury in the semifinal of the conference championship and blanked the United States Merchant Marine Academy 2-0 in the Final to claim the crown. Freshman Matthew Wyant was named the Skyline Conference Championship’s Most Outstanding Player


with three goals in the event, including both in the Championship victory over USMMA. Wyant finished with team highs in goals (9), game-winning goals (3), assists (8), and points (26) on his way to being named First Team AllSkyline Conference and United Soccer Coaches Third Team All-East Region. Fellow freshman Connor Doyle joined Wyant as a First Team AllConference selection after netting eight goals and totaling 18 points, while senior Connor Lynch and sophomore Joseph Mesoraca each garnered Second Team All-Conference recognition. The team advanced to its third NCAA Tournament with its win over USMMA. The Knights traveled to the University of Rochester for a First Round matchup with the Yellow Jackets that resulted in a hard fought defeat.

SportsRoundup FALL 2018 SEASON

MSMC Women’s Volleyball team

Men’s Golf

Men’s Cross Country

The Mount Saint Mary College Men’s Cross Country team put together a strong season that saw it win the season opening Mountaineer Invitational and post the program’s best ever finish at the ECAC Championship Meet. The Mount won the season opener at Southern Vermont with freshman Kenneth Barrett taking the individual crown in his collegiate debut. Barrett went on to place third at the Skyline Conference Championship, marking the program’s best ever individual finish at the event and earning First Team AllConference recognition. To close out the season, Barrett earned All-ECAC honors and became the Mount’s first male runner to finish within the top-15 of the event, as the Knights earned a program best eighth place team finish.

Women’s Cross Country

The Women’s Cross Country team put together a standout season that earned them top three standing in each of the first four races of the season. The Knights won the season opening Mountaineer Invitational hosted by Southern Vermont, with newcomer Zoe Jabs claiming third place

Kenneth Barrett, freshman

as the Mount put its scoring five within the top 8 overall at the event. The Knights went on to place fourth at the Skyline Conference Championship with sophomore Samantha Papadopoulos placing 11th out of 104 runners, good for Second Team All-Conference accolades. Papadopoulos closed out the season with the program’s best ever individual finish at the ECAC Championship, placing 12th overall, as the Knights matched their best ever team finish with a fourth place showing.

The Men’s Golf team went undefeated in a dual meet action against Skyline Conference opponents and placed second at the home invitational to open the year. The Mount placed second at the 2018 Skyline Conference Championship for the third straight season. Freshman Tyler Gregory was a two-time Skyline Conference Rookie of the Week honoree, while junior Matt Higgins picked up a Golfer of the Week citation. Sophomore Daniel Schena picked up Second Team All-League honors for the second straight season, while Higgins and freshman Patrick Shea each landed on the Second Team for the first time in their careers, placing tied for seventh and ninth, respectively.

Women’s Soccer

The Knights made an appearance in the Skyline Conference Championship Final for the ninth straight season and went on to earn a berth in the 2018 ECAC Championship where it fell to Wilkes. The Mount played a challenging schedule and finished the season at 13-62 overall and 8-1-0 in Skyline Conference play. The Mount put together a


game winning streak from September 22 through October 20 and went on to top St. Joseph’s-L.I. 3-1 in the semifinal round of the Championship. The Knights held top-seeded and nationally ranked Farmingdale State scoreless through two overtimes in the Championship Final, before succumbing to the Rams 3-2 on penalty kicks. Liz Ellsworth earned a pair of Skyline Conference Rookie of the Week honors, while Julia DeSantis earned one Rookie of the Week nod. The Mount featured four All-Conference selections in 2018, with newcomers Chrissy Cannella and Brittany Bornstad named First Team and DeSantis and senior Emma O’Connor claiming Second Team accolades.

Women’s Tennis

The Knights put together a 6-8 overall record during the fall season and made their second straight appearance in the Skyline Conference Championship tournament. The Mount featured a fourmatch winning streak from September 13 through September 27 and saw a trio of players win nine singles matches. Junior Michelle Carnovale went 9-1 at the first singles flight in 2018, while freshmen Sarah Canzone and Katie Murray went 9-2 and 9-1 respectively. Carnovale was named the Skyline Conference Player of the Year for the second time, while Canzone and Murray each were honored with Second Team All-Skyline Conference recognition.

Women’s Volleyball

The Mount Saint Mary College Women’s Volleyball team made its 11th straight appearance in the Skyline Conference Championship tournament and returned to the ECAC Championship for the first time since 2011. The Mount put together a 18-15 mark in 2018 and earned the second seed in the Skyline Conference Championship after going 8-2 in league play. Junior Morgan Burke led the Knights in kills with 274 and total blocks with 71, while Madelyn Barberan finished off 159 kills and lifted 296 digs. Burke picked up All-Skyline Conference recognition for the first time after being named First Team AllLeague, while Barberan was rewarded for a strong season with a Second Team All-Conference citation.


Hall of Fame

Enrique Naudy ‘12, Michael Schmidt ‘92, Shannan Fish ‘99, Mary Ann Raftery ‘13, and Elizabeth (Lonergan) Mangan ’86 (not pictured) were welcomed to the Mount’s Hall in a ceremony at the Kaplan Center.

The Mount Welcomes Hall of Fame Class of 2018


he Mount Saint Mary College Athletic Department inducted its newest Hall of Fame Class in October. The Hall of Fame Class of 2018 inductees were Shannan Fish ’99, Elizabeth (Lonergan) Mangan ’86, Enrique Naudy ’12, Mary Ann Raftery ’13, and Michael Schmidt ’92.


A two-sport standout for the Mount, Fish starred in both Softball and Women’s Basketball. On the basketball court, she scored just shy of 1,100 career points to go along with 377 assists, 268 steals, and 242 rebounds. Her softball contributions were just as impressive: better than .500 in two of her four seasons and leading the country in runs scored in her freshman and junior seasons. Fish went on to be named an All-Met Writers pick following her standout junior campaign in basketball and finishing second in the country in three-point field goal percentage.

Elizabeth (Lonergan) Mangan ’86 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL

Lonergan was the cornerstone of Mount Saint Mary College’s Women’s Basketball program’s unprecedented success in the 1980s. She was a


1,000-point scorer for the Knights over the course of her career and found herself among the national leaders in both rebounding and scoring average. Along with the success of the team, Lonergan was named the Most Valuable Player of the St. Thomas Aquinas Christmas Tournament for the Knights.

Enrique Naudy ’12, MEN’S SWIMMING

Naudy stills finds himself across the Mount Saint Mary College Swimming record board. At the time of his graduation, he held eight individual records and was a part of five recordholding relay teams. To date, he is still the Mount’s record holder in the 50, 200, and 1,000-yard freestyles; the 100 and 200-yard backstroke; and the 100 and 200-yard individual medley. Over his four-year career, Naudy won seven individual Skyline Conference Championships on his way to being named the Skyline Conference Co-Swimmer of the Year in 2009 and the Skyline Conference Swimmer of the Year in 2010.

Mary Ann Raftery ’13 WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL Raftery put together one of the most productive careers in the Mount Saint Mary College Volleyball program’s history and, in the process, led the Mount to its first and only appearance in the NCAA Tournament thus far. She finished her career appearing in 350 sets and producing 935 kills, averaging nearly three winners per set, to go along with 115 service aces, 89 total blocks, and an impressive 1,021 digs, averaging just under three digs per stanza. She graduated as the Mount’s all-time leader in kills, a mark that stood until the 2016 campaign, and picked up Second Team All-Skyline Conference honors as a junior, First Team All-Skyline Conference as a senior, and Skyline Conference Championship Most Outstanding Player her graduating season.

Michael Schmidt ’92 BASEBALL Schmidt helped turn the Mount’s Baseball program into a perennial winner over the course of his career and had a hand in the Mount’s Knickerbocker Conference Championship during his junior campaign. During that year, Schmidt posted an 8-1 record on the mound, allowing only 29 base hits in 68 innings of work. He struck out 72 batters and posted a sterling 1.06 earned run average. Schmidt worked a complete game one-hitter against a 33-3 Western Connecticut team to get the Mount to the championship game, where it topped Lehman, 6-5. Against the Lightning, Schmidt earned the win on the mound and drove in half of the team’s six runs, including the deciding RBI. A year later as a senior, Schmidt led the Knights back to the conference championship, where it fell, but earned a bid into the prestigious ECAC Tournament. Following two of the strongest seasons for the Knights in program history, Schmidt was tabbed an All-Knickerbocker selection.

2018 Hall of Fame inductions Above, Enrique Naudy, left, and Michael Doughty, MSMC Sports Information director Left, Athletics Director Jessica Mushel introduces the honorees at the Hall of Fame induction. Below, MSMC President, Dr. Jason Adsit addresses the attendees and the Mount’s Hall of Fame inductions.


Alumni & Family Weekend



Heading home again Alumni celebrate memories back on campus


undreds of successful grads, spanning more than 50 years of Mount Saint Mary College history, journeyed back to campus September 28 to 30 for the college’s annual Alumni and Family weekend. Graduates and their families celebrated their accomplishments, caught up with old friends and professors, and saw what’s new at the college that launched their careers. The reunion of the Class of ’68 was one of many highlights of the weekend. The class celebrated their 50th anniversary on Friday night with a trip down memory lane and a renewal of friendship. Saturday morning, Susan Ryan ’76 was presented with the college’s Distinguished Alumni Award, recognizing her contributions to society through her professional and volunteer work. Ryan was unable to attend the ceremony in person, as she was volunteering with the Maryknoll Mission Center, a Catholic service organization in Bolivia. Andrea Santacroce Tejedor ’00 also received a Distinguished Alumni Award, and Beverly McDermott Mennerich ’68 was honored with the James V. McEnery Alumni Service Award. In the afternoon, alumni and their families enjoyed a “street fair,” where they mingled with classmates and former professors, played carnival games, and enjoyed dance performances. Also throughout the weekend, successful Mount grads reconnected with friends, took in some soccer and tennis matches, played in an alumni lacrosse game, had a fireside dinner, attended a remembrance Mass, and more. Alumni said farewell to the weekend with a brunch cruise on the Hudson River on Sunday morning.

From left, Dr. Jason Adsit, Beverly McDermott Mennerich ’68, Andrea Santacroce Tejedor ’00, and Mysia Haight-Hoogsteden ’84


Alumni Profile

Diane Ryan ’89


Hope D

iane Ryan ’89, a registered nurse (RN) at Calvary Hospital in the Bronx, N.Y., has devoted more than a decade to working with cancer patients – many of whom spend their final days in her care. It’s what motivated producers to include Ryan in Defining Hope, a 2015 documentary about people living with terminal conditions and the professionals who care for them. And it’s also what prepared Ryan to be brave in the face of her own battle with ovarian cancer. “There have been so many uplifting moments as an RN,” Ryan explained. “If you can give one small request to a dying person, it really changes the way you think about death and dying.” Ryan says her own journey into cancer treatment has informed her patient care. “It has made me so humble,” Ryan noted. “I know exactly what they are feeling and never take anything for granted. Dying is a very hard thing to accept. Being in their position, I can provide sympathy, caring words, and give the reassurance that they are not alone. I think patients feel comforted in knowing that I am going through a lot of what they are going through.” Initially, Ryan underwent eight months of chemotherapy and was told she was in remission. But as the film was being made, a process that took almost two years, Ryan received bad news: Her cancer had returned. It changed the course of the documentary, she explained: “Now I was not only a


“I owe a lot of gratitude to the Mount for where I am now,” she said. “I had very strong and influential professors ... They helped mold the nurse I am now.” nurse caring for these patients, but also a patient myself fighting cancer.” Appearing in the documentary was “such an honor,” Ryan said. “It made me really think about life and what I want from it. It helps me prepare for what could possibly happen if chemotherapy stops working. Life is short but worth living at all costs. I am here still fighting for what I have: a wonderful husband of 20 years and awesome twin boys.” Ryan’s been on leave from Calvary for about a year due to continuous chemotherapy, she said. But it hasn’t slowed her down: Since being diagnosed with cancer in 2013, Ryan has competed in triathalons, half marathons, and more. “I believe that if you really take care of your body it will continue to work for you,” she said. She’s currently training for a half Ironman. Ryan noted the Mount helped her to develop a deep commitment to service, as well as her boundless determination. “I owe a lot of gratitude to the Mount for where I am now,” she said. “I had very strong and influential


professors, all of them encouraging me through school and preparing me for the future after graduation. They believed in all their students. They helped mold the nurse I am now. I do believe that I got the best Nursing education there is.” Ryan received a Daisy Award for extraordinary nursing in 2016, thanks to recommendations from patients, staff nurses, and administration. She also gets tons of encouragement from family, friends, and fellow athletes, she explained. It’s a support system she’s more than grateful to have. “I sometimes think I’m the luckiest person alive,” she said.

AlumniNotes Share your news! Let us know about your personal and professional achievements simply by filling out the form at We’ll include you in the next issue!

[3] [1]


Sr. Pat Sullivan is enjoying retirement. She is helping out at the Newburgh Ministry and doing advocacy work at Caring for the Homeless and Hungry of Peekskill. She is also adding to her needlework repertoire by learning Temari, a Japanese art, from Ginny Thompson ’79. Ginny is a certified master teacher of Temari. A mystery buff, Sr. Pat is a regular at Mystery Monday at the Poughkeepsie Library.


Sr. Catherine Walsh, professor Emerita of Communications, was honored at the Newburgh Girl Power’s Annual Leadership Luncheon with the 2018 Leadership Award. Sr. Catherine is a member of the Newburgh Girl Power’s Board of Directors and a long-time supporter. The Newburgh Girl Power program “seeks to empower girls at a young age to make choices for themselves and seek out opportunities for self-fulfillment, set, and achieve goals, all in an atmosphere of mutual support among peers under the guidance of trained professionals.” [1]



Rosanne Stockhofer was chosen by the Correctional System for New York for Teacher of the Year 2018 for the entire Eastern Seaboard area. She has 47 years of teaching experience in public schools and corrections.


Chris Murphy Umstatter, Kathy Hand Murin and her daughter Patti, Cathe Mannix Casey, and Theresa Collins Minbiole enjoyed an afternoon on Broadway seeing Frozen. Kathy’s daughter Patti stars as Anna in the show. [2]


Denise (Slabicki) Carrington and Brian ’75 celebrated the 15th anniversary of Brian’s kidney transplant on August 6, 2018. Denise was his donor, and they feel very blessed that they met at the Mount in 1972!


in November 2018 and is developing a church health ministry at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Anderson, S.C. Donna is actively engaged in the AnMed Health FCN Group, South Carolina Faith Community Nurses Association, South Carolina Nurses Foundation Board of Trustees (secretary), and serving Carolina’s district of Lutheran Women in Missions League as Western Zone president and District Financial secretary.


Laurie Iuzzini Lawrence is currently at Ola ES in McDonough, Ga., where she teaches gifted students in grades 1-5 in a STEM-like lab that she is designing. She continues to teach a master’s level course that she co-wrote for teachers seeking a Gifted Endorsement. Laurie presented at the GA Gifted convention in 2017 to a standing-room-only crowd. She and her husband, Dennis Lawrence ’86, are planning their retirement on their land in Bokeelia, Fla.

Donna Connell Kleister retired from AnMed Health Medical Center as nurse manager. She completed the Foundations of Faith Community Nursing course





Ginny Thompson ’79


ife didn’t go quite the way Ginny Thompson ’79 had planned after graduation. The Chemistry and Biology double major with a minor in Theology completed a fellowship in Medical Technology at Berkshire Medical Center School of Medical Technology and passed the Medical Technology Board exams after graduation, but a life-threatening illness and prolonged recovery forced her to cut her career short. Despite the prognosis of never being able to sit up again, Thompson persevered, noting that she now lives with about 50 percent lung functionality and can even sit up and drive for short periods of time. Her Mount education and medical training allowed her to be a very “engaged” patient throughout her recovery, which her doctors respected and enjoyed. It was during her recovery that Thompson discovered the Japanese folk art of Temari – geometric embroidery on handmade, threadwrapped spheres. She threw herself into this passion, especially in making art instructions for Temari available online in English. In 2010, she became the first student to qualify for the Kyoujyi/Master level in the Japan Temari Association without being a resident of Japan. She also served as the English collaborator for Temari – The Geometric Shapes and Needlework, which is the first historical/anthropological review of the art of Temari. Through it all, Thompson is exceedingly proud to be a Mount alumna – so much so, that her class ring has never left her finger, even through surgeries. “After losing my dad as a freshman in high school, the Mount… simply embraced me and allowed me to find and grow into me,” said Thompson. “My years at the Mount were the four best years of my life.”




Kay Ralph Perdue is married to Captain David Perdue, USMC (Ret). She retired as a captain in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps after 30 years of service. Fellow 1983 alumnae Kathleen (Martinson) Whelan and Donna (Withrow) Lisewski attended her retiring ceremony in 2013. She is currently a nurse consultant in the Quality Management at Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, Va.


Karen Schiaffo received a MSN with a concentration in Nursing Education from Elms College in May 2018. It took four years, but she finally accomplished her goal! [3, previous page]





Laura Miraglia Crowley earned an EdD in Educational Leadership from Manhattanville College in August 2018.

surgeon with the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society. [5]

Didi MacGregor Brignola brought her daughter up to see the Mount. She was very impressed! [4]

William Rolon successfully defended his dissertation and earned a doctorate from St. John Fisher College. William is currently a middle school principal at C.J. Hooker School in Goshen, N.Y. [6]




Amy (Dziezynski) Karls, DVM received a Master of Science in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a concentration in Shelter Medicine on August 11, 2018 from the University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine. She is a professional consulting veterinarian with Hill’s Pet Nutrition, a board member with Baypath Humane Society, and a volunteer

Janis Majewski Goerres recently completed a Master of Education in Lifelong Learning and Adult Education through The Pennsylvania State University, World Campus. She is currently employed at SUNY Orange, Middletown Campus as the academic support coordinator. [7]



SPOTLIGHT Kyle Grappone ’10



A [8]

Katrina Shafer realized shortly after graduation that she wanted to help people, so she went back to school for massage therapy. In November 2002, she opened Caring Touch Massage, in Natick, Mass. Two years ago, Katrina also started a second business as a consultant with Rodan + Fields. She coaches consultants to grow their business and help clients get the best skin of their life. You can find out more about her businesses at and [8]


Melissa Moriarty Chaput transitioned from foodie to full-time food entrepreneur in 2016, founding Bottoms Up Bagels (BUB), a pop up bagel business in Baltimore, Md. Missing the quick, quality options of


the northeast, BUB began making and selling handrolled bagels and housecured lox at local farmers markets. In September, Bond began the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, to help the company expand. [9]


Julio Ramirez has opened a new independent insurance agency, Brightway, The Ramirez Agency, in New Rochelle, N.Y. He and his wife, Colleen, have been married for more than a year and have a dog named Enzo. Julio is a fitness guru and marathon runner who loves playing golf and basketball, traveling, and spending time with friends and family. [10] Anthony Grice was elected as councilman-at-large for the City of Newburgh


on November 6, 2018. For more information, visit [11] Kelli Reilly was fortunate to be chosen to drive in the 2018 Red Sox World Series victory parade! Her company, Boston Duck Tours, provides a rolling rally through the city for championship sports teams and their incomparable fans after big wins such as the World Series, Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, etc. “We transport the champs and their organization on our WWII amphibious landing vehicles while being cheered on by over a million fans! I’m a tour guide for the company as well, providing historical tours of Boston on both land and water. Quack quack!!” [12]

fter graduation, Kyle Grappone ’10 decided to take what he had learned from his time at the Mount and use it to motivate other college students to make the most of their experiences. In fact, it’s the topic of his upcoming guidebook for high school and college students, To the Next Step, which will be published by Atmosphere Press in the spring of 2019. The author, public speaker, and marketing professional recently returned to the Mount to share these tips with current students in a talk sponsored by the Career Center. “Make sure that what you’re doing in college – every decision you make – is to prepare you for your future,” advised Grappone. And the first steps, he said, should be taken right at the start of one’s college career. It’s not enough to scrape by with a 2.0 GPA while ignoring extracurricular activities, internships, and leadership opportunities, Grappone warned the Mount’s current students. After college, he said, there will be little reason to hire a graduate like this over a high-performing, well-rounded, and experienced classmate. “You have been given a shot at a better life through college,” he said. “There’s plenty of students who graduated high school and had to go straight into the real world…so don’t waste your shot at greatness.”





Kirsten Turkington ’94


irsten Turkington ’94’s life certainly hasn’t slowed down since earning degrees in both Psychology and Nursing in 1994. After graduation, Turkington gained entrance into the prestigious nurse practitioner program at The University of Texas at Austin. She graduated with a Master of Science in Nursing in May 1998 and also earned a Doctor of Nursing Practice from Northern Arizona University in 2014, where she specialized in Forensic Nursing. She is one of only 100 nurses internationally who are board certified as an Advanced Forensic Nurse. In the field, Turkington has worked primarily in Trauma and Emergency Medicine with a focus on primary care and family medicine. She opened her own clinical practice in Arizona a few years ago where she sees veterans, families, and patients of all ages. As an adjunct professor at Grand Canyon University, her own memories of Mount faculty guide her approach. “I loved my Nursing and Psychology faculty at the Mount and sought to emulate their compassion, intellect, and determination in educating new nurses,” she said. Her latest adventure is being named chairman of Life Connected, LLC, an awareness organization dedicated to the foster care system. The organization is currently involved in the creation of A Life Connected, a feature-length film based on real stories about kids in the foster care system, set to debut in May 2019 for National Foster Care Month. All of these efforts stem from the Mount’s emphasis on service, Turkington notes. Service “solidified my dedication to community outreach and volunteerism. My MSMC foundation provided the support, tools, and resources necessary to be successful personally and professionally – it was a wonderful experience for which I am grateful.”




Christina Buechel started a new job at Computer Systems Integrators in Fishkill, N.Y. Her role as a systems engineer includes managing and maintaining current infrastructures of local school districts.


Robert Curtis is in his 8th year at Delaware Valley High School in Milford,


Pa., teaching Engineering and Physics. He says that he couldn’t have done it without the Mount!

encourage healthy habits via running and characterbuilding programs. [13]



Sean Barton and Mary Barrie successfully completed the New York City Marathon on November 4, 2018. Both Sean and Mary ran for the Team for Kids charity which supports programs that empower youth development and

Elisa DiGiacopo started a position at MC Management/JR Cigars as a web content coordinator.

NEW ALUMNI BOOK CLUB Have you heard about our new alumni online book club, MSMC Alumni Reads? Professor Emerita Irene Nunnari will be leading us off with the first book, The Moviegoer, in January. You can join the group at

AlumniNotes IN MEMORIAM Patrick Garzione, father of John Garzione ’82, MSEd ’91, passed away on July 22, 2018.

Vanessa A. Gruber ’98, MS in Nursing ’04 passed away on August 12, 2018. [17] Jean Turner Ritchie ’71 passed away on June 9, 2018.

Kathleen Magliato ’78 passed away on August 5, 2018. [14]

[15] [18]



Stacey Mikulak ’05 and Matthew Wilson were married on October 26, 2018. [14] Danielle Freeman ’12 and Craig J. Hafner were married on August 25, 2018. Danielle is the daughter of Michele LaPorta Freeman ’82. [15] Jennifer Dobies ’12 and Ariel Dobies were married on June 2, 2018. The wedding party included other MSMC alumni Andrew Zunich ’12, Casey Zunich ’13, Cathy Greiner ’12, and Angela Lisi ’12. [16] Felicia DaVolio ’15 and Colin O’Keefe ’15 were married on October 26, 2018 in the Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary in the Dominican Center on campus. [17]


BIRTHS Michael Wheeler ’13 and Marisa Buczynski Wheeler ’13 welcomed their son, Hunter Anthony Wheeler, on June 29, 2018. He was born in Warwick, N.Y., where the family resides. He came into the world at 20 inches long and weighing 7lbs 14oz at 12:49 pm. The family is very excited for the arrival of their new baby boy. [18] Allison Hauser Como ’10 MSEd ’13 and John Como ’10 welcomed the arrival of their first child, Isabella Marie Como, on August 11, 2018. [19]

Cosmo Scianna, father of Lynette Scianna-DeBellis ‘85 and grandfather of Julianna DeBellis-Kimbark ‘15, MSEd ’18, passed away on April 22, 2018.

John Gerald Meagher, father of Robert Meagher ’95 and father-in-law of Lauren (Eliseo) Meagher ’95, passed away on October 16, 2018.

Gertrude Mokotoff, wife of Alvin Mann ’16, passed away on October 16, 2018.

Carol Kissinger ’68 passed away on January 23, 2018.

Sr. Loretta Butler, OP, formerly assistant to the Academic Dean and adjunct professor, passed away on November 27, 2018.




From left, accepting on behalf of Edward G. “Ted” Doering, Summer Crockett Moore, managing partner and producer at Choice Films Inc. and Umbra Soundstages; Scott Woebse, president and CEO of Mobile Life Support Services, Inc.; and Dr. Jason N. Adsit, president of Mount Saint Mary College

Event honors Mobile Life Support Services, Inc. and Edward G. ‘Ted’ Doering, grossing more than $118,000 to support education at the Mount


ount Saint Mary College was proud to celebrate two outstanding pillars of the local community at the Ninth Annual Gala Reception. Mobile Life Support Services, Inc., a paramedic ambulance company situated in Newburgh; and Edward G. “Ted” Doering, founder of Motorcyclepedia Museum, and owner of TEDD Cycle, Inc., V-TWIN Mfg., and Umbra Sound Stage, were honored with the Joseph A. Bonura Award for Leadership Excellence. This award recognizes individuals whose professional accomplishments and approach to management reflect the same commitment to quality, concern for neighbors, and shared prosperity that have exemplified the career


and character of restaurateur Joseph A. Bonura. The local businessman owns Anthony’s Pier 9 in New Windsor and the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel, among others. The Gala grossed more than $118,000 in gifts, sponsorships, and ticket sales — setting a new record high. The funds enable the college to provide an affordable, values-based education to thousands of deserving students, many of whom are among the first in their families to attend college. Accepting the award on behalf of Mobile Life Support Services, Inc. was the president and CEO of the organization, Scott Woebse. Accepting the award on behalf of Ted Doering was Summer Crockett Moore, managing partner and producer at Choice Films Inc. and Umbra Soundstages.


Online extras: See photos and coverage from the event at


Campus chaplain donates parents’ estate to the Mount


r. Gregoire J. Fluet, director of Campus Ministry and Mount campus chaplain, recently made plans to donate his parents’ estate to Mount Saint Mary College. Fr. Fluet says he would like to leave a legacy of service. “My faith tells me that we will all continue living, but how about doing something good with this physical stuff that once belonged to my parents?” he said. “I couldn’t think of a better place [to donate the estate] than the Mount.” He asked that the proceeds be used to aid the Mount’s popular Nursing program and the college’s athletics offerings. “It gives me great joy and peace to know that this decision is the right decision,” he said. Fr. Fluet is the last surviving member of his family. His parents were Paul and Dorothee Fluet. Paul, a dry cleaner, passed away suddenly in 1966. Paul grew up during the Great Depression and had approximately a fourth grade education. He joined the


dry cleaning industry through a company in Quebec City at the age of 16. Dorothee, a teacher, passed away in 2010. She grew up in Thetford Mines in the providence of Quebec, south of the City, where Fr. Fluet would be born. Dorothee had the equivalent of a Master’s Degree in Childhood Education. She very much enjoyed her time teaching the children of the Thetford mining community, Fr. Fluet explained. “My father would have been on the maintenance team, and my mother would have been a professor here at the Mount,” he said. “They’d have fit right in.” The values of the Mount are very similar to those of his parents, Fr. Fluet noted. “Faith. Education. Welcome. That is my family,” he said. “Faith is here at the Mount; it’s alive in all its beautiful ways of being expressed. Education is very alive at the Mount also, from Nursing to Business. And finally, welcome. I can’t think of a more welcoming place than the Mount. I felt like I clicked as soon as I got here; I became a part of this family.”


The warm welcome Fr. Fluet received and the family-like atmosphere of the college remind him of the hospitable attitude his mother and father shared. Over the holidays, he remembers, the family’s home would be full of all sorts of guests – some he recognized, some who were new. Who, he asked his mother, are all these people? “‘These people are alone and have no family,’ said my mother. ‘So they become a part of our family on Christmas.’” Fr. Fluet, who received a PhD in History from Clark University in Worcester, Mass., came to the Mount in 2017 from Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Conn., where he served for more than a decade as a professor, and more recently, as secretary of the Board of Governors, among other leadership roles. The personable priest was quickly accepted as an indispensable part of the college, serving the spiritual needs of the campus and becoming one of the Knights sports teams’ greatest and most dedicated fans.

Mount Saint Mary Academy

Anna Heresniak Kover


amily comes first for Anna Heresniak Kover MSMA ’73, MSMC ’77 – and the Mount is a huge part of that family. Kover’s first connection to the Mount was through her mother’s aunt, Sr. Georgina, who taught at Mount Saint Mary Academy in the 1940s. Her mother, Catherine Gasparro Heresniak, also graduated from the academy in 1949. So when it was time for Kover to make a decision about which school she would attend, she knew exactly where she wanted to go. The sweetest memories of the academy for Kover are in the little moments: finding shortcuts to classes through forbidden stairways, playing The Dating Game in the TV room, and singing while the other girls played the guitar. She also appreciated how the sisters taught them about having structured freedom – in between classes, they could make choices on what to do with their time, including sewing, learning to play the piano or guitar, or enjoying quiet time in the choir loft. Kover saw several changes during her time at the Mount, such as when the Dominican Sisters made the move to new habits and then to lay clothing. She fondly remembers the first time she saw Sr. Cecelia in a pink sweatshirt and jeans. Another change to the academy during that time was the addition of Mount Saint Mary College to the sisters’ legacy of education. Her own positive experiences at the academy influenced her decision to attend the college as well, graduating with a Special Education degree in 1977. That education prepared her well for her future endeavors. Kover taught at a maximum security facility for ten years, and is now in a special education classroom at Gidney Avenue Memorial School in Newburgh. Additionally, the experience prepared her to be an advocate for her son, who was born with

disabilities. After some encouragement from Sr. Ann Sakac, OP, former president of Mount Saint Mary College, Kover found the courage to fight for the assistance her son needed. Her advocacy helped to change laws that now provide home therapy for the visually impaired, she noted. The Mount is Kover’s “family school” – her husband Jeffrey graduated in 2005, along with her daughter Amy in 2007 and her son-in-law Jonathan Gallagher in 2010. After graduation, Amy worked at the Mount for a time as an admissions counselor, and she and Gallagher were married in the Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary, the very building where Kover’s Mount story began. Kover tends to speak of heracademy and college days in the present tense, because these people are still a part of her daily life. Her classmates from the academy are still close friends, and she often visits campus to find peace when needed. That sense of peace, she says, is the Dominican spirit, epitomizing the feeling of family she associates with the institution.


July 2017 – June 2018


A special thank you for the generosity of all those who donate to Mount Saint Mary College

Table of Contents

Leadership Giving Clubs ............................... 45 Alumni............................. 48 Parents of Alumni.......... 51 Parents of Students......... 51 Friends............................. 52 Trustees............................ 53 Campus Community..... 53 Matching Gifts................ 53 Businesses........................ 53 Organizations.................. 53 Foundations.................... 53 Living Legacy Society.... 53 Designated Gifts............. 54 Scholarships and Awards ............................ 56 Honorary Gifts................ 56 Memorial Gifts................ 56 Capital Campaigns......... 57 Golf & Tennis Tournament..................... 58 Gala Reception................ 59 Volunteers........................ 60


Dear Friends,


n behalf of the Mount Saint Mary College Community, it is my honor to present the 2017-2018 Honor Roll of Donors. Listed in the following pages are the generous donors who continue to pay it forward. Each gift helps to ease the cost of tuition, so that deserving students have the opportunity to excel in their lives and careers. The Dominican Sisters sacrificed and dedicated their lives to ensuring that generations of students would have an education based in truth. From that time, thousands of alumni and members of the greater Mount community have supported our mission by contributing to the financial health of the College. These donors keep the Mount moving forward in the tradition of the Dominican Sisters. Mount Saint Mary College fosters a close student-faculty environment that enables students to reach their full potential as lifelong learners. Studying in the classroom, research projects, hands-on experience, and studying abroad are some of the many ways in which we engage with one another. With the support of our donors, we are able to set


remarkable goals for our campus and offer even more to our students. We have expanded our academic offerings, maintained state-ofthe-art facilities and provided scholarships, all of which help our hard-working students of all backgrounds prepare for roles of leadership and service. Because of the generosity of so many members of this community, we are sending young people into the world who are certain to make us proud with their new skills and knowledge. It is for this reason that we can look upon the 2017-2018 Honor Roll of Donors as not only a listing of generous benefactors, but also as a sign of hope and prosperity for the future of the Mount and generations of students to come. For this, I offer our donors the Mount’s sincerest thanks. Yours in gratitude,

Michelle A. Iacuessa

Director of Alumni Affairs

1959 Society - Gifts of $10,000 or more Abbey Art Consultants Inc. Sr. Margaret Anderson, O.P. ’67 Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. ’65 Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan Mary Moran Deatherage ’75 & William Deatherage William Deatherage Dominican Sisters of Hope Dyson Foundation Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 Joan P. Kaplan ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Maloney III Susan & Joseph Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. McCarthy


Leadership GIVING CLUBS July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018

Members of Mount Saint Mary College’s Leadership Giving Clubs are instrumental in providing annual resources that make a significant difference in the educational opportunities available to Mount students. These generous donors lead the way each year in supporting the Mount’s educational mission by making funds available for academic programs, scholarships, labs, libraries, and much more.

Dr. Rosemary Shea O’Connor ’69 Elaine Moore O’Grady ’89 & Andrew ’88 O’Grady Paula Parisi Peaden ’82 John E. Perez Barbara Petruzzelli Jack & Susan Pretak Robert Quinlan Margaret M. Quinn ’81 Dr. John T. Reilly Dr. Thomas J. Sarro John Savini ’14 Anthony Scardillo Diane S. Snyder ’68 Dr. Frances Spielhagen William R. Stark Diane Pignataro Statler ’77 Sullivan Hayes & Quinn Dr. Moira and Mr. Frank Tolan

Mr. Carl E. Meyer Susan Moffo Myklak ’77 New York State Education Department NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Elaine G. Squeri ’64 & Ronald W. French Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, O.P. ’72 Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, O.P. ’59 Sr. Madeleine Tacy, O.P. Rose Roscino Talbot ’68 and Maurice Talbot Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tallardy III Gayle J. Tallardy Eunice Tenney The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation Warwick Savings Foundation

AAUW Robert T. Armistead, P.E. Dr. Frances P. Connor Empire State Bank Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Charles & Lynn Frank Lynn Passalacqua Frank James D. Haluska ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hayes Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski IBM Corporation Dr. David A. Kennett Anthony Liotti James & Carol Raimo Walden Savings Bank Laurie A. Walsh ’83 XTREME FC, INC.

Florence Zotyak

Dominican Society Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 John Abernethy David Ehrlich Charles & Lynn Frank Francis Frecentese Laerdal Medical Corporation M & T Charitable Foundation David W. Melby Mt. St. Marys High School Alumnae Assoc. Susan D. Najork Orange Bank & Trust Company Jack & Susan Pretak Rhinebeck Bank Rose and Kiernan Charitable Foundation, Inc. Ann McCue Spratt ’70 & Thomas Spratt Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association Susan Webster Nee ’89 and John Nee * Deceased H-Honorary Degree

Trustee Club - Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499 Argenio Brothers, Incorporated Armistead Mechanical Services, Inc. Robert T. Armistead, P.E. Delia Bellarosa Benevity Community Impact Fund Christina Bart Bilsky ’85 Shirley Van Aken Bluemle ’78 Mary Anne Brickhouse ’67 Geraldine Walotsky Cass ’71 Dr. James F. Cotter Rosalie A. DeLuca Mary Ann Campanella DePeters ’64 Dr. Mary Ellen Doherty ’72 John M. Donoghue, Esq. Marilyn J. Ejercito ’77 Arthur Emerson III Annemarie Berckovits Furphy ’81 Mrs. Mary E. Gilchrist Sandra ’84 & William Haight Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hayes Stephanie Keane Joyce ’88 & Richard P. Joyce ’86 Anthony Liotti Maureen McLaughlin Lucia ’71

David & Bevalie MacFarland John & Maureen Mack Maureen Mack Kathleen ’74 & Robert Mayer Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott Mary Anne McEnery ’70 Beverly McDermott Mennerich ’69 & Ken Mennerich Beverly ’69 & Kenneth Mennerich Patricia Nocton Liam O’Brien, Esq. James & Carol Raimo Jean Turner Ritchie ’71* Harry R. Rohme ’72 Janice C. Ruggiero Eileen McDonald Sassmann ’66 Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch ’72 John H. Smith, Sr. Ruth ’C. 89 & John H. Smith, Sr. Miryam L. Stewart ’74 UBS Matching Gift Program Joseph G. Valenti Valenza Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Antonio Varano West Point Tours, Inc. YourCause, LLC President’s Club - Gifts of $500 - $999 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Allegretti Valerie C. Arena ’70 Bank of America Dr. Evelyn B. Barese Tom Beaudoin Donald R. Becker, Esq. Mary Ellen Henske Bruderman ’74 Celestine M. Campbell ’95 Mary Ellen D. Cangiano ’66 Maureen A. Cannon ’88 Steven P. Capone ’00 Robert F. Cassidy, Jr. ’03 Amy W. Cassidy ’93 Patricia A. Cavanagh ’74 Colleen M. CavanaghBendernagel ’77

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Clark Barbara Connolly Michele Gallo Cook ’73 Edward and Colleen Cooke Cooper Arias, LLP Greg M. Cooper, CPA Nancy Scannell D’Agostino ’77 Dr. Jorge R. Delgado ’83 Mary Ejercito Ennis Parc, L.L.C. Mary Jo Schwab Espasas ’68 Dr. Cecilia M. Falbe ’71 Suzanne F. Ferrigno ’95 Gail H. Fogarty ’97 Edward J. Forgit ’87 Dorothy Vance Forte ’72 Dr. Michael L. Fox G.A. Windows, Inc. Edward F. X. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Glass II Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Haight Mysia H. Haight-Hoogsteden ’84 & Henry Hoogsteden Timothy F. Heil ’78 Ruth E. Hill ’83 Kekuut J. Hoomkwap John R. Hutton ’03 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Kessler Bernard & CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner Mary Baus Knight ’88 John W. Koepper ’72 Dr. Lynn Maelia Richard & Barbara Mainey Sharon Healy Mankiewicz ’09 Dr. Maureen Markel Joan Rhoda Marvel Dr. Ruth Anne Osbourn McCormick ’73 J. Joseph & E. Mary McGowan Brian C. McIntyre ’97 Gerianne M. Minkus ’96 New York Life Dr. Tracey J. Niemotko Sheila Gage Nugent ’68 Anne C. O’Brien-Teta ’71

Dean’s List - Gifts of $250 - $499 Sonya Abbye Taylor Dr. Andrea Ackermann Elizabeth Bowles Angleman ’74 Archdiocese of New York Susan Charbonneau Atkins ’75 Ludwig H. Bach ’82 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Barber Margaret M. Barry ’73 Carole Muller Bean ’86 & Kevin Bean Mr. & Mrs. Charles Benfer III Nancy J. Benfer ’03 Rosemary E. Blank ’77 Catherine Finck Breitenbach ’73 Kristina Leinweber Burger ’87 Honore M. Burtt ’90 Elaine Contarino Cannella ’85 Stephanie S. Collins ’80 Robert J. Conticchio ’87 Patti Ann McDonald Corbisiero ’81 Susan Daly ’76 Charles M. Davis Judith ’72 & Charles Davis Thomas ’90 & Elizabeth ’90 De Soye Patricia Junger Dederick ’72 Constance DeSantis ’69 Paula DiBerardino ’70 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Dombrowski Norma Perez Evans Laura Colamonico Fanzilli ’73 Patricia Tompkins Favata ’68 Fr. Gregoire J. Fluet James P. Fragnito ’93 Lynn Passalacqua Frank Jane M. Gangi Ryan Garvey William R. Gedgard Teresa M. Gillen ’75 Thomas W. Gordon ’12 Barbara Currier Gregory ’73 Jane A. Harkinson ’69 Frances Pampinella Hawthorne ’68 Garry and Judy Ringwood Henderson ’66 Dr. Carl Hoegler



Parkhurst Dining Services

Aquinas Society - Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999

ANNUAL FUND – GIVING CLUBS Linda Thompson Jannarone ’83

Dr. Karen Marinelli Wallis ’77

Mary Lois Connell ’67

John W. Danforth Company

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Walsh

Susan DeMarco Conner ’74

Dr. Gerardine M. JohnsonCarpenter ’73

George & Ann Whalen

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connors

Grantley D. Yearwood

Michelle Connors

Clare ’86 & James Kitz Eileen P. Lambert ’73 The Very Reverend John A. Langlois, O.P. Kathleen McGovern Larson ’75 Maureen Thompson Lawrence ’70 Anne Leclercq Carlene Lee Linda S. Linenbroker ’95 Alvin Mann ’16 Nancy E. Mazza ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Darran McCahill Laurene Genhart McKenna ’64 Edward T. Mechmann Metlife Charity Trust Account Mid-Hudson Chapter of NYS Society of CPA’s


Dr. Ann Marie Pennes Murray ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Murray Suzanne R. Muschio Yanick Noisy Christine De Magistris Nunn ’73 Dr. Irene & Mr. Joseph Nunnari Ellen O’Brien O’Connor ’73

Patricia Cooney ’68 Century Club - Gifts of $100 - $249

Cosimo's Management, Inc.

Regina Hosey Adducci ’78

Donna Sipos Cox ’89

Betty L. Aichelmann ’89

Connie Eichhorn Craven ’93

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Alioto

Anne Marie Begnal Cullinan ’73

Lisa G. Alvarez Patricia Ege Anderson ’72 Anonymous Teresa Santarelli Arluck ’77 Patricia Hayes Axtmayer ’73 Dawn Barber Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Barber Veronica Hall Barnhart ’73 Cheryl Schnitzel Barnum ’91 Mr. & Mrs. William Barry Jill G. Barton ’09 Margaret M. Bauman ’70 Stephanie A. Beals ’07 Marianne Begemann Pam McGinley Berger ’69 Elizabeth McDonald Bishop ’75

Joseph ’73 & Ellen ’73 O’Connor Elaine Moore ’89 & Andrew ’88 O’Grady

Mr. & Mrs. James Blatchley Eugenia M. Adams Bolton ’69

Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe

Theresa Mantelli Bommarito ’77

Michael J. O’Keefe

Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. ’65

Peter M. Olympia, Jr.

Ellen Bourhis Nolan ’11

Orange County Chamber of Commerce

Ann Marie Boyle ’67

Sr. Julie Pintal, O.P. Catharine Martone Powzyk ’75 Anne Wolf Rich ’71 & John Rich John L. Rich Jeannine P. Rogers Maureen A. Ryan ’79 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sahakian Sr. Ann Sakac, O.P. Karen L. Saluto ’02 Lorraine A. Santacroce Claudia M. Sawicki-Brooks ’83 Schwab Charitable Dr. Deborah A. Shanley-Benzaia ’73

Michael C. Coppolino

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ackerman

Dr. Janine Bixler

Susan M. Perkins ’99

Sr. Maureen Cooper, O.P. ’67

Debra M. Brent ’83 Shirley Roberts Brereton ’06 Theresa Funk Brown ’76 Eileen McElhill Brucia ’73 John J. Bruno, Jr. ’98 Carla M. Bunch-Davie ’80 Kevin J. Burgher ’88 George E. Burke ’84 Margaret Bowles Burns ’75 Rosemarie Martini Butler ’75 Debra Santora Calvino ’81 Susanne Devine Campbell ’75 Carol & Carl Candela Linda M. Cantwell

Karen Maruca Shea ’78

Peggy Ann CaraballoMcCarthy ’89

Glenn Simpson ’94

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carlson

Marian Wehrle Smith ’69

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Caronia

Dr. Marie-Therese C. Sulit

Mr. & Mrs. John Catalano

Susan Perkins NP

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Catania, Sr.

T. Rowe Price Program

Linda Settoducato Christy ’73

Regina M. Taylor ’97

Josie Cannova Citta ’78

Agnes Montalvo Timberger ’80

Maeve O'Sullivan Cizek ’89

Joan Kennedy Tolley ’67

Raymond W. Clark, Jr. ’94

Sibylle ’67 & Nicholas Tulve

Dawn Cole

Mary Jane Rumbalski Vance ’66

Mary Ellen Miller Cunningham ’71 Olivia Wilson Curtin ’70 Susan Nooney Dagenais ’72 Dr. Ann E. Damiano Dale Ellen Dammier ’80 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Daniels Maryann ’78 & Richard Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davidson Patricia Rohme De Leo ’75 Lynette Scianna DeBellis ’85 Constance M. Deho ’84 Brian M. Denisar ’03 Breanna M. Depasquale ’17 Robin Squicciarini DesRosiers ’02 Lisa M. Devlin ’02 Gary F. Diamanti ’95 Allan D. Diamonti ’96 Mary Ellen Gregory Diver ’78 Charles N. Dofflemeyer ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dolce Susan Flynn Donaldson ’68 Sharon Jones Dorrian ’71 C. Bernadette Doupona ’73 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Doyle Drury Capital, Inc. Jennifer Hartling Dube ’94 Joan Dubell Coughlin ’68 Clare Hirz Dunn ’66 Marianne Lynch Dupont ’77 Nathaniel M. Dziuba ’14 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dziuba Susan McPeck Eagan ’74 Edward ’94 & Laureen ’94 Feller Laureen Sexton Feller ’94 Maureen V. Finnegan-Kussard ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Fitch Maria Serino Fitzgerald ’71 Mary Ann Kennedy Fitzpatrick ’64 Meaghen E. Flanagan-Leidig ’81 Hon. & Mrs. Mark D. Fox Frances Fremgen-Biancardi Paul O. Fritz ’10 Brenda L. Fry Underhill ’84 Mr. & Mrs. Henry Galasso

Jacqueline Merz Gerace

Louise Machowicz Lang ’71

Regina M. Gibson ’00

Joan E. Lanigan ’69

Rosemary Gilmore ’58

Andrew Larkin

Global Impact

Lee Ann Baumgardi Laubscher ’84

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gloeckler Beth A. Glynn ’91 Elizabeth Petruzzi Goetz ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Goetz Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Goodwin Hyacinth H. Gordon ’98 Kathleen Quane Grandjean ’76 Danielle M. Greco ’98 Patricia McCarthy Grella ’74 Kim E. Grey ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher Grimm Susan Grimm Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. Michele Calabrese Gusciora ’67 Adelfa Gutierrez ’71 Jamie L. Gutierrez ’77 Mary ’81 & Nicholas Haas Susan L. Hall ’97 Beckett Hammel Elizabeth Harper Jane Flynn Harrigan ’74

Gerianne McCabe Lehane ’83 Theresa Corsentino Leone ’78 Ellen D. Leuner ’94 Bronwen Jones Lewin ’74 Mary O'Connell Lewis ’82 Peggy A. Ligo ’99 Sean T. Lockwood ’14 Sharon Reap Longobardi ’74 Christine T. Lowndes ’72 John J. Lynch ’84 Nona S. Lynch ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lynch Pamela Lyons Ann T. MacDermott-Keefe ’81 Joan G. Macey ’65 Nancy J. Madden ’71 Thomas M. Maguire ’02 Patricia Coyne Mahon ’86 Marilyn K. Maisonet ’69 Christopher J. Marchese ’15

Johnie L. Harris ’94

Patrick T. Marino ’95

Maryann Conway Harris ’71

Eleanor L. Martinson ’70

Denise E. Haviland ’72

Joan Rhoda Marvel

Rita Jones Heater ’69

Doraine Mason

Mr. & Mrs. Burton Heldron

Victoria Krawiec Mastrantuono ’92

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hellpap Stephanie Hellpap Diane Herrick Dofflemeyer ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higgins Kelvin C. Hill ’92 Lorraine Sylvester Hinchey ’72 Anne Bulson Hoffman ’81 Julia Martin Holland ’84 Patricia B. Hopper-Doetsch ’69 Nancy L. Hoyt ’82 David Iamiceli ’86 Ironworkers Local 417 Anne Tompkins Jarnagan ’75 LTC & Mrs. Gerald R. Jilbert Ana Conklin Johnsen ’88 Edward Johnston Deborah Newell Jorrey ’73 Mary Ann Kadera Klicka ’74 Susan Russo Kelliher ’79 Dr. Martha Kelly ’72 Anna Marie Hayes Kennedy ’77 Catherine Brosnan Kennedy ’70 Maureen ’83 & Kevin Kenney Francis C. Kiley Donna Lee Connell Kleister ’79 Jeanette Clarke Kluckowski ’83 Sr. Ann Jerome Kociolek, O.P. ’70 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kohlus

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Matteis, Jr. Dr. Pauline M. Mayr ’76 John Mazza A. Vincent Mazzie Ann McCarroll Mr. & Mrs. Pat McCarroll Sr. Philomena M. McCartney, O.P. ’68 Eileen Gaffney McDowell ’90 Deborah Steadman McGaugh ’78 Kathleen M. McGuinness ’69 Toni Buccieri McIntyre ’79 Maureen T. McLoughlin ’78 Christina McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Meaney Dr. Nancy I. Mehlem ’66 Andrea Shramek Merrill ’99 Jase ’97 & Andrea ’99 Merrill MaryKay Hollenbeck Messenger ’88 Karen Mills-Heron ’81 Catherine Popovics Misiaszek ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Ted Mitko Melvin W. Montgomery ’90 Robert D. Morales ’92 Patricia M. Moresco ’00 Richard S. Morgan

Carlotta Gruber Garabedian ’75

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Korkemaz

Lisa Morris ’94 & Philip Malinovsky

Garden Club Of Orange & Dutchess

Helen Kuruc

Elaine Motta

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Collins

Rosemary McAndrew Kuruc ’77

Edward ’73 & Joyce ’81 Mucci

Dr. Robert M. Walasin

Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Colombo

Christopher J. Gauthier ’88

Joyce A. Kusmierski ’73

Mary Blaney Murachanian ’57

Margaret Conlon Walczak ’68

Gerald V. Conlon, Jr. ’94

Susan Turnbull Generazio ’82

Margaret H. Lamb

Mary Ellen Yablonsky Murphy ’67



Dr. J. David Gallagher

* Deceased


ANNUAL FUND – GIVING CLUBS Timothy ’01 & Brenda ’84 Underhill

Patricia A. Murray ’66

Nancy S. Owen

Joseph P. Romanowski ’97

Mike Spinelli

Patricia Debertolis Napolitano ’93

Ann Becker Pagliaro ’75

Diane M. Rubeo ’79

Tracy Spinelli

Judith Ulaubick Navetta ’73

Dr. Barry & Deborah ’81 Pariser

Kristy Spadaro Rubin ’00

Ellen Weber Staino ’73

Alissa Capasso Urkiel ’68

Janet A. Nelson Nickerson ’80

Camille M. Parisi ’86

Lauren M. Russo ’17

Christine Lalonde Stammer ’72

Timothy J. Van Damm ’99

Susan-Jane Ambrose Newcomb ’73

Anthony J. Patino ’97

Dr. Susan M. Ryan ’76

Patricia Leigh Stanek ’87

Tim Vazquez

Marta A. Newkirk ’82

Joan McClurg Patino ’70 & Joseph Patino

Mary L. Saari ’83

Marietta Huben Stanton ’73

Margaret A. Venable ’02

Harry Steinway

Anne Marie Pentland

Elizabeth Mooney Safford ’69

Susan A. Voge

Drew Y. Sagar ’05

Hope E. Stephanou ’74

PEPSICO Foundation

Dr. Priscilla L. Sagar

Kathryn Downey Stevener ’76

Suzanne Becht Volpe ’89

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Phillips

Judith A. Saleh ’79

Janet Larkin Stivers ’74

Steven A. Phillips ’15

Dianne Watson Salvemini ’72

M. Daniel Stivers ’74

Steven Pignataro ’88

Maria D. Sasso ’70

George F. Stradar, Jr.

Lorelei Linger Pitt ’78

Patricia A. Sauer ’75

Sr. Patricia E. Sullivan, O.P. ’64

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Keefe

Tonya Place

Margaret M. Scalzo ’94

Carl A. Syslo ’92

Katherine O'Keefe

Jean Ponton ’75

Felicia Schefer

Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Tabanao

Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe

Ellen Murphy Porter ’71

Kathleen Kearns Schmid ’71

Patricia C. Taylor ’81

Mary A. O'Keefe ’84

Colleen Bonner Postel ’80

Sr. Mary A. Schmittauer, O.P. ’66

Maureen Slattery Terwilliger ’83

Michael J. O'Keefe

Margaret Poyatt ’64

C. Jamie Sisco Scott ’73

The Bells' Ethan Allen Gallery

Alaina Olivieri

Lynn Bertholf Priebe ’69

Matthew Scully ’98

Kelvin T. Thomas ’82

Susan Kearney Olsen ’68

Nancy Quackenbush ’03

Mr. & Mrs. Graham C. Seidel

Sondra L. Thompson ’83

Brenda Rivera Olson ’86

Dr. Richard C. Reed ’77

Mary Lou T. Sgro ’77

Karen Tice

Mr. & Mrs. Frank O'Neill

Dr. Joseph A. Reilly

Regina Seelig Sikorski ’73

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tighe

Christine Kane Orgera ’93

Kathleen Stuhler Reilly ’84

Margaret Phelps Simms ’66

Kathryn M. Toole ’10

Suzanne Auer O'Rourke ’75

Pamela DeRose Reilly

Mr. & Mrs. Terrence R. Smith

Marco E. Torelli ’95

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ortiz

Patricia Bracken Reinhart ’72

Antoinette Owczarek Sobel ’80

Gary P. Trible

Debra Catania Zambito ’98

Mary Ellen Gallagher Ostrander ’75

Aaron Ricci ’16 and Emily DiBiase Ricci ’15

Suzanne Windsor Soltysik ’89


Janet & Joseph Zeman

Joseph P. Spano ’77

James H. Tyer

Dr. Charles M. Zola

Dr. & Mrs. Roger Newman Dr. Thuy L. Nguyen Mary Ann Hoff Nichelini ’68 Joan Bernard Nishina ’68 Barbara Mc Carthy O'Connor ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. O'Donnell Elizabeth O'Keefe

* Deceased H-Honorary Degree

Dr. Alexander von Hafften, Jr. Margaret M. Vosburgh ’76 Patrick J. Ward ’97 Yitka Wayne Helen I. Weber ’75 Deborah Daly Weisel ’85 Diane M. Weldon ’86 Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Mark V. Wicher ’98 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wilson Arlene Rustmann Witman ’66 Alice Murphy Yoder ’80 Terry Rundle Zaccheo ’81 Donna Halligan Zaino ’81


ALUMNI Class of 1957 Mary Blaney Murachanian Class of 1958 Rosemary Gilmore Class of 1959 Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, O.P.


Class of 1964 Donna Degrandis Barry Mary Ann Campanella DePeters Agnes Doyle Mary Ann Kennedy Fitzpatrick Dr. Virginia A. Merold Margaret Poyatt Sr. Patricia E. Sullivan, O.P. Class of 1965 Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. Joan G. Macey Rita Mare-Hasselbacher Patricia McCaffery Buck Carol A. Strack Class of 1966 Mary Ellen Dolan Cangiano Marcia R. Chartoff Sr. Maureen J. Chicoine, R.S.C.J. Sr. Bernadette Connor, O.P. Clare Hirz Dunn Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. Ann Gallagher Falkenberry Sr. Cecilia J. Hayes, O.P. Judith Ringwood Henderson M. Jayne Jarvis Henninger Dr. Nancy I. Mehlem Eileen Held Monahan Patricia A. Murray Eileen McDonald Sassmann Sr. Mary A. Schmittauer, O.P. Margaret Phelps Simms Dr. Margaret Smith Spence Sr. Mary E. Troy, P. B. V. M Mary Jane Rumbalski Vance Arlene Rustmann Witman Class of 1967 Bobbie Lancaster Allen Sr. Margaret Anderson, O.P. Kathleen Carey Behringer Elizabeth Johnson Bishop Mary Ann Lyons Bloom Ann Marie Boyle Mary Anne Brickhouse Mary Lois Connell Sherrie Terwilliger Conover Sr. Maureen Cooper, O.P. Frances Lynch Empie Sr. Nancy Erts, O.P. Phyllis Hayton Forde Michele Calabrese Gusciora Janette Petersen Guyre Katherine B. Hepinstall Lynne Sherrer Jergensen Mary O’Meara Maguire



Honor Roll of Donors

July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 Janet Seaman McCauley Dianne Clifford McGreevey Sr. Mary Ella Morrison, O.P. Mary Ellen Yablonsky Murphy Sr. Arlene Oswald, O.P. Mary Castiello Peduzzi Maryanne Raynor Margaret Longto Retta Margaret Blot Sedlmeir Kathleen Reineke Steenrod Joan Kennedy Tolley Sibylle M. Tulve Betty VanLeeuwen Class of 1968 Sr. Mary Ann Cirillo, O.P. Patricia Cooney Sr. Lois Dee, O.P. Susan Flynn Donaldson Joan Dubell Coughlin Mary Jo Schwab Espasas Patricia Tompkins Favata Diana McNamara Fox Frances Pampinella Hawthorne Maureen T. Hoskins Janet Looney Kolano Sr. Philomena M. McCartney, O.P. Beverly McDermott Mennerich Mary Ann Hoff Nichelini Joan Bernard Nishina Sheila Gage Nugent Barbara Mc Carthy O’Connor Susan Kearney Olsen Virginia Chambers Smith Diane S. Snyder Rose Roscino Talbot Alissa Capasso Urkiel Margaret Conlon Walczak Class of 1969 Pam McGinley Berger Eugenia M. Adams Bolton Catherine J. Breitenbach Constance DeSantis Helen Steller Foehrenbach Jane A. Harkinson Rita Jones Heater Margaret Herbert Patricia Hopper-Doetsch Joan E. Lanigan Marilyn K. Maisonet Sally A. McDonnell Kathleen Thomsen McGuinness Celia Mascioli Mooney Dr. Rosemary Shea O’Connor Lynn Bertholf Priebe


Kathleen O’Brien Ricker Elizabeth Mooney Safford Marian Wehrle Smith Class of 1970 Valerie C. Arena Maureen McKenna Babiarz Margaret M. Bauman Olivia Wilson Curtin Paula DiBerardino Rita B. Farese Margaret Gardner Sr. Jo-Ann Iannotti, O.P. Catherine Brosnan Kennedy Sr. Ann Jerome Kociolek, O.P. Maureen Thompson Lawrence Patricia Marro Lukaczyn Nona S. Lynch Kathleen Costello Magee Eleanor L. Martinson Mary Anne McEnery Dr. Ann Marie Pennes Murray Joan Mc Clurg Patino Judith Lillis Pond Kathleen Dugan Robertson Ellen Dwyer Rosano Maria D. Sasso Doris C. Smith Ann Mc Cue Spratt Ellen J. Stafford Theresa A. Zappone Class of 1971 Sr. Danielle Bonetti, C.S.J. Judith Woll Callan Geraldine Walotsky Cass Marie Looser Cavanaugh Kathleen Crawford Mary Ellen Miller Cunningham Sharon Jones Dorrian Dr. Cecilia M. Falbe Maria Serino Fitzgerald Adelfa Gutierrez James D. Haluska Maryann Conway Harris Dolores Molinaro Hayowyk Sr. Constance M. Koch, O.P. Paula O’Bryon Kordich Louise Machowicz Lang Linda Canosa LaPolla Deborah Mayo Lazarus Maureen McLaughlin Lucia Nancy J. Madden Anne O’Brien-Teta Ellen Murphy Porter Barbara Hampton Reuschle

Anne Wolff Rich Jean Turner Ritchie* Dolores Ruocco Kathleen Kearns Schmid Mary Sheeran Sherwood Rosanne Lorio Stockhofer Margaret M. Walsh Class of 1972 Julie Van Vliet Amodeo Patricia Ege Anderson Kathleen Appler Judith Atwood Sharon Clancy Bonifazio Leda Woznick Carmody Ellen M. Coonerty Susan Nooney Dagenais Judith B. Davis Patricia Junger Dederick Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty Regina Finn Elliott Linda Fichera Dorothy Vance Forte Denise E. Haviland Lorraine Sylvester Hinchey Marcia Martone Jones Mary Ann LoSasso Joyce Dr. Martha Kelly Patricia Gamble Kelly John W. Koepper Christine T. Lowndes Sr. Janet T. Marchesani, O.P. Dr. Margaret Keeler McLane Catherine Popovics Misiaszek Patricia Bracken Reinhart Geraldine M. Rockett Harry R. Rohme Michelle Williams Rosenthal Dianne Watson Salvemini Dr. Elizabeth Scannell-Desch Susan Pendulik Spinelli Christine Lalonde Stammer Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, O.P. Georgia Lyons Verven Mary Cramer Wassi Class of 1973 Sr. Patricia A. Anastasio, P.B.V.M. Patricia Hayes Axtmayer Veronica Hall Barnhart Margaret M. Barry Claire McGovern Boland Catherine Finck Breitenbach Eileen McElhill Brucia Linda Settoducato Christy Michele Gallo Cook

Anne Marie Begnal Cullinan Johanna De Maria Eileen McDermott Donahue C. Bernadette Conlon Doupona Laura Colamonico Fanzilli Patricia Erb Ferrari Barbara Currier Gregory Dr. Gerardine Johnson-Carpenter Deborah Newell Jorrey Joyce A. Kusmierski Eileen P. Lambert Donna Warnock Lloyd Carol O’Dell Long Kathleen F. Mazzarelli Mary Devine McGrath Gail Evans McTamaney Edward J. Mucci Kathleen Hand Murin Judith Ulaubick Navetta Susan-Jane Ambrose Newcomb Christine De Magistris Nunn Ellen O’Brien O’Connor Dr. Joseph O. O’Connor Mary Beth Christensen Reising C. Jamie Sisco Scott Dr. Deborah Shanley-Benzaia Regina Seelig Sikorski Ellen Weber Staino Marietta Huben Stanton Wendie Filip Turbet Class of 1974 Elizabeth Bowles Angleman Rev. Judith A. Bennett Mary Ellen Henske Bruderman Patricia A. Cavanagh Susan DeMarco Conner Denise Renton Davignon JoAnn M. Dourdis Susan McPeck Eagan Patricia McCarthy Grella Jane Flynn Harrigan Ellen Byrne Jimenez Nancy Godbout Jurka Mary Ann Kadera Klicka Bronwen Jones Lewin Sharon Reap Longobardi Kathleen Hirschy Mayer Toni Hufnagel Ponczkowski Anne Baker Reichbach Dorothy R. Sanger Hope E. Stephanou Miryam L. Stewart Janet Larkin Stivers M. Daniel Stivers Susan Havens Trapani Elaine Keyser Whitaker Eleanor Robinson Wilson Class of 1975 Margaret Armento-McDowell Susan Charbonneau Atkins Elizabeth McDonald Bishop Theodora R. Bosch Margaret Bowles Burns Rosemarie Martini Butler Susanne Devine Campbell Lisa C. Daily Patricia Rohme De Leo Mary Moran Deatherage * Deceased

ANNUAL FUND – ALUMNI Susan P. Dexter Maureen Finnegan-Kussard Carlotta Gruber Garabedian Teresa M. Gillen Anne Tompkins Jarnagan Lynda Durbak Jutton Marie Mckee Kelly Kathleen McGovern Larson Janice E. LoBiondo Cathleen Murphy Loughrey Mary McPhillips Mahoney Carol A. Marris Kathleen Quilty Neuffer Mary Ellen Gallagher Ostrander Ann Becker Pagliaro Anne Them Planchak Jean Ponton Maureen Mullarkey Pulice Linda Fagan Squires Nancy Rust Sutherland Helen I. Weber

Class of 1977 Teresa Santarelli Arluck Teresa Ferrante Balicki Rosemary E. Blank Theresa Mantelli Bommarito Camille Ivero Buckner Colleen M. CavanaghBendernagel Susan Penoyar Chernek Margaret Meyer Clarke Nancy Scannell D’Agostino Marianne Lynch Dupont Deborah Powdrell Dutcher Marilyn J. Ejercito Joan Fenton Henry Mary Ann Gasko Jamie L. Gutierrez Marie Carfarone Huitt Anna Marie Hayes Kennedy Rosemary McAndrew Kuruc Geralyn Monahan-Jones Susan Moffo Myklak Dr. Richard C. Reed * Deceased

Class of 1978 Regina Hosey Adducci Shirley Van Aken Bluemle Josie Cannova Citta Maryann Belus Davidson Mary Ellen Gregory Diver Sharon A. Harris Timothy F. Heil Theresa Corsentino Leone Susan Williamson Marian Jacqueline Newman McConnell Deborah Steadman McGaugh Maureen T. McLoughlin Patricia Michella McNeely Lorelei Linger Pitt Mary Ellen Lewicki Plass Beth Anne Callan Rybicki Karen Maruca Shea Class of 1979 Ellen Durning Barreto John K. Fanning Mary Susan Hendricks Beth-Ann Moriarty Janis Christine Catania Johnston Susan Russo Kelliher Donna Lee Connell Kleister Toni Buccieri McIntyre Roxanne Bauer Miller Diane M. Rubeo Maureen A. Ryan Judith A. Saleh Elaine Maurici Snider Virginia E. Thompson Catherine Martin Van Bomel Mary Skerritt Winar

Class of 1981 Ruth Sheridan Bolger Debra Santora Calvino Anne Ferrara Chiapetta Patti Ann McDonald Corbisiero William T. Corrigan Dorothy E. Davidson Rosemary Dellechiaie Meaghen Flanagan-Leidig Evelyn C. Foley Annemarie Berckovits Furphy Mary Boyle Haas Janice E. Harding Anne Bulson Hoffman Barbara L. Hultgren Claudia L. Jenkins Ronald Lasota La Sota Patricia Kearney Lentini Ann MacDermott-Keefe Karen Heron Mills-Heron Kate J. Novak Margaret M. Quinn Julia V. Snyder Mary M. Sullivan Patricia C. Taylor Donna Bills Yancey Terry Rundle Zaccheo Donna Halligan Zaino

Class of 1980

Class of 1982 Ludwig H. Bach Susan E. Bach Sharon Berry-Carrion Kathleen Stack Burns Michele Laporta Freeman Gail Gustavson Frickmann Susan Turnbull Generazio Nancy L. Hoyt Mary O’Connell Lewis Marta A. Newkirk Paula Parisi Peaden Margaret M. Prial Harriet Gall Rowlette Kelvin T. Thomas Ann-Marie Walker

Carla Bunch-Davie Stephanie S. Collins Paula Morreale Curtis Dale Ellen Dammier Joseph J. DiCioccio Maureen E. Elliott-Stuckey Christine Macy Feroli Joyce V. Garrett Linda Kastenbein Giarrizzo Caren Cooke Henderson Lisa LaRotonda LaFalce Regina McEnery Kelder Joanne O’Reilly Mohan Janet A. Nelson Nickerson Dr. Kathleen A. O’Brien Michael J. Paff Deborah R. Pariser Colleen Bonner Postel Brenda A. Shurtleff Antoinette Owczarek Sobel Agnes Montalvo Timberger Alice Murphy Yoder

Class of 1983 Laurie Travis Biedermann Debra M. Brent Elizabeth Seranne Brittman Theresa A. Casey Dr. Jorge R. Delgado Melody E. Eldred Robin Billhymer Friesheim Carriann Grexa-Allen Ruth E. Hill Linda Thompson Jannarone Maureen McGeever Kenney Jeanette Clarke Kluckowski Marie DiPrima Kochek Margaret Dalton Koonz Gerianne McCabe Lehane Deborah A. Mastriani Christine Becker Miller Mary L. Saari Claudia M. Sawicki-Brooks Donna M. Scivolette

Maureen Slattery Terwilliger Sondra L. Thompson Laurie A. Walsh Class of 1984 George E. Burke Lydia Cohane-Klinger Georgette Bowers Curcio Constance M. Deho Kathleen Ring Dorney Brenda Fry Underhill Michael Giannakouros Sandra M. Haight Mysia H. Haight-Hoogsteden Julia Martin Holland John C. Hughes Sr. Constance L. Kelly, O.P. Margaret M. Kissane Lee Ann Baumgardi Laubscher John J. Lynch Lori Reilly Mead Mary A. O’Keefe Kathleen Stuhler Reilly Maureen Nugent Toman Marianne Decker Weaver Class of 1985 Carolyn Enos Barki Dianne P. Barron Monica Bastian Christina Bart Bilsky Elaine Contarino Cannella Lynette Scianna DeBellis Kathleen Atwell Kalmer RiAnne Williams Keir Maura Hall Martin Mary Mooney-Hughes Mary Ellen Randazzo Pembleton Adair E. Santoro Karen M. Schiaffo Laurene Welch Scripter Deborah Daly Weisel Class of 1986 Carole Muller Bean David Iamiceli Richard P. Joyce Clare Rizzitiello Kitz Patricia Coyne Mahon Elizabeth R. Mills Brenda Rivera Olson Camille M. Parisi Lori Rowe Perez-Ojeda Claire Wells Piccorelli Yonette E. Shepherd Eleanor McGrath Troy Carleen Blados Washington Diane M. Weldon Class of 1987 Vicki Zwart Boyle Kristina Leinweber Burger Robert J. Conticchio Edward J. Forgit Diane Natoli Ritters Patricia Leigh Stanek

Class of 1988 Theresa Doherty Bonacci Kevin J. Burgher Theresa Collins Canfield Maureen A. Cannon Christopher J. Gauthier Gail Engle Hammond Ana Conklin Johnsen Stephanie Keane Joyce Mary Baus Knight Kathleen Bosch McCoy Elna A. Meader MaryKay Hollenbeck Messenger Katherine R. Mooney Robert J. Munger Andrew D. O’Grady Steven Pignataro Mary K. Scott Debra Youngs-Brauner Class of 1989 Betty L. Aichelmann Richard N. Anderson Peggy Ann Caraballo-McCarthy Maeve O’Sullivan Cizek Donna Sipos Cox Laura M. Crowley Elaine Moore O’Grady Sandilyn Sherman Rivet Linda J. Sloves Ruth C. Smith Suzanne Windsor Soltysik Cheryl Lantz Steiger Suzanne Becht Volpe Susan Webster Nee Class of 1990 Honore’ M. Burtt Elizabeth Gulino De Soye Thomas J. De Soye Bernice DeFina-Mastoros Bonnie L. Helmsorig Eileen Gaffney McDowell Melvin W. Montgomery Teri Eisenhardt Robinson Robert J. Stenber Class of 1991 Cheryl Schnitzel Barnum Beth A. Glynn Mary E. Hannan Ronald A. Irwin Maryellen Fraser Lopreato Catherine Higgins McElligott Linda U. O’Dowd Michael S. Rheaume Daniel Sullivan Michele Zane Class of 1992 Frank A. Antonucci Valerie Warren Barnes Diane Anderson Boyle Kathleen S. Fogarty Kelvin C. Hill Joan P. Kaplan



Class of 1976 Theresa Funk Brown Virginia Snow Crosby Susan Daly Charles N. Dofflemeyer Diane Herrick Dofflemeyer Donna Hirsch Forsythe Kathleen Quane Grandjean Patricia Mallon Hayden Jane Madden Hess Mary Ann Kronner-Carroll Rosann Buonocore LaManna Susan Zak Litz Dr. Pauline M. Mayr Rev. Thomas G. McCormick Catherine Vensel Pettit Dr. Susan M. Ryan Geraldine Barden Sprague Kathryn Downey Stevener Melissa Sullivan Elizabeth Riggins Vegliando Margaret M. Vosburgh

Elvira Scotto-Padavano Mary Lou T. Sgro Joseph P. Spano Diane Pignataro Statler Dr. Karen Marinelli Wallis

ANNUAL FUND – ALUMNI Jeanne Nogay Maltes Victoria Krawiec Mastrantuono Jennifer M. Michaels Robert D. Morales Laura Musial-Cilento Audra Dunbar Sandoval Carl A. Syslo


Class of 1993 Marie C. Barnett Tricia Pelletier Belfonti Amy W. Cassidy Loretta O. Cella Connie Eichhorn Craven Stacey Demirjean Finn James P. Fragnito Linda L. Hulse Patricia Debertolis Napolitano Christine Kane Orgera Robert S. Slutsky Class of 1994 Carol O’Keefe Brown Raymond W. Clark, Jr. Gerald V. Conlon, Jr. Dominick Delvecchio Jennifer Hartling Dube Edward A. Feller Laureen Sexton Feller Shane Melcher Goldberg Edward W. Hanley Johnie L. Harris Michelle A. Iacuessa Tiffany Loprete Ingram Ellen D. Leuner Lisa A. Morris Arlene M. Nicholson Silvia L. Roberts Margaret M. Scalzo Glenn Simpson Class of 1995 Donald L. Allen Joanne S. Bunnell Celestine M. Campbell Gary F. Diamanti Danny B. Dottin Suzanne F. Ferrigno Patricia L. Gloeckler Monica C. Hasbrouck Karen Welenc Kenney Michael J. King Ira J. Kroun Linda S. Linenbroker Marie Brunhuber Lucas Patrick T. Marino Marco E. Torelli Kim S. Wolckenhauer Class of 1996 Colleen Mazza Davy Allan D. Diamonti Manuel R. Fusco Michael B. Igo Maura M. Lee-Byrne


Gerianne M. Minkus Class of 1997 Bridget Williams Dudzik Lucia Fernandez Michael A. Fichera Gail H. Fogarty Susan L. Hall Ann Loatman Herr Margarita Rios Knight Brian C. McIntyre Jase H. Merrill Anthony J. Patino Joseph P. Romanowski Regina M. Taylor Patrick J. Ward David Weyant

Class of 2001 Betty L. Gaudette Nathan J. Heltzel Carole D. Picard Timothy S. Underhill Karen A. Willis Jeannine E. Zaluski Class of 2002 Erin Botti Daniel W. Cooke Robin Squicciarini DesRosiers Lisa M. Devlin Jennifer Fennell Fletcher Patricia A. Fuller Eileen A. Galligan

Class of 1998 John J. Bruno, Jr. Suzanne Callaghan Michael E. Dudzik Leona N. Faust Hyacinth H. Gordon Danielle M. Greco Kristin E. Haas Ronald E. Harley Michele Bernstein Holler Michelle Luce Kobayashi Alison Fitzpatrick Roper Matthew Scully Mark V. Wicher Debra Catania Zambito

Irene Lynch

Class of 2000 Andrew M. Bier Matthew D. Canino Steven P. Capone Rebecca E. Chery Regina M. Gibson Elizabeth Petruzzi Goetz Patricia L. Holumzer Kristi Reeve Larson Peter J. Larson Billy Lee Patricia M. Moresco Natalie Naglieri Pascale Susan L. Rauh Kristy Spadaro Rubin


Class of 2007 Stephanie A. Beals Christopher S. Esola Rachel M. Koontz Edward R. Lastowski, Jr. Joanne Feiner Nemecek Michael W. Tierney Hudson H. Vaz Robert M. Worshinski

Karen A. Meyer Erin Moran Rinehart Karen L. Saluto Margaret A. Venable Anne Marie Ruvolo Warchol Class of 2003 Raven Kinney Atria Nancy J. Benfer Dawna M. Bowles Jennifer Wood Caldwell Robert F. Cassidy, Jr. Brian M. Denisar Morgan Hartley Gehm Janice Hernandez John R. Hutton David L. Marino Cheryl M. Menezes Roberta H. Morrow Sara Grossarth Nielsen Alicia Hock Plevritis Melissa Picone Purcell Trevor M. Purcell Nancy Quackenbush-McComb Patricia B. Reid Nicholas A. Shannon Class of 2004 Kristy A. Anderson John Cirigliano Marilyn Karlich Geraldine Cross LaGasse Kathy J. Little Valerie J. McCloskey Catherine M. Nelting

Class of 2008 Whitney A. Finnerty Andrea Pellet Ireland Laura A. Nunno Lauren Cunningham Preiato Melissa Tetler-Grau Sara J. Winterleitner Class of 2009 Jill G. Barton Sharon Healy Mankiewicz Jessica Garcia Marinan Andrew P. Peshkur

Anthony M. Kuzia LeAnne Renaud Labeck Diane McLean Lee Drew Y. Sagar

Dylan McCann Kristina N. Rosselli Olang Mary Ann B. Raftery Tamara R. Seney Michael Westerman

Class of 2014 Eduardo Alvarez James T. Cartica Nathaniel M. Dziuba Margaret Kent Sean T. Lockwood Christopher G. Pisciotta Christian Redl John Savini Ryan Philip Straub Jillian M. Torre

Class of 2015 Gabriella A. Arroyo Nicole Aruilio Brianna M. Croce RoseMarie DiStefano Christopher J. Marchese Colin J. O’Keefe Steven A. Phillips

Class of 2010 Kathleen Gallagher Barton Joseph M. Fantozzi Paul O. Fritz Kathryn M. Toole

Emily DiBiase Ricci

Class of 2011 Kendra L. Anderson Ellen Bourhis Nolan Karen C. Feliciano Laura E. Galante Maryelizabeth Polacco

Class of 2016

Yvonndro A. Sims-Bruce Emmanuel R. Trinidad Meghan E. Twomey

Maureen Donahue Aurigemma Natalie A. Candarelli Joan Gambeski Jennifer Gries Kayla Kurka

Class of 2012 Andréa T. Bednarski Jamie N. Cevetillo Agnieszka Choinski Talia M. Cotto Thomas W. Gordon James M. Lellis Annmarie E. Llewellyn Daniel R. McCrea Kevin M. Milella Eric K. Miller Carlos S. Valdez

Class of 2005 Shannon Farrell Clarke

Seiba Seiba Yusif Jones

Clarisa Rosario-DeGroate

Thomas M. Maguire

Donna A. Cowan Williams Class of 1999 Mary Lynn Conklin James W. Dennis Marcus E. Floyd Kim E. Grey Susanna K. Lee-Kwong Annette C. Levett Peggy A. Ligo Nancy E. Mazza Andrea Shramek Merrill Katherine M. Miller Sharon White Oliva Susan M. Perkins Joseph Porvaznik Alicia Ramos Erin M. Sheedy Timothy J. Van Damm

Class of 2006 Shirley Roberts Brereton JoAnna F. Corio Thomas C. DeLuca Tasha D. Fasce Pamela M. Hemingway Kenneth M. Lane Shannon Morris Zawiski

Class of 2013 Gary J. Banks Julie P. Camarda Lissette Fabregas Del Toro Dean DiMarzo

Alvin Mann Philip A. Moresco Henry Okakpu Maribeth A. Powers Aaron Ricci Joel Rodriguez

Class of 2017 Christina L. Antico Breanna M. Depasquale Kristen A. Maddock Devin T. Rockensies Lauren M. Russo Daria E. Sullivan Alicia M. Walker * Deceased H-Honorary Degree


John K. Fanning Debra Fasce Margaret R. Findlay Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Fitch Maria D. Fonseca Phyllis V. Forde ’67 Annette Forgione Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Frank Michele M. Freeman ’82 Frances Fremgen-Biancardi Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Gailis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Galante Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gloeckler Mr. & Mrs. Ray Goldbach Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grasso Mr. & Mrs. Tito Grenga Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Gries Aliceann Guida Adelfa Gutierrez ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Haight Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Harris Mr. & Mrs. Burton Heldron Caren ’80 & Daniel Henderson

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hogan Carol Holland Mr. & Mrs. Earl R. Hopper Teresa M. Hynes LTC & Mrs. Gerald R. Jilbert Christine L. Johnston ’79 Mr. & Mrs. William Johnston Joan P. Kaplan ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Basil Kayal Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Keating Andrew Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Michael Knittel Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Lawlor Mr. & Mrs. Julius Lisner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maher Mr. & Mrs. Edward Malone Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Marcello Dr. Maureen Markel Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Matteis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mayer Nancy E. Mazza ’99 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McCrudden

Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott Todd McGowan Dr. & Mrs. J. Gerald Meagher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Meaney Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Mennerich Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Miller Kathleen Moran Patricia M. Moresco ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Murray Suzanne R. Muschio Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mushel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Newman, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nuszer Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. O’Donoghue Andrew ’88 & Elaine ’89 O’Grady Katherine O’Keefe Kathleen & Michael O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. James Owens Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Palmieri Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Patino

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Goetz Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Greenwood Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Grella Theresa Gries Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher Grimm Mary ’81 & Nicholas Haas Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hellpap Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Huseinovic Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Iaria Mr. & Mrs. Sean Keenan Maureen ’83 & Kevin Kenney Mr. & Mrs. J. Steven Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Klesin Michelle ’98 & Eric Kobayashi Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kohlus Mr. & Mrs. Peter Korkemaz Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kralik Mr. & Mrs. David Laikin Anne Leclercq

Mr. & Mrs. Robert LeGere Mr. & Mrs. John Lezamiz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Limonta Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lutinski Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maher Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Marletta Ileana Mazzurco Joseph Mazzurco Mr. & Mrs. Darran McCahill Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCann Mr. & Mrs. Pat McCarroll Christina McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Marco Mendoza Mr. & Mrs. Ted Mitko Michele Motta Patricia Murphy Mr. & Mrs. John Musella Catherine M. Nelting ’04 Yanick Noisy Andrew ’88 & Elaine ’89 O’Grady Elizabeth O’Keefe

PARENTS OF CURRENT STUDENTS Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Adams Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Allegretti Lisa G. Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. John Ammirati, Sr. Donna Angelini Christina Arias Yvonne Augusto Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bacci Mr. & Mrs. Steven Barbara Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Barber Nancy ’03 & Charles Benfer III Mr. & Mrs. Larry Brown Mr. & Mrs. Alan Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Yoganand Budhwa Gail Burke Mr. & Mrs. Peter Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Carnovale Mr. & Mrs. Robert Caronia Mr. & Mrs. John Caruso Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Casale Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. John Catalano Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cirillo * Deceased

Dawn Cole Mr. & Mrs. William T. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connors Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Corso Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Denis David Mr. & Mrs. Leonard DiLeo Mr. & Mrs. Phil DiPierdomenico Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dorval Mr. & Mrs. Michael Doxey Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Egan Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Enderes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fiorentino Charles & Lynn Frank Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fredette Mr. & Mrs. Doug Fuge Mr. & Mrs. Henry Galasso Mr. & Mrs. Guy Garbarino Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Gatt Christopher J. Gauthier ’88 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gentile Jacqueline A. Gerace

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O’Keefe Kathleen & Michael O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Frank O’Neill Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Oury Mr. & Mrs. Charles Peet Gina Picarillo Therese Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rapp Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Russo Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Mr. & Mrs. David Sadofsky Felicia Schefer Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Schmidlin Patricia A. Stanek ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Stevens Michele Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Norman Terry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tiriolo Mr. & Mrs. James Vaillancourt Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wall Yitka Wayne



Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ackerman Janet R. Adinaro Mary T. Baldovin Mr. & Mrs. William Barry Kathleen P. Barton ’10 Carole ’86 & Kevin Bean Mr. & Mrs. James Blatchley Claire F. Boland ’73 Ellen Bourhis Nolan ’11 Deborah F. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Carl Candela Mary Ellen D. Cangiano ’66 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Catania, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Costantino P. Cerini Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Colombo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Conlon Barbara Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Corso Lisa C. Daily ’75 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeMarco Mr. & Mrs. Patrick DeNobile Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Di Nonno Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Di Prima Mr. & Mrs. John Diehm Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dolce Mr. & Mrs. John C. Dombrowski Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Dorador Mr. & Mrs. David H. Doty June C. Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Peter Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Dubay Mr. & Mrs. James Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dunbar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dziuba Mary Ejercito Eileen Elliott

Anne Marie Pentland Mr. & Mrs. Howard Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Donald Peshkur Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Phillips Deborah M. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Raftery Mr. & Mrs. James A. Reeve Kevin J. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Donald Roach Joan Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Rogers Elayne C. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Sawicki Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schreck Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schreeck Cosmo A. Scianna Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Sclafani Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Searle Mr. & Mrs. Graham C. Seidel Mr. & Mrs. Placito F. Sgro Mr. & Mrs. Terrence R. Smith Gene J. Sorcinelli Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sowa Joseph P. Spano ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stabach Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Stankus Conchita Syrigos Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Tabanao Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tabone Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tighe Dr. Moira T. Tolan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Troy Mr. & Mrs. Efren Tuliao Mr. & Mrs. James J. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Kurt T. Weingartner David Weyant ’97 Karen ’01 & Kevin Willis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wise Florence A. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Worshinski



FRIENDS John Abernethy Mr. & Mrs. Albert Alioto Daniel Allen Lisa Altman Tracie Ambrosio Jack Anderson Katie Anderson Ernest Annibale Peter Ashton Michael Audette Maureen Aurigemma ’16 Rich Bacalhau Kelley Bacci Carl Baker Christine Barber Korey Barber Ronald Barber Sandra Barber Dr. Evelyn B. Barese Francesca Barry Dana Bass Bryan Beaudoin Kyle Beaudoin Tom Beaudoin Donald R. Becker, Esq. Marianne Begemann Delia Bellarosa Mr. & Mrs. Charles Benfer III Elora D. Benfer Macky Bergman Paul Bevilacqua Rita M. Bier Eileen Binckes Beth E. Blanco Carlos Blanco Marisa Blanco Nico Blanco Jovettee Blango Michael Branche Jonathan Breidenbach Amber Brockenbush Alice Bruno Frank Bruno Christina Burke Ellen Burke Holly Burke Margaret Calderalo Bethany Callahan Dusti Callo Ebi Campbell Mary Clare Campion Linda M. Cantwell Mirta Capan Sabrina Caronia Wayne F. Chernek Steve Chester Mr. & Mrs. Frank Chiapetta Craig Chinsky Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Clark Miriam Cohen Beth Connolly Dr. Frances P. Connor Cathy Constantino Christina Contelmo Edward and Colleen Cooke Greg M. Cooper, CPA Matthew Coppolino


Michael C. Coppolino Kathleen Correll Ruthann Cosman Kelly Cronin Ronda Cunningham Krista Curley Matthew Curley Judy Curran-Rourke Dr. Ann E. Damiano Loretta Daskawisz Steve Daskawisz Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Daubman Charles M. Davis William Deatherage Rosalie A. DeLuca John Devine Sarah Devine Mr. & Mrs. James E. Devitt Jeffrey Diguette Jacqueline L. DiMarzo Stephanie DiMasi Giana DiPierdomenico John M. Donoghue, Esq. Richard Doulos Edward & Donna Doyle Amy Eagen Kathleen Edgar David Ehrlich Constance Ernenwein Melissa Ernst Wanda Espinal Norma Evans Jorge Fabregas Marlene Fabregas Kathleen Federico James R. Fiser Lisa Fishman Julia Flanigan Michela Flanigan Charlie Ford Jody Fox Hon. & Mrs. Mark D. Fox Giovanna Fralonardo Mary Franck Francis Frecentese Donna Freundlich Sally Ann Gaffney Vanessa Galkin-Spinelli Edward and Cornelia Gallagher Anita Gandolfo Ryan Garvey Richard Gaudette William R. Gedgard Tousif Ghani Cara Giannillo Gregg Giannillo Mary E. Gilchrist Caleigh Golabek Guadalupe Gomez Kenyatta Gomez Ashley Gonzalez Catherine Gonzalez Hector Gonzalez Judy Gray Dolores Gries David Grimm Allison Griner Deb Griner Francis Gritsko


Stephanie Guerra Lorna Gusmano Shelley Hall Kennadie Hallum James R. Halpin Jordan Hama Beckett Hammel Josh Hammer Brittany Hampton Robert Harrington Seth Hauben Lori Hauser Owen F. Heath Kathleen M. Helhoski Alex Hellpap Bella Hellpap Jeremy Hellpap Monika Hellpap Winston Hellpap Deborah Herb Jenalee Herb Jennifer Herb Jennifer Hernandez Marissa Hernandez Ralph Hernandez Deborah Hill Caitlin Houlihan Jean Humphries Rosa Iaria Marion Imperatore Benjamin Israelite Carol Jankosky Christopher R. Jaros Amy Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David M. Johnson Edward Johnston Jeff Joss Michael Kadlubowski Richard Kadlubowski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kadlubowski Patricia Kavanagh William Kavanagh Alec Kealing Donna Keane Megan C. Keane Blake A. Keenan Brian Keenan Diane Kennedy Francis C. Kiley Ruth Kindt Bernard & CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner Julianna P. Kohlus Xuan Kong Keely Korbel Krista Koteles Lawrence Kotkin Helen Kuruc Tammy Lamazza Margaret H. Lamb Andrew Larkin Colleen Lavin Neil Lavin Carlene Lee Deirdre Lehr Jennifer Letourneau James LiMonta Mallon Limonta

Ann Livoti Andrea Locke Jenny C. Logan Robert Lorette Ashley Louder Russell Lowe Gina Lozito Maegan Lutinski Pamela Lyons Katie MacBride Mr. & Mrs. George W. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. David S. MacFarland Anna Maria Maciocia John & Maureen Mack Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maher Richard & Barbara Mainey Ariana Maleki Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Maloney III Daniel W. Maltes Stephanie Mamakos Tina Manley Elizabeth Marcantonio Sue Marsh Gregory Martorana Tracey Martorana Brandon Marty Jennifer Marty Joan Rhoda Marvel Doraine Mason Ida Mauriello John Mazza A. Vincent Mazzie Amanda Mazzurco Elizabeth Mazzurco Lucas Mazzurco Maria Mazzurco Ann McCarroll Colleen McCauley Pam McFerran Daniel McGowan J. Joseph & E. Mary McGowan Marlee McGurl Kevin McIntyre Natalie McKinstrie Steve and Lois McLoughlin Helen McNamee Janet McNamee Kevin McNamee Ryan Mee David W. Melby James Memola Judith Memola Mr. Carl E. Meyer Francoise Meyer Andrew Michael Helen Millett Dr. Ernest R. Mills III Kristen Moore Jean Moran Sean Moran Richard S. Morgan Darriane Morley Timothy Morris Marge Morrissey Elaine Motta William Mullin Angelina Muniz Maggie Murphy

Christine Murray Susan D. Najork Dr. & Mrs. Roger Newman Jennifer Nicoletti Patricia Nocton Paul Nunes Dr. Irene and Mr. Joseph Nunnari Lawrence O’Brien Ann Marie OConnell Sandra Ogilvie Wanda Oliveras Alaina Olivieri Peter M. Olympia, Jr. Maureen O’Neill Checelee A. Ortiz Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ortiz Shannon Ouellette Raymond Oury Theresa Oury Michael Papach Victoria Parciak Hon. & Mrs. Pano Z. Patsalos Aurea Pellecier John E. Perez John Petersen Richard Pickering Ruth Pickering Ernest Pilon Sr. Julie Pintal, O.P. Sadie Place Shea Place Tonya Place Laura Post Brian Powers Deborah M. Powers Jack & Susan Pretak Eileen Quaresimo Dawn Quercia Arley Quilambaqui Robert Quinlan Jacquelyn Raftery-Helmer Diane Rapp Dr. Joseph A. Reilly Pamela D. Reilly Rose Marie Reilly John L. Rich Nicholas Rizzo John Roethel Jeannine P. Rogers Tracy Rojano Kathleen Romines Benjamin Rossi Christopher Rotante Damien Rotante Jennifer Rotante John Rotante Louise Rotante Janice C. Ruggiero Christine Ryan Kevin Ryan Tommy Ryan Carolyn Sabina Dr. Priscilla L. Sagar Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sahakian Sr. Ann Sakac, O.P. Cris Sakalauskas Sandra Sakalauskas Veronica Sakalauskas Lorraine A. Santacroce * Deceased

Sue Schick Sandra Scioscio Toni Serrano Julie Sharp Kent Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shramek Christopher Sieger Kathleen Slattery Arianna Smith George Smith John H. Smith, Sr. Katherine Smith Kathleen Smith Nathan J. Smith Scott Smith Maryanne Sorrentino Richard Sorrentino Christopher Spinelli Mike Spinelli Tracy Spinelli Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Stadelman Bonnie Stark William R. Stark Harry Steinway Angela Stoehr Michael Stopera

George F. Stradar, Jr. Ann Strid Roseanne Sullivan Eleanor Sveda Karen Sveda Robert Sveda Lisa Sweeney Dawn Tabasco Margie Talal Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tallardy III Jon Tanous Brilee Taylor Ross Taylor Eunice Tenney Rob Thompson Andrea Thurk Karen Tice Megan E. Touhey Gary P. Trible Anthony J. Trimboli Mary Troeger James H. Tyer Barbara A. Uhl Jessica Valentin Susan A. Valentine Sandra Van Dyke

Craig VanDongen Heidi VanDongen Janice VanDongen Paul VanDongen Antonio Varano Loel Vazquez Tim Vazquez Karl Volk Dr. Alexander von Hafften, Jr. Dr. Robert M. Walasin Katherine Walsh Gina Weedon Laurel Weeks Ellen Wejuli Kristina Weldon Dale Wellman Luke Welna George T. Whalen, Jr. Jonathan Wiese Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wilson Linda Yerardi Janet A. Zeman Jaime Zeoli Joanne Zeoli Richie Zeoli Kelly Zocco

MSMC Campus Community

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Glass II

Maribeth A. Powers ’16

Sonya Abbye Taylor

Elizabeth Harper

Trevor M. Purcell ’03

Dr. Andrea Ackermann

Dr. Carl Hoegler

Carolyn M. Quoma

Dr. Evelyn B. Barese

Michelle A. Iacuessa ’94

Dr. John T. Reilly

Kathleen P. Barton ’10

Ryan A. Kadlubowski

Emily E. Ricci ’15

Elora D. Benfer

Dr. Lynn Maelia

Dr. Janine Bixler

Sharon Mankiewicz ’09

Robin Rosenberg

Ellen Bourhis Nolan ’11

Jessica Marinan ’09

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Callo

Dr. Maureen Markel

Barbara Connolly

Doraine Mason

Michael C. Coppolino

Nancy E. Mazza ’99

Dr. James F. Cotter

Kathleen P. McCoy ’88

Jack T. Deragon

Evan C. Merkhofer

Dean DiMarzo ’13

Suzanne R. Muschio

Arthur Emerson III

Dr. Thuy L. Nguyen

Heather L. Fitzsimmons

Dr. Tracey J. Niemotko

Fr. Gregoire J. Fluet

Elaine A. O’Grady ’89

Dr. Michael L. Fox

Kathleen & Michael O’Keefe

Lynn M. Frank

Nancy S. Owen

Susan A. Voge

Dr. J. David Gallagher

Barbara Petruzzelli

Grantley D. Yearwood

Jane M. Gangi

Steven A. Phillips ’15

Janet A. Zeman

Jacqueline A. Gerace

McKamie C. Place

Dr. Charles M. Zola

TRUSTEES Charles P. Frank Anthony Liotti Robert T. Armistead Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. Anna Halpine Kekuut J. Hoomkwap Michael Horodyski Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski Sr. Constance M. Koch, O.P. ’71 The Very Reverend John A. Langlois, O.P. Stephen McCarthy Edward T. Mechmann, Esq. Liam O'Brien, Esq. * Deceased

Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, O.P. ’72 Sr. Madeleine Tacy, O.P. Timothy J. Van Damm ’99 Luanne D. Zurlo TRUSTEE EMERITI Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. ’65 George F. Stradar Jr., Esq. Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, O.P. ’59 PRESIDENT EMERITA Sr. Ann Sakac, O.P.

Dr. Priscilla L. Sagar Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Anthony Scardillo Cindy M. Senese-Sherilla Dr. Ludmila Smirnova Dr. Frances Spielhagen Janice I. Stankus Dr. Marie-Therese C. Sulit Dr. Moira T. Tolan Megan E. Touhey Nicole L. Turner

MATCHING GIFTS 3M Foundation IBM Corporation Lockheed Martin Corporation McGraw-Hill PEPSICO Foundation State Farm Insurance Co. Verizon

Mount Saint Mary College recognizes with profound gratitude the members of the Living Legacy Society who have included the college in their estate plans. Their enlightened philanthropy will ensure the provision of academic excellence in the Dominican tradition for future generations of Mount students. Estate of Emily R. Austin

Estate of Bernice J. Hornibrook

Estate of Marguerite E. Becker

Estate of Roy C. Ketcham

Estate of Charles Boyle

Maureen A. Lawrence ’70

Estate of Frances P. Connor Estate of Timothy A. Dempsey Estate of Eleonor Depold Estate of Alice Curtis Desmond Estate of Joan M. Donahue ’76 Estate of Mazie W. Enos

Estate of Verna W. Kries Estate of Edith Lessor Estate of Mary Miller Ligo Susan & Joseph Maloney Estate of Catherine T. McDonald Estate of Helen M. McDonald Estate of Wilma Ogden

Estate of Hamilton Fish

Estate of Christine K. Schleiermacher

Estate of Fr. Gregoire J. Fluet

Catherine P. Sheehan

Estate of Jasper Forestiere

James P. Smith, Jr.

Estate of R. Abel Garraghan

Ruth C. ’89 & John Smith, Sr.

Estate of Kathleen H. Gill

Elaine G. Squeri ’64

Estate of Maria C. Girolame

Mary G. Thompson

James R. Halpin

Estate of Jean M. Tuthill

BUSINESSES, FOUNDATIONS, AND ORGANIZATIONS AAUW Abbey Art Consultants, Inc. AmazonSmile Foundation Archdiocese of New York Argenio Brothers, Inc. Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Bank of America Benevity Community Impact Fund Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan Cooper Arias, LLP Cosimo’s Management, Inc. Dominican Sisters of Hope Drury Capital, Inc. Dyson Foundation Empire State Bank Ennis Parc, LLC Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund G.A. Windows, Inc. Garden Club of Orange and Dutchess Global Impact IBM Corporation Ironworkers Local 417 John W. Danforth Company Laerdal Medical Corporation M & T Charitable Foundation Metlife Charity Trust Account MSMC Education Sunshine Fund Mount Saint Marys High School Alumnae Association Network for Good

New York Life New York State Education Department NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Orange Bank & Trust Company Parkhurst Dining Services Pepsico Foundation Rhinebeck Bank Rose and Kiernan Charitable Foundation, Inc. Schwab Charitable Sullivan Hayes & Quinn Susan Perkins NP T. Rowe Price Program The Bells’ Ethan Allen Gallery The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation Truist UBS Matching Gift Program United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut Valenza Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Verizon Walden Savings Bank Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association Warwick Savings Foundation Wells Fargo Community SupportCampaign West Point Tours, Inc. Xtreme FC, Inc. YourCause, LLC




The Living Legacy Society

Special Gifts (July 2017 – June 2018) DESIGNATED GIFTS Berski Class Day Award Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 James V. McEnery Alumni Service Award Mary Anne McEnery ’70


Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment Fund Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Clark John Devine Dr. Cecilia M. Falbe ’71 Charlie Ford Anita Gandolfo Marion Imperatore Kevin McIntyre Mary Troeger Barbara A. Uhl Center for Community Engagement Sonya Abbye Taylor Miriam Cohen Kathleen Correll Dr. Michael L. Fox Elaine Moore O’Grady ’89 & Andrew O’Grady ’88 Barbara Petruzzelli Anthony Scardillo Susan A. Valentine Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wilson Debra Catania Zambito ’98 MSMC Athletics Sonya Abbye Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Adams Daniel Allen Lisa Altman Tracie Ambrosio Jack Anderson Katie Anderson Kristy ’04 and Richard N. Anderson ’89 Ernest Annibale Anonymous Peter Ashton Michael Audette Rich Bacalhau Connor Bacci Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bacci Carl Baker Mr. & Mrs. Steven Barbara Christine Barber Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Barber Korey Barber Kyle E. Barber Ronald Barber Sandra Barber Francesca Barry Dana Skinner Bass Bryan Beaudoin Kyle Beaudoin Tom Beaudoin Donald R. Becker, Esq. Marianne Begemann Mr. & Mrs. Charles Benfer III Elora D. Benfer Nancy J. Benfer ’03


Macky Bergman Paul Bevilacqua Eileen Binckes Christopher G. Blackwell Beth E. Blanco Carlos Blanco Marisa Blanco Nico Blanco Jovettee Blango Vicki Zwart Boyle ’87 Michael Branche Jonathan Breidenbach Shirley Roberts Brereton ’06 Amber Brockenbush Alice Bruno Frank Bruno Christina Burke Ellen Burke Holly Burke Morgan E. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Burke Bethany Callahan Dusti Callo Mr. & Mrs. Fred Callo Ebi Campbell Mary Clare Campion Natalie A. Candarelli ’16 Matthew D. Canino ’00 Elaine Contarino Cannella ’85 Mirta Capan Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Carnovale Mr. & Mrs. Robert Caronia Sabrina Caronia Mr. & Mrs. John Caruso Paige Caruso Theresa Caruso Isabella E. Castrogiovanni Marissa N. Catania Steve Chester Craig Chinsky Beth Connolly Andrew M. Connors Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connors Cathy Constantino Christina Contelmo Matthew Coppolino Michael C. Coppolino Ruthann Cosman Emma L. Costa Kelly Cronin McKenna A. Cronin Ronda Cunningham Krista Curley Matthew Curley Judy Curran-Rourke Loretta Daskawisz Steve Daskawisz Lissette Fabregas Del Toro ’13 Brian M. Denisar ’03 Breanna M. Depasquale ’17 Jack T. Deragon Sarah Devine Jeffrey Diguette Stephanie DiMasi Giana DiPierdomenico Mr. & Mrs. Phil DiPierdomenico Richard Doulos

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Doxey Drury Capital, Inc. Amy Eagen Kathleen Edgar Melissa Ernst Wanda Espinal Jorge Fabregas Marlene Fabregas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farrell Sean Farrell Kathleen Federico Julimar Figueroa Lisa Fishman Julia Flanigan Michela Flanigan Fr. Gregoire J. Fluet Evelyn C. Foley ’81 Annette Forgione Jody Fox Dr. Michael L. Fox Giovanna Fralonardo Mary Franck Charles & Lynn Frank Donna Freundlich Mr. & Mrs. Doug Fuge G.A. Windows, Inc. Sally Ann Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. Henry Galasso Vanessa Galkin-Spinelli Richard Gaudette Tousif Ghani Cara Giannillo Gregg Giannillo Elizabeth ’00 and Thomas Goetz Caleigh Golabek Guadalupe Gomez Kenyatta Gomez Ashley Gonzalez Catherine Gonzalez Hector Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Goodwin Judy Gray Breanne J. Greaves Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Grella Taylor A. Grella Dolores Gries Jennifer Gries ’16 Kimberly Gries Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Gries David Grimm Mr. & Mrs. Kristopher Grimm Allison Griner Deb Griner Francis Gritsko Stephanie Guerra Lorna Gusmano Shelley Hall Kassidy Hallum Kennadie Hallum Jordan Hama Beckett Hammel Josh Hammer Brittany Hampton Robert Harrington Monica C. Hasbrouck ’95 Seth Hauben Lori Hauser

Owen F. Heath Alex Hellpap Bella Hellpap Jeremy Hellpap Jordyn A. Hellpap Monika Hellpap Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hellpap Winston Hellpap Deborah Herb Jenalee Herb Jennifer Herb Jennifer Hernandez Marissa Hernandez Ralph Hernandez Dr. Carl Hoegler Jacqueline M. Hogan Caitlin Houlihan Olivia G. Hull Jean Humphries Ashley N. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hunt Rosa Iaria Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Iaria Tiffany Loprete Ingram ’94 Benjamin Israelite Carol Jankosky Christopher R. Jaros Amy Johnson Jeff Joss Michael Kadlubowski Richard Kadlubowski Ryan A. Kadlubowski Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kadlubowski Patricia Kavanagh William Kavanagh Alec Kealing Donna Keane Megan C. Keane Blake A. Keenan Brian Keenan Mr. & Mrs. Sean Keenan Catherine Brosnan Kennedy ’70 Diane Kennedy Margaret Kent ’14 Fiona T. Kiernan Nicole Kilduff Ruth Kindt Alexandra H. Klesin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Klesin Julianna P. Kohlus Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kohlus Xuan Kong Keely Korbel Krista Koteles Lawrence Kotkin Danielle K. Kralik Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kralik Kayla Kurka ’16 Tammy Lamazza Kenneth M. Lane ’06 Andrew Larkin Colleen Lavin Neil Lavin Carlene Lee Lauren LeGere Mr. & Mrs. Robert LeGere

Deirdre Lehr Jennifer Letourneau Elizabeth A. Limonta James LiMonta Mallon Limonta Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Limonta Annmarie E. Llewellyn ’12 Andrea Locke Sean T. Lockwood ’14 Jenny C. Logan Robert Lorette Ashley Louder Russell Lowe Gina Lozito Maegan Lutinski Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lutinski Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lynch Pamela Lyons Katie MacBride Mr. & Mrs. George W. MacDonald Diane Maher Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maher Tara Maher John P. Mahon Ariana Maleki Stephanie Mamakos Sharon Healy Mankiewicz ’09 Tina Manley Elizabeth Marcantonio Christopher J. Marchese ’15 Jay A. Marchese Bianca J. Marletta Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Marletta Sue Marsh Gregory Martorana Tracey Martorana Brandon Marty Jennifer Marty John Mazza Amanda Mazzurco Elizabeth Mazzurco Emily R. Mazzurco Ileana Mazzurco Joseph Mazzurco Lucas Mazzurco Maria Mazzurco Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCann Dylan McCann ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Pat McCarroll Colleen McCauley Daniel R. McCrea ’12 Regina M. McEnery Kelder ’80 Pam McFerran Christopher McGorty Daniel McGowan Marlee McGurl Natalie McKinstrie Lois McLoughlin Steve McLoughlin Christina McNamee Helen McNamee Janet McNamee Kevin McNamee Kyra McNamee Ryan Mee James Memola * Deceased


The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation Kaplan Family Library Jane M. Gangi James R. Halpin & Joan J. Sommers-Halpin MSMC Education Sunshine Fund MSMC Nursing Carole Muller Bean ’86 & Kevin Bean

Participants in the Medici Scholars Program, sponsored by Walden Savings Bank Trevor ’03 & Melissa ’03 Purcell Eileen Quaresimo Dawn Quercia Arley Quilambaqui Therese Quinn Jacquelyn Raftery-Helmer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rapp Christian Redl ’14 Rose Marie Reilly Anthony R. Rizzo Nicholas Rizzo Salvatore Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Rizzo John Roethel Tracy Rojano Kathleen Romines Robin Rosenberg Benjamin Rossi Christopher Rotante Damien Rotante Jennifer Rotante John Rotante Louise Rotante Christine Ryan Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Joseph T. Ryan Kevin Ryan Tommy Ryan Cris Sakalauskas Sandra Sakalauskas Veronica Sakalauskas Lorraine A. Santacroce Anthony Scardillo Felicia Schefer Sue Schick Sandra Scioscio Alexis Semler Toni Serrano Julie Sharp Kent Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shramek Christopher Sieger Kathleen Slattery Arianna Smith George Smith Katherine Smith Kathleen Smith Nathan J. Smith Scott Smith Maryanne Sorrentino Richard Sorrentino Christopher Spinelli Mike Spinelli

Nicole A. Spinelli Tracy Spinelli Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stabach Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Stadelman Bonnie Stark Harry Steinway Michael Stopera Ryan Philip Straub ’14 Ann Strid Daria E. Sullivan ’17 Roseanne Sullivan Eleanor Sveda Karen Sveda Robert Sveda Lisa Sweeney Dawn Tabasco Margie Talal Jon Tanous Brilee Taylor Cady J. Taylor Michele Taylor Ross Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Norman Terry Mr. & Mrs. Yvette Terry The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation Rob Thompson Andrea Thurk Donna Tiriolo Jaden Tiriolo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tiriolo Kathryn M. Toole ’10 Jillian M. Torre ’14 Megan E. Touhey Meghan E. Twomey ’15 Uchenna D. Umunna Mr. & Mrs. James Vaillancourt Carlos S. Valdez ’12 Jessica Valentin Craig VanDongen

Heidi VanDongen Janice VanDongen Paul VanDongen Loel Vazquez Tim Vazquez Dabein C. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wall Klaire B. Wall Katherine Walsh Gina Weedon Laurel Weeks Ellen Wejuli Kristina Weldon Dale Wellman Luke Welna Jonathan Wiese Xtreme FC, Inc. Linda Yerardi Sabina A. Zarod Jaime Zeoli Joanne Zeoli Richie Zeoli Kelly Zocco Campus Ministry General Ennis Parc, L.L.C. Maureen McLaughlin Lucia ’71 Jack & Susan Pretak Antonio Varano Division of Education Geraldine Walotsky Cass ’71 Joan P. Kaplan ’92 M & T Charitable Foundation New York State Education Department New York State Education Department New York State Education Department

MSMC Psychology Joan P. Kaplan ’92 The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation Technology Grants & Gifts AAUW Gifts-in-Kind Chris Bole Dr. James F. Cotter Francis Frecentese Ryan Greve Patrick Horsman Mr. & Mrs. William P. Kuehsel Mr. & Mrs. Lee Millsap Dyson FD Grant Nursing Search Dyson Foundation Anne F. Bourne Memorial Fund Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan Center of Aging NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Restricted General Anonymous Theresa A. Casey ’83 Dominican Sisters of Hope Jane M. Gangi Jack & Susan Pretak Janet & Joseph Zeman Jack & Susan Pretak Fund for Golf Jack & Susan Pretak Walden Savings Medici Program at MSMC Walden Savings Bank Jack & Susan Pretak Fund for the School of Business Jack & Susan Pretak

Acknowledgements Every attempt has been made to accurately acknowledge the generosity of our donors who made gifts between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018. If we have omitted or improperly listed your name, please accept our apologies. To notify us of an error, please call the Office of Annual Giving at (845) 569-3355 or email, Director of Annual Giving. Corrections will appear on the Mount’s website:, and in future publications.

Visit us online at



James Memola Judith Memola Evan C. Merkhofer Andrea Shramek Merrill ’99 Jase ’97 & Andrea ’99 Merrill Francoise Meyer Andrew Michael Kevin M. Milella ’12 Helen Millett Kristen Moore Jean Moran Michael Moran Sean Moran Darriane Morley Timothy Morris Marge Morrissey Elaine Motta Michele Motta William Mullin Angelina Muniz Maggie Murphy Meredith Murphy Patricia Murphy Christine Murray Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mushel Jennifer Nicoletti Dr. Tracey J. Niemotko Yanick Noisy Paul Nunes Lawrence O’Brien Ann Marie OConnell Sandra Ogilvie Elaine Moore O’Grady ’89 & Andrew O’Grady ’88 Elizabeth O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O’Keefe Wanda Oliveras Alaina Olivieri Mr. & Mrs. Frank O’Neill Maureen O’Neill Morgan E. O’Neill Checelee A. Ortiz Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ortiz Shannon Ouellette Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Oury Lauren Oury Raymond Oury Theresa Oury Cameron T. Pagan Michael Papach Victoria Parciak Aurea Pellecier Alexander H. Perlak John Petersen Barbara Petruzzelli Gina Picarillo Jenny A. Picarillo Jillian E. Picarillo Richard Pickering Ruth Pickering Ernest Pilon Christopher G. Pisciotta ’14 McKamie C. Place Sadie Place Shea Place Tonya Place Laura Post Brian Powers Deborah M. Powers Maribeth A. Powers ’16

Scholarships and Awards Charles T. Baus Memorial Scholarship Award Mary Baus Knight ’88

Bart Bilsky Family Scholarship for Nursing Excellence Christina Bart Bilsky ’85

J. Desch Nursing Scholarship Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch ’72

Dieter W. Bussigel Memorial Award for the Arts Dr. Irene and Mr. Joseph Nunnari

Warwick Savings Foundation Scholarship Endowment Fund Warwick Savings Foundation

Josh F. Depew Memorial Scholarship Walden Savings Bank

Nee Family Scholarship Susan Webster Nee ’89 and John Nee

Patricia Welch Donahue’72 Memorial Nursing Scholarship Dr. Mary Ellen Doherty ’72 Mary Cramer Wassi ’72

Cheryl L. Walker Nursing Scholarship Drew Y. Sagar ’05 Dr. Priscilla L. Sagar

Stephen M. McCarthy Memorial Fund Margaret H. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. McCarthy

Dominick & Mary Roscino Endowed Scholarship Fund Rose Roscino Talbot ’68 and Maurice Talbot

MSMC Board of Trustees Endowed Scholarship Sr. Margaret Anderson, O.P. ’67 Robert T. Armistead, P.E. Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 Charles & Lynn Frank Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. Anna Halpine Kekuut J. Hoomkwap Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski IBM Corporation Sr. Constance M. Koch, O.P. ’71 The Very Reverend John A. Langlois, O.P. Anthony Liotti Edward T. Mechmann Liam O’Brien, Esq. Jeannine P. Rogers Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, O.P. ’72 Sr. Madeleine Tacy, O.P. Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association

Sarro SURE Mohonk Preserve Summer Research Scholarship Elizabeth Harper


Marie Murphy Scannell Scholarship Fund for Elementary Education Dr. Mary Ellen Doherty ’72 Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch ’72 West Point Tours Academic Achievement Award West Point Tours, Inc. Margaret McLoughlin Cavanagh Memorial Scholarship Patricia A. Cavanagh ’74 Colleen M. CavanaghBendernagel ’77

Virginia J. Davidsion Memorial Scholarship Peter Larson ’00 & Kristi Reeve Larson ’00 Dr. Irene and Mr. Joseph Nunnari Susan L. Rauh ’00 Dr. Marie-Therese C. Sulit Ottaway Scholarship HEOP Endowment John W. Koepper ’72 Sr. A. Mazza Scholarship Dr. John T. Reilly Gertrude Rowe Haight Scholarship Sandra ’84 & William Haight

Carolyn Rich Scholarship Endowment for Nursing Anne Wolf Rich ’71 & John Rich Moira Rovere Bayer Endowed Scholarship Dominican Sisters of Hope Bernard & CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner Sr. Julie Pintal, O.P. Dr. Thomas J. Sarro William R. Stark Marissa Pica ’83 Endowed Scholarship Ryan Garvey Maureen ’83 & Kevin Kenney Jeanette Clarke Kluckowski ’83 Carolyn Sabina Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Angela Stoehr Maureen Slattery Terwilliger ’83 Mr. & Mrs. James J. Walsh Laurie A. Walsh ’83

Dominican Legacy Endowed Scholarship Fund Peter M. Olympia, Jr. Elaine G. Squeri ’64 & Ronald W. French Lighting the Way Endowed Scholarship for Nora Cronin-San Miguel Mary Moran Deatherage ’75 & William Deatherage Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Maloney III Patricia Nocton Robert Quinlan Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association Moran Deatherage Family Scholarship Mary Moran Deatherage ’75 & William Deatherage Susan Moffo Myklak Endowed Scholarship Fund Susan Moffo Myklak ’77

Maurice & Rose Roscino Talbot ’68 Endowed Scholarship Rose Roscino Talbot ’68 and Maurice Talbot

Tributes (July 2017 – June 2018) HONORARY GIFTS

In Honor of Barbara Ladarola Kramer

In Honor of Sister Ann Sakac

In Memory of Dr. Virginia J. Davidson

In Honor of Candace Brown

Catherine M. Kennedy ’70

Regin J. Naithaloor ’08

Peter Larson ’00 & Kristi Reeve Larson ’00 Dr. Irene and Mr. Joseph Nunnari Susan L. Rauh ’00 Dr. Marie-Therese C. Sulit

In Honor of Jess Mushel

In Honor of Venezia Verdi

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Brown

Carl Baker

Lisa G. Alvarez

In Honor of Dr. Margaret Dames

In Honor of Philippe Noisy

Fr. Gregoire J. Fluet

Yanick Noisy

In Honor of Kelly Yough

In Honor of Tom Sarro

Anne Marie Warchol ’02

Mary Moran Deatherage ’75 & William Deatherage In Honor of Dominican Sisters of Hope Sr. Danielle Bonetti, C.S.J. ’71 Joan ’17 & George Gambeski In Honor of Dan Drury and Ryan Walsh Elizabeth O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O’Keefe In Honor of Paul and Dorothee Fluet Fr. Gregoire J. Fluet In Honor of Dr. David Kennett Sonya Abbye Taylor Miriam Cohen Kathleen Correll Dr. Michael L. Fox Elaine Moore ’89 & Andrew O’Grady ’88 Barbara Petruzzelli Anthony Scardillo Susan A. Valentine Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wilson Debra Catania Zambito ’98


Timothy F. Heil ’78 In Honor of Maureen Leary Bornstein


Dr. Evelyn B. Barese

In Memory of Rev. Arthur Anderson

In Honor of Jamie Beard

Judith Lillis Pond ’70

Nicholas A. Shannon ’03 In Honor of Helen Macy and Angelina Feroli Christine Macy Feroli ’80 In Honor of Tracey Niemotko & Moira Tolan Anthony Scardillo In Honor of Joanne O’Keefe Miller, DNP, RN, NEA-BC Ryan Garvey Carolyn Sabina Angela Stoehr In Honor of Gertrude Mokotoff Alvin Mann ’16 In Honor of Liam and Daniel O’Sullivan Maeve O’Sullivan Cizek ’89


In Memory of Charles T. Baus Mary Baus Knight ’88 In Memory of Sr. Frances Berski Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 In Memory of Dieter W. Bussigel Dr. Irene & Mr. Joseph Nunnari In Memory of Maria Cassano Meadows ’68 Susan Kearney Olsen ’68 In Memory of Margaret P. Cavanagh Patricia A. Cavanagh ’74 Colleen M. CavanaghBendernagel ’77

In Memory of Dr. Patrick J. DeLuca Janet & Joseph Zeman Rosalie A. DeLuca In Memory of Lt. Col. J. M. Desch Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch ’72 In Memory of Sue Gaetano ’73 Maureen McLaughlin Lucia ’71 In Memory of Carol Bolton ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sahakian In Memory of Ellen Kiley Van Tine, BSN, R.N. ’79 Francis C. Kiley In Memory of Walter & Margaret Lambert Eileen P. Lambert ’73 In Memory of Dr. Edith Lessor Virginia E. Thompson ’79 In Memory of Margaret P. Maloney Susan & Joseph Maloney

In Memory of Stephen McCarthy Margaret H. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. McCarthy In Memory of James V. McEnery Mary Anne McEnery ’70 In Memory of Marie Murphy Scannell Dr. Mary Ellen Doherty ’72 Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch ’72 In Memory of Marissa Pica Laurie A. Walsh ’83 In Memory of Lucie Pintal Dominican Sisters of Hope Sr. Julie Pintal, O.P. In Memory of Vassily Potapov MSMC Education Sunshine Fund In Memory of Jean Turner Ritchie ’71 Geraldine Walotsky Cass ’71 In Memory of Isabella Sciacca Michael J. Paff ’80 In Memory of Albina & Patrick Sheehan Catherine P. Sheehan In Memory of Patricia Welch Donahue ’72 Dr. Mary Ellen Doherty ’72 Mary Cramer Wassi ’72 * Deceased

H-Honorary Degree


Capital Campaigns We are pleased to recognize those who have continued to honor their pledges during the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

A Call to Excellence: The Campaign for the Dominican Center Advance Testing Company, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gerry

Mrs. Vivian B. Milczarski ’10

Carrie ’93 & Leonard Shustack

Mr. Ludwig H. Bach ’82

Mrs. Sandra E. Gerry

Mrs. Ellen Bourhis Nolan ’11

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Shustack

Mrs. Barbara Connolly

Ms. Anna Halpine

Kathleen & Michael O’Keefe

Cornwall Foundation Inc.

Ms. Kimberly A. King

Mr. Michael J. O’Keefe

Mrs. Mary M. Deatherage ’75

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Maloney III

Mrs. Barbara Petruzzelli

William Deatherage

Susan K. Maloney

Mrs. Judith A. Pond ’70

Ms. Marilyn J. Ejercito ’77

Joan Rhoda Marvel

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pretak, Jr.

Mr. Carlos Tonche, Jr.

Empire State Bank

Nancy E. Mazza ’99

Ms. Ita M. Rahilly

Mr. Joseph G. Valenti

Ms. Mary Ann Fitzpatrick ’64

Mr. David W. Melby

Ms. Catherine P. Sheehan

Mr. Lee M. Zawistowski

9th Annual Athletic Department Golf Outing Batters Up Long Island, LLC

Steven M. Iorio

Mr. Joseph Callo

Island Photography

Christopher S. Cataldo

Laborers Local 17 LECET

Michael C. Coppolino Jared A. Daleo Mr. Steven R. Feroli Focused Wealth Management Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dean Glass II Goal to Goal Soccer Academy, LLC

Mr. David Aaron Lambert Mr. & Mrs. David R. Longacre Mr. Michael McLaren

Mrs. Rose R. Talbot ’68 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tallardy III Mrs. Gayle J. Tallardy

Acknowledgements Proforma Graphic & Promotional Solutions Ship Lantern Inn State Farm Insurance Companies Stylez Entertainment TEG Federal Credit Union Adam E. Turner

Mr. David W. Melby

Mr. Vincent Viola

MSMC Athletics

West Point Tours, Inc.

Mr. Michael John O’Keefe

Young’s Motors Inc.

Every attempt has been made to accurately acknowledge the generosity of our donors who made gifts between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018. If we have omitted or improperly listed your name, please accept our apologies. To notify us of an error, please call the Office of Annual Giving at (845) 569-3355 or email, Director of Annual Giving. Corrections will appear on the Mount’s website:, and in future publications.



40th Annual Invitational Golf & 7th Annual Invitational Tennis Tournament Honoring Bill & Mary Murphy and Manny & Rosemary Dizon A.J. Ross Creative Media, Inc. Mark G. Aberasturi, Attorneyat-Law Advance Testing Company, Inc. Aetna Life Insurance Company Mr. Tim Alessi Alfandre Architecture, P.C. Argenio Brothers, Incorporated Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Atlantic Contracting & Specialties, LLC Barton Chevrolet Cadillac Joy Bento ’68 Mrs. Carol Cacchio Calculated Fire Protection Co., Inc. Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, PLLC Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. Colandrea Buick/GMC, Inc. Collection Bureau of the Hudson Valley, Inc. Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan ConnectOne Bank Mr. Alan W. Creais


Regina F. Crossley Crystal Run Village, Inc. William and Patricia Cummings Daubman Corporate Interiors D-Ben Security Systems, Inc. Dr. James and Bonnie ’95 DiLorenzo Manny and Rosemary Dizon Dutchess Tekcon Industries, Inc. Empire State Bank EverCare Choice, Inc. Ms. Anna Fabiano Rhea F. Fleckenstein Focused Wealth Management Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fogarty Mr. Richard Forbes Dr. Lawrence T. Force Mr. Charles P. Frank Mrs. Ximena Greco GreenAcre Abstract, LLC GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. Halmar International Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hatfield Jr. Highland Associates


Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski Hospice Of Orange and Sullivan Counties Hudson Valley Investment Advisors, Inc. I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 363 iHeart Media of the Hudson Valley Independent Living, Inc. Ironworkers Local 417 Eloisa M. Jessup ’11 John W. Danforth Company Ms. Alyce Kosofsky Laborers Local 17 LECET Laerdal Medical Corporation Lakeland Bank David Lambert ’02 LCS Companies of New York, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lease II Mrs. Mary Lewis Joseph and Susan Maloney III Mr. Frank Maniscalchi Mrs. Nancy M. Marjollet Mr. A. Vincent Mazzie Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. McCarthy

Mr. David W. Melby Millspaugh Funeral Directors Mr. & Mrs. Kathleen V. Millspaugh Mobile Life Support Services, Inc. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney GIFT, Inc. William and Mary Murphy Mr. Karl Najork Mrs. Susan D. Najork Nannini & Callahan Excavating, Inc. New York Life NOAAR Nonprofit Solutions Northrop & Stradar, P.C. Orange Bank & Trust Company Parkhurst Dining Services Paunovic & Paunovic, DDS LLP Pepsi Cola of the Hudson Valley Mr. Michael Pine Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #373 U.A. Premier Diagnostic Services, Inc.

Prime Buchholz LLC Ms. Patricia A. Quiana Mr. Michael J. Quinn Ms. Ita M. Rahilly RBT CPAs, LLP Rider, Weiner & Frankel P.C. Rose Press, Inc. Mr. Anthony Scardillo Scott Lask Wealth Management Group, LLC Jennifer M. Smalley ’87 Smitchger Realty Sunshine Ford-Lincoln, Inc. TD Bank TEG Federal Credit Union The Angeletti Group Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle, LLP Toshiba Business Solutions Mr. Paul Trachte Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association Mr. William G. Ware Ms. Priscilla Weed West Point Tours, Inc. William A. Smith & Son, Inc. Debra E. Zambito, G ’98

* Deceased

Honoring Rick Brownell & Nancy Rossi Brownell and Michael McCormack Abilities First, Inc. Access Supports for Living Adams Fairacre Farms Advance Testing Company, Inc. Anonymous Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Mr. Robert T. Armistead P.E. Mr. & Mrs. George E. Banta Bardavon Bethel Woods Center for the Arts Blacktop Maintenance Corporation Bonura Hospitality, LLC Mr. Arthur Bressman Broadway Tailors Buttermilk Inn and Spa Mr. Harrison H. Buxton III Camp Veritas, Inc. Mrs. Sharnie M. Canary Cappillino & Rothschild LLP Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, PLLC Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. Chazen Engineering & Land Surveying P.C. Collection Bureau of the Hudson Valley, Inc. Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley Mr. Thomas J. Conroy Mr. Kenneth G. Copans CPA Cornerstone Family Healthcare Cosimo's Management, Inc. CR Properties Group, LLC * Deceased

CRBM Associates, LLC Crosmour Management Crystal Run Village, Inc. Cuddy & Feder, LLP William and Patricia Cummings Daubman Corporate Interiors Day Seckler, LLP Dr. James and Bonnie ’95 DiLorenzo Mr. John M. Donoghue Esq. Dutchess Tekcon Industries, Inc. Dutchess Tourism Inc. Marilyn J. Ejercito ’77 Empire State Bank Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Forman Michael L. Fox Mr. Charles P. Frank Freedom Ford Gardner Farm Inn Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dean Glass II Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. Mr. James R. Halpin Ms. Edna Haughney Hazard's Pharmacy Holt Construction Corp. Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski Jenny’s Floral Designs Hudson Valley Council, BSA Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation

Hudson Valley Renegades I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 363 iHeart Media of the Hudson Valley Ms. Anne E. Impellizzeri Independent Living, Inc. Jacobowitz & Gubits, LLP John Herbert Company Kalux Hospitality Group Kate Rabe Consulting Dr. David Kennett Kings Capital Construction Mr. James M. Kulisek Lakeland Bank David Lambert ’02 Hon. William J. Larkin Jr. and Patricia Larkin LCS Companies of New York, Inc. Mr. Samuel J. Lee Lyceum Theatre Jeffrey Lyons Liscum McCormack VanVoorhis Mr. & Mrs. David S. MacFarland Max's on Main Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. McCarthy Mrs. Elizabeth G. McCurdy Mr. & Mrs. John F McKinney Jr. Mr. David W. Melby Mr. Carl E. Meyer Beth C. Mills ’77 Mobile Life Support Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Moore Morris Associates Engineering & Surveying Consultants, PLLC

MSMC Alumni Association Museum Village William and Mary Murphy Mrs. Susan D. Najork Dr. Tracey J. Niemotko Nonprofit Solutions Mr. Liam O'Brien Esq. Elaine A. O'Grady ’89, G '09 Old Rhinebeck Aerodome Michael Olivette Orange Regional Medical Center Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Osborn Our Lady of Lourdes High School Ms. Ann M. Pallan Parkhurst Dining Services PC Construction Company Philip A. Williams DMD PC Prime Buchholz, LLC Proforma Graphic & Promotional Solutions Putnam County Economic Development Corp. Radio Woodstock Mr. James M. Raimo RBT CPAs, LLP Rhinebeck Bank Riverside Bank Ms. Stella Rossi Royal Carting Service Company Ms. Nancy Rubsam Safe Harbors of the Hudson, Inc. Saratoga Race Course Mr. Anthony Scardillo

Dr. Susan and Frederick Schulmerich Seal & Stripe, Inc. Shadows on the Hudson Ms. Lisa Silverstone St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital Stenger, Roberts, Davis & Diamond, LLP Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan O.P. ’72 Tom and Janet Sullivan Summit Actuarial Services, LLC SUNY Orange Foundation Superior Abatement, Inc. TD Bank The Angeletti Group The Benjamin Companies The Chamber Foundation, Inc. The Inn at Saratoga The Lofts at Beacon Falls The Parkside Restaurant Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle, LLP Dr. Moira T. Tolan Tompkins Financial Valenza Plumbing, Heating & AC Vassar College Walden Savings Bank Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association Westchester Medical Center William A. Smith & Son, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Wrye Ms. Debra E. Zambito G '98 Ms. Luanne D. Zurlo



8th Annual Gala Reception


BOARD OF TRUSTEES Served July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018 Charles P. Frank, chairman Sr. Margaret Anderson O.P., vice chair Anthony Liotti Robert T. Armistead Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. Anna Halpine Kekuut J. Hoomkwap Michael Horodyski Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski Sr. Constance M. Koch, O.P. ’71 The Very Reverend John A. Langlois, O.P. Stephen McCarthy Edward T. Mechmann, Esq. Liam O’Brien, Esq.

Served July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018

Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, O.P. ’72 Sr. Madeleine Tacy, O.P.

Mysia Hoogsteden ’84

Peggy Ann Caraballo-McCarthy ’89,

Timothy J. Van Damm ’99


Sean Creighton ’92 Lynne Ejercito ’77

Luanne D. Zurlo

Trustee Emeriti

Eric Stallmer ’93

Patricia Farrell ’92

Vice President

Joseph Ferrigno ’87 Tom Ferrigno ’90

Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. ’65 George F. Stradar Jr., Esq.

Judith Henderson ’66

Mary Ann Fitzpatrick ’64

Class Agent System Chairperson

David Lambert ’02

Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, O.P. ’59

Kristi Larson ’00

President Emerita

Beverly Mennerich ’69

Maxine Lindsay-Shillingford ’98

Mid-Hudson Chapter President

Kathleen M. Markisello ’87 Matthew Sautner ’90

Sr. Ann Sakac, O.P.

Nicholas Shannon ’03

Volunteers (June 2017 – July 2018)


Giving one’s time is a precious gift. We are thankful to all our volunteers who took time from their busy lives to work for the benefit of Mount Saint Mary College. Theresa Kempf ’85, MSN, NP, RN

Joyce Crossley**

Elise C. McKenna ’81, MPH, MSE, RN

Carol DeMicco**

Claire Dorcely

Cathleen Graham Parker ’87, BSN, RN

Julie Diddell

Isabelle Frank


Meet A Mentor Dinner 2018

2017 MSMC Gala Committee

Nicole Cavallo

Mrs. Debra Calvino ’81

Michael Bonura

Elaine-Marie Cannella ’85

David Lambert ’02

Caleigh Dodge

Leanne L. Larson ’85

Nicholas Shannon ’03

Mr. Andrew D. O’Grady ’88

Joseph Valenti

Mr. Sean Creighton ’92 Mr. Sean Glander ’06

40th Annual Golf and 7th Annual Tennis Invitational Tournament Committee

Mrs. Crystal Johnson ’06

David Melby, Chairman

Mr. Nick Shannon ’03

Anthony J. Curti ’08 Mr. Sean Barton ’13

James P. Smith, Co-Chair

Jovanna Cruz

Deanna Giardina Breanne Greaves Victoria Guglielmo Bryana Kenton Nicole Kilduff Kacie Mccahill Merissa Kania

Kiamesha Dolson-Ostrander ’15


Joseph Portelli

Victoria Goldbach ’16

Bob Ambrosetti

Christopher Mcgorty

Young Alumni Committee Sean Glander ’06 Jason Franky ’08 Ryan Reeves ’09 Meghan Darcy ’12 Samantha Sinatra ’12 Sean Barton ’13 Brian Klose ’13

Robert Armistead Chuck Benfer Elora Benfer Jeffrey Berry Joy Bento ’68 Philip DeAngelo Tina DeAngelo L. Todd Diorio Martin Dvoracek Art Glass

Mary Ann Raftery ’13

David Lambert ’02

Margaret Treacy ’13

Scott Lask

Jillian Torre ’14

Robert McCurdy

Ryan O’Grady ’15

Susan Najork

Mary Bocskocsky ’16

Thomas Olley

Victoria L. Friszell ’17 2017 Reunion Chairs Bobbie (Lancaster) Allen ’67 Marilyn Ejercito ’77 Jean Marie (Olson) Fortunato ’82

Dr. Bogdan Paunovic Julie Stainton

Leida Mendez Michael Marchan Michael Moran Emily Perez Amanda Scott Carla Mohan Viana Rosanelli Maria Rivera Kaili Scott

Meghan Atwood

Daniela Savone ’02

Taylor Bossie

Joanna Suppa ’07

Allison Camuso

Meghan Darcy ’12

Emily Carboine

Tom Fitzgerald Charlie Ford** William Goldman Rodora Gueye Frances Hill Antonia Houston Marion Imperatore** Bob Kakerbeck

Thomas Sarro, PhD

Suzanne Kelly

Susan Schulmerich, D.H.eD, MS, MBA, RN

Frank Kieck**

Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment

Patricia Maher


Jane McCarthy

Bernie Ampel

Diann Metzkow**

Elsie Beauchamp

Adele Grossman

Melissa Walsh

Marion Imperatore

Katelynn Whitfield

Diann Metzkow

Davonte Woodton

Frank Kieck Nancy Sorvino Addie Speranza

Eric Langstedt Timothy S. McAdam Jamie Meinsen Joan Monk Thomas Mounkhall Anthony Musso Rick Nathan Derek Sanderson Shana Sandroff Bill Sestrom Younhee Shin Nancy Sorvino** Peter Smith


Marie-Therese Sulit

Diane Algarin

Johnna Touma

Bernie Ampel**

Kelly Traver

Elizabeth Battaglia

Bill Valentino

Lieutenant Colonel Robin Benziger

Tom Walraven

Fen Lan Bohan

Jim Williams

Bob Browning

Peter Witkowsky

Marilyn J. Ejercito ’77, MS, RN

Neal Christensen

Kyung Won Pak

Patricia M. Farrell ’92, MS, RN, NEC

Shawn Christensen

Sherry Yanow

Suzanne Christensen

** Also on Steering Committee

Margaret Deyo-Allers ’03, MSN, RN, ANP Barbara B. Citarella ’80, MS, RN, CHCE, CHS-V

* Deceased


James Farnham

Priscilla Sagar, EdD, RN, ACNS-BC, CTN-A

Montana Taylor

Alumni Nursing Symposium

Mary Erickson

Nancy Spear Owen, MA, RN

Charlie Ford


James Kelly ’97

Dianne Murphy, DNP, RN

Conor Tacopina

Scott Woebse

Meline (Pittman) Radenberg ’87

Sister Leona DeBoer, OP, PhD, RN

Carol DeMicco

Ed Weeks

Joe Valenti

Christine Berte, EdD, APRN, FNP-BC

Joyce Crossley

Mount Saint Mary College Alumni Nursing Advisory Council

2017 MSMC Phonathon Callers


Esther Lauture

Andrea Ackermann, PhD, RN, CNE

Katherine Denman

Looking Back


now days are always fun at the Mount, no matter what decade it is! Here, a student throws a snowball in front of the Villa on campus. The Villa originally housed the entire college, with the first students living, eating, and sleeping in the building. It now houses the Office of Admissions, Office of Academic Affairs, and the President’s Office.


Mount Saint Mary College 330 Powell Avenue Newburgh, NY 12550

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