MSMC Donor Impact Report

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Mount Saint Mary College


Impact Report July 1, 2018 — June 30, 2019

Mount Saint

Mount Saint Mary College


Table of

Contents ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE.......2 OUR LEGACY..............................4

FRIENDS................................. 26

A SWIMMING SUCCESS...............6

CAMPUS COMMUNITY.............. 28


TRIBUTES................................ 29



ALUMNI DONORS..................... 12 SERVING COUNTRY AND COLLEGE.......................... 14 PARENTS................................. 20

MATCHING GIFTS..................... 31 MEET THE NEW VP FOR COLLEGE ADVANCEMENT....................... 32 FROM THE PRESIDENT.............. 33

LIVING LEGACY ....................... 21 MARQUEE EVENTS................... 22

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. For questions, please email



From the Chair of the Advancement Committee


Michael Horodyski Dear Mount Saint Mary College Supporters, Alumni, and Friends


s chair of the Advancement Committee of the college’s Board of Trustees, it is my distinct honor to present to you the college’s 2018-2019 Donor Impact Report. Thanks to your support, we raised more than $1.4 million and awarded 214 students with donor funded scholarships. Philanthropic support is vital to the continued excellence of the Mount. In these pages, we recognize those whose generosity and confidence in the college are helping to advance all facets of life and study at the Mount, such as student scholarships that create access to a top-notch education; technology and facility enhancements that propel the college into the 21st century; and innovative programming and learning that enriches our students, faculty, community, and beyond. In addition to recognizing philanthropy, I’m proud to highlight our leadership volunteers. Volunteers give of their talent, their time, and in many cases, their prosperity to help expand the Mount’s sphere of influence, connect the college to businesses, and serve as our ambassadors in the community. Thank you for your tireless dedication to the mission of the Mount and to the success of our students! I encourage you to take a few minutes and read these stories and quotes from individuals who are creating a lasting impact on the Mount with their thoughtful philanthropy. In celebration of our 60th Anniversary, our first story is about the Dominican Sisters of Hope and their vision for bringing higher education to Newburgh. The sisters’ educational legacy is carried on through the Dominican Sisters of Hope

Empowerment Scholarship. What remarkable dedication and passion! For anyone that has used the swimming pool in the Kaplan Recreation Center, you know how integral it is to the campus and surrounding community. What many don’t know is the valuable part Elaine Kaplan played in ensuring a pool was constructed as part of the original recreation center. The depth and breadth of the Kaplan Family Foundation’s imprint on the Mount and Newburgh will never be forgotten. Dr. Mary Ellen Doherty and Dr. Beth Scannell-Desch are twin sisters who were among the first few graduating classes from our School of Nursing and have reached tremendous levels of success. Both are renowned authors, award-winning clinicians, and higher education leaders, and have proudly served our country in active duty around the world. Both sisters have established several scholarships at the Mount and have begun the process of endowing scholarships. It’s an incredible way to keep a loved one’s memory alive in perpetuity. On behalf of the entire Advancement Committee, the Board of Trustees, and the Mount community, please accept my deepest gratitude for all you do on behalf of Mount Saint Mary College.

With gratitude,

A little bit about


Founded in 1959 by the Sisters of Saint Dominic


undergraduate programs

14 to 1

student-to-faculty ratio


of Mount students receive scholarships and grants


full-time salary earned by over 60% of recent grads (2018 graduate survey)


of 2019 graduates were employed within 6 months Michael Horodyski

(2018 graduate survey)

Mount Saint Mary College


Meet the Advancement Committee

The Mount Saint Mary College Board of Trustees has quickly become the most rewarding board I have served on. The Mount continues to be a beacon to a city that has seen its share of adversity. It is rewarding to help steward a school with such a rich history. The administration, faculty, and staff all work with the singular goal of creating a “whole” person. The practical academic knowledge is coupled with a drive to create a graduate that is not only prepared for their field but also to be a well-rounded person. The mission of the college resonates with me and I enjoy giving of my time, talents, and treasure to such a worthy mission in an area that needs it so deeply.

— Michael Horodyski, Chair

The Mount is my alma mater. Over the years I have served on the Board of Trustees and have attended many of the academic and social functions at the college. I have a strong sense of commitment to this institution and its mission, particularly to the service component. Giving freely of my time on the Advancement Committee gives me the opportunity to continue supporting the mission. It is a gift to be of service and share one’s time, talent and treasure.

— Sister Joann Boneski '65

My experience of Mount Saint Mary College through the years has been like unwrapping a GIFT – one that keeps on giving! I graduated from the Mount in 1971. Those four years gave me an excellent education, career skills, lasting friendships with classmates, faculty, and staff, and deep gratitude for the beliefs and values that I cherish and share. Now, as an alumna, a Dominican Sister, and member of the Board of Trustees, I am delighted to offer my time, talents, and treasure so that others will have the opportunity to discover and unwrap such a GIFT!

— Sister Connie Koch '71

More than twenty years ago, a friend introduced me to Sister Ann Sakac and Dr. Dickerman so I might help with the rising cost of MSMC's employee health insurance plan. It was a project I welcomed and have been working at ever since. Thereafter, I was asked by Sister Ann to join the Board of Trustees, where I honorably served for nine years. I became a member of the Executive Committee, chaired the Advancement Committee, and have enjoyed chairing the MSMC Golf and Tennis Tournament for over 10 years. My experience at the Mount has been rewarding in ways I never anticipated, making many friends along the way that I will always cherish. My experience also empowers me to support the continued growth of MSMC, and the vital role MSMC has in our community.

— David W. Melby 2


A standing committee of the college’s Board of Trustees, members promote a culture of philanthropy throughout the college community, the Hudson Valley, and beyond; serve as advocates of the college; ensure new individuals with interest and capacity are engaged with the college in meaningful ways; and make financial donations to the college. For more information, please contact Nikki Khurana-Baugh at

The years I spent at Mount Saint Mary College were among the best in my life. From the moment I arrived, I knew it was (and remains) a special place. Friends, faculty, and administration had a major influence in shaping the man I am today. My days there were fun, challenging, and eye opening and gave me perspective that I didn’t have before. Above all else, I met Mary Hill (class of 1990) there... we’ve been married for 25 years. It is for those reasons and more that I try to stay as involved with MSMC as possible 30 years after my graduation. I feel a debt of gratitude and it’s my pleasure to try and repay it in some small way.

— Matthew Sautner ’90

Born and raised in Newburgh, my connection to the Mount began years ago. I cannot remember a time when the Mount was not part of my world! I graduated from Mount Saint Mary Academy and years later returned to earn an MBA from MSMC. Both of my daughters graduated from Bishop Dunn Memorial School. Throughout the years, my family and I participated in various Mount events. The lessons learned, experiences, and friendships through my association with the Mount family, friends, and faculty continue to shape who I am. It's an honor to be part of the President’s Advisory Council, adjunct faculty, and Advancement Committee. I am excited for the future of the Mount and proud to continue my support.

– Debra Zambito '98

Newburgh is home for both my family and my firm. This is such a wonderful vibrant community. To have such an outstanding college in one’s home community is a rarity. Mount Saint Mary College is the heart and soul of this community. As an employer, it is a huge advantage to have amazing students, both undergraduate and graduate, coming to our firm from such an austere institution.

– Philip J. DeAngelo

I am delighted to continue my family's support for Mount Saint Mary College having seen first hand the significant positive impact the college has on the Newburgh community as well as the quality of the education the students receive. Growing up in Newburgh, I have been aware of the college and its importance to Newburgh, however it was only after my father’s participation on the Board of Trustees that I understood how much our community is enhanced by having a world class educational institute right in our downtown. The college’s support of culturally important organizations such as the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra further confirm Newburgh's good fortune to have Mount Saint Mary College in residence.

– Bob McCurdy Mount Saint Mary College


Our Legacy:

The Dominican Sisters of Hope


A look back at Our Dominican heritage


s Mount Saint Mary College celebrates our 60th anniversary, we reflect on the dedication, selflessness, and service of our founders, the Dominican Sisters. In 1883, sisters Hildegarde, Justina, DeSales, and Egbert first set foot in Newburgh. Committed to community and education, the sisters quickly founded Mount Saint Mary Academy on Gidney Avenue. The sisters opened Greater Mount Saint Mary, a five-story high school in the building now known as the Dominican Center, in 1927. Then, guided by the four pillars of Dominican Life – study, spirituality, service, and community – the Dominican Sisters of Newburgh established Mount Saint Mary College as a four-year institution in October of 1959. Now known as the Dominican Sisters of Hope, our founders have nurtured the Mount and its students from the start. Many of the sisters spent their days educating the next generation of young professionals, including beloved instructors Sr. Catherine Walsh ’70, OP, professor emerita of Communications, Sr. Patricia Sullivan ’64, OP, professor emerita of Mathematics; Sr. Leona DeBoer, OP, professor emerita of Nursing; and Sr. Cecilia Murray, OP, current adjunct professor of Religious Studies and author of Other Waters: A History of the Dominican Sisters of Newburgh, New York. Others lent their skills to the Mount’s growing administrative needs, including Sr. Ann Sakac, OP, fourth president of the Mount, and the late Sr. Agnes Boyle, OP, who is best known for her three decades as vice president for Academic Affairs.


"The generosity of the sisters has not only helped me pay for college, but has allowed me to reflect on the experiences" — Rosemarie Budhwa '20 The sisters’ educational legacy is also carried on through the Dominican Sisters of Hope Empowerment Scholarship. This scholarship, funded by the sisters, is given to female students at the Mount who demonstrate need and academic excellence, especially first generation college students. Having aided deserving Mount students for decades, the scholarship took on its current name in 2014, when the Dominican Sisters of Hope donated an additional $130,000 to the existing Dominican scholarship. Since being renamed in 2014, the Dominican Sisters of Hope Empowerment Scholarship has helped an additional 40 young women to achieve their dreams. One of those women is Emily (DiBiase) Ricci ’15, president of Gloriam Marketing, LLC; assistant director of Digital Communications at the Mount; and an adjunct professor of Religious Studies. After she graduated from the college, Ricci earned a master’s degree in Theology from the Augustine Institute. “The Dominican Sisters of Hope Empowerment Scholarship not only assisted me financially in pursuing my Mount education, but also illustrated St. John Paul II’s idea of the ‘feminine genius’ at work. Through their efforts at the college,” explained Ricci, “the sisters’ influence and leadership at the Mount empowered me to embrace my own calling within the Church as an adjunct professor of Religious Studies and the founder of a Catholic marketing organization.” Rosemarie Budhwa, an English major at the Mount, has been receiving the Dominican Sisters of Hope Empowerment Scholarship for the past two years. She says getting the scholarship and studying at the Mount has been “an amazing privilege.” “The generosity of the sisters has not only helped me pay for college, but has allowed me to reflect

on the experiences which I have built, specifically in the values the Dominican Sisters have embedded in this college and how they can impact others,” she explained. Budhwa sees those values in her interactions with her classmates, her professors, and while she serves the local community. Of course, the sisters have instilled a great deal of spirituality in the Mount community through their great generosity. For more than a decade, the Dominican Sisters of Hope have helped students, faculty, and staff to follow in the footsteps of Saint Dominic de Guzman, founder of the Dominican Order, through a three-week pilgrimage in France. The annual journeys are jointly sponsored by the college and the Dominican Sisters of Hope, along with the planning efforts of the Catholic and Dominican Institute. Between two and four individuals from the Mount community are selected each year to follow Dominic’s missionary trail throughout southern France, including Fanjeaux, birthplace of Dominic’s Order of Preachers. Vicki Caruana, associate professor of Education, went on the pilgrimage in 2019. She says that the experience was life changing. “I was awestruck and humbled at the same time,” Caruana explained. “I hope that those of us who have gone on this incredible pilgrimage can be like leaven in bread on our campus and be the activator of Dominican spirituality here.” As we highlight the contributions of the Dominican Sisters during our 60th anniversary year, we also look ahead to a bright future of service, community, study, and spirituality, just as our founding sisters did as they arrived here in Newburgh 136 years ago.


Sr. Agnes Boyle


r. Agnes Boyle, OP, will always be remembered for her joyful dedication to the Mount and its students. Sr. Agnes spent more than 50 years serving the college, beginning in 1963 when she became an assistant professor of Education. She would go on to chair the division for nine years. However, Sr. Agnes is most remembered for her impressive tenure as Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA), which lasted 30 years. Sr. Agnes passed away on Sunday, November 10, 2019, but her legacy lives on: She initiated the first master’s degrees and what would become the degree completion program at the Mount. Since 2017, high-achieving seniors in the Mount’s degree completion program have been deemed Boyle Scholars, in recognition of her tireless determination and love of academics. Mount Saint Mary College


A swimming success:

How Elaine Kaplan Served Newburgh and the Mount


t’s a Saturday afternoon at Mount Saint Mary College, and dozens of local children from the Newburgh Armory Unity Center are having a great time learning to swim. The lessons are structured after the American Red Cross’s renowned swimming program. Certified instructors – including volunteers from the Armory, the Mount’s swim team, and other local teachers – are the backbone of the year-round program. And none of it would have been possible without the vision and dedication of philanthropist Elaine Kaplan. Elaine Kaplan is the late wife of Newburgh businessman and friend of the college, William Kaplan. Through the William and Elaine Kaplan Family Foundation, the Kaplans have done much for the Mount, including helping the college to acquire the properties for Hudson Hall and Sakac Hall. The Kaplan Family Foundation has also supported the Mount in scholarships and other projects including the renovation of Hudson Hall; the creation of the Elaine and William Kaplan Recreation Center and fields; building the Mathematics, Science & Technology Center; and transforming the Dominican Center into one of the college’s main living and learning hubs. Dated October 2, 1992, a plaque hangs in the college’s Elaine and William Kaplan Recreation Center dedicating the pool to Elaine, “whose generosity



funded the construction of this pool for the health, education, and enjoyment of generations to come.” In the book The Kaplan Family Foundation: A Living Legacy, William Kaplan recalls how Sr. Ann Sakac, OP, the fourth president of the Mount, asked the Kaplans for a $1 million donation to build a new recreation center. The original plans for what would become the Elaine and William Kaplan Recreation Center did not include a pool, which was scheduled to be added some time later. “My wife, Elaine, participated in that initial meeting with Sr. Ann, and she said the college should build the swimming pool right away,” noted William Kaplan.

So it came to pass that the Kaplan Family Foundation nearly doubled their gift to the college, and the Elaine and William Kaplan Recreation Center opened with a regulation size gym for basketball and volleyball, a weight room, a track – and of course, a large swimming pool. Today, the young students of the Newburgh Armory Unity Center – a free educational facility founded by William Kaplan – learn to swim every Saturday. Husband and wife team Valerie Bryant MBA ’98 and Darren Bryant ’95, coordinators of the Armory swimming program and natives of Newburgh, say that teaching kids how to swim isn’t just for fun – it’s

Through a program spearheaded by the Newburgh Armory Unity Center and Mount Saint Mary College, dozens of local children are enjoying free swimming lessons on Saturday afternoons in the Mount’s pool. The program is overseen by Mount alumni Valerie and Darren Bryant.

giving them a skill that could save their lives.

program they had always envisioned.

“You want to make sure that all kids are comfortable in the water,” said Darren. “If they learn to swim early, the water is their friend.”

“Hopefully some of these kids will love the sport like my family does,” said Valerie.

For years, the Bryant family has wanted to create a local program to introduce more minorities to the world of swimming. It would be a chance meeting between Josh Bryant and William Kaplan that would give the family that chance. One day, William Kaplan came across Josh giving a private swim lesson. Afterward, he discussed with him the possibility of doing swim lessons for local children through a partnership between the Armory and the Mount. Once their son told his parents of the opportunity, the Bryants jumped on the chance to oversee the swim

The other days of the week, the Mount’s Men’s and Women’s Swimming teams use the pool to practice, and the Mount’s Athletics Department hosts swim camps for local children throughout the summer. And sometimes, William Kaplan arrives early in the morning, before the center opens, to take a swim. For the Mount, and for the local community, it’s difficult to imagine the Elaine and William Kaplan Recreation Center without the swimming pool that has served them so well for nearly three decades. The Mount community will always be grateful for the Kaplan family's generosity.


Senator William J. Larkin


ike the Kaplans, the late New York State Senator William J. Larkin, Jr. has done much to help Mount Saint Mary College grow and flourish. Although the senator passed away on August 31, 2019, he will always be remembered as a staunch advocate for his region, including the Mount. Senator Larkin was honored at the college’s Tenth Annual Gala Reception in December 2019.

Mount Saint Mary College


Your Impact Leadership GIVING CLUBS Our donors play a critical role in the growth and enrichment of Mount Saint Mary College. Gifts create access to a top-notch college education; impact our students' educational and leadership opportunities inside and outside the classroom; enhance campus facilities; and ensure the financial future of the Mount. For more information, please contact Lynn Frank at

1959 Society

The Padre Pio Foundation of America, Inc.

Sr. Margaret Anderson, OP '67

The Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation

TD Charitable Foundation

380 Broadway Corp.

The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation

Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan

Dr. & Mrs. Jason N. Adsit


American Funds

Gifts of $10,000 or more Sr. Joann Boneski, OP '65 Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan for the Anne F. Bourne Fund Dominican Sisters of Hope Sr. Lorelle Elcock, OP '66 Estate of Bernice J. Hornibrook Ms. Joan P. Kaplan '92 Maureen Thompson Lawrence '70 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Maloney III Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. McCarthy Susan Moffo Myklak '77 New York State Education Department NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council

U.S. Department of Justice Warwick Savings Foundation

Dominican Society

Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Katherine P. Douglas Charles & Lynn Frank J.M. McDonald Foundation, Inc. Laerdal Medical Corporation M&T Charitable Foundation

Parkhurst Dining Services

David W. Melby

Pepsi Cola of the Hudson Valley

Susan D. Najork

Jack & Susan Pretak

Orange Bank & Trust Company

Eileen McDonald Sassmann '66

Rhinebeck Bank

Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, OP '59 Sr. Madeleine Tacy, OP

Rose and Kiernan Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tallardy III

Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, OP '72



Rose Roscino Talbot '68 and Maurice Talbot

Aquinas Society

Gifts of $2,500-$4,999 AAUW Benevity Community Impact Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. James D. Haluska '71

Trustees Club

Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499

Argenio Brothers, Incorporated Armistead Mechanical Services, Inc.

Hudson Valley Building and Construction Trades Council John R. Hutton '03 Dr. William D. Lahar Anthony Liotti Veronica J. Lupino-Pizzola '99 David & Bevalie MacFarland

Margaret M. Bauman '70

John & Maureen Mack

Christina Bart Bilsky '85

Mary Anne McEnery '70

Mary Anne Brickhouse '67


Geraldine Walotsky Cass '71 Dr. James F. Cotter

Beverly McDermott Mennerich '68 & Ken Mennerich

Dr. William & Patricia Cummings

Patricia Nocton

Nancy Scannell D'Agostino '77

Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #373

Dr. Mary Ellen Doherty '72

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hayes

John M. Donoghue, Esq.

Maria R. Rippon

Michael and Noreen Horodyski

Marilyn J. Ejercito '77

Harry R. Rohme '72

J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund

Arthur Emerson III

Janice C. Ruggiero

Debra Killeen Jaggers '78

Empire State Bank

Joyce Salg '64

Laborers Local 17 LECET

Dorothy Vance Forte '72

Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch '72

Annemarie Berckovits Furphy '81

Susan Unger '09

Edward F. X. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. William Gallucci

Valenza Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

Walden Savings Bank

Mrs. Mary E. Gilchrist

Margaret Conlon Walczak '68

Laurie A. Walsh '83

Sandra '84 & William Haight

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wolff

Kathleen '74 & Robert Mayer Ann McCue Spratt '70 & Thomas Spratt

Our donor

Contributions $ 1,477,305 Capital Giving


Scholarships 214 Students benefitted


Academic Support


Divisional Programs

Annual Giving



SURE Program


MSMC Community Facutly, Staff, Trustees, Parents

15% 36%

Athletic Field


Dominican Center


25% Alumni


Institutional Support

Corporate Giving*

Legacy Gifts

*Business, Matching Gifts, Organizations

Generosity 16%

Funds raised in 2018-19


Allocating your

Dorm Upgrades



Math, Science & Technology

Your Impact

Leadership VOLUNTEERS Board of Trustees Our Board of Trustees serves as the college’s governing body and provides input on our strategic vision, are ambassadors for the college, and help secure additional resources for college initiatives. The Board also approves the annual budget and serves as the fiduciary body for the Mount’s growing endowment. For more information, please contact Barbara Connolly at Charles Frank, Chair Anthony Liotti, Vice Chair Robert T. Armistead, PE Michael Catania, Esq. Kekuut J. Hoomkwap Michael Horodyski Jeanne M. Hosinski, MD Constance Kelly, OP '95 Sr. Constance Koch, OP '71 Very Rev. John A. Langlois, OP Patricia Magee, OP '88 Stephen McCarthy Liam O’Brien, Esq. Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP, PhD '72 Sr. Madeleine Tacy, OP Trustees Emerita/Emeritus Sr. Joann Boneski, OP ’65 George F. Stradar, Jr., Esq. Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, OP ’59



President’s Advisory Council

Alumni Association Board of Directors

Parent Leadership Council

Selected by the President, Council members provide expert advice and perspective on current college topics, opportunities, and challenges. Council members are leaders within their respective fields and help create new avenues for additional connections and resources. For more information, please contact Barbara Connolly at

The Alumni Association Board works in partnership with the Office of Alumni Engagement to develop long range strategies to increase outreach and engagement for all MSMC alumni. The Board and subcommittees provide a diverse alumni perspective for the planning and implementation of alumni activities and help to cultivate engagement and financial support from MSMC alumni. For more information, please contact Michelle Iacuessa at

The newly formed Parent Leadership Council serves as the leadership and representative volunteer organization for the MSMC Association of Families; family members of current students are all members of the MSMC Association of Families. The Parent Leadership Council assists with the design and implementation of programs to engage parents and cultivate financial support from members of the MSMC Association of Families. For more information, please contact Alena Kush at

Lou Bach '82 Jill Barton '09 Joseph Catania, Jr. Phil DeAngelo Robert Diamond Manny Dizon Marianna Kennedy '88 Robert McCurdy David Melby Carl Meyer Doug Murphy Peter Olympia James Smith Debra Zambito '98

Mysia Haight ’84, President Eric W. Stallmer ’93, Vice President Judith Ringwood Henderson ’66, Class Agent System Chairperson Beverly McDermott Mennerich ’69, MidHudson Chapter President Peggy Ann Caraballo-McCarthy ’89, Sean T. Creighton ’92 Marilyn J. Ejercito ’77 Patricia M. Farrell ’92 Joseph Ferrigno ’87 Thomas J. Ferrigno ’90 Mary Ann Kennedy Fitzpatrick ’64 David A. Lambert ’02 Kristi Reeve Larson ’00 Maxine Lindsay-Shillingford ’98 Kathleen Mohman Markisello ’87 Matthew G. Sautner ’90 Nicholas A. Shannon ’03

Jen Larsen, Chair P’20 Tricia Belfonti ’93 & P’24 Fred Compton '90 & P '19 Cathy McCarty P’23 Glorie Romaniello P’24, P’24, & P’24 Todd Romaniello P’24, P’24, & P’24 Dawn Moore ’92 & P’24 Gina Picarillo P’21 & P’21 Maryann Pilon P’21 & P’24

The college relies on many volunteers to give of their time and talent. Volunteers serve as ambassadors, advisors, advocates, speakers, and help relay the vision, mission, and goals of the college to their respective spheres of influence.

School of Business Advisory Council

Career Center Advisory Committee

The purpose of this council is to establish ongoing connections with the business community; assist the school in assessing the effectiveness of its academic programming, organizational structures, and managerial processes; and provide feedback and advice on changes and initiatives. For more information, please contact Dr. Michael Fox at

The Advisory Committee assists in offering programs and services that best prepare students for post-graduation employment. Areas of focus may include current economic and business trends, skills needed by new college graduates, internship programs, feedback on Career Center initiatives, strategies for marketing to employers, and suggestions to expand the visibility of MSMC graduates. For more information, please contact Kathleen O’Keefe at

Dr. Thomas Fitzmaurice, MSMC, Co-Chair Dr. Michael Fox, MSMC, Co-Chair Rob Affuso Michele Babcock Sean Creighton '92 Dr. Susan Dean Sid Kess Joseph Galasso '20 Peter Hayes P'18 Harold King Arianna Martuscello '21 Carl Meyer Dick Polich Magda Reyes '10 Jennifer Schneider Thomas Weddell

Beth Abarca Fernando Ahumada '03 Gary Albaugh Janet Giannetta Barry Lewis David Mancari Renee McComb Kara Miller '06 Kurt Praschak Ryan Reeves '09 Jennifer Santiago Christina Schluter Dr. Frank Sheboy Sade Somorin Meredith Stein Mount Saint Mary College


Alumni Donors

July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Class of 1957 Mary Blaney Murachanian

Every time I visit MSMC, it feels like coming home. From faculty and staff to donors and students, the college attracts people who care about education, service, community, and one another. I love this about my alma mater! I choose to support the Mount because I owe the college a debt for giving me the foundation to build a fulfilling career in publishing. I believe in the Mount’s mission to provide students with a liberal arts education that places a priority on service. In addition, I’ve seen the college use my investment to grow.

Mysia Haight '84

President, Alumni Association



"The Mount made it possible for me to get my education when it was almost impossible with all the other responsibilities I had at that time. It made it possible for me to achieve my goal of becoming a teacher." — Margaret Bauman ’70

Class of 1959 Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, OP

Class of 1964 Donna Degrandis Barry Agnes Doyle Mary Ann Kennedy Fitzpatrick Laurene Genhart McKenna Margaret Poyatt Joyce Salg Elaine G. Squeri

Class of 1965 Sr. Joann Boneski, OP Kathryn Schreiber Leach Joan G. Macey Rita Mare-Hasselbacher Patricia McCaffery Buck

Class of 1966 Adele Milone Canup Marcia R. Chartoff Sr. Maureen J. Chicoine, R.S.C.J. Sr. Bernadette Connor, OP Clare Hirz Dunn Sr. Lorelle Elcock, OP Ann Gallagher Falkenberry Sue Crosby Gillen Sr. Barbara Hamilton, OP Sr. Cecilia J. Hayes, OP Dr. Nancy I. Mehlem Eileen Held Monahan Patricia A. Murray Eileen McDonald Sassmann

Sr. Mary A. Schmittauer, OP Dr. Margaret Smith Spence Sr. Mary E. Troy, P. B. V. M Arlene Rustmann Witman

Class of 1967 Sr. Margaret Anderson, OP Kathleen Carey Behringer Mary Ann Lyons Bloom Ann Marie Boyle Mary Anne Brickhouse Mary Lois Connell Sr. Maureen Cooper, OP Frances Lynch Empie Sr. Nancy Erts, OP Janette Petersen Guyre Mary O'Meara Maguire Janet Seaman McCauley Sr. Mary Ella Morrison, OP Mary Castiello Peduzzi Margaret Longto Retta Margaret Blot Sedlmeir Joan Kennedy Tolley

Class of 1968 Joy Bento Sr. Mary Ann Cirillo, OP Sheila Fagan Close Susan Flynn Donaldson Joan Dubell Coughlin Frances Pampinella Hawthorne Maureen T. Hoskins Janet Looney Kolano Ellen Thompson McCabe Sr. Philomena M. McCartney, OP Beverly McDermott Mennerich Mary Ann Hoff Nichelini Joan Bernard Nishina Sheila Gage Nugent Susan Kearney Olsen Virginia Chambers Smith Rose Roscino Talbot Margaret Conlon Walczak

Class of 1969 Gail Petty Albohn Pam McGinley Berger Eugenia M. Adams Bolton

Catherine J. Breitenbach Phyllis Schwab Conroy Helen Steller Foehrenbach Jane A. Harkinson Rita Jones Heater Margaret Herbert Patricia Hopper-Doetsch Joan E. Lanigan Marilyn K. Maisonet Sally A. McDonnell Celia Mascioli Mooney Dr. Rosemary Shea O'Connor Lynn Bertholf Priebe Kathleen O'Brien Ricker Diana Sokasits Shagawat Linda Oppermann Youngren

Class of 1970 Margaret M. Bauman Olivia Wilson Curtin Paula DiBerardino Susan Burbach Fitzgerald Margaret Gardner Sr. Jo-Ann Iannotti, OP Catherine Brosnan Kennedy Sr. Ann Jerome Kociolek, OP Patricia Whittredge Kozersky Maureen Thompson Lawrence Nona S. Lynch Kathleen Costello Magee Eleanor L. Martinson Mary Anne McEnery Dr. Ann Marie Pennes Murray Joan McClurg Patino Judith Lillis Pond Kathleen Dugan Robertson Maria D. Sasso Ann Mc Cue Spratt Sr. Catherine Walsh, OP Theresa A. Zappone

Class of 1971 Sr. Danielle Bonetti, C.S.J. Judith Woll Callan Geraldine Walotsky Cass Marie Looser Cavanaugh Kathleen Crawford Sharon Jones Dorrian

Maria Serino Fitzgerald Adelfa Gutierrez Dr. James D. Haluska Maryann Conway Harris Dolores Molinaro Hayowyk Sr. Constance M. Koch, OP Paula O'Bryon Kordich Louise Machowicz Lang Maureen McLaughlin Lucia Nancy J. Madden Anne O'Brien-Teta Ellen Murphy Porter Barbara Hampton Reuschle Anne Wolff Rich Mary Sheeran Sherwood Rosanne Lorio Stockhofer Margaret M. Walsh

Wendie Filip Turbet Karen Whitbread Weckman

Class of 1974

Class of 1972 Julie Van Vliet Amodeo Kathleen Appler Nancy Cuomo Bailey Sharon Clancy Bonifazio Leda Woznick Carmody Susan Nooney Dagenais Judith B. Davis Patricia Junger Dederick Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty Dorothy Vance Forte Denise E. Haviland Lorraine Sylvester Hinchey Marcia Martone Jones Mary Ann LoSasso Joyce Patricia Gamble Kelly John W. Koepper Christine T. Lowndes Sr. Janet T. Marchesani, OP Dr. Margaret Keeler McLane Catherine Popovics Misiaszek Sr. Lucy Povilonis, OP Patricia Bracken Reinhart Geraldine M. Rockett Harry R. Rohme Michelle Williams Rosenthal Dr. Elizabeth Scannell-Desch Susan Pendulik Spinelli Christine Lalonde Stammer Ann Breheny Strauss * Deceased

"I am more than happy at this point in my life to be in a position to support the Mount in the ongoing quest to educate and inspire." — James Haluska '71

Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, OP Mary Cramer Wassi

Class of 1973 Veronica Hall Barnhart Margaret M. Barry Claire McGovern Boland Catherine Finck Breitenbach Eileen McElhill Brucia Linda Settoducato Christy Michele Gallo Cook Anne Marie Begnal Cullinan Johanna De Maria Mary Ann De Souter C. Bernadette Conlon Doupona Patricia Erb Ferrari Barbara Currier Gregory Lynn Ann Cianciolo Hajducky

Cathleen M. Howard Dr. Gerardine Johnson-Carpenter Eileen P. Lambert Donna Warnock Lloyd Kathleen F. Mazzarelli Dr. Ruth Anne Osbourn McCormick Mary Devine McGrath Edward J. Mucci Kathleen Hand Murin Susan-Jane Ambrose Newcomb Christine De Magistris Nunn Ellen O'Brien O'Connor Dr. Joseph O. O'Connor Shirley Best Rayford Mary Beth Christensen Reising Dr. Deborah Shanley-Benzaia Regina Seelig Sikorski Ellen Weber Staino

Mary Ellen Henske Bruderman Patricia A. Cavanagh JoAnn M. Dourdis Susan McPeck Eagan Jane Flynn Harrigan Ellen Byrne Jimenez Mary Ann Kadera Klicka Sharon Reap Longobardi Kathleen Hirschy Mayer Steven T. Otlowski Toni Hufnagel Ponczkowski Dorothy R. Sanger Katherine O'Keefe Stanley Hope E. Stephanou Miryam L. Stewart Elaine Keyser Whitaker

Class of 1975 Margaret Armento-McDowell Elizabeth McDonald Bishop Theodora R. Bosch Margaret Bowles Burns Rosemarie Martini Butler Eileen V. Caulfield Regina Coyne-Conway Lisa C. Daily Susan P. Dexter Maureen Finnegan-Kussard Teresa M. Gillen Anne Tompkins Jarnagan Lynda Durbak Jutton Marie Mckee Kelly Steven A. LaMoy Kathleen McGovern Larson Janice E. LoBiondo Cathleen Murphy Loughrey Carol A. Marris Kathleen Quilty Neuffer Suzanne Auer O'Rourke Susan A. Peck Lisa A. Poplawski Catharine Martone Powzyk Maureen Mullarkey Pulice James H. Ray

Margaret Angelo Ray Patricia A. Sauer Deborah Wegner Siegel Linda Fagan Squires Helen I. Weber

Class of 1976 Theresa Funk Brown Michele Dukas Clark Virginia Snow Crosby Susan Daly Charles N. Dofflemeyer Mary Ellen Dolan Eileen Doyle Edwina F. Gramuska Diane Herrick Dofflemeyer Jane Madden Hess Laura Hopkins Elizabeth Huben Mary Ann Kronner-Carroll Dr. Pauline M. Mayr Deborah Spire Otlowski Dr. Susan M. Ryan Carolyn Porco Scaturro Geraldine Barden Sprague Melissa Sullivan Elizabeth Riggins Vegliando Margaret M. Vosburgh

Class of 1977

Teresa Santarelli Arluck Teresa Ferrante Balicki Rosemary E. Blank Theresa Mantelli Bommarito Camille Ivero Buckner Colleen M. Cavanagh-Bendernagel Susan Penoyar Chernek Nancy Scannell D'Agostino Marianne Lynch Dupont Deborah Powdrell Dutcher Marilyn J. Ejercito Mary Ann Gasko Jamie L. Gutierrez Anna Marie Hayes Kennedy Beth C. Mills Geralyn Monahan-Jones Susan Moffo Myklak Judy Robinson Owens Mount Saint Mary College


Serving Country & College:

battleground nurses — supporting our armed forces


win sisters and Mount Nursing alumnae Elizabeth ScannellDesch ’72, PhD, RN, OCNS, FAAN and Mary Ellen Doherty ’72, PhD, RN, CNM, are well-versed in the triumphs and hardships of the military nurse: They coauthored two books revealing the stories of U.S. military nurses who served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Nurses in War: Voices from Iraq and Afghanistan (2012) and Nurses After War: The Reintegration Experience of Nurses Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan (2016). The books greatly benefit from the sisters’ collective experience both in the military and as pillars in the field of Nursing. Scannell-Desch just retired as the associate dean for Baccalaureate Nursing Programs and a professor of Nursing at Rutgers University, a former Mount Nursing professor and department chair, and a decorated retired Air Force officer with 25 years of service. She rose to the rank of Colonel, command nurse executive at USAF Headquarters in the Pentagon. Doherty is a certified nurse-midwife and an award-winning professor of Nursing at Western Connecticut State University. She teaches nursing students at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels. But back in late 1960s and early 1970s, Scannell-Desch and Doherty were only at the start of their careers, working towards a bachelor’s degree in Nursing at the Mount. The sisters were some of the earliest gradu-



Mary Ellen Doherty ’72, PhD, RN, CNM and Elizabeth Scannell-Desch ’72, PhD, RN, OCNS, FAAN

ates of the college, and some of the first to benefit from the demanding Nursing program founded by the Dominican Sisters. “The MSMC Nursing program was the most rigorous and well-designed program one could imagine,” said Scannell-Desch. “I sailed through my MSN program at University of Pennsylvania and my doctoral program at Georgia State University be-

cause the Mount prepared me so well. The Mount program gave me the academic and clinical tools to be successful as my career blossomed in the US Air Force.” Doherty added that “I fell in love with maternal-newborn nursing while at MSMC. Birth has never ceased to amaze me even after being a nurse-midwife for over 30 years and 2,000-plus babies later. Now, I plant the

seeds of midwifery in my nursing students." The World Health Organization has designated 2020 as ‘The Year of the Nurse and Midwife.’ A large part of their joyful memories of the college revolve around the lifelong connections they made with their professors and their classmates. “The Mount faculty became role models for life, and that included nursing as well as arts and sciences faculty,” explained Scannell-Desch. “Sr. Leona DeBoer, Sr. Barbara Bohny, Dr. James Cotter, and Dr. Edith Lessor hold special places in my heart. I still have my English book from Dr. Cotter’s class.” For Doherty, her most memorable professor was Sr. James Elizabeth, who now goes by Sr. Leona DeBoer, OP. “She was a trailblazer, a visionary, and a quiet leader in Nursing,” said Doherty. “She was progressive in her thinking and wanted to prepare nursing students for the realities we would face in our chosen career after graduation. She challenged us academically and clinically, and we all rose to the occasion. She inspired us to work hard, think critically, and embrace a holistic philosophy when caring for families.” She added, “I made lifelong friends at MSMC. Linda Fabbri Keithley ’72 and I roomed together for all four years, and she sat next to me at my daughter’s wedding reception in 2015. Other close friends who I still keep in touch with are Anne Wolff Rich

Professor Emerita of Nursing

Sr. Leona DeBoer


ount Nursing students have Sr. Leona DeBoer, OP to thank for their incredible experience here in the Mount's Nursing program. Sr. Leona helped to found the Nursing major here at the college. Even after her retirement, she continues to remain closely connected to the college community. She often returns to campus for the Alumni Nursing Symposium and the annual Nurse Pinning Ceremony. The Sr. Leona DeBoer Graduate Nursing Award is named in her honor.

’71, Olga Alonso Kelley ’71, Gerri Walotsky Cass ’71, and Nancy Cuomo Bailey ’72.” Now, Mount Nursing students enjoy state-ofthe-art simulation labs and clinical relationships with more than 40 area hospitals. What’s stayed the same since the twins graduated, however, is the Mount’s passionate faculty, who are dedicated to the success of both their undergraduate and graduate students. Throughout the many highlights of their careers, Scannell-Desch and Doherty never forgot the college that gave them their start. The sisters have paid it forward to future generations of Mount students by contributing to three scholarships between them. Scannell-Desch funds a scholarship for a graduate student in Nursing in the name of her late husband, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph M. Desch. Doherty funds a scholarship in the name of her best friend in the nursing program, Patricia Welch Donahue ’72, RN, who passed away several years ago. In addition, both sisters fund a scholarship in the field of Education for their mother, Marie Murphy Scannell, who was

the supervisor of elementary schools in Perth

Archive photos of Mount Nursing students during the 1970s

Amboy, N.J. for more than 40 years. And now, both sisters have begun the process of endowing additional scholarships in the names of their mother and Scannell-Desch’s husband, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph M. Desch, USAF. “I believe scholarships are an investment in our future,” explained Scannell-Desch. “Current undergraduate and graduate students are the future of our community and our country. I received scholarships to help me through college, and now I'm passing it on.” Doherty echoed her sister’s sentiment: “I want students to be able to experience the excellent education that I did at the Mount. My Nursing education opened the door for me to go on to become a family nurse practitioner, a certified nurse-midwife, academic researcher, and professor. I believe that I am following God’s plan for me and that MSMC played a big role in guiding me towards a role of service. I love MSMC, and it holds a special place in my heart." Mount Saint Mary College


Alumni Donors

July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 CONTINUED Dr. Richard C. Reed Mary Lou T. Sgro Joseph P. Spano Diane Pignataro Statler Dr. Karen Marinelli Wallis

Class of 1978 Regina Hosey Adducci Patricia Miller Barki Maryann Belus Davidson Mary Ellen Gregory Diver Sharon A. Harris Debra Killeen Jaggers Mike Lepore Susan Williamson Marian Jacqueline Newman McConnell Maureen T. McLoughlin Lorelei Linger Pitt Mary Ellen Lewicki Plass

Class of 1979 Linda Bingham Arnold Lisa Caporaso Dyke Mary Susan Hendricks Christine Catania Johnston Donna Lee Connell Kleister Roxanne Bauer Miller Diane M. Rubeo Maureen A. Ryan Judith A. Saleh Elaine Maurici Snider Marie F. Sossi Virginia E. Thompson Mary Skerritt Winar

Class of 1980 Nancy G. Beckett Carla Bunch-Davie Stephanie S. Collins



Kelly McMahon Cook Paula Morreale Curtis Anne Walsh Dalton Dale Ellen Dammier Joseph J. DiCioccio Maureen E. Elliott-Stuckey Christine Macy Feroli Joyce V. Garrett Gretchen Underhill Gartman Linda Kastenbein Giarrizzo Caren Cooke Henderson Lisa LaRotonda LaFalce Susan Donohue Luerssen Victoria A. Maute Joanne O'Reilly Mohan Dr. Kathleen A. O'Brien Deborah R. Pariser Colleen Bonner Postel Brenda A. Shurtleff Agnes Montalvo Timberger Linda Ventrano Williams Sharon Di Genio Wulftange Alice Murphy Yoder

Ronald La Sota Edward J. Lowe Ann MacDermott-Keefe Cheryl Clarke Margiotta Karen Mills-Heron Joyce Gentillo Mucci Kate J. Novak Mary M. Sullivan Patricia C. Taylor Joseph Tierney III

Class of 1981

Barbara B. Trent Donna Bills Yancey Terry Rundle Zaccheo Donna Halligan Zaino

Ruth Sheridan Bolger June Orr Burgess Debra Santora Calvino Anne Ferrara Chiapetta William T. Corrigan Dorothy E. Davidson Rosemary Dellechiaie Evelyn C. Foley Annemarie Berckovits Furphy Susan Shearer Gray Mary Boyle Haas Janice E. Harding Anne Bulson Hoffman Barbara L. Hultgren Claudia L. Jenkins

Camille Murphy Kennedy Mary O'Connell Lewis Anne Smith McGillin Marta A. Newkirk Margaret M. Prial Harriet Gall Rowlette Barbara Kramer Shortt Caryn Stafford Sobel Kelvin T. Thomas Ann-Marie Walker

Mysia Haight Julia Martin Holland Margaret M. Kissane Lee Ann Baumgardi Laubscher John J. Lynch Mary A. O'Keefe Kathleen Stuhler Reilly Marianne Decker Weaver Dolores Wilkinson

Class of 1983

Class of 1985

Elizabeth Seranne Brittman Theresa A. Casey Dr. Jorge R. Delgado Ruth E. Hill Linda Thompson Jannarone Maureen McGeever Kenney Jeanette Clarke Kluckowski Marie DiPrima Kochek

Christina Bart Bilsky Lynette Scianna DeBellis RiAnne Williams Keir Elise A. Mamone Paula Merricks-Lewis Mary Ellen Randazzo Pembleton Carolyn Doyle Pugliese

“I contribute because it helps to ensure that I will be able to relax in one of the lounge chairs in Aquinas Hall with a quiet smile in my heart knowing that I was fortunate enough to have attended and graduated from MSMC and the hope that someone else like me will have the same opportunity.” - Beth Mills ‘77

Class of 1982 Elizabeth Zangle Anderson Sharon Berry-Carrion Kathleen Stack Burns Linda Dobias Dombroski Dr. Mary Ann Vaccarella Fiscella Dr. Michael J. Fraser Christina Byrne Fredericks Margaret L. Gagnon Susan Turnbull Generazio Nancy L. Hoyt

Teresa Cirelli Lucente Christine Becker Miller Rowena Lopez Mock Honore L. Piccorelli Victoria Satterly Ryder Claudia M. Sawicki-Brooks Sondra L. Thompson Roseanne Savaglio Tierney Laurie A. Walsh

Class of 1984 Georgette Bowers Curcio Mary D'Acchille Suleski Constance M. Deho Brenda Fry Underhill Sandra M. Haight

Laura Basile St. Onge Deborah Daly Weisel

Class of 1986 Carole Muller Bean JoAnn McCormick Greenawalt David Iamiceli Richard P. Joyce Clare Rizzitiello Kitz Maj. Sharon O'Shea Lopardi Patricia Coyne Mahon Elizabeth R. Mills Camille M. Parisi Yonette E. Shepherd Diane M. Weldon

Class of 1987

Karen Mendler Nastro Peter V. Nastro Kathleen Connelly O'Connell Christine Kane Orgera Jean Burnette Pozza Francis L. Rich Robert L. Schupper Robert S. Slutsky Eric W. Stallmer Harry C. Warren

Class of 1988

Class of 1994

Kristina Leinweber Burger Suzanne O'Rourke Chansky Robert J. Conticchio Edward J. Forgit Karen A. Harris Susan Croteau Kindley Kathleen Mohrman Markisello Lynn Stanaitis-Maschi Patricia Leigh Stanek Nina Amendola-Polistena Maureen A. Cannon Tracy Wolff Crawford Donna A. Elliot Stephanie Keane Joyce Mary Baus Knight Donna E. Levien Kenneth J. Maguire Katherine R. Mooney Robert J. Munger Andrew D. O'Grady Colleen Gray Pitcher Mary K. Scott Jeanine Feenaghty Terwilliger

"I give to MSMC so that they can continue to give that education extraordinaire that was given to me. Because of my accomplishments (1989 NJ Governor's Teaching Award), degrees, certifications, and experience, today, I am a tenured math professor at Bucks County Community College. All of this started at the Mount and I am so grateful."

Class of 1989 Betty L. Aichelmann Peggy Ann Caraballo-McCarthy Maeve O'Sullivan Cizek Donna Sipos Cox Laura A. Crowley Kathleen Girard Doyle Elaine Moore O'Grady Sandilyn Sherman Rivet Ruth C. Smith Linda J. Sloves Suzanne Windsor Soltysik Cheryl Lantz Steiger Suzanne Becht Volpe

Class of 1990 Deidre MacGregor Brignola Elizabeth Gulino De Soye Thomas J. De Soye Bernice DeFina-Mastoros Brian M. Doyle Thomas J. Feenaghty * Deceased

— Mary Ann Kadera Klicka '74 James W. Ferguson Bonnie L. Helmsorig Eileen Gaffney McDowell Melvin W. Montgomery Mary Hill Sautner Matthew G. Sautner

Class of 1991 Cheryl Schnitzel Barnum Beth A. Glynn Ronald A. Irwin Maryellen Fraser Lopreato

Sandra Ramos Maguire Michael S. Rheaume Daniel Sullivan

Class of 1992 Frank A. Antonucci Diane Anderson Boyle Sarah Browne-Bradwisch Kathleen S. Fogarty Kelvin C. Hill Joan P. Kaplan Olivia J. Lindenberg

Jeanne Nogay Maltes Victoria Krawiec Mastrantuono Jennifer M. Michaels Madeline Cowhey O'Neill

Class of 1993 Marie C. Barnett Tricia Pelletier Belfonti Connie Eichhorn Craven James P. Fragnito Linda L. Hulse Patricia Debertolis Napolitano

Carol O'Keefe Brown Gerald V. Conlon, Jr. Michele M. Corona Jennifer Hartling Dube Diana Penn Francia Shane Melcher Goldberg Silvio Grenga Edward W. Hanley Michelle A. Iacuessa Tiffany Loprete Ingram Andrea Boss Jarvis Anastasia Pallace Lentini Ellen D. Leuner Barbara E. Lisi Robin Cole Lois Lisa A. Morris Jennifer Gorgone Murray Arlene M. Nicholson Evelyn L. Perhauch Silvia L. Roberts Margaret M. Scalzo Ronny R. Shipley Glenn Simpson Louise Couser Simpson Debra Pugh Vastag

Class of 1995 Donald L. Allen Joanne S. Bunnell Suzanne F. Ferrigno Patricia L. Gloeckler Allen E. Jacobsen Karen Welenc Kenney Michael J. King Ira J. Kroun Linda S. Linenbroker Patrick T. Marino

Mount Saint Mary College


Alumni Donors

July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 CONTINUED

Class of 1996 Allan D. Diamonti Margaret E. Dillon Donald E. Guernsey Michael B. Igo Maura M. Lee-Byrne Andre P. Loubier Gerianne M. Minkus

Class of 1999 Jessica Alvarez-Cordero Mary Lynn Conklin Rita Estrada-Flood

Class of 1998 Tara M. Bohan John J. Bruno, Jr. Suzanne Callaghan Leona N. Faust Kristin E. Haas Ronald E. Harley Greg King Maxine Lindsay-Shillingford Matthew Scully



Andrew M. Bier Steven P. Capone Cynthia Dukes-Clay Regina M. Gibson

Erin Botti Daniel W. Cooke Jennifer Fennell Fletcher Patricia A. Fuller Eileen A. Galligan Irene Lynch Joseph A. Pozza Karen L. Saluto Margaret A. Venable

Class of 2003 Nancy J. Benfer Donna A. Cowan Williams

"Returning to the Mount as an alumna allows me to pay it forward as I recount my college journey and its treasured memories while sharing my appreciation for my alma mater. I look to offer advice, encouragement, and connections with students by sharing my love for a place I once called a home, and people who continue to be like family."

Class of 1997 Kathryn Smith Brenneman Charles J. Cordero Lucia Fernandez Susan L. Hall Margarita Rios Knight Margaret F. McGinnis Courtney Cook Molinaro Nancy Noolas Nachtigal Anthony J. Patino Regina M. Taylor Patrick J. Ward David Weyant Melissa M. Wyant Suzette Paustian Wyant

Class of 2000

Class of 2002

— Corri Tetler Nicoletti '10

Marcus E. Floyd Kim E. Grey Catherine McEneaney Kingsley Michael J. Koscielniak Annette C. Levett Veronica Lupino-Pizzola Nancy E. Mazza Katherine M. Miller Marianne L. Muise Sharon White Oliva Susan M. Perkins Joseph Porvaznik Alicia Ramos Monica B. Ruiz Erin M. Sheedy Mr. Stephen Joseph Sosler Tobey L. Zodikoff

Patricia L. Holumzer Suzanne B. King Ryan J. Kingsley Kristi Reeve Larson Peter J. Larson Billy Lee Patricia M. Moresco Douglas C. Olympia Natalie Naglieri Pascale Joseph G. Polvere

Class of 2001 Naomi Jannotti Daven Betty L. Gaudette Diane Palmer Gary A. Pinar Eileen J. Snook Timothy S. Underhill Joy C. Yeaman Jeannine E. Zaluski

Dr. Matthew T. Flanagan Jennifer Fullwood Garrett John R. Hutton Christine Vitacco Nelson Sara Grossarth Nielsen Alicia Hock Plevritis Ms. Melissa Andrea Purcell Mr. Trevor Michael Purcell Nancy Quackenbush-McComb Nicholas A. Shannon Jason M. Sorensen

Class of 2004 Jennifer N. Bruckmann Marilyn Karlich Corinna C. Kazolias Geraldine Cross LaGasse Kathy J. Little

Valerie J. McCloskey Catherine M. Nelting Cheryl K. Reidy

Class of 2005 Linda L. Connors Janet A. Horan Gina C. Kreso Anthony M. Kuzia Diane McLean Lee Drew Y. Sagar

Class of 2006 Karilee A. Carman JoAnna F. Corio Thomas C. DeLuca Sean P. Glander Noreen M. Stephens

Class of 2007 Stephanie A. Beals Christopher S. Esola Kayla Collins Glander Katie A. Thompson Edward R. Lastowski, Jr. Joanne Feiner Nemecek Mrs. Marisol Neugebauer Conor P. Smith

Class of 2008 Melissa Tetler-Grau Tamara Ried Tran

Class of 2009 Jill G. Barton Gregory A. Brobst Peter C. Carofano Sharon Healy Mankiewicz Susan Unger

Class of 2010 Kathleen Gallagher Barton Paul O. Fritz Therese A. Lamica Andrea Ricciardi McClorey

Class of 2011 Sharnie M. Canary Ellen Bourhis Nolan Rayna L. Burke Karen C. Feliciano Laura E. Galante

Michael C. Stoeckel

Class of 2012

Ms. Regina Nicole Zeoli

Daria E. Sullivan Alicia M. Walker

Andréa T. Bednarski Ms. Jessica Elizabeth Mushel

Class of 2018

Class of 2013

Mr. Kyle Eugene Barber

Connor Bacci

Nicholas J. Boffoli

Sean M. Barton Lissette Fabregas Del Toro Dean DiMarzo Maria C. Greco Brittni Guirguis Manuel E. Juarez Brian Klose Dylan McCann Kate Perna Tamara R. Seney Katharine Tischer Margaret Treacy Kira M. Tutko Angela Oliveri Walters William P. Walters Michael Westerman Samantha Wilson Wood

Nicholas Graziano Allison M. McConville Joyce Mccue Tyler McDine Andrew J. Morris III Mr. Liam John Mullins Meghan Lee Murphy

“Receiving the Susan Moffo Myklak scholarship has allowed me to peruse my dream of a higher education at a school that matches my beliefs and values. I am extremely grateful for having been chosen for this scholarship and I hope to someday be in a position where I can provide someone else with the same opportunity.” — Maria Norris '22

Class of 2014 Matthew Buonocore Nicole DeFont Nathaniel M. Dziuba Sarah M. Favata Kenneth P. Fusco Joseph M. Henain Colleen N. Jones Sean T. Lockwood Kieran J. O'Keefe Clarisa Rosario-DeGroate John Savini Ryan Philip Straub Stephen Alexander White

Class of 2015 William C. Biersack Brianna M. Croce Brian D. Kimbark Julianna DeBellis Kimbark Robert Lynch Christopher J. Marchese Colin J. O'Keefe Alexandra L. Perosi Yvonndro A. Sims-Bruce

Class of 2016 Sebastian F. Cina Joan Gambeski Jennifer Gries Anthony Hughes Alvin Mann Philip A. Moresco Gregory Nevelik Justin D. Perez Joseph J. Pille Maribeth A. Powers Joel Rodriguez Devon Cook Scalfari

Class of 2017 Christina L. Antico Angelo R. Curro Brendan J. DuRoss Andrew W. Gallivan Dorothy Pratt Gioia Sean J. Jennings Elizabeth A. Lavin Nicole Marc Kelly A. Markisello Kyle Russo Lauren M. Russo Allison Sciucco

Gerard Nocera Kristine Pilla Marissa A. Pino Joseph A. Rizzotti Mr. Jake Edward Schoenherr Steven Scodes Mr. Tanner A. Tait Rebecca Boggio White

Class of 2019 Andrew Darling Sean Farrell Ms. Brigit Taylor Gardner Mr. Alberto Gilman Kimberly Gries Elizabeth Kenney Ethan McCoy Anthony T. Perrone Joseph T. Ryan Anthony F. Verdoliva Mount Saint Mary College


Parents of Alumni & Current Students July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ackerman Janet R. Adinaro Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Allen Lisa G. Alvarez Frank Antisell Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Atkins Rich Bacalhau Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bacci Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bahmer Mary T. Baldovin Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Barber Kathleen P. Barton '10 Eileen Bastien Carole '86 & Kevin Bean Tricia M. Belfonti '93 Nancy '03 & Charles Benfer III Phylis Biondo Mr. & Mrs. James Blatchley Claire F. Boland '73 Mr. & Mrs. JT Bolger Ellen Bourhis Nolan '11 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boyd Mr. & Mrs. James Broughton Mr. & Mrs. Alan Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Yoganand Budhwa Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Burke Mr. & Mrs. Frank Camerino Mr. & Mrs. Carl Candela Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cannella Marilyn Cappillino Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. John Catalano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Catania, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Costantino P. Cerini Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cirillo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clements Dawn Cole Mr. & Mrs. Neil Colello Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Colombo Barbara Connolly



"Being a recipient of the Dr. Lucy DiPaola Memorial Scholarship has been an indescribable blessing. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to continue my education at Mount Saint Mary College. To be selected for this scholarship in memory of such a respected and beloved educator is an honor. I am eternally grateful for this amazing opportunity!" — Samantha McGregor '19 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connors Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Corso Mr. & Mrs. Philip Crandall Lisa C. Daily '75 Mr. & Mrs. Denis David Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Les Denisar Julie Desrats Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Di Nonno Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Di Prima Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. DiCioccio Diane Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Dongvort Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Dubay Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dunbar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dziuba Mary Ejercito Eileen Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Esposito Mr. & Mrs. John E. Fallon John K. Fanning Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Farragher Mr. & Mrs. Jim Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farrell Debra Fasce Margaret R. Findlay

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Fitch Mr. & Mrs. Steven Flohl Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Franco Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Fredericks, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fredette Frances Fremgen-Biancardi Mr. & Mrs. Doug Fuge Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Gailis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Galante Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. William Gallucci Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gentile Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grasso Mr. & Mrs. Paul Greenwood Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Grella Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Gries Anne Marie Gruber Mr. & Mrs. William Guarasci Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Guglielmo Adelfa Gutierrez '71 Mary '81 & Nicholas Haas Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Haight

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hansen Barbara Hardt Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Harris Lori Hauser Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hogan Carol Holland Mr. & Mrs. William X. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hollis Margaret A. Huber Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hynes Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Iaria Grainne Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Jon Jennings Mr. & Mrs. William Johnston Joan P. Kaplan '92 Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Keating Mr. & Mrs. Justin Kelley Maureen '83 & Kevin Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kenney Mr. & Mrs. J. Steven Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kohlus Mr. & Mrs. Peter Koines Mr. & Mrs. Peter Korkemaz Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kralik Dr. William D. Lahar Mr. & Mrs. David Laikin Therese A. Lamica '10 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lang Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Larkin Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Laucella Mr. & Mrs. Neil Lavin Anne Leclercq Mr. & Mrs. Robert LeGere Mr. & Mrs. Peter Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Limonta Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Loda Mr. & Mrs. Charles Loprinzo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maggi

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Maggio Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maher Mr. & Mrs. Edward Malone Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mannone Elizabeth Marcantonio Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Marcello Dr. Maureen Markel Kathleen M. Markisello '87 Diane Marshall Mr. & Mrs. William Martin Steven M. Marzigliano Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Matteis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Mattina Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mayer Nancy E. Mazza '99 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mazzurco Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCann Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McCarroll Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Darran McCahill Mr. & Mrs. Robert McClay James McCool Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McCrudden Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott Ms. Christina McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Matthew McQuillan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Meaney Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Mennerich Mr. & Mrs. Giuseppe Mesoraca Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ovidio Montenegro Kathleen Moran Patricia M. Moresco '00 Joyce M. Mucci '81 Mr. & Mrs. James Mullin Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Murphy Suzanne R. Muschio Mr. & Mrs. John Musella Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Neary Catherine M. Nelting '04 Yanick Noisy Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nuszer Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. O'Donoghue Elaine '89 & Andrew O'Grady '88 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Keefe Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe

Susan Oliveri Mr. & Mrs. Frank O'Neill Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Oury Mr. & Mrs. James Owens Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Patino Anne Marie Pentland Mr. & Mrs. Walter Perlak Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Phillips

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Shea Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Terrence R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. William Scott Smith Eileen J. Snook '01 Gene J. Sorcinelli Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sowa

"For me, receiving this scholarship meant that I would be able to not only carry out my dream, but my father's dream of me going to college. His biggest achievement was seeing my sister and I succeed, which is what this scholarship gave me the chance to do. " — Kristen Corona '21

Gina Picarillo Maryann Pilon Deborah M. Powers Mr. & Mrs. William Prendergast Mrs. Corinna Quade Catherine Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rapp Kevin J. Reilly Joan Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Rogers Elayne C. Ryan Victoria A. Ryder '83 Mr. & Mrs. David Sadofsky Mr. & Mrs. John Santaroni Mr. & Mrs. Paul Santomauro Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Sawicki Felicia Schefer Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Schmidlin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schreck Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schreeck Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Sclafani Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Searle Mr. & Mrs. Graham C. Seidel Mr. & Mrs. Placito F. Sgro Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Shalvey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shaw

Marco Spagnuolo Joseph P. Spano '77 Patricia A. Stanek '87 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Stankus Mr. & Mrs. Scott Stone Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tabone Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tagliareni The Taibi Family Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Tellekamp Mr. & Mrs. Eric Tepe Joseph Tierney III '81 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tighe Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Treacy Mr. & Mrs. Peter Troy Mary Vaccaro Cynthia Vermilyea Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wall Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Kurt T. Weingartner David Weyant '97 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. White Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Whitford Ann Wisniewski Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh

The Living Legacy Society Mount Saint Mary College recognizes with profound gratitude the members of the Living Legacy Society who have included the college in their estate plans. Their enlightened philanthropy will ensure the provision of academic excellence in the Dominican tradition for future generations of Mount students.

Emily R. Austin Fr. Gregoire J. Fluet Estate of James R. Halpin Estate of Bernice J. Hornibrook Maureen A. Lawrence ’70 Susan & Joseph Maloney Estate of Richard Ostner Catherine P. Sheehan James P. Smith, Jr. Ruth C. ’89 & John Smith, Sr. Estate of Timothy Stocken Elaine G. Squeri ’64 Mary G. Thompson

Mount Saint Mary College


Marquee Events Alumni & Family Weekend 2018

Mount graduates and families of current students came together to celebrate accomplishments, catch up with old friends, make new ones, and to see what was new at the college. Highlights included a street fair, wine and cider tasting, and a young alumni gathering. Susan Ryan ’76 and Andrea Santacroce Tejedor ’00 were presented with the college’s Distinguished Alumni Award. Beverly McDermott Mennerich ’68 was honored with the James V. McEnery Alumni Service Award. Alumni celebrating milestone reunion years raised more than $43,000 to support student scholarships!

For more information about Alumni Reunion Weekend 2020 scheduled for September 25-27, please contact Michelle Iacuessa at

Academy Reunion October 2018 The Mount Saint Mary Academy Annual Reunion began with Mass followed by a luncheon in the Dominican Center Café - in the same location that these Academy graduates ate lunch over fifty year ago as students! Reminiscing and rekindling past friendship are just some of the many benefits of bringing our Academy graduates back together every year.

For more information about the Academy Reunion 2020 scheduled for October 3, please contact Lynn Frank at



9th Annual Gala Reception November 2018 MSMC celebrated its Ninth Annual Leadership Gala recognizing two outstanding pillars of the community. Mobile Life Support Services, Inc., a paramedic ambulance company situated in Newburgh, and Edward G. “Ted” Doering, founder of Motorcyclepedia Museum, owner of TEDD Cycle, Inc., V-TWIN Mfg., Umbra Sound Stage and Velocipede Museum in Newburgh, were presented with the Joseph A. Bonura Award for Leadership Excellence. The Gala raised more than $118,000 in gifts, sponsorships, and ticket sales setting a new record high. These donations enable the college to provide scholarship opportunities to deserving students.

For more information about the 11th Annual Gala Reception scheduled for December 4, 2020, please contact Kathleen Barton at

Thank you to our top donors! iHeartMedia of the Hudson Valley

Bonura Hospitality Group

Mr. Ted Doering

Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, PLLC


I.B.E.W. Local 363

Umbra Sound Stage

TD Bank

TEDD Cycle

William A. Smith & Son, Inc.

Mobile Life Support Services, Inc.

Mount Saint Mary College


Marquee Events SCholarship Brunch April 2019 The Scholarship Appreciation Brunch gives scholarship students the opportunity to meet the donors that have generously supported their education. Excitement, gratitude, and positive energy fills the room as donors and scholarship recipients meet one another. Relationships are made, mentors are established, and futures are brightened. The joy and gratitude philanthropy brings is evident in this special gathering!

For more information about the 2020 Scholarship Brunch on April 19, please contact Lynn Frank at



Golf and Tennis June 2019 The Mount held the 41st Annual Invitational Golf and 8th Annual Invitational Tennis Tournament at the Powelton Club in Newburgh. Honorees were Michael Gilfeather, president and CEO of Orange Bank & Trust Company (golf honoree) and Jack Lease, Jr., licensed real estate broker (tennis honoree). The tournament raised $128,000 with approximately 225 friends of the college enjoying the allday event. The funds assist the college in its efforts to keep the cost of a Mount education within the reach of deserving students, many of whom are the first in their families to attend college.

For more information about our Annual Invitational Golf and Tennis Tournament on June 1, 2020, please contact Kathleen Barton at

Thank you to our top donors! iHeartMedia of the Hudson Valley Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Orange Bank & Trust Company I.B.E.W. Local 363 GTI Graphic Technology, Inc.

Laborers Local 17 LECET Laerdal Medical Premier Ultrasound Services, Inc. Prime Buchholz Rose and Kiernan Insurance

Mount Saint Mary College


Our Community

July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Friends

Kiera Abbruscato Dr. Andrea Ackermann Gale Aidala Mr. & Mrs. Albert Alioto John Allen Michael Ambrosino Anonymous Sofia Ardizzone Frank Argento Sattie Armogan Mr. & Mrs. Arch V. Arnold III Joann Aronson Dorothy A. Aspinall Patricia Bahmer Mr. Carl Baker Stephen Bangert Lawrence Barbara Mr. Ronald Barber Joanne Barkoukis Hugh Bartlett Danielle Bassett Concetta Bayer Donald R. Becker, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. James Beisner Ginger Belesi Lauren Belesi Lori Belesi Ann Bell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Benfer III Jill Benton Rita M. Bier Ms. Karen A Bizoni Kim Blauvelt Anne Bogart Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boland Aidan Bolger Barbara A. Bolger John Bolger Kaylee Bolger Sr. Agnes Boyle, OP* Stephen Brocklesby Susanne Brueggeman Joseph Bruno Jacquie Buck



LuAnn Buckholz Mr. & Mrs. Donovan J. Bunch Mary Burke Fox Christina Burke Holly Burke Mike Burke Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burrell III Kevin C. Cadigan Cindy Calderon Mr. Joseph Cambareri

Kevin E. Clifford David W. Coffey Dale Coffin Joyce M. Coffin Stevan Cohen James Colwell Mr. & Mrs. James J. Conroy Cathy Constantino Christina Contelmo Dr. Justin Conway

Karen DiNicola Sr. Janice Dionne, OP Leonard J. DiSanza Michael Doerler Dave Dolan John M. Donoghue, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Donovan Diane Dougherty Dr. Katherine P. Douglas Edward & Donna Doyle William Duke Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Dunne III Tara Ehret Carolann Elias Janine Esposito Norma Perez Evans Bernadine Evens Jorge Fabregas Marlene Fabregas Sr. Frances Irene Fair, OP

"How does one go about establishing a center of learning, even an elementary school? It takes zeal, creativity, initiative, determination, and courage. The Dominican Sisters brought to fruition a marvelous resource for its members; an Academy for girls; the college for young women then men; and embraced the not so young reaching for more knowledge. MSMC is a dynamic place born of aspirations of regular people aflame with ideas. Carry on!" – Elaine G. Squeri '64 Marina Callipari Ms. Dusti Callo Joseph Callo Laurie Campanaro The Cannella Family Linda M. Cantwell Mirta Capan Robert Capan Robert P. Caridi Vincenzo Carlino Patricia Champion Wayne F. Chernek Mr. & Mrs. Frank Chiapetta Susan Ciano Sebastian Ciciliato Terri Cilento Corrado Cina Judith Cincotta Erika Clifford

Edward and Colleen Cooke Susan Cooke Mr. Matthew Coppolino Kevin Cosio Ruthann Cosman Jeffrey Costa McKenna A. Cronin Dr. & Mrs. William M. Cummings Karen Dasilva Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Daubman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeBenedictus David DeGroate Mary Ann Delany Rosalie A. DeLuca Michael DeNobile Jennifer Depalo Mr. & Mrs. James E. Devitt Steven DiCola Jacqueline L. DiMarzo

John Farina Holly Farrell Thomas Fealy Brian Fenlon Mr. & Mrs. William Fetter James R. Fiser Sarah Flynn Mr. Angelo M. Foglia Mario Fontana Hon. & Mrs. Mark D. Fox Suzanne Fox Donna Freundlich Kate Fritz Donald D. Gainey Edward and Cornelia Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Gallagher Anthony Gallucci Nicholas Galoppe Ms. Alexandra Garcia

Michael J. Gartman Erin Gauthier William R. Gedgard Mr. & Mrs. Keith George Jason Geradi Nicole Geradi Mary E. Gilchrist Sophia Goitia Guadalupe Gomez Ashley Gonzalez Emelina Gonzalez Jesus Gonzalez Michael Gonzalez Jim Gorman Vita Grella Kerry Grogan Kathy Groller Mary Ann Halevy The Harrington Family Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hartley Dorothy A. Hayden Suzanne Hayes Brian Healy JoAnne Heaphy Kathleen M. Helhoski Jennifer Herb Ralph Hernandez Deborah Hill Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hill Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Hill Daniella Holland P.T. Holland Bernice J. Hornibrook* Michael and Noreen Horodyski Ms. Jean Humphries Joseph Hymes, Sr. Rosa Iaria Marion Imperatore Michael Intrator Mr. & Mrs. David M. Johnson Edward Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kadlubowski Stephen Kaplan Donald W. Kelley, Jr. Libiria Kenoyer Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Kerrigan Mary Ann Kies Mr. & Mrs. David Kilanowski Francis C. Kiley Bernard & CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner Collin Knowles Caitlin Koch Gloria Koch Margaret Kochan David Kramer BJ Kuzmich

Lauren Kuzmich Carol Lahey Brian Lang Tim Lang Josee Laroche Manon Laroche Kyle Leach Ms. Deirdre Lehr Laryssa Lent Patrick Lievano Rafael Lievano Susan Lievano Joseph F. Lisa Carol Loeser Eric Loeser Diana Lombardo Luciana Lombardo Mr. & Mrs. David R. Longacre Susan Luke Kyle Lundgren Yvonne Lusterino Raymond Luyendyk Mr. & Mrs. William R. Lyman Mr. & Mrs. Bevan Mace Mr. & Mrs. David S. MacFarland John & Maureen Mack Maureen Mack Lucinda Maddock Frank Maggi Sabrina Maggi Jennifer Maggio Penelope Maggio Nancy Mahar Richard & Barbara Mainey Susan & Joseph Maloney Daniel W. Maltes Ms. Elizabeth Mangan Mr. & Mrs. Mike Marapodi Margaret Markiewicz Kevin R. Martin Edward A. Martino Joyce Martino Joan Rhoda Marvel Jessica Mason Mr. Kenneth Masten Robert Maurer Ida Mauriello John Mazza The Mazzurco Family John McCabe Mrs. Ann McCarroll Brendon McCarthy John A. McCarthy Carol McCormack Bill McCrorie * Deceased

Mary McFarlin Jim McGinn Patricia McGovern J. Joseph & E. Mary McGowan Mick McGrath Mrs. Lois McLoughlin Mr. Steve McLoughlin Timothy McMonegal Ms. Helen McNamee Mr. Kevin McNamee David W. Melby Judith Memola Anthony Mensi Karen Mensi Daniel Mignano Kevin Milella DNU Jonathan Miller Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Milligan Dr. Ernest R. Mills III Debbie Mirer

Wanda Oliveras Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Onorato Mr. & Mrs. Leo Ortiz Nancy S. Owen Matthew Pagano Jeffrey Palmatier John Pantelis Katherine Pantelis Vasiliki Pantelis Hon. & Mrs. Pano Z. Patsalos Peggy-Ann Patsalos Grace Pauls-Ritchie Robert F. Pedrick John E. Perez Michael Perna Sharon Perna Steve Phillips Richard Pickering Kathy Pignatelli Brian Powers

Angie Rochford Renee Rodriguez Jeannine P. Rogers Mr. Arnaldo Rosario Jennifer Rotante Mary Rudinski Janice C. Ruggiero Dr. Priscilla L. Sagar Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sahakian Sr. Ann Sakac, OP Nancy Salerno Gladys Sampson Deana M. Santomauro Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sappol Ms. Denise Scanlon Maria Schiavone Mr. & Mrs. Gordy Schnabel Michelle Schneider Ronald Schneider Linda Schofield

"As a faculty member, and Orange County native, I bleed Blue, White and Black for the Mount, and believe in showing support for all of its programs and initiatives!" — Dr. Michael Fox

Kenneth Monahan Peter Montella Julie Mooney Lauriel Morales Joe Morgan Brian Morse Kandy Mulligan-Girmindl Jennifer Murray Maura Murray-Sanchez Susan D. Najork Matthew Netti Dr. & Mrs. Roger Newman Ruth Nocerino Patricia Nocton Melanie Noto Dr. Irene W. Nunnari Joseph J. Nunnari Cindy Nyitray Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Oberle

Brianna Powers Chris Powers Deborah M. Powers Jack & Susan Pretak Kathryn A. Pullen Joseph Quadara Robert Quinlan Vishala Raghunanan Col. & Mrs. Gaston M. Randolph, Jr. Dr. Joseph A. Reilly Pamela Derose Reilly Mary Rennard Sallyann Ricciardi John L. Rich Natalie Rich Helen Richiski Mr. & Mrs. David L. Rider Maria R. Rippon Michael G. Ritchie

Patricia Schuhmann Dr. Susan Schulmerich Sabrina A. Sciria Elizabeth Scopo Sam Seideman Mr. & Mrs. William E. Seifert John J. Sergi Riley Shaw Lorette Shea Meaghan Shea Dawn Simeone Danielle Sisto Ms. Kathleen Slattery Pamela Smith William G. Smith Jack Solimini Maryanne Sorrentino Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Stadelman Julia Stadelman

Nicole Stadelman Timothy Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tallardy III Christopher F. Taylor Mark A. Taylor John E. Tellekamp Karen Tice Cameron Tidd Antonino Tocco Ms. Josephine Totten Peter Treacy Gary P. Trible Anthony J. Trimboli Gerri Trudden Joanne Trust Joan Turmel AJ Uhl Michelle Ulzheimer Vincent Vaccaro, Jr. Steve Valdez Ann Vento Louis R. Ventura Rita Verdoliva Joanne M Vernon Kathleen Vindigni Rosalia Vitale Susan A. Voge Karl Volk Dr. Alexander von Hafften, Jr. Dr. Robert M. Walasin Kelly Wall Mr. Joseph Walsh Kristen Weaver Shelise Webster Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Weidner Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Weinstock James Wendt Lynne Wester Brittany Whitford Zachary Whitford Barbara A. Wicks Kathleen Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wolff Mary Wrenn Mackenzie Wyant Michele Yalvac Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. York Kristin Zakar Lee M. Zawistowski Janet & Joseph Zeman Edward Ziegler Florence Zotyak

Mount Saint Mary College



Campus Community

July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Dr. Jason N. Adsit Joseph O. Bacalhau Thomas Bahmer, III Alyssa M. Barbara Kaitlyn Ann Barber Kathleen P. Barton '10 William C. Biersack '15 Dr. Janine Bixler Albert J. Bolger Ellen Bourhis Nolan '11 Ismael A. Bravo Morgan E. Burke Dr. Kate M. Burmon Mr. Callo Melissa Caridi Peter C. Carofano '09 Nicole F. Carter Kelly Chamberlain Barbara Connolly Susan Cooke Dr. James F. Cotter Amanda Lynn Daigle Dr. Mike Daven Naomi T. Daven '01 Lynette H. DeBellis '85 Sr. Leona DeBoer, OP Ms. Faye E. Denisar Dean DiMarzo MBA '13 Mr. Michael Robert Doughty Connor Doyle Regina M. Eisenbacher Arthur Emerson III Dr. Rae Fallon Lee W. Ferris



As a 30+ year employee of the Mount, I am a strong believer in the institution and its mission. I proudly show my support through yearly pledges to the Annual Fund." — Arthur Emerson III

Heather L. Fitzsimmons Matthew G. Flanagan Fr. Gregoire J. Fluet Dr. Lee Fothergill Dr. Michael L. Fox Kendall O. Francis Lynn M. Frank Dr. J. David Gallagher Arthur D. Glass II Daniel M. Grella Robin B. Grove Dr. Carl Hoegler Samantha Howe Ashley N. Hunt Michelle A. Iacuessa '94 Matthew Iaria Harley Lynne Illingworth Briana Irwin Ryan A. Kadlubowski Dr. Yasmine Kalkstein Fiona T. Kiernan

Danielle K. Kralik Dr. William D. Lahar Kevin J. Longacre Sean Madden Dr. Lynn Maelia Sharon Mankiewicz '09 Andrew J. Marcantonio Kenneth Masten Nancy E. Mazza '99 Emily R. Mazzurco Joseph Mesoraca Dr. James P. Moran Sr. Margaret Murphy, OP Suzanne R. Muschio Jessica Elizabeth Mushel Catherine M. Nelting '04 Kayla Netti Arlene M. Nicholson '94 Tracey J. Niemotko Elaine A. O'Grady '89 Daley Elizabeth O'Keefe

Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe Morgan E. O'Neill Ms. Loraine Oswald Sten Miller Perkins Alexander H. Perlak Barbara Petruzzelli Jenny A. Picarillo Maryann Pilon Maribeth A. Powers '16 Carolyn M. Quoma Tyler W. Rapp Julia M. Rigney Jacqueline Rivera Clarisa M. Rosario-DeGroate '14 Robin Rosenberg Drew Y. Sagar '05 Nicole Saggio Samantha E. Sagliano Jack V. Santaroni Devon M. Scalfari '16 Anthony Scardillo

Carolyn P. Scaturro '76 Dr. Susan Schulmerich Allison Sciucco '17 Eric M. Seideman Cindy M. Senese-Sherilla Dr. Ludmila Smirnova Dr. Frances Spielhagen Shane J. Spitz Ms. Patricia Stolz Dr. Marie-Therese C. Sulit Margaret Treacy '13 Dr. Sarah Uzelac Vincent J. Vaccaro Tyler Vermilyea David Weyant '97 Mrs. Ellen L. Walsh Dr. Peter M. Witkowsky, Ph.D. Matthew J. Wyant Grantley D. Yearwood Sabina A. Zarod Jenna N. Zeller

Tributes July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Honorary Gifts

In Memory of Margaret P. Cavanagh

In Honor of Dr. Jason Adsit

Patricia A. Cavanagh '74 Colleen M. Cavanagh-Bendernagel '77

Lynne Wester

In Honor of Dr. James F. Cotter Sharon A. Harris '78

In Honor of Michael Gilfeather Marvin-Geiger Family Fund

In Memory of Claudia Cummings Friends of Claudia Cummings Mr. & Mrs. David L. Rider

In Memory of Lt. Col. J. M. Desch

In Memory of Helen Macy Christine Macy Feroli '80

In Memory of Maria Cassano Meadows '68 Arlene Rustmann Witman '66

In Memory of James V. McEnery Dr. Michael J. Fraser '82 Mary Anne McEnery '70

Margarita Rios Knight '97

Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch '72

In Memory of Janet Barth McHale '73

In Honor of MSMC Class of 2014

In Memory of Patricia Welch Donahue '72

In Memory of Dennis McKenna

In Honor of Dr. Joan Miller

Clarisa M. Rosario-DeGroate '14

In Honor of Stan Pycior Dr. Yasmine Kalkstein

In Honor of Margaret Bussigel and Stan Pycior Dr. Sarah Uzelac

Memorial Gifts In Memory of Sr. Frances Berski Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O. P. '66 Marie F. Sossi '79

In Memory of Francis Browne Sarah A. Browne-Bradwisch '92

In Memory of Monica Bugiada Gary A. Pinar '01

Dr. Mary Ellen Doherty '72 Mary Cramer Wassi '72

In Memory of Roberta D. Fiser '82 James R. Fiser

In Memory of Carol Bolton Hamilton '71 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sahakian

Dr. Deborah A. Shanley-Benzaia '73 Stephen Kaplan

In Memory of Kenneth Milczarski Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Oberle

In Memory of Sr. Jean Redmond Judith Lillis Pond '70

In Memory of Anne Richiski

Dorothy A. Hayden

Mr. & Mrs. David Kilanowski Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Onorato Helen Richiski Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wolff

In Memory of Walter & Margaret Lambert

In Memory of Mary Theresa Rippon '48

Eileen P. Lambert '73

Maria R. Rippon

In Memory of Elaine A. (Kiki) Hayden

In Memory of Patricia Kearney Lentini '81

In Memory of Jean Turner Ritchie '71 John Allen Mr. & Mrs. Arch V. Arnold III Mr. & Mrs. James Beisner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Boland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Burrell III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Dunne III Thomas Fealy Suzanne Fox Kate Fritz Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hill Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Kerrigan Raymond Luyendyk Mr. & Mrs. William R. Lyman Mr. & Mrs. Bevan Mace Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Milligan Grace Pauls-Ritchie Ellen Murphy Porter '71 Col. & Mrs. Gaston M. Randolph, Jr. Michael G. Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sappol Mr. & Mrs. Gordy Schnabel Dr. Susan Schulmerich Mr. & Mrs. William E. Seifert Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Weidner Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Weinstock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. York

In Memory of Albina & Patrick Sheehan Catherine P. Sheehan

In Memory of Dr. Edith Lessor Virginia E. Thompson '79

In Memory of Ellen Kiley Van Tine, BSN, R.N. '79 Francis C. Kiley

In Memory of Susan Voge Robin B. Grove

Be the Spark WE BUILD ON OUR



Difference. WE work together and




Evelyn C. Foley '81

Mount Saint Mary College


Businesses, Foundations & Organizations

July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 380 Broadway Corp.

Clark Companies

D.A. Davidson & Co.

G & G Fitness Equipment, Inc.

Independent Living, Inc.


Coaches Choice Select

D-Ben Security Systems, Inc.

Haight Fire Equipment Supply

Ironworkers Local 417

Collection Bureau of the Hudson Valley, Inc.

Eat'n Park Hospitality Group, Inc.

Hazard's Pharmacy


El Jalapeno Charro

Henry's at the Farm

J.M. McDonald Foundation, Inc.

Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan

Empire State Bank

Highland Associates

J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund

EverCare Choice Inc.

Hospice Of Orange/Sullivan Counties

J-J Plumbing Corp.

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Hotline Creations

John J. Lease Realtors

Finishing Touch Painting of NY Inc.

Hudson Valley Building and Construction Trades Council

John Herbert Company

Mark G. Aberasturi Attorney-at-Law Abilities First, Inc. Adams Fairacre Farms Advance Testing Company, Inc. Aetna Life Insurance Company

ConnectOne Bank

Access Supports for Living

Cornerstone Family Healthcare

Air Depot Commercial Refrigeration Corp.

Construction Contractors Association of the Hudson Valley

Alexis Diner, Inc. AmazonSmile Foundation

Flanagan Chiropractic

Johnson and Bloomer LLP

"When Sister Ann was president, my husband Fred was a member of the Board of Trustees for a number of years. He enjoyed it very much and we realized that the Mount is a huge contributor to the Newburgh community. We have been giving appreciated stock for many years and hope to continue to do so. The programs offered are real down to earth and the college is certainly an important member of the community." — Elizabeth McCurdy

American Funds Ameriprise Financial APG Properties, LLC. Argenio Brothers, Incorporated Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Atlantic Contracting & Specialties, LLC B & G Installation Services LLC Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Barton Chevrolet Cadillac Benevity Community Impact Fund

Cosimo's on Union

Billy Joe's Ribworks

Crystal Run Village, Inc.

Bonura Hospitality LLC

Daubman Corporate Interiors

Broadway Tailors

David Niemotko Architect

Buttermilk Falls Inn and Spa

Day Seckler, LLP

Calculated Fire Protection Co., Inc.


Camp Veritas, Inc.

Direct Mail of NY

Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider, PLLC

Dominican Sisters of Hope

Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp.



Johnstons Toyota Kilhenny & Felix KPMG Foundation, Inc. L.J.C. Janitorial Distributors Laborers Local 17 LECET Laerdal Medical Corporation Lakeland Bank LCS Companies of New York, Inc. Liberty Street Bistro M&T Bank M&T Charitable Foundation

Barton & Loguidice

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of NY

John W. Danforth Company

Drake Loeb PLLC Dutchess Tekcon Industries, Inc.

Hudson Valley DKI


Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union

Metlife Charity Trust Account

Hurricane Grill & Wings Hudson Valley Investment Advisors, Inc.

Mid-Hudson Chapter of NYS Society of CPA's

Hudson Valley Pattern For Progress

Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union

Hudson Valley Public Relations

Millspaugh Funeral Directors

Hudson Valley Renegades

Mobile Life Support Services, Inc.

Hudson Valley Restoration and Mitigation, LLC

Montefiore St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital

Gentech, LTD. GF Consulting LLC

I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 363

MSMC Alumni Association

GTI Graphic Technology, Inc.

iHeart Media of the Hudson Valley

New York Life

Flowers by David Anothony Focus Media, Inc. Focused Wealth Management, Inc. FOX Radio Foxx Dental of Franklin Square Frankie's Superette Gardner Farm Inn

Motorcyclepedia Museum

New York State Education Department Newburgh Brewery Company Nonprofit Solutions Northrop & Stradar The Arc of Orange County NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council OCRS Services, Inc Orange Bank & Trust Company Orange County Chamber of Commerce Orange Regional Medical Center Palladian Construction LLC Parkhurst Dining Services Paul J. Larkin Associates, Inc. Paunovic & Paunovic, DDS LLP PAVE Business Solutions, Inc. PC Construction Company Pepsi Cola of the Hudson Valley Pine Bush Equipment Co., Inc. The Pine Group at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Pizza Shop Pizza Union PJD Asset Management Inc. PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #373 U.A.

Rotary Club of Greater Newburgh

TEDD Cycle, Inc.

U.S. Department of Justice

Premier Ultrasound Services, Inc.

Safe Harbors of the Hudson, Inc.

TEG Federal Credit Union

V-TWIN Manufacturing

Price Chopper's Golub Foundation

Salisbury Bank and Trust Company

The Angeletti Group

Prime Buchholz LLC

Schlesingers Steak House

The Chamber Foundation, Inc.

Proforma Graphic and Promotional Solutions

Schwab Charitable

The Lang Agency LLC

Searsville Associates, LLC

Quilan Care, LLC - Robert Quinlan R.J. Smith Realty RBT CPAs, LLP Rhinebeck Bank Rider, Weiner & Frankel River Grill Restaurant Rose and Kiernan, Inc. Rose and Kiernan Charitable Foundation, Inc. Rose Press, Inc.

Shadows on the Hudson Ship Lantern Inn Smitchger Realty - Ellen Smitchger Kelly Susan Perkins NP SweetFrog Frozen Yogurt

Valenza Plumbing, Heating & AC

Matching Gifts Bank of America



The Padre Pio Foundation of America, Inc.

Walden Savings Bank

IBM Corporation Lockheed Martin Corporation

The Palombo Group

Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association

PEPSICO Foundation

The Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle, LLP

Warwick Savings Foundation Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

T. Rowe Price Program

The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation

West Point Tours, Inc.

TD Bank

Tri-Valley Equipment Inc.

William A. Smith & Son, Inc.

TD Charitable Foundation


Young's Motors

State Farm Insurance The Moody's Foundation Verizon

Mount Saint Mary College


Meet the New VP for Advancement

Nikki Khurana-Baugh Dear MSMC Alumni, Parents, and Supporters,


Upcoming events: SEPTEMBER 25-27, 2020 Alumni Reunion Weekend OCTOBER 3, 2020 Academy Reunion OCTOBER 16-18, 2020 Family Weekend

et me start off by saying thank you! Your kindness, generosity, and display of confidence in the Mount is inspiring! My name is Nikki Khurana-Baugh, and I am the new Vice President for College Advancement.

started with the Dominican Sisters of Hope.

I started my career in higher education as a student phonathon caller in my freshman year. I spent four years talking with incredible, passionate alumni, listening to their stories, and sharing mutual experiences.

As we prepare to educate the leaders of tomorrow to compete in an ever-changing landscape, your support means the world to our students, our faculty, and our future.

I couldn’t have imagined that this part-time student job would instill in me a love for advancing higher education that would continue for the next 25 years: I have never stepped foot off a college campus since I was a freshman. During the course of my career, I have had the privilege of working at many of the country’s top institutions, but none as special and closely connected as the Mount. The first time I came to the Mount, I was awestruck by the breathtaking views, the care in which the grounds and facilities were kept, and the sense of community I felt. After spending the day meeting with Mount leadership, faculty, and students, I quickly understood what a special and unique place Mount Saint Mary College truly is. When I was fortunate enough to be offered this position, I knew this was where I wanted to be. My husband, Mark, and our two toddler boys, Adam and Aaron, moved 2,700 miles from Las Vegas to Newburgh and found our home here. At the Mount, we are surrounded by dedicated, inspirational faculty, inquisitive students, and staff that work tirelessly to ensure the college’s success! Giving back has been a long tradition at the Mount that



Thanks to your generosity – your gifts of time, talent, and treasure – we aspire to continue for another 60 years, and beyond.

My hope is that this Donor Impact Report has given you an opportunity to learn more about the people that are creating an impact at the Mount and those that are benefitting from this support. Every donation, regardless of the amount, creates opportunities for our students. Every hour spent volunteering and serving as an ambassador for the Mount creates opportunities for our students. I cannot thank you enough for your vote of confidence in our students, our faculty, and our mission of service. I am truly blessed to be here: to be working with the talented team in Advancement and to have a president who puts the needs of the students, faculty, and staff first. I look forward to getting to know more of our remarkable alumni, community leaders, donors, and friends. If you have a moment, please feel free to contact me – I would love to hear from you. I can be reached at or at 845-569-3216. Supporting our MSMC together,

Nikki Khurana-Baugh Vice President for College Advancement

From the President Dear Members of the Mount Saint Mary College Community:


our amazing support for the Mount – in ways big and small, measured in your time, ideas, and donations – have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of students. From our vibrant classrooms, libraries, and athletic fields to our dedicated students benefiting from a variety of scholarships and mentorship opportunities, I am blessed to see the fruits of your labor each day on campus. The Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees, and my talented colleagues in the Advancement office and Marketing office, worked hard to bring you this Mount Saint Mary College Donor Impact Report. I thank them for their extraordinary dedication to the project, and I hope you enjoyed what you found in these pages. This Donor Impact Report is a lasting record of those who have so generously given of themselves to benefit our college community, and offers a unique perspective on the ways in which your volunteer efforts and philanthropic endeavors dramatically improve the college’s academic programs, studentlearning initiatives, and overall campus culture. Moreover, the report demonstrates how your contributions reflect and continue the distinguished and laudable legacy of the Dominican Sisters. Like our founding sisters, it is clear that our supporters have made the four Dominican Pillars of study, spirituality, community, and service a part of their everyday lives. When they arrived in Newburgh in 1883, the Dominican Sisters had their hearts and minds set on

scholarship and service. What they built for us goes beyond brick and mortar, beyond just a place to get an education. For our students, our distinguished friends, our faculty and staff, and our nearly 20,000 alumni, Mount Saint Mary College is a place to live, grow, serve, and thrive. As we celebrate our 60th anniversary, please take a moment to remember that you are an essential part of that legacy. You have all been instrumental in the success of the college and its students, and for that, we are extremely grateful. I can’t thank you enough for everything you do to help make the Mount such an incredible place. These stories reflect the college’s deep commitment to

service – and to providing pathways of opportunity to students and community stakeholders. As we embark on and expand this vision of service in our next strategic plan, I look forward to seeing how each new story builds upon the Dominican and Catholic legacy of serving others. My heartfelt thanks,


Dr. Jason N. Adsit President Mount Saint Mary College Mount Saint Mary College


Mount Saint Mary College 330 Powell Avenue Newburgh, New York 12550

Your gift Your Way We know your passion for The Mount sparks in multiple ways With you and your unique MSMC experience in mind, we’re introducing a new way of giving, where you get to decide what your donation goes towards: your academic division, athletics, Campus Ministry, theatre, student activities – the choice is yours. Ensure these opportunities continue for Mount students today, for the next 60 years, and beyond. Change the world by changing campus. Don’t wait, make your gift today by visiting

ACADEMICS Enrich the educational experience by supporting any one of the 50+ top-notch academic programs.

Athletics Twenty-one intercollegiate varsity teams and intramural activities encourage teamwork, discipline, social interaction, and competition among students.

Internship Fund Internships offer students the opportunity to gain work experience. Donations cover expenses attached to these experiences by providing stipends for positions that are unpaid or underpaid.

Scholarships Help sponsor the next generation of Mount grads with a gift to a scholarship program.

Student Emergency Needs Fund Provides financial support to current students who are unable to meet sudden essential expenses due to emergencies.


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