Mount Saint Mary College Honor Roll of Donors 2012-2013

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Mount Saint Mary College

July 2012 - June 2013

Honor Roll Of Donors


A letter from the President Dear Alumni, Parents, Friends, Faculty and Staff, Acknowledging our many generous donors who gave to Mount Saint Mary College during the 20122013 fiscal year, I see we have been truly blessed. This Honor Roll of Donors is a testament to their support and generosity. I am continuously impressed and inspired by the many individuals who step up to support Mount students in ways that will make a meaningful difference in their lives and careers. Moving forward with ambitious projects such as the transformation of the Dominican Center and the expansion of our Business Program, our progress is greatly aided by resources from the College community. The support of the MSMC Annual Fund has enabled us to keep the cost of a Mount education within the reach of working families. Also impressive is the outpouring of support that we continue to receive toward A Call to Excellence: The Campaign for the Dominican Center, a project that honors our heritage while providing our students with a state-of-the-art living/learning center. As our commitment to our important educational mission continues, we will of course be calling upon and involving alumni and friends. I hope that you will be involved in the Mount’s future endeavors, and I invite you to take part in events during the coming year. With the continued commitment of our donors, the Mount is stronger and better able to meet the needs of our students. With your help, we can aim even higher. On behalf of our entire College community and our deserving students, thank you for all you do to support Mount Saint Mary College. With warmest wishes and God’s blessings,


(Served between July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) Albert J. Gruner, DMD, Chair Ita M. Rahilly, CPA, Vice Chair Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM, President Elizabeth Ailes Duncan M. Anderson Sr. Margaret Anderson, O.P. ‘67 Ludwig H. Bach ‘82 Harrison H. Buxton III Greg M. Cooper, CPA Thomas C. Donahoe Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ‘66 Charles P. Frank Jonathan H. Gatsik, Esq. ‘99 Christopher J. Gawley, Esq. Anna Halpine Marianna R. Kennedy, Esq. ‘87 Very Rev. John A. Langlois, O.P. Wendy E. Long, Esq. Frank A. Marchetti David W. Melby Robert Murphy Susan D. Najork Joseph A. O’Loughlin Sr. Lucy Povilonis, O.P. ‘72 Sr. Ann P. Stankiewicz, O.P. Sr. Madeleine Tacy, O.P.

TRUSTEE EMERITI Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. Dr. Frances P. Connor Sr. Ann Sakac, O.P., President Emerita George F. Stradar, Jr. Esq. Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, O.P. ‘59 On the cover:

Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM, President and James M. Raimo, Vice President for Facilities & Operations stand on the new stairway leading from the main campus up to the Dominican Center.

Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM President

Photo by Lee Ferris/Mount Saint Mary College


Judith Ringwood Henderson ’66 Class Agent Chairperson

(Served between July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) Mysia H. Haight-Hoogsteden ’84 President

Christopher X. Dougherty ’95

Courtney M. Kain ’03

Eric W. Stallmer ’93 Vice President

Lynne J. Ejercito ’77

Kristi Reeve Larson ’00

Patricia M. Farrell ’92

Jonathan G. Mars ’04 President, New York Metro Alumni Chapter

Daniel J. Allen ’94 Peggy Ann Caraballo-McCarthy ’89 Robert J. Conticchio ’87 Jason P. Christopher ’01 Sean T. Creighton ’92

Joseph Ferrigno ’87 Thomas J. Ferrigno ’90 Mary Ann Kennedy Fitzpatrick ’64 Barbara Currier Gregory ’73 President, Boston Metro Alumni Chapter

Maxine E. Lindsay-Shillingford ’98 Beverly Mc Dermott Mennerich ’69 Presiden, Mid-Hudson Alumni Chapter Matthew G. Sautner ’90 Karen A. Willis ’01

A Call to Excellence: The Campaign for the Dominican Center

Building on the Past. Building for The Future.


t the heart of the Mount Saint Mary College experience is the spirit of Community. Founded by a Community of Dominican Sisters, who in turn built not just an institution of higher learning but a vibrant College community where that spirit continues to thrive on the Mount’s campus and in the lives of everyone associated with the Mount. Those of us lucky enough to be a part of the Mount community have also come to know and value the symbol of that spirit, which towers over our campus, serving both our heritage and our future. In July of 2011 Mount Saint Mary College purchased the Dominican Center, the onetime seat of Mount Saint Mary Academy and the Motherhouse of the Dominican Sisters of Hope. The building, along with its fourteen acres of property, are now being transformed into a living and learning center that will house a modern learning commons complete with advanced research and information technologies, plus a new residential space and

Contents A Call to Excellence: Campaign for the Dominican Center.......................................2 Leadership Giving Clubs ..........4

dining facilities. This blending of living and learning spaces reflects the building’s original purpose, with an injection of modern technology and a design that fosters collaborative learning. While the transformation of the building into a state of the art College facility is being conducted to meet the needs of current and future Mount students, we have also been very respectful of the role that this beautiful building has played as a symbol of the College’s Dominican heritage and of the values that remain central to our educational mission. Of course, we will preserve and maintain the exquisite Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary which has been the heart and soul of the Dominican Center for generations of Sisters and students. It will remain a source of inspiration and a place for prayer and contemplation for the Mount Community. Completed in 1928, this historic chapel features several types of Italian marble and magnificent stained glass windows from

Alumni.....................................7 Parents of Alumni............... 12 Parents of Students.............. 13 Trustees................................. 14 Campus Community.......... 14

Friends.................................. 14 Matching Gifts..................... 14 Businesses............................. 15 Organizations....................... 15 Foundations......................... 15

Munich Germany. It is a singular gem that will now be more accessible to our students, their families and the community at large. The transformation of this one hundred thousand square foot structure and the adjacent property is among the most ambitious projects in the College’s history. It will change not just a building, but an entire College campus and those whose lives are touched by its programs and facilities. It is a huge step forward that we can only take as a community. To that end, we are calling upon our alumni, parents, faculty staff and friends to take that step with us. In September of 2012 Mount Saint Mary College launched the public phase of A Call to Excellence: The Campaign for the Dominican Center. This Campaign, with a goal of $10 million, will help to ensure that our building will reflect the College’s commitment to excellence, while also enabling us to keep the cost of a Mount Saint Mary College education within the reach of deserving students of all backgrounds.

Scholarships & Awards....... 15 Designated Gifts.................. 16 Athletics................................ 16 Golf & Tennis Tournament.....17 Honorary Gifts..................... 19

Memorial Gifts..................... 19 Legacy Society...................... 19 Gala Reception..................... 20 Volunteers............................. 21

2012-2013 | Honor Roll of Donors


Happily, since the launch of our Campaign, hundreds of members of the College community have come forward to lend their support. To date we received over $9 million dollars in gifts and pledges to our Campaign. Those gifts include some extraordinary displays of generosity ranging from student donations of just a few dollars to a pledge of $2.5 million from the Kaplan Family Foundations. We could not be more appreciative of the many individuals, businesses and foundations who share our commitment to the Mount’s mission and who are doing all that they can to help our students excel in a world of ever expanding challenges and opportunities. In this Campaign, as in all that we do at Mount Saint Mary College, the participation of each individual is valued and appreciated. There is no greater way for us to honor the legacy of the community of Dominican Sisters who founded this extraordinary college than for every member of the college community to heed our call to excellence and help that legacy endure. For information on how you can lend your support to A Call to Excellence: The Campaign for The Dominican Center, please visit excellence or call (845)569-3216.

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A Call to Excellence: The Campaign for the Dominican Center We are extremely grateful to the generous alumni, faculty, parents and friends of the Mount who are contributing to the success of our campaign. Campaign Leadership Gifts of $100,000 and above Advance Testing Company, Inc. BBA Solutions Dominican Sisters of Hope The Dyson Foundation Empire State Development The Kaplan Family Foundations Robert & Jeanine Murphy Orange County Industrial Development Agency Nancy & James Smith Sodexo & Affiliates, Inc. Gayle Jane & Carl Tallardy III Campaign Benefactors Dr. Andrea Ackermann Donna J. Adams-Pinnock '10 Sr. Margaret Anderson, O.P. ‘67 Elizabeth A. Ailes Joseph Alfano Family Irene Aleman-Lightbody '09 Mary Jo Amerkanian Fr. Francis Amodio, O.Carm. Duncan M. Anderson Argenio Brothers, Incorporated Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Patrick X. Arnold Carmen Pierrehumbert Arnone Dr. Daniel & Nancy Aronzon A-Tech Concrete Co. Maureen Aurigemma Ludwig ‘82 & Maureen Bach Markell M. Baker '10 Dr. Karen A. Baldwin James & Rosemary Barrett Frank & Edith Olympia Bartolone Kathleen P. Barton '10 David & Janet Heinrich Battistoni

BBL Construction Services, LLC James N. Beard Joseph F. Bell Sherri L. Berardinelli Dr. Dolores Berlinghoff Jeffrey G. Berry Kayla Bickell Dr. Janine Bixler Audrey M. Blenkle Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. ‘65 Donna K. Borman Barbara Borrell Ellen Bourhis Nolan '11 Sr. Agnes Boyle, O.P. Sandra L. Brandman Carolyn Brauer Dr. Jill Brennan-Cook Mary Anne Brickhouse '67 Brinckerhoff Foundation Margaret Bussigel Harrison H. Buxton III The Estate of Sadie Jane Effron Cahn Sharon M. Canary '11 Gail A. Carlock '06 Carmelite Fathers, Inc. Louis R. Carr Geraldine Walotsky Cass '71 Catholic Charities Community Services Jean M. Caulfield Evelyn Cavicchio '04 Michele & John Colurciello Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan Barbara Connolly Contractors Association of Rockland County, Inc. Edward and Colleen Cooke Greg M. Cooper, CPA Giovanna Cordova

Cornell Cooperative Extension Diane Corrado Dr. James F. Cotter Jeffrey P. Cousin Dr. Reva Cowan The Cozzolino Family Art & Wanda Criss Virginia Rogers Cutlip Dr. Mike Daven Frank T. Davis Theresa Davis '96 Tiffany Davis Louis & Suzanne Dawes Mary Moran '75 & William Deatherage Susan & Tim Delaney Carmen Delgado Kristen Dellasala Faye & Les Denisar Emmett M. Dockery Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty '72 Thomas C. Donahoe Edward & Donna Doyle Thomas J. Dubetsky '12 East Coast Railroad Services Dr. Karen Eberle-McCarthy Marilyn J. Ejercito '77 Sr. Lorelle Elcock ‘66 Arthur Emerson III Empire State Bank Sr. Frances Irene Fair, O.P. Fairway Testing Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fenn Maria Fernandez Lee W. Ferris Piangchai Ferstand Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Perry and Sandra Fisher Michael & Gail '97 Fogarty John D. & Wilma H. Fogarty

William & Kathleen '92 Fogarty Regina '94 & Louis Fortunato Charles & Lynn Frank Jason M. Franky '08 Matthew J. Frey '05 Donald and Kathy Frommer Edward F. X. Gallagher Lisa Gallina Joan & George Gambeski Jane M. Gangi Thomas Garnett Denise A. Garofalo R. Abel & Nancy Garraghan Jonathan '99 & Beth '00 Gatsik Christopher J. Gawley, Esq. General Traffic Equipment George T. Whalen Jr. Foundation, Inc. Janet Gianopoulos Mary Lou Quill Gibbons Sue Crosby Gillen '66 Kathleen '78 & Randy Goff Dr. James A. Griesemer Catherine Grigorakis* Dr. Albert & Nan Gruner Naomi R. Gutcheus Mysia H. Haight-Hoogsteden '84 James R. Halpin Anna Halpine Jane E. Hanley Jane A. Harkinson '69 Kathleen M. Harrington-Wright '04 Kathleen M. Helhoski Gary & Judith Ringwood Henderson ‘66 Stephanie D. Herfel Israel Hernandez , Jr. Alfonso Herrera Highland Associates Hilzach, Inc.

Construction continues on the Dominican Center

Dr. Mary D. Hinton Mr. & Mrs. David Hobbs Mary Jane '74 & Gregory Holbert Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union Michelle A. Iacuessa '94 IBM Corporation Nicholas & Bethann Illobre Mary Ann Seymour Jagger Karen Johnson Mary Anne Johnston Michael Jones JWS INFO CORP Mary Ann Kadera Klicka '74 Dr. Jeffrey Kahana Dr. Yasmine Kalkstein Linda F. Keithley '72 Estelle Grassi Kelly Thomas ‘91 & Marianna ‘88 Kennedy Cathleen M. Kenny Key Interior Acoustical, LLC Willie Kimbrough Kimberly A. King Kirchhoff-Consigli Construction Management Joe & Andrea Kirchhoff Dr. Colleen P. Kirk Bernard & CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner Laerdal Medical Corporation Dr. William D. Lahar Delbra Lane Fr. John A. Langlois, O.P. Dr. Eric Langstedt Alexander J. LaPoint Peter '00 & Kristi '00 Larson Marcy Latella '11 Sonya Latham Jennifer Laubach George & Maureen Thompson Lawrence '70 Raymond Leddy Michael Lehmann Mr. & Mrs. Richard Levin Theresa Lewis Dr. Kate Lindemann Wendy & Arthur Long

Kathryn M. Loughran M & T Charitable Foundation John & Maureen Mack Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM David MacLean Mary D. Madden & Greg Glasson Dr. Lynn Maelia Mr. & Mrs. David Maksomski Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Maloney III Sharon L. Mankiewicz '09 Frank & Sharon Marchetti Maureen Markel Marshall & Sterling, Inc. Chaniqua D. Mauldin '10 Nancy E. Mazza '99 Joan C. McAdam Valerie J. McCloskey '04 Frederic & Betsy McCurdy Dennis M. McKenna Dr. Judith A. McLaughlin '66 Sandra McQuade '09 Dr. Patricia A. McQuade Michael J. Meehan Deborah '10 & Paul '10 Meissner Kyle Y. Meissner Tyler Meissner David & Lynn Melby Beverly '69 & Kenneth Mennerich Carl E. Meyer Mid-Hudson Chapter of NYS Society of CPA's Vivian B. Milczarski '10 Robert Miller Maria Minickiello Steven Monaghan Morgan Stanley Foundation Laura Mowat '09 Sr. Margaret Murphy, O. P. William G. Murphy Sr. Cecilia Murray, O.P. Christina Musacchio Suzanne R. Muschio Jessica Mushel Susan D. Najork Maureen '71 & Deacon Thomas Neppl

Mary Nevins Dr. Thuy L. Nguyen Dr. Tracey J. Niemotko Patricia Nocton Dr. Irene & Joseph Nunnari NYBDC Charitable Foundation Evangela Oates Andrew '88 & Elaine '89 O'Grady Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe Joseph A. O'Loughlin Mary Ellen O'Shaughnessy '69 Ted and Alison Ostlund Nancy S. Owen Peggy-Ann Patsalos Peter Pavelock Pepsi Cola of the Hudson Valley Joseph Perrone Lou & Barbara Petruzzelli Norma J. Pettus '05 James W. Phillips Dr. Stephanie Pietros Maryann Pilon Sr. Julie Pintal, O. P. Judith A. Pond '70 Sr. Lucy Povilonis, O.P. ‘72 Jack & Susan Pretak Protiviti Prudential Insurance Company Dr. Stanley W. Pycior Carolyn M. Quoma Ita M. Rahilly Dr. Ada C. Rahn, M.D. '66 James & Carol Raimo Lloyd Rajcoomar John Reilly Dr. Glenn W. Reynolds Marilyn Riccio Rose and Kiernan Charitable Foundation, Inc. Robin Rosenberg Dr. & Mrs. Raphael A. Rovere Wayne Rudolph Janice C. Ruggiero Dennis Rush Dr. Priscilla & Drew Sagar ‘05

David L. Sager Sr. Ann Sakac, O.P. Michael Salas Joyce Salg '64 Derek S. Sanderson Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Norman Martin Sassi Eileen McDonald Sassmann '66 Matthew '90 & Mary '90 Sautner Jane M. Sayer Nancy Scaffidi-Clarke Scavetta & Company, Inc. Maynard '05 & Amanda '05 Schmidt Susan Schulmerich Holly ’92 & Paul Schwartz Julann M. Cobb Karen Schwingel Maureen P. Seymour Theresa A. Shalley-Russo '85 Kathryn Sharp David J. Sheehan Della F. Sherman Carrie M. Shustack '93 Kathleen Martel Sileno Joseph Simms Jennifer M. Smalley '87 Ruth C. '89 & John H. Smith Sr. Elaine G. Squeri '64 & Ronald W. French Ray Staffon Sr. Ann Stankiewicz, O.P. Janice & Kenneth Stankus Stanley Marks & Co., LLP Theresa & Rick Stark Harry Steinway Thomas & Janet Sullivan Jason K. Sussman Mr. & Mrs. William Swart Sr. Madeline Tacy, O.P. Rose R. Talbot '68 TD Charitable Foundation The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Charitable Foundation Dr. Moira T. Tolan Joan Kennedy Tolley '67

Carlos Tonche, Jr Nancy J. Trenz Patricia '69* & Gary Trible '69 Carl M. Truffi Karidis Tubo Sibylle '67 & Nicholas Tulve Dr. Iris & Leonard Turkenkopf Daniel J. Twomey Karen '04 & Thomas Ulrich Dr. Sarah Uzelac Joseph & Louise Valenti Nicholas & Susan Valentine Robert Van Houten Sharon '68 & Vincent VanBramer Kathleen Vazquez Maria Vazquez Delilah U. Velez '10 Rimma Vilshanetskaya Susan A. Voge Dr. Susan Vorsanger Agnes Wagner Sr. Catherine Walsh, O. P. '70 Ellen L. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John Walsh Dr. Alice N. Walters Carol A. Ward Warwick Savings Foundation John & Susan Webster Nee ‘89 Dr. Andrew R. Weiss James Whitaker Frank White Barbara A. Wicks William Randolph Hearst Foundation Ryan P. Williams '06 Barbara A. Winchell '09 John Wright '98 Lee & Joyce Zawistowski Janet & Joseph Zeman Dr. Charles Zola * Deceased

2012-2013 | Honor Roll of Donors


1959 Society - Gifts of $10,000 or more Estate of Sadie Jane Effron Cahn Sr. Frances Irene Fair, O. P. Kirchhoff-Consigli Construction Management, LLC Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM John & Mary Jo McDermott Joan P. Millens MSMC Alumni Association Pepsi Cola of the Hudson Valley Perreca Electric Co., Inc. Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates TD Charitable Foundation C. Thomas* & Eunice Tenney Warwick Savings Foundation Dominican Society - Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Elizabeth A. Ailes BBL Construction Services, LLC Joseph & Pamela Catania, Jr. Catholic Charities Community Services Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan Edward and Colleen Cooke Joan P. Kaplan ‘92 Laerdal Medical Corporation Tarshis, Catania, Liberth, Mahon & Milligram The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Charitable Foundation Aquinas Society - Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Catholic Charities Community Services Cornell Cooperative Extension Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty ‘72 Dominican Sisters of Hope FDNY Foundation Highland Associates Laborers Local 17 LECET Kathleen Hirschy ‘74 & Robert Mayer James & Carol Raimo Ann ‘70 & Thomas Spratt Trustee Club - Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Patricia Hayes Axtmayer ‘73 Ludwig ‘82 & Maureen Bach James N. Beard Shirley A. Bluemle ‘78 Broadway Tailors Dr. Margaret M. Bussigel Sharon ‘85 & Wallace Bywater Geraldine Walotsky Cass ‘71 Greg M. Cooper, CPA Dr. James F. Cotter Frank T. Davis Deirdre Barrett Denihan ‘84 Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty ‘72 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Charles & Lynn Frank Annemarie ‘81 & Jerry Furphy R. Abel & Nancy Garraghan Christopher J. Gawley, Esq. Mary E. Gilchrist Dr. Albert & Nan Gruner GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. Mysia H. Haight-Hoogsteden ‘84

4 Mount Saint Mary College

Annual Fund

Leadership Giving Clubs July 1, 2012- June 30, 2013

Members of Mount Saint Mary College’s Leadership Giving Clubs are instrumental in providing annual resources that make a significant difference in the educational opportunities available to Mount students. These generous donors lead the way each year in supporting the Mount’s educational mission by making funds available for academic programs, scholarships, labs, libraries, and much more. John Herbert Company Joan P. Kaplan ‘92 Thomas ‘91 & Marianna ‘88 Kennedy Cathleen M. Kenny Key Interior Acoustical, LLC KeyBank Dr. Kate Lindemann Wendy & Arthur Long Shana E. Lyons ‘02 Dr. Lynn Maelia Frank & Sharon Marchetti Dr. Amanda M. Maynard Frederic & Betsy McCurdy Dr. Judith A. McLaughlin ‘66 David & Lynn Melby Carl E. Meyer Morgan Stanley Foundation Susan D. Najork Newburgh Lions Club Joseph A. O’Loughlin Ted & Marilyn Petrillo Ita M. Rahilly Joseph A. Reilly Jean T. Ritchie ‘71 Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch ‘72 Stanley Marks & Co., LLP Uno Restaurants, LLC Joseph & Louise Valenti Valenza Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Westage Management, LLC Charlene R. Woodhull ‘74 President’s Club - Gifts of $500 to $999 Nancy Cuomo Bailey ‘72 Donald R. Becker, Esq. Nancy G. Beckett ‘80 Dr. Dolores Berlinghoff Catherine F. Breitenbach ‘73 Kathryn S. Brenneman ‘97 Mark & Nancy Bruckmann Mary Ellen Bruderman ‘74 Emily Bussigel Barbara Connolly Carol A. Curran ‘96 Dr. Jorge R. Delgado ‘83

Thomas C. Donahoe EPCO Products, Inc. Dr. Cecilia M. Falbe ‘71 Suzanne F. Ferrigno ‘95 Edward J. Forgit ‘87 Dorothy P. Forte ‘72 Edward & Cornelia Gallagher Kathleen ‘78 & Randy Goff Dr. James A. Griesemer Barbara A. Gutzler ‘00 Robert & Jean Haight Anna Halpine Brian Hernandez ‘05 Dr. Mary D. Hinton Cathleen M. Howard ‘73 John R. Hutton ‘03 I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 363 Dr. Jeffrey Kahana Dr. Colleen P. Kirk Mary Baus Knight ‘88 David & Bevalie MacFarland James & Elizabeth Manion Sharon L. Mankiewicz ‘09 Mary Anne McEnery ‘70 Joseph & Mary McGowan Cindy McLoughlin Dr. Tracey J. Niemotko Sheila J. Nugent ‘68 Anne C. O’Brien-Teta ‘71 Mary P. Orluk ‘75 Dr. John T. Reilly Joyce Salg ‘64 Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Norman Martin Sassi Eileen McDonald Sassmann ‘66 Dr. Frances Spielhagen Diane J. Statler ‘77 Harry Steinway Miryam ‘74 & Scott Stewart T. Rowe Price Program Thomas J. Kempton Jr., Inc. Dr. Iris & Leonard Turkenkopf Lee & Joyce Zawistowski Dean’s Club - Gifts of $250 to $499 Dr. Andrea Ackermann Alexis Diner, Inc. Sr. Margaret Anderson, O. P. ‘67

Donna L. Andreoli Susan ‘75 & Victor Atkins Dr. Evelyn B. Barese Msgr. Francis P. Bellew Christina Bart ‘85 & Mark Bilsky Rosemary E. Blank ‘77 Emoke E. Boldvay ‘66 Sr. Agnes Boyle, O. P. Mary Anne Brickhouse ‘67 Theresa A. Brown ‘76 Janina U. Budziak ‘97 Harrison H. Buxton III Celestine M. Campbell ‘95 Mary Ellen D. Cangiano ‘66 Maureen A. Cannon ‘88 Linda & John Cantwell Steven P. Capone ‘00 Kelly J. Cook ‘80 Rocco* ‘96 & Ann Damiano Judith ‘72 & Charles Davis Mary Ann Campanella DePeters ‘64 Marilyn J. Ejercito ‘77 Mary Ejercito Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O. P. ‘66 Jonathan T. Engel, Esq. Mary Jo ‘68 & Gabriel Espasas Dr. Rae Fallon Laura D. Fanzilli ‘73 Janie L. Favoino ‘72 Maria L. Fitzgerald ‘71 Rachel R. Fitzgibbons ‘72 Dr. Lawrence T. Force James P. Fragnito ‘93 Lynn M. Frank Sue Crosby Gillen ‘66 Thomas W. Gordon ‘13 Sandra ‘84 & William Haight Jane A. Harkinson ‘69 Maurice & Joan Hartnett Frances S. Hawthorne ‘68 Heights Lumber Center, Inc. Gary and Judith Ringwood Henderson ‘66 Doris I. Hettinger-Mackey ‘80 Ruth E. Hill ‘83 Dr. Carl Hoegler Ruth R. Holden Immediate Credit Recovery, Inc.

Ironworkers Local 417 Dr. Gerardine M. JohnsonCarpenter ‘73 Richard ‘87 & Stephanie ‘88 Joyce Eileen P. Lambert ‘73 Fr. John A. Langlois, O. P. Maureen A. Lawrence ‘70 Mary Ellen Leimer ‘77 Leprechaun Lines Linda S. Linenbroker ‘95 Local 30 ISF Fund John ‘84 & Linda Lynch Joan G. Macey ‘65 Dr. Maureen Markel Janice D. Matheson ‘79 Nancy ‘99 & Salvatore Mazza McCabe & Mack, L.L.P. Dr. Ruth Anne McCormick ‘73 Margaret F. McGinnis ‘97 Laurene G. McKenna ‘64 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Meaney Beverly ‘69 & Kenneth Mennerich Mid-Hudson Chapter of NYS Society of CPA’s Gerianne M. Minkus ‘96 Brian & Dawn ‘92 Moore Edward ‘74 & Pamela ‘74 Mulligan Marie ‘73 & John Murphy Kathleen M. Murphy Spangler ‘74 Dr. Dianne & Edward Murphy Sr. Margaret Murphy, O. P. Edward & Donna Murray Suzanne R. Muschio Thomas & Maureen Kilpatrick Neppl ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. North Dr. Irene & Joseph Nunnari Joseph ‘73 & Ellen ‘73 O’Connor Joan ‘70 & Joseph Patino Susan M. Perkins ‘99 Mary L. Perry ‘78 Roseann Petersen ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Tadas Petkevicius Barbara Petruzzelli Sr. Lucy Povilonis, O. P. ‘72 Catharine M. Powzyk ‘75 Aileen Quattlander Margaret M. Quinn ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rath David L. Rider Frank & Christine Rizzo Diane M. Rubeo ‘79 Dr. Priscilla & Drew ‘05 Sagar Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sahakian Michael & Grace Sapienza Patricia Kosubinsky Savage ‘86 Holly ’92 & Paul Schwartz Regina ‘73 & Richard Sikorski Sr. Ann Stankiewicz, O. P. Theresa & Rick Stark Susan Perkins NP Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, O. P. ‘59 Sr. Madeleine Tacy, O. P. Lisa ‘00 & Edwin Teall Charles & Lynn Thompson Karen Tice Dr. Moira T. Tolan Sibylle ‘67 & Nicholas Tulve Mary Jane Vance ‘66 Visconti Limousine, Inc. Dr. Robert M. Walasin Mr. & Mrs. James J. Walsh

John & Debra Weeks George & Ann Whalen Grantley D. Yearwood Century Club - Gifts of $100 to $249 Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Acquah Adams Fairacre Farms Shirley A. Adams ‘10 Regina M. Adducci ‘78 Gail Adelhardt ‘65 Betty L. Aichelmann ‘89 Penny Albergo Gail P. Albohn ‘69 Albert & Susan Alioto Daniel ‘94 & Maureen Allen Bobbie M. Allen ‘67 Duncan M. Anderson Patricia Anderson ‘72 Elizabeth A. Angleman ‘74 V. William & Janet Atria Susan E. Bach ‘82 Dr. Esther G. Bankert ‘73 Veronica H. Barnhart ‘73 Cheryl R. Barnum ‘91 Annamarie Barrett ‘65 Margaret M. Barry ‘73 Margaret M. Bauman ‘70 Joan R. Baynes ‘77 Stephanie A. Beals ‘07 Kathleen C. Behringer ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Belmont Mr. & Mrs. William Bergen Pam A. Berger ‘69 Lynn M. Bertholf Priebe ‘69 Roberta M. Bertola Vivian Betancourt Sr. Sylvia Bielen Cathleen M. Blair ‘90 Raymond H. Blank Mr. & Mrs. James Blatchley Sr. Joann Boneski, O. P. ‘65 Bonura Hospitality Group Patricia A. Bookless ‘78 Ellen Bourhis Nolan ‘11 Ann Marie Boyle ‘67 Carolyn Brauer Alexandra G. Brazeau ‘95 Debra M. Brent ‘83 Frederick R. Brent Shirley Brereton ‘06 Eileen T. Brucia ‘73 Bridget ‘78 & Michael Bruno John J. Bruno, Jr. ‘98 Deidre A. Bullock ‘92 Carla M. Bunch-Davie ‘80 George E. Burke ‘84 Margaret M. Burns ‘75 Honore’ M. Burtt ‘90 Deborah W. Butler ‘85 Rosemarie C. Butler ‘75 Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Caesar Angela M. Callahan ‘94 Debra J. Calvino ‘81 Kathleen H. Canata-Notaro ‘73 Carol & Carl Candela Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Capela Susan D. Carawan ‘77 Nancy M. Carey ‘77 Gail A. Carlock ‘06

Robert & Linda Carlson Geraldine W. Cass ‘71 Patricia A. Cavanagh ‘74 Colleen M. Cavanagh-Bendernagel ‘77 Margaret S. Cerbone ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Warren R. Cervini Classic Tent Rentals, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Neil Colello Amanda M. Collins ‘97 Stephanie S. Collins ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Colombo Susan I. Conner ‘74 Sherrie G. Conover ‘67 Phyllis Schwab-Conroy ‘69 & James Conroy Robert J. Conticchio ‘87 Michele Gallo Cook ‘73 Patricia Cooney ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Corio Donald & Marie Corke Cosimo’s Management, Inc. Jeffrey P. Cousin Rita H. Crana ‘82 Elizabeth M. Cronin ‘82 Anne Marie B. Cullinan ‘73 Maryellen Cunningham ‘71 David G. Curry Olivia Curtin ‘70 Sr. Mary Ann Cyrnik Susan N. Dagenais ‘72 Lou & Deidre D’Agostino Nancy S. D’Agostino ‘77 Susan Daly ‘76 Dr. John & Marilyn D’Ambrosio Dale Ellen Dammier ‘80 Myrtle M. Darmstadt Patricia B. De Leo ‘75 Sr. Leona DeBoer, O. P. Patricia Dederick ‘72 Robert & Carmella DeFichy Constance ‘84 & John Deho Mr. & Mrs. G. Thomas Delahunty Jennifer Deliso

Constance DeSantis ‘69 Allan D. Diamonti ‘96 Paula DiBerardino ‘70 Dominic & Mary DiFalco Mary Ellen Diver ‘78 Charles N. Dofflemeyer ‘76 John & Mary Dombrowski Susan Flynn Donaldson ‘68 Sharon Dorrian ‘71 C. Bernadette Doupona ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Doyle Jennifer L. Dube ‘94 Thomas J. Dubetsky ‘12 Mark & Ellin Duffy Susan C. Dunlap ‘66 Clare Dunn ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dziuba Frances L. Empie ‘67 Christina M. Epps ‘01 Norma Evans Sr. Frances Irene Fair, O. P. Margaret A. Falsey ‘72 Thomas & Patricia Farragher Debra Fasce Patricia A. Favata ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fielder Maureen V. Finnegan-Kussard ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Fitch Jeanne M. Fitzpatrick ‘81 Mary Ann Fitzpatrick ‘64 Meaghen E. Flanagan-Leidig ‘81 Laureen M. Fleck ‘88 Gail H. Fogarty ‘97 Joseph P. Fogarty ‘76 Patrice F. Fogarty ‘77 Jacqueline F. Forcucci Phyllis V. Forde ‘67 Frances Fremgen Paul O. Fritz ‘10 Robert J. Fuerst Violet C. Gallagher ‘64 Thomas Garnett Gretchen ‘80 & Michael Gartman Christopher J. Gawley, Esq.

Mary Jane Hughes Gedgard ‘64 Jacqueline A. Gerace Brian & Rose Ann Germain Philip & Louise Germain Regina M. Gibson ‘00 Teresa M. Gillen ‘75 Marie A. Giokas ‘74 Lynne M. Grates ‘87 Eileen N. Grattan ‘73 Danielle M. Greco ‘98 JoAnn Greenawalt ‘86 Barbara I. Gregory ‘73 Catherine Grigorakis Kerriann B. Guneratne ‘03 Michele Gusciora ‘67 Adelfa Gutierrez ‘71 Anna Halpine James D. Haluska ‘71 Jane E. Hanley Bella D. Harris ‘77 Karen A. Harris ‘87 Maryann Harris ‘71 Maurice & Joan Hartnett Denise E. Haviland ‘72 Rita J. Heater ‘69 Timothy F. Heil ‘78 Burton & Elizabeth Heldron Pamela M. Hemingway ‘06 Diane Herrick Dofflemeyer ‘76 Nancy Herzog ‘77 William & Frances Hessle Hill-n-Dale Abstracters, Inc. David & Kathleen Hobbs Anne M. Hoffman ‘81 Karen M. Holmes ‘87 Laura Hopkins ‘76 Patricia B. Hopper-Doetsch ‘69 Paul & Mary Ann Hospodar Nanci Itzla ‘77 Debra A. Jaggers ‘78 Anne T. Jarnagan ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jeannetti Lynne SherrerJergensen ‘67 LTC Gerald & Marilou Jilbert

Ellen B. Jimenez ‘74 Brando ‘02 & Mary-Jo ‘00 Jobity Ana M. Johnsen ‘88 Edward Johnston Mary Anne Johnston Mary Ann Kadera Klicka ‘74 Melody A. Kanninen ‘84 Catherine M. Kennedy ‘70 Maureen P. Kenney ‘83 Terrance A. Kerley ‘71 Daniel & Ellen Kerwin Francis C. Kiley Dr. Colleen P. Kirk Margaret M. Kissane ‘84 Clare ‘86 & James Kitz Roseann L. Kling ‘73 John W. Koepper ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Koval Mr. & Mrs. Walter Krawec Catherine L. Krug ‘78 F. Paul & Lorraine Krupinsky Helen Kuruc Rosemary M. Kuruc ‘77 Joyce A. Kusmierski ‘73 Theodore J. Lakoski Lakota Construction Group Margaret H. Lamb George & Sharon Lane Margaret Lapinski Janet LaRoe ‘71 Peter ‘00 & Kristi ‘00 Larson Edward & Joy Lauffer Gerianne Lehane ‘83 Frederick S. Leimer ‘99 Theresa M. Leone ‘78 Ellen D. Leuner ‘94 Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP Mary O. Lewis ‘82 Peggy A. Ligo ‘99 Sharon P. Longobardi ‘74 Philip & Angeline Lorch Christine T. Lowndes ‘72 Maureen A. Lucia ‘71 Gabriella R. Lupski ‘80

2012-2013 | Honor Roll of Donors


The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Symposium 2012 enabled students to work with faculty mentors in a range of disciplines and then present their findings to the Mount community in September. Nona S. Lynch ‘70 Lauretta A. Lynn-Merrill ‘81 Ann T. MacDermott-Keefe ‘81 Cathy D. Maguire ‘72 Patricia Maguire Scott ‘93 & Helene ‘93 Malatesta Jill A. Maline ‘05 Philip P. Malinovsky Louise M. Mancinelli ‘71 Patrick T. Marino ‘94 Marshall & Sterling, Inc. Eleanor L. Martinson ‘70 Anthony & Diane Matteis Deborah K. Mayfield ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. John C. Mayoros Dr. Pauline M. Mayr ‘76 Ellen T. McCabe ‘68 Kathleen ‘88 & Craig McCoy Marylyn M. McDonald ‘71 Eileen M. McDowell ‘90 Mary C. McDyer ‘72 Deborah S. McGaugh ‘78 Anne S. McGillin ‘82 John & Denise McGuinness Kathleen M. McGuinness ‘69 William & Margaret McKeon Belinda A. McLean ‘06 Maureen T. McLoughlin ‘78 Daniel & Alice McNamee Dr. & Mrs. J. Gerald Meagher Simone M. Melnick ‘08 MaryKay Messenger ‘88 Mid Valley Wines & Liquors, Inc. Therese M. Miller ‘71 Joseph A. Monaco Salvatore A. Mondello ‘00

6 Mount Saint Mary College

Robert D. Morales ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Moran Marilyn Moran Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Thomas E. Morris, Jr. ‘94 Patricia T. Morrison ‘76 David M. Mossey ‘93 Marianne L. Muise ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Murphy Dr. Ann Marie Murray ‘70 Patricia A. Murray ‘66 Patricia A. Napolitano ‘93 Janet A. Nelson Nickerson ‘80 Susan-Jane M. Newcomb ‘73 Marta A. Newkirk ‘82 Dr. Roger Newman Dr. Thuy L. Nguyen Mary Ann Nichelini ‘68 Dr. Robert B. Noe ‘80 Margurite J. Nomeir ‘66 Jane Noonan ‘94 Christine M. Nunn ‘73 Gerard I. O’Connor Kathleen & Michael O’Keefe Carole E. O’Neill ‘91 Debra Ann J. O’Neill ‘87 Orange County Chamber of Commerce Christine Orgera ‘93 Sean D. O’Shea ‘87 Mary Ellen Ostrander ‘75 Nancy S. Owen Mr. & Mrs. James Owens Ann Pagliaro ‘75 Laura Papasian Mary Papasian

Catherine A. Parcells ‘73 Dr. Barry & Deborah ‘81 Pariser Camille M. Parisi ‘86 Cathleen ‘87 & Richard ‘87 Parker Anthony J. Patino ‘97 Bonnie L. Patterson ‘90 Theodore R. Pawlowski ‘80 Christine M. Pearce ‘74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Peel William & Nancy Pennella Mary K. Perdue ‘83 Geralyn G. Peterkin ‘69 Michael & Geri Phillips Steven Pignataro ‘88 Lorelei A. Pitt ‘78 Jean Ponton ‘75 Ellen M. Porter ‘71 Colleen A. Postel ‘80 Jacqueline A. Powell ‘03 Margaret Poyatt ‘64 Nancy Quackenbush ‘03 Meline M. Radenberg ‘87 Donna Ragaglia Ita M. Rahilly & Louis Fish Lorraine M. Rankin ‘86 Eric & Carolyn Reid Michael J. Rigney ‘96 Joseph & Geraldine Riveiro Michael & Kathleen Riveriro Joan Roberts Lorraine Rose-Lerman ‘83 Barbara L. Rubin ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan Maureen A. Ryan ‘79 Mary L. Saari ‘83 Elizabeth A. Safford ‘69

Sr. Ann Sakac, O. P. Judith A. Saleh ‘79 Nancy Salerno Karen L. Saluto ‘02 Dianne F. Salvemini ‘72 Maria D. Sasso ‘70 Margaret M. Scalzo ‘94 John Schipano Margaret ‘77 & Keith Schleiermacher Terry M. Schneider ‘66 Jean H. Scruggs Mr. & Mrs. Graham C. Seidel Maureen P. Seymour Mary Lou T. Sgro ‘77 Karen L. Shea ‘78 Kenneth R. Sherman ‘73 Florence K. Shimkus ‘72 Nancy ‘07 & Mark Shortle Margaret J. Siebert ‘81 J. Brian & Eileen Smith Marian L. Smith ‘69 Michael A. Smith Ruth ‘89 & John Smith Terrence R. Smith & Catherine Edge-Smith Diane S. Snyder ‘68 Suzanne M. Soltysik ‘89 John & Eileen Sowa Ellen W. Staino ‘73 Eric W. Stallmer ‘93 Christine Lalonde Stammer ‘72 Katherine M. Stanley ‘74 Kathryn M. Stevener ‘76 Barbara Stevens ‘75 Colleen M. Stevens ‘84

M. Daniel ‘74 & Janet ‘74 Stivers Mr. & Mrs. Edward Straber Sr. Patricia E. Sullivan, O. P. ‘64 Jill & Daniel Sussman Christina L. Szeli ‘99 Rose R. Talbot ‘68 Jeanne ‘66 & Michael Tallent Patricia C. Taylor ‘81 Regina M. Taylor ‘97 Catherine M. Tegtmeier ‘88 Jean O. Teske The Bells’ Ethan Allen Gallery Alice Thompson ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tighe Joan Kennedy Tolley ‘67 Susan Toscano Robert & Karen Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Glenn B. Tracy Ana M. Tranchina Barbara B. Trent ‘81 Patricia C. ‘69* & Gary P. Trible William & Vera Trutt Nicholas & Elizabeth Turkovic Twin Management & Consultant Co., Inc. Alice L. Ulm ‘76 Brenda Fry Underhill ‘84 & Timothy Underhill ‘01 United Way of Dutchess/ Orange Region Dr. Sarah Uzelac Linda Valentino ‘75 Denise D. Van Buren ‘97 Margaret A. Venable ‘02 Ann Marie C. Violetta ‘03 Margaret M. Vosburgh ‘76 Margaret ‘68 & Charles Walczak Walden Medical, PLLC Robert A. Wallace Karen A. Wallis ‘77 Roy & Catherine Walton Katherine J. Warner ‘96 William & Mary Washington Helen I. Weber ‘75 Arthur & Carole Weintraub Deborah A. Weisel ‘85 Diane M. Weldon ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Welker West Point Tours, Inc. Mark V. Wicher ‘98 William A. Smith & Son, Inc. John & Margaret Williams Arlene M. Witman ‘66 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wolinski Lorraine A. Yorke ‘99 Janet & Joseph Zeman Dr. Charles Zola Thomas & Mary Zubicki Laura M. Zybrick ‘80

Alumni Class of 1959 Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, O. P. Class of 1964 Donna Degrandis Barry Sr. Jean Marie Darling, O. P. Mary Ann Campanella DePeters Agnes Doyle Mary Ann Kennedy Fitzpatrick Violet Fasciano Gallagher Mary Jane Hughes Gedgard Laurene Genhart McKenna Margaret Poyatt Jayne Humphrey Puca Joyce Salg Sr. Patricia E. Sullivan, O. P. Class of 1965 Gail Koopman Adelhardt Annamarie Barrett Sr. Joann Boneski, O. P. Diane L. Fulves Rita Mare Hasselbacher Kathryn Schreiber Leach Joan G. Macey Patricia McCaffery Buck Sr. Mary Schneiders, O. P. Carol A. Strack Class of 1966 Janet Siebern Bartlett Emoke Boldvay Joan Armstrong Brisson Jean Manning Calogerakis Mary Ellen Dolan Cangiano Sr. Bernadette Connor, O. P. Susan Castiglia Dunlap Clare Hirz Dunn Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O. P. Ann Gallagher Falkenberry Sue Crosby Gillen Judith Ringwood Henderson June Joyce Ingulli Dr. Judith A. McLaughlin Patricia A. Murray Margurite Becker Nomeir Eileen McDonald Sassmann Sr. Mary A. Schmittauer, O. P. Terry King Schneider Margaret Phelps Simms Dr. Margaret Smith Spence Jeanne McCarthy Tallent Sr. Mary E. Troy, P. B. V. M Mary Jane Rumbalski Vance Arlene Rustmann Witman Mary Ann Coughlin Zinney Class of 1967 Bobbi Lancaster Allen Sr. Margaret Anderson, O. P. Kathleen Carey Behringer Mary Ann Lyons Bloom Ann Marie Boyle Mary Anne Brickhouse Maureen Mullane Browning Mary Lois Connell Sherrie Terwilliger Conover Sr. Maureen Cooper, O. P. Frances Lynch Empie Phyllis Hayton Forde Michele Calabrese Gusciora

Annual Fund

Catherine Popovics Misiaszek Sr. Lucy Povilonis, O. P.

Honor Roll of Donors

Geraldine M. Rockett Dianne Watson Salvemini Dr. Elizabeth Scannell-Desch Florence Jones Shimkus Susan Pendulik Spinelli Christine Lalonde Stammer Georgia Lyons Verven Annette Vestuti Vetre

July 1, 2012- June 30, 2013

Class of 1973 Sr. Patricia A. Anastasio, P. B. V. M Patricia Hayes Axtmayer Dr. Esther Graber Bankert

Sr. Janice Heery, O.P. Katherine B. Hepinstall Lynne Sherrer Jergensen Sharon Aldo Lagenbach Mary O’Meara Maguire Janet Seaman McCauley Sr. Mary Ella Morrison, O. P. Sr. Arlene Oswald, O. P. Kathleen Reineke Steenrod Alice Wildner Thompson Joan Kennedy Tolley Sibylle M. Tulve Betty A. Van Leeuwen Sr. Joan Ruth Whittle, O. P. Class of 1968 Sr. Mary Ann Cirillo, O. P. Patricia Cooney Sr. Lois Dee, O. P. Susan Flynn Donaldson Mary Jo Schwab Espasas Patricia Tompkins Favata Diana McNamara Fox Frances Pampinella Hawthorne Maureen T. Hoskins Janet Looney Kolano Ellen Thompson McCabe Mary Ann Hoff Nichelini Sheila Gage Nugent Barbara McCarthy O’Connor Susan Kearney Olsen Virginia Chambers Smith Diane S. Snyder Rose Roscino Talbot Sharon VanBramer Margaret Conlon Walczak Class of 1969 Eugenia M. Adams Bolton Gail Petty Albohn Pam McGinley Berger Lynn Bertholf Priebe Catherine J. Breitenbach Susan Atkins Collins Linda Glass Currivan-Musto Constance DeSantis Jane A. Harkinson Rita Jones Heater Margaret Herbert Patricia Hopper-Doetsch Mona I. Lizzi Marilyn K. Maisonet Sally A. McDonnell Kathleen Thomsen McGuinness Beverly McDermott Mennerich Celia Mascioli Mooney

Dr. Rosemary Shea O’Connor Carmela Cassara Olsen Thomasina A. O’Shea Geralyn Long Peterkin Kathleen O’Brien Ricker Elizabeth Mooney Safford Phyllis Schwab-Conroy Marian Wehrle Smith Nancy M. Torraco Patricia Ambury Trible* Elizabeth Brennan Wentzell Linda Oppermann Youngren Class of 1970 Margaret M. Bauman Olivia Wilson Curtin Paula DiBerardino Rita B. Farese Susan Burbach Fitzgerald Margaret Gardner Colleen McClain Hoffmann Sr. Jo-Ann Iannotti, O. P. Catherine Brosnan Kennedy Maureen Thompson Lawrence Nona S. Lynch Kathleen Costello Magee Eleanor L. Martinson Mary Anne McEnery Dr. Ann Marie Pennes Murray Joan McClurg Patino Judith Lillis Pond Kathleen Dugan Robertson Ellen Dwyer Rosano Maria D. Sasso Doris C. Smith Ann Mc Cue Spratt Ellen J. Stafford Maureen Whalen Stotland Theresa A. Zappone Class of 1971 Mary Green Bartle Sr. Danielle Bonetti, C.S.J. Judith Woll Callan Geraldine Walotsky Cass Marie Looser Cavanaugh Kathleen Crawford Maryellen Miller Cunningham Sharon Jones Dorrian Barbara M. Ewanciw Dr. Cecilia M. Falbe Kathryn Ruck Filarsky Maria Serino Fitzgerald Adelfa Gutierrez James D. Haluska Maryann Conway Harris

Dolores Molinaro Hayowyk Mary C. Hogan Sr. Agnes Holmes, O.P. Terrance Conway Kerley Paula O’Bryon Kordich Louise Machowicz Lang Janet La Roe Deborah Mayo Lazarus Maureen McLaughlin Lucia Louise M. Mancinelli Marylyn M. McDonald Therese Avnet Miller Maureen Kilpatrick Neppl Anne O’Brien-Teta Patricia Umhey Payette Ellen Murphy Porter Vincenza Bongiorno Randazzo Barbara Hampton Reuschle Anne Wolff Rich Jean Turner Ritchie John A. Robinson Dolores Ruocco Kathleen Kearns Schmid Mary Sheeran Sherwood Rosanne Iorio Stockhofer Class of 1972 Julie Van Vliet Amodeo Patricia Ege Anderson Kenneth E. Augesen Nancy Cuomo Bailey Sharon Clancy Bonifazio Leda Woznick Carmody Susan Nooney Dagenais Judith B. Davis Patricia Junger Dederick Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty Regina Finn Elliott Margaret Crabb Falsey Janie L. Favoino Linda Fichera Rachel Ruotolo Fitzgibbons Dorothy Vance Forte Denise Enright Fulham Laura Harth Denise E. Haviland Lorraine Sylvester Hinchey Marcia Martone Jones Mary Ann LoSasso Joyce Linda Fabbri Keithley Dr. Martha Kelly John W. Koepper Christine T. Lowndes Cathy Donnelly Maguire Mary C. McDyer Dr. Margaret Keeler McLane

Veronica Hall Barnhart Margaret M. Barry Ann McPhillips Boehm Claire McGovern Boland Catherine Finck Breitenbach Eileen McElhill Brucia Kathleen Canata-Notaro Linda Settoducato Christy Michele Gallo Cook Anne Marie Begnal Cullinan Eileen Gahan Curtin Johanna De Maria Eileen McDermott Donahue C. Bernadette Conlon Doupona Laura Colamonico Fanzilli Concetta A. Gargano Eileen McNamara Grattan Barbara Currier Gregory Lynn Ann Cianciolo Hajducky Cathleen M. Howard Dr. Gerardine Johnson-Carpenter Margaret L. Keeve Roseann DeSorrento Kling Joyce A. Kusmierski Eileen P. Lambert Carol O’Dell Long Kathleen E. Mazzarelli Dr. Ruth Anne Osbourn McCormick Marilyn O’Connell McGarry Mary Devine McGrath Gail Evans McTamaney Theresa Collins Minbiole Marie Matarazzo Munday Kathleen Hand Murin Carol Sorg Neumann Susan-Jane Ambrose Newcomb Christine De Magistris Nunn Ellen O’Brien O’Connor Dr. Joseph O. O’Connor Catherine Sroka Parcells Charlene Stevens Pasquale Sr. Jeanette Redmond, O. P. Jean Dunn Reid Mary Beth Christensen Reising Brenda Robinson-High Kenneth R. Sherman Regina Seelig Sikorski Ellen Weber Staino Karen Whitbread Weckman Regina McWeeney Whiteman

2012-2013 | Honor Roll of Donors


Class of 1974 Elizabeth Bowles Angleman Mary Ellen Henske Bruderman Patricia A. Cavanagh Susan DeMarco Conner Denise Renton Davignon JoAnn M. Dourdis Susan McPeck Eagan Patricia Cavanaugh Gantert Pamela Reguero Gethard Marie Fuerst Giokas Christine Daddio Grabowsky Patricia McCarthy Grella Dorothy A. Jaje Ellen Byrne Jimenez Kathleen Kelly Kachmor Mary Ann Kadera Klicka Bronwen Jones Lewin Sharon Reap Longobardi Linda D. Mangan Kathleen Hirschy Mayer Edward J. Mulligan, Jr. Pamela Earl Mulligan Kathleen Murphy Spangler Christine Pietlock Pearce Dr. Patricia A. Peters Toni Hufnagel Ponczkowski Robert V. Raszcewski Patricia A. Russell Katherine O’Keefe Stanley Hope E. Stephanou Miryam L. Stewart Janet Larkin Stivers M. Daniel Stivers Susan Havens Trapani Charlene Romaine Woodhull Class of 1975 Susan Charbonneau Atkins Elizabeth V. Bishop Theodora R. Bosch Margaret Bowles Burns Rosemarie Martini Butler Susanne Devine Campbell Eileen V. Caulfield Lisa C. Daily Patricia Rohme De Leo Susan P. Dexter Maureen Finnegan-Kussard Carlotta Gruber Garabedian Teresa M. Gillen Joyce Fischler Goldin Anne Tompkins Jarnagan Kathleen Dempsey Jillson Lynda Durbak Jutton Janice E. LoBiondo Cathleen Murphy Loughrey Mary McPhillips Mahoney Carol A. Marris Margaret McDowell Kathleen Quilty Neuffer Suzanne Cromwell Nieves Mary Pettit Orluk Suzanne Auer O’Rourke Mary Ellen Gallagher Ostrander Ann Becker Pagliaro Anne Them Planchak Jean Ponton Lisa A. Poplawski Catharine Martone Powzyk Maureen Mullarkey Pulice James H. and Margaret Angelo Ray Linda Bushek Remolino Patricia A. Sauer

8 Mount Saint Mary College

Agnes Gaffney Shea-Fetter Linda Fagan Squires Barbara Stevens Merylyn B. Tyson Linda Valentino Helen I. Weber Class of 1976 Barbara Petrolo Bourne Theresa Funk Brown Christine A. Burek Susan Daly Virginia Dauler-Phinney Charles N. Dofflemeyer Joseph P. Fogarty Kathleen Quane Grandjean Diane Herrick Dofflemeyer Jane Madden Hess Laura Hopkins Rosann Buonocore LaManna Dr. Pauline M. Mayr Rev. Thomas G. McCormick Patricia T. Morrison Patricia Lord Murphy Patricia O’Connor Ollquist Catherine Vensel Pettit Geraldine Barden Sprague Kathryn Downey Stevener Melissa Sullivan Celestine Best Torain Alice L. Ulm Elizabeth Riggins Vegliando Margaret M. Vosburgh Class of 1977 Teresa Santarelli Arluck Teresa Ferrante Balicki Joan Reynolds Baynes Rosemary E. Blank Theresa Mantelli Bommarito Susan Gemmell Carawan Nancy Stipak Carey Colleen Cavanagh-Bendernagel Susan Penoyar Chernek Lori Chudzik John G. Cornell Carole Ferrara Cuteri Nancy Scannell D’Agostino Marianne Lynch Dupont Deborah Powdrell Dutcher Marilyn J. Ejercito Joan Fenton Henry Patrice Ford Fogarty Mary Ann Gasko Dawn Kreiser Glennon Bella D. Harris Nancy Zwack Herzog Nanci Furman Itzla Steve F. Jurta Anna Marie Hayes Kennedy Rosemary McAndrew Kuruc Mary Ellen Vandervort Leimer Jeanette Maliha-Nebus Beth C. Mills Geralyn Monahan-Jones Phyllis Nasta Neidish Karen Diehl Ohler Jane E. Olsen Judy Robinson Owens Dr. Richard C. Reed Margaret Cook Schleiermacher Mary Lou T. Sgro Christine Cornelis Staskiewicz

Diane Pignataro Statler Joan Locurto Trautmann Karen Marinelli Wallis Class of 1978 Regina Hosey Adducci Patricia Miller Barki Shirley Van Aken Bluemle Patricia Delahunty Bookless Bridget Dwyer Bruno Medie Ann Close Susan Strampach Conte Maryann Belus Davidson Donna Bonnanzio DiStefano Mary Ellen Gregory Diver Yanick Gay-Ostine Mary Barnett Giannino Kathleen Magee Goff Sharon A. Harris Timothy F. Heil Debra Killeen Jaggers Catherine Lazzaro Krug Theresa Corsentino Leone Jacqueline Newman McConnell Deborah Steadman McGaugh Maureen T. McLoughlin Patricia Michella McNeely Julia Corcoran Parker Mary L. Perry Lorelei Linger Pitt Mary Ellen Lewicki Plass Margaret M. Prescott Beth Anne Callan Rybicki Karen Maruca Shea Marianne Crew Smith Elizabeth J. Tarvin Class of 1979 Ellen Durning Barreto Lisa Caporaso Dyke Carol Casella Eaton John K. Fanning Kathleen Fay Fowler Mary Susan Hendricks Beth-Ann Moriarty Janis Christine L. Johnston Janice Donelan Matheson Roberta Bednarski Maureau Mary Ellen Spezzano Mowbray Diane M. Rubeo Maureen A. Ryan Judith A. Saleh Brenda Boenig Taegder Catherine Martin Van Bomel Mary Skerritt Winar Class of 1980 Nancy G. Beckett Joy A. Bertsch Carla Bunch-Davie Stephanie S. Collins Kelly McMahon Cook Paula Morreale Curtis Dale Ellen Dammier Joseph J. DiCioccio Christine Macy Feroli Patricia Bertoli Fiorentino Joyce V. Garrett Gretchen Underhill Gartman Linda Kastenbein Giarrizzo Caren Cooke Henderson Joanne Hanretta Henderson Doris Hettinger-Mackey

Lisa LaRotonda LaFalce Gabriella Gerardi Lupski Joanne O’Reilly Mohan Janet Nelson Nickerson Dr. Robert B. Noe Dr. Kathleen A. O’Brien Michael J. Paff Therese Licata Paff Theodore R. Pawlowski Darlene Wheeler Perkins Colleen Bonner Postel Diane Fisher Rakoff Brenda Shurtleff Antoinette Owczarek Sobel Laura M. Zybrick Class of 1981 James V. Bishop Monica Sitko Bishop Ruth Sheridan Bolger June Orr Burgess Debra Santora Calvino William T. Corrigan Dorothy E. Davidson Rosemary Dellechiaie Virginia Glass Elarde Jeanne M. Fitzpatrick Meaghen Flanagan-Leidig Eileen Delahunty Frolo Annemarie Berckovits Furphy Susan Shearer Gray Mary Boyle Haas Anne Bulson Hoffman Barbara L. Hultgren Claudia L. Jenkins Patricia Kearney Lentini Theresa Gagnon Leonard Anne E. Lovallo Lauretta Lynn-Merrill Ann MacDermott-Keefe Cheryl Clarke Margiotta Dianne Roach McDonough Roberta Brower McLaughlin Christina Cool Muir Patricia A. Noll Deborah R. Pariser Margaret M. Quinn Margaret J. Siebert Mary M. Sullivan Patricia C. Taylor Barbara B. Trent Terry Rundle Zaccheo Donna Halligan Zaino Charlotte C. Zulick Class of 1982 Elizabeth Zangle Anderson Ludwig H. Bach Susan E. Bach Mary Ann Pettinelli Boffi Kathleen Stack Burns Cherrie Stinson Campbell Rita Honan Crana Elizabeth M. Cronin Margaret Kane Fenn Margaret L. Gagnon Barbara Erb Giardina Camille Murphy Kennedy Ava Rogers Lambert Mary O’Connell Lewis Myra O. Lineal Tammy Harrison Mann Anne Smith McGillin

Marta A. Newkirk Virginia E. Obry Paula Parisi Peaden Margaret M. Prial Margaret Wintefeldt Romanelli Harriet Gall Rowlette Barbara Kramer Shortt Catherine Ruggiero Steinberg Kelvin T. Thomas Class of 1983 Sharon Hallisey Bigelow Debra M. Brent Elizabeth Seranne Brittman Eileen M. Cook Dr. Jorge R. Delgado Kathleen Pawlak DiLella Melody E. Eldred Alice C. Fahmie Mary Ellen Gillis Forde Diane Gerald Ruth E. Hill Linda Thompson Jannarone Dr. George J. Kaknis Maureen McGeever Kenney Jeanette Clarke Kluckowski Marie DiPrima Kochek Margaret Dalton Koonz Gerianne McCabe Lehane Rose De Cicco Martino Deborah A. Mastriani Jill Schoonmaker McCormick Christine Becker Miller Rowena Lopez Mock Mary Ralph Perdue Lorraine Rose-Lerman Mary L. Saari Sharon Bellerive Sileno Maureen Slattery Terwilliger Honore Piccorelli Thompson Margaret Schaefer Tighe Class of 1984 George E. Burke Veronica Hafner Cirilli Lydia Cohane-Klinger Georgette Bowers Curcio Constance M. Deho Deirdre Barrett Denihan Brenda Fry Underhill Nancy Bianco Garo Lorraine Aurio Gendron Michael Giannakouros Eileen Mathews Giordano Sandra M. Haight Mysia Haight-Hoogsteden Julia Martin Holland Melody Gordon Kanninen Sr. Constance L. Kelly, O. P. Margaret M. Kissane Lee Ann Baumgardi Laubscher Rosangela LaRosa Lutz John J. Lynch Margaret Armento-McDowell Lori Reilly Mead Marie P. Murphy Gerda A. Nyborg Kathleen Stuhler Reilly Anne Hanover Rolih Colleen Keating Stevens Marianne Weaver Dolores Wilkinson Mary Cummings Ziegler

Students receiving scholarships


cholarship recipients and generous donors gather at the Fifty-Third Annual Academic Convocation where more than 60 students were awarded scholarships to support their education.

Class of 1985 Carolyn Enos Barki Dianne P. Barron Christina Bart Bilsky Deborah Wawrzynski Butler Sharon E. Bywater Maxine J. Carberry Lynette Scianna DeBellis Katherine McCormick Heeren Kathleen Atwell Kalmer Susan McManigal Kleinke Leanne Contarino Larson Maura Hall Martin Carol A. Napierski Mary Ellen Randazzo Pembleton Adair E. Santoro Karen M. Schiaffo Laurene Welch Scripter Nora Kelly Vahamonde Eileen Hughes Weir Deborah Daly Weisel Class of 1986 Tracy Davis-Pazdar Ann Marie DiLisio JoAnn McCormick Greenawalt Diana K. Harding Richard P. Joyce Clare Rizzitiello Kitz Mary Ellen Shea Loonie Elizabeth R. Mills Sheila Lease Murphy Camille M. Parisi Lorraine Keller Rankin Patricia Kosubinsky Savage Yonette E. Shepherd Diane M. Weldon Class of 1987 Robert J. Conticchio Nora Emrich Driscoll Edward J. Forgit Lynne M. Grates Eleanor W. Guerriero Karen A. Harris Karen Trost Holmes Fred A. Kurtz Kathleen Mohrman Markisello

Debra Ann Gade O’Neill Sean D. O’Shea Cathleen Graham Parker Richard F. Parker Meline Pittman Radenberg Lynn Stanaitis-Maschi Beverly Taylor Jennifer Crotty Van Wagner Jacqueline A. Wild Class of 1988 Nina R. Amendola Dawn Lamberti Baker Kevin J. Burgher Theresa Collins Canfield Maureen A. Cannon Christine T. Corette Steve E. Fetcho Laureen M. Fleck Mark J. Garnot Gail Engle Hammond Ana Conklin Johnsen Stephanie Keane Joyce Kelly Bolognese Kemp Marianna Germana Kennedy Mary Baus Knight Donna Werberger Laudicina Kathleen Bosch McCoy Elna A. Meader MaryKay Hollenbeck Messenger Katherine R. Mooney Robert J. Munger Steven Pignataro Christie Cannizzaro Ponessa Deborah B. Russell Mary K. Scott Mary Quinn Shine Maria Libertucci Swiader Catherine Greene Tegtmeier Annmarie Lazenka Westermann Christine Isola Wilbanks Debra Youngs-Brauner Class of 1989 Betty L. Aichelmann Catherine Tighe Benson Maeve O’Sullivan Cizek Donna Sipos Cox

Catherine Powers Halwick Sue Ann Pendergast Patricia Hanson Peterson Sandilyn Sherman Rivet Ruth C. Smith Suzanne Windsor Soltysik Cheryl Lantz Steiger Matthew A. Theodoseau Cindy D. Toussaint Suzanne Becht Volpe Class of 1990 Patricia McAteer Arrucci Cathleen McManus Blair Honore’ M. Burtt Bernice DeFina-Mastoros Bonnie J. Fay Eileen Gaffney McDowell Janice M. O’Connor Bonnie Simonetty Patterson Andrea G. Petrone Bonita Lee Smith Class of 1991 Cheryl Schnitzel Barnum Beth A. Glynn Maria Repole Griffin Ronald A. Irwin Thomas P. Kennedy Patricia J. Kinol Maryellen Fraser Lopreato Catherine Higgins McElligott James J. Melchione Norma A. Newman Carole E. O’Neill Mark Protonentis Michael S. Rheaume Jay D. Sager Koreen Ettman Sorrenti Robert J. Stenber Heidi A. Wohlleber Class of 1992 Frank A. Antonucci Valerie Warren Barnes Diane Anderson Boyle Deidre A. Bullock Suzana Fonseca Eisner

Kathleen S. Fogarty Sharon Goodson Kelvin C. Hill Alison Brewer Jamin Mark J. Jamin Joan P. Kaplan Jeanne Nogay Maltes Victoria Krawiec Mastrantuono Kathleen M. McCabe Jennifer M. Michaels Dawn Garrison Moore Robert D. Morales Laura Musial-Cilento Joann M. Oracz Audra Dunbar Sandoval Denise Giardina Santalis Holly Knerr Schwartz Susan Ambrosino Smith Susan De Pasquale Turi Cynthia J. Winfield Class of 1993 Marie C. Barnett Kathleen Belaus-Wingfield Tricia Pelletier Belfonti Sonia B. Briody David J. Burke III Amy W. Cassidy Loretta O. Cella Holly Stabile Ciferri Melissa L. Derrick Shannon Brady Doughney Stacey Demirjean Finn James P. Fragnito Linda L. Hulse Laurie A. Lei Mary P. Ludwig Helene Bird Malatesta Scott T. Malatesta David M. Mossey Steven Murray Michelle Guerriero Mylie Patricia Debertolis Napolitano Karen Mendler Nastro Peter V. Nastro Kathleen Connelly O’Connell Christine Kane Orgera Jean Burnette Pozza

Francis L. Rich Barbara L. Rubin Robert L. Schupper Robert S. Slutsky Eric W. Stallmer Class of 1994 Daniel J. Allen Todd E. Baldwin Margaret Krako Buontempo Angela M. Callahan Gerald V. Conlon, Jr. Michele M. Corona Jennifer Hartling Dube Edward W. Hanley Tiffany Loprete Ingram Andrea Boss Jarvis Peter J. Lechner Ellen D. Leuner Barbara E. Lisi Patrick T. Marino Thomas E. Morris, Jr. Arlene M. Nicholson Jane Hilton Noonan Jill M. Obry Silvia L. Roberts Margaret M. Scalzo Louise Couser Simpson Carol Forde Taylor William J. Trutt III Class of 1995 Catherine Radel Baldwin Alexandra Gill Brazeau Joanne S. Bunnell Celestine M. Campbell William Castaldi Linda S. Cortright Christopher X. Dougherty Carl B. Eissner Suzanne F. Ferrigno Patricia L. Gloeckler Dawn M. Hickey Allen E. Jacobsen Karen Welenc Kenney Michael J. King Doranne Alvarez Koval Kevin J. Koval

2012-2013 | Honor Roll of Donors


Alumni & Family Weekend Jennifer Siemers Kowal Ira J. Kroun Linda S. Linenbroker Marie Brunhuber Lucas Kimberlee Soma Mahusky Tammy A. McAllister Deborah Quackenbush Perry Patricia A. Rodrigue Allison M. Tebolt Class of 1996 Michael J. Agrella Christen Lombardo Baumbach Patricia Fallon Callahan Margaret Lehane Cerbone Carol Erickson Curran Rocco J. Damiano* Colleen Mazza Davy Allan D. Diamonti Margaret E. Dillon Manuel R. Fusco Michael B. Igo Maura M. Lee-Byrne Gerianne M. Minkus William J. Perk Roseann Petersen Michael J. Rigney Katherine Ballas Warner Class of 1997 Kathryn Smith Brenneman Janina U. Budziak Margaret M. Castelli Amanda Altstadt Collins

10 Mount Saint Mary College

Stacey Sherman Evans Gail H. Fogarty James P. Kelly Kristine M. Kidney Siobhan N. Kilcoyne Margarita Rios Knight Margaret F. McGinnis Jase H. Merrill Jeffrey L. Mitchell Joy Mazzini Monico Anthony J. Patino Regina M. Taylor Denise Doring Van Buren David Weyant Class of 1998 Tiffany M. Adams John J. Bruno, Jr. Suzanne Callaghan Beth Wiltse Cassidy Jeanine A. Conca Andrea Way Davis Gail Pike Eastman Leona N. Faust Karen Solowsky Gapper Janis Majewski Goerres Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan N. Goodson Danielle M. Greco Jeremy W. Greene Kristin E. Haas Ronald E. Harley Michele Bernstein Holler Jennifer L. Kriewald Lori Fisher Nerkowski Nancy Davison Pelesz

Matthew Scully Mary V. Spear Mark V. Wicher Julie P. Woodward Class of 1999 Glenda E. Brendli Wanda A. Castelli Mary Lynn Conklin Renee Rascoe Degroat Rita Estrada-Flood Frederick S. Leimer Peggy A. Ligo Angela DeSanty Mass Nancy E. Mazza Andrea Shramek Merrill Katherine M. Miller Marianne L. Muise Sharon A. Oliva Susan M. Perkins Alicia Ramos Monica B. Ruiz Amanda E. Runnalls Erin M. Sheedy Christina L. Szeli Alberto G. Venezia Nancy Lambert Von Ignatius Lorraine Dargis Yorke Class of 2000 Susan Agrella Andrew M. Bier Kristen DiCicco Brandon Steven P. Capone Heidi L. Coffey

Regina M. Gibson Barbara A. Gutzler Mary-Jo Leffler Jobity Gladys L. Labare Kristi Reeve Larson Peter J. Larson Billy Lee Anthony M. Lentini Sebastian Loscerbo Jennifer Savino Macartney Erin Squires McCartney Salvatore A. Mondello Patricia M. Moresco Amy M. Peluso Joseph G. Polvere Alison Farrell Rahn Kristy Spadaro Rubin Adam P. Samodulski Lisa M. Teall Lee Ann P. Vrablik Jefferson L. Walton Class of 2001 Maureen F. Addiss Barbara A. Davis Anthony J. DiGiantommaso Christina Cecchini Epps Betty L. Gaudette Lisa C. Greene Lea Caminito LaSusa Susan B. LoRusso Edwin J. Mulvihill Carole D. Picard Jennifer DiChiaro Santana Deborah J. Schulz

Eileen J. Snook Timothy S. Underhill Anita A. Wilson Janice A. Wood Jeannine E. Zaluski Class of 2002 Robin Squicciarini DesRosiers Jennifer Fennell Fletcher Lorraine A. Gamma Sheri Tornone Hentschel Phyllis L. Jernigan Brando S. Jobity Irene Lynch Shana E. Lyons Dena Costa Marro Deborah Fabrizio Mayfield Karen A. Meyer Suzanne P. Ostrander Diane Justiniano Owens Donna C. Perk Joseph A. Pozza Kurt D. Raschke Karen L. Saluto Kimberly K. Scoralick Margaret C. Urbanski Margaret A. Venable Kelly M. Yough Class of 2003 Susan Rogers Baisley Heather C. Barton Lauren M. Boardman Roberta T. Bochdam Erin Gurski Butt

Jennifer Wood Caldwell Christine Buckman Carrolla Robert F. Cassidy, Jr. Jacqueline D. Clyburn Dr. Matthew T. Flanagan Jennifer Fullwood Garrett Morgan Hartley Gehm Kerriann B. Guneratne John R. Hutton Kim C. Jarratt Alice J. Looney Kristen Markel Chrysa L. McDuffie Roberta H. Morrow Jacqueline A. Powell Nancy Quackenbush Nicholas A. Shannon Linda A. Sharkey Ann Marie C. Violetta Erin Clair Vredenburgh Class of 2004 Mary F. Bezak Andrea Palumbo Boroczky Evelyn Cavicchio Jillian M. Cook LeeAnn M. Doherty Marilyn Karlich Kathy J. Little Barbara McIlroy Manco Jessica L. Matteis Shital V. Modhwadia Deana A. Muller Catherine M. Nelting Christopher A. Phillips

Elizabeth Angley Phillips Cheryl K. Reidy Class of 2005 Shannon Farrell Clarke Brian Hernandez LeAnne Renaud Labeck Olukemi O. Longe Jill A. Maline Allison P. McLean Elizabeth Balluff Mitchell Drew Y. Sagar Class of 2006 Shirley Roberts Brereton Gail A. Carlock JoAnna F. Corio Therese A. Coris Patrick Dechon Thomas C. DeLuca Tasha D. Fasce Pamela M. Hemingway Rebecca Hunger Kurman Belinda A. McLean Tara Roberts Newberry Roberta L. Theiss Catherine Schultz Weber Class of 2007 Stephanie A. Beals Laura M. Bunda Sandra Elkind Tiffany E. Folkes Brian E. Gormanly Carolyn A. Heldron Robert G. Ingenito, Jr. Edward R. Lastowski, Jr.

Melissa L. Maggiacomo Kieran J. McGovern Marisol Neugebauer Amanda Hotte Peltz Nancy C. Shortle Michael W. Tierney Latoya S. Townsend Class of 2008 Maureen Barry Robert M. Beasley Eric E. Campione Aimee E. Colandrea Diane M. Eccher Jennifer L. Fontes Clarissa M. Goins Sara Guillaume- Exceus Simone M. Melnick Lauren Cunningham Preiato Christina D. Schnitzer Scott D. Tabone Steven G. Zoeller Class of 2009 Rosemarie J. Alfieri-Pesner Brittany W. Bell Joseph P. Bomba IV Heather Raymond Carlson Peter C. Carofano Tracy N. Hamer Nancy Maucher Jacketti Melissa Antinoro Lenarski Sharon Healy Mankiewicz Robyn M. Stephen Elorde A. Tuliao

Douglas P. Tabone Class of 2010 Shirley A. Adams Athena M. Angerhauser Kathleen Gallagher Barton Joseph M. Fantozzi Santiago Frias Paul O. Fritz Lauren A. Hockler Jayni C. Joyce Kaitlyn N. Maglione Jessica Hindley Mehal Virginia Mayhew Newell Jennifer NuĂąez Matthew M. Smith Kathleen Spinelli Linda Williams Alan Zollner Class of 2011 Kendra L. Anderson Dana Conroy Bomba Ellen Bourhis Nolan Jaclyn E. Caio Angie J. Francois Jennifer H. Robak Christopher Tabaszewski

Class of 2012 Dawn M. Chiarelli Thomas J. Dubetsky Leslie F. Fishman Christina Flemming Kaley J. Francis Amir U. Islam John L. Lynch Alexander Peguero-Medrano Nadine H. Pouliot Ashley Wittens Class of 2013 Daniel Barrow Teresa Conigliaro Thomas W. Gordon George K. Hughes Angela Oliveri Nicholas J. Pinto Leonard Ragaglia Gina Straber Margaret Treacy Kira M. Tutko *Deceased

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Mount Olympics Mount students take part in the annual Mount Olympics event in Kaplan Recreational Center.

Parents of Alumni Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ackerman

Michele & John Colurciello

Patrick & Marianne Fredericks

Frederick S. Leimer '99

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Murphy

Janet & Edward Adinaro, Jr.

Barbara Connolly

Frances Fremgen

Mary Ellen Leimer '77

Kenneth & Geraldine Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Liam Ahern

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Corio

Robert J. Fuerst

Mr. & Mrs. Keith LeMon

Joseph & Carol Newman

Catalina Alegre

Peter & Linda Corso

Michael & Cheryl Galante

Ronald & Maureen Levinson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. North

Mary T. Baldovin

Mr. & Mrs. James Costa

Frederick & Patricia Gallagher

Mr. & Mrs. Julius Lisner

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Notine

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Barricelli

Mr. & Mrs. James Cruickshank

John & Josephine Gibson

David & Hedy Lustig, Jr.

Vincent & Kathryn O'Donoghue

Kathleen '10 & Michael Barton

David G. Curry

Kathleen '78 & Randy Goff

Patricia Maguire

Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Orgonista

Mr. & Mrs. William Bergen

Lisa '75 & Joseph Daily

Adelfa '71 & Joe Gutierrez

Mr. & Mrs. Ted Malecki

Joan '70 & Joseph Patino

Vivian Betancourt

*Rocco '96 & Ann Damiano

Robert & Jean Haight

Edward & Elizabeth Malone

Nancy & William Pennella

Raymond Blank

Richard & Maryann Davidson

Kenneth & Helga Harris

Dr. Maureen Markel

James & Anne Marie Pentland

Mr. & Mrs. James Blatchley

G. Thomas & Millie Delahunty

Burton & Elizabeth Heldron

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mars

William J. Perk '96

Margaret L. Bloecker

Mary T. Derrico

Caren '80 & Daniel Henderson

Mr. & Mrs. Nat Martins

Michael & Geri Phillips

Claire '73 & Kevin Boland

Elizabeth Di Mola

Charles & Linda Hess

Carmela Massaro

Robert & Adelaide Polito

John & Margaret Boyle

Peter & Kathleen Di Prima

William & Frances Hessle

Anthony & Diana Matteis

Lawrence & Patricia Porvaznik

Deborah F. Bradley

Dominic & Mary DiFalco

Earl & Nora Hopper

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Maxwell

Joann Rakowiecki

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Brent

John & Mary Dombrowski

Leonard & Lucie Hungarter

Kathleen '74 & Robert Mayer

Richard & Marie Regino

Mark & Nancy Bruckmann

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dorfer

Teresa M. Hynes

Mr. & Mrs. John Burpoe

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Mayoros

Mr. & Mrs. David Doty

LTC Gerald & Marilou Jilbert

Christine K. Ring

Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Caesar

June Dougherty

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jiminski

Nancy '99 & Salvatore Mazza

Donald & Frances Roach

Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Callaghan

Joseph & Margaret Dritto

Christine '79 & William Johnston

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McAdams

James & Bridget Roach

Ingrid & Paul Campione

Mark & Ellin Duffy

Kathleen '74 & Donald Kachmor

Lawrence & Patricia McCrudden

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Rogers

Carmen & Kathleen Campisi

James & Margaret Duggan

Joan P. Kaplan '92

Marguerite McDermott

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rose

Carl & Carol Candela

Robert & Linda Dunbar

Basil & Valerie Kayal

Mr. & Mrs. Todd McGowan

James & Joan Ryan

Mary Ellen D. Cangiano '66

Mary Ejercito

Patrick & Kathleen Kilroy

Edward & Deborah Ann McKavanagh

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Ryan

Karen & Stanley Capela

Eileen Elliott

Michael & Nancy Knittel

Alice & Daniel McNamee

Patrick & Kathryn Cardinale

Debra Fasce

Clare T. Knott

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Mead II

Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Sawicki

Robert & Linda Carlson

Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Fasolo

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Koines

Dr. & Mrs. J. Gerald Meagher

Margaret '77 & Keith Schleiermacher

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Casey

Michael & Antonia Fenn

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Koval

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Meaney

Charlotte Schmidt

Pamela & Joseph Catania, Jr.

Margaret R. Findlay

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Krawec

Ann & James '91 Melchione

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schreck

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Cavagnaro

Arthur & Dolores Fitch

Robert & Margaret Kropp

Beverly '69 & Kenneth Mennerich

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schreeck

Joanne & William Celio

Mrs. Frank J. Flynn, Sr.

F. Paul & Lorraine Krupinsky

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Messina

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Schwope

Dr. & Mrs. Costantino P. Cerini

Joseph '76 & Michele Fogarty

Florence A. Kuduk

Joseph & Bernadette Miller

Charles & Diane Sclafani

Mr. & Mrs. Warren R. Cervini

Barbara Fontes

Mr. & Mrs. John Kurnat

Kathleen Moran

Jean H. Scruggs

Dariusz & Wieslawa Choinski

Jacqueline F. Forcucci

Mr. & Mrs. Richard LaTour

Marilyn Moran

Anthony & Elaine Searle

Freda J. Close

Harriett M. Ford

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lauber

Jill & Patrick Morris

Alice & Graham Seidel

Charles & Diana Colombo

Phyllis '67 & James Forde

Edward & Joy Lauffer

Alan & Diane Mucci

Mr. & Mrs. Placito F. Sgro

12 Mount Saint Mary College

Mr. & Mrs. James Saleh

Faculty vs. Students Volleyball Showdown Volleyball showdown between faculty and students held on April 24, 2013

Parents of Students Frances C. Sheeran Kenneth '73 & Sharon Sherman Nancy '07 & Mark Shortle Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Singleton J. Brian & Eileen Smith Joseph & Elaine Smith Terrence Smith & Catherine Edge-Smith Gene J. Sorcinelli John & Eileen Sowa Janice & Kenneth Stankus Mr. & Mrs. Felix Szumlaski Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tabone Barbara E. Thayer Kathleen Tighe Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tighe, Sr. Nancy J. Trenz Mr. & Mrs. Socky Trojahn William & Vera Trutt Jolene Verdile Mr. & Mrs. James J. Walsh James & Patricia Ward Mr. & Mrs. Kurt T. Weingartner Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Welker Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. James Whiting Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wolinski Florence A. Wood *Deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Acquah Penny Albergo Vincent & Stephanie Azzolino Dominick & Antoinette Barbato Joseph & Lori Barbieri Daniel & Mary Barrow Cathy Bednarczyk Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Blasavage Mr. & Mrs. Moheb N. Boctor Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Bollella Margaret V. Bordonaro John & Faith Buckley Larry & Lori Candarelli Robert & Kathleen Cates Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Chieffo Colleen Chrystal Mr. & Mrs. Neil Colello Mr. & Mrs. Frank Conigliaro Peter & Linda Corso Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Cousin Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Crookston Lou & Dierdre D'Agostino Michael & Marietta Dalmeto Robert & Carmella DeFichy Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeLeo Sally DeLeo Jennifer Deliso Peter & Mary DeMarco Joseph & Eleanore DiCioccio Diane Dillon Vito & Giacoma DiStefano James Diver Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Dorador Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Douglass Mr. & Mrs. Peter Doyle Margalie Dupiton Susan Dwyer-Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dziuba

David & Karen Edgar Hugh & Maureen Ennis James & Phebe Fallon Thomas & Patricia Farragher Leonard & Valerie Ficarelle Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fielder Dr. Lawrence T. Force Charles & Lynn Frank Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fulton Thomas & Ellen Gambaccini Jacqueline A. Gerace Brian & Rose Ann Germain Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Golder Raymond & Doris Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Harris, Jr. Maurice & Joan Hartnett Joan Hennessy David & Kathleen Hobbs Timothy & Diane Hogan Paul & Mary Ann Hospodar Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jackson Matthew & Michelle Jahn Jayni C. Joyce '10 Laura Keller Daniel & Ellen Kerwin Susan '85 & Ed Kleinke Mr. & Mrs. Walter Krawec Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Krieger Helen Lahita Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lahm George & Sharon Lane Margaret Lapinski Edward & Joy Lauffer Gerard & Ellen Lawlor Anthony & Louise LoMeli Lawrence & Robin Lomolino Paul & Edith Longo Philip & Angeline Lorch

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander C. Luke Mr. & Mrs. Ted Mancini Valerie Mangano Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mann Mr. & Mrs. Craig Martens Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mayer Nancy '99 & Salvatore Mazza John & Mary Jo McDermott John & Denise McGuinness Christopher & Bernadette McLaughlin Leona Mininni Russell & Kelly Miyaki Jeffrey & Kathleen Moran Matthew & Kerry Moran Patricia M. Moresco '00 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Morris Paul & Alice Murphy Edward & Donna Murray Suzanne R. Muschio Kevin & Barbara Neary Lisa Nester Joseph & Patricia Nestola Ellen Bourhis Nolan '11 & David Nolan Brian & Diane O'Boyle Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe Timothy & Maria O'Leary Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Otchy Mr. & Mrs. James Owens Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Owens Nicholas & Joyce Palmieri Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Peel Mr. & Mrs. Tadas Petkevicius Dr. Steven & Cynthia Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Plouffe Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Raftery Donna Ragaglia Albert & Vivian Rahanaev Vasant & Minakshi Rao Richard & Marie Regino

Kevin & Marie Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Rendine Mr. & Mrs. Neil Reyes Michael & Kathleen Riveriro Joan Roberts Christine Rodriguez Martiniano & Linda Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rouleau Francis & Jennifer Russo Frank & Julianne Sales Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sangalli Dorothy Sanguinedo Michael & Grace Sapienza Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sassi Mr. & Mrs. Vito Scaglione Daniel & Barbara Segreto Mr. & Mrs. Herman Seidel David & Lisa Seifts Nancy '07 & Mark Shortle Joseph & Lisa Stabach Harry Steinway Mr. & Mrs. Edward Straber Frederick & Patricia Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Zdzislaw Szkolnicki Arthur & Carol Terranova Nicholas & Elizabeth Turkovic Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Tutko Mr. & Mrs. Steven Venditti Dorothy Volpe Kenneth & Barbara Von Bargen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Walsh Roy & Catherine Walton John & Debra Weeks David '97 & Lauren Weyant Mr. & Mrs. Ron Wilson Stephen & Maria Wise Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wissman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zammit

2012-2013 | Honor Roll of Donors



MSMC Campus Community

Elizabeth A. Ailes Duncan M. Anderson Sr. Margaret Anderson, O.P. '67 Ludwig H. Bach '82 Harrison H. Buxton III Greg M. Cooper, CPA Thomas C. Donahoe Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. '66 Charles P. Frank R. Abel Garraghan Christopher J. Gawley, Esq. Dr. Albert J. Gruner Anna Halpine Marianna R. Kennedy '88 Vary Rev. John A. Langlois, O.P. Wendy E. Long, Esq. Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM Frank A. Marchetti David W. Melby Joan P. Millens Susan D. Najork Joseph A. O'Loughlin Sr. Lucy Povilonis, O.P. '72 Ita M. Rahilly, CPA Sr. Ann Stankiewicz, O.P. Sr. Madeleine Tacy, O.P.

Dr. Andrea Ackermann Shirley A. Adams '10 Dr. Evelyn B. Barese Kathleen P. Barton '10 James N. Beard Robert M. Beasley '08 Dr. Dolores Berlinghoff Roberta M. Bertola Ellen Bourhis Nolan '11 Carolyn Brauer Dr. Margaret M. Bussigel Gail A. Carlock '06 Peter C. Carofano '09 Evelyn Cavicchio '04 Michele Colurciello Barbara Connolly Jillian M. Cook '04 Dr. James F. Cotter Jeffrey Cousin Sr. Mary Ann Cyrnik Marilyn B. D'Ambrosio Frank T. Davis Sr. Leona DeBoer, O. P. Thomas J. Dubetsky '12 Dr. Rae Fallon Dr. Lawrence T. Force

Lynn M. Frank Joan Gambeski Thomas Garnett Jacqueline A. Gerace Janet Gianopoulos Kathleen M. Goff '78 Dr. James A. Griesemer Catherine Grigorakis Jane E. Hanley Dr. Mary D. Hinton Dr. Carl Hoegler Jayni C. Joyce '10 Dr. Jeffrey Kahana Dr. Yasmine Kalkstein Cathleen M. Kenny Kimberly A. King Dr. Colleen P. Kirk Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM Dr. Lynn Maelia Sharon L. Mankiewicz '09 Dr. Maureen Markel Michael R. Mattausch Dr. Amanda M. Maynard Nancy E. Mazza '99 Kathleen P. McCoy '88 Sandra McQuade '09

Brian J. Moore Dr. Dianne I. Murphy Sr. Margaret Murphy, O. P. Suzanne R. Muschio Dr. Thuy L. Nguyen Dr. Tracey J. Niemotko Dr. Rebecca R. Norman Joseph J. Nunnari Kathleen M. O'Keefe Michael J. O'Keefe Nancy S. Owen Barbara Petruzzelli Carolyn M. Quoma James M. Raimo Dr. John T. Reilly Marilyn Riccio Christine K. Ring Michael Rojas Dr. Priscilla L. Sagar Derek S. Sanderson Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch '72 Dr. Paul D. Schwartz Maureen P. Seymour Dr. Daniel Shea Dr. Ludmila Smirnova

Edward & Cornelia Gallagher Barbara Galvagni Michael J. Gartman Richard & Tracey Genua Philip & Louise Germain Mary E. Gilchrist Leonard A. Graziano Margarete & Edison Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guglielmi James R. Halpin Maureen Hickerson-McKeon, L.C.S.W. Paul & Deborah Hill Haven & Louise Hobbs Ruth R. Holden Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jeannetti Edward Johnston Mary Anne Johnston Doris M. Karcher William & Cynthia Karcher Ann Marie Karwoski Rae & Cy Katz Francis C. Kiley Bernard & CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner Helen Kuruc Theodore J. Lakoski Margaret H. Lamb Ann Livoti David & Bevalie MacFarland Philip P. Malinovsky Daniel W. Maltes James & Elizabeth Manion Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Masten Mary Jane McCarthy John McCormack Fred & Betsy McCurdy J. Joseph & E. Mary McGowan Patrick M. McKeon William & Margaret McKeon

Joel & Rachel McKible Cindy McLoughlin Carl E. Meyer Evelyn Meyerhoff Joan P. Millens Dr. Ernest R. Mills III Joseph A. Monaco Gregory & Deborah Moran Carla Musacchia Dr. Roger Newman Dr. Irene & Joseph Nunnari Mr. & Mrs. Gerard O'Connor Ted and Alison Ostlund Laura Papasian Mary Papasian Hon. & Mrs. Pano Z. Patsalos John E. Perez Mr. & Mrs. Ted Petrillo Sr. Julie Pintal, O. P. Aileen Quattlander Mr. & Mrs. John F. Rath Eric & Carolyn Reid Joseph A. Reilly Pamela D. Reilly John L. Rich David L. Rider Joseph & Geraldine Riveiro Frank & Christine Rizzo Thomas Rowan Thomas & Suzanne Rowan Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sahakian Sr. Ann Sakac, O. P. Anthony & Nancy Salerno Michael & Catherine Sambrowski John Schipano George & Monica Schumacher Bettina Seidman Lillian Seidman Frank & Patricia Simone Ronald & Carol Sislane

Virginia Sislane

Friends Richard & Eileen Ainsworth Albert & Susan Alioto Donna L. Andreoli Dennis & Julie Atherton V. William & Janet Atria Jill M. Baader Donald R. Becker, Esq. Msgr. Francis P. Bellew Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Belmont Sr. Sylvia Bielen Rita M. Bier Donald & Sandra Boisvert Sr. Agnes Boyle, O. P. Raffaela Buckheit Emily Bussigel Estate of Sadie Jane Cahn Margaret Calderalo Linda M. Cantwell Wayne F. Chernek Phyllis Schwab-Conroy '69 & James J. Conroy Edward and Colleen Cooke Karen L. Cop Lucille Cop Donald & Marie Corke Anthony & Christa Cruise John & Marilyn D'Ambrosio Thomas Dames Dr. Ann E. Damiano Myrtle M. Darmstadt William & Kathleen Darmstadt Charles M. Davis Mr. & Mrs. James E. Devitt Edward & Donna Doyle Diane M. Dwyer Jonathan T. Engel, Esq. Constance Ernenwein Norma & Walter Evans Sr. Frances Irene Fair, O. P. Rose A. Fesselmeyer

14 Mount Saint Mary College

John H. Smith, Sr. Michael A. Smith Jill Spangenberg Theresa & Rick Stark

Mary V. Spear '98 Dr. Frances Spielhagen Janice I. Stankus Harry Steinway Sr. Patricia E. Sullivan, O.P. '64 Dr. Jill Sussman Edwin N. Teall Dr. Moira T. Tolan Nancy J. Trenz Dr. Iris J. Turkenkopf Dr. Sarah Uzelac Joseph G. Valenti Grantley D. Yearwood Kelly M. Yough '02 Lee M. Zawistowski Janet A. Zeman Dr. Charles Zola

MATCHING GIFTS 3M Foundation AT&T Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Bank of America Chevron

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Tarnowski


Sandra Tarnowski

GE Foundation

C. Thomas* & Eunice Tenney

GEICO Philanthropic Foundation

Jean O. Teske

Home Depot Foundation

Charles & Lynn Thompson

IBM Corporation

Margaret Thorn

JPMorgan Chase Foundation

Tracy M. Thorn

MBIA Foundation Inc.

Karen Tice

MetLife Foundation

Susan Toscano Anna Marie Townsend Robert & Karen Townsend Bradley & Ava Tracy Glenn & Patricia Tracy Gregg & Debra Tracy Ana M. Tranchina Gary P. Trible Leonard S. Turkenkopf Nancy Vetter Richard & Maryanne Villien Dr. Robert & Charlene Walasin Robert A. Wallace William & Mary Washington Arthur & Carole Weintraub George & Ann Whalen John & Margaret Williams Catherine Workman Camille Wyatt George & Patricia DeClue Thomas & Mary Zubicki *Deceased

NYBDC Charitable Foundation Pearson Education, Inc. Pepsico, Incorporated Pfizer Foundation Protiviti Prudential Insurance Company PSEG Raytheon Company State Farm Insurance Co. UBS United Technologies Verizon

Businesses A. Venezia Enterprises Inc. Adams Fairacre Farms Alexis Diner, Inc. Armistead Mechanical, Inc. B & M Leather, Inc. BBL Construction Services, LLC Bonura Hospitality Group Broadway Tailors Buckheit & Whelan P.C. Classic Tent Rentals, Inc. Cosimo's Management, Inc. Derrick's Home Services, LLC Edgewood Bath and Tennis LLC EPCO Products, Inc. GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. Heights Lumber Center, Inc. Highland Associates

Hill-n-Dale Abstracters, Inc. I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 363 IBM Corporation Immediate Credit Recovery, Inc. Ironworkers Local 417 John Herbert Company Johnston Millwork, Inc. Key Interior Acoustical, LLC KeyBank Kirchhoff-Consigli Construction Management, LLC Kistner & Company, Inc. Laborers Local 17 Lecet Laerdal Medical Corporation Lakota Construction Group Leprechaun Lines Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP Local 30 ISF Fund

Marshall & Sterling, Inc. McCabe & Mack, L.L.P. Mid Valley Wine & Liquor, Inc. Morgan Stanley Foundation Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Orange County Chamber of Commerce Pepsi-Cola of the Hudson Valley Perreca Electric Co., Inc. Quality Painting & Taping Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates Stanley Marks & Co., LLP Susan Perkins NP Tarshis, Catania, Liberth, Mahon & Milligran, PLLC The Bells' Ethan Allen Gallery Thomas J. Kempton Jr., Inc. Three Village Veterinary Hospital

Title One Abstract Inc. Twin Management & Consultant Co., Inc. UBS Matching Gift Program Uno Restaurants, LLC Valenza Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Verizon Visconti Limousine Service, LLC Walden Medical, PLLC West Point Tours, Inc. Westage Management, LLC William A. Smith & Son, Inc.

DR. VIRGINIA J. DAVIDSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Established in memory of Dr. Virginia Davidson, professor of English at MSMC, by her family and friends to provide scholarships to deserving students majoring in English. James N. Beard Emily Bussigel Dr. Margaret M. Bussigel Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Kristi L. Larson ‘00 Peter J. Larson ‘00 Dr. Kate Lindemann Dr. Maureen Markel Dr. Iris J. Turkenkopf Leonard S. Turkenkopf

JAMES & MARY GILHOOLEY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Established in memory of James & Mary Gilhooley by their son, Fr. James Gilhooley, to provide scholarships to outstanding undergraduate students with financial need. Christopher J. Gawley, Esq. Morgan Stanley Foundation

FOUNDATIONS BBL Charitable Foundation Inc Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan Dyson Foundation FDNY Foundation

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund TD Charitable Foundation The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Charitable Foundation Warwick Savings Foundation

ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Charities Community Services Cornell Cooperative Extension Dominican Sisters of Hope Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mid-Hudson Chapter of NYS Society of CPA's MSMC Alumni Association Newburgh Lions Club T. Rowe Price Program United Way of Dutchess/ Orange Region

Special Gifts SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS MOIRA ROVERE BAYER ‘81 ENDOWED Nursing SCHOLARSHIP Established in memory of Moira Rovere Bayer ‘81, a nursing student at MSMC, by Moira’s sister, CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner, her husband Bernard Kistner, family and friends to provide scholarships to Mount nursing students. Bernard and CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner Sr. Julie Pintal, O. P. in memory of her sister, Lucie Pintal Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Theresa & Rick Stark CHARLES T. BAUS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Established by Mary Baus-Knight ‘88, in memory of her father, to provide scholarships to deserving Mount Students. Mary Baus Knight ‘88 JOSH DEPEW MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Established in memory of Josh Depew, a student at MSMC, by his mother, Ana M. Tranchina, to provide awards to outstanding students in the Mount’s education program Athletic Department Janet Gianopoulos Maureen P. Seymour Ana M. Tranchina ELVIRA LABUE & HELEN OSTLUND MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Established by Ted and Alison Labue Ostlund in memory of their mothers, to provide a scholarship to an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in nursing or mathematics. Ted & Alison Ostlund

15 Mount Saint Mary College

PATRICIA WELCH DONAHUE ‘72 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Established as a tribute to “Tricia”, a 1972 graduate of the Mount’s nursing program, by Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty ‘72, friends and family, to be awarded to a senior nursing student who demonstrates academic and clinical excellence. Geraldine W. Cass ‘71 Dr. Mary Ellen Doherty ‘72 Mary Anne Johnston Linda F. Keithley ‘72 KEY BANK SCHOLARSHIP Made possible through a grant from KeyBank to provide a scholarship to a derserving Mount student who is a resident of New York State. Key Bank SARRO SURE MOHONK PRESERVE SUMMER RESEARCH AWARD Established by the Sarro family to provide an award to a Mount student who will perform summer research at Mohonk Preserve through the SURE program. Dr. Thomas J. Sarro LEONARD RAGAGLIA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Established in memory of fire fighter, Leonard Ragaglia, who made the supreme sacrifice on September 11,2001. This scholarship is awarded to a MSMC student who has lost a parent. FDNY Foundation

MID-HUDSON CHAPTER OF THE NEW YORK STATE SOCIETY OF CPA’S Established by the Mid-Hudson Chapter of MYS Society of PA’s to reward a student who shows excellence in accounting Mid-Hudson Chapter of NYS Society of CPA’s NEWBURGH LIONS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT Established by the Newburgh Lions Club to provide scholarships to Mount students majoring in a health related field who are residents of Newburgh or New Windsor, NY Newburgh Lions Club John W. Koepper ‘72 SISTER MARY ASSUMPTA MAZZA P.B.V.M. ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Established by Dr. John T. Reilly, Professor of History at MSMC, as a lasting tribute to Sister Mary Assumpta Mazza, Professor of History at the Mount from 19601983. The scholarship is awarded to a freshman majoring in History, Political Science, and/or Social Science. Mary P. Ludwig ‘93

LT. COL. JOSEPH MICHAEL DESCH, USAF MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Established in memory of Lt. Col. Joseph Michael Desch, USAF by his wife, Dr. Elizabeth ScannellDesch ‘72 to provide scholarships to students in the graduate nursing program. Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch ‘72 STEPHEN M. MCCARTHY ‘00 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT Established in memory of Stephen M. McCarthy ‘00 by his parents, Stephen and Christine McCarthy, their family and friends to provide scholarships to students majoring in Communication Arts. James N. Beard Margaret H. Lamb Kristi ‘00 & Peter ‘00 Larson Alison K. Rahn ‘00 DR. LUCY DIPAOLA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT Established in memory of Dr. Lucy DiPaola, Professor of Education and Chair of the Division of Education, by Linda S. Werner and Vincent DeGiaimo, and the family, friends and colleagues of Lucy DiPaola, to provide scholarship support for Mount Saint Mary College. Dr. Dolores Berlinghoff Edwin & Lisa ‘00 Teall

BBL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SCHOLARSHIP Established by BBL Construction Services to provide scholarships to students with financial need. BBL Charitable Foundation Inc BBL Construction Services, LLC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT Established by the MSMC Alumni Association to provide scholarships to dependents of MSMC Alumni. MSMC Alumni Association MCDONALD FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND Established by Eileen McDonald Sassmann ‘66, in honor of her family, to provide scholarships to deserving female students from Dutchess County. IBM Corporation Eileen McDonald Sassmann ‘66 MARISSA A. PICA ‘83 MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT Established in memory of Marissa A. Pica, a 1983 graduate of the Mount’s nursing program, by her mother, Jennie Pica, family, friends, and classmates to provide scholarships to nursing students. Maureen P. Kenney ‘83 Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Mr. & Mrs. James J. Walsh DIETER W. BUSSIGEL MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT Established in memory of Dieter W. Bussigel, Vice President for Research, Planning and Technology at MSMC, by his wife, Dr. Margaret Bussigel, Professor of Social Sciences, and his family to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional interest in the arts. James N. Beard Emily Bussigel Dr. Margaret M. Bussigel Dr. Maureen Markel Lisa ‘00 & Edwin Teall Dr. Iris & Leonard Turkenkopf

2012-2013 | Honor Roll of Donors


Designated Gifts Aquinas Hall Theatre Margaret M. Kissane ‘84 Sr. Frances M. Berski, O.P. ‘66 Memorial Award for Excellence in Literacy Dr. Dolores Berlinghoff Business Department Dr. Colleen P. Kirk Campus Ministry Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM Catholic and Dominican Institute Anna Halpine Class Day Award Orange County Chamber of Commerce Janet & Joseph Zeman

Athletics Safety Equipment (mats for cheer) Mr. & Mrs. Paul Longo NYBDC Charitable Foundation Scoreboard Pepsi Cola of the Hudson Valley Women’s Basketball Joan Hartnett Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hartnett Men’s Baseball Mr. & Mrs. Liam Ahern Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Atherton Mr. & Mrs. V. William Atria Jill M. Baader Donald R. Becker, Esq. Karen L. Cop

Center for Adolescent Research and Development (CARD) Dr. Amanda M. Maynard Adolescent Research & Development

Center on Aging and Policy Catholic Charities Community Services Cornell Cooperative Extension Center for Student Success The Dyson Foundation Curtin Memorial Library Patricia A. Favata ‘68 James R. Halpin Barbara Petruzzelli Lorraine M. Rankin ‘86

Lucille Cop Mr. & Mrs. Lou D’Agostino Myrtle M. Darmstadt Mr. & Mrs. William Darmstadt Diane M. Dwyer Barbara Galvagni Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Genua, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Hobbs Mr. & Mrs. Haven Hobbs Local 30 ISF Fund Evelyn Meyerhoff Carla Musacchia Gerard I. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Riveiro Mr. & Mrs. Michael Riveriro Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rizzo Thomas Rowan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Rowan Mr. & Mrs. George Schumacher Bettina Seidman

Community Relations Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM Gifts-in-Kind Alexis Diner, Inc. Barnes & Noble Inc. Billy Joe’s Ribworks Broadway Tailors Downtown Bagels Durants Tents & Events Fantastic Cuts IHOP Restaurant Leo’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria Mid Island Party Rentals, Inc. Pat Tarsio Lanes Price Chopper River Grill Rose Press, Inc. James P. Smith, Jr. Two Amici’s Nicholas Valentine

Lillian Seidman Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Sislane Virginia Sislane Jill Spangenberg Anna Marie Townsend Twin Management & Consultant Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Villien Women’s Lacrosse Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hartnett Women’s Soccer Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Segreto Softball Donna L. Andreoli Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Boisvert Buckheit & Whelan P.C. Raffaela Buckheit

Elizabeth Goudge Library Collection Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. Kate Lindemann Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan

Nursing Department Rose A. Fesselmeyer Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP Uno Restaurants, LLC Psychology Department Psychology Research, Training Joan P. Kaplan ‘92 The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Charitable Foundation

History Department Dr. John T. Reilly

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (Sure) Program TD Charitable Foundation Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM

Marketing Department Joseph A. Reilly

Technology Warwick Savings Foundation

MSMC Endowment John G. Cornell ‘77

Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Corke Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Cruise Mr. & Mrs. Lou D’Agostino Mr. & Mrs. Brian Germain Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Germain Leonard A. Graziano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guglielmi Maureen Hickerson-McKeon, L.C.S.W. Doris M. Karcher Mr. & Mrs. William H. Karcher Ann Marie Karwoski Mary Jane McCarthy Patrick M. McKeon Mr. & Mrs. William P. McKeon Cindy McLoughlin Joseph A. Monaco Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Moran Laura Papasian Mary Papasian

Aileen Quattlander Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Reid Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sambrowski John Schipano Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Tarnowski Sandra Tarnowski Margaret Thorn Tracy M. Thorn Three Village Veterinary Hospital Susan Toscano Mr. & Mrs. Bradley V. Tracy Mr. & Mrs. Glenn B. Tracy Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Tracy Nancy Vetter Mr. & Mrs. John J. Williams Catherine Workman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Zubicki Men’s Tennis Edgewood Bath and Tennis, LLC

Answering the Call Campaign

We are pleased to recognize those who have continued to honor their pledges toward Answering The Call by making pledge payments during the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Dr. Andrea Ackermann Daniel J. Allen '94 Kathleen P. Barton G'12 James N. Beard Ellen Bourhis Nolan '11 Deidre A. Brignola '90 Harrison & Ellen Buxton Peggy Ann Caraballo-McCarthy '89 John M. Donoghue, Esq & Jennifer Van Tuyl Drake, Loeb, Heller, Kennedy,Gogerty, Gaba & Rodd PLLC Dr. Lawrence T. Force Lisa Gallina Dr. Albert and Nan Gruner James J. McCann Charitable Trust Linda E. Jannarone '83 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Johnson

16 Mount Saint Mary College

Dr. Jeffrey Kahana Joan P. Kaplan '92 Kaplan Family Charitable Foundations Thomas '91 & Marianna '88 Kennedy Liscum McCormack VanVoorhis Dr. Lynn Maelia Bryan M. Maloney Susan & Joseph Maloney Frank A. Marchetti Dr. Maureen Markel Nancy '99 and Salvatore Mazza Valerie J. McCloskey '04 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Inc. William & Mary Murphy Suzanne R. Muschio Susan D. Najork

Joan Nishina '68 Peter M. Olympia, Jr. Peter M. & Edith P. Olympia Charitable Trust Barbara Petruzzelli Ita M. Rahilly & Louis Fish Rhinebeck Bank Nancy Romaine Dr. Toni J. Saldivar Drs. Daniel & Nichole Shea Dr. Ludmila Smirnova Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates Joan Kennedy Tolley '67 Dr. Sarah Uzelac William and Elaine Kaplan Charitable Foundation Lee & Joyce Zawistowski

MSMC Theatre production, “The Madness of Isabella.”

35th Annual Invitational Golf & 2nd Annual Invitational Tennis Tournament Honoring Robert T. Armistead, President of Armistead Mechanical, Inc. and Dr. Bogdan (Bo) Paunovic of Paunovic and Paunovic DDS Adams Fairacre Farms Advance Testing Company, Inc. AHRC Ann's Hallmark Shoppe Argenio Brothers, Incorporated Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Atlantic Contracting & Specialties, LLC Kathleen P. Barton G'12 Barton Birks Chevrolet Cadillac BBL Construction Services, LLC Frances Becker Joy J. Bento '68 Bethel Woods Center for the Arts Billy Joe's Ribworks Gregory and Annette Booth Bracesetters Brinckerhoff & Neuville, Inc. Rick and Nancy Brownell Captain Jake's River House Carpenter & Paterson Inc. Pamela J. Caruso CEM Resources LLC Cena' 2000 CH Energy Group, Inc. Classic Tent Rentals Elena Colandrea Collection Bureau of the Hudson Valley, Inc. Cosimo's Management, Inc. Regina F. Crossley Crystal Run Village, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. William M. Cummings Cumulus Broadcasting D-Ben Security Systems, Inc. Rosanne DeBenedictus

Timothy and Patricia '83 Dempsey Desmond Campus-Mount Saint Mary College Len & Patricia DeVirgilio Docs Nutrition Elaine & William Kaplan Family Private Foundation Elant, Inc. Empire State Bank Dorothy A. Fein Rhea F. Fleckenstein Focused Wealth Management Freedom Ford Michael Garland Rosann & John Gonzalez Graphics Service Bureau GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hatfield, Jr. Heights Lumber Center, Inc. Home Health Pavilion, Inc. Hudson River Adventures Hudson Valley Building and Construction Trades Council Hudson Valley Foot Associates, LLP Hudson Valley Magazine Hudson Valley Periodontics & Implantology Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival, Inc. Hudson Valley Wine & Liquor I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 363 Michelle A. Iacuessa '94 Independent Helicopters Ironworkers Local 417 Jenny's Floral Design LLC Eloisa M. Jessup '11

JP Morgan Chase Kedem Winery Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kelly Cathleen M. Kenny Key Interior Acoustical, LLC Kirchhoff-Consigli Construction Management, LLC James M. Kulisek Laborers Local 17 Lecet Jeffrey Lease Liscum McCormack VanVoorhis Dorothy A. Lopez M & T Bank Martinelli Custom Publishing Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mayer Kathleen '74 and Robert Mayer A. Vincent Mazzie Denise McGinley McGuire Associates Mechanical Contractors Association Mediacom Communications Corp. Medical Arts Pharmacy Merrill Lynch - The Chrys Group Merwin & Paolazzi Insurance Agency, Inc. MaryKay Messenger '88 Carl Meyer Millens Recycling Mobile Life Support Services,Inc. Mohonk Mountain House Museum Village Susan D. Najork Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Neligan & family Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus

Northrop & Stradar, P.C. NYSARC Inc., Orange County Chapter New York State Laborers Employers Oppenheimer The Soos-Horky Group Oppenheimer Vince Mazzie Orange County Winsupply Orange Regional Medical Center Our Lady of Lourdes High School Patterson Companies, Inc. James Patterson Paunovic & Paunovic, DDS LLP Pepsi Cola of the Hudson Valley PERRECA Electric Co., Inc. The Powelton Club Putnam National Golf Club Douglas E. Peterson Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #373 U.A. Jack & Susan Pretak Prime Buchholz & Associates, Inc. Provident Bank Michael and Niki Quinn Ita M. Rahilly Raritan Supply Company Rider, Weiner, Frankel, P.C. The River Grill Rose and Kiernan, Inc. Rose Press, Inc. Scott Lask Wealth Management Group,LLC Daniel J. Sheehan, Jr. Sheet Metal Workers' International Association Local 38

Smilesthatdazzle.comDrs. Bo and Sue Paunovic Smitchger Realty/ Ellen Smitchger Kelly John H. Smith, Sr. Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates Sportsplex New Windsor St. Thomas Aquinas College Marlene F. Stang Elizabeth Stradar Thomas and Janet Sullivan Sullivan County Partnership SUNY New Paltz Tarshis, Catania, Liberth, Mahon & Milligram, PLLC TD Bank TEG Federal Credit Union Thomas J. Kempton Jr., Inc. Lynn A. Thompson Tilcon New York Inc. Torches on Hudson Toshiba Business Solutions NY Joseph and Louise Valenti Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell Verizon Wireless Newburgh Visconti Limousine, Inc. Russell and Petra Watson Warrior Custom Golf West Hills Country Club West Point Tours, Inc. William A. Smith & Son, Inc. Debra E. Zambito '98

2012-2013 | Honor Roll of Donors


Saying “thank you” for over 40 years


am so thankful for the opportunities I had at the Mount. I appreciate all that we enjoyed — small classes, the caring faculty and Sisters, good friends, and, of course, the beautiful setting,” shared Joan Kennedy Tolley ’67 of Black Mountain, North Carolina. “I would like today’s students to continue to have similar opportunities,” said Joan.

“One way I help is by making a gift each year to the Annual Fund. I know that, over time, these gifts add up. Plus, I’ve been able to take advantage of the matching gifts we receive from my husband’s employer, which is an extra incentive for me to give consistently,” she added. Joan has made a gift to the Mount every year for the past 46 years. “My father died when I was an infant, but my mother was able to support us as she had earned her college degree and taught art at Red Bank Catholic High School in New Jersey. So, from as far back as I can remember, going to college was especially important so that I could support myself into the future,” Joan said. After graduating in 1967, Joan joined the College’s first fundraising committee. The members were trained as phonathon volunteers and became comfortable with asking other members of the Mount community for contributions. “The values instilled in us included the desire to “give back” and so, for me, being part of this effort was a natural extension of my responsibility as an alumna,” said Joan. “Being part of a faith-based community, many of us strove to enact the Beatitudes in our everyday life,” Joan continued. “Social justice and finding meaningful ways to help others were common themes during my years at the Mount. I can recall a German professor, Dr. Hedwig Just, being focused on how we as students could be involved. We regularly mentored at-risk children from the City of Newburgh, a tradition that is still carried on today,” said Joan. From the College’s inception and continuing through the 1980’s, it was common for

18 Mount Saint Mary College

Joan Kennedy Tolley ’67

Dominican Sisters to live among students in the residence halls. At Rosary Heights in the Balmville section of Newburgh, Sr. Genevieve Marie became a good friend to many of the co-eds. “If you wanted to get to campus early, Sr. Genny would offer a ride in her 1940’s-era Cadillac. The car didn’t have a working horn, so she carried her own and would honk as needed to get our attention,” said Joan. When I visit campus, I will often walk through the Dominican Sisters’ cemetery, stopping to recall happy memories of Sr. Mary Jean, O.P., Sr. Genevieve Marie, O.P., and Sr. Bernard Joseph, O.P., the College’s first library director,” said Joan. “Since I was a math major, I took many courses with Sr. Genny, whom I admired dearly” relayed Joan. “Sr. Genny worked professionally with Girl Scouts before entering the Dominican order. Scouting was just one of the common bonds we shared,” Joan said. Joan is a 42-year member of Girl Scouts, beginning with her time as a child and then 37 years and counting as an adult leader and volunteer. She serves on the Gold Award Committee for the Girl Scouts Carolina Peaks to Piedmont Council in North Carolina. “I enjoy interacting with senior scouts who are working on their Gold Award. Their projects need to be sustainable, so are always interesting and creative,” said Joan.

Joan also serves as chair of the “Friends of Our Cabana”, an international outreach effort to support one of the four World Centers located in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Funds support the facility as well as scholarships, so Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from around the world can visit and learn about other cultures. “Just as with fundraising for service organizations, major foundations and other donors look to see what type of broad-based support you receive when considering grants and contributions to colleges,” Joan said. She continued, “Many small donations can have a huge impact.” “I was happy to make a commitment to the Campaign for the Dominican Center in addition to my annual fund donation. The renovation of the former Motherhouse is so important in enabling the College to expand and provide an even better education for students,” said Joan. “The new library is beautiful, with so much light,” she added. Joan and her husband, Walter, met up with some 1967 alumni on campus during a recent stopover in the Hudson Valley. The Tolleys travel often to visit their children in Norway, Canada, and Mississippi. “It was great to be back on campus this fall – it refreshes the soul. My classmates and I are looking forward to returning for our 50th Reunion in 2017 – just around the corner!” she said.


In Honor of The Dominican Sisters of Hope Joan P. Kaplan '92 In Honor of Neil Drislane Jacqueline A. Powell '03


In Memory of Sr. Frances M. Berski, O.P. Dr. Dolores Berlinghoff In Memory of Sr. Grace I. Blanchard Janet & Joseph Zeman

In Memory of Lois Brueckner Camille Wyatt Patricia Zang-DeClue & George DeClue In Memory of Eduardo Cangiano Mary Ellen D. Cangiano '66 In Memory of Kate '01 & Kelly '01 Daley Peter '00 & Kristi '00 Larson In Memory of Katherine Callahan Dawes Louis and Suzanne Dawes In Memory of Lt. Col. Joseph Michael Desch Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch '72 In Memory of Dr. Lucy DiPaola Dr. Dolores Berlinghoff Lisa '00 & Edwin Teall

In Honor of Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) Brian Hernandez '05

In Honor of Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty '72 Mary Anne Johnston

In Honor of Dr. Joan M. Miller '69 Margarita E. Knight '97

In Honor of Iris J. Turkenkopf Dr. Yasmine Kalkstein Rocco '96* & Ann Damiano

In Honor of Harry Steinway Rocco '96* & Ann Damiano In Memory of Patricia Welch Donahue '72 Geraldine Walotsky Cass '71 Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty '72 Linda Fabbri Keithley '72 In Memory of Fr. Michael Gilleece Nanci Itzla '77 In Memory of Robert Gregory Mary Ellen Diver '78 In Memory of Carol Bolton Hamilton '71 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sahakian In Memory of Dana Julkerski '00 Peter '00 & Kristi '00 Larson In Memory of Ellen Ann Kiley Van Tine Francis C. Kiley In Memory of Richard Knott Sr. Clare T. Knott In Memory of Walter & Margaret Lambert Eileen P. Lambert '73 In Memory of Stephen M. McCarthy '00 Peter '00 & Kristi '00 Larson

In Memory of Sr. Mary Francis McDonald, O.P. Janice C. Ruggiero In Memory of Willard E. Meadows Mary Ann Kadera Klicka '74 In Memory of Hugh & Kaye Nocton and beloved daughter Kathleen Patricia Nocton In Memory of Lucie Pintal Sr. Julie Pintal, O. P. In Memory of Leonard Ragaglia, Sr. FDNY Foundation In Memory of Sr. Jean Redmond Judith A. Pond '70 In Memory of Dominick & Mary Roscino Rose Roscino Talbot MSMA '64, MSMC '68 In Memory of Mary Pallazzo Siebern Janet Bartlett '66 David L. Sager In Memory of Mary A. Wallace '69 Robert A. Wallace * Deceased

The Living Legacy Society Mount Saint Mary College recognizes with profound gratitude the members of the Living Legacy Society who have included the College in their estate plans. Their enlightened philanthropy will ensure the provision of academic and cultural excellence for future generations of Mount students. Estate of Emily R. Austin Estate of Marguerite E. Becker Estate of Charles Boyle Timothy A. Dempsey Estate of Eleonor Depold Estate of Alice Curtis Desmond Estate of Mazie W. Enos

Estate of Hamilton Fish Estate of Jasper Forestiere R. Abel Garraghan Estate of Maria C. Girolame Estate of Bernice J. Hornibrook Estate of Roy C. Ketcham Estate of Verna W. Kries

Estate of Edith Lessor Estate of Mary Miller Ligo Estate of Catherine T. McDonald Estate of Wilma Ogden Estate of Christine K. Schleiermacher Ruth C. ’89 and John Smith, Sr. Estate of Jean M. Tuthill

Mount Saint Mary College Living Legacy Society

Remembering friends who have remembered the Mount


f all the distinguishing traits that define the human spirit, none is as noble as the desire to create a legacy that will continue to positively influence a world that we may never see and serve those that we may never know. This admirable trait is clearly present among the alumni, parents and friends of the Mount, who, through their foresight and generosity, have become members of the Mount Saint Mary College Living Legacy Society. Each member of the Living Legacy Society chooses to play a role in the lives of future generations of Mount Saint Mary College students through the creation of a planned gift that may take the form of a bequest in their will, an insurance policy, and creation of a charitable remainder trust or a pooled income fund. Mount Saint Mary College may not receive the actual gift for many years to come. However, by making their intentions known to us, these generous individuals have given us an opportunity to acknowledge their dedication now and to help us make certain that their gifts will be used in accordance with their wishes. Much like the Dominican Sister who founded Mount Saint Mary College over fifty years ago, knowing that they themselves might never see the College grow to be the prominent institution that is has become, the member of the Living Legacy Society place their faith in the value of the Mount’s mission and traditions. They believe that the values that are at the root of the Mount’s educational experience will help to create future generations of students and alumni who will build on the legacy that has been left to them. We realize that a planned gift from one’s estate is perhaps the most personal type of contribution that one can make. Because of this we seek to help our generous friends to make informed decisions that will best suit their individual situations and their concerns for family and loved ones. For information on how you can join the members of the Living Legacy Society in shaping the College’s future, please contact Joe Valenti, Mount Saint Mary College’s Vice President for College Advancement, at 845-569-3216. 2012-2013 | Honor Roll of Donors


3rd Annual Gala Reception Honoring Joseph & Andrea Kirchhoff and the Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union (HVFCU) Advance Testing Company, Inc. James P. Albrecht Anthony's Pier 9 Austin & Williams Avello Brothers Contractors Inc. Barton Birks Chevrolet Cadillac Bonura Hospitality Group Brinckerhoff & Neuville, Inc. Broadway Tailors CEM Resources LLC Church Communities Committee to Elect Adrian Butch Anderson Cooper, Niemann & Co., CPAs, LLP Greg M. Cooper, CPA Corbally, Gartland, & Rappleyea, LLP Cornwall String Ensemble Cosimo's Restaurant Group Cuddy & Feder LLP Daubman Corporate Interiors David Niemotko Architect, P.C.

20 Mount Saint Mary College

John M. Donoghue, Esq. Drake, Loeb, Heller, Kennedy, Gogerty, Gaba & Rodd PLLC Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce Robert R. Dyson Einhorn Yaffee Prescott Elaine & William Kaplan Family Private Foundation Elant, Inc. Empire State Bank Charles and Lynn Frank Fusco Engineering & Land Surveying P.C. R. Abel Garraghan Janet Gianopoulos Jenny's Floral Design Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center Dr. Albert and Nan Gruner Health Quest Systems, Inc.

Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union Hudson Valley Renegades Independent Living, Inc. John Herbert Company Elizabeth A. Kirchhoff Susan Kirchhoff Kirchhoff Green Energy, LLC Kirchhoff-Consigli Construction Management, LLC Michael Korda Pamela LaLonde M & T Bank Marshall & Sterling, Inc. John & Mary Jo McDermott Medical Arts Pharmacy David W. Melby Mobile Life Support Services,Inc. Mount Kisco Medical Group Murphy Healthcare Corporation Susan D. Najork

Elaine A. O'Grady '89 Orange County Chamber of Commerce Orange County Partnership Poughkeepsie Landing, LLC Precision Pipeline Solutions,LLC Prime Buchholz & Associates, Inc. Proforma Provident Bank James M. Raimo Richard J. Smith Enterprises Corp. Rose and Kiernan, Inc. Rose Press, Inc. Royal Carting Service Company Safe Harbors of the Hudson, Inc. Susan Schulmerich Scott Lask Wealth Management Group,LLC Theresa A. Shalley-Russo '85 Ruth C. '89 and John H. Smith, Sr.

Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital SUNY New Paltz Foundation, Inc. TD Bank The Ruby Group William D. Thorpe, Jr. Time Warner Cable Media Timely Signs of Kingston, Inc. Ulster Savings Bank United Way Of Dutchess County Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell Vanikiotis Group Walden Savings Bank Waterfront Management, LLC WDST Radio William A. Smith & Son, Inc. Lee and Joyce Zawistowski

Record-breaking generosity MSMC Annual Fund Totals for the Last Five Years Dollars Raised

2012-13 MSMC Annual Fund Sources of support

$337,360 $319,487

$323,884 Campus Community & Trustees: 6%


Friends: 4% Parents of Students: 9%


Businesses & Organizations: 4% Parents of Alumni: 10% Alumni: 67%






Fiscal Years

Represents number of donors


Giving one’s time is a precious gift. We are thankful to all our volunteers who took time from their busy lives to work for the benefit of Mount Saint Mary College. Freshman Move-In Day 2012 Mary Ann Fitzpatrick ’64 Kathleen Markisello ’87 Alumni & Family Weekend Reunion Chairs 2012 Class of 1972 Georgia (Lyons) Verven, Chair Class of 1977 Lynne Ejercito, Co-Chair Patrice (Ford) Fogarty, Co-Chair Class of 1982 Rita (Honan) Crana, Chair Class of 1987 Debbie (Gage) O’Neil, Chair Class of 1992 Kerry Ann (Ryan) Troy, Chair Class of 1997 Lisa (Masullo) Neer, Chair Class of 2007 Michele Bender, Chair Meet a Mentor Dinner 2013 Kathleen Murphy Spangler ’74 Lynne Ejercito ’77 Maria (Billesimo) Verrigni ’83 Sean Creighton ’92 Robert Meagher ’95 Lisa (Masullo) Neer ’97 Craig Filippini ’03, G ’08 Nicholas Shannon ’03 Christopher Phillips ’04 Sean Glander ’06 Maura (Donnelly) DiNardo ’08 Amy DeSouza ’11

2012 Gala Committee Michael Bonura John Carola Cynthia Marsh-Croll Ellen Daley Bob Doran Robert Dyson Scott Hayworth, M.D. Congresswoman Nan Hayworth, M.D. Senator William J. Larkin, Jr. Joann Menendez Lisa Morris ‘94 Charles North 35th ANNUAL INVITATIONAL GOLF & 2nd ANNUAL INVITATIONAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT COMMITTEES Golf Tournament Committee James P. Smith Golf Co-Chair Bob Ambrosetti Dr. Daniel Aronzon Joy Bento ‘68 L. Todd Diorio Robert Hatfield Scott Lask Vincent Mazzie Thomas Murphy Stewart Petrovits Gayle Jane Tallardy Dean Tamburri Lynn Thompson Joseph Valenti Mike Weddell

Tennis Tournament Committee Gayle Jane Tallardy-Tennis CoChair Hon. Jeffrey Berry Rick Brownell Philip DeAngelo Martin Dvoracek Susan Najork Dr. Bogdan Paunovic Elizabeth Stradar Joseph Valenti MSMC ANNUAL FUND VOLUNTEERS John J. Bruno, Jr. ‘98 James P. Fragnito ’93 Jason M. Franky ’08 G ’11 Jennifer Fulwood-Garrett ’03 John R. Hutton ’03 Catherine (Lazzaro) Krug ’78 Mary (Devine) McGrath ’73 Ellen (O’Brien) O’Connor ’73 Joseph O. O’Connor ’73 Lorelei (Linger) Pitt ’78 Ellen (Weber) Staino ’73 Eric W. Stallmer ‘93 Cathi (Greene) Tegtmeier ’88 A CALL TO EXCELLENCE CAMPAIGN FOR THE DOMINICAN CENTER CAMPAIGN CABINET Sr. Ann Sakac, OP, Tri-Chair James P. Smith, Jr., Tri-Chair James W. Taylor., Tri-Chair Ludwig H. Bach ‘82 St. Lorelle Elcock, OP ‘66 R. Abel Garraghan Joseph T. Kirchhoff

CAMPUS COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Alumni: 65% Dr. Lawrence Force, Co-Chair Barbara W. Petruzzelli, Co-Chair Dr. Andrea Ackermann Barbara Connolly Dr. Maureen Markel Kathleen McCoy ‘88 Kathleen O’Keefe GREATER NEWBURGH Maryann Pilon BUSINESS CAMPAIGN Dr. Moira Tolan COMMITTEE Lee M. Zawistowski Nicholas & Susan Valentine Cathy Smith McCarty Richard Levin Joseph Bonura, Jr. Vincent Cappelletti Elizabeth Stradar Martin Dvoracek Fr. Kevin E. Mackin, OFM Carl E. Meyer David W. Melby Joan P. Millens Robert Murphy Susan D. Najork Joseph O’Loughlin


Every attempt has been made to accurately acknowledge the generosity of our donors who made gifts between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. If we have omitted or improperly listed your name, please accept our apologies. To notify us of an error, please call the Office of Annual Giving at (845) 569-3355 or email Kathleen., Director of Annual Giving. Corrections will appear on the Mount’s website: and in future publications.

Visit us online at 2012-2013 | Honor Roll of Donors


Office of College Advancement Mount Saint Mary College 330 Powell Avenue Newburgh, NY 12550

Mount Saint Mary College 330 Powell Avenue, Newburgh, NY 12550

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