MSMC Magazine Summer 2022

Page 38

Alumni Notes

Wayne Keller


Drs. Mary Ellen (Scannell) Doherty and Elizabeth Scannell-Desch presented research studies on posttraumatic growth at Eastern Nursing Research Society’s Scientific Sessions in Providence, R.I., and at the American College of NurseMidwives Annual Meeting in Chicago, Ill. They will also present this research at Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing’s Research Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland.


Mike Dolan is enjoying his retirement.


Barbara Stevens has reached the end of her working days. She is enjoying retirement and all the freedom it brings. She is trying to make plans to see all the friends she has not seen in


Michael Fraser

a long time. “Time passes so quickly and I want to make the most of every day,” she said. “I miss my friends and my days at MSMC. I am hoping to make the next reunion and wish everyone good health.”


Regina (Hosey) Adducci has proudly retired after 44 years of service at Danbury Hospital. More than 30 of those years were in nursing administration. Regina’s staff threw a party in honor of her and two staff nurses who retired from the same unit. She is missing her staff but looks forward to traveling, gardening, home remodeling, and volunteer work. Mary (Sullivan) Bruno made the difficult decision to retire in 2020 due to the changes that COVID had on teaching and education, especially special education.


Luci (Levesque) Porter

She has been busy with a kitchen remodel and expects to be even busier in 2023 with two weddings: Her daughter’s in April and her son’s in September. Mary is looking forward to the next chapter in her life.


Michael Fraser continues his practice as a sports psychology consultant. This spring he contracted with the South Georgia State College Softball Program. He continues to lecture and consult with various programs, athletes, actors, and musicians throughout the United States to help them achieve peak performance. Michele (LaPorta) Freeman retired after 35 years of teaching high school science at Schalmont High School in Rotterdam, N.Y. Her daughter, Danielle Freeman Hafner ’12, gave birth to a

son on September 18, 2021, bringing Michele her first grandchild. Karen Capellini Petrosino has been working as an RN at Mather Hospital in Port Jefferson, N.Y. for 34 years — the last 24 years as a wound care nurse. Karen and her husband Glen have eight grandchildren and are celebrating 40 years of marriage this August.


Laurie Iuzzini Lawrence is in her 17th year of teaching gifted education (K-5) and in her 30th year teaching overall. As much as Laurie loves it, her husband Dennis, ’86, cannot wait to relocate to their land in Bokeelia, Fla., where they will build their final house and live the retirement life. Their son, Andrew, recently married his wonderful wife, Rachel, and the couple have given Laurie

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