MSMC Magazine Winter 2017-2018

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Newburgh, New York

Winter 2017-18

Teach on! A legacy of excellence in education continues

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Spirit of the Mount Athletics Hall of Fame Honor Roll of Donors

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Letter from the President

T Mount Saint Mary College Magazine Volume 40, No.1 The Office of Marketing and Communications prepares this magazine for alumni, students, parents, and friends of the college. EDITOR / DESIGN DIRECTOR Dean DiMarzo MBA ’13 SENIOR WRITER Matt Frey ’05 MSEd ’10 PHOTOGRAPHER Lee Ferris DESIGNER Sten Miller Perkins CONTRIBUTORS Michael Doughty Lynn Frank Michelle Iacuessa ’94 Natalie McKinstrie Emily Ricci ’15 COPYEDITORS Mayde Pokorny MBA ’16 Tabatha Mays ’14 CIRCULATION 8,500 ©2018 WEBSITE EMAIL MOUNT SAINT MARY COLLEGE 330 Powell Avenue Newburgh, NY 12550 845-561-0800 ADMISSIONS 1-888-YES-MSMC 1-(888-937-6762)

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he education theme of this edition of Mount Saint Mary College Magazine honors our rich history, rooted in the training of teachers. Even today, we continue to provide the best education to enter this very important profession. We are now turning the corner from a low ebb in numbers in the teaching field caused in great part by the fiscal problems of school districts during the recession of the late 2000s and early 2010s. Teaching is once more rightly regarded as a secure field to enter with solid wages, excellent benefits, and a wide variety of applications. We look forward to continued rising enrollments at the Mount and to play our part in educating tomorrow’s leaders. So let’s spread the word to get to the Mount and “teach the change.” In this issue, you can read about the Center for Adolescent Research and Development’s conference in October, which saw record attendance. Its theme of “Bridging the Cultural Divide” proved very timely, and I was lucky to hear the stimulating keynote address of Dr. Christopher Emdin of Teachers College. What a great exchange of ideas it was. In addition, we recently got some terrific news on grants. In the late summer, professors Lawrence Force and Jeffery Kahana received a multi-year award from the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council totaling $600,000 for Caregiver Support Training. Professor Frances Spielhagen got $39,000 annually for four years from New York State for the Teacher Opportunity Corp. In November, we heard that we will receive some $300,000 from the U.S. Department of Justice in a multiyear grant to expand and enhance our proactive sexual assault prevention and awareness programs. Finally, in December, we had the happy news that we will receive a $500,000 grant from Empire State Development. The grant will cover a portion of the costs of campus revitalization projects that include the expansion of facilities for the Mount’s School of Business and School of Nursing, improvements to the Aquinas Hall Theatre, renovations to dormitory space for returning veterans who may choose to attend the Mount, and improved handicapped accessibility to Aquinas Hall. Our Business and Nursing programs have been a staple of the Mount for decades, and I’m happy that this grant will be an impetus to further improve our facilities. I am also happy to report that after a national search, we are in the position to appoint a Dean of Nursing: Dr. Susan Larocco will be joining us from Curry College in July of 2018. Finally, our alumni, their families, and our students know that Mount Saint Mary College provides a great education at low cost – and it was nice to have this confirmed by the gurus. In September, the Mount was named a top college in MONEY Magazine’s “43 Colleges That Add the Most Value.” With your help, we will keep on providing a top-notch education at prices that don’t require a lifetime of debt. And special thanks to our many generous benefactors, who you can read about in this issue’s Honor Roll of Donors. Of course there’s plenty more going on at the Mount and I invite you to take a few moments to read about the great things our students, faculty, and staff have done over the past months. I wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year. Sincerely,

Dr. David A. Kennett

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18 Teaching success at home and abroad

2 A Top Value 4 News from the Mount 15 Faculty Development 16 Alumni & Family Weekend 26 Athletics 34 Alumni 42 Academy Alumna 43 Honor Roll of Donors 61 A Look Back

4 News and Notes

12 Spirit of the Mount

26 Athletics Hall of Fame

30 Soccer takes the Skyline

34 2017 Alumni Awards

40 The Annual Gala

Thank you for your support! Honor Roll of Donors: Pages 43-60

News, photos, and videos

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Alumni: Share your news!

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Pop-out Pennant: Inside back cover

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By the numbers


percent of students said the Mount helped them develop effective communication skills


percent of 2016 graduates were employed six months after graduation


percent of first-year students, on average, live on campus


percent of freshmen receive Mount scholarships and grants



in scholarships and grants are awarded by the college each year


percent of graduates attend or plan to attend graduate school


percent of graduates said the Mount motivated them to self-improve Source: 2016 Graduate Survey MONEY is a registered trademark of Time Inc. and is used under license. From MONEY Magazine, ©2017 Time Inc. Used under license. MONEY and Time Inc. are not affiliated with, and do not endorse products or services of, Mount Saint Mary College.


Top value MONEY Magazine recognizes the value of a Mount education


ount Saint Mary College’s long-standing dedication to providing an affordable, valuable education was recently recognized by MONEY Magazine, when the college was named to its “43 Colleges That Add the Most Value” list. MONEY, a sister publication of TIME magazine, created their rankings after analyzing 2,400 colleges across the U.S. The Mount earned 32nd place in “43 Colleges That Add the Most Value,” which grades colleges based on comparative-value

for graduation rates, earnings, and student loan repayment. Mount Saint Mary College graduates have a lot to look forward to. According to a recent survey, 92 percent of Mount graduates in 2016 were employed within six months of receiving their degree. What’s more, MONEY’s list places a Mount grad’s “early career earnings” at an average of more than $52,000. The success of Mount students is also represented in their ability to pay back loans that they have used to in-


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Cybersecurity, Actuarial Science, Healthcare Management programs launch


The worth of a Mount Saint Mary College education goes beyond the 14 to 1 student-to-faculty ratio, dedicated and knowledgable professors, and real-world, experiential learning. It’s also a great value for the cost, noted MONEY Magazine.

vest in their futures, reflected in a very low loan default rate of 4.6 percent. There’s more good news: The vast majority of Mount Saint Mary College freshmen – more than 97 percent – receive Mount scholarships and grants. In total, the college awards more than $20 million to students each year. For those enrolled in one of the college’s money-saving 5-year programs, such as the Business BS/MBA track or various teacher education options, many scholarships carry over to their fifth year. “Not only does the Mount have fantastic academic programming, but thanks to generous alumni and friends, they are able to offer scholarships and assistance to students like me,” said Raiya Isaac of Hawthorne,

Raiya Issac is an English major.

N.J., an English major on the Childhood Education track. “I was fortunate to receive the Distinguished Scholars Scholarship Award and I am now able to attend the school I fell in love with. I could not be more grateful for the financial assistance I have received and to the generous people that have helped me to follow my dreams.”

n 2017, the Division of Mathematics and Information Technology introduced two new concentrations in fastgrowing fields: Actuarial Science and Cybersecurity. Actuarial positions are expected to increase by more than 20 percent in the next few years, with New York boasting some of the highest-paid actuaries. As a result, the Mount’s Actuarial Science concentration combines mathematics and business courses to prepare students for actuarial certification. Additionally, more than 200,000 cybersecurity-related jobs remained unfilled in 2016, with the number projected to grow by 18 percent by the year 2024. With a median annual wage of $90,000, the Mount created a Cybersecurity concentration to prepare students for careers in the many sectors that rely on safe and secure internet access. On the graduate level, the Mount’s recent addition of an MBA with a Health Care Management concentration responds to the rising integration of business practices within health care and prepares business professionals to take on management roles within the fast-growing sector. Other recent additions to the Mount’s degree programs include a Criminology major, a Sports Management concentration within the Business major, and new Business and Education programs that lead to both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in only five years.

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News&Notes Happenings at the Mount

Oh, the Humanity

From a spokeswoman struggling for words to a poetic coach coming undone, the Mount’s presentation of Oh, the Humanity and Other Good Intentions by Will Eno told five tales of life, love, and redemption. It was directed by James Phillips, associate professor of theatre.

Water check

Freshmen students teamed up with sixth graders from San Miguel Academy to analyze the health of the Hudson River. The Mount mentors helped the youngsters to test pH, turbidity, and more.

Project CODE

Through a grant from the American Association of University Women, the Mount’s Project CODE (Creating Opportunities for Digital Education) hosted a robotics workshop for Bishop Dunn Memorial School. Project CODE provides technology workshops and training for underserved middle school girls in the City of Newburgh.

NYSE trip

Exploring Dominican heritage

Mike Daven, Mathematics professor, and Theresa Brundage, Education administrative assistant, followed in the footsteps of St. Dominic de Guzman through a three-week pilgrimage of France. The pair joined others from the Mount’s sister Dominican colleges to learn about the order’s history and roots.


Focus on service animals

A recent talk held on campus discussed service animals and veterans’ rights. Daniel Dunn, a Mount student and veteran, was a featured speaker, along with his service dog, Brady.

More than a dozen Mount students visited the New York Stock Exchange and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. They enjoyed a tour of the two facilities, including connecting with Mount alumnus Tom Ferrigno ’90, who works at the Stock Exchange.


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Grant to help finance improvements

The Mount received a grant for $500,000 to continue campus renovations. Plans include the expansion of facilities for the School of Business and School of Nursing, improvements to the Aquinas Hall Theatre, renovations to dormitory space for returning veterans, and improved handicap accessibility.

Fun with Science

About 40 children were wowed by colorful chemistry at Family Science Night. With the aid of Mount science students and the Mid-Hudson American Chemical Society, the youngsters enjoyed a variety of hands-on chemistry experiments and demonstrations in honor of National Chemistry Week.

Our newest nurses

More than 30 new graduates received their nursing pins in December.

Welcoming the holidays

The Christmas Vespers music program kicked off the holiday season under the direction of Professor Durward Entrekin. A week later, friends of the Mount enjoyed an afternoon of holiday poems and music by members of the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra.

ProActive Caring

Through a $600,000 grant secured by Professors Lawrence Force and Jeffrey Kahana, The Center on Aging and Policy (CAP) launched the ProActive Caring initiative for families of individuals with disabilities, immersing caregivers in evidence-based training designed by Force and Kahana.

Athletics Golf Outing

The Mount Saint Mary College Athletics Department hosted its ninth annual Golf Outing on Monday, July 31 at The Powelton Club. About 20 four-person teams enjoyed 18 holes of golf, lunch, a cocktail hour, and dinner buffet, with proceeds benefiting Athletics at the Mount.

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Marketing talk

Thomas Huvane, senior vice president of wealth management at UBS Financial Services, Inc., and Rick Zolzer, vice president of the Hudson Valley Renegades and radio announcer on the station WRWD, revealed the secrets of personalized advertising at “Knowing Your Customers: Understanding Market Demands.” The talk was presented by the School of Business.

Student publishes game

IT major Mark Maino recently developed a video game called Fish Fights, available now in the Apple App Store. The game is similar to arcade classics like Galaga and 1942 and features fun, fishy characters blowing bubbles at each other.

Students present summer research

From examining American healthcare to researching viruses that infect bacteria, nearly two dozen Mount scholars conducted their own research projects through the annual Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE). The students presented their findings to the college community at a poster symposium in the fall. Above, SURE student Annie Ruvolo studies the effects of mouthwash on the chemical composition of human teeth during her research with Professor Lynn Maelia.

Tough talk on taxes

Dr. David A. Kennett (left), Interim President of Mount Saint Mary College and an accomplished economist, dispelled rumors about tax revenue, demystified the national debt, and talked about the Trump administration’s tax cuts during his lecture “Tough Talk on Taxes.” Dr. Kennett is an author and frequent speaker on world economic topics.

Discussing change

Mount pre-teachers enjoyed a tasty treat while putting their passion for education into action at the Teach the Change ice cream social. Teach the Change aims to bring high-potential underrepresented students into the teaching profession. More than 50 pre-professionals attended the event.

CONFERENCES Foreign policy debate

Mount Social Sciences students Ryan Gibbs and Sebastian Wayne debated foreign policy, climate change, and more at the 69th annual Student Conference on U.S. Affairs, titled “The Politics of the Forgotten and the Aggrieved: Remaking the World Order?” The conference was held at the United States Military Academy in West Point and drew 200 participants.


Math competition

Mount students Vita Bosco, Cameron Pagan, and Francisco Mojica took part in the inaugural Student Competition Using Differential Equation Modeling (SCUDEM), which was hosted at the college in the Fall 2017 semester. Christina Alvey, assistant professor of mathematics, co-directed the competition, which is designed to enhance students’ skills in modeling differential equations.

Francisco Mojica, Cameron Pagan, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Christina Alvey, and Vita Bosco.


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Above, alumni, faculty, and business leaders networked with students at the Real World Connections events.


Seniors network with professionals

With graduation in sight, Mount Saint Mary College seniors got a jump on their professional networking at two Real World Connections events. Hosted by the Career Center, the events saw about 30 professionals from a variety of fields, including successful Mount alumni, networking with about 150 students.

Students today, employees tomorrow

Forward-thinking Mount seniors flocked to the “Students Today, Employees Tomorrow, Knights Forever” professional development conference. Sponsored by the Career Center and Enterprise Holdings, the conference featured breakout sessions, a panel of successful Mount alumni, and a networking reception. Paul Halayko, co-founder, CEO, and president of Newburgh Brewing Company, was the event’s keynote speaker.

Joining the big leagues

Recent Career Center events included presentations by Paul Halayko, top, and Ben Carpenter, above.

Former Wall Street CEO Ben Carpenter revealed the secrets to landing a great job in a competitive market to a standing room only crowd of about 200 students during The Bigs Career Exploration Program. “The key is to not blindly follow your passion,” he said. “Rather, develop a passion for something you have a talent for.”


Schwartz celebrates 40 years at the Mount

Psychology professor Paul Schwartz recently celebrated an important milestone: his 40th year of teaching at Mount Saint Mary College. Schwartz started his career at the college in 1977. In addition, Susan Petronella, administrative assistant with the Division of Natural Sciences, celebrated her 35th anniversary; and Elaine O’Grady, Vice President for Students, celebrated her 30th anniversary with the college.

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News&Notes LIBRARY Fact or fiction

Denise Garofalo, associate librarian for systems and catalog services at the Kaplan Family Library and Learning Center, gave students the tools to weed out fraudulent news articles in her presentation “Fake News: Sorting Truth from Fiction.”

Wagging Tails Stress Relief

Just in time for finals, trained therapy dogs provided a break for students, faculty, and staff at the Kaplan Family Library and Learning Center. Research shows that interacting with animals can reduce mental distress and lower anxiety levels.

Caring for caregivers

Lawrence Force, professor of Psychology, wrote The Detoxing of Caregivers: Key Tips for Survival, Strength, and Patience. Force has worked in the field of aging and disabilities for more than three decades as an administrator, clinician, and educator.

Students explore the beautifully-illustrated Saint John’s Bible Heritage Edition.

Disability and Aging

Jeffrey Kahana, associate professor of History, recently revealed his newest book, Disability and Aging: Learning from Both to Empower the Lives of Older Adults. It examines late life disability through the lens of advocates for the disabled and students of gerontology.

Hands on with artistic Bible

Derek Sanderson, assistant librarian for Instruction Services and coordinator of Saint John’s Bible activities, discussed the significance of the handmade Bible. The Mount recently acquired the full seven-volume Heritage Edition set of the Saint John’s Bible, a highlydetailed fine art reproduction.

TRIPS Public Radio tour

More than 30 Information Technology and Journalism students recently visited New York Public Radio in New York City. The Mount group was given a tour of the building’s information technology infrastructure and learned about the station’s broadcast environment. The trip was organized by the Mount’s Career Center.

Trip to the Met brings art history to life

More than 20 freshmen enhanced their classroom experience with a visit to The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City this fall. Part of the First Year Experience program, their trip included a guided tour of the Ancient Greek and Roman art that they have been learning about in their art and English classes at the Mount, as well as time to explore on their own.


Students touring the New York Public Radio facilities in New York City.

Floating Study Abroad fair

The annual Study Abroad Fair afforded more than 100 Mount Saint Mary College students a chance to learn about the Mount’s international education options while taking a cruise down the Hudson River. The College’s Office of International Programs provides students with study abroad opportunities in Ireland, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, China, and more.

Student ambassadors shared their experiences studying abroad.


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HONORS Kappa Delta Pi earns top honors

The Mount’s Sigma Tau Chapter 451 of Kappa Delta Pi, the international honor society in education, was recently selected for its fourth consecutive Achieving Chapter Excellence (ACE) award. The ACE award is only given to 22 chapters out of 600 in the country. The chapter was also named a 2016-2017 Gold Award winner for their project “Exploring the World of Words: Jumpstart at Newburgh Ministry.” Many students participated in the Mount’s Take Back the Night event.

WELLNESS Take Back the Night

Mount Saint Mary College raised awareness of sexual assault and honored those who have been impacted by it with a “Take Back the Night” march, drawing 200 participants. The keynote speaker was Brenda Tracy, a nurse, mother, activist, and survivor.

Online counseling

The Office of Counseling Services launched The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Interactive Screening Program (ISP) in the Fall 2017 semester, offering students online counseling benefits. Through ISP, students remain anonymous while interacting with the counselors online and learn ways that the Office of Counseling Services can aid them.

Student Support grant

The Mount’s Student Support Services recently received a $300,000 grant for violence awareness and prevention. Awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice, the grant will be used to fund the college’s multidisciplinary approach to combat all forms of dating, domestic, and sexual violence/stalking on campus and beyond, and increase students’ knowledge on how to identify, prevent, and report violence.

Partnership with Safe Homes Through a partnership between the Mount and Safe Homes of Orange County, Safe Homes volunteers came to the campus twice in November to provide a confidential support group for survivors of sexual, relationship, and domestic violence and stalking.

MSMC BOARD OF TRUSTEES New members join board

• Sr. Constance Koch, OP ’71, a Dominican Sister of Hope, serves as Pastoral Assistant for Faith Formation at the Church of the Holy Family in New Rochelle, N.Y. • Stephen McCarthy, a certified public accountant (CPA), is currently a lecturer at Kean University in Union, N.J., where he teaches courses on accounting and management.

In addition, Ludmila Smirnova, professor of education and KDP faculty co-counselor, was named the 2016-2017 O.L. Davis, Jr. Counselor of Distinction Award winner and former Kappa Delta Pi chapter president Veronica Malloy ’17 was given the Distinguished Chapter Officer Award.

• Edward Mechmann is the Director of Public Policy at the Archdiocese of New York. He has served the Archdiocese in various high-level roles since 1995. • Luanne Zurlo is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Busch School of Business and Economics at Catholic University of America in Washington D.C., where she has served since 2012.

Raimo receives Catholic Charities service award

James M. Raimo, vice president for Auxiliary Services at the Mount and a board member of Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange and Sullivan, recently received the Meritorious Trustee award for his service as board chair of Astor Services for Children & Families, an affiliated Catholic Charities Federation organization. The award was presented by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, at the annual Convening of the Leadership of the Catholic Charities Federation.

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News&Notes SERVICE Knights hold diaper drive

As part of the Mount’s Knights in the Community initiative, the StudentAthlete Advisory Committee recently gathered 3,398 diapers for the Baby Steps Baby Pantry in Newburgh, N.Y. The campus diaper drive ran for about three weeks before the athletes collected, packaged, and delivered the donations.

Hudson Valley Coalition

Dr. David Kennett, Mount Saint Mary College interim president, reached out to the college community and requested donations for nearly 50 refugee families who had recently settled in the Albany area. Students, staff, and faculty donated hundreds of articles of clothing, electronics, cookware, children’s toys, and more.

Students sort toys for local families as part of the Giving Tree program. Students immersed themselves in charitable programs that Catholic Relief Services supports.

Season of giving

The Mount’s Campus Ministry and the Office of Alumni Affairs collected more than 100 winter coats from students, staff, and faculty at the college. The coats were donated to the Newburgh Ministry, which serves both lowincome and the homeless populations in Newburgh. Campus Ministry also collected hundreds of toys to donate to local families for Christmas through the yearly Giving Tree program.

Flood relief

Bags of clothing donated by the Mount community were piled nearly to the ceiling of the Campus Ministry office in the Fall 2017 semester. Shirts, dresses, shoes, and more were destined for the storm-ravaged areas of Texas, Florida, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the neighboring islands. With far too many to count, the donations easily numbered in the hundreds.

Coin Wars pay out

Mount students donated a whopping $2,000-plus worth of food to feed local people in need this past Thanksgiving. The initiative, spearheaded by the college’s Campus Ministry, delivered the food to Newburgh’s First United


Service at sunrise

Mount Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) freshmen assist local youth with Thanksgiving crafts. Methodist Church on Liberty Street for distribution to local families.

Faculty and staff kickball

A dedicated team of Mount staff and faculty rose to the challenge of their rivals at the Hudson Valley Young Professionals 2017 Kicks for College Kickball Tournament. Although the Mount didn’t win the 16-team tournament, they had the guts and got the glory of winning the Team Spirit Award. All proceeds were donated to the Ralph W. Mitchell Memorial Scholarship.

Catholic Relief Services

Service to their fellow man was the focus for nearly three dozen students the weekend of October 1, as representatives of four area colleges and universities, including the Mount, received Catholic Relief Services Student Ambassador training at the college.

While their peers were waking up and getting ready for class one morning in September 2017, nine Mount students were already volunteering their time and effort at St. Mary’s Church food and clothing drive. Through this ongoing program, the items will be distributed to those in need in the City of Newburgh.

BBBS Thanksgiving

More than a dozen at-risk youths from Newburgh and beyond were thankful for food and friendship at the college’s Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Thanksgiving gathering. Though the children spent the holiday with their families, the party gave them a chance to enjoy some festive fun with their BBBS family as well.

HEOP hosts craft day

The freshman class of the Mount’s Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) filled the Boys and Girls Club of Newburgh, N.Y. with Thanksgiving spirit during a visit a week before the holiday. In addition to crafts and storytelling, the Mount volunteers instilled in the youth that they too could one day earn a college degree.


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Diane Batts Morrow presented on the Oblate Sisters’ Civil War experiences.

Talk chronicles African American sisterhood The Dominican Scholars of Hope helped the sisters with their garden and caught up with Professor Emerita Sr. Catherine Walsh ’70 (center).

Dominican Scholars embrace service


he Dominican Scholars of Hope, a group of civicminded freshmen and sophomores, are truly inspired by the four pillars of Dominican life: study, spirituality, community, and especially service. The group held a Krispy Kreme donut fundraiser in the Fall semester, and the sweet treats netted more than $1,000. The funds were donated to the Dominican Sisters of Hope to support relief efforts for their school in Puerto Rico, which was impacted by recent hurricanes. Last semester, the group donated nearly $350 to help the children of the war-torn city of Aleppo in Syria. The scholars serve through other means as well. At the Dominican Sisters’ Mariandale Center in Ossining, N.Y., they assisted in winterizing an ecofriendly garden by picking and sorting vegetables, clearing out tomato and corn plants, and preparing a fresh bed of garlic plants for harvesting this summer.

As they worked, they spoke with Sr. Bette Ann Jaster, OP, who offered a reflection on finding God’s beauty and wonder in nature. Sr. Jaster explained that she lives out the Dominican charism through her involvement in environmental causes. The scholars also enjoyed lunch with Sr. Lorelle Elcock, OP; Sr. Margaret Anderson, OP ’67; and Sr. Catherine Walsh, OP ’70, Communications professor emeritus. Also this semester, several of the scholars had the opportunity to visit with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, and other area college students during a young adult event at the Culinary Institute of America in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

The Oblate Sisters of Providence were the first African American Roman Catholic sisterhood, and their ingenuity and devotion to God carried them through the Civil War. Diane Batts Morrow, associate professor of History and African American studies at The University of Georgia, kicked off the Fall 2017 Catholic and Dominican Institute (CDI) speaker series with “The Civil War Experiences of the Oblate Sisters of Providence.” The Civil War created new obstacles in Oblate life; “nevertheless, the sisters responded to these difficulties with characteristic Oblate resourcefulness,” Morrow explained. “Not only did (they) survive the Civil War as a viable and functioning community of black women religious educators, but during the Reconstruction era, they expanded the services they offered to their people as they encountered the realities of freedom in postwar society.” Other CDI events in the Fall 2017 semester included a film screening of How to Defuse a Bomb: The Project Children Story (in conjunction with the Division of Education); the annual Founders Day reception, celebrating the legacy of St. Dominic de Guzman and the Dominican Sisters who established the college; and “The Saint John’s Bible: Jews, Christians, and Why Art Matters,” presented by Marc Michael Epstein, a professor of Religion and Visual Culture at Vassar College.

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uring the college’s Spirit Week celebration, the junior class snagged victory at this year’s Mount Olympics. Each undergraduate class competed to take home the trophy and the bragging rights that go along with it. The competition included performances, relays, a tug of war, and more. About 750 students attended the event. Students also celebrated their school spirit at the 22nd annual bonfire, a powderpuff football game, a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and more.

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Eric Langstedt, associate professor of Communications at Mount Saint Mary College, discussed The War of the Worlds and media distrust.

‘War of the Worlds’ and the rise of ‘fake news’


efore Will Smith fought the alien horde in Independence Day and Robert Stack fueled nightmares with tales of UFOs on Unsolved Mysteries, Orson Welles chilled listeners to the bone with his The War of the Worlds radio drama – but could it be that in doing so, he planted the seeds for today’s allegations of “fake news?” The short answer, said Eric Langstedt, associate professor of Communications, is no. In his recent Investigating Research on Campus (iROC) talk, Langstedt noted that “There was media distrust before 1938. It didn’t flick on like a switch.” But there was plenty about The War of the Worlds that made it so compelling and earned it a place in broadcast history, he added. About six million listeners tuned in for the radio drama on October 30, 1938 – and about one million of them thought they were listening to a real news program.


Even though The War of the Worlds was broadcast the day before Halloween and listeners were reminded that it was a work of fiction, some people began forming militias to hunt down the alien threat. “What I find most remarkable about this is that people professed to have seen things during this time,” said Langstedt. “Your mind can play tricks on you. Some people swore they saw aliens.” As for today’s media distrust, one of the biggest contributing factors, said Langstedt, is the proliferation of misinformation being distributed digitally. From satire articles copied and presented as news by careless media outlets to fake articles spreading through social media platforms and being taken at face value, Pew Research Center polls suggest that a majority of Americans – about 75 percent – have a distrust of media sources. So while The War of the Worlds might have played a small part in the

current media climate, the real culprit comes not from the stars, but from right here on Earth. Other iROC talks this semester included “Student-Athlete or AthleteStudent?” by R. Scott Russell, assistant professor of Sports Management; “Social Media and the Impact on Law and Business” by Michael L. Fox, assistant professor of Business Law and Pre-Law advisor; “Post-Charlottesville: Why Do Diverse Books Matter?” by Jane Gangi, Education professor, and Rachel Collymore of Brooklyn, N.Y., a senior History major on the Childhood Education track; “The Relationship of Sustainability Reporting to Practice” by Tracey Niemotko, professor of Accounting and chair of the School of Business, and Moira Tolan, professor of Business and School of Business graduate school coordinator; “The Latin of the Medieval Papal Chancery and the Venezuelan writer José Antonio Ramos Sucre” by Victor Azuaje, associate professor of Hispanic Studies; and “Are We Having Fun Yet: What Factors Influence Managers to Have Fun at Work” by Anthony Scardillo, assistant professor of Marketing.


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Celebrating service

Mount faculty, area leaders look to increase community aid


o kick off the Fall 2017 semester, nearly 100 Mount Saint Mary College faculty members and local community leaders gathered recently to inspire the spirit of service across campus and beyond. The Mount faculty development exercise, titled “Celebrating Our Caring Community,” featured area service organizations such as Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newburgh, the Medici Scholar Program hosted by Walden Savings Bank, 100 Men for Newburgh, the Newburgh Armory Unity Center, and the Newburgh Ministry, as well as the Mount’s Center for Community Engagement, Center for Adolescent Research and Development (CARD), Collaborative for Equity in Literacy Learning (CELL), Center on Aging and Policy (CAP), and Project CODE (Creating Opportunities for Digital Education). Faculty members delved into the service-learning programs of each organization and discussed opportunities for Mount students to make a positive impact on the community. The synergy between the Mount and the Newburgh Ministry has benefited both organizations and the Newburgh community as a whole, said Colin Jarvis, executive director of the ministry. Jarvis noted that many K-12 students in Newburgh schools are economically disadvantaged. In addition, he added that about one third of young teachers working in the city’s schools leave the district within five years. “By all accounts, my friends, we are at critical mass,” he said. “There is much work that needs to be done. … With our elective cooperation, problems can dissolve.” It was just such a cooperation between the Newburgh Ministry and Mount Saint Mary College that has led to the successful Jumpstart pro-

Above: Colin Jarvis, executive director of the Newburgh Ministry, discussed the partnership between Mount Saint Mary College and the ministry. Left: Jane Gangi, Mount associate professor of Education, talked about the college’s Collaborative for Equity in Literacy Learning (CELL).

gram, Jarvis said. Developed by Mount teacher candidates, Jumpstart is a literacy program for at-risk elementary through middle school students. Run by Mount volunteers, the broad goals of the program are to improve children’s life perspectives, develop their reading and writing skills, increase their confidence in their abilities, and help them to believe that a college education is possible for them. “We want to give these children the best start, a head start, at school,” he explained. Dean Goldberg, associate professor of Communication Arts and Film Studies, serves as vice president of the New-

burgh Ministry Board of Directors. “For many years, the Mount has been very important to the Newburgh Ministry, and vice versa,” said Goldberg. “The Mount is very much steeped in the tradition of service, and the Newburgh Ministry is a great reflection of that.” Carl Jack ’14, director of Newburgh’s Center for Hope, closed out the event by offering a simple way to empower the city’s young students: Give them the attention they need to succeed. “The work that we do as social workers, as teachers, as citizens, is so important to these kids,” he explained. “Even when you don’t think you’re making an impact, you are.”

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Alumni & Family




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Going home again


he Mount Saint Mary College Class of 1967 celebrated their 50th anniversary with a trip down memory lane, a renewal of friendship, and a donation of nearly $50,000 to their beloved alma mater. The reunion of the Class of ’67 was one of many highlights at the Mount’s annual Alumni and Family Weekend. Hundreds of successful grads headed back to campus to celebrate their accomplishments, catch up with old friends and professors, and see what’s new at the college that launched their careers.

View more photos from Alumni & Family Weekend online at

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Education I’ve used what I ‘learned at the Mount …and it works. ’

Megan Torpey Childhood Education / History major


TO TEACHER Mount teacher-candidates flourish in classrooms of their own



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I got ‘toOnce know the students and my class, teaching became an instant joy.

Matthew Anastasi Adolescence Education / English major


s brightly colored leaves danced through the air one chilly autumn morning, Megan Torpey of Oakland, N.J. taught her fifth grade students at Fostertown Elementary School in Newburgh, N.Y. a different kind of dance – one to help them remember number rounding rules.

Above, Megan Torpey of Oakland, N.J. teaches her students a song to remember rounding number rules during her student teaching placement at Fostertown Elementary School in Newburgh, N.Y.

“Five and up, bump it up! Four and below, leave it alone!” she sang as the students echoed her hand motions and giggled. Torpey, a senior History major on the Childhood Education track at Mount Saint Mary College, said her student teaching experience confirmed what she’s known for a long time: She made the right career choice. “Student teaching has made my confidence in my future skyrocket,” she remarked. The teacher-candidate had a solid teaching foundation prior to stepping into the classroom, thanks to the Mount’s stellar Education program, which places students in classrooms for fieldwork beginning in freshman year. “Throughout my education courses, I have been taught how to successfully structure a lesson,” Torpey explained. “I’ve used what I learned at the Mount…and it works.” Student teaching “has made me unbelievably excited for my future,” she added. Torpey said that the experience has not only allowed her to blossom as an instructor, but has also given her the chance to network with seasoned professionals in her field – including her cooperating teacher, Mount alumna Jennifer Hayes MSEd ’08. “The most rewarding part of student teaching thus far is the relationships I have made,” said Torpey. “From my cooperating teacher to the students, I have built many relation-

ships that I see lasting.” Over at Newburgh Free Academy, fellow student teacher Matthew Anastasi of Salisbury Mills, N.Y. was busy teaching a poetry lesson to high school seniors. An English major on the Adolescence Education track at the Mount, Anastasi also experienced a new sense of confidence after teaching a full schedule of high school courses. “My first lesson in the classroom, I was incredibly nervous; the same can be said for my second and third goround,” he reflected. “However, once I got to know the students and my class, teaching became an instant joy.” Anastasi also had the opportunity to apply his skills as an English major by assisting the students in writing their college application essays. “One day after class, one of my seniors came up to me and told me she was very stressed about applying to college,” he explained. “We sat down together during one of my prep periods and broke down the Common App process while researching nursing schools in the New York area.” His extra effort was well worth it. “My student let me know how calming it was talking to me, and that she and a group of my students thought I was their favorite student teacher they’d ever had,” he explained. “I was moved. That was the moment I realized I was undoubtedly on the right path.”

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Photo: Thinkstock

Mount alumni find success in Asia



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Mount grad Shannon Nolan ’15, center left and below, is a teacher of conversational English in Tokyo.


hile the old adage “Go west, young man” promised success on the American Frontier, several Mount Saint Mary College graduates have found their prosperity thousands of miles to the East.

Drawn to the culture

Photo: Thinkstock


s Shannon Nolan ’15 walked across the commencement stage and received her diploma, teaching wasn’t the first career path on the Media major’s mind. But today, Nolan is thriving as a conversational English teacher in Jiyugaoka, Tokyo through the AEON Corporation. Japan is 7,000 miles from her hometown, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., which is only five miles from Mount Saint Mary College. Nolan’s students include both children and adults, ages 2 to 80. She teaches between four to eight classes a day, Tuesday through Saturday. She’s taught for about 18 months and has plans to stay for at least two years. “Working here, I’ve realized how important it is to learn a second language,” she said. “Knowing a second language strengthens your mind and gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment that is unlike any other.” Moving to another country brought with it a bit of culture shock, said Nolan, but she was able to “fit in immediately,” she explained. “I love the

culture here and how polite everyone is. Often, my coworkers tell me I’m more like a Japanese person than an American.” In addition to model display food in restaurant windows to entice customers, as well as bathrooms that tend to be cleaner and more private than their American counterparts, one difference between Japan and America that Nolan likes is the “clear order to things here – no guesswork is needed. From trains to convenience stores, there are lines literally everywhere. They

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Education are super useful and orderly.” Nolan credits her Mount education for her readiness to adapt and helping her to think outside the box in her career choices. “I took a few classes that have played a key role in my success here,” she explained. “One was an intercultural communications course. Another was a copyediting course… the Mount helped me be a more dedicated, harder working individual.” Nolan is the daughter of Ellen Bourhis Nolan, associate director of the Career Center. Fittingly, the traveler noted that the Career Center was vital in her journey to employment in Japan. “From helping me get an internship, to interview workshops, to excellent résumé help, I wouldn’t be where I am without the Career Center’s support,” she said.

Alex “Ace” Rivera ‘13 (above, back row, left) moved to Japan two years ago to pursue a job as an English and cultural exchange educator. Below, Rivera with students.

Teaching in Tokyo satisfies early interest in Japan


eanwhile in the suburbs of Tokyo, another Mount graduate – Alex “Ace” Rivera ’13 – is fulfilling a lifelong dream. Through the Japanese Exchange and Teaching (JET) program, Rivera is an English and cultural exchange educator at the private school Meisei Gakkuen (Bright Star Academy). He currently teaches students in third, sixth, seventh, and eighth grade and manages the English clubs in the academy’s elementary and middle schools. Rivera fell in love with the Land of the Rising Sun when he was in second grade. Once a week, a guest educator came to his classroom to teach about Japanese culture. The educator explained that many of the things young Rivera loved – bullet trains, Power Rangers, and even his Game Boy – originated in Japan. Sometimes the teacher would reward students with a Japanese gummy candy, and even the writing on the wrapper was intriguing, Rivera noted. So when the opportunity to teach in Japan arose two years ago, the


Mount grad pursued it without hesitation. Formerly of Brooklyn, Rivera had plenty of experience with city living before heading to Tokyo. “New York City and Tokyo have many similarities, so adjusting to city life was pretty easy for me,” he said. “The hardest thing for most people to adjust to is the language, and levels of formality within Japanese that play into everyday life.” Culture shock goes both ways, Rivera noted. “In many cases, I am the first person of color that my students,

colleagues, neighbors, and friends have ever personally interacted with. It’s cool because part of my job is to also teach my students and local community about American culture.” Rivera was a business major at the Mount. Other courses he took through the Mount’s liberal arts program allowed him to nurture his secondary passions – which became indispensable tools in his teaching career. From a copyediting class with adjunct Jane Hanley and a public speaking course taught by Communication Professor Emeritus James Beard, Rivera says the Mount gave him the foundation for success.

Bringing an international perspective to Singapore


ore than 5,000 miles away from Japan – and a nearly 21-hour flight from New York – Laura Mohl ’98 MSEd ’02 enjoys putting her Mount teaching degree to work at Singapore American School. Located near the causeway that bridges Singapore with Malaysia, the school is one of the largest in the country. Mohl serves as a high school learning support teacher and depart-


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a graduate of ‘theAsdual certification program, I felt wellequipped to serve and work with students with unique learning needs, as well as their families.

Laura Mohl ’98 MSEd ’02

Laura Mohl ’98 MSEd ’02 is using her Mount teaching degree at Singapore American School, home to roughly 4,000 students. While there, she met Jagjit “Ram” Singh, and the two were wed – twice – in 2016.

ment chair. The school’s mission is to provide “an American education with an international perspective” and it’s home to about 4,000 students from preschool through grade 12. Mohl teaches world studies, which combines English and world history, as well as working with identified learning needs through learning support classes. Mohl also co-sponsors the Wish for Kids club, which aims to eradicate poverty in remote parts of Cebu, Philippines through literacy promotion. Having grown up in Hopewell Junction, N.Y., Mohl moved to Singapore in mid-July 2012, about a month before the school year got underway. At first, living in Singapore took some getting used to. “It’s quite urban, like New York City, but also has jungles full of lush greenery…I have experienced wildlife such as lizards, snakes, and monkeys encroaching on and even occupying my living space.” Because Singapore is an island, most of its resources are imported. This drives up the price of goods that most Americans take for granted.

“Things tend to cost more here, which at first was a shock,” she explained. “For example, my individual cup of Fage yogurt costs SGD $5.70 (USD $4.15) versus the usual $1 I’d pay in the U.S.” But despite the tropical climate and the expensive yogurt, there’s a lot of similarities between Singapore and New York. “It’s a melting pot of cultures, language, and cuisine,” Mohl explained. For example, Singapore has four official languages: Mandarin (Chinese), Malay, Tamil, and English. Local transportation hubs often display signage and make announcements in all four languages. In 2015 Mohl met the man who would become her husband, Jagjit “Ram” Singh. Singh, a native of Singapore, is also a world traveler, having previously lived and worked in Shanghai, China. In October 2016, the two were wed in America – and in December of that same year, they had a second wedding

in Singapore. “We are fortunate to have family and friends around the world who were able to attend one or even both of our weddings,” said Mohl. The successful Mount grad and her husband currently reside in the family home in which Singh was raised, located in a 70-year-old neighborhood called Fuyong Estate. Though the Mount’s rigorous education program prepared her for a career in America – Mohl spent a decade in the Washingtonville Central School District before working in Japan – had it also given her the skills she needed to teach abroad? Absolutely. “As a graduate of the dual certification program, I felt well-equipped to serve and work with students with unique learning needs, as well as their families,” said Mohl. “My education at the Mount taught me not only effective lesson planning, but also powerful, research-based interventions that positively impact the most struggling of learners.” Like Nolan and Rivera, Mohl credits her Mount professors with leading by example and preparing her to teach in a variety of locations, even a world away. “Through my education at the Mount, I was able to experience firsthand what it means to be an impactful, knowledgeable educator,” she said.

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Education To really, truly bridge ‘the cultural divide in education, every individual educator will have to focus on the needs of young students of color. You need to be courageous enough to take a stand.

Christopher Emdin Author, conference keynote speaker

Bridging the cultural divide Mount’s eighth annual CARD conference focuses on educational equality


here was no need for a microphone as Christopher Emdin, author of For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood ... and the Rest of Y’all Too, spoke passionately in front of more than 100 educators from Mount Saint Mary College, the Hudson Valley, and beyond. “To really, truly bridge the cultural divide in education, every individual educator will have to focus on the needs of young students of color,” said Emdin. “You need to be courageous enough to take a stand.” Emdin was the keynote speaker of “Bridging the Cultural Divide,” the eighth annual conference of the Mount’s Center for Adolescent Research and Development (CARD) in October. He is an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he also serves as director of Science Education at the Center for Health Equity and Urban Science Education and associate director of the Institute for Urban and Minority Education. “People live up to or down to their expectations of who they are,” he said. “Where [many minority students] are is a perception that they are inherently


Keynote speaker Christopher Emdin, center, with professors Frances Spielhagen and Paul Schwartz.

bad before they begin.” According to Emdin, schools with bars on the windows, metal detectors in the entryway, and security guards at the entrances have a higher instance of violence among students. “Kids walk in and say, ‘Oh, so you think I’m a thug? Ok, let me show you thug,’” he said. “We construct the narrative based on our misperceptions of who they are, and then complain when they live up to our imagery of their savagery.” Emdin says that one of the ways for educators to reach out to students from disadvantaged areas is through the adoption of new teaching methods, such as what he calls “Pentecostal pedagogy.” This simple technique

draws from the call and response culture of many African American churches. Whereas a pastor might ask for the congregation to exclaim, “Amen!” as a method of keeping churchgoers engaged with a sermon, a teacher might say, “Are you with me?” every few moments during a lecture to get a “yes” response from students. Not only does this keep students paying attention, but it also turns them into active participants, Emdin notes. Other CARD conference speakers included Tatyana Kleyn, founder and producer of Living Undocumented, City University of New York; Jane Gangi, associate Education professor, Mount Saint Mary College; and David Mumper, resource specialist in Newcomer Programs, Southern Westchester BOCES. “Bridging the Cultural Divide” was co-sponsored by CARD and OrangeUlster BOCES. CARD is co-directed by professors Frances Spielhagen, Education, and Paul Schwartz, Psychology. Spielhagen and Schwartz, both prolific writers, recently collaborated on the book Adolescence in the 21st Century: Constants and Challenges, based on past CARD conferences.


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A sort of homecoming Teacher Opportunity Corps allows Mount student to teach in home district


Teacher candidates Mark Sanchez-Potter and Samantha McGregor led students from San Miguel Academy in a hands-on history project.

Stepping back in time


istory sprang to life for the sixth grade students of San Miguel Academy when two Mount teacher candidates led them on a journey through Newburgh’s rich past. Samantha McGregor and Mark Sanchez-Potter oversaw the young students as they examined the lives of Newburgh residents who lived during the colonial period. The project included visits to George Washington’s Headquarters, the old Newburgh Court House, and the David Crawford House, as well as talks with former Newburgh Mayor Nick Valentine and City Historian Mary McTamaney. “The project gave the students a sense of their own history and how their town became a vital component of the development of our country,” explained McGregor. “The students were able to use a hands-on approach to examine and research changes and developments a city experiences over time.” The students put themselves in the shoes of 18th century Newburgh residents and, with the historical sites as a reference, wrote short stories about life in the ever-changing city on the Hudson. Others discussed how Newburgh has evolved over the last 300 years. The stories and photos were compiled into a dozen-page booklet titled A Glance into Old and New Newburgh. “I am George Washington, and I am the general of the Continental Army,” wrote one student. “I wanted my house close to the Hudson River so I could tell if the British were coming.” Other students discussed present times: “New Newburgh is a city everywhere. There are so many people and stores. We use cars and trucks [but] cars make so much noise, just like cattle did in old Newburgh.” The project is part of the Mount’s Teach the Change program, a comprehensive initiative of the college’s Division of Education. Teach the Change is coordinated in conjunction with the Center for Adolescent Research and Development (CARD), under the leadership of Frances Spielhagen, Mount Education professor. The project was made possible by a gift from 2016 Mount commencement speaker and honorary degree recipient Timothy P. Flanigan, MD, professor of Medicine and Health Services, Policy and Practices in the Alpert Medical College at Brown University.

or Isaiah Bevans-Didymus, walking the halls of Poughkeepsie Middle School is familiar ground – but instead of working hard on his homework, this time, he’s making the grade as a Mount Saint Mary College teacher-candidate. Bevans-Didymus, a junior, is completing an internship at the school he once attended thanks to the Teacher Opportunity Corps (TOC), a program designed to increase the participation rate of historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged individuals in teaching careers. “It’s been an eye-opening experience seeing the classroom from the teacher’s point of view,” he noted. “Assisting in the implementation of lesson plans and redirecting student behaviors puts a new perspective on education at Poughkeepsie that I didn’t have when I was a student there.” Bevans-Didymus, who had previously expressed an interest in returning to his school district as a teacher, became interested in TOC after Sonya Abbye-Taylor, assistant professor of Education at the Mount, encouraged him to apply. “That is one of the goals of the state program,” explained Frances Spielhagen, professor of Education, director of the Center for Research and Adolescent Development, and TOC project director: “To recruit, retrain, and return local candidates to their home schools.” In 2016, the Mount was one of 16 schools designated as a Teacher Opportunity Corps higher education institution and received a five-year grant to provide resources for select Education students.

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Athletics Hall of Fame

Outstanding athletes honored in Hall of Fame From left, Caitlin Maynes ’13, Delor Johnson ’91, Carlos Valdez ’12, Lauren Halverson ’13, and Gabriela Murphy-Goldberg ’13


he 2017 Athletics Hall of Fame induction honored five alumni who took the Knights to new heights during their careers as Mount student athletes. The honorees included two former Men’s Basketball players who scored better than 1,000 points, the all-time wins leader in Women’s Tennis, the all-time assists record holder in Women’s Volleyball, and the career wins leader in Softball.


Gabriela Murphy-Goldberg ’13, career record holder in singles, doubles, and combined wins at Mount Saint Mary College, led the Women’s Tennis team to four straight Skyline Conference Championships and the team’s only four appearances in the NCAA Tournament. Murphy-Goldberg picked up many honors during her tenure: Skyline Con-


ference Rookie of the Year in 2009 and Player of the Year in 2010, Skyline Conference Championship Most Outstanding Player in both 2009 and 2011, and First Team All-Skyline Conference accolades each of her four years. She won at least 10 singles matches in each season of her career, including a career-high and single season program record 19 as a sophomore. Murphy-Goldberg went on to set the career singles victories record with 60 as


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Gabriela Murphy-Goldberg ’13

a senior in 2012, as well as posting the career doubles mark with 51 and combined mark with 111. She became just the second player in program history to surpass the 100 career win total.

LAUREN HALVERSON ’13 The third player from the Women’s Volleyball program to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, Lauren Halverson ’13 helped lead the Mount to three straight undefeated conference seasons, the program’s first ever Skyline Championship, and the program’s first berth in the NCAA Tournament. A mainstay in the Mount lineup over a stellar four-year career, Halverson played in a program record 131 consecutive matches and holds the program’s single season and career record for assists with 969 in 2012 and 2,775 in her career. In addition, she matched the program’s record for service aces in a three set match with 13 against Bard in 2009. Individually, Halverson was named Skyline Conference Rookie of the Year in 2009 and earned First Team recognition in 2010 and 2011. In 2012, Halverson was named the program’s first ever Skyline Conference Player of the Year. Halverson also set an NCAA record for consecutive points served with 20 against Bard in 2009.

DELOR JOHNSON ’91 Delor Johnson ’91 had a huge impact on the Men’s Basketball program over a four-year career, posting better

Carlos Valdez ’12

than 1,700 points and securing nearly 900 rebounds for the Knights. In his first collegiate game, Johnson scored 20 first half points against New Paltz, including a half court buzzer beater. Johnson finished his career averaging 19.3 points per game and 10.0 rebounds per contest for the Knights. He secured a career-high 313 rebounds as a senior during the 1990-91 season, including 129 offensive caroms. In addition to scoring and rebounding, Johnson closed his career with 103 assists and 99 steals for the Knights.

CAITLIN MAYNES ’13 Caitlin Maynes ’13 was a standout for the Softball team over a four-year career, appearing in 96 games overall for the Knights, including 87 appearances as a pitcher. Eighty-three of Maynes’ pitcher appearances came as a starter where she posted a sterling 2.36 earned run average in 530 innings pitched. She won 47 games in her career, including a careerhigh 14 as a freshman and sophomore. She struck out a career-high 121 batters as a freshman and recorded a career best 1.27 earned run average in 104.1 innings pitched as a junior. Maynes was a four-time Second Team All-Skyline Conference selection as a pitcher and holds the program’s all-time record in wins with 47 and tied

for the single season mark in wins with 14. Over her career, she helped lead the Knights to a pair of Skyline Conference Tournament appearances and the 2011 ECAC Metro Division Championship, where she was named the tournament’s Most Outstanding Player.

CARLOS VALDEZ ’12 Carlos Valdez ’12 is the first player in Men’s Basketball history to record more than 1,000 career points and 1,000 rebounds. He helped the Knights to 59 victories over a four-year career, including matching the school record with 23 in 2011-12, a pair of appearances in the Skyline Conference Tournament, and an ECAC Metro Division Championship. Carlos appeared in 106 games, including 99 starts, and amassed 1,391 career points and a program record 1,046 rebounds. He shot 56.4-percent from the floor and rounded out a stellar career with 222 assists and 76 blocked shots. Carlos was named Skyline Conference Rookie of the Year in 2009, First Team All-Skyline Conference twice, and Second Team once. He earned ECAC Second Team honors as a sophomore and Second Team All-Atlantic Region honors and Met Writers Second Team recognition as a senior.

Photos online

See more photos from the event at

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Fall Sports Roundup



he Men’s Cross Country team finished sixth at the Skyline Conference Championship and matched its best finish at the ECAC Championship with a ninth place showing. Senior Adam Al-Haraizeh closed his career by earning Second Team All-Skyline recognition with a 13th place finish at the conference championship meet. Al-Haraizeh went on to become the first runner in program history to earn All-ECAC honors, running to a 25th place overall finish. Freshman Janrell Baniel earned three Skyline Conference Rookie of the Week awards and a pair of ECAC Rookie of the Week honors.




he Women’s Cross Country team finished fourth at the Skyline Conference Championship Meet and a program-best fourth place finish at the ECAC Championship Meet. Junior Angela Barton finished 12th overall at the Skyline Conference meet, earning Second Team All-Skyline Conference recognition for the second time in her career and was one of three Knights to pick up All-ECAC honors at the ECAC meet. Joining Barton as AllECAC honorees were Aine Higgins and Samantha Papadopoulos who posted the program’s best ever finish at the meet, running to a 14th place finish. Papadopoulos was named the Skyline Conference Rookie of the Week twice in 2017 and earned one ECAC Rookie of the Week mention.



he Golf team concluded 2017 as the runner-up at the Skyline Conference Championship for the second straight season. Senior Dylan Legg earned First Team AllConference recognition after placing third overall at the conference championship, the program’s second best finish at the event. Legg earned All-Conference recognition for the third time in his career and First Team honors for the first time. Freshman Dan Schena placed ninth overall at the event for the Mount on his way to landing on the All-Conference Second Team. After guiding the Knights to a runner-up finish for the second straight season, Head Coach Michael Coppolino was tabbed the Skyline Conference Coach of the Year.


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he Women’s Tennis team posted an 8-9 overall record and a 3-3 mark in Skyline Conference play in 2017, advancing to the Skyline Conference Championship final for the first time since 2012, and fell to Yeshiva. Sophomore Michelle Carnovale was named the Skyline Conference Player of the Week in 2017 and earned First Team AllConference recognition for the second time in her career after going 12-5 at first singles. Freshman Victoria Clay earned a pair of Skyline Conference Rookie of the Week mentions and was named Second Team All-Skyline Conference after posting a 10-4 singles record.



omen’s Soccer made its way to the Skyline Conference Championship Final for the eighth straight season and finished the year with a 15-4-2 overall record and an unbeaten 9-0-0 mark against league rivals during the regular season. The Knights posted a 10 game winning streak from September 19-October 17 and saw eight players named AllSkyline Conference. Senior Destiny Ribadeneyra was named the league’s Offensive Player of the Year after totaling 54 points on 20 goals and 14 assists, with classmate Bridget McKeever earning Defensive Player of the Year honors for the second straight season. Joining Ribadeneyra and McKeever on the All-Conference First Team were Allison Jones and Nicolette Wurglics, with Alexi Franceschi, Emma Costa, Nicole Cavallo, and Jessica Lanning landing on the Second Team. In his second season at the Mount, head coach Christopher Lyn was tabbed the league’s Coach of the Year.



omen’s Volleyball put together a 14-19 overall record and a 6-4 mark in league play on its way to earning a berth in the Skyline Conference Championship Tournament for the 10th straight season. Freshman Renee Hydo earned a Skyline Conference Rookie of the Week honor, while classmate Danielle Kralik claimed the final three conference Rookie of the Week awards of the regular season. Following the Skyline Conference Championship Tournament, a pair of Knights earned All-Conference honors with Julimar Figueroa earning First Team recognition and junior Kim Gries landing on the Second Team.

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“I cannot be more proud of our 2017 team after winning the conference regular and postseason championships.” — Head Soccer Coach Kevin Longacre



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Men’s Soccer claims second Skyline Conference title in program history Dolan sets single season, career records for goals scored


he Mount Saint Mary College Men’s Soccer team claimed its second Skyline Conference in program history, saw four players named All-Skyline Conference, and had Head Coach Kevin Longacre tabbed the Skyline Conference Coach of the Year. In addition, junior Joey Dolan posted the single season and career record for goals during the campaign on his way to being named the Skyline Conference Offensive Player of the Year. Dolan led the Knights by scoring at least one goal in 14 contests and tallying the deciding goal on eight occasions, including the conference final. Dolan set the career goals record with the game-winning tally against Farmingdale State on October 14 and set a new single season standard with the



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“While several of our players received individual awards, it was the overall quality within this group that led to our success.” Head Coach Kevin Longacre game winner that clinched the conference championship. After posting 18 goals and 38 points in 2017, Dolan stands with 34 goals, including 12 game winners, and 75 points heading into his senior season. The Mount, picked as the preseason favorite in the Skyline Conference, ran through the conference slate with an 8-1 record and entered the Conference Championship Tournament as the top-seed, blanking Old Westbury and St. Joseph’s en route to the title. The program collected three of the four major awards handed out by the league. Dolan was tabbed First Team All-Skyline Conference for the second straight season and was joined on the First Team by senior Nick Ciani and freshman goalkeeper Tyler Rapp. Junior Bobby Caronia rounded out the quartet of All-Conference picks with a Second Team selection. In addition to the First Team honors, Ciani was marked as the league’s Defensive Player of the Year after anchoring a backline that produced nine shutouts. “I cannot be more proud of our 2017 team after winning the conference regular and postseason championships,” said Longacre. “While several of our players received individual awards, it was the overall quality within this group that led to our success.” The Knights completed the 2017 season with a 12-8 overall record and took on #15 Cortland in the First Round of the NCAA Tournament, falling 3-0 to the Red Dragons. The 2017 NCAA appearance was the second for the Knights in program history with the first appearance resulting in a 1-0 overtime loss to York (Pa.) on November 16, 2013.

with Mount athletic director Jessica Mushel MSEd ’12


n July 2017, Jessica Mushel MSEd ’12 was appointed athletic director at the Mount, following the retirement of former athletic director Daniel Twomey. Prior to her new role, Mushel also served as assistant athletic director, head softball coach, and leadership development coach. With her appointment, the Mount joins less than 25 percent of collegiate athletic departments with female athletic directors.

Tell us about your passion for athletics and your own athletic history. My older brother and I were always involved in sports, so athletics was a foundation in my childhood. I was fortunate enough to play Division I softball at Siena College, and I would not change that experience for anything. It tested me, allowed me to learn and grow as a person and player, and helped me to become a more wellrounded individual.

What do you enjoy most about athletic administration? Working with young student-athletes to help them develop and grow not only as athletes, but also as people, is an extremely rewarding experience. Having the chance to establish relationships with seniors in high school and watch them grow and mature through their four years of college is fulfilling, especially when you play a crucial role in that process.

What are some of your goals as the Mount’s athletic director? In the short term, I hope to start engaging our alumni more with newsletters and updates about our athletic

programs. In addition, I hope to begin a booster club as another way to engage our alumni and fundraise for our athletic programs and department as a whole.

You also recently hired Trevor Purcell ’03 as assistant athletic director. What benefits are there to having another Mount alumnus working alongside you? I am very fortunate to have Trevor working alongside me. He brings a passion to the position, not only for athletics, but also for the Mount itself. He has a strong sense of loyalty to his alma mater and that will only enhance his desire to improve and develop MSMC Athletics.

Less than 25 percent of all collegiate athletic directors are women. How does it feel to be one of the few female athletic directors in collegiate sports? It is challenging, rewarding, and empowering. With my position, my hope is that I am able to encourage, support, and guide other females in the world of athletic administration. There is a lot of growth that can occur for females in athletics, and I embrace the opportunity to be on the forefront.

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Left to right: Kevin Saturno and his daughter, Siena Hope, who both accepted a Distinguished Alumni Award in the name of Kevin’s late wife, Shannon (Romanchuk) Saturno ’05; Alice (Murphy) Yoder ’80, recipient of a Distinguished Alumni Award; Sean Glander ’06, who was given the James V. McEnery Alumni Service Award; and Sr. Margaret Anderson, OP ’67, Mount Saint Mary College Board of Trustees member and recipient of the President’s Award for Outstanding Service to the College.

Mount alumni earn service awards


our outstanding alumni were given awards for their service to the college and the community as part of the Mount’s annual Alumni and Family Weekend. Shannon (Romanchuk) Saturno ’05 and Alice (Murphy) Yoder ’80 earned the college’s Distinguished Alumni Award, recognizing their contributions to society through their professional and volunteer work. Although Saturno passed away from cancer in July 2016, her legacy lives on both at the Mount and in the community. Saturno was first diagnosed with the illness when she was 28 weeks pregnant with her daughter, and a routine MRI in June 2015 showed that it had spread. However, as an avid runner, she continued to practice her sport until she became too weak to continue – so she switched to walking. Saturno displayed that same determination in a music video called “Get Checked!” by First Company Pink, a nonprofit that raises funds for breast cancer research. Her award was accepted by her husband, Kevin, and the couple’s young daughter, Siena Hope. Yoder, a lifelong nurse, has lent a healing hand to countless lives over the course of her illustrious career. Since attending the Mount, Yoder has worked in critical care nursing in New York City and Washington D.C. During that time, she became interested in proac-


whole college “is This a fond memory [for alumni], but it’s more than that, because it is the legacy of the Dominican Sisters.

— Sr. Margaret Anderson, OP ’67

tive wellness and health promotion and developed the award-winning Wellness Center at Lancaster General Hospital in Pennsylvania. In her current role as director of Community Health for Lancaster General Health/Penn Medicine, Yoder partners with local social service organizations, schools, and businesses to develop community health improvement plans for critical health issues. Sean Glander ’06 earned the James V. McEnery Alumni Service Award, presented to an alum who has provided exemplary service to the college community. Glander, a senior accountant at Big V Properties in Florida, N.Y., has remained dedicated to the Mount Saint Mary College community since graduation. Throughout his career, Glander has been instrumental in helping Mount seniors and alumni to launch their own careers. He has brought Mount interns under his wing, helped graduates land

interviews, and more. Fulfilling the Mount’s ideal of a liberal arts education, Glander complemented his Accounting major with a minor in Religious Studies, which introduced him to a world of new beliefs while reaffirming his own spirituality and faith in humanity. Sr. Margaret Anderson, OP ’67 was honored with the President’s Award for Outstanding Service to the College. As a Dominican Sister of Hope, Sr. Anderson has enriched the Mount community with her dedication, professionalism, and caring attitude. She currently serves on the Mount’s Board of Trustees and, in the past, she served on the Alumni Board. She has been an important presence on campus and a regular participant in college activities, such as the Meet a Mentor dinner and the college’s annual Gala. Crediting the Mount for her fulfilling career in education, Sr. Anderson has encouraged many young people to explore the benefits of a liberal arts education. Since 2014, Sr. Anderson has worked on the Leadership Team of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, guiding and supporting a congregation of 150 women. “This whole college is a fond memory [for alumni], but it’s more than that, because it is the legacy of the Dominican Sisters,” said Sr. Anderson.


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Alumni Notes 1967 Bobbie Lancaster Allen wants everyone to know that the Class of 1967’s 50th Reunion was absolutely terrific! “Fifty years melted away as the memories flew. What would I change? I would have gone to more of the reunions or at least have gotten together more often. Life is short - enjoy the people who for four years helped shape our lives and gave of memories that are awesome. Love you Class of ‘67. Thanks for the memories!”

1972 Elizabeth Scannell-Desch, an associate dean at the Rutgers School of Nursing– Camden, has been selected as one of only three New Jersey nursing professionals for induction as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, one of the highest honors that can be bestowed in that field. Only 173 nursing professionals in the world were elected for this honor during 2017, and they were inducted during the AAN’s annual conference in Washington, D.C. in October.

1973 Joseph O’Connor and Ellen O’Brien O’Connor attended the Rocking Around the Christmas Tree dance at Mohonk Mountain House and “It was a dancer’s delight!” According to Joe, “Ellen and I felt like we were back in the ‘pit’ going wild.”

C. Jamie Sisco Scott says life is good! She and her friends celebrated retirement in Hilton Head. “It seems like only yesterday we were forming friendships in College Court 412 and bonding with our dorm mother, Sr. Ann Sakac. All these years later, our friendships remain one of life’s blessings. This year Hilton Head.... next year Charleston! Yay us!”

1974 Denise Slabicki Carrington has retired after nearly forty years as a nurse at Hospital of Central CT - Bradley Memorial, and 43 total years in nursing. Denise is very happy to be able to spend more time with her husband, Brian; sleep late; and have the freedom to do whatever they want!


Ramute Kemeza-Kazlauskas was elected national treasurer of the Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head-Neck Nurses at the 41st SOHN nursing symposium and congress in Chicago in September.


SPOTLIGHT Patrick Legare ’92


atrick Legare ’92 is certainly putting his Mount communications major to use in a big way: he currently works as a writer and editor with the cable company Home Box Office (HBO), where he creates program descriptions for HBO products found on iTunes, Amazon, HBO OnDemand, and more. Legare recently paid it forward to his alma mater by mentoring senior Communications students at a recent Real World Connections event, sponsored by the Career Center. The successful writer told current students that making contacts and taking internships are the “single most important things” in obtaining a job with big companies like HBO. “As a student, I wish I had known more about the importance of internships,” he said. “The Mount is the place where I really grew,” he noted. He particularly lauded former communications professors James Beard, Virginia Davidson, Irene Nunnari, and Sr. Catherine Walsh, OP for being a major part of his evolution as a student and setting him on the path to success, including improving his writing and public speaking skills.

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Alumni Notes Heart University. James, the second oldest, graduated from Notre Dame in May and is working for PWC. Sean, her oldest son, is working for Northrop Grumman and going for his MBA at George Mason.

Mary Bohenek ’06



ary Bohenek ’06 has wanted to run a marathon since she was in high school. This year, Bohenek fulfilled that dream by completing the New York City Marathon, offering her 26.2 miles for the Martin Richard Foundation. Bohenek has completed several half marathons over the last few years, but never participated in a marathon until now. The Mount grad ran with Team MR8 for the Martin Richard Foundation, a charity set up in memory of Martin Richard, an 8-year-old victim of the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. The goal of the foundation is “to challenge youth and adults to take action and to foster greater togetherness, compassion, peace, and kindness in their communities through activities that build bridges and bring people together.” Bohenek felt that running for the foundation was the perfect opportunity to honor two cities close to her heart that had experienced terrorism. Currently of Boston, Mass., the runner enjoyed tying her Long Island roots to her current residence through the race.


Susan Millspaugh wanted her classmates to know that after taking a break her sophomore year, she finished her Mount degree in 2017. During her break, she raised five daughters and earned her associate’s degree in mortuary science at Hudson Valley Community College. She is now a licensed funeral director.

1981 William Corrigan is married with children and grandchildren. William worked for the NYS Narcotics Office as a Correction Counselor and in Probation before retiring in 2001. William attended the Friday/Saturday program from 1975-1981 and thanks Mount Saint Mary College for educators that would not let him fail!

Danielle Ward Padovano is working as a realtor and mortgage loan originator at the Jersey Shore. Danielle has been married for 14 years and loves living on the beach. She is an avid stand up paddle boarder and tennis player. Danielle is looking forward to retirement soon!

1990 Meaghan Monahan is in her 25th year of teaching in New Jersey. Currently she is a special education teacher, specializing in English grade 12. Meaghan has been at Mahwah High School for 22 years. Anne Conway Fitzgerald and other alumni from the Class of 1981 enjoyed a holiday reunion this year at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania.

1984 Kathleen Stuhler Reilly is proud of her children for all their accomplishments. Her youngest son is a freshman at Yale playing lacrosse. Kathleen’s daughter has been studying abroad in Rome for the semester and has traveled with Sacred

1991 Maria Repole Griffin graduated from a four-year program in Spiritual Direction offered by Fairfield University in June. She is currently practicing as a part-time spiritual director in Charlotte, N.C., while she continues to work as a Regulatory Affairs/Quality Assurance Medical Device Consultant.


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Gene Ciancanelli ’94, MBA ’02 is employed at IBM as a Learning Consultant, IBM CHQ, Human Resources.

Margaret Venable retired from teaching in November 2017. She started her quest to teach in 1973 at St. John’s University in Queens, N.Y. She put her dreams on hold, got married, raised her family, and returned to her dream as an adult. Thanks to the Mount, she became a permanently-certified teacher and taught for 20 years.

Margaret M. Leach Scalzo says she and her husband have been blessed to be able to do a lot of traveling. They have been to Costa Rica and Italy, cruised the Rhine and taken in Germany, Austria, and the Swiss Alps. Margaret and her husband were blown away by the architecture of the cathedrals. “Do your bucket list now while you can,” she said.


2005 Lori Maruschak is currently working as an assistant nurse manager at Westchester Medical Center. Lori gave birth to a baby girl, Lily Ann, in July 2017.


Michael McCarville has recently been promoted to the Team Lead of a supportive treatment apartment program for people with a severe and persistent mental illness. Michael and his wife have been foster parents for children in Orange County for about two years now.

Justin Christensen feels college really is the best time of your life, but thanks to the Mount, life after has also been a treat. Justin received a BA in Mathematics Education and an MS in Middle School Education during his eight years at the Mount. After getting some years of experience working with students and high level math, he decided to extend his career into data analytics, where he is now consulting Fortune 100 companies!



Julienne Cuccio Slichko ’98, MSE ’04 graduated from the University at Albany in 2016 with her doctorate in Educational Psychology & Methodology with a concentration in Special Education. She also holds a CAS in School Building Leadership from St. Rose. She works at UAlbany as an Instructional Developer and an adjunct professor, and lives in Rensselaer County with her husband and son.

Sean D’Onofrio, graduate of the MSMC School of Nursing, works as an RN in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit within the Children’s National Health System in Washington, D.C. He has been selected as the Conway Clinical Scholar for FY18 there. Sean will take a lead role in the Conway Chair Conversations as well as addressing value and meaning for topics relating to the important care of seriously ill children and their families with this group.

SPOTLIGHT Patricia Farrell ’92


nother Mount alumna also participated in the New York City Marathon this year – Patricia Farrell ’92. Farrell ran with the NYPD Running Club to raise money for Northwell Health, which she noted was even more impactful given the terror attack that took place in the city just the week before, when a truck drove into pedestrians in Manhattan. “It was an honor to support the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe and protect our freedoms,” Farrell noted. Farrell enjoyed the experience, especially getting to see all five boroughs in one day. For her, running is not just about the numbers — it’s also about the training and hard work beforehand. The experienced runner encourages determination and ambition to push through both physical and mental boundaries. “It’s not the 26 miles – it’s the .2, the extra effort, that last push” that really matters, she reflected.

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Alumni Notes

Corri Nicoletti ’10


orri Nicoletti ’10 MSEd ’15 found a unique application for her education degree as an educational technology specialist at Marist College. Nicoletti is able to meld her two passions – education and technology – in her current position by teaching faculty how to effectively integrate technology into the college’s on-campus and online classrooms. “Through my education at the Mount, I began to realize the critical necessity to how I approached technology as an educator,” Nicoletti reflected. “I realized my degree and skill set was so malleable to my future career.” She now finds different ways to be a teacher. “I might not be teaching elementary kids right now, but I find myself teaching someone something each and every day and it is just as gratifying.” She still enjoys teaching in the classroom, however, though to a different audience than originally planned – Nicoletti runs technology classes at the Mount’s Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment and is also an adjunct technology professor at Marist.


Mount alumni celebrate the season with festive gathering


bout 20 Mount Saint Mary College alumni kicked off the holiday season with a celebration at the Gardner Farm Inn in Troy, N.Y. on Friday, December 8. At the inn, run by Mount graduate John Hughes ’84, alumni mixed and mingled with Sr. Ann Sakac, OP, former Mount president; Sr. Margaret Anderson, OP ’67, a Dominican Sister of Hope and vice-chair of the Mount Saint Mary College Board of Trustees; and Sr. Patricia Sullivan ’64, OP, professor emerita of Mathematics. The event was spearheaded by the college’s Office of Alumni Affairs.

Joan Gasparovic Gambeski, MBA joined Marist College as director of gift and legacy planning in January 2017.

Amanda Pecorella is grateful this holiday season for her job, her home, and her puppy! With this being the first year she is not in school during the holidays, she is enjoying spending the time decorating her house and finding little ways to make this season special for her loved ones. Amanda has definitely enjoyed not having finals, and she is using this time to study for the CPA exam. Wish her luck!


Allison Sciucco recently shared the spotlight with author mom Marianne Sciucco on Hudson Valley Sports Talk. Allison talked about being the inspiration for her mother’s young adult novel Swim Season, and her years on the MSMC swim team. She also gave a shout-out to the team as they started their 2017 season. Here they are with show host Tony Navarro, a Mount Dad, Class of 2017.


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In Memoriam Annamarie Barrett ’65 passed away on July 18, 2017.

Helene M. Contarino, mother of Elaine Contarino Cannella ’85 and grandmother of Marissa Cannella Wallace ’12, MS ’17, passed away on November 12, 2017.

Dolores “Dee” D’Elicio, mother of Dawn D’Elicio ’79, passed away on July 7, 2017.


Joseph Costello ’10 and Christina Richichi Costello ‘10 were married on campus in the Chapel of the Most Holy Rosary on June 23, 2017. They saw each other before the ceremony in the small garden that the class of 2010 donated to campus.

Al Mann ’16 and Gertrude Mann were married on August 5, 2017 with all of their kids, grandkids, and friends in attendance.


Agustín Ponce ’12 and Jessica Davis Ponce ’13 were married on July 8, 2017 at Carlyle on the Green on Long Island.

Aaron Ricci ’16 and Emily DiBiase Ricci ’15 were married in Founders Chapel at the Mount on June 16, 2017. Several Mount alumni, faculty, and staff were in attendance. Megan Capurso ’14, Shawna O’Leary ’15, and Megan Doyle ’16 served as bridesmaids and John Nicoletti ’09 and Brett Bondar ’10 were groomsmen. (Photo at top of page)

Scott Tabone ’08, MSE ’11 and Elizabeth Damiano Tabone MSE ’10 welcomed their first child, Harper Grace Tabone, on March 4, 2017 at St. Luke’s Hospital in Newburgh, N.Y.

Florence LaPorta, mother of Michele LaPorta Freeman ’82 and grandmother of Danielle Freeman ’12, passed away on November 17, 2017.

Mary G. Thompson, mother of Maureen Lawrence ’70 passed away April 1, 2017.

Patricia Holmes MacKay ’88 passed away on August 12, 2017.

Elvira Vera Monforte, grandmother of Justina Tozzi ’07, MBA ’09, passed away on November 3, 2017.

Jane Clements Webster ’88 passed away on November 20, 2017. Anthony Curti ’08 and Amber Becker Curti ’09 proudly announce the birth of their first child, Dominic Anthony, born on July 10, 2017.

Doris Lyons, mother of Georgia Lyons Verven ’72, passed away on August 28, 2017 at the age of 97.

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Left to right: Dr. David Kennett, president of Mount Saint Mary College; Susan ScivoletteMcCormack; Gala honoree Michael TJ McCormack, principal architect and founding partner of Liscum McCormack VanVoorhis LLP; honoree Nancy Rossi Brownell, vice president of Putnam for Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley; honoree Rick Brownell, owner and president of Freedom Ford, Inc.; and Charles Frank, chair, MSMC Board of Trustees.

Eighth Annual Gala Mount honors Michael TJ McCormack, Rick Brownell, and Nancy Rossi Brownell


ount Saint Mary College was proud to celebrate three outstanding pillars of the local community at the Eighth Annual Gala Reception on Friday, December 1. Michael TJ McCormack, principal architect and founding partner of Liscum McCormack VanVoorhis LLP; Rick Brownell, owner and president of Freedom Ford Inc.; and Nancy Rossi Brownell, vice president of Putnam for Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley, were honored with the Joseph A. Bonura Award for Leadership Excellence. This award recognizes individuals whose professional accomplishments and approach to management reflect the same commitment to quality, concern for neighbors, and shared prosperity that have exemplified the career and character of restaurateur Joseph A. Bonura. The local businessman owns


Anthony’s Pier 9 in New Windsor and the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel, among other businesses. Nearly 250 guests attended the event, held at the Kaplan Family Mathematics, Science and Technology Center. The Gala raised more than $100,000 in gifts, sponsorships, and ticket sales. According to Mount Saint Mary College President Dr. David Kennett, the funds enable the college to provide an affordable, values-based education to thousands of deserving students, many of whom are among the first in their families to attend college. It’s a noble pursuit, said honoree Nancy Rossi Brownell. “I’m proud to know that our support and your support make it possible for students of all economic levels to fulfill their dreams of a four-year, faith-based, private college education,” she explained, adding that about one

Rick Brownell and Nancy Rossi Brownell were honored with the Joseph A. Bonura Award for Leadership Excellence.

Honoree Michael TJ McCormack discusses the importance of serving the community.


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third of Mount scholars are first-generation college students. “Events like this make dreams like that come true.” In addition to her support of the Mount, Nancy serves on the boards of the Foundation for Vassar Brothers Medical Center, Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation, the Estate Planning Council of Putnam County, and as vice president for the Garden Club of Orange and Dutchess. Service is one of the Brownell family’s greatest joys, noted honoree Rick Brownell. The Hudson Valley “has given us the opportunity for much success, a great life, and a wonderful place to raise our two boys,” he explained, “so it’s natural for Nancy and me to give back to the community that has given so much to us.” Rick currently serves as president of the Beacon Chamber of Commerce and as a member of the Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce, Beacon Elks Club, and National Auto Dealers Association. Rick previously served on Mount Saint Mary College’s Golf and

Tennis Tournament Committee and the Grants Review Committee for the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley. Honoree Michael TJ McCormack believes that education is a vital tool that forms the foundation of success. “We’re here tonight to give back to the community,” said McCormack. “As an architect, that’s really part of my heart – helping something get better. Mount Saint Mary College…has had such a special place in my heart, as well as all the students.” McCormack was instrumental in designing many local educational institutes and enhancing campus structures for students, faculty, and staff alike. Among these are residential and study facilities for the Mount as well as projects for Marist College, Vassar College, and beyond. Working with the Mount over the past two decades on various projects has been an incredible and gratifying experience for McCormick and his firm, he said.




Left to right: Joseph A. Bonura, businessman and restaurateur; Jake Kosack ’18 of Hopewell Junction, N.Y., Mount senior class president, a Business major with a concentration in Sports Management, and a speaker at the Gala; Mary Bonura; and Mike Bonura of the Gala committee.


Ashley Lane ’18, president of the MSMC Student Government Association; Angelique Suarez ’18, Programming Board Media Officer; and Johnny Kahn, Briante Realty Group.


Brian Maher, David MacFarland, Nick Valentine, and Susan Valentine.


Senator William Larkin and his wife, Patricia Larkin.


Ruth C. Smith ’89, John H. Smith, and Dr. Susan Correll Kennett.

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Mount Saint Mary Academy

Nadine Riley MSMA ’43


adine Riley has been connected to the Mount since 1928, when she was just three years old. The 92-year-old began pre-school in the Casa San Jose, an elementary school that predated Bishop Dunn Memorial School, at age three and continued on until graduating from Mount Saint Mary Academy in 1943. Riley, the oldest of four, remembers grade school fondly, despite claiming that she was not a good student. Her passion was singing – she recalls that every time she and her classmates would be in line, she would start singing songs from the ‘90s…the 1890s, that is! The sisters did not share her enthusiasm during those “chorus lines,” but they did appreciate her voice: they placed her at the front of the choir concerts. Much to Riley’s delight, Sr. Mary Vincent, OP taught sixth, seventh and eighth grades and also acted as principal of the Academy during her time at the school. “Sr. Mary Vincent was a great teacher and a wonderful person,” said the nonagenarian. Riley wasn’t just a pupil of the school; she also used to chauffeur the sisters as needed. The traveling tradition began when her father bought a black Cadillac to match the sisters’ habits. Mrs. Riley would pick them up and drive them wherever they needed to go. As the rides got more frequent, Riley’s father used to quip that the sisters were in his car more than he was. Riley carried on this tradition, bringing the sisters to New York City and the airport, and often picking up Academy boarders from foreign countries. She remembers also having the privilege of being able to go into

their quarters because she would bring them chocolates from Commodore Chocolatiers, who never charged the sisters. Seeing the sisters outside of the classroom allowed Riley to value them on a personal level, in addition to their role as her teachers. Caring for the sisters became a Riley family calling. Years later, Riley’s daughter Anne worked in the sisters’ infirmary, feeding them and making sure they looked impeccable. At the age of 16, one morning Riley woke up unable to see. The temporary blindness lasted for three months, halting her studies and ultimately forcing her to repeat a year. Doctors could never explain why it happened, or why she recovered. After graduating from the Academy in 1943, Riley worked as a bookkeeper in New York City. Her bookkeeping skills eventually were put to use at her father’s company, Snowball Canning Goods, and she held the position until the business closed in 1968. Snowball Canning Goods had stores in the Hudson Valley and Connecticut, but the warehouse was located where Billy Joe’s Ribworks now stands, along the Hudson River in Newburgh, N.Y. Thanks to a bit of help from Riley’s mother and great-aunt, she met John Richard Healy, an eligible bachelor, in 1961. Healy came by the Rileys’ home looking for donations for the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the rest was history for the couple, who were married for 30 years before his passing. Today, Riley lives in Pennsylvania and enjoys spending time with her two grandchildren. She has fond memories from her time at the Mount and still loves reminiscing about her Academy days.

Did you know ... The Mount Saint Mary Academy was the first school established by the Dominican Sisters in Newburgh in 1883. In 1927, the high school moved to the present-day Dominican Center and was renamed Greater Mount Saint Mary. Mount Saint Mary Academy closed in 1979. View a gallery of the most recent MSMA reunion at



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Mount Saint Mary College

A Call to Excellence: The Campaign for the Dominican Center

July 2016 – June 2017



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TABLE OF CONTENTS Leadership Giving Clubs ................................ 45 Alumni............................. 48 Parents of Alumni.......... 51 Parents of Students......... 51 Friends............................. 52 Trustees............................ 52 Campus Community..... 52 Matching Gifts................ 52 Businesses........................ 53 Organizations.................. 53 Foundations.................... 53


Living Legacy Society.... 53 Campus Campaigns....... 54 Designated Gifts............. 55 Scholar Honorary Gifts.................................. 56 Athletics........................... 57 Memorial Gifts................ 57 Golf & Tennis Tournament..........................58 Gala Reception................ 59 Volunteers........................ 60

Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends of the Mount,


t is with a deep sense of gratitude that I proudly present the 2016-2017 Honor Roll of Donors. In the following pages, you will find those who are committed to the financial health of the Mount and who believe in paying it forward so that young men and women aspiring to achieve their educational goals at Mount Saint Mary College have the opportunity to do so. The Mount’s motto, “Doce Me Veritatum” (Teach Me the Truth) is reflective of what we feel here on campus. We are all committed to the pursuit of and the sharing of truth and it brings us together as a community. And, like the Dominican Sisters who sacrificed and gave of themselves to ensure that generations of deserving students would have an education based in truth, thousands of members of the greater Mount community have sacrificed and given generously to insure the continuation of that tradition.

During the school year, our donors’ generous gifts have helped the Mount realize some remarkable goals. We have expanded our academic offerings, maintained state of the art facilities, and provided scholarships, all of which help our hard working students of all backgrounds prepare for roles of leadership and service. Because so many members of this community focus on the truths that unite us and on the values that we happily share, we are sending young people into the world who are certain to make us proud with their new skills and knowledge and may even be the future leaders who will unite our divided world. It is for this reason that we can look upon the 2016-2017 Honor Roll of Donors as not only a listing of generous benefactors, but also as a sign of hope and prosperity for the future of the Mount and generations of students to come. For this, I offer our donors the Mount’s sincerest thanks.

Yours in gratitude,

Joe Valenti Vice President for College Advancement



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1959 Society Gifts of $10,000 or more Anonymous Bank of America, N.A. Dougie H. Cash ’10 Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan Dr. Frances P. Connor* Mary Moran Deatherage ’75 & William Deatherage Timothy* and Patricia Dempsey Joan Marie Donahue ’76* Dyson Foundation Jane W. Nuhn Charitable Trust Elise C. McKenna ’81 MSMC Alumni Association Parkhurst Dining Services Jack & Susan Pretak


Leadership GIVING CLUBS July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

Members of Mount Saint Mary College’s Leadership Giving Clubs are instrumental in providing annual resources that make a significant difference in the educational opportunities available to Mount students. These generous donors lead the way each year in supporting the Mount’s educational mission by making funds available for academic programs, scholarships, labs, libraries, and much more.

Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates Elaine G. Squeri ’64 & Ronald W. French Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tallardy III TD Charitable Foundation Eunice Tenney Susan Webster Nee ’89 & John Nee Will & Jada Smith Family Foundation Dominican Society Gifts of $5,000-$10,000 Sr. Margaret Anderson, O.P. ’67 Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. Dominican Sisters of Hope Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 Joan Kaplan ’92 James & Elizabeth Manion Susan Moffo Myklak ’77 Susan D. Najork Orange Bank & Trust Company Sr. Lucy Povilonis, O.P. ’72 Nicholas S. Preddice Rhinebeck Bank Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, O.P. ’72 Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, O.P. ’59 Sr. Madeleine Tacy, O.P. Rose Roscino Talbot ’68 & Maurice Talbot The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association

Aquinas Society Gifts of $2,500-$4,999 John Abernethy Dr. James F. Cotter Enterprise Holdings Foundation Charles & Lynn Frank Orange County District Attorney's Office Janice C. Ruggiero Walden Savings Bank * Deceased H-Honorary Degree

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380 Broadway Corp. Argenio Brothers, Incorporated Armistead Mechanical Sevices, Inc. Edith & Frank Bartolone Barton Chevrolet Cadillac Delia Bellarosa Benevity Community Impact Fund Christina Bart Bilsky ’85 Mary Anne Brickhouse ’67 Harrison H. Buxton III Geraldine Walotsky Cass ’71 Kelly McMahon Cook ’80 Mary Ann Campanella DePeters ’64 Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty ’72 John M. Donoghue, Esq. Marilyn J. Ejercito ’77 Arthur Emerson III Dr. Cecilia Falbe ’71 Mary Ellen Farrell-Taylor ’71 Gayle Fedigan Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Annemarie Berckovits Furphy ’81 Mary E. Gilchrist Sandra ’84 & William Haight James D. Haluska ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hayes Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski Cathleen Howard ’73 Hudson Valley Staff Development Organization Debra Killeen Jaggers ’78 John Herbert Company Laborers Local 17 LECET Dr. William D. Lahar David & Bevalie MacFarland Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott Dr. Ilona M. McGuiness David & Lynn Melby Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union Dr. Mark A. Newcomb Patricia Nocton

Liam O'Brien, Esq. Peter M. & Barbara Olympia, Jr. Peter M. & Edith P. Olympia Charitable Trust Sr. Julie Pintal, O.P.* PKF O'Connor Davies James & Carol Raimo Jean Turner Ritchie ’71 Harry R. Rohme ’72 Lorraine A. Santacroce Eileen McDonald Sassmann ’66 Dr. Elizabeth A. ScannellDesch ’72 Ruth C. ’89 & John H. Smith, Sr. UBS Joseph & Louise Valenti Valenza Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Dr. Alexander von Hafften, Jr. Laurie Walsh ’83 West Point Tours, Inc. YourCause, LLC

President's Club Gifts of $500 to $999 Dr. Andrea Ackermann Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Allegretti Nancy Cuomo Bailey ’72 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Betz Catherine Finck Breitenbach ’73 Kathryn Smith Brenneman ’97 Mary Ellen Henske Bruderman ’74 Elaine Contarino Cannella ’85 Steven P. Capone ’00 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Catania, Sr. Catholic Charities Community Services Patricia Cavanagh ’74 Colleen M. CavanaghBendernagel ’77 Marjorie Indzonka Conly Barbara Connolly Phyllis Schwab Conroy ’69 & James Conroy Edward and Colleen Cooke

Cooper Arias, LLP Greg M. Cooper, CPA JoAnn Fogarty Crinieri Nancy Scannell D'Agostino ’77 Muriel F. Dean Dr. Jorge R. Delgado ’83 Dr. Patrick J. DeLuca* Dominican Sisters of Hope Guzman Community EJA Software Services, Inc. EPCO Products, Inc. Henrietta Ferguson Suzanne Ferrigno ’95 Edward J. Forgit ’87 Dorothy Vance Forte ’72 Annemarie Berckovits Furphy ’81 Susan McEnery Gaetano ’73 Arthur D. Glass II Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Haight Dr. Carl Hoegler John R. Hutton ’03 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Johnson Stephanie Keane Joyce ’88 & Richard P. Joyce ’86 Mary Baus Knight ’88 Lauretta A. Lynn-Merrill ’81 M&T Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maher Richard & Barbara Mainey Sharon Healy Mankiewicz ’09 Dr. Maureen Markel Joan Rhoda Marvel Dr. Ruth Anne Osbourn McCormick ’73 Mary Anne McEnery ’70 J. Joseph & E. Mary McGowan Gerianne Minkus ’96 Natural Science Divsion MSMC Newburgh Rotary Club Dr. Tracey J. Niemotko Sheila Gage Nugent ’68 Anne O'Brien-Teta ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Oury Mary Perry ’78 Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #373 U.A. Georgette Richards ’72

Dean's List Gifts of $250 to $499 Betty Aichelmann ’89 Alexis Diner, Inc. Elizabeth Bowles Angleman ’74 Patricia Hayes Axtmayer ’73 Carole Muller Bean ’86 & Kevin Bean Donald R. Becker, Esq. Nancy Beckett ’80 Rosemary Blank ’77 Theresa Funk Brown ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bruckmann Janina Budziak ’97 Honore' Burtt ’90 Adele Milone Canup ’66 Denise Slabicki Carrington ’74 & Brian Carrington ’75 Dawn Cole Stephanie Collins ’80 Robert J. Conticchio ’87 Olivia Wilson Curtin ’70 Mary D'Acchille Suleski ’84 Susan Daly ’76 Dale Ellen Dammier ’80 Barbara De Nome Paula DiBerardino ’70 Bonnie ’95 & James DiLorenzo, M.D. Thomas J. Dubetsky ’12 Dr. Karen Eberle-McCarthy Mary Ejercito Laura Colamonico Fanzilli ’73 Janie Favoino ’72 Rachel Ruotolo Fitzgibbons ’72 Gail H. Fogarty ’97 Joseph P. Fogarty ’76 Dr. Lawrence T. Force James P. Fragnito ’93 Lisa Gallina-Alvarez William R. Gedgard Cathy F. Gohring, M.D. ’83 Barbara Currier Gregory ’73 Patricia McCarthy Grella ’74 Mysia H. Haight-Hoogsteden ’84 & Henry Hoogsteden Jane Harkinson ’69 Judith Ringwood Henderson ’66 & Gary Henderson Ruth Hill ’83 Janet A. Horan ’05 Dr. Gerardine JohnsonCarpenter ’73 Mary Ann Kadera Klicka ’74 Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Kessler CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner & Bernard Kistner


Warwick Savings Foundation

Trustees Club Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499

Joyce Salg ’64 Holly Knerr Schwartz ’92 & Dr. Paul D.Schwartz Dr. Frances Spielhagen St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital Diane Pignataro Statler ’77 Miryam Stewart ’74 Catherine Greene Tegtmeier ’88 Moira & Frank Tolan Mr. & Mrs. James J. Walsh Joan M. Weiss Lee & Joyce Zawistowski


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Edward & Cornelia Gallagher Rosemary B. Gallogly Joan & George Gambeski

Joyce Kusmierski ’73

Eileen P. Lambert ’73 Kathleen McGovern Larson ’75 Maureen Thompson Lawrence ’70 Mary Ellen Leimer ’77

Jane M. Gangi Betty L. Gaudette ’01

Claudia Chornoma Lamelza ’71

Jacqueline Merz Gerace Melody Kramer Geroux ’91 & Greg Gerooux ’90 Regina M. Gibson ’00

Louise Machowicz Lang ’71

Linda Linenbroker ’95 Nancy Madden ’71 Nancy & Thomas Mahar Nancy E. Mazza ’99 Anne Smith McGillin ’82 Kelly Mcintyre ’98 Laurene Genhart McKenna ’64 Beverly McDermott Mennerich ’69 & Kenneth Mennerich

Joan Forster Comstock ’70

Grantley D. Yearwood

Gerald V. Conlon, Jr. ’94

Dr. Charles M. Zola

Mary Lois Connell ’67

Century Club Gifts of $100 to $249

Susan DeMarco Conner ’74 Michele Gallo Cook ’73

Sonya Abbye Taylor

Patricia Cooney ’68

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ackerman

Debra Cortland

Affron Fuel Oil, Inc.

Doriene Council

Gail Petty Albohn ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Alioto Bobbie M. Allen ’67 Patricia Ege Anderson ’72

Jeffrey Cortland Sean T. Creighton ’92 Cathy and Jim Sharpe Anne Marie Begnal Cullinan ’73

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Antoni

Mary Ellen Miller Cunningham ’71

Teresa Santarelli Arluck ’77

David G. Curry

Veronica Hall Barnhart ’73

Susan Nooney Dagenais ’72

Cheryl Schnitzel Barnum ’91

Arlene L. Dahm

Sr. Margaret Murphy, O.P.

Jill Barton ’09

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Daniels

Dr. Ann Marie Pennes Murray ’70

Margaret M. Bauman ’70

Susan D'Auria

Suzanne R. Muschio

Debora Bausenwein ’92 Joan Reynolds Baynes ’77

Maryann ’78 & Richard Davidson

Mid-Hudson Chapter of NYS Society of CPA's Patricia Morrison ’76 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Murphy

Nonprofit Solutions


William A. Smith & Son, Inc.

Christine De Magistris Nunn ’73 Dr. Irene & Mr. Joseph Nunnari Ellen O'Brien O'Connor ’73 & Joseph O'Connor ’73 Elaine Moore O'Grady ’89 & Andrew O'Grady ’88 Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe Orange County Chamber of Commerce Camille Parisi ’86 Anthony J. Patino ’97 Susan M. Perkins ’99 Barbara Petruzzelli

Stephanie A. Beals ’07 Bechtel Group Foundation Kathleen Carey Behringer ’67 Pam McGinley Berger ’69 Monica Sitko Bishop ’81 & James Bishop ’81 Mr. & Mrs. James Blatchley Tara M. Bohan ’98 Claire McGovern Boland ’73 Eugenia M. Adams Bolton ’69 Theresa Mantelli Bommarito ’77 Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. ’65 Patricia Delahunty Bookless ’78

Diane Davis ’67 Elizabeth Gulino De Soye ’90 & Thomas DeSoye ’90 Lynette Scianna DeBellis ’85 Sr. Leona DeBoer, O.P. Patricia Junger Dederick ’72 Constance Deho ’84 Mr. & Mrs. G. Thomas Delahunty James J. DelViscio ’92 Lisa M. Devlin ’02 Allan D. Diamonti ’96 Mary Ann Dickinson ’81

Andrea Palumbo Boroczky ’04

Donna Bonnanzio Distefano ’78

Ellen Bourhis Nolan ’11

Mary Ellen Gregory Diver ’78

Margaret M. Quinn ’81

Ann Marie Boyle ’67

Charles N. Dofflemeyer ’76

Anne Wolff Rich ’71 & John Rich

Shirley Roberts Brereton ’06

Susan Flynn Donaldson ’68

Debra Pakula Brewer Barr ’90

Sharon Jones Dorrian ’71

Jeannine P. Rogers

Regina Coddington Brewer ’84

C. Bernadette Doupona ’73

Diane Rubeo ’79

Eileen McElhill Brucia ’73

Jennifer Hartling Dube ’94

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sahakian

Bridget Dwyer Bruno ’78

Clare Hirz Dunn ’66

Sr. Ann Sakac, O.P.

Carla Bunch-Davie ’80

Catherine M. Dwan

Karen L. Saluto ’02

George E. Burke ’84

Lisa Caporaso Dyke ’79

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sapienza

Margaret Bowles Burns ’75

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dziuba

Dr. Thomas J. Sarro

Deborah Wawrzynski Butler ’85

Susan McPeck Eagan ’74

Maria D. Sasso ’70

Rosemarie Martini Butler ’75

Donna Elliot ’88

Dr. Susan Schulmerich

Joan Murphy Cacchio

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Escudero

Schwab Charitable

Debra Santora Calvino ’81

Norma Perez Evans

Dr. Deborah Shanley ’73

Susanne Devine Campbell ’75

Karen Maruca Shea ’78

Linda M. Cantwell

Mr. & Mrs. Clifford D. Ferguson, Jr.

Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc.

Michael L. Caputo ’07

Kathryn Ferrusi ’97 Stacie McMahon Ferry ’84

Glenn Simpson ’94

Peggy Ann CaraballoMcCarthy ’89

Maureen Finnegan-Kussard ’75

Dr. Marie-Therese C. Sulit

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carlson

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Fitch

Susan Perkins NP

Victoria Caruana

Maria Serino Fitzgerald ’71

T. Rowe Price Program

Mr. & Mrs. John Catalano

Agnes Montalvo Timberger ’80

Jeremy Catania

Mary Ann Kennedy Fitzpatrick ’64

Sibylle ’67 & Nicholas Tulve

Margaret Lehane Cerbone ’96

Dr. Robert M. Walasin

Linda Settoducato Christy ’73

Margaret Conlon Walczak ’68

Dana Cohen

Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign

Catharine Martone Powzyk ’75 Lynn Bertholf Priebe ’69

George & Ann Whalen


Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gloeckler Beth Glynn ’91 Rose Gonzalez ’80

Margaret H. Lamb Steven A. LaMoy ’75 The Very Reverend John A. Langlois, O.P. Kristi Reeve Larson ’00 & Peter J. Larson ’00 Scott M. Lask Anne Leclercq Gerianne McCabe Lehane ’83 Frederick S. Leimer ’99

Katheryn Goodrich ’08 Hyacinth H. Gordon ’98

Ellen Leuner ’94

Thomas W. Gordon ’12 Kevin ’94 and Mary Gould Lynne Grates ’87

Sharon Reap Longobardi ’74

Danielle M. Greco ’98 Lou Ann Gregory

Maureen McLaughlin Lucia ’71

Mr. & Mrs. James Grimes Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. Michele Calabrese Gusciora ’67

Nona Lynch ’70

Adelfa Gutierrez ’71 Lynn Ann Cianciolo Hajducky ’73 James R. Halpin & Joan J. Sommers-Halpin Anna Halpine

Joan Macey ’65

Catherine Powers Halwick ’89 Karen Harris ’87 Maryann Conway Harris ’71 Denise Haviland ’72 Frances Pampinella Hawthorne ’68 Timothy F. Heil ’78 Mr. & Mrs. Burton Heldron Karen Heron ’81 Diane Herrick Dofflemeyer ’76 Kelvin C. Hill ’92 Lorraine Sylvester Hinchey ’72 Anne Bulson Hoffman ’81 Patricia Hopper-Doetsch ’69 Vilma P. Howell Nancy Hoyt ’82 Michelle Iacuessa ’94 Carol-Ann Roberts Indiveri Linda Thompson Jannarone ’83 Lynne Sherrer Jergensen ’67 LTC & Mrs. Gerald R. Jilbert Ellen Byrne Jimenez ’74 Ana Conklin Johnsen ’88 Edward Johnston Deborah Newell Jorrey ’73 Susan Russo Kelliher ’79 Dr. Martha Kelly ’72 Theresa Shalley Kempf ’85

Mary O'Connell Lewis ’82 Christine Lowndes ’72 Teresa Cirelli Lucente ’83 John J. Lynch ’84 M&T Bank Ann T. MacDermott-Keefe ’81 Dr. Lynn Maelia Thomas M. Maguire ’02 Patricia Coyne Mahon ’86 Marilyn Maisonet ’69 Philip P. Malinovsky Alvin Mann ’16 Carol Marris ’75 Eleanor Martinson ’70 Joan Rhoda Marvel Doraine Mason Victoria Krawiec Mastrantuono ’92 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Matteis, Jr. Dr. Pauline M. Mayr ’76 A. Vincent Mazzie Tammy McAllister ’95 Ellen Thompson McCabe ’68 Sr. Philomena M. McCartney, O.P. ’68 Kathleen Bosch McCoy ’88 Eileen Gaffney McDowell ’90 Deborah Steadman McGaugh ’78 Kathleen M. McGuinness ’69 Margaret McIntyre ’72 Maureen McLoughlin ’78 Dr. Lynda McMasterSchuyler ’74 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McNamee Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Meaney MaryKay Hollenbeck Messenger ’88 Katherine M. Miller ’99 Catherine Popovics Misiaszek ’72

Phyllis Hayton Forde ’67

Catherine Brosnan Kennedy ’70 Maureen McGeever Kenney ’83 & Kevin Kenney Francis C. Kiley Jeanette Clarke Kluckowski ’83 Sr. Ann Jerome Kociolek, O.P. ’70

Frances Fremgen-Biancardi

KPMG Foundation, Inc.

Richard S. Morgan

Rex S. Coleman ’04

Paul O. Fritz ’10

Sheila Costa Moriello

Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Colombo

Elizabeth M. Gadbois

Jennifer Senatore Kurtz ’15 Helen Kuruc Rosemary McAndrew Kuruc ’77


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Sue Crosby Gillen ’66 Teresa Gillen ’75

L.J.C. Janitorial Distributors

Meaghen E. Flanagan-Leidig ’81

Brenda L. Fry Underhill ’84

Salvatore A. Mondello ’00 Robert D. Morales ’92 Marilyn Moran Neil Moreno

MSMC Athletics Marianne L. Muise ’99 * Deceased

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ANNUAL FUND – GIVING CLUBS Patricia Murray ’66

Susan Peck ’75

Maureen Ryan ’79

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sowa

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Trutt

Nancy Waite's Hair Salon

Mary Castiello Peduzzi ’67

Dr. Susan Ryan ’76

Joseph P. Spano ’77

Lucille Duff Tyer

Patricia Debertolis Napolitano ’93

Mary Ralph Perdue ’83

Judith Saleh ’79

Helene Dombroski Stagliano

John E. Perez

Nancy Salerno

Ellen Weber Staino ’73

Timothy ’01 & Brenda ’84 Underhill

Catherine Vensel Pettit ’76

Dianne Watson Salvemini ’72

Christine Lalonde Stammer ’72

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Phillips

Mari Clarke Santoro ’69

Katherine O'Keefe Stanley ’74

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Piwowarczyk

Patricia Sauer ’75

Hope Stephanou ’74

Margaret A. Venable ’02

Margaret Scalzo ’94

Mildred Vialez

Jean Ponton ’75

Sandra Racette Schellhorn ’81

Janet Larkin Stivers ’74 & M. Daniel Stivers ’74

Ellen Murphy Porter ’71

Mary Ann McGovern Schetter

Maureen Whalen Stotland ’70

Matthew G. Walker

Colleen Bonner Postel ’80

Kathleen Kearns Schmid ’71

Kathleen Fogarty Stradar

Dr. Karen Marinelli Wallis ’77

Donna Platz Schmidt ’92

Ann Breheny Strauss ’72

Patrick J. Ward ’97

Michael C. Schmidt ’92

Lisa A. Summers-Gibson

Katherine Ballas Warner ’96 Helen Weber ’75

Judith Ulaubick Navetta ’73 Janet A. Nelson Nickerson ’80 Maureen Kilpatrick Neppl ’71 & Deacon Thomas Neppl Susan-Jane Ambrose Newcomb ’73 Marta Newkirk ’82 Dr. Roger Newman Mary Ann Hoff Nichelini ’68 Joan Bernard Nishina ’68

The Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel Margaret Poyatt ’64

Timothy J. Van Damm ’99 Denise Doring VanBuren ’97

Susan A. Voge

Virginia Nodhturft ’72

Anna Gadler Pratt ’76

C. Jamie Sisco Scott ’73

Susan M. Surratt

Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. O'Donnell

Nancy Quackenbush McComb ’03

Matthew Scully ’98

Carl A. Syslo ’92

Karen Whitbread Weckman ’73

Mr. & Mrs. Graham C. Seidel

Patricia Travers Takach ’79

Deborah Daly Weisel ’85

Robert Quinlan

Mary Lou Sgro ’77

Patricia Taylor ’81

Diane Weldon ’86

Dr. Richard C. Reed ’77

Nancy ’07 & Mark Shortle

Regina Taylor ’97

Mark V. Wicher ’98

Dr. Joseph A. Reilly

Barbara Kramer Shortt ’82

Kelvin T. Thomas ’82

Frances Arnold Wirth ’83

Pamela DeRose Reilly

Carol Parker Shufelt ’74

Sondra Thompson ’83

Dr. Peter M. Witkowsky, Ph.D.

Nancy S. Owen

Patricia Bracken Reinhart ’72

Glenn Simpson ’94

Karen Tice

Arlene Rustmann Witman ’66

Dr. Barry & Deborah ’81 Pariser

Margaret Longto Retta ’67

Jennifer M. Smalley ’87

Joan Kennedy Tolley ’67

Susan Wynne ’73

Kristine Pullen Pascuma ’10

RH Campbell Inc.

Marian Wehrle Smith ’69

Barbara Trent ’81

Terry Rundle Zaccheo ’81

Joan ’70 & Joseph Patino

Kristen Roberts ’06

Sheila Stack Solernou ’81

Gary P. Trible

Mr. & Mrs. John Zanfardino

Peggy-Ann O'Neill Patsalos

Kristy Spadaro Rubin ’00

Suzanne Windsor Soltysik ’89

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Troy

Janet & Joseph Zeman

Brenda Rivera Olson ’86 Genevieve A. O'Mara ’00 Sean D. O'Shea ’87 Deborah Spire Otlowski ’76 & Steven Otlowski ’74

* Deceased H-Honorary Degree

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Class of 1957 Mary Blaney Murachanian Class of 1964 Donna Degrandis Barry Mary Ann Campanella DePeters Mary Ann Kennedy Fitzpatrick Laurene Genhart McKenna Dr. Virginia A. Merold Margaret Poyatt Joyce Salg Elaine G. Squeri


Class of 1965 Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. Joan G. Macey Rita Mare-Hasselbacher Patricia McCaffery Buck Janet Gorman Pelletier Sr. Mary Schneiders, O.P. Carol A. Strack Class of 1966 Jean Manning Calogerakis Adele Milone Canup Marcia R. Chartoff Sr. Maureen J. Chicoine, R.S.C.J. Sr. Bernadette Connor, O.P. Sr. Margaret A. Devlin, O.P. Susan Castiglia Dunlap Clare Hirz Dunn Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. Ann Gallagher Falkenberry Sue Crosby Gillen Judith Ringwood Henderson M. Jayne Jarvis Henninger Patricia A. Murray Eileen McDonald Sassmann Sr. Mary A. Schmittauer, O.P. Margaret Phelps Simms Jeanne McCarthy Tallent Sr. Mary E. Troy, P.B.V.M Arlene Rustmann Witman Class of 1967 Bobbie Lancaster Allen Sr. Margaret Anderson, O.P. Kathleen Carey Behringer Mary Ann Lyons Bloom Ann Marie Boyle Mary Anne Brickhouse Mary Lois Connell Sr. Maureen Cooper, O.P. Diane C. Davis Frances Lynch Empie Sr. Nancy Erts, O.P. Phyllis Hayton Forde Michele Calabrese Gusciora Lynne Sherrer Jergensen Mary O'Meara Maguire Sr. Eileen Matthews, P.B.V.M. Janet Seaman McCauley Sr. Mary Ella Morrison, O.P. Sr. Arlene Oswald, O.P. Mary Castiello Peduzzi Maryanne Raynor Margaret Longto Retta Margaret Blot Sedlmeir Kathleen Reineke Steenrod Joan Kennedy Tolley Sibylle M. Tulve


Honor Roll of Donors

July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Betty VanLeeuwen Class of 1968 Sr. Mary Ann Cirillo, O.P. Patricia Cooney Catherine Rogers Crow Susan Flynn Donaldson Diana McNamara Fox Frances Pampinella Hawthorne Maureen T. Hoskins Janet Looney Kolano Ellen Thompson McCabe Sr. Philomena M. McCartney, O.P. Beverly Mc Dermott Mennerich Mary Ann Hoff Nichelini Joan Bernard Nishina Sheila Gage Nugent Susan Kearney Olsen Virginia Chambers Smith Rose Roscino Talbot Angelica Diakopoulos Vergados Margaret Conlon Walczak Class of 1969 Gail Petty Albohn Pam McGinley Berger Eugenia M. Adams Bolton Catherine J. Breitenbach Phyllis Schwab Conroy Helen Steller Foehrenbach Jane A. Harkinson Rita Jones Heater Margaret Herbert Patricia Hopper-Doetsch Joan E. Lanigan Marilyn K. Maisonet Sally A. McDonnell Kathleen Thomsen McGuinness Celia Mascioli Mooney Dr. Rosemary Shea O'Connor Lynn Bertholf Priebe Kathleen O'Brien Ricker Mari Clarke Santoro Marian Wehrle Smith Class of 1970 Margaret M. Bauman Joan Forster Comstock Olivia Wilson Curtin Paula DiBerardino Rita B. Farese Susan Burbach Fitzgerald Margaret Gardner Sr. Jo-Ann Iannotti, O.P. Catherine Brosnan Kennedy Sr. Ann Jerome Kociolek, O.P. Maureen Thompson Lawrence


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Patricia Marro Lukaczyn Nona S. Lynch Kathleen Costello Magee Eleanor L. Martinson Mary Anne McEnery Dr. Ann Marie Pennes Murray Joan Mc Clurg Patino Ellen Dwyer Rosano Maria D. Sasso Joan Allegrini Schmidt Doris C. Smith Ellen J. Stafford Maureen Whalen Stotland Theresa A. Zappone Class of 1971 Mary Alice Steffanci Barna Karen Bonavita Bodie Sr. Danielle Bonetti, C.S.J. Sr. Joan Boyle, O.P. Judith Woll Callan Geraldine Walotsky Cass Marie Looser Cavanaugh Kathleen Crawford Mary Ellen Miller Cunningham Sharon Jones Dorrian Dr. Cecilia M. Falbe Mary Ellen Farrell-Taylor Maria Serino Fitzgerald Adelfa Gutierrez James D. Haluska Maryann Conway Harris Dolores Molinaro Hayowyk Hattie B. Henry Natalie DiDomenico Karl Paula O'Bryon Kordich Claudia Chornoma Lamelza Louise Machowicz Lang Deborah Mayo Lazarus Maureen McLaughlin Lucia Nancy J. Madden Maureen Kilpatrick Neppl Anne O'Brien-Teta Ellen Murphy Porter Barbara Hampton Reuschle Anne Wolff Rich Jean Turner Ritchie Dolores Ruocco Kathleen Kearns Schmid Mary Sheeran Sherwood Rosanne Iorio Stockhofer Margaret M. Walsh Class of 1972 Julie Van Vliet Amodeo Patricia Ege Anderson Kathleen Appler Nancy Cuomo Bailey Leda Woznick Carmody

Ellen M. Coonerty Susan Nooney Dagenais Patricia Junger Dederick Regina K. Derico Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty Kathleen Murphy Donahue Janie L. Favoino Linda Fichera Rachel Ruotolo Fitzgibbons Dorothy Vance Forte Denise Enright Fulham Denise E. Haviland Lorraine Sylvester Hinchey Marcia Martone Jones Mary Ann LoSasso Joyce Dr. Martha Kelly Patricia Gamble Kelly Christine T. Lowndes Sr. Janet T. Marchesani, O.P. Margaret B. McIntyre Catherine Popovics Misiaszek Virginia Nodhturft Mary Ryan Pfau Patricia Bracken Reinhart Georgette M. Richards Geraldine M. Rockett Harry R. Rohme Dianne Watson Salvemini Dr. Elizabeth Scannell-Desch Christine Lalonde Stammer Ann Breheny Strauss Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, O.P. Georgia Lyons Verven Class of 1973 Sr. Patricia A. Anastasio, P.B.V.M. Patricia Hayes Axtmayer Veronica Hall Barnhart Claire McGovern Boland Catherine Finck Breitenbach Eileen McElhill Brucia Linda Settoducato Christy Michele Gallo Cook Anne Marie Begnal Cullinan Johanna De Maria Mary Ann De Souter Eileen McDermott Donahue Joanne O'Brien Doughty C. Bernadette Conlon Doupona Laura Colamonico Fanzilli De Lourde Foscato Susan McEnery Gaetano Barbara Currier Gregory Lynn Ann Cianciolo Hajducky Cathleen M. Howard Dr. Gerardine JohnsonCarpenter

Deborah Newell Jorrey Joyce A. Kusmierski Eileen P. Lambert Donna Warnock Lloyd Kathleen F. Mazzarelli Dr. Ruth Anne Osbourn McCormick Marilyn O'Connell McGarry Mary Devine McGrath Gail Evans McTamaney Kathleen Hand Murin Judith Ulaubick Navetta Carol Sorg Neumann Susan-Jane Ambrose Newcomb Christine De Magistris Nunn Ellen O'Brien O'Connor Dr. Joseph O. O'Connor Charlene Stevens Pasquale Shirley Best Rayford Mary Beth Christensen Reising C. Jamie Sisco Scott Dr. Deborah Shanley Ellen Weber Staino Wendie Filip Turbet Karen Whitbread Weckman Susan P. Wynne Class of 1974 Elizabeth Bowles Angleman Mary Ellen Henske Bruderman Denise Slabicki Carrington Patricia A. Cavanagh Susan DeMarco Conner Denise Renton Davignon Susan McPeck Eagan Patricia McCarthy Grella Ellen Byrne Jimenez Nancy Godbout Jurka Mary Ann Kadera Klicka Bronwen Jones Lewin Sharon Reap Longobardi Linda D. Mangan Dr. Lynda McMaster-Schuyler Steven T. Otlowski Toni Hufnagel Ponczkowski Robert V. Raszcewski Patricia A. Russell Carol Parker Shufelt Katherine O'Keefe Stanley Hope E. Stephanou Miryam L. Stewart Janet Larkin Stivers M. Daniel Stivers Susan Havens Trapani Elaine Keyser Whitaker Class of 1975 Margaret Armento-McDowell Judy Liguori Biagini Elizabeth McDonald Bishop Theodora R. Bosch Margaret Bowles Burns Rosemarie Martini Butler Susanne Devine Campbell Brian L. Carrington Maria Boychuk Cassiack Patricia Rohme De Leo Mary Moran Deatherage Karen A. DeCrosta Susan P. Dexter Maureen Finnegan-Kussard Carlotta Gruber Garabedian Teresa M. Gillen Anne Tompkins Jarnagan * Deceased

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ANNUAL FUND – ALUMNI Lynda Durbak Jutton Steven A. LaMoy Kathleen McGovern Larson Mary McPhillips Mahoney Carol A. Marris Camille J. Moriello Kathleen Quilty Neuffer Suzanne Auer O'Rourke Susan A. Peck Jean Ponton Lisa A. Poplawski Catharine Martone Powzyk Maureen Mullarkey Pulice Linda Bushek Remolino Patricia A. Sauer Linda Fagan Squires Barbara Stevens Nancy Rust Sutherland Helen I. Weber

Class of 1977 Teresa Santarelli Arluck Diane M. Assefi Teresa Ferrante Balicki Joan Reynolds Baynes Rosemary E. Blank Theresa Mantelli Bommarito Colleen M. CavanaghBendernagel Susan Penoyar Chernek Margaret Meyer Clarke John G. Cornell Nancy Scannell D'Agostino Marianne Lynch Dupont Deborah Powdrell Dutcher Marilyn J. Ejercito Joan Fenton Henry Mary Ann Gasko Anna Marie Hayes Kennedy Judith Mallette Kluz Rosemary McAndrew Kuruc Mary Ellen Vandervort Leimer Barbara Dudar Littell Susan Moffo Myklak * Deceased

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Class of 1978 Regina Hosey Adducci Patricia Delahunty Bookless Bridget Dwyer Bruno Josie Cannova Citta Medie Ann Close Maryann Belus Davidson Donna Bonnanzio Distefano Mary Ellen Gregory Diver Sharon A. Harris Timothy F. Heil Debra Killeen Jaggers Susan Williamson Marian Gretchen Greenwood McCann Jacqueline Newman McConnell Deborah Steadman McGaugh Maureen T. McLoughlin Mary L. Perry Lorelei Linger Pitt Mary Ellen Lewicki Plass Margaret M. Prescott Karen Maruca Shea Class of 1979 Ellen Durning Barreto Blen Lehigh Darrah Lisa Caporaso Dyke John K. Fanning Danette Cyr Guertin Mary Susan Hendricks Beth-Ann Moriarty Janis Christine Catania Johnston Susan Russo Kelliher Betty Schleinitz Klein Roxanne Bauer Miller Diane M. Rubeo Maureen A. Ryan Judith A. Saleh Ellen M. Sawicki Elaine Maurici Snider Marie F. Sossi Patricia Travers Takach Virginia E. Thompson Catherine Martin Van Bomel Mary Skerritt Winar Class of 1980 Nancy G. Beckett Bernadette Daly Bompensiero Carla Bunch-Davie Adele Maciocia Carey Stephanie S. Collins Kelly McMahon Cook Paula Morreale Curtis Dale Ellen Dammier Joseph J. DiCioccio Maureen E. Elliott-Stuckey Joyce V. Garrett Linda Kastenbein Giarrizzo Rose I. Gonzalez Caren Cooke Henderson Joanne Hanretta Henderson Lisa LaRotonda LaFalce

Christine Macy Feroli Victoria A. Maute Joanne O'Reilly Mohan Janet A. Nelson Nickerson Amy Roitz Newcomer Dr. Kathleen A. O'Brien Therese Licata Paff Deborah R. Pariser Colleen Bonner Postel Brenda A. Shurtleff Antoinette Owczarek Sobel Denise M. Stote Agnes Montalvo Timberger Sharon Di Genio Wulftange Class of 1981 James V. Bishop Monica Sitko Bishop Ruth Sheridan Bolger Mary Mohn Brantley June Orr Burgess Debra Santora Calvino Anne Ferrara Chiapetta William T. Corrigan Dorothy E. Davidson Rosemary Dellechiaie Mary Ann M. Dickinson Virginia Glass Elarde Meaghen Flanagan-Leidig Annemarie Berckovits Furphy Mary Boyle Haas Karen M. Heron Anne Bulson Hoffman Barbara L. Hultgren Patricia Kearney Lentini Anne E. Lovallo Lauretta A. Lynn-Merrill Ann MacDermott-Keefe Cheryl Clarke Margiotta Elise C. McKenna Kate J. Novak Christine A. O'Shea Margaret M. Quinn Sandra Racette Schellhorn Sheila Stack Solernou Mary M. Sullivan Patricia C. Taylor Barbara B. Trent Donna Bills Yancey Terry Rundle Zaccheo Donna Halligan Zaino Class of 1982 Susan E. Bach Kathleen Stack Burns Kathleen Levinson Eden Dr. Mary Ann Vaccarella Fiscella Roberta D. Fiser Jean Marie Olson Fortunato Dr. Michael J. Fraser Michele Laporta Freeman Karen M. Goepfrich Patricia Glebocki Hillman Nancy L. Hoyt Camille Murphy Kennedy Judith E. Lesiak Mary O'Connell Lewis Anne Smith McGillin Marta A. Newkirk Paula Parisi Peaden

Class of 1983 Sharon Hallisey Bigelow Sue Ann Butwell Brainard Elizabeth Seranne Brittman Theresa A. Casey Dr. Jorge R. Delgado Kathleen Pawlak DiLella Mary Ellen Gillis Forde Cathy F. Gohring, M.D. Carriann Grexa-Allen Robert W. Hart Ruth E. Hill Linda Thompson Jannarone Maureen McGeever Kenney Jeanette Clarke Kluckowski Marie DiPrima Kochek Margaret Dalton Koonz Gerianne McCabe Lehane Teresa Cirelli Lucente Rose De Cicco Martino Jill Schoonmaker McCormick Christine Becker Miller Rowena Lopez Mock Mary Ralph Perdue Kathleen Hart Surman Maureen Slattery Terwilliger Sondra L. Thompson Margaret Schaefer Tighe Laurie A. Walsh Frances Arnold Wirth Class of 1984 Regina Coddington Brewer George E. Burke Lydia Cohane-Klinger Georgette Bowers Curcio Mary D'Acchille Suleski Constance M. Deho Stacie McMahon Ferry Brenda Fry Underhill Nancy Bianco Garo Michael Giannakouros Eileen Mathews Giordano Sandra M. Haight Mysia H. Haight-Hoogsteden Teresa Pagentine Hall Brenda Banks Hicks Julia Martin Holland Tina Yurchuk Kelso John J. Lynch Lori Reilly Mead Kathleen Stuhler Reilly Marianne Decker Weaver Class of 1985 Christina Bart Bilsky Deborah Wawrzynski Butler Michael J. Caligiuri Elaine Contarino Cannella Lynette Scianna DeBellis Kathleen Atwell Kalmer RiAnne Williams Keir Theresa Shalley Kempf Elise A. Mamone Maura Hall Martin

Carol A. Napierski Mary Ellen Randazzo Pembleton Adair E. Santoro Karen M. Schiaffo Deborah Daly Weisel Class of 1986 Carole Muller Bean Vicki Mancuso Griffin Richard P. Joyce Patricia Coyne Mahon Elizabeth R. Mills Brenda Rivera Olson Camille M. Parisi Vincent J. Santacroce Diane M. Weldon Class of 1987 Debra Clark Beakes Suzanne O'Rourke Chansky Robert J. Conticchio Edward J. Forgit Lynne M. Grates Karen A. Harris Kathleen Mohrman Markisello Sean D. O'Shea Jennifer M. Smalley Patricia Leigh Stanek Class of 1988 Nina Amendola-Polistena Kevin J. Burgher Theresa Collins Canfield Tracy Wolff Crawford Donna A. Elliot Gail Engle Hammond Ana Conklin Johnsen Stephanie Keane Joyce Kelly Bolognese Kemp Mary Baus Knight Kathleen Bosch McCoy Elna A. Meader MaryKay Hollenbeck Messenger Robert J. Munger Andrew D. O'Grady Mary K. Scott Catherine Greene Tegtmeier


Class of 1976 Theresa Funk Brown Susan Daly Virginia Dauler-Phinney Charles N. Dofflemeyer Joan Marie Donahue* Nancy D. Faust Joseph P. Fogarty Donna Hirsch Forsythe Kathleen Quane Grandjean Diane Herrick Dofflemeyer Jane Madden Hess Mary Ann Kronner-Carroll Susan Zak Litz Dr. Pauline M. Mayr Rev. Thomas G. McCormick Patricia T. Morrison Patricia Lord Murphy Deborah Spire Otlowski Catherine Vensel Pettit Anna Gadler Pratt Dr. Susan M. Ryan Geraldine Barden Sprague Kathryn Downey Stevener Melissa Sullivan Elizabeth Riggins Vegliando

Phyllis Nasta Neidish Judy Robinson Owens Dr. Richard C. Reed Elvira Scotto-Padavano Mary Lou T. Sgro Joseph P. Spano Diane Pignataro Statler Dr. Karen Marinelli Wallis

Karen Capellini Petrosino Margaret M. Prial Charlene H. Riach Harriet Gall Rowlette Leona Gilleo Santacroce Barbara Kramer Shortt Kelvin T. Thomas Ann-Marie Walker Theresa Martino White

Class of 1989 Betty L. Aichelmann Peggy Ann CaraballoMcCarthy Donna Sipos Cox Catherine Powers Halwick Elaine Moore O'Grady Sandilyn Sherman Rivet Ruth C. Smith Suzanne Windsor Soltysik Cheryl Lantz Steiger Susan Webster Nee Class of 1990 Debra Pakula Brewer Barr Honore' M. Burtt Elizabeth Gulino De Soye Thomas J. De Soye Bernice DeFina-Mastoros James W. Ferguson Greg M. Geroux Bonnie L. Helmsorig Pamela R. McCourt Eileen Gaffney McDowell Erika Eckes Palmer Robert J. Stenber


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Class of 1991 Cheryl Schnitzel Barnum Melody Kramer Geroux Beth A. Glynn Kathryn Hogan-Tarpey Ronald A. Irwin Maryellen Fraser Lopreato Catherine Higgins McElligott Linda U. O'Dowd Joy Sciacca Palazzola Jean M. Pomarico Daniel Sullivan Class of 1992 Frank A. Antonucci Valerie Warren Barnes Debora J. Bausenwein Sean T. Creighton James J. DelViscio Kathleen S. Fogarty Kelvin C. Hill Joan P. Kaplan John G. Karounos Jeanne Nogay Maltes Victoria Krawiec Mastrantuono Kathleen M. McCabe Robert D. Morales Laura Musial-Cilento Audra Dunbar Sandoval Donna Platz Schmidt Michael C. Schmidt Holly Knerr Schwartz Susan Ambrosino Smith Carl A. Syslo Class of 1993 Amy W. Cassidy Loretta O. Cella Holly Stabile Ciferri Connie Eichhorn Craven Stacey Demirjean Finn James P. Fragnito Linda L. Hulse Jean A. Laroe Patricia Debertolis Napolitano Jean Burnette Pozza Francis L. Rich Carrie Green Shustack Robert S. Slutsky Class of 1994 Carol O'Keefe Brown Gerald V. Conlon, Jr. Michele M. Corona Jennifer Hartling Dube Shane Melcher Goldberg Kevin J. Gould Edward W. Hanley Michelle A. Iacuessa Tiffany Loprete Ingram Andrea Boss Jarvis Ellen D. Leuner Barbara E. Lisi Lisa A. Morris Margaret M. Scalzo Glenn Simpson Patricia M. Steel Class of 1995 Donald L. Allen Joanne S. Bunnell William Castaldi


Bonnie DiLorenzo Christopher X. Dougherty Suzanne F. Ferrigno Patricia L. Gloeckler Allen E. Jacobsen Karen Welenc Kenney Michael J. King Ira J. Kroun Linda S. Linenbroker Marie Brunhuber Lucas Kimberlee Soma Mahusky Tammy A. McAllister Marco E. Torelli Class of 1996 Margaret Lehane Cerbone Colleen Mazza Davy Allan D. Diamonti Margaret E. Dillon Michael B. Igo Maura M. Lee-Byrne Andre P. Loubier Danielle Criscione Micallef Gerianne M. Minkus Teneke Smith Morales-Ricketts Katherine Ballas Warner Class of 1997 Kathryn Smith Brenneman Celeste M. Brooks Janina U. Budziak Carrie Mennerich Burns R. Gail Caldwell David Campanaro Margaret M. Castelli Kathryn A. Ferrusi Michael A. Fichera Gail H. Fogarty Susan L. Hall Ann Loatman Herr Margarita Rios Knight Christopher M. Knittel Jase H. Merrill Courtney Cook Molinaro Helen Murphy-Campbell Anthony J. Patino Marisol Ray Darlene T. Salamone Kathryn H. Shekitka Regina M. Taylor Denise D. VanBuren Patrick J. Ward David Weyant Class of 1998 Tara M. Bohan Suzanne Callaghan Gail Pike Eastman Leona N. Faust Hyacinth H. Gordon Danielle M. Greco Kristin E. Haas Ronald E. Harley Michele Bernstein Holler Kelly Mcintyre Denise J. Monteforte Matthew Scully Theresa S. Strack Mark V. Wicher Class of 1999 Thomas J. Burns, Jr.


WINTER 2017-18 06HONORROLL.indd 50

Mary Lynn Conklin Amanda Runnalls Daly James W. Dennis Rita Estrada-Flood Mark M. Gamarra Frederick S. Leimer Angela DeSanty Mass Nancy E. Mazza Andrea Shramek Merrill Katherine M. Miller Marianne L. Muise Sharon White Oliva Susan M. Perkins Joseph Porvaznik Myra Riles Quinn Patrick J. Quinn Alicia Ramos Erin M. Sheedy Timothy J. Van Damm Tobey L. Zodikoff Class of 2000 Andrew M. Bier Steven P. Capone Regina M. Gibson Patricia L. Holumzer Kristi Reeve Larson Peter J. Larson Billy Lee Sebastian Loscerbo Jennifer Savino Macartney Ami Rebers Marshall Salvatore A. Mondello Patricia M. Moresco Genevieve A. O'Mara Kristy Spadaro Rubin Class of 2001 Joby David Barbara A. Davis Betty L. Gaudette Suzanne M. O'Donoghue Bridgette M. Pasquarella Carole D. Picard Jeanne T. Plecenik Eileen J. Snook Timothy S. Underhill Anita A. Wilson Jeannine E. Zaluski Class of 2002 Ursula Tort Callahan Kathleen A. Conroy Daniel W. Cooke Robin Squicciarini DesRosiers Lisa M. Devlin Jennifer Fennell Fletcher David A. Lambert Irene Lynch Thomas M. Maguire Jeanette A. Meyer Karen A. Meyer Joseph A. Pozza Michael T. Purpi Karen L. Saluto Margaret A. Venable Class of 2003 Heather C. Barton Roberta T. Bochdam Dana-Marie I. Bolduc Robert F. Cassidy, Jr.

Donna A. Cowan Williams Jennifer Fullwood Garrett Morgan Hartley Gehm Michelle K. Gersitz Skye Carroll Guerra John R. Hutton Janelle Walter Jones David L. Marino Roberta H. Morrow Nancy Quackenbush-McComb Patricia B. Reid Nicholas A. Shannon

Joseph M. Fantozzi Paul O. Fritz Therese A. Lamica Kristine Pullen Pascuma Kathleen Spinelli Elizabeth Damiano Tabone Alan Zollner

Class of 2004 Andrea Palumbo Boroczky Sheila M. Burke John Cirigliano Rex S. Coleman Victoria A. Depta Marilyn Karlich Geraldine Cross LaGasse Kathy J. Little Valerie J. McCloskey Catherine M. Nelting LeeAnn Doherty Van Koppen

Marisa E. Pidala

Class of 2005 Janet A. Horan Anthony M. Kuzia LeAnne Renaud Labeck Kevin G. O'Brien Norman A. Pedersen Class of 2006 Shirley Roberts Brereton JoAnna F. Corio Thomas C. DeLuca Annette M. Farrell Pamela M. Hemingway Susanne Squires Lopez Kristen B. Roberts Catherine Schultz Weber Shannon Morris Zawiski Class of 2007 Stephanie A. Beals Michael L. Caputo Christopher S. Esola Edward R. Lastowski, Jr. Elizabeth Kelly McCavara Nancy C. Shortle Class of 2008 Clarissa M. Goins Katheryn M. Goodrich Kimberly Posa Marshall Michelle S. Sheerer Scott Tabone Melissa Tetler-Grau Class of 2009 Jill G. Barton Gregory A. Brobst Peter C. Carofano Richard E. Comerford Alecia S. Douglas Tracy N. Hamer Nancy Maucher Jacketti Sharon Healy Mankiewicz Class of 2010 Amanda M. Alesci Kathleen Gallagher Barton Victoria M. Bossi Dougie H. Cash David T. DeRita

Class of 2011 Kendra L. Anderson Ellen Bourhis Nolan Laura E. Galante Class of 2012 AndrĂŠa T. Bednarski Jamie N. Cevetillo Agnieszka Choinski Thomas J. Dubetsky Allyson E. Dutcher Christina Flemming Thomas W. Gordon Rose Petschauer Hinton Jacqueline R. Ivan Laura Condon Konefal James M. Lellis Eric K. Miller Paul J. Ortiz Deirdre F. Smith Amanda M. Vagnone Class of 2013 Sean M. Barton Dean DiMarzo Danielle Drosihn Angela Oliveri Michael Westerman Justina M. Zendrian Class of 2014 James T. Cartica Nicole M. Elting Sarah M. Favata Margaret Kent Jessica M. Marsden Rachel Sangalli Angelena Zadrima Class of 2015 Margaret M. Fallon Rebecca Cummings Fried Karen Smith Gates Jennifer Senatore Kurtz Ryan R. O'Grady Desiree R. Pampolina Fernando Rivera Shanna R. Sapienza Emmanuel R. Trinidad Class of 2016 Christine K. Gilbert Kateri G. Harrington Alvin Mann Philip A. Moresco Justin D. Perez Stefania Riccitelli Levia E. Sullivan Jeanne Damore Vacca Jing Ying Wang * Deceased H-Honorary Degree

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Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe Mr. & Mrs. William Pagano Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Palmieri


Joan McClurg Patino ’70 & Joseph Patino Anne Marie Pentland

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ackerman

Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Pesavento Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Phillips

Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Adinaro, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Porvaznik

Mary T. Baldovin Kathleen ’10 & Michael Barton

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Raftery

Carole Muller Bean ’86 & Kevin Bean

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Reeve Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Reilly

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Betz

Christine K. Ring

Mr. & Mrs. James Blatchley

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Roach

Claire F. Boland ’73

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Rogers

Ellen Bourhis Nolan ’11

Elayne C. Ryan

Margaret Boyle

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sapienza

Deborah F. Bradley

Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Sawicki

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bruckmann

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schreeck

Michael Busweiler

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Schwope Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Sclafani

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Catania, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Costantino P. Cerini Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Chayes Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Colombo Barbara Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Corso David G. Curry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davidson Barbara De Nome

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Malone

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fielder

Mr. & Mrs. Burton Heldron

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Marcello

Margaret R. Findlay

Caren ’80 & Daniel Henderson

Dr. Maureen Markel

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Fitch

Dr. & Mrs. William V. Herrmann

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Matteis, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hogan

Nancy E. Mazza ’99

Carol Holland

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence McCrudden

Mrs. Frances L. Flynn Marie A. Flynn Joseph P. Fogarty ’76 Maria D. Fonseca Phyllis V. Forde ’67 Charles & Lynn Frank

Mr. & Mrs. Earl R. Hopper Teresa M. Hynes LTC & Mrs. Gerald R. Jilbert

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Fredericks, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jiminski

Michele M. Freeman ’82

Mr. & Mrs. William Johnston

James J. DelViscio ’92

Frances Fremgen-Biancardi

Joan P. Kaplan ’92

Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeMarco

Elizabeth M. Gadbois

Mr. & Mrs. Basil Kayal

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick DeNobile

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Gailis

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Knittel

Elizabeth Di Mola

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Koines

Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Di Prima

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Gallagher

Diane Dillon

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gloeckler

Therese A. Lamica ’10

Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Dorador

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Goodman

Mr. & Mrs. Richard LaTour

June C. Dougherty

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Gries

Frederick S. Leimer ’99

Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Dubay

Anne Marie Gruber

Mary Ellen Leimer ’77

Mr. & Mrs. James Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dunbar

Mr. & Mrs. Francesco B. Guglieri

Mr. & Mrs. Julius Lisner

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dziuba

Aliceann Guida

Mary Ejercito

Adelfa Gutierrez ’71

Eileen Elliott

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Haight

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent DeCicco Mr. & Mrs. G. Thomas Delahunty

Christine L. Johnston ’79

Dr. William D. Lahar

Mr. & Mrs. John Llewellyn

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mayer

Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. McNamee Dr. & Mrs. J. Gerald Meagher

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Searle Mr. & Mrs. Graham C. Seidel Mr. & Mrs. Placito F. Sgro Nancy ’07 & Mark Shortle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Smith Eileen J. Snook ’01 Gene J. Sorcinelli Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sowa Joseph P. Spano ’77 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Stankus Conchita Syrigos

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Meaney

Mr. & Mrs. Felix Szumlaski

Beverly ’69 & Kenneth Mennerich

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tabone Dr. Moira T. Tolan

Kathleen Moran

Nancy J. Trenz

Marilyn Moran

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Troy

Patricia M. Moresco ’00

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Trutt

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Mucci

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Walsh

Mr. & Dr. Edward Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Walsh

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Walsh

Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ward

Suzanne R. Muschio

Mr. & Mrs. Kurt T. Weingartner

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nuszer Mr. & Mrs. Brian G. O'Donnell


Freda J. Close

Debra Fasce

David Weyant ’97

Patricia Maguire

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. O'Donoghue

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. White

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Maguire, Jr.

Andrew ’88 & Elaine ’89 O'Grady

Florence A. Wood Colette Ztanze

Telma Y. Hall

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Marco Mendoza Mr. & Mrs. John Menneci Mr. & Mrs. John Modiest Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moran Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Moss Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Murphy Catherine M. Nelting ’04 Yanick Noisy Andrew ’88 & Elaine ’89 O'Grady Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Oury Mr. & Mrs. Charles Peet Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Pelletier

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Piwowarczyk

PARENTS OF CURRENT STUDENTS Mr. & Mrs. Zeid Al Nesheiwat Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Allegretti Mr. & Mrs. Steven Alverio Kathleen Apurado Yvonne Augusto Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Casale Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. John Catalano Dawn Cole Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Corso Doriene Council Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Denis David Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Davis * Deceased

WINTER 2017-18 06HONORROLL.indd 51

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew DelVecchio Mr. & Mrs. Chris Escudero Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fiorentino Dr. Lawrence T. Force Charles & Lynn Frank Lisa Gallina-Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Gatt Jacqueline A. Gerace Angely Gilman Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Gilman Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Paul Greenwood Mr. & Mrs. James Grimes Mary ’81 & Nicholas Haas

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Holmes Suzanne Kelly Maureen ’83 & Kevin Kenney Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Kuhnen Dr. William D. Lahar Anne Leclercq Mr. & Mrs. Robert LeGere Mr. & Mrs. William Mallon Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mannone Kathleen M. Markisello ’87 Joseph Mazzurco

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Pugliese, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Al Schefer Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schoenherr Nancy ’07 & Mark Shortle Patricia A. Stanek ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Taza Mr. & Mrs. William R. Torresson Mildred Vialez Mr. & Mrs. John Zanfardino


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FRIENDS John Abernethy

Susan D'Auria

Kathleen M. Helhoski

J. Joseph & E. Mary McGowan

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sahakian

Ronald J. Adams

Arlene L. Dahm

Deborah Hill

Patrick M. McGrath

Sr. Ann Sakac, O.P.

Gerald J. Albertie

Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Daubman

Vilma P. Howell

Dale P. McKenna

Dr. Toni J. Saldivar

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Alioto

Muriel F. Dean

Marion Imperatore

David & Lynn Melby

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony S. Salerno

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Antoni

William Deatherage

Carol-Ann B. Indiveri

Jeannine Miller

Lorraine A. Santacroce

Rosemary Arnold

Dr. Patrick J. DeLuca*

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Johnson

Dr. Ernest R. Mills III

Mary Grace Savage

Edith P. Bartolone

Timothy A. Dempsey

Neil Moreno

Mary Ann Schetter

Donald R. Becker, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Devitt

Richard S. Morgan

Meredith Schofield

Ashlee Belfi

Ann Y. DiAgostino

Sheila Moriello

JoAnn Schultz

Delia Bellarosa

Dr. James DiLorenzo

Susan D. Najork

Mary A. Slawter Cunningham

Emily Bergin

Jacqueline L. DiMarzo

Susanne Neenan

John H. Smith, Sr.

Rita M. Bier

John M. Donoghue, Esq.

Dr. Mark A. Newcomb

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Elizabeth Boisture

Donna S. Doyle

Dr. Roger Newman

Kathleen Spellman

Kevin J. Brooks

Edward & Donna Doyle

Patricia Nocton

Helene J. Stagliano

Joan A. Cacchio

Catherine M. Dwan

Dr. Irene & Joseph Nunnari

Pamela S. Stockton

Lisa Calapa

Dr. Karen Eberle-McCarthy

Kathleen F. Stradar

Margaret Calderalo

Peggy Ensslin

Peter M. Olympia, Jr. & Barbara Olympia

Janet Campos

Constance Ernenwein

Gabriela Pardo

Myung Sung

Linda M. Cantwell

Norma Evans

Jeremy Catania

Gayle Fedigan

Mr. & Mrs. David S. MacFarland

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Chiapetta

Mr. & Mrs. Clifford D. Ferguson, Jr.

Anna Maria Maciocia

David W. Coffey

Henrietta Ferguson

Dana Cohen

Maria Gaffney

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maher

Marjorie A. Conly

Edward and Cornelia Gallagher

Dr. Frances P. Connor*

Rosemary B. Gallogly

Mr. & Mrs. James J. Conroy

Anita Gandolfo

Edward and Colleen Cooke

William R. Gedgard

Greg M. Cooper, CPA

Dr. William F. Geiser

Debra Cortland

Debra L. Johnson Edward Johnston Judith Keating Colleen B. Kennedy Francis C. Kiley Bernard & CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner Jodi Kresse Doris E. Kruger Helen Kuruc Margaret H. Lamb Scott M. Lask Ann Livoti

Hon. & Mrs. Pano Z. Patsalos Peggy-Ann Patsalos

Lisa A. Summers-Gibson Susan M. Surratt

John E. Perez

Gayle Jane & Charles Tallardy III

Kaylan Pietrogallo

Eunice Tenney

Sr. Julie Pintal, O.P. *

Karen Tice

Nicholas S. Preddice

Darlene Tomlinson

Jack & Susan Pretak

Gary P. Trible

Robert Quinlan

Lucille A. Tyer

Lauren C. Racanelli

Barbara A. Uhl

Jane G. Reilly

Kathy A. Vollano

Margaret Markiewicz

Dr. Joseph A. Reilly

Dr. Alexander von Hafften, Jr.

Catherine George

Joan Rhoda Marvel

Pamela D. Reilly

Dr. Robert M. Walasin

Jeffrey Cortland

Mary E. Gilchrist

Doraine Mason

John L. Rich

Matthew G. Walker

JoAnn F. Crinieri

Jessica Giordano

Mr. Kenneth Masten

Jeannine P. Rogers

Ann Catherine Warner

Cathy and Jim Sharpe

Lou Ann Gregory

A. Vincent Mazzie

Vera Rubeo

Joan M. Weiss

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cuomo

James R. Halpin

Angela M. McCormack

Janice C. Ruggiero

George T. Whalen, Jr.

Wayne F. Chernek

Nancy & Thomas Mahar Richard & Barbara Mainey Philip P. Malinovsky Judith A. Maloy Daniel W. Maltes James & Elizabeth Manion



Sr. Margaret Anderson, O.P. ’67

Sonya Abbye Taylor Dr. Andrea Ackermann Kathleen P. Barton ’10 Aaron A. Boner Ellen Bourhis Nolan ’11 Peter C. Carofano ’09 Victoria Caruana Jeanne M. Conboy Barbara Connolly Dr. James F. Cotter Kim L. D'Angelo Alex Danon Sr. Leona DeBoer, O.P. Dean DiMarzo ’13 Thomas J. Dubetsky ’12 Arthur Emerson III Heather L. Fitzsimmons Dr. Lawrence T. Force Dr. Lee Fothergill Lynn M. Frank Lisa Gallina-Alvarez Joan Gasporavic Gambeski Jane M. Gangi Jacqueline A. Gerace Arthur D. Glass II

Robert T. Armistead, P.E. Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. ’65 Harrison H. Buxton III Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 Charles P. Frank Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. Anna Halpine Michael Horodyski Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski The Very Reverend John A. Langlois, O.P. David W. Melby Liam O'Brien, Esq. Sr. Lucy Povilonis, O.P. ’72 Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, O.P. ’72 Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, O.P. ’59 Sr. Madeleine Tacy, O.P. Timothy J. Van Damm ’99



WINTER 2017-18 06HONORROLL.indd 52

Dr. Carl Hoegler Michelle A. Iacuessa ’94 Ryan A. Kadlubowski Margaret Kent ’14 Brenda O. Krulik Dr. William D. Lahar Dr. Lynn Maelia Sharon Mankiewicz ’09 Dr. Maureen Markel Doraine Mason Nancy E. Mazza ’99 Joan C. McAdam Kathleen P. McCoy ’88 Dr. Ilona M. McGuiness Natalie McKinstrie Dr. Dianne I. Murphy Sr. Margaret Murphy, O.P. Suzanne R. Muschio Dr. Mark A. Newcomb Dr. Tracey J. Niemotko Elaine A. O'Grady ’89 Ryan R. O'Grady ’15 Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe Nancy S. Owen Barbara Petruzzelli

Carolyn M. Quoma Mr. James M. Raimo Dr. Glenn W. Reynolds Christine K. Ring Robin Rosenberg Vera Rubeo Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Dr. Susan Schulmerich Dr. Paul D. Schwartz Dr. Ludmila Smirnova Dr. Frances Spielhagen Janice I. Stankus Dr. Marie-Therese C. Sulit Dr. Moira T. Tolan Nancy J. Trenz Nicole L. Turner Joseph G. Valenti Susan A. Voge Dr. Peter M. Witkowsky Grantley D. Yearwood Lee M. Zawistowski Janet A. Zeman Dr. Charles M. Zola

MATCHING GIFTS 3M Foundation Bank of America Chevron Global Impact IBM Corporation Lockheed Martin Corporation PEPSICO Foundation State Farm Insurance Co. UBS Matching Gift Program United Technologies Verizon

* Deceased

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380 Broadway Corp. Affron Fuel Oil, Inc. Alexis Diner, Inc. AmazonSmile Foundation Anonymous Argenio Brothers, Incorporated Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Bank of America, N.A. Barton Chevrolet Cadillac Bechtel Group Foundation Benevity Community Impact Fund BONDIB Hotel, Inc. Catholic Charities Community Services Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan Cooper Arias, LLP Dominican Sisters of Hope Dominican Sisters of Hope Guzman Community Dyson Foundation EJA Software Services, Inc. Enterprise Holdings Foundation EPCO Products, Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union Hudson Valley Staff Development Organization IBM Corporation * Deceased

WINTER 2017-18 06HONORROLL.indd 53

Jane W. Nuhn Charitable Trust John Herbert Company Kadock Consulting Services LLC KPMG Foundation, Inc. L.J.C. Janitorial Distributors Laborers Local 17 Lecet M&T Bank M&T Charitable Foundation Mid-Hudson Chapter of NYS Society of CPA's Mid-Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union Mount Saint Mary College Student Activities MSMC Alumni Association MSMC Athletics MSMC Education Sunshine Fund Nancy Waite's Hair Salon Natural Science Divsion MSMC Newburgh Rotary Club Nonprofit Solutions Orange Bank & Trust Company Orange County Chamber of Commerce Orange County District Attorney's Office Parkhurst Dining Services Peter M. & Edith P. Olympia Charitable Trust

PKF O'Connor Davies Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #373 U.A. RH Campbell Inc. Rhinebeck Bank Schwab Charitable Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital Susan Perkins NP T. Rowe Price Program TD Charitable Foundation The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation Truist UBS United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut Valenza Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Walden Savings Bank Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association Warwick Savings Foundation Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign West Point Tours, Inc. Will & Jada Smith Family Foundation William A. Smith & Son, Inc. YourCause, LLC

The Living Legacy Society Mount Saint Mary College recognizes with profound gratitude the members of the Living Legacy Society who have included the college in their estate plans. Their enlightened philanthropy will ensure the provision of academic excellence in the Dominican tradition for future generations of Mount students. Estate of Emily R. Austin

Estate of Roy C. Ketcham

Estate of Marguerite E. Becker

Estate of Verna W. Kries

Estate of Charles Boyle Estate of Frances P. Connor Estate of Timothy A. Dempsey Estate of Eleonor Depold Estate of Alice Curtis Desmond

Maureen A. Lawrence ’70 Estate of Edith Lessor Estate of Mary Miller Ligo Susan & Joseph Maloney Estate of Catherine T. McDonald Estate of Helen M. McDonald

Estate of Joan M. Donahue ’76

Estate of Wilma Ogden

Estate of Mazie W. Enos

Estate of Christine K. Schleiermacher

Estate of Hamilton Fish Estate of Jasper Forestiere



Catherine P. Sheehan

Estate of R. Abel Garraghan

James P. Smith, Jr.

Estate of Kathleen H. Gill

Ruth C. ’89 & John Smith, Sr.

Estate of Maria C. Girolame

Elaine G. Squeri ’64

James R. Halpin

Mary G. Thompson

Estate of Bernice J. Hornibrook

Estate of Jean M. Tuthill


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Capital Campaigns We are pleased to recognize those who have continued to honor their pledges towards various campaigns by making pledge payments during the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

Answering the Call Campaign Parkhurst Dining Services

Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates

The William & Elaine Kaplan Family Private Foundation

A Call to Excellence: The Campaign for the Dominican Center Dr. Andrea Ackermann

Marilyn J. Ejercito ’77

John & Maureen Mack

PKF O'Connor Davies

Advance Testing Company, Inc.

Empire State Bank

Susan & Joseph Maloney

Judith A. Pond ’70

Hon. Jeffrey G. Berry

Mary Ann Fitzpatrick ’64

Frank A. Marchetti

Jack & Susan Pretak

Ellen Bourhis Nolan ’11

Joan & George Gambeski

Joan Rhoda Marvel

Ita M. Rahilly

Harrison H. Buxton III

Christopher J. Gawley, Esq.

Nancy E. Mazza ’99

Barbara Connolly

Alan & Sandra Gerry

David W. Melby

Rose and Kiernan Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Cornwall Foundation Inc.

Nicholas & Bethann Illobre

Carl E. Meyer

Mary Moran Deatherage ’75 & William Deatherage

Mary Ann Kadera Klicka ’74

Vivian B. Milczarski ’10

Theresa A. Kempf ’85

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney GIFT, Inc.

Carlos Tonche, Jr.

Dominican Sisters of Hope

Kimberly A. King

Mary & Bill Murphy

Dr. Iris & Leonard Turkenkopf

Donna S. Doyle

Dr. Eric Langstedt

Kathleen & Michael O'Keefe

Joseph & Louise Valenti

Edward & Donna Doyle

Peter ’00 & Kristi ’00 Larson

Barbara Petruzzelli

Nicholas & Susan Valentine

Dyson Foundation

M&T Charitable Foundation

Maryann Pilon

Lee & Joyce Zawistowski


Rose Roscino Talbot ’68 & Maurice Talbot Gayle Jane & Charles Tallardy III

* Deceased


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Women’s basketball team receives new warm up jackets Lorraine Santacroce recently donated new warm up jackets to the Knights Women’s Basketball team. Santacroce is a former coach for the MSMC Knights and former Physical Education teacher at Mount Saint Mary Academy. She is pictured here with the Women’s Basketball Team.

Special Gifts (July 2016 – June 2017) DESIGNATED GIFTS Administrative Discretionary Fund Dr. Mark A. Newcomb

Center for Student Success Dyson Foundation

Athletics Golf Program Jack & Susan Pretak

Department of Education Jennifer Senatore Kurtz ’15 Susan M. Surratt

James V. McEnery Alumni Service Award Dr. Michael J. Fraser ’82 Susan McEnery Gaetano ’73

Sister Frances M. Berski, O.P. ’66 Memorial Award for Excellence in Literacy Sister Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 Marie Sossi ’79

Campus Ministry General Eugenia M. Adams Bolton Dr. Patrick J. DeLuca* Colleen B. Kennedy Jeannine P. Rogers Dr. Alexander von Hafften, Jr.

Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment Fund David W. Coffey Cathy & Jim Sharpe Gayle Fedigan Frances Fremgen-Biancardi Maria Gaffney Marion Imperatore James & Elizabeth Manion Mutual of America Barbara A. Uhl General Scholarships Theresa Casey ’83

Gifts-in-Kind Adams Fairacre Farms Billy Joe's Ribworks Chili's Joan D'Emic Daubman Corporate Interiors Hudson Valley Renegades Hurricane Grill & Wings Luca Pizza Cafe MSMC Campus Store Showtime Cinemas Starbucks

Higher Education Opportunity Program/ SUCCEEDS Anne F. Bourne Memorial Fund of the Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan

MSMC Athletics Lorraine A. Santacroce Mr. & Mrs. Richard Maher Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Oury Dr. Carl Hoegler Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hayes

Kaplan Family Library Ellen Thompson McCabe ’68 MSMC Education Sunshine Fund

MSMC School of Business Susan & Jack Pretak

The Medici Scholars Program Walden Savings Bank

Psychology Department Joan P. Kaplan ’92 The William and Elaine Kaplan Private Foundation

Acknowledgements Every attempt has been made to accurately acknowledge the generosity of our donors who made gifts between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. If we have omitted or improperly listed your name, please accept our apologies. To notify us of an error, please call the Office of Annual Giving at (845) 569-3355 or email, Director of Annual Giving. Corrections will appear on the Mount’s website:, and in future publications.

Visit us online at

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Scholarships and Awards Charles T. Baus Memorial Scholarship Award

Marie Murphy Scannell Scholarship Fund for Elementary Education

Margaret McLoughlin Cavanagh Memorial Scholarship

Carolyn Rich Scholarship Endowment for Nursing

Established by Mary Baus Knight ’88, in memory of her father, to provide scholarships to deserving Mount students.

Established by Mrs. Scannell's daughters, Dr. Elizabeth Scannell-Desch ’72 and Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty ’72, family, and friends, in honor of Mrs. Scannell's 100th birthday to support a senior in the education program who demonstrates academic excellence with a focus on early elementary education.

Established by the family and friends of Margaret McLoughlin Cavanagh, mother of Patricia A. Cavanagh ’74 and Colleen Cavanagh-Bendernagel ’77, to support MSMC students enrolled in the School of Nursing or education program.

Established by Anne Wolff Rich ’71 and John Rich, in memory of their daughter, Carolyn, to provide scholarships to Mount nursing students.

Mary Baus Knight ’88

Bart Bilsky Family Scholarship for Nursing Excellence Established by Christina Bart Bilsky, RN, BSN ’85 and Mark Bilsky, M.D. in honor of their families to provide scholarships for students enrolled in the School of Nursing.


Christina Bart Bilsky ’85 & Mark Bilsky

Dieter W. Bussigel Memorial Award for the Arts Established in memory of Dieter W. Bussigel, Vice President for Research, Planning and Technology at MSMC, by his wife, Dr. Margaret Bussigel, Professor of Social Sciences, and his family to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional interest in the arts.

Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty ’72 Dr. Elizabeth A. ScannellDesch ’72

MSMC School of Nursing Scholarship Fund In memory of Janet Barth McHale ’73

Margaret P. Cavanagh Patricia A. Cavanagh ’74 Colleen M. CavanaghBendernagel ’77 & Thomas Bendernagel

Mid-Hudson Chapter of the New York State Society of CPA's Scholarship Mid-Hudson Chapter of the New York State Society of CPA's

Dr. Deborah Shanley ’73

MSMC School of Nursing Scholarship Fund In memory of Mary Jane Berghauer Gerald A. Albertie Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cuomo

Dominican Sisters of Hope, Guzman Community

Mary Ellen Dolan ’76

Dr. Maureen Markel

JoAnn Schultz

Dr. Irene & Mr. Joseph Nunnari

Dr. Deborah Shanley ’73

Mary Devine McGrath ’73

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Smith

Elise Cuff McKenna, Sr. Memorial Scholarship for Nursing Elise C. McKenna ’81

Dr. Virginia J. Davidson Memorial Scholarship Established in memory of Dr. Virginia Davidson, professor of English at MSMC, by her family and friends to provide scholarships to deserving students majoring in English.

Patricia Leigh Stanek ’87 Joshua F. Depew Memorial Scholarship

Dominican Sisters of Hope, Guzman Community

Kathy A. Vollano

Charles & Lynn Frank

Established in memory of Josh Depew, a student at MSMC, by his mother, Ana M. Tranchina, to provide awards to outstanding students in the Mount's education program.

Lighting the Way Scholarship for Nora Cronin-San Miguel

Dr. Marie-Therese C. Sulit

This scholarship benefits graduates of Nora Cronin Presentation Academy and San Miguel Academy who choose to attend Mount Saint Mary College.

Gertrude Rowe Haight Scholarship

MSMC Athletics

Patricia Welch Donahue’72 Memorial Nursing Scholarship Established as a tribute to "Tricia," a 1972 graduate of the Mount's nursing program, by Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty ’72, friends and family, to be awarded to a senior nursing student who demonstrates academic and clinical excellence.

Kristi ’00 & Peter ’00 Larson Dr. Irene & Joseph Nunnari

Anonymous Mary Moran Deatherage ’75 & William Deatherage Patricia Nocton

Established by Sandra, class of 1984, and William Haight, in memory of William’s mother, Gertrude Rowe Haight, a professional nurse, to provide scholarships to nursing students. Sandra M. Haight ’84 & William Haight

Nicholas S. Preddice Walkill Valley Federal Savings & Loan Association

Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty ’72

Lt. Col. Joseph Michael Desch, USAF Memorial Scholarship Established in memory of Lt. Col. Joseph Michael Desch, USAF by his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Scannell-Desch ’72 to provide scholarships to students in the graduate nursing program. Dr. Elizabeth A. Scannell-Desch ’72


Cheryl L. Walker Scholarship

Anne Wolff Rich ’71 & John Rich Moira Rovere Bayer ’81 Endowed Scholarship Established in memory of Moira Rovere Bayer ’81, a nursing student at MSMC, by Moira's sister, CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner, her husband Bernard Kistner, family, and friends to provide scholarships to Mount nursing students. Dominican Sisters of Hope Bernard & CarlaLisa Rovere Kistner Sister Julie Pintal, O.P.* In memory of her sister Lucie Pintal Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Marissa A. Pica ’83 Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in memory of Marissa A. Pica, a 1983 graduate of the Mount's nursing program, by her mother, Jennie Pica, family, friends, and classmates to provide scholarships to nursing students. Maureen ’83 & Kevin Kenney Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Mr. & Mrs. James J. Walsh Laurie A. Walsh ’83 Dominick & Mary Roscino Endowed Scholarship Fund Established by Rose Roscino Talbot MSMA ’64 and MSMC ’68 in tribute to her parents, Dominick and Mary Roscino, for a female student from Newburgh or Orange County, N.Y., enrolled in the education program. Rose Roscino Talbot ’68 & Maurice Talbot West Point Tours Academic Achievement Award Established by West Point Tours to provide scholarships to qualified students from the Cornwall Central School District, Newburgh Enlarged City School District, or San Miguel Academy in Newburgh. West Point Tours, Inc.

The Cheryl L. Walker Scholarship has been established in memory of Cheryl L. Walker, a respected and devoted nurse and educator, by her family, friends, and colleagues. It is to be awarded annually to a qualified nursing student who demonstrates the same commitment to the nursing profession that was exemplified by Cheryl L. Walker. Dr. Andrea Ackermann Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Antoni Rosemary Arnold Debra Clark Beakes ’87 Ashlee Belfi Emily Bergin Mr. & Mrs. Elizabeth Boisture Michael Busweiler Lisa Calapa Jeremy Catania Dana Cohen Debra Cortland Jeffrey Cortland Susan D'Auria Arlene L. Dahm Barbara De Nome Ann Y. DiAgostino EJA Software Services, Inc. Peggy Ensslin Mr. & Mrs. Clifford D. Ferguson, Jr. Henrietta Ferguson Rebecca Cummings Fried ’15 Rosemary B. Gallogly Catherine George Christine K. Gilbert ’16 Jessica Giordano Hudson Valley Staff Development Organization Jodi Kresse Doris E. Kruger Judith A. Maloy Margaret Markiewicz Angela M. McCormack Patrick M. McGrath Dale P. McKenna Neil Moreno Dr. Dianne I. Murphy Mr. & Dr. Edward Murphy Nancy Waite's Hair Salon Susanne Neenan Gabriela Pardo Kaylan Pietrogallo Robert Quinlan Lauren C. Racanelli Mary Grace Savage Meredith Schofield Sigma Theta Tau International, Inc. Kathleen Spellman Pamela S. Stockton Lisa A. Summers-Gibson Myung Sung Darlene Tomlinson Matthew G. Walker Ann Catherine Warner

* Deceased

H-Honorary Degree


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HONORARY GIFTS In Honor of Dr. Margaret Dames Mary Moran Deatherage ’75 and William Deatherage

MEMORIAL GIFTS In Memory of Dr. Ann Licata Kelly Mcintyre ’98 MSMC Sunshine Fund In Memory of Lt. Col. Joseph Michael Desch Dr. Elizabeth A. ScannellDesch ’72 In Memory of Marissa Pica Laurie A. Walsh ’83 In Memory of Sr. Frances Berski Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 Marie Sossi ’79 In Memory of Carol Bolton Hamilton ’71 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sahakian In Memory of Dieter W. Bussigel Dominican Sisters of HopeGuzman Community

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Dr. Maureen Markel Dr. Irene & Mr. Joseph Nunnari In Memory of Charles T. Baus Mary Baus Knight ’88 In Memory of Lucie Pintal Dominican Sisters of Hope Sr. Julie Pintal, O.P.* In Memory of Margaret P. Maloney Susan & Joseph Maloney In Memory of Patricia Welch Donahue Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty ’72 In Memory of Dr. Virginia J. Davidson Dominican Sisters of HopeGuzman Community Charles & Lynn Frank Kristi ’00 and Peter ’00 Larson Dr. Irene and Mr. Joseph Nunnari Dr. Marie-Therese C. Sulit In Memory of Margaret P. Cavanagh Patricia A. Cavanagh ’74 Colleen M. CavanaghBendernagel ’77

In Memory of Marie Murphy Scannell Dr. Mary Ellen Scannell Doherty ’72 Dr. Elizabeth A. ScannellDesch ’72 In Memory of Janet Barth McHale ’73 Dr. Deborah Shanley ’73 In Memory of James V. McEnery Dr. Michael J. Fraser ’82 Susan McEnery Gaetano ’73 In Memory of Willard E. Meadows Mary Ann Kadera Klicka ’74 In Memory of Stephen McCarthy Margaret H. Lamb Kristi Larson ’00 & Peter Larson ’00 In Memory of Maria Cassano Meadows ’68 Arlene Rustmann Witman ’66 In Memory of Mary Jane Berghauer Gerald J. Albertie Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cuomo JoAnn Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Smith Kathy A. Vollano


Tributes (July 2016 – June 2017)

8th Annual Athletic Department Golf Outing Adams Fairacre Farms Ship Lantern Inn Joseph & Roxanne Callo Laborers Local 17 West Point Tours, Inc. Rutberg Breslow Personal Injury Law David R Dolan CPA, P.C. Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. Rose and Kiernan, Inc. Proforma Graphic & Promotional Solutions


Billy Joe’s Ribworks

Young’s Motors

Island Photography

MVP Sports Care Inc. Wells Fargo Bank

Stylez Entertainment

Tom Beaudoin

Peter Hayes MSMC Lacrosse Parents Coppolino Family

Acknowledgements Every attempt has been made to accurately acknowledge the generosity of our donors who made gifts between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. If we have omitted or improperly listed your name, please accept our apologies. To notify us of an error, please call the Office of Annual Giving at (845) 569-3355 or email, Director of Annual Giving. Corrections will appear on the Mount’s website:, and in future publications.

Visit us online at


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39th Annual Invitational Golf & 6th Annual Invitational Tennis Tournament Honoring Dr. James & Bonnie DiLorenzo ’95 and Ron & Jill Barton MBA ’09 Mark G. Aberasturi, Attorney-at-Law Access Supports for Living Adams Fairacre Farms Advance Testing Company, Inc. Alexis Diner, Inc. Argenio Brothers, Incorporated Armistead Mechanical, Inc. Atlantic Contracting & Specialties, LLC Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C. Barton Chevrolet Cadillac Joy Bento ’68 Dr. & Mrs. John C. Bivona, Jr. Rick and Nancy Brownell Buttermilk Falls Inn & Spa Calculated Fire Protection Co., Inc. Canterbury Brook Inn Capri Restaurant Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider PLLC Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of NY Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. Citizens for Larkin Citrus Restaurant


Collection Bureau of the Hudson Valley, Inc. Consigli Construction NY, LLC Cosimo’s On Union Anthony P. Costa Regina F. Crossley Crystal Run Village, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. William M. Cummings Danforth Client Solutions Group D-Ben Security Systems, Inc. Denny’s Restaurant Bonnie C. DiLorenzo ’95 & Dr. James DiLorenzo Empire State Bank Family Services, Inc. Rhea F. Fleckenstein Arthur D. Glass II GTI Graphic Technology, Inc. Heights Lumber Center, Inc. Highland Associates Home Health Pavilion, Inc. Michael Horodyski Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski Hospice Of Orange/Sullivan Counties


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I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 363 iHeart Media Eloisa M. Jessup ’11 Kirky's Deli and Pizza, Inc. Alyce Kosofsky La Casa Vicina Laborers Local 17 Lecet Laerdal Medical Corporation Lake View House Lakeland Bank David A. Lambert ’02 Scott M. Lask LCS Facility Maintenance, Inc. Jeffrey Lease Mary Lewis M & T Bank Susan K. Maloney Mass Mutual Financial Group A. Vincent Mazzie Mechanical Contractors Association David & Lynn Melby MaryKay Messenger ’88 Millspaugh Funeral Directors Mobile Life Support Services, Inc. Mohonk Mountain House

Murphy International Development, LLC Susan D. Najork Newburgh Rotary Club Nonprofit Solutions Northrop & Stradar, P.C. Old Rhinebeck Aerodome Orange Bank & Trust Company Orange County BMW Orange Regional Medical Center Parkhurst Dining Services Paunovic & Paunovic, DDS LLP PC Construction Pepsi Cola of the Hudson Valley Perkins Restaurant & Bakery Pizza Shop PKF O'Connor Davies Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union #373 U.A. Premier Ultrasound Services Prime Buchholz & Associates, Inc. Nadine Puccio Patricia A. Quiana Rose and Kiernan, Inc.

Rose Press, Inc. Peter F. Seyfarth Jr. Smitchger Realty Spectrum Pension & Compensation St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Sturomski Thomas & Janet Sullivan Taylor Biomass Energy, LLC TD Bank TEG Federal Credit Union Mark D. Temple ’94 TGI Friday's Thomas B. Olley, P.E., PLLC Thomas J. Kempton Jr., Inc. Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association William G. Ware West Point Tours, Inc. William A. Smith & Son, Inc. Youngest Brother Italian Restaurant Debra E. Zambito ’98

* Deceased

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Honoring Michael Horodyski and Joseph Lepore Nugent & Haeussler, P.C.

Sandler O'Neill & Partners, LP

Kirchhoff Companies

Elaine Moore O'Grady ’89 & Andrew O'Grady ’88

Todd C. Scaccia ’00

James M. Kulisek

Michael J. Olivette

Lakeland Bank

Peter M. Olympia, Jr.

Sisters of the Presentation

All State Business Systems

Dr. James DiLorenzo & Bonnie DiLorenzo ’95

Armistead Mechanical, Inc.

John M. Donoghue, Esq.

David A. Lambert ’02

Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C.

Fabrizio A. Duva

LCS Facility Maintenance, Inc.

Orange County Chamber of Commerce

BBG&G Advertising, Inc.

Ethan Allen HR Services

M&T Bank

Orange-Ulster Boces

Bonura Hospitality, LLC

Fisch Solutions, Inc.

Page Park Associates, LLC

Sean M. Bradley

Charles P. Frank

Mr. & Mrs. David S. MacFarland

Parkhurst Dining Services

Broadway Tailors

Andrew J. Genna

Mackey Butts & Wise, LLP

PC Construction

Catania, Mahon, Milligram & Rider PLLC

Arthur D. Glass II

Marshall & Sterling Insurance

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Plavchak

Marshall & Sterling, Inc.

Robert Quinlan

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of NY

Habitat For Humanity

Mazzetti, Buscetto and Associates

James M. Raimo

Abilities First, Inc.

David Niemotko Architect, P.C.

Access Supports for Living

Day Seckler, LLP

Accume Partners

D-Ben Security Systems, Inc.

Advance Testing Company, Inc.

Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. Citizens for Larkin Connecticut On-Line Computer Center Consigli Construction NY, LLC Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center

Peter J. Gregory Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 363 iHeart Media Independent Living, Inc.

Judelson, Giordano & Siegel, PC

Dr. Ilona M. McGuiness

Vanacore, DeBenedictus, DiGovanni & Weddell

Media Vision Advertising


David & Lynn Melby

Rhinebeck Bank

Mr. Carl E. Meyer

Rialto Farms, Inc.

Michael Oremus Foundation, Inc.

Richard J. Smith Enterprises Corp.

Beth C. Mills ’77

Rider, Weiner, Frankel, P.C.

Crystal Run Village, Inc.


Mobile Life Support Services, Inc.

Riverside Bank

Dr. & Mrs. William M. Cummings

Iseman, Cunningham, Riester & Hyde, LLP

Murphy Healthcare Corporation

Rose Press, Inc.

Donald W. Daniels, Jr.

Jeff Bank

Susan D. Najork

Danza-Leser Group

Jenny's Floral Design LLC

Francis J. Navarra ’78

Daubman Corporate Interiors

John Herbert Company

New York Bankers Association

* Deceased

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Rocking Horse Ranch Rusk, Wadlin, Heppner & Martuscello, LLP Safe Harbors of the Hudson, Inc.

Susan Schulmerich Grace Sosler St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital Douglas R. Stainton


7th Annual Gala Reception

Strauss Paper Company, Inc. TD Bank The Arc of Orange County The Chamber Foundation, Inc. The Culinary Institute of America The Spencer Daniels Agency, Inc. Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle Elizabeth Thomas-Cappello Dr. Moira T. Tolan Toshiba Business Solutions NY Valenza Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Walden Savings Bank Wallkill Valley Federal Savings and Loan Association WCC Tank Technology William A. Smith & Son, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Woolsey Lee M. Zawistowski


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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Served July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Sister Margaret Anderson, O.P. ’67 Robert T. Armistead, P.E. Sean Bradley, MG Harrison H. Buxton III Joan Crowe Donald W. Daniels, Jr. Thomas C. Donahoe Sr. Lorelle Elcock, O.P. ’66 Charles P. Frank Father Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. Dr. Albert J. Gruner Anna Halpine Kekuut J. Hoomkwap Michael Horodyski Dr. Jeanne M. Hosinski The Very Reverend John A. Langlois, O.P. Frank A. Marchetti David W. Melby


Robert Murphy

Served July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017

Liam O'Brien, Esq.

Mysia H. Haight Hoogsteden ’84,

Patricia M. Farrell ’92

Sr. Maureen E. Sullivan, O.P. ’72


Joseph Ferrigno ’87

Sister Mary Rita Sweeney, O.P. '59

Eric W. Stallmer ’93, Vice President

Thomas J. Ferrigno ’90

Judith Henderson ’66, Class Agent

Mary Ann Fitzpatrick ’64

System Chairperson

Courtney M. Kain ’03

David A. Kennett, Ph.D. (ex-officio)

Beverly R. Mennerich ’69, Mid-Hudson

Kristi L. Larson ’00

Trustee Emeriti

Chapter President

Maxine Lindsay-Shillingford ’98

Sr. Joann Boneski, O.P. ’65

Peggy Ann Caraballo-McCarthy ’89

Matthew G. Sautner ’90

Sean T. Creighton ’92

Nicholas A. Shannon ’03

Sr. Mary Rita Sweeney, O.P. '59

Christopher X. Dougherty ’95

Karen A. Willis ’01

President Emerita

Marilyn J. Ejercito ’77

Barbara I. Gregory ’73

Sr. Lucy Povilonis, O.P. ’72

Sister Madeline Tacy, O.P. Timothy Van Damm Christopher M. Wilson, Esq.

Dr. Frances P. Connor* George F. Stradar, Jr., Esq.

Sr. Ann Sakac, O.P.

Volunteers (June 2016 – July 2017)


Giving one’s time is a precious gift. We are thankful to all our volunteers who took time from their busy lives to work for the benefit of Mount Saint Mary College. Meet A Mentor Dinner 2017 Sean P. Glander ’06 Magda V. Reyes ’10 Scott D. Tabone ’08 Danny B. Dottin ’95 Amy M. DeSouza ’95 Che-La Devonshire-Fandino ’14 David A. Lambert ’02 Margaret Treacy ’13 Samantha M. Wood ’13 Kara A. Miller ’06 James P. Kelly ’97 David W. Melby Sr. Margaret Anderson ’67 Nicholas S. Preddice Young Alumni Committee David A. Lambert ’02 Sean P. Glander ’06 Ryan Y. Reeves ’09 Meghan A. Darcy ’12 Samantha M. Sinatra ’12 Sean M. Barton ’13 Brian Klose ’13 Mary Ann B. Raftery ’13 Margaret Treacy ’13 Ryan R. O'Grady ’15 Mary K. Bocskocsky ’16

2016 Gala Committee Michael Bonura Ellen Daley Angela Gervino Rachel Haygood David Lambert ’02 Mount Saint Mary College 39th Annual Golf and 6th Annual Tennis Invitational Tournament Committee Chairperson David Melby Committee Members Bob Ambrosetti Thomas Becker Chuck Benfer Jeffrey Berry Joy Bento ’68 Robert Brisman Rick Brownell L. Todd Diorio Martin Dvoracek Art Glass Jeanne LaBarge David Lambert ’02 Scott Lask Robert McCurdy Susan Najork Thomas Olley Dr. Bogdan Paunovic Mike Weddell Scott Woebse

2016 Reunion Chairs Judith Henderson ’66 Mari-Olga A. Kelley ’71 Patricia A. Murphy ’76 Patricia A. Savage ’86 Mary Ellen Chiumento ’91 Sean P. Hollywood ’96 Sean P. Glander ’06


MSMC Annual Fund Volunteers Faculty Dr. Lawrence T. Force Dr. Maureen Markel Dr. Thomas J. Sarro Alumni Meghan Darcy ’12

Michael J. Fraser ’82 Joan Fenton Henry ’77 David A. Lambert ’02 Justin Perez ’16 Joan Kennedy Tolley ’67 Denise Doring Van Buren G’97

Marion Imperatore Frank Kieck Nancy Sorvino Addie Speranza LIFE Teachers William Goldman

Students Raiya Isaac ’20 Alexander Perlak ’20

Toby Rossman

Alumni Nursing Symposium

Bill Valentino

Mount Saint Mary College Alumni Nursing Advisory Council Barbara B. Citeralla ’80, MSN, RN, CHCE, CHS-V Marilyn Ejercito ’77, MS, RN Patricia M. Farrell ’92, MS, RN, NEC Theresa Shalley Kempf ’85, MSN, NP, RN Elise McKenna ’81, MPH, MSE, BSN, RN Cathleen Graham Parker ’87, BSN, RN Faculty Andrea Ackermann, PhD, RN, CNE Ann Corcoran, DNP, RN Sr. Leona DeBoer, OP, PhD, RN Dianne Murphy, DNP, RN Jeanne Roth, DNP, RN Priscilla Sagar, EdD, RN, MSN, BSN, ACNS-BC, CTN-A Thomas Sarro, PhD Desmond Campus for Adult Enrichment L.I.F.E. Steering Committee Members Elsie Beauchamp Joyce Crossley Carol DeMicco Charlie Ford Adele Grossman * Deceased

Tom Fitzgerald Sally Mattausch Eileen Mattausch Neal Christensen Vickie Weyser Marion Imperatore** Suzanne Christensen Sally Wortmann Diann Metzkow Skip Doyle Charlie Ford** Jim Williams Addie Speranza** Nancy Sorvino** Jamie Gutierrez

James Farnham Peter Witkowsky Bernie Ampel Carol DeMicco** Jane McCarthy Joan Monk Joyce Crossley** Rick Nathan Adele Grossman** Bob Kakerbeck Sheila Pearl Wes Gottlock Robert Calotta Sherry Yanow Jim Witt Ray Mainiero Sr. Cecilia Murray Kara Shier Natalie Karl Bill Wiand Sue Wiand Carmine Angelone ** Also on Steering Committee

Acknowledgements Every attempt has been made to accurately acknowledge the generosity of our donors who made gifts between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. If we have omitted or improperly listed your name, please accept our apologies. To notify us of an error, please call the Office of Annual Giving at (845) 569-3355 or email, Director of Annual Giving. Corrections will appear on the Mount’s website:, and in future publications.

Visit us online at


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Looking Back


ne of the features of the early Aquinas Hall classrooms was a language lab overlooking the majestic Mount Beacon, serving the needs of the Mount’s first teacher candidates. Pictured here, an all-female class is performing a language exercise in the lab in 1962. That same year, the Mount would award its first bachelor’s degree, a Bachelor of Science in Education, though the first full graduating class of 1964 still had two more years of study ahead. Since the college’s predecessor, the Mount Saint Mary Normal and Training School, received the authority to grant Teachers’ Certificates in 1934, the Mount has excelled at training future educators with a legacy that spans more than eight decades. Some things may have changed since the college’s beginnings, but that gorgeous mountain view isn’t one of them!


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12/22/17 10:28 AM

Mount Saint Mary College 330 Powell Avenue Newburgh, NY 12550

Save the Date Keep an eye on events at


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Film screening with Jeffrey Lyons

13 Reasons Why: Jay Asher and Suicide Prevention Awareness lecture St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New York City



55th Annual Commencement

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Annual Golf and Tennis Tournament

Philosophy Workshop begins: “Aquinas on Divine Attributes”

12/22/17 10:28 AM

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