Mount Saint Mary College Career Center Connections 2012

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Connections Career Center

Mount Saint Mary College • 330 Powell Avenue, Newburgh, NY 12550


BUILD A FOUNDATION, FOCUS ON BRAND By Mary Ann Raftery, communications


n my first day at the National Hockey League (NHL) in New York City I was introduced to 20 other interns, all who attend elite colleges. At first I was intimidated but then realized I was proud of myself for receiving such a competitive internship. Build a Foundation: My three month project was based on the NHL’s Centennial season which will occur in 2017. Although it is years away, there are many projects that need to be planned. My supervisor, the Vice President of Media Relations, always said to me “look at the big picture”; “the small things will fall into place but we need to build the foundation for one of the largest events in sports history.” I helped build this foundation by researching other centennial events like Fenway Park’s 100th Anniversary and the Montreal Canadians’ Centennial. Focus on Brand: Developing a clear timeline of activities and commemorative

events was most important. The mission statement needed to be clearly outlined so the 30 NHL franchises could understand the enormous task and Centennial’s mission. While working on the Centennial manual, my supervisor reminded me to “focus on brand consistency” and “focus on the brand and what the brand has stood for throughout all these years.”

By researching, adopting, and developing practices of prior centennials, I was able to understand the enormity of the event and how the NHL would develop its own ideas and practices in its own unique way. I am pleased to say that I have contributed to the building of the foundation for the NHL’s Centennial.



s an intern at the US Military Academy at West Point Center for Enhanced Performance, I shadowed five different sport psychologists as they worked with cadets. I sat in on appointments with athletes from baseball players to the women’s basketball team to female boxers. I learned the foundations of the sports psychology field, including goal setting, attention, control and visualization. I conducted short relaxation sessions and helped out in the “K” room, which is the mental training

room. There I saw how something as simple as a tennis ball machine could be applied to athletes who play completely different sports. It was interesting hearing Division I athletes speak about their game and their individual struggles. I assisted with goal sheets and Athletic Coping Skills Inventories which measure how well an athlete copes with adversity. I learned so much from my internship at West Point and it made me realize just how much I want to have a career in sports psychology. Go Army!

Career Center Connections

2012 Edition

Nursing students excel in the tri-state region


uccessful Mount nursing alumni are employed throughout the U.S. To prepare to enter the profession of nursing after graduation, current nursing majors worked in hospitals in NY, NJ and CT this summer.

In New York Kerilyn McNamara (pictured above) says, “My position in the Emergency Department at Staten Island’s Richmond University Medical Center was the experience of a lifetime. It challenged me and enhanced the skills I learned at the Mount and gave me a chance to apply critical thinking skills in a fast paced environment. The nursing program at the Mount is challenging, but this experience validated that I chose the right profession, a profession that is exciting to wake up for and one in which working long hours is rewarding.” “I worked alongside some of the smartest nurses and doctors I have ever met who challenged me to expand my critical thinking skills and reach my potential. Each unit offered a new learning environment and helped me realize that the profession of nursing was the one for me!” —Daniel Beers, VALOR student nurse at Veterans Administration Hudson Valley Health Care System

Ryan Folken and Kerrin Rowe (pictured above) interned at Stony Brook University Medical Center. Ryan, who cared for extremely critical patients in the Medical ICU, says, “Working with physicians, residents, and nurses allowed me to develop communication skills that are extremely important in the health care environment. The internship allowed me to connect what I learned at the Mount to real life scenarios and advance in my nursing career.” Kerrin says, “On the first day of my internship I felt excited and a little bit nervous, but most importantly, I felt prepared to handle whatever task I was asked to do on the Oncology Unit. Every day I learned something new and left my internship knowing that I grew professionally.”

In New Jersey Kassie Kayal (pictured top right) worked as a nurse extern at Paterson’s St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center in the Operating Room. Says Kassie, “The skills I have taken from the Mount were put to good use on the unit, and I continue to learn more every day. My education and this externship at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center have made such a difference in my life. I am much more confident that I made the right choice in becoming a nurse.”

“With the preparation I received from the Mount, I felt confident walking into to the Emergency Trauma Department. I have grown in my ability to think critically and perform focused assessment with precise documentation that will allow anyone to know the status of a patient.” — Keffion Mensah, a student nurse extern at Hackensack University Medical Center

In Connecticut Rachel Berglund, who worked as a student nurse technician at New Britain General Hospital, says, “I had a patient who passed on my shift. I dealt closely with the family and it helped strengthen my compassion not only for the patient, but the family as well. This job has allowed me to learn and grow as a person and as an aspiring nurse.” As our students attest, the challenging nursing major at the Mount is preparing them to meet the demands of the profession, now and in the future.

Career Center Connections

2012 Edition

HORSES AND DONKEYS AND GOATS, OH MY! By Brittany Farron, biology and chemistry


rior to this volunteer opportunity at Peaceful Acres Horses in Schenectady County, I had very limited exposure to large farm animals and was quite nervous to be around them.

Stephanie Hines Psychology


Working with Westchester Jewish Community Services in White Plains, NY, alongside one of the top forensic psychologists was an amazing experience. Never in my life did I expect to assist in the evaluation of the psychological, emotional, and mental states of such diverse populations. From custody assessments to mental health evaluations, the forensic unit covered it all. Discovering psychopathology can sometimes help professionals intervene early enough in a person’s life to deter other illegal actions before they occur. This internship provided me with great insight as my supervisor shared information about the psychological evaluations that she completes daily. Overall this internship was a beneficial experience guiding me in my future career goals. I plan to increase my understanding of forensics and to pursue a career that focuses more on the criminology/legal aspect of psychology.

However, after volunteering there this summer, I have found a great appreciation towards horses, donkeys, and even goats, and to all of the caring, dedicated people who help run this rescue. After just a couple weeks of volunteering, I quickly developed a great

Maria Greco Psychology


During my experience at The Connection: Mother’s Retreat in Groton, CT, I learned as much about myself as I did about working with women and children in a residential treatment facility for mothers with substance abuse and mental health disorders. I learned how to speak to clients with co-occurring disorders and found that I enjoyed interacting with them and being an outlet for them. I also learned from a staff perspective that everyone does things differently. It is crucial to be consistent and to communicate clearly with each other. It makes everything run more smoothly. It is important, especially with a job where you have to enforce policies, answer phone calls, etc. to have selfconfidence and to not be too hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, but I have learned that it is important to grow from them and to stay positive and to try your best.

love for these animals and this place, and have learned so much about these animals’ behaviors and how they should properly be cared for. I no longer have the fears that I started with and actually am considering equine veterinary medicine instead of just small animal medicine.

Garrett Weeden History


During the summer I interned at the Albany office of Kirsten Gillibrand, United States Senator for New York State. Since the Senator is not in this office very often, it is up to two professional staff and the interns to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Dealing directly with the Senator’s constituents, I learned how to talk to many different types of people, from the concerned to the enraged. The office processes a lot of paperwork and this was an integral part of my internship. The paperwork allowed me to learn exactly what it takes for the government to work and gave me a new appreciation for jobs in politics. The highlight of my internship was planning an entire grant workshop for firefighters with a fellow intern.

Casey Sutton Math/Ed


As a mathematics major with a concentration in secondary and special education, I am always looking for unique ways to heighten my students’ knowledge. At the Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum, I had the opportunity to explore and understand why this is so important. I used my skills, creativity and knowledge to work with colleagues to enhance the museum’s educational aspects for children. I interacted with and managed teen volunteers and was given the chance to enhance my real life math skills by helping the accountant with daily sales and revenues. I can now imagine an assortment of ways I can enhance the lives of my future students. Throughout my classes at school, I have feared the most frequently asked question that a teacher may hear, “Why do I have to learn this?” I now have a menu of answers.

Career Center Connections

2012 Edition

Corporate Experience

Eric Marion

Mount students share their internship stories


his summer, three Mount students were part of a nine intern team at Mediacom in Orange County, the eighth largest cable company in the United States.

Noelle Shalian, accounting, worked closely with senior management in the accounting department. Noelle says, “My experienced supervisors taught me valuable corporate accounting skills such as assisting with month-end and weekly financial reporting, supporting the payment processing team, working with third party distributors, and aiding the capital expenditures team on forecasting and budgeting. The highlight of my internship was a personal presentation that I made to the CEO, the CFO and all the vice presidents. I was proud to demonstrate the professional skills I had acquired; it was truly a culmination of all that I had learned during my internship.” All of the Mediacom interns participated in Lunch and Learns. James Owens, IT/networking and web technologies,

Noelle Shalian

James Owens explains, “Executives of the company had lunch with the interns and explained to us how they got to where they are, how the industry worked and how different parts of the company overlapped. Not only did I gain a lot of experience with building and maintaining networks, but I also have a better understanding of the people who make up a corporation and how it operates.”

Eric Marion, IT/networking, says, “The experience prepared me and gave me knowledge that cannot be taught inside the classroom. I am definitely more professionally prepared than I was before my internship. I am no longer nervous about working full-time and entering the real world after college. I learned skills above and beyond technical skills: communication skills, presentation skills, and workplace etiquette. After this experience I know that I can do anything I set my mind to. Mediacom taught me that simplifying complex situations can be key to success.”


During my first few weeks at Nationwide in Philadelphia, I had the opportunity to meet with every department. After these meetings it became clear that I’m still a novice in many areas. You cannot assume you’re a professional in any field simply because you’ve studied it. One of my greatest accomplishments as a product management and research intern was creating a project for the President of Nationwide Investment Management Group. I was tasked with researching, developing and preparing a presentation to showcase in front of hundreds of Nationwide associates.

This experience taught me to have confidence in my ability and to accept critique. Suggestions don’t belittle your work, they better it. The presentation wouldn’t have been as polished or gen-

erated such positive feedback without the help of my colleagues. I had the opportunity to do a lot of writing during my internship; two of my articles were published on the company website. Every newsletter article and communications project I worked on involved about 20 rounds of editing and reformatting. I learned that collaboration, rethinking and revisions are a big part of the professional creative process. Reviewing your work is a must. You want to make sure you’ve accurately covered the topic and those who you’re representing. It’s essential to take pride in your work, even in an entry level position.

Alumni achieve success Checking in with recent Mount graduates

Meaghan O’Gallagher, left, with Tiffany O’Leary, curriculum librarian

DEFINING EXPERIENCE HARD WORK AND PASSION MAKE FOR A SURREAL JOURNEY By John Como, ’10, media production and public relations

Two years ago I wondered what my life after college would entail. Intimidated by the “real world” and fearful of my unknown future, I wasn’t sure if I had what it takes to succeed behind the scenes in the television industry. After gaining valuable knowledge and experience at a local TV station, a remarkable opportunity was presented to me through a contact I made during an internship with Orange County Choppers. I was given the chance to work on a new show for the Discovery Channel called, “Yukon Men,” produced by Paper Route Productions. Over the past five

months I’ve gone from working the overnight shift to an associate producer on the show. Has it been easy? Absolutely not. But I encourage everyone to keep working hard and let your passion show in your work. Don’t let an opportunity pass you by. Recently I was promoted to edit a new show for Discovery Network’s Destination America channel. It has been an incredible learning experience thus far and I can’t wait for millions of people to tune in and see my work. It has truly been a surreal journey thus far; a journey that my education at Mount Saint Mary College prepared me for. And for that, I am always thankful.

EMPLOYMENT FAIR LEADS TO JOB By Andre Santa, ’12, chemistry

During my last two semesters of undergraduate coursework, I was looking for post-graduation job opportunities. It wasn’t going well. Finally, I decided to go to the Career Center and see if there was anything they could do to help me. It was the best decision I made in a long time. The staff was extremely friendly and they helped me in a variety of ways: I was given assistance with my resume,

and I learned about the annual Employment Fair. It was at the Employment Fair that I met my current employer, Eastern Alloys in Maybrook, NY where I am now the Chemist/Quality Process Engineer. I can’t thank the staff of the Career Center enough. Every student needs to go and take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Career Center.

By Meaghan O’Gallagher, ’12, English

Although I was an English major since I was a freshman, I was unsure what career I was going to pursue after graduation. Nothing seemed to be the right fit for me. In my senior year I decided that an internship would be the best way for me to gain invaluable experience and information that could help me. I thought about an internship in a publishing house or local newspaper but when I met with my internship coordinator in the Career Center, we discussed my interests and passions and I rediscovered my love for libraries. I had always been interested in becoming a librarian, but knew nothing about the profession other than the most basic functions and tasks. I accepted an offer to intern in the College’s own library where I could get the best learning experience. My internship was truly incredible. I felt warmly welcomed into the Mount Saint Mary College Curtin Memorial Library family, and was encouraged to ask questions and try new things. I gained hands on experience; I worked on collection development, assisted students with research projects and papers, and assisted the Library with various programs and tasks. The Career Center helped me find an internship that was a perfect fit for my strengths and interests and I finally determined my career choice as a librarian!


Domenico D’Atria, communications/media studies, Hudson Valley Renegades

Kasey Ronan, nursing, Putnam Hospital Center

Students in the field

Samantha Wilson, interdisciplinary studies, Safe Harbors

Russell Pagano, communications/ public relations, Frozen Ropes

Jillian Torre, communications/journalism, Interview Magazine

Steven Savarino (L), communications/public, Michael Muñoz (C), ’09, marketing, Alexander Rivera (R), business, Glamour Kills

Johanna Seidel, communications/public relations, Boys and Girls Club of Wallkill

Jessica Feerick, communications/public relations, Forrest Solutions Group

Catherine Conde, business and communications, Matthew Nucifore, communications/public relations, Sandra Wamsley, IT/education, Angela Wise, business – Laerdal Medical

Career Center

Mount Saint Mary College • 330 Powell Avenue, Newburgh, NY 12550 • Aquinas Hall, Room 151 | 845-569-3175 | Kathleen O’Keefe, Editor, Associate Director Janet Zeman, Executive Director Ellen Bourhis Nolan, Director of Career Development Robin Rosenberg, Coordinator, Co-Ops and Internships Maureen Aurigemma, Coordinator, Co-Ops and Internships Lynn Frank, Secretary © 2012

Stephen Blomquist, accounting, Mount Saint Mary College Office of Financial Aid

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