Baseline Drills / Volleys / Serves:
Player: DE VREESE Xavier Date of birth: 11 March 1997 Citizenship: French Sex: Male Height: 5.8 ft Weight: 130 pounds
College education goals:
Type of Sport: Tennis Ranking: 3/6 Name of Club for team matches:
A passionate player for whom tennis plays a very important role in his life.
My main goal is to obtain a Master degree
Current schooling level: 1st year at university
US College entrance level: Sophomore Cumulative GPA: 3.72 US College entry term: FALL 2016 SAT scores: 400+400+290 320+370+250 Next: 7th May
TOEFL scores: 41/46 NCAA ID No: In progress
US Cagnes Tennis
Best sporting results/achievements: 11/03/2016: win over 1/6 28/03/2016: win over 2/6
WHAT MAKES YOU WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE ? I would like to join an American university to continue to play tennis and improve my global level as much as I can, while pursuing my studies. It’s also very important for me to improve my English skills.
WHAT ARE YOUR TENNIS STRENGTHS? My strengths are my backhand, my defense game and my overall mindset.
WHY SHOULD A COACH CHOOSE YOU INSTEAD OF SOMEONE ELSE ? A coach might choose me because I am truly motivated, I will always show 100% of my faculties and be serious about my commitment to my team and university. I am a positive person, who would bring his good spirit to the team.
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT YOURSELF THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE? I never give up during matches, even when the score is not in my favor !