Move and Explore At Home

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Active play resource

Activity areas

About the cards The cards in this pack will provide you with simple activities that you can do with the children that you look after with the minimum of resources. The activities are designed to be developed and adapted to suit your children's needs, to help increase their daily levels of physical activity in a fun and inclusive way. The activities cover four areas; In the garden In the home

In the garden

In the home

In the park On the move All the resources you will need are on the front of each card along with simple ideas on how to adapt the activities if needed.

The STEP approach In the park

On the move

Use the STEP approach to help you adapt the activities. Space - Adapt the space you are using to make activities easier or more challenging.

Activity type

Task - You can change the activity to make it suitable for different aged children. Equipment - You can vary the equipment of an activity to ensure that it is suitable for different aged children. People - You can adapt the activities by getting different children to do different parts of the activity.

Adult led activity

Child led activity

Information and resources The activities on this card are all about going into space. The children will be pretending to be space ships flying around in space, avoiding meteors, meeting friendly aliens and building their own planets. You will need:


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Paper plates to be used as steering wheels and to make into the planets Balls of various sizes from tennis balls up to light beach balls Plastic buckets Old dress up clothes

These activities are about exploring agility, coordination and moving in space. Try to encourage lots of direction changes in the adult led activities as this will help improve their dynamic balance and coordination of movement.

STEP approach

Card 1

A Unique Child Provide opportunities for children to explore play and learn in a safe and secure environment, remembering that children's mobility and movement are important for their development.

For the adult led space and planets activity think about changing the space you are using. You can make it more challenging for older children (4+) by decreasing the size of the space so they have to be more aware of what is around them. For younger children increase the size of the space to allow them more time to think and move. Also think about the task, if you have young children, provide an area that only they can go in and the older children have to avoid. For the adult led meteor shower activity think about adapting the equipment by using a range of different size balls. The larger balls will make it easier for the young children to catch and kick. Smaller balls will make the activities more challenging and could be used for older children (4+). Also think about the size of the space you use for the activity, by increasing the gaps between the children they will have to cover more ground to prevent the ball leaving the circle.

Spaceships and Planets Adult led activity

For this activity you will be using the paper plates as steering wheels for the spaceships and the various size balls for the planets. · Scatter the balls around the garden as these will be the planets which the children have to avoid when moving around the garden. Each child must fly their spaceship avoiding any of the planets · Once they are confidently flying around not colliding with any planets start rolling the balls around making it more challenging for them to avoid · The older children can also take it in turns to help your roll the ball towards other children

Child led activity

Meteor Shower For this activity you will be using the paper plates as the planets and balls of various sizes as the meteors. · Place the paper plates in a circle, large enough for everyone to sit in so that if each child stretched out their arms they could just touch the hands of the children next to them · The children must then roll the meteors across the circle to each other not allowing them to go out of the area. Start with one ball and then keep adding until there are more meteors rolling across the circle than children · You can then change the activity by asking the children to stand up and kick the balls across the circle

For this activity you will need some old dressing up clothes. Ask the children to pretend they have landed their spaceship on a planet and have met a friendly alien. Ask them what the alien looks like and see if they can dress up and pretend to be the alien. Once they have dressed up like their aliens ask them to show you:

For this activity you will need some buckets full of natural material such as pebbles, sand, mud and twigs and any other items you think would be good for making a planet.

· How the alien walks

· Before they start building tell them that they have to build it quickly as a meteor shower will be coming soon to roll over their planet

· How the alien jumps · How the alien runs Ask as many questions as you can about the alien and how it moves around on its planet.

· Ask the children to use these materials to build their own mini planet in the garden

· Once the children have finished their planet ask them to roll the balls over the planets and ask them how the balls move over the different surfaces they have made

Information and resources The activities on this card are all about food. The children will be pretending to be different types of beans you eat and learn about the different colours of fruit. You will need:


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A wobble board (sometimes known as a balance board) or you can use old pillows Paint and paint brushes Some plastic containers Pictures of fruit Sheets of paper for painting

These activities are about exploring speed, coordination and change of direction and can help children with their colours and fruit recognition. Try to use as many different colours of fruit and you can always try the fruit activities with vegetables as well.

STEP approach

Card 2

Positive Relationships Help children build on prior learning by pitching activities, such as a play or a story, at a level that is demanding but still within the children's reach.

For the child led bean game activity think about changing the equipment you are using. You can make it easier for younger children by having them jump off old cushions instead of the wobble board as it will be more stable. For the adult led colour of fruit activity think about adapting the task for younger children. You could give them pictures of the fruit to help them find the right colour or you could hide pictures of fruit around the garden and ask them to find those instead when you call out a fruit.

Adult led activity

Child led activity

Bean Game

Colour of Fruit

For this activity you will not need any resources. The aim of this activity is that the children act out different types of beans that you call out. Each bean has a different action that the children have to act out.

For this activity you will not need any resources. You could however use some pictures of fruit to help younger children. The aim of the activity is for the children to find objects in the garden that are the same colour as the fruit you call out.

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· For example if you said `bananas' the children would have to run and find something that was yellow

Runner beans = children run around the garden Jumping Beans = children jump around the garden Jelly Beans = children shake their bodies String Beans = children stretch up high Broad Beans = children stretch out wide Baked Beans = children get into a small ball on the floor Baked Beans on toast = like 'baked beans' but on a mat

· You can then make it more challenging by naming two fruits. They then have to find items of the same colour in the same order, for example if you called out "banana" and "oranges" they would have to go and find something yellow and then something orange

For this activity you will need a wobble board or some old pillows. The aim of the activity is that the children will pretend to be jumping beans and use the wobble board or pillows as their launch or landing pad.

For this activity you will need some different colour paints in pots, brushes, sheets of paper and pictures of fruit. The aim of the activity is for the children to invent and paint a new fruit.

· The children must find different items in the garden to jump over or onto. For example they could jump from their launch pad into a sand pit or over a path

· Hide the pots of paint around the garden next to a picture of some fruit the same colour and place a sheet of paper for each child in the middle of the garden

· For older children you could see if they can jump onto their wobble boards or pillows from different objects, for example a small step or a small bench

· The children then must find the paint pots, bring one back and start to paint a picture with that colour

· In both the games see how many things they can find to jump over, jump onto and jump in

· They must then return the paint pot before getting a different one. They can choose how many colours they use to make their new fruit

Information and resources The activities on this card are about animals. The children will be pretending to be different types of animals, some that live in a pond and some they may see in the zoo. You will need:


路 Paper plates 路 Small buckets 路 Various small items such as bean bags, balls, small toys or similar for the food These activities are about exploring movement of the body, acceleration and strength. The jumping in the activities will help children develop strength in their legs and core. When the children are jumping in any of the activities try to reinforce the importance of bending their legs when they land, absorbing the impact.

STEP approach

Card 3 Enabling Environment Ensure that children have opportunities to be outside on a daily basis all year round. Learning and Development Provide flexible resources that can be used in many different ways to facilitate children's play and exploration.

For the child led feeding time at the zoo activity think about changing the task and the people when adapting the activity for your children. You can make it easier for younger children by allowing them to be closer to the food in the middle. You could set older children (4+) additional rules such as number of items to collect or they have to travel in a certain ways to collect items like hopping or skipping. For the adult led on the pond activity think about adapting the space for younger children. Jumping can be very tiring for young children so you may want to give them their own smaller pond to jump around in. You could also change the rules for different people so that the younger children can jump on all of the lily pads but older children (4+) can only jump on lily pads that are a certain colour.

Adult led activity

On the Pond

Feeding Time at the Zoo

For this activity you will be using some paper plates to make some lily pads. The aim of the activity is that the children pretend that they are frogs on a pond with lots of lily pads.

For this activity you will need a mixture of small items such as balls, bean bags, small toys etc. The aim of the activity is for the children to pretend to be animals you might see at the zoo.

· Mark out an area in the garden to represent the pond and arrange the lily pads in different patterns · The children must jump from lily pad to lily pad by crouching down low and jumping up high like a frog · Make it into a seeking game by hiding pictures of tadpoles on the underside of some plates and asking the children to find them as they jump around

Child led activity

For this activity you will need an old bed sheet which will be used as the pond and a rowing boat. The aim of this activity is for the children to take you on a journey across a magical pond. · Shake the sheet up and down for the waves, place things on top such as leaves and other things that might fall into a pond and shake them off · Row a boat by pushing and pull the sheet backwards and forwards as if rowing a boat fast and slow · Put a hand under the sheet and make puppets with the material of different animals the children say they see on the magical pond and act them out

· Each child can choose what animal they would like to be · Place all the small items in the centre of the garden and place the buckets equal distances away, one for each child · The children must run as their animal, collect one item of food and return it to their bucket before going to get another until all the food is gone

For this activity you will not need any resources. The aim of the activity is for the children to act like an animals they might see in the zoo. · Ask the children to move around the garden pretending to be like the animal they might see in the zoo · Choose one child at a time to be the zoo keeper, who must walk around and decide what animal each of the other children is pretending to be and what food they would like to eat · Ask the children who are pretending to be the animals to make the sounds of their animal as they move around

Information and resources The activities on this card are about body awareness. The children will be using music and lights to learn about different parts of their body. You will need:


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A torch Foil blankets (also called space blankets) or some thin material Paper plates Music

These activities are about exploring body awareness, reactions and movement to music. They will use music and lights to encourage children to explore their reaction to changes. The activities will also help children with their understanding of how their body moves by trying to make different shapes.

STEP approach

Card 4 A Unique Child Provide opportunities for children to explore play and learn in a safe and secure environment, remembering that children's mobility and movement are important for their development.

For the adult led find the light activity adapt the task for the children in your care. You can make it easier for younger children by keeping the light on as the music plays and allow them to follow it around the room. For older children (4+) you could adapt the task by having them bounce a ball inside the circle of light as it appears when the music stops. For the child led find the light activity think about adapting the task for younger children. For children as young as six months who are able to support themselves sitting up, you can move the light around behind the foil blanket and see if they can follow it. Encourage them to reach out and touch the light as it moves.

Adult led activity

Find the Light

Moving Body Parts

For this activity you will be using music and torches. The aim of the activity is for the children to react to the light when the music stops. You will need to dim the lights in the room.

For this activity you will need the paper plates. The aim of the activity is for children to put a body part on the paper plate when you call out that body part.

· When the music is playing ask the children to move around the room to the music · When you stop the music switch on the torch so the beam is shining on the floor making a circle of light · The children must then all get inside the circle of light together

· This can be done like musical chairs or without music · For young children you can have actual pictures of body parts on the plates and hold one up when calling out the name · You can make the activity more challenging by asking the children to draw their hands, feet and any other body parts they can on the paper plates · When you call out a body part they have to find the correct plate before they can put the body part on it

Child led activity

For this activity you will need a foil blanket and a torch. The aim of the activity is for one child to try and touch the light through the foil blanket as quickly as they can. · Unfold the blanket and suspend it between two chairs · One child is needed on each side of the blanket one of which has the torch · The child with the torch must shine the torch through the foil blanket whilst the other child must react and touch the light · When then the light is touched the child must turn it off and shine it through some where different

For this activity you will need some crayons and some large sheets of paper. The aim of the activity is that the children make the shapes of letters by drawing around their bodies. · Allow the children to take it in turns to lie on the paper · The other children can then draw around the child on the paper using the crayons · The child on the paper can make different shapes with their bodies · When they are finished, sit around the shapes on the paper and see what letters they can recognise

Information and resources The activities on this card are all about music and musical instruments. The children will be using music to play a range of activities and making musical shakers. You will need:


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Balloons Various sized plastic bottles Dried food such as chick peas, pasta or lentils Music

These activities are about exploring balance, hand-eye coordination and agility. Some of the activities on this card are noisy so if you have very young children please be aware and we do advise that only children over the age of three make their own shakers.

STEP approach

Card 5 Positive Relationships Help children build on prior learning by pitching activities, such as a play or a story, at a level that is demanding but still within the children's reach.

For the child led musical stars activity think about adapting the equipment you use for very young children. Instead of just using pasta add some water and glitter in the bottles. This will reduce the noise and make it more appealing to very young children with the burst of colour as you shake the bottle. Do ensure the top of the bottle is secure with some tape so that it does not leak. For the adult led musical balloons activity think about adapting the task and the rules for different people, such as older children (4+) can only use their heads or one hand to keep the balloon in the air. You may even give them more than one balloon to keep in the air. You could also change the equipment by adding a few chick peas into a balloon for older children which will increase the weight and make it more challenging to keep in the air.

Musical Stars Adult led activity

For this activity you will need some music. The aim of this activity is for children to balance as different shape stars. · When the music is playing ask the children to move around the room in different ways · When the music stops the children have to make different star shapes with their body. You could try: · One foot and two hands on the floor · Two feet and one hand on the floor · One foot and one hand on the floor · Two feet and two hands on the floor

Child led activity

For this activity you will need some music, empty plastic bottles and some dried pasta. The aim of the activity is for the children to make their own musical instruments using the bottles and the dried food and become musical stars.

Musical Balloons For this activity you will need some balloons, a CD player and some music. The aim of the activity is that the children keep the balloons in the air whilst the music is playing. · When the music plays the children must keep the balloons in the air and when it stops the children must lie on the floor before the balloon touches the floor · Add a new rule that they are only allowed to use their hands or their feet to keep the balloons in the air · You could turn this game into a small version of seated volleyball where everyone sits down and tries to keep the ball in the air

For this activity you will need some balloons and dried chick peas. The aim of this activity is to make some musical balloons to help with dancing and seeking games.

· Fill a variety of sized plastic bottles with different amounts of the dried foods and seal them tightly

· Place small amounts of the chick peas into the balloon and blow them up. These balloons will make a noise like thunder when they are shaken

· Now the bottle instruments can be used as part of musical statues

· The balloons can then be used as musical instruments or as part of dance routines

· When the music is playing they have to shake the bottles and when the music stops they must stop stand still and not make a noise

· You could also fill the room with blown up balloons, one which has chick peas in and the rest which are empty · See how long it takes to find the chick pea balloon

Information and resources The activities on this card are about going on holiday and to the beach on a train. The children will be using their imagination to build the story as you do the activities. You will need:


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Some large pillows or cushions Plastic buckets that will support a child sitting on them Scarves or pieces of light material A mixture of small items such as balls or small toys of different colours Music

These activities are about exploring, balance, movement to music and coordination. The adult led and child led 'Going to the Beach' activities are linked as part of the same story. Allow the children to lead the activities creating their own story.

STEP approach

Card 6 Enabling Environment Ensure that children have opportunities to be outside on a daily basis all year round. Learning and Development Provide flexible resources that can be used in many different ways to facilitate children's play and exploration.

For the adult led going on holiday activity think about adapting the equipment for older children (4+). You can use a wobble board instead of pillows to increase the instability and make balancing harder. You can also use a wobble board for the train seats in the adult led going to the beach activity. For the child led going on holiday activity think about adapting the task for younger children. Place all the scarves inside a bucket and encourage the child to throw the scarves up in the air when the music plays and the other are children dancing. For the adult led going to the beach activity think about adapting the equipment for younger children. Try placing a bucket on top of a pillow for the seats on the train. This will allow very young children who are able to sit unsupported to be in the bucket and rocked from side to side. You can also do the same with buckets on top of wobble boards.

Adult led activity

Going on Holiday

Going to the Beach

For this activity you will be using some large pillows. The aim of this activity is for the children to pretend that they are going on holiday by boat.

For this activity you will be using the buckets and a mixture of small balls. The aim of this activity is to pretend to go to the beach by train.

· Each child must sit down on one pillow

· First you have to get on the train

· Start by being a small boat and rock from side to side, rock backwards and forwards and then around in a circle

· Turn your buckets upside down, place them in a line and use them as the seats on the train

· Now you are on a bigger boat, ask the children to sit on top of two pillows and repeat the actions

· Ask the children to lift their legs off the floor and put their hands in the air as the train starts to move

· Now you have to go on a really big boat and the children need to sit on three pillows and repeat the actions

. See if they can catch a ball as they balance, see how many they can collect before they fall off or drop them

· Keep adding pillows

Child led activity

For this activity you will be using the scarves. The aim of the activity is to provide the children with an opportunity to move to music, by pretending to be a plane flying through the sky.

For this activity the resources you will use will depend on the imagination of the children. The aim of this activity is to pretend to be different things you might see at the beach.

· Give each child two scarves, one for each hand

· For a starfish you could stretch out in a star shape on the floor

· Playing some music ask the children to move around the room pretending to be planes, twisting, twirling, swooping and diving through the air

· For seaweed you could stretch high and wave some scarves

· When the music stops they must slow down and in a spiral slowly get smaller and lower to the ground · If the music starts they must begin flying again

· For a shell you could get as small as you can · For waves you could shake a bed sheet · For a crab you could walk sideways around the room

Information and resources The activities on this card are all about using the resource, the foil blanket (also called space blankets that people get at the end of a race) or wrapping paper in different ways. You will need:


路 Foil blankets or you can use large sheets of old wrapping paper 路 Balls of various sizes 路 String These activities are about exploring throwing, kicking and agility. The foil blanket or wrapping paper makes a great target and can help children engage in activities by the sound it makes and the change in light reflecting off it. The foil blankets have many purposes and can also be used for den building or as a picnic blanket. For the child led 'catch it if you can' activity we would advise that the children wear gloves.

STEP approach For the child led material parachute activity think about adapting the space where you may do the activities. Try to find somewhere which offers a challenge such as slopes or mounds for the older children (4+) but also somewhere that has flat area for the less mobile children.

Card 7 A Unique Child Provide opportunities for children to explore play and learn in a safe and secure environment, remembering that children's mobility and movement are important for their development.

For the child led on or under activity think about adapting the task. You may ask older children (4+) to collect certain items and young children to bring back whatever they like to make it an appropriate challenge for the child. For the adult led on or under activity think about adapting the equipment by having various sizes and weights of balls to allow children to be able to throw and catch one that is appropriate for them.

On or Under Adult led activity

For this activity you will be using the foil blanket or wrapping paper as a target and the balls. The aim of the activity is to throw or kick the ball from different distances and get it to land on the foil blanket or wrapping paper. · To start with stand next to the foil blanket or wrapping paper and ask the children to throw the balls onto it · As the balls land on the material you throw them off · Encourage them to throw the ball from further away if they are successful and come closer if they are not · Then see if the children can do the same by kicking the balls or finding other items in the park to throw on top of the material

Child led activity

Material Parachute For this activity you will use the foil blankets or wrapping paper like the colourful parachutes that you see at a playgroup. The aim of the activity is for children to move the foil blanket or wrapping paper to the level of certain body parts. · Have all the children stand around the material and start by shaking it fast, slow, high and low · Then make large waves by shaking the material from their feet to their heads · Then make small waves by shaking the material from their feet to their knees and from tummies to their heads · Try using different body parts for different size waves

For this activity you will be using the foil blankets or wrapping paper as a sensory resource. The aim of the activity is that the children find natural items in the park, hide them under the foil blanket or wrapping paper and then the other children guess what they are.

For this activity you will be using the foil blanket or wrapping paper as a parachute. You will also need two pieces of string for each parachute each at least 1.5 metres long. The aim of the activity is for the children to experience moving around with the parachute behind them.

· Ask the children to explore and find natural things to collect in the park

· On one of the short sides of the material attach a piece of string to the corner and the other end of the string to the other corner on the same short side

· When they come back from exploring they must show you what they have found and then hide it under the material · Then when all the children have finished collecting, ask them to sit around the material and by putting their hands on top guess what is underneath

· Repeat on the other short side creating the two handles of the parachute · Allow the children to explore how it affects them when they run around with the parachute blowing behind them

Information and resources The activities on this card are all about traffic lights and road works. You will need:


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Any green, yellow and red craft materials such as tissue paper, card and wrapping paper Small plastic bags or containers for collecting things At least ten small plastic bowls which are various colours Paper plates

These activities are about exploring movement, speed and agility. They will also help reinforce road safety with a focus on the meaning of red and green lights when crossing roads. The activities will need a large area of the park with a mixture of open space and bushes and trees. For the child led 'Traffic lights' activity we would advise that the children wear gloves.

STEP approach

Card 8 Positive Relationships Help children build on prior learning by pitching activities, such as a play or a story, at a level that is demanding but still within the children's reach.

For the adult led traffic lights activity think about adapting the task for younger children. You may remove the yellow instruction so that the children have less to think about. For older children (4+) you may adapt this task by adding in additional instructions such as 'bridge' where the children have to make a bridge with their bodies. For the adult led road works activity think about adapting the task if you have younger children by instead of having the competition element have all the bowls the wrong way up to start. Then as the children turn them the right way up, they have them stack them. For the older children (4+) think about adapting the space by making the area as big as possible. This will make it more challenging to turn them all the correct way up in a given time.

Adult led activity

Traffic Lights

Road Works

For this activity you do not need any resources. The aim of the activity is for the children to move around a large area in the park and respond to the instructions you call out based on the colours of traffic lights.

For this activity you will need some plastic bowls. The aim of this activity is for the children to pretend that the bowls are road cones which have blown over and need to be put the correct way up.

· When you call out GREEN the children can run/ jump/skip around

· Scatter the bowls around a large area

· When you call out YELLOW/AMBER the children must walk/crawl/hop · When you call out RED they must stop and stand still

· Ask the children to run around and make sure that all the bowls are the right way up · You then have to pretend to be the wind and turn them the wrong way up · Set a time limit and at the end see who has the most cones the right way up

Child led activity

For this activity you will need some small plastic bags or containers. The aim of the activity is for the children to explore and find natural items to make a collage of a traffic light. · Using the bags or containers, ask the children to collect some red, yellow and green natural items that they can find · When they have finished exploring and collecting items empty the bags out and sort out the colours into piles · Then on the ground in the park, make a collage of a traffic light using the different coloured items · You may need to bring some additional coloured items to hide depending on the time of year

For this activity you will need some paper plates and plastic bowls. The aim of this activity is for the children to build themselves a race track using the bowls as cones to mark out the course. The paper plates can be used as there steering wheels. · Ask the children to create their own race track using a large area that you feel is safe for your children · Once they have made their track organise some races or just let them race around as they want · You can always add in additional obstacles such as a blanket for a lake that they have to go around or a skipping rope for a very small road which they have to run along

Information and resources The activities on this card are all about counting from one to five and the numbers on a clock. You will need:


路 Numbered cards up to 12 (like the ones you get with 1 apple, 2 butterflies on etc) 路 Some adhesive such as Blue Tac or Sellotape 路 A skipping rope with a tent peg tied to one end These activities are about exploring speed, acceleration and agility. They will support the children in learning to count up to twelve. If you have older children (4+) you can extend the numbers further by adapting some of the activities. For one of the activities you will need to be in a playground area where there are swings, slides and other equipment. For the child led 'Counting Clocks' activity we would advise that children wear gloves.

STEP approach

Card 9 Enabling Environment Ensure that children have opportunities to be outside on a daily basis all year round. Learning and Development Provide flexible resources that can be used in many different ways to facilitate children's play and exploration.

For the adult led 1,2,3,4,5 activity think about adapting the task for older children (4+) if they are finding this activity too easy. Instead of playing as an individual ask the children to play as a team where if you called out a number they have to make that number as a team. For example if you had three children and you called out eight then they would have to have eight points of contact with the floor such as six feet and two hands. For the child led 1,2,3,4,5 activity think about adapting the task for older children (4+) by including simple sums in the games. For example you could ask the child to work out a sum and then they have to find the playground equipment with the correct number card on it. Once they have played on the equipment they can run back for another sum.

1,2,3,4,5 Adult led activity

For this activity you will not need any resources. The aim of the activity is to help children learn how to count up to five through being active. · Create an area on a grassy part of the park · The children can move around the area any way they like · You then call out a number 1,2,3,4 or 5 · The children must then stop and place that number of body parts using their hands, feet and heads to make up that number

Child led activity

Counting Clocks For this activity you will need the numbered cards with the numbers 3, 6, 9 and 12 and the peg and skipping rope. The aim of the activity is to help children learn about numbers on a clock through being active. · Have a centre point of the clock where the children will start from and then place the number cards at the same positions they would be on a clock face · Then call out a time, for example '12 o'clock', the children then run to the number 12 and then back to the middle · You can use the skipping rope tied to a peg, placed in the ground, in the middle of the clock and the other end of the rope on the number you call out as a guide

For this activity you will need the numbered cards and some blue tack. The aim of the activity is for one child to place the cards next to different pieces of playground equipment.

For this activity you will need the numbered cards with the numbers 3, 6, 9 and 12. The aim of the activity is for the children to match numbers.

· Put some adhesive on the back of each card

· Lay the cards out on the floor like a clock on the ground

· Ask one child to run and put each of the five cards next to a piece of playground equipment

· The children then have to go and explore and find natural items for them to put next to the signs

· When they have finished you must all go around the playground playing on the pieces of equipment in the order of the cards from 1 to 5

· They need to match the number of items with the number on the signs

· You can move the numbers around and play again

· For example on the 9 sign they could have 9 of the same item or 9 different items

Information and resources The activities on this card are all about what you see as you are walking. For these activities you will not need any resources.


These activities are about exploring speed, acceleration and coordination. They are based around walking on paths which could be near or next to roads so they should only be done where you feel it is safe to do so. The adult led 'Animals' activity allows children to choose how to get past an obstacle as their chosen animal which we would advise only to be done away from any roads. Try to encourage the children to make the sounds of the animals they see to help engage the very young children.

STEP approach For the child led animals activity think about adapting the task for older children (4+) if they are finding this activity too easy. As you approach an obstacle which could be a fallen tree in the woods try to set them a way of getting past it which will make it more challenging.

Card 10 A Unique Child Provide opportunities for children to explore play and learn in a safe and secure environment, remembering that children's mobility and movement are important for their development.

For the adult led vehicles activity think about adapting the task for younger children. Instead of using five gears only use three to allow the children to explore the differences in speeds. These gears could be slow walk, fast walk and run.

Vehicles Adult led activity

The aim of the activity is for the children to act out the different speeds of gears in a car. · Ask the children to pretend they are racing cars

The aim of the activity is for the children to move along the lines in the pavement as different animals. The other children must try and guess what animal each child is trying to be.

· Call out the different gears from 1 to 5 as you are walking along

· Give each child a type of animal to pretend to be or have a selection of picture cards for them to pick from

1 2 3 4 5

Child led activity


= = = = =

Standing Still Slow Walk Fast Walk Jog Run

The aim of the activity is for the children to act out any vehicles they see as they are walking. · Get them to shout out the vehicle before acting out so you can make sure it is an appropriate way of moving at that time. Here are some examples: Lorry = Big steps and quick Tractor = Big steps and slow Bicycle = Lift knees high as you walk Mini = Small steps, really quickly Sports Car = flick legs up behind you like a spoiler Cranes = Walk on tip toes Bus = Big slow lunges

· The child must then act out that animal's actions as they follow any lines in the pavement · The other children must try and guess what type of animal the child is pretending to be

The aim of the activity is for the children to pretend to be an animal and depending on what animal they choose they have to pass any obstacle they come to like that animal. · As you approach an obstacle, such as a gate, ask them how their animal will pass the obstacle Would they go over it? Would they go around it? Would they go through it? Would they go under it?

Information and resources The activities on this card are all about trains and luggage you take with you when you are on the train. You will need:


路 A whistle (optional) 路 Two long skipping ropes or some long scarves 路 Some small bags or containers to collect things in These activities are about exploring change in direction, acceleration and agility. The activities are for walking in areas away from any roads such as in the woods or across a field. For the child led luggage activity we would advise that children wear gloves. The adult led luggage activity requires children to turn left and right so you may need to lead this activity from the front, so choose a suitable areas where children can walk behind you.

STEP approach For the adult led luggage activity think about adapting the task for different people. If you have younger children who do not know their left or right you could let them wear a bell on one hand and nothing on the other. Then when you change direction you can use this to indicate which is left or right.

Card 11 Positive Relationships Help children build on prior learning by pitching activities, such as a play or a story, at a level that is demanding but still within the children's reach.

For the child led the train activity think about adapting the equipment if you have younger children by using smaller skipping ropes or scarves so that children are more likely to stay together. For older children (4+) you can use longer ropes to make the activity more challenging. For the adult led the train activity you could change the task for older children (4+) to make it more challenging. Instead of running from the back of the line to the front you could see if they could pass a ball over their heads to the front of the line as they walk then when it gets to the front child, they have to run to the back of the line and start it again.

Adult led activity

The Train


For this activity you will only need a whistle if you would like to use one. The aim of the activity is for the children to take it in turns to lead the train.

For this activity you will not need any resources. The aim of this activity is to sing the following rhyme changing directions each time you say left or right. You may need to lead this activity from the front so the children can see you.

· Ask the children to walk in a line one behind each other · The child at the front of the line is the train driver and leads the line as you walk · When you blow the train whistle or clap your hands the child at the back of the line runs to the front and takes over steering the train

One day I went to the train station, to catch the 9.22 where I left my luggage in the left luggage office then I went right back, with the right ticket too but the luggage I left in the left luggage office wasn't right where I left it, what shall I do!!

· You can reverse this so that the child at the front runs to the back of the line when the whistle is blown

Child led activity

For this activity you will need two skipping ropes. The aim of the activity is for the children to make a train all joined together by the skipping ropes and move around.

For this activity the children will need a small bag or container. The aim of this activity is for the children to collect natural items they find to make a collage of a train.

· Place the skipping ropes on the floor in two parallel lines

· Before leaving on your walk decide what colour the train you would like to make will be

· Ask the children to stand in a line between the ropes and pick them up holding onto each skipping rope with one hand · Children should take in turn to be the engine of the train leading the carriages

· As you walk along ask the children to look for any natural items that are the same colour as the train you will make · When the child finds an item of the right colour they have to collect it and put it in their bag or container · At the end of the walk use the collected items to make a picture of a train

Information and resources The activities on this card are about the types of ground you see as you walk on a path and using the hop, skip and jump technique for travelling.


For these activities you will not need any equipment other than things you might see on your walk. These activities are about exploring change in jumping, balance and agility. They are for walking on paths which have paving stones or lines in them. For some of these activities you will need to have lamp posts or other markers on your route. We would advise that you do these activities on a quiet road and not near a main road. The hop, skip and jump activities are the basics of the triple jump in athletics. The action itself builds strength and stability in the core muscles.

STEP approach For the adult led hop, skip and jump activity think about adapting the task if you have younger children by allowing them to hop in three paving stones and do the same for skipping and jumping. Think about adapting the activity for older children (4+) by setting them distances they need to jump at the end.

Card 12 Enabling Environment Ensure that children have opportunities to be outside on a daily basis all year round. Learning and Development Provide flexible resources that can be used in many different ways to facilitate children's play and exploration.

For the child led hop, skip and jump activity think about adapting the task for the different people by giving older children (4+) ways of travelling or combinations such as run, jump, hop, jump and run between the next two lampposts or markers. They could also move between the next two posts as your favourite animal.

What is on the Path? Adult led activity

The aim of the activity is for the children to find different surfaces to jump on to make different noises. · Ask the children to see if they can find different things or types of ground to jump on to make different noises · For example they could jump in a puddle for a splash, in leaves for a crunch, on a drain cover for a clang and on some gravel for a scratchy sound · See what different sounds they can make by jumping between different surfaces

Child led activity

Hop, Skip and Jump The aim of the activity is for the children to act out the actions of hop, skip and jump using the actions of different animals they see as they are walking. · Get them to shout out the animal before acting it out so you can make sure it is an appropriate way of moving at that time. Here are some examples; Cat = Skip Dog = Run Bird = Jump with arms out wide Squirrel = Lots of small jumps Rabbit = Hop on one leg Frog = Crouch and jump

The aim of the activity is for children to use the cracks and lines in the pavement as you walk.

The aim of this activity is to use the lamp posts or other markers to do the triple jump action.

· Ask the children to see if they can walk along the cracks and lines in the pavement without stepping off them

· Choose a safe quite path which has lamp posts on it

· Encourage them to have their arms outstretched to help them balance · Then ask the children if they can walk on the path without stepping on two paving stones that are touching each other

· The children must move between two lamp posts using only one way of moving · For example they may hop between two lamp posts and then skip between the next two · Then see if they can go between two lamp posts using the hop, skip and jump technique in the activity above

The move and explore active play resource has been developed following consultation with childminders in the South West region. The aim of the resource is to provide childminders with ideas for active play that they can do with the children in their care. The resource was developed for childminders however it could be used by other early year's practitioners, health professionals and parents/carers. The resource was developed and created by ActiveConnections. For more information on early year's physical activity courses and resources please go to We would like to thank all of the childminders who helped develop this resource. Illustrations by Angie Chan, please visit

This resource was commissioned by the Government Office of the South West and NHS Bristol following consultation in Bristol, Gloucestershire and Somerset.

Digitally signed by Mike

This resource was developed and produced by Activeconnections Training and Development Ltd

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