movenglish 2/3

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Deuteronomy 6:5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.


Michael Diva


John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

God is my victory and He is here –Hillsong United GOLDEN WORDS (20%) AND EXAMPLES [IS LIFE BORING? SO LET’S PRESS ‘PLAY’!] A true friend comes to YOU in hard times, looks at YOU, listens to YOU, and motivates YOU to move on. It’s all about YOU. MOVIE is a true friend! [Someone said, ‘The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book.’ I think if not ALL the way, why the go?] Those who wish to sing, always find a song. (Şarkı söylemek dilenler, her zaman şarkı bulacaklar). [Clap!] –Swedish proverb All glory comes from daring to begin. (Bütün başarıma onuru, başlamaye cesaret etmekten geliyor.) [True!]–Eugene F. Ware Once we take a trip abroad, I think we’ll hear the words of this filebook all the time, so we need to speak them too. REMEMBER: American language gets updated all the time, so after receiving this filebook, any change is POSSIBLE! Let’s catch those changes!  This filebook is for every level, from Elementary to Upper Intermediate. If my level is high, I wouldn’t ignore some simple words because sometimes people know the words, but can’t make SENTENCES with them. If my level is low, I’d just be patient(İngilizce seviyem düşük olsaydı, sabır gösterirdim). This filebook would be the answer(Bu dosyakitap cevabım olabilirdi)!  Some English words like ‘Dilemma(ikilem/dilema)’ are close in Turkish but I wrote them because of their importance, their pronunciation, and sample SENTENCES.  One word might have many meanings. For instance, ‘get’ has more than 60 meanings! In this filebook, the most practical ones of them are written.  Her hangi cümlede ‘Ben’ derken, ‘Ben’ değilim, ancak hayal edip iyi, kötü, moralı bozuk, mutlu, maddi, manevi v.s. hayali karakterler yarattım. Bazen maddi dünyamiz ne kadar kötü olduğunu karşılaşa bilirsiniz.  Very important note (Çok önemli not): The movie scenes with English subtitles (some of them made funny) used in this filebook are to encourage you watch Movenglish. Also instead of showing the picture of a word, its movie poster is used. The movies I mention in this filebook as subtitled, poster, or sample sentence do NOT represent the idea that you should watch them. NO. Some of them are even old! They’re just about English language. WATCH WHATEVER SUITS YOU. The pictures of the filebook will be the ‘bookmarks’ for you! (Size Movenglish yöntemla film izlemeye taşvik etmek için, bu dosyakitapta İngilizce altyazılı film sahnelerı, bazen de komik yapılmış, kullanmıştır. Ayrıca bir kelimenin resimi göstermeğin yerinde, onun film posterı kullanmıştır. Bahsettığım filmleri altyazılı, poster, ya da örnek cümle olarak, onları izlemeli olduğunu belirtmiyor. Hayır. Onlardan bazıları eski bile! Onlar ancak İngilizce dilla ilgilidir. KENDİNİ GÖRE NE UYGUNSE İZLEYİN. Bu dosyakitabın resimler, sizin için ‘ayraç’ olacak!) 

We learn by repeating, so some items in this filebook are repeated on purpose. Telaffuz Anahtarı Her kelemenin telaffuz /-.-.-/ taksim işaretın arasında yazılmıştır. Heceler /./ noktalar ile ayrılmıştır ve tek vürgülü hece, büyük harflarla belirtmiştir.

/A/ >Alo/Acele/Hak ||| /A:/ >Abi/Abla/Sema/ ||| /’/>virgül: birazcik daha durun/hızlı söylemeyin. Örnek: >Yeah /YE’a/ ||| /i/ ‘i’ ve ‘ı’ arasında > Sit /SİT/ Seat /Sİ’t/ Live /LİV/ Leave /Lİ’v/ ||| d = yumuşak d> hızlı ve kısa ‘d’ demek> Positive /PA:’.zı.div/ ||| /3/ gırtlaktan /E’/ gibi> Sir /S3R/ Girl /G3Rl/ ||| /S/ (Dilin ucu ön dişleri kilitlenıp /s/ söylemek gibi hava geçiyor.) Tooth, Three, Thank ||| /Z/ (Dilin ucu ön dişleri kilitlenıp /z/ söylemek gibi hava geçiyor.) They, Though, These, Those ||| /U/ ‘o’ ve ‘ı’ arasında> Look, Took, Book, Cook, Good. NOT /luk/tuk/buk/kuk/gud/. Redhouse sözlükta dinleyin. ||| İlk harf büyük /S/ > Sound, Single, House, Circus. ||| Önemli: İlk harf küçük /s/ ise, /ıs/ gibi okuyun> School/sKU’l/ NOT /se.KU’l/. Zor olurse o zaman /ısKU’l/ okuyun. Stand /ısTA’Nd/ NOT /seTA’Nd/. Start/ısTA:’Rt/ NOT /seTA:’Rt/. Star/ısTA:’r/. Stop /ısTA:’p/. Stay /ısTEY/. Street /ısTRİt/. Stress /ısTRES/. [Movenglish /MU’ş/.]  Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances. (Bütün zamanlarda, şu ana kadar o kişilerın içindeki bir şeyi, durumlarından daha kuvvetli olduğuna inanmaya cesaret eden kişilerin dışında, hiç görkemli bir şey kazanmamıştır.)[The MOST SPLENDID quote I’ve ever heard!]–Bruce Barton Bring all your intelligence to bear on your beginning. (Bütün zekanızı başlangıca dayanması için yönlendirin.) [VERY important!] –Elizabeth Bowen [İmkansiz diye bir şey yoktur. = Her şey mümkündür.]> Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done! (Dünyada bulunmaya değer şeylerin çoğu, bulunuşundan önce imkansiz diye ilan edilmiştir!) [VERY true.]–Louis D. Brandeis What we were trying to do was totally impossible. The only reason we were able to do it was because we didn't know it was impossible... so we did it anyway!! [It means they were so busy they didn’t have time to think if it’s possible or not!!!]–Bill Atkinson, Apple team Nobody was born a driver! Look how many million drivers we have in the world! English is the same. The first days we read the manual, then get in the car, then drive slowly, then drive everyday, then drive faster, then drive as fast as possible in a car race! In all the moments of learning, the joy of driving matters! Is the music on(Müzik açık mı/Eğlenıyormuyuz)? Woohoo! Albert Einstein says, ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.’ For EVERY SENTENCE we read in this filebook, we’d IMAGINE the situation and ACT it. When asked, ‘Can you speak English?’ which answer makes us feel good, ‘No I can’t’ or ‘YES I CAN’? I’d strike out the ‘can’t’!! Instead of giving myself reasons why I can’t, I give myself reasons why I CAN. (Kendimi niye yapamayacağımı sebep vermek yerinde, niye yapabileceğim sebepleri veriyorum.)–Anonymous Everyone who got where he is, had to begin where he was. (Herkes şu an yere ulaşabilmek için, bir yerden başlamalıydı.)–Robert Louis Stevenson Dr. Seuss encouragement poem: I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I’ve bought a big bat(beyzbol sopası); I’m all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me (Şimdi sorunlarım benimle sorunler olacak/benden korkayacak)! [Let’s teach these to our children.]

Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger! (Bir ineğı öldürünce, onunla burger yapmalsın: İşe başladığınca, FAYDALI BİR ŞEKİLDE BİTİRMELİSİN.) –Lady Gaga Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. –Sir Winston Churchill I’d say to myself, ‘Why am I reading this filebook? To be able to read? NO. I can already read! I read this filebook to be able to SPEAK.’ So I’d start to learn English speaking to ACCOMPLISH it. You my friends already know some English from school or some courses, right? WHEN DRAWING LOTS (KURA ÇEKMEK) FOR $1,000,000. HOW BAD I’D WANT ‘MY’ NAME TO BE ANNOUNCED AS THE WINNER? I WOULDN’T SIT THERE QUIET, NO, I’D SHOW SOME ENTHUSIASM, I’D BADLY WANT MY NAME TO BE ANNOUNCED THE WINNER, I’D WANT IT BADLY WITH ALL MY HEART AND ENERGY, AND MY INTERNAL DIALOGUE WOULD BE, ‘YES IT’S ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IT’S ME, IT’S MY NAME. I WANT IT BADLY, IT’S MINE IT’S MINE IT’S MINE. BE MY NAME MY NAME MY NAME AND NOWWW… [FOR ONE MOMENT THE WHOLE WORLD STOPS, MY HEART SKIPS THE BEAT, AND FOR ONE MOMENT, I DON’T TAKE A BREATH…] SUDDENLY IT’S ‘MY’ NAME AND I HAPPILY SHOUT, ‘‘YAAAYY! OH MY GOSH I WON I WON!’’ IF I ‘REALLY’ WANT TO LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH, I SHOULD HAVE THE SAME FEELING ALL THE TIME. I’D MAKE ENGLISH SPEAKING ‘MINE!’ NOW... ARE YOU MY FRIEND READY? SO... THREE, TWO, ONE… COME ON! WOOHOO!

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

Jerry Maguire: I love you. You... you complete me(Sen... sen beni mükemmelleştırıyorsun). And I just...(Ve şu ki...) Dorothy: Shut up, just shut up (Sus, hiçbir şey deme). You had me at ‘hello.’ (İlk ‘merhaba’dan sana aşığım).ENGLISH HAD, HAS, AND WILL HAVE ME AT ‘HELLO.’

OH YEAH, YOU CAN. YES/NO Evet: Yes /YES/ || Yep=Yeap /YEP/ || Yeah=Yea /YE’//YE’a/ || Duh: /DA:’/ (evet>tabii ki, herkes biliyor) || Positive* /*PA:’.zı.div/ [>Bu Yıldız İşareti(*) yani aşağıdakı bununla ilgili bir açıklama var.<] Are you from America/ı.ME.ri.ka:/? –Yes/Yeap/Yeah/Positive. [>Burada kafada iki kişi olarak hayal edip tiyatro yaparsanız iyi olur. Vücut dil ve tonlama İngilizce konuşmanın HER şeydir.]/ Life is about ‘yes’ or ‘no’(Hayat evet ya da hayır hakkında: Hayat evet ya da hayır hikayesidir)! Do you want to speak English? / Can you open an E-mail account (Bir Eposta hesabı açabilir misin)? –Duh!!! –HaHa, ok./ [Pic] I’m a Mouse. Duh. [*‘Positive’ tek gelirse, yani ‘Evet!’ Is she Maggie? – Positive. Cümle ile gelirse, yani 1. ‘emin’ Are you positive you can win (Kazanabileceğini emin misin)? –Yep. I’m totally (tamamen) positive. >Are you positive there’s no risk in this job? –Nope. But we try. 2. ‘pozitif’ I get (alıyorum) some positive vibe /VA:Yb/ (enerji) from here.] Oh yeah?: [soru gibi] Öyle mi?> Math is HARD. –Oh yeah? But you are SMART! –Oh yeahhhhhhhh! :D || Oh yeah!: [onaylamak gibi] Tabi canım!/ A evet!/ A evet ya!> No, Michael, it’s not ‘Artik’. It’s ‘Artık’! –Oh yeah. That’s right(Doğru)!  Hayır: No /NO’/ || Nope /NO’p/ || Nah pronunciation: /NA’/ || Negative /NE.gı.div/ || Zero /Zİ.ro’/ || Zilch /ZİLç/ Are you Canadian /kı.NEY.di.yın/? –No/ Nope/ Nah/ Negative/ Zero/ Zilch. I’m from Chicago /şi.KA’.go’/./ Are you married? –Negative. Mr./Mrs. Mr. /MİS.tır/ [erkek için] Bay || Mrs. /Mİ.siz/ [evli bayan için] Bayan || Miss /MİS/ 1. [bekar bayan için] Bayan 2. Miss Turkey, Miss World, Miss [..bir ülke..] || Ms. /MİZ/ [evli veya bekar olup olmadığını bilmediğimiz bayan için] Hanım efendi/Bayan [Amerika’da bayanlar bunu tercih ediyorlar. Çok ince.] [Standart İngilizcede, bunları adı için değil, ancak soyadı yada adsoyad için kullanıyoruz. Örnek: Mr. Davut Şahin, Mr. Şahin; NOTTT* Mr. Davut.] Good morning, Ms. Twain./ [Angry tone] You Mr! Come here!/ Hey, Burak! [NOT Mr. Burak!] What’s up/WA:TSA:’p/(N’aber)?/ ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ is a beautiful comedy. It’s about the importance of love in family./ His name is ‘Andrew Jackson’, his FRIEND says, ‘Hey, Jackson! Come here!’ In ‘friendly’ speaking, they drop(don’t say) ‘Mr.’ off ‘family name’. [İngilizcede ‘NOT’ Türkçede ‘not(note)’ gibidir. Karışmamak için, ‘NOT’ın yerinde, daha vurgulu ‘NOTTT*’ yazmayı deniyorum.] Ma’am: /MA’M/ bayan [tek geliyor] || Sir: /S3R/ efendim [Amerikan dilinde tek geliyor] Excuse me, ma’am. –Yes? –You’re sitting on my coat. –Oh, sorry!/ Gary? Come here. I want you to(senden istiyorum) translate this letter for me. –Yes, sir. [Tercihen Amerikan dilinde ‘Madam’ demeyin, ‘Ma’am’ deyin).] Gal: /GA’l/ (=Girl/G3RL/=samimi yazış:Gurl/G3RL/) kız Stephanie is a smart gal(girl/gurl)./ Who are these gals (Bu kızlar kim)? Your co-workers or something (Senin iş arkadaşların falan mı)? Guy: /GA:’y//NOTTT GUY/ adam, erkek Who is this guy (=Bu adam kim)?/ He’s such a nice guy! (=Çok iyi bir çocuk/adam!)/ Benson is a good guy. –Yeah, he is. [NOTTT he’s>tek gelmiyor.]/ [Pic] Hey, little guy.  Guys!: /GA:’Yz/ 1.*(=You guys!) Çocuklar!, Arkadaşlar!, Millet! 2. Adamlar 1. Hey guys. How you doing (=Nasılsınız)?/ 1. [Shouts] Guys! ...Guys! ...Stop /sTA:’p/ fighting /FA:Y.ding/, okay? [Stop /sTA:’p/>/ısTA:’p/]/ 2. There are three guys in the car (Arabada üç adam var). [Not: ‘Guy’ yani bir erkek. ‘Guys/You guys’ yani çocuklar/millet/arkadaşlar> İki kişi ve üzere, fark etmez, sadece kızlar varsa, sadece erkekler varsa, ya da kız ve erkek birlikte GUYS olabilir. Örnek: İki kız GUYS olur. İki erkek GUYS olur. Bir kız bir erkek GUYS olur. Üç kız GUYS olur. V.s.] Ladies!:/LEY.di’z/ 1.[Tekil: Lady/LEY.di/ hanım/bayan] hanımlar/bayanlar 2.[SL: samimi laf>] Çocuklar! [İki, üç, ya da daha fazla ERKEKLERI ‘LADIES’ söylüyorlar.] Ladies! Please follow me this way./ [In a speech] Ladies and gentlemen(Beyler ve bayanlar)! We are here today to(için) honor/A:’.nır/ (şereflendirmek) four gallant/GA.lınt/(centilmen) soldiers/SO’L.cırz/(askerler) of this country!/ Treat her like a lady.(Onunla bir hanım efendi gibi davran.)/ 2. [To his men friends] Ladies! We should go(Gitmeliyiz)!/ 2. [To his men friends] Hey ladies! What are you talking about(Ne’den bahsediyorsunuz)? [*‘She’ kız/kadın/hanım için kullanılır. Fakat samimi laf olarak, sahip olduğun EŞYALARI de söyleyebilirsiniz. > She’s a beautiful boat!> She’s a classic car!> She’s a nice wallet.] She’s a beauty!*: [BİR ŞEY] Fıstık gibi!, Bu çok hoş/güzel/sevimli bir şey! Look! That’s the gold ring(altın yüzük). I wanna/WA:.nı/(=Want to) buy it. –WOW. She’s a beauty. How much is that? –Donno (=I don’t know). Let’s ask./ Is this your new car? –Yeah! –She’s a beauty! –Oh, thanks.

Folks!: /FOLKs/ (=People) Millet! The party is over (=bitti). Good night, folks! Fella: /*//NOT FELLLA/ [erkek için] dostum, ahbap, arkadaş, adamım Hey, fella. Where are you going (Nerede gidiyorsunuz/gideceksiniz)?/ Who is that fella over there (=Oradaki adam kim)? [Not: Yellow’nın okunuş iki kez ‘L’ değil, ancak /YE.low/. Buradada /] Pal: /PAL/ arkadaş, dostum I’m sorry pal(Üzgünüm dostum). You have to wait for the next water taxi (Sonraki su taksisi/ gemisi/vapuru için beklemelisin). [Su taksi yeni bir kelime. Örnek olarak, İstanbul’da Eminönü-Kadıköy’ü bir istasyon başka bir istasyonu misafirleri taşıyan VAPURU bir ‘water taxi’dir.] Ya: /Yı/Ya:/ (=You) sen See ya later/LEY.dır/. –Ok. Catch ya later, dude (=Sonra görüşürüz, kanka)./ I told ya not to touch this (=Buna dokunmamanı sana söyledim)./ I told ya to go (=Gitmesini söyledim). But you didn’t listen (Ama dinlemedi/laf tutmadı). [>Emir şekli: ‘Don’t touch this.’ >>Haber şekli: I told ya not to touch this.] [>Emir şekli: ‘Go.’ >> Haber şekli: I told ya to go.] Bro!: /bRO/ [SL:samimi laf][erkek için] birader, kardeş, abi, kanka Are you ok, bro?/ Hey, bro! What’s new (=Yeni haber ne var/N’aber)? Sis!: /SİS/ [SL:samimi laf](=Sissy) [kız/bayan için] kardeş Hey sis! How you doin’? [*doin’= doing> Çünkü sondaki ‘g’ okumamış gibidir.] Hiiiiii, my beautiful sis! I missed ya so much (=Seni çok özledim ya)!! Girlie: / kız, (kızların arasında samimi laf: kızım!) Hey girlie! Are you coming to the party /PA:’R.di/?/ What are you up to (=Ne yapacaksın/Planın ne), girlie? Dude: /DU’d/ [erkek için] 1. kanka, dostum, oğlum! 2. [sanki kendini söylediğin gibi] Aman! 1. Hey, dude! What’s up?/ 1. Dude! Get off the car (=Arabadan in). I have to go (=Gitmeliyim/Gitmem gerek)!/ 1. Topic: Is it ok for a girl to dress like a dude?/ 2. Girl to herself with angry tone: Dude! Why did I do that (=Aman! Niye bunu yaptım ya)? Buddy: /*BA:.di/ dostum, ahbap, arkadaş [erkek için] || Bud: /BA:D/ dostum, ahbap, arkadaş [erkek için] Hey, buddy. You’re in my seat(Sandalyemde oturdun)! –Oh, sorry./ He’s a good buddy of mine (O iyi bir arkadaşımdır)./ Hey, Denis! Come here. I wanna introduce you to a buddy of mine (=Seni bir arkadaşımla tanıştırmak istiyorum)./ Bud is the short form of buddy./ Hehey, bud! Wat up (samimi yazış:=/WAD.a:p/What’s up:N’aber)? [Body: /*BA:’.di/ 1-beden 2-ceset> Sonra >LOVE/ RELATINSHIP...< bakın.] PRONUNCIATION TIP (telaffuz öğüdü): İngilizcede Türkçe gibi yakın telaffuzlu kelimelerin farkı cümlede belirtmiştir: >Yüzümü bak söyle. (Tell it to my face.) >> Bu kaça mal oldu? (How much did it cost you?) –Yüz. (Hundred.) –A a a! Ben bunu yirmi beş aldım!! (No way! I got it twenty five!!) :D Buddy /BA:.di/ > /A:/’yı hızlı ve kısa telaffuz edin.|| Body /BA:’.di/> /A:’/’yı biraz daha geniş telaffuz edin. || Aynı şekilde, cup ve cop, hubby (=husband) ve hobby, bus ve boss, sun ve son, shut ve shot, v.s. u’ları /A:/ olarak kısa ve hızlı, o’ları /A:’/ olarak biraz daha geniş telaffuz edin. Fakat onlar bazen hızlı konuşurken, farkı pek belirtmiyor. O yüzden duruma göre ANLAMI den farkı anlamalısınız: >This is my buddy, James(Bu arkadaşım, James)! >Human body is a miracle! (=İnsanin vücut bir müzicedir.) Kid: /KİD/ çocuk || Kiddo!: /Kİ.do’/ Çocuk!, Ufaklık!, Evlat! || [Kid=Child /ÇA:YLd/>> Kids /Kİ’Dz/=Children /ÇİL.drın/] Are you married(Evli misiniz)? –Yes we are. –Do you have kids(Çocuğunuz var mı)? –No, not yet(Hayır henüz değil). But maybe one day (Fakat belki bir gün sonra)./ Dad(Baba)! I’m not a kid anymore (=Çocuk değilim artık)! I understand./ Hey, kiddo! Come here. I want to show you something(Sana bir şey göstermek istiyorum). Man!: /MA’n/ 1. adamım, kardeş 2. [sanki kendini söylediğin gibi] Aman!, A a a!, Vay be! Oh be! [iyi ya da kötü durum] || Oh, man!: /O-MA’’’n/ Vay yavrum vay! || Man: adam, erkek 1. Hey, man! You get younger everyday (=Her gün daha da gençleşiyorsun)!/ 2. [Shocked(şoke etmiş şekilde)] Oh, man! Someone stole my bag (Aaaa! Biri çantamı çaldı)! [‘man’ burada vurgulu.]/ 2. Man(Oh be)! This soup/SU’p/(çorba) is yummy/YA:.mi/ (güzel/ lezzetli)!/ The Tall Man is a horror movie./ One day you’ll read these you read so far, and you’ll say to yourself: Oh, man! How easy! (Bir gün şu anda kadar okuduğun şeyleri okuyacaksiniz ve kendinleri söyleyeceksiniz: Vay yavrum vay, ne kadar kolay ya!)  ENOUGH FOR TODAY(Bugün için yeter)! READ IT PART BY PART (Bölüm bölüm okuyun). WHAT(Ne)? WANNA GO ON(Devam etmek/Daha okumak istiyor musunuz)? OH MY GOD(Aman Tanrım)! YOU REALLY LIKE ENGLISH (Gerçekten İngilizceyi seviyorsunuz ya)!!  OH MY GOD! [Şaşırmak için] Aman Tanrım!/Yüce Tanrım/Ay aman!, A a a!: [‘God’ ÇOK AZİM ve GÖRKEMLİ bir kelimedir, o yüzden, ‘Oh my God’ın yerinde ‘Oh my!’ yada ‘Oh my gosh!’ yada

‘Gee’ söylüyorlar.] Oh my God! /O’.ma:y.GA:’d/ || (Oh) my! /O’-MA:’y/ || My (oh) my! || God! /GA:’d/ || Good God! /GUD--/ || Gosh! /GA:’ş/ || Oh my gosh! /O’-ma:y-GA:’Ş/ [>EN kullanışlı<] || Jesus Christ! /Cİ’.zıs.kra:yst/ (Yüce İsa) || Jesus! /Cİ’.zıs/ (Yüce İsa) || Gee! /Cİ’/ || (Oh) my word! /O’ ma:y W3Rd/ [>genelde, ondan sonra iyi bir haber vermek için<] || (Oh) my goodness! /O’ ma:y GUD.nıs/ (‘goodness’ vurgulu) Gosh! Your villa is gorgeous /GO’R.cıs/ (=very beautiful: çok güzel/görkemli)!/ [He buys her favorite concert tickets, she says] Oh my gosh! What a surprise! I don’t know what to say(Ne söyleyeceğimi bilmiyorum)!!/ Jesus! What are you doing here (=Burada ne yapıyorsun)?/ [He wrote many books but now is throwing them away(Bir sürü kitap yazdı fakat şimdi onları atıyor), so his friend surprises. ‘Gee! I can’t believe you’re doing that(Bunu yaptığını inanamıyorum)!/ Oh my word! –[surprising tone] What? –You won! –[happy tone] What???/ Oh... my... goodness! –What? –I got promoted (Terfi aldım)! –Aw! Congrats/kın.GRA’Ts/(Tebrikler)! EXCLAMATIONS: ÜNLEMLER WOW: WA’w/ [şaşırdığın zaman] Vay canına!, Vay yavrum vay! WOW. Your tattoo/ta’.TU’/ is amazing/ı.ME’Y.zing/(=Senin dövme harika/Dövmen harika)! Whoa Whoa: /WO’ WO’/ [bir şeyin yapılmasını ya da devam istemediğin zaman, birinin istemeyen sözü kestiğin zaman] Dur orada biraz! Dur Dur!, Hey Hey Hey!, Oy oy! Whoa Whoa! What are you doing(N’pıyorsun)? You’re not allowed to be here (=Burada olmayı izinin yoktur/ Buraya gelmek yasaktır/ Burada bulunmaman gerek)!/ Whoa whoa! What are you talking about (Ne’den bahsediyorsun/ Ne diyorsun ya)? Who’s Jim(Jim kim)? I’m Alan/A’.lın/! Are you drunk /dRA:Nk/(=Sarhoş musun)? – Wha-wh-what(N-N-Ne)? No!! :D Ouch!: /A’Wç/ Ah!, Of! [Ağrı/acı için] Ouch! Don’t pinch /PİNç/ me (=Beni çimdik atma/ çimdikleme)!/ [He pinches her and says] Promise me! –[She says] Ouch! Stop it! Ugh!: /I’h/ Of!, Öf! [Nefret/Sevmemek için] Ugh! Onion /A:N.yın/ soup /SU’p/ again(=Yine soğan çorbası mı)? –No, it’s garlic /GA:R.lik/ soup(Hayır bu sarımsak çorbası)! Last night it was onion soup!! :D [>burada ‘Last night’ vurgulu<] [Yuck!: /YI’k/ Öf> daha yemek için< Yuck! What is this? –Some kind of food (Bir tür yemek işte)!] Huh: pronunciation:/HA:’/NOTTT HUH/1.[kızdığın zaman, hesap sormak istediğin zaman] ha?/ hıı? 2.[emin olmak istediğin zaman/ kendi fikrini karşı tarafa onaylatmak istediğin zaman] değil mi? 3.[birinin verdiği habere şaşırdığın zaman] ne? 4.[bir şeyi fark ettiğin zaman] hım!/hıı! Why’d /WA:Yd/(=Why did) you ride my bike, huh (Niye bisikletime bindin/sürdün, ha/hıı)?/ You speak English, huh (değil mi)?/ So, you come with me, huh(Ee, benimle geleceksin, değil mi)?/ Your camera is broken(Kameranın kırıldı)! –Huh (Ne)? Who broke it(Kim bunu kırıldı)? –Don’t know(=I don’t know=Bilmiyorum)! [Know: /NO’/ /NOTTT Kno/]/ You know there’re big protests in Libya? –Huh (Ne)?/ Look(Bak)! In this sentence, this word is wrong(Bu cümlede bu kelime yanlıştır). –[Thinks for a moment and say(Bir an düşünüp söylüyor)] Huhh(haa/Hımm)! You’re right (=haklısın/doğrusun). Uh-huh!: pronunciation: /A:’.ha:’/NOTTTT UHU/ [bir şeyi anladığın zaman ya da karşıda ki kişinin anladığın zaman; bir fikre katıldığın zaman, karşıda ki kişi haklı olduğu zaman] Hı Hı!, Yaaa!, İşte! Uh-huh! I understand./ What’s a ‘vending machine’? –You have Google, huh(değil mi)? –Yeah! –Google it and see the images (=Google’de onu ara ve resimlerini gör). [He Googles it.] You see(Görüyor musun)? –Wow. Yeah! –Uh-huh! This is it (İşte bu)! [Google/GU’.gıl/ NOTTT /GO.gıl/.] Hush!: pronunciation:/HA:Ş/ [başka kişilerin, sessiz olması için uyarmak] Şışşş! Hişt! Hush! The baby’s sleeping. (=Şışşş! Bebek uyuyor.) Psst!:/PSt/Hışt!, Hişt!, Pişt! [birini yavaş çağırmak için] [Cheating on exam (=Sınav’da kopya çekerken] Psst! What’s the answer of question 13? –I don’t know!! :D Oops!: /U’Ps/ Ay! [Aptalca bir hata yaptığın zaman] Oops! I spilled /sPİLd/ the coffee again /ı.GEN/ (=Yine kahvemi döktüm)!/ Britney Spears’ song: ‘Oops I Did It Again!’/ [Pic] Whoopsy daisy! :D [>’Oops!’un espri şeklidir!<] [Daisy: /DEY.zi/ papatya> (Movie: You’ve Got Mail) Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan): Don’t you think that daisies are the friendliest flowers (Papatya en dostça çiçek olduğunu düşünmüyor musun)? –I do (Evet öyle -düşünüyorum).] Tada!:/TA:.da:’’/[sürprizin/becerinin ünlem] Bak ne aptıııım! /Sürpriiiiiiz! [17 Again] After she makes a fountain/FAWN.tın/ in the backyard, she shows it to her son and her husband, and says(Arka bahçede şelale yapmaktan sonra oğlunu ve kocasını gösterip söylüyor): Tada!/ Look what I’ve made for dinner! [Takes off the lid of the saucepan and says (Tencerenin kapağı kaldırıp söylüyor)] Tada! –Oh my gosh! Spagetti /spı.GE.di/! Love it! Thanks, mom! –You’re welcome, sweetie(tatlım). I knew you love it (Onu sevdiğini biliyordum)!  AŞKIM (My) love: /ma:y la:v/ aşkım, hayatım [>daha şarkılarda<] || (My) dear: /MA:Y.di.ır/ sevgilim, aşkım, azizim || Darling: /DAR.lıng/ canım, sevgilim, aşkım || Baby: / 1. bebeğim 2. bebek || Honey:/ /HA:’n/)balım,tatlım,şekerim,canım 2.bal || Sweetheart:

/SWİT.ha:rt/ sevgilim, canım, aşkım, şirin şey || Sweetie: /SWİ.di/ sevgilim, tatlım, canım, şirin şey || Sweetiepie: /SWİ.di PA:Y/ şekerparem, şekerim, tatlım, canım || Sweet*: /SWİ’t/ tatlı Happy Valentine’s Day/HA.pi-VA.lın.ta:ynz-DEY/ (Sevgililer Günün kutlu olsun!), sweetheart! I love you so much./ Darling? You know that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me (Biliyorsun ki/Farkındasin ki hayatımda sen olduğun olayların en iyisisin). Will you marry/MA’.ri/ me (Benimle evlenecek misin)?/ Baby, let’s go to movie theater /ı.dır*/(sinema). It’ll be fun(Eğlenceli olacak)!/ Look how innocently our baby is sleeping (=Bak bebeğimiz ne kadar masum uyuyor). Do you want to hold her (=Onu tutmak ister misin)?/ Did your mom sing you a lullaby/LA:.lı.ba:’y/ when you were a baby(=Sen bebekken annen hiç sana ninni söyledi mi)?/ Honey, did you see my sunglasses(güneş gözlüğümü gördün mü)? I think I lost them (=Sanırım onu kaybettim). [Not: Sunglasses bir çifttir, o yüzden onun için İngilizcede ‘them’ geliyor.]/ I had(yedim) honey, butter, bread, and tea for breakfast./ Sweetiepie! I got you a necklace /NEK.lis/ (=Sana bir kolye aldım)! –Oh, thanks! It’s nice! [Kisses.]/ He’s retired but goes out every night, talks to poor people and motivates them. That’s so sweet./ The movie Sweet November is about knowing how to LIVE when dying. (Sweet November filmi, ölürken, yaşamayı nasıl bildiğin hakkındadır.) [>Tercümesini dikkat: Özne + son başa doğru!<] [*movie theater /ı.dır*/ /S/ telaffuzu: Dilin ucunda ve ön yukarıdaki dişler KİLİTLENİR, sonra ‘s’ söyler gibi, dil ile dişler arasındaki boşluktan hava yolu AÇILIR. /S/ çok önemlidir. Örnek: Thank you! Eğer /TANK yu/ söylersem, yani: Tank sen! Ama /SANK yu/ yani: Teşekkür ederim.] SPECIAL WORDS Tamam/Peki: OK* /o’.KEY/O’.key/ [OK? >Soru gibi< Tamam mı?] || ’K (=OK) /KEY/ [Soru gibi: Tamam mı?] || Okay* /o’.KEY/O’.key/ [Soru gibi: Tamam mı?] || All right* /A:’L.ra:yt/ a:’l.RA:Yt/ OL-RA:Yt/ [Tamam mı?] || Fine* /FA:’Yn/ || Okee Dokee (Okeydokey) /O’.ki-DO’.ki/ [espri] Ok. I think this carpet is good (Bence bu halı iyidir). Let’s buy it./ See ya tomorrow, ’k (Yarın görüşürüz, tamam mı)? Take care/TEYK-KE’r/(Kendine iyi bak)./ Are you all right (=İyi misin)?/ Fine (=Tamam). You win(Sen kazandı). Let’s go swimming(Hadi yüzmeye gidelim)./ [My Name Is Earl, Part 1, Season 1] Earl’s wife: Sign these…(Bunları imza at) Earl: Okeydokey! [Not: OK, Okay, Fine, All right: Tek kullanılırsa, yani: peki/ tamam/tamam mı?> Okay! I’ll do it (=Tamam! Onu yapacağım)./Go home now, okay(Şimdi eve git, tamam mı)? Cümleyle kullanılırsa, yani: iyi.>Are you okay (=İyi misin)?>Are you all right? –Yeah, totally(tamamen/tabii).] [Bilginiz olsun: ‘OK’ aslında ‘All Correct’ın komik telaffuzun şeklinden /Ol Korekt/’ten geldi!]  Right: /RA:Yt/ doğru> You’re from Maldiv, right (doğru mu/değil mi)? –Right. Right?: değil mi?/doğru mu?> You’re a doctor, right*? Right: sağ> Turn right please (Sağa dönün lütfen). Right: hak> This is your right to ask questions. [Question tags (Eklenti sorulari: ‘değil mi’)> A: You like me, don’t you (değil mi)? B: She is beautiful, isn’t she (değil mi)? C: He didn’t call you, did he (değil mi)? D: You won’t do anything stupid, will you (değil mi)? E: I’m not your secretary, am I? >Ana cümle olumlu, eklenti soruyu aynı fiil zamanıda olumsuz yapın. Ana cümle olumsuz, eklenti soruyu aynı fiil zamanıda olumlu yapın. İstisna: Eklenti sorularda ‘amn’t I?’ olarak bir şey YOKTUR. Onun yerinde ‘aren’t I?’ ya da ‘ain’t I?’ kullanın. > Why do you shout? I’m here, aren’t I?< Hepsi bu kadar!] [*You’re a doctor, right? = You’re a doctor, aren’t you?] [Pic] Such a long time ago, we were just a couple of kids. But we really loved each other, didn’t we? (Uzun zaman önce, biz bir çift çocuktuk. Fakat biz birbirimize gerçekten aşıktık, değil mi?) [Note: American language changes a lot. To make this grammar EASY FOR ALL, they use the ‘question form’ for ‘question tag’ as in the movie Change of Plan (00:29:14): ‘‘Coach: Now who is that kid? A player: Never seen him before. Christine: Javiar Solarte. Coach: You know him, do you?’’ THANK YOU AMERICAN LANGUAGE.]  It’s ok!: Tamamdır!, Sorun değil! [>ÇOK KULLANIŞLI<] American language is very POSITIVE because Americans are POSITIVE. Instead of ‘No problem!’, most of the times they prefer and say, ‘It’s ok!’ [>I LOVE AMERICAN LANGUAGE, I LOVE IT.<]/ Kid: Oh, mommy! There’s ice cream on my shirt. His mom: It’s ok, honey.  How Great Is Our God [World Edition] – Chris Tomlin (My favorite music video on GodTube) Great: /gRE’Yt/ /NOTTTTT GRİT/ harika, güzel, mükemmel, şahane, süper, büyük We have a party tonight! –Great!/ How is this song (=Bu şarkı nasıl)? –It’s a great song /SA:’Ng//NOTTT SONg/!/ I think you can have it all (all=all you want>Bence her şeyi/istediğini sahip olabilirsin). You just have to work really hard because great things don’t come easily (büyük/güzel şeyler kolayce elinde gelmez). –Katy Perry Actually: /AK.çu.ı.li//Hızlı telaffuz: AK.çı.li/ aslında Do you like Los Angles(Los Angles’dan hoşlanıyor musun)? –Do I like Los Angles (Hoşlanıyor muyum)?? No. Actually I love it(Severim/Onu aşığım)./ What’s your name? –Actually my name’s James/CEYMz/, but call me Jimmy (=Fakat bana Jimmy /CİMİ/ de)./ [Pic] Talking to yourself – that’s actually more like listening than speaking. (Kendinle konuşmak – aslında bu konuşmadan daha dinlemeye benziyor.)  Really: /Rİ’.li//Rİ.yıli/ gerçekten, [soru/şaşırma] Gerçekten mi?, Tanrı aşkına*? I’m going to Switzerland. –Really? –Yeah, really. –WOW (=Vay canına). That’s great! [‘Tanrı aşkına’nın başka anlamlar için ‘CHAPTER 3’ı gelince DİKKAT edin.]

Sure:/ŞO’r//Ş3’r/ 1.[tek kullanırsa] Tabii ki! 2.[sıfat] emin (soru gibi tek: Emin misin?) || Are you sure (of it)?: (Ondan) emin misin? Can I come in(İçeri gelebilirmiyim)? –Sure (=Tabii ki). Please(Lütfen/Buyurun). Take a seat /TEYK ı Sİ’t/(=Oturun). – Thanks./ Guess/GES/ what(=Tahmin et bakalım ne oldu). –What? –I saw Kevin today. He’s back (Geri geldi)! –What? You sure(=Emin misin)? I thought /SA:’t/ he wanted to live in Croatia /krow.EY.şa:/ for ever (=Ben onun sonsuza kadar Hırvatistan’da yaşamak istediğini sandım)./ She wasn’t sure of having another baby(Daha çocuk sahip olmayı emin değildi)./ This land(arsa) is in the best place with the best price. I want it. –Are you sure of it? –Yes, absolutely. [‘You sure?’ yani: ‘Are you sure’ (Emin misin)?>’You here?’ yani ‘Are you here?’ > ‘You want this?’ yani ‘Do you want this?’>Tonlamaktan anlıyoruz.<] Definitely: /DE.fı Kesinlikle, İlla ki, Tabii ki || Absolutely: /AB.sı.lu’ Tamamen, Kesinlikle, İlla ki, Tabii ki || Totally: /TO’.dı.li*/ Kesinlikle, tamamen, İlla ki, Tabii ki || Certainly: /*/ Kesinlikle, tabii ki, İlla ki || Of course: /a:f.KO’Rs/ (=Sure) tabii ki Raymond (starring the Oscar winning actor Dustin Hoffman) in the movie Rain Man uses the word ‘definitely’ a lot! So everytime you say ‘definitely’, remember the must-watch movie RAIN MAN! / So(Ee), you want to be a writer/RA:Y.dır/ when you get older(=büyüdüğünce)? –Definitely!/ You’re absolutely right(haklı). We shouldn’t be loud. We’re sorry./ I am totally sure that Johnny Depp is American./ [Pic] Alone, alone. Totally alone (Tamamen yalnız)./ Can I have a glass of orange juice please? –[Waitress] Certainly./ Can you do it for me? – Of course. [*/d/: Yumuşak /d/ demek, hızlı ve kısa /d/ demek. Amerikan dilinde bazen ‘t’ ortaya geldiğinde, telaffuzu /d/ olur. Forty: /FOR.di/.] [*Certainly> /dn/’de, /d/ ve /n/ arasında bir şey yok> pratik olmalı> Martin (erkek isim) /MA:R.dn/] [Certain:/S3R.dn/1.(=Sure)>Are you certain Jessie is a unisex name? 2.belli>Teens’ behaviors change at a certain age(belli bir yaşta).] Cool: /KU’l/ 1. harika, muhteşem, (=fine) iyi, sorunsuz 2. (=Easy!) Sakin ol!/sakin 3. Serin || Be cool!: /bi.KU’l/ 1.Sakin ol! 2.İyi bir çocuk ol! || Uncool: /A:N.ku’l/ hiç iyi olmayan This’s my birthday present/pRE.zınt/(hediye=gift) for you, a diamond/DA:Y.mınd/(elmas) ring! –Wow. Cool! Thanks. [Kisses]/ [Pic] One day... you’ll be cool [Bir gün, iyi olacaksın (merak etme)]./ Woah, woah! Cool, man (=Sakin ol, adamım)!/ [He’s angry, his pal says] Be cool, buddy (=Sakin ol, dostum)!/ Sandra! I told you not to touch my laptop (Dizüstü bilgisayarım dokunmaması söyledim). Now sit here and be cool, ok? –Ok, mama! [5 minutes later, she touches the laptop again!] :D/ Uhh, a cool wind is blowing(serin bir rüzgar esiyor). Feels good./ Eating in a restaurant and not paying? That’s uncool, man! Rock: /RA:’k/ harika olmak || Suck: /SA:K*/ berbat olmak You rock, man!/ Yesssss! This party rocks./ Girl: My life sucks./ These computer games suck. I hate ’em. [’em /ım/ =them]/ [Pic] Reality sucks (Gerçek/Gerçeklik berbattır). [>Johnny! I told you to watch movies(Sana film izlemesi söyledim), didn’t I? HaHa.<] :D [Rock: kaya/kaya gibi kuvvetli şey>Can you lean on a rock confidently? –SURE. >King David in Psalm (Zebur) says, ‘The LORD is my Rock.’ What does he mean?] [Socks /SA:’Ks/ (çorap, şoset). –How much are these socks (=Bu –çift- çorap kaç para)?] Awesome: /A:’.sım/ (=Amazing =Wonderful) harika, muhteşem || Awful: A:’.fıl/ (=Terrible) berbat You look awesome (=Harika görünüyorsun)./ This band Plumb is absolutely awesome! I love their song ‘Need You Now’./ You look awful, dude! Go get some sleep (Git biraz yat)./ [Pic] What an awful day this has been (Ne kötü bir gündi ya). [saat kaç?]:D [>Çocuğun yüzünü bakip, ‘Awful’ anlamını ‘Awesome’den fark edeceğiz.<] Terrific:/tı.Rİ.fik*/ müthiş, mükemmel, muhteşem, çok güzel, harika Mom! I got a job(Bir iş buldum)! –Oh, darling, that’s terrific!/ This diet /DA:.yıt/ program is terrific! [Traffic:/tRA.fik*/trafik>The traffic is terrific today!] Incredible: /in.KRE.dı.bıl/ inanılmaz || Incredibly: /in.KRE.dı.bı.li/ inanılmazca WOW. Your dance show was incredible! –Thank you./ This painting/PEYN.ding/(resim) is incredibly beautiful /bYU.dı.fıl/. Genius:/Cİ’.nyıs/ 1. dahi (kimse) 2. dahice, mükemmel 1. I think Acun Ilıcalı is a genius. Someone who could invite international stars like Christina Aguilera, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Paris Hilton, 50 Cent, and Bruce Willis to a national TV channel MUST be a genius!/ 1. [He’s 8 (years old) and he made a radio/REY.dyo’/. His friend says] WOW. Really? A radio? How did you do this? Oh, boy! You’re a genius!/ 1. Son(7 years old): I’m stupid. Father(angry): Who said that? S: One of my friends. F: (High intonation, encouraging) You’re a very smart kid. S: You think so(Öyle mi düşünüyorsun)? F: (High intonation) I believe so (Öyle inanırım). (Gives reason) You know math /MAS/ (matematik)? S: Yeah. F: You know English? S: Yeah. F: You’re good at swimming? S: Yeah. F: See? Are you a genius? S: Yes, I am!! / 2. What do you think of the project/pRA:’.cıkt/? –I think it’s genius. –Really? –Absolutely.

[Gifted Hands: A Ben Carson Story] Jesus is All the World to me.

Miserable: /Mİ.zı.rı.bıl/ çok kötü, berbat, perişan You look miserable. What happened (Ne oldu)? –Oh, don’t ask. I had a very bad day at work./ Dude! Your life is miserable! You need to find /FA:YNd/ a job (Bir iş bulman gerekiyor)! Loser: /LU’.zır/ kaybeden, zavallı, ezik || Losers: /LU’.zırz/ kaybedenler, zavallılar, ezikler [Pic] Loner, loser and complicated wreck. (Yalnız, zavallı ve karmakarışık mahvolmuş adam.)/ He desperately /DES.pı.rı (umutsuzca) said, ‘I have no chance. I’m a total loser (=Tam bir kaybedenim)!’/ Don’t be a loser!/ [Espri] He-hey losers! I’m going to college /KA:’.lıc/(üniversite)... woohoo!  Perfect: /PIR.fıkt/ mükemmel, tam, kusursuz [Pic] You were just kind of my perfect guy. (Hemen hemen mükemmel erkeğimdi.)/ This holiday is perfect. Thank you, sweetie.

Pathetic: /pı.SE.dik/ zavallı, acınacak, umutsuz, hazin || Apathetic: /a.pı.SE.dik/ zavallı, acınacak, umutsuz, hazin You changed /ÇEYNCd/ (değiştirdi) ten jobs and you’re not successful /sık.SES.fıl/ yet(henüz). You’re pathetic(apathetic)!/ [Mother, encouraging her 9-year-old* son] You have studied hard and you know everything. Go and pass the exam, ok, and don’t be pathetic. [*He’s 9 years old.>O 9 yaşında.|| He’s a 9-year-old boy.> O bir 9 yaşlı çocuktur. Burada 9-year-old aslında BİR KELİME ve SIFATTIR, o yüzden ‘year’, ‘s’ takısı almıyor. (Bir kaç isim tire ile bağlanıp, sonra isim gelirse SIFAT oluyor.) İnternetten bir örnek: He’s my lazy-to-mow-his-yard neighbor (O bahçesini-biçmeye-tembel-olan komşumdur)!] Home:/HO’m/ [isim]ev, [zarf]evde/eve [‘to home’ demeyin.] || House:/HAWS/ ev, benim ev I have to go home(Eve gitmeliyim). [NOTTT I have to go to home.]/ I’m (at) home./She’s not (at) home./We’re (at) home. [I’m home. = I’m at home.]/ Is she home (O evde mi)? [=Is she in the house?>Pek demiyorlar çünkü ‘Is she home?’ daha kolay.<]/ Julia Roberts: You can be true to the character (in the movie) all you want, but you’ve got to go home with yourself./ So, where’s your new netbook? –It’s home. (=It’s at home.) [=It’s in the house.]/ [On the phone] Where are you, Jack? – I’m home. (=I’m at home.) [=I’m in my house.]/ Anybody home (=Evde kimse var mi)? [=Anybody in the house?]/ Mom! I’m home (Ben eve geldim). [‘Home’ çok özel bir kelime. Film izlerken daha anlayacaksınız.<]/ Wait at home(Evde bekle). I’ll meet you there. [=Wait in the house. I’ll meet you there.] [‘Home’ is a very special word and hardly comes with ‘to’. You say: to school, to hospital, to movie theater (=sinema), TO MY HOUSE, etc., but NOT ‘to’ home. (Home çok özel bir kelimedir: ev, benim ev. İçindeki bir ‘benim’ var>Let’s go home.) || Fakat ‘House’ öyle değil ve ‘My house, his house, her house’ v.s diyoruz.] [Happythankyoumoreplease] New York is... home (New York evimdir/ doğduğum/büyüdüğüm yerimdir).] [I sold my house. – Really? –Yeah. –When? –About a month ago (Yaklaşık bir ay önce).] [The prices of houses in any country always go up. (Her ülkede ev fiyatları her zaman artıyor.)] [On the house: müessesin/sahibin ikramı> This drink is on the house (Bu içki müessesin ikramıdır).]  John 14:23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Genesis 3:3 But God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' God loves people as His children, but hates the sin. God gave ONE commandment to Adam and Eve and they couldn’t keep it, so they died in their sin, how can we keep many commandments of Him? Here He sends His Holy Son to die for OUR SINS and gives the HOLY SPIRIT so we could live in HIM! THIS is OUR God! Hallelujah! People: /Pİ’.pıl/ [çoğul] millet, insanlar/kişilar || Person: /P3R.sın/ kişi A lot of people live* in this building (Bu binada bir sürü insan yaşiyor). [>NOTTT lives<]/ This elevator can take 10 people(Bu asansör 10 kişiye alabilir). [>‘persons’ doğru, pek demiyorlar.<]/ Who is that person (O kişi/ adam/ bayan kim)? [NOTTT Who is that people.]/ Who are those people (O adamlar/ kişilar/ insanlar kim= Onlar kim)? [NOTTT Who are those person.] [‘People’ 99% ÇOĞULDUR. İstisna>IRK olarak tekildir>The Indian American(Kızıldırili) people comprises 1% of the U.S./YU-ES/(Amerika) population.] Cop: pronunciation:/KA:’p*/ (=Police/pı.Lİ’s/) polis You a cop (=Are you a cop)? –[Showing the badge /BA’c/ (Rozeti gösterken)] Yes, I am./ [Shouting(Bağırarak)] Hey, call /KA:’l/ (çağırmak/aramak) the cops, somebody’s dying / here /Hİ.yır/ (=Birisi burada ölüyor)./ Remember ROBOCOP? It’s a robot /RO’.ba:’t/ police /pı.Lİ’s/!/ Leave me alone or I’ll call the cops (=Beni yalnız bırak yoksa polisi arayacağim). [Cup/KA:P*/> /A:/ kısa ve hızlı> You want a cup of /ıv/ tea?] [>Cup of tea>hızlı>/KA:P.ı.Tİ’/<] ’n: ( = n’ = N’ = ’N ) /ın/ (=And) ve I’m tired ’n I’m gonna go home (Yorgunum ve eve gideceğim/ gitmek istiyorum)./ I love Coke ’n Music gigs (=concerts/KA:’N.s3rts/konserleri)./ Guns N’ Roses is actually (=aslında) Guns And Roses.

-in’: (=-ing) /in/ –ing [>Resmi olmayan yazış tarzı çünkü ‘g’, ‘-ing’de okunmazdır.<] What are you doin’?/ Whacha/WA:Çı/ talkin’ about? (=What are you talking about?: Ne’den bahsediyorsun/ Ne diyorsun ya?) Lord I’m amazed by You – How You love me. –Women Of Faith Amazing: /ı.MEY.zing/ harika, şahane, süper || Amaze: /ı.MEYz/ birini şaşırtmak, hayrette düşürmek Gwyneth Paltrow is married to Chris Martin, the lead singer of British music band Coldplay. She says: ‘I spend a good portion of my dinner-party conversation defending America because no matter what the political agenda, it’s still a fantastic, amazing place.’/ Ever watched ‘The Amazing Spider-Man (Harika Örümcek Adam)’? –Yea, it’s amazin’! [Amazin’=Amazing]/ His talent amazes me! ’em: /ım/ (=Them) onları, onlara Tell ’em I’m here (Burada olduğumu onlara söyle)./ Those are my pants(Bu benim pantolonum). Give(Ver) ’em* to me. [A: Did you see my pants? –No I didn’t see them. >Your sunglasses are really trendy. Where did you buy ’em?> Bu BİR pantolon ya da BİR güneş gözlüktür. Niye çoğul kelimeler kullanmıştır? Çünkü bir pantolon çift bacağı ve bir güneş gözlük çift camı sahiptir. O yüzden İngilizce’de çoğul kişi zamiri kullanırız. Hem de bunlar için: binoculars/bı.NA:’.kyı.lırz/(dürbün), pajamas /pı.CA:’.mız/ (pijama), glasses (gözlük), scissors/Sİ.zırz/ (makas), socks/SA:’Ks/(çorap), v.s.] [B: >I need to buy two pairs of socks (İki çift çorap satın almam gerek). Bunlar için bir cümlede ‘çift*’ kelimesi kullanmak istersen, ‘pair’/PE’R/ diyeceksin.] [C: Couple/KA:.pıl/çift* (=kare koca)>They’re a happy couple!] He or she = They || Him or her = Them || His or hers = Theirs When a teen loves a teen, he or she owns the world!> When a teen loves a teen, they own the world./ What do you do when you meet someone but you don’t remember them (=him or her)?/ Everyone is the age of their(=his or her) heart. (Herkes kendi kalbin yaşıdır.) –Guatemalan proverb/ Human being should enjoy their (=his or her) life. [2. >If a tourist asks me for help, I’ll help him or her. DAHA: If a tourist asks me for help, I’ll help them. >İngilizcede tam ‘him or her’ın yerinde ‘them’, tam ‘his or her’ın yerinde ‘their’ ve tam ‘he or she’nın yerinde ‘they’ kullanabilir siniz.> I need a secretary for the office. They should be organized (düzenli). (Burada ‘They’ın yerinde ‘He or she’de doğru ama pek kullanamıyorlar.)] Ain’t: /EYNt/ [<Konuşma Dili<] Am not, Is not, Are not, There isn’t, There aren’t Anything easy ain’t worth a damn (Her kolay şey bir Kuruş de değeri yoktur)! –Woody Hayes/ How is it? –It ain’t bad, man!/ They ain’t important./ I ain’t feeling good tonight. I need to go home./ Ain’t no cheese in the fridge(buzdolabı). We need to buy some, bro. Ex: /EKS/ eski erkek arkadaş, eski kız arkadaş || Ex-…: /EKS/ eski… Her ex (O kızın eski erkek arkadaş) still(hala) loves her./ If he has a girlfriend, he shouldn’t hook up with his ex (O erkek kız arkadaşı varsa, eski kız arkadaşla ilişki kurmamalı). [‘Hook up with’ > LOVE/RELATIONSHIP < sonra bakin.]/ His child is living with his ex-wife(Çocuğun eski karesiyle yaşıyor)./ Woman: My ex-husband cheated/Çİ’.dıd/ on me(Eski kocam beni aldattı). THAT beautiful: O/Bu kadar (da) güzel.|| THAT good: O/Bu kadar (da) iyi|| THAT bad: O/Bu kadar (da) kötü|| THAT crazy: O/Bu kadar (da) deli|| THAT sweet: O/Bu kadar (da) tatlı|| [THAT+sıfat] [>burada ‘That’ vurgulu<] The Back-up Plan, Zoe(J.Lo): You’re not that special /sPE.şıl/ (Sen o kadar da özel değilsin)!/ If this plan doesn’t work, I’ll quit (Eğer bu plan işe yaramazse, o zaman işe bırakacağım). –You’re really that confident /KA:’ınt/ (Hani gerçekten bu kadar planını güveniyorsun)!  Both of them/us/you/..:/BO’s.ıv-/ her ikisi/ikimiz/ikiniz, ikisi/ikimiz/ikiniz de || None of them /us/you/..:/NA:N.ıv-/onların hiç biri/hiç birimiz/hiç biriniz [olumsuz yapar] [Çoğu öğrencilerin soru.] [1&2 are fighting(kavga yapıyorlar). 3 says] Stop it! [1] Who, me? [3] Both of you (İkiniz)!/ Both of us like coffee. (İkimiz kahveye seviyoruz.)/ Salesman/ış eleman): Do you want Axe or Nivea? –Both of them (İkiside). –Sure (Tabii/Hemen)./ Do you want orange or gray shirt? –None of them (Onların hiç biri). I want the blue one./ What? You don’t like to travel to Marmaris? –No. Both of us like it, but we were there before. We want to try somewhere different. –Have you ever been to Ürgüp? –No./Nope. –It’s an amazing place. –Ok then. We’ll go there, huh hıoney? –Sure./ None of you should be here. Get out, please. (Her hanginiz burada olmamalı. Dışarıda çıkın, lütfen.)/ He explained the rules but it was complicated(karmakarışık) and none of them seemed to understand (görünüşe göre onlardan hiç kimse anlamadı).

DİKKAT! Bir sürü öğrencilerin soru: ‘Am/Is/Are/Was/Were’ mı? ‘Do/Did/Work/Study/v.s.’ mı? I work here. (Burada çalışıyorum.) [Çalışmak]/ His father goes to Kırıkkale every week. (Onun babası her hafta Kırıkkale’ye gidiyor.) [Gitmek]/ That girl studies in Çankaya University. (O kız Çankaya Üniversitede okuyor.) [Study*: Okumak]/ I am waiting for the bus. (Şu an- otobüse bekliyorum.) [Beklemek]/ What are you eating? (Şu an- ne yiyorsun?) [Yemek]/ Why were you smiling just now? (Az önce niye gülüyordun?) [Smile: Gülmek]/ I can’t dance like you! (Senin gibi dans edemem!) [Dans etmek]/ Are you

coming to the swimming pool with us? (Bizimle havuza gelecek misin?) [Come: Gelmek]/ I want to go home. (Eve gitmek istiyorum.) [İstemek + Gitmek]/ I can’t believe you are doing this! (Şu an- yaptığını inanamıyorum.) [İnanmak + Yapmak]/ He decided to stay in Montana. (O Montana’da kalmayı karar verdi.) [Karar vermek + Kalmak]/ Do you like to travel abroad? (Yurtdışı seyahat etmeye seviyor musun?) [Sevmek + Seyahat etmek]/ She has two sisters but she loves to have a brother. (O iki kız kardeşi var –sahiptir- fakat erkek kardeş sahip olmayı seviyor.) [Sahip olmak + Sevmek + Sahip olmak] Bunların ana fiil (main verb) nedir? Altı çizili kelimeler, değil mi? Doğru. Bravo.  [*Study: 1. ders çalışmak> I love to study when I eat!! 2. üniversitede/okulda (bir bölümü) okumak> He’s studying economics at Eskişehir University.] I am smart. (Ben zekiyim.)/ That car is really beautiful. (O araba gerçekten güzel-dır.) [‘-dır’ içinde saklanmıştır yoksa fiil yoktur!]/ Her mother is from Australia. (Onun annesi Avusturalyalı-dır.)/ Robert Zemeckis is a great director. (Robert Zemeckis büyük bir yönetmen-dir.)/ How much is it? (Bu ne kadar-dır?/ Bunun fiyatı kaç para-dır?)/ You are a student, right? (Sen öğrencisin, değil mi?)/ Are you here for the seminar? (Seminer için burada mısınız?)/ I was here yesterday. (Ben dün buradaydım.)/ I was with my brother in the evening. (Akşam abim ileydim.)/ We were in the wedding hall last night. (Dün gece düğün salondaydık.) Bunların ana fiil(main verb) nedir? ‘Am, is, are, was, were’ mı? Doğru. Başka fiil görüyor musunuz? [Pic] I’ll always be with you. (Her zaman seninle olacağım.)/ Have you ever been to Morocco? (Hiç Fas’a bulundun mu?)/ Shakespeare: To be or not to be. This is the problem. (Olmak ya da olmamak. Mesele şu-dur.) [Bunları bilginiz olsun diye yazdım. Fakat İngilizce konuşurken, gramer aklınızda kalmayacak. Gramer öğrenmek istiyor musunuz? Ben sizin yerinde olsaydım, her gün film izlerdim. Şimdi bunları söyleyin: ‘I’ll always be with you.’ ‘I’ll always be with English.’ ‘I’ll always be with my mom.’ ‘I’ll always be your love.’ ‘I’ll always be in Istanbul.’ ‘I’ll always be the best.’ ‘I’ll always be...’]  Reuben Morgan – All I Am lyrics: In to your hands - I commit again - All I am - For you Lord - You hold my world in the palm of your hands - And I am yours – Forever - Jesus I believe in you - Jesus I belong to you - You’re the reason that I live - The reason that I sing - With All I am - I’ll walk with you - Wherever you go - Through tears and joys - I’ll trust in you - And I will live in all of your ways - Your promises – Forever - Jesus I believe in you - Jesus I belong to you - You’re the reason that I live - The reason that I sing With All I am - I will worship - I will worship You - I will worship - I will worship You COME ON/HURRY/CHOP-CHOP/COME ON IN/COME BACK/COME BY/COME ALONG Come on!: 1./ka:m A:’N/ Hadi, Acele et! 2./KA:’M a:’n/ Hadi ama!, Yapma ya!, Yok canım!, Yok artık! [C’mon=Come on. > Bryan Adams’ song: C’mon C’mon C’mon!] Come on (=Hadi/Acele et). We’re late /LEY’t/ (=Geç kaldık)./ You’re fired/YORFA:.yırd/(Kovuldun)! –Come on (Yapma/ Hadi ama)! Are you kidding (Şakamı yapıyorsun)? –No! I’m not. Get out (Çık dışarı/ Git buradan)!/ You love him, don’t you (Onu seviyorsun, değil mi)? –Come on (=Yok canım)! Love (Aşk mı/Sevgi mi)? No. We’re just friends (=Biz sadece arkadaşız). No way!*:/NO’-WE’y/1.Hadi ya!,Harika!,İnanılmaz!,Vay canına! 2.[tonlamaya bağlı] Hayatta olmaz!, Asla!, İmkansız! [Soul Surfer (2011)] They wanna(=want to) sponsor both of you! –No way! / [Eat Pray Love] The Indian girl: They’re trying to marry me off (Zorla bana evlendirmek istiyorlar). That’s the custom. Liz: That’s not what you want? –[She says that with a beautiful accent] No waaay! It sucks!! :D/ Dad? Can I drive your car? –No wayyyyy! Remember last time? No, no, no./ Hey girl, let’s go shopping. –No way. I have to study. Why do you go shopping everyday? Hurry: pronunciation:/H3.ri/ acele etmek || I’m* in a rush: /--RA:Ş/ Acelem var! Daddy! Hurry. I want to show you something. –What? –Look. My pigeon/Pİ.cın/ laid eggs (=Güvercinim yumurtladı)!/ C’mon. Hurry. Hurry. We’re late!/ I’m late/a:ym.LEYt/(Geç kaldım)! I need to hurry (Acele etmem lazım/gerek)./ Would you like (İster misiniz) to sit and have a drink with me? –Uh, I’m sorry. I’m in a rush./ I’m late for the lecture. I’m in a bit of a rush (=Biraz acelem var). [>Çok profesyonel<] [*Pratiğiniz kolay olsun diye To Be (am, is, are, was, were) fiillerin örnek için bir cümle olarak I’m kullandım, yani ‘To be in a rush’ kullanmadım çünkü konuşmalarımızda biz 90% ‘Ben’ kullanıyoruz!] Chop-chop!: /ÇA:’P.ça:’p/ Çabuk çabuk! [To the workers] Chop-chop! Finish your lunch and get back to work (işinize dönün)./ Chop-chop, man! The customer is waiting (Müşteri bekliyor). [Chop* the meat: eti parçalamak/kesmek> The butcher /BU.çır/ (kasap) chops the meat.] Come: /KA:M/ (come,came,come) gelmek || Come back: /--BA’k/ (=Get back) geri gelmek/dönmek Come here./ If you’re free, you can come to me (Zamanın varsa, yanıma gelebilirsin). We’ll have tea./ [Pic] You came back. (Sen geri geldi.) –Of course I came back. (Tabii ki geri geldim.) / [Her angry mom] Felicia! Come back here./ Get back here. Come/Stop by: 1. uğramak 2. ele geçirmek, elde etmek, almak, sağlamak, edinmek || Hard to come by: -nın ele geçirmesi zor (Rings the bell. She opens the door.) Hi. We’re Stan and Tracy from next door(komşudaki). We just wanted to come by and say welcome to the building. –Oh, thanks./ Thanks for stopping by. (Uğradığın için teşekkürler.)/ What about your wife do you miss the most? – We were close. That’s hard to come by./ Merriam-webster: A good job is hard to come by.

Come/Tag along: /TAG-ı.LA:’Ng/-ile beraber gelmek [‘Tag along’ Amerika’da çok kullanışlı, hem de yenidir.] If you’re afraid, I can come along. (Korkuyorsan, seninle beraber gelebilirim.)/ [Soul Surfer] Bethany(AnnaSophia Robb): Mind if I tag along(Sizinle beraber gelsem sakıncası var mı)? Come on in!/ Come in!: /ka:m.A:’İN/ Girsen!, Gel içeri! [Worker knocks on the door, the manager is in the office and says] The door’s open. Come on in. [Knock/NA:’k/ on/A:N/ the door: Kapıyı çalmak/vurmak] I’m not coming on to you: (=I’m not hitting on you!) Sana asılmıyorum! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not coming on to you. –Yea, sure. –I love my wife. I’m just saying that you got a kind heart. –Thanks. Approach: /ıp.RO’ç/ 1. yaklaşmak, yanaşmak 2. yol, yöntem, yaklaşım tarzı As the subway train is approaching, there comes a sign: Caution! The Train Is Approaching./ The new year is approaching so fast!/ We need to have a different approach to the issue, sir./ Scientists are using different approaches to cure cancer. Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. LIKE/WOULD LIKE Like: /LA:Yk/ 1. sevmek>hoşlanmak/beğenmek/hoşuna gitmek 2. –e gibi*, -e benzer [Hayat tekniklerla dolu! Like + Want + Have/Got ’ı öğrenirseniz, YARIM İngilizceye öğrendiğiniz!] 1. [Pic] Do you... like me? –Yeah, of course I like you. (Benden...hoşlanıyor musun? –Evet, tabii ki senden hoşlanıyorum.) / I like listening to music./ I like cooking. [Like’tan sonra -ing fiil yani kesinlikle ‘yapıyorsun’ ve seviyorsun.]/ I like to travel./ I like to visit Paris one day*(bir gün sonra). [Like’tan sonra ‘to’ fiil yani belki yapıyorsun belki yapmıyorsun, ama sevdiğini ‘söylüyorsun’.]  ‘Like’ us on Facebook (=Facebook’ta bize beğenin)! [‘Beğen’i tıklayın]/ I don’t like rap music./ What do you like generally/CE.nı.rı.li/(genellikle)? –I like listening to music /MYU.zik/, watching movie, jogging, swimming, shopping, and eating out. –What kind of/WA:-KA:YNd.ıv/(Ne tür) music do you like? –I like Christian/KRİS.çın/ music and my favorite /FEY.vı.rıt/ band is Hillsong United. How about /ı.BAWt/ you (Ya sen)?/ Do you like her or do you love her(Ondan hoşlanıyorsun yoksa onu aşıksın/seviyorsun)? Because liking a person and loving a person are two different things (Çünkü birinden hoşlanmak ve birini aşık olmak/ sevmek iki farklı şeydir). –No, I love her! [1. Love, Like’tan YÜKSEK. 2. Bütün ‘Like/Liking ve Love/Loving’ler vurgulu telaffuz edilmiştir.] 2. [Pic] This is like paradise. (Bu –bu manzara/yer- cennet gibi ya.) / Arséne Wenger: Messi plays like(gibi) computer games!! [HaHa] [Hani rüyalar gibi, çok olağan üstü, çok disiplinli.]/ I feel like I’m lost(Kayıp olmuş gibi hissediyorum).[>Gerçek ve mecaz anlamında kullanılır.<]/ There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness. –Lady Blessington/ American /ı.ME.ri.kın/ teens want to be like famous /FEY.mıs/ stars (ünlü yıldızlar gibi)./ I love to love you like you like(Seni sevmeyi sevdiğin gibi severim)!/ What’s she like(gibi)? [Yani: O nasıl biridir?] –Oh, she’s kind /KA:YNd/(nazik), helpful/HELP.fıl/ (yardımsever), and funny/ (eğlenceli/komik)./ Where are you from? –I’m from Ankara. –What’s it like(gibi)? [Yani: Ankara nasıl bir şehirdir?] –It’s an old city with a lot of museums /myu.Zİ.yımz/. It has fun places like Kızılay and Tunalı (=Kızılay ve Tunalı gibi eğlence mekanları/yerleri var). It doesn’t have any sea but I like Ankara very much. [Amerikan gençler arasında EN KULLANMIŞ EDAT bence ‘LIKE’ İŞTE anlamındadır (ve bazen anlamsızdır/vurgu için): I saw that girl and I was, like, ‘ooooo’ and she was, like, ‘eeeee’ and we were, like, kind of shy and we didn’t talk to each other for, like, half an hour and then she came to me, like, ‘Hey, you wanna get out of here?’ and then I was like ‘Sure! Let’s go!’ We hung out(takıldık) outside like, half an hour/AWır/, and then I said, ‘We should have ice cream!’ and she was, like, ‘Yeah! Ditto /Dİ’.to’/ (Bende/Bence de).’] [Dig: 1. kazmak>He’s digging a well(kuyu). 2. SL: hoşlanmak>I’m digging this music! ||| Dig deeper: daha derine inmek, daha derince araştırmak. Sonra >DERİN< kısımda bakin.] 1. What does she like? (O ne seviyor?/O ne’den hoşlanıyor?) 2. What is she like? (O nasıl biridir?/O neyi benziyor?) As well* as...:/ -nin/-e kadar/gibi iyi* [NOTTT as like as] [Want grammar? OK! I ‘SHOW’ you the grammar!>>]  Women drive as well as men. I don’t want to hear any jokes about them./ I can’t run as well as you. –And I can’t swim as well as you!/ [‘Well’in yerinde başka sıfat/zarf gelebilir: She types as fast* as me(benim kadar hızlı)./ Can you find anything as delicious* as(-ı kadar lezzetli) kebab?/ He is as tall* as me(benim gibi uzun boyulu)./ Her sister is as beautiful* as her./ English is as EASY as this!]/ [Pic] I’m not as cold as everyone thinks. (Herkesin düşündüğün gibi soğuk kanlı değilim.)

As...: /AZ/ (=Like...) –e gibi I’ve never loved anyone as I loved you(Seni sevdiğim gibi kimseyi asla sevmedim)./ There is nothing so dangerous to an author as silence(Bir yazar için sessizlik gibi tehlikeli bir şey yoktur). [Yani: Bir yazar durmamalı, yazmalı, asla bırakmamalı.] –Samuel Johnson Unlike: /a:n.LA:YK/ aksine, -den farklı, -nin tersine Unlike you, I see a bright future for Turkey (Senin aksine/Senden farklı, Türkiye için parlak bir gelecek görüyorum)./ Redhouse: His Turkish, unlike me, is excellent (Benimkinin tersine, onun Türkçesi mükemmel).

Likely: / (bir şeyin olması)muhtemel, olasılı, büyük ihtimalle olur/doğru || Unlikely: / olası zor,muhtemelen olmayan/doğru değil Do you see the dark clouds? It’s likely to rain./ I think your mom doesn’t like me. –That is unlikely, because she likes what I like (Çünkü o ne sevdiğimi sever). Dislike: /dis.LA:YK/ [#Like] hoşlanmamak, sevmemek She says she dislikes when other people stare at her(Başkaları onu göz dikmeye sevmediğini söylüyor)./ Ingmar Bergman, a great Swedish director: I’m VERY Swedish –I don’t dislike to be alone (Ben TAM İsveçliyim –yalnız kalmayı severim). [Funny!] :D [Espri: >don’t dislike = like<] Something like that!: / /bazen -.sing çok hızlı söylenir/ bunun gibi bir şey! One happy man, one happy woman, one happy kid... a family should be /Şı) something like that!/ Are you making a good living(Hayatını iyi kazanıyor musun), sonny(evlat/oğlum)? –Kind of (Eh, işte). –So it’s good? –Something like that! Would like (to): /wud-LA:YK-tu/ [=’d like (to)] (–e) istemek, -e can istemek, -e davet edebilmek [‘Would like’ ‘Want’ın kibar şeklidir.] I’d like/ to have some coffee (Canım biraz kahve istiyor). Would you like some, too (Sende biraz – kahve- ister misin)?/ I’d like to have a dance with you! –Oh, sure!/ [1]Would you/ guys like some red wine? [2] Yes I would. Thanks. [3] No I wouldn’t /WUD.ınt/. Thanks. [4] No, I’m good(fine). Thanks. [5] No, I’m cool. [>Böyle kabul ya da reddediyorsunuz.<]/ Would you like to have a dance with me? (Size dans etmeye davet edebilir miyim?)/ Would you like to have dinner with us?/ Why did you do that? I would like an explanation /ıks.pla.NEY.şın/(açıklama)… right now (= Bunu niye yaptı? Anlat bakalım, hemen). [/UD-YU/’nun telaffuz / olur. Could you / Would you /] Enjoy: /in.CO’y/ -nın tadını çıkarmak, -den zevk almak/hoşlanmak || Enjoy!/Enjoy it!/Enjoy your meal-supper-dinnerlunch-breakfast!/Bon apetit!: Afiyet olsun! Turkish man to the tourist: Are you enjoying you travel? –Yeah! It’s fun! [Tourists LOVE fun.]/ ‘Enjoy the ride!’ means ‘Relax and have FUN!’ So... let’s ENJOY THE RIDE OF MOVENGLISH! / Waiter brings the food, puts it on the table, and says, ‘Enjoy it!’ Then he leaves./ Julia Robert: I enjoy hats. [>‘I enjoy hats.’ NOTTT I enjoy from hats!!<] Favorite: pronunciation:/FEY.vı.rıt/ favori, gözde What’s your favorite song? –Kristian Stanfill’s ‘Lord Our God!’ –Your favorite clip? –Chris Tomlin’s ‘How Great Is Our God’, World Edition. [Please take a short break(mola) to watch your favorite clip and come back to this book to enjoy!] Favor*: /FEY.vır/ iyilik Could you /KUC.yu/ do me a favor (Bana bir iyilik yapabilir misin)? Pick up Leigh Ann /ley.A’N/ from day care. (=Arabayla git Leigh Ann’ı kreşten al.) –Sure./ I need a favor (Sana bir işim düştü)! I’m fond of...!:/-FA:’Nd.a:v/ …-e seviyorum! I’m fond of GodTube./ We’re fond of basketball. Adore: /ı.DO’r/ /NOTTT a.DO.reee/ saygı duyup iyi şeyler söyleyip çok beğenmek, iyi şeyler görüp çok hoşlanmak || Adorable: /ı.DO’.rı.bıl/ çok güzel ve sevimli Do you remember ‘Adore Mobilya(Furniture)’?/ He adores Bella Thorne and has her posters on the wall of his room./ [Pic] If there had just been one day, Ian/iyin/, one day where nothing else matters but us. –I adore you. –I don’t want to be adored. I want to be loved. [Ian, eğer sadece bir günümüz, bizden başka önemli olmayan bir günümüz olsaydı. –Ben seni çok beğeniyorum. –Ben çok beğenmesini istemiyorum. Senin sevmesini istiyorum.)/ [Pic] Boy: Do you wanna go out sometime (Bir gün benimle çıkmak ister misin)? Girl: What… are you

gonna take me out on your scooter (Ne, o motosikletinle beni götürecek misin)? Boy: Come on. I’m, like, totally adorable (Haydi ama. Ya, ben tam çok sevimli biriyim ya). [>SELF-CONFIDENCE lesson<]  Admire:/ıd.MA:Yır/ıd.MA:Yr/[bir şey ya da bir kişinin hakkında] iyi şeyler söylemek, beğenmek, hayran olmak He admires Taylor Swift. He says she’s the most beautiful celebrity /sı.LEB.rı.di/ (ünlü sanatçı)... ever! [‘Ever’ vurgulu ve ‘bütün zamanlarda’ ya da ‘şu an kadar yaşadığın’ demektir.]/ The person I admire most is neither /NA:Y.zır//Nİ.zır/ a celebrity nor a millionaire. It’s my mom. She’s not only my mom, but also my best friend. I love her so much./ I admire your honesty /A:’.nes.ti/ (dürüstlük). [/h/ sessiz] [Birlikte geliyor: Neither(değil)…nor(de değil)…] [Birlikte geliyor: Not only(yalnız bu değil)...but also(bu de var)...> I not only like him, but also admire him.] Psalm 63:3 Because Your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise You. Praise: /pREYz/ hamdetmek, şükretmek PRAISE GOD, THE LORD OF ALL CREATIONS.

LOOK/SEEM/SOUND/LOOK LIKE [Çok önemli.] Look:*/LUk/1.(at) (-e) bakmak 2.görünmek/ gözükmek/ benzemek 1. Look! The school bus (okul taşıtı) is coming./ 1. Look at me (Bana bak)./ 1. Look, your life doesn’t suck(berbat değil), ok? But you should have a plan./ 2. You look terrible./ You look great(awesome/amazing)! (=Harika/Güzel görünüyorsun!=Çok şıksın!)/ 2. This bag(poşet) looks heavy. Please let me help. –Oh, thanks!/ 2. This dress looks good on you (Bu elbise sana yakışıyor)! –Oh, thank. It’s Prada! –Of course./ 1&2. Why do you look so sad? –Because you speak to me in words, and I look at you with feelings. [*‘Look, Book, Good, Cook, Should, ve Would’un telaffuzu hepsi /U/ yumuşak U’yla. Lütfen Redhouse’tan dinleyin.] Seem:/Sİ’M/görünmek/gözükmek/benzemek It always seems impossible until it’s done. (Hey şey yapılmayı kadar imkansız görünüyor). [TRUE!]–Nelson Mandela/ You seem like(gibi) a nice person to me./ Your house seems nice! –Thank you!/ You seem happy! –Yea, I’m going to Ihlara Valley tour with some guys. –Awesome! –Wanna join (Katılmak ister misin)? –Yeah, can I? – Sure! I should just call the tour manager. –All right! So I get my bag(çanta)!!  What seems to be the problem?: [Genelde iki kişi tartışırken, üçüncü kişi gelip bunu soruyor] Sorun ne? [The secretary and a customer have a disagreement(bir anlaşmazlık var), the manager comes and asks] Becky? What seems to be the problem? –Mr. Smith! This gentleman wants to cancel and wants his money back. I’m telling him that…(Manager to the man): Hi! My name’s Jack. –Andy. –It’s a pleasure to meet you (Tanışmanız zevktir)...  Sound: /SAWNd/ 1. [bir şeyin] ses* 2. [ses hiç alakası yok] görünmek/gözükmek/benzemek, gibi gelmek 1. What is this instrument? I like its (onun) sound. –It’s Turkish Bağlama. –Adorable!/ 2. Do you like the curtain/K3R.dn/(perde)? –It sounds perfect (mükemmel)!/ 2. So what do you think of my new best friend? –It sounds to me like he’s married (Bana göre sanki evli geliyor)! –What? But how (Nasıl yani/Niye öyle düşünüyorsun)?/ 2. You sound awful(Berbat görünüyorsun)! What’s wrong /WA:TS-RA:’Ng/(Ne oldu)? [İnsanın ses*=Voice/VO’Ys/ She got the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard (O şu anı kadar duyduğum en güzel sesi sahiptir).] [Noise: gürültü>What’s the noise? –I’m hammering this nail!] Sounds good to me!: Bana uyar!, Benim için iyi! [On the phone] Let’s meet (Hadi buluşalım). Will 3 o’clock be all right (Saat üç iyi mi/uygun mu)? –Sounds good to me! [Suits/SU’Ts/ me fine /FA:’Yn/. =Sounds good to me.> So I pay you $2000 now and $2000 tomorrow, ok? –Suits me fine!] Look like: 1.(=Look alike/-luk.ı.LA:Yk/)–e benzemek 2.[Cümlede ilk geliyor] Looks like...: ...-e görünüyor, Görünüşe göre..., Sanırım..., Bana...gibi geliyor!, Sanki... 1. [daha kullanışlı>] She looks like her mother (Annesi benziyor). (=She looks alike her mother.)/ 1. He looks like Brad Pitt! (=He looks alike Brad Pitt!)/ 1. Girl: I look like nobody (=Ben hiç kimseye benzemiyorum)./ 1. Some people say Hadise looks like Beyoncé. What do you think?/ 2. Looks like she needs some help. [=Sanki (Sanırım) yardım ihtiyacı var.]/ 2. [He sees his aunt/A’Nt/(hala/teyze) is coming and says to his mom] Looks like we have company /KA:’M.pı.ni/! (Görünüşe göre misafirimiz var/misafir geliyor!) 

Sounds like...: ...görünüyor/Görünüşe göre/Sanırım/Sanki... || Seems like...: ...görünüyor/Görünüşe göre/Sanırım/Sanki... [Pic] And do what? –Nothing. Just exist. –It doesn’t sound like much fun. –That’s life. (Ve ne yapacak? –Hiçbir şey. Sadece var oluruz. –Ama böyle hiç eğlence görünmüyor/eğlence gibi değildir. –Bu hayat işte.) [>Sadece var olmak hayat değil. Film izleyeceğiz ve her gün yeni şeyler öğreneceğiz.<] / [In a road trip (Bir araba geziside)] We have no money and our car is broken(bozuldu). Sounds like we should sleep in the car, guys (Sanırım arabada yatmalıyız)!/ (It) seems like you had fun last night, huh (Sanırım dün gece eğlendin, değil mi)? Look out: dikkat etmek Hey, look out! The kettle is hot. Look for : (=Search for) –e aramak Are you looking for a job?/ What are you looking for? –I’m looking for my keys./ I’m searching for a piece of information on the Internet./ I learned that, as of Exodus 3:4, if we look for God, God will have a calling for us (=bize çağrıyor). Exodus 3:2-4 There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire, it did not burn up. So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight –why the bush does not burn up.” When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” And Moses said, “Here I am.” What does the voice of God sound like? The Bible is the voice of God. Also, the more we pray, the more we learn how to hear God. His voice may be heard during a conversation (I am twice witness to that), during storm, or in a quiet moment.

1 King 19:12 ...And after the fire came a gentle whisper. FEEL/FEEL LIKE/FALL/DROP Feel:/Fİ’L/(sınav için önemli:feel, felt, felt) hissetmek || Feeling: /Fİ’.ling/ duygu, his Remember Olips’ song? ‘I feel good!’/ You feel all right? –I’ve never felt better (Hiç daha iyi hissetmemiştim)! / Why do Turkish people like to help others with addresses? You ask one address, ten people want to help you! –Because they’re awesome! [Smiles] And I think(Ve bence) they want to feel good about themselves. Because when you help others, you feel good about yourself. –I agree(Katılıyorum)./ It’s a great feeling to be back home (Eve/Memlekete dönmek çok güzel bir histir). Feel like… : 1. (sanki)canın...istemek 2. ...gibi hissetmek, sanki... 1. I feel like I’m gonna run this morning (Bu sabah sanki canım koşmak istiyor). –Me too! –So what are you waiting for? Let’s go!/ 1. I don’t feel like eating (Canım yemek istemiyor)./ 1. She doesn’t feel like sleeping (Canın uymak istemiyor)./ 1. I’m starving!! I feel like I want to have all the macaroni/ma.kı.RO’.ni/ of the saucepan (Sanki canım tencerenin tüm makarnayı istiyor)!/ 2. Here feels like home(Burada evim gibi hissediyor)./ 2. Girl: I’ve never felt like this before(Daha önce hiç böyle hissetmemiştim). I think (Sanırım) I love him. [‘I feel like pizza/Pİ’!’ aslında ‘I feel like having(yemek) pizza!’] [Pizza’nın TELAFFUZ: /Pİ’] Feel sorry for someone: biri için yazık hissetmek, birini acımak He was sleeping in the street. The man felt sorry for him and gave him a job in his factory/FA’K.tı.ri/(fabrika). Now he’s a successful businessman./ [A rich guy broke her heart(kalbini kırıldı), she says to him] You know what(Biliyor musun)? I feel sorry for you! You are nothing but a credit card(Sen bir kredi karttan fazla bir şey değilsin)!/ I feel sorry for you, you poor thing(seni zavallı şey/adam/kişi)!/ I gave you my number (Sana telefon numaramı verdim). –I know, but then I woke up in the morning, and I was like, ‘Oh, my God. She probably gave her number ’cause she felt sorry for me! –No, I didn’t (feel sorry for you).’’ You feel me?: [ne söylediğimi] Anlıyor musun?/Anladın mı? [Dediklerimi hissediyor musun?] You can’t do things like that, you feel me (Böyle şeyler yapamazsın, anlıyor musun)?/ The guy in the movie said, ‘Risk it to get the biscuit!’ What does it mean(Bu ne anlam geliyor/var)? –Well, ‘Risk it /RİS.kit/’ and ‘Biscuit /BİS.kit/’ have rhym/RA:Ym/(uyak/kafiye). And it means if you want your favorite thing like biscuit(bisküvi), you should risk for it, you feel me? –Mmm, yeah, I see(anladım). Fall: /FA:’l/(sınav için önemli:fall, fell, fallen) 1.(down) düşmek 2.sonbahar 3.şelale Fall seven times, stand up eight. –Japanese proverb/ ‘The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there,’ is said by Vince Lombardi and means ‘If we want to get(gitmek/ulaşmak) to the top of the mountain (=succeed), we can’t fall there, we must try to go there step by step.’ / His brother fell from a tree when he was 10 (Kardeşi 10 yaşındayken ağaçtan düştü)./ Don’t go up the wall. You’ll fall (=You’ll fall down)./ This fall, I’m gonna(=I am goin to) visit Australia/a:’s.TREY.lya:/ (Bu sonbahar Avustralya’ya ziyaret edeceğim)./ Have you ever been to Niagara/na:.YAG.ra:/ Fall (Niagara Şelalesi)?/ Feel, felt, felt and Fall, fell, fallen. If you don’t want to mix the tenses of ‘feel’ and ‘fall’, remember the Evanescence’s album ‘Fallen’. Drop: /dRA:’p/ 1.düşürmek/düşmek 2. Drop it!: Kes şunu!, Yeter artık! 3.damla He dropped a stone into the well(kuyu) to hear the echo/E.ko’/(yankı)./ Ma’am! Your hat dropped. –Oh, thanks./ 2. [She knows her brother hates to talk about eggplant but says] So you want fried eggplant or..? –Drop it! –I mean... –I said... just drop it./ 2. I just wanted to talk about... –Just drop it! –What? You don’t even know what I’m gonna talk about! [He realizes she’s talking on the phone and says] Oh, ok!/ Soft drops of water can make a hole in hard stone! If

speaking English is hard stone, movies are fast drops! The more, the better. [Drop out of school/ university...: okuldan/ üniversiteden ayrılmak/ okulu/üniversiteyi bırakmak> She dropped out of college ’cause she’s a single mom and had to work. >UNIVERSITY< sonra bakın.] [Drop someone off: biriyi araba ile bırakmak>Drop me off here. >CAR<bakın.] I’m deep in love with You, Abba Father – I’m deep in love with you, precious Jesus –Michael W. Smith Fall in love (with):(fall,fell,fallen)–e aşık olmak*,-nın aşkı düşmek || Be in love: (am, is, are, was, were) aşık olmak* When she was 14, she fell in love for the first time./ He has never fallen in love! Can you believe that?/ [Pic] I fell in love with music./ Wise boy: Falling in love is easy. I can fall in love twice a day!! But being in love is hard. Can you be?/ [Pic] She’s in love! –Oh, no. This is terrible(berbat)!/ Where is your mind /MA:YNd/(Kafa/aklın nerede)? Are you in love (=Aşık mısın)? S/he fell asleep: O uykuya daldı!, O uyudu! Shhh! Quiet /KWA:.yıt/ (Sessiz ol)! She just (=hemen/biraz önce) fell asleep. Fall apart:/FA:L-ı.PA:’Rt/1.[duygusal sıkıntı çıkmaktan sonra] doğru düşünmemek, dayanır hali/gücü kalmamak 2. [=Start to fail](anlaşma/firma)bozmayı/ayrılmayı başlamak, güçten düşmek ve bozmak 1. He leaves a note: Baby, come back! Without you, I’m falling apart!/ 1. Lifehouse; Broken lyrics(şarkı sözü): I’m falling apart – I’m barely breathing (hemen hemen nefes alamıyorum) – With a broken heart – That’s still beating./ 2. Their marriage is falling apart because of doubts and untold words (=Onların evlilik, şüpheler ve söylememiş harflarin dolayı bozmayı başlıyor)./ 2. We haven’t done any job since May/MEY/(Mayıs’tan beri hiç iş yapmadık=kazanmadık). This company(şirket) is falling apart./ 2. Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. –Marilyn Monroe/ 2. [Pic] ...I just don’t want us to fall apart. (Ancak aşkımızın bozulmanı istemiyorum.)

John 16:22 So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. MISS: ÖZLEMEK/KAÇMAK Miss: /MİS/ 1. özlemek 2. (#Catch: yetişmek) kaçırmak 3. kaybetmek 4.[Miss:bekar bayan] Hanım efendi || Missing: /Mİ.sing/ eksik, kayıp 1. [Pic] You know what I’m gonna miss most? You. Your friendship. [>relationship lesson<]/ 1. I missed/MİSt/ ya so much(çok)./ 1. My friends surprise when I say, ‘I never miss anyone in my life because I HOPE to see my beloved people again. I must only miss GOD every day.’/ 1. Natalie Dawn Clemens! You’ve been missed(Sen özlemişsin: Seni özledim)! –[Turns back smiling] Oh thanks! You’re so sweet! / 2. Get up, sweetie. You’ll miss your school bus (Hadi kalk, tatlım. Yoksa okul servisini kaçıracaksın)./ 2. [Half an hour/AWır/ after the game starts, he arrives home. His brother is watching the game. He asks] What did I miss (Ne kaçırdım>Görmediğim şey nw>Maçta neler oldu)?/ 2. I don’t wanna(want to) miss the plane. Chop-chop! Hurry up!/ 2. This is your life-time chance. Don’t you miss it (Sakın kaçırma)!/ 2. It’s a life opportunity /a:.pır.TU.nı.di/. Don’t miss it (Onu kaçırma)!/ 2. Don’t worry, you’ll catch* the flight (Merak etme, uçuşa yetişeceksin)./ 3. For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else. [Wise wise wise]–Ralph Waldo Emerson/ 4. Miss! You cannot be here (Burada olamazsınız/Burada olmanız yasak)!/ Professor, did you check my thesis/Sİ.sıs/? –Yes, it was very good, but one page was missing./ This is a documentary named: The Missing(söylememiş/gözden kayıp) Secrets of Nikola Tesla. [*Catch: /KAÇ/ (catch,caught,caught/KA:’t/) yakalamak/tutmak> The glass was about to fall from my hand, but I could catch it... luckily. > The cops caught the suspects/SA:S.pekts/ of last night’s attack/ı.TA’k/ (Polis dün gecenin saldırının şüpheli kişileri yakalandı).] Miss out (on): /mis.AWt/ (-ın) fırsatı kaçırmak, (-ın) heycanı yaşamamak [>Amerika’da popüler] [Soul Surfer] Bethany says she’s not able to go to Mexico. Sarah says: You’re gonna miss out./ Thefreedictionary: By leaving early, you missed out on the celebrations(kutlamalar). Job 9:2-4 “Truly I know that it is so: But how can a man be in the right before God? If one wished to contend with Him, one could not answer Him once in a thousand times. He is wise in heart and mighty in strength —who has hardened himself against Him, and succeeded? ASK/ANSWER Ask: /A’Sk/ 1. sormak 2. istemek/rica etmek 3. (=Ask someone out) biriyi dışarıda teklif etmek 1. [Pic] Don’t ask me questions you don’t want to know the answer to. (Onların cevabı bilmek istemediğin soruları sorma.)/ 1. I love you. –Why? –You can’t ask why about love. (Seni seviyorum. –Neden? –Aşk konusunda ‘neden’ soruyamazsın.) –Anna Karenina (2012)/ 1. [Christmas Angel] How was your interview? –Don’t ask (Yani: O kadar kötüydi ki sorma)!/ 1. Excuse me, can I ask you a question? –Sure. –How do we say, ‘İyi Bayramlar!/Mutlu Bayramlar’? –It’s ‘Happy Holidays!’/ 1. Teacher, can I ask you something? What’s this test for (Bu test/sorular ne içindir)?/ 2. How do you ask a girl to dance with you? – Well, you don’t say, ‘Can I dance with you?’ You say, ‘I’d like to have a dance with you!’ They’re different!/ 2. I’m the kind of person who if I want something, I ask for it. If I didn’t ask, it means I didn’t want to./ 2. How do you ask for a raise/REYZ/(zam)?/ 2. ‘You are important enough to ask and you are blessed enough to receive back.’ –Dr. Wayne Dyer/ 3. [The Fighter] Dad(Jack

McGee): Why don’t you just go talk to her. She’s a nice girl. I told her all about you. Micky(Mark Wahlberg): I don’t want to ask her if she’s going to say no (Hayır söyleyecekse, onu dışarıda teklif etmek istemiyorum)!!

James 4:2-3 You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. Ask me/him/her/us/them!: Benden/Ondan/Bizden/Onlardan sor! [>>NOTTT Ask TO me/him/her/us/them!] How do you feel if your child asks you something and you don’t know the answer/AN.sır/ (Çocuğunuz bir soru sorarsa ve cevabı bilmezseniz, nasıl hissedeceksiniz)?/ Did you ask him if he broke my PSP? –I asked him and he said, ‘No!’ [=...and he said he didn’t.] What are they asking?/ What are they asking for it?/ What are they asking for this place?/ What do they ask for it?: [müşteri emlakçiden fiyat sorusu] (Burası için) ne kadar istiyorlar? Customer: Ok, what are they asking? Realtor: 3 (üç milyon dolar). –3? Jesus! What for? –It has terrific light, great views, great outdoor space, up-and-coming neighborhood (gelen giden/canlı komşuluk), and I think it’s close to your work place. –Yea, but it’s still too much(çok fazla)! Psalm 120:1 I call on the LORD in my distress, and He answers me. Answer: /AN.sır/ /NOTTT ANS.vır/ cevap, cevap vermek What’s the answer to question 5?/ I want an answer, not a question./ Did you answer all the questions? –Yeah, they were easy! [Whispers] I’m a geek(inek)!! –What did you say? –Nothing!/ [Angry] Answer the question: ‘Did you lie to me (Bana yalan söyledi mi)?’/ Answer me! Did you ever love me? (Cevap ver! Hiç beni sevdin mi?)

Answer the door/phone: (=Get the door/phone) kapıyı/telefonu bakmak Honey, I’m doing the dishes(bulaşıkları yıkıyorum). Can you answer/get the door, please?/ Could you get the phone, please? [Telefonu açmak>Answer/Get/Take the phone/call. >ASLA Open the phone DEMEYİN< >Telefonu kapatmak>Hang up the phone.>ASLA Close the phone DEMEYİN. Sonra>ON THE PHONE<bakın.] SORU İÇİN: CAN/COULD/WILL/WOULD|| RİCA İÇİN: CAN=COULD. WILL=WOULD. || RİCA İÇİN: MAY I...? || DUA İÇİN: MAY I/YOU/HE/SHE/WE/THEY...! Can you...? –ebilir misin? (geniş zaman yapabilmek SORU) || Could you...? –ebiliyor muydun? (geçmiş zaman yapabilmek SORU) || Can/Could you…? –irmisin?(Önemli: RİCA için ‘can’ ve ‘could’ EŞİTTİR.) SORU: Can you swim(Yüzebilir misin)? –Yes, I can./ Can he play guitar /gi.TA:’r/ (O gitar çalabilir mi)? –No, he can’t./ Could you ride a bike when you were 4 (Dört yaşındayken bisiklet sürebilir miydi)? –No, I couldn’t./ Could she play piano 10 years ago(On sene önce piyano çalabiliyor muydu)? –Yes, she could./ Can they speak Spanish? –Yes, they can./ Couldn’t we go with them(Biz onlarla gidemiyorduk mu)? –No, we couldn’t! They’re members /MEM.bırz/ (üyeler). RİCA: Can(Could) you play guitar for us(Bizim için gitar çalar mısın)? –Sure./ Can(Could) you please change the date of this ticket for me(Benim için bu biletin tarihi değişebilir misin lütfen)? –Of course./ Can(Could) I have your number(Numaranızı alabilir miyim)? –Yeah, it’s 0555 555 55 55. [örnek/ tek tek okuyun> Five five five, five five five, five five, five five.>virgüller yani kısaca durmak<]/ Could(Can) you open the window(Pencereye açabilir misin)? – I’m afraid(Üzgünüm), no(not). It’s freezing/fRİ’.zing/ outside(Dışarıda buz gibi)! Will you...? –cakmisin? (gelecek zaman SORU) || Would* you...? –ormuydun/–ormuyum?/–cakmisin?/–irmisin? (SORU) || Will/Would you…? (Önemli: RİCA için will ve would EŞİTTİR.) [Would you.../] Will you be here by 5(Saat 5’den önce/5 olmadan burada olacak mısın)? –Yes, I will. >Soru/ [Asking herself(Kendinden soruyor)] Will I ever get married(Hiç evlenecek miyim)? –No, you won’t! :D >Soru/ Would you ever lie to me(Hiç bana yalan söyleyecek misin)? –No, baby, I wouldn’t. >Soru/ Would I look good with red hair(Kırmızı saçlar bana yakışıcek mı/ Kırmızı saçlar ile iyi gözükecek mıyım)? [>İçindeki anlamı: Kırmızı saçlarla yakışma ihtimalim var mı?<] –Yes, you would. >Soru/ [Having food, he asks] Would you like a plate(Sana bir tabak doldurum mu)? –No, thanks.> Soru/ Will/Would you tell us your name(İsmini bize söyler misin), please? –Sure. My name’s Hakan. >Rica/ Would/Will you clap for our new student, please(Yeni öğrencimiz için alkışlıyor musunuz, lütfen)? [We ALL clap.] Woohoo! Yeah(Evet/İşte bu)! > Rica [*Would, Will’in geçmiştir ve 99% IF ile kullanmıştır –ve eğer ‘if’ gelmezse, içindeki bir ‘if’ anlamı var. Would, HER ZAMAN olanak/ihtimal için geliyor. >IF< parçası gelince iyice bakın.]  [Would rather(’d rather)= prefer: tercih etmek> [Angry man] I’d rather die than work here(Ölmeye, burada çalışmaktan tercih ederim)!] [Would you like...: ...ister misiniz? (çok kibar).|| Do you want...? ...ister misin?/ister misiniz?]

[The Woodcarver] Before you make any choice or decision, I just want you to ask yourself that simple question: ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ May:/MEY/ -ebilmek, belki...-ebilmek [Pic] You may think you like someone, but... you could be wrong. (Birinin sevdiğini düşünebilirsin, fakat yanlış olabilirsin.) [Maybe: belki>Will you eat? – Maybe!] May I...? [RİCA]...olur mu/mümkün mü/imkanı var mı? || May you/he/she/we/they…! [DUA] Umarım Tanrı seni/onu/bize/onları… May I ask you a question(Bir soru sorsam olur mu?) –Sure! >Rica/ May you be happy(Umarım- Tanrı mutluluk versin)!/ May he rest in peace(Tanrı rahmet eylesin)! [Rest In Peace:RIP:mezar taşın üzerinde yazıyorlar.]/ Steve Jobs died, but his inventions(buluşlar/icatlar) are alive! May he rest in peace! Davet için/Kibarca İzin için: Shall we...? /ŞAL--/ || May I...? Shall we dance (=Dans edebilir miyiz)?/ Shall we go (=Gidebilir miyiz/Gidelim mi)?/ May I have a dance with you (Seninle bir dans edebilir miyim)? [May I?=Can I get past?=Can I get passed?: Geçebilir miyim?>bir yere gitmek istersen ama yolunuz kapatsa, bunu söyleyebilirsiniz.] GONNA/WANNA/GOTTA/HAVE TO/HAVE [Çok önemli bir parça. Her gün kullanışlı.] Gonna: pronunciation:/GA:.nı/ to>Be going to)–cım/cek/cez,-yorum [gelecek] [Be + Going To: I’m gonna go, You’re gonna go, He’s gonna go, She’s gonna go, It’s gonna go, We’re gonna go, They’re gonna go.] [Forrest Gump] Jenny: Do you ever dream, Forrest, about who you’re gonna be? Forrest: Who I’m gonna be? J: Yeah. F: Aren’t-aren’t I going to be me? :D/ I’m gonna go. See ya guys! (Ben gidiyorum/Gitmek istiyorum*. Arkadaşlar, görüşürüz!)/ She’s gonna spend this summer in Wales/WE’Lz/(Galler)./ We’re gonna have steak /sTEYk/ for tonight (Biz akşam için biftek yiyeceğiz). I’ll call her. > Onu arayacağım. [İçindeki: Onu sonra arayacağım. BELKİ YAPMAZ!]/ I’m gonna (I am going to) call her. Onu arayacağım./Onu aramak istiyorum. [Hemen kalkıp arıyor.]/ Bu farklı: I’ll call her now.=I’m gonna call her now. [Be Going To’nun İÇİNDE ‘istemek’ anlamı var. > I’m gonna go(Ben gidiyorum=Ben şuanda gitmek istiyorum). >See ya honey! I’ll call you when I get home(Eve gidince seni arayacağım).> I’m gonna grab a drink (Bir içki alacağım =Şimdi bir içki almak istiyorum).] [FİLM izleğince, karakter hemen değince ve kalkınca ve yapınca, siz GÖRÜP anlayacak sınız. Kitabı okurken, neyi görecek siniz?] ;) [geleceğin bir GERÇEK için ‘will’ gelebilir.> Facebook: ‘It’s free and always will be (Ücretsizdir ve her zaman ücretsiz kalacak).’]  [ÖNEMLİ: Be Going To gelecek YARDIMCI fiildir ve ‘Gitmek’i HİÇ ilgisi/alakası YOK.>I’m going to visit the factory tomorrow(Yarın fabrikaya ziyaret edeceğim/ziyaret etmek istiyorum. >I’m going to=I’m gonna>‘Gitmeği’ alakası yok> I’m gonna go= Gideceğim).] [‘To be going to’ için ‘go’ istisna> ‘I’m going to go to Paris’ gerekmiyor. Onun yerinde: ‘I’m going to Paris’ deyin.] Wanna: /WA:.nı//[ancak konuşmak için] (=Want to) -istemek [hemen wanna’dan sonra isim GELMEZ] || Want: /WA:Nt/ istemek [‘want’dan sonra hemen isim gelebilir fakat TO ile gelmiyor:* -e istemek] || What do you want from me?: Benden ne istiyorsun? I want ice coffee. [NOTTT I want TO ice coffee.|| NOTTT I wanna ice coffee.]/ I wanna go home. I can’t stay here./ If you wanna travel around the world, you should be ready for it./ She wants to be a florist (çiçekçi). [NOTTT She wanna be a florist.> ‘s’ takısı için.<]/ I want to(wanna) have a hot dog(sosisli sandviç)./ I want this perfume. [NOTTT I want TO this perfume.]*/ [Pic] What do you want from me, Cohen? [‘s’ takısı için She wanna, He wanna, It wanna YOKTUR.] [I want this. (NOTTT I want TO this.) >I want a cup of mocca. (NOTTT I want TO a cup of mocca.)> Want’tan sonra hemen isim gelirse, asla TO kullanmayın.] [I want to go home. >I want to have pop corn. >He doesn’t want to get a haircut. >Want’tan sonra FİİL gelince, arasında ‘to’ kullanacaksınız.> I want to ask him a question.] ÇOK PROFESYONEL, ÇOK KULLANIŞLI VE ÇOK ÖNEMLİ BİR YAPI I want to go(Gitmek istiyorum).>I want YOU to go(Senin gitmesini istiyorum)./ I want to study(Ders çalışmak istiyorum).>I want YOU to study(Senin ders çalışmasını istiyorum)./ I want to shop(Alışveriş yapmak istiyorum).>I want HER to shop(Onun alışveriş gitmesini istiyorum)./ I wanna be happy(Mutlu olmak istiyorum).>I want HIM to be happy(Onun mutlu olmasını istiyorum)./ She wants to dance.>She wants ME to dance./ He wants to talk.>He wants HER to talk./ I wanna sleep.>I want YOU to sleep. [>Wanna’dan sonra isim değil fiil, geliyor.<]/ I wanna eat.>I want MY SON to eat./ He wants to study more.>He wants HIS DAUGHTER to study more./ What do you want to say?>What do you want ME to say?/ Want’ın yerinde Need yada Would like(’d like) de kullanabilirsiniz: I need to leave(Buradan gitmek istiyorum).>I need YOU to leave(Senin buradan gitmesini istiyorum)./ I need to watch movie.>I need YOU to watch movie./ I’d like to change this(Bunu değiştirmek istiyorum).>I’d like YOU to change this(Senden bunu değiştirmesini istiyorum)./ I’d like to ask her out(Onun dışarıda teklif etmek istiyorum).>I’d like YOU to ask her out(Senden onun dışarıda teklif

etmesini istiyorum)./ [Pic] I’m whatever Gotham needs ME to be.(Ben, Gotham’ın her ne olması istediğin şeyim./ Gotham benden ne isterse, onu yapacağım.) [Pratik her şeyi kolaylaştırır.] Gotta: pronunciation:/GA:.dı//GA:.da:/ =Got to (=should/ must/ have to) –gerekmek Sorry I got to go back to work. (=Sorry I have to go back to work.) (İşe geri dönmem gerek.)/ Sorry I gotta run (Kusura bakma, çok hızlı gitmem gerek/acelem var). [I gotta run.=I gotta go.]/ You gotta be here before 7 o’clock, you got it(Sen saat 7’den önce burada olman gerek/olmalısın, anladın mı)? Don’t be late again(Yine geç kalma). Need: /Nİ’d/ -e ihtiyacı olmak, -e gereksemek, gereklilik, ihtiyaç [Pic] I need you. –I’m here for you (Senin için buradayım)./ Plumb’s song ‘Need You Now’ is out of this world(şahane)./ Friendship and love are our needs. But as of Abraham Maslow, ‘selfactualization’ is our biggest need. Plumb – Need You Now lyrics (amazing beat, amazing cord, amazing song): Well, everybody's got a story to tell - And everybody's got a wound to be healed - I want to believe there's beauty here - 'Cause oh, I get so tired of holding on - I can't let go, I can't move on - I want to believe there's meaning here - How many times have You heard me cry out - "God please take this?" - How many times have You given me strength to - Just keep breathing? - Oh I need You - God, I need You now - Standing on a road I didn't plan - Wondering how I go to where I am - I'm trying to hear that still small voice - I'm trying to hear above the noise - How many times have You heard me cry out - "God please take this?" - How many times have you given me strength to - Just keep breathing? - Oh I need You - God, I need You now - Though I walk - Though I Walk through the shadows - And I, I am so afraid - Please stay, Please stay right beside me - With every single step I take - How many times have You heard me cry out? - And how many times have You given me strenth? - How many times have You heard me cry out - "God please take this?" - How many times have You given me strength to - Just keep breathing? - Oh I need You - God, I need You now - I need You now - Oh I need You - God, I need You now - I need You now - I need You now

Have to/Has to: HAV tu/HAZ tu/ (=should/must/got to) –meli/malı [gerekmek anlama] || Need to: /Nİ’D.tu/ gerekmek, zorunda olmak Your past doesn’t have to be your future (Geçmişiniz geleceğiniz olmak zorunda değil)./ I have to leave earlier today(Bugün daha erken çıkmam gerek/ çıkmak zorundayım)./ Your behavior lately is unacceptable (Son zamanlarda senin davranış kabul edilemezdir). This has to stop(This should/must stop). You can’t do stuffs/sTA:Fs/ like that(Böyle şeyleri yapamazsın)./ Sorry, we have to go(we should/must/need to go). We got a meeting at 5 (17:00’de bir toplantemiz var)./ I need to be somewhere(Bir yerde olmam gerekiyor/Bir yerde olmam gerekiyor/olmalıyım)./ I need to talk to you(Seninle konuşmam gerek). YENİ, ÇOK GÜZEL VE ÇOK ÖNEMLİ BİR YAPI [Have/has/need to: zorunda olmak/gerekmek] I have to study my lessons.=I have my lessons to study./ I have to catch a flight.=I have a flight to catch./ I have to eat my sandwich.=I have my sandwich to eat./ I have to do the laundry.=I have the laundry to do./ I have to be somewhere.=I have somewhere to be./ I have to thank God for this talent.=I have God to thank for this talent./ I have to thank you.=I have you to thank./ I have to thank my brother.=I have my brother to thank./ You have to do (your) work.=You have work to do./ She has to do (her) work. She can’t go out with you.=She has work to do. She can’t go out with you./ She has to wash the dishes.=She has dishes to wash./ I had to do a lot of work.=I had a lot of work to do./ We have to clean the house. Where are you going?=We have the house to clean. Where are you going?/ I need to be somewhere.=I need somewhere to be./ I need to talk to you.=I need you to talk to./ I needed to talk to you.=I needed you to talk to. Have:/HA’v/(have,had,had)1.sahip olmak2.(=eat or drink)yemek yemek ya da içmek3.yardımcı fiil 1. HAVE SOME COURAGE! DO IT. –OK. I’M GONNA DO IT NOW. ‘WATCH’ ME!!/ 1. [Pic] I don’t even have a picture of him (Ondan bir resimim de bile yoktur). [>I think when she closes her eyes, she has million pictures of him (Bence gözlerini kapatınca, onun milyonlarca resimi görüyor).<] / 1. Teacher (on making sentences with ‘have’): What do you have in your bag? Student: I have make-up stuffs/sTA:Fs/(makyaj şeyleri), money, and mobile phone./ 1. Do you have a car? –No, I don’t. You? –Yes, I have. It’s a red Toyota Carina. –Oh, good for you!/ 1. She has the cutest puppy in the world! It’s short and it has white hair./ 1. He doesn’t have a big house but he has a big heart./ 1. [Pic] Who is that? Can I have him for my birthday? [Kim o? Doğum günümde onu (sahip olabilir miyim) YANİ davet edebilir miyim?]/ 2. Can I have apple juice please (Elma suyu alabilir miyim lütfen)? –Sure. Anything else? –No, thanks./ 2. Here(Al). Have some sandwiches. –No, thanks. I’m not hungry./ 2. What did you have for breakfast (Kahvaltı için ne yaptı/yedi&içti)? [Not: Kahvaltıda hem yiyorsun hem de çay falan içiyorsun, o zaman ‘What did you eat and drink for breakfast?’ın yerinde ‘What did you

HAVE for breakfast?’ diyorsun.] [Like. Want. Have. Bence İngilizcede en kullanışlı fiiller. Biz bu fiillerden daha güçlüyüz.]/ 3/A: [Pic] I’ve never had any friends. [İçindeki anlamı: Eskiden şu an kadar] (Asla hiç arkadaşım yoktur./ Hiç zaman arkadaş sahip olmadım.)/ Have you ever been to London? –Yes, I have. Twice. You? –No, I haven’t./ Has she passed the exams? –Yes, she has. She’s one of the top ten students in school. –Oh! Great /gREYt/!/ Have you done your homework, honey? –Yes, ma. Don’t worry (Merak etme/Endişelenme)!/ 3/B: She has a job, hasn’t she(O işi var, değil mi)? –No, she hasn’t(Hayır, -işi sahip- değil/ işi yok). She’s looking for a job(İş ariyor). –Oh, maybe I can help. Tell her to call me. –Ok. Thank you. –My pleasure. Simple Past (Geçmiş Zaman) & Present Perfect (Yakın Geçmiş) Past tense>I lived here for 6 years. (6 yıl burada yaşadım. >BİTTİ artık, burada yaşamıyorum.)/ Present perfect>I have lived here for 6 years. (6 yıldır –hala- burada yaşıyorum.>Hala devam ediyor.)/ >I danced for 2 hours. (2 saat dans ettim.> BİTTİ artık, şu an dans etmiyorum.)/ >I have danced for 2 hours. (2 saattir -hala- dans ediyorum.>Hala devam ediyor.)/ Have/Has+ fiilin 3.hal> Geçmişta bir şey başlayıp Hala devam ettiğini belirtiyor. Bu kadar!  [>FOR & SINCE< sonra bakın.] [He has risen: O (İsa) ölüdan kıyam etti/ kalktı/ O canlı/ O yaşıyor.] Past Perfect –miş’li Geçmiş (dili geçmiş zamanın hikayesi) My uncle said he had worked here 10 years ago./ When I went home, they had eaten the cake./ My father said he had built this school 20 years ago./ I saw Mark yesterday but I thought he had gone to Philadelphia 5 days ago./ Had+fiilin 3.hal nasıldır?>Geçmiş zamanda konuşurken, yani yukardaki cümlelerin went, said, ve saw, onun geçmişte bir şey olduğunu belirtiyor. Bu kadar. Türkçe olarak anlaması daha –mişti olur. > He said he had five dogs that had died many years ago.> As the gardener was picking the flowers, he saw that the rabbit had given birth to five.] Oughta: /AW.dı//AW.da:/=Ought to:/AWD tu/ (=should/must) –meli/malı anlama] She ought to respect her parents (O ana babası saygı göstermelidir).


I gotta go: gitmem gerek || I gotta run: gitmem gerek || I gotta get going: gitmem gerek [Bazı şeyler BİLEREK tekrar yazılmıştır.] I gotta go. I gotta buy some flowers for Margarette./ Is she still sleeping? Wake her(Onu uyandır). She’s gotta go to school./ Oops! I gotta run. I don’t want to miss the flight (Uçuşu kaybetmek/ kaçırmak istemiyorum)./ I gotta get going. My mom and dad are waiting for me. I should have told you: Sana söylemeliydim (>içinde anlamı: ama söylemedim<) || You should have gone there: Orada gitmeliyiydin (>ama gitmedin<) || You must have kept some back-up of this file: Bu dosyayı yedeklemeliyidin (>ama yapmadın<). [Want GRAMMAR? I ‘SHOW’ you the grammar!! Isn’t movie AMAZING and EVERYTHING???>>] [Pic] They shouldn’t have been here. –But somebody sent them. (Onlar burada olmamalıydılar. –Ama biri onları orada gönderdi.) :D/ I should have loved her more than enough. She’s gone now (Öbür dünyaya gitti artık)!/ Ouch! You must have told me it’s hot! [Shoulda= Should have. Woulda= Would have. Coulda= Could have.>Pat Riley: There’s no such thing as coulda, shoulda, or woulda. If you shoulda and coulda, you woulda done it. (Yapabilirdim, yapsaydım daha iyi olurdu ya da yapardım diye bir şey yoktur. Eğer yapmalıydın ve yapabilseydin, onu yapardın.)] EXCELLENT! GO Go: /GO’/ (go, went, gone) 1. gitmek 2. Olmak [‘Go’un 3.hal ‘Gone’. ‘Gone With The Wind (Rüzgar Gibi Geçti)’nın posterdan hatırlayın.] Gitmek> I have to go home. [>go TO home DEMEYIN!< Home yani ev, eve.]/ Gitmek> Let’s go to a park or something (Hadi bir park falana gideriz)./ Gitmek> I’m here to apologize to Heather. –She’s gone, man(O gitti, adamım/ dostum)! –Gone? Where?/ [Pic] Ryan, I was Nemo. And I just wanted to go home. :D/ Olmak> It’s going dark(Hava karanlık oluyor). [‘Hava’ için ‘It’ geliyor.]/ Olmak> Have you gone crazy (=Sen deli mi oldu/Deli misin)?/ Olmak> Why has rock music gone so popular (=Niye Rock müzik çok popüler oldu)?/ Olmak> Without bread and wine, love goes hungry. –Latin proverb/ Gitmek&Olmak> Go Hard or Go Home(Dayanaklı Ol ya da Eve Git)! –Speedo ad(reklam) Go out (with): (ile) çıkmak You wanna go out sometimes? –Yea, sure. That’d be great (Harika olacak)! [>Aslında: That would be great (EĞER çıksaydık harika olurdu)! >would’un içinde bir ‘if’ var.<]/ Wanna go out with me? –Who are you? :D Go away: uzaklara gitmek, buradan gitmek, çekip gitmek Don’t go away./ [Pic] I’m going away to not fall in love (Aşkı düşmemek için, uzaklara gideceğim). Go shopping: /GO’-ŞA:’.ping/ 1. alışverişe gitmek 2. malzeme almak || Go dancing: /GO’-DAN.sing/ dansa gitmek || Go fishing: /GO’-Fİ.şing/ balık tutmaya gitmek || Go camping: /GO’ kamp yapmaya gitmek || Go running: /GO’RA:.ning/ koşmaya gitmek || Go jogging: /GO’-CA:’.ging/ yavaş koşmaya gitmek, jogging yapmak || Go skiing*: /GO’-sKİing/ kayak yapmak || Go swimming: /GO’-SWİ.ming/ yüzmeye gitmek [Bu aktivite fiillar ‘go’ ile yan yana gelince –ing ile kullanmıştır.] 1. Women love going shopping! [NOTTT ...going TO shopping]/ 2. [To his roommate] James? We got(have) nothing in the fridge. We need to go shopping (Malzeme almamız lazım), pal!/ Would you like to go dancing? –Yea. –So(O zaman), let’s go

dancing! [NOTTT go TO dancing.]/ How often do you go fishing? –Who? Me? Oh, never./ Gosh! I missed going camping! Can we plan it sometime*(bir gün sonra)?/ Ömer is a serious runner. He goes running 3 times a week and each time about 7 miles./ It’s so popular in many countries to go jogging in parks. One of my friends had a trip to Canada. He said a lot of Canadian youngsters go jogging early in the morning and sometimes say ‘hi’ to others even if they don’t know them. It’s so cool to be socialized (sosyalleşmiş olmak)!/ In a lot of parks in Turkey, there is a ‘track(pist)’. For going jogging, we need to put on ‘Eşofman’ which is tracksuit/’t/, or jogging suit or sweatsuit /’t/./ I never go running because it’s cold outside. –Why don’t you buy a running machine (=treadmill: yürüyüş/ koşu bandı)? [>Google Images<]/ I’m going skiing with some guys. You’re welcome to join us (İstersen, bizimle gelebilirsin/bize katılabilirsin/Bize katılsan memnun oluruz)./ Dad? Can we go skiing in that ski resort/sKİRİ.zort/ we went last year(Geçen yıl gittiğimiz kayak merkezinde gidebilir miyiz)? –Sure, buddy. We can go with Emma. – Awesome!/ Do you dive /DA:YV/ (dalmak) when you go swimming? –I was afraid, but recently, yeah I do. [Ski: /sKİ’/ kayak. Sky: /sKA:’y/ gökyüzü.>The sky is blue.] [Sometime: bir gün sonra/yakında. Sometimes: bazen> Girl: Sometimes I feel the world is mine (Bazen dünya benim olduğunu hissediyorum)!] Lord, I really need You in my life - Fall every time that You're not inside - Can't go on without Your love - I can't go on – Group 1 Crew Go on!: /GO’-A:’n/ Devam et! || Go ahead!: /GO’-ey.HE’d/ Devam et! || Carry on!*: /KARİ-A:’n/ Devam et! [1]…and I was sleeping, then… [2] (Clears his throat.) [1] I’m sorry, did you say something? [2] No, no, just, go on. [1] I was sleeping, then my buddy called(aradı) me at 3 AM in the morning! So.../ Am I boring you? –No, please, go ahead./ I’m sorry, did you want to say something? –No. Please. Carry on. –Ok, so I met this guy. He’s very cute. He looks like Michael Phelps!  [Go (straight) ahead: Düz git/devam et! >How can I go to Taksim? –Just go ahead. –Oh, ok, thanks.] [Carry: taşımak>I had a lot of shopping to do...[shows a bag] can you carry this for me please? –Sure.]

Go for something: Bir şeyi elde etmeye çalışmak, bir şey için gitmek If you really want to speak English, you should go for it./ You wanna be a sparky (=an electrician)? Why not? Go for it./ Wonders of America haven’t been made in one day. To make English speaking a wonder of our life, we must GO for it!

It gets me going!: Bu beni heyecanlandırıyor! Music gets me going!/ You get me going, baby!/ [Guys in the car] Are you ready? Let’s get going (Haydi bastır)!! Go through*:/GO’ sru/1.[sıkıntı]çekmek,[zor durum,hastalık,v.s.-ni]geçirmek 2.gözden geçirmek I know you went through some hard times. I understand, but past is the past (Geçmiş geçmiştir)./ An angry person thinks he’s the only person in the whole world who goes through tough times. So if you want to soothe him, you should tell him that something like that happened to you too!/ Life has never been easy to anybody. You think you’re the only one who goes through tough times but you never know what people are going through. Every single one of us has their own issues, their own unique war. One has exam, another, debt. We need to be strong./ [Pic] How many more times are you gonna go through this? He is bad for you./ 2. Let’s go through the information* we have of this company (bu şirketten). [‘Information’ çoğul bir kelime; ‘informations’ YOKtur.] …what/all I’ve been through*: …neler geçtim/yaşadım After all I’ve been through, I came home but my own daughter didn’t let me in(beni içeri almadı)!/ You don’t know what I’ve been through. Undergo*: /a:n.dır.GO’/ (undergo,underwent,undergone) 1. (sıkıntı) çekmek, (katlanılması zor bir şeye) maruz kalmak 2. [sıkıntı bir durumu] geçirmek/görmek/uğramak With an alcoholic father, she has undergone (=has gone through) a lot of troubles./ Thomas/SA:’.mıs/Edison/E.di.sın/ underwent (=went through) a lot of hard examinations to finally discover electric light. Mayb that’s why we use it easily now./ He underwent a lot of cosmetic surgeries./ Everybody has to undergo some bad days to realize the value of good days. Pop out:/PA:’P awt/(=Go out)1.dışarıda gitmek 2.ağızdan kaçmak || Pop in: /PA:’P ın/ (=Go in) içerde gitmek || Pop up: /PA:’P a:p/ (=Go up) yukarıda gitmek || Pop around: /PA:’P ı.RAWNd/ (=Go around) etrafında gezmek Here is very crowded/KRAW.dıd/(kalabalık). Let’s pop

out and talk./ Sorry! I didn’t want to tell your secret. It popped out of my mouth!/ What’s this place? –I don’t know. Let’s pop in./ Can we pop up the wall?/ So, what do we do now? –I don’t know. Let’s (=Hadi) just pop around. S/he’s gone (now)!: 1. O gitti işte. 2. O öldü artık. Do you have kids? –Yeah.. we have.. uh.. we have two boys... and a girl. But they’re gone now. They, you know, they have their own lives./ Hailey’s mother was sick and died. Now she’s writing about her: ‘She’s gone now.’ There he/she is!: İşte geldi*! [There>vurgulu] [The daughter said she wouldn’t come but she came.] Mom: Oh look who’s coming! Dad: Uhh.. there she is! Daughter: Yes, dad. I’m here.  There is.../ There are...: [=There’s.../There’re...] ...vardır [mevcut olmak anlamında] There is a car in the garage. Is that your brother’s?/ ‘‘There’s no such thing as...’’ means ‘‘...olarak bir şey yoktur.’’/ [Pic] There’s no such thing as love. It’s a fantasy! [This is what she says. What do YOU believe?]/ There are many people out there who tell you you can’t learn English! Are they right? Calmer of the storm, walk with me – Healer of my heart, walk with me. –Kim Walker Kim Walker & Jesus Culture – Walk With Me lyrics: Author of the world, walk with me - Ruler of the earth, walk with me - Calmer of the storm, walk with me - Healer of my heart, walk with me - How I need You - How I need You - Oh Jesus, walk with me - Light for every step, walk with me - Giver of each breath, walk with me - How I need You - How I need You - Oh Jesus, walk with me – How I love You – How I love You – Oh Jesus, walk with me - In Your presence, Lord - There is peace, there is rest - In Your presence, Lord - There is life that never ends - In Your presence, Lord - There is joy, there is joy - In Your presence, Lord - There is life that never ends WALK: YÜRÜMEK/GEZMEK+GEZDİRMEK Walk:/WA:’k//NOTTT WA:’Lk/ 1. yürümek, gezmek, dolaşmak 2. gezdirmek || I had/took a walk there!: Orada yürüyerek gittim! [Türkçede kullanışlı] My feet hurt. I can’t walk./ [On the phone] What are you doing? –I’m just walking in the middle of Kemah Boardwalk (deniz kenarın geniş kaldırım). It’s just amazing! Wish you were here(Keşki burada olsaydın)!/ Have you seen some people walk their dogs, but their dogs walk them, and they’re, like, ‘Heyyy! Stop!’? :D/ DON’T say, ‘I went there by walking,’ but say, ‘I took/had a walk there (Orada yürüyerek gittim).’/ Do you take a walk to bus stop every weekday(hafta içi her gün)?/ I didn’t feel like driving, so I took a walk to the office(Ofise doğru yürüyerek gittim). It felt good!/ WATCH the movie ‘A Walk In My Shoes’. It’s the daily, REAL English... no exaggeratation. [Etrafı bana gezdirdi: S/he showed me around.> First day of work, she showed me around. I felt good about myself. I LOVE working in this company because I feel I’m COUNTED.] Walk the dog: /--DA:’g//NOT DOg/ köpek gezdirmek I love to walk my dog. It’s totally fun /FA:N/ (eğlenceli)! [NOTTT I love to walk THE MY dog. || NOTTT I go to work with THE MY car.>I go to work with my car./ OR: I go to work with the car.> My,your,his,her,our,their gelince, ASLA the my, the your, the his,v.s. demeyin. Zaten my,your v.s the’ın yerinde geldi. Ya da ‘the’ kullanın ya da ‘my’.] [>It’s my house(Bu benim ev).|| It’s the house(Bahsettiğim- ev şu).<] Take a walk: /TEYK.ı.WA:’k/ bir gezmek, yürüyerek gitmek You wanna take a bus? –Yea. –Come on, don’t do that. It’s just three blocks away. Let’s take a walk. –Uhh... all right!  Don’t walk away from me!: Sırtını bana dönme!, Bana arkanı dönme!, [ben konuşurken] Gitme! [Unrequited] Todd(Justin Baldoni) sees that Jessica(Sarah Habel)’s ex-boyfriend brought her a love letter and a rose and they had a fight and the ex ran away. Todd: What’s going on here? Huh? Jessica: I don’t know…[she wants to go]… Todd: Don’t walk away from me…[she comes back and Todd continues]…do you wanna be with him or do you wanna be with me? Walk in on someone: (biri gizli bir şeyi yaparken başka biri) habersiz içeri girmek Girl: My mom walked in on me(habersiz girdi) while I was smoking. She apologized and left. I was only 10, and I’ve never smoked after that because of her nice behavior. [Walk out on someone: biriyi terk etmek >LOVE&RELATIONSHIP<] Walk of Fame:/WA:’K.ıv-FE’Ym/[Hollywood Bulvarındaki] Şöhretler Kaldırımı The lovers took many pics(pictures) in the Walk of Fame. LOSE#WIN ||| LOSE#FIND Lose: /LU’z/ (lose,lost/LA:’St/,lost) 1. (#Find) kaybetmek/ bulmamak 2. (#Win) kaybetmek/ kazanmamak What if you don’t succeed (Ya başaramazsan)? –It’s my second job. I won’t lose anything (Hiçbir şey kaybetmeyeceğim)!/ Why are you sitting here? Have you lost the key/Kİ/(anahtar) again? –No. I forgot it!/ ‘Get Lost; Your Guide to Finding True Love’ is an amazing book by Dannah Gresh. It suggests people how they can restore their marriage./ Bayern Munich lost the game last

night./ [Pic] I don’t want to lose you (Seni kaybetmek istemiyorum). [Loser:/LU.zır/ zavallı/kaybeden>He had two girlfriends. The girls found out. So he lost both of them. What a loser!] [Get lost: 1.kayıp olmak>We got lost (Biz kayıp olduk). 2.Get lost!:Kayıp ol!> I don’t wanna see you here. Get lost!] [Lose that car!>Bu takip eden arabadan kurtul!] Lost: /LA:’St//>LA:’St NOTTT LOSt/ kayıp The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost. –G.K. Chesterton/ Seems like we are lost, guys!/ [Cast Away] End of the movie: The lady to Chuck(Tom Hanks): You look lost! [Amazing movie!]/ I think everybody in Turkey is familiar with the TV series ‘Lost’! Loss:/LA:’S/[‘lose’un ismi] 1.[çocuk/eş/…’ın] ölüm 2. kayıp, kaybetme 3. [mali] zarar 1. He was a great kid. Sorry for the loss. –I appreciate it./ 1. It’s hard to get over the loss of the loved ones./ 1/2. [Pic] You don’t know about real loss, ’cause it only occurs when you’ve loved something more than you love yourself. (Gerçek kaybetmeye hiç hissetmedi çünkü ancak bir şeyi kendinden daha sevdiğin zaman oluyor.) [>Yüzünü bakıp, olumsuz durumu anlıyoruz.<]/ 2. Weight loss (kilo kaybetme), hair loss, loss of memory, job loss, loss of sight (kör olma), and hearing loss (sağır olma) are some kinds of loss./ 2. If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once a week; for perhaps the parts of my brain now atrophied would have thus been kept active through use. The loss of these tastes is a loss of happiness, and may possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character, by enfeebling the emotional part of our nature. –Charles Darwin [Want technique(Tekniği ister misin)? Go fo key words(Anahtar kelimeler için git).] ;)/ 3. When economy is too bad, many people think: His loss is my gain! Win: /WİN/ (win,won/WA:’n/,won) kazanmak [Sweet November(Türkçe: Kasımda Aşk Başkadır)] To his friend Nelson(Keanu Reeves): You’re worried too much! –I’m worried? I worry because worrying about losing keeps you winning (kaybetmeye endişelenmek daima seni kazandırır)!/ When you want to win a game, you have to teach. When you lose a game, you have to learn. –Tom Landry [Hatchi, A Dog’s Tale] 11-year-old Ronnie: Where did grandpa find Hachi? Cate Wilson: Ronnie, actually, Hachi found your grandfather. Find:/FA:YNd/(find,found/FAWNd/,found) bulmak [gerçek/mecaz anlama] Guy in love: I’ve lost myself and I’ve found it in you (Kendimi kaybettim ve onu sende buldum)!/ What would you do if you found a bag of money (Bir poşet/torba para bulsaydın, ne yapardın)?/ I’ve found this article /A:R.dı.kıl/ interesting (Bu makaleyı ilginç buldum)./ Did you visit the Topkapı Palace? –Yes, I did. –How did you find it(Nasıl buldun/Nasıldı)?/ I lost everything of mine to find you! ’Cause I love you. Find out (that):/--AWT/ öğrenmek/keşfetmek/anlamak/farkına varmak (ki) They met each other on the Internet. The guy found out that she liked him because he looks like Harry Potter! She’s a big fan of Harry P./ For years, he thought they were happy. After she left him, he found out she didn’t even like him! [Önemli: 1.Amerikan dilinde, Learn daha ‘ders’ öğrenmek anlamında> Did you learn the new lesson?|| Find out daha YENİ BİR ŞEYİ keşfetmek/farkında varmak anlamında öğrenmektir> She found out he’s not married (O onun evli olmadığını öğrendi/keşfetti/farkında oldu).|| Ayrıca, ‘Know’: 1. (bir kişiyi) tanımak 2. (bir şeyi) bilmek/öğrenmek 3. (bir şeyi) bilmek/farkında olmak > 1: Do you know him? 2: I wanted to know the price of this(Bunun fiyatı öğrenmek istedim). 3: I just received an Email. How should I know if it’s real or fake(Bunun gerçek yada sahte olduğunu nasıl öğrenmeliyim/farkında olmalıyım)?]  LOCK/ UNLOCK/ KEY Lock: /LA:’k/ kilitlemek || Unlock: /a:n.LA:’k/ kilidini açmak Honey? Did you lock the door?/ Unlock the door! [Luck:/LA:K/ şans> Okay. I gotta go. Wish me luck (Benim için şans dile)!] Key: pronunciation: /Kİ//NOTTT KEY/ anahtar [Keys /Kİ’z/ /NOTTT KEYZ/ anahtarlar] Put(Koy) the keys/Kİ’z/ on/a:n/ the table. Thanks./ I lost my keys again! Now I have to call the locksmith (anahtarcı)! [>‘The’ tanıdığın anahtarcı. Eğer ‘a’ söyleseydi, bir tanımayan anahtarcı.<]/ Our pronunciation will be PERFECT when we watch a lot of movies... especially the pronunciation of ‘KEYS’! / [Pic] You still have the keys(Anahtarlar hala sende duruyor mu)? Off-key: 1. (#On-key) akortsuz/armonisiz/not dışı/uyumsuz 2. yanlış, ham, iğrenç Is she singing off-key? –No, I think it’s so on-key./ The new newsman(Türkçe: spiker) was so off-key. He was nervous/N3R.vıs/(gergin).

Matthew 4:4 But he answered, “It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” LIVE/LEAVE/LIFE Hillsong United – Tell The World lyrics (great concert): Don't want to stand here and shout Your praise - And walk away and forget Your Name - I'll stand for You if it's all I do - Cause there is none that compare to You - Cause all I want in this lifetime is You - And all I want in this whole world is You - Tell the world that Jesus lives - Tell the world that, tell the world that - Tell the world that

He died for them - Tell the world that He lives again - No longer I but Christ in me - Cause it's the truth that sets me free - How could this world be a better place? - But by Thy (=Your) mercy and by Thy grace - C'mon, c'mon we'll tell the world about You C'mon, c'mon we'll tell the world about You - Tell the world that Jesus lives - Tell the world that, tell the world that - Tell the world that he died for them - Tell the world that He lives again - C'mon, c'mon we'll tell the world about You - Tell the world that - Tell the world that - C'mon, c'mon we'll tell the world about You - Tell the world that - Tell the world that - About You Live: 1.pronunciation:/LİV/* yaşamak 2.pronunciation:/LA:Yv/ [yayın] canlı || I want to live my life to the fullest!: Hayatımı dolu dolu yaşamak istiyorum!/ Hayatımı son derece eğlenip,hiçbir şeyi merak etmeden,önemsiz şeyler üzerinde zaman harcamadan yaşamak istiyorum! 1. Where do you live? –I live in France /fRA’Ns/. –Oh, nice! What’s it like? [>’Oh, nice!’ Sonraki soruyu sormadan, cevabın tepkidir. Konuşmaktan önemlidir.<]/ 1. Dr. Wayne Dyer: Your children will see what you’re all about by what you live rather than what you say. [So true!]/ 1. ‘You’re based/BEYSd/* in Italy?’ means ‘You live in Italy?’ [>ÖNEMLİ. YENİ.<] / 2. WOW. It’s Lady Gaga live /LA:Yv/ on MTV (=Lady Gaga MTV’de canlı yayında)!/ 2. [In a live radio program, the announcer says] We have a phone call from Alabama. Yes ma’am, you’re on the air (=Canlı yayındasınız= Sesinize herkes duyuya bilir)./ Man! You worry too much! Relax! Life is short. I don’t want to live like I open my eyes and see I’m 65 and I never had fun. NO! I want to live my life to the fullest, you know./ [Pic] I’m always anxious thinking I’m not living my life to the fullest. (Hayatımı dolu dolu yaşamamayı düşünüp, her zaman kaygılıyım!!) :D [Live: yaşamak. Stay /sTEY/ısTEY/: kalmak> He’s staying at a hotel in Bodrum.] [Çok önemli: Özel yerlerin İSMİ (şehir/ ülke/ ..) THE almıyor>I live in Ankara. NOTTT I live in THE Ankara.>She stayed in Istanbul. NOTTT She stayed in THE Istanbul.>We had fun in Izmir. NOTTT We had fun in THE Izmir.>She studies in America. NOTTT She studies in THE America.] [Dünyada iki ülke ‘the’ alıyor: The United States (=The U.S./The U.S.A.) ve The United Kingdom (=The U.K.) çünkü onların içindeki Eyaletler/ ülkeler var.] [Hem de ‘Republic(Cumhuriyet)’ ya da ‘Union(Birlik)’ gelince, ‘the’ kullanılır. >The Republic of Turkey was established by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. >The European Union is willing to cooperate on peace-making activities in the Middle East.] [The sea, the Earth, the moon, the sun, the world, the universe... dünyada TEK ve ‘THE’ alıyor.] [*Based on: -e göre> You can’t live based on what people say (Başka insanların söylediğini göre yaşamazsın). Live your life (Hayatını yaşa)!!]  [Experience: tecrübe etmek/yaşamak >Öyle hiç yaşamadım: I’ve never experienced it before.] Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Leave: pronunciation:/Lİ’v/* (leave, left, left) 1. bırakmak/terk etmek 2. [restoranda, kafede, v.s. boş masa yoksa fakat hemen birkaç kişi çıkıp masa boş olursa] kalkıp gitmek, kalmak [NOTTT stand/stand up.||| Stand (up): ayakta kalkmak/durmak] 1. Leave me alone! (=Beni yalnız/rahat bırak!/Üstüme gelme!)/ 1. His cruel /KRU’.ıl/ (acımasız) parents left him in the street when he was a baby./ 1. I’ll leave you a note. Please don’t open it before I left./ 2. [They go to a restaurant. It’s very crowded. It seems there’s no empty table. She wants to go to another restaurant, but he sees people at one table are leaving. He says] Honey, look. They’re leaving(Kalkıyorlar). Let’s get that table. –[Smiles] All right!/ 2. (New customers in a cafe) Are you leaving? –Yes, we are. Professor M. Monticro: The BIBLE is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands; it lays hold of me. Alive: /ı.LA:Yv/ canlı>sağ/hayatta || Lively: / canlı>hayat dolu, enerjik Oh my God! Are you alive? I was worried about you the whole night. Why didn’t you call us? –What are you talking about? –The accident. – What accident? –The car accident. –We had no car accident! –You didn’t? –Gammy (Nine cım)? Have you seen another dream?/ Antalya is livelier* than Ankara. –You bet. Ankara is a pretty serious city but I like it so much. –I wish it had the beach! –But if every city had the beach, there’d be flood/fLA:D/ everywhere! –Uh, yea, you’re right!/ He’s a lively kid! He never stops laughing and playing around! [Lively>livelier>the liveliest. (TRUE!) OR: Lively>More lively>The most lively. (TRUE!)] Life: /LA:YF/ hayat [çoğul: Lives/LA:YVz/] Live your life!/ [Pic] Life may be sad but it’s always beautiful./ Remember the movie ‘Life Is Beautiful’?/ This song is full of life(hayat dolu)!/ I’m in control of my life (Hayatım kontrolüm altında)!/ Technology has saved the lives of millions, and destroyed the lives of some others! Psalm 27:4 One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the House of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the Beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple. Dwell: /DWE’l/ (=Live) ikamet etmek, oturmak || Buttom-dweller: /BA:.tım-dwe.lır/ dar gelirli kimse, aşağı düzeydeki kimse, serseri These bacterias dwell in the acid of the stomach./ Human beings used to dwell in caves at the past./ Some people worry too much about future or dwell in the past for too long, missing the fact that right now there is life. They should ‘leave/Lİ’v/ that’ and ‘live/LİV/ it’!/ Man: Who are them? Woman: Nobodies. Just a bunch of disrespectful (=saygısız) buttom-dwellers. Ignore/ıg.NO’r/ them(Onları yok say), honey.

Low-life: /LO’ la:yf/ pis gibi yaşayan, aşağı düzeydeki kimse, serseri || High-life: / düzdoğru yaşayan, lüks yaşayan Oh my! What’s that bruise (morluk) on your face? Who did that? –Just a low-life./ She likes to hang out with doctors. She likes to be with high-lifes/high-lives! Lifestyle: /LA:YF.sta:yl/ hayat tarzı He says his lifestyle is simple./ [Pic] And look at the way we live. I mean, just our lifestyle. (Hani bak nasıl yaşıyoruz ya. Demek istediğim işte hayat tarzımızdır.) Life-saver: /LA:Yf.sey.vır/ hayat kurtarıcı You’re a real life-saver! Thanks a million!/ [To the people in the line /LA:Yn/(sıra)] Sorry, guys, I’m really late and my boss is waiting. Can I get the coffee before you? –Sure/Go ahead/Yeah. –Thank you. Really. You’re life-savers (Hayatımı kurtardınız)! [You saved my life (Hayatımı kurtardın)! Sonra>SAVE<bakın.] Life jacket: /ıt/ cankurtaran yeleği*, can yeleği || Lifeguard: / plajlarda cankurtaran If you can’t swim, wear (tak/giy) a life jacket. You’ll be safe(Canını kurtaracak/Güvenli olacaksın)./ What do you do? –I’m a lifeguard. [Vest: yelek*>(To the new construction worker): Put on your vest before starting. –Yes, sir.] INVITE/INVITATION/GUEST/COMPANY/COMPANION/VISITOR/VISIT Invitation: pronunciation: /ın.vı.TEY.şın/ davetiye || Invite: pronunciation: /ın.VA:YT/ 1. davet etmek 2. [resmi olmayan] davetiye I’m sorry. You are not invited. I can’t let you in without invitation./ I’m having a little party Thursday night and I’d like to invite all of you guys to my house. –[1]WooHoo. [2]That’s great! [3]Awesome! [4]Oh, I’m sorry, Thursday night I’m a bit busy./ I’m having a get-together(Arkadaşlarla birlikteyiz) Saturday evening at 7. You’re invited. –Thanks!/ Guys! Did you send the invites? –Yea, dude. Everybody loved its design, man. –Cool. ‘I’ did it! [Flyer: /fLA:.yır/ küçük el ilan> Are the flyers ready? – Yeah! They’re all set(Hepsi düzenli/hazır). Guest: pronunciation: /GE’St/ /NOTTTT GU.est/ misafir || Guesthouse/Guest house*: /GEST.haws/ konut evi, pansiyon, misafirhane There were about(yaklaşık/hemen hemen/ civarında/ neredeyse) 100 guests invited to the wedding./ The receptionist to the hotel manager: Mr. Dornfeld is a regular guest to our hotel, sir./ Mrs. Robinson has some important guests so she’s canceling her appointment with the doctor./ We had an enjoyable stay in a guesthouse for a week. It was fabulous /FA.byı.lıs/ (görkemli/çok güzel)!

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” Company: pronunciation: /KA:’M.pı.ni/ 1.(=Firm/F3Rm/) şirket, firma 2. misafir(ler) 3. birlikte olma, arkadaşlık, refakat, arkadaş (olarak) || Keep me company: [arkadaş olarak] benimle gelmek/gezmek, benimle kalmak, benimle beraber gelmek/gezmek/kalmak 1. I work at a company in California./ 1. She works at a law /LA:’/ firm(hukuk borusu) in Michigan./ 2. [To her daughter] Honey! Come over here (Buraya gel). We have some company they would like to meet you./ 2. Honey, I have some companies(guests) coming over(eve gelecekler) for lunch. Are we okay with that (Senin için sorun değil mi/ Bunun için hazır mıyız)?/ 3. She’s so smart and funny. I really enjoy her company./ 3. Some people believe that dogs are great companies./ 3. I wish I could say HOW a GOOD company can effect your life and HOW a BAD company can effect your life. We BECOME like the people we are always with (Biz sürekli yanında olduğun arkadaşlar gibi olacağiz). 3. I’m going shopping. You can keep me company (Arkadaş olarak benimle gelebilirsin) if you want. –Sure, I’d love that (çok severim)! [Run/RA:N/ a company: bir firmaya yönetmek/idare etmek> She’s a successful businesswoman /BİZ.nis.wu.mın/. She’s running two companies at the moment.]

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Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. Companion:/kım.PA.niyın/ dost Great people pick great companions. Visitor: pronunciation:/Vİ.zi.dır/ ziyaretçi, konuk, misafir || Visit: /Vİ.zit/ -e ziyaret etmek [NOTTT Visit TO] [Rodney rings the door bell. Lucinda answers(opens) the door.] R: Hey, Lucinda! Is Jasmine in? L: Yep. Why don’t you

come in? Come on in. [L to J] Jasmine! You got(have) a visitor. [L to R] Sorry I have some work to do. I should go. R: Sure. Nice to see you. –You too. / ‘The Visitor’ is an Oscar-winning movie./ I went to visit my aunt/A’Nt/ in D.C. (=Washington D.C.) [NOTTT I went to visit TO my aunt.]/ Her uncle is in the hospital. She’s gone there to visit him. [NOTTT ...visit TO him.] Pay a visit (to): (=Make a visit=Visit) (-e) ziyaret etmek My office is just across the street (Ofisim bu sokağın/caddenin karşısında). I’d be happy if you paid a visit sometime (bir zaman sonra). –Sure. It’d be pleasure./ Los Angeles Times: Yankees pay a visit to Rangers in Arlington. (Yankees takımı Rangers takımı Arlington’da ziyaret edecekler/karşılamayı gidecekler.) MEET Meet: /Mİ’t/ (meet, met, met) 1. karşılaşmak 2. tanışmak, buluşmak 1. I met Madeline today. –Oh yeah? –Yeah. She lives in Mississippi now./ 2. Remember the meaning of ‘meet’ from the funny movie of Eddie Murphy, ‘Meet Dave’! :D/ 2. I met a girl today. She’s gorgeous/GO’R.cıs/(çok güzel). –Cool! What’s her name?/ 2. When was the last time we met? –I think it’s been two months since we last met (Son buluşmamızdan iki ay geçti)!/ 2. A lot of people don’t know the past tense of meet is met. The funny movie ‘When Harry Met Sally’ reminds them!/ [Pic] Meet (-ile tanış) Princess Consuela Bananahammock. [Banana+hammock] :D [Gosh, it’s been for ever!: Sanki uzun zamandir görüşmedik!> Oh, hey! How you doing? –H-hi! I’m good. Wow, it’s been for ever!] Meet with someone: (=Meet someone) biriyle görüşmek I met with him a couple (of) days ago./ E-mail: Dear Dr. X, I would like to express my appreciation for the opportunity to meet with you at the recent confrence at the Law School (hükük fakültesi) of Bahçeşehir University. I was very impressed by the program. I hope that we can remain in touch(contact) (görüşmeyi devam etmek /iletişimi koparmamak/ irtibat halinde olmak) and learn from each other professionally. Regards, Dr. Morgan Mendes. Catch up: 1.(=Meet/Go to see)SL buluşmak 2. Yetişmek || Have a get-together: (=Meet) bir araya gelmek, buluşmak Yeah, yeah, we’ll catch up this Saturday evening. See ya./ My homework is so much that I cannot catch up!/ Technology is moving fast. We should catch up!/ (On the phone) So do you have some time? We can catch up. –Yea, sure. We can have a get-together this evening at 6, what do you say (ne dersin)? –Awesome idea! Where should we meet? Encounter: /ın.KAWN.dır/ karşılaşma, karşılaşmak, tanışma(k), görüşme(k), buluştuğun kişi You two met (Siz –ikinizkarşılaştınız)! Did you like your encounter so far (şimdiye kadar)?/ I had so many encounters today./ I was walking in Birmingham where I encountered my good friend Brent./ How was your encounter (Görüşmeniz nasıldı)? Every now and then, I read true stories, watch reality videos, and meet people who personally encountered JESUS, that Jesus has changed them and their life for ever. A friend in Christ who was 98% heroin addict was touched by Jesus. I witnessed a friend in Christ who ran out of prison while the door was wide open to him. If I didn’t see these things, I would probably say they are not true, but I witnesed. [For more info, you can also check the videos of ‘Sid Roth’ and his programs.] I Saw Jesus - By Karen Templin: I had not been to church for many years, though I was a believer in Jesus -- I loved him. Suddenly, I felt like He was calling me to know him better. I started reading other people's testimonies of Him; also near-death experiences of people who had actually gone to Heaven, and met Him. The more I read, the closer I felt to Him. I met a new friend who invited me to church. I said, "Yes" - Anything that would draw me closer to Him. As I sat in church, the minister asked the question, "What is the mountain in your life?" He told us to take a few minutes to meditate about it. I thought about things I had not been able to overcome in my life. My biggest mountain was definitely the lack of forgiveness I felt for people who I thought had hurt me or wronged me in some way. I could easily walk out of people's lives, and hold a grudge for twenty years or for the rest of my life for that matter. As I thought about these things, I felt a deep wrenching pain in my heart, even physical pain as though my heart was being squeezed tight in my chest. I bowed my head. I knew what the Bible says about forgiveness. I thought, Jesus is probably mad at me. Still feeling the pain in my heart, I thought to myself ... look for the face of Jesus. I had read that somewhere, but I didn't think I would literally see Him. If I did, I was sure He would come condemning me. As I was thinking I should look for His face, I raised my eyes, and I couldn't have been more surprised by what I saw. I saw Jesus -- He was actually there! It was just His face, but he was alive, and moving around. He had dark, shoulder-length hair with light streaks of gray, and He was wearing a crown of thorns. I just gazed up at Him, and He was smiling at me with the most loving smile I had ever seen in my life! The first thing I thought was - He looks a little different than He does in His pictures, but only slightly different. I had expected His hair to be longer, and His nose was a little different. I felt no condemnation from Him at all. That greatly surprised me. Next I felt Him sending me love that was full of sympathy and compassion. It was an overwhelming kind of love that I was sure human beings aren't capable of. I was in awe that He could love me that much. It was blissful. I was totally absorbed by that love, to the point where I felt my heart could burst. I have never felt anything like it, and I'm sure that I never will as long as I'm on this earth. I just continued to gaze up at Him. He continued to smile at me like I was the only person on earth who mattered to Him, though I'm sure He must look at each one of us that way. Throughout the whole vision, He never once stopped smiling at me. Next, I saw Him sending beams of transparent, white light towards my heart. I felt the light penetrating my being. The light felt like nothing, other than pure love and compassion. Jesus was very kind and loving towards me -- not condemning at all. I only sensed a strong outpouring of love from Him. He seemed perfect in His goodness and kindness. Next He began to communicate to me, but no words were used. He communicated by sending me feelings. There was knowledge in the feelings that I understood easily and clearly as it was transferred into my mind. He said that He already knew about it all -- my lack of forgiveness towards others -- how I had been hurt by other people, and the circumstances in my life that had

made me feel that way. He said, "I know everything about you." That surprised me greatly, but I also felt comforted by it. It meant that He had never been far from me like I had always thought. I realized that I had been constantly under His supervision, like when our children are small, and we never let them out of our eyesight. Again, I felt more compassion from Him pouring out to me. He said, "I feel your pain. I grieve with you." He was like a loving parent who will pick you up when you are hurting, and hold you in his loving arms. He will comfort you, and wipe away all of your tears. I actually felt like I had been comforted, and held in the arms of Jesus. After He comforted me, He spoke again. He told me not to worry or concern myself with these things because He would take care of it for me. I sensed an incredible strength in Him. I felt like a burden had been lifted, and I felt like He could easily carry all of my burdens. We have all been taught about the meek and humble man, but he exuded strength, and I could feel it. I was still looking at Him. I was still surprised by some of the things that He said. He was still looking at me. He still wore that loving smile on his face that would melt the heart of the worst hardened sinner. He was still sending me love, and it was to overflowing. There was so much love that I felt like my heart couldn't hold it all, and it may burst if I took in much more. I began to feel like I couldn't handle it anymore. Maybe in human form we can't. I don't know. Seeing all of the goodness and purity in Him, I felt like I may break down into tears and sobs. I started to feel unworthy of His pure holiness. He was a soul at the highest level of perfection. Seeing this makes you aware of even your smallest sins. I felt unworthy of Him, and then I looked away. When I looked back, He wasn't there anymore, but I was left with a feeling of total awe. Jesus had been there. I had seen Him. I had felt Him. He had communicated with me. The thing I was left knowing, above everything else, was that He loved me more than anyone had ever loved me in my life! A few days later, I thought about how I had sat in church that day knowing I had sinned. Yet, Jesus had blessed me with a wonderful vision. I knew he still loved me, unconditionally, in spite of my flaws. I thought, how can this be?... Later that night, I started to read the Bible, the book of John. Jesus answered my question clearly: John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life." As I read further it said: "For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is already condemned because he has not believed." I had sought to know Him with my whole heart and soul, and He had not disappointed me. He had restored in my spirit my willingness to forgive all who had wronged me, because love cancels out anger, fear, resentment, and any other negative emotion you can imagine. I remembered that He had worn the crown of thorns in my vision. I now realize that they were meant to be symbolic, a reminder to me of how He loved us all enough to be lifted up, and crucified on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. The crown of thorns are a symbol of his love that He feels for each one of us. He had truly shown me how to forgive. I Saw Jesus Again... I read about The Jesus Prayer. It is a meditation where you repeat a phrase over and over again to Jesus. The first time I said The Jesus Prayer, I said, "Jesus, the son of God, have mercy on me." I had been laying in bed for some time saying the prayer when my six-year-old daughter came into the room, and asked me for a glass of water. When I rolled over and opened my eyes, I saw a small cross in the corner of my bedroom, up next to the ceiling. It was wooden, about four inches long, with four gold bands around all four sides. I looked at it for several, long seconds. I saw it clearly, and was able to make out all of the details on it. When I looked away it was gone. The second time I said The Jesus Prayer, I said, "Jesus, the son of God, I trust in you." I had been saying the prayer for awhile as I lay in bed. I finally started to drift off to sleep. Suddenly, I was stirred from my sleep. As I returned to consciousness, I saw the back of myself, the back of my head and shoulders. Then I saw two arms reaching around my neck to hug me. As this person drew me into His embrace, I saw the face of Jesus looking over the back of my shoulder while He was hugging me, and then He smiled at me, the me that was watching the vision! I thought, He is just too kind to me! I just can't help loving him! Karen Templin is not the only person who had a personal encounter with Jesus. Gary Whetstone was miraculously set free from prison and even a car went through him and nothing happened to him. Cherie Calbom had cancer but through a vision was touched by Lord Jesus and healed. Jerame Nelson had a face-to-face encounter with Jesus Christ. Judith MacNutt encountered Jesus. Gary Wood who had a car accident and was caught up to heaven, with the messages of HEAVEN is REAL, Jesus will have outburst of miracles, the emphasis of PRAYER, and that people who believe in Jesus are worthy because they are redeemed by the PRECIOUS BLOOD of the Lamb. Wooh. Hallelujah. Bump into: /BA:MP.ın.tu/ (=Meet unexpectedly) tesadüfen karşılaşmak, biriyle karşılaşmak, rast gelmek || Run into: /RA:N.ın.tu/ (run/ran/ran into) (=Meet unexpectedly) rast gelmek, tesadüfen karşılaşmak Today I bumped(ran) into a friend of mine. We hadn’t met for years!/ You are around(Bu etrafta dolaşıyorsun/Etraftasın), so maybe I bump(run) into you on Saturday. – Yea, maybe. Our ways crossed!: /a:w’r WEYz kra:st/ (=We met by chance) Tesadüfen karşılaştık!, Yolumuz çakıştı! Remember Zafira from school? –Zafira, the red hair? –Yea! Today our ways crossed. Gosh, she’s become such a pretty girl! Become acquainted with:/bı.KA:M ı.KWİN.tid wiz/ -ile tanışmak || Acquaintance: /ı.KWİN.tıns/ tanıdık, tanış When did you two become acquainted with each other? –Just today! –Wow. You seem like you know each other for 2 years (Sanki iki yıldır birbirine tanıyorsunuz)!/ Oh my God! How could you find this medicine? It’s a scarce/sK3RS/(nadir,çok az bulunur)! – By(Tarafından) an acquaintance of mine! GREETINGS AND STUFF Merhaba: Hello* /hı.LO’/ [>resmi ve resmi olmayan<] || Hi /HA:Y//NOTTT Hİ/ [>resmi olmayan<] || Hey* (Selam) [>resmi olmayan ve en kullanışlı<] || Yello [samimi hem de espri] || Howdy? /HAW.di/ [Güney Amerika diyalekt] Hey Natalie! How are you today? –I’m good /GUD/!/ Hi, Tim. Can I talk

to you for a second (Bir saniye/Bir az baş başa konuşabilir miyiz)? –Sure. What is it (Ne oldu/Olay ne/Sorun ne)? [Hello!: 1. Merhaba!> Hello! Is Jack in (Jack var mı)? 2. Alo (telefonda)>Hello? –Yeah, hi. It’s Carlson Davidson from Chicago office. I’d like to talk to the manager please. –Could you hold on, please? –Sure. 3. bir şeyi hatırlatmak için kullanılır> Where’s the key? –Hello! I gave it to you this morning! –Uh! Yeah, it’s in the car.] [Hey: Bak sana!(genelde TEK geliyor)>Hey! Where are you going?>Hey! HEY! I’m TALKING to you! Get BACK here(Geri dön/Gel buraya!)>Hey! What are doing? Don’t touch the PSP!] Morning! /MO’R.ning/ (=Good morning) Günaydın! [sadece gelirken] || Afternoon! /af.tır.NU’n/ (=Good afternoon) Tünaydın! [sadece gelirken] || Evening! /İ’V.ning/ (=Good evening) İyi akşamlar! [sadece GELİRKEN] || Night! /NA:YT/ (=Good night) İyi akşamlar/geceler! [sadece GİDERKEN] [Teacher entering the class] –Evening, everybody (=Her kese iyi akşamlar)! –Evening, teacher!/ [It’s 4:30 PM* and still daytime, teacher leaving the class] –Night, everyone (=Her kese iyi akşamlar)! –Night! Take care/TEYK-KE’r/(=Kendini iyi bak)! [İngilizcede 16:30 YOKTUR. Yerinde 4:30 PM ya da sadece 4:30 diyoruz.] (Good) Morning!: [sadece MERHABA gibi] Günaydın [sabah 12:00’ı kadar] || (Good) Afternoon: [sadece MERHABA gibi] Tünaydın [12:00 16-17:00’ı kadar] || (Good) Evening: [sadece MERHABA gibi] İyi akşamlar [16-17:00 geceyarısıyı* kadar] || (Good) Night: [sadece GÜLE GÜLE gibi] İyi akşamlar/İyi gecelar [Yaklaşık 16-17:00’dan sonra hava karanlık olmazse bile geceyarısıyı* kadar kullanabilir siniz.] [A technique: Say ‘(Good) Night!’ waving goodbye(El sallayarak ‘(Good) Night!’ söyleyin).]

[‘Morning /Afternoon /Evening’ is different from ‘Night’. We say ‘Yesterday morning’, ‘Yesterday afternoon, ‘Yesterday evening’, but ‘Last night’ (NOTTT yesterday night). ‘This morning’, ‘This afternoon’, ‘This evening’, but ‘Tonight’ (NOTTT this night). ‘Good morning’, ‘Good afternoon’, and ‘Good evening’ mean HELLO, but ‘Good night’ means GOODBYE! Makes sense (Mantıklı mı)? ] BUT Have a... makes GOODBYE(Burada Have a...gelince GÜLE GÜLE yapar–kalıp değil artık): Have a good morning: sadece GÜLE GÜLE gibi. [Gitmek için: İyi sabahlar!] || Have a good afternoon: sadece GÜLE GÜLE gibi. [Gitmek için: İyi günler!] || |Have a good evening: sadece GÜLE GÜLE gibi. [Gitmek için: İyi akşamlar!] || Have a good night: sadece GÜLE GÜLE gibi. [Gitmek için: İyi akşamlar/ İyi geceler!] What to say from 12 midnight* to morning? Entering the airport terminal at 1 a.m. after midnight, is there any rule on what to say in Turkish? No. Some people say ‘İyi akşamlar’(Evening), some ‘İyi günler’(Good day), and some ‘Günaydın’(Morning). ALL of them true. English is the same! Usually from midnight to 2 a.m, saying ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good evening’ is better; after 3 AM, ‘Good morning’ is preferred. For leaving, ‘Good night’(night time) or ‘Good day’(day time) could be correct. Goodbye: [resmi ve resmi olmayan]/gud.BA:Y/ (=Bye! >resmi olmayan<) Güle güle!, Hoşça kal! Goodbye! Have fun in Las Vegas/LAS-VEY.gıs/! –Bye!/ Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. –Peter Pan Good day!: /gud-DEY//hızlı: gu.DEY/ İyi günler [Saat 16/17’dan önce: Gelirken/Giderken] Good day: [gündüz hem MERHABA hem de GÜLE GÜLE gibi] İyi günler [sabah 16-17:00’ı kadar] [On the phone] Good day! May I speak with Mr. Henry Hampton please?/ [Goodbye time] Okay. Thanks for everything. Good day! [Samimi yazış: G’day!] Gosh/Wow, it’s been for ever!: Sanki uzun zamandir görüşmedik! Chris? Is that you? –Em! Wow. What are you doing here? – I’m picking up my son(Oglumu almaya geldim). –Gosh, it’s been for ever! –Yeah, you bet. What are you up to these days(Bu gunlerde planin ne)? –I’m just in town for a day. –Oh, that’s too bad. We should hang out. –Yeah, good call. Let’s meet at 5, right here. –Ok. See ya. We/They... said goodbye to each other!: Biz/Onlar...ayrıldık/ayrıldılar! [güle güle dedik/dediler] They live in different cities. They met in Izmir, spent some time, then said goodbye to each other./ We said goodbye to them(Onlardan ayrıldık/Onları güle güle dedik)./ Then the guests said goodbye to us. Nasılsın?: How are you? /haw A:R yu/NOTTT HA:V A:R yu/* || How you doing? (=How you doin’?) || How (are) you holding up (Zor olduğun rağmen:Senin hayat nasıl/Hayatı nasıl idare ediyorsun)? Hey, buddy/BA:.di/(dostum)! How you doin’?/ Timothy! Heyyyy! It’s been a long time no see (=üzün zamandır görüşemedik/ epeydir görüşmedik), man! How you holding up? –Good, bro (kardeş). [*‘V’ ve ‘W’ çok farklı telaffuz edilmiştir. ‘V’ söylemek için, ön yukarıdaki DİŞLERI ilgileniyor. Ama ‘W’ söylemek için dişler ASLA ilgilenmiyor ve sadece dudaklar -düdük çalmak gibi- sıkıştırıyor ve anide bırakıyor.>Vest:

yelek|West: Batı >Vet: veteriner |Wet: ıslak (Ne kadar farklı, değil mi?)> My favorite number is one /WA:’n/ (=Favori numaram ‘bir’dir.) Eğer onu /VA:’n/ söylersen, anlama bu olur: (Favori numaram Van şehridir!!) Biraz PRATİK lazım.] Ne haber?/ N’aber? What’s up /WA:TS-A:’p/? [>Cevabı her haber olabilir.] [Samimi yazış: Waz up?/Wuz up?] || What’s shaking /ŞEY.king/? [SL] What’s cracking /KRA.king/? [SL] Hey, look! Bugs Bunny says, ‘What’s up, doo(aslında:dude)?’ :D/ Hey, Zac! What’s up? –Nothing much. Just that I’m leaving tomorrow. –Really? Why?/ Hey, bud! What’s crackin’? –Uh, look, we’re having a party tomorrow. You wanna come? [What’s up?: Ne oldu?>You didn’t call me! What’s up?] Senin meslek ne?/Ne iş yapıyorsun? What do you do? || What’s your job? || What do you do for a living? (Hayatını nasıl kazanıyorsun?) || How do you make a living? (Hayatını nasıl kazanıyorsun?) What do you do? –I’m a computer programmer./ What do you do for a living? –I’m an employee/em.plo.İYİ/(Memurum). How about you? –I’m a bank manager. Ya sen?: What about you? || How about you? || And you? || You? What do you do? –I’m a carpenter (marangoz). You? –Oh, I’m a carpenter too(Bende marangozum)!/ I go to gym /CİM/ (=spor salonu) four times a week. What about you?/ She wants to come with me. How about you? Where about?: /WER.ı.bawt//wer.ı.BAWT/ Neresinden? Are you from Meryland? –Yeah. –Where about? –Columbia./ I’m from Massachusetts/ma.sı.ÇU.sıts/. –Oh yeah (=Öyle mi)? Where about? –Boston. –Aw, that’s cool. –Have you ever been there? –Yep! Yep, I have.* [Tekrarla öğreniyoruz: ‘Yes/No’ kısa cevap için, soru nasıl başlarsa, cevap de öyle başlıyor.> Can you paint? –Yes, I can./ Do you work? –Yes, I do./ Did she call. –No, she didn’t./ Is he Jason/CEY.sın/? –No, he isn’t.] Ne yapıyorsun? N’apıyorsun? [merak/kızgınlık/soru/v.s.] What are you doing? [SL: Whatcha doin’ /WA:.çı> Hey, whatcha doin’? –Nothin’!] What are you doing, son? –I’m fixing my bike, dad. –Good job (Aferin sana/İyi yapıyorsun)!/ Hey, what are you doing? Don’t touch /TA:Ç/ (dokunmak) the iPad! [What do you do? (Ne iş yapıyorsun/Senin meslek ne?) || What are you doing? (-Şimdi- ne’apıyorsun?)] How is it going?: /HAW-iz-it-GO’.ing/ Nasıl gediyor? || How’s your life going?: Hayatın nasıl gidiyor? Hey pal. How’s it going? –It’s just going fantastic! Never better (=Hiç daha iyi olmamıştı)!/ How is your life going? –Not bad (=Fena değil/Eh, şöyle böyle)!* [Tercihen ‘so-so’ demeyin. Eski bir espridir!)]  I want you to meet somebody: Birisiyle seni tanıştırmak istiyorum. || I would like you to meet Venessa: Seni Venessa’ila tanıştırmak istiyorum. || I’d /A:Yd/ like you to meet Venessa: Seni Venessa’ila tanıştırmak istiyorum. || I would like you to…: Seni/Senden…(ile) istiyorum. /Senin... –mesını istiyorum. || I’d like you to…: Seni/Senden…(ile) istiyorum. /Senin... – mesını istiyorum. || I want you to … : Seni/Senden…(ile) istiyorum. /Senin... –mesını istiyorum. || I need you to… : Seni/Senden…(ile) istiyorum. /Senin... –mesını istiyorum. [I repeat this very important structure (Bu çok önemli yapıyı tekrar ediyorum)! Company managers use it: ‘I want you to fax this for me.’ They normally DON’T say: ‘Can you please fax this for me?’] Hey, Richard. Come here. I want you to meet somebody. Richard, this is Zoe. Zoe, this is Richard./ Honey, come here. I’d like you to meet Jose. He’s from Spain./ I want you to stay here. Don’t go anywhere. Understand me?/ I want you to be happy. (=I don’t want you to be sad.)/ She wants me to clean the house. She doesn’t want me to rest./ They want us to work longer hours/LA:N.gır-AW.ırz/(Bizden daha uzun saatler çalışmamızı istiyorlar)./ I need you to sign /SA:Yn/ (=imza etmek) this paper./ My boss needs me to go with him. (Patronum onunla birlikte gitmemi istiyor.) [How this structure forms (Bu yapı nasıl olur/şekilleştiriyor)?]: I want to fax this paper.>I want you to fax this paper for me./ I want to listen to this music.>I want you to listen to this music./ I’d like to paint the wall.>I’d like you to paint the wall./ I need to drive home.>I need you to drive home. [Tekrar: I want ice cream. (NOT I want to ice cream.) >I want this job. (NOT I want to this job.] [>Ancak Türkiye’de yaşadığınca bunları öğrendim.<]  God of the universe becomes a Man. I want you to know Him. His name is Jesus Christ. Tanışmanızdan memnun oldum!/Tanışmanız çok hoş/güzel! Nice to meet you. /NA:YS--/ || Nice meeting you. || Pleasure to meet you. /pLE.jır--/ || Pleased to meet you. /pLİ’Zd--/ || Glad to meet you. /gLA’d--/ || Lovely to meet you. / Pleased(Pleasure) to meet you, sir./ Lovely to meet you, Jessica! Nice to meet you’nun cevap: Nice to meet you./Nice meeting you. || Nice to meet you too./Nice meeting you too. || Nice to meet you as well./Nice meeting you as well(aynın). || Me too. || You too. [‘Nice to meet...’yu kesip, devamı söylüyorlar: ‘ too.’>Çok popüler!] || Likewise. /LA:Yk WA:Yz/ (Aynen) [Çok kibar, birazcik resmi] || And you. [>Tonlamak soru gibi değil.] Nice to meet you. –You too!/ It’s nice meeting you. –Likewise!/ Glad to meet you. –And you. It’s good to see you!: Senin görmek güzeldir! [-You too!: Senin görmek de!] Wow. Roger! You’re here? [They hug/HA:G/(kucaklıyorlar)] It’s good to see you, buddy! –You too, man! It’s a pleasure to see/meet you: Sizin tanışma zevktir! || [Cevap] –Pleasure is all mine: /---MA:Yn/ Zevk tam benimdir! [resmi ve kibar] You are a great artist. I’m a big fan. It’s a pleasure to finally/FA:Y.nı.li/(sonunda) meet you. –Pleasure is all mine, fine lady (hanım efendi).

It’s an honor /A:.nır/ to meet you.: Sizin tanışma şeref/onur dir! || It’s a pleasure to meet you. || It’s great /gREYt/ to finally meet you. || -[Her hanginin cevap] Likewise. It’s an honor to meet you, sir. –Likewise./ It’s a great pleasure to finally meet you, ma’am. –Likewise. With pleasure: /wız PLE.jır/ memnuniyetle [bir ricanın cevap] My hands are full. Could you open the door for me, please? – With pleasure. –Thanks./ Your Spanish is very good. Could you help me with this question? –Sure. With pleasure. [After helping]– Thanks. –Anytime /eni.TA:Ym/ENİ.ta:ym/ (Ne zaman istersen/Rica ederim)!  You must be Tom: /MA:ST/ Sen Tom olmalısın. [You must be...: -olmalısın.] You must be Abby, right? –Yeah! And who /HU/(kim) are you? –I’m Sam. Your father’s new partner./ She must be Sheridan’s mom, am I right /RA:Yt/(doğru muyum/doğru söyledim mi)?/ Definitely Maybe: (Isla Fisher)Oh, you must be Maya. –(Abigail Breslin)You must be April./ You must be tired. Go get some sleep./ [Pic] You must be very fond of each other. (Birbirini çok sevmelisiniz/ Görünüşe göre birbirine çok seviyorsunuz). [EVERYONE has an INFANT SELF (HERKESİN personalite bir İÇİNDEKİ ÇOCUK var).] [Should tavsiye için geliyor, yani bunu yaparsan iyi olur> You’re sick, you should go to doctor.>I think you should tell her!>I don’t think you should do it!|| Fakat> You must obey the rules.>You mustn’t cut the trees.>You mustn’t litter/Lİ.dır/(çöp atmak) in the street.>Must /-malı), ‘zorluluk’ için geliyor.] [Susie’e selamlar söyle] : Send my love to Susie. || Give Susie my best. || Say hello to Susie (for me). || Tell Susie I said hello. || Send my regards to Susie. || Give my regards to Susie. || [Answer:] I will (=Söyleyeceğim =Türkçe deyim:Aleykümselam). Say hello to mom for me. –I will. [In writings or letters, you can write: Love to Susie.> In the movie Hereafter, George(Matt Damon) writes a letter to his brother and ends it with: ‘‘Love to Jenni and the kids. Your baby brother, George.’’] How do you (two) know wach other?: Birbirini nereden/nasıl tanıyorsunuz? [‘two’:İkinizi] [3] So how do you know each other? [1] We met each other in a tour. [2] Yea, it was in Istanbul. Where do I know you from?: Seni nereden tanıyorum?, Bana tanıdık geliyorsun! Hey! You look very familiar /fı.Mİ.liyır/. Where do I know /NO’/ you from? –Uhh, don’t know. I work at Ark Restaurant downtown(şehir merkezde). –Oh, yeah, I was there with my buddies. Have we met before?: Daha önce tanışmış mıydık?, Size önceden tanıyor muyum? Ashley! Hi. I want you to meet somebody. This is Robert. –Oh, hi… [Robert looks at her as if (sanki) he knows her] ...excuse me, have we met before? –I believe we have.  Nighty night!: /na:ydi NA:Yt/ iyi geceler [uyku zaman, çoğunlukla çocuklara diyorlar] Time to sleep, sweetie(tatlım)! Nighty night. –Nighty night, mommy!  Stop by: /sTA:P ba:y/ bir yere uğramak Thanks for stopping by./ Hi. I’m Beth. Sandy gave me your address and told me to stop by (=Sandy adresinizi verdi ve uğramamı söyledi). –Oh, sure. Please come in. What can I do for you?/What can I do you for? (Sizin için ne yapabilirim?) Görüşürüz! / Görüşmek üzere!: See you later /Sİ-yu-LEY.dır/ || Later /LEY.dır/ || See ya (=See you) || (I) catch ya later || See ya around Okay, guys. I gotta go. I catch ya later. Hillsong United – Till I See You lyrics: The greatest love that anyone could ever know - That overcame the cross and grave to find my soul - And till I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home - I'll trust in You - With all I am I'll live to see - Your kingdom come - And in my heart I pray You'd let Your will be done - And till I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home - I'll trust in You - I will live to love You - I will live to bring You praise - I will live a child in awe of You - You are a voice that called the universe to be - You are the whisper in my heart that speaks to me - And till I see You face to face and grace amazing takes me home - I'll trust in you - You alone are God of all - You alone are worthy Lord - And with all I am my soul will bless Your name See you in a bit: Az sonra görüşürüz! [On the phone] Where are you? –I’m in Santa Monica Boulevard. I’ll see you in a bit. –’K. See ya! Long /LA:’Ng/ time no see!: Epeydir görüşmedik!, Uzun zamandır görüşmedik! Görüşmeyeli çok oldu! || Long time no talk!: Epeydir/Uzun zamandır konuşmadık! Man! Long time no see! Where have you been? I missed ya!/ Hey girlie! It’s been a long time no talk. Are you doin’ (=doing) fine (=İyi misin/Her şey iyi mi)? So long!: /so.LA:’Ng/ Hoşça kal! Are you going? –Yeah. So long! –So long, my dear!/ [Pic] So long, partner. (Hoşça kal, ortak.) EXCUSE/PLEASE/SORRY

Excuse me:/ıks.KYUZ-mi/[birini çağırmak için/birinin dikkatini çekmek için] Pardon..,Bakar mısınız..,Affedersiniz... Excuse me, you’re sitting on my jacket. –Oh, sorry (=üzgünüm)./ Excuse me, may I ask who you are? You look very familiar./ [Man, to the waiter] Excuse me (Bakar mısınız)! –Yes, what can I get you(Size ne getirebilirim)? Excuse: /ıks.KYUZ/ bahane || What’s your excuse?: Senin bahanen/mazeretin ne? [Sen niye... yapmıyorsun/buradasın/...?] Don’t tell me your excuses!/ I was late for work again so I was looking for an excuse to tell my boss /BA:’s/(=patron)./ [To his buddy] I don’t travel because I don’t have money. But you’re rich. What’s your excuse?/ She lost two legs but she goes running. What’s your excuse for not running? –It’s cold! –What? :D Could/Will you please excuse us for a second?: Bir saniye bize müsait eder misiniz/bize yalnız bırakabilir misiniz lütfen? [Two people are talking. The third person comes and says] Hi! I think we met in the elevator. Do you remember me? –[Second person] Oh, yeah...[he turns back to the first person and says]...will you excuse us for a second? [The first person leaves]...thank you! Please:/pLİZ/1. lütfen 2. (=Oh, please!) [istemediğin konuda] Yapma/Saçmalama/Hadi ya! 3. sevindirmek, hoşnut etmek, memnun etmek [Pleased: mutlu/memnun/razı] 1. Ma’am(Bayan/ Hanım efendi)! May you speak a bit slowly please (Biraz yavaş konuşabilir misiniz lütfen)?/ 2. Oh please! No negative talk! I’m having my dinner –positively!! / 3. How can you please someone who’s hard to please(Zor memnun olan kişiyi nasıl hoşnut edebilirsin)?/ The boss fired me because of your gossips about me (Benimle ilgili dedikodu yaptığın dolayı, patron beni kovuldu). I hope you’re pleased!! Pleased: /pLİ’Zd/ memnun || Satisfied (with): /SA.dis.fa:yd/ (-den) memnun Tom: Amanda! This is John. John! This is Amanda. John: Pleased to meet you! –You too./ The result of a business is a satisfied customer. –Peter Drucker/ Are you satisfied with your new car? –Yea, it’s great! Pleasure: /pLE.jır/ 1. zevk, sevinç, keyif, memnuniyet 2. (=Honor /A:’.nır/) lütuf, şeref 1. [Pic] Even monsters have their pleasures. (Canavarlar de bile sevinçleri vardir/sahiptir.)/ 1. Life is full of small pleasures: A good movie, a good read, a good conversation, a good walk, a good hug/HA:G/(kucaklama,sarılma), a good smile, and a good friend./ 1. Karınıza ve çocuklarınıza vakit ayırın. Ne kadar yoğun programınız olursa olsun, karınıza ve çocuklarınıza zaman ayırmalısınız. Bu bir zorunluluk değil bir zevktir. (‘Spare’ time with your wife and children. It does not matter how intense your program is, you need to spare some time with them. It is not an obligation, but a pleasure.) –Sakıp Sabancı/ 2. May I have the pleasure(honor) of a dance with you? –[Accepts and says] The pleasure is all mine!  Woodrow Wilson: I am sorry for men who do not read the BIBLE every day. I wonder why they deprive themselves of the strength and pleasure. Pleasant: /pLE.zınt/ hoş/güzel/tatlı/latif It was a pleasant evening. Thank you for inviting /in.VA:Y.ding/ me. Sorry: /SA:’.ri/ /NOTTTT SO.ri/ 1. Affedersiniz/Pardon!, Özür dilerim!, Kusura bakmayın! 2. [bir şeyi anlamadığın tekrar söylemesinin rica etmek için] Nasıl? 3. (=I’m sorry) Üzgünüm! 1. Sorry. I wasn’t listening. What were you saying?/ 1+3. Jim! How you doin’? –My name is not Jim. I’m Jake/CEYk/. –Oh, sorry./ 2. Customer: Do you have razor blades? Shopkeeper: Sorry(I’m sorry)? –Razor blades. –Oh, yes./ 2. Do you have change for a ten dollars (On dolar bozuk paranız var mı)? –I’m sorry (Nasıl)? –Change for a ten. –Uh, no, I’m sorry (A hayır, kusura bakmayın). –It’s ok. Thanks anyway(her neyse)./ 3. My parents are living in Orlando. What about yours? –Actually my parents died when I was young. –Oh, I’m so (çok) sorry. –It’s okay./ 3. [She steps on his shoe and says] Oh, I’m sorry! –Oh, don’t sweat it /SWE.dit/(Don’t worry: Üzülme!/ Önemli değil!/ Dert etme!/ Endişelenme!) [>sweat: terlemek<]

Ephesians 5:20 Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ...

THANKS & RELATED WORDS Thanks!/Thank you!: Teşekkür ederim!, Sağ ol! || Thank you for.../Thanks for...: -e için teşekkür ederim. What’s your job? – I’m a lawyer. –That’s a great job! –Thank you!/ Would you care for(İster mısınız) some coffee? –Oh, yeah. That’d be great(Harika olur)! Thank you./ [He brings the tea, his friend says] Thanks, bro(=Sağ ol, kardeş)! / [Pic] Thank you for... loving me. [Right on:/RA:YD-A:’n/Çok iyi dedin>Skillet is an awesome Christian rock band. –Right on!]

1 Thessalonians 2:13 And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers. Thanks a million: Çok teşekkürler!, Çok teşekkür ederim!, Çok mersi! Girl: Thanks for helping me change/ÇEYNc/(değiştirmek) the tire /TA:Y’r/ (lastik). Thanks a million. God bless. Man: My pleasure! [Smiles]/ [After saving her son from being hit by a car] Woh! You saved my son’s life (=Oğlumun hayatı kurtardınız). Thanks a million. Thank you!/Thanks! >[Teşekkürün cevabı:] My pleasure /pLE.jır/: Zevkle; Memnuniyetle. (=SL: My plezh/pLEJ/) || You’re welcome*: Rica ederim. || No problem: Bir şey değil. || Not at all: Bir şey değil. || Okay: Tamamdır./Bir şey değil. || Any time: Her zaman, Ne zaman istersen. || You bet*: Elbette/Tabii ki (tabii ki bir şey değil). || You got it: /yu GA:’.dıt/ Teşekkürü sahipsin!= Sen de sağ ol!/Bir şey değil. || You earned it: Teşekkürü aldın/kazandın!= Sende sağ ol!/Bir şey değil. || Oh, don’t mention it: Bir şey değil./Ne demek!/Rica ederim! || Sure: Tabii ki (tabii ki bir şey değil). || Thank YOU: (=SENDE sağ ol/SİZEDE sağ olun). [YOU vurgulu] || No sweat/SWET/: Bir şey değil.(=Hiç terlemedim bile!) [Bet*: 1. bahse girmek> So which horse did you bet on? 2. I bet: Eminem öyledir>I’ll be number one student in school. –I bet.] Thank: /SA’Nk/ [FİİL] teşekkür etmek [I thanked her. NOTTT I thanked to her.] He gave her a present and she thanked him. [NOTTT …she thanked to him.] [İngilizcede ‘He thanks to her!’ YOKTUR. >Thanks to=Because of: yüzünden, sayesinde, dolayı,e sağ olsun: (FİİL değil)> Thanks to him, I have a better life.] [O benden teşekkür etti: She thanked me. >NOTTT She thanked TO me./ NOTTT She thanked FROM me.<]

Psalm 136:26 Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His steadfast love endures forever.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I can’t thank you enough!: /----i.NA:F/ Nasıl teşekkür edeceğimi bilmiyorum!, Her ne kadar teşekkür edersem yeter değil, Yeterli kadar teşekkür edemem! [Hereafter (2010)] The client: Thank you! I can’t thank you enough!/ [Man to the lifeguard] You saved my life(Hayatımı kurtardın). I can’t thank you enough! –Oh, don’t mention it(ne demek/bir şey değil/rica ederim). I did nothing.  [If] …you’re welcome*: /--WEL.kım/ [tonlama*] buyurun, yap sana!, yap bakalım! If you think you can do better than me, you’re welcome! [You’re welcome!: Rica ederim!/Bir şey değil!] Be welcome*: [bir şeyi/kişiyi]…’ı memnuniyetle istiyorum/kabul ediyorum!, ..’a hoş geldin diyorum!/..den memnun olacağım! In the website: Comments/KA:’.mınts/(yorumlar) are welcome./ [tonlama*] If you want, you are welcome to join us (Bize katılmak istersen, memnun olacağiz/ gelebilirsin/buyurun/hoş geldin diyorum). –Oh, thanks. I’d love to(Çok isterim)! Please welcome…:[konferansta]Lütfen alkışlarla…’a hoş geldin deyin! || Give it up for…*:[daha samimi toplumda>çok kullanışlı<] –e için alkışlayın! Please welcome Mr. Mel Gibson! [Everybody applauses (Herkes alkışlıyor).]/ Please give it up for our next dancers Benji Schwimmer and Heidi Groskreutz! [Give it up: Çak!/El yukarıya ver!>[Stay Cool (2009)] You’re my hero! Give it up!] Thanks to: /SANKs tu/ (=Because of): -nin sayesinden, -e sağ olsun, -den dolayı, -nin yüzünden Thanks to our teacher, we can speak English now./ Thanks to technology, people have a better life. Don’t you think so? [Special thanks to...: Özel teşekkürlerle…:>Special thanks to my brother who helped and encouraged me a lot on this way.] [Massive thanks to...: Kocaman teşekkürlerle...: Massive thanks to my parents.] Appreciate: /ıp.Rİ.şi.eyt/ 1. takdir etmek, minnettar olmak 2. değerini bilmek/farkında olmak 1. I appreciate your help on my essay /E.sey/(makale/yazı/deneme)./ 1. I’m trying to study here. Please be quiet. I appreciate that!/ 2. You have to learn to appreciate what you already have (Elindeki/Sahip olduğun şeylerin değerini bilmeye öğrenmelisin)./ 2. Most people don’t appreciate what they have until they lose it(Pek çok insanlar kaybetmeye kadar elindeki olduğun şeylerin değerini bilmiyorlar).

Unappreciated: /a:n.ıp.Rİ.şi.ey.dıd/ değer verilmemiş || Underappreciated: /a:n.dır.ıp.Rİ.şi.ey.dıd/ [gerçek değerinden] az değer verilmiş [Pursuit of HappYness] [Chris(Will Smith) is an intern who wants to be a stock broker. His mentor says] Who wants to get me a doughnut? Chris? –Yes, sir. [Chris narrating(hikaye anlatıyor)] Feeling underrated (küçümsemiş) and unappreciated./ He says his boss doesn’t even talk to him. He feels underappreciated. Gratitude: /gRA’.dı.tu’d/ şükür etme, minnettarlık Gratitude is realizing what you have, than what you don’t. (Şükür etme, ne sahip olmadığından daha, ne sahip olduğunu fark etmektir.) –Anonymous The Holy Bible is the FULL BOOK OF FULL LIFE. Here is just one example of what it says: 1 Samuel 18:29 Saul became still more afraid of him (David), and he remained his enemy the rest of his days. So we see one of the reasons why people become enemy is FEAR. Or see how she made PEACE? 1 Samuel 25:35 Then David accepted from her hand what she had brought him and said, “Go home in peace. I have heard your words and granted your request.” Every verse of the Holy Bible, the source of the precious books, is lessons to learn. UNIVERSITY Study:/sTA:.di/1. ders çalışmak2.[bölüm/üniversite/lise/-]okumak 1. How many hours do you study a day? (Günde kaç saat ders çalışıyorsun?)/ 1. If you don’t feel good, don’t study. When you feel better, then do./ 2. What are you studying at the university? – I’m studying psychology /sa:y.KA:’.lı.ci/. –Great! [We study physics, economics*, genetics, politics, history, biology, English language, etc. –ics ending words are sciences (burada –ics ile biten kelimeler bilimdir). ‘Economy’ is NOT science. >The economy of the country directly relates to education. (NOTTT The economics of the country...] What are you majoring/MEY.cı.ring/ in?: Bölümün ne?, Hangi bölümde öğrenim görüyorsun?, Senin bölümün ne?, Ne okuyorsun? [>ÖNEMLİ<] What are you majoring in? – Politics. –Which university?/ Are you a (university) student? –Yep. –What are you majoring in? – Neurobiology./ I’m majoring in Communications. Read:/Rİ’d/ pronunciation:(read/Rİ’d/, read/RED/, read/RED/) okumak [Reading: okuma] || Read someone: birini anlamak, birinin fikrini okumak || Do you read me?: Anlıyor musun?, Fikrimi anlıyor musun? His grandpa can’t read anything without reading glasses. [>Google Images<]/ You’re kind of hard to read! (Fikrinin okuması zor!>Aklında ne var olduğunu tahmin etmiyorum! >Fikrini sayılır okumuyorum!)/ Boss: Don’t mop the floor like that, do you read me?/ I just can’t read her anymore./ The Reader: Okuyucu. Remember the word from this movie. (It was a) good read!: [bir yazış ya da kitabı okumaktan sonra] Güzel bir kitapmış! Did you read the book I gave you(Sana verdiğim kitabı okudun mu)? –Yes, thanks! It was a good read! Read* one’s mind: birinin fikrini okumak/tahmin etmek || Read* one’s palm: el falını bakmak [Palm reader: el fal bakıcı] || Read* (one’s) face: birinin yüzünü okumak || Read* coffee/Read coffee grounds: kahve falı bakmak I kinda can’t read your mind. What are you up to(Ne yapacaksın/ Planın ne?/Aklında ne var/Ne yapmayı düşünüyorsun)?/ She had a palm-reader(el fal bakıcı) read /RED/ her palm. I personally think it is naive to ask OTHERS predict our future while WE are given the POWER to CREATE it for ourselves./ She says she has the ability to read faces(read people’s face)./ Do you believe in some people read/Rİ’d/ coffee?/ Can you read my coffee grounds? –Yup! Turn the cup upside down (Fincanını altüst koy)! Deuteronomy 18:10 There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer. She is running - A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction – Casting Crowns

I have read many books, but the BIBLE reads me. –Anonymous

Cecil B. DeMille: After more than sixty years of almost daily reading of the BIBLE, I never fail to find it ‘always new’ and marvellously in tune with the changing ‘needs of every day’. Misread: /mis.REd/(sıfat olarak daha kullanılır) yanlış okunmuş || Unread: / okunmamış Sometimes you think that somebody likes you, but they don’t. You know, our relationship is full of misread signals./ [Pic] There’s something sad about an unread book (Okunmamış bir kitapla ilgili, üzücü bir şey vardır). Do reading:/DU-Rİ’.ding/ görünüşleri yorumlamak Do you believe in some people who do reading?/ [In the movie Hereafter, George(Matt Damon) decides that he never does reading anymore because a lot of bad things happened in his life and he’s LONELY, but the last guy told Candace about George. Now Candace is begging George to do one reading for her but George says] Okay, Candace. I don’t do readings anymore(artık). Rough draft: /RA:’F.dra’ft/ taslak || Final draft: /FA:Y.nıl.dra’ft/ temize çekmiş belge || Clean copy:/kLİN-KA:’.pi/temize çekmiş belge [Make a clean/fair copy of:-e temize geçirmek] [A Walk In My Shoes] Teacher: Some of you still owe me your final draft. Justing, I don’t even have your rough draft./ My teacher asked me to get(getirmek) a clean copy of these notes./ Do you think making a clean copy is helpful or an old method? I got/have a paper due!:/a:y-GA:.dı-PEY.pır.du/ Yapacak ödevim var! || Homework assignment: /HO’M.w3rkı.SA:YN.mınt/ [ders/okul/üniversite] ödev || Assign (to): /ı.SA:Yn/ birine belirli bir görev vermek Are you coming to basketball practice today? –Nah. I can’t. I got a paper due./ [On the phone] Listen. I gotta go. I got a paper due./ Your homework assignment is to write about ‘The Most Valuable Thing You Have’./ The teacher assigned him to be the ‘class president (sınıf başkanı)’. Grad school: (=Graduate School>resmi>wiki>) /gRAD.sku’l/ Lisansüstü Eğitim Birimi || Grad: (=Graduate) mezun olduğun kişi || Graduate: / mezun olmak Grad school is for students who have Bachelor’s degree and think that they are excellent at a specific subject. They normally teach before graduation./ According to, a graduate(grad) school is for people who want to pursue a Master’s or Doctorate degree after graduation from college(=after getting a Bachlor’s degree). To be successful, one must be extremely dedicated, focused, and determined./ [Definitely Maybe] Will(Ryan Raynolds): April here? Olivia(Alexie Gilmore): Uh, no, she’s at school. –(surprises) School? –Yeah. She started grad school at NYU(New York University). –Great. WOW./ Nola Ochs is the oldest college grad in the world. She graduated from college at the age of 95!

College: /KA:’.lıc/ üniversite, fakülte (Faculty:/FA.kıl.ti/) || High school: /HA:Y sKU’L/ lise || Private high school: kolej, özel lise || Middle school: /MI.dıl sKU’L/ ortaokul || Elementary school: ilk okul What do you study in college (=Üniversite’de ne okuyorsun)?/ I’m in 10th (=tenth) /TENs/ grade/gREYd/(=sınıf) in high school./ High school love(liseli aşk) is usually sweet but short! Experience makes man wise./ I’m studying in a private high school. It’s pretty/PRİ.di/(=çok) good but expensive./ She’s 11 and she goes to Millburn Middle School./ Which elementary school did you go to? [Viki:Formalite olarak yazarken Kolej=College(mesela TED College) ama Türkiye’de bunun gerçek anlama Kolej=Private High School’dur. ‘College’ Amerikan dilinde ‘University’ demektir.> Have you ever gone to college?(=Have you ever studied in college?)] Yearbook: /YE’R.buk/ yıllık [lise öğrencilerin son yıl bilgi ve resimler kitabı] In America, they keep a yearbook as(olarak) a memory. There are information and pictures of students in there. On Google, you can find celebrities’ yearbook pictures such as: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Charlize Theron, Matt Damon, Avril Lavigne, Halle Barry, etc. [Celebrity: ünlü sanatçı] Co-ed:/KO’-ED/(=Co-Educational)[eğitim/okul/üniversite] karma In some countries, schools and universities are not co-ed. Grade:/gREYd/1.[sınav kağıdını]not vermek2.(Mark/Score/Point) puan/not 3. [–nci] sınıf [A student] Hush/HA:Ş/! The teacher is grading our papers./ What grade(mark/score/point) did you get from the exam? –B Plus (B+). –I got an A. –Lucky you! – It’s not luck. It’s practice!/ Which grade are you in? –I’m in 8th (=eighth) grade. Scholarship: /sKA:’.lır.şip/ burs* || Scholar: /sKA:’.lır/ alim, bilgin Do you know how I can get a college scholarship?/ This university offers scholarship. I think you should try to get it./ A scholar is usually a wise person who knows a lot about a spicific or many areas of knowledge. C. S. Lewis and Forest E. Witcraft are considered (başkaları göre düşünmüştür) scholars. [*Borsa: Stock market/Stock Exchange>Shelly works in New York stock market(stock Exchange).] Freshman: /fREŞ.mın/ [üniversite/lise] birinci sınıf öğrencisi || Sophomore: /SA:.fı.mo’r/ [üniversite/lise] ikinci sınıf öğrencisi || Junior: /CU.niyır/ [üniversite/lise] üçüncü sınıf öğrencisi || Senior: /Sİ.niyır/ [üniversite/lise] son sınıf öğrencisi || Senior* citizens:/Sİ.niyır-Sİ.di.zınz/ yaşlı vatandaşlar Are you a freshman or a sophomore?/ Patricia and Patrick are freshmen at Stanford./ I liked this girl when I was a junior in college./ This is the picture of my senior classmates. What wonderful days!/ Please respect(saygı gösterin) senior citizens. Junior high (school): /HA:’y/ 7-8-9-sınıfında lise || Senior high (school): 10-11-12-sınıfında lise Are you in junior high? –No, I’m studying in senior high. [High=High school] Dormitory: /DO’R.mı.to’.ri/ (=Dorm) öğrenci yurdu My dormitory is very equipped /i.KUİPt/ (donatımlı). It has Internet connection, comfy furniture, comfy bed, great light, great view, cafeteria, library, fridge, TV, and washing machine. It’s cool!/ Hey, Chris! –He-hey! You’re here too? –Yep. Where’s your dorm room(yurt odası)? –Right over there. [Dorm room: otel’de başka misafirlerle paylaşan ucuz oda> Do you have dorm room? –Yes. –How much is it for a night? –30 Liras. –Is it including breakfast? –Yes. –Can I take a look? –Sure. (As looking, he says) –Ok, I’ll take it. –OK.] Semester break: /si.MES.dır-bREYk/ sömestr/yarıyıl/dönem tatili Semester break is the best time to relax and have fun./ When does the Spring(ilk bahar) break start? Course: pronunciation: /KO’Rs/ /NOTTT KURs/ kurs [Course>Of course<un telaffuzu gibi] || Take a course: [NOT GO to a course] kursa gitmek [İngilizcede, ‘Course’ bir ‘zaman’ demektir.] || I’m in the class!: Kurstayım! [NOTTT I’m in the course. NOTTT I’m in the lesson.] I took English course two years ago but I gave it up (=bıraktım)./ [Her phone rings, she picks up(telefona cevap veriyor) and whispers]–Mom! I’m in the class. I’ll call you back (=Seni geri arayacağım), ok? Session:/SE’.şın/ celse, oturum, ders I’m in the session(Ben dersteyim)./ Ok, class(Peki öğrenciler)! In this session (Bu derste/celsede), I’m going to show you how you can improve (geliştirmek) your pronunciation /şın/(telaffuz)./ [Psychologist/sa:y.KA:’.lı.cist/] Your next session will be on Friday. [>Psychologist’te ‘P’ sessizdir.<] Classmate: /KLAS.meyt/ sınıf arkadaş || Seatmate: /SİT.meyt/ yanında oturan arkadaşı, sıra arkadaş || Schoolmate:/sKUL.meyt/ okul arkadaş || Roommate: /RUM.meyt/ (=Roomie/RU’.mi/) ev arkadaş Did you get on well with your new classmates (=Yeni sınıf arkadaşlarla iyi geçindin mi)?/ Are you two (siz/ikiniz) seatmates? –Yes, we are./ How many schoolmates do you have? –I don’t know. A lot. –How many classmates? –16. –Cool!/ Colin has been my roommate since college (üniversiteden beri)./ ‘Roomie’ is the informal word for ‘Roommate’. [-mate her zaman yanındaki arkadaş gibi> Coffeemate (>kahve arkadaşı>yani: krema). Soulmate: /SOWL.meyt/ ruh eşi> Do you love each other? –Yea, we’re soulmates.]  Principal: /PRİN.sı.pıl/ okul müdürü [‘Principle’ ile aynı telaffuz] || Principle*: /PRİN.sı.pıl/ prensip, ilke || Director: /di.REK.tır//da:y.REK.tır/1. yönetmen 2. okul müdürü Student’s father: I’m gonna need to see the

principal(director) of the school./ We have some principles in the office we should consider them. (Ofiste düşünmeye gereken bazı prensiplerimiz var.)/ Fatih Akın is the director of one of the episodes /E.pı.so’dz/ of the movie ‘New York, I Love You’./ Who’s the director of this school? Manager*: /MA.nı.cır/ [firma/otel/okul] müdür || Manage*: /MA.nıc/ yönetmek I’m gonna need to talk to the manager of this company. –What’s it about, ma’am?/ How do you manage children?/ How do you manage life? Are you a good manager? Any strategy?/ When you can’t solve the problem, manage it. –Robert H. Schuller Dean: /Dİ’n/ rektör, üniversitenin baş, üniversite müdürü || Vice: /VA:YS/ dekan || Vice-President*:/VA:YS-pre.zı.dınt/ as başkan, başkan yardımcısı He’s the new dean of the university./ She’s the vice of NYU/en.vay.YU/(New York University)./ The Vice-President can also sign /SA:Yn/ (=imzalamak) this paper. Professor: pronunciation /prı.FE.sır/ Profesör || Associate Professor: /ı.SO’.si.yıt --/ Doçent || Assistant Professor: /ı.SİS.tınt--/ Yardımcı Doçent || Lecturer: /LEK.çı.rır/ Öğretim Görevlisi She’s a professor of history./ He’s an associate professor at Istanbul University./ Are you a lecturer? –Yes, I am. And you are..? –I’m an assistant professor. I’m new here. My name’s Della. –Sean. – Nice meeting you. –You too. [Instructor: Okutman. || Research Assistant: Araştırma Görevlisi] Give a lecture: /--LEK.çır/ konferans vermek Professor! I enjoyed your lecture today. –Thank you. –May I ask one question, though(yine de)?/ Jim Rohn: ‘‘Give a lecture to a thousand people. One walks out and says, ‘I’m going to change my life.’ Another one walks out with a yawn and says, ‘I’ve heard all this before.’ Why is that? Why wouldn’t both be affected the same way? Another mystery.’’ [He’s an excellent communicator.] Education: /şın/ eğitim St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School University of London doesn’t give students any paper exam like American SAT or Turkish YGS. Instead, three professors just ‘interview’ and grade them to see if they get accepted in their favorite major. I believe this method of exam is a big step to enhance world’s education. [Info based on the BBC sequel documentary: ‘Doctors To Be’. It’s really outstanding!] Enroll: /en.RO’L/(=Register/RE.cis.tır/) [kurs/okul/üniversite] kaydetmek, kaydını yapmak He enrolled his children in a governmental school./ Excuse me, I enrolled at the college a few months ago but I lost my papers. Can you help? –Sure./ Sir, I haven’t registered for the class yet. Is it too late to do so (Bunu yapmak için çok geç mı oldu)? Memorize: /ı.ra:yz/ ezberlemek || Memory: /ı.ri/ 1. hafıza 2. hatıra It’s hard to memorize all the grammar. –True. –How can we learn that? –Grammar is in speaking. A kid doesn’t know any grammar but speaks! A kid is a better teacher than me, trust me./ How do you remember all that? You got(have) a great memory(hafıza)!/ Memories, memories, sweet memories of my youth/YUS/(delikanlı). Pass: /PA’S/ 1. [zaman/taşıt/v.s.] (-dan) geçmek 2. (sınav) geçmek 3. yollamak, uzatmak, vermek 4. [madde/ karar/ kanun] geçirmek 5. [spor] pas vermek 1. [Pic] If anything, the more time passes, the more I miss him. (Her ihtimalde, ne kadar daha zaman geçerse, o kadar onu özlüyorum.)/ 1. Come on, man! Drive faster. Everybody’s passing us. Step on it(Gaza bas)! –No. It’s dangerous./ 1. Time passes so fast, man! Quit worrying (Endişelenmeye bırak)!/ 2. [A Walk In My Shoes] Teacher: I want you to pass this class (Bu sınıftan geçmesini istiyorum)./ 2. Did you pass the literature /Lİ.dı.rı.çır/ (edebiyat) exam today?/ 2. He had the ‘report card (karne)’ in his hand and was HAPPY. I realized that he PASSED!/ 3. Could you pass the mustard/MA:S.t3rd/(Hardalı yollar mısın lütfen)? [>el yetişmediğin dolayı<]/ 4. The government passed a law to ban smoking inside offices./ 5. [Coach (2010)] Hector, pass the ball! [Overtake: (taşıtı sollamak/ geçmek)(‘Pass’ın resmi)>What is the traffic rule for overtaking?] I’ll pass!*: (Ben) İstemiyorum! Would you like some more ice cream? –No, thanks. I’ll pass./ Thanks for your offer, but I think I’m gonna pass./ ‘I’m gonna have to pass. Thanks!’ means ‘I don’t want that. Thanks!’ Fail: /FEYL/ (-e) başarısız olmak/başaramamak, (sınav) geçmemek || Failure: /FEY.liyır/ /FE’.liyır/ 1.başarısızlık 2.[=Loser] başarısız kimse When you climb an obstacle and fall, you haven’t failed. You learn to do it easier again. (Bir engeli tırmanıp düştüğünce, başarısız olmamışın. Onu yine daha kolay yapmayı öğrenmişin.)/ Hey loser! You failed the exam again? But don’t worry! You got another chance. Don’t you blow it(Sakın bu fırsatı kaçırma)! [>burada ‘Don’t’ vurgulu<]/ The only real failure in life is the failure to try(Hayatta tek gerçek başarısızlık denememektir). –Anonumous/ ‘He’s a loser’ is the informal form for ‘He is a failure’. ‘Failure’ is more formal./ She is a failure in her career because she quits too early(çünkü çok erken bırakıyor)./ Never let success get to your head, and never let failure get to your heart. –Confucius [Flop/fLA:’p/(resmi olmayan): başarısız kimse>He’s a total flop(O tam bir başarısız/beceriksiz biri)!]

[Gifted Hands: A Ben Carson Story] Stop thinking of failing! Flunk: /fLA:Nk/ [=Fail] (sınavdan) çakmak, çaktırmak, (sınıfta) kalmak, geçmemiş ders I’m flunking calculus/KAL.kyı.lıs/. [Calculus bir tür matematiktir.]/ Why is he so mad(O niye bu kadar kızgın)? –His English teacher flunked him. –Shoot(Tüh)!/ He got 6 passes and two flunks in his report (card). [Report/Report card: karne]

Drop out of college/school/a course/..:/dRA:’P.awd.ıv/ [okulu/üniversiteye/kursu bitmekten önce] terk etmek, bırakmak, vazgeçmek, devam etmemek, okul/üni-den çıkmak/ayrılmak || Dropout: /dRA:’P.awt/ [okuldan/üniversideden] çıkmış/bırakmış/vazgeçmiş/ayrılmış kimse || Drop math/calculus/phisics/chemistry/biology/English/v.s: [bir derse] bırakmak What are some of the reasons why students drop out of college?/ If my family needs me, I’ll drop out of college and get a job. –No. Your family needs you to be the best at your lessons./ You dropped out of school? Why? –Because of too many exams!/ He’s dropped out of the course (=He doesn’t go to the class anymore)./ She’s dropped out of med school (tıp fakültesi) and he’s dropped out of law school (hukuk fakültesi)./ Did he drop out of school? –No, they expelled* him. –Oops!/ Bill Gates is a college dropout. Years later, after success, Harvard gave him an Honorary degree./ [A Walk In My Shoes] (Dana likes to major in dance but her mom forced her to study calculus which is hard for her. Now her mom says: Dana... what do you think about dropping calculus? – Seriously? –Seriously. Why not do something you enjoy? Something that’s fun, like, uh... –Like dancing? Really? (Dana is so happy that hugs her mom.) [Expel*:/eks.PEL/(okuldan/üniversiteden/..) kovmak/dışarı atmak, ülkeden sınırdışı etmek/ sürgün etmek >MILITARY<bakın] Prom: /pRA:’m/ mezuniyet balosu, okul balosu Do you have a date/DEYt/(burada:ortak/dans arkadaşı) for the prom?/ It’s a senior prom. Are you a sophomore? Field trip*: /FİLD trıp/ eğitim gezisi, öğrenim gezisi Field trip is a class out of the classroom. It lets students to explore (araştırmak/keşfetmek) any interesting place like a factory./ The students enjoyed our first field trip to CEPA Shopping Center, and they learned many words like escalator, couch, sofa, necklace, earring, bracelet, ring, and anklet. They watched and learnt! ROAD TRIP/JOYRIDE Road trip*: /RO’d.trip/ araba gezisi, arabayla caddeye çıkma/vurma Guys! How about (Ya/Ne derseniz) a road trip across Illinois? That’s so much fun!/ Let’s have a road trip to Canada./ I’m really bored here. I’m gonna take a road trip. Are you guys in (=Var mısınız)? [2] I’m in. [3] Sure. [4] I don’t know. [5] I’m out. [1/2/3 to 4&5] Oh, come on!/That’d be fun!/Join us! Joyride:/COY.ra:yd/ yolculuğa çıkma, araba ile gezme/gezinti I wrecked /REKt/ (bozulttum/ mahvettım) my dad’s car in a joyride with friends. Now I have to work all summer to pay him back./ Do you remember we had an awesome joyride last summer? Let’s do it again, huh? Break time(Mola). Seriously, put the book down, refresh, then get back for this part. Thank you. EN KARIŞTIRICI=EN KOLAY -DUĞUNU/-DAĞINI-CEĞINI/-CEĞIMI/-DIĞINI/DIĞIMI/... [DİKKAT: Sevimli Türkler için İngilizcede en karıştırıcı parça bu, aynı zamanda en kolay! Zorsa bile, şu an sıkı şekilde onun üzerinde çalışın. Bence bunu gerçekten öğrenseniz, İngilizce konuşmada size karıştırıcı bir şey kalmayacak! Ancak bu olayı uzaktan değil, Türkiye’de yaşayarak öğrendim! ] [Zorsa bunu 10 sayfa pratik olarak yazın. Hala zorsa 100 sayfa yazın. Gerçekten bunu YENIN.] -duğunu/-dağını/-ceğını/-dığını/-dığımı/v.s. nasıl şekilleştiriyor? Cevap: ‘İki şekli ile.’ DİKKAT: BİRİNCİ ŞEKLİ [Pic] You just tell me what you want and I’ll be that for you (Sen benden ne istediğini söyle ve ben senin için o olacağim). –You’re dumb(Sen gerzeksın). –I could be that(Olabilir). :D/ I know who you are (Sen kim olduğunu biliyorum/Seni tanıyorum)!/ I realized why he said that. (Onu niye söylediğine fark ettim.)/ I don’t know what to say! (Ne diyeceğimi bilmiyorum!)/ He doesn’t know what to do. (O ne yapacağını bilmiyor.)/ She didn’t know what to say to him. (O onu ne diyeceğini bilmiyordu.)/ You have no idea (=You don’t know) how I feel about you. (Sana nasıl hissettiğimi hiç fikrin yoktur/bilmiyorsun.)/ I tell you what you can’t tell me. (Sana, beni ne söyleyemeyeceğini söyleyeceğim): I LOVE YOU!/ She doesn’t remember what she ate yesterday! (O dün ne yediğini hatırlamıyor.)/ We ate whatever we wanted. It was FREE! (Her ne istediğimize kadar yedik. Bedavaydı!) :D/ You can talk to whoever you want. It’s a frat party, dude! (İstediğin kişiyle konuşabilirsin. Ahbap, bu bir dostluk/meslektaş partisidir.) [>burada ‘party’ dans parti demek<]/ Is this what you want? –Yes. (İstediğin bu mu? –Evet.)/ Do you know how to drive a car? (Bir arabayı nasıl süreceğini biliyor musun?)/ Do you have any idea who I am? (Ben kim olduğumu hiç fikrin var mı/biliyor musun?)/ Why didn’t you put these boxes where they should be? (Niye bu kutuları olacağın gereken yerde koymadı?)

>O ZAMAN GENELDE ‘Wh-’ ORTADA GELİNCE DİKKAT.< Girl: I want to be rich to do what I want. (İstediğimi yapmak için, zengin olmak istiyorum.)/ How do you know who to trust? (Kime güveneceğini/ güvenebileceğini nereden/nasıl biliyorsun?)/ If you don’t like where you are, change it! You’re not a tree. (Nerede olduğunu sevmezsen, onu değiş. Sen ağaç değilsin.) –Jim Rohn/ Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learn here. (Aşk, onunla doğduğumuz şeydir. Korku, burada ne öğrendiğimiz şeydir.) –Anonymous How you study matters. (Nasıl ders çalıştığın/çalışacağin önemlidir.)/ How he types amazes me! (Bilgisayarda nasıl yazdığın bana şaşırtıyor.)/ The way(=How) Grace walks makes everyone believe that she has 200% self-confidence. (Grace’ın yürüdüğün tarzı herkese onu yüzde iki yüz özgüvenlilik sahip olduğunu inandiriyor.)/ The one(person) (=Who) you’re looking for is not living on

earth!! (Aradığın biri/kişi yeryüzünde yaşamıyor!!)/ What you know is what you hear. (Bildiğin duyduğundur.) We taste the food before eating. Shouldn’t we taste what we hear before accepting it? (Yemeğin tadını yemeden önce deniyoruz. Duyduğumuz şeyin tadını kabul etmeden önce denemeli değil miyiz?) [>THE BEST LESSON IN MY LIFE.<] TEKNİK: Yukarıdaki altı çizili kelimeler aslında BİR KELİMEDİR. Test için, onların yerinde: ‘what...’ ise BİR KELİME olarak ‘THIS’ koyun, ‘how...’ ise ‘THIS’, ‘that...’ ise ‘THIS’, ‘who...’ ise ‘JOHN’, ‘where...’ ise ‘HERE’, ‘when...’ ise ‘NOW’ ve ‘why...’ ise ‘the REASON’ koyun.] > You just tell me THIS. >[BİR KELİME koyduk.]< > I know JOHN. > I realized the REASON. > I don’t know THIS. > He doesn’t know THIS. > She didn’t know THIS. > You have no idea (about) THIS./ =You don’t know THIS. > I tell you THIS. > She doesn’t remember THIS. > We ate THIS. > You can talk to JOHN. > Is this THIS (Bu bumu)? :D > Do you know THIS? > Do you have any idea (about) JOHN? = Do you know JOHN? > Why didn’t you put these boxes HERE? > Girl: I want to be rich to do THIS. > How do you know JOHN? > If you don’t like HERE, ... > Love is THIS. Fear is THAT (zıtlık). > THIS matters. > THIS amazes me! > THIS makes everyone believe THIS. >JOHN is not living on earth! > THIS is THIS (Bu budur)... Shouldn’t we taste THIS...? F İ İ L L İ W h O R T A D A Doctors say people who don’t exercise should drink low-fat milk (az yağlı süt). ‘What you want’: ‘Ne istediğin...’ TAM CÜMLE DEĞİL ve aslında bir kelime sayılır ve İngilizcede ‘İSİM CÜMLESİ’ (NOUN CLAUSE) denir. Yani birkaç kelime, -duğumu/-dağını/-ceğımı/v.s anlamında BİR KELİME sayılır. İsim cemleside bir FİİL var. O zaman: ‘What kind of job are you looking for(Ne tür iş arıyorsunuz)?’ İsim cümlesi DEĞİL. >What school did you go to (Hangi okula/üniversiteye gitti)? >İsim cümlesi DEĞİL. ‘İsim cümleside’ FİİL gerek.]

One day you read not only these, but also the whole filebook and say to yourself: Man! How easy! Bir gün sadece bunlar değil, bütün dosyakitabı okuyacaksın ve kendini söyleyeceksin: Vay yavrum vay! Ne kadar kolay ya!

[Pic] See, you just want me to say what you want me to say. (Bak, sen benden ne söyleme istediğin söylemesini istiyorsun.) [>See, you just want me to say THIS.<]/ [Pic] You’re the one, the one (>that/who<saklanmış*) I’ve been looking for. (Sen bir tanemsin, aradığım bir tanemsin.)  [>İKİNCİ ŞEKLİ<]/ [Pic] (1) No, but it could have been in a world where good things happen to me. (2) Yeah, well, that’s not really where we live. (3) No. [(1) Hayır, ama bana iyi şeyler meydana geldiğin dünyada olabilirdi. (2) Evet, peki, bu gerçekten yaşadığımız yer değil. (3) Hayır, değil.] [>No, but it could have been HERE.< >Yeah, well, that’s not really HERE.<]/ [Pic] And I don’t know when you and I stopped being us. (Ve sen ve ben biz olmayı ne zaman durduğumuzu bilmiyorum.) [>And I don’t know NOW.<] [In a marriage, turn the ‘M’ in ‘Me’ upside down and make a ‘We’. (Bir evlilikte, ‘Me(beni/bana)’de ‘M’ harfi altüst çevirin ve ‘We(biz)’ yapın.)]/ [Pic] I don’t even know who you are right now, but you’re definitely not the best. (Şu anda sen kim olduğunu bile bilmiyorum, ama kesinlikle en iyisi değilsin.) [>I don’t even know JOHN...<]/ [Pic] You can’t choose who you love. (Sen kime seveceğini seçemiyorsun.) [>You can’t choose JOHN.<]/ [Pic] How is it possible to feel nostalgia for a world (>where/that<saklanmış*) I never knew? (Hiç bilmediğim bir dünya için sıla özlemi hissetmek nasıl mümkündür/olabilir?) [>İKİNCİ ŞEKLİ<]/ [Pic] I though... I thought (>that< saklanmış*) you liked me. (Sandım... Hani beni sevdiğini sandım.) [>İKİNCİ ŞEKLİ<] -duğunu/-dağını/-ceğını/-dığını/-dığımı/v.s. daha nasıl şekilleştiriyor? DİKKAT: İKİNCİ ŞEKLİ [*Saklanmış>You’re the one.>Burada cümle bitiyor ve ondan sonra yeni bir cümle başlıyor. (You’re the one (who) I’ve been looking for.) [AYRICA DİKKAT! ‘TOEFL’ SORUNUN CEVABI: İNGİLİZCEDE CÜMLE SAYISI, KAÇ TANE FİİL OLDUĞUN DEĞİL, KAÇ TANE ‘ÖZNE’ OLDUĞUNUDUR!] Birinci cümlenin ÖZNE ‘You’ ve ikinci cümlenin ÖZNE ‘I’ olarak geldi. O yüzden ikinci cümle başlamadan, bir BAĞLAÇ (CONJUNCTION) gerekiyor ama saklanmıştır. Hem de bunlar için: >How is it possible to feel nostalgia for a world (where) I never knew? >I thought... I thought (that) you liked me. >İNGİLİZCEDE BİRİNCİ VE İKİ CÜMLENIN ARASINDA BAĞLAÇ GELİYOR. >She didn’t know that I was going (O gideceğimi bilmiyordu). >’that’ bir bağlaç ama saklayabilirsin. > She didn’t know I was going. >How is it possible (that) he’s not here?> How is it possible he’s not here? (O burada olmadığın nasıl mümkündür?) [DİKKAT: He’s not here.> TAM CÜMLE.] >He knows (that) I’m from Sudan. (=He knows I’m from Sudan.) (O benim Sudanlı olduğumu biliyor.) [DİKKAT: I’m from Sudan.> TAM CÜMLE.] >She says (that) her sister looks like her mother. (=She says her sister looks like her mother.) (O kız kardeşi annesini benzediğini söylüyor.) [DİKKAT: Her sister looks like her mother.> TAM CÜMLE.] >Do you know (that) I lived here 2 years ago? (=Do you know I lived here 2 years ago?) [DİKKAT: I lived here 2 years ago.> TAM CÜMLE.] O zaman, İKİ ÖZNE ile iki cümlenın arasında için, bağlaç gelirse ya da saklanmışse, -duğunu/-dağını/-ceğını/-dığını/-dığımı/v.s. geliyor. Bunu kolaylaştirmeye EN İYİ yol, daima FİLM İZLEMEKTİR. Son.  FACILITY/EQUIPMENT Facility: /fı.Sİ.lı.di/ kolaylık, hizmet We asked the government to give us more facilities for the disabled kids /dis.EY.bıld-KİDz/ (sakat/malul çocuklar)./ Skytrain/sKA:Y.treyn/(gök/havai tren) is a great facility that helps reduce/ri.DU’s/(azaltmak) the traffic in any city (her şehirde). Equipment: /i.QUİP.mınt/ cihaz, donatım [Equipments: teçhizat] We need more equipments in English class, such as internet connection, DVD Player, LCD monitor, or just computer and projector./ This studio needs more equipments./ Hospital/HA:’S.pı.dıl/ manager: We need new equipments for the hospital. IT’S ME/THAT’S ME It’s me/That’s me: /its.Mİ/zats.Mİ/ 1. [İsmini sorduğun cevap] Benim! 2.[Bir binaya gösterken] Orada/Burada yaşıyorum/çalışıyorum!,O/Bu benim ev. [Bir şeyi gösterken] O/Bu benimki! (=It’s/That’s mine.) 1. [Professor asks] Shema Lewis? [Shema answers] It’s me. –Ok, Shema. Could you please read the first two paragraphs of Chapter Four? –Sure. [She starts reading.]/ 2. My house? Well, you see that green one? That’s me (O benim ev)!/ 2. [Pointing at the building (Binaya gösterirken)] That’s me (=O binada çalışıyorum)./ 2. [When they get close to the car (Arabaya yaklaşınca), he says] Ok, it’s me(Bu araba benimki). Hop in/HA:’P in/(Arabaya atla)! [Mine: /MA:Yn/ benimki> Whose book is this(Bu kimin kitap)? –It’s mine.] SINCE/FOR/TO/AGAINST/INSTEAD/BEYOND Since: /SİNs/ 1. –dan beri, ...ondan beri 2. (=Now that) madem ki, çünkü || Since you asked, …: (=Now that you asked, …) Madem ki sordun, Çünkü sordun, ... || Since when...?: /sins.WE’n/ Ne zamandan beri...? 1. She has worked in this hospital since 2000 (=2000’dan beri hala bu hastanede çalışıyor). [Since> Başlamak zaman belli]/ 1. My father left when I was ten and I

haven’t seen him since (=ondan beri)./ 2. Since I didn’t want to go to the ceremony, I pretended /pri.TEN.dıd/ (numarası yaptım) that I had headaches./ You didn’t talk about yourself! –Well, I don’t normally talk about myself, but since you asked (=now that you asked), my name’s Max, I’m 25, I come from a small town named Endora, and I work in the Foodland supermarket. What else do you wanna know about me?/ Since when do you smoke? –Since today! Leave me alone (Beni yalnız bırak/Üstüme gelme)! –Do you think it helps or makes you more angry?

Romans 8:31 If God is for us, who can be against us? For: /FOr/1. için 2. -e kadar 3.[>daha yazmak için<]çünkü 4. taraftar (karşı olmayan) 1. This message is for you, sir. (Bu mesaj sizin içindir, efendim/bayim.)/ 1. I’ll wait for you. (Senin için bekleyeceğım.)/ 2. I walked/WA:Kt/ for half an hour(yarım saat’e kadar) to see my daughter /DA:’.dır/./ 2. She has worked in this hospital for 5 years. (O beş yıldır hala bu hastanede çalışıyor.)/ 3. I became tired for(çünkü) I had to walk a long way. [tam cümle]/ 4. What do you think about killing a dying animal? –I’m for it ’cause/KA:Z/(because/bi.KA:Z/çünkü) you kill the pain. ‘Since’ mi? ‘For’ mu? [I have worked here since 1998.>He hasn’t been here since last night.>She started to work with us since May.>It’s been two months since we last met (Son buluştuğumuzdan iki ay oldu/geçti).>>Since: başlamak zaman belli.] [I have worked here for 14 years.>He hasn’t been here for 8 hours.>She worked with us for 5 months.>We haven’t met for two months.>>For: başlamak zaman değil, süresinde belli.] [In order to...: -e için*> In order to be healthier, we need to go jogging.> In order to earn more, we need to learn more.] Tekrar: Geçmiş zaman ‘Simple Past’ mi? Yakın geçmiş ‘Present Perfect’ mi? She worked in this hospital for 5 years(O 5 yıl bu hastanede çalıştı). >Şimdi hastanede çalışıyor mu? Hayır. Ne zaman başladı? 5 yıl önce mı? Hayır!! Belki 11 yıl önce başladı ve 6 yıl önce bitirdi!< Geçmiş zaman yani bir şeyi geçmişte yaptınız ve artık BİTTİ.>He ate the sandwich.>He finished work at 5.>She went to the shopping center (içindeki anlama: şimdi alışveriş merkezinde DEĞİL/bitti).|| She has worked in this hospital for 5 years(O beş yıldır bu hastanede çalışıyor. >Türkçe olarak böyle tercüme ediyoruz: O beş yıl bu hastanede çalışıyor.> İÇİNDEKİ ANLAM: ve HALA bu hastanede çalışıyor.) >Yakın geçmiş ‘have/has+fiilin üçüncü hal’ yani geçmişte başladı ve hala DEVAM ediyor.> Sedat has gone to Canada. =Sedat Kanada’ya gitti (içindeki anlama: ve HALA orada). Eğer dersem: Sedat went to Canada. Yani şimdi Canada’da mı? Hayır. Belki başka bir ülkede. > I have waited for bus for 20 minutes (20 dakikadir otübüse bekliyorum (içindeki anlama: yani hala otübüs durağıdayım/ hala bekliyorum).> I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast (Kahvaltıdan beri –hala- hiç bir şey yemedim).>Have you ever been to South Africa (Eskiden şu an kadar – Güney Afrika hiç bulundun mu/ gittin mi)?>She has gone to the shopping center (içindeki anlama: ve hala orada). İstisna: BE> She has been to Brazil twice. (O iki kez Brezilya bulundu.>HALA Brezilya DEĞİL.)> Have you ever been to this shopping center? (Bu alışveriş merkezide hiç bulundun mu/ gittin mi?)]  ‘For’mu? ‘To’mu? I’m here for you (Senin için buradayım)!/ I live here for my mom (Annem için burada yaşıyorum)./ I got two coffees, one for me, one for my boss (İki kahve aldım, biri benim için, biri patronum için)./ I’m here for 25 minutes. [25 dakika(dir) buradayım>25 dakikaya kadar buradayım.]/ I can’t wait for you for the rest of my life (hayatım kalane kadar)! [‘wait’ her zaman ‘for’ile geliyor.]/ FOR=için > çoğunlukla: senin için, onun için, birinin için|| FOR=-e kadar>He lived here for a long time.) I’m here TO see my son. [‘TO’un telaffuzu /dı/dır. Film izlemek çok yardımcı olur.]/ She goes to language school TO learn English./ She goes to gym TO lose weight./ He biked all the way to(e doğru) Los Angeles TO visit Hollywood./ TO: -e, için> içindeki anlam: çoğunlukle bir eylemın sebebi belirtiyor: ‘nedeniyla’ ‘bu nedeniyla’.> ‘To’ ile ilgili, bir ‘özne-fiil-nesne’lı cümle bitince, devam etmek için pek ‘FOR’ değil, ‘TO’ kullanıyoruz: I can’t wait for you TO finish your lunch. I have to go./ Maybe it’s the best time TO tell you that I have never been married./ I don’t have time TO go swimming./ It was absolutely nice TO meet your brother./ I told my boss that it wasn’t my idea TO visit our opponent’s factory./ Why are you here? –[EYLEMIN SEBEBİ:] TO meet my son./ Why did you go? –TO make a phone call. –Oh, I see. ‘To’ ile ilgili kritik nokta: İKİNCİ FİİL’İN ZAMAN DEĞİŞMİYOR. I need to go earlier. [NOTTT went]/ I don’t want to sleep tomorrow. [NOTTT will sleep]/ Yesterday, he decided to stay with us. [NOTTT stayed]/ I would like to meet you in person. [NOTTT met]/ I have always wanted to visit the Walk of Fame. [NOTTT have visited]/ I will ask her to dance with me. [NOTTT will dance]/ I enjoyed talking to you. [NOTTT talked]> Bir sürü zamanlar, bir cümlede iki fiil kullanıyoruz. Birinci fiil’in zaman duruma göre değişiyor, fakat ikinci fiil’in ZAMAN 99% değişmiyor ve çoğunlukla mastar, bazen –ing geliyor. Mastar: Yani ‘to’ ile, belirli fiillerdan sonra: need, want, would like, hope, expect, choose, offer, forget, help, learn, teach, agree, promise, pretend, can afford, can’t afford, encourage, allow, refuse, mean, manage, decide.>I learned to do this job from my dad.>I decided to learn English. || -ing: enjoy, like(iki şekilde), finish(iki), avoid(iki), look forward to, do/would you mind?, give up (I will give up smoking!), bütün edatlardan sonra (I will wait for seeing you everyday!), özne olarak (Smoking is bad for your health).

Against:/ı.GEYNSt/ karşı Are you for or against the idea of two referees for a soccer game? [referee: hakem]/ Tonight Real Madrid is playing against Barcelona./ In some countries, it is against the law to throw ‘cigarette butt’ on the street. Instead of:/ins.TED.ıv/NOTTT ins.TİD/ -in yerinde || Instead:/ins.TED/ [cümlede son ya da ilk geliyor] yerinde, yerine Instead of reading all these books, you better watch one movie a day!/ I wish I had some kebab instead of this crappy pizza!/ Why are you arguing about your ideas! You better help me, instead! [argue:/A:’R.gyu/ kavga gibi tartışmak]/ He could do so much better. Instead, he’s sitting here, wasting /WEYS.ting/ (boş harcıyor) his time. Job 37:23 The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in His justice and great righteousness, He does not oppress. Beyond: /bı.YA:’Nd/ -den öte, dışında Beyond that door(Bu kapıdan öte/Bu kapının diğer tarafta), they are having a conference /KA:N.fı.rıns/. So (Bu yüzden), please be quiet /kWA:.yıt/(sessiz olun). Thanks./ Winning a Green Card was beyond her imagination /ı.NEY.şın/(onun hayal gücümün dışında)!/ Move is, beyond doubt and beyond question, the essential of life (Hareket, şüphesizce ve sorgusuz sualsiz, hayatın temelıdır). What...for?: için...?/ içindir?/ işi yarar? || Who...with?*: Kim ile...? Kid: What do we use this cleaver (=meat cleaver:satır) for? –It’s for chopping the meat, sweetie. But you mustn’t touch it ’cause you might cut your finger, ok? –Okay, daddy. –Word?(Söz mü?) – Word./ What is this chain (zincir) for? –It’s for my pocket watch (cep saati)./ What do you want this money for? –I want it for my mom’s surgery./ Who did you go with? –I went with my gramp(grandpa/grandfather). What’s with...?/WA:TS.wiz/...’ı neler oluyor?,...’ın hikayesi ne?,...niye burada var?, niye...burada? [Love Wedding Marriage (Türkçe: İyi Günde Kötü Günde)] Shelby(Jessica Szohr) showing amazing body language: What’s with all the candles (Niye bu kadar mum yaktınız)?/ What’s with her? (Bu kızı neler oluyor/Niye böyle davranıyor?)/ What’s with the bag (Niye çanta getirdin)? What are best/good friends for?: İyi dostlar ne içindir ki? İyi dostlar bu zamanlar için işte, İyi dostlar ne işi yarar ki? [He knows that she is into (=loves) MercyMe, so he buys ‘MercyMe Greatest Hits’ album and gives it to her as a gift] Hey, here’s for you. –What’s this? –Open it! [She unwraps(ambalaj paketini açıyor) and screams!] Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it! Thank you thank you thank you! –My plej(My pleasure: Memnuniyetle)! What are good friends for? ANYTHING/NOTHING/ANYBODY/NOBODY/NOT EVERYBODY Anything: /E’.ni.sing/ 1. [tek ve ya olumlu cümlede>] Her şey! 2. [olumsuz cümlede>] hiçbir şey Tek: What would you do if you had love(Aşkı sahip olsaydın, ne yapardın)? –Anything(Her şey).*/ Olumlu cümlede: What would you do if you had love? –I would do anything for love(Aşk için her şey yapardım)./ Soru: Do you remember anything? (Hiçbir şeyi hatırlıyor musun?)/ Soru: Don’t you remember anything? (Hiçbir şeyi hatırlamıyor musun?)/ Olumsuz: What would you do if you had love? –I wouldn’t do anything for love(Aşk için hiçbir şey yapmazdım)! [Dikkat! Genelde ‘Anything’ olumsuz cümlenın başlık gelmiyor.> NOTTT Anything I can’t do about it. BUT: I can’t do anything about it.|| Olumlu cümlenın başlık geliyor> Anything is possible in this case. (Bu durumda her şey olabilir.) [DİKKAT: *Anything TEK geldince yani ‘HER ŞEY’.] Nothing: /NA:’.sing/ [her zaman, tek veya her tür cümlede>] hiçbir şey What would you do if you had love? –Nothing(Hiçbir şey)!/ What would you do if you had love? –I would do nothing for love(Aşk için hiçbir şey yapmazdım)!*/ There’s as much risk in doing nothing as in doing something. –Trammell Crow/ [Pic] When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. [*Amerikan konuşma dilin gramerde ‘I would do nothing for love!’ın yerinde ‘I wouldn’t do nothing for love!’de söyleyebilir siniz.>(Pic) If you can’t say something nice... don’t say nothing at all.] Anybody:/E’ =Any one/E’.ni.wa:n/ herkes [olumsuz cümle: hiç kimse] [>kurallar ‘Anything’ gibi<] || Nobody: /NO’.ba:.di/ = No one /NO’.wa:n/ hiç kimse [her zaman olumsuz yapar, olumlu fiil ile. Son zamanlarde olumsuz fiil ilede konuşma dilinde] [>kurallar ‘Nothing’ gibi<] Anybody(Anyone) can do it. (Herkes bunu yapabilir.)/ Nobody remembers who came in second. (İkinci kim olduğunu kimse hatırlamıyor.) –Charles Schulz/ Nobody (No one) is here. (Hiç kimse burada değil.)/ Nobody (No one) ain’t here. (Hiç kimse burada değil.)/ Soru: Any one(Anybody) wants some tea (Hiç kimse/Kimse çay ister mi)? –No, I’m fine./ Yes, thanks./ Yea, that’d be great./ Sure! Tea, always tea! / Soru: Anyone here? (Burada kimse var mı?/ Burada kimse yok mu?) Her kes bunu yapmaz!: Not everybody can do it/that! [her zaman: everybody=every one] || Her koşan kişi koşucu değil!: Not everyone who runs is a runner! Can your tongue touch your nose? –Yea. But not everybody can do it!/ Nadia Comaneci got Perfect 10. –Yea, I watched her video. Not everybody can do that!/ Not everyone can be like Cem Yılmaz. In my idea, he can be the SYMBOL

of SELF-CONFIDENCE in Turkey. I wouldn’t just laugh at his jokes, but I’d LEARN from his SELF-CONFIDENCE too.  Something: /SA:’M.sing/ bir şey || Something good/bad/nice/beautiful/amazing/...: ...iyi/ kötü/ ince/ güzel/ harika bir şey [At the party, husband to wife in the kitchen] Is there something I can help (Yardım edebilecek bir şey var mı)? –No, hon/HA:’n/(=honey). Everything is under control./ What should I wear? –Something formal. –Is this good? –Yea, it’s nice./ I’ve decided, I’m gonna do something fun. FROM/THAN From: /fRA:M/ -den/-dan*, -den/-dan itibaren I haven’t heard/HE’Rd/ anything from you for a long time (Uzun zamandır senden hiç duymadım/ haber almadım)! How are ya?/ From the first of this month, the tea is free (bedava) for the staff/sTA’f/(=personnels)!/ Where are you from?: Nereden geliyorsun?/ Memleket? –I’m from Morocco/mo.RA:’.ko/(Fas). –Oh, what’s it like(Nasıl bir ülke)? Than:/ZAN/[Sadece karşılaştırma/mukayese için] -den/-dan* She likes Antalya more than Ankara ’cause there is no sea in Ankara./ She thinks Sinem Kobal is more beautiful than Beren Saat. But her sister thinks Beren Saat is more beautiful than Sinem Kobal./ Redhouse Dictionary: I’d rather die than go there (Oraya gitmektense ölmeyi tercih ederim)!/ Is it ‘different from’ or ‘different than’? –Both of them are true./ [Pic] I really need you more than you need me. (Ben gerçekten sana, senin bana ihtiyaç olduğundan daha ihtiyacım var.) [Then:/ZEN/ ondan sonra/o zaman> (1) I wanna go to the movies. (2) I wanna go to the amusement /ı.MYU’z.mınt/ park (=Türkçe: Lunapark). (3) Then(O zaman), we first go to the movies, then(ondan sonra) we’ll go the amusement park.] Other than: /A:’.zır-zan/ -den başka What did you do other than working? –Nothing!/ We know nothing about him other than his phone number (Onunla ilgili, bu telefon numarasından başka bir şey bilmiyoruz). From... to...: /fRA:M- TU/ -dan...-e kadar, -dan...-e arasında He moved/MU’Vd/(taşındı) from San Fransisco to Alabama./ How many foreign students are joining your group for the research? –Not sure yet, but from 15 to 18 people, I guess/GES/(sanırım). From before: /fRA:M-bi.FO’r/ [*zamanla ilgili] önceden Is she your new friend? –Nope. We know each other from before. –I see. [*Sırayla ilgili: before(önce/önceden)>A comes before B.> I was here in the line before(-den önce) you (Ben senden önce sıradaydım)!] [In advance /Earlier/ Forehand/ Beforehead: önceden> I apologize in advance if I’m wrong, but didn’t I meet you in the book fair yesterday?] From now on:/fra:’m-NAW-a:’n/ bundan sonra, bundan böyle, [olumlu]artık* || From this year on:/fra:’m-ZIS|ZIŞ-y3ra:’n/ bu yılden itibaren, bu yılden sonra || From tomorrow on:/fra:’m-tı.MA:’.ro’-a:’n/ yarından itibaren, yarından sonra You turned 18 (=Yaşın onsekizi geçti/Onsekiz yaşına bastın). From now on, go and have your own life, son. Be a man!/ From this year on, we live in our own house. No more rent! –Yay!!/ Father: This old building will be bulldozed /’zd/ today, so from tomorrow on, you guys help me build a new house. What do you say (Ne dersiniz)? Sons: Okay, dad!/ From Monday on, the Highspeed Train starts to work (Pazartesiden itibaren, Hızlı Tren >Mavi Tren< çalışmayı başlıyor).

IF/WHAT IF/AS IF/EVEN IF/UNLESS If: /if/ eğer, -sa/se If you are not coming, I’ll go home./ What would you do if you had one million dollar?/ [On the phone] Hey, bro! You’re coming to the party? –I would, if I could (Eğer gelebilseydim, gelirdim). –What’s wrong (Ne oldu)? –My leg’s broken. –Aw, I’m sorry, man!/ I’m gonna go take a shower (=Ben bir düş alacağım) if you don’t mind (=sakıncası yoksa). FIRST/SECOND/THIRD CONDITIONAL (1inci/2inci/3üncü ŞART KİPİ) [=IF I..., I WOULD...] [‘WOULD’ is always about ‘POSSIBILITIES’ (‘WOULD’ her zaman ‘OLANAKLARIN’ hakkında).] [1: Anlamı Türkçede kullandığın gibi.] [2: ek bilgi: wake up, woke up, woken up || go, went, gone] 1st conditional: If I wake up early, I go(will go/would* go) jogging. (Eğer erken uyansam, koşmayı gideceğim –içindeki anlama: büyük bir ihtimalde.) [*Amerikan dilinde] || 2nd conditional: If I woke up early, I would* go jogging. (Eğer erken uyansaydım, koşmayı giderdim –içindeki anlama: büyük bir ihtimalde.) || 3rd conditional: If I had woken up early, I would have gone jogging. (Eğer erken uyansaydım, koşmayı giderdim –içindeki anlama: 1.büyük bir ihtimalde 2.>pişmanlık/eleştiri.)

FIRST CONDITIONAL (önemli) If I go to Iceland/İzlanda), I send(will send/would send) you a postcard./ If you want help for the tour, I’d (=I would) be happy to team up (bir birlik oluşturmak) with you./ [Gavin DeGraw – Not Over You; lyrics] If you ask me how I’m doing – I would say I’m just fine./ [The educational web page of] If you shake an object like a stone in your hand, you would notice that it takes a push to get it moving, and another push to stop it again. SECOND CONDITIONAL (çoooooook önemli) [Pic] If I met myself, I’d hate me. (Eğer kendimle buluşsaydım, kendimden nifret ederdim.)/ If I had one billion dollar, I would travel the world. (=Eğer bir milyar dolarım olsaydı, bütün dünyaya gezerdim/seyahat ederdim.)/ If I had you, I would (=I’d) be so happy./ If he knew Annie, he would (=he’d) invite her to the party./ If I had you, I wouldn’t want anything else. >If I had, I would…(=I would..., if I had...)< I guess if I were(was*) ugly, I would be luckier! Weird, huh?/ She said if she had a big house with a yard, she would buy a pet dog. (=She said she would buy a pet dog, if she had a big house with a yard.)/ If I could cook, I wouldn’t get takeout(paket yemek)! (=I wouldn’t get takeout, if I could cook!)/ What would you do if you had one million dollar? –I would... [*Çok kuralcı gramerda, sadece ‘If I were’ kullanacağını söylüyorlar, fakat ‘If I was’da kullanabilir siniz. Onlar aynı!] [>Pic...if I was him...>]  If+past, would+present.>BU KADAR BASİT! [Repeat to remember: If I had…, I would…] THIRD CONDITIONAL (önemli>pişmanlık/eleştiri) If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam./ If I had gone to the concert earlier, I would have met Kari Jobe in person(baş başa)!/ If you had driven more carefully, we wouldn’t have had the accident./ If we had saved more money, we would have traveled round Europe./ If she hadn’t dropped out of school, she would have been a lawyer now./ If he had listened to me, he wouldn’t have failed the exam./ If she had applied for the scholarship, she probably would have gotten it. [Amerikan dilin tarafından, her kural kırılıbilir. Resime bakın: ‘I just wanna tell you that if I was him, I would never have left you. (=Sadece şunu sana söyleyecektim ki eğer onun yerinde olsaydım, asla seni terk edemezdim.)’ Kuralcı gramere göre şu olmalıydı: I just wanna tell you that if I had been him, I would have never left you.’] What if…?: /WA:.dif/ Ya…sa/se? What if she doesn’t want (=Ya o istemezse)?/ You know him through the Internet? –Yeah. – Have you chatted with him cam-to-cam (Onunla hiç kameralı konuştun mu)? –Yeah. –What if he’s married (Ya evli ise)? As if… : /A’Z.if/ sanki, -miş gibi The whole town was quiet/kWA:.yıt/. As if there was nobody living there (=Sanki kimse orada yaşamıyordu/Kimse orada yaşamamiş gibiyidi)./ Don’t saddle /SA.dıl/(=eyerlemek) the horse like that! –Aw, as if you know better (Ah, sanki daha iyi biliyorsun)! Even if… : /İ.vın.if/ -olsa bile [Want grammar? > Movie is everything.]  [Pic] I love him even if he may not love me back. You know? (Biliyor musun? Eğer beni sevmezse bile, onu seviyorum.)/ Even if she was tired, she was willing (istekli) to finish the thesis/Sİ.sıs/(tez). Unless:/A:N.lıs/ -mezse, medikçe, meğerki Finish this today, unless you’re too tired (Çok yorgun olmadıkça, bu işi bugün bitirir)./ Don’t go unless I tell you (Sana söylemedıkce gitme). If only you could help!: (=I wish you could help!) Keşki yardım edebildin/edebilseydin! Is there anything I can do? –If only you could help!/ If only my son listened to me!/ Lady: If only I won a lottery ticket! [If only+özne+geçmiş zaman...] If I were/was you...: Senin yerinde olsaydım... If I were you, I’d open a restaurant here./ If I was you, I wouldn’t do that. [If I was/were you, I would...] If I were to...:...eğer...-sam If I were to train(antreman yapmak) surfboarding(sörf), I could really make(kazanmak) like (gibi) thousands of dollars./ If we were to work in that burger joint for the summer, we could save some money. [‘Burger joint’ is any business place that mostly serves burger (‘Burger joint’ çoğunlukla burger satan her iş yeridir).] If you must know, ...: Bilmeniz gerekirse, ... If you must know, I had a crush on Dave(Dave’ı severdim/aşıktım)./ If you must know, I can write with my left hand too. TIME Time: /TA:Ym/ 1.zaman 2.kez/sefer || Once upon a time: /WA:NS-ı.PA:’N-ı.TA:Ym/ [hikaye başlangıç] Bir zamanlarde... Time is the most important asset a person has (Zaman, bir insanın sahip olduğun en önemli şeydir)./ Have you watched this movie before? –No. This is the first time I’m watching it./ I met her two times./ This time I forgive you but don’t let it happen again(Bu kez

seni affedıyorum fakat bir daha bunu tekrar edemezsın/yapmayacaksın), ok?/ Once upon a time, there was a Princess Charming. Have a great time!: /HAV.ı-gREYt-TA:Ym/ (=Have fun!) İyi eğlenceler! Ok, we’re going to the party. –All right. Have a great time(Have fun)!/ [Out of the restaurant] Thank you for the lovely meal. –My pleasure(Restoran dışında: Afiyet olsun)! –I had a really great time chatting up with you. –Me too. –Ok, I gotta go. See you. –Ok, take care. Bye. One/two/… at a time: her seferde bir/iki... Don’t bring one chair at a time. We need to be in a hurry. Bring two chairs at a time. – Yes, sir./ Howard Schultz, the Starbucks CEO has a book named ‘Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built A Company One Cup At A Time (Kalbini Onun İçinde Koy: Starbucks Nasıl Bardak Bardağa Bir Firma Kurdu)’. Hard work WORKS(Sıkı çalışma işe yarıyor). The company’s revenue(gelir) is $11.7 billion in 2011. The same way(Aynı şekilde), we learn English one sentence at a time. Fot the time being:/- -Bİ.ing/ şimdilik,bir süreliğine, kısa bir süre için This is my new website. It’s not perfect yet, but for the time being, you can check(bakmak/kontrol etmek) some of my blogs./ Singer: We had a tour of over 8 countries. Our tour is over(bitti) for the time being. But next month, we’re gonna have a tour of Africa. a.m: (=am)/ey.EM/ (saat) oğledan önce, sabah || p.m: (=pm)/pi.EM/ (saat) oğledan sonra, akşam/ gece [On the phone from Canada] What time is it in Italy/İ.dı.li/? –It’s 10 (ten) o’clock a.m./ [Chat] What time is it now in Turkey/ –It’s 6:40 (six forty) p.m. [tam gece yarısı=12 a.m.|| tam oğle= 12 p.m.|| İngilizcede saat olarak 12’dan fazla YOKTUR. Örnek: ASLA ‘saat 19’ demeyin. Onun yerinde, ‘It’s seven./ It’s 7./ It’s 7 p.m.’ deyin.> 1. Saat 19> What time is it? It’s 7. (Akşam belli ise, ‘p.m’ demeye gerekmiyor.) 2. Akşam 7’de> See you at 7 p.m.(Akşam 7’de görüşürüz).] O’clock: /ı.KLA:’k/ saat, ’de We were dancing till 3 o’clock in the morning./ Meet me at my office at 10 o’clock. [O’clock her saat başı için geliyor> It’s 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12 o’clock. (NOTTT It’s 3:30 o’clock. NOTTT It’s 7:45 o’clock. NOTTT It’s 9:22 o’clock.] At 1/3/6/7/10…, sharp: /-ŞA:’Rp/ tam 1/3/6/7/10…’de I want you to be here at 9, sharp (Senin tam saat 9’de burada olmasını istiyorum). And don’t be late./ Meet me at the lobby of Plaza Hotel at 7, sharp. [Sharp=1. keskin>This knife is sharp. Be careful (Dikkatlı ol). 2. (=Smart=Clever=Bright=Intelligent) zeki>She’s a sharp student and good at math.] Round: =Around: /RAWNd//ı.RAWNd/ 1. cıvarında 2. Etraf [On the phone] So I’ll meet you round six? –Yeah, great. See ya. [Round daha zaman için.]/ We had a ride around the town (Arabayla kasaba etrafında gezdik). [Amerikan: Around daha yer için.]/ He had a ride all around the country with his Harley Davidson. –Yea, that’s incredible!/ [Pic] And everything around me makes me miss you. (Ve etrafımda her şey senin özlemeye sebep olur.) [The picture shows the meaning of ‘around’ so well (Resim ‘around’ anlamasını çok iyi anlatıyor.)] [About:1.hakkında/-ile ilgili>This article is about civilization. 2.yaklaşık/cıvarında>Yesterday I met her at about 2 p.m.] [Round of shots/ whisky/..:..birer bardak shots/whisky>Waiter:You guys want another round of shots?] [Round of applause: herkesin alkışlar>Please welcome our next guest with a big round of applause.] [Round (yuvarlak) number: It’s 99.9(ninety nine point nine). I made it a round number and said 100.] Hour: pronunciation:/AWır/NOTTT HOWr/ (‘H’ sessiz) saat Last night, I studied for 3 hours. I started at 9 o’clock (p.m) and finished at 12 (a.m). Half an hour: /HA’F.ın-AWır/ yarım saat || One hour and a half=One and a half hours: bir buçuk saat || Two hours and a half=Two and a half hours: iki buçuk saat || Three hours and a half=Three and a half hours: üç buçuk saat [Kimse THREE HALF HOURS söylerse, yani: 30min+ 30min+ 30min= One and a half hours: bir buçuk saat.] I’ll see you in half an hour (Yarım saat içinde/ zarfınde/süresinde görüşürüz)./ How long does it take to Istanbul? –Do you mean by car? –Yes. –It takes (=It’ll take) about three hours and a half. –Oh, ok. Thank you. –No problem. [about:yaklaşık] First thing in the morning: /F3RSt.sing-in.zı.MOR.ning/ Yarın sabah ilk yapacağim şey/iş || First thing tomorrow: Yarın sabah ilk yapacağim şey/iş I’m gonna call Rifat first thing in the morning. I should put it in my cellphone Reminder./ I should go to the ticket office(bilet gişesi/ofisi), first thing tomorrow./ [Angry woman in a text message] You know what? My brother is a cop. I’m gonna tell him to investigate about you, first thing in the morning, you con-artist (seni üç kağıtçı)! The other day/week: /zı.A:’.zır.DEY/Wİ’k/ o gün/ o hafta I really had fun the other week! –Me too! We should do that most often/A:’.fın/A:’F.tın/!/ The other day, he told me he didn’t like me. –What? –Yeah, and now he’s back and says he likes me! I don’t know what to do with him. He’s so mercurial /mır.KYU.ri.yıl/ (değişken/cıvalı)! Every other week: /EV.ri.a:’.zır-Wİ’k/ iki haftede bir* || Every other day: /EV.ri.a:’.zır.DEY/ iki günde bir, günaşırı They meet each other every other week./ He’s a soldier. He says he must shave (traş olmak) his face every other day./ He takes a shower every other day(=once every two days).

Once a week: /WA:NS.ı-Wİ’k/ haftada bir kez || Twice a week: /TWAYS.-/ haftada iki kez || Three times a week: /sRİ’ta:ymz-/ haftada üç kez She has her hair/HE’r/ done/DA:N/ twice a week (Haftada iki kez saçlarını yaptırıyor/kuaföra gidiyor)./ We go to English class twice a week. [1. Once= One time. Twice= Two times. Three times. Four times. Five times. Ten times. Twenty times. Fifty times. Hundred times...>I love my parents billion times. 2. ‘Week’in yerinde ‘day’, ‘month’ ve ‘year’ gelebilir.>I go swimming twice a month.>He goes to gym eight times a month.] Month: /MA:Ns*/ ay In this month, you have to pay me 3000 dollars/DA:’.lırz/, you hear me? [Telaffuz benzerliği: Mouth/MAWs* ağız>BODY<. || Mouse/MAWs*/fare>ANIMALS<.]

So far: /so’.FA:’r/SO’.fa:’r/ şimdiye kadar Hey dude. How was your day so far? –Not bad(=Fena değildi/Şöyle böyle/Eh işte)./ We watched 25 minutes of the movie. –How was it so far? –It was terrefic/tı.RE’.fik/(harika/müthiş). Be not far off: [genelde kötü bir şeyi] gerçektan pek uzak olmamak, gerçeği yakın olmak, pekte yalnış olmamak, hemen hemen doğru olmak Why do people blame others? –So they could forget how boring their life is! –Well, that’s not far off actually./ Man 1: All news are lies! Man 2: Well, I think some news are not far off! Man 3: But I think most news are true! Next: /NEKSt/ sonraki, sıradaki, ertesi What’s the next stop(=station=istasyon)? –Let’s see. Uh. It’s Emek./ They are going to build a soccer stadium here next year. –That’s fantastic./ Who’s next (=Whose turn is it=Sıra kimin)?/ Ertesi gün: The next day=The day after=After that day> The next day, he saw she’s gone(Ertesi gün, o kızın gittiğini gördü)!> The day after, I had exam (Ertesi gün, sınavım vardi).> After the holiday, we will talk about your salary, okay? (Tatil ertesi/Tatilden sonra, maaşın hakkında/maaşınla ilgili konuşacağiz, tamam mı?) [Ago: önce>I saw you two days ago.|| Later: sonra> I’ll see you two days later.] Next thing I know,+[tam cümle]:/NEKS.sing-a:y.NO’/ Sonrakik ettiğim şey...>Ondan sonra... [Amerikada yeni ve çok kullanışlı. Hem de /Next.thing.I.know/ ve /On.dan.son.ra/ güzel bir ritim var!] I met this girl in the coffeeshop. –Yeah? –Next thing I know, she’s on the bus./ [Part of a radio ad (reklam) 2011] Next thing I know, I’m face-to-face with a smoky bear/BE’r/(ayı)!/ So I saw this dream. –Uh-huh! –I was like a bird. –Yeah? –Next thing I know, I was flying over the clouds. –Yeah? –Then I woke up!! Then: /ZEN/ 1. Ondan sonra 2. O zaman What did you do yesterday? –Well, I went home after work. Then(ondan sonra) I took a shower (duş aldım) and went out./ Are we ready for the vacation (=tatil) honey? –Yeah. –Then(O zaman), I’ll go bring the car out of the garage/gı.RA:’j/./ But you promised to give my money today. –Well, it was then (=işte o zamandi) and it is now. I can’t give you anything! Psalm 16:8 I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Before:/bi.FO’r/ 1.(–den) önce 2.–nın önünde Before here, he was in Germany./ It was good before, but now, it’s so hard./ You got the subtitle before you. It’s like an open book –with motion pictures, music, and sound effect. After:/AF.tır/1.-den/dan sonra 2.ondan sonra What are you gonna do after graduation/şın/(mezundan sonra)?/ He went home. After(Then), he took a shower and went to bed. After all:/AF.tır-A:’L/bütün olanlardan sonra, bununla birlikte After all, he is a human being too. He makes mistakes./ Take the train? Take the bus? Take the train? Take the bus? After all, she picked(seçtı) the train./ After all, she wasn’t sure if she loved him./ Lover: I didn’t know the meaning of ‘green’ until I looked into your eyes... after all, this is the most beautiful green I’ve ever seen. F.C. Monfort: The morality of the BIBLE is, after all, the safety of society. Later: /LEY.dır/ sonra, daha sonra [Later!=Gürüşürüz!] His uncle wasn’t very famous at that time. Later, when he released his first album, he became famous./ Ok. See you later. Bye. –Later. Bye. Already: / daha önce, zaten, çoktan I already knew he’s American but didn’t know he’s from Los Angeles, my favorite city in the world. Just:/cıst/CA:St/1. sadece 2. biraz önce 3.[vurgu için, anlama yok] 1. Do you want both of them, sir? – No. Just the blue one. Thanks./ 1. You remember the song ‘I just called... to say... I love you... I just called... to say... I love you.’/ 2. Would you like some coffee? – No thsanks. I just had one./ 2. Hi, is Malcolm here? –No, he just left (az önce buradan gitti/çıktı). –Ah, ok, thanks./ 3. I just don’t know what to do (Ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum)./ 3. [Pic] I just... I just woke up one day and I knew. –Knew what? For years/months/weeks/days/...: Yıllarca/Aylarca/Haftalarca/Günlerce/... For years, he had migraine /MA:YG.reyn/. Then a doctor told him to get some clean sea water and breathe the water into his nose. At first, he was afraid. But then he tried it for a week

and he washed away his sinus /SA:Y.nıs/ infection. Maybe they need to research if this is the real cure to migraine./ For months, she couldn’t remember her ex-neighbor’s name, until one day she went to the market and saw him by chance (tesadüfen). Then she remembered./ Out of town, I was waiting for the bus for hours (Şehir dışında, saatlarca otobüse bekledim). Ever: /E.vır/ 1. [olumlu] Her zaman! 2. [soru] hiç? [olumsuz] Asla!/Hayatta hayır! || Never: /NE.vır/ Asla! Hiç zaman! 1. [Pic] Ever thine*. Ever mine. –Ever ours. (Her zaman seninim. Her zaman benimsin. –Her zaman bizimki.) [‘Thine/SA:Yn/’ eski İngilizcede. ‘Mine/MA:Yn/’ ile kafiye olarak söyledi.]/ 2. Ever been to Denizli? (=Have you ever been to Denizli? Hiç Denizli’yi gittin mi/buldun mu?)/ 3. I don’t wanna talk to him. EVER!/ I have never had a business trip because if you love your job, it’s not business, it’s FUN./ Wanna talk to him? –NEVER! –Ok, bad boy! :D At a certain age:/ad.ı.S3R.dn-EYC/ belli bir yaşta Man on TV: Teens change at a certain age. This change is normal. As parents, being too strict or giving them too much freedom could harm them. Just keep the balance(Onlarla ilgili, her şeyin dengesini koruyun). For a while: /--WA:’YL/ [kısa] bir süre için, bir sürede || A while back: /ı.WA:YL-BA’k/ [yakın] eskiden, geçmişte They were together for a while./ You were a pro tennis player? –Yeah, a while back. But I gave up. –You can start again! Every now and then: /EV.ri-NAW-ın-ZEN/ ara sıra, arada bir I call(telefonla aramak) my family every now and then. Back then: /BAK.zen//bak.ZEN/[eski zamanda] o zaman I used to swim when I was 16. I was so energetic/e.nır.GE.dik/ back then. ...times in a row:/ta:ymz-in.ı.RO’w/ üstüsde/peşpeşe/durmadan...kez/sefer/defa/kere Man: Someone called me in the middle of the night. It pissed me off (Bu beni sinirlendi) because she called me like 5 times in a row./ It happened 6 times in a row. [Happen: olmak, meydana gelmek] ...the best/worst...of all times: /zı.BESt/W3RSt/a:v.A:’L.ta:ymz/ tüm zamanların...en iy/en kötü... He’s the best singer of all times!/ That is the worst movie of all times! Forever: /for.E’.vır/ sonsuza kadar Alphaville: ‘I want to be forever young.’/ [Pic] I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day. (Seni tamamen istiyorum, sonsuza kadar, sen ve ben, her gün.) Any more: /’r/ artık* [olumsuz], daha fazla || No more: /NO’.mo’r/ artık* [olumsuz], daha fazla I don’t like it anymore. =I like it no more./ I don’t wanna hear it any more./ Talk no more! Soon: /SU’n/ 1. biraz sonra 2. Yakında || Sooner or later: /SU’.nır.or-LEY.dır/ er geç, erken veya geç Don’t worry. He’ll be back soon./ I’ll talk to you soon./ Sooner or later, she’s gonna leave this place. So you better go and tell her how you feel about her./ Man to his friend: How long can you lie? Sooner or later they’ll find (out) the truth! Late: /LEYt/ 1. geç 2. the late (isim geliyor): rahmetli (isim) || Early: / erken || Be late: geç gelmek/gitmek/kalmak || Be early: erken gelmek/gitmek || Don’t be late!: Geç kalma/ gelme/ gitme! Sorry I’m late (Kusura bakma geç geldim). –Oh no, you’re not late. I was early./ It’s too late to study. I need to go to bed. Night!/ [The Adjustment Bureau (2011)] Being early is just as bad as being late (Erken gitmek tam geç gitmek kadar kötü)./ The late Elizabeth Taylor is a legend /LE.cınd/ (efsane)./ We have a meeting at 5. Please don’t be late. At the very late: /at.zı.VE.ri-LEYt/ en geç Bring me the application on Thursday, or at the very late (en geç/son teslim günü/tarihi) on Friday./ Please be here at 4 o’clock. 4:30 at the very late. First: /F3RSt/ 1. ilk 2. birinci Man: The first time I met her, I loved her right away (hemen/derhal). We’re 3 years married now./ A sign in a European train station: Be first class; be second class; be third class; but be YOU. First off: /F3RSt-A:’f/ (=First of all) ilk olarak, herşeyden önce, öncelikle || First of all: /F3RST.ıvA:’L/ ilk olarak, herşeyden önce, öncelikle First off, I didn’t say anything to her. She started to yell at me. Besides... why do you believe in everything she said, but not anything I said?/ [In a conference] Good afternoon! Ladies and gentelmen! First of all, I would like to thank the dean of the Istanbul University for giving me the opportunity to talk to you. Last:/LA’St/ 1.son zamanlarde,en son 2.son,sonuncu 3.geçen 4.sürmek 1. Oh my God. My son is lost. – [Cop] Ma’am! I need you to calm down (Sakin olmanızı istiyorum). Please tell me when you last saw him (Onu en son ne zaman gördüğünü bana söyleyin lütfen)./ 2. This is the last dinner I’m having with you ’cause tomorrow morning

I’m moving to San Diego./ 2. Remember ‘last’ from the movie Last Samurai (Son Samurai)./ 3. These are last week’s papers(newspapers). Do you have today’s?/ 4. Nothing lasts for ever. Everything lasts for a short time and then, bingo! It’s gone. I think this is the nature of life and a lesson to see what we must do./ 4. When the customer comes first, the customer will last (Bir iş/ticaret için, müşteri ilk önemli şey olunce, o müşteri öyle/daima kalacak/ sürecek). –Robert Half/ 4. Girl: I knew our relationship wouldn’t last. (İlişkimiz sürmayacağını biliyordum.) At last*: /at.LA’St/ sonunda || At least*: /at.Lİ’St/ en az, hiç olmazsa At last she showed up (Sonunda geldi)!/ Don’t always sit. At least walk in the house./ [Pic] At least she thinks I’m funny. (En az o benim komik olduğumu düşünüyor.) :D …when I get home: eve varınca, eve gidinca I’ll call you when I get home./ I’ll let you know (Seni haber vereceğim) when I get home./ Call me when you get back home./ Call me when you get to school. (Okula gidince, beni ara/telefon aç.) Past: /PA’St/ geçmiş|| Now: /NAW/ şimdi|| Future: /FYU.çır/ gelecek So what did you do in the past week? What are you doing now? What will you do in the future?/ [Pic] Rafiki off(from) The Lion King: Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it. (Tabi canım, geçmiş acıtabilir. Ama gördüğüme göre, sen ya da ondan koşup kaçabilirsin, ya da ondan öğrenebilirsin.)/ [Pic] Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. (En küçük insan de bile, geleceğin gidişi değişebilir.) Decade: /DE.keyd/ on yıl || Century: /SEN.çı.ri/ yüzyıl || Millennium: /ım/ bin yıl Barak Obama, becoming the President of the U.S. /ze.yu.ES/ (Amerika) is the biggest event of the past decade./ Most people believe that Albert Einstein /AL.b3rt A:YNS.ta:yn/ is the scientist /SA:.yın.tıst/ (bilim adamı) of the century./ The professor told us to study the temperature of the world in the second millennium. 24/7: /’r-SE.vın/ yedi gün yirmi dört saat I need you to look after her 24/7, am I clear(net miyim/anlatabiliyor muyum)?/ Every now and then(Arada bir/Zaman zaman), each pharmacy is open 24/7. They have a night shift (Onlar gece nobetçi). Psalm 27:4 One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple. In the first place: /--pLEYs/ baştan, çök daha önceden We should have let you know (Sana bildirmeliyidik) in the first place./ You had to do it in the first place. Now it’s too late. In the meantime:/in.zı.Mİ’N.ta:ym/(=In the meanwhile/-Mİ’N.wa:yl/) Bu arada I want to go get some sleep. In the meantime, you, young boy, don’t make a noise./ Nurten: I reviewed the past notebooks. In the meantime, I started to read a new story book. –GREAT JOB! Still: /sTİL/ 1. hala, daha 2. adeta 3. sabit/ hareketsiz Are you still here?/ This picture is still in the house. (Bu resim hala evde duruyor.)/ Do you still have doubts?/ [10-year-old boy] My mom used to pinch me when I was a kid. She still does it./ This is the still (picture) of the artist. [Still Picture # Motion picture]/ Stay still! (Olduğun yer dur!/ Kımıldama!) [Instill: /in.STİL/ bir fikiri sabitleştirmek> aşılamak,telkin etmek> He asks, ‘How can we instill moral values in our children?’>Can we instill a belief in someone? –Yes, I guess, by repeatition of thought.] Yet: /YET/ 1. [olumsuz cümle]henüz,daha 2. (=But) ama, fakat || Yet to know/learn/do/…: henüz bilmemiz/öğrenmemiz/yapacaklarimiz gerekiyor, daha bilmemiz/ öğrenmemiz/ yapacak şeylerimiz var I haven’t finished my website yet. I need some professional photos./ You ready? –Not yet./ He’s a good person, yet I don’t trust him./ There has been a lot of progress in curing cancer, however, it’s yet to know./ No matter how old we are, there are a lot of things yet to learn./ [Knocks the door, his friend from inside asks] Who is it? –I’m yet to know(Henüz kimse beni tanamıyor> espri)! –Oh, really? I thought it’s the pizza guy! HaHa! Come on in, buddy./ Human beings are yet to be perfect! But you can ‘see’ them perfect. Until = Up until = Till = Til = ’Til:/A:N.til//a:p.A:N.til//TİL/ -e kadar || Up to (rakam geliyor): /A:P.tu/-e kadar I sit here until she’s back(Onun geri dönüceğinie kadar burada oturuyorum/ otureceğim)./ Sir! Sir! Calm down! –‘Calm down?’ You tell me to calm down? I’ve been very calm up until now!!/ Girl: I met Marc ’bout (=about:yaklaşık) two years ago. We were just friends up until a month ago when we got married./ Bryan Adams: I wanna be 18 til I die!/ Up to now, I thought he’s a musician. But I found out (öğrendim ki) he’s a comedian./ I was at the office up to 5 (Saat 17’e kadar ofisteydim).

Moment: /MO’.mınt/ an We don’t remember days. We remember MOMENTS./ Every moment with you is a dream-come-true. That’s why I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. ÇOOOOOK! Very:/VE.ri/ çok, baya || So:/SO’/SO/ çok, baya || Too:/TU’//TU/ çok/fazla She is very beautiful./ This house is so nice/NA:YS/./ This room is too dark. Turn on (aç) the light./ [Pic] Honey, you’re too sweet for rock ‘n’ roll. (Tatlım, rock ‘n’ roll için fazla tatlısın.) :D [Gramer bu!>] [We use ‘too’ for a bad situation (‘Too’u kötü bir durum için kullanıyoruz): too cold, too bad, too dark, too crowded, too loud. >If we use ‘too’ for a good situation, it means ‘fazla’ (Eğer iyi bir durum için kullanırız, yani ‘fazla’ iyi/güzel/v,s.): too good (fazla iyi), too nice (fazla güzel), too clean (fazla temiz), too sweet (fazla tatlı).>Boy: I like this girl but she’s too beautiful for me!!] It’s too good to be true!: /its.TU.gud.dı.bi.tru’/ [Tek tek anlama>Doğru olmayı fazla iyidir!] İnanması zor!, İnanılmayacak kadar iyi!, Bu düşte görse hayra yormamak demek! :D This Email ‘Congratulation! You won $1,000,000!’ is too good to be true! It is called (onun ismi) Internet Fraud(İnternet dolandırıcılık)!/ What? He can make you rich in one night? He’s too good to be true! Too:/TU’/ -de Do you like beaches? –Yes, absolutely. –Me too(Ben de). So*: /SO/SO’/ 1. Ee? 2. o zaman, bu nedenle, o yüzden, o halde 3. [yan cümle ya da cümlenin son geliyor] öyle 1. [Pic] So if you’re from Africa... why are you white? –Oh my God, Karen, you can’t just ask people why they’re white!/ 1. So? Did you pass the exam?/ 1. So... tell me about yourself(Ee... kendini anlat bakalım). Who are you, what do you do, where are you from, when did you come here, and why?/ 2. The snow was too heavy(ağır). So we left the car somewhere and walked home./ 2. The manager: I have a lot of work to do(Yapacak çok işlerim var). So cancel the meeting./ 3. Her dad loved her and he told her so(Babası onu sevdi ve sevdiğini/öyle olduğunu söyledi)./ 3. Is that so(=Öyle mi)?/ 3. If that’s so(Öyleyse), I don’t want it. So not...: /SO’.na:’t/ hiç de... [so>vurgulu] I feel stupid in these clothes. –You look GREAT in these clothes. And you’re SO NOT stupid. [You’re not...>You’re so not...]/ This is so not cool! [This is not...>This is so not...] So*...(sıfat/zarf) that: /SO’--zat/ okadar... ki She is so beautiful that she thinks she doesn’t need any heavy/ğır) make-up(makyaj)./ The old bed was so heavy that we had to ask for help to remove (kaldırmak) it./ Guy: I want to be so good English speaker that when I travel, I wouldn’t need any help./ The band is playing so wonderfully that I don’t want to leave here! [Ana fiil ‘to be’ (am/is/are/was/were) ise, ‘so... that’ın arasında sıfat, yoksa zarf geliyor.] So much/Very much: /-MA:Ç/ çok, hem de çok I love melon/ME.lın/(kavun) so much! As much as: /az.MA:Ç.az/ -e/-ım gibi/kadar (çok) No one will ever love you as much as I do. (Artık hiç kimse benim sevdiğim gibi seni sevmeyecek.)/ Do you know where Sofi is? –As much as I know, she’s out of town. (Bildiğime kadar, o şehir dışında.) In this very room/place/moment/: (=Exactly in this room/place…) [genelde geçmiş zaman hakkında bir şeyi hatırlatmak için] tam olarak bu odada/yerde/anda [‘very’ vurgulu] Yeah, we kissed for the first time in this very room./ Last year in this very day, she promised to stay with me forever./ You asked me this very question an hour ago! Very American!: Tam Amerikalı!|| Very Turkish!: Tam Türk/Türkiye’ye özgü! [‘very’ vurgulu] || Very me!: Bu tam benim!, Tam benim tipim!, Tam bana uygun! [very vurgulu] Willie Nelson, Bill Cosby, Bugs Bunny, Hollywood, American Dream, Jeans, Burger, Fries, Coffee & Bagel, Runner, Donald Duck, Star Trek, Disney Land, and the 4th of July are very American./ Movies ‘based on true story’ are very popular in the U.S. in the recent years. They’re very American./ You became number one again? That’s very you! –Yea, dad. That’s very me./ Turkish coffee is very Turkish! I love it. / What things or people are very Turkish? Please make a list for yourself. Bad: /BA’d/ 1. kötü, kötüce 2. (=Badly) çok, fenace Your behavior /bi.HEY.viyır/ (davranış) was bad. Go apologize /ı.PA:’.lı.ca:yz/ to him (=Git ondan özür dile)./ This is a great cell phone. I want it bad(badly)./ She’s badly in love with this guy (=O bu erkeğe fenace aşık)./ [Pic] I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly. (İnternette tanıştığım adam>Bunu sen olmasını istedim. Hem de fena halde istedim.) [Crazy: 1.kızgın2.deli3.çok*I’m crazy busy!>KIZGIN<bakın] [Dead: 1.ölmüş/ölü2.çok*>I’m dead tired!] A lot: /ı.LA:’t/ çok || A lot of: /ı.LA:’.dıv/ bir çok || An awful lot: /an.A:’.fıl-LA:’t/ (=A lot) çok You like coffee? –Oh, yea. A lot!/ Because of American movies, a lot of people go jogging these days. –That’s very true./ Sounds like you have a lot to

discuss/dis.KA:S/(tartışmak)./ Forrest Gump: Mama always says there’s an awful lot you can tell about a person’s shoes, where they’re going, where they’ve been!  Tons of: /TA:NZ.ıv/-a:v/ (=A lot of) He has tons of ideas about everything! –Yeah, you’re right. Micah 2:7 Do not my words do good to the one whose ways are upright? Psalm 25:4-5 Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. Way*: /WEY/ 1. yol/çare/imkan 2. yol, şekil, tarz, nasıl… 3. baya/çok [her zaman vurgulu] Is there any way (=yol/çare/imkan) we can do that?/ You like him? –What? Oh, no no no. There’s no way I could like him!/ I like the way she talks to me(Benimle konuştuğun tarzını hoşlanırım/ severim/ hoşuma gider)./ That’s no way to behave (Bu davranış tarzı değil/ İnsan böyle davranmaz)!/ Go this way (=yol) and you’ll find the subway/SA:B.wey/(metro)./ An effective leader knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way. –Anonymous/ Cop: In this way(Böylece/Bu şekilde), we can arrest him./ This shirt is way (=çok) better than the other one./ I like this wine. It’s way (=çok) better than the other one (Başkasından çok daha iyi)./ You’re very pretty. – Oh, thanks. You’re, like, way (çok/çok daha) prettier./ Your flight is at 10. It’s 9 and you’re still home. It’s way too late to catch the plane, man./ [Pic] Knowing that someone’s wrong for you doesn’t change the way you feel. (Biri senin için yanlış olduğunu fark etmek, onu nasıl hissettiğini değişmez.) [>Do YOU agree?<]

Jesus answered, ‘‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’’

This way/In this way*: /(in).ZİS.wey/ bu şekilde, böyle, böylece For the interview, you have to be relaxed and keep smiling. In this way, you’ll have a chance to get(almak/kazanmak) the job/CA:’b/. No way!: /NO’-WE’y/ 1. [>tonlama<] Hayatta olmaz!, İmkansız, Asla! 2. [>şaşırmak tonlama<] kötü durum: A a!/Haydi ya!/Yapma ya! Yok artık! İyi durum: Vay süper ya!, Yok artık!, İnanamıyorum>İmkansız’ın iyi anlam<! Vay canım oradan! Give me your bag! –[My kid student, Ayşe Naz] No way!!! [HaHa]/ How much did you pay for that? –2,000. –No way!!! I got this 300!!!/ [Soul Surfer] They want to sponsor both of you. –[Bethany & Alana, HAPPİLY] No wayyyyy! Big time: /BİG.ta:ym/ [=A lot] (genelde cümlenin sonda geliyor) çok, baya, hem de çok She hates you. –What? She hates me? – Yeah, she hates you big time!/ I used to play guitar when I was younger. –You did(Öyle mi)? –Oh yeah, big time! Numerous: /NU’.mı.rıs//NYU.mı.rıs/ sayısız, (pek) çok Numerous people were walking down the street (Pek çok kişi sokakta yürüyordular). [down= aşağı> ‘down the street’ kelime kelime çevirmez ve anlaması: along the course of the street=boyunca/aynı yönde.]/ He visited Philippine numerous times./ 11880 (=one one eight eight oh) receives numerous calls everyday from people who are looking for other’s phone numbers in Turkey. Plenty: /pLEN.ti/ çok, baya [Front desk(=resepsiyon)] Do you have baggage/BA.gıc/? –Plenty!/ Don’t worry (=Merak etme). We have plenty of time. Several*: /SE.vı.rıl/ birkaç ‘Several’ is an amount less than ‘many’./ He’s been to Argentina /a:r.cın.Tİ’.na:/ several times. Most (of): /MO’St.(ıv/ (-ın) çoğu, (-ın) pek çok Most people want happiness in life. What is happiness?/ Most of these village houses are empty. –Why? –Because their owners moved to cities /Sİ.di’z/./ [Pic] I think I’ve been asleep most of my life (Sanırım hayatım pek çoğu habersizdim/sanki uykudaydım/ farkında değildim/ sanki dünyada yaşamıyordum). Exceedingly: /ık.Sİ’ fazlasıyla, çok, son derece Do you love your new friend? –Love? No. But I find him exceedingly lovable. Why do you ask?/ She’s exceedingly curious!/ Movies like ‘No Country For Old Men’, ‘Forrest Gump’, and ‘Rain Man’ exceedingly impressed me. TOO/EITHER/NEITHER: -de

-Me too: /Mİ’-TU’/ bende || -Me either: /Mİ’-İ’.zır//--A:Y.zır/ bende || -Me neither: /Mİ’-Nİ.zır//--NA:Y.zır/ bende I like animations. –Me too./ I can drive fast. –Me too./ I’ve done my homework. –Me too./ I don’t have anything to do. –Me either. (Me neither.)/ I don’t like to eat duck. –Me either. (Me neither.)/ I didn’t wash my hands. –Oh, me either. (Oh, me neither.)/ I haven’t been to Kars. –Me either. (Me neither.)/ I can’t tell a lie. –Me either. (Me neither.) [Olumluya katılmak>--too:-de. Olumsuza katılmak> --either/neither:-de. HEPSİ BU KADAR!!!]  -I do, too./ So do I. || -I don’t, either. || -Neither do I. I speak Turkish and English. –I do, too. (So do I./Me too.)/ [Playing PSP] I can go to level four. –I can, too. (So can I./Me too.)/ I can learn English when I’m on the bus. –I can, too. (So can I./Me too.)/ I have learned English with fun! –I have, too. (So have I./Me too.)/ I’m soooo hungry. –I am, toooooooo. (So am IIIIIIII./Me toooooooo! :D)/ I don’t want to go home. –I don’t, either. (Neither do I./Me either*./Me neither.) [*Resmi olmayan.]/ I don’t speak Korean. –I don’t either. (Me either./Me neither./Neither do I.)/ I don’t speak Portugese. –Neither do I. (Me neither./Me either./I don’t either.)/ I slept well last night. –I did too. (So did I./Me too.)/ I didn’t eat anything this morning. –I didn’t either. (Me neither./Me either./Neither did I.)/ I didn’t take a bus today. –Neither did I. (Me neither./Me either./I didn’t, either.) I just walked./ I never drink beer. –Neither do I. (Me neither./Me either./I don’t, either.) I only drink red wine./ If he asked me, I wouldn’t accept. (Eğer benden isteseydi, kabul etmezdım.) –I wouldn’t, either. (Me either./Me neither./ Neither would I.)/ [Pic] Oh, it’s ok. I wouldn’t remember me either. :D [Grameri filmla öğrenmek çok HOŞ!!] [Olumluya katılmak> I...too./So... I.:Bende. || Olumsuza katılmak>neither do I./I don’t, either.] Either... or...: ya (da)...ya (da)... || Neither... nor...: ...-da yok...-da yok He’s late. –Either he is chatting up some girls on the Internet, or is playing video games!/ Either you or her must have locked the door. (Ya da sen ya da o kapıyı kilitlemeliydin.)/ I neither am interested in going to a bar, nor to a cafe. I’m just gonna sit here and talk to you./ Neither Linda nor Adam can drive a car. QUITE/QUIET Quite: pronunciation: /KWA:Yt/ çok I’m quite sure I can pass the exam. (Sınavı geçebileceğimi çok eminim.)/ The team played quite well./ Your English is quite good. How did you learn it? –[Ömer] By English-subtitle movies! –Really? –Absolutely. –Wow. That’s pretty(çok) awesome! Quiet: pronunciation: /KWA:.yet/[Karıştırmamak için, sessiz/sakın, -YET’ile bitiyor.] 1. (#Noisy) sessiz, görültülü olmayan, sakin 2. (#Crowded) kalabalık olmayan, sakin, sessiz Hush! Be quiet. The baby’s sleeping./ What a quiet village! I can feel all my stress is gone./ If I’m quiet, don’t think that I don’t understand. I do. I wanna keep the peace. That’s all(Hepsi bu). [Quit:/KWİT/ 1. istifa etmek/işten ayrılmak>You know what? I quit! 2. bırakmak, kesmek>Quit daydreaming (Hayal kurmayı kes), girlie!] Noisy*: /NO’Y.zi/ görültülü || Crowded*: /kRAW.dıd/ kalabalık || Crowd*: /kRAWd/ [isim] kalabalık/topluluk/cemaat/millet Man: There’re many women here! This place is noisy./ Oops! I was looking for a quiet restaurant but this restaurant is very crowded./ [People in the room hear they want to marry soon. The soon-to-be-bride says] The crowd wants us to kiss(Herkes/Millet bizim öpmeye bekliyor/istiyor). –[Soon-to-be-groom] Yea, we should. ÇOK/GÜZEL/ÇOK GÜZEL:ŞIK Pretty: pronunciation: /PRİ.di/ 1. çok* 2. güzel*, şık Your Turkish is pretty good. –Oh, Thanks./ Who’s this in the picture? –That’s my daughter. –She’s pretty./ Remember ‘pretty’ from the 2010 TV series ‘Pretty Little Liars’!/ Did you see the music video of ‘Pretty Boy’ by M2M?/ In America, even if they’re absolutely sure they want something, they say, ‘I think I want this(Sanırım bunu istiyorum)!’ They don’t say, ‘I’m pretty sure I want this.’ This is psychology. Because the person may change his mind! In English ‘I’m pretty sure!’ means ‘Çok eminim!’ but in psychology it means, ‘I’m NOT really sure!!’ So if you are ‘pretty sure’, just say: ‘I’m sure!’ [Pretty(güzel) daha bayanlar hem de erkekler için.|| Hand-some(yakışıklı) sadece erkekler için.|| Beautiful/Goodlooking(güzel) erkekler ve bayanlar için.] Good-looking: /GUD-lu.king/ güzel, yakışıklı, şık Which one is more good-looking, Elisha Cuthbert or Taylor Swift?/ She says Johnny Depp is really good-looking. Handsome: /HA’Nd.sım/ yakışıklı [sadece erkekler için], şık Hey handsome! What’s up(N’aber)?/ Joel Houston of Hillsong United is very handsom. Stunning:/sTA:.ning/(=Very beautiful) çok güzel, çekici, enfes, hayret verici, çok şık || Beautiful: pronunciation:/bYU’.dı.fıl//NOTTT --.FUL/ güzel, şık Adriana Lima looks(benziyor/görünüyor) stunning./ It’s a stunning piece of writing. –So is this sunset picture. It’s absolutely stunning./ You look beautiful(Güzel görünüyorsun=Şıksın)! Gorgeous:/GO’R.cıs/ çok güzel, görkemli, çok şık || Gorge:/GO’Rc/ çok güzel kimse When non-English Melika was 3, she learned to say ‘gorgeous’ like ‘goooooorgeous’ and she laughed/LA’f/! / This dress looks absolutely gorgeous. Where did you buy it?/ Wow. Look at her. She’s a gorge!

Fabulous: /FA.byı.lıs/ çok güzel, müthiş, mükemmel, harika, hayal ürünü, çok şık You look fabulous today! Did you do something with your face?/ From the movie ‘Hitch’ (Türkçe: Aşk Doktoru):[She wears (takıyor) sunglasses and asks] How do I look? –Fabulous!/ Ever watched the Eagle’s clip ‘Busy Being Fabulous’? Such a fabulous song! İĞRENÇ/(ÇOK) PİS/KÖTÜ Filthy: /Fİ (=Very dirty/D3R.di/) çok pis Man to his new friend: How do you live here? It’s filthy./ Can a clean restaurant have a filthy kitchen?/ Where is the filthiest place you’ve ever been? Nasty: /NA’S.ti/ (=Very bad) pis, iğrenç, çok kötü Sniff, sniff (kokla). Ugh! What’s this nasty smell?/ I think if I have any nasty habit, I should get rid of it./ Let’s not be narrow, nasty, and negative. –T.S.Eliot Disgusting: /dis.GA:S.ting/ iğrenç, Tuh! || Gross: /gRO’s/ iğrenç, Tuh! What? That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard!/ Ugh! Disgusting! He just puked in my bag! [Puke:/PYUk/ kusmak]/ In the movie ‘Leap Year (Artık Yıl)’, Anna(Amy Adams) thinks tripe/TRA:Yp/(işkembe) is gross! Some just love it, though./ She left (bıraktı/terkette) you again? –Yeah. –Gross! (That’s gross!) Terrible: /TE.rı.bıl//TE.ri.bıl/ iğrenç, korkunç, çok kötü, çok fena || Horrible: /HA:’.rı.bıl/ /HO’.rı.bıl/ iğrenç, korkunç, çok kötü, dehşet verici Yuck! What is it you’re drinking? It’s terrible!/ We stayed in a hotel. It was terrible./ She has these terrible dreams/DRİMz/(ruyalar) about death/DES/ (ölüm), doctor. What could we do?/ Heard about Barry? He had a heart attack/HA:Rdı.TA’k/(kalp krizi). –I know. It’s horrible./ That’s a horrible thing to say. Crap: /kRA’P/ çok kötü, çöp || Crappy: /kRA’.pi/ çok kötü, çöp || I feel like crap!: Çok kötü hissediyorum! This mascara is crap! I’ll never wear (burada>kullanmak) it again./ That was the crappiest joke I’ve ever heard!/ [Pic] I feel like crap, and all I can do is... feel it. Lousy: /LAW.zi/ çok kötü, iğrenç What a lousy restaurant! –And lousy food! –They just look fancy / (=lüks) on their website! –Yeah, we should never go there again. –Never EVER!!/ I had the lousiest weekend ever!/ Guy: How are you? –[She thinks he’s a creep/kRİ’p/(anormal) and says] I’m lousy! [And she looks away.]/ Your room is lousy. –I’ll clean it up, don’t worry. –Okee-dokee! Lame: /LE’Ym/ eksik, kusurlu, iğrenç, yavan Can I read your poem? –No. –Why? –Because it’s lame./ Dad? When are these guys leaving? This party is so lame!/ Woman to her husband: This trip is so lame. I wanna get back home(Eve geri dönmek/gitmek istiyorum). Hideous: /Hİ.di.yıs/ iğrenç, korkunç bir suret, çok çirkin She thinks toad/TO’d/(kara kurbağa) is the most hideous animal in the world./ The scene/Sİ’n/(sahne/görünüm) of blood/bLA:’d/(kan) in horror movies is just... hideous! Revolting: /ri.VO’L.ting/ (=Disgusting) tiksindirici, iğrenç, hiç hoş olmayan They used the word ‘revolting’ specifically(özellikle) in the movie ‘The Romantics’ several times: ‘‘He looked revolting!’’ ‘‘How’s my hair? –Revolting!’’ Sappy: /SA’.pi/ [olumsuz][o kadar tatlı ki kusmak istersin] fazla duygusal, duygu dolu ve iğrenç We have sappy songs, sappy movies, sappy romance, sappy relationships, and sappy lyrics./ When Sylvester Stallone first wrote the screenplay(senaryo) of Rocky, they said it was sappy!/ What’s the sappiest song you ever know?/ I don’t like sappy movies, no, hell no(aslaaa). I like sophisticated ones./ Is their relationship sappy or sweet? [Sappy aslında yani ‘sulu’>gözyaşları dolu’yu ima ediyor>fazla sulu>fazla duygusal>iğrenç] Dreadful: /dRED.fıl/ çok kötü, berbat, korkunç, dehşetli The food in the restaurant was dreadful!/ The mine(maden) exploded and many mine workers died. It was a dreadful situation./ Oh my gosh! I just remembered I made such a dreadful mistake. I left the electric kettle on (Elektrik keteli açık bıraktım)! I gotta run home!

BUSY/FREE/MÜSAİT MİSİN?/UYGUN MUSUN? Busy: pronunciation:/BİZİ/ /NOTTT /NOTTT BU.zi/ meşgul Can I call you back (Sana geri arabilir miyim)? I’m very busy at the moment (Şuanda çok meşgulum)./ [On the phone] Can I talk to Leo, please? –[Secretary on the phone] I’m sorry. His line(telefon hattı) is busy. Get busy living or get busy dying. –Shawshank Redemption Jesus answered, ‘‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’’

Free:/fRİ’/ 1. (=Not working) boş, meşgul olmayan, müsait*, uygun 2. bedava 3. serbest, özgür 4. …-free = …sız || Set someone/something free: [mecaz ve gerçek anlamı] birini/bir şeyi serbest bırakmak 1. Are you free (Müsait misin)? We can go to a cafe and have a chat./ 1. Tomorrow morning I’m free. We can go to a park with children. –Yayyy! Great!/ 2. These brochures/bro.ŞURz/ are free./ 3. Why don’t you let the innocent bird free (Niye masum kuşu serbest bırakmıyorsun)? Set it free (Onu serbest/özgür bırak)!/ 3. [Pic] It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything. (Ancak her şeyimizi kaybetmektan sonra her şey yapmayı özgürüz.) [I think it’s a great quote to make me think why I lose things.]/ 3. Jesus has set me free from musts and mustn’ts./ 4. Is there any commercial-free TV channel in the world? [Freedom= Liberty: özgürlük> The Americans fought for freedom and gained it.> Isn’t Statue of Liberty the most prideful statue in the world?] [Tomorrow’s clear! = I’m free tomorrow.] John 8:32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Can you talk?: /KAN.yu-TA:’k/ [Telefon’da] Konuşabilir misin?/Müsait misin?/ Uygun musun? [NOTTT Are you suitable?] [Evet için>Sure(Tabi).] [Hayır için>Sorry, I can’t talk right now: Kusura bakmayın, şimdi konuşamam/müsait-uygun değilim.] [NOTTT I’m not suitable right now.] [‘Are you suitable?’ Yani ‘Uygun bir insan misin?’ Böyle DEMEZ.] [She calls her brother and asks] Gary? Hi. Can you talk? –Sure. What’s up?/ [Liza’s cell rings but she’s late and she’s going to pass the gate in the airport terminal, so she takes the call and says] Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I’ll call you when I get to Miami, all right? Bye./ [Calls his friend and asks] Hey! Can you talk? –[Whispers] No. I’m in the middle of a meeting. I’ll call you back... [to her co-workers]... sorry!  Can I talk to you for a second?:/--SE.kınd/ Müsait misin?/Seninle bir saniye konuşabilir miyim?/ Uygun musun? [NOTTT Are you suitable?] [Knocks the door of general director’s office, comes in, and says] Dr., can I talk to you for a second? –Yes. What is it (=Ne oldu/Konu ne/Olay ne)?/ [The lawyer is on the way out of the office, the client comes and asks] Hi. Can I talk to you for a second? –I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry, I should go, but I’ll talk to you soon. See you. You got a second/minute?:/yu.GA:d.ı-SE.kınd/---Mİ.nıt/ Bir saniyeniz-dakikaniz var mı?/Müsait misin?/ Uygun musun? [Evet için>Sure.|| Hayır için>I’m sorry. I’m very busy right now./ I’m sorry, I have to go somewhere right now.] [NOTTT I’m not suitable right now.] [Ama şöyle olur: Is it suitable for you we meet on Monday?>Yine de bunu daha kullanıyorlar: Can we meet on Monday (Pazartesi buluşabilir miyiz)? >‘Suitable’ın kullanma>Are you/Is he/Are they suitable for this job?>Is this post (iş) suitable for him?] [In the engineer’s office] Hey, Jack! You got a minute? –Sure. –I wanted to talk to you about the West Coast Project. – What about (Bu konunun neyi)?/ Doctor Shane! Hi. You got a minute? –I’m sorry, I have a surgery to do (=I have to do a surgery). Just give me a sec/second/minute/two minutes/…: Bir saniye/Bir dakika/İki dakika/… müsait et/izin ver! [bir işi yapip geri gelmek için] Are we going? –Yes. –Oh, just give me a sec /SE’k/ (saniye). I forgot my keys. –Ok. I’m waiting here./ Just give me two minutes. I’ll be right back(Hemen döneceğim/geri geleceğim). Can I have a moment please?: /--MO’.mınt-/ [düşünmek için] Biraz zaman verebilir misiniz? || Can we have a moment please?: Bize bir an müsait edermısınız/yalnız bırakabilir misiniz? Company seller: So this is my best offer. Company buyer: Can I have a moment please? –Sure. –Ok, thanks. [He goes out of the office and makes a phone call(Biriyi arıyor/Bir arama yapıyor).]/ [1 to 2] I went to meet the manager and... [3 comes and says to 2] Excuse me, sir. Can I talk to you for a second? [2 thinks it’s important and says to 1] Excuse me, can we have a moment please? [1] Of course. [1 leaves them alone.] [2 to 1] Thanks. We’ll talk soon. [1] Ok. Is it ok for you?: Senin için iyi mi/uygun mu/müsait mi? I’m sorry I can’t meet you at 5. Let’s meet at 6:30. Is it ok for you? [If that’s ok/all right/fine with you!: Senin için sakıncası yoksa/ uygunsa/ olursa!> You can come and stay with me, if that’s ok with you!> The guest to the host: I’ll have my Turkish coffee with two lumps of sugar please, if that’s all right with you! –Yeah, sure.] Is it a good time?: Müsait misin?/İyi bir zaman mi? [On the phone] Hi! Uhh... is it a good time? –Yes, please. What’s the matter(Sorun/Konu ne)?/ [On the phone] Listen, it’s not a good time(şimdi müsait değilim). I gotta go. Bye. Are you free?: [Gelecekte bir plan için] Müsait misin?/Uygun musun? Hey Suzi! Are you free this Sunday? –Yeah. Why (Niye sörüyorsun)?/ Are you free tomorrow morning after 11? –I’m sorry. I got lots of work to do/I got to do lots of work (yapacak gereken çok işlerim var). [Got to/GA:T-tu/ = Gotta /GA:.dı/ = Have to: zorunda olmak, gerekmek] Free time:/fRİ.ta:ym/ boş zaman What do you do in your free time? –I go jogging and sometimes I go swimming. –You?

For free:/for-FRİ/ bedava In a Tourist Information office, indicated with ‘i’ sign (‘i’ işaretla belirtmiş), you can get a map for free./ A volunteer job is a job a person does for free? [‘Free(bedava)’ daha ‘to be’ fiil ile ve ‘For free(bedava)’ daha ‘to be’olmayan fiil ile geliyor.] Crazy busy:/kREY.zi-Bİ.zi/ çılgınca/delice meşgul, çok meşgul To his friend: People in developing countries (gelişen/gelişmekte olan ülkeler) are busy. You think life in developed countries (gelişmiş ülke) is easy? No! You’ll have a crazy busy life!/ [On the cellphone] Hey, what’s up? –Uh, listen, I’m crazy busy right now. I’ll call you back when I’m done, ok? –’K! So long! –Thanks, bye. Swamped: /SWAMPt/ (=Very busy=Jammed/CA’Md/) çok meşgul In American up-to-date slang, ‘Swamped’ and ‘Jammed’ have the meaning of ‘Very busy’./ I haven’t seen you in forever (for ages) (Sanki uzun zamandır seni görmedim). –Oh, I’ve been swamped! Freedom*: /fRİ’.dım/ (=Liberty) hürriyet, özgürlük Franklin D. Roosevelt’s ‘Four Freedom’ is: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear./ Can ‘lack of freedom’ cause brain drain/bREYn-dREYn/(beyin göçü)?/ ‘Freedom of thought’ means ‘düşünce özgürlüğü’. ‘Freedom of speech’ means ‘konuşma özgürlüğü’. The BIBLE, the Holy Word of GOD, is the cornerstone of Liberty. –Anonymous Genesis 2:18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Wish I could tell the world that I’ve never been lonely ever since I’ve known JESUS CHRIST. He ANSWERS our pure prayers. I do DARE you to pray and SEE the result for yourselves!!! YALNIZ: LONELY/ YALNIZ: ALONE Lonely: /LO’[bir his] yalnız ve üzgün, kimsesiz, ıssız, tenha || Alone: /ı.LO’n/ yalnız, tek başına [Karışmamak için>She FEELS lonely./ Remember the movie HOME ALONE (Evde Tek Başına)?] Have you ever felt lonely? –Well, I was alone, but never lonely./ Leave me alone (Beni yalnız bırak/Beni rahat bırak/üstüme gelme), please. I need to rest (dinlenmek)./ He lives alone, not with his family./ Do you think that only child(tek çocuk) is lonely child? [Yalnız=Sadece: Just/Only>I just (only) need one suitcase for my trip.] [Yalnız=Fakat/Ama:But/Yet/However>I don’t really read newspapers, but (yet/however) I scan/sKA’n/(gözden geçirmek) them, or read the headlines.] [Yalnızca=Ayrıca=Üstelik:Also/By the way/Besides/..>CHAPTER3<] Joshua 1:5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

Loneliness: /LO’ıs/ yalnızlık [Pic] Accept your loneliness. You are your only friend./ You’re chatting on the Internet for 6 years and loneliness is all you got? You could pray for 1 year and find the best match in your life, someone you could really be happy with, a spirited girl.

You are loved – More than you can imagine –Rebecca St. James You’re not alone!: /yo’r.NA:’d.ı-LO’N/ 1.Yalnız değilsin! 2.[Sen bu durumda tek olduğun kişi değilsin] Bende öyleyim! 1. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. MUSIC IS IN YOU./ 2. [A Walk In My Shoes] Dana(Madeline Rogers): I get so stressed out about school. Sometimes I can’t even sleep, you know? Justin(Cameron Deane Stewart): Yeah, you’re not alone.

Be better off alone:/-BE.dır-A:’f-/yalnızken daha iyi olmak Alice DeeJay’s ‘Better Off Alone’ is my jogging song./ You’re better off alone than sitting next to someone and feeling lonely./ I’m sorry. I wouldn’t like company(yalnız olmak istiyorum). –You’re better off alone? –What’s that supposed to mean(Bu ne demek ya/Bu ne demek böyle)? Solitary: /SA:’.lı.te.ri/ 1.[daha yazmak için] yalnız, tek 2.hucre hapsi He said, ‘I’d like to take a solitary walk in the woods(ormanda).’/ With the small, solitary table in the middle, the room looked big./ The solitary tree in the wide/WA:Yd/(geniş) land was in the center of attention(ilgileri/dikkatleri çekiyordu)./ 2. [Unconditional] I got 40 days and 40 nights in solitary. I had no one else to talk to, so I talked to God. It was in that darkness and the loneliest place alone where I felt His love for the first time in my life. By myself/ yourself/ himself/ herself/ ourselves/ themselves: /ba:y-ma:y.SELF/-yor.SELF/-him-her-awr-zem.SELF/ kendi kendime/ kendine/ kendine/ kendine/ kendimiz/ kendileri, tek başına, yalnız I don’t need help, mom! I’m grown up. I can do it by myself./ She’s paralyzed /PA.rı.la:yzd/ (felç). She can’t do everything by herself. Her daughter is her best friend./ We made this website by ourselves. –Really? No web designer? –No web designer. –That’s incredible. On my own: /a:’’Wn/ kendi kendime, tek başına You read the Bible on your own, but you don’t do what God says in your way; you do them in God’s way./ So(Ee), do you live on your own?/ Are you traveling on your own? –No, I’m with my wife. [Own*:sahip olmak>Do you own this land?]

Meredith Andrews – You’re Not Alone lyrics: I search for love, when the night came - And it closed in, I was alone - But you found me, where I was hiding - And now I'll never ever be the same - It was the sweetest voice - That called my name saying - You're not alone, For I am here - Let me wipe away your every fear - My love I've never left your side - I have seen you through the darkest night - And I'm the one who's loved you all your life - All of your life - You cry your self to sleep, cause the hurt is real - And the pain cuts deep, all hope seems lost - With heartache your closest friend - And everyone else long gone - You've had to face the music on your own - But there is a sweeter song that calls you home saying - You're not alone, For I am here - Let me wipe away your every tear - My love I've never left your side - I have seen you through the darkest night - And I'm the one who's loved you all your life - All your life - Faithful and true, Forever - Oh my love will carry you - You're not alone, For I, I am here - Let me wipe away your every fear - Oh yeah, My love I've never left your side - I have seen you through the darkest night - Your darkest night - And I'm the one who's loved you all your life - All of your life ÖZEL: PRIVATE/ PERSONAL/SPECIAL [ÖNEMLİ. DİKKAT!] Private: /pRA:Y.vıt/ 1. (=Personal/P3R.sı.nıl/) özel>kişisel/hususi 2. özel> devlet olmayan || In private: /in-pRA:Y.vıt/ (=Without anyone else) özel>baş başa The celebrity /sı.LEB.rı.di/ (ünlü sanatçı) didn’t want to talk about her private(personal) life./ We use ‘private’ for a lot of places like: school, institute, gallery, land(arsa), etc./ Private education is very popular these days. –And of course pricy / pahalı)! –Certainly./ Can I talk to you in private?=Can I talk to you for a second? (Bir saniye- baş başa konuşabilir miyiz?) Privacy: /pRA:Y.vı.si/ özel yaşam, kişiye özellik, mahremiyet Everybody deserves some privacy./ If someone tells you ‘I need some privacy’, it means you should leave them alone.

Personal:/P3R.sı.nıl/ kişiye özel, kişisel/özel [başkalara ait olmayan] He has some personal reasons for not telling his life story. Leave him alone, guys./ [Man to the receptionist] Hi. I’m gonna need to know if a guy named Jonothan Arkin stays in this hotel. – I’m sorry. I’m not allowed to give out personal information of our guests. (Kusura bakmayın. Misafirimizin kişisel/özel bilgiları başkaları vermeye izinim yoktur.)/ This website tells us how we can deal with personal issues at workplace./ Look! The boy is 10 years younger than the girl and they’re married! –What’s wrong with that (Ne oldu ki?/Ne yanlış var ki)? They love each other and this is their personal life. In person: /in-P3R.sın/ (=Face to face) [uzaktan olmayan] kendisini, şahsen, bizzat || Personally: /P3R.sı.nı.li/ şahsen [kendine gelince] I hope to see you in person one day. [I hope: Umarım]/ I haven’t talk to him in person, but I’d love to (çok isterim), one day./ So... what’s she like? –She’s got awesome voice, smart looks, and a great sense of fun. –Mmm, where did you guys meet? –I haven’t met her in person yet. We just know each other through the Internet*. –Aw! Ok!/ I personally think if you want to learn English speaking, watching English movies with English subs is the best. [‘the Internet’ özel bir isim/yer> büyük ‘I’ harfla yazılmıştır. Başka bir kelimeila sıfat olarak gelirse küçük ‘i’ harfla yazabiliriz> We are just ‘internet friends’.>I wanna go to an ‘internet cafe’.]

Special: pronunciation:/sPE.şıl/ (=Not usual=olağandışı)> özel I’m going to offer you a special price, sir. How about 10% discount?/ I want you to know that you’re so special to me! (Sen benim için çok özel olduğun bilmesini istiyorum!) [Specialist: /sPE.şı.list/ mütehassıs/uzman kimse> In war time, he was a specialist for deactivating mines/MA:YNz/(mayınler).] Specialty*: /sPE.şıl.ti/ 1. özellik* 2. özel yemek, spesiyalite Taurus-born(Boğa burç doğmuş) person: Creativity is my specialty./ Wow. You’re a perfect cook! –Oh, wait for my specialty!!  Feature: /Fİ’.çır/* özellik* || Featuring=Feat.=Ft.: /Fİ.çı.ring/ (kliplarde) çehreyla, özellikle... ile, özellikle...-nın önemli bir rolü ile [>Örnek: Kari Jobe Feat. Darlene Zschech – Yours Forever] [>Örnek: Mandisa ft. TobyMac] Voice Search is the newest feature of Google Search! Absolutely awesome!/ In one album, one song is a ‘feature song’, and it normally becomes the ‘name of the album’./ Have you watched the video of ‘Ready Or Not’ by Britt Nicole Feat. Lecrae? [Future: /FYU.çır/* gelecek>What do you think about the future of your children?] NECESSARY/VITAL/CRUCIAL Necessary:/NE.sı.se.ri/ gerekli, lüzumlu, lazım || Unnecessary:/a:n.NE.sı.se.ri/ gereksiz, lüzumsuz, faydasız || Necessarily:/ne.sı.SE.rı.li/ şart, lüzumen, gereklice, muhakkak Beth! I think a change in your life is necessary. Maybe a baby? Huh?/ Your closet/KLA:’.zıt/(dolap) is full of unnecessary clothes. Why don’t you give some of them away? [Give away: bağışlamak/hediye vermek]/ Knowing a lot of facts doesn’t necessarily equal being smart./ Appreciating someone’s good manner isn’t necessarily love. Vital: /VA:Y.dıl/ yaşamsal, hayati, çok önemli An internet dictionary is vital for students to learn English./ Fun time is vital for father-child relationship. Crucial: /KRU’.şıl/ çok önemli, çetin, kritik || Crucial moment: /KRU’.şıl-MO’.mınt/ çok önemli bir an, çetin bir an, kritik bir an ‘Am I ready to become a father?’ I was asking myself. It’s a crucial decision /di.Sİ.jın/ (karar)./ This last-minute penalty is a golden chance for Holland to score a goal. What a crucial moment! RAĞMEN: THOUGH/ALTHOUGH/DESPITE// TOUGH/ROUGH (-OUGH) Though: /*ZO’/ [daha son geliyor] buna rağmen, yine de, fakat, ama, da || Although: /A:L.zo’/ (=Though) [daha ilk geliyor] -e rağmen, fakat, ama, da This house is a bit expensive for us. Beautiful, though!/ Maybe you don’t like Creative Zen MP3 player, though I think it’s the best./ The young guy says, ‘Milk upsets my stomach because of lactose/’s/(Laktozun dolayı, süt midemi bozuluyor). I love it, though(Sütü seviyorum da).’/ Although he’s sixty, he can run like a twenty. [Although..., +TAM CÜMLE.] Despite: /dis.PA:Yt/ (=In spite of) -e rağmen || Despite the fact that…: /dis.PA:YT.zı-FAKt.zat/ -nın gerçeğı rağmen,… Despite(In spite of) being rich, he wouldn’t spend a penny for the poor./ Despite the fact that the media didn’t intend to make the criminal guy famous, they made him famous. [Despite/In spite of+İSİM,...] [Despite the fact that+TAM CÜMLE.] Nevertheless*:/ne.vır.zı.LES/ [resmi>daha yazma için] yine de, bununla birlikte || But nevertheless*: Fakat bununla birlikte They won many battles. Nevertheless, and before collapsing,

their army suffered from serious organizational chaos./ Then the lady said, ‘‘After work, he came home and he was really tired. Nevertheless, he listened to me with a smile on his face. Such a lovely man!’’/ According to March 2012, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, ‘‘I opposed the change of law. But nevertheless, parents deserve to know teacher evaluation results. ‘I’ get evaluated everyday.’’ Tough:/*TA:’F/ 1. zor 2.(=Resistant/ri.ZİS.tınt/) dayanıklı, dirençli, yenmesi zor 1. Life is tough./ 1. Listen! I’ve had a couple (kaç) of tough weeks. So just leave me alone, ’k?/ 2. Fighter (boksör): This guy is tough! But I’ll beat(mağlup etmek/yenmek) him. [Beat him/Bİ’.dim/] Rough: /RA:’F/ zor Nothing’s easy. Learning is rough. But when you finally learn, the bitterness of it becomes sweetness! If learning is rough, BE TOUGH!/ Boxing is rough. CAUSE/ BECAUSE=’CAUSE=’COZ=’COS/REASON Cause: pronunciation: /KA:’z/ 1. sebeb olmak, neden olmak 2. sebep, neden Man: I don’t wanna cause any trouble for anybody. I just want my money./ You shouldn’t sleep in this dirty /D3R.di/(pis) place. It causes disease/di.Zİ’z/(hastalık)./ There are a lot of causes to triumph/TRA:.yımf/(zafer) of Google and Wikipedia. Creativity /kri.ey.Tİ.vı.di/ (yaratıcılık) is one of them./ What are some causes that rock music has gone so mainstream (=çok popüler oldu) among juveniles /CU.vı.na:ylz/ (gençler)? [Go/Went/Gone: 1.gitmek 2.olmak>2.It’s gone dark(Hava karanlık oldu).>2.He’s gone mad (O sinirli oldu).>2.Why has Coca-Cola gone so mainstream(Niye Coca-Cola bu kadar popüler oldu)?] ’Cause/Cos/Coz: [resmi olmayan yazış] pronunciation: /ka:z/kız/ =Because (resmi yazış): çünkü || Because of: /bi.KA:’z.ıv/ -den dolayı, -nın yüzünden, -nın için[+isim] I left you a bunch /BA:Nç/ (birkaç) of messages. Why didn’t you call me back? (=Why didn’t you return my calls?) –’Cause my mobile battery died /da:yd/ (=Çünkü cep telefonum şarjı bitti)./ Why don’t you have your dinner(Akçam yemeğini niye yemiyorsun)? –’Cause I’m not hungry. I had lots of snacks (=abur cubur) all day!!/ Man: Because of my family, I’ll do my best to make them happy. [NOTTT Because of I’ll do my best...>DİKKAT: ‘Because of’dan sonra CÜMLE gelmiyor, İSİM geliyor. Türkçe gibi!]/ Kelly Clarkson: Because of you – I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me – Because of you – I am afraid./ I’m so excited /ık.SA:Y.dıd/ (heyecanlı) ’cause I’m moving to Italy /İ.dı.li/ this month./ [Finding a Family (2011)] Alex: I just want you to know that whoever I’ve become, whatever I’ve achieved is because of you. I love you, mom. –I love you, too. [=I’m moving to Italy this month, which is why (nedeni şu ki/bu nedeni ile) I’m so(bu kadar) excited. =I’m moving to Italy this month. That’s why (Bundan dolayı) I’m so excited. =I’m moving to Italy this month. This/That is the reason why (Sebeb şu ki) I’m so (bu kadar) excited.] […hatırına/aşkına= For the sake of…=Because of>She didn’t travel for the sake of(=because of) her mom. Her mom is sick.] Reason:/Rİ’.zın/ sebep, nedeni || Reason with someone: [mantık yoluyla] biriyi ikna etmeye çalışmak [Pic] Is there some reason that my coffee isn’t here? Has she died or something? (Kahvem burada olmadığın bir sebebi var mı? Öldü mü o yoksa?) [>For success, REASON is veryimportant.<]/ REASON is very important for the Americans./ You have every reason to be mad (Kızmakta çok haklısın)!/ You’re educated. This job is not good for you. It should be a job within reason(makul ölcüde)./ The reason I’m giving you this lecture today is to take a look at the importance of courage in our life./ [Pic] I was hoping I could reason with them. That’s why.../This is why...: /ZATs.wa:’y//ZİS.iz.wa:’y/ Bu yüzden...,Bu nedenle...,Bundan dolayı Luke: I don’t believe. Yoda: That’s why you fail./ We didn’t tell him. That’s/This is why he doesn’t know. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose. Jean Paul: Without GOD, there is for mankind no purpose, no goal, no hope, only a wavering future, an eternal dread of every darkness. AMAÇ: PURPOSE/AIM/GOAL/OBJECTIVE [Point: bir çok anlamı var. Biri: amaç>What’s the point of being a writer?>POINT<bakın.] Purpose: pronunciation:/P3R.pıs/ niyet, maksat, amaç In the Passport Control they ask you: ‘What’s the purpose of your visit, business or pleasure?’/ Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them. –Tenzin Gyatso [14th Dalai Lama]

[The Letter Writer] Remember to do at least one thing everyday to give purpose to your life. It serves a purpose.:/-S3RVz-/[=It meets our requirements.] İşimi(zi) görüyor!, İhtiyaclarımıze göre! They go to a business trip. At the break, they have a small picnic. She says, ‘You like it I’m in here, don’t you?’ And he replies, ‘It serves a purpose!’ [Bu anlamda: Sadece iş için buradayım.]/ [Father of Invention] He invented Watchdawg. In a speech, he says, ‘Watchdawg is a great procudt. It serves a purpose.’

Aim: /E’Ym/ amaç, gaye, maksat, hedef What’s the aim of education?/ What’s your aim in life and how can you reach(achieve) it (onu nasıl ulaşabilirsin)? Goal: /GO’L/ 1. amaç 2. gol || Achieve/Reach one’s goal: /ı.Çİ’v--//Rİ’Ç--/ amacına ulaşmak The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. –Benjamin Mays/ As/A’z/(Hemen...-in zaman) the player scored a goal, he hugged his teammates (takım arkadaşlar). Target: /TA:’R.gıt/ nişan, hedef I’m gonna put a target here and I’m gonna ask you to shoot that target. Can you shoot its bull’s-eye? [>Google Images<]/ The target of this project is to raise awareness among teens./ [Pic] And since (madem ki) they couldn’t find you, I became their target. SONUÇ Result: /ri.ZA:Lt/ sonuç, netice Word-for-word for ‘Sınavım sonucu daha belli olmadı/değil!’ is ‘The result of my exam hasn’t been clear yet!’ but in the U.S, they say or write, ‘My report card hasn’t been out yet!/My report card hasn’t been released yet!’/ Good luck is the result of good planning. – Fortune Cookie [Consequence: sonuç >One has to take the consequences of his action (İnsan eylemın sonuçları katlanmalıdır). >Don’t do it but if you do, take the consequences(Yapma, ama eğer yaparsen sonuçları katlan/kabul et). Sonra>TAKE<bakın.] Outcome: /AWT.ka:’m/ çıktı, sonuç If you combine two or three kinds of sciences and knowledges, you can expect an amazing outcome./ The outcome of education is what education is all about (Eğitim tam sonucun hakkındadır). Conclusion: /kın.KLU’.jın/ sonuç || Conclude (with): /kın.KLU’d(.wiz)/ (-ile) bitirmek A writing has warm-up(beginning=giriş), body(text=gelişme), and conclusion(sonuç)./ He concluded his speech with an example from his real life. The bottom line: /zı.BA:’.dım-LA:’Yn/ son (şu ki), sonuç (şu ki), son söz (şu ki), son karar (şu ki), en önemli şey (şu ki) He spent and spent and spent. The bottom line... he ended up broke (sonunda parasiz/meteleksiz oldu)!/ The poor got home made no plan. The rich got home made million dollar plans. The bottom line? The poor got poorer. The rich got richer. STUFF: ŞEY / STAFF: PERSONEL / THING/ ITEM Thing: /SİNg/ [resmi olmayan>Thingie/Sİ] şey I have a lot of things to do (Bir çok yapacak şeylerim var)./ What is this thingie in the box? –It’s a headband / (saç bandı). ..., you poor thing!: /YU-pur.SİNg/ 1. ..., seni zavallı şey! 2. Seni üzüldüm ya!, halını anlıyorum! Angry woman: Are you proud of your money? It can go in one night, you poor thing!/ [He had a small accident, gets home, and his sister says] Aww, what happened to you, you poor thing? Item: /A:Y.dım/ parça,kalem,şey What items do you need for camping?/ The movie ‘10 Items Or Less’ is really impressive based on simple emotions. Remember the word ‘item’ from this movie. … or something?: … /OR-SA:M.sing/ folan* mi/bir şey mi? Why did you yell? Are you stupid or something (=Aptal folan misin)?/ Is he crazy or something (=O deli folan mi)?/ Do you know where she’s from? –She’s from Delaware */DE.lı.wer/ or something (=O Delaware’lı folan bir şey). Stuff: /sTA:F/ (=Thing) şey, folan [Takao] What do you call that stuff (=Bu şeyin ismi ne), a piece of cloth you wash your face and hands with, in the bathroom? –[Jake] Washcloth /WA:Ş.kla:’s/ (=sabun bezi). –Oh, yeah, washcloth./ What did you guys do yesterday? –Oh, well we just hung out (=spent time) with some friends and stuff (=Birkaç arkadaşlarla takıldık işte folan filan). [...and stuff: ve başka şeyler/ ve böyle şeyler] Stupid stuffs:/ saçma sapan şeyler Hey, what are they talking about? –Stupid stuffs! Ignore them(Onları yok say)! Stuffy: / havasiz This room is really stuffy. Let me open the window./ Excuse me. The bus is really stuffy. Can you turn on(açmak) the AC/ey.Sİ/(air-conditionair), please? Be stuffed (with): /bi-sTA:Ft.wiz/ (ile) doldurulmuş olmak || Stuff something (with): bir şeyi -ile doldurmak Her closet /KLA:.zıt/(=giyisi dolap) is always stuffed with bags and shoes!/ You’re just taking a two-day vacation/vey.KEY.şın/. Why did you stuff your suitcase with lots of clothes?/ Some people kill some wild animals, empty their stomach, and stuff them with cloth and stuff, so that they look real. They keep them to stage/sTEYc/(süslemek/dekore etmek) their house.

I’m stuffed!*: /a:ym.sTA:Ft/ Çok doydum!, Çok yedim! Would you like another pancake? –Oh, no thanks. I’m stuffed!/ [He’s starting to eat the take-out(paket yemek), his friend comes, he says] Do I make you a plate (Sanada bir tabak yemek doldurum mu)? –No, thanks. I’m stuffed. Staff: /sTA’f/ (=Personnels=People working) [çoğul] personel, kadro, görevliler From now on (Bundan sonra/Artık), all the staff must wear/WE’r/ uniform/YU.nı.fo’rm/./ I always motivate my staff and show them the way. UP/DOWN/LOW/HIGH/ON/OFF [Amerikada bu basit kelimeler çok kullanışlı. DİKKAT!] Up: /A:P/ 1. yukarı 2. (=Awake/ı.WE’Yk/) uyanık Remember one of the funniest movies of all times, ‘Up’? :D/ Up in the sky on a hot-air balloon in Göreme, you feel like you want to take hundreds of photos. It’s like a dream /DRİ’m/(rüya)./ It’s three o’clock in the morning. You still up(Hala uyanık mısın)?/ You’re up early (=Erken uyandı/ Erkencisin)!/ ‘O gece geç yatıyor’ in English could be: 1. He goes to bed late. 2. He stays up late (O geçe kadar uyanık kalıyor). Are you up for it?: Bunu yapmayı hazır mısın? || You’re up for this job, right?: Bu iş için hazırsın, değil mi? Hey, Mr. Nakumaro is coming to the company for the contract. Are you up for it? –Hell yes (Tabii ki evet)! I’ve been working on this for 6 months! –Cool./ You’re up for this job, right? –Sure, boss. –’Cause there’re a lot of people who want to have your job. What are you up to?: /WA:.dır.yu-A:P.tu/ Ne yapacaksın?, Planın ne?, Aklında ne var? So, what are you up to? Are you gonna sign the divorce paper?/ Mom to her son: When you smile like that, I feel you want to do something dangerous. What are you up to, young boy? :D Be up to something: (aklında planlaştığın şeyi) yapmak What were you up to when you were 22? –I was up to studying for my B.A. degree. Down:/DAWn/1. aşağı 2. [insan hakkında] üzgün, neşesiz, keyifsiz, morali bozuk When you are rock climbing, you shouldn’t look down!/ Come on! Don’t be down(Moralini bozma)! Cheer up (Keyfine bak/Mutlu ol)!/ Words can bring you down or lift you up. It’s always up to you to choose./ Off a Persian song by Ebi: You’ve gone, but when you don’t have me, who do you hold? When you’re down, who cheers you up (neşelenmek)? When you cry, who wipes your tears? Who brings smile to your face? Who waits for you in the longest winter night? Low: /LO’w/ düşük What are the symptoms of high or low blood pressure(tansiyonun)./ Fruit prices are low in this season./ [Someone is speaking on the microphone to the audience, but they can’t hear him. They say] 1: We can’t hear his voice. 2: It’s too low. [High:/HA:’y/1.yüksek> High(Tall) buildings are one of the features of metropolitan cities. 2.sarhoş> Are you high? >HOLIC< bakın.] On: /A:’n/ /NOTTT O’n/ 1. üstünde/üzerinde 2. –de/-da 3. [elektronik cihazlar] açık Put the vase on the table and the picture on the wall./ We have words that go together with ‘on’ like, ‘I’m on the way(Yoldayım)!’ ‘See you on Monday(Pazarteside görüşürüz).’ ‘Are you here on business(İş için burada mısınız)?’ ‘I’m on the bus(Otobüstayım)!’ We learn them by watchinglistening on and on(sürekli)./ The TV is on./ The DVD Player is on./ The iron is on and hot. Be careful(Dikkatli ol/Dikkat et)! Off: /A:’f/ 1.iptal edilmiş 2. izinli 3. [elektronik cihazlar] kapalı 4. har zaman gibi iyi olmayan 1. The game is off (Maç iptal oldu)./ The meeting is off./ The class is off today./ 2. On Fridays, she’s off= Friday is her off day (izin günü). [Take the day off: Bugünü izin al/çalışma.]/ 3. The radio is off./ The oven is off./ The iPad is off./ The coffee machine is off./ 4. You seem a little off! What’s wrong?/ 4. His pitching(ürün tanıtımı) was a little off today. Be off to: -e gitmek [Christmas Angel] Where are you off to? –Oh I gotta go to a friend across town. SLEEP/OVERSLEEP/OVERHEAR/OVERREACT/OVERFLOW-LOAD-ACHIEVE Sleep: /sLİ’p/ (sleep, slept, slept) yatmak/uyumak, uyku || Go to bed/sleep: /GO’.du-BE’d/ Git yat!, yatmak There will be sleeping enough in the grave! –Benjamin Franklin/ Man: I can’t sleep. Maybe I should take a sleeping pill (uyku hapı). –I wouldn’t do that. I’d read the Bible, instead./ Do you always sleep on the couch/KAW’ç/(koltuk/kanape)?/ Climbers /kLA:Y.mırz/(dağcılar) sleep in the sleeping bag (uyku tulumu)./ Snails/sNEYLz/(salyangozler) can sleep for(-e kadar) three years./ Go to bed. Right now. –Mom! I don’t wanna go to bed. I wanna watch TV. Please! –Okay, but for half /HAF/ (an) hour. –Okay. Goooood! :D/ A sleeping lion gets no deer(Uyuyan aslan geyik/karaca almaz)!! Wake up!! [Climb: /kLA:YM//NOT kLA:YMB/ tırmanmak>He likes climbing mountains.] Sleep over: /sLİ’p.o’.vır/ bir gece kalmak/yatmak || Sleep tight!: /sLİp-TA:Yt/ İyi geceler!, İyi uyu!, Sıkı uyu! I slept over at my brother’s (=Erkek kardeşımın evde bir gece kaldım) and went on (=devam ettim) my journey to Florida./ I’m gonna go get some sleep. –Okay honey. Sleep tight./ Text message: Good night, sweetheart. Sleep tight.

Sleepless: /sLİ’P.lıs/ uykusuz || Sleeplessness: /sLİ’P.lıs.nıs/ (=Insomnia /in.SA:M.nya:/) uykusuzluk || Have lack of sleep: /LAK-/ uykusuzluk varmak Some movies never get old, such as ‘Sleepless in Seattle’./ What’s the remedy for sleeplessness(insomnia)?/ Doctor: So you said you have lack of sleep? –Yes. Asleep: /AS.lip/ uykuda, uyumakta, farkında olmayan, habersiz || Fall asleep: /FA:L-AS.lip/ uykuya dalmak Hushhhh, the baby’s asleep./ Are you still asleep, man? They are cheating you!! Wake up!!/ [Hoooop!] Oh my! I almost fell asleep (Hemen hemen uykuya daldım)!! Oversleep*: /o’.vır.sLİ’p/ (oversleep, overslept, overslept) uyuya kalmak, fazla uyumak Sorry I’m late. I overslept. [Over+verb> Çoğu ‘fazla’ anlama geliyor.]/ Did you know oversleeping makes you more tired? It’s a fact./ No! I overslept again!! Now I should come up with an excuse(bir bahane bulmak) to tell my manager! Overhear*: /o’.vır.HİYIR/ (overhear, overheard, overheard) [isteyerek ya da istemeyerek] kulak misafiri olmak (içindeki anlama: fazla duymak) || Eavesdrop*: /İ’VZ.dra:’p/ kulak misafiri olmak Today, I overheard Sue at the mall. She said she doesn’t wanna marry me. What should I do, guys?/ He was eavesdropping out in the hall. Overreact* (to): /o’.vır.ri.A’Kt/ (-e) aşırı/fazla tepki göstermek Parent 1 to parent 2: Why are you overreacting to your son’s future? It’s gonna be all right./ I know I’m stressful now but am I overreacting? –Yes! It’s been just one hour she left here. She’s on the plane and had to have her phone off. Stop calling her. Overflow*:/o’.vır.fLO’w/(overflow,overflowed,overflown) taşmak (içindeki anlamı:fazla bol olmak) || Flow*: /fLO’w/ akmak [Flow=akmak>Overflow=taşmak.] Dad! The water is overflowing from the tub/bathtub(banyo küveti)!/ When making Turkish coffee, you shouldn’t leave the cezve alone coz the coffee might overflow./ The milk boiled and overflowed./ The water in the river flows and that’s why it’s fresh./ What does ‘Only dead fish swim with the flow’ mean? –It means we should do the hard things. Overload*: /o’.vır.LO’d/NOTTT o’.vır.LO.A:d/ fazla yüklemek/fazla doldurmak Note on some washing machines: Please don’t overload the washing machine./ Your PC is too slow because you overloaded too many security softwares. Just one is enough. Overachieve: /o’.vır.ı.Çİ’v/ beklenilenden/başkalardan daha/fazla başarılı olmak istemek || Overachiever: /o’.vır.ı.Çİ’.vır/ beklenilenden/başkalardan daha/fazla başarılı olmak isteyen He already has two companies but wants to be better than his rich cousin. He wants to overachieve and he’s an overachiever./ Her lessons are great. She only wants to study in a top college. Others think she’s an overachiever. WAKE (UP)/GET UP Wake up:/WEYK.a:p/ 1. (gerçek/mecaz) uyanmak 2.(=Wake/WEYK/)[>Burada, Amerikan dilinde pek ‘up’ kullanmıyorlar.<] uyandırmak 1. Wake up, honey. You’ll miss* the school bus (Okul arabanı kaçıracaksın*)./ 1. You gotta wake up, man. She has never loved you. Forget her!/ 1. FOREX ad(reklam): WAKE UP(Uyan)!/ 2. [He comes in and makes some unwilling noise, she wakes up, he says] Sorry! Did I wake you?/ 2. Can you wake me (up) at 7, please?/ 2. She woke me (Beni uyandırdı) with music! It’s the best I like./ 2. He says his neighbor made a noise at 3 a.m. and woke him. [*Miss: /MİS/ özlemek*> (They are in the divorce process, he says) Our daughter needs you. She misses you all the time! Please. Come back!] Get up: /GED.a:p/ [yataktan/uykudan] kalkmak [Pic] I don’t want to get up. :D/ I think you might wanna get up. It’s almost noon(Neredeyse öğle oldu)!/ Will you get up? We were supposed to go swimming (Yüzmeye gitmeliydik/Yüzmeye gitmeye karar verdik)!/ After I got up, I brushed /bRA:Şt/ my teeth and my hair. [Brush one’s teeth: dişları fırçalamak. Brush one’s hair: saçları taramak. Toothbrush: diş fırçası. Hairbrush: tarak/saç fırçası.] WEAR/PUT ON Wear: pronunciation:/WE’r/WE’ır/NOTTT WİER/ (wear, wore, worn) giyimek, takmak || Put on: /PUD.a:’n/ [=Wear] (put on, put on, put on) giyimek, takmak [You use wear or put on when using anything ON your body (=Her şey vücudun ÜSTÜNDE gelince, wear ya da put on kullanacaksınız). Wherever you use ‘wear’, you can use ‘put on’ too. They have the same meaning (=Her yerde ‘wear’ kullanırsanız, ‘put on’de kullanabilir siniz. Aynı anlamı var.] Wear your hat. (=Put on your hat.) It’s cold outside. –Don’t worry. I’m wearing my coat. (=I’m putting on my coat.)/ She wears lipstick, earrings, and perfume/P3R.fyum/ everyday./ He wears glasses, tattoo/ta’.TU’/(dövme), and piercing./ As/AZ/(Hemen...-ım zaman) she opened the door to have the interview(görüşme), she wore a smile./ Wear(Put on) your seatbelt, honey./ She cares about her look too much(O kendini görünüşü fazla önem veriyor). She doesn’t go out without wearing make-up(Makyaj yapmadan, dışarıda gitmiyor)./ Wear your shoes!= Put on your shoes!= Put your shoes on!: Ayakkabılarını giyi!/ Wear your clothes/kLO’z/!= Put on your clothes!= Put your clothes on!: Elbiseni giyi!/ Wear perfume!= Put on perfume!: Parfüm sık!/ Wear glasses!= Put on glasses!: Gözlük tak!/ Wear a smile!= Put on a smile!= Put a smile on!: Bir

gülümse!/ Wear tattoo/piercing!= Put on tattoo/piercing!: Dövme/Pirsing yap!/ Wear your seat belt!= Put on your seatbelt!= Put your seat belt on! =Fasten /FA.sın/ your seat belt!= Buckle up/BA:.kıl-a:p/!: Emniyet kemerini tak! Galatians 3:27-28 For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Put on some music: /- - sa:m.MYU.zik/ Bir az müzik çalmak Let’s put on some music, huh? –Yeah, that’s a great idea! [He turns on the stereo/sTE.ryo’/.]/ We put on some music and danced cheek-to-cheek(yanak yanağa) nice and slow. [Hatchi, A Dog’s Tale] Cate Wilson: Hachi? Hachi? Oh, old thing! You're still waiting. That's right. If it's all right, could I wait with you for the next train? Yeah? Thanks. WAIT/LOOK FORWARD TO/EXPECT/EXCEPT Bekle!/Dur!/Bir dakika!/Bir saniye!/beklemek/durmak: Hang on!: /HANG.a:n/ || Hold on!: /HO’Ld.a:n/ || Wait a minute! /WEY.dı-Mİ.nıt/ || Wait a second! /WEY.dı-SE.kınd/ || [Just a minute/second! /cıst.ı.Mİ.nıt/--SE.kınd/NOTTT Mİ.nut/>daha: Dur hemen geleceğım!] || Wait!: /WEYt/ Bekle! Hang on a second. I’ll be right back (Hemen dönerim/gelirim)./ Do you need the bathroom /BA’’m/(lavabo) right now or can you hang on?/ Whoa whoa, what?? Hold on. What do you mean by ‘I’m not a good dad’? I’ve done the best for our son. Maybe you should take (kabul etmek) the responsibility (sorumluluk)./ [On the phone] Could you hold on(hang on) for a minute?/ Wait a minute! What’d(What did) you say to me?/ Wait. What? You can play violin? Why didn’t you say so?/ Dana! Come on! We’re late! –Just a second(minute)! [>‘mecaz’ bir saniye ya da dakika<]/ Can you wait a minute? I need to check my E-mail. Then we’ll go out. –Sure./ Lord! Please help us wait upon nothing but You. Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. Wait (FOR): /WEYt.for/ -e beklemek [Pic] The truth is I’ve been waiting./ [Pic] I love you. I’ll wait for you. Come back./ Sara? What are you doing here? –I’m waiting for my friend. –What are ‘you’ doing here (>you vurgulu<)? –[Showing the bags] Shopping! –Of course!! [>Tabii ki…çünkü seni öyle tanıyorum!!] / Every morning, I wait for the bus for(-e kadar) about(yaklaşık) ten minutes/Mİ.nıts/./ Jim Carrey: If I’m not back in 5 minutes… just wait longer!! :D/ Life is all about waiting for the perfect moment. But nothing is perfect! So what should we do? Should we wait… or just ‘do’ something?/ Dr. Robert Anthony: Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don’t count. [ÇOK ÖNEMLİ: I’m waiting FOR the bus. (NOTTT I’m waiting the bus./ NOTTT I’m waiting TO the bus.) >I waited FOR my son for(-e kadar) 30 minutes. (NOTTT I waited my son 30 minutes./ NOTTT I waited TO my son for 30 minutes. >FİLM HER ŞEY.<] Sorry to keep you waiting!:/SA:’.ri-dı.KİP.yu-WEY.ding/Size beklettiğim için kusura bakmayın! || Don’t keep me waiting!: /DO’Nt-KİP.mi-WEY.ding/ Beni bekletme! [It’s rainy. They go to a cafe to have some tea. After the rain stopped, they leave the cafe but man 1 remembers that he left his umbrella in there. He says:] ‘I’m sorry. I think I left my umbrella in the cafe. I’ll be right back.’ [He goes there, takes(gets) it and is back. Now he says to man 2:] Sorry to keep you waiting! –Oh, no problem! Glad you remembered (İyi ki hatırladın)!/ She’s a lawyer and has an appointment with a client /kLA:.yınt/ (müvekkil) at 3:30. But she goes to her office at 3:34. She sees her client is sitting there waiting for her. They shake hands and she says: ‘I’m really sorry to keep you waiting! May I have you in my office(Size ofisimde alabilir miyim), please?’/ I gotta go home, I’m tired. –Just give me one minute. I gotta buy some KitKat from the market. –Ok, but don’t keep me waiting here. Waiting tables: /WEY.ding-TEY.bılz/ garsonluk yapma(k), maslara hizmet etme(k) Waiting tables is one of the most common jobs in the U.S./ Taylor Swift, Mine lyrics: You were in college working part-time, waiting tables – Left a small town, never looked back. [Waiter:/WEY.dır/erkek/bay garson. || Waitress:/WEY.trıs/kız/bayan garson.] Wait up: /WEYD-A:p/ Dur!/Bekle! Hey, Rowena! Wait up. I gotta talk to you. I can’t wait to see you/ him/ her/ this: /a:y.KA’Nt.weyd-tu.Sİ.yu/--zis/ Senin/ Onun/ Onun/ Bunun görmeye sabırsızlanıyorum! They use ‘‘I can’t wait to see you!’’ or ‘‘I can’t wait to see this!’’ when they are EXCITED./ [Calling from America] I’ll be in Turkey in two months! –[Answering in Turkey] Oh my gosh! That’s fantastic/fan.TA’S.tik/(harika/süper)! I can’t wait to see you!/ In an E-mail to his wife: I missed ya so much, honey, and I can’t wait to see you./ [Diana before skydiving in Aruba] I’m so excited –about skydiving. I can’t wait to see this. Await: /ı.WEYt/ beklemek,gözlemek,hazır olmak No one knows what things await them. [>‘for’ gelmiyor.<] I look forward to [+-ing]: /a:y.LUk-FOR.wırd-tu/ -e (sabırsızlıkla/dört göze) bekliyorum. I look forward to seeing you next Thursday./ [Email] I will be looking forward to hearing from you so soon./ [Chatting a new pal on the Internet] I’ll look forward to meeting you./ Your mom looks forward to your return./ She’s looking forward to her graduation. [Sınav nokta:1.Burada to edattır,

sonraki fiil -ing’ ile geliyor. 2. ‘Look forward to’dan sonra isim gelebilir.] [Look for: (=Search for) –e aramak >Do you have a job? –No. –Are you looking for a job?>> What are you searching for?] Be assured, if you walk with Him and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you. –George Mueller Expect*:/ıks.PEKT/beklemek, ümit etmek, düşünmek, zannetmek || Expectation: /ıks.pek.TEY.şın/ beklenti, umut, hesap, beklenilme || Unexpected:/a:n.ıks.PEK.tıd/ beklenmedik, beklenmeyen, davetsiz Oh my God! What a surprise! I didn’t expect to see you here (=Seni görmeye burada beklemedim)!/ [To her close friend] Honestly. I expected a better answer./ She says Charls Dickens’ Great Expectations(Büyük Umutlar) is her favorite novel/NA:’.vıl/(roman)./ He proposed me(O beni evlenmeye teklif etti) to my surprise (şaşırttığımda). It was so unexpected (=Hiçte beklemedim)!/ [The family is having dinner. Someone rings the door bell. He asks his family] Are we expecting anyone?/ You must see things how they are, not how you expected./ I guess /GES/ no one likes an unexpected guest/GE’St/(misafir) unless(meğer) they’re the ones who you keep so dearly(çok değerli/aziz tuttuğun kişi) in your heart. [>burada anahtar kelimeler<] [Bargain for: (=Expect) beklemek, ummak >FINANCE<sonra bakin.] Except*:/ık.SEPT*/ -den hariç, -den başka, -den dışında || Exception:/ık.SEP.şın/ istisna [isim] || Exceptional: /ık.SEP.şı.nıl/ müstesna/istisna [sıfat], olağanüstü, çok iyi Except rap, I like all the other kinds of music. –But I love rap music. [>‘love’ vurgulu<]/ She can’t remember anything of the past except that her name is Raina./ Tomorrow morning, all the staff, without any exception, must be here at 8:30./ There is always an exception to the rules./ This little girl’s talent is exceptional. She just amazes me in every aspect /AS.pekt/ (bakış/durum/yön/görünüm)! [Accept:*/ak.SEPT/kabul etmek> This is a fact. Accept it.] SIT Sit: pronunciation: /SİT/ oturmak [>Sit: /SİT*/<] [>Seat: /Sİ’t*/ oturacak yer/koltuk/sandalye<] || Take a seat: /TEYk-ı-Sİ’t/ oturmak || Have a seat: /HAV-ı-Sİ’t/ oturmak A great book makes people sit on the chair (Harika bir kitap millete sandalyede oturturur)!/ Angry mom: I said ‘sit’. Sit! And don’t move a muscle (=Kıpırdama!/Kımıldama)!/ [Walking in the shopping mall] I’m really tired. Let’s take a seat./ [They shake hands] Thanks for being here. Please. Have a seat. [Seat:/Sİ’t/ koltuk >Is this seat taken (Burada oturan var mı)? –(Evet için) Yes, it’s taken. (Hayır için) No, it’s all yours.] [‘Oturmak’ ‘yaşamak’ anlamında: ‘Live’/LİV/> Where do you live(Nerede oturuyorsun)?] Please be seated: /PLİ’z-bi.Sİ’.dıt/ Oturun lütfen [Resmi] || Sit down, please/Please, sit down: /sit.DAWN-PLİ’z/ Oturun lütfen [At Oscar ceremony] Thank you. Please be seated. We’re gathered here to celebrate one of the most beautiful events of all times./ Mr. Morisson! Hi. –Hello...[they shake hands] –We were looking forward to meeting you. –Oh, ok. Sit down please. What would you like to drink? –Coffee, please. Thanks. Sit up:/SİD.a:p/(=Sit up straight) dik oturmak || Sit straight up:/SİD-sTREYd.a:p/ dik oturmak || Slouch: /sLA’Wç/ kambur oturmak/durmak When you do yoga, you mustn’t slouch. You must sit up./ I’m taking your photo. Please do not slouch. Sit straight up. USE/USED TO/GET USED TO Use: pronunciation:/YU’z/ 1. kullanmak 2. birini (kötüye) kullanmak [Fiil /YU’z/. İsim /YUS/.] || Misuse: /mis.YU’z/ birini/bir şeyi kötüye kullanmak 1. Can your grandparents use computer?/ 1. I need to make a phone call. Do you mind (Sakıncası var mı) if I use your phone? –Of course not./ 2. In the movie The Rebound, she was about to be kicked out of the U.S. but used him and got married with him to get the Green Card./ 2. My father wanted to fire you. You said you loved me and I really loved you back. But you had a wife! You used me to stay in the company! I hate you!/ You misused my honesty! [Use bad language: küfür etmek>Why are they using such(bu kadar/böyle) bad language?] Use: pronunciation:/YUS/ (=Usage/YU’.sıc/) kullanma [Fiil /YU’z/. İsim /YUS/.] || Useful: pronunciation:/YUS.fıl/ faydalı, yararlı [Sıfat /YUS.fıl/.] It seems that during the past years, the use of the Internet for teaching has increased in developed countries./ There’s no use (Hiç faydası yoktur) in trying to convince him. He’s stubborn/sTA:.b3rn/(inatçı)./ There’s nothing wrong with technology, but the bad usage of it./ I’ve found this session very useful. Thank you, teacher. I could use some help!: Biraz yardım alabilirim!,Yardımını kullanabilirim!,Biraz yardımım gerek! [Amerika’da bu yeni ve çok kullanışlı.] [A Walk In My Shoes] Mom: So, how’s your paper coming (Ee, ödevin nasıl gidiyor/ ödev yazmanın ne halınde)? –Uhh, honestly, I could use some help on it. Used to:/YU’Zd.tu/[yardımcı fiildir] eskiden bir şeyi çok yapıyordum [içinde anlama: ama artık/şimdi yapmıyorum] [>‘kullanmak’ anlamında değil<] [Pic] Now you’re somebody that I used to know (Şimdi sen sadece eskiden tanıdığım kişisin)./ I used to go swimming when I was 9 (9 yaşındayken çok yüzmeyı gidiyordum >içindeki anlam: ama artık gitmiyorum)./ She used to smoke a lot (Eskiden çok sigara içiyordu). When she got pregnant, she gave it up(onu bıraktı)./ Did you use to be a workaholic (Eskiden işkolik miyidin)?/ You used to laugh a lot (Eskiden çok gülüyorsun). What happened to you, huh? Smile!

Get/Be used to: /get--bi.YU’Zd.tu/ [yardımcı fiildir] alışmak [>‘kullanmak’ anlamında değil<] He’s used to getting A’s (O hep ‘A=100%’ almayı alıştı). He’s a genius!/ I’m not yet used to saying ‘Afiyet olsun’ when having food with my Turkish friends./ We’ve got used to having tea with our food. –But, doesn’t it reduce the absorption of iron in the body?/ Living alone in a foreign country is tough. –Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. –Really? –Yeah, really. THINK/RECKON/PONDER/CONTEMPLATE/CONCENTRATE/FOCUS Think: /SİNK/ (think,thought/SA:’t/,thought) 1. (about/of) (hakkında/-e) düşünmek 2.sanmak, zannetmek || I think...: 1.Bence...,Bana göre...,-e düşünüyorum 2.Sanırım... || You think...: 1. Sence...,Sana göre...,-e düşünüyorsun 2. –e sanıyorsun, -e düşünüyorsun [Çok kullanışlı.] 1. Which one is better: ‘Think what you say.’ Or ‘Say what you think.’/ 1. What are you doing? –Nothing. I’m just thinking about my daughter’s future. What will it be?/ 1. I wonder(Merak ettim) how Leonardo Da Vinci thought./ 1. The difference between success and mediocrity is all in the way you think. –Dean Francis/ 2. When the Academy called, I panicked. I thought they might want their Oscars back! :D –Woody Allen/ 2. Girl: I thought I saw your face today. These days, everywhere I look, I think I see you!/ 2. For years (Yıllarca), he thought that House Music is something they play just in the house!/ Which parquet /pa:r.KE’y/ (parke) should we buy? –I think this one is better than that one./ You think it’s good? –No. I think it’s PERFECT./ [Pic] You think I’m beautiful? –Mmm... yeah, a little.  I think so!:/a:y.Sİ’/ Sanırım öyle! || I don’t think so!:/a:y.DO’’/ Öyle zannetmıyorum! We hold the violin/va:.yı.Lİ’n/(keman) this way (=böyle), right (=değil mi)? –I think so (=Sanırım öyle). I’m not sure./ I think we should go this way(yol). –I don’t think so. Think of it like this...: Bunu şöyle düşün... Stress(Vurgu) in speaking is very important. Think of it like this: If you ask a child ‘Do you like blue or RED?’ they would say RED. But if you ask the same child ‘Do you like red or BLUE?’ they would say BLUE! / Even if it’s the best book, its sale matters. Think of it like this: One million people look at the book, turn over the pages, read some, but 100,000 people buy it. At the end, it’s the sale’s number that matters. Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. Thought: /SA:’t/ 1. düşünce, fikir 2. [Think’in geçmiş zaman] || Give something/somebody a thought: birini/bir şeyi düşünmek/düşün vermek Our life is what our thoughts make it. –Marcus A. Antonius/ 2. I thought you liked me!/ 2. I though about this math problem for an hour./ [Bounty Hunter] Milo(Gerard Butler): You’ve been checking up on me(Beni gizlice takip ediyor muydun)? Nicole(Jennifer Aniston): Nope! –Concerned about me(Beni merak ediyor muydun)? –I haven’t given you a thought, actually! Think tank: /SİNk.ta’nk/ beyin takımı, düşünce kuruluşu, uzman danışmanlar grubu Think tank is a research institute to solve complex problems or predict future developments in social, military, and political areas./ This think tank specializes on market solutions./ Think tank says Mr. Mayor’s new plan is really effective./ This website includes think tank photos and news./ Two think tanks were sent to predict the possibility of poverty in that area. Reckon:/RE.kın/(=Think) düşünmek I think(Sanırım) this is the best song of this album. What do you reckon? Ponder: /PA:’N.dır/ iyice düşünmek, uzun uzun düşünmek> kafa yormak Uh, you asked a very hard philosophical question. Let me ponder. Contemplate: /KA:’N.tım.pleyt/ [gelecek için](zaman geçip/niyetinde olup) düşünmek According to ‘Contemplate’ means ‘To spend time considering a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for a long time in a serious and quiet way.’ –I’m contemplating going abroad for a year. –You’re not contemplating a change of job, are you? Concentrate (on):/KA:’N.sın.treyt/(-ın üzerinde) konsantre olmak, yoğunlaşmak || Concentration: /ka:’n.sın.TREY.şın/ konsantrasyon, dikkati bir noktada toplama Concentration is a big factor of success. Remember the word ‘concentrate’ with ‘Mark Zuckerberg’. I think he’s great at concentration./ [Pic] Well, why don’t you just concentrate on being the ‘best you’ you can be? (Peki, niye ‘en iyisini’ olabileceğinin üzerinde konsantre olmuyorsun?)/ Lady to herself: What’s wrong with me? I cannot concentrate. Maybe I should have a cup of coffee to be able to think!/ This quote from Eat Pray Love is about concentration: ‘‘You have to select your thoughts the same way that you select your clothes everyday.’’  John 10:27-30 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”

Focus:/FO’.kıs/NOTTT fo.KUS/ odaklamak, başı yerinde olmak || Focused:/FO’.kıst/ odaklı, başı yerinde || Stay focused!: /sTEY-FO’.kıst/ Odakla!, Odaklanmış kal!, Başın yerinde olsun! When I feed some peagons, they come back to me everyday. When Jesus healed my heart, I listen to HIM always. I only focus on JESUS./ Michael Phelps: ‘I always have on my headphones to block out all of the other distractions and I’m just focused on doing the best that I can.’/ When you FOCUS on the GOAL, you see no obstacles!/ Try focusing on simple pleasures. Being able to drink a cup of coffee is a blessing./ You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus(odaklama dışı). –Mark Twain/ I can’t stay focused. Could you turn that vacuum cleaner off, honey? SUPPOSE/ASSUME I suppose so!:/a:y.sı.PO’z-so/Sanırım öyle. || I guess so!:/a:y.GES-so/ Sanırım öyle. || I think so!: /a:y.SİNK-so/ Sanırım öyle. || I assume so!:/a:y.ı.SU’M-so/ Sanırım öyle. So(Yani/Ee), do you think that she’s open-minded (=açık fikirli)? –Yeah. I suppose so. Why do you ask?/ Ronaldo always wears number 9, right? –I suppose (guess/ think/ assume) so. I’m not sure./ He’s really smart. –Yes, I think so too (=Bencede öyle)./ I guess I just didn’t want to feel helpless (Sanırım yardımsız hissetmek istemedim)./ [Pic] She’s the queen and I love her. So I guess that that makes me king. (O kraliçe ve bende onu seviyorum. O zaman bu beni kral ettiğini sanıyorum.) Be supposed to:/bi-sı.PO’Zd.tu/[=Must/MA:St/=Be allowed to] farzedilmek, zannedilmek, gerekmek, -e yaramak, izin verilmek You’re not supposed to be in this room. =You mustn’t be in this room. (Bu odada bulunmaman gerek./Bu odada olmamalısin./Bu odada olman iziniz yok.)/ What’s this machine supposed to do? =What must this machine do? (=Bu makine ne yapmalı/ ne için yaratmıştır/ neye yarar/ ne işi yarıyor?)/ You’re not supposed to come here. =You mustn’t come here. (=Burada gelmeye iziniz yok.)/ You’re not supposed to smoke here. It’s non-smoking area./ I was supposed to go to Washington but something came up and I called it off. (=Washington’u gitmem gerekiyordu ama bir şey oldu ve bende onu iptal ettim.) What’s that supposed to mean? /wa:ts.ZAT-sı.PO’Zd.tu.mi’n/ [yakışmaz bir şeyi zannetığın/ şaşırdığın zaman] Bu da ne demek?, Bu ne demek yani?, Bu ne demek böyle? [‘that’: vurgulu] [The guy to his best friend] I love ‘Better Off Alone’! – [Surprises] What’s that supposed to mean? –No, I mean the SONG! It’s an Alice DeeJay’s song. –Oh! I see (Anladım)! What am I supposed to do (now)?: /ı.PO’Zd.tu.du(.NA’w)/ (=What must I do now?) (Şimdi) ne yapmam gerek/ne yapmalıyım/ne yapalım/ne olacak? She quit her job, got the car, left me, and left no track of herself (kendinden hiç iz bırakmadı). What am I supposed to do now? –Did you call her mom? –Yea. –Then forget her. She’s not yours, man. –What’s that supposed to mean. –It means she doesn’t want you to call her, that’s all. Understand?/ I’m stuck in the elevator and I have an important meeting. What am I supposed to do now (Şimdi ne olacak/Şimdi ne yapmam gerek/Şimdi ne yapabilirim)? Supposedly: /sı.PO’.zı görünüşe bakılırsa, iddialara göre, sözümona, sanki, demek ki Why do some people lose interest in someone they supposedly love?/ Someone said it’s not good to eat yogurt /YO’.gırt/ at night. Is it true? –Well, supposedly it stimulates the nevre system in our body, but I can tell, it makes me sleep better./ What’s ‘arsız’ in English? Is it ‘cheeky’? –Well, ‘cheeky’ is supposedly a British word, but Americans use ‘sassy’ as ‘arsız’. For example: He’s a sassy kid! Ever seen the movie ‘My Sassy Girlfriend’? Supposedly right/so/true: demek ki öyle Ok, ok, I get it. You’ve lost your phone and its SIM Card, which means you’ve lost my number too. Supposedly right. But why didn’t you get my number from our common(ortak) friend?/ Supposedly so, you’re alone and you need a guy. Ok, but you think a guy in your life is gonna solve all problems?/ Money is everything. Supposedly true. Then why can’t he buy health with that? Why does he only have yogurt and bread? Besides, how can money help when the stormy days come? Assume: /ı.SU’m/ sanmak, zannetmek, farzetmek || Assumption: /ı.SA:Mp.şın/ sanrı, zan, farziye So I assume(think) you’re leaving, huh?/ When he first listened to Tracy Chapman, he assumed (thought) that it’s a male singer ’cause her voice sounded like a man’s! He now knows that she’s a fourtime award-winning singer./ Girl: I assumed that we had something going on (=Aramızda bir şeyler olduğunu sandım), some kinda romantic feeling, but all of it was, uh, poof!/ You can’t judge /CA:C/ (yargılamak) people based on your assumption./ Again you went through some wrong assumptions? I wasn’t with anyone. My heart only loves you, okay? I need you to trust me. MEAN Mean: /Mİ’n/ …anlamına gelmek, … demek What does ‘celebrate’ mean? –It means ‘to have fun and party’. [celebrate:/SE’.lıb.reyt/ kutlamak]/ [Pointing at a word] What does this word mean? –Which one? Oh, ‘enthusiastic’/ı means ‘eager’ or ‘very interested in something’./ Sometimes, and especially in a relationship, a ‘yes’ means ‘no’ and a ‘no’ means ‘yes’!/ Jim Rohn: If you are not financially independent by the time you are forty or fifty, it doesn’t mean that you’re living in the wrong country or at the wrong time. It simply means that you have the wrong plan.

Mean:/Mİ’n/ demek istemek [I mean...: Hani...] || What do you mean?: Ne demek istiyorsun?, Demek istediğin ne? || What do you mean by...?...derken? [Pic] I mean, we have some disagreements, but I hardly think I’m Sid Vicious. (Demek istediğim şu ki biz biraz anlaşmazliğimiz var, fakat ben Sid Vicious olduğumu hemen hemen düşünmüyorum.) –No, I’m Sid. (Hayır, Sid benim.) :D/ I mean I want to stay here if you don’t mind(sakıncası yoksa)./ TV effects people’s shopping. –What do you mean? –I mean, whatever people see on TV, they want to buy it. –Yeah, true. Did you buy Eti Stick? I LOVE its commercial. –See? Told ya! / Joe: ‘So long!’ Elena: What do you mean by ‘So long’? Joe: I mean ‘Goodbye’! Elena: Oh, I see! Bye. See you tomorrow. Joe: See you. What’s your point?*: /--POYNt/ Ne demek istiyorsun?, Demek istediğin ne? || Where are you getting at?*: /- [Genelde bir süre konuşmaktan sonra] Bu konuyu nerede varmak istiyorsun?, Demek istediğin ne?, Ne demek istiyorsun? || What are you trying to say?*: Ne söylemeye çalışıyorsun?, Ne demek istiyorsun? What’s your point, Mr. Tripleton?/ [She talks and talks. He doesn’t know what she wants to say. He asks] I’m sorry, where are you getting at?/ Man! You shouldn’t treat her like that. –What are you trying to say? Am I guilty? –No! I mean... look... we usually refer Venus to women, right? And Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. –So(Ee)? –So... I mean they don’t feel the way you feel. Wanna understand them? You gotta listen to them. What’s that supposed to mean? [yakışmaz bir şeyi zannetığın/şaşaırdığın zaman] Bu da ne demek?, Bu ne demek yani?, Bu ne demek böyle? [>‘that’ vurgulu<] [>Tekrar olsun.<] They use ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ a lot in America and it’s very popular./ Have you ever died in your dreams? –What? What’s that supposed to mean? –I mean there’s a song by The Rasmus. The singer saings, ‘I died in my dreams.’/ There’s a girl on Amanda Show who always says, ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’/ Who is it in the picture? –That’s my grandfather. –No, it’s not! –What’s that supposed to mean? You mean I don’t know my grandfather? – No, I mean, this one. –Oh, that one!! That’s my brother!/ [Love ’N Dancing] (She likes to go see dancing, her fiancé thinks she loves her dance instructor and says) All right, you want to... you want to go home so you can dream about your dance instructor? – (With an angry tone) What is that supposed to mean? –Nothing. Mean: /Mİ’n/ kötü davranan, huysuz, aşağılık, adi, şahsiyetsiz || Don’t be mean!: /DO’Nt.biMİ’n/ [davranış/söz ile] Şahsiyetsizlik yapma!, Kabalaşma!, Kötü davranma! He’s a mean person. No one likes him./ [She’s obsessed with her nose, her hubby/ says] You know I love you? –Really? –Yeah, I just don’t like your nose! –Don’t be mean! [Both laugh] –No, but I really love everything about you. –Me too, honey./ She’s sobbing and he’s laughing at it. His brother comes and says, ‘Hey! Why are you laughing at her cry? Don’t be mean!’ [The Stranger: Salt] Jesus Christ: Listen. You’re on the right track to point the reach-out to people who don’t believe. –It’s that you make sure what you do is loving and understanding. –Even the mean ones? –The mean ones need the most understanding. Meaning:/Mİ’.ning/ anlam, mana || Meaningful:/Mİ’.ning.fıl/ anlamlı What’s the meaning of ‘yelek’ in English? (=What does ‘yelek’ mean in English?) –It’s ‘sail’. –Oh, ok. Thanks./ [Pic] We go days without having a meaningful conversation, and I use to miss you so much when that happened... but it never seemed like you miss me. And I guess because of it, I stopped missing you. Mean: /Mİ’n/ (=Violent) şiddetli, öfkeli What a mean dog!/ News: The mean and angry mob /MA:’b/ (izdiham) of workers outside the factory was ready to riot /RA:.yıt/(isyan etmek). Means:/Mİ’Nz/ araç, vesile [çoğul değil] The fact is body language is a means of communication./ Governments can create ‘volunteering’ cooperations for people as a means of socializing./ By means of technology, we can approach better communication techniques. I mean it!: /ay-Mİ’n-it/ Ciddiyim!, Ciddi söylüyorum! Are you serious? –Yeah, I mean it./ Take off your shoes and then come in. –Oh, you’re kidding, right(Şaka yapiyorsun, değil mi)? –No. I mean it. Do you mean it? /du.yu.Mİ’ Ciddi misin?* || Seriously?*: /Sİ’.ri.yı (=Are you serious?) Ciddi misin?* Did you know the guy you were arguing is the new manager of the company? –Seriously? (=Do you mean it?) –No. I was just kidding! But... what if he was(were) (Ya olsaydı)? [Do you mean it?=Are you serious?=Seriously?> ŞAŞIRTICI bir haber duymaktan sonra>I won the lottery! –Seriously?] You mean so much to me=You mean a lot to me: Sen benim için çok değerlisin. || You mean everything to me: Sen her şeyimsin. || It means a lot to me: Bu benim için çok değerlidir. [İyiliğinizi onutmayacağim!] [On Valentine’s Day] Honey, I just wanted you to know that you mean so much to me and I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day!/ Of course I haven’t forgotten you! You mean so much to me./ I never love anybody else. You mean everything to me./ Thanks for your help. It means a lot to me./ [His neighbor is sick and old. He goes to her house and helps her. She says] Thanks a lot. Your help means a lot to me./ JESUS IS EVERYTHING TO ME. I LOVE YOU, LORD.

I didn’t mean to...[FİİL]: Amacım... değildi. || I didn’t mean to hurt you!/ I never meant to hurt you!:/-H3Rt-/ Amacım asla seni acımak değildi! But you never care about me (Sen hiç bana önem vermiyorsun). –Baby, I was really busy at work and I didn’t have much time to be with you. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you and the children are everything to me./ Sweetheart, I’m sorry about last night. But you’ve got to know that Cynthia is just a co-worker. And you have nothing to worry about (sana endişe edecek bir şey yok). –You hurt me! –I never meant to hurt you, darling. I love you. We meant to be with each other:/-iç.A:’.zır/ Kaderimiz/Talihimiz bizim birlikte olmayı yazmıştı/ yönetilmiştı!, Biz birbirimiz için yaratılmışız. || We weren’t meant to be with each other: Kaderimiz/Talihimiz bizim birlikte olmayı yazmamıştır/ yönetilmemiştı!, Biz birbirimiz için yaratılmamışız. || Be meant to...: kaderin...yazmıştır./...için yaratmak. From our first date (boluşma), I knew we meant to be with each other!/ [Boyfriend (=bf /Bİ-EF/) breaking up (ayrılırken) with his girlfriend (=gf /CİEF/)] You broke my heart. –You know what? We weren’t meant to be with each other in the first place./ We meant to be together: Kaderimiz birlikte olmayı yazmıştır./ [The Shawshank Redemption] Some birds aren’t meant to be caged: Bazı kuşların kaderi kafes tutmayı yazmamıştır.= Bazı kuşlar kafes tutmak için yaratmamıştılar./ [Pic] I always saw the world as this place where I really wasn’t meant to be. (Her zaman dünyaya gerçekten benim için yaratmamış yer görüyordum.) KATILMAK: AGREE/ KATILMAK: JOIN Join:/CO’Yn/ [bir olayı/grubu/…] katılmak || Agree (with): /ıg.Rİ’.wiz/ [bir fikire] (–a) katılmak/ kabul etmek* We’re going camping this Saturday morning at 6. Would you like to join us?/ [In the cafeteria (Kantinda)] Hey, that’s Andrew, the new student. (To Andrew) Hey, Andrew! Hi! I’m Nick. Come join us. This is Stephanie. This is Tom. (Andrew:) Hi. Nice meeting you, guys. –[S] Likewise. –[T] You too./ I absolutely agree with Ryan. We shouldn’t believe in everything we hear./ [Pic] You’re really pretty. –Thank you. –So you agree? You think you’re really pretty? :D/ I’m afraid (Üzgünüm/Kusura bakmayın /Pardon), I don’t agree with you. I think we need more workers, not less, because some of us are working double shifts(nöbet) in this factory. [Accept:(bir şeyi>fikir değil)kabul etmek*>Do you accept cash(nakit)? – Sure. Cash works for us(Nakit bizim işi yarar)!] [Accept someone as they are.=Accept someone the way they are.= Birini olduğun gibi kabul etmek*>Accept me as I am, or(yoksa) leave me alone(beni rahat bırak)!] Disagree (with): /dis.ıg.Rİ’.wiz/ [bir fikire] (–a) katılmamak [Tess] I think if a child misbehaves (kötü davransa), parents don’t have anything to do with that(ana babasını hiç alakası yok). It’s out of their control. [George] I’m sorry. I’m gonna have to disagree with Tess. I think in a lot of ways, parents are responsible for their children’s attitude/A’.dı.tu’d/(tutum/davranış)./ This place is good for a movie studio. –I have to disagree with you. It better be an art gallery. Controversy:/KA:’N.trı.vı tartışma, çekişme, anlaşmazlık Still there is controversy on abortion, school uniforms, and global warming in different parts of the world. Some say ‘yes’ to these, some, ‘no’./ There has always been a controversy over killing a dying(ölmek üzere) animal. So, what do you think? Should we kill, for example, a dying horse or killing it is a sin /SİN/ (günah)? Participate (in):/pa:r.Tİ.sı.peyt/ -e katılmak*=iştirak etmek || Participant:/pa:r.Tİ.sı.pınt/ katılımcı These young researchers have participated in this clinical project for over six months./ What is ‘İzcilik’? –It’s ‘scouting’. –Correct. Can you make a sentence? –The participants enjoyed the scouting days. –Correct. Now have you ever been a Boy Scout? –Yes I have! –Wonderful! Take part in: /TEYk-PA:Rt-in/ (take,took,taken) -e katılmak*=iştirak etmek || Partake (in): /pa:r.TEYk-in/ (partake,partook,partaken) (-e) katılmak*=iştirak etmek [Ad(Reklam)] Do you like to be on a show? Send us a message at to take part in Nashville Game Show. NGS. Just one click away(Sadece bir tıkla uzağınız=Sadece bir tıklayın yeter)!/ Have you ever partaken in any media interview? Do you think you have enough self-confidence to do that? –Uhh... –When your mind is ready, YOU are ready! TARTIŞMAK: DISCUSS/ARGUE/DEBATE || MÜZAKERE: NEGOTIATE/NEGOTIATION Discuss: /dis.KA:S/ tartışmak [kavga gibi değil], bahsetmek, münakaşa etmek, müzakere etmek || Discussion: /dis.KA:.şın/ tartışma, bahsetme, müzakere, görüşme Let’s discuss about it after the class, shall we (=olur mu)?/ He really enjoys discussions about anthropology/an.srı.PA:’.lı.ci/.

End of discussion!: /E’Nd.ıv.-/ [tartışmak istemediğin zaman, konuyu bitirmek için] Artık tartışmak istemiyorum!, Tartışma sonu!/Tartışmak yeter! I told you to clean it. –And I told you I got exams, I don’t have time! –I don’t have time either! –You know what? You’re too worried about cleaning! –But I want you to do it. –I won’t. End of discussion!/ We’re not going to your uncle’s house. End of discussion! Argue: /A:’R.gyu/ [daha: kavga gibi] tartışmak, karşı gelmek || Argument: /A:’R.gyu.mınt/ [daha: kavga gibi] tartışma, ağız dalaşı, argüman || Argumentative: tartışmacı, kavgacı Just because two people argue doesn’t mean they don’t love each other and just because they don’t argue doesn’t mean they do (love each other)./ The two neighbors were arguing. It’s a shame (=Yazıklar olsun)*!/ This is crazy (Bu delilik). For half an hour, they are arguing about which team is beter!/ I hate their constant /KA:NS.tınt/(=sürekli/daimi) arguments./ Dr. Wayne Dyer: Did you ever notice how difficult it is to argue with someone who is not obsessed with being right? [Double WOW.]/ You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to. –Anonymous [What a shame!: Ne kötü/Ne yazık!> You’re not coming for dinner? What a shame. ’Cause I made yummy kebabs!] [Shame on you!: Utan!> You hit this little child? Shame on you!] [Fight: 1.savaşmak >Winston Churchill: We should fight and we should never surrender. 2.kavga yapmak> Easy (Sakin ol)! There’s nothing to fight about. Ok. You’re RIGHT! 3.tartışmak>I’m not gonna fight with you.] Debate:/di.BE’Yt/[ciddi/resmi bir konu hakkında] tartışma(k), münakaşa (etmek) The two presidential candidates debated last night./ There was a debate on(hakkında) the new members of the council./ Mr. Mayor is debating on what matters he should focus on first as his future plan. Negotiate:/nı.GO’.şi.yeyt/(anlaşmayı) müzakere etmek/görüşmek, müzakerede bulunmak, (engel) aşmak, pazarlık yapmak || Negotiation:/nı.go’.şi.YEY.şın/(anlaşmayı) müzakere/ görüşme, müzakerede bulunma, (engel) aşmak, pazarlık yapma Negotiate means: Discuss with someone to reach an agreement./ The two countries negotiated peace./ The tourist was negotiating the price of the hand-made rug with the seller in Istanbul Grand Bazaar./ Yesterday, I negotiated my salary with my boss. It was actually a beneficial negotiation./ Mr. President may have a negotiation with the Democrats. Negotiable:/nı.GO’.şı.bıl/ (anlaşma ümidile) tartışılabilir Ok, ok. No need to scream! Our problem is negotiable. So let’s just have a seat and talk over the issue like two rational(mantıklı) adults, huh? 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him. The stars may fall, but God’s promises will stand and be fulfilled. –J. I. Packer BELIEVE/TRUST/PROMISE/SWEAR Believe: /bi.Lİ’v/ inanmak, güvenmek || Belief: /bi.Lİ’f/ inanç [Pic] I can’t believe we get to sit around and talk about books and get graded (on it). (Sınıfta oturup ve sadece kitap hakkında konuşup ve onun üzerinde no almanı inanamıyorum.) [Çok iyi bir sınıf olduğunu konuşuyor.]/ You can move a mountain if you believe. –I don’t think we can. –But you can. –How? –By removing rocks and stones gradually. –Oh, yeah, in that meaning (o anlamda) yes, definitely./ On the cover of the movie The Rookie it’s written: ‘‘It’s never too late to believe in your dreams.’’/ Can mass media change people’s belief? Mark 9:23 ‘If you can?’ said Jesus. ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’

Jeremiah 17:5-7 This is what the Lord says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord. That person will be like a bush in the wastelands; they will not see prosperity when it comes. They will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives. But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. Trust: /tRA:ST/ güvenmek, inanmak, güven/inanç [Pic] I trust everyone... I just don’t trust the devil inside them. (Herkese güvenıyorum... ancak onların kalbindeki/fikrindeki/içindeki şeytanı güvenmıyorum.)/ [The Yellow Handkerchief] Gordy (Eddie Redmayne): Why’d you trust him from the beginning? Martine(Kristen Stewart): I think because I trust sad people./ The foundation of a relationship must be based on trust. Otherwise, it’s not relationship at all. Micah 7:5 Do not rely on a friend; do not trust a companion! Don't even share secrets with the one who lies in your arms!

Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. John 14:1 Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.

2 Corinthians 1:20 For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory. Promise: /pRA:’.mis/ söz vermek, söz Promise me that you’ll never leave me alone. –Ok. I promise./ How can you realize if someone’s sayings are a promise or a lie? –Body language, intonation, and time. But time can open our mind./ There are many promises of God in the Holy Bible that I believe fully, such as John 14:27. John 14:27 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

NEVER COMPARE MAN’S PROMISES WITH MY GOD’S PROMISES. [Gifted Hands: A Ben Carson Story] God! You've promised that if we come to You and ask something in faith, that You'll do it. Matthew 5:34-37 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is His footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Swear: /SWE’r/ 1. yemin etmek 2. küfür etmek, sövmek If I didn’t do anything wrong and I’m sure of it, I wouldn’t swear. I just say I didn’t do it./ I swear I have never cheated on you (=Yemin ederim hiç seni aldatmadım)./ Someone said: You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive!! [Küfretmek: Swear, Curse, Cuss>LAW<bakin.] Believe me: inan bana Believe me, I have no reason to lie/LA:Y/ to you. (İnan bana, sana yalan söylemeye hiç sebebim yok.) Trust me: güven bana, inan bana Don’t be afraid of this dog, sweetie. Trust me, he just barks, doesn’t bite. I promise: söz veriyorum [=Word!=You have my word!] It’s a very important business /BİZ.nıs/ trip. If you’re back successfully, I promise I’ll give you a raise /REYz/(=sana zam vereceğim). [‘Word’ yani ‘kelime’, hem de ‘söz’ anlamında> If you finish this today, I’ll give you 20 bucks /BA:Ks/ (dollars). –Word? –Word.> You have my word.= I promise.] I can’t believe you just did that: Bu/Az önce yaptığına inanamıyorum. [He throws trash in the street (Sokakta çöp atıyor). His mom says] I can’t believe you just did that, honey. [He replies] But there’s no trash bin (çöp kotusu) around. [His mom] I see. But you could put it in your backpack(sırt çantası) and later throw it away. [>Throw away: atmak]/ [After 10 years of married life, the husband buys flower for his wife and gives it to her] These are for you! –Oh my gosh! Are these for me? I can’t believe you just did that! –Sorry, honey. I have always loved you but I was so busy working outside that I forgot to celebrate inside. Let me put on some music. –Yeah, great! –Now... may I have a dance with you?  COUNT Count: /KAWNt/ 1. saymak, sayı, 2. varsaymak, hesaba katmak [Man to the 2-year-old kid] Can you count to ten?/ It’s not the time you spend at practice that counts. It’s what you put into practice that makes the difference. –Eric Lindros, the hockey player [>anahtar kelimeler<]/ Girl: He didn’t look at me. As if(Sanki) I didn’t count!/ Kid: On the count of three. –One. –Two. Two-and-ahalf. –Three. Count me in: /KAWNd.mi-İN/ Beni var say, Beni katma [=I’m in: Ben varım.] || Count me out: /KAWNd.mi-AWt/ Ben yokum, Beni katmama [=I’m out (of this): Ben (bu konuda) yokum.] Wow. Another road trip? Count me in! (=I’m in!) It’s awesome, dude!/ Are you up (Hazır mısın) for another mountain climbing? –Oh, no, man! Count me out. (=I’m out.) It/this/that doesn’t count: Bunu saymıyorum!, Öyle saymaz! The last time I invited you to dinner, you had a phone call and you left. That doesn’t count, so I’d like to invite you again./ I tossed(flipped) a coin (=yazı tura attım) but the coin went into the water. It doesn’t count! –Ok, let me do it this time. Count to three: /--SRİ/ Üçe kadar saymak Let’s count to three and dive/DA:Yv/, shall we? One... two... three!!

Count to 2/5/10/20…: 2/5/10/20’e kadar saymak || Count down from 20/10/5/3…: 20/10/5/3…’dan geri saymak Guys! Let’s see who eats the hamburgers/HAM.b3r.g3rz/ faster. I count to 10 and we’ll start, okay? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! Start!!/ The New Year starts in seconds. Now, everybody, count down from 10. [All] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, Happy New Yeaaaaaaaaar! –Yaaaaaaay! –Cheeeeeers! TAVSİYE/ÖNERİ Recommend: /re.kı.ME’Nd/ tavsiye etmek || Recommendation: /re.kı.men.DE’Y.şın/ tavsiye || Recommendation letter: /-LE.dır/ referans mektubu, tavsiye mektubu If you’re interested in painting, I highly/çok) recommend the book ‘The Elements Of Colors’ by Johannes Itten. It is marvelous /MA:R.vı.lıs/ (harika)./ Can you recommend any good restaurant in Turkey?/ I’m gonna take a trip to Paris. Do you have any recommendation for me?/ Here’s my recommendation letter from my ex-boss in New Mexico./ The genius guy: I was a top/TA:P/(en üst seviye/en iyi) student, so here’s my recommendation letter for Harvard University by the dean of Cambridge/KEYM.bric/ University.

Suggest: /sı.CE’St/ fikri beyan etmek, fikir vermek, önermek, tavsiye etmek || Suggestion: /sı.CES.şın/ beyan edecek fikir/öneri/tavsiye Everybody was wondering where to go for the trip and so she suggested Minnesota Lake./ My whole life is in misery because of you. And now you suggest nothing?/ Andy? We would like to hear your opinion. Do you have any suggestions?/ If you spend some time alone, my suggestion is... watch a movie... NOW!!  Advice: pronunciation: /ıd.VA:YS/ öğüt, nasihat, uyarı, tavsiye || Advise: pronunciation: /ıd.VA:YZ/ tavsiye etmek, öğütlemek, nasihat etmek Here’s my advice to you: Trust your own talent and go for it (Kendi yeteneğını güven ve onu takip et/onun için git)./ Dad? I need some advice. –Sure, son(Tabi, evlat/oğlum). What is it(Buyurun/Nedir/Konu ne)?/ Well, if you want to quit /KWİT/ (bırakmak/istifa etmek) the job, I advise you to wait, prepare yourself for that, find a new job, and then quit. [‘Recommend’ güzel bir şeyi tavsiye etmek>‘I highly recommend you to listen to CBS news. It’s pretty awesome!’ Fakat ‘Advise’ bir baba oğlusunu/kızını tavsiye etmek gibi>He sometimes advises his son by telling him inspirational stories.] Tip: /TİP/ 1. faydalı bilgi, faydalı tavsiye 2. bahşiş I’m gonna study abroad, but before that, I need to pass the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Got(=Do you have) any tips for me? –Sure! Take as many IELTS tests as you can!/ [On the Internet] I’m going to Japan for a business trip. Any tips? –[Comment] Well, it’s acceptable not to bow. Just shake hands. Have your business card. When meeting, do not sit anywhere. You’ll be directed to your seat(Oturacak yerinizi gösterecekler). Gift from your country would be appreciated, and don’t be surprised if you get a gift in return. Don’t unwrap it until you left (Orayı terk etmeden hediyenizi ambalajdan açmayın). Taking notes are very important because it shows you’re interested in the business. Hope the tips are helpful!/ How much tip do you pay to a bellhop in a 5-star hotel in the U.S.?/ Don’t forget to put some money in the ‘Tip Box’. You might make a lot of people happy! MIND Mind: /MA:YNd/ akıl, fikir It came into my mind (It crossed my mind =Aklımda geldi/Aklımdan geçti) that I could be a musician because I’ve always been passionate /PA’.şı.nıt/ (hevesli/tutkulu) about music./ Her mind is full of great memories she had with her best friend. I think(=Sanırım/Bence) she loves him./ Stretch your mind (=Fikirini yapabiliceğini kadar uzatın)!/ [Behind every powerful mind, there’s a beautiful woman. The movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’ is about that.] State of mind: /sTE’d.ıv-MA:YNd/ aklın/fikrin bir durum Fear is a state of mind. If your mind doesn’t fear, YOU don’t fear. That’s why some people walk on fire, because their mind is not focused on fear./ Happiness is a state of mind. Where’s your mind?: /WER.iz.yor-MA:YNd/ Senin aklın nerde? Hey watch it (=dikkat et)! You shouldn’t mix the milk with the tomatoe paste/tıça)! Where’s your mind? Are you in love? Mind if… ?: /MA:YNd-if/ = Do you mind if… ?: = Would you mind if…?: /wu.CU-MA:YNd.if/ Sa/Se…sakıncası varmı? || If you don’t mind!: [‘…ister misiniz’ın cevap] Zahmet olmazsa!, Sakıncası yoksa! [Soul Surfer] Bethany: Mind if I tag along(Sizinle gelsem sakıncası varmı)?/ Mind if I take a look at your wedding album (=Sizin düğün albümü bir göz atsam sakıncası varmı)? –Of course not. Please. Go ahead /go.ı.HE’d/(Buyurun/Devam edin)./ I need to make an urgent/3R.cınt/ phone call (Acil bir aramam gerek). Mind if I use your phone? –Yes, I do mind, I’m afraid. I need to run(Acelem var/Çok hızlı gitmem gerek/Geç oldu)./ Do you mind if my son joins us today? –Oh no. Not at all (Asla sakıncası yok). We’d be happy to have him here./ [In the

cafe] Do you mind if I borrow/BA:’.ro’w/ this chair? –[She puts her hand on the chair and says] Yes, I do. (=Yes, I mind.) Sorry. I’m expecting someone. –Oh, that’s ok./ Would you like one more tea, please? –If you don’t mind. –Not at all./ [The Woodcarver] Would you mind stepping outside (Dışarıda çıksen sakıncası varmı)? I’d like a word with your parents (Anne babanla konuşmak istiyorum). I don’t mind!: 1. Fark etmez! 2. Önemli değil! Martha is doing (=washing) the dishes and her sister, Lila says: I can finish this if you wanna go to bed. –I don’t mind./ Sorry about my kid. He’s a bit loud. –I don’t mind. I’m wearing earphones.  Have (something) in mind: (bir şeyi) hatırlamak/unutmamak/ aklında durmak/kalmak Honey, don’t forget to buy pineapple/PA:YN.a.pıl/(ananas). –Ok, I’ll have that in mind. –And wine too. –All right, I’ll have that in mind too. Anything else(Başka bir şey)? –Uh, that’s all. –All right. What did you have in mind?: [>kızgın tonlama<] Aklında ne vardı?, Ne düşündün sen? You think you can get drunk and call me at 4 o’clock in the morning? Are you crazy? What did you have in mind? –Nothing. Sorry, that night I had a bad night. –Oh! What price (range) do you have in mind?: /WA:T.pra:ys.reync--/ [satın almak için] Ne fiyat (aralığı) düşünüyorsunuz? Hi. I need a suit and a tie. –Sure. What color and price do you have in mind?/ I need to buy a house. –Very good. What price range do you have in mind? Cross one’s mind: /kRA:’S--/ aklından geçmek, aklına/hatırına gelmek [=Come into one’s mind] There were guests at home. It was so crowded. And I needed to study for the exam. Suddenly /SA:.dı (Aniden) it crossed my mind to study on the rooftop. Such a good idea!/ I tried to remember her name, but nothing came into my mind./ You were living in Ontario in 1999? –Yea! –At that time, I was living there too! –How odd /A:’d/ (tuhaf)! It actually crossed my mind a couple of times that I might run into(tesadüfen karşılaşmak) you. Speak one’s mind:/sPİ’k--/ ne düşündüğünü açıkca söylemek [Change Of Plan] Jordan(Jayme Lynn Evans): My mother and father taught me to speak my mind./ Do you always speak your mind? It slipped my mind: /-*sLİPt--/ Aklımdan kaçtı/çıktı/kaydı!, Unuttum! So... you met your ex-boyfriend and you forgot to tell me about it? –Yea, it slipped my mind./ You left(bıraktı) your office lamp on(açık). –Oh, it must have slipped my mind. [Slip: /*sLİP/ kaymak>The guy slipped on the icy road.|| Slippery: /sLİ.pı.ri/ kaygan>It’s snowing. The slope(yokuş/bayır) outside is slippery. Watch out(Dikkat et). –I will. Don’t worry.] [Sleep:/*sLİ’p/] My mind went blank: /--bLANk/ Kafam bom boş!> Aklıma bir şey gelmedı! || My mind freezed: /--fRİ’Zd/ Kafam dondu!, Kafam durdu! When they gave me the exam sheet /Şİ’t/(kağıt), for ten seconds my mind went blank, but I was back (=kendime geldim). And I answered all the tests easily. It’s an awesome feeling!/ This is crazy! At the time that I should have spoken, my mind freezed! I had no idea what to say!

Mind: /MA:YNd/ dikkat etmek (düşünmek) [On the subway train door] Please Mind The Gap (Lütfen –Platform- Boşluğu Dikkat Edin)./ [On the speakers] Please mind the gap when getting on the subway train (Lütfen metro treni binerken –platform- boşluğu dikkat edin)./ Mind your finger while sewing* (=Dikerken, parmağını dikkat* et). [Sew: /SO’/ dikmek>The job of a tailor /TEY.lır/(terzi) is to sew.] [Watch it!: Dikkat et!/Önünü bak!>(To the cyclist who almost ran him over:Hemen hemen çarpan bisikletçiye) Hey, watch it!] Mind your own business!:/MA:YNd-yur.OWN-BİZ.nıs/ Sen kendi işine bak!, Sen karışma! [Person 1: The girl is crying] [Person 2: Goes to her] Are you okay? Is there something I can do? [Person 3: Her brother] Hey, you! Mind your own business. This is a family matter (=sorun/konu). -minded: /ıd/ --fikirli Open-minded(=broad-minded/cool minded:açık/geniş fikirli) is the opposite of narrow-minded(=closed minded/small-minded:dar fikirli/bağnaz)./ He thinks people of the Netherlands are open-minded. BOŞ VER!/KAFANA TAKMA!/ÖNEMLİ DEĞİL!/BIRAK GİTSİN!

Never mind!: /NE.vır.MA:YNd/ (=Merak etme!/Kafana takma!) || Don’t worry (about it)!: /DO’Nt-WO.ri(-ı (=Endişelenme!/Kafana takma!) || Forget it!: /for.GED-it/ (=Onut gitsin!/Kafana takma!) || Just forget it!:/cıst-for.GED-it/ (=Onut gitsin!/Kafana takma!) || It doesn’t matter!:/it.DA:.zınt-MA’.dır/ Önemli değil!/Boş ver! || Leave it!*: /Lİ’ [yaptığın işi] Devam etme! Onut/Bırak gitsin! Sorry I broke your leg. I didn’t mean to (=Amacım öyle değildi). –Never mind./ Sorry about the words I said the other night. I didn’t mean to hurt you. –Don’t worryi man. I’ve forgotten them. Want some coffee?/ We just know each other for a month and you want a baby? –Uhh, you know what? Forget it. Just... just... forget it./ Sorry, what did you say? –Nothing. Just forget it./ Hey, I’m sorry, I forgot to bring your book. –It doesn’t matter./ What are you doing? –Fixing the washing machine. –Leave it. –Why? –’Cause I called Adam. He’s coming to fix it. –No, I should do it. –Jack! I told you to leave it. Please. –[Raises his hands and says] Ok. All right. [Another Perfect Stranger] Jesus Christ: It’s the inside of the person that matters, not the outside rituals. Matter*:/MA’.dır/ 1.önemli olmak2.önemli şey/olay/konu The only thing that matters to me is to live and prefer God’s way to mine./ [The Chosen One (2010)] Marissa(Carolina Gomez): ‘Every morning, we’re born again. What we do today is what maters most.’ [EXCELLENT!]/ [Pic] We have each other. That’s all that matters./ Job matters! Your job is your ID card./ Age is an issue(mesele) of mind(önemsemek) over matter(önemli olmak). If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. –Mark Twain/ The root of some English words is Persian /P3R.jın/ like ‘Name’ which is originally Persian ‘Nam’. [It’s used in Kurdish too.] ‘Balcony’ is actually Persian ‘Bala’ meaning ‘above’ plus ‘Khaneh/Khoneh’ meaning ‘house’. The more languages we know, the more we enjoy. Joy matters. / What is the matter(Olay ne/Ne oldu)?/ We will talk about this matter later(Bu konuda sonra konuşacağiz). [No matter what: Ne olursa olsun>No matter what, I’m gonna go.] 2 Peter 2:12 But these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like unreasoning animals, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like animals they too will perish. Isaiah 51:12 [The LORD says] I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you fear mere mortals, human beings who are but grass.

WORRY… Worry (about): /WO.ri-ı.BAWt/ (-u) merak etmek, endişelenmek, endişe, kaygı Don’t worry (Merak etme/Üzme canını). He will fix(tamir etmek/düzetmek) your car like the first day./ You worry a lot (Çok endişelenıyorsun). Relax, man!/ We need to stop worrying about what others think of us. What others think isn’t important, but how we feel about ourselves is./ I wonder if you have any hand lotion. (Aceba el losyonuz var mı?/El losyon olacağını merak ettim.)/ In times of worry, using mind is more necessary than ever. When we pray, our mind relaxes. The result goes back to us./ Dr. Wayne Dyer: ‘‘If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a fact, then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system.’’/ Dale Carnegie: Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday (Aklınızda kalsın, bugün, dünün endişelendiğin yarındır)!! [Wonder: /WA:N.dır/ merak etmek=anlamak veya öğrenmek istemek>Children always wonder. Don’t ignore to respond to them. Trust me, they DO understand EVERYTHING.] [Wonderer: (=Curious) öğrenmeye meraklı>Human beings are wonderers. But they can use this sense of wonder to become the next Einstein, or to find out everything about their next-door neighbors. You agree?]

No worries!: /NO-WO.ri’z/ Kaygı yok!, Dert etme!, Endişelenme!, Endişelenmek bir şey yok!, Önemli değil!, Endişem gerek yok! [Pic] This girl... how far are you willing to go to save her? –I’d die for her. –Good. No worries then. (Bu kız... onu kurtarmak için nasıl risk edeceksin? / ne kadar uzun gitmeye isteklisin?) –Onun için ölürüm. –İyi. Ölürsen, endişem gerek yok o zaman.) :D Worrying: / endişe verici, kaygı verici, kaygılandırıcı An old woman: Prices/pRA:Y.sız/ are up(Fiyatlar yüksek). It’s worrying. Worried (about):/WO.rid/(-e) endişeli, kaygılı, üzüntülü She’s worried about her son’s future./ Mom /MA:’m/ is a bit worried. I don’t know why. –Let’s go and ask her./ Are you more worried

about the things that you don’t do or the things that you do? –Uh, that’s a tough /TA:F/ (zor) question! Concerned (about) : pronunciation:/kın.S3RNd-ı.BAWt//NOTTT KON--/ ilgili, alakalı, düşünceli, meraklı, endişeli || Concern someone: /kın.S3Rn--/ birini ilgilenmek [>Hemen hemen resmi; fakat ÇOK kibar.<] Sherry is very concerned about animal rights. She doesn’t want animals to be kept in zoos./ Where have you been? Why didn’t you give us a call? Mom was really worried(concerned) about you./ ‘It doesn’t concern you(Sana ilgilenmiyor)!’ is more polite than ‘It’s none of your business(Sana ne)!’/ ‘Whom’ is RARELY used in some formal writings. In some law notices (ihbarnameler), they write: ‘To Whom It May Concern (Kime ilgilenir)’ but instead, nowadays, they prefer ‘Dear Sir or Madam’. Psalm 94:19 When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul. Matthew 6:25-33 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Anxious: /ANG.şıs/ endişeli, kaygılı || Anxiety: /ang.ZA:.yı.di/ anksiyete, endişe, kaygı, iç daralması Don’t be anxious, okay? Everything is gonna be just fine (=Her şey düzeltecek/Her şey iyi olacak)./ Man: Doctor/DA:’K.tır/, I’m anxious all the time. What should I do?/ Do you know the medication/me.dı.KEY.şın/(ilaç) to anxiety? –Why, you got/have anxiety? –No, my dormitory roommate has. Pretty much. –Don’t know. Seems like he has to see a shrink (=psikyatr). 1 Peter 5:7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. [Wonderful God!]

James 2:14-17 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. CARE Care: /KE’r//NOTTT KEYR/ umurunda olmak, umursamak Someone said, ‘If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments!’ –HaHa! That is so funny!/ [Pic] How can you not care (Nasıl umursayamıyorsun ki)? –Like this (Bunun gibi/ Böye işte). :D/ [Pic] And it’s not exactly like anybody cares, so... (Ve dediklerim tam olarak herkesin umursadığın gibi değil da, e işte...) Galatians 6:10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. Care about someone/something: /KE’r-ı.BAWT--/ birini/bir şeyi önem vermek/ umursamak/merak etmek || I don’t care!:/’nt.KE’r/ Umrumda değil!, Umursamıyorum! (Bana ne!) I love and care about Jesus Christ the LORD for he saved me while I didn’t deserve./ Sweetie, I care about you more than anyone else in my life./ Do you ever care about me? –What’s that supposed to mean? Of course I care about you!/ Ashley! Someone on the phone wants to talk to you. –Whoever it is, I don’t care./ I don’t care if my cousin went to Harvard, I don’t care if I don’t have a car, I don’t care if my neighbors are richer than me. I don’t care. I care about myself

and my family. I care about helping others. I care about having a good social life./ Do you know William got married (evlendi)? – I don’t care. Why should I care (=Niye umursayim ki)? [Take care of someone: birini bakmak> Woman: While I’m not home, my sister takes care of my baby.] Care for: /KE’r.for/ [bir şeyi/kişiyi] istemek [1] Anyone? Care for some green tea? [2] Oh yeah! That’d be great! [3] Not me, thanks. [4] Sure./ [Pic] It’s never a mistake to care for someone. Take care!: /TEYk-KE’r/ Kendine iyi bak! I catch ya later (Sonra You too. See ya.

görüşürüz). Take care. –

Take care of:/TEYk-KE’r.ıv/ 1. [=Look after] (çocuk/hasta...)-e bakmak, ilgilenmek 2. halletmek 1. Take care of the baby till I’m back. –I will. Don’t worry./ 1. Sales clerk/SEYLz kl3rk/(Satış elemanı): How may I help you? –Is Lisa (the other sales clerk) here? She always takes care of us. –Oh, I’m afraid. She’s off today./ 1. Beware of those who seek to take care of you lest your caretakers become your jailers. –Jim Rohn/ 1. Everyday, a lot of nurses look after their patients. I’d like to THANK ALL of them./ 2. Officer Brown! You go and rest. I’ll take care of it (=Bunu ben hallederim/Bunu bana bırak/Ben bakacağim). Yes, ma’am. What seems to be the problem? Why are you yelling (Niye bağırıyorsunuz)? [Care about someone: birini merak etmek/önem vermek>Do you really care about me? –I do, honey. You’re my life, my everything, my love!] Who cares?:/HU-KE’rz/ Kim takar (ki)?, Kimin umurunda?, Bana/Bize ne? Guy: I have a friend who always says, ‘So what(Ne olmuş ki)? Who cares?’ Tell him Johnny Depp tipped $10,000 to a waitress, and he’d say, ‘So what? Who cares’?/ Look at the woman over there. She’s been laughing the whole time. –Who cares? She’s not bothering me! [Look at: -e bakmak] [Bother: /BA:’.zır/ rahatsiz etmek] Would anyone care…?:/WUD.E’.ni.wa:n-KE’r/ ...kimse... istiyor mu? || Do you care for...İSİM? ...istiyor musun? || (Do you) Care to...FİİL? ...istiyor musun? [1] Would anyone care for some more wine? –[2] No, I’m good. [3] No, I’ll pass (Yok, istemiyorum). –[4] Yeah, I would. Thanks. [5] (Head down, reading the paper, raises his hand) Yes for me, thanks./ Do you care for some fruit? –No, thanks. I like fruit, though. I don’t feel like it ‘now’./ Nah, we don’t like this apartment. –I got another one but a bit more expensive. Care to take a look?/ I’m gonna go for a swim. Would anyone care to join me? …for all I care!: /for.A:’L.a:y-KE’r/ [>alay gibi<] ...sanki umurumda[>hani değil<]!, ...hiçte umurumdam değil!, ...hiç beni ilgilendirmez!, ...bana ne ya! Example from ‘‘A: Hey, I heard that when you’re dead, your children will sell all your stamp collection on an auction house. B: When that time comes, they can do with it whatever they like, for all I care.’’/ If you wanna hang out with your friends, go, for all I care, but be here before 10, understand? (Arkadaşlarınla takılmak istersen, git, hiçte umurumda değil, yine de 22’dan önce burada var ol, anladın mı?) Ephesians 5:15-17 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Careful: /KE’R.fıl/ dikkatli || Carefully: /KE’R.fı.li/ dikkatlice, dikkatli şekilde || Careless: /KE’R.lıs/ dikkatsiz || Carelessly: /KE’R.lı dikkatsizce, dikkatsiz şekilde [Her young children are going on(to) a field trip(eğitim gezisi), she says] Have fun! Be careful!/ You have to be careful about being too careful (Fazla dikkatli olmayı dikkat etmelisin)! –Beryl Pfizer/ He’s so careless. For example, this morning, he put the jar of jam at the edge of the table and it was about to(üzereydi) fall down. Luckily I got it./ The plumber set the pipe so carelessly. It still leaks(Hala su kaçırıyor). –Call him to come and fix this. DEAL Deal?: /Dİyıl/ Anlaştık mı?, Oldu mu?, Var mısın? || Deal!: Anlaştık!, Oldu!, Varım! You do this now, I’ll pay you hundred bucks(yüz dolar) more, deal? –Deal. [They shake hands.]/ [He loves to skateboard, his dad says] If you pass the exam, I’ll buy you a skateboard. Deal? –Deal!  Deal: /Dİyıl/ [SL: Dealio/Dİ.lyo/] [ticari] anlaşma Tev? What are you gonna do with Mr. Klaven’s deal(dealio)? –I’m still working on it./ Shall we cut(close) this deal(Bu anlaşmayı yapalım mı)? [Cut:/KA:T/. Close:/KLO’z/.]/ Nothing will kill a deal like time. –Joe Martin/ Ad: Day Drunk is not the most effective look. Close a deal!

Real deal: /Rİyıl-Dİyıl/ [kişi(ler) ya şey(ler)] [sahte olmayan] gerçekşey/anlaşma, dikkate değer şey, doğru işi yapan, tam işi bilen, hakikaten değerli şey/kişi, tam orijinal, tam doğru şey/kişi || These guys are the real deal!: Bu adamlar çok profesyonel/çok usta/tam işe bilen! Girl: I’m not looking for a short-term relationship. I’m looking for a real deal(Kendimi göre tam doğru insanı ariyorum)./ I went to two other mechanics, they couldn’t fix my car well. But these mechanics are the real deal (Bu mekanikler tam işe biliyorlar/tam usta/tam işe bilenler)./ [Change of Plans] (They go to the car race. Their dad introduces Jeff Burton, a pro NASCAR driver who took first place (=won) 21 times, and says] Hey, guys, this guy’s the real deal. He drives racecars./ The guy in the gem job: Yes, sir. This diamond ring is the real deal(Bu elmas yüzük gerçekten değerli/aradığın şey). –I was actually looking for something like this for my wife. What’s your deal?:/WA:TS.yor-Dİyıl/ Senin olay/hikaye/durum ne? You’re making up and dressing gorgeously. What’s your deal? Are you seeing a guy?/ Hey Cemil! What’s your deal? Where are you from? –I’m from Turkey. I’m with some friends. We bike around Europe and America to raise fund/REYz-FA:Nd/(para toplamak) for the UNICEF. –That’s incredible /ın.KRE.dı.bıl/(inanılmaz). What’s up with you?*:/WA:TS-A:P.wiz.yu/Senin derdin ne/Senin olay ne/Benden ne istiyorsun? [A Walk In My Shoes] He doesn’t know her but she helps him fix his car, knows he needs a job, comes to the coffee shop and drinks a bit of his coffee, so he says] Okay, okay, stop, stop! What’s up with you? What’s the deal/dealio/dillio?:/--Dİ.lyo/ Ne oldu?, Olay ne (söyle bakalım)? || What’s the big deal/dealio/dillio? [yaparım] Ne olacak ki?, Ne oldu ki?, (Bu işte) ne risk var ki? I can’t play in this team anymore. I’m leaving. –Why? What’s the deal?/ So, yeah, I danced on the car roof, what’s the big deal?/ Man: Yeah, I eat raw fish. What’s the big dealio? Here’s the deal…:/Hİyır.iz.zı-Dİyıl/ Şöyle yapalım…, Anlaşmamız bu, Konu şu, Önemli olan şu [=I tell you what…Bak ne diyeceğim!] || Here’s the thing…:/Hİyır.iz.zı-SİNg/ Önemli olan bu…, Konu şu…, Söylediğim şey bu… All right, here’s the deal. I want you to write the story of this month for the magazine. Do you think you can handle (=cope with) it?/ [The bad guy to the witness] Look. Here’s the deal. You keep your mouth shut(sen sus/bu konuyu kimseye söyleme) and I’ll pay you 10 grand (=ten thousand dollars). –What? No. Never./ Mr. Mayor: Look. Here’s the thing. We need to make big parks like Hyde Park London. I make you a deal!: Seninle bir anlaşma yapalım! Why don’t you listen to me? –Because you’re wrong. –Ok, I make you a deal. If I’m wrong, we’ll go to New York, but if I’m right, we’ll go to Miami. Deal? –All right. Deal. No big deal: /NO’.big-Dİyıl/ (=No biggie!) Önemli değil!, Hani büyük bir şey de değil!, Boş ver! || Is it a biggie?:/-Bİ.gi/ [SL] [bir şey yaparsam] Sorun mu var? [(It’s) no biggie!: Sorun değil!] [On the phone] Sorry, something came up I cannot meet you this evening. I’m really sorry. –Oh, no big deal. I understand. Is there anything I can do to help? –Oh, no. Thanks./ Oh my! I forgot to call you last night after your text. –No big deal. I just wanted to see how you’re doing. You fine, man? –Yeah, yeah I’m cool. Just so busy these days./ Is it a biggie if I call my boss at 11 p.m? Deal with:/Dİyıl.wiz/[=Take action][bir sorum/olumsuz durumun çözmesi] –ile ilgilenmek, ile uğraşmak, -nın üstesinden gelmek How are you gonna deal with this problem?/ How do you deal with stress?/ This is your problem, Mr. Hankinson. Deal with it!

Dealing With Difficult People God’s Way [by Jack Zavada] Dealing with difficult people not only tests our faith in God, but it also puts our witness on display. One biblical figure who responded well to difficult people was David, who triumphed over many offensive characters. When he was only a teenager, David encountered one of the most intimidating types of difficult people—the bully. Bullies can be found in the workplace, at home, and in schools, and they usually frighten us with their physical strength, authority, or some other advantage. Goliath was a giant warrior who had terrorized an army with his size and his skill as a fighter. No one dared to meet this bully in combat, until David showed up. Before facing Goliath, David had to deal with a critic, his own brother Eliab, who said: "I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle." (1 Samuel 17:28) David ignored this critic because what Eliab said was a lie. That's a good lesson for us. Turning his attention back to Goliath, David saw through the giant's taunts. Even as a young shepherd, David understood what it meant to be a servant of God: "All those here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give all of you into our hands." (1 Samuel 17:47). While we should not respond to bullies by hitting them in

the head with a rock, we should remember that our strength is not in ourselves, but in the God who loves us. This can give us confidence to endure when our own resources are low. Dealing with Difficult People: Time to Flee Fighting a bully is not always the right course of action. Later, King Saul turned into a bully and chased David throughout the country, because Saul was jealous of him. David chose to flee. Saul was the rightfully appointed king, and David would not battle him. He told Saul: "And may the Lord avenge the wrongs you have done to me, but my hand will not touch you. As the old saying goes, 'From evildoers come evil deeds, so my hand will not touch you.' "(1 Samuel 24:12-13) At times we must flee from a bully in the workplace, on the street, or in an abusive relationship. This is not cowardice. It's wise to retreat when we are unable to protect ourselves. Trusting God to exact justice takes great faith, which David had. He knew when to act himself, and when to flee and turn the matter over to the Lord. Dealing with Difficult People: Coping with the Angry Later in David's life, the Amalekites had attacked the village of Ziklag, carrying off the wives and children of David's army. Scripture says David and his men wept until they had no strength left. Understandably the men were angry, but instead of being mad at the Amalekites, they blamed David: "David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters." (1 Samuel 30:6) Often people take their anger out on us. Sometimes we deserve it, in which case an apology is needed, but usually the difficult person is frustrated in general and we are the handiest target. Striking back is not the solution: "But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God." (1 Samuel 30:6) Turning to God when we're attacked by an angry person gives us understanding, patience, and most of all, courage. Some suggest taking a deep breath or counting to ten, but the real answer is saying a quick prayer. David asked God what to do, was told to pursue the kidnappers, and he and his men rescued their families. Dealing with angry people tests our witness. People are watching. We can lose our temper as well, or we can respond calmly and with love. David succeeded because he turned to the One stronger and wiser than himself. We can learn from his example. Dealing with Difficult People: Looking in the Mirror The most difficult person each of us has to deal with is our self. If we are honest enough to admit it, we cause ourselves more trouble than others do. David was no different. He committed adultery with Bathsheba, then had her husband Uriah killed. When confronted with his crimes by Nathan the prophet, David admitted: "I have sinned against the Lord." (2 Samuel 12:13) At times we need the help of a pastor or godly friend to help us see our situation clearly. In other cases, when we humbly ask God to show us the reason for our misery, he gently directs us to look in the mirror. Then we need to do what David did: confess our sin to God and repent, knowing he always forgives and takes us back. David had many faults, but he was the only person in the Bible God called "a man after my own heart." (Acts 13:22) Why? Because David depended completely on God to direct his life, including dealing with difficult people. We can't control difficult people and we can't change them, but with God's guidance we can understand them better and find a way to cope with them.

PRONUNCIATION: S & Ş. ANLAMAK/ANLATMAK/TERS ANLAMAK This year: pronunciation: /ZİS.y3r/ SL:/ZİŞ.y3r/ bu sene || Yes you…: /YES.yu…/ SL:/YEŞ.yu…/ evet sen… Jackie is gonna be the champion /ÇA’M.pi.yın/ this year./ You lied/LA:Yd/(yalan söyledi) to me. –No I didn’t. –Yes you did. –No. –Yes you did…yes you did! Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. Mark 8:21 [On many miracles Jesus did but the disciples hardened their hearts] He said to them, "Do you still not understand?" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The BIBLE grows more beautiful, as we grow in our understanding of it. Understand: pronunciation: /a:n.dır.STA’Nd/ SL:/a:n.dır.ŞTA’Nd/ anlamak, aklın almak Video: ‘‘You are just 4 years old. You can’t swim here. It’s deep (derin). You understand me? –No... noooooo! I can! I can!!!’’ Professor: Why don’t we give our children SELF-CONFIDENCE?/ [She cheats on him (O onu aldatıyor) and he says] I just don’t understand(Aklım almıyor). How could you do this to me(Bunu bana nasıl yapti)?

Ephesians 3:17-19 Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the

love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Misunderstanding: /MİS.a:n.dır.sta’n.ding/ yanlış anlama, anlaşmazlık, ters anlama || Misunderstand: /MİS.a:n.dır.sta’nd/ yanlış anlamak, ters anlamak, anlaşmazlık olmak Misunderstanding is worse than disunderstanding because if we disunderstand, there’s a chance that we ask again, but if we misunderstand, it means we think we got it right but it could be wrong, so we never ask again!/ I’m sorry, I think a misunderstanding happened between us. (Kusura bakma/Pardon, sanırım aramızda bir anlaşmazlık oldu.)/ I think we misunderstood each other. (Sanırım birbirine yanlış anladık.) Be understood: /bi-a:n.dır.STU’d/ anlaşılmak Talk to her. She just wants to be understood. Explain (something to someone): /ıks.PLEYn/ (bir şeyi birini) açıklamak/anlatmak || Explanation: /ıks.pla.NEY.şın/ açıklama/anlatma/tanımlama || Explain yourself!: [=Give real reason for your behavior] Söyle niyetin neydi!, Söyle niye bunu yaptı!, Söyle niye böyle davrandı!, Söyle davranışın sebebi ne! [DİKKAT: Understand: anlamak. Explain: anlatmak. Show someone the way: birini yolu anlatmak.] He explained to them why we burn more calories sleeping than we do watching TV./ He said he had no explanation for being late. I thought it was more honest than lying. I liked that./ What do these cigarettes do in your bag? Explain yourself!/ Lynda Melinda! Your behavior is unacceptable. Explain yourself!/ We went to the National Gallery. The curator (idareci) showed us the way. CLEAR/CLEAN/CLEAN UP Clear: /KLİyır/1.açık, şeffaf, net, temiz 2.silmek/temizlemek/kaldırmak 3.[bir yer] Sorun yok! 4. (fiil) etrafı temizlemek/uzaklaştırmak>dışarı çıkmak 1. The sky is clear and blue. It’s a perfect moment for a picnic, what do you say? – Fine! Great!/ 1. He made it clear to her that she shouldn’t have left the shift(görevine terk etmemeliydi)./ 2. In what conditions can the World Bank clear a country’s debts/DETs/?/ 3. On the walkie-talkie(polis telsizinde): Block number one, clear (=Bir numara blok, sorun yok)./ 4. FBI officer: FBI! Clear the area (Etrafı temizlemeyın/uzaklaştırın)! Everybody out, please! Am I clear?: Net mıyım? Anlatabiliyor muyum?, Anlatabildin mi?, Anladın mı? || Clear?: Net mıyım?, Anlatabiliyor muyum?, Anlatabildin mi?, Anladın mı? I’m not gonna buy this house. Am I clear (=Anladınmı)? [Dikkat> Anlatabiliyor muyum: Am I clear?]/ Man: We’re not going to your mom’s (=annenin eve), clear? So, don’t insist/in.SİSt/(israr etme)! Crystal clear:/kRİS.tıl-KLİyır/1.(=Very easy to understand) kesin olarak anlaşılan, gün gibi meydana, kristal netlığınde 2.(=Very clear) apaçık 1. She gave a crystal clear explanation of what she wanted us to do./ 1. He made each staff’s duty/DU.ti/(=responsibility) crystal clear to them./ 1. What I want(İstediğimi), I made it clear to you, didn’t I (değil mi)?/ 1. The case of murder was crystal clear to the detective now./ 2. Why do some beaches have crystal clear water but some not? Let me be clear!: /İyır/ Seninle açık konuşayım!, Sana daha açık anlatayım! || Let me be perfectly clear to you:/PER.fı daha açık konuşayım!,Daha açık anlatayım! Let me be clear, young boy. If I ever see you with my daughter again, I’ll put you to jail, understand?/ Assistant: Boss? The parcel is lost! Boss: What do you mean ‘The parcel is lost’? Let me be perfectly clear to you. If I don’t get the parcel by today, I’m gonna have to replace you with someone else, understood? Assistant: Ye-ye-yes boss! Tomorrow’s clear!: /tı.MA:’.ro.(i)z-KLİyır/ Yarın boşum/müsaitim/serbestım/uygunum! [How Do You Know? (2010)] George(Paul Rudd) calls Lisa(Reese Witherspoon) to see if they can meet for a meal(yemek) and Lisa says: When? –Anytime. – Tomorrow’s clear. –Triplo Due (restoranın ismi)? –I’ll meet you there./ [On the phone] Can we meet tomorrow? –I’m afraid, I’m busy tomorrow. But my Saturday’s clear, uh, say(atıyorum) ’round 2(saat 14 civarında) o’clock? –Yeah, that’d be fine(bana göre iyi/uygun). Vivid: /Vİ.vid/ (=Very clear) canlı, parlak The professor gave such a vivid image of the Hittites /Hİ.ta:yts/ that I can really imagine how they or their life looked like./ The tour guide gave a vivid description of the tour before it./ Thank you Carlos. From your writing, I could see a vivid picture of life in Cuba / That was... dandy/DA’N.di/(harika/çok iyi).

Matthew 23:25-26 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. Clean: /kLİ’n/ temiz, temizlemek || Clean up: /kLİ’n.a:p/ [tamamen] temizlemek I try to learn to clean the inside rather than outside./ Your room is really clean! –Thanks!/ I want you to clean the mirror. –Yes, sir./ Honey! Clean up your muddy/MA:.di/(çamurlu) shoes and then come in! [Bazı fiiller ‘up/out/off’ gelince, anlama fark etmez, fakat içindeki anlama ‘completely/tamamen’dır. >Clean. Clean up.|| Listen!> Listen up (Millet, herkes –tamamen- dinlesin)! || Shave. Shave off>He shaved off his mustache.|| Cut the tree.>Cut out the tree.] [>FİLM daha izlerken daha anlıyoruz.<]

Wipe: /WA:Yp/ (=Clean) temizlemek, silmek Can you wipe the table please?/ God will wipe your tears. Believe./ How can I wipe off my PC’s Hard Drive? [Daha>Clean(Erase) the board.: Tahtayı sil.]

Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. WISH/HOPE Wish: /WİŞ/ dilemek I wish peace for the world./ I wish you all ‘joy and happiness’ in your life (=Hepinizin hayatinda neşe ve mutluluk diliyorum)./ Ok. Time to go for the exam. Wish me LUCK! –I will, honey. And I’m sure you will ROCK! –YEA!/ Be careful what you wish for! (=Ne dilediğine dikkat et!) You might get it! (Belki onu alarsın!/Onu alabilmeye şansın var!)/ Don’t wish ‘it’ were easier; wish ‘you’ were better. –Jim Rohn [Make a wish: İstediğini dile>Okay birthday boy (Peki/Tamam, doğum çocuk)! Now make a wish and blow the candles (mumları üfle)!] I wish…: /a:y.WİŞ/ Keşki... [I wish I...: /a:y.WİŞ.a:y/ Keşki ben...] Overachieving businessman: I wish I had hundred billion (milyar) dollars /DA:’lırz/!/ Man: I wish my wife could be here. (Keşki karem buradaydı.) [Sınav nokta: ‘I wish’den sonra (keşki anlama) geçmiş zamanlı tam bir cümle ya da özne geliyor.] [If only you could do that! Keşki bunu yapabiliyordun!] You wish!!: (=Dream on!!) [alay] Çok de istersin olmaz!, Arzu suna duy/kal!, Heh rüyasini gör! Boy to the girl’s best friend: She wants to go out with me? –[The girl’s best friend] You WISH!!/ Manchester will beat Chelsea tonight. –You WISH!! [>‘You wish!’de, ‘wish’ her zaman vurgulu<] Wishful thinking:/WİŞ.fıl-SİN.king/ hüsnükuruntu, olumlu şekilde umut besleme, herhangi bir durumu safça kendinden yana iyiye yorma Wishful thinking is when you believe that what you want to happen will happen, but in fact it is not possible./ She had blown this man (=She had said NO to him). But later she realized she liked him. And now she wishes that they’d see each other in a street or somehow. Maybe it’s just a wishful thinking. Romans 4:18 "Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations." Hope: /HO’p/ umut, ummak || I hope...: Umarım... Remember, Red. Hope is a great thing. Maybe the best of things. –Shawshank Redemption/ [Pic] This is not just a magazine. This is a shining beacon of hope./ Do you hope to get a job? –Absolutely. I never give up. –I hope you can find what you want. –I hope so(öyle) too(-de)./ In the Email: I hope you are fine and everything is OK. Ecclesiastes 9:4 "Anyone who is among the living has hope —even a live dog is better off than a dead lion!" DİKKAT ET! Dikkat et! Watch out! /WA:’Ç.awt/ || Watch it! /WA:’Ç.it/ [Hem de: Nereye bakıyorsun?/Önüne bak!/Dikkatle geç!] || Watch! /WA:’Ç/ || Look out!* /LUK.awt/ || Be careful! /bi.KE’R.fıl/ Watch out! It’s hot./ [The skaters(=skateboarders: kaykaycılar) are about to run him over(onu çarpmak üzere), he says] Hey, watch it./ Watch it! They’re bringing a big glass (=cam)./ They’re about to collide (birbirine çarpmak üzere), he says, ‘Watch it!’ The other guy says, ‘I’m sorry.’/ [Pedestrian to the driver] Hey! Watch it!/ [It’s snowing, she says] Watch where you’re going (Nereye gideceğini dikkat et)!/ Watch(Dikkat edin) your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes ‘your destiny’! –Frank Jackson (Outlaw)/ [While driving, a truck is coming toward them, and he says] Look out. –Ok, I got it (Tamam, halledeceğim/ merak etme/ dikkatliyim)./ His friend: If I was(were) you, I’d eat in a crowded restaurant where the food is fresh. Just be careful where you eat. (Eğer senin yerinde olsaydım, yemeğin taze olduğun kalabalık lokantad yemek yeyerdim. Hani nerede yemek yeyeceğini dikkat et.) [Watch: 1. izlemek> She watches TV every night. 2. kol saati>I’d like to buy this watch!] [Look out*: dışarıaya bakmak> She looked out the window, thinking of her future.] [Behold!: (özellikle Kutsal Kitap’ta) İyice dinleyin!/Dikkat edin!>Behold! This life is a test.] Pay attention:/PEY-ı.TEN.şın/dikkat etmek,dinlemek [dikkat etmek>dinlemek anlamında] || Pay close attention: /PEYKLO’S-ı.TEN.şın/ dikkatlice dinlemek || Attention please!: [hoparlör duyuruda, milletin dikkatini çekmek için bir başlangıç] Dikkat lütfen! || Notice:/NO’.dis/ dikkat etmek,farkında varmak,fark etmek [dikkat etmek farkında varmak anlamında] Class (=Öğrenciler/ Arkadaşlar)! Pay attention please. Look at these examples: ‘He is afraid of touching dogs.’ ‘Thanks for bringing the tape.’ If there is a verb after preposition (=edat), we definitely use –ing. Clear?/ Now pay close attention to me, son. You can’t spend too much. We have money problems, okay?/ [Man on the tannoy(hoparlörda)] Attention please (Dikkat lütfen). Flight number 4267

(=four two six seven) from California has just landed. [Land: yere indirmek] [bilgisayar>hoparlör*: speakers]/ Man on P.A. (Power Amplifier): Attention, please! Could parents of Ela Moy come to the security please?/ Have you ever noticed her ring? –No. What about it? –It’s a diamond ring! –Really? –Yea!/ Yahoo: The first thing men notice about women is their hair!/ [Sign on some Turkish shops] Please notice that we don’t have any retail sale(perakende satış), but wholesale(toptan satış)./ Crying girl: I think if I died, no one would notice! –Noooo, girlie! Who said that? Look at you! You look beautiful and everyone loves you! –Really? –Yeah! [Stops crying!] MAKE Make:/MEYk/1.[daha üretmek gibi>]yapmak [bina yapmak, çay yapmak, hata yapmak] 2.sebep olmak/ mecbur etmek 3.[ÇOK ÖNEMLİ:nesnesiz fiili nesneli yapar: laugh (gülmek)> make me laugh(beni güldürmek)||It feels good!>It makes me feel good!] I’m gonna make a sandwich. –Can you make a toast for me too?/ Don’t just let your bussiness or your job make something for you (senin için), let it make something of you (senden). –Jim Rohn/ Who do you think we should choose(pick) for the position of sales manager? –I think Jim is the best. –What makes you think that (Niye öyle düşünüyorsun/Bu düşünmeye sebebın ne)? –Well, he’s one of our loyal (sadık/vefalı/dürüst) staff and he’s got enough experience./ My boss is brutal. She makes (mecbur ediyor) me work the weekend./ He doesn’t wanna eat? Then don’t make him eat! –But he hasn’t had anything since morning. –Then make him a bit jealous. Pretend that you’re giving the food to his sister, then he’s gonna wanna eat! –Oh, yeah. That’s a good idea./ [Pic] Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy./ It makes me sad: Beni üzülüyor./ It makes me happy.: Beni mutlu ediyor./ [Pic] (Çocuğa diyor) I made you. I’m in your blood. [>The past tense of ‘make’ is ‘made’.<] [ÇOK ÖNEMLİ:*Laugh: gülmek. MAKE someone laugh: birini gülDÜRmek.>Don’t make me laugh! I’m trying to be serious. *Cry: ağlamak. MAKE someone cry: birini ağlaTmak.> Oh boy! You made me cry with your story. >>‘Make’ makes an intransitive verb transitive (‘Make’ bir geçişsiz ya da nesnesiz fiili geçişli ya da nesneli yapar).>Don’t make me wait(Beni bekletme)!] [It makes me happy.: Bu beni mutlu eder.|| It makes me sad.: Bu beni üzülüyor.|| Talking about food makes him hungry.] James McCosh: The book to read is not one which thinks for you, but the one that makes you think. No other book in the world equals the BIBLE for that. Make sure: /meyk.ŞU’r/-SO’r/ -dan emin olmak/kontrol etmek, unutmamak Make sure you locked the car, hon/HA:’n/(=honey)./ Before you break up with her, make sure she really cheated on you. –I’m pretty sure, man./ Uncle? How can I make sure the person I’m sending money through the Internet is a reliable one? –Well, have you Googled him yet (O’nu hiç Google’de araştırma yaptın mı)? –Mmm! No. But, good that I asked (iyi ki sördum)! I’m gonna do it now. [Good call!: İyi ki söyledi!] Make a mistake:/-mis.TEYk/ bir hata yapmak [Make mistakes: hatalar yapmak] (make,made,made) Show me a person who never made a mistake and I will show you a person who never did anything. –William Rosenberg, the founder of Dunkin’ Donut/ Girl: I made a big mistake. I told a complete stranger my full name, he Faced me (Facebook’ta beni arama yaptı/ buldu) and left me, like, 10 messages since yesterday. –I think you should ‘Block’ him. –Oh yeah, good idea!/ [Pic] People make mistakes, Will, even the people that we love. Audio Adrenaline – Ocean Floor lyrics: The mistakes I've made - That caused pain - I could have done without - All my selfish thought - All my pride - The things I hide - You have forgot about - They're all behind you - They'll never find you - They're on the ocean floor - Your sins are forgotten - They're on the bottom - Of the ocean floor - My misdeeds - All my greed - All the things that haunt me now - They're not a pretty sight to see - But they're wiped away - By a mighty, mighty wave - A mighty, mighty wave They're all behind you - They'll never find you - They're on the ocean floor - Your sins are forgotten - They're on the bottom - Of the ocean floor - Your sins are erased - And they are no more - They're out on the ocean floor - Take them away - To return no more - Take them away - To the ocean floor - To the ocean floor - To the ocean floor - They're all behind you - They'll never find you - They're on the ocean floor - Your sins are forgotten - They're on the bottom - Of the ocean floor - Your sins are erased - And they are no more - They're out on the ocean floor - Your sins are forgotten - They're on the bottom - Of the ocean floor - Your sins are erased - And they are no more - They're out on the ocean floor Make a room for someone: [oturma için] -e yer açmak, …için daha sık oturmak [At lunch time in the factory canteen] Guys! This is our new worker, Jack. Jack, this is Alex, this Jenna, and this is Cassandra. –Nice meeting you. –You too/Me too/And you. – Come on guys. Make a room for him. [They sit tighter so he could sit next to them and have some lunch.]

Make tea/coffee: /-Tİ’/-KA:’.fi/ çay/kahve yapmak [NOTTT /] || Make the bed: /MEYk.zı-BE’d/ yatağı düzeltmek Do I make you some tea (Sana çay yapalım mı)? –I already made some coffee (Az önce kahve yaptım). Do I pour you some (Sana de – kahve- doldurum mu)? –Yes, please. –Sure./ Man: When I was a teen, I made my bed. Make (a) friend(s): /-FRE’Nd/ (yeni bir/ birkaç) arkadaş bulmak || Make friends with: ile arkadaşlık/dostluk yapmak [Pic] I made a new friend. –Real or imaginary?/ What kind of person would you make friends with (Ne tür insanla –muhtemelen- dostluk yaparsınız)? Be able to make it/ Can make it: gelebilmek, gelmeye/ gitmeye başarıbilmek/ başarımak Where’s your brother? –He wasn’t able to make it./ [He thinks his brother is so busy that he cannot make it (=cannot come) but as he sees him(onu gördüğünce)... they hug and he says] Wow. You’ve made it! –Yeah!/ [Climbing the Everest, she asks] Do you think we can make it to the top? –[He looks at her and says] Together we can! He couldn’t make it!: (=He couldn’t come!) Gelemedı! || I’m not gonna be able to make it./I can’t make it.: Gelemem! Where’s your fiancé? –Oh, he couldn’t make it./ [Rosie leaving a voice mail] Dad! I’m sorry. I know that you’re waiting for me, but things are crazy at the office, so I’m not gonna be able to make it. But I promise I’ll see you soon, ok? Big kiss./ [On the phone] Lou, I’m sorry. I was supposed to see you at 10 but something came up (bir şey oldu) and I can’t make it before noon. –No big deal, man. See you at noon. Take care. –All right. Bye. Make things all right: her şeyi düzeltmek/iyi yapmak [Pic] Somebody like you could really make things all right for me. MAKE UP: TELAFİ ETMEK… Make up: 1. (=Wear make-up= Put on make-up) makyaj yapmak 2. (=Make) telafi etmek 3. kafadan atmak || I make it (up) to you: Seni telafi edeceğim. 1. Serin makes up (=wears make-up/ puts on make-up) every day./ 1. Girl: I like the way Keira Knightley makes up in the movie ‘Last Night/Son Gece’. –Yeah, Penélope Cruz is also good at wearing make-up./ 2. Man to his wife: I know, I lied to you, but is there any chance to make it up to you, baby? Please. Just give me one last chance./ 2. I do everything to make it to you. –Everything? –Yeah, everything. –Then do a chicken dance! :D/ 3. But you said you don’t have any father! You lied? –I just made that up! Sorry!/ 3. What? He told you he’s married? He made that up, girlie! Don’t just believe in everything you hear! Compensate (for):/KA:’M.pın.seyt-/(=Make up for)–e telafi etmek He sent a bunch of flowers to my apartment(daire) with this note: Honey. We need to talk. These flowers are your favorite, to compensate for what you think I did. Love, John. [>Here John wants to say he didn’t do anything wrong (Burada John’ın demek istediğin, yanlış bir şey yapmadığındır).<]/ When you break someone’s heart, you should compensate for it. Make up one’s mind: [=Decide/di.SA:’Yd/] karar vermek [>konuşmak/yazmak/sınav için önemli<] One time you say you wanna do it, next time you say you don’t wanna do it. So what is it? Why don’t you make up your mind?/ So, Alen, did you make up your mind? Do you wanna buy the house or what?/ So, blue jeans or black jeans? Did you make up your mind?/ I’m sorry. She hasn’t made up her mind yet. DIFFERENT/DIFFERENCE/DIFFER Different:/DİF.ır.ınt/ farklı, başka, ayrı || (The) Same: /SEYM/ aynı || Totally different: /TO’.dı.li--/ bambaşka I’m a totally different person on the mount than I’m on the street. (Dağda olduğun, sokakta olduğundan tamamen farklı bir kişiyim.) –Ryan Nolan/ You can see different kinds of people in this world. If we believe we are a family, do you think there’d be any war in the world?/ Although ‘For And Against’ by L. G. Alexander was published in 1969 for the first time, it still contains brilliant ideas. This book seems to be different (Bu kitap farklı gözüküyor)./ [Pic] We are all the same, but in different words, in different bodies and, different versions./ That’s a totally different topic! (O bambaşka bir mevzu/konu!) Different from/than: -den farklı, -den başka || Differ from/than:/DİF.ır/-den farklı olmak, -den başka olmak, -den ayrı olmak, -e benzermemek There’re a lot of arguments on the Internet over ‘different from’ or ‘different than’. They’re the same./ He painted all the indoor walls of his house black! His house is different from other houses around!/ According to Amber Hensley on, men are different from women in their reaction to stress. Men usually approach the policy of ‘fight (stresla mücadele etmek) or flight (stresın çözmekten kaçırmak)’, while women go for ‘tend (stresi bakmak) and befriend (dostça davranmak)’./ Do they look like each other? –No, they’re so different from each other!/ It differs from person to person (Kişi kişiya değişir=It depends on the person). Difference:/DİF.ır.ıns/ fark || What’s the difference between… and…?: /--bit.Wİ’n--/ın arasında farkı ne? What’s the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan /Vİ’.gın/? –Well, a vegetarian doesn’t eat animal meat. A vegan doesn’t eat any animal products such as meat, eggs, cheese, fish and doesn’t also use leather /LE.zır/(deri). –Oh,

gotcha/GA:Ç.a:/(=I got ya: anladım)./ [Pic] There’s a difference between like and love. See, I like my Skechers but I love my Prada backpack. [Skechers: tarak tabanlı spor ayakkabı.>Google Images<] [‘Difference’den sonra ‘between’ geliyor. Film ÇOK önemli!]  Make* a difference: fark etmek Our personality is based on two ‘SELF’s, REAL SELF and IDEAL SELF. –What difference do they make? (=What’s the difference between them?) –The real self is who you really are, and the ideal self is who you want to be. The real self is like ‘I am this’ so it’s like ‘I love dogs but I’m afraid of them’ while the ideal self is a new version of you in your mind, the picture of who you should be, so it’s like ‘I love dogs. I like to have some of them around me always, especially when I’m sitting on the couch. I love to smooth them. When I go home, I’d love to see them come to me.’ See the difference? What difference does it make?=How does it make a difference? [Çoğul: What difference do they make?= How do they make a difference?] Ne fark eder? (=What’s the difference?) Rashed: Lamp and light bulb, how do they make a difference? Kirk: Well, lamp (lamba) is normally the one we use next to our bed for reading books, and light bulb (ampul lamba) is the one we use to light the house and store. –Oh, I got it/a:y.GA:’ım). It doesn’t make a difference!=It makes no difference!: Fark etmez! [They’re in a Mexican restaurant] So, honey, what should we order, burrito or enchilada? –Don’t know. I’m hungry. It doesn’t make a difference! Indifferent: /in.Dİ.fı.rınt/ umursamaz It is infinitely better to have a few good men than many indifferent ones. –George Washington Distinction*: /dis.TİNK.şın/ fark What’s the distinction between high quality jeans and low quality ones? –Weigh them. The heavier the jeans, the higher quality they have./ Do you see the distinction (difference) between them (Arasında farkı anlıyor musun?/görüyor musun?)/ Marshal McLuhan: Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn’t know the first thing about either. [THANKS! THANKS!]

DARE/CHALLENGE Dare: /DE’r/ cüret etmek, cesaret etmek, meydan okumak, riske girmek || Challenge: /ÇA’.lınc/ [aslında: zor bie şeyi kendine davet etmek>] meydana okuma(k) Girl to herself: I need to dare to do it./ You’re good at art, but not math. So why are you studying math? –’Cause of my mom. She says I need to challenge myself. I dare you!: Sana meydan okuyorum!, Haydi yap bakalım!, Sana cesaret veriyorum! || I challenge you!: Sana meydan okuyorum!, Hadi yap bakalım!, Sana cesart veriyorum! Really? You can walk on fire? I dare you./ What? You can eat five burgers/B3R.gırz/? –Yeah, but not now. Later. –Come on. I dare you. –Ok. Buy me the first one!!/ Tony Robbins: I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challege you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach (öğrettiğine göre yaşadığın kişiler), who walk their talk (dediklerine göre davrandığın kişiler). [WOW]

Don’t you dare!! [Don’t you dare+verb...]: [tonlama çok önemli>Don’t vurgulu<] Sakın yapma!! Mom to her daughter: Ashley Nicole Johnson! Come back here! [Ashley doesn’t come back. She goes away so her mom gets mad and says] Oh… no... don’t you dare walk away from me! How dare you?: [>‘dare’ vurgulu<] Bunu yapmayı nasıl cesaret etti? [sert tepkiyla] You took money from my purse? How dare you? Job 9:12 Behold, He snatches away; who can turn Him back? Who will say to Him, ‘What are You doing?’ Job 34:10 “Therefore, hear me, you men of understanding: far be it from God that He should do wickedness, and from the Almighty that He should do wrong. Holy Holy is Your name, LORD. LOVE YOU. DO

Do: /DU/DU’/ (do, did/DİD/, done/DA:N/) 1.[icat anlma değil>] yapmak 2.[soru yardımcı fiil] After you have done your best, your best may not be good enough!! –Anonymous/ What can I do for you? –Uh, I’m gonna need to buy a mobile. –Sure. What price do you have in mind (Ne fiyatı düşünüyorsunuz)?/ Just do what I said (Sadece dediğimi/söylediğimi yap)./ Just do as I said (Sadece dediğim gibi yap)./ I can’t stand this situation(Bu durumu dayanamam). We gotta do something, man!/ [After he tries, he can’t fix the machine and says] Uhh! It’s too hard to fix this machine. I can’t do it! (=Bunu yapamıyorum/yapamam- Bunu beceremiyorum*!)/ [Fixing the machine carelessly, the factory manager says] Don’t do it like that (Öyle yapmayın =Öyle uğraşmayın!)/ Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. (Başkaların sana yapmayı istemeyen/ beklemeyen şeyi onlara yapmayın.) –Golden Rule/ Dr. Robert Anthony: If you let other people do it ‘for’ you, they will do it ‘to’ you. (Eğer başkaları senin için bir işi yapmayı izin verirsen, onlar onu sana yapacaklar.) [WOW]/ In a world of DON’Ts, successful people DO. [1. Do> Do you know his name(İsmini biliyormusun)? || I don’t know her. || Does she live in Rome(O Roma’da yaşiyor mu)? || Don’t go there(Orada gitme)! || Did you clean the garage(Garajı temizledin mi)? || I didn’t know that! 2. Fiilin anlamanın vurgu için> So, you don’t like me? –No, I do like you./ I did tell you to be careful but you didn’t listen./ Do explain!/ Do come home soon!] [DİKKAT: He is(burada ana fiil) a good driver(O iyi bir sürücü-dür). (NOTTT He does a good driver.) / I was(burada ana fiil) in Çorum last week(Ben geçen hafta Çorum’daydım). (NOTTT I did in Çorum last week.] [>Bakın: ‘Am/Is/Are/Was/Were’ mı? ‘Do/Did/Work/Study/v.s.’ mı?<] Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God's gift to man. Luke 6:31 And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.

I/You/We did it!: Başarıdım!/Başarıdın!/Başarıdık! Wooh! Yes! I did it! I made a robot/RO’.ba:t/!/ Hurray/hu.REY/(Yaşa)! We did it to the top of the mountain! Yayy! This is so exciting/ık.SA:Y.ding/! Do: pansuman etmek Do my arm, would you(olur mu)?/ Honey, can you do my shoulder please? Don’t you…me!: [>’Don’t’ vurgulu/ Sert tepkiyla<] /DO’Nt-yu.../ Sakın bana…ma! Don’t you touch me (Sakın bana dokunma)!/ Don’t you lie to me (Sakın bana yalan söyleme)!/ Don’t you dare talk to me (Sakın benimle konuşma)! [Sakın benimle konuşmayı cesaret etme!]/ On TV: It’s a great (büyük) opportunity/a:.pır.TU.nı.di/(fırsat). Don’t you miss it (Sakın kaçırmayın)!/ Don’t you shout (Sakın bağırma)!/ Don’t you make noise (Sakın gürültü yapma)! ‘...’ –Don’t (you) ‘...’ me!: [Kızgın olduğun zaman] (Sakın) Bana ‘...’ söyleme! [1] Honey! (Şekerim/Tatlım) [2] Don’t you ‘honey’ me! (Sakın bana ‘şekerim’ deme!)/ [1] Listen baby! [2] Don’t ‘listen baby’ me! (Sakın bana ‘Dinle bebeğim’ deme!)/ [1] I don’t know! [2] Don’t ‘I don’t know’ me! I need to know and I know you know it. ‘Why?’ (=Neden?) –I don’t do ‘why’! (=İşimde ‘neden’ yok!) You wanna quit(İşten istifa edeceksın /İşe bırakacaksın)? Why? –I don’t do ‘why’! Do yoga: /DU’-YO’.ga:/ yoga yapmak Christy Turlington always does yoga./ Do you do yoga (Yoga yapar mısın)? –No. –I’m gonna take you sometime(Bir gün seni götüreceğim). Do one’s homework: /--HO’M.w3rk/ ev ödevini yapmak When I was in the first grade(birinci sınıf), I used to do my homework as I got home from school (okuldan hemen eve gelince). Are you done?: /A:R.yu-DA:N/ İşin(iz) bitti mi? [Done: /DA:N/ bitti] Sam? Are you done cleaning the pool? –Just a minute and it would be done, sir. –Good. Hurry up. We have a group of tourists coming here today. –I know, sir./ [This is exam time (sınav zamaı). All the students finished their exam except one named Tim.] Teacher: Tim? Are you done (Sınavı bitirdin mi)? –Just one question left. –Good./ [The man who takes order (Sipariş alacağın adam) is speaking to his friend and doesn’t care about the new-

coming(yeni gelen) customer. The customer waits, looks at him, and finally says] Excuse me, when you’re done talking, can I get a cup of coffee please? I’m done: /a:ym.DA:N/ 1. Bu işe bitirdim 2. Bıktım artık*!, Usandım artık!, Yapamam artık! 1. Are you done? –Yeah, I’m done (Evet. Bu işe bitirdim)./ 2. [Angry] One day you love me, another day you hate me. I’m tired of your behavior/bi.HEY.viyır/(Davranışından yoruldum artık). I’m done! I’m leaving. You’re done here: Senin iş burada bitti>Kovuldun! [>‘done’ vurgulu<] [Factory manager] You’re late everyday. Your job is a mess(dağınık/düzensiz). I’m sorry but you’re done here. Go get changed (Git kiyafetine değiş). I’m done with you: İlişkimiz bitti artik! [>‘done’ vurgulu<] You said you were talking to your mom on the phone but I called your mom, she said she wasn’t home! This is not the first time you’re lying to me. You know what? I’m done with you. Consider it done!: /kın.Sİ.dı Yapmiş say! In English, when somebody tells you to do something and you say ‘Consider it done’, it means ‘Don’t worry, I’ll do it.’/ I want you to follow the new babysitter and tell me where he exactly lives. –Yes sir. Consider it done./ Boss to assistant: I need you to book a ticket for me to Melbourne for this Saturday morning at 8 o’clock. – Consider it done, boss. I’m fed up with… : /a:ym-FED.a:p.wiz/ -dan bıktım* artık/ sıkıldım / usandım (artık) I’m fed up with your attitude/A’.dı.tu’d/. (=Davranışından bıktım artık.)/ I’m fed up with my job./ I’m fed up with your childish/ÇA:YL.diş/(çocuksu) behavior. I’m sick of… : pronunciation: /a:ym.SIK.a:v/ -dan bıktım artık I’m sick of all your lies/LA:’Yz/(yalanlar). Leave me alone (Beni yalnız/rahat bırak)./ [His car breaks down again. He kicks his car and says to his car] I’m sick of you!! [Sick: hasta>I’m sick. I should go home.] [>‘artık’ olumlu cümlede daha çevirisiz ve tonlamaya bağlıdır.<] Accomplish: /ı.KA:’M.pliş/ 1. tamamlamak 2. (=Do*) başarımak, becermek, üstedinden gelmek Sometimes something inside me, despite my best of efforts, made me disappointed /dıs.ı.POYN.dıd/ (ümidimi kırılıyordu), trying to take away my faith in me. But I had to do something. I had to accomplish what I started./ And ultimately/A:L.tı.mı I could accomplish establishing my own company in Memphis./ [Fixing the engine(Motor’u tamir edince)] Ugh! I can’t accomplish(do) this(Bunu beceremiyorum)! IT’S OVER!!! Over:/O’.vır/ 1. bitti 2. [temas olmayan] üstünde 3. evime/evine 1. The age of book and white board is over. We need technology in classes./ 1. Whatever was between us is over. You’re not my friend anymore (=Artık küstüm seni)./ 2. There is a sign over the door./ The light bulb is hanging over the table./ Jump over the fence./ The birds are flying over the tree. [On the table/ On the counter/ On the wall >temas var<]/ 3. Why don’t I invite you over (Niye seni evime davet etmezsem ki?/ Seni evime davet ediyorum.)/ 3. Are you coming over (Evime gelecek misin)?/ 3. I’m not gonna stay over (Senin evde kalmayacağim). Gotta go home(Evime gitmek zorundayım). Over there:/O’.vır-ZE’r/ orada Have you seen the other pair of my socks? –Yea, over there. –Oh, thanks!/ Where is the changing room(soyunma kabini)? –Over there. Get it over with:/’.vır.wiz/[zor bir şeyi daha sonra endişelenmemek için] bitirip geçermek, bir şeyi (yapıp) bitirmek Finish your homework now and get it over with./ You’re the new worker of the factory? – Yes, I am. –I’m supposed to show you around, so let’s get it over with. ENOUGH/ADEQUATE/DEFICIENT/SUFFICIENT Enough: /i.NA:’f/ 1. Yeter!, Yeter artık! 2. [sıfat/zarf] yeterli, yeterince, yeterli kadar || Old/young/cold/hot/... enough: yeterli kadar yaşlı=büyük/genç/soğuk/sıcak... Enough! I don’t wanna hear anything. Not even a word!/ Enough (Yeter artık), young lady. You’ve talked enough behind my back (Arkamda yeterince konuştun)./ Do we have enough money to go to Las Vegas?/ Coach? Do you think I’m good enough to play?/ Lady 1 to lady 2: If she’s naive enough to believe in whatever others say, then let her do so(öyle)./ This coffee is not hot enough. Can you change it please? –Sure./ [Pic] Okay, and how old are you, McLovin? –Old enough. –Old enough for what? –To party.  I can’t get enough of it!: /--ged.i.NA:F.ı Bunu doyamıyorum!, Bunu doymak bilmiyorum! I can’t get enough of your love, baby!/ I just can’t get enough of looking at her eyes!/ He can’t get enough of this walnut sujuk (cevizli sucuk). [>wiki<]/ Some children can’t just get enough of computer games!! Enough with the excuses!:/-ıks.KYU.zız/Bahaneler yeter artık! Why are you late? –My aunt passed away! – Yesterday your grandmother, 3 days ago your uncle!! Enough with the excuses! DON’T... BE... LATE... AGAIN!/ Enough with the excuses and lies (Bahanelerın ve yalanların yeter artık)! I don’t wanna hear anymore!

Adequate: /A’.dı.kwıt/ yeterli, eksiksiz || Inadequate: /in.A’.dı.kwıt/ yetersiz, eksik I don’t say I don’t do it. But I need an adequate reason to do it./ Having only this form is inadequate to enroll (register), sir. You need the blue form too. Deficient: /dı.Fİ.şınt/ yetersiz, eksik || Deficiency: /dı.Fİ.şı yetersizlik, eksiklik Junk food (tadı güzel yemek) is deficient in vitamines but delicious./ Deficient subway system creates heavy traffic./ Man: Look, we can’t marry. It’s not you(Sorun sen değilsin), it’s my deficiency. [>you ve my vurgulu] Sufficient: /sı.Fİ.şınt/ yeterli, kafi || Suffice: /sı.FA:Ys/ yeterli olmak, kafi gelmek In your opinion, how much should a sufficient ‘minimum wage/salary’(asgari ücret) be? How much should the ‘maximum wage/salary’(azami ücret) be?/ [New York, I Love You] The Indian guy who’s in gem job (mücevher işte) loves his dream girl (Natalie Portman) and says, ‘Your eyes will suffice to give tired men hope.’ [Efficient:/e.Fİ.şınt/ randımanlı,verimli,etkin.>Efficient effort for success is vital.|| Efficiency: /e.Fİ.şı randıman,verim.>The basketball coach Pat Riley says: A particular shot or way of moving the ball can be a player’s personal signature, but efficiency of performance is what wins the game for the team.]

John 15:9-17 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. These things I command you, so that you will love one another. STAY/REMAIN/SUSTAIN/STAY AWAY-PUT-UP/ FREEZE Stay: /sTEY/ [kısa/uzun/sonsuz bir süre] –e/kalmak, durmak, ikamet etmek [NOTTT Stay TO] [Pic] I don’t know what to do and I just... All I know is I wanna stay here. I just wanna stay right here with you as long as I possibly can. You’re just all that matters, okay? You’re all that matters to me./ My brother stayed with us. [NOTTT stayed TO us.]/ Honey. Don’t go. Please stay with me./ If you want to stay, then stay./ Tourist: We stayed at a hotel in Turkey for two weeks. It was pleasant /PLE.zınt/(hoş)./ [Officer at the Passport Control] How long are you going to stay in the United States?/ Me and pals stayed two days in Kuşadası. It was a whole lot of fun (=Çok eğlendik)! NewsBoys – Stay Strong Remain:/ri.ME’Yn/ [aynen/değişmeden] kalmak, durmak, artakalmak [Cop: /KA:’p/ polis] You have the right to remain silent (Sessiz kalmaye hakkın var). [Suspect: /SA:S.pıkt/ sanık] I need a lawyer /LO’.yır/ (avukat)./ It’s really important to remain calm in an emergency situation./ We have some food remained. You want some?/ To win the game, just remain in the game. [AWESOME!] Stay/Remain in touch: /--in.TA:Ç/ görüşmeyi devam etmek, iletişimi/teması koparmamak, temasta olmak, irtibat halinde olmak (mektup/eposta/telefon/..ile) Email: Dear Trish, It was nice meeting you. I would like to remain in touch and benefit from your ideas. Regards, Evdin./ Postcard: I wish you a Happy New Year! Stay in touch. Love, Rene. Sustain: /sıs.TE’Yn/ [resmi] devam ettirmek, sürdürmek The politics professor asking his students: In your idea, can dictatorship/dik.TEY.dır.şip/ sustain?/ It seems hard for her to sustain relashionships with men./ In, it tells you how you can sustain motivation when you are struggling. [Sustained!: Kabul edildir! >bakin:LAW<] Ephesians 4:2-3 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Maintain: /meyn.TEYn/ sürdürmek, devam ettirmek How can we maintain a great relationship with our father?/ To maintain good health, we should avoid eating the same things everyday.

Stay put!: /sTEY-PUT/ Olduğun yerde dur! || Stay still!: /sTEY-sTİL/ Olduğun yerde dur! [On the phone, crying] My crazy ex-husband is gonna take away the children. –Honey, stay put, you hear me? I’ll be right there./ [Police on the phone] Ma’am, we’ll be right there. I want you to stay still and don’t do anything inappropriate /in.ıp.RO.pri.yıt/ (uygunsuz). –Ok, please hurry. [Stay still/put: heycandan kımıldamak>After he heard his wife is pregnant, he stayed still for a moment!] Stay away!:/sTEY-ı.WE’y/ Uzak dur! Stay away. The alligator might hurt/H3Rt/(incitmek) you. Stay away from me!: Benden uzak dur! You broke my best friend’s heart/HA:Rt/(En iyi arkadaşım kalbini kırıldı). You’re not my friend anymore(artık). Stay away from me./ Angry woman: Stay away from me, you liar /LA:.yır/(=yalancı). Stay up: (=Stay awake) uyanık kalmak I stayed up all night. I’m really sleepy now. –What did you do? Did you play computer games? Step aside!: /sTEP-ı.SA:’Yd/ Kenara çekin! || Back off!: /BA’k-A:’f/ 1. Uzak durin!, Geri durin!, Beni yakınlaşmayin! 2. Sen karışma! Step aside please. She needs an ambulance /A’M.byı.lıns/./ Crazy man: Back off! I said back off, or I’ll hurt you./ You shouldn’t do it this way. –Back off (=Sen karışma) and let me do my job, ok? Freeze: /fRİ’z/ 1. donmak, dondurucu olmak, dondurmak 2. kalakalmak || It’s freezing!: /its.FRİ’.zing/ Hava buz gibi!/ Bu buz gibi soğuktur! || Freeze!: /fRİ’z/ Dur! Kımıldama! [Polis diyor] The water of the pond /PA:Nd/(=gölcuk) has freezed on the surface /S3R.fıs/./ Do you play piano? Yes. –Would you play for us? –Oh no. There are too many people here(Burada çok fazla kişi var)! I’d freeze!/ It’s freezing outside. Let’s pop in (=go in) and get a cup of coffee./ Gosh! Your hands are freezing. Come close to the fireplace(şömine)./ He mugged/MA:Gd/(saldırıp soydu) the woman’s bag. Incidentally/in.sı.DEN.tı.li/(tesadüfen) a police officer saw him and said, ‘Freeze!’

İLGİLENDİRMEZ Sana ilgilendirmez: It’s none of your business! /its-NA:N.ıv.yor-BİZ.nıs/ || It’s not any of your business! /its-NA:’Te’.ni.ıv.yor-BİZ.nıs/ || None of your business!/NA:N.ıv.yor-BİZ.nıs/NA:N.ı.ye.BİZ.nıs/ || It doesn’t concern you! /it.DA:.zıntkın.S3Rn.yu/ [>daha kibar<]/ Mind your own business!(Kendi işine bak!/Sen karışma!) /MA:YNd.yor-OWN-BİZ.nıs/ Why do you have stud /sTA:D/(pirsing pimi) on your tongue/TA:’Ng/(dil)? –None of your business! (=It’s none of your business!= It’s not any of your business.)/ You shouldn’t throw trash (çöp atmak) here. –None of your business! –How rude!/ Excuse me, but my personal life doesn’t concern you./ You have your own responsibilities and I have mine. So please mind your own business. Thanks. IT WORKS!!! It works!: /it.W3RKs/ İşe yarıyor! I never thought I could ever learn cooking through a cookbook! It works!/ Thanks for recommending this toothpaste. It’s so much better than the one I used. It really works! [It works!: Bu çalışiyor!>Has the fridge stopped working again? –No, it works. Don’t worry.] It doesn’t work that way! Bu şekilde olmaz!/Böyle işe yaramaz! You think all talented people are successful? It doesn’t work that way. You think if you say you love English, you’ll learn it? It doesn’t work that way. Love and talent are not enough. Success needs hard work in the right way./ Who said if you’re a good person, nothing bad happens to you? It doesn’t work that way. ‘Bad’ things happen to test your courage and personality. And if you stay strong, you’ll be rewarded. It didn’t work out: Olmadi o iş. Dania? What are you doing here? I thought you went to Madagascar! –Yeah. But it didn’t work out./ He-hey, how you doin’? –Fine! –Where’s your handsome fiancé? You got married? –Uhh! Don’t ask. It didn’t work out. We weren’t meant to be with each other (=Talihimiz birlikte olmayı yönetilmemiştı/yazmamiştı). [Work out: egzersiz yapmak> Do you work out? –Yeah, I go to gym/cim/(spor salonu) twice a week.] I got work to do: /’t-W3RK-tu.du’/ işim var Sorry. I gotta go. I got lotsa / (=lots of=a lot of: çok) work to do./ Don’t sit here, talking on the phone. We got work to do(İşimiz var). Chop-chop(Çabuk çabuk)!/ Leave her alone. She’s got work to do. Get back to work!: /ged.BA’K.tu.w3rk/ İşinize dönin!/ İşine dön! Boss? Can I take one hour off (Bir saat izin alabilir miyim?) – No. We got lots of work to do. Now get back to work.

Mark 12:41-44 And He sat down opposite the treasury, and began observing how the people were putting money into the treasury; and many rich people were putting in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a cent. Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on.” GIVE… Give: /GİV/ (give, gave/GEYv/, given/Gİ.vın/) vermek Give me the phone (=O telefonu bana ver)!/ [Pic] I gave her my heart, she gave me a pen!! [>give/gave/given<]/ What should I do with this book she left here? –Give it to me. I’ll figure it out (=Halledeceğim/Bir çare bulacağim)./ This movie gave me goosebumps (Bu film tüylerimi diken diken etti)!! [Give me/it a break: Bir huzur ver, bir moğla ver, Bırak ya!, Haydi ya!, Haydi ama!>Are you fighting again? Give me a break, people! >BREAK bakin<] Give it a try: /Gİı-TRA:’y/ (bir) denemek || Give it a shot: /Gİı-ŞA:’t/ (bir) denemek || Give it a go: /Gİı-GO’/ (bir) denemek You have a great voice. Have you ever thought about singing? – Singing? Oh, no. Negative. –Maybe you should give it a try sometime./ Should I move to New York? Will it be better? –Don’t know. But you’ll never know if you don’t give it a shot./ I draw your image for 20 bucks/BA:KS/(dollars). You wanna give it a go? Give or take: /GİV.or-TEYk/ yaklaşık/aşağı yukara How much money from work did you save this summer? –Uh, 1200 (twelve hundred), give or take./ When did it happen? –At 7, give or take a few minutes./ This morning, we walked, give or take, 3 miles! [mile=1.609344 kilometers]

Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 2 Chronicles 15:7 But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. Give up: /GİV.a:p/ pes etmek, vazgeçmek Never give up your faith/FEYS/(inanç). You’ll have hard times but in the end, you’re the one who’s happy. The biggest secret/Sİ.krıt/(sır) to success /sık.SES/ (başarıma) is never giving up./ Never stop what you’ve started. If the way isn’t right, MAKE it right, but never give up. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Give a speech:/GİV.ı-sPİ’ç/bir konuşma yapmak, konfrans vermek The professor gave a tremendous /trı.MEN.dıs/ (şahane) speech at the University of Michigan./ Wow. Tom! Congrats! You gave a fastastic speech! TAKE…………………….BRING Take: /TE’Yk/ (take, took/TUK/, taken/TEY.kın/) 1. almak 2. (to) (-e) (alıp) götürmek* 1. I’m throwing it, ready (Onu atıyorum, hazır mısın)? Take it./ 2. Can you take this bag home? [home çok özel bir kelime, ‘to’ almıyor]/ 2. Dad! Take me home. Please. I’m tired. I wanna sleep. [>home çok özel bir kelime<]/ 2. The driver is not coming today. Could you take Sue to the day care(kreş) today? –Ok, hon./ 2. I can take you to the public library if you want. Bring: /bRİNG/ (bring, brought/bRA:’t/, brought) getirmek* [Calling home] Son? I’m in the library /LA:Y.bre.ri/(kütüphane). Could you bring my glasses. I cannot read without them./ No, son. I didn’t say bring ‘this’ book. I said the ‘purple’ one. Now take it home, and bring the other one./ He says when he’s home, if someone doesn’t bring him fruit, he never eats it./ Her son died on the operating table(ameliyat masada) and after 2 minutes, the doctors brought him back to life (onu yine hayatta getirdeler). Bring out the best in someone: biriyla konuşup en iyi olmasını sebep olmak, birinin en iyisini açmak, biriyla konuşup rahat davranmasına sebep olmak Remember? Michael Phelps’ coach brought out the best in him./ A teacher’s only job is to bring out the best in their students by loving and showing them the way.

Take a shower: /TEYk.ı-ŞAW.ır/ düş almak I’m gonna take a shower. –Do I make you some coffee? –Yes please. Nothing’s like fresh coffee after a morning shower! Take it easy!: /İ’.zi/ 1. Zorlama!, Hadi ya! 2. Sakin ol! 3. [güle güle zamanı] Kendine iyi bak!, Hoşça kal! 1. Ok, pal! Take it easy!/ 2. [Man 1, trying to choke/ÇO’k/(boğmak) man 2] What is his name, huh? I said what is his name? [Man 3 to man 1] Hey, what are you doing? Take it easy./ 3. Okay. I gotta go. Take it easy! – You too. Bye. Take: zaman almak, sürmek It takes years to build up trust, seconds to destroy. TRUST is everything of a relationship./ How long does it take to go from Ankara to Istanbul by bus? –I guess it takes four and a half hours./ It doesn’t take long. I’ll be right back. (İşim pek sürmayacak. Hemen döneceğim.)/ Everything will change, but it will take time. Actually, good things take time. Take something from someone: bir şeyi birinden almak Your good memories are the only thing I have left of you. Don’t take them from me. Psalm 51:10-12 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit. Take your time!: /--yor.TA:Ym/ Acele etme! (kendine keyife bak ve bu işe yap) Don’t rush when you have food, honey. Just take your time and enjoy your meal (=yemeğın tadıne çıkar). [NOTTT enjoy from your meal.]/ I’ll be waiting in the car. No rush/RA:Ş/(Acele etme), though. Just take your time, sweetie. –Okay, pa /PA:/(baba). Take up one’s time: /TEYk.a:p--/ birinin zamanını almak, birini meşgul etmek Dealing with my children’s homework takes up a lot of my time./ My new job takes up all my time! Take it or leave it!: [teklif] Kabul et yada bırak gitsin! This is my offer. Take it or leave it!/ It’s a job offer/A:’.fır/(teklif). Take it or leave it. Take (it) as a yes:/--az--/(Bunu) evet olarak kabul ediyorum / evet demek || Take (it) as a no: (Bunu) hayır olarak kabul ediyorum / hayır demek Charlie: Spike! Would you like a beer? –[Spike smiles] Charlie: Okay, I take your smile as a yes!/ Honey, I think you don’t want me to go to this trip with my co-workers. –Huh? Mmm... this carrot cake is yummy/YA:.mi/ (güzel/lezzetli)!! –Okay, okay. I take it as a no... again! Take the consequences: /--KA:’N.sı.kwen.sız/ sonuçlarına katlanmak, sonuçlarına kabul etmek, göze almak [Take: kabul etmek]|| Consequence: /KA:’N.sı.kwens/ [yaptığın şeyinin] sonuç [genelde çoğul kullanılır] I say you shouldn’t go out when you’re sweating ’cause it’s windy and you’ll catch cold. But if you wanna go, then take the consequences./ Remember I told you not to marry this guy, huh, remember? Now take the consequences. He’s in jail and you’re gonna have to live alone for the rest of your life (hayatın geri kalane kadar)./ I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot... when you think about the consequences, you always think of a negative result. –Michael Jordan Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. I can’t take it/this anymore!: /--E’’r/ Bunu artık dayanamam/kabul edemem! She nags all the time. Not to mention that(Söylemek gerek yok ki/Ek olarak/Ayrıca) she went through my personal stuff and messed everything up! I can’t take this anymore!! It takes courage/character/hard work/...: cesaret/karakter/çok çalışma/... ister/gerek! Ability may get you to the top but it takes character to keep you there. (Yetenek size en üst derece götürebilir ancak orada kalmak/durmak karakter ister.) –John Wooden legendary basketball coach/ Rock climbing takes heart (=brave heart =courage)./ [Wall Street Money Never Sleeps] Gordon Gekko(Michael Douglas): Turning $100 million to $1.1 billion in this market takes some brain (biraz beyin/akıl ister), right?

Take someone in: birini eve almak, birini kendi evinde kalmayı kabul etmek [A Walk In My Shoes] (After their house is foreclosed (ipotekli evin parayı ödemediğin dolayı elinden elınmış olduğundan sonra), Jake takes them in. She says) Thank you for

taking us in./ [Happy Thank You More Please] I’m interested in taking in a child. I think I could be his dad./ [A Golden Christmas] She (The dog) just showed up on my doorstep one day. –And you just took her in? –Yeah. Take: (=Share/ŞE’r/) pay [Everything Must Go (2010)] Kenny gives a bag to Nick and says: Here (Al bunu). –What’s this? –The money we made(Kazandığımız para)... –There’s your take(Bu senin pay). –This is too much! –Take it(Al bunu). Take: kullanmak/binmek She takes(gets) a bus to work everyday.|| I’m gonna take(get) a cab(taxi). (Aslında: Bir taksi almak/çağırmak istiyorum.)|| Let’s take the subway/SA:B.wey/(=metro)./ The elevator /E.lı.vey.dır/ is out of order(bozuk). Please take the stairs./ Does this bus take me to Richmond hospital? –No, ma’am. You gotta take 222(two twenty two)./ [Man in Çankaya] Which bus number would take me to Kavaklıdere? [Does this bus stop at Elm Street? (Bu otobüs Elm Sokakta durak var mı?) >STOP<bakin.] Take off: /TEYK.a:’f/teyk.A:’F/ 1. çıkarmak 2. (kalkıp) gitmek Take off your shoes. (=Take your shoes off.)/ [Order of Chaos] John: Rick, ladies, I’m sorry, I really have to take off./ Ok, I gotta take off, guys. See you at work tomorrow. [Take off: (#Land) uçak yerden kalkmak>Please buckle up (Lütfen emniyet kemerini takın). The plane will take off in a minute. It will land in two hours.] Take a picture: /--PİK.çır/ fotoğraf çekmek Excuse me. Can you take our picture, please? –Sure. Are you ready? Take a chance: /--ÇA’Ns/ şansını denemek Life is about taking chances./ [Whispering to himself] Will she be my wife? I’m gonna ask her and I’m gonna take my chance./ I’m gonna take my chance.

Take a look (at): /--LUK/ (-e) bakmak || Take a glance (at): /--gLA’Ns/ (-e) göz atmak Can you take a look at my thesis/Sİ.sıs/(tez) and tell me what you think?/ I don’t really read newspaper. I just take a glance. [I took a look/glance all over the place (=everywhere).] Take a peek (at):/--Pİ’k/(=Peek) (–e) [gizlice] göz atmak Take a peek at this magazine./ In the theater, after the play, I took a peek at the backstage to see if I could have a chance to talk to my favorite actor. [I took a peek inside/outside/everywhere…] [Sneak a peek: gelip gizlice bir göz atmak> Her brother sneaked a peek at her diary.] Take your pick:/teyk.yor.PİK/ [hangesini istersin?] Seçimini yap! You’ll listen to me, or I can do it in a harder way. You take your pick. Take advantage of someone: /--ad.VA’N.tıc--/ (=Misuse/mis.YU’z/) birini suiistimal etmek || Take advantage of something: bir şeyden faydalanmak, bir şeyden istifade etmek She took advantage of me./ What’s all the fight about? C’mon! Don’t you see how life is short? Give yourselves a break. You should take advantage of the time that you have together. [He misused his power for his own benefits.] Be taken: [yer, koltuk, sandalye, iş,…] dolu olmak (biri önceden bunu aldı) || It’s taken!: Oturacak var!, Bu sandalye/koltuk dolu!, Bu sandalye’ye/koltuğu alamazsiniz! || Is it taken?: Oturacak var mı?, Bu sandalye’ye alabilir miyim?/Bu sandalye dolu mu? You study all these years to get a good job, but the fact is most high-rank(high-position) jobs are taken. So you need to prove your abilities. You need to prove that you know something others don’t (know)./ [Beauty & the Briefcase] Most eligible/E’.lı.cı.bıl/ guys are taken(Çoğu uygun erkeklerı aldılar> eşi var)!/ [You’re waiting for your friend but someone wants to take the chair next to you, you put your hand on it (=the chair) and say] I’m sorry. It’s taken. –Oh, sorry./ [Somebody, coming to you (Biri sizin yanında gelip) refers to the chair next to you and asks] Excuse me, is it/this taken? [And you say] No, you can take it (=Alabilirsin). [The person takes it and says] Thanks!/ Is this seat taken? –Yes. I have/got what it takes to…: [=I have the ability to…/I have what it’s necessary or demanded to…] gereken niteliklere sahip olmak, gereken özelliklere sahip olmak, …için cesaretı varmak Immigration officer: Do you have what it takes to be a real American citizen?/ Who do you think has what it takes to become Miss Turkey./ Do you think you got what it takes to do this business in China?/ He’s ok and clever, but the question is: Does he have what it takes to manage a small business?/ [Man to his friend] You’re forcing your son to become a doctor? Have you asked yourself if he has what it takes to be so? I think you should give him a chance to find himself./ She thinks she got what it takes to become an actress.

You took me by surprise!: (=You surprised me!) [hiç beklemeden] beni şaşırttı!/ beni yakalandı! And you took me by surprise with your attention(ilgi). GET… [>Bence İngilizcede en kullanışlı fiil. Hem de çok sevimli.<] Get: /GET/GED.--/(get, got, gotten/got) almak Sometimes if you don’t get what you want is luck (Bazen istediğini almamak şans demek)!/ I got you a present(Sana bir hediye aldım)! –Oh my gosh! My favorite tee (=T-shirt)! Thaaank you!/ I’m gonna go get some beers. You guys want some?/ Did you get the gig/GİG/(=job) you were looking for(Aradığın işi aldın mı)?/ [Pic] Hey! Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something... not even me... all right? You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something, go GET it. Period. Get: [=Become] olmak || Become: /bi.KA:M/ (become, became, become) olmak It’s getting/GE.ding/ dark (=Hava karanlık oluyor)./ You get(become) more good-looking everyday. What’s your secret? –[Smiles] Thanks. The secret is you think of best of everyone (herkesın en iyisini düşünüyorsun)!/ [Pic] Are you surprised because I became pretty? Get: [=Arrive/ı.RA:’Yv/] gelmek/gitmek/ulaşmak [On the phone] Ok, hon/ha:n/(honey)! I’ll see you when I get home (Eve gelince görüşürüz). –Okay. Love you. Bye./ Call me when you get home (Eve gidince beni ara)./ When I got to the train station, I first checked the time table (=kalkış ve varış tarifesi)./ If you don’t know where you are going, how can you expect to get there? – Basil S. Walsh [İngilizcede, gelmek ve gitmek bazen aynı: You wanna come to the party? –Yea, I go.(=Yea, I come.)] Get back: /GED-BA’k/ geri gelmek/dönmek || Get something back: bir şeyi geri almak Where (are) you goin’?? Get back here!!/ So whatcha gonna do when you get back? –I’m gonna take a shower and I’m gonna go to sleep!/ [Pic] What do you normally do when I’m gone? –Wait for you to get back. (Ben gidince genelde ne yapıyorsun? –Seni geri gelmeye/ dönmeye –kadarbekliyorum.) [>‘wait’ her zaman ‘for’ ile<]/ [A Walk In My Shoes] (Mikey lent his coat and backpack to his friend. After his mom can’t convince him to get them back, in the last moment before he gets out of the house, she says) Just get the coat back!! Get/Take someone somewhere: birini bir yere götürmek I can get (take) you home if you don’t feel ok (Eğer iyi hissetmiyor sunuz, size evinize götürebilirim). –No, thanks. I’m ok. –You sure? –Yeah. Thanks./ Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you anywhere(her yere). –Albert Einstein [Daddy? Will you take me to school today?] [Daddy? Will you take me home today?] Get some air: /’r/ biraz taze hava almak It’s a bit stuffy / in here. I think I’m gonna go out, get some air. [>kesin ama I think diyor]/ Michael W Smith: Before we go, I think we would like to sing one more song./ He’s drunk. She brings him some coffee. He spills the coffee. She says, ‘Let’s go get some air.’/ [To her drunk friend] Ned? Ned? Come... come with me. Let’s get some air. Get paid: /ged.PE’Yd/ para almak The lousy(kötü) worker didn’t do his job. The boss says: ‘You get paid to do what I tell you.’/ We gotta do something, man! The workers haven’t been paid for two months./ You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to an hour. –Jim Rohn Get dressed: /ged.DRESt/ elbiseye giymek || Get undressed: /ged-A:N.drest/ elbiseye çıkarmak Get dressed, baby doll (güzelim/bebeğim). We gotta go shopping. [doll:/DA:’l/ oyuncak bebek]/ Go get dressed, sweetie. You’ll be late for school./ [Dad to his 3-year-old daughter] Honey? Why did you get undressed? –[Daughter with a child-like accent] Daddy, I wanna swim! Get going: /ged.GO’.ing/ 1. [=Start to go/Get ready to go] gitmek için hazır olmak, gitmek 2. başlatmak 1. [They are ready to go, he says] Ok, let’s get going (haydi gidelim)./ 1. I gotta get going./ 1. I should probably get going. (=Muhtemelen gidersem iyi olacak/ Sanırım gitmem gerek.)/ 2. [Team manager to the employees] That’s all for the meeting today (Bugün toplantımız bu kadar). Are we clear on the new program? –Yes/Absolutely/Sure/Yes, sir. –[Encourages] Ok, let’s get going! Get someone go: 1. [mecaz] birini ruh/can vermek/canlandırmak 2. birinin hareket etmeye sebep olmak Coffee gets me going!/ Music gets me going./ Tea gets him going./ What gets a soccer player with a shirt go after(peşinde) the ball in the cold snowy weather? Go get ’em!: (’em=them) [=Beat them!/Crush them!] Hadi git onları yen!, Hakla onları! [Soul Surfer] Bethany Hamilton’s dad (Dennis Quaid) to Bethany (AnnaSophia Robb): Go get ’em!/ [Coach] Now, go get ’em, players!! Get around to something:/GED-ı.RAWNd--/ [ne konuda konuşurken>] vakit ayırıp bir şeyi yapmak/ bakmak/... What do you think of the book I gave you? Did you read it? –Uhh, honestly, I haven’t gotten around to it yet. –Oh, my! But I gave it to you a little

over two months ago. –I know, I know. I was busy./ [Music teacher to his students] If you want to play in the Philharmonic Orchestra of Indianapolis, you should get around to practicing hard. A lot of people walk in, but few of them go in. Am I clear? Get some sleep: /GED-sa:m.sLİ’p/ biraz yat || Get some rest: /GED.sım.RE’St/-sa:m-/ biraz dinlen/istirahat et You seem tired. Go get some sleep, hon./ Get some rest. Tomorrow you should wake up early. Get outta here:/ged.AWD.ı-Hİ.yır/ (=Get out of here) 1. Buradan kayıp ol! 2. buradan gitmek 1. Get outta here. I don’t wanna see you again./ 2. [She goes to a party but she doesn’t like it. She says] I’m gonna get outta here. This place sucks. Get: anlamak || Get it?: / Anlıyor musun?/ Anladın mı? || Got it?: /GA:’ Anladın mı?/ Anlıyor musun? || (I) got it!: /a:y.GA:’ Anladım! [>‘I got it!’ ÇOK anlam var. HEPSİNİ filmlerde!<] I don’t get it. Could(Can) you explain more?/ [Driving instructor] When we start the engine, we change the gear and step on the pedal, get it(got it)?/ ‘Hit the lights’ in English means ‘Turn(Switch) off the lights(Işığı/Işıkları kapat)’. –Mmm, I got it./ I am alive in JESUS.

You got it: /yu.GA:’ 1. Doğru anladı!, İyice hallettı!, İyi yakalandı! 2. Oldu! This math problem was hard but you got it./ Next time you’re in town, call me. We should go to the game. –You got it. Don’t get me wrong: /-RA:’Ng-/ Yanlış anlama!/Beni yanlış anlama! || Don’t take this the wrong way: Yanlış anlama!/Bunu(bu söyleyeceğimi) yanlış anlama! These days in America ‘‘Don’t take this the wrong way!’’ is NEWER and MORE POPULAR than ‘‘Don’t get me wrong!’’/ Thanks for setting us up(Bize ayarladığın için teşekkürler), but don’t take this the wrong way... there’s no way I could like this guy(bu adamı sevebileğecim imkansız)! –Why? Come on, he’s a good guy! –Don’t know but we have no chemistry(elektrik/arasında cazibe)./ Oh no no. Don’t get me wrong, the job’s great. I quit because my dad needs me. He opened a family restaurant and I have to be with him. –Got it. Well, I didn’t want to lose you, but call me whenever you need something(bir istiyen varsa beni haberdar et), ok? –Thank you, sir. I get that a lot: Bunu bana çok söylüyorlar. You know you look like Angelina Jolie. –Oh yeah. I get that a lot!/ You have a great sense of humor (gülümsenın yolu biliyorsun/espri yeteneğin var). –Yeah, I get that a lot, actually./ Wow… you’re good at math! – Thanks. I get that a lot. I got it: 1. Ben ödeyeceğim!, [para verirken] Benden! [yani sen ödeme, ben ödeyeceğim] [Beofre Sunset] (While they’re taking, they get on the ferry boat, the guy puts his hand in his pocket and says to the girl): I got it, I got it! The girl: Thanks!/ [In the fastfood restaurant] To his friend: I got it. –You paid the last time too, it’s my turn(sıra bende)! –Oh, come on, no big deal. –But next time, it’s on me (benden), ok? –All right. I got this/it!: [siz karışmayın>] Ben halledeceğim!, Ben bakacağim! [She goes to her room and locks the door. Her parents are worried but her uncle is her best friend so he (the uncle) asks her parents] I got this, ok? Don’t worry. –Ok. [The parents go to the living room.]/ [The young son wants his dad to buy him iPad but his dad can’t afford it(mali gücün yetmiyor). The son starts to cry! The mom comes and tells her husband] Ok, honey, your dinner is getting cold. Go have your dinner, I got this. I need to talk to our son. No, thanks, I got it!:[yardım istermisin’in cevap] Hayır, sağol, istemıyorum/Kendimi yapacağim! [Wants to help with her suitcase] Do you need help? –No, thanks! I got it. [*Yardım isterse: Yes, thanks. I appreciate that.*]/ Do you want me to help you with the groceries /GRO.sı.ri’z/ (bakkaldan/ marketten alışveriş yaptığın dolu poşetler)? –Yes, please. It’s very kind of you(Çok ince/naziksiniz). You got me!: (=Busted!/You busted me!/Guilty as charged!) İşte beni yakalandı!, Beni kandırdı! [He has a crush on her (=He likes her and thinks about her very much) and she knows it. Now she goes to him and says] I want you to meet my husband. [For one moment, he’s shocked and says] Wh... yo... your husband? –HaHa! Dude! I was just kidding! –Ahhh, you got me! You got it: [içecek sipariş verdığın zaman, barmen söylüyor] hemen gelecek, oldu Can I have a beer please? –You got it./ Two Vodka Martini with two olives in each, please. –You got it. Get the job done: /GED.ze-CA:’b-DA:N/ bu işe yapıp bitirmek The maid/MEYd/(hizmetçi kadın) to her co-worker: So, I vacuum /’m/ (elektrik süpürgesi ile temizlemek), and you mop /MA:’p/(paspaslamak) the floor, ok? –Ok, let’s get the job done.

Get out: /GED.awt/ 1. Çık/Git buradan! 2. [o kadar iyi ki inanamiyorsun] Yürü be!, Yok canım!, Hadi ya!, Yok artık! 1. I don’t want to see you here. Get out./ Get out of my office./ 1. ‘‘Lead, follow, or get out of the way(=Lider ol, liderleri takip et yoksa yoldan çık),’’ is a powerful quote by Thomas Paine, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States./ 2. So, what do you do? –I have the best job ever. I’m an ice cream taster /A:YS.krim-TEYS.tır/ (dondurma tadına bakan)! –Get out! Wow. That’s awesome!/ I bought you a new car. –Get out! You serious? –Totally. Here’s the key. The car is in the yard. What can I get you?: /WA:t.kan.a:y-GEÇ.yu/-GET.yu/ [garson/barman:] Sizin için ne getirebilirim?, Ne alacaksınız?, Ne ister siniz? || Coming right up!: [garson/barman:] [>Siparişiniz<] Hemen gelecek! [‘You got it!’in başka tarzı.] [In coffee shops, fast food restaurants, over-the-counter (tezgahlı) restaurants, Drive-Ins (müşterilerine arabalarında servis yapan lokantalar), etc /ıt.SE.tı.ra:/(v.s.), the waiter or waitress asks (garson soruyor) it.] What can I get you? –I’ll have chicken kebab and salad. And a large beer, please. –Sure./ What can I get you, sir? –Brandy on the rocks please (Buzlu/Buzla Brandy istiyorum lütfen)./ What can I get you? –I’ll have a Dirty Martini with three olives. –Coming right up. [Ya da:You got it.]

Where are you getting at/to?: /-GEDİ [=What’s your point?=What are you trying to say?=What do you mean?] Bu konuyu nereye varmak istiyorsunuz?, Ne söylemek istiyorsunuz?, Ne söylemeye çalışıyorsunuz? I don’t understand… in the movie The Social Network(Sosyal Ağ), where is Mark Zuckerberg getting at by saying, ‘The truth is she has a nice face. I need to do something to take my mind off her(Onu aklımdan çıkarmak/unutmak için bir şey yapmalıyım).’ –Well his point is he hasn’t forgotten her yet! He’s still into her(=still loves her)! Maybe ‘she’ was his real ‘motivation’ for creating Facebook! –Uhh, love! – Yeah. Nature plays in mysterious ways! –So ‘love’ created Facebook! –I think so. / [Dr. Davidson talks a lot about diet, and at the end he says] ...and a small glass of dry red wine(sık kırmızı şarap) before sleeping helps them lose belly fat (karın yağı kaybetmeye yardımcı olur). –Where are you getting at, Dr. Davidson? –Well, my point is ‘mixing up the routine (adetı karıştırmak/her zaman aynı şeyi yememek)’ is the best way to lose weight. Get your hands off me!: /GEÇ.yor.handz-A:’F.mi/ Ellerini üzerimden çek!, Bana dokunma! Please stay. –You cheated on me(Sen beni aldatti). How can I stay with you here? [As she’s leaving, he grabs her hands] –Get your hands off me... liar! Get off (of) me!: /ged.A:’F.a:v.mi/ Çekil!, Çekil üstümden!, Beni rahat bırak! [He’s studying at home and needs concentration, but the naughty kid among the guests goes up the couch and then on his shoulders so he says] Get off me! I need to study. Ok, good boy! Now, get out! Get off my desk/table: /ged.A:’F-ma:y--/ (Çalışma) Masamdan indir! Who said you can sit down here? Get off my desk!/ [Sitting on the roof of the car] Hey you! Get off my car (car roof). Get your feet off my/the coffee table!:/GEÇ.yor-Fİ’’.fi-TEY.bıl/ Ayaklarını sehpadan çek/indir! [Ayaklarını sehpa üstüne koyma!] Whenever he puts his feet on coffee table to watch TV and have chips, his mother says, ‘Get your feet off my coffee table!’ Get down on your knees: /--Nİ’z/ dizinin üstüne çök || Down on your knees: dizinin üstüne çök So tell me. Do you wanna propose the girl? –Yeah but I’m a bit nervous. –Don’t get nervous (Gergin olma), man. Just get down on your knees and bring out the ring. The words will come out easily./ [The bad guy] Stay put. Down on your knees or I’ll shoot/ŞU’t/(ateş etmek) you. Get the door: kapıyı açmak [Someone rings the doorbell] Mom: Honey? Can you get the door? Get even: /ged.İ’.vın/ [birinin kötü yaptığın şeyi cevab vermek] intikam almak, beraberlığı sağlamak [>gözgöze dişdişe yapmak anlamında<] Guy: Your boyfriend is dancing with that girl. Do you wanna dance with me to make him jealous? –No. I don’t wanna get even./ Some people don’t GET AHEAD because all they think is to GET EVEN! [Paraphrased from Les Brown’s ‘Some people would rather ‘get even’ instead of ‘get ahead’.] Do you agree? Got shot: /ga:’d-ŞA:’t/ [silahla] vurulmuştur, öldürülmüştür 35th (=thirty fifth) President of the United States, John F. Kennedy got shot in 1963./ Is it true that Bob Marley got shot? –Yes. He got shot twice on, if I remember correctly, December the 3rd, 1976 (December the third, nineteen seventy six). –Negative. He died of cancer. –That’s not true! Get to know someone: /GET-tu.NO’-/ biriya tanımak istemek I wanna get to know you better (Seni daha iyi tanımak istiyorum)./ She’s not that bad, once you get to know her (Onu bir kez tanışırsen, o kadar da fena değil =iyidir).

Get along with: /GED-ı.LA:’NG.wiz/ birbiriyle iyi geçinmek, arkadaşça ilişki kurmak || Get on well with: /GED.a:’n-WE’Lwiz/ birbiriyle iyi geçinmek, arkadaşça ilişki kurmak And he angrily said, ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can’t get along with girls.’/ How was your first day of school, honey? Did you get on well with your classmates? Get rid of: /ged.RİD.a:v/ (=Ditch/DİÇ/) başından atmak Oh, thank goodness! You finally got rid of your old shoes!/ Yesss! Finally I got rid of my old computer and bought the iPad! Yayyy! [Ditch: 1. hendek 2. (SL) ilişkini son vermek/birini başından atmak>RELATIONSHIP<] Got hit:/ga:d.HİT/ vurulmuş olmak|| Get hit by a cab:/-KA’b/ taksi tarafından vurulmuş olmak || Get/Be hurt: /ged.H3Rt/bi.-/ yaramış olmak [On the phone] I got hit by a car today. –Hit by a car? You ok? You got hurt? –No, it wasn’t serious, I’m okay, really. Don’t worry./ He got hit by a cab when he was younger. Luckily(İyi ki/Tanrıdan), he didn’t get hurt. Grab: /gRA’b/ kapmak*, (çabucak) almak Oh my gosh! What a crowded restaurant! There’s no place to sit, I guess. Oh, yeah there’s one. Go grab(get) it (=Git onu çabucak al), and I’ll grab(get) the beer (=ve bende bira alayım)./ Do you have time? We could grab some dinner or something, huh?/ Hey buddy. I haven’t seen you around for a while. –You too! –Let’s go grab a coffee and have a chat, what do you say(ne dersin)? –All right. Let’s go. [Grab a bite/BA:Yt/ (=Eat) Would you like to grab a bite? –Sure. –’K. Let’s go to this restaurant. It’s a goodie (=good one>burada:iyi bir restoranmiş)! >FOOD<bakın.] Grab/Get/Catch/Attract someone’s attention: /--ı.TEN.şın/ birinin dikkatini çekmek Her weirdlooking(tuhaf görünen) ear-rings grabbed/caught/got/attracted my attention./ In that photo gallery, there was a black and white picture that grabbed her attention./ Do you think bluring (bulanıklaştırmak) cigarette on TV channels grabs(gets/attracts) more attention? Seize: pronunciation:/Sİ’z/ [spelling: NOTTT sieze] kapmak [She has a job interview. Getting the job is very important to her. So she’s encouraging and talking to herself] Sara Jessica Anderson! This is your moment. Seize it. Snatch: /sNA’ç/ kapmak*, koparmak Remember ‘Snatch’ from the movie by its name starring Brad Pitt./ A guy in the street snatched her bag! She screamed, asking for help!/ Here’s Alaska. Don’t let the little rabbit out. Eagles will snatch him. [Snitch: muhbir>Hey, he’s a snitch. Watch out! (Look out!)] Psalm 119:114-115 You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word. Away from me, you evildoers, that I may keep the commands of my God! KEEP Keep: /KİP/ (keep, kept/KEPt/, kept) tutmak Can I keep your book for a while? –Sure./ He says: I’m a man of my word. I keep my promise./ She saw a little cat in the street. It was so cute that she decided to keep it as a pet./ Thinking of you, my love, keeps me alive. Keep (on)+verb+ing: –e devam etmek, -e devamlı+ [yapmak/ söylemek/ v.s. fiile göre] Keep moving forward: İlerlemeye devam edin. / Don’t stop. Keep going (Yolunu devam et)./ He keeps on talking (Devamlı konuşuyor)./ Keep hanging out (Takılmayı devam edin), guys. I’m tired. I’m gonna go home./ Famous American saying: Keep (on) believing; keep on keeping on(devam etmeye devam edin)!!/ I enjoyed our conversation and I wanna keep talking to you. –Me too./ I’m tired of this job(Bu işten sıkıldım artık) and I don’t know how long I can keep doing it./ She keeps listening to Positive Life Radio on She says it’s pretty positive and awesome! How Can I Keep From Singing YOUR Praise? –Chris Tomlin Keep (someone) from+verb+ing: (birini) -dan alıkoymak, (birini) -dan engellemek/durmak How can I keep people from posting on my Facebook wall?/ Never let anyone keep you from achieving (=reaching:kavuşmak) your goals(=aims:hedefler). Keep in mind: /KİP-in-MA:YNd/ -i aklında tutmak, -i unutmamak Don’t forget to buy some milk for breakfast. –Okay. I’ll keep that in mind./ Keep in mind that you’re gonna answer the LORD someday.

Keep it to myself: içimde kapanmak He says, ‘When I’m angry, I don’t let the anger out. I keep it to myself.’/ [Pic] Some people just keep their feelings to themselves. Keep (=Be) quiet /kip.KWA:.yıt/ Sessiz ol! Class! I want you all to be quiet and listen to Mandy. Thank you./ Please keep quiet while he speaks. Keep it up!: (=Keep up the good work!) Başarmayı devam et!, Harika işini öyle devam et! [Comment on photography website] Great photos. Keep it up!/ Keep up the good work!/ This is my favorite comment I leave for my students’ writings: ‘Keep up the good work!’ Keep it down!: /Kİ 1. Sessiz olun! 2. çok yüksek konuşmamak, sesine kısaltmak Hush! Keep it down, guys! Amy is sleeping!/ [In a cafe, some teens are making noise(görültü yapiyorlar) and someone tells them] Hey guys, could you please keep it down? Thank you. –Oh, sorry!/ You guys are too loud. Can(Could) you keep it down or go outside? Thanks!/ Mom? Can I go and watch TV? –Yes, sweetie. But keep it down, okay? –Okay. [Turn it down> elektrik cihazın sesini azaltmak>TURN<bakin.] He keeps me posted!: /hi.KİPS.mi-PO’S.tıd/ Beni güncelliyor!, Ne olduğunu sürekli bana haberleştiriyor!, Her ne olduğunu beni sürekli haberdar ediyor! [Who Is Clark Rockefeller?] Mr. Bernard is keeping an eye on the little girl Snooks. On the phone, he says to Snooks’ mom: ‘They’re having lunch right now. I’ll keep you posted, okay? Everything’s going really well.’/ [The Adjustment Bureau (2011)] [He takes the call(telefonu açıyor/cevap veriyor)] Yeah? –Any idea? –I’m working on it(Üzerinde çalışıyorum/İşin başındayım). –Keep me posted. –Yeah./ Mr. Biden keeps Mr. President posted. He is his right hand. Hold me in Your arms LORD –Hillsong United HOLD Hold: /HO’Ld/ (hold, held, held) [elde] tutmak, bırakmamak [Referring to the bag] Could you hold this for me, please? Thanks./ [Newly mother holding the baby in her arms] See? Our baby looks like you. You wanna hold him?/ The groom is holding the bride’s hand. Hold someone’s hand: /--hand/ birinin ele tutmak/bırakmamak Hold your little brother’s hand./ The two lovers were holding each others’ hands like(sanki) they never wanted to leave. Hold the phone: /--FO’n/ 1. bekle, dur, öyle kalsin 2. [On the phone] bekleyin 1. Hold the phone. I saw this problem before. I can fix this machine./ 1. What? No, no. Hold the phone. That’s not true./ 1. Hold the phone. What? Lady Gaga is Australian? No way. I’m sure she’s American./ 2. Could you hold the phone for a moment please? Thanks. Hold that thought: /--SA:’t/ [Bu fikri/Söyleceğini] Aklında tut! [Bu fikri] dursun, Öyle kalsin, Ne söylemek isteyeceğini dursun, Söyleyeceğini unutma!, Bir dakika –‘...yeah we were having this conversation about...’ –[Listener’s phone rings, he says] Uh, hold that thought please, I have to take this call (bunu açmak/cevap vermek zorundayım). [After he talks on the phone, he says] Yes, so you were saying (Efendim, peki ne söyleyecektiniz)?/ Hold that thought. I’ll be right back. I (’m gonna/will) hold you to that!: Sözünü tutacağını beklerim/bakacağım! Mel! Clean your room. –Ok, ma. But I’m busy right now. I’m going skateboarding. I’ll do it when I get back. –All right. I’ll hold you to it./ I didn’t do the homework but next time, I promise. –Ok. I’m gonna hold you to that.

Matthew 28:20 And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Behold!: [özellikle Kutsal Kitap’ta] Dikkatle dinle/bak!, İyice kulak verin! Behold! God is the Judge. Isaiah 35:4 Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.” HANG Hang: /HANg/ (hang, hung/HA:Ng/, hung) asmak Why don’t you hang your coat over there?/ A fashionable gold necklace hung around her neck. It made her look fabulous! Hang: (hang, hanged/HA’NGd/, hanged) ipe çekmek, idam etmek In Shawshank Redemption, Brooks hunged himself because he was addicted to fear. But Andy helped Red save himself because of hope. See how one person can change another person’s life?

Hang out: [=Spend time doing nothing] (hang out,hung out,hung out) takılmak, vakit geçırmek, zaman harcamak, gecelere akmak Girl: Before I was accepted at the university, I used to hang out with friends a lot./ What do you guys usually do? –Oh, we just hang out, talk to friends, and stuff (ve böyle şeylerı> ve arkadaşlar folanla konuşuyoruz)./ What did you do after the class? –I hung out a bit and I went home./ Do you hang out with your friends a lot? Hang in there! 1. Tanrı sabır versın!/Sabırlı ol/Güçlü ol! 2. Kafana takma! Sorry for the loss, man (çocuk/eş/arkadaş rahmetlı olduğun için üzgünüm kardeş)! Hang in there. –Thanks./ Have you found the job you were looking for? –Not yet. –Hang in there. Just keep looking for it./ I know she didn’t have the right to treat you like that, but hang in there (kafana takma), baby. –I will (=I will hang in there: Öyle yapacağım zaten/Takmayacağim zaten). Thanks. KEEP ON/GO ON/HOLD ON/HANG ON Go on/Keep on: Devam et! [> Go on: Söyleyeceğini devam et] || Hold on/Hang on: (=Wait/Wait up/Stop/sTA:’p/) Dur!, Bekle!, Bir dakika! || Hold on a sec/Hang on a sec: Bir saniye dur./Bir saniye! They were about to buy the house but...[stops talking]. –But what? Go on!/ Why did you sit down? Let’s keep on walking./ Hang on! What did you say?/ Hold on. You wanna leave Nebraska? Why?/ Hold on a sec(=second). What do you mean by ‘I can’t do it anymore’(‘Bunu artık yapamam’ derken)? We talked about this(Bununla ilgili biz bahsettik/konuştuk/anlaştık)! Remember?/ [On the phone] Hang on a second, please. [>Sec:sadece samimi lafta|| Second:(her tür konuşmada)<] ON THE PHONE* AND STUFF Call: /KA:’L/ 1. –e aramak (=telefon açmak/etmek) [NOTTT Call TO] 2. ismini söylemek 3. çağırmak 1. Call me later (Sonra beni ara/bana telefon aç). We’ll talk about the details. [NOTTT Call TO me...)/ 1. Don’t call the office, okay? Call me on my cell (Cep numaramı ara). [NOTTT call TO the office. || NOTTT call TO me.]/ 1. Stop calling me! [NOTTT Stop calling TO me!]/ 1. Who is calling you? Don’t you have a life (İşin gücün yok mu)? :D/ 1. If your phone died(Telefonun şarjı bitti ise) and there’s no telephone booth(telefon kabin/kulübesi) around, how would you contact others? –I would ask someone to use their phone./ 1. Who are you calling(Kime arıyorsun)? [NOTTT ...calling TO...]/ 2. [Pic] Then I met... this man called Rocky(Ondan sonra Rocky adılı adamla buluştum)!/ 2. [Pic] I’m Brennan. –I’m Dale. But you have to call me Dragon. –You have to call me Nighthawk. :D/ 2. My name is Jimmy. But call me Jim please./ 2. So, what should I call you (=Ee, senin ismini ne söyleyim), Mr. Watson [soyadı>resmi mi] or Charls [adı>dostça mı]?/ 2. You have a daughter? –Yeah. Over there. She’s called Claudia (=Onun ismi Claudia)./ 2. ‘Klasik Gitar’ in English is called ‘Acoustic/ı.KUS.tik/ Guitar’./ 2. Wow. According to NASA, when the sun is too strong, ocean-dwelling (okyanusda yaşayan), microscopic /ma:yk.rıs.KA:’.pik/, single-celled (tek hücrelı) organisms called planktons can indirectly creat clouds (in the sky) that block some of the sun’s harmful rays./ 2. Why did you do that??? Do you call yourself a man??? 3. Did you call my name? [Call off: (=Cancel) iptal etmek> Manager: I’ll be very busy today. Call off the meeting and push (postpone:ertelemek) it to tomorrow.] [Call for: -i istemek>Man: This good news calls for a toast. (Bu iyi haber kadeh kaldırmak istiyor.)]

Joel 2:32 And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved... Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto Me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not. Missed call: /MİSt.ka:’l/ cevapsız arama Hey! Where were you? –Outside. –Check your phone. You had a missed call. –Oh, ok. Thanks. Give me a call!:/GİV.mi.ı-KA:’L/Gİ.mi--/(=Call me!) Beni ara! Give me a call sometime. I’ll be happy to hear from you. –Yeah, sure thing (kesin şey/ kesinlikle/ seni kesin aracağım)./ I’ll give you a call when I get home. Sorry, I have to make a phone call: Kusura bakma, bir telefon etmek zorundayım. [Biriyla konuşurken, telefon etmek zorunda kalırsanız, aramaktan önce, bunu diyeceksiniz.] [Judy and Jude are having a conversation (chat). Suddenly Jude remembers that he needs to call his boss. So he says to Judy] Oh, I’m sorry. I have to make a phone call. –That’s ok (Sorun değil). [He goes to another room and calls his boss.]/ [Pic] I guess he got tired of(-den yoruldu) Cointreau, so he went to make a phone call. Return my call: /ri.T3RN--/ [=Call me back] Beni geri aramak || Return my text: mesajlarımı cevap vermek [On the phone] Thanks for returning my call. (=Thanks for calling me back.) –No problem. What seems to be so important? (=What seems to be the matter?/What’s so important?: Önemli olay ne?/Ne oldu?/Niye benimle konuşmak istediğiniz?)/ Stan? I called you a couple of times. Why didn’t you return my calls?/ Man: I didn’t want to return her call./ [Grace Card] Are we in a fight (Biz kavgada miyiz/ Benimle küs musun)? –Nope. –You’re not returning my text! I’ll call you back!: Seni geri/sonra aracağım! || I’ll get back to you!: Seni döneceğım! [On the phone] Sure. I’ll call you back. Ok. Bye./ [On the phone] Thanks for calling me back./ [On the phone]

Uhh, honey, I have to go. I’ll get back to you in a few hours, ok? See you. I love you! Bye./ [On the phone] Uhh, let me get back to you in a few seconds, ok? Ring: /RİNG/ 1.(telefon) zili çalmak 2.yüzük 3.halka/çember 4.boks ringi 1. Hey, your phone is ringing. Aren’t you gonna answer? –No. I know who it is (kim olduğunu biliyorum.) [NOTTT I know who is it? >‘Who is it?’ söylersen, SORU olacak, ama burada SORU değil.<]/ 2. Go talk to her. Does she have a ring? –Shoot(Lanet olsun), yeah. She’s married! –Then, forget it./ 3. You can guess the age of a tree from its number of rings./ 4. The fighters(boksörler) go on the ring. [>‘on the ring’ çünkü birkaç adım atıp yukarıda gidiyor<] [Biriyla konuşurken, ara geldiğin zaman] (Pardon,) bunu cevap vermek/açmak zorundayım: (Sorry,) I have to take it./I have to take this./I have to take this call. [>have to=need to/should<] || (Sorry,) I have to get this./I have to get this call. || (Sorry,) I gotta get this./I gotta take this./I gotta take this call. [In the meeting, someone’s phone is ringing and he says:] Sorry I have(need) to take it. [And he goes out and answers the phone.]/ [In the class, a student’s phone is ringing. She says:] Sorry I have to take this call. It’s important. [And she goes out and answers the phone.]/ [His phone is ringing] Sorry, this is an important call. I gotta get this. [Önemli] Telefonu açmak (aramak anlamda): Call || [Önemli] Telefonu açmak (cevap vermek anlamda): Take/Get/Answer the phone [NOTTT Open the phone] =Answer/Take/Get the call || [Önemli] Telefonu kapatmak: hang up (the phone) [NOTTT Close the phone] || [Önemli] Telefonu tumden açmak: Turn on the phone=Switch on the phone || [Önemli] Telefonu tumden kapatmak: Turn off the phone=Switch off the phone [Önemli: Open/Close daha: Open the door, Close the door, Open your book, Close your book. TELEFON/TV/ELEKTRONİK CİHAZLAR için DEĞİL.] [Hang up,hung up/HANG-A:P/,hung up] [His cellphone rings, he doesn’t answer, his brother says] Why don’t you take it? = Why don’t you take the call? = Why don’t you get the call? = Why don’t you answer the phone?/ The secretary gets the call, greets, and asks, ‘May I know your name please(İsminizi öğrenebilirmiyim lütfen)?’ [May I know your name? (=Can I have your name?: İsminizi alabilir miyim?)]/ Attention! We DON’T say ‘Open the TV.’ We say ‘TURN ON THE TV.’ We DON’T say ‘Open the phone.’ We say ‘TURN ON THE PHONE.’/ Switch off your phone./ [Pic] Don’t hang up. –Why? –I like hearing the sound of your voice. [>REAL English. REAL life.<] / Listen. I’m gonna hang up. I gotta go. Bye./ He hung up on me!: Telefonu yüzüme (bilebile) kapattı!/ [When speaking on the phone, she hangs up] What the hell (Bu ne ya)! Why did she hang up on me? Pick up the phone/Pick it up: /PİK.a:p.zı-FO’n/Pİ telefona cevap vermek/açmak In different languages, when they pick up the phone, they say ‘Hello’, ‘Hallo’, ‘Hola’, ‘Alo’, but in Japanese, when they pick up the phone, they say ‘MOSHI MOSHI’! That’s so CUTE! / When someone calls you(Biri size telefon açtığınce), your phone rings, you pick up the phone(telefonu açıyorsun/cevap veriyorsun), or answer(take/get) the phone(call). When speaking, you may ask ‘hold on’ or ‘hang on’, and finishing the conversation, you hang up the phone. That’s all./ [Mom’s cellphone is ringing, but she’s doing(washing) the dishes. She asks her son] Sweetie? Can you pick up the phone for me please?/ His brother’s phone is ringing, she wants to pick up, he says, ‘Just leave it(Bırak/ Öyle kalsın/ Bırak arasın/ Dokunma)./ [Their son is on a live TV progrm. The mother is watching it, but the father doesn’t know. She wants him to watch their son on TV so she calls him but he doesn’t answer yet. She says, ‘Oh, please, pick up, pick up, pick up!’ Now he gets the call and she says, ‘Hon, turn on the TV, channel 8.’ [Pick/Pick up=Choose: seçmek> Books are like friends. Pick up a ‘great’ book and read.] [Aradığın zaman] Hi. It’s... [ismini söylüyorsun]: Merhaba. Ben... [NOTTT Hi. I’m...] [Bir kişiyi görmedığınce, ‘it’ kullanıyorsun.] [Pic] Hi, Mama. It’s Linds. [>Linds=Lindsay<]/ [Tanımayan kimse] Hello? [Başlangıç cevap] Yeah, Hi... [>moda oldu<] [Woman calls 911 (the U.S. Police & Fire Department), the officer answers] Hello! [Woman says] Yeah, hi, I’m calling to report a wildfire (ormanda büyük/hızlı yangın)! Hold on: /HOLD.a:’n/ [Telefon’da] Bekle + [hem de her durumda] Bekle!/Dur!/Bir dakika! || Hang on: /HANG.a:’n/ [Telefon’da] Bekle + [hem de her durumda] Bekle!/Dur!/Bir dakika! [On the phone] OK. Hold on. [Turning to her boss] Boss? How much is the price of this? –Ten dollars. Who is it? Give me the phone./ Hold on. Let me ask my dad./ Ok, hang on. [Asks his wife] Sweetie, are we going to Tom’s (=Tom’un eve) tomorrow night? Get the digits=Get someone’s digits: /Dİ.cits/ [SL] birinin telefon numarası almak Hey, who was that girl? –She’s the girl next door(O kumşudaki kız). –Aw, she’s pretty! –Yep, I like her very much. –Did you get her digits? –Yea, I just did. –Good! Now you can call her! [Digit: rakam>How many significant(sıfır hariç/anlamlı) digits do mobile phones have in Turkey? –10.] How may I direct your call?:/-di.REKt-/[operatör/danışma görevlisi/v.s diyor] Kimle konuşmak istiyor sunuz?, Aramanızı nerede bağlaya bilirim?, Aramanızı nasıl yollara bilirim? Malin the operator: Edina Export Import. How may I direct your call? –Yeah, hi. Can I talk to Rebecca Goldberg please? –Hold please. –Thanks. [She puts him through.]/ Operator: Sally’s Beauty Salon. How may I direct your call? –Yeah, hi. Is Lyla in? –Her line is busy. Would you like to hold? –No, thanks. I’ll call later. –Ok. Bye. –Bye./ The receptionist: Dunn Realty, how may I direct your call? –May I speak to Daniel please? –Please hold. [>burada:hold=hold on<]/ Saint Louis Hospital, how may I direct your call? –Yeah, hi. It’s Dr. Susan Walsh. I’d like to talk to the hospital manager please. –Regarding (Ne ile ilgili)? –An emergency operation. –Hold on please.

Put someone through: /PUT – SRU’/ Birinin telefonu bağlamak Secretary: TeknoSA Company, how may I help you? Man: Yeah, hi, I need to talk to Mr. (..cannot pronounce well) Tufeksioglu please. S: I’m sorry, one more time. M: Mr. Mustafa T…S: Oh, you mean Mr. Tüfekçioğlu, the sales manager? M: Yes, him, please. S: May I ask who’s calling? M: It’s James Davis from Alka Switzerland. S: Sure. Hold on, please. [The secretary tells Mr. Tüfekçioğlu that Mr. Davis is on the line, so Mr. Tüfekçioğlu says to the secretary] ‘Onu bağla: Put him through.’/ Woman to the university operator/A:’.pı.rey.dır/: Hi, it’s Sarah Yang for(için arıyorum) Dr. Jo Yuan, please. Operator: Just a second, I’ll put you through. –Thanks. Please leave a message after the beep: /--ME.sıc--Bİ’p/ [Telesekreterda] Sinyal sesinden sonra mesajınızı bırakın lütfen. [Prerecorded message on the answering (=answering machine) (Telesekreterda önceden kaydedilmiş mesaj): This is Jessica McLeish. I’m sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message after the beep.] Hey, Jess! Guess what... I’m with Edward again! I’ll call you later. Bye! Voicemail: (=Voice mail) /VO’YS.meyl/ sesli mesaj I try to call him, but it goes on(to) voicemail (sesli mesaja gidiyor)./ He says he hates to leave voice mail! He doesn’t know why. Maybe he just likes to talk to someone rather than a machine/mı.Şİ’n/!/ She’s not answering? –No. –Why don’t you leave a voicemail? –Oh, yeah, good call(iyi ki dedin)! I’m gonna do it now. Please switch off your cellphone or put it in vibrating/silent mode!:/--VA:YB.rey.ding-//--SA:Y.lınt-/ [konfransta]Lütfen cep telefonunuzu kapatın ya da titremek/sessiz halinde koyun! Before the conference, someone says: Please switch off your cellphone or put it in vibrating mode. Thank you. I had my cellphone on silent/vibrate!: Cep telefonumu sessize/titreşime aldım! [Returning his friend’s call after an hour] Hey, sorry I missed your call. I had my cellphone on silent(vibrate)! –Oh, no problem. –So, what’s up?/ [Before the conference] We’d like to ask you to please have your cell phones on silent or vibrate. Thanks. I get a busy signal: [Meşgul sinyal alıyorum>] [Aradığın kişinin] telefon meşgul! I tried to reach you this morning, but I kept getting busy signals(Senin ulaşmayı çalıştım fakat daima meşguldun). Who were you talking to (Kiminle konuşuyordun)? Text:/TEKSt/1.(=Text-message/-ME.sıc/) mesaj, mesaj yazmak/bırakmak/göndermek 2.metin Where were you? I sent you, like, twenty texts. –I’m sorry. I turned my phone off./ Hey, you got a text message./ Who are you texting?/ He text-messaged his wife and she returned his text./ Read this text. It’s about the differences of ‘dot com’ and ‘dot net’. LOOK Look: /LUK/ bakmak Hey, look! He’s coming! –Uhh! Finally(Sonunda)! Where have you been, bro? [Look: görünmek/gözükmek/benzemek> You look great! (Harika görünüyorsun!/Çok şıksın!) >He’s a good guy. –Yea, he looks nice. >Looks like everybody’s having fun (Görünüşe göre herkes eğleniyor)!] Look at me!: Bana bak! [Pic] Look at me. Come back to me. (Bana bak. Bana geri döneceksin.> tamam mı?<)/ I want you to look at me when I talk to you. (Ben konuşurken, senden beni bakmasını istiyorum.) Look what you’ve done!: Bak ne yaptı! Look what you’ve done! Why is your leg bleeding? –I fell./ Look what you’ve done to this cake (Bak bu keke ne yaptı)!/ Look what you’ve done with my heart! –What? –It was empty. It’s full of YOU now!! –Oh, that’s sweet! Look at you!: [tonlama>youuu] Şu haline bak! Oh my gosh! Look at you! Why are you soaking wet /SO’.king-wet/(sırılsıklam)? – We had a ‘water fight’! –Water ‘what’??? :D Look after: (=Take care of) -e bakmak Jim! Mom is sick. We gotta look after her./ You stay home and look after your sister till I’m back, okay? Look back: arkaya bakmak, dönüp bakmak Hey! Don’t look back! I’m changing my clothes./ [Pic] I like looking back at people’s faces in the dark! Look down on: /luk.DAWN.a:n/ (=Belittle/bi.Lİ.dıl/) -e hor görmek He says he can’t stand (dayanamıyor) people who look down on others./ I don’t have the right to belittle others (Başkaları hor görmeye hakkım yoktur). You/He/She... got the looks!: Yakışıklısın/ Güzelsın!/ O yakışıklı/ O güzel! [Hereafter] Melanie(Bryce Howard) points at George’s picture and says: This is you? As a kid? George(Matt Damon): Yeah, that’s me and my brother, Billy. –Let me tell you, you got the looks.

Look into: 1. -i yaklaşıp bakmak 2. incelemek/ araştırmak/ soruşturmak [Pic] I know how you look into a mirror... :D/ Sir. Here is the script I wrote. –Ok. Put it on my desk. I’ll look into it later. –Sure. Thanks./ The lawyer looked into the case to find out more facts. SAY/TELL/LIE/LAY/SPEAK/TALK Say:/SEY/(say,said/SED/NOTTT SEYD/,said) söylemek,demek || Tell: /TEL/ (tell,told/TO’Ld/,told) –e söylemek, anlatmak || He told me (that)…: Bana söyledi (ki).../ ...-duğunu söyledi. || She said (that)…: Söyledi (ki).../ ...-duğunu söyledi. || He said to me (that)…: Bana söyledi (ki).../ ...-duğunu söyledi. What’s the difference between ‘say’ and ‘tell’? –Well... ‘say’ is like: Say ‘him’. –‘Him’! –Aha. But ‘tell’ is like: Tell him. –Okay, I will tell him. BUT... there’s an exception: Say hello to your dad. –I will. [NOTTT Tell hello to your dad.] / [Pic] Aren’t you going to say hello?:D [Gramer FİLMDE!!]/ [Christmas Angel] Nick, it took me (Bana zaman aldı/ sürüdü) 6 months to say hi to you! (She means she doesn’t trust people easily.)/ So you’re telling me you wanna quit(Ee, işten istifa etmek istediğini bana söylüyor musun)? –Yes, sir./ Say to me (=Tell me) what you wanna say to me (=tell me)!/ Tell me everything. I wanna know./ She told him that./ She said/SED/ she loved him. [SAID ME doğru ama pek demiyorlar. Onun yerinde: ‘Told me’ deyin.> ‘Tell’ daha NESNE ile geliyor.] [TOLD TO ME aslaaa demeyin. ‘Told me’ deyin.] [Pic] Why did you tell me(Niye bana söyledi)?/ Tell it to my face(Yüzüme bak söyle)! 7eventh Time Down – Just Say JESUS Say+(bir numara geliyor)…: atıyorum… So, shall we meet tomorrow at, say, 5 o’clock over there? –Yeah. Sounds great. –Ok. See ya./ The distance between Ankara and Istanbul is, say, 280 miles /MA:YLz/ (mil). How many hours would it be by bus… normally? –It would be four hours and a half. DIRECT SPEECH (Dolaysız Anlatım) ve REPORTED SPEECH (Dolaylı Anlatım) nedir? [Türkçe örnek> O ‘Bize ilgilenmiyor!’ dedi. > O onları ilgilenmediğini söyledi.] [Türkçe örnek> Adam dedi ‘Ben bunu yapabilirim!’ > Adam bunu yapabildiğini söyledi.] Dolaysız: He said, ‘I can’t do this anymore!’ [<direct speech] > Dolaylı: He said (that) he couldn’t do that anymore. [<reported speech] || The tourists said, ‘We speak English.’ [<direct speech] The tourists said (that) they spoke English. [<reported speech] || She said, ‘What are you doing?’ [<direct speech] [<Wh- soru] She asked what he was doing. [<reported speech] || Dad asked, ‘When did you call?’ [<direct speech] [<Wh- soru] Dad asked (me) when I had called. [<reported speech] || Zack said, ‘I can’t remember your name!’ [<direct speech] Zack said (that) he couldn’t remember my name! [<reported speech] || Elizabeth asked, ‘Do you want some tea?’ [<direct speech] [<Yes/No soru] Elizabeth asked if/whether I wanted some tea. [<reported speech] || Martin asked, ‘Did you buy that house?’ [<direct speech] [<Yes/No soru] Martin asked if/wheather I had bought that house. [<reported speech] || He said, ‘Call me when you get home.’ [<direct speech] [<Emir cümlesi] He said to call him when I got home. [<reported speech] || The guy said, ‘Come to my party.’ [<direct speech] [<Emir cümlesi] [<Çok özel: Come>Go] The guy said to go to his party. [<reported speech] || You said, ‘I love you.’ [<direct speech] [Pic] You said you loved me. [>reported speech<] [I would never memorize grammar. I’d just watch things like ‘You said you loved me!’ everyday!] Direct Speech yani birinin dediklerini SANKİ BİR ANDA O KİŞİSİNİZ AYNEN söylemektir. Reported Speech yani birinin dediklerini gördüğün gibi FARKLI KELİMELERLA söylemektir. I told you to go!: Sana git dedim! [>ama gitmedi/dinlemedi<] || I told you not to go!: Sana gitme dedim! [>ama gitti/dinlemedi<] I told you to go, but you didn’t listen! [>‘told’ her zaman vurgulu<]/ I told you not to go skiing, see? Look what you’ve done to yourself!/ You never listen (Hiç laf tutmuyorsun/ dinlemiyorsun)! I told you to buy that house(O eve al dedim sana)./ [Pic] I told you not to fall in love with me. (Sana dedim bana aşık olma.) [>WATCH movies like this everyday, SURE you’ll LEARN.<] Tell me…: Anlat beni…, Söyle beni… || Tell me about yourself: Kendini anlat bakalım!, Kendinden bahs et! || Why don’t you tell me/us about yourself?: Niye kendinden bahs etmiyorsun?, Anlat kendini! What is it, baby(Ne oldu, bebeğim/canım)? Tell me and I’ll do it./ So, Curtis, tell me about yourself./ Teacher in the first session reads names one by one: Mehmet Ceceli (örnek)? –Here. –Mehmet, why don’t you tell us about yourself? –Sure. I’m 22, from Adana. I’m studying economics in Boğazici University... –I LOVE your self-confidence. –Thank you! I can tell!:[biri sevdığın şeyi söylerse ve dedikleri apaçıkse söylenır bir espri] Belli zaten!, Anlaşılıyor!, Diyebilirim! He’s dancing with his favorite song in the kitchen. His new roommate sees him, so he stops dancing and says] That’s my favorite song. –I can tell!! / He comes into his friend’s room and sees posters of Switchfoot everywhere on the wall. His friend says, ‘I’m crazy about Switchfoot!’ He says, ‘I can absolutely tell!’  I was told/ I’ve been told...: Beni söylediler ki..., Bana ...-duğunu söylediler. I was told it’s a good restaurant (Bu iyi bir restoran olduğunu bana söylediler). Let’s try it./ I was told you won’t be back until Friday. –Yea, but something happened and I’m back early./ I’ve been told she’s a great driver but I didn’t believe until I got in her car. She really drives well.

Tell the truth: /TEL.ze-TRU’S/ doğru söylemek || Tell a lie/Tell lies: /--LA:Y(z)/ yalan söylemek/yalanlar söylemek I want you to just look me in the eyes and tell me the truth./ How do you know your internet friend tells you the truth?/ She always tells lies. And people always believe her!/ Don’t tell me your lies. I’m done with them (Onlardan bıktım artık)!/ Lie (Yalan) is the only truth you’ve always told me!/ [Pic] Do you tell me lies because they sound(gibi geliyor) better?/ Proverb: Tell your friend a lie. If he keeps it secret, then tell him the truth!

John 8:44 For he (the devil) is a liar and the father of lies. Job 12:11 Does not the ear test words as the palate tastes food? Lie:/LA:’y/ 1. (to)(–e) yalan söylemek 2.[daha:be+ing ile]yatmak, uzanmak 3.[resmi] bulunmak Did you lie to me? [>‘lie’dan sonra ‘TO’ önemli<]/ The only time you lie to someone is when you are afraid. –John Gotti/ If you don’t like me, then tell me. Why do you lie to me?/ Why lie detector? Give him some beer, make him a bit drunk, and he’ll tell you all the truth!!/ 2. The workers were lying down on the grass (çimen), sleeping a nice sleep.  [lie + ing= lying]/ 2. The tourists were lying in the beach, sunbathing/SA:N.bey.zing/./ 2. The baby is lying in the bed./ 3. The chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is overestimated. (Paranın en önemli değer şu gerçekte bulunmuştur ki biri fazla tahmin edildiğin dünyada yaşiyor.) –Henry Louis Mencken Liar: /LA:.yır/ yalancı Remember the word ‘liar’ from the comedy ‘Liar Liar’, starring Jim Carrey./ You’re a liar. I don’t believe you anymore (Artık sana inanmıyorum)./ I’m sure she’s lying to me. [Lie+ing=Lying| Die+ing=Dying]/ You’re such a big fat liar(Büyük bir yalancısın). You’ve always lied to me. You’re so full of crap!: Sen bir yalancısın*! You get people fall in love with you and then blow them (Sen her kese kendini aşık ediyorsun, ondan sonra onları terk ediyorsun). You’re so full of crap!/ [Pic] You’re all full of crap. I’m going to bed. Speak:/sPİ’k/>ısPİ’k</NOTTT sePİ’k/ konuşmak Speaking English is a great feeling... so is(hem de) self-confidence./ [Pic] I’m speaking to* you, dear viewer. [‘Speak to’ mu ‘Speak with’ mi? >TALK<bakın.] TobyMac - Speak Life lyrics (such uplifting song): Some days life feels perfect - Other days it just ain't workin’ - The good, the bad, the right, the wrong - And everything in between - Though it's crazy, amazing - We can turn our hearts with the words we say Mountains crumble with every syllable - Broken, Live or die - So speak Life, speak Life - Through the deadest darkest night - Speak Life, Speak Life - When the sun won't shine and you don't know why - Look into the eyes of the brokenhearted - Watch them come alive as soon as you speak hope - You speak love, you speak... - You speak Life, You speak Life – Someday the tongue gets twisted Other days my thoughts just fall apart - I do, I don't, I will, I won't - It's like I'm drowning in the deep - Well it’s crazy to imagine Words from our lips as the arms of compassion - Mountains crumble with every syllable - Broken, Live or die - So speak Life, speak Life - Through the deadest darkest night - Speak Life, Speak Life - When the sun won't shine and you don't know why - Look into the eyes of the brokenhearted - Watch them come alive as soon as you speak hope - You speak love, you speak... - You speak Life, You speak Life - Lift your head a little higher - Spread the love like fire - Hope will fall like rain - When you speak life with the words you say - Raise your thoughts a little higher - Use your words to inspire - Trouble falls like rain - When you speak life with the things you say - Lift your head a little higher - Spread the love like fire - Hope will fall like rain - When you speak life with the words you say - So speak Life, speak Life - Through the deadest darkest night - Speak Life, Speak Life - When the sun won't shine and you don't know why - Look into the eyes of the brokenhearted - Watch them come alive as soon as you speak hope - You speak love, you speak... - You speak Life, You speak Life - You speak Life, You speak Life – Some days life feels perfect Speak highly of someone:/ good things about someone) birinin hakkında iyi şeyler söylemek, birinden pek övgüyle bahsetmek [Happythankyoumoreplease] Susan speaks very highly of you. She told me, ‘The one thing about Sam is he’s always on time for an important meeting.’/ When you speak highly of someone, you build self-esteem in them. But too much of it will fall down! [Speak evil of someone:/--İ’.vıl--/ gıybet etmek>I don’t like to speak evil of someone but defend.] James 4:11-12 Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the

law but a judge. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, He who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? This job speaks for itself!: [Hiç konuşmadan>] Bu iş ne olduğunu belirtiyor! [1] Your paintings are works of art. Great job! [2] Yeah. This job speaks for itself. We’d like to exhibit your works./ Your resume /RE.zı.mey/ (özgeçmiş/özet) speaks for itself. That’s very impressive. Speak one’s mind: düşündüğünü açıkca konuşmak Yogi Bera (Bear), the American Hall-of-Fame baseball legend is famous to had spoken his mind./ [Change of Plans] My mother and father taught me to speak my mind. –Yes that’s... that’s a good thing. Talk: /TA:’k/ konuşmak A person who can’t talk is called ‘mute/MYUT/ or ‘dumb/DA:M/’ (=dilsiz). They have a special sense we don’t (Onlar, bizim sahip olmadiğimiz hissi sahip)./ Hey guys! What are you doing? –Nothing! Just talking!/ Angry girl to her friend: Don’t talk behind my back (Arkamda konuşma), tell it to my face!/ If people talk ‘behind’ your back, it’s because you are ‘ahead’ of them (Eğer millet arkanda konuşurlerse, sebebi sen onlardan ileri olduğundur)./ Let’s just walk and talk. –’K. I’d love to (Çok isterim)./ Lady Gaga: People will always talk, so let’s give them something to talk about!/ Are you gonna talk? –No. –You call me at 2 A.M. in the morning and you’re not gonna tell me what happened? –No. –Great!! [‘Talk with’ ve ‘Talk to’ aynı. ‘Speak with’ ve ‘Speak to’ de aynı. > ‘‘Who were you talking to(with)? –My mom.’’ FAKAT biri tek kişi olarak konfrans gibi bir toplumla konuşurse ‘Talk to’ olur, ‘Talk with’ OLMUYOR. >She’s talking to the crowd about the animal rights. (‘Talk to’ karşılıksız ve karşılıklı. ‘Talk with’ sadece karşılıklı.)] Talk about: /TA:’K-ı.BAWt/ -den bahsetmek, –a yadetmek We talked about this, remember? (Bu konuyla ilgili bahsettık, hatırlıyor musun?)/ We were with Jane and Adam and we talked about you. In John 1:1, Jesus is called ‘the Word of God’. This reveals that God is a Communicator. He is the Word and created all things with the Word of His mouth. In Genesis 3:8, Adam heard the sound of ‘God’s voice’. As a Christian, I cannot come to Jesus unless the Father draws me as I ‘hear His voice’. So how does God speak to us? God speaks to EVERYONE through their CONSCIENCE! Other than that, He speaks through different ways: 1. The Holy Bible. 2. Impressions: Have you ever been thinking about someone and that same person called? It happened to me a couple times. That is God speaking. In the Book of Acts Chapter 27, Paul was passing by a paralytic person and God through impression talked to him as Paul healed him in Jesus’ name. While praying for someone, we may feel a sensation which shows that person needs healing, a sensation we haven’t experienced before. That is God speaking. Jesus received insights from the Father as in that crowd, a woman with a blood issue touched his clothes and was healed, according to Luke 8:45-46 ‘Somebody has touched me, for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.’ The word ‘perceive’ means ‘to know by feeling’. 3. God speaks internally, either quietly or loud-in-nature in plain words, a highly subjective way and somehow difficult to describe. 4. Visions: This could be pictures in the mind when praying or even driving a car. 5. Dreams: In the first two chapters of Gospel of Matthew, Mary’s husband Joseph sees four vivid dreams as he was told by the Lord to take Mary as his wife, to flee with his family to Egypt, to return to his homeland, and to turn aside and dwell in Galilee. Dreams could be about us or someone else who needs help. Some dreams are simple and easy to understand but others might be symbolic and need careful interpretation. As some examples, there come Genesis 20:3, Genesis 31:24, and 1 Kings 3:5-15. God desires to speak to everyone, and dreams are one way. 6. Angelic visitation: In Acts 27:23-24, an angel spoke to Paul. In Acts 12:5-17, Peter was released from prison by an angel who physically appeared and opened the prison doors for him. 7. The highest form, visitation of the LORD: John received the Book of Revelation by the actual visitation of Lord Jesus. Today, Jesus Christ the Lord reveals himself to people as there are videos of ‘‘Jesus’ encounter’’ on YouTube and ‘‘testimonies’’ on the Internet. God bless.

John 17:17 Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth. FACT/REALITY/TRUTH Fact: /FA’Kt/ gerçek || Reality: pronunciation: /ri.YA.lı.di/ gerçek, hakikat || Real: /Rİ.yıl/ gerçek, hakiki || Really: /Rİ’.li//Rİ.yıli/ gerçekten || Really?: Gerçekten mi?, Sahi mi?, Öyle mi? Accountant: The fact is we have financial problems./ The cop to the suspect: I’m looking for facts and not one of those made-up stories./ Reality hurts, baby!/ In photography, I think ‘black and white’ photo is more real./ It’s said that internet people are not living in the real world and have lost their touch with the concept of reality. How do you explain that? –Well, I simply believe that the Internet is the reality itself!/ I need a stable /sTEY.bıl/ (sağlam) relationship, something real, something I can trust./ Natalie Portman: And sometimes just watching a person doing the things they would only do at home lets you know who they really are. [>anahtar kelimeler<]/ Go ask her. She can speak French. –Really? –Yeah, really./ [Pic] People can’t always be perfect cos that’s not real, is it? (İnsanlar her zaman mükemmel olmayacaklar çünkü bu gerçek değil, değil mi?) [>What do ‘you’ think?<] John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Queen Elizabeth: To what greater inspiration and counsel can we turn than to the imperishable truth to be found in this Treasure House, the BIBLE?

Truth: /TRU’S/ gerçek || Tell the truth: (#Tell a lie) gerçeğı söylemek Truth is human beings are so complicated, so selfrealization is a real tough job./ Tell me the truth or I’ll find it out myself. Malcolm Muggeridge: There's far more truth in the Book of Genesis (only the first chapter of the BIBLE) than in the quantum theory! HIT/COLLIDE/BEAT Hit: /HİT/ (hit, hit, hit) vurmak, çarpmak || Collide: /kı.LA:’Yd/ çarpışmak* In baseball, a player must hit the ball with a bat. The movie Bull Durham should remind you of ‘hitting’. So remember: ‘‘Baseball?’’ ‘‘Hit the ball!!’’ / A heavy hitter is nothing more than a little hitter who kept on hitting. –Pete Zafra/ Security student: When can a security hit someone with a bat(Türkçe:sopa/cop)?/ This is insane! Why is he hitting/Hİ.ding/ himself? –His girlfriend left him. –That’s pathetic! Come on, man. Come on. You’ll live(Yaşıyecaksın/Bir şey olmaz)!/ The two bicycles collided! When you are lost and hit the rock bottom, that Rock is Jesus. Take the hit: [silah’ın mermi/müşt/...] vuruş/vurma/darbe almak, vurulmuş/çarpmış olmak He’s a BRAVE police officer. He took the hit two times and is still SERVING the community./ [Rocky] You gotta be willing to take the hits and keep moving forward. That’s how WINNING is done. Beat: /Bİ’t/ (beat, beat, beat/beaten) 1. dövmek, vurmak, çarpmak 2. Yenmek*, mağlup etmek || Beat someone up: birini fena halde dövmek, birini tekme tokat dövüp fenace hırpalamak 1. Beat the drum./ 1. You crazy? Why do you beat the dog?/ 2. Beşiktaş beat Dortmond last night. 2. So far, he has beaten all his opponents /ı.PO’.nınts/ (rakiplerı)./ 2. Fenerbahçe Acıbadem women’s volleyball beat Sollys Osasco 3-0 (three zero) and became 2010 FIVB Women’s Club World Champion./ The guy in the gang beat him up. [Win: kazanmak*>Galatasaray women’s basketball team won the FIBA Eurocup 2009.] Whack: /WA’k/ [bir şeye/kişiye] vurmak || Get whacked/ged.WA’Kt/=Get killed/ged.KİLd/ 1. ‘Whack (vurmak>resmi olmayan)’ is the informal word for ‘Strike(vurmak>resmi)’./ 1. [A Walk In My Shoes] Mikey: She whacked her head today. [Again he uses this word in another scene] I told you she whacked her head!!/ 2. ‘Get whacked’ has become popular in America because of the TV show ‘The Sopranos’./ 2. In every Mafia movie, a lot of people get whacked. [Whacky=Wacky=Wacko: kaçık,çılgın,çatlak> Evan in Bruce Almighty: Hey, wacky Bruce!:D] Hit (somewhere): /HİT--/ [SL] (=Go somewhere) (bir yere) gitmek || Let’s hit the road: Haydi yola çıkarız! I wanna hit the gym /CİM/(spor salonu). Are you coming?/ I just don’t feel like staying here (=Canım burada kalmak istemiyor). Let’s hit the woods(orman)./ I’m gonna hit this city!/ Part of AdCouncil Radio ad: ‘Ok kids. The fire is out(Ateş söndürmüştür). Let’s hit the road.’/ I took a shower, had my breakfast, and hit the road(ve yola çıktım). Hits: /HİTs/ izlenmiş kişiler/sayısı This new video has had 23,861 hits on YouTube in one day! This is awesome! Hit me!: /HİD.mi/ [SL] (=Tell me!) Söylesen!, Anlat bana! || Why don’t you hit me with your number?: [SL] Telefon numaranı söyle! Do you know what I did today? –[Reading newspaper] Hit me./ Why don’t you hit me with your number? –Oh, I’m new in town so I don’t really have a number yet./ Ok, Carl! Why don’t you hit me with your number? –Oh, it’s 0222 222 22 22 (Oh two two two, two two two, two two, two two). Hit on someone: /HİD.a:’n--/ (=Come on to someone) [flört bir şekilde] birine asılmak/yanaşmak You have beautiful white teeth. –Oh my gosh! –What? –You’re hitting on me (Sen bana asılıyorsun)! –Wh-what? No! I’m just talking about your teeth ’cause I’ve always loved to bleech my teeth. –Oh!/ Girl 1: He was totally coming on to me!! Girl 2: I think he likes you. Girl 3: Maybe!/ [A Walk In My Shoes] I’m not coming on to you, okay? I’m happily-married. I love my wife. Hit the lights: /-zı.LA:YTs/ (=Turn/Switch off the lights) ışıkları kapatmak Some people can never sleep unless they hit the lights./ Hit the lights! I’m gonna sleep. TURN/TWIST Turn: /T3RN/ 1. (to/into) (-e) dönmek, (-e) çevirmek 2. sıra* [>My turn:sıra bende||Your turn: sıra sende<] How can I get to Çankaya? –Just turn right. Then turn left at the corner and go straight ahead. –So, I turn right, left at that corner, and straight? – Yeah, right (doğru). –Okay, thank you. –No problem./ Turn the page, and you’ll see a note. [>Turn over the page: Sonraki sayfaya gir.<]/ The biggest reason people don’t turn to God is they fear to lose something. Three friends. One of them turns to Jesus. The

two of them fear of losing him because there’s a possibility of him loving God more than loving them./ So, whose turn is it for telling the joke? –It’s Lyn’s turn. –No! It’s my turn (Sıra bende)! –Ok. Go ahead (Devam et>Söyle)./ God can turn a worrier into a warrior, a trial into a triumph, a mess into a message, and a test into a testimony. –Anonymous [Line:/LA:Yn/ sıra*>Stand at the back of the line please.> Wait in the line, please.] Take a turn!: Dön! [In the car] Take a turn, take a turn. –Why? –I think I saw Erjon./ Take a turn, please. –Yes, ma’am.

Turn up: sesi açmak/yukarı çevirmek [hatırlamak> turn UP= sesi YUKARI çevirmek] || Turn down*: sesi kısmak/azaltmak [hatırlamak> turn DOWN=sesi AŞAĞI çevirmek] Nice music! Turn it up. –All right! Let’s dance!/ Could you turn it down? Your sister is studying. –Ok, ma. Sorry. Turn on: /T3RN.a:’n/ 1.[turn someone on] heycanlandırmak, gününü aydınlatmak 2. (=Switch on/SWİÇ.a:’n/) [elektronik cihazi] tumden açmak [>‘Open’ DEMEYİN] || Turn off: /T3RN.a:’f/ (=Switch off/SWİÇ.a:’f/) [elektronik cihazi] tumden kapatmak* [>‘Close’ DEMEYİN] Jim Rohn: ‘‘The best motivating is self-motivating. The guy says, ‘I wish someone would come by and turn me on.’ What if they don’t show up(Ya gelmezse)? You’ve got to have a better plan for your life.’’/ This music is turning me on (=Bu müzik beni heyecanlandıriyor)!/ Honey, turn(switch) on the TV. My favorite program is gonna start in seconds./ In a conference, they ask: ‘‘Ladies and gentelmen! Let’s have our cell phones off or on vibrate(silent).’’ Or this: ‘‘We would like to ask you to please switch off your phone or have it on vibrate(silent).’/ It’s too cold in here... (pointing at the AC=air conditionair: klima) turn it off!/ Hon! Can you please switch off the lights? I can’t sleep. –Oh, sure. Sorry, sweetie. Night! [Switch on/off: açmak/kapatmak*> Please switch off your cell phones during the flight.] [Telefonumu tumden açtım= I turned my phone on. >>‘I opened my phone’DEMEYİN.] [Telefonumu tumden kapattım= I turned my phone off. >>‘I closed my phone’DEMEYİN.] [Open/Close örnek: Open/Close the book, open/close the window, open/close the door.] [Telefonumu açtım=cevap verdim: I took/got/answered the call/phone.>ON THE PHONE< bakın.] Turn something/somebody down*: brinin teklife reddetmek Man: He offered me $55,000 to work in Siberia /sa:y.Bİyı.ria:/ but I turned it down./ He asked me out, I turned him down. He proposed me, I turned him down. I like him but just as a friend. [Keep it down please: Sessiz olun lütfen!] Turn out: [beklemeden] (öyle) olmak/meydana getirmek, [sonunda ya da şaşırtıcı bir şekilde] belirtmiş olmak, bulunmuş olmak, (öyle) çıkmak Read this news. The beggar/BE.gır/(dilenci) turned out to be a millionaire!/ She was always happy. But it turned out that she ended up a miserable marriage./ It turned out that the doctor who was supposed to operate me was my best high school friend./ He turned out to be a spontaneous learner. He did everything to learn. Learning takes(istiyor) passion. Turn one’s back on someone: sırtını çevirmek, sırtını dönmek Money is so tricky. Once you have it, everybody is your friend. Once you lose it all, everybody turns their back on you. It’s also a teacher./ One day you lose your face. You search your pocket, you find nothing. People can turn their back on you and you have no one around. In those days, who will be with you? Tell me, who? Turn 16/18/…: 16/18/’e girmek, 16/18 yaşında olmak, 16/18 yaşına basmak Uh, 16, my sweet 16! I’m turning 16 tomorrow!/ What can you do when you turn 16 that you couldn’t do before? –Well, you can get a part-time job, get married or join the army, and buy a lottery. –How about turning 18? –Uh, you can vote, and get out of the house to live on your own./ It’s really weird/Wİ’Rd/(tuhaf) how suddenly one turns 40!!! Return: geri dönmek, [cevapmediğin arama ya mesajı] cevap vermek Why aren’t you returning my texts? –I got a lot of stuffs in my brain (mind)./ Thanks for returning my call. Toss and turn: /TA:’S.ın-T3Rn/ yatakta donup durmak, uykudanken bir yandan öbür yana dönmek Teen: I couldn’t sleep last night. I was tossing and turning. I think (Sanırım) I’m in love with her. I think about (-e düşünüyorum) her all the time./ I asked the guy to give me a D+Caf /Dİ’KA’f/ (kafeinsiz kahve) but I think he gave me a Caf /KA’f/ (kafeinli kahve). I couldn’t sleep all night, tossing and turning on my bed. –Take the day off (Bügünü izin al)!

Spin (around): /sPİN/ [özellikle hızlı] döndürmek, çevirmek The Globe is spining around./ Does your chair spin? –Duh! –Why doesn’t my chair spin!/ [Tries on(prova ediyor/giyip deniyor) the new suit, his wife says] Spin around. –All right. How’s it? – Lovely! Fits like a glove (Tam/Tıpatıp sana uymuş). Twist: /tWİSt/ 1. [birinin söylediklerini] ters anlam vermek, ters çevirmek 2. (=Turn) çevirmek, burkmak, saptırmak 1. Why do you twist my words? You make them quite look like the opposite of what I said./ 1. Don’t twist my words (Dediklerimi çevirme), okay?/ 1. A lot of times, you choose your words cautiously, but there is always someone who twists them. So just say what you need to say and don’t mind them. It’s a lot easier!/ 2. She was sitting in an armchair, looking outside, and when he knocked on the door, she twisted and said, ‘Come in, please.’/ 2. What is ‘Çevir-aç şişe’ in English? –It’s ‘twist-off bottle’. –Oh, thanks. Nicholas Jonas (of Jonas brothers) – Dear God lyrics: Dear God - I hate to be a bother, but I gotta say - This world is getting crazier with every day - I hope You'll hear me out now as I stop and pray - Dear God - People take Your words and try to twist 'em round - I know You can't be happy with what's goin' down - I'm searchin' for some answers, but they can't be found - Can You help me out, dear God - Dear God - Just the other night I heard somebody say - What's the use believin' in You anyway - I guess it was just heartache talkin' through the pain - It's a cryin' shame - Dear God - I know You're disappointed in the things we've done - Can't they see the truth that they're all running from - Try to preach You message with a loaded gun - What they thinkin' of, Dear God Everybody's searching for an easy solution - They can't see beyond, the selfish world they're living in - Your words of love get lost, in all the confusion - But I still believe, someday You're gonna speak to me - Dear God - I know You've got a million other calls to take - You're dealing with a lot of things that just won't wait - But there is one request that I just gotta make - Dear God - Won't You send a sign down, just to ease my doubt - I'm trying to hear You, but the silence is so loud - I think I see a rainbow from behind the clouds - And I hear You now, dear God Twisted*: /tWİS.tıd/ [=Abnormal] çarpık, sapkın Some guys’ internet-based question: Why do girls fall in love with absolutely twisted guys? –’Cause bad guys know how to cheat well!/ He has a twisted mind which seems weird to me. [Wasted*: sarhoş> He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s wasted.] Inspect:/ins.PEKt/ çevirmek*/teftiş etmek/denetlemek/kontrol etmek || Inspection:/ins.PEK.şın/ çevirme*/teftiş/denetleme/kontrol Police is inspecting(=searching) every suspicious car(Polis butun şüpheli arabaları çeviriyor) in this area for any possible drug or illegal thing./ Is car inspection very common in here? –No. But it’s necessary./ News: IAEA/a:y.ey.i.EY/(International Atomic Energy Agency) plans for more nuclear inspection in the Middle East. [Search for=Look for: -e aramak. || Look/Search for a job: iş aramak. || Look/Search for someone: birini aramak. || Google Search: Google Arama. || Search a car: arabayı çevirmek. || Research: araştırma(k).] TUHAF Weird:/Wİ’Rd/tuhaf, garip, acayip, cins[>gençler çok kullanıyorlar<] || Weirdo: /Wİ’’/ tuhaf, garip, acayip, cins kimse It’s a weird day./ You look weird today. What’s wrong with you(Sana neler oluyor)?/ She says everytime she goes to a bar, she sees that old man sitting next to her. She thinks it’s weird./ [Pic] I like being weird, weird’s all I’ve got. That, and my sweet style./ You eat cat food? Ugh! You’re a total weirdo(=weird person) (Tam bir tuhaf birisin ya)!/ [Pic] We are the weirdos, mister. Odd: /A:’d/ tuhaf, garip, acayip || What are the odds of…: /A:’Dz/ (=What’s the possibilities of…) …nın imkanları/ ihtimalları ne? || What are the odds!: Ne tuhaf bir şey!/Tuhaf, değil mi? If a university professor believed in superstitions(batıl inançlar), that’d be odd. –I suppose/guess/think so!/ What are the odds of (=possibilities of) you passing the test? –80%!/ We both wore the Third Day T-shirt! What are the odds!/ He-hey! You’re here too! –Yeah! What are the odds!/ I ran into(denk geldim/karşılaştım/rast geldim) a girl twice today. What are the odds!! [Odd number: tek sayı. Even number: çift sayı.>1,3,5,7, and 9 are odd and 2,4,6, and 8 are even numbers.] Strange: /sTREYNc/ tuhaf, garip, acayip, cins [Pic] But this is the story of this strange man who never ever laughs./ In a quiet night, before Adam went to bed, he heard a strange noise which scared /sKE’Rd/ him like crazy (=deli gibi/çok onu korkuttu). [Stranger: yabancı (tanımayan kimse)>Who’s that stranger over there? >YABANCI< bakın.] Bizarre:/bi.ZA:’r/ garip, tuhaf, acayip Isn’t it a bizarre coincidence (tesadüf) that we’re all here?/ It’s not bizarre to hear that even dogs are two kinds: optimistic and pessimistic. To find out, throw a ball, if the dog goes and gets it fast, that’s an optimistic dog, if slow or never goes, a pessimistic one. Researchers say that./ We’re living in a bizarre world, with all the bittersweet events./ [Pic] What’s bizarre? I mean, we’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it. (Tuhaf nedir? Hani, biz hepimiz çok tuhafiz. Ancak bazılarımız onu saklamayı daha iyiiz.)

Peculiar: /pı.KYU.liyır/ (=Eccentric/ek.SEN.trik/) tuhaf, garip, acayip Your behavior is peculiar lately. You eat less and spend most of your time on the phone. Are you in love, sonny (oğlum/ evlat)?/ Sorry about my friend. He’s a bit eccentric. Kinky:/Kİışık,dolaşık,birbirine girmiş,cins,tuhaf,garip A man who trims some of his chest hair and some not is kinky./ Maria has a really kinky habit. She always wears blue stuffs and everything with her is blue: Blue car, blue shoes, blue bag, blue dress, and she even colored her dog’s hair blue! This is really kinky! –Well, I wouldn’t judge her. Cranky: / 1. huysuz 2. cins, tuhaf, garip, anormal The cranky(huysuz) old man left me alone as I asked him his age(onun yaşı sordunce)./ What type of monkey is that? It’s so cranky (tuhaf/garip/anormal)!! Quirk: /KW3RK/ tuhaf davranış/alışkanlık, acayiplik If a couple can put up with(dayanmak) each other’s quirks, they can get on well(iyi geçinmek). It’s weird/odd/strange/peculiar/kinky/cranky!: (It’s/That’s/This’s weird!) Hayret bir şey ya! [Gammy (nine)] I just put my muffins/MA:.finz/(kekler) here. Who ate them? It’s weird! [Grandson having the last one of them] –Oops! They were yours, gammy? Sorry. I didn’t know that./ There’s price tag (fiyat etiketi) on all of them except this one that I like! It’s weird! [(It’s) unbelievable!: Hayret bir şey ya!> I saw on TV, the man ate glass!! Unbelievable!!] James 1:19-20 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. DELİ/ÇILGIN/KIZGIN Crazy /kREY.zi/ 1.deli, çılgın 2.kızgın 3.[sıfatdan önce]çok/dehşet Aaaa! –Why are you screaming? You crazy? –No, it just felt good! –HaHa! That was weird, but good!/ Angry man: She makes me crazy./ Is boss mad (=angry)? –Yeah, he has crazy eyes! [Nokta: Is boss mad? Patron kızgın mı?> TONLAMAYA göre değişip, ‘Patron deli mi?’ oluyor. Türkçe tonlama gibi.]/ Girl: I’ll meet a friend and his roommate is crazy cute. You wanna join me?/ Girl: I think Leighton Meester is crazy beautiful./ [Pic] So, what’s the craziest thing you’ve done lately?/ Samantha locked the door and went shopping. She doesn’t answer the phone. Her baby is crying for half an hour now. This is crazy=idiotic/i.DYA:’.dik/=nuts=insane (Bu aptalca/ saçmalık/ delilik)!] crazy: /la:yk.kREY.zi/ deli gibi, çok [burada ‘crazy’ her zaman vurgulu] [Pic] I miss you like crazy./ He works like crazy. He’s a workaholic(işkolik)! Nuts:/NA:TS/ 1. deli, çılgın, delice, çılgınce 2. kuruyemiş 1. He’s a good guy but sometimes he acts like nuts!/ 1. That guy’s nuts! He put his best friend in a sleeperhold(En iyi arkadaşını kafakola aldı)!/ 1. He broke my laptop, my car... this is nuts(bu delilik)!/ 2. Edwin works in a nuts shop. Nutty /NA:.di/ deli, çılgın Hey, nutty boy! Don’t drink that. You’re only 13!/ Yo nutty! Don’t make that noise! People are trying to sleep here. Insane: /in.SE’Yn/ deli, çılgın, aklı başında olmayan [#Sane /SE’Yn/aklı başında] [He crosses the street at red light and was about to get hit by a cab. His best friend says] Are you insane? Why didn’t you wait?/ You must be insane to leave a beautiful family like yours./ What’s wrong with me (Bana neler oluyor)? –Nothing. You’re a sane human being who works hard to set an example for his family. Insanity*:/in.SA.nı.di/ = Madness= Craziness: delilik || Sanity*: /SA.nı.di/ aklı başında olma [Wall Street Money Never Sleeps] What is the definition of insanity? It’s doing the same thing and expecting a different result. [>Originally it’s Alber Einstein’s quote.<]/ You went swimming in the sea in the winter??? This is insanity(madness/craziness)!!/ What are you doing? You’re playing with the electric cables/KEY.bılz/? Have you lost your sanity? Mad:/MA’d/ 1. deli, çılgın 2. (at) kızgın, küs 1. Country life(köy/kır yaşam) or city life? Some people believe that only a mad man would accept to live in a city. What do you think? Are you for (taraftar) city life or against (karşı) it?/ 2. Ken? Are you still mad at me (Hala bana küs musun/Hala bana kızgın mısın)? I’m crazy/mad about it!: Bunun delisiyim/Bunun çılgınıyım/(=Bunu çok seviyorum)! I’m mad about American language!/ He’s crazy about cars!/ We’re crazy about skateboarding(kaykay yapma)./ She’s crazy about Radio Shema. It’s a Christian radio based in Ankara. Be out of one’s mind: /bi-AWT.ıv.--MA:YNd/ aklı yerinde olmamak, delirmiş olmak You wanna jump off the bridge? Are you out of your mind, dude?/ You lent (ödünç vermek) all your money to Fred? Are you out of your mind? Why did you do that?

Lose one’s mind: /LU’z—ma:ynd/ (lose, lost, lost) aklına kaybetmek He doesn’t love you. Why do you call him on and on (sürekli/ara vermeden)? Have you lost/LA:’St/ your mind? Stop acting like a weirdo (=Weird person: tuhaf biri)!/ We don’t have money for the heat(ısıtma), you borrowed (ödünç almak) money and bought this big vase? Have you lost your mind? Drive someone crazy/nuts/mad/insane: /dRA:Yv--/ (=Make someone crazy/nuts/mad/insane) 1. çıldırtmak 2. kızdırmak [>It has nothing to do with driving a car(Araba sürmeye hiç ilgisi yoktur).<] 1. Your love is driving(making) me crazy(nuts/mad/insane)!/ You’re driving me crazy!/ 1. This red Porsche /POR.şı/ is so beautiful. It’s just driving me insane! (=It’s blowing my mind. (Aklımı alıyor.)/ 2. She’s a good girl but sometimes she’s too needy(duygusal olarak muhtaç) and drives me mad./ 2. This machine has broken down ten times! It’s driving me nuts!/ 2. ‘Don’t let people drive you crazy when you know it’s in walking distance. (Dışarıda bir yürümeye uzak olduğunu bildiğin zaman, başkaları seni kızdırtmayı izin verme.)’ –Anonymous/ 2. This guy was driving me insane. If I stayed one more day with him, I’d toss him off the roof(onu çatıdan aşağı atardım)!! [>mecaz<] :D/ 2. When you flirt with other girls right in front of your girl(kız arkadaşın), it drives her crazy! Do you want her to do the same with other boys?? Be crazy/mad/nuts about: -e düşkün olmak, -e müptela olmak He’s crazy about his wife and buys her presents(hediyeler) all the time./ Her fiancé lives in Poland. She’s mad about him. Deranged: /di.REYNCd/ deli Oh, hey, look at that deranged guy! –Yeah, he had a big fight yesterday! Proverbs 16:32 Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city. SİNİRLİ/KIZGIN Mad: /MA’d/ 1. kızgın 2. deli || Are you mad (at me)?: Bana kızgın mısın?, Bana küs müsün? 1. [Pic] Are you mad at me? [>body language<]/ 1. He’s a good guy, but sometimes he just makes (drives) me mad!/ 2. Only a mad man eats dog’s food!/ 2. [Pic] What have you done with my daughter? –Are you mad? I am your daughter. [>body language< She won Oscar for this role.<]/ [Bond Of Silence(2010)] Ryan’s girlfriend hates it when he’s drunk. He’s drunk now. He asks] You’re mad at me? –Yeah./ [Roberta’s sister took some money from her purse, so she was really angry with her. Now her sister comes and says] I told you I’m sorry, Ro. Are you still mad? Proverbs 22:24-25 Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare. Angry (at): /A’NG.ri/ (-e) kızgın [(Are) you angry (at/with me)?: Bana kızgın mısın/küs müsün?] || Anger: /AN.gır/ kızgınlık Psychology: An angry person thinks he’s the ONLY person that something unfair happened to them, so if you tell them that a similar unfair situation happened to YOU too, they’ll be calm(sakin olacak)!/ You still angry at me? –[To the person next to her] She just makes me angry. I don’t want her here./ Being angry at ‘self’ gives you motivation to be more serious and do better this time. But ‘staying’ angry at self causes disease./ Dr. Robert Anthony: Angry people –at others- are those people who are most afraid!/ You will not be punished for your anger. You will be punished by your anger. –Buddha/ Let the small anger out, using ‘ME’ language. Accumulation of anger is not healthy. Ephesians 4:26-27 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Upset: /a:p.SET/ 1. (about) (-den) sinirli, üzüntülü 2. Sinirlendirmek || Upsetting: /a:p.SE.ding/ sinirlendirici [Pic] Do I ever get to be upset? Do I ever get to be anyone but me?/ What are you so upset about (Ne’den pek sinirlendi)?/ Whatever upsets you at work, leave it at work. Don’t bring it home!/ You waited for the bus for one hour? This is upsetting!/ He sneezed into my coffee cup, and I caught cold. Why don’t some people care about others? This is just upsetting. Unnerving: /a:n.NER.ving/ cesaret kırıcı, sinir bozucu, rahatsiz edici This is so unnerving when a person barge/BA:’Rc/ into you (=interrupt your conversation rudely) without apologizing./ It’s unnerving when people think they never lie but you know that they are just lying to you. Pissed:/PİS’t/[SL]sinirli,kızgın[Are you pissed (off of me/at me)?:Bana kızgın mısın/küs müsün?] || Pissed-off: /PİS’t-a:’f/ [SL] (=Pissed) sinirli, kızgın Why are you so(bu kadar) pissed (off) today?/ She gets pissed off to see you sleep on the bed with your shoes on(ayakkabılara giyip). So why don’t you take them off before you go to bed?/ [Pic] Mom says it’s because she has PMS. –Do you even

know what that is? –Dad, I’m not a kid anymore. It means pissed at men syndrom./ [While ironing his clothes, she burned one that he loved most, and now she goes to him and says] You think house chores are easy? They’re not. But I’m sorry, ok? Are you pissed? Piss someone off: /PİS—A:’f/ SL: birini sinirlendirmek/ kızdırmak It pisses me off to see you two fight. Stop it!/ You don’t have to piss him off. When he tells you not to do so, then don’t./ Again what pissed you off, huh? Lose one’s cool: /LU’Z—KU’L/ kontrolünü kaybetmek>kızmak || Lose one’s temper:/LU’ZTEM.pır/kontrolünü kaybetmek>kızmak Look, sorry I raised /REYZd/(yükselttimğ) my voice. I lost my cool./ Sorry I lost my cool(kendimi kaybettim/kızdım). I’m not like that (Ben bunun gibi değilim= Genelde böyle değilim)./ [Pic] If I lose my temper, you lose your head. [>body language<]/ Do you ever lose your temper? If yes, when? How do you control it? [O, beni sinirlendiriyor: He drives me mad/ crazy/ nuts/ insane.(=He makes me mad/crazy/nuts/insane.)= He pisses me off.= He makes me nervous.= He makes me lose my cool.> He’s a good guy. But sometimes he just drives me mad.> Jude is so moody (değişken). He pisses me off!> She was late again. It pissed her boss off!> They just make me nervous. I don’t wanna see them again.> I don’t know, sometimes she makes me lose my cool!] Proverbs 14:29 Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly. Proverbs 15:18 A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention. Hothead: /HA:’T.hed/ (isim) çabuk sinirlenen/asabi kimse, çabuk kızan kimse, hızlı ve düşüncesiz tepki gösteren kimse || =Hot-tempered/HA:’T-TEM.pırd/: (sıfat) çabucak sinirlenen He usually drinks too much and easily gets angry. He’s a hothead. (=He’s hot-tempered.)/ She’s a good person, but sometimes, a bit hot-tempered. Don’t get your panties in a wad:/DON-GEÇ.yor-PA’N.di’z-in.ı.WA:’d/ [SL] Saçma sapan şey için moralını bozma!, Gereksiz şey için kızgın olma/üzme/altüs olma/sinirlenme! ‘Don’t get your panties in a wad’ means ‘Don’t get upset for a stupid stuff’./ [Urban Dictionary] Cheri: Did you see what he did to my iPod? I can’t believe he put that song on there (O o şarkıyı iPod’umda koyduğunu inanamiyorum). Bobbi: Oh, don’t get your panties in a wad over it, you can always take it off (her zaman istersen onu silebilirsin)./ [The Blind Side] The lady(Sandra Bullock) parks the car to drop off (bırakmak) her children to school, it takes a few seconds, but the driver of the car behind honks horn a couple times. She looks in the mirror and says, ‘Ugh, don’t get your panties in a wad!’ (>Why are you honking horns?<) So she starts the engin and goes on her way. Frustrating: /fRA:S.trey.ding/ sinir bozucu, moral bozucu, engelleyici || Frustrated: /fRA:S.trey.dıd/ sinir bozulmuş, engellenmiş, istekleri gerçekleşmemiş, hüsran dolu || Frustrate: /fRA:S.treyt/ [if something’s not as you want/bir şey istediğin gibi olmazsa] sinirlendirmek || Frustration: /fra:s.tREY.şın/ engellenme, düş kırıklığı I overslept and was late for work today. I ran for the subway. As I got there(Hemen orada gidince), the subway train doors closed. It made me frustrated./ Many believe that TV commercials (televizyon reklamlar) in the middle of an exciting program are frustrating. Many others love TV commercials. What do you think? Lady: Well, they give me a chance to check the kitchen./ Sometimes it’s easy to be full of frustration, but that’s a lie. There’re music and comfort in the world too. It’s not gonna be like that always. Things get better. And that person is already there... inside us./ He says, ‘When I’m in a rush and someone with no sense of direction blocks my way, I get frustrated.’ Irritating:/İ.ri.tey.ding/ sinir bozucu, moral bozucu, gıcık edici || Irritated:/İ.ri.tey.dıd/ sinir bozulmuş, gıcık olmuş || Irritate:/İ.ri.teyt/ sinirlendirmek, gıcık etmek [I get irritaded by...: ...-den gıcık oluyorum!] We were having a nice chat in his house. Suddenly he started to clean the window and sweep the floor, you know. It was so irritating! I don’t know if he wanted us to go or not, but I got really irritated./ Fly buzz makes me irritated (=irritates me)./ He’s a good guy but sometimes his behavior irritates me./ Sometimes we accidentally allow small problems get big in our lives. It’s not the problems that irritate us, it’s our own selves!/ What do you think about ‘speaking loudly in the public(kalabalık yerde/milletin arasında)’? Does it irritate you?/ She says, ‘I get irritated by insects.’ Fury: /FYU.ri/ öfke, sinir || Furious: /FYU.ri.yıs/ öfkeli, küplere binmiş, gözü dönmüş || Infuriate: /in.FYU.ri.yeyt/ çileden çıkarmak, kudurtmak, aşırı/çok kızdırmak/öfkelendirmek, deli etmek [From her diary] Fury hasn’t left me yet. The doubts and the thoughts of him spending time with another woman makes me furious./ She was typing in fury and so fast. [Type: /TA:Yp/ bilgisayarda yazmak]/ When the middle-aged man remembered how he spent all his youth in worry and hopelessness, he became furious!/ Have you watched the sequel /Sİ.kwıl/ movies ‘Fast And Furious’./ When he’s sleeping and someone wakes him with a noise, it infuriates him ’cause he can’t sleep again. Rage: /REYc/ hiddet, öfke, köpürme, gazap, galyan || Outrage: /AWT.reyc/ öfkelendirmek, gazaba getirmek || It’s outrageous*: /its.awt.REY.cıs/ Bu çok rezalet/çirkin/şoke edici! ‘Rage’ is ‘hiddet’ so ‘Raging /REY.cing/ is ‘hiddetli’. Remember it from the movie ‘Raging Bull’, Martin Scorsese’s masterpiece as the director and Robert De Niro’s masterpiece as the actor./ The factory workers were not paid for months and this outraged them./ I think you shouldn’t leave the office earlier than 5. That’s the sort of thing that outrages the manager./ It outraged the gallary manager when she saw he spilled the coffee on the gallery carpet./ His brother is rich, but he is begging in the street. It’s outrageous./ The man killed his own son. –What?? –Yeah. This is outrageous. Proverbs 19:3 A man's own folly ruins his life, yet his heart rages against the LORD!

Aggression: /ıg.RE.şın/ hücum, saldırganlık || Aggressive: /ıg.RE.siv/ saldırgan, saldıran || Aggravate: /A’G.rı.veyt/ kötüleştirmek, ciddileştirmek, sinirlenmek There are a lot of self-help books about aggression control./ Aggressive people not only ruin themselves, but also make others around uncomfortable./ This breed (tür/cins) of dog is aggressive./ Man: She gets aggravated when I laugh with other women. –I think she likes you. –I think so too(Bence de/Bende öyle düşünüyorum/ Bende aynı fikirdeyim). Feisty: /FA:YS.ti/ [Touchy and aggressive:alıngan ve tartışmayı hazır>] tartışmacı, dalaşkan, alıngan ve kavgacı According to, the word ‘Feisty’ comes from the German word ‘Fist’ meaning ‘A small lively aggressive dog’ and that’s why it means ‘Touchy and Aggressive’./ Wow. That girl is feisty! Provoke: /prı.VO’k/ 1. kışkırtmak, tahrik etmek, dürtmek 2. sinirlendirmek, kızdırmak Don’t provoke the dog. He may bite you!/ He provoked the two children to fight. He’s crazy!/ What? Are you trying to provoke me again? Huh? Are you? Huh?/ Writers should provoke disagreement. –V.S. Naipaul Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Thought-provoking*:/SA:’t-prı.VO’.king/ düşünce uyandıran Listen to this thought-provoking question: ‘Which one is more important, loving what you do or doing what you love?’/ ‘How short would your life have to be, before you would start living differently today?’ –Uhhh, mmm, that was quite thought-provoking! SIKICI/YORUCU Boring: /BO’.ring/ sıkıcı || It’s boring!: Bu sıkıcı! || Bored: /BO’Rd/ sıkıldı, canı sıkılmış || I’m bored!: Canım sıkıldı! [Pic] You have no idea how boring everything was before I met you. (Seni tanışmeden önce, her şey ne kadar sıkıcı olduğunu hiç fikrin yoktur.)/ This meeting is boring. [>NOTTT This meeting is bored.<] –Yeah. I’m bored./ He’s a boring person. –Uh, I wouldn’t say that. He has a good heart. Tired*:/TA:YIRd/ yorgun || Tiring:/TAYI.ring/ yorucu I’m tired. I wanna get some rest./ Manager: Our meetings are tiring. Got any tips? Consultant: Sure. You need to have more visual stuffs like slide and video. Invite only people who really need to be there, earlier mentioning them what you exactly want them to do, asking them to research on the Internet. Treat(=İkram et) them with cupcakes and coffees. Give them personal attention ’cause they need to feel they’re counted. Preferably tell them that the meeting starts at, for instance (=atıyorum), 10:04 (ten oh four)! It gets their attention! Not to mention that (Buna ek olarak/Üstelik/Bunun yanında) playing some slow music before the meeting helps enhance (=improve) it. –[Smiles] All right! Thanks! [Retired*: /ri.TA:yırd/ emekli> His father is retired.] I’m tired of...: -den yorudum! I’m tired of her nagging!! I’m outta here (Gidiyorum buradan)!/ [Pic] Mostly, I’m tired of people being ugly to each other. I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world... (Çoğunlukla, insanlar birbirine çirkin olduğunden yorudum. Dünyada bütün hissettiğim ve duyduğum acılardan yorudum...) Exhausted:/ıg.ZA:’S.tıd/(=Very tired/TA:YIRd/) çok yorgun, bitmiş, bitkin, can çıkmış || Exhausting:/ıg.ZA:’S.ting/(=Very tiring /TA:YI.ring/) çok yorucu || Exhaust: /ıg.ZA:’St/ 1. çok yormak, bütün kuvvetini tüketmek 2. egzoz I didn’t sleep well last night and I had a tough day at work today. I’m really exhausted (=Gerçekten çok yoruldum). I just need to sleep./ We had a meeting today. It was exhausting. I was just bored ’cause they had nothing to say, really./ Don’t exhaust yourself. Exhaust English!! / The exhaust looks broken. –Yeah, we should get it fixed. –Sure thing. ÖNEMLİ NOKTA. DİKKAT: –ING SIFATLAR ||| –ED SIFATLAR Man: My job is boring (İşim sıkıcı). I’m bored (Aslında>Sıkılmış oldum>Sıkıldım)./ Her job is tiring (Onun iş yorucu). She is tired (Aslında>O yorulmuş oldu>O yoruldu)./ This trip is exciting (Bu yolculuk heycanverici). I’m excited (Ben>heycanlanmış>heycanlıyım)./ I heard an exciting news (Heycanverici bir haber duydum). I’m excited (Heycanlanmış>Heycanlıyım)./ They don’t know what to do. They’re confused. (Onların kafa karışmış.>Onların kafa karıştırdı.)/ After 14 hours of work, the man said, ‘I’m exhausted (Çok yorulmuş oldum>yorgunum)!’/ The car race is breathtaking (Araba yarışması nefes kesıcıdır= çok heycan vericidir =nefes kesıyor)!/ I can’t believe you’re watching this upsetting program (Bu sinirbozucu programı izlediğini inanamıyorum)./ She is interesting (O>ilgi verici> ilginç). It is interesting to see her (Onu görmek>ilgi verici> ilginç). I am interested in her (Onu>ilgilenmiş oluyorum>ilgileniyorum). –ING SIFATLAR: Cİ/CI/CU/VERİCİ anlama. > VERİCİ || –ED SIFATLAR: MIŞ/MUŞ>DI/DU/LI anlama. >>VERMIŞ Tedious: /Tİ’.di.yıs/ sıkıcı, can sıkıcı, can sıkan, usandırıcı He says, ‘I have never liked theater /THİ.yı.dır/ (tiyatro). I think it’s tedious.’/ Every job can be tedious if 1. You don’t like it. 2. You’re not creative! Agony: /A’.gı.ni/ agoni, can çekişme Mom to her daughter: Being a mother is no agony. It’s the most beautiful thing in the world./ There’s no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. –Maya Angelou

EXCITED/HEYECAN/ADERNALİN Excited: pronounciation: /ık.SA:Y.dıd/ /NOTTT ıg.ZA:Y.dıd/ heycanlı [iyi anlama] || Exciting: pronounciation: /ık.SA:Y.ding/ /NOTTT ıg.ZA:Y.ding/ heycanverici [iyi anlama] [Nervous: /N3R.vıs/ heycanlı> kötü anlama>yani: gergin>Why is he so nervous? –He has an interview!] I’m really excited about our trip to Hawaii /hu.WA:.i/./ The nightlife in Vegas is exciting (Vegas’ta gece yaşam heycan veriyor/heycanvericidir). Matthew 5:2-11 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Excitement: /ık.SA:YT.mınt/ heycan, adernalin (=adrenaline/ıd.RE.nı.lin/) When you say ‘excitement’ what is the first thing that comes to your mind? SOCCER? / Everybody needs some excitement in their life!/ Why do you like horror movies? –Because of their excitement. Revelation 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Psyched= Syked: pronunciation:/SA:’YKt/ (=Excited) heycanlı [iyi anlama] [Psyched=Syked> yeni bir kelimedir. 2010-2011 Amerika’da moda oldu.] The corporate(şirketin sahibi) is coming to take you out for lunch. You must be completely psyched./ [Change Of Plans] Jason(Joe Flanigan): I’m so syked to go to Tahiti! Sally(Brooke White): Yeah! Ecstatic: /ıks.TA’.dik/ 1.(=Very excited/exciting/happy/joyful) çok heycan dolu/çok mutlu, sevinç dolu [>Amerika’da bence ‘ecstatic’ 2010’dan beri moda oldu.<] You must be ecstatic about your trip to Miami, huh? –Yea, I am! Totally!/ After studying hard, when he saw his report card(karne), he felt ecstatic. He deserves this happiness (Bu mutluluğu hak ettı/Bu mutluluk onu helal olsun)!/ After she read the poem, she left the stage(sahne) to(ile) ecstatic applause of the audience./ This wine is ecstatic! [The word ‘ecstatic’ comes from ‘ecstacy’.] [heycan/yaşam dolu: lively/>This city is lively.] Nervous: /N3R.vıs/ 1.[heycanlı>kötü anlama>yani:] gergin 2. tedirgin, sinirli, sinirsel, asabi || He/She makes me nervous!: O beni sinirlendiryor! 1. I have an exam. I’m pretty/PRİ.di/(çok) nervous. –Relax! It’s gonna be fine!/ 1. She says when she’s reading something on the subway or on the bus, if a stranger stares at her, it makes her nervous! Is it the same for you?/ 2. Ex-wife: He’s a nervous person. You can’t talk to him more than five minutes unless he gets upset /a:p.SET/ (sinirli)!/ 2. Man: You make me nervous! Get out of my office! [Anxious: /ANG.şıs/ endişeli, kaygılı|| Anxiety: /ang.ZA:.yı.di/ anksiyete, endişe, kaygı >WORRY<bakın.] Nerve: /N3’Rv/ 1. cesaret/yürek/soğukkanlılık 2. sinir, asap || It takes a lot of nerve to...!: ...çok yürek ister*! [Someone who betrayed his best friend is in the party. He’s angry at him and says] You got a lot of nerve to show up (=come) here. [To the people in the party] Who invited him?/ It takes (istiyor) a lot of nerve to deactivate bombs or mines./ He didn’t have the nerve to talk to her./ 2. This video shows how we can avoid tooth nerve damage. [It takes courage/character/hard work/...: cesaret/ karakter/ çok çalışma/... ister*/gerek! >TAKE<bakın.] Get on my nerve:/GED.a:’ sinirimi dokunmak Stop making noise with the drums /dRA:Mz/. You’re getting on my nerve! Edgy: / (=Nervous/Worried) kaygılı/endişeli/asabi/huzursuz || Edge: /EC/ kenar, uç, kıyı Hey, everything cool? You seem a bit edgy. What’s wrong?/ He’s a good person. –Who, him? He’s the edgiest guy I’ve ever seen! – Really? Why?/ Her boss is sometimes edgy. When he wants something, he calls like ten times in a row (durmadan)./ He had put the glass of milk at the edge of the table and it fell down./ Eric Clapton’s Led guitar/gi.TA:’r/ in BBC TV series Edge Of Darkness is mesmerizing (büyüleyici).

Flustered:/fLA:S.tırd/ telaşlı, gergin, streslı, rahatsız ve ajite [>yeni ve kullanışlı<] I was supposed to meet her at 5 but then she called me at 3, asking me if we could meet at 4. I said ok, but then I started to become(get) flustered, ’cause I knew I’d be late. I was prepared for 5, not 4./ Some people can’t talk to a lot of audience. They get flustered./ Zooey: Honey? What’s wrong? You’re all flustered all of a sudden (suddenly)!/ A bad liar is always flustered, a good one is so self-confident!! I think the usage of everything matters. Neurotic:/nu’.RA:’.dik/ nevrotik (kimse), evhamlı, fazla ve sebebsız endişeli She’s neurotic. She’s always too much worried about the future of her daughter for no reason (sebepsiz)./ [Celine (Julie Delpy) in Before Sunset] You think I’m neurotic? [Jesse (Ethan Hawke), laughing] No, no, no. I’m kidding. Get carried away: /get-KA’.rid-ı.WEY/ heyecandan kendini kaybetmek, kendini kaptırmak, heycanlanmak Will you marry me? –Oh my God! I got so carried away I don’t know what to say! How unexpected! –I’ve loved you from the first day./ She loves him so much that she gets carried away by the look into his hazel/HEY.zıl/(ela) eyes./ He got carried away when he heard the news of winning hundred thousand (100,000) dollars. Awkward: /A:’K.wırd/ 1. (=Difficult) zor, sakat, beceriksiz 2. (=Embarrasing) utandırıcı 3. (=Unattractively uncomfortable) sakar, uyumsuz If someone brings some tea and it shakes in their hand, it’s awkward. [>yukarıdaki uç anlama içinde]/ Hey, guys! The big boss is on the way (=coming). Awkward moment! [>yukarıdaki üç anlama içinde]/ I had a job interview today. That was so awkward. [>yukarıdaki üç anlama içinde]/ Questions were awkward (=difficult)./ This is my wedding day and the cake is not ready yet!! Please rescue/RES.kyu/(kurtarmak) me from this awkward (=embarrassing) situation. Pleeeeeease!/ His movement is awkward (=uyumsuz/sakar)./ She’s kinda shy and she moves awkwardly (=uyumsuzce, sakar bir şekilde). Feel awkward: /Fİ’L--/ (=Feel uncomfortable/a:n.KA:M.fır.dı.bıl/) rahatsız hissetmek Shy people feel awkward when they sit next to someone they don’t know./ She feels awkward and uptight (tutucu/ sıkıntılı/ gergin) when she’s with a stranger in an elevator. Antsy: / huzursuz/yerinde duramayan/sabırsız/gergin/streslı When ant(karınca) walks on someone’s skin, they become antsy!! [>creative American language<]/ [Rabbit Hole (2010)] Becca’s only child died 8 months earlier. On one hand, her sister is pregnant. So she took her son’s clothes to her sister for her expected child but her sister turned her down(teklifini kabul etmedi). On the other hand, she saw the young guy who ran her son over(araba kazası yaptı/çarpıp üstünden geçtı). These made her antsy. Now she wants to go to bed and says to her husband: I’m feeling antsy tonight. I’m sorry, it’s just… it was a weird day. Isaiah 41:13 For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. AFRAID/BRAVE Fear: /Fİ’ır//Fİ’r/ korku, korkaklık, korkmak Speaking English is not fear, two months behind the rent for a married man with children, that’s fear./ The root of stress is ‘fear’. But as Dr. Maureen Killoran says: ‘Stress is not what happens to us. It’s our response TO what happens. And RESPONSE is something we can choose.’/ I love you so much that I fear one day I lose you./ Someone said, ‘Fear is the reason most people don’t turn to God. They fear that by accepting God, they have to change their way they have always been comfortable with, to God’s way.’ Agree? My greatest fear is losing You – Never wanna be the one to fail You –Family Force 5 Peace is falling to fill my emptiness - The walls are shaking - I call Your name search me again - Lord Your mercy never fails me – Hallelujah - Still You love me - You love me and I’ll never be the same – Hallelujah - You have set me free and I walk before the fear - Song cannot convey, No words can say - All the praise that You deserve - I give my life my everything and eternity - To sing Hallelujah - Still You love me - You love me and I’ll never be the same – Hallelujah - You have set me free and I walk before the fear - Still You gave Your only Son for me - And set this sinner free - Now You love me - Like Your only son - And taught my heart to fear - Still You love - You love me and I’ll never be the same - Hallelujah You have set me free and I walk before the fear - I walk with You the fear - I am humbled by the fear I’m afraid!:/a:ym-ıf.RE’Yd/Üzgünüm!,Kusura bakma! [Pic] I’m afraid I might never see you again./ Can we meet tomorrow? –I’m afraid. I’m very busy tomorrow. How about Thursday morning round 11 (11 civarinda)? Are you available (Müsait misiniz)? –Uh, sure. To be afraid: korkmak || I’m afraid: korkuyorum || I’m afraid of… : -dan korkıyorum [Pic] Don’t be afraid. I’m not abandoning you. (Korkma. Seni terk etmiyorum (Senden ayrılmayacağım/ Senin yanındayım.)/ [On the phone] I’m alone and I’m afraid. Wish you were here(Keşki buradaydın). –I’m in your heart, aren’t I (değil mi)?* You’re not alone!/ I will love someone who makes me what I’m afraid to want to be (Beni istediğimden korktuğum kişiyi çeviren kimseyi seveceğim/aşık olacağım)./ Nurten: I’m afraid of people who are not afraid of losing anything!/ Some people are afraid of ghosts/GO’STs/(hayaletler). Do you believe in ghosts?/ Jina is afraid of dark and reptiles /REP.ta:ylz//REP.tilz/(sürüngenler). [*Question tag:‘değil mi?’>He is a good guy, isn’t he?>You did your homework, didn’t you?> (istisna) I’m working, aren’t I? (İngilizce’de ‘amn’t I?’ YOKTUR.)]

I’m scared: /a:ym-sKE’Rd/ korkuyorum || I’m scared of… : /--.ıv/ -dan korkuyurum || Scare: /sKE’r/ korkutmak || Scare someone off: istemeden birini korkutmak I’m scared that one day my fears stop my hopes./ [Pic] I’m scared of not being with you./ I’m scared of hopeless people./ [Pic] I was just scared that you didn’t... –Didn’t what? – me. (Sadece sen beni... –Beni ne? –...beni sevmediğinden korktum.) [>kelime kelime olmuyor!<]/ Woman: Seeing you with a gun scares me./ Your silence scares me!/ It exceedingly scares people to touch a dead body./ Women who have no self-confidence scare men most./ A good scare is worth more to a man than a good advice (Bir insani bırakıp korksun kendi tecrübe etsın> Yani: İyi bir korku iyi bir tavsiyeden daha değerlidir). –Edgar Watson Howe/ I think I scare guys off because I’m so intense(çok ciddiyim). Scary: /sKE’.ri/ korkunç [Dylan] Guys. What do you think is scary? [Tracy] Walking through a graveyard in a dark, silent night is scary. [Rachel] Yeah, ghosts are also scary! [Brian] Romantic jealousy / (=kıskançlık) is scary, don’t you think so? –Yeah!-Good one!-Very well-said!/ [Pic] It’s scary the way nobody stays together anymore. [>helpful body language to remember<] I was scared to death!: Ölecek kadar korkmuştum! Guy: Once I was in my silent apartment and my roommate came in quietly and yelled into my ears! You can imagine I was scared to death!/ Have you ever been scared to death? When? What happened? Explain the whole story. Horror: pronunciation: /HA:’.rır/ dehşet, yılgı, korku ‘Scream’ is a famous ‘horror movie’. Do you like horror movies?/ We have horror comedies such as ‘Zombieland’! Brave: /bREYv/ cesur [>Remember it from the movie ‘Braveheart’!] || Bravery: /bREY.vıri/ cesaret Be brave, man! Just go and tell her how you feel./ He’s a brave guy with a brave heart./ This job is not easy and it needs your bravery. Are you sure you’re brave enough to do that? Coward: /KAW.ırd/ korkak, ödlek || Cowardice: /KAW.ır.dis/ korkaklık Girl to the guy: You’re a coward. You’re afraid to love!/ Cowardice is the reason why most people don’t do what they like to do. –Yea, that’s true. I’ve always wanted to do bungee jumping, but I’m really afraid. (=afraid to do it.) Jamie Owens-Collins – Hearts Courageous lyrics: Give us ears to hear that still, small voice - And give us lips, forever willing to rejoice - And may our eyes be lit with wisdom - May we know the path that's true - And we'll march with hearts courageous after You - We're marching on with hearts courageous - We'll follow where you want us to - And should you lead us where the battle rages - Let us march with hearts courageous, after You - And when sorrow dims the light along our way - Help us to see each time of darkness through eyes of faith - A time for hope, a time for courage - Knowing you will lead us through - And let us march with hearts courageous, after You Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Courage: /K3R.ıc/ cesaret, yürek || Courageous: /kı.REY.cıs/ cesur, yürekli If you wanna tell something about me, have the courage to tell it to my face, not behind my back (arkamda söyleme yüzüme bakıp söyle)./ Speaking English is all about being courageous. A lot of people know a lot of vocabularies but when their teacher asks them to speak, they forget the words because they don’t feel courageous enough. On the other hand, I met people who don’t know many vocabs, but SPEAK English –even with mistakes. We were made to be courageous – Lord, make us courageous – Casting Crowns ‘Peter the apostle’ witnessed the many miracles Lord Jesus Christ did but on the night Jesus was willingly arrested to accomplish the Scripture, denied the Lord three times to some simple people-of-nopower. But 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection or Pentecost (‘Pente’ means 50), when the Holy Spirit was poured on him and other apostles, they were never the same. Peter got so much courage that gave the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ in front of many people including high priests, and about 5,000 people believed the Message after hearing it. This also shows that faith comes from hearing the message of the Gospels. Acts 4:4 But many who heard the message believed; so the number of men who believed grew to about five thousand. Ephesians 1:13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.’ What we hear everyday determines who we become in our LIFE!! WOW. Dare: /DE’r/ cesaret etmek || Don’t you dare…: Sakın… [‘Don’t’>vurgulu] Jump over the fire if you dare./ Don’t you dare lie to me (=Sakın bana yalan söyleme)! Guts: /GA:Ts/ cesaret, yürek I know you love me. Just have the guts to say it./ I hate your guts, Shelvin! [Gut: /GA:T/ göbek> Oh my! What’s with your gut (Bu göbek ne böyle/Niye göbeğin var)? > What’s with…=Why do you have…?]

Gut* feeling:/GA:t-Fİ’.ling/(=Inner-most feeling) içgüdüsel duygu, içten gelen his [Online chat] I had a gut feeling that you might be here online too!/ How much do you trust your gut feeling? Do you always listen to it?/ [He’s in the park, thinking of her. When he sees her, he says] I actually had a guy feeling I might find you here.

Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. Bold: /BO’Ld/ cesur I think all firefighters are bold. –Absolutely./ Do you know how to be bold?/ A big enterprise (ticari şirket) needs a bold leader. Chicken: /Çİ.kın/ 1. tavuk, piliç 2. korkak, ödlek 1. I don’t know why I’m crazy about chicken kebab and salad!/ 2. [Standing on a cliff, he’s afraid to jump off. His friend in the water:] Hey! Are you gonna jump or what? C’mon, you chicken! Be a man!/ 2. So guys, I finally got her digits(=phone number). When should I call her? I’m scared! –You can call her next olympic games, you chicken! –HaHa! Funny! –You wanna call her, then call her, what’s the big deal? [Kitchen/Kİ.çın/mutfak> She always keeps the kitchen clean.] [Chick: 1. civciv> I think the Turkish word ‘civciv’ is so cute. It means ‘chick’. 2.[SL](=Broad:/bRA:’d/)genç kız /kadın>Did you listen to David Guetta feat. Rihanna song ‘Who’s That Chick?’> [SL] Hey, that broad is crazy!] Chicken out: /Çİ.kın-AWT/ [SL] korkak gibi çekinmek/vazgeçmek, cesaretini yitirmek, cesaret edememek, korkup heyecanlanmak, korkup kaçıp gitmek So instead of going and talking to her, you just chickened out? That’s gross. Girls don’t want you to be handsome, they want you to be brave! You can do that, man! Go and talk to her like a human being, ’k? GO! –Ok! I’m going! Reckless: /REK.lıs/ pervasız, delidolu, umursamaz, gözü kara, soğukkanlı(cold-blooded), acımasız/ katı yürekli(coldhearted) He’s a reckless driver. He’s not afraid of dangers of driving fast./ Rock climbing was the most reckless thing he’s done in his whole life./ I think parachuters are pretty reckless! –I agree. They’re amazing. If my answers frighten you, then you should cease asking scary questions! –Anonymous Frighten: /fRA:Y.dn/ korkutmak, dehşete düşürmek I think I frightened her when I told the ghost story./ The nasty/NAS.ti/(kötü/çirkin) dog suddenly barked and frightened me bad(fena halde/çok)./ There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. [wow] –Gandhi Be petrified: /bi-PET.rı.fa:yd/ donakalmak, taşlaşmak || Be terrified: /bi-TE.rı.fa:yd/ dehşete düşmek, dehşete kapılmak || Petrifying: /PET.rı taşlaştırıcı, gayet korkutucu || Terrifying: /TE.rı korkutucu, dehşet verici Man 1: You saw the murder. Why didn’t you call the police? –Man 2: I was petrified, I was terrified. I was scared that maybe they come and kill me too./ It was absolutely quiet. Out of the blue(=Suddenly), Tobias came and yelled ‘Boo’! It was so petrifying that the little girl cried./ The first day of skiing was terrifying! I almost hit a tree! I was lucky that nothing happened (Hiçbir şey olmadığından şanslıyım>Tanrıdan bir şey olmadı). Ferocious: /fı.RO’.şıs/ korkutucu ve sert [>yeni. popüler oldu<] Crocodiles, sharks, lions, and grizzlies (korkunçayılar) are ferocious!/ Animals are normally harmless but if their instinct tells them you’re gonna hurt them, they’ll get(become) ferocious./ His boss has serious looks and frocious eyes. He doesn’t have the courage to go and ask for a raise /RE’Yz/ (zam). [Ask for: -e rica etmek/istemek] FREAK/CREEP (OUT) Freak:/fRİK/ tuhaf şeylerı yapan, ucube, gıcık, [tonlama:]manyak, [bir isim ile:]-fanatiği/-hastası/-delisi/-çok seven || Freaky: /fRİ’.ki/ [hiç sıradan olmayan/beklenmedik/korkutucu>] tuhaf, garip, ucube, gıcık, alışılmadık Girl to her friend: At first, he looks innocent, but he’s a real freak!/ Gosh! He’s been playing this computer game for about ten hours non-stop!! He’s a total freak!/ Girl! She goes to gym 5 hours a day! 5 hours! –Either she’s a fitness freak or a gym addict!/ He’s a soccer /SA:’.kır/ freak (O futbol fanatiği/futbolu çok seviyor)!/ You shouted at her, then bought her ice cream?? You’re FREAKY! Control freak: /kın.TRO’L--/NOTTT kon-/ her şeye kontrol etme hastası, insanları ve davranışlarını kendi istediği gibi kontrol etme hastası kimse It’s easy to recognize a control freak. They interrupt you(Sözünü kesıyorlar) all the time to(için) correct you or tell their strong idea./ Her rich boyfriend is a control freak. Freak out = Creep out: /fRİ’K.awt//kRİ’P.awt/ [resmi olmayan] huzursuz etmek/korkutmak, çıldırmak, sinirlandirmak, korkmakdan birinin kontorolu kayıp etmek When she heard someone screamed, she freaked out./ Stop talking about graves/gREYVz/(mezarlar). It’s freaking me out!/ Ray! Please. Stop playing with that switch. It’s creeping me out./ When I got into my apartment, I saw it’s messed up. Somebody must have done that, but I had no roommate. It creeped me out./ Thinking about being alone in the middle of an ocean at night creeps me out./ Boy’s aunt/A’Nt/: I shouldn’t have told him the ghost story (Onu hayalet hikayesi söylememeliyidim –ama söyledim). It freaked him out./ [He’s sitting there but is shaking his legs as if he’s stressed out. His niece says] Uncle James! Don’t do that. You’re creeping(freaking) me out!

Creep: /kRİ’P/ korkunç kimse, anormal kimse Who, him? No, he’s not my friend. He’s a real creep. Creepy:/kRİ’.pi/ korkunç, huzursuz eden Lady: Is that creepy guy with creepy hair our tour guide?/ Boy: Ew! Injection (=Shot= Needle= İğne)! I hate it. It’s creepy. Freaking/Frigging awesome: /--A:’.sım/ [SL] fenace harika (=çok harika) || Freaking/Frigging cool: /--KU’L/ [SL] fenace harika (=çok harika) || Freaking/Frigging good: /--GUD/ [SL] fenace iyi (=çok iyi) This burger/B3R.gır/NOTTT BUR--/ is freaking awesome./ This pizza is friggin’ awesome!/ Dude! I gotta say... this party is freaking cool! –Oh, thanks bud!/ Where did you learn to ski/sKİ’/(kayak yapmak), man? It was freaking good./ Yo! Are you frigging nuts? Why did you yell at that girl?/ This milk pudding is frigging sweet. I’m digging it(I’m starting to like it: Onun sevmeye başladım)! [Badly in love: fenace*/çok> I don’t know what she saw in that guy but she’s badly in love with him.] Job 36:8-10 [In hard times>] But if people are bound in chains, held fast by cords of affliction, He tells them what they have done— that they have sinned arrogantly. He makes them listen to correction and commands them to repent of their evil. ZOR/ZORLUK/BELA/ZAHMET/RAHATSIZ Hassle: /HA’.sıl/ (=Trouble/Difficulty) mesele, bela, baş belası, rahatsızlık, zorluluk Don’t bring this kid. He’ll be a hassle for us./ Uhh, I was busy/Bİ.zi/ with official hassles(idari zorluluklar). Luckily they’re done(bitti artık)./ [The guy is trying to fight, he says] Hey, bro. Easy. I’m not looking for hassle./ Our new-born baby is giving me and my wife a lot of hassles. –Hang in there(Sabırlı ol), pal. You think you’re the only father in the world? Good things take time(İyi şeyler zaman alıyor)./ He’s getting a divorce, and you know, he has to undergo(-den geçmek) inevitable legal hassle. Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Trouble: /TRA:’.bıl/ 1. mesele, bela, baş belası 2. rahatsız etmek What seems to be trouble, sir?/ The trouble is you think you have time. –Buddha/ This little boy is a trouble. I don’t like him when he comes here. –Does the boy control you? –Mmm?/ Sorry to trouble you. –No, no. That’s not trouble at all. That’s my pleasure. John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.

Be in trouble: başı belada olmak Mark Twain says, ‘When a teacher calls a boy by his entire name, it means trouble.’ It’s so funny, like, ‘Jonathan Gareth!!’ So Jonathan would think he’s in trouble!! :D/ Stressed-out (çok streslı) guy: I haven’t paid my rent for six months! I’m in deep trouble (Vahim bir durumdayım)! His friend: Why don’t you get a job? Get into trouble: /’.bıl/ belaya çatmak Naughty boy! You got into trouble again?/ Hey, what’s going on? Did you get yourself in trouble? Don’t trouble yourself!: Zahmet* etmeyin!, Rahatsız olmayın! He’s never gonna learn it. Please don’t trouble yourself. –Why do you think so?/ I’ll make you some tea. –Oh, don’t trouble yourself. –No trouble at all. It’s my pleasure. You didn’t have to do that!: Niye zahmet* ettiniz?, Bunu yapmanı gerek yoktu! [She was only supposed to look after the neighbor’s son for a couple of hours but he makes them diner too.] Here. I made you some dinner. – Oh, you didn’t have to do that! Thank you so much! Bad news: /BA’’z/ 1. kötü haber 2. (=Trouble) [espri] baş bela* Do you agree with this? ‘If you’re LOOKING FOR bad news, you’ll HEAR bad news.’/ Girl: You’re bad news! My mom warned me about guys like you! Guy: Come on! I’m a good guy! :D Without a hitch: /wiz.AWT.ı-HİÇ/ (=Without any problem) bir aksilik olmadan, sorunsuz, pürüzsüz I want this over(Bunu bitmek istiyorum artık), without a hitch./ There was a disagreement on the accounts of the new accountant but the accounting

manager solved it in one hour without a hitch./ I don’t want a big wedding. I want it just you and me, without a hitch. [Get hitched: evlenmek> LOVE&RELATIONSHIP<bakın.] [The movie ‘Hitch’ has double meaning. It’s both Will Smith’s name, and also means ‘trouble’. Very funny movie.] Prob: /pRA:’b/ (=Problem: pronunciation:/pRA:’B.lım/) sorun, problem Hey, you’re crying? What’s the prob?/ The problem is we haven’t motivated the youths well enough. And just one day a year is not enough. Issue: pronunciation: /İ.şu’/ sorun, mesele || You have issues!: Sen sorunların var! So, what’s the issue? Why were you yelling(=shouting)?/ [Cop on walkie-talkie] We have an issue, downstairs (Alt katta bir sorun var)./ [Pic] You have issues. [>body language<] Difficulty: /Dİ.fı.kıl.ti/ sıkıntı, problem, zorluk, güçlük [The live(canlı) report is suddenly disconnected. Back to the studio, the anchorwoman says] There seems to be a technical difficulty. We apologize for that./ You’re not the only one with difficulties, you’re no exception. Everybody has difficulties in life, even rich people and celebrities. Difficult: /Dİ.fı.kılt/ zor = Hard*: /HA:’Rd/ zor [>*Heart:/HA:’Rt/ kalp || Hurt:/H3Rt/ acımak.<] It’s so difficult for a single mom to raise three kids./ It’s hard to pass the TOEFL exam. But it’s not impossible./ [The kid in The Professional] ‘Is life always this hard, or is it just when you’re a kid?’ Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. Adversity: / [resmi] zorluk, güçlük, sıkıntı In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends. – John Churton Collins/ How can we deal with adversity or overcome it? [Advertisement:(=ad) reklam>What do you do? –I’m in advertisement business.] Burden: /B3R.dn/ yük, sırtına yük, ağırlık, zorunluluk We’re not going camping, sweetie. Don’t bring extra shoes. They’d be burden./ I had a lot of work to do and this friend of mine asked me to help her with the math/MAS/(matematik) which was a burden. Bug: /BA:G/ 1. [resmi olmayan] rahatsız etmek, engellemek 2. böcek || Sorry to bug you!: Seni rahatsız ettiğim için üzür dilerim! 1. She called him already but remembers something else. So she calls him again and says: I’m really sorry to bug you. – That’s okay./ 1. [Someone knocks on the door, he gets (=opens) the door, the guy says] Sorry to bug you. Do you have a pen? :D/ 1. Hey. Don’t bug me. I’m trying to study here. –Sorry, I didn’t mean (amacım –değildi) to bug you!/ 2. Bugs everywhere, in the house, in cartons, in bed! We gotta do something, pal! –Let’s clean up!/ 2. If not responsible, the bugs of negativity attack the garden of our mind and destroy valuable things. [Flea: /fLİ’/ pire> How do you remove these fleas from dog’s hair? It must be exhausting.] Psalm 42:5-6 Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God. Disturb: /dis.T3RB/ rahatsız etmek, huzursuz etmek || Disturbing: / rahatsız edici || Disturbed: /dis.T3RBd/ huzursuz, stresli, endişeli, rahatsız In some hotels when the guest leaves the room, there’s a card hanging(asılıyor) on the door handle (kapı kolu) which says ‘Clean(odayı temizleyin)’ on one side, and ‘Don’t disturb(rahatsiz etmeyin)’ on the other side which means ‘No need to clean(yani temizlemek gerekmiyor)’./ Every now and then(Arada bir), a train passes by and disturbs the silence of this beautiful spot(yer)./ Sorry to disturb you. My mobile battery died /DA:YD/ (bitmiş). I need to make a quick phone call. Can I use your phone, please? –Sure./ I find your lack of faith disturbing (İnanç eksikliğini rahatsız edici buluyorum). [wow] –Star Wars Bother: /BA:’.zır/ rahatsız etmek || Sorry to bother you!: Size rahatsız ettiğim için kusura bakmayın/ üzür dilerim! [Neighbor knocking] Sorry to bother you again. Do you have a hammer /HA.mır/ (çekiç) too?/ Don’t bother me, kiddo. I’m working here./ You hate the traffic, the noise, the job. So why bothering(Niye kendini baş belası veriyorsun ki)? You could stay (at) home and do the internet marketing./ Keep your heart open for everyone but don’t bother it for people who don’t want to stay there(Kalbini herkes için açık tut ama kimse orada –kalbinde- kalmak istemezse, onu –kalbini- rahatsız etme)! [Inconvenience: /in.kın.Vİ.niyıns/ Rahatsız etmek> I don’t wanna inconvenience you. >UYGUN<bakın.] Badger someone with something: /BA.cır*/ [sürekli bir şeyi söyleyip] başının etini yemek, yakasına yapışmak, kafa ütülemek, hiç rahat bırakmamak, eziyet etmek [In the sauna, he’s talking about his failure in business for half an hour, so one of them says, ‘Dude. I came here to relax. You’ve been badgering people with your sad story. I mean, come on! Give us a little break (Bize biraz moğla/huzur ver)!’ [Jabber:/CA’.bır*/ (herkesın konuştuğundan dolayı) anlaşılmayacak şekilde konuşmak> People were jabbering in the bus.] Annoy: /ı.NO’y/ sinir bozmak, rahatsız etmek As the jealous girl heard her co-worker took an English course, she paid loads of money to learn English faster than her to annoy her. She tried to disappoint her! Only her teacher could make her realize that if she had a goal, she needed to FOCUS on her goal and only her GOAL. She’s now a successful English speaker./ Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much. –Oscar Wilde

Annoying: /ı.NO’ sinir bozucu, rahatsız edici What’s this annoying noise? –It’s the karaoke /ke.ri.O’.ki/ sound!/ He’s an annoying person. He keeps bugging me (Sürekli beni rahatsız ediyor). Hurt: /H3Rt/* [fiil] (hurt,hurt,hurt) acıtmak, ağrımak [Heart:/HA:’Rt/kalp>Girl: My heart belongs to you, baby.] [Hard: When you study, exam isn’t hard.] Love is bittersweet(acı tatlı). It hurts (acıtıyor), and it relieves /rı.Lİ’Vz/(rahatlatıyor)./ Truth hurts sometimes. But it teaches the heart./ Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you(Amacım seni acıtmak değildi). It was a misunderstanding. I like you just as a friend not as a lover. Didn’t know you took it in the wrong way(Yanlış anladığını bilmiyordum)./ I walked a long way. My feet hurt./ [Man 1 to man 2] ...and his son died(öldü) 3 years ago... (suddenly remembers that man 2’s son recently died too) ...oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. –That’s okay (=Sorun değil). I’m fine. Honestly(Samimi söylüyorum). Hurt: /H3Rt/ [sıfat] yaralı, gücenmiş [He accidentally drops a small briefcase(evrak çantası) on her foot and says] Oh, I’m sorry, so sorry. Are you hurt? –No. I’m fine. It’s okay. Seriously./ What did you say to her? She’s hurt. –I said nothing. [accidentally#deliberately] Hurt: /H3Rt/ [isim] acı Although there was a deep hurt in his voice, he never stopped smiling. Jeremiah 7:19 ‘But am I the one they are provoking?’ declares the Lord. ‘Are they not rather harming themselves, to their own shame?’ Harm: /HA:’Rm/ zarar vermek || Harmful: /HA:’RM.fıl/ zararlı || Harmless: /HA:’RM.lıs/ zararsız Smoking harms people but they do it, why?/ What is the most harmful thing in the world? –Self./ Don’t worry. This is harmless. Offend: /ı.FENd/ kırmak, gücendirmek, rencide etmek, incitmek || I’m offended: /a:ym.ı.FEN.dıd/ Çok kırıldım!, Gücenmiş oldum!, Alınmış oldum! Why do you always call me Bob? I’m Lucas. And I’m really offended! –Sorry, Lucas. You look a lot like one of my friends. His name’s Bob. Uhh, I didn’t mean to offend you (=Amaçım seni kırılmak değildi)./ Lady: You know what? Frankly(Açıkça), I’m offended. Why didn’t they invite ‘me’ to the party./ When you asked her age, I guess she was offended./ She’s an easily-offended person(Kolayca kırılıyor/Çok alıngan biridir)! Offensive: /ı.FEN.siv/ kırıcı, yakışmaz, hakaret edici I personally found her answer offensive. –But I think his ‘question’ was offensive!/ I think that joke was offensive. You mustn’t have said that when there was a family sitting there. Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. No offense!: /NO’-ı.FENs/ Kusura bakma!, Alınma! >>> [1.Cevap: None taken!: Alınmadım!] [2.Cevap: No offense taken!: Yok, hiç alınmadım!] [3. Cevap: Offense taken!: Alındım!] [The Fighter] New trainer to Micky: Your dad wants me to train you... but I’ll only do it in one condition (şart): No Dicky, no Alice. [>Micky’s brother and mother.<] And the trainer turns to Micky’s dad, George, and says: No offense, George. George: None taken./ James: Your boyfriend is a tool (piyon/salak), no offense. –Catherine: No offense taken. He’s not my boyfriend. He’s my ex!! –Oh! I see (Anladım)!/ Your uncle is slow(geç anlayan), no offense. –Offense taken. And he’s so not (hiçte –değil) slow. No offense but…:/-ı.FENs-/ Alınma ama…, Kusura bakma ama… No offense but I don’t think it was such a good idea to tell her you once(eskiden) were a bum /BA:M/ (serseri/başıboş/işsiz evsiz)./ Teacher 1 to teacher 2: No offense but I wish you wouldn’t say his son is a bit lazy. No hard feeling(s)!: *Gücenmek yok! My brother said he’d want to join your team, but sorry (kusura bakmayın), now he says he doesn’t want to. –No hard feeling. We got lotsa/LA:’ lot of) subs/SA:Bz/(=substitutes: yedek oyunculer).

Take my heart - Take my whole life, Lord - I am Yours - Everything to be for You an offering - I stand in You alone - My hope is in no other name - I trust in what I can’t see - Though the storms are raging - I stand on You alone - In this world - For me to live is Christ - To see your face I know is life - So I will live to worship You - I stand in You alone - My hope is in no other name - I trust in what I can’t see - Though the storms are raging - I stand on You alone - I surrender all - I surrender all to You DAYANMAK/TAHAMMÜL ETMEK Stand: /sTA’Nd/ -e dayanmak, -e tahammül etmek [Teen player to the coach] Could you please not put this guy and me in one team? I can’t stand him!/ [The movie Happythankyoumoreplease] I can handle your mother hating me. I can’t stand the thought that

you hate me. [Stand*: ayakta durmak/ kalmak> Stand up, please.] [Stand someone up: birini ekmek >LOVE & RELATIONSHIP< bakın] [Stand still: Olduğun yerde dur!/Sıkıntılerden korkma!/Dayanaklı ol!>Stand ye still.= You stand still.] Stand for: /sTA’ND.for/ [bir ülkünün/hakkın/...] savunucusu olmak One of the protestors to the reporter: I’m standing for my rights, for my children, for our freedom. Put up with: /PUD.a:p.wiz/ -e dayanmak, -e tahammül etmek [She’s mad at someone] I cannot put up with this monster/MA:’NS.tır/(canavar) any longer (artık)./ [The alcoholic guy recovers and asks his ex] Why did you put up with me? – Because I love you. Tolerate: /TA:’.lı.reyt/ -e dayanmak, -e tahammül etmek || Tolerable: /TA:’.lı.rı.bıl/ tahammül olunabilir They couldn’t tolerate the hot weather of the Death Valley and left there./ Girl: When he lied, it was tolerable. But when I realized he didn’t love me, it wasn’t tolerable. I left him. Bear: pronunciation:/BE’r/ -e dayanmak, -e tahammül etmek He couldn’t bear that situation anymore (artık). So, he quit (işe istifa ette). [Bear: /BE’r/ ayı> Ever seen how a bear catches fish?] Bear with me!: /BE’r.wiz.mi/ [kibar/resmi] Beni sabır gösterin!, Beni mazur görün/dayanın! You want me to send you the link of this article? Ok. But please bear with me until I find it./ Please bear with me while I explain this, then I will answer your question./ While downloading, a message appears: ‘The download may take some minutes. Please bear with us.’/ Please bear with the comittee until they reach a decision. Isaiah 54:4 Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. REZİL, UTANDIRMAK Embarrassing: [<spelling || pronunciation>] /ım.BA’.rı.sing/ utandırıcı, rezil || I’m embarrassed!: /’.rıst/ Rezil oldum!, Mahcub oldum!, Utandırdım! || Embarrass: /ım.BA’.rıs/ rezil etmek My coffee spilled(kazara döktü) on her skirt. It was so embarrassing./ He said he’s not married, but she asked, ‘Why are you wearing wedding ring?’ It was embarrassing./ Oh my God! I forgot to bring your birthday present. I’m embarrassed!/ [They are at a party, she’s bored, she wants to go home.] Give me the keys. I wanna go home. –Hush, honey, these are my co-workers. Stay. I’m waiting for Bob. –I don’t care about Bob. Give me the keys! [She tries to grab the keys and he says] Oh, no, now you’re embarrassing me. Be ashamed: /-ı.ŞE’YMd/ (=Be embarrassed) utanmak, rezil olmak || You should be ashamed of yourself!: Yaptığından utanmalısın!, Sana yazıklar olsun! [The dry cleaning man to his worker] I promised my customer to give him his order(sipariş) today but it’s not ready yet. I’m embarrassed (ashamed)./ Did you make fun of him(Onu dalga geçiyor musun)? You should be ashamed of yourself. [Yazıklar olsun!: That’s a shame!>It was easy but you couldn’t find the address? That’s a shame!] Disgrace: /dis.GRE’Ys/ 1. rezil etmek, utandırmak, itibardan düşürmek 2. ayıp [Coach is so mad at him and says] Roy! What’s wrong with you(Sana neler oluyor)? Is that what you’re supposed to do? Is that what I trained? Don’t disgrace the team. Don’t disgrace me./ Stop fighting. You two are brothers(İkiniz kardeş siniz). You’re family. Don’t disgrace the family./ Look! The couple* is fighting in front of everyone! This is a disgrace(Bu çok ayıp bir şey)! [Amerikan dilinde, ‘Couple’, ‘çift’ olarak tekildir.>It’s a cute couple! >You two make a good couple (Siz evlensanız, iyi bir çift olacaksınız).| ‘A couple (of*)(birkaç)’ çoğul İSİMLA geliyor.>A couple (of) birds are flying in the sky.>Want a couple hotdogs? –Yeah. That’s be great. (Burada konuşma dilinde pek ‘of’ kullanmıyorlar.)] Humiliate: /hyu.Mİ.li.eyt/ çok utandırmak, alçaltmak || Humiliating: /hyu.Mİ.li.ey.ding/ utanç verici Shannon: Everybody was happy at my sister’s wedding but(except) my fiancé. We had a fight earlier. But he could forgive me or pretend that nothing happened! Instead, he was just sitting there too seriously. I wanted to show him to everybody but (ama/fakat) he just humiliated me. Now every time we watch the wedding tape, he’s right there. Ugh! This is so humiliating!/ Lady: This is just so humiliating that the police comes to your house, you know. People talk (Millet konuşuyorlar/ dedikodu yapiyorlar)! [Humility: alçakgönüllülük, tevazu> The more he knows, the more humility he has.] [Humble: /HA:M.bıl/ alçakgönüllü] SAKİN OL(UN)/RAHAT OL(UN) Easy! /İ’.zi/ || Calm down! /KA:’M.dawn/ = Be calm! || Chill! /ÇİL/ || Chill out! /ÇİL.awt/ || Relax! /ri.LA’Ks/ [Coach] (He likes a girl but now another man is talking to her. He goes there and the other guy starts a small argument with him. He says) Easy, bro! (‘Bro’ is informal and for people who know each other, so the man says) Bro?? I don’t even know you, bro!!/ Easy, pal! The keyboard broke? Ok, it’s just a damn keyboard! Calm down, man!/ Relax fella / (adamım/ arkadaşım)! You’re gonna interview a human being, not a monster (canavar)! Just chill!/ [Pic] He’s hot. –Everyone, be calm, okay?:D/ The first rule of skateboarding is you need to be relaxed. So just chill out and let’s get going!/ [Pic] (What are you doing?) Nothing. Just chilling, killing. [Easy: kolay> The exam was so easy.|| Take it easy: Zorlama! >See at ‘TAKE’<] [Chilly:/Çİ.li/ soğuk, buz gibi>Can I have a glass of chilly water, please? || Chili: /Çİ.li/ (=Chili pepper):

biber>Red Hot Chili Pepper got its name from chili. || {Chile/Çİ.li/ (büyük ‘Ç’ ile) Şili> Chile is a country in South America. The Chilians are warm-blooded people.}] Get chills: /get.ÇİLz/ duygulanmak, (sevmekden/duygusal) tepki göstermek He loves this song so much that every time he listens to it, he gets chills./ When she watched the documentary of that infant boy, she got chills and almost cried. FAULT/MISTAKE/GUILTY Fault: /FA:’lt/ hata, kusur Some people find fault like(sanki) there is a reward for it! –Zig Zaglar/ We had the best life in San Diego. Why did you bring us here, huh? See what a misery/Mİ.zı.ri/ (çok acı bir durum) we have? It’s all your fault./ I called you twice at different times to cancel the appointment but I couldn’t reach you (=sana ulaşamıyordum). It’s not my fault. –But you could leave me a text message (kısa mesaj)! [Text: mesaj yollamak>Put your number in my phone, so we can text each other. –Yeah. Cool.] Mistake: /mis.TEYK/ hata, yanlış || Make a mistake: bir hata yapmak || Make mistakes: hatalar yapmak Making friends with her was a big mistake./ Everybody makes mistakes [Herkes hata(lar) yapar]. But we have to learn from our mistakes, sweetie./ I made a huge mistake by inviting him. Guilty: /GİL.ti/ suçlu, günahkar || Feel guilty: suçlu hissetmek You’re the guilty one, not me./ Boy: I yelled (=bağırdım) at my friend and I really feel guilty. I shouldn’t have done that./ She feels ashamed and guilty about forgetting her best friend’s birthday. Philippians 2:14 Do all things without complaining and disputing. ŞİKAYET ETMEK Nag: /NA’g/ dırdır etmek, başının etini yemek || Whine: /WA:’YN/ sızlanmak [Whiner: WA:’Y.nır/ sızlancı] || Complain: /kım.PLEYN/NOTTT kom--*/ şikayet etmek [Man in the bar] My wife nags all the time!/ Some people just whine!/ Why do you whine a lot, man? Just chill!/ What a bunch of whiners (=Ne kadar sızlancı var ya)!/ Paul Brown, American football coach: ‘A winner never whines.’/ Last night, a neighbor called the police and complained that we were loud./ Evinizin eşiğini temizlemeden, komşunuzun damındaki karlardan şikayet etmeyiniz (Don’t complain about the snow on your neighbor’s roof, when your own doorstep is unclean). –Confucius/ Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business. –Zig Ziglar Lamentations 3:37-39 Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come? Why should the living complain when punished for their sins?

Grouch: /gRAWç/ her zaman şikayetçi olan kimse, dırdırcı I used to be a grouch but now I try to be cool. –That’s good. Keep it up(Öyle devam et)!/ I’m a grouch only when I’m hungry! –I think you should never be hungry! Fussy: / (gereksiz şeyler için) sızlancı, mızmız, telaşçı || Fuss (about): /FA:S/ ufak meseleleri sorun yapmak, yaygara, velvele, itiraz, ıvır zıvır bolluğu They say when a woman gets age, she becomes fussy. I don’t think so ’cause my granny(=nine) was not like that./ Don’t be fussy./ You (make a) fuss about every little thing, honey. Just take it easy!/ He just broke a glass. It was an accident. What is all the fuss about?/ Ugh! Again, fuss and fuss and fuss! I gotta get outta (=out of) here (Buradan çıkmak zorundayım). Grumpy: /gRA:M.pi/ dırdırcı,huysuz,hırçın,suratsız || Grumpy old man: dırdırıcı yaşlı adam She’s a boss and when she doesn’t sleep well, she gets grumpy! God bless her staff that day!/ What are some reasons why some people become grumpy and it becomes part of their character?/ She says she can’t stand grumpy old men! Who can?/ Can you imagine 5 grumpy old men in one room? What will happen? Funny or sad? :D

Nahum 1:9 Why are you scheming against the LORD? He will destroy you with one blow; He won't need to strike twice! MAHVETMEK/BERBAT ETMEK/BOZMAK/&… Ruin: /RU’.ın/RU’yn/ 1. harap etmek, mahvetmek, yıkmak, bozmak 2. Harabe || Wreck: /RE’K/ 1. mahvetmek, yıkmak, bozmak 2. [a wreck>] harabe gibi bir şey || Destroy: /dis.TRO’y/ yok etmek, yıkmak, harap etmek, bozmak Never ruin an apology with an excuse (Yani: Asla bir bahane ile bir üzür dileme şansını mahvetme.)/ Look, this is MY fault and I’m sorry, ok? I

don’t want to ruin our friendship./ Is it true that marriage ruins everything? –Not if you have a loving spouse. I met a lot of cool Christian couples. They gave me inspiration to get married. I’m married to my wife for 5 years and I’m happy under Jesus name./ These are the ruins remained from the war./ The room is a wreck!/ My girlfriend left me this morning. She wrecked my life./ You wrecked/RE’Kt/ everything!/ When you’re in love, for one moment you think the whole world is yours, and the next moment you see your whole life is ruined, and destroyed like a snap of your fingers (parmakların şakırtı süresi gibi) or in a blink of an eye (=bir göz kırpma süresinde)! But that’s, I believe, God’s message to love HIM more than anything else in the universe./ The flood /fLA:d/(sel) destroyed everything in town. Matthew 10:28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Home-wrecker: /HO’ır/ yuva yıkıcı, bir çiftin/ilişkinin arasındakı şeytan (kadın/erkek), ilişkinin arasındakı gelip tahrik eden kadın/erkek Eric, what should I do? That home-wrecker cheated me. She came to my hotel room to have a drink, but ended up stealing my gold ring, all my money, and my credit card! She even called Janet and told her all the story! –[Laughs] Hohhoh, man! You’re screwed! HoHo! –Don’t laugh. I’m serious! –Man, aren’t you married? Are you out of your mind? –Oh, man! I know! Don’t say anything! It was stupid!/ That home-wrecker wrote with a lipstick on the bathroom mirror: Welcome to AIDS! His wife saw it and left the house. Destruction: /dis.TRA:K.şın/ yok etme, yıkma, yok olma || Destructive: /dis.TRA:K.tiv/ yıkıcı, zararlı What does ‘weapons of mass destruction’ mean in Turkish? –It means ‘kitle/toptan yok etme/edici silahlar’./ Using drug(uyuşturucu) is a foolish way of self-destruction./ Hopeless people are destructive for every society. So our mission is to raise hope among new generation. Philippians 3:18-19 Many live as enemies of the Cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction. Devastate: /DE.vıs.teyt/ harap etmek, mahvetmek, perişan etmek || Devastated: /DE.vıs.tey.dıd/ harap, perişan She told a lie and it devastated her for the rest of her life(hayatını kalanı kadar)./ When in college, I fell for someone (birini aşkı düştüm). I was devastated (Harap/Perişan olmuştum)! Spoil: /sPOYl/ bozmak, bozulmak || Spoil the/your surprise: /sPOYl-ze/yor-sır.PRA:Yz/ heyecanini bozmak || Spoiled: /sPOYLd/ (=Spoilt/sPOYLt/) şımarık [Pic] Well, serves you right, spoiling people’s best dreams (Peki, insanlarin en iyi rüyaları bozmak sana oh olsun)!/ Don’t put the meat outside the fridge for a long time. It spoils./ Everything was fine until the stupid guy started to fight and spoiled the party./ Chad! We know that you’re happy because we promised to buy you a car for your graduation. We don’t want to spoil your surprise but your dad and I cannot do that at the moment. We’re sorry, son./ Do you think she’s spoiled? –Yea, she still plays with her toys and dolls./ This kid is a bit spoilt. Sabotage: pronunciation: /SA.bı.ta:’j/ 1. sabotaj (yapmak), sabote etmek 2. baltalamak 65 people are dead in Bengal train accident. According to Mid-Day, a sabotage is suspected./ There has been industrial sabotage more than other sabotages in the world./ Teen: Ever since I saw that girl, I was trying to become friends with her, but this guy has been sabotaging me. He has sabotaged all my plans. Why has he done that?/ Timbaland: Someone tried to sabotage my relashionship with Jay-Z. Bring someone down: /bring--DAWN/ birini mahvetmek Our store sales show we are doing a great job. We’re bringing our competitors /kım.PE.dı.tırz/ (rekipler) down./ [To his co-worker with an angry voice] You stay away from me (Benim işe karışma/Benden uzak dur) or (yoksa) I’ll bring you down. Drop the ball: /dRA:’P.ze-BA:’L/ (=Mess up) mahvetmek, bozmak, yüzüne gözüne bulaştırmak Listen. I know I dropped the ball. I wasn’t a good father and I left you all alone, but I need one more chance to make it up to you, ok? Trust me, I’m a changed man now./ Where’s Jerry? Why isn’t he at work again? –He dropped the ball, boss. –Send him to my office when he’s back. –Sure. Organized: /OR.gı.na:’yzd/ düzenli (=Tidy /TA:Y.di/ # Messy) || Mess: /MES/ karışıklık, karışık durum, berbat şey/kişi || Messy: /MESİ/ düzensiz || Mess up: /MES.a:p/ berbat etmek, yüzüne gözüne bulaştırmak || Messed-up: /MESt.a:p/ berbat, hayatın düzensiz She’s a very organized (tidy) person. Her room is always clean and tidy./ What’s it in your car? Ugh, jam (reçel) from yesterday? What is that? Gum(sakız/çiklet/)? Gosh, here’s a mess! Dude, you’re so messy! Clean up!!/ My life is a mess (=Hayatım çok karışıktır)./ He is a mess!/ You’re a mess!/ Sorry about the house. It’s messy. I wasn’t expecting company. –It’s ok...[opens the fridge] can I get a beer? –Sure. Help yourself(Buyurun/Rahatine bak/Burasi evin gibi hisset)!/ I know I messed up everything, honey. And I’m so sorry. I’m not perfect. Everybody makes mistakes./ Look at you(Şu haline bak)! You’re messed-up! Aren’t you gonna change your life? Screw (up):/sKRU’/batırmak,mahvetmek,berbat etmek,altüst etmek [Pic] I did everything for you but you just screwed it./ I know. I’m sorry. I screwed up. But all I want is a last chance./ We could have a great life together, but you screwed up everything!/ You screwed big time (=hem de çok)!/ [He lost his amazing job by his bad, childish attitude. And now he’s sitting and saying to himself] ‘Darn!(=Damn!=Lanet olsun!) I screwed everything! Grow up, man! Grow up!’ [Screw: vida/vidalamak>Could you hand (vermek) me that screw, please? –Sure. Here(Al/Buyurun)] [Screw you!: [SL] (=Go to hell!) Canın cehenneme!> (Angry car

salesman) After ten days of coming and going, now you tell me you don’t want the car? Screw you!> Is it part of your manly behavior to hit a girl? Go to hell*!] [*What the hell!= What in the world!= What the heck*/HEK/!: Bu ne ya!, Bu da ne böyle!, Bu da kim ya!> What the hell! Why has the train stopped?> (Some cargo guys are delivering stuffs into his company but he’s pretty sure he hasn’t ordered them and says) What in the world! What are these?> (At lunch time, the boss sees someone new and says) What in the world! Who are you?> (A motorcycle passes by someone on the sidewalk(yaya kaldırım), he says) What the heck!] [Hectic*: yoğun, telaşlı> I’m exhausted! I had a couple (of) hectic days!] [How in the hell...? Nasıl böyle bir şey olabilir?> –How in the hell does he eat glass?] [Who the hell are you?: Sen kimsin böyle?> I think you shouldn’t talk to your son like that. –Who the hell are you?] [Who the hell do you think you are (Sen kim olduğunu zannediyorsun)?] [A hell/heck of a...: çok iyi bir...> He’s a hell of a cook (O çok iyi bir aşçıdır).> He’s a hell of a fighter (O çok iyi bir boksördür).> You did a hell of a fight (=Çok iyi bir boks yaptı= Çok iyi yarıştın). Well done(Aferin sana)! Now go get changed (Şimdi git kiyafetini değiş).> Taylor Firth is a heck of a skater!] Revelation 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death. Matthew 25:41 Then He will say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’ I’m screwed!: /a:ym.sKRU’d/ [SL] (=I’m in trouble!) Başım belada! [He got two exams tomorrow but hasn’t studied at all. He tells himself] Oh boy! I played too much computer games! I’m screwed!/ The guys in the movie stole a car? They are screwed! Bummer: /BA:.mır/ [tek] (=Damn) Tüh!, Lanet olsun! [cümle de] kötü şey, hayal kırıklığı şey Bummer! –What happened? – They’re opening a new market right opposite to ours!/ This card-reader doesn’t work. What a bummer!/ Standing in the long lines of banks is a bummer. ‘Internet banking’ is the solution./ Oh! Bummer! Damage: /DA’.mıc/ zarar vermek, hasar yapmak, bozmak, (ruhsal) zarar/ziyan || Damaged: /DA’.mıcd/ içinde çürümüş, hasarlı, zarar görmüş We go through relationship, fall in love, break up, it leaves us damages (it damages us). Again we hope for a better future, again we fall in love, break up, and again it damages us. We keep asking ourself: What does even love mean? –No one can damage us more than ourselves./ The earthquake in Japan did a lot of damages to the country./ Damaged people are dangerous, because they know they can survive(Zarar verilmiş insanlar tehlikeli, çünkü yaşayabileceğini biliyorlar). –Damaged/ [Pic] You’re too damaged. –And you love that. You ruined/destroyed/wrecked/messed up/screwed up/devastated everything!:Sen her şeyi mahvetti! You ruined everything. –I know, I’m sorry, but I’m gonna start over with you. –I’m not your amusement/ı.MYUZ.mınt/ (eğlence) toy. You can’t just break a heart and have it whenever you want!/ My life was okay until 30 minutes ago when I met you. You screwed up my work and everything!/ You know this guy Ted Williams? –No. Who’s he? –Well, apparently, he was an ex-radio announcer. But he became a drug addict and an alcoholic. He lost everything in life and became a homeless for ten years. He said, ‘I devastated everything.’ After ten years, somebody from Cleavland Cavaliers team discovered him and gave him an announcement job. They cut a deal for two years. –Fascinating! When there’s hope, there’s life too. –Yeah, you bet. MANTIKLI/MANTIKSIZ/&… HUMOR It makes sense!:/it.meyks.SENS/ Mantıklı!, Mantıklı/Anlamlı geliyor!, Yeterince mantıklı! Her explanation makes sense. –Yes, it makes sense to me too./ Dad? Does it make any sense to go to college if I want to get rich? –Sonny! Listen. You’re a person of today, no? You’re knowledgeable. If you go and surf the Internet, or take a look at for instance, you’ll find out that most rich people have a college degree. –Really? –Of course. –Mmm. Didn’t know that! It makes no sense!: Çok saçma!, Hiç mantıklı değil/gelmiyor!, Çok mantıksız/anlamsız! = It doesn’t make any sense!: Hiç mantıklı gelmiyor/değil!, Çok mantıksız/anlamsız/saçma! I don’t believe in evolution. It makes no sense to me./ It doesn’t make any sense to climb Everest in this season./ I’m sorry but his comment doesn’t make any sense. Helen Keller: The BIBLE gives me a deep, comforting sense that 'things seen are temporal, and things unseen are eternal'. Sense: /SENS/ [zekaya ait>] his, hissetmek Do you have sixth sense?/ People who have a sense of responsibility earn it from childhood./ [Pic] I’m Jack’s inflamed sense of rejection. (Ben Jack’ın tutuşturmuş reddetme hissiyim.)/ I sensed that he wanted to go but she was still talking. Nonesense: /NA:’N.sens/ [=Ridiculous: /ri.Dİ.kyı.lıs/ saçma, saçmalık Pic] If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. (Eğer tek başına bir dünyam olsaydı, her şey saçma geliyordu.)/ Why don’t you come see me dance? –Because I like you! –That’s nonesense!/ I called him because I thought I wouldn’t call him! –What? That’s the most nonesense thing I’ve ever heard (Bu hayatımda duyduğum en saçma şey)! [Riciculous: gülünç> The joke was ridiculous!]

Sensible: /SEN.sı.bıl/ duyarlı, mantıklı, sezilir [Pic] Well, it’s about how love is all very well, but you have to be sensible. (Bu yazı, başlangıçta aşk ne kadar iyi olduğunu anlatır, fakat sen de duyarlı olmalısın.) Sensibly: /SEN.sı.bı.li/ mantıklı bir şekilde, akla uygun şekilde || Insensibly: /in.SEN.sı.bı.li/ mantıksız bir şekilde, ukla uygun olmayan şekilde, duymaz şekilde People can sensibly solve a problem if they are willing to listen to each other sensibly./ When only one side of a story is heard and often repeated, the human mind becomes impressed with it insensibly. –George Washington [Very true.] Humor*: /HYU.mır/ espri, mizah, komiklik People who have sense of humor definitely have great intellectual sense. Do you agree?/ Find the humor in any situation. Laugh at yourself often. Laughter is a temporary medicine for stress. You have a great sense* of humor: Sen espriyi çok iyi anlıyorsun!, Sen olayların gülünç yönünü görmeye yeteneğın var! Sen şakanın anlamayı iyi anlıyorsun! When I told you that joke, no one laughed /LA’Ft/ but you. You have a great sense of humor! – Oh, thanks. Actually I laughed when I watched you laugh! –HaHa! That’s funny too!/ Someone who has a great sense of humor both makes jokes and takes jokes(hem espriyi yapıyor hem de espiriyi anlıyor). Humor me!*: [Bu saçma/komik gelebilir ama] Beni dinle!/Beni katıl! [>yeni popüler<] I have an admitedly insane idea. Humor me! Let’s go to uncle James’ villa. –What, now? –Yea. It’d be fun. Nobody’s there and I got the keys. We can have a party. –But it’s almost 12 midnight. –Dudes! You’ve never done anything crazy! [They look at one another and say] Ok/’K/Let’s go!!/ [Happy Thank You More Please] Close your eyes. –What? –I just want you to listen to me. Humor me, please! [Humor:/HYU.mır*/espri || Rumor:/RU.mer*/söylentı.] [Espri/Şaka yaptım: I was kidding!] Rational: /RA’.şı.nıl/ mantıklı, makul [>çok kullanışlı<] || Irrational: /i.RA’.şı.nıl/ mantıksız, akılsız Let’s do something mature/mı.ÇU’r/(olgun/ergin), something rational./ That’s a rational decesion./ She seemed perfectly rational to me. I have no idea why she did such a ridiculous thing!/ A rational person doesn’t simply believe in anything that’s spoken or rumored by many./ Why do you always have to be so rational? –Well, is it wrong?/ [Movie: The Principal] Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points./ They say teens are irrational. I don’t believed in that. What do you think? –Neither do I. Rash*:/RA’Ş/ düşüncesiz/sabırsız/aceleci, düşüncesiz bir durum || I don’t wanna do something rash!: Düşüncesiz bir şey yapmak istemiyorum! This offer wasn’t good for you. I’m happy you haven’t made a rash decision./ Let me think. I don’t wanna do something rash! Intellectual: pronunciation:/in.tı.LEK.çu.ıl/ zeki, aydın, akla ait, entelektüel She managed a very intellectual debate./ He’s not smart but has a very intellectual look!/ Janis Joplin once said, ‘An intellectual person creates questions not answers.’ That’s a great perspective. HANDLE/COPE WITH Handle: /HAN.dıl/ [bir durumu/…] idare etmek, ele almak || Are you sure you can handle it?: [Yaptığın her ne işi>] Yapabileceğini emin misin? Give me those dishes too. I’m gonna take ’em to the kitchen. –You already have lotsa dishes in your hands. Are you sure you can handle more?/ [She had her heart broken recently. Her friends are worried about her, she says] Come on, guys! You know me. I’m a big girl, I can handle it, don’t worry about me./ How do you handle your pressure or stress?

Cope with:/KO’p.wiz/ ile baş etmek, ile başa çıkmak, -in üstünden/üstesinden gelmek Some teenagers are not experienced enough. So they cannot cope with their problems like love. When they lose it, they don’t know how to react(tepki göstermek) rationally. As they grow, they may learn./ I’m okay, guys. Really. I’m mature enough and I know how to cope with (handle) my problem. [Manage: idare etmek, yönetmek> How is it going? –Not bad. I manage!> He manages a big company in South Carolina.] [Curate: (=Organize/OR.gı.na:’yz/) bir yere/müzeye/galeriyi/.. idare etmek>They want me to curate the painting gallery. What should I do? –Go for it(Onu elde etmeye çalış/Yap sana)!] BİR ÇARE BULMAK: COME UP WITH [önemli] SONUNDA...OLMAK: END UP [Önemli]

Come up with: /KA:M.a:p.wiz/ (=Find) (bir çare, yol, cevap, fikir, ...) bulmak Did you come up with the answer to my question?/ Our copier/KA:’.pi.yır/(fotokopi makinesi) doesn’t work. What should we do, Adam? –No worries, I’ll come up with something./ Daniella: I had a lot on my mind, and finally I came up with the idea of writing a book./ We should come up with an idea to make more money. This is not good. We don’t make enough money (Yeterlice para kazanmıyoruz)./ Sam: If your life is boring, it’s because you don’t come up with a new idea to change it for better. Figure out:/Fİ.gır-AWT/ çare/yol bulmak, -i çözmek Jeff! The elevator is broken (bozuldu) again. We should figure out something to fix it properly./ Don’t worry, honey. I’ll figure out a way to help your brother. –Okay, thanks./ Can you figure out the answer to question 12?/ Leave it to me(Bunu bana bırak). I’ll figure it out./ [Pic] It takes time to figure things out (Her şeyin/Şeyleri/Sorunları/İşleri çözmek zaman alınır). I figured that: Bende öyle düşündum/bekledim/fark ettim! You just fell down. Are you okay? –Yeah, I’m fine. –Yeah. I figured that (Ben de öyle düşündüm da)./ [Asking five of his farm workers] Who said to feed the horses? –[His best worker, Danny] I did. –I figured that (Ah/Evet, fark ettim). Figures!: /Fİ.g3rz/ (=I figured that!=That’s what I thought!) İşte fark ettim!, Tabii ki öyle!, Öyle bekledim!, Mantıklı!, Öyle düşündüm! Good news, sir! They found your bags on the airplane. –Oh, good! –Unfortunately that plane’s over Oregon right now. –Oh, figures!/ I’m selling my car. –[She surprises!] Oh really? I mean, how can you live without a car? –I’m buying a cheaper one!! –Figures.

Solve: /SA:’Lv/ çözmek, çözüme kavuşturmak, halletmek || Solution: /sı.LU’.şın/ çözüm, çare We shouldn’t neglect. We should solve this problem. –I’m on it (Onun başındayım/üzerinde çalışıyorum)./ There’s no way to solve this problem. –But I got a solution! – Oh, really? What’s that?/ He thought and thought and finally came up with (=found) a solution. Fix: /FİKs/ 1. düzeltmek 2. tamir etmek I need to fix a lot of things in my life./ Marva Collins: Don’t try to fix the students, fix ourselves first. The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed./ Hey, Jack! What are you doing? –I’m fixing the car. –Need a hand(Yardım ister misin)? [Gifted Hands: A Ben Carson Story] To THINK BIG and to use our talent doesn't mean we don't have difficulties on the way. We will –we all do. How we view those problems determines how we end up. End up: /END-a:p//EN.da:p/ sonunda...(öyle)...olmak, boylamak, neticelenmek, sonunda (bir halde) olmak/ sonunda bir yerde olmak Dr. Roberson! You have been to a lot of countries. How come (=ne oldu) you ended up in Turkey?/ It’s strange that happiest people sometimes end up in despair./ He stole and stole and ended up in jail (=hapsi boyladı)./ Look at us(Şu halimize bak)! Who thought that one day we would end up broke (parasiz) and homeless (evsiz)?/ Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never ever have enough. –Oprah Winfrey/ [Pic] Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself. (Çünkü bu sorundan nerede firar edersen et/koşarsan koş, sonunda sadece kendinde koşacaksın.) [Wind up:/WA:YNd-a:p/ sonuçta… bulunmak> How did she wind up condemned? || Wind:/WİND/ ruzgar >WEATHER<bakin.]

KIND OF/SORT OF/TYPE OF/KIND/SORT OUT [>Body language is important here.<] Kinda: /KA:YN.da:/NOTTT KİN.da:/ bir nevi, bir tür, şöyle böyle, sayılır, eh işte || Kind of!: /KA:YN.dıv/NOTTT KİND/ bir nevi, bir tür, şöyle böyle, sayılır, eh işte || Sort of!: /SOR.dıv/ bir nevi, bir tür, şöyle böyle, sayılır, eh işte Do you like football/’l/(=Amerikan futbol)? –Kind of*. –How about soccer (Ya futbol)? –Nope. Not at all./ Do you know any Japanese? –Kind of./ The movie was kinda good, huh? –Yeah, it wasn’t bad!/ Are you married? –Sort of. – What do you mean ‘sort of’ (‘Sayılır’ der ken)? –Well, I know someone through the Internet. But we’ve never met! He lives in Albania/al.BEY.niye/. He’s gonna be here this June and we’re gonna marry. –I see(Anladım)!/ Are you looking for a job? –Kind of! I mean... yeah! –Here(Al). This is my card. Call me tomorrow. [*‘Kinda/Kind of/Sort of’ ‘How are you?’nun cevabı DEĞİL. Onun için ‘Not bad(Şöyle böyle/ fena değil)!’ kullanabilirsiniz. >Hey, how are you? –Not bad! (>‘So-so’ demeyin.<)] Type of: /TA:YP.ıv/ -e tür || Kind of: /KA:YND.ıv/ [Kinda /KA:YN.da:/ -e tür || Sort of: /SOR.dıv/ -e tür || Kind of/Kinda/Sort of: bir türlü... There are two types of people: Those who come into a room and say, ‘Well, here I am!’, and those who come in and say, ‘Ah, there you are!’ –Frederick L. Collins/ What kind of person is he(O ne tür/nasıl biri)?/ What sort of movie do you like and what sort don’t you like?/ I kinda can’t understand(Bir türlü anlamıyorum), what do you exactly (tam olarak) mean?/ I’m sort of busy/Bİ.zi/ (Bir türlü meşgulum)./ I kinda like you. –You do (Öyle mi)? –Yeah./ I’m sort of confused (Bir türlü kafam karıştı)./ I kind of worked all night so I need coffee to stay awake!/ I have a lot of financial problems. I kinda can’t handle them. [Önemli: Kind of/ Kinda/ Sort of: bir türlü> Genelde ana fiilin önce ya da ‘to be’ fiilden sonra geliyor.> I kinda like you.> I’m kinda busy/Bİ.zi/ at the moment (şu anda).] My kind of…: /MA:Y.ka:ynd.ıv/ Benim sevdiğim tipim..., Sevdiğim...tipim, Bana göre... Boy: My kind of girl is not tall, short, slim, chubby, with long black hair or short blonde hair, or with black eyes or blue eyes. My kind of girl is just ‘different’! / My kind of car is not big./ Girl: Yeah. He’s my kind of guy!/ This is my kind of job! One of a kind*: /WA:N.ıv.ı-KA:YNd/ türünün tek örneği, türün teki, tek She’s one of a kind. If I were you, I’d marry her right away! –Really? –Yeah, totally./ This car is one of a kind./ This bread is one of a kind./ Turkish tea is one of a kind. Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Kind: /KA:YNd/ /NOTTT KİND/ şefkatlı/ nazik || Kindness: /KA:YND.nıs/ şefkatlık/ iyilik || It’s very kind of you!: [bir iliğin cevap] Çok şefkatlısınız!/Çok nazıksınız! Remember the word ‘kind’ with ‘mother’ because mothers are kind./ Topic: Is kindness weakness or strength? Explain, please./ [Her hands are full, the man opens the door, she says] It’s very kind of you. –No problem.  [Bu yapı birkaç tane daha sifatlarla gelebilir: It’s very thoughtful of you: Çok düşünceli siniz.|| It’s very nice of you: Çok iyi siniz.|| It’s very sweet of you: Çok tatlı sınız.] Sort* out: /SORd.awt/ düzeltmek, halletmek, çözüm bulmak Could you finally sort out your finncial problems?/ Officer: I hope that your visa problem will be sorted out so soon. STICK/STUCK/STINK/STING Stick: /sTIK/ (stick, stuck, stuck) yapıştırmak, yapışmak Sandra’s car stuck in the mud./ Be like a postage stamp. Stick (=Yapışın=Bağlı kalın) to one thing until you get there. – Josh Billings Stick to your work!: /sTİK.tu.yor-W3Rk/ İşine bağlı kal(ın)! İşine başla(yın)! Come on, everyone. Chop-chop (Çabuk çabuk)! Lunch time is over (bitti). Stick to your work./ Don’t play around (Vaktini boşa geçirmeyin), guys. We need to finish this. Stick to your work. [Get back to work: İşine geri dön(in)! > I have to get back to work.] Stick around: /sTİK-ı.RAWNd/ Hiçbir yere gitmeyin! Etrafta dur(un)!, Gitme! Radio announcer: We’ll be back in less than a minutes after the commercials. Until then, stick around!/ After the party, we stuck around to help him clean up. He thanked for our consideration (düşünce/saygı)./ [At the door, she asks] Are you sure you don’t wanna come up? –Yeah, I’m ok here. –So, stick around. I’ll be back soon. –All right!

Stick with me!: /sTİK.wiz.mi/ [Gittiğim her yerde] Benimle gel! To the photographer: I want to cover all the story. So stick with me and take as many pictures as you can, ok? –Yes, ma’am. I’m stuck!: /a:ym.sTA:K/ Sıkıştım! [fiziksel/zihinsel] We’re stuck in the elevator (=Asansörda sıkıştık)./ Sorry I’m late. I was stuck in the traffic./ We’re stuck in the woods (ormanda). This’s all your fault! You brought us here! –Chill! We need to find the river./ It’s a very important decision /di.Sİ.jın/(karar) in my life. I’m stuck! I don’t know what to do! –I’d pray to God to show me the way./ After hitting the iceberg, the ship is stuck in the ice. Stink: /sTİNK/ (stink, stunk/stank, stunk) 1. pis kokmak 2. çok kötü/berbat olmak Dude, your socks stink! Take ’em off! And wash your feet!!/ Gross! This place stinks. Seems like (Senki) they haven’t thrown the garbage away in years!/ 2. This job stinks, man! I need to change it!/ My life stinks! I hate everyone! Why am I on this earth? –To love yourself and others. –It’s hard! –What isn’t? –Do you always have the answer to everything? –Nope. But I’m not afraid to learn either. [Sink: batmak (sink,sank,sunk)> Titanic sank in the sea, but the love hasn’t sunk.] Sting: /sTİNG/ (sting, stung, stung) [arı, v.b] sokmak Ouch! –What? –A bee just stung me! Ahh! It hurts!/ [Three-year-old daughter] Daddy? Does this insect sting? SET/PREPARE/READY Set the table: /SET.ze-TEY.bıl/ sofrayı/masayı kurmak/hazırlamak || Set the clock: /SET.ze-kLA:’k/ saati ayarlamak || Set up a tent: /SED.a:p.ı-TE’Nt/ bir çadır kurmak Sweetie! Go help your dad set the table. –Sure, ma!/ Dad! Could you set the clock for me? It’s not tuned. –Sure. Give it to me. Look, son, this is how we set it. Do you see? –Mmm, got it/GA:’! Thanks, dad. – You’re welcome, son./ How often do you go camping? –Sometimes. –Great! Can you set up a tent? –Yep. It’s easy. Set a date: [bir olay için] bir tarih belirtmek We need to set a date for the wedding./ We need to set a date for the openning of the store. You set us up: /YU-SE.da:s.a:p/ Sen bize ayarladı/tanıştırdı [They give her a gift and say] This gift is for you. –[She surprisingly smiles and says] For what? –You set us up, remember? And we’re this happy. We owe this happiness to you. –Come on. I didn’t do anything. But thanks. This happiness comes from your own behavior./ Gosh, I hate him. I hate him so much. You know what? It’s all your fault. You set us up. –Excuse me, but I didn’t know you’re gonna fight like kids!/ Do you remember? You set us up. Thank you. He turned out to be such a nice guy. I owe my life to you (=Hayatimi seni borçluyum). Be set: düzenli/ iyi/ yolunda olmak Are you okay? I heard something broke. –Yeah, I’m set. No prob /no’ pRA:’b/(=No problem)./ How’s your vacation plan? Are you going to Spain? –Yeah, it’s all set (Her şey düzenli)./ Are we all set (Her şeyimiz düzenli mi/yolunda mı)? –Yeah we’re all set./ [New guest] I don’t know why I should write my address in this form. [Hotel manager] Ma’am, it’s every hotel’s policy/PA:’lı.si/(kural/poliçe). Besides, in case you left something in your room, we could post it to your address. [New guest is finally convinced] Oh, okay. That makes sense. [Hotel manager] So, are we all set? [New guest] Yes. Thanks. [Hotel manager] Have a nice stay, ma’am! You (all) set?:[bir yere gitmeden önce] Hazır/Tamam mısın? [I’m (all) set!: Hazırım/Tamamım!] [To the fighter/FA:Y.dır/(boksör)] The fight(boks) starts in two minutes. You set? –Yea, totally./ You all set (Tamam mısın), honey? –Yeah, I’m all set. Let’s go. Be set to: (=Be ready to) –e hazır olmak Okay. Are you set to go (Gitmeye hazır mısın)?/ The guy at the backstage was set to show his talent to the audience.

Prepare: /pri.PE’r/ hazırlamak, hazırlanmak, düzenlemek Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win. –Bobby Knight/ Chance favors the prepared mind. –Louis Pasteur/ I don’t think I can be a father now. I need to be prepared./ I’m preparing myself for the big day, show day./ Everything is prepared for the meeting. 1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.

Michael W. Smith – Prepare Ye The Way lyrics: [Absolutely stunning song. Totally in love with it.] Give thanks to the Lord for He is good - His love endures forever - Hallelujah, oh, my soul - Praise God, all my life long I will praise God - Singing songs to my God as long as I will live - I will praise You, oh Lord, with all my heart - Before the Gods I will sing Your praise - I will bow down toward Your holy temple - And will praise Your name for Your love and Your faithfulness - Prepare ye the way - Prepare ye the way of the Lord Prepare ye the way - Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Prepare ye the way - Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Prepare ye the way Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Yeshua, Yeshua, You reign on high, You reign on high - Almighty God, Your love is like no other Yeshua, You reign on high, You reign on high - Almighty God, Your love is like no other - Prepare ye the way - Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Prepare ye the way - Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Yeshua, Yeshua, You reign on high, You reign on high - Almighty God, Your love is like no other - Yeshua, You reign on high, You reign on high - Almighty God, Your love is like no other - Your love is like no other, yeah - Prepare ye the way - Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Prepare ye the way - Prepare ye the way of the Lord Prepare ye the way - Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Prepare ye the way - Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Prepare ye the way Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Prepare ye the way - Prepare ye the way of the Lord Be ready: /bi-RE.di/ hazır olmak Are you ready for the game? –ABSOLUTELY. –That’s my boy (İşte bu benim oğlum)! / Mom! Wait! I’m not ready yet. –Come on. Chop-chop! What are you doing? –Just a sec. Chill, mom! Brace yourself!: /bREYS-yor.SELf/ (=Be prepared to face the situation) Kendini bu zor durum için hazır et!, Hazır ol!, Kesin ol!, Kararından vaz geçme! Now brace yourself. You’re going to talk to him, all right? –[Very serious-looking and determined] Ok. I’m not gonna back down (Kararımdan vaz geçmeyeceğim). EXAMPLE Role model: /RO’L-MA:’.dıl/ örnek alınan kimse, rol-model || Example: /ıg.ZA’M.pıl/ örnek || For example: /for--/ mesela, örnek olarak || For instance*: /for.İNS.tıns/ mesela, örnek olarak || Such as: /SA:Ç.a’z/ mesela (bunlar)... [isim geliyor] Children need to have a role model at home. If not, they try to find a role model outside, and that might not be the best option./ Dad! You’re my example. You said to never give up and I’ve learnt. And now, you’re giving up? Big guys never give up! [Both smile.]/ We all should try to save the planet. For example (For instance), dry stuffs such as plastics, paper, and glass aren’t trash(çöp), they’re recyclable, they’re money! I think we should separate them from wet trash. Instantly*:/İNS.tıİ’.di.yı hemen, derhal || Instant*: /İNS.tınt/ ani, hemen olan [yemek olarak, paketlenmiş ve: hazır] The two cars collided(=hit) and the drivers were killed instanly./ When she saw a roach, she screamed and instantly stood on the couch!/ She can’t sleep. She wants to know how she can fall asleep instantly./ [Boss on the phone] Norman! Come to the office. Immediately! –Yes, sir./ The shopkeeper gave her back 55 bucks extra money. She realized it but said nothing. The same hour, when she got home, she openned the door. Since(madem ki) it was windy, the window hit the wall and cracked! She had it fixed. When she asked how much for fixing, the man said, ‘55!!’ She was freezed!! This is instant Karma! You believe in Karma(>Karma yani iyi yaparsen, başında iyi gelecek, kötü yaparsen, başında kötü gelecek<)?/ You know, we have instant food, instant coffee, instant soup (hazır çorba), instant noodles (Asyalıların dünyada meşhur olan hazır erişte), and even ‘instant-food shops (sadece hazır yemek satan mağaza)’!! Set an example: /ıg.ZA’M.pıl/ örnek olmak [Set a good example: iyi örnek olmak] As an older brother, I think you should set an example for him./ If you set a good example in your house, she won’t need to look for a role model outside./ Social Services Ad(Reklam): Don’t just make babies. Take care of babies! Set a great example. Bad influence: /BA’D-İN.flu.ıns/ kötü örnek/etki [onun sözü geçen] You’re a bad influence on my child. Stay away from him./ Honey, if we love each other, we should only trust each other, not her. So why do you believe in her more than me? She’s a bad influence, and obviously jealous. -HOLIC Alcoholic: pronunciation:/al.kı.HA:’.lik/ [SL: Alchy=Alchie: /A’] alkolik Her life is a mess. She has an alcoholic father, two kids to feed (beslemek gereken iki çocuk), no job, and a husband who left her (onu terk edilmiş bir koca)./ Is his father alchy(alchie)? –Yea, he took (götürdü) him to the rehab /Rİ’.ha’b/ (rihabilitasyon). Shopaholic: /şa:’.pı.HA:’.lik//-HO-/alişveriş delisi/çılgını/manyağı Quiz: Which movie Isla Fisher plays the role of a shopaholic girl?

Chocoholic:/ça:’.kı.HA:’.lik/[=Chocaholic/Chocolateholic]çikolatakolik,çikolatayı çok seven kimse Man: I used to be a real chocoholic. You could find chocolate everywhere in the house, in the drawers (çekmeceler), at the back of the TV, and on the breakfront (şifonyer). Workaholic: /w3r.kı.HA:’.lik/ işkolik Boss: What are you doing here? I thought I sent you to a vacation. Uh, you’re a real workaholic! I don’t want you here! Go back to the beach!/ The best seller author and motivational speaker Jack Canfield had alcoholic mother and workaholic stepfather, but he didn’t become any of them (=he became none of them). Everything is self, you agree? Coffeeholic:/ka:’.fi.HA:’.lik/ kahve alişkan Dustin Hoffman plays the role of a coffeeholic professor in Stranger Than Fiction. Such a great actor! Drunk: /dRA:Nk/ sarhoş || Drunk driving: /dRA:NK-dRA:Y.ving/ sarhoş/içkili araba sürme What? What are you talking about? Are you drunk?/ Did you hear the drunk guys’ brawl (arbede) at the wedding?/ Internet-based question: If drunk driving is forbidden, why do bars have parking lots (park yeri)?/ Drunk driving is hazardous /HA’.zır.dıs/ (tehlikeli). Sober: /SO’.bır/ ayık, sarhoş olmayan You remember Evanescence song ‘Call Me When You’re Sober’?/ Gosh! You were so drunk a couple hours ago. Are you sober now? –Yea, I guess./ What would you like to drink? –Nothing, thanks. Five years sober! – Oh, I see. Wasted:/WEYS.tıd/WEYS.dıd/ sarhoş, mest || Waste*: /WEYSt/ 1. israf etmek, boşa harcamak 2. atık/atık maddeler Stay away from me!!! I’m wasted (sarhoşum/çok aktım)!!!/ He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, man! He’s wasted./ Don’t waste the water./ It’s not a good hotel. Don’t go. You’ll waste your money and time./ Where does the waste from factories flow? Hangover:/HANG.o’.vır/ sarhoş kimse [Hung-over:/HA:NG.o’.vır/(=Drunk) sıfat: sarhoş] A couple hangovers were yelling in the street at 3 A.M. in the morning./ Are you still hung-over?/ I think I’m hung-over since last night and I got a bad headache. Got (=Do you have) some aspirin? Tipsy: /Tİ çakırkeyif, birazcık sarhoş Uh, I don’t know what I’m talking about. Guess I’m a bit tipsy./ Hey, have you been drinking? –Yea, a bit. –You look tipsy. –I do?? High: /HA:’y/ 1. sarhoş 2. yüksek 3. (=High school) [isim]-lise 1. Are you high (Sarhoş musun)?/ 1. What is he talking about? Is he high?/ 2. Why does man(insan) like to fly high?/ 2. [Hammering a nail to the wall to hang a picture] Is here good? –No, a bit higher... –Here? –Yeah. That’s great./ 3. [Man to a lady] Excuse me, you look familiar. Did you go to Adams High? –Yes, you? – Yes, class of ’94 (=1994). –Oh, my gosh. I recognize you! You’re... you’re Sally! –Yes, I am!!  Booze: /BU’z/ içki || Boozy: /BU’.zi*/ içkili/alkollu Internet question: Is it legal to bring booze on a plane or a cruise?/ He was an alcoholic. He’s sober for two years now. He hates booze./ You smell a little boozy! [Busy: /Bİ.zi/ NOTTT /BU.zi*/.] Black out: /bLA’K.awt/ 1. (=Blackout) [içkinin dolayı] geçmişi hatırlamamak, ne olduğunu hatırlamamak, bilinci kararmak 2. elektrik kesintisi, karartma Man: I was an alcoholic and I used to black out a lot!/ According to wikipedia, ‘blackout’ is the ‘inability to recall the past’./ There was a blackout in the whole area for an hour or so (=bir saat folan/gibi). [>Bayılmak: pass out=faint<] AA meeting:/EY-EY-Mİ’.ding/(=Alcoholic Anonymous meeting) Adsız Alkolikler toplantısı AA meeting is a meeting with the purpose of helping alcoholics stay sober or stop drinking. It has more than 2 million members around the world./ In the AA meeting: Hello! My name’s Jack and I’m an alcoholic. –[All the members] Hello, Jack./ See? Apart from all the advantages of AA meeting, there’s one thing very appealing(ilgi çekici) to me and it’s the will(irade) of people wanting to help each other. In an AA meeting, they discuss about topics like acceptance(kabul etme), anger(öfke), humility (tevazu), patience(sabır), and willingness(istek)./ If you don’t like being a doormat, then get off the floor. –Al Anon(=Alcoholic Anonymous) Overjoyed:/O’.vı’yd/[mecaz]sarhoş/neşeli>kendinden geçmiş, fazla/çok beğenmiş, neşeli After 10 years of marriage, the man says: It’s not the wine that makes me overjoyed... it’s you! Just looking at your eyes, hearing your voice, and loving you make me overjoyed./ [Beauty & the Briefcase] The photographer in a photo shoot(fotoğraf çekimi) to the models: I want you to be happy... [the models become happy] but not overjoyed... [they don’t know what to do]! :D -THER Leather: /LE.zır/ deri I wanna try that leather jacket. I think it goes well (iyi gidiyor/ yakışıyor) with my leather shoes./ Turkish leather industry is superb and one of a kind (türün teki) in the world.

Feather: /FE.zır/ tüy Have you ever seen the movie Forrest Gump? That feather implies each person’s destiny to choose. At the end of the movie, the feather comes towards the camera. It means: ‘Each of YOU has a destiny to choose too.’/ Proverb: Birds of a feather, fly together(Aynı tüylü kuşlar beraber koşar).’/ Peacock/Pİ’.ka:’k/(tavus) has the most beautiful feather among birds. Weather:/WE.zır/ hava (>durumu) [Air: hava(>nefes almak için)>We need love like we need air.] The weather is nice today. Last night it (=the weather) was too windy/WİN.di/(rüzgarlı)./ Antalya’s weather is hot and humid/HYU.mid/(yaş/rutubetli/nemli); Urfa’s weather is hot and dry/dRA:y/(kuru). Whether… or: /WE.zır -- o’r/NOTTT Wİ.zır-/ … ya da… Whether you go or stay, I’m gonna pack up(bavulu hazırlayıp) and go./ I don’t know whether I should call her or not./ I don’t care anymore whether/if you love me or not. It’s over between us(Aramızda ilişki bitti artık)./ Whether you think you CAN or you CAN’T, you are RIGHT!! –Henry Ford Further: /F3R.zır/ 1. bundan başka, ayrıca 2. daha öteye, daha uzak, daha miktar (far, further/farther, the furthest/farthest) || Furthermore: /F3R.zı’r/ (=Further) bundan başka, ayrıca I don’t agree with buying new equipments. Further/Furthermore, we haven’t paid our debts /DETs/ (borçlar) yet./ The further she lies, the more she knows it!!/ Gentlemen! If you have any further question, feel free to ask. [Far, Farther, the Farthest>daha mesafe için>Michael Phelps: You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther(daha uzak) you get (gideceksin/ ulaşacaksın).] Otherwise: /A:.zır.wa:yz/ yoksa, olmazsa I had to close(deactivate) my FB(Facebook) for a while, otherwise I couldn’t focus on my studies. [DİKKAT] Other: /A:’.zır/ başka, diğer, öbür [Aynı anlama>belirli olurse: The other] [DİKKAT] Others: /A:’.zırz/ başkaları, diğerlerı, öbürlerı [Aynı anlama>belirli: The others] [DİKKAT] Another: /ı.NA:’.zır/[TEKİL] başka bir, diğer bir, öbür bir Only celebrities were invited. Other people were not invited. [>‘other people’ kimler?= belli değil.]/ I don’t wanna do it. Let others do it. [>‘others’ kim?= belli değil.]/ There were two shirts I liked. One of them was white, the other, gray. [>‘the other’= belli.]/ Five guys just came in. One of them is my cousin, and the others, I think I don’t know them. [>‘the others’: KONUŞAN kişi belli/belirli kişiların hakkında konuşuyor.]/ I’m sorry I’m not gonna ba able to make it(Gelemem) today! –Oh, no problem. Maybe some other time (Belki başka bir zaman)? –Sure. That’d be my pleasure. [Burada>NOTTT Maybe THE some other time?]/ Does he live in Mardin? –No, he lives in another city(başka bir şehirde), but I’m not sure where. [Burada> NOTTT ...he lives in THE another city...] [Çok önemli: Another= An+ other> TEKRAR THE/A/AN ALMIYOR.> ‘The another’ YOKTUR.<] [Çok önemli: Ya da THE ya da MY/YOUR/HIS/HER/OUR/THEIR kullanın.> Tuğçe: Kasım wasn’t with me but my other brother came along, so we went to have dinner. >NOTTT THE other brother...<]/ Martin Luther, Jr.: Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ No other...: başka kimse...-mez I think no other people can do what Damien Walters does! Practice makes things easy./ No other people would have tolerated her situation. –I think nurses are amazing people. Other than...:... /A:’.zır-zan/ -den başka Do you do any sports other than swimming? –Yea, I go jogging too. –Cool. Can I go with you?/ Mehmet, have you been to any city other than Istanbul? –Yes, I’ve been to many cities in Turkey. GIANT/HUGE Giant: /CA:’.yınt/ dev gibi, kocaman, koskocaman Titanic was a giant ship which sank (=battı) into the sea. [>Sink, sank/sunk, sunk/sunken<]/ The old man has lived in this giant house alone since(-dan beri) his wife passed away. Huge: pronunciation:/HYU’c/(=Very big) kocaman, koskocaman ‘It was a huge mistake to leave the school,’ she said./ His first marriage was a huge mistake./ This villa is huge! It’s like a palace /PA’.lıs/ (saray)! [Hug/HA:G/(sarılmak)>The two lovers hugged for hours.<] Gigantic: /ca:y.GA’N.tik/ca:y.GA’N.dik/ dev gibi, kocaman, koskocaman Thank you so much! You did a gigantic favor/FEY.vır/(iyilik). I mean it (Ciddiyim)./ This diet program is a gigantic waste of time and money! –Really? But it worked(işe yaradı) for me!/ She says she saw a gigantic UFO today when she was playing hide-and-seek (saklambaç oyunu). Enormous: /i.NO’R.mıs/ koskocaman/kocaman Oh... my... God! This hotel room is enormous!/ My uncle’s office is enormous!/ Soccer stadiums are enormous!/ There’s an enormous difference between formal and informal English./ After the first snow of the year, they made an enormous snowman with a carrot nose! Massive:/MA’.siv/ büyük ve ağır, şiddetli I got massive headache./ There was a massive earthquake in the whole area last night./ The patient had a massive heart attack. He can’t speak right now. UFAK/ KÜÇÜK/ AZ

Tiny: / ufacık || Minor: /MA:Y.nır/ ufak || Puny: / (=Very little/small) çok ufak Lia: My favorite puppy in the world is a puppy looking like a teeny(genç), tiny ball of fur(kürk topu)!/ [Before Sunset] We all see the world through a tiny keyhole of our mind, right? (Hepimiz dünyaya aklımızın ufacık anahtar deliğinden görüyoruz, değil mi?)/ What seems to be problem, sir? – Well, I don’t call it a problem, per se /per.SEY/(aslında). There’s just a minor mistake in my invoice (fatura)./ There was a minor problem which is solved now. No need to worry./ [Accountant] They did a minor mistake on their accounts. Here. See?/ Man: My puny mind can’t take philosophy. It’s too big for me to digest/da:y.CI’St/(özümsemek). Itsy-bitsy:/İİ[SL] minicik, minimini, küçücük, bölük pörçük Why don’t you come and have an itsy-bitsy glass of wine with me? Lil: /LİL/ [‘Lil’, ‘Little/Lİ.dıl/’in resmi olmayan yazışıdır.] küçük, ufak Girl: I love to have a lil puppy /PA:.pi/(köpek yavrusu) and a lil kitten (ufak bir kedi yavrusu) at home./ Nice rap! Who is the singer? –Lil Mama. –You’re kidding(Şaka yapiyorsun)! –No. Seriously. Her stage name is Lil Mama. Her real name is something like Niatia. (Just) a little something: /cıst.ı.Lİ.dıl-SA:’M.sing/ ufak bir şey, minik bir şey [The Zookeeper (2001)] Hiding(saklayıp) a birthday cake in his hand, he goes in and says, ‘Hey, buddy! Got a little something for ya! Happy Birthday!’ A little (bit): /a.Lİ.dıl.bit/ biraz, birazcık Hey, pal! How much do you know about business marketing? –Just a little bit. Why (Niye soruyorsun ki)?/ [Pic] (You are...) A little bit crazy, a little bit bad. But, hey... (Sen biraz delisin, biraz kötüsün. Yine de, ne ise/boşver...) THE MORE... THE MORE/ THE LESS... THE LESS The more..,the more..:/-MO’r-/Ne kadar..,o kadar çok.. [Pic] The more I thought, the more I felt like crying. [Gramer FİLMde! >>] The less.., the less..:/-LES-/Ne kadar az.., o kadar az.. The less a person thinks, the less he knows. –I don’t agree. The more..., the less...: ne kadar daha..., o kadar az... The more you listen, the less you talk./ The less you sleep, the healthier you are. EXTREME SPORTS/EXTREMELY/SLIGHTLY Extremely: /ıks.TRİ’ son derece || Extreme: /ıks.TRİ’m/ aşırı, sivri, uç || Extreme sports: /--sPO’RTs/ yüksek riski sporlar The weather in African deserts is extremely hot./ My life has been one of those extremes, full of ups and downs./ Bungee jumping, parachuting, ice climbing, snowboarding, tightrope walking /’p-WA:’.king/ (ip yürüyüş), (whitewater) rafting, and skiing are (some) of the extreme sports. [>Google Images<] Parachute*: pronunciation:/PA.rı.şu’t/ paraşüt, paraşütle indirmek I think the best way to learn parachuting is through observation./ It must be so exciting when you’re wearing the parachute, flying up in the sky. –Yes, it is. Martial art*: /MA:R.şıl-A:’Rt/ dövüş sporu Are you interested in martial arts like Kung Fu /KA:NG fu’/ and Karate /kı.RA:’.di/? Slight: /sLA:’Yt*/ ince, az, yüzeysel/önemsiz || Slightly: /sLA:’ çok az, bir az, hafifçe She managed a slight smile when I said hello to her./ There’s a slight difference between ‘cry’(ağlamak) and ‘sob’(hıçkıra hıçkıra ağlamak)./ The original painting and the copy differ slightly./ Q: It’s an adjective, meaning ‘slightly drunk’. –Tipsy. –Right(Doğru). [Slide:/sLA:Yd*/kaymak, kaydırmak> The kids are sliding on the ice.] [Slip*/sLİP/kaymak,kaydırmak{kaza}>She slipped on a banana peel.] Subtle: /SA:.dıl/ ince, hafif He made a subtle change in his thesis/Sİ.sıs/(tez)./ There’s a subtle difference between what I said and what she said. TIGHT/LOOSE/TENSE Tight: /TA:Yt/ 1. dar, sıkı 2. Sıkışmış || Loose: /LU’s/ gevşek, bol, dökümlü 1. Gee! Your jeans are too tight! How do you even put ’em on and take ’em off?/ 2. Why can’t she open the jar /CA:’r/ (kavanoz)? –’Cause it’s too tight./ Boy: I don’t like rap but I like the way rappers wear loose t-shirts./ Excuse me. I got a coffee to go (Dışarıda/gitmek için bir kahve aldım) but the cap (kapak) is too loose and almost half my coffee spilled. Could I get another cap, please? –Ma’am, we’re sorry. Let me give you another coffee, not another cap! –Oh, very sweet of you (Çok tatlı/nazık/kibarsiniz)! [Cut loose: /KA:T-LU’s/ istediğin şekilde/kafana göre/serbestçe davranmak, çılgınlık yapmak, kurtlarını dökmek, cıvıtmak> Hey, why are you dancing in the street? –I’m just cutting loose! >CUT<] Tense: /TE’Ns/ 1. sinirli 2. gerilmiş 3. [gramer] zaman 1. He had a tense conversation with the guy who asked too many questions./ 2. After 5 years that I didn’t swim, yesterday I went swimming with my friend and all my muscles /MA:.sılz/(kaslar) got

tense. I can hardly walk. Do we have any muscle relaxant (=kas gevşetici)?/ 3. Simple Present, Simple Past, and Future are the most important tenses in any language. Intense: /in.TENs/ şiddetli, dikkatlı, yoğun || Intensely: / şiddetle, dikkatlice, yoğun şekilde She suddenly felt an intense pain in her back./ He’s working out (Egzersiz yapıyor) intensely to lose weight. [Intensive care: yoğun bakım>MEDICINE<] [Hectic: yoğun> I had a hectic day!]

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. GATHER/COLLECT/PUT/PACK/WRAP Gather (around): /GA.zır-ı.RAWNd/ (etrafını) toplamak, toparlamak, biriktirmek [Manager of the factory to the workers] Everybody gather around and listen up (=Herkes etrafıma toparlansın, beni dinleyin). From now on, George is the floor manager (kat müdürü)./ Ladies and gentlemen! We are gathered here to celebrate the first anniversary of foundation of this company. I’d like to thank each and everyone of you for showing strength in hard times./ Gather your stuffs and leave here. Please. I don’t want hassle (trouble). Bring it in!: /bRİ (=Gather around!) Toplasin! Ok, guys! Guys! Bring it in. Bring it in... [everyone gathers around him and he continues]… I have a great news for you. The manager is sending us to a free tour! Guess where! To Hawaii! –[Staff say] Wow-Awesome-Cool-Fantastic-Incredible! [Bring something up: bir konuyu açmak/bahsetmek/ortaya atmak/ ileri sürmek/ortaya çıkarmak/ gündeme getirmek>I didn’t say anything to Janet. But you always bring this up. What’s the problem?> The reason I bring this up is our company needs more efficiency.>SOME VERY SENTENCES<] Collect: /kı.LE’Kt/ 1. bir yerde getirmek, biriktirmek 2. koleksiyon yapmak 1. After the party, she collected the bottles of beer from every room./ 1. We’re collecting money for the families of the victims of the earthquake./ 2. The old man collects stamps for fun. [Select: (=Choose) seçmek>I selected a couple of songs for you in this iPod.] [Save: (para)birliktirmek* >When you were a child, your dad used to give you some coins. Did you save them in a piggy bank (=money box=kumbara)?|| Save*: (zaman) harcamamak > Man to himself: ‘If I go this way, I guess I’ll save more time. I give it a go (=I give it a shot =I give it a try =I try it).’] Together: /tu.GE.zır/tı.GE.zır/ [zarf] beraber,birlikte [sıfat] duygusal olarak sağlam, performansda etkili, olaylara göre uyumlu Are you together? –Yes, we are./ [Pic] Why is it so important to dream? –In my dream, we’re still together./ [Pic] So now, all alone or not, you gotta walk ahead. Thing to remember is if we’re all alone, then we’re all together in that too./ [A Golden Christmas] She’s always been a together person. But sometimes when people focus on one thing, it’s because they don’t wanna think about something else. Put together: /PUT-tu.GE.zır/ bir araya getirmek, toparlayıp hazırlamak || How did/come we never put that together?: Niye/Nasıl hiç bundan bahsetmemiştik? You put together a great collection of quotes in your website. Great job(harika bir iş yaptın)!/ General director to the team: Thanks for putting together a certainly impressive presentation!/ The good writer put together several ideas, keeps the good ones, and throws away the bad ones./ Harry is Greg’s regular customer. Greg buys a new house, coincidentally next to Harry’s. Now, Harry brings a re-gift (başkasının getirmiş hediyesını yeni bir kişiye verme hediye), comes in, and says] Greg? Hello? Anybody home? Greg: Harry! What are you doing here? –Well, I live next door (komşuda)! –Here? –Yeah. [Laughs] –[Cheers] That’s fantastic! Wow. How did we never put that together? –I don’t know! Put: /PUT/ koymak || How do I put this, …: Bunu nasıl söyleyım/anlatım/açıklayım ki,…/ I don’t know how to put this...: Bunu nasıl anlatacağımı/söyleyeceğimi bilmiyorum... Put the keys on the table. –All right./ How do I put this, uhh, I’m not going to Mexico. –What? But you promised me!/ Publisher: I don’t know how to put this, your book is good, but this character, Vinnie, I think you should work on it. I don’t know if you want readers to love her or to hate her! Pack: /PA’k/ [bavul, v.b.] hazırlamak/toplamak || Pack up: /PA’k-A:’p/ eşyasını toplamak, gitmeye hazırlanmak, bavula koymak, çanta toplamak Honey? Did you pack the suitcase? –Yea, I did. –Are we all set? –Yes, we’re all set. Let’s go!/ If you don’t like it here, maybe you should just pack up and go. [Unpack:/a:n.PA’k/ bavulını açıp boşaltmak> (Arrives her uncle’s new summer house and says) Mmm, nice place. I’m gonna go upstairs and unpack.] Package: /PA’.kic/ [daha>posta v.s] paket DHL just delivered a package. –Ok, open it./ Sometimes happiness comes in small packages. Pack: /PA’k/ [daha>sigara v.s.] paket Can I get a pack of Marlboro Light, please? –Sure./ I heard beer is so cheap in the U.S. A pack of cigarette is about 14 dollars but the case price (24 units: adet) of beer is about 17 dollars! –More beer, less cigarette. Isn’t it cool?

Wrap: /RA’p/ [ambalaj kağıdinde] sarmak [To the sales person] I’d like it wrapped, please. –Sure. [>‘ME’ language is the most professional.<]/ [To the sales clerk] Could/Can I have it wrapped?/ [To the sales clerk] It’s a present. Can you wrap this for me please? [‘YOU’ language.]/ [Sales clerk] Do you want me to wrap this (=Benden bunun sarılmasını istiyormusunuz/ Sizin için bunu sarılım mi)? Wrap something up: /RAP--A:p/ [toplantıyı,işi,konuyu,..] toparlayıp/kısıp bitirmek I’m tired of this discussion and I guess everyone else is, too. So let’s just wrap it up, shall we?/ The investigation took a long time so the committee/kı.Mİ’.ti/ decided to wrap it up. Accumulate: /ı.KYU.myu.le’yt/ [az’dan çok’e] birliktirmek, toplamak || Accumulation: /ı.kyu.myu.LEY.şın/ [az’dan çok’e] birikim, birikme One mustn’t accumulate his small angers because one day the accumulation of small angers shows itself in a big and horribly shocking way./ When he is angry, he should simply say that. He should let it out (Kızdıklarını içinden çıkmalı/içinde tutmamalı)./ Most diseases occur because of accumulation of microbs /’bz/. PICK/SELECT/CHOOSE/CHOICE/OPTION Pick: /PİK/ seçmek OK, guys. We’re gonna play with words. Now pick a word./ Honey, pick some clothes and pack. We’re going on vacation /vey.KEY.şın/(tatil). [Vaca: /vey.KEY/ =Vacation] [Take your pick!: Seçimini yap!/Birisi seç!> Do you want to listen to me, or make me be harder on you? You take your pick!] Pick up: /PİK.a:p/ 1. (Arabayle) gidip almak 2. Telefonu/Cep telefonu cevap vermek/AÇMAK 3. Kaldırmak 4. [Kendini pratik yapıp bir dili ya da işi] Öğrenmek 5. (=Pick) seçmek 1. [The boy calls from school. On the phone he says] Dad! The school bus is late. Can you pick me up today? –Sure. I’ll pick you up right away (=hemen)./ 2. The phone is ringing. Can you pick it up?/ 2. Hey, your friend is calling. Aren’t you gonna pick up?/ 2. For the phone, you ‘pick up (telefonu AÇMAK)’, speak, and ‘hang up (telefonu KAPATMAK)’./ 3. Pick up all the mess on the floor!/ 3. I’m sorry. I dropped my pen. Guess it’s under the couch. Can I pick it up?/ 4. Bahadır picked up Chinese. He speaks it so well./ 4. Martha: When did you pick up gardening?/ 5. [Pic] Lisa, everyone knows dragons do not attack cars. Geez, pick up a book (bir kitap seç ve oku). –I pick up books like you pick up beers! –Then you have a serious reading problem!! :D Choose: /ÇU’z/ seçmek || Choice: /ÇO’Ys/ seçme || Make a choice: bir karar vermek [Pic] We get to choose who we let into our weird little world. (Küçük tuhaf dünyamıza kim içeri geleceğin izini biz seçiyoruz.)/ She likes to major in (bölümde okumak) arts. She also likes psychology. She needs to choose one. It’s a crucial decision (kritik bir karar)./ Girl: I got lots of clothes. Don’t know which one to choose!/ Life is full of choices. ‘You’ choose to speak English./ [Homeless To Harvard] I knew at that moment, I had to make a choice. John 15:16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. Option: /A:’P.şın/ seçme, seçenek [Your Love Never Fails] So, what are my options?/ ‘I can’t pay all the debts right now. I just have this. This much for you, this much for me and my family, ok?’ In managing your money, give people an option./ Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.–Dr. Wayne Dyer/ [Turning down the job offer] I’m sorry, I can’t. I have a choice between job and family. I chose family./ Life is all about options, full of choices for you to make. All you need to do is to decide./ The professor had a lot of options but he chose Turkey to live in./ [Pic] Because you have... a choice to make. (Çünkü yapmak gereken seçmen var). [Opinion: /ı.Pİ.niyın/ görüş, fikir, düşünce> Men love to hear this question from women: ‘I ‘d like to get (have) your opinion on...(something)...’] Select*: /sı.LE’Kt/ seçmek || Selection*: /sı.LE’K.şın/ seçme, seçme şey [Eat Pray Love] You have to learn to select your thoughts the same way you select your clothes everyday (Elbiseni her gün seçtığın aynı şekilde düşüncelerin seçmeye öğrenmelisin=konsantre ol)./ A great movie is initially (baştan) a great selection of WORDS. [Choose=Pick=Select: seçmek] [Seçim: election>Who was elected in the last election in France?] Galatians 6:8-9 The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. OPINION/IDEA Opinion: /ı.Pİ.niyın/ görüş/fikir/düşünce || Idea: /a:y.Dİ.yı/ fikir/ düşünce/ görüş || In my opinion/ idea: bana göre/ bence || I got an idea!: Bir fikrim var! Karma means if you do good things, good things will happen to you; and if you do bad things, bad things will happen to you. Or ‘What goes around comes around.’ This is a Buddhist or Hindu idea based on reincarnation so the Bible does not believe in it specifically. However, there are many verses about sowing in this life and reaping in the afterlife such as the above one

‘Galatians 6:8-9’./ So, what’s your honest/A:’.nıst/ opinion about my new office?/ Can you give me some ideas about my lunch? I always have sandwiches!!/ In my opinion, there should be some microwave ovens in our university’s cafeteria. In a lot of universities in the U.S., there’re a lot of them so that students can reheat/Rİ.hi’t/(yeniden ısıtmak) their home-made food or heat up(ısıtmak) their coffee there. –That’s a great idea!/ Hey, look. I got an idea. –What? –We can go to my uncle’s garden house. YORUM: REVIEW(başkaları bildiri için düşünceni yazma)/COMMENT(kendinin düşünce) Review: /ri.VYU/ 1. [bir gittiğin otel/restoran, okuduğun kitap, izlediğin film v.s başkaların bildiri ve bilgi için yıldız alarak] bakışın yazısı, eleştiri, yorum 2. gözden geçirmek, yeniden inceleme || Write a review!: /RA:Yd.ı-ri.VYU/ Bir eleştiri/yorum yaz! 1. Sheraton Turkey is getting great reviews on the Internet./ 1. Check the reviews about Simit Sarayı./ 1. When you read a book or watch a movie, you can write a review about it on the Internet, so that others could be informed./ 1. In, people write reviews about hotels and restaurants they go to, so that others could read and plan (decide) better for their trips./ 2. Ok, class! Let’s review some of the highlights (en önemli noktalar) of today’s lesson, shall we?/ 2. Let’s have a review of the last lesson, all right? [Interview: görüşme/iş görüşmesi>I got an important interview today. Got any tips for me?] Comment: /KA:’.mınt/ [genelde yıldız almak için değil ve sadece kendi bakış açısı] yorum || Leave a comment: /Lİ’v.ıKA:’.mınt/ yorum bırakmak When she asked, ‘What do you think about your future?’ He replied, ‘No comment(Yorumum yok)!’/ On Facebook, when someone writes something, their friends can leave a comment about that./ After he read the news on MSN about his country, he left a comment there. DALGA GEÇMEK Pick on somebody: /PİK.a:’n--/ (=Find someone and critisize him unfairly) durmadan kusur bulup azarlamak, alay etmek, birini dalga geçmek He speaks English with a thick German accent (=O İngilizceyı, Almance koyu şive konuşuyor). Other students pick on him all the time because of that. I don’t like that. –Neither do I./ We don’t have the right(Hakkımız yoktur) to pick on others’ looks (görünüş). Tease:/Tİ’z/1. dalga geçmek, sataşmak, şaka yollu takılmak2. başkararını takılmaya seven kimse Guys! I don’t like you to tease each other. Have some respect!/ He’s a tease. He always makes fun of others. –Why is that? [‘Tease’ TONLAMAYA bağlı, ‘mess with=kandırmak’ anlamındadır.>Got a light? –You do know that I do not smoke. –Dude! You’re too serious! I was just teasing you!] Make fun of (someone/something): /meyk.FA:N.ıv--/ (birini/bi şeyi) dalga geçmek, alay etmek It’s weird how people make fun of someone and that person becomes famous later such as Kristen Stewart, Lady Gaga, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Holly Willoughby./ You might joke around (Şaka yapabilir siniz) but don’t make fun of each other. Clear? FRAGILE/VULNERABLE/SENSITIVE/EMOTIONAL Fragile: pronunciation: /fRA.cıl/ [gerçek/mecaz] kırılabilir, kolay kırılır, ince On some carton (karton kutu) it’s written: ‘Fragile! Handle with care(Dikkatla Elleyin/Taşayin).’/ It breaks her fragile heart to see some people live in streets. Vulnerable: /VA:L.nı.rı.bıl/ kolay incinir, incinebilir, korunmasız, saldırıya açık/maruz It was her birthday and she felt so vulnerable ’cause unlike other years, she was away from home and nobody was celebrating for her./ Tourists are less vulnerable than before. They read internet reviews and get to know where in the world to go or to avoid./ Vulnerable people in our society need our care. Sensitive: /SEN.sı.div/ çok alıngan, hassas || Insensitive (to): /in.SEN.sı.div/ (=Not caring about) vurdumduymaz, umursamayan Were you talking to a girl? –No. –Give me your phone. –Oh, no-no-no!! –Dude! You’re so sensitive!/ Granny! Please don’t do that. The touchpad of my laptop is very sensitive. You shouldn’t push it. Just a slight finger touch is enough./ She has sensitive skin. It can be sunburnt in 5 minutes!/ Some people are sensitive to light. They can’t sleep if the bedroom is not totally dark./ He is insensitive to (=H doesn’t care about) the changes in his country. He is in his own world. [Touchy:/TA:.çi/=Sensitive>She’s a good person but a bit touchy so be careful with your words. –’K.] Emotional: /i.MO’.şı.nıl/ duygusal, hissi, içli, dokunaklı, kolayca hislerine kapılan Some people think men are too(fazla) egoistic and women are too(fazla) emotional. Do you agree with that?/ Emotional Intelligence (Duygusal Zeka) is called EQ (or sometimes EI) which is the ability to care about others’ emotions. For example, when someone feels the person behind him is in a hurry, he lets them pass first (onların ilk geçmeye izin veriyor)./ Sometimes on a TV show, when someone starts to cry, others get emotional and cry with them. WONDER/WANDER Wonder: /WA:’N.dır/ merak etmek || I was wondering (if)...: Bakacaktim da, Aceba..., ...(diye) merak ettim. [Pic] Make them wonder why you’re still smiling(Hala güldüğün sebebi ile, onların merakı uyandır). [>‘make’ fiili nesneli yapar<]/ I wonder if you’re free so we could hang out and have a little chat (biraz konuşalım/sohbet ederim)./ I was wondering if I could have your phone number./ I have

a very busy schedule too but I was wondering if we could catch up sometimes. –Yeah, that sounds like a great idea./ I was wondering if we could discus some of the company issue over at the lunch./ I was wondering what that letter was about?/ I’m just wondering (Aceba/Sade merak ettim da), are you from around(buralı mısın)? You look familiar (Bana tanıdık geldin). –No, I’m from Canada. –Oh, I see. Tom. –Tess. –Nice meeting you. –You too. [Worry: endişelenmek> Don’t worry. Everything’s gonna be all right (Her şey iyi olacak/düzenecek).] Wonder(s): harika(lar), (acayip) Are there really Seven Wonders of the world or billions?

Wander: /WAN.dır/ (amaçsız) gezinmek/dolaşmak We spend the whole evening wandering around and talking./ I had a job interview at 10 but I arrived in the area at 8:30. It was enough time for me to wander in the streets and sit in a cafe. STARE/GAZE Stare (at):/sTE’r/(-e)gözünü dikip bakmak,bakıp durmak OneRepublic has a song named ‘Stop and Stare’./ What are you staring at? –Nothing./ You’ve been staring at that photo for an hours!/ I was staring out the window, looking at birds flying high./ She keeps staring at me everytime I paint. Gaze (at) :/GE’Yz/(-e) gözünü dikip bakmak, bakıp durmak Dude! You know that you’re gazing at the empty wall? Have you lost your mind? –No, I’m just thinking./ You can’t gaze at the sun! –Yes you can. –No you can’t! –Yes you can. With sunglasses! – Aw. In that meaning(O anlamda), yes. YABANCI Stranger: /sTREYN.cır/ yabancı kimse || Foreigner:/FA:’.rı.nır/yabancı kimse [Türkiye’de Türk olmayan] || Foreign: /FA:’.rın/ yanabcı [sıfat] [Türkiye’de Türk olmayan] || Alien: pronunciation: /ın/ yaratık, uzaylı, yabancı || Don’t be a stranger!: Yabancı olma!, Yabancı hissetme!> Rahat ol! || A total stranger: hiç tanımadan kimse, tamamen bir yabancı, önceden hiç tanımadan kimse Yukiko! You’re not a stranger in this house. You’re one of us. So, I want you to feel(make) yourself at home(Senden kendini ev gibi rahat hissetmeni/olmanı istiyorum)./ Fear makes strangers of people who should be friends. (Korku, dost olmalı insanları yabancı yapar.) –Shirley MacLaine/ Alessandro is a foreigner. He’s from Spain. Alessandro, do you speak any Turkish?/ What are the conditions of buying land in a foreign country? (Yabancı bir ülkede arsa satın almayı şartlar/kuşullar nedir?)/ In Thailand, as a rule, no Thai national teacher teaches English speaking, they only teach grammar. There, English speaking is only taught by foreign teachers. Do you think it’s a good system?/ When war started in Iraq and Afghanistan, a lot of Iraqi and Afghan aliens moved to Turkey./ Are UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), the alien spacecrafts, real?/ Star Wars movies are the most famous alien movies./ Why are you standing outside, man? Come on in. Don’t be a stranger! –Oh, thanks./ Can total strangers effect you? How?/ I don’t know why I’m arguing with a total stranger about my job. [Tabela: ‘Yabancı araçlar burada park edilmez.’> Sign: ‘Private Parking.’ >kelime kelime: Strangers’ cars don’t park here.>böyle yazmiyorlar<] [Strange: tuhaf, garip> This is strange he got rich!] TEHLİKE Jeopardize: /CE.pır.da:yz/ tehlikeye atmak || Jeopardy: /CE.pır.di/ risk, tehlike The word ‘jeopardize’ reminds me of a ‘Jacki Chan’ movie where he says, ‘I don’t want to jeopardize my life!’/ Firefighters jeopardize their life everytime they try to put out the fire. God bless them. Danger: /DEYN.cır/ tehlike || Dangerous: /DEYN.cı.rıs/ tehlikeli The future of this firm is in jeopardy (danger). We should do something./ Sign: Danger Ahead./ This road is icy/ and dangerous. Be endangered: /bi-in.DEYN.cırd/ telikede olmak, nesli tükenmekte olmak Giant pandas, koalas, and polar bear /BE’r/ are endangered. Hazard: /HA.zırd/ tehlike, risk || Hazardous: /HA.zır.dıs/ tehlikeli, riskli, rizikolu Man is the biggest hazard to himself./ Many chemical factories produce hazardous waste(atık). What is the best way to control it? Venture: /VEN.çır/ tehlike atmak He does not want to venture his life for this business. [Adventure: /ad.VEN.çır/ macera> Samantha and Jacob/CEY.ka:’b/ had beautiful adventures in Bali.]

EXTINCT/INSTINCT Extinct: /ıks.TİNKt/ tükenmiş, nesli tükenmiş || Instinct: /İNS.tinkt/ içgüdü Chinese white dolphins /DA:L.finz/ (yunuslar) are believed to be extinct./ Some people are against keeping animals in zoos. But others believe that it’s a way of keeping them from being extinct. What do you think?/ My instinct told me it was dangerous to take a solitary walk in the woods. [Sixth sense: altıncı his> Do you have sixth sense?/ I think I have sixth sense./ He has sixth sense.] SOOTHE/RELIEVE Soothe: /SU’z/ sakinleştirmek, yatıştırmak || Relieve: /ri.Lİ’v/ (içini) rahatlatmak, teselli vermek, (sıkıntısını) hafifletmek Sweetie! Go and soothe your babybrother. He’s crying./ They say light (hafif) self-massage /self-mı.SA:’j/ and getting some sleep can help soothe the pain of migraine /MA:YG.rein/./ Whenever you stay with me, it relieves my pain of missing you./ Are there any good books on relieving stress? –The HOLY BIBLE is the only one I really know./ Some gardeners say, ‘Watching and touching earth/soil(toprak) relieve them.’/ No. I didn’t have any accident! –Oh, thank God! I’m relieved!! JESUS. The only relieving and soothing Name in all the universe. The Name above all names.

Soothing: /SU’.zing/ sakinleştirici, yatıştırıcı || Relieving: /ri.Lİ’.ving/ rahatlatıcı, teselli edici And in the heart of nature, you get to hear some soothing sounds which you never hear in the city./ Enigma’s music is soothing. –So is Era’s./ Did you know that blueberry (yaban mersini) is the most relieving food in the world?/ This is pain relieving cream. Have it rubbed on your back twice a day. [Rub it. (Bunu sür.) > Have it rubbed. (Ver başka biri sana sürsün./Bunu sürtür.)] Reliefe: /ri.Lİ’f/ iç rahatlaması || What a reliefe!:[kötü bir haber yanlış olduğundan sonra, v.s] Rahatladım ya!, Ah içim rahat oldu! || Imagine my relief!: /i.MA’.cin--/ Rahatlamamı zannet! [>tonlamaya göre ‘alay’ olabilir<] It was a relief to hear that my best friend was okay in the car accident./ The war in my country is over. What a relief!/ Uh, what a relief that I can be home and cook again. No more takeouts (Paket yemekleri yok artık)!/ [Jack is tired, hungry, and busy. He had to study and didn’t have time to cook. Jill, on the other hand, is so careless to his situation.] Jill? Did you have my food I put in the fridge? –Yeah, I only had that one! [It was the only food Jack had so he says sarcastically:] –Oh, imagine my relief! [>alay<]/ [Librarian /la:y.BRE.riyın/ (kütüphaneci)] Unfortunately the whole library burned down in fire. Fortunately, no one was hurt. You could imagine my relief. Kristian Stanfill – Lord Our God lyrics: (I can listen to this song many times and it’s always new!) Promise maker, Promise Keeper – You finish what You begin – Our provision through the desert – You see it through 'til the end – You see it through 'til the end - The Lord our God is ever faithful – Never changing through the ages – From this darkness You will lead us – And forever we will say – You're the Lord our God - In the silence, in the waiting – Still we can know You are good – All Your plans are for Your glory – Yes, we can know You are good – Yes, we can know You are good - We won't move without You – We won't move without You – You're the Light of all – And All that we need – We won't move without You – We won't move without You

God is not moved by our need. God is only moved by your faith. –Kenneth Hagin MOVE/JUMP/REMOVE Move: /MU’v/ 1. hareket etmek/ hareket ettirmek, kımıldamak, kımıldatmak, ilerlemek, yürümek, yola devam etmek 2. etkilenmek [‘Movie(film)’, Move’dan geliyor. Resimler hareket edip, film olacak.]  [Pic] You’re in my way. Move. (Yolumdasın/Yolumu kapattı. Yürü.)/ Sibel Can: Biraz hareket lazım insana. (Human needs some move/action.)/ [Lieutenant/LU.tı.nınt//teğmen) to soldiers: C’mon! Move. Move./ Ouch! I can’t move. My feet are numb/NA:M/(Ayaklarım uyudu.)/ My grandfather was disabled for 18 years. He couldn’t move his legs at all. Can you imagine, 18 years, just laying down, no sitting, no standing up?/ Mel Bond’s videos moved me. Kutless - What Faith Can Do lyrics: Everybody falls sometimes - Gotta find the strength to rise From the ashes - And make a new beginning - Anyone can feel the ache - You think it's more than you can take - But you're stronger - Stronger than you know - Don't you give up now - The sun will soon be shining - You gotta face the clouds - To find the silver lining - I've seen dreams that move the mountains - Hope that doesn't ever end - Even when the sky is falling - I've seen miracles just happen - Silent prayers get answered - Broken hearts become brand new - That's what faith can do - It doesn't matter what you've heard - Impossible is not a word - It's just a reason - For someone not to try - Everybody's scared to death - When they decide to take that step - Out on the water It'll be alright - Life is so much more - Than what your eyes are seeing - You will find your way - If you keep believing - I've seen dreams that move the mountains - Hope that doesn't ever end - Even when the sky is falling - I've seen miracles just happen -

Silent prayers get answered - Broken hearts become brand new - That's what faith can do - Overcome the odds - You don't have a chance - (That's what faith can do) - When the world says you can't - It'll tell you that you can - I've seen dreams that move the mountains - Hope that doesn't ever end - Even when the sky is falling - And I've seen miracles just happen - Silent prayers get answered - Broken hearts become brand new - That's what faith can do - That's what faith can do - Even if you fall sometimes You will have the strength to rise Make a move: bir hareket etmek=bir değişmek=(değiştirmek amacıyla)bir şey yapmak Are you living in this messy place? – Yea, it’s crap, I know. –It’s gross! You need to make a move, man! Don’t move a mussle!: Kıpırdama!, Kımıldama! || Move your feet!: Hareket edin! [Mother to her naughty child] Don’t move a muscle, you young boy! :D/ [A Walk In My Shoes] (The coach to the basketball players): Come on, move your feet, move your feet. Move: taşınmak || Move in: -e taşınmak [yeni bir eve taşınmak] || Move out: -dan taşınmak [bir evden taşınmak] They’re not living here anymore. They moved to Oklahoma City./ [He’s going to gym, sees a beautiful girl next to a cargo truck and asks] You’re moving in? –Nope, we’re moving out! I think we’ve been neighbors for a year or so! Move on: /MU’v-a:’n/ (bu) durumdan kurtulmak, umutsuz kalmaya bitirirmek, ileri gitmek He loved a girl but the girl left him. He’s always talking about her. His friend says, ‘Man! We can’t read the next chapter of our life if we keep re-reading the same chapter! We need a to move on!’/ I know you lost your girlfriend, but I’m your sister and I want to help, Max. I want you to move on./ [After two weeks of his fiancée’s death, he’s still sad. His friend comes to help] This’s just a part of life, man. There’s nothing you can do about it. Just move on./ Move on(Bu durumdan kurtul kendini)!/ ‘‘You can’t un-fry an egg. Move forward(on)! (Tavada kızartmış yumurtayı kızartmaktan sonra vazgeçemezsın/ normal halinde getiremezsin. Yaptığın işi yaptı artık. İleri geç/Bu durumdan kurtul kendini)!’’/ [Pic] But I guess if I love you, I should let you move on. Movement: /MU’V.mınt/ hareket, akım Modernization movement in Turkey started by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and has lasted./ African American’s freedom in the U.S. hasn’t been achieved easily. Rosa Parks, ‘the mother of the freedom movement’, ‘the first lady of civil rights’, was arrested because she is black and she refused to give her bus seat to a white man. It caused ‘Montgomery Bus Boycutt’ that lasted(sürdü) 385 days! Jump: /CA:MP/ /NOT JAMP/ 1. (=Move on) bu durumdan kalmamak, bu durumdan atmak 2. (off) [gerçek anlamda] (-dan) atlamak, zıplamak Look at you! Your life is miserable! You are still stuck with your past. You need a jump (You need to move on), man! –Yea, I know./ She’s still crying? Gee, this can’t be happening! She needs a jump!/ Can you jump off this cliff? –[He looks down and says] It’s, like, 10 feet or something. Yea, I think I can. [Jump in=Hop in: (SL) arabaya atla> Hey, can you give me a ride home? –Sure. Jump in.] Got/Have a move: (bunu yapmayı) yetenek var Would you like to dance with me? –Ok, but I don’t have a move. –Come on, everybody’s got a move! You got the moves, you got the nevre!: /--MU’Vz --NERV/ Sende yetenek var, cesaret var! Grandpa? They’re going to send me to a special school. Am I stupid or something? –Who said that? You are too smart, you hear me? You got the moves, you got the nerves. So, don’t you (sakın) ever tell me such things, okay? Come on, I’m gonna buy you some ice cream because you’re too cool(fazla harika)! –HaHa! Okay. –See? You got my joke (Esprimi anladın) and that’s why you laughed./ Guys, did you see? Eric talked to Sophie! She’s like super-beautiful with 200% of self-confidence. No one ever had the courage to go and talk to her. [To Eric] Man! You got the moves, you got the nerve! [Nerve: sinir> This fly is getting on my nerves (=Bu sinek sinirimi dokunuyor)!] [You got a lot of nerve to show up here (Buraya gelmeye nasıl cesaret etti>çok arsızsın<)?]

It moved me!:(=It touched me!) Beni etkilendı!, Kalbimi dokundu! || Moving: (=Touching) dokunaklı, etkileyici, tesirli, hareket eden Million Dolar Baby (the movie) moved me to tears(beni etkileyip ağlattı)./ Nothing is as powerful and moving as ‘words’! Words have always changed the world! And nothing has ever moved(touched) me as greatly as the Words of God./ I think

it’s the most touching song in the world./ Your poem has truly touched me! [Touchy= Sensitive (alıngan/ hassas)> Don’t get so touchy! He’s joking!] Bethel Music – Come To Me lyrics: I am the Lord your God - I go before you now - I stand beside you - I'm all around you - And though you feel I'm far away - I'm closer than your breath - I am with you - More than you know - I am the Lord your peace - No evil will conquer you - Steady now your heart and mind - Come into My rest - And oh, let your faith arise - And lift up your weary head - I am with you - Wherever you go - Come to Me, I'm all you need - Come to Me, I'm everything - Come to Me, I'm all you need - Come to Me, I'm your everything - I am your Anchor, in the wind and the waves - And I am your steadfast, so don't be afraid - Though your heart and flesh may fail you - I'm your faithful Strength - And I am with you - Wherever you go - Come to Me, I'm all you need - Come to Me, I'm your Everything - Come to Me, I'm all you need - Come to Me, I'm your Everything - Don't look to the right or to the left, keep your eyes on Me - You will not be shaken, you will not be moved - I am the Hand to hold, I am the Truth, I am the Way - Just come to Me, come to Me - Cause I'm all that you need Bounce:/BAWNs/1.zıplamak,sıçramak,sekmek,fırlamak2.[sl]topuklamak,buradan hızlıce gitmek || Bounce around: 1.(=Fool around) aylaklık etmek, top çevirmek, konuyu çevirmek, oyun yapmak, havadan sudan bahsetmek 2. [fiyat] aşağı yukarıda gitmek/oynamak 1. [Singer at the concert] Everybody bounce!!/ 2. Oh, the five-O (Polis geldi)! Let’s bounce!!/ 2. Dude! I’m digging here (Buradan hoşuma gitti) but we gotta bounce. I gotta go home. Got lotsa/ of) work to do tomorrow./ They’re four people at the table. Winona asks, ‘How long does it take to really know someone?’ But Vince talks about other stuffs, talks about this, talks about that, so Winona says, ‘But you still haven’t answered the question!’ And Kevin says, ‘Yeah, you’re bouncing around. You’re talking about this, you’re talking about that!’/ The prices are bouncing around lately. [Bounce a check: bir çeki karşılıksız çıkmak >FINANCE<] Remove: /ri.MU’v/ ortadan kaldırmak/çıkarmak I can’t remove this file from my computer. It seems to be a virus. What should I do?/ In, we can learn: ‘How to remove the limescale /LA:YM.skeyl/ (ketel’de/boru’da kireç) from a kettle.’/ How can I remove the wallpaper? Proverbs 2:7 He holds success in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless. BAŞARMAK/ŞANS/FIRSAT Success: pronunciation: /sık.SES//NOT sa:k--/ başarma, başarı || Sucessful: pronunciation: /sık.SES.fıl/ /NOT sa:k.SES.ful/ başarılı || Succeed (in): /sık.Sİ’d/ [=Become successful] başarmak, başarılı olmak Success is normally defined in terms of money and wealth. Do you believe in that?/ Will Smith: If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success./ I think Steven Spielberg (The Terminal, Catch Me If You Can) is the most successful director of Hollywood. He makes great movies out of simple stories./ To succeed in anything, we need to first find the best way we can./ ‘There’s always room at the top’ means success never ends and there’s always a place(=room) to be better, same thing Tiger Woods says, ‘You can always get better. You never reach.’/ [Homeless To Harvard] I know I can succeed.

Luck: /LA:K/* şans || Lucky: / 1. şanslı 2. uğurlu || I was lucky I…: [kaza bela geçmektan sonra, v.s] –dan şanslıydım!, Tanrı’dan... bir şey olmadı!] || Good luck!: /GUD la:k/ İyi/Bon şanslar!, İyi başarılar! [For the first time, he wants to talk to the girl he loves. But before that, he tells his friends] I’m gonna go talk to her. Wish me luck! –Ok, now goooooo!/ Girl: I’m getting married. –Oh yeah? Congrats(Tebrikler)! Who’s the lucky guy(şanslı adam kimmiş)? –Brandon/bRAN.dın/. His name’s Brandon./ What’s your lucky number? –It’s 2. –Aw, mine is 7. Your lucky day? –Monday! –Interesting! Mine is Sunday!/ I was crossing the street. A car was about to hit me! I was lucky I didn’t have an accident (Türkçe: Tanrıdan kaza yapmadım)! / I was lucky nothing happened (Tanrıdan bir şey olmadı)!/ Good luck with your test! [Lock/LA:’k/*>Don’t forget to lock the door, sweetie.] Knock ’em dead!:/NA:’K.ım-DE’d/[=Good luck!] [SL] Bol/İyi şanslar!, Onları oldukça etkilen! || Break a leg!: /bREYK.ı-LE’g/ [=Good luck!] [SL] Bol şanslar!, İyi şanslar! [Bu iki deyimi genelde dansçıya, oyuncuya, müzisyena, v.s yarışmadan önce diyorlar.] They say knock ’em dead because a competition is like a battle and ’em means enemies or opponents, so it means kill the enemies or be successful or good luck!/ They say break a leg to say ‘Be successful’ because at the end of a successful performance, the competitor, bowing, bends their knee!/ [Before the musical performance, his mom says] Knock ’em dead, kiddo! –Thanks, mom!/ Before going on stage, the dancer says: This is my first time and I’m freaked out (çok streslıyım)! –Don’t be, sweetie. You’re better than all of ’em! –Really? You think? –No, I believe! Now GO and break a leg! –Oh, thanks! It means a lot to me(Söylediklerın benim için çok değerlı)!

Fluke: /fLU’k/ şans, şans eseri [kabiliyet eseri olmayan] I think Real Zaragoza played better but Atletico Madrid won. –Yeah, their goal was a fluke./ [At backgammon] Ugh! You won! It’s not fair. You know what? It was a fluke. Let’s play again. –[With self-confidence] Okay! Opportunity:pronunciation:/a:.pır.TU’.nı.di/ fırsat, elverişli durum To his friend: This new job is a great opportunity you can’t lose./ Studying in NYU /en.vay.YU/ (New York University)? That’s a dream-come-true opportunity!/ Some people are never gonna believe that they’re as lucky as others. Opportunities come and knock their door, but they’re too busy focusing on others’ luck that they don’t notice their own./ If opportunity doesn’t knock, BUILD A DOOR! –Milton Berle/ In America we have the greatest chance for oppurtunity than anyone else in the past six and a half thousand years. Never in recorded history have so many different gifts been brought from all over the world and deposited in one country. –Jim Rohn Chance: pronunciation: /ÇA’Ns/ şans Ever seen the movie Last Chance Harvey? Sweet!/ Traveling to the States is a great chance for you to improve your English. Chances are…:/ÇAN.sız-a:r/(=Maybe) Belki…, Muhtemelen… [iyi/kötü durum için] I’m writing everyday to my favorite actress singer Lindsay Richards and chances are one day she responds to one of my emails./ Bad things happen to people. Chances are they happen to you too. So with a cheap price, get this full insurance and free your mind. Stand a chance: /sTAND.ı.ÇA’Ns/ şansı varmak || You don’t stand a chance!: Hiç şansın yok! [‘Stand a chance’ is recently popular in the U.S.] [Pic] If you love someone, you just do it even if it seems like you wouldn’t stand a chance./ You think you can win the competition? You don’t stand a chance! –Oh yeah? We’ll SEE!! I’ll PROVE you wrong!! Triumph:/TRA:.yımf/ zafer,utku,başarı, büyük başarı kazanmak,zafer kazanmak,galip gelmek Kate (Meg Ryan) in the movie French Kiss (Fransız Öpücüğü) flies to Paris to win her ex-fiancé’s heart back, calling her mom, crying: I know… I will… I will triumph!/ All that is necessary for the triumph of evil/İ’.vıl/(şeytan/kötüler) is that good men do nothing. –Edmund Burk (Such a brilliant quote!)/ Isn’t it a great feeling when you triumph? Victor: /VİK.tır/ [resmi] galip, fatih || Victory: /VİK.tı.ri/ [resmi] zafer, yengi, utku, başarı [Definitely Maybe] Announcer: ‘‘Here is Tom Brokaw in New York. Good evening. Bill Clinton may have been wounded in New York, but the big question is, to what degree? Because, after all, he is the big survivor, indeed the victor in the New York primary and by a comfortable margin.’’ [magrin /MA:’R.cin/ sınır,kenar,pay>ayrım,fazlalık,ihtiyat akçesi]/ [Secretariat (2010)] ‘‘In the 37 years since Secretariat won the Triple Crown, his winning time in the Belmont Stakes and his magrin of victory have never been approached.’’

DÜRÜST/VEFAKAR Honest: pronunciation:/A:’.nıst//NOTTT HO.nıst/ dürüst || To be (completely) honest: /ım.PLİ’.nıst/ Dürüst olmak gerekirse, Açıkçası || In all honesty:/ın.A:’L.a:’.nıs.ti/ Dürüst olmak gerekirse, Açıkçası || Honestly: /A:’.nı dürüstçe, Türkçe deyim: samimi söylüyorum || Honesty: /A:’.nıs.ti/ dürüstlük Gwyneth Paltrow: It’s a waste of time for people to say things they think other people want to hear, or try and come off in a certain way. I try to be as honest as I can./ He’s an honest person. I like him. I simply like him./ So, what do you think, doctor? –To be completely honest, I’m not a doctor. I work in that hospital as a nurse. And I love my job./ Honestly, I’m sick and tired of her lies./ She believes in honesty more than everything else in her life.

2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. Loyal: /LO’.yıl/ vefalı, sadık || Loyalty: /LO’.yıl.ti/ vefa, sadakat, bağlılık || Faithful: /FEYS.fıl/ sadık, vefakar || Unfaithful: /a:n.FEYS.fıl/ (=Faithless) vefasız, sadakatsiz Dogs are the most loyal animals I know./ Toby is a loyal worker of this factory and I trust him./ His loyalty to his wife is admirable./ Faithful people to God choose the hard way because they know there’s a high reward for it./ He was unfaithful to his wife. Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments. Integrity: /in.TEG.ri.di/ dürüstlük W. Clement Stone: Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.

Psalm 32:10 ...but he who trusts in the LORD, lovingkindness shall surround him. SURROUNDED/SURRENDER/TESLIM ETMEK Surround:/sı.RAWNd/ etrafını almak/sarmak/kuşatmak, çevrilirmek || Be surrounded (by): /bi-sı.RAWN.dıd-ba:y/ etrafını… doldu, …etrafını çevirmek I’m surrounded by a bunch of whiners! Oh my God! [Yelling] Give me a break, people!!!/ Everyday I’m surrounded by lots of customers who expect me to do everything for them. I do my job like ten people but I’m paid like one secretary. I like the job, but I don’t like here. –I understand. We raise our white flag – We surrender all to You –Seventh Day Slumber (Rock) Surrender: /sı.RE’N.dır/ [kendini] teslim etmek*, teslim olmak The enemy surrendered itself to the Turkish army./ Never surrender to the problems around you. Be strong./ The enemy soldier raises his hand and says, ‘Don’t shoot! I surrender.’/ The only thing a woman wants is to be surrendered to a man, the ‘right’ man./ The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender. –Vince Lombardi/ Surrender of security is the essential of brave men. –M.D. [It means ‘Taking risks is the foundation of brave men’. When it’s safe, everybody can do it but when risky, brave men don’t know safety level.] Hillsong United - I Surrender lyrics: (Amazing concert, amazing worship song for the broken-hearted) Here I am - Down on my knees again - Surrendering all - Surrendering all - Find me here - Lord as You draw me near - Desperate for You - Desperate for You - I surrender - Drench my soul - As mercy and grace unfold - I hunger and thirst - I hunger and thirst - With arms stretched wide - I know You hear my cry - Speak to me now - Speak to me now - I surrender - I surrender - I wanna know You more - I wanna know You more [x2] - Like a rushing wind - Jesus breathe within - Lord have Your way - Lord have Your way in me - Like a mighty storm - Stir within my soul - Lord have Your way - Lord have Your way in me Like a rushing wind - Jesus breathe within - Lord have Your way - Lord have Your way in me - Like a mighty storm - Stir within my soul - Lord have Your way - Lord have Your way in me - Like a rushing wind - Jesus breathe within Lord have Your way - Lord have Your way in me - Like a mighty storm - Stir within my soul - Lord have Your way - Lord have Your way in me - Lord have Your way - Lord have Your way in me - I surrender - I surrender - I wanna know You more - I wanna know You more [x2] Psalm 34:19 The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all. Deliver: /dı.Lİ.vır/ 1. teslim etmek* 2. –from –den kurtarmak || Delivery: /dı.Lİ.vı.ri/ 1. teslimat, eve servis, teslimat paket 2. doğurma, doğum || Delivery guy: /dı.Lİ.vı.ri-GA:’y/ [market’tan, v.s] (evde) teslim eden kişi || Pizza delivery guy: /Pİ’ı.Lİ.vı.ri-GA:’y/ kuriye, pizza teslim eden kişi After the purchase, we will deliver the furniture to your house, with no delivery cost. –Good!/ Dominos Pizza claims that they deliver pizza to your house less than 30 minutes. If it’s more than 30 minutes, they’ll give you an extra pizza for free!/ God delivered me from all my diseases. Glory be to Him for all eternity./ The pregnant woman has pain when having a delivery, but when the baby is born, she forgets all that, because a brilliant creature has come to this world./ [The delivery guy, ringing the door bell] You have a delivery, ma’am./ Honey, do you have 5 (=5 dollars) for the delivery guy?/ Hey! Got 10 bucks for the pizza? The delivery guy is at the door. RESIST/INSIST/PERSIST/PERSISTENCE Resist: /ri.ZİSt/ (=Prevail) direnmek/dayanmak/karşı koymak I can’t resist this super-delicious steak /sTEYK/!/ Her love is making me crazy. I can’t resist anymore. I’m gonna tell her how I feel about her./ A sleepy person can’t resist his sleep./ Protesters: We will prevail! Irresistible: /i.ri.ZİS.dı.bıl/ [iyi anlama] karşı konulmaz She often smiles, has different ideas, and is not needy(duygusal olarak muhtaç değil). She’s irresistible./ His offer for a salary of $42,000 a year was irresistible. Insist (on): /in.SİST/ (-e) ısrar etmek Thank you so much. You did me a favor. Can I invite you to a drink? It’s the least I can do(En azından bunu yapayım). –No Thanks. –Oh, please. I insist./ We’re not going to your mom’s (=annenin eve). Don’t insist!/ Insist on doing good to others. Some may do you the same in days of need./ [Pic] You’ve been in this room for two weeks, I insist, you have to get out! –There is nothing of any interest for me out there, on Earth, at all.

Persist (in): /p3r.SİSt/ [zor olduğun rağmen] -de ayak diremek/ısrar etmek/devam etmek/ bırakmamak || Persistence: /p3r.SİS.tıns/ zor olduğun rağmen kalıcılık/ısrar/sebat This thesis is utterly hard. I can’t do it! –[His friend] If you go to your friend in the middle of the night and ring the bell of his house one time, two times, ten times, and persist in doing it, won’t he finally open the door? –Yes, he will. So? –So... persist in ringing the ‘knowledge’ door! It will finally open!/ The art of love is largely the art of persistence. [Wooh! So true!] –Albert Ellis/ A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn into glorious success. –Elbert Hubbard REJECT/AVOID/REFUSE/DECLINE/DENY/IGNORE/PREVENT/OPPOSE Avoid: /ı.VO’Yd/ uzak durmak, mesafe koymak, kaçırmak [With an angry tone] Melissa? You avoiding me?/ Why are you avoiding my calls (Niye aramalarımı cevap vermıyorsun)?/ People are told to avoid fast food but the heart wants what it wants (kalp ne ister, insan yapar)!/ Some people avoid decisions faster than being able to make them. [*So, bravo to YOU who have made a GREAT decision and are keeping going. Way to go!*] –Benjamin Bonetti, Amazon book Refuse: /ri.FYU’z/ reddetmek, kabul etmemek, geri çevirmek Excuse me, but she’s refusing to meet you. She says you lied to her once and you broke her heart. She doesn’t wanna see you./ Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit. [EXCELLENT!]–Napoleon Hill Reject: /ri.CE’Kt/ reddetmek, kabul etmemek, geri çevirmek [Smart People (the movie)] Janet: Come on. What happened to your book? I’m interested. –Peofessor Wetherhold: It’s been rejected by a few publishers. Actually it’s been rejected by... by everyone. –Rejection’s tough. [Regret: /rig.RE’t/ pişman olmak> I wanted to do this business but I regreted.] Decline: /dik.LA:’Yn/(=Refuse politely) [kibarce] reddetmek/ kabul etmemek Somebody added me on Yahoo Messenger! I don’t know her. Should I accept or decline?/ He declined to clarify / (=açıklamak) the purpose /PER.pes/ (=niyet/amaç) of his visit. It's undeniable how brilliant You are – Mat Kearney Deny: /di.NA:’Y/ inkar etmek, yoksun bırakmak, reddetmek, yalanlamak || Denial: /di.NA:’.yıl/ inkar, yalanlama, ret Don’t deny my love (Aşkımı inkar etme)!/ The kid denied breaking the window (=Çocuk pencereyı kırdığını inkar ette)./ Everybody saw he hit her first but he was still denying (=hala yalanlıyordu/inkar ediyordu)./ The very first thing that addicted people do is denial./ When you give a man a dole, you deny him his dignity, and when you deny him his dignity, you rob him his destiny. – Zig Ziglar Ignore: /ig.NO’r/ aldırmamak, yoksay etmek, ihmal etmek, görmezden gelmek || Disregard: /dis.ri.GA:’Rd/ ihmal etmek, aldırmamak Learning to ignore things is a great way to inner peace. –Anonymous/ He’s drunk (sarhoş). Ignore him./ [Some guys are using bad dialect. A lady and her son are passing by them. The lady says to her son] Honey, just ignore them./ This is a big issue /İ.şu/ (mesele). You can’t ignore (disregard) it./ [Pic] People tell you who they are, but we ignore it because we want them to be who we want them to be. (İnsanlar, sana kim olduğunu söylüyorlar, ama biz onu yok sayıyoruz çünkü onları kim olduğun istediğimiz olmasını istiyoruz.) Ignorant*: /İG.nı.rınt/İınt/ cahil, cahilce || Ignorance*: /İG.nı.rıns/İıns/ cehalet, cahillik, bilgisizlik I’d be ignorant if I don’t ‘want to’ know, not if I ‘don’t know’./ The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about. (Cehaletın en yüksek/büyük şekli, bir şeyin hiçbir şey bilmedığın konuyu reddettığıncedır.) – Dr. Wayne Dyer/ Fear always springs from ignorance(Korku her zaman cehaletden kaynaklanıyor). –Emerson [–ant/–ent at the end of a word normally makes it ‘adjective’ and – ance/–ence makes them ‘noun’.>Different|Difference, Independent|Independence, Important|Importance, etc.] Neglect: /nıg.LEKt/ ihmal etmek I can’t afford to neglect the TIME. Noah Webster: All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the BIBLE. Prevent someone from: /pri.VE’Nt—fra:m/ [=Keep someone from] birini -den alıkoymak I didn’t know what to do to prevent him from going. Oppose: /ı.PO’z/ karşı koymak [daha> be opposed to: bir şeye karşı olmak<şeklinde] || I’m opposed to...: /a:ym.ı.PO’Zd.tu--/ bir şeye karşı olmak || Opposition: pronunciation: /a:.pı.Zİ.şın/ 1. muhalefet 2. karşı koyma In the beginning of this filebook, I said Lady Gaga is opposed to what? Can you tell me?/ What are you opposed to?/ How many opposition parties are there in the

country?/ Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. –Orison Swett Marden SPARE I spare you!: /- sPE’r -/ (=I AVOID telling something to hurt you!) Sana kıyamam! || I won’t spare the details: Sana kıyamamak için- detailleri girmeyeceğım/söylemeyeceğım! Redhouse: ‘Sana kıyamam!’ means ‘I spare you!’/ [In the movie ‘Last Night’(00:11:27), Joanna(Keira Knightley) is suspicious of her husband and they have a small argument. Although she’s mad at him, she says, ‘I spare you!’/ [I won’t spare the details.= I won’t tell the details to hurt you. >There was an accident in Rose Street and so many people died but I won’t spare the details.] [Spare: kıyamamak, canını bağışlamak] Spare some time: biraz zaman ayrılmak Honey, I know you’re busy but can you spare some time to help Justin with his school assignment?/ If we could have 48 a day, I could spare some time to finish writing this article!! Spare time=Free time: boş zaman Do you have some spare time to look at my new website? –Wow. You got a website?/ In America, ‘free time’ is used more than ‘spare time’. >I have no free time! Spare part: yedek parça || Spare tire: /--TA:yır/ yedek lastik Where can I find the spare parts of this machine?/ Every car needs a spare tire! Spare some money/dollar/...: biraz para/dolar/... bağışmak/vermek The young man: Can you spare some money to the Youth Fund, sir? (Bay efendi! Genç Fonu biraz para bağışebilir misiniz /verebilir misiniz?)/ The beggar: Can you spare a dollar?

Romans 14:11 For it is written: ‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘Every knee will bow before Me and every tongue will confess Me.’ ADMIT/CONFESS/ACCEPT Admit: /ad.MİT/ itiraf etmek, [kötü bir yaptığı>] kabul etmek* This is YOUR fault. ADMIT it!! – Ok, I admit it, so what? The past is the past. Move on, dude!!/ I admit I haven’t been a good father for my kids, but I want to compensate(telafi etmek) for my mistakes./ I admit I lied to you. But I had to. –You had to? Then how do I know you won’t have to, again? Admission: /ad.Mİ.şın/ 1. (bir üniversite, okul, v.s) kabul, giriş izini 2. giriş ücreti How can you get the admission to California University?/ How much is the admission to Istanbul’s Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Saray Sarnıçı)? Admittedly:/ıd.Mİ.dı kabul edilmelidir ki, itiraf ediyorum ki, kuşkusuzca I didn’t like the job and, admittedly, I did it for money./ Admittedly, I’m not the best designer out there (olduğun en iyi tasarımcı değilim), but I try my best. Confess /kın.FES/ itiraf etmek, günah çıkartmak || Confession: /kın.FE.şın/ itiraf, günah çıkarma He confessed to me that he lied./ We must confess our sins to the pastor or person we trust in the church./ Look! I confess. I lied to you. I just hope you can give me a chance to make it up (telafi etmek) to you./ She confessed that she had sinned./ He denied his earlier confession in the court./ When a person becomes a child of God through baptism (Galatians 3:26-27), God forgives them of their past sins (Acts 22:16); however, this doesn't mean they won't sin again. If they do, God has provided a solution: (1 John 1:8-2:1) "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous" I have a confession to make: Bir itirafım var!, Bir şeyi itiraf edim! I have a confession to make. –Yeah? (Ee?/Öyle mi?) –Yep. I had a crush on you (=seni aşık oldum) when we were 16. – Oh my! I had a crush on you too! –Really? How come you never mention that? –How come ‘you’ never mention that? [Both laugh!] Accept: /ak.SEPt/ [bir davet/ gerçeğı/ nakit/ çek/ kredi kart/ v.s.] kabul etmek You accept cash? –Yep. Cash works for me./ I accepted her invitation but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go. [Except:-den hariç, -den başka, -den dışında> What did you do except this?]

[For when you decide.] I accept You, Jesus, as my Lord and my only Savior. I give You my life and my soul with all my heart. I want to be with You till eternity. Amen. Accept me as I am.: Beni olduğun gibi kabul et. [Pic] You accepted me for who I am and not for who you wanted me to be. (Beni olmak istediğin gibi değil, olduğum gibi kabul etti.) Want God to communicate with you? Accept God into your heart and the more you pray and pay attention, the more you will listen and hear God talking with you. John 10:27 My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me. REVEAL/APPEAR/DISAPPEAR/VANISH/FADE Reveal:/ri.Vİyıl/ açığa vurmak, ortaya çıkarmak, belli etmek, meydana çıkarmak This new telescope, equipped with the world’s most powerful camera, is to reveal the universe’s secrets./ Don’t worry (=Merak etme). Sooner or later, the truth will be revealed./ ‘Revelation’ is the noun of ‘Reveal’. Appear: /ı.Pİyır/ gözükmek/görünmek, (ortaya/meydana) çıkmak, var olmak, peyda olmak || Appeared in front of someone!: birinin önünde çıkmak || Disappear: /dis.ı.Pİyır/ (gözden/ ortalıktan) kaybolmak, yok olmak Do you know how to appear offline on Facebook?/ Christina Aguilera appeared on a Turkish TV channel (Channel Show) on a program named ‘Var Mısın Yok Musun?’/ He suddenly appeared in front of me!/ He disappeared again!/ Oh no! My dog disappeared. Sherry? Did you see my lil dog? Vanish: /VA’.niş/ (gözden/ortalıktan) kaybolmak, yok olmak ‘Vanish Kosla’ can remind you of ‘vanish’! It vanishes stains(lekeler)./ I looked everywhere. He’s vanished!/ All her wrinkles /RİN.kılz/ vanished in a plastic surgery. [Wrinkle: kırışık, kırışıklık] Fade away: /FEYD-ı.WE’y/ yavaş yavaş yok olmak, yavaş yavaş gözden kaybolmak You think you’re the one for me? No, baby. Time passes, your name, even your face will fade away from my memories./ When he said goodbye, she was watching him go, until he faded away in the fog. [Fade: solmak, rengi atmak, soldurmak> Every time you go away, I feel like I’m fading like a flower.] HIRS> İYİ ANLAMA. KÖTÜ ANLAMA. Ambitious: /am.Bİ.şıs/ hırslı [iyi anlama], amaçlı, arzulu, başarma isteği olan || Ambition: /am.Bİ.şın/ hırs [iyi anlama], büyük amaç, heves, tutku, bir şeyi başarma tutkusu He’s ambitious to become rich and famous./ So, what’s your ambition in life? –Well, in all honesty, my real ambition is to be effective in the world in a positive way. [Ancak biri Türkiyede yaşayıp bunları öğrenir!] Greedy: /gRİ’.di/ hırslı [kötü anlama], tamahkar, açgözlü || Greed: /gRİ’d/ hırs [kötü anlama], tamah, açgözlülük The more money he earns, the more money he wants. He can’t help it ’cause he’s greedy./ For greed, all nature is too little. (Tamahkar için butun dünya bile küçüktur.) –Lucius A. Seneca/ IS GREED FOR ENGLISH KNOWLEDGE ‘GOOD’? PUSH Push: /PUŞ/ itmek I go to this side of the box and push. You go to that side and pull (çek). Ready?/ Don’t you see there’s a sign ‘Push’? You ought to push the door. [Push-up: şınav. Sit-up: mekik.> He does 50 push-ups and 100 sit-ups everyday. >FITNESS/SPORTS...<] Push: zorla kabul ettirmek, ısrarla istemek Don’t push her to study harder. She’ll give up./ Don’t push him to go. Let ‘him’ decide. Pushy:/PU.şi/ısrarcı, zorlayıcı, baskıcı [kendi amaç için diğerleri nahoş bir şekilde mecbur eden] [Dad to mom about the son] Don’t be pushy. If he doesn’t want to eat, he’s not hungry. Leave him alone, honey./ The pushy salesman wouldn’t leave her alone. She didn’t buy anything, anyway!/ If you love her, why don’t you propose? –Well, she’s gone through a lot of stress lately and I don’t wanna seem pushy. –I see. You’re a very understanding person. –Thanks. Push someone around: birini itip kakmak, birine amir gibi davranmak I don’t think your father-in-law is treating you well. And I think you shouldn’t let anyone push you around./ He said he didn’t want to do it. Why are you pushing him around? Push your limits: /--Lİ.mits/ limitlarini aşmak/zorlamak New player: I can’t do it, coach. It’s too hard! –Push your limits, son, push your limits. You CAN. Try it. NOW!! –[shouts] OK, coach!! Push: (=Press) (düğme v.b’ne) basmak [In the elevator, her hands are full, she asks] Could you push P (Parking) for me, please? – [With a smile] Sure. –Thanks.

Push: (=Postpone/PO’St.po’n/) ertelemek [The boss to the secretary] I want you to push the meeting to tomorrow. –Yes, boss. Be pushing 30/40/55…: yaşı 30/40/55’e yaklaşmak Look at me(Şu halime bak)! I’m pushing 40 and I’m not married yet! PRESS/PUBLICATION Press:/PRES/ 1. (the press) basın 2. (=Push) basmak 3. (=Push) zorlamak/baskı yapmak, zorla kabul ettirmek The corruption news has been widely reported in the press(basında)./ The new organization has invited the press to have a report at their opening (açılış)./ [Referring to the coffee machine] Honey, I’m late for work. Could you push (press) the button, please? –[He pushes/presses it] Done! –Thanks./ You can’t pres(push) me to do what you want. It’s illegal/i.Lİ.gıl/. [Press: tuşlamak> Prerecorded voice: Press 1 for Turkish. Press 2 for English.] Pressure: /PRE.şır/ baskı || Peer pressure: /Pİ’r-PRE.şır/ akran baskısı Pressure is something you feel when you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. –Hall Of Fame coach Chuck Noll/ Some people think office jobs are easy. They don’t know its pressure!/ Most teens start smoking by peer pressure. For example, there’re 3 teens. Two of them smoke, one doesn’t. The one who doesn’t smoke feels an inner pressure like ‘Hey, you’re still a child!’ or ‘Come on boy, smoke... be a man!’ Those two teens don’t say anything, don’t invite him, but this is ONLY ‘his’ internal dialogue. Press conference:/PRES-KA:’N.fı.rıns/ basın toplantısı/konfransı Mr. Prime Minister (Sayın Başbakan) will be attending at a press conference today at 5 PM./ [Journalist to himself] Oh, God! I’m late for the press conference. Publication: /şın/ *yayınlama, yayın || Publishing:/şing/(=Publishing house) yayıncılık, yayımcılık Publisher: The book is set for publication./ To the new customer: Here’s the list of our publications, sir. Also I’d like to show you our publishing’s printing quality. Please follow me./ He’s an editor in Random Publishing House in NY.

In a visitation to Angelica Zambrano Mora, Lord Jesus said: I am the only One who saves, and outside of Me – nobody, nobody, nobody- saves. He repeated it three times. John 4:23-24 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. Laura Story - Mighty To Save lyrics: Everyone needs compassion - Love that's never failing - Let mercy fall on me - Everyone needs forgiveness - The kindness of a Savior - The hope of nations – Savior - He can move the mountains - My God is mighty to save - He is mighty to save – Forever - Author of salvation - He rose and conquered the grave - Jesus conquered the grave - Take me as you find me - All my fears and failures - Fill my life again - I give my life to follow - Everything that I believe in - Now I surrender - Yes I surrender – Savior - He can move the mountains - My God is mighty to save - He is mighty to save – Forever - Author of salvation - He rose and conquered the grave - Jesus conquered the grave - Shine your light and let the whole world see - We're singing - For the glory of the risen King - Jesus, - Shine your light and let the whole world see - We're singing - For the glory of the risen King – Savior - He can move the mountains - My God is mighty to save - He is mighty to save – Forever Author of salvation - He rose and conquered the grave - Jesus conquered the grave – You’re my Savior - You can move the mountains - God You are mighty to save - You are mighty to save – Forever - Author of salvation - You rose and conquered the grave - Yes you conquered the grave - You are mighty to save RESCUE/SAVE/SPEND Rescue: /RES.kyu/ kurtarma, kurtarmak [Pic] So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her? –She rescues him right back./ [After the earthquake, they find someone under the ruins and a cop says to him] The ‘rescue team(kurtarma ekibi)’ is going to be here in a minute. Are you okay there? –Yea, I’m fine./ I’ve heard a lot of great bravery stories of AKUT rescue team in Turkey. ‘Way to go, pals!’/ Hey, look. That kid is drowning. I’m gonna rescue him. [He jumps into the water and rescues him.] [Drown:/dRAWn/ (suda) boğulmak (hem’de mecaz anlama> I had a good life until I didn’t figure things out properly and spent too much. My whole life’s upside down now. I feel like I’m drowning.] Save: /SEYV/ 1. [birini/hayatini] kurtarmak 2. (#Spend) [para] birliktirmek/ harcamamak 3. (#Spend) [zaman] harcamamak || Savior: /SEY.viyır/ kurtarıcı Remember the word ‘save’ from the

movie ‘Saving Private Ryan’./ [He’s listening to his MP3 player and doesn’t see the truck is coming. He wants to cross the street, but someone stops him. He’s scared.] Oh, thanks a million, man. You saved my life./ High school student: I saved five thousand dollars from my summer job./ [Hubby is out of job and worried, wife says] Don’t worry, baby. I have some money saved./ Technology makes it possible for us to save a lot of time, but we always lack the time!! How come (Nasıl olabilir/Nasıl yani)?/ JESUS and only JESUS is my savior./ Tim Tebow: I guess, first and foremost, I’d like to thank my Lord and my Savior Jesus Christ. [Pic: EPH 2:8-10> Ephesians 2:8-10] Spend: /sPEND/ (spend,spent/sPENt/,spent) (#Save) 1. [para] harcamak 2. [zaman/vakit] harcamak They spent a lot of money to have a wedding on the air in a balloon./ [A retired man to his wife] How much money did you spend today, darling?/ Man: I spent a great time in Malta./ How much did you spend on your vacation?/ I spent no time with her, because I had to run(çünkü acelem vardı/koşmak zorundaydım)./ He spent 5 hours lying(uzatıp) on a beach./ Spend more time with those who make you smile. Also use your wisdom to pick good friends. Safe: /SEYf/ emniyetli, güvenli, kurtarmış, sağlam || Safety: /SEYF.ti/ güvenlik || Security camera: /sı.KYU.rı.di--/ (=Surveilance camera) güvenlik kamera Safe and Save have the same root and they’re Germanic./ Where is my child? –Don’t worry, ma’am! She’s safe with me./ Is it safe to climb that rock? –Yea! Go ahead. Do NOT fear./ Safety is VERY important in the U.S./ Police checked the security camera videos and found the thief. If there were surveilance cameras all around our house, work place, and everywhere, would we do the same things as we do now, would we say the same things as we say now, would we live the same way as we live now? If not, don’t we know that there are surveilance cameras EVERYWHERE in the PRESENCE of GOD? Then, how would we do, what would we say, and how would we live our lives?

MATURE/SOPHISTICATED/ADULT Mature: /mı.ÇU’ır//mı.ÇU’r/ olgun, kemale ermiş || Immature: /i.mı.ÇU’ır//i.mı.ÇU’r/ olgunlaşmamaış, ham, toy Some people are not adults yet, but they’re really mature. Being mature is not about growing age, it’s about growing up./ What? You two had a mud/MA:D/(çamur) fight? What kind of immature behavior is that? Sophisticated /sı.FİS.ti.key.dıd/ gezmiş görmüş, kültürlü, çok şey bilen, dünyanin kültürü bilen I can take this trip alone. I’m a mature, sophisticated person. I can handle it. I’m not a child anymore./ You have a couple of sophisticated ideas I adore. It seems you’re more grown-up than your age. Mellow: /ME.low/ olgun [In the movie Happythankyoumoreplease, Sam(Josh Radnor) found a homeless child and brought him home. On the other hand, he likes a girl, Mississippi(Kate Mara) and they’re together, but she’s leaving him now because Sam doesn’t want to go to the police to report about this kid. She’s leaving and he says] Hey! Hey hey hey! You’re really leaving? – Yeah. –Why? –I’m not a babysitter. –He’s totally mellow. You… –I’m talking about ‘you’!! You have to let someone know where he is(Sen, onu nerede olduğunu birini bildirmek zorundasın). Adult: /ı.DA:Lt/ ergin, yetişkin (kimse) Let him do what he wants. He’s not a kid. He’s adult. –Yeah. He can decide what’s wrong and what’s right. If he wants to take a trip abroad with his friends, let him go./ No worries! There’s an adult with us. Adolescent: /a’.dı.LE.sınt/ ergen, delikanlı, adölesan Should adolescents at the age of 12-13 be let free to access the Internet without any limit? Puberty: /PYU.bır.dı/ ergenlik çağı, buluğ çağı Puberty is a very sensitive stage in a person’s life ’cause they’re about to have a sensitive transition (=change:değişme). CHANGE Change: /ÇEYNc/ değiştirmek, değişim Sometimes God doesn’t change our situation because He wants to change our heart. –Anonymous/ Everything changes but God is the same Wonderful God who’s ever been./ Never let others’

bitterness change your sweetness./ I used to say, ‘I sure hope things will change.’ Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when ‘I’ change. –Jim Rohn/ The clock is not working. Can you change the battery, honey?/ I have changed a lot through the past 10 years. Hard times have changed me./ [Secretariat] Mother(Diane Lane) to her daughter who’s in a political movement for peace: ‘Kate, our political beliefs can change, but our need to do what we believe is right... that doesn’t (change).’/ [Pic] You changed my life. Change: /ÇEYNc/ bozuk para || Keep the change!= Keep it: /Kİ’ Üstü kalsın! Excuse me, do you probably have a ten-dollar change?/ Here is your change. (Buyurun. Bozuğunuz.)/ [Cab /KAB/ (taxi) driver] Here we are (Geldik işte). [Passenger looks at the meter/Mİ.dır/(taksimetre). It’s 17 dollars. She pays 20 and says] Keep it. [The driver] Thank you, ma’am. Transform: /trans.FO’RM/ [Change from one form to another] değiştirmek, (into) dönüştürmek HD (High Dimention) has transformed the whole movie industry./ It’s amazing how an ordinary caterpillar (tırtıl) transforms into a beautiful butterfly (kelebek)./ The water of the pond transformed into ice. Many went out, ice-skating. The Defender: Other books were given for our information, the BIBLE was given for our transformation.

Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. Transition:/tran.Zİ.şın/[A change from one form/type to another] geçiş, geçme, değişim, değiştirmek || Transitory: /’.ri/ geçici, fani, süreksiz, temelsiz South Africa’s peaceful transition to democracy is a remarkable example of peace-taking action in the world./ An event transitioned her whole life./ Human beings are transitory. Life is transitory. Everything in this world is transitory. Only God is everlasting God./ Joys of childhood and beauty of youth are transitory. [Conversion: değişme, (din) değiştirme, dönme> Life is full of conversions. >FAITH/RELIGION<] Flip: /fLİP/ 1. [=Change from one side to another>mecaz ve gerçek anlamında] çevirmek, tersyüz etmek 2. yazı tura atmak/yapmak (=Toss up) I was flipping the channels when I suddenly saw Skillet’s live concert on Up TV Channel./ Can you flip the pancake, honey?/ I was standing on my right foot and then I flipped it to my left foot./ [Bringing a coin out of his pocket, saying to his roommate] I’m gonna flip. Let’s see who’s gonna wash the dishes tonight! [Flop: /fLA:’p/ başarısızlık/ başarısız kimse>What a flop (Ne başarısız biri ya)!] [Flippant: /fLİ.pınt/ sorunları ciddi almayan> Gentlemen, please stop being flippant. We got a serious issue here.] [Flip flop: /fLİPfLA:’P/ prmaklı terlik, sandalet> Why is flip flop so popular among tourists? –Simpler life!] Switch: /SWİÇ/değişmek, değiştirmek || Switch on: /--a:’n/ (=Turn on) [elektrikli bir aygıtı tümden] açmak || Switch off: /-a:’f/ (=Turn off) [elektrikli bir aygıgı tümden] kapatmak Nadia? Can we switch our shifts(nöbetler) this weekend?/ Switching career is a big stress initially, but it might be so relaxing as time goes by (zaman geçtiğince)./ This guy, Will Smith, is really fun! Have you seen his performance of ‘Switch’ in Live 8?/ My cellphone dropped into water last night and ever since I can’t just switch it on./ [Man before the conference] We are going to ask you to please switch off your mobile phone or put it in vibrating mode. Thank you. ORDER Order: /OR.dır/ 1. sipariş etmek/vermek, sipariş 2. emir 1. [Waiter to the customer] Are you ready to order, sir?/ 1. Waiter: Can I take your order (Siparişinizi alabilir miyim)?/ 2. It’s not a request. It’s an order. In order to: /in.OR.dır-tu/ -ebilmesi için, -mek/-mak için, için, -mek amacıyla How would deaf /DEF/ (sağır) parents know their baby’s crying? –Well, in order to hear their crying baby, they have a device called ‘baby vibrating /VA:YB.rey.ding/ (titreşen) monitor’ which flashes and vibrates their bed. –Mmm, interesting!/ In order to be stronger, we need to be united. In order:/in.OR.dır/ 1. yolunda, düzenli (bir şekilde), sıra ile 2. (To be in order=To be necessary) gerekli, lazım 1. So, everything is in order? –Yeah. Everything’s fine./ 1. Put these cards alphabetically in order./ 2. He worries too much recently. I think a good job is in order for him. When he’s busy/Bİ.zi/, he worries less because his mind is not focused on problem, but work./ 2. Wow. You got promoted to manager! Congratulation! I think a little celebration is in order.  COMMUNITY/SOCIETY

Community: /kı.MYU.nı.di/ kamu, toplum, cemiyet, halk || Society: /sı.SA:.yı.di/ toplum, cemyet, sosyete We are all parts of the community. We should respect each other in order to have a better life./ He’s a very decent /Dİ.sınt/ (makul/ uygun/ terbiyeli/ iyi) person in the society. Why did the cops (polis) arrest him? Community garden: [şehirde] toplum bahçesı, toplum tarafından yapılmış bahçe Community garden is a garden, belonging to people who get together, plant trees and vegetables, grow flowers, have party, and have romantic or educational events./ In the movie ‘Back-up Plan’, Stan(Alex O’Loughlin) has his first date with Zoe(J.Lo) in, as of the sign on the door, ‘Sixth Street & Avenue B Community Garden’. DURUM Circumstances: /SIR.kım.sta’n.sız/ durumlar, şartlar || Condition: /kın.Dİ.şın/ şart, hal, sağlık durum || Situation: /si.çu.EY.şın/ durum In what circumstances does a minister (bakan) resign /ri.ZA:Yn/?/ I’ll go to the movies (sinema) with you in one condition. –What? –If you help me with my assignment./ Doctor? How’s the patient /PEY.şınt/ (hasta)? –He’s in a good condition./ He talked about his life situation in Senegal. We got/have a situation!: Bir durumumuz var!, Bir durum var! Airport security on walkie-talkie: We got a situation at gate/GEYt/ 5./ Security! We have a situation in room number two./ [On the phone] We got a situation, sir. We need you to be here. Predicament:/pri.DİK.ı.mınt/[resmi] [kötü] durum, hal, vaziyet Social worker: Do you understand the predicament you’re in? We’re here to protect you./ His financial predicament is not so good./ Life is not a predicament; being alive and not living is. Status: pronunciation:/sTA’.dıs//sTEY.dıs/statü, mevki, [sosyal] pozisyon, durum, hal, vaziyet [Pic] Why does your Status say ‘single’ on your Facebook page? –Well, I was single when I set up the page. – And you just never bothered to change it? –I don’t know how. –Do I look stupid to you? You’re asking me to believe that the CFO of Facebook doesn’t know how to change his Relationship Status on Facebook? :D/ Check Turkish Airlines flight status on their website./ [Three year-old son] Dad? What’s the meaning of ‘maritial /MA’.rı.dıl/ status’ (medeni hal/evlilik durumu)? –It means if a person is married or single, honey. Status quo: /sTA’.dıs-KO’o/ statüko, olduğun durum, mevcut durum Coach: The team is in a good shape. I’m satisfied with the status quo./ I think we should keep the status quo./ What’s wrong with the status quo? Why do we need a change it? State: /sTE’Yt/ 1. durum 2. [büyük ‘S’ ile] Eyalet [The States: Amerika] 3. [resmi] ifade etmek, söylemek, beyan etmek Happiness is a state of mind (Mutluluk aklın bir durumdur)./ He’s in a horrible state, but as if nothing happened, he’s so laidback(=relaxed)!/ Which American State is your favorite?/ Have you ever been to the States?/ The governor stated that the damages of the flood have been beyond estimation. POINT/PERIOD Point: /POYNt/ demek isteme/istediği, nedeni/maksat/amaç/yarar/anlam, nokta/konu/mesele ‘What’s your point?’ means ‘What do you mean?’/ Yes, exactly. The point is ‘children understand everything’./ How old is old enough? –What’s your point, Mr. Huwawa?/ The point of illness is so we can cherish the moments when we’re healthy./ What’s the point of writing an essay (Makale yazmayı nedeni/amacı/yararı/maksat nedir)?/ What’s the point of this survey (anket)?/ What’s the point of life (Hayatın nedeni/maksat nedir)?/ There is no point in arguing with him (Onunla tartışma hiç yararı yoktur)./ We wouldn’t be human beings if we didn’t help others. –You got a point there. –Means you are a good man to help others. Nokta/Konu/Mesele/Söylediğim/Demek istediğim şu ki...: My point is... /ma:y.POYNd.iz//-POYNt-/ || The point is... /zı.POYNd.iz//-POYNt-/ || The thing is... /zı.SİNG.iz/ So, are you saying that Kaspersky anti-virus is the best? –No. My point is Kaspersky is doing so well and it totally works for me! –But I think Norton is the best. –Well, I respect your idea! / No. You missed the point (=Konuyu anlamadın/kaybettin). Becoming a father is the greatest thing that can possibly happen to a man. The point is ‘I’ need to be prepared for it./ Well, the thing is shadows (gölgeler) are where the lights (ışıkler) are. That’s why bad things happen to good people. Lady Gaga says, ‘If you have no shadow, you’re not in the light.’ You’re not getting the point:/yor.NA:’d-GE.ding.zı.POYNT/ [daha samimi konuşmada] (Hayır, konuyu) Anlamıyorsun (ya)!, Konuyu anlamadı! So you mean a ‘symposeum’ is about the people? –Big(Older) brother: No, you’re not getting the point. A symposeum is like a big meeting and people who have great knowledge about a specific subject are in there and share their ideas. –Oh, I see. Point out: /POYNt.awt/POYNd.awt/ -e dikkati çekmek Man 1 in the meeting: I’d like to point out that new furniture for the office should be our first shopping priority /pra:.YO.rı.di/ (öncelik). Man 2: ‘I’ think we need more advertisement.

Point at: / [parmakla] -e işaret etmek, -i göstermek Is she pointing at me or you?/ I believe before we point at others as guilty, we should look at the mirror. Point: /POYNT/ [matematik] nokta [Türkiye’de bunun yerine virgül kullanılır] || Turning point: dönüm noktası || Point of no return: geri dönülmez nokta [Realtor] This house is 4.2* (four point two) million dollars. [Türkçe:4,2*(dört virgül iki)]/ If you two have a baby, it will be a turning point in your life (hayatınız çok değişecek/dönüm noktası olacak)./ You know, he waited all this time to see that there’s no one else left for you, Sima, until you come to the point of no return to say ‘yes’ to him, and that’s when he really fell for you(senin aşkı düştü). Period!:/Pİ.ri.yıd/ 1. Nokta!, Son!, Başka bir şey demeyeceğim!, Başka duymak istemiyorum!, Artık tartışmak istemiyorum! 2. Nokta*>Başka bir şeyi inanamam! Başka bir şey diyemem! [>Serious tone<] We. are. going. to. CANADA... PERIOD./ Having peace is the biggest happiness. Period./ JESUS, the KING of kings, is my LORD. PERIOD.

CONSCIOUS/AWARE/REALIZE/RECOGNIZE Be aware (of): /-ı.WE’r-/ -in farkında olmak, -in bilgisi olmak || Be Unaware (of): /-a:n.ı.WE’r-/ -in farkında olmamak In a writing or composition, there are three things you should be aware of. Warm-up (giriş), body (gelişme), and conclusion/kın.KLU.jın/(sonuç)./ Gosh! You’re so unaware of things happening around you! –So? What would I change if I knew? [I AM aware of… NOTTT I aware of…> He IS aware of… NOTTT He awares of…> We should BE aware of…> NOTTT We should aware of…> Aware is an adjective.] Awareness: /ı.WE’R.nıs/ farkında olma Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness. –James Thurber/ Awareness might heal the world. –I don’t think so. LOVE heals the world. And it starts from me. –But how can we have love if have no awareness? –Mmm. Good point. Conscious: /KA:’N.şıs/ şuurlu, bilinçli, baygın olmayan || Consciousness: /KA:’N.şıs.nıs/ bilinç, şuur || I lost my consciousness!: [medikal ve mecaz anlamında] Şuurumu kaybettim! || I lost myself!: [mecaz] Şuurumu kaybettim! He became conscious a few hours after the car accident./ Man: I think I lost my consciousness!/ Where’s Trista? –She’s in coma. She lost her consciousness after she heard about mom./ Oh, sorry, I lost myself for a while. –You need some coffee? –Yes, that’d be great. Thanks. Be conscious of: -in farkında olmak, -in bilgisi olmak Look! I’m conscious of the fact that I have to follow the procedure /prı.Sİ.cır/, but there’re always exceptions. Unconscious: /a:n.KA:’N.şıs/ baygın || Unconsciously: /a:n.KA:’N.şı fark etmeden Sorry, the patient is still unconscious./ How long was I unconscious?/ If you don’t form good habit consciously, you will form bad habit unconsciously. –Anonymous Realize: /Rİ.yı.la:’yz/ farkında olmak You dyed(boyadi) your hair? –Yep! How fast you realized!/ I realized that I needed to change./ [Pic] Do you think it’s possible to love someone your whole life and never really realize it? (Sence biriyi hayatın boyunca aşık olmak ve onu gerçekten hiç farkında olmamak mümkün mü?) Recognize:/RE.kı farkında olmak, tanımak Wow. You’ve changed a lot! I couldn’t recognize you with all these tattoos (dövme) and piercings!/ Which color can we best recognize from afar? Oblivious: /ıb.Lİ.vi.yıs/ [etrafında ne geçtığını] farkında olmayan, çevresinden habersiz, dikkatsiz ve ilgisiz [A Little Help (2010)] Paul: I used to purposely hit the ball over the fence and go, ‘A little help!’ You remember that? Laura: Uh, I think so! P: Yeah, you never helped. L: I’m sorry. I was kind of oblivious back then. I still am, I guess. John 17:15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. SUPPORTIVE/PROTECTIVE/PROACTIVE/PRESERVE

Supportive: /sı.PO’R.div/ destekleyici, destek verici Why don’t you do anything? This is ‘your’ bike /ba:yk/ (bisiklet) I’m trying to fix. You gotta be supportive! –What can I do? –Help./ Hush! She got headaches. Would you guys be a bit supporive and don’t make noise? Please? –Oh, sure, sorry. Protect: /pro.TEKT/prı.TEKT/ korumak, muhafaza etmek || Protective: /pro.TEK.tiv/ /prı.TEK.tiv/ koruyucu [Pic] Don’t worry. I’ll protect you. I’d do anything for you./ [Another Woman] When people are scared of being hurt, they find ways to protect themselves./ Wearing seat belt (Emniyet kemeri takmak) protects drivers from any possible danger. Psalm 119:50 My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life. Preserve (from): /pri.Z3RV/ (=Protect from) (-den) korumak* [Change of Plan] Jordan (Jayme Lynn Evans) says grace(şükran duası) before having meal: May God preserve us from all harm and may He hold our mom and dad in His embrace. May He bless this food to nourish us that we may work in His service. Amen. –Amen.

Productive: /prı.DA:K.tiv/ üretken, verimli, iyi sonuç getiren, randımanlı, üretici, yaratıcı This is a very productive land./ Having fun is productive./ He had a very productive year. He could get his Ph.D. degree./ This is good but we need to be more productive on our website. Proactive:/pro’.A’K.tiv/proaktif, ileriye yönelik yapılan, ilerisi düşünülerek yapılan, ileriyi de kapsayan These days, company managers must be more proactive to the changes around them./ Man, you need to be proactive in a relationship. Don’t wait for her reaction, but have a great action. Back: /BA’k/ 1. arka 2. arka çıkmak At the back page, you can see some explanations./ Who backed you when you were in trouble, huh? Back up: /BA’K.a:p/ 1. (=Support) desteklemek, arkasında olmak, (birine) arka çıkmak 2. [bilgisayar] yedeklemek 1. The union backed up (=supported) the project./ 1. You’re brother and sister. You should back each other up in hard times, all the times./ 2. [Boss to the accountant] I need you to back up all the accounts every evening before you shut down the computer. Clear? –Yes, sir. You gotta back up!/Back it up!: /yo.GA:’.dı-BA’K.a:p/ Geri çekilmelisin!/Geri çek!/ =Kızma! Look! Forget the whole thing. I can’t cut this deal (Bu sözleşmeye yapamam). –Now you’re telling me this? Now that we ordered all this? You gotta back up, bro! [>‘Now’lar vurgulu<]/ [Love N’ Dancing] Fiancé: Joey C. said we could stay in his room tonight. Fiancée: Does he have an extra bed? –No, we sleep on the floor. –[Gets angry] We’re not sleeping on the floor! [They have a small fight, she gives back the engagement ring and says] I can’t do this(Artık bunu yapamam). –What? What? Just back it up... –You know what? You’re already married to your work! Back-up plan: /BAK.a:p-plan/ arka plan, rezerv plan If this doesn’t work, do you have any back-up plan? –‘A plan’ is no plan if there’s a back-up plan!! Back out*: /BA’K.awt/ caymak, sözünden/ilişkiden vazgeçmek Oh, now you’re backing out? Okay, fine! You go your way, I go mine!/ You’ve always been looking for an excuse (bahane) to back out. WHETHER... OR... Whether... or...: /*WE.zır...O’r/ (bunu)... yada (bunu)... Whether you go or stay, I’m leaving. (Gidersen yada kalırsen, ben gideceğım.)/ I don’t know whether I should buy a boat or a car. I LOVE boats but I NEED a car!/ [Pic] I don’t know whether to bite you or kiss you. :D [>Eğlenceli gramer!!<] WEATHER & NATURAL FORCES… Weather: /*WE.zır/ hava [durumu] || Air: /E’ır/ [nefes aldığımız] hava || Sky: /sKA:’y*/ gökyüzü How’s the weather in Alaska? –Chilly! –You like living there? –I ‘love’ living there./ Wanna learn English? You need to want it like you want the air to breathe./ When the sky is blue, we say, ‘It’s clear!’ or ‘It’s sunny!’ When it has cloud, we say, ‘It’s cloudy!’ When it rains, we say, ‘It’s rainy.’ When it snows, we say, ‘It’s snowy.’ [‘It’ hava için kullanılır. || Ski: /sKİ’*/>kayak(yapmak)> Ski is her favorite sport.> Have you ever gone skiing?] [Remember the word ‘Sky/sKA:’y*/’ from ‘October Sky’.] Hosea 8:7 For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.

Wind: /WİND/ rüzgar [Windy: /WİN.di/ rüzgarlı] || Wind up: pronunciation: /WA:YND.a:p/ (wind up,wound up,wound up) (=End up) sonuçta…(öyle) bulunmak/olmak A little wind blows. So, there’s hope./ The newsman: Today in the East, it was a bit windy, cool, and partially/PA:R.şı.li/ sunny./ Wherever I wind up, I think of you!/ How did you wind up in car business?/ Harvey MacKay: When a person with money meets a person with experience, the person with the experience winds up with the money and the person with the money winds up with the experience. Ecclesiastes 11:4 Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap. There must be ACTION. Fog: /FA:’g/ sis [Foggy:/FA:’.gi/ sisli] Driver: I can’t see the road. There’s fog everywhere./ Which weather do you like best? Foggy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, or sunny? –All of ’em. Even when it’s hailing, it’s beautiful. [Hail: /HEYL/ dolu yağmak| Hailstone: dolu tanesi> Can hailstones hurt someone?] Mud: /MA:D/ çamur [Muddy:/MA:.di/ çamurlu] Excuse me, my car stuck in the mud. Could you help, please? –Sure./ Clean up your muddy shoes! [Clean=Clean up> Fakat ‘up’ın içindeki anlamı ‘tamamen’dir.> Clean up your boots/BU’Ts/.]

Lightning: /LA:YT.ning/ yıldırım, şimşek || Thunder: /SA:N.dır/ gök gürlemesi, gök gürültüsü || Storm: /sTO’Rm/ fırtına || Tsunami: /tsu.NA:’.mi/ tsunami || Tornado: pronunciation /’/ tornado Thunder rumbles./ It was a like a real nightmare /’r/ (kabus)! We were on the boat /BOWt/ (gemi/vapur), and suddenly it started to get windy. Then it started the lightning and thunder, and there it came, the storm. We were lucky to be alive (Tanrıdan hala yaşıyoruz)!/ News: Storm Sandy hammered (sıkıştırdı/zor durumda koydu/bela getirdi) NYC./ The term ‘Tsunami’ comes from Japanese ‘Tsu’ meaning ‘Harbor’ and ‘Nami’ meaning ‘Wave’./ Newscaster: And another tsunami hit this area earlier this morning.

Casting Crowns – Praise You In This Storm lyrics: I was sure by now - God You would have reached down - And wiped our tears away - Stepped in and saved the day - But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining - But as the thunder rolls - I barely hear Your whisper through the rain - "I'm with you" - And as Your mercy falls - I raise my hands and praise the God who gives - And takes away - I'll praise You in this storm - And I will lift my hands - For You are who You are - No matter where I am - Every tear I've cried - You hold in Your hand - You never left my side - And though my heart is torn - I will praise You in this storm - I remember when - I stumbled in the wind - You heard my cry - You raised me up again - My strength is almost gone - How can I carry on - If I can't find You - As the thunder rolls - I barely hear You whisper through the rain - "I'm with you" - And as Your mercy falls - I raise my hands and praise the God who gives - And takes away - I'll praise You in this storm - And I will lift my hands - For You are who You are - No matter where I am - Every tear I've cried - You hold in Your hand - You never left my side - And though my heart is torn - I will praise You in this storm - I lift my eyes unto the hills - Where does my help come from? - My help comes from the Lord - The Maker of Heaven and Earth - I lift my eyes unto the hills - Where does my help come from? - My help comes from the Lord The Maker of Heaven and Earth - I'll praise You in this storm - And I will lift my hands - For You are who You are - No matter where I am - Every tear I've cried - You hold in Your hand - You never left my side - And though my heart is torn - I will praise You in this storm - And though my heart is torn - I will praise You in this storm

Hurricane:/’yn/ kasırga Hurricane Katrina is one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the U.S. Flood: /fLA:D/ sel The flood destroyed everywhere.

Earthquake: /3RS.koeyk/ (=Quake/KOEYK/) deprem I guess nothing is more horrible than quake. It’s horrifying./ We learn geology the morning after the earthquake! –Ralph Waldo Emerson [Quake: (korkudan v.s) titremek: When the doctor said, ‘Shot time(İğne zaman)!’ the kid quaked with fear.] Drought: /dRAWt/ kuraklık, susuzluk || Famine*: /FA’.min/ kıtlık, yokluk, açlık [Reporter asking an African] The image that we have of Africa, generally speaking, is that they face drought and famine and they starve to death (açlıktan ölüyorlar). How much is that true?/ How can we end drought and famine in Africa? –By not being selfish. And it starts from me of course. Amos 8:11 “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. Rainbow: /’/ gökkuşağı Hey, look at the rainbow. –Wow. That’s awesome! –Can you take a picture of me with that in the background? Matthew 7:24-25 Everyone then who hears these words of Mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on Rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on Rock.

John 10:11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. BODY & RELATED WORDS 2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. Eye: /A:’y/ 1. göz 2. bakmak, izlemek || Keep an eye on: /’n/ -e gözü üstünde olmak, -e göz kulak olmak || I can’t take my eyes off of you/her/him!: /a:y.KA’’F.ıv.--/ [çekici oduğun dolayı] Gözlerimi senden/onden alamıyorum! I want you to look at my eyes when I talk./ She has beautiful eyes./ Do you know that guy in blue suit/SU’t/(takım elbise)? –No. –He’s been eyeing you the whole time./ I want you to keep an eye on him./ She’s so attractive that I can’t take my eyes off of her! 1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. Psalm 33:18 But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love. Eyebrow: /A:Y.braw/ (=Brow/bRAW/) kaş || Raise one’s eyebrow(s): /REYZ--/ (=Surprise) şaşırmak Girl: Do you know how to pluck /pLA:K/ my eyebrow like a pro (=professional)? –Yup, it’s easy. Do you have tweezers and eyebrow pencil? I can do it for you! –Oh, that’s great!/ Robert was a misogynist /mı.SA:’.jı.nist/ (kadın düşmanı/ kadının karşı). So when people at the office heard he got married with Julianne, they raised their eyebrows! Nose: /NO’z/ burun || Nosy: /-NO’.zi/ burnunu sokan, meraklı This little kid has the cutest nose I’ve ever seen!/ She always has her head out of the window. She’s very nosy (=O her şeye burnunu sokuyor). [Noisy:/*NO’Y.zi/gürültülü> This city is noisy./ If somewhere is not noisy, it’s quiet.] Get your nose out of something!: /GET.yor-NO’z-awd.ıv.--/ /GEÇ.yor-NO’z---/ [=Don’t get too involved in something!] kafanı bir şeyden almak, bir şeyi çok uğraşmamak [She’s reading a book instead of finding customers, her boss comes, she puts the book in the drawer, but he saw it and says] Look! I know what you’re doing but that’s not what I want you to do. I want you to get your nose out of that book, and go sell some apartments, ok? –Sure boss. Sorry. Signature of Divine (Yahweh) –NeedToBreathe Breath: pronunciation: /bRES/ [isim] nefes || Breathe: pronunciation: /bRİ’z/ [fiil] solumak, nefes alıp vermek Use this mouthwash. It will give you fresh, minty breath./ It’s stuffy(havasız) in here. I can’t breathe. Could you please open the window?/ Work and work and work. Uhhh! I need to take a vacation. I wanna breathe (>mecaz anlama=Kendimi bir rahat vermek istiyorum)! Jack Hayford: The BIBLE is... as necessary to spiritual life as breath is to natural life. There is nothing more essential to our lives than the Word of GOD.

Breathe in:/bRİ’ (=Inhale) nefes almak || Breathe out:/bRİ’Z.awt/ (=Exhale) nefes vermek || Inhale:/in.HE’YL/ (=Breathe in) nefes almak || Exhale:/ıks.HE’YL/ (=Breathe out) nefes vermek Doctor: I want you to breathe in (=inhale), uhhuh, that’s good, hold your breath, good, now breathe out (=exhale). Your lungs /LA:NGz/ (akciğerler) are doing just fine, kiddo./ Sometimes when you’re stressed-out, inhale and exhale deeply. It might help for a short while. Hold one’s breath: nefesini tutmak How long can you hold your breath under the water? –Uh, probably two, three minutes. You? –Maximally 20 seconds! I’m a smoker, man! –Uhh. I see. Take one’s breath away: nefesini kesmek/heycanlandirmek || Breath-taking: /bRES.tey.king/ nefes kesici Your love is taking my breath away!/ [To her friend] Everytime I see him, he takes my breath away. I think I’m in love with him. He’s my soul mate (=O benim can yoldaşıdır)./ Quote: Life is not the amount of breath you take. It’s the moments that take your breath away./ The view up here is breath-taking! –Sure. You’re in a five-star hotel! –Right. Be out of one’s breath: (=Panting/PAN.ding/) nefes nefese kalmak, solumak Hey, dude! Why are you out of your breath (=Why are you panting)? –I’ve been... running... about... 10 miles... in the park... today! I feel... so good! Pant: /PA’Nt/ nefes nefese kalmak, solumak Whenever I take(walk) the stairs, I pant./ Val? Why are you panting? –’Cause I’ve been running a long way. [Pants:/PA’NTs/ pantolon >CLOTHES<] Lip: /LİP/ dudak [Lips:dudaklar] Mama kissed her 2-year-old daughter’s lips and said, ‘Happy birthday, honey!’/ ‘My lips are sealed’ means ‘I say nothing about it’. Chin: /ÇİN/ çene || Keep your chin up: [zor durumda] Umutsuz olma!, Umudunu kayıp etme!, Başına dik tut!, Cesur ol!, Endişelenme! Tess, there’s something on your chin. –[She wipes it] Gone (Gitti mi)? –Yep./ [They lost the game, their coach says] I want you to keep your chin up and be more determined this time.

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. Proverbs 15:4 A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit. Tongue: /TA:’Ng/ dil || Get/Be tongue-tied: /-TA:’NG.ta:yd/ dili tutulmak, suskun olmak, [heycandan, korkudan, şaşırmaktan] konuşmamak, dili yutmak Tongue (dil) is in the mouth but language (dil) is a system of speaking. We also have ‘mother tongue (ana dili)’, our first language./ Hey! Bite your tongue (Dilini ısır!=Böyle şeyler söyleme)!/ When I’m provoked, I am tongue-tied./ When he saw her charming beauty, he got tongue-tied! Proverbs 21:23 Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble. Body language: /BA:’.di-LAN.gwic/ vücut dili I think he likes you. –How do you know? –From his body language, girlie! He was sitting with his legs spread far apart and with his shoulders relaxed. He doesn’t have to tell you anything. Oh and, didn’t you see how he stood out from other guys? He’s into you (Seni seviyor/Hep seni düşünüyor)! I’m speechless!:/-sPİ’Ç.lıs/[şaşırmaktan/şoktan/kızgınlıktan/.. bir anda] Dilimi tutuldum!, Dilimi yuttum! Wow. It’s such a great design! I’m speechless!/ When he said, ‘We can’t be with each other anymore!’ she was speechless./ When she gave me a gift, I got speechless because I didn’t expect it. Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Mouth: /MAWs/ ağız [Doctor] All right. Open your mouth and say ‘Uhhh’. –Uhhh./ Don’t talk with your mouth full: Ağzın foluyken konuşma! [Month:/MA:Ns/ay>This month. || Mouse:/MAWs/fare] Matthew 12:36 I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak. Watch your mouth: /WA:Ç.yor.maws/ Ağzını bak!, Temiz konuş!, Konuşmanı dikkat et! [He bad-mouthes (Kötü bir şey söylüyor). His friend says] Hey! Watch your mouth! Mouth the word(s): /MAWS.zı.w3rd/ [dudakla] kelimeleri sessizce söylemek [In a word game, his partner says the answer silently. His opponent objects(itiraz ediyor) it and says] He mouthed the word. Game over! We won. –Nooo. I didn’t mouth the word. –Yes you did. I saw it./ Everytime she listens to Bethany Dillon’s ‘Lead Me On’, she mouthes the song.

Blurt at someone: /bL3Rt/ bir şeyi birine ağzından kaçırmak [TV movie Beauty & the Briefcase] And second of all, I didn’t yell at her. It was… it was more of a blurt. I blurted at her. Spit: /sPİT/ tükürmek He smoked and spitted, smoked and spitted, smoked and spitted. I don’t know why he did that!/ Why do some people spit (=suddenly have some small saliva out) when they speak? Burp: /B3Rp/ geğirmek Don’t eat too fast, hon. You’ll burp!... [he burps]… Oops! Here we go (İşte başladı)! What’d(What did) I tell ya? (=Ne dedim sana?=Bak dediyim/tahmin ettiğim doğru oldu işte!) Gag: /GA’G/ ağzını tıkamak || Tapegag/ Tape gag: /TEYP.gag/ bantla ağzını tıkamak [3 year-old daughter] Daddy! Walter pulled my hair! –Ok. If he does it again, I’ll gag him!! –[Understands the joke] HeHeHe!/ In the movie, the bad guys gagged, blindfolded, and tied him up. They kept him as hostage. Lick: /LİK/ yalamak Lick your ice cream. It’s melting./ ‘It is possible to lick your elbow.’ [Right now, over 75% of people who are reading this, will try to lick their elbow!!] Face:/FEYS/ 1. yüz 2. yüzleşmek 3. Facebook’ta aramak || Confront*: /kın.FRA:Nt/ yüzleşmek [The Yellow Handkerchief] Your whole life is in your face. And I love that face./ Honey, wash your face, brush your teeth, brush your hair, and come to have breakfast./ Her dimples /DİM.pılz/ (gamzeler) look cute on her face./ You should be strong to face problems. You shouldn’t fear of them./ He faced many difficulties after getting married, but his wife was always there for him. She’s an angel./ Face your fears, live your dreams (Korkularını yüzleş, rüyalarını yaşa)!/ He Faced me and sent a message./ Harry Potter is all about confronting fears, finding inner strength, and doing what is right in the face of adversity. –Stephen King [Yüzünü* bana dön!=Look at me!=Turn to me!] Freckle:/fRE.kıl/çil Morgan Freeman, Julianne Moore, Emma Stone, and Lindsay Lohan are celebrities with freckles. Head:/HED/1. baş 2.[=Go] (to) –e (tarafa) gitmek [>Çünkü baş, bir tarafa ‘gitmeye’ karar veriyor.<] The ceiling of the basement (bodrum katın tavanı) is too short. Watch your head (Başını dikkat et)./ [>Truck driver] Where are you heading (to)? (=Where are you headed?) –I’m heading (headed) to San Fransisco./ [>Driver] We’re heading to the North. Do you need a ride /RA:’Yd/ (=Sana bırakım mı)?/ I’m heading home. Can you give me a ride (=Bana bırakabilir misin)?/ Radio ad, Bugs Bunny speaking: Head (=Go) online to get tips (öğütler) at, duh! Where’s your head?: /WER.iz.yor-HE’d//WE’J.yo-HE’d/ Kafan nerede? I said bring a fork, not a spoon. Where’s your head? – Sorry, ma! I got exam tomorrow, that’s why. Head over heels in love: /HED—HİLz--/ [=Completely in love] sırılsıklam aşık || Head over heels in debt: [-completely-] borca batmış I’m head over heels in love with her!/ His dad is head over heels in debt but never lost heart. Hair: /HE’r//NOTTT HEYr/ saç/saçlar || I’m getting my hair done: /a:ym.GE.ding-ma:y.HE’r.da:n/ Saçımı yaptırıyorum! || I’m doing my hair: [kendimi] Saçımı yapıyorum! || I got my hair done: Saçımı yaptırdım! Burgundy /B3R.gın.di/ (şarap rengi) hair! Told ya it’d look great on you!/ Rogain/RO’.geyn/ is a popular brand(marka) of hair re-growth medication(saç çıkartıcı ilaç)./ [On the phone] What are you doing, baby? –I’m getting my hair done./ Where’s Jane? –She’s getting her hair done (=Saçını yaptırıyor)./ What did you do so far? –I just got my hair done./ Mom: Is that the sound of hair dryer(fon)? Daughter: Yes, mom. I’m doing my hair./ I’m gonna do my hair. Where’s my hair straightener(saç düzleştirici)? Have you seen my curling iron/K3R.lingA:Y.rın/(saç maşası) too? –Wanna straight your hair or curl it? [I’m doing my hair: Saçımı yapıyorum.>I’m getting my hair done: Saçımı yaptırıyorum (başka biri/ kuaför benim için yapıyor). || I fixed my car: Arabamı tamir ettim.>I got/had my car fixed: Arabamı tamir ettirdim/Arabamı verdim tamir etteler (başka biri yaptı).] Causative (ETTİRGEN) yani başka biri bir şeyi SİZİN İÇİN yapıyor ya da yaptı: I’m doing(fiilin şimdilik hal) my job.>ETTİRGEN: I’m getting my job done(3.hal).>I fix(1.hal) my car.>ETTİRGEN: I get/have my car fixed (3.hal)>We washed(2.hal) the carpet.> ETTİRGEN: We got/had the carpet washed(3.hal).> Önemli ettirgenler: To be+having/getting+bir şeyi+fiilin 3.hal>Şimdilik zaman ettirgen.|| Have/Get+bir şeyi+fiilin 3.hal>Geniş zaman ettirgen.|| Had/Got+bir şeyi+fiilin 3.hal>Geçmiş zaman ettirgen.] Hairstyle: /HE’r.sta:yl/ saç model, saç tarzı [Hairdresser] Here’re some hairstyles: Ponytail /PO’.ni.teyl/ (atkuyruğu saç), braiding /bREY.ding/ (örgüsü saç), updo /A:P.du’/ (topuz/kabarık saç modeli), long curly /LA:’ (uzun kıvırcık saçlar), long wavy / (uzun dalgalı saç), long straight /sTREYt/ (uzun düz), and short straight (kısa düz). Which one would you like?/ Amy Winehouse’s hairstyle was beehive /Bİ’.ha:’yv/ (arı kovanı). Hair gel/Hair jell/Hair jelly:/HE’r.cel/-i/ saç jölesi Is wearing hair gel trendy (=fashionable)? [Jell-O /Jello*: /CE.lo’/ [tatlı] jöle> Would you like some jello for dessert?]

Gray hair: /gREY.he’r/ beyaz saçlar Richard Gere’s hair is gray. [In English, ‘white hair’ is when one dyes (colors) the hair to white.] Blond: /bLA:’Nd/ sarışın (erkek), sarı (saç) || Blonde: /bLA:’Nd/ sarışın (kadın), sarı (saç) Girl: Is that blond over there your cousin? He’s good-looking./ Cameron Diaz is a natural blonde (=with natural blonde hair). [In English, ‘yellow hair’ is when one dyes (colors) the hair to yellow.] Brunet: /bru.NE’t/ esmer (erkek) || Brunette: /bru.NE’t/ esmer (kadın) My uncle is brunet and my aunt is blonde./ [Caucasian:/ko.KEY.jın/ beyaz, Kafkaslı beyaz(=White-skinned)> You’re Turkish, so on your MySpace profile, you gotta choose ‘Caucasian’.] Get/Be out of your hair: seni sıkılmadan buradan gitmek,seni zahmet vermeden buradan gitmek I’m gonna jump in the shower and then I get out of your hair./ Guest: I’ll have this coffee and I’ll be out of your hair. Psalm 90:17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us –yes, establish the work of our hands. Hand: /HA’Nd/ el She puts on Nivea hand cream./ Are you left-handed or right-handed (Sol elle kullanıyor musun, yoksa sağ)?/ Wash your hands!/ Your kid’s future is in your hand (senin elindedir). I’m in better Hands now –Natalie Grant [Gifted Hands: A Ben Carson Story] It's all in God's Hands. ‘Whose Hands’ by Pastor Ittai Chadoka: A basketball in my hands is worth about $19. A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million. It depends on whose hands it's in. A baseball in my hands is worth about $6. A baseball in Roger Clemens' hands is worth $475 million. It depends on whose hands it's in. A tennis racket is useless in my hands... A tennis racket in Serena Williams’ hands is worth millions. It depends on whose hands it's in. A rod in my hands will keep away an angry dog. A rod in Moses' hands will part the mighty Red Sea. It depends on whose hands it's in. A slingshot in my hands is a toy. A slingshot in David's hand is a mighty weapon. It depends on whose hands it's in. Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of fish sandwiches. Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in Jesus' hands will feed thousands. It depends on whose hands it's in. Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse. Nails in Jesus Christ's hands will produce salvation for the entire world. It depends on whose hands it's in. As you see now, it depends on whose hands it's in. So put your concerns, your worries, your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your families, and your relationships in God's hands because... It depends on whose hands it's in. This message is now in YOUR hands... What will YOU do with it? It depends on WHOSE Hands it's in! In my hands: /--HA’NDz/ ellerimde [Pic] I know what I want because I have it in my hands right now (İstediğimi biliyorum çünkü şu an ellerimde=‘you’). Have a hand in...: bir işte parmağı olmak She is a painter but also has a hand in fashion./ He has a hand in export-import business! Hands down:/HA’NDZ.dawn/[=Honestly/With no question] dürüstçe, açıkçası, itiraf ediyorum... Hands down, this is the best Bıçak Arası in Nevşehir! So yummy!/ For international phone calls, he uses 12VOIP and says, ‘Hands down, it’s great!’/ Hands down, he’s the worst basketball player of all times! –Dude! He’s your brother!! :D (You) need a hand?: [taşımakta/el iş] Yardım ihtiyacın varmı? [She’s carrying big plastic bags full of grocery stuffs. Her neighbor sees her and asks] You need a hand? –Oh no. Thanks. I got it (Halledeceğim). [İsterse: Oh, yes, thanks, I appreciate it.] Give me a hand: /giv.mi--//gi.mi--/ [taşımakta/el iş] Bana yardım et!, Bir el ver bana! I can’t carry all these cartons. Give me a hand./ I’m mopping the floor. Can you give me a hand? Hand me something: [el yetişmezsa söylenir] bana birşeyi vermek/uzatmak [When in bed, she asks her son] Could you hand me those pills (haplar) please?/ [She can’t reach the top shelf, so she asks her older sister:] Angie? Can you hand me the yellow book? – Sure. Here(Al). Come(s) in handy: /KA:’M(z).in-HA’N.di/ yardımcı olur, faydalı olur, yararlı olur, işe yaramak Have this needle /Nİ’.dıl/ (iğne). It comes in handy one day./ When you go camping, having sleeping bag (uyku tulumu), gloves /gLA:’Vz/ (eldiven), compass (pusula), flashlight (el feneri), and aspirin might come in handy. In one hand: bir tarafta || On the other hand… : /a:n.zı.A:’.zır.hand/ diğer taraftan In one hand, she likes Arkansas. On the other hand, her husband works in NYC, so she has to move and live there./ She needs help with her English assignments. I, on the other hand, got lots of works to do (=bir çok işlerim var)./ ...yes that’s true. On the other hand(Diğer taraftan/Diğer elde)... –You have different fingers!! [>espri] –HaHa! That was funny!

My hands are tied!:/---ta:yd/ Elimde değil (=bunu yapmayı serbest değilim/gücümde değil). I wish I could help or give you a raise(zam) but my hands are tied./ [He got $10,000. loan but wants more, the man in charge says: Sorry I can’t. My hands are tied. Rules are the rules. Foot: /FUT/ [çoğul: Feet/Fİ’t/] 1. ayak 2. fut (30,4 cm.)[Amerika’da uzun boyu için kullanılır.] || Move your feet!: /MU’V-/ Kımıldayın! [kelime kelime: ayaklarını hareket edin] ‘Leg’ means ‘Bacak’, ‘Legs’ ‘Bacaklar’, ‘Foot’ ‘Ayak’, and ‘Feet’ ‘Ayaklar’./ Foot massage relaxes you./ In the U.S., they use foot(feet) instead of centimeter(s)./ How tall are you? –I’m 5.8(five point eight) feet./ He went parachuting and jumped off the plane from the height of 10,000 ft./ I want my son to stand on his own feet. I mean I want him to be independent./ [Coach to the basketball players:] All right, gentlemen! Let’s go. Move your feet! [ft.=Feat.=featuring: özellikle...ile/...çehreyla> Watch ‘Help Is On The Way’, a Michael W. Smith’s song featuring (ft.) Israel Houghton.] Get off on the wrong foot (with someone): /ged.A:F.a:n.zı-RA:’NG.fu’t/ [bir ilişki ya da işi] kötü başlamak, kötü bir başlangıç yapmak As of, ‘get off on the wrong foot’ means ‘make a bad start to a project or relationship.’/ The first day I met you, I said something but I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry. I think we got off on the wrong foot. –Look, I don’t know who you are, so no problem, but I’d like to be alone. Thank you. Barefoot:/BE’R.fu’t/[sıfat,zarf] yalınayak || Barehanded:/BE’R.han.dıd/[sıfat,zarf] çıplak el (ile) They got barefoot and took some steps into the water(denize)./ You can’t touch the bleach /bLİ’ç/ (çamaşır suyu) barehanded! Put some gloves/gLA:’Vz/ on. Have/Got cold feet: [aniden önemli bir plan/evlenme/…den] korkup çekinmek Do you really want to get married or do you have cold feet? You need to DECIDE. Knee: /Nİ’/ diz || Kneel down: /Nİ’L.dawn/ (kneel,kneeled=knelt,kneeled=knelt) diz çökmek ‘I’m on my knees’ means ‘I’m down on my knees’ or ‘I’m kneeling down.’ When I woke up this morning in bed I asked myself: What's life about? I found the answer in my very room: the fan said be cool, the roof said aim high, the window said see the world, the clock said every minute is precious, the mirror said reflect before I act, the calendar said be up to date, the door said push hard for your goals, and then the carpet said kneel down and pray to GOD ALMIGHTY. Finger: /FİN.gır/ parmak || Fingerprint: /FİN.gır.print/ parmak izi The cops/KA:’Ps/(Polisler) checked his finger print (parmak izi), it didn’t match the murderer’s./ You have the whole world in your finger tips (Bütün dünya parmağın ucunde=Sen çok güçlüsun=İrade edersen her şeyi yapabilirsin)./ Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different. Praise the Lord! Thumb: /SA:M/ başparmak [Hammering the nail] Ouch(Ah/Of)! I hurt my thumb./ The New York Times: Forrest Gump, a perfect movie. Two thumbs up (=İki başparmak yukarda/Gayet güzel/Süper)./ [Pic] No matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb. (Dünyada nerede olduğunuz olsun, ay başparmağından daha büyük değildir.) Toe:/TO’/ayak parmağı || Tiptoe:/Tİ’/ayak parmağının ucuna basarak yürümek,sessizce yürümek The model is beautiful from head to toe (tepeden tırnağa kadar)!/ He tiptoed to surprise his wife with a bunch of flowers./ Mom tucked the baby in (Anne bebeğı yattırıp üstünü örttü) and tiptoed out the room. Step: /sTEP/ adım, adım atmak || Step by step: /sTEP-ba:y-sTEP/ adım adım [Soul Surfer] (Bethany Hamilton’s mom): That’s good. A small step in a good direction./ [At the dance practice] Step forward. Go on. Stop. I said stop. Now one step back. Good. You’re doing good, Lexi./ My mind is a baby, it grows step by step. It’s the rule: Learning occurs/ı.K3Rz/ step by step. Skin: /sKİN/ cilt || Skinny: /sKİ.ni/ sıska, çok zayıf Drinking lots of water helps the skin care process./ What did you do with your skin? You look tan (bronzlaşmış)! –Yeah. I’m outside a lot, under the sun! It’s great!/ He’s skinny and sweet. Tan: /TA’n/ 1. (ciltte güneşte) bronzlaşmak, bronzlaşma 2. bronzlaşmiş, bronz I need to take a trip to Antalya. I’m gonna sunbathe /SA:N.beyz/ (güneş banyosu yapmak), and tan my skin all day long./ Celebs like to tan these days./ 2. You look tan! It’s great! –Really? –Yeah! Throat:/SRO’t/ boğaz, gırtlak || I got sore throat!:/’t.SO’R-SRO’t/ Boğazım ağrıyor! || Shove my beliefs down your throat: inançlarımı senin boğazında itmek/tıkmak, kandimin inançlari seni zorla kabul ettirmek I got(have) sore throat (Boğazım ağrıyor). I can hardly swallow my saliva/sı.LA:Y.vı/(salya). –I think you should see a doctor./ I don’t have the right to

shove my beliefs down others’ throat. [Shove* something into:/ŞA:’v--/ bir şeyi bir yere tıkıştırmak/ sokuşturmak/ itmek> Don’t shove food into kid’s mouth. || Shovel*:/ŞA:.vıl/ kürek> The kids were digging the seashore sand with a shovel.] Mustache: pronunciation: /mıs.TA’ş/ya da: MA:S.ta’ş/ bıyık || Beard: pronunciation: /Bİ’ırd/ sakal Sean Penn’s beard and mustache really look good on (yakışıyor) him./ Goatee beard (Keçi sakal) looks awesome on him, right? –Yea, you bet (=totally). Bone: /BO’n/ 1. kemik 2. kılçık 1. The orthopedic doctor checked his broken bone./ 1. Why do dogs like to chew on bones?/ 2. When you’re having fish (Balık yerken), watch(dikkat et) the bones. Skeleton:/sKE.lı.tın/ iskelet Did you know there’s a real dinosaur /DA:Y.nı.so’r/ skeleton in Googleplex, the Google’s headquarters? –Really? Wow.

Psalm 126:5 Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Cry: /kRA:’y/ ağlamak || Cry baby: /kRA:’ çocuk gibi ağlayan kimse, ana kuzu, sulu göz kimse || Sob: /SA:’b/ hıçkıra hıçkıra ağlamak, hıçkırmak, hüngür hüngür ağlamak [‘Cry’ eski metinlerde: bağırmak. Bugünlerde ‘bağırmak’: ‘Shout/ Yell’] [Pic] He’s so pretty I want to cry. (O o kadar güzel ki ağlamak istiyorum.)/ Girl: I turned my head so he wouldn’t see me crying./ Mom! The baby’s crying again./ [You’ve Got Mail] Don’t cry, Shop Girl! (>’Shop Girl’ onun İnternet sayfasının adı.<)/ Sometimes crying washes away the hate and relieves us./ Sweetheart, are you crying? –I’ll miss ya. –Come on. It’ll be just a month. I’ll be back before you know. I’m sure I’ll miss you too. But don’t worry. We’ll be in touch./ Guh, stop it. She’s gone! Don’t be such a cry baby!/ You should have seen his face. The big man sobbed like a little girl! Cry Out To Jesus - Third Day (Relieving, hopeful song) To everyone who's lost someone they love - Long before it was their time You feel like the days you had were not enough - When you said goodbye - And to all of the people with burdens and pains Keepin' you back from your life - You believe that there's nothing - And there is no one who can make it right - There is hope for the helpless, rest for the weary - And love for the broken hearts - There is grace and forgiveness, mercy and healing - He'll meet you wherever you are - Cry out to Jesus - Cry out to Jesus - For the marriage that's struggling just to hang on - They lost all of their faith in love - And they've done all they can to make it right again - Still it's not enough - For the ones who can't break the addictions and chains - You try to give up but you come back again - Just remember that you're not alone - In your shame and your suffering - There is hope for the helpless, rest for the weary - And love for the broken hearts - There is grace and forgiveness, mercy and healing - He'll meet you wherever you are - Cry out to Jesus - When you're lonely and it feels like the whole world is falling on you - You just reach out, you just cry out to Jesus - Cry to Jesus - To the widow who suffers from being alone - Wipin' the tears from her eyes - For the children around the world without a home - Say a prayer tonight - There is hope for the helpless, rest for the weary - And love for the broken hearts - There is grace and forgiveness, mercy and healing - That meets you wherever you are - There is hope for the helpless, rest for the weary - And love for the broken hearts - There is grace and forgiveness, mercy and healing - That meets you wherever you are - Cry out to Jesus - Cry out to Jesus - Cry out to Jesus - Cry out to Jesus Shiver: /Şİ.vır/ [soğuktan/korkudan] titremek The little boy was shivering in cold and fear. The old man brought him home, gave him some warm clothes and food and took care of him. [I’m cold: /a:ym.KO’Ld/ Üşüdüm*!> I’m cold. Do you mind if I close the window (=Pencereye kapatırsem sakıncası var mı)? –Of course not. Go ahead(Buyurun/Devam edin).] [I caught/got cold: Nezle oldum!> I was sweating and the wind blew on me. I got cold now.] [Vibrate /VA:YB.reyt/ (=Vibe /VA:Yb/): {elektronik cihaz} titremek*> Your mobile is vibing.] [Quake: 1.deprem 2.(korkudan v.s) titremek*>After the accident, he was quaking with fear.] Shave: /ŞE’Yv/ tıraş etmek, tıraş olmak He-hey! Look at you! You shaved! –Yeah!/ I shave every other day(iki günde bir)./ [Man to himself] Mustache doesn’t look good on me. I better shave it. Listen (to): /Lİ.sın/ [‘t’ sessiz] (-e) dinlemek || Do you listen to yourself?: Dediklerini kulakların işetiyor mu?/ Dediklerini farkında mısın? || Hear:/Hİyır/* duymak || You heard me!: /-H3RD-/ [Tekrak söylemem gerek yoktur!/ İlk defa duydun!/ Söyledığımı duydun!] Beni duydun! I listen to music everyday! [NOTTT listen music.]/ You should listen to your father./ Listen to me./ Do you listen to yourself? You’re telling me that you don’t like her but you sent her flowers??/ He can’t hear you. He got earphones on his ears./ Hear me out(Beni –tamamen- dinle=Ben konuşurken bir şey söyleme)!/ I don’t want you to talk to her, you hear me?/ I don’t want you here. –What? –You heard me!/ You’re a big liar! –What did you say? –You heard me (the first time)! [Here:/Hİyır/burada> Where do I put these boxes/BA:’K.sız/, here or there?] Smile: /sMA:Yl/ gülümsemek, gülümseme || Laugh: pronunciation: /LA’f/ gülmek, gülme(=Laughter/LA’F.dır/) Every morning, my boss smiles at me and asks for a cup of coffee./ Remember the word ‘smile’ from the poster of ‘Mona Lisa Smile’. / He lives to bring smile to his children’s faces./ Making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world./ I had a good laugh! Thanks for sticking around with me!/ HaHaHaHa! That was a funny joke! It made me laugh. HaHaHaaa! Chuckle:/ÇA:.kıl/ kıkırdamak, kıkır kıkır gülmek, hafifçe gülmek When he fell down from the horse, he said, ‘I’m ok!’ It seemed funny and his wife chuckled.

Kiss: /KİS/ öpmek He kissed his mother’s hands to tell her that he adores her.  Smooch: /sMU’ç/ öpüş, öpüşme [To her lil daughter] Come here and give mommy a smooch! Shout (at): /ŞA’Wt/ /ŞA’ bağırmak, haykırmak, bağırma || Yell (at): /YE’L/ /YE’ bağırmak, haykırmak, bağırma He yelled(shouted) at him and slammed the door (=kapıyı çarptı) when leaving./ [Headphones on her ears, she yells when speaking to her friend! Her friend laughs and says] Okay, okay! Don’t yell. I can hear you! –[Again] What? [HaHa]/ Don’t you know you shouldn’t yell when I’m sleeping? Scream:/sKRİ’m/ çığlık atmak, çığlık, feryat etmek, (at)-e bağırmak Remember the word ‘scream’ from the sequel movie ‘Scream’./ What happened, baby? Why did you scream? –Guess I saw a nightmare. –Here. Have some water. Hug: /HA:G/ [gerçek] sarılmak, kucaklamak, sarılma, kucaklama || Embrace: /ım.BREYs/ [mecaz ve gerçek] sarılmak, kucaklamak || Cuddle: /KA:.dıl/ (aşkla) sarılmak, (aşkla) kucaklamak Oh sweetie. I missed ya so much. Come here and give daddy a hug./ [He didn’t speak to (küstü) his best friend for a year. And now he says to him] Come here, buddy. I need a hug! [They hug like two real pals. Nothing is like peace.]/ The two lovers embraced (hugged) and kissed each other./ Ad(Reklam): Embrace life. Wear your seat belt./ The baby was crying in the room, so his mother came in and cuddled him. After a while, he stopped crying./ When you hug each other with love and hold each other for a long time to show love, it’s cuddling./ Figurative/Fİ.gı.rı.div/(mecaz olarak): I see myself cuddled in the hands of God. Gimme/Give me some sugar!: /--ŞU.gır/ SL (=Give me some hug!) Hadi kucaklayalım bakalım! Only intimate(samimi) friends say: ‘Gimme (Give me) some sugar!’/ They are saying goodbye, he says, ‘Give me some sugar, bro!’ Then they hug. Sniff: /sNİF/ koklamak || Sniff around: /--ı.RAWNd/ etrafta koklamak=[bir yerde] dolanmak =etrafta burnunu çekmek=bilgi toplamak Sniff, sniff. Mmm! I think they’re having a barbeque in the backyard (=arka bahçe)./ The dog sniffed around and found a bone./ Some of my guys saw a lady sniffing around your agency. Be careful./ [He is checking around her office. Out of the blue (=suddenly), she comes in and with an angry impression on her face says] Why are you sniffing around my office? I’m gonna call the security right now. Sniff out: [mecaz: burnunu sokup] sonunda bulmak, [birinin/bir şeyin] ne olduğunu öğrenmek I think he lies to me. Sooner or later, I’ll sniff it out. Take a whiff: /teyk.ı.WİF/ Bir koklasana! This coffee is one of a kind(tek/türün tek). Take a whiff. Smell: /sME’l/ 1. koklamak 2. kötü/pis kokmak, kokmak 3. koku || I smell trouble/...!: /--TRA:.bıl/ Bela kokusu alıyorum!, Bela kokusu geliyor burnuma! Smell it (Bunu kokla). –I can’t. I got cold!/ Yuck/YA:K/! It smells (Pis kokuyor)!/ Her house always smells good. It kinda smells like lavender./ This room doesn’t get much sun and smells like moss /MA:’s/ (yosun)./ Mmm! Nice smell! What’s this?/ Brodie(Jason Lee) in Mallrat: I love the smell of commerce in the morning(Sabahda ticaret kokusunu severim)./ [1 & 2 starting to argue, 3 says] I smell trouble! I better call 911 (nine,one,one:Amerikan polis)./ O-o! This girl is coming again. I smell trouble!/ I smell good news! [Stink: 1. pis kokmak > Something overburnt! –Ugh! Yea, everywhere stinks! 2. çok kötü/berbat olmak> My life stinks! –Then change it!] Yawn: /YA:Wn/ esnemek When I see him yawning, I yawn too. Is yawning contagious?/ Honey, you are yawning. Go get some sleep./ Why do I yawn a lot? –Wanna change it? –Yeah! –Go jogging! Frown: /fRAWn/ kaşlarını çatmak Never frown because you never know who might fall in love with your smile. –Anonymous/ Be positive when others spread negativity, smile when others frown. That’s a way of making a difference. Blush: /bLA:Ş/ yüzü kızarmak After he realized she had lied, he told it to her, and she blushed. Crawl: /kRA:WL/ emeklemek, sürünmek Oh my God! Look! Our baby’s crawling! Yay/YE’y/! Tickle: /Tİ.kıl/ gıdıklamak || Ticklish: /Tİ.kliş/ kolayca gıdıklanan HaHaHaHaa! Stop tickling me! I’m ticklish! HaHaHaHaaa! Stop it!/ Why aren’t some people ticklish? Touch: /TA:Ç/ dokunmak || Touchy: /TA:.çi/ alıngan, kırılgan, hassas Don’t touch the cake!/ You’re becoming so touchy recently! [‘Dokunmatik’ means ‘Touchscreen’.] Smooth: /sMU’z/ [özellikle saçı] sürmek Sitting on the couch, he was smoothing his cat’s hair./ Why do cats love to be smoothed.

Kick:/KİK/ tekmelemek, tekme atmak || Kick someone out: kapı dışarı etmek, işten çıkarmak/ kovmak Sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down will be the ones to help you get back up. (Bazen aşağıyken/zor durumdayken sana tekme atma bekledığın insanlar, sana ayakta geri durmayı yardım eden birileri olacaklar.)/ Pregnant woman: Oh my gosh! –What? –Guess the baby just kicked!/ Hey, pumpkin! Why are you so sad? –Coz my boss kicked me out!

Work for a cause, not applause. Applause:/ıp.LA:’z/ alkış [daha resmi] || Let’s give a big round of applause to Mr. Luther!: Hadi millet, Bay Luther için alkışlar! || Give it up for:/’r/ için alkışlamak || Clap (for): /kLA’p/ (için) alkışlamak His speech was followed by audience’s tremendous /trı.MEN.dıs/ (kocaman, muazzam) applause./ Let’s give a big round of applause to our pro dancers./ [Teacher] Please clap for Hasan. Yeah!/ Ladies and gentlemen! Please, give it up for David McIntosh! Please welcome Ms. Krizan!: Lütfen Bayan Krizan’a alkışlarla hoş geldiniz deyin! || Please give a warm welcome to Mr. Linklater!: Lütfen Bay Linklater’e sıcak alkışlarla hoş geldiniz deyin! Please give a warm welcome to our new manager, Mr. Fisher! [Welcome!*: Hoş geldin!> (On the signboard) Welcome to Arizona!] [You’re welcome!: Rica ederim! >Thank you! –You’re welcome!] Whistle: /Wİ.sıl/ düdük/ıslık çalmak Without any care in the world, he was walking in the shadows and lights of the streets of Manhatan... whistling!/ ‘The Whistleblower’ means ‘düdük çalıcı’. Slap: /sLA’p/ sille/tokat/şamar (atmak) The witness: Yes. I saw Andy slapped him first. Snap one’s fingers:/sNA’p-/1.parmaklarını çıtlatmak/şıklatmak||A snap of one’s fingers:çok hızlı 1. Why are you happy? –Do I seem happy? –Yea. You’re snapping your fingers and whistling all day!/ 2. Time passes like a snap of your fingers. Blink: /bLİNk/ göz kırpmak || (Like) A blink of an eye: bir göz kırpma süresi, çok hızlı Don’t blink. I’m giving you eye drops. Uh-huh. That’s good./ 45 years of my life passed like a blink of an eye (one third of a second). If I were 100, I’d say my life went by like a blink of an eye. I think the age of the universe, if true, 14 billion years, is like a blink of an eye. As if 14 billion years is 1 second. Wink: /WİNk/ göz kırpmak, göz kırpma || Wrinkle: /RİN.kıl/ [cilt] kırışık, kırışıklık He winked and said, ‘Catch you later!’/ A wink might have a lot of meanings./ She had her wrinkles removed in a plastic (cosmetic) surgery. She looks 20 years younger now! Pinch: /PİNÇ/ çimdiklemek, çimdik atmak, -den makas almak [Text message] Love you. Pinch./ [As the tourist sees the fairy chimneys in Göreme, she says] Wow. Somebody pinch me(Biri beni çimdiklesin/Biri beni çimdiklesin bakalım rüyadamıyım yoksa gerçek mı bunlar)!! Itchy: /İÇİ/ kaşıntılı [Rubbing his eye] My eye is itchy! –Lemme/LE.mi/(=Let me) see (=Bir bakım)./ He’s allergic to cats but didn’t know. Ever since he bought one, his skin has started to become itchy. Scratch: /sKRAÇ/ kaşımak, kaşınmak, tırmalamak What’s this scar/sKA:’r/(yara izi) on your hand? –My naughty/NA:’.di/(yaramaz) cat scratched me./ When you buy a ‘mobile/cell phone prepaid card(=cell phone scratch card=cep lira kart)’, you scratch the control number and enter the password on your phone. Later you can reload(yineden yüklemek) or top up(doldurmak) your balance(cep kredi). Stretch (out) :/sTREÇ/ uzatmak, uzuvlarını alabildiğine uzatmak || Stretch-minded*: /sTREÇ.ma:yn.dıd/ =Broad-minded*: /bRO’ıd/ =Open-minded*: /O’.pııd/ açık fikirli, geniş düşünceli After he got up, he stretched his arms./ Most philosophy graduates are stretch-minded./ He said, ‘I fell for (aşık oldum) an open-minded girl and got married with her.’/ An open-minded person should first have an open heart controled by a pure soul. Snore:/sNO’r/ horlamak You’re still up(Hala uyanık mısın), studying? –Yep. –Did I snore when I was sleeping? –Nope. I didn’t hear a thing. –Good. Want some coffee? –Yeah. Good call(İyi ki dedi)! Tap someone on the shoulder: /TAP--ŞO’L.dır/ birinin omuzuna hafifça vurmak On the minibus (dolmuş), he tapped him on the shoulder, handed him the fare, and asked, ‘Could you pass it please (Bunu iletir misiniz/uzatır mısınız lütfen)?’/ In the movies (sinema), he tapped her on the shoulder and asked if she could be quiet /KWA:.yıt/ (sessiz). Gasp: /GA’Sp/ [şaşırmaktan/korkmaktan bir anda] nefesi kesilmek, nefesi kesilerek söylemek, nefesini tutulmak || Grasp*: /gRA’Sp/ 1. sıkı tutmak, kavramak 2. anlamak, kavramak When she saw the piles of money(para yığınları) under the bed, she gasped in surprise./ ‘Oh my God,’ he gasped./ 1. I was about to fall(Düşmek üzerindeydim) when my brother grasped me./ 2. When I was younger, I failed to grasp the concept of ‘time travel’ and ‘global warming’. Choke: /ÇO’k/ 1. (=Suffocate/SA:.fı.keyt/) boğmak, boğulmak 2. lafı ağazında gevelememek, heycandan/korkmaktan konuşamamak 1. Get your hand off my n-n-neck. You’re ch-choking me./ 1. He was having fish but its bone(kılçık) was about to

choke him./ 2. You didn’t ask her to dance? Man, you choked!/ 2. He had feelings for her but choked to tell her. [Suffocate: /SA:.fı.keyt/ boğmak, boğulmak >daha resmi< The fire department stated that the man had suffocated by the smoke.] Whisper: /WİS.pır/ fısıldamak, fısıldaşmak He whispered soft-spoken secrets into her ears. Sigh: /SA:’y/ iç çekmek, ah etmek When she looked at her photos, she sighed and wished that she wouldn’t have spent all those times in sorrow. Swallow: /SWA.lo’w/ yutmak || Swallow one’s pride/feeling/...: /--pra:yd/ gururunu/hissini/...bir yana bırakmak Don’t chew (çiğnemek) this pill (hap). Just swallow it./ I wonder why some women swallow gum(sakız)!!/ I don’t like my rich father-in-law, but when I was out of job and the money was tight(mali durum zor olunca), I swallowed my pride and borrowed ten thousand dollars from him./ [Pic] We swallow our feelings, even if we’re unhappy forever. Sound good? Bite: /BA:Yt/ (bite,bit,bitten) ısırmak Did you bite this pear? –Yeah, I’ll finish it. Just leave it there./ Why do some people bite their nail? Sweat: pronunciation: /SWET/ [NOT SWİT*] terlemek [>Sweet:/SWİ’t*/tatlı<]|| Sweaty: /SWE.di/ terlemiş || Don’t sweat it!: [=Don’t worry!] Dert etme!, Merak etme!, Hiç sorun değil!, Hiç de zahmet değil! May the life of those whose face is covered with dust and sweat be abundant!/ Sweating is necessary and healthy. Controling it is important./ [Stepbrothers] Brennan(Will Ferrell) plays on drumset. Dale(John C. Reilly) asks: Did you touch my drumset? B: Nope. D: Why are you so sweaty? B: I was watching Cops!!/ I have to finish my paper. I’m so worried cause I don’t have time. –Don’t sweat it. I’m here to help. –Oh, thanks! Earmuffs: /İ’ı [soğuğa karşı] kulaklık || Earmuffs!: [=Shut your ears!] [ellerıyla] Kulaklarını kapat(ın)! Put your earmuffs on. It’s freezing outside (=Dışarda hava buz gibi)./ [They don’t want the kid to hear them, he says to the kid] Earmuffs! Earmuffs! [And the kid shuts his ears.] Shake hands: /ŞEYK-HANDz/ el sıkışmak || Greetings: /GRİ’.tingz/ Selamlar!, selamlaşma For greetings, we normally say ‘Hello!’ and shake hands./ When a man shakes hands with another person, it shows a lot about his confidence./ On the postcard, she wrote: Greetings from Nepal. With love, Paula. Punch: /PA:NÇ/ muşt, muşta ile vurmak || Punch someone in the stomach:/-sTA:’.mık/ birinin karnı vurmak [Pic] I swear the next person who asks me if I’m okay, I’m going to start throwing punches. :D/ [To the fighter/FA:Y.dır/(boksör)] Ok, I want you to punch him in the stomach as fast as you can, ok? Squeeze: /sKWİ’z/ sıkmak, sıkıştırmak Cut the lemons in half, squeeze the halves over a glass so you could have their juice. Then add sugar and chilly water into the glass and stir them. You got the lemonade /le.mı.NE’Yd/ (limonata)! Enjoy (Afiyet olsun)!/ Outside, it was so freezing that she could hardly squeeze her hands. Twirl: /TW3RL/ fırıldatmak, fırıl fırıl döndürmek When she was a little girl, her mom used to twirl her. Later she became a ballet/BA.le’y/(bale) dancer. Neck:/NEK/boyun || Be up to one’s neck in debt: girtlağına kadar borç içinde olmak A beautiful pearl necklace was hanging around her neck./ I don’t know what to do, I’m up to my neck in debt. Brain:/bREYn/beyin Human brain is pink./ I got a lot of stuffs on my brain. (Kafam çok meşgul.)/ The body is controled by the heart and the brain, but a dead body has the heart and the brain too, why don’t they work? What pumps the heart and makes the brain work? It’s the ‘SPIRIT’. If the SPIRIT is healthy, the mind speaks words of wisdom and the heart loves sincerely.

John 6:63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you —they are full of the Spirit and life. [Amen.] Brainstorm:/bREYn.sto’rm/ beyin fırtınası, ani ve zeki bir fikir, aniden gelen parlak fikir, beyin fırtınası yapmak, fikir üretmek/toplanmak I was sitting there without a cent in my pocket. Then I had a brainstorm. My friend SJ could help me!/ We should come up with a name for the baby. Let’s brainstorm it. Brainwash: /bREYn.wa:’ş/ beyin yikamak Did they brainwash you? Brain drain: /bREYn-dREYn/ beyin göçü Brain drain is the phenomenon /fı.NA:’.mı.na:’n/ (fenomen/ olay/ görüngü) of the modern world./ Is the reason of brain drain ‘lack of freedom’?

Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. FOOD /FU’d/ & RELATED WORDS Cheese: /Çİ’z/ peynir || Cheesy*: /Çİ’.zi/ kalitesiz, ucuz, peynirli (#Quality>sıfat) Did you know that they produce more than 450 kinds(tür) of cheese in France?/ It’s a cheesy hotel./ What a cheesy music!/ I never said something as cheesy as that./ The opposites of cheesy talk, cheesy conversation, cheesy friendship, cheesy hotel, and cheesy time are quality talk, quality conversation, quality friendship, quality hotel, and quality time./ I’d love to have a good deal of(çok) a quality conversation. Mold: /MO’Ld/ küf || Moldy: /MO’L.di/ küflü If we put cheese outside the fridge or put the bread in warm, wet air for too long, there will be mold on it./ [The crawling kid is trying to have moldy cheese, her mom says] Oh, no no no, sweetie. It’s moldy. Corn:/KO’Rn/mısır|| Corny:/KO’,eski/klişe,modası geçmiş ve sonunu tahmin edebilen Corn, wheat/Wİ’t/(buğday), and barley/ are kinds of cereal/Sİ’.ri.yıl/(tahıl)./ His jokes ain’t(=aren’t) funny. I’ve heard them all. They’re just corny./ What a corny movie. I could easily guess the ending!/ I think everyone has received a couple of these corny emails in which someone pretends to be a bank manager and they ask for the details of our identity. I think everyone is aware these days that these emails are frauds. [Bayat ekmek: stale/sTEYL/ bread, old bread.>The bread is stale (old).] Popcorn: /PA:’P.ko’rn/ patlamış mısır A movie night without popcorn? No way! Go get some! Cereal:/Sİ’.ri.yıl/ 1.kahvaltılık gevrek, mısır gevreği 2.tahıllı/tahıl || A bowl of cereal: bir kase kahvaltılık gevrek, bir kase mısır gevreği ‘‘Mom! Is my cereal ready? –The cereal is an instant food, honey. Get that, add some milk, and have it.’’ Give responsibility to your kids./ I think you should try this cereal bread (tahıllı ekmek). It’s really good./ [A Walk In My Shoes] Justin’s mom: Honey, do I pour you a bowl of cereal? (Sana bir kase mısır gevreği doldurum mu?) –No, mom. I’m fine. (Hayır anne. Böyle iyim/ istemiyorum.) Grab a bite: (=Eat) /gRAB-ı-BA:Yt/ bir yemek yemek Do you want to catch up (=meet) and grab a bite (=eat) sometime? –Sure. That’d be great. [Bite:ısırmak>Dogs don’t bite. They look for friends.] Nibbles:/Nİ.bılz/[ikram için/her tür] yemek parçaları, lokma, küçük ısırık I got you some nibbles. Have ’em, hon!/ [Gives his pal small sandwiches and says] Hey. Have some nibbles. Spoon:/sPU’n/ 1. kaşık 2. SL [romantik] sarılmak Plate/pLEYt/, spoon, fork, knife/NA:YF/, glass, and cup are kitchen utensils /yu.TEN.sılz/ we use to have our meals with./ The two lovers were spooning. [Two spoons back to back are like two people who ‘cuddle/ hug (sarılmak)’ each other.] Groceries: /gRO’.sı.ri’z/gRO’.şı.ri’z/ marketten/bakkaldan alınan gıda malzemeler/paket || Grocery store: /GRO.sı.ri-sTO’r/-.şı--/ bakkal dükkanı Honey, could you put these groceries in the car trunk? –Sure./ There’s nothing in the fridge. I need to go to the grocery store. Deli:/DE’.li/(=Delicatessen) şarküteri, yemek market[>Google Image<] [On the phone] Hon, could you get some sandwiches from the deli? Yummy: /YA:.mi/ (=Yum/YA:M/=Yam yam) [yemek] güzel, lezzetli || Delicious: /dı.Lİ.şıs/ (=Delish /dı.LİŞ/) [yemek] güzel, lezzetli Mmm! Yummy (Yum/Yum yum)! You’re a great cook /KUK/(aşçı)! –Oh! Thanks!/ This chicken kebab is really delicious (delish)! Yuck!: /YA:K//Yİ’k/ Öf!, Çok iğrenç ya! Yuck! This fish has been out for a long time. It stinks. Throw it away./ [After she takes the medicine] Yuck! It was horrible!

John 8:44 For he (the devil) is a liar and the father of lies. Job 12:11 Does not the ear test words as the palate tastes food? Taste: /TEYSt*/ 1. tadı, damak lezzeti/tadı/zevki 2. –in tadına bakmak, (belli bir) tadı olmak, (mecaz>) nasıl olduğunu bakmak || Tasty: /TEYS.di/ tadı güzel, lezzetli || That tastes good!:/-TEYSTs-/(=That’s tasty!) Bunun tadı güzelmiş! || To someone’s taste: birinin hoşnut etmek için I like the taste of strawberry./ [In a cooking class, the chef says] So what did you make? –Dried bean stew (Kuru fasulye). –Ok, let me taste it. [After tasting, he says] Good. Add a bit salt, though. –Ok, thanks./ This pizza tastes good!/ Mmm. This red lentil soup (kırmızı mercimek çorbası) is tasty! [lentil /LEN.dil/]/ Mmm! This fruit salad is really tasty!/ Is the food ready? –Almost. Do you wanna taste it? –Sure. [Tastes] Mmm. Great! You’re a great cook! –Oh, thanks. I’m just learning.

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good.

Peanut butter:/Pİ’.na:t-BA:.dır//hızlı: Pİ’.na:-BA:.dır/ yerfıstığı ezmesi Try these peanut butter sandwiches. They’re really yum /YA:M/./ What did you have for breakfast? –Uh, I had coffee and peanut butter on slices of bread. –You? –I haven’t had (=haven’t eaten) anything since morning!! Barbecue/Barbeque/BBQ/Bar-B-Que: /BA:R.bı.kyu/ ızgara, barbekü || Cookout: /KUKawt/ dışarıda yemek yapma, piknik (özellikle evın bahçede) Let’s go to a picnic and have a barbecue, huh? –Yeaaah! Great idea! –We have the chicken whole legs (pirzolalar) and some ribs (kaburgalar) for the BBQ./ [Rabbit Hole (2010)] I was thinking we could invite Rick and Debbie over(eve) for a cookout. Shish kebab: şiş kebap [Skewer: /sKYU.ır/ şiş] You didn’t forget the skewers, did you? –No, hon (=honey). They’re in the van (=kamyonet), ready for shish kebab! Recipe: pronunciation: /RE.sı.pi/ yemek tarifi Could you, uh, give me the recipe for Mantı (Turkish Ravioli) please?/ What’s the recipe for ‘happiness’? [Receipt*: pronunciation*: /ri.Sİ’t/ fiş> Did you get the receipt?] Cuisine: pronunciation: /kui.Zİ’n*/ mutfak= yemek pişirme sanati Which one do you prefer, French cuisine, Italian cuisine, Japanese cuisine, Mexican cuisine, Thai cuisine, Spanish cuisine, or Turkish cuisine? [Kitchen: mutfak (yer). Chicken: tavuk. Chicken: korkak kimse> AFRAID/BRAVE <bakın.] [Cousin:/KA:.zin*/kuzen >He’s my cousin.>In Christianity, it’s forbidden to marry a cousin.] Jonah 2:1-2 From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God. He said: ‘In my distress I called to the Lord, and He answered me. From deep in the realm of the dead, I called for help, and You listened to my cry.’ Fish: /FİŞ//NOT FİŞ/ 1. balık 2. balık tutmak || Fishy: /Fİ.şi/ (=Suspicious =Doubtful =Questionable) şüpheli How can you fish from the sea barehanded? –The same way an otter /A:’.dır/ (susamuru) does!/ Hey, guys! Let’s go fishing./ He says he’s a doctor but doesn’t know what a stethoscope is. There’s something fishy about him./ Things are fishy in this building. [‘Fishy’ kelime nasıl yapılmış?>Balık biraz kokarse onun sağlam olduğu ‘şüpheli’!] Seafood: /Sİ’.fu’d/ [yenebilen] deniz/su yemekleri/ürünleri Have you ever tried seafood in any Asian /EY.jın/ country? Salmon: pronunciation: /SA’.mın/ somon (balığı) || Trout: /tRAWt/ alabalık There are two kinds of fish, very popular in the U.S: Salmon and trout./ [To the waitress] I’ll have a dish of salmon with the salad at the side, please. –Sure. Anything to drink, sir? –Just a glass of red wine. Thanks. Shrimp: /şRİMp/ karedes [Part 16, Season/Sİ.zın/ 1, My Name Is Earl] Earl is invited to a cocktail party. The waiter: Shrimp kebab? Earl: How much for two(iki şiş)? The waiter: They’re free!! :D Lobster: /LA:’BS.tır/ istakoz/ıstakoz Red lobster is delicious but expensive in Japan/cı.PA’n/. Crab: /kRA’b/ yengeç Hey, look at the crabs! –Yeah. Do you see their claws/kLA:’Wz/(pençeler)?/ Eating crab helps bone fracture injuries./ I’ll have chilli crab, salad, and beer, please. Salad: pronunciation: /SA’.lıd/ salata Waiter: What can I get you? –I’ll just have salad, please. –Sure. Green peas: /gRİN.pi’z/ bezelye [bir tane:green pea] Green peas nutrition is really healthy. [Chickpeas*: /ÇİK.pi’z/ nohut (bir tanesi:chickpea)> Some Turkish vendors sell rice and chickpeas (chickpea rice) on carts (arabalar, el arabaları).]

Yoghurt/Yogurt: pronunciation: /YO’.gırt/ yoğurt It’s a good habit of many Turkish people to have yoghurt in their daily meal./ If you don’t exercise, don’t have full-fat(tam yağlı), but non-fat(yağsız) or low-fat(az yağlı) yogurt and milk. Dip: /DİP/ 1. sulu yemeğın içinde ıslatıp banmak/bandırmak/daldırmak 2. [cips v.s içinde bandırıbilen/ daldırıbilen] (sulu) sos [In the movie ‘Stranger Than Fiction’, the guy Harold Crick (Will Ferrell) says he doesn’t like cookies (kurabiye) and the girl Ana Pascal(Maggie Gyllenhaal) surprises! She gives him milk and cookies but he says he can’t have them. So she says] Mr. Crick! It was a really awful day. I know. I made sure of it. So pick up the cookie... dip it in the milk... and eat it!/ [In the movie ‘He’s Not

Just That Into You’, Gigi(Jennifer Goodwin) is making dip in the kitchen. Her boyfriend Alex(Justin Long) comes and calls her to join the game] Baby, what are you doing? It’s our turn. Forget the dip, come on come on! Beef: /Bİ’f/ sığır eti [The customer to the butcher /BU.çır/ (kasap)] A pound /PAWNd/ (=0.453 Kg.) of ground* beef (=ground meat: kıyma), please. [Mutton /MA:.dn/ koyun eti. Lamb/LAM/ kuzu, kuzu eti.] [Grind:/gRA:YNd/ (grind, ground, ground*) öğürtmek, (et) çekmek.] [Ground meat/ beef/ lamb/ mutton: kıyma.] [Pound /PAWNd/ (libre), the weight unit, is shown as ‘lb’. >5 pounds= 5lbs.] Steak: pronunciation:/sTEYk/ biftek We’re having steak for dinner./ Mmm! This steak is really yum./ Steaks, in American restaurants, can be cooked in 5 types: 1. Rare (çok az pişmiş) 2. Medium rare (az pişmiş) 3. Medium (orta pişmiş) 4. Medium well (pişmiş/ az kuru) 5. Well (çok pişmiş/kuru). Pork: /PO’Rk/ domuz eti || Bacon: /BEY.kın/ beykın, domuz pastırması Do you eat pork?/ How much is a bacon sandwich?/ Many Americans love having bacon for breakfast. [Pig: /PİG/ domuz > It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.!] [Your Love Never Fails] Can Sadie come? –Who’s Sadie? The pig?] Matthew 7:6 “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.’’ Sushi: pronunciation: /SU’.şi/ suşi Ever tried sushi, or you just heard about it? Spinach: pronunciation: /sPİN.iç/ ıspanak The cartoon Pop-Eye encourages kids to eat more spinich. Bagel:/BEY.gıl/[bir çeşit/halka/çember] poğaça, açma poğaça [>Google Images<] ‘Bagel and coffee’ is so very American! [Simit= sesame-seeded crispy bagel >ama ‘Simit’de diye bilirsiniz.] Doughnut=Donut: / çörek [>Google Images<] He’d like to buy a doughnut franchise /FRAN.ça:yz/ (şirketin bayilik imtiyaz) one day./ Go get us some donuts. –Yes, sir. [Dough: /DO’W/ hamur. Flour: /fLAWır/ un.] Noodles: /NU’.dılz/ (bir çeşit) erişte The Asians, as I saw, love noodles, pork, and rice. Chopstick:/ÇA:’P.stik/(Çinlilerin)yemek çubuğu Can you eat Chinese food with(using) chopsticks? –Duh (Evet/Tabii ki)!! Straw: /sTRA:’/ 1. pipet, kamış 2. saman, hasır Excuse me, can I get (Alabilir miyim) a straw and an extra paper cup (kutu bardak) please? –Sure./ Why do farmers burn the straws after the harvest?/ This Cuban/KYU.bın/ straw hat is too big. I kinda like it, though! Corn dog: /KO’Rn.da:’g/ bir çeşit mısırlı sosis || Hotdog: /HA:’T.da:’g/ hotdog, bir çeşit sosis I like the hotdogs and corn dogs they sell in Adventurland in Pittsburgh. Pasta: /PA’S.ta:/ makarna || Macaroni: pronunciation: /ma.kı.RO’.ni/ makarna We have some pasta for tonight./ Ground meat (=kıyma) in the macaroni made it so yum (=lezzetli)! [Spagetti: /spı.GE.di/ Stay tonight. We got spagetti for dinner. Your favorite!] [Yaş pastası: cake> Would you like some cake with your coffee? –Yeah! That’d be great (Olsaydı çok iyi olurdu)! Thanks.] Walnut: /WA:’ ceviz || Hazelnut: /HEY.zı fındık || Almond: /daha: A:’.mınd//bazen: AL.mınd/ badem || Coconut: /KO’.kı.na:t/ Hindistan cevizi Walnuts look like human’s brain. Could it be the food for the brain too?/ Coconut sprinkles (=çiselemeler/ serpmeler), walnut, almond, and hazelnut, all in this cookie? Delicious! –Yea, plus pistachio/pis.TA.şi.yo/(antepfıstığı)! Cookie: / bisküvi, kurabiye || Chocolate chip cookie: /ÇA:’K.lıt.ç çikolatalı kurabiye Would you like some cookie or chocolate chip cookie? –Both! Do we have coffee too? Candy:/KA’N.di/(=Sugar/ŞU.gır/) şeker, bayram şekeri I guess candy is the universal love of children!/ ‘Snickers’ candy bar(çubuk şekli çikolata) is yum! –I got a bar. Want some? –Yeahhhh! Cupcake: /KA:P.keyk/ kapkeyk, bir tür ufak kek [>Google Images<] || Muffin: /MA:.fin/ bir tür ufak kek [>Google Images<] Hey, I brought you some muffins and cupcakes. –Aw, thanks! Caviar: pronunciation: /’r/ havyar She says that caviar is a great garnish (garnitür/ bezenti/ yanlık) for meals like roasted (=rosto) beef or mashed potato (=patates püresi). Banana:pronunciation:/bı.NA:’.na:/muz Kid: Mommy, I want banana cake(muzlu yaşpasta).–K, hon.

Diet: pronunciation:/DA:.yıt/ diyet, diyette olmak, diyet yapmak I’m on a diet.= I’m dieting (=Diyetteyim)./ Girl 1: Have you ever heard anything about cabbage /KA’.bıc/ soup diet? Girl 2: Ew, that’s gross (disgusting)! –How about this? ‘Handsome Diet.’ – Mmm. What’s that? –Well, apparently, if a girl sits in front of a handsome man, she eats less, because she’s attracted to the man, she listens and watches him rather than eating. –Mmm. Interesting! Fries: /fRA:Yz/ (=French fries) /fRENç --/ patates kızartması || Diet coke: /DA:.yıt.ko’k/ diyet kola [Coke:/KO’k/ (=Coca Cola) kola] [In a fast-food restaurant, giving order] I’ll have large fries, a diet coke, and a double /DA:.bıl/ cheesburger /Çİ’Z.b3r.gır//NOT -bur-/ please./ Would you like Fanta, Pepsi, or coke? –Pepsi, please. Fry: /fRA:’y/ kızartmak I’m gonna fry some sausages. Want some? [Frying pan (=Pan: tava)> This non-stick teflon frying pan is incredible. || (Cooking) pan/pot: tencere> Put on the lid of the pan.] Soda: /SO’.da:/ [her tür gazli içecek] kola, gazoz, soda I’m gonna go get some soda. You want one? [Soda water= soda.] Olive: /A:’.liv/ zeytin || Olive oil: /A:’.liv.oyl/ zeytin yağı || Vinegar: /Vİ.ni.gır/ sirke || Mustard: /MA:S.tırd/ hardal I like these olives in the vegeterian pizza/Pİ’ I usually add olive oil and vinegar on my salad./ Could you pass the mustard (Hardalı yollarmısın/uzatır mısın), please? Oven: /A:’.vın/ fırın || Stove: /sTO’v/ ocak Your food is cold. Let me put it in the oven for you./ I’m gonna heat up my food on the stove. [Microwave/ oven: mikrodalga fırın] Tap water: /TAP.wa:.dır/ çeşme su || Bottled water: /BA:’.dıld-WA:.dır/ (=Flat/fLAT/ water) kaynak/şişe suyu [Customer] A glass of water please. [Waitress] Would you like tap or bottled water? –Bottled water please. –Would you like still(gazsiz) or sparkling(gazli/soda)?/ Some say flat water and tap water are the same in here. You think so? Beverage: /BEV.ı.rıc/ içecek, meşrubat It’s a rare beverage. What’s its name?/ I’ll have a beer. –I’m afraid. We don’t serve alcoholic /al.kı.HA:’.lık/ beverages in this restaurant, sir. Sip: /SİP/ yudumlamak, yudum yudum içmek The tourists were sitting there, sipping their orange juices./ Points at the coffee and asks, ‘Hey, can I have a sip (Bir yudum alabilir miyim)?’ Refill: /Rİ’.fil/ yeniden doldurma, yeniden doldurmak [Man to the waiter] Excuse me. Can I get a refill please?/ [Waitress with a pot of coffee in her hand] May I get you a refill (=Yeniden doldurim mi)? –Yes, please. Thanks./ I’m gonna go get a refill./ I need to refill my glass. I’ll be right back. Fill (up): /FİL.a:p/ -e doldurmak [Fill:/FİL/] [Feel: /Fİ’L/] || Top it up: /TA:’ [yarım olan bardağı, şişeyi, v.s.] -e doldurmak Do you want me to fill(=top) this bottle up with gasoline? –Yea, we’re hitting the road to the suburb. In case there is no gas station, that’d save us. –All right!/ [Refers to the drink and says] Do you want me to top it up for you? –Yes, please. Thanks. Marshmallow: /MA:RŞ.me.lo’/ [süngerlı] lokuma benzer şekerleme [>Google Images<] Marshmallow is American teens’ favorite spongy confection made from sugar, corn, syrup, gelatin, water, and vanilla. The brand Campfire Roasted Marshmallow is famous. Sweet: /sWİ’t/ tatlı || Sour: pronunciation:/SAWır/ ekşi || Salty: /SA:’L.ti/ tuzlu || Bitter: /Bİ.dır/ acı || Spicy: / (=Hot /HA:’T/) baharatlı Sugar /ŞU.gır/, sugar beet (şekerpancarı), and sugarcane /ŞU.gır.keyn/ (şekerkamış) are sweet./ A lemon /LE.mın/ (limon) is sour, it’s ok. A face is sour, it’s not ok./ Is this stew /sTU’/ (sulu yemek) too salty? –No, it’s good and… mmm, very tasty./ What is bitter chocolate good for?/ You’re bitter! Do some smile, for God’s sake!/ The Indians /İN.di.yınz/ (=Hintliler) love spicy food!/ [Love Happens] Sometimes life will give you lemons. When that happens, you have two choices: You can wear a sour face, or make lemonade/LE.mı.neyd/! [Sweetie!: /sWİ.di/ Tatlım!, Şekerim!, Güzelim!...> Hey, sweetie! Wnat some coffee?]

Dessert: pronunciation*:/di.Z3Rt/yemek üstü tatlı We usually have appetizers like soup/SU’P/, main course(dish) like fish and salad, and then dessert like ice cream./ Waiter: What would you like for dessert, ma’am? –Uh, I’ll have lemon pie, please. [Desert: pronunciation*: /DE.zırt/ 1. Terk etmek 2. Çöl >PLACES<] Catering: /KEY.dı.ring/ yemek tedarik I’m in catering business. This is my business card. Give me a call (Beni ara)./ We need to close a deal (iş sözleşme imza etmek) with the best catering company in the city. Home-made foods:/HO’M.meyd-FU’Dz/ ev yemeklerı, ev yapımı yemeklerı No food is like clean, fresh, home-made food!/ I like this home-made fig jam(=ev yapımı incir reçelı). How did you make it? Meatloaf:/Mİt.lo’f/ köfte [çoğul:meatloaves] Want some meatloaves? –Yea, sure! Snacks: /sNA’ks/ ara öğün, abur cubur*>hafif yemek(ler) Chips, (French) fries, cookies (bisküvi), candies (şeker), and noodles (erişte) are all snacks./ Did you have (=eat) something? –Just some snacks. –Would you like me to cook something for you? –Yes, I would. Thanks. –Ok then(Peki ozaman)! [*Snack bar* is a kind of over-the-counter(tezgah üstü) sandwich shop. *Drive-In* is a kind of restaurant that you don’t get off your car, and usually skateboardering waiters come and take your order.] Junk food: /CA:Nk.fu’d/ abur cubur*> tadı güzel, besinsiz yemek || Junk: önemsiz konuşmalar Pizza and fast food are junk foods. They’re just yummy, but have no vitamin /VA:Y.dı.min/./ [Another Perfect Stranger] Thanks for listening to all my junk. Chips: pronunciation: /ÇİPs/ cips || Feel chipper*: /Fİ’L-Çİ.pır/ (=Feel happy and energetic) mutlu/canlı hissetmek Wanna watch a movie? –Yea, sure. –’K. Lemme /LE.mi/ (Let me) get us some chips./ Do chips make you feel chipper?/ They wake up and she asks him: Feeling chipper today? [Cheap: /Çİ’p/ ucuz>burada ‘İ’’ vurgulu>DİKKAT] Leftovers: /LEFT.o’.vırz/ artık yemek, kalan* yemek [The customer hasn’t finished his food and says to the waiter] Can I get the leftovers boxed up? –Sure. –Thanks. [The rest: geri kalan> Leave it up. I’ll do the rest.] Can I get my food boxed up?: /- -BA:’KSt-A:p/ Yemeğımı paket olarak alabilir miyim? [The Yellow Handkerchief] Martine(Kirsten Stewart) to the waiteress: Excuse me! When the food comes out (Yemek çıktığınce/ gelince/ hazır olunca), can we get it boxed up? Eat out: /İ’D-AWt/ dışarıda yemek yemek Me and my family eat out at least once a month. How about you? –Oh, we hardly eat out. Order: /O’R.dır/ 1. [yemek] sipariş vermek 2. emir vermek Waiter comes and says: Are you ready to order, sir? –Yes, I’ll have mackarel fish with the salad on the side. –Anything to drink? –A glass of red wine, please. –Right away, sir./ Waitress: Can I get your order?/ [Pic] You ordered pizza without me? :D/ Don’t order me, yo. You’re not the boss of me. Order something in: [>in=in the house>içindeki anlam: eve gelsin] paket yemek sipariş vermek Honey, don’t cook tonight. Let’s just order something in (Hadi paket yemek sipariş verelim). Takeout: /TEYK.awt/ paket yemek They both work and have no time to cook so they get takeout most of the times./ I love takeouts, especially Chinese and Thai. I have no time to wash the dishes!! It’s on the house! /its.a:n.zı.HA’WS/ [Bu içki] Müessesenın/Müdürün ikramı! [The hotel guest is playing piano for fun in the hotel, the hotel waitress brings a glass of champagne and says] It’s on the house (Bu otel müdürün ikramı)! [It’s on the house>Bu deyim ‘house:ev’ ile hiç ilgisi yoktur!] [Treat: ikram> Thanks for your treat!] [İçkinin ismi+] on the rocks: /a:’n.zı.RA:’Ks/ (=With ice) [İçkinin ismi+] buz ile, buzla olsun [To the barman] [1] Jameson on the rocks, please. [2] And a Scotch on the rocks for me. –Sure./ Can I have a Margarita on the rocks please?

Squash:/sKWA’ş/ 1. kabak 2. ezmek, ezilmek 3. squash [spor] Squash is bigger and with harder skin than zuccini/zu.Kİ’.ni/(yeşil kabak)./ I accidentally sat on my glasses and squashed them! Now I have to pay for a new pair./ Hannah Montana: Don’t squash my squashes! :D/ Squash is a kind of racket sport with two players who play in a four-wall room. Pumpkin: /PA:Mp.kin/ balkabağı, Balkabağım!/Tatlım! [>samimi bir söz] Halloweens/ha.lo’.İ’Nz/(cadılar bayramları)!/ Hey, pumpkin! Wait... are you crying?






Chestnut: /Ç kestane, Kestanem!/Canım! Want some roasted chestnuts?/ Hey, chestnut! You look beautiful today! – I’m always beautiful! Scrambled egg: /sKRAM.bıld-E’g/ tava’da karıştırılmış yumurta Would you like hard-boiled egg, fried (kızarmış) egg, or scrambled egg?/ Scrambled egg sandwich is cheap and healthy. Full: pronunciation: /FUL//NOT FUL/ 1. karnı tok, doymuş 2. dolu 1. Would you like something to eat? –No thanks, I’m full /FUL/./ 2. The bus is full./ 2. [She played guitar, danced, and sang earlier, and now she somersaults, and her new best friend says] WOW. You’re full of surprises! –[Chuckles] You don’t know the half of it (Yarısını de bile bilmiyorsun)! [Fool /FU’l/ aptal.] Starve: /sTA:’Rv/ açlık çekmek, açlıktan ölmek || Starvation: /sta:r.VEY.şın/ açlık çekme, açlıktan ölme || I’m starving: /a:ym sTA:’R.ving/ çok acıktım || I’m starving to death!: /--tu.DES/ Ölmüş gibi acıktım! [Pic] I’ve been starving myself all week long (bütün hafta boyunca)./ Honey, I wouldn’t throw away the leftovers(artan yemek). I would put ’em in the fridge./ Every year, hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians die of starvation. If my hand hurts, what does my body do about it? I go to a doctor, right?/ Are you hungry (=Acıktın mı)? –Am I hungry? I’m starving!/ I’m starving... oh my... is that a ham/HA’m/(jambon)?/ [Comes home from school, goes to the kitchen, sees some food on the table and says] Uhh! I’m starving to death! Thank goodness the food is ready! Fruit: pronunciation: /fRU’t/ /NOT meyve/meyveler || Fruitful: /fRU’T.fıl/ verimli, yararlı, semereli Apricot /AP.rı.ka:’t/(kaysı), pear /PE’r/(armut), and cherry /ÇE’.ri/ (kıraz) are the fruit(fruits) I like most./ I think the best time to have fruit is right after the meal. It helps the digestion./ I’d like spending fruitful time doing something positive./ I hope the two companies can have a fruitful collaboration(işbirliği). –I hope so too. Point Of Grace – How You Live lyrics: Wake up to the sunlight with your windows open - Don't hold in your anger or leave things unspoken - Wear your red dress use your good dishes - Make a big mess and make lots of wishes - Have what you want, but want what you have - And don't spend you life looking back - Turn up the music Turn it up Loud - Take a few chances Let it all out - Because you won't regret it - Looking back from where you have been - Because it's not who you knew and it's not what you did - It's how you Live - So go to the ballgames and go to the balet - And go see your folks more than just on the holidays - Kiss all your children Dance with your wife - Tell your husband you love him every night Don't run from the truth cause you can't get away - Oh no - Just face it and you'll be ok - Turn up the music Turn it up Loud - Take a few chances Let it all out - Because you won't regret it - Looking back from where you have been - Because it's not who you knew and it's not what you did - It's how you Live - Where ever you are and wherever you've been - Now is a time to begin - So give to the needy and Pray for the grieving - Even when you don't think that you can - Cause all that you do is bound to come back to you So think of your fellow man - And make peace with God and Make peace with yourself - Oh yeah - Cause in the end there's nobody else - Turn up the music Turn it up Loud - Take a few chances Let it all out - Because you won't regret it - Looking back from where you have been - Because it's not who you knew and it's not what you did - It's how you Live - Because it's not who you knew and it's not what you did - It's how you Live Fresh: /fREŞ/ taze || Get fresh with someone*: biriyle fazla samimi olmak/davranmak, cıvıklık yapmak, sulu olmak ‘Nothing is like fresh bread!’ said the old lady with a smile./ ‘I need to get some air’ means ‘I need some fresh air’./ Don’t get fresh with someone, even if you love them. They may turn out to be your worst enemy./ Hey, don’t get fresh with my girl(aşkımla/arkadaşımla)! Bake: /BEYk/ fırında (kek,kurabiye,patates v.s) pişirmek || Doing some baking: /BEY.king/ biraz kek(v.s) pişirmek I’m gonna nake some cakes./ These freshly-baked muffins smell so good!/ [Though None Go With Me] I’m doing some baking. Nourishment: (NO.riş.mınt/ beslenme What nourishment is often given to athletes?/ Mother’s milk is the best nourishment for a baby. Feed: /Fİ’d/ beslenmek Honey, did you feed the baby? –Yes, I fed him just about now (az önce)./ An old man said to his grandson, ‘Boy, I have two tigers caged within me. One is love and compassion. The other is fear and anger.’ The young boy asked, ‘Which one will win, grandfather?’ The old man replied, ‘The one I feed.’ –Indian tale [Food (isim) > Feed (Fiil). Success > Succeed. Blood > Bleed.] [Tooth (tekil) > Teeth (çoğul).] [Breath /bRES/ > Breathe /bRİ’Z/.]

Rich food: /RİÇ-FU’d/ zengin yemek Milk is a rich food./ Meat, chicken, fish, bean, and egg are protein-rich food./ Broccoli and spinach are iron-rich food. Food/Meal voucher/stamp:/FU’d-Mİ’ıl-VAW.çır-sTA’Mp/ Bedava Yemek Makbuzu/Fişi Social worker to the poor: Here are your food vouchers. Go to Burger King, give these, and have your food for free./ These food vouchers are for the new refugees./ [A Walk In My Shoes] Now swallow your pride (gururunu bir yana bırak) and go get the food stamps. Food court:/FU’d-KO’Rt/[alışveriş merkezinde, havalimanı/otobüs terminal’de, v.s.] yemek bölümü [In the shopping mall] You hungry? –Yeah, I did so much shopping that I forgot to eat! I’m starving. We should go to the food court. –All right! Let’s go! Tab: /TA’b/(=Check/ÇEK/) adisyon, hesap [To the barman] Jim! This is Ashley. Whatever she wants, put it in my tab./ [To the waiter with the body language of the hand] Check, please!

John 6:53 Jesus said to them, ‘Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.’ [Jesus is the Bread of Life and the True Vine. Thank You Jesus for giving me life.] KARIŞTIRMAK Mix: /MİKs/ karıştırmak || Stir: /sT3R/ [genelde çay ya sulu bir şeyi] karıştırmak To make dough /DO’/ (hamur), add water and egg to flour and mix them./ This touch-screen (dokunmatik) blender is great. It mixes fruits, nuts, milk, and whatever, with just a single touch./ The old man put two lumps of sugar into his tea, stirred it with a teaspoon, and sipped it. I mixed up!:/-MİKSt.a:’p/ =I (am/got) confused!:/-kın.FYUZd/ Kafam karıştırdı! Kafam dağınık oldu! We have two managers in the company. One says do it, the other says don’t do it. I totally mixed up. (=I’m totally confused.=I got totally confused.) Confuse:pronunciation:/kın.FYUz/ (kafasını) karıştırmak || Confused: pronunciation:/kın.FYUZd/ kafası karışmış || Confusing: pronunciation:/kın.FYU.zing/ kafa karıştırıcı [The guy and the girl have some problems with each other. The guy says] Don’t confuse me with(ile) your ex(eski erkek arkadaş), ok? I’m me, he is him./ This child is confused! He needs help and a bit of encouragement./ [Pic] Oh, dear. Everything is so confusing./ It was confusing for him why they say ‘Say Cheese’ when they’re taking a photo. His mom explained that when someone says ‘Cheeeeeeese’, they actually ‘Smile’, so they ‘smile’ for the photo!/ Wait. I’m confused. You said you’re a doctor, right? –Yeah, but I’m an orthopedic/or.sı.Pİ.dik/ doctor. I have no idea about your disease. –Oh, I see(Anladım)./ Her father: Algebra is confusing for her. Her mother: We should get her a tutor /TU.d3r/ (özel öğretmen). Complicated:/KA:’M.pli.key.dıd/karmakarışık, karmaşık, karışık [6-year-old daughter asking] Dad? Why did you and mom get divorced? –Uh, it’s so complicated, honey./ How does a computer work? –It’s complicated to explain./ He’s complicated!/ [Pic] I love you. Maybe that’s why it’s complicated. [Complicate: karmakarışık etmek> Why complicate life?] Mingle: /MİN.gıl/ katıp karıştırmak=birbirine tanışıp konuşmak [Ugly Betty] Daniel: This event is one of the best ones because you get to (=have the chance to) mingle with your favorites./ Just don’t stay home. Go have some social life. Mingle with people. Interfere (in):/in.tır.Fİyır-/[birbirinin işin] –e karışmak/ -e müdahale etmek They never interfere in others’ business. Even if they want, they have no time to do so! [Pry: /pRA:’y/ gizlice müdahele etmek > Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. >GİZLİ<] SOAKING WET/LEAK Soaked: /SO’Kt/ ıslanmış || Soaking wet: /SO’.king.WET/ sırılsıklam, sırsıklam You’re soaked. Do you have extra clothes in your backpack?/ You’re soaking wet. Go to your room, take your clothes /kLO’z/ off, and get changed. You’re all wet!: Sırılsıklam oldun! You’re all wet. Here(Al). Dry your hair with this towel. Leak: /Lİ’K/ [su/hava/gaz] sızmak, sızdırmak, kaçmak The water is still leaking from the faucet /FA:.sit/(musluk). We should have it fixed./ Do you smell that? [Sniffs] Ugh! The gas is leaking.

Drenched: /dRENÇt/ (sucuk gibi) ıslatılmış || Drench: /dRENÇ/ ıslatmak Everybody got drenched in the water festival (in Thai:Songkran) in Chiang Mai. Everybody had so much fun and laughed!/ Heavy rains and flood drenched people of this area of the world. ROT/DECAY Rot: /RA:’T/ çürük, çürütmek || Rotten: /RA:’.dn/ [meyve, sebze, et, süt...] çürümüş, bozuk || Decay: /di.KE’Y/ çürümek, bozulmak, yıkılmak, azalmak The fruit will rot. Don’t keep them here./ Remember the word ‘rotten’ from the movie website!/ The meat is getting rotten (decayed). Don’t you smell? –Aw, yeah, yuck!/ Gosh! You’ve had so much chocolate that your teeth are getting decayed. Amos 3:4 Does a lion roar in the forest, when he has no prey? ANIMALS AND RELATED WORDS Monster: /MA:’NS.tır/ [iyi ve kötü anlam] canavar Should parents let their children watch monster movies./ That little kid was a monster! He almost burned my hair when I was sleeping!!/ Wow. Awesome truck (kamyonet)! –Yea. What a monster! Hippo: /Hİ.po’/ (=Hippopotamus) suaygırı Hippos yawn to threaten /SRE.dn/ (tehdit etmek/ korkutmak) others and show their power.

Horse:/HO’Rs/ at || Horse around:/HO’RS.ı.rawnd/(=Fool around/FU’L.ı.rawnd/) at koşturmak Horse is known as a noble (soylu/asil) animal./ Take care of my horse in the stable, saddle it, and then you can ride it./ Stop horsing (fooling) around. Get back to work. Stallion: /sTA.liyın/ aygır Dad? What’s a stallion? –A male horse is called a stallion, sweetie. Tame:/TE’Ym/ evcilleştirmek You know how cowboys tame wild horses? Must be pretty amazing!/ Taming a wild animal was easier than taming my stubborn heart./ Tame your heart, live your dreams! Untamed: /A:N.teymd/ vahşi, evcilleşmemiş The untamed horse ran away into the wild (=into the nature)./ The power of beauty is hidden in the untamed nature of the world. Saddle: /SA’.dıl/ eyer, eyerlemek To get on a horse, you gotta hold the saddle first./ Saddle the horse. We’re going hunting. Be back in the saddle:/’’.dıl/ her zamanki gibi olmak/geri dönmek, eyere dönmek, işe yeniden koyulmak [They are two jogging friends. One of them quits jogging for a month but now he’s back. His friend says] Dude! I see you’re back in the saddle!/ He was in the hospital for a long time but now he’s better and back in the saddle again (=goes to work again/is back to normal again).

Leash: /Lİ’ş/ tasma, köpek kayışı || Unleash:/’ş/ tasmadan serbest bırakmak, tasmasını çıkarmak, (=release) serbest bırakmak Honey, hold the leash. I’m gonna go to the butcher (shop)./ Never leave a dog off the leash in a store (=Asla bir köpeğe mağazada serbest bırakma)./ In the movie Father Of Invention, you can see Wireless Child Leash (Çocuk Kaybetmeme Kablosuz Tasması). [>Google Images<]/ They unleashed animals on the stage while she was singing! You saw that? –Yea. It was awesome!/ Unleash(=Release) your anger! Don’t accumulate it. Pound:/PAWNd/1.sahipsiz hayvanların tutulduğu yer, hayvan barınağı (=animal shelter) 2.[kalp] küt küt atmak/etmek [*Pound(=lb): ~0.454 kg>4 lbs. of beef, please. *Pound: Sterlin] Stray: /sTREY/ gereken yerden ayrılmış, kayıp I’m gonna take the stray cat to the pound./ I bought this dog from the pound for your birthday ’cause I know you love dogs./ I just don’t know. Whenever I see her, my heart pounds (=beats)!

Slobber on someone: /sLA:’.bır.a:’n.-/ [köpek] birini salya bulaştırmak [In the movie 27 Dresses, George’s dog, Gatsby comes in the office and runs to Jane (Katherine Heigl). As she sees the dog, she gets excited and says] Gatsby! Hi, buddy, hi! [Then George(Edward Burns) comes in and says] Whoa! Come on, Gatsby! No slobbering on the ladies!

Roach: /RO’Ç/ (=Cockroach/KA:’’ç/) hamamböceği Ew! I saw a roach in the bathroom. That’s gross!/ She’s not afraid of roaches. They just disgust her (Onlar sadece onu iğreniyorlar)./ If there were no roaches, people wouldn’t clean their bathrooms!

Mouse*: /MAWs/ 1. fare [Çoğul: Mice/MA:’Ys/ 2. [bilgisayar] fare Mouse in the house? That’s gross/gRO’s/(iğrenç)!/ [Terri (2011)] Uncle James: ‘‘How did we do up there(Üst katte ne yaptık)? Terri?’’ Terri: ‘‘Five mice(Beş tane fare yakalandık).’’ [Not: Bir süre cümlelerı sahneye bakıp anlıyoruz.]/ Can I use your mouse for a minute? –Sure. –Thanks. [Month:/MA:Ns/ ay>Next month is February. Mouth: /MAWs/ ağız>When I see her, words don’t come to my mouth. Think I love her.]

Rat*: /RA’t/ 1. sıçan/fare 2. muhbir || Ratty: /RA’.di/ (=Shabby /ŞA’.bi/) kılıksız, eski püskü || Rat poison*: /RA’T.po’y.zın/ fare zehir || Poison*: /PO’Y.zın/ zehir, zehirlemek || Poisoned food: /PO’Y.zınd.fu’d/ bozulmuş gıda/yemek If we don’t get hungry, we won’t have any reason to work! If there is no rat or such like, we don’t understand the meaning of clean./ I’m gonna need to buy some rat poison./ Who told my dad about me getting drunk last night, huh? Do we have a rat here?/ This cigarette is poison!/ [On the phone] I think I had poisoned food (=Sanırım bozulmuş yemek yedım)./ [A Walk In My Shoes] Toby’s mother: Toby, stop! Why are you wearing that ratty old coat? Shark: /ŞA:’Rk/ köpekbalığı || Whale: /*WE’YL/ balina Sharks can smell one drop of blood in a million drops of water. [Such precise creation cannot be accidental as the atheists claim the universe exploded by no Creator!!]/ The blue whale is the heaviest animal in the world. Its tongue weighs more than a whole elephant!/ Do sharks and whales eat jellyfish and seahorses? –Guess so! Not sure!

Dolphin: /DA:’L.fin/ yunus, yunusbalığı No one knows how intelligent dolphins are but they are really fast learners. –How about penguins /PEN.gwinz/? Mosquito: pronunciation: /mıs.Kİ’.do’/ sivrisinek If you don’t want mosquitoes to bite you, you should use mosquito repellent(sivrisinek kovucu/savar). Buy it from a drug store. –Ok. I will. [Fly: /fLA:Y/ sinek > This fly’s getting on my nerves (sinirimi dokunuyor)! Fly: uçmak>I’ll be flying to Ohio/o.HA:.yo/ tonight.]

Wing: /WİNg/ kanat || Under one’s wing:/A:N.dır--/(=Supported by someone) himayesi altında Birds can’t fly without wings. But I can fly with your love!/ We have wing kebab for lunch./ KFC’s Wings are so yum!/ Someone once said men and women are like two wings of a bird. One cannot fly without another./ When his brother died, Gary took his children under his wing./ Don’t worry, little baby. I have you under my wing (=You are under my wing).

Butterfly: /BA:.dır.fla:’y/ kelebek Cats love to catch butterflies. It’s so cute when they play around!/ Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet? Have butterflies in one’s stomach: /-sTA:’.mık/ [konfrans/konser/ sınav/-dan önce] heycanlı hissetmek, midede kelebeklerin varmak! ‘I have butterflies in my stomach before I go on stage,’ the singer said./ A student: Why do I have butterflies in my stomach before the exam? –Have you studied? –Yes I have. –How? –What do you mean ‘how’? – Well, I mean, the best way to pass the exam is to take as many axams as you can. Ostrich: /A:’ST.riç/ devekuşu Watch out. Don’t get too close /KLOS/(=yakın). Ostrich bites!/ An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. Job 39:14-18 She (the ostrich) lays her eggs on the ground and lets them warm in the sand, unmindful that a foot may crush them, that some wild animal may trample them. She treats her young harshly, as if they were not hers; she cares not that her labor was in vain, for God did not endow her with wisdom or give her a share of good sense. Yet when she spreads her feathers to run, she laughs at horse and rider. Wolf: /WO’LF/ kurt [Çoğul:Wolves/WO’LVz/] The lone wolf was howling at the top of a cliff when I took its picture./ Ever watched the Oscar-winning movie ‘Dances With Wolves’?

Alligator: /A’.lı.gey.dır/ (=Gator) timsah, Amerika timsahı || Crocodile: /KRA:’.kı.da:yl/ timsah Alligator is a large reptile with a hard skin that lives in lakes in America and China and its nose is wider and shorter than crocodile’s. Duck: /DA:K/ ördek || Hunt: /HA:NT/ avlanmak, avlamak Is it a duck soup /SU’p/ (=Bu ördek çorbası mı)?/ My grandpa used to hunt ducks and gazelles/gı.ZA’lz/(ceylanlar). Rooster: /RU’S.tır/ horoz Roosters crow*./ Have you ever seen a ‘rooster fight’? [Crow: 1. ötmek (horoz) 2. karga> Crows are mysterious birds.]

Seagull: /Sİ’.ga:l/ martı In a beach hotel, she woke up with the far sound of seagulls./ How does a seagull catch a fish so accurately? It’s fascinating/ çok ilginçtir)! Giraffe: pronunciation: /ci.RA’f/ zürafa Giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. Surprising is they can grow up to 19 feet! [5.8 meters!] Deer: /Dİ’r/ geyik The plural of ‘deer’ is ‘deer’. Also the plural of ‘sheep’ is ‘sheep’./ They hunt deer. This is their job./ They keep deers in zoos (hayvanat bahçeleri) to protect them. Goat: /GO’t/ keçi Goats, sheep(koyun/koyunler), and lambs(kuzuler) bleat/bLİ’t/ or baa./ Goatee beard/GO’.ti.biyırd/(keçi sakal) looks amazing on you!/ I heard drinking goat’s and camel’s milk cools people. That’s why Arabs of Sahara drink it in the heat of the desert.

Squirrel: /sKWI.rıl/ sincap Why do squirrels love nuts(wallnut, hazel nut, etc) and seeds? –I think it’s because they can’t digest cellulose, so they have to eat foods with rich protein and fat./ My friend Sherry is just crazy about squirrels.

[The first testimony I heard about healing in Jesus name was when I was in Thailand and a brother had poisoned food. He was in the hospital when the pastor called him and prayed for him on the phone. He was recovered. The doctor surprised a lot! Praise be to the name of the Lord JESUS, the LORD of all.]

ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE Approach: /ıp.RO’ç/ yaklaşmak || Arrive: /ı.RA:’Yv/ gelmek || Arrival: /ı.RA:’Y.vıl/ geliş || Departure: /di.PA:’R.çır/ kalkış The summer is approaching fast!/ Their car was broken. They were waiting by the road for hours in that hot, quiet place in Nevada till they saw a car was approaching./ We arrived in Geneva at 5 a.m./ Man on P.A.(Power Amplifier=Hoparlör): The United Airlines announces the arrival of flight 4598 (=four five nine eight) from Beijing and departure of flight 4301 (=four three oh one) to Seol. [Entrance: Giriş. Exit: Çıkış.] Arrived:/ı.RA:’YVd/ [uçuş durumu] Gelmiş || Departed:/di.PA:’R.dıd/ [uçuş durumu] Geçmiş || On Time:/a:n.TA:’YM/ [uçuş durumu] Zamanında || Delayed:/di.LE’Yd/ [uçuş durumu] Geç, Gecikmiş, Geç Kalmiş These are flight status(statuses): Arrived, Departed, On Time, Delayed, Gates Closed, Boarding./ On a local newspaper: Flights Delayed Due To Heavy Snow./ Hey! What are you doing here? –My flight is delayed. – Oh I see. Look, I got one hour. Let’s get us some coffee and have a little chat on(konusunda) business. –All right./ [The movie ‘The Departed’ means ‘Geçmişler/ Ayrılmışler/ Ölmüşler’, although it’s translated as ‘Köstebek’.] [‘In time’: belirli bir zamandan daha önce gelmek ve hala zaman varmak> Our bus leaves at 5 o’clock. It’s 4:10 (four, ten). We’re in time!]

CHECK/CHECK THIS OUT Check: /ÇEK/ 1. kontrol etmek/bakmak 2. (=Tab) hesap, adisyon 3. çek 1. Gary? Did you hear something? –No. –I think I heard something. Let’s go and check./ 1. Housewife to her guest: …yes I agree with that…excuse me, I’m gonna go to the kitchen, check the food. I’ll be right back(Hemen döneceğim/ geleceğim). –Sure./ 1. Do you have your USB flash drive with you? –Uhh, let me check./ 2. Customer to the waiter: Check, please! (Hesap lütfen! =Can I get the check please?: Hesabı alabilir miyim lütfen?)/ 2. The waiteress brought the food, put the tab on the table, and left./ 3. I think I run out of cash (Sanırım nakit param bitti). Do you accept check? –Yes. –All right. [Opens the suitcase, brings out the checkbook, and writes a check.] Check: [listede her şeyi düzenli bulduğunca] kontrol işareti koymak/atmak [Controling the list before her wedding] Uh, ok, let’s see. Flowers, check. Cakes, check. Dinner, check. Photographer… oh, Abbie? Did you call the photographer? –Yes, he’ll be here in a minute. –Thanks. So, photographer, check./ [On the exam sheet] Please check the correct answer. [In American, ‘Tick’ means ‘Kene’. >You know how to remove a tick? >Kene gibi yapışmak: Be clingy>He’s really clingy. I wanna get rid of him.] Check it out! = Check this out!: 1. Şunu bak! 2. Bir bak sana!, Bir kontrol et. 1. Hey, check it out! Look who’s coming!/ 2. I found some new information on the Internet. Check this out./ 2. Want some beauty tips? Check out this website: It’s marvelous. Check up on someone/something: [kontrol etmek amacıyla] birini /bir şeyi bakmak/göz atmak || I came to check up on you: Geldim bakım ne yapıyorsun/ne işlerı uğraşıyorsun!] The detective was checking up on him because he was suspicious of murder./ These days, the traffic police checks up on seatbelt use more often./ She checks up on her teenage son, and checks up on his room./ [Everything Must Go (2010)] Hey, how’s it going(nasıl gidiyor)? –Hey, good, good. –Just thought I’d stop by a little bit, check up on you(bakım ne yapıyorsun). –Oh, thanks.

Check in: (otel) giriş yapmak, kaydını yaptırmak, (havaalımanı) biletini kontrol ettirmek, geldiğini ilan etmek || Check out: (otel) çıkış yapmak, hesabını ödeyip ayrılmak We arrived in Millan and checked in a hotel. It was nice./ When you arrive at the airport terminal, you have to check in. It means you show your ticket and passport, and tell them that you arrived./ [Hotel sign] Hotel breakfast is served from 7 to 11 a.m. Our check out time is 1 p.m. (=You may check out before 1 p.m.) HOTEL, VACATION, SHOPPING Vacation:/vey.KEY.şın/ (=Vaca: pronunciation: /vey.KEY/) tatil || Take a vaca/vacation: (=Go on a vaca/vacation) bir tatile gitmek I’m gonna go on a vacation to Kaputaş Beach. I’ve heard a lot about it./ A writer never has a vacation. For a writer, life consists of either writing or thinking about writing. –Eugene Ionesco/ Don’t work too hard. You seem really tired. Take a vacation (vaca)!/ Sorry, I’m on my vacation (=Tatildeyim). May I ask you to leave a message to my secretary? I’ll check that later. Thanks. [Holiday:/HA:’.lı.dey/tatil (günü)> Sunday is holiday.|| Happy holidays(İyi Tatillar)!]

Take the day off: /-A:’f/ Bügünü izin al!, Bügün çalışma! || Take a week/a month/... off: Bir hafta/ay/...izin almak. What’s going on here? –Jeff. I told you I’m not ready for this. –Easy, Pat! You know what? You seem tired. Take the day off./ [On the phone] Boss? Can I take the day off? I have a family stuff going on. –Sure. Go ahead. –Thanks. || I’m really tired. I need to take a week off. [Take one hour off: Bir saat izin al!/İşden bir saat daha erken çık!] Trip:/tRİP/1. seyahat, yolculuk 2.SL(=Cool thing) harika bir şey, çok iyi bir şey Well, travel, traveling, journey, and trip have the same meanings, yet ‘trip’ is normally shorter in TIME or distance. We do travel or traveling. We take a journey or trip./ I took a trip to the market to do some shopping and came back./ 2. Jenny(Robin Wright Penn)in Forrest Gump: That uniform is a trip, Forrest! You look handsome in it. You do./ 2. [Calling her friend] That’d be a trip if you came over (Yanımda gelseydin çok iyi olurdu).

Travel: /tRA.vıl/ yolculuk/seyahat etmek || Budget travel: /BA:.cıt-/ ekonomik yolculuk/seyahat You’re the reson I’m traveling./ If you want to know someone really loves you, TRAVEL with them! TRAVEL./ How do you plan a budget travel? [Budget: bütçe>How do they request for budget increase?]

Itinerary: pronunciation/a:y.Tİ.nı.re.ri/ yolculuk planı I made you(Senin için yaptı) an itinerary./ We have to go over the itinerary for the Lake Tahoe trip./ This is the tour itinerary. First Underground City. Then Ihlara Valley. –Marvelous! Ticket office: /Tİ.kıt.a:’.fis/ bilet gişesi, bilet ofisi Excuse me, where’s the ticket office? –Right over there. –Oh, thanks./ The ticket office is closed. What do we do now? One-way ticket: /WA:N.wey-Tİ.kıt/ tek yön bilet || Return ticket: /ri.T3RN-Tİ.kıt/ dönüş bilet May I know how much a oneway ticket to Orlando is?/ I’m gonna need to book (=reserve) a return ticket to California, please. Book:/BUK//NOT BUK/ 1. kitap 2.(=Reserve/ri.Z3Rv/) rezervasyon yaptırmak ‘The Bible’ is a healing book, it is The Book. It heals the soul. When the soul is healed, the mind will be healed too./ I’d like to book a return ticket (=dönüş bilet) to Baltimore, please. Front desk: /FRA:’’sk/ resepsyon [On the phone] Front desk, Angie speaking. How may I help you? –Yeah, hi, I’m in 209 (=two oh nine). May I know the check-out time please? –Sure. That’s 11 o’clock, ma’am./ [At the beach, near the hotel] Go call the front desk. We need some help. Somebody’s fainted here. [Reception: 1. çekim gücü>{Looking at his mobile} Do you have reception? –No. You? –Neither do I./ 2. kabul töreni, alma, alınma (resepsyon)>{Wants to be a member} Excuse me. May I ask how your reception policy is?]

Accommodation: /ı.ka:’.mı.DEY.şın/ kalacak yer Hotels, inns, motels, hostels, and dormitories are all accommodations./ I think you should accept this job offer. They’ll give you an accommodation to stay, a good salary, free ride, and free food. [*I think you should... çok kibar bir tavsiye tarzıdır.*] Gift: /GİFt/ 1. hediye 2. yetenek, istidat, Tanrı vergisi || Souvenir: /SU.vı.ni’ır/ hediyelik eşya, hatıra eşya || Present: /PRE.zınt/ 1. hediye 2. şimdilik 3. göstermek || Presentation: /prı.zın.TEY.şın/ tanıtım, sunum, prezentasyon It’s a little gift from me to you. I hope you like it./ You are my gift from God. I love you so much./ I can lip read from afar (Uzaktan dudakları okuyabilirım>Kimse bir şeyi söylerse anlayabilirım). I have a gift for it./ This hand-made rug is a souvenir for you from Turkey. –Aw! Thanks!/ Thanks for the birthday present. It’s beautiful./ [Pic] Don’t you want to open your present?/ Do you live in the past, present, or future?/ The picture presents three generations of a family./ Thank you, Dr. Gates. Brilliant presentation!/ I wonder what your presentation is on today? (Bugün tanıtımınız ne ile ilgili olduğunu merak ettim.) 2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

JEWELRY Gem: /CEM/ 1. mücevher 2. mücevher gibi/çok değerli kimse || You’re a gem!: /yor.ı.CE’m/ Mücevher gibisin!, Çok değerlisin! I saw you in Siam Market. Are you in gem job?/ Oh, thanks. You came when I needed you. You’re such a gem!/ She’s a gem! I wish I had a friend like that!/ The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. –Chinese proverb Diamond: /DA:Y.mınd/ elmas || You’re a diamond in the rough!: Değerini kimse bilmiyor! || Brilliant: /BRİ.liyınt/ 1. pırlanta, brilian 2. muhtiş, mükemmel, harika Look at this diamond ring. It has seven brilliant cuts. –Yeah, very shiny. –Are you buying this for your fiancée? She’ll love it!/ [Everything Must Go (2010)] Nicholas, you’re a diamond in the rough!/ She’s a brilliant person with brilliant ideas. Jewelry: pronunciation: /CU(L).ri/ mücevher || Jewel(s): pronunciation: /CUL(z)/ mücevher Tourists are recommended not to wear jewelry./ William Arthur Ward says, ‘Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.’ I think ‘thanking’ your wife is the best jewelry gift you can give her./ WOW. These jewels are magnificent and precious! Gold: /GO’Ld/ altın || Silver: /SİL.vır/ gümüş Marcus: These days, I think, men prefer silver to gold. Heather: Maybe, but women always like gold rather than silver!/ Watch Britt Nicole’s Gold on GodTube. Necklace: /NEK.lis/ kolye || Ring: /RİNg/ yüzük || Rock*: /RA:’k/ değerli taş, elmas || Bracelet: /BREYS.lıt/ bilezik ||Anklet: /ANK.lıt/ halhal In Rocky 5, Rocky’s coach gives him his necklace and tells him that it’s like an angel and everytime he’s hit and is down in a fight (=boxing), this little angel SHOUTS ‘GET UP!’ That’s what a coach should be. The necklace doesn’t give any power, his coach’s WORDS do./ Girl: That’s a beautiful set of necklace, ring, bracelet, and anklet, huh? I think I want to buy them./ Did you talk to her? –No! –[Surprises] Why not? –Didn’t you see the rock? She’s married./ Don’t be fool by the rocks I got. They didn’t change me. I’m still the same Jenny you used to see! [Rock: 1. harika olmak>This party rocks! 2. kaya>Rock climbing is an extreme sport.] ÇANTA &… Wallet: /WA:’.lıt/ (kağıt para/kağıt/kredi kartı, v.s) cuzdan || Purse: /P3Rs/ 1. bayan cuzdan 2. bayan çanta || Briefcase: /BRİF.keys/ evrak çantası || Suitcase: /SU’T.keys/ bavul, valiz || Backpack: /BA’’k/ sırt çantası Oh sweet Lord! I lost my wallet./ She has a variety /vı of credit cards in her purse!/ From now on, all the ladies who work in this factory must put their purse in their own locker /LA:’.ker/ (kilitli dolap). The manager is not responsible for any missing object./ The lawyer put the files in his briefcase and went to the court./ The tourists were carrying their suitcases to the hotel./ Put that backpack on. Time to go camping, baby!

Bag: /BA’G/ 1. bayan çantası 2. poşet 1. Nice bag! Where did you buy it?/ 2. Can I get an extra plastic bag, please? –Sure. There you go(Buyurun). –Thanks. Satchel: /SA’.çıl/ [uzun kayışlı deri] umuz çantası Satchel is a leather bag normally with long strap (kayış)./ Nice brown satchel! [>Google Images<] High heels: /HA:Y.hilz/ (=Heels) yüksek kopuklu ayakkabı Jasmine! WOW. With those high heels, you look really classy… and different. –Thanks for your compliment (=kompliman/iltifat)! You look great too!/ Janet never wears high heels. They hurt her feet. Shoes:/ŞU’z/ [çift] ayakkabı [Shoe:/ŞU’/ birtane ayakkabı] Nice shoes!/ What’s it on your shoe?

I’ve been in your shoes!: /a:yv.Bİ’N-in.yor.ŞU’z/ Aynı şeyleri hissttim!,Senin yerindeydım, Senin durumdaydım!, Ne hissettiğini anlıyorum! || Walk in one’s shoes: kendini birinin yerinde koymak, bir şeyi başka kişinin balış açısından göröek/düşünmek, birinin haline anlamak I lost my job. I feel horrible. –Yea, I understand. I’ve been in your shoes. But you gotta do something. Don’t just sit here and worry. Go find a new job./ My son doesn’t listen to me. –Yea, I know what you mean. I’ve been in your shoes too. My son didn’t listen to me when he was 13./ ‘I’ve been in your shoes’ is so popular that even Mr. President (Barack Obama) uses it in his speech: ‘I’ve been in your shoes. I know what it’s like to take a tough vote.’/ You’ll never know a person until you walk a few miles in their shoes. CLOTHES &… Clothes:/kLO’z/elbise Put on more clothes.=Put more clothes on. It’s cold./ Underwear/A:N.dır.we’r/ (iç çamaşır) and undershirt /A:N.dır.ş3rt/ (atlet, fanila, atlet fanilası) are pieces of clothes. [Cloth: /kLA:’s/ kumaş>Tailors know best about cloth.] [Close: sıfat/kLO’S/ yakın>We’re close friends. || Close: fiil/kLO’Z/ kapatmak>Could you please close the door?] Gown: /GA’Wn/ 1. uzun etekli kadın elbisesi 2. [iş için] normal elbisenin üzerinde giysi 1. That’s a nice gown! –Oh, thanks./ 2. Nurses, doctors, factory workers, and so, wear gown. Pants: /PA’NTs/ pantolon Put your pants on. We’re going to the mall./ I’d like to try these pants on. [Try on: prova etmek]/ Those are my pants. Give them to me. [Bir pantolon iki bacağı sahip. O yüzden those/them kullanıyoruz.> ‘Give IT to me’ DEĞİL.] [Pant: nefes nefese kalmak || Pants= pantolon || Jeans= kot pantolon] FLOWERS & STUFF Flower:/fLAW.ır/* çiçek || Florist: /fLO’.rist/ çiçekçi How much are those flowers?/ Some people think flowers bring peace to them, but some don’t like flowers in the house ’cause they remind them of funerals./ We need a good florist for the wedding. –I can Google it. –Good call (İyi ki dedin)! [Flour: /fLAWr/* un> Do you know how to bake cake with flour?] Daisy: /DEY.zi/ papatya || Tulip: /TU.lip/ lale || Rose: /RO’z/ gül || Orchid: /O’R.kid/ orkide || Lavender: /LA’.vın.dır/ lavanta These flowers are the most popular in America: Daisy, tulip, rose, orchid, and lavendar. Lavendar is also a color. Do gardening: /DU-GA:R.dı.ning/ bahçede çalışmak, çiçeklere/fidanlere/v.s’e uğraşmak My grandfather does a lot of gardening in his free time. Horticulture: /HOR.di.ka:l.çır/ bahçıvanlık, bahçecilik She’s studying horticulture at the Univercity of Michigan./ He says looking at soil and gardens relieves him (=onu rahatlatıyor). That’s why he likes horticulture. Vineyard: /VİN.yırd/ üzüm bağı His father has a vineyard so he’s always been interested in wine and horticulture./ There’s a wine factory next to this spectacular vineyard. John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. Plant: /pLA’Nt/ 1. bitki 2. Dikmek Do you have any green plants in your house? –Yes, we have lot of them in the balcony./ You must get good at one of two things; planting in the spring or begging in the fall. –Jim Rohn/ Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. –Les Brown Greenhouse: /gRİN.haws/ sera, ser, limonluk Here’s the list of agriculture(tarım) that we plant in

our greenhouse./ What are greenhouse gases? Does fertilizer(gübre) cause them?/ Do you know how to build a greenhouse? [Lighthouse: deniz feneri>Lighthouse is used to warn ships at night or in heavy fog that they are approaching the land.] Soil:/SO’YL/1.[bitki yetiştirmek için]toprak2.[ülke anlama]toprak || Land*: /LA’Nd/ arsa/ toprak In Candan Erçetin’s song, there’s this part: Bir avuç toprak için yor kendini. In English, it’s: Tire yourself for a handful of soil./ Have you ever touched the soil of America(Hiç Amerika’yı gittin mi)?/ This land has good soil for planting tree. Luke 19:5 Zacchaeus, hurry up and come down –from the tree- for today I must stay at your house. HOUSE/ HOUSE CHORES & STUFF House chores: /HAWS.ço’rz/ günlü ev işlerı || Mop the floor: /MA:’p.zı.flo’r/ yere paspas* yapmak || Scrub the sink: /sKRA:B.ze.sink/ lavaboyu fırça ile temizlemek || Vacuum clean: /VA.kyum.kli’n/ elektrik süpürgesiyla temizlemek || Vacuum cleaner: /VA.kyum.kli’.nır/ elektrik süpürgesi || Sweep*: /SWİ’p/ (sweep, swept, swept) süpürmek [>RELATIONSHIP<] || Broom: /bRU’m/ saplı süpürge || Dustpan: /DA:ST.pan/ kürek, faraş My mom does the house chores everyday./ Sometimes when I’m pissed off (=kızgın), I do the house chores!/ There’re a lot of house chores she does every other day (=iki günde bir). She mops the floor, scrubs the sink, vacuum cleans the house, sweeps the yard with broom and collects the trash with dustpan./ We’re very satisfied with this Siemens vacuum cleaner. Do/Wash the dishes: /DU--//WA:Ş-zı-Dİ.şız/ bulaşıkları yıkamak || Dish soap:/DİŞ.so’p/ (=Washing liquid/WA:.şing-Lİ.kwid/) bulaşık deterjanı [On the phone] Hey, Francis! What’s up? What were you doing? –Oh, nothing... just doing the dishes./ What brand of dish soap do you use, to wash the dishes? [Soap:/SO’p/sabun>This moisturizing(nemlendırıcı) soap is awesome. Soup: /SU’p/ çorba>Red lentil(kırmızı mercimek) soup is delicious!] Faucet: /FA:’.sit/ musluk || Turn on/off the faucet: musluğu açmak/kapatmak The faucet’s leaking. Can you fix it or should I call a plumber? –No. I can do that./ [The Future (2011)] Jason (Hamish Linklater): Turn the faucet on! Mat:/MA’t/ ayakkabı altını temizlemek için kapının önünde paspas (hemde:Doormat), banyoda (hemde:Bathmat), mutfakta (hemde:Kitchenmat) || Bathrobe:/’b/(=Robe/RO’b/) bornoz || Towel:/TAW.ıl/ havlu We have kinds of mat: door mat, bath mat, kitchen mat, etc. But all of them are called ‘mat’./ [To his brother] Hey, that hooded(kapuşonlu) bathrobe is mine. Take it off./ Nothing is like a warm, pleasant bath in a Sunday morning, wearing your robe, sipping your steaming coffee, staring out the window, and listening to music./ [The guest of the hotel calling the room service] Could I have an extra towel, please? –Sure. Which room? –205 (two, oh, five). [*Tower: kule] Shampoo: pronunciation:/şa’m.PU’/ şampuan What’s the best shampoo to get rid of dandruff /DA’N.drıf/(kepek)? Tub=Bathtub: /TA:B//BAS.ta:b/ banyo küveti || Tub bath: /TA:B-ba’s/ küvette banyo yapma Fill the tub(bathtub) with warm water, add some shampoo, and stir it with your hand. It’s foamy and smells pleasant. It’s all set (Hazırdır)!/ If you don’t want to mix the word ‘bathtub’ with ‘tub bath’, always say ‘Cat in the bathtub with a pingpong ball’! It’s just a funny way to remember!/ You wanna take a tub bath?/ Nothing’s like a hot tub bath after a tiring day! Feels so good! Laundry: /LA:’N.dri/ çamaşır, kirli çamaşır || Do the/my laundry: çamaşirleri makine ile yıkamak || Laundromat: /LA:’’t/ genel çamaşırhane I have some laundry to do. Honey, can you go get(=buy) some detergent/di.T3R.cınt/ please?/ I have to go home. I have to do the laundry and take care of my kids./ [The Town (Türkçe:Hırssızler Şehri) (2010)] Claire(Rebecca Hall) is crying in the Laundromat and Doug(Ben Affleck) asks if she’s ok and she says ‘yes’. Now Doug comes up with saying these to make her feel good: ‘I like to have a good cry in a nail salon/sı.LA:’n/... [Claire chuckles slightly] But, you know, you like the Laundromat (ağlamak için buradayı tercih ediyorsun), so that’s fine.’ Trash: /tRA’ş/ 1. çöp, çerçöp 2. değersiz,pis,adi 3. çöp dökmek || Garbage: /GA:’R.bıc/ 1. çöp 2. (=Trashy) değersiz/pis/adi || Garbage shoot: /GA:’R.bıc.şu’t/ çöp atma borusu, çöp oluğu || Trashcan=Garbagecan: /TRA’Ş.ka’n//GA:’R.bıc.ka’n/ çöp kutusu || Trash bag= Garbage bag: [boş/dolu] çöp poşet || Trashy: /tRA’.şi/ değersiz, çöp gibi, pis, pislik || Dumpster: /DA:MPs.tır/ çöp, çöp kutusu || Litter: /Lİ.dır/ [umumi/genel yerlerde] yere kirlenmek, çöp dökmek Hate, lie, gossip, and such are trash/garbage stuck to the hearts. Like we throw the trash/garbage away at 9 every night, we should clean our hearts too./ Excuse me but there’s no trash/garbage can in the class./ Honey, throw the garbage through the garbage shoot, won’t ya?/ [Sign on the bus] Please don’t litter. Thanks./ It is perfectly okay to write garbage –as long as you edit brilliantly. –C. J. Cherryh/ Don’t trash broken stuffs. Fix them./ We’ve run out of trash bag (Çöp poşetimiz bitti). We gotta buy some./ We don’t need these. Throw all of ’em in the dumpster/trash./ What a lousy/LAW.zi/(iğrenç) restaurant! The food was horrible. I don’t know why nobody complains to shut there down. –Yeah, the place was like garbage./ [A radio commercial] A police officer stops a guy and says: I stopped you for littering. –I didn’t litter!/ The sign inside the bus: Please Don’t Litter!

Rug: /RA:G/ halı, kilim/cicim || Carpet: /KA:’R.pıt/ halı The difference? Well, rug is normally smaller than carpet./ [Tourist] These handmade (=elişi/elyapımı) Turkish carpets have great quality. How much is this one? Hose: /HO’z/ hortum Could you water (=su vermek) the rest of the garden, Alec? I’m gonna need to go. –Sure, mom. –Okay take the hose, sweetie./ This hose is too loose (=gevşek). I think we should clamp /kLA’Mp/ (=mengene ile sıkıştırmak) it. Ring the door bell: kapı zili çalmak || Ring a bell*: bir şeyi/birini hatırlatmak, yabancı gelmemek She went there and rang the door bell./ Honey, look at this picture. Doesn’t it ring a bell? –Yeah, it does. It was our first anniversary in Huntersville. –Such a goot time! –We can go there again if you want! –Oh, really? –Yeah! [Give me a ring= Give me a call= Call me: Beni ara!] Bunkbed: /BA:NK.bed/ ranza Having bunkbed is a great idea for large families. –I think so too (Bende aynı fikirdeyim/ Bende öyle düşünüyorum). Hanger: /HAN.gır/ askı || Clothespin: /KLO’ mandal || Rope: /RO’p/ ip [çamaşir ipi] People use hangers for dry clothes. I use them to hang my laundry. I save lots of space and time./ She did the laundry, hung up the clothes on a rope, and fastened them with clothespins. [Hang up: asmak/ Hang up: telefonu kapatmak] Thread:/sRED/ 1. ip [kümaş ipi], iplik 2. [bir website’de belirli bir konu hakkında tartışma ve onun takibi] mesaj seti, mesaj dizisi, ya da bir kişinin mesaj ipliği/çizgisi || Sew: /SO’W/ (sew, sewed, sewed/sewn) dikmek 1. You pass the thread through the eye of the needle and start to sew./ 2. A thread is a set of posts about a particular topic on a website./ 2. There are 19 messages on this thread. All of them are about ‘parenting’./ 2. Dear Clara! In this thread, you mentioned about the importance of ‘selfconfidence’ in our life. I’m glad to read some of the most thought-provoking answers about this matter.

Nail: /NEYl/ 1. çivi 2. Tırnak || Nail clipper: /NEYL.kli.pır/ tırnak makası || Nail someone/bir şeyi (down): [birini/bir şeyi] mıhlamak, yenmek, kazanmak, tutturmak, köşeye sıkıştırmak, ortaya çıkarmak This nail is too big. Gimme/Gİ.me/(Give me) a smaller one./ Girl: Did you see my nail polish/’.liş/(oje,tırnak cilası)? I’m gonna polish my nails (Tırnaklarımı boyamak istiyorum)./ I cut my nail with a nail clipper (=tırnak makası)./ Gosh! You nailed me on that game! You’re such a good player!/ [After they won]-Yesssss! We nailed them down!/ Sometimes a turtle can nail a rabbit down in a race!/ With this evidence, we can nail our competitor who accused us./ Yessssss, you nailed it! THAT’s the game(=Oyun işte bu)! Hammer: /HA.mır/ 1. çekiç 2. [=Force and criticize] (baskı yapıp)–i eleştirmek/yermek 3. [Hit hard] sıkı bir şekilde vurmak || Jackhammer*: /CAK.ha.mır/ kaya matkabı 1. I need a hammer and some nails to fix the roof./ 2. What do you want from me? I threw the garbage away. I cleaned the bathroom. And now you’re hammering me about watching a little TV?/ 3. Yahoo News: Storm Sandy hammers NYC. Cuts power to millions./ Excuse me professor. Can I close the window. The jackhammer’s noise doesn’t let me stay focused /FO’.kıst/. [Get hammered: ağırce para/hisse/oyunu kayıp etmek >FINANCE<bakin.] Shovel: /ŞA:’.vıl/ kürek The farmer is digging the ground with a shovel./ They removed the front door snow with shovels. [Shove something into: zorla sokmak/itmek>Don’t shove food in his mouth!] Lawn: /LA:’Wn/ bahçe, çimenlık, çimen || Lawnmower: /LA:’’.ır/ çimen biçme makinesi I’m gonna clean the lawn./ When his wife called, he was cutting the grasses with the lawnmower./ I think that’s enough. The garden is in a good shape now. Thank you. Turn off that lawnmower. Patch up a hole:/PAÇ.a:p.ı-HO’L/ (=Mend a hole by putting a patch on) bir deliği/ boşluğu onarmak/düzeltmek/yamamak See? When it rains, the water leaks from the ceiling. Could you patch up that hole on the roof for me?/ See? There’s a hole in this tire. –Yeah. I see. Can you patch it up for us? –Yep. I can do it for ya for fifteen bucks/fif.Tİ’ dolar)! Pillow: /Pİ.lo’w/ yastık || Mattress: /MAT.ris/ döşek/yatak/şilte || Sheet: /sKA’:Rf/ çarşaf || Blanket: /bLAN.kıt/ battaniye If a snoring person uses extra pillow, it might help them quit snoring./ What? You had a pillow fight? You mean for fun, or for real?/ Honey, the mattress is too firm (=sert). It hurts my back. I think we should turn it back and change it with a softer one./ Have an extra sheet with you./ We need more blankets for the refugee camp. How many packages did you load on the truck? [Cushion:(Google Images)/KU.şın/minder(kanapenın üstüne yastık)> At the corner of the sofa, he was leaning on the comfortable cushion.]

Couch: /KA’Wç/ kanape || Sofa: kanepe || Furniture: /çır/ mobilya || Furnished: /F3R.nişd/ eşyalı, mobilyalı You always sleep on the couch/sofa?/ Couch potato /KAWÇ.pı’/ means ‘kanape patatesi= televizyon karşısında çok vakit geçirerek tembellik eden kişi’!/ We need some new couches for the office. –Yes, sir./ ‘Pull-out couch(yataklı kanape)’ is a couch that can turn into(olmak/-e dönmek) bed./ Where did you buy the new furniture?/ [Lady to the realtor] I’m looking for a furnished apartment, preferably (=tercihen) in this neighborhood /NEY.bır.hud/(=mahalle). Electric bill: /i.LEK.trik.bil/ elektrik faturası || Water bill: /WA:.dır.bil/ su faturası || Gas bill: /GAS.bil/ gaz faturası Why is our electric bill so high (=yüksek/pahalı) this month?/ Honey? Did you pay the water bill?/ Excuse me, where can I pay my gas bill? Burn* down the house: /B3RN.dawn.zı-HAWS/ eve yanıp kül etmek || Cut down a tree: /KA:T.dawn.ı-TRİ/ ağaç kesmek The boy was playing with a box of matches (=kibrit) and accidentally burned down the house./ He cut down three trees in front of his house./ The old man cut down many trees with a chainsaw/Ç (elektrikli testere). Burn* a DVD: /B3RN-ıİ’/ bir DVD’i yakmak (=üzerine bilgi kaydetmek) Do you have Nero on your computer? –Yep, you wanna burn a DVD? –Yep, can I? –Sure! Landlord: /LA’ND.lo’rd/ ev sahibi (erkek) || Landlady: /LA’ND.ley.di/ ev sahibi (bayan) || Tenant: /TE.nınt/ kiracı My landlord keeps some security deposit. It’s for possible damages./ My landlady offered (ısmarladı) me home-baked cakes./ Hi. Can I take a look at the third floor? –Oh, I think you wanna talk to the landlord. I’m the tenant of the second floor. –Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Stan. Pleasure to meet you. –Likewise. I’m David. Rag:/RA’g/[eski/kullanmiş] bez Oops! I spilled the coffee on the table! I go get a rag to clean this up. Stroller:/sTRO’.lır/puset, bebek arabası The baby’s mom was pushing the stroller./ Buy lightweight strollers that can be folded so you could put it in your car trunk. Then you need to carry your baby with baby carrier (bebek taşıma çantası).>[Google Images]< Diaper: /DA:Y.pır/ bebek bezi, çocuk bezi Honey, we should change the baby’s diaper. Tuck someone in: /TA:K-/ (gece uykusuna yatırılmış) çocugun üstünü örtmek, yatağa gitmek || Tuck something in: onun yere koymak/ düzeltmek Every night I tuck my kid in, I say some prayers and turn the light off./ Okay. I just tucked the baby in. Now let’s have a chat. Would you like me to get you some tea?/ Guys are all tucked in (Çocuklar hepsi yatağa gittilar)./ Tuck your shirt in (=Gömleğin pantolondan çikartte, onu düzelt). Chains be broken – Lives be healed –Hillsong United BREAK/BROKE/BUM/HOMELESS Break: /bREYk/ (break, broke, broken) 1. kırılmak 2. bozmak 3. mola/ara/teneffüs 1. He gasped when he broke neighbor’s window with the ball./ 1. You can’t break a heart and have it (Kırıldığın kalbı sahip olamazsın)!/ 1. If you cannot win, make the one ahead of you break the record. [It means you can!]–Jan McKeithen/ 2. [Pic] Well, the fridge broke, so I had to eat everything. (İşte buzdolap bozuldu, o yüzden her şeyi yemek zorunda kaldım.) 3. Let’s have a break! (Hadi moğlaya gidelim!) [Keep a promise#Break a promise] Broke*: /bRO’k/ 1. parasiz, meteliksiz, cebi delik || Broken: bozulmuş ‘Broke’ is the past tense of the verb ‘Break’, also is an adjective meaning ‘without money’./ Broke is NOT poor (=fakir değil) but doesn’t have money in his pocket/account NOW./ Les Brown: If you walk around 9 broke people, be sure you will be number 10 (Eğer 9 meteleksiz/ parasız kişiyla gezersen, onların 10’uncu olacağını emin ol)./ I was broke so I had to come up with (=bulmak) a way to make some money./ Oh my gosh! I can’t believe you lost all the money! Now what should we do? We’re totally broke!/ Got some cold water? –No sorry. The fridge is broken. Fix the pieces – Scarlet Fade Broken: ruhsal olarak kırılmış/bozulmuş/harap I was broken; Jesus fixed the pieces for me.

Take/Have a break: mola almak/vermek Teacher: Ok, that’s about it for now (şimdilik bu kadar). We’ll take a short break and we’ll be back in 10 minutes./ Student: Teacher? Can we have a break? –Sure./ Stephen Leigh, the writer: You may be able to take a break from writing, but you won’t be able to take a break from being a writer. Breaking news: flaş haber, son dakika haberleri || Break good/bad news: iyi/kötü haber söylemek ‘Breaking news’ means when the main news is interrupted by a recent important news./ Announcer: And now here’s the latest breaking news.../ Journalism techniques help make the breaking news more remarkable./ People really enjoy when you break a good news to them./ I hate breaking bad news to someone, but if you have to, how would you do it? Break in/into: izinsiz girmek Her ex-husband broke into her house and she reported it to the police. Give me a break!: /GİV.mi.ı-BRE’Yk//Gİ.mi.ı-BRE’Yk/ Rahat bırak beni!, Bir huzur ver beni!, Bir moğla ver beni!, Üstüme gelme! || Give it a break!: Bırak ya! Bir huzur ver! Bir moğla ver! Is he giving me a ticket (trafik cezasi)? Oh come on! Give me a break! This is the second time today!/ What do you think about war in... –Uhh! Man! No war talk. Give me a break, for God’s sake (=Tanrı aşkına)!/ C’mon(=Come on), man! You’re apologizing me for two days for damaging my oven /A:’.vın/(fırın)! Give me a break. It’s just an oven! No big deal./ Guys! Guys! Stop fighting. Give it a break. Please!/ Still watching TV? It’s 3 o’clock in the morning! Give yourself a break! Bum*: /BA:M/ popo, serseri, başkalerin sırtından geçinen, evsiz ve parasiz When he was a bum, he borrowed some Money from his close friend./ He’s not a bum. He’s sick and needs help. Homeless*: /HO’M.lıs/ evsiz He was a homeless once sleeping on bench but he understood it couldn’t last for ever. So he found a job, and tried to establish a reliable life. Now he’s so successful./ [Homeless To Harvard, A Liz Murray Story] So, when I was 15, I became homeless. BUST(=BREAK)/BURST/CRACK/SMASH/CRUSH/CRASH Bust: /BA:ST/ (=Break) kırılmak || Bust in/into: (=Break in/into) izinsiz girmek I told you not to walk blindfolded (=gözlerinin üstünü kümaşyla sıkıca örtülü)! See? You busted your leg./ Don’t go skiing. You’ll slip (=kaymak) and you’ll bust your head! –But how can I learn to ski if I don’t try?/ Do you have the warrant (arama izini/belgesi) to bust in here?/ They busted/broke into my house in the middle of the night so I called the cops immediately. Busted!: /BA:S.tıd/ (İşte beni) yakalandı!, (İşte seni) yakalandım! [Ian suddenly goes to his best friend and with a high-pitch sound says] Busted! [The best friend smiles. Ian, with a low-pitch sound continues] So this must be the girl you texted (mesaj attı) about a lot! –Yeah! –Hello! I’m Ian. Nice to meet you. –[Smiles] Julianne. Nice to meet you./ So you told Rafael I’m writing a book? –Yea. Busted!/ I got busted: Yakalanmış oldum!/Beni yakalandı işte! Burst: /B3RSt/ (burst,burst,burst) patlamak It’s joyful to burst the balloons, huh?/ I can’t eat anymore. I’m bursting! [mecaz]/ The bus was so full of people that it was about to burst! [mecaz] Crack:/kRA’k/ çatlatmak || He’s in a crack: [=He’s in a misery/Mİ.zı.ri/!] Çok acı bir durumda! Look! Somebody cracked the window./ He’s in a crack. Why doesn’t he do anything to save himself from this mess? Smash:/sMA’ş/ paramparça olmak, kırmak, sert vurmak I don’t know what happened. I found Josh’s car in the parking lot, its window was smashed./ The glass fell down from my hand and smashed./ The vase hit the ground and smashed into pieces. Smashed potatoes*=Mashed potatoes*: /(s)MA’Şt-pı’z/ patates püresi smashed/mashed potatoes with roasted garlic sound great. Where did you get the recipe?



Crush: /kRA:Ş/ ezmek We normally crush some cloves of garlic and put them in the stew./ You crushed my heart. [Crush (=Sudden feeling of love) birini –özellikle anında- çok sevme>I had a crush on you (Seni fena halde sevdim). >LOVE/ROMANCE<bakin]

Crash*: /kRA’ş/ 1. [taşıt/uçak] çarpışma, kaza 2. [bir yerde] takılmak/ kalmak Remember the word ‘crash’ from the movie ‘Crash’. It’s about racial and social issues./ Sorry I’m late. There was a car crash downtown, so, you know, heavy traffic and stuff./ She doesn’t take planes, simply because she’s afraid of plane crash./ Hey buddy, you’re here? Your mom’s been worried about you. Why did you turn off your phone? Come on. Let’s get you home. –Nah, I’m gonna crash here with Bob./ [Adventureland] So what’s the plan? –I’m gonna crash the Y(New York) for a week./ This neighborhood is a bit sketch(scary:korkunç/shady:güven olmayan), but you can crash here for a while until you find your apartment. Crumble: /kRA:M.bıl/ 1.(=Break into small pieces) ufalamak/ufalanmak/parçalanmak 2.[tart v.s.] parçalanmiş içinde 3.çökmek/harap olmak We’re gonna win as a team, or we’re gonna crumble as individuals. –Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday/ I love it when I crumble the cookie and have it with coffee./ Google Image this: Apple crumble pie./ Many buildings crumbled in the quake./ Dreams can crumble but hope builds them again. DEDİKODU Gossip: /GA:’.sıp/ dedikodu || Gossip about: –in dedikodusunu yapmak || Rumor: /RU’.mır/ söylenti, dedikodu She’s a gossip columnist in New York Post./ I don’t like gossipping about this and that. Time is more precious than that./ Common proverb in many countries: ‘Whoever gossips to you will gossip of you!’/ There’re rumors about your husband. They say he had a fight with someone in the bar. –What? My husband? He never even drinks alcohol! Who told you that? GİZLİCE Secret: pronunciation:/Sİ’.krıt/ 1. sır, gizem 2. gizli, gizemli The Bible in Judges 16 tells us when Samson finally told his secret to Delilah, his strength was gone. This story is full of wisdom./ Remember the word ‘secret’ from the best-seller book ‘The Secret’ written by Rhonda Byrne. It says how ‘positive thinking’ can change a person’s life. This book is translated into 44 languages!/ She always tells her secrets to her mom./ How old are you? –35. –Oh my gosh! You seem like 20 or something. –Thanks! –What’s your secret of staying young? –Honestly? Well, the secret is three words: Take It Easy (Zor-La-Ma)!/ Everybody likes you, man! What’s your secret./ The guy’s soft spoken secrets were sweet to her./ What’s your most secret dream you want to achieve? Mysterious: /mis.Tİ.ri.yıs/ gizemlı, esrarlı, garip || Mystery*: /MİS.tı.ri/ gizem, sır || Misery*: /Mİ.zı.ri/ çok acı bir durum, perişanlık, sefalet He’s somebody nobody knows(Kimse onu tanamayan biridir)! He’s a mysterious person./ It’s a mysterious house./ The millionaire says to a thousand people, ‘I read this book and it started me on the road to wealth.’ Guess how many go out and get the book? Very few. Isn’t that incredible? Why would everyone get the book? A mystery of life. –Jim Rohn/ He’s full of mystery. No one really knows him./ Who’s this mystery girl you’re seeing?/ I’m in a misery and I don’t know who can save me from this./ Man! Your life is a misery!/ ‘He’s in a crack’ means ‘He’s in a misery’. Hide:/HA:’Yd/(hide, hid, hidden) saklamak, saklanmak, gizlemek, gizlenmek You can’t hide (=saklayamazsın) anything from me. Sooner or later, I’ll find it out./ The kids hid in the kitchen. Sneak in/into: /sNİ’k--/ gizlice girmek || Sneak out: gizlice gitmek || Sneak around: etrafta gizli gizli dolaşmak || Sneak up on someone: gizlice birini yaklaşmak/ gizlice birinin başında gelmek || Sneaky: /sNİ’.ki/ gizli He sneaked into the building out of security guards’ eyes./ He sneaked out of the house to go night surfing. He is fond of surfing./ There’s a guy who’s sneaking around the house all day. I’m gonna call the cops./ [She’s speaking on the phone at 1 AM. Her roommate suddenly comes in and says] Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you./ Are you sneaking up on me?/ You’ve always had those sneaky phone calls. Your mind has always been busy. I guess you’ve never loved me. [Snake:/sNEYk/yılan>Snakes always sneak(sessizce ilerlemek) and then attack!] [Sniff something out: bulmak/ne olduğunu öğrenmek>BODY PARTS<bakin] Pry (in/into something):*/pRA:y/(bir şeyi)burnunu sokmak, gizlice/izinsizce araştırmak/ soruşturmak, müdahele etmek, başkaların özellik şeylerı öğrenmek istemek, tecessüs etmek You’re married. Are you happy in your life? –I’m sorry. I prefer not to answer this question. –Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry./ I don’t pry into others’ affairs. [Pray:/pREy/dua etmek>I think everyone can pray half an hour a day.] Stalk: /sTA:’k/ gizlice yaklaşmak/takip etmek Someone was stalking me for 2 hours /AWırz/, then disappeared /dıs.ı.Pİ.yırd/ (gözden kayboldu)./ To ex-boyfriend: Stop stalking me, or I’ll call the cops./ Girl 1: What’s Justin Bieber’s cell number? I wonder. Girl 2: –It’s probably 1-800-PLEASE-STOP-STALKING-ME! –HaHa! Funny! Lurk:/L3RK/1.gizlice beklemek/dolaşmak, gizlenmek 2.İnternette başkaların mesajları okumak ama bir şey yazmamak Last night I heard a noise around the house. Probably someone was lurking in the dark./ He always lurks a girl on FB (=Facebook). It means: He always goes to her page, reads her messages, but doesn’t write anything there. Spy: /sPA:y/ casus, ajan || Spy on: /sPA:y.a:’n/ casusluk yapmak, gizlice dinlemek/seyretmek He was a spy for years (=yıllarce)./ [The Art Of Getting By (2011)] When the principal sees George, he chuckles. George says, ‘Oh, hey Bill!’ And the principal, chuckling, says, ‘You are like a Cold War spy, you move only in shadow.’/ [He suddenly opens the door, sees her there, and asks] Have you been spying on me? –No! I brought you waffles. –Oh! Thanks./ The Intelligency/Secret Service was spying on some suspects.

Snitch: /sNİÇ/ muhbir There’s a 2013 movie named ‘Snitch’. Ever seen it?/ [Bond Of Silence (2010)] YOU were the snitch!/ ‘Rat(1.sıçan2.muhbir)’ is another word for ‘Snitch’. But ‘rat’ is more like a Slang word. [Snatch: kapmak> Foxes(tilkiler) snatch chickens in villages.] Surveillance:/sır.VEY.lıns/ (bir kimsenin faaliyetlerini) gizlice izlemek They surveillanced him in all aspects of his life. They even settled microphone in his car./ In this picture, they are having the target under surveillance. [You won’t forget it.] Surveillance camera: /sır.VEY.lıns-KA.mı.ra:/ güvenlik kamerası, gizli kamerası They have surveillance camera everywhere. It must be an important place. MODERN WORDS/TECHNOLOGY Science is a being of mind. Mind is a being of God. Is that so hard to understand? What are we so proud of? The ‘mind’? BIG BANG theory suggests that the world started by itself when it was extremely hot and became extremely cold and it exploded. I cannot say that this theory is right or wrong since this is not my field of study and I only know what God wants me to know. But even if it’s true, why does science fail to respond WHO did it? Can something be cold by itself or hot by itself, unless there is atom (number one) and space (number zero)? this is what God caused since nothing occurs unless He wants to. This is part of Big Bang theory off Wiki: ‘‘At this time, the Universe was in an extremely hot and dense state and began expanding rapidly. After the initial expansion, the Universe cooled sufficiently to allow energy to be converted into various subatomic particles, including protons, neutrons, and electrons. Though simple atomic nuclei formed within the first three minutes after the Big Bang, thousands of years passed before the first electrically neutral atoms formed. The majority of atoms that were produced by the Big Bang are hydrogen, along with helium and traces of lithium. Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesced through gravity to form stars and galaxies, and the heavier elements were synthesized either within stars or during supernovae. Arthur Eddington agreed with Aristotle that the universe did not have a beginning in time, viz., that matter is eternal. A beginning in time was "repugnant" to him. Lemaître, however, thought that: ‘‘If the world has begun with a single quantum, the notions of space and time would altogether fail to have any meaning at the beginning; they would only begin to have a sensible meaning when the original quantum had been divided into a sufficient number of quanta. If this suggestion is correct, the beginning of the world happened a little before the beginning of space and time.’’

How can science explain the notion that how and why, every time, human beings are emotionally drawn to pursue a spiritual relationship with God? [We see the tree, the root is unseen. We see the water as liquid, the gas elements (H2O) are unseen. We see the human, the brain and the heart are unseen. Science is by scientists, all sciences and scientists are the simple creations of LORD GOD. They talk about the superiority of science over spirituality. Well, WHO gave them such a systematic BRAIN to THINK, to TALK, to APPROACH? WHO gave them hands to do, strength to go, and heart to struggle? WHO gave them tongue to speak? WHO gave them WORDS? We got more than 6,000 languages in the world, are they accidental too??? Is it accidental that a fish swims 1,000 miles and gets back to the place where it was born??? WHO could have created such great and extremely organized and precise system??? Let us use our brain. How about the DNA? Is that accidental too??? They talk about that ‘lamb’! With WHAT did they create it? Could they create it WITHOUT whatever GOD gave them? Could they create somethingness out of nothingness? Could someone without MIND create it? From atom to space, from A (Alpha) to Z (Omega), from every single thought, every grand wisdom, every action, every move, every opportunity, we can SEE the ALMIGHTY POWER and ALMIGHTY WISDOM of the LORD GOD. Let us lift up our hands and sing to the LORD the songs of JOY: ‘Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord’, the song by the music group Tree63 to the Lord of Alpha and Omega.] [The Stranger: Salt] Professor: But science doesn’t change. –Jesus Christ: Sure it does. 600 years ago everyone was sure the world was flat... –Oh, that was a long time ago. –50 years ago... IBM predicted that there will never be more than 5 computers in the world. Even today, science can’t figure out how gravity works. –I have faith that they’ll eventually find the answer. –You have faith? (Students laugh.) –Faith in science, the same science that put away the Adam and Eve fairy tale. –And gave you the Big Bang theory? –One big explosion... Matty: What caused it? P: Nobody knows for sure. Jesus: It doesn’t take much understanding to realize just how finely designed the creation is. Do you know why science can’t figure out why people sleep? If science can’t explain what a man’s most physical need is, then how can it explain the spiritual ones? –You have no respect for science. –I love science. I think it’s an amazing scope for comprehending God’s extention. But what’s perplexing is that people claim to admire the creation but not the Creator. It’s like your kids trying to convince yourselves that there’s no such thing as parents! (The class laughs.) Anybody! Name a scientist. Student: Sir Isaac Newton. Student: Albert Einstein. Jesus: Now, what did these two men have in common? –They were both geniuses. –What else? ... Jesus: They both held a strong belief in God. Isaac Newton studied the Bible everyday. He said, ‘Gravity sets the emotions of the planet, but WHO set the planets of emotion?’ Albert Einstein was convinced the universe was so elegantly put together that there had to be a Supreme Intelligence who designed it. How can science explain that the born-with-one-kidney Ruth Kersey received a new kidney after Franklin Walden just prayed for her in Jesus’ name??? How can science even explain the notion that Jennifer Toledo, a girl of strong faith in Lord

Jesus, could cloth hundreds of African kids with only 8 small suitcases of clothes and there were still clothes left??? How can science really prove how a born-blind girl in Nicaragua got two beautiful brown eyes after Mel Bond just prayed for her in Jesus’ name???

2 Corinthians 10:5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. [Gifted Hands: A Ben Carson Story] I always pray before any of the operation. I think God help me know what to do. Matthew 5:14 You are the Light of the world. Virtual world: /V3R.çu.ıl/ (=Cyber world=Online world) sanal dünya Virtual world has become the real world today! Cyber-: /SA:Y.bır/ internet’den I got lots of cyber-friends./ Is cyber-business popular in Turkey? Cutting-edge:/KA:.ding-E’c/[=Very modern] [teknoloji,tasarım,iş,reklam,...] çok modern (şey), en son nokta || This is the cutting edge of technology!: Bu teknolojinin en son nokta! ‘Second Life’, the website, is really cutting-edge!/ Y’know, I believe if the idea of ‘jet pack’ works, we all would have personal ‘backpack with rockets’ for our personal transportation on the air, we would be able to fly with birds over future cities! It’d be the cutting edge of technology!/ ‘This job is a cutting edge(Bu iş çok modern/yeni)! Cell: /SEL/ (=Cell phone/Mobile phone) cep telefon Don’t call the office. Call me on my cell (=Cep numaramı ara)./ Psst! What’s your cell number?/ When you buy a ‘mobile/cell phone prepaid card (=cell phone scratch card=cep lira kart)’ from a convenience store(mahallenin market) or a sidewalk stall(sokakta büfe), you scratch the control number and enter the password. Then you can reload(yineden yüklemek) or top up(doldurmak) your balance/BA.lıns/(cep kredi). [Cell: hücre>The human brain’s one cell can hold 5 times(kat) as much information as Encyclopedia Britannica! WOW. Holy is the LORD. PRAISE be to HIM.] Bar: /BA:’r/ 1. bar 2. (=Signal) *cep telefon sayfasında antenın çizgisi, çekim gücü 3. çubuk [mesela: a Magnum bar] 1. I don’t go to a bar to get alcohol. I’m already overjoyed(neşeli) by God’s mercy –spiritual./ 2. [On the mountain] Ooh. I got a bar. I got a bar. Oops! It’s gone!/ 2. [Reporter in a live program] As you see, I was in the subway and I had no bar. As I’m out of it, [looking at her mobile screen], I’m having one, two, three, and more bars. Now I can make a phone call./ What taste of a Magnum bar do you like? –Classic./ [Referring to the chocolate in his hand] I got a bar, you want some? –No, I’m good. Thanks. I have no service!:/-SER.vis/ Çekim gücüm yok! || I got no sig/signal!:/-SİG/SİG.nıl/ Çekim gücüm yok! Maybe she had no service. –No, she hung up on me. I’m sure./ You got a sig? –No I don’t. –Neither do I. Beeper:/Bİ’.pır/ çağrı cihazı || Pager:/PEY.cır/ çağrı cihazı || I got paged!:/ Bana çağırdılar! Beeper is a device for sending ‘message’, not for talking!/ So what’s your pager number?/ I just got paged. Sorry, I have to go. –Oh. Ok. Google someone/something: /GU’.gıl-/NOT GO.gıl/ Biriye/Bir şeyi Google’de arama yapmak || Facebook someone: /FEYS.buk-/ birini Facebook’ta bulmak Is Alanis Morissette Italian? –No. She’s American singer. –But she has, like, an Italian family name. –Why don’t you Google her and remove your doubt? –Yea good call (iyi ki dedin)!/ What’s ‘Amnesty International’? –Uh, not sure. –I’m gonna Google it./ I met a guy on a cruise ship. I wanted to ask for his number but I didn’t dare. Later, he Facebooked me! Yay! –So whatcha/WA:.ça/(=what are you) gonna write him? Data: pronunciation:/DA:.da://DEY.da:/ bilgi/bilgiler/veriler/data A country that owns more data has more power. Is that true?/ Experts often possess more data than judgment. –Colin Powell/ We should first have data, then theory/Sİ.yı.ri/. A theory without adequate/A’.dı.kwıt/(yeterli) data fails. IT:/a:y-Tİ/(=Information Technology)Bilgi Teknolojisi, bilgisayar ve İnternet sistemlerın hakkında bilgili grubu IT is a group of computer professionals that manages the hardware, software, Internet, and Email SYSTEMS./ IT jobs are highly demanded (=IT bilen insanları her yerde istiyorler).

Password: /PA’S.w3rd/ şifre, parola [Panicks] I forgot my email account’s password! What should I do? –Relax! HaHa! It’s easy…[points out something]… click this and follow the instructions./ According to John Tesh on, ‘‘Researchers say most predictable passwords are 123456 or 6969 or the word ‘password’ itself! So NEVER pick(choose) one of these!’’ Hack: /HA’k/ [başkaların websiteye girip] kodunu kırmak/bozmak || Hacker: /HA’.kır/ sitelerın kodları kıran/bozan, bilgisayar korsanı, başkaların sitenın kodlarını bozulup sistemine giren kişi Hacking is an internet crime./ How do they prove a hacker’s crime? GPS:/ci.pi.ES/ (Global Positioning System) Kürsel Konumlama Sistemi The other day, we didn’t know how long it would take to go to my destination. So we got on a GPS cab/taxi. It got us there in 10 minutes without asking an address. I guess all cabs should have GPS! It’s awesome!

Intercom: /İN.dır.ka:’m/ diafon [Through the intercom] Hello? –Hi. It’s me, David. –David? What are you doing here? –I came to talk to you. Would you please let me in (=İçeri alabilir misin beni)? –I can’t. I’m getting ready to go out. Talk to me through the intercom till I see ya downstairs. Spacecraft: /sPEYS.kraft/ uzay aracı A new spacecraft was sent to Mars by NASA today at 10:30./ Is it true that the first spacecraft was invented by Jules Verne in 1865? Robot: pronunciation: /RO’.bıt/ robot Lady: I wish I had a robot who could do the house chores for me!/ He is too disciplined. Some people say he’s like a robot. Satellite: /SA.dı.la:yt/ uydu Satellite has made it easy (Uydu –insan için– işleri kolayleştırdı). Just look at the Google Map! You can have a ride through your computer in every city in the world that you want./ These satellite pictures are taken today. They show that there’s water on the moon. But is it drinkable?

Taser: /TEY.zır/ [polislerin tarafından saldırıganlara karşı] şok aleti || Tase someone: /TE’Yz/ [polislerin tarafından] şok alet ile birini şok vermek Do you remember the movie The Hangovers? There’s a little kid who tased one of the guys./ Is it legal for anyone to use taser for personal use?/ In what circumstances can police tase someone? The battery died=The battery is dead: pil bitmiş/çalışmıyor/bozuldu! || This pay phone is dead: Bu ankesör çalışmıyor/bozuldu! || My car died!: [pil’in/motor’un dolayı] Arabam çalışmıyor/ bozuldu! Why’d the car stop? Is it fuel/FYU.ıl/(yakıt/benzin)? –No. We have fuel. The battery died, I guess. –Now what (Şimdi ne yapacağiz)? –Let me think!/ My iPhone battery died suddenly. What should I do?/ I bought this clock just today, but its battery died./ The battery is dead. I should change it. You got another one?/ Excuse me, this pay phone is dead. Any chance I could use your mobile?/ My car died in the snow. […died=…is dead: =stopped working>makineler/elektronik cihazler için<] Time travel: /TA:YM.tra.vıl/ zaman yolculuğu Time travel is the concept of moving in time –to past or future– to the moving in space./ Gosh! Is time travel really possible? –Well, Einstein believed so. He was a genius, I believe! Oh, Robinsons too. Some of the dreams we laugh at, are future’s realities. LADDER/STAIRS/ELEVATOR/ESCALATOR Ladder: /LA.dır/ [portatif] merdiven I can’t go on the roof. I need a ladder./ The ladder is not very stable /sTEY.bıl/ (sağlam/ dengeli). Be careful! Stairs: /sTE’Rz/ merdiven He’s afraid of elevator. He always takes the stairs.

Elevator: /E.lı.vey.dır/ asansör [When running toward the elevator, its doors are closing, he shouts] Stop the elevator! [He reaches, panting (=nefes nefese kalıp), and says] Oh… thanks!/ She had a knee/Nİ’/ surgery/SER.cı.ri/ (=O dizini amelyat oldu). She should take the elevator./ In America, when they get in the elevator, they stand, facing the door. I think it’s a great idea because they don’t have to turn around when getting out./ In an elevator, it’s written on some buttons: ‘P’ or ‘B’ or ‘M’. What do they stand for (Bunlar neyin kısaltmasımış)? –Well, ‘P’ stands for the Parking Lot. ‘B’ stands for the Basement Floor. And ‘M’ stands for the Main Lobby in a hotel. Escalator: /ES.kı.ley.dır/ yürüyen merdiven || Walkalator: /WA:’.kı.ley.dır/ [=Moving sidewalk= People mover] [terminal/alışveriş merkezi’de] yürüyen bant Let’s take the escalator. I don’t wanna take the stairs./ Oops. The escalator is out of order (=bozuk). Let’s walk up the stairs./ ‘Walkalator (informal)’ is matching word with ‘Escalator’ and it’s great job of American language! It’s also called ‘Moving sidewalk(formal)’ or ‘People mover(semi-formal)’./ In Ankara bus terminal AŞTİ, you can take(kullanmak) the moving sidewalk. CARS… Get in the car: /GE.din.zı-KA:’r/ arabaya atla || Get off the car: /GE.da:’f.zı-KA:’r/ arabaya in || Get on the bus: /GE.da:n.zı-BA:S/ otobüsa bin || Get off the bus: /GE.da:’f.zı-BA:S/ otobüsa in || Come on. Get in the car. We’re late./ When she got off the car, he never saw her again. Years passed but he still has her in his mind./ The old lady got on the bus and an understanding young boy gave his seat to her. It’s a good thing that we still have common courtesy (=uygun davranış) among people./ All right, this is my stop (durak). I have to get off. Later (Görüşürüz). [>Niye Get ‘on’ the bus? Çünkü birkaçadım atıyorsun ve tren, uçak, gemi gibi ‘yukarıda’ gidiyorsun.] [Get out of the car: arabadan çıkmak> Stop stop! Ineed to get out!] Ride: /RA:Yd/ arabaile gezme/götürme || Give a ride: arabaile götürmek || Need a ride: /Nİ’d-/ arabada benimle gelmek Thanks for the ride./ I’m going home. I can give you a ride if you want./ You seem you’re not feeling okay. Do you need a ride?/ [Though None Go With Me] Sweetie? Let’s go for a little ride, shall we? Where to?: Nereye gideceksiniz?, Nereye? As the passenger gets in the car, the taxi driver asks: Where to? –28, Pedington Street, please. –Sure./ [In the airport terminal] I need a ticket. –Where to? –To Chicago. Fine: /FA:Yn/ 1.iyi 2.[tek gelirse] Tamam!, Peki! 3. [fiil] para cezasına çarptırmak, para cezası || Ticket: /Tİ.kıt/ 1. bilet 2. trafik cesası makbuz || Give a ticket: /GİV--/ [Polis>] trafik cezası yazmak/ kestirmek || Get a ticket: /ge.dı.Tİ.kıt/ [Sürücü>] trafik (cezalı) bilet almak/kesilmek How is mom? Is she fine?/ Sweetheart, it’s your turn to wash the dishes! –Fine!/ I’m really pissed off today. A police officer fined me (=gave me a ticket)./ Sign: ‘No Smoking. 62 TL Fine.’ (Sigara içmek yasak. Cezası 62 TL.)/ Hello? Hi. Uh, I’m calling to reserve a return ticket to Salt Lake City please./ If you drive faster than 120 (=one twenty), the police will give you a ticket (=will fine you)./ Is that your car? You’re getting a ticket! –Oh, no!/ She asked her friend: Do you prefer to be late for 5 minutes or do you prefer to get a 150-Lira ticket? I’m double-parked!: /a:ym.DA:.bıl-PA:’RKt/ Duble park ettım! I gotta go. I’m double-parked. Tow: /TO’W/ [zabıta v.s arabayı halat veya zincirla alıp] çekmek/götürmek The police got my car towed this morning. –Did you get it back? –Yea. But what a day!/ Funny sign in front of a building: ‘If You Want Your Car Towed, Park Here!’ Speed limit: /sPİ’ hız limiti Dude! Everybody’s passing us. Step on it! –I’m just driving the speed limit! I don’t wanna get a ticket! Drop off: /dRA:’p.a:’f/ inmek, bırakmak On the way home, I’ll drop you off./ Here. Drop me off here. –Sure. –Thanks for the ride, pal. –No prob! Pull over: /PUL.o’.vır/ arabayı kınarına çekmek/çektırmek/yanaş(tır)mak Pull over. I need to get off./ Stop the truck. Pull over. I said pull over here./ The traffic police officer to the driver: I pulled you over because of driving over the speed limit. Pull in: arabayı park yerinde park etmek || Pull out: arabayı park yerinden çıkarmak, arabayı çekip çıkarmak [In front of the company’s tall building, there’s a parking lot and they’re walking outside after the lunch break] See that guy who pulled in? – Who? –That blond guy with the Range Rover. –Oh, he’s the new accountant. –Oh, look! The boss is pulling out! Hide(Sakla)! Run over (an animal/something): (run, ran, run) araçla bir hayvanın/şeyin üstünden geçmek || Run someone over:/RA:N.o’.vır/(araç/kaykay/v.s ile)birini çiğnemek,üstünden geçmek,çarpmak Driver: Oh no! I think I ran over a rabbit. His friend: Let’s check on it. Hope it’s still alive./ [On the phone] Hello? Excuse me, sir! I ran over your dog. I got your phone from the dog collar /KA:.lır/ (gerdanlık/tasma). But no worries, I took him to the vet. He’s okay now./ He’s a very careful driver. He’s never run over anyone./ [Henry’s Crime(Türkçe: Süçlü Kim?)] Henry(Keanu Reeves) is passing the street carelessly when the lady driver Julie(Vera Farmiga) runs him over. This scene is funny because one moment the lady shouts, ‘‘What are you doing?’’ And the next moment she’s like, ‘’Are you ok?’’ And the next moment she’s on the phone, ‘‘Stan? I…I gotta call you back. I just ran someone over!’’ The accident seemed harsh, but Henry is totally fine!/ [A Walk In My Shoes] (When skateboarding, Justine almost

hits Jake. Now it’s night time and Jake says] Justine, hey! You and your buddies nearly ran me over this morning. –Sorry about that, man! Roll down the window: /RO’L.dawn-zı.WİN.dow/ [=Open the window] [arabada] camı indirmek || Roll up the window: /RO’L.a:p--/ [=Close the window] [arabada] camı yukarıya çekmek [In the car while driving] You know, they say California weather is different. –Then why don’t you roll down the window? –Yeah, good call(İyi dedin/İyi bir fikir)! [He pushes the button and rolls down the window.]/ [While driving, his new friend asks] Can I smoke in the car? –Sure. [And he rolls down the window.]/ Roll up the window. I’m turning on the AC /ey.Sİ/ (Klimayı açıyorum/çalıştırıyorum)./ Roll up the window. It’s gonna rain.

Buckle up: /BA:.kıl.a:p//BA:.kıl-A:p/ Emniyet kemerini tak! Dude? Ready for the fast ride? Just buckle up (=Put your seat belt on/Wear your seat belt)!/ [On the plane] Please buckle up. We’re taking off. [Take off: 1.(uçak) havalanmak, kalkmak 2.(bir yerden)gitmek>Okay guys. I’m gonna take off.] Sidewalk: /SA:YD.wa:’k/ kaldırım || Crosswalk: /kRA:’S.wa:’k/ yaya geçidi || Overpass: /O’.vır-PA’s/ [>Google Images<] 1. yukarıda geçen yol 2. üstgeçit || Footbridge: /FUT.bric/ üstgeçit || Pedestrian: /pı.DEST.ri.yın/ yaya People were moving down the sidewalk./ The pedestrians were waiting at the red light. As it turned to green, they crossed(went across) the street, walking on the crosswalk./ Where are you driving? –I came the wrong way, hon. I need to take that overpass./ In American they don’t normally say ‘Pedestrian bridge’ with 5 syllables. They just say ‘Footbridge’ with 2 syllables, or sometimes ‘Overpass’./ People prefer escalator to footbridge(üstgeçit). Jaywalk:/CEY.wa:’k/ (=Cross a street illegally) kırmızı ışıkta ya da yaya geçidi olmayan bir yere caddenın öbür tarafa geçmek If someone crosses the street at red light or not on crosswalk, they are jaywalking./ Sometimes 60 seconds at red light is like 60 minutes! That’s why people jaywalk! Parking lot: /PA:’R.king-LA:’t/=Parking space: /--sPEYs/=(Parking) spot:/--sPA:’t/ park yeri If a driver parks his car in the place of TWO parking lots, he should certainly wait for scratches!/ Whose car is that? Why did they park it there? That’s MY parking lot/space/spot!/ This company’s parking lot is huge. There’re thousands of cars parking there./ [Bond Of Silence (2010)] Sorry we’re late. I couldn’t even find a spot out there. Block: /bLA:’k/ 1. [ara] sokak 2. engellemek 3. blok Excuse me, do you know where Büyülü Fener is? –Yeah, the second block to the right./ Hey, I just(az önce) met your friend Ebru a few blocks back. –Oh, yeah?/ A few blocks away, there’re some guys who’re folk-dancing./ Excuse me. Could you move a bit? I’m watching TV. You’re blocking my view (Görüntümü engelliyorsun)! –Oh, sorry buddy. [He moves from there.]/ It’s me (Burada yaşıyorum). I’m in block A /EY/. –Here? Really? Oh, my! We’re neighbors ’cause I live in block B /Bİ’/! –No way! Lose him: /LU’Z.him/ [takip eden] bir arabadan kurtulmak Driver: Sir. I think the black SUV is following us. –[He looks back and knows him. He tells the driver] Ok. Lose him. [Lose: kaybetmek (lose,lost,lost)>Oh no! –What? –I lost my keys/Kİ’z/!] Back seat: /’t/ arka koltuk || Front seat: /fRA:’’t/ ön koltuk || Axle: /AK.sıl/ dingil, mil, aks || Bumper: /BA:M.pır/ tampon || Bumper sticker: /--sTİ.kır/ tamponda yazılmış/ yapışkan slogan || Gear: /Gİ’r/ 1. vites 2. eşyalar/melzemeler || Clutch: /kLA:Ç/ debriyaj || Brake: /bREYk*/ fren [Break/bREYk*/ kırılmak] || Handbrake:/HAND.breyk/[=Emergency brake/E-brake=Parking brake] el freni || Wheel: /Wİ’l/ tekerlek/teker || Steering Wheel: /sTİ’.ring.wi’l/ direksiyon || Engine: /EN.cin/ (=Motor) motor || Honk: /HA:’Nk/ korna çalmak || Horn:/HO’Rn/ korna || Dash:/DA’Ş/ (=Dashboard/DAŞ.bo’rd/) kontrol paneli, pano In America, when they get a cab (=taxi), they sit on the back seat. In Turkey, men normally take the front seat and women take the back seat. It’s cultural difference./ The front axle is broken. Front wheels should be changed too. I’d have time to fix the bumper today!/ I saw a funny bumper sticker that said, ‘Do not wash! This vehicle is undergoing a scientific dirt test!’ –I saw one that said, ‘When your boss is coming, look busy(Patronun gelince meşgul gibi davran)!’/ Oh holy Lord (=Aman Tanrım)! The brake doesn’t work!/ Hold the steering wheel, start the engine, step on the clutch, change the gear, step on the gas, and go; and if you want to stop, step on the brake. Easy? –Yeah it’s pretty easy!/ [The River Why] If you’re a fisherman, where’s your gear?/ Most drivers hide their cell phone under the steering wheel while driving!/ He got in the car, started the motor/engine, but hesitated (tereddüt ettı) to go./ There was a traffic jam and everybody was honking horns!/ Get your feet off my dash! And put your seat belt on. [Exhaust:/ıg.ZA:’St/egzoz>The exhaust pipe(egzoz borusu) is broken.|| Exhausting: çok yorucu> This job is exhausting.||Exhausted:çok yorgun>I’m exhausted, but I push my limits for my son. I love him.]

Tire: /TA:Yır//TA:Yr/ [otomotiv] lastik The tire has gone flat (Lastik patladı>patlamış oldu). We need to change it. Bring the spare tire(yedek lastik). [go: (go, went, gone) 1.gitmek2.olmak] [Tire: yorulmak> Don’t walk too much. You’ll tire yourself (out)! Tiring: yorulucu>The jogging was tiring but I feel good now because I slept so well!] Hood: /HUD/ [arabanın] kaput || Roof=Car roof=Roof of the car: /RU’f/ araba çatısı/damı || Trunk=Car trunk: /tRA:Nk/ [arabanın] bagaj Open the hood. I need to check the oil./ Hon? Help me with the kayak(kano). I’m gonna tie it to the roof./ My baggage is in the trunk(Bagajım bagajda)! Truck: /tRA:K/ kamiyon, kamiyonet Stop the truck./ Pull over the truck. I’m gonna get off./ Follow (=takip et) that truck./ The truck stopped at a motel./ Don’t you think there must be two truck drivers in every truck, so if one is tired, the other could drive? Vehicle: pronunciation: /Vİ.yı.kıl/NOT VEhikıl/ vasıta, araç, taşıt* Heavy vehicles (=ağır araçlar) or long vehicles (=üzün araçlar) such as 18-wheelers are not allowed to pass through downtown. [Okul Taşıtı= School Bus>Look! The school bus’s coming.] Lane: /LE’Yn/ trafik şerit It’s a four-lane highway(otoban)./ How can I change lane safely? –Well, put your left turning signal on. Check your left mirror, and in half a second turn your head left to make sure no car is at your left, if clear, change lane. Changing lane is very easy but a lot of traffic accidents occur because of it! [Line:/LA:Yn/sıra] Tailgate:/TEYL.geyt/kuyruk kuyruğa gitmek/durmak/sürmek,öndeki arabanın dibinden gitmek Why are they driving like this? They’re tailgating! Jump start: /CA:MP.sta:rt/ atlama ile çalıştırmak, arabadan arabaya akü doldurmak ‘Jump start’ means to use another car’s battery to start your car./ The car battery died(The car battery is dead). We need to jump start it. Hydroplane: / [araba ıslak yolda] kaymak Honey, you should drive carefully ’cause the road is wet and you may hydroplane. –I know. But thanks for mentioning. [The Perfect Stranger] God’s about joining people to Himself. That’s how people are originally designed, to have God’s very life withing them. And without it, it’d be like a new Mercedes without the engine. It may look good on the outside, but it won’t work because it’s missing the most important part. Mercedes: pronunciation: /mır.SEY.di’z/ Mercedes [Some specific words like Aspirin are so important that they are in dictionaries.] Are you gonna buy a Mercedes? Limo: /Lİ.mo’/ (=Limousine/li.mı.Zİ’n/) : limuzin We need a limo for the prom /pRA:’m/ (okul/ mezuniyet balosu)./ [On the phone] Hi Patsy. It’s me again. I’d like to book (=rezervasyon yaptırmak) a limo for tonight too. Traffic*: pronunciation: /tRA’.fik/ trafik || Traffic jam*: /tRA’.fı’m/ trafik tıkanıklığı || Traffic laws: /tRA’.fı’z/ trafik kuralları, trafik yasalları Traffic is smooth today. –But two hours ago it was horrible!/ There’s a traffic jam in Venus/Vİ’.nıs/ Street./ All drivers must obey the traffic laws to save their and others’ life./ Is it true that traffic laws are different from country to country? [Terrific*:/tı.RE.fik/ muhteşem>Mmm! Fresh fruit! Terrific!] Jam*:/CA’m/ 1.sıkışmak 2.(=Shove/Thrust)tıkmak 3.(doğaçlama) çalmak 4. (=Jelly) reçel 1. The paper jams in the copier. Doug? Can you fix it?/ 2. The guys in The Hangover jammed some sleeping drugs in the meat and made the tiger asleep./ 3. You’re all great musicians. Thanks for jamming with me, guys./ 3. I used to jam big time (=büyük zamanlar/çok/fenace). –Oh yeah (=Öyle mi)?/ 4. Mmm! This rose petal jam/jelly is out of this world (=şahane/nefis/ olağanüstü iyi)! I gotta jam*!: /ı.CA’m/ SL (=I gotta go/run/bounce!) Gitmeliyim!, Gitmem gerek! [On the phone] …ok… see ya… bye… [she hangs up the phone(telefonu kapatıyor) and says to her friends]… guys! I gotta jam! I’m jammed*: /--CA’Md/ (=I’m swamped=I’m very busy=I’m crazy busy) Çok meşgulum! ‘Jammed’ as ‘Very busy’ is so up-to-date slang that you can’t even find in any dictionary!/ Can I talk to you(Baş başa konuşa bilirmiyiz)? –No, I can’t, I’m jammed. Rush hour: /RA:Ş.AWır/ kalabalık saatı According to researches(Araştırmalara göre), to avoid the rush hour, noon(öğle) is the best time to go to airport terminal. Gas:/GA’s/ 1.(=Gasoline/ga’.sı.Lİ’n/) benzin 2. gaz || Gas station:/GAS-stey.şın/ benzin istasyonu

We almost ran out of gas. We need to stop at the nearest gas station./ How much is a gallon of gasoline? [Amerikada ‘litre’ kullanmıyorlar>1 gallon=3.78 liter]/ Did you pay the gas bill(gaz faturası)?/ What’s the world’s longest natural gas pipeline(doğal gaz boru hattı)? Hitchhike: /HİÇ.ha:yk/ oto stop yapmak This guy is insane. He’s decided to hitchhike around the world. –Well, I don’t think there’s something wrong with it. It’s fun!/ There’re a lot of people who hitchhiked across America./ Ever hitchhiked?/ In informal speaking, ‘hitch’ means ‘hitchhike’. Transportation:/trans.pır.TEY.şın/ulaşım, nakliye || Transport:/trans.PORT/ulaşım, nakletmek By using public transportation, we help improve the traffic a lot./ Our company arranges transport all over the world./ DHL transports goods almost everywhere in the world.

Subway: /SA:B.wey/ metro Celine takes the subway to work everyday. She says it’s fast and safe. Streetcar: /sTRİT.ka:’r/ tramvay || Tram: /tRA’m/ (=Tramway /tRA’M.wey/) tramvay || Cable-car: /KEY.bıl-KA:’r/ teleferik || Gondola: pronunciation: /GA:’ gondol, [geniş] teleferik The word ‘streetcar’ reminds me of Michael Bolton’s video ‘When A Man Loves A Woman’./ We reached to Istanbul and took the tram to Topkapi Palace./ Have you ever been in a cable car or gondola by any chance? Shuttle bus: /ŞA:.dıl-BA:S/ 1. havalimanı bedava servis otobüsü 2. [devlet tarafından memurlara hizmet verilen] servis When you get to Thailand Airport terminal, wait for the shuttle bus. It will take you to the main bus terminal for free (=bedava). Then you’ll take a bus to downtown (şehir merkez)./ The Turkish government provides its civil servants (memurler) shuttle buses. Train: /tREYn/ 1. tren 2. antrenman yapmak, eğitmek || Trained: /tREYNd/ antrenmanlı || Trainer: /tREY.nır/ antrenöe, eğitici, eğitimci [On the LCD monitor] Attention! Train is arriving/ approaching (=Tren geliyor/yaklaşıyor)./ Ad: Train your brain!/ It’s not a normal dog. It’s a trained (=antrenmanlı) dog./ A ‘personal trainer’[Google Images] is a person whose job is to help someone become fit by one-to-one training of some special exercises. Green light:/gRİ yeşil ışık 2.izin/müsaade/yeşil ışık It’s green light. Let’s cross the street./ [He sent her flowers, left a bunch of nice messages, just to have a dinner and get to know her but she doesn’t accept. Her friend says] C’mon. Show the poor guy a green light! Don’t you see that he likes you? Go on a date with him (Bir buluş ona). Give him a chance! Ferry: /FE.ri/ feribot (servisi) || Boat: /BO’t/ gemi, vapur, bot, tekne, kayık || Water taxi: /WA:.dı su taksi [vapur/gemi] || Cruise ship: /kRU’Z.şip/ seyyah/yolcu gemisi The next ferry will be here in about 5 minutes./ Let’s go for a boat ride./ That’s my boat. Isn’t she* beautiful? –Yes, she is!/ Istanbul water taxi takes passengers to different destinations like Uskudar, Eminono, Haydarpaşa, and Beşiktaş./ They met each other on a cruise ship for the first time and fell in love. [Cansız şeylerı sahip olursa, onlara ‘she’ söyleye bilirsin. >This is my car. Isn’t she a beauty (O güzel değil mi)?>I bought this motorbike! –Mmm, she’s beautiful.] Jet-lagged:/’gd/(üzün bir uçak yolculuğundan sonra zaman fakın yüzden) uykusuz ve yorgun I was in the plane for 8 hours. I feel jet-lagged. The only thing I need is to get some sleep. STOP/STEP/HALT Stop: /sTA:’p/ 1. durmak, durdurmak 2. durak || Next stop/station: sonraki istasyon || This is my stop!: [otobüsta/metroda biriyle konuşurken, duracak yerini ulaşamadan önce söylüyorsun] Durağım burada!, Burada ineceğim! 1. Does this bus stop at Kennedy Street? [at>anlama: ‘da’. İçinde anlamı: ‘civarında’.]/ 1. Bruce Springsteen’s song: ‘Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?’/ 1. Stop calling me!/ 1. [In the car while driving] Stop the car./ 1. I can’t stop loving you!/ Next stop I’ll get off./ [To her friend in the subway] This is my stop. I should go. –Ok. Catch ya later./ [On the bus] Uhh, I’d love to talk to you more but this is my stop, I have to go. –Ok. See ya. [Stop by: uğramak> Thanks for stopping by.] [Bus stop: otobüs durağı>(On the phone) I’m at the bus stop near my house. I’ll be with you in 10 minutes (10 dakika içinde).] Stop/Come by: uğramak Thanks for stopping by./ Hey buddy. I was going to Jess’ (Jess’ın eve). I thought I’d stop by to see how you’re doing. –Good. I’m doing good. How are you? [Swing by= Stop by> Hi. I was going to my office, I said I’d swing by to say hi. –Hi. I’m glad to see you. –You too.]

Step: /sTEP/ adım The old man was holding the handrail when taking the steps./ The first step to have a better community is to have a better ‘me’./ Learning is a step by step (adım adım) process. Step on/in (something): -e ayak basmak, -e ayakla basmak Baby, did you step on a pile of mud? –No, I went hunting with my co-workers(iş arkadaşlar). Step on it!: Bas gaza! [Gets in the cab and tells the driver] Number 22, 75th (seventy fifth) street. Step on it. Step outside: (=Take a walk outside) bir dışarıda adım atmak/gitmek Why don’t we step outside and talk about this in person? (=Niye dışarıda gidip bu konuda baş başa konuşmayalım ki? = Yani: Hadi bir gidelim dışarıda baş başa konuşalım.)/ I was really mad but I decided to step outside and get some air. [get some air: taze hava almak] Halt: /HA:’Lt/ [resmi] durma(k), durdurma(k) Their discussions came to a halt after two hours./ In your idea, what things must be halted?

CROSS Cross: /kRA:’S/ -den/-i geçmek, karşıdan karşıya geçmek [Pic] [Earlier dialogue: I could help you cross your yard. –No. –I could help you cross your porch. –No.] –Well, I gotta help you cross something (Peki, size bir şeyden geçmeye yardım etmeliyim)./ Let’s cross the street. Be careful, honey. –Ok, ma!/ Some Mexicans cross the border of America to live and work there./ So what’s your plan? –I’m gonna cross the street, take the bus, and go home. –K. Bye. [the Cross: Haç> Jesus died on the Cross for my sins to die. How can I not love Him?] Cross the street: /KRA:’S.zı-sTRİ’t/ caddenın/yolun/sokağın karşıya geçmek Hey, I saw you crossing the street yesterday. Where were you going? –I was gonna buy some coffee and bagel! Cross my mind: /--MA:YNd/ aklımdan geçmek, hatırına gelmek You were in New York in 2005? –Yeah. –Oh my gosh! It actually crossed my mind I might run into you. [run into: tesadüfen karşılaşmak]/ Have you ever thought about doing a book? –Uh, it actually crossed my mind. Cross something/someone off the list: bir şeyi/birini listeden çıkarmak When he was 15, he made a list of everything he wanted in life. By 30 (30 yaşında bitmeden), he saw he had them all so he crossed them off the list./ Ernest, are you coming with us on this tour? –No, sorry. –Why? –I’m busy. –Ok, then. I’ll cross you off my list. You’re cross the line: Haddından geçiyorsun! [=You’re going too far.= You’re stepping out of your limit!] Are you mad at me(Benimle küs musun)? –No, but you’re crossing the line. – Sorry, I peomise to never do kiddings with you./ Ok. Now that’s a very personal question and you’re going too far./ Why did you check my E-mail? You’re crossing out of your limit. Across: /ık.RA:’S/ bir tarafından öbür tarafına, karşısında Can you swim across this river?/ He’s driving halfway across the country to see his future wife!/ He-heyy! What are you doing here? –I got a store here. –Really? Where? –Across the street! STATIONERY Stationery store: /sTEY.şı.nı.ri-sTO’R/ kırtasiye || Eraser: pronunciation: /iREY.sır/ silgi || Pencil sharpener: /PEN.sılŞA:’R.pı.nır/ kalemtıraş [On the phone] I’m in the stationery store. What did you say you need? –An eraser and a pencil sharpener. –Gotcha (=I got you=I understood: Anladım), sweetie. K, bye./ Life is the art of drawing without an eraser! –John W. Gardner Marker:/MA:R.kır/ keçeli kalem,(=whiteboard market)beyaz tahta kalemi We need some colorful (whiteboard) markers. –[A student] I’ll go get some, teacher! –[Smiles] Thanks! Adhesive: pronunciation: /ad.Hİ’.siv/ yapıştırıcı, yapışkan Stick this adhesive picture on the wall./ Customer: Can I have an adhesive tape please? Sales clerk: Do you want it for book or for wire? Scotch tape: /sKA:Ç.teyp/ seloteyp This scotch tape is good stuff. It works well.

Staple: /sTEY.pıl/ zımbalamak, zımba teli/tel || Stapler: /sTEYP.lır/ zımba, tel zımba Would you staple these papers for me? Thanks./ What are you looking for? –Stapler. It was on the desk. –Here. It’s under these papers. –Did you see the staples too? – They’re in the drawer /dRO’.ır/(=çekmece)! Anything else (Başka bir şey istiyor musun/kayıp ettin mi)? Glue: /gLU’/ tutkal, zamklamak, (tutkalla) yapıştırmak || Glued: /gLU’d/ yapışmış Today in the field trip, students visited a glue factory./ Some teenagers glue themselves to computers (=sit in front of computer) for a long time so that they even forget to eat!/ Are you sure it doesn’t fall down again? –Yeah. It’s glued./ It’s a toy with a hat glued on. You can’t take the hat off easily. [Clue:/kLU’/ iz, cevap>Got the answer? –Sorry, I have no clue!] JOBS………. Job: /CA:’b/NOTTTT ja:b/ iş >daha:meslek || Work: /W3Rk/ iş What’s the difference between job and work? –Well, they are the SAME but sometimes one of them only goes with some specific words. ‘Job’(meslek) is like: What’s your job? –I’m a florist (çiçekçı).>I’m a welder (kaynakçı).>I’m a surgeon.>Etc.>He has two part-time jobs.>But work is like: I go to work every weekday (Recently: I go to job.)>I have work to do.>She has 10 years of work/job experience.>There’s no rule. In Turkish you say ‘Baş ağrısı’, not ‘Kafa ağrısı’, right? But if you ask, ‘WHY?’ the answer is: That’s just the way it is (Öyle işte)! [Smile] So, I’d WATCH more MOVIES!/ You take your job(work) so seriously: İşini çok ciddiye alıyorsun./ The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one. –Anonymoys/ [Business: ticaret/iş. Sonra>BUSINESS/FINANCE<bakın.] Job interview: /CA:’B-İN.tır.vyu//CA:’b-İN.dır.vyu/ iş görüşmesi I have a very important job interview now. Can you help? –Really? What a coincidence(Ne güzel bir tesadüf)! Because I’m reading something on about job interview. Look, it says: ‘‘It’s about demonstrating CONFIDENCE: Firm shakehands, making eye contact, and sitting straight up. When you answer a question, don’t ramble (=don’t talk too much:abuk sabuk konuşma)! When they ask what you did about an example, it’s a tricky question, they want to see how you behaved. When they ask if you have any question, don’t say ‘No!’ It’s wrong! Be ready to ask a smart question. And never say, ‘Please, please hire me!’ You know you can do the job(işi yapacağını biliyorsun), make sure the interviewer believes you can, too.’’ –Great tips. Thanks. –Don’t thank me, thank! Break a leg(İyi başarılar)!! Work at: -de çalışmak || Work for: için çalışmak || Work with: -ile çalışmak I’m working at the coffee shop named Jitters./ She’s working at the hospital. She’s a nurse./ [Pic] Girl: You work at The Bourbon Room? Guy: Yeah, I’m a barback. (Sen The Bourbon Room barda çalışıyor musun? –Evet, tezgah arkasında yardım ediyorum.)/ I work for a big company in Manhattan./ He works with his dad. Gig: /GİG/ [resmi olmayan] 1. iş 2. konser Come on man. I need this gig. I need money./ How’s your new gig going? –So far so good(Şimdiye kadar çok iyi)!/ There was a great gig in LA last night. Business: /BİZ.nıs/ /NOTTT BU.zi.nes/ [muamele anlamında] iş, ticaret || I’m here on business!: Ben iş için buradayım! In business, it’s famous: Don’t drink coffee with the guy who ain’t selling. (Bu iş dünyasında ünlü söz: Hiçbir şey satmayan/vaktına boş harcayan adam ile kahve içme.)/ Business is ALL about the relationship. –Travis Tabor/ Business starts when the customer says ‘NO!’ –Elmer G. Leterman/ If you want to get good result in a business… manage the activities./ What’s the most lucrative/LUK.rı.div/ business to get into(Başlamaya en karlı iş nedir)?/ It’s a good business deal (Bu iyi bir ticari anlaşma). Let’s do this!/ So… what brought you to Tokyo? –I’m here on business. I’m in gem(taş/mücevher) business. –Oh, I see. [Mind your own business: Sen kendi işine bak!/Sen karışma!> Hey, pal. Mind your own business. It’s a family matter.] Business sense: /BİZ.nıs-SENs/ iş yeteneğı You have no business sense!/ She actually has a good business sense./ Do you have a good business sense? Co-worker: /KO’.w3r.kır/ iş arkadaş, meslektaş || Colleague: pronunciation: /KA:’.li’g/ iş arkadaş, meslektaş || Employee: /ım.plo.İYİ/ çalışan, memur [devlet memuru: civil servant Sİ.vıl-S3R.vınt] Who’s that guy? –He’s my co-worker./ My colleague will be here in ten minutes (=İş arkadaşım 10 dakika içinde burada olacak)./ Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR): I’m not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick (=choose) smartest colleagues./ Whether you are big or small, you cannot give good customer service if your employees don’t feel good about coming to work. –Martin Oliver/ What time do civil servants start and finish work? Retired: /ri.TA:YIRd/ emekli My dad is a retired pilot/PA:Y.lıt/./ Are you retired? –Yeah. –Really? You look too young to be retired! Janitor: /CA’.nı.tır//CA’.nı.dır/ temizlikci, bir binanin temizlik/tamirci/kapıcı You know what I missed most in that school? The smile of the Mexican janitor, and his jokes. He’s such a nice guy./ [Ad on paper (=gazete’de küçük iş ilan)] We are in need of a janitor to work 6 days a week. Minimum 2 years of experience. $16 an hour.

Maintenance guy: /MEYN.tı.nıns-GA:’y/ makine bakıcı/tamirci Who’s that guy? –Who, him? He’s the maintenance guy in amusement/ı.MYUZ.mınt/ park (Türkçe>Lunapark). Babysitter:/ır/ çocuk bakıcısı || Babysit: /çocuk bakmak || Nanny:/NA’.ni/ dadı (erkek/kadın) [Manny: /MA’.ni/ erkek dadı] She’s very good with kids. I think she can be a good babysitter./ [Pic] And you were always the oldest, so you’d end up babysitting./ Well, I see you’re a nanny. Do they pay well?/ He never cares about what people say. He does what he likes (Kafana göre takılıyor/yapıyor). Being a nanny is more enjoyable for him than working in an office./ My nanny trained me jump rope (ip atlama)./ Sometimes they call a male nanny a ‘manny’. [>nanny>manny] Plumber: /pLA:.mır/ [’b’ sessiz] su borusu tamircisi, (sıhhi) tesisatçı Sweetie? Did you call the plumber? The faucet is still leaking. Journalist: /C3R.nı.list/ gazeteci She has been a courageous and successful journalist since 1995. Sparky: /sPA:’ (=Electrician/i.lek.TRİ.şın/) elektrikçi Are you still an electrician? –Uh, no. I was a sparky for 10 years but I went into car business. Realty: /Rİ.yıl.ti/ emlak [ofisi] || Realtor: /Rİ.yı’r//Rİ.yılı.tır/ emlakçı || Real estate: /Rİ.yıl-is.TEYT/ emlak işi, emlakçılık [On the phone] California Realty. May I help you?/ I’m thinking of becoming a realtor as my future career./ [Rabbit Hole (2010)] Becca(Nicole Kidman): I think we should sell the house…I talked to a realtor… Howie(Aaron Eckhart): What?? What do you mean, ‘talked to a realtor’? Why would you talk to a realtor without telling me? –I’m telling you now. Stager: /sTEY.cır/ dekoratör || Stage*:/sTEYc/1.dekor yapmak 2.[tiyatro] sahne 3.evre/ etap/ aşama/ ortam/ safha/ bölüm/ faz/ dönem Staging is a new job and stagers are very popular in America these days./ The best realtors today first hire a stager to stage the apartment. When it looks good, they sell better./ ‘Feng Shui’ is a kind of staging. It’s a Chinese belief that the way you stage your house effects your success and happiness./ 2. The (theater) players went on the stage and the play started./ 3. Success is not the last stage in life. Actually there is no last stage in life./ 3. Pregnancy is an important stage in a woman’s life. Stockbroker: /sTA:’K.bro’.kır/ borsacı The movie ‘Pursuit of Happyness*’ is the story of a man (Will Smith) who struggles to become a successful stockbroker... from a broke to a stockbroker! [The true spelling is: happiness*. ‘Happyness’ implies sarcasm in the movie.] Architect: /A:’R.kı.tekt/ mimar || Architecture: /A:’R.kı.tek.çır/ mimarlik, mimari She’s passionate about architecture. She can be a great architect./ Louis Kahn was a successful architect. Fire fighter:/FA:.yır-FA:Y.dır/(=Fireman/FA:.yı’n/) itfaiyeci || Fire department: /FA:.yırdi.PA:’RT.mınt/ itfaiye || Put out: /PUD.awt/ [ateşı/yangını/sigarayı/…] söndürmak His dad is a fire fighter/fireman. He says it’s a very stressful job./ Do you see the smoke (=duman) over there? Call 911 (nine one one), the fire department. Come on!/ The fire fighters finally put out the big fire after three hours./ While fire fighters were putting out the fire, people in the building were coming down from the fire escape (binada yangın merdiveni)./ [Pinching her friend, whispering] You can’t smoke here. Put out your cigarette. Valet: pronunciation: daha>/va’.LE’y/ bazen>/VA.lit/ vale Valet is a person at a hotel, restaurant, or parking service whose job is to take your car and park it for you in the parking space(=parking lot)./ Most Hilton Hotels have valet parking service. Bellhop:/BEL.ha:’p/(=Bellboy)otellerde valiz taşıyan görevli,komi Receptionist: You need help with the bags? –Yes, thanks. – Sure. [She calls the bellhop, and he carries the bags for the guest. After the guest pays some tips, he says] Thank you, sir. Have a nice stay(Burada kalınca- iyi eğlenceler)./ You need a bellhop, sir? –[Smiles] No, thanks. I got it(Kendime yapacağim). Curator: /kyu.REY.dır/ küratör, müze/kütüphane/galeri/v.s’nın idareci || Curate: /KYU.rıt/ [=Organize/OR.gı.na:’yz/] (bir sergi v.s.) küratörlüğünü yapmak, idare etmek If you watch the movie ‘When In Rome’, you’ll always remember the meaning of the word ‘curator’ because the leading role, Beth (Kristen Bell) is the curator of the gallery./ Seth wants me to curate the gallery. I haven’t accepted yet. What do you think? –What do I think? It’s fantastic! If I were you, I’d take the offer now. –Really? –Yeah. It’s your kind of job(Bu senin tipin iş)! Pitch: /PİÇ/ [iş/finans/pazarcılık] (yüksek* enerji ile)satmak için tanıtmak, oturup -ın satışı hedefleştirmek || Pitch meeting: /-Mİ’.ding/ [yapabileceğini diğer tarafa ikna etme amacıyla] tanıtma görüşmesı || Pitch sound*: ses perde [‘Pitch’ kelimenin içinde bir ‘(en)yüksek*’ anlamı var. Örnek: Pitchblack= en yüksek siyah= Simsiyah. Örnek: beysbolda>He throws the first pitch(en yüksek topu atma).] I’m from a drug(ilaç) producing company and I’m here to pitch a new drug./ Yesterday there was a guy who pitched something similar to your product./ In the TV movie ‘Beauty & the Briefcase’, Lane is a fashion writer and got a pitch

meeting at Cosmo(=Cosmopolitan Magazine). Before the pitch meeting, she says to some ladies: I’m pitching a story to Kate at Cosmo!/ Ok. Good. You sang very well. Now… can you sing with a higher pitch sound? Full-time: pronunciation: /FUL.ta:ym/ fultaym, tamgün || Part-time: PA:RT-ta:ym/ parttaym I have a part-time job but I’m looking for a full-time one.

Copilot: /ıt/ 1.kopilot/yardımcı pilot 2. ortak/yardımcı What are the responsibilities of a copilot?/ It’s a big house, hard to sell. If you want a copilot on this, I’d be happy to team up with you. Crew: /kRU’/ ekip, takım Thanks to our crew (Ekibimiz sayesinde/Ekibimize sağ olsun), we could shoot this film in Sahara./ He joined the crew after a short absence. Career: /kı.RİYIR/ kariyer His career is in jeopardy./ Have you given any thoughts to your future career?/ Have you ever thought about changing your career? Cubicle:/ıl/(izole etmiş) çalışma kabini, çalışma odacık/bölümü [>Google Images<] [To the new staff] Welcome aboard, Mark. Please follow me… ok here’s your cubicle. –Oh, thanks. –Sure. If you need anything, dial(tuşla) zero/Zİ.ro/./ Hey, Tevin, I told you to stay away from my cubicle!/ Normally in internet cafes, every customer goes to their own cubicle to use the Internet. Promotion: /prı.MO’.şın/ 1. terfi 2. promosyon, tanıtım || Promote: /prı.MO’t/ terfi ettirmek || I got promoted: /’dprı.MO’.dıd/ Terfi aldım! Today, my boss told me he’s going to give me a promotion. –Cool!/ Cambridge dictionary: There was a promotion in the supermarket and they were giving away free glasses of wine./ The boss promoted me to sales manager! –Wow. That’s great, baby! [They kiss.]/ If you always think you will be in this position, you can’t be promoted!/ I got promoted today! I’m so excited! Corporate: /KO’R.pı.rıt/ şirketın/kurumun/muessesenın sahibi, [yerde olup]buradanın sahibi Hotel guest: I need you to change my room...right now! Receptionist: Sir, I can’t, all rooms are full/FO’l/. Hotel guest: Then I need to call the corporate!/ After 30 years of loyal work, the corporate is throwing him a goodbye party./ Have you heard? The corporate invited me to dinner! – Really? –Yeah, remember I sold our first franchise? That’s why they like me, I guess. Recruit: /ri.KRU’t/ kadrolaşmak, aynı görüşü paylaşan insanları toplamak || Recruitment: /ri.KRU’t.mınt/ (=Staffing) kadrolaşma Do you know this new guy? –Yeah. Stephanie recruited him. He seems to be very good at his job./ Biased recruitment(Taraflı kadrolaşma) is nothing more than a damage to company’s sales. Wise managers hire people of high character for higher sales. Retreat: /ri.TRİ’t/ iş dişinda iş sahibin tarafından veren partisi [genelde bir otelde/vilada ve butün çalışanler davet] [In the lunch break, the boss comes to one of his best staff and asks: For tomorrow’s retreat, you can bring some of your best friends if you want. –Can I? –Sure. –Ok, thanks./ Thanks boss! This is a fantastic retreat. –Enjoy! Collaboration: /kı.la.bı.REY.şın/ *işbirliği, birlikte çalışma || Cooperation: /ko.a:’.pı.REY.şın/ *işbirliği, elbirliği One of Jeniffer Lopez’s albums was a collaboration between her and Marc Anthony./ A collaboration between the realtor /Rİ.yı’r/(emlakçi), the stager /sTEY.cır/ (dekoratör), and you is the key to sell your house with a better price./ Thanks for your cooperation with the police, ma’am./ This film was made with the cooperation of Miramax and Metro Golden Mayer. Classified:/kLA.sı.fa:yd/ 1. gazete’de iş ilan 2. gizli/sınıflandırılmış || Classified ad: /-.a’d/ (=Classified) gazete’de iş ilan || Ad: /A’d/ 1. gazete’de iş ilan 2. (=Advertisement) [her tür] reklam || Advertising: /AD.vır.ta:y.zing/ reklamcılık Everytime she buys the paper(gazete), she goes through the classified/classified ads/classified page because she’s been looking for a job for weeks./ I’m sorry. You cannot look at these information. These are classified. [>anlama cümlede<]/ I’m looking at these ads to find a job./ You want to see the meaning of creativity in advertisement? Look at Turkish Airlines ads! Amazing!/ There are some ‘sticker ads’ on walls everywhere./ He was always creative. He’s in advertising business now./ Advertising is a very competitive business. (TV/Radio) Commercials: /ti.Vİ’//REY.diyo//kı.M3R.şıl/ [TV/Radyo] Reklamlar We’ll be back in two minutes after the commercials. Stick around!/ How do commercials affect people?

Procedure: pronunciation:/prı.Sİ’.cır/prosedür, işlem, izlenecek yol Sorry we cannot do anything about your problem at the moment. We have procedures, we have rules. You have to wait./ I’m afraid, but you have to follow the procedures to get your job done. Product: pronunciation: /PRA:’.da:kt//PRA:’.dıkt/ ürün || Produce: /prı.DU’s/ üretmek With the vast advertising (reklam yapma) that we had through the past couple of weeks, people seem to like our company’s new products./ This tomato paste (=domates salçası) is a product of our company./ The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum./ What do they produce here?] Fabricator: /FAB.ri.key.dır/ üretici, imalatçı || Fabrication: /fab.ri.KEY.şın/ imal, yapım, üretim [Father of Invention] I gotta get a job... a real job. –You’ve got a real job, dad! You’re a fabricator./ Fabrication technology of textile in Turkey has progressed a lot since the past decade. Prolific: /pro.Lİ.fik/ (=Productive) üretken, verimli, doğurgan [Father of Invention] Robert Axel (Kevin Spacey) talks about his new invention ‘Watchdawg’: This is the most prolific invention of modern history./ What are the most prolific chickens in this factory(=What chickens produce most eggs in this factory)? Entrepreneur: /a:n.trı.prı.NI’r/ [kendi işi sahip] girişimci, müteşebbis, atılımcı Who is the entrepreneur of the year 2012?/ Larry Page (the co-founder of Google), Jeffery Bezos (Amazon), and Pierre Omidyar (eBay) are some of the famous, rich entrepreneurs in the world. Paperwork: /PEY.pır.w3rk/ kağıt işleri She applied for a gun. There was so much paper work that she gave up./ I was very busy all morning. I had to do some paperwork./ So, are we good with this? There’s no paperwork needed? Errand: /E’.rınd/ ayak işi, bir iş için gönderme || Run errands: /RA:N-E’.rındz/ ayak işlerini yapmak/bakmak They are old, so a child in the neighborhood runs their errands./ Wake up, hon. I need a ride to run a few errands before I go to work./ Hey, what are you doing here? –Uh, I had some errands to run (=I had to run some errands). Shift: /ŞİFt/ nöbet || Have a shift: nöbetçi olmak || Work overtime: /W3RK-O’.vır.ta:ym/ mesai çalışmak/yapmak When is your shift? –On Sunday./ You want me to drive the car? –Yeah, it’s your shift./ In some big cities of the world, there are some ‘night shift pharmacies’ where give service all night long./ Are you free(müsait) on Monday? –Sorry, I have a shift. –How about Tuesday? –Tuesday’s fine. –Okay. Then I’ll come pick you up./ Can my boss force me to work overtime?/ What do you do when you go home? –Nothing. –So stay here and work overtime. It’s good for your wallet! Job is yours to lose!: /ca:’b.iz.YO’’z/ Bu işe iyi başarelar diyorum! (Bu yeni iş o kadar kolaydir ki onun başarmamaya zannetmıyorum.) Welcome aboard (=Aramızda hoş geldi)! Job is yours to lose. I have/got a mountain of work to do: /-MAWN.dın-/Bir dağ işlerim var, Bir süre işlerim var I’m sorry honey. I can’t be home for dinner. I got a mountain of work to do. Call it a day!: /KA:’ı-DE’y/ [Çalışmaya] Paydos edin!, Bugünlük bu kadar demek!, [Nerdeyse] Çalışmaya son verin!, [İşin] geri kalanı öylece/olduğun gibi bırakın! Boss! Workers are exhausted (=very tired). Last night, they worked overtime (mesai çalıştılar) too. So, what do you say? –Well, let’s call it a day. –Ok. Thanks. I’ll let them know (Onlara haber vereceğim)./ [After 2 hours in the meeting] You know what? I’m tired. Let’s wrap it up and call it a day. Go get a job!: /GO’-ged.ı-CA:’b/ (=Leave me alone!/Go away) Git gerçek bir iş bul kendini!, Bırak bu işi! [A young guy who looks healthy begs for money:] Can you spare a coin? [The man:] Go get a job!/ [The answer to the blatantly-lie(apaçık yalan) scam email: ‘Congratulations! You are our winner of the month! Please send your information ASAP (As Soon As Possible)!’] –Go get a job! JOB> BOSS Boss: /BA:’s/ patron || Bossy: /BA:’.si/ patronlu, hükmetmeyi seven, emretmeyi seven || Boss around: /BA:’S-ı.RAWNd/ patron gibi davranmak || Boss someone around: birine karşı amirane davranmak, birine emir yağdırmak He’s the best boss ever. Everyone loves him./ Stop ordering me ‘do this’ ‘do that’! You’re not the boss of me!/ The founder of Walmart, Sam Walton: There’s only one boss; the customer; and he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else./ Natalie Portman, in an interview in Venice Magazine, USA: I was this really bossy five-year-old, and I would be like, ‘You stand here, and you stand here, and you sing,’ or, ‘I’ll sing and you just lip it.’ [She throws her head back and

laughs.] I was a really bossy kid, you know./ [Small sister complaining about big sister to her mom] Why does he boss around?/ I’m sorry but I’m not your personal slave /sLEYv/(=köle). You can’t just boss me around whenever you want (=Bana istediğin zaman emir yağdıramazsın)! Patronize*:/PEYT.rı.na:yz/[Act superior] patron gibi davranmak, büyüklük taslamak, başkaları hor/küçük görmek Don’t patronize me!/ He treats me as if I’m not important. –Yea, he’s sassy (haddine bilmiyor) and patronizes people. [Look down on =Belittle: -e hör görmek, -e küçümsemek >Just because you’re rich doesn’t mean that you can belittle or look down on people.] JOB> APPLY Apply for: /ıp.LA:’Y/ -e başvurmak If you want the Canadian visa, you have to apply for it./ Did you apply for that job you were talking about? [Apply (to): (-e/-a) uygulamak>SSK is for Turkish citizens. It doesn’t apply to foreigners.] Application: /şın/ başvuru || Application form: /şın-FO’Rm/ başvuru formu Your application must be done before the end of this year./ When NASA decided to send ‘one’ teacher to space for the first time, among 11,000 (eleven thousand) applications, they accepted Christa McAuliff. I checked her application and I realized it was so simple. But I guess the reason she got accepted was because she always knew she wanted this. This’s her passion and joy which got her accepted./ [To the people in the line (sıra)] Have your application form ready, the blue form please./ Did you fill out the application form, fella(dostum/ahbap)?

Fill out this form!: /FİL.awt--/ Bu formu doldurun! [Nurse] Excuse me, sir. I’m gonna need some information of you and the patient that you just brought to the hospital. Please fill out this form./ I went to the embassy and they gave me this. My English is not very good. Can you help me fill out this form (Bu formu doldurmayı beni yardımedebilirmisin) please? Resume: /RE.zı.me’y/ özet, özgeçme || C.V.: /si’.Vİ’/ özet, özgeçme Okay. Give me your resume. I’ll see what I can do (Ne yapacağimi bakacam)./ [On the Email] Please send us the C.V. attached with a photo of you. Register*: (=Enroll) kaydetmek || Register*: (=Cash register) kasa makinesi If you want to be part of the school theater, you have to register(=enroll) first./ How much money do we have in the register (=Kasa’da ne kadar para var)? JOB> QUIT/FIRE/HIRE/GET CANNED/DISMISS Quit: /KUİT/ (quit, quit, quit) 1. işe istifa etmek 2. (=Give up) –e bırakmak 1. I can’t work here anymore. I quit./ 1. Hey, did you quit? –Yea I quit. –Why? –I couldn’t work 16 hours a day! I needed a LIFE!/ 2. Cynthia quit (gave up) smoking three years ago when she was pregnant./ 2. Quit worrying, man! Everything’s gonna be all right./ 2. You’re never a loser until you quit trying. – Mike Dikta [Quite:/KOAYT/çok>She plays guitar quite well.||Quiet:/KOA.yıt/sessiz>Mom’s sleeping. Be quiet.] You never quit on your music, no matter what happens. –August Rush (the movie) Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life. –Terry Pratchett Fire: /FA:.yır/ 1. kovulmak 2. ateş (ateş,silah) || It gets me fired up!: Beni geyrete getiriyor!, Beni geyretli ediyor!, Beni gaz/coşku veriyor! The boss shouted: You are fired!/ If you keep on coming late, the boss will fire you./ You look horrible. What’s wrong? –Oh, don’t ask. I got fired today./ ‘I’m letting you go’ means ‘You’re fired’!/ Look! Fire! Let’s call the fire department(itfaiye). –What’s the number? –It’s 911(nine one one)./ Michael Phelps: I like to get in my own world. When I’m

getting ready for a meet, I always have headphones on, listening to rap music to get myself fired up (kendimi coşku vermek için). Hire: /HA:.yır/ işe alınmak Okay, you’re hired. You can start tomorrow./ Do you need someone to work here? –I’m sorry, we don’t hire at the moment. But you can leave your number if you want. Just in case (=Eğer diye/İhtimaline karşı)./ Headline: We don’t teach our people to be nice. We simply hire nice people. Get canned: /get.KA’Nd/ (=Get fired) kovulmuş olmak [İngilizcede ‘can’ın bir anlama ‘konserve kotusu’dur; ima olarak ‘kovulmuş/sıkışmış/çaresiz’.] ‘Get canned’ means ‘Get fired’. It’s absolutely new and amazing./ [Beastly (2011)] Kyle’s dad: Hey, I’m sorry. J-Jus.. Jill got canned.

Dismiss:/dis.MİS/[daha resmi] 1. görevden almak, işten çıkarmak, kovmak 2. gitmesine izin vermek Redhouse dictionary: The Prime Minister has dismissed two members of her cabinet (Başbakan kabine üyelerinden ikisini görevden aldı)./ Mumford & Son, After The Storm lyrics: And love will not break your heart but dismiss your fears. YARIŞMA/REKABET Competitive:/kım.PE.dı.div/[iş/spor/sanat/sanayi/..] rekabetlı, yarışma isteyen || Competition: /ka:’m.pı.Tİ.şın/ 1. yarışma, rekabet 2. (=A competitor) yarışmacı, rakip || Competitor: /kım.PE.di.tır/ yarışmacı, rakip || Compete: /kım.Pİ’t/ rekabet etmek, mücadele etmek, yarışmak You wanna be a surgeon? Okay, but be one of the best of them ’cause it’s a competitive job./ This year, the competition is high in Formula–1 car race./ There’s a huge competition among Turkcell, Vodafone, and Avea in Turkey to give better service to their customers –with cheaper prices./ When I’m wasting time in front of the monitor, I must make sure that my competitor is meeting with customers right now!/ Most competitions try to exactly look like their own competitors everyday! BE different everyday!/ In the TV show, there were three groups of competitors trying to win the One-Million-Dollar Prize./ It’s hard to compete with him!/ [Soul Surfer] Bethany, after the shark attack: I totally blew it at the Originals. Why would they want me to compete? Mother: (Because) you tried. Rally:/RA’.li/[iş/spor/politika/..]rekabet etmek, rekabet, yeniden yükselmek Our sales are less than our competitors, son. We need to rally./ I guess if you don’t have enemies, you never rally!/ He’s one of the competitors in Sturgis Motorcycle Rally./ There’s a rally among banks to get more customers. Contest: /KA:’N.test/ yarışma ‘VAR MISIN? YOK MUSUN?’ is a contest./ Eurovision is a contest. Opponent: /ı.PO’.nınt/ [daha:politika/spor] rakip AKP, CHP, and MHP are politically opponent parties in Turkey./ The chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov beat many of his opponents, including the X3D ManMachine (computer program X3D Fritz)! Rival:/RA:Y.vıl/[her şey] rakip, muhalif, karşıt, karşıki, aleyhtar When she plays basketball, she doesn’t think of her rivals. She thinks of her play./ Are you competing with the rivals?/ No rival will steal away my sure love; that glory will be my gray hair (mecaz:tecrübe)! –S. Propertius İZİN: ALLOW/PERMIT/LET/LET ME KNOW/LET YOU DOWN Let: /LET/ (let, let, let) izin vermek I can’t let you go to that lame(iğrenç) party. Your dad will kill you!/ Let me explain about the process of this machine.

Draw me close to You – Never let me go – You’re all I want – You’re all I’ve ever needed –Michael W Smith Let someone go: birini gitmeye izin vermek [Pic] Don’t go. –Don’t let me. (Aslında: ‘–Don’t let me (go). (Gitmemi izin verme.)’ Burada ‘go’ saklamıştır. Çok film izleyerek kolay olacak.] Let’s go: [aslında: Let us go] Haydi gidelim! We have nothing else to do in here, man. Let’s go. I’m letting you go!: /--LE.ding--Kovuluyorum seni! Jack! I’m letting you go! –Why, boss? What’d I do? –I told you a couple of times to call Jannete Parker to set an appointment but you didn’t. You’re fired! I let you go!: [şiirlerde] seni kendini bırakıyorum, gitmesini izin verıyorum, ‘git artık’ dıyorum! ‘If I Let You Go’ by Westlife: I keep on searching... but I can’t find the courage... to show you... to letting you know... I’ve never felt so much love before... and once again I’m thinking about... the easy way out... But if I let you go, I will never know... what my life would be. Let something/someone out: bir şeyi/birini dışarıda serbest bırakmak [gitmeye izin verme] Who let the cat out? It’s gone again!/ Why do you keep the baby in the cradle/KREY.dıl/(beşik) all the time? Let her out! Let me know*: /LET.mi-NO’//LED.mi-NO’//LE.mi-NO’/ Bana haber ver!, Beni haberdar et!, Beni bildir! || I’ll let you know: /a:yl.LET-yu-NO’//a:yl.LEÇU-NO’/ Sana haber vereceğim!, Seni haberdar edeceğim!, Seni bildireceğim! If you need anything else, just let me know./ [Part of the Email] If you need more info (ek bilgi), please do not hesitate to let me know. John 17:26 I have made You known to them, and will continue to make You known in order that the love You have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” Know*:/NO’/1.(bir şeyi) bilmek/farkında olmak 2. (bir şeyi) bilmek/öğrenmek 3.(biriyi) tanımak || May I know your name?: [Telefonda] İsminizi öğrenebilirmiyim? 1. He knows his job! (İşini biliyor/farkında!)/ 1. No need to explain, Jack! I know how this machine works./ 1. Man: Hey folks! Y’all (=You all) know that they’re not gonna pay us. So whatcha gonna do?/ 2. May I know when the store will be open (Dükkanı ne zaman açık olacağını öğrenebilir miyim)?/ 2. I’d like to know the price of this. –Ten

bucks. It’s for sale (İndirimli)! –Oh! Ok, I’ll take it!/ 3. Do you know this guy? –Yes, he’s my Turkish friend. A really cool guy. Go meet him./ 3. Do I know you from somewhere? –Yes, we met at Ben’s party. –Oh, yeah. Hi. How you doing?/ [Pic] You never really know people. 1. Pronunciation of ‘Know’ and ‘No’ are the same but we understand the difference between them from the meaning of the sentence. Do you know what I mean? –No! –HaHa! You already said that! –I know! I was just messing with you(şaka/espiri yapıyordum)! –HaHa! I know!!/ [On the phone] Yes, yes sir. Uhh, may I know your name(=can I have your name: isminizi alabilir miyim)? –Sure. My name’s (It’s) Jake Belton. [When I know something, you know something!: Bir şey oğrenirsem, hemen sana haber veririm!> Officer? Did you find my husband? –Ma’am! When I know something, you know something. Please go inside and wait.] I didn’t know!: Bilmiyordum!, Benim haberim yoktu! There was a bag right here. –I threw it out! –What? There was money inside! –Really? Oh my! I didn’t know! Why did you put the money in the bag? –I... Because... I... Why did you throw it away without looking inside it (içinde bakmadan)? Once you know* him/her/...: Bir kez onu tanışsan... || One you get to know him/her/...: Bir kez onu tanışsan... Your friend… he seems a bit crazy. –Who Ethan? He’s showing off(Gösteriş yapıyor)! Once you get to know him, he’s a very good talker and a very good person. Let… be…: -e bırak, öyle kalsın Let the world be worried about itself for one second (Dünyaı bir saniye bırak kendine merak eder) and think about yourself!/ The Beatles: Let It Be! Let the glory of the LORD rise among us –Big Daddy Weave Let it go!: Bırak gitsin! Past is the past. Let it go! Let someone down: (=Disappoint someone) birinin hayal/düş kırıklığına uğratmak || I’ll never let you down!: Hayal kırıklığına asla/hiç uğramam! || Disappointed: /dis.ı.POYN.dıd(=Hopeless) umutsuz I’ll never let you down, baby. I promise./ Uhh! After all those studies, I thought you’ll pass the exam this time, but you’ve disappointed me again! –Dad! Most of my schoolmates failed! The exam questions were really hard, believe me!/ When he was broke and disappointed, someone handed him a book. He read, it opened up his eyes. He decided to change his life. He made a move. Allow: /ı.LA’W/ izin vermek I cannot allow you to live on your own in Houston. You’re only 15!/ [After showing the slides of this genius guy ‘Peter Fisk’ on, the speaker tells the audience] Allow me to introduce the owner of the Genius Works. Please welcome (=alkışlarla hoş geldin deyın) Mr. Peter Fisk! [Everyone applauses.]/ Everything is funnier when you are not allowed to laugh!! –Anonymous Allow me!: [çok kibar] (Lütfen izin verin) ben ödeyeceğim! [He knows that she doesn’t work at the moment. Now she wants to buy two avocados for her and him. But he’s generous and while paying, says] Allow me! –Aw, thanks! Allowance*:/ı.LAW.ıns/ 1. (=Pocket money) harçlık, cep harçlığı 2. izin You go to that stupid party, you won’t see the allowance this week, you hear me?/ As far as I remember, I have never taken any pocket money from my father./ I know that you’re in town just for today, ma’am. But I’m afraid. I don’t have the authority to give you the allowance to visit the museum after 5 o’clock. Permit: /pır.Mİ’T/ izin vermek, izin (belgesi) || Permission: /pır.Mİ’.şın/ izin || Work permit: /W3RK-pır.Mİ’T/ çalışma izini Copyright (Telif hakkı) means you are not permitted to copy or print any of the contents of a book, movie, play, photograph, or music./ If you want to hunt in this area, you should have hunting permit(=hunting permission)./ Mr. Wilfred! I need your permission and signature to start the project./ You’re under 18. To work in the factory, you should get a work permit. [Take the day off= Bügünü (işden) izin al.>Take a few days off= Birkaç gün işden izin al.>Take a leave= İşden izin al.>Take a vacation= Bir tatile git/Birkaç gün işe gitme!/Bir izin al!] Intrude: /in.tRU’d/ [çok kibar] [bir yere] davetsiz/izinsiz girmek || Sorry for the intrusion!: [çok kibar] /--in.TRU’.jın/ Davetsiz girdiğim için üzür dilerim! Sorry to intrude. I need to talk to the general manager./ Sorry for the intrusion. I didn’t mean to be rude. – You’re always welcome. Please have a seat, sir. Psalm 121:1-2 I lift up my eyes to the mountains –where does my help comes from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. PLACES & RELATED Place: /pLEYS/ yer || Everything in its place?: Her şey yerinde mi? Where did you find Selah’s album Hiding Place? I was looking for it!/ Put these boxes in their place./ There are only two places in this league: first place and no place. –Tom Seaver/ Do you like to wake

up every morning and see everything in your apartment is in its place, or do you like to see everything is messed-up? ‘Things’ around you can change your ‘mood’! [İş yeri: work place.>Where are you going? –I’m going to my work place.] Cozy: /KO’.zi/ [yer için bir sıfat] kuçuk ve sıcak, samimi, hoş, kuçuk ve samimi görünlü, kıyak What a cozy apartment! I like it. Is it for sale or for rent?/ There’s a cozy cafe downtown. I’m going there. Are you coming?/ What a cozy hotel! It gets me (=It grabs my attention)!/ There’s a cozy restaurant up there on the hills where serves ethnic food. I think you should try it. Snug: /sNA:G/ [ceket,ayakkabı,yol...] sıkı/dar American tourist: We went to the Underground City in Derinkuyu. At some points, the way was a bit snug, but it impressed us a lot./ These boots are snug. Do you have larger ones? –Sure. Spacious: [yer için bir sıfat] /sPEY.şıs/ geniş WOW. You have a spacious apartment! And so neat!/ Mmm! This is certainly a spacious spa! [‘Space’ın sıfat: Spacious. Space: /sPEYs/ 1. yer: I don’t know where to put my stuffs. My room doesn’t have enough space. 2. boşluk: To take part in the competition: Write your name. Leave a space (Bir boşluk bırakın). Write your ID number (/a:y.Dİ’-NA:M.ber/kimlik numara). And send it to 5666. 3. uzay: Space is unlimited (sınırsız/limitsiz).] Neat:/Nİ’t/[yer ve insan için](=Tidy&good) temiz, düzgün, harika This place is neat! I like it here!/ It’s a neat and clean town./ What a neat restaurant!/ Your brother is such a neat person. Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me. Here: /Hİyır/ burada || There: /ZER/ orada Come here./ Where is my iPod? It was right here./ Go there./ Up there on the tree, there were two birds singing. [There is.../There was.../There are.../There were...: ...vardır.] Outfront: /AWT.fra:nt/ [binanin dışarıdanın>] ön tarafta Are you set? –Uhh, I need a minute. –Ok, I’ll meet you outfront. –’K. Cool./ There is a guy standing outfront. Is he waiting for you? Corner:/KOR.nır/ 1. köşe 2. korner || Be round the corner:(resmi: Be approaching/-ıp.RO’.çing/) yaklaşiyor Excuse me, have you seen any telephone booth around? –Yeah. Turn right at the corner. –Oh, thanks./ Sportscaster: Yeah, this might be Beşiktaş’s last corner. It’s a crucial corner./ Exam is round the corner. Are you ready? –OF COURSE I’m ready. –Attaboy!/ Yay! Holiday is round the corner./ The New Year is approaching. Semih Saygıner. Born in ’64. Parents died in car crash in ’78. Didn’t finish high school. Played pool when 16. A friend persuaded him to attend Istanbul Championship when 17. Became first! He went on to win many medals in Turkish Championships and the World. When they asked him how he won, he replied, ‘I didn’t realize how. I just DID my BEST. And I think love is my COMPASS.’ Pool: /PU’l/ 1. (=Swimming pool) havuz 2. bilardo This swimming pool is awesome. It’s so clean and cozy (=sıcak>hoş)./ Have you ever played pool? – No. – Really? Come on. I gotta show ya a thing or two (=Bir iki şey/teknik sana gösterecem/göstermeliyim)./ The stick that hits the ball in a pool is called ‘cue/KYU/(isteka)’. Pond: /PA:’Nd/ gölcuk, gölet, [parkta] havuz Look. The boy just fell into a pond! [He goes and rescues him.]/ People were throwing some food and feeding the white swans /sWA:’n/ (kuğu) by (=near) the pond. River:/Rİ.vır/ nehir || Stream:/stRİ’m/ akarsu/dere Learning is like swimming in the river against the currents/K3.rınt/(akıntı). To be successful, we need to swim forward./ We went fishing and on the way back, we thought we were lost. But we took a walk along the river(ırmak boyunca) and found the cabin(kulübe)./ [The River Why (2010)] For me, happiness would never be found anywhere but on the banks(kıyılerı/kenarları) of a river anyway./ They used the word ‘stream’ a lot at the past, especially in song lyrics./ ‘A River Runs Through It’ is Robert Redford’s masterpiece, starring Brad Pitt. Casino: pronunciation: /kı.Sİ’.no’/ gazino, kumarhane || Gamble: /GAM.bıl/ kumar (oynamak) [Gambler: /GAM.blır/ kumarbaz] Las Vegas is full of casinos./ Doctor: Your son’s disease is so rare! I’ve never seen such a thing before! What’s your job, man? –Uhh, I was a gambler for years! I think it’s because of the gamble money!/ Gambling is an addiction. That’s how gamblers pay! Stash: /sTA’ş/* zula, zulada saklanan şey What’s this album doing here? It was supposed to be in our private stash./ Hey have you heard about Sophie? The cops caught her for some drugs in her stash./ He used to hide his money in a stash. [Slash=bölü işareti ‘/’. Back slash=ters bölü ‘\’.] Building: pronunciation: /BİL.ding/ NOTTT BUİL.ding/ [Dikkat!>] apartman, bina || Apartment: pronunciation: /ı.PA:RT.mınt/ [Dikkat!>] daire || Apartment building: (=Building) apartman, bina This is my building! –Oh, it’x cute./ I live alone in an apartment downtown./ This apartment is spacious!/ An apartment building is a building consisting of some apartments./ I saw you coming out of that apartment building. –Oh yeah, I went to visit my father-in-law. He’s 90 years old.

Benjamin Franklin: We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that 'except the LORD build the House, they labor in vain that build it' I firmly believe this; by our partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and a by word down to future ages. First floor:/F3RSt.flo’r/(=Ground floor/gRAWNd.--/) birinci kat, zemin kat || The basement: /zı.BEYS.mınt/ bodrum katı We live on the first floor (birinci/zemin kat). They live on the second floor./ [In the elevator with her hands full] Could you press ‘G’ (=the Ground floor) for me please (=Benim için ‘G’ düğmeye basabilirmisin lütfen)?/ She has a lot of stuffs in her grandmother’s basement ’cause her apartment is too small./ He lives in the basement of an old apartment. [Floor: yapılmış YER.>Are you sleeping on the floor?>Mop the floor.|| Ground: doğal YER/ yer yüz.> They are digging the ground in the hope of finding oil(petrol>ilk çıktığın petrol<).] Terrace: pronunciation: /TE’.ris/ teras || Balcony: pronunciation: /BAL.kı.ni/ balkon The view from the terrace of this restaurant is just gorgeous. I love it here./ You have a lot of flowers in the balcony! –Yeah, I’m into flowers (=Ben çiçekleri çok severim)! Closet: pronunciation:/KLA:’.zıt/ [giysi] dolap We need a larger closet. This one is too small./ Put these lingeries in the bedroom closet, honey. [Amerikan dilinde ‘Toilet’ Türkçe dilin ‘Klozet’ olur> Sorry the toilet seat is broken.] Cupboard: pronunciation: /KA:.b3rd/ [>p >sessiz] [mutfak] dolap These dishes are clean. You can put them back in the cupboard. Drawer: /DRA:.ır/ çekmece Your clothes are dry. Fold and put them in the drawer. –’K, ma! Joint: /COYNt/ mekan Everybody knows KFC is his joint./ What kinda crappy joint is this?/ Starbucks is my joint. Boardwalk:/BO’Rd.wa’k/[deniz kınarı] geniş kaldırım These are some of my favorite boardwalks in the United States: Santa Cruz Beach Bordwalk, Asbury Park’s Boardwalk, Venice Boardwalk, Atlantic City Boardwalk, Ocean City Boardwalk, and Louisiana Boardwalk./ Izmir Boardwalk is absolutely mesmerizing, especially in the summer. Line: /LA:Yn/ 1. sıra 2. çizgi, hat 3. replik || Line up*: /LA:Yn.a:p/ sıraya girmek [1] Dude! There’s a line! Don’t you see that? –[2 to his friend] Let’s go stand behind the line, man./ Please stand behind the yellow line./ They are boosting the lines of Ankara Subway. [Boost:/BU’St/ artırmak, geliştirmek]/ You play in the theater? –Yes. –Has it ever occured to you that you forgot your line? –I think not, because when we practice, our character becomes part of us. –Mmm… interesting!/ My favorite line in movies is from ‘Adventureland’ where James(Jesse Eisenberg) says to Em(Kristen Stewart): ‘I think I maybe see you a little differently than you see yourself.’/ [Dance instructor] Okay, line up everybody. Time to practice salsa. [Sıra sende!: It’s your turn! || Sıra bende!: It’s my turn! || Who’s next?=Who’s up?= Who’s up next?: Sıra kimde?>Ok, who’s next? –It’s me.=Sıra bende.=It’s my turn.] Line of work*: /LA:Yn.ıv.w3rk/ iş dalımı, iş hattı In my line of work, one thing is very important: Trust./ If I was(were) you, I would change my line of work. (anlamı=You are not good for this job.) It was out of line*: Haddimi aştım!, Düşünmeden (bir şeyi) söyledım/yaptım! Hi…I’m sorry about what I said to you yesterday. It was out of line./ Sorry I didn’t have the right to comment on your daughter’s dress. It was out of line./ I was a bit tipsy and I said to my girlfriend the things I shouldn’t have. They were out of line. –Ok, go get a red rose, a bottle of red wine, and say you’re sorry. Under poverty line: /A:N.dır-PA:.vır.ti-LA:Yn/ yoksolluk sınırın aşağı Do you know how many percent of people in the world are under poverty line? [Poverty:yoksulluk>Can human beings make poverty history (İnsanlar yoksulluğunu tarih/geçmiş/mazi/yok edebilirmi)?] Margin: /MA:’R.cin/ ihtiyat akçesi, marj, kenar, sınır His margin of hope was so narrow but his heart was still wide open to the LORD./ Last night, Chicago Bulls won 99-98 –by a thin magrin./ His magrin of victory was 0.5% (zero point five percent). Aisle: pronunciation: /A:YL/ koridor [In the supermarket] Excuse me. Where can I find dishcloth (=bulaşık bezi)? –Down to (-e doğru) the aisle 2H /tu EYÇ/./ [In the movie theater] Baby, our seats are in the seventh aisle./ In movies you usually see that the bride is walking down the aisle of a church with a bunch of flowers in her hand. At the end of the aisle, the groom is waiting. [Corridor: /KA:’.rı.do’r/ koridor>The difference between corridor and aisle? Corridor has rooms on either side, aisle doesn’t.] Country: /KA:NT.ri/ 1. ülke 2. kır || Continent: /KA:’N.tı.nınt/ kıta The winner-of-4-Oscar movie ‘No Country For Old Men’ exceedingly impressed me. G (genel izleyici) movie./ There are only two countries we write with ‘the’ because they include some States or other countries inside: the United States (including fifty states) and the United Kingdom (including four countries)./ Her

mother prefers country life (kır’de yaşam) to city life./ I wanna travel to every country, every continent in the world./ Ömer says he remembers the word ‘continent’ from ‘Continental’ Tire. It’s actually a great way to remember words. Region: pronunciation: /Rİ’.cın/ bölge, mantaka UNICEF: Child protection is among our highest priorities in East Asia and the Pacific regions./ There are some regions in Cappadocia where they grow potatos. Do you know where they are?/ [Note: Religion=din.] Territory: /TE.rı.to’.ri/ bölge, mülk, toprak If enemy gets into our territory, we defend./ In some territories, below 18 years old are not allowed to do certain things. The universe: /zı cosmos/zı.KA:’Z.mıs/) evren, kainat, alem, cihan, kozmos They say the whole universe is a single atom. Wow to the Creator of this atom! Blessed be His name!/ Can anyone really tell how big or how old the universe is?/ Could human beings discover all the wonders in the cosmos if they all got together? Don’t think so because they are developing everyday, discovering NEW things! Then what can we learn from this fact?/ NASA’s studies around the universe has been incredibly great./ [Pic] I’m just having an allergic reaction to the universe. :D Cave: /KEYV/ mağara || Island: pronunciation: / ada || Bridge: /bRİC/ köprü || Tower: /TAW.ır/ kule || Lighthouse: /LA:YT.haws/ fener kulesi || Castle: /KA’.sıl/ kale, şato Human beings in caves, human beings in skyscrapers, human beings on the moon, and God knows what comes next!/ Honey! Look what I’ve found on the Internet! Look at the ratings of Xanadu Island Resort in San Pedro City, Belize Island, Western Caribbean! It has 350 reviews, all top 5-star! It must be pretty awesome! I think we should go there!/ Prince Edward Island and the mainland of Canada are connected by the 12.9-kilometer-long Confederation Bridge, the world’s longest bridge. I heard this bridge’s made curved so that drivers wouldn’t get amazed by the eye-catching beauty around or wouldn’t fall asleep!/ Tourist: What does ‘Atakule’ mean? –Tour guide: ‘Ata’ in Turkish means ‘ancestor’ and usually refers to Atatürk, and ‘Kule’ means ‘tower’. Have you seen its revolving restaurant up there? It makes a full turn every hour. Tourist: Wow. Let’s go there!/ We went for a boat ride but we got too far. Thanks to the lighthouse, we could find our way to the seashore(denizden bakınca>sahil)./ Down the Ankara Castle toward the gift shops and cafes looks like some of the streets of Paris. It’s just gorgeous!

Daniel 6:1-5 It pleased Darius to appoint 120 satraps to rule throughout the kingdom, with three administrators over them, one of whom was Daniel. The satraps were made accountable to them so that the king might not suffer loss. Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Finally these men said, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.” [They became jealous at Daniel? But this is GOD’s plan.] Daniel 6:23 The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in his God. [What a Faithful, Holy GOD.] Desert: pronunciation*: /DE.zırt/ 1. terk etmek 2. çöl 1. The shift nurse mustn’t desert the babies./ 2. Camels can resist the hot weather of deserts./ 2. Have you heard Sting’s song ‘Desert Rose’? I remember the word ‘desert’ from that./ 2. ‘Too much sun makes desert, too much rain makes flood. People need both the sun and the rain.’ It’s a metaphor for happiness and sadness. Shelter: /ŞEL.tır/ sığınak, barınak, korunak He found an old bus in the forrest as his shelter./ When bombarding the city, people rush to the shelters to be safe. [Animal shelter= Pound= hayvan barınağı] Gap: /GA’p/ 1. aralık, boşluk, gedik 2. eksiklik || Hole: /HO’L/ delik, boşluk If there’s a fence (tel/çit/tahta perde/parmaklık) and one board is missing, we say: There’s a gap in the fence./ There’s a gap in the old man’s teeth./ 2. There would be a gap if any government’s plans were without the youth’s involvement./ Man on P.A. (hoparlör) in the subway: Please mind the gap (=watch the gap: Platform boşluğu dikkat) between the train door and the platform edge./ Sticker on subway train door: MIND THE GAP!/WATCH THE GAP!/ Look! Rats made a hole in the wall! Gross! [Whole:/HO’L/ bütün, tam> They say the whole universe was created by accident! Sorry but it makes no sense to me. Were computers, cars, planes, and cell phones made by accident too? ] [In this water pic, you can see a ‘hole’.]

Ephesians 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Empty: /EMp.ti/ boş || Hollow: /HA:’.lo’w/ içi boş, içi bomboş, oyuk || I feel empty/hollow!: İçimde bomboş! || Emptiness:/EMp.ti.nes/ (=Hollow) boşluk* We went into the cottage. It was empty./ This carton is empty. (=There’s nothing inside the carton.)/ They’re just a bunch of liars with hollow/empty promises./ Without a baby, there’s a hollow (an emptiness) in your life. I think if you two have a baby, your life will be a lot different and sweeter. [Mesaj yazarken>Bir boşluk* bırak> Leave a SPACE /sPEYS/.] [Weightlessness: ağırlıksızlık> Every spaceman needs to go through a series of tests, of which(onlardan), weightlessness.] Numb*: /NA:M/ 1.hissiz/duygusuz 2. uyuşmuş/uyuşuk/donakalmış He went through some relationships and had his heart broken. Now he feels numb./ I’ve been sitting for three hours there. Ouch, my legs have gone numb./ Oh my gosh! –What? –Nothing, my legs are numb(bacaklarım uyuşmuş)! –Can I pinch ’em? Planet: /pLA’.nıt/ gezegen || On planet: /a:’n-/ bu gezegen üzerinde Let’s save our planet by saving our hearts (=Hadi aşklarimiz kurtarmakla bu gezegene kurtarım)!/ There’s nothing on planet Earth that I love more than her. Void: /VO’Yd/ boşluk, boş yer || Space: /sPEYS/ 1. uzay, feza 2. ara, mesafe (Give someone space: birini ara vermek/kendine gelmeye zaman vermek) When you’re parachuting, you’re giving yourself to the void!/ ‘Is there anybody out there?’ she asked into the void./ NASA sent a new shuttle into the space./ Sometimes when married couples are bored, the best is to give each other some space. In a lot of cases, they realize they miss and value each other more than before. City hall = City: /Sİ.di.ha:’l/ belediye || Mayor: /ME’.yır/ belediye başkan Mr. Mayor bashed (=threw=verde) a party in her honor in the city hall./ The City protects some poor families and provides (sağlanıyor) some of their needs./ According to Wikipedia, Portland (Rose City) in the State of Oregon is often awarded the ‘Greenest City in America’. So the urban/3R.bın/planning(şehircilik) must be fantastic there. Field: /Fİ’Ld/ 1.[futbol] saha, alan 2.tarla [>karışmayın>farm:çiftlik] Remember the word ‘field’ from the amazing movie ‘Field of Dream’./ The players were playing on the field./ Can human beings sense(hissetmek) the Earth’s magnetic field?/ The horses were running and playing around on the field./ With the fast-growing technology, these days machines work for farmers on farms. Day care: /’r/ kreş, günlük bakım On your way home, can you pick Anna from day care?/ So, where’s your beautiful daughter? –Oh, she’s in the day care. Nursing home: /N3R.sing-HO’m/ huzur evi, bakım evi He manages a nursing home for old people. [Nursery school: /N3R.sı.ri--/ Anaokulu >Which nursery school did you go to?] Bungalow: /BA:N.gı.low/ bungalov, tek katlı ev What a cozy bungalow! I love it! –Actually I baught it for you, honey! District: /DİS.trikt/ mıntıka, bölge, mahalle || Strict*: /sTRİKt/ sert, katı, kurallara çok bağlı This is book district in Istanbul, next block is jewelry district, and over there is Grand Bazaar./ Batıkent, Ulus, Kızılay, Keçiören, Çankaya, and Behçelievler are some of the districts of Ankara./ His father is very strict. He never lets him stay outside after 9 p.m./ [Consultant/kın.SA:L.tınt/(danışman)] Being disciplined is good but don’t be too strict, because she’ll look for a best friend outside the house. As parents, you should be her best friends. Neighborhood: /NEY.bır.hud/ mahalle, kumşuluk || Up-and-coming neighborhood:/A:P.ın-KA:.ming-/gelen giden komşuluk, canlı komşuluk || Next door: /NEKSt-DO’r/ komşudaki There’s a French family living in the neighborhood. They’re quiet and cool people./ Do you think it’s necessary to have a watchdog (bekçi köpeği) in the neighborhood?/ It’s a dangerous neighborhood./ Customer: So, talk to me. What are we seeing here (Bu dairede ne özelliklerı var/Burada biz ne görüyoruz)? Realtor: Well, teriffic light, up-and-coming neighborhood, no noisy schools around, one apartment in each floor, and it’s just pretty close to perfect(mükemmele yakın)!/ Hi! We live next door. –Oh, yeah, how you doing? –Fine. I’m Jack, this is Lucy. –Tom. Pleasure./ The guy next door gave this box to me. Is this yours? –Yeah... thanks! Just leave it there(orada bırak) please. At the door: /at.ze.DO’r/ kapıda Mom! There’s someone here. –Where? –At the door.

Pawn shop/Pawnshop: /PA:Wn.şa:’p/ rehinci dükkan, tefeci dükkanı I went to a pawn shop and sold my guitar. Library: /LA:Y.brı.ri/ kütüphane, kitaplık || Bookstore: /BUK.sto’r/ kitabevi Natalie Portman on New York Magazine: I think the New York Public Library is so, so amazing. It’s literally the coolest (en harika) place./ Do you have a home library?/ I like bookstores where you can grab a book, sit, and read some pages of it before buying it. Proverbs 18:10 The Name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Eiffel Tower: pronunciation: /AYİ.fıl-TAW.ır/ Eyfel/Eiffel Kulesi || Niagara Falls: pronunciation: /na:.YAG.rı-FA:’Lz/ Niagara Şelaleri Isn’t Eiffel Tower just magnificent? –Yeah, it is./ Check ’em out (Şunları bak)! Spectacular Niagara Falls pictures here! Barn: /BA:’Rn/ ahır || Cabin: /KA’.bin/ kulübe What are you doing in the barn? –I’m grabbing some fresh eggs for the breakfast./ Is it cold in the cabin? –A bit. –Yea, so I go get some wood for the fireplace. Range: /REYNc/ 1.alan 2.çeşitlik 3. [silahin] menzil Remember the word ‘range’ from the Western movie ‘Open Range’./ When you look at the nature in the fall(sonbahar), you can see a range of colors./ They are talking about the gun. ‘Range(Onun menzil nedie)?’ ‘1.50 to 1.75 meters.’ [Note: Round= Mermi] Ranch: /RA’Nç/ hayvan çiftliği Ranch is an area of land usually for livestock and cattles. Google ‘ranch’ and see its amazing pictures. Smoking area/place…:/sMO’.king-E’.riya:/ sigara içilen bölge/yer/… || Non-smoking area/place/…: /NA:N.smo’.king--/ sigara içilmeyen bölge/yer/… Here’s non-smoking area, sir. –Oh, I’m sorry. [Stubs out the cigarette in the ashtray (=Sigarayı kültablası’da bastırarak söndürüyor).]/ When you go to a restaurant, they ask, ‘Smoking or non-smoking?’ The question should be, ‘Kids or no kids?’ – Lounge:/LAWNc/(havalimanı/otobüs terminal, tren, sinema, okul, umumi yerlerı) oturma salonu, dinlenme salonu, hol It was a transit flight. I bought a ticket in Istanbul to Montreal. Our plane landed in Luxembourg airport. So I had one hour to hang out the transit lounge./ [On the train] I’m gonna go to the lounge car (=vagon). Wanna come with me? –Yeah. Sure. Pier: /Pİyır/ iskele (=payandası köprü) || Harbor: /HA:R.bır/ liman What’s that bridge that goes to the shore? –Pier. –Yeah, we used to go to the pier near our house, me and Olga, and that’s where I fell for her (ve orada onu aşık oldum)./ Your wedding was on a pier? Mmm! So unusual, but I like the idea!/ History: In 1941 the Empire of Japan attacked Pearl Harbor of Hawaii America. Four years later in 1945, America attacked back Hiroshima Nagasaki of the Empire of Japan. Abroad: /ıb.RO’d/ yurtdışı, yabancı ülkede || Overseas: /O’.vı’z/ denizaşırı, yurtdışı || Overseas experience:/o’.vır.Sİ’z-ıks.Pİ.ri.yıns/ yurtdışı deneyim Have you ever been abroad? –Yes. I once visited Austria/A:ST.ri.a:/./ Have you studied or worked overseas?/ So you said you are a designer. Do you have any overseas experience? Jadon Lavik – Come Thou Fount lyrics: [Thou=You. Fount=Fountain. Thy=Your.] Come Thou Fount of every blessing - Tune my heart to sing Thy praise - Streams of mercy never ceasing - Call for songs of loudest praise - Teach me some melodious sonnet - Sung by flaming tongues above - Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it? - Mount of Thy redeeming love - Here I raise my Ebenezer - Here by Thy great help I've come - And I hope by Thy good pleasure - Safely to arrive at home - Jesus sought me when a stranger Wandering from the fold of God - He to rescue me from danger - Interposed His precious blood - O to grace how great a debtor? Daily I'm constrained to be - Let Thy goodness like a fetter - Bind my wandering heart to Thee - Prone to wander Lord I feel it Prone to leave the God I love - Here's my heart Lord take and seal it - Seal it for Thy courts above - Seal it - Take and seal it - Seal it for thy courts above - Take and seal it - Seal it for Thy courts above - Prone to wander Lord I feel it - Prone to leave the God I love Here's my heart Lord - Take and seal it - Seal it for thy courts above TÜRKÇE: LUNAPARK = İNGİLİZCE: AMUSEMENT PARK Amusement park: pronunciation /ı.MYUZ.mınt-PA:Rk/ Türkçe: Lunapark [Showing the picture, his friend asks] Where’s this? –This’s Taiwan’s most beautiful amusement park. [İngilizcede ‘Lunapark’ özel bir ‘amusement park’ın ismidir.] Roller coaster: /RO’.lır-KO’S.tır/ dağ treni, Lunapark treni, Lunapark elma kurdu Melanie is scared of roller coaster in Luna Park./ Life is a real roller coaster, full of ups and downs (=Hayat Lunaparkta dağ treni gibi, aşağı yükarda dolüdur). Ferris wheel: /FE.ris-WİL/ dönme dolap You ever been on a Ferris wheel?

Clown: /kLAWn/ palyaço Where can we buy clown costume?/ We need a clown to get(=attract) kids’ attention (=Çocuklarin dikkatini çekmek için bir palyaço ihtiyacimiz var)./ He’s a clown in the face, and a king in the heart./ [In the circus] Honey, look at that clown! So cute! Juggler: /CA:G.lır/ hokkabaz, jonglör || Circus: /S3R.kıs/ sirk The juggler at the circus set a great show. Aquarium: pronunciation: /a.KWA:.ri.yım/ akvaryum The Georgia Aquarium is the world’s largest aquarium with over 8 million gallons of water. It’s the top Atlanta attraction./ Have you ever visited the Vancouver /van.KU’.vır/ Aquarium? It’s just fantastic! BOYAMAK Dye your hair: /DA:Y-yor.he’r/ saçlarine boyamak/boyanmak Did you dye your hair? You look different! –No. Same color. I just got my hair done (=Sadece saçlarımı yaptırdım)./ How often do you dye your hair? Color your hair: /KA:’.lır-/ saçlarine boyamak/boyanmak Do you go to hairdresser’s to color your hair?/ How much do you pay to have(=get) your hair colored? Paint the wall: /PEYNt.zı.wa:’l/ duvara boyamak/boyanmak WOW. Your room is really artsy (=sanatkarane)! I’ve always wanted to paint my bedroom walls black and red too. Shine/Polish your shoes: /ŞA:Yn|PA:’.lış.yor.şu’z/ ayakkabılerine boyamak/boyanmak You don’t know how to shine shoes? What do they teach you at school?

FITNESS/WEIGHT/BEAUTY/SPORTS/STYLE Gym: pronunciation:/CİM/ (=Fitness center) spor salonu, spor/egzersiz merkezi I go to gym once a week but my brother goes there twice a day!/ This gym is really neat and equipped. I like coming here./ Madonna openned her first fitness center named ‘Hard Candy Fitness’ in Mexico City. Her goal is to open this gym around the world. Work out: /W3RK.awt/ 1.=Excercise /EK.sı egzersiz yapmak 2.=Work*: işe yaramak I go to gym three times a week. Do you work out? –Oh, well, I used to (=onceden çok yapiyordumda), but now I’m very busy!/ We were together, but it didn’t work (out). Now I miss him like crazy./ I wanted to start a new business but it didn’t work (out)./ Nothing lifts me out of bad mood better than a hard workout on my treadmill. It never fails. To us, exercise is nothing short of a miracle. –Cher [Work*: 1.iş>I go home after work. 2.çalışmak>Where do you work?|| Ek bilgi: Study:ders çalışmak*>Shhh. Be quiet. I’m studying./ Study:üniversitede okumak>I study microbiology at NYU.)] Do some push-ups: /--PUŞ.a:ps/ [spor] şınav çekmek || Do some sit-ups: /--Sİ.da:ps/ [spor] mekik çekmek If you want to develop your chest and upper back muscles, do some push ups everyday./ If you want to have flat tummy(=belly), do 100 sit-ups everyday. Suit*: pronunciation: /SU’t/ takım* (elbise) Man! You always wear great suits! This one looks great on you too! [*Suit: uygun gelmek> This job suits me fine. >UYGUN bakın< Suitable/SU’.tı.bıl/uygun || Lawsuit*: dava>LAW bakın<] Team: /Tİ’m/ takım* (spor) || Team up: /-.a:p/ birlikte çalışmak, bir birlik oluşturmak || Team soul/spirit:/.sowl/ takım/ekip ruhu, ekip halinde çalışma ruhu REMEMBER the word ‘Hoosiers’ as a high school basketball team. [FYI: Hoosier is someone who’s from Indiana.]/ Which NBA team do you support? –Chicago Bulls, the coolest!/ I don’t like soccer but I would like to follow the games of Turkey National Soccer Team (Türkiye Milli Futbol Takımı)./ [Realtor to his co-worker] Joshua? If you want, I’d be more than happy to team up with you to sell Elton’s house. –Thanks, bro. Let me think about it(Bir değerlendirim)./ [Encouraging] C’mon, pals. Chop-chop. This is a teamwork. We need the team soul. You! Don’t sit there. Move. You! Answer the phone!/ Teachers of one school or college are not allowed to date (çıkmak/dışarıda buluşmak) each other in the U.S. I think the reson is they might break up, then the ‘team soul’ spoils. Soccer:/SA:’.kır/futbol || Football:/’l/Amerikan futbolu I think ‘Brazilian’ players and coaches are so good for Turkey. They make great results in soccer, volleyball, etc./ The movie ‘Coach’ is about soccer but underneath that, there’s a beautiful message: ‘Love’ is the goal*(Gerçek gol/amaç aşktır)! [Goal: 1.hedef2.gol]/

Fear can be conquered. I became a better person and a better football player when I learned that lesson. –Roger Craige/ The football coach Vince Lombardi once said, ‘It is essential to understand that battles are primarily won in the HEARTs of men.’/ Football is about OUTSIDE the field rather than INSIDE the field./ American football movies are full of motivation./ Football is like life. It requires perseverance, self-denial, hard-work, sacrifice, dedication, and respect for authority. –Vince Lombardi/ Invincible, Rudy, Remember the Titans, Friday Night Light(true story), The Blind Side(true story), Facing the Giant, Friday Night Lights are just some motivational movies about football.

Sneakers: /sNİ’.k3rz/ [bir çift] tenis ayakkabı These sneakers are so comfortable. Champ: /ÇA’Mp/ şampiyon Champion: pronunciation: /ÇA’M.pi.yın/ şampiyon Please. Teach me. I know I can be a champ./ I think this team will be champion this season. Pro: /pRO’/ (=Professional/prı.FE.şı.nıl/) profesyonel Can you play golf/GA:’Lf/ in the golf court? –Of course. I’m a pro. I’m a natural (Yetenekliyim/Doğumden beri golfcuydum)! [Pros and cons= Advantages and disadvantages> What are the pros and cons of city life?][Con: sabıkalı >LAW<bakın] In shape: /in.ŞEYp/ formlu, formda || Out of shape: /AWD.ıv.şeyp/ formsuz, formdan düşmüş || Get in shape: formda olmak || Be out of shape: formda olmamak, formdan düşmüş olmak Man! You’re in shape! Do you go to gym or something?/ Look at me! Girls don’t like me. I’m poor and I’m out of shape./ I wanna go on a diet/DA:.yıt/. I wanna get in shape./ Ugh! That’s pathetic. I’m out of shape. I have beer belly (=Bira göbeğim var)! Fit: /FİT/ bedenen forma olan/ formada You look so fit. Do you go to gym (=spor salonu)? [Fit: uygun olmak, yakışmak>This suit fits ya good! >UYGUN<bakın] Lose weight: /LU’Z-WEYt/ kilo vermek || Gain weight: /GEYN-WEYt/ kilo almak || Put on pounds: /pud.a:n.PAWNd/ kilo almak || Burn off belly fat: göbeğin yağları erimek ‘Lying to Be Perfect (kelime kelime: Mükemmel olmak için yalan söylemek)’ starring Poppy Montgomery is an encouraging movie for people who want to lose weight and stay fit./ Famous saying: Lose weight. Feel great./ This book tells you how you can burn off some of the belly fat in 3 weeks./ Kelly Clarckson once said, ‘I’m tired of fat jokes!’ –because she had gained weight. I think she’s right ’cause if she wants to gain weight or lose weight, it’s none of anyone’s business but hers./ If you want to put on pound, it’s your life, you know better. Chubby: /Ç tombul Look at this picture. What a chubby baby! Isn’t he gorgeous? Running machine:/RA:.ning-mı.Şİ’n/ [=Treadmill/ yürüyüş bandı, koşu bandı Exercise bike: [=Elliptical bike/i.LİP.ti.kıl/resmi) egzersiz/eliptik bisikleti Having Treadmill is a great idea to lose weight, fit(uygun) for apartment life./ Do you always run on the running machine? – Yea, every morning. –Mmm. How much is it? I wanna buy one./ How many hours can you ride an elliptical bike?/ You have no idea how great this is. Ride the exercise bike and take a shower after. Gosh it feels so good! Style: pronunciation: /sTA:’YL/ tarz Fashion is all about the style./ It’s not my style (=Bu benim tarzım değil)./ I like your style, man! You’re so awesome./ I don’t make friends with anyone I just meet. It’s just not my style./ She doesn’t keep lighter to ask others for it(O başkalardan istemek için, çakmak tutmıyor) and it’s just her style to start a conversation with someone: ‘Got a light?(Ateşınız var mı?)’/ [Pic] You have no style or sense of fashion. –I think that depends on... –No, no, that wasn’t a question. [Sign language: You’re fired!] Fashion: /FA.şın/7FA’.şın/ [=Trend] moda As fashion, men’s watches keep getting bigger./ Have you ever been in a fashion show in Istanbul?/ Inharmoniousness(uyumsuzluk) is the new fashion (=trend). It means, for example(atıyorum) if the bag is red, the shoes don’t have to be red. Trendy: /tREN.di/ (=Fashionable/FA.şı.nı.bıl/) [sıfat] moda || Trend: /tRENd/ (=Fashion) [isim] moda WOW. You dyed your hair to purple and green? That’s trendy!/ Abcde is a girl’s name pronounced: Absidee. –Mmm. That’s a trendy name!/ Kurt Cobain of Nirvana: We’re so trendy we can’t escape ourselves!/ My advice to young film-makers is this: Don’t follow trends. Start them! –Frank Capra

Model: /MA:’.dıl/ manken Some beautiful models like Dawn Olivieri and Arlene Tur are strabismus. It’s the new fashion. I think fashion has something to do(ilgili) with MIND. Purple: /P3R.pıl/ mor Purple is my style./ Mom? Why don’t we change our curtain to purple. White is so old-school(old-fashioned: eski moda)! Tattoo: pronunciation:/ta’.TU’/dövme || Piercing*: /Pİyır.sing/ pirsing || Stud: /sTA:D/ [pirsingde kullanan] iri başlı çivi || Wig: /WİG/ peruk Some people get a tattoo so in case they become rich, they remember where they came from./ Boy: I’d like to get a tattoo when I turn 16!/ [Chatting on the Internet] Do you have piercing? –Yep. I got two piercings on my ear, one on my stomach, and one next to my eyebrow./ She has a stud on her nose./ Doesn’t your tongue stud hurt you?/ Cher, the singer, is famous for wearing all kinds/A:’l.ka:yndz/(her tür) of different wigs! She said, ‘There’s nothing wrong with my hair but I love wigs, and always have.’ Penetrate*: /PE.nıt.reyt/ delmek || Penetrating*: /PE.nıt.rey.ding/ keskin, zeki This nail doesn’t go into (=resists) the wall. –I think we should penetrate the wall with a drill (=matkap) first./ Expert: Hillary Clinton’s penetrating questions remained unanswered. UYGUN Suit: pronunciation:/SU’t/ uygun gelmek, -e göre olmak || Suitable: pronunciation:/SU’.dı.bıl/ uygun || Unsuitable: pronunciation:/a:n.SU’.dı.bıl/ uygunsuz, uygun olmayan [On the phone] Shall we meet at 6? –Suits me fine(Bana uyar)./ This job doesn’t suit me. I gotta find a real job, man!/ [To the agricultural engineer] Is this land suitable for farming?/ Many people think mechanic job is only unsuitable for women but she doesn’t care. She loves cars and loves to be a mechanic one day. Suit yourself!: (=Do as you want!) [öneriyi reddedildiğindan sonra] Nasıl istersin! Do you want to eat your dinner here or there. –None. I’m gonna eat out. –Ok. Suit yourself./ It’s dangerous to go there. –But I wanna go. –Suit yourself! Fit: /FİT/ fit/uygun, -e uygun olmak, -e yakışmak She’s totally fit for the national championship (O milli şampiyonluk için tamamen uygun)./ You two fit together./ The only thing that fits me good is You LORD. I can’t imagine living without You. I love You so much. Fit in*: /Fİ.din/ bağdaşmak, uyum sağlamak Some teens smoke to fit in with their peers(akranlar). I think they can just be themselves./ I admit. I told a lie about my dad’s job. I know he’s not a big music producer. He’s a janitor. But I just wanted to fit in with my friends. –Honey, you should be proud of your dad. He has a decent (sosyal bakışında uygun) job./ Her friends say she has no style, so she has openned two Facebook accounts to fit in with them. Appropriate:/ıp.RO’.pri.yıt//ı.PRO’.pri.eyt/ uygun || Inappropriate:/in.ıp.RO’.pri.yıt/ uygunsuz, uygun olmayan Many people say $50-100 is appropriate ‘money wedding gift’./ No, no, that’s inappropriate. [To people with a low tone] I’m sorry. He’s drunk. [To his friend] Let’s go get some air. Proper: /PRA:’.pır/ uygun, münasip || Properly: /PRA:’.pı esaslı bir şekilde This land is a proper place for our franchise. I wanna buy it./ See? If you wanna do something, either do it properly, or never do it. Convenient: /kın.Vİ’.nyınt/ uygun [Letter] Please write back in your most convenient time (=Lütfen en uygun zamaniniz benim için geri yazın). Inconvenience*:/in.kın.Vİ’.nyıns/ zahmet vermek, rahatsız etmek [Leap Year, the movie] Declan: (Intrudes:izinsiz giriyor) I drive you to Dublin/DA:B.lın/. Anna: (Angrily) Will you get out? D: 500 Euros, like you said. Yes or no? A: You’re not a fan of Dublin. You made that very clear. So I won’t inconvenience you. D: It’s not inconvenient at all./ Sorry I didn’t mean to inconvenience you. Convenience store*: /kın.Vİ’.niyıns/ en yakın market, ulaşa-rahat market Today, when I was shopping in a convenience store, I saw someone won a lottery. She was, like, screaming!/ There’s a convenience store, what’s its name, [snapping his fingers] uhh, Seven Eleven, yes, Seven Eleven where I like shopping from. Decent: /Dİ’.sınt/ 1. sosyal bakışında uygun, yeterli (kadar) 2. örtmiş/giyimiş>uygun, müsait || Are you decent?:[‘örtmiş/giyimiş misin’ anlamında]İçeri gelebilirmiyim?, Müsait misin?, Uygun musun? It’s been long time no see! How’s your life? –Well, I have a decent job, a decent house, and let’s say a decent life. How about you? How are you holding up(=Senin hayat nasıl gidiyor)? –You know (Eh işte)! Busy!/ Put a decent suit on. You are going live/LA:’Yv/ on TV (=Televizyon’de canlı yayında gidiyorsun)!/ [Knock knock] Are you decent? (=Can I come in?) –Sure. Come in./ [He knocks the door, she says] Just a minute! [After a few seconds, she says] I’m decent. You can come in now./ Indecent is the opposite of decent.

Have the decency*(to...): (--Dİ’.sı (=Have the courage to) [bir duygu onurunu karşı olduğunu rağmen] (-e) cesaretini bulmak If you did something wrong, have the decency to say you’re sorry!/ You want me out of here? At least have the decency to tell it to me! Why did you tell Kelly about it? She’s my best friend. –I’m sorry, man. –Don’t ‘‘I’m sorry man’’ me!! SOME VERY ADJECTIVES Charming: /ÇA:R.ming/ büyüleyici, çekici, sevimli || Funny*: / komik=eğlenceli || Smart: /sMA:’Rt/ (=Sharp=Clever=Bright) zeki* || Cute: /KYU’t/ sevimli || Interesting: /İN.tı.rıs.ting/ enteresan, ilginç* I met a girl today. –Oooh, what’s she like? –She’s smart, funny, charming, cute, and she’s my type. –Mmm. That’s interesting./ Oh my! This’s the cutest little puppy I’ve ever seen! What’s its name? –Mafia. –Aw! What a name!/ Billy Crystal? I think he’s the funniest Oscars Host of all times and many people know it. In one of those ceremonies, he went up there and said, ‘I can’t be funny when my feet don’t feel right!’ (This means he bought new, tight shoes for the ceremony!)/ [Pic] Go tell him he’s cute. What’s the worst that could happen? –He could hear me. (Git onu hoş olduğunu söyle. En kötü ihtimal ne olacak ki? –Beni duyecek.) What’s so funny?: Komik olan ne?, Niye gülüyorsun? [She smiles, he asks] What’s so funny? –Nothing. You put on socks of different colors! Fun*:/FA:N/ eğlence We had a lot of fun(Çok eğlendik) last night./ Have fun(Eğlen=Umarım eğlensın)!/ Come on! Let’s go to the party. It’s fun(Eğlencilidir/Eğleneceksin)!/ Have you ever been to a foam/FO’m/(köpük) festival? It’s a whole lot of (=a lot of) fun!/ Yesterday, some guys and I played painball. It’s so much fun!/ [Pic] You wanna do something fun? Wanna go to Taco Bell? Interest*: ilgilendirmek || I’m interested in…:…-e ilgilenıyorum! Talking about philosophy interests (=fascinates) me. It’s challenging./ I’m interested in (=I like) psychology./ I’m not interested in (=I don’t like) watching TV./ She’s interested in architecture./ We are a band, interested in music. Hysterical: /his.TE.ri.kıl/ çok/aşırı komik HaHaHa! I can’t stop laughing! This joke was hysterical!/ What?? There was a back side on the test?? –HaHaHa! Dude! You didn’t see it? That’s hysterical!/ Angry man said: I’d rather be punched in the stomach than call the customer service! Hysterical!/ The house is clean today! Was the Internet down(=not working) for a while? –HaHa! That was hysterical! Bright: /bRA:Yt/ 1. parlak 2. (=Sharp=Clever=Smart) zeki* || Sharp: /ŞA:Rp/ 1. keskin 2. zeki* || Clever: /KLE.vır/ zeki* || Intelligent: zeki* Here is too bright for a photo shoot (fotoğraf çekme). Turn some lights off./ She’s an optimistic person. She sees the future bright(Geleceğı parlak görüyor)./ He’s a bright(=sharp=smart=clever) student./ Watch your hand (=Elini dikkat et). The knife is too sharp!/ Who’s the most intelligent person alive in the world? [At 1/2/3/4/…, sharp!= Tam 1/2/3/4…’de> I’ll meet you in the office at 5, sharp.] Witty: /Wİ.di/ hazır cevap ve zeki, zeki, zekice Am I boring? –Excuse me, did you say something? –HaHa! You’re witty./ Your silence will not protect you. –Yeah, I agree. That’s a witty answer. Savvy: /SA’.vi/ [=Intelligent/Knowledgeable/Smart/Well-informed] zeki, akıllı, bilgili I don’t ask them to say yes to me. I look at them to say yes to me!! –That’s just savvy!!/ Even shopping needs technique! Savvy shoppers save more money!/ Arts student: In your idea, who is the savviest/most savvy screenwriter(senaryo yazarı)?/ This little boy is computer-savvy(bilgisayarı bilen/ bilgili)!

Job 21:22 Can anyone teach knowledge to God, since He judges even the highest? Knowledgeable: /NA:’.lı.cı.bıl/ bilgili || Knowledge: bilgi He’s a knowledgeable man./ The root of the word ‘Knowledge’ is ‘Know’./ God is WHO, and knowledge is HOW by the power and everything that WHO gives. ‘HOW’ never happens if WHO doesn’t want or allow./ According to BBC: ‘‘The Earth is thought to have been formed about 4.6 billion years ago by collisions in the giant disc-shaped cloud of material that also formed the Sun. Gravity slowly gathered this gas and dust together into clumps that became asteroids and small early planets called planetesimals. These objects collided repeatedly and gradually got bigger, building up the planets in the Solar System, including the Earth.’’ Great info. Now the question is: WHO created the cloud, gas, and dust initially? WHO created this absolutely

punctual system of gravity? Can man create anything without what EXISTS? Does man even exist if the LORD ALMIGHTY GOD doesn’t want to? Wish we could use our knowledge to get this fact.

Socrates: The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, ‘know’ that ‘I know nothing.’ Psalm 111:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever! James 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. Wise: /WA:Yz/ akıllı, bilge || Wisdom: /WİZ.dım/ akıl, bilgelik, akıllılık [Pic] Is it wise to trust Hagrid with something so important? –Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life. (Bu kadar önemli konuyla, Hagrid’e güvenmek akıllı bir şey mi? – Profesör, ben hayatımla Hagrid’e güveniyorum.)/ The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of the wise man is in his heart. – Benjamin Franklin/ One moron can ask more questions than ten wise men can answer. –CompuServe tag line/ Knowing a lot of facts is not wisdom. How you use them is. Job 28:12-15 But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man does not know its worth, and it is not found in the land of the living. The deep says, ‘It is not in me,’ and the sea says, ‘It is not with me.’ It cannot be bought for gold, and silver cannot be weighed as its price. Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Proverbs 3:13-18 Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called blessed. Informed: /in.FORMd/ bilgili/haberdar, haberi olan, bilgi sahip ‘Informed’ is the adjective of the noun ‘information: bilgi’./ Can we have democracy without informed people?/ Motto: BE informed! Crafty: (=Smart but in a secret/dishonest way) kurnaz He made a crafty plan to escape the meeting!/ What a crafty guy!/ Chess players should be crafty. Enchanting:/ın.ÇAN.ting/(=Very pleasant/PLE.zınt/) büyüleyici, çok güzel, harika, çok hoş Son, this girl who works at the book store is enchanting. Go meet her./ Cape Town /keyp TAWN/ in South Africa is one of the most enchanting cities in the world./ What an enchanting music. –It’s Chris August’s song ‘Restore’. Fascinating:/FA.sı.ney.ding/(Very interesting) çok ilginç, çok enteresan What a fascinating movie! I loved it./ This is the most fascinating landscape I’ve ever seen./ He’s a fascinating person with fascinating ideas./ It’s fascinating to see kids with some peanut butter or chocolate around their mouth, and then see them take a nap! Fascinate:/FA’.sı.neyt/ ilgilendirmek, birinin ilgisini çok çekmek In some parts of the world, they don’t have the boiler for heating up the water to take shower. They put buckets of water out under the sun to maket he water warm so they can take shower. It’s fascinating./ You know what fascinates me most about you? You never criticize! Riveting:/Rİ.vı.ding/ çok ilginç, heycan dolu, göz alıcı || I was riveted:/-Rİ.vı.dıd/ çok ilgilandım, mıhlanmış gibi baktım, gözümü diktım The TV program was so riveting that I

couldn’t take my eyes off of it./ The movie was absolutely fantastic. I was totally riveted (=Mıhlanmış gibi oturdum ve heycan dolu izledım). Groovy!:/GRU’.vi/(=Very interesting) çok ilginç/moda, harika Champagne /şam.PEYN/ (şampanya) with strawberry? That’s groovy!/ What a groovy hat! Ravishing: /şing/ çok çekici, muthiş güzel, mest eden, insanı kendinden geçiren || Ravish: /RA.viş/ mest etmek, ırzına geçmek, kendinden geçirmek Oh my God! You’re ravishing!/ Your beauty ravishes the eyes!/ This dress is made of Yemeni satin/ It’s ravishing to everybody’s eyes. Mesmerizing:/MEZ.mı.ra:y.zing/ büyüleyici You look mesmerizing!/ The tiger’s green eyes are mesmerizing. Spectacular: /spek.TA’.kyı.lır/ muhteşem, harikulade, görkemli In Mamanuca Island Fiji, you get to see the most spectacular scenary./ I hear a lot that train trip in Canada is one of the most spectacular rail journeys in the world. Magnificent:/mag.Nİ.fi.sınt/ muhteşem, azametli, görkemli Everything is magnificent here, the view, the weather, the food, and the hotel. Thank you honey. [They kiss] –My pleasure!/ This book is magnificent and thought-provoking (düşündürücü). I read it twice. Thanks for recommending it! Outstanding: /awt.sTA’N.ding/ olağanüstü, özellikle güzel, göze çarpan, seçkin [In the theater, after the play] That was an outstanding play! Congratulations! –Thanks!/ He’s not just an ordinary writer. He’s an outstanding one./ That was an outstanding concert. Splendid: /sPLEN.did/ şahane, mükemmel, muhteşem, görkemli Your dress is simply (basitça) splendid./ This’s one of the most splendid restaurants I’ve ever been!/ It’s a splendid day. Are you in the mood to go jogging with me? Dazzling:/DA.zı.ling/ 1.göz kamaştırıcı 2.büyüleyici, şaşırtıcı, hayran bırakıcı, baş döndürücü The dazzling light of the front car hurt my eyes./ In her early ages, she showed the promises of a dazzling future./ Wow. What a dazzling design! Who’s the designer?/ She’s a ‘social butterfly’! She gets to arrange the most dazzling parties! Considerate: pronunciation: /kın.Sİ.dı.rıt/ düşünceli/saygılı || Consider (as):pronunciation: /kın.Sİ.dır-az/ (olarak) düşünmek/ saymak, [I consider..:bana göre../They consider..: onlara göre..] You know? In the middle of the funeral, he heard a good news on the phone and screamed, ‘Yippee!’ He’s not a considerate person at all!/ I got a lot of friends, but none is as considerate as you. Thanks for bringing me flowers and paying me a visit (=visiting me) in the hospital. That’s very kind of you. –You can consider me your real friend. Any time!/ Some extreme runners consider marathon/MA.rı.sa:’n/ as not challenging enough. That’s why they choose ultramarathon /a:ltra:-/!/ I consider this job tough (=Bana göre bu iş zor)!/ Do you consider (Sana göre) to be the champion? Hilarious: /hi.LA.ri.yıs/ çok komik, çok eğlenceli, gülünç Charlie Chaplin’s comedies are hilarious./ She enjoys collecting hilarious pictures./ Guys, here’s a joke: ‘‘English teacher: Can you make a sentence with ‘I’?’ Student: ‘I’ is… Teacher: No. Say ‘I’ am, not ‘I’ is… Student: OK. ‘I’ am the ninth letter of English alphabet!!!’’ – HaHa. Hilarious!/ Bob Hope said, ‘I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance –waiting for the bathroom! –HaHaHa! That was… really hilarious! Nice: (=Good) iyi || Be nice!: İyi davran!, Yaramazlık yapma! [Pic] I like him. He’s nice. But scary. Like Santa (Noel Baba)!/ Be nice to people./ Did you finish your work? Are we ready to go to the movies? –Yes. –Nice/Good!/ It’s very nice(kind) of you! (=Çok naziksiniz/incesiniz/kibarsiniz.)/ Are you and Jake taking dance lessons? –Yeah. –Oooh! I can imagine that!! –Be nice. Kind: /KA:YNd//NOTTTT KİNd/ 1. (# Unkind/Harsh: sert, haşin) nazik, şefkatli, yardimsever, düşünceli 2. tür, nevi || Rude: /RU’d/ (# Polite:/pı.LA:YT/ kibar) kaba Do you need help with your bag, ma’am? –Yes, thanks. That’s very kind of you (=Çok naziksiniz)./ What kind of poem is this? –It’s a haiku/ha:y.KU’/(üç dizeli kısa şiir)./ Don’t be unkind/a:n.KA;YNd/. You shouldn’t treat him like that./ Rude guys don’t know how to treat ladies./ Staffs of this hotel are very polite, the food’s great, and the place is so neat. I’m gonna write a review on People should know. Can you see God? God is an Almighty Spiritual Being whose appearance is beyond our ability t oto describe. God shows Himself to us in other ways. Open your eyes, quiet your mind, keep your heart pure, give your life to God, and He will show Himself to you in unexpected ways. When God is inside you, you will see Him.

Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Gracious: /gREY.şıs/(=Pleasant) hoş, ince, kibar, Bağışlayıcı/ Merhametlı Your home’s gracious! –Thanks!/ [She’s carrying a lot of bags and can’t open the door. Someone says] Let me open the door for you. –Aw, thanks! How gracious of you!/ It’s a gracious behavior that the coaches of two teams shake hands at the end of the game, no matter if they lost or won./ Lord God is Gracious (Bağışlayıcı/ Merhametli). I love Him more and more everyday. Crude: /kRU’d/ (=Rude&Offensive) kaba/nezaketsiz/acemi/saldırgan There’re children here, man! You shouldn’t tell crude jokes./ He said something crude and then he blushed./ You are a crude liar! I hate you! [Crude oil: *ham petrol>How much gasoline(benzin) can be made out of(from) one barrel(fıçı) of crude oil?>> Raw material: *hammadde. *Raw meat/Raw fish: çiğ/pişmemiş et/balık.] Harsh: /HA:’Rş/ (#Kind) haşin, sert, insafsiz, şiddetli, kırıcı || Brutal: /BRU’.dıl/ acımasız, merhametsiz, insafsiz, gaddar || Savage: /SA’.vıc/ vahşi, barbar, canavar ruhlu Harsh behavior toward children must be halted./ Do you have to work even at the weekend? That’s harsh!/ Although she was 15, she had to work all summer. That was harsh./ I said I loved you and now you’re leaving me? You’re brutal!/ You know, when a pregnant woman in Holland is delivering (=giving birth to) a baby in a hospital, they have her husband’s hands tied up to watch how much pain she takes. –Ew, it’s brutal! –Maybe, but then again, the husband knows the value of their child and his wife. –Mmm, you might be right./ There is a savage wolf inside of us! –That’s a brutal description. There is also kindness (=şefkat). Proverbs 11:17 A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself. Cruel: /kRU’l//kRU’.ıl/ zalim, acımasız || Cruelty: /kRU’L.ti//kRU’.ıl.ti/ acımasızlık, zulüm It’s ok to be angry. It’s never okay to be cruel./ Who’s the cruelest leader in history?/ He has kind actions with cruel intentions./ Man’s childhood explains a lot about their kindness or cruelty. Ruthless: /RU’S.les/ acımasız, merhametsiz, insafsız You left me when you found I’m in love with you. You’re ruthless./ He has no mercy (=Hiç merhemetın yoktu). He’s ruthless. Relentless:/ri.LENT.lıs/ (=Unrelenting/a:n.ri.LEN.ting/) 1. insafsız, acımasız 2. devamli ve şiddetli, aralıksız, bırakmayan daima yapan 1&2: Your criticism is relentless. Stop it!/ 1&2: Time is relentless! It passes fast when you don’t notice./ 2: His relentless beat on the drums for an hour or so amazed me./ 1: In the movie, they shot the innocent dog on the head. That’s unrelenting!/ 2: When you start something valuable, have relentless determination to go to the end. Fierce: /FİYIRs/ hiddetli, şiddetli, sert, vahşi When two dogs are fighting over a bone, they look fierce./ The two neighbors had a fierce fight. That’s a disgrace (ayıp/rezalet)./ Ugh! You pulled/cut off the chicken’s head with your hand? That’s fierce! –What? You haven’t eaten chicken yet? Severe: /sı.VİYIr/ şiddetli, sert, ağır, acı, keskin He’s had a bad accident. He’s in severe pain./ I’m sunburned! And it’s severe. Ouch! Don’t touch me!/ [To the shrink (=psikyatrist)] He’s in severe depression. Is there any hope (şans/umut) he could get any better?

Fair: /FE’r//NOTTT FEYR/ 1. adil 2. fuar/festival || Unfair: /A:N.fe’r/ haksız, adaletsiz God wants to save me. When I, in the dark, sin and sin and sin, I fight against my Father in the Light. It is absolutely fair what I go through, no matter how harsh. When I get lost, HE wants me back. When I’m back, I’m stronger. That’s the way it works./ Is it fair that some people make 5 kinds of food for their guests while some others are deprived of /dip.RA:YVd.a:v/ -den mahrum) their very first need?/ There’s a book fair in Atatürk Cultural Center. You wanna go? –Sure./ Many women say that they do the same job as men, but they are paid less salary than them. They believe it’s unfair. Obnoxious:/a:b.NA:’K.şıs/(=Very rude/unpleasant) terbiyesiz, çok kaba, hiç hoş olmayan [Man] Cab drivers in NY /en.VA:Y/ (=New York) are famous to be obnoxious. Is that true? [A New Yorker] I don’t know, man. All sorts (=kinds) of people live in America from around the world!/ She’s loud and obnoxious. How could anyone possibly marry her?

Proverbs 16:5 Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished. Arrogant:/A’.rı.gınt/ ukala, küstah ve kibirli, küstahça mağrur (kimse) || Be arrogant: ukala olmak, ukalalık etmek/yapmak Why does he think he’s more important that others? Such an arrogant!/ It’s arrogant to brag about yourself too much. Cocky:/KA:’.ki/(=Self-confident and unpleasant) ukala, kendine güven ve kibirli The first time I heard the word ‘cocky’ from the G movie One Fine Day./ I was standing in the line to get a cup of coffee and the guy in front of the line was asking the cashier too many unnecessary questions. He pissed everyone off with his cocky behavior./ I know he’s pretty cocky most of the times but he’s not as he sounds (gördüğün gibi değil). Upbeat: (#Downbeat) neşeli || Offbeat: (=Unusual) olağandışı, görülmedik, tuhaf, nadir [Bu kelimeler nasıl yapılmıştır?>Up: yukarda>baş. Beat: tempo/darbe sesi.>>yani: neşeli!] [Off: kapalı/ dışı. Beat: ritim gibi/normal gibi>>yani: olağandışı!] We need some upbeat songs for the party./ She’s always in an upbeat mood!/ Hey, pumpkin! What’s wrong again? You look downbeat! Want some chocolate?/ ‘Ten Ways To Download A Virus?’ What (an) offbeat news!/ The TV series ‘Office’ is really offbeat=unusual./ What do you do? –I’m a dog walker. –Mmm! That’s an offbeat job! Uptight:/a:p.TA:Yt/ (#Laid-back/LEYD.bak/) gergin, telaşlı, rahat olmayan, kaygılı, tutucu, sıkıntılı, biçimci [Up=yukarda>yaka. Tight=sıkışmış.>>yani rahat olmayan, gergin] Why are you so uptight? Just relax. Open up./ You need to relax and quit worrying, man! Don’t be so uptight./ Laid-back (=kaygısız/rahat) or uptight. The choice is yours to make! [Laid: yatıştırmış. Back: sert.>> sandaliyi oturken, her şey yolunda gibi sertını yatıştırıyorsun>> yani: rahatsın!] Selfish: /SEL.fiş/ (#Unselfish/a:n.SEL.fiş/) hodbin, egoist, bencil || Selfless: /SELF.lıs/ (=Unselfish) diğerkam, özverili So I’m selfish, and brutal, and immature, and you are selfless, and kind, and mature? Is that what you think? Is it (=Bu mu)?/ Although he’s the manager, he’s so selfless and considerate that he sometimes surprises all the staff. Hard-working: /HA:RD.w3r.king/ çalışkan I’ve never seen such a hard-working, selfless person like Nihat in my whole life. His children are so lucky to have him. Proverbs 14:23 All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. Isaiah 40:29 He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Philippians 4:12-13 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Strong: /sTRA:’Ng*/ [daha bedensel] güçlü || Strength: /sTRENGs/ 1. güç 2. sabır Life is tough. But it teaches us to be strong./ [You’re about to sleep and children are making noise. You say to yourself] Oh God! Give me strength (=Bana sabır ver)!/ Jawaharlal Nehru: I do not attach much importance to America’s bombs. I attach importance to her great vitality and integrity. The strength of America is deeper and more significant than her financial power. [*Strung out: /sTRA:Ng.awt/ duygusal yorgun, kafanı dağıtmış ve konsantere olmayan> The movie He’s Not Just That Into You> Alex checks his messages all the times. He asks the secretary: Hey Kelli Ann. Did I get any calls? Kelli Ann: Since you asked 11 minutes ago, no… not a lot of phone traffic. Oh my God! –What? –What’s her name? –Who? –The girl, Alex! –There’s no girl. –You can’t hide it, man! I know strung out and you are strung out!] Romans 15:1 We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Same power that conquered the grave - Lives in me, lives in me - Your love that rescued the earth - Lives in me, lives in me – Hillsong United Powerful: /PAW.ır.fıl/ [daha zihinsel] güçlü, etkili, nüfuzlu || Power: /PAW.ır/ 1.güç,yetenek,nüfuz 2.[resmi]elektrik ‘Words’ are the most powerful thing human beings have./ [Unconditional] Sam (Lynn Collins): Love is the most powerful thing on earth./ Political power of a nation depends on its economical power and it comes from ‘education’, do you agree? –Where does education come from? –From mind! –Where does mind come from?/ When people do extreme sports, they prove their power OVER the nature./ [Pic] You have no power over me (Benim üzerinde gücün yok/ Senin söz/güç bana etkilenmayacak)./ If the power is cut for one minute, million people nag, but when it’s on, how many people thank?

Fantastic: pronunciation:/fan.TA’S.tik/ fantastik, harika I’ve changed the decoration/de.kı.REY.şın/ of the house. What do you think? –I think it’s fantastic! You did a great job!/ This movie/MU’.vi/ is fantastic (=Bu film harika)! [Note: We DON’T have a genre of movie named ‘fantastic’ but ‘fantasy’. For example: ‘The Lord of the Rings’ is a fantasy movie.]

Super-duper:/SU’.pır-DU’.pır/ gerçekten harika This spaghetti is super-duper./ I got some good news for you. Here’re the tickets to Elevation Worship concert/KA:’N.sırt/! –Wow. Super-duper! Reliable: /ri.LA:.yı.bıl/ güvenilir || Rely (on): /ri.LA:y/ (=Trust) -e güvenmek He’s one of my reliable staff. I’ve known him for years. I trust him./ You must be (=olmalisin) a reliable person to work in a gold factory./ Can you really rely on anti-aging creams? Stubborn: /sTA:.b3rn/ inatçı, dik başlı, keçi kafalı His father is too stubborn. Everything he says must be done! He never wants to listen to anybody’s idea!/ The guy loves you and invited you like a million times. Why don’t you wanna accept his invitation? – No! I don’t want to. –Ok, now you’re being stubborn(Keçilik ediyorsun)! Shy: /ŞA:’y/ utangaç, çekingen She’s shy at first, but friendly later./ Don’t be shy. Go and ask her out (Git ve onu çıkmayi teklif et). Easygoing: /İ.zi.go’.ing/ rahat, geçimli, toleranslı, sakin, kaygısız, uysal, yumuşak başlı [Easy: rahat. Going: gidiyor/oluyor/geçiniyor>arkadaş olarak davranıyor ya da hiçbir şeyi zorlamıyor.] My friend Roberta is really easygoing. She easily makes friends with anyone. She almost never gets angry. It’s good to be around her./ I like your style, man! You’re really easygoing. Outgoing:/AWT.go’.ing/sempatik, sosyal, dışarı giden, çıkan I didn’t ask you to go to the moon! I asked you to go and talk to that girl. Gosh! You’re so shy. You gotta be more outgoing, man!/ TV producer: We need to interview some upbeat, outgoing teenagers./ Part of the article: In order to be outgoing, you have to be self-confident first. Responsible (for): /ris.PA:’N.sı.bıl/ (için) sorumlu || Responsibility: /’n.sı.Bİ.lı.di/ sorumluluk, görev, işi sahip çıkma || Duty: /DU.ti/ görev In the movie Answer Man 01:14:00, we can see a sign on wall which says ‘I AM RESPONSIBLE.’/ Are parents responsible for their children’s behavior?/ Horace says, ‘When a neighbor’s wall is on fire, it becomes your business.’ What does it mean? –It means we are all responsible toward one another*!/ Marriage is sharing good and bad times but I think it’s more about responsibilities./ The first rule of school is: Take (=katılmak/ kabul etmek) your own responsibilities./ Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully. –Zig Ziglar [If the pronunciation of ‘responsibility’ is hard, please pronounce it backward >/di/, /lı.di/, /Bİ.lı.di/, /sı.Bİ.lı.di/, /pa:’n.sı.Bİ.lı.di/, /’n.sı.Bİ.lı.di/, /’n.sı.Bİ.lı.di/. Easy?] [‘One another’ iki kişiden fazla için ve ‘Each other’ iki kişi için geliyor.] Down-to-earth:/DAWN.tu.3rs/ 1. (#Pretentious=Modest=Humble) iddiasiz, kibirli olmayan, alçak gönüllü, mütevazı 2. (#Dreamy=Realistic) makul, gerçekçi [Note: 1. A person who’s pretentious and too proud, always looks up, and sees the world from his nose, but if he looks down to the ground, ‘Down-to-earth’, it implies he’s not pretentious. 2. A person who’s a dreamer figuratively always looks up, fantasizing, but if he looks down, ‘Down-to-earth’, it implies he’s not a dreamer.] 1. Although she’s a professor, she’s so down-to-earth that she really amazes me sometimes./ 2. Man: I hate to dream and to fantasize about life. I think I see myself down-to-earth and responsible. 1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. God wants us to be humble. Lack of humility displeases God. –Anonumous Humble:/HA:M.bıl/ mütevazı, alçakgönüllü || Modest: /MA:’.dıst/ mütevazı, alçakgönüllü Sakıp Sabancı says, ‘Uçan hiçbir şey havada kalmaz (Nothing that flies stays in the air).’ It means when your position is high, don’t be too proud. You may fall down. Be humble./ Ömer! What a humble brother!/ ‘A tree with more fruits has its head down.’ It implies the more knowledgeable a person is, the more humble/modest they naturally should be./ In my humble opinion, it was obvious that you shouldn’t have had this relationship in the first place (=baştan)./ He never talks about his success. He’s a very modest man./ JESUS... the humble KING... who accepted to come on earth and give his blood to save whoever believes in him.

And no other King could have so humbly come – To save my soul and heal my heart –Hillsong United Proverbs 29:23 One's pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor. Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. Proverbs 26:12 Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

Proud: /pRAWd/ mağrur, gururlu, kibirli || Pride: /pRA:Yd/ gurur, kibir || I’m proud of you!: Sana gurur duyurum! SELF lesson: Don’t be proud or you’ll easily be crushed./ Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves. –Emily Bronte/ Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real. –Thomas Merton/ Pride means preferring man’s way rather than God’s way./ You won this prize! I’m so proud of you, sweetie! James 4:6 God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Proverbs 27:2 Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.

Habakkuk 2:4 Look at the proud! They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked. But the righteous will live by their faithfulness to God. Talkative: /TA:’.kı.tiv/ (=Chatty) geveze, konuşkan, çeneli I don’t know why I like talkative girls. Maybe it’s because I don’t have to talk too much when I’m around them!! How do you deal with talkative people? –I pretend I have to go. –In an airplane? –I pretend I’m sleeping (Uyku numarası yapıyorum)! –HaHa! That’s savvy! Chatty: /ÇA’.di/ (=Talkative) geveze, konuşkan, çeneli Do you ever wanna get a chance to talk when you’re around(with) a chatty person? Interrupt them with a compliment!! Clingy: /kLİ [kene gibi] yapışkan || Tacky: /TA’.ki/ [kene gibi] yapışkan || Be clingy/tacky: kene gibi yapışmak [Who Is Clark Rockefeller?] Rockefeller to his driver: Let’s say a 12:15 pickup (araba ile alma) today. –I’ll be there. –But not the club. Across the park in front of the church. I may need to lose(başımdan atmak) a clingy friend./ [In the movie He Is Not Just That Into You, Beth(Jennifer Aniston) is Neil(Ben Afflek)’s girlfriend for 7 years and for 5 years she hid to ask him to marry her. But now she takes the courage and asks. Neil surprises, ‘‘Where’s this coming from?’’ Beth answers, ‘‘It’s coming from a place where I’ve been hiding you for 5 years. About 5 years, because I haven’t wanted to seem demanding, and I haven’t wanted to seem clingy, or psycho. [Great intonation and body language.]/ Why are you so tacky=clingy? Get away from me!! Moody:/MU’.di/ruhsal durumu çabuk değişen, huysuz, dengesiz, aksi || Mood*: /MU’d/ ruh durumu, hal || Mood swing*: [baz insanlarin] halin sürekli değişmesi He changes for no reason all the time. He’s moody./ God! His girlfriend is really moody. One moment she’s okay, another moment, nobody can even talk to her! Why is that (=Niye böyle)?/ I’m in a terrific mood today. I don’t want anyone to ruin it./ She goes through a lot of mood swing. She has absolutely no idea what she wants. How can I live with that? Mercurial: /mır.KYU.riıl/ değişken, birdenbire değişen, dengesiz [Bu kelime ‘mercury=cıva’dan geliyor>mercurial:cıva gibi] Someone who is mercurial changes his mind frequently without any reason./ Stay away from her. She’s too mercurial!/ [What Just Happened?] Man: He’s one of my most important clients, but he’s very mercurial. Hasty: pronunciation:/HEYS.ti/ aceleci, çabuk, ivedi [As she returns home from her trip to West Palm Beach, her sister asks her] How was it. Tell me all the story. –Ok. Don’t be hasty. I’ll tell you everything. But before that, I’m gonna hit(=get to) the shower and get some rest./ I don’t want you to make a hasty decision. Just think about it and let me know later, ok? –All right. Thanks. Fast-paced:/FAST.peysd/ hızlı geçen, hızlı tempolu || Pace*:/PEYs/ hız This is typical of our fast-paced life: We eat while we are on the go (harekette, iş başında)!/ The pace of a comedy movie helps its fun./ Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience. – Ralph W. Emerson

Optimistic: /a:p.tı.MİS.tik/ iyimser [sıfat] || Pessimistic: /pe.sı.MİS.tik/ kötümser, karamsar [sıfat] [Karışmamak için: Optimistic>Pessimistic>‘O’ ‘P’den önce geliyor yani ilk ‘İYİ’ geliyor!] Zig Ziglar: I’m so optimistic I’d go after Moby Dick in a row boat and take the tartar sauce with me. [>He’s so optimistic he would definitely kill the white whale ‘Moby-Dick’ and after killing, he would eat it with ‘tartar sauce’!<]/ They’re too different. The husband is absolutely optimistic, and the wife is totally pessimistic./ A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. –Winston Churchill Perky: / mutlu ve enerjik, neşeli You look perky today! What’s up(Ne oldu)?/ Don’t you feel perky in the mornings? –I’m perky in the evenings ’cause it gives me a mood to get to jam with (ile müzik çalmak) my pals! Jolly: /CA:’.li/ neşeli What a jolly man! He always laughs and makes others laugh./ Do you believe that jolly people live longer? [1. Jello: jöle>We have jello for the dessert. 2. Jelly/Jam: reçel>This carrot jelly is yum. 3. Hair gel/jell/jelly/jello: saç jölesi> You always wear(=put on) hair gel, hon?]

Hyper: /HA:Y.pır/ çok enerji verici, çok heycanverici What do you think about the concert? –[Person 1] Wooh, it was so hyper. So fantastic. –[Person 2] Yeah, we love Switchfoot./ Trance music is hyper. It gives you mood when you listen to it./ These Red Bull drinks make you hyper. Dynamic: pronunciation:/da:y.NA’.mik/ dinamik, canlı, hareketli Chris Tomlin is totally dynamic on stage. [Dynamite:/DA:Y.nı.ma:yt/1.dinamit2.harika>MILITARY<bakın] Curious: pronunciation: /KYU.ri.yıs/ (=Wonderer) meraklı || Curiosity*: pronunciation: /kyu.RYA:’.sı.di/ (Wonder) merak Kids are curious. Kids are watching ants while adults are stepping on them. –Jim Rohn/ He’s a curious kid. He wants to know everything!/ She’s always curious to know about celebrities’ personal life./ Why are you so curious?/ I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be too personal. I just asked that question based on my curiosity./ [Pic] Follow your curiosity. Predictable: /pri.DİK.tı.bıl/ tahmin edilebilir || Predict*: /pri.DİKt/ tahmin etmek, öngörmek He’s pretty predictable. Everytime he comes, he has a cup of coffee in his hand and says, ‘Hey guys!’ He does it everytime!/ [Date doctor (=Aşk doktoru/İlişki psikolojik danışman)] Don’t be too predictable. Be a bit spontaneous! This time take her to a different restaurant. Have a different food. Be yourself, though./ Can you predict the result of the match?/ Though she didn’t believe, a psychic /SA:Y.kik/(fal bakıcı) lady predicted her future./ Scientists predict that they can control the weather in 2050. Naive: pronunciation: /na:.İYİv/ saf Gosh! I’m so naive. Why did I trust him again? –Us girls /A:S.g3rlz/ (=Biz kızlar) are always naive!/ Man! You’re naive! You trust everybody easily. Picky: /Pİ.ki/ seçici, zor beğenir, müşkülpesent, titiz She’s gone shopping for five hours but the only thing she bought is a pair of socks! That’s really interesting! –I guess she’s picky!/ He’s 55 but he hasn’t got married yet. I think he’s picky! Independent: /in.di.PEN.dınt/ bağımsız || Independence=Independency*: /in.di.PEN.dı bağımsızlık || Independence Day*: (=4th of July: 4 Temmuz) Bağımsızlık Günü Males are more attracted to emotionally independent females./ Do you have plans for your financial independence?/ 4th of July /FORS.a:v is America’s Independence Day. [Different: sıfat (farklı). Difference: isim.| Convenient:sıfat (uygun). Convenience: isim.| Fragrant: sıfat (mis kokulu). Fragrance: isim.] Dominant:pronunciation/DA:’.mı.nınt/ egemen, hakim, başat A secretary should be a dominant person... like a manager./ What’s the dominant party in Turkey? 1 John 5:14-15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us –whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of Him. Self-confident:/self.KA:’N.fı.dınt//NOT –KON-/ kendine güvenen, kendinden emin, özgüvenli || Selfconfidence:/self.KA:’N.fı.dıns//NOT –KON-/ kendine güven I got a job interview tomorrow. Any tips(öneriler) for me? –You just need to be self-confident. –How? –Well, imagine you’re having a very good interview before going there. Trust me, it’ll work. Wear a classic suit (resmi takım elbise), have a smile, sit straight up, have eye contact, and have great internal dialogue. You’re gonna be fine. –Oh yeah? All right! I already felt good!! –See? Keep it up(Böyle devam et)./ Do you have self-confidence? –Before having the Lord in my heart, I tried to be self-confident by human formulas but they just reminded me how weak I was! But the selfconfidence I have now is not earthly, it’s beyond imagination. Blessed be His name./ A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves. –Anonymous [Confident=Self-confident. Confidence=Self-confidence.] Needy:/Nİ’.di/1. [diğerlerın iltifatını] muhtaç(muhtaç his eden),diğerlerin aramayı/ mesajlaşmayı/ konuşmayı bekleyen 2. fakir 1. Someone who asks ‘Please! Love me!’ is needy./ 1. A self-confident woman has so much better chance to win a man’s heart than a needy one./ 2. Some beggars’ job is that. They are not ‘needy’(fakir), but ‘greedy’ (hırslı)! Destitute: /DES.tı.tut/ yoksul, muhtaç When I first came to Las Vegas, I was destitute for a job. Look at me now. I’m the casino/kı.Sİ’.no’/ manager. Soft: /SA:’Ft/ yumuşak || Have you gone soft?: Kalbın yumuşattı mı? || Softie=Softy: aşırı yumuşak kalplı kimse, yumuşak yüzlü kimse, yufka yürekli kimse || Smooth: /sMU’z/ yumuşak || Smooth flight/traffic/...: düz, düzgün, akıcı, yardakesmeden, engelsiz/pürüzsüz uçuş/trafik Silk is soft./ You gave her all your shoes and school bags? Have you gone soft?/ The beggar asked for money, she didn’t pay, but he kept on asking. She pitied and spared him some coins. Her friend said, ‘You’re softie!’/ She’s a softie. Whenever her son asks for chocolate, she initially says no, but when he cries, she cannot control her feelings and gives it to him./ The neighbor asked you to keep her baby? Why didn’t you say ‘No’? Aren’t you supposed to meet Edward? –Yeah, but what can I do? I’m a softy!/ A baby’s skin is smooth./ Radio: Today we have a smooth traffic downtown./ Did you have a smooth flight, honey? –Yes. It was very relaxing. Fluffy: / tüyleri kabarık || Floppy: /fLA:’.pi/ yumuşak ve sarkık [Pic] It’s so fluffy I’m

gonna die. (Bu o kadar yumuşak ki hemen düşüp öldüreceğim.)/ My dog has big, floppy ears with soft brown hair./ She has floppy hair. She has to wear hair gel to make it stand still (hareketsiz/sabit durmak)./ What a floppy hat! [Floppy disk: (bilgisayar) flopi disk> With USB flash drives, who uses floppy disk these days?] [Flop=Failure>What a flop! (Ne başarısız biri!)] Sloppy: /sLA:’.pi/ son derece dikkatsiz, hiç titiz olmayan You guys are so sloppy. Everything in this house is like a mess!/ The tailor sewed my pants in the most sloppy way! [Sew/SO’/dikmek] Snobby: /sNA:’.bi/ (=Snobbish/sNA:’.biş/) züppe, snop || Snob*: /sNA:’b/ züppe kimse What is the difference between a snob and a self-confident person?/ So, you like this guy? –Who, him? No. He’s too snobby! Smug: /sMA:G/ kendinden memnun, kendini beğenmiş Why do they say teenagers are smug? They are respectful and creative people./ He has always had a smug look on his face. Spontaneous: pronunciation:/ıs/ spontane, kendiliğinden olan, anında yapılan What does spontaneous mean? – Well, it’s like getting a new idea and going with it, not doing routine, but doing what you feel like it./ My husband kisses me sometimes when I’m working on computer, sometimes when I’m cooking, and sometimes when I’m painting. He’s totally spontaneous. Bubbly: / çekici ve enerjik, şen şakrak, kıvırcıklı If I say she’s attractive and full of energy, it means she’s bubbly./ He’s a bubbly cute kid!/ Colbie Caillat is famous for her song ‘Bubbly’. Anonymous: pronunciation: /ı.NA:’.nı.mıs/ anonim, isimsiz An anonymous benefactor donated $1,000,000 to the charity./ What’s your name? –I have no name! –[espri] Okay Ms. Anonymous, I’d like you to have a cup of coffee with me./ [A thief to his friend] It’s hard to be anonymous these days. There’re security cameras everywhere!! –Yeah!! Obscure:/a:bs.KYUr/ 1. bilinmeyen, anlaşılmaz 2. bilinmeyen yapmak>örtmek/gözden saklamak Something that is not known to many people is ‘obscure’. We have obscure sports like ‘Extreme Ironing’ in which the person should iron (=ütü yapmak) something on a tree or in a rough place!/ A snail (=salyangoz) can sleep for three years! It’s an obscure fact!/ Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures. – Jessamyn West Obtuse: /ıb.TU’s/(#Sharp/Bright/Clever/Smart/Quick/Intelligent) geç anlayan, kalın kafalı, mercimek beyinli If someone cannot understand something simple easily, they are obtuse. Unique: pronunciation: /yu.Nİ’k//NOT’k/ benzersiz>tek I’ve noticed that Sony Corporation’s policy is not too much based on advertising. Maybe it’s because their products are so unique./ The collaboration of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan is unique. For years, I thought they’re really in love with each other. Suzan Wloszczyna, of USA Today once said, ‘They should win the Nobel Prize for chemistry/KE.mis.tri/(1: kimya 2: çekim/ cazibe)!’ They are really unique. Stable: /sTEY.bıl/ 1. değişmez, sabit 2. sağlam, dengeli || Unstable: /a:n.sTEY.bıl/ 1. değişken 2. dengesiz 1. After changing this job and that job, she got a stable job in a realty./ 2. He’s a great guy with a stable personality./ 1. My situation here is unstable. I’m not sure where I’ll be tomorrow./ 2. She had her heart broken lately. She’s emotionally unstable now./ 2. This table is unstable. I think one of its legs is shorter than the other three. Content: /KA:’N.tent/ 1. [her ne sahip olan durum ile] mutlu, kanaatkar ve mutlu, hoşnut 2. içindeki 1. Don’t be content with your best. There is a ‘better best’ than ‘best’!!/ 1. Are you content with your life and who you’ve become?/ 1. Some people are content with whatever they have, just because they’re healthy. We don’t know the value of health till we lose it./ 2. The book looks beautiful on the cover and in the content! Envious: /ıs/ kıskanç || Envy*: / kıskançlık, kıskanmak, gıpta etmek Why is everyone envious of my ability to talk to strangers?/ If people envy you and talk behind your back, it’s because you’re ahead of them. (=İnsanlar sana kıskanırse ve senin arkada konuşurse, sebeb şu ki onların onundesın.)/ Did you see? She was looking at my dress with envy!/ Envy is not always bad. Sometimes it pushes you to do better than other people! James 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. Proverbs 27:4 Wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? Psalm 37:1-9 (Of David) Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday. Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers

in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land. Jealous: /CE’.lıs/ kıskanç || Jealousy*: /CE’.lı.si/ kıskançlık [Pic] I don’t do jealous, not anymore... not with you. (Kıskançlık yapmayacağım, yok artık... seninle değil.)/ Don’t be jealous!/ You don’t have any reason to be jealous. I only love you, not him./ Love is not blind, jealousy is./ When there’s ‘love triangle/ıl/(aşk üçgeni)’, jealousy comes in./ Sometimes jealousy is a tool to get what you want. For example, if you have two kids and one of them doesn’t want to eat, but you know he or she is hungry, make them jealous. Pretend that you give the food to your other kid, and they would want to have it!/ Science comes from mind and mind comes from God. However, can science invent anti-jealousy or anti-greed pill?? Song of Solomon 8:6 Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful. Cynical: /Sİ.ni.kıl/ insanin iyiliğe inanmayan, küçümseyen, alaycı || Cynic*: /Sİ.nik/ alaycı kimse, başkaları küçümseyen kimse, insanin iyiliğe inanmayan kimse Why are you so cynical? You have to try to see good things in people./ ‘This one is cheesy, that one is immeture!’ You’re a synic! Respectful: /ris.PEKT.fıl//NOT --.ful/ saygılı || Respect*: /ris.PEKT/ saygı, saygı göstermek || Disrespectful: /dis.ris.PEKT.fıl/ saygısız || Disrespect*: /dis.ris.PEKT/ saygısızlık, saygısızlık göstermek I know him. He’s a very respectful person./ With all the respect that I have to you, I’m afraid, I’m not allowed to let you in (sizin içere almayı izinim yok)./ In a narrow street, when I see two tourists walk front-and-behind, not side-by-side, it teaches me two lessons, the first is to respect other people who might be in a hurry./ In order to have a better life (=Daha iyi bir hayatı sahip olmak için), we all should respect others’ privacy./ I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful./ When two brothers fight, it’s a disrespect to the family./ Sorry I didn’t mean to disrespect you (=Kusura bakma, amaçım saygısızlık değildi). If we have all the money in the world but no comfort in the heart, we have nothing. For centuries, Words of God have brought comfort to human nations in hard times. Comfortable: /KA:’M.f3r.dı.bıl/ (=Comfy/KA:’ rahat, konforlu || Uncomfortable: /a:n.KA:’M.f3r.dı.bıl/ rahatsız || Comfort: /KA:’M.f3rt/ 1. teselli etmek 2. rahatlık || Make yourself (comfortable): (=Make yourself at home!) Buraya kendinin ev gibi hisset!, Burada rahatını bak!, Kendini evmiş gibi davran!, Burada yabancı olma! This couch/KAWÇ/(=kanepe) is really comfy./ Your heels(topuklu ayakkabı) seem comfortable, right? –Yes, that’s true./ I’m always comfortable with my teachers./ As a girl, I really feel uncomfortable when I’m alone with a guy in an elevator./ It makes him uncomfortable (rahatsız ediyor) when he sits next to a stranger./ [His wife cries on the phone, he says] I’ll be there to comfort you, baby./ Some people say that watching corn or touching soil comforts them./ He finally moved out of his comfort zone, home, and took a cheap trip!/ [Rings the bell] Hey! Is Olivia home? –She’ll be home soon. Wanna come in? –Yeah, thanks. –Ok, make yourself comfortable. I gotta go to my room and finish my assignment. –’K./ Guest(Misafir): Oh, I’m making a pot of coffee, is that cool? Host(Ev sahibi): Oh, yeah. Help yourself. [Rahatsız etmek: bother, disturb, inconvenience, trouble, annoy, bug> Sorry to bug you.>Size rahatsiz ettım için özür dilerım/kusura bakmayın! >RAHATSIZ< bakın.] 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. Attractive: /ıt.RA’K.tiv/ cazibeli, çekici, ‘sempatik’, alımlı || Attraction*: /ıt.RA’K.şın/ cazibe, alımlılık || Be attracted to someone*: (=Be into someone) birini çekici bulup sevmek, birini sevmek, hep onu düşünmek, birinden hoşlanmak Are you attracted to me? –What? –Are you attracted to me? –Are you okay? –Answer the question./ Sympathetic means ‘Sempatik’ but in American they use the word ‘Attractive’ as ‘Sempatik’ more./ I like his style (=Onun tarzını severım). It’s very attractive./ We use attractive for: fashion, women, way, and decision./ There are a lot of tourist attractions in this area of Turkey./ She’s an amazing nurse and a nice person. I’m attracted to her. [Unattractive: /a:n.ıt.RA’K.tiv/ itici/çekimsiz/gösterişsız> He’s an unattractive person. I don’t like him.] Appealing:/ı.Pİyı.ling/(=Attractive) çekici, cazip, albenili, sevimli, ilgi/dikkat çekici It’s an appealing idea to stage your apartment(daire) before selling it./ She’s not just a pretty face, but has an appealing personality too./ It sounds appealing to me (=İlgimi çekıyor/Beni ilgilenıyor)./

I find a self-confident girl sitting there all alone reading a book in a cafe more appealing than a face girl(=beautiful in the face) getting all naughty and loud with her friends. Emotional appeal*: duygusal cazibe/çekicilik, duygulara hitap etme One day a blind guy was begging in the street. A man approached and had a small chat. While chatting, the man wrote a note and placed it in front of him and said goodbye. From that moment on, many people spared money so that the blind man surprised. Guess what! The man used people’s emotional appeal ’cause the note said: ‘Today is a sunny day, but I couldn’t see the sun!’/ Cry, anger, and laughter are the means (araç/ vesile) of emotional appeal. Catchy: /KA’.çi/ hoş ve kolaylıkla aklında kalan ‘Easy peasy Japanesey’ /İ’.zi-Pİ’.zi-ca.pı.Nİ’.zi/ is a catchy quote by Brooks off of the movie ‘The Shawshank Redemption’./ There’s a difference between who you are for you and who you are for others. Catchy, right?/ ‘Never Hide!’ and ‘Just Do It!’ are catchy because they instantly remind you of RayBan and Nike. Sketchy:/sKE.çi/(=Uncertain/Unsafe) net/belli/güven olmayan, dengesiz, kusurlu, taslak gibi Do you wanna close this deal (alışverış sözleşmesı imza etmek)? –No, George. The situation in the market is sketchy. I can’t risk now./ Urban Dictionary: I dunno/DON-no/(don’t know). His story sounds kind of sketchy./ Our information about him is sort of sketchy./ What are you gonna do for the future? –Uhh, my plans for the future are kind of sketchy. [Sketch/sKEÇ/(=skeç)genelde hızlı yapmış>(belli olmayan/kusurlu) bir resim. Bundan dolayı, ‘sketchy’nın anlama buna işaret ediyor.] Sketchball: (=Having no self-respect/Being others’ reason to laugh) hiç kendini saygı göstermeyen kimse, kendin dalga sebebi kimse, kabataslak halinde biri, tuhaf biri, çok eksik varmiş gibi kimse He’s a university graduate and has a lot of opportunities to work, but rathers play computer games all the time, spends time with children playing, and has no sense of moral judgment. He’s a total sketchball./ She has a shady/ŞEY.di/(gölgeli/şüpheli) character. She’s kind of a sketchball. Hillbilly: /HİL.bili/ kıro, köylü The man you say has a hillbilly look, is a professor./ I’m hillbilly, so what (=ne olmuş ki)?/ She’s always in the kitchen, working like a hillbilly housewife! Saggy:/SA’.gi/ çökük [He’s on the wall and asks] This poster is saggy on one side. Should I lift it?/ Some guys like saggy pants. Passionate: /PA’.şı.nıt/ çok hevesli, istekli, tutkulu He’s passionate about photography./ I know a cab (taksi) driver who listens to audio English program while working. He is really passionate. [Audio English is good only when you can’t watch movie at that moment.]/ School finishes. Passion to learn never./ [Pic] Great love is wild and passionate and dangerous. It burns and consumes./ If you are passionate about something, pursue(=follow=trace) it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That’s how dreams come true. Slippery: /sLİ.pı.ri/ kaygan, kaypak || It slipped from my mind: Aklımdan kaydı/kaçtı!, Onuttum! Sweetie, don’t walk on the ice. It’s slippery./ The new driver: The road is getting slippery. Do you know how to put on/install/use the snow chains (=tire chains)? –Yea, let’s do it. [After doing] You know, without your help, I couldn’t do it. Thanks! –You bet./ Did you meet your ex? –Yea? –Why didn’t you tell me? –It slipped from my mind. –It slipped from your mind? –Yea! Besides, why has it become so important to (for) you?/ Did you buy chocolate? –Oh, no, it slipped from my mind. Guess I’m getting old! Incompetent: /in.KA:’M.pı.dınt/ becereksiz, kabiliyetsiz, yetersiz Boss? Did you fire Rafael? –Yep. –But he seemed a good guy. –I fired him because he’s incompetent. Now, you! Get back to work!/ [Last Day Of Summer] Gregory a.k.a.(=Also Known As) Joe(DJ Qualls) hates his boss and is talking to Stefanie(Nikki Reed) about him: ‘‘This one time he put up(yukarı/duvarda koydu) a picture of me right up next to ‘the Employee of the Month(Ayın Çalışan)’ with a big sign underneath that read ‘Gregory Wilks, a lazy, incompetent employee.’’ Clumsy: /kLA:M.zi/ sakar, hantal, beceriksiz You can’t bring a plate without breaking it? Gosh, you’re so clumsy. He always breaks something or breaks things down. Clumsy boy! Have you heard Fergie’s song ‘Clumsy’? –Yeah, I like her but what is it? ‘Can’t help it, the girl can’t help it, the girl can’t help it, the girl can’t help it!’ It’s such a lame song! –HaHa! I had such a clumsy day! What a clumsy dancer! She almost fell three times! Dysfunctional: /dis.FA:NK.şı.na:l/ işe yaramaz, işlevsiz, işlevini yapamayan, işi anormal şekilde yapan, vazifesini anormal gören, kullanışsız These guys are dysfunctional. We need new workers./ Your lies are dysfunctional! Disgruntled: /dis.GRA:N.tıld/ hoşnutsuz, memnuniyetsiz, tamin olmamış I should come up with a way to deal with this disgruntled employee./ Look at them! I’m tired of seeing these disgruntled faces! Ideal: pronunciation:/a:y.Dİ.yıl/ ideal, ülküsel, mükemmel It takes (=istiyor) hard work and wisdom to approach the ideal./ Well, this job might not be ideal but better than nothing. [Idle: /A:Y.dıl/ boş> What do you prefer to do in your idle hour?>> She has idle dreams!!]

Shocking: /ŞA:’.king/ şoke eden, çok şaşırtıcı || Shocked: /ŞA:’Kt/ şoke What? Our colleague, Samuel died of heart attack? – Yea. –But he was too young! That’s shocking news!/ I was shocked when I saw wedding ring on his finger because he was always against marriage!

Solid: /SA:’.lıd/ sağlam Hey. Supervisors from Health Department are coming. –How do you know? –A solid source told me. Come on. Clean up here!/ Police: We need a solid evidence to arrest him. Acceptable: /ak.SEP.tı.bıl/ kabul edilir || Unacceptable: /a:n.ak.SEP.tı.bıl/ kabul edilemez || Accept: pronunciation:/ak.SEPt/(bir gerçeğı,şeyi,..) kabul etmek || Accept me as I am=Accept me the way I am!: Beni olduğum gibi kabul et! In some countries it’s acceptable to kiss in the public, and in some, not./ Your behavior lately is completely unacceptable./ [Management] Sue: So is your return ticket all set? Mike: I actually don’t have one. S: You don’t have a return ticket? M: No, I bought one way. S: Why? That’s completely unacceptable, Mike!/ She has never loved you. It’s a fact. Accept it!/ I’m sorry. We don’t accept check./ Everybody’s belief: I accept people as they are, and I expect them to accept me the way I am. [Agree: (bir fikiri) kabul etmek>Do you agree with what I just said? || Admit: (bir suçu/hatayı) kabul etmekitiraf etmek>You lied. Admit it.] Vintage: /VİN.tic/ [eski ve] çok kaliteli, seçkin When did you buy this vintage car? It’s really fantastic!/ Some Turkish clothes are made of vintage materials./ [Pic] It was my mom’s in the 80s. Vintage, so adorable. Out of this world: /AWT.a:v.zis.w3rld/ olağanüstü iyi, süper, şahane, nefis Robert De Niro’s role in Raging Bull is out of this world./ The chicken kebab in this restaurant is out of this world. I really suggest you try it once./ His proposition (teklif) is out of this world. I’d accept it! Over the top: /O’.vır.zı.ta:’p/ abartılı, haddinden fazla I think it was an ordinary book, but the author/A:’.sır/(=yazar/müellif) gave an over-the-top speech about it./ I think their wedding was over the top./ Yeah wedding ceremony is necessary but if two people really love each other, why a big show about it? It’d be over the top./ In some TV programs, magazines, or newspapers, they slobber all over each other (birbirini fazla övünüyorlar/böbürlenıyorlar/ methedıyorlar). –Yea, that’s over-the-top. Sad: /SA’d/ 1. üzgün 2. üzücü, acıklı || Happy: /HA’.pi/ mutlu || Happiness: /HA.pi.nıs/ mutluluk (#Unhappiness: /a:n.HA.pi.nıs/ mutsuzluk) || More than happy: (=Very happy) çok mutlu, gayet mutlu || (Are) (you) happy now?: [istemediğin şeyi yapmaktan sonra diğer tarafın rıza oldup olmadığını bakmak için bir alay] Şimdi mutlu/razı oldunmu?, Şimdi istediğini /muradını /arzunu aldınmı? || I’m happy for you!: Senin için mutluyum! 1. She’s always sad. Why is that?/ 2. He’s lost his parents in a car accident when he was still a child. This is sad./ 2. I hope this time you’re telling the truth, because otherwise this is just sad!/ Are you happy in your life?/ Seeing you makes me happy./ Really happy people don’t need to advertise how happy they are!/ Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get. –W. P. Kinsella/ The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now (Başarısızlığı ve mutsuzluğun ana sebebı en istedığın şeyi (amacını/ hedefini), şu an istedığın şeyila takas yapmaktır). –Zig Ziglar/ If you need something, just let me know. I’ll be more than happy to help you. –Ok. Thanks./ [He’s watching TV and his wife is constantly asking him] You need to go shopping! [After one hour, he finally puts some clothes on and goes shopping and back. Now he brings out the shopping items one by one out of the bag and says] Ok, here is your shampoo, your everyday chocolate, your ice cream, your cigarette, and your new slippers. You happy now?/ I lost my job because of your stupid lie. Is that what you wanted? Huh? Are you happy now?/ I got the scholarship from Harvard! –Wow. Congrats! I’m so happy for you! –Thanks./ [His long-time friend says she’s getting married soon. But ‘he’ loves her so says] What am I supposed to do? –[She smiles and says] Be happy for me! You make me happy - I want to make You happy too –Ayiesha Woods (off of song ‘Happy’)

Gloomy:/gLU.mi/ kasvetli, üzüntülü, hüzün verici, mahzun, ümitsiz, karanlık What a gloomy day!/ Where’s the gloomiest place on planet Earth? –Cemetary?/ Don’t be gloomy! Cheer up! You’ll win next time!/ It was a winter afternoon. The weather was really gloomy and gray. Fancy:/FA’ expensive) lüks, fantezi, üstün kaliteli || Don’t get fancy!: [=Don’t get too excited=Don’t have high opinion of yourself!] Havalara girme!, Hayallerinde kendini öyle görme! He’s very rich. He lives in a fancy house, has a fancy car, and a fancy restaurants./ I’m the best computer programmer in town. I’m fast like a rabbit. –You’re a rabbit? Don’t get fancy! You’re not even a tortoise! [He talks about how slow he walks. They both laugh.] Dandy: (=Fine/Good) iyi Hey, you ok? –Yeah, yeah, I’m just dandy. You? –Yea I’m cool. –Cool. Gifted: /GİF.tıd/ [Tanrı verdiğin] yetenekli Yaren is a gifted child. She has many talents at the same time./ In his early age, he showed he’s a gifted musician/myu.Zİ.şın/. [Gift: 1.hediye:What is it? –It’s a gift for you. –Oh, thanks! 2.yetenek: I believe EVERYBODY IS BORN WITH A GIFT. But what we do with that gift is important.] Brand new:/bRANd.nyu/ yepyeni || Brand*: /bRANd/ (=Mark) marka Here’s a brand new car, a gift (hediye) for you from the company./ After years, the singer is back on stage with a brand new song./ The American brand, LC Waikiki, seems to be very popular in Turkey. Secure: /sı.KYU’r/ emniyetli, sağlam || Insecure: /in.sı.KYU’r/ emniyetsiz, tehlikeli, sağlam olmayan People are supposed to feel secure wherever there’s the police./ I never feel insecure when I’m around you (Senin yanındayken, hiçbir şeyden korkmıyorum)./ In some countries, it’s insecure for a girl to live alone. Ambivalent: /am.Bİ.vı.lınt/ (about) [aynı zamanda hem seven/ isteyen hem sevmeyen/ istemeyen] (-e) zıt/karışık hisleri olan, duyguları çelişen, kararsız/değişken, ikircikli, karşıtdeğerlı She went through rough times in her childhood and now she’s ambivalent about having a baby of her own./ He’s ambivalent about majoring in medicine(Üniversitede Tıp okumayı hem istiyor hem istemiyor/ kararsızdır)./ Today he says he loves her, tomorrow he says he doesn’t. I think his attitude toward her is ambivalent, kind of love-hate at the same time. –I think so too. Why doesn’t she leave him alone? What’s stopping her? [Contradictory: karşıt,çelişkili,çelişkili iddia>Once he says he likes this town, another time he says he hates it. His words are contradictory(Lafları çelişkili iddialar).] Dramatic: pronunciation:/drı.MA’.dik/ anormal, dramatik Her grandma is a bit sick. Her situation is dramatic./ She’s a bit dramatic. She calls me on and on (=ara vermeden/biteviye) while she knows she shouldn’t. Drastic:/dRA’S.tik/ [bir aksyon] sert, şiddetli One year in jail for stealing some candy(birkaç şeker)? That’s drastic!/ His situation is drastic. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new. Creative: /kri,YEY.div/ yaratıcı || Creativity*: /kri.yey.Tİ.vi.di/ yaratıcılık || Create*: /kri.YEYt/ yaratmak || the Creator: /kri.EY.dır/ Yaradan, Tanrı || Creature: /kRİ’.çır/ yaratık, mahluk || Creation: /kri.EY.şın/ yaratılış, yaratma I don’t like forms and like to be creative. My favorite painting is form-free./ Creativity is the most important item for a company’s growth./ I wonder, who created the Internet? –I have no clue/kLU’/(iz/cevap)!/ We are living to glory God, the Creator of all heaven and earth./ Locusts are small creatures looking like grasshoppers. [Google Images]/ There’s a purpose to every creation. John 17:24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because You loved me before the creation of the world.

Excellent:/EK.sı.lınt/ çok iyi, mükemmel [sıfat][tek gelirse: zarf] This wine is excellent!/ So, everything is ready for the party? – Yes. –Excellent! Ivy league: /’g/ (=Prestigious/pres.Tİ.cıs/) 1. prestijli 2. Sarmaşık Birliği [Sarmaşık Birliği: Amerikada 8 tane en iyi/prestijli kuzeydoğu üniversiteler. Liste aşağıda.] She spent $8000 for an ivy league camp./ Your suit is very ivy league./ Do you know what his job is? He selects/picks the most stunning models for a fashion magazine. –Wow. That’s very ivy league! [Ivy league refers to 8 most prestigious/high-class Northeastern universities in the U.S.: Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Darmouth, Harvard, Princeton, Penn, and Yale. >They’re a couple ivy league students. Have you seen their cars?] Mainstresam:/MEYN.strim/ popüler, ana görüş Coca-Cola and Pepsi have gone(olmak) mainstream for decades./ Chinese food has gone mainstream in America.

Repetitive: /ri.PE.dı.div/ [olumsuz anlama] sıkıcı ve tekrarlanan, tekrarlayan, tekrarlı ve sıkıcı Everytime the professor comes to the class, he talks about ‘the importance of history in our life’. It’s become repetitive!/ The tour guide told me he hated his job because he had to explain all the repetitive explanations over and over again everyday./ Our life is kinda repetitive. We eat, we work, we sleep, and again, we eat, we work, we sleep! We need the SOUL!

Temporary: /TEM.pı.re.ri/ geçici || Permanent: /P3R.mı.nınt/ kalıcı, sürekli, daimi, devamlı Everything is temporary./ No, I don’t want a permanent tattoo. I want a stick(=temporary) one./ None of us have a permanent place in this world. We’re all passengers. Old school:/O’Ld.sku’l/ eski moda, gelenekçi Glass hour and pocket watch are old school!/ What is this old-school rap song you’re listening to? Self-conscious:/SELF-KA:’N.şıs/ başkaların yargılamaya hep düşünen, sıkılgan, utangaç, içine kapanık, rahatsiz ve gergin Everyone had a date (=buluşma/çıkmak arkadaş) but he came alone to the party and was so self-conscious./ Just because you have some acnes /A’’z/ (=akneler) on your face doesn’t mean that you have to be self-conscious. It’s okay. Be self-confident, girlie. Be YOU./ If you feel self-conscious, there are a lot of self-help books (kendine gelişim/yardım kitapları) you could grab and read. They might be of temporary help. Sassy: /SA’.si/ arsız, haddini bilmez, küstah Mandy: There was this girl. She came sat near me in the coffee house (coffee shop). I felt she’s hungry, so I bought her a sandwich and soda. But she said, ‘Go and buy me a pack of cigarette. Go!’ What a sassy girl!/ Some men ask, ‘Why do men with sassy attitude/A’.dı.tu’d/(davranış) win women’s heart better?’ –Because they know how to lie better! But they have no rest in the heart. They hurt themselves more than everyone else. Relevant (to):/RE.lı.vınt/ konu ile ilgili, (ile) ilgili, (ile) alakalı || Irrelevant (to):/i.RE.lı.vınt/ konu dışı, -ile ilgisi olmayan Why is learning the past ‘history’ relevant to future ‘success’?/ I’m sorry, professor! What I just said was totally irrelevant, because I misunderstood the topic. Frisky: /fRİ oynak, yerinde duramayan It’s so cute how a cat gets frisky!/ Get off me (=Üstümden çekil), frisky boy! I have to study!/ The first time I heard the word ‘friswky’ from one of America’s funniest stand-up comedians ‘Larry the Cable Guy’, with his thick, Southern, lovely accent! Flippant: sorunları ciddi almayan Shana is talking about a serious issue but her friend is making jokes out of it. Shana says, ‘‘You’re so flippant, aren’t you?’’ Naughty: /NA:’.di/* yaramaz Mmm, ice cream! Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream! I want ice cream! –Ok, ok, naughty kid! [Nutty:/NA:.di/deli, çatlak>He got a lot of nutty buddies! They’ve changed him.] Wacky:/WA’.ki/(=Wacko/WA’.ko’/=Whacky) anormal ama sürprizli/ eğlencelı, kaçık, çılgın, çatlak [In the circus/S3R.kıs/(sirk)] Oh my! He just put his head into crocodile’s mouth! It’s wacky!/ What a wacky story! –Yeah, her adventures were wacky too!/ He has some wacky ideas about discovering all the water world./ [Bruce Almighty] Evan: Heyy, wacky Bruce!/ Look, I’m sorry about what happened with my ex. He just gets wacko sometimes. Phony:/FO’.ni/(#Sincere/Real) sahte (kimse), içtensiz, gerçeksiz She said she loved me but it was a phony love./ He posed as(gibi davrandı) he loved me but he was such a phony person./ Do you have any phony friends? So-called: /SO’-KA:’Ld/ sözde Who made this page for ya? –A so-called web designer!/ Do you call it poem? Who’s the so-called poet? Amish:/A:’.miş/[konuşma dili] teknoloji sevmeyen, anti-modernist Okay, new boy! Why don’t you hit me (=tell me) with your number? –I don’t really have a number. –What? Are you Amish? –No, I’m new in town./ [1] Did you get here by your car? [*] No. [2] By bus, or subway? [*] No. I just walked 4 miles. [3] Maybe she’s Amish! [*] No. I’m an environment activist. –[1/2/3] Oh, I see!/Ok./Right!/ [Amish Grace] We keep our lives simple so that our path to heaven would be wide open to us./ After the Amish School shooting, the wife of the murderer, Marie Monville, explains how Jesus brought Light to her life and saved her.

Endearing:/en.DİYI.ring/ sevimli, sevdiren, çekici, cazip, alımlı I find it quite endearing to speak to you on the phone./ You like her name? –Well, ‘Babushka’ is an endearing name for a pet. Usual:/YU’.jıl//YU’.ju.ıl/ her zamanki, olağan || The usual: her zamanki aldığım/aldığın şey || As usual: /az.--/ (=As always) her zamanki gibi || Unusual:/a:n.YU’.jıl//--.ju.ıl/ anormal, olağandışı, görülmedik, tuhaf, nadir The foolish man wonders at the unusual; the wise man at the usual. –Ralph Waldo Emerson/ [On the phone] Hey Mac! What’s up? What are you doing? –Just taking care of (halletmek/ bakmak/ uğraşmak) some usual stuff./ [The customer comes in and sits. The waiteress, with a cup and saucer, goes to him and says] The usual? –Yes, please. [She pours him a cup of black coffee.]/ Hi, Deb. –Hi, Steven. –What can I get ya? –Just the usual. –Be right up./ Anything interesting on the paper(gazete)? –Nah! Just as usual(İşte her zamanki gibi)./ Hey! How’s your life going(Senin hayat nasıl gidiyor)? –As usual!/As always! (Her zamanki gibi!)/ [Pic] I myself, am strange and unusual. [Thanks to her act, we understand the meaning of ‘unusual’.] Ordinary: /OR.dı.ne.ri/ sıradan || Extraordinary: /ıkst.ROR.dı.ne.ri/ olağanüstü Ever listened to Sade’s song ‘This Is No Ordinary Love’?/ It’s an ordinary day. Everything’s as usual (Her şey her zamanki gibi)./ These days many extraordinary things happen to me. They can’t be coincidences./ Elbert Hubbard: 1 machine can do the work of 50 ordinary men, but no machine can do the work of 1 extraordinary man!

Casual:/KA’.ju.ıl/1. sıradan 2. (#Classic*) rahat giyisi, spor giyisi I can’t stand casual conversation. I crave meaningful one./ What do I wear? –Wear something casual. Not classic (=resmi giyime)! Be cool. [Classic*: resmi/klasik> Suit and tie are classic.|| ‘Klasik’ yani ‘her zaman yeni’> Charlie Chaplin’s comedies are classic.|| Classical* is only a kind of music.> Beethoven music is classical.] Random: /RAN.dım/ rasgele || Randomly*: /RAN.dı rasgele bir şekilde Here are some random topics to discuss about. Let’s pick ‘pregnancy’./ Love is a random act of kindness (Aşk, rasgele bir şefkatli tavirdir)./ It’s ‘random play button’. If you push it, for example, after song number 1, it plays song number 18, and next will be 5, then 20, then 9. Computer chooses. So it’s not like ‘normal’ from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 and so on./ Pick one Milli Piyango lottery ticket randomly. Who knows? Maybe you’re the big winner!/ According to researches, the items of happiness are: 1) A good job. 2) A good social life. 3) Randomly helping others. Average: /A.vı.rıc/ orta, ortalama, vasat || Averagely*: /A.vı.rı ortace, ortalama olarak This movie is not a top movie. Its rating on is average./ The average reading rate in France in 2005 is 48 books a year while the same in some other countries is like 3 minutes a year./ I sometimes drink two cups of coffee a day and sometimes about four cups a day, so averagely I drink something like three cups of coffee a day. Mediocre:/mi.di.YO’.kır/ne iyi ne kötü, orta, orta derecede, vasat, sıradan [genelde isimden önce geliyor] She turns back to her husband and says, ‘Look, I could be with any other guy. I mean, we have a mediocre car, a mediocre relationship, a mediocre life, but I’m with you because of you!’/ [Parent asking another parent before enrolling(registering) in the school] Excuse me. Do you have any idea how this school is? –Uh, it’s a... mediocre school./ Only a mediocre person is always at his best (her zaman kendinin en iyi durumunda). –Somerset Maugham/ Great spirits have often overcome violent opposition from mediocre minds. [wow]–Albert Einstein Generic: /cı.NE’.rik/ 1. genel 2. markasız ilaç/gıda/… || Over-the-counter drug: reçetesiz satılan ilaç Traffic is a generic problem in most big cities./ They took the students to the workshop to improve their generic skills./ 2. They sell some kinds of generic drugs(ilaçler) in some herbal shops here around, especially for losing weight. Do you buy or trust them at all? –Nope. Not at all!/ It’s an over-the-counter drug. It Works for me so well. Wanna take one? Genetic: pronunciation:/cı.NE’.dik/ genetik His great-grandfather, grandfather, and father used to wrestle. Now he and his son wrestle too. It’s genetic. It’s in their blood! Cosmopolitan:/ka:’z.mı.PA:’.li.tın/ kozmopolit || Ethnic:/ES.nik/ etnik Istanbul is a cosmopolitan city ’cause people from all around the world are in there./ The guy on Travel Channel was showing a type of Hawaiian /hu.WA:.i.yın/ ethnic seafood named Ahi Tacos. Seemed tasty/TEYS.ti/(lezzetli)! Phenomenal:/fı.NA:’.mı.nıl/ olağanüstü, harikulade || Phenomenon:/fı.NA:’.mı.nın/ fenomen, olay, olgu, görüngü He-heyy! You’re back from your vacation! How was it? –Oh, It…was… phenomenal!/ How was your day so far(şimdiye kadar)? –Phenomenal!/ The Internet itself is a phenomenon.

Remarkable: /ri.MA:’R.kı.bıl/ dikkate değer, olağanüstü You’ve been here just for four months, but your progress has been remarkable. Congratulations!/ It was a remarkable speech you gave in the afternoon. It was really overwhelming (=full of emotion)./ Humans have the remarkable ability to get exactly what they must have. But there is a difference between a ‘must’ and ‘want.’ –Jim Rohn/ Ever been to Kangaroo Island? It’s remarkable! Unthinkable: [iyi/kötü anlamda] düşünelemez, akla hayale sığmez, akla gelmez || Unspeakable: [iyi/kötü anlamda] ağza alınmaz, söylenmez, kelimelerle anlatılmaz, ifade edilemez Remember when we broke that window and ran away? –Yea, I do. We were young and stupid. Those years were unthinkable./ After ten years, she got pregnant. There was unspeakable happiness in her face. Compatible (with):/kım.PA.dı.bıl/ uyumlu, ile bağdaşan || Compatibility (with): /kıı.Bİ.lı.ti/ uyum, uyumluluk, uyma, bağdaşma In this career, we need someone who could travel a lot and just be compatible with all sorts of weather./ I can tell. She’s tough. Her compatibility with the situations is good. I think you better hire her. –[To the girl] You’re hired (İşe alındın)./ Cactus /KAK.tıs/(kaktüs) has a great compatibility with hot weather. –So does camel/KA.mıl/(Deve de).

Invincible:/in.VİN.sı.bıl/(=Impossible to defeat) yenilmez, meğlup edilmez Our love is invincible./ I know I lost it, but I also know that I can do it again! I’m invincible./ BE INVINCIBLE. Ridiculous:/ri.Dİ.kyı.lıs/ gülünç, saçma || Absurd: /ab.S3Rd/ saçma, absürd, gülünç, aptalce Judy believes that the paperwork system in this organization is pretty ridiculous./ Why do you even argue about your personal believes? The whole idea is absurd. Preposterous:/pri.PA:’S.tı.rıs/ çok aptal, çok saçma, mantıksız Some people believe that all the talk about ghosts is preposterous./ Jenny believes superstition (batıl inanç/hurafe) is totally preposterous, like, opening an umbrella in the house will bring bad luck! Cosmic: pronunciation: /KA:’Z.mik/ evrensel, kozmik Can anyone count how many giant cosmic events we have in the universe every second?/ We’re not earthly beings anymore. We’re cosmic beings.–Eden Ahbez/ Kathleen (Meg Ryan) in ‘You’ve Got Mail’ typing to send an E-mail through the Internet: I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. Glamorous:/gLA’.mı.rıs/(Eye-catching)gözalıcı, çekici, büyüleyici The glamorous celebrities on the Red Carpet were posing for cameras./ This outfit is truly glamorous!/ Melissa Theuriau is famous in Turkey. She is a glamorous news anchor./ He has a glamorous lifestyle. Indispensible: /in.dis.PEN.sı.bıl/ vazgeçilmez, gerekli Motivation is an indispensible part of the education. Exhilarating:/eg.Zİ.lı.rey.ding/canlandırıcı, neşe verici, ferahlatıcı, coşturucu || Exhilarate: /eg.Zİ.lı.reyt/ canlandırmak, neşe vermek, ferahlatmak, coşturmak Olips is exhilirating./ Their dance was really exhilarating!/ Have you ever driven quad in the valleys of Göreme? It’s absolutely exhilarating!/ Water is the most exhilirating thing in the world! Overwhelmed:/o’.vır.WELMd/ [suddenly/strongly emotional] aniden/aşırı duygusal, aniden/aşırı etkilenmiş, kendinden geçmiş || I’m overwhelmed: Aşırı duygusal durumdayim! || Overwhelming:/o’.vır.WEL.ming/ [giving sudden/strong emotion] aşırı duygusal edici, aniden etkiliyici, kendinden geçici [After she hears the insurance company is paying her family one million dollars, she says] I…I don’t know what to say. I’m pretty overwhelmed!/ I don’t know what to say! I’m overwhelmed!/ For ten years, she thought her son was killed in the war. But when she saw him by the door, she got so overwhelmed that she couldn’t help but crying./ She was overwhelmed when the crowd applaused for her./ What (an) overwhelming news! Ambiguous: /am.Bİ.gyu.ıs/ birden fazla anlama gelebilen He asked me questions that I took/found them ambiguous./ The professor’s answer was ambiguous and he was in a rush so I asked my friends how they understood that./ ‘We’re living in the world of peaks and valleys’ has an ambiguous meaning. –No. Not at all. ‘Peaks and valleys’ means ‘ups and downs’. (=Çok aşağı yukarda dünyade yaşıyoruz./Hayatımızde çok aşağı yukarda ya da iyi zamanlar kötü zamanlar vardir.)

Vulgar: /VA:L.gır/ kaba, terbiyesiz I think the television industry has a responsibility to the teenage community to teach them not use vulgar language. Contemporary: /kın.TEM.pı.re.ri/ çağdaş The word ‘Çağdaş’ in Çağdaş Market can remind you of the word ‘Contemporary’./ ‘Contemporary art museum’ in Raleigh, North Carolina is huge, with awesome space and full of art. Overrated:/o’.vır.REY.tıd/(=Rated too highly) fazla önem vermiş Some people believe that love is overrated. What do you think?/ Can a celebrity be overrated just because of their looks? Sedated: /si.DEY.dıd/ ağırbaşlı, sakin, ilaçla uyuşturulmuş I have never been in such a sedetaed state (=durum) as I am now./ After crying hard, she felt so sedated./ [The Zookeeper (Hayvan Bakıcı) (2011)] [They bring a lion in and the zookeeper Griffin(Kevin James) asks] What’s happening? [The lady nurse answers] She’s stable and she’s sedated. Intimidated:/in.Tİ.mı.dey.dıd/ gözü korkmuş, güven his etmeyen Most guys feel intimidated by beautiful women and don’t dare to talk to them. That’s how some beautiful women stay lonely./ Hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated. –George Bernard Shaw/ Tiffany: Why do I feel intimidated at the gym? I feel like I don’t fit in. Vincent: Why don’t you wear headphones and turn on your iPod? Do it. It’ll give you 100% self-confidence. T: Yea! Good idea. Thanks! Tremendous: /tri.MEN.dıs/ kocaman, muazzam, şahane Let’s have a tremendous (=kocaman) random applause for this young winner of Olympiad./ This restaurant is tremendous (=şahane)! Substantial:/sa:b.ıs.TA’N.şıl/ büyük, elde, çok tamin edici, önemli, çok değerli, varolan [Woman to the taxi driver] I don’t wanna miss my flight. I’ll pay you a substantial amount of money if you get me to the airport before 9./ He only works where he can earn substantial income./ They gave him substantial raise this year./ If one drop of gasoline is wasted by each driver every time, we’ll have substantial fuel loss at the end of the day and the year./ G8 countries offered Japan substantial support after the horrible 8.9 earthquake. Ingrained: /in.GREYNd/ kökleşmiş, yerleşmiş, içine işlemiş We have a sense of wonder ingrained in us./ When watching TV, the habit of laying his legs on the coffeetable is ingrained in him. Finite: pronunciation: /[having an end/limit]sonu olan,sınırlı,mahdut, ...bitir/bitecek|| Infinite: pronunciation: /İ sonsuz, sınırsız, bitmez, tükenmez, ...bitmez || Infinity: pronunciation: /in.Fİ.nı.di/ sonsuzluk, sınırsızlık Why is it that every lovely thing is so finite?/ Is the universe finite? Is time finite?/ Wealth and possessions are finite./ Only two things are infinite: The Universe and human stupidity! –Albert Einstein/ Love is the infinity. Eternal: /i.T3R.nıl/ ebedi ve ezeli || Eternity: /i.T3R.nı.di/ ebediyet [Till eternity: ebediyete kadar] || Everlasting: /e.vır.LA’S.ting/ sonsuz Ever watched the movie ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless(tertemis) Mind’?/ The motto of Ottoman Empire was: ‘The Eternal State : Devlet-i Ebed-müddet’./ Boy to the girl: You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you till eternity. –Me too./ They say nothing is everlasting but love. I think our desire to fall in love is everlasting. John 6:47 Truly, truly, I say to you, he that believes in Me has everlasting life. You are the everlasting God - The everlasting God (A superb song)–Lincoln Brewster

Detached:/di.TAÇt/(=Seperated/Not connected to other buildings/ Away from others) bağlanı kopartmış, bağımsız || Attached (to): /ı.TA’Çt/ (-e) bağlı || Attach: /ı.TA’Ç/ [E-Postada bir dosya] eklenmek I like village(=country) life, but I also don’t want to be detatched from city life. That’s why I prefer the city./ I need a house with a detached garage./ He’s always thinking of living in a detached villa between the sea and the mountain in Glen Close./ He’s ‘emotionally detached’ means he’s unable to connect with others emotionally./ He doesn’t like getting attached to people. He likes to live alone./ Attach(=Stick) the post-its on the fridge./ Email: Dear Mr. Stevenson. A file is attached. Please check it as soon as you can. Thanks. Kim Wu. [The Internet is CONNECTED (bağlandı).|| The Internet is DISCONNECTED (bağlı değil).|| (He calls her again and says) Sorry, I got disconnected. (Kusura bakma, bağlantı kesıldı.) =Sorry I lost you for a while. (Kusura bakma, bağlantı bir anda kesıldı.)] SOME VERY ADVERBS Probably: /pRA:’.bı muhtemelen || Probably not!: Muhtemelen hayır! Do you think that the economy in the country will be any better? –Probably./ Abigale! I think if you color your hair to blonde, it

will look so much better on you. –Oh, really? Mmm. Probably I should give it a try./ Do you have to go back to work now? – Probably not. My coworker is covering everything for me(İş arkadaşım benim için her şeyi halledecek/bakacak). Possibly: PA:’.si.bli/[zarf] olabilir, mümkün olduğunca || Possible*:/PA:’.si.bıl/[sıfat]mümkün,olanaklı[be possible:olabilir] || Possibility*: /pa:’.sı.Bİ.lı.di/ imkan, ihtimal, olanak || Impossible: /im.PA:’.sı.bıl/ imkansız, olanaksız [She feels sick(Midesi bulanıyor) and goes to ladies’ room (bayan lavabo), her friend says] She’s possibly pregnant!/ How could you possibly do that? (=I didn’t expect you to do that.=İnanamiyorum/senden beklemedim –Bunu nasıl yaptı?)/ How could you possibly think (=I didn’t expect you to think) that I have an affair with (-ile ilişki kurmak) your best friend?/ [Pic] I just need to know that it’s possible... that two people can stay happy together forever./ [Big surprise] What? She ate 6 hamburgers! How’s that possible?/ Will you be back next week? –It’s possible(=Olabilir)!/ We would like to thank all of you who’ve made this event possible./ There’s no possibility on Planet Earth that I work there. No way (Hayatta olmaz/Asla)!/ There’s a possibility that I like you. –Oh, yeah?/ [The new poor guy at the skid row] Can I stay here for a night? –Impossible!/ Look at the pic of this skateboarder. Looks like he’s flying. Is that impossible? Isaiah 43:19 [The LORD said] Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in that wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Make it possible* to+verb: -e mümkün etmek, -e olanak sağlamak, -e imkan vermek Black box (Kara kutu) makes it possible to see the details of a plane crash./ Positive attitude makes it possible for us to enjoy life better. Do you agree? As soon as possible: oldukça çabuk, ilk fırsatta, oldukça en kısa sürede, mümkünse çabuk I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest(kalan) of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. Maybe: / belki Are you coming? –Uh, no, thanks. Maybe next time. –Ok, then./ Your puppy looks sick. –Maybe. He hasn’t had anything since morning. –Maybe you should take him to a vet doctor. –Maybe./ [Pic] Maybe this is why I don’t have any friends. Exactly: /ıg.ZA’ 1. Aynen!, Aynen öyle!, Tam doğru söyledi! 2. tam olarak || Exact*: /ıg.ZA’Kt/ 1. tam, kesin 2. hatasız, titiz 1. What do all these pictures have in common? –People? –Exactly!/ 2. How much exactly are you going to invest (=para yatırmak), sir?/ 2. I like people who exactly know what they want in their life and go for it (ve onu elde etmeye çalışıyorlar)./ 1. What is the exact time of your appointment, ma’am?/ 2. She’s an exact accountant. I believe in her accuracy /A.kyu.rı.si/ (yanlış yapmama/titizlik/hatasızlık). To be exact: daha doğrusu, tam olarak How much did they pay you for the summer job? –About 5000 (five thousand). Uh, 5200 (fifty two hundred=five thousand two hundred) to be exact./ [Crimes of the Past] The little daughter: Mom, when we’re going to New York, will you come too? –Her mom Josephine (starring Elisabeth Röhm) kisses her hand and says: I’ll always be with you. – How far is New York? –I think it might be 2400 (two thousand four hundred) miles, to be exact. Mostly: /MO’ çoğunlukla So you’re a band! –Yeah. –What sort of music do you guys play? –Reggae /’/, mostly. –Uh! That’s cool./ Our company’s sales activities are mostly based in Europe (Avrupa’nın içinde oluyor/meydana geliyor). Coincidentally: /ko’ı.li/ tesadüfen || Coincidence*: /ko’.İ rastlantı, tesadüf How did you guys meet? – Well, I took a photography class and Andrea was my classmate. One day, coincidentally, I met her outside and, you know(işte), our relationship started. We’re very happy now./ Jenny? Oh my gosh! What are you doing here? –I’m in the competition. What are ‘you’ doing here? –I’m in the competition too! What a coincidence!/ [On the phone] What are you making for dinner? –I’m making macaroni. –Isn’t that a coincidence? ’Cause I’m making macaroni too! [By any chance: tesadüfen> Do you, by any chance, have a bottle-opener? –Yea, dude! Here(Al).] Incidentally:/ı.li/ tesadüfen, bu arada, ezkaza, laf arasında I incidentally stepped on a snail. Poor snail!/ Incidentally, I wanted to say how I’ve been feeling about you lately. Accidentally: /ı.li/ kazara/yanlışlıkla, tesadüfen || Accident*: /A’ınt/ kaza I accidentally broke my glasses today. Now I have to get it fixed./ What a creepy day! I was about to have an accident. It scared me bad. On purpose:/a:n.P3R.pıs/kasten, bile bile, mahsus (#Accidentally) || Purpose*: /P3R.pıs/ amaç, niyet, maksat You know I hate eggplant (=patlıcan) and you’ve made eggplant stew on purpose to make me frustrated. Why do you do that, huh?/ [Passport Control officer in an airport terminal] What’s the purpose of your visit, business or pleasure? Deliberately: /di.Lİ.bı.rı bile bile (=On purpose#Accidentally) She deliberately managed to put her photo album there and left me alone for half an hour so I could take a look./ Do men really forget birthdates or they deliberately do that?

Completely:/kım.pLİ’ tamamen || Complete:/kım.pLİ’t/ tam, tamam, mükemmel, tamamlamak I completely agree. I mean ‘‘Eat, Pray, Love’’ is a brave movie. Imagine a woman with all the comfort in the world leaves everything to find her challenging SELF. I love the idea, as well as the script. How many women do you know to be ready to leave everything behind to find themselves?/ I love the wine, the pizza, the spaghetti/spı.GE.di/... everything is complete(=perfect) here./ When you start a task(görev), complete(=finish) it. Entire: /ın.TA:Yır/ tüm, bütün || Entirely: /ın.TA:Yı (=Completely) tamamen || Whole: /HO’l/ bütün || As a whole: /az.ı.HO’l/ bütün olarak, bütün The entire blog is about our tour and the pictures of Stephan and me./ The entire company knew I’m in love with her./ That’s not entirely true./ I couldn’t sleep the whole night. I was just tossing and turning in bed (yatakta bir yandan öbür yana dönmek), worrying about the exam./ [Pic] She’s the most amazing girl in the whole world. She’s the only girl that makes my heart beat faster and slower./ This book is about the history of Africa as a whole. Along: /ıLA:’Ng/ boyunca || Sing along*: bir şarkıyı duyup aynı zamanda söylemek Tall/High ‘boyu/yükseklik olarak uzun boylu’, long ‘mesafe olarak uzun’, and along ‘mesafe olarak boyunca’./ He was walking along the river till he found the road./ The radio was on(=açık), playing a song. And she was singing along. [sing,sang,sang] Fortunately: /FO’R.çı.nı iyi ki, şanslıce, şükür ki, iyi ki || Unfortunately: /a:n.FO’R.çı.nı maalesef, ne yazık ki Fortunately, the boring weekly meeting is canceled this week./ A wild dog followed me today. Fortunately, it didn’t bite me./ Unfortunately the house was burned down in fire. Fortunately nobody got hurt./ Unfortunately the insurance company doesn’t accept the whole payment. Despite my best effort:/dıs.PA:Yt--E.f3rt/tüm çabalarıma rağmen Sometimes despite my best effort, I couldn’t succeed. But as a wise person said, ‘A bend in the road is not the end in the road.’ (=Yolun bir viraj, onun sonu değil.)/ Despite his best effort, he failed. He never got disappointed, though; he tried harder and smarter. Apparently: /ı.PA.rı görünüşe göre, görünüşe bakılırsa [>sanırım<anlamında] We had an appointment at 10. And now it’s 11. Apparently she’s not coming./ There’s no car around here. Apparently, we should get going. Let’s walk!/ [Pic] I’m sorry, apparently I opened the door to the past. Occasionally: /ı.KEY.jı.nı.li/ ara sıra, bazen Do you always speak fast? –No. Occasionaly when I get excited, I speak fast./ I don’t always drink wine, but occasionally. Immediately: pronunciation: /ı.Mİ.di.yı hemen, derhal [On the phone] Jordan? Where are you? –I’m home. –Come to my office. Immediately./ As we saw the smoke, we immediately called the fire department./ He immediately got dressed and went out./ I want you to immediately finish what you’re doing. Suddenly: /SA:.dı aniden, birdenbire, ansızın, pat diye || All of a sudden: /a:l.a:v.ı.SA:.dın/ aniden, birdenbire, ansızın, pat diye || Out of the blue: /awd.a:v.zı.bLU’/ aniden, birdenbire, ansızın, pat diye It seemed a calm dog. When I got close, it suddenly barked. Oh my! It scared me./ All of a sudden, she changed her mind and decided not to go to Santa Barbara./ Who was this guy? Did you see that? Out of the blue, he jumped into the sea from the pear. –I think his cell fell down into the water! In two shakes: /in.TU’.şeyks/ hemen, bir çırpıda/lahzada I’ll be back in two shakes (=Hemen gelecem/dönecem)./ [Angry mom on the phone] Come back home in two shakes, or(yoksa) there’s no allowance (harçlık) for you this week, you hear me? In the middle of nowhere:/in.zı.Mİ.dıl.a:v NO’.wer/ bilinmeyen bir yerde, kuş uçmaz bir yerde, kervan geçmez bir yerde [On the phone] Where are you, Molly? –[Molly in the car] I’m not sure. I’m in the middle of nowhere. Guess I picked the wrong road./ We were in the middle of nowhere, hungry and thirsty, and there was no road around us in miles. On the record:/A:’N.zı RE.k3rd/ ifşa edildi, resmen, resmi olarak, kayıtlı, tutanağa geçmiş || Off the record:/A:’F.zı RE.k3rd/ gayrı resmi, gizli olarak, aramızda kalsın/kalacak!, açıklanmamak şartıyla The financial corruption(rüşvet/fesat) of the company was eventually(sonunda) on the record./ On the record: I’m getting married! –Yayyy! Who’s the lucky guy?/ I know what you did, but it’ll be off the record! For the/your record: [bir sır açılırken/bir şeyi başkaları farklı düşünürse açılırken] sizin bilgi için, bilginiz olsun, söylemek gerekirse, bunu söylemek seni mutlu ederse Oh, and, if you think that I don’t love my wife, for the record, I do love my wife./ Mariah Carey For The Record lyrics: For the record – You’ll always be a part of me – No matter what you do.

Recently: /Rİ.sı geçenlerde, son zamanlerde, yakınlarda I’ve recently heard that Shannon and Ben are getting married! Is that true? They were like cat and dog! How is it possible?/ Recently the market value of this product is getting high./ Ninety percent of New York City cabbies /KA’.bi’z/(=cab drivers) are recently arrived immigrants! Tend to:/TENd.tu/ (=Normally) genelde I tend to agree that some women are better drivers than men./ I don’t tend to agree with his first part of the apeech./ He tends to think that everything is merely /Mİ perfect by itself. [Tendency:eğilim/meyil>He didn’t have the tendency to talk to her.] To a new high: [rekor olarak] yeni bir zirveye/yükseklığı/yüksek standartı/damı/çatıyı/ önemı, yeni bir yüksek rekoru || To a new low: [rekor olarak] yeni bir düşüklüğü/pesı/zayıflığı, yeni bir düşük rekoru I guess the Kansas City professional photography website owner, Chris Cummins has brought wedding photography to a new high./ The dollar price has reached to its newest high this month./ After burning their flag, the two countries relations hit a new low (=became the darkest)./ This TV channel’s ratings dropped/fell to a new low, 49% less than last year. In some level: /ıl/ bir yerde, bir nevi Here is my business card. Call me. I’ll check if I can help you in some level. In some small way(s): /’L.weyz/ birazcik I admit that our break-up (ayrılmak) was my fault in some small ways./ Okay. Call me and I’ll see if I can help ya (=you) in some small way. In such (a) short notice:/ç.şort.NO’.dis/bu kısa sürede, bu kısa süre içinde Thanks for seeing me in such short notice./ Thanks for doing this for me in such a short notice. I really appreciate that. In a nutshell: /in.ı.NA:T.şel/ kısaca, özetle, konuyu toparlayım! [Yani birçok şeyler söylüyorsun ve sonunda bir iki cümleila (kısaca) söylediklerini özetlıyorsun.] In a nutshell, we’re trying to cure cancer./ All I was trying to say was that, in a nutshell, wisdom is power but not enough. On the go:/a:’n.zı.GO’/ harekette, iş başında, çalışırken You can access the Internet while you are on the go./ Ad on radio: Yahoo Music is free. You can listen to us on your iPhone or iPod Touch while you are on the go!/ In the age of technology, there’s no wonder why people have their lunch while they’re on the go! Have you heard anything about hands-free restaurants where you don’t use your hands at all to eat? On the spot:/A:’N.zı-sPA:’t/ [>Vucüt dilla söyleyin. Hatırlamaya yardımcı olur.<] 1. hemen, derhal 2. (=On the scene) tam yerinde, oracıkta, olay yeri || Spot:/sPA:’t/ nokta, yer 1. She had the perfect qualities for this job so I hired her on the spot./ 1. After the Blues scored a goal, the Reds attacked and scored a goal back on the spot!/ 1. I can’t tell you the names of all the places I’ve worked on the spot. I should think!/ 2. Our reporter is on the spot right now. Tom? –Yes, Deb. Thanks for giving me the time./ 2. News caster: The protestors are in front of the building. The police is on the spot./ This spa is the perfect spot for honeymooners. All over the place:/A:’L.o’.vır.zı-pLEYs/(=Everywhere) her yere, her yerde, her yer He’s a good photographer. –Oh yeah? –Yea. I gave him an old camera and he takes pictures all over the place./ Simit (crispy sesame-seeded bagel) is so popular in Turkey that you can see it all over the place. The other way around: tam tersine So what happened after you two met? Did you call her? –Nope. The other way around! –Oh, my! She called you?? I can’t believe it! –Neither can I!!/ ‘He’ shouldn’t forgive ‘me’! It’s the other way around. He lied to me, do you understand? Tops: /TA:’Ps/ en fazla She’s been my assistant like what, 2, 3 years? Okay 4 years tops. But she’s so messy lately. I don’t know what’s wrong with her./ We have 48 hours tops to complete the report for the paper (=gazete). (The) best: /zi.BESt/ [good:iyi> better:daha iyi> the best:en iyi] || (The) worst: /zi.W3RSt/ [bad:kötü> worse:daha kötü> the worst:en kötü] This is the best day in my life! –Oh, yeah? But this is the worst day in my life!/ [Pic] Even the worst things have things to love in them. Solely:/SO’.li//SO’l.-li/ sadece, yalnızca, sırf || Merely:/Mİ sadece, yalnızca, sırf She didn’t want to live abroad solely because she felt homesick./ Merely because one knows a lot of information, doesn’t make him wise. James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Just so you know…: Bilginiz olsun diye söylüyorum… Saying ‘Just so you know’ has become very popular in America in the past few years./ Maybe you don’t believe me but just so you know, I’m a pretty successful businessman./ [He’s mad at her and they have a fight in the cafe so he doesn’t want to pay for their dinner and says] Just so you know, guys don’t pay for girls anymore. Welcome to the world of equality! –Fine! I don’t need your stupid money anymore, Prince Charming!!

Just in case: / her ihtimale karşi, ne olur ne olmaz When you go camping, have some aspirin with you, just in case./ [Boss to his staff] Here. I want you to have this Money, go to Manhatan and buy a box of these samples. Hold on. Let me give you a hundred bucks more, just in case. In that case: /in.ZAT.keys/ öyleyse, o halde, o zaman Let’s meet tomorrow. –I’m sorry, tomorrow I’m out of town. –In that case, we should meet the day after tomorrow./ Shall we order pizza? –Yeah, but I don’t have the pizza guy’s number. –In that case, let’s go to his shop and eat there. –Great idea! Ultimately: /A:L.ti.mı sonunda || Finally: /FA:Y.nı.li/ sonunda, nihayet || Eventually: /i.VEN.çu.ı.li/ sonunda, er geç || Initially: /i.Nİ.şı.li/ ilk olarak, başlangıçta Ultimately, no man or woman is happy unless they have found a way to contribute beyond themselves. –Tony Robbins/ [She had height /HA:YT/ (=yükseklik) phobia, and now at the top of a skyscraper] Yes! I finally did it (Sonunda başarıdım/yaptım bunu)! I’m not scared of height anymore! It is so exciting/ık.SA:Y.ting/!! Woooh!/ Oh! You showed up(Demek ki geldin)!! Finally(Nihayet)!! –Sorry, I was stuck in the traffic./ How long are you gonna keep stealing? Eventually they’ll catch you./ Initially I thought he’s a student but later I found out he’s an architecture /A:’R.kı.tek.çır/ professor. So young but so successful! [At last: sonunda, nihayet> They wrote each other a lot of love letters. At last, they met.|| At least:/at.Lİ’St/ en az> This model of cellphone is not bad. At least, it’s better than my old one.] Inevitably: /ı.bli/ kaçınılmaz şekilde || Inevitable: /ı.bıl/ kaçınılmaz, çaresiz She inevitably wants a divorce ’cause her husband cheated on her./ Making mistakes is an inevitable part of human being’s life./ Shakira ‘Inevitable’ (part lyrics): I guess it’s time to confess – I don’t know how to make coffee – And I just don’t get(=understand) football – And I never wear a watch – I guess it’s time to confess – I never sleep before ten – I never take a bath on Sundays – I know you won’t be back – I know you well – I just can’t seem to get you out of my head – ’Cause loving you is just inevitable.

Bluntly: / dobra dobra, açık açık, açıkca, dolambaçsız bir biçimde She bluntly told me that I shouldn’t eat much!/ He always speaks bluntly (=He always speaks his mind). Since people don’t expect that, they get offended, but I, kind of, like it./ Those who speak bluntly are to be trusted. –Chanakya Pandit Blatantly:/bLEY.dı göstere göstere, besbelli bir şekilde || Blatant*:/bLEY.dınt/besbelli, apaçık, aşikâr, bariz, yüzünden akan These gangs/folks/fellas were blatantly disregarding the law./ It was obvious that he’s telling me a blatant lie ’cause he blushed/bLA:Şt/(yüzü kızarttı) after./ It was blatant that he drank. I could clearly smell the alcohol. But he was still denying. Vaguely: / belli belirsiz, (belirsiz) bir şekilde I know I met him somewhere, but I vaguely remember him. (=He looks vaguely familiar.)/ Asking a girl out and hearing ‘no’ from her is vaguely pathetic./ Although I completely disagreed with him, he was vaguely right. Virtually: /V3R.çu.ı.li/ (=Almost) hemen hemen, neredeyse It is said that good-looking people have virtually a better chance than the ones who don’t have looks. Do you agree with that?/ It’s virtually impossible to find a parking lot (=park yeri) at this shopping mall. So crowded! Per se:/pır.SEY/aslında, tam olarak[genelde cümlenın en son geliyor] Do you have any experience on this kind of job? –No, not, per se./ So, what’s the problem? –I wouldn’t call it ‘problem’, per se. There’s just a minor mistake in the price tag (etiket). Literally: /Lİ.dı.rı.li/ [=mecaz anlamda olmayan] gerçekte, gerçek anlamda, gerçekten, tam olarak ‘Hey, look up! Is that UFO?’ Here ‘look up’ literally means look above you or look at the sky. But if it’s not literally meaning, it means ‘search for a word in dictionary’. Example: ‘What’s the meaning of finite / –Uhh, let me look it up in an internet dictionary.’/ A man is literally what he thinks (Tam olrak bir insan ne düşünüyordur). –James Allen/ Thank you. You literally saved my life by telling me not to buy that ‘golden eagle’ at that auction (müzayede). It was a fake /FEYk/ (sahte)!/ Signing that contract is literally one step back in the history of the company./ ‘Is he there?’ literally means: ‘O orada mu?’ But ‘Is he there?’ with a bit different intonation means: ‘Onun aklın yerinde mi?/O sağlam mi?’ Genuinely: / gerçekten, gerçek olarak || Genuine*: / içten davranan, gerçek, hakiki, içten gelen If you genuinely like dancing, then do what your dance instructor (=dans eğitmen) says./ Do some people genuinely talk to the dead?/ He’s sending you lovely messages and is being genuine and you’re dumping him and being ridiculous!/ Genuine love comes from the heart.

Frankly: / [sözünü] açıkça || Frank*: açıksözlü, açıkyürekli söyleyen You know what, boss? Frankly, I’m tired that your brother tells me to do it, and you tell me not to do it. I’m in the middle of nowhere!/ Can I talk to you another time? Frankly, I’m in a bit of a rush (biraz acelem var)./ I’m gonna be frank. –Okay, can I still be John? (Seninle açıksözlü olacağim. –Tamam, fakat ben hala John olabilirmiyim?) By far: büyük bir farkla Hands down (Açık söyleyım)! This party, by far, has been the best party ever!/ [Pic] Tyler, you are by far the most interesting single serving(hizmetimda olan) friend I’ve ever had. Precisely:/ 1. [tek gelirse] Aynen!, Aynen öyle! 2. tam olarak || Precise*: /pri.SA:YS/ 1. tam, kesin 2. çok dikkatlı The precise definition of ‘thanks to’ (=-dan dolayı/yüzden) is ‘because of’: He became successful thanks to his perseverance /p3r.sı.Vİı.rıns/ (=sebat/direşme) and hope./ So if she says ‘no’ to you, you’ll leave her? –Precisely!/ I work slowly but precisely. Is that okay for you? –Good. ’Cause we need precise people for ironing (ütü yapma) in this dry cleaning. Accurately: /A’.kyu.rı doğru bir şekilde, kesin olarak || Accurate*: /A’.kyu.rıt/ doğru, tam, hatasız, dikkatlı, hassas (makine/terazi/v.b) I like my watch. It works accurately. –So what (=Ne olmuş ki)? Who cares about 2 minutes late or early, man?/ Gosh, he speaks such accurate(hatasız) English!/ This barcode scale is totally accurate. Constantly: /KA:’NS.tı sürekli, daima || Constant*: /KA:’NS.tınt/ sürekli, devamlı Patients are constantly complaining about the food in this hospital./ You shouldn’t study today and leave it for a week. It should be something that you do constantly. You understand what I’m saying?/ There’re these constant thoughts that never leave me alone. And then I wanna share them with someone. And that someone is ‘you’./ She has this constant conversion(=change) of ambitions. She’s not totally confident/KA:’N.fı.dınt/(=sure) about what she wants. Barely: /BE’ hemen hemen hiç, zar zor, ancak, güçbela [Bond Of Silence (2010)] Detective Jackson gets the phone and says: ‘‘Detective Jackson! I can barely hear you.’’/ Sorry, I won’t have dinner with you. I barely know you!/ Nicoleta barely speaks English./ [Though None Go With Me] Don’t go off with someone you barely know. Hardly: /HA:’ zar zor, hemen hemen hiç, nerdeyse hiç || Hard: /HA:’Rd/ [sıfat/zarf] (=Tough/Difficult) zor, sıkı, sıkıca I was so tired that (O kadar yorgundum ki) I could hardly wake up this morning!/ She could hardly understand what I was trying to explain./ Uhh! Geometry’s hard! –No, it’s not. It’s so easy. –Oh, yeah? So why don’t you come and solve this problem?/ Life’s hard/tough/difficult. –Yeah, but it’s also beautiful when you see a child laughs and plays around./ He works hard for his family. (August’s dad talking about the music) I learned that the hard way. –August Rush Particularly: /pır.Tİ.kyu.lı özellikle, bilhassa || Specifically: /spı.Sİ özellikle, bilhassa || Specification*: özellik [Professor giving a speech (=konfrans verirken)] I am particularly talking about the remarkable advances that we had in genetics /cı.NE.tiks/ (genetik bilimi) through the past decade./ I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your drift. What are you particularly discussing about?/ [Purple Violets] Pati(Selma Blair): Why are you cooking? We have Kate’s birthday dinner tonight. Husband: What birthday dinner? –I told you last night..we’re taking her out for dinner, for her birthday. –You didn’t say nothing about a birthday dinner. – When I called you at work, I specifically remember telling you./ The first seats in bus are designed specifically for the disabled. Indeed:/in.Dİ’d/ hakikaten, gerçekten He’s indeed a funny man!/ Some people are indeed in need (=needy: fakir/muhtaç). [Deed: 1.eylem 2.tapu (senedi), senet >FINANCIAL<bakın] Upside down: ters>tepe taklak/baş aşağı/alt üst || Inside out: tersyüz>içi dışına dönmüş You had your Turkish coffee? –Yeah. Can you read my coffee ground (Kahve falimi söylebilirmisin)? –Sure. Let me have your coffee cup upside down. Ok. Now we wait. –How did you learn these stuffs?/ He’s the kinkiest guy on earth. He walks upside down in Hollywood Boulevard/BU.lı.va:’rd/! –Maybe he wants to grab some attention!/ You wear a t-shirt upside down, ten people remind you of it. You wear a t-shirt like everyone else, no one reminds you of anything! Finding fault in others is easy! Do you agree?/ Do you know how to type some words upside down?/ Do you know that you are wearing your coat inside out? –I know. It’s my style! –Aw. Gotcha!/ Bryan Adams: I wanna know you – Like I know myself – I’m waitin’ for you – There ain’t no one else – Talk to me baby – Scream and shout – I want to know you inside out. Simultaneously: /sa:y.mıı (=At the same time) aynı zamanda, eşzamanlı şekilde There’s a fascinating video on YouTube ‘Derren Brown beats 9 chess players simultaneously’./ The beauty of cheerleaders’ show is that they all have to dance and move simultaneously. Knowingly:/NO’ bilerek Human nature knows the sin, but sins knowingly!/ I said yes to her knowingly, against my will./ He knowingly parked the car in my spot to make me angry. Willingly:/Wİ isteyerek || Unwillingly: /a:n.Wİ istemeyerek, ağırınca || Willing*: /Wİ.ling/ istekli, hevesli, rıza gösteren Turkish soldiers willingly chose to give their life to the pride of their country./ Human beings willingly fight for freedom

and never rest until they get it./ He stays up (uyanık kalıyor) late and wakes up late, so he goes to work unwillingly(ağırınca işe gidiyor), when work must be fun./ Dr. Robert Anthony: When your ship comes in, make sure you are willing to unload it! [Will: irade>When there’s a will, there’s a way(İrade varsa yol/çare de var)!|| Will: vasiyetname >According to law, what happens when someone dies without leaving any will?|| Well: 1.iyice>He speaks very well. 2.kuyu>Joseph/CO’.zıf/(Hz.Yusuf) was so handsome and blessed but his brothers became jealous of him and put him in a well. God had a plan for him.>>The well is dry.] Reluctantly: /ri.LA:K.tı istemeyerek, gönülsüzce || Reluctant*(to):/ri.LA:K.tınt/ (-e) isteksiz, gönülsüz Why do some students go to school reluctantly?/ I find many people reluctant to change. Do you have guts to change the way you think about English? Are you passionate enough? SOME VERY NOUNS Vibe: /VA:Yb/ (=Energy) enerji, elektrik (enerji anlamında) This house has a good vibe./ Stay away from people who give you a bad vibe./ I’m getting positive vibe from your words./ I love your family, except uhh Ned? –Ned. –Yeah. I get a weird vibe from him. –Dude! He’s my cousin! [Chemistry:aşk konusunda iki kişinin arasındaki elektrik>LOVE & RELATIONSHIP<bakın] Schedule:/sKE.cuıl/ 1. iş takvimi, program (saatleri), plan (yapmak) || Reschedule*: /ri.sKE.cuıl/ yeniden plan/randevu yapmak, ertelemek Are you free this Wednesday? –Oh, I’m not sure. Can I check my schedule?/ She looked at the schedule in her cell phone and saw that she had tennis practice./ [Calling the doctor’s office] Dr. Mann’s office. –Yeah, hi. This is Natasha Broodie. I have an appointment at 5 but I’m afraid I’m not gonna be able to make it. Can we reschedule please? –Uhh, sure. Would tomorrow at 3 o’clock be ok? –Yep, that’s perfect. Thank you. –Ok. Bye. –Bye. Appointment: /ı.POYNt.mınt/ randevu || Randezvous: pronunciation:/RA:N.dı.vu’/ randevu Secretary: Do you have an appointment?/Do you have a randezvous?/ I have an appointment with my dentist at 5./ Can you come with me? –I can’t. I have a randezvous with my new friend, Moby. We’re sort of getting back together. –What? Wow. That’s great! [date>arkadaşle randevu, ya da çıktığın kişi>I have a date (Arkadaşla çıkıyorum/randevum var).>RELATIONSHIP<bakın.] Rest: 1. dinlenme, dinlenmek 2. the rest= kalan miktar, geri kalan, kalanlar, artan || Get/Take some rest!: Biraz dinlen sana! Taking 5 minutes rest during work refreshes you./ [On the phone] What are you doin’? –I’m just restin’./ Clothes make the man at first. Speaking make them the rest. (=Elbise ilk bakışta ve geri kalanı da konuşma insanı yapıyor/ insanın karakteri gösteriyor.)/ [He’s sleeping with his face on the desk, his wife comes in the room and says] You look very tired, hon. Go get some rest! [The leftovers: kalan yemek, artan yemek>(The customer to the waiter) Can I have the leftovers packed, please (Kalan yemeğimi paket olarak alabilir miyim)? –Sure. Just a second.] Plot: /pLA:’T/ komplo, entrika, gizli plan This transition(=change) was a plot against the company manager./ They made a plot to release their leader from prison /PRİ.zın/. Adventure: /ad.VEN.çır/ macera, serüven || Adventurer: /ad.VEN.çı.rır/ maceracı, serüvenci Ever seen the Oscar-winning movie ‘The Adventures Of Tintin’./ Life is a daring adventure or nothing. [Bravo!] –Helen Keller/ Guy: We had great adventures(Büyük/Güzel maceralar geçirdik), me and Jennifer./ Life's greatest adventure is in doing one's very best. –Anonymous/ Psychic lady: You are an adventurer! 1 Thessalonians 5:14 And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. Volunteer: /va:’.lın.Tİır/ gönüllü See the picture? I’m already in love with this volunteer doctor. [May this be my future as a teacher!]/ The world always needs volunteers for peace./ Hundreds of volunteers went to help the injured of Haiti quake. Acts 20:35 In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Candidate: /KA’N.di.deyt/ aday Do you know how they choose a presidential candidate in the U.S.?/ Who are the candidates of Miss Universe 2011? Patriot: /PEYT.ri.yıt/ vatansever/yurtsever/ulussever kimse A person belongs to where his heart is. A patriot serves the country he loves./ The Patriot is a great movie. Experience: /ıks.Pİ.ri.yıns/ 1.tecrübe 2.tecrübe etmek>(bir durumu)yaşamak || Experienced*: /ıks.Pİ.ri.yınsd/ tecrübelı Everybody wishes to have the experience of the old and the age of the young./ Is it true that teens of today have lack of experience? –No, but the question is: Have the adults managed them well? –Wow. Good one(İyi bir şey dedi)!/ Do you have any overseas (denizaşırı) experience?/ If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon. –Emil Zatopek/ Three days without food? No. I have never experienced this situation./ He’s a very experienced man. Actually his travelings made him experienced.

Expert: /EKS.p3rt/ uzman || Expertise: /eks.p3r.Tİ’z/ uzmanlık All experts were once beginners./ He’s an art expert. He particularly can recognize original paintings from the fakes./ Your money and my expertise can help us do the plan. Trial and error: deneme yanılma We learn everything through trial and error. If we were not to fall down a couple (of) times, we would never learn to ride a bike. Consultant:/kın.SA:L.tınt/ danışman || Consult:/kın.SA:Lt/ danışmak We have educational consultant, legal consultant, business consultant, marketing consultant, etc./ I’m very good at business, but how can I become a consultant? –Don’t know. Ever searched on the Internet about it? –Good call (İyi ki dedin)!/ How much did the consultant charge you?/ I need to consult a lawyer about this case. [Insult: hakaret etmek>She claims he insulted her.] Partner: /PA:RT.nır/ ortak, arkadaş, eş Who’s she? –Oh, she’s my lab partner, Leila. Leila, this is my best new friend, Chris./ This is my dance partner, Jake. Jake, this is Madison./ She’s not only my wife, but also the partner of my life. Mentor: /MEN.tor/ yol gösterici/rehber/danışman, danışmanlık yapmak, yol göstermek [They have a tour of the bank for students, he says] You must be the mentor of our tour. –Yes, I am. –I’m Jack. –Daniel. –Glad to meet you. –You too. Please follow me./ The guy in the museum was mentoring the school kids./ A great mentor in life is the great inventor of a ‘new’ life. Member: /MEM.bır/ üye [Become member: üye olmak] || Membership: /MEM.bır.şip/ üyelik || Member of Parliament: /MEM.bır.ıv.PA:R.lı.mınt/ (=MP /em.Pİ/) Milletvekili You need to become a member of this website to log in(giriş yapmak)./ I like Turkish lifestyle in some regions /Rİ.cınz/ (bölgeler) where all the family members get together and have meals./ This club card is not valid, sir. You need to extend your membership./ What does a person need to do to become a Member of Parliament in Turkey? Nobel Prize: Nobel Ödülü || Award: /ı.WA:’Rd/ [resmi olayda] ödül || Award-winning: /ı.WA:RD-Wİ.ning/ ödül kazanan || Reward: /ri.WA:’Rd/ [genelde kayıp bulmak, iyi davranmak, iyi çalışmak için] ödül || Trophy: /TRO’.fi/ ödül kupası Each year some geniuses win the Nobel Prizes./ Academy Award is for movies, Grammy Award is for music, Emmy Award is for television programs, and Tony Award is for theater. Academy Award’s golden statuette is called the Oscar and its official website is Melih Gökçek is an award-winning mayor. Before being the mayor of Ankara, he was a MP (Member of Parliament: Millet Vekili)./ Writing is its own reward. –Henry Miller/ ‘Bond Of Silence’ is a smart movie. A woman’s lovely husband is manslaughtered among 200 high school kids. As no one tells the truth about the dead husband, she posts dozens of(= a lot of) flyers/ fliers(el ilanleri) to give a $10,000 reward to someone who could reveal the name of the murderer./ You won a lot of trophies. Are you a ‘high school baseball’ champ? Handkerchief: /HANG.kır.çi’f/(=Hanky/[kumaş] mendil || Tissue: /Tİ.şu/ kağıt mendil || Napkin: /NAP.kin/ [genelde masada] peçete || Paper towel: /PEY.pır.taw.ıl/ kağıt havlu Elderly people used to keep a handkerchief in their pocket./ [Sneezes] Oh do you need a tissue or something? –Oh, yeah. I appreciate that. I guess I’m getting a cold!/ Selpak is a famous tissue brand in Turkey./ The way they decorated the napkins on the plates is adding a kind of beauty to the table. It’s art. –Yeah. I just hope their food is good too!/ Excuse me. There’s no paper towel in the rest room (lavabo). Recycling/Recycle:/ri.SA:Y.kling//ri.SA:Y.kıl/ geri dönüş No dry stuff is trash. They’re part of the recycle/recycling system./ I think you should have a recycle center in the hotel. Doll:/DA:’l/ oyuncak bebek [Baby doll: güzel kızım/tatlım!] The most famous doll is Barbie, of course./ [To his 3 year-old daughter] Hey baby doll! Why are you crying? Swing:/SWİNG/(swing,swung,swung)1.salıncak 2.sallama(k) || Swing by: (=Pay a short visit= Stop by =Come by) (bir yere giderken başka bir yere kısa bir süre) uğramak Why do kids love swing and jump rope (ip atlama)? –Guess it’s because of human nature. It loves to PLAY!/ Children’s dad’s making a tree swing./ ‘Mood swing’ is when a person’s mood changes a lot./ ‘Baby swing’ is the name of a set to swing babies.[>Google Images<]/ You know what swing dance is? You should ckeck out its videos on YouTube or watch the movie Love N’ Dancing starring Amy Smart./ [Morning Glory] Becky (Rachel McAdams) to Adam (Patrick Wilson): Hi, hi, sorry I thought that I might swing by to see if...[doesn’t finish her sentence, looks at his office]... what are you working on?/ Swing by sometime. = Stop by sometime. = Come by sometime. Kudos: /KU’.do’s/ [başarı yada becerektan sonra] ün/övgü/övücü sözler || Kudos to…: Bravo to… She’s become a successful doctor and enjoys all the kudos around./ Kudos to(=Bravo to) all the readers of this filebook! May you(Umarım siz) achieve all the success in your life! Wood: /WU’d/ odun || The woods: /WU’Dz/ orman [They are in the woods. He says] We need some dry wood to make some fire. –I go get(almak/toparlamak) some.

Ash: /A’ş/ kül || Ashtray: /A’Ş.trey/ kül tablası || Tray: /tREy/ tepsi Those bombs can turn a city into ashes./ [To the waiter] Excuse me. May I have an ashtray please? –Sure./ She put the Turkish coffee in(on) a tray and brought it to her husband. Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You. Ephesians 2:14 For He Himself is our peace. Peace:/Pİ’s/ 1. barış 2. huzur 3. Selametle!, Kendine iyi bak! || Make peace with one another: (=Reconcile/RE.kı’yl/) birbirile barışmak/ uzlaştırmak/aralarını bulmak || Peaceful: huzurlu, barış sever || Peacemaker: /Pİ’s.mey.kır/ barıştırıcı, uzlaştırıcı 1. Observe good faith and justice towards all Nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. –George Washington/ 1. Everybody’s talking about peace. Peace starts with forgiveness./ 2. When we’re young, we look for excitement. When we get old, we look for peace./ 2. You got nothing if you don’t have peace./ 2. My father passed away two years ago. –Oh, I’m sorry. May he rest in peace(Tanrı rahmet eyleysin= Umarım barışta yatsin)./ 3. Peace (=selametle/kendine iyi bak), bro. Be cool (=İyi kal!)./ The two sisters didn’t talk to each other for 2 years until one of them got cancer. So the other one went to visit her and they reconciled(=made peace with each other)./ The movie ‘Peaceful Warrior’ is about a U.C. Berkeley student, Dan, who has everything in life, the looks, the fame, every girl’s attention, great friends, and the talent, but is unhappy and can’t sleep easily, until he meets a spiritual guide who changes his life in the journey of self-discovery./ God in Matthew 5:9 clearly mentions: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers.’ How blessed Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and President Obama are!

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. It is not as the world gives that I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not let it be afraid. National Anthem: /NA.şı.nıl-AN.sım/ Milli Marşı Every Turk knows that ‘İstiklal Marşı’ (Independence March/MA:RÇ/), the National Anthem of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is written by Mehmet Akif Ersoy./ A part of the United States of America National Anthem says: ‘And this be our motto: In God is our trust.’ On the back of dollar bills it’s written: ‘In God We Trust.’ In all the Bible, whenever people trusted God and asked His help, God made them victor. Philippians 2:2 Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. 1 Corinthians 1:10 I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. Unity: /YU.nı.di/ birlik, birlik olma || United:/yu.NA:Y.dıd/ birleşik,birleşmiş WHERE THERE IS UNITY, THERE IS ALWAYS VICTORY. –Publilius Syrus/ There is not a liberal America and a conservative America –there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America –there’s the United States of America./ The United Nations has an important role for peace.

Creed: /kRİ’d/ inanç, itikat, yaşam felsefesi President Barack Obama: ‘‘When we have faced down impossible odds; when we've been told that we're not ready, or that we shouldn't try, or that we can't, generations of Americans have responded with a simple creed that sums up the spirit of a people: ‘Yes, we can.’’ Wow. A leader like this is inspiring and adorable./ There’s a music band(=group) named Creed. Ever listened to their song Home? Parade: /pı.REYd/ geçit töreni [Google Images] Parade means a group of people going to the same direction for a purpose. We have National Day Parade, Independence Day Parade, Love Parade, Victory (zafer bayramı) Parade, Music Festival Parade, Rose Parade, Models Parade(gösteriş), etc./ First of May, there’s a Labor Day(işçi bayramı) parade in Turkey./ [David Jewell’s poem in Before Sunset]…look at those big eyes on your face… I’m a delusion angel – I’m a fantasy parade – I want you to know what I think – Don’t want you to guess anymore… Lodged in life like two branches in a river – Caught in the current – Flowing downstream – I’ll carry you – You carry me – That’s how it could be. Ups and downs:/A:PS.ın.dawnz/ iyi ve kötü günler, aşağı yukarda || Peaks and valleys: /Pİ’Ks.ı’z/ iyi ve kötü zamanlar/günler, aşağı yukarda Life is full of ups and downs./ Relationship goes through a lot of peaks and valleys. [Peak:/Pİ’k/zirve.>To go to the highest peaks, you need to go to the shortest hills first./ Valley:/>Sometimes we must cross the deepest valleys to get to the highest mountains. –Anonymous]

Gang: /GA’Ng/ çete,grup LeBron James: But sports carried me away from being in a gang or being associated with drugs. Sports was my way out./ Ever watched the movie ‘Gangs of New York’? Gender: /CEN.dır/ cinsiyet In the form(forma): What’s your gender, male or female?/ Gender joke: Women drivers are slow, and most traffic accidents have occured by men! Article: /A:’R.di.kıl/ makale She recently read an article about ‘EQ’ or ‘Emotional Intelligence’ which got all her attention (bütün dükkatine çıktı)./ This article about Türk Kızılay is impressive. They’re doing a really great job in Turkey and some other countries of the world. Autograph: /A:’.do.gra’f/ [hatıra için] imza/el yazısı Is that Can Bonomo? –Yeah!! –Let’s go get his autograph./ Did you know that some people sell celebrities’ autograph up to 3-4-5 million dollars? Billboard: /Bİ’rd/ ilan panosu, pano, reklam tabelası Is that Monica Bellucci on the billboard? –Yea. She’s absolutely stunning. She never gets aged (=She never gets old)! Bliss:/bLİS/ eksiksiz mutluluk, büyük mutluluk, çok eğlence After 6 years of false imprisonment, it was a bliss for him to be back to his family./ I have big money in my bank account! What a bliss!/ Message on Facebook: Happy Birthday. Hope you have a bliss! Psalm 95:1-3 O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. Joy: /CO’Y/ sevinç, keyif, haz, neşe || Joyful: /CO’Y.fıl/ sevinçli, sevindirici, neşeli, neşeyle dolu Rabinranath Tagore, the Nobel Prize-winning Poet: I slept and dreamt that life was Joy. I woke up and saw that life was Duty. I acted, and behold, Duty was Joy./ Who can have a joyful life? –I think people who can balance their mind and heart. As a Believer in Christ Jesus you must always STAY EXCITED! The Bible says the JOY of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Righteousness, peace and JOY in the Holy Spirit, THAT'S the Kingdom of God (Romans 14:17). Psalms 16:11 reveals: Where the presence of Jesus is, there is fullness of JOY! Not demonstration of power, or fullness of teaching, or fullness of prophecy and miracles but fullness of JOY! Joy is the number one sign of the Lord's presence... if you know that God is there where you are, then shout "Joooy!" Buzz: /BA:Z/ 1. neşe/enerji 2. vızıltı/vızıldamak Coffee and toast give me buzz in the morning./ I don’t get the same buzz in my marriage as before. –It’s because you should learn something NEW everyday./ [He’s in a good mood and she talks about negative stuffs. He says] Are you trying to kill my buzz?/ The buzz of the wasp didn’t let her concentrate. It buzzed around for 10 minutes. Then it vanished. [Buzzer: vızıltı/vibratör gibi zil >Larry Bird, NBA basketball coach: Don’t give an inch until the final buzzer sounds(Son zil çalmedene kadar bir inç(fırsat) de bile rakiplara vermeyin). WOW.] Juvenile:/CU’.vı.na:yl/ [sıfat/isim] çocuksu, genç (kimse) I know, I know. I’m 30 and I read Harry Potter book. And you wanna tell me it’s too juvenile./ Although he was 60, he dressed like juveniles./ When Macaulay Culkin (Home Alone) was a juvenile, he became a Hollywood star. Isaiah 40:30-31 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Youth: /zı.YU’S/ gençlik, genç kimse The youths of today understand so much more than me and you. They are ‘internet generation’ people./ We must involve the youths in every plan or project. Youngster: /YA:NGS.tır/ genç kimse || Teen: /Tİ’n/ genç kimse || Teenager: /Tİ’.ney.cır/ genç kimse A person at the age of 10-16 is called a youngster or a teen, a youth, or a juvenile./ A couple of youngsters made this website. It’s terrific!/ If you think your teenagers are fully honest with you, just think back to when you were a teenager! –Ethan Winer Childhood: /ÇA:YLD.hud/ çocukluk -hood in English mostly makes –luk in Turkish. Child, childhood (çocukluk). Neighbor, neighborhood (komşuluk)./ [Pic] I spent all my childhood pretending I was off somewhere else. (Bütün çocukluğumu senki başka bir yerde olduğum gibi davrandım.) 2 Kings 11:21 says, ‘Jehoash was seven years old when he began to reign.’ It’s not about the age, it’s about the WILL OF GOD.

Middle-aged*: [sıfat] orta yaşlı || Young: /YA:’Ng/ genç When you’re young, you got time and energy, but no money. When you’re middle-aged, you got money and energy, but no time. When you’re old, you got money and time, but no energy!/ We were young and immature. Now we’re older and wiser. Old age: yaşlılık Old age is teaching us to learn when we are young. In his fifties*: [O o’nun] ellilerde || In her thirties*: [O o’nun] otuzlerde How old is your boss? –Mmm, not sure exactly, but he’s in his fifties./ ‘Most girls get married when they are in their thirties.’ Is that true?/ I’m in my forties. Dreamer: /dRİ’.mır/ hayalci kimse || Realist: /Rİ.yı.list/ gerçekçi kimse || Realistic*: /ri.yı.LİS.tik/ gerçekçi Man! You’re such a dreamer! Open your eyes and stop dreaming./ She’s a real dreamer. When she meets a guy, she starts to like him, and she dreams that she gets married and even has a baby with him!/ My son is a realist and a very successful businessman. He doesn’t fantasize the market. He sees what it is, not what he wants to see./ You are realistic. Being realistic is good, being too realistic leads you to see the world dark. Acts 18:9-10 One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.” Dream:/dRİ’m/ 1.rüya [See dream:rüya görmek] [Dream about: -nın rüyasını görmek] 2.hayal || Make one’s dream come true: birinin ruyayı gerçekleştirmek I saw a dream last night./ What do you dream about?/ Living in Canada is like a dream to me!/ Scientists say the higher your IQ is, the more your dreams are./ In order for any dream to become reality, it must first be given up as a dream! –Zac Vega/ I don’t say I’ll make your dreams come true, but I promise to be loyal (=faithful) to you./ I’d like to make this project come true. (Bu projeyı gerçekleştirmek istiyorum)./ Can dreams come true (Hayallar gerçek olabilirmi)?/ You’ve got to have a dream, if you want to have a dream-come-true. –Dennis Waitley Daniel 1:17 As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. Imagination: /’.cı.NEY.şın/ hayal gücü || Imagine: i.MA’.cın/ hayal etmek || Imagine this!: /i.MA’.cin-zis/ bunu hayal et || Picture this!: /PİK.çır-zis/ bunu hayal et || Imaginary: /i.MA’.ci.nı.ri/ hayali, imgesel W. B. Kinsella, the writer: Use your imagination. Trust me, your lives are not interesting. Don’t write them down./ [Pic] It was easier when I just imagined you. I even imagined you talking back to me./ Imagine(Picture) this: You’re lost in some of the streets of Turkey. Who would you ask the address? –[1] A random person. –[2] A police officer. –[3] I’d buy a map. –[4] The Internet! –[5] I’d ask a cab(taxi) driver. They know everywhere. [1&2&3&4] Wow./Great!/Yeah, you’re right./Yeah, totally./ Remember the word ‘imaginary’ from the movie ‘Imaginary Friend’. I can’t imagine a life without You without You –Hillsong United MercyMe – I Can Only Imagine lyrics: I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by Your side - I can only imagine, what my eyes will see, when Your Face is before me - I can only imagine; I can only imagine! - Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel? - Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still? - Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall? - Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all? - I can only imagine! I can only imagine! - I can only imagine, when that day comes, when I find myself standing in the Son! - I can only imagine, when all I will do, is forever, forever worship You! - I can only imagine! I can only imagine! - Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel? - Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still? Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall? - Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all? - I can only imagine! Yeah! I can only imagine! - Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel? - Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still? - Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall? - Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all? - I can only imagine! Yeah! I can only imagine! - I can only imagine! Yeah! I can only imagine!! Only imagine!!! - I can only imagine. - I can only imagine, when all I do is forever, forever worship You! - I can only imagine."

Core:/KO’r/(=One’s innermost) insanin içinde ayrılmayan şey, (en) iç, öz, [birinin/bir şeyin] çekirdek*, en derin/önemli bölümü All my life, I’ve been struggling to develop my core values(öz değerlerım)./ Your love is written in my very(vurgu için) core./ Evanescence, Bring Me To Life: How can you see into my eyes like open doors? – Leading you down into my core where I’ve become so numb – Without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold – Until you find it there and lead it back home – Wake

me up inside…/ Core of the Earth and core of a fruit are the hardest part inside them. [Çekirdek(kuruyemiş):sunflower seeds>Daddy? How can I crack the sunflower seed?] Hypocrite: /Hİ.pı.krit/ ikiyüzlü kimse When you’re with me, you’re my best friend. But behind my back (arkamda) you’re my worst enemy. Why are you such a hypocrite?/ What kinda psychologist /sa:y.KA:’.lı.cist/ are you? You tell people not to drink alcohol, it’s poison, but you drink? Hypocrite! Mark 7:6-8 [On why Jesus’ disciples eat food with defiled (unwashed) hands] He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: “‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’ You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.” Stickler (for): (-in) başkaların yanlışları hep düzeltici kimse, [yanlışlar için] (fazla) titiz kimse He’s a stickler for correct grammar./ You see that lady with horn-rimmed glasses (kemik çerçeveli gözlük) over there? She’s my literature teacher. She’s a stickler for accuracy /A.kyı.rı.si/(doğru okuma/yazma). Misogynist: pronunciation:/mı.SA:’.jı.nist/ kadın düşmanı, kadınden nifret eden erkek I can’t believe Sheila got married with that misogynist!/ He says men are better than women. He’s a misogynist. Skank:/sKANk/[temizliği dikkat etmeden/düz yaşama yolu bilmeden/] aşağı sınıf kadın Why did you throw your gum in the street? –I don’t care. –That’s what a skank says. How would you feel if you stepped on it?/ People living in shacks(gecekonduler) are cleaner than her. She’s a skank. Ego: /İ’.go’/ ego, benlik || Egoistic*: /i’.go’.İS.tik/ egoist, hodbin, bencil (kimse) Do you know how to boost a man’s ego (=make him more self-confident)? –Hit me. –Compliment him!/ Positive ego gives you ambition to be your best, but negative ego makes you think only about yourself./ Grace is my best friend in the world. When she walks, it seems like she’s egoistic, but the truth(fact) is she has 200% self-confidence! Clue: /kLU’/ iz, ipucu, anahtar [Pic] You really have no clue how beautiful you are, do you?/ Faisal: How many centimetres is one foot(fut)? Ali: I have no clue (=İzim yok=I’m clueless =Bilmiyorum). Jason: Well, each foot is 30.48 (=thirty point forty eight) centimeters /SEN.di.mi.dırz/. The plural (=çoğul) of foot is feet. In America we use feet for how tall a person is. For instance, I’m 5.9 feet. Jennifer: Yeah, that’s right. And I’m 5.8 feet./ Do you know anything about astronomy/ıs.TRA:.nı.mi/? –No. Not a clue! Cue: /KYU/ işaret, ima, üstü kapalı söz They started to wash the dishes and gather the bottles of beer. It was the cue to end the party./ She looked at my laptop screen, but I asked her to come and watch my family photo album. It was my cue to her, not to read my Emails. Cliché: pronunciation: /kli.ŞEY/ klişe Is happy ending in movies a cliché? Are you sure? Theory: pronunciation:/Sİ.yı.ri/ teori, kuram I have this theory that as soon as someone claims something, all the opposites happen. Take philosophy for instance. Today they say something, tomorrow the opposite is proved! –What if ‘this theory’ turns opposite right now? –Mmm? Conscience: /KA:’N.şıns/ vicdan [Pic] A conscience is that still, small voice that people won’t listen to. (Vicdan, milletin onu dinlemeyeceğin içinde sabit olan, küçük sesdir.)/ You said I come take my money today. –Money? What money? You’re crazy. Go consult (-ile danışma) a shrink. –Why don’t you consult your conscience first?/ A fraud/fRA:’d/(sahtekar, üç kağıtçi, dolandırıcı) can cheat everyone, but can they cheat their own consciene?/ The softest pillow is a clear conscience (En yumuşak yastık, rahat bir vicdandir). –John Wooden Dignity:/DİG.nı.ti/ asalet, vakar, itibar I think I’m losing my dignity to Clayton. –Why? – Because I lied to him and I think he understood the truth. –Why don’t you go talk to him? –Do you think I should? –I don’t think. I believe. –Okay./ I’m not living a high life (Lüks bir hayat yaşamiyorum) but thanks God I still have my dignity./ Wayne Dyer: ‘Relationships based on obligation lack dignity.’ Instructions:/ins.TRA:K.şın/ öğretimler, talimatlar, dersler || Instructor:/ins.TRA:K.tır/ eğitmen Please follow the medicine instructions inside the medicine box./ [Typing instructor] Have you practiced the instructions I gave you last week?/ Read the instruction manual before installing (=kurmak/yüklemek) the program on your PC (Personal

Computer)./ My dance instructor said I don’t have to lose weight to be a good dancer./ So, what do you do, Canaan? –Uh, I’m a driving instructor. Construction: /ka:ns.TRA:K.şın/ yapı, inşaat My dad has been in construction job for over three decades./ These engineers are working on the construction of a new dam (=baraj/su bendi) in the area to save as much water as possible./ We use lime/LA:YM/(kireç) and cement /SE.mınt/ (çimento) for construction. Badge: /BA’c/ rozet [Police ringing the door bell]: Police! Open the door. –Landlord (=Ev sahibi> bay) [opens the door]: What’s wrong? [Officer 1]: We need to check your house, sir. Landlord: You bet (=Sure). Can I see your badge, please? –Sure. [Showing the badges] And here is the warrant /WA:’.rınt/(arama izin belgesi)./ [Supermarket manager] All the personnels must wear their ID badge./ Are you going to the seminar/’r/? –Yes. –Then may I ask you to put on your badge, please? Cheerleader:/Çİ’R.lider/amigo kız,ponpon kız[erkek’de olabilir] Cheer means ‘ponpon kız’. Cheer captain means ‘ponpon kızların kaptanı)’./ He’s in love with one of the cheerleaders at school./ Jessica Simpson and Eva Longoria were once cheerleaders. Celebrity:/sı.LEB.rı.di/(=Celeb/sı.LEB/) ünlü sanatçı, meşhur kimse, ünlü kimse Angelina Jolie, Rihanna, George Clooney, and Sarah Palin are some celebrities./ Emre Aydın is a Turkish celebrity./ Celebs have a great role to change the lives of so many. Elegance: /E.lı.gıns/ zarafet || Elegant*: /E.lı.gınt/ zarif Paris is the city of elegance./ Some women find elegance, but some own elegance./ ‘Elegance’ is an elegant car!/ Their wedding was so elegant. Everything was so well-organized. Desire: /di.ZA:’Yr/ arzu, istek Without a sense of urgency, dersire loses its value. –Jim Rohn Value: /VA.lyu/ değer, kıymet || Social values: sosyal değerler, toplumsal değerler || Moral values: ahlaki değerler The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained to liberation from the self. [WOW true!] –Albert Einstein/ People don’t know the value of health until they lose it./ I like adding value to simple things./ Moral or social value is important but too much exaggeration of it is hypocrisy./ If you see your date(yeni tanıştığın arkadaş) has a very beautiful car and a stunning apartment, don’t show that you’re surprised. It’ll reduce your market value(piyasa değerini). Valuable*: /VA.lyu.ı.bıl/ (=Precious) değerli, kıymetli || Precious*: /PRE.şıs/ (=Valuable) değerli, kıymetli Time is precious like gold!/ It’s a valuable violin./ She’s a valuable person to me and I respect her very much indeed./ In America, they usually use the word ‘gem’/CEM/(değerli taş/ mücevher) for ‘precious stone’. Also ‘gem’ is used as a very precious person (cevher): He’s a gem!/She’s a gem! Event: /i.VENT//İ’.vent/ olay Sometimes a great love begins with a simple event, maybe a smile./ I’m not sure but an event in her life has changed her totally. Martyr:/MA:R.dır/ acı çıkan kimse, kendini işkence eden kimse, haksız olan, kurban olan Aj talking about her ex-boyfriend: I was the only one working. So I thought, ‘Yea, after his graduation, he’ll get a job.’ But he was too insecure and I was the martyr. So I broke up with him (ondan ayrıldım)./ [His wife whining about her too many responsibilities, and he says] Don’t be such a martyr (Bu kadar kendini haksız olan gösterme)! I am working too! I have responsibilities too! If you don’t wanna work, then don’t. I don’t expect you to. [Martyr: şehit>He stood for his belief until he died. He’s a martyr. May he rest in peace (R.I.P: Barışda yatsın).] Compassion:/kım.PA.şın/ şefkat, merhamet, sevecenlik, rikkat, acıma Compassion is in my blood. I cannot be harsh to people. This is just the way I am (=Ben böyleyim işte). Lamentations 3:22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. Miscommunication:/mis.kışın/ anlaşmazlık, anlayışsızlık, anlayışsız iletişim What’s your problem with uncle Jim? –Nothing. We just have a little bit miscommunication./ Does the world suffer from miscommunication?/ If you have a university degree, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have miscommunication. Some of us even fail to say ‘I love you!’ Outcome: /A’WT.ka:’m/ (=Result) sonuç, çıktı, netice, akıbet, sonalım || Result: /ri.ZA:Lt/ (=Outcome) sonuç, edilgi, son, akıbet If we could replace the current cars with electric cars, what would be the outcome? Do you think the idea is achievable(başarılabilir/elde edilebilir/yapilabilir) anytime soon?/ Are we the result of our choices?

Reputation:/re.pyı.TEY.şın/ ad, ün, itibar, şöhret || Fame:/FE’Ym/ şöhret || Famous:/FE’Y.mıs/ meşhur It takes 20 years to build a reputation and only five mibutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do things DIFFERENTLY. –Warren Buffett/

When I say ‘Fame’, instantly I remember LADY GAGA! She’s ALL about FAME and famous./ Şöhret, kabiliyetin gölgesidir (Fame is the shadow of ability). –English proverb Firework:/FA:Yır.w3rk/ havai fişek I liked the fireworks in the festival. It was so cool. –Yea, it was like Katy Perry’s song ‘Firework’!/ The two lovers kissed and that was when the sky was lighted/lit by the magical fireworks. Mass media:pronunciation:/MA’S-Mİ’.diya:/ kitle iletişim araçları Mass media has the greatest role for a country’s development and quality education. Technical difficulties:/ıl-Dİ.fı.kıl.ti’z/ teknik güçlükler [The anchorman / (=ana haber spiker/haber sunucusu>bay) in a live TV program] Uh… the slideshow is not ready at the moment. There must be some technical difficulties we apologize for. Scrapbook: /SKRAP.buk/ kopürleralbümü, gazete kopürleri veya resim yapıştırmaya özgü defter Do you think scrapbook is a waste of time or makes teens think of being more artsy(sanatsal)? Diary:/DA:.yı.ri/ günlük, hatıra defteri She keeps a diary and writes whatever happens to her everyday./ [Pic] Why do you have a diary? Backgammon: /’.mın/ tavla || Puzzle: /PA:.zıl/ bulmaca It’s fun to play backgammon and drink tea./ I’m trying to fill in this crossword puzzle (=çapraz bulmaca). Can you give me a clue, three-letter word for ‘Perish’? –It’s ‘die’, D-I-E. –Ok. Thanks. Cluster:/kLA:S.tır/ küme, salkım, demet, tutam He entered the building with a cluster of flowers in his hand./ You see? Rashida Jones has a cluster of freckles on her face which makes her, I think, more charming and attractive./ Those clusters of stars give her a feeling to write a poem/PO’.ım/(şiir). Pile:/PA:YL/ küme, yığın Ugh! I have a pile of dirty clothes over there…a lot of laundry to do./ [She sees a pile of books on his desk and says] Wow. You’re really a book person(Gerçekten kitap sever birisin)!/ If only I had piles of American dollars(Keşki Amerikan dolar kümelerı sahibtim)! –What a wishful thinking(Ne hüsnükuruntu)! Wake up! Priority:/pra:.YO.rı.di/ öncelik, rüçhan Doing your homework should always be your first priority./ The guests are coming and I have a lot of work to do, but baking this cake is a priority. Can you be of any help (Hiç yardım edebilir misin/yardımcı olabilir misin), darling? Eternal: /i.T3R.nıl/ sonsuz, bengi, ebedi ve ezeli, ölümsüz || Eternity: /i.T3R.nı.di/ ebediyet, sonsuzluk, ölümsüzlük Hey, I need some help. What’s the opposite of ‘eternal’? –Uh, it’s ‘temporal’ or ‘transitory’. You know eternal life is the opposite of transitory life./ I love you and I will love you till eternity! John 5:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life. Absence: /A’B.sıns/ yokluk, gaiplik The absence of light and simultaneously its clarity in this picture is rare./ Oh my gosh! Where were you? Your two-week absence just made us all worried. Your phone was off! Couldn’t you give us a call, man? Flaws: /fLA:’z/ kusurlar [Flaw:kusur] || Flawless*:/fLA:’.lıs/(=Perfect) kusursuz, mükemmel He’s a good boss and a good person, but he has his flaws./ Why are you always looking for flaws in others?/ His karate/kı.RA:’.di/ techniques are flawless./ Nobody’s flawless (=Nobody’s perfect)! [Kusura bakmayın>CHAPTER 3<] Lack:/LA’k/1.(=lack of something) eksiklik/eksik 2.eksik(lerı) olmak>ihtiyacı olmak Lack of sleep and lack of vitamin are two factors of lack of energy./ Some people have lack of tolerance(az tahammülü/dayanması)./ Some countries lack natural resources(doğal kaynakları)./ This company lacks proper management./ He lacks knowledge about the whole thing(konu)./ A lot of people love English but they lack the passion. I hope this filebook could give them a new perspective./ Kids don’t lack capacity, only teachers(Çocuklar kapasite değil,ancak öğretmen eksiği var.)–Jim Rohn [I’m short of/on money!: Param eksik/Para ihtiyacım var!> Usually at the end of a month, I’m short of money.> Got some bucks I could borrow? I’m short on money.] James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. Flyer=Flier: /FLA:.yır/ el ilani They stuck(yapıştırdıler) flyers on walls all over the town./ His son was lost so he put up(duvarlarda koydu) a lot of flyers, sent a lot of texts, emails, etc to find him. This is love, man!

Campaign: /kam.PEYN/ kampanya It’s a campaign against terrorism./ He worked for Clinton’s political campaign before his presidency. Species: pronunciation: /sPİ’.şi’z/ [çoğul: species] tür(ler), çeşit(ler), biyol(ler), cins(ler), nevi(ler) Gee! There are at least 30,000 species of spiders in the world!/ This is an extinct spicies of dolphin called The Chinese Baiji Dolphin./ Human species is always craving/kREY.ving/(=wanting very much) for new information. Trivia: /TRİ.vi.ya:/ [çoğul bir kelime, -s takısı ya takısız fiiliyla] önemsiz şeyler, faso fiso, ıvır zıvır What were you guys talking about? –Uh, some trivia!/ I wouldn’t spend my precious time talking trivia./ I’m sorry, with all the respect, I don’t have time to worry about such trivia. Silence: /SA:Y.lıns/ sessizlik, susturmak || Silent: /SA:Y.lınt/ sessiz Don’t talk, unless you improve the silence (Sessizliği geliştirmezsen konuşma). –Proverb/ My favorite part of the music is that moment of silence!/ [In the hospital they speak loudly and someone says] Hush! There’s a ‘Silence Sign’. –Oops! Sorry./ If you hear a voice within you saying, ‘You are NOT a painter,’ then by all means paint…and that voice will be SILENCED. –Vincent van Gogh/ Girl: Sometimes I’m silent when I must speak, and I speak when I must be silent./ Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. –Martin Luther King Jr. An eye for an eye makes the world blind (Diş dişe/İntikam/Göz göze dünyayı kör eder). –Gandhi Revenge: /ri.VENc/ öç, intikam || Take revenge on someone: birinden intikam almak Remember the word ‘revenge’ from the 2011 TV series by the same name Revenge. Look at the thorn-like(diken gibi) dress. Great design to Show the meaning of revenge!/ Do you like to take revenge on your ex? –Yes. –Do you like your ex to take revenge on you? –No. –See what just happened?/ After you took revenge, how would you feel? Good? But how would you feel if someone else takes revenge on you? Bad! –So what do I do? –Forgive. Tradition: /trı.Dİ.şın/ gelenek, anane, adet, töre || Traditional: /trı.Dİ.şı.nıl/ geleneksel, ananevi || Conventions: /kın.VEN.şınz/ gelenekler, adetler || Custom: /KA:S.tım/ töre, gelenek, adet || Customs*: /KA:S.tımz/ gümrük || Costume/Costumes*: kıyafet/kostüm Professor: Are traditions like chain? Do they lock us and hold us back? Do we raise girls to be mothers and boys to be fathers, or to be human beings? Next session we’ll discuss about them./ It was a family tradition that they followed for over(den fazla) a century./ She says she likes conventions and wants to have a traditional wedding./ It’s a custom for visitors to bring gift for a new house. It’s called ‘housewarming gift’!/ It’s a custom for a bride to wear white gown and groom, black suit./ Did you receive the parcel? –No, it’s still in the customs, needs some paper work, you know./ She wore the Lady Gaga Halloween(cadılar bayramı) costumes. He wore the Superman’s./ Girl: I think I like Brooke Burke’s Catwoman costume. It looks great on her. Intention:/in.TEN.şın/ niyet, amaç, maksat || Intend:/in.TEND/ kastetmek, niyetinde olmak, amacınde olmak He didn’t have any bad intention. He just wanted to help./ A bear and a man were friends. One day the man was sleeping. The bear saw a fly was flying around the man’s face, bothering him. He wanted to help. So he took a big rock/stone and killed the fly. The thing is: He killed the man too! Good intentions are good, but they’re not enough/adequate. Wisdom and good intention should be together./ I didn’t intend to hurt you, I appologize. –Appology accepted. James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Perseverance:/p3r.sı.Vİı.rıns/ kalıcılık, azim, gayret, sebat, direşme, tahammül, ısrar Ernest Hemingway’s quote, ‘The world breaks everyone and afterward many are stronger in the broken places,’ is about perseverance./ It was only through our family perseverance that we now are proud to say we have the most fruitful vineyard in the country./ Perseverance is not long race; it is many short races one after another. –Walter Elliott/ Listen to this encouraging quote (=ünlü sözü) about perseverance by Napoleon Hill: Edison failed ten thousand (10,000) times before he made the electric light. Do not be discouraged if you fail a few times. Warning: /WA:’R.ning/ uyarı || Warn: /WA:’Rn/ uyarmak In the beggining of movies, you normally see a ‘Warning’./ My computer keeps showing ‘Warning! You’re in danger!’ sign. What should I do? –Oh, you should format your PC (=Personal Computer) and reinstall Windows. You know how? –Mmm. No. –Ok, let me help you with that./ I warned you, didn’t I? I told you she’s not our type, but you didn’t listen. Now what? What are you gonna do with the divorce hassle?

Precaution: /prı.KA:’.şın/ tedbir, önlem, ihtiyat, önceden alınan tedbir, güvenlik önlemleri || Precautious: /prı.KA:’.şıs/ tedbirli, önlemli [The spy calls another agent from a pay phone (umumi/ ankesörlü telefon)] Come downstairs. I’m right out the building. [After he comes, he asks]–Why didn’t you come to my apartment? –Precaution! Because of precaution!/ We were hiking in the mountain. In the middle of the way, it became windy and started snowing. As a precaution we decided to turn back./ On the elevator, it was written: For 3 Persons(=People)! It is because of precaution!/ Howard Ruff says, ‘It wasn’t raining when Noah/NO’.a:/ built the Ark (Hz.Nuh gemiyi yaptığınce yağmur gelmıyorsu).’ It means ‘Be precautious (Bu söz tedbirli ol demek).’ Anticipation:/şın/ önceden tahmin etme, tahmin edip ona göre davranma || Aticipate: /an.Tİ.si.peyt/ tahmin etmek, beklemek || Anticipated: /an.Tİ.si.pey.dıd/ umutla beklenen A firefighter: Being a firefighter is really stressful. You have this anticipation that how it looks like to face huge fire./ She anticipated that the exam will be very hard so she stayed up (uyar) all night, studying./ The construction progress is slower than anticipated./ After they said it will be rainy all day, I anticipated it and took an umbrella with me but there was no rain till night./ When a singer releases a new album to the market, he or she anticipates that it will hit the record./ The anticipated pregnant mom gave birth to (doğurdu) a healthy, happy boy. Conflict:/KA:’N.flikt/ çatışma, çelişki, anlaşmazlık, uyuşmazlık, fikir ayrılığı || Have conflict with/Be in conflict with: ile çatışmak, ile çetişmek, ile uyuşmamak, ile savaşmak Conflict cannot survive without your participation. –Wayne Dyer/ When she was younger, she had conflict with her mom. She wanted to buy a car, yet her mom was afraid she might have an accident./ He was in conflict with his father because he wanted to bring his friends home, but he (=his dad) wouldn’t let him to./ The two brothers had conflict for 10 years. When their father was in deathbed, he asked both of them to reconcile/make peace with (ile barışmak) each other. Now their relation is back in the saddle (=is back to normal), but they lost their dad. Contradiction:/ka:’n.trı.DİK.şın/(=Conflict) çatışma, çelişki, çelişme, tezat, tenakuz, aykırılık He says he likes his job but he always wants to quit. Isn’t it a bit of contradiction?/ What they say about peace and what they do to make war has huge contradiction./ Her entire poem is a big contradiction. Once she says he’s the best thing that ever happened to her, next she says she doesn’t trust him./ I’m good at drawing but my parents want me to be a doctor. There’s a contradiction between us. Criticism:/KRİ.di.sizım/ kusur bulma, tenkit, eleştiri || Criticize:/KRİ’yz/-de kusur bulmak,-i tenkit etmek, eleştirmek, olumsuz noktaları üzerinde durmak || Critic: /KRİ.dik/ 1. tenkitçi kimse, olumsuz noktalara duran kimse 2. eleştirman (movie critic: film eleştirman) || Critical: tenkitçi, kusur bulunan To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.[Our self-confidence lesson and it actually means: DO something, don’t be afraid.] –Elbert Hubbard/ Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you. –Zig Ziglar/ How do you handle criticism?/ Criticism is easy. That’s why most choose it./ Never criticize your child. Of course you can encourage them./ A non-doer is very often a critic –that is, someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing. It's easy to be a critic, but being a doer requires effort, risk, and change. –Dr. Wayne Dyer/ Roger Ebert is a famous American film critic./ [Pic] I am so critical. [>Easy to remember!<] Enthusiasm:/en.SU.zya.zım/(=Eagerness)şevk,heves,coşkunluk, istek || Enthusiastic: /en.SU.zi.yas.tik/ (=Eager) coşkulu, istekli, hevesli, meraklı If you’re not fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm. (Eğer ateş/bomba gibi hevesın yoksa, istekla kovulacaksınız.) –Vince Lombardi/ I play to win, whether during practice or a real game. And I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win. – Michael Jordan/ He explained the story with such enthusiasm that everybody was riveted./ I like your enthusiasm. It’s contagious! Everyone in the company is interested in work more than before./ Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. –Ralph Emerson/ He’s enthusiastic to learn English. It’s a precious gift. Exemption: /ig.ZEMP.şın/ muafiyet || Exempt (from)*: /ig.ZEMPt/ (-den) muaf olmak People with certain disability/dis.ı.Bİ.lı.di/(sakatlık/maluliyet) like blindness have military exemption./ This is the tax (vergi) exemption form for charitable organizations. In other words, charity organizations are exempted from tax. Closure: /kLO’.jır/ kapatma, sona erdirme || Disclosure: /dis.KLO’.jır/ açıklama, ifşa, ortaya çıkarma || (Just) full disclosure!: /-FUL-/ (Tam) açık konuşacağım!, [sırrımı] (tam) açıklayım! Lack of sale will bring this factory closure./ We won’t go down. I’m tired of discussing about the closure of the company. Let’s have a closure on this topic, shall we?/ Newspapers made a

disclosure of the corruptions in this company./ Listen. Just full disclosure, I’m not wearing wedding ring, but I’m married./ Just full disclosure, I’m not interested in the art gallery. I’m here to meet some people.

Perception:/pır.SEP.şın/algı, algılama, idrak, fark etme, anlayış, sezme, anlama According to, ‘perception’ is: A belief or opinion often held by many people and based on how things seem./ Mass media can definitely influence society’s perception./ If people’s perception about you in the office is that you’re ‘lazy’, and you want to change that (=change their perception), go and ask for some extra work!/ At this young age, she has a great perception (=idrak/basiret) of things happening around her!/ What we think, what we say, and what we do create this perception on people’s mind on who we are./ Cat Deeley: Being famous hasn’t changed my perception of myself –I’ve just grown up./ Customer’s perception is the reality of Starbucks, Burger King, McDonalds’, KFC, Coca Cola, Pepsi, and so. For example, how do you feel ‘before’ you go to Starbucks? ‘It’s awesome,’ you may say./ One of the reasons why some students like to sit in the front row of the class is because they want to create this perception that they want to be number one. Future prospects:/fYU.çır-pRA:’S.pıkts/ geleceğinin ihtimalları/ olasıkları [1] How do you see your future prospect? [2] Bright… oh yeah! [3] I see it dark!/ How’s the future prospect of this job? Do you think you can find a job in this field easily after graduation(mezuniyet)?/ Psychic lady: His future prospects are not so hot. Fraction: /fRAK.şın/ kesim, parça || Fracture: /fRAK.çır/ kırık, kırıklık, çatlak You can’t read a small fraction of a book and judge it. Read it to the end!/ Life is hardly a fraction of a second. Such a little time to prepare oneself for eternity. –Paul Gauguin/ Doctor to the boy’s parents: From the radiology film, I can see there is a fracture in his bone, right here, but it will be fine in two months.

SOME VERY VERBS Imply: /im.PLA:’y/ -e işaret etmek, ima etmek For my birthday, she bought me a haircolor removal (saç boyası). She was trying to imply that she didn’t like my gray hair(beyaz saçımı)./ Your headshot (baş kısmı fotoğraf) in the photo implies that you’re tall./ [Hitch (Türkçe: Aşk Doktoru)] [The girl angrily throws the coke to the guy’s face and leaves. The guy, surprisingly says] I just asked if it was diet! [Now Hitch (Will Smith) goes to him and says] Excuse me, by asking ‘If it was diet!’ she took it as you’re trying to imply that you thought she was fat. Go get a red rose, get a regular (=normal) coke, tell her she’s everything you never knew, you always wanted...[gives him his card] any problems, give me a call. Rephrase:/rif.RE’Yz/ (=Express the same message with different words) başka bir şekilde ifade etmek I’m sorry. I’m not quite sure if I follow(=understand) you. –I’m sorry, sir. I’m very bad at explaining things. Let me rephrase that./ You shouldn’t neglect the surprising effects of convenient communication in achieving your desires. –Uh, what do you exactly mean? –Ok, let me rephrase that. I mean if you ask the right people their feedback, you will succeed more in your business./ Am I clear? –I’m sorry, I don’t follow. Could you rephrase that please?/ I’m sorry, I rephrase my question. Cover: /KA:.vır/ örtmek,kaplamak || Cover (it) for me: 1. [ben yokken] işimi bakmak 2. [yanlış bir şey yaparken dikkat çekmektan] beni kurtarmak, örtbas etmek || Cover up: üzerine örtmek Knowledge is covered so human beings could discover it./ Man: How can I cover my gray hair(Beyaz saçlarımı nasıl kaplayabılırım)? –Have it colored (Boya yaptır)./ Ice cream seller: Hey, I’m gonna go pick up my daughter. Can you cover it for me? –Yea, sure./ [The Art Of Getting By(2011)] When Sally(Emma Roberts) is smoking alone on the campus, an inspector opens the door and asks loudly ‘Who’s smoking up here?’ and George brings out a cigarette, pretending that HE is smoking… to save Sally. Later, Sally comes to George and says: Hey. –Hey. –I’m Sally. –I know. –Thanks for covering for me. –Oh, no problem. –Why did you (=Why did you do that=Neden benim için bunu yaptı)?/ How can I cover up my tattoos? I don’t like them anymore./ Cover up the baby. It’s cold./ How many percent of women in your country are covered up(kapalı bayan)? Isaiah 49:15 [Lord says] Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! Forget:/for.GE’t/ (forget,forgot,forgotten) unutmak || Unforgetable:/a:n.fır.GE.dı.bıl/ unutulmaz [Pic] (lyrics of the soundtrack) Don’t you forget about me. (Sakın beni unutmayın.)/ Did you forget the keys?/ Why do I forget names?/ YOU nice Turkish people are unforgettable! 

Recall: /ri.KA:’l/ hatırlamak || Remember: /ri.MEM.bır/ hatırlamak || Recollect: pronunciation: /re.kı.LEKt/ hatırlamak As far as I recall, she wasn’t in that meeting. Why do you ask?/ [Pic] I know. I’m impossible to forget, but I’m hard to remember./ I don’t remember much of my childhood./ I saw her once but I always remember her pretty face. She’s an angel./ Please remember that Cezayır in English is Algeria/al.Cİ.ri.ya/ and Fas is Morocco /mo.RA:’.ko’/./ I can’t recollect the short story’s name but it’s written by Dostoevsky and it’s the story of a lonely dreamer. –White Nights? –Yes. That’s it (=İşte o). –Yeah, interesting short story. Remind (of): /ri.MA:YNd/ (-e) hatırlatmak || Remind someone of something: birini bir şeyi hatırlatmak Professor! Can you explain about the ‘child custody’ more? –Sorry, I’m in a hurry now. I should go. But remind me later, okay? –OK. Thanks./ She reminds me of my ex (eski kız arkadaş)./ Could you remind me of my meeting tomorrow? –Why don’t you put that into your mobile Reminder? –Oh, yeah! That’s a great idea. Decide (to): /di.SA:’Yd/ (-e) karar vermek || Decision: /di.Sİ.jın/ karar || Make a desicion: karar vermek The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: DECIDE what you want. –Ben Stein/ After 10 years of living in NYC, he decided to live in LA./ I just want you to know that your decision about having a baby is very important to me./ ‘Did you make up your mind?’ means ‘Did you decide?’/ More than anything else, I believe it’s our decisions, not the conditions of our lives, that determine our destiny. –Tony Robbins/ Look, I know it’s hard to make a decision! But after a month, you gotta give me an answer!/ [‘Decide’dan sonra fiil gelirse, ‘to’ ile geliyor.>They all went to the park but she decided to stay home and study.] Deserve: /di.Z3Rv/ hak etmek, layık olmak, müstahak olmak || You earned it!: (=You deserved it!) San bunu hak etti!, [emek harcadığın dolayı] Sana helal olsun! Your life shouldn’t be like that. You deserve a better life, man!/ Everybody deserves privacy. We should respect each other’s private life./ Father to his son: In a public place like in a restaurant or café/ka.FEY/, I wouldn’t be loud because people deserve some silence. I’d live and let live (=Yaşardım ve yaşamaye izin verirdim)./ Sometimes you have to forget what you want and remember what you DESERVE./ You tried very hard and you are happy now. You deserved this happiness(Bu mutluluğu hak ettın/ Bu mutlulk sana helal olsun)!/ You graduated? Wow. Congrats! You earned it!/ Enjoy your success! You’ve earned it! Dedicate (to):/DE.di.keyt/ -e ithaf etmek, -e adamak, -e takdim etmek || Dedication*: /de.di.KEY.şın/ ithaf As a nurse /N3Rs/, she has dedicated her life to disabled people./ There’s a splendid dedication inside the book: I dedicate this book to my best friend Grace who doesn’t struggle to be what she’s not, and taught me just because I am what I am, doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t change. With all the love, A. Devote (to): /di.VO’t/ (-e) adamak || Devotion*: /di.VO’.şın/ 1. sadakat, bağlılık 2. adama After his wife passed away, he devoted all his time to his daughter./ Devotion is a vital factor in every marriage./ She lived a life of devotion to homeless people. Newsboys – Devotion lyrics (great lyrics): All my world - All I've lost - The wrecks I've made here - The lives it cost - Your hand restores - Your words make whole - With all my soul - I thank You - I owe You - All my – Devotion - All that I have to give - Here's my devotion - You're all that it means to live - All my past - My tainted name - You stole it's legacy - Of pride and shame - You're all I love - You're all I fear - I'm drawing near - To face You - To know You - To show You – Devotion - All that I have to give - Here's my devotion - You're all that it means to live - You found me - In a shallow grave - You dragged me out from beneath it all - You healed me - Saved me - In the nick of time - Your perfect time - You found me (found me) - In a shallow grave (in a shallow grave) - You called me out from beneath it all - You touched me (touched me) - Saved me (saved me) - In the nick of time - In Your perfect time - I devote all I have to You - I devote all that You've made new - All You restored that day You bled - All that You brought back from the dead - Devotion (You're all...) - You're all that I have to give - You're all that it means to live - Here's my devotion, my devotion All that it means to live (You're all that it means to live) - My Lord - My devotion Vote (for): /VO’t/ oy, (için) oy vermek, değerlendirmeye geçmek || Take a vote: oylama yapmak || Election: pronunciation:/i.LEK.şın/ seçim [Pic] Oh, I can’t believe Blair won. –Yeah, who even voted for her? – Me*. About 150 times./ Millions of people gave their votes today to see who the next president of the United States will be./ Who did you vote for?/ [In the meeting] Well, as I see, there are a lot of controversies about having a new highway through the forrest. Shall we take a vote?/ [1] Ok, ok. Calm down, guys. So you say the best soccer player of all times is Ronaldinho? [2] Yes! Definitely. [3] No. I think it’s Pele. [4] But I haven’t watched any of Pele’s games. [5] Cristiano Ronaldo. [6] I say Messi is the best. [7] Totti. He’s the best. [8] Henrik Larson. [9] Ryan Giggs. [10] What? You guys must be kidding. How about Miroslav Klose? He’s number one. [2/6/7] No, he’s not. [1] All right, fine. Let’s take a vote, huh? What do you all say?/ Who do you think will win in the new presidential election? [*Önemli gramer] Own: /O’Wn/ (=Have=Possess/pı.ZES/) sahip olmak [Pic] The things you own end up owning you. (Sahip olduğun şeyler, sonunda seni sahip olacak.) [WOW]/ He owns a decent /Dİ’.sınt/(sosyal bakışda uygun) car and a small house. He’s content(kanaatkar ve mutlu) with

them./ Don’t speak to me like that. You don’t own me! [On my/your/his/her/our/their own: kendi başıma/başına/..., yanlız: Are you living on your own, or with your parents? || Owe: borçlu olmak> I owe you an apology!/ Do I owe you money? –Yea, you borrowed 200 bucks last month. >FINANCE<bakin.] We run to Your throne where we belong - Every heart will sing that Jesus is Lord – Hillsong United Belong (to/with):/bi.LA:’Ng/(birine)ait olmak [NOT It is belong to../NOT You are belong to..] I assume this briefcase belongs to you, sir. –Oh, yes. I forgot! How can I thank you enough? You saved my life. [NOTTT…this briefcase is belong to you…>’Belong’ is a VERB.]/ Who does this book belong to? –Why don’t you look at the name written inside?/ Taylor Swift has a song named ‘You Belong With Me.’/ [Pic] I love you. You belong to me. –No. People don’t belong to people. –Of course they do. Hillsong United – Where We Belong lyrics: (all Hillsong videos are amazing and are highly recommended to watch) There is no height or depth - Neither life nor death - Can take me from all that I find - Here now in Your glory Lord - No others powers or love - The things of now or to come – There’s nothing on earth in this life - That could ever separate us Lord - Your love is never ending - To Your hands we surrender - Where all our sins are washed away - Your grace beyond reason - Has paid for our freedom – We’re made alive in You - We run to Your throne where we belong - Every heart will sing that Jesus is Lord - Casting all else aside for the joy of our Christ - Let Your glory fall, our hearts are filled with Your fire - No others powers or love - The things of now or to come – There’s nothing on earth in this life - That could ever separate us Lord - Your love is never ending - To Your hands we surrender - Where all our sins are washed away - Your grace beyond reason - Has paid for our freedom – We’re made alive in You - We run to Your throne where we belong - Every heart will sing that Jesus is Lord - Casting all else aside for the joy of our Christ - Let Your glory fall, our hearts are filled with Your fire - There is none like You - Your love is never ending To Your hands we surrender - Where all our sins are washed away - Your grace beyond reason - Has paid for our freedom – We’re made alive in You - We run to Your throne where we belong - Every heart will sing that Jesus is Lord - Casting all else aside for the joy of our Christ - Let Your glory fall, our hearts are filled with Your fire - We run to Your throne where we belong - Every heart will sing that Jesus is Lord - Casting all else aside for the joy of our Christ - Let Your glory fall, our hearts are filled with Your fire Depend (on): /di.PENd/ 1. (-e) bağlamak, (-e göre) değişmek [NOTTT It is depend on..] 2. (on) –e güvenmek What’s your favorite color? –It depends(Değişiyor). For the wall, black. For the car, red. For the clothes, blue and white./ So will you join us next week? –It depends on my situation. Let’s see(Bakacağim)!/ 2. Who can you depend on? Defend: /di.FEND/ savunmak || Defense: savunma At that time, Turkish army built Ankara Castle to defend any possible attack, although there was no war in there./ I defend (=advocate) my idea. I still believe we should have some planting (=ağaç dikmek) program for schools so children would learn how to plant a seedling (=fide)./ Ministry of Defense means ‘Savunma Bakanlığı’./ [Advocate: 1.bir fikiri savunmak2.avukat>LAW<bakın] Psalm 118:14 The LORD is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. Send: /SENd/ (send, sent, sent) göndermek || Receive: /ri.Sİ’v/ almak I sent you* an email yesterday. Did you receive it? [Bazı fiiller iki nesne alıyorlar): Give>Give me the book. Buy> I bought her flowers. Sell> She sold him the car. Write> Write us a letter sometime. Show: He showed them the house. Bunları şöylede söyleyebilir siniz: Give the book to me. I bought flowers to her. She sold the car to him. Write a letter to us sometime. He showed the house to them.] Involve:/in.VA:’Lv/1.(=Contain) içermek, kapsamak, ihtiva etmek 2. (Be involved in) ile meşgul olmak, ile uğraşmak, -e karışmak This book involves(contains) a series of facts about greatest revolutions of all times./ So what is your sister doing? –Oh, Celine? Well, she’s pretty involved in some peace-making activities. She’s very determined./ This is between you and Tess. I don’t wanna be involved in this. (=I stay away from this.= I’m out of this. =Ben karışmam!) Suffer (from): /SA:.fır/ (-dan) acı çekmek There are children in this world suffering from hunger and pain. What do you think we can do for them?/ Think about this: While we have clusters of drug (ilaç) in our fridge, in other parts of the world, people are suffering in pain and don’t even have their basic medication (ilaç). Maybe the best is to hand these drugs to the Red Cross (Kızılhaç)./ Dr. Robert Anthony: When it becomes more difficult to suffer than to change… you will change. Blame: /bLEYm/ suçu (birinin) üstüne atmak, suçlamak, ayıplamak I don’t blame you for breaking my heart. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have been friends with you in the first place (çok daha önce/baştan)./ Why are you blaming me? HE broke the computer! HE is to blame!/ [Dad to his daughter who failed in the competition] Don’t blame yourself, honey. It wasn’t your fault.

Beg:/BEG/ -den yalvarmak, -den dilenmek, -den çok istemek, -den rica etmek || Beggar*: /BE.gır/ dilenci Don’t leave me, I’m begging you./ [She hangs up, he calls again] Please. I beg you to listen to me for 5 minutes. [She hangs up again!]/ I’m not begging you to stay but I wish you wouldn’t have to go away./ Can we have a country of no beggars?/ She begged for help. Plead:/pLİ’d/(plead,pleaded/pled,pleaded/pled)1.[acıl durumda/kalpdan] yalvarmak/ rica etmek His father had an illness(hastalık) and he begged God for his father’s health. He pleaded./ The crying mother with a dying child pleaded for help. [Plead guilty to...: -nın suçu kabul etmek >He pled guilty to assault(saldırı). >LAW<bakin.] 1 John 4:4 Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world! Believers carry God inside them! Carry: /KA’.ri/ taşınmak A forklift can carry heavy things. It’s used in supermarkets, stationary stores, etc./ Chris De Burgh, Carry Me lyrics: Carry me like a fire in your heart. Sub* someone for someone:/SA:B--/ birini başka birinin yerinde koymak/çalıştırmak Our new model didn’t show up, so we’re gonna sub you for her, are you ready for this big opportunity? –Oh my gosh, are you serious? Of course I’m ready. [Sub*: 1.substitute2.subtitle(altıyazı)] Trap: /tRA’p/ tuzakta tutmak, tuzağa düşürmek, tuzak || Trapped*: /tRA’Pt/ tuzağa/pusuya düşmüş The enemy trapped us, but our fellas came and rescued us./ Life traps you when you expect the least. That’s why you need a Friend./ He didn’t want to marry but he was kinda trapped./ Tomorrow is a trap. –Napoleon Hill/ Do you know how to set a trap for birds?/ [Pic] People do stupid things when they’re trying to act like they’re not trapped. (İnsanlar tuzağa düşmemiş gibi davranmayı deneğınce, aptal şeyler yaparlar.) Matthew 7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Manage: /MA.nıc/ idare etmek, yönetmek, -i ebilmek || I manage!: Idare ediyorum! || Lead: /Lİ’d/ öncülük etmek, yol göstermöek || Lead to: -ile sonuçlamak How do you manage three children? I have one and I can’t! –If you have faith, anything can be managed./ What the lion cannot manage to do, the fox can. –German Proverb/ [Christmas Angel] So how you doing these day? =Uh, I manage!/ If you can’t follow, you can’t lead. –Anonymous/ We need someone to lead the tour. = We need a tour leader./ Too much watching TV can lead to depression, researchers say. I heard them singing when the day was done - Singing to the Holy One - Lead me on, lead me on - To the place where the river runs into Your keeping –Bethany Dillon Lean (on): /Lİ’n-a:’n/ (-e) yaslanmak Sign on the subway train door: Danger! Don’t lean on the door. (=Tehlike! Kapılara yaslanmayın!]/ The two lovers were leaning on each other./ Michael Bolton: Lean on me – When you’re not strong – I’ll be your friend – To carry on. [Loan/LO’n/ borç(ödünç) vermek >FINANCE<bakın] Share: /ŞE’r//NOTTTT ŞEYr/ 1. paylaşmak 2. hisse My idea of heaven is a great big baked potato and someone to share it with! –Oprah Winfrey/ They say an only child(tek çocuk) doesn’t learn to share anything with others. Do you agree with that?/ Sometimes you like a video and you share it on Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks./ Do you know how I can buy and sell shares? –Is your English good? –Yeah! –Ok, go to, and type: How To Buy Shares! [winks] –Gotcha! Spill:/sPİL/ 1.[kazara] dökmek 2.[=Spill something out)(=Tell everything)[bir sırrı] ağzınden çıkarmak/ ifşa etmek/açığa vurmak, her şeyi söylemek My husband spilled the wine on the carpet. How can I clean it?/ Where is my coffee? –I’m so sorry, your coffee spilled. Please have mine!/ I spilled the soda on her skirt and I blushed/bLA:Şt/(yüzüm kızarttı)./ He spilled the red lentils(kırmızı mercimekler) all over the floor./ In the movie Back-up Plan, Zoe and her friend Mona met Stan. Now as Zoe goes to her pet store, the salesgirl asks: ‘Ok, spill it. Who is he, what does he do, how do we know him?’ Zoe with a surprise asks: ‘Who?’ Salesgirl: ‘Stan from the farmer’s market. He’s called twice already.’ Zoe, getting what has happened, chuckles and says: ‘I’m gonna kill Mona!’/ Come on! Spill! What happened? I wanna know all the story. [Split: (bir masrafı) bölmek, paylaşmak>Guys! We split it. || Split up: (=Break up) (ilişki) ayrılmak>We split up last week.] Pour: /PO’r/[çay/kahve/…] dökmek[>doldurmak anlamında] Do I pour you some tea? –Yeah, that would be nice./ I pour you some coffee. –Thanks! Happen: /HA’.pın/ olmak=olay olmak, meydana gelmek If you spend 80% of your time focusing on the problem and only 20% on the solution, what do you think is going to happen?/ A lot of things happen in this neighborhood everyday(Bu mahallede her gün bir süre olayler oluyor)./ If you want good things, you should try to make good things happen!/ Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. –John Lennon/ It’s not what happens to you; it’s what YOU DO with what happens to you. –Wilson Mitchel/ [Pic] Anything can happen. (Her şey / her olay olabilir / Her şey olmayı ihtimalı var.) [DİKKAT: ‘Anything’ olumlu cümlede yani ‘HER ŞEY’.]

Nothing bad’s gonna happen. You gotta have a little faith. –August Rush (the movie) Happen again: /-ı.GEN/ [bir olay olmayı] tekrarlamak You left the stove on(Sen fırını açık mı bıraktı)? It’s dangerous. Don’t let it happen again (Tekrar olmazsın)! What’s going on (in) here?=What’s happening (in) here?: Burada neler oluyor? What’s going on in here? Who are these guys? –Relax. These’re my friends. We’re practicing our school play. –Oh! Make something happen: bir şeyi gerçekleştirmek, bie şeyin gerçekleştirmeye çalışmak There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen. –James Lovell/ The dreamer guy: I want all good things happen to me! –So MAKE them happen to you!! [Kendini gerçekleştirmek: prove yourself>They say you can’t? So DO it. You need to prove yourself.] Occur: pronunciation:/ı.K3R/ (=Happen) olmak, meydana gelmek Has it ever occured to you (=Hiç oldumu) that you wanted to spend the entire day in bed? Today is one of those days for me!/ Do you know how lightning/LA:YT.ning/(=yıldırım/şimşek), thunder /SA:N.dır/ (=gök gürlemesi), earthquake/3RS.koeyk/(=deprem), storm /sTO’Rm/ (=fırtına), and hurricane/’yn/(=kasırga) occur?/ Has it ever occured to you (=Hiç aklına geldin mi) that I might need that shirt? Why did you throw it away?/ [Pic] When and where does this ‘real world’ occur? (Bu ‘gerçek dünya’ ne zaman ve nerede meydana geliyor?) Take place: /TEYK.pleys/ (=Happen) [olay] olmak, meydana gelmek, (in) –de/da geçmek The 2010 Toyota Desert Race took place in Botswana./ The Eurovision Contest takes place once a year in a* European /yu.rı.Pİ.yın/ country. [European ‘E’ ile başlıyor fakat onun okunuş /yu/ iledir, o yüzden biz ‘an’ değil, ‘a’ kullanıyoruz.> She’s from Europe.] Escape: /ıs.KEYp/ kaçmak, firar etmek Did you watch the movie The Shawshank Redemption? I like the way Andy Dufresne (Tim Robins) escapes from the jail/CEYL/(=prison)./ You can’t escape your destiny (kısmet/kader/talih). It’s something that you just can’t. Regret:/rig.RET/ pişman olmak, teessüf etmek, üzülmek, hasret olmak, pişmanlık You will regret more from the things that you didn’t do than the things that you did./ Sakıp Sabancı: İnsan ölürken yaptıklarına değil, yapamadıklarına pişman olurmuş (When a person is dying, it’s not the things he did that he regrets, it’s the things he didn’t do). [So DO speak English.]/ People so seldom say I love you until it’s too late or love goes away. So when I tell you I love you, it doesn’t mean that I know you’ll never go and I’ll never regret. Just that I wish you didn’t have to./ She was almost crying saying, ‘The biggest regret of my life is dropping out of college. Now I’m married with children and it’s hard.’ [Drop out: (college/course/high school…) bırakmak, çıkmak, terk etmek, ayrılmak] Apologize (for something): /ı.PA:’.lı.ca:yz/ (bir şey için) özür dilemek || Apologize to someone: birinden özür dilemek || Apology*:/ı.PA:’.lı.ci/ özür [Apologies:/ı.PA:’.lı.ciz/ özürler] || My apology!*/My apologies!: Özür dilerim! [Cevap: Apology accepted!/Accepted!] || I owe you an apology!: Bir özür dilemek sana borçluyum! The best way to have the last word is to apologize. (Kavganın son sözü geçmenın en iyi yol, özür dilemektir.)–Anonymous/ Randy Pausch, Ph.D. says: A proper apology has three parts: ‘1. I’m sorry. 2. It’s my fault. 3. How can I make it right. Most people skip part ‘3’ which is the most important one!’/ [A friend comes to her house, she says] I apologize for the mess. I wasn’t expecting a company (misafir)./ I really apologize for being late again. –[Chuckles] No problem. Have a seat (Otur)./ You ruined my marriage. What do you have to apologize for(Özür dilemek için ne sahipsin ki/ne kaldı ki/nasıl telafi edeceksin ki)?/ You broke my Mobil Modem. You wanna apologize to me?/ I apologize to you for breaking down your car./ Apologizing doesn’t mean you’re right or wrong. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego. –Anonymous/ I didn’t mean to hurt you. I hope you accept my apologies, baby./ Coach: I promised to win but we lost the match. My appology to all the soccer fans./ I didn’t have the right to do that. My apology! –Apology accepted./ Uh Sara, I really owe you an apology. I’m sorry about my son’s behavior. –Apology accepted. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Forgive: /fır.GİV/ (forgive, forgave, forgiven) affetmek || Forgiveness: /fır.GİV.nıs/ affetme Ever listened to Bryan Adams’ song ‘Please Forgive Me’?/ How can you expect others to forgive you when you can’t forgive yourself?/ Everyday, look in the mirror and forgive yourself for the mistakes you made the day before./ The beauty of life is when you learn how to forgive and forget./ Forgiveness is a necessary step to inner-peace and happiness./ Jesus willingly accepted to be crucified to ‘forgive’ us!

[Amish Grace] Forgiveness comes from an open heart. And it comes without condition, or it does not come at all. Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

[For when you are ready.] LORD, I thank You for Your love and Your mercy. Thank You, LORD, for the Word that has reached my heart today. Father, I ask Your forgiveness. Forgive me. Wash me with Your precious blood. Write my name in the Book of Life. Accept me as Your child, LORD. Right now, I forgive anyone I haven’t been able to forgive. I renounce to my lack of forgiveness. I renounce everything that has hindered Your flow, and I ask You to transform me and to fill me with Your presence every day. Thank You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Distract:/dis.TRA’Kt/ konsantresını bozmak, dikkatini dağıtmak, dikkatini başka yöne çekmek Don’t distract me. I’m trying to study my lessons./ Oops! This fly is distracting me. [Extract: çıkarmak> Do you know how they extract oil from the ground?] Stereotype: /sTE.ri.yı.ta:yp/ kalıplaşmış yargı(lamak), stereotip (klişesi yapmak) I don’t think we have the right (=hak) to evaluate (=değerlendirmek) people based on their stereotype./ ‘I’m rich so I must be a snob,’ is a stereotype and wrong./ We stereotype if we say: Men breadwinners, women housewives./ If someone dresses unusual ways or dye their hair crazy colors, people stereotype that he or she must be looking for attention. Grind:/gRA:YNd/(grind,ground/gRAWNd/,ground) 1.[=Rub] sürtünmek 2.(kıyma makinesinde /mutfak robotunda et,sebze) çekmek, öğütmek, dövmek || Ground meat: kıyma || Ground: /gRAWNd/ zemin, yer, yerin yüzü || You’re grounded!:[ev kapatılma cezası olarak] Cezalısın, Evden çıkmayacaksın! It was cold. He rubbed his hands against each other to make himself warm./ We grind coffee in the grinder /gRA:YN.dır/(değirmen)./ Oliver Goldsmith once said, ‘Laws grind (parçaparçalanıyor=eziyor) the poor, and rich men rule the law.’ Do you agree with that?/ [Man to the butcher] 4 lbs(okunuş:pounds/PAWNDz/) of ground(minced) meat please. –Sure./ Do you know how they extract/get (=çıkarmak) oil (=Türkçe:petrol) from the ground?/ Before she learnt how to ride a horse, she had fallen to the ground (yere düşmüş) like ten twenty times./ When a parent says ‘You’re grounded!’ to their child, it means the child is punished ’cause they got bad score at school or did something wrong, so they can’t go out of the house except to school./ Mom: ‘You failed again? Your dad will kill you!’ [Two hours later, her dad comes home mad(kızgın) and says] You’re grounded for two weeks, you hear me? Give me your phone! You better stick to your homework! –Dad! But... –Don’t ‘Dad! But…’ me! Go to your room!/ Middle school kid to his friend: What should I do when I’m grounded? –Don’t know..(looks at his shoes)… you can clean your shoes! [Floor: yapılmış yer yüzü> The guests are coming. I do the dishes, you mop the floor.] Goof around:/GU’F.ı.rawnd/ oyalanmak, maskaralık etmek, şaka yapmak || Goof*: /GU’F/ abtalca bir hata Oh come on! Don’t be offended (=Alınma). She’s goofing around./ She brought salt instead of sugar. It was a goof. Show: /ŞO’/ göstermek || Show off:/ŞO’.a:f/ gösteriş yapmak, hava atmak, gururla göstermek, tribünlere oynamak, fiyaka yapmak || Show-off: fiyaka, gösterişçi [Pic] Show me which constellations you know(Bana göster hangi takımyıldızları tanıyorsun). [>BE GOOD AT GUESS. What does the character do NEXT?<]/ He brought his Mercedes/mır.SEY.di’z/ to show off!/ These rich people are a bunch of show-offs! –Why? Are you jealous? [Show: göstermek> Show me that you love me.|| Show up: gelmek> I’m sorry my husband couldn’t show up for your birthday party. He’s out of town.] [S/He showed me around: Etrafı bana gezdirdi.] John 14:21-24 Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, “Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?” Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me. Manifest:/ açıkça göstermek, belli etmek Ultimately, the two celebrities manifested their secret love./ The cowboy manifested his revenge by stealing a number of his rival’s horses./ How does cancer manifest itself?/ [Showing the book] Have you read Wayne Dyer’s ‘Manifest Your Destiny’? We are living at a time that we need demonstration of God’s power, not just excellency of speech. I am no special man. The purpose of miracle is to win the lost. –Mel Bond (the man who learned to pray with his whole heart and works miracles in Mighty JESUS’ name, the Name above all names, the most lovely and powerful name in all eternity) Brag (about):/bRA’g-ı.bawt/-den övünerek bahsetmek, övünmek, böbürlenmek, kendini methetmek Oh come on. Don’t brag about yourself! I did this and I did that (Bunu yaptım, şunu yaptım)!/ He’s a great guy. He did a lot of good jobs but he never brags about himself./ She said, ‘I don’t want to brag about myself but I have done a lot of work for charity organizations (hayır derneğiler) in this city.’ [Beg: yalvarmak/yalvarmak/-den rica etmek]

Drag: /dRA’g/ [zorla] sürümek, sürünmek, sürüklenmek [Mad (kızgın) man] Come outside or I’ll drag you out, you hear me?/ Sorry, man. I dragged you into this trouble. –Oh, no prob. I’d like to help. –Thanks. You’re like my brother./ Don’t drag the couch. Pick it up. Pick it up. Uh-huh, good!/ They dragged the boat on the sand to the sea./ Have you listened to Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty singing ‘Stop Draggin My Heart Around’? Drift away: [bir etkisiyle bir yerden etrafa yavaş yavaş] gitmek/ taşımak /ilerlemek /sürüklenmek There was no job in the village so people drifted away in twos and threes./ After the concert, everyone drifted away. Obtain: /ıb.TEYn/ elde etmek, ele geçirmek, sağlamak, almak, edinmek The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them. –Sir William Bragg Project: /prı.CEKt/ göstermelik yapmak || Projection: /prı.CEK.şın/ göstermelik Some people project this image of perfect couple, while it’s clearly a lie. They laugh around and kiss when others are looking at them, but have the worst fight back at home!/ The girl has been with him for 4 years now, but still doesn’t know if she really loves him. She projects to love him yet has an eye on finding a better guy!/ The warden in Shawshank Redemption puts religious projection into everything but he is a fake(sahte). Matthew 7:21 says: ‘‘Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.’’ [Project: pronunciation /pRA:’.cekt/ proje>This is our new project.] Pose as: /PO’ as) kendine … süsü vermek || Pose for: için poz vermek He posed as a millionaire to sweep the girl off his feet (Kızı kendini aşık etmek için kendini milyoner süsü verdi)./ He was Frank’s worst enemy, posing as his best friend./ Brazilian top model Alessandra Ambrosio posed for Victoria’s Secret photo shoot. Pretend:/pri.TEND/(=Act like=Act as if) -miş gibi davranmak, …numarası yapmak [Pic] What do you do for living? –Why? So you could pretend like you’re interested? (Ne iş yapıyorsun?/ Hayatı nasıl kazanıyorsun? –Niye sordun? İlgilensin gibi davranabilmek için sordun mu?)/ When the police officer asked her where she found the money, she pretended she didn’t know (=bilmiyormuş gibi davrandı)./ Sometimes your seatmate in the plane is a talkative grouch. So the best thing to do is to pretend to sleep (=uyku numarası yapmak)!/ Don’t you lie down (=Sakın yatma) pretending to be sick. C’mon, lazy boy! You gotta go to school. [Act (as if): (senki) -miş gibi davranmak,numara yapmak>Why do you act? If you don’t want to be my friend, say it. I can take it.>He acted as if he was sleeping.] [Fake: numarası yapmak>As she came into the office, she faked a smile.]

Job 41:11 [The LORD says] Who has a claim against Me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to Me. Claim: /kLEYm/ 1. iddia etmek, iddia 2. hak talep etmek, istemek || Proclaim: /pro’k.LEYm/ [resmi] (=Announce publicly) her kese bildirmek/ilan etmek/haber vermek 1. Chaim doesn’t claim to be good at business. Chaim is good at business. [‘is’ vurgulu]/ 1. [Factory floor manager (kat müdürü)] He claims that you stole his golden bracelet /bREYS.lıt/ (bilezik). I wanna check all the lockers./ 1. [One of SSA/ Security Administration (Türkiye’de SGK gibi: Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu) staff (=personnels) to the man] If you have been out of job for 6 months, you’re gonna have to claim for unemployment insurance benefit./ 1. It’s just a claim. It hasn’t been proved yet./ 2. I think as a citizen, you should always claim your rights./ When was Atatürk proclaimed President of Turkey?/ I am proud to proclaim the Words of God. Ezekiel 33:7-9 Whenever you hear a word from My mouth, you shall give them warning from Me. If I say to the wicked, O wicked one, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked person shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, that person shall die in his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul.

1 Chronicles 16:23 Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim His salvation day after day. Describe: /dis.KRA:Yb/ [nasıl göründüğünü] tarif etmek, anlatmak, betimlemek, tanımlamak, tasvir etmek So you went to Balıkesir? –Yeah. –I wonder. Can you describe how it looks like? Is it big, small, clean, crowded, quiet, how is it?/ [Pic] Describe your perfect date. (Mükemmel çıkmak arkadaşın nasıl göreceğını tarif et.= Mükemmel buluşman neyi benziyor?) Invent: /in.VENt/ icat etmek || Invention: /in.VEN.şın/ buluş, icat Do you know who invented the computer and how?/ These guys are trying to invent a new genre /JA:’N.rı/ in music./ Listen to this: You invent yourself! –Wow. This is big!/ Graham Bell tried hard for the invention of the telephone. We use it easily!/ Accidentally invention of penicillin by Alexander Fleming revolutionized (=devirdi) all medicine/ME.dı.sın/(=tıp). [Intention: niyet>All that counts in life is intention. –Andrea Bocelli]

Melt: /MELt/ erimek, eritmek The ice cream was melting under the sun./ She loves him so much that whenever she looks at him, her heart melts./ It melts her heart to watch her daughter sleeping. It’s so innocent and magnificent./ Fear melts when you take action towards a goal you really want. –Robert G. Allen [Christmas Angel] The reason she won’t look at you is she’s afraid if she does, she’d melt. Gush out: /GA:Ş.awt/ fışkırmak When he slaughtered the lamb, blood gushed out all over the place.

Rumble: /RA:M.bıl/ [devamlı ve hafifçe] gürültü, gümbürtü, gümbürdemek || Ramble (about): /RAM.bıl/ (-hakkında) abuk sabuk konuşmak, ipsiz sapsız konuşmak || Mumble: /MA:M.bıl/ mırıldamak, dili dolaşmak, ağzından gevelemek, anlaşılmaz şeyler söylemek According to, to ‘rumble’ means to ‘make a continuous low sound’./ He didn’t have any meal for 10 hours so his stomach was rumbling./ I like the way your car rumbles!/ How do you explain your kids that when thunder rumbles, it’s not dangerous?/ Talking a lot in a confused way means rambling./ Remember what I said? In a job interview, when the interviewer asks you a question, do NOT ramble. That being said(Demek şu ki)… stick(da dur/yapış) to the answer of the question./ [Walmart and P&G family movie ‘A Walk In My Shoes’] The man in the restaurant to the waiteress: ‘‘And you know, I wanted to thank you for the other day, you know when you let me ramble on and on about…[doesn’t finish his sentence because she knows]…, you know. You have no idea what it meant to me that you would, you know, just listen.’’ The waiteress: ‘‘Any time!’’/ [Eat Pray Love] Liz (Julia Roberts): I never listen, I never have. My mom used to call me Little Miss Chatty Cathy because I just ramble. I am a rambler!/ After the accident, when he was in the hospital, he mumbled all sorts of weird stuffs(bir süre acayip şeyler)!/ Alman Brothers Band sang a country song ‘Ramblin’ man’. Come to an end:/KA:’ (=End) sonuna gelmek || Finish: /Fİ.niş/ bitirmek They say all good things come to an end, but I don’t agree because real good things are eternal./ Our discussion came to an end after 2 hours./ The festival came to an amazing end on Sunday./ Our program came to an end. I hope you enjoyed. See you next week./ As soon as I finish this due, I’ll go home./ When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. [double-meaning.] –Benjamin Franklin Plug it in/into: / fişi prize sokmak || Unplug it: /a:n.pLA:G/ [fişi] prizden çekmek [Referring to the plug(fiş)] Can I plug it in? –Sure. There’s a socket /SA:’.kıt/(priz/duy) over there./ Plug the earphones into the laptop. Enjoy watching movie privately./ [Sniff Sniff] What’s the smell? –Oh the electric kettle. There’s no water inside. Don’t touch it. It’s hot. Unplug it./ He always unplugs the TV and electrical devices after using them. Torture: /TO’R.çır/ işkence, işkence etmek/yapmak The liberal journalist was tortured./ Turtleneck (balıkçı yaka) sweatshirt in the summer? –It’s new fashion. –It’s not fashion, it’s torturing yourself. Suspend: /sus.PE’Nd/ asmak, (geçici yada tamamen>)durdurmak News anchor: All flights have been suspended due to the snowstorm./ The workers suspended the strike (=grev) after 20 days./ Headline: White House to Suspend Arctic Oil Drilling –CBS News Postpone (to):/post.PO’N/ (-e) ertelemek/rötar* etmek We had a meeting on Thursday but he called and postponed it to Friday./ The match has been postponed to Sunday because of bad weather./ The manager hasn’t arrived from Toronto/to.RA:’ yet. We need to postpone the opening of the gallery to a week later./ Baby, we have to postpone the wedding ’cause my dad is not in a good condition. He’s in the hospital. –Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s go and visit him, honey./ [New boss to the secretary] I want you to postpone/push the meeting to tomorrow and call the chief editor to come to my office./ Tarkan’s concert in Arena Ankara was postponed from 6th to 9th of November, 2010. [The flight has been delayed.> Uçuş rötar oldu/ ertelendı. >Genelde uçuş ertelemek için DELAY geliyor.<] Call off: (=Cancel) –e iptal etmek We decided to get married in the summer but I think I want to call it off. I’m stressed out./ Boss: Samantha! I want you to tell everyone that today’s meeting’s been called off./ Cancel my appointment(Randevumu iptal et = Call off my appointment). Perpetuate:/pır.PE.çu.eyt/ebedileştirmek,daimi hale getirmek,devam/idame ettirmek,sürdürmek || Perpetually:/pır.PE.ç sürekli olarak, daima If we always perpetuate one kind of system, we will never make a progress./ We have a lot of hopes and dreams. How can we perpetuate them?/ Can two people love each other perpetually?

Skip:/sKİP/ -i atlayarak geçmek, (bir konudan başka bir konuya) geçmek, kaçıp gitmek I don’t wanna talk about it. Let’s just skip the topic, shall we?/ Skip this part of the book and go to the next chapter. Now read it./ Why did he skip the class today? (=Niye bugün derse kaçıp gitti?) [Skip means ‘hoplaya zıplaya yürümek’. –Kangaroos skip.] Measure:/ME.jır/ ölçmek, ölçüsünü almak, ölçü, önlem Let’s measure the length and the width of the floor for the parquet /pa:r.KEY/(parke). –Okay. It’s 5 meters long and 3 meters wide./ You can’t measure the pain of the hungry, unless you were once hungry too./ Your will(irade) is your measure. Evaluate: /i.VA.lyu.eyt/ değerlendirmek || Evaluation: /şın/ değerlendirme || Evacuate: [bir yere acıl bir durumda] boşaltmak || Evacuation: [bir yere acıl bir durumda] boşaltma Can you dear reader evaluate Tony Robbins’ Live Event Sample Clip? It says: ‘‘Now I am the voice. I will lead, not follow. I will believe, not doubt. I will create, not destroy. I am a force for good. I am a force for God(Ben Tanrı için bir askerim/Tanrı’nın hizmetinde bir gücüm). I am a leader. Defy the odds(İhtimallari karşı gel/koy). Set a new standard. Step up!’’/ Acun bey: ‘‘Let’s vote. = Let’s get to the evaluation (Değerlendirmeye geçelim). Ali bey?’’ Ali: ‘‘I say NO!’’ [The audience: Awww!!] Acun bey: ‘‘Hülya?’’ Hülya hanım: ‘‘I say YES!’’ [Audience applauses!!]/ Because of fire in the next building, all people of this building evacuated(cleared) this building./ Wiki: Emergency evacuation is rapid movement of people away from the threat or hazard. Prove: /PRU’v/ kanıtlamak, ispatetmek || Prove (something to) myself/yourself...: (bir şeyi) kendimi/ kendini gerçekleştirmek || Prove someone wrong: birinin yanlış düşündüğünü onu ispat etmek, birinin yanlış düşündüğünü gerçekleştirmekten sonra onu knıtlamak || Proof: /PRU’f/ kanıt, delil Julia Roberts in Eat Pray Love says, ‘I don’t need to love you to prove that I love myself!’ Interesting!/ Before you started this book, you thought you couldn’t learn English? Now you’re proving yourself!/ She says, ‘I though I couldn’t do it but I dared, started, and did it. I now proved it to myself that I can.’/ They said he COULDN’T do it but he DID. So he proved them wrong./ You think I CAN’T? OK. WATCH me! I’ll PROVE YOU WRONG!!/ The guy had no solid proof to accuse her. Progress:/isim:pRA:’G.rıs//fiil: prıg.RE’s/(=Make progress)gelişmek,gelişme,ilerlemek,ilerleme || Develop: /di.VE.lıp/ geliştirmek, gelişmek || Development: /di.VE.lıp.mınt/ geliştirme, gelişme, gelişim The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance(bolluk) of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. –Frankin D. Roosevelt/ [What Happens In Vegas] Marriage counselor to the couple: Good! You’re making progress!/ Turkey is developing, especially in tourism./ We develop: mind, memory, skills, strategy, idea, career, factory, school, business, store, and country; so imagine I have a business idea and I want to develop it. What do I need to do first?/ Fear is a dark room where negatives(1.olumsuzler2.fotoğrafçılık negatifler) develop. –Anonymous/ People who only think of themselves are so stuck they cannot develop./ We have two kinds of countries in the world now: Developed countries and Developing countries (gelişmiş ülkeler ve gelişen ülkeler)./ The development of this country is in direct proportion to its EDUCATION. [Kendi gelişim kitaplar: Self-help books> Do you think we should buy the self-help books of writers who are NOT successful in their own lives or pose as successful?]

Isaiah 46:5 LORD: With whom will you compare Me or count Me equal? To whom will you liken Me that we may be compared? Compare (with):/kım.PE’r/ -ile karşılaştırmak, kıyaslamak || Comparison: /kım.PA.ri.sın/ kım.PE.ri.sın/karşılaştırma, mukayese || In comparison with: -e kıyasla, -e oranla, -e nispetle Why do you compare your salary with hers? Your responsibility and abilities are different from hers. Can you do what she does?/ Could you make a comparison list of our sales this year and last year?/ You are a coffee person (Kahve sever birisin). In comparison with you, I drink a lot less (çok daha az) coffee./ According to Yeşilay Organization, reported by CBS News, in 2009, 40 percent of the Turks over 15, smoke 17 million packs of cigarette a day. In comparision with other countries, do you think this rate is high or low? Lord of power beyond compare - The universe sits in Your hands - And eternity is where You stand I BELING TO JESUS

Resolve:/ri.ZA:’Lv/1. karar vermek, kararlaştırmak, karar/niyet 2. çözmek, halletmek || Resolution:/re.zı.LU’.şın/ 1. karar 2. çözüm || New Year resolution: [bütün yıl için verdiğin] yeni yıl kararı Eventually, after a week or so, between a man with money and a man with love, she resolved love./ Disgust(İğrenme) and resolve(Karar) are two of the great emotions that lead to change. –Jim Rohn/ 2. We can’t just sit down here. We should resolve(solve) this problem./ 1. Her resolution surprised everyone in

the family./ Last day to pay the water bill. Did ya come up with any resolution?/ Jill: Got any New Year resolution? Cem: Yes, I’m gonna continue my study at Istanbul University. I resolve: Jesus is not the guest of my heart, but the Owner of my heart. Persuade: /pır.SWEYD/ ikna etmek, inandırmak || Persuasive: /pır.SWEY.siv/ ikna edici || Convince: /kın.VİNs/ ikna etmek, inandırmak || Convincing: /kın.VİN.sing/ ikna edici [Interview in the embassy] What makes you want (=Why do you want) the visa? –My main purpose/P3R.pıs/ is to improve my English language. [As he said that, it persuaded(convinced) the interviewer to stamp the visa.]/ He couldn’t persuade(convince) the judge that he wasn’t guilty./ Sometimes it’s witty to confuse your friend’s mind if you can’t convince them! It’s funny too!/ The beginning of the movie was pretty persuasive(convincing) to watch to the end. Settle in: /SE.dı yerleştirmek || Settle down!: Yerinize geçin!/ Yerinize geçin ve sakin olun! [An uninvited neighbor comes to his house, he says] Sorry about the mess. I haven’t settled in yet. –Oh, it’s okay./ I’m kinda new to the town and I haven’t openned my luggages yet. It takes me a bit time to settle in./ [The teacher comes into the class and sees the students haven’t all sat yet. He says] Ok, guys, ok. Settle down, settle down(yerinize geçin). Float: /fLO’t/ su yüzünde yüzmek, havada gitmek [Two-year-old son] Dad? Will this tube/TU’b/(iç lastik) sink into the water? – No, sweetie. It’ll float on the water./ The feathers were floating in the sky, dancing with the wind. Slide: (slide,slid,slid) 1. [bilerek] kaymak 2. kaydırak || Slip: [kazara] kaymak || Slippery: kaygan Why do children with their socks on(giymiş), like to slide on a smooth surface?/ She goes to his locker and slides the letter into it./ Honey, get back here, you’ll slip on the ice. –It’s not slippery. Look! Gloat:/gLO’t/ birinin başarısızlığını zevkle seyretmek, ‘Oh olsun’ demek [After his failure, his rival comes in and he says] Did you come here to gloat?/ Are you here to gloat? –No, I’m here to help./ It’s easy to gloat at others’ misfortune but once you are misfortunate yourself, that’s when you don’t expect anyone to gloat at you. Compromise:/KA:’M.prı.ma:yz/ uzlaşmak, uzlaşma, uyuşmak || Come/Reach to a compromise/ an agreement: uzlaşmak, uyuşmak He wanted to watch the match on TRT. At the same time, I wanted to watch TNT. So we compromised/came to an agreement/reached a compromise that he watches the match live through the Internet and I watch my favorite program on TV./ We cannot neglect the important role of Turkey on Middle Eastern countries compromise. Belittle:/bi.Lİ.dıl/ küçümsemek, hor görmek, aşağılamak || Despise:/dis.PA:’Yz/ küçümsemek, hor görmek, aşağılamak Everytime you see me, you try to belitle(despise) me. I hate that./ Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great. –Mark Twain/ [Pic] I despise myself for allowing myself to love you once. (>Isn’t it the real love?<) [Little:küçük>Belittle:küçümsemek] Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. 2 Corinthians 4:1 Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart. Encourage: /in.K3.rıc/ teşvik etmek, cesaretlendirmek, cesaret vermek, gaz vermek || Discourage (from):/dis.K3.rıc/(#Encourage) vazgeçirmek, hevesini kırmak, cesaretini kırmak [Encouragement #Discouragement] || Take heart=Become encouraged # Lose heart=Become discouraged Never understimate THE POWER OF ENCOURAGEMENT./ Encourage your children all the time. I mean it. No one knows who they will be by a little encouragement. Some parents want to see their children’s success all the time, but all they do is discouragement!/ Never let anyone discourage you from what you’re doing./ Don’t lose heart.=Take heart. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. Smother:/sMA:’.zır/[Show lavish(ifrat) emotion] sevgiden/ şefkattan/ilgiden boğmak Come on! Don’t smother the kid with too much affection. She’ll be spoiled(spoilt=şımarık)!/ You smothered her so much that she’s left you. I told you not to smother her, didn’t I? Struggle: (=Try hard) mücadele etmek, mücadele, çabalamak, çabalama, uğraşmak, uğraşma Although she struggled a lot to pass the exam, she failed. But she knew that ‘a bend(viraj) in the road is not the end in the road’. So she struggled again./ ‘Struggle’ comes before ‘Success’, even in the dictionary (Çabalama başarmanın once geliyor, İngilizce sözlükte de bile)!/ Nothing is more beautiful than a smile that has struggled through tears. –Anonymous Same power that conquered the grave - Lives in me, lives in me - Your love that rescued the earth - Lives in me, lives in me – Hillsong United

Conquer: /KA:’N.kır/ [bir yere] fethetmek, [bir hissi] yenmek After weeks, they eventually conquered Mount Everest./ The ones who became too proud to conquer the world, conquered nowhere but their graves./ When you conquer your fear, you’ll enjoy your life.

Impress: /im.pRES/ [her zaman iyi anlama>] etkilenmek* || Impressive: /im.pRE.siv/ etkileyici>duyguları etkileyen || Make a good impression on someone: /--im.PRE.şın--/ Birini iyi bir etki bırakmak, Birini iyi bir şekilde etkilenmek || Give someone the wrong impression: Birini yanlış bir şekilde izlenim vermek If a girl or a boy tries to impress you… remember, it means they’re already impressed by you./ She impresses me with her intelligence./ It moved =touched =impressed me (Beni etkilendı)!/ ‘Yetenek Sizsiniz’ is an impressive program./ Wow. Your dance! That was impressive! –Thanks./ You booked us a table in a classy(fancy) restaurant? Jim, this wasn’t necessary. You know money is tight(para durumumuz kötü/para konusunda sıkı bir durumdayiz)! –I know, honey. I just wanted to make a good impression on you! –Sweetie!!/ I’m sorry I gave you the wrong impression. I just said you looked handsome. I didn’t know you were gonna buy me flowers and heart-shape perfume!! Do an impression: [resmi olmayan] taklit etmek || Impersonate: /im.P3R.sı.neyt/ [resmi] taklit etmek [Pic] (She is doing an impression of the person in front of her./ She is impersonating the person in front of her.) ‘‘Oh, everyone’s out to get me. You’re ruining my life.’’ [>You’ll never forget this scene because of the BODY LANGUAGE (55%).<]/ He does impressions of Jack Sparrow so well! [Tekil: Do an impression./ Çoğul: Do impressions.] Influence (on): /İN.flu.ıns/ [daha kötü, hemde iyi anlama] etki, tesir, etkilenmek*, tesir etmek || Be under one’s influence: birinin etki altında olmak He’s a bad influence on you. You should stay away from him./ One of my teachers had a great influence on me to become a teacher./ Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them. –Kevin Stirtz/ Have you noticed that some people can easily influence on others?/ This website informs you of the crime of driving under the influence of over-the-counter drugs (reçetesiz satılan ilaçler)./ Always do things your way and don’t be under the influence of others./ [Nurse] Under the influence of some medicine, she’s in the sleepy mood. Everything is ok. –Thanks. Impact: /im.PA’Kt/ etki, etkilenmek How’s your parents’ seperation impacted you on relationship with Charlie?/ What book has had the greatest impact in your life? Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing. Rejoice (at/over/in): /ri.COYS/ (-e/-den dolayı) sevinçten uçmak, dünyalar onun olmak, düğün bayram etmek In a letter: Don’t worry, brother. We will rejoice in victory./ Rejoice in the LORD. Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Resemble: /ri.ZEM.bıl/ -e andırmak/benzermek The person in the photo resembles you!/ What celebrity do you think you resemble? –I resemble no one but me. –Mmm, interesting!/ I resemble Chris Tomlin./ Why doesn’t most people’s appearance resemble their reality? Isn’t it fear? Stumble:/sTA:M.bıl/ [konuşmada,yürümekta,v.s] hata (yapmak), tökezlemek, dili/ayağı sürçme(k), ayağı takılmak A stumble may prevent a fall(Bir hata, düşmeyi engellebilir).–Proverb/ On the road of life, you stumble (on barriers) a couple of times, and if you have an ambition, and if you know the reason why you’re walking, and if you have a target, then all the stumbles get so sweet and meaningful all of a sudden. And that’s when you realize you’ve become stronger. In all the way, when you ASK the LORD His help, He will help you, NO DOUBT./ When reading the poem to the audience, he stumbled (over) for a short while, but pulled himself together and handled it well./ You won’t stumble in the dark if you have your mind bright. (Fikrini parlak/akıllı tutarsen, karanlıkta sürçmezsın.) Manipulate:/mı.Nİ.pyu.leyt/(kendi çıkarları için) kontrol etmek/ tesir etmek/ kullanmak, istedeğin şekilde değiştirmek They say mass media tries to manipulate people’s mind. See what they say? ‘people’s MIND.’ This means people CAN think./ The man

in charge (Sorumlu adam) wouldn’t sign the paper, so the man tried to explain in another way to manipulate him./ I’m sorry but I believe Mr. Mann is trying to manipulate the fact to make me look bad, and make himself look good. This isn’t fair (=Bu adil değil). Distribute: /dis.TRİ.byu’t/ dağıtmak, yaymak || Distribution: /dis.tri.BYU.şın/ dağıtma, yayma If I were a producer of a food product in Turkey, I’d distribute one-person-use (small) products in the areas of town where the singles live more, and family-use (large) products where rich families live./ There are AMAZING graphs on the distribution of wealth in the world in Wikipedia. Don’t miss them(=Check them out), especially if you are an economics student! Spread: pronunciation:/sPRED/ (spread, spread, spread) 1. yaymak, yayılmak 2. [SL] cazib, çekici 3. [SL] zengin bir yer/ev Gee! The kid spread the detergent all over the place (=everywhere)!/ Gosh! The band’s drummer’s so damn (=fenace/çok) spread!/ [The customer looking around the house to buy it] Nice spread! [The realtor] It is, isn’t it? Let’s take a look at the jacuzzi/cı.KU’.zi/. It’s truly trendy. Scatter:/sKA.dır/dağılmak, yayılmak, saçmak, dağıtmak, serpmek When the earthquake trembled the area, people scattered around./ When the war started, people got scattered everywhere. Some went to the East, some to the West./ The farmer scattered the seeds on the ground. The sun was in his eyes and the hope in his heart.

Release:/ri.Lİ’s/ 1. serbest bırakmak 2. piyasaya çıkarmak He was released from jail in 2006./ The young generation needs to release their energy, either in massive concerts or at sports. They can’t keep it inside. If don’t, they manifest it by damaging something after a game./ Release your anger by shouting in the nature. Just don’t load it inside yourself!/ Katy Perry’s new album was released about a week ago. Linger: /LİN.gır/ kalmak, ayrılmamak, durmak || Linger on:/LİN.gır.a:n/ üzerinde durmak, geçmemek, gitme vaktini uzatmak After the concert, we lingered for a couple of hours, hanging out, hoping to meet the band./ The expert lingered on the picture to see if it was original./ I like the Velvet Underground’s song ‘Linger on, your pale blue eyes.’ –Yeah the song writer is Lou Reed. Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace. Redeem:/ri.Dİ’m/1.kötülüğünü azaltmak/hafifletmek, telafi etmek 2.rehinden kurtarmak, bedelini verip geri almak, kefaret vermek || Redemption: /ri.DEMp.şın/ kurtarma The motel didn’t have good quality but they were trying to redeem it by giving free coffee./ We had dirty sins but Jesus redeemed them for all generations by giving his coming-fromthe-Holy-Spirit(Kutsal Ruhtan gelen) holy blood./ He took his date(buluşma arkadaş) to the movie theater but she didn’t like the movie, so he sent her some fancy flowers to redeem./ I am ready to redeem myself for my son. Please don’t hurt him, please. Take me for him (=onun yerine)./ Shawshank Redemption (Kelime kelime: Shawshank ceza evinden kurtarma – Filmin ismi: Esaretin Bedeli) tells us who can be rescued from the ‘world prison’. Andy Dufresne was a man of faith in God, a man of hope and action. Chris Tomlin – Jesus Messiah lyrics: He became sin - Who knew no sin - That we might become His Righteousness - He humbled himself and carried the cross - Love so amazing - Love so amazing - Jesus Messiah - Name above all names - Blessed Redeemer – Emmanuel - The rescue for sinners - The ransom from Heaven - Jesus Messiah - Lord of all - His body the bread - His blood the wine - Broken and poured out all for love - The whole earth trembled - And the veil was torn - Love so amazing - Love so amazing, yeah - Jesus Messiah - Name above all names Blessed Redeemer – Emmanuel - The rescue for sinners - The ransom from Heaven - Jesus Messiah Lord of all - All our hope is in You - All our hope is in You - All the glory to You, God - The light of the world - Jesus Messiah - Name above all names - Blessed Redeemer – Emmanuel - The rescue for sinners - The ransom from Heaven - Jesus Messiah - Lord of all Mention:/MEN.şın/ -den söz etmek, -den bahsetmek || Not to mention that…/No need to mention that…: buna ilaveten, buna ek olarak, ayrıca, bunun yanında, buna ek olarak, buna söylemek gerek yoktu (her kes biliyor) ki… You have a husband? – Yeah, I do. –How come you never mentioned it before? –I’m mentioning it now, aren’t I? [NOT amn’t I]/ He’s a genius sales person, not to mention that he sold 10 franchises through the past three months./ He’s a super-duper friend. Not to mention/No need to mention that he’s smart and funny./ He’s lazy and irresponsible. Not to mention that he cheats on his wife!/ I just don’t know why I’m obsessed with Canada. Not to mention that all my favorite singers have turned out to be Canadians: Shania Twain, Bryan Adams, Alanis Morissette, and Celine Dion.

Acknowledge:/ak.NA:’.lıc/ (bir fark edildiğini) bildirmek/haber vermek/söylemek It’s a great chance to acknowledge everybody that I’m promoting Benjamin to our new sales manager./ Have you acknowledged your mom that we’re engaged? –No, not yet./ I was expecting that you acknowledge me beforehead (önceden). George Washington: It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor. Declare:/di.kLE’r/ ilan etmek, ifade vermek, beyan etmek, fikrini belirtmek, deklarasyon yapmak [Beauty & the Briefcase] You can’t just declare your article dead!/ Returning to your country at the border, you must declare items that you purchased./ I hope the day comes that no country declares war on another country. Psalm 9:11 Sing praises to the LORD... Declare among the people His doings. Degenerate (into): /di.CE.nı.reyt/ yozlaşmak, yozlaşmış, yoz, dejenere (olmak), soysuzlaşmış, bozulmak, bozulmuş, kalite/durum/fiziksel/zihinsel/ahlaksel negatif yönde değişmiş/ değişmek/ değiştirmek News announcer: The calm protest degenarated into a riot./ Their discussion about religion degenerated into a huge fight./ In years, the battlefield has degenerated into a swamp./ He is a degenerate liar! Make sure: -den emin olmak, unutmamak || Assure: /ı.ŞUr/ inandırmak, (rahatlatıcı sözlerle) garanti etmek, güven vermek Make sure you lock the door before you go to bed. –Okay./ Our insurance company assures you to give all the money back./ The mechanic assured me that the car will be ready by tomorrow (=not later than tomorrow). George Mueller: Be assured, if you walk with Him, and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you. Fetch:/FEÇ/(=Go and bring) alıp getirmek, getirmek Fetch a doctor. She fainted (=passed out: bayıldı)./ [In the terrace/TE.ris/] We have 7 guests invited over for dinner, and have 6 chairs. Could you fetch a chair from the living room, please? Exist: /ıg.ZİSt/ varmak, mevcut olmak [NOTTT It is exist.] [‘Exist’ is a VERB. True: It exists.] Existence: /ıg.ZİS.tıns/ var, varma [Picture] Like I don’t even exist (Senki bile yokum/var değilim)./ Do you think dragons, ghosts, draculas, and vampires exist? Or they’re imaginary? –The question is even if they exist, should they make you more afraid or braver?/ I wonder if unicorns /YU.nı.ko’rnz/ (tek boynuzlu atlar) really exist./ Do you believe in the existence of aliens(uzay yaratıklar) and mermaids?

Flicker:/fLİ.kır/ (ışık, gölge) oynamak The candle light was flickering in the breeze (=esinti/hafif rüzgar). Agitate:/A’.ci.teyt/perişan etmek, huzursuz etmek, altüst etmek, üzmek || Agitated:/A’.ci.tey.dıd/ ajite, telaşlı, huzursuz || Get/Make someone agitated: telaşlandırmak Thinking of death agitates almost everyone. No one wants to die! But people of great faith say: ‘Where do we go if we died? In the embrace of God. What better place?’/ She heard that snakes might sneak around (=etrafda gizlice dolaşmak) the cabin, so she was agitated all night and couldn’t sleep./ The rumor about the possible earthquake got him totally agitated. Don’t indulge in: uzak durmak, müptela olmamak You don’t indulge in alcohol and cigarette?/ He likes Rakı but he doesn’t too much indulge himself in it. [Indulge: isteklerini teslim olmak>Indulging in red meat will kill you.] Withdraw:/WİZ.dra:’/(withdraw,withdrew,withdrown)1. çekmek, geri çekmek, katılmaktan vazgeçmek, ayrılmak/bırakmak 2. (hesaptan/bankadan para) çekmek 3. (bir yerden) çıkarmak 1. The British Prime Minister said he will withdraw British troops (=askerler) from Iraq./ 1. One of the competitors has withdrawn from the contest so you have a better chance to win./ 2. Can she withdraw any amount of money with my credit card?/ 3. The accountant withdrew the balance sheet (=bilanço) from his briefcase to show it to the accounting manager. Refrain from: /rif.REYn-/ -den kendini tutmak Girl: There are three things I would like to refrain from: I would like to refrain from crying, alcohol, and texting(-e telefonla mesaj göndermek) him./ Sign: Please refrain from smoking in the train. [>‘No Smoking In The Train’in kibarca.] [Restrain from: -den geri tutmak/sınırlamak.>Can law restrain someone from speaking? >>Restraining order: geri/uzak tutucu emri>LAW<bakın.] Enhance:/in.HANs/(=Improve=Boost)(bir şeyin kalite/güç/fiyat /değer’i) geliştirmek/ artırmak/ yükselemek Some athletes use drugs to enhance their performance. It’s wrong./ The new equipments totally enhanced the quality of this language center, didn’t they? –Yes, but we need native English speaking teachers too./ Gosh! Look how this trendy vase enhances the look of the office!/ Thanks to, I could enhance my knowledge to a great extent. Thanks, Wiki!/ Before you sell your house, you can enhance its price by some minor /MA:Y.nır/ changes in the interior decoration.

Evolve:/ı.VA:’Lv/evrim geçirmek, yavaş yavaş geliştirmek/gelişmek, yavaş yavaş şekillendirmek/ biçimlendirmek/ değişmek The world evolves the way a person evolves./ Is it true that humans evolved from apes/EYPs/? –Well, I think I explained enough about ASSUMPTION! Just because human skeleton looks like a spicies of great apes doesn’t mean that humans are FROM apes! It’s just the test of your faith. God is playing with your faith!/ How does a comet/KA:’.mıt/(kuyrukluyıldız) evolve?/ Do you know why dinosaurs evolved? Slam:/sLA’m/ [kapı v.s] çarparak kapatmak, çarpmak || Slammed*:/sLA’Md/ gerçekten meşgul He was furious and slammed the door while leaving./ A car slammed my car this morning. What a day!/ Note over the washing machine at a Laundromat(genel çamaşırhane): ‘‘Do NOT slam the door. Do NOT overload(Çamaşır makinede fazla elbise yüklemeyin).’’/ Are you free this Saturday? –Oh, let me check my schedule/ıl/(iş takvimi, plan). Uh, I’m sorry, my whole week is slammed. How about next week on Wednesday /WENz.dey/? Confront:/kın.FRA:’Nt/(=Face) yüzleşmek, -ile karşı karşıya gelmek What would you ask President Obama if you confronted him right now?/ The UN (The United Nations: Birlişmiş Milletler) confronts a lot of problems to solve everyday./ Is that the deranged (=deli) guy who wrecked my LCD monitor? I’m gonna confront him. –Oh, no, not again, please. Forget about it. Flourish:/fLO’.riş/(=Develop/Grow successfully)1.[iyice] gelişmek/ büyümek, yıldızı parlamak 2.[gösterişli bir şekilde ellerinde]bir şeyi sallamak I don’t think music can help a plant flourish. –Oh, it does. Put two plants in the same condition, play music for one, and not, for the other; you’ll see the one that you play music for, is flourishing faster. –Mmm. Interesting./ After all these years, luckily our business is flourishing./ He had said that earlier and now he bought the car, and when he went home, smiling, flourishing the new car key in his hand, saying: ‘I bought it! I bought it!’ Mark Victor Hansen: With vision, every person, organization and country can flourish. The BIBLE says, 'Without vision we perish.' Cherish: /ÇE.riş/ aziz tutmak, değer vermek Cherish your love!/ Cherish the FREEDOM you have right now./ Her most cherished moment was when he hugged her./ Notice and cherish life’s surprises. Just because it’s not what you were expecting, doesn’t mean it’s not everything you’ve been waiting for./ You take shower and think to yourself that you always have it. But once there’s a problem with it, you’ll realize you must even have cherished the pleasant hot water.

Contribute to: /kın.TRİ.byut-tu/ -e yardım etmek I believe governments can contribute to the youths by spending some percentage of taxes of alcohol and cigarette to the youths sports./ How can I contribute to the society or to the world around, while all that I think is to get what I want for my own life, the idea of ‘I, My, Mine, Me, Myself’? Try:/tRA:’Y/ denemek || Try it on: [elbise] Bunu dene!, Bunu prova yap! [Pic] A real loser is somebody that’s so afraid of not winning, they don’t even try. (Gerçek bir kaybeden, o kadar kazanmaktan korkar biridir ki bile denemiyor.)/ He said he wasn’t successful but at least he tried and is trying. He never gives up./ [In the clothes store, to her friend] Hey, try it on./ Excuse me, where can I try it on? –The changing rooms are over there. Strive:/sTRA:Yv/ (=Try hard=Endevour=Struggle= Attempt) çabalamak, üğraşmak, mücadele etmek, gayret etmek, çaba göstermek With the little salary he takes, he strives to feed and save his family, and cares about his children’s education as well. He is the man (İşte erkek o demek)./ She’s studying hard and strives for success. [Strive+to+verb. Strive+for+noun.] Render: –leştirmek, haline getirmek, etmek, yapmak Cambridge dictionary: The trees rendered the road as dark as a tunnel. – She was rendered speechless upon hearing the news. Fulfill: /ful.FİL/ [(rüyalarını gerçekleştirmek için) içindeki potansiyelini kendini tatmin edecek bir şekilde kullanmak] yerine getirmek, karşılamak, yapmak, tamamlamak, bir hayali/isteği gerçekleştirmek || Fulfillment: /ful.FİL.mınt/ [içindeki potansiyelini iyi kullanmaktan doğan memnuniyet] yerine getirme, tamamlama, bir hayali/isteği gerçekleştirme If you have a dream, you have to go on a journey to fulfill that dream. –Katy Perry/ Have you fulfilled your childhood ambitions?/ How badly do you want the fulfillment of your English speaking goal? GO FOR IT!

Determine: pronunciation:/di.T3R.min/1. azmetmek, karar vermek 2. (=Indicate) belirlemek, tayin etmek, tespit etmek, saptamak || Determined: pronunciation: /di.T3R.mind/ iradeli, azimli, kararlı 1. We have determined to move to Wisconsin./ 2. If you want to determine who you are, you should first figure out who you are not./ Nothing stops him. He’s very determined. Despite the obstacles, he’s gonna finish what he started./ 2. If you have pride in your game, you don’t let your opponents determine how you play. –Tara Van Derveer, Stanford University women’s basketball coach [Determination: 1. karar, kararlılık 2. kader>PHILOSOPHY< bakın]

SOME VERY SENTENCES Six o’clock!:/SİKS-ı.kLA:’k/ [SL] Arkaya bak!, Arkada! [Parmakla göstermeğın yerinde bu şifre bir konuşmadır çünkü 6’da ‘saat akrebisi’ arkaya işaret ediyor.]/ Three o’clock!:/Sri-ı.kLA:’k/ Sağ tarafa bak!, Sağda! [Parmakla göstermeğın yerinde bu şifre bir konuşmadır çünkü 3’da ‘saat akrebisi’ sağarkaya işaret ediyor. Başka saatlarde aynı şekilde devam.]/ Nine o’clock!:/NA:YN-ı.kLA:’k/ Sol tarafa bak!, Sol tarafda!/ Two o’clock!: /TU’.-ı.kLA:’k/ Saat 2 yönünü bak! [Direction mentioned depends on the ‘hour hand’ of the clock (Söylediğin yön, saat akrebisini göre değişiyor mesela biri ‘Nine o’clock’ derse, yani sol tarafa bak çünkü ‘saat akrebi’ solda).] The guy, six o’clock, is staring at you. Do you know him? [Stare(at):(-e)dik dik/gözünü dikip bakmak]/ Lara! Six o’clock! [Arkaya bak kim geliyor!] Your ex (=Eski erkek arkadaşın)!/ Look at the girl, three o’clock. Doesn’t she look familiar?/ Hey, eight o’clock. –Oh, no. She’s coming to me…again!/ Oops! Nine o’clock! Cops are coming!/ 2 o’clock. The guy with the blue shirt. Is he with you? –[She looks back and says] I don’t see anyone! –No. I said 2 o’clock. What are you, twelve?: [Kaç yaşındasın, hala on iki mi?>twelve vurgulu] Çocuk musun sen? Grandma to grandpa: You’re watching cartoon? –Yea! –What are you, twelve? –But I have nothing to do! –Oh man! [whispers] Men are children! –What’d you say? –Nothing!/ [To his 35-year-old brother] You’re wearing funky clothes? What are you, TWELVE? –No. I’m TEN(>doublemeaning<)! This isn’t seventh grade!: Biz yedinci sınıfta/çocuk değiliz! [The man shouts at his business partner and the partner goes to the cafe across the street. Now the man who knows where the partner is goes to him and says] I’m sorry I yelled at you. But you shouldn’t have left. This isn’t seventh grade, man. This is business. And I’m your partner, ok? Come on. I’ll meet you outfront(dışarıda kıpının onunde). The clock is ticking!: Acele etmemız lazım!, Zaman hızlı geçiyor! || We’re on the clock!: (Bu işi beceremek için) acelemiz var! Are you ready to order, sir? –Oh, yea, I understand, the clock is ticking. –No need to hurry, sir. I can get back later. –No, I was kidding. –[Smiles] I see./ Aren’t you gonna marry her? The clock is ticking, pal! –I don’t think I’m ready yet./ [The Grace Card] (They urgently need a kidney) Surgeon to Blake’s parents: We’re searching the donor Networks now, but so far we’ve come up empty-handed. We’re on the clock here. [Her biological clock is ticking: bir bayanın çocuk sahip olmak için çok geç oldu.>When you’re dating a woman and she asks you, ‘What do you think of having kids?’ this means that her biological clock is ticking. Men take it as pressure.] Interrupt: /in.dı.RA:Pt/ 1. sözünü kesmek 2. yarıda kesmek, engellemek || Sorry to interrupt (you)!: Sözünü kestım özür dilerim!, Sözünü balla kestım! 1. Don’t interrupt me while I’m talking! –Oh, sorry./ 2. [Two people are about to(üzere) kiss… the third one comes and asks a question. After that, when the third person is leaving, he asks] Am I interrupting anything? (>yani işini devam edin!!)/ [Two people are talking, the third person comes and says] Uh, sorry to interrupt you. Your car is ready downstairs. –OK. Thank you./ [It’s 4:49. The boss is talking to someone, Sue comes and says] Sorry to interrupt. You have a meeting at 5 o’clock. –Oh thanks, Sue.

Job 34:3 For the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food.

Hear: /Hİyır/ duymak || Hear me out!:/Hİyır.mi.awt/Tam beni dinle! [Ben konuşurken konuşma/dinle!] || Listen up!: /Lİ.sın.a:p/ Bana dinleyin!/ Listen to: -e dinlemek || Listen: dinlemek>laf tutmak [Pic] Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. Maybe it was the music, or.../ Okay. Hear me out. This is very important./ Hey, listen up everybody. We’re going to a road trip. Now anyone who wants to come, let me know./ How often do you listen to music?/ Do you listen to the radio? –Yes, I do. When I work, I listen to the Contemporary Christian music on You have to NOT listen to the NAYSAYERS because there will be many and often they’ll be much more qualified than you and cause you to sort of doubt yourself. –James Cameron (The director of highest grossing

movies in history)/ I told you but you didn’t listen! (Sana söyledim ama lafımı tutmadın.) –Ok. STOP! This is MY life and I HAD TO do it, ok? I’m happy I did it. –All right!/ [Pic] You hear, but you don’t listen./ Can you hear me?: Beni duyuyabilir misin? || I can’t hear you!: Seni duyuyamıyorum!/ Hello! Can you hear me? –No! I can’t hear you!! –If you can’t hear me, WHY do you answer??? On 7th of November, 2013, a truck driver –with a Tennessee accent- named Brian called K-Love Radio and said, ‘For 10 years, I was away from God but yesterday when I was driving and listening to your radio, a SONG TOUCHED my heart, it was about God loving me and us. It touched my heart so that I DECIDED to get back to God.’ WOW. See how our AWESOME GOD works in different ways?

Does Anybody Hear Her? –Casting Crowns (short, simple, great video) The music is all around us. All we have to do is listen. –August Rush (the movie) God is never too busy to hear our prayers. Take some time to thank Him. God may not always give you the answer you want, but He always gives you the answer that is best for you. God is always listening. He can hear everything and everyone, all at the same time, because He is All-Powerful. He can tell you how many strands of hair you got on your head or how many grains of sanda re there in an ocean. The voices of those who BELIEVE in God are the loudest through prayer. And the prayer of a righteous man is powerful. Elijah prayed to God for people’s disobedience and for 3.5 years, there was no rain. Again he prayed, and it started to rain. This is done by LORD God Almighty. Give your heart to God and know that God wants to be with you. Psalm 17:6 I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. Jeremiah 29:12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. James 5:13-18 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit. You heard me!:/yu.H3RD.mi/[ciddi bir şekilke söylediğini tekrar söylememek için] Dediğimi duydun!, İlk kez söylediğimi duydun! You got bad score again? No allowance(harçlık) this week! –What? –You heard me!/ I’m not going with you. –Excuse me? –You heard me! I hear that!: [sürpriz olmadığın haberi] Bende öyle duydun!, Öyle diyorlar! You know Jenn won a lottery? –I hear that!/ That geek over there is number one at school. –I hear that. Do you listen to yourself?: Dediklerini kulakların işitiyormu?, Dediklerini farkında mısın?, Dediklerini dikkat ediyor musun? Do you listen to yourself? You’re saying that you’re not attracted to your wife! ‘I’ am your wife!!/ [After the shower, he sees no towel. He calls his wife but she says that all the towels are being washed! She finally finds a barbie (small) towel and hands it to him. This small event turns out to be a big argument so he says he wants a divorce!! Sos he says] Listen to yourself! You want a divorce because of a towel?? I’m gonna go to my mom’s(annemin eve)!! I tell you what!: Bak ne diyeceğim! You wanna pass the exam? –Of course I do. –So I tell you what. Don’t just read the books, ok? But take as many tests as you can. This is the best technique./ I tell you what. You have a sandwich, I have a toast. I wasn’t born yesterday: Dün dünyade gelmedım, Biraz tecrübem var!, Çocuk değilim! Beggar: Can you spare (=vermek) a dollar? –Man: I give you 5 bucks (=dollars) but not for drugs, understand? I wasn’t born yesterday. So if I hear you used that for drugs, I won’t help you anymore. Deal (=Anlaştıkmı)? –Beggar: Deal, sir. No drugs. I promise. Thank you. God bless you (=Tanrı bereket versin)./ I wasn’t born yesterday. I know what they’re up to (Ne plan yaptığına biliyorum). You have my word!:/--w3rd/(=I promise you!/Count on my words!) Söz veriyorum! || Word?: Söz mü? [Cevap> Word: Söz!] || Can I have a word with you?: Seninle bir dakika baş başa konuşabilir miyim/görüşebilir miyim? Listen to me, sonny (=oğlum). If you pass the DMV test (=sürücü kürsü yazmak sınavı), I’ll buy you a car. –Really? –Really. You have my word./ If you pay all the price… cash… right now… your order (=sipariş) will be ready tomorrow early in the morning. You have my word./ I give you 20 bucks/BA:Ks/(dolar) if you give these flowers and the card to that lady over there. –Word? –Word./ Boss: Paul? Can I have a word with you? – Sure. [They go to boss’s office and talk.] I take my word back!=I take it/that back!: Sözümü geri alıyorum! I thought love will last for ever! But now I know it won’t. I take my word back. –But I believe that love lasts for ever./ [He said he hated Simon/SA:Y.mın/, but when he bocomes sick, Simon is the only person who comes to visit him, so he says] Oh, man! I’m really sorry about what I said. I take that back. –No big deal, man. I’m glad you’re getting better./ I think you should call him. No, no, wait. I take that back. Why would you call somebody

you just met? What’s your angle?: (=What’s your idea/ view point?) [bahsettığın konuda] Bakış açısın ne?/ Fikrin ne? So what’s your angle? –About what? –The hammock(hamak)! –[He now notices] Oh! That’s great, man! It goes great with the arbor(Çardakla iyi gidiyor/uyumlu/yakışıyor)!/ What’s your angle about kayaking?/ You said to your boss you want a week off? –Yea. –So what was her angle? [Angel/EYN.cıl/melek>When you ask God and you think you’re helpless, sometimes God sends His angels to help you on the way to get you closer to Him, without you even know!] Needless to say that:/NİD.lıs.tu.SEY/(=No need to say/mention that) söylemeye gerek yok [çünkü herkes bunu biliyor] Needless to say that I love my family very much indeed (=gerçekten çok)./ Needless to say that I’m number one fan of American English. No matter what…:/no’.MA.dır.wa:t/ Ne olursa olsun/İllaki… No matter what, he wants to live in DC /di.Sİ/(=Washington DC)./ I wanna marry you, no matter what. ’Cause I know I just love you. Long story short…:/LA:’NG.sto.ri.şort/Üzün hikayeyi kısa yapım [Ringing the friend’s door bell at midnight] Heyy pal! What are you doing here? –Long story short, I had a fight with Jessie. Can I sleep over (=Bir gece burada yatabilir miyim)? –Yeah… yeah. Come on in./ Hi Jackie. I haven’t seen you around. Where have you been? –Oh, I was in Santa Monica. Anyway, long story short, I’m broke, man. Do you have some bucks I could borrow? I’ll be right back:/ hemen gelecem/dönecem Sorry I gotta go somewhere. It won’t take long (=Üzün süremıyecez). I’ll be right back./ Class! Please write this. I’m gonna go get some colorful markers. I’ll be right back./ [Pic] I’ll be back! Before it’s too late:/bi.FOR.itsTU’.leyt/ çok geç olmadan önce Come back to me, baby. Come back to me before it’s too late./ His head’s bleeding. We have to do something before it’s too late. This is so last year!:/-LASt-//LAŞt-/Bu çok eskidi!, Moda değil! You smoking pipe (=pipo)? No way (Hadi canım)! This is so last year./ Wearing tie is so last year. Man, I saw a news channel they were four news anchors and all standing, joking, laughing, wearing casual (=spor/rahat giyidelar), and stuff. I really liked it. So what?: /so’-WA:T?/ Ee ne yani?, Ne olmuş?, Ne olmuş ki?, Ne yani?, E?, Ne fark eder?, Ee n’olmuş?, Ne olmuş yani? Dad! Tell Amy something. She called me a ‘loser’! –So what? Are you really a loser? She’s your sister. She loves you and you know it, ok? She’s just kidding (=Sadece şaka yapıyor). [To Amy] Hey Amy! You do not talk to your sister like that, you hear me?/ That celeb (falan ünlü sanatçı) lost weight, this celeb (filan ünlü sanatçı) is wearing a costume, so what?

What now?: [bir şeyi dedi yaptım] Ee şimdi ne olacak? Man: Tell him to come here. Woman: [Repeats on the phone] ‘Come here.’ Man: Now hang it up. [Woman hangs it up (Telefonu kapatıyor).] Woman: What now? Easy way out!: sorumluluktan kolay çıkış yolu, sorumluluktan kurtulma yolu!, bahane Do you remember Bruce Almighty? Instead of answering emails ONE BY ONE, he answered YES TO ALL! This is an easy way out!/ The good have hard times, the bad too. There is no easy way out in this world, believe me. NOT for anyone. What better than having faith? There will be a reward for it. This isn’t happening!/It’s not happening!/It’s not gonna happen!: [Bir şeyi olduğunu inanmazsa, şaşırıp söylüyorlar] Olamaz!/İnanamıyorum! Oh, no, no. This isn’t happening! All the basement is full of water. Oh no. I should call the plumber/pLA:.mır/(borucu)./ Somebody please…tell me this isn’t happening!/ Oh, no! Oh, boy! It’s not gonna happen. –What? –I lost my credit card. –Chill! You can call the bank and tell them to cancel it./ Please tell me this won’t happen again (Lütfen bunu tekrar olmayacağini bana söyle)! –What? What’d I do? –You were pulling your sister’s hair? You’re a piece of work!:/YOR.ı.pi’s.ıv.w3rk/[iğneleme] İşin bir parçasısın! Gerçek bir tuhafsin! [She gives someone a place to stay, but he steals from her] I gave you a place to stay and you are doing me this favor? You’re a piece of work, you know that? Get out of my house./ What? You have two girlfriends? You’re a piece of work! A thing or two:/ı.SİNG.or.tu’/ bir iki şey, birkaç şeyler Sweetie. Don’t bother the young man. –Oh, no ma’am. I’m just teaching him a thing or two on the guitar./ Come on. Tell me about her. You must at least know a thing or two!

What’s in it for me?: Bu işin içinde benim için ne fayda/yarar/avantajı var?, Bunun faydası ne? You call a dog, it gives you all its heart and comes to you no matter what(ne olursa olsun), but you call a cat, it asks itself, ‘‘What’s in it for me?’’ –Yea, true. But cats are fun./ Reading all these negative psychology books and you’re still shy? What’s in it for you? I’d love to!: [Bir davetın cevap] Çok isterim! We’re going to Mangal Restaurant. Would you like to join us? –I’d love to. Thanks./ We’re going on a-week tour to Bodrum. We go there every year. If you want, we can add you on the list. –Uh, I’d love to, but I can’t. I’m working the whole summer. –How bad. It would have been great if you could come with us. –I know, and I appreciate that. Have fun!

Way to go!: (=Bravo!/Excellent/Well done!/Congrats!) [yaptığın bir şey için] Aferin!, Süper!, Mükemmel!, Harika bir iş yapti!, Seni tebrik ediyorum! || Good job/Good work!:/gud.CA:’b/-W3RK/ [yaptığın bir şey için] (=Excellent/Well done!) İyi yaptı!, Harika iş yapti!, Süper!, Aferin! || Good call!:/gud.KA:’l/ İyi dedin!, Ağazınızı sağlık!, İyi ki dedin! || Good talk!: /GUD.ta:’k/ İyi konuşma!, Konuşmamızden memnun oldum! [Birinin konuşmayı bitirmek için söyler] || Right on!:/ra:yd.A:’n/(=Excellent!) Çok güzel söyledi!, Süper!, Ne doğru söyledi! [birinin dedikleri için] The corporate(şirketin sahibi) is coming to thank you in person(şahsen). Wow. Way to go, Şerife! You’re a brilliant graffic designer. –Thank you Lucy./ Your remix of this song is amazing. Good job, man! –Thanks. –Aren’t you gonna work professionally?/ You’ve made a great website, pal. Good work! –Oh, thanks!/ [After 2 hours of constant studying together, she says] I’m gonna make some fresh fruit juice. –Yeah, good call. –I’ll be right back./ I’m bored. –Yeah, me too. –Let’s go to Gölbaşi Lake. –Good call!/ Dude! My ex wants to get back. What should I do? –Again? She cheated on you. Turn her down (Kabul etme). –[Thinks to himself] Yeah. Good talk./ [Brings some tea and cookie and says] The best tea is the tea you never asked for it! –Right on, bro (Çok güzel söyledi, kardeş)! [Way to go/Good job/Good work: ‘Tebrikler!’ anlamında de kullanmıştır> You got promoted… way to go!!] (The) Good/Bad news is… :/GUD/BAD.nyuz.iz/ İyi/Kötü haber bu ki… Bad news is the whole building burned down. Good news is nobody was hurt./ The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot. –Michael Althsuler Have it all together: [=Have a sound mind] aklın yerinde olmak, aklın başında olmak, sağlam ruhsal durumu sahip olmak [Pic] I guess nobody really has it all together (Sanırım hiç kimsenın aklı gerçekten başında değil)./ Hey, what’s up with your pal? Does he have it all together? –Who, Jack? Yea, he’s cool. Typical:/Tİ.pi.kıl/ tipik || It’s (so) typical of you!: Hep böyle yapıyorsun!, Bu senin tipik!, Hiç değişmezsin! People fall in love for the first time when they’re teenagers. It’s so typical./ Who broke your heart? –A girl at school. Yeah it’s so typical./ You’re late again! It’s so typical of you!/ You wanna quit this job too? It’s so typical of you. Why do you always change your job? I’m on your side!:/ (=I’m taking your side!) Ben senin tarafını tutuyorum!, Senin tarafındayım I know. I’m sorry, sweetie. I’m on your side. My brother Nick didn’t have the right to judge our personal life./ If the whole world is against you, I’m on your side, ’cause I love you./ Many marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly understood that they’re on the same side. –Zig Ziglar I’m on the/my way: / Yoldayım! Okay. Calm down. Calm down. I’m on my way. I’ll be there in a minute./ [On the phone] Connel? Where are you? –I’m on my way home. Why (Niye soruyorsun ki)? –Hurry up. Your pregnant (hamile) wife needs you. Be my guest:/Bİ.ma:y.gest/ 1. [ödeme] Benden, Misafirim ol! 2. Nasıl istersen!, Buyurun/ Lütfen! 1. Another tea? –Oh no, thanks. –Come on. Be my guest (Misafirim ol)./ 2. WOW. Your car is awesome. Mind if I take a look inside (Bir göz atim sakıncası var mı)? –Be my guest. I’m on it:/a:ym.A:’Üzerinde çalışıyorum!, Halledeceğim!, Uğraşıyorum! || I’m working on it: /a:ym.W3R.kin.a:’Üzerinde çalışıyorum!, Halledeceğim!, Uğraşıyorum!, Halletmeyı çalışıyorum! Have you fixed the car? –Don’t worry, honey. I’m on it./ Did you do what I told you? –Not yet. But I’m working on it./ Could you find the kid’s mom? –I’m working on it. How/What about you? Ya sen? I was busy today, how about you?/ I’m good. What about you? –I’m fine too./ [Pic] But what about us? –We will always have Paris. (Ama, ya biz / bize ne olacak? –Paris her zaman orada var./ Biz Paris’e her zaman sahibiz.) Sec: /SEK/ (=Second) saniye || Can I talk to you for a sec?: /kın.A:Y.ta:’k.tu.yu-for.ı.SEK/ Bir saniye seninle baş başa konuşabilirmiyim? I have to go to the bathroom (lavabo). Just takes (sürüyor) a sec. I’ll be right back./ Be careful. He’s gonna fire

you the second I’m gone (Ben hemen işten gidince, o seni kovulecek)./ You got a sec? I need to talk to you./ Can I talk to you for a sec? It’s important. –Yes sure. [They go somewhere quiet] What is it (=Ne var/ Konu ne/ Ne oldu)? You got a sec/minute/moment?:/-Mİ.nıt-/ [Baş başa konuşmak için] Bir saniyeniz/dakikeniz var mı/müsait misin?, Bir saniye/dakika konuşabilir miyiz? Hey, you got a sec? I need to talk to you. [They go somewhere else and talk.]/ Hi Suzie. You got a minute? [They go somewhere else] –Yes? What happened?/ You got a moment? We need to talk. –Yeah, sure. [Closes the Office door and talks.] Excuse me for a sec/second: [birini yalnız bırakmak amacıyla bunu söylüyorsun] Kusura bakmayın!, Pardon, bir saniye müsait edin! || Could you excuse me for a sec/second?:/KUC.yu-/ [birini yalnız bırakmak için kibar bir söz] Bir saniye izin verebilir misiniz/müsait edermisiniz?, Kusura bakmayın olurse..? [1] Yes, and I also remember… [3] Excuse me, sir. Your wife is on the phone and she says it’s important. [1 to 2] Excuse me for a sec. I’ll be right back. [Person number 1 goes to his office to answer the phone.]/ Uh, could you excuse me for a second? I’m gonna need to make a phone call. Owe: /O’w/ borçlu olmak || I think I owe you an apology:/--ı.PA:’.lı.ci/ Sanırım sana bir özür borçluyum. || You don’t owe me anything: / Bana borçlu/bağlı falan değilsin. We still owe Arlen $2500 (=twenty five hundred dollars)./ Sorry I think I owe you an apology. The other day I said, ‘Marriage sucks!’ But I didn’t know that you are married. I just said my personal idea. –You don’t owe me anything because marriage saved my life. [Own:sahip olmak>Who owns this car?–Me!] I’ve been thinking about you this whole time:/-ho’l-/Tüm bu süre zarfında ben seni düşünüyordum. [Text Message] Have you forgotten me? [Text Message (answer)] How could I? I’ve been thinking about you this whole time! I can’t wait to see you here again.

The one who comes from the Holy Spirit is pure and HOLY. His words are HOLY and TRUTH. And that’s when I realized +cümle…:/Rİ.yı.la:yzd/ Ve işte o zaman … -e farkındaydım. When we were on the tour, I looked at her beautiful eyes and that’s when I realized I fell in love with her (=ve işte o zaman ona aşık olduğumu farkındaydım)./ I thought I was lost with no direction and no talent. I thought the whole world is ahead of me and I’m behind them. But yesterday my literature professor encouraged me to write more and said that I have great potential/pı.TEN.şıl/ to write poems. And that’s when I realized I don’t find myself; I create myself; I invent myself. This talent has been in me this whole time. I got kids/family to feed:/’t.KİDZ/FA.mı’d/ Benim bakmam gereken çocuklarım/ bir ailem var. Oh please, please don’t fire me. I got kids to feed./ Mack! Can you ask boss to give me a raise/REYZ/(zam)? I got a family to feed, man. Man’s gotta do what man’s gotta do!:/ı.du’.wa:tı.du/Bir erkek ne ister, yapar!, Erkekler işte böyle! Dude! You’re married. Are you gonna come with us to that bachelor party (=erkeklerın bekarlığa veda partisi)? –Yeah. It’ll be cool. –How about your wife? Are you gonna tell her? –No. I won’t. Man’s gotta do what man’s gotta do. –I think it’s wrong! What took you so long?:/’.la:’ng/Neden geçiktin, Neden bu kadar uzun sürdü? [When changing shift(Nöbet değiştirme zamanı)] You finally showed up(sonunda geldin mi)? What took you so long?/ You’ve been underpaid this whole time and you were still working in this lousy (iğrenç) company? Why didn’t you quit earlier(Niye daha erken istifa etmedi)? What took you so long?

I’m a morning/night person: Ben sabah kalkan biriyim!/Ben gece uyan biriyim! || I’m a coffee/tea person: Ben kahve/çay sever biriyim!, Ben kahve/ çay severım! || I’m a dog/cat person: Ben köpek/kedi sever biriyim!, Ben köpek/ kedi severım! We have our differences. She’s a cat person, I’m a dog person. She’s a cookie and tea person, I’m a coffee and cream person. She’s a morning person, I’m a night person. She’s a TV & book person, I’m a computer & movie person. But she loves me, and I love her back. And that’s what’s important (Ve önemli olan bu)./ All the coffee beans in Columbia won’t make him a morning person! – Haha. Funny. But I think he can change this habit. –Oh yeah? –Wake him with ‘soft music’. Don’t tell him anything; just turn on the music. [Burada ‘morning/night/coffee/tea/dog/cat’ın yerinde her kelime olabilir.]

What brought you to Turkey?:/WA:T.bra:’ Türkiye gelme sebebin ne? || What brought you here?: Burada gelme sebebin ne? Are you Australian/a:s.TRA.liyan/? –Yes. –What brought you to Turkey? –My husband is Turkish. –I see! How did you two meet (Siz İkinize /birbirine nasıl tanıştiniz)?/ So, what brought you here? –Well, I’m a professor of anthropology and I’m doing some research. Why don’t you sit down? (=Please sit down/You can sit down!)[Bu yapı ve benzerı soru DEĞİL, tonlamayla kibarce bir ricadir:] Niye oturmuyorsunuz ki?> Lütfen oturun/Oturabilir siniz. Come in. –Hi. –Hi. How are you? –Good. –Why don’t you sit down? –Ok. Thanks. –So, what can I do for you?/ Why don’t we talk about it over at lunch (=We can talk about it over at lunch: yemekte)?/ Interviewer: Ok. Why don’t you talk about yourself(Niye kendini tanıtmıyorsun=Kendini tanıtın lütfen)./ Why don’t we have a walk and talk (Niye yürüyüp, bu konuda bahs etmıyoruz ki?= Haydi gezip bu konuda bahs edelim). She’s a ten!/He’s a ten!: O on numara! [You’re a ten!:Sen on numarasın!] [In the wedding party] Look at our daughter! With those high heels, long hair, and that fabulous dress, she’s a ten!/ Jealous people want to make you look like a five so they see themselves like a ten! If you don’t care about what they say, you’re still a TEN!/ If someone really loves you, then you are a ten. That’s all!: Hepsi bukadar./Hepsi bu. || That’s it!: İşte bu! Is there anything else you wanna tell me? –No, that’s all./ Only this note? –Yeah, that’s all she wrote./ Oh my God! I can speak English! –Yea, that’s it! Told ya! YOU CAN!! It’s ok!: (=It’s all right!) 1. Sorun değil! 2. İyidir!, İyi iyi!, Böyle iyi! 1. I broke the tea cup! –It’s ok, honey. Are you ok? –Yeah, I’m fine./ 1. I failed the exam! I should have tried harder(Daha sıkı denemelıyıdım)! –It’s ok. You’ll do better next time. I trust you and your abilities./ 2. Should I up-do my hair (Saçımı kabarık yapım mı)? –No, it’s ok! If that’s ok with you!/If it’s ok with you!: Senin için sorun yoksa! Worker in the coffee house to the customer: Sir, we’re closing in half an hour. –Uh, ok. I wanna sit and listen to the music until you close, if that’s ok with you! –No problem at all(asla)./ Let’s meet at 7, instead of 6, if that’s ok with you! –That’s totally fine. How’d it go?: (=How did it go?)/’/ Nasıl geçtı? || Where’d: (=Where did)/WERD/ Nerde … -tı, -du, -dı? So (Ee)? How was the meeting, how’d it go? –It went fine./ Where’d you put the keys? –Oh I’m sorry. I put ’em in the kitchen. [’d: Where’d you go?= 1. Where did you go(Nerede gittin)? 2. Where would you go (...olsaydı- Nerede gidecektin)? > How’d you know? 1. How did you know (Nereden bildin)? 2. How would you know(...olsaydı- Nasıl/Nereden biliyordun)? || I’d like (=I would like: istiyorum) a cup of coffee. || ’d = had> My dad said he’d built (had built) this house 20 years ago. > When I went home, I saw they’d eaten (had eaten) the cake. (had+fiilin üçüncü hal: Geçmiş zamanında konuşurken, onun geçmişte bir olay olduğunu belirtiyor.)] He opens doors for me!: [mecaz anlamı] [>O benim için kapıları açıyor!<] Yolumu açıyor!, Beni çok yardım edıyor! || He paves my way!: Yolumu düzenıp açıyor!, Yolumu açıp kolayleştırıyor! He’s a very good person. He opens doors for me. And I owe him a lot./ Sometimes in a marriage, having a baby can open doors for you./ If you have any problem at work, come to me. I’ll pave your way, I’ll find you a new job, ok? –Ok. Thank you, sir. Enlighten me!: /ın.LA:Y.dın.mi/ [Explain more so I could understand!=Give me more information!] Aydınlat beni!, Anlat bakalım! || Enlightment: /ın.LA:Yt.mınt/ aydınlatma I have a graphic design company but I also want to open a restaurant. –But why? They are too different. –Because my friend openned one and he says it’s lucrative. –Don’t do it. Don’t rush. –Why? –Just don’t. –Enlighten me! –Well, he SAYS it’s lucrative, but have you SEEN it? –[Thinks a bit] Uh, no! –Well, sometimes people lose and want others lose too. Go to his restaurant, sit there for an hour. SEE if he really has a lot of customers. Then decide to open on efor yourself. –Yea, good call!/ Before enlightment, ‘chop wood carry water’. After enlightment, ‘chop wood carry water’. –Tao idea. [I think ‘chop wood carry water’ refers to PREPARATION. We need to be PREPARED.] Ephesians 1:17-18 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints. This photo/photograph doesn’t do you justice!: [Bu fotoğraf hakkını vermıyor/adil bir şekilde davranmıyor!] Bu fotoğraf tam/gerçek güzelliğini göstermiyor! Is this your photo? –Yeah. –Oh my! –What? –It(This photo) doesn’t do you justice!/ I don’t want you to take this the wrong way (=Yanlış anlamasını istemiyorum), but that dress doesn’t do you justice.

So far so good: Şimdiye kadar çok iyi geçtı. Doctor? How is the operation going? –So far so good./ How’s your relationship with Patricia? –Well, so far so good!

Sounds like a plan!: İyi bir plan!, Sanki iyi bir planmiş!, Haydi yapalım o zaman! We first go there and then go home. –Ok. Sounds like a plan!/ Urbandictionary> A: Hey, let’s go to the mall and catch a movie. B: Cool, sounds like a plan! What are you talking about?: Sen ne’den bahsediyorsun? Did you meet Madison in the shopping mall? –What are you talking about? Who’s Madison?/ We have to move. Pack up. –What? What are you talking about?/ What are you talking about? –You know (Eh işte)… –‘You know’ what? –You know…I like you! What are you looking at?: (=Watcha/WA:Ç.ya:/ lookin’ at?) Ne bakıyorsun? [Someone stares at you, and you say] Whatcha lookin’ at? –Nothing. What are you laughing at? (=Watcha laughin’ at?): Ne güliyorsun? [They had a bad day and now run out of gas (=Onların arabanın benzin bitiyor). The driver starts laughing, his friend madly says] Whatcha laughin’ at? It ain’t funny, man. It ain’t funny. Who are you talking to/with*?: /HU-/ Kiminle konuşıyorsun? Joe? Who are you talking to? Are you talking to yourself? You’re weird. –[Joe who was talking on the phone, takes off (çıkarıyor) the handsfree and asks] Excuse me? [ÖNEMLİ YAPI: Who are you walking with? Kiminle dolaşıyorsun/geziyorsun? Who are you speaking English with? Kiminle İngilizce konuşuyorsun? Who are you shopping with? Kiminle alışveriş yapıyorsun? Who are you dancing with? Kiminle dans ediyorsun? Who are you having lunch with? Kiminle öğle yemek yiyorsun?] What is it for? Bu ne içindir?/ Bu ne işi yarar?/ Niye bunu getirdi? [Pic] Smile. Laugh. Be happy. That’s what life is for, isn’t it?  What for?/ For what?: Ne için? || What… for? Ne için...? / Niye...? I’m going to Kenya. –What for? –For doing a project. –What project?/ What is this here for? (Bu ne için burada?)/ [Pic] What do you want to be married to me for anyhow? –So I can kiss you anytime I want. What’s with the…? [istemediğin/şaşırma bir durum] [>Bu soruda bir ‘niye’ var ve kalan duruma göre değişiyor.]…niye getirdin/niye burada/niye böyle?, öyle?, -nin hikayesi ne?, Bu da ne? [Looks at the bag with surprise and asks(Çantayı bakıp şaşırıp söylüyor)] What’s with the bag (Çantayı niye getirdin)?/ What’s with the waterworks(=tears), girlie(Kızım! Niye ağlıyorsun)?/ What’s with the weather(Bu havaya neler oluyor/Bu hava niye bu kadar değişiyor)? It has changed a lot this afternoon./ Hey! What’s with the mustache(Niye biyik koydun)?/ [Beastly(2011)] What’s with the mask? (Niye maske koydun?/Maske de ne öyle?)/ [Beastly] What’s with all the tools? (Bu aletler niye burada/ne için/ne işi yarar/-ın hikaye ne?)/ [Beastly] What’s with the Korean TV. You speak Korean? Second to none: (=First=Best=Better than others) hepsinden iyi, en iyisi, birinci, rakipsiz  BE THE SECOND TO NONE when learning English!/ Our prices are second to none./ I’m gonna say, this team’s determination to win is second to none. We gotta work harder to win the game. Why don’t you...?: Niye ...sun ki?/ ...yap sana! Why don’t you sit down? (Niye oturmuyorsun ki/ Otur sana/ Oturun –lütfen)!/ Why don’t you tell me what’s going on? (Niye ne olduğunu bana söylemıyorsun? /Ne olduğunu bana söyle.) What’s going on here?: /-hiyır/ Burada neler oluyor? What’s going on here? Who’s this? Why is here so messy (=karışık/ düzensiz)?/ Why isn’t anybody at work? What’s going on here? What’s wrong with...? ... ne yanlış vardi?, Niye...-medi? || What’s wrong with you?: Sana neler oluyor? || What’s with you?: Sana neler oluyor? || What’s going on with you?: Sana neler oluyor? || What’s the matter with you?: Sana neler oluyor? [Pic] So what’s wrong with the blueberry pie? –There’s nothing wrong with it, just people make other choices./ You cry, and then you laugh. What’s wrong with you? –I laugh at my cry!/ [A Little Help (2010)] The babysitter didn’t do the dishes yet. Laura asks her to leave (bırakmak) the dishes and go home but the babysitter thinks she must have finished them first. Laura yells at her and she goes. Laura’s son asks, ‘‘What’s with you?’’/ You dropped the lawsuit? What’s going on with you? – There’s nothing wrong with me. I forgave him./ You turned down his offer? What’s the matter with you? Who do you think you are?: Sen kim olduğunu zan edıyorsun?, Kim olduğunu sanıyorsun?/Sen kimsin be? You mustn’t talk to her. –What? Who do you think you are? It’s not really any of your business!/ Who do you think you are, going around, telling me ‘Do this’ and ‘Do that’? I’m not your slave. Do your own job and go home!/ You don’t have any religion? –I’m researching. Why? –No, you must have a religion! –What? Who do you think you are? You don’t have the right to judge me (Bana yargılamaya hakkın yok)./ Worker1: I don’t mop the floor. Worker2: But this is your turn(sıra sende). W1: From now on, only you must do it ’cause I came here one month earlier than you! W2: Who do you think you are? My boss?

What makes you think you are/can/…? ...düşüncenın sebebi ne? Niye…olduğunu/yapabiliceğini düşünüyorsun/zannedıyorsun? What makes you think you are better than her, Mr. Johnson?/ What makes you think you can do it?/ What makes you think you can save the company?/ What makes you think your son wouldn’t drop out of college again if I accepted him again?/ What makes you think she’s intelligent?/ [Father Of Invention (2010)] Robert is bankrupt(iflas etti). Now he goes to his engineer friend and asks him to design something for him. The engineer friend says: What makes you think that I will work with you again? –’Cause you need this as bad as I do!/ [Pic] What makes you think you can just walk in there and take what you want? What was that about?: [‘that’ vurgulu] [şaşırdığın zaman] Niye öyle söyledi/ yaptı/..?, O da neydi öyle? The neighbor wondered why he’s living alone but he has a fiancée. Now his fiancée is at the door and the nosey neighbor comes out. He introduces her as his CO-WORKER! When they get into his apartment, she asks, ‘So what was that about?’/ He uses a sign language ‘I love you!’ to a girl and his friend asks, ‘What was that about?’ Where are you off to?: (=Where are you going?=Where are you headed?) Nerede gidiyorsun? [ABC Family TV movie ‘My Future Boyfriend’ (2011)] The co-worker to Liz(Sara Rue): Liz? Where are you off to?/ Hey, where are you off to? –I’m off to gym. (Are) You coming along? I see myself as…: Ben kendimi…olarak düşünüyorum! || I’ve been told I am…: Bana… olduğunu söylüyorlar! So, what are you like? –Well, I see myself as sophisticated, selfless, patient, trustworthy, and honorable. How do you see yourself?/ Talk about you! –Aw, I think others should say that, but I’ve been told I’m a caring person. –That’s so good. –How about you? Riddle me this!: /Rİ.dıl--/ [=Answer me this question!] Bunu cevap ver! Ok, riddle me this: What’s the difference between ‘on time’ and ‘in time’? –Well, ‘on time’ means at the ‘exact’ time. But ‘in time’ means ‘earlier than expected and still have time’. – Right(Correct)./ Riddle me this: What’s a music websites starting with letter ‘b’ famous for its Hot 100? –! –Correct! [Yanlış cevap verdığınce: Incorrect!] You’re good at this!: Bu konuda iyisin!, Bu işe iyi biliyorsun! Oh my gosh! I was working on my math problem for two days and I couldn’t solve it. You did it in two minutes! You’re really good at this! –Thank you./ You ironed /A:Y.rınd/(Ötü yaptı) my shirt in twenty seconds! You’re really good at this!/ [Pic] Maybe some of us aren’t good at anything. [Burada ‘this’in yerinde her şey gelebilir> You’re good at math!> She’s good at dancing.> He’s good at lying! > They’re good at business!] Everything is under control!: Her şey kontrol altında! || Be out of one’s control: birinin kontrolün dışında olmak || Take control: 1. kontrolü ele almak 2. el koymak Did you invite all the guests in the list? –Yeah, don’t worry baby. Everything is under control./ Cop: Everything is under our control./ [TV movie: Beauty & the Briefcase] You told me that you could save this company money. –I said it was out of my control. –This isn’t a 7th grade, Tom! Take control./ Reporter: The drug dealers are all arrested. The police is on the spot(sahnede/noktada/yerde) and took control of everything(ve burada polis her şeyi el koydu). Not too shabby!:/na:’t.tu.ŞA’.bi/(=Not so shabby!) Pek fena değil!, Pek eskipüskü değil!, İyidir! [burada>‘shabby’ vurguludur] || Shabby: eski püskü I bought this couch from a thrift store (ikinci el satılan mağazası) for 55 bucks. It looks brand new! –Mmm, not too shabby!/ Farmer: Look at the potatoes! –Mmm, not so shabby!/ Despite being rich, he always wears a shabby jacket.

Enjoy the ride!:/--RA:Yd/(=Have a life!/Live a little!) Yaşa biraz!/Keyifini bak! || Enjoy yourself!: (=Have a good time!) Eğlen!, İyi zaman geç!, Zamanın tadını çıkar! || Enjoy*: /in.CO’y/ [Pek demıyorlar Enjoy FROM] tadını çıkarmak, zevk almak, hoşlanmak Why are you so stressed out? Relax! Enjoy the ride a bit!/ Stop worrying and enjoy the ride, man!/ Are you sure you’re not coming to the gig? –Yeah, you go and enjoy yourself!/ Enjoy the party! [NOT>Enjoy FROM the party!]/ I enjoy reading and at the same time having snacks. [NOT... enjoy FROM...] Where were we?: Nerde kalmıştık?, Nerde kaldık? And then I fell in love with him. Then… [doesn’t finish the sentence and wants to check the food in the kitchen]...oh, I’ll be right back. [After 5 minutes] uh, where were we? –You fell in love! – Uh-huh, yeah I fell in love and…/ You know, HP Compaq laptops… [phone rings] … excuse me, I have to take it (=Bunu cevap vermek zorondayım)... [after talking on the phone] so, where were we? –HP Compaq. –Aw, yeah, I believe HP Compaq laptops, notebooks, and netbooks are great. Their prices are reasonable(makul/uygun) too.

Where you at?: Nerdesin? Ashley? Where you at? Get back here./ [On the phone] Hey! Where you at? You were supposed to be here in two shakes(=very soon). It’s official:/its.ı.Fİ.şıl/Herkesin haberin var, hep bunu biliyorlar. It’s official. Yeah. He’s not the manager anymore./ It’s official. I love my wife. That’s why I cannot move to another city ’cause she has a job here./ [1 to 3] Don’t go with your feeling. It leads you to lose, but wisdom leads you to win. [2 to 3] Yeah, it’s official. It’s nature’s rule. [3] Neither feeling nor wisdom, go for the Spirit. It will lead you to eternal success, no matter what. Knock it off:/’f/Bırakın ya!, Kes şunu!, Yapma!, Yeter artık!, Üstüme gelme! || Cut it out: /ka:.dit.AWT/Kes şunu!, Bırakın ya!, Yapma!, Yeter artık!, Üstüme gelme! [They say that when something/somebody is bothering them (Kimse/Bir şey onlara rahatsız ederse bunu diyorlar).] [Your friend is making constant noise, and you say] Dude! Seriously, knock it off./ [Two friends of yours are laughing and joking in the library, you can’t stay focused and say] Cut it out, guys! I’m trying to study here!/ [Two students are fighting, inspector comes and says] Knock it off, you two (siz ikisi/siz>iki kişiye söyler). Pull yourself together!:/PUL.yor.self-tu.GE.zır/ (Hold it together!) 1.Kendine gel!, Kendine toparla! 2. Cesaretini toparla!(=Find some guts/GA:Ts/) [He’s afraid of talking to the girl he likes, his friend says] Come on, man! Don’t be such a coward(korkak)! I tell you what (Bak ne diyeceğim). Just pull yourself together and go talk to her. Now! GO!/ Why are you so nervous (=gergin)? You gotta pull yourself together./ [Driving instructor] Before you start the engin, you gotta pull yourself together, all right? Sit back. Relax like me, eh? Ok, good. How many drivers do you see around yourself? The first day they couldn’t drive. If they can, YOU CAN too./ Come on, buddy! Hold it together and go talk to that American over there. Trust me, he’ll be happy to talk to you. Just make it short and don’t ask personal questions, ok? –Ok. –Go!/ You studied enough so pull yourself together. You’re gonna be fine in the exam. –Really? –Of course. Just relax! –All right! –Attaboy! I got/have some time to kill:/-KİL/ Zaman öldürmeye vaktim var! Bir az boş vaktim var! I have a class at 6:30. It’s about 5 now, so I got some time to kill./ He had some time to kill so he just hung out with his friends./ What would you do if you had 1 hour to kill? –I would go to a cafe and read a book. I don’t (even) break a sweat!:/-SWET/ Çok kolyace yapacam!, Bir ter bile dökmıyecem! My car died (Arabamın pil bitmiş/boşalttı). Can you fix it for me? –Yeah. I’m a mechanic. I fix it for ya and I don’t even break a sweat. –Cool!/ Stay out of this, Chad! You know I can beat you easily. And you know that I won’t even break a sweat doing so!/ Look at that guy over there. I’m sure he can beat all three of us and doesn’t even break a sweat! [Thanks! –No sweat (Bir şey değil/Hiç zahmet yoktu)!] Don’t sweat it: Önemli değil!, Dert/Yemin/Merak etme! [Father Of Invention (2010)] Troy to Robert(Kevin Spacy) at his first day of work: Hey, you’re 19 minutes late but don’t sweat it, man. I’m in the middle of something!: Bir şeylere meşgulum!, (Şimdi) müsait değilim! || I’m in the middle of nowhere!: Hiçliğin ortasındayım!, Bilmiyorum nerdeyım! [His phone rings] Yep? –Austin? Are you coming to the game tonight or what? –I’m actually in the middle of something right now. Can I call you back? –Sure. Let me know. –Okay. Bye./ Can you help me with the math? –[He’s surfing the Internet] I’m in the middle of something./ [Mom on the phone] Molly! Where are you hon? –Mom! I..[looks around] I’m in the middle of nowhere. All around me is just open ranges. I appreciate that!:/a:y.ıp.Rİ.şi.eyt-ZA’t/ Onu takdir ediyorum! || I appreciate your help: Sizin yardime takdir ediyorum. || I appreciate if…: [Kibarce bir rica] Eğer…memnun olacam, Eğer …takdir edecem!, Eğer… mutlu olacam! Thanks for giving me a ride. I appreciate that. –No problem (Bir şey değil)./ Would you like me to bring those boxes for you? –Yes, I appreciate your help. This backache/BA.keyk/(sırt ağrısı) is killing me./ Your car is blocking the garage/gı.RA:’J/, sir. I appreciate if you could move it a bit. –Oh sure. I’m sorry./ I really appreciate if you handed this letter to the manager. I’m flattered!:/a:ym.fLA.dırd/ Pohpohlandım!, Gururlandım!, Gururum okşandı! [=That’s flattering!] When someone receives a compliment, they reply ‘I’m flattered!’ It’s a nice way of saying ‘Thank you!’/ I read your book. It was riveting (=çok ilginç/heyecan dolu). You have a gift (Yeteğiniz var/Yeteneklisiniz). –Oh, I’m flattered!/ I like your photography. I gotta tell, I’m really impressed by them. You’re a real artist. –Thank you so much. I’m actually flattered./ You’re such a good driver! –Thanks! That’s flattering!

It’s your call!: /its.YOR.ka:’l/ Karar sende!, Sen bilirsin! If you want her to be your friend, then go. But remember, if you go, you should just forget about me for ever. Now, it’s your call./ I don’t know which one I pick(seçmek), HTC, Motorola, BlackBerry, iPhone, Droid, Android, or Evo! –Well, it’s your call!

It’s up to you:/its.a:p.tu.YU/[=It depends on you=It’s your call!] Karar sande, Sana bağliyor, Sen bilirsin (=You know it!) Teacher: So we have two hours left. Would you like to watch a movie or would you like me to give you some topics to speak? –It’s up to you(=It depends on you)./ So uncle Sebastian! What do you think? Should I marry the girl? –I don’t say do it or don’t do it. It’s up to you. But all I say is that open your eyes before marriage and open your heart after. It depends (on):/it.di.PENd/ (-e) değişiyor, (-e) bağlıyor What do you do in your free time? –Well, it depends (on my mood). If I feel good, I play tenis; if lazy, I eat and watch TV!/ What’s your favorite color, J? –It depends. For dress, purple; for car, red; and for shoes, blue. –So you like most colors? –No, I hate green and brown! I just hate ’em! Are you satisfied (now)?: [iğneleme] [istemediğin durumu başka birinin istediğini göre yapmaktan sonra] Şimdi iyi odlunmu?, Şimdi memnun musun?, Şimdi razı oldunmu? || Are you satisfied with… ?: …dan memnun musun? The boss fired me because of your gossip, mister(bey efendi)! Are you satisfied now?/ [To the jealous person] You ruined my wedding. Are you satisfied?/ [Angry tone] You sent my husband to jail. Are you satisfied now?/ Are you satisfied with your car (=Kendine arabadan memnun musun)?/ I hope you’re satisfied with your stay at our hotel (=Umarım bizim otelde kalmaktan memnun sunuz). Be grateful for…:/-GREYT.fıl-/…(bunu sahip olmak) için şükürlü /minnettar olmak I’m grateful for my health and peace./ You should be grateful for your wife, your child, your house, your car, and everything you have./ Woman: I’m greatful for my husband. We’re greatful for our relationship with God. He is our Savior./ I’m greatful for my hardship for it made me stronger in faith. Keep your mouth shut!:/kip.yor.MAWS şa:t/Sus!, Çeneni kapat! I’m sorry, if I didn’t know anything about interior designing, I’d keep my mouth shut./ Keep your mouth shut and let me do my job! Behave yourself!:/bi.HEYv.yor.self/ Akıllı ol! Adam gibi dur/davran! Terbiyeni tak! Shh! Mary Ann! It’s a funeral. You shouldn’t laugh out loud. Behave yourself, young lady./ [Child is playing around and hitting his dad with a toy gun] No, Tim! Don’t. Don’t do that (=Yapma). Behave yourself. You don’t have the right to judge me:/-ra:yt-CA:C-/ Bana yargılamaya hakkın yok. We don’t have the right to judge others because God is the only judge./ I want this girl and I wanna marry her. I don’t care if she’s not rich, or, or, she’s not beautiful, or anything. Besides, you don’t have the right to judge me. I’m mature enough to decide for myself. –Ok. Do as you wish(İstediğini göre yap)! Stand in someone’s way: [>hedef için<] birinin yolu engellemek/kesmek/kapatmak It’s a famous quote: ‘‘The only person standing in your way is ‘you.’’/ If we insist for a long time, the obstacle might be there for a long time too. We need to change our way. Take something for granted:/-GRAN.tıd/ bir şeyi gerçek olarak düşünmeden/otomatik kabul etmek, otomatik olarak…inanmak The rabbit(tavşan) was so fast, he took it for granted that he could win without breaking a sweat (=without any try/easily). But the turtle /T3R.dıl/(kaplumbağa) won!/ Americans take freedom of speech for granted. (=They don’t think if they have freedom of speech, they already believe they have it.)

Take someone for granted: (=Underestimate the value of being with someone) birini ciddiye almamak/değerının altında paha biçmek/duyarsızlaşmak/artık özel bakmamak The reason they got divorced is that after they got married, they gradually started to take each other for granted./ The publisher took the writer for granted and rejected the book. But when the book was published by another publisher and became a best seller, he regretted (pişman oldu). Are you sure you can handle this/it?:/-HAN.dıl-/Bunu yapabiliceyini emin misin? [He’s gathering plates off the table, his hands are full, but he wants to gather more plates from the lady’s hand so she asks] Are you sure you can handle this?/ [To the pet

detective] I give you five grand (beş bin dolar) to go get (=bulmak/getirmek) this dog for me. –Sure. –But are you sure you can handle it? You what?: [şaşırmak zaman] [önceki cümleye göre] Sen ne dedi?, Sen ne yaptı?, Sen ne? [Pic] I love you. –You what? [>From the body language, we can SEE that ‘You what?’ is when someone surprises.]/ I broke your iPad. –You what??? –Look, I’m sorry. It just dropped off my hand. I didn’t mean to break it (Amacım onu kırmak değildi). I’m about to…: … üzereyım || I’m about to finish: bitmek üzereyim || I’m about to leave (the house):/-Lİ’v-/(ev’in) çıkmak üzereyım I’m about to catch a cold. –Drink honey-lemon tea./ [The lawyer is reading the client’s case(müvekkilin dosyası), his co-worker asks] Are you done(İşini bitirdin mi)? –I’m about to finish./ [On the phone] Where are you? –I’m about to leave the house. Why (Niye söruyorsun)? –Somebody wants to meet you. It’s a surprise!/ I was about to sleep. Why did you call? What’s wrong? You strike me as…:/yu.sTRA:YK.mi.a’z/ Bana…geliyor. || Strike: /sTRA:Yk/ grev || Be on strike: grev yapmak You strike me as a person of a noble /NA:’.bıl/(asil) family./ She strikes me as a very intelligent person./ [Terri (2011)] Terri(Jacob Wysocki) is always late and sent to principal’s Office. The principal, Mr. Fitzgerald(John C. Reilly), explains why he remembers Terri’s name: Well, every year there’s two groups of kids who stand out here. Okay? There’s the good-hearted(iyi kalplı) kids. And there’s the bad-hearted kids. And those are the ones whose names I learn. Terri: And which one am I? –Don’t you know, dude? –I don’t know if I know(Bildiğimi emin değilim). –Well, you strike me as one of the good-hearted ones, Terri, which is why(ki bu nedenle/ ki bu sebepla) I’m upset that we have to meet here today for reasons of discipline./ Reporter: There is a big strike in the streets of the city./ The workers have been on strike since yesterday. Let me get this straight..: [=Let me see if I understood what you said] Bakalım doğru anladım mı!,Doğru anlamış mıyım bir bakalım!,Söyledğını bakalım doğru anlamış mıyım! Lemme /LE.mi/ (=Let me) get this straight. You want me to go with her all the way to North Carolina? –That’s about right (=That’s right: Evet, doğru)./ [Surprisingly] So, let me-let me get that straight. You tell me that your date last night was your boss’ daughter? Is that what you’re telling me? –Yeah! I know! This is insane. I actually didn’t know it, until I saw her father’s picture in her car!! –Gee! –Yeah!! I love her and I wanna marry her! We got great chemistry(=elektrik/iki kişinin arasında cazib). Let me in: içeri al beni, kapıyı aç Mia? Why did you lock the door? Please. Let me in. We need to talk./ Ma’am, please, let me in. Somebody’s trying to hurt me./ I’m sorry. I can’t let you in. It’s a private party. [I let you go: kovuluyorum seni/Kovuldun!] This sounds kinda crazy but… : Bu size biraz çılgınce gelebilir ama… This sounds kinda crazy but he’s in love with a girl 10 years older than him. –Well, I know happy couples like that, so no surprise./ This sounds kinda crazy but she has still kept her childhood toys. My bad!:/’d/ Benim hatam!, Afedersiniz benim hatam! || Well done!: /WEL.da:’n/ /wel.DA:’n/ Aferin!, Bravo! As a role model, you have to be more careful about your behaviors. –I’m sorry! My bad!/ Dad! I got the perfect score at SAT/es.ey.Tİ’/(Amerika’da ÖSS)! –Well done! That’s my girl (İşte bu benim kızım)! [That’s>vurgulu]/ [In the dance class] Now you’re doing it right. Bravo. So, one more time. Mind if I take a look?: Bir göz atim sakıncası var mı? You have a lot of DVDs! Mind if I take a look? –Not at all. Please./ It’s a cozy cabin (=Hoş/Sıcak/Samimi bir kulübe)! Mind if I take a look inside? –Of course not. Go ahead (=Devam et/Buyur). Rain check:/REYN.çek/[bir davet/istiğen reddedildiği zaman] Alacağım olsun, Sonraki sefer, Başka bir zaman, Sonra [They just got into a restaurant to have dinner. Her cell (=cep telefon) rings, she takes it, and after, she says] I’m sorry. Something just came up and I have to go. I’m really sorry. Rain check?/ Could you give me a hand on mopping the floor? –Sorry I’m in a bit of a rush (bir az acelem var). But rain check, okay?/ I have to go somewhere but I’ll leave a comment on your blog. –Rain check? –Rain check. You can count on it. Someone like you/me/him/her: senin/ benim/ onun/ onun gibi biri [Pic] Silly of me to think you could fall in love with someone like me. Are we good?: Başka bir sorunumuz yok, değil mi? || We’re good!: Bizim sorunumuz yok! [Tam olarak de bile olmadan, birinin beklentelerını yapmaktan sonra diyorlar.] You told me to go to the imigration office, and I went. So… are we good?/ I wrecked your car and I had it fixed now. Are we good? –Yep. We’re good. Thanks, buddy. I don’t think that’s such a good idea: Sanırım bu iyi bir fikir değil. Thanks for the ride, buddy. Would you like to come upstairs and grab a drink? –Well, thanks, but I don’t think that’s such a good idea ’cause tomorrow morning I need to wake up early so I better get going. But rain check, okay?

I’m sure you get this a lot…: Eminim bunu size hep söylüyorlardir… || I’m sure you get this all the time…: Eminim bunu size hep söylüyorlardir… Is she your sister? –[Chuckles] No, she’s my daughter. –Really? But you’re so young! –Yeah, I get this a lot./ I’m sure you get this all the time, but was your house really Bon Jovi’s house? Let me put this in another way…/Let me put it in this way… : (=Let me rephrase that) Sana şöyle anlatayım…, Başka bir şekilde söyleyim, Şöyle söyleyım… [Principal (=Okul müdürü)] The first time, you escaped out of the school, I just advised you. The second time, you fought with another student, I called for your parents. Let me put this in another way, young boy. This time if I see anything wrong from you, I have no way but to exile/ you from school. Am I clear?

News travel (so) fast!:/nu’z.TRA.vıl-so’.FA’St/ Haberler çobuk yayılıyor! (=Word gets around) You got promoted! Congrats! –Oh, news travel so fast! –Yeah! Faster than Madonna /mı.DA:’.nı/ adopted another child!/ You bought a boat? –How do you know? –News travel fast, buddy!/ [The Woodcarver] It’s a small town. Word gets around./ [Love’s Unending Legacy] It’s a small town. Word gets around. Man of the hour:/man.a:v.zı.AWır/ günün adamı [1 to 2] Gosh! You got so famous by saving the kid’s life from fire. [3 to 2] Yeah, you became the man of the hour!/ Woohoo! Look who is here /Hİyır/ (Bak kim geldi)! Man of the hour! It’s not my style!:/its.NA:’t-ma:y.sta:yl/ Bu benim terzım değil! I don’t talk behind people’s back. It’s not my style./ What? Purple lipstick? No. That’s not just my style. You don’t even know me!: Sen beni bile tanımıyorsun! I like you. –What? Why? You don’t even know me!/ Thanks for the help, but why? You don’t even know me! Welcome aboard:/WEL.ka:m-ı.BO’Rd/ işimiza katılmaya hoş geldin, aramizda hoş geldin Boss: You must be Alexander. – Yes, sir. [Boss shakes hands with him and says] Welcome aboard, son. –Thank you, sir. –Call me Andy./ Aw, are you the new assistant? –Yep, I am. –Welcome aboard. I’m Lee. –And I’m Cheryl. It’s a pleasure (=Tanışmayı memnun oldum). [Abroad: yurtdışında>Have you ever been abroad?] I’m outta here:/a:ym.AW.dı.hiyır/1. Ben (buradan) çıkıyorum/ gidiyorum/kaçıyorum! 2. Ben karışmam! If you’re not gonna love me, I’m outta here, baby!/ Your argument is not about me. I’m outta here. I’ve had enough!: Bu kadar bana yeter! || I’ve had it!: Bu kadar bana yeter! Marrying again? No, no, no. I married three times and I think I’ve had enough. No, no, no./ In one of Jim Rohn’s videos, he was talking about that successful businesslady and he quoted something from her, ‘I’ve had it!’ He said that with such great intonation. [I had enough: Yeterli kadar yedim/Doydum!>Would you like more macaroni? –No, thanks. I had enough.] I can’t get enough of…!:…-ye doyamıyorum! German tourist when leaving Turkey: I can’t get enough of Turkey! I love it so much!/ I can’t get enough of your love./ I can’t get enough of you, baby. I love you so much…you know that./ He can’t get enough of Discovery Channel./ These computer games are some kind of addiction. Once kids play, they can’t get enough of them. Better late than never!: Geç olması hiç olmamasından iyidir! [Matthew just joined his friend in the stadium, and she, his friend, says] Hey! You were supposed to be here at 9. It’s 10, dude! –Uh, they say better late than never! They didn’t score a goal yet? Oh come on!/ [In the restaurant] Uh, you finally arrived? –Sorry I’m late. –Better late than never! –Yeah, right.

It’s a blessing in disguise:/its.ı.bLE.sing-in.dis.GA:’Yz/ (önce) kötü görünüyor ama (sonu) iyidir Psychologists say that ‘crying’ is like a blessing in disguise. It might look bad but it’ll ease the pain (acıyı/dertı sakınleştirecez)./ I agree, he broke your heart, but maybe it’s a blessing in disguise, to make you wiser and stronger./ It rains and we hate to get soaking wet, but it’s a blessing in disguise, ’cause eventually after the rain, it’s sunny.

I’m gonna take up on your offer: /-A:’.fır/ Senin teklife kabul etmek istiyorum. [Leaving a message on answering machine (tele sekreter)] Hi. It’s me. Uh, I though about what you said and I’m gonna take up on your offer, the one about hotel night management. Give me a call when you can. Thanks. Bye./ Hey. How you doing? –I’m good. Listen, the other day we had a small talk about buying your house. Can I take up on your offer now? –I’m sorry, man. I sold it. Take it up a notch:/-NA:’ç/[bir şeyi/bir konuyı] daha ciddi almak/ daha ciddi takip etmek, daha ciddi devam etmek, bu konuya daha derince bakmak/takip etmek/devam etmek || Take it to the next level: [bir şeyi/bir konuyu] daha ciddi almak/ takip etmek/devam etmek, bu konuyı sıradakı seviyesi götürmek, bu konuda daha ilerlemek, bu konuda daha ciddi olmak You’ve been with Hailey for over 5 years. Aren’t you gonna take it up a notch/take it to the next level and marry her?/ She was working with some small companies. Now she has taken it up a notch and is working with big companies like Toshiba and LG./ After Apple 3G, many mobile manufacturing companies have come up with the idea that the new generation of mobiles has started, so they should take things to the next level and produce touchscreen (dokunmatik) mobiles. I have an announcement to make:/-ı.NAWNS.mınt-/ Önemli bir duyuru yapacayım! [Flicia, tapping the side of champagne/şa’m.PE’YN/ glass with a fork, to get everyone’s attention] Hello? Everybody? [When everybody is quiet and listening to her, she says] I have an announcement to make. Ken and I are getting married! –Great!/Congratulations!/Lucky Ken!/ Hello people? Hello? Our manager Mr. Pearson has an announcement to make. That’d be great!: Harika olur!, ...harika/çok iyi olurdu! Care for some coffee? –Yeah. That’d be great!/ [Pic] Yeeeaah, if you could just, go ahead and read this in my voice, that’d be great. You gotta be kidding me!:/’.dı.bi.Kİ.ding.mi/ Sanırım şaka yapiyorsun!, Sen şaka yapmalisin!, Ciddi değilsin! || I’m just kidding/ joking/ messing/ playing with you: Şaka şaka! Seninle şaka yapiyorum!, Seni kandırıyorum! || You’re kidding/joking, right?: Şaka yapiyorsun, değil mi?, Ciddi söylemiyorsun, değil mi? [To her roommate] Who is she? –She’s a friend. She doesn’t have anyone to go to. So she’s staying here for a month or so until she finds a job and an apartment. –What? A month? You gotta be kidding me! –Easy, easy! I’m just playing with you. She’s my rich cousin I talked to you about. –Oh really? [To the cousin] Hi! My name’s Rowena /ro.Wİ.na:/. It’s a pleasure to meet you!/ Hey, I saw a car ran over your cat. I’m sorry. –What? Oh no, oh no, oh noooooo! Bernie! – I’m just kidding with ya! –What? Kidding? What kinda kidding it that? I almost had a heart attack!/ Teens use the expression ‘‘You’re kidding, right?’’ a lot in the U.S./ What did you do with the money? –I bought a vineyard. –You’re kidding, right? –No. I’m dead serious(çok ciddiyim). –But why? What do you know about wine? Mess with someone: biriyle şaka yapmak, birini kandırmak || Mess around: takılmak, kandırmak, şaka yapmak Seth! You’re fired! –W--why? What did I do? –Relax. I’m just messing with you. It’s April Fools’ Day(=bir Nisan şakası günü). –Aw, man!/ Don’t mess with me!/ I became rich! –Come on! Are you messing with me? –No, I mean it (ciddiyim). I won a lottery (Bir kazı kazanı kazandım)!! –That’s fantastic!!/ How much is it? –2000. –Are you selling the shop with it? –What? –Nothing. I’m just messing around. Why is it so pricy anyway?/ Her hubby is coming. –I don’t think I can stand him! –What? –Come on! I’m just messing around.

I’ll be damned!: [=Who would have thought?/ Oh my gosh, I can’t believe what I see/hear!] [Büyük şaşırı tonlamasıyla, aşırı şaşırmak ve inanmamak zaman söylenir] Olur şey değil!, Gördüğümü hiç inanamiyorum!, Hayatta bunun olduğunu düşünmemıştım/hayal etmemıştım! I’ll be damned!!!!! –What? –Your husband is doing the dishes!!!!!!/ [He was always afraid of driving and now his friend says:] Oh my!! I’ll be damned!!! You’re DRIVING!!! Language please!:/LAN.gwic.pli’z/ [=Watch/Mind your language please!] Düzgün konuş lütfen!, Söylediklerini dikkat et lütfen!, Küfürleme! [She says something bad and her friend says] Language, please. There’re kids here. There’s nothing I/we can do about it!: Yapacak bir şey yok!, Elimde/Elimizde gelen bir şey yok! [The LED TV fell down from his hand. They give it to be fixed but the guy says] It’s totally broken. There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m sorry./ He got the money and ran away. We have no picture, address, phone number, or anything of him. So I guess… there’s nothing we can do about it now. How could you do this to me?: (İnanamıyorum…)bunu bana nasıl yaptı? Professor shows this video to his students: [[I’m your husband. –But you checked my purse! It’s ‘my’ purse, ‘my’ privacy... how could you do this to me? Are you spying on me?]] Now the professor asks his students: Do you think a husband has the right to check his wife’s purse?/ [After she cheats on him, he comes and says] I just... I just don’t understand(Hiç anlamıyorum). How could you do this to me?

Bring something up: bir konuyu açmak/bahsetmek/ortaya atmak/ ileri sürmek/ortaya çıkarmak/ gündeme getirmek || You always bring this up!: Sen hep bu konuyu ileri sürüyorsun!, Sen hep bu konuyu ortaya atıyorsun/çıkarıyorsun!, Sen hep bu konuyu gündeme getiriyorsun! We need to have stricter law against bullying./ Boss! I think it’s a great idea to buy their machinery. –Oh yeah? Great idea? How about your last idea that we had a great loss with? –Oh please, don’t bring this up. I know it was a total mistake. But this one is different!/ We should have given them a better housewarming gift (yeni eve taşınma hediyesi). – Ugh. You always bring this up! I don’t wanna talk about it, Celine. That bottle of wine was ok, trust me./ [Couple fighting] Remember last year you lied to me about ‘Preston’, remember? –Ugh, you always bring this up! –Yeah ’cause I didn’t trust you. I’m not buying it: Sözünü inanamiyorum/kabul edemem/müşteri olamam! He says he didn’t kill her. –He’s lying, and I’m not buying it!/ [The cop sees his journalist friend is coming to him, and says as a kidding] Whatever story you have for me, I’m not buying it! [Buy:/BA:Y/satın almak>We don’t have enough space for two beds. We should buy bunk bed /BA:NK.bed/(ranza) for the kids.]

I’m just saying!/Just saying!: Alınma, sadece söyledim işte!, Amacım bir şey yoktu!, Alınma/Yani!, Ciddi alma işte!, Sadece diye söyledim!, Kusurabakma sadece söyledim dedim! [‘‘(I’m) just saying’’ söyledığınden sonra her ne konuştuğun konuyu BİTİRECEKSİNİZ ve başka bir konudan bahsediyorsunuz.] I guess since 2008, the phrase ‘I’m just saying’ has become so popular in America. Some smart businesspeople even sold millions of tees (=T-shirts) with this slogan! The phrase is used when you say something and the person is offended, or looking at you like ‘Mmm?’ so you use this. It clears the offense(Bu cümle alınganlığı siliyor), and means ‘I didn’t mean anything’ or ‘Don’t take it seriously’ or ‘I just wanted to say it; didn’t mean anything.’/ So what do you think of my new clothes? –I think it’s crap! –[Looks at him and says] Mmm? –What? I’m just saying!!/ Among your relatives, I just don’t like Ludwig! –DUDE!!! He’s my cousin!! –Just sayin’!/ I’m sorry I’m not a stickler, but you wrote ‘On the internet’ but I believe it should be ‘On the Internet.’ The Internet is a special word. That’s why we write it with capital ‘I’. Just saying! The sign on the street says…[espri] Sokaktadaki tabelada yaziyor… Can I ask you a question? –The sign on the street says I don’t answer any question today! –HaHa! You’re funny./ Can you help me, please? –The sign on the street says I’m busy today and I don’t help anyone. –You’re brutal /bRU.dıl/ (acemasız)! Whatever it is that you’re asking, the answer is no!: İsteklerın ne olursa olsun, cevabın hayırdır! (=Artık seni yardım edemem!) [He sees his brother, who comes to him all the time to ask money, is coming again. As he sees him, he says] I’m sorry, Tony. Whatever it is that you’re asking, the answer is no. You gotta find a job, ok? Besides, you were supposed to give my 1500 (fifteen hundred) back. Put that behind you:/-bi.HA:YNd-/Bunu arkasına bırak!, Bunu unut! Don’t care about what she said. Just put that behind you, man!/ If you really love each other, you put your flaws (=kusurlarını) behind you. – Amen /ey.ME’n/ (=Çok doğru söylediniz/Çok iyi dediniz)!/ Girl! You always live in the past. Past is the past (Geçmiş geçtı). Put that behind you. He’s right behind me, isn’t he?: O tam arkamda, değil mi? To her friends: Who? John? I just… [her friends are trying to stop her but she keeps talking]... like this guy so much! [Her friends continue signaling her and she says] What? Huh? Oh… he’s right behind me, isn’t he?

I hope it wouldn’t sound too forward if I asked…: [>Çok kibar<] Umarım eğer …-sem çok küstah değildir! I hope it wouldn’t sound too forward if I asked you out. –Oh no. I’d be pleased./ Would it be too forward if I invited her to a cup of coffee? [Forward: ileri/ileri doğru> The car battery died. We need to push it forward.] That’s/It’s water under the bridge: Köprünün altından çok su aktı! (Artık önemli değil!) Hey buddy! It’s been a long time. Are you still mad at me because I broke your leg when we were kids? –Oh, come on. That’s water under the bridge. Come sit and have a drink with me./ I’m sorry about what happened between us. –Oh, it’s water under the bridge, man!/ Psychotherapist/sa:y.ko.SE.rı.pist/: Past is the past. Water under the bridge. Come on. Think a bit. How long do we have to enjoy life, huh? You two should be happy. She doesn’t want hot (=spicy=acı) pizza, but you want? That’s ok. Have a normal pizza with a bottle of ketchap on the table! Is that a big deal?

Kill two birds with/at one stone: Bir taşla iki kuş! Why do you buy the laptop here? –What do you mean? –You can buy it with the same price from the store we saw yesterday. Besides, they will give you a Mobil Modem for free. So kill two birds with one stone. I see it, I say it: Görduğumu söylıyorum! Dad: Forget her. This girl can’t make you happy. She can’t be a good wife for you. Son: Dad? Why did you say so? Dad: Son! You know me. I see it, I say it. It’s your call(Karar sende)!/ Latisha is so honest. She sees/Sİ’z/ it, she says/SE’z/ it! You snooze, you lose!: /yu.sNU’z, yu.LU’z/ Uyursan kaybedersin! [His wife] I told you to buy that house, I told you. Now somebody else bought it /BA:’.dit/. [His friend] You snooze you lose! I don’t even know what to say!:[şaşırırken,iyi durumda]Ne diyeceğimi bile bilmiyorum! She comes in and turns on the light, suddenly lots of her friends sing, ‘Happy birthday to you’ and she’s surprised a lot! She says, ‘! Thank you guys!! I don’t even know what to say!!’/ Wow, 3470(three thousand four hundred and seventy) comments!! I don’t even know what to say!! Do the math!: (=Figure out for yourself!) İki kere iki dört eder!= Kendini hesapla/ Kendini tahmin et!, Cevabını kendini bul!, Bu besbelli! How do I know he loves me? –I think it’s love, girlie! He sees a future with you, he introduces you to his family, he includes you in all his plans, and he always takes your side. So you do the math! He loves you!/ He’s not gonna pay your money. –Why do you say that? –’Cause he’s always trying to postpone your pay to ‘next’ week, ‘next’ Sunday, ‘next’ month, and such. So do the math. He’s fooling you around(Seni kandırıyor/Seni aptal yerine koydu).

Guilty as charged!:/GİÇA:’RCd/ [espri] İşte beni yakalandın!, İşte o benim!, İşte itiraf ediyorum! Excuse me, but aren’t you Paulo Coelho? –[Smiles and raises his hands] Guilty as charged! –Oh… my… God! Sir, I’m a big fan of your works./ Did you have my sandwich? –Guilty as charged! [Busted!=You busted me!=You got me!=İşte beni yakalandı!] Piece of cake!:/Pİ’s.ıv.KEYk/ Kek gibi kolay (=Bu çok kolay)! Can you hack him on the computer? –Sure. Piece of cake!/ Can you drive a truck? –Of course I can! Piece of cake. My father was a truck driver. –Mmm. But you said your father was afraid of driving! I got a bit of (a) good news: /a:y.GA:’.dı.BİD.ıv.ı’z/ Ufak bir iyi haberim var! || I got a bit of (a) bad news: /a:y.GA:’.dı.BİD.ıv.ı.BA’’z/ Ufak bir kötü haberim var! I got a bit of good news, Mr. Blechmann! We’re nominating you to the director of our Chicago office, what do you say (ne dersin)? [Nominate: /NA:’.mı.neyt/ adaylığa seçmek]/ Listen Mr. Johnson! I got a bit of a bad news. We’re not gonna need your services anymore. There’s nothing we can do about it: Yapacağimiz bir şey yok. There’s nothing we can do about it. He’s dead. I’m sorry. What are you doing here?: Burada n’apıyorsun?, Burada ne işin var? [>Bence Amerikan dilinde en çok kullanan cümle!<] Jane? What are you doing here? I thought you’re in Japan/cı.PA’n/.

You have no idea!:/yu.hav.NO’-a:y.Dİ.yı/ Tahmin bile edemezsin! [‘no’ vurgulu] [O kadar iyi işine yapiyor ki tahmin bile edemezsin] Is that your friend playing softball over there? He seems very determined. –You have no idea./ We have no idea how much pain (acı/dert) a cancerous person goes through (çekıyor). [I have no idea!: Hiçbir fikrim yok! >Does this bus stop at Elmond Street? –I have no idea.] He/She’s out of your league:/AWT.ı’g/ O sana göre değil!, O sana uygun değil!, O senin ligin dişi! Man! Don’t think about Gabriella. She’s out of your league. They pick her up with a limo (=limuzin). But you what? You drive a Saab and you don’t even have a job!/ Hey, forget about that girl. She’s lived like a princess. She can’t live with you in this basement. She’s out of your league, man!/ [This party is beyond his imagination, and he says] Wow. This party is out of my league (=Bu parti bana göre değil)!

Don’t get me wrong:/DO’Nt.get.mi.ra:’ng/ Yanlış anlama! || Don’t take this/it the wrong way: Yanlış anlama! || Don’t take this the wrong way, but…: Sakın yanlış anlama ama… Don’t get me wrong, I love you but I love you like a friend, not like a boyfriend./ Don’t get me wrong, I like Leslie. But I just think that she’s being too hard on her daughter. I mean, look at her daughter. She’s not sociable at all. She’s afraid to mingle with people./ Don’t take this the wrong way, Mrs. Larson. Your son is a very smart kid. Just that (Fakat konu/mesele/sorun şu ki) he doesn’t seem to care about his lessons lately (son zamanlarde) so I’m gonna ask you if something’s wrong at home./ Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re a very beautiful woman. –Thank you./ Don’t take this the wrong way, but I like your hair style. Is that/it too much to ask?: Bu büyük bir rica mı? Oh, money, money, money! I just want a quiet life with no talk about money and job at home. Is that too much to ask?/ [Someone who claims he’s lost his money, asks the shopkeeper] All I want is to make a phone call. Is that too much to ask?/ [To her lawyer] I’m a mom and I just want my son’s custody /KA:S.tı.di/ (gözaltı/vesayet). Is that too much to ask?

How come...?: ...nasıl oldu?, Niye...?, Nasıl...? Oh, yeah. You’re my neighbor. How come we never talked before? –Don’t know!/ Lisa? Who is Lisa? How come you never mentioned anything about her? –I’m mentioning about her now. I lost the track of time: Zaman izi kayıp ettım! [Her mom is late to pick her up] Oh, sorry I’m late, honey. I was with Sophie and she was giving me some tips(faydalı tavsiye) for baking cheese cake. So I lost the track of time. [Looks at her and with a soft tone asks] Are you mad? –No, mom. Skip: /sKİP/ kaçıp yapmamak || Skip the nonsense:/-NA:’N.sıns/ Saçmaye kes!, Havadan sudan bahsetme ve konuye gir! I skipped the breakfast on purpose to have your banana cake (Senin yaptığın muzlu yaş pastanı yemek için bilerek kahvaltı yapmadım)!/ Listen. Skip the meeting today. I’m not in the mood. Let’s have it next week at the same time./ Bernard? Do you remember we went to that store near Houston? And met that guy who looked like Elvis Presely? And… –Skip the nonsense. What’s your point? –I just wanna say he’s here! –Really? I stand corrected!:/a:y.stand.kı.REK.tıd/ Yanılmışım! We have five guests/GESTs/ coming over from our headquarters (=merkez büro). –Actually it’s six guests, sir. This is their fax. –Aw yes. I stand corrected. Six guests./ How’s your accountant husband? – Engineer. My husband’s an engineer. –Oh, right. I stand corrected. How is he? –He’s fine. Thanks for asking! I couldn’t help but notice/I couldn’t help noticing:/-NO’.dis/ …dikkatimi çektı! I couldn’t help but notice the way he laughed/LA’Fd/! His laughter /LA’F.tır/ made me laugh (Onun gülme beni gülüyordu)!/ I couldn’t help noticing her mesmerizing black eyes in her white face! I couldn’t care less: (=I could care less) Asla umurumdam değil! Put on purple shirt or blue shirt. I couldn’t care less. Just hurry up!/ How do you like this cheesy song with it’s cheesy lyrics? –I could care less about the lyrics. I just like the music, that’s all. I can’t help it: Elimde değil!, Ne’apim!, Bunu durabilemem! || I can’t help but saying that…: Söylemem gereken şu ki… || I can’t help laughing:/-LA’.fing/Kendimi gülmekten alamıyorum! I love you. I just do (Seviyorum işte). I can’t help it!/ Ma’am! I can’t help but saying that your little daughter is so sweet and charming! –Oh, thank you. Honey, say hello to this young man./ HaHaHaHa! Sorry! HaHaHaHa! I can’t help laughing. The joke was so funny! HaHaHaHa!

I don’t know how to put this…: Bunu nasıl söyleceğimi bilmiyorum… [>çok kullanışlı<] I don’t know how to put this… uhh… you know… we can’t be with each other anymore./ Why are you helping me again(Tekrar söyle bakalım niye beni yardım ediyorsun)? –Uhh, I don’t know how to put this but… I think I like you. –You do(Öyle mi)? Can you cover it for me?:/-KA:’.vır-/1.Benim için düzeltebilir misin/halledebilir misin? 2. [Ben yokken] İşime bakabilirmisin? [Malcom stressed out, come to Curtis and says] I… I broke grandma’s glasses. What should I do? Can you cover it for me?/ [He goes to his friend who works in KFC and says] Can I talk to you for a second? –Sure. [to his co-worker] can you cover it for me? That won’t be long (Üzün sürmıyecez). [His co-worker] Yeah. Sure.

I’m in such a good/bad mood:/MU’d/ Ruhsal durumum çok iyi/kötü! I passed my exams. I’m in such a good mood!/ I had a fight with my boyfriend. I’m in a bad mood today./ Girl: I’m in love with the most incredible guy on planet Earth. I’m in such a terrefic mood. Get (too) ahead of yourself:/-EY.hed-/ Hayal edip düşüncelerini ilerlemek!, Kendinden geçıp düşüncelerini ileri sürmek, Aceleci davranip hata yapmak! He only told you he likes you, girlie. Don’t get too ahead of yourself that he’s gonna marry you or something!/ A girl: Most girls are like that. They get too ahead of themselves when they meet a guy. They even think of which wedding gown (dress) to buy while the guy just wants to know her./ I think my book will be best seller. –All right, all right. Don’t get too ahead of yourself. You haven’t finished it yet! To my surprise, +cümle:/--sır.PRA:Yz/ Şaşkınlığımde...,Bir de baktim ki..., Şaşırdım ki... After 2 years, I went home. To my surprise, an old lady opened the door and said, ‘No one else is living here but me(benden başka).’/ I thought my favorite cafe would be very crowded on a Saturday night but to my surprise, no one was there! Fill me in!: [Bu durum bulmaca gibi, boşluklerı benim için doldur] Beni anlat bakalım!, (Hiç anlamıyorum>)Hadi bana söyle bakalım!/ Hadi beni bilgilendir bakalım! || Can you fill me in please?: [Bu durumu hiç anlamıyorum>] Anlatabilirmisin lütfen? Ok, ok, let me see if I got (understood) you right. You said that ‘this little young man’ is your uncle? –Yes he is. –How is that possible (Nasıl olabilir)? Fill me in! –Well, my grandma died years ago and my grandpa remarried a young girl. She gave birth to(doğudu) ‘this little young man’ who is my father’s brother, my uncle! –Oh I see now./ I don’t understand, what is this baby wolf doing in the car trunk, can you fill me in please? –Hon, it’s a gift for our son. –Are you crazy? How can we keep a baby wolf in our apartment?/ [On the phone] What happened yesterday? –Oh, I can’t talk right now (şimdi müsait değilim). I’m on the plane right now. I’ll fill you in later (Sonra sana anlatacağim), ok? Bye.

Have to do with: ile alakası olmak, ile ilgisi olmak || What does this have to do with that?: Bu şunu ne alakası var? || It has nothing to do with that!: Bu şunu hiç alakası yok! I play basketball a lot but what does it have to do with my relationship with Josephine, huh? –That’s what you don’t understand! It has a lot to do with that (çok alakasi var)! –No, no. It has nothing to do with that, okay? –You know what? You’re stubborn!/ What does the color of our curtain have to do with your mom?/ This money has nothing to do with your job. Where did you get this?/ This video tape has nothing to do with you, I promise. It’s the matter of life and death: Bu ölüm yaşam/kalım meselesi!, Bu çok acil ve önemli meselesi! I have no authority to let you in, sir. I’m sorry. –But I have to see Mr. Fox. It’s the matter of life and death. Please. Let me in./ Ending(Putting an end to) the family violence (=domestic violence: aile içi şiddet) is not just a necessity. It’s the matter of life and death. It’s hard to believe!: İnanması zor! || It’s hard to understand him!: Onu anlaması zor!, Onu anlayamaz sın! || Is that so hard to understand???: [Genelde görevini iyice yapmamaktan sonra] Yani bunun anlaması bu kadar zor mu? What? This small kid beat you big boy? It’s hard to believe./ It’s hard to believe that our little daughter is grown up sof ast and is getting married!/ I don’t know what he wants. Once he wants to go with me, next he decides to stay home. It’s hard to understand him!/ [The boss comes and her coffee is not ready yet. She calls her assitant in(Asistani içeri almayı çağrıyor) and angrily says] I WANT MY COFFEE ON THE DESK EVERY MORNING… is that so hard to understand? Don’t be hard on yourself!: Canını sıkma! || Don’t take it too hard!: Canını sıkma!, Zorlama! || Don’t be hard on him/her/…: Onu sert davranma!, Onun canını sıkma! Ok, I understand. You had a fight. We all do. But there’s always a chance to forgive him. –What? Forgive him? Never! You’re gonna have to kill me to make me forgive him. –Oh, man! Don’t be too hard on yourself! Don’t you make mistakes at all? We all do./ Man! I’ll never learn this game! –Don’t be hard on yourself. You’ve been playing this game for only two weeks!/ [Pic] Don’t take it too hard. I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life too./ Don’t be hard on your son, man. He just wants to buy a dog. If you don’t like the idea, try to speak to him. But just give your own idea. That’s all. Be too hard on someone: birini fazla sert/ters/karşı davranmak From the movie ‘She’s Out Of My Leage’: My sister turns 21 next weekend. She still has no sense of direction. I don’t know what to say to her. –You don’t have to say anything to her. She’s only 20, not 30. When I was 20, I did not have my act together around. –You’re right. Maybe I am being too hard on her./ [Trainer gets upset] No. No, Jess. You’re not listening to me. –Why are you being so hard on me? [Hard: zor>Life is hard like Chinese/ça:y.Nİ’Z/ (Çinli) algebra /AL.cıb.ra:/ (Hayat Çinli cebir/matematik gibi zordur).]

S/he caught me off guard!:/-KA:’’rd/ O beni savunmasız yakalandı!, Beni hazır olmadan yakalandı! Gafil yakalandı! Girl: I wasn’t expecting him that early in the morning. I didn’t have any make-up. He caught me off guard! –Well, I think if he likes you, he should like you without make-up too./ When I was a child, I used to wrestle with my cousin. I used to ask him, ‘Hey, look!’ And as he looked where I pointed at, I used to caught him off guard!! Naughty me! I don’t wanna cause a scene!:/-KA:’z.ı.Sİ’n/ [kötü bir şey bolunca] Rezalet çıkarmak istemiyorum!, Gerilim yaratmak istemiyorum!, Bunu herkesa göstermek istemiyorum!, Herkesın gözlerın onunde bağırmak istemiyorum! [He’s having food in a restaurant. He finds a strand of hair in it. He calls the waiter and with a low tone of voice says] Look. I don’t want to cause a scene but I’ve found hair in your food. –Oh, I’m so sorry sir, we should have been more careful./ She caught her man cheating on her in the club, but she didn’t cause a scene. Later, she just left a note: ‘You deserve the one you kissed in the club. Goodbye.’ If you have any question, feel free to ask: Seni bir soru varsa, çekilmeden sor! Email: If you have any further question about our new product, please feel free to ask./ If there’s any question, feel free to ask. Uh, yes, Emma? Emma: What’s the difference between Christianity and yoga? –Well, huge differences. Yoga teaches meditation for this life; Christ offers salvation of sins and everlasting life.

Put someone on a pedestal:/-PE.dis.dıl/birini yüksek paye vermek, baş taci etmek, baş üstüne tutmak, idealize etmek, kaide koymak A lot of women believe that men put them on a pedestal to get what they want, but after that, they don’t even care about them./ Bethany Joy Lenz, Halo lyrics: I never promised you a ray of light–I never promised there’d be sunshine everyday–I’ll give you everything I have–The good the bad–Why do you put me on a pedestal?–I’m so up high that I can’t see the ground below–So help me down, you’ve got it wrong–I don’t belong there–I always said that I would make mistakes…–I fall as hard as I try–So don’t be blinded–See me as I really am–I have flaws and sometimes I even sin… I’d like to keep my options open!: [=I want to wait before making a choice: Karar vermektan önce zaman istiyorum.] Henuz karar vermedim!, Seçeneklerimi açık tutmak istiyorum! They asked the soccer player if he decided to join the team, and he replied, ‘I’d like to keep my options open.’/ She would like to keep her options open about getting married with him./ He’s looking for a job. He found some but is keeping his options open. He’s searching more. What a flop!: /--fLA:’p/ [Flop=Failure] Ne başarısız biri!, Ne becereksız biri! ‘Flop’ is the informal word for ‘failure’./ He can’t do the simplest thing!! What a flop!/ The game was a total flop! –Yeah! They didn’t even use one of their chances! You can dish it (out) but you can’t take it?: Başkaları ne istediğini söylenıp kırılıyorsun ama alamazsın mı?, Hani başkasına cuvaldızı batıyorsun, iğneyi kendine alamazsın mı?, Eleştiriyorsun, ama almıyorsunmu?, Başkaları ne istersın söylenıp, onların söylemekten kaçırıyor musun? [>Dish: tabak. Atarsen ‘kırılıyor’. Tabağı, ağız ve kalp zannedin.] ‘You can dish it (out) but you can’t take it?’ means ‘You can say to me or others whatever you want but when I or others say something to you, you can’t accept or deal with it?’ or ‘You can easily criticize me or others but you refuse to accept m yor others’ criticism?’/ Your shirt is so lousy!! –How about your hair? Isn’t it messy? –[Gets hurt and leaves.] –Hey, where’re you going? Oh, I get it(anlıyorum), I get it. So you can dish it but you can’t take it?

Sorry for the imposition: /---im.pı.Zİ.şın/ [resmi sayılır] Zahmet verdiğim için kusura bakmayın! [In the movie The Answer Man, they had a small argument, and now she (Lauren Graham) is busy and asks him (Jeff Daniels) to go pick her son from school and take care of him until she is done. After a few hours, at the door of his house, she rings the bell, her son comes out, and when they’re ready to go, she –feels formal- and says] Sorry for the imposition. Man: Oh... we had a good time. With no strings attached/ No strings attached: (=Unconditionally/ With no condition) şart-şurut yok!, şartsız, koşulsuz, bir şey talep etmeden, bir şey istemeden I can do it for you. –Really? –Yeah, yeah, no strings attached./ Some companies claim they

give some services for free and no strings attached./ Real friends do you favor with no strings attached./ Who helps others these days with no strings attached? –I think there’re enough people who care about others. –Do you believe in that? –Yes, I do. –[Third person] Ditto (=I think so too). The sky’s the limit: /zı.sKA:YZ.zı-Lİ.mit/ (=There’s no limit to success/ achievements/ potential/ use … in the future.) yapacak şeylerı çok!, çok şeyler yapabilir(im), fırsatlar çok, ne istersem yaparım, ‘yol açık düşünme lazım’ [[The only limit is the sky, and because sky is unlimited, then there’re unlimited possibilities. ||| Yapacak şey/Potansiyel/Fırsat/… gök/hava gibi limitsizdir.]] What are you gonna do after graduation? –The sky’s the limit!/ How was her performance? –It was great, the sky’s the limit (=she can achieve whatever she wants/she has a lot of potential/she can be as-high-as-sky successful… in the future)./ My company’s paying for my menu. I can eat whatever I want. The sky’s the limit! Speak of the devil…:[Az önce bahsettığın kişi göründüğün/duyduğun zaman söylenir] İti an çomağı hazırla… [kötü kişi iyi kişi fark etmez], bahs ettığın kişi geldi [Lifted (2011)] The husband, William (Dash Mihok) is calling from Afghanistan /af.GA’.nis.ta’n/ and asks his wife Lisa (Nicki Aycox) about their son but she says he isn’t around. As she says(Hemen deyince), the son, Henry(Uriah Shelton) appears so she gets excited and says, ‘Uh! Speak of the devil, hahaha!’ [To her son] ‘Come running, it’s your dad (Hadi koşarak gel,telefonda baban –bekliyor)!’ CUT / KESMEK Cut to the chase:/KA:T.tu.zı-ÇEYs/direkt konuya girmek, konuyı/ lafı kısıp konuya girmek, lafı uzatmamak, kısaca, kısa keseyim! Manager in the meeting: Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?/ When I see you, I talk about the weather, I talk about all the stupid stuffs I do everyday. But the fact is… uhhh… the fact is…cutting to the chase, I love you! –Really? –Yeah. It was so hard for me to say, you know, I’m so shy. You hear my heart beats fast?/ Instant message on MSN: Hi, Crystal! I try to cut to the chase: I’m afraid! My manager said he’s not interested in buying your product. –Ok! Thanks for acknowledging (bildirtmek/haberdar etmek) me. Cut (somebody) some slack:/’k/ (birini) rahat bırakmak/üzerine varmamak, sarbest bırakmak, birinin üstüne gelmemek If you and your kids don’t agree about their future, cut them some slack. Explain your views, but don’t try to force them to agree./ Look at him! He’s just had dinner, and now he’s eating the cake too. –Come on, Eddi! Cut him some slack./ Cut the poor guy some slack!/ I don’t wanna talk about it. Cut me some slack (Üstüme gelme)!

Sweet just doesn’t cut it!: Aşk karın doyurmuyor! || […just doesn’t cut it:…yeterli değil/idare edemıyor/başarılı olamuyor!] So you’re breaking up with me now? –I’m sorry. But I just need you to understand that we can’t be happy together. Sweet just doesn’t cut it! Be a bit realistic!/ [The mother to the victim] You killed my son. Your apology just doesn’t cut it, Mister! (=Saying ‘I’m sorry’ doesn’t cut it, Mister!)/ Don’t just say ‘Trust me’. It doesn’t just cut it. SHOW me in the ACT. Be not cut out for something: bir şey için uygun olmamak/doğmamak The job is perfect. I quit just because I wasn’t cut out for it./ He’s living in the city but he wasn’t cut out for it. He can’t keep up with (mecaz:Aynı hızla gitmiyor) the rush of the city./ She has dreams of being a writer. She isn’t cut out for working in a stationery store./ I thought I wasn’t cut out for being a teacher. (=I thought I wasn’t cut out to be a teacher.) Cut loose: /KA:T-LU’s/ istediğin şekilde/kafana göre/serbestçe davranmak, çılgınlık yapmak, kurtlarını dökmek, cıvıtmak Cutting loose means behaving freely./ Those guys’ve gone crazy! Are they dancing in the bus? –Yeah, they’ve cut loose a bit!/ So what brings you Vegas? –You know... just cutting loose... how about you? –Me? Oh, I’m here on business.

Thomas B. Macaulay: Western literature has been more influenced by the BIBLE than any other book. There is no surer foundation for a beautiful friendship than a mutual taste in literature. (Güzel bir dostluk için edebiyatta ikitaraflı bir tadıden daha güven temel yoktur.) –P.G. Wodehouse LITERATURE Literature: /Lİ.dı.rı.çır/ edebiyat, yazın I love ALL my literature teachers. THANK YOU./ Classic novels are silent salutation to fanciful ambitions of literature to grow readers’ imagination. Quote:/koOWT/1. (=Quotation/ko’ow.TEY.şın/) ünlü sözü, alıntı söz 2. (birinin) söylediklerini tekrarlamak 3. [teklif olarak verilen] fiyat I love intellectual quotes, the ones that make me ponder. These are some profound quotes: ‘‘Buddha: Better than a thousand hollow words is one that brings peace.’ ‘Dalai Lama: Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.’ ‘Henry David

Thoreau: The language of friendship is not words, but meanings.’ ‘Benjamin Franklin: Who is wise? He that learns from everyone. Who is powerful? He that governs his passions. Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody.’ ‘Friedrich Nietzsche: In Heaven, all the interesting people are missing.’’/ 2. He said, I quote, ‘I’m in love with her.’ –Really? He said that?/ 3. [E-mail to a subscriber on] Hello. I need urgent quote(quotation) on 10,000 pieces of your coffee mugs (kahve kupalar) shown in the picture. Regards, Doug. [Reply] Dear Doug. Our price for each piece is $0.45 (O’ point forty five dollar) FOB* Shanghai. I will be looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, Kim Chu. [FOB* (Free On Board): Tedarikçinin malzemeyi nakliye yapılacağı geminin güvertesine/havalimanın terminalı taşıyana kadar olan sorumluluğu, parasını biz ödeyecek.>FOB Istanbul Airport(Mal İstanbul Havalımanıden çıktığını kadar bizim sorumluluğu).] Proverb:/pRA:’.v3rb/ atasözü || Ancestor*:/ır/ ata*, cet ‘No pain, no gain’ (=Emeksiz yemek olmaz) is a proverb./ Some proverbs are the same in two languages like ‘Kill one bird with two stones (Bir taşla iki kuş/Bir eylemle iki hedef)!’/ Well the difference between quote and proverb is that you mostly know who said the quote but we don’t know who said the proverb. It’s something that has been passed down through from ancestors to ancestors or generation to generation. Metaphor: /ME.dı.fo’r/ mecaz ‘Will a book be different if you read it 10 years later?’ The book here is a metaphor for a ‘person’. Will a person be different if you stayed with them for 10 years?/ Life is a ‘journey’, and time is a ‘thief’. Journey and thief are metaphors. Figure of speech:/Fİ.gır.a:v-sPİ’ç/lafın gelişi,mecaz(olarak) ‘You’re killing me with your kindness’ is a figure of speech./ Well done! You’re climbing the ladder to success, figure of speech, you’re becoming more and more successful each day. Notion:/NO’.şın/ düşünce, ani fikir, delice fikir For one moment, I had a notion that I could live with you for ever. I was wrong!/ I took a walk by the lake. Suddenly I had a notion to sit under a tree and wait for the sun to set because I heard the sunset here is indescribable (tanımlanamaz/anlatılmaz). [Nation:/NEY.şın/ ulus, millet>The power of a nation is in its education.] Breakthrough:/bREYk.sru’/ büyük buluş, büyük ilerleme, atılım He was in the basement, all disappointed and sad. Suddenly he had a breakthrough. ‘I can make here an exhibition and sell my paintings.’/ A mistake in a tailor’s job became a breakthrough and a new style!/ Scientists are hoping for a breakthrough in the search of cure for cancer. So to speak: sözün/lafın gelişi, tabir caizse, deyim yerindeyse Music is the food for my soul, so to speak. (=Music is vital for me.)/ I love this white kitten. She’s my baby, so to speak. (=I love her like I love my baby.)

Speaking of which…: …demişken It’s a great laptop. Speaking of which (laptop demişken), did you write that article about the usage of technology in meetings?/ Oh man! We had awesome times together, hanging out, and parties… speaking of which (parti demişken), are you gonna throw a party this weekend or what? [Throw a party: parti vermek] Which is why…: ki bu yüzden, bu nedeninin yüzünden, ki bu nedenle, ki bundan dolayı || That being said…: (=However) söylediklerime rağmen, bununla birlikte, bununla beraber, ama yine de Public service quality depends on people’s personal quality, which is why each of us should enhance(=improve) our personality./ A great way to relax is putting some clove in hot water, waiting for some minutes, and drinking it. It’s very useful. That being said, we shouldn’t drink too much of it. Too much of anything is harmful. Next thing I know…+cümle: Sonrakı bildiğim şey şu ki…, Fakında olmadan önce…, Anında…, Hiç ortada yokken… These days in America they use ‘Next thing I know…’ a lot. It means ‘Suddenly… (Anında…)’ or ‘Before I realize it…(Farkında olmadan önce…)’ or ‘Out of nowhere… (Hiç ortada yokken…)’./ Teen: I saw a dream that I’m in the middle of a jungle. Next thing I know I’m face to face with a smokey bear!!/ You think you get married hoping that a person in your life will solve all your problems, but next thing you know, you find yourself becoming a dad. And all the expenses of life is gonna put a lot of pressure on you. –But I like this girl so much! I can’t help myself(Kendimi tutamam)! Sarcasm:/SA:R.kazım/ [bir şeyi demek ama başka bir şeyi amaç etmek için] iğneleme, iğneleyici söz, acı söz What does sarcasm mean? Well sarcasm means you say something but you mean the opposite./ This is sarcasm: “I’ve worked too hard to quit now!”/ So you said your teacher saw your paper, there was no answer and he said, ‘You certainly answered all the questions!’ I believe this is sarcasm and he was being sarcastic./ Dr. House: You certainly cured the patient! –I agree, I didn’t cure him despite what I said, but when are you gonna stop sarcasm?

Sarcastic:/sa:r.KA’S.tik/ iğneleyici, alaylı Thank you, Betty! –Are you being sarcastic? –No, I mean it. Thank you for being my friend. –My pleasure. Thank you too. Ironic: pronunciation:/a:y.RA:’.nik/ ironik, alaylı, alaycı, inceden inceye alay eden || Irony: pronunciation:/A:Y.rı.ni/ ironi, iğneleme Look at the sign on the wall. It’s written ‘Don’t write here!’ –HaHa! How ironic! If nobody’s supposed to write there, why did they do?/ The difference between irony and sarcasm is that sarcasm is ‘sharp’ (=keskin) and humorosly criticizes. Example of sarcasm: I work 50 hours a week to be this poor!! Example of irony: First I got fired, and now my car is stolen! I have the most perfect day! (=Which means the worst day!) This is irony. Inspire:/ins.PA:Yır/ ilham vermek, esin kaynağı olmak || Be inspired by:/-ins.PA:YIRd-/ -dan ilham almak || Inspiring:/ins.PA:Yı.ring/ ilham verici, ilham veren, teşvik || Inspiration: /ins.pi.REY.şın/ ilham, esinleme Her mom always inspires her./ I’m inspired by ‘‘Isaiah 41:13 that says: ‘For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.’’/ Chris Barish’s book ‘How To Live Well Without Owning A Car: Save Money, Breathe Easier, And Get More Mileage Out Of Life’ is inspiring./ The painter said, ‘She’s my inspiration when I paint.’/ Your inspiration doesn’t pay the bills! What you DO with that does. Hebrews 13:6 So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my Helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Self-help books: kişisel gelişim kitaplar I think is a good place to read the reviews of self-help books before buying them./ If you want to lose weight, read no self-help books. Just get out of the house and get to the gym or run in a park everyday.

Bookmark: /’rk/ ayraç Why spend a dollar on a bookmark? Why not just use the ‘dollar’ as a bookmark?[Smart]– Anonymous/ I read up to page 120. I put a bookmark there, so next time I know where I should start reading from. Diary: /DA:.yı.ri/ günlük, hatıra defteri Inci is writing a diary in English. Isn’t it a great idea?/ Tina mentioned in her diary that she had a great time in Switzerland. Hillsong United – Worthy Is The Lamb lyrics (great concert): Thank you for the cross Lord - Thank you for the price You paid Bearing all my sin and shame - In love You came - And gave amazing grace - Thank you for this love Lord - Thank you for the nailpierced hands - Washed me in Your cleansing flow - Now all I know - Your forgiveness and embrace - Worthy is the Lamb - Seated on the throne - Crown You now with many crown - You reign victorious - High and lifted up - Jesus Son of God - The Darling of Heaven crucified - Worthy is the Lamb - Worthy is the Lamb Lyrics:/Lİ.riks/ şarkı sözü Do you have the lyrics to/of this song? Pale*: /PE’Yl/ solgun The pale moon gives her a poetic/PO’.e.dik/(şairane/şiirsel) mood./ The pretty little girl with her pale green eyes, sitting there all alone, shivering in cold, was watching the shadows of people passing by./ Are you ok, sir? You look pale. Can I get you something(Sizin için bir şey getirebilir miyim)? Poem: /PO’.ım/ şiir || Poet: /PO’.ıt/ şair || Poetry*: /PO’.ıt.ri/ şiir, şiir yazma sanatı Her poems are inspired by someone she’s loved and lost./ Who is your favorite poet?/ Nice poetry! Who wrote it? Pottery*: /PA:’.dı.ri/ çömlekçilik, çanak çömlek Pottery is very common in this area of the country./ They make a living by selling pottery. Haiku:/ha:y.KU’/[Tüm dünyada meşhur olan 17 hecelı (ya da fazla), 3 mısralık geleneksel bir Japon şiir türüdür:] haiku I wrote you a haiku. You wanna hear it?/ Here is a haiku from by a teen named Jennifer from Virginia: Silence around us - Our watchful eyes hear the World - Hands do the talking./ Another example of haiku is this one by Hendrik Doeff (1764-1837): Lend me your arms - Fast as thunderbolts - For a pillow on my journey.

Visual: /Vİ.ju.ıl/ görsel || Verbal: /V3R.bıl/ sözel Men are pretty visual and women are pretty verbal. Which means men are pretty attracted by women’s look(görünüş), and women are pretty attracted by men’s words./ We need to make this meeting more visual. – Yes, I agree. Translate:/TRANS.leyt/TRANZ.leyt/trans.LEYT/tranz.LEYT/ [yazma/konuşma] tercüme etmek, çevirmek || Translation:/trans.LEY.şın/tranz.LEY.şın/ [yazma/konuşma] çeviri, çevirme, tercüme || Translator:/trans.LEY.dır/tranz.LEY.dır/ [yazma/konuşma] çeviren, tercüman || Interpreter:/in.T3R.prı.dır/ [konuşma] tercüman, çevirmen The Holy Bible is translated into different versions. For example NIV is New International Version which has simple translation. ESV is English Standard Version. And my favorite is KJV 1611, King James Version with old English language of the year 1611./ The quotes you see in Turkish, then English, are the quotes I read in a Turkish book, then translated. They may be paraphrased./ [Customer in a translation office] Hi. I’d like to have these papers translated. I just wanna know how much you charge for each page./ The translation of parts of this book was hard, but its translator did a great job!/ So what are we doing? Do we have an interpreter? –No, sir. We’re still waiting. Concept:/KA:’N.sept/(=Meaning) anlama, kavram, mefhum, fikir What’s the concept of ‘global warming’? –It means the world is getting warmer and warmer./ This movie ‘Coach’ is really simple, but deep in the concept. It shows how grown men act like kids, and how grown women easily change their mind by one look!

Misconception:/mis.kın.SEP.şın/ yanlış kavram There’s a common misconception about the job of a ‘psychologist’ and a ‘psychiatrist’. A psychologist tries to talk and solve the problem of the patient, yet a psychiatrist normally prescribes medications after talking to the patient./ Criticism is a misconception: we must read not to understand others, but to understand ourselves. – Emily M. Cioran Aspect:/AS.pekt/ açı, yön, bakım, bakış açısı, görünüm Before buying the company, let’s consider all the aspects of it./ Now look at the situation from this aspect. Obituary:/o.Bİ.çu.e.ri/bir ölü hakkinda yazılan kısa biyografi, ölüm ilani By the time the writer of Moby Dick, Herman Melville, died, he was so poor in his obituary in the New York Times, they wrote his name as ‘Henry Melville’./ I don’t want obituary after I die because with the Lord, I’ll never die. Dialect: pronunciation:/DA:.yı.lekt/ diyalekt, lehçe, ağız ‘I dinnae ken ye’ in Scottish (iskoçyalı) dialect is ‘I don’t know you’./ Teens like to use a specific kind of dialect to show their identity and to tell others that they’re different from other groups of people./ ‘Howdy’ is a Southern American dialect for ‘Hello’? Euphemism: pronunciation:/YU.fı.mi.zım/ örtmece, edebikelam Cambridge Dictionary: Euphemism is a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word: ‘Senior citizen’ is a euphemism for ‘old person’./ In his obituary, it was written: ‘He’s not among us anymore’ which is a euphemism for ‘He died.’

AN IMPORTANT FORM OF LITERATURE: NONESSENTIAL CLAUSE/ PHRASE/ WORDS She was in Europe. I, on the other hand, was in Australia. [Pic] Do you ever wake up, realize nobody likes you or, I don’t know, care? People who read, tend to be sophisticated. Grace, for instance, is my sophisticated Canadian friend. Dr. George Anderson, however, did not join the Research Group. Today, that is the last day of the winter, Ali Burak went skiing for the first time. [If I DELETE/OMIT the bold(kalın/siyah) words, nothing will happen (Siyah/Kalın harfları silirsem, hiçbir şey olmayacak)? Do the meanings of sentences change? NO. So we call these ‘NONESSENTIAL (GEREKSİZ) clause/ phrase/ word(s)’. BUT... we use them to have a MORE BEAUTIFUL LITERATURE.] More examples:

It’s up to you, Jessica, to go or not. Just a pair of shoes, I think, is enough. Don’t bring three pairs!! Have you, by any chance(tesadüfen), been to San Francisco? REMEMBER: THESE KINDS OF NONESSENTIALS NORMALLY COME BETWEEN SUBJECT AND VERB or AFTER VERB (Bu tip gereksizler genelde ÖZNE ve FİİL’in ARASINDA yada FİİLden sonra geliyor). They come between two COMMAS (İki virgülün arasında geliyorlar). We learn them when we watch MOVIES! [ESSENTIAL? Ok. Example 1: People who learn something new are happier than the ones who don’t. > If I delete/omit the underlined clause, the sentence won’t make any sense!!< Example 2: That kid in purple dress is my daughter. >If I delete/omit the underlined words, the listener may ask, ‘WHICH kid?’ So it’s ESSENTIAL! John H. Aughey: God brings men into deep waters not to drown them, but to cleanse them. DERİN Deep:/Dİ’p/[yer,düşünme,v.s] derin (#Shallow) || Shallow: /ŞA.lo’w/ [yer, kişi, personalite] yüzeysel, sığ, sathi (#Deep) This part of the sea is deep. You can jump into it from the high rock./ Philosophy is deep. It’s really hard to digest* (özümsemek/anlamak)./ I know someone who’s a deep sleeper. No noise, nothing can wake him! Is it good or bad?/ If I just talk trivia, I’d be a shallow person!/ What a shallow conversation! I’m out of here! [Digest:/da:y.CESt/sindirmek/hazmetmek/sindirilmek> Some foods like peanut are hard to digest. Digestion:/da:y.CES.şın/ sindirme> Coffee after the meal helps its digestion.] Deep down: (=In reality) altındakı gerçekte, aslında, esasında, içinde(-ki kavramı bakarsak) || Deeply:/Dİ’ içten, derinden She’s a housewife but deep down she’s the manager of her children. She exactly knows what to do./ Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. –Lao Tzu Profound:/pro.FAWNd//prı.FAWNd/ 1. (=Deep) derin 2. Büyük Your writing is profound and it really impressed me./ That’s very profound of you (=Çok büyük/derin/düşünceli bir insansiniz)!/ A father said: Nothing can compare to that profound moment when you hold your new born child. William McKinley: The more profoundly we study this wonderful Book (the BIBLE), and the more closely we observe its divine precepts, the better citizens we will become and the higher will be our destiny as a nation. Insightful:/in.SA:YT.fıl/(=Deep in view)anlayışlı,kavraması güçlü That’s an insightful remark, Roderick!/ You found something through your knowledge that others didn’t, and that’s being insightful./ Abraham Lincoln said, ‘And in the end, it’s not the number of years in your life that count. It’s the amount of life in your years that matters.’ –It’s pretty insightful. Dig: /DİG/ kazmak || I’m digging it!] Beğendım!, Hoşlandım! [>kelimekelime:onun içinde gidiyorum:YANİ:beğendim<] Dig deeper (into):/dig.Dİ’.pır/(-e) daha derine inmek, (-e) daha derine araştırmak, (-e) daha derine incelemek Pickax is a tool for digging the ground (Kazma, yerı kazmak için bir el aletıdır)./ Nobody ever found a buried treasure without digging for it (=trying for it). Most success is beneath the surface. Dig every day (=try every day). –George W. Cummings Sr./ Our soccer team hasn’t done any good through the past few years and I think we need to dig deeper and find out the problems./ We need to dig deeper into teens’ problems to figure out what they’re trying to say. It’s impossible to expect country’s developement, disregarding (=neglecting) them./ The public prosecutor is digging deeper into the case to find more and more evidences./ The new singer’s voice! Mmm! I’m digging it. [Shovel: kürek> Where do we use shovel these days?] [Shovel. Pickax. >Google Images<] PHILOSOPHY Free will:/fRİ.wil/ hür irade || Determination: /di.t3r.mi.NEY.şın/ 1. karar, kararlılık 2. kader She has strong determination to get her Ph.D. /pi.eyç.Dİ/ degree./ Professor! What’s the difference between free will and determination in a nutshell? –Well, free will is the ability to make free choice. But determination is the total opposite and states/indicates (=belirtiyor) that human beings have no free will. Choosing your parents is not free will but choosing your good or bad deeds is free will. Is that clear? Fate: /FEYT/ kader || Destiny: /DES.tı.ni/ kader, nasip, kısmet, alın yazısı Do you believe in this saying ‘you create your own fate’?/ We get different ideas about fate in our lives. While some people say, ‘I hate my fate’, some others say, ‘I’m the master of my fate.’/ It was destiny that I’m your mother, honey. It was destiny that you’re mine, and you’re what you are./ This is destiny that some children survive the earthquake./ Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions and, as a result, get better answers. Change your habitual questions and change your destiny! –Tony Robbins/ [Pic] I do not know if we each have a destiny, or if we are all floating around accidental-like on a breeze. (Her birimiz bir kaderi sahip olduğumuzu ya da hepimiz kaza gibi bir esinti üzerinde havada yüzdüğümüzü bilmiyorum.) [>In cinematic language, that feather resembles destiny.<] [Gifted Hands: A Ben Carson Story] We create our own destiny by the way we do things. We have to take advantage of opportunities and be responsible for our choices.

Be destined to…: -in kaderinde varmak/olmak You were destined to be my son. Destination*: /des.tı.NEY.şın/ gidilecek yer On her bus ticket it was written: ‘Destination: Vienna’ but she had no idea what she was going to do there./ Where is our destination in life? Where are we heading? Bucket list: /BA:.kıt-LİST/ ölmeden önce yapılması gerekenler listesi I think it’s a philosophical idea that a ‘bucket list’ is the list of things a person wants to do before he or she dies. Why bucket? Have you seen someone milks a cow but the cow kicks the bucket? Kicking the bucket means ‘dying’ so what milk does a person want before the bucket being kicked, the ‘bucket list’?/ ‘The Bucket List’ is such a meaningful movie! [Bucket: kova>(The man in the village to his son) Fill that bucket with water and bring it to me, son.] ART

Muse: /mYU’z/ ilham perisi, esin perisi [sanatçıya ilham veren kişi] ‘Muse’ is an imaginary being or force that gives someone ideas and helps them to write, paint, or make music. >Juliet was not only the painter’s best model but also his muse(=the person who causes him to have the most ideas for his work)./ He never had the guts to perform in the public. After he met her, she became his muse. Entertainment: /en.dır.TEYN.mınt/ eğlence The first rule of entertainment is: SHOW, don’t tell. (The) band:/zı.BA’Nd/müzik gurubu Hillsong United, Red, Skillet, Switchfoot, Plumb, Fireflight, DecembeRadio, Flyleaf, and Kutless are some of my favorite bands. Art: /A:’Rt/ sanat || Artist: sanatçı True art comes from the soul./ Only a real artist knows the psychology of fear and bliss.

Fine arts:/FA:YN.a:’rts/güzel sanatlar She’s studying fine arts./ This fine arts photography website is stunningly (=şaşırtıcı bir şekilde) beautiful. Ballet: pronunciation:/ba.LE’Y/ bale She’s really into ballet (O bale’ye gerçekten seviyor). She’s determined (=azimli/kararlı) to be a professional ballet dancer. Documentary: /da:.kyı.MEN.tı.ri/ belgesel ‘Faith Of Our Fathers’ is a historical documentary./ What kind of documentary are you interested in? Exhibition: /İ.şın/ sergi There’s an oil painting exhibition at the city hall (=belediye) gallery. Statue: /sTA’.çu/ heykel || Sculpture: /sKA:LP.çır/ [sanatsal] heykel The statue of Atatürk in Ulus Ankara is magnificent./ The artist tried to show women’s problems in her ceramic sculptures./ These sand sculptures present the tour of Russian history. Photographer: pronunciation: /fı.TA:’G.rı.fer/ fotoğrafçı || Photography: pronunciation: /fı.TA:’G.rı.fi/ fotoğrafçılık Julio Segura Carmona is a professional photographer. I’m inspired by his photography./ He’s a freelance(serbest çalışan) photographer. It means he doesn’t work only for a particular employer./ Man: Photography is not just a passion. It’s an obsession of my mind.

Cartoon*: /ka:r.TU’N/ 1. (=Animation/şın/) çizgi film 2. karikatör 1. Which was your favorite cartoon when you were a child?/ 2. Look at this cartoon ‘DON’T EVER GIVE UP!’ Inspiring and funny! :D Carton*: / karton kutu, mukavva kutu How many cartons of red wine do we have in the depo/Dİ’.po’/? Classical music: /kLA’.si.kıl.myu.zik/ klasik müzik || Composer: /kım.PO’.zır/ besteci, bestekar || Classic: /kLA’.sik/ klasik || Classy: /kLA’.si/ klas, zarif, şık, süper, mükemmel She listens to Mozart’s classical music and watches Mr. Holland’s Opus. She wants to be a composer./ Classic means ‘always new/popular’ or ‘never oldfashioned’./ George Eliot, the writer of classic novel ‘Silas Marner’, is actually a woman named Mary Ann Evans./ Her wedding was really classy!/ Classy doesn’t mean rich. Classy people choose their friends and their words. They do not gossip or stereotype and have a clean look. They are knowledgeable, real, independent, and conciderate. Open air concert/ museum/ photography/ photo booth/ theater: açık hava konserı/ müzesı/ fotoğrafçılığı/ fotoğraf kabini/ tiyatro-sinema.. ‘Live 8’ was incredible series of open air concerts in 8 big cities of the world at the same time to raise money for Africa and to make poverty history (fakirliğiyi tarih etmek). Its DVDs are great to watch!/ Have you ever visited the open air museum in Göreme, Cappadocia? [Otelde self-servis ‘Açık büfe’>Open buffet/bu.FE’y/>Do you serve breakfast in the room? –No, I’m afraid, sir. It’s open buffet. –Oh, I see. Thanks anyway. –No problem.] Audition:/O’.dit/(keman/piyano/oyun/opera/koro/v.b.) giriş sınavı Shawn? Can you take care of the baby? I got an important audition./ After she passed the audition, they gave her a role in the play. [Auction:/A:’K.şın/müzayede/açık artırma/mezat> They sold the painting in an auction for $100,000.] Comedian:/kı.Mİ’.di.yın/ komedyen [sahnede şaka söyleyen, komedi yazar, komedi sanatçı] || Comedy actor/actress:/KA:’.mı.di.ak.tır/ak.tris/ komedyen (aktor/aktris) Bill Cosby is a famous comedian./ Cem Yılmaz is a popular comedian in Turkey./ Adam Sandler is a great comedy actor. Leading role: /Lİ’l/ başrol || Supporting role: /sı.PO’’l/ ikinci/destekleyici rolü || First role: /’l/ ilk kez yapan rolü Sandra Bullock won Academy Awards (Oscar) for her leading role in The Blind Side./ Christian Bale won the Academy Award as the supporting role in ‘The Fighter’./ The host: ‘‘Now the best actress in a leading role: The Oscar goes to Sandra Bullock for ‘The Blind Side.’’ [Audience applauses!]/ Mo’nique, the best actress in a supporting role: First, I would like to thank the Academy for showing that it (winning) can be about the performance, and not the politics! [Audiences applause!]/ Natalie Portman’s first role was in a movie named Léon (aka: The Professional). [aka: /A’.kı/ also known as (=diğer ismi)]

FINANCE, COMMERCE & RELATED (genel kelimeler) Deduct: /di.DA:Kt/ hesaptan çıkarmak, hesaptan düşmek I owed you 5000. Here’s 3000. Deduct it from my account. I’ll pay the rest (2000) next week./ [Leap Year] Anna owes Declan some money and when she buys him coffee, she says, ‘You can deduct the coffee from my account!’ Afford: /ı.FO’Rd/ mali gücü yetmek, (bir şey için) parası olmak, para bakımından iktidarında olmak || I can’t afford it!: [mali olarak] Gücüm yetmez! How can you afford private school? –Don’t worry, honey. I’ll work it out(Halledeceğim). I’ll work two jobs. This is family. And family’s important to me. –Uh, I love you so much, baby!/ Do you like this dress? –I love it, but I can’t afford it!/ Listen honey. We can’t afford to buy you that motorbike, okay? You just have to wait a bit.

Lucrative:/LUK.rı.div/ kazançlı, karlı It’s not a fancy job as you wished, but it’s very lucrative./ I was offered a very lucrative job. I’m so excited! Client: /kLA:.yınt/ 1. müşteri 2. müvekkil || Customer: /KA:S.tı.mır/ müsteri || Customer Service: müşteri hizmet He’s a very important client to me./ The lawyer: My client is not in a good situation to attend the court, your honor(sayın yargıç)./ One good customer well taken care of, could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising. –Jim Rohn/ Customers today want the very most and the very best for the very least amount of money, and on the best terms. Only the individuals and companies that provide absolutely excellent products and services at absolutely excellent prices will survive. –Brian Tracy/ Make a habit of dominating the listening and let the customer dominate the talking. Telling is not selling. Satisfy the deep subconsious needs of your customer –to feel important, to feel valued, respected and worthwhile. Never criticize, condemn or complain in a conversation with a customer or prospect. Combine the dual qualities of empathy and ambitionin every sales relationship. Treat objections as request for further information. Always have more people to see than you have time to see them. Describe your product in terms of what it ‘does’ not in terms of what it ‘is’. –Brian Tracy/ Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. –Bill Gates/ Spend a lot of time talking to customers face to face. You’d be amazed how many companies don’t listen to their customers. –Ross Perot/ Customer service is not a department, it’s everyone’s job. –Anonymous This job is a racket!:/-RA’.kıt/ Bu iş çok karlı!, Bu iş çok kazançı! So, are you with me on this or what? This job is a racket, man! –I’m not really sure. There’s a risk in this. Pay: /PEY/ ödemek || Payment: /PEY.mınt/ ödeme || Pay (dearly) for: [hata veya suçun] pahalıya mal olmak, bedelini ödemek, cezasını çekmek How much did you pay to this guy? –To who? –The sparky(elektrikçi). –200 bucks/BA:Ks/(dollars)./ How much did you pay for this blender?/ How would you like to pay, sir? Cash or Credit Card?/ The payment is possible by Credit Card./ [Pic] I’m paying dearly for my past mistakes. [Pay for something. Pay to someone.] Loan: /LO’n/ ödünç para, ödünç verme(k) Excuse me. I’m gonna need some student loan. Where can I get that? –If you want a loan, you’re gonna have to apply for it first. Here’s the form. Fill it out, please./ No loan is given this semester./ He’s trying to get a 50,000 TL (fifty thousand Turkish Lira) loan from Yapı Kredi to start a small business./ I loaned him my new jacket. Borrow:/BA:’.ro’/ ödünç/borç almak || Lend:/LENd/ (lend, lent, lent) ödünç/borç vermek Do you have hundred bucks I could borrow?/ Remember I lent you 500? Now I want it back. Work place: iş yeri || Market place: pazar yeri What do you do to motivate yourself in your work place?/ Don’t bring your need to the market place, bring your skill. If you don’t feel well, tell yourself but not the market place. If you need money, go to your bank but not the market place. –Jim Rohn Earn: [para] kazanmak How much does a retired person earn in Turkey?/ Remember, you can earn more money, but when time is spent, is gone forever. –Zig Ziglar Charge: pronunciation: /ÇA:’Rc/ 1. (bir masrafı birinin) hesabına geçirmek/para almak, ödetmek 2. şarj etmek || In charge*: /in.ÇA:’Rc/ görevli, sorumlu, mesul How much did they charge you for this piece of crap (=Bu saçma şey /parça için ne kadar senden para aldılar)?/ [The bicycle repairman] I patched* it for ya and I won’t charge you this time. But if you bring it again, you’re gonna have to pay, got it?/ How much do they charge you to rent a car in Turkey?/ Excuse me, can I plug it in (=Pardon, bu fişi prize sokabilir miyim)? I have to charge the battery./ Who’s in charge of this company (Bu şirketin sorumlu kim?)? I’m gonna talk to them about the trash in the backyard. [Charge: suçlama,suçlamak,itham,itham etmek>LAW<bakin.] [Patch up: yamamak, yamalamak, yama vurmak, tamir etmek>There’s a hole on the roof. It leaks when it rains. I should patch it up today.] Buy:/BA:’y/(buy, bought, bought) 1.satın almak 2.ısmarlamak 3.[birinin harfini] kabul etmek || Sell: /SEL/ satmak || Sale(s): /SEYL(z)*/ satış 1. [Pic] I bought you flours(Sana un aldım). :D [>We learn 3 things from this pic: 1. The past tense of buy is bought. 2. Flour means ‘un’. 3. ‘Buy’ can take two objects(‘Buy’ iki nesne alabilir).<] 1. I bought this car yesterday. Look at her. Isn’t she a gorg(GO’Rc/?/ 1. Can you buy time with money? If yes, how? –Of course yes. I mean, instead of going to my friend’s house, I call her. This is buying time with money. –How about your lifetime (ömür)? – Oh, that I’m sorry! I wish I could!/ 2. Can I buy you a drink?/ 2. I’d like to buy you a drink./ 3. What? Harry and Jerry are brothers? I don’t buy it. They ain’t look like each other! –But they are!/ 3. [As he sees his friend coming, as a joke(espri) he says] Whatever it is you’re gonna say, I don’t buy it! –HaHa! Okay, okay. You got me (Beni yakalandı işte)!/ If you ever decided to sell your house, let me know (beni haber ver). –Yea, sure

thing!/ NEVER STOP SELLING. NEVER STOP LEARNING ENGLISH!/ This is a famous American sales motto from long ago: SELL LIKE HELL (Deli gibi sat/satış yap)!!/ The real sale is not selling what customers want, but what YOU have to!!/ You read much, you learn much, you earn much. You got a high value so you gotta get a high check signed and given under the cocktail napkin in 90 seconds!! THAT’s the sales. Les Brown says, ‘A better sale starts with a better YOU!’ [Sail: /SEYL*/ 1.deniz yolculuğu (çıkmak)2.yelken>‘We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails,’ is a famous quote.>He sailed across some oceans.] Don’t sell yourself (too) short!: (=Don’t underestimate yourself!/ Don’t think of yourself less than you are!) Kendini küçümseme!, Pahanı az biçme!, Değerin/Yapabileceğın daha fazla!, Kendini hor görme!, Kendini/Değerini İNAN!, Kendini olduğundan az düşünme! I can never learn to drive. –Who said that? Don’t sell yourself too short! You got the world in your hands, man. –Really? –Of course!/ I’m the worst English learner in the world! –NO! That’s NOT true! Don’t sell yourself short. You can make 1000 sentences RIGHT NOW. –Really? How? –By playing with three verbs: ‘Like, Want, Have’. Ok, START! – What? –Start! DO it. –Ok. You speak like in the movies! –I AM the movies!! Josh Bates – Perfect Day lyrics: Creation waits for Him to move - The revelation of the truth - Every eye will finally see - The perfect day will come at last - He will break the darkened glass - With everyone on bended knee - Maybe tomorrow, maybe in a hundred years - The perfect day will come I know - When I will dance around the throne - With the angels, I will give Him praise - I will finally get to meet the who made joy complete - The perfect One on the perfect day - I am waiting for the perfect day - The world I know will pass away - Only his love will remain - All His work will then be done - With his children gathered 'round - They will make a joyful sound - Giving glory to the risen Son - I'm just a dreamer and I am dreaming of the day - I will keep my eyes focused on the prize - I will run to the One who has called me - Each new day begins singing songs to Him, hallelujah - You alone are holy. You alone are holy - His presence sweeter than before - I won't be crying anymore - More of Him is all I need - You alone are holy. You alone are holy. You alone are holy - Jesus, You are holy. You alone are holy. You alone are holy. You alone are holy. You alone are holy. You alone are holy - I am waiting for the perfect day

Sold out: hepsi satılmış, tükenmiş || You sold us (out): (=You betrayed us) Sen bize sattı/söz verdi ama yapmadı!,Ele vermek All the flights to LA is booked or sold out. We have to take the train./ A man to the people in the line: We’re sorry. The tickets of the concert are all sold out./ The florist to a customer who just came into the store in V-Day /Vİ’.dey/(Valentine’s Day: sevgililer günü): I’m sorry, sir. All the flowers are sold out. –Aw, no!/ You sold us out. You betrayed the group. Get away from us! On sale:/a:’n.SEYl/ indirimli || Discount: /DİS.kawnt/ indirim || Can I have/get a discount?/Will you give me a discount?: İndirim yapar mısın? On the shopwindow it was written: On Sale. 40% Off!/ How much is it? –It’s $50. It’s on sale. –Oh, can I try it on (Bunu prova edebilir miyim/ denebilir miyim)?/ If they ask for 20% discount, I ask which 20% of the ingredients they want taken out. I can take out 20% of the ingredients but it doesn’t taste real good. –Tom O’Toole, Beechworth Bakery/ I can give you 10% discount./ Does it have any discount?/ Could you give me a discount? Price tag: /pRA:YS.ta’g/ etiket, fiyat etiketi Excuse me, this Vampire costume doesn’t have a price tag. How much is it? –Oh, sorry, it must have dropped. It’s nine ninety nine (999). Price range: /pRA:YS-REYNc/ fiyat aralığı I want to buy a house. –Sure. Please take a seat. –Thanks. –How many bedrooms? – Two. –And what price range do you have in mind?/ Man: What’s the price range for these engagement rings(nişan taşları)? I wanna get one. Purchase:/P3R.çıs/(=Buy) satın alma, alım, satın alınan şey, satın almak [Buy’dan daha resmi] Are you happy with your purchase from Azerbaijan?/ Our company is trying to purchase shares (payları) of General Motors in the stock market. Waste: /WEYSt/ 1. [para, zaman] boşa harcamak, [yemek] israf etmek He wasted all his money when younger. Now he’s old and can’t work. What’d you do if you were him?/ Lady Gaga: Well, that’s your opinion, isn’t it? And I’m not about to waste my time trying to change it./ What should parents say instead of ‘Don’t waste food’?  [Wrist: /RİST/ bilek>She has a tattoo on her left wrist.] Owe: /O’W/ borçlu olmak || What do I owe you?: Sana ne kadar borçluyum? How much I owe you, Jack? –Uh, 200 bucks. – Here(Al bunu/Buyurun). Thanks./ Do I owe you anything? –Uhh, no. Why do you ask? –Nothing. It’s just that I’m really forgetful lately. I don’t wanna owe anyone. –Oh, man. I think you should go to a gym and work out. It’s good for the memory./ To the babysitter: What do I owe you?/ I owe you an apology(Sana bir özür dilemek borçluyum). –Oh, you owe me nothing./ You owe it to

yourself to be the best you can possibly be –in baseball and in life. –Pete Rose [Own: sahip olmak>You don’t own me! Don’t treat me like a slave!][Belong: ait olmak>This belongs to me.] Possessions:/pı.ZE.şınz/ servet, mal mülk || Possessive:/pı.ZE.siv/ iyelik, sahip olmaya seven Why is success defined in terms(şartlar/koşullar) of money and possessions? The more possessions you have, the more successful you are? Is that what you think?/ ‘The fact that you’re possessive doesn’t help me at all. Even little kids are possessive of their toys until they get tired of them… so who am I for you?’ [Obsess: -e takıntılı olmak/-e hep düşünmek>He is obsessed with computer games.] Assets: /A’.sets/ [finans olarak] emval, servet || Property: /pRA:’.pır.di/ mal, mülk These are our company’s assets: The building, computers and printers, cars, and office equipments./ Insurance ads: Protect your assets with our insurance./ According to, the assets of the Bank of America –the largest bank in America- as of December the 31st, 2005 is $1,082,243,000 (one billion eighty two million two hundred forty three thousand dollars)./ They lost all their property in the fire./ [A sign in front of the house] This property is for sale./ [Sign] Private Property. Keep Out Please!

Psalm 1:3 They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither. In all that they do, they prosper. Prosper: /pRA:’S.pır/ -in işleri iyi/rast gitmek, -in refah düzeyi yükselmek, zenginleşmek || Prosperity: /pra:’s.PE.rı.di/ 1. gönenç, refah 2. başarı || Prosperous: /pRA:’S.pı.rıs/ gönençli, işi yolunda, başarılı You’ll prosper if your foundation is firm./ Prosper in English!/ I wish you all health and prosperity in your life./ It’s said that a country’s prosperity directly relates to its level of education. Do you agree?/ Your future prosperity depends on what you do now./ Dr. Wayne Dyer: ‘‘When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous.’’ [LIFE LESSON] Proverbs 11:25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Generous:/CE.nı.rıs/cömert,bonkör, eli açık ||Generosity:pronunciation:/ce.nı.RA’.sı.di/cömertlik He’s a very generous and down-to-earth person. I admire him a lot./ I wanna thank each and all of you. Without your generosity, it was impossible to build this hospital. [#Stingy/STİ He never buys us coffee or drinks when we go out. He’s stingy. –We have no right to talk behind his back.] Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. Deed: /Dİ’d/ 1. tapu (senedi), senet 2. eylem Son! Here’s the deeds to the motel. I signed them over to you. It’s your birth right./ We die one day, but our good deeds will always remain./ The whole idea(morality) of Zoroaster/ır/(Zerdüşt) is man should have three things: Good thoughts. Good words. Good deeds. [Indeed: hakikaten/gerçekten>This is indeed (a) great news.] Cash: /KA’ş/ nakit Do you accept credit card or should I pay cash? –Credit card is fine./ I want all the money. Just cash, understand me? ATM: pronunciation:/ey.ti.EM/paramatik, ATM || Cash Machine:/KAŞ.mı.şi’n/paramatik, ATM || Bank Machine:/BANk.mı.şi’n/paramatik, ATM The father wants to get some money from ATM, he says to his son: Sonny. We should stand behind the yellow line. –Why? –Because this young lady is already getting money from ATM./ Excuse me, have you seen any Cash Machine around? –Yeah. There’s one just around the corner. –Oh, ok. Thanks./ I saw you standing in a bank machine. Make money: para kazanmak || Make hundreds/thousands/…of dollar(s): yüzlerca/ binlarca.. dolar kazanmak, aşırı para kazanmak Dude! You got no job? I think you should figure out a way (çare çözmelisin) to (için) make some money./ I believe the power to make money is a gift of God. –John D. Rockefeller/ This is a big company. They make billions of dollars each year./ ‘Buck’ is Slang for ‘Money’. I need to make some bucks means I need to make some dollar(money). Money order: havale || Transfer (money): (para) havale etmek, (para) transfer etmek Do you know how to write(fill out) a money order? –Yes. Let me help you witht that./ I lost my money order. What should I do?/ With Walmart money order, you can transfer money wherever you want. It’s good. Installment:/ins.TA:’L.mınt/ taksit || Buy/Sell/Pay on/in/by installment: taksitle satın almak/satmak/ödemek In America, you can buy almost everything on installment./ You can buy it cash with 10,000. The instalment price is 12,000. With Access card, it’s in 6 instalments and with World card, it’s in 12 instalments./ Is it a good idea to buy everything by installment?

Do you keep my credit card on file?: [>sonraki sefer için<] Benim kredi kartımın numarayi/ ayrıntıları bilgisayarinizda durduruyor musunuz/kayıt ediyor musunuz? || On file: /a:’n.FA:YL/ keyıt etmiş, dosyalanmiş There’s a statement on my credit card that I was charged by a local hotel for $250. As I had not stayed there, I called them to contest the charge. They said because they kept my credit card on file (=they had my credit card information on their computer) from my last-year stay, they made a mistake with another customer who had already paid./ Excuse me, I don’t want my credit card on file. –No. We don’t keep it on file, sir. –Good. ’Cause I had a bad experience about that! Income: /İN.ka:m/ gelir || Expense: /ıks.PENs/ masraf Expenses of city life are too high. On the other hand, income of country (=kır/ köy) life is too low./ How do you manage your income and expenses?

Philippians 4:19 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Supply and demand: /sıp.LA:Y.ın-di.MA’Nd/ arz ve talep, sunu ve istem This is the simple rule of supply and demand: 1. Demand up(artırse), supply unchanged, price high(yükseliyor). 2. Demand down(düşürse), supply unchanged, price low(azaltıyor). 3. Supply up, demand unchanged, price low. 4. Supply down, demand unchanged, price high. Get hammered: (=Lose heavily) [para/hisse/oyunu] ağırce kayıp etmek [Wall Street Money Never Sleeps (2010)] Announcer: Keller Zabel’s loss today was the worst in over a year. And this big drop may be just the beginning of a much deeper correction. It is an amazing story. Keller Zabel’s stock is getting hammered. What’s my account balance?: /--ı.KAWNt-BA.lıns/ Bakiye hesabım ne? Customer to the banker: Excuse me, what’s my account balance now? Insure:/in.ŞUr/1. sigorta yapmak2.(=Make sure) emin olmak, sağlamak || Insurance:/in.ŞU.rıns/ sigorta Our house is insured for $1,000,000./ Commercial: ‘We insure your dreams!’/ He runs (yönetıyor) an insurance company/KA:’M.pı.ni/(şirket) in Philadelphia./ Do you know how to get a private health insurance?/ How can human beings have ‘HAPPINESS INSURANCE’? Deuteronomy 11:13-17 So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today –to love the Lord your God and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul- then I will send rain on your land in its season, both fall and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil. I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied. Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you, and He will shut up the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you. Enterprise:/EN.tır.pra:’yz/1.(=Business organization)[ticari] firma,şirket,kuruluş,örgüt 2. (=Plan) girişim,teşebbüs,yatırım It’s a private/pRA:Y.vıt/(özel>devlet olmayan) enterprise./ A lot of commercial enterprises with a great strategy make thousands of dollars while other ones go down (=become bankrupt). Business world is relentless!/ Enterprise is a plan or project that needs a lot of bravery./ The new manager is bold. He’s prepared for big enterprises./ She had doubts about the new enterprise. She thought it was risky. (Business) card: /BİZ.nıs-ka:’rd/ kart vizit Here is my business card. Give me a call./ Let me give you my card. Import: /İM.port/ ithal etmek || Export: /EKS.port/ ihrac etmek Our company imports ink for all kinds of printers from South Korea./ Turkey exports textile products to Italy, Germany, Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan. Wire the money: parayı İnternetden hesaba göndermek [On the phone with the new customer] Sir, we need your SWIFT CODE to wire the money./ Ok Metin! I’ll wire you the money ASAP / (=As Soon As Possible). [Wire: kablo> The wire in the building is too old. I need to change it.] Shipment:/ŞİP.mınt/ (bir nakliyat aracıyla mal) yollama [E-mail] Dear customer. As soon as you transfer the money to our bank account, the shipment of the ordered goods (=sipariş edilmiş mal) will take place (=happen/occur). Regards, WXY. Transaction:/tran.ZA’K.şın/tran.SA’K.şın/ [ticari] işlem, iş, muamele, alişveriş, banka işlemi [Message to Mr. Lee] Dear Mr. Lee, As we spoke on the phone, I can send you the money through Western Union. Is that okay? I will just need first and last name. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Mehmet. [Message from Mr. Lee] Dear Mehmet, I am afraid. We cannot accept cash

because when exporting goods to Turkey, we will confront severe punishment from our government. Could you please arrange a T/T (banktan bankaya) transaction? Thanks in advance. Regards, Lee.

Franchise:/fRA’N.ça:yz/bayilik, imtiyaz hakkı, acentelik, françayz There are fast food franchises like McDonald’s, Burger King, and KFC in Turkey and all over the World./ Do you know how much it costs to buy Starbucks franchise?/ I’m gonna buy Dunkin Doughnuts franchise. We’re gonna close a deal (=make a contract) in a few weeks. Bankruptcy: / iflas || Bankrupt: /BANK.ra:pt/ iflas etmiş, müflis, iflas ettirmek Too much debts and no payment! This leads us to bankruptcy./ I’m warning you. If you keep (=devam etmek) spending huge money like this, you’re gonna get bankrupt./ Hey kiddo! Don’t talk too much on the phone. You’ll bankrupt your father! [espri]/ Hey Jim! You heard the news? Dalton has gone (olmak) bankrupt! –Yeah, it’s creeping(freaking) me out. Regular: sürekli müşteri, sürekli gelen/giden müşteri [Regularly: sürekli] Honey, hey, I’d like you to meet Professor Jones. He’s a regular over at the shop./ [On the phone from the hotel] Mat? –Yes? –Mr. and Mr. Caldwell are here. –Yes, they’re regulars. –They only want the room 222 (two twenty two), but it’s full. What should I do? –Let me talk to them. Money is tight: Para konusunda zor/sıkı bir durumdayiz! They were 5 kids, all students. The only breadwinner was the father so their money was always tight. His check bounced: /--BAWNSt/ Onun çek karşılıksız çıktı! || He bounced a check: O karşısızlık bir çek çıkarttı! Honey? Did your check bounce again? ’Cause the bank called and said so. What’s the deal (Olay ne/Neler oluyor)?/ The bank bounced his check because there was no money in his account./ Did you see the movie ‘Catch Me If You Can’? It’s a true story about a guy named Frank Abagnale Jr.(Leonardo DiCaprio) who bounced a lot of forged/fake(sahte) checks for thousands of dollars. The ending amazes me. Steven Spielberg’s great job. Put someone out of business: [işten] birini batırmak, işini bırakmayı sebep olmak Leo’s father, the drycleaner, gives him three clothes deliveries and says, ‘And don’t lose the clothes again. You’re gonna put us out of business!’/ A good wife can make you as rich as a king, a bad wife can put you out of business!

Cutbacks: /’ks/ azaltma işlar I’m sick of these personnels’ cutbacks (=Bu personel azaltma işinden usandım)./ In the movie ‘My Life In Ruins’, the lady is a professor of history but cutbacks made her a tour guide. Setback(s): gerileme, yenilgi, başarısızlık American motto: No Setback Will Set Us Back (Hiç Gerileme Bizi Geri Tutmayacak)./ Almost all great celebs had setbacks. Paula Abdul started as a cheerleader for the Los Angeles Lakers and became a 80s’ 6-numberone-hit star, winning Grammy and Emmy awards. But after a series of setbacks in her career and personal life, she got back on track and became the judge on American Idol. [Laidback: (=Relaxed)> Managers need to be laidback. || Payback: (=Revenge)> He wasn’t successful but now, he’s a millionaire, he says, ‘It’s payback time!’ Who is he revenging from, I don’t know!] Unemployment:/a:n.ım.PLOY.mınt/işsizlik If I stay home, I got no right to nag about unemployment!/ What’s the unemployment rate (=işsizlik oranı) in your country?/ How can a government reduce unemployment?/ Thailand has the least unemployment rate /REYt/ (oran) in the world, about 1%! Even very old ladies cook something and sell it in front of their house! Inflation: pronunciation:/in.fLEY.şın/ enflasyon, para şişkinliği Inflation occurs/ı.K3Rz/ when everything becomes valuable except money! Lottery: /LA:’.dı.ri/ loto/milli piyango/kaze kazan A research shows most people’s biggest wish is to win BIG lottery. But it also shows that more than 90% of lottery winners are not happy with their life. Why? Because they’re not prepared for that!

Tax:/TA’Ks/ vergi || Tax evasion:/TA’Ks-i.VEY.jın/ vergi kaçırma, vergi kaçakçılığı I went to Finance Department (Maliye) and paid all my taxes. Now I can sleep well!/ He’s found guilty of tax evasion and now he has to pay hefty (iri/çok) amount of money as penalty(punishment). [K.D.V: (Katma Değer Vergisi =Value-added tax= VAT)> Value-added tax makes sense (mantıklı) in the economy of a country.>To send the parcel, we need to have your company’s VAT number.] Cost: /KA:’St/ (cost,cost,cost) -e mal olmak, -in fiyatı olmak || How much did it cost you?: Bu sana kaça mal oldu? How much does it cost?= How much is it?/ How much did it cost you? –Hundred bucks./ How much did this trip cost you? (=Bu yolculuk sana kaça mal oldu?) –It cost me a fortune!/ Just because something costs a lot doesn’t mean it’s worth that much. My friend bought a BIG, pricy flat TV but it broke down in a couple years. Cost a fortune:/KA:’St-ı-FO’R.çın/ çok pahalı olmak || Cost an arm and a leg: çok pahalı olmak || Cost a shload:/-şLO’d/ çok pahalı olmak [Christmas Angel] Have you seen these files? It costs a fortune to help all these people!/ We didn’t expect you an expensive gift. It must have cost you a fortune. But thanks. That’s very sweet of you. –That’s my pleasure./ That must have cost you an arm and a leg! –Oh no. It’s not that expensive here (=Bu burada o kadar pahalı değil)./ That trip cost her a shload! Pricey/Pricy:/ pahalı I wanna buy this house. It’s a bit pricey(pricy), but I do everything to make you happy, honey. Priceless:/PRA:YS.lıs/ değer biçilmez (fiyatı o kadar aşırı kimse bilmez) Time is priceless./ The favor you did to us is priceless. Thanks a million, sir!

Cost-effective:/ka:’s.ti.FEK.tiv/ hesaplı, uygun fiyatli, kazana yakın, cebini göre, ekonomik (=Economical/i.kı.NA:’.mi.kıl/) These tissues are both high-quality and cost-effective./ You earn 3000 a month and you wanna rent a 2500 (twenty five hundred) apartment? Are you insane? It’s not cost-effective. I mean if I were you, I would never do that. Bargain: /BA:’R.gın/ pazarlık (yapmak) || Bargain price: /BA:’R.gın.pra:ys/ pazarlık fiyat The tourist in Pat Pong Bangkok asked how much the jeans were and the seller said, ‘1000 Bahts.’ Then the tourist asked for a bargain and ended up buying a pair of jeans for 800 Bahts./ It’s common to bargain in Istanbul Grand Bazaar/bı.ZA:’r/. It’s a way of cultural interaction./ They bargained a lower price, but the guy just said, ‘Impossible! Impossible!’/ I found this leather jacket at a bargain price. Bargain for*:(=Expect) beklemek, ummak Many people are bargaining for a reform in the education of their country./ Is this house what you were bargaining for? –Yep. This has always been my dream house, a house that I myself designed./ When people living in the shanty town(slum=favela = gecekondu bölgesi) look at others living in equipped buildings, they bargain for living in new apartments with natural gas, civil rights, and a bright future. They are our brothers and sisters. This/It is as low as I can go: Bu en ucuz fiyat teklifim!, Bu fiyattan aşağı gidemem/ olmaz! Buyer: 700 (=seven hundred) dollars? Seller: No, 800 (eight hundred). B: Let’s make it 750 (seven fifty). S: Well, 775 (seven seventy five). This is as low as I can go. B: So, 775 it is. [And they shake hands.] Trade: /tREYd/ 1. takas etmek 2. ticaret The main reason for lack of success and unhappiness is trading what you want most (>English speaking, money, job, love, etc<) for what you want right now (>hanging out with friends, watching too much TV, playing games, etc<). –Zig Ziglar/ You traded your car with a motorcycle because of her?/ Hey, I like your tee(=T-shirt). –I like your tee! –Let’s trade! – Okee-dokee! [They Exchange.]/ Does your country have any trade with Europe?/ Business and trade are the main focus of this TV show. Retail: /Rİ.teyl/ perakende || Wholesale: /HO’L.seyl/ toptan What’s the retail and wholesale price of this hair dryer(saç kurutma makinesi)?/ I wonder how much the wholesale price of this cellphone watch (=cep telefonlu saat) would be. –Well, what quantity do you have in mind (kaç tane/ne miktar satın almayı düşünüyorsunuz)? Paycheck:/PEY.çek/maaş çeki Yay! I got my first paycheck. I’m so happy! Let me... let me buy you a drink!/ Here’s your paycheck./ Did you get the paycheck I sent you?/ If you must have motivation, think of your paychek on Friday! –Noel Coward/ [Pic] They’re not. I trusted you. –I’m sorry. –I don’t need pity. I need paycheck. Fiscal: /FİS.kıl/ mali, para ilgili According to company’s annual report of this fiscal year, they had 8% improvement in sales./ She says it makes more fiscal sense to her to work at home and look after her kid than to work outside and pay for the nanny/NA’.ni/(dadı).

Leverage: /LEV.rıc/ ödünç aldığın paraya bir şeyi satın alma(k) ‘Leverage’ means ‘Use borrowed money to buy something’./ How did you buy this house and the car? With leverage money? Auction: /A:’K.şın/ müzayede, açık artırma, mezat [The lady at the auction] And now Lot(Kura) 27. We’d like to start with $10,000... [someone raises her hand with a number in it]… thank you ma’am. $15,000? Yes. $20,000 now? Great! At $25,000 now. $25,000 please? At $25,000, 1…, $25,000, 2..., $25,000, 3? Ok, the piece is sold to $20,000. Thank you, ma’am. And now Lot 28…/ They sold the piece 155(one fifty five) grand (=$155,000: One hundred fifty five thousand dollars) in an auction. [Grand=thousand>Chapter 3: MONEY<bakın.] [Caution/Precaution: tedbir> Caution is great but too much caution is fear.] Bid: /BİD/ (=offer of money in an auction) müzaydede teklif || Be the highest bidder: müzaydeye kazanmak || Be the lowest bidder: münakasayi kazanmak || Tender: /TEN.dır/ 1. münakasa, bir kurumun işini yapmak için en az ücreti talep etme, eksiltme, ihale 2. (=Gentle, loving, and kind) sevecen, yumuşak, nazik, şefkatli In an auction, people make higher and higher bids(=offers of money)./ There were several companies but we won the tender (=we were the lowest bidders = we accepted to do their job with the lowest offer)./ A baby’s skin is tender./ He held her tender hands and asked her to marry him. Invest: /in.VEST/ para yatırmak || Investment: /in.VEST.mınt/ para yatırma How can we make two months’ salary BIG? –By not buying stupid stuffs and INVESTing it. I know a recyclable plastic bottle collecter who KNEW he wanted to buy a car in two months. He said he saved all his money for a long time to do that. Way to go to this young, determined man!/ She saved some money over years and now she’s gonna invest in the stock market (borsa)./ This investment is a gigantic opportunity for all of us.

Interest: /İN.tı.rest/ faiz Banks normally charge high amount of interest on loans./ Your son can earn interest if he puts the money in his savings account. [Interest: ilgi>Thanks for showing interest in my project.|| Interesting: ilginç.>This project is interesting.|| Be interested in>ilgilenmek>I’m interested in this project.] Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Matthew 16:26 For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life? Profit: /pRA:’.fit/ kar, kazanç || Profitable: /pRA:’.fi.dıbıl/ karlı, kazançlı He made a lot of profit by investing in food business./ This job is profitable. Matthew 6:19-20 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Treasure: /TRE.jır/ hazine, define, değerli şey What would you do if you found treasure? –I found. YOU are my treasure! –Oh! Honey!/ Our hearts are where our treasures are. Jesus is my treasure. Donate: /DO’.neyt/ bağışlamak, hibe etmek || Donation: /do’.NEY.şın/ bağışlama, hibe || Donor: /DO’.nır/ bağışçı, -verici [mesela kan verici] Have you ever donated your blood?/ We appreciate your donation of food, blanket, and money for the casualties of the earthquake./ Organ donors not only save the lives of some other people, but also bring happiness to those people’s families.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put back into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back. Give away: /giv.ı.WEY/ hediye etmek, dağıtmak Wow. You give away 15 percent of your income. That’s incredible!/ I love kittens but if I had a cat and it gave birth to 6 kittens, I’d give away 5 of ’em. 2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work. Abundance: /ı.BA:N.dıns/ [resmi] bolluk, bereket, zenginlik || Abundant*: /ı.BA:N.dınt/ verimli, bol, bereketli || Abundantly*: /ı.BA:N.dı çok, bolca, zengin bir şekilde Not

what we have but what we enjoy constitutes out abundance. –John Petit-Senn/ Many a man(Bir süre/çok insan) curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not (=does not know) that it brings abundance to drive away(defetmek) the hunger. –Saint Basil/ There was abundant harvest for the farmers this year./ As of facts, it is abundantly clear that we learn 60,000 times faster by visual than text./ How can we live a life abundantly? Malachi 3:10 ‘‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this,’’ says the Lord Almighty, ‘‘and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.’’ Hedge fund: /HEC.fa:nd/ yatırım fonu According to, hedge fund is ‘a financial service where money is invested (=given to companies hoping to get more back) in a way which tries to make big profits, but which has a big risk’>Example: a hedge fund manager./ If you had $10,000,000, would you invest in a hedge fund? Would you risk your money? Benefactor: /BE.nı.fak.tır/ bağışçı, hayır işine para bağışlayan [Showman] Thousands of benefactors joined here to donate in this particular act of humanity. I want to thank each and everyone of you. It’s a pleasure./ An anonymous /ı.NA:’.nı.mıs/ benefactor paid $100,000 for the education. Philanthropist:/fi.LA’N.srı.pist/hayırsever,yardımsever He’s a philanthropist. He gives away a lot of money to colleges. Good will: /GUD.wil/ iyi niyet, sağistem With our citizens’ good will and hard work, we can have a better society./ ‘Pay It Forward’ is about a boy who starts a good-will movement. Moving! Charity:/ÇA’.rı.ti/ 1.yardım derneğı 2.yardımlaşma, hayır işi, sadaka He’s a noble man. He works for a charity./ So, ‘Goodwill Charity Organization’ has stores and donation centers and it’s like you give your extra clothes, then they clean and sell them with a cheap price and the money goes for charity use. –Exactly./ It was a charity concert. How much money did they raise (toplamak)?/ Social Charity Organization means Sosyal Yardımlaşma Kurumu. Contract: pronunciation:/KA:’N.trakt/ sözleşme, kontrakt You need to sign/SA:YN/ the contract if you want to get the job done./ Jack is a good worker of ours. I think we should renew(yenilemek) his contract./ You don’t want? Then cancel the contract. No big deal(Önemli değil)! Close*a deal/Cut a deal:/kLO’z.ı.diyıl/KA:T-/ bir anlaşma imza etmek/yapmak [=Come to an agreement and make a deal] So, do you want the house? –Yeap, we want it. –Okay then. Let’s close the deal./ Did you cut that deal with Sharkland Company?/ ‘COFFEE’S FOR CLOSER!’ Also from the same movie: ‘A, B, C; Always Be Closing (Her zaman Anlaşma Yapın)!’/ The only pressure that you use in a professional selling presentation is the presence of silence after the closing question. [WOW] –Brian Tracy Proverbs 18:24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Close*: pronunciation:/kLO’s/ yakın, birbirine yakın || Close*: pronunciation:/kLO’z/ kapatmak || Pretty close to perfect:/pri.di.kLO’s--/ mükemmela çok yakın || Not even close!:/NA:’T-İ’.vın-kLO’s/ [her bahsettiğin konuda]… yakın bile değil!, Tamamen farklı!, Tartışılmaz bile!, Aslaaa!, Hiç de öyle değil!, [düşündüğün şey, cevabı] yakın bile değil! [‘Not’ vurgulu] || Intimate*: samimi, çok yakın || Intimacy*: samimiyet We’re pretty close/kLO’s/ friends./ Sometimes in Turkish I hear people call their close friends ‘Nasılsın koçum/kuzum/la?’ which don’t have bad meaning, but are Slang (very informal/Samimi Laf). The same in English is ‘What up dawg?’/ As adjective, please pronounce ‘Close’ as /kLO’s/, NOT /kLO’z/./ Could you close /kLO’z/ the door please? It’s noisy/NOY.zi/ outside./ How’s the project going? –Pretty close to perfect!/ ‘NOT even close’ according to is synonym to ‘COMPLETELY unlike’./ I think Maria Sharapova is the best woman tennis player. –Whaaat? Not even close! I mean she’s an absolute gorge(=gorgeous person) but she only won one Grand Slam in the whole 2000s while Serena Williams won 3 plus one in 2010s! I think Serena is a living legend./ The translation of that book wasn’t good, not even close./ Is this movie a ‘comedy’? –Nah! Not even close!/ [Pic] But mostly, I hate the way I don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all./ You two look pretty intimate. Is it a long time you know each other or are you husband and wife by any chance (muhtemelen)?/ Some say men are afraid of intimacy but I don’t agree with that. I think they’re looking for a stable situation to open up(kalbı açmak/aşkı söylemek). After all, men normally go for the logic, women for the sense.

Run:/RA:N/ 1. koşmak 2.* yönetmek, işletmek, çalıştırmak || Run a company/business/…*: /RA:N.ı-KA:’M.pı.ni/-BİZ.nıs/ bir firmayı/işi/… idare etmek/yönetmek/çalıştırmak We’ll go talk to him but if I told you to run, you just run, okay? He’s kinda crazy./ He runs in the park every morning./ He’s a very smart guy who runs two companies./ She’s a determined girl. She knows how to run her new business./ They run a small hotel in Luxembourg./ Dr. Robert Anthony: What you can’t communicate runs your life. [WOW] [Run the test: (=Do the medical test) Okay, sir. I’m gonna run your blood test now.>MEDICINE<] Run (for): (için) aday olmak [The Adjustment Bureau (2011)] David Norris(Matt Damon) earlier ran a campaign for the United States Senate. It was unsuccessful. Later in the bus he runs into(denk geliyor/ karşılaştırıyor/ rast geliyor) a lady named Elise(Emily Blunt) for the second time. She asks him: Are you gonna run again?/ According to New York Times, Alec Baldwin would run for the mayor of New York City. Run out of*:/ra:n.AW.da:v/ bir şeyi tükenmek/kalmamak [After a month of journey, they’re back home. She says] Honey, we’ve run out of food. We need to go shopping./ I’ve run out of money. You got some money I could borrow/BA:’.ro’/ (ödünç/borç almak)? –Yea, I can lend (ödünç/borç vermek) you some. Are you running from something?: Bir şeyden firar ediyor musun? I checked your references. Electrician in Iowa for two months. Mechanic in Nebraska for 5 months. And now you’re here. Are you running from something? We’re running* short on time: Zamaımız azaltıyor! We’re running a little short on time so let’s decide about it quickly, shall we? They’re going down: [mali olarak] Batıyorlar! Mahvoluyorlar! || We’ll be under water: /WA:’.d3r/ [mali olarak] Su altında olacağiz!, Aşırı zor bir durumda kalacağiz! Our rival /RA:Y.vıl/ (rakip) is going down! Can you believe it?/ [Book store accountant] Five customers in this month! If we keep going like this, we’ll be under water! E-commerce:/İ’-KA:’.m3rs/ E-ticaret,elektronik ticaret || Chamber of Commerce: /ÇEYM.b3r.a:v-KA:’.m3rs/ Ticaret Odası || (TV/Radio) commercial: pronunciation: /ti.Vİ/REY.dyo’.kı.m3r.şıl/ televizyon/radyo’da reklam E-commerce is the new wave of commerce in the world. Some years later, people may hardly meet each other. Everything will be done through the Internet!/ This award is granted to this company by the American Chamber of Commerce in Moscow /MA:’S.ko’/./ Anchorwoman: We’ll be back (Birlikte olacağiz) after the commercials. 1 Timothy 6:7-8 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 1 John 3:17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?

RAISE/RISE/GROW/GLOW/SHINE Raise: pronunciation: /RE’Yz/ zam Jim Rohn says, ‘Some people just wait for the raise!!’ He says, ‘‘One day someone called me and asked me to do a business with him for ONE MILLION DOLLAR. I asked myself, ‘How can I get a one million dollar offer in one phone call?’ Then I got the answer: I am VALUABLE for that one million dollar!’’ And he says this was his life lesson: ‘Learn to work on yourself than on your job!’ WOW. And I tell myself: If I want raise, I learn from Jim Rohn!/ Boss! I work better than everybody else in this company. I work long hours. Can I have a raise? –If you keep working like this, I’ll give you a raise. Raise money:/reyz.MA:’.ni/ para toplamak || Raise (a) fund(s):/-FA:Nd/ [hayır bir şey için] para toplamak || Fundraiser:/FA:ND.rey.zır/ [hayır bir iş için] para toplanıcı They raised a lot of money from that social event./ A group of bicyclists decided to raise funds for UNICEF./ There are a lot of fundraisers who work for charity organizations. Raise: pronunciation:/RE’Yz/NOT RA:Yz/ yetiştirmek, büyütmek, yükseltmek I’ve been raising two kids since divorce, and it’s very hard./ I was raised in a good family./ Her mom raised her very well. She’s really polite and social (sociable) /SO’.şıl/SO’.şı.bıl/ (sokulgan,girgin). [Raise: büyütmek> She raised two kids. || Grow up:büyümek>I grew up in Cali(California).]

Matthew 5:14 You are the Light of the world. Light: /LA:YT/ 1. ışık 2. (=Lightweight #Heavy) hafif 3. [sigara] yanmak God is the Light to my steps, the Creator of the sun and the moon, the Creator of all things from atom to space, from grains of sand to gigantic galaxies. Praise be to the LORD./ Most people who found the Light lived in the darkness. We are all sinners but we don’t want to accept it./ Turn off the light. I can’t sleep. –Oh, sorry. [He turns it off.]/ Coşkun, my great pal, was carrying a bag and I said, ‘It’s heavy. Give it to me.’ And he said, ‘Hayır

canım. Bu kuş gibi ya!’ It means ‘No, man! It’s light!’/ Lightweight backpacking is the best./ If someone says everything’s fine then can’t even light their cigarette, it means they’re scared of something. Jesus, light of the world – Shine on us –Watermark Grow:/gRO’W/(grow,grew/gRU’/,grown) 1.(=Grow up)büyümek 2.[bitki/sebze/meyve] yetiştirmek, yetişmek [Pic] Children don’t grow up. Our bodies get bigger./ She was born in London /LA:N.dın/ but grew up in Ireland/A:YR.lınd/./ [The man acts like a child. She breaks up with him. His friend comes to talk to her, but she says] I don’t have time for him to grow./ He grows mushroom and says it’s a lucrative/LUK.rı.tiv/(karlı) job./ Tea grows very well in this region. Raise (up) your hand: /RE’Yz-/ elini yukarı kaldırmak He raised his hand to ask a question./ If you know the answer to the question, please raise your hand./ Okay class. Raise your hand if you agree with what Amy just said./ When I call your name, raise up your hand. Raise my voice: /-voys/ sesimi yükseltmek* || Speak loud: /sPİk-LAWd/ yüksek* sesle konuşmak Sorry I raised my voice. I didn’t mean to (Öyle istemedım/Amacım bu değildi)./ Shhh! Don’t speak loud, sonny! –Sorry, pop/PA:’p/(baba)! Lift: (olduğun yerden) kaldırmak* This is the comment Gonzalo Tobias left on GodTube for Chris Tomlin’s precious music video ‘I Lift My Hands’: ‘‘I am sitting here in the hospital while my beautiful wife is in surgery. Yes in my humanity I feel helpless, but as I listen to this song (watch this video), my faith arises inside me and all fear is cast out and my soul reaches to God and I believe that my life and hers is in God’s Hands. He is faithful and has never failed us. It is times like these when our deep faith is tested. It is also when God is real and faithful to His children. Lord, I thank you for the strength and peace I feel as I wait for my gift from God, to return from surgery. God is Good ALL the time. Amen!’’ [Give someone a lift: kendi arabayla birini bir yere bırakmak>Driver: Can I give you a life? –Oh, yes. Thanks. This bag is really heavy.]

Rise:/RA:Yz/(rise,rose/RO’z/,risen/Rİ.zın/) 1. ayağa kalkmak [Hıristiyanlıkta: ölümden kalkmak>Jesus is risen: İsa ölümden kalktı.] 2. (güneş) doğmak JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN. HE IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD. HE IS THE FIRST IN ALL THINGS. THE ONLY LORD. THE ONLY LORD COMING FROM HEAVEN AND GONE TO HEAVEN. HALLELUJAH./ The sun rises everyday. There is a message to it.

John 20:24-28 One of the twelve disciples, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin), was not with the others when Jesus came. They told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he replied, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side.” Eight days later the disciples were together again, and this time Thomas was with them. The doors were locked; but suddenly, as before, Jesus was standing among them. “Peace be with you,” he said. Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!” “My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed. Rise and shine!: pronunciation: /RA:Yz.ın-ŞA:Yn/[birini uyandırırken söylar] Kalk ve ışılda!, Günün aydın olsun! Rise and shine, honey. You’re a superstar today! Wakey wakey / kalk bakalım/Hadi kalk canım)!/ [On the radio] Rise and shine, New Jersey! Today’s a great day! [All rise!: (yargıç gelince) Herkes kalkın! >LAW<] Sunrise: /SA:N.ra:yz/ güneşin doğması || Sunset: /SA:N.set/ güneşin batması Watching sunrise and sunset is relieving!/ UCLA-philosophy-graduate Richard Linklater’s movies are not about violence or helicopter crash, but sheer quality conversations that deliver the most excitement, sophistication, and meanings in life. Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Shine: /ŞA:YN/ parlamak || Sunshine: /SA:N.şa:yn/ güneş ışığı The sun is shining bright! The sunshine is playing with every plant./ Seen the movie Little Miss Sunshine? Cute! 

Jesus, Light of the world – Shine on us, shine on us –Watermark [Gifted Hands: A Ben Carson Story] I have sunshine in my heart regardless of conditions around me. Glow: ışıldama, ışıldamak, çoşku, mutluluktan/heycandan parlama, kor gibi parlama, korlaşmak, parlamak [mecaz/gerçek] || You had this glow about you!: [You looked very happy and healthy!] Yüzün parlıyordu! Çok mutluydun!, Işıldıyordun! The Back-up Plan: Zoe enters her shop, the girl working for her says, ‘Oh my God! You’re glowing! Oh, my God…[asking her colleague]…she’s glowing, right? [asking her] Tell us everything!’/ [What Happens In Vegas] Mason(Jason Sudeikis): I want you back, Joy! Joy(Cameron Diaz): What? M: I made a huge mistake letting you go. I see that now. Seeing you the other day, you had this glow about you!/ Why do cats’ eyes glow(shine) in the dark? Glitter: /gLİ.dır/ pırıldamak, parıldamak Another word for ‘shine’ is ‘glitter’. Gold glitters./ The movie ‘Glitter’ is the story of Mariah Carey who glitters as a superstar. Horizon*: pronunciation:/hı.RA:Y.zın/ ufuk, çevren Atatürk has openned a new horizon to this country./ We all live under the same sky but we don’t all have the same horizon. –Konrad Adenauer/ Aim beyond the horizon to meet new shores. –Benjamin Bonetti, Amazon book

Matt Redman 10,000 Reasons (Bless The LORD) lyrics: Bless the Lord oh my soul – Oh my soul – Worship His holy name – Sing like never before – Oh my soul – I worship Your holy name – The sun comes up – It’s a new day dawning – It’s time to sing Your song again – What ever may pass and whatever lies before me – Let me be singing when the evening comes – Bless the Lord oh my soul – Oh my soul – Worship His holy name – Sing like never before – Oh my soul – I worshhip Your holy name – You're rich in love and you're slow to anger – Your name is great and Your heart is kind – For all Your goodness I will keep on singing – 10,000 reasons for my heart to find – Belss the Lord oh my soul – Oh my soul – Worship His holy name – Sing like never before – Oh my soul – I worship Your holy name – And on that day when my strength is failing – The end draws near and my time has come – Soon my soul will sing Your praise unending – 10,000 years and there forever more – Bless the Lord oh my soul – Oh my soul – Worship His holy name – Sing like never before – Oh my soul – I worship Your holy name – Bless the Lord oh my soul – Oh my soul – Worship His holy name – Sing like never before – Oh my soul – I worship Your holy name – I worship Your holy name – I worship Your holy name – Sing like never before – Oh my soul – I worship Your holy name – (Jesus I will) – I worship Your holy name – I worship Your holy name

Psalm 147:1 Praise the Lord, for it is good to sing praises to our God. SPIRITUALITY/FAITH (İngilizcede kullanan genel kelimeler ancak İNGİLİZCE ile ilgilidir.) Albert Einstein: Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. Religion: /ri.Lİ.cın/ din || Religious: /ri.Lİ.cıs/ dindar Is Christianity a religion or relation? The Holy Bible answers it perfectly well./ We’ve heard the war of religions, but there’re already people who’ve found peace through the Holy Spirit and they love all, and they respect all, stretch their hand to help, open their mouth to give hope. How blessed is the one who loves the LORD. [Practice one’s religion: birisi dinine amel etmek> Practicing our religion includes reading the Holy Bible, going to the church, praising(thanking/singing) the Lord, worshiping the Lord, praying to the Lord and having faith in the Lord that He ANSWERS our prayers, giving hope and helping others. ] A person who is religiously enlightened appears to me to be one who has, to the best of his ability, liberated himself from the fetters of his selfish desires and is preoccupied with thoughts, feelings, and aspirations to which he clings because of their ‘superpersonal value’. –Albert Einstein Jesus didn't come to the world to bring a new religion, he came to GIVE YOU LIFE. 2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? Believer:/bi.Lİ’.vır/ inanan, mümin || Unbeliever:/İ’.vır/ inançsiz He was an unbeliever for a long time but a dream has changed his life for ever. Now he’s a believer./ Excuse me, professor. Some unbelievers say that science /SA:.yıns/ (=fen/bilim) is not compatible with religion. How do you explain that? –Well, ask them to study just the nature around them and ponder. And they may find a little answer. Besides, who gave them mind to ponder? Who even created them? Can anyone teach God anything? Could they create a grain of sand in the ocean without what God gave them? Could they create ANYTHING at al lif they were not given the MIND? Everything belongs to God, their mind belongs to God, they belong to God. Who do they call when their health is gone, their child is gone, their everything is gone? Who do they call in the last moment of their life? How badly do they want to be alive when

quake or storm occurs(takes place)? How do they find life? Job 38:4-30 [The LORD answers Job(Eyüp) out of the whirlwind] Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements—surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Or who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb, when I made clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling band, and prescribed limits for it and set bars and doors, and said, ‘Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stayed’? “Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place, that it might take hold of the skirts of the earth, and the wicked be shaken out of it? It is changed like clay under the seal, and its features stand out like a garment. From the wicked their light is withheld, and their uplifted arm is broken. “Have you entered into the springs of the sea, or walked in the recesses of the deep? Have the gates of death been revealed to you, or have you seen the gates of deep darkness? Have you comprehended the expanse of the earth? Declare, if you know all this. “Where is the way to the dwelling of light, and where is the place of darkness, that you may take it to its territory and that you may discern the paths to its home? You know, for you were born then, and the number of your days is great! “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, which I have reserved for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war? What is the way to the place where the light is distributed, or where the east wind is scattered upon the earth? “Who has cleft a channel for the torrents of rain and a way for the thunderbolt, to bring rain on a land where no man is, on the desert in which there is no man, to satisfy the waste and desolate land, and to make the ground sprout with grass? “Has the rain a father, or who has begotten the drops of dew? From whose womb did the ice come forth, and who has given birth to the frost of heaven? The waters become hard like stone, and the face of the deep is frozen. Christian: pronunciation: /KRİS.çın/ Hıristiyan (kimse) || Jewish: pronunciation: /CU’.iş/ Yahudi (kimse) [Jew: /CU’/ Yahudi kimse] || Muslim: pronunciation: /MA:Z.lım/ Müslüman (kimse) || Buddhist: pronunciation: /BU’.dist/ Budist (kimse) The HOLY BIBLE was, is, and will always be the greatest book of all times./ This book’s about Christian faith, Jesus /Cİ’.zıs/ (İsa), the Bible, and salvation (günahlardan kurtulma)./ New York has one of the largest Jewish communities in the world./ Turkey is a secular/SE.kyı.lır/(laik) country with majority of Muslim population./ Do you know how to do Buddhist meditation? [Another Perfect Stranger] Being a Christian is letting God love people through you. Pastor: /PA’S.tır/ [Protestan] papaz || Priest: /PRİST/ [Katolik/Ortodoks] papaz || Nun: /NA:N/ rahibe || Rabbi: pronunciation: /RA’.ba:’y/ haham || Monk: /MA:’Nk/ keşiş Pastor David can answer some of your questions about Trinity./ In churches, pastors prefer to be called ‘Brother’. They consider themselves ‘servants’ of the LORD Almighty./ A priest wears a robe in a Catholic or Orthodox church. And nuns cover their hair. A Bishop is a high-rank priest, in charge of priests./ Rabbi is a religious teacher in Judaism /CU’.diyı.zım/(Yahudilik)./ He’s a Buddhist monk. [Imam:/i.MA’m/ imam>An Imam preaches inside a mosque/MA:’Sk/.] Church: /Ç3Rç/ kilise || Synagogue: pronunciation: /Sİ.nı.ga:’g/ sinagog, havra || Mosque: pronunciation: /MA:’Sk//NOT MA:’S.kiyu/ cami, mescit || Temple: /TEM.pıl/ tapınak, mabet || Sanctuary: tapınak, kutsal yer, mabet || Monastery: /MA:’.nıs.te.ri/ manastır Do you believe in miracles that sometimes happen in churches?/ Touro is America’s oldest synagogue./ Sanctuary is the most holy place of a religious building, for example the worship area of a church./ Kocatepe Mosque is the largest mosque in Ankara./ It’s a sacred/SEY.krid/(kutsal) temple to people of this city./ This monestary is a great heritage /HE.rı.tic/ (miras/kalıt). The wall paintings are all parts of the history. Congregation:/ka:’n.grı.GEY.şın/ 1.[kişiler/hepsi>] cemaat,topluluk 2.toplama Pastor: It is by God’s grace that we are saved. – Congregation: Amen./ The Rabbi will meet his congregation in this synagogue./ This is, by far(açık farkla/açık ara), the biggest congregation of all times in this church.

Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. God: /GA:’d/ Tanrı, Rab, Yaradan || Almighty:/ol.MA:Y.ti/ [Tanrının sıfat] Her Şeye Gücü Yeten || Gospel: [Matthew(Matta), Mark(Markos), Luke(Kuka), John(Yuhanna)] dört İncil’den biri God is The A and The Z, The First and The Last, The Beginning and The End. If someone like Pharaoh claimed, ‘I’m the one!’ God multiplied him by ZERO!/ God Almighty knows everything. Everything that has happened or is going to happen./ God Almighty! Please save us from this world!/

No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life. (It it not myth. It it LIFE.) –Albert Einstein/ Many people haven’t read the Gospels yet. So every Christian is a ‘moving Gospel’ to be read. We must be careful.

Romans 10:9 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. [One of God’s promises.]

Because of You I’m blessed – No more, no less –MercyMe SonicFlood: Cry Holy: Let the earth rejoice - Singing with one voice - Let the people cry - Holy holy Lord - Every creature sing - Praises to the King - All creation cry - Holy is the Lord

Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you... John 14:16-17 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Counselor, to be with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; you know Him, for He dwells with you, and will be in you. Tree63 ‘Blessed Be Your Name’ lyrics: Blessed be your name - In the land that is plentiful - Where the streams of abundance flow - Blessed be your name - Blessed be your name - When I'm found in the desert place - Though I walk through the wilderness - Blessed be your name - Every blessing you pour out - I'll turn back to praise - When the darkness closes in, Lord - Still I will say... - Blessed be the name of the Lord - Blessed be your name - Blessed be the name of the Lord - Blessed be your glorious name - Blessed be your name - When the sun's shining down on me - When the world's all as it should be - Blessed be your name - Blessed be your name - On the road marked with suffering - Though there's pain in the offering - Blessed be your name - Every blessing you pour out - I'll turn back to praise - When the darkness closes in, Lord - Still I will say... - Blessed be the name of the Lord - Blessed be your name - Blessed be the name of the Lord - Blessed be your glorious name - You give and take away - You give and take away - My heart will choose to say - Lord,Blessed be your name Sacred: pronunciation: /SEY.krid/ kutsal || Holy: /HO’.li/ kutsal, mukaddes || (Holy) Spirit: Kutsal Ruh [büyük ‘S’ ile] Anything related to the Holy Spirit is sacred./ The Bible /BA:’Y.bıl/ or the Holy Book (Kitabi Mukaddes/Kutsal Kitap) includes the Old Testament (Eski Ahit) and the New Testament (Yeni Ahit). The first five Chapters of the Old Testament are also known as the Torah. The first four chapters of the New Testament are the Gospels./ Mother Teresa was full of Holy Spirit. John 6:63 [Jesus said] It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

John 4:24 God is Spirit and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and truth. Worship: /W3R.şip/ ibadet etmek At the past, they used to worship idols or different gods, god of fire, god of health, god of beauty and so on. I think it’s so lame. –Yea, how could those idols create the world?

Worship God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Pray (for+isim || to+fiil): /pRE’y/ (için) dua etmek || Prayer: /pRE.yır/ dua || Say prayers*: /sey.PRE.yırs/ dua etmek There is no rule for a pray because it’s spiritual. Four steps to pray: 1. Worship & Praise the Father in Jesus name by the power of the Holy Spirit 2. Confess (past or daily) sins 3. Thank the Father in Jesus name through Holy Spirit 4. Ask Father in Jesus name by the guidance of the Holy Spirit with faith./ Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men! Do no pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for power equal to your tasks. –Phillips Brooks/ I’ll pray for you to be safe./ There were tremors in the area that night. Many people went out and some slept in the park. We said some prayers to be safe. [Tremor:/tRE.mır/ titreme]/ I think the purest prayer is when you’re in the middle of the sea, there’re enormous storm and huge waves, and you’re about to get drowned (suda boğmak). That’s when the prayer’s from the heart./ He got down on his knees, said some prayers, and went to bed.

Philips, Craige & Dean – Your Name lyrics (stunning lyrics): As morning dawns and evening fades - You inspire songs of praise - That rise from earth to touch Your heart and glorify Your Name - Your Name is a strong and mighty tower - Your Name is a shelter like no other - Your Name, let the nations sing it louder - 'Cause nothing has the power to save but Your Name - Jesus, in Your Name we pray - Come and fill our hearts today - Lord, give us strength to live for You and glorify Your Name - Your Name is a strong and mighty tower - Your Name is a shelter like no other - Your Name, let the nations sing it louder - 'Cause nothing has the power to save but Your Name - Your Name is a strong and mighty tower - Your Name is a shelter like no other - Your Name, let the nations sing it louder - 'Cause nothing has the power to save but (Nothing has the power) Your Name is a strong and mighty tower - Your Name is a shelter like no other - Your Name, let the nations sing it louder - 'Cause nothing has the power to save but Your Name Go to mass:/--MA’s/ayine gitmek Why do Christians go to mass every Sunday? –Well, as Christians, we need to pray all the times. We got prayer and worship sessions in weekdays and sing songs and pray to the LORD Almighty for as many people as possible. It’s incredible!

Revelation 21:4 [In the Kingdom of Heaven] He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

2 Corinthians 12:2-5 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell. I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses.

[Walk On Water] Girl: Could you tell me what heaven is like? –Jesus Christ: Not in a way that you could understand. – Could you try? –I’ll give it a shot. Ok. I want you to close your eyes and name for me your three favorite places in the whole wild world. –The beach, Disney World, and Ireland. –...Now, name me your three favorite sounds. –Flute, the way dolphins talk, and wind chimes. –All right. Favorite smells. –Fresh roses, poppy bath, and mom’s chocolate chip muffins right out of the oven. –Good. Now keep your eyes closed. I want you to imagine a world where nothing else exists except for these favorite things. –Yeah? –Heaven is a million times better. –...You’re right. I can’t imagine it!!! Paradise: /PA.rı.da:’ys/ cennet || Heaven: /HE’.vın/ cennet || Heavenly: cennet gibi, çok güzel || Hell: /HE’L/ cehennem ‘Paradise’ is originally a Persian word ‘Pardis’ with the same meaning, ‘Cennet’. It’s also Persian girl’s name./ Eric Clapton’s Tears In Heaven is a song for the death of his 4-year-old son: ‘Would you know my name – If I saw you in heaven? – Would it be the same – If I saw you in heaven?’/ Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?/ Heavenly virtues(erdemler): Charity, Prudence, Fortitude, Hope, Faith, Temperance, and Justice./ [Pic] But you’re so earthly, yet so heavenly! (Ancak sen dünyadasın, aynı zamanda cennet gibisin!)/ Angry man to his cheating business partner: Go to hell!/ Angelica Zambrano Mora was taken up by the Lord Jesus so that He showed her how heaven and hell look like. It scared me to death to see that one of her relatives was tormented. Her face was being eaten off by WORMS! She was plunged a type of spear onto her body and she screamed, ‘Please let me out for one minute!’ The video is on YouTube: ‘‘It’s Supernatural 2013 – Prepare to Meet Your God.’’/ In hell, people are tormented by the memories of what they did on earth. Hell is REAL. –Angelica Zambrano Mora/ Angelica: Why is my great grandmother here in hell? Jesus: ‘Daughter, she is here because she failed to forgive. He who does not forgive, neither will I forgive him.’

Matthew 25:41 Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’ Mark 9:48 ‘where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.’

Hebrews 13:2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Zechariah 1:10 So the man who was standing among the myrtle trees answered, ‘These (angels) are they whom the Lord has sent to patrol the earth.’ Angel: pronunciation: /EYN.cıl/ melek || Demon: /Dİ’.mın/ şeytan, kötü ruh || Demon-possessed:/Dİ’.mın-pı.ZESt/ (=Possessed/pı.ZESt/) kötü ruhlu Angels patrol the earth. Hallelujah./ Judith MacNutt on ‘It’s Supernatural’: Angels come in three different ways, as mentioned in the Scriptures too. 1. Spiritual bodies. They are large, with bright eyes, and they glow. 2. Human form. The Bible says, ‘Be careful when entertaining strangers, they might be angels.’ Those angels are there to protect someone, to help someone, and when finished, they just disappear. 3. We don’t see them, but we feel them. They are mostly healing angels./ We know a tree from its fruit. We know a demon-possessed person from the result of his actions. A person who heals all kinds of disease, makes the dead alive, and does many miraculous works has the HOLY SPIRIT. He is the LORD of all./ Temptation(günah sokma/ayartma/iğva) is the war of flesh and the spirit, the war of angels and demons!/ Possess means ‘sahip olmak’ and demonpossessed means ‘kötü ruhlu ya da şeytan onu sahip’. [Angle: /AN.gıl/ açı, köşe, bakış açısı>Angle is used in geometry.>Let’s look at this issue from a different angle.>So what’s his angle? –Don’t know. He said nothing about it.]

Matthew 8:16-17 When the evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to Him, and He drove out the spirits with a Word, and healed all the sick. This was to fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: ‘He took up our infirmities, and bore our diseases.’

Satan: /SEY.dn/ Şeytan || The Devil: /zı.DE.vıl/ Şeytan, İblis || Evil: /İ’.vıl/ şeytanlı, kötü, kötülük, şer, musibet (#Good: iyilik) Satan has NO POWER unless of what God allows him because of people’s very own SINS –or test of their FAITH. Want a few proofs? Take a look at 2 Samuel 16:10, Job 1:12, Jeremiah 51:11, Lamentations 1:17, Lamentations 3:38, Amos 3:6, and Habakkuk 2:13./ The Book of Job in the Holy Bible tells us that God is in control of everything that happens to us. Satan can only do what God allows him to do. And when God allows suffering, He has ways of making everything turn out okay in the end./ He returned and said, ‘Turn back to God. Don’t trust the hollow promises of Satan’./ ‘That soul belongs to me,’ said the Devil with a twinkle in his eyes./ There is no devil but fear (Korkuden başka şeytan yoktur). [wow]–Elbert Hubbard/ You played with my heart. You’re a devil/satan (=You’re evil)!/ Is money the root of all evils (=Para butun kötülüklerın kök mü)?/ What’s the difference between those who do evil and those who are not evil but don’t do any good? [Pic: ArchAngel Michael] Proverbs 11:27 Whoever earnestly searches for good finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Hebrews 13:5 He (God) will never leave us nor forsake us. 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. Tempt:/TEMPt/ doğru yoldan saptırmaya çalışmak, günaha sokmak, dürtmek, (birini) ayartmaya çalışmak || Temptation:/temp.TEY.şın/ günah sokma, ayartma, iğva || Tempting: /TEMP.ting/ ayartıcı, doğru yoldan saptırıcı, çok cezbedici Satan tempted him to kill his younger brother ’cause they were both in love with that girl./ No, son! Don’t do that. Don’t be tempted./ She fell into that temptation but soon she regretted./ Guess everyone knows about the temptation of Adam /A’.dım/ and Eve/İ’v/(Adem ve Havva)./ ‘His one million dollar offer is pretty tempting,’ the man said. James 1:13-14 “When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.” Hebrews 2:18 Because He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted. [Praise be to Him.] Psalm 119:11 I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. D.L. Moody: Sin will keep you from this Book (The BIBLE). This Book will keep you from sin.

[The Stranger: Salt] Jesus Christ: (On ‘Lord of the Flies’ where some guys wind up in an island, ending up brutalizing each other and finding brutalizing normal) People of today do the same way. They cut themselves off from God so they’d lost the sense how ugly the sin is. They’d live in a broken world, but to them, it seems normal. Sin: /SİN/ [dini bakışdan] günah || Sinner: /Sİ.nır/ [dinli bakıştan] günahkar Deadly sins: Anger, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed, Pride, Envy, and Lust./ Who is ONE person on earth with no sin? No one but Jesus the Lord who was the ONLY person born of the Holy Spirit. Even thinking bad about someone is a sin. Not forgiving all the people who did bad to us is a sin. Hate is a sin because God is love. (God loves everyone but hates the sin.) One word from our mouth can hurt a person’s heart WITHOUT WE KNOW (haberimiz olmadan), that’s a sin!! When we hear something about a third person and believe it, that’s judging them without their presence, that’s sin, as if we went to the court and we become a judge and we charge someone by hearing only ONE SIDE of the story. How many people do we judge everyday? Unbelievers will be judged by every careless words they say. How many careless words do we say in a day? How many people do we lie to? How many good jobs don’t we do? How many hours do we waste and not learn? Do we admit our sins? Now, whoever DOES a job, they PAY him. Whoever DOES sin, their PAY is DEATH because they are fighting with the LIFE. (God is Life.) If people are not punished for their sins, they wouldn’t understand that the SIN is BAD. The penalty of sin is DEATH, but God is a patient and loving God. So He set a law: ‘Sacrifice a lamb for your sins. The BLOOD washes away some sins.’ God said in a dream to Abraham that he must sacrifice his son but at the point of sacrificing him, God sent a lamb to be sacrificed instead of him. God showed us that we sacrifice a lamb for our sins to be forgiven. Now God sent His Holy Spirit into the womb of Mary to be pregnant with Jesus. He came to this world with NO sin, because the Holy Spirit does NO sin. Jesus did good to everyone, taught the best of teaching, cast deamons, healed, and loved everyone. And finally, He WILLINGLY gave His own BLOOD once for all so that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. He wasn’t happy with the blood of the lamb, so instead of the blood of the lamb, He gave His own BLOOD!! ‘How GREAT are You, LORD! How GREAT are You!’ Honestly, when the quake comes, we only try to save ourself, not our daughter, not our brother, not our best friend, we’re not indeed ready to give our blood for our beloved ones, but God made a deal with people. He wasn’t happy with people’s deeds, as they shed the blood of lambs but did horrible sins. So He gave His precious blood not only for His lovers, but also for us sinners, the haters, the ill-treaters, for people who hurt and hit Him, though He had the Power of all the world. Today, we sin too. Sin is darkness and God is Light, so when we sin, we fight against God, do we know it? God is not happy with us being punished for our VERY sins. He loves us to listen and obey. If the blood of a lamb washed away sins, HOW MUCH MORE the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ cleans us –in condition that we believe in Him. NO GREATER PROOF OF LOVE than giving one’s LIFE for others’, the sinners’, the haters’ death!! He even PAID for OUR SINS, by HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD, once for all. He paid for OUR DEATH, by HIS DEATH... on the Cross, to which there are many many witnesses in the history. He prooved His LOVE with His BLOOD on the Cross. I LOVE YOU, JESUS CHRIST, the Holy Lamb of God. You are the MAN of men, the LORD of lords, the Kindest of all, the ALL of all, and the PROOF of LOVE. Wooh! After we read the Holy Bible, by accepting Jesus Christ as our only Savior, there is NO sin, uh, NO feeling of guilt of must and mustn’ts, NO sin, NO darkness, NO burden for us –if we walk with Him, read His Words everyday, listen to Him, and keep His commandments. And the biggest gift of all? The Holy Spirit will dwell in us, will bring us REAL, EVERLASTING PEACE like nothing else, nothing else. It’s undescribable! I have DECIDED to stick with LIGHT, I have DECIDED to stick with LOVE, REAL LOVE, JESUS CHRIST./ It’s a sin to kill someone. If I say one bad word to someone, I might disappoint him, so I killed his spirit. And not only his spirit, but also the spirit of the people he is associated with! Do the math!/ Jealousy and rape are types of sin./ The sinner confessed her sins and repented./ He raised his hands and prayed: ‘God! I’m a sinner. Please forgive my sins (günahlarımı affet) and heal my heart.’

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. [I was dead to my sins. Jesus made me alive. Thank You LORD. I have never ever deserved it. Thank You for your amazing grace and mercy.] John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Psalm 103:2-6 Praise the LORD, my Soul, and forget not all his benefits –who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. Casting Crowns [Part of the lyrics of ‘Jesus, Friend of Sinners’ inspired by John 8:1-11]: Let our hearts be led by mercy - Help us reach with open hearts and open doors - Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours - Yeah... - Jesus friend

of sinners the one who's writing in the sand - Make the righteous turn away and the stones fall from their hands - Help us to remember we are all the least of these - Let the memory of Your mercy bring Your people to their knees - You love every lost cause; you reach for the outcast - For the leper and the lame; they're the reason that You came - Lord I was that lost cause and I was the outcast - But you died for sinners just like me a grateful leper at Your feet - 'Cause You are good, You are good And Your love endures forever - You are good, You are good and Your love endures forever [HALLELUJAH] Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. Wrath:/RA’S/gazap Be afraid of the wrath of God. It comes to people because of their various SINS./ Can money, car, gold, silver, diamond, house, or ANYTHING at all, buy the WRATH of God? Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath. Nahum 1:6 Who can withstand His indignation? Who can endure His fierce anger? His wrath is poured out like fire; the rocks are shattered before Him. Repent: /ri.PENT/ tövbe etmek Repent. The end is near (=Tövbe edin. Son/Kıyamet yakındır). Acts 2:38 ...Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Doomsday: /DUMZ.dey/ =The Judgement /CA:C.mınt/ Day =The Day of Judgement: kıyamet günü What’s gonna happen in the Doomsday? Are we gonna meet the ones we hurt, the ones we broke the heart, and the ones we helped?/ The picture says: Even when everyone is taken to the Judgement Day, I’ll be ‘REACHING MY HAND’ for my loved one through Jesus. Obadiah 1:15 The day of the Lord is near for all nations. As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.

This world isn’t a rehearsal. (Bu dnya prova değil.) Mercy: / merhamet Lord! Please have mercy on me! [Merciful: merhametli. Merciless: merhametsiz, acımasız>He was a merciless murderer /M3R.dı.rır/(katil).] John 14:13-14 Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it. Glory:/gLO.ri/ Şan ve Şeref, Yücelik, Zafer, İzzet || Glorious:/gLO.ri.yıs/ 1. Şanlı ve Şerefli, Aziz 2. ihtişam, harika, görkemli || Glorify: /gLO’.ri.fa:y/ övmek, yükseltmek Glory Road is a motivational movie./ God’s glory is everywhere./ The Lord God (Rabbim Tanrı/Cenabı Hak) is glorious./ Wow. The fireworks are glorious!/ Thanks for the dinner. I’ve had a glorious time tonight!/ ‘God be glorified!’ Kree Harrison, the ‘American Idol’ finalist sings a powerful Christian song. Newsong – My Glorious lyrics (absolutely amazing song): God is bigger than - The air I breathe - The world we'll leave - God will save the day - And all will say - My glorious - The world is shaking - With the love of God - Great and glorious - Let the whole earth sing - And all You ever do - Is change the old for new - People, we believe that - Clouds are breaking - Heaven's come to earth - Hearts awakening - Let the church bells ring My glorious (2x) - Glory, glory - Send Your glory Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. God’s grace:/GA:’Dz.greys/(=The grace of God) Tanrının inayet || Grace: /gREYs/ 1. inayet 2. şükran duası We have this place by the grace of God. And we should be thankful(grateful) for it (Ve bunun için şüküretmeliyiz)./ Lord. Thank You for your grace./ [Before eating, she says] Shall we say grace? –Sure. –[They join hands (el ele tutuşuyorlar/eller katılıyorlar) and she says] May God preserve us from harm and bless this food to nourish us so we may work in His service. Amen. –All: Amen./ The 2010 movie ‘The Grace Card’ is one of the most moving(touching) movies I’ve ever seen.

Your Grace shines on me –Michael W. Smith Michael W. Smith – Amazing Grace lyrics: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound - That saved a wretch like me - I once was lost but now I'm found - Was blind but now I see - It was grace that taught my heart to fear - And grace my fears relieved - How precious did that grace appear - The hour I first believed - My chains are gone, I've been set free - My God, my Savior has ransomed me And like a flood His mercy rains - Unending love, amazing grace - The Lord has promised good to me - His word my hope secures He will my shield and portion be - As long as life endures – [My chains] My chains are gone, I've been set free - My God, my Savior has ransomed me - And like a flood His mercy rains - Unending love, amazing grace - The earth shall soon dissolve like snow - The sun forbear to shine - But God, who called me here below - Will be forever mine, will be forever mine - You are forever mine, You are, You are - You are forever mine, You are forever mine, You are forever mine - My chains are gone, I've been set free - My God, my Savior has ransomed me - And like a flood His mercy rains - Unending love, amazing grace - My chains are gone, I've been set free - My God, my Savior has ransomed me - And like a flood His mercy rains - Unending love, amazing grace - Amazing love, amazing grace - Amazing love, amazing grace

Testimony: /TES.tı.mo’.ni/ 1. bir mücizenın şahadet, bir olağan üstü olayın ifade 2. [mahkemede] tanıklık/ şahadet tanıklık, şahadet, ifade || Testify: /TES.tı.fa:y/ tanıklık etmek, kanıtlamak, ifade vermek, ispatlamak My Christian brothers’ and sisters’ testimonies? Uh, they are thousands. You can read thousands of them on the Internet./ A testimony that I heard was in Nevşehir where Lord removed the tumor from a patient’s head by my sisters’ prayer. The doctor surprised a lot!/ There is no TESTimony without a TEST./ [Lawyer to his client] With Zafira’s testimony, you can get a new trial. The judge may drop all charges against you./ He’s here to testify in the court. John 5:39 [Jesus said] You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me. Monika Kelly is one of the hosts at K-LOVE Radio. This is her testimony: After living a life consumed by alcohol and bad decisions, God got a hold of me and completely changed my life around. I accepted the Lord for the first time at a Billy Graham Harvest Crusade in Sacramento, California, and soon after, felt drawn to be a part of my local church's marketing team. I was so excited to find what I was created to do--tell others about Jesus!! I've been doing that ever since -whether on the radio, on my blog, or over coffee at Starbucks. I can attest from own life experience that God definitely has a sense of humor! A few years ago, I was single, 40, childless and planning to spend the rest of my life doing whatever God would have me do. At that time, it was being the morning show host of a local Christian music radio station in Northern California, going on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic, hanging out with friends and doing a lot of traveling in my spare time. Five years later, and I'm the incredibly blessed wife of Jeff and the proud mommy of Joshua, my three year old son! God has been so faithful!! I am humbled and thrilled to be a part of the K-LOVE team.

Psalm 100 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. Hallelujah! Charles L. Allen: In the BIBLE there are three distinctive meanings of grace: It means the mercy and active love of GOD; It means the winsome attractiveness of GOD; It means the strength of GOD to overcome. Thanksgiving: / Şükran Günü, Şükran Bayramı Happy thanksgiving(Şükran günü kutlu olsun)! –Happy thanksgiving back!/ In thanksgiving, before eating, they join hands and say grace. Then eat. All I can do is thank you for this life I never deserved - Wanna thank you for the grace I know I don't have to earn - You love me, you love me, your mercy is proof - All I can do is say THANK YOU - All I can do is say THANK YOU –Mikeschair

1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. Faith: /FEYs/ inanç, itikat, iman || Faithful: /FEYS.fıl/ sadık, vefakar Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we don’t see./ It’s so hard to keep your faith when disaster comes into your life easily. And this is exactly the ‘test’ of your ‘faith’. In all history, God has proved that he wants only people of ‘faith’, the ones who TRUST in Him./ Have faith in God!/ If you think you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary to victory. –William Hazlitt/ God is the real Faithful. Arthur Benoni Evans: Faith is not a sense, nor a sight, nor reason, but taking GOD at His Word. Have faith!: (Kendine) inan! (Kendine) güven! You can do it. Do not fear. Have faith!/ See? Told you you can speak English. Have faith, man! Miracle: /Mİ.rı.kıl/ mucize Oh my God! His car was crushed to pieces (ezdı/parça parça oldu) but he’s alive! It’s a miracle!/ [Bruce Almighty] ‘People want Me to do everything for them but what they don’t realize is they have the power. Want to see a miracle? Be a miracle!’/ The movie Miracle is about the victory of the USA against the Soviet ice hockey team, based on the real story of 1980 winter Olympic. Motivational!/ If you just communicate, you can get by. But if you skillfully communicate, you can work miracles. –Jim Rohn John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” The Cross: /zi.kRA:’s/ Haç || Crucifixion /İK.şın/ armıha germe || Resurrection: /re.zı.REK.şın/ Diriliş, Kıyam, ölülerden kalkmak || the Crusade /kru.SEYd/: Haçlı Seferleri Who is ready to die for his brother? Jesus died on the Cross for us sinners. We were supposed to die but He died for us. He prooved that he loves us not in the words but in the act./ The Crucifixion of Jesus (İsa) on the Cross is the sign of God’s love. In the third day, He rised from the dead. This is called resurrection (diriliş/kıyam). Death has no power on the LORD. ‘Easter(Paskalya)’ is a Christian holiday, celebrating Jesus’ resurrection./ Do you know where and when the Crusades took place? Luke 23:34 [Without any sin, even when He was being crucified on the cross] Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” [Walk On Water] Girl: Was it as bad as it was in the movie, the crucifixion? Jesus Christ: Worse. –Gosh. I’m sorry. –You know what? If I had to, I’d do it all over again for you.

Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. Philippians 2:12-13 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose. Hebrews 9:27-28 Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and He will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him. [Thank You, Lord.] Salvation:/sal.VEY.şın/ kurtulma, necat, günahlardan kurtulma, Ahiretteki ebedi kurtuluş, kurtuluş, sonsuz cennet Theology(İlahiyat) professor: ‘Salvation means being saved from evil. Let’s face the concept in a nutshell. God made a perfect garden and gave man one rule but he and his wife disobeyed. All people sinned. God is gracious and patient, He gives second chances. God’s grace is a gift and we don’t earn it by just believing that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. Whoever believes in the Son of God has eternal life. God’s plan is to enjoy eternity with Him.’/ Education with motivation is salvation. Psalm 62:1-2 My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. Psalm 118:21 I will give You thanks, for You answered me, You have become my salvation.

Matthew 18:3 Except you be converted and become as –pure as- little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Convert (to): /KA:’N.v3rt/ din değiştirmek || Conversion: pronunciation:/kın.V3R.jın/ değişme, din değişme If my father and the father of my father and the father of my father’s father were all idol-worshipers, does it mean I had to be idol-worshipers or I needed to convert?/ Nonie Darwish, the Egyptian-American writer and human rights activist converted to Christianity./ Conversion to another religion is a personal choice. Psalm 14:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good. Jeremiah 7:19 ‘But am I the one they are provoking?’ declares the Lord. ‘Are they not rather harming themselves, to their own shame?’ Atheist: pronunciation:/ıst/ ateist Atheists have a different interpretation(çeviri/anlam) of life, but it doesn’t make sense to me that the whole universe was made by itself!! Can nothingness make somethingness? Can zero make a 10 or anything by itself? Who even created ‘zero’? This filebook was made by itself then?? Or exploded to be a filebook?? Let us not hide!! ‘Just because I’m a vegeterian doesn’t mean that the bull (evil) doesn’t want to fight!!’ Daniel 9:9 The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against Him. Reincarnation:/şın/ reenkarnasyon, bu dünyada başka şekilde yeniden dünyaya gelme The Bible rejects the idea of reincarnation./ Do you believe in reincarnation? –Nope.

Revelation: /re.vı.LEY.şın/ 1. keşif, açığa çıkma/çıkarma 2. ilham, vahiy [büyük ‘R’ ile: The Book of Revelation: ‘Vahiy’, İncilin son kitapçığı; Tanrı, Yuhanna’ya açıkladığın bilimler] Revelations about the officer’s secret life made him resign from his post./ I suddenly had a revelation. I am blind/bLA:YNd/, but with the hidden /Hİ.dın/(saklamış/pinhan) talent that I have, I could be a writer./ The highest revelation is that God is in every man. –Ralph Waldo Emerson/ The Book of Revelation is out of this world, undescribable, and astonishing./ JESUS in the Book of Revelation says: ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega.’ Alpha is the first and Omega is the last Greek letters.

1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. The other world/The hereafter/Afterlife/After death/Life after death/Another life/The next world: öbür dünya, ahiret/ahret Katy Perry: And in another life, I would make you stay – So I don't have to say you were the one that got away – The one that got away./ When Dr. Wayne Dyer says, ‘‘The last suit that you wear, you don’t need any pockets,’’ he is referring to the fact that after we died, we can’t take any money to the ‘hereafter’. Revelation 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things passed away. Otherworldly:/A:’.zı 1. hayallerın ötesinde, efsanevi, başka dünyalı 2. uhrevi, öbür dünyalı The Irish singer Enya has an otherworldly sound!/ What if ‘we’ were not ‘we’ and could be otherworldly creatures? Newsboys – It Is You lyrics: As we lift up our hands – Will You meet us here? – As we call

on Your name – Will You meet us here? – We have come to this place – To worship You – God of mercy and grace – It is You – We adore – It is You – Praises are for – Only You – The heaven's declare – It is You – It is You – Holy, holy is our God Almighty – Holy, holy is His name alone – Holy, holy is our God Almighty – Holy, holy is His name alone – It is You – We adore – It is You – Only You – As we lift up our hands – Will You meet us here? – As we call on Your name – Will You meet us here? – We have come to this place – To worship You – God of mercy and grace – It is You – We adore – It is You – Praises are for – Only You – The heaven's declare – It is You – It is You – Holy, holy is our God Almighty – Holy, holy is His name alone – Holy, holy is our God Almighty – Holy, holy is His name alone – As we lift up our hands – As we call on Your name – Will You visit this place – By Your mercy and grace – As we lift up our hands – As we call on Your name – Will You visit this place – By Your mercy and grace – It is You – We adore – It is You – It is You – Holy, holy is our God Almighty – Holy, holy is His name alone – Holy, holy is our God Almighty – Holy, holy is His name alone – Holy, holy is our God Almighty – Holy, holy is His name alone – Holy, holy is our God Almighty – Holy, holy is His name alone – It is You – We adore – It is You – Only You Acts 5:29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. John 14:15 [Jesus said] If you love me, you will keep my commandments. Obey: /ı.BEY/ [bir emri] –e itaat etmek, -e uymak, -e dinlemek || Obedience: /ı.Bİ.dyıns/ itaat, uyma || Disobedience: /dis.ı.Bİ.dyıns/ Obedient: /ı.Bİ.dyınt/ itaatkar, uysal We must obey the traffic rules or we’ll have accidents./ We all have storied about our father. The Bible is the amazing story of the LORD, our Father, and His grace, His earnestness, and His LOVE. The more I read it, the more I realize I must OBEY Him like we obey our father. In the Bible, everytime there’s disobedience, there’s a problem. The reason we have problems! Let’s OBEY God. Period./ Just as a servant knows that he must first obey his master in all things, so the surrender to an implicit and unquestionable obedience must become the essential characteristic of our lives. –Andrew Murray/ May Lord make me an obedient servant of His! Amen. Proverbs 13:13 Whoever despises the word brings destruction on himself, but he who reveres the commandment will be rewarded. Ephesians 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Why do you need a voice when you have a verse. –Jim Elliot God is The Fairest Judge. According to the books of law, we ALL must obey the laws. Now imagine I’m a judge, but my child sinned. They bring me his file. What do I do? Forgive him? Then what will happen to the law? Send him to prison? Then what will happen to my love? He’s my blood, my child, my heart. Do you know what the LORD, our Father and the Fairest Judge did to us? He BAILED us out (Kefaletle bize serbest bıraktı), He PAID for our sins by the blood of His Holy Son, Jesus Christ. He took our sins and REDEEMED us, He redeemed the ones who believe in Him and His Holy Son. I LOVE You LORD JESUS, God of Mercy and God of Grace. I LOVE You so much. I must remember that My Father bailed me out. I have to be really careful not to sin against Him and obey. Like a father, my Father wants me to LISTEN to Him. Listen to what? To the HOLY BIBLE. Self not: Beware, Michael, and take these seriously. The Judge bailed you out! Deuteronomy Chapter 28 - Holy Bible Blessings (Bereketler) for Obedience 1 If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. 2 All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God: 3 You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. 4 The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. 5 Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. 6 You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. 7 The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. 8 The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you. 9 The Lord will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the Lord your God and walk in obedience to him. 10 Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they will fear you. 11 The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity—in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your ground—in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you. 12 The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. 13 The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. 14 Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.

LORD God is very serious about His commandments. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, a little bit of good, a little bit of evil, is IMPOSSIBLE. Does from one spring come out sweet and salty water? We have to answer for ALL our ACCOUNTS, DROP BY DROP (DAMLA DAMLA HESABİMİZ VAR). HE is the Judge, and my SINS condemn ME. Unlike what I might think, the Judge DOESN’T forgive my sins by chance, unless His judgement is under question. God forbids. As a guilty has an account to the judge, we sinners have ACCOUNTS with God, the Judge. Curses (Lanetler) for Disobedience 15 However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you: 16 You will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country. 17 Your basket and your kneading trough will be cursed. 18 The fruit of your womb will be cursed, and the crops of your land, and the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. 19 You will be cursed when you come in and cursed when you go out. 20 The Lord will send on you curses, confusion and rebuke in everything you put your hand to, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin because of the evil you have done in forsaking him. 21 The Lord will plague you with diseases until he has destroyed you from the land you are entering to possess. 22 The Lord will strike you with wasting disease, with fever and inflammation, with scorching heat and drought, with blight and mildew, which will plague you until you perish. 23 The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron. 24 The Lord will turn the rain of your country into dust and powder; it will come down from the skies until you are destroyed. 25 The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. You will come at them from one direction but flee from them in seven, and you will become a thing of horror to all the kingdoms on earth. 26 Your carcasses will be food for all the birds and the wild animals, and there will be no one to frighten them away. 27 The Lord will afflict you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, festering sores and the itch, from which you cannot be cured. 28 The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness and confusion of mind. 29 At midday you will grope about like a blind person in the dark. You will be unsuccessful in everything you do; day after day you will be oppressed and robbed, with no one to rescue you. 30 You will be pledged to be married to a woman, but another will take her and rape her. You will build a house, but you will not live in it. You will plant a vineyard, but you will not even begin to enjoy its fruit. 31 Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will eat none of it. Your donkey will be forcibly taken from you and will not be returned. Your sheep will be given to your enemies, and no one will rescue them. 32 Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, and you will wear out your eyes watching for them day after day, powerless to lift a hand. 33 A people that you do not know will eat what your land and labor produce, and you will have nothing but cruel oppression all your days. 34 The sights you see will drive you mad. 35 The Lord will afflict your knees and legs with painful boils that cannot be cured, spreading from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. 36 The Lord will drive you and the king you set over you to a nation unknown to you or your ancestors. There you will worship other gods, gods of wood and stone. 37 You will become a thing of horror, a byword and an object of ridicule among all the peoples where the Lord will drive you. 38 You will sow much seed in the field but you will harvest little, because locusts will devour it. 39 You will plant vineyards and cultivate them but you will not drink the wine or gather the grapes, because worms will eat them. 40 You will have olive trees throughout your country but you will not use the oil, because the olives will drop off. 41 You will have sons and daughters but you will not keep them, because they will go into captivity. 42 Swarms of locusts will take over all your trees and the crops of your land. 43 The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. 44 They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail. 45 All these curses will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the Lord your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you. 46 They will be a sign and a wonder to you and your descendants forever. 47 Because you did not serve the Lord your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity, 48 therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the Lord sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you. 49 The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you

will not understand, 50 a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young. 51 They will devour the young of your livestock and the crops of your land until you are destroyed. They will leave you no grain, new wine or olive oil, nor any calves of your herds or lambs of your flocks until you are ruined. 52 They will lay siege to all the cities throughout your land until the high fortified walls in which you trust fall down. They will besiege all the cities throughout the land the Lord your God is giving you. 53 Because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege, you will eat the fruit of the womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters the Lord your God has given you. 54 Even the most gentle and sensitive man among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the wife he loves or his surviving children, 55 and he will not give to one of them any of the flesh of his children that he is eating. It will be all he has left because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege of all your cities. 56 The most gentle and sensitive woman among you—so sensitive and gentle that she would not venture to touch the ground with the sole of her foot—will begrudge the husband she loves and her own son or daughter 57 the afterbirth from her womb and the children she bears. For in her dire need she intends to eat them secretly because of the suffering your enemy will inflict on you during the siege of your cities. 58 If you do not carefully follow all the words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not revere this glorious and awesome name—the Lord your God— 59 the Lord will send fearful plagues on you and your descendants, harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and lingering illnesses. 60 He will bring on you all the diseases of Egypt that you dreaded, and they will cling to you. 61 The Lord will also bring on you every kind of sickness and disaster not recorded in this Book of the Law, until you are destroyed. 62 You who were as numerous as the stars in the sky will be left but few in number, because you did not obey the Lord your God. 63 Just as it pleased the Lord to make you prosper and increase in number, so it will please him to ruin and destroy you. You will be uprooted from the land you are entering to possess. 64 Then the Lord will scatter you among all nations, from one end of the earth to the other. There you will worship other gods—gods of wood and stone, which neither you nor your ancestors have known. 65 Among those nations you will find no repose, no resting place for the sole of your foot. There the Lord will give you an anxious mind, eyes weary with longing, and a despairing heart. 66 You will live in constant suspense, filled with dread both night and day, never sure of your life. 67 In the morning you will say, “If only it were evening!” and in the evening, “If only it were morning!”—because of the terror that will fill your hearts and the sights that your eyes will see. 68 The Lord will send you back in ships to Egypt on a journey I said you should never make again. There you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you.


1 Peter 2:24 "He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed." Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

John 16:13 When the Spirit of truth (=the Holy Spirit) comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. SPIRITAUL Spirit: /sPİ.rit/ ruh High spirits have high possibilities, low spirits have maybe’s, and NO spirits have ‘unfortunately’./ Life without liberty is like a body without spirit. –Khalil Gibran/ Would you let a man rule the city who cannot even rule his own spirit? –Ancient script/ I like to be a free spirit. Some don’t like that, but that’s the way I am. –Princess Diana; A Book of Remembrances John 4:21-24 Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." Haggai 2:5 And My Spirit remains among you. Do not fear. Spirit rains - Flood into our thirsty hearts again –Hillsong United

Spiritual: /sPİ.ri.çu.ıl/ ruhsal, manevi [Pic] Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Spirited: /sPİ.ri.did/ canlı, hayat/ruh dolu KIPP high schools are some of the most spirited high schools in the States./ Traveling to Fiji was one of the most spirited adventures in his life./ Maya Angelo is one of the most spirited women I know. She says, ‘Have the courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.’ Soul: /SO’WL/ ruh I highly recommend you to watch the movie ‘Soul Surfer’./ ‘Team Soul(Spirit) (takım ruhu)’ is crutial in business and group works./ There is movie in my soul... inseparable!/ Whatever satisfies the soul is truth. –Walt Whitman/ Someone coming from earth may fear and lie, the Only Person coming from Heaven with a Heavenly Soul is the sheer truth. Jesus IS the truth. Period.

FAST/SLOW/QUICK Isaiah 58:6-9 Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and He will say: Here I am.

Fast:/FA’St/1.hızlı, hızlıce>[NOTTT Fastly] 2.oruç, (=Observe fast)oruç tutmak It's not how far you swim in practice; and its' not how fast you swim in practice –it's how far you swim fast in practice. –Anonymous/ Remember the movie Fast Five (Kelime kelime tercüme: Hızlı beş kişiler)?/ Don’t have your food so fast, honey. Just take your time (acele etme/keyifini bak)./ How fast can you read or type /TA:YP/ (bilgisayarda- daktilo etmek)? –I can read pretty fast and type kinda fast./ God in the Holy Bible does not command Christians to fast but fasting and prayer are linked. Matthew 6:16-18 When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Nahum 1:3 The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. Slow:/sLO’w/ 1. yavaş 2. (=Obtuse) geç anlayan, zor anlayan || Slow down!: Sakin ol!, Sakin ol/Hızlı konuşma/Bir az yavaş konuş! || Slowly: /sLO’ yavaş yavaş 1. What’s the slowest animal in the world?/ 1. It’s a beautiful slow song./ 1. He who laughs last, thinks slowest?/ 2. He’s a bit slow. Without using a calculator, he can’t add (eklemek/ ilave etmek) 299 to 99, subtract (eksiltmek) 98 from 357, multiply (çarpmak) 7 by 63, or divide (bölmek/taksim etmek) 6 into 66. –Well, Einstein was slow at first, but look who he became! There IS hope./ 2. Girl! You’re slow. The guy asks if you need anything else, you smile and say ‘I could have some coffee, please!’ He wanted to be your friend!/ [He speaks very fast and his father says] Slow down, kiddo! Now say that again./ [She’s panicked and her mom says] Slow down, honey, slow down. Now tell me what happened./ [The man speaks fast, the secretary asks] Excuse me, could you speak a little slowly please?/ It’s been just two weeks we know each other. I want this relationship last(Bu ilişkinin sürmesini istiyorum). So let’s just take it slowly (=yavaştan alalım/acele etmeyelim), shall we? Speed: /sPİ’d/ hız, hızlı Know ‘speed’ from high-speed train(Türkiyede:yüksek hızlı mavi tren)./ What’s the speed limit (hız limiti) in highways(otobanlar)?/ I think is a great option to listen to music if you got low speed Internet. Quick:/kuik/ 1. hızlı, çabuk 2. zeki, hızlı anlayan || Quickie:/KUİ.ki/ hızlı (bir şey), çabuk (bir şey) || Quickly: /KUİ hızlıce Just be quick. We’re late./ She’s very quick to understand. She amazes me!/ On Facebook: ‘Here’s a quickie note to my friend: How are you?’/ Everyone dreams of getting rich quickly but accomplishing great things needs hard work, with no guarantee of happiness! James 1:6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. ŞÜPHE Doubt: pronunciation:[b sessiz]/DAUt/ şüphe, kuşku, şüphelenmek || Doubtful: (=Suspicious= Questionable= Fishy) şüpheli Reading about poeple overcoming hardship removes the doubt of one hinderance(Sıkı zorunluluğu başaran insanın hakkında okumak, birinin durdurma şüphesini kaldırır)./ Doubt makes belief weak. Faith keeps it strong./ I have no doubt that I can be number one in this competition./ I have no doubt that he checked my phone record(arama kaydı) ’cause right after I met him, I found out (öğrendım) all of it was erased mistakenly./ So, do you wanna sell the house? –Uhh, I doubt it (=I have doubt about it= Şüpheliyim)./ The opposite of ‘doubt’ is ‘certainty’./ Never doubt the ability for a small group of people to change the world. It’s the only thing that ever has (been). –Margaret Mead/ Are you still doubtful about my words? –No, man. I believe in you./ A doubtful friend is worse than a certain enemy(Şüpheli bir dost emin bir düşmandan kötü). –Aesop/ The world is trying to make you doubt that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Do NOT let it CHEAT you! The world is a LIAR.

There’s no doubt that…: Hiç şüphe yok ki… || With no doubt: şüphesiz, kuşkusuz, kesenlikle There’s no doubt that she’s number one student at school./ He said he’s so lucky that (o kadar şanslı ki) he’ll win the lottery with no doubt. Beyond doubt: şüphesiz, kuşkusuz || Beyond question: sorgusuz sualsiz, kuşkusuz, şüphesiz, tartışmasız Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick is, beyond doubt (beyond question), the greatest American classic novel of all times. It is about everything, every human motion, love, hate, revenge, fear, doubt, forgiveness, power, and so! It has a genius beginning: ‘Call me Ishmael.’ Some novels are new everytime you read them./ The effect of you in the world is beyond doubt./ George Washington is beyond question one of the greatest men in history, one of the noblest men who ever lived. –Wendell Garrett Suspicious: /sıs.Pİ.şıs/ şüphe dolu, şüpheci || Be suspicious of: -den şüphe etmek || Suspect: /SA:S.pıkt/ 1.[daha hukuk] kuşkulu kimse,sanık 2. [daha hukuk] zannetmek, tahmin etmek || Usual suspects: [her gün uğraştığın şeyler] günlük

ihtimalları/uğraşmalar There’s a weird-looking guy in the office. He seems suspicious, sir./ You’re my friend but you are always suspicious of me? I told you that I didn’t take your money./ Police is suspicious of his confessions./ Bring the suspect in(Kuşkulu adamı/Sanığı içeri getirin)./ He says he’s not married; I suspect he is./ [A Walk In My Shoes] (Cindy can’t pay her rent, her son has problem at school, she hangs up the phone, the lady asks) ‘Are you okay?’ And she smiles and says, ‘Yeah... kids... life... usual suspects.’ Skeptical:/sKEP.ti.kıl/ şüpheci, kuşkucu, kuşkulu [Var Mısın Yok Musun] Christina Aguilera: I think I want the box number 17. Acun Bey: Are you sure? Furkan: I think you should go for number 10. Christina Aguilera: Uhh, you’re making me skeptical!/ Uh, I can’t decide which one to choose. I’m totally skeptical. Hesitate: /HE.zı.teyt/ tereddüt etmek || Hesitation: /he.zı.TEY.şın/ tereddüt || Hesitancy: /HE.zi.tı tereddüt [Email] And if there is anything you need to know, please do not hesitate to ask./ There’s no hesitation that the two countries have good ties/TA:Yz/ (=bağlantı/ rabıta)./ Ever listened to ‘Fatal Hesitation’ by Chris De Burgh?/ Look, I understand your hesitancy but you need to decide. I told you about it two months ago. [Fatal:/FEY.dıl/(öldürücü/ölümcül)>I wish one day human beings stop producing fatal weapons/WE.pınz/(silahlar).] Questionable: /KOES.şı.nı.bıl/ kesinsiz, belli olmayan, kuşku uyandıran/kuşku dolu, şüpheli || Unquestionable: /a:n.KOES.şı.nı.bıl/ kesin, tartışılmaz After the injury, his play for the next game is questionable./ He said he’s not married but that’s questionable. –Why? –Becuse… look at his ring finger (yüzükparmağı). Its skin color has changed. –Mmm. Interesting. Maybe he’s divorced./ He lost the game but he’s not a loser. He’s an unquestionable champion in the heart. Dilemma:/ ikilem Honey, your sister doesn’t know which major(bölüm) to pick (=choose), physics or economics. She is in a dilemma, and I think you should assist(=help) her./ He has a huge dilemma about(over) closing the deal(=signing the contract). Ashes Remain – On My Own lyrics: There’s gotta be another way out - I’ve been stuck in a cage with my doubt - I’ve tried forever getting out on my own - But every time I do this my way - I get caught in the lies of the enemy - I lay my troubles down - I’m ready for you now - Bring me out - come and find me in the dark now - Everyday by myself I’m breaking down - I don’t wanna fight alone anymore - Bring me out - from the prison of my own pride - My God - I need a hope I can’t deny - In the end I’m realizing I was never meant to fight on my own - Every little thing that I’ve known is every thing I need to let go - You’re so much bigger than the world I’ve made - So I surrender my soul - I’m reaching out for your hope - I lay my weapons down - I’m ready for you now - I don’t wanna be incomplete - I remember what you said to me - I don’t have to fight alone

Jeremiah 17:5 This is what the LORD says: Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD. MAGIC/SUPERSTITION Cursed: /K3RSt/ körolası, melun, lanetli, lanetlenmiş Everytime I love someone, right after she dies. I’m cursed!/ He thinks he’s cursed. He says, ‘When my mom gave birth to me, my sister died. Then our house burned down in fire. Then my father had an accident.’ Do you think these are all accidents? –Honey! There’s no such thing as accident. These’re messages for him to turn back to God. [Curse: sövmek,küfretmek>We don’t have the right(hak) to curse people. >Law/Violence/Crime<] Galatians 3:10 For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.” Magic: /MA’.cik/ sihir || Magical: /MA’.ci.kıl/ sihirli Ayşe Naz, 7, has a magical pen and she lost it. She asks her mom in English: ‘Mommy! Where is my magical pen?’/ [Pic] I’m just a cat, with strong magical powers./ Do you believe in magic? –Well I hear a guy loved a girl, found a book of 300 years ago, did some magic, got the girl, is married and head over heels in love for 18 years, but can’t have a baby for 18 years!! Such pressure. Also another guy did the same and got rich, but can’t sleep more than 2 hours a day!! By magic, they got what they wanted, but there’s NO PEACE in their hearts. It is NOT LIFE!! What is billions without rest and peace?? Some of them PRETEND to have peace but they DON’T. Hocus-pocus:/HO’.kıs-PO’.kıs/kokus-pokus||Bla(h) bla(h)!:/bLA:’-bLA:’/...(ve) saçma şeyler!, ne bilim şeyler She believes in metaphysics/me.dı.Fİ.ziks/ but her husband thinks it’s all hocuspocus./ So many people believe that fortune telling(fal bakma), palm reading (el falını bakma), or coffee reading(kahve fal bakma) is nothing but hocus-pocus, hollow promise of future to make money in the present!/ She always talks like bla bla for hours./ You know Ke$ha’s song ‘Blah Blah Blah!’/ He said he got a job and was talking like bla bla(ne bilim şeyler konuşuyordu)! Psalm 55:22 Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.

Cast: /KA’St/ atmak || Cast a spell on someone: /KA’St.ı-sPE’L.a:’n/ birini büyülemek, birini büyü yapmak, birini etkilemek || Break/End one’s dry spell: birinin büyünü kırmak/son vermek Do you know how to cast the fishing rod into the water?/ Oh God! She’s so beautiful. Is it love at first sight? She’s casting a spell on me./ The first time I went to Göreme, it casted a spell on me. It was a sunny afternoon with cool wind. Cozy rug stores were all around, and I felt like I’m surrounded by stunning fairy chimneys./ This BMW is casting a spell on her. She says she wants this or nothing else!/ After Gwyneth Paltrow won the Oscar, for some time, her friends thought she experienced a dry spell so they thought she needed to break her dry spell./ [Purple Violets] (For 8 month, she couldn’t sell any apartment, and now her friend is asking her to sell him an apartment. She says) Oh, this could be great. You could really help end my dry spell. I haven’t had a sale in eight months. [Spell: hecelemek>(Man speaking on the phone) Hi. I’d like to confirm a reservation under Bill Buehrle.–(Checking on the computer) Sorry, could you spell your last name please? – Sure. It’s B-U-E-H-R-L-E /Bİ-YU-İ-EYÇ-A:R-EL-İ/.]/ [Pic] Okay. Can you please spell Gabbana?] I’m under your spell: Ben senin büyünün etkisi altındayım!, Deli gibi sadece seni seviyorum! Sen beni büyü etti! I can’t stop thinking about you. Gosh! What is it? I don’t know. I just know that I’m under your spell. Do you feel the same? Isaiah 8:19 And when they say to you, “Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,” should not a people inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living? Witch: /WİÇ/ cadı, büyücü kadın || Wiccan: /Wİ.kın/ erkek cadı, büyücü erkek [Pic] You’re a witch, aren’t you?/ She’s a witch. Stay away from her./ What do you do? –I’m a wiccan. –What? What’s that? –A male witch. –I beg your pardon? –A male witch. –Oh, I see...[whispers] creepy! Leviticus 19:31 “Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the LORD your GOD.’’ Psychic:/SA:Y.kik/ (=Medium/Mİ.di.yım/) falbakıcı, ruh bilimci, medyum Most psychics don’t have the ability to read someone’s future but they’re just some cons (con-artists=scam artists= frauds= dolandırıcılar=üç kağıtçılar) or some sort of opportunists(fırsatçılar) trying to swindle gullible people (=rip naive people off). –Yea, I totally agree. And usually ‘ladies’ believe in them! 1 Chronicles 10:13-14 So Saul died for his breach of faith. He broke faith with the Lord in that he did not keep the command of the Lord, and also consulted a medium, seeking guidance. He did not seek guidance from the Lord. Therefore the Lord put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse. Ghost: /GO’St/ hayalat || Nightmare: /’r/ kabüs || Spook: /sPU’k/ 1. hayalat 2. (=Spy/sPA:’y/) ajan, casus || Spooky!: /sPU’.ki/ Hayalat gibi! Don’t tell him one of your ghost stories again. He’ll see nightmare./ Bill: I’m a man of knowledge. I don’t believe in ghosts or spooks./ There were news about the spook Anna Chapman in some Turkish newspapers./ Most of these vampires seem spooky./ There was a blackout (karartma) and the whole town looked spooky! Haunted:/HA:’.nıd/HA:’N.dıd/ hayalatlı, tekin olmayan, kötü ruhlarla dolu My wife says that house is haunted. No couple stays there more than a week. You can hear them scream and fight all the time./ Since (Mademki) people are looking for unusual stuffs, there are some hotels in America, especially California and Texas, where are designed like haunted, so people wonder and spend time and money there! –Wow. Creative way to make money (para kazanma için)! Haunt:/HA:’Nt/ (kötü bir şey yaptığın sonuçu) yakasını rahat bırakmamak, rahat bırakmamak, sık sık vicdanını/ruhunu rahatsız etmek [Perfect Stranger] (Grace to Rowena starring Halle Berry) You can’t just get (find/pick/choose) people, bury them, and pretend like you never existed. It always comes back to haunt you./ The images of him killing innocent children in the war would haunt him for the rest of his life. Superstition:/su.pır.sTİ.şın/ hurafe, boş inanç, batıl itikat || Superstitious:/su.pır.sTİ.şıs/ hurafeperest, boş inançlara inanan We have abundant reason to rejoice, that, in this land, the light of truth and reason has triumphed over the power of bigotry and superstition, and that every person may here worship God according to the dictates of his own heart. [Clap!]–George Washington [1793]/ Do you know any superstition belief? –Oh, yeah. They say if your right palm is itchy, money comes your way and if your left hand is itchy, money goes out of your pocket! I’ve decided not to wash my right palm for a long time!!/ Many believe that ‘Knock on wood(Tahtaya vur)’ is superstitious./ [Reading an article on the Internet about superstition] What the hell (Bu ne be)! Washing a car will bring rain? What a superstition!/ I don’t believe in superstitions. They hold us back (Onlar ilerlememizi/ gelişmemizi durduruyor/ engelliyor)./ Ralph Waldo Emerson: ‘The root of superstition is FEAR.’ And I guess the root of fear is lack of knowledge. 1 Timothy 4:7 Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness. EFSANE Legend: /LE.cınd/ efsane || Living legend: /Lİ.ving.le.cınd/ yaşam efsane || Myth: /MİS/ söylence, efsane Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy... or they become legend. –Jim Harrison/ I think Michael Jordan is the best

basketball player of all times. He’s truly a living legend./ The professor dressed like Athena, and surprised every student in the class. She explained that according to the myth, the city of Athens got its name from her and told us some stories. We all enjoyed her class. Fairy tale: /FE’.ri.teyl/ peri masalı Love is not always a fairy tale with happy ending./ ‘Aladdin And The Magic Lamp’ is a fairy tale in which a genie promises to grant three wishes in case he is freed from the lamp. [Fairy chimneys:/FE’.ri.ç’z/ peri bacaları> Fairy chimneys in Göreme are mesmerising and breath-taking!] Mermaid: /M3R.meyd/ denizkızı Dad: Hey little mermaid! Get up. Time for breakfast!/ I’d like to think that mermaids in myths were real. What if we could see a person half/HA’f/ fish half human? Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. MASTER & SLAVE Slave:/sLEYv/ köle, esir # Freeman: özgür insan || Master and slave: /MA’S.tır.ın-sLEYv/ efendi ve köle || Slavery: kölelik || Master: üstat, uzman, egemen olmak, kontrol altında almak As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. –Abraham Lincoln/ Look how George Washington animated and encouraged his army before the battle of Long Island: ‘The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct(yürütme) of this army.’/ Excuse me, but you can’t treat me like your personal slave./ The age of master and slave is over!/ Are we slaves to money? I mean, does money work for us or work us (para bizim için çalışiyor yoksa bize çalıştiriyor)?/ When you master your skills, you master your life. John 8:31-36 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?” Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’’ HISTORICAL History:/HİS.tı.ri//NOT Hİ tarih || Be history: (=Belong to the past) tarih olmak, geçmişi ait olmak || Make something history:bir şeyi yok/tarih etmek, bir şeyi son vermek, bir şeyi tarihe gömmek Proverb: History repeats itself./ Who was Attila/ı.Tİ.la:/ the Hun/HA:N/ and what was his role in history?/ I wouldn’t want to pass the history lesson, I’d want to learn the messages inside./ History is not just story. It teaches us which friends to trust, and which ones not./ The definition of the ‘history’? ‘We’ are the definition of the history…now./ My troubles are history(yok olmak) now./ Yesterday is history! Talk about today!/ Live 8: Make Poverty History (Fakirliği Tarihe Gömmeyin). [What’s the date today(Bugün tarih kaç)?] Dynasty: /DA:Y.nıs.ti/ hanedan [Pic] Sir? –You don’t meet a girl like that every dynasty. :D Exodus 20:2-6 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. "You shall have no other gods before me. "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand [ generations] of those who love me and keep my commandments. Ancient:pronunciation:/EYN.şınt/antik,eski,kadim I’m not old-fashioned but I’m interested in hairstyles and cosmetics they used in the ancient times./ Çatalhöyük is one of the oldest ancient ruins in the world. [Antique: pronunciation/an.Tİ’k/antika>Is this jar (kavanoz) antique? –(The old man) Yeah, it’s antique (antika/eski), like me!] Era:/İ.ra://İ.rı/ dönem, devir, çağ This is a very crucial era in the world’s history./ What was life like in Ottoman era? Can you explain?/ HDR /eyç.di.A:R/ (High Dynamic Range) photography is a new era in art photography. It’s outstanding. Medieval: /mid.İ’.vıl/ [sıfat] ortaçağa ait/özgü The whole recorded history is divided into three main parts: Ancient/EYN.şınt/ history(İlk Çağ), Middle Ages or ‘Medieval Ages’(Orta Çağ), and Modern /MA:’.dırn/ history. Colony: /KA:’.lı.ni/ sömürge The English (İngilizler) established colonies in North America.

Ally: /a’.LA:’Y/ müttefik [Allies/a’.LA:’Yz/>çoğul] There’s a big difference between military allies and political allies./ New York Times headline(manşet haber): ‘Biden Tries to Reassure Allies of U.S. Support’ Treaty: /tRİ’.di/ antlaşma The Treaty of Alexandropol (Turkish: Gümrü Antlaşması) was a peace trety for ending TurkishArmenian war on December 2, 1920. It was negotiated between General Kazım Karabekir and Armenian Foreign Minister Alexander Khatisyan. Tyranny: /Tİ.rı.ni/ zulüm || Tyrant: /TA:Y.rınt/ zalim Tyranny cannot defeat the power of ideas. –Helen Keller, the American author and political activist/ The tyrant dies and his rule is over. The martyr(şehit) dies and his rule begins. –Soren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher Revolution: /re.vı.LU’.şın/ 1. devrim 2. dönme, devir Nelson Mandela showed to the world it is possible to have peaceful revolution./ Computers have made a revolution in technology. Column: pronunciation: /KA:’.lım/ NOT KA:’.lımn/sütun|| Columnist*:pronunciation:/--KA:’LIM.nıst/ [gazetede] köşe yazar Tour guide: This is a historical palace /PA’.lıs/ (=saray) belonging to Romans Empire. Of all the palace, only these columns have left./ Is there any newspaper columnist you follow their articles?/ Who is Ayşe Arman? –She’s graduated from Tarsus American College and a sophisticated columnist for Hürriyet. Monument: /MA:’.nyı.mınt/ anıt, abide, eser || Monumental: /ma:’.nyı.MEN.dıl/ anıtsal, abidevi Some of the monuments of Turkey are Anıtkabir, Dolmabahçe, the Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Saray), and Koca Ragip Paşa Library./ Skytrain (=gökyüz tren) with no pollution/pı.LU.şın/ of the air is a great way of transportation and it seems a monumental necessity for major cities of Turkey. Civilized: /Sİ medeni, uygar || Civilization: /şın/ medeniyet, uygarlık It takes (İstiyor) brain and hardwork to be civilized./ I think the whole world should learn from Western civilization.

Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. DISABLED Handicapped:/HAN.di.kapt/ özürlü, sakat || Disabled:/dis.EY.bıld/ engelli, sakat, malul || Disability: /dis.ı.Bİ.li.di/ sakatlık, maluliyet The city hall comes up with (=finds) some new ideas to help the handicapped in public places in some special ways./ Her husband has been disabled for over 18 years but she’s never lost her faith in God. A person’s faith is known in hard times./ The only disability in life is a bad attitude. –Scott Hamilton Crippled: /kRİ.pıld/ topal, kötürüm, sakat Jesus healed the crippled, the lepers, and ALL kinds of diseases. WHO is Jesus? And they brought to Him a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment, and they begged Him to lay His hand on him. And taking him aside from the crowd privately, He put his fingers into his ears, and after spitting, touched his tongue. And looking up to heaven, He sighed and said to him, “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened.” And his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly. Deaf: /DEF/ sağır || Blind: /bLA:YNd/ kör He’s deaf, but he can lipread./ ‘Sarı Çizgilar’ in America is called ‘Blind Walkway’ or sometimes ‘Yellow Brick Road’./ The blind use white stick and don’t need our help, but they always need our respect./ Helen Keller was the first deafblind to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. Mark Twain said something stunning about her: ‘‘The two greatest characters in the 19th century are Napoleon and Helen Keller. Napoleon tried to conquer the world by physical force and failed. Helen tried to conquer the world by power of mind –and succeeded!’’ John 9:2-8 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging, asked, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” [>According to researches, we learn to speak 55% by visual and 38% by vocal. Then how do the blind and the deaf learn to speak English? Well, we believe they have EXTRAORDINARY SENSES we don’t. Kübra Büyükbalta is one of Ankara Bilkent University’s BEST students and SPEAKs English well. With an electronic device, she records everything her professors say in the class, then she goes home and listens to them TEN-TWENTY times,

and learn the BEST. You go, girl (Aferin, kızım)! Eşref Armağan is a blind painter from Istanbul and has exhibited his paintings in many countries. Dr. Amir Amedi and Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone of Harvard, Dr. Ehud Zohary of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Prof. John Kennedy of Toronto University researched about HOW he creates the extraordinary paintings of the things he has never seen, like the one above. Discovery Channel made a program of him, some of which are on YouTube. Everybody is here for a plan, a reason. We need to DISCOVER it. And trust me, many of them enjoy life so much more than we do –due to those extraordinary senses. PRAISE BE TO THE LORD.] Rob someone blind: birinin aklını alıp onun malını/parasını çalmak, birini aldatıp her şeyini çalmak [Rob: soymak/çalmak] [The Fighter] Alice(Melissa Leo): He’s a crook, George… I think he’s gonna steal your son’s money and rob him blind./ [Before Sunrise] (talking about the palm reader: el fal bakıcı) All right, listen. This woman robs you blind, hehe, okay? Blindfold*:/’ld/ [kumaşla] gözü bağlamak || Blindfolded*:/’l.dıd/ [kumaşla] gözü bağlı They blindfolded and tapegagged /TEYP.gagd/ (ağzını bantla tıkamak) the hostages /HA:’S.tı.cız/ (rehinelerı)./ I took a NLP course. They blindfolded us and said, ‘Touch other members’ hands and try to recognize who they were. It’s a great way to sharpen your instinct (içgüdünüzü geliştirmek için).’/ They do a special yoga called Blindfolded Yoga. Hearing aid: /Hİyı.ring.eyd/ işitme cihazi, kulaklık She’s partially/PA:R.şı.li/(kısmen) deaf. She can hear you with hearing aid. Ezekiel 47:12 And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.” MEDICINE (GENERAL) AND RELATED WORDS (genel kelimeler) Doctor: pronunciation:/DA:’K.tır/(=Doc/DA:’k/) doktor || Physician: /fi.Zİ.şın/ doktor, hekim [When we watch movies like ‘The Good Doctor’, we learn to pronounce the pronunciation of ‘Doctor’ correctly.] Hey doc/doctor! How’s our new patient doing? –He’s doing fine./ [Dr.: adı/soyadı/adsoyadının önce] Dr. House is an interesting person!/ Do you know Dr. Phil? His shows are famous./ Avicenna(İbn-i Sina) the physician, believed that most diseases come from water and soil. Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Medicine: /ME.di.sin/ 1. şurup, ilaç 2. tıp || Medication: /me.di.KEY.şın/ ilaç Expectorant is cough medicine./ She’s decided to study medicine abroad./ [The old man to his wife] Hold on. I forgot to take my medication. Med school:/MED.sku’l/ [=Medical school] tıp fakültesi || Meds:/MEDz/ (=Medicines /ME.dı.sinz/) ilaçlar Aw, you’re a student? –Yeah, I’m studying in med school. –Is it easy? –Nope! It’s pretty hard. But I like it./ Have you taken your meds, sweetie?/ The one who really has faith in the Lord needs no medicine. God’s Words are THE Medicine. Health: /HELS/ sağlık || Healthy: / sağlıklı [LÜTFEN DİKKAT: Health: sağlık. HealthY: sağlıkLI.] The first wealth is health. –Ralph Waldo Emerson/ How can we have a healthy life? Mark 2:16-17 When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Sick: pronunciation:/SI’K/ 1. hasta 2. dehşet/harika || Sickness: /SI’K.nıs/ (=Disease) hastalık 1. Have these pills in case you get sick. –What are these for? –Headache, sore throat (boğaz ağrısı), and fever./ 2. [Movie: 17 Again (Türkçe: Tekrar 17)> After Alex sees his mom (Leslie Mann) turned the backyard into a very beautiful garden, he says:] Wow. Mom, it’s sick! –Really? –It’s so good! Exodus 23:25 You shall worship the Lord your God, and I will bless your bread and your water; and I will take sickness away from among you. I’m sick: Hastayım! I called my workplace and I told them that I can’t work today ’cause I’m sick. –Why don’t you go to a hospital/HA:’S.pi.dıl/(hastane)? I feel sick: /’l.SI’K/ Midem bulanıyor! I feel sick (=Midem bulanıyor)! What should I do? I’m sick of this!:/a:ym-SI’K-ıv.zis/ *Bundan bıktım (artık)!, Bundan usandım (artık)!, Bundan gına geldım (artık)! || I’m fed up with this!:/-FED.a:p.wiz-zis/ *Bundan bıktım (artık)!, Bundan usandım (artık)!, Bundan gına geldım (artık)! || I’m tired/bored of this!: *Bundan yoruldum (artık)!, Bundan usandım (artık), Bundan gına geldım (artık)! I’m sick of your behavior (Senin davranışından bıktım/susandım/gına geldım artık)!/ I’m sick and tired of your lies! Stay away from me!/ I’m fed up with your fusses. Stop ’em!/ I’m tired of staying in bed all day! I need to get(find) a job!

Ill-mannered: /il.MA.nırd/ terbiyesiz, kaba || Patient: /PEY.şınt/ 1.[hastanede] hasta 2.sabırlı || Be patient!: Sabırlı ol! || Impatient: /im.PEY.şınt/ sabırsız || Patience: /PEY.şıns/ sabır || Gurney: / tekerlekli sedye || Stretcher: /sTRE.çır/ tekerlekli veya el sedye How does a person become ill-mannered?/ How’s the patient, doctor? –He’s in a good condition(Onun durumu iyi)./ Many things seem bad at first, but if we are patient enough, we’ll find there is a great reason behind that./ Why are you so impatient, honey? Be patient! Thank you!/ Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you, but not in one ahead! –Bill McGlashen/ The patient was in(on) the gurney, having soup and watching TV./ [Smart People] Janet(Sarah Jessica Parker) is a doctor. He had a crush on his college professor. The professor is careless about relationship so she’s mad at him. Now he’s in the hospital, waiting for her, sitting in a gurney!! Janet says: ‘What are you doing here? That gurney was sterile!’/ The medical team got out of the ambulance and put the injured person in(on) the stretcher. Disease: pronunciation: /diz.İ’Z/ hastalık Doctor! Is something wrong with my grandma? –No, sir. It’s not a serious disease. But she has to be careful./ Asthma/A’ım) is a chronic /kRA:’.nik/ (kronik/müzmin) disease.

Dizzy: /Dİ.zi/ başı dönen I feel dizzy (=Başım dönüyor). I think I had poisoned(bozulmuş) food./ She has low blood pressure. She feels dizzy if she stands for a long time. Vomit: /VA:’.mit/ kusmak || Puke: /PYUk/(=Vomit): kusmak || Throw up: /SRO’.a:p/ (=Vomit =Puke) kusmak || I feel like vomiting/puking/throwing up: Midem bulanıyor. || I think I’m gonna vomit/puke/throw up: (Sanki) Midem bulanıyor. When she saw blood, she vomitted./ Ugh! You just puked, man? I told you not to drink too much./ That nasty little kid puked all over me!/ I don’t feel good(well). I feel like puking./ What was that crap I had. Was it poisoned? I feel like I’m gonna vomit. [I feel sick: Midem bulaniyor>He said he doesn’t love me! I feel sick!] Hiccup: /HİK.a:p/ hıçkırık, hıçkırmak Don’t eat the food too fast. You’ll get hiccups!/ If you hiccup constantly, there’s an incredible remedy for it. Drink seven gulps of water without taking any breath (=no inhale and no exhale). It has always worked for me! Insomnia:/in.SA:’, uyuyamazlık, uyku yitimi || Amnesia: pronunciation: /am.Nİ’.jı/ hafıza kaybı, unutkanlık, bellek yitimi, amnezi It’s been a long time she hasn’t got any sleep, dad. I think she has insomnia. We should take her to a doctor./ He got a head injury and then got amnesia. He couldn’t recognize his dad. Fever: /Fİ’.vır/ [tıbbi] ateş*, hararet I got fever. It sucks!/ Do you know how to reduce fever? –Yeah, the old remedy. Get a towel, make it wet, and put it on your forehead(alın). [Fire: 1. ateş/yangın> In case of fire, you should break this little glass and push this button of the fire alarm. 2. kovulmak> I got fired today!] Headache: /HED.eyk/ baş ağrısı Amy has massive headache. Should I get her some aspirin? Backache: /BAK.eyk/ sırt ağrısı Yuck! I got a terrible backache. I can’t sit and stand up easily. It’s killing me! Stomachache: /sTA:’.mı.keyk/ mide ağrısı I got stomachache (Midem ağrıyor). Toothache: /TUS.eyk/ diş ağrısı Ouch! I can’t have anything. I got toothache. Gotta go to a dentist./ Toothache sucks! I should have my wisdon tooth (akıldişi) pulled out! [Tooth= diş. Teeth= dişler.] Pain:/PEYn/ [fiziksel/ruhsal] acı, ağrı || Pain killer:/PEYN-Kİ.lır/ ağrı kesici || Pain and pleasure*: /PEYN-ın-PLE.jır/ acı ve zevk/tatlı Ibuprofen/a:y.byo.PRO’.fın/ helps you ease (yatıştırmak) the pain of arthritis /a:r.SRA:Y.dıs/ (artrit/mafsal iltihabı)./ One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. –Bob Marley/ I got bad toothache. –Have you taken any pain killer? Here, take Dolorex. It works so well./ I think the pain of missing someone is bigger than the pain of losing someone, ’cause you know the person is already out there somewhere./ There’s so much ‘pain and pleasure’ in the world, but some people notice the pain part so much that they never find the pleasure, asking themselves, ‘Does it even exist?’

Chiropractor: /ır/ masör (tedavi için kemik ve eklem/mafsallerı ve sert kemiklerı baskı yapan/sıkıştıran ve düzenen bir tür doktor) [Bu Amerika’da yeni bir iş ve popüler.] A chiropractor is a person whose job is to treat diseases of bones and joints, especially at the back (sert’te)./ Chiropractors are popular these days because of stress of jobs and people’s lifestyle, the way they slouch, and lack of exercise. Fracture: /fRAK.çır/ [kemik] kırık, kırıklık The doctor puts up the radiology film on the light board to see if his hand bone is broken, so he says: Well, luckily(iyi ki) there’s no fracture in your bone (=your bone’s not broken). Bleach: /bLİ’ç/ 1. çamaşır suyu 2. dişi beyazlatmak/bliç etmek [Million Dollar Baby] Frankie: How many times do I got to tell you that bleach is bleach. Why can’t you just buy the cheap stuff; you always have to buy the expensive stuff. Scrap: It smells better, Frankie! Frankie: Bleach smells like bleach!/ She has healthy white teeth. –I think she had(got) ’em bleached. Dental floss: /DEN.dıl.fla:’s/ diş ipliği || Floss: /fLA:’s/ [diş aralarını] iplikle temizlemek || Mouthwash: /MAWS.wa:’ş/[ağız yıkama için antibakteriyel sıvı suyu] gargara || Gargle: /GA:R.gıl/ gargara (yapmak) Sweetie! Don’t forget to buy strawberry and dental floss./ Isabel has very neat (=temiz/düzgün) teeth. She flosses every night./ Gargle this mouthwash before you go to bed and after you get up. Pharmacy: /FA:R.mı.si/ eczane || Drugstore*: /dRA:G.stor/ eczane Excuse me, do you know any pharmacy near here? –Yeah, there’s one at the corner. Right over there. –Oh, thanks./ I wonder why there are so many pharmecies and hair salons /he’r.sı.LA:’Nz/ in this city./ In the US, there’re many drugstores online/A:’ where you can order your prescription (reçete) and have it shipped your home for free. You can save your money and your time. [Ship: (aracıyla) göndermek/yollamak.] [Drug*: 1. ilaç>This drug is for external use /YUS/ only, not internal. You mustn’t drink it. 2. uyuşturucu> The poliçe caught him for selling drugs.] Pill: /PİL/ hap [Take a pill: hap almak] || Tablet: /TA’B.let/ tablet Honey, could you hand (=elle vermek) me those pills?/ You should take this tablet 3 times a day, one every 8 hours. Birth control pill: /B3RS.kı.tro’l.pil/ doğum kontrol hapı || Contraceptive pill: /ka:’n.trı.SEP.tiv.pil/ doğum kontrol hapı She used to take a sort of birth control (contraceptive) pill to prevent/pri.VENt/ pregnancy/pREG.nı Pregnant: /pREG.nınt/ hamile || Pregnancy: /pREG.nı hamilelik Did she vomit? Oh my God! Maybe she’s pregnant!/ Woman: This is my picture when I was four months pregnant./ When my mom was seven-month pregnant with me, she said we bought our first house./ The pregnant woman had a C-section/Sİ-SEK.şın/(=cesarean/si.ZE.ri.yın/sezaryen)./ Why do pregnant women desire(=long for=die for=crave=-e çok istemek) pickles/Pİ.kılz/(turşu) and ice cream during pregnancy? Fetus: (=Foetus) pronunciation:/Fİ’.dıs/ cenin, fetus If a fetus could talk, they would say: ‘Mom! I need you to have more fish and egg ’cause they boost my intelligence. Get more sunshine ’cause I need more vitamin/VA:Y.dı.min/ D. Read books to me, sing songs to me, and play music for me ’cause part of me understands them and they would be part of my personality. But more than that, I need you and dad love and care for me ’cause you two are my mirror.’ Abortion: /ı.BOR.şın/ kürtaj || Have an abortion: kürtaj yapmak She had an abortion 2 years ago./ Is it lawful for a woman in your country to have an abortion?/ Today’s topic: Should women be allowed to have an abortion if they ask for it? Miscarriage:/MİS.ka.ric/ düşük, çocuk düşürme Last year, she had a miscarriage./ The talks about the symptoms, causes, and treatment for miscarriage. Herb: pronunciation:/3Rb//NOT H3Rb/ [ilaç/şifalı] bitki || Herbal: pronunciation:/3R.bıl//NOT H3R.bıl/ bitkisel Basil/BEY.zıl/(reyhan), cinnamon/Sİ.nı.mın/(tarçin), ginger/CİN.cır/ (zencefil), garlic/GA:R.lik/(sarımsak), lavender/LA.vın.dır/(lavanta), mint/MİNt/(nane), mustard /MA:S.t3rd/ (hardal), parsley/ (maydonoz), pepper/PE.pır/(biber), salep/SA.lıp/, sesame seed /SE.sı.mi-Sİ’d/(susam), and vanilla/vı.Nİ.la:/(vanilya) are some(of) famous herbs./ Ever tried herbal tea? Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. [How can I thank the Lord? Who on earth would ever do that for me?] Wound:/WU’Nd/ yara || Wounded:/WU’N.dıd/ yaralı [A Walk In My Shoes] Molly: ‘‘It’s funny how that

works out, isn’t it, how? When you help someone else, you heal your own wound.’’/ There’s a gunshot wound on his body. He says it happened in the war./ Turkish proverb: A knife wound heals, but a tongue wound festers./ The soldier got wounded. He said he fought for his buddies, and for his country./ [A Walk In My Shoes] Jake: When a soldier gets wounded, the only thing he’s thinking about is his family. How can I keep from singing Your Grace? I am loved by the KING –Chris Tomlin Casualty:/KA.ju.ıl.ti/ (kazada/savaşta) yaralı, ölen Hundreds of doctors and nurses were looking after the casualties of the war./ There was a terrible car accident. Luckily no one died. Casualties were waiting for an ambulance/AM.biyu.lans/ to come. Scar: /sKA:’r/ yara izi || Scarce*: /sK3Rs/ (=Rare/RE’ır/) nadir, az bulunur, seyrek He saw a dream that he has a scar on his face./ This book is so scarce(rare). Where did you find it? Bruise: /bRU’z/ morluk, ezik What’s this bruise on your face? Did you have a fight? Stitch: /sTİÇ/ dikiş He had a car accident. Luckily he’s safe, but he got 6 stitches/sTİ.çız/./ Man: When I was 10, walking down the hill in the woods, I lost my control and hit a half-cut tree. I took 10 stitches on my stomatch. Blister: su toplaması He worked in the hayfield and at the end of the day he said, ‘My hands are full of blisters!’ Blood: /bLA:D/ kan Why do some people faint when they see blood?/ A test for blood compatibility (kan uyuşması) and blood incompatibility (kan uyuşmazlığı) before marriage is necessary. Blood pressure:/bLA:D.pre.şır/(=Blood presh/-.preş/=BP/bi.Pİ/) tansiyon His blood pressure is high. (=He has high blood pressure.)/ The doctor placed (koydu) the blood pressure cuff (tansiyon aleti) around his arm, and listening to stethoscope/sTE.sıs.ko’p/, took(ölçürdü) his blood pressure(BP). Blood test: kan tahlili I gotta run(yapmak/etmek) your blood test before I give you the result (sonuçu vermektan önce). Blood type/group:/-.ta:yp/-.gru’p/ kan grubu He has a very rare(nadir) blood type. He’s O Negative (–O). Bleed: /bLİ’d/ kanamak Oh my God! Why are you bleeding?/ Sweetie. Your nose is bleeding. Lay down. I bring you some cotton (=/KA:’.tın/pamuk). Run the test:/RA:N.-/(=Do the medical test)[medikal] test etmek/yapmak I’m gonna need the blood sample before I run the test(testı yapmaktan önce). Blood Drive/Blood Center/Blood Services/Blood Donor Center: kan alma merkez After I gave blood in the Blood Center, the doctor said, ‘Do you know how many people’s lives you’re saving by this?’ Made me ponder. Pass out: /PA’S.awt/ bayılmak || Faint: /FEYNt/ bayılmak I’m sorry I’m late. You’re not gonna believe this. I went to the bathroom and I passed out! –What? Are you okay now? –Yeah… yeah. I’m fine./ The poor woman hasn’t eaten anything for two days and passed out./ When a person faints, do not slap or shake him. Just try to give him some sweet water or some food until the doctor comes. [Pass away: ölmek/öbür dünyaya gitmek>Her grandpa passed away two years ago.] Lamentations 3:40-42 Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD. Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven, and say: ‘We have sinned and rebelled and You have not forgiven.’

Sanhedrin 106B: GOD wants the heart. Heart: /HA:RT*/ kalp || Have no heart: acımasiz olmak, taş kalpli olmak, insafla davranmamak, merhamatsiz/zalim olmak || Heart attack: /HA:RD.ı.ta’k/ kalp krizi || Stroke: /sTRO’k/şTRO’k/ felç My heart loves you for ever!/ When Shakespears said, ‘A light heart lives long,’ what did he mean? –He meant a heart that is not full(dolu) of hostility, greed, anger, fear, and jealousy is light(hafif). –Mmm, true! Interesting!/ [Pic] I think you have no heart, and I had a mind once to give you mine. (Bence sen zalimsin ve kalbimi bir kez seni verdiğim için kafam çalışmıyordu.)/ She had a heart attack. Luckily she’s okay now./ He died of a heart attack./ You had a stroke? Did you go to a hospital? –No. –Why not, man? Take it seriously(Onu ciddi al)./ Do you know there’s a website called that they advertise it a lot in the U.S.? [*Hard: zor. || Hurt: /H3RT/ acımak. || Heard: /H3RD/ past tense of Hear/Hİyır/ duymak. || Here: /Hİyır/ burada.] Ezekiel 36:26 And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. Jeremiah 17:10 “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cotvos: We may seek God by our intellect, but we can only find Him with our heart. Obese: /o.Bİ’S/ obez || Obesity: /o.Bİ’.sı.di/ obezite || Dietician: pronunciation: /da:.yı.Tİ.şın/ diyet doktoru, diyet uzmanı, diyetisiyen Our lifestyle changed, WE should change too. Long ago no one talked about obesity but these years, it’s the hot topic of papers; even is about it; so the role of dieticians is clear. They are really helpful./ She says she became obese because her husband left her. Surgeon: pronunciation:/S3R.cın/ cerrah || Surgery:/S3R.cri/ cerrahi || Operation:/a:’.pı.REY.şın/ 1. ameliyat, cerrahi 2. operasiyon He’s the best and the most famous sergeon in the whole city./ He’s an organ donor (=bağışçı) and accepted to donate (=bağışmak) his heart to someone else after he died in a heart transplant surgery./ The doctors removed her gallbladder/GA:’L.bla.dır/(safra kesesi) in a surgery./ Congrats, doctor! It was a very successful operation. –Thanks. You guys did a great job too./ She had a minor/MA:Y.nır/(ufak) operation on her knee./ In the past century, a lot of military operations occured in the world. Intensive care: /’r/ yoğun bakım He had a bad accident and was in intensive care for three weeks./ She needs intensive care. Please call Dr. Morrison to check over her status /sTA’.dıs/ /sTEY.dıs/ (statü, durum, hal, vaziyet). Vet: /VET/ (=Vet doctor/VET.da:’k.tır/) veteriner What do you do? –I’m a vet. My office is just two blocks away. –Oh great. ’Cause my dog seems to be a bit sick. Could you give me an appointment for anytime tomorrow? I’ll bring him up for a check up. – Sure. Let me check my schedule/sKE.cuıl/./ My cat doesn’t eat anything. I’m gonna take her to a vet. Sterile: /sTE’.rıl/ kısır I’m sorry, sir. The test says you can’t have a baby. You’ve been sterile from birth./ She was sterile so they adopted a baby. Now they are really happy and they saved a child’s life too. Happiness is what we’re looking for, no? Cast:/KA’St/1.[kırık kemiğe] alçı His arm was in cast for two weeks./ When someone has a car accident(crash) and their leg’s broken, they should get a cast and walk with crutches/kRA:.çız/(koltuk değneği)./ A month ago, an orthopedic doctor had put a cast on my arm, and after my arm recovered, he removed it./ If someone has to wear a cast, write something funny on it. It comes in handy(faydalı olur) psychologically. [Cast: (filmin sonun liste) oynayanlar(rol) alanlar>Hey, check the list of the cast and crew.] [Cast: atmak. + Cast a spell on someone: birini büyülemek>SUPERSTITION<bakın] [Alçı (yapı ve inşiat işler için): Plaster> The bathroom tiles need some plaster, honey. –Ok, I’ll get it done (Ayarlayacağim/Ayarlarım).] Crutch: /kRA:Ç/ koltuk değneği His left leg is broken, so he uses a crutch when walking. It’s temporary, though./ She broke her leg just about a month ago. She’s been on crutches since then(O zamandan beri koltuk değneği kullanıyor)./ What’s with the crutches(Niçin koltuk değneği kollanıyorsun)? –I busted(broke) my leg. –Oh, man! I’m sorry(Duyduğum için üzüldüm/üzgünüm). Contagious:pronunciation:/kın.TEY.cıs/bulaşıcı || Epidemic:/e.pi.DE.mik/salgın Cold is contagious./ Smiles are contagious. –So are laughters. There’s laughter therapy in some places in Asia. They look at each other and laugh like 2-3 hours and when it’s finished, they feel a whole lot different. Stress is out!/ The disease became epidemic in the whole area. It is suspected that the water there has some problems. Allergy: pronunciation:/A.lı alerji || Allergic: pronunciation:/ı.L3R.cik/ alerjik She has spring (bahar) allergy./ I’m allergic to cats. I love ’em though (=ama/buna rağmen/da). Diagnose: /DA:Y.ı’z/ teşhis etmek || Diagnosis: /da:.yıg.NO’.sis/ teşhis The doctor put the radiology/rey.di.YA:’.lı.ci/ films on the lightboard and diagnosed that the patient’s hand was not broken./ She has some sort of virus. Doctors couldn’t diagnose what it was./ His grandfather was diagnosed with diabetes /da:.yı.Bİ’.dıs/./ So, doctor! What’s your diagnosis? –I haven’t come up with anything yet. I need to run some more tests. Prescribe: /pris.KRA:Yb/ rapor/reçete yazmak, ilaç vermek, ilaç kullanmayı izin vermek || Prescription: /pris.KRİP.şın/ reçete, yönerge Doctor: No. I cannot prescribe you Omeperazole for more than 3 weeks. It’s dangerous. Why do you ask for more medicine?/ His father has some sort of insomnia so his doctor prescribed him Lunesta (Eszopiclone). You know anything about this drug and its side effects?/ Pharmacist: I’m sorry. I can’t give you any drug without prescription. Side effect: /SA:YD.ı.fekt/ yan etki, yan tesir It’s a good drug but it has side effects too. You gotta be careful not to take it more than prescribed./ Do you know the side effects of birth control (=contraceptive) pills?/ Pills have side effects? How about our words and actions?

Concussion: /kın.KA:.şın/ beyin sarsıntısı, darbe She had a concussion when she was a kid because her head was hit somewhere./ When he was younger, he had a car accident. He feels dizzy sometimes and the doctors say it might be because of the concussion he had back then. Rehab:pronunciation:/Rİ’.ha’b/(=Rehabilitation)rehabilitasyon || Chemo:pronunciation: /Kİ’.mo’/ (=Chemotherapy) kemoterapi || Biopsy: pronunciation:/ba:.YA:’ biopsi He’s an alcoholic. I think you should send him to a rehab./ You’re sick. You should go to a rehab or something./ Chemo is a way of killing cancerous cells(kanserli hucreler)./ She had to go through (-ile geçirmek/-ile yaşamak) chemo for three months./ Biopsy is the removal of a sample of the tissue (doku) from the body for examination./ The surgeon had to do the liver(karaciğer) biopsy to diagnose the disease.

1 Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins, and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. Cure:/KYUr/ tedavisi kavuşmak, iyileştirmek, tedavi etmek, sağaltmak, şifa vermek, tedavi, şifa || Heal: /Hİ’ıl/ şifa vermek, iyileştirmek || Remedy: / çare,ilaç,deva There’s a great hope that the scientists could eventually cure cancer./ If they could find the cure for AIDS, it would be one of the greatestest breakthroughs of the decade./ Doctor: The patient is not healed yet. We’re working on it./ Love leaves some scars, but time heals. Don’t worry. Be happy!/ Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain. – Anonymous/ The word ‘Heal/Hİ’ıl/’ means ‘şifa vermek’ and has the same root as ‘Health/HELS/’. God’s Words are healing./ Hard water(Kireçli su) causes kidney stone. According to a study published in American Journal of Epidemiology, risk of kidney stone is decreased 40% by drinking beer. Everything is here for a REASON. [Treat: /tRİ’T/ 1. tedavi etmek>Some patients are treated and some not. 2. davranmak> DAVRANMAK/ TEHDİT<>Treat a person like he is, and he remains what he is. Treat him like what he could be, and he will be what he should be. –Anonymous || Treatment: tedavi>He needs a special treatment.]

By his wounds we are heald –Casting Crowns James 5:14-16 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

Healing Rain is coming down – It’s coming closer to the lost and found – Tears of joy, tears of shame – All washed forever, in Jesus’ name – Healing Rain, it comes with Fire – So let it fall and take us higher – Healing Rain, I’m not afraid – To be washed in Heaven’s Rain –Michael W Smith ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH MY GOD. In 2000, about 3,500 to 4,000 people gathered in a square in Nicaragua and Mel Bond was preaching to them. Then, pushing her way through, the crying woman brings her daughter and asks, ‘CAN YOUR GOD HEAL MY DAUGHTER?’ Mel answers, ‘OF COURSE HE CAN.’ The daughter’s eyes were full of fat, NO eye balls. So as Mel closed his eyes to pray with all his heart, a friend of his, Eddie Rogers witnessed that two small ‘light tornados’ were turning on her eyes like 60-90 seconds and suddenly the girl received two beautiful brown eyes. The crowd was gone crazy happy!! Then they brought a dead child. He also prayed for him and he was alive in just about four minutes after the prayer. The crowd’s joy was complete. Praise Lord JESUS.

John 16:24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

Recover: /ri.KA:’.vır/ iyileşmek I had cold for 10 days! I just recovered.

Shrink: /şRİNk/ psikiyatr After the war, he had psychological issues(problems) so they took him to a shrink. [Shrink (shrink, shrank/shrunk, shrank/shrunk: 1.(kumaş) çekmek, daralıp kısalmak>After he washed his new sweater in hot water, it shrunk. 2. Shrink from: (korkudan) -den çekinmek> He is a strong person. He decided not to shrink from conflict.] Psychologist: pronunciation: /sa:y.KA:’.lı.cist/ psikolog || Psychiatrist: pronunciation: /sa:y.KA:’.yıt.rist/ psikyatr Doğan Cüceloğlu is a psychologist, he doesn’t prescribe medicine, but Dr. Nevzat Tarhan is a psychiatrist, he does (prescribe medicine).

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. [Savaşımız insanla değil, onlarin ruhunla.] MENTAL Mental: /MEN.dıl/ ruhsal, zihni || Mental picture/photograph: zihinsel aklında kalan resim/fotoğraf || Physical: /Fİ.zi.kıl/ fiziksel, bedensel Avicenna (=İbn-i Sina) believed mental condition of a person effects his physical condition. He could treat a guy who thought he’s a cow. The guy wouldn’t eat anything and became so weak and thin. So Avicenna dressed like a butcher and pretended he wanted to slaughter /sLO.dır/(kasaplık hayvanı kesmek) him. But when the time came, he said, ‘This cow is too weak. Give him some food!’ A weak later the guy was cured./ The majority of failures in life are simply the victims of their mental defeats. –Orison Swett Marden/ The great successful men of the world have used their imagination. They think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building steadily building. –Robert Collier

Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. [There’re only two choices: You’re either with God or devil. There’s no other way.] Mental problem: /MEN.dıl.pra:’b.lım/ ruhsal sorun || Mental disease: ruh/akıl hastalığı || Mental hospital: akıl hastanesi || Mental health: ruhsal sağlık Prof.: How does a mentl disease form? –By accumulation of hatred unconsciously(=without we know). –That’s for one(Bu bir cevap olarak doğrudur)./ It’s a mental disease./ We care about our body at least 3 times a day by eating food. Do we care about our soul food or mental health? Mentality:/men.TA.lı.di/ mentalite, zihniyet, düşünüş What’s your mentality about love?/ What’s boys’ mentality about girls or vice versa/va:y.sı You gotta change your mentality about it. Get/Become depressed: /--dip.RESt/ bunalıma girmek, depres olmak She got depressed when her husband died./ People are born to be social. They become depressed when they are mostly alone. Sadist: pronunciation:/SEY.dist/ sadist A sadist is the one who enjoys hurting others. Psycho:/SA:Y.ko’/ psikopat, ruh hastasi, kafadan çatlak kimse If someone kicks an animal with no reason, they’re a psycho. [Psychic:/SA:Y.kik/ falbakıcı, ruh bilimci, medyum>Even a good psychic, be it real, tells you about your nearest future, not a year or five years later!] Delusion: /di.LU’.jın/ sanrı, aldanma, hezeyan, bir çeşit delilik hali, delüzyon || Delusional: /di.LU’.jı.nıl/ sanrılı You seem to see delusions or something. Are you okay? Who were you talking to?/ [The son wants to buy more machinery for the factory. However his experienced father says] Don’t live in a delusional world, son. Don’t fantasize the market. Delude:/di.LU’d/ yanlış yola sokmak/sevketmek, kandırmak, yanıltmak || Deluded:/di.LU’.dıd/ yanlış düşüncenın tesiri altında, yanıltmış What? You deluded yourself to some kind of romantic relationship after we once met? What did you have in mind?/ What are the symptoms of a deluded person?

Illusion:/i.LU’.jın/ yanılsama, ilüzyon, hayal, göz aldanması, aldanma Shrink (=psikyatr): Do you still see illusions?/ When someone is really thirsty in a hot desert/DE.z3rt/(çöl), he sees illusion of water which is called mirage /mi.RA:’j/(serap)./ It was the illusion that David Copperfield walked through (içinden) the Great Wall of China in 1986!/ It wasn’t an illusion. It was very real. I saw him. ABBREVIATIONS BBM:/[isim,fiil]Bla ckBerrymesaj (yazmak/göndermek) He just dumped her(ondan ayrıldı) by a BBM! ‘Break-up text message’ is the new form of ‘break-up (ayrılma)’! And she BBMed him back that she doesn’t even care!! ASAP: pronunciation:/’p/(=As Soon As Possible)en kısa süre, hemen Hey you. This place is not for teenagers. Get your friend and get outta here ASAP./ Can you do it for me? –Sure. I’ll do it ASAP./ End of the E-mail: I look forward to hearing from you ASAP. Thanks. Regards, John. FYI: / (=For Your Information) haberiniz olsun, bilginiz olsun You have no style. –What? Me? FYI, I buy my clothes from Versace /v3r.SA:’.çi/./ Tomorrow is Carla’s birthday. Don’t forget the present and the cake! –FYI, I bought the present! –Really? Let me see. –[espri]No-ho-pe! It’s a surprise!/ Homer Simpson: FYI, while you two were arguing, I ate your breakfasts! –Lisa and Bart: D’oh!/ BBM: ‘FYI, I love you!’  vs.: /V3R.sıs/ (=Versus) e karşı Tonight’s game is Galatasaray vs/V3R.sıs/ Fenerbahçe. Which one do you think will win?/ Children psychology: Cone/KO’n/ ice cream (külah dondurma) vs. glass ice cream. Which one do children prefer?/ The philosopy of the rich versus the poor is this: The rich invest their money and spend what’s left; the poor spend their money and invest what’s left. –Jim Rohn SAT: /es.ey.Tİ/ [College entrance exam>Scholastic Aptitude Test] Amerika’da ÖSS gibi She’s a genius. She got the perfect score on SAT./ I need to pass the SAT tomorrow. –Chill. You’ll be fine. DMV: /di.em.Vİ/ [Driver’s license writing test>Division of Motor Vehicle] Amerika’da Sürücü Yazma Sınavı I have to pass the DMV ’cause I wanna buy a car. SUV:/ıs.yu.Vİ/(Sport-Utility Vehicle) [bir tür araba] SUV [>Google Images<] You bought a SUV? RV: /a:r.Vİ’/ (=Recreational Vehicle) RV:bir tür karavan/kamp karavan Put the bags in the RV and let’s get going./ We, the film crew, got in the RV and hit the road. ZIP code:/ZİP.ko’d/ posta kodu [ZIP=Zone Improvement Plan] ZIP codes are usually 5-digit numbers, right?/ Sir, we need you to write the ZIP code of your company in this form. IRS: /a:y.a:r.ES/(=Internal Revenue Service) vergi alma dairesi The IRS is the US government’s agency responsible for tax collection. VAT: /vi.ey.Tİ’/(=Value Added Tax) KDV Is the price including VAT (Bu fiyat KDV dahil mi)?/ If you want to order a wholesale amount of anything from abroad, you need to have VAT number./ Part of the E-mail: I need your VAT number to send the parcel. NYC: /İ/ (=Y: /VA:y/) New York City || NYU: / New York University || The Big Apple*: New York I guess you all saw ‘NYC’ caps(spor şapkalar) and ‘NYC’ cabs(taxis/taxies)./ I’m gonna crash at the Y for a while (Kısa bir sürü New York’ta takılmak istiyorum)./ I was studying at NYU from ’92 (ninety two) to ’94 (ninety four). [’92=1992. ’94=1994]/ Hey! Welcome to the Big Apple! –Thanks. –You set? –Yep, we’re all set. –Let’s get going, then. A-Z: /ey.tu.Zİ’/ A’dan Z’ye kadar Tell me what happened in Buenos Aires. I want to hear all the story from A-Z./ That’s the A-Z of the story. DOB:/di.o’.Bİ/(=Date Of Birth) doğum tarihi [genelde forma’da] In the form, it was written: DOB. He didn’t know the meaning so he asked the lady next to him and she replied, ‘Write your date of birth.’ From A/ey/ to B/bi/: burada şuradaya kadar, A’dan B’ye kadar I have a Toyota Carina. It gives me a smooth ride. It’s not very new but it gets me (=bana götüriyor) from A to B.

Q & A: /kyu.ın.EY/ (=Question and Answer) soru cevap Okay. Q & A time! We don’t know each other, right? So I ask you one question about you, and you answer, then you ask me one question about me, and I answer. Deal (=Anlaştık mı)? –Deal. M-F: /em.tu.EF/ (=Monday to Friday) Hafta içi, Pazartesi Cumayı arası If you have harassing (rahatsız edici) phone calls, you can call Annoyance Call Division for help from 10 a.m to 7 p.m M-F. P.S.:/pi.ES/ (Post Script) Not [Kart/Yazma/Mektup’de en son yazıyorlar] [Written on a piece of paper] Sweetie, someone named Suzi called and said something about going bowling. Call her back. Your dad and I went out to our friend’s (=arkadaşımız eve). Dinner is in the fridge. See ya. Kisses, Mom. P.S. I love you./ [On the postcard] Greetings from Orlando. We’re having a great time. Wish you were here too. Love, Georgia. P.S. Jack says hello. RSVP: /İ’/ [Orijinal olarak Spanyolca: Répondez S'il Vous Plaît] Lütfen Cevap Verin [Türkçe: LCV] RSVP before 17 June 2013./ Please RSVP James at 987-654-32-10. Thanks. HQ:/EYÇ.kyu/ (Headquarters) 1. karargah 2. merkez büro 1. The cops took the murderer to the HQ./ 2. Please send your application only to the corporate headquarters, not any branch office./ 2. Where is the HQ building of FB (=Facebook)? CEO:/si.i.O’/(Chief Executive Officer) Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı, şirketin en üst dereceli yönetici The Turkish businessman Muhtar Kent is the Chairman(Başkan) and CEO of Coca-Cola. Stand for: /sTA’Nd.for/-nin kısaltma olmak, -nin kısaltma açılımı olmak, -nin yerine geçmek, -e simgelemek, -e temsil etmek VOA /vi.o’.EY/ stands for Voice Of America./ ATM /ey.ti.EM/ stands for Automated Teller Machine. In America they also call it ‘bank machine/BANk-mı.Şİ’n/’./ GOP stands for Grand Old Party referring to Republican Party (Cumhuriyet Parti). Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican President of the United States./ Dad? What does BA stand for? –It stands for Bachelor of Arts (Edebiyat/ Sanat> Lisans), son. –And MA? –It stands for Master of Arts (Edebiyat/ Sanat> Yüksek Lisans). Also BS stands for Bachelor of Science (Fen> Lisans) and MS stands for Master of Science (Fen> Yüksek Lisans). –Mmm. Interesting. Initial: /i.Nİ.şıl/ isminin ilk harfı, baş harfı ‘M’ is my initial. It stands for Morgan./ The celeb (celebrity: ünlü sanatçı) Jennifer Lopez is known by her initials: J.Lo/CEY.lo’/./ She wears a necklace with the initial of ‘L’ as Lauren. [Initially:/i.Nİ.şı.li/ ilk olarak, başlangıçta>Initially they were like oil and vinegar but a man spoke to both of them and now they are best friends. Isn’t it incredible?] Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Proverbs 31:8-9 Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. RIGHT: HAK Right: /RA:Yt/ hak There are people in the world who are fighting for their rights./ Education is the very first right of every human being. [Right: doğru>You’re from Indonesia/in.dı.Nİ’.ja:/? –Right.] [Right?:değil mi?>Everybody changes, right?] [Right:sağ>The library is two blocks away to the right.] Human rights: /HYU.mın-RA:YTs/ insan hakları || Women’s rights: /Wİ.mınz-RA:YTs/ kadın hakları || Children’s rights: /ÇİL.drınz-RA:YTs/ çocuk hakları || Civil rights: /Sİ.vıl-RA:YTs/ vatandaşlık hakları He’s defending his human rights./ She’s an activist for women’s rights./ All children deserve a safe place to live, healthy food, quality education, and parental love. These are all about children’s rights./ [Pic] This is called civil rights. This is the ’90s. Animal rights:/A’ hayvan hakları American Humane Association (AHA) with the image of preventing child abuse, controls(monitors) American movies to certify that there are no animals harmed. All movies must have this certified. This is caring about animal rights, isn’t it? Birth right: /B3RS.ra:yt/ doğum hakkı Son. Take this paper. As your birth right, I signed all my property over to you. –Dad? You didn’t have to. –No, son. I wanted to./ Americans think of freedom of speech as their birth right. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus... Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him. Romans 13:1-5 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his

approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. God will not be absent when His people are on trial; he will stand in court as their advocate, to plead on their behalf. – Charles Haddon Spurgeon LAW ++++++++++ VIOLENCE ++++++++ CRIME Law*: pronunciation:/LA:’/ 1. yasa, kanun 2. hukuk They say ‘obey the law’. That’s great. My law is ‘my inner passion to never give up learning’. I obey my passion. I’m passionate and thirsty to WIN./ We have to obey the law. Cutting down the trees is against the law./ Cihan is studying law in a law school (hukuk fakültesi)./ The Constitution/ka:’ns.tı.TU’.şın/(Anayasa) of the Republic of Turkey is Turkey’s fundamental law. It includes the organization of the government, rules, responsibilities, and Turkish people’s rights. Law of attraction: [sevme sevmeye cezb ediyor kuralı] cazibe kanunu Bob Proctor on ‘Law of Attraction’ says, ‘‘If you’re thinking of debt, that’s what you’re going to attract.’’/ The book ‘The Secret’ is about the Law of Attraction which means ‘Like attracts like.’/ Seen the movie ‘Laws of Attraction’? Law school:/LA:’.sku’l/ hukuk fakültesi || Law firm:/LA:’.f3rm/ hukuk firması, avukatlık bürosu/ofisi || Law term: /LA:’.t3rm/ hukuk kelimesi So, have you made up your mind? –Yep. I’m gonna go to law school./ Is it true that Turkish law school students cannot study abroad because every country’s laws and rules are different?/ Do you work? –Yeah, in a law firm. – Aw, you’re a lawyer? –No, I’m just an assistant. Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. [I’m in awe of this, the stamp of the LORD’s Greatness!] Rule*: /RU’l/ kural Do you know the rules of basketball, backgammon, or chess?/ You can’t just pop around (=go around) and break everybody’s heart, y’know. There are rules, man! Rules are the rules./ In a relationship: Rule #1: Never criticize! Rule #2: Men are visual (are impressed by women’s look) and women are verbal (are impressed by men’s words). Rule #3: Never talk about your problems! Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Legislation*:/le.cis.LEY.şın/1. yasa/yasalar, yürürlükteki yasalar, mevzuat 2. (Lawmaking) yasama, kanunlaştırma Legislation is a suggested law by a government and made official by its congress/KA:’N.grıs/(kongre) or parliament/PA:R.lı.mınt/(meclis)./ This website is about telecommunication legislation and regulation./ What’s the process of legislation(lawmaking) in the United States Congress? What’s the president’s role? Do you know? Legitimate: 1. (=Lawful) yasalara uygun, yasal, meşru, meşru doğmuş, helal 2. elverişli, mantıklı, yerinde, düşünceye uygun, dürüst ve gerçek || Legitimately: /lı.Cİ.di.mı yasal olarak If a father sign his deed over to his worker, and not to his son, is that worker the legitimate (=lawful) heir/E’r/(varis)?/ She’s the legitimate(meşru) mother of this child, but this woman has raised him for 15 years... now who is his real mother?/ [The Fighter] Dad: Sal Lonano is a good man. –A good man? –He’s a legitimate businessman, for Christ sakes./ Most teens wish that they could legitimately earn easy money. But if ‘earning’ money was ‘easy’, ‘everyone’ would be rich! Legitimately happy/hurt/..*:(=Truly/Genuinely happy/hurt/..)gerçekten mutlu/kırılmış/.. Do you believe in the idea that two people can be legitimately happy?/ What’s the most legitimately scary movie in the world?/ If they were legitimately honest, why would they say that? Romans 2:1-3 Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself— that you will escape the judgment of God? Judge: /CA:C/ 1. yargıç, hakim 2. [bir yarışmada] jüri 3. Yargılamak=eriştirmek || Your Honor!: /yor.A:’.nır/ Sayın Yargıç!/Sayın Hakim! || All rise!: /A:’l.ra:yz/ Herkes kalksın! [yargıç gelince biri söyler] Gamze is studying law at university and wants to become a judge./ Judge: Do you have anything to defend (=savunmak) yourself?/ Acun, Ali, and Hülya are judges in Turkey’s Got Talent./ He’s a judge in this singing competition./ Mother Teresa says, ‘If you judge people, you have no time to love them.’ Amazing!/ We don’t have the right to judge others, but we have the chance to help them (=Başkaların yargılamayı hakkımız yok fakat onların yardım etme şansımız var)./ I’ve never judged your blue hair. I actually

think it’s fabulous./ Famous quote: Don’t judge a book by its COVER. Read it and DISCOVER. (=Bir kitabi onun cildin yüzünden yargılamayın. Onu okuyun ve keşfedin.)/ Objection (İtiraz ediyorum), your honor./ Bring me that paper by tomorrow. –Yes, your honor./ [As the judge enters, someone from the court says] All rise! [Everyone stands up.]

Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that you be not judged. Judgement: CA:C.mınt/ [başka birinin hakkında bir şey düşünüp] yargılama/eriştiri/eriştirme [Pic] So you get no judgement from me. Everyone makes a mistake at least once. (Ee o zaman seni yargılamıyorum. Herkes en az bir kez hata yapar.) [The Day of Judgement: Kıyamet Günü] Public prosecutor:/PA:B.lik-PRA:’.sı.kyu.dır/ savcı || D.A.:/Dİ-EY/(District Attorney) savcı The public prosecutor was reconsidering the case /KEYs/ (hukuksal olay/dava)./ The D.A. told us Amanda could stay here. Rufus Choate: No lawyer can afford to be ignorant of the BIBLE. Lawyer: pronunciation:/LO.yır/ avukat || Attorney: /ı avukat || Advocate: /A’D.vı.keyt/ 1. avukat 2. [bir fikiri] savunmak/ desteklemek, müdafaa etmek She’s a very qualified lawyer for this case./ He’s the best lawyer in town./ There’s no difference between the words ‘lawyer’and ‘attorney’. They have the exact same jobs. Some of them prefer to be called ‘lawyer’ and use the title ‘attorney’ when writing. It’s a personal thing, though./ Edward Bennette Williams is my favorite attorney in the world from Washington D.C. When I read his mind, it amazes me. He says, ‘When I come out of a courtroom, I never feel like I’ve lost, because I always give my client my best. If you give your best, you don’t lose. The case may be lost, but I don’t lose.’ I think this comes from his character./ The court has selected a child advocate for the child’s custody (=gözaltı/vesayet/bakım) case./ I have never advocated the idea of capital punishment (ölüm cezası/ idam)./ We have gun shops all over the country. Do you advocate it or do you think they must be banned (yasak olmalı)? –Well there’s a huge controversy about it. Some people say they’re not good for children’s eyes, but some say even a knife can be a dangerous gun in your house, so the usage of the gun matters. In my idea, it’s absolutely personal./ According to Tim Holden, ‘1 in every 400 kids has diabetes type I, 1 in every 3 kids born in 2000 will suffer from obesity.’ Child obesity seems so important that the First Lady Michelle Obama advocates it with her campaign ‘‘Let’s Move’’. Client: /kLA:.yınt/ 1. müşteri 2. müvekkil Our clients like purchasing the new products from our company./ We have so many clients all over the world./ Advocate(avukat): I would like to videoconference with my client in Canada.

Object: pronunciations:1./ıb.CEKt/ itiraz etmek 2./A:’B.cekt/ şey || Objection: pronunciation: /ıb.CEK.şın/ itiraz || Sustained!: /sıs.TEYNd/ Kabul edildi! || Overruled!: /o’vır.RU’Ld/ Reddedildi! When referee/re.fı.Rİ’/(hakem>futbol’da) says it’s goal, it’s goal. You can’t object /ıb.CEKt/ it./ Put your objects/A:’B.cekts/(eşyalerini) in the locker (kilitli dolap)./ UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object/A:’B.cekt/./ Do you have any objection to my decision?/ Any objections (=Hiç itirazlerı var mı)?/ [In the court] Advocate: Objection, your honor (=İtiraz ediyorum, sayın yargıç)! –Sustained (=Kabul adildi)!/ Public prosecutor: Objection, your honor. –Overruled! [Objective: amaç,hedef> They say these teenagers have no objectives, but I believe they are not encouraged enough to realize they must have objectives.] John Jay: [First Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court] God's will be done; To Him I resign -in Him I confide. Do the like. Any other philosophy applicable to this occasion is delusive. Away with it. Court: /KO’Rt/ mahkeme He was brought to court for murder /M3R.d3r/ (=cinayet/ öldürme)./ The courthouse (adalet sarayı=mahkeme binası) and the court rooms (mahkeme salonları) were so crowded. Matthew West – Forgiveness lyrics: It’s the hardest thing to give away - And the last thing on your mind today - It always goes to those that don’t deserve - It’s the opposite of how you feel - When the pain they caused is just too real - It takes everything you have just to say the word… - Forgiveness – Forgiveness - It flies in the face of all your pride - It moves away the mad inside - It’s always anger’s own worst enemy - Even when the jury and the judge Say you gotta right to hold a grudge - It’s the whisper in your ear saying ‘Set It Free’ - Forgiveness, Forgiveness - Forgiveness, Forgiveness - Show me how to love the unlovable - Show me how to reach the unreachable - Help me now to do the impossible Forgiveness, Forgiveness - Help me now to do the impossible – Forgiveness - It’ll clear the bitterness away - It can even set a prisoner free - There is no end to what it’s power can do - So, let it go and be amazed - By what you see through eyes of grace The prisoner that it really frees is you - Forgiveness, Forgiveness - Forgiveness, Forgiveness - Show me how to love the unlovable Show me how to reach the unreachable - Help me now to do the impossible – Forgiveness - I want to finally set it free - So show me how to see what Your mercy sees - Help me now to give what You gave to me - Forgiveness, Forgiveness Jail: /CEYl/ hapishane || Prison: /PRİ.zın/ hapishane Where is kid’s dad? –He’s in jail. –Oh, I’m sorry. I had no idea./ If you do that again, they’ll send you to prison, you hear me?

Matthew 25:35-40 [In the day of judgement] ‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ Handcuff:/HANd.ka:f/1.kelepçe 2. (=Cuff) kelepçe vurmak, kelepçelemek || Cuff: /KA:F/ kelepçe vurmak, kelepçelemek Can you open my handcuffs? I need to go to the bathroom (lavabo)./ FBI handcuffed the man who was trying to kill the girl./ [The Grace Card (2010)] Cop: Sanders, cuff him! Lawsuit: /LA:’.su’t/ dava, duruşma || Drop the lawsuit:/dRA:’p.--/ dava’ya son vermek, davaden vazgeçmek, davaye bırakmak According to on 9.2.2010: Microsoft wins Windows XP WGA lawsuit./ He was filing /FA:Y.ling/ a lawsuit (=preparing some papers) to complain against the company he was working for, for not being paid./ Twilight Perfume faces lawsuit over using the exact design bottle as Nina Ricci. – [Asking his lawyer] Brendon, how can I drop my divorce lawsuit?/ EFF dropped ACTA lawsuit. – Sue: /SU’/ [=Take legal action against] dava açmak He’s a scam artist (dolandırıcı/üç kağıtçı). I’m gonna sue him and I’m gonna take my money back./ He shouted, ‘I’ll sue you! You’ll see!’/ I’m gonna take you to court and I’m gonna sue you, you hear me?/ I worked there for three months but they haven’t paid me yet. Should I sue them?

Job 40:8 [The LORD Says] ‘Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn Me to justify yourself?’ Condemn: mahkum etmek Job 40:8 where the LORD says, ‘Would you condemn Me to justify yourself?’ can be a GREAT psychology lesson. The reason people judge or condemn others is to show or pretend or repeat in their subconscious that THEY have NO GUILT. This is SIN./ If I don’t try to learn from my past mistakes, I am condemned to repeat it. That is so true. John 12:47-48 If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. No fear of condemnation – By faith I’m justified –Hillsong United Bail someone out:/BEYL--awt/ birini kefaletle kurtarmak, tutuklanan bir kimseyi kefaletle serbest bırakmak As soon as her billionaire friend heard the news, he bailed her out./ [Calling from jail] Do you remember you told me if I needed anything, I’d call you? Now is the time that I need your help. Please. Bail me out./ He used his power to bail him out, but misused him later!/ JESUS BAILED ME OUT BY HIS BLOOD. Bail* on someone: (=Stand someone up) birini ekmek He didn’t wanna meet me. That’s why he bailed on me. I know that. – That’s not true! His mom got sick. She’s in the hospital. And that’s why he couldn’t make it(gelemedı)./ Don’t you bail on me(Sakın bana ekme)! [She stood you up? >LOVE&RELATIONSHIP<bakın] Blackmail:/bLAK.meyl/ şantaj, şantaj yapmak, para sızdırmak These are the blackmail photos. Are they helpful?/ What? Are you trying to blackmail me? You want money to keep my secret? Get out of my office./ There’s something you should know. He’s been trying to blackmail her but she doesn’t say it. –Really? How? –Well, why don’t you ask ‘her’? Alibi: /A’.lı.ba:y/ sanığın, suçun işlendiği sırada başka yerde bulduğu şeklindeki iddiası He says he has alibies, a piece of paper his murdered wife wrote him when she was alive./ Advocate: This cellphone video shot(ŞA:’t/ (cep telefonla çekmiş film) is an alibi to let you out of jail! Evidence: /ıns/ kanıt, delil [Lawyer to his client] That’s not enough. I’m looking for a solid evidence to prove that you’re not guilty./ D.A.: There are a lot of evidences to prove that this man is guilty./ He videotaped the scene/Sİ’n/ as an evidence to show in the court./ You need to provide /prı.VA:Yd/(sağlamak/bulmak) more evidences.

Witness: /WİT.nıs/ tanık, şahit And he said, ‘God is my witness. I didn’t kill that boy.’/ There are witnesses who saw this man was trying to commit suicide./ Do you have a witness? James 1:2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.

Trial: /TRA:.yıl/ 1. duruşma, muhakeme 2. deneme She faced life sentence on a trial./ We learn to live by trial and error(deneme ve yanılma). Verdict:/V3R.dikt/ jüri kararı Judge: Has the jury reached a verdict? –Yes, we have, your honor! Isaiah 54:17 ‘‘No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from Me,” declares the LORD. Accuse (of): /ı.KYU’z-a:v// suçlamak, itham etmek || Be accused of: /-ı.KYU’Zd-a:v/ -e sanık olmak || Accusation: /a.kyu.ZEY.şın/ suçlama, itham You can’t accuse people without evidence. That’s against the law./ I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m just saying my watch has been stolen./ He’s accused of murder./ She’s accused of faking ID and passport./ In the movie Purple Violets, the husband, who himself is a cheater, heard that the wife’s ex-boyfriend ran into her. The wife, Patti (Selma Blair) just had a chat, but he, the husband, is trying to accuse her. Now she angrily says] Are you trying to imply that I did something wrong? The husband says: No. No, I’m merely making an observation. Wife (with a great body language and intonation): No, you know, ’cause you- You’re making accusation! Be convicted of: /kın.VİKT/ -e mahküm olmak, -e suçlu bulmuş You are convicted of a felony /FE.lı.ni/ (ağır suç)! You think this is a joke? Everything is a joke to you!/ If he’s convicted, he’ll face life sentence./ She was convicted of homicide /HA:.mı.sa:yd/ (=cinayet/bir insanın öldürülmesı). Charge: 1. (Be charged with) suçlama,suçlamak,itham,itham etmek 2. masrafına almak 3. [pil] şarj etmek He was charged with assault on his business partner. However, he is not pleaded guilty (suçlu bulunmamıştır)./ He was charged with multiple felonies./ How does a domestic charge ruin my chances of child custody?/ What kind of charges can you get for illegal drugs?/ I’m going to charge you $15 for additional service, sir./ How much did they charge you for this? –2,000 bucks./ Where can I charge my mobile battery? –Over there. –Uh, thanks. What the thinker thinks, the prover proves. –Robert Anton Wilson Prove: /pRU’v/ ispat etmek, kanıtlamak || Proof: /pRU’f/ kanıt, delil Can you prove that you were not there last night?/ Don’t give me your stories. I need proof. I need facts./ Darwin’s theory of evolution doesn’t make any sense to me. How could he possibly prove it with the huge gap./ In this movie Meg Ryan’s husband was kidnapped and they asked for randsome money. So Russell Crowe who is a rescuing specialist asks for ‘proof of life’. This means Russell wants a proof to see if Meg’s husband is ALIVE or NOT. Indictment: iddianame An indictment, according to Cambridge Dictionary, is a formal statement of accusing someone: The charges on the indictment include murder and attempted murder./ Do you know how to write an indictment?/ Wiki answer: The accused was charged in an indictment because he is alleged to (iddia edilmiştir) have shot the mayor. Warrant:/WA:.rınt/ 1. bir yerde arama izni belgesi 2. garanti belgesi Do you have a warrant to search the house?/ Can I see your warrant please?/ Ma’am. This is the Federal Police. We have the warrant to look into your house. Open the door, please./ [Seller to the customer] This AC/ey.Sİ’/(air-conditioner: klima) has two-year guarantee/ga.rın.Tİ’/. Here is the warrant. I already signed it. Warden: /WA:R.dın/ hapishane müdürü Dr. Sandose? Before you check up the prisoners, the warden would like to meet you. Please follow me. Court order: /KORT.or.dır/ mahkeme emri [The cop to his colleague] We need to take a court order to search the house./ Excuse me. Can I see the court order to search here? Restraining order: /ris.tREY.ning.or.dır/ yasaklama emri, birini geri tutucu emri, kısıtlama emri, uzaklaştırma emri Cambridge dictionary: Restraining order is a written instruction made by a court which forbids (=does not allow) a particular action until a judge has made a decision about the matter: She obtained a restraining order forbidding her partner from seeing their two children./ She got restraining order so that he couldn’t get close to her./ She has a restraining order against a stalker. The guy has been stalking her everywhere./ If I see you again, I’ll get a restraining order against you. Arrest: /ı.RE’St/ tutuklamak When a suspect is being arrested, the cops say the Miranda Warning, like, ‘Jim Lou! You’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.’/ He was arrested. The police took his ‘booking photo’ with his ‘number’ on. [>Google Images<]/ You got yourself arrested (Seni tutukladılar mı)? Detain: /di.TEYn/ alıkoymak, gözaltına almak, [karakolda] nezaret tutmak The man, asking the lawyer about his brother: Can police detain him more than 24 hours? –Well it depends on the State law./ [The movie: The Terminal] Frank Dixon, the CBP

(=Customs and Border Protection) Director to Victor Novorski: You have no legal right to enter the United States. I have no legal right to detain you. Discretion: /dis.kRE.şın/ takdir hakkı The new lawyer cheated his co-worker and got his contract, job, fiancée, and everything away from him. Now the co-worker is looking for his information to knock him down. He asks his secretary to find information about his real identity. Here’s the secretary’s reply E-mail: ‘‘Use discretion with the following attachment(e-posta’da ek belge). A cop I know hooked me up(Tanıdığım bir polis beni ilgilendı). Here’s his actual police report.’’ Probation: /pro.BEY.şın/ şartla salıverme, göz hapsinde tutma || He’s on probation: O göz hapsinde tutulmuştur. He was in jail for a year and now he’s out on probation. He’s under supervision of a probation officer (gözetim memuru)./ He was sentenced to 6 years prisonment. But after 1 year, they saw he changed. They sent him out(free) but he’s on probation for 5 years. Capital punishment: ölüm cezası || On death row: ölüm sırada ‘The Life Of David Gale’ is a movie against capital punishment. David (Kevin Spacey) is a prisoner on death row and and Bitsey (Kate Winslet) is a journalist. Shocking story! Job 10:4 Have You eyes of flesh? Do You see as man sees? Life sentence: /LA:YF.sen.tıns/ ömür boyu hapis cezası/hükmü He’s a life sentence prisoner./ It’s a serious crime. He could face life sentence. Be sentenced to death: /-SEN.tınsd.tu-DES/ ölümü/idamı mahkum olmak, ölüm cezasını vermek/idam hükmü vermek New Delhi: The Mumbai gunman, Pakistani national Amir Kasap who killed 166 people in an attack was sentenced to death. – In the past, many people were sentenced to death on electric chair. Execute: pronunciation: /EK.sı.kyu’t//NOT EG.zı-/ idam etmek || Execution: pronunciation: /ek.sı.KYU.şın//NOT eg.zı--/ idam He was executed for speaking out the words of freedom!/ Which countries have the most execution rate in the world?/ Looking at the scene of execution disgusts any sound(sağlam) person./ Other names for ‘execution’ are ‘capital punishment’, ‘death penalty’, and ‘death sentence’. Eviction: /i.VİK.şın/ tahliye || Evict: /i.VİKt/ tahliye etmek Poor Oliver! When he went home, he saw the door is locked with a note on it: Notice of Eviction (=Tahliye İlani)./ After we got evicted, Jake took us in(Biz tahliye oldmakdan sonra/tahliye emri almakdan sonra, Jake bize evine aldı/kendi evinde bize kabul etti). Such a nice, helpful man! Acquittal: /ı.KWİ.dıl/ beraat His trial ended in acquittal./ He was so happy after hearding about his acquittal. Fake: /FEYk/ 1. sahte 2. (=Pretend=Act) numara yapmak || Faked: /FEYKt/ sahte || Forged: /FORCd/ sahte Alexis is not her real name. It’s her fake name./ We have a typical boring meeting this evening. Do you know how to avoid it? –Fake an important phone call. Get out of the room! –HaHa, that was genius!/ Is it wrong to fake a smile?/ This is faked money. See?/ They crossed the border with forged passports, sir. Identity theft: kimlik hırsızlıgı [Identity Theft: The Michelle Brown Story] Identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the country. Rip off: /RİP.a:’f/ -i çalmak, -i dolandırmak, -i soymak We can find it half the price downtown (=şehir merkez’de). They’re ripping people off here./ What? He sold you this used cellphone and told you it’s brand new? You were ripped off, man! Fraud: /fRA:’d/ 1. hile, sahtekarlık, dolandırıcılık 2. sahtekar kimse, dolandırıcılık kimse || Scam: /sKA’m/ 1. dolandırıcılık, sahtekarlık || Scam artist:/sKA’m.a:r.dist/ üçkağıtçı/ sahtekar/ dolandırıcı kimse || Con artist:/KA:’N.a:r.dist/ üçkağıtçı/sahtekar/dolandırıcı kimse || Con man: /KA:’’n/ üçkağıtçı/sahtekar/dolandırıcı adam There are a lot of frauds who come up with new scams everyday./ Internet fraud is number one crime in many developed countries./ Making fake ID is a scam./ You see that lady over there? She’s a billionaire, but she dressed like a beggar to rip off everyone. –What a scam artist(con artist)!/ The con man robs(steals) things from people’s pocket. John 10:10 [Jesus said] The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Swindle: /SWİN.dıl/ dolandırmak He begged me to lend him some money and said that he’d give it back a week later. Six months have passed and I haven’t even seen a nickel (=beş sentlik para)! He swindled me. Con:/KA:’N/ 1. (=Prisoner/Convict) mahkum, tutuklu 2. sahtekarlık, dolandırıcılık || Ex-con: /eks.KA:’N/ sabıkalı Many believe that jail is not an appropriate place for many criminals because they go there and learn new schemes/sKİ’Mz/(düzenler/ dolapler) from other cons. Education is in order (buyrukta/lüzumlu/gerekli)./ She said she loved him and wanted to marry him. Poor man had no idea it was a con (trick) to steal his credit card!/ Don’t marry him. He was in jail three times. He’s an ex-con./ There are

lots of ex-cons with great skills(beceri/ustalık/maharet-ler) like painting walls that can be truly useful to any society. They just need proper management. Crook: /kRU’k/ madrabaz/üçkağıtçı/hilekar/dalavereci kimse He got all our Money and ran away. He’s a crook./ He buys handmade carpets from villages and sells them 10-20 times more(kat daha) in different cities. Do you think he’s a crook? –I think he’s not a crook. He’s just braver than me and you. Otherwise, why can’t we do the same? What’s stopping us? Hustler: /HA:S.lır/ 1.[kötü durum]üçkağıtçı, dolandırıcı 2.[iyi durum] gözü açık kimse [They go up in the mountain, drink coffee without looking at the prices, and when the check comes, the lady holds her breath for a moment and says to her husband, ‘€12 for a cup of coffee? They’re hustlers!’/ [The angry man] You’re a bunch of hustlers!/ Boss: Don’t wait for money! Be hustlers of money! Hustle! Hustle! Amos 5:12 For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins. There are those who oppress the innocent and take bribes and deprive the poor of justice... 5:14 Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say He is. Bribery: /bRA:Y.beri/ rüşvetcilik, rüşvet || Bribe: /bRA:’Yb/ rüşvet, rüşvet vermek Have you heard the bribery scandal in mayor’s office? –Yeah. It’s horrible./ He offered her some bribe to drop the lawsuit./ The man said, ‘He didn’t let me bring my dog in, so I bribed and he let us in.’/ He bribes you to get a signature? That’s a disgrace (=Bu çok ayıp)! Kill: /KİL//NOT KİL/ 1.[mecaz ve gerçek]öldürmek 2. It killed!: Harikaydi!/Süperdi! || Kill the light: (=Hit the light/Turn off the light/Switch off the light!) ışığı kapatmak [Pic] You are killing people. –No, I’m killing boys./ News: ‘‘Three Journalist Were Killed In The Middle East Crisis’’/ The drug dealers had a fight and one of them killed the other./ Can a BB-gun(hava tüfeğı) kill?/ Man! My toothache is killing me. I gotta go to a dentist./ [His friend] Great presentation, dude! You killed it(Harikaydı)!/ [Beastly(2011)] Your speech killed!/ [A Little Help (2010)] Bobby(Chris O’Donnell) to his wife Laura(Jenna Fischer): Will you close the door or kill the light please? Murder: /M3R.dır/ cinayet, öldürme, (kasten) öldürmek || Murderer: /M3R.dı.rır/ katil She’s convicted of murder./ The kid was playing with his father’s gun and murdered his friend./ He murdered someone and is in jail./ She’s in jail for murder./ Murder is always a mistake. One should not do something one cannot talk after dinner. –Oscar Wild/ People came to see the savage murderer of the little kid. Lethal: /Lİ’.sıl/ öldürücü || Fatal: /FEY.dıl/ öldürücü Mel Gibson and Danny Glover became famous for Lethal Weapon 1,2,3./ [Wall Street Money Never Sleeps] Bretton James(Josh Brolin): ‘‘But when you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s fatal, Mr. Moore!’’ [>WOW. This’s true about learning English too!<] Manslaughter: /MAN.sla:’.dır/ adam öldürme [Bond Of Silence] Detective Jackson: Keith Moore! We have a warrant for your arrest. You have a right to remain silent. –Wait, why? –You’ve been charged with manslaughter. Homicide:/HA:’.mı.sa:’yd/cinayet, bir insanın öldürülmesı [Someone calling the police] I’m calling to report a homicide./ The detective was investigating (=incelemek/soruşturmak) the homicide. Genocide: /CE.nı.sa:’yd/ soykırım || Massacre: /MA.sı.kır/ katliam (yapmak) The largest genocide in history was by the communist Mao Tse Tung in which thirty two million people were killed. And the second largest was by the communist Stalin in which twenty five million were killed./ Saddam Hussein massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent people but look where he is now!/ What can be more inhuman than massacre in the world? Plead guilty to...: /pLİ’d-GİL.ti-/ (plead,pled/pleaded,pled/pleaded) -nın suçu kabul etmek [Bond of Silence] Note at the end of the movie: Ryan Aldridge pled guilty to manslaughter in the death of Robert McIntosh and received a five-year prison sentence. [Plead: yalvarmak,çok rica etmek>I pleaded him not to go but he didn’t listen(lafımı tutmadı).] Shed blood:/şed-bLA:D/ (shed, shed, shed) kan dökmek || Shed tears:/şed-Tİırz/ (shed, shed, shed) gözyaşı dökmek So much blood has been shed in this war./ She shed a lot of tears when her son was martyred in the war. No one can feel the way a mother feels. Tear someone apart*:/TE’r-ı.pa:rt/birini paralamak/parçalamak If you don’t give my money back by tomorrow, I’ll tear you apart, you hear me? Child abuse: pronunciation:/ÇA:YLd.ıb.yus/ çocuk suistimali, çocuklara tasallut etme || Abuse a child: pronunciation:/ıb.YUZ/ Bir çocuğu suistimal etmek/tasallut etmek If children are victims of violence, it’s called ‘child abuse’./ The penalty for child abuse in some countries is life sentence or death sentence./ Do you think someone who abuses a child should be life-sentenced or sentenced to death?/ This is child abuse that some gangs do. They force them to beg in streets –for them.

Rape: /REYp/ tecavüz (etmek), ırza (geçmek) [A witness to the police] The girl shouted, ‘Help! He’s trying to rape me.’ Some people came and rescued her. The psycho ran away./ He was convicted of rape. Matthew 26:52 Then Jesus said to him, ‘Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.’ Violation: /va:.yı.LEY.şın/ ihlal || Violence: /VA:.yı.lıns/ şiddet He came into my room without my permission and checked my E-mails. It’s violation of my privacy./ I don’t think some companies have the right to stick some stickers on people’s building wall without asking their permission. T think this is violation of people’s civil rights./ According to on 13.3.2011, violence against women is a major problem in Turkey where four in 10 women are subject to violence and one woman is killed in an honor killing everyday. [Violence is an international problem. But what’s the SOLUTION? Oprah Winfrey says, ‘‘I’m sick of people sitting in chair stating their problems. Then we role the videotapes... then we have our experts on the topic... I’m on the ‘What’s next?’ phase of my career.’’ Someone said the solution is: ‘If you are unhappy with your marriage, don’t beat, don’t cheat, but just leave.’ My strong suggestion is: The Holy Bible heals. There are many testimonies on the Internet on failed marriages that the both sides turned to Jesus and Jesus healed their LIFE and made a strong bound between the couples. Let us not doubt for the devil is the father of all lies./ Violence doesn’t come from strength; it comes from unawareness./ I wonder why some people enjoy watching violence like bullfight. –Man, I think it’s because of money! Take wrestling (güreş) for instance! A wrestler wins, his sponsors win, many people who bet (bahse girdiğin kişiler) win, many people pay to see the game, and that’s what it’s all about! Money! –Mmm! Right! Isaiah 60:18 Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders, you shall your walls Salvation and your Gates Praise. Social Services: Sosyal Hizmetler He didn’t show up in school for a couple of days. The school reported it to the Social Services so some people came to his house and talked to his parent. Victim: /VİK.tim/ kurban Unfortunately the car accident took two victims./ One of his staff took all his money and ran away. –He is obviously the victim of a conspiracy (=komplo)./ A large number of people become victims of internet fraud every year. Stab: /sTA’b/ bıçaklamak || Get stabbed:/-sTA’Bd/ bıçaklanmak, vurulmak, bıçaklanmış olmak He was kidding with a pocket knife and suddenly stabbed his friend in the stomach. The friend who got stabbed is in the hospital now./ He got stabbed in the chest. Be knifed over: /-NA:YFd.o’.vır/ bıçaklanmak, vurulmak, bıçaklanmiş olmak If I wouldn’t take you out of that awkward situation, you could have been knifed over. –Thanks man. I owe you one(Biri sana borçluyum). Mug: /MA:G/ 1. kapıp kaçmak, saldırıp soymak 2. [bardak] kupa || Get mugged: /get.MA:Gd/ (çantası/parası) saldırıp soyulmak Somebody mugged her and ran away (Biri onu kaptı kaçtı koştu gitti)!/ Here are the coffee mugs you ordered. –Thanks. They look fine./ She got mugged on the bus. Thief: /Sİ’f/ hırsız || Theft: /SEFt/ hırsızlık || Steal: /sTİ’l/ çalmak, hırsızlık etmek, aşırmak The car thief was hot-wiring my car. Luckily I arrived and sprayed his eyes. [Hot-wire: düz kontak yapmak]/ Identity theft means someone on the Internet, steals your information and empty your bank account. Just gotta say: Watch out (=Be careful)! Fugitive: /FYU.cı.tiv/ firari You guys are Somalian /sı.MA:’.li.yın/ fugitives? –Yeah. There’s a war in our country and we escaped from there without a passport./ She stole a diamond necklace and was a fugitive for two months. Smuggler:/sMA:G.lır/ kaçakçı || Smuggle:/sMA:.gıl/kaçakçılık yapmak, gümrükten mal kaçırmak || Smuggled: /sMA:.gıld/ kaçak Last week, the police arrested hundreds of smugglers in this area./ They smuggle people into and out of the country./ The most smuggled items in this border are meat, medicine, tea, and tobacco/tı.BA’.ko’/(tütün). Human trafficing: insan kaçak yapma Cop 1: I think they’re involved in human trafficing. Cop 2: Why do you think so? Hijack: /’k/ (uçak) kaçırmak The gunmen were trying to hijack the plane, but they were caught by the FBI. Kidnap:/Kİ’p/(fidye için) birini kaçırmak || Be kidnapped: /-Kİ’pt/ kaçırılmak || Ransom: /RA’N.sım/ fidye || Kidnap and ransom: (birini) kaçırma ve fidye (isteme) It is a serious matter. They kidnapped their daughter and asked for $1,000,000. FBI is on the scene./ She said when she was a kid, she was kidnapped but the police caught the bad guys./ They

kidnapped her husband and asked for ransom./ [On a TV show] A movie about kidnap and ransom starring Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe? [Group B buzzes/BA:.zız/(vızıldıyor)]–‘‘Proof Of Life’’. –Correct. Precinct: /pRİ’.sinkt/ karakol [A Walk In My Shoes] (The husband is a police officer and is talking to his wife about what happened at his shift but she doesn’t listen and says) Is there something you can talk to at the precinct?/ Send her to the precinct. Hostage: /HA:’S.tic/ rehine They kept the hostages in a house and asked for money./ The police is trying to rescue seven hostages./ The hostage was released after 12 days. Custody:/KA:S.tı.di/ velayet, gözaltı, emanet, nezaret, bakım, vesayet (bir kimsenin vesayeti altında bulunma) || In my custody: velayetim altında, benim gözaltında, benim vesayetın altında Client to her lawyer: How can I get the custody of my kids?/ [Wife to ex-husband] I want my kids in my custody. [burada ‘my’ >vurgulu] Adopt*: /ı.DA:’Pt/ evlat kabul etmek || Adoption*: /ı.DA:’P.şın/ evlat edinme || Adopted parents: (#Biological/ba:.yı.LA:’.ci.kıl/ parents) evlat edinen ebeveynler || Adopted child: (#Native) evlat edilmiş çocuk Would you adopt a child if you couldn’t have one? –If I couldn’t have a child, I would adopt one./ I don’t know. The population of the world is bursting (=Dünyanin nüfüs patlatıyor). You wanna get a bus, you have to wait in the line for hours. I have no idea why some couples who cannot have a child don’t dare to adopt one, but always in the desire of having one. Why can’t they just adopt one? Their adoption means saving a child’s life, having a happier family, and saving the world around. Don’t you think so?/ Love is love, no matter(fark etmez) if it’s given by adopted parents or biological parents./ The father to the principal: He’s my adopted child but we love him like we love ourselves./ [Yellow Handkerchief] So you’re adopted! –No, no I’m native./ [Pic] I know I’m adopted. –What! Oh my God! Adapt* (to): pronunciation:/ı.DA’Pt/ (-e) adapte etmek, uyarlamak || Adaptation* (to): pronunciation:/a.dap.TEY.şın/ (-e) adaptasyon, uyarlama She’s a very strong woman. She can adapt herself to any situation./ Adaptation to this new condition might be hard but I’m sure you can do it. Foster parent:/FA:’S.tıınt/ geçici evlatlığa bakan anne/baba || Foster family: /FA:’S.tır.fa’.mı.li/ geçici evlatlığa bakan aile || Foster care:/FA:’S.tı’r/ bir çocuğun vesayet altında bakımı || Guardian:/GA:R.di.yın/ vasi, koruyucu The name ‘Carol Donald’ should remind you of the word ‘Foster’. She’s the foster parent to, WOW, 100 kids! Such a brave person! A person of faith!/ In America, children’s rights come first(ilk geliyor/ilk önem), you know. Now if a child doesn’t go to school or something, they report it to Social Security Services. If the Social Security Services realizes that the child is not safe, they take him or her away from the origin family to stay with a foster parent. The foster parent may or may not have children. But this child lives with them temporarily. At least he or she is safe there./ He is 64 and doesn’t have a child. He wants to become a foster parent./ Child: I’m living with a foster family. They love me like my own family./ Foster care is a temporary (geçici) arrangement for a child who cannot live safely with their birth family. Becoming foster parent is different from adoption. Adoption is permanent(kalıcı/daim)./ We cannot operate the child without her parents’ or her guardian’s signature./ [Unconditional] 28% of all children in the world live without their biological father. 24.7 millions of them live in America. Orphan*:/OR.fın/yetim || Orphanage*:/OR.fı.nic/yetimhane [=Home For Boys/ Home For Girls] There’re orphans in the world. If I couldn’t have a child, I’d adopt one./ Babe Ruth made it (başarıdı) from orphanage to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Charlie Chaplin made it to one of the greatest comedy actors. There are many examples of HOPE, of TRIUMPH in life we could learn from./ In the movie August Rush, he stayed eleven years in The Walden County Home For Boys. Petition:/pı.Tİ.şın/ dilekçe Do you know how to write a petition? –No. But there are a couple of petition writers in front of the courthouse (adalet sarayı) that you can ask./ She’s writing a petition to say no to naming a Harlem Street after a cop-killer. [Name…after: birinin adını başka birini/şeyi vermek/için koymak] Sham: /ŞA’m/ gibi görün, hile/yalan, sahtelik, yalandan They seemed to be very happy but that was a sham./ He showed himself in the public like a millionaire but all his life was just a sham. Bully:/ kabadayı, zorba, kabadayılık etmek, zorbalık etmek How should a parent face their child’s bully?/ What’s the matter? Were you bullied at school? Harass: pronunciation:/hı.RA’s/ taciz etmek, rahat vermemek, (aralıksız) rahatsız etmek, bizar etmek, tedirgin etmek || Harassment: pronunciation:/hı.RA’S.mınt/ taciz, rahatsız etme Her exboyfriend kept on harassing her. She had a hard time dealing with it, till finally she called his dad, and it was over./ Phone call harassment, women harassment, office harassment, internet harassment, and racial harassment are some types of harassment. There are laws about any kind of harassment. Assault: /ı.SA:’Lt/ saldırmak, saldırı Assaulting a police officer is a big crime in the United States./

Law students are very lucky because there’re a huge number of law movies or court scenes in a lot of movies. When they see a court scene, they need to PAUSE on every scene and learn every details. For example, there’s this movie, The Fighter, that has a ‘court scene’ and law students need to know ALL of it. From 00:49:50 to 00:50:10 the court speaker announces the court’s decision: ‘‘Ward*(vesayet altında bulunan kimse), one count* (suç/suçlama) of disturbing the peace, released on your own recognizance. Eklund(adamın ismi), three counts of assault and battery* (dövme/dayak) on a police officer, two counts of resisting arrest, two counts of larceny (hırsızlık) from a person, two counts of impersonating (taklit etme/ kişileştirme) a police officer. Bail set at $25,000. Case* (Dava) continued, two weeks from today.’’ As you see, law vocabularies are somehow different from daily speaking vocabularies. They will be EASY if they constantly watch and repeat those vocabs. [Ward: koğuş> I think the word ‘Ward(Koğuş)’ should remind you of the horror movie by the same name, starring Amber Heard.] [Count: saymak>I count to 10, and you go to bed, ready?] [Battery: pil> My battery died(Pilim çalışmıyor).] [Case:durum>You’re not my friend anymore (Artık seninle küstüm/Artık arkadaşın değilim). –In that case(Öyleyse/Bu durumda), pay my money back!] Insult: /in.SA:Lt*/ hakaret etmek || Curse: /K3Rs/ küfür, küfretmek You don’t have the right to insult others./ Police: So you’re saying that he insulted you?/ [Pic] You’re a jerk. –Wow. Nice insult, Hannah Montana!/ Don’t curse or use bad language, especially in front of children. [Consult: /kın.SA:Lt*/ danışmak> I need to consult my lawyer. || Consultant:/kın.SA:L.tınt/ danışman>Having a business consultant is worth a lot. || Cursed:/K3RSd/ lanetli, melun, kör olası>He think he’s cursed. >MAGIC/SUPERSTITION<] Cuss at someone:/KA:S--/ (=Curse someone) birini sövmek, birini küfretmek Real friends might fight or cuss at each other when angry, but they always have each others’ back (=support each other). –Sorry, I don’t agree. Real friends help each other grow in personality each day. Call someone names: birini kötü şeyler söylemek, sövmek, ağzına geleni söylemek No one has the right to call others names./ He was punished for calling his classmate names. Psalm 2:1-4 Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.’ The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. Conspiracy:/kıns.Pİ.rı.si/ komplo, fesat tertibi, gizli ittifak, gizdüzen You probably remember the movie ‘Conspiracy Theory’, no?/ They brought him to fire(dismiss) me. It was a pre-planned (önceden yapılmış plan) conspiracy./ He’s convicted of conspiracy. Assassination:/ışın/(=Plot/pLA:’t/) suikast, öldürme tertibi || Assassinate: pronunciation: /ı a plot) suikast etmek/yapmak They say it’s a conspiracy planet, facing the assassination of JFK, Robert Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., John Lennon, and Princess Diana./ Let’s assassinate terrorism instead of people (=Hadi milletin yerinde, terorizme suikast edim)!

COMMIT… Felony: /FE.lı.ni/ suç || Crime: /kRA:’Ym/ suç || Criminal: /kRİ.mi.nıl/ suçlu Computer hacking is a felony./ Fear follows crime, and is its punishment. –Voltair/ The more people are busy working, the less crime they will have. That’s why unemployment is a threat to any community./ How many percent of criminals are educated and how many percent of them don’t have any education? Ecclesiastes 7:17 Be not overly wicked, neither be a fool. Why should you die before your time? Commit suicide:/kı.MİT-SU.ı.sa:yd/ intihar etmek || Commit a/the crime: suç/cürüm/cinayet yapmak || Commit a/the felony: suç/cürüm yapmak Who would have guessed that he committed suicide?/ Many believe that the lead singer of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain committed suicide but some think he was murdered./ By stealing the car, he committed a crime./ What happens if a 15-yearold boy commits a felony? [Do a/the crime: (=Commit a/the crime)> [Henry’s Crime(Türkçe: Süçlü Kim?)] Henry(Keanu Reeves): ‘‘I didn’t do the crime.’’] Psalm 34:17-19 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. Your love goes on forever – God of life and Lord of love –SonicFlood 1 Corinthians 6:15-17 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? May it never be! Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, “THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH.” But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

Adultery: /ı.DA:L.tı.ri/ zina || Infidelity: /ı.di/ zina || Fornication: /şın/ zina || Commit adultery/infidelity/fornication: zina yapmak || Fornicate: / zina yapmak Adultery is an old name for ‘infidelity’ or ‘fornication’. ‘You must not commit adultery’ is the seventh commandment of God to Moses on Mount Sinai / Dağı)./ Every time a man commits fornication or fornicates, according to 1 Corinthians 6:15-17, his soul and the woman’s BAD, BURDENED soul will be one. Since her soul has already been with many other souls, this man’s life will be like fire close to his clothes. He will be needy of a loaf of bread./ He said, ‘Marriage is a way of avoiding infidelity.’ [Committed (to): -e bağlı olan, söz vermiş> I’m commited to my wife. >RELATIONSHIP<] 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple. John 7:24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment. IRKÇILIK/ÖNYARGI Racist: /REY.sist/ ırkçı || Racism: /ım/ ırkçılık Teacher, brainstorming the idea in the class: How should we treat a racist? Any idea?/ Racism comes from ignorance (Irkçılık cehaletten geliyor/ kayniyor). Discriminate:/dis.KRİ.mı.neyt/ ayırımı/ayrımcılık yapmak, ayırt etmek, ayırmak, farklı muamele etmek || Discrimination:/dis.kri.mı.NEY.şın/ ayırt etme, ayrımcılık || Discriminated: /dis.KRİ.mı.ney.dıd/ ayırımı etmiş/yapmiş Just because I speak English doesn’t mean that I’m better than anyone./ What can we do to help make the racial discrimination disappear?/ She says that men are granted better opportunities than women, so she feels discriminated just because she’s a woman. Prejudice:/pRE.cı.dis/ önyargı, taraf tutma, tarafgirlik, kayırma With all the progress that human beings had, we still see prejudice against women at labor and politics./ The novel (=roman>kitap) ‘Pride and Prejudice’ in Turkish is translated as ‘Aşk ve Gurur’, it’s actually ‘Gurur ve Önyargı’. Bias: /BA:.yıs/ önyargı, (birinin) fikrini yönlendirmek/etkilemek || Biased: /BA:.yıst/ taraflı, eğilimli, önyargılı, etki altında kalmış A referee(futbol:hakem) must not have any bias./ His question forced me to bias my answer toward his favor./ During the trial, the lawyer objected that the public prosecutor was trying to bias the witness./ Some newspapers are biased. They support a specific party./ This article is showing a biased viewpoint. CHASE Be after someone:/-AF.tır-/ birinin peşinde olmak Why is police after him(Niye polis onun peşinde)? What did he do?/ [Showing the picture] We’re after this guy. Is he here? Follow: /FA:’.lo’/ 1. takip etmek 2. [birini] anlamak, kavramak 1. Secretary: Hi. You must be Gretchen. –Yes. –Follow me please. –Sure./ 1. Why are you following me? –I’m not. –Yes you are. Stop following me./ 1. [On business] If you follow through on what you promised, you’re ahead of 80% of your competitors. (İş konusunda, eğer söz verdi şeyin gerçekleştirmeye takip edersın, rakiplarindan 80% ilerisin.) [wow]–Travis Tabor/ 2. You have to control your anger, you follow me?/ 2. Seth? Do you think it’s fine? –Uh, I’m not sure if I follow you. What do you mean? –I mean the new clothes. Does this new suit/SU’t/ look ok on me? –Uh, yeah! It’s great! Chase:/ÇEYS/ (=Pursue) peşine düşmek, kovalamak, takip etmek Why are you chasing him? He doesn’t wanna see you./ Millions of protesters went to the streets, chasing liberty./ Chasing butterflies is my cute kitten’s hobby! Track:/tRA’k/(=Follow/FA:’.lo’/)1.(in izlerini) takip etmek 2.parkur 3.rota || Track something/someone down: -in izlerini takip edip bulmak [In a trip in the woods (=orman), he loses his fellas, and now he finds them] Hey! Where were you, guys? I was tracking you the whole day./ Can I track a stolen cell phone?/ The other day I happened to (denk geldim) go jogging in Kurtuluş Park and I was happy to see hundreds of people were jogging on the track. It was amazing. Gosh, I LOVE jogging./ I believe all parks in Ankara need a jogging(running) track./ Hey! Where were you, guys? I lost your track./ Mr. Swank! I tracked your schoolmates’ names down on the Internet. Lose (the) track of time: zamanı unutmak, zamanı nasıl geçtığını fark etmemek Sorry I’m late, Tom. I ran into one of my old friends. We kept talking so much that I lost the track of time./ Sometimes we’re so busy we lose track of time and ask ourselves, ‘What day is today?’/ When I watch a riveting movie, I lose track of time./ [Soul Surfer (2011)] Noah on the seashore: ‘‘Bethany! Bathany! Let’s go, you’re lagging(geç kalıyorsun)!’’ Bethany(AnnaSophia Robb) in the sea: ‘‘I’m coming. Hey, Noah, sorry. I lost track of time.’’ Keep track of (something): (=Follow something) bir şeyi takip etmek, aklında tutmak You need a list to keep track of your plans./ Reporter: You’re the manager of a big company with lots of work to do. How do manage to keep track of your work? It must be hard, huh? –Uh! You have no idea (=Tahmin bile edemezsin)!! People love my money, they don’t love to do my work!! [Both laugh.]

Get something back on track: [düzensiz yoldan sonra] bir şeyi düzenli yolunu geri dönmek, bir şeyi yine düzeltmek Economy has been sketchy(uncertain&unstable) lately. It takes time to get it back on track./ My friend keeps asking me ‘How can I get my life back on track?’ Trace:/tREYs/ 1. [bir şeyin/birinin] izi takip etmek/bulmayı çalışmak 2. iz || Without a trace: iz bırakmadan The hunters are tracing the wounded deer./ Boss: If they’re not answering, trace the reason. Just make it work (=bu işe çalıştır), all right? –Yes, sir./ Police is tracing the lost baby’s mother./ The fraud (=üç kağıtçı) ran away and left no trace of himself./ She left me without a trace. I have no clue where she is right now. Pursue: /pır.SU/ kovalamak, peşine düşmek, takip etmek || Pursuit: /pır.SUT/ peşinde olma, takip, uğraş Doctor: I strongly recommend you to pursue the medication and take this matter (=konu / mevzu) seriously./ You remember the movie ‘Pursuit of Happiness’? –Duh! –Was that boy really Will Smith’s son? –Yup! –Do you always answer with just a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’? –Nope!/ In pursuit of his love, she traveled all the possible places of the world. TEHDİT/DAVRANMAK (THREAT/TREAT) Menace: pronunciation:/ME.nis/ tehdit, tehdit etmek Terrorists, criminals, and drunk drivers are big menace to any society./ The worker hasn’t been paid for months. I could feel a a menace in his voice./ Are you trying to menace me? I’m not afraid of you. Threat*: pronunciation:/SRET/ tehdit || Threaten: pronunciation:/SRE.tın/ tehdit etmek Is easy access to gun shops everywhere a threat or a way of self-defence? There has always been controversy about it./ Cop: Are you threatened by somebody or some gang (çete)? Talk to me./ Woman: The gunshot (=silah atışın sesi) threatened me last night. I couldn’t get any sleep after./ [Pic] You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before? (Bir türlü tanıdık görünüyorsun. Önceden seni tehdit ettim mi?) [>I’d look at the body language to remember the word.<] Treat*: pronunciation:/tRİT/ 1. davranmak 2. tedavi etmek || How’s… treating you?: [=Is… pleasurable?= Do you like…?] …hoşuna gitti mi?, …nasıl, sevıyormusun? || My treat!: Benim ikramim! || I’ll treat: Ben ikram edeceğim! 1. Father-in-law (Üvey baba): She’s your wife, the mother of your child. Treat her like a lady./ 1. We are 6 siblings and our mother treated us all the same./ 2. It’s a great hospital where hundreds of patients are treated every year./ 2. Antibiotics / are normally used to treat infections./ Waitress: How’s the wine treating you? –It’s great! Thanks for your recommendation! –My pleasure!/ How’s your new school treating you, Serhat? –It’s pretty awesome!/ [Everything Must Go (2010)] Nick sold a mouthwash to someone and after a while, that person is back to buy a chair, so Nick asks, ‘‘How’s that mouthwash treating you?’’/ I’m going to work. I’ll see ya tonight. –Okay. See ya. – And here’s my credit card. Buy yourself some breakfast. My treat! [Winks]/ How much is this lollipop? –Aren’t you Tommy’s son? –Yeah, I am. –I owe your dad a lot. Take this. It’s my treat. –Aw! Thanks!/ [Guest when leaving] Thanks for your treat(=İkramindan teşekkür ederim)!/ [ABC Family TV movie ‘My Future Boyfriend’ (2011)] Liz: Will you have a little lunch? –The future man PAX 497/341(Barry Watson): Lunch? –Liz: Yeah. I’ll treat. Trick or treat*!: Şaka mı, şeker mi? || Halloween*: /ha.lo’.İ’’n/ Cadılar Bayramı Why do children, dressed in costume, go from house to house, knock on the door of their neighbors and ask ‘Trick or treat’ on Halloween? –Well, it’s a tradition and it means treat us something(bize bir şeyi ikram edin: şeker –ya da bazı yerlerde para- verin) or(yoksa) play a trick like a joke(bir şeyi oyun/hile/numara yapın). They normally treat them with candy. –But if it’s a trick? –Oh, well, in that case(öyleyse), it could be a sweet joke like: You put some potato chips, crackers, cookies, new toothpaste, new tooth brush, and stuffs like that as a gift in a black plastic bag, but wrap some shabby(eskipüskü) cloth around it. They see the shabby cloth, they get sad, it’s a trick. But after they unwrap it, they scream of happiness! –HaHa! Cool trick! Attitude*: pronunciation:/A’.dı.tu’d/ tutum, davranış, tavır || Does he have an attitude?: Bu, davranış sorunu varmi?, Bu normal biri mi?, Benimle düşmanlığı mi var bu? Niye kibirli davraniyor bu?, Bu benimle sorun mu var? The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude. [EXCELLENT!]–Oprah Winfrey/ You certainly can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can change your attitude, son./ [Identity Theft: The Michelle Brown Story] No matter what your attitude, you need to have your good name./ I said hello but he didn’t answer. What is his problem? Does he have an attitude? –Easy, bro. He’s just messing with you./ Before I finish my sentences, she harshly answers ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘I don’t know’. Does she have an attitude? Gratitude*: pronunciation:/gRA.dı.tu’d/ minnettarlık Now listen to this inspiring(ilham verici) quote about gratitude by William A. Ward: God gave you a gift of 86,400 (eighty six thousand, four hundred) seconds each day. Have you used one to say ‘thank you’? Manner: /MA’.nır/ tavır Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot. –Clarence Thomas/ My manner of living is plain. I do not mean to be put out of it. A glass of wine and a bit of mutton are always ready. –George Washington

Behave: /bi.HEYv/ davranmak || Behavior: /bi.HEY.viyır/ davranış, tavir, tutum || Misbehave: / kötü davranmak || Behave yourself!: Akıllı ol!> Öyle davranma! You loved me? How? Why can’t I see that? All these years, you’ve behaved me like I haven’t even existed. I don’t even know who I am to you./ There have been a lot of changes in your behavior lately. You’ve totally become a new man! Congrats!/ Whatever she did is not a reason for you to misbehave. Why can’t you act like the first day you met, huh? She’s the same person, and she’s even more beautiful. Love her or lose her./ [The little boy is hitting the big man with a plastic sword. His father says] Oh, no, no, no. Don’t do that. Behave yourself, son... [to the man] sorry, sir. –[The man smiles] It’s ok. Act: /A’Kt/ 1. davranmak 2. [tonlama/cümle anlamaya göre] –miş gibi davranmak/numara yapmak, artistik yapmak [>hani aktörlük/oyun yapmak!<] We can neither act in the past, nor in the future, but only in the present. Live your life!/ Always act like who you are. (=Her zaman kim olduğun gibi davran.)/ I like it when you act like a gentelman! –It’s because I am a gentelman!/ You’re acting like(as if) nothing happened!! (Senki hiçbir şey olmadığın gibi davranıyorsun!!)/ You act as if you don’t know where he’s gone. –Because I really don’t know. Why don’t you believe me? –He left no message? –No! –Then call the cops. –I did. They’re on the way./ You don’t have to act(Numara yapman gerekmıyor). Be who you are (Kim olduğun kişi ol). Action*: /AK.şın/ 1. eylem, etki 2. aksiyon || Reaction*: /ri.AK.şın/ tepki, reaksiyon || React*: /ri.AKt/ (=Respond to/ris.PA:’Nd.tu/) –e tepki göstermek It’s a famous quote: Every action has a reaction./ You like action movies? –Oh, yeaaaah!! / Your action doesn’t show much of your wisdom, your reaction does./ Why did you react like that, son? That’s not a way to behave. –Sorry!/ Today the school students responded to the dance show so well./ She’s too sensitive to criticism and doesn’t know how to respond to it./ How do you respond to the needs of three customers at one time? Do you lose your control or use your control? Are you relaxed enough to MANAGE them? If ‘YES’, good for you!  [Respond: (=Answer=Reply) cevap vermek>How do you feel when you ask someone a question but they don’t respond(answer/reply)?] I had/got my act together: Kafam yerindeydi!, Akıllı davranıyordum!, Hayatım düzenlıyıdı! || I didn’t have/get my act together: Kafam yerinde değildi!, Çocuk gibi davranıyordum! My parents never forced me to do something ’coz I always got my act together./ The man said, ‘When I was younger, I was foolish and I didn’t have my act together.’/ She’s 13 and she doesn’t have her act together yet. I’m worried about her. –Don’t be hard on her. She’s only 13! When I was 18, I didn’t have my act together! –Really? –Yeah! Relax! She’s learning. Don’t force, but just manage her. Act/Behave/Treat as if nothing happened!: (Sanki) Hiçbir şey olmamış gibi davranmak! He broke my heart and when I saw him in that party, he acted as if nothing happened. No apology, nothing. As if I didn’t exist(Sanki orada değildim/var olmadım)! Common courtesy: /KA:’.mın-K3R.dı.si/ genel nezaket, uygun davranış It’s common courtesy to open door for ladies or give your seat to a senior citizen (an old person)./ ‘The more time goes by, the more I see common courtesy is dying. Are people losing their senses?’ the old man complained. Matthew 26:52-54 Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?” GUN Bullet: /BU.let/ kurşun, mermi || Gun: /GA:N/ tabanca, tüfek, ateşli silah || Shotgun*: /ŞA:’ çifte || Weapon: /WE.pın//NOT Wİpın or WEpon/ silah || Pistol: /PİS.tıl/ tabanca || Loaded*: /LO’.dıd/ [silah kurşun/mermi ile] dolu Where do bullets go when guns are fired straight up into the air? –They come down and if they hit someone, they’re lethal/Lİ’.sıl/ (öldürücü/öldüren). –Really? –Yes. So watch out (=Bu yüzden dikkat et)!/ I always remember Arnold Schwarzenegger with a shotgun in his hands in his movie The Terminator./ [Police to the armed(silahli) man] Put the weapon down./ Money is the most dangerous weapon in the world, don’t you think?/ Someone said, ‘A man of courage never wants weapons.’ Do you agree?/ [Barney’s Version] Barney’s friend takes the pistol(tabanca) and Barney(Paul Giamatti) takes it back from him and says, ‘That’s loaded, schmuck!’ [Load: yüklemek,yük> The cargo workers are loading the bags onto(in) the van /VA’n/ (vanet).|| Sometimes sharing your feelings lightens/LA:Y.tınz/(hafifleştırıyor) your load but it may take out your strength. Share your feelings with God, He hears, He cares.] The greatest weapon against stress is God’s Words. [AWESOME!]–Anonymous I will bring praise – I will bring praise – No weapon against me shall remain –Hillsong United Gunshot*: /GA:N.şa:’t/ silah atışı, silah atışın sesi I heard a gunshot. It scared me to death! Pull the trigger: /PUL.zı-tRİ.gır/ 1. tetik çekmek/tetiği çekmek 2. (Pull a trigger= Take an action): harekete geçirmek, [tamamlama amacı ile] bir şey yapmak, [konuştuğun konuda] bir şey yapmayı karar vermek 1. The man put the gun under his chin and pulled the trigger. He woke up and saw it was a dream. He thanked God for being alive./ 2. [Abduction(Kaçış) (2011)] Nathan(Taylor Lautner) and Karen(Lily Collins) like each other but they don’t talk. Now at school, they look at each other again and

Nathan’s friend says, ‘‘Here we go again(Yine başladı işte). You look at her, she glances back at you. You both totally dig(=like) each other, and yet nobody pulls a trigger.’’/ 2. Do you want to buy the company or not? They’re waiting for the answer. Pull the trigger. Shot*: /ŞA:’t/ (=Chance) şans This is your last shot. You wanna tell her everything, or she’s moving to Australia./ With this filebook, you have a shot to learn to speak English. USE it. It’s YOURS. BB Gun:/Bİ-Bİ-GA:N/(Ball Bullet Gun=Air gun) hava tüfeği When you shoot a burglar with a BB Gun, they don’t die but get hurt, so that in the meanwhile, you get the chance to call the cops. ILLEGAL Legal: pronunciation:/Lİ’.gıl/: yasal, kanuni || Illegal: pronunciation:/i.Lİ’.gıl/: yasak, kuraldışı In what condition is abortion legal in your country?/ It is illegal to jump into another person’s property. Illegal drugs: /i.Lİ’.gıl.dra:gz/ yasak uyuşturucu This is a campaign/kam.PEYn/(kampanya) against illegal drugs./ ‘The Fighter(Dövüşcü)’ is the real story of two brothers, two champ fighters, one of them did(used) illegal drugs and became a fortyyear-old nothing. The other didn’t, and made it (başarıdı) to the top. [Drug: ilaç. Drugstore: eczane.] Addict: /A’.dikt/ bağımlı/tiryaki kimse || Addicted (to): /ı.DİK.tıd/ bağımlı/tiryaki || Addiction: /ı.DİK.şın/ bağımlılık/tiryakilik He was a drug addict for years but he went to a rehab. Now he hates drugs so much that can’t even stand (bile dayanamıyor) the smell of it./ I’m not addicted to anything./ Ever heard Robert Palmer’s ‘‘Addicted To Love’’?/ Addiction to technology and Facebook is the new form of addiction in the world.

Proverbs 12:15-16 Stupid people always think they are right. Wise people listen to advice. When a fool is annoyed, he quickly lets it be known. Smart people will ignore an insult. STUPID… Stupid: /sTU’.pid/ 1. aptal 2. saçma Don’t cut this deal, son. Don’t be stupid(Aptal olma). – Dad! I know what I’m doing. This deal will save our company. I need you to trust me. –Ok. I say nothing. But take the consequences./ I did a lot of stupid things in my life but I am brought to a new way. I am changing. It’s great./ That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard! Idiot: /İ’.di.yıt/ ahmak/gerzek kimse || Idiotic: /i.DYA:’.dik/ ahmak, saçma || Dumb: /DA:M/ salak, gerzek, aptal [The River Why] The Sufi Attar has written, ‘One tiny fly which entered the ear of Nimrod /NİM.ra:’d/ (Nemrut) troubled the brain of that idiot for centuries.’/ [The neighborhood lady says] The man lives alone, locks the dog in, and goes to work every day. The dog barks all day long! This is idiotic!/ [Wall Street Money Never Sleeps (2010)] You okay, Lou? –[Lou’s very busy. He says] Yeah, good day I’m okay, bad day I’m okay. What’s the difference? … Do me a favor, don’t ask me dumb questions!/ Half of being smart is knowing what you’re dumb at. (Zeki olmanın yarısı, nelerde aptal olduğun şeyleri bilmektir.) [EXCELLENT.] –David Gerrold Tool:/TU’l/ 1. el aleti 2. piyon/başkasının istediğin gibi kullandığı kimse, ahmak/salak kimse [Google Images] Hammer, pickax(kazma), axe(balta), screw(vida), pliers, needle nose pliers, pincers, screwdriver, wrench, and drill are some kinds of tools./ Do you see that guy over there? He’s Wendy’s husband. –Yeah, he’s a cool guy, but a tool! Silly: /Sİ.li/ 1. aptal 2. saçma, saçmalık || Don’t be silly (=Don’t be ridiculous)!: Saçmalama! You trusted her again? You’re silly!/ Barefoot (yalınayak) running in the woods (orman)? That’s silly!/ Don’t be silly!/ Boss to his assistant: This may sound silly, but (bu saçma gelebilir ama) I need your help to find a good tie /TA:Y/ (kravat). I know you have good eyes(zevklisin/iyi seçıyorsun/güzel bakışı sahibsin)./ [Pic] I mean, what if I don’t wanna live the way you live? –Don’t be ridiculous, Andrea. Everybody wants this. Everybody wants to be us. Proverbs 14:6-7 A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain, but knowledge is easy for a man of understanding. Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge. If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. –Anatole France Fool: /FU’l/ 1. salak/ahmak/aptal/budala kimse 2. Aldatmak || Foolish: /FU’.liş/ ahmak, aptal, budala || Fool around:/FU’L.ı.rawnd/vaktını boşa geçirmek, aylaklık etmek || Make a fool of yourself: kendini maskaraya çevirmek/rezil etmek, başkalarn kahkahayı sebep olmak, maskaralık yapıp/kendini rezil edip başkaları güldürmek || Don’t fool me around!: (=Don’t bounce me around!) Benimle oynama*! || Don’t play with my heart:/-pLEY—HA:’Rt/ Kalbımla oynama*! Tomorrow is only found in the calendar of fools. –Og Mandino/ Never let a fool kiss you or a kiss fool you. –Joey Adams/ You think

I’m a fool? –No! –So why do you invite me and don’t open the door?/ Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. (Bir kez beni aldattı, sana yazıklar olsun. İki kez beni aldattı, bana yazıklar olsun)!/ You tell me that you don’t like the girl but you wanna marry for her dad’s money? You’re foolish! ’Cause her dad will nail you eventually./ Stop fooling around. Go back to work. Chop-chop!/ [He dances like a fool, and everybody laughs at him. When finished, he asks his fiancée] Wooh! How did I dance? – You made a fool of yourself, and made everybody laugh. But you handled it well./ Don’t fool me around. I’m not your toy./ You’re playing with my heart (Kalbimle oynuyorsun). You’re brutal. [Full: /FUL/1.dolu>The glass is half full. 2.tok/doymuş> Don’t insist. He’s full/FUL/*(tok).] [Play games with someone: biriile oyunlar oynamak>Why are they playing games with us? Don’t they know that we understand?] Galatians 3:1-6 You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh? Have you experienced so much in vain—if it really was in vain? So again I ask, does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard? So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Nerd: /N3Rd/ gıcık kimse || Geek: /Gİ’k/ inek kimse, zeki ama iğrenç kimse || Jerk: /C3Rk/ pislik/işe yaramaz kimse Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one!/ Don’t be a nerd!/ Don’t talk like a nerd./ You see that geek over there? He can read a 200-page book in one hour! But he has no friends. –I think he has a bright future. History has prooved it./ I can’t believe I kissed that jerk! I’m such a naive/na:.İİV/(saf)! S/he is one brick short!(=S/he has a screw loose!)Bir tahtası eksik! ‘He’s one brick short’ is euphemism (edebi kelam/ kibarce deyim) for ‘He’s stupid’./ Pandiani: Cocky(kendine güven ve kibirli/ukala) Cristiano Ronaldo has a screw loose. He must learn to be humble like Messi. SHOOT Shoot: /ŞU’t/ (shoot, shot, shot) 1. ateş etmek, silahla vurmak 2. (kamera/cep telefon’la) film çekmek 3. (top) atmak, şut etmek || Shot:/ŞA:’t/[isim] 1. atım/atış 2. (top) vuruş/şut 3. dene/deneme/şansı deneme 4. iğne, enjeksiyon (=Injection /in.CEK.şın/) [Pic] You shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize. [>This is funny because it’s a paraphrased form of what Muhammad Ali the boxer says, ‘If you ever beat me in your dream, you better wake up and apologize.’<]/ He put his hands up and said, ‘Don’t shoot.’/ She shot him on(in) the head. (=He got shot on/in the head by her.)/ [Metaphorical (=Mecazice)] If I ever fall in love again, shoot me!/ [She points at the kitten playing in front of the mirror and says to her friend] Hey, that’s so cute! Shoot it. [And she shoots it with her cell phone camera.]/ In soccer, you shoot the ball, pass the ball, and kick the ball./ The pictures show there’re three shots on(in) his chest./ [He shoots on goal, doesn’t score, but it’s a nice shot. His friend says] Oooh! Nice shot!/ Tourist 1: Ever tried baklava? Tourist 2: No. T1: Oh, you should. Give it a shot (Onu bir dene)!/ Nurse comes in and says: Shot time (İğne zamanı)! [I’ll give it a shot: Şansımı deneyeceğim>I haven’t played bowling but I’ll give it a shot.] [Amish Grace] She said she’d pray for him even though she knew she was gonna shoot us with that gun. Photo shoot:/FO’.do’.şu’t/ (modellerin) fotograf çekimi The beautiful model was posing for the photo shoot./ What are you doing here? It’s a photo shoot. –Nothing. I just missed ya. –Oh, that’s so sweet! CRISIS/CHAOS/SCANDAL/DISASTER Crisis: /kRA:Y.sis/ kriz* There’s a huge financial crisis in the whole country. Workers are fired and shops are closed one by one (birer birer/teker teker)./ How does political crisis effect people’s lives? [Kalp krizi*: heart attack>She had a heart attack two years ago.] Chaos: pronunciation:/KEY.a:’s/ kaos, karışıklık, karmakarışıklık || Chaotic*: pronunciation: /ke.YA:’.dik/ (=Unorganized*) düzensiz, karışık, karmakarışık || Organized*: /OR.gı.na:’yzd/ organize olmuş, düzenli, tertipli, örgütlü He sleeps in the office most often. This is nuts ’cause he’s a married man. His life is a chaos!/ No matter what(Ne olursa olsun), you can save your life from this chaos. You just have to be patient and see how things go on, okay? Just hang in there (=Sabırlı ol). I’m here to help. – Thanks. It means a lot to me./ An organized person, I guess, has inner-peace, helps himself or herself and others. A chaotic person, the other way around(tam tersine), has no inner-peace, no attitude, and no sense of caring(önemsemek hissi yok)./ I think the Americans use the word ‘Organized’ more than ‘Tidy /TA:Y.di/ (düzenli)’./ [The Rebound] But I’m sure I’ll be good at this because I’m… I’m very organized and… I love sports./ [The Fighter] Dad: Mick! Sal Lonano. (=Mick, Sal Lonano ile seni tanıştırım.) Sal: Hey Mick! How you doing? Mick: You own a cab company; you’re a good businessman, right? Dad: Yeah, he’s very organized. [>Film izlerken tanışmağı/tanıştırmağı DİKKAT edin çok basit.<] Disaster: /di.ZA’S.tır/ felaket, bela || Scandal: pronunciation:/sKA’N.dıl/ skandal, rezalet In my idea, the biggest disaster is when we pick bad friends./ He got our money and ran away! It’s a disaster for a manager!/ Have you read the news of the scandal? That’s a crying shame! NEWSWORTHY/WORTH

Be worth:/-W3RS/ değeri olmak, kıymeti olmak Good things are worth a wait. (=İyi şeyler beklemeye değer.)/ One random act of kindness is worth a thousand words of advice./ I have never been to this cafe but I think it’s worth trying./ An acre of performance is worth a whole world of promise. –Red Auerbach/ [Pic] When you love someone, it’s worth fighting for, no matter what the odds. It’s worth it: Onu değer!, Zahmete değer!, Fiyatını değer! [Regretfully exhausted] What is it that (=Ne fayide var ki) I run 3 kilometers a day? –Man! It’s worth it. Look how healthy you are! –You think so? –No, I believe so. Now, come on. Don’t get lazy! Let’s go on! Yeah! –OK! [Best friends are the ones who help you move forward.]/ You just have one apple for the breakfast? This is insane! –But it’s worth it, y’know. Besides, I’m on a diet!/ How much did you pay for the house? Hundred grand (yüz bin)? –I know. A bit pricey, but it’s worth it. –You could put it into a business! It’s worth it!: O kadar eder! || It’s not worth it!: O kadar etmez! How much did you pay for this coffee mug? –$5. –Mmm, it’s worth it./ Unbelievable! You paid 200 for these shoes? They’re not worth it! –Yes, they are. They’re original. Worthy:/W3R.zi/ (=Precious/pRE.şıs/) değerli, kıymetli || Trustworthy:/tRA:ST.w3r.zi/ güvenilir || Newsworthy: /NU’Z.w3r.zi/ bahsedilmeye değer Liberty is always worthy(precious)./ He’s trustworthy. You can count on him./ I think the true stories of asylum-seekers and refugees are newsworthy. One should write books or make documentaries about them! Proverbs 13:24 Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. MILITARY Salute:/sı.LU’t/[askeri] selamlamak || As you were!:/AZ.yu.wer/[askeri] Rahat! [Samimi: Relax!] Soldiers must always salute their officers. [Officer: subay]/ [Leutenant:teğmen] Get your hands down. No need to salute me in here./ [The soldiers salute the colonel (albay), and he says] As you were!/ [The Grace Card] (As the head cop comes in, all cops rise, so he says:) Relax, guys. (They sit.) Dynamite: pronunciation:/DA:Y.nı.ma:yt/ 1.dinamit 2.(=Awesome) bomba gibi, harika How do engineers make an under-river tunnel? –Well, they make a temporary dam (baraj/set/su bendi) to stop the water. After, they make the tunnel on the dried (=kurutulmuş) river bed (nehir yatağı). Then they dynamite the temporary dam so that the water could be flown on the tunnel./ 2. This job is dynamite!/ 2. Hey guys. I’m having a party in my house. –Dynamite! Ceasefire:/Sİ’S.fa:yır/ateşkes || Cease: durdurmak,kesmek What was the most crucial ceasefire in the world?/ They are tired of war. They want ceasefire./ When should a mother cease breastfeeding?

1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Pray without ceasing." (The) Feds:/zı.FEDz/ [Amerika’da] Federal memurlar/polisler News: The Feds arrested the suspect./ Hey. Six o’clock (Arkaya bak)! The Feds are coming. [Fed: past tense of Feed: beslemek> Nurse 1: Is this baby fed? Nurse 2: Yes. His mom breastfed (emzirdi) him.] Lieutenant: pronunciation:/lu’.TE.nınt/ teğmen || Soldier: pronunciation:/SOL.cır/ (=Private) asker || Sarge: /SA:Rc/ (=Sergeant/SA:R.cınt/) çavuş In order of rank (Derece sırasına göre) in the Army, first comes Marshal/MA:R.şıl/(mareşal), then General/CE.nı.rıl/(general), Colonel> /K3R.nıl/< (albay), Lieutenant, Officer/A:’.fi.sır/(subay), Sergeant, Corporal /KOR.pı.rıl/ (onbaşı), and Private*/pRA:Y.vıt/(er)./ [‘Private’ soyadının/ adsoyadın önce geliyor>] Private Sanders! –[Salutes] Yes, Sergeant! – As you were!/ He fought like a soldier, died like a Marshal. God bless him./ Her father is a Sarge. [Private*: özel> It’s a private company./Sorry, you can’t enter. This room is private./I don’t want anyone to know about my private life.] Ambush:/A’M.buş/[Suddenly attack after hiding] pusuya/tuzağa düşürmek || Be ambushed: /-A’M.buşd/ tuzağa/pusuya düşmek They hid among the bush /BUŞ/ (çalı) and as we were passing, they ambushed us (=we were ambushed)./ The enemy was ambushed by Turkish soldiers. Isaiah 45:9 “Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker, those who are nothing but potsherds among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?’ Fight:/FA:Yt/(>fight,fought,fought<DİKKAT) 1. kavga etmek, mücadele etmek, dövüşmek 2. dövüş || You got the fight in you!: İçinde yenme savaşı var! || Fight for: uğruna savaşmak, elinde etmek için savaşmak/mücadele etmek || Fighter: /FA:Y.dır/ (=Boxer/BA:’K.sır/) dövüşçü You two are brothers, for Christ sakes! You mustn’t fight./ Fight Club is not actually about physical fight, but SPIRITUAL fight./ [Everything Must Go (2010)] Nick(Will Ferrell) to his newly-friend kid: Kenny, look. You can’t worry about what other people think about you. You just gotta fight back. –Is that what you doing? – What? –Are you fighting back? –Yeah, I’m fighting. –Who are you fighting? [The kid’s question makes Nick think!!!]/ Stock broker to his friend who quit: Man! I could see that! I still can see that! You got the fight in you!/ [Pic] I wanted you to fight for me. I wanted you to say there’s no one else you could ever be with

and that you’d rather be alone than without me. (Senin benim uğruna savaşmasını istedim. Seninle birlikte olabileceğını, başka biri yok olduğunu ve bensiz yalnız olduğunu tercih ettiği söylemesini istedim.)/ Anonymous: The fighting bull doesn’t care if you’re a vegetarian! (Dövüş boğa senin vejetaryen olduğunu umursamaz!)/ Man to the fighter: Are you still fighting?/ It’s a big day. Are you ready for the fight, bro? –I’m dead ready (Hemde çok hazırım)./ In America, they use the word ‘Fighter’ more than ‘Boxer’./ He’s a hell of a fighter(O fena/harika bir dövüşçü)!/ Cinderella Man, Against The Rope, Million Dollar Baby, Rocky (series), and Warrior are some of boxing movies. I love them because they are about overcoming hardship, as life is about. They spiritually energize and motivate me.

Jennifer LaClaire [It’s Supernatural: The Holy Spirit showed me something even last night. He said: ‘The battle is in the mind, but the war is for your heart.’ [She adds: The Bible says we believe with our heart, not with our mind. Believing with our mind is simply mental ascent. We read (the Bible) what we believe but we don’t believe what we read.] Battle: /BA.dıl/ 1. muharebe 2. Savaşmak || Battle field: /BA.dı’ld/ muharebe sahası || Captive: /KAP.tiv/ esir, tutsak Waterloo was the last battle of Napoleon /nıın/ and his army./ We battled with the enemy and they had to escape but were trapped in the swamp(bataklık) so we took plenty of (=a lot of) captives./ Those who refuse to become discouraged will soon bury their sorrow beneath the battlefield. –M.D./ They set the captives free (=Onlar esirleri serbest bıraktılar)./ Can you believe that here was a battle field 50 years ago? –Really? –Yeah. A lot of blood was shed. –Ew! It freaks me out. James 4:1-3 [Submit Yourselves to God] What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. Combat: /KA:’’t/ muharebe, savaş Lieutenant to soldiers: It’s the combat. And here’s not a play ground, it’s the combat zone. So you’re gonna need to open your eyes and think. One second of neglecting, you may lose your life. Attack:/ı.TA’k/-e saldırmak,-e hücum etmek[NOTTT attack TO] The enemy(düşman*>daha savaşta) attacked the town, but our brave soldiers defended./ When enemies invaded the country, we attacked and expelled them. [They attacked us.>NOTTT They attacked TO us.] [Invade: /in.VEYd/ istila etmek,işgal etmek>Invade means to occupy or enter a country by force (using a lot of soldiers) to take control of it.] Romans 12:20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Luke 23:34 [Even when Jesus was being crucified] And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments. Enemy: /E.nı.mi/ düşman || Hostile: /HA:’S.til//HA:’S.ta:yl/[daha bir ‘his’>] hasım/düşman*/ karşıt/muhalif || Hostility: /ha:’s.Tİ.li.di/ [daha bir ‘his’>] husumet/hasımlık, düşmanlık, karşıtlık || Friend or foe: /fRENd-or-FO’/ dost yada düşman If you don’t have enemies, you don’t have character. –Paul Newman, American actor/ Which countries were enemies in Çanakkale war?/ Make sure your ‘worst’ enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears! –Laird Hamilton/ Do not fear when your enemies criticize you. Beware when they applaud. –Ralph Waldo Emerson/ Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world. –Dr. Wayne Dyer/ He seemed friendly, but there was a sign of hostility in his actions./ Are you a friend or foe (Dost musun düşman müsün)? [Hostage: /HA:’S.tic/ rehine,tutak>They kept two hostages to get what they wanted.] Matthew 5:43-48 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. The closer you get to the Light, the bigger your shadow is.

Exile (from): / [kendi ülkeden] sürgün etmek || Expel (from): /eks.PE’l/ [okuldan/şirketten/ülkeden/bir yerden] dışarı atmak, kovmak, sınırdışı etmek, sürgün etmek He was exiled(expelled) from his country because the government thought he was a threat./ They were exiled from their native land./ School principal: I have no way but to expel you from school, unless you drop the attitude (bu davranışa son vermek/kesmek)./ He was expelled from high school. Military coup: pronunciation:/Mİ.li.te.ri-KU’/NOT KU’P/ askeri darbe [çoğul: - coups/KU’z/] About 30 years ago, there was a military coup in the country. MECBUR/ZOR Force: /FORs/ 1. zorlamak, mecbur etmek 2. şiddet, baskı, güç || Forcibly:/ force) zorla/kuvvetle, yaka paça You can’t force me to answer this question. I’m gonna need to contact my lawyer./ [Police to suspect’s father] If he’s not cooperating with the police, we’ll have to use force to bring him here./ Police entered the building forcibly. Military forces*:/Mİ.li.te.ri.for.sız(=Armed forces/A:’RMd.for.sız) askeri kuvvetler At the past, the means (araç/vasıta) of power was(were) defined by military forces, but I guess that concept has changed a lot today. These days, education is one of the biggest factors of power in a country. So each and everyone of you can make your country more powerful./ Army/A:’R.mi/(ordu/kara kuvvetleri), Navy/ kuvvetleri), and Air Force/E’R.fors/(hava kuvvetleri) are usually a country’s military forces. Obligate (to): /A:’ıb.LA:Yc/ -e mecbur etmek || Be obligated (to): /A:’ıd/ (=Be obliged) -e mecbur olmak || Obligation: /a:’şın/ zorunluluk The new manager obligated them to leave the company./ You can’t oblige (obligate) people to do whatever you want them to do./ I’m not obliged (obligated) to work here./ Floor manager: There’s no obligation for anyone to work overtime. It’s optional. So who’s gonna be on the list? Mandate: /MA’N.deyt/ manda, ferman, resmi emir || Mandatory: /MA’N.dı.to.ri/ zorunlu (manda), mecburi Bono the leadsinger of U2 in Live8 concert 2005 said, ‘We are gathering in the largest mandate for action. This is a mandate to help Africa.’ Don’t you think that artists actually have a great role to change the world around?/ In some countries, wearing school uniform is mandatory. Compel:/kım.PE’l/ mecbur etmek, zorunda bırakmak, zorlamak || Compelling:/kım.PE.ling/ ilgi uyandıran || Compelling person: zorlayan biri, zorlayıcı biri, baskıcı, otoriter He compelled me to work there all night./ My circumstances and conditions compel me to do this job. Otherwise (=yoksa), I hate it./ Why did I compeled myself to meet her? I can’t believe I did that!/ His offer sounds pretty compelling./ We had a compelling conversation the other day./ Girl: My dad is a compelling person. Everything he says in the house must be done. [Compile:/kım.PA:Yl/ (=Gather together) derleyip toplamak>Boy: I compiled a video of Michael Jordan’s best shots. –Wow. That’s fantastic! || Compilation:/ka:’m.pı.LEY.şın/ There are many photos but this is a compilation of our tour photos.] YASAKLAMAK Ban:/BA’n/ yasaklamak, menetmek [özellikle devlet tarafından] || Forbid: /for.Bİ’d/fır.Bİ’d/ (forbid, forbade, forbidden) yasaklamak, yasak etmek || Prohibit: yasaklamak, menetmek This website is banned by the government./ Smoking in offices is banned./ Love is not forbidden./ In some countries, alcoholic drinks are prohibited. [Tabela(Sign)>Park Yasak: No Parking! || Tabela>Sigara İçmek Yasak: No Smoking! || Tabela>Girmek Yasak: No Trespassing! || Tabela>Burada sisara içmek yasaktır: No Smoking Here./No Smoking Is Allowed Here.] EXTEND/DEPORT/BORDER Extend:/ıks.TE’Nd/ uzatmak, genişlemek, genişletmek || Expire: /ıks.PA:Yr/ süresi dolmak || Expiration: /ıks.pı.REY.şın/ sona erme Your visa expires(süresi dolmak) in three months, but if you’d like to stay more, you’re gonna have to extend it./ Sir? The expiration date of our visa is over in 3 days. But we’re going to extend our stay in the States (=Amerika). How can we do that? Deport:/di.PORt/ sınırdışı etmek We have no choice but to deport you. Your visa is no longer valid and you didn’t extend it./ If you stay longer than your visa validity, you’ll be deported /di.POR.dıd/. Border:/BOR.dır/[ulkeler arasında] sınır, hudut According to Wikipedia, ‘the U.S. Customs and Border Protection(=CBP: ABD Gümrük ve Sınır Koruma Kurumu) is the largest law enforcement agency in the United States’, responsible for ‘international trade, customs, and immigration.’/ The Rhine river is on the border of France and Germany./ When we got to the border, we stopped for a passport control. Boundary: /BAWN.dı.ri/ [daha mecaz, hemde gerçek] sınır, hudut, limit [Çoğul: Boundaries /BAWN.dı.ri’z/] Boundary Waters is the name of a region between Minnesota the U.S. and Ontario Canada./ When a worker says to his boss, ‘No. I don’t do it,’ he has certainly crossed his boundaries./ Setting healthy boundaries and emotional honesty are two important factors of a marital relationship./ There is no ‘age boundary’ for a Disney movie! 

Frontier: /fra:n.Tİyır/ hudut, sınır The smugglers couldn’t cross the frontier. MUTUAL/UNREQUITED/NEUTRAL Mutual: /MYU.çu.ıl/ karşılıklı, iki taraflı, ortak || Unrequited: /a:n.ri.KWA:Y.dıd/ karşılıksız Mutual respect in a relationship is vital/VA:Y.dıl/(yaşamsal/hayati)./ The two countries share a mutual interest in developing the pipe lines./ Unrequited love never lasts for ever. But I got the Love of loves that already loves me to the fullest (Fakat ben, beni son derece sevdiğin aşkların Aşk’ı sahibim). Neutral: /NU’.trıl/ tarafsız, yönsız In the world of today, these countries are neutral: Austria, Costa Rica, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Liechtenstein, Malta, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkmenistan. Add to the list: Vatican City./ So, who was the guilty in the fight? Do you take his side or mine? –I’m neutral, man. I’m out of it. It’s between you two. A win-win situation: /e.WIN.wın-si.çu.EY.şın/ iki tarafda kazançlı bir durum || A win-lose situation: /’zsi.çu.EY.şın/ bir taraf kazançlı bir taraf zararlı bir durum || A lose-lose situation: /e.LU’Z.luz-si.çu.EY.şın/ iki tarafda zararlı bir durum They are together and both are happy. This is a win-win situation./ They are together but one of them is happy. This is a win-lose situation./ They are together but none is happy. This is a lose-lose situation./ The two companies had a great deal today, a win-win situation for both sides. PRIVILIGED/INTRIGUED Be privileged to:/-pRİ.vi.lic-/ imtiyaz olmak, nasip olmak It’s a chance that not everybody has. I’m privileged to be your assistant, sir (=Sizin asistan olmak büyük bir imtiyaz/nasip dir, efendim). Be intrigued to:/-in.tRİ’Gd-/ ilgilenmek, entrika çevirmek || Intriguing:/in.tRİ’.ging/ ilgi çekici, şaşırtıcı, farkın yüzden çok ilginç/enteresan Professor: I would be intrigued to hear others’ ideas./ How can we know the boundary between insanity and creativity? –Well, that’s an intriguing question. Let me think. DETAIL/ELABORATE Detail: /Dİ’.teyl/ ayrıntı, detay He didn’t spell it out (=ayrıntıyı girmedı/ayrıntıyı söylemedı). I mean he didn’t mention the details, but I think he wants to promote me./ Next session, I’ll explain it in detail (=ayrıntı olarak/detayılarla). [For more information: Ayrıntılı bilgi için>For more information, please click (tıklayın) /T3RK.sel-DA:’t-KA:’mDA:’t-ti.A:R/.] Elaborate (on):/i.LA.bı.reyt/ (=Add more info) daha bilgi vermek, ayrıntılara girmek, detaylandır || Elaboration: /ı.REY.şın/ ayrıntı Mr. President! Could you please elaborate on new health program?/ He said he was leaving but didn’t elaborate on reasons why./ Our website needs some more elaboration. PLEDGE/VOW Pledge: /pLEC/ ant (içmek), söz (vermek) The new President of the United States pledged./ I won’t do that mistake again. It’s a pledge. Vow:/*VAW/ (resmi) yemin etmek, ant içmek I vow to never let you down (=disappoint you: hayal kırıklığını uğratmak) again./ After he burnt his hand, he vowed that he would never cook again./ The President vowed that he would fight against terrorism after 9/11 (=nine eleven=on birinci Eylül)./ Marriage vows are a series of pledges between two parties to be together in good and bad times./ Remember the word ‘vow’ from the movie ‘The Vow’. [WOW:/WAW/Vay canına! (W> Sizin dudak ve diş birbirini temas etmiyor.) –WOW. You look amazing!] [Promise: söz vermek>I promise to love you for ever.|| Swear: yemin etmek >We mustn’t swear to God. Our ‘yes’ must be ‘yes’, our ‘no’, no.] ____________________________________________________________________________ Father, hear me when I – Call Your name – I need You to answer me now – Father, here I am – Weak in Your sight – Can You rescue me now? – I’m crying how can I figure it out on my own? –Arthur singing in the movie August Rush


J o h n

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l o v e .

Kristian Stanfill – One Thing Remains lyrics: Your love never fails - It never gives up - It never runs out on me (x3) - Your love Higher than the mountains - That I face - Stronger than the power - Of the grave [wooh] - Constant in the trial and the change One thing remains - One thing remains - Your love never fails - It never gives up - It never runs out on me (x3) - Your love - Because on and on and on and on it goes - It overwhelms - And satisfies my soul - And I never, ever, have to be afraid - One thing remains One thing remains - Your love never fails - It never gives up - It never runs out on me (x3) - Your love - In death, in life - I'm confident and covered - By the power of Your great love – My debt is paid - There's nothing that can separate - My heart from Your great love

LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP [Hatches, matches, dispatches!: Doğumler, evlenmeler, ölümler!] Give birth to someone: birini doğurmak When her mother was 25 year old, she gave birth to him./ She gave birth to her second baby. Where were you born? –I was born in...: Nerede doğudun? –Ben ...da doğudun. || Born and bred!: /BORN.ın-BRED/ [Bir yeri bahsettiğindan sonra] Burada doğudum ve büyüdüm! So where were you born. –I was born in Melbourne. –Oh, what’s it like? –It’s great!/ [Hereafter] So you been in San Fransisco long? –Uh, born and bread, yeah./ You from Oklahoma? –Yup! Born and bred. Name after:/ır/birinin adını başka birini koymak/ vermek Her mother named him after her brother because he looks like her brother./ American football Super Bowl trophy is named after Vince Lombardi, called Vince Lombardi Trophy./ Starbucks is named after a coffee-lover character named ‘Starbuck’ in the classic story of Moby-Dick. Nickname: /NİK.neym/ lakap Batistuta’s nickname is Batigol./ Do you have a nickname?

Baby shower: /şaw.ır/ bebek kutlaması A baby shower is a party in which parents receive gifts for a born or an expected child. This is normally a ladies-only party. The name ‘shower’ is because they receive ‘lots of’ gifts like shower!/ My high school friend invited me to this baby shower. I think I wanna meet my high school friends. Will you take care of my son while I go? B-day:/Bİ’.dey/[akronim>mesaj için](=Birthday/B3RS.dey/) doğum günü || Blow* the candles:/bLOw.zı-KAN.dılz/ mumları üflemek On Twitter: Hey b-day girl! How was your b-day party?/ [August Rush] What’s his birthday? –December 17th, 1995. [>Tarih okuma, film’de<]/ Have you ever wanted to have your birthday party on the sea, on the beach, on a rooftop, or anywhere wacky (=unusual & exciting/ foolish)?/ Everyday’s a birthday! Why do you need a reminder? We should celebrate our life everyday, not just once a year!!/ Happy birthday to you, honey. Now make a wish and blow the candles./ [Pic] Happy birthday, Samantha. Make a wish. –It already came true. (İyiki doğdun, Samantha. Bir şey dile. –Diledığım şey çoktan gerçekleştirdi/ çoktan gerçek oldu/ Yani: Diledığım şey SENSIN. Sende benimlesin.)  [Blow*: kaçırmak>This is a big opportunity. Do not blow it.] [Blow* your mind: aklını almak>[To her colleague] This is gonna blow your mind! –What? –They’re gonna make you the manager!] [Blow* one off: birinden uzaklaşmak>She’s blowing you off, don’t you understand?]

Merry Christmas!: pronunciation:/ME.ri-KRİS.mıs/ Mutlu Noeller! || Happy Holidays!: İyi tatillar! || Santa Clause: /SAN.tıkLA:’z/ Noel Baba Merry Christmas! –Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! –Thanks! Same to you(Sana de)./ In Turkey, before the new year, some people wear like Santa Clause and sell lottery tickets. [Christmas Angel] Now, Christmas is the perfect season to stop thinking about ourselves and start thinking about others. How did you two meet each other?: Siz nasıl tanıştiniz? [you two: (iki kişiye söylenir) siz|| each other: birbirini] So how did you two meet each other? –Oh, on a cruise ship. She was reading a book and I said, ‘It’s the best time to read a book and miss the beauty around!’ She smiled and I introduced myself and y’know that’s how (öyle/böylece) we met. A catch: /ı.KA’ç/ (=One worth having) sahip olmayı değer, uygun bir eş, iyice yakalanmış biri [Father to his son] Son. She’s quite a catch. You love her? –Uh, yea. –Then get married. Tonight!/ [The Romantics (2010)]A lady among the guests: ‘Tom McDevon is quite a catch!’ [I’ll catch ya later!: Sonra görüşürüz!] [Catch: yakalamak (catch, caught, caught)> WATCH ‘Catch Me If You Can’.> (The little boy is playing around and escaping from his uncle. The uncle catches him and says) Uh, I caught ya! Where were you going(Nerede gidiyordun)?]  Common:/KA:’.mın/ ortak/genel || Have in common:/’.mın/ ortak nokta(lar) varmak To do a common thing uncommonly well brings success. –Henry J. Heinz/ Teen 1: So who’s your favorite singer? Teen 2: Selena Gomez. T1: Mine too. Which movie do you like? T2: Hannah Montana. T1: Me too! My favorite color is red, what’s yours? T2: Red! I love pizza. T1: Wow. Me too! We have a lot in common! Can we go to Pizza Hut? T2: Sure. Let’s go! T1: Ok. Let’s go!/ Some people think love is having many things in common. I have seen many happy lovers that they hardly even have one thing in common!/ What do Google, Facebook, and Yahoo have in common? –I think three of them have ‘double o’ or ‘oo’! HaHa! Chemistry:/KE.mis.tri/ iki kişinin arasındaki cazib/kimya/elektrik In the beginning of a relationship, the most important thing is having a mutual chemistry. If you don’t have it, just forget about it, forget the whole thing, no matter how hot(attractive) the other person might be! [Chemistry: kimya (dersi/bilimi)>She’s a chemistry teacher.]

I’ve never felt like this before!/ I’ve never felt this way before!: Hiç önce böyle hissetmedım! You make me feel so special (Beni çok özel hissettiriyorsun). I’ve never felt like this before. I think I’m in love with you. –Really? ’Cause I think I’m in love with you too!/ [Thinking to herself] After all that broken heart, I thought I would never fall in love again. It’s weird but I think this one is different. As if (Senki) I want to give all my love to him. I’ve never felt this way before. Do I love him, or do I want to know him more? Relationship*: /ri.LEY.şın.şip/ ilişki Women, as of popular speaker Lorraine Pintus, ‘are like water, they change a lot due to their happy and sad hormons, and men are like earth with not much hormon swing. Their relationship is necessary as we need water and earth on this globe’, otherwise we’d have flood and desert./ [He wants to kiss, but she says] Whoa. No. I think... let’s... let’s not rush, ’k? I’d like this relationship to last longer. – Ok. No prob/pRA:’b/./ ‘The Godfather(part III)’ is the story of relationships./ A good relationship with God starts with a good relationship with one’s self and others. Relative: /RE.lı.tiv/ akraba Relatives are like brother-in-law/--la:’/(enişte), sister-in-law(yenge), son-inlaw(damat>kızın kocası), and daughter-in-law(gelin>oğlunun karesı). [DİKKAT> Düğünde gelin* ve damat*: bride and groom]/ He’s my relative, not a stranger./ All her relatives live in Stockholm. Sibling: /SİB.ling/ kardeş Do you have siblings (Kardeşın var mi)? –Yes, I do. –How many siblings do you have? (Kaçtane kardeşın var?) I have 2 siblings (İki kardeşim var)./ How many siblings are you (Kaç kardeşsiniz)? –We are 3 siblings (Biz 3 kardeşiz)./ I have no siblings (=I don’t have any siblings). I’m the only child (Tek çocuğum). [NOTTT I’m ONE child.] Nephew:/NE.fyu/ [erkek] yeğen || Niece:/Nİ’s/ [kız] yeğen I don’t have a nephew./ I have a beautiful niece, and I love her so much. Proverbs 27:5-6 Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy. Friendship*: /fREND.şip/ dostluk, arkadaşlık || Friend*: /fREND/ dost, arkadaş Marriage is more about friendship./ A good friend is a good guide to you, like when you’re lost, they will be your map./ God is the Greatest Friend. James 4:8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. What A Friend We Have In Jesus – Alan Jackson Date:/DEYt/ 1. (yeni bir) arkadaşle randevu, randevu olan kimse, buluşma, çıkmak arkadaş, kavalye 2. (yeni bir) arkadaşle çıkmak, buluşmak, randevu varmak, tanışma için buluşmak 3. tarih 4. hurma 1. How was your date? –It was good./ 1. I have a date. She’s a girl I know through the Internet. This is our first date (=İlk buluşmamızdır/çıkmamızdır)./ 2. In America, teachers don’t date their students. The reason is they may break up and spoil the team soul of the whole class: [Boy Toy] Look, Jake! I don’t really date my students./ There are hundreds of internet dating websites. Why don’t you find someone there and start to date him?/ 3. Sometimes I can’t keep the track of time (Bazen zaman izi tutamam /Bazen günlerı-tarihlari onutuyorum)! What’s the date today?/ 4. These dates are imported from Tunisia/tu.Nİ’.ja:/(Tunus). On a date:/a:’n.--/ çıkmakta, randevuda, buluşmada I saw you on a date last night! –Yeah. He’s a guy I know from school./ Kelly Rowland once said to the papers that she’s a control freak. She said, ‘When I’m on a date, I’m very in charge (=her şeyi kontrol etmek istiyorum). It’s like, ‘Hello my name’s Kelly and I’m a bit of a control freak.’ That’s my boy/girl!: [gurur duyma amacıyla söylenir] İşte (o) benim oğlum/kızım! [>gerçek oğlu/kız olmayan de olabilir<] [that’s>vurgulu] Dad! I got the best grade in the class! –Yeah, that’s my girl!/ Do you see that player? I believe in him. He’s the best player… [now that player scores a goal and he shouts]…yeahhhh! Oh my gosh, what did I tell ya? That’s my boy!!

Spouse:/sPAWs/ [formalarda] eş In the form, it’s written: What is your spouse’s name? Next of kin:/NEKSt.ıv.KIN/[Sadece formalarda.] en yakın akraba [Konuşma için: close/the closest relative] In my form, it’s written: ‘Next of Kin’. What does it mean? –It means ‘Write the name of your closest relative’. –Oh, I see. Thanks.

Marital status:/MA’.rı.dıl-sTA’.dıs/[formalar’da] medeni hal, evlilik durumu In the form: What’s your marital status? Married, Single, Divorced, Separated, or Widow? Soulmate: /SOWL.meyt/ ruh eşi [1] She’s my soulmate. [2]–Yeah, we’re soulmates. [3]–That’s great!/ I met my soulmate when I was 18. Wife: /WA:Yf/ karı || Husband: pronunciation:/HA:Z.bınd//NOT koca || Hubby*: /* koca || Hobby*: /HA:’.bi/* hobi This is my wife, Melissa. Melissa, this is Yukiko./ Wife: My hubby (husband) and I have been married for 20 years. We love each other very much./ His wife calls, he speaks, and hangs up. He now says to his friends, ‘All right guys. I’m on husband duty (Kocalık görevim var)!’/ Do you have any hobbies? –Yes. My biggest hobby is my kid. Husband/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Marriage... material: koca/erkek arkadaş/kız arkadaş/evlilik... için doğmuş [>Up-to-date words<] Why don’t you get married? –Uh, I’m not a husband material. –Who said that? Of course you are. For a long time, I thought I’m not a husband material too. Look at me now. I’m happy with my marriage./ Why do some people say they’re not marriage material? –I think because they’re afraid of failure. –I agree. Fear. Fear is the root of all evil. Stepfather/Halffather:/sTEP.fa:’.zır/HA’F.fa:’.zır/ üvey baba, yarı baba || Stepmother/Halfmother:/’.zır/ üvey ana/anne, yarı ana/anne || Stepbrother/Halfbrother: /sTEP.bra:’.zır/ üvey/yarı erkek kardeş || Stepsister/Halfsister: /sTEP.sis.tır/ üvey/yarı kız kardeş This is my stepsister, but I love her like my real sister. Couple: /KA:.pıl/ çift || A couple (of): /ı.KA:.pıl.a:v/ birkaç [isim] [Pic] Yeah, it is. And I get it. You’re just one of those couples. Even when you’re not a couple, you’ll always be a couple. (Evet doğru. Ve anlıyorum da. Siz o çiftlardan birisiniz. Çift olmadığın zaman bile, her zaman bir çift(iki kişi) olacaksınız.)/ You two should marry. You make a good couple (İyi bir çift olacaksiniz)./ I’ll be out of town for a couple weeks. [Eskiden ‘a couple of’da ‘of’ gelmezseydi, olmuyordu ama bu yeni gramer.]/ He came by my office a couple times. But I don’t know what he wants. He’s weird. [A couple days, a couple months, a couple years, a couple times…] Gammy:/GA’.mi/(granny/grandma/grandmother)ninecım,büyükannecım ‘Gammy’ is endearing word for ‘grandmother’, and ‘gramp’ for grandfather./ Are your grandparents alive? –My grandma is still alive but my grandpa (gramp/grandpa/grandfather) passed away. Ancestor: /ır/ ata, cet || Descendant (of):/di.SEN.dınt-a:v/ (-nin) soyundan gelen kimse, [genelde çoğul:] torunlar Why do some people keep the photos of their ancestors, I mean the photos of their grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents all over on the wall?/ He was 55 and it suddenly struck (vurdu) him that all of his life he had been working and making money. ‘Am I gathering money for my descendants?’ he asked himself. So he started to take things easy and have more fun. He now thinks he’s healthier./ Remember the word ‘descendant’ from the movie ‘The Descendants’ to which George Clooney wins an Oscar. She stood me up:/-sTU’d--a:p/ O beni ekti. [stand, stood, stood] So (=Ee)? I heard you had a date (=randevu/çıkma arkadaş) yesterday, huh? Tell me, what’s she like? –Oh, don’t ask. She never showed up. She stood me up! –Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. But probably she had a reason for that./ I was waiting for you for two hours! If you didn’t want to meet me, why did you stand me up? That’s so uncool./ What? He stood you up? Uhh, I’m sorry, honey./ Have you ever been stood up? Love at first sight:/la:’ ilk bakışta aşk Look at this picture. Do you think it’s love at first sight? The dialogue is: [Can I take your name, please, love* (İsminizi alabilirmiyim, lütfen, hanım efendi)? –Dawson. Rose Dawson.] [>*İngiliz İngilizce’ye göre, ‘love’ bir hanım efendiye söylenır. Amerikan dili ise, bu kelime burada kullanılmaz.<]/ Which one is better, to get to know each other first, and then fall in love, or to fall in love at first sight and then get to know each other?/ I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I saw you. I thought love was just in fairy tales or didn’t exist for me, but just looking at you has changed my whole life. Sweep*one off one’s feet:/SWİ’p—a:’f—Fİ’t/(sweep, swept,swept) ayağını yerden kesmek, birini kendine (sırsıklam) aşık etmek, kalbini çalmak What does ‘sweep one off one’s feet’ mean? –Well, I’ll give you an example: If a girl sweeps you off your feet, you suddenly fall in love with her. Clear(Anlatabiliyor muyum)?/ Every morning she wakes up, hoping that someone sweeps her off her feet./ Lily: Gosh! This guy is sweeping me off my feet! I can’t help it! [Sweep*: süpürmek> Sweep the floor and then mop it. >HOUSE<] Get swept away: (Get emotionally overwhelmed) aşırı duygusal durumda olmak, heycanlenıp kalbini kaybetmek Her eyes are mysterious. Be careful not to get swept away when you look at them!

Flirt (with): /fL3Rt/ (-ile) flört etmek Are you trying to flirt with me? That’s not gonna work. Cheat (on): /Çİ’t/ (-e) aldatmak [My Life In Ruins] Lala: Why did my husband cheat on me? Irv: It wasn’t you he cheated. Some men cheat themselves out of living a life with a woman they love. Lala: Thank you!/ She promised to marry him, but married a rich guy. She cheated on him. Deceive: /di.Sİ’v/ aldatmak || Deceiver: /di.Sİ’.vır/ aldatıcı kimse, hilekar kimse || Deceiving: /di.Sİ’.ving/ aldatıcı || Deceit: /di.Sİ’t/ aldatma She deceived me./ You’re a brutal deceiver. Tell me something. How do you sleep at night, huh?/ He has an innocent face but if you remove that mask, he is a very deceiving person in the heart./ His deceit is unforgivable(affedilmez)! I want to see him burnt in misery. –Oh, come on. Give the poor guy a break. Did you forget that you broke someone else’s heart? –Uh, oh, I…, that’s different. –How?

Jesus LOVES you more than you love yourself. –Pastor Mel Bond Nothing is a waste of time if it adds to the person that you are. –Love Comes Softly

Romans 5:5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

I Have Nothing Without You –Bebo Norman [I love You, Jesus.] Love: /LA:’v/ aşık olmak [Like’ın üstü] || Lover: /LA:’.vır/ aşık || Hate: /HEYt/ nefret etmek || Hatred: /HEY.trid/ nefret This morning when she was cleaning the sofa, she found this note her husband wrote her: ‘I love you.’ Surprising a beloved could be fun!/ Do you like movies? –Do I LIKE them? I LOVE them!/ Can you still love someone even if you hate them?/ I think people who hate themselves don’t know how to love others./ Your heart is full of hatred./ What’s your lover’s name?/ Leave the hate to the ones who cannot love. (Nefreti, sevemeyeceğin insanlara bırak.) –Victor Hugo Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Who I Am Hates Who I Have Been – Relient K

The truth about God’s love is not that He allows bad things to happen; it’s His promise that He’ll be there with us, when they do. –Love Comes Softly Remember His promise. –‘No tears.’ –‘No tears.’ –Love’s Enduring Promise

Romans 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all— how will He not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? [God is Love.] Commitment: /kı.MİT.mınt/ bağlı olma/kalma, söz, vaat, taahhüt || Committed (to): /kı.Mİ.dıd/ -e bağlı olan, söz vermiş [Commit to someone: birini söz verip sözünü bağlı kalmak. >Commit to the Lord. || Commit a crime: süç yapmak>He committed a crime.] Why don’t you marry? Are you afraid of commitment? –What? No, of course not. It’s just that marriage is not like changing your shirt, or ordering a menu in a restaurant but looking at the next table and wishing their menu. It’s a whole lot of responsibility. And if I’m totally honest with myself, I gotta say I’m not ready for it. –I’m afraid (Kusura bakma) but this is fear talk!/ As soon as you say you are committed to something or someone, you are tested for that!/ Tony Robbins: I believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life’s greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending commitment to act until they achieve. –Tony Robbins/ I’m committed to my wife. (=I’m faithful to my wife.)/ Nelson Mandela has always been a committed person to save Africa and he has actually contributed to the world(dünyayı yardım ette) by what he did./ [Eat Pray Love] Lady with baby: Liz! Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. It kinda wanna be fully(tamamen) committed.

Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."

James 1:8 A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Compliment:/KA:’M.pli.mınt/kompliman (yapmak),iltifat (etmek) || Pay a compliment: bir iltifat etmek You have nice earrings! –Oh, thanks for your compliment./ I love it when you compliment me. I just love it./ My uncle once said, ‘Everytime you see your wife, compliment her!’/ You’ve Got Mail: I just wanted to pay a compliment. Hook someone up: [iş/ilişki/v.s] birinin işe ilgilenip onu yardımcı olmak, birinin ihtiyacı karşılamak, birini ayarlamak, birini buluşturmak [Beauty & the Briefcase] After Lane successfully finishes the job interview with Tom and gets the job, she says to the HR(Human Resources) lady: Hey, thanks for hooking me up./ Can I have your number? –Nah, I’m sorry. I don’t give my number to people I just met. –Well, thanks for the honesty, though. –If you want, you can call our friends, he’ll hook us up. [Hook up with>ilişkinin dışı başka ilişki kurmak>I thought you realized when you’re in a relationship with me, you mustn’t hook up with someone esle.] Have a crush on someone:/-kRA:Ş-/(=Be madly in love) [genelde kısa bir sürede] birine fena halde tutulmak, birini deli gibi âşık olmak, [aşk konusunda] birini vurulmak || Crush: 1. vurulduğu kişi 2. [genelde kısa bir süre] sevme,tutulma,aşk,vuruluş I remember I had a crush on you when I was 15. –Really? How come you never mentioned that? –I was just too shy./ I was working in this office for two years just to see you everyday. I had a bad crush on you, bad bad crush! And you were too busy to notice (=Fazla meşgul olduğun dolayı dikkat etmedi)./ I just had a crush on one girl, but she had a crush on another!/ Jane is his first crush. (=Jane is the first girl he loved.=His first love’s name is Jane.)/ I love you and this is not like a stupid teenage crush. It’s real./ I have a crush on someone. –Ugh! Again? –No, this is different. –Two weeks ago you had a crush on someone and you said the same!! And oh, three weeks ago too!! Are you suposed to have a crush on anyone you meet everyday?/ Alicia Silverstone is ‘the crush’ of the guy in the G (genel izleyici) movie named ‘The Crush’./ [Pic] Girl: I know, it just hurts. Daddy: That’s why they call them crushes. Are you seeing someone: Biriyle ilişkin var mı? / Kimseye göriyormusun? Are you seeing someone? –Not at the moment./ I’m seeing a girl. She’s incredibly beautiful, funny, and smart.

Be smitten by: (=Be in love with) –e çok sevmek I’ve never been smitten by her beauty./ She’s smitten by kittens./ He’s smitten by fries! Have an affair with:/-ı.FE’r-/-ile [evlilik dışı] ilişki kurmak Why does a sane, mature, married person have an affair? Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Dump: /DA:Mp/ terketmek Where’s your girlfriend, Carder? –She dumped me. –Oh, I’m sorry. Ditch:/DİÇ/ 1.ilişkini son vermek, başından atmak, başından atıp kurtulmak 2.hendek, sulama kanal [Coach (movie)] Gabriella was right(haklı) to ditch me!/ Hey, have you heard Chris ditched his girlfriend?/ The farmers dug(kazdılar) a long ditch to water their lands.

Blow you/me/… off: /bLOw--A:’f/(blow, blew, blown) senden/ benden/… uzaklaşmak, içtinap etmek, uzak durmak, çekinmek || Blow: uzaklaşma, içtinap, uzak durma, çekinme You already called her three times and she’s not answering? She’s blowing you off. (=She’s avoiding to be friends with you any more.)/ Everytime I see him, he says he has to go. I think he’s blowing me off./ We used to be best lovers. I don’t know why he’s blowing me off./ [Coach] Nick’s girlfriend Zoe sends him a break-up (ayrılma) text message: ‘Stop calling me. Time to move on (Bu durumdan kurtulma zamanı)!’ Now he’s talking to his friend, Michael, when he says] This is a total blow, man. Wow. Blow: (=Waste) boşa harcama(k), çarçur (etmek) People in this area are rich. They have lots of money to blow. If you’re smart enough, you can be rich like them./ Did you blow your summer-job money? Oh man! Blow off something: [=Cancel something= Call something off] bir şeyi iptal etmek Blow off the baby shower (=Don’t go to the baby shower). [Call off: (=Cancel) iptal etmek>Boss: Call off the meeting!] Blow*: kaçırmak Wow. This time you got the job in Robinson Realty. This is a lifetime opportunity, man. Do not blow this. [Kaçırmak: miss>I missed the bus today./Don’t miss this opportunity.] [Blow:esmek> There’s always hope to future when a little wind blows!] [Blow: üflemek>When I saw my favorite singer on stage, I blew a kiss to her. (>It’s like you put your hand under you lip, kiss, and blow.<)] Blow* your mind:/ aklını almak, çok hoşuna gitmek, çok keyif vermek, heyrette bırakmak When I saw her angel face for the first time, it blew my mind./ Emma! Emma! This is gonna blow your mind! –What? –I saw your boyfriend got out of a jewelry shop/CU.ri.şa:’p/ downtown. I think he’s gonna propose (evlenme teklif etmek)!/ The trip to Phoenix/Fİ’.nıks/ blew my mind. It was glamorous!

Have feelings for someone: biri için hislar varmak, birine beğenmek || Have a thing for someone: biri için hislar varmak, birine beğenmek I have feelings/Fİ’.lingz/ for her./ Do you have feelings for this guy?/ [Suddenly remembers his friend was textmessaging, talking a lot on the phone with Ashley and says] Oh my God! –What? –You have a thing/SİNg/ for Ashley! Be into someone/something: birini/bir şeyi sevmek/hoşlanmak, hep onu düşünmek Stella knows that I’m into her, but she treats me like nothing has happened. How should I know that she has feelings for me too?/ I’m badly (fena halde/çok) into her. But she never knows. I’m scared to lose her one day./ Her boyfriend isn’t even remotely into her(azda bile/hiçde bile onu sevmiyor)! Poor girl!/ Rachel is really into cellphones./ I’m madly into ‘Threadless’ Tees! [Tee= T-shirt> Nice tee!]

Love someone back: birini (iki taraflı) geri sevmek [Pic] And not with somebody who didn’t love me back. –But I did. I still do. Fall for someone:/FA:’l-/[=Fall in love with someone](fall, fell, fallen) -e aşkı düşmak, -e aşık olmak I’m falling for him. (=I’m falling in love with him.)/ This is our wedding day but I promise I fall for you everyday for the rest of our life./ [The movie Happythankyoumoreplease] Mississippi(Kate Mara): The men I fall for are horrible and cruel. And if I’m here, you must be one of them! [Fall: 1. düşmek> Don’t go up there. You’ll fall and bust your leg. 2. sonbahar>She likes it when leaves /Lİ’Vz/ (yapraklar) turn into red, orange, and yellow in falls.] Don’t fall* for it/that!: [=Don’t get tempted by it/that] Bu tongaya basma/düşme/oturma! Bu fikirini aldanma! There’s always something inside you telling you that you can’t learn this and you can’t do that. Don’t fall for it. Fear is a liar./ She wants to buy your company? No, don’t fall for that. Don’t turn your life into a misery. [Fall for someone: birinin aşkı düşmek. Fall for something: bir şeyini aldanmak, bir tongaya basmak/düşmek/oturmak.] Pine away over/for someone: birinin özlemiyle yanıp tutuşmak, birinin hasretini çekmek Stop pining away for this girl! She’s not a dracula, but a beautiful, lovely creature. Go talk to her./ With all the girls who have no husband, why do you fantasize about having a wife? Why do you pine away for this girl and that girl? Get out of that. Ask someone out: birini dışarıda/çıkmayı teklif etmek Man! It’s clear as a bell (Apaçıktır). You are into her (=Demek ki ona seviyorsun). So why don’t you ask her out?/ Some men like to be controled. If he didn’t ask you out, Jenna, you ask him out. – [Doubts] Really? Uh… okay… uh. [Gives herself the courage] I’m gonna… I’m gonna ask him out. Yes. Wish me luck! I wanna spend the rest of my life with you: Hayatım geri kalanı seninle yaşamak istiyorum/ geçirmek istiyorum! Man: All of my life, I was looking for someone like you, Vivian. You’re the one for me. And I promise I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. [Another Perfect Stranger] Jesus Christ: And now you feel betrayed that they may have actually found someone they love more than you. –Like who? –Like God. –...Yeah. –Maybe a little bit jealous? –Yeah. Betray:/bi.tRE’y/ 1. aldatmak 2. ihanet/hıyanet etmek, ele vermek || Betrayal:/bi.tREY.ıl/ 1. aldatma 2. ihanet, hıyanet, ele verme You betrayed me. How could you? We have children. I trusted you./ He betrayed the country. He sold us (=O bize sattı)./ No, no, no. Your betrayal is unforgiveable. I want a divorce./ It’s easier to forgive the betrayal of an enemy than to forgive the betrayal of a friend. [You sold us (out)!= You betrayed us!=Sen bize sattı/ele verdi! >FINANCE<bakın] Be obsessed with someone/something: pronunciation:/ıb.SESt/ daima birini/bit şeyi düşünmek, -i aklına takmak || Obsession: daima birini/bir şeyi düşünme, aklında takmak Back in high school, he had a crush on her./ I can’t get this girl out of my head. I’m obsessed with her./ English is my obsession!/ [Pic] It’s not like a crush, it’s like an obsession. [Obsessive-compulsive disorder (=OCD/O’-Sİ-Dİ/): takıntı hastalığı>She washes her hands ten times, but thinks they’re not clean. She got OCD.>In America, we got OCD self-help groups. A psychologist helps them.> The movie ‘As Good As It Gets’ is about a guy (Jack Nickolson) who has OCD.] Woo: /WU’/ 1. kur yapmak 2. kazanmaya çalışmak 1. A couple of times, he sent her flowers to her office to woo her./ 1. I’m not trying to woo you, all right? This is strictly business./ 2. They were giving 50% discount to woo customers. Serenade:/se.rı.NEYd/ yanında gelip sevgili için iltifat olarak şarkı söylemek, serenat yapmak To appear in front of a lover and sing complimentary song for them (him or her) is to serenade./ [In the TV movie Beauty & the Briefcase, the girl (Hilary Duff) interviewed a lady in a restaurant. The lady’s boyfriend, Rodrigo, came in, singing a complimentary song, so the girl’s jealous. Now the girl is talking to her best friend and says] She was being serenaded by her famous tennis-star boyfriend… She has Rodrigo, and what do I have?

Propose:/prı.PO’z/ evlenme teklif etmek, teklif etmek || Proposal:/prı.PO’.zıl/ evlenme teklifi, teklif (=Proposition) || Proposition:/pra:’.pı.Zİ.şın/ teklif (=Proposal), önerme, iş teklifi, ilişki teklifi We’re going to the Blue Palm restaurant tonight. I’m going to propose her. Man, I’m so excited!/ Proposing a girl is easy, bro. Keeping her is hard./ Here’s my proposal to you. Let’s

work together as long as we can./ Here’s my proposal to you. Will you marry me, Anna?/ My proposition is you can stay here today but tomorrow, you’re gonn have to leave and find a new apartment, ’k? Pop the question: evlenme teklifi vermek Pop the question, or you’re gonna lose her./ When are you gonna pop the question, man? –Tonight. –Really? Oh my! Cheers!:/Çİ’Rz/ Şerefe! || Salute!: /sa.LU’t/ Şerefe! || Toast: /TO’St/ 1. sıhhatine/şerefine içme, kadeh kaldırme 2. tost || Let’s have a toast for…: Hadi …için kadeh kaldırım! || Here is a toast for…: Bu kadeh …sıhhatine/şerefine için! Let’s have a toast for Tina who’s going to college. Cheers!/ Here’s a toast for Jason for publishing his book! Salute!/ I’m gonna propose a toast to the just-married couple! Everyone, cheers!/ Let’s have a toast to our friendship! [Everybody] To our friendship. Cheers!/ 2. [Student in cafeteria (=kantin)] Hi. May I have a coffee and a toast, please?/ 2. [Waiter to the tourist] Would you like some toast for breakfast? We make special toast named Ayvalık. I think you’ll like it. –Okay. I’ll have one. [Propose a toast: kadah kaldırmak. Make a toast: tost yapmak.] Anniversary:/ı.ri/[=Anni]düğün yıldönümü,yıldönümü We’re gathered here to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Sean/ŞA:’n/ and Lena/Lİ’.na:/./ Today is the first anniversary of establishment of this company./ Happy anni (Yıldönümün kutlu olsun)! Ceremony:/SE’.rı.mo’.ni/tören, merasim Their wedding ceremony was so special. Guess everybody enjoyed./ Do you know anything about Japanese tea ceremony? Matrimony:/MAT.rı.mo’.ni/ evlenme (merasimi), evlilik (töreni) Pastor: We are gathered here today to celebrate Jeff Blington and Elmira Brights’ love in this holy matrimony. Throw a party:/SROW.ı-PA:R.di/ (throw, threw, thrown) parti vermek To the 50th anniversary of the establishment of this city hall, the mayor wants to throw a party./ We’re going to throw a party in your honor. We’d (=We would) be thrilled/sRİLd/(=extremely pleased: gayet memnun) to have you here (Burada gelirsiniz gayet memnun olacak). [Throw* something away: bir şeyi çöpe atmak>In case (Eğer diye) you don’t want your old shoes, I’ll throw them away.] Bash: /BA’Ş/ parti || Throw a bash: (=Throw a party) parti vermek WOW. It’s a big bash!/ Mr. Anderson is going to throw a bash in your honor. Frat party: /fRAT.par.di/ üniversite öğrencilerin partisi, dostluk partisi || Bachelore party: [evlenmeden önce] bekarlığı veda partisi ‘Frat’ is short for ‘Fraternity’, a group of people with the same job or in the same social group of a university. Frat party is the one you see in movies a lot. A bunch of university students get together to have fun and get friends./ What are you doing with the suits/SU’Ts/(takim elbise)? This is a frat party, dude!/ This is the best bachelore party ever! Party pooper: /PA:R.di-PU.pır/ eğlence/oyun/parti bozan kimse When we say something fun, he says something negative and spoils it. He’s a party pooper!/ Friends at the cafe are telling jokes, but he talks about philosophy/fı.LA:’.sı.fi/, so one of them says, ‘Ugh, no philosophy questions again, you party pooper!’/ We were having fun. His uncle came in and yelled(shouted), ‘Y’all get out!’ Such a party pooper! [Y’all:/yı.A:’L/ =You all] Pick-up line: [karşı cinsin dikkati çekmek için başlangıç bir] laf atma, tavlama cümlesi [line: hat/cümle/diyalog] ‘Got a map? I got lost in your eyes!’ and ‘There’s only one thing I want to change about you and that’s your last name!’ are some cheesy pick-up lines!/ Psychology today says ‘pick-up line’ never works to attract someone’s attention. Celebrate: /SE.lı.breyt/ kutlamak || Celebration: /se.lı.BREY.şın/ kutlama The more you celebrate and praise your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. –Oprah Winfrey/ It’s a custom to celebrate on Christmas Eve/kRİS.mıs-İ’v/(=Noel Arifesi=24 Aralığı 25 Aralığa bağlayan Noel akşamı)./ Everyone was dancing and celebrating in the wedding./ We had a little celebration for our daughter’s graduation last night.

Fiancé*: pronunciation same: /fi.ya:n.SEY/ nişanlı [>bay<] || Fiancée*: pronunciation same: /fi.ya:n.SEY/ nişanlı [>bayan<] || Engaged:/in.GEYCd/[sıfat] 1. nişanlı [>sıfat<] 2. meşğul || Engagement: /in.GEYC.mınt/ meşguliyet Ryan: This is Jennie, my

fiancée. Jennie! This is uncle Harry. Jennie: It’s a pleasure. Harry: Likewise. Jennie: I’ve heard a lot about you. Harry: Hope they’re good things! Jennie: Oh yeah. Of course./ [A stranger] Would you like a cup of coffee? –[Showing her engagement ring on her finger, she says] I’m sorry, I can’t. I have a fiancé./ 1. Are they still friends? –No, they are more than friends, they are engaged./ 2. [Assistant to the editor] You know Maggie from Boston? She’s on the line (telefonda). I told her that you’re engaged but she’s insisting. She wants to talk to you. –Ok. Put her through (Onun telefonu bağla)./ Why didn’t you call me? –Sorry, I had a lot of engagements (meşguliyetlerim çoktu/bir süre işlerim vardı). Get engaged: /-in.GEYCd/ nişanlanmak || Get married: /-MA’.rid/ evlenmek || Get divorced: /-di.VORSt/ boşanmak You know Erica and Billy, the ‘cat and dog’? –Yeah! –They fell for each other and got engaged! –Really? Strange thing it is: L-O-V-E! – Yeah, like the way I love you!/ The couple signed the prenup/pri.NA:P/(evlilik önce anlaşması) before getting married./ We’re getting married in two days! I’m so excited/ık.SA:Y.dıd/!/ You heard the news? I got divorced. –I know. I’m so sorry. –Who told you that? –News travel so fast, bro. Get hitched: /get.HİÇt/ [SL]evlenmek We dated for two years before we got hitched./ Aw, I see a ring! –Yeah! We finally got hitched! –Wow. It’s amazin’, dude! [Without a hitch: bir aksilik olmadan, sorunsuz>I want this problem solved without a hitch, understood? –Yes, Mr. Jones.] Matthew 19:4-6 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Separate: /SE.pı.reyt/ ayırmak, ayrılmak || Separately: /SE.pı.rı ayrı ayrı || Separated: /se.pı.REY.dıd/ ayrılmiş || Separation: /se.pı.REY.şın/ ayrılma I wish we never separate. Do you think our love lasts for ever?/ Separate the yellow boxes from the blue ones./ Could you please wrap (ambalaj kağıdınde sarmak) these presents separately? – Certainly. –Thanks./ Are you living here with your boyfriend? –Nah. We’re seperated./ [Exhusband] I wish we could give each other another chance. I wish this separation never happened. I want you and the children back. Break up:/BREYK.a:p/ 1.[randevu/kız arkadaş/erkek arkadaş/ nişanlı’yla] ayrılmak 2. [telefon] bağlanma kesmek I broke up with my girlfriend. –Oh, I’m sorry./ Did you break up with your boyfriend? ’Cause you don’t seem happy./ [Cathy talking to her mom about her fiancé] Mom! Uh… Rick and I… uh… we broke up. –What? But… but you loved each other!/ 2. [Happythankyoumoreplease] (On the phone) Charlie, come home right now. I miss you. –Huh? Oh, baby, you’re breaking up (=The line is disconnecting). –Charlie? Charlie?/ [Pic] I missed you so much when you broke up with me, Brooke. Break one’s heart: /--HA:’Rt/ birinin kalbi kırmak || Brokenhearted: kalbi kırık You broke my heart. –Why? What did I do?/ We’re afraid to love mostly because we were brokenhearted before.

Psalm 34:17-19 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all. Split up:/sPLİD.a:p/(split up,split up,split up)[=Break up] ayrılmak Hey Leona! How you doing? –Oh hi. I’m good. –How’s James? –Oh, I have no idea. We split up about two months ago. –Oh I’m sorry to hear that. –That’s okay. We never meant to be with each other (Kaderimiz birlikte olmayı yazmamıştı). Split*:/sPLİt/(split,split,split)[para/bir masrafını/bir şeyi] paylaşmak/bölünmek, yarı yarıya yapmak I’m not gonna pay for all of you. –Guys, guys! We’ll split, okay? (=We’ll go Dutch/DA:Ç/Alman usulü fiyatı paylaşacak.)/ We’re about to get divorced and we have a daughter. According to court order, we split her custody./ We are four work-partners. We split the benefit./ We split the commision fifty fifty. [Spill: 1.(kazara) dökmek>Oops! My tea spilled! –No prob! You ok? 2.(bir sırrı) söylemek/ifşa etmek> Spill it! Who’s your new friend?] [Onlar ayrıldılar: 1.(güle güle dedilar)They said goodbye.=They left us.>The guests visited us. We showed them around (onları etrafta gezdirdik). Then they said goodbye. 2.They were engaged but split up coz of a lie.] Walk out on someone: birini terk etmek Mandy walked out on me because of you! – Mandy walked out on you because you’re incompetant/in.KA:’M.pı.dınt/(becereksiz)! [Don’t walk away from me: Dönüp gitme!, Yüzüme bak!, Sakın gitme!]

Start over:/sTA:RD.o’.vır/[aynı ayrılmış kişiyinin ilişkiyi] baştan başlamak, sıfırdan başlamak, sil baştan başlamak Listen baby. Let’s just forget the past. I wanna start over./ I know, baby. I screwed up, ok? I just want a chance to start over. Is that so much to ask?/ Remember ‘start over’ from Şebnem Ferah’s song Sil Baştan Başlamak Gerek Bazen (We Need To Start Over Sometimes).

Rebound:/Rİ’.bawnd/[bir ilişkiden ayrılmaktan sonra, acısını onutmak için, hemen] yeni bir ilişkiyi geçmek/geçme, ribaunt According to UrbanDictionary, ‘rebound’ means: Going from one relationship to the next right away to avoid the pain of a breakup./ You need a rebound!/ The movie ‘The Rebound’ starring Catherine Zeta Jones is about the family. [In basketball, rebound (Türkçe: ribaunt) means right after a missed shot, the player takes control of the ball.] Rehearsal:/ri.H3R.sıl/ prova, bir törenin/ana performansın önceki deneme || Rehearse:/ri.H3Rs/ [Practice to be prepared for the main performance] prova, prova yapmak, hazırlama için tekrarlamak/pratik yapmak || Rehearsal dinner:/ri.H3R.sıl.di.nır/ prova ziyafeti It’s a dancing rehearse (rehearsal). They’re practicing hard ’cause tomorrow is a big day for them, the performance day./ Enjoy life. This is not a rehearsal! (Bu dünya prova DEĞİL –ana performansdır! Tadını çıkarın.) –Anonymous/ The orchestra rehearsed all of the music the day before the public performance./ Rehearse your speech before you give a conference./ A rehearsal dinner is a-night-before-the-wedding dinner. It’s a test to check that everything goes well. Think it’s necessary? Marriage:/MA’.ric/ evlenme || Wedding:/WE.ding/ düğün || Wedding party:/ düğün partisi || Wedding dress: (=Wedding gown/GAWn/) gelinlik elbise || Groom:/gRU’m/ [düğünde] damat * || Bride:/bRA:Yd/ [düğünde] gelin * || Maid* of honor:/MEYD.ıv-A:’.nır/ baş nedime || Bridesmaid:/bRA:YDz.meyd/ nedime/gelinin nedimesi || Groomsman:/gRU’ sağdıç || Best man:/ sağdıç I have seen Christian couples who’re truly, spiritually filled with God. God is PEACE so their marriage is peace. PRAISE BE TO THE LORD, AND TO THE LORD ONLY./ 1 Corinthians chapter 7 is about marriage./ Marriage is a new responsibility./ Is marriage rate in Turkey getting higher than the past or lower?/ The real marriage is falling in love with your spouse every day, all over and over again. It’s a gift./ I’d like to invite your ex to our wedding. –Oh, no, no. I don’t think that’s such a good idea./ This wedding party is awesome./ Honey! You look glamorous in your wedding dress./ The wedding gown seems to be very important to girls. Keeping the relationship healthy is much more important./ Night gown (gecelik) is a comfortable dress ladies or men wear for sleeping./ Oh, look. The bride and groom are gonna kiss. Take a pic./ Joanna: Will you be my maid of honor? – [Surprises] Oh I’d love to (çok isterım)./ Son? Don’t you wanna marry one of those bridesmaids? –Dad (Şaka yapma baba)! –I’m just saying! [Chuckles]/ Groom: Groomsmen are my best friends, my lifetime friends./ I’ve never been a best man. [Son-in-law: (bir kişinin) damat*. Daughter-in-law: (bir kişinin) gelin*.] [Maid: eve temizlik bayan/kişi, eve yardımcı: Remember ‘maid’ from the movie ‘Maid in Manhattan’ starring J.Lo.] I now pronounce you husband/man and wife. You may (now) kiss the bride: Sizi karı koca ilan ediyorum. Gelini (şimdi) öpebilirsin. The priest: ‘And now I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.’ The groom kisses the bride and everybody applauses. [It’s a bit old-fashioned but they sometimes say: I now pronounce you ‘man’ and wife. You may kiss the bride.] Ephesians 5:22-33 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Congratulations!:/kın.gra.çu.LEY.şınz/(=Congrats!/kın.GRATs/) 1. Tebrikler!, Tebrik ederim! 2. Hayırlı olsun! || Mazel (tov)!:/MA:’.zıl-TA:’v/[Originally Jewish] Tebrikler!, Bol şanslar! Everybody got around the newly-married couple and said: Congrats!/ Congratulations! –Thank you./ Teacher’s comment on a student’s writing: You’ve made a great progress through the past weeks. Congrats! Keep it up (Öyle devam et/ Öyle başarımayı devam et)./ You bought a new house? –Yeah! –Congrats(Hayırlı olsun)! –Thanks!/ [New York, I Love You] Man to the girl(Natalie Portman): And mazel (tebrikler) for your wedding! Mazel(bol şanslar) for the dozen children you’ll soon have!/ I’m getting married next week! –Oh, mazel!/ Mazel! It’s a boy! (Dünya geldiğin bebek bir oğludur!) They consummated their love:/-KA:’N.sı.mey.dıd--/[özellikle hikayelerde] Aşkını tamamlandılar! (=Birbirine ulaştılar.) The two lovers ran away to another village and consummated their love.

I give it six months!: [espri: bu evlenmenın ömrü maksimum] 6 ay veriyorum/tahmin ediyorum!, Bence 6 ay sonra boşanıyorlar! [Lady] Look at them! They look happy! [Man 1] I give it six months! [Lady smiles and says] You’re a cynic! [Man 2 with a surprise] Six months? I give it two months! [Man 1 laughs!] Paul Keith Davis: I saw evil spirits come out of hell into bedrooms of people on the earth, teaching people how to walk in realms of darkness, also teaching through media, prince of the power of the earth. And I saw angels coming out of heaven, and I watched the angels as they were manifesting in people’s bedrooms. PRAY to God for the gathering of angels. Newlywed: /NYULİ.wed/ yeni evlenmiş [Terri (2011)] Mr. Fitzgerald is talking about the new secretary: Her name is Samantha. She’s a really sweet girl. She’s newlywed, she lives here in town. Honeymoon: /HA:’’n/ balayı The young couple spent their honeymoon in Bodrum. Love triangle: /LA:’ıl/ aşk üçgeni What’s this movie about? –It’s a love triangle. Two people love each other, the third person comes in and the two break up! Rocky:/RA:’.ki/(=Troubled)[ilişki yaşamda] sorunlar dolu, sürmesi belirsiz, sarsak, dengesiz ‘Rocky relationship’ means ‘Relationship with difficulties or unlikely to last long’./ [1] How long do you know each other? [2] About 2 years. [1] Great. I’m sure you’re a great couple. [3] Well, at first it was a little rocky(biraz sorunlar yaşadık) but we managed it. [1] How? [2&3] We heard that Jesus heals hearts, so one day we both decided to kneel down and suddenly we fell in love with each other. It’s the truth. [1] Wow. [Rocky: kayalı/kaya dolu> What a rocky road! –Yeah, looks like a rocky mountain! I guess there was a storm here… maybe not so long ago? –Guess(Think) so too!] Marriage counselor: /-KAWN.sı.lır/ evlenme danışmanı The couple had serious issues. They went to a marriage counselor./ You have a problem with your wife, why are you telling it to me? I’m not a marriage counselor! This song, as I read the reviews, saved ‘failed marriages’ to ‘unfailing love’: Chris August – Restore: Nobody's growing old together, we've made it easy just to quit – Love has become a negative percentage, why do we bother to commit – We've got a long list of excuses, ways we try to justify – Well, I propose to you the truth is, marriage does not have to die –I know you're feeling like it’s falling apart, and it can't go on anymore – But God is a God who knows how to heal, so just give it up to the LORD – And He will restore – He said with this ring ‘I promise’, and with ‘I do’ she said forever – But right now if they're being honest, they don't know if they'll stay together – Let's fast forward to the future, after struggling on their own – They finally figured out they needed Jesus in the middle – Now I'm watching God rebuild their home – I know you're feeling like it’s falling apart, and it can't go on anymore – But God is a God who knows how to heal, so just give it up to the LORD – And He will restore – The enemy tries to come and divide – Trying to get us to give up the fight – But darkness will always lose out to light – 'Cause we've got the power of Christ on our side – I see you growing old together – I pray I find a love like yours – So if you're feeling like it’s falling apart, and it can't go on anymore – God is a God who knows how to heal so just give it up to the LORD – And He will restore – Like it was before – You may have strayed off course – But He will restore 1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

Happily married: mutluce evlenmış Researches say that happily married people have the most normal blood pressure./ We’re happily married. [The Woodcarver] Christine and I had something many couples don’t have. –What’s that? –LORD. My days are numbered!: [Dünyada] Son günlerimi sayılıyorum! Öbür taraf gitmesını beklıyorum! Listen up! I’m sick, and my days are numbered. –Mom! –I can’t help it, sweetie. This is part of life. I just want you and Miley to love each other as much as you can. Promise me? –[Tears rolling down her eyes] Promise, mom. I love you! [They hug each other so hard!] Revelation 14:7 He said in a loud voice, "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water." Condolences!: /kın.DO’.lın.sız/ Başiniz sağolsun! || My heart goes out to you!:/-HA:Rt.go’z-/ Kalbim aynı duygularını paylaşıyor!, Çok üzüldüm!, Başiniz sağolsun!, Tanrı sabır versın! Condolences, Mr. York. –Thank you. It’s so nice of you to stop by./ Oh, John. My heart goes out to you. –Thanks, Deb. Thanks for being here.

Funeral: /fYU.nı.rıl/ cenaze töreni || The service: /zı.S3R.vis/ ayin [her zaman ‘the’ ile] News: Jack Nicholson and Val Kilmer attended the funeral of Denis Hopper./ Why do people send wreath /Rİ’S/(çelenk) to funurals? –It’s a sign of respect./ [On the phone] I’m sorry. I’m in the middle of the service. I can’t talk right now. Call me later. [Service:(telefon)çekim gücü>I got no service. You got service? –Nope!] [Service: hizmet>Giving good service is the priority of this company.] [School bus: Türkçe:servis=okul taşıtı>I’m waiting for the school bus.] [Employee bus/Employee shuttle/Shuttle bus service/Shuttle service: devlet/şirket’in servis arabası>I commute/kı.MYUt/(her gün işe gidip gelmek) by employee bus.] Die: /DA:y*/ ölmek, vefat etmek || Die of: -den ölmek || Dead: /DED/ 1. (#Alive/ıLA:Yv/sağ/canlı/hayatta) ölmüş, ölü [çoğul:the dead] 2. [sıfatden önce] çok || Death: /DES/ ölüm [Pic] People have died. –That’s what people DO! [>endişelenme/ ölmeye düşünme<]/ You know how I know two people REALLY loved each other? It’s when one of them says the last words but their lover CAN’T SPEAK –because he just wants to cry!/ Live full, die empty(Dolu/dolu kafalı/potansiyelli yaşa, boş/rahat/dünyaya bağlısız öl.)–Les Brown/ It’s been a long while. So where’s your son? –Uh… he died 6 months ago. –Oh, I’m… I’m so sorry. It must have been awful./ He died of(-den) lung cancer./ When we die, we will not hear the words of our enemies, but we will hear the silence of our friends. –Anonymous/ My fish is dead./ Some part of my heart is dead, but the part that is alive always loves you./ ‘Dead Man Walking’ starring Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon is an impressive movie./ Only the dead(savaşda hemde doğal ölüler) have seen the end of war. –Plato/ Are you serious you filed a complaint against me? –Yeah, I’m dead(çok) serious!/ A Turkish singer sang a song named ‘Dünyada ölümden başkası yalan(In the world, everything is a lie but death).’ I think I disagree. How about one person’s life that has made a difference in many people’s lives for ever? Is Ralph Waldo Emerson dead? Why does his words give me LIFE?/ The complexity of life is ridiculed by the simplicity of death. [Outstanding!]– Harold G. Jetter, Jr. [Dye:/DA:y*/ (=Color) saçını boya(n)mak> How often do you dye(color) your hair? –Once every two months (İki ayda bir kez). –Aw. I do it twice a month!! –What?? Are you serious?]

JESUS raised from the dead to prove that HE is the LORD and to show that HE can give LIFE. Die* for: /DA:Y.for/ için canını feda etmek, çok istemek || Crave: /kREYv/ çok istemek, -e içi gitmek, -e can atmak || Long for/to: /LA:’Ng-/ çok istemek, arzulamak, hasretini çekmek || Desire: /di.ZA:Yır/ çok istemek, arzu etmek Bryan Adams: I would fight for you – I’d lie for you – Walk the wire for you – Ya I’d die for you – Ya know it’s true – Everything I do – I’d do it for you. [Robin Hood soundtrack starring Kevin Costner]/ Pregnant women crave pickles and ice cream./ There are guys out there, longing to have a wife, and gals desiring to have a husband. ‘Dating Services (boluşma hizmetleri)’ help them meet each other. [Long for+noun. Long to+verb.] [S/he’s gone= 1.O gitti. 2.(olaya/duruma göre>)Öbür dünyaya gitti=Öldü.>GO<bakin.] Hillsong United – Scandal of Grace lyrics: Grace, what have You done? - Murdered for me on that cross - Accused in absence of wrong - My sin washed away in Your blood - Too much to make sense of it all - I know that Your love breaks my fall - The scandal of grace, You died in my place - So my soul will live - Oh to be like You - Give all I have just to know You - Jesus, there's no one besides You - Forever the hope in my heart - Death, where is your sting? - Your power is as dead as my sin - The cross has taught me to live - And mercy, my heart now to sing - The day and its trouble shall come - I know that Your strength is enough - The scandal of grace, You died in my place - So my soul will live - Oh to be like You - Give all I have just to know You - Jesus, there's no one besides You - Forever the hope in my heart [x2] - And it's all, because of You, Jesus - It's all, because of You, Jesus - It's all, because of Your love - And my soul will live - Oh to be like You - Give all I have just to know You - Jesus, there's no one besides You - Forever the hope in my heart [x2] Pass (away/over):/PA’S-ı.WEy/ vefat etmek, ölmek, öbür tarafa geçmek, öbür dünyaya geçmek ‘Pass away’ or ‘Pass over’ is euphemism for ‘Die’. (=’Pass away’ or ‘Pass over’ is more polite or politer than ‘Die’.)/ ‘Pass’ in Turkish means ‘geçmek’. ‘Pass away’ or ‘Pass over’ means ‘öbür dünyaya geçmek; ölmek’./ Harry’s fiancée passed away about a year ago./ I haven’t had a good friend since my wife passed./ When did he pass over? [‘Pass over’ as the meaning of ‘Die’ is so new that we cannot find it in most English

dictionaries!] [Pass out:(=Faint) bayılmak>As she saw the casket(tabut), she passed out!] Deceased: /di.Sİ’St/ merhum, rahmetli Her parents are deceased./ ‘Where will people of faith go when they are deceased?’ They will go to the Hands of Almighty God. [The late (+isim geliyor): Rahmetli (isim)> The late Steve Jobs had a fruitful life of faith.] Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Cemetery:/SE.mı.te.ri/ mezarlık, kabristan || Grave:/gREYv/ mezar || Graveyard: /GREYV.ya:rd/ mezarlık || Tomb: /TU’m/ mezar Funny sign on the roadside: ‘Welcome to Branxton. Drive carefully –not more than 60. We have two cemeteries, no hospital.’/ She visits her deceased husband’s grave and puts some flowers there./ Benjamin Franklin: ‘There will be sleeping enough in the grave.’ [>We shouldn’t sleep much.<]/ He stumbled (walked awkwardly) through the graveyard in the dark./ This place is like a tomb. I’m going out to get some air. [Yard: bahçe>Nothing is more beautiful than watching our children playing in the yard.|| Backyard: arkabahçe>(The man tries to woo customers) There’s a beautiful backyard at our cafe. Would you like to try it?] Coffin: /KA:’.fin/ tabut || Casket: /KA’S.kıt/ tabut || Deathbed: /DES.bed/ ölüm yatağı/döşeği The beautiful Italian proverb says, ‘Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.’ It means when the game of ‘life’ is finished, a ‘wealthy’ person and a ‘poor’ person end up in a ‘box’ meaning a ‘coffin’, a ‘casket’, or a ‘grave’./ As she saw the dead man in the coffin, she remembered how kind and helpful he was. So she couldn’t help but crying./ Thinking of death and caskets is horrible. – Why? Because it’s the truth? –Maybe... I don’t know... it’s just creepy! It freaks me out./ He said the last words and died at his deathbed. Body: /BA:’.di*/ 1. beden, vücut 2. ceset || Corpse: /KORPs/ ceset 1. A sound (=healthy) mind is in a sound (=healthy) body./ 2. The body of Jimmy Haffa was found today./ The FBI brought him there to ID/a:y.Dİ’/(=Identify) the body(corpse). Bury: /B3.ri/ gömmek, defnetmek He’s rich as hell (fena halde/çok), but look where he is now. He’s buried in the ground./ Bury disobeying. Grow love. Cremate: /kRİ.meyt/ [ölüyü] yakmak || Cremation: /kri.MEY.şın/ [ölüyü] yakma The man said, ‘When I die, I want my body to be cremated/kRİ.mey.dıd/.’/ Why do they cremate a dead body?/ [Eat Pray Love] Ketut(Hadi Subiyanto): When I die, you will come back to Bali, come to my cremation? Moan*: /MO’n/ inilti, inlemek, yas/matem tutmak, figan etmek || Grieve: /gRİ’v/ büyük bir üzüntü içinde olmak || Grief: /gRİ’f/ büyük üzüntü || Grief counselor: /--KAWN.sı.lır/ [yas zamanında] teselli danışmanı I moaned because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. [>DON’T moan.<] –Anonymous/ The day Pope/PO’P/ John Paul II (the Second) passed away, I was in Vatican City. The whole city was in moan and grief(Bütün şehir büyük bir üzüntü ve matemdeydi)./ The ladies were moaning./ After two weeks of his wife’s death, he was still grieving./ A grief counselor is a person who talks to the person in grief to relieve them./ [Groan*:/gRO’n/ sızlanmak, inlemek>When his dad said, ‘Go buy some bread!’ he was in bed and groaned.] Lamentation 3:32 Though He brings grief (because of our sins), He will show compassion, so great is His unfailing love.

The safest place is to be in GOD's will. –Anonymous Will: /WİL/ 1. irade 2.vasiyetname || Testament: /TES.tı.mınt/ [hukuk] vasiyetname, [Hristiyanlık] Ahıt The will must be stronger than the skill. –Muhammed Ali/ If it’s God’s will, it’s God’s bill./ Is the idea of ‘No-Begger City’ impossible? There’s an Azeri city named Tabriz. When you enter the city to its bus terminal, it’s written ‘Welcome To No-Beggar City.’ Everything is possible if we have the will to make it possible (Gerçekleştirme irademiz varsa, her şey mümkün)./ Their grandfather died without a will./ Sooner or later I’ll go; this will(vasiyetname) will go; but I want you to love each other and be united./ [Their deceased dad’s lawyer] I’m reading this testament so all of you could hear./ The Bible includes The Old Testament (Eski Ahıt) and The New Testament (Yeni Ahıt). [‘I will do it,’ is a sentence losers use. ‘I’m doing it,’ is for winners.>‘Will’ gelecek zaman için yardımcı fiildir.]

Dante Alighieri: In His will is our peace. Inheritance: /in.HE.ri.tıns/ miras We live all our lives worrying about money, but at the end some other people get the inheritance. So what’s the worry? Just enjoy the ride!  Romans 8:38-39 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The slower we move, the faster we die. Make no mistake, moving is living. (Ne kadar yavaş gidersek, o kadar hızlı ölürüz. Yanlış yapmayın, hareket yaşamaktır.) –George Clooney, Up In The Air

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running. –Abe Gubegna, journalist


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