1 minute read
Around the world, on a daily basis malicious hackers attack firewalls holding Governments, private companies and citizens hostage. However, not even the strongest of the hackers can do in Chun (Aaron Kwok), a genius cyber security engineer who can fend off any attack with his innovative, self-developed protective firewall system. In an attempt to bring him down, unfortunately Chun gets caught up in a money laundering operation where he discovers that his boss Chi (Lam Ka Tung) is behind the attack.
To fight Chi and regain his integrity and credibility, Chun has to venture into the dark web where he can deploy an all-powerful AI virus that he created; along the way taking down violent hit-men and hackers in order to uncover the evidence of Chi’s crimes. In the meantime, Chi attempts to seize Chun’s technology, further resorting to blackmail while kidnapping Chun’s wife (Megan Lai) and their daughter in an effort to get Chun to turn sides.
With the super AI virus going rogue and corrupting the web and the clock ticking down, how can Chun save the world, save the internet, save his family, and take down Chi at the same time?
米高漢尼卡 Michael Haneke
尚路易杜迪昂 Jean-Louis Trintignant
伊莎貝雨蓓 Isabelle Huppert
馬修卡素為茲 Mathieu Kassovitz
芳婷哈莊 Fantine Harduin
法蘭茲羅戈斯基 Franz Rogowski
托比鍾斯 Toby Jones
頻道首播 CHANNEL PREMIERE 5/3 (SUN) 22:00
,哪怕片中閃 過的路人都有自己的理想和需求,具有 與我們生命無異的重量。生活多時,我們 有好好檢視自身與身邊的人? 暗流涌動 的家庭糾紛、渴求認同不果而持槍突襲 公園的男子、突然懷孕的高材生、應徵深 宵電台節目接線生的離婚婦人⋯⋯孤寂、 冷漠、疑惑,電影投射出複雜而豐富的情 感和思緒,令我們的生命更為完整,貴為 世人集體經驗的產物,唯有我們投進光 影感悟人生百態,吸收前人經驗,方能避 免行差踏錯,過上更好的生活。「 世界好 簡單,人類好複雜 」,而我們確實還有一 段很長的路要走
Have you ever looked deeper at yourself and the people around you? Shared emotions and memories are what make cinema, and its sight and sound become a medium to take us on a stunning adventure to the countless universes outside reality. The imagination fills the void in our lives little by little as the lessons we learn from movies linger in our minds at night.
按下手機錄影鍵,冷眼凝視殘酷現實; 女孩 Eve 走進中產家庭的豪門大宅,成為 見證這個家庭崩毀的記錄者。了無生趣 的爺爺 George 只想有個了斷; 接管建築 公司的大女 Anne 為工地意外和失控兒子
而惆悵; 次子 Thomas 把前妻所生的女兒 Eve 接回家,又背著現任妻兒偷歡…… 在 生活富裕的上流家庭裡,各人都有自己 的秘密與難題,面對不斷來襲的「驚喜」, 何時迎來快樂終結?
“All around us, the world, and we, in its midst, blind.”
A snapshot from the life of a bourgeois European family.