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Redemption is the long game in Paul Schrader’s THE CARD COUNTER. Told with Schrader’s trademark cinematic intensity, the revenge thriller tells the story of an ex-military interrogator turned gambler haunted by the ghosts of his past decisions, and features riveting performances from stars Oscar Isaac, Tiffany Haddish, Tye Sheridan and Willem Dafoe.

It is deep Autumn and Sam and Tusker, partners of twenty years, are on holiday. They are travelling across England in their old campervan visiting friends, family and places from their past. Since Tusker was diagnosed with young-onset dementia two years ago their lives have had to change. Jobs have been given up and plans put on hold. Their time together is now the most important thing they have. As the trip progresses however, their individual ideas for their future begin to collide. Secrets are uncovered, private plans unravel and their love for each other is tested like never before. Ultimately, they must confront the question of what it means to love one another in the face of Tusker’s irreparable illness.


外婆病逝後,八歲的奈莉隨父母回到故 居收拾遺物,母親卻因傷心過度不告而

別。與父親一同被留下的奈莉到處探索 故居四周,在小樹林中尋找母親兒時所 建的樹屋。在那裡,她遇到了一個同齡玩

伴,開展一段親密而短暫的友誼,更意外 發現她有著與母親相同的名字……

《 浴火的少女畫像 》導演莎蓮茜雅瑪年度 溫馨之作,延續她拿手的女性獨特細膩 視角,描寫橫跨時空的真摯母女情,交織 出一段溫柔療癒的奇幻旅程。小孩充滿 好奇心的目光穿透成年人層層武裝的內 心世界,讓他們傾瀉無可訴說的孤獨,撫 平難以啟齒的傷口。入圍柏林影展主競 賽單元。

8-year-old Nelly has just lost her beloved grandmother and is helping her parents clean out her mother’s childhood home. She explores the house and the surrounding woods where her mom, Marion, used to play and built the treehouse she’s heard so much about. One day her mother abruptly leaves. That’s when Nelly meets a girl her own age in the woods building a treehouse. Her name is Marion.

二十八歲的海嘯研究科學家 Bigna 習慣了 掌控一切的生活,但是理性的外表之下卻 籠罩著她渴望虐待的性癖。即將三十歲的 她正決定搬到智利生活,卻偶遇了通過毒 品和濫情尋找生活意義的 Frank。虐戀一 觸即發。這場分分合合長達八年的糾纏究 竟是邂逅一場還是彼此唾棄?

Twenty-eight-year-old scientist Bigna is used to having everything under control, yet she enshrouded her sex life in secrecy as a ruthless dominatrix. Thirty-three-year-old Frank searches for meaning in a haze of drugs and feeds on other people's affection. Both feelings border on obsession. When the two opposites meet by chance, they become obsessively entwined in a passionate affair, and their story unfolds into meet-ups and abandonments loops over eight years.

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