1 minute read
是枝裕和一向擅長描寫家庭,透過家庭成員之 間的生活瑣事,一方面帶出家人之間的羈絆,另 一方面則探討社會層面的問題,以至人生中不 同的大命題。每個鏡頭,每個細節都發人深省。
重溫這位榮獲金棕櫚獎的日本大導演的作品, 請即上 MOViE MOViE Play 或 MOViE MOViE 自選 服務點播!
Kore-eda’s forté has been in deconstructing the idea of the family; his delicate balancing act of the daily lives and the crises underneath create films that strip away all pretence and façade—no wonder he has become one of the most celebrated Japanese directors in recent history.
To watch his award-winning work, please visit MOViE MOViE Play or MOViE MOViE on Demand!
# 節目如有改動,請以 MOViE MOViE 電視頻道 (NowTV ch 116)公佈為準。
Programme time subject to the final announcement of MOViE MOViE NowTV ch 116.
“If I were your father, I’d hold you round the shoulders and say, ‘It’s not your fault. You did nothing wrong’. But I can't say that. You killed your mother, and I killed my wife.”
—Drive My Car | “When you try to be true to yourself, it gets difficult to speak.”—Happy Hour《歡樂時光》| “Everything up until now feels more like a long dream. It was a really happy dream. I felt like I’d matured. But now I’m awake, and I… haven’t changed at all.”
—Asako I & II《睡著吻別 醒來抱擁》| “‘You’re the fish, and I’m the water.’‘So you’re saying that I can’t swim without you?’”—Touching the Skin of Eeriness《觸得到的奇怪肌膚》| “Mom said you go to heaven when you die. I didn’t really believe it. Heaven seems… so far away.”—Heaven is Still Far Away《離天堂還很遙遠》| “I’ve been regretting not fighting for my feelings. I shouldn't have given up, even if the result was the same.”—Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy《偶然與想像》| “Nothing happens without desire.”—PASSION | “Words also in underground darkness. Arriving and departing subway to subway, are wicked imaginations. Sometimes peaking their faces above-ground, passing through building valleys, when the sun bursts forth trying forcefully to join the high-rises, imaginations scrunch their brows. Sometimes delivered with speed, words seem convenient and important things. Nevertheless, what is truly important is that imaginations exit at the correct station, and board the correct word next. This alone matters.”—Intimacies《