6 minute read
Foundation Update
from MVMA Quarterly-Spring 2021
by movma
EvEnt HigHligHts from Your missouri vEtErinarY mEdical foundation Foundation update
2021 Drawing & Silent Auction
The MVMF is grateful to all those who support its mission. The annual Foundation Drawing is one way to show your financial support. Because of your generous contributions, hard work and participation, we are enjoying great success in fulfilling our goals for the good of the human/animal bond and veterinary medicine. Many thanks to all who went online to this year’s virtual event and the many members who donated items and volunteered their time. Also, a big thanks to the sponsors of the Foundation Drawing event: Addison Biological Laboratory and ProPartners Wealth/AVMA Life.
This year’s grand prize winner, Dr. Cathy Hicks, with Dr. David Gourley, MVMA board chair (left), and Richard Antweiler, MVMA executive director.
Drawing Winners:
Cathy Hicks - Grand Prize: $10,000 $1,000 – Miekie Schotte, Jessica Giffen, Monica Otto, Zack Whitehead $200 – Steve Strubberg, Matt Silvius, Loyal Henderson, Chuck Barry $150 – Kathleen Vetter-Bisges, Rick Kent, George Fischer, Bruce Robertson $100 – Marcy Hammerle, Julie Campbell, Fred & Chris Fischer, Thomas Lenz
50/50 Winner:
Ed Migneco
Early Bird Winner:
William Fales
Highlights and Actions of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation
Sunday, January 17, 2021 • Virtual
Dr. Phil Brown, Dr. Roger Dozier, Dr. Greg Popp, Dr. Scott Fray, Dr. Marcy Hammerle, Mr. Bruce Addison, Dr. Caitlin DeWilde, Dr. Edward Migneco, Mrs. Colie Payne, Dr. Mathew Silvius, Dr. David Gourley, Dr. GW Buckaloo, Mr. Richard Antweiler Mrs. Julie Braun, Mrs. Lori Muhlenbruch
• It was moved and seconded to approve the Agenda for the January 17, 2021 meeting. Motion carried. • It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2020 board meeting. Motion carried. • It was moved and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.
• It was moved and seconded to approve a By-Law Change in the MVMF By-Laws. Motion carried. 2. Reappointed board members a. The following board members were previously appointed by the MVMA Board and approved by the Foundation Board: Dr. G.W. Buckaloo, Dr. Caitlin DeWilde, Mr. Bruce Addison b. It was moved and seconded to reappoint the following board members to the LLC Board for 2021: Dr. G.W. Buckaloo, Dr. Phil Brown, Dr. Scott Fray, Dr. Greg Popp. Motion carried. c. It was moved and seconded to approve to keep the following officers for 2021. Chairman: Dr. Philip Brown Vice Chair: Dr. Scott Fray Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. G.W. Buckaloo Motion carried. It was moved and seconded to approve the following changes to the 2021 Committees. Motion carried. (see addendum A:) Budget: Remains the same Fundraising: Remains the same Legacy committee: Remains the same Long Range Planning: Remains the same Museum Activities: Remains the same Public Relations: Mrs. Colie Payne has retired from the MVMF Grant Task Force: Remains the same SRDC Committee: Remains the same Next Foundation Board Meeting will be April 17, 2021 starting immediately after the 1:00 p.m. Honor Roll Inductions.
Full minutes of the MVMF Board and all other boards and committees can be accessed through the MVMA website, www. movma.org. Go to the home page, click on the Volunteer tab.
missouri veterinary medical foundation veterinary museum of missouri
What strange objects does a veterinarian find in a cow’s stomach? in 1929, what did a veterinarian use to give fido his medicine? discover the answers to these questions, and see other strange and unusual objects at the veterinary museum of missouri. the museum has over 3,500 artifacts dating from the 16th century to the present, including: • manuscripts instructing missouri’s first settlers how to care for their horses; • a steamer trunk filled with instruments used by a late 19th century horse doctor; • an 1870s wooden operating table for small animals • 19th century instruments, such as a wooden balling gun, a hog catcher, a swiss trocar and farrier tools • a variety of strange and curious objects (horse pills, huge hairballs, kidney stones) visitors touch and explore bones, animal skins, hairballs, veterinarian tools, etc., and view specimens showing the stages of a calf embryo and animal diseases. it’s a great place for children and adults of all ages to have fun. visit us in Jefferson city, mo. take Highway 50 west to Highway 179. Exit and turn right. take first right onto country club drive. go about one mile and look for us on the left.
the veterinary museum of missouri 2500 country club drive, Jefferson city, mo. 65109 Phone: 573-636-8737 • Website: www.movma.org Hours monday-friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
MVMa’s Quality assurance Program
What is the Missouri stocker/Feeder Quality assurance Program?
The Missouri Stocker Feeder Quality Assurance Program is designed to meet the quality improvement and pre-conditioning needs of producers, feeders, and consumers. This program educates participants in immunology, animal well-being and the economics of disease. Participation in the program increases producer accountability for quality and safety of the product they sell.
How does the Program Work?
Veterinarians and producers must be certified. Veterinarians are certified by MVMA MSFQAP Committee members. Producers are certified by their veterinarian. Veterinarians and producers learn how they can influence carcass quality and consumer confidence by monitoring where and when injections are administered. Once certified, the producer may participate in the program at one of three levels (white, red or blue tag). The three-level approach allows all producers the opportunity to match their level of management and facilities to the level of participation.
level 1: show-Me select (White tag)
• Participating veterinarians and producers must be certified. • Calves must be properly identified with an approved ear tag. Tag numbers will be listed on an approved certificate. • External and internal parasite control is administered. • Calves will be dehorned and healed. Calves will also be castrated with a knife and healed or verified to be steers. • Vaccinations: 7-way clostridial, IBR, BVD, PI3,
BRSV, Mannheimia haemolytica with leukotoxoid, (Histophilus is optional.) • Cattle must be born on the producer’s farm. A range of birthdates or the birthdate of the oldest calf in the group must be recorded. • Bull in and out dates will be provided. • Individual calf treatments will be recorded to include date, product, dosage, route of administration and injection site. • Vaccinations must be given no younger than four months of age and at least 21 days before sale.
level 2: show-Me superior (red tag)
• Weaned 45 days before offering for sale. • Meet Level 1 requirements - NOTE: Initial vaccinations may be given at an age determined by an attending veterinarian. • In addition, a second round of vaccinations must be given using the following guidelines: • A 7-way clostridial as well as a modified live vaccine containing IBR, PI3, BVD and BRSV must be administered; • Histophilus somni is optional; • Only one dose of Manheimia heamolytica is required if that dose is administered to calves 5 months of age or older; • The time frame between initial and second vaccinations must be a minimum of 21 days and all vaccinations must be completed at least seven days prior to sale; • If a veterinarian determines initial vaccinations should be given to calves less than 4 months of age then second vaccinations must not occur until calves are 5 months of age or older.
level 3: show-Me supreme (Blue tag)
• Meet Level 1 and Level 2 requirements. • All cattle must be tested and be negative for persistent BVD infection. • Genetic information is optional.