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MVMA General Membership Meeting Minutes
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2166 N. Main St. Sikeston, MO 63801
MVMA General Membership Meeting
Saturday, January 29, 2022 Holiday Inn Executive Center – Columbia, Mo.
State of the Profession Forum
MVMA Director’s Address – Mr. Richard Antweiler and Mrs. Julie braun MVMPAC Report – Dr. Mel Falk MVMB Report – Dr. Michael Pfander AVMA Delegate Report – Dr. Chuck Barry and Dr. Carol Ryan AVMA President-Elect Address – Dr. Lori Teller General Membership Meeting was called to order by President Dr. Marcy Hammerle at 7:00 am
I. Minutes of Last Meeting
Dr. Shelia Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer, presented minutes from the January 23, 2021 MVMA General Membership Meeting held virtually. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes as prepared and presented. Motion carried.
II. Financial Reports
Dr. Sheila, Secretary-Treasurer, presented the 2021 financial statement. As of December 31, 2021, the MVMA reported $420,048.75 in bank accounts and Certificates of Deposit, plus $183,809.91 in receivables, fixed and other assets for total assets of $603,858.66. It was moved and seconded to approve the financial statement as prepared and presented. Motion carried.
III. Dues Increase
Dr. Hammerle reported that the MVMA Executive Board, after careful deliberation and consideration proposed a $9 increase to regular active dues, with a prorated increase to the dues of other member types as recommended. It was moved and seconded to approve the dues increase as presented. Motion carried.
IV. Executive Board Report
Executive Board Chairman, Dr. David Gourley presented the Executive Board Report from the Thursday, January 27, 2022 board meeting. (see board minutes) It was moved and seconded to approve the actions of the Executive Board since the last Membership meeting. Motion carried.
V. Old Business
There was no old business to bring before the membership.
VI. New Business
MVMA Legislative Chair, Dr. Cliff Miller presented on the current legislative session and Veterinary Day at the Capitol. Dr. Abby Whiting Presided over the Power of 10 Class Graduation. Dr. Sadie Scott gave a class response for the MVMA Power of 10 class of 2022. Dr. Hammerle invited all leadership and those interested to attend the MVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference April 2, 2022 at Margaritaville Resort, Osage Beach, Mo.
VII. Announcement of the Election of 2022 MVMA Officers and New Board Members
Dr. David Gourley presented the results of the 2022 Officer Election. They were as follows: For Officers: President, Dr. Ed Migneco; President-Elect, Dr. Matt Silvius; Vice President, Dr. Kacie Ulhorn; Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Shelia Taylor; Chairman of the Board, Dr. Marcy Hammerle New of re-elected MVMA Executive Board Members were as follows: Dr. Laura Moon, NWVMA delegate; Dr. Jessica Stroupe, WCVMA Delegate; Mr. Robert Schmidt, Student Board Member New or re-elected At-Large Delegates to the MVMA Executive Board: Dr. Lynn Martin; Dr. Jason Nickell; Dr. Tom Rose AVMA President-Elect, Dr. Lori Teller, installed the new officers and board members. Receiving Retiring Board Member Plaques and/or Certificates were the following: Dr. Catherine Hicks, SEVMA Delegate Dr. Christopher Perry, NEVMA Delegate In accordance with the MVMA Constitution & Bylaws, Immediate Past-President Dr. Marcy Hammerle became the MVMA Executive Board Chairman. Dr. Ed Migneco presented her with a Retiring President plaque for her service to the MVMA.