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Highlights & Actions of the MVMA Board


MIssourI VeTerInAry MedICAl AssoCIATIon exeCuTIVe BoArd MeeTIng sePTeMBer 27, 2020 JeFFerson CITy, Mo

Highlights and Actions of the

MVMA Executive Board Meeting September 27, 2020 Jefferson City, Mo.

The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association met September 22, 2019 at the MVMA offices in Jefferson City, Missouri and virtually. The following are highlights. All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried, unless noted otherwise: • The MVMA Executive Board reviewed and approved the minutes and financial reports of the association. • Discussed activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. • Discussed a request for endorsement of a medical procedure. Consensus was that endorsement of a medical procedure is not in the interest of the membership, and that information on certain medical procedures can be shared on the MVMA website as a resource, and in general leave review of medical procedures to national organizations. • Dr. Chuck Lemme, Dr. Carol Ryan, and Dr. Chuck Barry reported on AVMA Issues & Plans including a 42-page document on Cannabis and AVMA Health Insurance being tested in 10 states. • Approved moving forward with investigating development of an Urgent Relief Veterinarian Project that would coordinate volunteer assistance to members in need. • Heard about the Animal Welfare Committee’s Narcan Project • Dr. Carolyn Henry, MU CVM Dean, gave an update on the MU College of Veterinary Medicine regarding COVID-19 and classes, as well as funding for the diagnostic lab. • Accountant’s Report Approval – Mr. Antweiler presented the findings of the annual audit report. • Reviewed upcoming legislative issues. • MSFQAP Survey was reviewed and will be sent out within the month. • Approved a name change for the Recent Graduate & Collegiate Task Force to the Early Career Task Force. • MVMA Power of 10 class will begin in June of 2021 with 9 planned participants. • Licensing Board Vacancies – MVMA continues to appeal for a fully up to date board. • District Program – MVMA has hosted several very successful virtual meetings. • Heard a report of the 2020 and 2021 Annual Convention planning committees. • Reviewed the election results for MVMA officers and at-large delegates. (See page 5 for results). • Conducted the anonymous ballot for Veterinarian of the Year and the new young veterinarian award, the Ortu Stella award. Results are revealed on Saturday of the MVMA convention, January 23rd. • Appointed Mr. Bruce Addison, Dr. George Buckaloo, and Dr. Caitlin DeWilde to the Foundation Board. • Wolff Volunteerism Award criteria was reviewed, and the nomination was discussed and approved. • Dr. Marcy Hammerle reported on her appointments to her committees starting in January. • Appointed to the MVMA LLC representing the association were Dr. Roger Dozier, Dr. David Gourley, Dr. Marcy Hammerle, and Dr. Ed Migneco.

Minutes of this board meeting and other committee meetings can be accessed through the MVMA website, www.movma.org under the “Volunteer” tab.

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