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Youth Sports

Core Soccer Ball Skills Training

Progress Park Recreation Center (Indoors) Ages: 6-18 Develop the essential skills needed to play soccer in this 55-minute program led by CORE Soccer instructors. First Touch (Ages 4-5) participants will be introduced to the basics of soccer with fun games and props. Field players (Ages 4-18) will work on dribbling, passing, receiving and shooting. Goalkeepers (Ages 6-18) will work on ball handling, diving, shot stopping and distribution. This program is designed to supplement the Wentzville soccer league and give each child an additional day to enhance their skills.

*The SEP 10 and OCT 15 sessions will be outdoors.

Bobby Wallace Basketball Skills Training

WREC Ages: 6-18

Bobby Wallace is an experienced coach looking forward to teaching kids the fundamental skills of basketball. Participants will sharpen their skills in shooting, passing, dribbling and defense in this 90-minute class. No class NOV 26. (Min 10/Max 50)


SU 10:15A SEP 17 SEP 10 4 WKS $85/95

SU 10:15A OCT 15 OCT 8 4 WKS $85/95

SU 10:15A NOV 19 NOV 12 4 WKS $85/95

SU 10:15A JAN 7 DEC 31 4 WKS $85/95

Justin Davis Basketball Camp

WREC Ages: 6-18

Justin Davis Basketball Camp has the goal of helping players reach their full potential and be successful accomplishing their goals on the basketball court by enhancing players’ basketball skill set and basketball IQ. In each 90-minute session, instructor Justin Davis teaches basketball in a detailed, enthusiastic and refreshing way. (Min 12/Max 50)


M 6:30P SEP 18 SEP 10 4 WKS $90/100

M 6:30P OCT 23 OCT 15 4 WKS $90/100

M 6:30P NOV 27 NOV 19 4 WKS $90/100

M 6:30P JAN 15 JAN 7 4 WKS $90/100


Multiple Locations

Core Soccer First Touch And Playtime

Progress Park Recreation Center Ages: 2-6

Focus on balance, coordination, participation, sportsmanship and sharing as well as many different concepts related to the basic skills of soccer in these 45-minute sessions. No class OCT 1. (Min 5/Max 25)

Age divisions: Playtime (Ages 2-3) and First Touch (Ages 4-6)

Indoor Soccer

Progress Park Recreation Center Ages: 7-12

Learn ball control in small spaces while creating the opportunity to attack and score goals. Focus on indoor skills and gameplay using a futsal ball. Individual players will be placed on a team each week based on skill level in these one-hour sessions. (Min 8/Max 20)

Age divisions: Ages 7-9 and 10-12. Age divisions may be combined based on registration.

Ages: 5-18

Want to improve your skills in basketball, baseball, soccer or volleyball? Our sport-specific trainers will work with you one-on-one or in small groups to enhance the skills you need to move to the next level. For information and pricing, please contact Andrew Rivers at (636) 639-7631 or by email at Andrew.Rivers@wentzvillemo.gov.



Heartland Park Ages: 6-18

The Wentzville Lacrosse Club brings you this two-hour clinic that focuses on the fundamentals of lacrosse in a fun environment. Players will participate in a variety of drills, which include techniques of catching, throwing, weak-hand training, ground balls and basic defensive/offensive concepts. Players will be broken up by skill level, age and gender. All players should wear cleats or sturdy athletic shoes and bring a water bottle. Lacrosse sticks and balls will be provided; however, you are welcome to bring your own stick. (Min 10/Max 100)

SA 9A NOV 4 OCT 29 1 DAY



Liberty High School (Outdoors)

Progress Park Recreation Center (Indoors) Ages: 6-15

Engage in a series of active instructional lessons that provide instruction and emphasize the fun, social aspect of tennis and lead to supervised play. Tennis balls will be provided but participants must have their own racket. No class NOV 26. (Min 5/Max 20)

*The SEP 9 session will be outdoors.



Multiple Locations Ages: 9-17

Players of all levels will join together to learn, grow and compete in a supportive and empowering environment in this Girls’ Volleyball League. Uniforms are included for participants registering as individuals. Team registration does not include uniforms. At the end of the season, the top four teams in each age division will play in a single elimination tournament to determine the league champion. Awards will be given to the first-place team. Games start as early as 8A. Ages 9-14 will play at Progress Park Recreation Center and Ages 15-17 will play at the WREC. Practice will be once a week and teams may have to share gym space. No games DEC 23 or DEC 30. (Min 40/Max 200)

Age divisions: Girls ages 9-11, 12-14 and 15-17 DAY


Progress Park Recreation Center

Ages: 9-17

This one-hour program is designed to supplement the girls’ volleyball league as an extra night to work on specific skills. Coaches are encouraged to attend and assist. Players will be split into groups based on skill level and an instructor will run stations of drills. No class on OCT 31 or DEC 26. (Min 10/Max 20)

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