Inflight summer 2017 web

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Ljeto _ Summer 2017

Putni Ä?asopis _ Inflight Magazine

VaĹĄ vlastiti primjerak _ Your personal copy

Iconic Hotel in the Heart of Zagreb Experience tradition and elegance of the hotel located in the centre of Zagreb. Impressive venues, quality service and the highest accommodation standards stand at your disposal. Visit Zagreb, a new star on Europe’s tourist map, and discover this vibrant capital with us. Book your stay at: or dial +385 1 455 3535 Š2016 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Sheraton and its logos are the trademarks of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., or its affiliates.

Š. Lugarov

Poštovani putnici!

Dear Passengers,

Pred nama su sunčani dani, vrijeme godišnjih odmora. Raduje nas što u tim opuštenijim trenucima našim zrakoplovom putujete prema svom odredištu i želimo da vam let protekne ugodno. Dok letite, vjerujemo da će vas dodatno razonoditi sadržaj našega putnog časopisa. Između ostaloga, predstavljamo vam jednu od naših novih destinacija - Oslo, atraktivan grad na sjeveru Europe, u kojemu je u ovim ljetnim danima zacijelo ugodno potražiti osvježenje. Među 39 odredišta Croatia Airlinesa, odnedavno su i četiri nova - Oslo, Helsinki, Stockholm i Bukurešt. A od hrvatskih gradova u ovom broju našeg časopisa detaljnije predstavljamo Makarsku i njezinu rivijeru. Naš glavni grad Zagreb također je ljeti veoma privlačan i vrvi događanjima. Donosimo priču o zagrebačkoj craft pivskoj sceni, koja sve više obogaćuje ponudu, a noćni Zagreb osobito dojmljivo možete doživjeti jedinstvenom kazališnom turom Tajne Griča. Ako ste, pak, poklonici umjetnosti, za vas su širom otvorena vrata zagrebačkih galerija - u Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti pogledajte djela poznatih finskih umjetnika, a u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt uživajte u baroknom sjaju Venecije. Zanimljivo je vidjeti i kako našu Hrvatsku kroz svoje objektive doživljavaju strani veleposlanici. To su dočarali fotografijama na izložbi u povodu 25. obljetnice međunarodnog priznanja Hrvatske, održanoj u muzeju Mimara. Zahvaljujemo vam još jedanput, dragi putnici, što letite s nama. Želimo vam obilje lijepih, vedrih i ugodnih ljetnih dana.

Sunny days, the time of annual holidays are ahead of us. We are glad that you are travelling on our aircraft to your choice of destination in these relaxed moments, and we wish you a pleasant flight. While you are flying, we hope that you will find the content of our inflight magazine entertaining. Amongst other things, we present one of our new destinations - Oslo - an attractive city in the north of Europe, a place where it must be pleasant to seek and find cooler temperatures during these summer days. We have recently introduced four new routes in our network of 39 destinations - Oslo, Helsinki, Stockholm and Bucharest. As far as Croatian cities are concerned, this issue of our inflight magazine features Makarska and its Riviera. Our capital City of Zagreb is also very attractive in the summer and abounds in events. We bring a story about the craft beer scene of Zagreb, which enriches what is on offer, and you can experience nightlife Zagreb in a particularly impressive way through the unique theatrical tour of the Secrets of Grič. If you are an art lover, you are invited to one of the Zagreb galleries - the Museum of Contemporary Art is presenting works by famous Finnish artists, and in the Museum of Arts and Crafts you get to see the Baroque Splendour of Venice. It is also interesting to see how the ambassadors accredited in the Republic of Croatia have experienced our country through their lens. An exhibition of their photographs was mounted in Mimara Museum, having marked the 25th anniversary of the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia. Thank you once again, dear passengers, for flying with us. We wish you plenty of beautiful, bright and enjoyable summer days.

Krešimir KuËko Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO




2 Razgovor MARIN SOLjAčIć CILj MI jE dA NAŠ RAd I OTkRIćA REZuLTIRAju BOLjIM SVIjETOM Hrvatski znanstvenik s impresivnom svjetskom karijerom, strastveni je istraživač i izumitelj. Profesor je fizike na uglednome američkom fakultetu Massachusets Institute of Technology. Interview MARIN SOLjAčIć My GOAL IS TO SEE OuR WORk ANd dISCOVERIES RESuLT IN A BETTER WORLd A Croatian scientist with an impressive international career, a passionate scholar and inventor, and a professor of physics at America’s prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ljeto/Summer 2017

Ovo je vaπ vlastiti primjerak This is your personal copy 2 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2017



Obala MAkARSkA ZA SVA GOdIŠNjA dOBA Makarska je mjesto druženja, susreta, dobre zabave i zdrave ljudske vreve, koja nije samo sezonska. Odavno je prestala biti tek ljetovalištem...

Prirodne ljepote PAG, čIPkASTI MOZAIk PRIROdE Vrlet Paga skriva mnoga, još neslućena prirodna blaga, a mozaik prirode isprepleće se s bogatim kulturnim nasljeđem u nezaboravnu pašku čipku.

Coast MAkARSkA FOR ALL SEASONS Makarska is a place of social gatherings, buzzing with a good, healthy crowd, which is not just seasonal. It has long since ceased to be a summer resort...

Natural beauties PAG, A LACy MOSAIC OF NATuRE The crag of Pag hides many untouched natural treasures, with the mosaic of nature interknitting with a rich cultural heritage into the unforgettable Pag lace.

58 Gastro ZAGREBAčkI PIVSkI IdENTITET Provest ćemo vas kroz neke od najboljih zagrebačkih pivnica koje toče pretežito lokalno, a često i vlastito pivo. Predstavljamo i nekoliko zagrebačkih craft pivovara. Gastro ZAGREB’S BEER IdENTITy We will take you on a tour of some of Zagreb’s best craft beer pubs that offer mainly local beer, but also their own beer. We will also introduce you to several of Zagreb’s craft breweries.



Exibitions CROATIA IN THE EyES OF FOREIGN AMBASSAdORS Ambassadors accredited in the Republic of Croatia are keen on and often photograph the beauties of our country.

A. Grubelić

Izložbe HRVATSkA u OčIMA STRANIH VELEPOSLANIkA Veleposlanici akreditirani u Republici Hrvatskoj rado i često fotografiraju ljepote naše zemlje.

Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel. +385-1-616-00-66



Naša odredišta OSLO, LAkOćA žIVOTA NA SjEVERu Oslo je grad koji će vam se odmah svidjeti, a zadržite li se dovoljno dugo, spoznat ćete značenje izreke da se čovjek lako privikne na dobro...


Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO krešimir kuËko

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief ksenija Ælof

Our destinations OSLO, THE EASE OF LIVING IN THE NORTH Oslo is a city which you will like immediately, and if you stay long enough, you will understand the meaning of the saying that it is easy to get accustomed to good things...

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana ćulumović Šoštarić, davor janušić, Anamarija jurinjak, Natalija Osvald, Zlata Prpić




Znanstveni turizam HRVATSkA u SREdIŠTu SVjETSkE ZNANSTVENE POZORNOSTI jubilarni deseti kongres ISABS-a okupio je u dubrovniku znanstvenike najuglednijih svjetskih institucija.

Tradicija TVORNICA NACIONALNOG IdENTITETA u Hrvatskome novčarskom zavodu čuvaju se vještine umjetničkoga graviranja i poliranja metala.

Science tourism CROATIA IN THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION OF WORLd SCIENCE The tenth jubilee ISABS conference has gathered in dubrovnik scientists from the most prestigious world institutions.

Tradition FACTORy OF NATIONAL IdENTITy The Croatian Monetary Institute keeps the skills of the artistic engraving and polishing of metal.

Ivana IvankoviÊ, Nenad VujoπeviÊ Prijelom/Layout Nenad VujoπeviÊ Direktor prodaje i marketinga/ Director of Sales and Marketing Boris kolka

Lektorica/Proof reader Mirjana Miholek Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Lancon d.o.o. Oglaπavanje/Advertising

110 Moda FuTuRISTIčkA ESTETIkA Ekskluzivni hrvatski modni trend jamoi ostvaruje kreativnu viziju dizajnerice Mirjane klepić i na tragu je novoga konceptualnog pomaka. Fashion FuTuRISTIC EESTHETICS The exclusive Croatian fashion brand jamoi brings to life the creative vision of designer Mirjana klepić, and is on the trail of a new conceptual shift.


Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert tel. +385-1-616-00-17 E-mail: Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel. +385-1-616-01-02 Priprema/Photolitography Zrinski d.d., »akovec Tisak/Print Zrinski d.d., »akovec

ISSN 1330-6278

CHECK POINT From designers With Love Mala prodavaonica smještena uz glavni ulaz u zgradu Zračne luke Franjo Tuđman (neposredno uz check-in zonu). Ovdje možete pronaći proizvode hrvatskih dizajnera i umjetnika - od odjevnih predmeta, dodataka i nakita, do igračaka, suvenira, kućanskog posuđa, ukrasnih predmeta za dom i malog namještaja. A small shop located at the Zagreb Airport’s main entrance hall (next to the check-in area). It offers products from Croatia’s designers and artists, from fashion, accessories and jewellery to toys, souvenirs, tableware, kitchenware and small furniture.

D.O. Analogue Vinyl se vratio na velika vrata! Oživite svoje stare ploče na HIGH-END, HI-TECH, HAND-MADE gramofonima iz manufakture D.O. Analogue, koji su već 15 godina uz vas. Samo glazba i ništa više! Vinyl has made a comeback in a big way! Bring your old records back to life on HIGH-ENd, HI-TECH, HANd-MAdE record players made by dO ANALOGuE manufacturer making record players for 15 years already. Only music and nothing less...

Restoran Noel Restaurant Noel Nezaobilazna gastronomska adresa u Zagrebu. Ambiciozni projekt etabiliranog chefa Gorana Kočiša i sommeliera Ivana Juga sjedinjuje ponajbolju vinsku listu u Zagrebu, kreativan kulinarski tim i ustrajanje na najboljim sastojcima. Noel Restaurant - an unavoidable gastronomic address in Zagreb. The ambitious project of the acclaimed chef Goran kočiš and sommelier Ivan jug is a blend of the best wine list in Zagreb, a creative culinary team and insistence on the finest of ingredients.


Kvasina Barrique Red wine vinegar Barrique Odležana tri godine u barrique bačvama, Kvasina Barrique spravljena od hrvatskoga grožđa najviše kvalitete, jeli-

Hrvatski brand Aqua Maritime Croatian brand Aqua Maritime

ma daje novu dimenziju. Aged for three years in barrique barrels, kvasina Barrique, red wine vinegar

Nakon uspješne suradnje s najvećim proizvođačem japan-

made from Croatian grapes

ki na svijetu HAVAIANAS te velikim dizajnerskim imenima,

of the highest quality, will give

Aqua Maritime gradi uspjeh novim co-brandingom s

food a new dimension.

legendarnim talijanskim proizvođačem tenisica SUPERGA.

After their successful collaboration with HAVAIANAS, the largest manufacturer of flip-flops in the world, as well as with great design names, the Croatian Aqua Maritime brand has been building its success on a new co-branding project with the legendary Italian manufacturer of tennis shoes - SuPERGA.

Naslonjač Trifidae Armchair Trifidae Napravljen od tri dijela, specifičnih trokutastih oblika. Glavni je fokus na sre-

Fotografije/Photos: M. Arbutina, C. Đ. Celija, d. kunić, d. Berković, Š. Šitum

Numen For use

dišnjem dijelu, a bočne stranice doimaju se kao rastvaranje latica cvijeta. The three-part Trifidae armchair line is of specific triangular shapes. The main focus is on the central part of the armchair. The lateral sides of each part of the armchair appear to be flower petals in bloom.

Maslinovo ulje Chiavalon Chiavalon olive oil Najnagrađivanije hrvatsko ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje u svijetu. World’s best olive oils uvrstila je tog istarskog proizvođača među TOP 25 najboljih svjetskih proizvođača ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja. The most prized Croatian extra virgin olive oil in the world. The World’s Best Olive Oils organisation has ranked this Istrian producer amongst the top 25 international producers of extra virgin olive oil.



Strastveni znanstvenik, izumitelj i filantrop A passionate scholar, inventor and philanthropist


Fotografije/Photos _ dominik Reuter / MIT


Hrvatska je prelijepa zemlja s mnogo nadarenih i marljivih mladih ljudi. Vjerujem da je talent dugoročno najbitniji, pa pred Hrvatskom vidim veoma perspektivnu budućnost. Tako za naš časopis govori Marin Soljačić, jedan od hrvatskih znanstvenika s impresivnom svjetskom karijerom. Croatia is a beautiful country with many talented and hard-working young people. I believe that talent is the most crucial factor in the long run, and, therefore, I see a prosperous future for Croatia, says Marin Soljačić, a Croatian scientist with an impressive international career.

Piše/By _ Mirjana Brabec




arin Soljačić izumio je bežični prijenos električne energije, WiTricity, na temelju kojega navečer nećemo misliti na punjenje mobitela. The New Times, BBC News, Scientific Amarican, Technology Review i Discover Magazine taj su izum proglasili jednim od najvećih otkrića 2008. godine, a brojni znanstveni radovi na području elektromagnetskih fenomena, nelinearne optike te bežičnog prijenosa energije donijeli su mu važna svjetska priznanja i nagrade, među kojima su Adolph Lomb medal Američkoga optičkog društva, nagrada časopisa Technology Review TR35 za najbolje inovatore mlađe od 35 godina, nagrada MacArthur fellowship grant, nagrada za genijalce vrijedna 500.000 dolara te nagrada Blavatnik za mlade znanstvenike do 42 godine. Soljačić je u svijet znanosti uplovio odmah nakon mature u rodnom Zagrebu,

šta, a u Hrvatskoj je utemeljio nagradu za najbolje maturante te za pomoć mladim hrvatskim učenicima i studentima zainteresiranima za zananost.  Jedan ste od hrvatskih znanstvenika s doista impresivnom svjetskom karijerom i reputacijom. Koji je trenutak bio odlučujući za odluku - bit ću fizičar? Jeste li ikada dvojili o tome čemu ćete se posvetiti u životu? - Još u početku osnovne škole znao sam da želim biti izumitelj. Potkraj osnovne škole također me uvelike zainteresirala fizika i pogotovo moguće primjene fizike. I danas najviše volim kada otkrijemo neki novi fizikalni fenomen, a onda se pitam koje bi nove primjene taj fenomen mogao omogućiti. Karijera profesora na MIT-u pogotovo mi odgovara, jer to je ispunjenje moje želje od ranih dana - da mogu biti izumitelj.  Vaša karijera odmah nakon mature na zagrebačkome MIOC-u strelovito se

se obrazujete, učitelji i mentori imaju veliku ulogu. Imao sam sreće što sam od srednje škole, u MIOC-u u Zagrebu, preko fakulteta i doktorata, te postdotorskog studija imao fenomenalne učitelje i mentore koji su uložili golem trud u moj napredak. Isto je tako danas za moj rad neizmjerno važno što surađujem s nekim od najdarovitijih ljudi na svijetu, kojih na MIT-u ima mnogo.  U današnjem svijetu vrtoglavog napretka znanosti i tehnologije, koja su područja znanosti, po Vašemu mišljenju, najuzbudljivija i najvažnija za svijet budućnosti? - Pa ja, naravno, držim da su polja kojima se ja bavim veoma bitna (na primjer nanofotonika), no uz to ima mnogo drugih polja koja su također bitna za budućnost čovječanstva. Tu osobito valja naglasiti umjetnu inteligenciju, biologiju, nanotehnologiju općenito...

01 Na svečnoj dodjeli Nagrade Blavatnik 2014. At the 2014 Blavatnik Award ceremony 02 U trenucima opuštanja During moments of relaxation 03 Sa svojim timom s MIT-a With his MIT team


u XV. gimnaziji (MIOC). Studirao je fiziku i elektrotehničko inženjerstvo na fakultetu na kojemu danas predaje, magistrirao je na Princetonu pod mentorstvom prof. Franka Wilczeka, dobitnika Nobelove nagrade 2004., a već u 26. godini na istome je sveučilištu i doktorirao, a mentor mu je bio prof. Mordechai Segev. Toga strastvenog istraživača i izumitelja, za kojim je više od 200 znanstvenih radova te 100 registriranih patenata, Svjetski ekonomski forum uvrstio je među mlade lidere, a od 2009. međunarodni je član Hrvatske akademije tehničkih znanosti (HATZ). Premda već 25 godina živi u Americi i profesor je na uglednome američkom fakultetu Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Marin Soljačić nije izgubio kontakt sa svojim zagrebačkim kolegama, naprotiv. S nekima od njih čvrsto surađuje. Na njegovu odsjeku na MIT-u usavršavalo se troje doktoranda Zagrebačkog sveučili-


uspinjala. Kako ste se osjećali kad ste prošli prijamni i dobili stipendiju za jedno od najboljih sveučilišta na svijetu za tehničke znanosti, američki MIT? Kako ste tada zamišljali svoju budućnost? - Prva godina MIT-a bila je emocionalno veoma teška. Premda mi je studij išao odlično, bio sam daleko od roditelja i prijatelja, sve je bilo novo... No, to je nakon nekog vremena prošlo. I nakon toga zaista sam mogao iskoristiti sve neizmjerne mogućnosti koje je MIT nudio za stvari koje su mene zanimale.  Što je, po Vašemu mišljenju, odlučujuće za uspjeh znanstvenika: talent, marljivost, okolnosti, poticajno okružje, osigurana financijska sredstva za rad. Koji je redoslijed važnosti tih uvjeta? - Sve ovo što ste naveli veoma je važno. No uz osobni talent i osobnu motiviranost, i osobnu marljivost, osobe s kojima radite neizmjerno su bitne. Dok


 Jesu li sva znanstvena otkrića nužno i dobra za razvoj čovječanstva? U čemu vidite najveći potencijal, u čemu najveću opasnost novih tehnologija, robotike, umjetne inteligencije, nanotehnologije...? - Gotovo svakom znanosti i tehnologijom može se koristiti u dobre, ali i u loše svrhe. Zato je bitno da cjelokupno društvo sudjeluje u donošenju odluka kako ćemo iskoristiti i kako ćemo se odnositi prema svakoj novoj tehnologiji. I znanstvenici, osim što se bave razvojem i otkrićem novih znanosti i tehnologija, imaju dužnost upozoriti društvo na sve moguće prednosti, mane i opasnosti tehnologija i znanosti koje otkrivaju. Tu mislim da u ovom trenu osobitu pažnju treba obratiti na umjetnu inteligenciju, koja ima izgleda da postane uvelike najmoćnija tehnologija koju smo ikada stvorili, i zato trebamo osobito dobro razmisliti kako da najbolje iskoristimo

sve uzbudljive i dobre stvari koje umjetna inteligencija može donijeti, i da izbjegnemo sve loše stvari koje također može donijeti.  Koliko je Vama osobno važno da Vaša otkrića budu primjenjiva i korisna u svakodnevnom životu? - Moj je glavni cilj, a, vjerujem, i velike većine znanstvenika, da naš rad i otkrića rezultiraju boljim svijetom. I zato je osobito uzbuđujuće kad god otkrijemo nešto što doista može uvelike koristiti čovječanstvu.  Mislite li da je točno - kao što je to, navodno, rekao Einstein - ako nešto ne možemo objasniti djetetu, znači da to ni sami ne razumijemo. Drugim riječima, mogu li nefizičari shvatiti impresivne, zbunjujuće i iskustvu proturječne dosege moderne fizike? - Pa, mislim da je odgovor na to pitanje uglavnom potvrdan: ako su dobro objašnjene, većina tih pojava može se približiti široj javnosti.

- Definitivno su najvažniji talent i motivacija. Kada biram novog studenta koji će sa mnom pisati doktorski rad, predznanje je na mnogo manje bitnome mjestu, jer dugoročno su talent, mašta i kreativnost mnogo bitniji.  Prošlo je deset godina otkako ste u časopisu Science objavili svoje otkriće o bežičnome nezračećem prijenosu električne energije, na temelju kojega danas punimo mobitel bez žice. Što je danas u fokusu Vaših istraživanja? -Većina je mojih istraživanja u polju nanofotonike, koja je pod-polje nanotehnologije, a bavi se svjetlošću. Što se tiče primjena, tu su LEDs, laseri, optički kablovi, sunčane ćelije, i slično.  Traje li i dalje Vaša suradnja s kolegama u Hrvatskoj? Što sada radite? - Izvrsno surađujem s profesorom Hrvojem Buljanom na zagrebačkom PMF-u i s mnogo njegovih suradnika, uključujući

 Znanstvenici, kao i umjetnici, nerijetko ne dočekaju slavu za života. Raduje li Vas što za Teslu danas ipak zna svaki američki školarac, barem zbog toga što se po njemu zove najskuplji i najbolji električni automobil? - Ljudi kao Tesla služe kao izvrsni uzori i nadahnuće mladim naraštajima da se i oni bave znanosti i tehnologijom, pa je veoma korisno i dobro da što više ljudi, pogotovo mladih, čuje za priču o Nikoli Tesli.  Dobitnik ste brojnih svjetskih nagrada i profesionalnih priznanja. Koja smatrate najvećima i najznačajnijima? - Pa meni su osobito drage MacArthur, nagrada za genije, i Blavatnik, nagrada koja se dodjeljuje svake godine trojici najuspješnijih mladih znanstvenika u SAD-u.  Kako odabirete suradnike za svoj tim? Koje su kvalitete, osim talenta i znanja, kod suradnika najvažnije?

profesora Marinka Jablana, profesora Darija Jukića, te Tenu Dubček, koja je sada kod mene na MIT-u na devetomjesečnoj Fulbrightovoj stipendiji.  S distancije od 25 godina života u Americi, u čemu vidite najveći potencijal razvoja Hrvatske? - Hrvatska je prelijepa zemlja s mnogo darovitih i marljivih mladih ljudi. S obzirom na to da ja vjerujem kako je talent dugoročno najbitniji, pred Hrvatskom vidim veoma perspektivnu budućnost. 



arin Soljačić has invented the wireless transfer of electric power, WiTricity, thanks to which we will not have to think about charging our mobile phones at night. The New York Times, BBC News, Scientific American, Technology Review and Discover Magazine declared this invention to be one of the greatest discoveries of 2008, while

numerous scientific papers from the field of electromagnetic phenomena, non-linear optics and wireless energy transfer have brought him important international recognition and awards, including the Adolph Lomb Medal awarded by the American Optical Society, Best Innovators under the Age of 35 Award by Technology Review, the MacArthur Fellowship Grant - an award for geniuses in the amount of 500,000 dollars, and the Blavatnik Award for young scientists under the age of 42. Soljačić entered the world of science immediately after graduating from the 15th Grammar School, popularly called MIOC, in his native Zagreb. He studied physics and electrical engineering at university where he teaches today, obtained his M.S. at Princeton where he was mentored by Professor Frank Wilczek, the 2004 Nobel Prize winner, and by the age of 26, obtained his Ph.d. from the same university while being mentored by Professor Mordechai Segev. This passionate scholar and inventor, with more than 200 papers and 100 issued patents, has been ranked as one of today’s young leaders by the World Economic Forum, and has been an international member of the Croatian Academy of Engineering since 2009. Although he has been living in America for 25 years and works as a professor of physics at America’s prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Marin Soljačić has not lost contact with his colleagues in Zagreb. In fact, he has quite a close relationship with some of them. Three Ph.d. students from Zagreb university had their professional training in his group at MIT, and two years ago, he started an award program for the best high school graduates in Croatia.  You are one of Croatian scientists with a truly impressive international career and reputation. Which moment was key in you deciding to become a physicist? Have you ever had any doubts about what you would do with your life? - Ever since the beginning of elementary school, I knew I wanted to be an inventor. At the end of elementary school, I also became very interested in physics, especially its potential applications. Even today, I love it when we discover a new physical phenomenon, and then, I contemplate the ways in which this new phenomenon could be applied. An MIT professor’s career particularly suits me, as it allows me to fulfil my childhood wish - that of being an inventor.


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- Everything you have listed is important. But in addition to personal talent and personal motivation, as well as personal industriousness, people you work with are immensely important. While you are getting your education, your teachers and mentors play a great role. I was lucky that I had amazing teachers and mentors at MIOC in Zagreb, throughout college and the Ph.d. program, and finally during my postdoctoral studies; many of my teachers and mentors made a huge effort in my progress. Also, today, it is of immense significance for my career that I work together with some of the most talented people in the world, and there are many of them at MIT.  In today’s world, where science and technology advance so rapidly, which areas of science are, in your opinion, the most exciting and important for the future of the world? - Of course, I believe that these are my areas


of interest (e.g. nanophotonics), but there are also many other fields which are also important for the future of humanity. Here, we must particularly emphasize artificial intelligence, biology, nanotechnology in general...  Are all scientific discoveries necessarily good for the development of humanity? Where do you see the greatest potential, and the greatest dangers of new technologies, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology...? - Science and technology can be used for good purposes, as well as for bad ones. It is, therefore, essential that the entire society participates in the making of decisions as to how each new technology should be used and how we should relate to it. Scientists, in addition to making new discoveries and developing new technologies, not only have a duty to inform the society of all potential advantages, but also warn them of the possible disadvantages and threats of such technologies and science. By this, I mean that, at this moment, particular attention should be given to artificial intelligence, which has the potential of becoming by far the most powerful technology we have ever created, and we should, therefore, carefully reflect on how to make the best use of all the exciting and good things that artificial intelligence can bring, and to avoid all the bad things it could potentially also bring.  How important is it to you personally that your discoveries are applicable and useful in daily life? - My main goal and, I believe, the goal of the majority of scientists, is to see our work and our discoveries result in a better world. It is, thus, especially exciting whenever we discover something which can indeed be of great use to humanity.  Do you believe it is true - what Einstein supposedly said - that if you are not able to explain something to a child, you don’t understand it well enough yourself. In other words, can non-physicists understand impressive, perplexing achievements of modern physics that defy experience? - Well, I believe that the answer to this question is mostly affirmative. If explained well, most phenomena can be made accessible to a wider audience.  Like artists, scientists often do not live long enough to see their work bring them any fame. Are you glad that all American school children have heard of Tesla, if for no other reason, then because the best

and the most expensive electric car was named after him? - People like Tesla serve as excellent role models and inspiration for young generations to also become involved in science and technology, and it is, thus, very useful and beneficial that as many people as possible, particularly young people, become familiar with the story of Nikola Tesla.  You have won many international awards and professional accolades. Which one do you consider the greatest and the most significant? - I’m particularly fond of the MacArthur genius grant and Blavatnik, the prize awarded every year to the three most successful young scientists in the united States.  How do you select co-workers for your team? What qualities, in addition to talent and knowledge, are the most important in a co-worker? - Talent and motivation are definitely the most important. When choosing a new student to mentor through their Ph.d. thesis, previous knowledge is much less important to me, since in the long run, talent, imagination and creativity are far more important.  A decade has passed since you published your discovery of wireless, nonradiating power transfer in Science magazine, because of which we can charge our mobile phones without wires. What is your research focused on today? - Most of my research is in the field of nanophotonics, which is a subfield of nanotechnology, and deals with light. As for the possibilities of application, we have LEds, lasers, optic cables, sun cells etc.  Do you still work closely with colleagues in Croatia? What are you working on right now? - I have an excellent working relationship with Professor Hrvoje Buljan of Zagreb’s Faculty of Sciences, and many of his colleagues, including Professors Marinko jablan and dario jukić, as well as Tena dubček, who is currently working with me at MIT as part of the nine-month Fulbright Scholarship.  Now that you have got some distance after being in America for 25 years, where do you see Croatia’s greatest potential for development? - Croatia is a beautiful country with many talented and hard-working young people. As I believe that talent is the most crucial factor in the long term, I see a very pros perous future for Croatia.

Fondacija Blavatnik i osobni album / Blavatnik Foundation and personal album

 Your career, immediately after graduating from MIOC in Zagreb, has progressed at lightning speed. How did you feel after you passed the entrance exam and obtained a scholarship at one of the world’s best universities for technical sciences, MIT? What was your vision of the future then? - My first year at MIT was emotionally difficult. Although my studies went great, I was far away from my parents and friends; everything was new to me...However, these difficulties passed after a while. And after that, I saw how I could really use the many possibilities offered by MIT in terms of things I was interested in.  In your opinion, what is the determining factor for a scientist’s success: talent, industriousness, circumstances, a stimulating environment, or securing funding for work? What is the order of importance placed on all these factors?


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Piše/By _ Dubravka Belas

Fotografije/Photos _ Alan Grubelić


Makarska je odavno prestala biti tek ljetovalištem. Želite li mir i osamu, Makarska nije mjesto u koje ćete se povući, kao što u potrazi za pustinjom ne biste otišli u Nicu ili Cannes. Makarska je mjesto druženja, susreta, dobre i zdrave ljudske vreve što nije samo sezonska. U Makarskoj, koja punim plućima živi cijelu godinu, nećete lako ostati sami... Makarska has long ago ceased to be just a summer destination. If you are looking for peace and solitude, Makarska is not a place of retreat, just as you would not go to Nice or Cannes in search of a hideout. Makarska is a place of social gatherings, buzzing with a good, healthy crowd, which is not just seasonal. It is difficult to be alone in Makarska - which is alive throughout the entire year…


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Crkva sveti Filip Neri Church of St. Philip Neri

Gradska česma na zidu palače Alačević The town drinking fountain on the wall of the Alačević Palace

Konkatedrala svetog Marka Evanđelista Co-Cathedral of St. Mark the Evangelist

Ulica Kalalarga Kalalarga Street


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Spoj Kalalarge i Glazbarske ulice The corner of Kalalarga Street and Glazbarska Street


Trg fra Andrije Kačića Miošića Friar Andrija Kačić Miošić’s Square

Makarska luka The Port of Makarska (the Riva)


Obala kralja Tomislava King Tomislav’s Shore

Spomenik turistu A monument to a tourist

Otočić Kamen Brela (zovu ga i otočićem ljubavi, jedna od 10 najljepših plaža na svijetu, prema časopisu Forbes) Kamen Brela islet (it is also called the Island of Love in Brela, one of the ten most beautiful beaches in the world according to the Forbes Magazine)


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Sveti Jure, 1762 m, najviši vrh Biokova St. Jure 1762 m, the highest peak of Biokovo


Planinarski dom Vošac na 1422 m Vošac Mountain Lodge at 1422 m

Pogled na otok Brač s Biokova A view of the Island of Brač from Biokovo

Botanički vrt Kotišina Kotišina Botanical Garden


ođete li od Splita obalnom cestom prema jugu, negdje između ušća dviju bistrih rijeka, vrijednih vodonoša žednoj Dalmaciji, između tirkizne Cetine i zelenije Neretve, koje na ušćima u jadransko plavetnilo postaju lijene i mirne poput jezera, između obronaka sure planine koja se spušta sve do mora, u širokoj se potkovi smjestila stara jezgra današnje Makarske. S lukom zaštićenom poluotokom Sveti Petar i rtom Osejava od južnih vjetrova s mora i masivom Biokova od bura i drugih vjetrušina sa sjevera, ugnijezdio se u orlovskome naručju te impresivne planine pradavni grad, prirodna luka, utočište brodova putnika, trgovaca i gusara, nekadašnjih i modernih Argonauta. Makarska. Okružena tumulima Delmata, uz gradine na uzvisinama Podbiokovlja, sazdana na tragovima villa rustica, provincijalnih ljetnikovaca rimske Inaronije, ukotvljena na sredini trgovačkih kopnenih i morskih putova između Narone i Salone, između Mletaka i Porte. Lice joj je obilježeno tragovima svih njezinih stanara i osvajača. Nizali su se rimski, bribirski, bosanskohercegovački vladari, Osmanlije pred čijim su se plimnim valom ljudi i stoka sklanjali u biokovske špilje obitavališta nimfi, zatim mletački providuri


pa Austrija, Ugarska, kratkotrajno i Napoleonova Francuska. Najvidljivije je nasljeđe Venecije, u osnovnoj tlocrtnoj strukturi kojom su dvoja gradska vrata povezana tzv. širokom ulicom, Kalelargom. Pojam široka treba uzeti uvjetno s obzirom na današnja mjerila, ali svakako je to u prošlosti bila, a i danas je, glavna gradska arterija. Visoke kamene palače, tzv. provincijalnoga baroka, urešene klesanim portalima i balkonima s ogradama od kovanoga željeza, pružaju dobrodošlu zaštitu od vjetra i od prejakoga sunca ljeti. Smatra se da je Makarska dobila ime prema selu Makar iznad grada, zasnovanome na jednome od nekoliko snažnih izvora svježe vode kojim suha i krševita planina dariva obalu. I danas je u Makru vodosprema kojom grad nadopunjuje potrebe za vodom ljeti kad se broj njegovih stanovnika višestruko poveća. Starofeničko ime za izvor jest maquor, pa je veza samorazumljiva, no ime grada povezuje se i s feničanskim mucarom, skupocjenom grimizno-purpurnom bojom, korištenom za bojenje oprava vladara i plemića, poslije i kardinala. Boja se dobivala od volka, Murexa, morskoga puža kojim je makarsko podmorje nekad obilovalo. Makarska je odavno prestala biti tek ljeto-

valištem. Već se 250 godina diči jednom od prvih knjižnica na jadranskoj obali. Petstoljetni Franjevački samostan posjeduje i bogat arhiv u kojemu je pohranjeno 369 turskih isprava iz vremena kad je Makarska bila sjedište nahije u jedinome obalnom gradu koji su Osmanlije osvojili. U to se vrijeme grad prvi put utvrđuje. Tri kule, koje su poslije srušili Mlečani, sagradio je Hajrudin, osmanski graditelj divotnoga mosta u Mostaru. Grad na odmorištu između dva svijeta često je napadan, a njegove su utvrde rušene i spaljivane. Sačuvao se tek obrambeni zid na Sv. Petru, Kulica na predjelu Zelenka i Veliki kaštel u Kotišini. U samostanu se nalazi i nadaleko poznati Malakološki muzej s 3000 primjeraka izloženih školjaka, čudesnih oblika i boja, ne samo jadranskih, nego i iz dalekih tropskih i suptropskih mora. Usred grada nalazi se Zvjezdarnica, neposredno uz veličanstven spomenik revoluciji, uz rivu i plažu, na uzvisini brdašca Glavica. Pojas guste borove šume osigurava joj tamu za nesmetano promatranje tisuća treperavih zvijezda. Želite li mir i osamu, Makarska nije mjesto u koje ćete se povući, kao što u potrazi za pustinjom ne biste otišli u Nicu ili Cannes. Makarska je mjesto druženja, susreta, dobre i zdrave ljudske vreve koja nije samo sezonska. U Makarskoj, koja punim plućima živi cijelu godinu, nećete lako ostati sami. Poput Cannesa, Makarska ima svoje šetalište s palmoredom. Umjesto Croisette, Makarska ima Marinetu, jednako obrubljenu restoranima, hotelima, kaféima, klubovima, jednako punu šetača u mlakim večerima, dok se na drugoj strani blago ljuljuškaju privezane jahte i jedrilice. Hedonisti sa svih kontinenata ovamo dolaze na svoje: od finih mediteranskih jela, s ribama i plodovima mora, začinjenih ovdašnjim maslinovim uljem i zalivenih domaćim vinima uzgojenima na škrtim obroncima Biokova: bijelom maraštinom, zlatarnicom, mednom, crnim okatcem ili plavinom. Zanimljivo je da od crljenka s padina Biokova potječe poznatiji američki zinfandel, a od spoja crljenka i dobričića nastao je plavac mali. Mediteranska klima pogoduje uzgoju masline, svetog drveta, i vinove loze, stabla života. Te su dvije najčešće kulture; uz smokve, slatku žensku hranu plodnosti, aromatičnu višnju marasku, uz nar, bajame, rogače, divlje kruške i

divlje masline - mastrinke, na visoravnima Biokova, u crljenici vrtala otetih kamenu, uzgaja se ponegdje i povrće - raštika, pomidori, blitva. Visoko u planinu dopiru česmina, mirisni lovor, crni bor... Blage zime i poseban položaj s najviše sunčanih sati usred Dalmacije, učinili su od Makarske i njezine okolice prirodan botanički vrt, poput onoga pravoga, službenoga, u obližnjoj Kotišini, dijelu jedinstvenoga Parka prirode Biokovo. Od motara, kapara i agava neposredno uz more, žutog maka koji na šljunčanim predjelima obale hrabro podnosi slane zapuhe, od osejavskoga divljeg luka sve do biokovskih litica okrenutih jugu, s tristotinjak samoniklih i četrdesetak endemskih biljaka rijetke ljepote, živosti boja, mirisnih, ljekovitih, medonosnih…. U rano ljeto ili u proljeće ovdje ćete naći obilje cvijeća: od makarskoga klobučca - Cyclamen makarskense, patuljastog i puzavog zvonca, velecvijetnog rošca, malocrvenog kaćuna, crvene vratiželje, trobridog sijedca, Portenšlagove zvončice, modrog lasinja, poznate jadranske perunike i mnogih drugih,

Marijansko svetište u Vepricu kod Makarske Marian Shrine in Vepric near Makarska


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često na teško dostupnim, najneočekivanijim staništima, strmim i krševitim, kao dokaz da se život često pojavljuje na nemogućim mjestima. Iako zamišljen kao ograđeni dio prirode, sa samoniklom vegetacijom, dio botaničkog vrta zasađen je ljekovitim i egzotičnim biljkama. I u kasno ljeto, kad biljke više nisu u svome najljepšem izdanju, posjet Biokovu neponovljiv je doživljaj. Stiješnjen, pa nad Tetidin praocean tektonskim silama uzdignut masiv, obiluje mnoštvom fenomena kao što su škrape, vrtače, rasjedi, kanjoni, jame duboke po nekoliko stotina metara, špilje, ponikve i ledenice iz kojih se nekad u grad na magarcima dopremao led. S njegovoga vrha, Sv. Jure, vidik je veličanstven: kad je zrak očišćen burom, pogled može doseći do Monte Gargana, mamuze na talijanskoj čizmi, najisturenije točke Italije u Jadranu. More, modro mlijeko besmrtnosti, i ne samo simbolički, izvor je života Makaranima. Kolika god bila snaga Biokova, toliko je ta meka, a ipak nesvladiva voda nebrojenim svojim valima mrvila hridi obronaka bijele planine, zaobljavala ga, krotila, tvorila od njegovih stjenovitih kostiju lijepe uvale pješčanih i šljunčanih, nadaleko poznatih plaža, s milijardu puta prevrnutim, kotrljanim, otetim pa onda natrag ispljunutim žalom. Oblikovalo je tako more bezbroj uvala na pedesetak kilometara duge makarske rivijere, od Brela na sjeveru do Gradca na jugu. Kad vam ipak malo dosadi vreva uvijek živoga gradskoga tkiva, u nedalekome marijanskom svetištu Vepric, koje neopisivo podsjeća na Lourdes u malome, samo bez velike gužve i trgovanja, naći ćete, i za vrućih dana, duboku hladovinu, smirenje i tišinu koju remete samo pjev ptica, šum vjetra u vrhovima borova i svježi žubor potoka. Na kraju, nemojte otići iz Makarske ako niste kušali njezinu bogatu, makarsku pašticadu i tortu Makaranu, tu čaroliju od goleme količine badema, začinjenu maraskinom i muškatnim orašcem. Kušajte i dva starinska napitka koja će vam zacijelo ugasiti ljetnu žeđ: biklo, vino u jednakom omjeru pomiješano s mlijekom, i slavo, vodu s nekoliko kapi kvasine. A za ljetnih večeri poslušajte na makarskim trgovima klapsko pjevanje, tradicionalnu vokalnu glazbu, dubokih, ukroćenih muških glasova, uvrštenu u Unescovu listu nematerijalne svjetske baštine, s izvorištem upravo u  ovome dijelu Dalmacije.


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f you make your way along the coastal road, due south from Split, you will reach the old centre of modern day Makarska, nestled in a wide horseshoe somewhere between the estuaries of two clear water rivers, valuable water bearers for the thirsty dalmatian region - the turquoise-coloured Cetina and the greener Neretva. These rivers become lazy and still as a lake at their estuaries into the Adriatic blueness between the hillsides of the harsh Biokovo Mountain, the foot of which is at sea level. Shielded from southern winds that blow off the sea by the Sveti Petar Peninsula and Cape Osejava, and the Biokovo Mountain massif which protects it from the bura and other winds blowing from the north, the ancient city of Makarska, a natural port and refuge for ships, travellers, merchants, pirates and onetime as well as contemporary Argonauts, is nestled in the eagle-like arms of this impressive mountain. Makarska is surrounded by tumuli - ancient burial mounds of the dalmatae and the remains of forts on the Biokovo hillsides. It is built on the remains of rustic villas - provincial summer houses of Roman Inaronia, settled in the middle of road and marine trade routes between Narona and Salona, between Venice and Porta. The city’s face has been marked by all of its inhabitants and conquerors: rulers from Rome, Bribir and Bosnia and Herzegovina succeeded one another, followed by the Ottoman Turks, who pushed people and livestock into exile into the caves of Biokovo - the home of the nymphs, the provveditores of Venice, Austria, Hungary and, for a short while - Napoleon’s France. The heritage of Venice is most evident in its basic plan structure, with two of the city gates connected by a wide street - a kalelarga. The term wide is relative considering modern standards, but this certainly was, and still is, the main artery in the city. Tall stone palaces of the so-called provincial Baroque period, decorated by carved gates and balconies with wrought iron fencing, provide a welcome protection from the wind and hot summer sun. It is thought 01 Spomenik fra Andriji Kačiću Miošiću Statue of Friar Andrija Kačić Miošić 02 Spomenik pjesniku Tinu Ujeviću Statue of poet Tin Ujević



that Makarska was named after the village of Makar, located above the city on one of a few strong sources of fresh water - the dry and rocky mountain’s gift to the coast. Makar is still the location of a water reservoir, which provides additional water supply for the town during the summer months when the number of inhabitants increases significantly. The old Phoenician word for source is maquor, so the connection is self-explanatory, but the name of the village is also tied to the Phoenician word mucar - an expensive, crimson-purple colour used in dyeing the garments of rulers, noblemen, and later, even cardinals. The paint was extracted from the Murex sea snail once abundant in the seas off the Makarska coast. Makarska has long ago ceased to be just a summer destination. For 250 years now, it has been the location of one of the first libraries on the Adriatic coast. The five-centuries-old Franciscan Monastery houses a valuable archive that includes 369 Ottoman documents dating back to the time Makarska was the headquarters of the nahiya in the only coastal town conquered by the Ottoman Empire. The city was fortified for the first time back then. Three towers, later demolished by Venice, were built by Hayruddin, an Ottoman architect who also built a famous bridge in Mostar. The city was a rest-stop between two worlds, and it was often attacked, its towers destroyed and burned to the ground. Only the defensive wall of St. Peter’s Chapel in Zelenka and Veliki kaštel in kotišina have survived. The monastery houses the renowned Malacological Museum with 3000 shells of amazing shapes and colours, not only from the Adriatic Sea, but also from distant tropical and subtropical seas. There is the Makarska Observatory in the middle of the city, located next to a magnificent monument of the revolution near the shore promenade and the beach at Glavica knoll. The thick, pine-tree forest provides sufficient darkness for the undisturbed observation of thousands of twinkling stars. If you are looking for peace and solitude, Makarska is not a place of retreat, just as you would not go to Nice or Cannes in search of a hideout. Makarska is a place of social gatherings, buzzing with a good, healthy crowd, which is not just seasonal. It is difficult to be alone in Makarska - which is alive throughout the entire year. Like Cannes, Makarska has its own promenade with rows of palm-trees. Instead of


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the Croisette, Makarska has the Marineta, equally abounding with restaurants, hotels, cafes and clubs, just as packed with people during mild evenings, while docked yachts and sailboats gently rock across from their terraces. Hedonists from all continents feel at home here with a fine Mediterranean offering of fish and sea-fruit, excellent olive oil and local wines grown on the bare hillsides of Biokovo, including white Maraština, Zlatarnica, Medna, red Okatac and Plavina. Interestingly, the famous American sort, Zinfandel, originates from Crljenak from the Biokovo hillsides, while Plavac Mali is made from a mix of Crljenak and dobričić. The Mediterranean climate is perfect for the cultivation of olives - a sacred tree, and grapevine - the tree of life. These two are the most common agro-cultures, along with fig, the sweet female food of fertility, the aromatic Marasca cherry, pomegranate, almonds, carob, wild pears and wild olives (Olea oleaster/ Mastrinka); on the Biokovo plateaus, in terra rossa gardens stolen from the rock, vegetables are also occasionally grown collards, tomatoes, chard… The evergreen oak, aromatic laurel and black pine grow high up in the mountains. Its mild winters and specific position make Makarska and its surroundings a place with the most sunshine hours in central dalmatia, and also make it an ideal, natural botanical garden, much like the real, official one located in nearby kotišina, which is part of the unique Biokovo Nature Park. From samphire, caper and agave found along the shore, across the golden poppy, that courageously withstand salty wind gusts on the pebbly parts of the coast, and the bear leek of Osejava, to the southward facing cliffs of Biokovo, there are some three hundred species of wild plants and forty endemic plants of rare beauty, scents and lively colours, which have remedial properties and provide excellent nectar or pollen for honey… In early summer or in the springtime, you can find an abundance of flowers here: Cyclamen makarskense, silvery dwarf harebell, rocky bells, snow-in-summer, green-winged orchid, pyramidal orchid, Fibigia triquetra, dalmatian bellflower, Moltkia petraea, the famous Iris adriatica, and many others; they are often found where you least expect them: in inaccessible, steep and rocky habitats - proof that life often emerges from impossible places. Although fenced off, abounding with wild

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vegetation, part of the botanical garden has been cultivated with remedial and exotic plants. Even in late summer, when plants are no longer as beautiful, a visit to Biokovo is an unforgettable experience. A squeezed massif, which was erected out of the ancient Tethys Ocean by tectonic forces, is abundant with phenomena, such as limestone pavements, sinkholes, faults, canyons, pits up to several hundred metres deep, caves and ice-pits, which once supplied the town with ice, brought down from the mountain by donkeys. The view from its summit, St. jure, is magnificent: when the air has been cleared by the bura winds, the view stretches as far as Monte Gargano - a spur on the Italian boot and the most protruding point of Italian mainland in the Adriatic Sea. The sea, the blue milk of immortality, is a source of life for the locals of Makarska, and not only symbolically. Regardless of the strength of Biokovo, the soft, yet insuperable water and its countless waves, have crushed the rocks of the white mountain’s hillsides, shaping and taming them, turning their rocky structure into beautiful coves and bays with popular sand and pebble beaches - shores turned over, rolled, taken back and then spat back out a billion times. The sea has shaped countless coves along the fifty-kilometre stretch of the Makarska Riviera, from Brela in the north to Gradac in the south. If you do get bored of the busy life in the town, however, the nearby Marian shrine of Vepric, which could be dubbed Little Lourdes (only without the crowds and merchants), offers deep shade, and peace and quiet during the hot summer months, interrupted only by bird song, the sounds of the wind in the tops of pine trees and the gurgling of the nearby stream. Finally, make sure not to leave Makarska without tasting the pašticada (beef stewed in sweet wine prošek) of Makarska and the magical Makarana cake, made from an abundance of almonds and with a dash of Maraschino (cherry liqueur) and nutmeg. Also try two ancient drinks which are sure to quench your summer thirst: bikla - wine evenly mixed with milk, or slavo - water with a few drops of vinegar. during the summer months, the squares of Makarska are venues for klapa multipart singing traditional vocal music created by deep, but restrained male voices, which has been included on the uNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage and which originates from this part of dalmatia. 


Drive me - projekt autonomne vožnje drive me - autonomous driving project


olvo Cars, premium proizvođač automobila, lansirao je Drive Me, najnapredniji i najambiciozniji javni projekt autonomne vožnje na svijetu. Drive Me projekt je velikih razmjera koji spaja akademski, privatni i javni sektor u istraživanju što nastoji razumjeti i predvidjeti prilike i prednosti koje autonomna vožnja donosi društvu i pojedincima. Volvo, kao lider u području automobilske sigurnosti, vjeruje da će se predstavljanjem tehnologija autonomne vožnje broj prometnih nesreća smanjiti. U skladu s time, Volvo je stavio stvarne ljude iza

do 2021. godine. Ono zbog čega je naš pristup autonomnoj vožnji jedinstven jest naša koncentracija na ljude - ne samo na tehnologiju. Učiniti ljudski život jednostavnijim, sigurnijim i boljim, naš je način. To je Volvo način.


olvo Cars, the premium car maker, has kicked off drive Me, the world’s most ambitious and advanced public autonomous driving project. drive Me is large-scale project, that brings together academia and the private and public sectors in a research venture designed to understand the opportunities and benefits that autonomous driving can bring to society and to the individual. Volvo is the industry leader in the area of automotive safety and believes the introduction of Ad technology promises to reduce car accidents. Volvo put real people behind the wheel of state-of-the-art Volvo XC90s on public roads of Gothenburg. The drive Me cars will add hands-off and feetoff capability in special autonomous drive zones, powered by what Volvo calls the Autonomous driving Brain.

unsupervised autonomous cars will revolutionise society, boost global economies and transform the way we manage our time. As the biggest change to personal mobility since the invention of the car 130 years ago, we think there’s a lot to look forward to. At Volvo Cars we believe that our first unsupervised autonomous vehicles will be in the market by 2021. What makes our approach to autonomous driving so unique is that we focus on people - not just on technology. Making people’s life easier, safer and better it’s our way. It’s Volvo way.

Kako bismo potaknuli društvenu raspravu o novim tehnologijama i promjenama koje noviteti poput autonomne vožnje donose, uvoznik Volvo vozila za Adria regiju organizirao je niz panela na lokalnoj razini. Prva rasprava održana je na Tjednu dizajna u Zagrebu, na kojoj su sudjelovali stručnjaci iz područja razvoja inovativnih tehnologija, infrastrukture, korisničkog dizajna i autoindustrije, a raspravljalo se o budućnosti mobilnosti i izazovima koje ona donosi. Podijelite s nama vaše mišljenje o autonomnoj vožnji i osvojite putovanje u Gothenburg. To stimulate a public discussion about new technologies and changes that innovations are bringing, serial of debating panels has been organised by local Volvo representatives. The first debate was held at Zagreb design Week, featuring experts from fields of development technology, infrastructure, user experience design to discuss future of mobility in general. Share your opinion about autonomous driving with us and win a trip to Gothenburg. For more information visit:

upravljača novoga naprednog Volva XC90 na javne prometnice Gothenburga. Drive Me automobili omogućit će vožnju bez korištenja ruku i nogu u posebnim autonomnim područjima vožnje, a sve to pokretat će tzv. Volvov mozak autonomne vožnje. Autonomni automobili bez nadzora revolucionirat će društvo, poboljšati globalnu ekonomiju i promijeniti način na koji provodimo slobodno vrijeme. Kako je riječ o najvećoj promjeni u osobnoj mobilnosti od izuma automobila, prije 130 godina, mislimo da se možemo čemu veseliti. U Volvo Carsu vjerujemo da će naš prvi autonomni automobil biti na tržištu


_ 35


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_ 37


Esplanade Zagreb Hotel Tradicija, vrhunski dizajn, glamur i stil u srcu Zagreba Tradition, exceptional design, glamour and style in the heart of Zagreb


restižni zagrebački hotel Esplanade, poznat desetljećima kao hram vrhunske gastronomije, tradicije, dizajna i užitaka, sagrađen je davne 1925. godine s ciljem pružanja luksuznog smještaja i usluga putnicima glasovitog Orient Expressa koji je prometovao na liniji Pariz - Istanbul. Taj arhitektonski dragulj Zagreba od svojih je početaka bio mjesto ključnih društvenih događanja glavnoga grada, stoga ne čudi što su poznate osobe oduvijek odsjedale upravo u hotelu Esplanade, a među njegove se istaknute goste ubrajaju kraljevske obitelji, državnici, filmske i glazbene zvijezde. Elegantnu interijeru suvremena ozračja

uz očaravajuću kombinaciju secesijske arhitekture pridonose i visokopersonalizirana usluga te najnoviji tehnološki trendovi koji svakom gostu omogućuju nezaboravan doživljaj boravka u ovom povijesnom hotelu smještenom u neposrednoj blizini svih glavnih znamenitosti. Svaka od pomno dizajniranih i prostranih soba i hotelskih apartmana uz tradicionalan holivudski glamur i pravi osjećaj doma nudi i besplatan bežični pristup internetu, Health Clubu te mnoge inovativne usluge. Smještaj upotpunjuje vrhunski doživljaj objedovanja uz jedinstven pristup suvremenoj interpretaciji tradicionalne hrvatske kuhinje, koju predvodi chef Ana Grgić. Profinjeno ozračje i elegancija restorana Zinfandel's, uz nadaleko poznatu terasu Oleander s pogledom na park i fontanu, nudi nezaboravno fine dining iskustvo, a živopisni Le Bistro pruža ugodno ozračje pariškog šika. Inspiriran dvadesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća, kozmopolitski Esplanade 1925 Lounge Bar nudi kreativan izbor koktela i ukusnih zalogaja te glazbu DJ-a. Osim toga, hotel Esplanade pruža mnoštvo mogućnosti, kao i brojne prostore za organizaciju događanja i gala svečanosti, od kojih se svojim kupolastim krovom najviše ističe veličanstvena Smaragdna dvorana. Taj simbol Zagreba, sinonim za vrhunsku uslugu i eleganciju, uspio se postaviti kao istinska zvijezda u regiji, što dokazuju i brojne nagrade za besprijekornu kvalitetu. Spoj tradicije, istančana ukusa, profinjenosti, izvanredne usluge i posebne, iskrene veze sa Zagrebom, sugrađanima i svakim gostom svrstavaju hotel Esplanade među jedinstvene hotele u svijetu, koje svakako valja posjetiti.


agreb's prestigious Esplanade Hotel, renowned for decades as a temple of exceptional gastronomy, tradition, design, and pleasure, was built in 1925 for the purpose of offering luxury accommodation and service to travelers of the famous Orient Express, which ran the Paris-Istanbul line. Since its very beginnings, this architectural gem has served as the site of the capital's key social events, and so it comes as no surprise that celebrities have always flocked to the Esplanade. Among these renowned guests are members of royal families, statesmen, and film and music stars. The elegantly modern interiors and enchanting combination of Art Nouveau architecture, highly personalized service, and state-of-the-art trends in technology afford each guest an unforgettable stay in this his-


toric hotel, located near all the city's notable landmarks. Each of the thoughtfully designed and spacious rooms and suites offers not only traditional Hollywood glamour and a true sense of home, but also free Wi-Fi, access to the hotel's Health Club, and many other innovative services. The accommodation is supplemented by the exceptional culinary experiences made possible through Executive Chef Ana Grgić's uniquely modern interpretation of traditional Croatian cuisine. The sophisticated ambience and elegance of the Zinfandel's Restaurant, with its well-known Oleander terrace and view of the park and fountain, offer an unforgettable fine dining experience, while the lively Le Bistro provides a pleasant Parisian atmosphere. Inspired by the ambience of the 1920s, the cosmopolitan Esplanade 1925 Lounge Bar offers a creative selection of cocktails and delicious bites, while a dj takes care of the music. In addition, the Esplanade provides a number of possibilities as well as numerous spaces to organize events and gala festivities, among which the magnificent Emerald Ballroom, with its domed roof, particularly stands out. A symbol of the city itself and a synonym for top-quality service and elegance, the Esplanade has succeeded in earning true regional star status, underlined by the numerous impeccable service awards it has been presented with. The melding of tradition, refined taste, sophistication, extraordinary service and a unique, sincere tie to the city of Zagreb, its residents, and each and every guest all render the Esplanade one of the world's must-visit unique hotels.


_ 39


Pag je jedan od naših najvećih, ali i najraznolikijih otoka. Poznat je kao otok soli, sira i prelijepe paške čipke, ali i priroda je utkala svoju vlastitu sliku u mozaik u kojemu nalazimo makiju, blata sa slatkom i boćatom vodom, solane, prostrane uvale, strme stijene... Pag is one of our largest, but also most diversified islands. It is known as the island of salt, cheese and the beautiful Pag lace, although nature has also knitted its own lace into a mosaic with underbrush, mudflats with fresh and brackish water, saltwork basins, vast coves, steep cliffs... 40 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2017

Tekst i fotografije/Text and Photos _ Goran Å afarek


_ 41

Oštre stijene kod Stare Novalje Sharp rocks at Stara Novalja Glavoč krvoust

Morski puž golać

A red-mouthed goby

A crested aeolis

Šarag A sargo

Plovidba u zalaz sunca Sailing into the sunset

Uređena obala u kampu Straško


The coastline at Straško Camp

A coral

Ronjenje na Lunu Diving in Lun CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2017

_ 43

Polipi koralja Coral polyps

Ovce na paĹĄi Pasturing sheep

Svitanje na Velikom blatu Daybreak at Veliko Blato


Bjeloglavi sup A griffon vulture

Morsko stabalce A yellow gorgonian

Mala bijela Ä?aplja A little egret

Kontrast krĹĄa i slatke vode Contrast between karst and fresh water CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2016

_ 45





Vrlet Paga skriva mnoga, još neslućena prirodna blaga, isprepletena s bogatim kulturnim nasljeđem u nezaboravnu pašku čipku, u kojoj su sjedinjeni čovjek i priroda. No tu su i pašnjaci, vinogradi, polja omeđena karakterističnom šuštavom trskom… Najdojmljiviji su Mjesečevi krajolici golog kamenja na istočnoj strani otoka Paga, okrenutoj moćnoj planini Velebitu, koja se nadvija nad morem. Zrće i ostale turističke atrakcije tek su novijeg datuma, no čovjek je, da bi preživio, ovisio o ovakvome škrtome i ponekad surovom okolišu. Kilometri neobično razlomljenih i oštrih stijena, čini se, ne pružaju nikakve uvjete za život, na udaru bure i nemilosrdnog sunca. Upravo se bura strovaljuje s Velebita u punom zamahu i šiba sve pred sobom. Taj rafalni vjetar diže sol sa zapjenjenih valova i nosi daleko, čak i na drugu stranu otoka. Katkad vegetacija izgleda kao da ju je stisnuo mraz, no to je zapravo sol. Ogoljenosti je uvelike pridonijelo vjekovno stočarenje, jer zubi koza grizu i najžilaviju biljku. Sada su to kamenjari gdje rastu izdržljive biljne zajednice s endemskim primorskim mekinjakom i jadranskom ljubicom. Na

01 Crvena zvjezdača A Mediterranean red sea star 02 Morski jež A sea urchin



kamenjarima, manje izloženima zubima ovaca i koza, razvija se bujnija i šarenija pašnjačka vegetacija s više endemskih vrsta poput srednje krkavine ili rumenjače. Uz obalu rastu zajednice biljaka što podnose sol, koju donosi vjetar iz valova. Jedna je od najčešćih rešetkasta mrižica, koja se sa svojim sitnim ljubičastim cvjetićima, poput guste paučine, grčevito drži obalne stijene, a goli šljunak velikim žutim cvjetovima krasi rijetka primorska makovica. Podalje, ali još pod utjecajem soli, uspijeva zajednica s endemičnim dalmatinskim vražemilom. Tu biljku crvenih cvjetova i listova u rozeti ugrožavaju turisti prekomjernim branjem pa je gotovo i iskorijenjena. Hladovine prirodnih šuma na Pagu gotovo više i nema, osim uz kampove gdje su nasadi alepskog bora da bi se turistima omogućio ugodniji boravak, ali i kod Dubrave uspijeva prirodna listopadna šuma hrasta medunca. U ovom krševitom ambijentu bez mnogo sjene, gnijezdi se skrovita ćukavica. Ta ptica velikih izbuljenih očiju jedan je od najvećih ćurlina. Drži se otvorenih staništa, kamenjara, suhih pašnjaka, šljunčanih sprudova itd., hraneći se beskralježnjacima u sumrak ili noću. Tada







se skupljaju na zajedničku pašu, čak i za vrijeme gniježđenja, kada doživotni parovi podižu mladunce među niskom vegetacijom. Ćukavica se gnijezdi u tzv. blatima na Pagu. Nešto podalje od morske obale, to su plitka i zarasla blata - Veliko, Kolansko i Malo blato. Tu su se usred kamenjara i okolnih brda ugnijezdile ravne i plitke močvare na dnu krških polja sa stalnijim izvorom slatke vode, prave male oaze usred krša. Ondje je voda okružena i trskom koja pruža više mogućnosti za skrivanje i gniježđenje. Golemu važnost imaju za premorene i ogladnjele ptice selice ili zimovalice te ne čudi što je tu zabilježeno 168 vrsta ptica. Veliko blato izdašan je izvor vode i na njemu je stalno jezerce, a otuda se i crpi voda za piće lokalnog stanovništva. Malo je blato boćato i ljeti presuši. Svejedno, na njemu je jedno od najvažnijih gnjezdišta ugrožene eje livadarke u Hrvatskoj, gdje se gnijezdi desetak parova. Ta vrsta, za razliku od većine ostalih vrsta ptica grabljivica, gnijezdo svija na tlu. Eje su tipične grabljivice otvorenih prostora. Te dugorepe i dugokrile grabljivice elegantno i brzo grabe u mekanome i lelujavom letu, često tik do tla. Kad ugledaju plijen, str-

01 Riba pirka A painted comber 02 Glavoč žutac A yellow-headed goby



moglavljuju se na njega i hvataju čvrstim stiskom oštrih kandži na kraju relativno dugih nogu. No, Pag nije samo oštra i užarena stijena. Na mnogim mjestima ona se lako mrvi, jer to je pješčenjak i lapor, a otuda i blage i šljunkovite plaže. Pag je svojim obilježjima prirodna cjelina s udaljenijim Ravnim kotarima u zaleđu Zadra, prije svega pravilnim nizovima vapnenačkih bila i zaravni presječenih udolinama s mekim laporima i pješčenjacima. Do prije pet, šest tisuća godina bilo je to sve jedno neprekinuto kopno, kada je razina mora bila niža i za stotinjak metara. Povratkom mora, prostrane udoline dijelom su potopljene, a ostale su Paški zaljev, uvale Dinjiška i Vlašići i druge, te prostrana blata (pod utjecajem i slatke i slane vode). Pag je otok među ostalim dalmatinskim otocima u kojima tipično prevladava istočnojadranski krš. Te plitke prostrane udoline oplemenjene velikim brojem sunčanih dana, iskoristili su ljudi - stvorili su solane. Vjekovima su u njih puštali more da bi isparavanjem na suncu dobili sol. U doba bez hladionika, sol je bila jedini način konzerviranja ribe. No, te su plitke površine ujedno i gotovo prirodna staništa, baš kao muljevite plitke


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lagune. U simbiozi s čovjekom, ptice se močvarice gnijezde na solanama, nalazeći uokolo mnogo hrane. Osobito je solana značajna za morskog kulika, rijetku gnjezdaricu u Hrvatskoj. Podno drevnih nasada maslina na poluotoku Lun kod Novalje, obala se strmo spušta u more. Iako nije zaštićeno kao u parkovima prirode te unatoč stalnom lovu, podmorje Paga svejedno pruža mnoga šarena zadovoljstva. Podmorske strmine i veće dubine ovdje pogoduju mnogim organizmima, prije svega koraljima. Nježno morsko stabalce s desecima sićušnih polipa sa žarnicama filtrira more, loveći još sitnije organizme. Rupe u stijenama zaklon su za škarpinu, jastoga, ugora, hobotnicu i ostale slabije pokretne, šarene morske puževe i ostale skrovitije životinje. Na orade i obilje druge ribe vreba zubatac, brzi i jaki lovac kao i jato gofova, koje se katkad stvori uz obalu. Pag definitivno zaslužuje osobitu pažnju među ljubiteljima hrvatske obale, jer njegova vrlet skriva mnoga, još neslućena prirodna blaga, isprepletena s isto tako bogatim kulturnim nasljeđem u nezaboravnu pašku čipku, u kojoj su sjedinjeni  čovjek i priroda.


he crag of Pag hides much more, many untouched natural treasures, interknitted with a rich cultural heritage into the unforgettable Pag lace in which man and nature are united. There are also pastures, vineyards, fields bordered with characteristic rustling reed... The most spectacular are the moonlit landscapes of barren rocks on the eastern side of the Island of Pag, facing the mighty Velebit Mountain that overhangs the sea. The Zrće Beach and other tourist attractions are of a newer date, but man has had to, to survive, depend on such a skimpy and sometimes harsh environment. kilometres of unusually broken and sharp rocks seem to afford no living conditions, blasted by the bora and the merciless sun. It is exactly the bora that storms from Velebit in full swing scourging all in its way. This turbulent wind raises the salt from the foaming waves and carries it far, sometimes as far as the other side of the Island. There are times when the Island’s vegetation seems to have been frozen, but it is, in reality, only covered with salt. This barrenness has largely contributed to the Island’s age-old cattle-breeding, because goat teeth can bite through the toughest of plants.

These are today rockeries where tough and hardy plant communities grow, including the endemic coastal prickly dryps and the Adriatic violet. The rockeries that are less exposed to the teeth of sheep and goats are house to lusher and more colourful pasture vegetation, including more endemic species, such as the buckthorn and Onosma echioides. Along the coast, communities of salt-tolerant plants grow, tolerant of the sea salt carried by the winds. One of the most common salttolerant plants is the statice (Limonium cancellatum), which - with its miniscule violet flowers - clutches at coastal rocks like a densely knitted cobweb, while the large yellow flowers of the rare coastal poppy drape the barren gravel. A bit further away from the coast, although still impacted on by the sea salt, communities of endemic Goniolimon dalmaticum reside. This redflowered plant whose leafs are rosetteshaped has become endangered due to excessive picking by tourists and so it is almost extinct. There is almost no shade from trees on the Island of Pag, except for camps where Aleppo pine trees are planted to make the tourists’ stay as pleasant as possible, although there is a natural downy oak forest growing in dubrava. In this craggy environment without much shade, Eurasian stone curlews nest. This big- and goggle-eyed bird is one of the biggest waders. It keeps to open-space habitats, rocks, dry pastures, pebbled sandbanks, etc., feeding on invertebrates at dusk or at night. They then gather to pasture together, even during nesting, when lifelong mates raise their younglings in low vegetation. Eurasian stone curlews nest in the so-called mudflats of the Island of Pag. A bit further away from the shore, there are shallow and overgrown mudflats - Veliko Blato, kolansko Blato and Malo Blato. In the midst of rockeries and the surrounding hills, flat and shallow wetlands have found their home at the bottom of karst fields with a fresh water source, real little oases surrounded by karst. There, the water is surrounded by bulrush offering more room for hideouts and nesting. They are of immense importance for exhausted and hungry migrant birds or wintering birds, and so it is not surprising that 168 species of birds have been spotted and recorded there. Veliko Blato (Large Mudflat) is a generous source of water and a lakelet, where the drinking water for the local communities is

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Моscow, Gruzinskiy pereulok 3, entrance 7, оffice 217 Phone: (495) 514-63-80

ID kod: HR-AB-01-08289885; Izvor fotografije: TZ Brela

drawn from. Malo Blato (Little Mudflat) is brackish and dries up in the summer. Nevertheless, it is one of the most important nesting areas of Montagu’s harrier in Croatia, where some ten mates nest. unlike most other species of birds of prey, this species nests on the ground. Harriers are typical open-space birds of prey. These long-tailed and long-winged predators catch their prey elegantly and swiftly in a soft and swaying flight, often just above the ground. When they spot their prey, they plunge for it and catch it by firmly clutching their sharp claws at the end of their relatively long legs. However, the Island of Pag is not just a pile of sharp and scorched rocks. In many places, it is easily crumbled given that it is sandstone and marl, which is why its beaches are mild and pebbly. The Island of Pag is, with its distinguishing features, a natural whole with the more remote Ravni kotari in the hinterland of the City of Zadar, first and foremost owing to their regular rows of limestone hills and plateaus intertwined with soft marl and sandstone valleys. until 5-6 thousand years ago, this had all been a single strip of land, when the sea level had been lower for about as much as a hundred metres. With the rising of the sea, its vast valleys were partly submerged, and what remained are today’s Bay of Pag, the coves of dinjiška and Vlašići and others, as well as vast mudflats (under the influence of both fresh and sea water). Pag is one of the many dalmatian islands typically dominated by Eastern Adriatic karst.These shallow and vast valleys bathed in sunshine have been made good use of by people - for saltworks. For centuries, they have let seawater flood these saltwork basins so as to extract salt once the seawater evaporates after periods of sunbathing. Prior to the invention of coolers and refrigerators, salt was the only way to conserve fish. But these shallow basins are at the same time natural habitats, just like muddy shallow lagoons. In a symbiosis with man, wetland birds nest around the saltwork basins, being able to find plenty of food around. Saltwork basins are particularly important for the kentish plover, a rare nesting bird of Croatia’s.At the foot of ancient olive groves on the Peninsula of Lun near Novalja, the coast descends steeply into the sea. Although it is not protected as a nature park and in spite of constant fishing, the underwater world of the Island of Pag nevertheless offers many a colourful experience. Submarine steeps and greater depths here suit many organisms, most notably corals. The delicate yellow gorgonian with tens of tiny polyps filters the sea catching and eating smaller organisms. The holes in the rocks are shelter to the red scorpionfish, the spiny lobster, the European conger, the octopus and other less mobile organisms, such as the colourful sea snail and other camouflaged animals. The gilt-head bream and an abundance of other fish are preyed on by the common dentex, a fast and strong hunter, just like the greater amberjack, shoals of which are known to be seen swimming along the coast.The Island of Pag definitely deserves to be given special attention by lovers of the Croatian coast, given that the crag of Pag hides much more, many untouched natural treasures, interknitted with an equally rich cultural heritage into the unforgettable Pag  lace in which man and nature are united.


CROATA Stil nadahnut baštinom Style inspired by Heritage


ROATA je sinonim za limitiranu seriju ručno izrađenih kravata, rubaca i šalova za nju i njega. Od prvog do zadnjeg šava ručno su izrađeni u Hrvatskoj od najfinije svile. Najčešći motivi su hrvatski pleter, koji nalazimo na starim kamenim spomenicima i glagoljica iz 9. stoljeća. Ti motivi nadahnjuju dizajnere elegancijom i bogatom poviješću. Kao što je kravata postala sinonim za Hrvatsku, CROATA je postala sinonim za kravatu.


ROATA is a synonym for limited edition handmade neckties (cravats), scarves, and shawls

for him and her. They are handmade in Croatia from the first stitch to the last seam using only the finest silk. The most frequent motifs are Croatian interlace or pleter braiding taken from the old Croatian stone monuments as well as the Glagolitic alphabet from the 9th century. These motifs inspire their designers with their elegance in shape and the history that they represent. just as the cravat has become a synonym for Croatia, CROATA has become a synonym for the cravat.


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d i l o H


with a view

y a d


Piše/By _ Ozren Kanceljak Fotografije/Photos _ Šime Lugarov


Zagrebačka craft pivska scena uvelike obogaćuje ponudu i kvalitetu života grada. Osim što je Zagreb hrvatski glavni grad, postao je i - glavni grad piva. Provest ćemo vas kroz neke od najboljih zagrebačkih craft pivnica koje toče pretežito lokalno, a često i vlastito pivo. Predstavit ćemo i nekoliko zagrebačkih craft pivovara, što sve zajedno tvori novi zagrebački pivski identitet. Zagreb’s craft beer scene greatly contributes to the offer and quality of life in the city. Apart from being the capital of Croatia, Zagreb has also become the capital city of beer. We will take you on a tour of some of Zagreb’s best craft beer pubs that offer mainly local beer, but also their own beer. We will also introduce you to several of Zagreb’s craft breweries. As a whole, these establishments are the foundation of Zagreb’s new beer identity.


astuća craft pivska scena, živopisne šarene tržnice s proizvodima lokalnih farmi i barokna arhitektura dobri su razlozi da ostanete nekoliko dana u Zagrebu i tako istražite glavni grad Hrvatske. Tako je nedavno američki lifestyle magazin Bazar otkrio stotinama tisuća svojih čitatelja zašto vrijedi nekoliko dana proboraviti u Zagrebu. I zaista, hrvatska, a posebice zagrebačka craft pivska scena jedan je od dojmljivijih kvalitetnih gastronomskih noviteta ali i konstantnih trendova koji obogaćuje ponudu i kvalitetu života grada. Zagreb je danas sve zanimljiviji i zbog sve većeg broja odličnih, živopisnih pivnica i barova u kojima se nude kvalitetna svjetska ali i sve više lokalnih, malih zanatskih piva. Taj su trend zapazili kako američki novinari, tako i mnogo stranih i domaćih ljubitelja istraživanja svjetske pivske baštine. Zagreb je postao ne samo administrativni, nego i na svaki mogući način - glavni grad piva. Imajući to na umu, provest ćemo vas kroz neke od najboljih zagrebačkih craft pivnica koje toče pretežito lokalno, a često i vlastito pivo. Upozorit ćemo i na nekoliko zagrebačkih craft pivovara, što

sve zajedno tvori novi zagrebački pivski identitet. Obilazak je nemoguće početi bez posjeta jednoj od tri pivnica Medvedgrad i kušanja njihovih vlastitih piva (a i kuhinje). Priča o prvoj zagrebačkoj craft pivovari počinje još 1994. godine kad su bračni par, Ivo i Ljerka Nauković, pokrenuli kuhanje vlastitog piva u vlastitom pogonu. Uskoro su i sva četiri sina Nauković napustila svoje sigurne poslove i pridružili se roditeljima razvijajući obiteljski ali i zagrebački pivski brand. Danas proizvode šest redovitih i čak dvanaest sezonskih piva, kojima nadopunjuju ponude svojih pivnica. Pivo se danas može naći i flaširano na policama trgovina u praktički cijeloj Hrvatskoj. A osim toga i stručna ih je javnost nagradila priznanjima; na portalu Rate Beer proglašeni su najboljom hrvatskom pivovarom 2014. i 2015. godine. Njihov posljednji poduhvat, pivnica Fakin u Vukovarskoj ulici (što je ujedno i ime njihove verzije IPA piva), ponajbolje ilustrira i duh zajedništva novoga zagrebačkog pivarstva. Ondje po najboljim cijenama toče ne više samo vlastite proizvode, nego praktički i sva zagrebačka craft piva.

Za 2016. godinu, pak, po Rate Beeru najboljom je novom hrvatskom pivovarom proglašena ujedno i najmlađa - Garden Brewery čiji su pogon, ali i pivnica / klub smješteni u istočnom dijelu grada, na Žitnjaku. No, točeno ili u limenkama, Garden pivo može se naći u sve više lokala i u središtu Zagreba. Uživanje u njemu predstavlja pak poseban doživljaj na brojnim ljetnim Garden festivalima u istoimenom resortu u Tisnom, Barbarella’s Discotheque u Pirovcu ili pak zadarskom The Garden Lounge baru, kao i na brojnim DJ-partyjima na zagrebačkom Žitnjaku. Garden je životni projekt Nicka Colgana, britanskoga glazbenika i producenta s već dugotrajnom adresom u Hrvatskoj. On nije samo pokrenuo izvanredne glazbene festivale na dalmatinskoj obali, nego svoju priču oko glazbe zaokružuje danas i izvanrednom lepezom piva što se mogu konzumirati na eventima koje organizira. Danas se nitko ne buni što na Garden festivalima nema globalnih brandova. Upravo suprotno. Posjetitelji su oduševljeni što se razina glazbene kvalitete partyja osjeti i u svakom gutljaju pridruženoga Garden piva. Ako je Dolac - trbuh

01 - 03 Pivnica Fakin, najnoviji lokal najstarije craft pivovare Medvedgrad Fakin beerhouse, Zagreb’s latest pub of Medvedgrad, the oldest craft brewery in Zagreb 04 Braća Nauković unaprjeđuju s roditeljima obiteljsku pivovaru Medvedgrad Together with their parents, brothers Nauković have been improving the position of their family-owned brewery on the Croatian market 01





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Zagreba, a Ilica - njegova kucavica, onda je Opatovina zagrebačka pivska ulica. U toj uličici, smještenoj povrh glavne gradske tržnice, bio bi grijeh ne zaustaviti se u baru Ro & Do. Mnogi tvrde da je upravo ovdje i počela zagrebačka pivska revolucija. Dominik Škorić, vlasnik bara, duša je ne samo svog lokala i Opatovine, nego i zagrebačke craft scene. Bio je prvi koji je rekao ne velikim pivarima i počeo nuditi isključivo alternativne lokalne proizvođače, što beskompromisno radi i danas. Samo desetak metara dalje nalazi se pravi pivski hram: Craft Beer Room. U simpatičnom prostoru s dvije ljetne terase nudi se craft pivo iz 14 točionika i više od 200 različitih vrsta u bocama. Kako ističe voditeljica lokala Ivana Stanišić, i ovdje je primjetan rast zanimanja za lokalnim crafterima, ali stranci osobito vole piti i najbolja svjetska piva, posebice nakon što ih usporede s cijenama iz drugih europskih metropola. U oba navedena, ali i u stotinama drugih lokala širom zemlje, vrijedi kušati neke od pet vrhunskih craft piva Zmajske pivovare. Idejni začetnik i vlasnik Andrej Čapka, osnivač je foruma, a tako i jedan od pokretača cijele scene kućnog pivarstva u Hrvatskoj i u regiji. Udruživši se s prijateljem Hrvojem Čirjakom, pokrenuli su vlastiti pogon. Nakon samo nekoliko mjeseci, prema portalu Ratebeer, proglašeni su jednom od deset najboljih novih pivovara na svijetu (među 3800 kandidata) a njihov je porter ušao među 15 najboljih 2014. godine. Varionica je također stjegonoša zagrebačkog craft pivarstva. Osnovali su je Matija Mrazek i Davor Simičić, koji su pivo počeli kuhati kao hombreweri 2011. g., a 2015. g. su se odlučili na komercijalnu proizvodnju. Do danas su izbacili šest različih piva, od kojih je stalna postava Varionice pale ale i Neon Stout. Od specijala za 2017. pripremaju raženu IPA sa sedam vrsta hmelja i dvostruko dry hopanu. Pivovara Crafter’s pokrenuta je tek 2016., ali kvalitetom se brzo nametnula kao još jedno osvježenje zagrebačke scene. Glavni je kuhar Silvije Boroša-Sergio, najnagrađivaniji hrvatski kućni pivar, a do sada imaju čak devet različitih proizvoda. Usredotočeni su na vrhunsku kvalitetu svojih proizvoda, te kao sirovine koriste

isključivo probrane bazne i specijalne vrste slada i hmelja renomiranih svjetskih proizvođača (UK, SAD, Novi Zeland, Njemačka, Češka...). Investirali su u vlastiti pogon sastavljen od opreme najboljih svjetskih proizvođača. Među konkurencijom ističu se i pozadinom, jer se cijeli tijek proizvodnje kao i završni proizvod kontroliraju unutar vlastitoga mikrobiološkog laboratorija, što im pruža osobitu sigurnost za daljnji razvoj. Na sjeveru grada, kod pretposljednje tramvajske stanice linije 14, nalazi se Mlinarica, pravi dragulj zagrebačkoga ne samo craft pivarstva nego i ugostiteljstva. Želite li uživati u lokalnoj kuhinji i pivu, ovo je najbolje što Zagreb nudi. Ne samo zato što toče isključivo pet svojih piva koje kuha Edi Jendrić, nego zato što se na jelovniku nalaze jela koja svojim rukama spravljaju vlasnici, njegovi roditelji Sanda i Ivica. Sve češnjovke, pečenice, krvavice, kasekreiner, kao i štrukle napravili su sami. Sve povrće dolazi iz vlastitoga ili susjedovog vrta, te je kompletan ugođaj kao da ste kod kuće ili svoje bake.  Jedino je pivo mnogo bolje.

01- 03 Garden Brewery pruža autentičan spoj proizvodnje, pivnice i noćnog kluba Garden Brewery offers an authentic blend of brewery, pub and nightclub 04 Nick Colgan je, poslije Garden festivala, pokrenuo istoimenu pivovaru koja je odmah proglašena najboljom u zemlji After the Garden Festival, Nick Colgan opened a craft brewery of the same name which was immediately proclaimed the best in the country






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01 Dominik Škorić bio je prvi koji je odbio u svom lokalu monopol velikih brandova. Dominik Škorić was the first to have rejected the monopoly of big brands in his pub. 02 - 03 Atmosfera prvoga zagrebačkog craft beer bara Ro & Do na Opatovini. The atmosphere of the first craft beer pub in Zagreb, Ro & Do at Opatovina.





01 Ivana Stanišić voditeljica je najpopularnijega zagrebačkog pivskog hrama: Craft Beer Room na Opatovini Ivana Stanišić is the maitre d’ of the most popular beer temple in Zagreb: Craft Beer Room at Opatovina 02 - 04 Ugođaj Craft Beer Rooma na zagrebačkoj pivskoj cesti - Opatovini The atmosphere of Craft Beer Room on Zagreb’s beer road Opatovina.






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he growing craft beer scene, colourful farmers’ markets and elaborate Baroque architecture you’ll find in Zagreb make it worth setting aside a few days to explore Croatia’s capital city.The American lifestyle magazine, Bazar, has recently revealed to its readers why Zagreb is worth visiting for several days. Truly, Croatia as a whole, and especially Zagreb’s craft beer scene, is one of the most remarkable quality gastro novelties, but also a continuous trend that enhances the offer and the quality of life in the city. Zagreb is, nowadays, progressively more interesting due to an increasing number of excellent, lively bars and pubs that offer renowned global brands as well as more and more local craft beer. This trend has been noticed by American journalists as well as foreign and local fans of global beer heritage. Apart from being the administrative capital city of Croatia, Zagreb has also become the capital city of beer in every way possible.



01 - 02 Zmajska pivovara odmah je poslije otvaranja proglašena jednom od najboljih 10 novih pivovara u svijetu (među 3800 konkurenata) Immediately upon opening, the Zmajska (Dragon) Brewery was declared one of the top 10 new breweries in the world (amongst 3800 competitors) 03 Andrej Čapka imao je među pivarima godinama kultni status kućnog velemajstora kuhanja piva, dok nije pokrenuo vlastitu, Zmajsku pivovaru Amongst brewers, Andrej Čapka has for years had the cult status of homebrew grandmaster until establishing his very own Zmajska (Dragon) Brewery



01 - 02 Matija Mrazek i Davor Simičić autentični su predstavnici zagrebačkog craft pokreta, koji stoje iza sve poznatijih proizvoda svoje pivovare Varionica Matija Mrazek and Davor Simičić are authentic representatives of Zagreb’s craft beer movement and are the founding fathers of the increasingly well-known products of their Varionica (Welder’s) Brewery.


With this in mind, we will take you on a tour

quit their safe jobs and joined their parents

of some of Zagreb’s best craft beer pubs

in developing the family brand, which has

that offer predominantly local beer, but also

become synonymous with Zagreb. Nowa-

their own beer. We will also introduce you

days, they make six types of beer regularly,

to several of Zagreb’s craft breweries. As a

as well as twelve seasonal beers, with

whole, these establishments are the foun-

which they regularly expand the offer in

dation of Zagreb’s new beer identity. It is

their pubs. Their beer can, nowadays, also

impossible to start the tour without visiting

be found in bottles on store shelves across

one of three Medvedgrad breweries and

Croatia. Apart from that, they were pro-

trying their beer (as well as cuisine). The

claimed Best Croatian Brewery in 2014 and

story of Zagreb’s first craft brewery began

2015 by the Rate Beer Portal. Their latest

back in 1994, when married couple Ivo and

undertaking, the Fakin Pub (also the name

Ljerka Nauković started brewing their own

of their version of IPA beer) is the epitomy

beer. Soon enough, all of their four sons

of the spirit and unity of Zagreb’s new

03 Varionica je sve prisutnija ne samo u zagrebačkima, nego i drugim lokalima koji drže do kvalitetne pivske liste. Varionica crafts have been gaining in presence not only in Zagreb, but also in other localities that keep a quality beer list.




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is matched by every sip of Garden beer. If the dolac Market is the belly of Zagreb, and Ilica its artery, Opatovina is, then, Zagreb’s beer alley. In this small street, located above the main green market in the city, it would be a sin not to stop at the Ro & do Bar. Many claim that this is the very place where Zagreb’s beer revolution began. The bar’s owner, dominik Škorić, is not only the soul of this establishment and Opatovina itself, but also the soul of Zagreb’s craft beer scene. He was the first who said no to major breweries and started offering beer from alternative, local manufacturers exclusively, which he still does to this day without fail. just ten meters away is a true beer temple: the Craft Beer Room. A charming space with two terraces offers craft beer from 14 taps, and more than 200 different types of bottled beer. Bar Manager Ivana Stanišić says that the increase in interest for local craft beer is indeed noticeable, but that foreigners also like to drink the best global brands, especially when they compare the cost of beer at her bar with prices in other European capitals. In both of the above, as well as in hundreds

02 Silvije Boroša-Sergio, brewmeister Craftersa (u sredini) najnagrađivaniji je hrvatski kućni pivar. Silvije Boroša-Sergio (standing in the middle) is the most awarded Croatian home brewer and is today brewmaster of Crafters Brewery


03 Crafters su pokrenuli i mikrobiološki laboratorij za uzgoj pivskih kvasaca Crafters also set up a microbiological laboratory for the growing of bear yeasts 02

brewing scene as it no longer pours only its own beer, but also practically all other craft beers made in Zagreb - and have the best prices in town! According to Rate Beer, the best new Croatian brewery in 2016 was its youngest one - the Garden Brewery - a brewery and pub/club located in the eastern part of the city - žitnjak. However, Garden beer can also be found on tap or in cans at more and more bars in the centre of Zagreb. Enjoying it is a special experience at numerous summer Garden festivals at a resort of the same name in Tisno, Barbarella’s


discotheque in Pirovac or The Garden Lounge Bar in Zadar, as well as at various dj parties in Zagreb’s žitnjak. The Garden is the life’s work of Nick Colgan, a British musician and producer who has lived in Croatia for many years now. Not only did he initiate excellent music festivals along the dalmatian coast, but he rounded off his music story with an offer of excellent beer that can be consumed at the events he organises. Nowadays, nobody complains about the lack of global brands at Garden festivals. On the contrary, visitors are overjoyed that the music quality at these parties

of other pubs across the country, it is worth tasting some of the five premium crafts of Zmajska Pivovara. The founder and owner, Andrej Capka, has set up the pivarstvo. info forum and is one of the founders of the entire home-brewing scene in Croatia and the region. Together with his friend, Hrvoje Cirjak, he started his own production. After only a few months, according to the Ratebeer portal, they were proclaimed one of top 10 new breweries in the world (among 3800 candidates) and their portal entered the top 15 in 2014. Varionica is another standard brewer of Zagreb’s craft beer. It was founded by Matija Mrazek and davor Simičić, who started homebrewing in 2011, and in 2015, they decided to go into commercial production. They have, thus far, produced six different types of beer, with their staples - Pale

Edi, Sanda i Ivica Jendrić u podsljemenskoj pivnici Mlinarica nude svoje mesne proizvode, povrće iz vrta i vlastita piva In their Mlinarica Pub, Edi, Sanda and Ivica Jendrić serve their meat products, home-grown vegetables and their own crafts


Ale and Neon Stout. Their upcoming 2017 specials include the Rye IPA with seven types of hop and double dry hopped. Crafter’s Brewery was founded in 2016, but it positioned itself as yet another refreshing establishment on the Zagreb scene with its quality product. The head brewer is Silvije Boroša-Sergio, the most award-winning homebrewer in Croatia. The brewery has, thus far, made nine different types of beer. They are focused on top quality of their products, using exclusively select base and specialty malts and hops from renowned world producers (uk, uSA, New Zealand, Germany, the Czech Republic….). They have invested in their own production line comprising the world’s best manufacturers. They stand out amongst the competition given that the entire production cycle and final products are controlled in their own microbiological laboratory, which secures their further development.To the north of the city, next to the penultimate number 14 tram stop, is the location of Mlinarica - a true jewel of Zagreb’s craft brewing as well as catering. If you want to enjoy local cuisine and beer, this is the best that Zagreb has to offer. Not only because they pour five of their own beers, brewed by Edi jendrić, but because the menu consists of dishes prepared by the owners - his parents, Sandra and Ivica. All kinds of sausages (garlic sausages, blood sausages, grill sausages) as well as štrukli are homemade. The vegetables are from their own garden or the neighbour’s, and the atmosphere feels like you are at home or visiting your grandparents. Only the beer  is much better!


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eleposlanici akreditirani u Republici Hrvatskoj rado i često fotografiraju ljepote naše zemlje. To je potvrdila i izložba njihovih radova u prostoru muzeja Mimara, kojom je ujedno obilježena i 25. obljetnica međunarodnog priznanja Hrvatske. Ideja Nj.E. dr. Tanye Dimitrove, veleposlanice Republike Bugarske, i Nj. E. Philippea Benoita, veleposlanika Kraljevine Belgije, bila je otvoriti natječaj za sve inozemne veleposlanike koji su htjeli dočarati ljepote Hrvatske kroz svoj objektiv. Na natječaj je stiglo 150 fotografija, a nezavisni žiri, procesom pažljive evaluacije njihove kvalitete, temeljene na strogim tehničkim i umjetničkim kriterijima, odabrao je najboljih 45 radova izloženih u Mimari. Pobijedio je veleposlanik Republike Poljske Nj.E. Maciej Szymański fotografijom Krov(ovi) iznad tvoje glave - Rovinj, a drugonagrađeni je Nj. E. Philippe Benoit, veleposlanik Kraljevine Belgije i njegova fotografija Na mirnim vodama ninske lagune. Treće mjesto pripalo je Nj. E. Eduardu Azaru, veleposlaniku Kraljevine Španjolske, za fotografiju Stara dubrovačka luka. Posebna nagrada Ministarstva vanjskih i europskih poslova pripala je veleposlanici Republike Bugarske Nj. E. dr. Tanyi Dimitrovoj za fotografiju Tajna carske slave u Puli. Ministarstvo kulture nagradilo je veleposlanika Finske Nj. E. Timu Rajankagasa i njegovu fotografiju Jesen koja blijedi na Sljemenu, a Grad Zagreb Antoinette Kaić Rak, voditeljicu ureda Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije u Hrvatskoj, za njezin rad Proslava blagdana naše Gospe od Kamenitih vrata. Nagradu Hrvatske turističke zajednice primio je veleposlanik Republike Belgije Nj. E. Philippe Benoit za već spomenuti drugoplasirani rad. Izložba u Mimari organizirana je pod visokim pokroviteljstvom predsjednice Republike Hrvatske Kolinde Grabar Kitarović, a tom jedinstvenom događanju prisustvovao je zbor inozemnih veleposlanika. Izložba je bila poseban dar diplomatske  zajednice našoj zemlji.


U povodu 25. obljetnice međunarodnog priznanja Hrvatske u muzeju Mimara organizirana je izložba fotografija inozemnih veleposlanika On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the international recognition of Croatia an exibition of photograps by ambassadors accredited in Croatia was organised in Mimara Museum Na mirnim vodama Ninske uvale On the quiet waters of the Nin lagoon H.E. Mr. Philippe Benoit, Ambassador of Belgium


mbassadors accredited to the Republic of Croatia are keen photographers and often take pictures of the beauties of our country. This was confirmed by an exhibition of their photographs presented at the Mimara Museum, which also marked the 25th anniversary of


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Izlazak iz lošinjskog plavetnila Out of the Lošinj Blue - H.E. Mr. Timo Rajakangas, Ambassador of Finland Iščekivanje Godota na Kaptolu Waiting for Godot on Kaptol - H.E. Mrs. Tanya Dimitrova, Ambassador of Bulgaria


Nin - kolijevka Hrvatske Nin - Cradle of Croatia - H.E. Mr. Juraj Priputen, Ambassador of Slovakia

Pogled na more s dubrovaÄ?kih zidina View out towards the sea from Dubrovnik’s city walls H.E. Mr. Eduardo Aznar - Ambassador of Spain





the international recognition of the Republic of Croatia.The idea of Her Excellency Tanya dimitrova, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria, and His Excellency Philippe Benoit, Ambassador of the kingdom of Belgium, was to invite all foreign ambassadors who wanted to bring to life the beauties of Croatia through the lenses of their cameras. 150 photographs were received, and an independent jury, after having evaluated the quality of all the received photographs in line with strict technical and artistic criteria, selected the top 45 photographs exhibited at the Mimara Museum. The best photograph was Rooftop/s above your head - Rovinj taken by the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, His Excellency Maciej Szymański, second place was taken by His Excellency Philippe Benoit, Ambassador of the kingdom of Belgium, and his photograph On the calm waters of the Lagoon of Nin, while His Excellency Eduardo

Azaro, Ambassador of the kingdom of Spain, came third with his photograph Old Dubrovnik Port. The Special Award of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia was awarded to the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria, Her Excellency Tanya dimitrova, for her photograph The Secret of Imperial Fame in Pula. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia awarded the Ambassador of Finland, His Excellency Tim Rajankagas, for his photograph The autumn that fades on Sljeme, while the City of Zagreb awarded Antoinette kaić Rak, Head of Country Office of the World Health Organisation in Croatia, for her photograph The Feast of Our Lady of the Stone Gate. The Croatian National Tourist Board Award was received by the Ambassador of the kingdom of Belgium, His Excellency Philippe Benoit, for his aforementioned photograph that took second place.The exhibition at the Mimara Museum was organised under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Mrs. kolinda Grabar-kitarović, and this unique event was attended by the majority of the foreign ambassadors to the Republic of Croatia. The exhibition was a special gift of the diplomatic corps to the Republic of Croatia on the occasion of the  25th Anniversary of its Independence. 01 Krka - kamen i more Krka - Stone and Water - H.E. Mrs. Astrid Versto Ambassador of Norway 02 Pješačenje oko Plitvičkih jezera pravi je izazov Hiking round Plitvice Lakes is thirsty work H.E. Mr. Andres Dalgleish, Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 03 Tanya Dimirtova i/and Philippe Benoit



Oslo je grad koji će vam se odmah svidjeti, a možete li si priuštiti da se zadržite dovoljno dugo, spoznat ćete značenje izreke da se čovjek lako privikne na dobro. Ali, ako se zaista želite uklopiti, zaista osjetiti ovaj grad, morate se potruditi imati prijatelje među ljudima koji oduvijek ovdje žive. Dakako, to vrijedi za svako mjesto na svijetu, ali možda baš malo više nego inače, za Oslo.

Oslo is a city which you will like immediately, and if you can afford to stay long enough, you will understand the meaning of the saying that it is easy to get accustomed to good things. But if you truly wish to immerse yourself in the place and really get a feel for the city, you must make an effort to find friends among the people who have been living here all their lives. Of course, this is true of any place in the world, but might be even more true of Oslo.

Piše/By _ Ines Sabalić

Gammelhavn, Stara luka, oko koje se počeo razvijati grad Oslo Gammelhavn (Old Port), around which the City of Oslo started developing


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01 Preobrazba Osla u moderni grad vidi se i po umjetničkim instalacijama The transformation of Oslo into a modern city can be seen in its art installations


02 Uživanje u toplim danima Enjoying warm days 03 Obnovljeno staro središte The renewed old centre




skupoću treba prihvatiti kao nepromjenjivu činjenicu u određenom trenutku života. Onda ćete mirno dati pet ili šest eura za toplu čokoladu ili desetak eura za pivo. U Oslu žive i stranci, stručnjaci, bankari, studenti, i zahvaljući njima, grad se posljednjih desetak godina otvorio više nego prije, makar još nije šaren kao Stockholm ili Kopenhagen. Imigracija je dopuštena, ali kontrolirana, i useljenici se ohrabruju na poslovnu samostalnost. To ne začuđuje, jer na ljestvici gradova u kojima je lagano početi i održati biznis, Oslo je odmah iza Amsterdama. Iako Oslo ostavlja dojam ozbiljnoga grada, ipak ima prilično zgodnih malih restorana, simpatičnih trgovina gdje se prodaje kreativna odjeća, ili dizajnerskih kuća gdje se prodaje ona vrlo ekskluzivna. Valjda nigdje nema toliko kafića koji ponosno ističu da su gluten-free ili vegetarian friendly. Doduše, ti džepovi modernosti i coola nisu posijani posvuda, nego su koncentrirani u nekoliko gradskih četvrti, na primjer Grunerlokka, koji je prije bio radničko predgrađe, a sad je trendi, boemski dio Osla. Grunerlokka je mješavina malo jeftinijih cijena smještaja, jeftinijih kafića, antikvarijata, galerija, ali i simpatičnoga hipsterskoga snobizma.

Fotografije/Photos: Image


tranci ovdje sve češće poslovno borave dulje vrijeme jer glavni grad Norveške nije samo administrativno, nego i kulturno i financijsko središte, pa želi privući talente. Turisti se pak u Oslu zadržavaju relativno kratko, a onda se zapute u otkrivanje divne prirode europskog sjevera. Pustolovina otkrivanja počinje već u Oslu. Potrebno je samo 15 minuta da se čovjek nađe u pravoj šumi, a zelenilo prodire u sve dijelove grada i pretvara se u idilične parkove. Ne samo visoka tehnologija, nego i organizirana infrastruktura neagresivno intervenira u prirodu i to je, možda, jedno od najugodnijih otkrića. Živite li u Oslu, nakon posla ili vikendom možete gradskim prometom za manje od pola sata stići od Sentruma, tj. središta grada, do Vinter parka i skijati po blještavo osvijetljenim stazama do 10 navečer, i to od studenoga pa do poslije Uskrsa. Ne osobito velik, Vinter park najbliži je Oslu i ipak ima 14 skijaških staza i šest skijaških liftova. To je sasvim dovoljno da se građani prostranoga po površini, ali nevelikoga grada od 650 000 stanovnika, valjano rekreiraju. Kao i u gradu, i u kafićima na skijalištu skupo je. Iako ima studenskih trikova kako da se u Oslu prođe jeftinije,

Makar nije čudno da bogatstvo privlači luksuzne pothvate, i unatoč usponu nove skandinavske kuhinje, ipak iznenađuje da u Oslu postoji i restoran s čak tri Michelinove zvjezdice! Duboko je i iskreno divljenje nas južnjaka prema Skandinaviji, ali uvijek nas iznenadi kad se istaknu baš u vrhunskoj kuhinji. U restoranu Maeemo sve je organski uzgojeno, pripremljeno ne samo po najvišim standardima umijeća, nego i filozofije transparentnosti - tako chefovi završavaju neka jela na stolu gostiju. Michelin objašnjava svoju najvišu ocjenu tako da je riječ o jelima koja su umjetnička djela trajne vrijednosti. Ali, ako se zaista želite uklopiti, zaista osjetiti ovaj grad, morate se potruditi imati prijatelje među ljudima koji oduvijek ovdje žive. Dakako, to vrijedi za svako mjesto na svijetu, ali možda baš malo više nego inače za Oslo. Mnogi doživljavaju Norvežane kao vrlo jednostavne, korektne, izravne u komunikaciji, susretljive, ali donekle zatvorene ljude. Treba znati prihvatiti te osobine, ali i donijeti nešto svojega, što će se, također nenametljivo, uklopiti. Svatko će vas ljubazno uputiti da, ako ste vrlo dobar skijaš, krenete u Vinter park podzemnom željeznicom, ili Tbane, 15-ak minuta do mjesta Roa, oda-

kle autobus vodi do zahtjevnijih skijaških staza, ali Oslo je ipak više od toga. Tko god nije veoma stisnut s novcem, zavoljet će Oslo. Najprije, ovdje su poseban zrak i svjetlo. Jer na sjeveru je i jer se klima polako mijenja, lijepih i sunčanih dana više je nego prije. Vrlo je često vani svježije nego što se čini kroz velike prozore, pa ako dolazimo s juga, činit će nam se da to nije pravo sunce, nego nacrtano - sjaji, ali ne grije. Ipak, plavo more u Frojdu Oslo, na kraju kojega je ovaj grad, baš osobito svijetli. Posvuda vlada osjećaj čistoće, umjerenosti i zdravlja i čovjek polako shvaća da upravo tako treba živjeti. Na prvi pogled, ako ste neinformirani i kad se okrenete okolo, mislit ćete da i nema mnogo toga u Oslu. Vidjet ćete glavnu ulicu i u njoj kraljevsku palaču. Ljeti, dok je kraljevska obitelj u ljetnjoj rezidenciji Oscarshall, također u regiji Osla, ili pak u planinama, palača je otvorena javnosti i može se obići u sat vremena. Norveška je ustavna monarhija, a da je takva, odlučeno je na referendumu 1905. godine, kad su Norvežani razvrgnuli, za njih nelagodnu, uniju sa Švedskom. Sad su, nakon mnogo stoljeća, bili nezavisni, ali više nisu imali svoje kraljevske obitelji,


01 U pozadini: nova Opera In the background: the new Opera building 02 Oslo, grad parkova Oslo, the city of parks



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Arhitektura u harmoniji Harmony of architecture

Nove navike Ĺživota na sjeveru New customs of living in the north


ZnaÄ?ajna zbirka suvremene umjetnosti u muzeju Astrup Fearnley An important collection of contemporary art in the Astrup Fearnley Museum


Gradska vijećnica The City Council Opuštena večer u Staroj luci Chilling out in Gammehavn

Grad pristupaÄ?an i djeci A child-friendly city

Iz zbirke moderne umjetnosti From a modern art collection


Moderna instalacija u starom gradu A modern installation in the old city centre

Muzej vikinĹĄkih brodova The Viking Ship Museum


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pa su pozvali jednoga danskog princa za kralja da se doseli u glavni grad, koji se tada zvao Kristiania, i to ime nosio još 20 godina u nezavisnosti. Najomiljeniji kralj i prvi koji je govorio norveški bio je Olav, koji je vladao od 1957. do smrti 1991. godine. Olav je razumio svoju domovinu i postavio je standard jednostavnosti, koju više nije moguće pomaknuti. Priča se da je Olav umjesto svog vozača vozio službeni auto ako se ovaj poslije ručka odmarao i čitao novine. Danas je, diskretno i uglavnom simbolički, na čelu zemlje Harald V., prvi koji je nakon starih vikinških kraljeva, čija se povijest miješa s legendom, rođen u Norveškoj, a inače je bio olimpijski natjecatelj u jedrenju. I Harald i kraljica Sonja duboko su u 90. desetljeću života, ali još zimi staju na skije, doduše, samo za brzo hodanje. Od vikinškoga, srednjevjekovnoga grada, zbog požara i razaranja, veoma je malo ostalo u Oslu. Najveći dio povijesti može se vidjeti u Muzeju grada Osla ili u Muzeju Vikinga. Današnji Norvežani, zbog silnog sporta i zdravog života, možda i podsjećaju fizički na svoje slavne pretke, ali ratobornost je nestala. Ono što je ostalo jest osjećaj zajednice koji se vidi i u vrlo jakoj samosvijesti građana koji zahtijevaju odgovornost i ozbiljnost svojih političkih predstavnika na svim razinama javnog života. Dugo godina kraljevska palača bila je najveći vizualni simbol grada. Zapravo, kad je Kristiania 1814. godine postala, kao dio personalne unije, glavni grad, nije bilo zgrada dovoljno reprezentativnih da se u njih smjeste državne institucije. Tada je, uz palaču, sagrađena i zgrade Parlamenta, koji zovu Storting, Sveučilišta, a poslije Burza, banke i kazališta. Posljednih deset godina podignute su druge velike građevine i obnavljaju se veliki dijelovi grada, na primjer obala. Način na koji to rade promišljen je i tehnološki veoma napredan, gotovo nedohvatljiv za druge europske gradove. Najveći današnji simbol jest hipermoderna, vrlo uspjela, međunarodno nagrađivana zgrada Opere. U izgradnji su još druge javne zgrade, sve raskošnog proračuna i hipermodernih projekata zbog kojih se vode rasprave. No, zašto su Norveška, i pogotovo Oslo, tako skupi? Skupoća ima uzrok u bogatstvu, i u specifičnoj vrsti bogatstva koje potječe iz nafte. Plaće su u naftnoj

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industriji veoma visoke, kako bi privukli i zadržali vrhunske stručnjake. Oni su, pak, spremni sve platiti skuplje, pa sve cijene, od nekretnina do drugih usluga, rastu. Plaće u drugim sektorima slijede naftnu industriju, a na sreću, novca je dovoljno da proračun to može izdržati. Osim toga, Norveška je izrazito socijalno društvo. To pak ima korijen u tradicionalnoj egalitarnosti u društvu, i idealu jednostavnosti. Ovo društvo ne voli posebno isticanje, tako da bogataši oklijevaju pokaziva-

ti svoje povlastice. No, svi su dobro plaćeni - od visokih stručnjaka do fizičkih radnika. Zdravstveno osiguranje dostupno je svima i plaća se iz proračuna, obrazovanje je izvrsno i otvoreno svima koji žele učiti. Svi koji su se zadržali u Oslu, kažu da im je grad savršen u kombinaciji posla i slobodnog vremena, te da su polako prihvatili zdrav, udoban i jednostavan način života. Bave se sportom, dišu svježi zrak, jedu hranu organskog uzgoja, djeca idu

u izvrsne škole. To je Europa kakva je trebala biti. Što se više odmiče od Osla, ceste su manje savršene nego što bismo očekivali, no i to je vrsta lekcije koju se nauči u Norveškoj. Iako mnogi Norvežani prigovaraju, čak je i bolje da prastare šume ne presijecaju moderne autoceste, nego da se treba pojačano paziti i polakše napredovati. Ali na kraju takvih putova, u malim selima, pa i u nekim kućama na osami, uglavnom starijoj populaciji osigurana je vrhunska pomoć. No i ta je pomoć pametno osmišljena tako da ne infantilizira i ne patronizira, nego zahtijeva određenu aktivnost i poštuje svakoga građanina. Norveška je možda i najljepša skandinavska zemlja, ali nije riječ samo o prekrasnim fjordovima i šumama, nego o tome kako se odnosi prema svojim građanima, kakav je život zajednice. To daje atmosfe ru i Oslu i cijeloj zemlji.


ore and more, foreigners are choosing to stay here for longer periods of time on business as Norway’s capital is not only an administra-

Kraljevska palača, dom kralja Haralda i kraljice Sofije / The Royal Palace, home of King Harald and Queen Sofia


tive centre, but also a cultural and financial one; the city makes an effort to attract talent. On the other hand, tourists stay in Oslo for a relatively short period of time before leaving to discover Europe’s wonderful, northern countryside. The adventure of discovery starts in Oslo. It only takes 15 minutes to find yourself in a real forest; greenery permeates all parts of the city, with many idyllic parks. High-technology and an organized infrastructure blends into the natural surroundings in a non-aggressive way, which is perhaps one of the most pleasant discoveries. If you live in Oslo, after work or on the weekends, you can get from Sentrum, that is, the city centre, to Vinterpark on public transport in less than half an hour, and ski along the brightly-lit trails until 10 p.m., from November until after Easter. While not particularly large, Vinterpark is the closest to Oslo and has as many as 14 ski trails and 6 ski lifts. This is sufficient to provide the 650,000 residents of the city with a sizeable territory to engage in serious recreational activity. As in the city, cafés at the ski resort are expensive. Although

students have their tricks to get a good bargain, others have to accept the high prices as an inalterable fact of life at the moment. Once you do so, however, you won’t mind paying 5 or 6 euros for a cup of hot chocolate or about 10 euros for a beer. Oslo is also the home to many foreigners, experts, bankers and students; thanks to them, the city has opened up more in the last decade, although it is still not as colourful as Stockholm or Copenhagen. Immigration is allowed but controlled,

and immigrants are encouraged to set up independent businesses. This is not surprising since Oslo ranks high on the list of cities where it is easy to start up and maintain a business, right after Amsterdam. Although Oslo leaves the impression that it’s a serious city, it, nevertheless, has a number of delightful, little restaurants, charming shops selling creative outfits and designer stores selling highly-exclusive clothing. There is probably no place in the world with so many cafés proudly pro-

U pozadini, Krik Edvarda Muncha, u Nacionalnoj galeriji u Oslu In the background: Edvard Munch’s The Scream in the National Gallery in Oslo


_ 87



claiming they are gluten free or vegetarianfriendly. However, these pockets of modernity and coolness are not scattered all over, but rather concentrated in several neighbourhoods, one of which is Grunerlokka, which used to be a working class suburb, but is now a trendy bohemian part of Oslo. Grunerlokka is a mixture of cheaper accommodation, less pricey cafes, antique shops and galleries, but also adorable hipster snobbery.It is not in the least strange that wealth should attract luxurious ventures, and despite the rise of new Scandinavian cuisine, it is still


surprising that Oslo boasts a restaurant with as many as three Michelin stars! While we southerners admire Scandinavia deeply and sincerely, we are always surprised when they excel in haute cuisine. Everything at the Maeemo Restaurant is organic, prepared not only in accordance with the highest culinary standards, but it also lives by the philosophy of transparency - with chefs finishing some of the dishes at guests’ tables. Michelin explains its highest rating by saying that these dishes are pieces of artwork with lasting value.But if you truly wish to immerse yourself in the

place and really get a feel for the city, you must make an effort to find friends among the people who have been living here all their lives. Of course, this is true of any place in the world, but might be even more true of Oslo. Many perceive Norwegians as fair, direct, friendly, but somewhat reserved people. you have to be able to accept these characteristics, but also bring something of yours to the table, which will help you fit in without being intrusive. If you are good at skiing, the helpful locals will suggest you take the metro or T-bane to Vinterpark, some 15 minutes to the borough of Roa, from which point a bus will take you to more challenging ski trails. But Oslo is so much more than this.Even the spendthrift visitor will love Oslo. First of all, the air and the light are special here. Because it is situated in the north, and because the climate is slowly changing, there are more beautiful, sunshine days than ever before. Very often, it is cooler outside than it looks from the large windows, so those coming from the south might get the impression that the sun is not real, but painted in the sky - shining, but radiating no warmth. Still, the blue sea in the Oslo Fjord, at the end of which the city

Suvremena skulptura, Tigar, ispred željezničke stanice Oslo Contemporary sculpture, The Tiger, in front of Oslo Central Station

is nestled, gives off a distinct gleam. The feeling of cleanliness, moderation and health is ubiquitous, and you slowly realize that this is the proper way to live. At first glance, if you are not informed, when you take a look around, you will think that there are not that many things in Oslo. you will see the main street with the royal palace. In the summer, when the royal family is at its Oscarshall summer residence, also in the Oslo region, or in the mountains, the palace is open to the public; it will take you


an hour to see it.Norway is a constitutional monarchy, proclaimed so during the 1905 referendum when the country dissolved its union with Sweden seeing no benefit from the relationship. Gaining its independence after many centuries, but no longer having its own royal family, a danish prince was asked to be its king and move to the capital, which was called kristiania at the time - a name this newly-independent country bore for another 20 years following independence. The best loved king, and the first to speak Norwegian, was Olav, who ruled from 1957 until his death in 1991. Olav understood his homeland and set a standard of simplicity, which is untouchable even today. The story goes that Olav drove his official car around after lunch in case the chauffeur wanted to take a nap or read the newspaper. Today, the country is headed, discreetly and mostly symbolically, by Harald V, the first after the old Viking kings (a history mixed with legend) to be born in Norway, and who also participated in the Olympics as a sailor. Both Harald and Queen Sonja are in their nineties, but, nevertheless, put on their skis every winter, albeit only for a brisk walk. due to fires and other devastating

incidents, there is little left of the Medieval Viking city in Oslo. The largest part of its history can be seen in the Museum of the City of Oslo or the Viking Museum. Today’s Norwegians, thanks to their passion for sports and a healthy lifestyle, may physically resemble their famous ancestors, but the inherent fight and belligerent attitude are gone. What has remained is the sense of community which is reflected in citizens’ strong self-confidence, requiring responsible and serious behaviour from their political representatives at all levels of public life. For many years, the royal palace was the city’s greatest visual symbol. In fact, when kristiania became the capital in 1814 as part of a personal union with Sweden, there were no representative buildings good enough to house state institutions. It was then that, in addition to the palace, the building of the Parliament, called Storting, as well as the university, and later, the Stock Exchange, banks and theatres, were erected.Over the last decade, other large buildings have been constructed, and large parts of the city renovated, such as the waterfront. These works have been carried out in a carefully

Jedna od vizura nove Opere u Oslu A view of the new Opera building in Oslo

thought-out and technologically-savvy way, almost beyond reach for other European cities. Today’s greatest symbol is the hypermodern and very successful Opera building, which has won many international awards. Other public buildings are being erected, all with luxurious budgets and hypermodern designs, which have given rise to much debate. But why is Norway, and particularly Oslo, so expensive? High prices are generated by wealth, a specific type of wealth originating from oil. Salaries in the oil industry are very high in order to attract and retain top-notch experts who, on the one hand, are willing to pay more for everything, which means prices, ranging


from real estate to services, grow. Salaries in other sectors have followed suit. Fortunately, there is enough money in the budget to sustain this. In addition, Norway is an exceptionally socially-conscious society. This is rooted in tradition - the society’s sense of egalitarianism and the ideal of simplicity. This society does not like ostentatiousness, and rich people are reluctant to show how privileged they are. But the fact remains that everyone gets a decent salary - from top experts to blue-collar workers. Health insurance is available to everyone and is paid out of the state budget; education is excellent and accessible to anyone willing to study. People who have stayed in Oslo say the city is perfect for them in terms of balancing work and leisure time, and that they have slowly adopted a healthy, comfortable and simple way of life. They pursue sports, breathe clean air, eat organic food, and their children attend excellent schools. This is Europe as it should be. As you move further away from Oslo, roads are less perfect than you would expect here, but this is also a type of lesson you learn in Norway. Although Norwegians like to complain, it is actually for the better that ancient forests are not sliced up by modern highways, and that you have to pay closer attention and drive more slowly instead. However, at the very end of these paths, in small villages and within remote houses, the highest-quality assistance is provided mostly to elderly residents. But this assistance is smartly-designed so that it does not infantilise or patronise those in need, but rather demands a certain level of activity and respects each citizen. Norway is perhaps the most beautiful Scandinavian country; however, we are not talking only about the magnificent fjords and forests here, but also about its relationship to its citizens and the life of the community. This gives Oslo and the entire country a special  atmosphere. Croatia Airlines svojim zrakoplovima povezuje Hrvatsku s Oslom do 15.10. 2017. Izravni letovi iz Zagreba svaki su utorak, četvrtak i nedjelju. Svi putnici na novim linijama ostvaruju dvostruke milje u programu Miles & More ako se registriraju na: Croatia Airlines aircraft connect Croatia with Oslo until 15.10.2017. Direct flights from Zagreb are on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. All passengers on the new routes will collect double miles in the Miles & More program by registering on:



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Svjetska znanstvena elita doletjela je u Dubrovnik. Jubilarni deseti kongres pod nazivom The Tenth ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine okupio je oko 500 sudionika iz 40-ak država svijeta, a najatraktivnije teme iz područja personalizirane medicine te forenzične i antropološke genetike obradilo je više od 60 pozvanih predavača, s najuglednijih svjetskih znanstvenih institucija. Hrvatska je tako u lipnju postala središte svjetske znanosti. The world’s scientific elite is about to land in dubrovnik. The jubilee Tenth ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine is gathering some 500 participants from about 40 countries from around the world. The most fascinating topics in the field of individualised medicine, and forensic and anthropologic genetics will be tackled by over 60 invited lecturers arriving from the most prestigious world institutes of science. And so in june, Croatia is becoming the centre of the world of science. Piše/By _ Ksenija Žlof Fotografije/Photos _ Arhiva/Archive of Prof. Dragan Primorac


ad je prije 20 godina, tijekom održavanja Američke akademije za forenzične znanosti u New Yorku, prof. dr. Dragan Primorac predložio pokretanje znanstvenih događanja (tada pod nazivom European American Intensive Course in PCR Based Clinical and Forensic Testing) u Hrvatskoj, koja bi zbog svoje geografske pozicije mogla biti pogodno mjesto susreta američkih i europskih znanstvenika, malo je tko mogao pretpostaviti da će ideja prerasti u jedan od najprepoznatljivijih svjetskih znanstvenih događaja iz područja medicinskih i primijenjenih bioloških znanosti. Od samog početka s prof. dr. Primorcem u organizaciju znanstvenih događaja, što će poslije prerasti u ugledne ISABS-ove kongrese, uključio se prof. dr. Moses

Schanfield sa Sveučilišta George Washington te Stanimir Vuk Pavlović s Mayo Clinic, kao i prof. dr. Šimun Anđelinović, današnji rektor Sveučilišta u Splitu, prof. dr. Henry Lee sa Sveučilišta New Haven i prof.dr. Mitchell Holland sa Sveučilišta Penn State. Od 2013. godine organizaciju programa iz područja kliničkog dijela kongresa preuzeo je prof. dr. Tamas Ordog s Mayo Clinic, a strukturiranje programa iz područja forenzičnih i antropoloških znanosti prof. dr. Manfred Kayser sa Sveučilišta Erasmus. Kongresi, koje organizira International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS), do sada su okupili više od 4000 znanstvenika i oko 550 pozvanih predavača iz ukupno 70-ak država. Punih 14 godina program kliničkog dijela kongresa

organizira vodeća američka zdravstvena institucija Mayo Clinic, o čijoj snazi najbolje govori podatak da u njoj radi oko 64.000 zaposlenika, da su joj prihodi veći od 10.3 milijarde dolara, te da je prema U.S. News & World Report List 20162017 proglašena najboljom američkom bolnicom. U Dubrovnik na ovogodišnji kongres stiže i potpredsjednik Mayo Clinic prof. dr. Gianrico Farrugia, čije predavanje o translaciji rezultata temeljnih medicinskih znanosti, posebice iz područja personalizirane medicine u kliničku praksu, privlači veliku pozornost. U organizaciju ISABS-ovih kongresa, kao partner institucija, uključena je i vodeća svjetska forenzična organizacija Američka akademija za forenzične znanosti (AAFS), u čijim je redovima više od 7000 forenzi-


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Pharmacogenetics in clinical practice / Pharmakogenetik in der klinischen Praxis / Farmakogenetika u kliničkoj praksi

čara iz cijelog svijeta. Tijekom nedavne godišnje akademije, koja se u veljači 2017. godine održala u New Orleansu, AAFS je ISABS proglasio pridruženom organizacijom, a takvu je odluku AAFS u svojoj povijesti donio samo dvaput. Put u medicinu 22. stoljeća prolazi kroz Dubrovnik

Pharmacogenetics in clinical practice Experience with 16 commonly used drugs

Pharmakogenetik in der klinischen Praxis Die Erfahrungen mit 16 häufig verwendeten Medikamenten

Farmakogenetika u kliničkoj praksi Iskustvo s 16 lijekova korištenih u kliničkoj praksi

Wolfgang Höppner and Dragan Primorac


01 Prof. dr. Robert Huber, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade iz kemije 1988., prof. dr. Dragan Primorac i prof. dr. Henry C. Lee, vodeći američki forenzičar Prof. Robert Huber, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1988, Prof. Dragan Primorac and Prof. Henry C.Lee, a leading American forensicist 02 Prof. dr. Dragan Primorac i prof. dr. Ada Yonath, dobitnica Nobelove nagrade iz kemije 2009. Prof. Dragan Primorac and Prof. Ada Yonath, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2009



Tako od 19. do 24. lipnja Hrvatska postaje središte svjetske znanstvene pozornosti, a jubilarni deseti kongres pod nazivom The Tenth ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, u Dubrovniku je okupio oko 500 sudionika iz 40-ak država svijeta. Kongres organiziraju ISABS, Mayo Clinic, te Specijalna bolnica Sveta Katarina, u suradnji s AAFS-om. Partneri institucije jesu Royal Philips, jedna od vodećih korporacija iz područja zdravstvene industrije, Hrvatska liječnička komora i Hrvatsko društvo za humanu genetiku, a pokrovitelj je događaja Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti. Snažnu potporu organizaciji događaja pružili su Ministarstvo turizma Republike Hrvatske, Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske, Ministarstvo zdravstva, Hrvatska turistička zajednica, Hrvatska gospodarska komora, PBZ, Croatia osiguranje, Tele 2, HEBE, d.o.o., Ballograf, Adriatic Luxury hotels, Dubrovački muzeji, Grad Dubrovnik, Grad Zagreb, Grad Solin, Arona, Pliva, Belupo, Hrvatska elektroprivreda, Podravka, JANAF, Građa, ALPHACHROM, Jaguar, Land Rover, itd. Najatraktivnije teme iz područja personalizirane medicine te forenzične i antropološke genetike obradilo je više od 60 pozvanih predavača, koji dolaze s najuglednijih svjetskih znanstvenih institucija, poput Mayo Clinic, Harvard School of Medicine, The Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, University of Cambridge, Duke University, University of New Haven, National Institutes of Health-NIH, Max Planck Institute, Thomas Jefferson University, Weizmann Institute of Science, George Washington University, Penn State University, Cleveland Clinic itd. Uz vodeće svjetske znanstvenike u radu kongresa sudjeluje i troje dobitnika Nobelove nagrade: prof. dr. Ada E. Yonath, prof. dr. Robert Huber i prof. dr. Harald zur Hausen. Rezultati njihovih

istraživanja bitno su pridonijeli razumijevanju temeljnih mehanizama iz područja stanične biologije kao i nastanka bolesti. Prof. dr. Ada Yonath prva je Izraelka i prva žena na Bliskom istoku koja je dobila Nobelovu nagradu za znanost te prva žena u 45 godina, koja je dobila Nobelovu nagradu za kemiju. Predmet su njezinih istraživanja bili ribosomi, stanične organele koje imaju ključnu ulogu u prevođenju RNA u protein. Prof. dr. Harald zur Hausen za svoja je istraživanja raka grlića maternice i uloge ljudskog papiloma virusa (HPV) u nastanku te bolesti nagrađen Nobelovom nagradom. Prof. dr. Robert Huber prvi je izveo kristalizaciju intermembranskoga proteina, koji je veoma važan za fotosintezu u bakterijama, a istodobno je odredio i njegovu strukturu. Tijekom rada The Tenth ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine zajedničkom sekcijom ISABS i AAFS predsjedava Susan Ballou, koja u veljači sljedeće godine preuzima vođenje Američke akademije za forenzične znanosti, a glavna je tema strateške suradnje Američke akademije za forenzične znanosti i ISABS-a, ali i razvoja međudržavne suradnje forenzičara u borbi protiv svih vrsta kriminala. Fokus je kongresa na personaliziranoj i regenerativnoj medicini, staničnoj i genskoj terapiji, farmakogenomici, molekularnoj dijagnostici, mikrobiomu, te antropološkoj i forenzičnoj genetici. Personalizirana medicina Nedvojbeno je da personalizirana medicina predstavlja put u medicinu 22. stoljeća. Prava terapija za pravog pacijenta u pravo vrijeme najjednostavnija je definicija personalizirane medicine. Zasnovana je ne samo na razumijevanju analize genoma, proteina i glikana, nego i na razumijevanju utjecaja okoliša na ljudsko zdravlje, sve u svrhu pružanja rane dijagnostike te optimalnog liječenja. Snaga personalizirane medicine temelji se na poznavanju procesa na molekularnoj razini, on u konačnici omogućava i najpreciznije rješenje kroz koncept tzv. precizne medicine. Sastavni dio personalizirane medicine postaje stanična terapija te regenerativna medicina. Personalizirana medicina, u čijemu je sklopu i stanična terapija te regenerativna medicina,

posljednjih godina doživljava veliki zamah. O važnosti personalizirane medicine upravo govori podatak da je Europska komisija osnovala International Consortium of Personalized Medicine (ICPerMed), a RH hrvatski klaster konkurentnosti personalizirane medicine. Vrlo često kao jedna od sastavnica koncepta personalizirane medicine spominje se i farmakogenetika, čiji je cilj pravodobno prepoznati promjene unutar gena odgovornih za metabolizam lijeka te sukladno tome primijeniti optimalnu terapiju. Podatak koji je prije objavljen u američkom časopisu JAMA upozorava da se godišnje samo u SAD-u hospitalizira oko 2,200.000 pacijenata zbog komplikacija povezanih uza uzimanje lijekova, te da više od sto tisuća njih umre zbog posljedičnih komplikacija. Cilj je farmakogenomike to prevenirati. ISABS tradicionalno nagrađuje najbolje svjetske mlade znanstvenike mlađe od 40 godina nagradom Young Investigator Award. Od ove godine prvi put ISABS u suradnji s Hrvatskom agencijom za odgoj i obrazovanje te Ministarstvom znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske nagrađuje najbolje radove hrvatskih srednjoškolaca. Radovi moraju biti iz područja humane biologije, genetike i kemije. ISABS također nagrađuje sve nastavnike-mentore učenika koji osvoje nagradu. Nagrađeni srednjoškolci dobivaju odgovarajuću potvrdu, besplatan hotelski smještaj te besplatnu registraciju za sudjelovanje na svim sesijama konferencije, uključivši predavanja dobitnika Nobelove nagrade, svečanost otvaranja i gala večeru. - Najbolji način da predvidimo budućnost jest taj da je sami kreiramo. Zbog toga nam je osobito drago što su se i naši učenici, koji su naša budućnost, mogli sresti s nobelovcima i najuglednijim svjetskim znanstvenicima. Sve je to prilika da još jedanput pokažemo kako Hrvatska cijeni izvrsnost. Naša je zemlja prelijepa, i u to su se već dosad uvjerili mnogi posjetitelji iz svih krajeva svijeta. Ali, prirodne smo ljepote naslijedili, pa za njih nismo toliko zaslužni, a za naš udio u znanosti jesmo. Ovaj kongres, koji okuplja svjetsku znanstvenu elitu, još je jedna potvrda da je uistinu tako - rekao je prof. dr. Dragan Primorac. 


hen 20 years ago, during an American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference in New york, Prof. dragan Primorac proposed setting up and organising a series of scientific conferences (then called the European American Intensive Course in PCR Based Clinical and Forensic Testing) in Croatia, which could - owing to its geographic position - be a suitable place for meetings of American and European scientists, no one could have guessed that the idea would turn out to be one of the most recognisable world science events in the fields of medical and applied biological sciences. Since the very beginning, Prof. Primorac’s efforts at organising these scientific conferences - which would somewhat later become the prominent ISABS conference series - have been joined by Prof. Moses Schanfield from George Washington

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university and Stanimir Vuk Pavlović from Mayo Clinic, as well as by Prof. Šimun Anđelinović, today Rector of the university of Split, Prof. Henry Lee from New Haven university and Prof. Mitchell Holland from Penn State university. In 2013, the organisation of the clinical part of the programme was taken over by Prof. Tamas Ordog from Mayo Clinic, and the structuring of the programme in the fields of forensic and anthropologic sciences by Prof. Manfred kayser from Erasmus university. To date, the conferences organised by the International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS) have gathered over 4000 scientists and about 550 invited lecturers from a total of 70 countries. For 14 years, the clinical part of the programme of the conference has been organised by the leading uS healthcare institution Mayo Clinic, whose strength is best evidenced by the fact that approximately 64,000 employees work at the Clinic, that its revenues exceed uSd 10.3 billion, and that, according to the uS News & World Report List 2016-2017, it was declared the best uS hospital. This year’s conference will be


attended by Vice President of Mayo Clinic, Prof. Gianrico Farrugia, whose lecture on translating the results of the basic medical sciences, particularly in the field of personalised medicine, into clinical practice will attract great attention. The organisation of ISABS conferences is also helped by a partner institution - the leading world forensic organisation, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), gathering over 7,000 forensic scientists from all over the world. during a recent annual academy, held in New Orleans in February 2017, AAFS declared ISABS an affiliated organisation, with AAFS having made such a decision only twice in its history. The path to 22nd century medicine goes through Dubrovnik


500 participants in dubrovnik from about 40 countries from around the world. The Conference is organised by ISABS, Mayo Clinic and St. Catherine Special Hospital in collaboration with AAFS. The Conference’s partner institution is Royal Philips, one of the leading corporations in the healthcare industry, the Croatian Medical Chamber and the Croatian Society of Human Genetics. The Conference will be held under the auspices of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is strongly supported by the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, Mistry of Health, the Croatian National Tourist Board, Croatian Chamber of Economy, PBZ, Croatia osiguranje, Tele 2, HEBE, d.o.o., Ballograf, Adriatic Luxury hotels, dubrovnik museums, the City of

Between 19 and 24 june, Croatia is becoming the centre of attention of world science, and the jubilee Tenth ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine is gathering some

dubrovnik, the City of Zagreb, the City of Solin, Arona, Pliva, Belupo, Hrvatska elektroprivreda, Podravka, jANAF, Građa, ALPHACHROM, jaguar, Landrover etc. The most fascinating topics in the field of individualised medicine, and forensic and


_ 99

01 Prof. dr. Aaron Ciechanover, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade iz kemije 2004., prof. dr. Dragan Primorac i prof. dr. Robert Huber, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade iz kemije 1988. Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2004, Prof. Dragan Primorac and Prof. Robert Huber, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1988


have crystallised transmembrane proteins, which is very important for photosynthesis in bacteria, having determined their structure at the same time. during the work of The Tenth ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, the joint section of ISABS and AAFS will be chaired by Susan Ballou, who is taking over presidency of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in February next year. The central topic of this joint section is strategic collaboration between the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and ISABS, as well as the development of interstate collaboration of forensic experts in a fight against all types of crime. The Conference centres on personalised and regenerative medicine, cell and gene therapy, pharmacogenomics, molecular diagnostics, microbiome, and anthropologic and forensic genetics. Personalised medicine

anthropologic genetics are dealt with by over 60 invited lecturers arriving from the most prestigious world scientific institutes, such as Mayo Clinic, the Harvard School of Medicine, the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, the university of Cambridge, duke university, the university of New Haven, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Max Planck Institute, Thomas jefferson university, Weizmann Institute of Science, George Washington university, Penn State university, Cleveland Clinic, etc. Besides leading world scientists, three Nobel Prize winners will also participate in the work of the Conference. Namely, Prof. Ada E. yonath, Prof. Robert Huber and Prof. Harald zur Hausen. The results of their research have significantly contributed to the understanding of basic mechanisms in cell biology and the onset of disease. Prof. Ada E. yonath was the first Israeli woman and the first woman from the Middle East to have been awarded a Nobel Prize, in the field of science, and the first woman in 45 years who has received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. The focus of her research was ribosomes, cell structures that play a key role in translating RNA into proteins. Prof. Harald zur Hausen was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research on cervical cancer and the role of human papilloma virus (HPV) in the emergence of this disease, and Prof. Robert Huber was the first to


There is no doubt about personalised medicine being the path to medicine of the 22nd century. The right treatment to the right patient at the right time is the simplest definition of personalised medicine. It is based not only on our understanding of genome, protein and glycan analysis, but also our understanding of the impact of the environment on human health, all with a view to making an early diagnosis and deciding on an optimal treatment option. The power of personalised medicine is based on our understanding of processes at molecular level, and it ultimately enables the most precise treatment option through the concept of so-called precision medicine. Cell therapy and regenerative medicine have become an integral part of personalised medicine. Personalised medicine, which cell therapy and regenerative medicine belong to, has been gathering a momentum in recent years. The facts that the European Commission has established the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) and Croatia has established the Croatian Competitiveness Cluster for Personalised Medicine speaks volumes about the importance of personalised medicine. Pharmacogenetics - whose aim is to identify changes within genes responsible

for drug metabolism in a timely fashion and to apply optimum therapy accordingly - is very often mentioned as one of the components of the concept of personalised medicine. data published in the uS journal jAMA warns that about 2,200,000 patients are hospitalised annually in the united States alone due to complications associated with taking medication, and that more than a hundred thousand die due to consequent complications. Preventing this is the goal of pharmacogenomics. ISABS traditionally awards the world’s best young scientists under the age of 40 with the young Investigator Award. As of this year, in collaboration with the Croatian Education and Teacher Training Agency, ISABS is awarding, for the first time, the best works produced by Croatian high school students. The papers must be in the field of human biology, genetics and chemistry. ISABS also awards all teachers-mentors of the winning students. The awarded high school students receive a certificate of attendance, their conference registration fee for all sessions covered, including the lectures given by the Nobel laureates, the opening ceremony, the gala dinner and hotel expenses free of charge. - The best way to predict the future is to create it ourselves. This is why we are particularly pleased that our high school students, who are our future, are given an opportunity to meet Nobel Prize winners and some of the most prominent world scientists. This presents an opportunity for us to demonstrate once again that Croatia values excellence. Our country is beautiful, and many visitors from all over the world have already been convinced of this. But, we inherited our natural beauties, and so this is not our merit, while our share in science is. This Conference, bringing together the world’s scientific elite, proves yet again that this really is so î ? said Prof. dragan Primorac.


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_ 101

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Coins are amongst the most enduring products of the human kind. Croatian coins are a simple yet powerful symbol of Croatian national identity. Accordingly, the Croatian Monetary Institute is not only a factory for the production of commissioned goods, but is also a fighter against oblivion, leaving a trace in time of an indelible part of Croatian heritage and creative spirit. It is an amalgam of technology, art and tradition, nurturing the skills of engraving and metal polishing.



_ 103


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rvatska je svjetski poznato turističko odredište raskošnih prirodnih ljepota, flore i faune. U prepoznatljivosti svog identiteta kao novčanu jedinicu odabrala je kunu, malu životinju hrvatskih šuma čije se krzno u davnoj hrvatskoj povijesti koristilo kao sredstvo plaćanja. Stoti je dio kune lipa, predstavnica biljnog svijeta. Na kovanicama, novčićima koji često predstavljaju najuobičajeniji i najpraktičniji trajni mali suvenir svakoga inozemnog posjetitelja, nalaze se motivi hrvatske flore i faune: kukuruz, vinova loza, hrast lužnjak, duhan, maslina, velebitska degenija, slavuj, tunj i mrki medvjed. Hrvatske kovanice jednostavan su, ali i snažan simbol hrvatskoga nacionalnog identiteta. Načinjene su od magnezija i cinka, željeza, nikla, bakra, aluminija, naizgled hladnih materijala, ali kombinacija s motivima biljaka i životinja sugerira nježnost i mekoću, što kovanicama dodaje i emotivnu toplinu. Hrvatski novčarski zavod, mala tvornica u Svetoj Nedelji pokraj Zagreba, specijalizirana za proizvodnju kovanog novca, od

1993. godine izrađuje hrvatske kovanice, optjecajni, prigodni, zlatni i srebrni novac i medalje. Optjecajni je novac uobičajeno i svugdje dostupno sredstvo plaćanja, a prigodni, zlatni i srebrni novac radi se u ograničenim količinama u povodu obilježavanja važnih događaja, obljetnica i osoba. Takav novac osim nominalne vrijednosti ima i značajnu numizmatičku vrijednost. Uz neizbježnu kunu, zlatni i srebrni novac sadržava i umjetničke prikaze obilježavanih događaja i osoba. Prigodni zlatni novac investicijsko je zlato, a Hrvatski novčarski zavod jedini je hrvatski proizvođač investicijskog zlata. Hrvatski novčarski zavod pri izradi likovnih rješenja za kovanice i medalje surađuje s nizom renomiranih hrvatskih umjetnika. Autori likovnih rješenja na optjecajnom kovanom novcu poznati su i priznati hrvatski umjetnici, akademski kipari Kuzma Kovačić (redoviti optjecajni kovani novac) i Damir Mataušić, čiji kiparski radovi obilježavaju naše javne prostore, a također su i sastavni dio postave hrvatskih muzeja. Suradnju na prigodnom novcu Hrvatski novčarski zavod

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ostvaruje i s drugim umjetnicima, kiparima i medaljarima poput Kažimira Hraste, Stjepana Divkovića, Mateja Pašalića, Luke Petrnjaka i drugih. Damir Mataušić kreirao je kovanicu od 25 kuna, koja je jedinstvena u svijetu, jer to je prva bimetalna kovanica dvanaesterokutnog oblika. Prema idejnom umjetničkom rješenju toga akademskog kipara izradio ju je Hrvatski novčarski zavod. Hrvatska narodna banka izdala je 22. svibnja ove godine trinaestu takvu prigodnu optjecaju bimetalnu kovanicu od 25 kuna takvoga dvanaesterokutnog oblika, u povodu 25. obljetnice primanja Republike Hrvatske u Ujedinjene narode. Kovanica na licu ima logotip Ujedinjenih naroda, a naličje sadržava stilizirane elemente kune, grančice lovora i hrasta lužnjaka, sve smješteno na podlogama slagalica (puzzle). Proizvodnja kovanog novca u prvom redu razumijeva tradicionalne metode i vještine obrađivanja i uobličavanja metala, od izrade alata za kovanje pa do samog kovanja. U vrijeme razvoja novih tehnologija poput 3D printera i izrade predmeta po želji kupaca, kovanje bučnim tristotonskim prešama

djeluje kao prikaz prošlosti, ali također je i jamac trajnosti, vjernosti prijenosa likovnog predloška i savršenstva proizvoda. Prateći razvoj tehnologije, ali i prateći potrebe tržišta, Hrvatski novčarski zavod pronalazi hibridne i nove tehnološke postupke i proizvodna rješenja. Uz klasične metode prijenosa likovnog rješenja iz gipsanog modela postupkom redukcije, uz neizbježno ručno graviranje i poliranje alata što rade strpljivi, iskusni i vješti domaći majstori, nova vremena donose novu izražajnost baziranu na virtualnom oblikovanju i 3D digitalizaciji. Pojava novih tehnologija u kombinaciji s tradicionalnom proizvodnjom omogućuje novi, dinamičniji pristup u oblikovanju i izradi kovanica i medalja. Prije svega tu je 3D skeniranje cijeloga ili samo nekih dijelova modela, odnosno likovnog rješenja, grafička obrada i priprema rješenja u elektroničkom obliku s neograničenim mogućnostima izmjena, popravaka i intervencija u kratkom vremenu. U proizvodnji izrada je potpomognuta uređajima za lasersko graviranje, koji svojim mogućnostima osiguravaju starim tehnologijama nedostu-

Kovanica od 25 kuna, 25. obljetnica primanja Republike Hrvatske u Ujedinjene narode 25 kuna - 25th Anniversary of the Admission of the Republic of Croatia to Membership in the United Nations


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Alat za kovanje optjecajnog novca, kovanica od 10 lipa Coining die for circulation coin - 10 lipa


pnu brzinu izrade, uz istodobno zaobilaženje ili pojednostavljivanje nekoliko faza tradicionalne proizvodnje. Osim novca, ovakva tehnologija omogućuje Hrvatskom novčarskom zavodu i izradu zlatnih, srebrnih i drugih medalja po narudžbi bilo kojeg kupca te jamči visoku kvalitetu izrade koja je dostupna samo u Hrvatskom novčarskom zavodu. Hrvatski novčarski zavod nije tek puka tvornica naručenih proizvoda. U Hrvatskom novčarskom zavodu čuvaju se vještine umjetničkoga graviranja i poliranja metala, a novim klasama studenata Akademije likovnih umjetnosti tijekom njihova studija omogućuje se da u stvarnosti upoznaju i sudjeluju u procesu pretvorbe umjetničke vizije u konkretni otkov, što je nužno za njihov budući samostalan umjetnički rad. Hrvatski novčarski zavod borac je protiv zaborava i osiguravatelj traga u vremenu hrvatske baštine i stvaralačkog duha, a kovani novac, kao jedan od najtrajnijih ljudskih proizvoda, u budućnosti će ostaviti trag o ovom trenutku hrvatskog  identiteta.


roatia is a globally renowned tourist destination with an abundance of natural beauties, flora and fauna. As a recognisable part of its identity, it chose the marten (kuna in Croatian) - a small animal from Croatian forests, whose fur was used as a means of payment in ancient Croatian history - as its national currency. The hundredth part of a kuna is lipa (the linden tree), a representative of flora. Croatian coins, which are oftentimes the most common and most practical souvenir for foreign visitors to take home, feature motifs of Croatian flora and fauna: corn clips, grapevine, oak tree leaves, tobacco plant leaves, an olive branch, degenia velebitica, a nightingale, a tuna fish and a bear. Croatian coins are a simple yet powerful symbol of Croatian national identity. Croatian coins are made of magnesium and zinc, iron, nickel, copper and aluminium, all seemingly cold materials, although once engraved with plant and animal motifs, there is a gentleness and softness around them, giving the coins a hint of emotional warmth. The Croatian Monetary Institute, a small factory in Sveta Nedelja near Zagreb

specialising in the production of coins, has been making Croatian coins since 1993, including coins in regular circulation, commemorative coins, gold and silver coins, as well as medals. Coins in regular circulation are the most common and most widely available means of payment, while commemorative, gold and silver coins are made in limited editions commemorating important events, anniversaries or people. In addition to their nominal value, such coins also have a significant numismatic value. Apart from the unavoidable marten, gold and silver coins feature artists’ renderings of events and individuals commemorated. Commemorative gold coins are investment gold, and the Croatian Monetary Institute is the only Croatian manufacturer of such investment gold. In designing solutions for its coins and medals, the Croatian Monetary Institute collaborates with a number of renowned Croatian artists. The authors of motifs found on coins in regular circulation are acclaimed Croatian artists: academic sculptors kuzma kovačić (coins in regular circulation) and damir Mataušić, whose sculptures are featured in our public spaces, and are part of the holdings of several Croatian museums. As for commemorative coins, the Croatian Monetary Institute also collaborates with other artists, sculptors and medal makers, such as kažimir Hraste, Stjepan divković, Matej Pašalić, Luka Petrnjak and others. damir Mataušić designed the 25 kuna coin, which is as unique as it can be in the world - it is the first ever twelve-sided bimetal coin. The Croatian Monetary Institute minted this coin strictly adhering to the artist’s rendering. The Croatian National Bank issued this thirteenth commemorative, regular circulation, bimetal and twelve-sided 25 kuna coin on 22 May 2017 marking the 25th anniversary of Croatia’s becoming a member of the united Nations. The obverse of the coin features the logo of the united Nations, while the reverse bears stylised elements of the marten, laurel and oak tree branches on a puzzle-like base. Coin production involves primarily the traditional methods and skills of metal shaping and treatment, from making dies to minting itself. In a time of the development of new technologies, such as 3d printers and custom-made manufacturing, minting coins using an ear-splitting three hundred ton press seems like a blast from the past, but it guarantees durability, excellent reproduction fidelity and product perfection. keeping up with the development of technology and market demands, the Croatian Monetary Institute has been coming up with

SHOP TAX FREE IN CROATIA Spend a minimum of 740 HRK in Croatia and ask for your Tax Free Form

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01 Zlatnik od 10 kuna, Čipkarstvo u Hrvatskoj Lacemaking in Croatia, 10 kuna gold coin 02 Srebrna medalja, Dubrovački talir - Bradan Dubrovnik Thaler Bradan, silver medal


19/05/2017 15:53

hybrid and new technological methods and manufacturing solutions. In addition to the classical method of transferring artists’ renderings from plaster models by way of the process of reduction, with the engraving and hand polishing process unavoidably done by patient, experienced and skilled local masters by hand, new times have also introduced a new way of expressiveness based on virtual shaping and 3d digitalisation. The emergence of new technologies, coupled with traditional manufacturing processes, has facilitated a novel and more dynamic approach to the shaping and minting of coins and medals. This includes 3d scanning of either particular parts or the entire model of an artist’s rendering, graphic design and pre-press preparation of renderings in digital format, with an unlimited number of possibilities available for changes, improvements and interventions to be done within a short period of time. Production is supported by laser engraving machines, with the capacity to manufacture at a speed unattainable by older technologies, and with the option

of avoiding or simplifying several stages of the traditional manufacturing process. In addition to coins, this technology allows the Croatian Monetary Institute to make gold, silver and other custom-made medals for any customer, guaranteeing high quality finished products available only at the Croatian Monetary Institute.The Croatian Monetary Institute is not only a factory for the production of commissioned products. The Croatian Monetary Institute also safeguards the skill of artistic metal engraving and polishing, thus enabling new generations of students of the Academy of Fine Arts to get to know and get involved in the process of turning an artistic vision into a specific coin during their education, which is indispensable for their future independent work as artists. The Croatian Monetary Institute is also a fighter against oblivion leaving a trace in time of an indelible part of Croatian heritage and creative spirit, while their coins - one of the most durable products of the human kind - will leave a trace of this moment of Croatian identity in  the future.

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trijumf mode izgovorena je i u nestalnosti volumena, rasplinjavanju obrisa uzoraka i neprekinutoj fluidnosti femine vizualne polifonije. Dinamička ravnoteža ostvaruje se u drugom dijelu kolekcije koju odlikuju čvrsti materijali tamnih tonova. Vrat kao simbol ženske jedrine, ukrašen kožnim skulpturalnim detaljima, hibridima između nakita i odjevnih predmeta, pulsira originalnim autorskim otiskom. Zanatska vještina raspršena u futurističku estetiku hommage je suvremenosti ove kolekcije koja traga za redefinicijom ženstvenosti, višeslojnošću identiteta i  efemernošću modne igre.

Fotografije/Photos _ Filip Gržinić


he exclusive Croatian fashion brand jamoi, which brings to life the creative vision of designer Mirjana klepić, is on the trail of a new conceptual shift with each new collection. The noted Wild over you campaign, filmed at the Novi Resort in Novi Vinodol, blends a highly detailed approach to the development of every piece with the completely minimalist architecture of modernism.The lavish cascades of muslin have been softened by the translucence of the fabric under which the contours of the body are discernible, depicting femininity as a darker refinement within optical effects made geometric. The illusory as a triumph of fashion has also been


expressed in the inconstancy of volume, in the fading of the outlines of patterns and in the uninterrupted fluidity of feminine visual polyphony. A dynamic equilibrium is achieved in the second part of the collection characterised by sturdy dark-toned materials. The neck as a symbol of a woman’s vigour, decorated with leather-made sculpture details, hybrids between a piece of jewellery and a garment, is pulsating with the author’s signature.The craftsmanship scattered into a futuristic aesthetics is homage to the contemporaneity of this collection that looks to redefine femininity, and that seeks a multilayeredness of identity and the ephemerality of  the play of fashion.

umjetnički direktorica / Art director: Mirjana Klepić MuA: Daniel Domika Modeli/Models: Marija Silov, Sara Rupenović


kskluzivni hrvatski modni brend Jamoi, koji ostvaruje kreativnu viziju dizajnerice Mirjane Klepić, svakom je kolekcijom na tragu novoga konceptualnog pomaka. Zapažena kampanja Wild over you, snimana u resortu Novi u Novom Vinodolskom, sljubljuje visoko detaljistički pristup razvoju svakog komada s posve minimalističkom arhitekturom modernizma. Bujne kaskade muslina ublažene su transparentnošću tkanine pod kojom se naziru konture tijela, opisujući ženstvenost kao tamniju profinjenost unutar geometriziranih optičkih efekata. Prividnost kao


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Spektakl Veliki Gatsby The Great Gatsby Spectacle Piše/By _ Tamara Terzija

tajanstveni mladi bogataš kojega muče ljubavni problemi. Fitzgeraldova knjiga, pa zatim i film koji je nastao po knjizi, stvorili su kultni status, a atmosferu koju donose, već godinama mnogi pokušavaju ponoviti i iznova oživjeti. Nakon filmske uspješnice, stiže nam i baletno uprizorenje knjige - The Great Gatsby Ballet, vrhunski spektakl i blockbuster, s virtuozima iz svijeta baleta, kazališta i glazbe. Dwight Rhoden jedan je od najtraženijih suvremenih koreografa, ujedno i redatelj projekta, koji je osmislio koreografiju isključivo za ovaj show. Dosad je surađivao s nizom poznatih svjetskih umjetnika poput Princea, Lennyja Kravitza, U2, Patricka Swayzea…

Vrhunski skladatelj Konstantin Meladze potpisuje jedinstvenu glazbu baleta. A u spektaklu sudjeluje i Denis Matvienko, nacionalni baletni prvak Marijinskog teatra u Sankt Peterburgu koji savršeno utjelovljuje plesne pokrete u glavnoj ulozi Jaya Gatsbyja. Denisa Matvienka zagrebačka publika također je imala prilike upoznati prošle godine i oduševiti se njegovim plesnim i koreografskim talentom u rasprodanoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskog, kada je gostovao s baletom Radio&Juliet. S obzirom na veličinu i zahtjevnost scenografije i produkcije, Arena Zagreb bit će sasvim prilagođena pozornici, scenografiji i gledateljima, pri čemu će se u prodaji naći samo četiri tisuće


Čini se da će ova godina biti jedna od zanimljivijih, procjenjuje li se glazbenokulturna ponuda i zanimanje publike. Naime, nakon rasprodanog mjuzikla Cats, Arena Zagreb bit će domaćin još jednog spektakla kultnog renomea, ovaj put baletnoga, predstave Veliki Gatsby, koja u Zagreb stiže 14. listopada. Jedinstven je to projekt koji sjedinjuje nekoliko umjetničkih sfera i donosi neponovljiv doživljaj, a rađen je po knjizi F. Scotta Fitzgeralda. Roman Veliki Gatsby objavljen je 1925.godine, glavni je lik Jay Gatsby,

01 Core de ballet - prizor iz baleta Core de ballet - scene from the ballet 02 Denis Matvienko, baletna zvijezda svjetskih razmjera i prvak Marijinskog teatra iz Sankt Petersburga u glavnoj ulozi Jaya Gatsbyja Denis Matvienko, a world renowed ballet star and leading dancer of the Mariinsky (Kirov) Theatre of Sant Petersburg, in the lead role of Jay Gatsby



It seems that this year will be one of the more interesting ones in terms of what is on offer musically and culturally, as well as in terms of public interest. More specifically, after the musical Cats having been sold out, Arena Zagreb will be hosting another spectacle of cultural renown, this time a ballet, The Great Gatsby show, which is arriving in Zagreb on 14 October. This is a unique project that merges several artistic spheres bringing an unforgettable experience, and is based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel. The Great Gatsby was published in 1925, its main character is jay Gatsby, a mysterious young wealthy man who is troubled by love problems. Fitzgerald’s novel and the movie based on the novel have already earned the status of cult, and many have tried to recreate and revive the atmosphere they bring for years. After a movie blockbuster, a ballet staging is arriving - The Great Gatsby Ballet production, a first-rate spectacle and blockbuster featuring ballet, theatre and music virtuosos.



Fotografije/Photos _ The Great Gatsby Ballet promo

01 Denis Matvienko u posljednjoj soloizvedbi i vrhunac izvedbe. Denis Matvienko, in the last solo performance, the high point of the ballet 02 Dwight Rhoden, jedan od najtraženijih suvremenih koreografa i koreograf spektakla Veliki Gatsby, usmjerava plesače Dwight Rhoden, one of the most sought-after contemporary choreographers and the choreographer of the Great Gatsby spectacle instructing dancers 03 Ekaterina Kalchenko kao Jordan Baker i Clifford Williams kao Meyer Wolfsheim Ekaterina Kalchenko as Jordan Baker and Clifford Williams as Meyer Wolfsheim


ulaznica za sjedeća mjesta. Očekuje se istinski vizualno-glazbeno-plesni spektakl. S obzirom na veličinu i zahtjevnost scenografije i produkcije, Arena Zagreb bit će sasvim prilagođena pozornici, scenografiji i gledateljima, pri čemu će se u prodaji naći samo četiri tisuće ulaznica za sjedeća mjesta. Očekuje se istinski vizualno-glazbeno-plesni spektakl.

dwight Rhoden is one of the most sought after contemporary choreographers and is the project’s director who has designed choreography exclusively for this show. He has collaborated so far with a number of such world famous artists as Prince, Lenny kravitz, u2, Patrick Swayze, etc. The Ballet’s exceptional music has been composed by top composer konstantin Meladze. denis Matvienko, the national ballet champion of Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, also plays a part in the spectacle he embodies dance movements perfectly in the lead role of jay Gatsby. Arena Zagreb will be completely adapted to the stage, stage design and audience, with only four thousand seating tickets being sold. A true visual, musical and dance spectacle is to be expected.


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Brač i jazz vole se javno The Island of Brač and jazz love each other publicly

Piše/By _ Iva Cikojević Fotografije/Photos _ Radomir Sarađen 01

Da otoku Braču jazz veoma dobro pristaje, pokazat će i drugo izdanje BRAZZ-a, koje će supetarske vale i goste uljuljuškati u glazbu koja zanosi i zadivljuje svojim skrivenim jezikom 14. kolovoza, i to još jednim istančanim koncertnim programom. Na BRAZZ-u će zasvirati egzotični duo Bow vs. Plectrum (gudalo protiv trzalice), koji tvore Filip Novosel za tamburom te Tihomir Hojsak za kontrabasom, a veže ih ljubav prema žicama, glazbenoj tradiciji, nesvakidašnjemu miksanju žanrova i nekonvencionalnom pristupu glazbi. U fuziji etno-glazbe i suvremenog jazza, začinjenih balkanskim i panonskim štihom, za čaroban i jedinstven doživljaj pobrinut će se i njihova pratnja, gudači Zagrebačke filharmonije, pod dirigentskom palicom Igora Tatarevića. Kako bi legendarna Bajagina pjesma rekla: Dobro jutro, jazzeri, a mi bismo dodali, dobro došli na 2. BRAZZ! jazz is in good standing on the Island of Brač, which will be proven by the 2nd edition of BRAZZ, which will lull the coves and guests of Supetar into the music that fascinates and captivates with its concealed language on 14 August, with yet another well refined concert programme. BRAZZ is featuring the exotic duo Bow vs. Plectrum, the tambourine being played by Filip Novosel and the double bass by Tihomir Hojsak, with the two music players tied by their love of strings,



01 Premijerno izdanje BRAZZ-a 2016. pod otvorenim nebom terase Svupetrus Hotela The premiere edition of BRAZZ 2016 under the open skies of the Svupetrus Hotel terrace

14. 08. 2017 Supetar Brač Jazz Festival

design _ Nenad Cizl

musical tradition, an unusual mixing of genres and an unconventional approach to music. Their fusion of ethno music and contemporary jazz spiced with Balkan and Pannonian flavours and accompanied by the Strings Section of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Igor Tatarević will ensure a fascinating and unique experience. The chorus of a legendary song by Bajaga says Good morning, jazzers, to which we would only add: Welcome to BRAZZ 2!

02 Vasko Atanovski trio 03 BOW vs. PLECTRUM: Tihomir Hojsak (kontrabas / double bass) & Filip Novosel (tambura / tamburitza)



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Spoj suvremene umjetnosti i znanosti A Blend of Contemporary Art and Science


Piše/By _ Jasna Jakšić

U Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti od 6. srpnja do 20. kolovoza možete razgledati zanimljive radove finskih umjetnika Tommija Grönlunda i Petterija Nisunena, zajedno s radovima Ivane Franke, hrvatske umjetnice poznate u svijetu po svojim impresivnim, grafički preciznim prostornim intervencijama. Izložba koja spaja područja na granici vizualnih umjetnosti, arhitekture i prirodnih znanosti, veže se na slavnu izlagačku povijest MSU-a, neoavangardni pokret Nove tendencije. U potrazi za novim umjetničkim jezikom u vrijeme intenzivnog ulaska tehnologije u svakodnevni život šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, umjetnici su težili stvaranju otvorenog djela, koje u vlastiti postav i izvedbu uključuje publiku te koje proizlazi i iz umjetničkih i iz znanstvenih istraživanja.



From 6 july until 20 August, the Museum of Contemporary Art is exhibiting fascinating works by Finnish artists Tommi Grönlund and Petteri Nisunen, together with works by Ivana Franke, a Croatian artist known in the world for her impressive, graphically precise spatial interventions. The exhibition blending realms on the fringes of the visual arts, architecture and the natural sciences, is a continuation of the celebrated exhibiting history of the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Nove tendencije (New Tendencies) Neo-Avant-


02 Ivana Franke: We close our Eyes and See a Flock of Birds, 2013

Garde movement. In search of a novel artistic language at a time when technology started heavily penetrating everyday life during the 1960s and 1970s, artists sought to create open works of art which would involve audiences in their very design and execution, and which would arise from both artistic and scientific research.

03 Ivana Franke: Mind Crossing, 2015 04 Tommi Grönlund, Petteri Nisunen, Spring Field instalacija, Kunsthalle Helsinki, 2012. Tommi Grönlund, Petteri Nisunen, Spring Field installation, Kunsthalle Helsinki, 2012 05 Ivana Franke: From the Faraway Past and From the Future, 2014

Ljubaznošću/Courtesy of _ Tommi Grönlund, Branimir Hainš


01 Tommi Grönlund, Petteri Nisunen, Liquid diagram, 2009

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Barokni sjaj Venecije Splendour of Venetian Baroque Piše/By _ Vesna Ledić Fotografije/Photos _ Pinacoteca Civica di Venzia

U zagrebačkome Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt, u suradnji s Gradskom galerijom iz Vicenze (Pinacoteca Civica di Vicenza), postavljena je velika izložba Barokni sjaj Venecije - Tiepolo i suvremenici. Najznačajnije ime te izložbe bez sumnje je Giambattista Tiepolo (Venecija 1696. - Madrid 1770.), talijanski slikar i grafičar, jedan od posljednjih velikih predstavnika venecijanskog slikarstva i jedan od najistaknutijih predstavnika kasnog baroka - korifej posljednje, velike afirmacije slikarstva Venecije u Europi. Zahvaljujući ondašnjem plemstvu koje je veoma cijenilo rad Giambattista Tiepola, njegova je slava prešla granice rodne Venecije. Zagrebačka izložba autorskog dvojca Miroslava Gašparovića, ravnatelja MUO-a, i prof. Giovannija Carla Federica Ville, ravnatelja Gradskih muzeja Vicenze te profesora na Odsjeku za povijest umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Bergamu, pomno odabranim velikim oltarnim palama, slikama, crtežima, bakropisima i bakrorezima, zamišljena je kao putovanje koje će posjetitelje vratiti u 18. stoljeće i prikazati važnost venecijanskog slikarstva, kao i utjecaj umjetnosti oca i sina obitelji Tiepolo, koji se odrazio na cijelo 18. stoljeće. In collaboration with the Civic Art Gallery of Vicenza (Pinacoteca Civica di Vicenza), the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb is hosting an important exhibition: Splendour of Venetian baroque - Tiepolo and his contemporaries. The most prominent artist presented at the exhibition is undoubtedly Giambattista Tiepolo (Venice 1696 - Madrid 1770), an Italian painter and graphic artist,



one of the last great masters of Venetian painting and one of the most prominent representatives of the late Baroque - a luminary of the final great affirmation of Venetian painting in Europe. Thanks to the then nobility, who were exceptionally fond of his work, Giambattista Tiepolo’s fame crossed the borders of his native City of Venice. The Zagreb exhibition - set up by co-authors Miroslav Gašparović, director of the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb, and Professor Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa, director of the Civic Art Gallery of Vicenza and Professor at the department of Art History of the university of Bergamo - is featuring carefully selected large altar pales, paintings, drawings, etchings and engravings. The exhibition is conceived as a journey taking visitors back to the 18th century and showing them the significance of Venetian painting, as well as the impact of the painting of the father and son of the Tiepolo family on the entire 18th century.


01 Giambattista Tiepolo (Venezia, 1696. - Madrid, 1770.) Istinu otkriva Vrijeme, oko 1744., ulje na platnu, 254 x 340 cm Giambattista Tiepolo (Venice, 1696. - Madrid, 1770.) Time Unvealing Truth, approx. 1744, oil on canvas, 254 x 340 cm 02 Ginadomenico Tiepolo, Eneja, Anhiz i Askanije, oko 1773. ulje na platnu 88,5 x 65,5 Musei Civici, Pinacoteca di Palazzo Chiericati Ginadomenico Tiepolo, Aeneas, Anchises and Ascanius, approx. 1773, oil on canvas 88.5 x 65.5 Musei Civici di Vicenza, Pinacoteca di Palazzo Chiericati


U pravom smjeru In the right direction 20.06. – 20.08.2017.


Nada Dogan & Isabel Jägle Izložba sustava orijentacije u prostoru Wayfinding System Exhibition CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2017

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Tajne Griča The Secrets of Grič

Tekst i Fotografije/Text and Photos _ (C)Katapult promocija



Doživite tajnovite ulice starog Zagreba! Već osmu godinu zaredom, svakoga petka na hrvatskome jeziku, a subotom na engleskome, od početka lipnja do sredine rujna, organizira se jedinstvena kazališna noćna tura Gričem, tijekom koje posjetitelji upoznaju bogatu povijest i kulturu Zagreba i Hrvatske. Turu vodi lik Marije Jurić Zagorke, najpopularnije hrvatske književnice s početka 20. stoljeća, čiji su romani i danas bestseleri, a u turi sudjeluje više od dvadeset različitih izvođača - glumaca, konjanika, vitezova… Tajne Griča počinju na križanju Ilice i Mesničke. Prolazi se najpoznatijim ulicama Gornjega grada, a završava pjesmom i okrjepom u staroj zagrebačkoj kavani. Više informacija i ulaznice na: - -


Experience the mystical streets of old Zagreb! From early june to mid-September, for the eighth year in a row, every Friday in the Croatian language and on Saturdays in English, a unique night tour of Grič is organised introducing visitors to the rich history and culture of Zagreb and Croatia! The leading character of the tour is Marija jurić Zagorka, the most popular Croatian writer of the early 20th century, whose novels have been bestsellers to date, along with over twenty different performers - actors, horsemen, knights... The Secrets of Grič tour starts at the intersection of Ilica and Mesnička Streets. Visitors are taken along the most famous streets of the upper Town, and the event ends with singing and drinking in an old Zagreb cafe. For more information and tickets, please visit: - TajneGrica -


01 Šetnja Gričom oduševljava sve naraštaje Strolling accros Grič delights all generations 02 Čovjek u crnom dočekuje posjetitelje A man in black welcoming visitors 03 Marija Jurić Zagorka vodi turu Gornjim gradom Marija Jurić Zagorka guides the tour across Gornji Grad in Zagreb


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Dvorišta The Courtyards

Piše/By _ Borko Špoljarić Fotografije/Photos _ Arhiva/Archive Dvorišta / Sanjin Kaštelan

I ovog ljeta, u skladu sa sloganom Svako ima svoju priču, Dvorišta pričaju priče o Zagrebu kakav još niste doživjeli. Tijekom deset nezaboravnih dana posjetitelji imaju jedinstvenu priliku zaviriti iza pročelja nekih od najljepših zagrebačkih palača i doživjeti čarobne ambijente tih jedinstvenih gornjogradskih prostora. No čeka ih tu i mnogo dobre urbane zabave, jer u Dvorištima se mogu osvježiti slasnim zalogajima, osvježavajućim gutljajima i dobro se zabaviti uz prvorazredne glazbene izvođače od jazza i klasike do popa. Pravo urbano cool događanje s dušom i Projekt kakav Zagreb još nije imao, samo su neki od superlativa koji otpočetka prate tu manifestaciju. A o atraktivnosti i uspjehu manifestacije mnogo govore i dvije prestižne nagrade za najkreativniji i najinovativniji projekt u hrvatskom turizmu. Dvorišta već četvrtu godinu nude niz dobrih razloga za uživanje u ljepotama Zagreba i njegova Gornjega grada. Zbog svega toga od 14. do 23. srpnja i ove godine zavirite u Dvorišta. Više informacija saznajte na www. ili Facebook i Instagram profilu Dvorišta/The Courtyards. In line with the slogan Every courtyard has its own story, this summer again, The Courtyards tell their stories about Zagreb the way you have never experienced it before. during ten unforgettable days, visitors have the unique opportunity to peek behind the facades of some of the most beautiful palaces of the upper Town Zagreb and experience the magic of these unique venues. Brilliant urban entertain-


01 Svako dvorište ima svoju priču Each courtyard has its own story 02 Vrhunski glazbeni doživljaji SHADOWS 1989 Superb music delights 03 Dvorište iz kultnog filma Tko pjeva zlo ne misli The courtyard from the cult movie Tko pjeva zlo ne misli (He Who Sings Means No Harm) 02

ment awaits you - unique atmosphere, delicious snacks and refreshments, as well as top-class musical performers ranging from jazz and classics to pop music. A truly cool urban event with a soul and a project that Zagreb has never had before are just some of the superlatives describing this event from the very beginning. Two prestigious awards for the most creative and the most innovative project in Croatian tourism speak volumes about the attractiveness and success of this event. For the fourth year in a row, The Courtyards offer a number of good reasons to enjoy the beauties of Zagreb and its upper Town. you are invited to pop by and peek into The Courtyards from 14 to 23 july this year! For more information, please visit: www. or their Facebook and Instagram profile dvorista / The Courtyards. 03




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Emisija CO2: 159 – 254 g/km. Kombinirana potrošnja goriva: 6,0 – 10,9 l/100km.


Vidimo se na kantunu See you at kantun

Piše/By _ Borko Špoljarić Fotografije/Photos _ Marko Pletikosa

U starome dijelu Raba, ispod četiri zvonika, između uskih uličica smjestili su se kantuni. Oduvijek su kantuni (uglovi ulica) bili mjesta sastajanja i druženja. Na kantunima su se dogovarali susreti, rađale nove ljubavi i prijateljstva, događao svakodnevni život... Prepun takvih kantuna, stari grad Rab nudi bezbroj jedinstvenih razloga zbog kojih se moramo vidjeti - na kulturno-turističkoj manifestaciji Kantuni. Od čarobnoga mediteranskog vrta Dorke (Kantun svjetla) do povijesne gradske Pjacete (Kantun susreta) i od ostataka bazilike svetoga Ivana (Kantun doživljaja) do tajanstvene Mahačeve vile (Skriveni kantun) - čitavom Gornjom ulicom uživat ćemo u jedinstvenim rapskim ambijentima, biranoj glazbi, urbanoj zabavi, autohtonoj otočkoj ponudi i tradicionalnim hrvatskim delicijama. Volim Rab zbog Kantuna ili nevjerojatna večer, istinski fantastični glazbenici u čarobnom okružju, neki su od brojnih doživljaja domaćih i stranih posjetitelja, zbog kojih od 25. do 27. kolovoza i od 1. do 3. rujna vrijedi biti na Rabu. Više informacija saznajte na ili Facebook i Instagram profilu Kantuni/Corners. In the old part of the City of Rab, under four bell towers and between the narrow streets, there are - kantuni. kantuni (street corners) have always been a place of meeting and gathering. This is where meetings are arranged, new loves and friendships are born, where everyday life is... Abounding with such kantuni, the old Town of Rab is offering a myriad of compelling reasons to meet - during the





cultural and tourist event Kantuni! From the magical Mediterranean garden of Dorka (Corner of Lights) to the historic Pjaceta (Corner of Encounters), from the remains of St. john’s Basilica (Corner of Experiences) to the mysterious Mahač Villa (Hidden Corner) - the entire Gornja Ulica (upper Street) is offering the unique ambiance of Rab, selected music, urban entertainment, an authentic insular offer and traditional Croatian delicacies. I Love Rab because of Kantuni and The Amazing Evening, featuring truly fantastic musicians in a magical setting, are some of the many impressions of Croatian and foreign visitors, making Rab worth visiting between 25 August and 27 August, as well as between 1 September and 3 September. For more information, please visit: or its Facebook and Instagram profile kantuni / Corners.

01 Hrast crnika zasađen 1921. godine okuplja posjetitelje na Kantunu susreta (Pjaceta) A holm oak tree, planted in 1921, gathering visitors at the Kantun of Meetings (Pjaceta) 02 Autentični okusi Mediterana Authentic Mediterraneanflavours 03 Dašak romantičnih vremena i kantuni koji otkrivaju tajne prošlosti A whiff of romantic times and kantuni revealing the secrets of the past

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Croatia Airlines American Express kartica Ostvari potencijal CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2017 _ * Pogodnost vrijedi ako dobijete barem jednu milju za kupnju Croatia Airlines American Express karticom te ako karticu koristite barem tri mjeseca. American Express ® je zaštićeni znak American Express Company. PBZ Card je ovlašteni izdavatelj American Express kartica u Hrvatskoj.



Cipli na teću Mullet in a skillet

Piše/By _ Davorka Grenac Fotografije/Photos _ Romeo Ibrišević 01


Svijet je pun ribarskih priča o ulovljenim velikim ribama. Imamo i mi međunarodno natjecanje u big game lovu na ribe kapitalce u Komiži, ali nitko nema Svjetsko prvenstvo u lovu ciplov na teću, kao što ga ima otok Zlarin. I ovoga kolovoza osmi se put usitno lovi mala riba ciplići. Za to nije potrebna ni brodica, ni udica, ne trebate ni posebnu ješku (mamac), parangale, ni mreže. Dovoljna je teća (posuda), komad lancuna (krpe) i malo brašna. Brašno u teću, teću pokrijete krpom s izbušenim otvorom, uronite u more i čekate da prevarite gladne ribice. Prošle se godine natjecalo 36 ekipa iz Irske, Austrije, Srbije, Australije i Hrvatske, a natjecanje, kao svako, ima pravila: ekipa se mora sastojati barem od dva člana, teća ne smije biti veća od 40 centimetara promjera, a pobjednici su oni koji u pet urona, od kojih svaki traje nekoliko minuta, ulove najviše ciplića. Umjesto pehara pobjednik osvaja - teću.


The world abounds with fishermen’s stories about the large fish that they caught. We also have an international big game fishing competition in komiža, but no one has a World Championship in fishing mullet in a skillet as the one on the Island of Zlarin. For the eighth time in a row, this August small mullet is being fished. you do not need a boat or a hook, you do not even need a special type of bait, a night line or fishing nets. All you need is a skillet (pan), a piece of cloth and some flour. Pour the flour in the skillet, cover with a cloth which you made holes in, immerse the skillet in the sea and wait to trick the hungry fish. Last year, 36 teams from Ireland, Austria, Serbia, Australia and Croatia competed, and the competition, much like any other, has rules to be followed: the team must consist of at least two members, the skillet must not exceed 40 centimeters in diameter, and the winners are those who, in five immersions each lasting a few minutes, catch the largest number of small mullet. Instead of a trophy, the winners are awarded - a skillet.


01 Lov u plićaku Fishing in shallow waters 02 Pribor za lov Fishing equipment 03 Publika bodri natjecatelje Audience cheering competitors


Diamond Palace Casino Glamur, raskoš, zabava Glamour, elegance, fun

na međunarodnim turnirima strastvenih pokeraša koji hrle u Zagreb. ko ste pak ljubitelj obale, oduševit će vas interijer i ponuda riječkog Crystal Palace Casina smještenoga na Korzu, koji u okružju brojnih restorana i kafića, posjetiteljima pruža nezaboravni gambling experience.



potrazi ste za nezaboravnim noćnim

te šankom od rijetke vrste oniksa, pretva-

provodom, istančani ukus vaše

ra u gotovo nestvarnu kulisu za igrače, ali

drugo je ime, a pokretač čisti adrenalin?

i inspirativan prostor za tematske partyje,

Dobro došli u zagrebački Diamond Pala-

gdje se možete zabaviti s omiljenim

ce Casino - utjelovljenje glamura, raskoši

sportašima i brojnim zvijezdama kojima je

i zabave! Noću se taj impresivan ambijent

ovaj kasino postao sastavni dio noćnog

od 1600 m2 s lusterima od murano sta-

života. Ljestvice ultimativne zabave i

kla, igraćim stolovima od brušene kože,

ulozi stalno se podižu, kao i aktivnost

re you looking for an unforgettable night out? Is refined taste your middle name? Is pure adrenaline what drives you? Welcome to the diamond Palace Casino in Zagreb - the embodiment of glamour, elegance and fun! At night, this impressive 1600-square-metre ambiance with murano glass chandeliers, suede playing tables, and a bar made of rare onyx turns into an almost surreal backdrop for players, as well as an inspirational space for theme parties where you can have fun with your favourite athletes and numerous stars who this casino has become an integral part of night life to. The bar of ultimate entertainment and the stakes are constantly being raised, as well as the activities at international tournaments of passionate poker players who are pouring into Zagreb. f you are more of a fan of the coast, you will be amazed by the interior and the offer of the Crystal Palace Casino in Rijeka located on korzo, which - surrounded by numerous restaurants and cafés - offers visitors an unforgettable gambling experience.



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Split i okolica / Split and surroundings 10.6. − 21.7., Blato i Omiš 51. FESTIVAL DALMATINSKIH KLAPA / 51ST FESTIVAL OF DALMATIAN KLAPAS Omiški festival okuplja ponajbolje klapske skupine kako bi očuvale i promicale dalmatinske napjeve i osuvremenile ih. Događanja, već uobičajeno, počinju u početku lipnja u Blatu na Korčuli, ovaj put s Večeri mješovitih klapa, a završavaju nastupom muških klapa u subotu, 21. srpnja u Omišu. / The Omiš Festival gathers the best klapas with a view to preserving, promoting and modernising dalmatian melodies. As usual, the event opens at the beginning of june in Blato on the Island of korčula, this time with the Mixed klapa Evening and closes with the grand finale of male klapas on Saturday 21 july in Omiš. Dubrovnik i okolica / Dubrovnik and surroundings 24. 6. − 5. 7., Dubrovnik MIDSUMMER SCENE FESTIVAL Etablirani festival teatra na engleskom jeziku, koji se odvija na jednoj od najljepših ambijetalnih pozornica, na dubrovačkoj tvrđavi Lovrijenac. Prikazuju se poznate Shakespearove drame, realizirane uspješnom suradnjom engleskih i hrvatskih kazališnih umjetnika. / This is an acclaimed Englishlanguage theatre festival, which takes place on one of the most beautiful ambience stages - in dubrovnik’s Fort Lovrijenac. The


Festival showcases Shakespeare’s famed dramas, staged successfully in coproduction between English and Croatian theatrical artists. SRPANJ / JULY

Gospić i okolica / Gospić and surroundings 22.7., Otočac EKO-ETNO GACKA / GACKA ECO-ETHNO Eko-Etno Gacka okuplja izlagače autohtonih proizvoda Like i drugih županija. Uz izložbeno-prodajni sajam suvenira, rukotvorina i autohtonih prehrambenih proizvoda, posjetitelji će moći uživati i u popratnim događanjima te u nastupima kulturnoumjetničkih udruga. / The Gacka Eco-Ethno gathers exhibitors of autochthonous products from Lika and other counties. Along with a fair exhibition and sales of souvenirs, handicrafts and autochthonous food products, visitors will also be able to enjoy accompanying events and performances by cultural-artistic associations. Pula i okolica / Pula and surroundings 15. − 22.7., Pula PULA FILM FESTIVAL Ovaj atraktivni festival ove će godine biti održan 64. put, a prijavljeno je 207 filmova. Ako ste ljubitelj sedme umjetnosti, ovog ljeta otiđite u pulsku Arenu pogledati film pod zvjezdanim nebom… / This year’s attractive festival is the 64th Pula Film Festival. A total of 207 films have been submitted.

If you are a lover of the seventh art, this summer visit the Pula Arena to watch a film under the starry sky... 14. − 23.7., Umag 28. CROATIA OPEN UMAG Ljetni ATP turnir koji se u Umagu održava više od 20 godina, vrhunac je turističke sezone u sjeverozapadnoj Istri i jedan od najvažnijih sportskih i društvenih događaja u Hrvatskoj. Ove godine u Umag dolazi i naš Borna Ćorić te mnogi tenisači svjetskog ranga kao i ljubitelji bijelog sporta. / Held in umag for more than 20 years, the Summer ATP Tournament is the highlight of the tourist season in North-Western Istria, and one of the most important sports and social events in Croatia in general. Croatia’s very own Borna ćorić is arriving in umag this year, as well as many world-renowned tennis players and countless lovers of tennis. 20. − 23. 7., Svetvinčenat 18. FESTIVAL PLESA I NEVERBALNOG KAZALIŠTA / 18TH DANCE AND NONVERBAL THEATRE FESTIVAL Jedini ljetni plesni festival u Hrvatskoj i tradicionalno okupljalište mnogih plesnih umjetnika i pedagoga te brojne i odane publike. U dvanaest godina održavanja prikazano je više od 160 plesnih predstava iz cijeloga svijeta . / This is the only summer dance festival in Croatia, and traditionally gathers countless dance artists and pedagogues, as well as numerous and committed audiences. during the twelve years of the festival, over 160 dance shows from around the world have been performed. www.

25. − 29. 7., Motovun MOTOVUN FILM FESTIVAL U Motovunu, istarskom gradiću kao iz bajke, filmovi se rado gledaju već dvadesetak godina. Gradić u dane filma vrvi posjetiteljima i stoga se potrudite da potkraj srpnja budete u Motovunu. / In Motovun, an Istrian fairy-tale-like town, films have been gladly watched for about twenty years already. during the Festival, the townlet is swarmed with visitors, so do make sure you are in Motovun at the end of july. Zadar i okolica / Zadar and surroundings

1.7., 20.7.,8.8.,22.8.,2.9., Pakoštane MATERINE UŽANCE / MOTHER’S CUSTOMS Ova etno - gastro manifestacija predstavlja život Pakoštanki i njihove običaje kroz vrijeme. Održava se u staroj kamenoj jezgri Pakoštana, gdje žene pripravljaju jela prema starim receptima. / This ethno-gastro event presents the life of women of Pakoštane and their customs throughout time. It is held in the old stone centre of Pakoštane where women are preparing dishes following old recepies. 31.7. − 17.8. PAG ART FESTIVAL 2017. Unatrag 19 godina Pag Art Festival dovodi istaknute umjetnike iz Hrvatske i svijeta te prezentira klasičnu glazbu uz

row, the centre of cultural events. 15. 7. − 30 9., Korčula

Pag Art Festival

poneka umjetnička događanja druge vrste … Od 2015. godine ne samo u Pagu, nego i u Novalji i Kolanu. Umjetnički je ravnatelj Lovro Pogorelić. / For 19 years already, the Pag Art Festival has been introducing prominent artists from both Croatia and the world, playing classical music, although other art events are also timetabled... As of 2015, the Festival is held not only in Pag, but also in Novalja and kolan. The Art director of the Festival is Lovro Pogorelić.

international graffiti and street artists, who will colour the facades of Bol. GraffitiNaGradele Dubrovnik i okolica / Dubrovnik and surroundings 10. 7. − 25. 8. Dubrovnik 68. DUBROVAČKE LJETNE IGRE / 68TH DUBROVNIK SUMMER FESTIVAL Dubrovačke ljetne igre i ove

SIVA ZONA - PROSTOR SUVREMENE I MEDIJSKE UMJETNOSTI / GREY AREA - SPACE FOR CONTEMPORARY AND MEDIA ART Ova udruga u Korčuli djeluje dulje od 12 godina, a ovog ljeta predstavlja rad Andreje Kulunić, jedne od najuspješnijih suvremenih hrvatskih umjetnica, te rad Sensorial Skin for a Guerilla Beehive, belgijske umjetnice Annemarie Maes. / This Association has been working in the City of korčula for over 12 years. This summer, they are presenting the work of Andreja kulunčić, one of the most successful contemporary Croatian artists, as well Sensorial Skin for a Guerrilla Beehive by the Belgian artist Annemarie Maes.

će godine okupiti ponajbolje dramske, glazbene, baletne,


folklorne, likovne i filmske Split i okolica / Split and surroundings

umjetnike iz cijelog svijeta. Zasnovane na bogatoj baštini grada Dubrovnika, igre 68. godinu zaredom postaju središtem kulturnih događanja. / The dubrovnik Summer Festival will yet again bring together the best drama, music, ballet, folk, visual and film artists from all over the world. Established on the rich

27. − 29.7., Bol, Brač GRAFFITI NA GRADELE Međunarodni graffiti festival ovoga će se ljeta šesti put održati u Bolu na otoku Braču. Festival se odvija na nekoliko lokacija i okuplja mnoge međunarodne graffiti i street art umjetnike, koji će zašareniti bolska pročelja. / An international graffiti festival held this summer for the sixth time in a row in Bol on the Island of Brač. The festival is held in several locations and features many

heritage of the City of dubrovnik, the Festival will have made dubrovnik, for the 68th year in a

Siva zona / Grey area

Šibenik i okolica / Šibenik and surroundings 5. 8., Šibenik GUS GUS U HRVATSKOJ / GUS GUS IN CROATIA Kolovoz u Šibeniku obilježit će nastup jedne od najpopularnijih elektro-grupa na svijetu. Atraktivnu lokaciju Tvrđave sv. Mihovila, 5. kolovoza, ispunit će zvukovi dobro poznatih uspješnica tih islandskih glazbenika.

Organizatori koncerta, projekt Collage i Tvrđava kulture Šibenik najavljuju spektakl kojem će se pridružiti i poznati američki DJ i producent Kevin Yost. / August in Šibenik will be marked by a concert of one of the world’s most popular electronic music groups. On 5 August, the attractive location of St. Michael’s Fortress will be filled with the sounds of world-known hits by this group from Iceland. The concert organisers - the Collage Project and the Fortress of Culture of Šibenik - have announced a spectacle, which will be joined by the well-known American dj and producer kevin yost. Zagreb i okolica / Zagreb and surroundings 29.8., Zagreb DURAN DURAN DOLAZI U ZAGREB / DURAN DURAN PLAYING IN ZAGREB Sastav Duran Duran vraća se u Hrvatsku nakon 16 godina i nastupit će na zagrebačkom stadionu Šalata. Predvođeni karizmatičnim Simonom Le Bonom, Duran Duran su kao glazbene i modne ikone utjecali na generacije glazbenika i popkulturu. / The band duran duran are returning to Croatia after 16 years. They will be performing at Zagreb’s Šalata Stadium. Led by the charismatic lead singer Simon Le Bon, duran duran have, as a music and fashion icon, influenced generations of musicians and pop culture.



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18. − 27.8., Varaždin ŠPANCIRFEST Svoju je priču ovaj festival dobrih emocija počeo pričati prije devetnaest godina kao prvi ulični festival u Hrvatskoj, a danas je jedno od najposjećenijih nacionalnih festivalskih događanja. Festival okuplja profesionalne i amaterske umjetnike iz cijelog svijeta te varaždinsku povijesnu jezgru pretvara u umjetničku radionicu. / This festival of good emotions started telling its story nineteen years ago as the first street festival in Croatia, and is today one of the most visited national festivals. The Festival brings together professional and amateur artists from all over the world, and transforms Varaždin’s historical centre into an art workshop.

stopped performing since, and is just as original and energetic as at the beginning of her career.

through the gates of time and enjoyment of a unique historical scenic spectacle.

Rijeka i okolica / Rijeka and surroundings

20.8., Pakoštane POMORSKA NOĆNA BITKA / MARINE NIGHT BATTLE Bitka koja se istodobno održava na tri lokacije, obali, moru i otočiću sv.Justina, uprizoruje povijesnu bitku između kršćanske flote i osmanlijske vojske. / This Battle, which unfolds at three different locations at the same time - the shore, the sea and the Islet of St. justin - is a staging of a historical battle between the Christian fleet and the Ottoman army.

Pula i okolica / Pula and surroundings

Zadar i okolica / Zadar and surroundings

30.8. GRACE JONES U PULSKOJ ARENI / GRACE JONES IN PULA ARENA Glazbena i modna ikona Grace Jones prvi će put nastupiti pred hrvatskom publikom. Nakon dugogodišnje stanke, vratila se 2009. godine albumom Hurricane. Otad nije prestala nastupati, a na pozornici je jednako originalna i energična kao i u početku karijere. / Grace jones, a music and fashion icon, will be performing to a Croatian audience for the first time. After a long break, she made a comeback in 2009 with her Hurricane album. She has not

18. i 19.8., Vrana DANI VITEZOVA VRANSKIH / DAYS OF VRANA KNIGHTS Srednjovjekovni viteški turnir koji uprizoruje viteške turnire, borbe, predstave te srednjovjekovni sajam na autentičnoj lokaciji podno zidina Mašković-hana. Posjetiteljima nudi prolazak kroz vrata vremena te uživanje u jedinstvenom povijesnoscenskom spektaklu. / A medieval knights’ tournament, staging knights’ tournaments, battles, performances and a medieval fair at an authentic location at the foot of the Mašković Han Wall. It offers its visitors a passage

15.8., Rijeka,Trsat HODOČAŠĆE NA VELIKU GOSPU / FEAST OF ASSUMPTION PILGRIMAGE Na Trsatu u Rijeci nalazi se Gospino svetište poznato po mnogim uslišenjima i hodočašćima brojnih vjernika, osobito na dan Velike Gospe. / Trsat in Rijeka is house to a shrine to the Virgin Mary known for many hearings of prayers and pilgrimages made by many believers, particularly on the day of the Feast of Assumption.

Šibenik i okolica / Šibenik and surroundings 19. − 20.8., Šibenik 20. VEČERI DALMATINSKE ŠANSONE / 20TH DALMATIAN CHANSON EVENINGS Šibenski je festival prepoznatljiv po kvaliteti u organizacijskom i umjetničkom pogledu. Predstavljajući najbolje hrvatske izvođače i autore stihova i glazbe, zauzeo je mjesto među vodećim hrvatskim kulturno-glazbenim festivalima. / Šibenik’s festival is recognisable by its quality both organisationally and artistically. Presenting the best Croatian performers, singers, songwriters and composers, it is one of the leading Croatian cultural music festivals. Split i okolica / Split and surroundings 10. − 12. 8., Supetar, Brač BRAČ FILM FESTIVAL Ovaj međunarodni festival igranog filma treću godinu zaredom donosi najbolje naslove europske kinematografije. Selekcija uključuje projekcije za djecu, dugometražne igrane filmove s filmskih festivala A liste poput Cannesa, Venecije i Berlina te kratkometražni program filmskih studenata iz cijeloga svijeta. /

dani vitezova vranskih / days of Vrana knights


For the third consecutive year, this international film festival brings the best titles of European cinematography. The Festival’s selection includes screenings for children, feature films from A-list film festivals, such as the ones in Cannes, Venice and Berlin, and a short film programme by film students from around the world. 4. − 6. 8., Sinj SINJSKA ALKA / ALKA TOURNAMENT OF SINJ Sinjska alka hrvatska je viteška igra, odnosno natjecanje konjanika u gađanju alke kopljem. Održava se svake godine u početku kolovoza u spomen na pobjedu nad osmanlijskim osvajačima 1715. g. Sinjska alka uvrštena je 2010. g. na Unescov popis nematerijalne svjetske baštine u Europi. / The Alka Tournament of Sinj is a Croatian knights’ game, that is, a competition amongst horsemen in the shooting of the alka with a spear. It is held every year at the beginning of August in memory of a victory over the Turkish invaders in 1715. The Alka Tournament of Sinj was included in the uNESCO World Heritage List in Europe in 2010. RUJAN / SEPTEMBER

Zagreb i okolica / Zagreb and surroundings 3. − 9.9., Krapina 52. TJEDAN KAJKAVSKE KULTURE / 52ND KAJKAVIAN CULTURE WEEK Tradicionalna manifestacija kojom se nastoji očuvati i obogatiti kajkavski jezik i zagorski običaji. Nudi mnogo sadržaja, a svake godine završava poznatim Festivalom kajkavskih popevki. / This is a traditional event that seeks to preserve and enrich both the kajkavian language and the customs of the Zagorje region. In terms of programme, it offers a lot, and closes each year with the famous kajkavian Folk Songs Festival.


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tok Lošinj - otok vitalnosti, omiljeno je odredište ljubitelja zdravstvenih programa jer još od davne 1892. nositelj je titule klimatskog lječilišta. Lošinj se pritom može pohvaliti i bogatom poviješću. Tu je muzej Apoksiomena, 192 cm visokoga, grčkog atleta izronjenoga kraj otočića Vele Orjule. Svi gosti i posjetitelji Lošinja aktivni odmor mogu provesti u dugim šetnjama uz more ili u vožnji biciklima na jednom dijelu 250 km duge šetnice koja prolazi i uvalom čikat. Ako uz to preferirate vrhunsku uslugu, čikat je savršeno mjesto za vas. Premium ponuda 5* hotela u uvali Čikat Sve više gostiju koji stižu u tu premium lošinjsku uvalu, uživa u ponudama hotela Bellevue, Boutique Hotela Alhambra te Vile Hortensije, zbog kojih se Čikat nalazi među top turističkim destinacijama. Tako su sami gosti Bellevue proglasili najboljim hrvatskim hotelom te najboljim luksuznim hotelom u Hrvatskoj na TripAd-


visoru. Epitet najboljeg opravdan je i zbog cjelovite ponude SPA Clinice, najboljega novoga wellness i spa sadržaju na svijetu u 2015., čiji je jedinstveni koncept stvoren za postizanje balansa tijela i duha. Priuštite si odmor u uvali Čikat, u kojoj vrijeme postaje nevažno, a uživanje imperativ, i ugodite svojim osjetilima na najbolji mogući način!


he Island of Lošinj - the island of vitality - is a favourite destination of healthcare programme enthusiasts given that, since as early as 1892, it has had the title of a climate health resort. Lošinj can also boast its rich history. There is the Museum of Apoxyomenos narrating the story of a 192-cm-tall Greek athlete found underwater near the Isle of Vele Orjule. All guests and visitors of Lošinj can spend their active holidays in long walks by the sea or by riding a bicycle on one part of the 250 km long walking trail that passes through čikat Bay as well. If you prefer top service, čikat is the perfect place for you.

A premium offer of 5* hotels in Čikat Bay The increasing number of guests arriving to this premium Lošinj Bay have been enjoying the offers of Bellevue Hotel, Boutique Hotel Alhambra and Villa Hortensia, which make čikat one of the top tourist destinations. Guests themselves have declared Bellevue Hotel to be the best Croatian hotel and the best luxury hotel in Croatia on TripAdvisor. The attribute of best is also justified by the complete offer of SPA Clinic, the best new wellness and spa in the world in 2015, whose unique concept was created with a view to achieving a mind and body balance.Treat yourself to a holiday in čikat Bay where time becomes unimportant, enjoyment an imperative, and satisfy your senses in the best possible way! T: +385 (0)51 661 101 E-mail:


Hespo pillow menu najbolji izbor jastuka za vaše goste Hespo pillow menu the best selection of pillows for your guests


kao što se madraci biraju po osobnim preferencijama, tako i jastuke biramo individualno. Jedan od kriterija pri odabiru jastuka koji treba uzeti u obzir jest svakako položaj spavanja. Bitna je stavka da je pri ležanju na jastuku i madracu kralježnica što više u ravnom položaju, tako da će ljudima koji spavaju na trbuhu odgovarati primjerice niži jastuk, a spavačima na boku nešto viši. Osobama koje spavaju na leđima preporučuje se anatomski profilirani jastuk koji po osobnim preferencijama mogu izabrati po različitim visinama. Technogel jastuci Technogel jastuci superiorni su prema ostalim jastucima zbog brojnih prednosti koje uključuju: jedinstvenu raspodjelu pritiska tijela po sve tri osi, zbog čega je osigurana bolja cirkulacija i nestanak neugodnog pritiska; osobite antidekubitalne karakteristike; izuzetna termo-senzibilnost materijala i održavanje optimalne temperature. Technogel je netoksičan materijal i potpuno sterilan te sprečava razvoj grinja, bakterija i drugih mikroorganizama pa je osigurana maksimalna higijena. Baza Technogel jastuka izrađena je od visco-elastične pjene. Ti su jastuci osobito dugotrajni. Jastuci od HR pjene s ekstraktom sljeza HR pjena, skraćenica termina high-resilient označava ovu pjenu kao veoma otpornu i elastičnu, a za izradu tih jastuka korištena je HR pjena koja je obogaćena ekstraktom sljeza. Zbog toga dobiven je kvalitetan, mekan, lagan, prozračan i trajno elastičan materijal koji se dobro prilagođava konturama tijela. Sljez je biljka koja je poznata po smirujućem i osvježavajućem djelovanju te ima i samogasiva svojstva.

Jastuci od bio aloe visco-elastične pjene BIO ALOE visco-elastična pjena inovativni je i visokokvalitetni materijal razvijen za potrebe povećavanja kvalitete spavanja. Osnovno obilježje te pjene jest termoaktivnost, zbog čega aktivno reagira na kombinaciju pritiska i temperature tijela te se u skladu s tim pri ležanju formira točno prema konturi tijela i potpuno podupre sve točke dodira tijela s jastukom. BIO ALOE visco pjena obogaćena je ekstraktom aloe, koja je poznata kao prirodno sredstvo za smirenje te ima svojstva revitaliziranja tijela. Njezini prirodni sastojci aktiviraju se svakim pokretajem našeg tijela. Potražite jastuk upravo po vašoj mjeri u Hespo salonu u Prelogu, u Centru spavanja u Zagrebu i kod naših veleprodajnih partnera.


as we choose our mattresses according to personal preferences, so we choose our pillows individually also. One of the main criteria for choosing a pillow that needs to be considered certaily is the sleeping position. The important thing while laying on a mattress and pillow is that your spine is in a flat position. So for example people who sleep on their stomach will need a lower pillow than people who sleep on their side. For people who sleep on their backs, anatomically profiled pillows are recommended, which can be selected at different heights by personal preferences. Technogel pillows Technogel pillows are superior to other pillows due to their many advantages, which include: the unique distribution of body pressure on all three axes, which ensures better circulation and disappearance of unpleasant pressure; exceptional anti-decubital characteristics; extraordinary thermosensitivity of the material and maintenance of optimal temperature. Technogel is a non-toxic material and is completely sterile and prevents the development of mites, bacteria and other microorganisms, thus providing maximum hygiene. The Technogel pillow base is made of visco-elastic foam. The pillows have extra durability. HR foam pillows with althaea extract HR foam, or high-resilient foam is exceptionally resistant and elastic and in these

pillows, the HR foam is enriched with althaea extract. The result is a quality, soft, lightweight, airy and durable elastic material that adapts well to contours of the body. Althaea is a plant that is known for its soothing and refreshing effect and has self-sufficient characteristics. Bio aloe visco-elastic foam pillows Bio Aloe visco-elastic foam is an innovative and high quality material developed for the purpose of increasing sleep quality. The main characteristic of this foam is thermo activity, which actively responds to the combination of pressure and body temperature, and accordingly it forms exactly to the body contour and fully supports all the contact points of the body with the pillow. Bio Aloe visco foam is enriched with Aloe extract, which is known as a natural calming agent and has characteristics of revitalizing the body. Its natural ingredients are activated by every movement of the body.Find the pillow that best suits you in the Hespo store in Prelog, in the Sleep Center in Zagreb and at our wholesale partners -


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To je Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2011. godine, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno. NovËana jedinica − kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 census, Croatia’s population was 4,284,889. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited. The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin. The currency is the kuna. The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 december 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 january 1992. Croatia became an Eu member state on 1st july 2013. Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao


prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine, treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova. National parks Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, kornati, krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno-povijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja, zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko-sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine. A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbu-

lent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is characterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by uNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. jacob in ©ibenik. The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of uNESCO’s world heritage. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit-odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja, nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and international experts in tourism. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of

its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Kuna je na ziv novËane jedinice Republike Hrvatske. U optjecaju su novËanice

kuna (kn) i kovani novac kuna i lipa (lp), (100 lipa = 1 kuna). MoguÊe je plaÊanje kreditnim kar ticama (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard i Mastercard) i euroËekovima. Novac se moæe podizati i na bankomatima.

card), as well as euro-checks. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.

Currency and payment methods The currency of the Republic of Croatia is called the kuna (kn). In circulation are banknotes in kuna and coins in kuna and Lipa (lp) ∑ one hundredth. Payments can be made by credit card (diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard and Master-

ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage


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Star Alliance, prva globalna udruga zrakoplovnih prijevoznika, ove godine obilježava dvadesetu obljetnicu utemeljenja. Ukupno mreža Star Alliance nudi više od 18.400 dnevnih letova na 1330 odredišta u 191 zemlju svijeta. Star Alliance, the first global airline alliance, is marking its twentieth anniversary this year. Overall, the Star Alliance network currently offers more than 18,400 daily flights to 1,300 airports in 191 countries.


pravni odbor Star Alliancea, koji obuhvaća sve izvršne direktore 28 zrakoplovnih tvrtki članica, proslavio je 14. svibnja dvadeseti rođendan u Frankfurtu, gdje je sve i počelo. - Naši utemeljitelji imali su sjajnu viziju još 1997. godine. Otad je Star Allianceu predodređena uloga pokretača inovacija u zrakoplovnoj industriji. Uspješno smo, posljednjih 20 godina, provodili prvotnu viziju ostvarenja globalne mreže, u koju su integrirane mnoge opcije međunarodnih


putovanja - rekao je Jeffrey Goh, koji je u siječnju ove godine preuzeo dužnost glavnoga izvršnog direktora Star Alliancea. Povezivanje letova nastavlja se širiti uvođenjem novih linija članica Star Alliancea te većom učestalošću letenja, a doseg mreže ostvarit će rast pridruživanjem regionalnih zrakoplovnih tvrtki u sklopu koncepta Connecting Partner. Strateški fokus pomaknut je sa širenja mreže na pružanje usluga najviše razine izvrsnosti, što će osobito osjetiti 14 milijuna putnika na godinu, koji se koriste uslugama Star Alliancea. U središtu te strategije bit će napredovanje digitalnih tehnologija. - Pristup ažurnim informacijama preko interneta s gotovo svih lokacija zauvijek je promijenio očekivanja putnika. Putnici žele imati kontrolu nad svojim putovanjima. To znači puni pristup brojnim informacijama, ali i prilagodbu njihovim specifičnim zahtjevima. Pružanje takvih usluga današnjim digitalnim putnicima na razini udruge središnji je stup našega novoga strateškog fokusa - izjavio je Pedro Heilbron, glavni izvršni direktor Copa Airlinesa i sadašnji predsjednik Upravnog odbora Star Alliancea. Nova infrastruktura IT čvorišta uspostavljena posljednjih godina omogućila je bolju integraciju usluga svih članica Star Alliancea. Nakon implementacije, može se početi graditi i nuditi digitalne aplikacije. Nova infrastruktura IT čvorišta već je omogućila Star Allianceu da, primjerice, poboljša pouzdanost procesa kao što je jedinstvena prijava leta za putovanja, koja uključuju više destinacija, te brzo odobravanje prikupljenih milja učestalih putnika na odgovarajuće račune korisnika. Čvorište za upravljanje prtljagom, najnoviji IT projekt, zaživio je potkraj 2016. godine i olakšava prijenos poruka u vezi s transferom prtljage između članica Star Alliancea,

njihovih operatera i sustava za upravljanje prtljagom u zračnim lukama. Strategija Star Alliancea jest razvijati centralne digitalne funkcionalnosti kojima će se moći koristiti članice te udruge kako bi unaprijedile vlastite proizvode i svojim redovitim putnicima pružile dodatne usluge čak i kad se koriste letovima drugih zrakoplovnih prijevoznika unutar naše mreže. Tijekom sljedećih nekoliko godina pokrenut će se mnoga takva poboljšanja koja će pružiti putnicima potpuno novu razinu informacija i kontrolu njihovog putovanja. Croatia Airlines pridružio se Star Allianceu 2004. godine, najprije kao regionalni član. Od 2010. godine postaje punopravnim članom te tako svojim putnicima omogućuje visoku kvalitetu usluge, u skladu s najvišim zahtjevima izvrsnosti Star Alliancea. Nagradni natječaj za putnike U povodu obilježavanja 20. godišnjice, Star Alliance, nadahnut temom Povezivanje ljudi i kultura, pokreće globalni natječaj za svoje putnike. Pobjednici imaju priliku osvojiti milijun nagradnih milja. Svaki od 21 Frequent Flyer programa Star Alliancea nagrađuje s milijun milja (ili ekvivalentom) 21 natjecatelja. Natjecatelji trebaju podijeliti svoju sliku i kulturno iskustvo koje su doživjeli preko stranice Kulturna iskustva bit će prikazana na interaktivnoj svjetskoj karti. Natječaj traje do 31. srpnja 2017. godine. Frequent Flyer programi članica Star Alliancea putnicima će primjerima pokazati što se sve može učiniti s milijun milja te predstaviti jedinstvena iskustva s putovanja na stranici: 

BEEN THERE, NEVER DONE THAT. Over the last 20 years we have helped connect people and cultures across the globe. Share your best experience for a chance to become a mileage millionaire.* Who knows where we could take you next? mileagemillionaire


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*Some frequent flyer programmes will offer an alternative to miles, e.g. one million points, or a comparable reward. See Terms & Conditions for full details. Competition opens 14th May and closes 31st July 2017.

01 Krešimir Kučko, predsjednik Uprave Croatia Airlinesa sa Suzanom Artuković Vuksan, voditeljicom kabine zrakoplova Krešimir Kučko, Croatia Airlines’ President & CEO with Suzana Artuković Vuksan, purser


n 14 May, its Chief Executive Board, comprising the CEOs of all 28 member airlines, celebrated its 20th anniversary in Frankfurt, where it all started. - Our founding fathers had a very forward thinking vision back in 1997. From that moment on, Star Alliance has been destined to drive innovation in the airline industry. We have done this successfully for the last 20 years, constantly striving to meet that original vision of a global network seamlessly integrated for international travel, said jeffrey Goh, who took over as CEO of Star Alliance in january this year. Connectivity continues to expand by member carriers launching new routes and increasing frequencies, while network reach will grow through the addition of local and regional airlines through the Connecting Partner concept. Against this background, the Alliance’s clear strategic focus has shifted from network expansion to providing a seamless experience, particularly to the over 14 million customers annually who connect between member carriers on their journeys. Going forward, digital technologies will lie at the heart of this strategy. - Access to instant information updates online from more or less anywhere has


irrevocably changed the expectations of customers as they travel. Passengers want to have control over their journey. That means having full access to a wealth of information, but also being able to personalise it to their own particular requirements. Providing such services to today’s digital traveller on an alliance level is the central pillar of our new strategic focus, said Pedro Heilbron, CEO of Copa Airlines and current chairman of the Star Alliance Chief Executive Board. The IT hub infrastructure which the Alliance has put in place in recent years has allowed for the better integration of back-end services between the member airlines. With this now in place, we can start building and offering digital applications. The new IT hub infrastructure has already enabled the Alliance to, for example, improve the reliability of such processes as through-check in for multi-carrier itineraries or ensuring fast crediting of accrued frequent flyer miles into the correct customer account. The baggage hub, the most recent IT hub project, went live at the end of 2016, and facilitates baggage message transfer between the member airlines, their ground handlers and the baggage handling systems at the airports. Star strategy is to develop digital capabilities centrally, which can then be used by Star member carriers to enhance their own products, so that they can offer extended care to their regular customers even when they are travelling elsewhere on the network. Over the next few years Star Alliance will be launching many such enhancements. Individually, these will offer an incremental improvement. Taken together, they will offer customers a completely new level of information and control of their journey.

Croatia Airlines joined Star Alliance in 2004, first as a regional member, and in 2010 it became a full member, having thus enabled the provision of high quality services to its passengers in line with the highest requirements of Star Alliance excellence. Mileage millionaire competition As part of its customer interaction for its 20th anniversary, Star Alliance will be running a global competition inspired by the theme of Connecting People and Cultures, which will offer winners the chance to become a mileage millionaire. Each of the Al-

Pedro Helbron & Jeffrey Goh

liance’s 21 FFPs is offering one million miles (or an equivalent) to 21 competition winner. Entrants are asked to upload a picture of themselves and to share a cultural experience they enjoyed at mileagemillionaire. The cultural experiences will be shown on an interactive world map. The competition runs until 31 july 2017. The Star Alliance FFPs also provide some inspiration on what can be done with a million miles and present unique travel experiences at: 

Love is in the air. For 25 years now.

Croatia Airlines and Lufthansa Technik celebrate 25 years of a prosperous partnership – with trust, know-how and mutual support. So we’d like to say : Thank You!

Srednja Dalmacija Vam nudi odmor iz snova! Prilaz braće Kaliterna 10/I, 21000 Split, Croatia tel/fax: +385 (0) 21

490 032; 490 033; 490 036

Umorni ste? Sanjate o opuštanju, najljepšem zalazu sunca i smiraju dana na prekrasnoj plaži, toplim noćima punim zabave i doživljaja, srdačnim ljudima i odmoru kakav ste zaslužili? Sve to i puno više pružit će Vam, tek na korak od Vas, Srednja Dalmacija, srce hrvatskog Jadrana. Za samo nekoliko sati vožnje iz svih djelova Hrvatske, izvrsnom auto-cestom ili brojnim avio-vezama s otokom Bračem i Splitom, stići ćete u prekrasne mediteranske krajolike očuvane prirode i kristalno čistog mora, uživati u zdanjima svjetske kulturne baštine, otkriti jedinstvene plaže, zeleno zaleđe, živopisne gradove s bogatom povijesti, atraktivne manifestacije i odličnu gastronomiju. Mi čuvamo mjesto za svakog putnika, dođite i otkrijte svoj odmor iz snova.

Central Dalmatia offers you a dream vacation! Are you tired and weary? Do you dream about relaxing at a beautiful beach while watching the most beautiful sunsets? Would you like to spend your warm evenings, enjoying friendly people and fun experiences? All of this and more is only a step away. This is the vacation you deserve and it is waiting for you in Central Dalmatia - The heart of Adriatic. Flying from ninety European cities, you can be in the City of Split, which is the centre of this region.

You can then enjoy the beautiful Mediterranean landscapes of preserved nature, the buildings of the world’s cultural heritage, and discover unique beaches and the crystal clear sea. Green hinterland, picturesque towns with rich history, invite you to participate in events and festivals and the exquisite gastronomy of this region. Come and discover your dream vacation.

Miles & More

Osnove programa Miles & More

Introducing Miles & More

Miles & More vodeÊi je europski program nagraivanja čestih putnika i nudi Ëlanovima razliËite moguÊnosti prikupljanja milja i koriπtenja nagrada, kao i mnoge privlaËne pogodnosti. »lanovi prikupljaju milje koristeÊi se uslugama brojnih partnera u programu. Milje se biljeæe za letove svih Ëlanica Star Alliancea i drugih kompanija partnera, ali i za unajmljivanje vozila, odsjedanje u hotelima ili potroπnju preko cobrand kreditnih kartica Miles & More.

Miles & More is the leading european frequent flyer programme, offering its members numerous possibilites for collecting and redeeming miles, as well as many attractive privileges. Members collect miles by using the ser vices of many partners in the programme. Miles are credited for flights of all Star Alliance members and other airline par tners, but also for renting vehicles from rent-a-car par tners or staying in par ticipating hotels.

Razredi Ëlanstva i pogodnosti Koriπtenjem usluga partnera u programu Miles & More prikupljate nagradne milje koje se mogu iskoristiti za nagrade. Statusne milje koje odreuju vaπ Ëlanski status, na temelju kojega ostvarujete pogodnosti, prikupljaju se na redovnim letovima prijevoznika Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air Dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Germanwings, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Regional, Luxair, SWISS, i svim Star Alliance partnerima. Uz 35.000 statusnih milja prikupljenih u jednoj kalendarskoj godini, steÊi Êete status Frequent Traveller, a za 100.000 statusnih milja u kalendarskoj godini oËekuje vas status Senator.

Tiers and benefits By using the Miles & More par tners’ ser vices members collect awards. Status miles which determine a member’s membership status and privileges can be accrued on scheduled flights operated by Croatia Airlines, Adria Airways, Air dolomiti, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Germanwings, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Lufthansa Regional, Luxair, SWISS, and all Star Alliance partners. Every mile accrued is recorded as both a status and an award mile. With 35,000 status miles collected in one calendar year members acquire the Frequent Traveller status, with 100,000 status miles the Senator status, and members who collect at least 600,000 HON CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2017

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»lanovi koji prikupe najmanje 600.000 HON Circle milja u razdoblju od dvije uzastopne kalendarske godine, stjeËu status HON Circle.

Circle miles within two conse cutive calendar ye ars, acquire the HON Cir cle status.

Osnovne pogodnosti Miles & More statusa

Miles & More benefits in brief

Frequent Traveller - Executive Bonus − 25 posto više nagradnih, statusnih i HON Circle milja - neograniËena valjanost nagradnih milja za trajanja statusa - prednost na listi Ëekanja - prijava za let (check in) na πalteru poslovnog razreda i veÊi iznos prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji.

Fre qu ent Traveller - Exe cutive Bonus of 25 % for award, status and HON Circle miles - Accrued award miles have no ex piry date

Senator - Executive Bonus − 25 posto više nagradnih i statusnih HON Circle milja - neograniËena valjanost nagradnih milja za trajanja statusa - predujam od 50.000 nagradnih milja - uporaba airport lounge - viπi prioritet na listi Ëekanja - prijava za let (check in) na πalteru prvog razreda - prednost pri ukrcaju i iskrcaju prtljage - dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji. - 2 e-vouchera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja (upgrade), prilikom postizanja statusa Senator te prilikom svake obnove statusa.

Se nator - Exe cutive Bonus of 25% for award, status and HON Circle miles - Accrued award miles have no ex piry date - Miles advance of up to 50,000 award miles - Airport lounge access - High waiting list priority - Fir st Class check-in - priority baggage handling - An additional bag depending on destinations and airline. - 2 e- upgrade Vouchers on achieving Senator status and for every Senator status renewal.

HON Circle - sve pogodnosti statusa Senator, najviša prednost na listi Ëekanja - predujam od 100.000 nagradnih milja - Status Senator za supruænika ili partnera, ovisno o zrakoplovnoj kompaniji - 6 e-vouchera za premještaj u viši razred putovanja (upgrade) prilikom postizanja statusa HON Circle te prilikom svake obnove statusa - dodatni komad prtljage bez naplate, ovisno o odrediπtu i zrakoplovnoj kompaniji.

HON Cir cle - All existing Se nator privile ges, highest waiting list priority - 100,000 miles in advance - Se nator status for your spouse or par tner depending on the airline



- Waiting list priority - Check-in at the Busine ss Class counter and increased free baggage allowance depending on destinations, airline.

- 6 e- upgrade Vouchers when becoming an HON Circle Member and every time the status is extended - An additional bag depending on destinations and airline.

Troπite milje Prikupljene nagradne milje zamjenjujete za mnoge nagrade: nagradne zrakoplovne karte, premjeπtaj u viπi razred putovanja (upgrade), razliËite nagrade kojima se moæete koristiti pri putovanju (Miles & More hotelski partneri, Miles & More rent-a-car partneri), kupnju te u Lufthansa WorldShopu.

Spend miles you can exchange collected award miles for awards prepared for you: flight awards, upgrades, various travel awards (Miles & More hotel partners, Miles & More car rental partners), shopping and lifestyle awards, and Lufthansa WorldShop.

Zatraæite svoju Diners Club Croatia Airlines kredit nu kar ticu! ■ 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potroπenih preko ove kartice, biljeæi vam se 1 nagradna milja ■ Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaÊajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. ■ 2 kartice − 1 raËun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na vaπemu raËunu Miles & More.

Apply for your Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card! ■ 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRk spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

Zatražite svoju VISA Croatia Airlines kreditnu karticu! Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potroπnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potroπenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna milja Miles & More.

Apply for your VISA Croatia Airlines credit card!

Zatražite svoju Croatia Airlines American Express karticu! ■ 4 kn = 1 nagradna milja − za svake 4 kune potrošene preko ove kartice bilježi vam se 1 nagradna milja 2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike, 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana

■ Collect award miles ever ywhere − simply pay with your diners Club Card in any of 12 million dC of fices in Croatia or abroad ■ 2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account.

Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines stand-alone credit card, both business and private. you will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 kuna spent via stand-alone credit cards whereas for every 7 kuna spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account. w Apply for your Croatia Airlines American Express card! ■ 4 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 4 HRk spend via this card, you collect 1 mile 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users

Putno osiguranje

Travel insurance

Milje ne zastarijevaju

Miles do not expire

Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela

Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croaita Airlines and PBZ Card Travel

Zatraæite svoju Croatia Airlines American Express kredit nu kar ticu! ■ 6 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 6 kuna potroπenih preko Premium kar tice biljeæi se 1 nagradna milja, odnosno za svakih 7 kuna potroπenih preko Standard kar tice

Apply for your Croatia Airlines American Express credit card! ■ 6 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 6 HRk spent via Premium card, you collect 1 award mile, and for every 7 HRk spent via Standard card you collect 1 mile.

2000 milja dobrodoπlice − za nove osnovne Premium korisnike i 1000 milja dobrodoπlice za nove dodatne Premium korisnike ■

■ 1000 milja dobrodoπlice za nove osnovne Standard korisnike i 500 milja dobrodoπlice za nove dodatne Standard korisnike

Dvostruke nagradne milje − za potroπnju u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travel American Expressa

Više informacija možete pronaÊi na:

■ 2.000 welcome miles − for new basic Premium card users and 1.000 welcome miles for new additional Premium card users. ■ 1.000 welcome miles − for new basic Standard card users and 500 welcome miles for new additional Standard card users.

Earn double award miles − using the card to pay for travels at Croatia Airlines sales of fices and PBZ Card Travel American Expressa.

Please find detailed info at:


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Avinor Oslo Airport/Espen Solli

Croatia Airlines 27. ožujka o.g. sklopio je komercijalni sporazum tzv. code share s indijskim nacionalnim avioprijevoznikom Air India o korištenju letova sa zajedničkim oznakama oba prijevoznika. Obje kompanije članice su Star Alliancea - Croatia Airlines od studenoga 2004. godine, a Air India od srpnja 2014. godine.

AN AGREEMENT WITH AIR INdIA REACHEd On 27 March, Croatia Airlines signed a commercial agreement on so-called code share with the Indian national air carrier Air India on the use of flights with the codes of both carriers shared. Both companies are members of Star Alliance - Croatia Airlines since November 2004 and Air India since july 2014.

Inauguracijski let Oslo - Zagreb / Inauguration flight Oslo - Zagreb

Naš je zrakoplov 28. ožujka prvi poletio s novoga putničkog terminala Međunarodne zračne luke Zagreb Franjo Tuđman i otvorio ga za civilni putnički promet. Povijesni let, kojim je službeno otvorena nova putnička zgrada, obavljen je zrakoplovom Airbus 319 u 5 sati i 50 minuta na redovitoj domaćoj liniji Zagreb - Dubrovnik. I prvi međunarodni putnici s novog su terminala otputovali zrakoplovom Croatia Airlinesa na redovitoj liniji OU456 Zagreb - Bruxelles u 6 sati i 15 minuta.

FIRST FLIGHT FROM THE NEW TERMINAL On 28 March, our aircraft was the first to fly from the new passenger terminal of the Franjo Tuđman International Zagreb Airport, having thus opened it for civil passenger traffic. This historic flight, which officially opened the new passenger building, was carried by Airbus 319 at 5:50 in the morning on a regular domestic route between Zagreb and dubrovnik. The first international passengers who flew from the new terminal also flew on a Croatia Airlines aircraft on its regular Ou456 route between Zagreb and Brussels at 6:15 in the morning.


Micke Bayart


Inauguracijski let Stockholm - Zagreb / Inauguration flight Stockholm - Zagreb



Croatia Airlines 19. svibnja prvi je put u povijesti kompanije počeo letjeti u Stockholm i Bukurešt, a 21. svibnja u Helsinki i Oslo. Prigodna svečanost, kojom je obilježeno ovogodišnje širenje mreže odredišta, održana je u petak, 19. svibnja, na novome putničkom terminalu Međunarodne zračne luke Franjo Tuđman uoči našega prvoga leta na liniji Zagreb Stockholm. Stoga triput na tjedan, ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom, izravno poletite u Stockholm, skandinavsku prijestolnicu. Utorkom, četvrtkom i nedjeljom, pođite u Helsinki i Oslo, a ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom, također izravno, možete poletjeti u Bukurešt. Informacije potražite na ili te na tel. 01 6676 555.

For the first time in the history of the Company, on 19 May Croatia Airlines introduced flights to Stockholm and Bucharest, and on 21 May to Helsinki and Oslo. The ceremony, marking this year’s expansion of the Company’s destination network, was held on Friday, 19 May, at the new passenger terminal of the Franjo Tuđman International Zagreb Airport, on the eve of our first flight on the Zagreb-Stockholm route. So, three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you can fly directly to Stockholm, the Scandinavian capital, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, to Helsinki and Oslo, while on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you can also fly directly to Bucharest. For more information, please visit our website at or or telephone us at +385 1 6676 555.

Fly to Dubrovnik

tel: +385 20 773 100, fax: +385 20 773 322 e-mail:,

A. Grubelić

and on the ground. We study your wishes by means of questionnaries, letters and spoken suggestions, which, believe us are always given every consideration. The mentioned improvements are an answer to your requests. With every new timetable we try to adapt ourselves increasingly to your needs, as well as to improve the existing services. Each one of your suggestions is most welcome, and every comment carefully read and very important to us. So please do not hesitate to write to us to the following address: Croatia Airlines, Inflight Magazine, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, E-mail:

PO©TOVANI PUTNICI! Vaπe zadovoljstvo naπa je prva i najvaænija zadaÊa. Stoga stalno nastojimo poboljπati naπe usluge u zrakoplovu i na zemlji. Osluπkujemo vaπe æelje preko anketa, pisama te vaπih pismenih i usmenih prijedloga i, vjerujte, uvijek ih smatramo dragocjenima. Znajte da nam je svaki vaπ prijedlog dobrodoπao, a svaka napomena vrlo vaæna. Piπite nam stoga na adresu uredniπtva: Croatia Airlines, Ëasopis Croatia, Bani 75b, Buzin, 10010 Zagreb, e-mail: Molimo, proËitajte nekoliko uputa vaænih za vaπu sigurnost i udobnost tijekom putovanja. Raduje nas πto ste za let izabrali upravo zrakoplov naπe kompanije. Potrudit Êemo se da vam let protekne πto ugodnije. uvaæavajuÊi svjetske zdravstvene i ekoloπke trendove, 1996. godine Croatia Airlines uveo je nepuπaËke letove na svim linijama. Zahvaljujemo vam πto se pridruæujete naπim nastojanjima da svijet bude zdraviji, ËiπÊi i ljepπi.


d. Fabijanić

your satisfaction is our first and foremost concern. That is why we are always striving to improve our services on board our aircraft

Please read the instructions below, important for your safety and comfort during the flight. We are happy that you have chosen Croatia Airlines for your flight and shall do our best to make it as pleasant as possible. In accordance with health and environmental trends accepted throughout the world, Croatia Airlines introduced nonsmoking flights to all destinations in 1996. Thank you for joining our efforts in making the world a better, cleaner and healthier place to live in.

RED SJEDENJA Vaπe je sjedalo rezervirano samo za vas. Napuπtate li sjedalo tijekom leta, molimo da se prije svakog slijetanja vratite na sjedalo.

SEAT ASSIGNMENT your seat has been especially reserved for you. Should you leave your seat during the flight, please return to it before each landing.

RU»NA PRTLJAGA Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda: 1 komad n maksimalna teæina 8 kg

zbroj dimenzija do 115 cm (55x40x20) Dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga za putnike poslovnog razreda: 2 komada n maksimalna teæina 8 kg po komadu n zbroj dimenzija maksimalno 115 cm (55x40x20) ili 57x54x15cm (etui za odijela) Radi ograniËenog spremiπnog prostora u putniËkoj kabini te kada je veÊa popunjenost zrakoplova, i dopuπtena ruËna prtljaga bit Êe Ëekirana i spremljena u prtljaæni prostor. n

HANd BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE Economy Class passengers: 1 piece n max. weight 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) Business Class passengers: 2 pieces n max. weight per piece 8 kg n total sum of dimensions up to 115 cm (55x40x20) or 57x54x15cm if it is a foldable garment bag due to a limited storage space and when a flight is fully booked even approved carry-on baggage will be checked-in and stowed in cargo compartments. UPUTE ZA SIGURNOST Prije uzlijetanja zrakoplova osoblje Êe vam dati nekoliko uputa πto valja Ëiniti u sluËaju opasnosti. One se odnose na tip zrakoplova pa ih paæljivo prouËite. Prigodom uzlijetanja i slijetanja svi putnici, ukljuËujuÊi i djecu, moraju se vezati sigurnosnim pojasima. PreporuËujemo da zbog vaπe sigurnosti i udobnosti ostanete privezani tijekom cijelog leta. Pri slijetanju molimo da ostanete na svojim sjedalima sve dok se ne iskljuËi znak obvezatnog vezivanja. Prilikom ulaska u neke zemlje valja popuniti odreene obrasce. Oni su vam dostupni u aerodromskoj zgradi pri ulasku u zemlju. Kako bismo vam olakπali i ubrzali taj postupak, naπe Êe vam ih kabinsko osoblje rado podijeliti tijekom leta.

Faze leta u kojima je dopuštena upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja Faze leta

Mobilni/ Smart telefoni, Tablet

Prijenosno raËunalo

Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke

Funkcija teksta/razgovora






Kaπnjenje u polasku





Taksiranje za polijetanje










Tijekom leta




















*u navedenim fazama nije dopuπteno rabiti sluπalice prikljuËene na audio/MP3 ureaje


SAFETy INSTRuCTIONS Prior to take-off the cabin crew will give you instructions regarding your safety and how to act in case of an emergency. The instrucions vary according to the type of the aircraft, so please pay attention to the flight attendant’s predeparture announcements and safety demonstrations. during take-off and landing all passengers, including children, are required to fasten their seat belts. For your safety and comfort, we recommend that you keep the safety belt fastened during the whole flight. Some countries require that passengers complete a form on arrival. These forms are available at arrival terminals on entering the country. In order to facilitate this procedure, our cabin crew will be pleased to distribute such forms during the flight.

U takve se ubrajaju eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekuÊine, radioaktivni materijali i otrovi, oruæje, stlaËeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuÊa sredstva.

RESTRICTEd ITEMS The law prohibits the transport of hazardous items in either checked-in or hand luggage. Such items are: explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials and poisons, firearms, compressed gases, corrosive products and oxidizers.



PERSONAL ELECTRONIC dEVICES Electronic devices may only be used if they are in flight mode. Bulky personal electronic devices must be securely stowed whenever the seat belt sign is turned on. List of approved personal electronic devices: n Mobile/Smart phones n Tablet computers n Noise-cancelling headphones n digital audio/MP3 player n Electronic games n e-Readers n Laptop/Notebook computers n Portable dVd/Cd player n Bluetooth devices n Personal cameras n Assistive medical devices n Electric shaver

ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno noπenje opasnog materijala i u predanoj i u ruËnoj prtljazi.

S. jungić

ELEKTRONIČKI URE�AJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroniËkih ureaja dopuπtena je iskljuËivo u zrakoplovnom radu, teæe i veÊe ureaje treba spremiti dok je upaljen znak obveznog vezivanja. Popis dopuπtenih elektroniËkih naprava: n Mobilni/Smart telefoni nTablet raËunala n Sluπalice za suzbijanje buke n Digitalni audio/MP3 ureaji n ElektroniËke igre n e-ËitaË n Prijenosna/Notebook raËunala n Prijenosni DVD/CD ureaj n Bluetooth ureaji n Kamere n Medicinski ureaji n ElektriËni brijaÊi aparati

se sastoji od snacka i ponude piÊa. Na veoma kratkim letovima putnicima nudimo samo vodu, a na duljim letovima u ponudi su alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te topli napitci. IskljuËivo u poslovnom razredu moæete naruËiti specijalnu vrstu obroka prigodom kupnje karte, ali svakako 24 sata unaprijed (vegetarijanski, muslimanski, dijetalni, a kosher 48 sati unaprijed). Putnicima nije dopuπteno konzumiranje vlastitih alkoholnih piÊa. Alkoholiziranim putnicima ne posluæuju se alkoholna piÊa. Puπenje je zabranjeno tijekom boravka u zrakoplovu. Toaleti su opremljeni detektorima dima.

U naπim zrakoplovima posluæujemo hranu i napitke bez naplate. U poslovnom razredu na svim letovima usluga ukljuËuje birana hrvatska jela, alkoholna i bezalkoholna piÊa te izbor domaÊega i stranog tiska. U ekonomskom razredu usluga ovisi o vrsti i duljini leta. Na domaÊim letovima posluæuje se samo voda, a na meunarodnim letovima usluga

We serve food and beverages free of charge in our aircraft. In business class on all flights the services include a choice of Croatian foods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as a choice of domestic and foreign print media. Our services in economy class depend on the type and length of the flight. On domestic flights we serve only water, and on international flights our services include snacks and an offer of beverages. On very short flights our passengers are offered only water, and on longer flights they are offered alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as well as hot drinks. In business class only you can order a special meal when purchasing your tickets, however, this must be done at least 24 hours ahead (vegetarian, Muslim, diet, but kosher meals must be ordered 48 hours ahead). Passengers are not allowed to consume their own alcoholic beverages. Passengers that are considered under the influence of alcohol are not served alcoholic beverages. smoking is forbidden in the aircraft. The toilets are equipped with smoke detectors.

Use of electronic devices during different flight phases Flight phase

Hand Held PEDs (i.e. smart phones and tablets)

Larger PEDs (i.e. Laptops and notebooks)

Noisecancelling Headphones

Text and phone functions






Extended Ground Delay





Taxi-out for Take-off

























Taxi to Stand





*during critical phases of flight headphones must not be plugged to audio/MP3 players. CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2017

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Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.

Specifikacije / Specifications

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

34,1 / 111

34,1 / 111

28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

37,6 / 123

33,84 / 111

32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)

73 500

70 000

29 257

NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

11 920 / 39 100

11 900 / 39 000

7620 / 25 000

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

122,40 / 1318

122,40 / 1318

63,08 / 679

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

834 (450 KTS)

834 (450 KTS)

667 (360 KTS)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 PW 150A

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet




Broj sjedala / Number of seats




Airbus 320-200

Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuju se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.

Airbus 319-100

Jedan od najsuvremenijih putniËkih zrakoplova srednjeg doleta u svijetu. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuju se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern midrange aircraft in the world. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking.

Dash 8-Q400

Jedan od najsuvremenijih turbopropelerskih zrakoplova kratkog doleta kanadske proizvodnje. Raspored poslovnoga i ekonomskog razreda razlikuje se od jednoga do drugog leta. One of the most modern turbo-prop short range aircraft, manufactured by Canadian manufacturer. Flexible cabin layout, the ratio of business to economy class seating depends on actual booking. CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2017

_ 153





Edinburgh Belfast Dublin





Chisinau LYON





Genoa Bologna NICE





Podgorica Bari Tirana

Palermo Catania

Partneri / Partners:

■ linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines’ services


Beirut Damascus TEL AVIV Jerusalem Amman

■ u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama

in cooperation with partner airline

Air France

Air India


Austrian Airlines

Brussels Airlines


LOT Polish Airlines



Singapore Airlines

Swiss International Air Lines

Turkish Airlines

United Airlines

TAP Portugal


Air Canada

The imperial city


Volim putovati!

S. jungić

I love to travel!

Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals ODREDIŠTE / DESTINATION

Prikupljajte nagradne milje, iskoristite besplatnu uslugu hrane i pića na letu kao i pogodnost web check-ina. Earn miles, get free drinks and snacks on board and take advantage of web check-in at no additional cost.

072 500 505, +385 1 6676 555

Moja aviokompanija.


ZRAČNA LUKA / AIRPORT ZRAČNA LUKA / AIRPORT Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Stockholm Arlanda Airport AthensInternational International Airport Athens Airport Barcelona Prat Airport Barcelona ElElPrat Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Brussels Airport Zaventem Brussels Airport Zaventem Paris Charles Gaulle Airport Paris Charlesdede Gaulle Airport Copenhagen Airport Copenhagen Airport düsseldorf Airport Düsseldorf Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Frankfurt Airport Frankfurt Airport Helsinki Airport St Petersburg Petersburg Pulkovo Airport St Pulkovo Airport Gatwick Airport Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Heathrow Airport Lisbon Airport LisbonInternational International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Malpensa Airport Malpensa Airport Munich Airport Munich Airport Nice Côte d’Azur International Airport Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport Oslo Airport Vaclav Havel Bucharest HenriAirport CoandaPrague International Airport Pristina International Airport Vaclav Havel Airport Prague Sarajevo International Airport Pristina International Airport SarajevoAlexander Internationalthe Airport Skopje Great Airport Skopje Alexander the Great Airport Ben Gurion International Airport Ben Gurion Berlin TegelInternational Airport Airport Berlin Tegel Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Vienna Airport Vienna Airport Zurich Airport Zurich Airport


TERMINAL terminal 3 terminal 3 2 terminal mainmain terminal terminal terminal 1 1 terminal terminal 2 2 terminal terminal terminal B B terminal terminal 2D 2d terminal terminal 2 2 terminal A terminal A terminal 3 terminal 3 terminal 1 terminal 1 1 terminal terminal 1 1 terminal terminal S S terminal terminal terminal 2 2 terminal terminal 1 1 terminal terminal 1 1 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 2 F terminal terminal main1terminal mainterminal terminal 1 terminal mainBterminal B mainterminal terminal main3terminal terminal terminal terminal A, C3 terminal A, C main terminal main terminal terminal 3 terminal 3 terminal 2 2 terminal

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information


Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094

RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 CROATIA AIRLINES

Tom Palinić

Dragi putnici!

Putujemo jer ostavljamo sjenu po svijetu. We travel to leave a shadow in the world.

Zahvaljujemo na fotografijama koje ste nam poslali zbog sudjelovanja u nagradnom natječaju Fotografirajte i otputujte. Pozivamo sve vas da nam fotografijom pokažete sve ljepote svijeta onako kako ste ga vi doživjeli. Kao i uvijek, Croatia Airlines bit će vam vjerna pratnja kamo god krenuli. Uz jednu rečenicu u kojoj objašnjavate zašto volite putovati, pošaljite nam fotografiju i sudjelujte u našemu nagradnom natječaju. Pobjednika ćemo nagraditi s dvije povratne aviokarte po izboru za neko od odredišta Croatia Airlinesa, a dva će dobitnika primiti poklon-pakete. U ovom broju putnoga časopisa dvjema povratnim kartama Croatia Airlinesa za najbolju fotografiju nagrađujemo Toma Palinića. Promidžbenim poklon-paketom nagradit ćemo Teu Mjedenjak Valešić i An Huts. Pozivamo vas da nam nastavite slati svoje fotografije jer vas i u idućem broju očekuju vrijedne nagrade. Posjetite našu web stranicu (Ponude/Nagradne igre i natječaji), pogledajte uvjete nagradnog natječaja i sudjelujte!

Tea Mjedenjak Valešić

Dear passengers!

Zašto volim putovati? Zbog trenutaka čiste sreće kao što je ovaj na slici.

We thank all of you who have sent us your photographs and participated in our Take Photos and Travel competition. We invite you to take pictures of the beauties of the world the way you have experienced them. As always, Croatia Airlines will be your faithful companion wherever you go. Send us your photos accompanied by a sentence which explains why you like travelling and take part in the photo contest. We will award the first prize winner with two return tickets on Croatia Airlines to a destination of your choice, while the second and third place winners will receive promotional packages. We have selected Tom Palinić for best photo in this issue of our travel magazine; he is the winner of two Croatia Airlines return tickets. Tea Mjedenjak Valešić and An Huts have won promotional gift packages. We invite you to continue sending us your photographs because in the next issue, valuable prizes await you again. Visit our web page at: (Offers/Contests and competitions), see the conditions and take part in the contest!

Why do I like travelling? Because of the moments of sheer joy like the one in this picture.

Ljetni povjetarac na odmoru u Dubrovniku odnosi svaku vašu tugu! in Dubrovnik takes all your sorrows away!


An Huts

The summer holiday breeze

Volim putovati! I love to travel!

Karte u jednom smjeru unutar Hrvatske već od 280 kn! Poletite iz Zagreba u Split, Dubrovnik, Pulu ili Zadar, kao i obratno, po cijeni karte u jednom smjeru već od 280 kn.

One way tickets inside Croatia starting from 280 kn! Fly one way between Zagreb and Split, Dubrovnik, Pula or Zadar, at the price starting from 280 kn.

072 500 505, +385 1 6676 555

Moja aviokompanija. My airline.

RAZGOVOR INTERVIEW Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Zagreb Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/ Public Relations/ Marketing/ Sales/ Cargo/

Lubav Love

Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / Piše/By_ Znaor only dubravka for calls from Croatia Fotografije/Photos_ Tel. (+385-1) 66 Saša 76 555Pjanić pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Pula ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka jelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 Rim / Rome 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 Sarajevo 71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 Skopje 1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 Split 21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298

Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46


Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012


23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 481--96-33

Bruxelles 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 Frankfurt Frankfurt Airport Center 1 Gebäude 234, HBk 49 Hugo-Eckener-Ring 60549 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 London Concorde North Wing, Gatwick Airport Room 332, West Sussex RH6 0dW Tel. (+44-20) 8563-0022, London Heathrow Airport, Terminal 2A, departures, Zone B, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 1jZ Tel. (+44-20) 8745-4683 Paris 95731 ROISSy CdG CEdEX Roissypôle Le dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00


Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930 Zürich Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe »eπka / the Czech Republic Ck Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air 25, Filellinon Str., 105 57 Athens Tel. +30 210 32 17 679, 32 17 750 kosovo Airtour Prishtina International Airport Tel. +381 38 594 111 Portugal APG - Portugal Rua Tenente Espanca, nº3 − 3º A, 1050 - 220 Lisboa Tel. +351 219 100 054

Rumunjska/Romania Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 Rusija/Russia GRM (Global Russia Marketing) Bolshaya Sadovaya street 10, office 20, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel. +7 495 981 14 00 SlovaËka / Slovakia Ck Blue Sky Travel Rajska 15, 811 08 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 Srbija / Serbia INTERTRAVEL GSA Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 310 89 69 Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 Australija / Australia Sky Air Services 7/24 Albert Road, Sth. Melbourne Vic. 3205, Tel. +61 3 9699-9355 Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 koreja / korea Bohram Air Services 7F, donghwa Bldg, 58-7 Seosomun-dong, jung-gu, Seoul, korea Tel: +82 2 754 6336 Tajvan, kina, Hong kong / Taiwan, China, Hong kong Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371

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