Putni časopis CROATIA ljeto 2024. / Inflight Magazine CROATIA summer 2024

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Ljeto _ Summer 2024
Inflight magazine

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S predsjednikom Uprave Croatia Airlinesa

Jasminom Bajićem razgovaramo o tome što cjelovita obnova flote zrakoplovima Airbus A220 donosi kompaniji, a što putnicima.



We’ve talked to Jasmin Bajić, CEO of Croatia Airlines, about what the complete renewal of our fleet with Airbus A220s means for our company, and what for our passengers.

Ljeto _ Summer 2024





Redizajn vizualnog identiteta nacionalnog avioprijevoznika uz novu flotu jasno i dosljedno komunicira strategiju, kvalitetu i vrijednosti Croatia Airlinesa.



The redesign of the visual identity of Croatia’s flag carrier, together with the new fleet, clearly and consistently communicates the strategy, quality, and values of Croatia Airlines.




U plejadi više od 1000 jadranskih otoka, Prvić se ističe kao skriveni dragulj, odišući autentičnim šarmom koji osvaja one koji ga posjete.



From the constellation of 1,000+ islands in the Adriatic, the island of Prvić stands out as a hidden gem that oozes an authentic charm captivating its visitors.

Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa.

Uredništvo ne odgovara za sadržaj oglasa, promotivnih i plaćenih PR tekstova te kvalitetu njihova prijevoda.

The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press.

The editorial board cannot be liable for the content of advertisments, promotional texts, and paid PR texts or the quality of their translation.




Vinogradarska zbirka u Pitvama

nezaobilazan je kulturni sadržaj svima koji posjećuju Jelsu, otok Hvar i središnju Dalmaciju.



The Viticulture Collection in the village of Pitve is a must-see cultural experience for all guests of the town of Jelsa, the island of Hvar, and central Dalmatia.

Bosnić+Dorotić S. Šimunović/PIXSELL




Na padini brežuljka ispod Kaštela obnovljeno je nekadašnje malo rimsko kazalište, spektakularan antički spomenik kulture.



On a slope below Pula’s Citadel, a small Ancient Roman theatre and spectacular ancient cultural monument has recently been restored.




Nedavno otvorena Kuća karikature posvećena je Otu Reisingeru, legendarnom hrvatskom karikaturistu koji je za svoje djela dobio brojne nagrade.



Dedicated to Croatia’s legendary cartoonist and recipient of countless awards, Oto Reisinger, the House of Cartoons has recently opened to the public.


Kontinentalna Hrvatska



Park prirode Žumberak − Samoborsko gorje carstvo je gorskih potoka i smaragdne svježine. Vodimo vas u dolinu Slapnice.

Continental Croatia



The Žumberak and the Highlands of Samobor Nature Park is a realm ruled by mountain streams and emerald freshness. We’re taking you to Slapnica valley.




Martina Vrdoljak Ranilović, osim na svojem modnom brendu, radi i na redizajnu odora kabinskog osoblja Croatia Airlinesa.



Martina Vrdoljak Ranilović doesn’t just work on her own fashion brand. She’s also working on the redesign of Croatia Airlines’ cabin crew uniforms.


Croatia Airlines

Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin

10 010 Zagreb, Croatia


pr@croatiaairlines.hr www.croatiaairlines.com

Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Jasmin Bajić

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants

Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak


Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg

Prijelom/Layout Miranda Herceg

Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director Slaven Žabo


Nevena Erak Camaj

Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković


Croatia Airlines

Gabrijela Lochert +385-1-616-00-17 advertising@croatiaarlines.hr


Croatia Airlines



AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb


AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb

ISSN 1330-6278

S. Pjanić Bosnić+Dorotić
Airbus _ A220-300
Decker &
M. Uzelac



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Luje Adamovića 31 − Rovinj tel +385 52 632 012 tekkabylone@maistra.hr www.maistra.hr


Testament Winery

Doživite okus bogate hrvatske vinske tradicije uz vinariju Testament. Naša vrhunska vina proizvedena su od pomno biranih autohtonih sorti uzgojenih po ekološkim principima. Posjetite Testament kušaonicu u srcu vinograda kako biste kušali nagrađivana vina i saznali više o našem procesu proizvodnje vina.

Experience the taste of Croatia’s rich winemaking tradition with Testament Winery. Our premium wines are made from carefully selected indigenous varieties, grown in accordance with organic principles. Visit the Testament tasting room in the heart of our vineyards to sample our award-winning wines and learn more about our winemaking process.

Stražnice 2, Jadrtovac, 22000 Šibenik www.testament-winery.com _ Fb: Testament Winery _ Instagram: @testamentwinery

Zlatni licitar

Golden Licitar Heart

Zlatni licitar predstavlja jedinstven spoj tradicije, simbola ljubavi i suvremenosti, pretočen u iznimno nosiv i efektan nakit s porukom. Kolekciju možete pronaći u zlatarni Lapidarium u centru Zagreba te svim boljim suvenirnicama.

Uniquely blending tradition, the symbol of love, and modernity, the Golden Licitar Heart is wearable and effective jewellery with a message. The collection is available at the Lapidarium jewellery store in Zagreb’s city centre, and other high-end souvenir shops.



Arigato lampa

Arigato lamp

Ideja dizajna i imena Arigato lampe bila je predstaviti stilizirani svakodnevni predmet inspiriran položajem blagog naklona, kao univerzalno prepoznate geste kojom se izražavaju zahvalnost i pozdrav. Više o Arigato kolekciji na www.grupa.com.

The idea behind the Arigato lamp’s design and name was to create a stylised everyday object inspired by the position of a slight bow, a universally recognised gesture expressing gratitude and salutation.

Explore the Arigato collection at www.grupa.com.


mirisni medaljon / scented locket

Među različitim motivima Lykke medaljona posebno se ističe Lace of Pag, mirisni medaljon koji je dobio posebno priznanje i proglašen je originalnim suvenirom grada Paga 2020. Inspiriran ljepotama hrvatske baštine, krasi ga motiv tradicionalne paške čipke koji je nastao u suradnji s umjetnicom s otoka Paga, a razvoj medaljona trajao je gotovo tri mjeseca. Medaljon se može personalizirati notama vašeg omiljenog parfema i gravurom. Dostupan je u Lykke Gift Shopu u Zagrebu (Petrinjska 28, City center one East), u Dubrovniku (Borza grupa, Pred dvorom 2).

The designs of Lykke scented lockets are inspired by beautiful motifs from Croatia’s heritage. From the many different motifs featured on Lykke lockets, the Lace of Pag stands out. It was designed in collaboration with an artist from the island of Pag over the course of nearly three months. The Lace of Pag scented locket received special recognition and was declared an original souvenir of the town of Pag in 2020. The locket can be personalised with the notes of your favourite perfume, and engraved. It is available at the Lykke gift shop in Zagreb (at 28 Petrinjska Street, and in City Center One East) and in Dubrovnik (Borza grupa, 2 Pred dvorom).



Welcome to the

Discover a new style of luxury all year long at the first Radisson Collection hotel on Croatia’s Adriatic coast.


Zlatna palma za hrvatski film

Croatian film wins Palme d’Or

Hrvatski kratkometražni igrani film redatelja i scenarista Nebojše Slijepčevića Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti, premijerno prikazan na ovogodišnjem međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Cannesu, osvojio je Zlatnu palmu. U kategoriji za najbolji kratki film natjecalo se još deset naslova iz cijelog svijeta. Film su producirali Katarina Prpić i Danijel Pek, a realiziran je u koprodukciji s kućama iz Bugarske, Francuske i Slovenije. 

The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent, a Croatian short feature film by director and screenwriter Nebojša Slijepčević that premiered at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, won a Palme d’Or in competition with ten other titles from around the world in the category of best short film. Produced by Katarina Prpić and Danijel Pek, The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent is a coproduction with film production companies from Bulgaria, France, and Slovenia. 

Antitalent arhiva/archives Šesnić&Turković

"Experience the tranquility of Thailand in the largest authentic Thai massage salon in Zagreb. Let our skilled therapists guide you on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation. Let the stress of the city fade away as you immerse yourself in the calming ambiance of Thailand, right here in Zagreb, reclaiming your balance and vitality.”

Visit us at Thai Centre Mali, and let Thailand come to you in the heart of Zagreb. Book your getaway now! thaicentarmali.com | @thaicentarmali | +385 1 231 2464 | Trg Petra Preradovića 5, Zagreb

Ove godine Croatia Airlines obilježava 35. godišnjicu osnutka, a počinje i cjelovita obnova flote zrakoplovima Airbus A220-300. Najbolji je to povod za razgovor s predsjednikom Uprave Jasminom Bajićem, koji je u hrvatsku zrakoplovnu tvrtku stigao već prije 30 godina i stoga izvrsno poznaje nacionalnu aviokompaniju takoreći od njezina nastanka.

This year, Croatia Airlines is celebrating its 35th anniversary, and is starting the complete renewal of its entire fleet with new Airbus A220-300 aircraft. This has given us an excellent reason to talk to Jasmin Bajić, the President of the Management Board and CEO of Croatia Airlines, who arrived at the airline 30 years ago, which means that, pretty much since its inception, he’s gotten to know the company inside out.



A. Doumenjou

Godina koja je u tijeku posebno je važna za Croatia Airlines iz dva glavna razloga. Ove godine hrvatska nacionalna tvrtka obilježava 35. godišnjicu osnutka, a počinje i cjelovita obnova kompanijske flote. Kad smo početkom 2000-ih nabavili sadašnje Airbuse, bili smo kompanija s najmlađom flotom u Europi. To su izvrsni zrakoplovi koji su umnogome podignuli kvalitetu usluge i letenja, ali s protekom vremena došao je trenutak da ih zamijene novi. Cjelovita nova flota bit će unificirana, a činit će je zrakoplovi tipa Airbus A220-300. Prijedlog Upravi i Nadzornom odboru donijelo je povjerenstvo koje je okupilo stručnjake iz svih segmenata kompanije zajedno s predstavnicima radničkog vijeća te je odlučeno da će najsuvremeniji novi zrakoplovi stići u Croatia Airlines do kraja 2027. U ovom ključnom trenutku za kompaniju na njezinu je čelu Jasmin Bajić, predsjednik Uprave koji je na tom mjestu od 2017. godine, ali je u Croatia Airlines stigao davno, još u ratnoj 1995., kad se radilo u prilično teškim uvjetima. Zbog toga izvrsno poznaje kompaniju takoreći od nastanka i otpočetka se nosio s brojnim zahtjevnim situacijama na različitim poslovima koje je do sada obavljao.

S Jasminom Bajićem razgovaramo ponajprije o tome što će obnova flote značiti za budućnost Croatia Airlinesa, ali i o drugim zanimljivim trenucima koje pamti u svojem

gotovo tridesetogodišnjem stažu u našoj kompaniji i zrakoplovstvu općenito.  Vrijeme ispred nas donosi nam 15 novih Airbusa, koji će nesumnjivo odigrati važnu ulogu u budućnosti Croatia Airlinesa, ali i putnicima donijeti još bolju kvalitetu usluge. Što konkretno novi tip zrakoplova Airbus A220 donosi kompaniji, a što putnicima?

− Obnovom flote Croatia Airlines će u cijelosti zamijeniti stare zrakoplove novima, što je značajan tehnološki iskorak uz veću energetsku učinkovitost sa 25 posto manjom potrošnjom goriva i emisijom CO2e. Novim i kvalitetnijim zrakoplovima A220, od kojih prvi dolazi u srpnju ove godine, osigurat će se bolji odgovor na konkretne potrebe putnika i efikasniji poslovni model, zahvaljujući kojem će se otvoriti i dodatne prilike u poslovanju uz postupno širenje mreže letova. To će istodobno osigurati kvalitetniju uslugu i još veće zadovoljstvo putnika. Osim letenja u novim i tišim zrakoplovima, na raspolaganju će im biti i druge pogodnosti tijekom leta, kao što su inter net s tri brzine, priključci za mobitel (USB-A i USB-C) u svakom sjedalu te različiti sadržaji uz suradnju s našim medijskim partnerima.

 Što će novi zrakoplovi značiti za proširenje mreže letova?

− Moguće je da naši putnici ovaj tekst u putnom časopisu čitaju na letu koji obavlja najnoviji Airbus A220. Petnaest novih

zrakoplova Airbus A220, koji će postupno ulaziti u flotu Croatia Airlinesa do kraja 2027. godine, otvaraju dodatne poslovne mogućnosti postupnog širenja mreže letova na nova odredišta i povećanja frekvencija na postojećima. Uz svakodnevno praćenje želja i potreba naših putnika te aktualnih trendova u zrakoplovnoj industriji, naši mrežni analitičari uvijek kontinuirano analiziraju dvadesetak novih potencijalnih ruta. Neke su cjelogodišnje iz Zagreba, a neke s naše jadranske obale su sezonske. Sve nove potencijalne destinacije ponajprije se nalaze u Europi i na Mediteranu. Treba naglasiti da je Croatia Airlines jedini zračni prijevoznik koji opslužuje svih osam hrvatskih zračnih luka. U ovoj godini konkretno širi se mreža međunarodnih letova iz Zagreba uvođenjem novih izravnih linija Zagreb − Berlin, Zagreb − Stockholm i Zagreb − Tirana, dok Split dobiva izravnu vezu s Istanbulom. Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa tijekom ovogodišnje turističke sezone povezivat će glavni grad Zagreb sa 18 međunarodnih odredišta, Split sa 21 međunarodnim odredištem te Dubrovnik sa sedam europskih odredišta. Uz to nastavljaju se cjelogodišnji letovi Rijeka − München i Osijek − München.

Dizajn interijera naših novih zrakoplova Airbus A220. Moderna kabina uključuje šira sjedala i veće prozore The interior design of our new Airbus A220 aircraft. The modern cabin features wider seats and larger windows


 Koje biste postignuća i događaje izdvojili kao posebno važne za razvoj kompanije?

− Croatia Airlines nastao je 1989. godine, a nakon kraće obustave letova uzrokovane ratom 1992. godine postajemo član Međunarodnog udruženja zračnog prometa (IATA) te se svojom flotom uključujemo u međunarodni putnički promet. Od 1997. do 2000. godine zrakoplove Boeing 737 zamijenili su Airbusi A319 i A320 zrakoplovi. Godine 2001. dobili smo certifikat JAR 145 licencu, čime je kompanija postala ovlaštena za bazno i linijsko održavanje zrakoplova po najvišim europskim standardima. Croatia Airlines je 2003. godine bila druga europska kompanija koja je uspješno prošla zahtjevni IOSA IATA audit sigurnosti letenja, a iste godine dobili smo i certifikat ISO 9001:2000. Godine 2004. godine postali smo član Star Alliancea, najvećeg svjetskog saveza zračnih prijevoznika, za što je bilo potrebno uskladiti cjelokupno poslovanje kompanije s najvišim svjetskim industrijskim standardima, a čime je Croatia Airlines ostvario jedan od svojih strateških ciljeva. Od 2008. do 2010. godine završena je obnova flote zrakoplova kratkog doleta pa su dotadašnji zrakoplovi ATR-42 zamijenjeni zrakoplovima Dash 8-Q400. U 2015. godini prvi put je u našem Tehničkom sektoru obavljen najveći i najzahtjevniji tehnički pregled D-check komercijalnih zrakoplova. Croatia Airlines je 2017.

postao član Europske udruge regionalnih zračnih prijevoznika (ERA). Tijekom pandemije virusa Covid-19, koja je uzrokovala najveću krizu u povijesti zrakoplovstva, dodatno je potvrđeno značenje Croatia Airlinesa kao strateškog dijela prometne infrastrukture Hrvatske, a podrška Vlade Republike Hrvatske u kriznom razdoblju bila je od ključne važnosti. Unatoč izvanrednim okolnostima početkom ožujka 2020. godine Croatia Airlines nastavio je prometovanje, dok je većina inozemnih prijevoznika već polovinom ožujka u cijelosti obustavila letove u Hrvatsku. Od početka krize do svibnja 2020. godine, kada je krenulo popuštanje epidemioloških mjera, Croatia Airlines omogućio je povratak u Hrvatsku za oko 23.000 hrvatskih građana, stavio se Vladi Republike Hrvatske na raspolaganje za prijevoz humanitarne pomoći, vraćanje hrvatskih vojnika iz Afganistana, a obavljeno je i nekoliko repatrijacijskih letova iz različitih dijelova Europe i svijeta. Na sjednici Nadzornog odbora održanoj 31. 8. 2021. prihvaćen je prijedlog Post-Covid strategije Croatia Airlinesa, a aktivnosti implementacije definiranih strateških inicijativa omogućuju održivo poslovanje kompanije u budućnosti i pokretanje novog razvojnog ciklusa kompanije zamjenom cjelokupne flote. Tijekom 2023. godine ugovoreno je financiranje petnaest novih zrakoplova Airbus A220, a uspješnosti tog procesa umnogome je pomoglo značajno poveća-

Model zrakoplova Airbus A220 pruža vrhunsku ekonomičnost za operatore i neusporedivu udobnost za putnike

Airbus A220 aircraft delivers superior economics to its operators and unparalleled comfort to its passengers

nje kreditnog rejtinga Republike Hrvatske u posljednjih osam godina, uvođenje eura i ulazak u schengensko područje 2023. godine.

 Aktivni ste i u međunarodnim zrakoplovnim udrugama. Tri puta ste izabrani u Upravni odbor Europske udruge regionalnih zračnih prijevoznika (ERA), a nedavno i u Upravni odbor guvernera Međunarodnog udruženja za zračni promet (IATA). Što ta imenovanja znače za Croatia Airlines, a što za vas osobno?

− To su priznanja za Croatia Airlines i za mene osobno, ali i važna prilika da se problematika malih regionalnih prijevoznika na pravi način artikulira i adresira na mjesta odlučivanja ponajprije u Europskoj uniji. Regija jugoistočne Europe u posljednjih je 30 godina burno prošla kroz razdoblje obilježeno ratnim zbivanjima, globalnim i regionalnim gospodarskim krizama različitih razmjera te više ili manje uspješnim tranzicijskim procesima. Loša zračna povezanost unutar regije važna je značajka tržišta koja zahtijeva promjene i akcije. Regije i male zemlje u Europi zahtijevaju zračnu povezanost koja je u skladu sa specifičnim gospodarskim politikama tih zemalja kao i potrebama stanovništva. Važna je uloga Europske


AIRBUS Ciljano stvoren radi postizanja učinkovitosti, model A220 pruža vrhunsku ekonomičnost za operatore i neusporedivu udobnost za putnike. Sve veći broj narudžbi modela A220 rezultat je najsuvremenijih tehnologija koje su sastavni dio dizajna zrakoplova i njegove učinkovitosti u smislu potrošnje goriva, koja izravno povoljno utječe na operativnu bilancu. A220 nudi dodatne pogodnosti u usporedbi s prethodnom generacijom zrakoplova, kao što je smanjenje emisije CO2 po sjedalu od 25% i smanjenje buke do 50%. Moderna kabina A220 uključuje šira sjedala i veće prozore kako bi se poboljšalo iskustvo putnika. Zbog toga je A220 neosporno uspješan model i važan dio Airbusove obitelji. Partnerstvo Croatia Airlinesa i Airbusa započelo je prije gotovo tri desetljeća i bilo je ključni pokretač uspjeha obiju kompanija. Klasa zrakoplova A320 bila je pouzdan partner Croatia Airlinesu i omogućio kompaniji da uspostavi trajnu prisutnost na tržištima koja opslužuje i postane značajan igrač na budućim tržištima. Uz nedavno proširenje zrakoplovima Airbus A220, koji će zamijeniti prethodnu generaciju zrakoplova u floti, nasljeđe izvrsnosti ove zrakoplovne kompanije nastavit će se još desetljećima. Hvala Croatia Airlinesu što je odabrao A220! Radujemo se nastavku našeg zajedničkog putovanja − izjavio je Johan Pelissier, predsjednik Uprave Airbusa za europsku regiju.

− Purpose built for efficiency, the A220 delivers superior economics to its operators and unparalleled comfort to its passengers. The A220’s growing orders are driven by the state-of-the-art technologies that are integral to the design of the aircraft and its fuel efficiency that has a direct favourable impact on the operational bottom line. The A220 offers additional community benefits, such as, compared to the previous generation aircraft, a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions per seat, and a noise footprint area up to 50% smaller. The A220’s modern cabin includes wider seats and larger windows to enhance the passenger experience and enrich the airline’s product. This is why the A220 is an undeniable success and a valuable part of the Airbus family. Croatia Airlines and Airbus’s partnership began nearly three decades ago and has been a key driver of success for both companies. For Croatia Airlines, the A320 aircraft family has served as a reliable partner, allowing the airline to establish a lasting presence in the markets it serves and become a formidable player in its future markets. With the recent addition of the A220, which will replace the previous generation aircraft in its fleet, the airline’s legacy of excellence will continue for decades to come. Thank you, Croatia Airlines, for choosing the A220. We look forward to continuing our journey together − said Johan Pelissier, President of Region Europe at Airbus.

komisije, koja ne bi trebala primarno podržavati ekonomiju razmjera i zrakoplovne prijevoznike koji plaćaju velike iznose lobistima i odvjetnicima u Bruxellesu.

 Došli ste u Croatia Airlines 1995. iz ratnog Sarajeva, ali tada ni hrvatski teritorij još nije bio sasvim integriran. Bilo je to izazovno vrijeme. Što najviše pamtite iz tih početaka?

− Novi početak u novoj sredini uvijek je izazovan, a pogotovo u ratnim uvjetima. Međutim, kolege u Croatia Airlinesu odmah su me prihvatili kao da smo zajedno odrastali i ta me je činjenica umnogome odredila u nastavku karijere.

 Koje su vaše najljepše uspomene iz cjelokupne karijere, a koje iz gotovo tridesetogodišnjeg staža u nacionalnom avioprijevozniku?

− Karijeru sam započeo u Organizacionom komitetu XIV. zimskih olimpijskih igara Sarajevo 1984. To je podrazumijevalo rad u međunarodnom okruženju na pripremi sportskog događaja svjetske razine, koji je na kraju polučio veliki uspjeh. Rad u zrakoplovnoj kompaniji vezan je uz putovanja, a posebno se sjećam prvog službenog puta u Toulouse 1995. godine na Airbusov Air transport seminar koji je vodio jedan od gurua svjetskog zrakoplovstva Paul Clark. Ipak, najljepše su uspomene iz srpnja 2018. godine, kada sam bio domaćin leta na povratku naše nogometne reprezentacije iz Moskve nakon osvojenoga drugog mjesta na Svjetskom nogometnom prvenstvu.

 Od svojeg dolaska u kompaniju do danas obavljali ste različite menadžerske dužnosti. Bili ste zaduženi za korporativno planiranje, strategiju, planiranje flote, upravljanje mrežom, financije i kontroling. Što je od navedenih segmenata vama osobno bilo najzanimljivije i što vas je najviše motiviralo?

− Sve te različite uloge pomogle su mi u stjecanju novih znanja, što je uz kontakte i razmjenu iskustava s kolegama širom svijeta pomoglo da unapređujem strateške i upravljačke vještine. Po vokaciji sam planer i volim strateški promišljati i kreirati budućnost. Stoga sam posebno ponosan na način kako smo kao tim uspješno prošli kroz zahtjevne i kompleksne procese ugovaranja i financiranja cjelokupnog programa zamjene flote zrakoplova.

 Koautor ste knjige Menadžment zrakoplovne kompanije, sveučilišnog udžbenika Planiranje zračnog prijevoza i mnogo znanstvenih radova. Koliko vas ispunjava taj teorijski dio i što vam znači znanstveni rad?

− Transfer znanja između gospodarstva i znanosti dvosmjeran je proces transformiranja društva u cilju unapređenja poslovnih, poduzetničkih, stručnih i znanstvenih kompetencija. Dodana je vrijednost kada praktičari pišu ozbiljne radove namijenjene teoretičarima, ali i drugim praktičarima. Osim pisanja gost sam predavač na Fakultetu prometnih znanosti u Zagrebu, Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu i Zagrebačkoj školi ekonomije i managementa.

 Kako vidite budućnost Croatia Airlinesa?

− Croatia Airlines upravo započinje svoj novi razvojni ciklus isporukom prvog zrakoplova A220, a flota od petnaest novih zrakoplova u nekoliko narednih godina velik je potencijal budućeg rasta i razvoja. Nastavljamo pružati cjelogodišnju povezanost Hrvatske s inozemstvom, kao i prometnu povezanost hrvatskih regija letovima u domaćem prometu, što je veoma važno za sve dionike hrvatskog civilnog zrakoplovstva (zračne luke, kontrolu letenja, dobavljače i druge). Preko najvećih europskih čvorišta nastavit ćemo s partnerima omogućavati povezanost s cijelim svijetom. Hrvatska kao poznata turistička destinacija ima velik potencijal za širenje

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PRATT & WHITNEY Motor Pratt & Whitney GTF™, najekonomičniji i najodrživiji izbor za zrakoplove uskog trupa, ekskluzivni je pogon obitelji zrakoplova Airbus A220, koji smanjuje potrošnju goriva i emisije CO2 do 25% po sjedalu, emisije NOx do 50% i buku do 75% u usporedbi s tehnologijom prethodne generacije. Otkako su uvedeni u upotrebu 2016. godine, motori GTF™ uštedjeli su zrakoplovnim kompanijama diljem svijeta više od 1,5 milijardi galona goriva i 15 milijuna metričkih tona emisija ugljika. Pratt & Whitney i Croatia Airlines njeguju dugogodišnji odnos, koji se razvija još od prvih putničkih operacija ove zrakoplovne kompanije. Naše kompanije dijele snažnu predanost našem planetu i cilju zrakoplovne industrije da zrakoplovstvo postane održivije. GTF™ motori certificirani su za rad na 50% održivih goriva za zrakoplovstvo (SAF) i uspješno testirani na 100% SAF-a i mogu ostvariti daljnje smanjenje ugljičnog otiska. Revolucionarna arhitektura ventilacije motora temelj je za još učinkovitije i održivije pogonske tehnologije u narednim desetljećima − rekao je Rick Deurloo, predsjednik Uprave za komercijalno poslovanje u korporaciji Pratt & Whitney.

− The Pratt & Whitney GTF™ engine, the most fuel-efficient, sustainable choice for singleaisle aircraft, is the exclusive powerplant for the Airbus A220 family, which reduces fuel consumption and CO2 emissions up to 25% per seat, NOx emissions up to 50%, and noise footprint up to 75% compared to previous generation technology. Since its entry into service in 2016, GTF™ engines have saved airlines worldwide more than 1.5 billion gallons of fuel and 15 million metric tons of carbon emissions. Pratt & Whitney and Croatia Airlines have a longstanding relationship, dating back to the airline’s first passenger operations. Our companies share a strong commitment to our planet and the industry’s goal of making aviation more sustainable. Certified for operation on 50% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and successfully tested on 100% SAF, GTF™ engines are ready to enable further reductions in carbon footprint. The engine’s revolutionary geared fan architecture is the foundation for even more efficient and sustainable propulsion technologies in the decades ahead − said Rick Deurloo, president of Commercial Engines at Pratt & Whitney.

Tomislav Mihotić, državni tajnik za cestovni promet, cestovnu infrastrukturu i inspekciju i zračni promet, s Jasminom Bajićem, predsjednikom Uprave Croatia Airlinesa Tomislav Mihotić, State Secretary for Road Transport, Road Infrastructure and Inspection, and Civil Aviation, with Jasmin Bajić, President of the Management Board and CEO of Croatia Airlines

turističke ponude i u zimskim mjesecima, a naša je vizija u sljedećih pet do deset godina pridonijeti stvaranju održivog cjelogodišnjeg turizma. Ostvarenje te vizije zahtijevat će zajednički nastup s različitim dionicima turističke ponude u Hrvatskoj, u čemu će Croatia Airlines imati značajnu ulogu. Kada je u pitanju budućnost Croatia Airlinesa, u fokusu moraju biti naši zaposlenici, koji su najveća vrijednost kompanije. Nastavit ćemo ulaganja u njihov životni standard, karijere, školovanja i trening kako bismo osigurali zadovoljstvo zaposlenika, povećanje produktivnosti rada i unaprijedili konkurentsku poziciju na visoko konkurentnom hrvatskom zrakoplovnom tržištu. 

This year is particularly important for Croatia Airlines for two main reasons. Croatia’s flag carrier is celebrating its 35th anniversary, and is starting the complete renewal of its entire fleet − this year. When in the early 2000s we acquired the Airbuses that are currently in operation, Croatia Airlines’ fleet was the youngest in Europe. These are excellent aircraft that have greatly improved the quality of our service and flying, but it’s time to replace them. Our new fleet will be single-type and will consist of only Airbus A220 aircraft. The proposal for the renewal of our fleet was submitted to Croatia Airlines’ Management and Supervisory Board by a committee that brought together experts from all segments of the company, including works council representatives, and it was decided that, by the end of 2027, Croatia Airlines is to boast state-of-the-art aircraft.

At this crucial moment for the company, Croatia Airlines is headed by Jasmin Bajić, the President of the Management Board and CEO. He’s held this position since 2017, although he arrived at Croatia Airlines a long time ago, back in the wartime year of 1995, that is, when the conditions in which Croatia Airlines operated were rather difficult. It is precisely thanks to this reason that he’s gotten to know the company inside out, as well as because he’s dealt with numerous demanding situations in the different positions that he has held since pretty much the inception of Croatia Airlines.

We’re bringing an interview with Jasmin Bajić, in which he discusses, first and foremost, what the renewal of the fleet means for the future of Croatia Airlines, and in which he remembers a number of interesting moments he’s had during his nearly thirty years of service to our company and aviation in general.

 Fifteen new Airbuses are about to be delivered. They will undoubtedly not only play an important role in the future of Croatia Airlines, but will also provide our passengers a better quality service. What exactly do Airbus A220 aircraft provide our company, and what our passengers?


− By renewing its fleet, Croatia Airlines is replacing all its old aircraft with new ones, which is a significant technological step forward, introduces greater energy efficiency, and reduces both fuel consumption by 25% and CO2 emissions. The new and better quality A220 aircraft, the first of which is about to be delivered in July this year, will ensure a better response to specific passenger needs, and create the conditions for a more efficient business model. This will, in turn, open up additional business opportunities for Croatia Airlines, and facilitate the gradual expansion of our network of flights. At the same time, it will ensure that the service we provide is of better quality and that passenger satisfaction is enhanced. Besides flying in new and quieter aircraft, passengers will have other inflight conveniences at their disposal, such as internet access, USB-A and USB-C ports in their seat, and other conveniences in collaboration with our media partners.

 What will the new aircraft mean for the expansion of Croatia Airlines’ flight network?

− It’s possible that our passengers are reading this text in our inflight magazine on a flight operated by a new Airbus A220 aircraft. The fifteen new Airbus A220 aircraft that will enter Croatia Airlines’ fleet gradually by the end of 2027 will open up additional business opportunities in terms of gradually expanding our network of flights to new destinations, and in terms of increasing the flight frequency of existing routes. Our flight network analysts don’t just monitor the desires and needs of our passengers and current trends in the aviation industry, they also continuously analyse some twenty or so new potential routes. Some are year-round routes from and to Zagreb, and some seasonal routes from and to the Adriatic

coast. All new potential destinations are primarily European and Mediterranean. It’s worth pointing out that Croatia Airlines is the only airline that serves all eight airports in Croatia. This year, to be more specific, we’re expanding our network of international flights from and to Zagreb by introducing new direct flights to Berlin, Stockholm, and Tirana, as well as from and to Split by launching flights to Istanbul. During this year’s tourist season, Croatia Airlines will be connecting Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, with 18 international destinations, Split with 21 international destinations, and Dubrovnik with seven European destinations. Similarly, Croatia Airlines is continuing to operate its year-round flights on the Rijeka-Munich, and Osijek-Munich routes.

 Which achievements and events would you single out as particularly important for the development of Croatia Airlines?

− Croatia Airlines was founded in 1989, and after a short suspension of flights caused by the war, in 1992 we became a member of the International Air Transport Association or IATA, and joined international passenger traffic. Our Boeing 737 aircraft were replaced in the period between 1997 and 2000 by Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft. In 2001, we became a JAR-145 certified company. In other words, Croatia Airlines obtained a licence for the base and line maintenance of aircraft according to the highest European standards. In 2003, Croatia Airlines was the second European company to successfully pass the demanding IATA Operational Safety Audit, and received an ISO 9001:2000 certificate. In 2004, we became a member of Star Alliance, the world’s largest airline alliance. To become a member, Croatia Airlines needed to harmonise the company’s operations as a whole with the highest global industry standards. This was one of Croatia Airlines’ strategic goals. Between 2008 and 2010, Croatia’s flag carrier renewed its fleet of short-haul aircraft. More specifically, our ATR-42 aircraft were replaced with Dash 8-Q400 aircraft. In 2015, our

Technical Division carried out its first D-check on a commercial aircraft, by far the most comprehensive and demanding technical inspection of an aircraft. In 2017, Croatia Airlines became a member of the European Regions Airline Association or ERA. During the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused the deepest crisis in the history of aviation, the importance of Croatia Airlines as a strategic segment of Croatia’s transport infrastructure was further confirmed. During this crisis, the support of the Government of the Republic of Croatia was of key importance. Despite such extraordinary circumstances, at the beginning of March 2020 Croatia Airlines continued to operate, while by mid-March most foreign carriers already suspended their flights to Croatia completely. From the beginning of the crisis to May 2020, when the restrictions imposed by public health and safety measures started to be eased, Croatia Airlines facilitated the return of around 23 thousand Croatian citizens to Croatia, made itself available to the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the transportation of humanitarian aid, and for the return of Croatian soldiers from Afghanistan, and operated several repatriation flights from different parts of Europe and the world. On 31 August 2021, the Supervisory Board of Croatia Airlines convened, and accepted Croatia Airlines’ Post-COVID-19 Strategy proposal. The implementation activities of the defined strategic initiatives facilitate the company’s sustainable operations in the future, and the launch of the airline’s new development cycle by replacing its entire fleet. During 2023, the financing of fifteen new Airbus A220 aircraft was contracted. The success of this process was greatly helped by the significant upgrades to the credit rating of the Republic of Croatia in the last eight years, the introduction of the euro, and Croatia’s entry into the Schengen Area in 2023.

 You’re also active in international aviation associations. You have been elected three times to the Board of Directors of the European Regions Airline Association, and recently to the Board of Governors of the International Air Transport Association. What do these appointments mean for Croatia Airlines, and what for you personally?

− These are recognitions for both Croatia Airlines and for me personally, and provide an important opportunity to articulate the issues that small regional carriers are facing in the right way and have them addressed at places where decisions are made, primarily in the European Union. The last 30 years saw

Uspješna suradnja predstavnika Croatia Airlinesa, Airbusa, Air Lease Corporationa i Pratt & Whitneyja The successful collaboration of representatives of Croatia Airlines, Airbus, Air Lease Corporation, and Pratt & Whitney Airbus

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AIR LEASE CORPORATION Važno je i prepoznati naporan rad, ključnu stratešku analizu i proces odluke koji je započeo prije više od četiri godine u bliskoj suradnji Air Lease Corporationa, Airbusa, Pratt & Whitneyja i cijelog tima Croatia Airlinesa, što je u konačnici dovelo do odabira modela Airbusa

A220. S obzirom na to da je riječ o proizvodnji najmodernijeg, tehnološki najnaprednijeg zrakoplova uskog trupa prilagođenog dizajna, prva isporuka novoga A220 iznimno je postignuće kojim započinje projekt transformacije flote u Croatia Airlinesu. Air Lease Corporation počašćen je što nas je Croatia Airlines odabrao da vodimo ovaj projekt kao prvi zakupodavac koji će u flotu uvesti A220 i podržati projekt modernizacije flote Croatia Airlinesa. Zahvaljujemo kolegama iz Croatia Airlinesa, posebno našem dobrom prijatelju Jasminu Bajiću, predsjedniku Uprave Croatia Airlinesa, s kojim sa zadovoljstvom surađujemo na ovom projektu već dugi niz godina − izjavio je Steven F. Udvar-Házy, predsjednik Upravnog odbora Air Lease Corporation.

− We want to acknowledge the hard work, long hours, critical strategic analysis and decision-making that commenced more than four years ago in close collaboration between Air Lease Corporation, Airbus, Pratt & Whitney and the entire team at Croatia Airlines, which ultimately resulted in the selection of the Airbus A220 model by the airline. As the most modern, technologically advanced and only clean sheet designed single-aisle aircraft in production, the first A220 delivery is a wonderful achievement that commences the fleet transformation project at Croatia Airlines. Air Lease Corporation is honoured to have been selected by Croatia Airlines to lead this project as the first lessor to introduce the A220 to the airline and support Croatia’s major fleet modernisation programme. We would like to thank our colleagues at Croatia Airlines, and especially our good friend, Jasmin Bajić, CEO of Croatia Airlines, whom we have had the pleasure of working with on this project for many years − said Steven F. Udvar-Házy, Executive Chairman of Air Lease Corporation.

the region of Southeast Europe go through turmoil and war, global and regional economic crises of different magnitude, and more or less successful transition processes. Poor air connectivity within the region is an important feature of the market that requires change and action. Europe’s regions and small countries need a type of air connectivity that is in line with both the specific economic policies of those countries, and the needs of their populations. In this, an important role is played by the European Commission, which shouldn’t mainly support economies of scale and airlines that pay large sums to lobbyists and lawyers in Brussels.

 You came to Croatia Airlines from wartime Sarajevo in 1995, but at that time Croatia’s territory wasn’t yet fully integrated. Those were challenging times. What do you remember most from that period?

− New beginnings in a new environment are always challenging, especially in wartime conditions. However, my colleagues at Croatia Airlines immediately accepted me as if we had grown up together, and this fact determined my future career in large measure.

 What are your fondest memories from your career as a whole, and what do you remember fondly from your almost thirty years of service to Croatia’s flag carrier?

− I started my career in the Organising Committee of the 14th Winter Olympics in Sarajevo in 1984. This meant working in an international environment on preparing a world-class sports event, which was a huge success. Working in an airline company is related to travel, and what I remember distinctly is my first business trip in 1995 to Toulouse, where I attended Airbus’s Air Transport seminar given by one of the world’s aviation gurus, Paul Clark. However, my fondest memories are from July 2018, when I played host to Croatia’s National Football Team on their return flight from Moscow after they took second place at the World Cup.

 Since your arrival in Croatia Airlines, you’ve held different managerial positions. You were in charge of corporate planning, strategy, fleet planning, network management, finance and controlling. Which of these sectors were the most interesting to you personally, and what motivated you the most?

− All these different positions helped me to acquire new knowledge, which, together with contacts with colleagues around the world and exchanging experiences with them, helped me to improve my strategic and management skills. I’m a planner by vocation,

and I like thinking strategically and creating the future, which is why I am particularly proud of the way that we, as a team, conducted and successfully concluded the demanding and complex processes of contracting and financing the entire fleet replacement programme.

 You co-authored the book Airline Management, the university textbook Air Transport Planning, and many scientific papers. Do you find theorical work fulfilling, and what does scientific work mean to you?

− The transfer of knowledge between business and science is a two-way process of transforming society with a view to improving business, entrepreneurial, professional, and scientific competencies. When practitioners produce serious papers intended for theoreticians as well as other practitioners, added value is created. Besides writing, I’m a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb, the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb, and the Zagreb School of Economics and Management.

 How do you see the future of Croatia Airlines?

− The delivery of the first A220 aircraft marks the beginning of Croatia Airlines’ new development cycle. A fleet of fifteen new aircraft has unlocked the great potential for future growth and development in the next few years. We’re continuing to provide yearround connections between Croatia and the rest of the world, as well as air connections between Croatia’s regions by operating domestic flights, which is very important for all stakeholders in Croatia’s civil aviation, such as airports, air traffic control, suppliers, and others. Through the biggest airline hubs in Europe, we’re continuing, together with our partners, to provide air connections with the whole world. As a well-known tourist destination, Croatia has great potential for expanding its tourism product into the winter months as well. Our vision is to contribute to the creation of a sustainable year-round tourism product in the next five to ten years. Bringing this vision to fruition will require joint action with different stakeholders in Croatia’s tourism sector, in which Croatia Airlines will continue to play a significant role. As for the future of Croatia Airlines specifically, the focus must be on our employees, the company’s greatest asset. We’re continuing to invest in their standard of living, careers, education, and training so as to ensure employee satisfaction, increase worker productivity, and improve our competitive positioning on Croatia’s highly competitive aviation market. 





Obnova flote nacionalnog avioprijevoznika označava novo razdoblje poslovanja uz osvježen vizualni identitet, koji će nastaviti dosljedno komunicirati poruke i vrijednosti Croatia Airlinesa. Autorica je dizajna zrakoplova i redizajna logotipa Ivana Ivanković, već 29 godina kompanijska dizajnerica Croatia Airlinesa.

− Vizualni identitet Croatia Airlinesa, prepoznatljiv u Europi i svijetu, aktivno pridonosi razvoju turističkih potencijala Republike Hrvatske, unapređujući tako hrvatsku ponudu i gospodarstvo. Povijesna zastava hrvatskog naroda temelj je identiteta naše zrakoplovne kompanije. Novi znak (logo), redizajn zrakoplova, ažurirane boje i novi slogan potvrđuju važnost hrvatskog nacionalnog identiteta i ulogu Croatia Airlinesa za hrvatsku državu − ističe predsjednik Uprave Croatia Airlinesa Jasmin Bajić. A dizajnerica Ivana Ivanković pojašnjava: − U centru vizualnog identiteta Croatia Airlinesa nalaze se znak i logotip. Dizajn znaka približava se dizajnu repa zrako-

plova po kojemu je kompanija postala prepoznatljiva. Oblici i boje zastave bitno su podržani u imidžu, preoblikovani u modernu i snažnu vizualnu konstantu, dok je grb preoblikovan u dinamični element. Boje koje imaju svoj izvor u povijesti Lijepe Naše, crvena i tamnoplava, predviđene su kao primarne boje, dok sekundarne boje ističu naše južnoeuropsko porijeklo. Bitno je i to da su znak i logotip kompozicijski uravnoteženi s logotipom Star Alliancea kroz suvremeni dizajn u kojem su kvadrati na znaku u poziciji iz koje se odmah prepoznaje rep zrakoplova, što svakako šalje jasnu poruku.

Ukratko, novi dizajn Croatia Airlinesa u cijelosti je usmjeren budućnosti, dok Croatia Airlines i dalje, prema mišljenju renomiranih stručnjaka, ostaje jedan od ne samo najprepoznatljivijih nego i najboljih brendova u svjetskoj avijaciji.

U tom smislu Marko Golub, ugledni likovni kritičar, ističe:

− Zračne luke jedan su od najslikovitijih simbola modernoga, povezanog svijeta −

to su mjesta gdje u svakom trenutku cirkuliraju ljudi, ideje, identiteti, sudbine. Unutar nekoliko sati otamo stignete na drugi dio planeta, kao i gotovo tisuće drugih koji prolaze oko vas, svatko sa svojim planovima, perspektivama, namjerama i nadama. Na tom ravnom platou betona i asfalta vi ste na vrhu svijeta kojim klize, na njega se spuštaju i s njega uzlijeću zrakoplovi. Njihov najuočljiviji dio, onaj koji odmah privuče vašu pažnju, jesu njihovi repovi, jasan znak raspoznavanja u jatu impresivnih letećih strojeva. Rep zrakoplova i njegove bočne strane nose identitet kompanije, a u slučaju nacionalnih zračnih prijevoznika i identitete zemalja iz kojih dolaze. Kreiranje takvih vizuala jedan je od najvažnijih i najodgovornijih zadataka za dizajnere, upravo iz gorenavedenih simboličnih razloga; težina ideja koje takva mjesta nose jednostavno to nalaže. Hrvatski nacionalni zračni prijevoznik u tom je smislu visoko postavio identitetske standarde već na svojem početku, 1990. godine, a oni su se tijekom godina postupno razvijali, pročišćavali, usavršavali − malim koracima. Na tom tragu, novi identitet zapravo je logična evolucija vizualnog komuniciranja k integraciji svih njegovih elemenata. Ključna točka bila je 2004. godina, kad repovi zrakoplova dobivaju novi grafički dizajn. On je jasno asocijativno povezan s logom kompanije, ali uočljiviji i konceptualno izoštreniji. U osnovi tog redizajna, iz kojeg je 2024. izveden i cjelovit novi identitet kompanije, jest sinteza hrvatskog grba i triju boja zastave. Međutim, ono što mu daje karakter jest specifičan suodnos tih elemenata − kvadratni raster ovdje je rastvoren i dinamiziran tako da evocira mnogo više od samog nacionalnog identiteta: ideju lakoće i elegantnog ali snažnog uzleta. Na grafikama zrakoplova taj je znak suptilno usavršavan u odnosu na konture repa i u smislu čitljivosti, da bi se sada pretočio u integriran i do kraja dosljedan identitet, zatvorivši tako puni krug jedne iznimne dizajnerske priče.

Na kraju dodajmo i mišljenje Borisa Ljubičića, doajena hrvatskog dizajna, nagrađivanog umjetnika svjetske prepoznatljivosti: − Zrakoplov nije uvijek u zraku pa u većim zračnim lukama, kad su zrakoplovi na zemlji, pred sobom imamo svojevrsnu izložbu na otvorenome. Tu se posebice izdvajaju nacionalne aviokompanije koje svojim nazivom i vizualnim izgledom predstavljaju državu. Čisti li se riba od glave ili od repa,


Redizajn vizualnog identiteta nacionalnog avioprijevoznika, sukladno vremenu u kojem živimo kao i suvremenim tehnologijama donosi osvježenje, a uz novu flotu, jasno i dosljedno komunicira strategiju, kvalitetu i vrijednosti Croatia Airlinesa.

In line with both the times we live in and new technologies, the redesign of the visual identity of Croatia’s flag carrier introduces a fresh vivaciousness. Together with the new fleet, it clearly and consistently communicates the strategy, quality, and values of Croatia Airlines.

Š. Lugarov Š. Lugarov Š. Lugarov

pita se poznata narodna poslovica. Kad je riječ o vizualnom identitetu zrakoplova, odgovor je jasan. Upravo je dizajn na repu zrakoplova Croatia Airlinesa elementarno prepoznatljiv ritmom crvenih kvadrata koji prelaze u sve manje plave kvadrate prema dnu trupa aviona. Hrvatski vizualni identitet počiva na crveno-bijelim kvadratima iz hrvatskog grba, ali i na plavoj boji koja je treća u nizu na hrvatskoj zastavi. Također, plavu boju povezujemo s našim morem i razvedenom obalom s više od 1000 otoka, a njih nam sugeriraju oni najmanji plavi kvadratići. Usporedimo li vizualni identitet Croatia Airlinesa s onim drugih svjetskih aviokompanija, uočit ćemo da se Croatia Airlines razlikuje svojom upadljivošću i jasnom poveznicom s državom koju vizualno predstavlja. 

The renewal of the fleet of Croatia’s flag carrier marks the beginning of a new business development cycle coupled with a refreshed visual identity, which will continue to consistently communicate the messages and values of Croatia Airlines. The author of the new aircraft’s design and the logo redesign is Ivana Ivanković, who’s been Croatia Airlines’ company designer for 29 years.

− Croatia Airlines’ visual identity, recognisable in Europe and the world, actively contributes to the development of the tourism potential of

the Republic of Croatia, which in turn boosts Croatia’s tourism product and economy. The historical flag of the Croatian people is the foundation of Croatia Airlines’ identity. The new logo, the redesign of our aircraft, a revamped colour scheme, and our new slogan confirm the importance of the Croatian national identity, and the role that Croatia Airlines has in the state of Croatia − Jasmin Bajić, President of the Management Board and CEO of Croatia Airlines, points out. Designer Ivana Ivanković explains:

− The core of Croatia Airlines’ visual identity is made up of both a logomark and a logotype. The design of the logomark is now brought closer to the design of the tail of our aircraft, which is what makes Croatia Airlines so recognisable. The shapes and colours of the Croatian flag are significantly supported in the image, they’re transformed into a modern and powerful visual constant, while the coat of arms is transformed into a dynamic element. The colours that have their origin in the history of Croatia, red and dark blue, are intended as primary colours, while the use of secondary colours underscores our south European roots. What’s also important is that the logomark and logotype are compositionally balanced with the Star Alliance logotype through a contemporary design solution, in which the squares of the logomark are positioned in such a way that the tail of the aircraft becomes immediately recognisable,

Š. Lugarov

which definitely sends a clear message. In short, Croatia Airlines’ new design is focused entirely on the future, while Croatia Airlines remains, according to renowned experts, not only one of the most recognisable but also one of the best brands in world aviation.

In this respect, Marko Golub, a respected art critic, has this to say:

− Airports are one of the most visually powerful symbols of the modern, connected world. They are places where people, ideas, identities, and destinies circulate all the time. From airports you can reach another corner of the planet within a few hours, as do the thousands of other people who pass by you, each with their own plans, perspectives, intentions, and hopes. On the flat plateau of concrete and asphalt, you’re on top of the world, across which aircraft glide, land, and take off. The most conspicuous part of aircraft, the one that immediately catches your attention, are their tails, a clear sign of recognition in a flock of impressive flying machines. An aircraft’s tail and fuselage carry the identity of the airline, and in the case of flag carriers, the identities of the countries they come from. Creating these visuals is one of the most important and most difficult tasks that designers are given, precisely for these symbolic reasons; the weight of ideas that such places and spots carry necessitates that this be so. In this respect, Croatia’s flag carrier set high visual identity standards at the very start, in 1990, that is, since when they’ve been developed, refined, perfected over the years incrementally. In other words, Croatia Airlines’ new visual identity is, in fact, the logical evolution of visual communication towards the integration of all its elements. A key year was 2004, when the tails of the aircraft were graphically redesigned. That redesign created clear associative links with the airline’s logo, but was more conspicuous and conceptually sharper. What provided the foundations for the 2004 redesign, from which Croatia Airlines’ completely new visual identity has been derived in 2024, is a synthesis of the Croatian coat of arms and the tricolour of the Croatian flag. However, what gives this new visual identity its character is the specific relationship between these elements. The square grid of the Croatian coat of arms is here freed and dynamised in such a way that it evokes much more than just Croatia’s national identity. In a nutshell, it evokes the ideas of lightness, and an elegant yet powerful take-off. On the graphic draw-

ings of the aircraft, the logomark has been subtly perfected in relation to the contours of the tail and in terms of legibility, and is now translated into an integrated and completely consistent identity, which has an exceptional design story come full circle.

Last but not least, this is what Boris Ljubičić, the doyen of Croatian design and award-winning artist of international renown, has to say: − Aircraft are not always in the air. This means that at bigger airports, when the aircraft are on the ground, we have an open-air exhibition of sorts before us. Here, flag carrier airlines that represent countries with their name and visuals stand out from amongst the rest. A well-known proverb poses the question whether fish are cleaned from head to tail or from tail to head. When it comes to the visual identity of aircraft, the answer is obvious. Croatia Airlines’ aircraft are recognisable precisely thanks to the tail design and the rhythm of red squares that gradually turn into smaller and smaller blue squares towards the bottom of the aircraft’s fuselage. Croatia’s visual identity is based on the red-and-white checkerboard squares from Croatia’s coat of arms, as well as on the colour blue which is the third colour that appears on the Croatian flag. Also, we associate the colour blue with the Adriatic Sea and our indented coastline that encompasses 1,000+ islands, which is what the smallest blue squares in the design are evocative of. If we compare the visual identity of Croatia Airlines with that of other flag carrier airlines in the world, the first thing we’ll notice is that Croatia Airlines differs from the rest in that its aircraft livery is striking and establishes a clear connection with the country it visually represents. 

Š. Lugarov Š. Lugarov Ivana Ivanković, korporativna dizajnerica Croatia Airlinesa − od idejnog do izvedbenog rješenja Ivana Ivanković, corporate designer at Croatia Airlines − from conceptual design to implementation

Hrvatska - destinacija za održivi odmor

Ako ste razmišljali o odmoru u netaknutoj prirodi, odvest ćemo vas na mjesta koja će vam potvrditi kako su čist zrak, domaća hrana i očaravajuća priroda ključni elementi za preporod duha i tijela.

Kontinentalne destinacije

s Green Destination certifikatom


Odmor u srcu Like odvest će vas daleko od onečišćenog zraka. U netaknutoj prirodi nije teško pronaći mjesto na osami, okružiti se šumom i pod vedrim noćnim nebom brojati zvijezde. Lika će vas osvojiti svojom jednostavnošću i ljepotom. Odmor na seoskom gospodarstvu s domaćim životinjama, netaknuta priroda i domaća kuhinja razveselit će sve generacije. Kulturna i prirodna baština pružit će vam pravo bogatstvo uspomena o kojima ćete dugo pričati.


Prva hrvatska regija koja je osigurala certifikat Green Destination koji predstavlja održiv i odgovoran turizam

sukladan načelima Ujedinjenih naroda i ciljevima Globalnog vijeća za održivi turizam. Nestvarno lijepi brežuljci i pogledi osvojit će vas na prvu posjetu Međimurju. Kulturna baština, povijest, enogastronomija i lokalni proizvodi obogatit će vaše iskustvo održivog odmora.

Otoci koji

žive održivo

Ako ipak svoj odmor planirate provesti održivo, ali uz more, odvest ćemo vas na otoke koje barem jednom u životu morate posjetiti.

Odmor bez automobila

Ako su prometna gužva i vožnja vaša svakodnevica, treba vam odmor bez automobila. U Hrvatskoj postoji nekoliko otoka na kojima automobili ne mogu prometovati. U lošinjskom arhipelagu možete birati između Unija i Suska, ako ste u blizini Zadra, odaberite Silbu. Ovi otoci idealan su odabir za roditelje koji žele pustiti djecu da se bezbrižno igraju i trče po uličicama. No, kad razmišljate o odlasku još malo južnije ne preskačite Prvić koji će vas osvojiti kamenim ulicama i kućama od kamena. Ako se nađete na samom jugu Hrvatske i poželite

se skloniti od prometne gužve Lopud i Koločep su otoci koji imaju sve što vam je potrebno.

Otok bez jednokratne plastike

Ako ne koristite jednokratnu plastiku ili se želite inspirirati i naučiti kako je u potpunosti izbaciti iz svakodnevne upotrebe, planirajte odmor na Zlarinu. Ovaj prekrasni otočić u šibenskom arhipelagu odlučio je u potpunosti izbaciti jednokratnu plastiku i napraviti korak naprijed prema održivom životu. Na Zlarinu automobila nema, a otok možete istraživati pješice ili na biciklu. No ono što Zlarin čini posebnim je odluka da se jednokratna plastika zamijeni ekološki prihvatljivim alternativama.

5 Zlarin 1

1 Mađerkin breg, Međimurje, Julien Duval

2 Prvić, Nenad Ruszkowski

3 Koločep

4 Kruh - peka, Maja Danica Pečanić


Croatia - a destination for a sustainable holiday

If you have been thinking about vacationing in untouched nature, we will take you to places that will confirm that clean air, local food and enchanting nature are the key elements for the revival of both mind and body.

Continental destinations with a Green Destination certificate


Vacation in the heart of Lika will take you far away from polluted air. In this natural sanctuary, it is not difficult to find a secluded place, surround yourself with forest and count the stars under the clear night sky. Lika will win you over with its simplicity and beauty. A vacation on a farm with domestic animals, untouched nature and local cuisine will delight all generations. Cultural and natural heritage will provide you with a wealth of memories that you will talk about for a long time.


Međimurje is the first Croatian region to secure the Green Destination

certificate, which represents sustainable and responsible tourism in accordance with the principles of the United Nations and the goals of the Global Council for Sustainable Tourism. Unbelievably beautiful hills and views will captivate you on your first visit to Međimurje. Cultural heritage, history, enogastronomy and local products will enrich your sustainable vacation experience.

Islands that live sustainably

If you still plan to spend your vacation sustainably, but by the sea, we will take you to islands that you must visit at least once in your life.

Vacation without a car

If traffic jams and driving are your daily routine, you need a car-free vacation. There are several islands in Croatia where cars are not allowed. In the Lošinj archipelago, you can choose between Unije and Susak, if you are near Zadar, choose Silba. These islands are an ideal choice for parents who want to let their children play and run carefree in the alleys. But when you’re thinking about going a little further south, don’t skip Prvić, which will win you over with its stone streets and stone houses. If you find yourself in the very south of Croatia and want to get away from the traffic jams, Lopud and Koločep are islands that have everything you need.

An island without single-use plastic

If you don’t use single-use plastic or want to get inspired and learn how to completely remove it from everyday use, plan a vacation in Zlarin. This beautiful island in the Šibenik archipelago decided to completely eliminate single-use plastic and take a step forward towards a sustainable life. There are no cars on Zlarin, and you can explore the island on foot or by bike. But what makes Zlarin special is the decision to replace single-use plastic with environmentally friendly alternatives.

discover your story at croatia.hr 5




U plejadi više od 1000 jadranskih otoka, Prvić se ističe kao skriveni dragulj, odišući autentičnim šarmom koji osvaja one koji ga posjete. Smješten u središnjem dijelu Jadranskog mora, otok Prvić utočište je mira, netaknut vrevom suvremenog turizma.

From the constellation of 1,000+ islands in the Adriatic, the island of Prvić stands out as a hidden gem that oozes an authentic charm captivating its visitors. Located in the central part of the Adriatic Sea, and untouched by the hustle and bustle of modern-day tourism, Prvić is a haven of peace.


Hrvatska obala, poznata po kristalno čistome Jadranskome moru, zadivljujućoj povijesti drevnih kamenih gradova i zapanjujućoj prirodnoj ljepoti, krije još mnoga blaga. Priroda je bila posebno darežljiva ljepotom i raznolikošću otoka u dijelu jadranske obale od Šibenika do Zadra, gdje je razasula cijeli niz otoka i otočića. Jedan od njih je Prvić, u samoj blizini Šibenika, povijesnog hrvatskoga grada pod okriljem UNESCO-a. Ne treba puno brodu od Šibenika do otoka, preko Kanala svetog Ante ponad kojeg stoljećima budno stražari kamena Tvrđava svetog Nikole. Prvić nije daleko ni od prvih susjeda pa se s jedne strane vidi otok Zlarin, a s druge grad Vodice na obali. Prema jednom tumačenju, otok je dobio ime jer je prvi do obale pa od tuda i naziv Prvić. Prema drugima, otok je nazvan prema starohrvatskom poganskom bogu proljeća i vršidbe − Prviću ili Prvini. Budući da nema automobila, otok nudi jedinstveno iskustvo gdje su u snena ljetna jutra jedini zvukovi nježno zapljuskivanje valova, cvrkut ptica i cika prvih kupača. Krajolik otoka slikoviti je spoj bujne mediteranske vegetacije, netaknutih plaža i azurnog mora koji poziva posjetitelje da urone u njegovu prirodnu raskoš. Unatoč skromnoj veličini, otok Prvić krasi bogata tapiserija priča, tradicija i običaja koje mještani s ponosom i radošću čuvaju.

Upravo taj spoj prirodnih ljepota i kulturnog bogatstva čini otok Prvić nezaobilaznom destinacijom za one koji traže bijeg u idilični, ali još neistraženi raj.

Na otoku su dva mjesta, dva blizanca, Prvić Luka i Šepurine, od kojih svako odiše posebnim šarmom i karakterom.

Ova sela, sa svojim uskim popločanim ulicama, tradicionalnim kamenim kućama uz bujne bugenvilije i izoliranim životom zajednice, srce su i duša otoka. Udaljeni su međusobno svega petnaestak minuta ugodne šetnje, a oba je naselja Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske zaštitilo kao kulturnu baštinu.

Prvić Luka na južnoj obali slikovito je lučko mjesto koje služi kao kulturno i društveno središte otoka. Nastalo je u dubokoj uvali, zaštićeno od bure i juga te valova. Njegova riva obrubljena je obiteljskim kućama, ugodnim kafićima i restoranima gdje se lokalno stanovništvo i posjetitelji okupljaju kako bi uživali u mirnoj atmosferi i zadivljujućem pogledu na more. Na glavnom mulu u luci shvatite što jednome malom otoku znači dolazak broda. Ne izlaze samo putnici nego i roba, pošta, sve što je bitno za život. Tijekom toplih ljetnih večeri mala riva odjekuje cikom lokalne djece koje jure za balunom, žamorom šetača s jedrilica sigurno zavezanih za lučki mol… Prvić je premalen za veliki turistički razvoj, što ga je i spasilo od pretjerane urbanizacije koja često guši jadransku obalu, tako

02 Mjesto Prvić Luka

The village of Prvić Luka

Mjesto Šepurine
village of Šepurine
01 02

Slavni izumitelj padobrana Faust Vrančić rođeni je Šibenčanin, koji je svoje djetinjstvo provodio u obiteljskom ljetnikovcu u Prvić Luci. Kasnije je postao pravi renesansni homo universalis uz rame Leonarda da Vincija. Faust je jedan od najvećih umova 16. stoljeća, jezikoslovac, izumitelj, diplomat, inženjer, svećenik, biskup. Mnoga njegova dostignuća opisana su u djelu Machinae Novae, a ostavio je i značajan doprinos u razvoju hrvatskog jezika svojim djelom Rječnik pet najuglednijih europskih jezika. Kao istaknuti intelektualac bio je i tajnik cara Rudolfa II. Habsburškog na njegovu praškom dvoru. Ipak, najpoznatiji je po izumu padobrana koji je i sam isprobao skokom s jednog venecijanskog tornja. Tako je nastao homo volans odnosno leteći čovjek. Ovaj svjetski čovjek danas počiva u crkvi svete Marije od Milosti u Prvić Luci.

Faust Vrančić, the famous inventor of the parachute, was born in Šibenik, but spent his childhood in the family’s summer residence in Prvić Luka. He grew up to become a real Renaissance homo universalis or polymath comparable with Leonardo da Vinci. A linguist, an inventor, a diplomat, an engineer, a priest, and a bishop, Faust was indeed one of the greatest minds of the 16th century. His work Machinae Novae describes many of his accomplishments. Similarly, he contributed significantly to the development of the Croatian language with his Dictionary of the Five Most Noble European Languages. As a prominent intellectual, he also served as the secretary of the Holy Roman Emperor, Rudolf II, at his court in Prague. However, he is best known for the invention of the parachute, which he himself tested by jumping from a tower in Venice. This is how homo volans or the flying man was born. Today, this man of the world rests in the Church of Our Lady of Mercy in Prvić Luka.

da je ovaj mali otok sačuvao izvornu jadransku arhitekturu. Svijetle kamene kuće uljepšane su smeđim, zelenim ili plavim škurama, koje odolijevaju nemilosrdnom ljetnom suncu. Dodatno, vrijedne domaćice udahnule su život kamenu cvijećem na prozorima ili u vrtovima.

Hotel Maestral na glavnom trgu Prvić Luke odmah uz more stara je kamena zgrada s kraja 19. stoljeća. Služila je kao seoska škola, a obnovljena je 2004. godine u suvremeno opremljen maleni hotel. Generacije malih Slavonaca i Podravaca naučile su plivati i roniti u pansionu Požega na rubu uvale te malom šatorskom naselju odmah pored. To je sve od organiziranih turističkih kapaciteta, a ostali gosti odsjedaju u privatnim kućama.

Šepurine su ljupko mjesto poznato po prekrasnim plažama i opuštenom načinu života, čije se divne tradicionalne kuće zrcale u moru. Smješteno na zapadnoj strani otoka, nudi još mirnije utočište od Prvić Luke, za one koji žele pobjeći od gužve i uroniti u prirodne ljepote otoka. Glavni trg u selu, u sjeni stoljetnih stabala, popular no je okupljalište gdje se može doživjeti srdačno gostoprimstvo i prijateljski duh stanovnika otoka, uz miris soli, ribe, ružmarina i lavande.

Nekada je otok Prvić brojao više stanovnika nego Vodice, no nažalost dijeli sudbinu svih otočnih mjesta, pa danas na otoku živi samo oko 400 stanovnika u oba naselja.

Prvić je i kao ostatak jadranske obale u Hrvatskoj bio nijemi svjedok stoljetnih

01 Zalazak na pučinskoj strani otoka

The setting of the sun on the offshore side of the island

02 Pogled na Prvić Luku na južnom dijelu otoka

A view of the village of Prvić Luka on the south of the island

promjena, od vremena Ilira i Rimljana. Na otoku postoji starohrvatsko groblje iz 9. i 10. stoljeća, a prvi se put spominje stoljeće kasnije. Značajnije naseljavanje započinje bijegom stanovnika s kopna u strahu od Turaka u 16. stoljeću. Otok tada doživljava procvat i postaje omiljeno odredište šibenske aristokracije za gradnju vila i ljetnikovaca. Ta velebna zdanja i danas stoje, među kojima je i ona obitelji Vrančić, iz koje potječe i legendarni izumitelj padobrana Faust Vrančić. Otok poštuje njegovu ostavštinu memorijalnim centrom posvećenom njegovom životu i djelu, smještenom u središtu Prvić Luke. Ovdje se ne prikazuju samo Vrančićevi izumi nego služi i kao kulturno središte, ugošćujući razne izložbe i događaje koji slave otočnu baštinu. Muzejske eksponate izradio je Vladimir Lučev, doktor s otoka, idejni začetnik dostojnog obilježavanja Faustove slave na otoku. Život Prvića duboko je ukorijenjen u njegovu pomorsku i poljodjelsku tradiciju. Generacijama su otočani živjeli u skladu s morem i zemljom, uzgajali masline, vinovu lozu i smokve te lovili ribu u bogatom Jadranskom moru. Ta povezanost s prirodom i tradicijom ogleda se u otočkim običajima, svetkovinama i svakodnev-


2 UNESCO sites | 2 national parks | 11 medieval fortifications

230 cultural monuments | 300 islands | 600 archaeological sites

Autor: Ivo Pervan
Autor: Ivo Pervan
Autor: Zoran Vulinović www.dalmatiasibenik.hr so natural, so beautiful
Autor: Ivo Biočina

Prirodne ljepote otoka Prvića oduzimaju dah. Od zelenih brežuljaka i maslinika do skrovitih uvala i kristalno čistog mora, otok je raj za ljubitelje prirode.

The beauty of the nature of the island of Prvić is breath-taking. Thanks to its green hills and olive groves, secluded coves and crystal clear waters, Prvić is indeed a paradise for nature lovers.

nom životu, nudeći posjetiteljima uvid u autohtoni način života koji se očuvao kroz stoljeća.

Već iza prvog reda kuća uz more, izvan glavne ulice, kreće se kroz vrtove, masline, smokve i ulazi se u svijet zelenila, kamena, cvrkuta ptica i huke vjetra kroz iglice borova. Šuma je prekrila negdaš-

nja polja i vrtove, no još izvire labirint suhozida i malih kamenih kućica između sada već starih borova. Negdašnja šterna za skupljanje kišnice gotovo je neprepoznatljiva, njezina površina napukla je pred biljnim osvajačima. Negdašnji život od zemlje umnogome je zgasnuo, seleći se na unosniju jadransku obalu, toliko traženu od strane turista.

Prirodne ljepote otoka Prvića oduzimaju dah. Od zelenih brežuljaka i maslinika do

skrovitih uvala i kristalno čistog mora, otok je raj za ljubitelje prirode. Gotovo je cijeli otok u sjeni borove šume koja napaja pluća opojnim eteričnim uljem, a uši pjesmom cvrčaka. Možete provesti dane istražujući njegove raznolike krajolike, pješice ili biciklom, otkrivajući skrivene dragulje na svakom koraku. Pješačenje i biciklizam ovim stazama pružaju prekrasan pogled na okolne otoke i nepregledna prostranstva Jadrana. Na putu se mogu


susresti drevni maslinici, povijesne kapelice i rustikalne kamene kućice, svaka sa svojom pričom.

Plaže otoka Prvića jedna su od njegovih najcjenjenijih atrakcija. Bilo da je riječ o urbanim plažama uz omiljeni kafić, mirnim šljunčanim valama na kraju kakvog putića ili gdje god uzduž stjenovite obale, svaka plaža nudi mirno utočište za sunčanje, kupanje i opuštanje.

Čistoća Jadranskog mora oko Prvića je izvrsna, što ga čini idealnim odredištem za ljubitelje kupanja i ronjenja s maskom za one koji žele istražiti živopisni podvodni svijet. Vožnja kajakom ili veslanje na dasci uz obalu nudi jedinstvenu perspektivu zadivljujućih krajolika otoka. Otok Prvić skriveni je dragulj u Jadranskom moru, koji nudi jedinstveni spoj prirodne ljepote, bogate povijesti, živahne kulture i kulinarskih užitaka. Njegov šarm leži u njegovoj jednostavnosti i autentič-

nosti, pružajući utočište za one koji traže bijeg od modernog svijeta. Bilo da istražujete očaravajuća sela otoka, uživate u njegovoj kulinarskoj ponudi ili jednostavno uživate u miru njegovih prirodnih krajolika, otok Prvić obećava nezaboravno iskustvo za sve koji ga posjete. 

Although Croatia’s coast is known for the crystal clear waters of the Adriatic Sea, the fascinating history of its ancient stone towns, and the stunning beauty of its natural landscapes, there are many more hidden treasures to be discovered there.

Nature had been particularly generous when endowing the string of islands and islets scattered between the towns of Šibenik and Zadar on the mainland with beauty and diversity. One of these is Prvić in the immediate vicinity of Šibenik, a historic Croatian town that boasts two UNESCO World

Heritage Sites. It doesn’t take long to get from Šibenik to Prvić across Saint Anthony’s Channel, on which the stone Fortress of Saint Nicholas has been keeping a watchful eye for centuries.

Prvić isn’t far from its first neighbours either − you’ll spot the island of Zlarin south of Prvić, and the town of Vodice on the mainland. The name of the island, Prvić, is, according to one interpretation, a derivative of the Croatian word lates as the first, because Prvić is indeed the first island off the coast. Others claim it was named after the ancient Croatian pagan god of spring and threshing − Prvić or Prvina. Since no cars are allowed on the island, Prvić offers a truly unique experience − on sleepy summer mornings, the gentle lapping of waves, the chirping of birds, and the murmur of the first swimmers of the day will be the only sounds you’ll hear. The island’s landscape is a picturesque blend of lush Mediterranean vegetation, pristine beaches, and azure waters inviting you to immerse yourself in their natural splendour. Despite its modest size, the island of Prvić boasts a rich tapestry of stories, traditions, and customs that the locals have been preserving with pride and joy. It is precisely this blend of the beauty of nature and the richness of culture that makes the island of Prvić a must on the itinerary of those looking for an escape to an idyllic yet unexplored paradise.

There are two villages on the island, twins, as it were, Prvić Luka and Šepurine, each of which exudes a special charm and has a special character. Thanks to their narrow, cobbled streets, traditional stone houses framed by lush bougainvilleas, and isolated community life, these two villages are the very heart and soul of the island. It takes as little as a fifteen-minute leisurely walk to get from one to the other. Both villages are protected as cultural heritage sites by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.

Prvić Luka on the south of the island is a picturesque port that serves as the cultural and social centre of the island. It’s nestled in a deep bay, protected from both the cold northerly bora wind and the southerlies, as well as from the waves. Its waterfront is lined with family homes, cosy cafes and restaurants where locals and their guests gather to enjoy the peaceful ambience and stunning views of the sea. It’s on the main pier in the port that you understand what

01 Mjesto Šepurine The village of Šepurine 02 Mjesto Prvić Luka
01 02
The village of Prvić Luka
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Na otoku su dva mjesta, dva blizanca, Prvić Luka i Šepurine, od kojih svako odiše posebnim šarmom i karakterom.

There are two villages on the island of Prvić, twins, as it were, Prvić Luka and Šepurine, each of which exudes a special charm and has a special character.

the arrival of a ship means to a small island. It’s not only people who disembark; what’s unloaded from them are goods, the mail... the very essentials of life. During warm summer evenings, the small waterfront of Prvić Luka echoes with the hubbub of local children chasing a ball, and the murmur of strollers that get off sailboats securely tied to the pier...

Prvić is too small for large-scale tourist development, which is exactly what saved it from overurbanisation, which, more often than not, suffocates the Adriatic coast. As a result, this small island has preserved its authentically Adriatic architecture. Its bright stone houses are embellished with brown, green, and blue shutters, which resist the merciless summer sun. Plus, flowers on the windowsills and in the gardens planted by hard-working housewives seem to breathe life into stone.

Hotel Maestral on the main square of Prvić Luka right by the sea is an old stone building from the end of the 19th century. Once a village school, it was renovated in 2004 into a modern, well-equipped small hotel. Generations and generations of Slavonian and Podravinian children learned to swim and dive in the Požega Guesthouse near the periphery of the bay and in the small tent campsite right next to it. As far as organised tourist facilities are concerned, that’s it. The rest stay in private accommodation.

Šepurine, whose wonderful traditional houses are reflected in the sea, is a lovely village widely known for its beautiful beaches and laid-back lifestyle. Located on the western part of the island, the village of Šepurine

is a haven which is even more peaceful than Prvić Luka. In other words, it’s ideal if you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the island’s nature. The main square in the village and the shade of its centuries-old trees is a popular meeting place where you’ll get to experience the warm hospitality and friendly spirit of the island’s residents, a place where the air is infused with the scents of salt, fish, rosemary, and lavender. The island of Prvić once numbered more inhabitants than the town of Vodice on the mainland. Unfortunately, Prvić shares the same fate as all the other islands, so today only some 400 inhabitants live on the island in the two villages combined.

Much like the rest of the Adriatic coast in Croatia, Prvić has been a silent witness to centuries of changes, the first of which were introduced by the Illyrians and the Romans. There’s an old Croatian cemetery on the island dating from the 9th and the 10th centuries, although Prvić was first mentioned in historical records a century later. People who had fled from the mainland in fear of the Turks in the 16th century started settling on the island in more significant numbers. This sparked a boom, which transformed the island into a popular destination for the construction of villas and summer residences of Šibenik’s aristocracy. Their magnificent buildings continue to stand to this day. One of these is the house of the Vrančić family, into which Faust Vrančić, the legendary inventor of the parachute, was born. There’s

a memorial centre dedicated to his life and work in the centre of Prvić Luka. This is how the island honours his legacy. The memorial centre is not only a place where Vrančić’s inventions are displayed, but also serves as a cultural centre that hosts various exhibitions and events that celebrate the island’s heritage. The museum’s exhibits were created by Vladimir Lučev, a physician from Prvić, and the author of the idea to have the island of Prvić memorialise Vrančić’s brilliance in a fashion that befits his legacy. Life on Prvić is deeply rooted in its maritime and agricultural traditions. The residents of Prvić have lived, for generations, in harmony with the sea and the land, have cultivated olives, vines and figs, and have fished in the rich waters of the Adriatic Sea. This intimate connection between the people of Prvić and nature and tradition is reflected in the island’s customs, festivals and everyday life, which offer visitors an insight into the traditional way of life that the residents of Prvić have preserved throughout the centuries. Already behind the first row of houses by the sea, just off the main street, you’ll be walking across gardens, olive and fig groves. In other words, you’ll enter the world of greenery and stone, the chirping of birds and the whistling of winds through pine needles. The forest has covered what were once fields and gardens, although

Usamljeni čamac

A solitary boat


Ninska šokolijada je fešta koja časti i slavi proizvod neobičnog imena Ninski šokoljedinstveni gastronomski proizvod neponovljive arome.

a labyrinth of dry-stone walls and small stone houses still peeks out between pine trees that are today already old. The former rainwater cistern is barely recognisable as its surface surrendered to plant invaders and cracked. Living off the land has largely been abandoned. To earn a living, people have long moved to the more lucrative Adriatic coast, which has been much-sought after by tourists.

The beauty of the nature of the island of Prvić is breath-taking. Thanks to its green hills and olive groves, secluded coves and crystal clear waters, Prvić is indeed a paradise for nature lovers. Almost the entire island is in the shade of a pine forest filling your lungs with its intoxicating essential oil and your ears with the song of crickets. You can spend days exploring its diverse landscapes, on foot or by bike, discovering hidden gems at every turn. The hiking and cycling trails of Prvić offer wonderful views of the surrounding islands and the vast expanse of the Adriatic. You’ll come across ancient olive groves, historic chapels and rustic stone houses, each telling its own story. The beaches of the island of Prvić are one of its most prized possessions. Whether it’s a communal beach next to your favourite cafe or a serene pebble inlet at the end of a path or anywhere really along the island’s rocky shore, each and every one is a haven of peace where you can sunbathe, swim and chill.

The sea surrounding Prvić is spotlessly clean, which makes it an ideal destination for lovers of swimming and snorkelling, for those who’re looking to explore the colourful underwater world. While you kayak or paddle-board along the coastline, you’ll be offered spectacular vistas of the island’s stunning landscapes.

Šokol fest is festival that honors and celebrates a product with an unusual name Nin's šokol - a unique gastronomic 21. 7. 2024.

Featuring a unique blend of beautiful nature, a rich history, a vibrant culture, and culinary delights, the island of the island is a hidden gem of the Adriatic Sea. Its charm lies in its simplicity and authenticity, providing a haven for those looking for an escape from the modern world. Regardless of what you do on the island − whether it’s exploring the two enchanting villages on it, savouring its culinary treats or simply enjoying the peace and quiet of its natural landscapes − Prvić promises to be an unforgettable experience. 

Duga nakon nevere

A rainbow following a storm

the royal ground
Step on
Marin Stulić

kvarner region tourist board 51410 opatija, nikole tesle 2, t +385 (0)51 272 988, e kvarner@kvarner.hr “kvarner info - adriatic gate”, t +385 (0)51 623 333, 628 888, e info@kvarner.hr www.kvarner.hr

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Jedna obitelj i četiri čarobne priče hrvatskog juga

One family, four enchanting stories from Croatia's south

Ljeto je u punom sjaju. Mirisi i okusi Jadrana svuda su oko nas i zaista su očaravajući. Obitelj Šare već više od 40 godina njeguje tradiciju hrvatskog juga. Njihove četiri priče najbolja su pozivnica ovog ljeta. Krenimo od sjevernog ulaza u stari grad Dubrovnik.

Nedavno je otvoren prvi restoran čiji je interijer u cijelosti napravljen od prirodnih odbačenih materijala. Restoran Bota Šare mjesto je bogate povijesti u kojem svaki detalj priča svoju priču. Na sjevernom ulazu u Grad, ulazu Buža, u ulici Peline 4, ulazimo u svijet koji spaja visoku ekološku svijest s obiteljskom gastro pričom hrvatskog juga. Radno vrijeme je od 8 sati do ponoći.

Nekoliko desetaka stepenica niže silazimo na glavnu dubrovačku ulicu Stradun, a u Širokoj ulici 2 smjestila se impresivna Bota Palace. Povijesno zdanje obitelji Kaboga datira iz 1667. godine. Ova dvokatnica ima bogatu povijest. Smješteni u Bota Palaceu osjećat ćemo se kao dio bogate povijesti Grada.

Putovanje izvan grada vodi nas dalje brodom prema otoku Šipanu. Na prvi pogled skrivena ljepotica s juga, BOWA, osvaja na prvu.

PIŠE/BY Toni Dabinović, Maja Jozić

01-02 BOWA otok Šipan BOWA Island of Šipan

Smještena u izoliranoj idiličnoj uvali Vrbova na otoku Šipanu u blizini Dubrovnika, BOWA radi upravo ono što joj ime kaže, nudi Best Of What’s Around. Ovo je trenutak o kojem ste sanjali. Očekujte dnevni ulov svježe jadranske ribe, malostonske kamenice, ručno ubrano povrće, voće iz vlastita vrta i domaće šipansko maslinovo ulje.

Između sljedova uživajte u kupanju u Jadranskome moru − savršenom čistaču nepca tijekom vašeg dugog mediteranskog obroka.

01 02
Bota Šare, Bowa, Dejan Tešković

Ne tako daleko nalazi se čarobni Malostonski zaljev i morski đardini, uzgajališta kamenica − prvi morski proizvod u Hrvatskoj koji je 2019. godine zaštićen oznakom izvornosti na području Europske unije. Obitelj Šare odat će nam tajne uzgoja kamenice na Oyster Experienceu koji ćemo dugo pamtiti. Na samoj rivi u Malome Stonu, u srednjovjekovnom skladištu soli, nalazi se restoran Bota, što je stari dubrovački naziv za lukovima nadsvođen strop. 

Summer is in full bloom. The scents and flavors of the Adriatic are all around us, truly enchanting. For over 40 years, the Šare family has been preserving the traditions of Croatia's south. Their four stories are the perfect invitation for this summer.

01 Bota Šare Dubrovnik

Bota Šare Mali Ston

Bota Palace Dubrovnik

Let's begin at the northern entrance of the old city of Dubrovnik. First, there's the recently opened restaurant where every detail is crafted from natural, repurposed materials with the upcycling method. Bota Šare is a place rich with history, where each element tells its own tale. Located at Buža gate, Peline Street 4, it merges high ecological awareness with a family gastronomic story of Croatia's south. Open from 8 AM to midnight.

Just a few steps down to Dubrovnik's main street, Stradun, in Široka Street 2, you'll find the impressive Bota Palace. The historic building of the Kaboga family dates back to 1667. This two-story structure boasts a rich history. At Bota Palace, you'll feel like a part of the city's rich heritage.

Our journey continues by boat to the island of Šipan. At first glance, the hidden gem BOWA captures your heart. Nestled in the secluded, idyllic Vrbova cove on Šipan Island near Dubrovnik, BOWA lives up to its name, offering the Best Of What’s Around. This is the moment

you've been dreaming of. Expect daily catches of fresh Adriatic fish, oysters from the bay of Mali Ston, handpicked vegetables, fruits from the garden, and homemade Šipan olive oil. Between courses, enjoy a swim in the Adriatic Sea − the perfect palate cleanser during your long Mediterranean meal.

Not far away lies the magical bay of Mali Ston and its marine gardens, the oyster farms − Croatia’s first marine product protected by a designation of origin in the European Union in 2019. The Šare family will reveal the secrets of oyster farming in an unforgettable Oyster Experience. On the waterfront in Mali Ston, in a medieval salt warehouse, you'll find the Bota restaurant, named after the old Dubrovnik term for an arched ceiling. 

www.bowa-dubrovnik.com www.bota-sare.hr www.botapalace.com

02 01 03 PROMO



PIŠE/BY Vanja Ilić, Marija Plenković FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS Bosnić+Dorotić

Vinogradarska zbirka u Pitvama nezaobilazan je kulturni sadržaj svima koji posjećuju Jelsu, otok Hvar, ali i središnju Dalmaciju. Nakon što je godinama bila izvan funkcije, Vinogradarska zbirka s pripadajućom kušaonicom vina obnovljena je i ponovno otvorena za javnost kao dio Muzeja općine Jelsa.

The Viticulture Collection in the village of Pitve is a must-see cultural experience for all guests of the town of Jelsa, the island of Hvar, and central Dalmatia. After it fell into ruin and was closed for years, the Viticulture Collection featuring a wine tasting room was recently renovated, and has now reopened to the public as part of the Jelsa Municipal Museum.

Hvar je otok na kojem su se prirodne ljepote i kulturno nasljeđe mediteranskih civilizacija sljubili u jedinstven karakter koji ga danas čini otokom ugodnim za život, a svjetski popularnim za odmor. Zbog kontinuiteta uzgoja i ekonomskog značaja, vinova je loza najvažnija otočna kultura. I sama je morfologija brdovitog otoka više pogodovala uzgoju vinove loze i voćki nego ratarskih kultura. Činjenica da je vinogradarska kultura ukorijenjena duboko u povijest ovog otoka rezultirala je


osnivanjem Vinogradarskog muzeja daleke 1989. godine u Pitvama, selu duge vinogradarske tradicije smještenom u unutrašnjosti otoka nedaleko od Jelse. Nakon što je godinama bila izvan funkcije, Vinogradarska zbirka s pripadajućom kušaonicom vina obnovljena je i ponovno otvorena za javnost kao dio Muzeja općine Jelsa. Autorica arhitektonskog projekta stalnog postava je Vanja Ilić. Za taj je projekt dobila nagradu Bernardo Bernardi, koja se dodjeljuje za najuspješnije ostvarenje na području oblikovanja i unutrašnjeg uređenja. Nagradu joj je dodijelilo Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata za 2023. godinu. Autori muzeološke koncepcije su Marija Plenković i Duje Dorotka. Vinogradarska zbirka smješta se u postojeću zgradu nekadašnje škole na povišenoj točki otoka, na lokaciji s koje se pružaju prekrasne vizure na okolni krajolik. Stalnim postavom predviđena je prezentacija vino-

gradarske zbirke na prvom katu i u galeriji u potkrovlju, dok je prizemlje osmišljeno kao polivalentna kušaonica vina ujedno i prostor za izložbe, edukacije i društveni prostor za lokalnu zajednicu.

Izvorna etnografska građa, arhivski i suvremeni foto i video materijali, ali i selekcija vina pažljivo su birani i oblikovani kako bi zadovoljili interese ljubitelja baštine i vinskih entuzijasta. Vinogradarska zbirka u Pitvama zato je nezaobilazan kulturni sadržaj svima koji posjećuju Jelsu, otok Hvar, ali i središnju Dalmaciju.

Stalni izložbeni postav i popratne funkcije integriraju se unutar postojećeg, povijesnoga građevnog tkiva kao uneseni suvremeni neovisni prostorni element čelične konstrukcije koji i na prostoru kata stvara dodatnu galeriju u potkrovlju.

Kuća-škola istodobno u svojem volumenu ostaje netaknuta. Prostorna koncepcija

01 Polivalentni prostor s kušaonicom u prizemlju

A multipurpose wine tasting room on the ground floor

02 Izložbeni prostor na galeriji, detalj izložbene niše s bačvama

An exhibition space in the gallery, a detail of a display niche featuring wine barrels

03 Prostor ulaza i povijesno kameno stubište prema stalnom postavu na katu

The entrance area and historic stone staircase leading to the permanent exhibition on the first floor

stalnog postava temelji se na integriranju suvremenih interijerskih elemenata, tako da se ne mijenja izvorno oblikovanje građevine. Izložbeni element formiran je tako da tvori niše za izlaganje, a prostor između slobodno teče i prožima se s volumenom kuće, ostavljajući slobodne vizure na pejzaž i otkrivajući izvorni volumen kuće.

Posjetitelj istodobno ima dvostruku izložbu: režirani muzejski postav kroz niz kontroliranih scena u nišama i slobodne vizure prema prekrasnom krajoliku. U stalnom postavu izlažu se reprezentativni predmeti iz zbirke s objašnjenjima, kao i multimedijalnim interaktivnim prezentacijama vezanim za određenu tematsku cjelinu.

Budući da je mali prostor predviđen za višestruku funkciju, rješenje interijerskih elemenata predviđa i prostore za spremišta popratnog inventara i opreme koja se koristi u povremenim događanjima, a tijekom funkcioniranja muzeja ostaje jednostavno dostupna i skrivena. Dvorana u prizemlju

02 03

sustavom preklopnih panela može biti kompletno zatvorena projekcijska dvorana, polupropulzivan prostor za radionice ili potpuno integrirani prostor s okolišem. Dio stalnog postava proširuje se u eksterijer na kojem su formirane blago lebdeće platforme za postav eksponata, u skladu s topografijom terena. Ovime se proširuje mogućnost korištenja vanjske površine tako da se prirodni krajolik gotovo ne dotiče. 

Hvar is an island where the beauty of nature and the cultural heritage of many Mediterranean civilisations have merged to create its unique character. This is what today makes it a pleasant island to live on, and a globally popular holiday destination. Because it has been cultivated on Hvar without interruption and because of its economic significance, grapevine is the most important culture on the island. The very morphology of Hvar’s hilly terrain has dictated the cultivation of vine and fruit rather than arable crops. The fact that viticulture is deeply rooted in the history of the island of Hvar resulted in the establishment of the Viticulture Museum back in 1989 in Pitve, a village in the interior of Hvar not far from the town of Jelsa which has a long winegrowing tradition. After it fell into ruin and was closed for years, the Viticulture Collection featuring a wine tasting room was recently renovated, and has now reopened to the public as part of the Jelsa Municipal Museum. The project of the architectural design of the permanent exhibition was authored by Vanja Ilić, for which she received the 2023 Bernardo Bernardi Award given by the Croatian Architects’ Association for best achievements in architectural and interior design. The museum’s conceptual design was authored by Marija Plenković and Duje Dorotka.

The Viticulture Collection is housed in the building that was once a school on a hill, from which stunning views of the surrounding landscape are offered. The Viticulture Collection is displayed on the first floor and in the gallery in the attic, while the ground floor is designed as a multipurpose wine tasting room, a space where exhibitions and workshops can be held, and a social space for the local community. The museum’s authentic ethnographic materials, archival and contemporary photo and video materials, and wines have been carefully selected and designed to satisfy the interest of heritage lovers and wine enthusiasts. This is why the Viticulture Collection in the village of Pitve is a must-see cultural experience for all guests of the town of Jelsa, the island of Hvar, and central Dalmatia.

Izložbeni prostor na katu u kojem se ritmično izmjenjuju etnografski predmeti, multimedijalne prezentacije i prekrasne vizure prema krajoliku

An exhibition space on the first floor where ethnographic exhibits, multimedia presentations, and beautiful views of landscape alternate rhythmically

The museum’s permanent exhibition and accompanying functions have been integrated into the existing, historic building as an imported modern, independent spatial element in the form of a steel construction, which also creates additional gallery space in the attic. At the same time, the former school’s building remains intact in its volume. The spatial concept of the permanent exhibition is based on the integration of contemporary interior elements, so that the original design of the building remains unchanged. Exhibit elements are designed to form display niches, while the space between them flows freely and merges with the volume of the building, leaving unobstructed views of the landscape and revealing the original volume of the building.

There are two exhibitions on view simultaneously. One is the museum’s permanent exhibition curated as a series of controlled scenes displayed in niches, and the other are the views afforded of beautiful landscapes. The museum’s permanent displays contain representative ethnographic exhibits and objects from the Viticulture Collection accompanied by explanations, and interactive multimedia presentations of each thematic unit.

Considering that the museum’s small space is expected to serve multiple functions, the interior element solutions also envisioned spaces for the storage of accompanying inventory and equipment which are used in one-off events. These remain easily accessible yet hidden from view when the museum functions only as a museum. With the help of a folding panel system, the hall on the ground floor can be turned into a completely closed off projection hall, a semi-fluid space intended for workshops or a space fully integrated with the environment. Part of the museum’s permanent display extends into the exterior, which, following the topography of the terrain, features platforms that seem to be floating for the display of exhibits. This expands the use of exterior space without having an impact on the natural environment. 




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01 Pogled na Žumberačko gorje ispod slapa Vranjak

A view of Žumberak Mountains from underneath Vranjak waterfall

02 Potok Slapnica protječe dolinom koja svojom ljepotom mami brojne izletnike

Slapnica Stream flows through a valley whose beauty attracts many hikers

Jedan sat vožnje od Zagreba dovoljno je da se stigne u bilo koji dio Zagrebačke županije pa tako i u Žumberak i Krašić, njezine najzapadnije općine. Samo srce Parka prirode Žumberak − Samoborsko gorje carstvo je gorskih potoka i smaragdne svježine.

It takes as little as an hour’s drive from Zagreb to reach any part of Zagreb County, including Žumberak and Krašić, its westernmost municipalities. The very heart of the Žumberak and the Highlands of Samobor Nature Park is a realm ruled by mountain streams and emerald freshness.

Lipanj je. Vozim autom uz rijeku Kupčinu Dolinom kardinala, bližeći se mjestu Krašić. Zbog obilnih proljetnih kiša riječno korito još uvijek je puno vode, a zaobljena žumberačka brda pred pogledom kroz vjetrobransko staklo blistaju sočnim zelenilom. Dugi dani i vrućine koje su nastupile, iako već nesmiljene, ugodno me omamljuju. Posebno kada znam kako im je lako pobjeći čak i ako živite u Zagrebu.

Kao malo koja europska metropola, u svojoj neposrednoj blizini grad Zagreb okružen je pojasom bogatim prirodnim resursima: šumama, kršem, močvarnim staništima. Zbog toga se o njemu često govori kao o zagrebačkom zelenom prstenu, izrazu koji je postao sinonim za čitavu Zagrebačku županiju. Gotovo pola njezine površine čine šume, a među 35 zaštićenih lokaliteta Zagrebačke županije nalaze se čak dva parka prirode. Na području grada i županije, osim trećine

ukupnog stanovništva, obitava i velik dio flore i faune Republike Hrvatske. Divlju mačku, vuka, smeđeg medvjeda, crnu rodu, daždevnjaka ili orla štekavca moguće je zateći u radijusu manjem od 50 kilometara od strogog zagrebačkog središta. Svi oni koji u Zagrebu žive, borave ili ga posjećuju blagoslovljeni su idealnim izletničkim destinacijama za spontane odlaske u prirodu. Na kotačima ili pješice. Teško je možda jedino s odabirom. Premda je ocjena subjektivna, mnogi će se složili s tvrdnjom da je najljepši komad divljine Zagrebačke županije ipak Park prirode Žumberak − Samoborsko gorje. Dolinom uz potok Slapnicu, zaštićenim krajobrazom unutar samoga parka, možete bez prevelikog napora doslovno ušetati u njegovo zeleno središte.

Za većinu posjetitelja susret sa Slapnicom započinje šest kilometara sjeverno od Krašića, na njezinu ušću u Kupčinu. Na tom mjestu obilježen je smjer pa s

01 02

glavne ceste za Breganu, pred ulazom u selo Medven Dragu, skrećem desno prema kamenolomu. Nakon njega vozim još malo do ulaza u park prirode te u blizini info ploče tražim prikladno mjesto za parkiranje. No šetnju dolinom moguće je započeti i s njezina suprotnog kraja, od Draganovog mlina, do kojeg iz Krašića i Strmca Pribićkog, preko Svrževa, Ruda i Pećne vodi lokalna cesta. Sedam kilometara duga šetnica uz Slapnicu zapravo

je uski kolni put, dijelom makadamski, dijelom asfaltirani, prohodan za osobna vozila. Ipak vožnju autom po stazi preporučio bih samo u nuždi jer ispred vas je fascinantna pješačka ruta koju i mala djeca i stari ljudi lako mogu prehodati. Čim izađem iz auta, nerijetko se smočim u svježem potoku pa mokar ili suh zadovoljan krenem dalje zelenim kanjonom koji prekriva gusta bukova šuma. Cvrkut ptica i žubor razigranog potoka spokojno mi odzvanjaju u ušima. Brojna vrela i potočne doline zaštitni su znak Žumberačkog gorja. Na području parka prirode do sada je popisano 847 izvora i preko 260 stalnih ili povremenih vodotoka. Karbonatne naslage stare i do 200 milijuna godina uvjetovale su nastanak krša, zbog čega Slapnica na svojem toku preskače brojne prepreke. Simfonija vode prelijeva se nježno preko sedri ili huči glasno preko bukova. Ono čemu se posjetitelji ovdje najviše dive jesu dva velika slapa, Vranjak i Brisalo. Da bi se do oba stiglo, treba malo skrenuti sa šetnice i obilježenom se planinarskom stazom popeti uzbrdo. Od mjesta na kojemu sam ostavio auto do odvojka za uspon na Vranjak ima dva i pol kilometra, a do onog drugog za Brisalo otprilike još toliko. Riječ je tek o nekoliko stotina metara skretanja s rute, no do prvog slapa put je strm pa uspon može potrajati i desetak minuta.

Sedam kilometara duga šetnica uz Slapnicu zapravo je uski kolni put, dijelom makadamski, dijelom asfaltirani. Iako je prohodan i za osobna vozila, to je u prvom redu fascinantna pješačka ruta koju i mala djeca i stari ljudi lako mogu prehodati.

The seven-kilometre-long trail along the Slapnica Stream is in fact a narrow access road, partly covered in gravel, partly in asphalt. Although it can be driven on, it’s first and foremost a fascinating hiking trail, whose finishing line can easily be reached by both small children and the elderly.

03 Slap Vranjak Vranjak waterfall
04 Slap Brisalo Brisalo waterfall

Uz ljepotu krajolika i iznimnu raznolikosti biljnog i životinjskog svijeta, Park prirode Žumberak − Samoborsko gorje bogat je i brojnim kulturno-povijesnim vrijednostima. Jedna od njih svakako su stari mlinovi. Podsjetnik na vremena kada se u dolini Slapnice naveliko mljelo žito jest Draganov mlin, koji ujedno označava i kraj staze ako ste njome pješačili smjerom koji sam vam upravo opisao. Tu je i bogata baština žumberačkih uskoka kao i velik broj grkokatoličkih crkvi.

The Žumberak and the Highlands of Samobor Nature Park not only boasts beautiful landscapes, and an exceptionally diverse plant and animal life, but is also rich in cultural and historical heritage sites. One of these are its old mills. Dragan’s Mill is a reminder of times when grain was widely milled in the Slapnica Stream valley. It also marks the end of the trail if you hike along it in the direction I’ve described here. There are many Greek Catholic churches and their heritage to be explored as well.

Zanemariv je to napor za sve ono što vas očekuje. Visoko, rubom pogleda, sunčeva svjetlost lomi se u duginim bojama kroz kaplje Vranjačkog slapa dok stojim ispod potoka koji se s litice nada mnom glasno obrušava. Sklopljenih očiju i zabačene glave puštam da po meni pljušti svježina. A nešto kasnije, kad sam preko preko Matina mosta dopješačio do Brisala kako bih dodirnuo stijenu na koju pada slap, zagazim u jezero iznad koljena. Pod dlanom mi mahovina, meka poput krzna nekog dobroćudnog šumskog bića. Skretanje na Vranjak i Brisalo budi dodatne planinarske izazove. Osim šetnice uz potok slapove povezuje znatno dulja mreža planinarskih, šumskih i kolnih puteva po gorskim bilima, liticama, visoravnima i selima istočno od Slapnice. Nema onoga koji je na Žumberku bio samo jednom. Ili nikada nije bio ili ovamo stalno dolazi. Tkogod još čeka na svoj prvi put, a pročitavši ovo posjeti Slapnicu,

neka moju priču slobodno protumači kao poziv na rendezvous s ovom prekrasnom potočnom dolinom. 

It’s June. I’m driving along the Kupčina River and through the Valley of the Cardinals [translator’s note: the townlet of Krašić and the surrounding region is often popularly referred to as the Valley of the Cardinals because it’s the birthplace of the Blessed Aloysius Stepinac, Archbishop and Cardinal

of Zagreb; Cardinal Franjo Kuharić; and Bishops Juraj Jezerinac and Josip Mrzljak, and is visited by pilgrims from all over the world]. I’m about to reach the townlet of Krašić. Thanks to abundant spring rains, the riverbed is still filled with water, while the rolling hills of Žumberak gleam with lush and luxuriant greens before my eyes even through the windshield. Long days and the merciless heat that has already set in have dazed me pleasantly. Particularly given that I


know how easy it is to avoid the heat if you live in Zagreb.

Unlike most European cities, the city of Zagreb is surrounded by a belt rich in natural resources, such as forests, karst, and wetland habitats. This is why the belt is often referred to as the Green Ring of Zagreb, a term that has become synonymous with Zagreb County as a whole. Nearly half of its area is covered in forests. From the 35 protected areas of Zagreb County, as many as two are nature parks. Zagreb and Zagreb County are the home of not only a third of the total population of Croatia, but also much of Croatia’s plant and animal life. You can spot European wildcats, wolfs, brown bears, black storks, salamanders, and white-tailed eagles within a radius of less than 50 kilometres from Zagreb's city centre. Zagreb’s both permanent and temporary residents, and guests can consider themselves blessed because Zagreb is an escape destination which is ideal for spur-of-the-moment outings to nature, whether by car or on foot. The only difficulty you might run into is having to choose where to go. Although the following assessment is indeed subjective, many will agree with the statement that the most beautiful piece of wilderness of Zagreb County is the Žumberak and the Highlands of Samobor Nature Park. If you hike through the valley that stretches along Slapnica Stream, through a protected landscape within the nature park itself, you’ll end up in its green heart without too much effort.

Your encounter with Slapnica Stream begins six kilometres north of the townlet of Krašić,

05 Kroz potočnu dolinu vodi lako prohodan makadamski ili asfaltirani put

An easily passable gravel or asphalt road leads through the stream valley

06 Slapnicu presijeca nekoliko planinarskih staza

Slapnica Stream is intersected by several hiking trails

at its confluence with Kupčina River. There’s a road sign at this spot pointing in the direction of the stream, so from the main road to Bregana, just before the entrance to the village of Medven Draga, I turn right towards the quarry. To reach the entrance to the nature park, there’s only a short drive ahead. I look for a suitable place to park near the information board. You can also start your hike through the valley from its opposite end, from Dragan’s Mill, that is, to which a local road leads from the townlets of Krašić and Strmac Pribićki, via the hamlets of Svrževo, Rude, and Pećno. The seven-kilometre-long trail along the Slapnica Stream is

in fact a narrow access road, partly covered in gravel, partly in asphalt. In other words, it can be driven on. Nonetheless, I recommend driving along this road only in case of emergency because the hiking trail ahead is a fascinating one whose finishing line can easily be reached by both small children and the elderly.

As soon as I get out of the car, I often first refresh myself in the stream before I move on, wet or dry, but surely satisfied, through the green canyon covered in a dense beech forest. The chirping of the birds and the murmur of the playful stream reverberate serenely in my ears. Countless springs and

05 06

Na području parka prirode do sada je popisano 847 izvora i preko 260 stalnih ili povremenih vodotoka. Karbonatne naslage stare i do 200 milijuna godina uvjetovale su nastanak krša, zbog čega Slapnica na svojem toku preskače brojne prepreke. Simfonija vode.

So far, 847 springs and over 260 permanent or temporary watercourses have been listed in the nature park. Carbonate sediments that are up to 200 million years old resulted in the formation of karst, which is why the Slapnica Stream encounters countless obstacles in its course. What water symphony!

stream valleys are the hallmark of Žumberak Mountains. To be precise, 847 springs and over 260 permanent or temporary watercourses have been listed in the nature park so far. Carbonate sediments that are up to 200 million years old resulted in the formation of karst, which is why the Slapnica Stream encounters countless obstacles in its course. This water symphony either flows gently over tufa barriers or roars loudly over beech trees. What visitors admire the most here are two large waterfalls; namely, Vranjak and Brisalo. To reach them, you need to take a slight detour, and climb up a hill along a marked hiking trail. The distance you need to cover to get from the place where I left my car to the branch that’ll take you to Vranjak waterfall is two and a half kilometres long, as is the distance you need to cover to reach the other waterfall, Brisalo. This detour is only a few hundred metres in length, but the trail leading to the first waterfall is steep, so the ascent can take up to ten minutes or so. The ascent will require little to no effort, particularly if you consider what awaits you at the end of it. High up, on the edge of my peripheral vision, I catch the sunlight refracting into a rainbow through the droplets of Vranjak waterfall as I stand underneath the stream that crashes loudly from the cliff overhead. With my eyes closed and my head thrown back, I let this freshness rain down on me. A little later, once I cross Mate’s Bridge to get to Brisalo waterfall to touch the rock that the waterfall crashes onto, I step into the lake. The water’s above my knees. My hands are caressing moss, which feels like the soft fur of a good-natured forest creature of some sorts. Taking this detour to Vranjak and Brisalo waterfalls poses additional hiking challenges. Besides via the trail along the Slapnica Stream, the two waterfalls are connected by a much longer network of hiking trails, forest paths, and access roads cutting through the mountain range, cliffs, plateaus, and villages east of Slapnica. No one visits Žumberak Mountains only once. You’ve either never been there or you go to Žumberak all the time. If you’re still only thinking about going on an outing to Slapnica, I hope my writing inspires you to do so. I also hope you interpret my story as an invitation to a rendezvous with the stunning Slapnica Stream valley. 




PIŠE/BY Ivan Dorotić


U Puli, na istočnom obronku unutar zidina grada, na padini brežuljka ispod gradskog Kaštela, nalazi se nekadašnje malo rimsko kazalište. Svojim je ponovnim otvorenjem proslavilo vraćanje izvorne funkcije antičkog spomenika kulture, stvarajući jedan od vjerojatno najspektakularnijih (scenskih) prostora u ovom dijelu Europe.

There’s a small Ancient Roman theatre nestled within Pula’s city walls on the eastern slope below the Citadel. Its reopening celebrates the restoration of the original function of this ancient cultural monument, creating probably one of the most spectacular (theatre stage) spaces in this part of Europe.

Najvažniji zadatak pred nama, društvom koje ima privilegiju živjeti na ovim prostorima, jest čuvanje baštine i svega što nam je dano kao arhitektonska, spomenička i umjetnička ostavština. U punini odgovornog iskorištavanja tog vrijednog nasljedstva, uz obilje nužnog poštovanja, stvaramo smjer nice za suvremeni kulturni identitet države te njezinu turističku ponudu. Upravo se takav scenarij zbiva u Puli kao hvalevrijedan smjerokaz istodobne zaštite antičkog nalazišta i prenamjene kulturnog nasljeđa. 01


Intrigantna je i činjenica da je ovaj arheološki lokalitet otkriven tek krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. Do tada se nije znalo da je Pula, osim amfiteatra (današnje Arene) i velikog rimskog kazališta (koje se nalazilo izvan tadašnjih zidina grada i nažalost nije sačuvano), imala još jedno impresivno teatarsko zdanje.

Intriguing is the fact that this archaeological site was discovered only at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Until then, no one had known that Pula boasted not just an amphitheatre or today’s Arena, and a large Roman theatre (which was located outside the city walls at the time, and which has unfortunately not been preserved), but another impressive theatre edifice as well.

Prošle je godine dovršen dugogodišnji projekt obnove Malog rimskog kazališta, arhitektonsko-oblikovne nadopune i nadogradnje te konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova na ovom značajnom arheološkom nalazištu. Stvoren je funkcionalan i scenografski atraktivan prostor fantastične akustike − bitna točka (nove) kulturno-umjetničke ponude Pule. Locirano pored Arheološkog muzeja Istre, kojem institucionalno i pripada, Malo rimsko kazalište svojim je ponovnim otvorenjem proslavilo vraćanje izvorne funkcije antičkog spomenika kulture, stvarajući jedan od vjerojatno najspektakularnijih (scenskih) prostora u ovom dijelu Europe. Pretpostavlja se da datira iz 1. stoljeća i dragocjeni je dio urbane i kulturne baštine najvećeg istarskoga grada. Služilo je kulturnim potrebama tadašnje Pule, a nastalo je u doba Augustove vladavine, kao i neki od znamenitih gradskih spomenika poput Augustova hrama i Slavoluka Sergijevaca. Nekadašnje kazalište ponovno je artikulirano kao mjesto susreta publike i umjetnosti, namijenjeno koncertnim, kazališnim i inim sadržajima izvedbenih umjetnosti. No dualnost identiteta i namjene samog prostora inzistira da uz kulturne sadržaje u jednakom omjeru funkcionira i kao prezentacijsko područje arheološkog nalazišta pri posjetu spomenutom Arheološkom muzeju Istre, gdje jedna namjena ne bi smjela osporavati drugu. Najveća vrijednost ovog projekta, osim začudnog spajanja materijala i kreiranja jedinstvenog ambijenta zaštićenog

i suvremenog, upravo je složenost intervencije u kontekstu kulturne baštine. Arhitekt Emil Jurcan senzibilnim, ali ipak odvažnim pristupom uspio je oblikovno reagirati unutar vrijednog povijesnog konteksta, hrabro no projektantski nježno nadopunjujući taloge vremena, poput kakvog tetrisa kroz stoljeća i milenije. Nataloženi slojevi povijesti nadopunjeni su elementarnim materijalima čelika, betona i kamena koji, razumijevanjem prostora i

01 Što manje dodatnih iskapanja na arheološkom nalazištu pri rekonstrukciji omogućeno je projektiranjem čelične konstrukcije koja opterećenja prenosi u manji broj točaka

To require as little additional excavation as possible at the archaeological site during reconstruction, a steel structure was designed to transfer the load to as small a number of loadbearing points as possible

02 Za razliku od čeličnih tribina, središnja je tribina izvedena u bijelom betonu

In contrast to the side stands made of steel, the central stand is made of white concrete

03 Rekonstrukcijom je izvedena parcijalna obnova tribina nekadašnjeg kazališta

The reconstruction involved the partial restoration of the former theatre’s stands themselves

02 03

Arhitektonski projekt obnove i nadogradnje potpisuje pulski arhitekt Emil Jurcan, čiji je hvaljeni uradak već prepoznala struka − ovjenčan je nagradom Bernardo Bernardi Udruženja hrvatskih arhitekata u 2022. godini, posebnim priznanjem međunarodne arhitektonske nagrade Piranesi za 2022. godinu, a bio je i jedan od hrvatskih kandidata nominiranih za najvažnije europsko priznanje u arhitekturi, nagradu Europske unije − Mies van der Rohe 2024.

The Small Roman Theatre's architectural restoration and extension project was authored by the Pula-born architect Emil Jurcan, whose acclaimed work has been recognised by the profession. More specifically, Jurcan was awarded the Bernardo Bernardi Award by the Croatian Architects’ Association in 2022, a special recognition by the International Piranesi Award for architectural projects in 2022, and was one of Croatia’s candidates nominated for the prestigious European award in architecture in 2024 − the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture or the Mies van der Rohe Award.

uspostavljenog dijaloga između staroga i novoga, materijala prošlosti i suvremenosti, stvaraju specifično ozračje sadašnjosti, budućnosti, ali i spektakla. Nadahnjujuće prirodno okruženje, kontrapunkti zatečenog i restauriranog, pragmatičnim su pristupom nadograđeni utilitarnim elementima tribina, bez suvišnih detalja, rezultirajući scenom koja je ponekad sama po sebi dovoljna da bude unikatan ambijent i nova pozornica, kulturna atrakcija, vidikovac i arhitektonska znamenitost grada.

Kako i sam arhitekt napominje, izrada i izvedba projekta trajala je punih 10 godina, pružajući možda i neponovljivu priliku da arhitektura nastaje sporije, što je danas gotovo nemoguće. Upravo o toj preciznosti, ali i suptilnosti tretmana prostora, u razgovoru o projektu Jurcan kaže: − Ponekad je kreativan čin za koji je potrebno najviše energije onaj da se ne

napravi ništa, da ambijent ostane kakav jest. I to smatram arhitektonskom ili umjetničkom kreacijom. Ponekad je potrebno samo nešto popraviti, dodati dio koji nedostaje. Nije nužno da iz tog čina progovara eksplicitni autorski ego, neke intervencije mogu ostati u tišini vremenskog slijeda, kao u arhitekturi nepoznatih autora koji se izmjenjuju tijekom povijest na istoj građevini.

Projekt rekonstrukcije vjerno pokazuje kako vrijednu baštinu integrirati u kulturno tkivo grada, osposobiti za današnje potrebe u kulturi, a za građane i turiste otvoriti javni prostor jedinstvene spomeničke vrijednosti, ugođaja i vizura. 

Preserving our heritage, and the architectural, monumental, and artistic legacy we have inherited is the most important task before a society that has the privilege of living in this part of the world. By accepting full responsibility for the ways in which this invaluable heritage is being utilised, while showing the utmost respect for the same, we have created guidelines for the state’s contemporary cultural identity, and its tourism product. One such story is unfolding in Pula, and is a commendable guideline for the protection and the simultaneous repurposing of an ancient cultural heritage site.

Last year saw the completion of the longterm Small Roman Theatre restoration project in Pula, which intended to not only conserve and restore this important archaeological site, but also extend and remodel it

architecturally and structurally. A functional and fabulous theatre stage with fantastic acoustics was created − an important (new) point of reference in Pula’s cultural and artis tic offerings. Located next to the Archaeo logical Museum of Istria, to which it belongs institutionally, the Small Roman Theatre and its reopening celebrate the restoration of the original function of this ancient cultural monument, creating probably one of the most spectacular (theatre stage) spaces in this part of Europe. It is assumed that it dates

Za ovaj simbol antičke kulture i dugotrajne bogate povijesti Istre kažu da je u doba izgradnje mogao primiti nevjerojatnih 4-5 tisuća gledatelja − što je tada bilo ukupno stanovništvo Pule.

It is believed that this symbol of Ancient Roman culture and of Istria’s long and rich history could, at the time it was constructed, accommodate an incredible 4,000-5,000 spectators. In other words, the entirety of Pula’s population at the time.


refined culinary tradition


from the 1st century, and is a cherished part of the urban and cultural heritage of Istria’s biggest city. It was built to serve the cultural needs of Pula at the time, that is, during the reign of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, as were some of Pula’s other famous monuments, such as the Temple of Augustus, and the Triumphal Arch of the Sergii. The Ancient Roman theatre has been reinvigorated as a place where the audience and art meet, and is intended for concerts, theatre shows, and other performing arts. But the duality of the identity and the purpose of the space itself insists that it functions, in equal measure, both as a space for the delivery of cultural content and as a space for the presentation of an archaeological find when visiting the Archaeological Museum of Istria. In other words, neither of the two purposes should be challenged by the other.

Apart from the wondrous coupling of materials, and the creation of a unique ambience that blends the ancient and therefore protected with the contemporary, the greatest value of this project is precisely the complexity of the interventions made to it in the context of cultural heritage. By adopting a sensitive yet daring approach,

and by boldly yet architecturally delicately complementing the sediments of time, like a Tetris game of sorts deposited throughout the centuries and millennia, architect Emil Jurcan was successful in his architectural response within an invaluable historical context. He complemented the deposited layers of history with the elementary materials of steel, concrete, and stone, which − by understanding this space and the dialogue that has been established between the old and the new, between the materials of the past and those of the present − create a specific environment of not just the present and the future, but also of spectacle.

The theatre’s inspiring natural surroundings − or the complementarity of what has been found and what has been restored − has been upgraded, by adopting a pragmatic approach, with the help of functional elements of the theatre’s grandstands without superfluous details, resulting in a theatre stage which can at times, in and of itself, function as a unique setting and a new stage, a cultural attraction, a belvedere, and an architectural landmark of Pula.

As the architect himself notes, it took an entire decade to start and complete the pro-

ject, providing a perhaps once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for architecture to be created more slowly, an opportunity which is today nearly impossible to get. In discussing the project, Jurcan says the following about this precision, and the subtlety with which the theatre’s space has been treated:

− Sometimes, creative acts that require the most energy are those where nothing is done, where an environment is left as it is. I consider such acts to also be architectural or artistic creation. Sometimes, all you have to do is fix something, add a part that’s missing. The architect’s distinct ego doesn’t have to necessarily speak from that act, some interventions can remain silent in the sequence of time, as is the case with the architecture of unknown architects who succeed one another over the course of history on the same building.

This reconstruction project shows brilliantly the way in which invaluable heritage can be integrated into the cultural fabric of a city, the way in which it can be equipped for today’s cultural needs, and the way in which a public space of a unique monumental value, ambience, and vision can be opened to the public. 



Osim rada na svojem modnom brendu, Martina Vrdoljak Ranilović surađuje i na nekoliko projekata koji uključuju dizajniranje uniformi, a upravo radi i na projektu redizajna uniformi kabinskog osoblja Croatia Airlinesa.

Martina Vrdoljak Ranilović doesn’t just work on her own fashion brand, but also collaborates on several projects, some of which include uniform design. She is currently working on the redesign of Croatia Airlines’ cabin crew uniforms.

Martina Vrdoljak Ranilović ima impresivnu karijeru. Niz godina radila je u sklopu dizajnerskog studija I-gle, a nakon toga bila je kreativna direktorica u najvećoj hrvatskoj modnoj kući, Varteksu. U ovu modnu kuću, koja je nekada bila ključna u regiji, donijela je novu perspektivu te ju je uvela u novu eru. No od 2022. autorica je osnovala brend TinaVR te se sada bavi modnim

radom kroz više kategorija. Naime, spaja umjetnost odijevanja, koristi tehnike visoke mode te osmišljava luksuzne komade po mjeri, uniforme i tekstil za interijere. − U svijetu mode, koji se stalno mijenja, odlučujem se za polagani, nesputani kreativni proces i stvaranje mimo nametnutih ritmova koje zadaje modna industrija. Konstantno istražujući nove ideje, odlučujem ne biti zarobljena u nekoj specifičnoj niši, stalno eksperimentiram s onime što me u tom trenutku zaokuplja, pritom si otvarajući prostor kreativne slobode − izjavila je autorica. Takav pristup radu omogućuje joj da se igra raznim elementima, dizajnerskim intervencijama i kreativnim pristupima koji rezultiraju nosivim komadima. Autorica naglašava komotnost odjeće te uspješno i s lakoćom spaja umjetnički pristup uz praktičnost. Tijekom karijere sudjelovala je na brojnim samostalnim i skupnim izložbama te osvojila brojne stručne nagrade, među kojima je najnovija nagrada za najbolji dizajn mode i odjeće, koju joj je 2022. dodijelilo Hrvatsko dizajnersko društvo. Ujedno je članica Hrvatske zajednice samostalnih umjetnika (HZSU), Hrvatskog dizajnerskog društva (HDD) i Hrvatske udruge likovnih umjetnika primijenjenih umjetnosti (ULUPUH). S obzirom na to da ima više od 30 godina iskustva u industriji, Martina je jedna od rijetkih koji su uspjeli spojiti

kreativnost i poslovnu stranu mode. − Osim rada na svojem modnom brendu, surađujem i na nekoliko projekata koji uključuju dizajniranje uniformi. Preokupacija mi je to koja me prati još otkako sam bila u studiju I-gle; potpisala sam rad na dizajnu korporativne odjeće i uniformi za Hotel Monte Mulini, Hotel Adriatic, Hotel Lone, San Canzian i mnoge druge − istaknula je. Naime, smatra da je odjeća jedan od najvažnijih i najjačih alata neverbalne komunikacije. Kad je riječ o dizajnu korporativne odjeće, treba razmišljati o tome da se on obraća jako širokom broju ljudi, da je potrebno zadovoljiti estetske i funkcionalne kriterije, slijediti imidž i standarde brenda kao i poštovati najvažnije poruke koje taj brend želi komunicirati. − Jednako kao što je važno zadovoljiti potrebe onih koji će u njima raditi svaki dan. Trenutno me posebno veseli rad na redizajnu uniformi za Croatia Airlines, koji je sada u fazi realizacije. To je projekt s kojim sam se susrela još prije nekoliko godina, kada sam za njihovu veliku obljetnicu s timom Varteksa dizajnirala kolekciju uniformi − istaknula je te dodala: − Imam jedan posebni sentiment koji osjećam radeći na ovom projektu, možda zbog romantizirane vizije koju imam kada pomislim na ekipe pilota i stjuardesa koje se elegantno kreću velikim aerodromskim prostorima − zaključila je Martina. 

Martina je jedna od autorica koja gotovo svakodnevno nosi vlastiti dizajn
Martina is one of those designers who wears her own designs almost every day
Dizajnerica često istražuje mekoću i fluidnost materijala Martina often explores the softness and fluidity of materials F. Koludrović za/for Elle
F. Matković za/for Gloria
Formalnost odijela omekšava snažnim bojama kao što je plava Martina softens the formality of suits by using strong colours such as blue

Martina Vrdoljak Ranilović has an impressive career. She worked as part of the I-GLE design studio for a number of years, after which she was the creative director at Croatia’s biggest fashion house, Varteks. She brought a fresh perspective to Varteks, a fashion house that was once a key player in the region, with which she ushered in a new era for Varteks. Then in 2022, the designer established her TinaVR brand, and is now engaged in several types of fashion design. More specifically, she has been nurturing the art of fashion design, using haute couture techniques, and creating made-to-measure luxury pieces, uniforms, and interior design textiles.

− In the world of fashion, which is constantly changing, I’ve opted for a slow, uninhibited creative process, and for creation on which no rhythm set by the fashion industry is imposed. While constantly exploring new ideas, I’m determined not to fall into the trap of staying within one single niche. I constantly experiment with what occupies me at a given moment, which allows me to open up a space of creative freedom for myself − the designer said. Such an approach to fashion design allows her to play with various elements, design interventions, and creative approaches, which result in wearable pieces. Martina highlights the importance of comfort in clothing, and combines an artistic approach with practicality successfully and with ease. During her career, she’s had a number of solo exhibitions, participated in many group exhibitions, and won numerous professional awards, the most recent of which is the 2022 Award for Best Fashion and Clothing Design present-

She’s a member of the Croatian Freelance Artists’ Association, the Croatian Designers’ Association, and the Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts. Given that she’s got more than 30 years of experience in the industry, Martina is one of few who succeeded in combining creativity with the business side of fashion.

− Besides working on my own fashion brand, I also collaborate on several projects, some of which include uniform design. I’ve been preoccupied with uniform design ever since my collaboration with the I-GLE design studio. I designed the corporate apparel and uniforms for Monte Mulini Hotel, Adriatic Hotel, Lone Hotel, San Canzian Hotel, and many others − Martina pointed out. In a nutshell, she believes that clothing is one of the most important and strongest tools of non-verbal communication. When it comes to the design of corporate apparel, one should bear in mind the fact that it communicates with a very wide number of people, that corporate apparel must meet both aesthetic and functional criteria, that it must follow the brand’s image and standards, and that it must respect the most important messages that the brand is looking to communicate.

− It is just as important that the corporate wear meets the needs of those who work in it every day. At present, I am particularly happy to be working on the redesign of Croatia Airlines’ uniforms, which is now in the stage of finalisation. This is a project I was a part of a few years ago, when I designed a collection of uniforms with Varteks’s team for the airline’s big anniversary − Martina pointed out, adding the

M. Šestan

− Working on this project arouses powerful emotions in me. Perhaps it’s because of the romanticised vision I have when I think of teams of pilots and flight attendants moving elegantly through large airport spaces −

Martina potpisuje nove uniforme za kabinsko osoblje Croatia Airlinesa Martina has designed Croatia Airlines’ new cabin crew uniforms
A220 Novi zrakoplov u našoj floti! Novi izgled, novi susreti, novi doživljaji...





U zagrebačkoj Radićevoj ulici na broju 44A otvorena je Kuća karikature posvećena legendarnom hrvatskom karikaturistu Otu Reisingeru, koji je za svoja djela dobio brojne prestižne nagrade ne samo u Hrvatskoj nego i u svijetu.

Opened in the heart of Zagreb at 44A Radićeva Street, the House of Cartoons is dedicated to Croatia’s legendary cartoonist, Oto Reisinger, the recipient of countless prestigious awards for his work in both Croatia and the world.

Kuća karikature u cijelosti je privatni projekt koji je nakon dugogodišnjih priprema uspjela realizirati Reisingerova obitelj u suradnji s profesorom Franom Dulibićem s Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, koji je osmislio izložbeni postav

Oto Reisinger rođen je u Rankovcima pokraj Murske Sobote 1927., a umro je u Zagrebu 2016. Iako je po struci bio arhitekt, Otov glavni životni poziv bio je crtanje. U bogatoj karijeri, koja je trajala preko pola stoljeća te tijekom koje je izradio više od 50.000 crteža, uz uglav-

TEKST /TEXT_ Kuća karikature Oto Reisinger/Oto Reisinger House of Cartoons

nom situacijsku karikaturu okušao se u brojnim sličnim pravcima poput portretne karikature, stripa, ilustriranja knjiga, scenografije i animiranog filma. Još od studentskih dana Reisinger objavljuje u domaćim novinama, počevši od Studentskog lista pa do Vjesnika i Starta. Istodobno objavljuje i u mnogim stranim časopisima poput švicarskog Nebelspaltera, britanskog časopisa Punch te nizozemskih Het parool i De Telegraaf te za svoja djela dobiva brojne prestižne nagrade u Hrvatskoj i svijetu.

Zagrepčani ga pamte kao poznato i karizmatično lice grada koje je svoje ideje svakodnevno smišljao upijajući gradsku atmosferu po kafićima, a prenoseći ih na papir stekao je svjetsku slavu. Kuća karikature prikazuje različite faze Reisingerova rada i života, od dječjeg stripa, ilustracija knjiga, ozbiljnih političkih komentara, socijalnih osvrta do međuljudskih odnosa i erotike. Kako mu je glavni medij stvaralaštva bila karikatura, koja je za vrijeme njegova života bila namijenjena tiskanim izdanjima, posjetitelji će moći vidjeti više od 100 Otovih originalnih crteža i akvarela koji su bili tiskani za razne velike domaće i strane novinske kuće. Također, Kuća karikature oplemenjuje i modernizira opus

kroz razne animacije i interaktivan sadržaj koji će posjetiteljima omogućiti uvid u nezaboravan svijet njegovih likova. Ovaj je talentirani crtač za sobom ostavio golemi crtački opus povijesnog i kulturnog značaja koji je svojim univerzalnim temama aktualan i danas. Stoga je javnosti sada predstavljen izbor radova iz svih njegovih tematskih odrednica. Zbog količine djela postav će se povremeno mijenjati, a prvi izložbeni postav galerije, osim karikatura koje britko i duhovito komentiraju svakodnevicu, politiku, sport, ekologiju ili erotiku, sadržava i malu posvetu njegovim stripovima o Štefeku i Peri te dio posvećen Reisingerovu životu i crtačkom procesu, kao i njegovim brojnim nagradama. Planirane su i izložbe umjetnika mlađe generacije koji danas obuhvaćaju pravce u kojima je Oto Reisinger radio: karikaturu, strip, ilustraciju i animaciju, s naglaskom na humor i dobru zabavu. Kuća karikature Oto Reisinger otvorena je svaki dan od 10 do 22 sata. 

01 Autoportret Ota Reisingera Oto Reisinger’s self-portrait

02 Karikature erotske tematike Erotic cartoons

03 Ilustrirane knjige i stripovi Illustrated books and comics

04 Hrvatska scena poznatih ličnosti 1970-ih Croatia’s celebrity scene from the 1970s

05 Hrvatska pop i jazz scena Croatia’s pop and jazz scene

The House of Cartoons is a fully private project, which, after many years of preparation, the Reisinger family succeeded in setting up in collaboration with professor Frano Dulibić from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, who curated the setup.

Oto Reisinger was born in the village of Rankovci near Murska Sobota in 1927, and died in Zagreb in 2016. Although an architect by profession, Oto’s true vocation in life

02 03 04 05

was drawing. During his rich career, which spanned over half a century and resulted in over 50,000 drawings, he not only drew situational cartoons, but also tried his hand at many similar genres, including portrait caricature, comics, book illustrations, scenic design, and animated film. Reisinger started publishing in local newspapers while still a student. He first published his work in the student weekly Studentski List, and quickly

moved on to the daily Vjesnik, and the fortnightly Start. Concurrently, he also published his work in numerous foreign magazines, such as the Swiss weekly Nebelspalter, the British weekly Punch, and the Dutch dailies Het Parool and De Telegraaf. He received many prestigious awards for his work in both Croatia and the world.

The people of Zagreb remember him as a well-known and charismatic face of the city who drew inspiration for his ideas by absorbing the city’s atmosphere in its cafes every day, and who gained international fame by transferring his ideas to paper. The House of Cartoons exhibits the different phases of Reisinger’s life and work, ranging from his children’s comics, book illustrations, serious political commentary, commentary on social phenomena and interpersonal relationships to erotica. Given that the medium of cartoon intended for printed editions was his main creative medium, visitors now have the chance to see over a hundred of Oto’s original drawings and watercolours that were printed in different leading national and foreign newspapers. In addition, the House of Cartoons has refined and modernised Oto’s oeuvre with the help of animation

and interactive displays, enabling visitors to enter the remarkable world of his characters. This talented cartoonist left behind a giant oeuvre of drawings of historical and cultural significance, which, thanks to the universal themes they address, remain relevant to this day. This is why the public is now finally presented with a selection of his works dealing with all the subjects that Oto addressed. Given that his oeuvre consists of a vast number of works, the exhibits will change periodically. The House of Cartoon’s first exhibition doesn’t only display his cartoons that provide a sharp and humorous commentary on everyday life, politics, sports, ecology, and erotica, but also has a section dedicated to his cartoons featuring the characters of Štefek and Pero, and a section dedicated to Reisinger’s life, artistic process, and the many awards he received. The House of Cartoons also plans to hold exhibitions of artists of the younger generation who work in the genres that Oto Reisinger worked in, including cartoons, comics, illustration, and animation, with an emphasis on humour and entertainment. The Oto Reisinger House of Cartoons is open every day from 10 am to 10 pm. 

dobitno je! Pogodio ili promašio sve, Svaki dan osvoji JACKPOT 80.000€ www.lutrija.hr Pogođeno 8 jackpotova u 2023. 7 jackpotova u 2024. Pogođeno 7 jackpotova u 2023. 9 jackpotova u 2024. IGRAJ
Ulaz u Kuću karikature House of Cartoons’ entrance

Život u Francu, otmjenoj

rezidenciji zapadnog perivoja Zagreba

Life in Franc, the elegant residence of the western park of Zagreb

Ako ste zamišljali glamurozni život u zgradi vrhunske arhitekture uz park bogatih zelenih krošnji − adresa je Franc, Zagreb. Oblikovan kao novovjekovna palača, proteže se uz Park dr. Franje Tuđmana, između Reljkovićeve i Čanićeve ulice, mirne, a ujedno vibrantne rezidencijalne četvrti.

njiric+ arhitekti u Francu su utjelovili sve vrednote istinskog luksuza, s fokusom na privatnost te komfor korištenja stana i prostora zgrade. Već je sam ulazak u zgradu decentan jer su ulazi smješteni bočno kako bi ritual ulaska započeo trenutkom privatnosti. Jedna od značajki luksuznog stanovanja jest i malen broj stanova na katu, a u Francu ih je maksimalno tri. Sve ovisi o kvadraturi tlocrta, koja se može birati i prilagođavati željama kupaca. Za to je na raspolaganju projektni tim investitora, koji buduće stanare vodi kroz prilagodbu tlocrta, ali i proces odabira iz bogate selekcije opreme i materijala.

Svih je 107 stambenih jedinica raznoliko, a orijentacija im je višestrana. Njihovoj atraktivnosti pridonose visoki stropovi i francuski prozori kojima se dodatno povećava doživljaj volumena prostora. Višestrana orijentacija stanova omogućena je arhitektonskim konceptom Franca kojim je cijeli kompleks podijeljen u devet samostalnih zgrada. Među

njima je jedna u cijelosti namijenjena poslovnim prostorima tzv. tihih, intelektualnih djelatnosti, kao što su zdravstveno-estetske poliklinike, odvjetnički uredi i sl.

Podijeljenost kompleksa u samostojeće zgrade ujedno je otvorila prostor između Reljkovićeve i Čanićeve ulice te kreirala novi javni trg. Njegova je površina perforirana s pet atrija, koji poput svjetlosnih tunela povezuju prizemlje s etažom -1, također zamišljenom kao atraktivan poslovni prostor. Javni trg Franca prostor je za druženje građana, a podržan je i probranom enogastronomskom ponudom na razini prizemlja.

Poslovni prostori u Francu općenito su zamišljeni kao dodatni sadržaj koji olakšava i unaprjeđuje život stanarima, a naglasak je na sadržajima koji ne ometaju stanare u miru svakodnevne životne dinamike.


Investitor Franca iskusna je Alfa stan grupa, koja je svoju reputaciju izgradila kvalitetnim stambenim projektima u Zagrebu. Vođeni visokim standardima u stanogradnji, projektiraju kvalitetnu unutrašnjost stambenih objekata nadograđenu pametnom tehnologijom, ali i vlastitom službom održavanja. Ovakvim pristupom kreiraju prvoklasnu sigurnost i udobnost življenja u svojim zgradama, u kojima se uvijek traži stan više. 

If you imagined a glamorous life in a building of superb architecture next to a park with rich green treetops − the address is Franc, Zagreb. Shaped like a modern palace, it stretches along the Park of Dr. Franjo Tuđman, between Reljkovićeva and Čanićeva streets, a quiet, but at the same time vibrant residential district.

With Franc, njiric+ architects embodied all the values of true luxury, while focusing on privacy and comfort of the apartment and spacious building.

The entrance to the building is discreet due to its lateral position. In that way, entering the building starts as a private moment. One of the characteristics of luxury housing is a small number of apartments on each floor, and Franc houses a maximum of three. It all depends on the square footage of the floor plan that can be adapted to the wishes of future owners. For this, a project team of investors is available, which leads future tenants through the adjustment of the floor plan, but also the selection process from a rich selection of equipment and materials. All 107 housing units are diverse, and their orientation is multifaceted. High ceilings and French windows further accentuate the experience of spaciousness. The multifaceted orientation of the apartments is enabled by the architectural concept of Franc, since the entire complex is divides into nine independent buildings. One of them is entirely intended for business premises of the so-called quiet, intellectual activities such as health and aesthetic polyclinics, law offices, etc.

The division of the complex into detached buildings also opened the space between Reljkovićeva and Čanićeva streets and created a new public

square. Its surface is perforated with five atriums that, like light tunnels, connect the ground floor with floor -1, also conceived as an attractive office space. Public square around Franc is a space for socializing offering a selected eno-gastronomic offer at the ground floor level.

Business premises in Franc are generally conceived as additional content that facilitates and improves life of its tenants. The emphasis is on amenities that do not disturb tenants in their everyday life dynamics. Franc’s investor is the experienced Alfa Stan Group that has built its reputation with many high quality housing projects in Zagreb. Guided by high standards in housing construction, the company designs quality interiors of residential buildings upgraded with smart technology, but also with their own maintenance service. With this approach, they can provide first-class safety and comfort in their buildings that are so popular that it seems that they never have enough apartments. 

Alfa stan grupa d.o.o. +385 (0)1 405 8555 www.alfastangrupa.hr franc@alfastangrupa.hr franc_zagreb




Atelier des Lumières umjetnički je prostor o kojem hipsterski Parižani šapuću, a u kojem su i djeca dobrodošla. Riječ je o bivšoj ljevaonici željeza u 11. arondismanu koja ugošćuje umjetničke projekcije temeljene na opusu jednog umjetnika, a koje naprosto oduzimaju dah. Do sada su u njoj projicirana djela velikana poput Gustava Klimta, Vincenta van Gogha, Paula Kleea i Marca Chagalla. Ono što možete očekivati jest da će sve doslovno zasvijetliti − svi zidovi, podovi, stropovi, kao i lica posjetitelja.


An art space that hip Parisians are all whispering about is the child-friendly Atelier des Lumières. It’s a former iron foundry in the 11th arrondissement that hosts breath-taking projection shows based on the oeuvre of a single artist. So far, it featured the works of such giants as Gustav Klimt, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Klee and Marc Chagall. Expect all the walls, floors, ceilings, and visitors' faces to light up − quite literally.


Pariz i Zagreb povezani su svakodnevnim letovima Croatia Airlinesa, a iz Dubrovnika se leti u Pariz i obratno svaki dan osim ponedjeljka i subote. Split i Pariz povezani su našim letovima ponedjeljkom, srijedom, subotom i nedjeljom.

We operate flights to Paris from Zagreb and back daily, from Dubrovnik and back every day except Mondays, and Saturdays, and from Split and back on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

U neposrednoj blizini poznate Fontane Trevi potražite Galleriju Sciarra, posebno ako ste zaljubljenik u arhitekturu. Ova zadivljujuća galerija građena u stilu secesije danas je privatna poslovna zgrada (pa imajte poštovanja i ne bučite), no njezino je dvorište otvoreno za javnost i vrijedi ga posjetiti jer je ukrašeno nevjerojatnim freskama, ukrasima od fino kovanog željeza i šarenim vitrajima. Savršeno je to mjesto na koje se možete povući od vreve prenapučenih ulica Rima.


Just a stone’s throw from the famous Trevi Fountain, be sure to check out Galleria Sciarra, particularly if you’re an architecture enthusiast. This stunning Art Nouveau gallery is today a private office building (so be respectful and keep noise levels low), but its courtyard is open to the public and well worth a visit as it features fabulous frescoes, intricate ironwork, and colourful stained glass, and is the perfect place to retreat to from the hustle and bustle of Rome’s crowded streets.

Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa lete iz Zagreba u Rim svaki dan preko Splita osim subote kad se leti samo iz Splita u Rim i obratno. Subotom i nedjeljom leti se iz Zagreba za Rim i obratno preko Dubrovnika.

We operate flights from Zagreb to Rome every day via Split except for Saturdays when we fly from Split to Rome and back directly. On Saturdays and Sundays, we fly from Zagreb to Rome and back via Dubrovnik.

A. Kagan _ Unsplash R. Muolo _ Unsplash

Kopenhagen i Zagreb povezani su svakodnevnim letovima, a iz Splita se leti za Kopenhagen i obratno ponedjeljkom, srijedom i subotom.

We fly to Copenhagen from Zagreb and back daily, as well as from Split and back on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.


Izgrađeni između 1884. i 1886. godine, Kraljevski staklenici Laeken u sklopu Palače Laeken najimpresivnija su ostavština kralja Leopolda II. Belgijskog u Bruxellesu. Svih trideset stakleničkih paviljona povezani su sa središnjim Zimskim vrtovima. Izdižući se visoko nad vanjskim vrtovima, prekrasna staklena kupola skriva doista impresivnu zbirku egzotičnih tropskih biljaka i dragulj u kruni izloženih zbirki − azaleje i pelargonije, koje u vrijeme cvatnje jarko osvjetljavaju hodnike vrta hvatajući sunčevu svjetlost i stvarajući ugodu za sva osjetila.


Built between 1884 and 1886, the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken on the grounds of the Palace of Laeken are the most impressive legacy of King Leopold II of Belgium in Brussels. Its thirty pavilions are all connected to the centrepiece, the Winter Gardens. Towering over the grounds, the gorgeous glass dome hides a truly impressive collection of exotic tropical plants and the jewel in the crown of the collections on display − azaleas and geraniums, which, when in bloom, brightly light up the corridors of the garden, catching the sunlight and pleasing all the senses.

Bruxelles i Zagreb povezani su jutarnjim letovima sve dane osim subote i nedjelje te večernjim letovima sve dane osim subote.

We operate morning flights between Brussels and Zagreb every day except Saturdays and Sundays, and evening flights every day except Saturdays.


Nacionalni akvarij u Kopenhagenu najveći je i najsuvremeniji akvarij u sjevernoj Europi, a dom je morskih vidri, morskih pasa čekićara, raža, divovskih pacifičkih hobotnica, arapaima, morskih kornjača, ježeva i još mnogo toga. Ovdje ćete naučiti sve o podvodnome svijetu te o važnosti zelenog načina života. Akvarij je također jedna od najnovijih arhitektonskih znamenitosti Danske jer je njegova arhitektura nadahnuta virom. Posjetitelji na ulazu ulaze u sam vrtlog vira, tj. u zakrivljeno predvorje, odakle potom ulaze u jedan od 53 akvarija i izložbenih prostora.


Northern Europe’s biggest state-of-the-art aquarium, Denmark’s National Aquarium in Copenhagen, is the home of sea otters, hammerhead sharks, stingrays, giant Pacific octopi, arapaima, sea turtles, urchins and much more. Here you’ll learn about the underwater world and about the importance of living a green lifestyle. The aquarium is also one of Denmark’s latest architectural landmarks given that its architecture was inspired by a whirlpool. From its entrance visitors step into the vortex of the whirlpool − the curved lobby − from where they’re then spun out to the 53 aquariums and installation spaces.

S. Katalina _ Unsplash A. Vasey _ Unsplash

Fiksna kamata za dinamičan život

HPB gotovinski nenamjenski kredit

Fiksna kamatna stopa za cijeli rok otplate kredita

• Kamatna stopa već od 4,95 % godišnja, fiksnauz policu osiguranja otplate kredita (EKS 5,96 %)*

• Iznosi od 1.500 EUR do 40.000 EUR

• Rok otplate od 24 do 120 mjeseci

*Za kredit u iznosu od 15.000 EUR, fiksnu kamatnu stopu od 4,95 %, rok otplate od 10 godina (120 mjeseci), otplatu u anuitetima, uz jednokratan trošak police osiguranja otplate kredita u iznosu od 3,90 % od iznosa kredita (585,00 EUR) te pretpostavku isplate kredita 1. 1. i plaćanje interkalarne kamate 1. 2. (61,88 EUR), efektivna kamatna stopa iznosi 5,96 %. Mjesečni anuitet iznosi 158,73 EUR. Kamata za razdoblje otplate kredita iznosi 4.047,82 EUR, a ukupan iznos koji klijent treba platiti je 19.694,70 EUR.



Dolaskom prvih zraka sunca, život u Berlinu seli se na otvoreno. Ljeti se može činiti da su gužve u gradu velike, no srećom mnogo je prostora i aktivnosti na otvorenome kojima se možete prepustiti unatoč gužvi. Krenimo u istraživanje, no svakako spakirajte i kupaći kostim.

Berlinci vole svoj Strandbad Wannsee u Zehlendorfu. Naime, kupanje u jezeru omiljena je ljetna zabava Berlinaca još od davne 1907. godine, kada je ovo kupalište otvoreno. Nazvano obiteljskim bazenom Berlina, ovdje nijedna želja ne ostaje neispunjena zahvaljujući natkrivenim ležaljkama za plažu pletenim od pruća, vodenom toboganu, prostranim sunčalištima na pješčanoj plaži i u parku, mogućnosti najma čamaca, dječjem igralištu, nogometom igralištu kao i onom za odbojku na pijesku, šetalištu, bungee skokovima na trampolinu te štandovima s hranom.

Wannsee je za zapadni Berlin ono što je Müggelsee za istočni Berlin. Ovdje možete ne samo veslati, kupati se i pješačiti oko jezera nego i istraživati industrijsku kulturu i povijest. Muzej vodovoda (Museum im Wasserwerk) na jezeru Müggelsee slavi dva ključna tehnološka dostignuća Berlina u 19. stoljeću − čistu

Berlinska jezera, rijeke i pivo ljeti

Berlin’s lakes, rivers, and beer in summer

Berlinska katedrala na rijeci Spree Berlin Cathedral on the Spree River

A. Reungere _ Unsplash

vodu i čiste ulice. Izgrađen 1893. godine, Friedrichshagen na Müggelseeu treći je berlinski vodoopskrbni lanac, čiji je dio pretvoren u fascinantan muzej koji priča priču o berlinskom vodoopskrbnom i kanalizacijskom sustavu. Ako pak više volite lutati idiličnim kamenim ulicama ukrašenim drvoredom starih kestena, svakako posjetite Rahnsdorf, stari ribarski gradić na drugoj strani jezera.

Groß Glienicke veliko je jezero koje se nalazi na bivšoj granici koja je razdvajala Istočni od Zapadnog Berlina. Danas se ovdje nalaze ljetnikovci i vile, uključujući i prekrasnu kuću Alexander Haus, koju je kao vikendicu i obiteljsku ljetnu rezidenciju 1927. godine dao izgraditi židovski liječnik i tadašnji predsjednik Berlinske liječničke komore, dr. Alfred Alexander. Oko jezera možete i pješačiti te voziti bicikl. Među hladnoratovskim znamenitosti valja izdvojiti most Glienicke preko rijeke Havel i Gutspark s očuvanim dijelom nekadašnjeg Berlinskog zida. Most Glienicke nekoliko je puta korišten za razmjenu zarobljenih špijuna pa je postao poznat kao Most špijuna, koji je igrao glavnu ulogu u istoimenom filmu iz 2015. godine u kojem glumi Tom Hanks. U skladu s tradicijom riječnih bazena s prijelaza 19. u 20. stolje-


će, Badeschiff odnosno Brod za kupanje funkcionira kao vanjski bazen koji pluta rijekom Spree. Usidren u četvrti Alt-Treptow, u njemu ćete ne samo plivati nego i uživati u hladnom piću i ritmovima elektronske glazbe u baru na plaži dok uživate u pogledu na neke od najpoznatijih znamenitosti Berlina kao što je TV toranj, most Oberbaum i Molecule Man, 30 metara visoka metalna skulptura koju je osmislio i izradio američki kipar Jonathan Borofsky. Ako zabave nisu vaš đir i umjesto toga biste se radije opušteno istezali, pridružite se satu joge na plaži. Kako se dan bliži kraju i kada vam kupanje dosadi, uputite se u jedan od brojnih berlinskih pivskih vrtova po osvježenje u obliku točenog piva i zasitnih zalogaja poput kobasica, mesnih okruglica i mekanih pereca. Pivski vrtovi Berlina imaju poseban šarm. Od tradicionalnih, rustikalnih pubova na otvorenome do modernih lokala za mladu urbanu publiku, glavni grad Njemačke ima mnoga mjesta na kojima možete popiti pivo na brzinu ili provesti poslijepodne opuštajući se na suncu. Osnovan 1837. godine i skriven u dvorištu u četvrti Prenzlauer Berg, Prater Garten je, primjerice, ne samo najstariji pivski vrt u Berlinu nego se smatra samim temeljem berlinske kulinarske scene. U sjeni velikih stabala kestena možete uživati u pivu koje proizvodi pivovara Prater dok uživate u tradicionalnim njemačkim zalogajima. Jedna od drugih mogućnosti jest odlazak u Cafe am Neuen See. Riječ je o jednoj od najpopularnijih pivnica u Berlinu − i to s dobrim razlogom! Smještena u središtu četvrti Tiergarten, ova zelena oaza usred grada savršeno je mjesto za kasno poslijepodnevno piće. Ovdje ćete ne samo kušati neka od najboljih njemačkih piva nego ćete to činiti dok uživate u idiličnom pogledu na rijeku Spree i patke koje su se ondje još proljetos nastanile u svojoj ljetnoj rezidenciji. 

With the arrival of the first rays of sunshine, life in Berlin moves outdoors. The city can feel a little crowded in summer, but luckily there are plenty of outdoor spaces and activities you can immerse yourself in despite the crowds. So, let’s get exploring, but make sure you pack a swimsuit.

01 Usidren u četvrti Alt-Treptow, Badeschiff odnosno Brod za kupanje funkcionira kao vanjski bazen koji pluta rijekom Spree Anchored in the Alt-Treptow district, Badeschiff or the Bathing Ship functions as an outdoor swimming pool floating on the Spree River

02 Most Oberbaum povezuje Friedrichshain i Kreuzberg, bivše četvrti koje je dijelio Berlinski zid, zbog čega je danas važan simbol jedinstva Berlina Oberbaum Bridge links Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg, former boroughs that were divided by the Berlin Wall, which is why it’s today an important symbol of Berlin’s unity

Berliners love their Strandbad Wannsee in Zehlendorf. In fact, swimming in the lake has been their favourite pastime activity in summer since 1907 when the lido opened. Dubbed Berlin’s family pool, no wish remains ungranted here thanks to its covered wicker beach chairs, water slide, huge sunbathing areas both on the sandy beach and in the park, boat rental, children’s playground, beach volleyball court and football pitch, promenade, bungee trampoline stations, and snack stands.

Wannsee is for West Berlin what Müggelsee is for East Berlin. Besides bathing, paddling, and hiking, there’s industrial culture and history to be explored. The Waterworks Museum (Museum im Wasserwerk) on Müggelsee Lake celebrates the two key technical achievements of 19th century Berlin − clean water, and clean streets. Built in 1893, Friedrichshagen on Müggelsee is Berlin’s third waterworks, a part of which was transformed into a fascinating museum that tells the story of Berlin’s water supply and sewage system. If, by contrast, you’re more into roaming idyllic cobbled streets lined with old chestnut trees, be sure to visit Rahnsdorf, an old fishermen’s town on the other side of the lake.

Groß Glienicke or Great Glienicke Lake lies on the former border that separated East from West Berlin. Today it’s home to mansions and villas, including the beautiful Alexander Haus, which was commissioned as a weekend and summer family residence in 1927 by the Jewish doctor and then President of the Berlin Medical Association, Dr Alfred Alexander. You can also hike and bike around the lake. Cold War sights include Glienicke Bridge across the Havel River, and Gutspark featuring a preserved part of the once Berlin Wall. The bridge was used several times for the exchange of captured spies and thus became known as the Bridge of Spies, which featured in a 2015 film of the same name starring Tom Hanks. In keeping with the tradition of river swimming pools from the turn

A. Harris _ Unsplash



Glavni grad Albanije možda nije toliko poznat kao Rim ili Pariz, no nemojte podcjenjivati Tiranu. Mnoštvo je stvari u Tirani koje valja vidjeti i doživjeti. Grad je idealan za istraživanje na nogama, pa krenimo od prostranog Skenderbegova trga punog spomenika i kamene Et’hem-begove džamije iz osmanskog doba. Nekoć iza Željezne zavjese, ova se balkanska zemlja otvorila turistima kasnih 1980-ih. Još uvijek ćete naići na relikte iz doba komunizma, među koje spadaju i vješte komemoracije pomalo jezivih, podzemnih bunkera koje je sagradio paranoični diktator Enver Hoxha, a koji su nedavno pretvoreni u galerije. Tu je i zadivljujući muzej Kuća od lišća, koji dokumentira prakse i sustave nadzora pod Hoxhinom diktaturom. Stoga, krenimo u istraživanje. Skenderbegov trg, nazvan po vojnom zapovjedniku i nacionalnom heroju koji je poveo pobunu protiv Otomanskog Carstva u 15. stoljeću, glavni je trg u Tirani. Danas njime dominira 11

Nesvakidašnja privlačnost Tirane

Tirana’s uncommon attractiveness

Modernističko pročelje zgrade Nacionalnog povijesnog muzeja

The modernist facade of the building of the National History Museum

metara visok kip Skenderbega na konju u punom oklopu uz koji se vijori albanska zastava. No Skenderbeg je na trg stigao na konju tek 1968. godine kako bi zamijenio kip Josifa Staljina. Zapravo, mnoge zgrade na trgu uništene su tijekom jednostranačkog komunističkog režima koji je vladao Albanijom od 1946. do 1991. godine te je svega nekoliko starijih građevina ostalo netaknuto. Među njih spadaju Et’hem-begova džamija s početka 19. stoljeća i Toranj sa satom.

Kada je tijekom 1960-ih ateistički pokret uzeo maha u Albaniji, Et’hem-begovu džamiju ateisti su ipak poštedjeli rušenja. Komunisti su joj, međutim, zatvorili vrata. Džamija je ponovno otvorena 1992. godine, a danas je jedno od najvećih i najistaknutijih okupljališta muslimana u Albaniji. Dovršena 1819. ili 1821. godine, Et’hem-begova džamija poznata je po šarenim freskama i interijerima s finim detaljima, što je čini vrijednom postajom za one koje zanima povijest, religija i arhitektura.


Toranj sa satom stoji kao svjetionik iz otomanskog doba u središtu glavnoga grada Albanije, pokazuje vrijeme od 1822. godine te dijeli horizont s Et’hem-begovom džamijom. Svakako se popnite stubama ovog jednostavnog kamenog tornja, na čijem se vrhu nalaze četiri sata i kupola u obliku piramide, a s kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled na grad. Posjetite i muzej koji se nalazi tik uz toranj.

Među ostale današnje znamenitosti Skenderbegova trga spadaju hotel Tirana International, Nacionalna knjižnica Albanije, Gradska vijećnica, Palača kulture, u kojoj se nalazi Nacionalno kazalište opere i baleta, te modernistička zgrada Nacionalnog povijesnog muzeja, koji je otvoren 1981. godine i koji se usredotočuje na albansku kulturu i arheologiju. Od pada komunizma 1992. godine muzejski izlošci prošireni su pa danas uključuju i podatke te izloške o komunističkom naslijeđu Albanije. Izlošci su raspoređeni kronološkim redom u osam paviljona, a većina je legendi izložaka na engleskom jeziku. Istočno od Skenderbegova trga te neposredno uz Albanski parlament i Kaplan-pašinu grobnicu nalazi se Spomenik neznanom junaku, a podigli su ga komunisti u čast poginulima u Drugom svjetskom ratu. Spomenik se nalazi na mjestu nekadašnje Sulejman-pašine džamije, koju je 1614. godine sagradio otomansko-albanski general paša Sulejman Bargjini, koji je sagradio i hamam odnosno javno kupalište te pekaru u želji da proširi grad. Veći dio džamije uništen je u Drugom svjetskom ratu, a ono što je od nje ostalo kao i njezin minaret uništio je Enver Hoxha 1967. godine. Jedino što je od nekadašnje džamije ostalo jest Kaplan-pašina grobnica. Povijest Justinijanove tvrđave ili Dvorca Tirane datira od prije 1300. godine odnosno iz doba Bizanta. Tvrđava je mjesto na kojem su se nekada križale i sastajale glavne ceste istok − zapad

01 Hotel Tirana International, jedna od brojnih znamenitosti Skenderbegova trga Hotel Tirana International, one of the landmarks of Skanderbeg Square

02 Nezaobilazni simboli Tirane: Skenderbegov trg s kipom istoimenog nacionalnog junaka, Et’hembegovom džamijom i Tornjem sa satom Tirana’s must-see symbols: Skanderbeg Square with a statue of the national hero of the same name, Eth’em Bey Mosque, and the Clock Tower

03 Ulaz u podzemni bunker iz vremena diktatora Envera Hoxhe u Parku Ismaila Qemalija

The entrance to an underground bunker from the time of dictator Enver Hoxha in Ismail Qemali Park

i sjever − jug, formirajući tako srce Tirane. Dvorac je otvoren za javnost krajem 2018. godine, iako je od dvorca ostalo vrlo malo. Glavna atrakcija lokaliteta jest unutrašnjost dvorca koja je pretvorena u Stari bazar, mjesto na kojem se danas susreću tradicija i suvremenost u obliku trgovina koje prodaju tradicionalne rukotvorine, restorana koji poslužuju tradicionalna jela, kulture i umjetnosti. 

The capital of Albania might not be as famous as Rome or Paris, but don’t underestimate Tirana. It has a wealth of things to do and see, and is built for exploring on foot, so let’s start with sprawling, monument-filled Skanderbeg Square, and the Ottoman-era stone mosque, Et’hem Bey. Once behind the Iron Curtain, the Balkan

01 03 02

nation opened to tourists in the late 1980s. You can still find relics of its communist past, including artful commemorations such as the eerie, subterranean bunkers built by paranoid dictator Enver Hoxha that were recently converted into galleries, and the astonishing House of Leaves museum that documents surveillance practices under Hoxha’s dictatorship. So, let’s get exploring.

Named after the military commander and national hero who led a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century, Skanderbeg Square is Tirana’s main plaza. Today it’s dominated by the 11-metre tall statue of Skanderbeg on horseback in full armour with an Albanian flag flying alongside. However, Skanderbeg arrived at the square on horseback in 1968 to replace a statue of Joseph Stalin. In fact, many of the square’s original buildings were destroyed during the one-party communist regime from 1946 to 1991, and only a few older structures have remained standing. These include the early 19th century Eth’em Bey Mosque, and Clock Tower.

When an atheist movement took hold in Albania during the 1960s, Et’hem Bey Mosque was somehow spared. The communists, however, shut its doors. It reopened as a place of worship in 1992, and is today one of the largest and most prominent gathering places for Muslims in Albania. Completed in 1819 or 1821, the mosque is known for its colourful frescoes and finely detailed interiors, making it a worthwhile stop for visitors interested in history, religion, and architecture.

Standing as an Ottoman-era beacon in the centre of the capital of Albania, and telling the time since 1822, the Tirana Clock Tower shares the skyline with Et’hem Bey Mosque. Be sure to climb the simple stone tower topped with clocks on four sides and a pyramid-shaped cupola for superb views of the city. Also check out the attached museum.

Skanderbeg Square’s other present-day landmarks include the Tirana International Hotel, the National Library of Albania, City Hall, the Palace of Culture, which is home to the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet, and the modernist National History Museum, which opened in 1981, and whose exhibits focus on Albanian culture and archaeology. Since the collapse of Communism in 1992, the museum’s exhibits

Sofra e Ariut, a famous restaurant in Tirana serving traditional Albanian cuisine

have been updated to include information about Albania’s Communist legacy as well. Exhibits are arranged in chronological order across eight pavilions, and most of the displays are in English.

Just east of Skanderbeg Square is the Monument to the Unknown Soldier. Right next to the Albanian Parliament and Kapllan Pasha’s tomb, it was erected by the communists in honour of those who died in World War II. The monument is on the once site of the Sulejman Pasha Mosque which was built in 1614 by the Ottoman Albanian General Pasha Sulejman Bargjini, who also built a hammam and a bakery in the hope of expanding the city. Most of the mosque was destroyed in World War II. Its remains and minaret were then destroyed in 1967 by Enver Hoxha. Kapllan Pasha’s tomb is what remains of the mosque today.

The history of the Fortress of Justinian or the Tirana Castle dates from pre-1300, and is a remnant from the Byzantine era. The fortress is where the main east-west and north-south roads once crossed and met, forming the heart of Tirana. The castle has been open to the public since late 2018, although there’s very little castle to see. The main attraction, however, is the castle’s interior which was converted into the Old Bazaar, a place where the traditional and the modern now meet in the form of shops selling traditional handmade handicraft products, restaurants serving traditional dishes, culture, and art. 

Letovi Zagreb − Tirana i obratno novost su u našem redu letenja. Leti se petkom i nedjeljom.

Flights between Zagreb and Tirana are a novelty in our flight timetable. We operate them on Fridays, and Sundays.

Glavna zgrada Politehničkog sveučilišta u Tirani na Trgu Majke Tereze The central building of the Polytechnic University of Tirana on Mother Teresa Square Sofra e Ariut, glasoviti restoran albanske nacionalne kuhinje u Tirani




DO/UNTIL 31. 10.

U Muzeju grada Đurđevca otvorena je sedma velika inozemna izložba pod nazivom Pjesnik boja Joana Miróa, katalonskog slikara, grafičara, kipara i keramičara, jednog od najznačajnijih predstavnika moderne umjetnosti. Na izložbi je predstavljeno više od stotinu grafičkih radova iz zbirke američke umjetnice, kolekcionarke i galeristice Suzanne C. Nagy.


The Đurđevac Town Museum is hosting the seventh major international exhibition of Catalan painter, graphic artist, sculptor, and ceramicist Joan Miró, one of the greatest representatives of modern art. The exhibition, called The Poet of Colours, is presenting more than a hundred graphic works from the collection of American artist, collector, and gallerist Suzanne C. Nagy. muzej-djurdjevac.hr



DO/UNTIL 5. 9. U okviru ciklusa Taktilne galerije Tiflološkog muzeja otvorena je izložba renomirane akademske slikarice-grafičarke Anabel Zanze, naziva slojevita značenja: NE-PRE-PRE-KE. Izložba prezentira 15 radova koji komuniciraju sa slijepima i slabovidnima, nastojeći dokinuti granice svjetova, tako da prepreke postanu NE-PRE-PRE-KE. U tu svrhu slikarica je prigrlila grafički znak Brailleovih slova i uobličila ih u umjetničku formu.


The Tactile Gallery of the Typhlological Museum is hosting an exhibition of the renowned academically trained painter and graphic artist Anabel Zanze. The exhibition − whose name NE-PRE-PRE-KE is multi-layered in meaning − is presenting 15 works of art that communicate with the blind and partially sighted. In looking to break the boundaries between the two worlds, Anabel Zanze has turned the obstacles that the blind and partially sighted face into an advantage. With this goal in mind, the painter embraced the letters of the Braille alphabet and gave them an artistic form. www.tifloloskimuzej.hr

E. Janković Hapavel G. Vranić

Od 10. srpnja do 25. kolovoza tradicionalno se održavaju Dubrovačke ljetne igre, jedan od najstarijih europskih festivala. Jubilarna 75. sezona donosi raskošan program uključujući nastupe Jordija Savalla, Renauda Capuçona, Pierre-Laurenta Aimarda i Pabla Sáinz-Villegasa. Događaj ljeta koji se ne propušta bit će Opera gala 25. kolovoza predvođena jednim od najvećih opernih zvijezda današnjice, sopranisticom Sonyom Yonchevom, tenorom Josephom Callejom i basom Antom Jerkunicom te Simfonijskim orkestrom Hrvatske radiotelevizije pod ravnanjem dirigenta Ivana Repušića.

Tickets Online www.dubrovnik-festival.hr

Na lokacijama, 2 sata prije početka izvedbe

At the venue, 2 hours prior the performance

Box offices

Od Sigurate 1 / Stradun, Old Town

Facebook: dubrovnik.festival

Instagram: dubrovnikfestival

One of the oldest European festivals, the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, is traditionally held from 10 July to 25 August. In its anniversary 75th season, the Festival boasts a rich programme, including performances by Jordi Savall, Renaud Capuçon, Pierre-Laurent Aimard and Pabla Sáinz-Villegas. A must-see event of the summer on 25 August is the Opera Gala concert led by some of the biggest opera stars today, soprano Sonya Yoncheva, tenor Joseph Calleja and bass Ante Jerkunica alongside the Croatian Radio and Televison Symphony Orchestra under the baton of maestro Ivan Repušić.

Otkrijte više od 60 programa

Discover more than 60 programmes:

25/08 10/07




7. − 10. 8.

Brač Film Festival međunarodni je festival igranog filma koji se već deset godina održava u Supetru na otoku Braču. Festival spaja domaće i strane filmaše. Svake godine festival privlači neke od najistaknutijih imena iz svijeta filma. Ove godine na festivalu će sudjelovati dvostruki dobitnik Oscara Sir Christopher Hampton te jedan od najcjenjenijih britanskih producenata Graham Broadbent.

Bringing together Croatian and foreign filmmakers in the town of Supetar on the island of Brač, the Brač Film Festival is an international feature film festival that regularly attracts some of the most prominent names in the world of cinematography. This year’s 10th edition of the festival has the honour of hosting two-time Oscar winner Sir Christopher Hampton, and one of the most respected British producers of today, Graham Broadbent. bracfilmfestival.hr



5. I/AND 6. 7.

Tabor Film Festival ove se godine potpuno otvora vama, ljubiteljima filmova, druženja, dobre zabave, edukacije i opuštenog života. Pregršt filmova, dva koncerta poznatih hrvatskih izvođača, filmske radionice za najmlađe i za one koji već nešto o filmu znaju, sve vas to očekuje u Dvoru Veliki Tabor u Desiniću.

This year’s edition of the Tabor Film Festival is opening up completely to you, lovers of the art of film, socialising, fun times, learning, and a relaxed life. A feast of films, two concerts by famous Croatian performers, filmmaking workshops both for the youngest and those who already know a thing or two about cinematography, all this awaits you at the Veliki Tabor Castle in Desinić. taborfilmfestival.com



3. − 31. 7.

Digitalna izložba Humidcity autorice Mez Breeze inspirirana je romanom Nevidljivi gradovi Itala Calvina. Na Trgu sv. Marka u Korčuli možete se spojiti na Wi-Fi galerija siva) (zona i pogledati izložbu na osobnim mobitelima.


Mez Breeze’s digital exhibition Humidcity was inspired by Italo Calvino’s novel Invisible Cities. To view the exhibition on your personal devices, simply connect to grey) (area Wi-Fi Gallery on Saint Mark’s Square in the town of Korčula. sivazona.hr

V. Živojinović D. Miloslavić- D uc



10. 7. − 25. 8.

Zasnovane na bogatoj i živoj baštini grada Dubrovnika, 75. jubilarne Dubrovačke ljetne igre postaju središte kulturnih događanja. I ove će godine okupiti ponajbolje dramske, glazbene, baletne, folklorne, likovne i filmske umjetnike iz cijelog svijeta. Održat će se na različitim ambijentalnim lokacijama Grada, donose devet različitih dramskih naslova, a u svojem bogatom premijernom programu ističu se poznata glumačka imena.


Growing out of Dubrovnik’s rich and lively heritage, the festival has been transforming Dubrovnik into a cultural mecca year after year. The 75th edition of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival will again be featuring the best drama, music, ballet, folklore, visual and film artists from around the world.

This year’s jubilee edition of the festival, whose rich premiere programme boasts a number of widely acclaimed actors, is bringing nine different plays in different open-air locations of Dubrovnik.


M. Bratoš


26. 8. − 1. 9.

Dubrovački simfonijski orkestar i renomirana hrvatska klarinetistica Marija Pavlović, umjetnička direktorica festivala komorne glazbe Stradun Classic, donose u dubrovački Knežev dvor inovativne programe koje će izvesti izvrsni međunarodni glazbenici s kojima klarinetistica održava dugogodišnju suradnju. Svaki program koncipiran je s jedinstvenom temom, spajajući omiljena djela komorne glazbe s manje poznatim kompozicijama koje će unijeti svježinu čak i iskusnim slušateljima. Uz brojne renomirane europske glazbenike, izdanje festivala ove godine donosi i posebnog gosta, legendarnog violončelista Mischu Maiskog.

The Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra and the renowned Croatian clarinettist Marija Pavlović, the Artistic Director of the Stradun Classic chamber music festival, are bringing to Dubrovnik’s Duke’s Palace an innovative programme performed by a roster of outstanding international musicians with whom she has been collaborating for years. Each programme features a unique theme, and combines popular works of chamber music with lesser-known compositions that’ll be a breath of fresh air even to experienced listeners. Besides many European musicians, this year’s edition of the festival is hosting a special guest − the legendary cellist Mischa Maisky.


Arhiva DLJI / DSF archives
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Zagreb − uzbudljiv i živahan grad otvorenog duha!

Zagreb, an exciting and lively city with an open spirit!

Od izložbi, koncerata, kazališnih predstava do sportskih događanja i festivala na otvorenome… sve je to dio privlačne i prepoznatljive atmosfere Zagreba.

Uvijek srdačan, opušten i siguran, ovaj je grad poznat po gostoljubivosti, ugodno provedenom vremenu i užitku u raznovrsnim kulturnim sadržajima, ali i gastronomskoj ponudi.


Sport: Dolaze najbolji atletičari! Na početku rujna, od 6. do 8., najbolji atletičari svijeta okupit će se na 74. međunarodnom Hanžekovićevu memorijalu, uvrštenom u uzak krug najprestižnijih svjetskih atletskih natjecanja. Upravo se ovdje nerijetko ruše osobni i svjetski rekordi. Natjecanja u samome središtu grada privlače brojnu inozemnu i domaću publiku koja svake godine živi s popular-

nim Hanžekom, nazvanim u čast jednog od najboljih hrvatskih atletičara i reprezentativca Borisa Hanžekovića. Također se u središtu grada 13. listopada održava još jedno poznato natjecanje, 32. Zagrebački maraton, najveća i najbrža utrka u zemlji i jedna od najatraktivnijih utrka te vrste u ovom dijelu Europe, koja okupi tisuće sudionika iz cijelog svijeta.

Kultura: Doista zanimljiva jesen! Od 13. do 19. rujna ljubitelji kazališta lutaka moći će uživati u 57. Međunarodnom festivalu kazališta lutaka PIF. Neki od najboljih lutkara svijeta izvodit će lutkarske predstave, a najavljene su i izložbe lutaka, prigodne radionice kao i neočekivani susreti na zagrebačkim ulicama.

01 Uspinjača Zagreb’s Funicular

02 Meštrovićev paviljon na Trgu žrtava fašizma iz zraka

An aerial view of Meštrović’s Pavilion at the Square of the Victims of Fascism

03 Ulica Ilica Ilica Street

01 02
Shutterstock, xbrchx TEKST/TEXT _ Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba/Zagreb Tourist Board

Zagreb je poznat i po brojnim koncertima međunarodnih zvijezda. Ovoga puta izdvajamo koncert Joséa Carrerasa, jednog od najistaknutijih opernih pjevača svoje generacije, koji će 23. rujna u Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslav Lisinski u pratnji Zagrebačke filharmonije izvesti neke od svojih najpoznatijih arija i pjesama. Nakon uspješnih koncerata u Royal Albert Hallu u Londonu, Mercedes-Benz Areni u Berlinu te Carnegie Hallu u New Yorku, Arena Zagreb ugostit će 29. rujna glazbeni inovativni performans Havasi Symphonic. U Zagreb 15. listopada stiže i miljenik zagrebačke publike Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds u sklopu nove turneje The Wild God Tour. I ove godine za ljubitelje jazza 15. Zagreb Jazz Festival dovodi sjajne inozemne glazbenike, a sprema se i street edition festivala s domaćim jazzerima! Prošle je godine u mrežu festivala Open House Worldwide primljen i Festival Open House Zagreb, a na Summitu Open House Europe održanom u prosincu 2023. u Lisabonu zagrebački je festival, uz Tiranu i Kopenhagen, izdvojen kao jedan od najperspektivnijih europskih festivala. Open House Zagreb uspio je građane i turiste potaknuti na razmišljanje o vrijednostima grada i njihovoj ulozi u njegovu stvaranju te ih motivirati da se zalažu za dobro osmišljeno, planski izgrađeno okruženje, a to će učiniti i u drugom izdanju od 18. do 20. listopada.

Poznat i kao okupljalište filmskih umjetnika, Zagreb će i ove jeseni od 4. do 10. studenoga privući filmofile na 22. Zagreb Film Festivalu, najvećemu međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Hrvatskoj. Festival Zagrebu i publici predstavlja najbolje iz recentne nezavisne međunarodne i domaće filmske produkcije. Od svojeg početka festival je usmjeren na otkrivanje i promicanje suvremenog nezavisnog filma i debitantskih filmova redatelja iz cijeloga svijeta.

Susreti s porukom

Svi koji su barem jednom bili u Zagrebu znaju da je ovaj grad poznat i po odličnoj atmosferi kao i atraktivnim uličnim događanjima. Tome će i ove jeseni pridonijeti Festival-akcija Projekt Ilica Q’art, koji se održava u najdužoj zagrebačkoj ulici Ilici. On će 22. rujna biti posvećen odgovornoj, održivoj i racionalnoj potrošnji i

proizvodnji, a dva mjeseca kasnije, 24. studenoga, tema Q’arta bit će rodna ravnopravnost kao i eliminacija svih oblika nasilja i eksploatacije žena i djevojaka u javnoj i privatnoj sferi.

Na središnjoj zagrebačkoj tržnici Dolac svakog će se petka u rujnu i listopadu od 18 sati održavati nacionalni projekt revitalizacije tržnica Place Market, idealno mjesto za kušanje lokalnih specijaliteta i upoznavanje kulture i života. Bez svake sumnje, bit će zanimljivo, zabavno i ukusno!

A onda − Advent Zagreb!

Dinamična nas zagrebačka jesen uvodi u doista posebno doba godine − vrije -

me Adventa Zagreb koji grad pretvara u pravu bajku.

Budite dio tri godine za redom nagrađivane najbolje europske adventske destinacije od 30. studenoga 2024. sve do 7. siječnja 2025. godine.  Dobrodošli!

Vaša Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba

From exhibitions, concerts, theatre performances to sports events and open-air festivals... all this is part of Zagreb’s exciting and recognisable ambience. Always warm, laid-back, and safe, Zagreb is a city known for its hospitality, the enjoyment that spending time in it will bring you, the pleasure you’ll derive from the

03 M. Jurković, Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives Shutterstock, xbrchx PROMO

many different cultural events on offer in it, and the foods you’ll try.

Sports: The arrival of the best athletes!

From 6 to 8 September, the world’s best athletes are gathering at the 74th international Boris Hanžeković Memorial, which is part of the narrow circle of the world’s most prestigious athletics competitions. It is here that personal bests and world records are often broken. The athletics competitions held in the very city centre of Zagreb attract many foreign and local spectators who live for the popular memorial, named after one of the best Croatian athletes and national team member, Boris Hanžeković.

13 October will see another popular competition, also held in the city centre of Zagreb − 32nd Zagreb Marathon, the biggest and fastest race in the country, and one of the most exciting races of its kind in this part of Europe, which draws thousands of participants from all over the world.

Culture: A truly amusing autumn!

From 13 to 19 September, aficionados of puppet theatre will be flocking to Zagreb to

see some of the best puppeteers in the world give performances during the 57th edition of the International Puppet Theatre Festival − PIF. Puppet exhibitions and workshops will also be held. Expect chance encounters on the streets of Zagreb as well.

Zagreb is also known for being a tour stop for many world stars. Worth highlighting is the

01 Trg bana Josipa Jelačića iz zraka

An aerial view of Ban Josip Jelačić Square

02 Tržnica Dolac iz zraka



D. Rostuhar, Arhiva
TZGZ/ZTB archives
01 02 J. Duval, Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives
aerial view of the Dolac Farmers’

concert of José Carreras, one of the most outstanding opera singers of his generation. Accompanied by the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, he will be performing some of the most famous arias and songs on 23 September in the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall. After a string of successful concerts in the Royal Albert Hall in London, the MercedesBenz Arena in Berlin, and Carnegie Hall in New York, Havasi Symphonic are giving a concert in Zagreb Arena on 29 September. Much loved by Zagreb’s audience, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds are bringing their latest The Wild God Tour to Zagreb on 15 October. Jazz lovers will again be enjoying some of the finest jazz musicians during the 15th Zagreb Jazz Festival. Be also on the lookout for the street edition of the festival featuring local jazz musicians.

Last year, the Open House Zagreb festival was accepted into the Open House Worldwide network. Plus, at the Annual Summit of Open House Europe held in December 2023 in Lisbon, Zagreb’s edition of the festival was singled out, along with Tirana and Copenhagen’s respective editions, as one of the most promising festivals in Europe. Open House Zagreb was successful in encouraging the residents of Zagreb and their guests to think about the values of their city’s urban environment and the role that they play in its creation, and in motivating them to advocate for a well-designed urban environment and planning. Open House Zagreb promises to do so again during its second edition held from 18 to 20 October.

Known also as a place where film artists like to meet, Zagreb will once again be attracting film buffs this autumn from 4 to 10 November at the 22nd edition of the Zagreb Film Festival, the biggest international film festival in Croatia. This international film festival screens the best and latest productions by independent international and local cinematographers, focusing, since day one, on the presentation and promotion of contemporary independent film productions and debut films by up-and-coming directors from around the world.

Meaningful encounters

Those who’ve already been to Zagreb at least once know that the city is widely known for its great ambience and exciting street fairs. This autumn, this will be contributed to by the Ilica: Q’ART Project, which takes place in Zagreb’s longest street − Ilica. On 22 September, it will be dedicated to responsi- M.

ble, sustainable, and rational consumption and production, and two months later, on 24 November, Q’ART will be focusing on gender equality, and the elimination of all forms of violence and exploitation of women and girls in both the public and private spheres.

Zagreb’s central farmers’ market, Dolac, will be hosting the national market revitalisation project called Place Market every Friday in September and October starting at 6 pm. This makes Dolac the perfect place for you to taste Zagreb’s local specialities, and learn about culture and life in Zagreb. Place Market promises to be exciting, fun, and delicious!

And then − Zagreb Advent!

Zagreb’s dynamic autumn segues smoothly into a truly special time of the year − the time of the Zagreb Advent Christmas Market, when the city turns into a real fairy tale. You’re invited to be a part of the Best Christmas Market destination in Europe for three years in a row from 30 November 2024 to 7 January 2025. 

Welcome to Zagreb! Your Zagreb Tourist Board

Radićeva ulica Pavle Radić Street

Jurković, Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives

Poliklinika Analiza: Lider u dijagnostičkoj zdravstvenoj skrbi

Analiza Clinic: Leader in diagnostic healthcare

Poliklinika Analiza, osnovana 2001. godine, zauzima posebno mjesto među privatnim zdravstvenim ustanovama u Hrvatskoj. Dugogodišnja tradicija pružanja visokokvalitetnih dijagnostičkih usluga, uključujući: intoleranciju na hranu, alergo test, genetske testove, testove na spolno prenosive bolesti (prisutnost infekcija, praćenje zdravstvenog stanja), analizu crijevnog

mikrobioma i klasične hematološke, biokemijske i imunokemijske testove te mikrobiologiju, čini ih liderom u segmentu zdravstvene skrbi, a deset lokacija u sedam gradova (Rijeka, Varaždin, Zagreb, Split, Zadar, Šibenik, Dugopolje), omogućavaju da vrhunska dijagnostika bude dostupna svima.

Zahvaljujući suvremenoj tehnologiji, većina rezultata dostupna je unutar 24 sata na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku, uz besplatne konzultacije s liječnikom. Pored internih stručnjaka, Poliklinika Analiza konstantno s renomiranim europskim i američkim laboratorijima radi na unapređenju usluga. 

Više informacija pronađite na službenim stranicama www.poliklinika-analiza.hr ili zatražite slanjem e-maila na adresu info@mcanaliza.org i telefonski na broj 01 2099 880.

Analiza Clinic, established in 2001, holds a special place among private healthcare institutions in Croatia. With a long-standing tradition of providing high-quality diagnostic services, including food intolerance, allergy tests, genetic tests, tests for sexually transmitted diseases (infection presence, health monitoring), gut microbiome analysis, as well as classical hematological, biochemical, and immunochemical tests and microbiology, they are the leaders in the healthcare segment. Their ten locations in seven cities (Rijeka, Varaždin, Zagreb, Split, Zadar, Šibenik, Dugopolje) ensure that top-notch diagnostics are accessible to everyone.

Thanks to moder n technology, most results are available within 24 hours in both Croatian and English language, including free consultations with a doctor. In addition to their internal experts, Analiza Clinic constantly collaborates with renowned European and American laboratories to enhance their services. 

For more information, visit the official website at www.poliklinika-analiza.hr, send an email to info@mcanaliza.org, or call 01 2099 880.



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Živahna prijestolnica hrvatskog istoka

Eastern Croatia’s vibrant capital

ako se toplo ljetno sunce uzdiže iznad ravnica istočne Hrvatske, Osijek, perjanica Slavonije, dočekuje posjetitelje svojom jedinstvenom mješavinom povijesnog šarma i živahnog duha. Udaljen od ljetne gužve priobalnih destinacija, ovaj grad na rijeci Dravi nudi savršen spoj atraktivne kulturne baštine, prirodnih ljepota te raznolikih događanja. Jedan od njih je i nezaobilazni Pannonian Challenge, festival ekstremnih sportova koji privlači entuzijaste iz cijelog svijeta, a o ljubavi Osječana prema svim vrstama sporta svjedoče i brojne druge manifestacije koje okupljaju i amatere i profesionalce. Od Europskog prvenstva u streljaštvu te Svjetskog kupa u gimnastici do lokalnih turnira, atraktivnih sportskih terena i rekreativnih prostora, Osijek je grad koji ponajviše opravdava titulu Osječko-baranjske županije kao Europske regije sporta u 2024. I dok ljubitelji sporta u Osijeku mogu uživati u svim vrstama rekreacije, umjetničke duše daleko su od zaborava. Tijekom trajanja Osječkog ljeta kulture, u fantastičnim umjetničkim izvedbama potpuno besplatno mogu uživati apsolutno svi zainteresirani. Ovo kulturno događanje, koje traje dva mjeseca, pruža bogatstvo glazbenih, dramskih i likovnih sadržaja na otvorenome, čineći ga središtem ljetne kulturne scene. Zabavnih i gastronomskih manifestacija također ne nedostaje. Visoke temperature lakše se podnose uz vinske manifestacije poput Osijek Wine & Walka, Urban Wine Partyja te Večeri vina i umjetno-

sti, a osvježenje donose i Osječke ljetne noći, koje se održavaju svakog posljednjeg vikenda u ljetnim mjesecima.

Za one koji traže odmor i opuštanje grad nudi brojne zelene oaze i vodene aktivnosti. Šećite najdužom i najljepšom riječnom šetnicom u Hrvatskoj, takozvanom Promenadom, gdje ćete sresti pravo more hodača, biciklista i trkača. Posjetite Kopakabanu, omiljenu gradsku plažu i kompleks bazena, gdje kupači dolaze iz cijele Slavonije i Baranje. S plaže se pruža prekrasan pogled na gradsku panoramu, uključujući impozantni Pješački most i veličanstvenu konkatedralu sv. Petra i Pavla. Poželite li Dravu doživjeti još intenzivnije, rezervirajte turu brodom i odvezite se do jedne od izletnih destinacija u osječkoj okolici. Ne propustite ni biciklističku turu do Zoološkog vrta Osijek, koji se ponosi svojom raznolikošću životinjskih vrsta, od elegantnih žirafa do smiješnih majmuna. Ako ste željni povijesti, prošećite do Tvrđe, stare barokne jezgre grada sagrađene u prvoj polovici 18. stoljeća, gdje ćete naći spoj povijesnih atrakcija i muzeja te modernih kafića. Tvrđa je i središnje mjesto za noćne izlaske, gdje ćete do kasnih noćnih sati moći pijuckati kakav koktel, craft pivo ili lokalno vino i zaplesati na različite tipove glazbe. Konačno, ne treba zaboraviti ni

01 Kupalište i bazeni Copacabana

Osijek’s Copacabana beach and pool complex

02 Grad na Dravi i njegove poznate vizure: Pješački most, konkatedrala sv. Petra i Pavla i Hotel Osijek

The town on the Drava River and its iconic landmarks: the Pedestrian Bridge, the Co-Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, and Osijek Hotel

01 02 TEKST/TEXT_TZ grada Osijeka/Osijek Tourist Board FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS_Arhiva TZ grada Osijeka/Osijek Tourist Board archives PROMO

fantastičnu lokalnu gastronomsku scenu. Kušajte lokalne delicije od, primjerice, riječne ribe ili crne svinje u jednom od poznatih osječkih restorana i otkrijte zašto je slavonska kuhinja cijenjena i izvan granica Hrvatske.

Ljeto u Osijeku nadilazi očekivanja prosječnog posjetitelja. Bilo da ste u potrazi za kulturnim uzbuđenjem, prirodnim ljepotama, sportskim aktivnostima ili gastronomskim doživljajima, Osijek nudi sve to i mnogo više. Doživite ga i vi ovog ljeta i otkrijte zašto je to grad koji se pamti i voli, grad koji zaslužuje titulu živahne prijestolnice hrvatskog istoka. 

As the hot summer sun rises above the plains of eastern Croatia, Osijek, the capital of Slavonia, welcomes its visitors with a unique blend of historic charm and lively spirit. Far from the crowds flocking to coastal destinations in the summer, the town on the Drava River boasts a perfect blend of fascinating cultural heritage, beautiful nature, and a plethora of events on offer. One such event is the unmissable Pannonian Challenge, an extreme sports festival that attracts enthusiasts from all over the world. The fact that Osijek hosts many other sports events that gather both amateurs and professionals testifies to the love of the residents of Osijek for all kinds of sports. From the European Shotgun Championship and the DOBRO World Cup in gymnastics to local tournaments, stunning sports fields and recreational areas, Osijek is a town that has earned the title of European Region of Sport 2024, and rightly so. And while sports enthusiasts can enjoy all kinds of recreation in Osijek, the town hasn’t forgotten about those whose souls are more artistically inclined either. During the Osijek Summer of Culture festival, all are invited to enjoy fantastic artistic performances totally free of charge. The offer-

01 Osječki Pješački most jedno je od najromantičnijih mjesta u gradu

The Pedestrian Bridge, one of Osijek’s most romantic spots

02 Živahna atmosfera u osječkoj Tvrđi

Osijek’s Citadel’s lively atmosphere

03 Stari dio grada s početka 18. stoljeća, Tvrđa

The Citadel, Osijek’s 18th-century core

ings of this cultural event include a wealth of open-air music, drama, art, and culture during the course of two months, which is what makes it the cultural hub of the region. There’s no shortage of entertainment and culinary events either. High temperatures are easier to bear while sipping on a glass of wine at events such as Osijek Wine & Walk, Urban Wine Party, and An Evening of Wine and Art, while the Osijek Summer Nights, held every last weekend in the months of summer, bring a different kind of refreshment, one which is family-friendly. Those looking to rest and relax will have Osijek’s many green oases and water activities to choose from. Why not go for a walk along Croatia’s longest and most beautiful river Promenade, where you’ll meet a sea of strollers, cyclists, and runners. Be sure to also check out Copacabana, Osijek’s favourite beach and pool complex, frequented by swimmers from all over the region of Slavonia and Baranja. From the beach you’ll be afforded wonderful views of Osijek, including the imposing Pedestrian Bridge, and the magnificent Co-Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. If what you’re looking for is a more exciting Drava River experience, book a boat tour to one of the many excursion sites in Osijek’s surroundings. Be sure to also take a bike tour to the Osijek Zoo, which prides itself on the many different animals that it is the home of, such as elegant giraffes and funny monkeys. If you’re a history buff, take a walk to the Citadel, the old Baroque core of Osijek built in the first half of the 18th century, which is packed with historical attractions, museums, and modern cafes. The Citadel is also the place to go for a night on the town where you’ll be dancing into the small hours to different types of music while sipping on a cocktail, craft beer, or local wine. Last but not least, Osijek also boasts a fabulous food scene. Be sure to try Osijek’s local delicacies made from freshwater fish or the black Slavonian pig in one of Osijek’s famous restaurants, and you’ll understand why Slavonian cuisine is well-known even beyond Croatia’s borders.

Summer in Osijek exceeds the expectations of average visitors. Whether you’re looking for cultural excitement, beautiful nature, sports activities or culinary experiences, Osijek’s got it all and much, much more. Why not experience Osijek this summer, and find out why it’s a town that is remembered and loved, a town that has earned, and rightly so, the title of eastern Croatia’s vibrant capital. 

02 01

Lokanda Peskarija

Dubrovnik seafood

Mea Culpa

The best pizza in Town

Mea Culpa Pizzeria & Trattoria is a charming and authentic Italian restaurant located in the heart of Dubrovnik. With its cozy atmosphere and delicious cuisine, Mea Culpa has been a beloved culinary destination for 20 years. Their menu features a variety of classic Italian dishes, including delicious pasta, along with a wide range of delectable pizzas, all prepared with the highest quality ingredients. The friendly staff and warm hospitality at Mea Culpa will make you feel right at home and ensure a memorable dining experience.

of Dubrovnik's historic Old Town. Nestled in a picturesque alleyway just a stone's throw from the sea, Lokanda Peskarija serves up fresh and delicious seafood dishes, inspired by traditional Croatian cuisine. With a warm and inviting atmosphere, friendly service, and stunning views of the Adriatic Sea and city walls, Lokanda Peskarija is the perfect spot for a romantic dinner or a night out with friends.


Na ponti bb


INSTAGRAM pizzeriameaculpa
A charming seaside restaurant located in the heart

Hedonistička destinacija vrijedna otkrivanja − savršeni balans aktivnog i laganog ritma

A hedonistic destination worth discovering − a perfect balance between an active and a light holiday rhythm

Slavonija i Baranja savršena su alternativa gradskoj gužvi, idealna za ljubitelje prirode, aktivnog odmora i odlične eno-gastro ponude.

The region of Slavonia and Baranja is the perfect alternative to city crowds, ideal for all nature lovers in search of an active holiday where top-quality foods and wines are served.

Ako vam se ne žuri, umjesto autoceste izaberite Podravsku magistralu za put prema Slavoniji i otkrijte čari života slavonskih vlastelina. U Našicama posjetite dojmljivi kasnobarokni dvorac Pejačević te jedan od najljepših parkova na tlu Slavonije. Sjeverniji Donji Miholjac krasi Dvorac Mailáth, koji podsjeća na portal u Zemlju čudesa, dok se Valpovo diči srednjovjekovno-baroknim kompleksom Prandau-Normann. Nakon pripovijetki o šarmantnim plemićima, priuštite si hedonistički tretman u Bizovačkim toplicama, spa oazi s najtoplijom termalnom vodom u Europi, jedinstvenom u svijetu. Ako pak putujete autocestom, zaustavite se u Ivandvoru, gdje u pitoresknom krajoliku galopira krdo lipicanaca. Nakon što stasaju, svoju će raskoš pokazati i u obližnjem Đakovu, u velikom manježu Državne ergele, jedne od najstarijih u Europi. S koje god strane prilazili Đakovu, prvo što ćete ugledati očaravajuća je katedrala sv. Petra, u čijoj se neposrednoj blizini nalazi Nadbiskupski vinski podrum, u kojem možete kušati čuvena đakovačka misna vina. Nakon Đakova nastavljamo dalje Slavonikom do Osijeka, hedonističke metropole Slavonije i Baranje. Jedan je od onih gradova koji

s razlogom za sebe mogu reći da su po mjeri čovjeka, posebice ako se smatrate obiteljskim tipom. Ni prevelik ni premalen, bogat društvenim i kulturnim sadržajima, prozračan i okružen prirodnim ljepotama. Osijek je zapravo jedna velika šetnica gdje biciklom najlakše možete obići glavne atrakcije: neogotičku konkatedralu sv. Petra i Pavla, secesijsku Europsku aveniju te baroknu Tvrđu s brojnim muzejima, restoranima i noćnim klubovima. Iz Tvrđe krenite prema dravskoj promenadi. Posjetite riječnu vodenicu, a potom siđite do skele koja će vas prevesti na lijevu obalu, gdje se nalazi osječki Zoološki vrt, najveći u ovom dijelu Europe. Prošećite do osječke plaže Kopakabane i opustite se u jednom od beach barova uz uistinu nezaboravan pogled na grad. Iz Osijeka pođite putem Dunava koji vas vodi do Erduta, hedonističkog vinskog raja. Zastanite u jednoj od brojnih vinarija, od vinarije Brzica, s koje seže najljepši pogled na Dunav, do vinarije Antunović, koja se diči šampionskom graševinom. Posjetite Erdutske vinograde i pogledajte jednu od najvećih vinskih bačvi u Europi. Za kraj, uz Aljmaško svetište posjetite i obližnji Dalj te se nakon obilaska rodne kuće svjetski poznatog znanstvenika Milutina Milankovića počastite večerom u restoranu Stari mlin na obali Dunava. Ako vas je bezbrižno uživanje u erdutskim vinima malo prevarilo, odsjesti možete u prekrasnim vilama s bazenom, Villi Aljmaš i Villi Katarini. Šećer smo ostavili za kraj. U Baranji se nalazi Park prirode Kopački rit, magnet za izletnike i zaljubljenike u prirodu. Jednu od posljednjih europskih močvara možete istražiti vozeći bicikl, kanu ili uživajući u foto safariju iz čamca. U blizini rita smjestio se Eko-centar Zlatna greda, koji posjetiteljima nudi raznolik aktivni sadržaj od kojeg izdvajamo adrenalinski park, prvi u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. Osim za adrenalinsku, u Baranji se pripremite i na gastronomsku avanturu, koja će vam definitivno ostati u pamćenju. U ovom carstvu dobre hrane i još boljeg vina ne propustite kušati razne riblje i mesne delicije, ali i fantastične slastice. Smješteni u pitoresknim selima, posjetite restorane Čingi lingi čardu, Didin konak, Darócz, Citadelu, Baranjsku kuću i Kovač čardu. U etno selu Karanac, nakon što se probudite na seoskom gospodarstvu Ivica i Marica uz pjev pijetla i cvrkut ptica, obiđite Ulicu zaboravljenog vremena kod Baje, izradite vlastiti suvenir od baranjskog blata u radionici keramike Asztalos te degustirajte baranjski kulen Matijević u Suzi. Otkrijte vidikovac na Banskom brdu, na jednoj od najljepših hrvatskih vinskih cesta i zavirite u vinski podrum u Kneževom Vinogradu, najveći u Hrvatskoj. Zastanite potom u Suzi, u vinskom podrumu Pinkert ili Kolar, koji uz vinski podrum nudi i kamp odmorište. Prošećite zmajevačkim gatorima − podrumima iskopanima u surducima Banskog brda, gdje ćete naći vinsku kušaonicu i izvrstan restoran Josić.

Plaža u Dražu
PROMO TEKST/TEXT_Turistička zajednica Osječko-baranjske županije/Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board
A river beach in the village of Draž

Prostrana Slavonija i autentična Baranja otvorile su svoja vrata, očekuju vas i pozivaju na istinski doživljaj apsolutnog hedonizma! 

To get to Slavonia and learn about Slavonia’s aristocracy of old and their lifestyle, ditch the motorway if you’re not in a hurry, and instead take the Podravina Highway. Your first stop should be in the town of Našice that boasts the impressive late Baroque Pejačević Manor and one of the most beautiful parks in Slavonia. Then head a bit further north to the town of Donji Miholjac where the Mailáth Manor resembling a portal to Wonderland is. Then comes the town of Valpovo and its medieval-Baroque Prandau-Normann Manor complex. After learning about the stories of Slavonia’s charming noblemen, why not treat yourself to a hedonistic experience at the Bizovac Thermal Resort, a spa oasis boasting the warmest thermal water in Europe. If you do end up taking the motorway, stop in Ivandvor, where you’ll see a herd of Lipizzaner horses galloping against the backdrop of the most picturesque landscape. Once they grow up, they’ll show off their splendour in the nearby town of Đakovo at the great manège in one of Europe’s oldest State Stud Farms. From whichever direction you approach Đakovo, the first thing you’ll spot is its magnificent Cathedral of St. Peter, in whose immediate vicinity is the Archbishop’s Wine Cellar, where you can taste the famous Đakovo sacramental wine produced by the Misna Vina winery. After Đakovo, take the Slavonika motorway to Osijek, Slavonia and Baranja’s capital of hedonism. Osijek is a town that can rightly say of itself that it’s tailor-made to meet the needs of its residents, particularly if you consider yourself the family type. In other words, it’s neither too big nor too small, it’s got much to offer in terms of social and cultural events, it’s spacious and surrounded by stunningly beautiful natural landscapes. In fact, Osijek is one big promenade where you can easily visit its main attractions by bike, including its Neogothic Co-Cathedral of Stains Peter and Paul, the Art Nouveau European Avenue, and the Baroque Citadel packed with museums, restaurants, and night clubs. From Osijek’s Citadel, head towards the Drava Promenade. First visit the old watermill, and then take Osijek’s famous Kompa ferry to cross the Drava River, where the Osijek Zoo, the biggest zoo in this part of Europe, is located. Finally, head to Osijek’s Copacabana beach to unwind in one of the beach bars while enjoying a stunning view of the town.

To get to the village of Erdut, a hedonistic wine paradise, from Osijek, follow another river, the Danube. Make a pit stop in one of the many wineries of the region, such as Brzica, from where you’ll be afforded the most beautiful view of the Danube, or the Antunović Winery that boasts champion Graševina wines. To check out one of the largest wine barrels in Europe, visit the Erdutski Vinogradi winery. To round off your holiday in Slavonia and Baranja, visit the Marian shrine of Our Lady of

Refuge in the village of Aljmaš, and the birthplace of the world-famous scientist Milutin Milanković in the village of Dalj, after which be sure to treat yourself to dinner at the Stari Mlin restaurant right on the Danube. In case you get a bit too relaxed after tasting the wines of Erdut, there are two beautiful villas with a swimming pool each that you can stay in − Villa Aljmaš and Villa Katarina.

And now the cherry on top. Baranja is also where the Kopački Rit Nature Park, a magnet for hikers and nature lovers, is located. Head over there to explore one of Europe’s last wetlands by cycling, canoeing or by going on a photo safari by boat. You can also check out the Golden Beam Eco Centre in the vicinity of the nature park, which has many activities on offer, whose highlights include an adrenaline park, the first in eastern Croatia. In Baranja, be ready for not just adrenaline, but for unforgettable culinary adventures as well. In Baranja’s kingdom of good food and outstanding wine, be sure to try its many freshwater fish and meat delicacies, and fantastic desserts. There are many restaurants nestled in Baranja’s picturesque villages to choose from, including Čingi Lingi Čarda, Didin Konak, Darócz, Citadela, Baranjska Kuća or Kovač Čarda, to name but a few. Also check out the Ethno Village of Karanac, where − after you wake up to the crowing of roosters and the chirping of birds at the farm of Hensel and Gretel (Ivica i Marica in Croatian) − you’ll have the chance to walk down the Street of Forgotten Times, make your own souvenir from Baranja’s mud in the Asztalos pottery workshop, and try Baranja’s traditional kulen salami produced by the Matijević family in the hamlet of Suza. Be sure to check out the lookout point on Ban’s Hill on one of the most beautiful wine roads in Croatia, and take a peek into the Belje Wine Cellar, the largest cellar in Croatia, in the village of Kneževi Vinogradi. Then make a stop in the hamlet of Suza to check out the Pinkert and Kolar wine cellars, the latter of which is also a campsite. And last but not least, don’t forget to check out the wine cellars dug into the slopes of Ban’s Hill called gatori in the village of Zmajevac, where you should be on the lookout for the exquisite Josić Winery and Restaurant. Spacious Slavonia and authentic Baranja have opened their doors, and are inviting you to have a taste of pure hedonism! 

Arhiva HTZ/CNTB archives, N. Milić Arhiva HTZ/CNTB archives, M. Banić Arhiva HTZ/CNTB archives, D. Despot Večer vina i umjetnosti An Evening of Wine and Art Dimljene delikatese Smoked delicacies Bansko brdo, Wine & Walk Baranja Ban’s Hill, Baranja Wine & Walk

Svjetski znanstveni spektakl u Hrvatskoj

World scientific spectacle in Croatia

Hrvatska i Split ponovno su bili u središtu pozornosti svjetske znanstvene zajednice, a kongresi koje organiziraju ISABS, Specijalna bolnica Sv. Katarina i Mayo Clinic među najznačajnijim su svjetskim znanstvenim brendovima iz područja personalizirane medicine te kliničke, antropološke i forenzičke genetike.

Croatia and the city of Split were once again in the centre of attention of the international scientific community. The conferences organised by ISABS, St. Catherin Specialty Hospital, and Mayo Clinic are amongst the leading science brands in the world in the field of personalised medicine, and clinical, anthropological, and forensic genetics.

Jedan od najznačajnijih svjetskih znanstvenih skupova iz područja personalizirane medicine, koji tradicionalno organiziraju Međunarodno društvo primijenjenih bioloških znanosti (ISABS), vodeća američka bolnica Mayo Clinic i europski centar izvrsnosti za personaliziranu medicinu Specijalna bolnica Sv. Katarina, 13th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine, održao se u Splitu u hotelu Radisson Blu & Spa Resort od 17. do 20. lipnja. Partneri u organizaciji kongresa bili su Hrvatska turistička zajednica, Američka akademija za forenzičke znanosti i Hrvatska liječnička komora, a više od dvadeset godina potporu organizaciji kongresa pruža i Croatia Airlines. Sve je započelo još 1996. godine u Washingtonu, kad su prof. dr. Dragan Primorac, tada pri Medicinskom centru Sveučilišta u Connecticutu, i prof. dr. Moses Schanfield, višegodišnji direktor forenzičkog programa na Sveučilištu George Washington, osnovali ISABS, a kasnije im se priključio i prof. dr. Stanimir Vuk-Pavlović s Klinike Mayo.

U radu dosadašnjih kongresa sudjelovalo je deset dobitnika Nobelove nagrade (prof. dr. Robert Huber, prof. dr. Aaron Ciechanover, prof. dr. Ada Yonath, prof. dr. Paul Modrich, prof. dr. Harald zur Hausen, prof. dr. Avram Hershko, prof. dr. Richard Roberts, prof. dr. Thomas Südhof, prof. dr. Gregg Semenza i prof. dr. Svante Paabo) te više od 6000 znanstvenika i osamstotinjak pozvanih predavača iz 78 država, što je Republiku Hrvatsku odredilo kao jednu od najzna čajnijih destinacija iz područja znanosti, zdravstva, inovacija i turizma. Istodobno se održala posebna emisija Nobel Spirit, tijekom koje dobitnici Nobelove nagrade u razgovoru s prof. dr. Draganom Primorcem u okruženju izvrsnih mladih znanstvenika raspravljaju o personaliziranoj medicini, budućnosti biomedicinskih znanosti, opće nito o razvoju znanosti i društva u cijelosti, a događaj tradicionalno prenosi Hrvatska radiotelevizija.

U radu ovogodišnjeg kongresa u Splitu sudjelovalo je više od 450 znanstvenika i liječnika iz vodećih svjetskih institucija, uključujući Harvard School of Medicine,


Traditionally organised by the International Society for Applied Biological Sciences (ISABS), the US-based Mayo Clinic, and the European centre of excellence for personalised medicine St. Catherin Specialty Hospital, the ISABS

Partner u organizaciji kongresa bila je Hrvatska turistička zajednica, a pomoć u organizaciji pružili su i Sveučilište u Splitu, Institut za antropologiju, Hrvatska liječnička komora, Hrvatski liječnički zbor, druga hrvatska i međunarodna sveučilišta i brojne znanstvene institucije. Više od dvadeset godina kongres podupire i Croatia Airlines.

The organisers of the conference partnered with the Croatian National Tourist Board, the University of Split, the Institute for Anthropological Research, the Croatian Medical Chamber, the Croatian Medical Association, other Croatian and foreign universities, and scientific institutions. Similarly, Croatia Airlines has also supported the organisation of the conference for more than twenty years.

Conference on Forensic and Anthropological Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine is one of the world’s leading scientific conferences in the field of personalised medicine, whose 13th edition took place in Split at the Radisson Blu Resort & Spa from 17 to 20 June. The organisers of the conference partnered with the Croatian National Tourist Board, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and the Croatian Medical Chamber. Similarly, Croatia Airlines has also supported the organisation of the conference for more than twenty years.

It all started back in 1996 in Washington, when ISABS was founded by Professor Dragan Primorac, MD, PhD, working at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine at the time, and Professor Moses Schanfield, PhD, the long-time director of the forensics programme at George Washington University. The two were later joined by Professor Stanimir Vuk-Pavlović, PhD, from the Mayo Clinic.

The previous ISABS conferences were contributed to by ten Nobel laureates (Prof. Robert Huber, PhD; Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, PhD; Prof. Ada Yonath, PhD; Prof. Paul Modrich, PhD; Prof. Harald zur Hausen, MD, PhD; Prof. Avram Hershko, PhD; Prof. Gregg Semenza, MD, PhD), more than 6,000 scientists, and some eight hundred invited lecturers from 78 countries. This has helped the Republic of Croatia to position itself as one of the leading destinations in the fields of science, healthcare, innovation, and tourism. At the same time, a special show called the Nobel Spirit was hosted by Professor Dragan

Primorac, MD, PhD, where he discussed personalised medicine, the future of biomedical sciences, and the development of science and society in general with Nobel Prize winners. Nobel Spirit discussions were, this year again, broadcast by the Croatian Radio and Television.

More than 450 scientists and physicians from the world’s leading institutions participated in the work of this year’s conference in Split, including Harvard Medical School, Mayo Clinic, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Yale University, University of Oxford, the MIT, Weill Cornell Medicine − Cornell University, Pennsylvania State University, Max Planck Institute, Technion − Israel Institute of Technology, University of Paris, Sorbonne University, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, University of California, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Stanford University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Chicago Medical School, University of New Haven, etc.

This year’s ISABS conference focused on personalised approaches to diagnostics and treatment, the application of whole-genome sequencing in clinical practice, immunotherapy in the treatment of malignant diseases, pharmacogenomics, gene and cell therapy, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, the application of artificial intelligence in clinical medicine, forensic and anthropological genetics, as well as a number of other innovative topics relating to 21st century medicine. Special emphasis was placed on the education of top students in the field of biomedical sciences. In this context, the best student works were given an award. 


Sposobnost i kreativnost ispred ograničenja i invaliditeta

Ability and creativity over limitations and disability

Ovo je priča o pojedincima koji su dio statistike dok istodobno nadilaze barijere koje te statistike postavljaju.

Oko 15% svjetske populacije živi s invaliditetom, što ih čini najvećom manjinskom skupinom, no prema procjenama tek oko 2% bavi se sportom profesionalno ili rekreativno. Ipak, i u tom malom postotku kriju se vrhunski sportaši koji su u prošloj godini s velikih međunarodnih natjecanja kući donijeli čak 307 medalja. Također, invaliditet se često zanemaruje kada se raspravlja o mjerama raznolikosti i inkluzije na radnome mjestu, a samo 4% poduzeća razmatra ga u svojim inicijativama. Prepoznajući značajan utjecaj koji poduzeća mogu imati u promicanju organizacijskih i društvenih promjena, Hrvatski paraolimpijski odbor (HPO) odlučio je podići svijest o ovom problemu na radnome mjestu. Pomaknuli su fokus s ograničenja na sposobnosti i kreativnost, čime su pomogli poboljšati ukupnu percepciju invaliditeta.

Paraolimpijci potiču inovacije HPO ima snažnu povijest promicanja ravnopravnijeg društva i odlučio je ponuditi inovativan pristup postojećim korporativnim inicijativama za raznolikost, jednakost, uključenost i pripadnost (DEIB).

Iskoristili su zamah nadolazećih Paraolimpijskih igara u Parizu 2024. da se oslone

na transformativnu snagu paraolimpijskih sportaša i pridobiju nove partnere iz korporativnog sektora. HPO se udružio s qohubs, digitalnom platformom za organizacijske promjene, kako bi osmislio jedinstvenu 90-minutnu diskursnu sesiju pod nazivom Raznolikost i inkluzija u mojoj organizaciji, u kombinaciji s inspirativnim govorom paraolimpijaca, a projekt je nazvao Randezvous s paraolimpijcima

Prema riječima Ratka Kovačića, predsjednika Hrvatskog paraolimpijskog odbora, ljudi često nisu svjesni ogromne kreativnosti osoba s invaliditetom.

− Kada govorimo o paraolimpijcima, oni ne kažu da nešto ne mogu već su usredotočeni na to kako prevladati prepreke i koncentrirati se na svoje sposobnosti, a ne na invaliditet. Zamislite što takav stav može donijeti kao dodatna vrijednost za bilo koje poduzeće.

Druženje paraolimpijaca s hrvatskim zaposlenicima u skopu Rendezvousa s paraolimpijcima odvijat će se do kraja 2024., prateći završetak paraolimpijske godine.

Hrvatski paraolimpijski predstavnici u Parizu

Paraolimpijske igre odvijat će se ovog ljeta u Parizu od 28. kolovoza do 8. rujna. Hrvatska će imati svoje predstavnike u paraatletici, paraplivanju, para stolnom tenisu, boćanju, parataekwondou i pa-

Parataekwondoist Ivan Mikulić, parastolnotenisačica Anđela Mužinić

Vincetić i paraatletičar Matija Sloup

Para-taekwondo athlete Ivan Mikulić, para-table tennis player Anđela Mužinić Vincetić, and para-athlete

Matija Sloup

ratriatlonu. Očekuje se da bi petnaestak hrvatskih paraolimpijaca i paraolimpijki moglo braniti boje Lijepe Naše na ovoj najvećoj sportskoj manifestaciji na svijetu. Dino Sinovčić, Emma Mečić i Paula Novina hrabro će zaplivati u bazenu u lovu na odličje. Isto će učiniti Deni Černi, Ivan Katanušić, Matija Sloup, Miljenko Vučić, Mikela Ristoski i Velimir Šandor na atletskom stadionu, a Anđela Mužinić Vincetić i Helena Dretar Karić u stolnoteniskoj dvorani. Od ostalih predstavnika Hrvatske u Parizu imat ćemo priliku bodriti boćare Davora Komara, Anamariju Arambašić i Doru Bašić, paratriatlonca

Antonia Franka te parataekwondoista

Ivana Mikulića. 

This is a story about individuals who may be just a statistic, but who have, at the same time, overcome the barriers that that statistic imposes on them. Approximately 15% of the world’s population lives with disabilities, which makes


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them the largest minority group. However, according to estimates, only about 2% play sports professionally or recreationally. Nevertheless, even in this tiny number of athletes with disabilities, there are top athletes who won as many as 307 medals from major international competitions last year. Moreover, disability is often overlooked when diversity and inclusion measures in the workplace are discussed, with only 4% of companies taking disability into consideration in their initiatives. Recognising the significant influence that companies can have on the promotion of organisational and social changes, the Croatian Paralympic Committee took the decision to raise awareness about this issue in the workplace. They shifted the focus from limitations to abilities and creativity, which has helped to improve the overall perception of disability.

Paralympians prompt innovation

The Croatian Paralympic Committee has a rich history of promoting the idea of a more equal society, and took the decision to offer an innovative approach to existing corporate Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives. They have put the momentum of the upcoming 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris to good use for the purposes of building on the transformative power of Paralympic athletes and of developing new partnerships in the corporate sector. The Croatian Paralympic Committee teamed up with qohubs, a digital platform for organisational change, to create a 90-minute discourse session called Diversity and Inclusion in My Company, accompanied by inspirational speeches given by Croatian Paralympians. The project is called Rendezvous with Paralympians.

According to Ratko Kovačić, president of the Croatian Paralympic Committee, people are often unaware of the enormous creativity of people with disabilities.

− You won’t hear a Paralympian say I can’t do it. Instead, what they focus on is how to overcome obstacles, and concentrate on their abilities, not their disabilities. Imagine the added value that such an attitude can bring to a company.

Within the framework of the Rendezvous with Paralympians project, Croatia’s Paralympians will be rendezvousing with Croatian employees until the end of 2024.

Croatia’s Paralympic representatives in Paris

The 2024 Summer Paralympics are taking place in Paris between 28 August and 8 September. Croatia’s Paralympic delegation will be competing in para-athletics, para-swimming, para-table tennis, boccia, para-taekwondo, and para-triathlon. Some fifteen or so Croatian Paralympians are expected to compete at the biggest sports event in the world under the banner of Croatia. In pursuit of a medal, Dino Sinovčić, Emma Mečić, and Paula Novina will be braving it out in the swimming pool. Deni Černi, Ivan Katanušić, Matija Sloup, Miljenko Vučić, Mikela Ristoski, and Velimir Šandor will be doing the same on the athletics stadium, while Anđela Muzinić Vincetić, and Helena Dretar Karić at the table tennis hall. Croatia’s other Paralympic representatives in Paris to be cheered on include boccia players Davor Komar, Anamaria Arambašić, and Dora Bašić, para-triathlete Antonio Franko, and para-taekwondo athlete Ivan Mikulić. 

To je Hrvatska

Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2021. godine, 3,888.529 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno.

Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije.

This is Croatia

The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2021 census, Croatia’s population was 3,888,529. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited.

The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin.

The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013.

Nacionalni parkovi

Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,

treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova.

National parks

Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe.

Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno­povijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko­sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine.

A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is cha-

racterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era.

Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik.

The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage.

Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit­odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata.

Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success

Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and inter national experts in tourism.

Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its


national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland.

Novac i naËin plaÊanja

Od 1. siječnja 2023. novčana jedinica Republike Hrvatske jest euro. Mogu ­

će je plaćanje gotovinom i kreditnim karticama, a novac se može podizati na bankomatima.

Currency and payment methods

The currency of the Republic of Croatia is the euro (as of 1st January 2023). Payments can be made in cash and by credit c ard. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.


Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular

sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

fast roads

toll station
other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage
tunnel, bridge

Uvođenje novih sezonskih ljetnih linija

Uvođenjem novih izravnih linija iz Zagreba u Stockholm, Berlin i Tiranu proširili smo mrežu međunarodnih letova iz Zračne luke Zagreb. Novu sezonsku liniju Stockholm − Zagreb uveli smo 20. svibnja. Naši zrakoplovi izravno povezuju glavne gradove Hrvatske i Švedske triput na tjedan, ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom, do sredine listopada ove godine. Na novoj liniji Zagreb − Berlin prvi smo put letjeli 21. svibnja, a naši zrakoplovi na toj liniji lete također triput na tjedan, utorkom, petkom i nedjeljom. Treću novu liniju Zagreb − Tirana uveli smo 14. lipnja, a planirani su letovi petkom i nedjeljom.

Prvi let na novoj sezonskoj liniji Split − Istanbul obavili smo 8. svibnja 2024. i tako proširili ovogodišnju mrežu međunarodnih letova iz splitske zračne luke. Izravni letovi Split − Istanbul planirani su triput na tjedan − utorkom, četvrtkom i subotom, do sredine listopada ove godine, čime Croatia Airlines omogućuje još kvalitetniju zračnu povezanost Splita s međunarodnim odredištima.

Tijekom turističke sezone Croatia Airlines planira povezivati Hrvatsku s ukupno 28 međunarodnih odredišta, odnosno 29 europskih zračnih luka, a naši zrakoplovi pritom lete na 50 međunarodnih linija. Ukupno je planirano više od 17.200 letova, a u ponudi je gotovo 2 milijuna sjedala.

New seasonal summer routes introduced

By introducing direct flights from Zagreb to Stockholm, Berlin, and Tirana, we’ve expanded our network of international flights from Zagreb Airport. The new seasonal Stockholm-Zagreb route was launched on 20 May. We are connecting the capitals of Croatia and Sweden directly three times a week − on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays − until mid-October this year. The inaugural flight on the new Zagreb-Berlin route was operated on 21 May. We are operating flights on this route also three times a week, on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, to be precise. On 14 June we launched a third new route from Zagreb; namely, to and from Tirana. On this route, flights are operated on Fridays, and Sundays. We operated the inaugural flight on our new seasonal Split-Istanbul route on 8 May, thereby further expanding this year’s network of international flights from Split Airport. Croatia Airlines is planning to operate direct flights on the Split-Istanbul route three times a

week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, until mid-October this year. This enables Croatia Airlines to provide better air connections between Split and international destinations. During the tourist season, Croatia Airlines is planning to connect Croatia with 28 international destinations or 29 European airports by operating flights on 50 international routes. More specifically, Croatia Airlines is planning to operate more than 17,200 flights, and offer more than 2,000,000 seats.

Croatia Airlines prvi će put ponuditi Wi-Fi na letu Potpisali smo ugovor s korporacijom Panasonic Avionics, vodećim svjetskim pružateljem usluga za mrežnu povezanost tijekom leta (IFEC), o pružanju Wi­Fi usluga za našu novu flotu Airbusa A220.

Odlučili smo prvi put opremiti svoju flotu Wi­Fijem ugradnjom satelitskog sustava Ku­band Panasonic Avionicsa u 15 novih zrakoplova A220 do 2027. godine. Putnici Croatia Airlinesa u zrakoplovima A220 moći će uživati u brzom Wi­Fiju tijekom leta, što će im omogućiti da korištenjem svojih uređaja ostanu povezani, rade, surfaju ili komuniciraju s voljenima. Svako sjedalo u novoj floti zrakoplova A220 također će imati USB­A i USB­C priključke, uz praktične držače za pametne telefone i tablete za veću udobnost putnika.

Croatia Airlines to offer first ever inflight Wi-Fi

To provide Wi-Fi for our brand-new Airbus A220 fleet, we signed an agreement with Panasonic Avionics Corporation, a world leading provider of inflight engagement and connectivity (IFEC) solutions.

Croatia Airlines has committed itself to outfitting its fleet with WiFi capabilities for the first time ever by installing Panasonic Avionics’ Ku-band satellite connectivity in its 15 new A220 aircraft by 2027. Passengers aboard Croatia Airlines’ A220 aircraft will be able to enjoy high-speed inflight Wi-Fi, enabling them to stay connected, work, surf the web or communicate with loved ones using their personal devices. Each seat in the new A220 aircraft will also feature USB-A and USB-C ports, alongside convenient smartphone and tablet holders for enhanced passenger convenience.


Obavili smo prve letove s održivim zrakoplovnim gorivom Kako bismo podrži globalne klimatske ciljeve, na odabranim letovima s polazištem iz Hrvatske temeljem pilot projekta 19. travnja prvi smo put koristili održivo zrakoplovno gorivo (SAF, Sustainable Aviation Fuel), čime se pripremamo za provedbu zakonske regulative koja će vrijediti od 2025. godine. Održivo zrakoplovno gorivo, u kojemu je sadržaj SAF komponente 30 do 40 posto, koristilo se u zrakoplovima Airbus 319 i Dash 8-Q400 za međunarodne letove iz Zagreba.

Croatia Airlines operates first flights using sustainable aviation fuel

To support global climate goals, on 19 April Croatia Airlines used sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for the first time ever to operate selected flights departing from Croatia. The operation of these flights was part of a pilot project in preparation for the implementation of legislation which comes into effect in 2025. SAF, which is comprised of 30-40% of biofuels, was used to power the Airbus A319 and Dash 8-Q400 aircraft, which were used for the operation of international flights from Zagreb.

Digitalni mediji na našem letu

Croatia Airlines u suradnji s Adaptiveom i 2e Systemsom omogućit će korištenje digitalnih medija radi poboljšanja putničkog iskustva. Uvođenjem usluga digitalnih medijskih sadržaja na svim letovima Croatia Airlines s ponosom najavljuje značajan korak prema održivosti i poboljšanju putničkog zadovoljstva. Putnici će uskoro imati pristup širokom izboru digitalnih časopisa i medija direktno na svojim osobnim uređajima.

− Ovaj prijelaz na digitalni tisak ključni je dio naše obveze prema održivosti − rekao je Slaven Žabo, naš direktor komercijalnih poslova.

Suradnja s poduzećem Adaptive osigurava putnicima uživanje u pažljivo odabranom izboru hrvatskih i međunarodnih časopisa. Usluga će biti dostupna unutar mobilnih aplikacija Croatia Airlinesa za iOS i Android koje pruža tvrtka 2e Systems uz pomoć vodeće SDK tehnologije poduzeća Adaptive.

− Partnerstvo s Adaptiveom i 2e Systemsom omogućuje nam da putnicima ponudimo obogaćeno iskustvo tijekom leta − dodao je Slaven Žabo.

Inflight digital media

In wanting to enhance passenger experience, Croatia Airlines will facilitate access to digital media and content in collaboration with Adaptive and 2e Systems. By facilitating access to digital media and content on all its flights, Croatia Airlines is proud to announce an important step towards sustainability and enhanced passenger satisfaction. Our passengers will soon have access to a wide selection of digital magazines and media on their personal devices.

− This transition to digital media is a key part of our commitment to sustainability − said Slaven Žabo, Commercial Division Director at Croatia Airlines.

Our collaboration with Adaptive will ensure that our passengers can enjoy a selection of both Croatian and foreign magazines. The service will be available on Croatia Airlines’ mobile application, which is available for both iOS and Android devices, and is provided by 2e Systems using Adaptive’s leading SDK technology.

− Our partnership with Adaptive and 2e Systems enables us to provide our passengers an enhanced inflight experience − Slaven Žabo added.


The oldest Croatian winery boasts a tradition spanning nearly eight dynamic centuries, delighting connoisseurs with its top-tier wine labels that embody the exquisite Valis Aurea terroir.

Renowned globally for its unique crystal-golden Graševina wine, Kutjevo winery offers much more - a diverse portfolio of labels best enjoyed alongside Slavonian delicacies, accompanied by a distinctive history that emanates from every stone of its eighthundred-year-old cellar.

kutjevo@kutjevo.com www.kutjevo.com

Villa Banac in Cavtat epitomizes luxury and elegance, featuring a private art gallery from Enver Moralic's exceptional collection, including Van Gogh's "Sunflowers."

The prestigious Wine Bar Banac within the villa offers exquisite Kutjevo and Brič wines, renowned for their outstanding quality.

The villa boasts the most beautiful terrace in the region, a perfect setting for unforgettable luxury weddings, ensuring a magical experience for your special day.

For more information and reservations, contact us via social media or email at info@villabanac.hr.

+385 0800 600 006 Kutjevo

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Okusi Dalmacije u našem zrakoplovu

Hrvatska je puna okusa, a Dalmacija nudi pregršt okusa s mirisima tradicije. Ako s nestrpljenjem očekujete kad ćete ugledati more i uvijek mu se rado vraćate, uživat ćete u dalmatinskim okusima i u našim zrakoplovima. A dalmatinski okusi nisu samo okusi − to su priče pričane tisućljećima, urezane u svaki naš kamen, uronjene u dubinu morskih prostranstava, u znoj naših vrijednih poljoprivrednika… Osobito je poznata dalmatinska marenda, koja nije doručak, nije brunch, ručak, a ni večera. Ona je slavlje koje se odvija od 11 do 13 sati i svi su pozvani, bez obzira na dob i društveni status. Topla je i jedinstvena, ponekad tajnovita; najbolja je kad se dijeli s obitelji ili prijateljima, ali vašem danu daje posebnu toplinu i ako ste sami.

Djelić dalmatinske gastronomije možete doživjeti i u našim zrakoplovima. Kušajte naš veliki snack box: krekere s maslinama, pršut, bobiće, ušećerene bademe i marmeladu od kapule te mali snack box: u kojem su krekeri s maslinama, pršut i ušećereni bademi. Okusi Dalmacije plod su naše tradicije, druženja, strasti i jedne posebne vrste hedonizma. Baš ih takve možete namirisati i dok ste visoko među oblacima. 

The flavours of Dalmatia in our aircraft

While Croatia is indeed full of flavours, Dalmatia is filled to overflowing with tradition scented flavours. If you’re excited about spotting the sea from a window, and can’t wait to get there, you’ll definitely enjoy the flavours of Dalmatia in our aircraft. Because the flavours of Dalmatia are not just flavours − they’re stories which have been told for millennia, stories which have been engraved on every piece of stone and every pebble, stories which have been immersed in the depths of the sea, stories which have been the fruits of the labour of our hard-working farmers... Especially famous is Dalmatian marenda, which is not breakfast, it’s not brunch or lunch either, and it most definitely isn’t dinner. Dalmatian marenda is a celebration of food and life that takes place between 11 am and 1 pm, to which everyone’s invited regardless of age and social status. Dalmatian marenda is warm and inimitable, at times even a surprise. It’s best when shared with family and friends, but will warm your heart even if you have it all by yourself.

You’ll savour the flavours of Dalmatia in our aircraft as well. In our large snack box, you’ll find olive crackers, prosciutto, traditional Dalmatian almond biscuits called bobići, candied almonds, and onion chutney. Our small snack box contains olive crackers, prosciutto, and candied almonds. The flavours of Dalmatia are the fruits of our tradition, community spirit, passion, and a special kind of hedonism, which is exactly what your taste buds will experience while you’re still high in the sky. 

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Hello sum me r!

Fly to Croatia's magnificent cities of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Pula, Split and Zadar.

Check our summer timetable and book your flight!


Sve je spremno za ljeto

All’s ready for summer

Croatia Airlines, najznačajniji poslovni partner

Zračne luke Split, uveo je liniju iz Splita za Istanbul, što ukupno čini mrežu od 21 izravne linije iz Zračne luke Split prema europskim odredištima.

Croatia Airlines, Split Airport’s key business partner, introduced flights from Split to Istanbul. This means that a total of 21 direct flights to European destinations are available from Split Airport.

Arhiva Zračne luke Split / Split Airport archives

Nakon jako dobre predsezone i ukupnog rasta prometa putnika od 14% u prvih pet mjeseci u odnosu na isto razdoblje prošle godine, pred nama je najintenzivniji i najizazovniji dio ljetne sezone, koju turistička industrija spremno dočekuje. Obilje turističkih atrakcija na srednjodalmatinskom području dobra je pretpostavka za stvaranje jedinstvenoga turističkog doživljaja. Ove ljetne sezone 50 zračnih prijevoznika leti prema Zračnoj luci Split iz ukupno 85 odredišta i postupno se povećava broj linija i operacija kako se približavamo vrhuncu sezone. Ovdje valja istaknuti nacionalnog prijevoznika Croatia Airlines, koji je najznačajniji poslovni partner Zračne luke Split jer nudi najveći broj letova tijekom sezone, a što je posebno važno, osigurava povezanost sa svijetom tijekom cijele godine. Ove ljetne sezone Croatia Airlines uveo je liniju i za Istanbul, što ukupno čini mrežu od 21 izravne linije prema europskim odredištima, čime se značajno pridonosi daljnjem razvoju zračnog prometa i turizma u regiji. 

Following a very good pre-season and an overall increase in passenger traffic of 14% in the first five months compared to the same period of last year, what lies ahead of us is the most intense and challenging part of the summer season, which the tourism industry is ready to meet head-on. An abundance of tourist attractions in the region of central Dalmatia is a great precondition for creating unique holiday experiences. This summer season, 50 airlines are flying to Split Airport from a total of 85 destinations, and are gradually increasing the number of routes and flights as we’re approaching the peak of the season. Croatia’s flag carrier,

Ove ljetne sezone 50 zračnih prijevoznika leti prema Zračnoj luci Split iz ukupno 85 odredišta i postupno povećava broj linija i operacija kako se približavamo vrhuncu sezone.

This summer season, 50 airlines are flying to Split Airport from a total of 85 destinations, and are gradually increasing the number of routes and flights as we’re approaching the peak of the season.

Croatia Airlines, is worth singling out here given that it is Split Airport’s key business partner as it offers the largest number of flights during the season. More importantly, Croatia Airlines provides air connectivity with the world throughout the entire year. This summer season, from Split Airport Croatia Airlines introduced flights to Istanbul, which means that Croatia’s flag carrier’s network of direct flights from Split Airport now comprises 21 European destinations. This contributes significantly to the further development of air traffic and tourism in the region. 




U sedam godina djelovanja, Radiochirurgia Zagreb izrasla je iz poliklinike u specijalnu bolnicu, referentni centar Siemensa za primjenu umjetne inteligencije u dijagnostici i liječenju onkoloških bolesti te jedan od vodećih regionalnih i europskih centara za liječenje karcinoma.

Naš stručni tim za liječenje karcinoma koristi nekoliko metoda od kojih je jedna stereotaksijska radiokirurgija. Ova metoda predstavlja značajan pomak u liječenju karcinoma, a njezina posebnost je u tome što se liječenje obavlja visokoenergetskim zrakama i omogućuje da se doze zračenja submilimetarskom preciznošću isporučuju izravno u tumor, bez korištenja klasične kirurške opreme, bez rezova i bez krvi, uz minimalan utjecaj tretmana na okolno zdravo tkivo i organe. Također, najčešće nema potrebe da ostajete u bolnici jer nakon tretmana odmah možete ići kući.

Za radiokirurgiju smo opremljeni linearnim akceleratorima

Varian Edge i CyberKnife S7, linearnim akceleratorom koji omogućuje liječenje karcinoma uz pomoć umjetne inteligencije. Tehnološka izvrsnost bolnice dodatno je nadopunjena najnovijim visokonaprednim Varian Ethos linearnim akceleratorom.

Kada govorimo o dijagnostici, od prošle godine u rad smo uveli najsuvremeniji dijagnostički sustav Siemens Biograph Vision 600 koji omogućava visokosofisticirane pretrage kao što je ultra HD PET MSCT Definition EDGE/DE MSCT, bilo s niskodoznim CT-om (PET/low dose CT) bilo uz primjenu intravenskog kontrastnog sredstva (PET s dijagnostičkim MSCT-om). Potom, fuzijski ultra HD PET 3T MR VIDA koji predstavlja spoj HD PET-a s MR-om 3T koji omogućava fuzijski ultra HD PET/MR 3T prikaz cijelog tijela te izdvojenih anatomskih regija.

Važno je za napomenuti da je napredak tehnologije omogućio izvođenje Biološki vođene radiokirurgije, napredne radiokirurške metode zasnovane na praćenju radiofarmaka koji se ciljano nakuplja u tumorskom tkivu te izvođenje funkcionalnih radiokirurških zahvata poput liječenja aritmije srca uz pomoć radioablacije i radiokirurške talamotomije za pacijente s esencijalnim tremorom. Također, napredne radiokirurške zahvate po potrebi obavljamo i u općoj endotrahealnoj i.v. anesteziji.

Osim ovih uređaja, na raspolaganju imamo vrhunski opremljenu onkološko-kiruršku dvoranu uz pomoć koje smo prvi u ovom dijelu Europe u praksu uveli suvremenu adaptivno-hibridnu kirurgiju koja kombinira klasičnu kirurgiju s radiokirurgijom te nam omogućuje postizanje optimalnih rezultata liječenja.

134 CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2024 +385 01 400 8050 / info@radiochirurgia.hr / www.radiochirurgiazagreb.com


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računu za nove korisnike

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u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela

Diners Club Croatia Airlines

kreditna kartica

- 0,66 EUR = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih

0,66 EUR potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja.

-Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu.

-2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.

VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica

Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 2 EUR uHrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošen 1 EUR u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja.

Više informacija možete pronaći na: www.milesandmore.com

-1 EUR = 1 award mile − for every 1 EUR spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

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Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card

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-Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad

-2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account

VISA Croatia Airlines credit card

Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 2 EUR spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 1 EUR spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.

Please find detailed info at: www.milesandmore.com



Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm).

Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti.

Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu:

- 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm

- putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe

- bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave

Ručna prtljaga mora biti dovoljno lagana da je putnik može bez pomoći podići u pretinac iznad sjedala.


The carry-on baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm).

Your carry-on baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following:

- 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in);

- each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food;

- disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.

Hand baggage should be light enough for the passenger to be able to lift it to the overhead compartment without assistance.


U zrakoplov se smiju unositi:

- tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta

- tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre

- tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi.


The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:

- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination;

- liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre);

- liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.

30 cm 40 cm 10 cm 20 cm 55 cm 40 cm 20 cm 20 cm 100ml 100ml
Carry-on baggage Please place this bag under the seat in front of you. Not for exit rows. SPREMNI ZA LET? READY TO FLY?
U slučaju evakuacije ostavite svu prtljagu u zrakoplovu. In case of an evacuation leave all the luggage behind.




U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti

samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplova. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama.

U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplova. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama.



On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same timeeither two dogs or two cats. The transportation of dogs and cats on the same flight is not permitted. A passenger can carry only one pet bag to be held under the seat in front of the passenger throughout the entire flight. Animals that cannot be transported in the passenger cabin due to their size are transported in the aircraft hold if they meet certain conditions. Passengers are required to obtain all the necessary documentation. Animal transportation must be booked in advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.

On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same timeeither two dogs or two cats. The transportation of dogs and cats on the same flight is not permitted. A passenger can carry only one pet bag to be held under the seat in front of the passenger throughout the entire flight. Animals that cannot be transported in the passenger cabin due to their size are transported in the aircraft hold if they meet certain conditions. Passengers are required to obtain all the necessary documentation. Animal transportation must be booked in advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.



Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.

Dopuštene elektroničke naprave:

- mobilni / pametni telefoni

- tablet računala

- digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji

- elektroničke igre

- e-čitači

- prijenosna / notebook računala

- prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji

- Bluetooth uređaji

The carrying of hazar


These ar

oničke naprave:

- mobilni / pametni telefoni

- kamere

- tablet računala

- medicinski uređaji

- slušalice za suzbijanje buke

- digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji

ITEMS NOT ALLOWED dous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law e explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.

- elektroničke igre

- električni brijaći aparati

Zabranjene elektroničke naprave:

- e-čitači

- prijenosna / notebook računala

- prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji

- samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi

- Bluetooth uređaji

- kamere

- medicinski uređaji


- električni brijaći aparati

Zabranjene elektroničke naprave:

The use of electronic devices is allowed only in airplane mode. Heavy and large devices must be stored away while the seat belt sign is on.

- elektronički uređaji za simuliranje pušenja

- samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi

Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft:

- mobile/smart telephones

- tablet computers


- noise-cancelling headphones

- digital audio/MP3 players

- electronic games

- e-book readers

The use of electronic devices is allowed only in airplane mode. Heavy and large devices must be stored away while the seat belt sign is on.

- laptop/notebook computers

- portable DVD/CD players

Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft:

- Bluetooth devices

- mobile/smart telephones

- cameras

- tablet computers - noise-cancelling headphones

- medical devices

- digital audio/MP3 players

- electric shavers

- electronic games

- e-book readers

- laptop/notebook computers

Electronic devices not allowed aboard our aircraft:

- portable DVD/CD players

- Bluetooth devices

- self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked baggage

- cameras

- medical devices

- electric shavers Electr onic devices not allowed aboar d our aircraft:

- electric smoking simulation devices


Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi.

- self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked baggage


Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd.


- Molimo da u svakom trenutku slijedite upute posade. Ako se putnik u zrakoplovu ponaša tako da ugrožava zrakoplov ili bilo koju osobu ili imovinu u zrakoplovu, zadržavamo pravo stavljanja putnika na crnu listu.

- Molimo putnike da obrate pozornost na sigurnosnu demonstraciju. Možda ne letite prvi put, ali svaki zrakoplov je drugačiji i bitno je upoznati se s njim.

- U zrakoplovu nije dopuštena konzumacija vlastitog alkohola.

- Pušenje je zabranjeno tijekom cijeloga leta, uključujući e-cigarete.

The carrying of hazardous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law. These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.

- Molimo da ne fotografirate posadu i putnike. Fotografiranje i snimanje u zrakoplovu moguće je jedino uz dopuštenje posade.

- Molimo putnike koji koriste ton na elektroničkim uređajima da priključe slušalice ili smanje ton na uređaju kako ne bi ometali ostale putnike tijekom leta.

- Preporučujemo da budete vezani tijekom cijeloga leta.


- We kindly ask you to follow the instructions of crew at all times. If a passenger's conduct endangers the aircraft or any person or property on board we reserve the right to put such passengers on our internal blacklist.

Svi su obroci i pića u našim zrakoplovima besplatni, a usluga ovisi o razredu prijevoza, duljini leta i dobu dana. Nudimo vam mogućnost kupnje na letu u našem Sky shopu. Za posebne prigode postoji mogućnost kupnje torte i pjenušca koje poslužujemo na letu. Dopuštena je konzumacija samo onih alkoholnih pića koja su poslužena u zrakoplovu.

- Please pay attention to our safety demonstration. You may have seen it before but each aircraft is different and it is important to familiarize yourself with the aircraft you are currently on.

- Consuming your own alcohol on board our aircraft is not allowed.


- Smoking is prohibited throughout the flight. This includes the use of e-cigarettes.

- Please refrain from taking photographs of other passengers and crew. Taking photographs and filming on board may be exceptionally granted by the crew.

Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.

- slušalice za suzbijanje buke

To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd.

- We kindly ask passengers to use headphones on their electronic device or to turn down the volume on their device to an appropriate level so as not to disturb other passengers during the flight.

- Whenever seated, we recommend keeping your seat belt on.

All meals and drinks aboard our aircraft are free of charge, and the service offered depends on the travel class, the length of flight and the part of day of the flight. During your flight, you can shop in our Sky Shop. For special occasions, a cake and sparkling wine can be purchased to be served during the flight. The consumption of only those alcoholic beverages that are served aboard our aircraft is allowed.

Dopuštene elektr
Mobilna aplikacija za lakši način putovanja!
Mobile app for an easier way to travel!

Preuzmite našu mobilnu

aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo toga...

Aplikacija je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku.

Download it and have everything you need before and during your flight with us in the palm of your hand: flight booking, timetable, flight status, check-in, offers and more...

Our app is available in Croatian, English, German and French.


AMSTERDAM (AMS) Schiphol Amsterdam Airport terminal 1

ATHENS (ATH) Athens International Airport main terminal

BRUSSELS (BRU) Brussels Airport Zaventem terminal A PARIS (CDG) Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport terminal 2D

COPENHAGEN (CPH) Copenhagen Airport terminal 2

DUBLIN(DUB ) Dublin Airport terminal 1

DUSSELDORF (DUS) Düsseldorf Airport terminal B

ROME (FCO) Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport terminal 1

FRANKFURT (FRA) Frankfurt Airport terminal 1

LONDON GATWICK (LGW) Gatwick Airport terminal S

LONDON HEATHROW (LHR) Heathrow Airport terminal 2

LYON (LYS) Lyon Saint-Exupery Inter national Airport terminal 1

MUNICH (MUC) Munich Airport terminal 2

SARAJEVO (SJJ) Sarajevo International Airport terminal B

SKOPJE (SKP) Skopje Alexander the Great Airport main terminal

BERLIN (BER) Berlin Brandenburg Airport terminal 1

VIENNA (VIE) Vienna Airport terminal 3

ZURICH (ZRH) Zurich Airport terminal 1

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information

plesoprijevoz@plesoprijevoz.hr www.plesoprijevoz.hr


Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb

Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport:

5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00

Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb)

Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00

Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call:

ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757

DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094

Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals

Airbus 220-300

Raspon krila

Wing span (m/ft) 35 / 115

Duljina trupa

Fuselage length (m/ft) 38,7 / 127

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina

Maximum take off weight (kg) 62142

NajveÊa letna brzina

Maximum cruising speed (km/h) 871 (470KTS)

Broj zrakoplova u floti

Number of aircraft in fleet 1

Broj sjedala

Number of seats 149


Zrakoplov nove generacije Airbus A220-300 ulazi u našu flotu čime započinje cjelovita obnova flote Croatia Airlinesa.

The delivery of the first new generation Airbus A220-300 aircraft marks the beginning of the complete renewal of Croatia Airlines’ fleet.

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Raspon krila

Wing span (m/ft) 35,8 / 117

Duljina trupa

Fuselage length (m/ft) 37,6 / 123

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina

Maximum take off weight (kg) 77000

NajveÊa letna brzina

Maximum cruising speed (km/h) 834 (450 KTS)

Broj zrakoplova u floti

Number of aircraft in fleet 2

Broj sjedala

Number of seats 174

Raspon krila

Wing span (m/ft) 35,8 /117

Duljina trupa

Fuselage length (m/ft) 33,84 /111

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina

Maximum take off weight (kg) 64000

NajveÊa letna brzina

Maximum cruising speed (km/h) 834 (450KTS)

Broj zrakoplova u floti

Number of aircraft in fleet 4

Broj sjedala

Number of seats 144 / 150

Raspon krila

Wing span (m/ft) 28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa

Fuselage length (m/ft) 32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina

Maximum take off weight (kg) 29257

NajveÊa letna brzina

Maximum cruising speed (km/h) 667 (360 KTS)

Broj zrakoplova u floti

Number of aircraft in fleet 6

Broj sjedala

Number of seats 76

Dash8 - Q400

Dvije kartice, jedna članarina

Skupljajte nagradne milje uz pametniji način plaćanja.

Odaberite paket kartica Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines, sudjelujte u nagradnom programu Miles & More i uživajte u brojnim pametnim pogodnostima.

- Milje skupljate na isti Miles & More račun uz neograničenu valjanost*

- Milje skupljaju osnovni dodatni i poslovni korisnici

- Skupljene milje možete udružiti s drugim korisnicima Miles & More nagradnog programa

- Mogućnost korištenja usluga Airport Lounge salona**

- Aktivirajte usluge ASIST+ za pomoć na cesti i u kući

Zatražite paket kartica Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines 100% digitalno na diners.hr.

CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2024 145 * U skladu s Pravilima nagradnog programa za korisnike Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines kartice. ** U skladu s Posebnim uvjetima korištenja Airport Loungea za korisnike Diners Club kartica. erstecardclub.hr Info telefon: 01 4929 555



linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines' services

u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama / in cooperation with partner airlines sezonske linije / seasonal routes

Napomena: Sve navedene informacije podložne su promjenama ovisno o trenutnoj situaciji s pandemijom izazvanom virusom COVID-19.

Note: All the information provided is subject to change based on the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

London Amsterdam Brussels Dubrovnik Frankfurt Munich Paris Split Vienna Zurich Copenhagen Dusseldorf Berlin Dublin Lyon Code Share Partners Ai r Canada Asiana LOT Pol ish Airlines Swiss International Air Lines Ai r France Austrian A irli nes Luftha nsa TAP P ortugal Air India Brussels A irli nes SAS Turkish Airlines KLM Singapore Airlines Unite d Airlines Star Alliance Members Aegean Air C anada Air China Air India Air New Zealand ANA - All Nippon Airways Asiana Airlines Austrian A irlines Avianca Brussel s Airlines Cop a Airli ne s Croatia Airlines EgyptAir Ethiop ian Airlines Eva Air LOT Pol ish Airlines Luftha nsa Scandin avian Airlines Shenzhen A irlines Singap ore Airl ines Sout h African Airways Swiss TAP Air Po r tugal Thai Airwa ys Internati onal Turkish A irlines United Airlines croatiaairlines.com read more at Pula Rome Sarajevo Athens Zadar
Prague Lisbon Istanbul Geneva Hamburg Gdansk Poznan Warsaw Vilnius Gothenburg Stockholm Oslo Stavanger Bergen Helsinki Trondheim
Montreal Toronto Vancouver Calgary
Skopje Osijek Rijeka Bol rbegaZ Milan Mostar Tirana

Direkcija / Head office

Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153

E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr Marketing/advertising@croatiaairlines.hr Sales/sales@croatiaairlines.hr Cargo/cargo@croatiaairlines.hr

Kontakt centar / Contact Center

072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr

Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 http://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claim

Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team

072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia

Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46 info@obzorputovnja.hr

Travel centri u zračnim lukama

Travel centar Dubrovnik

Zračna luka Dubrovnik 20 213 Čilipi Tel. (+385-20) 773 332 airport.ticketingoffice@airport-dubrovnik.hr

Travel centar Osijek

Zračna luka Osijek Vukovarska 67, 31207 Klisa Tel. (+385-31) 284 611 agencija@osijek-airport.hr

Travel centar Pula Zračna luka Pula Valtursko polje 210, Ližnjan Tel. (+ 385-52) 550 927 travel.centar@airport-pula.hr

Poslovnice / Town and airport offices

Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012

Brussels Belgium

Tribes Brussels Central Station Koloniënstraat, 56 1000 Brussel - België Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr


Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt

Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr

Paris 19 Boulevard Malesherbes 75008 Paris

Tel.: (+ 33 1) 8880 6941 parto@croatiaairlines.hr


71 000 Sarajevo

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr


1000 Skopje

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr




21 000 Split

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr

23 000 Zadar

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr

10 000 Zagreb

Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr

Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930



51 000 Rijeka

JelaËiÊev trg br. 5

Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr

Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr

Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents

Europa / Europe

»eπka / the Czech Republic

CK Blue Sky Travel

Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr

GrËka / Greece

Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Marathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli − Greece Tel. + 30 210 371 6381 Fax + 0030 210 324 9152 www.intermodalair.gr


APG Portugal

Rua Tojalinho da Areica, nr. 15 Bolembre 2705-553 São João das Lampas

Portugal Tel. +351 211 930 226 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com


Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr


Global Russia Marketing//GRM Bolshaya Sadovaya str. 10, office 20 (V), 2-nd entrance, 123001 Moscow, Russia

Tel.: +7 (495) 727-05-66


Konnogvardeysky blvd, 19, office 47, 190098 St.-Petersburg, Russia Tel.: +7 (921) 905-88-73 ou.led@grm-russia.com

SlovaËka / Slovakia

CK Blue Sky Travel

Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava

Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr

Španjolska / Spain

Global Representacion Turistica / GRT

Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona

Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr

Bliski istok / Middle East

Izrael / Israel

Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802

Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 yael@croatiaairlines.co.il

Indija / India

STIC Travel Group

2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III

Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi

Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com

Novi Zeland / New Zealand

CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz


Air System Inc.

Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp

Koreja / Korea Bohram

1901-1, 19F Coryo Daeyungak Tower, 97 Toegye-ro Jung-gu, Seoul

South Korea (04535) croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr

Tajvan / Taiwan

Pacific Express Company Limited

8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw

Kina / China

Pacific Aviation Marketing

12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel. +862164400032


Hong Kong

Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd. Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk

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