Putni časopis CROATIA proljeće 2025 / Inflight magazine CROATIA spring 2025

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Poštovani putnici, evo nas u još jednom proljeću, dinamičnom razdoblju ljetnog reda letenja, u kojemu smo za vas obogatili našu ponudu uvođenjem novih linija. Vjerujem da smo vam time olakšali dolazak do vaših odredišta i raduje me što ste upravo našu kompaniju odabrali kao partnera za putovanje.

Croatia Airlines u ljetnom redu letenja, koji vrijedi od 30. ožujka do 26. listopada 2025. godine, planira povezivati Hrvatsku s ukupno 30 međunarodnih odredišta, odnosno 31 europskom zračnom lukom, a naši će zrakoplovi pritom letjeti na 55 međunarodnih redovitih linija. Planiramo ostvariti sedam posto više letova u odnosu na isto razdoblje lani te ponuditi čak 18 posto više sjedala. Taj nam rast omogućuje obnova naše flote novim zrakoplovima Airbus A220 koja je u tijeku, čime ćemo našim putnicima osigurati još kvalitetnije i ugodnije putovanje. Drugi Airbus A220 stigao je u našu flotu u prosincu prošle godine, a kad cjelovita obnova flote bude dovršena, imat ćemo novih 15 Airbus A220 zrakoplova. Istaknuo bih kako značajno širimo mrežu međunarodnih letova iz hrvatskoga glavnog grada linijama za Madrid, Hamburg, Milano, Prag i Bukurešt te ćemo tako Zagreb povezati s ukupno 23 međunarodna odredišta. Također nastavljamo pridonositi kvaliteti hrvatskoga turističkog proizvoda povezivanjem naših jadranskih odredišta s europskim zračnim lukama − Split sa 21 međunarodnim odredištem, odnosno 22 zračne luke, a Dubrovnik sa sedam. Nastavljaju se i cjelogodišnji letovi Rijeka − München i Osijek − München. Dragi putnici, u želji da vam let s nama protekne što ugodnije, predlažem da prolistate naš putni časopis, u kojemu smo za vas i ovaj put pripremili zanimljive sadržaje. Od srca vam zahvaljujem što ste našu kompaniju odabrali za svoje putovanje, a mi ćemo se, kao uvijek, potruditi da budemo vaš pouzdan partner. Uživajte u letu!

Dear passengers,

Here we are in another spring, a dynamic season marked by the summer flight timetable, during which we have enriched our offering by introducing new routes. I hope this makes it even easier for you to reach your destinations, and I am delighted that you have chosen our airline as your travel partner.

During the summer flight timetable, in effect from 30 March to 26 October 2025, Croatia Airlines is planning to connect Croatia with a total of 30 international destinations across 31 European airports. We will operate 55 scheduled international routes, with a planned seven per cent increase in flights compared to the same period last year, and an impressive 18 per cent increase in available seats. This growth is made possible by the ongoing renewal of our fleet with new Airbus A220 aircraft, ensuring an even better and more comfortable travel experience for our passengers. The second Airbus A220 joined our fleet in December last year, and once the full renewal is complete, we will have 15 brand-new Airbus A220 aircraft.

A key highlight is the significant expansion of our international destination network from the capital of Croatia, with new routes to Madrid, Hamburg, Milan, Prague, and Bucharest, bringing the total number of international destinations available from Zagreb to 23. We are also continuing to enhance Croatia’s tourism offering by connecting Croatia’s Adriatic destinations with European airports − more specifically, Split with 21 international destinations across 22 airports, and Dubrovnik with seven. In addition, our year-round flights on the Rijeka−Munich and Osijek−Munich routes remain in operation.

Dear passengers, to make your flight as enjoyable as possible, I invite you to browse through our inflight magazine, where we have once again prepared a selection of engaging content for you. Thank you sincerely for choosing our airline for your journey. As always, we will do our utmost to be your trusted travel partner. Enjoy your flight!

S. Šimunović/PIXSELL




Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti filmskog redatelja i scenarista Nebojše Slijepčevića osvojio je niz prestižnih nagrada te nominaciju za Oscara.


The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent by director and screenwriter Nebojša Slijepčević has won numerous prestigious awards and earned an Oscar nomination.

Proljeće _ Spring 2025



Hrvatski Jadran


Hrvatski Jadran daje specifičnu šaru Mediteranu, beskrajnome moru raznolikosti, kolijevci civilizacije i sjecištu mirijade različitih kultura.

Croatia’s Adriatic


Croatia’s Adriatic adds a unique hue to the Mediterranean − a boundless sea of diversity, the cradle of civilisation, and a crossroads of countless cultures.





U srcu Zagreba, u zagrebačkom Oktogonu, muzej koji ove godine slavi 120. obljetnicu osnutka dobio je novi ekskluzivni prostor.



In the Oktogon passageway in the heart of Zagreb, the museum celebrating its 120th anniversary this year has acquired an exclusive new exhibition space.

Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa.

Uredništvo ne odgovara za sadržaj oglasa, promotivnih i plaćenih PR tekstova te kvalitetu njihova prijevoda.

The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press.

The editorial board cannot be held liable for the content of advertisments, promotional texts, and paid PR texts or the quality of their translation.

36 Istra


Među brojnim čarobnim mjestima Istre, koja je poznata po povijesnim gradovima i bogatoj kulturi, posebno se ističe jedan srednjovjekovni gradić − Grožnjan.



Amongst the many enchanting places in Istria, famous for its historic towns and rich culture, one medieval townlet stands out − Grožnjan.

I. Pervan Š.


Vukovarsko-srijemska županija


Priča o izradi autentičnog slavonskog suvenira počinje onda kada je najljepše putovati istokom Hrvatske − u proljeće.

Vukovar-Srijem County


The story of crafting this authentic Slavonian souvenir starts in spring − the best time to explore eastern Croatia.




Český Krumlov udaljen je od Praga nešto više od dva sata vožnje, a smješten je u slikovitoj dolini Vltave u južnoj Češkoj.



Nestled in the picturesque valley of the Vltava River in the southern Czech Republic, Český Krumlov is just over a two-hour drive from Prague.




Kuća halubajskega zvončara primjer je kako lokalni specifikum pretvoriti u inovativan poligon za aktivno doživljavanje baštine.



The House of the Halubje Bell Ringers serves as an example of how to transform a local tradition into an innovative space for experiencing heritage.




Katarina Matulin jedna je od pripadnica nove generacije dizajnera na hrvatskoj modnoj sceni, koja se ističe artističkim pristupom, predanim radom i istraživanjem.



Katarina Matulin is part of a new generation of designers on the Croatian fashion scene, known for her artistic approach, dedication, and exploration.


Croatia Airlines

Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka

Bani 75B, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia

+385-1-616-00-66 pr@croatiaairlines.hr www.croatiaairlines.com

Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO

Jasmin Bajić

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief

Ksenija Ælof

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants

Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak


Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg

Prijelom/Layout Miranda Herceg

Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director

Slaven Žabo


Nevena Erak Camaj

Prijevod na engleski/ English translation

Ana Janković


Croatia Airlines

Gabrijela Lochert

+385-1-616-00-17 advertising@croatiaarlines.hr


Croatia Airlines



AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb


AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb

ISSN 1330-6278

I. Pervan V.
Bosnić +
Š. Lugarov


mirisni medaljon / scented locket

Među različitim motivima Lykke medaljona posebno se ističe Lace of Pag, mirisni medaljon koji je dobio posebno priznanje i proglašen je originalnim suvenirom grada Paga 2020. Medaljon se može personalizirati notama vašeg omiljenog parfema i gravurom. Dostupan je u Lykke Gift Shopu u Zagrebu (Petrinjska 28, City center one East) i Dubrovniku (Borza grupa, Placa 15).

From the many different motifs featured on Lykke lockets, the Lace of Pag stands out. The Lace of Pag scented locket received special recognition and was declared an original souvenir of the town of Pag in 2020. The locket can be personalised with the notes of your favourite perfume, and engraved. It is available at the Lykke gift shop in Zagreb (at 28 Petrinjska Street, and in City Center One East) and in Dubrovnik (Borza grupa, Placa 15).


Testament Winery

Doživite okus bogate hrvatske vinske tradicije uz vinariju Testament. Posjetite Testament kušaonicu u srcu naših vinograda kako biste kušali nagrađivana vina i saznali više o našem procesu proizvodnje vina.

Experience the taste of Croatia’s rich winemaking tradition with Testament Winery. Visit the Testament tasting room in the heart of our vineyards to sample our awardwinning wines and learn more about our winemaking process.

Stražnice 2, Jadrtovac, 22000 Šibenik www.testament-winery.com _ Fb: Testament Winery _ Instagram: @testamentwinery

Zlatni licitar Golden Licitar Heart

Zlatni licitar predstavlja jedinstven spoj tradicije, simbola ljubavi i suvremenosti, pretočen u iznimno nosiv i efektan nakit s porukom. Kolekciju možete pronaći u zlatarni Lapidarium u centru Zagreba te svim boljim suvenirnicama.

Uniquely blending tradition, the symbol of love, and modernity, the Golden Licitar Heart is wearable and effective jewellery with a message. The collection is available at the Lapidarium jewellery store in Zagreb’s city centre, and other high-end souvenir shops.


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Sheraton Dubrovnik Riviera


Minimalistički nakit hrvatske dizajnerice Ive Viljevac lagan je i ugodan za nošenje svaki dan, ali i u posebnim prigodama, zbog

čega se nameće kao omiljeni domaći brend kvalitetnog modnog ručno izrađenog nakita po mjeri moderne žene i djevojke.

The minimalist jewellery designed by Croatian designer Iva Viljevac is lightweight and comfortable to wear every day, yet perfect for special occasions as well. This makes it a favourite amongst local brands of high-quality, handcrafted jewellery tailored to the modern woman and girl.

Online shop − ivaviljevac.com

Kontakt/Contact − Dežmanova 4, Zagreb; City Center one West, Zagreb info@ivaviljevac.com

Hrvatska lijepa knjiga

Croatia’s most beautiful books

Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu u suradnji s Hrvatskim dizajnerskim društvom odabrala je dvanaest najljepše oblikovanih hrvatskih knjiga u 2024. godini. Prigodom odabira najljepših knjiga pozornost je bila usmjerena na tipografiju, dizajn korica, prijelom i cjelokupan vizualni identitet svakoga naslova, a odabrana djela primjeri su estetske i konceptualne izvrsnosti.

In collaboration with the Croatian Designers’ Association, the National and University Library in Zagreb has selected the twelve most beautifully designed Croatian books of 2024. The selection process focused on typography, cover design, layout, and the overall visual identity of each title, with the chosen works representing outstanding aesthetic and conceptual excellence.


Muzej zaboravljenih priča Museum of Lost Tales

Muzej zaboravljenih priča − Kuća čudesa iz hrvatskih narodnih predaja, u Ilici 26 u Zagrebu, jedinstveno je mjesto u kojem se bogata nematerijalna baština Hrvatske predstavlja kroz autorski koncept multimedijskog umjetnika Zdenka Bašića. Prostor veći od 200 m2 podijeljen u sedam soba i tematskih cjelina poziva posjetitelje da istraže stotinu magičnih stvorenja i pojava koja su nastanjivala maštu i vrijeme kada se svijet ljudi i vila preklapao u bogatoj riznici hrvatske pripovjedne baštine.

The Museum of Lost Tales − The House of Wonders from Croatian Folktales is a unique space where Croatia’s rich intangible heritage is brought to life through the original concept and work of multimedia artist Zdenko Bašić. Located at 26 Ilica Street in Zagreb, and spanning over 200 square metres divided into seven themed rooms, the museum invites visitors to explore a hundred magical beings and phenomena that once inhabited the imagination, and a time when the worlds of humans and fairies intertwined in the rich tapestry of Croatia’s storytelling tradition.




Radnička cesta 37b − Zagreb tel +385 1 63 89 398 − restaurant tel 01/63 89 399 − delivery info@tekka.hr − www.tekka.hr


Luje Adamovića 31 − Rovinj tel +385 52 632 012 tekkabylone@maistra.hr www.maistra.hr

Hrvatska na EXPO-u u Osaki Croatia at Osaka 2025 EXPO

Od travnja do listopada 2025. u Osaki se održava svjetska izložba EXPO, a Hrvatska će se predstaviti nacionalnim paviljonom naslovljenim Hrvatska − klimaraznolikost. Sastavljen od 15 kilometara cijevi, 13.000 spojeva i 47 tona materijala, paviljon dinamički interpretira klimatsku raznolikost Hrvatske. Korištenjem inovativnih tehnologija kroz paviljon se prenose vremenski uvjeti s jednog kraja svijeta na drugi, reagirajući na temperaturne promjene u stvarnom vremenu, pružajući posjetiteljima iskustvo doživljaja različitih mikroklima

A. Patljak

2 UNESCO sites | 2 national parks | 11 medieval fortifications

230 cultural monuments | 300 islands | 600 archaeological sites

Autor: Ivo Pervan

Nebojša Slijepčević hrvatski je filmski redatelj i scenarist koji radi kao kreativni producent za dokumentarni film u Zagreb filmu. Njegov kratki igrani film Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti iznimno je ostvarenje, što potvrđuje i podatak da je osvojio niz prestižnih nagrada te nominaciju za Oscara.

Nebojša Slijepčević is a Croatian film director and screenwriter who works as a creative producer for documentary film at Zagreb Film. His short film The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent is an exceptional cinematic achievement, as evidenced by the numerous prestigious awards it has won, including an Oscar nomination.



Snikad većim uzbuđenjem i iščekivanjem Hrvatska je pratila ovogodišnju svečanost dodjele Oscara jer je za tu najzvučniju filmsku nagradu bio nominiran hrvatski kratkometražni film Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti. S redateljem Nebojšom Slijepčevićem razgovarali smo prije no što se znalo hoće li njegov film biti nagrađen Oscarom, ali nominacija je već bila potvrđena. Film je već osvojio niz prestižnih nagrada, između ostalih Zlatnu palmu u Cannesu, Europsku filmsku nagradu, Grand Prix na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Melbourneu, francusku nagradu Cesár... Sve je upućivalo na to da je riječ o iznimnom filmskom ostvarenju, vrijednom posebne pažnje.  Počnimo razgovor pitanjem koje se obično postavlja na kraju intervjua, ali zbog svih osvojenih nagrada nekako se odmah nameće... Što vam znače sva ta priznanja, imaju li snagu poticaja za dalje?

− Nesumnjivo, sve to blagotvorno djeluje na ego. Zlatna palma po mojem je uvjerenju jako velika nagrada, veća i od Oscara i od Europske filmske nagrade, jer Cannes ima prestiž u filmskom svijetu.

Palme su vrlo ekskluzivna nagrada, malo ih se dodjeljuje pa to stvara osjećaj da si na vrhu svijeta. Dobivaš potvrdu da dobro radiš svoj posao i da nema potrebe za daljnjim dokazivanjem. To te dovodi u vrlo opušteno stanje, što ne znači da uklanja motivaciju. No još je bitnije osvijestiti nešto drugo. Film nije sport i tu nema natjecateljskog duha, nema toga tko je bolji od koga. Natjecanju u filmu nije mjesto. Važnost je tih nagrada u tome da se poveća interes za filmove, a to je zapravo naš cilj. Da ih netko pažljivo gleda, s respektom, da to nije nešto što gledaš na mobitelu za vrijeme ručka, nego da odeš u kinodvoranu. A sve je teže dobiti taj oblik pažnje zbog hiperinflacije sadržaja, zbog toga što ljudi imaju sve manje vremena i intelektualnih sposobnosti koncentrirano pratiti sadržaje. I onda nagrada privuče pažnju i to je najljepše u svemu − da se film gleda, da se priča o njemu, da ljudi razmišljaju o njemu, da se nekom svidi, nekom ne. To je sve dio ovog posla. No bitno je da ga se respektira.  U filmu Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti tiha većina samo promatra nepravdu koja se događa pred njihovim očima, ali

Radnja filma Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti odvija se u vlaku

The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent is set on a train

jedan čovjek, koji zapravo nije glavni lik u filmu, nije mogao šutjeti, reagira, pobuni se. Glavni lik, kojega glumi Goran Bogdan, zapravo je jedan iz te tihe većine koji također ne reagira, ali se u njemu događa nešto poput katarze. Kako da ljudi žive sa svojom savješću kad nisu spriječili nešto strašno, a trebali su, nisu se pobunili, a trebali su...

− Da, to je ključno pitanje filma. Film prikazuje situaciju kad zapravo otkriješ tko si, kad čovjek dođe u neku situaciju s jednim uvjerenjem, a izađe s drugim. Ne samo o toj situaciji nego i o samome sebi. Taj se obrat dogodi brzo kao udar munje. Goran Bogdan majstorski je to odglumio. Film se događa u Bosni 1993. godine, ali ta situacija je nešto što se događa svakodnevno i svuda... Izvanvremenska je i univerzalna. U njoj se svi katkad nađemo. Recimo, što ako vidite da na radnom mjestu vaš šef zlostavlja vašu kolegicu? Što ćete učiniti? Hoćete se suprotstaviti šefu tako da samom sebi zagorčite život ili

Natjecanju u filmu nije mjesto. Važnost je nagrada u tome da se poveća interes za filmove, a to je zapravo naš cilj. Da ih netko pažljivo gleda, s respektom, da to nije nešto što gledaš na mobitelu za vrijeme ručka, nego da odeš u kinodvoranu.

Competition does not belong in cinema. The true significance of film awards lies in drawing attention to the films themselves, which is ultimately our goal − to have people watch them with care and respect, not just as something they glance at on their phone during, say, lunch, but as an experience that draws them to a cinema.

ćete se praviti da ne vidite što se zbiva?

Te i slične situacije nisu rijetke, a destruktivne su i za društvo i za nas same.

 Bi li se moglo zaključiti da su uvijek u središtu interesa vaših filmova ljudska prava? Kako nešto postaje tema vašeg filma?

− Da bih nešto odabrao kao temu filma, moraju se zadovoljiti dva uvjeta. Prvi je da tema mene pomiče, bilo da me ljuti, veseli, nasmijava, uzrujava... Drugo, da smatram da je to i za šire društvo bitna tema, ne samo moja privatna. Nešto društveno relevantno. Činjenica je da su teme koje dominiraju i koje su društveno relevantne u Hrvatskoj još uvijek teme koje se bave neriješenim traumama iz ratnih devedesetih godina, ljudskim pravima. Bio bih sretniji da se možemo baviti ljepšim temama, ali mislim da naše društvo još treba prevladati ove teme.

 Svi smo na neki način osjetili te ratne traume iz devedesetih, netko više, netko manje, tog se razdoblja svi koji su preživjeli Domovinski rat još uvijek intenzivno sjećaju.

− Da, i sve se to još odražava na današnji život. Nije to nešto što smo proživjeli prije

30 godina, a sad smo u nekim drugim filmovima. Nije to samo neka neugodna uspomena iz prošlosti. Ta se tema u svakoj političkoj kampanji opet i iznova aktualizira, katkad za neke sitne političke dobiti.

 Zapravo, čovječanstvo se od pamtivijeka bavi ljudskim pravima. Jesmo li uopće napredovali u njihovu poimanju? Koliko smo odmaknuli u poštivanju ljudskih prava od nekih pradavnih vremena?

− Neupitan je napredak. Neki civilizacijski standardi jesu dosegnuti, ali ne ide to linearno. Ide se dva koraka naprijed pa jedan natrag, pa dva koraka naprijed, dva koraka natrag...

Zanimljivo je da ste jedan od svojih filmova nazvali Muški film. I on je na Sarajevskom filmskom festivalu dobio nagradu za promicanje ljudskih prava. Zašto baš takav naslov i o čemu je riječ?

− To je vrlo jednostavan film. Snimao sam djecu koja se igraju oružjem po raznim igralištima, sajmovima. Nije me fasciniralo to što se djeca igraju rata, nego što je to oružje fotorealistično. To je privuklo moj interes. Imate štandove na kojima kalašnjikov izgleda kao pravi, jedino što je plastični, i sad kad vidite djecu od šest, sedam godina koji hodaju s tim igračkama u rukama u zemlji koja je prepuna ratnih veterana... onda mi je to bio zanimljiv motiv. Razgovarao sam s dječjim psiholozima koji smatraju da je normalno da se djeca igraju rata, ali mogu se igrati rata s plastičnim pištoljima na vodu, s drvetom u ruci ili prstom koji glumi pištolj. Problem je u patologiji odraslih. Oružje koje se prodaje napravljeno je fotorealistično ne zbog djece nego zbog fascinacije odraslih, a i komercijalna komponenta nije zanemariva jer roditelji to kupuju.  Postoji li tema koja vam je sad trenutno u fokusu, o kojoj biste sad rado snimili film?

− Sljedeći projekt koji radim nije dokumentarni nego dugometražni igrani film. Riječ je o adaptaciji književnog djela Kristiana Novaka Črna mati zemla. Razvijamo ga u suradnji s produkcijskom kućom Antitalent, pišemo scenarij od nule koji će scenaristički poštivati knjigu Kristiana Novaka, ali film će ipak biti originalan na svoj način. Knjiga je iznimno kompleksna, ima jako puno tema kojima se bavi, ali meni je glavna tema te knjige puno osobnija nego teme u drugim filmovima jer je riječ o vršnjačkom zlostavljanju

djece, socijalnoj izolaciji drugačijeg djeteta u osnovnoškolskoj dobi. Imao sam i sam takvih iskustava. Moje uspomene na osnovnu školu prilično su loše jer su me vršnjaci zlostavljali, a sad imam dijete koje ide u osnovnu školu. Zato je ta tema u središtu mojeg zanimanja. Danas je vršnjačko nasilje kompleksnije nego što je bilo u moje vrijeme, suptilnije je, preko interneta, preko mobitela, manje vidljivo, a razornije.

 Je li jednostavnije dobiti sredstva za tip filma koji ne slijedi dominantni društveni narativ, nego je na neki način otklon od njega? Je li, uvjetno rečeno, takav film lakše proglasiti remek-djelom pa onda posljedično ima i veću šansu osvojiti neku nagradu?

− Uloga nas koji se bavimo filmom ili nekom drugom umjetnošću pa i onih koji se, recimo, bave novinarstvom jest da preispitujemo dominantne narative. Ako se novinar ne bavi preispitivanjem, onda bismo mogli reći da je zapravo PR-ovac. Kao što novinari nisu zlonamjerni ako pišu o propustima, tako i filmaši moraju pomicati svijest, proširivati empatiju, preispitivati sve što je općeprihvaćeno. To je naš posao. Mi se moramo baviti temama koje donose katarzu. Države koje se ne bave na taj način samima sobom propadaju.

 O čemu ste željeli potaknuti ljude na razmišljanje nakon što pogledaju vaše filmove?

− Na filmove ne gledam kao na sredstvo slanja poruke nego kao sredstvo davanja iskustva. Emotivnog iskustva u prvom redu. Sa svakim filmom nastojim ljude dovesti u neko emotivno stanje, a tek onda potaknuti na razmišljanje. Tako da ne volim govoriti o porukama filma. Film Čovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti upućuje na to da svaka naša odluka, pa i odluka da šutimo, da ne radimo ništa, ostavlja posljedice i na nas i na našu okolinu.

 Jednom ste izjavili da su oni koji se bave dokumentarnim filmom pomalo voajeri...

− Da, ne samo mi koji se bavimo dokumentarnim filmom nego i publika koja to gleda. Publika najviše voli vidjeti ono što netko drugi želi sakriti. Ono što ljudi dobrovoljno pokazuju čini nam se dosadno, a ono što skrivaju nam je zanimljivo, tako da u dokumentarnim filmovima uvijek postoji ta etička dilema koliko toga uopće smijemo pokazati. Vrlo se lako prebaciti na

Koji vam je vaš najdraži film?

− Najdraži mi je Gangster. Taj je film trebao najviše mojeg truda, nekako se najdulje rađao, u njemu sam surađivao s Andrijom Zafranovićem, našim genijalnim pokojnim montažerom, od kojega sam u tih nekoliko tjedana o filmu naučio više nego od bilo koga. Ostavio je najveći trag na mene. U središtu zanimanja su muško­ženski odnosi u patrijarhalnoj sredini, spajanje muškaraca i žena. Danas se pod utjecajem društvenih mreža puno toga nudi i drukčiji su načini spajanja ljudi. No ipak je otuđenost među ljudima velika. Što ste tim filmom htjeli, neću reći poručiti nego emotivno prenijeti?

− Taj film leži sto posto na leđima glavnog junaka Nediljka Babića, zvanog Gangster, koji je moj prijatelj i stvarno postoji. I sad smo u kontaktu iako je taj film sniman prije 15 godina. I dalje se vidimo svaki put kad on dođe u Zagreb. On se još uvijek bavi spajanjem ljudi. Šarmantan je, u prvom redu dobričina, čovjek koji jako voli ljude i koji je tražio način da u penziji bude među ljudima. Ne radi taj provodadžijski hobi zbog novca. Moja je motivacija bila da ga ovjekovječimo.

U koji biste žanr svrstali taj film?

− Gorka komedija, smiješna u pojavnosti Nediljkovih komentara koji su alanfordovski. Gorka društvena satira, gorka u sudbinama muškaraca koji su osamljeni, a smiješna zbog komentara Nediljka. To je drama s puno smijeha.

Which of your films is your favourite?

− My favourite is Gangster of Love. It required the most effort from me personally, took the longest to produce, and was a collaboration with Andrija Zafranović, our brilliant film editor who passed away. In the few weeks of working with him, I learned more from him than from anyone else about film. He left the greatest impact on me. The film focuses on male-female relationships in a patriarchal society, specifically matchmaking.

Today, social media offers many new ways for people to connect. Yet alienation remains widespread. What did you aim to convey emotionally with that film?

− That film rests entirely on the shoulders of its main character, Nediljko Babić, known as Gangster, who is my friend and a real person. We are still in touch, even though the film was made fifteen years ago. We see each other whenever he comes to Zagreb. He is still in the matchmaking business. He is a charming and genuinely kind man who loves people and wanted to remain socially engaged in retirement. He does this not for money but out of passion. My motivation was to immortalise him.

How would you categorise that film in terms of genre?

− It is a dark comedy. It’s humorous due to Nediljko’s Alan Ford-style remarks, but also a biting social satire, it’s bitter in its depictions of the fates of lonely men, yet funny thanks to Nediljko’s comments. It is a drama filled with laughter.

mračnu stranu i početi eksploatirati svoje karaktere. Zbog toga mi je, što sam stariji, sve teže baviti se dokumentarnim filmom. Naravno, uvijek sam se trudio ne prijeći tu granicu mračne strane, ali danas to postaje sve teže jer je sve manje skrivenoga, jer su kamere svuda, svi nešto snimaju, i sve teže je doći do nečeg ekskluzivnog, pa je i sve jači izazov da prekršimo etička pravila.  Znači li to da je vrijeme za zaokret u vašem profesionalnom životu? Hoćete li se možda upuštati u kazališnu režiju?

− Ne. Kazalište je moja slaba točka, nisam nikad radio u kazalištu. Već je veliki skok da sam desetljećima radio dokumentarni film i sad sam prešao na igrani. To je transfer koji se rijetko radi.  Koje biste svjetske redatelje i uzore istaknuli kao one koji su najviše utjecali na vas?

− Dva autora bih izdvojio. Miloša Formana, koji je imao fantastičnu češku i onda podjednako fantastičnu američku karijeru. Fascinantan mi je njegov zadnji češki film Gori, gori, moja gospođice. Istaknuo bih i Billyja Wildera, čije sam filmove gledao kao srednjoškolac prijepodne na televiziji. Ima puno sjajnih filmova koji nemaju veze s ovim što ja radim, koje ja ne bih znao ni u sto godina napraviti. Ono s čime si kreativno blizak čini ti se da je lako napraviti i obratno.

Kad ste osvijestili da je upravo film ono čime se i vi u životu želite baviti i jesu li vam još neka umjetnička područja bliska osim filma?

− Išao sam u matematičku srednju školu − MIOC, ali već u tinejdžerskoj dobi znao sam da se želim baviti nečim vezanim uz umjetnost. Imam neki sitni talent za crtanje, ali brzo sam shvatio da likovna umjetnost ne odgovara mojem temperamentu. Film me fascinirao od ranog djetinjstva. Baka mi je živjela blizu Kinoteke u Kordunskoj ulici i vodila nas je u kino gotovo svaki dan. 

Croatia followed this year’s Academy Awards ceremony with unprecedented excitement and anticipation given that the Croatian short film The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent was nominated for this most prestigious film award. We spoke with film director Nebojša Slijepčević after the nomination had already been confirmed, though before the Academy Awards ceremony itself. The film had already won numerous prestigious awards, including the Palme d’Or in Cannes, a European Film Award, the Grand Prix at the Melbourne International Film Festival, a French César Award, and others. All signs pointed to it being an exceptional cinematic achievement deserving of special attention.

 I’ll begin with a question that is usually asked at the end of an interview, but given all the awards you’ve won so far, it seems only natural to ask it first. What do all these accolades mean to you? Do they serve as motivation for future projects?

− They undoubtedly have a positive effect on the ego. The Palme d’Or, in my opinion, is a very significant award, greater even than the Oscars or the European Film Awards, because Cannes holds immense prestige in the world of film. The Palme is an exclusive award, with only a few being given out, which makes you feel that you’re on top of the world. It’s confirmation that you’re doing your job well, and that there’s no need for proving yourself further. It puts you in a very relaxed state, though that doesn’t mean it diminishes motivation. However, there’s something even more important to recognise. Film is not a sport, and competition does not belong in cinema. There is no ‘better’ or ‘worse’ when it comes to films. The true significance of these awards lies in drawing attention to the

films themselves, which is ultimately our goal

− to have people watch them with care and respect, not just as something they glance at on their phone during, say, lunch, but as an experience that draws them to a cinema. And it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract this kind of public attention due to people being oversaturated with content, and the diminishing time and intellectual capacity people have to engage with content in a focused way. Awards attract attention, and that is their most rewarding aspect − to have the film seen, discussed, thought about, to have it liked by some and disliked by others. That’s all part of this profession. But what really matters is that films are respected.

 In The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent, the silent majority merely observes an injustice unfolding before their eyes. But one man, the film’s title character, cannot remain silent. He reacts, he protests. The protagonist, played by Goran Bogdan, is actually part of this silent majority, someone who doesn’t react, but undergoes a catharsis of sorts. How do people live with their conscience when they fail to prevent something terrible, when they should have spoken out but didn’t?

− Yes, that is the key question of the film. It portrays a moment when you discover who you truly are, when an individual enters a situation holding one belief and emerges out of it holding a different one. This belief is not just about the situation itself, but about themselves. This transformation happens in an instant, like a lightning strike. Goran Bogdan played this masterfully. The film is set in Bosnia in 1993, but the situation it depicts is something that happens every day, everywhere − it is timeless and universal. We all find ourselves in such moments. For example, what would you do if you witnessed your boss harassing a colleague at work? What would you do? Would you stand up to your boss and risk making your own life miserable, or would you pretend not to see what’s happening? These types of situations are not rare, and they are destructive both to society and to ourselves as individuals.

 Would it be fair to say that human rights have always been at the heart of your films? How does a subject become the focus of your work?

− For me to choose a subject for a film, two criteria must be met. First, the topic has to move me in some way. It must either anger me, delight me, amuse me, or upset me.

Second, I must believe that it is an issue of broader social importance, not just a personal concern of mine. It must be socially relevant. The reality in Croatia is that the most dominant and socially relevant topics are still those dealing with unresolved traumas from the 1990s war, and human rights issues. I would be happier if we could focus on lighter topics, but I don’t think our society is ready to move on from these issues just yet.

 We have all, to some extent, felt the impact of the war in the 1990s, some more, some less. Those who lived through the War of Independence still remember that period vividly.

− Yes, and it continues to affect life today. It’s not just something that happened thirty years ago, and is now merely a distant memory. It isn’t just an unpleasant recollection from the past. This issue resurfaces in every political campaign, sometimes for trivial political gains.

 Humanity has grappled with human rights since time immemorial. Have we made any real progress in understanding them? How far have we come in respecting human rights?

− There has been undeniable progress. Some civilisational standards have been achieved, but it’s not a linear process. It’s two steps forward, one step back, then two steps forward, two steps back…

 One of your films is called Real Man’s Film, which won the Human Rights Award at the Sarajevo Film Festival. Why that title, and what is the film about?

− It’s a very simple film. I filmed children playing with toy weapons in playgrounds and at fairs. What fascinated me wasn’t that children play war games, but that these toy weapons are so photorealistic. That caught my interest. There are stalls where Kalashnikov replicas look exactly like the real thing, except they’re plastic. And when you see six- or seven-year-old children carrying such toys in a country filled with war veterans… well, that was an interesting motif for me. I spoke with child psychologists who said it’s normal for kids to play war, but they can do so with water pistols, with sticks, or even just their hands and fingers, by pointing their fingers as pistols. The real issue lies with the adults, with the pathology of adults. These photorealistic weapons aren’t made for children. They exist because of adult fascination with them, and, of course, the commercial aspect is not negligible either, since parents buy them.

Na filmove ne gledam kao na sredstvo slanja poruke nego kao sredstvo davanja iskustva. Emotivnog iskustva u prvom redu. Sa svakim filmom nastojim ljude dovesti u neko emotivno stanje, a tek onda potaknuti na razmišljanje.

I don’t see films as a means of delivering a message, but as a means of providing an experience. An emotional experience, first and foremost. With every film, I strive to bring people into a certain emotional state, and only then get them to think.

− The role of those of us who work in film or any other art form, and even those in journalism, is to question dominant narratives. If a journalist does not engage in critical inquiry, one might say they are essentially working in PR, in public relations. Just as journalists are not malicious when they write about failures and shortcomings, filmmakers must also push for raising awareness about different issues, expanding our empathy, and challenging what is generally accepted as the norm. That is our job. We must deal with topics that bring catharsis with them. Societies that fail to engage with themselves in this way ultimately decline.

 What would you like people to be inspired to think about after watching your films?

 Is there a subject you’re currently focused on, something you’d like to make a film about now?

− My next project is not a documentary but a feature-length film. It’s an adaptation of Kristijan Novak’s novel Dark Mother Earth We’re developing it with the Antitalent production company, writing the screenplay from scratch while staying faithful to Novak’s novel, though the film will be original in its own way. The book is highly complex, covering many themes, but the central theme that resonates with me is childhood bullying and the social isolation of a primary-school-age child who is different. I experienced this at first hand. My memories of primary school are quite negative because I was bullied by my peers, and now I have a child in primary school. That’s why this theme is at the forefront of my interests. Today, peer violence is more complex than in my time; today it’s subtler, it happens online, through their phones, it’s less visible but far more destructive.

 Is it easier to secure funding for a film that does not follow the dominant social narrative, one that diverges from it in some way? Is it, so to speak, easier to declare such a film a masterpiece, thereby increasing its chances of winning an award?

− I don’t see films as a means of delivering a message, but as a means of providing an experience. An emotional experience, first and foremost. With every film, I strive to bring people into a certain emotional state, and only then get them to think. So, I don’t like to talk about film messages. The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent suggests that every decision we make, even the decision to remain silent and do nothing, has consequences both for us as individuals and our surroundings.

 You once stated that documentary filmmakers are somewhat voyeuristic… − Yes, and not just those of us who make documentaries, but also the audiences that watch them. Audiences love to see what people wish to keep hidden. What people volunteer and try to showcase about themselves comes across as boring, while what they try to hide grips us, so there is always an ethical dilemma in documentary filmmaking about how much we should reveal. It is very easy to cross over to the dark side and start exploiting your subjects. That’s why, as I get older, I find it increasingly difficult to work in documentary filmmaking. Of course, I have always tried to stay on the ethical side, but today this has become harder and harder because there is less and less that remains hidden. Cameras are everywhere, we are all constantly filming something, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find an exclusive topic. Not surprisingly, not giving in to the temptation to break ethical boundaries has almost become a challenge.

 Does that mean it’s time for a shift in your professional life? Will you perhaps try your hand at theatre directing?

Film je ovjenčan brojnim nagradama, a bio je nominiran i za nagradu Oscar

The film won numerous awards and was nominated for an Oscar

− No. Theatre is not my strong suit; I have never worked in theatre. It was already a big leap to move from documentary to fiction filmmaking after decades of working in documentaries. That transition alone is rare.

 Which filmmakers have influenced you the most?

− Two stand out. Miloš Forman, who had a brilliant Czech, and later an equally brilliant American career, is one. His last Czech film Firemen’s Ball is just fascinating. And the other is Billy Wilder, whose films I watched as a teenager on morning television. There are many great films that have nothing to do with what I do, ones I could never make even in a hundred years. What you feel creatively close to seems easy to make, and vice versa.

 When did you realise that film was your calling? Do you have artistic interests beyond film?

− I attended a mathematics-focused high school, MIOC, but as a teenager, I knew I wanted to pursue something related to the arts. I have some talent for drawing, but I quickly realised that visual arts did not suit my temperament. Film fascinated me from early childhood. My grandmother lived near the Kinoteka cinema in Kordunska Street in Zagreb, and took me there almost every day. 



Hrvatska obala nije samo kolajna drevnih gradova od kojih je desetak na UNESCO-ovom popisu svjetske baštine. Hrvatski Jadran daje specifičnu šaru Mediteranu, beskrajnome moru raznolikosti, kolijevci civilizacije i sjecištu mirijade različitih kultura.

The Croatian coast is not just a string of ancient towns, ten of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Adriatic Sea adds its own distinct brushstroke to the Mediterranean − this boundless sea of diversity, the cradle of civilisation, and the meeting point of countless cultures.

Razvedenost hrvatske obale

mami na istraživanje

Croatia’s rugged coastline invites exploration

Jadran ima dva lica: jedno kobaltno, smaragdno i tiho, a drugo prevrtljivo, turbulentno. Mogla bi se prirediti cijela antologija grčkih i rimskih predodžbi o opakom karakteru Jadrana − iako dobar dio ne potječe toliko iz meteoroloških okolnosti koliko iz notorne piraterije Ilira, Liburna i Histra, koji su naseljavali istočnu obalu Jadrana do vremena Pax Romane, dvjestogodišnjeg razdoblja mira i prosperiteta Rimskog Carstva. Katul ga naziva opasni Jadran, Ovidije je premro od straha ploveći u progonstvo, Horacije za jugo kaže da je vladar Jadrana, a Prokopije pak u 6. st. piše o jadranskoj buri, toliko snažnoj da ne da ljudima izaći na ulice i koja svojom mahovitom silinom može uvis dići konjanika s čitavom opremom. Navigacija duž istočne obale Jadrana, s toliko prirodnih luka, stoljećima je ipak bila mnogo sigurnija od one uz italsku stranu. Plovidba na Jadranu bila je podijeljena u dvije zone prema vjetrovima: šotovento uz talijansku obalu i sopravento uz hrvatsku obalu, kojom su se češće služiti tijekom jače bure, zbog zaštite koju

su, prema riječima bizantskoga cara Konstantina Porfirogeneta, brodovima davali gusti i mnogobrojni otoci. Duljina hrvatske obale, kopnene i onih oko otoka, iznosi 6268 km (na ukupnu duljinu Jadranskog mora od 783 km) − što je gotovo kao ukupna duljina svih talijanskih obala! Prenošenjem tradicija i legendi, mitografi su samo racionalizirali notornu frekventnost jadranskih putova. Ovdje u Jadranu drevni je Argonautski (Jantarski) put − najstarija europska komunikacijska transverzala koja povezuje sjever i jug kontinenta. U Jadranu se dovršava roman o Kadmu i Harmoniji, njime lutaju Odisej, Diomed, Antenor nakon dovršetka Trojanskog rata...

Bilo kako bilo, grčki kolonisti preobrazili su krški krajolik, unijeli nove poljodjelske i zanatske kulture, pismenost i nove mitološke predodžbe. Antička urbanistička matrica definira danas formu povijesnih jezgri većine gradova u Istri i Dalmaciji (Poreč, Pula, Rab, Zadar, Trogir, Split, Kotor klasični su slučajevi), koji će postati značajni kulturno-povijesni faktori u srednjem vijeku, u renesansno doba i poslije.

Vjetrovi hrvatskog Jadrana vječni su izazov za jedriličare

The winds of the Croatian Adriatic are an eternal challenge for sailors

No Jadran nije jedno more. Kotor je u dnu fjorda, pred Dubrovnikom se otvara vidik otvorene pučine. Split i Zadar čuvaju njihovi arhipelazi, Trogir i Korčulu štite uski morski kanali, Šibenik izgleda kao grad na ušću neke rijeke, a Lošinjski je arhipelag uistinu čitav svijet za sebe, zaklopljen i rastvoren, pitom i sa slutnjom oluje.

Hrvatska obala nije ipak samo kolajna drevnih gradova od kojih je desetak na UNESCO-ovu popisu svjetske baštine. Pored njih postoje i stotine ne manje vrijednih spomeničkih sklopova i cjelina, običaja autentične kulturno-povijesne vrijednosti od kojih mnogi nose najdublje značajke nacionalnog bića, ali i s brojnim i neporecivim oblicima crtama interkulturalizma i transkulturalizma iz svih razdoblja višemilenijske kulturne povijesti

ovog prostora. Svi zajedno sastavljaju sugestivan okvir specifičnom načinu svakodnevnog života koji očarava namjernika. Hrvatski Jadran time daje specifičnu šaru Mediteranu − beskrajnome moru raznolikosti, kolijevci civilizacije i sjecištu mirijade različitih kultura. 

The Adriatic Sea has two faces: one cobalt, emerald, and serene, the other fickle, and turbulent. An entire anthology could be compiled of Greek and Roman depictions of its treacherous nature − though much of this reputation stems less from the meteorological conditions, and more from the notorious piracy of the Illyrians, Liburnians, and Histri, who inhabited the eastern Adriatic coast until the Pax Romana, the two-century-long period of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire. Catullus called it the dangerous Adriatic, Ovid was filled with dread as he sailed into exile, Horace referred to the jugo wind as the ruler of the Adriatic, while Procopius, writing in the 6th century, described the bora wind as so fierce that people could not step outside, and powerful enough to lift a horseman and his entire gear into the air.

Yet, despite its tempestuous reputation, navigating the eastern Adriatic, with its

many natural harbours, was far safer than along the Italian coast. Sailing was divided into two wind zones: sottovento or downwind along the Italian shore, and sopravento or upwind along the Croatian coast, which was preferred during stronger bora winds due to the shelter provided by

The turbulent face of the Adriatic

The millennia-old coexistence between humans and the sea

01 Turbulentno lice Jadrana
02 Tisućljetni suživot čovjeka s morem

01 Bura morskom pejzažu daje impresivnu slikovitost

The bora wind lends the seascape an impressive picturesque quality

02 Jedan od brojnih hrvatskih otočića uronjen u smaragdno more

One of Croatia’s many islets immersed in emerald waters

the numerous densely packed islands of Croatia’s Adriatic − just as the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus had observed. While the Adriatic Sea’s total length is 783 kilometres, the Croatian coastline, including its islands, stretches along 6,268 kilometres, which is almost as long as the entire Italian coastline. By passing down traditions and legends, ancient mythographers merely rationalised the Adriatic’s role as a major maritime crossroads. This sea was part of the

ancient Argonautica Route or Amber Road

− Europe’s oldest trade corridor linking the continent’s north and south. The Adriatic is where the story of Cadmus and Harmonia ends, where Odysseus, Diomedes, and Antenor wandered after the fall of Troy… Be that as it may, Greek colonisers transformed the rugged karst landscape, introducing new agricultural and artisanal techniques and practices, literacy, and fresh mythological imagery. The urban grid typical of antiquity still defines the historical

cores of most towns in Istria and Dalmatia − Poreč, Pula, Rab, Zadar, Trogir, Split, and Kotor are classic examples. These cities would go on to play crucial cultural and historical roles in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and later periods.

Yet, the Adriatic is not a single unified sea. Kotor lies at the end of a fjord, while Dubrovnik opens onto the vast open sea. Split and Zadar are shielded by their respective archipelagos, Trogir and Korčula are protected by narrow maritime channels, Šibenik looks like a town nestled at the mouth of a river, and the Lošinj archipelago is an entire world of its own − sheltered yet exposed, gentle yet carrying the whisper of storms.

Still, the Croatian coast is not just a string of ancient towns, ten of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Beyond them are hundreds of equally valuable monuments and architectural ensembles, along with traditions of deep cultural and historical significance. Many embody the very essence of national identity while also bearing undeniable traces of intercultural and transcultural influences from all the periods of a millennia-long cultural history. Together, they create a compelling framework and backdrop to a unique way of life that captivates every traveller. In this way, Croatia’s Adriatic adds its own distinct brushstroke to the Mediterranean − this boundless sea of diversity, the cradle of civilisation, and the meeting point of countless cultures. 

Osjeti autentičnost

Kreni na jug jer ni jedno mjesto nije toliko magično kao otok. Grleći ga sa svih strana morsko plavetnilo na njemu je sačuvalo sve što je važno, svu onu pomalo zaboravljenu ljepotu života, Mediteran koji volimo i želimo sačuvati zauvijek. Dugi otok je upravo takav, otok zadivljujućih prizora, gdje vrijeme pomalo teče, a i misli su laganije.

Bezvremenska tradicija

Samo ime mu govori jedan je od naših najdužih otoka, posljednji u zadarskom arhipelagu izdužio se u svojih 45 kilometara, s jedne strane gledajući na Iž i Ugljan, a s druge na pučinu iza koje se, negdje daleko, krije talijansko kopno.

Na otoku je jedanaest pitomih mjestašaca od kojih je Sali njegovo srce u kojem baš svaka kuća ima volovski rog. Za Saljskih užanci mjestom odzvanja jeka bučnog roga; to Tovareća mužika podsjeća na neka davna vremena protkana mrežom ribarske tradicije.

Prirodne ljepote

Izdužen i tanašan, na svom komadiću kopna koje oplakuje hirovito more, sačuvao je bezbroj ljepota; pitome plaže čiji su bijeli pijesak i tirkizno more ljepši od karipskih i cijelu plejadu skrovitih uvala, guste borove šume i zadivljujuće strme stijene Telašćice, koje se propinju iz mora

1 Sali, Dugi Otok

2 Saljski užanci, Tovareća mužika/Donkey song

lomeći valove, hvatajući zlatnocrvene nijanse u suton.

Svjetla s mora

I kao da mu ljepote nije bilo dosta, otok je na samom svome rubu formirao i slano jezero Mir, podičio se morskim bazenom Zmajevo oko i špiljom Golubinkom. A onda još koji kilometar dalje na sjeverozapadnom rtu otoka, na Punti Bjanki ponosno stoji Veli Rat, najviši svjetionik na Jadranu koji moreplovcima pokazuje put još od davne 1849. godine. Jer jedino se ploviti mora. Otok zadivljujućih prizora gdje vrijeme pomalo teče, a i misli su laganije. discover your story at croatia.hr

Feel the authenticity

Embraced by the blue sea from all sides, it preserved something that really matters, somewhat forgotten, the beauty of life. The Mediterranean we keep close to our hearts and want to cherish forever. Dugi otok is the perfect example of that, the island of breathtaking scenery, where time passes slowly, and the mind is easy.

Timeless tradition

As the name itself suggests, Dugi otok, or „Long Island“, it is one of our longest islands, the last one in Zadar archipelago, stretching 45 km in length, facing the islands of Iž and Ugljan on one side, and at the open sea on the other side, where the Italian mainland is hidden a bit farther. There are eleven friendly settlements on the island, but the settlement of Sali is its heartbeat, the place where every house owns an oxhorn. During the festive occasion of Saljski užanci, the noisy horn echoes throughout the whole village; this is the Donkey song, or Tovareća mužika, which brings back some long gone times interwoven with a net of fishing tradition.

Natural wonder

Elongated and narrow, on the piece of land that mourns the capricious sea, it has preserved countless beauties; tame beaches where white sand and turquoise sea are more magnificent than those of the Caribbean and a whole galaxy of hidden coves, dense pine forests and the stunning steep rocks of Telašćica, which are rising from the sea breaking the waves, catching golden-red hues in the sunset.

Light of the sea

And as if its beauty wasn't enough, the island formed the salt lake Mir (peace) on its very edge, rose up with the sea pool Zmajevo oko (Dragon eye), and the cave Golubinka. And then a few kilometres further on the northwestern cape of the island, on Punta Bjanka, proudly stands Veli Rat, the highest lighthouse on the Adriatic that has been lighting the way to sailors since 1849. Because „only to sail is necessary…“.

The island of breathtaking scenery, where time passes slowly, and the mind is easy.



U srcu Zagreba, u prekrasnom prostoru nekadašnje bankovne poslovnice u središtu palače Prve hrvatske štedionice u zagrebačkom Oktogonu, Nacionalni muzej moderne umjetnosti, koji ove godine slavi 120. obljetnicu osnutka, dobio je novi ekskluzivni prostor.

In the heart of Zagreb, in the stunning Oktogon passageway through the palace of the former First Croatian Savings Bank, the National Museum of Modern Art − set to celebrate its 120th anniversary this year − has acquired an exclusive new exhibition space.

Palača Prve hrvatske štedionice gradski je blok omeđen Ilicom na sjeveru, Petrićevom ulicom na istoku, Bogovićevom ulicom na jugu i Margaretskom ulicom na zapadu. U statusu je kulturnog dobra kao jedna od najreprezentativnijih cjelina zagrebačkog Donjeg grada. Najzaslužniji za njezinu izgradnju jest Miroslav Kulmer mlađi, hrvatski gospodarstvenik i političar iz ugledne plemićke obitelji, koji je kao predsjednik te institucije za njezine potrebe dao izgraditi impozantnu palaču koja je po mnogočemu bila primjer tehničkih dostignuća tog vremena.

Trokatna stambeno-poslovna palača izgrađena je 1898. i 1899. − u svega petnaest mjeseci − prema projektu arhitekta Josipa pl. Vancaša i nosi izrazite arhitektonske i urbanističke vrijednosti prve trgovačke galerije u Hrvatskoj.

Novi prostor u zagrebačkom Oktogonu koji je Nacionalnome muzeju moderne umjetnosti u rujnu 2024. Ministarstvo kulture i medija dodijelilo na trajno korištenje za izložbene programe čeka cjelovita obnova, ali prije njezina početka kao prva na tom iznimnome mjestu bila je postavljena izložba Punćela Dubravke Lošić, jedne od

najznačajnijih hrvatskih suvremenih likovnih umjetnica. Izložba nosi posebnu simboliku. Naime, Punćela je konavoski termin za kukuljicu dudovog svilca, čahuru u kojoj se odvija transformacija gusjenice u leptira, proces koji u svim kulturama označava novu fazu životnog ciklusa, razvoj neočekivanih mogućnosti, širenje krila prema iznenadnoj sposobnosti letenja u nepoznatim pravcima u cilju zametanja novog života, novog sadržaja, novih misli i djela. − Izložba će zahvaljujući izražajnoj snazi rada Dubravke Lošić, koji se u svojim predstavljenim vidovima s lakoćom nosi

s neuređenim prostorom i improviziranim uvjetima, publici otvoriti percepciju budućnosti koja se u Oktogonu tek ima dogoditi − objasnio je ravnatelj Nacionalnog muzeja moderne umjetnosti Branko Franceschi te dodao:

− Simbolika Punćele kukuljice, koja znači transformaciju, kako smo nazvali ovu izložbu u ovom prostoru, zapravo je na tragu onoga što se ovdje događa. Mi smo sada u položaju da postanemo ponajbolji muzejski leptir u Zagrebu, Hrvatskoj pa i šire. A optimistične pretpostavke su da se to već može dogoditi do kraja 2025.

Nakon dvije godine zaželjeli smo se organizacije izložbe u Zagrebu, zaželjeli smo se zagrebačke publike, nadamo se i ona nas. A, evo, sada gostujemo po Hrvatskoj i pragmatično pokazujemo da promjena naziva u Nacionalni muzej moderne umjetnosti ima smisla i po dosegu, a ne samo po djelovanju. Prostor u Oktogonu nakon završetka obnove imat će u funkciji gotovo 3000 četvornih metara, a u Nacionalnom muzeju moderne umjetnosti naglašavaju kako su iznimno zadovoljni da se ovaj prostor otvorio upravo izložbom Dubravke Lošić jer je riječ o vrlo zanimljivoj umjetnici koja svakom svojom izložbom ispočetka iznenadi snagom, kreativnošću i moći umjetnosti koju iskazuje. 

01 Pogled na postav izložbe Punćela Dubravke Lošić s radovima iz ciklusa Morske psine (1986. − 2013.) i Kiše Pariz (2018.)

A view of Dubravka Lošić’s Punćela exhibition display featuring works from her Sharks (1986−2013) and Paris Rain (2018) cycles

02 Detalj iz postava izložbe Punćela Dubravke Lošić s radovima iz ciklusa Morske psine (1986. − 2013.) i Alba Albula (2019.)

A detail from Dubravka Lošić’s Punćela exhibition display featuring works from her Sharks (1986−2013) and Alba Albula (2019) cycles

Dubravka Lošić rođena je u Dubrovniku 1964. godine. Školu primijenjenih umjetnosti završila je u Zagrebu. Diplomirala je slikarstvo 1988. godine na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu u klasi profesora Ferdinanda Kulmera. Usporedno je studirala povijest umjetnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Izlaže od 1983. godine u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Uz slikarstvo, instalacije i objekte bavi se scenografijom i kostimografijom. Njezini radovi nalaze se u brojnim javnim (Nacionalni muzej moderne umjetnosti, Zagreb, Umjetnička galerija Dubrovnik) i privatnim zbirkama (Italija, Njemačka, Španjolska, Švicarska, Indija, Čile, Francuska, Austrija, Lihtenštajn, SAD). Živi i radi u Dubrovniku.

Dubravka Lošić was born in Dubrovnik in 1964. She completed the School of Applied Arts in Zagreb before graduating in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 1988, under the mentorship of Professor Ferdinand Kulmer. She also studied art history at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb. She has been exhibiting extensively in both Croatia and abroad since 1983. In addition to painting, installations, and object art, she is also active in set and costume design. Her works are held in numerous public collections (including the National Museum of Modern Art in Zagreb, and the Dubrovnik Art Gallery), as well as private collections across Italy, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, India, Chile, France, Austria, Liechtenstein, and the United States. She lives and works in Dubrovnik.

The First Croatian Savings Bank palace occupies a city block bordered by Ilica Street to the north, Frane Petrić Street to the east, Mirko Bogović Street to the south, and Margaretska Street to the west. Recognised as a cultural herit-

age site, it is one of the architecturally most significant landmarks of Zagreb’s Lower Town. The person most responsible for its construction was Miroslav Kulmer, Jr., a Croatian businessman and politician from a distinguished noble family. As president of the institution, he commissioned the construction of this grand palace, which stood as a testament to the technical achievements of its time. Built between 1898 and 1899 in just fifteen months, the three-storey residential and commercial palace was designed by architect Josip Vancaš. It holds exceptional architectural and urban significance as Croatia’s first commercial arcade.

The new space in Zagreb’s Oktogon passageway, permanently allocated to the National Museum of Modern Art by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media in September 2024, is awaiting full restoration. However, before renovation begins, it already hosted its first exhibition − Punćela by Dubravka Lošić, one of Croatia’s most distinguished contemporary visual artists. The exhibition carried profound symbolism given that, in the local dialect of Konavle, the meaning of the word punćela is silkworm

cocoon, where the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly occurs. Across cultures, this process represents a new stage in the life cycle, the unfolding of unforeseen possibilities, the spreading of wings towards uncharted directions and territories, and the creation of new life, new content, and fresh ideas.

− The exhibition will, thanks to the expressive power of Dubravka Lošić’s work, which effortlessly adapts to unfinished spaces and improvised conditions, open the audience’s perception to the future that is yet to unfold in the Oktogon passageway − explained Branko Franceschi, director of the National Museum of Modern Art.

− The symbolism of the punćela cocoon, which signifies transformation, perfectly aligns with what is happening here. We are now in a position to become the leading museum butterfly in Zagreb, Croatia, and beyond. And the optimistic forecast is that this could happen by the end of 2025. After two years, we’ve been longing to stage an exhibition in Zagreb again. We’ve missed our Zagreb audience, and we hope they’ve missed us too. In the meantime, we’ve

Novi prostor u zagrebačkom Oktogonu koji je Nacionalnome muzeju moderne umjetnosti u rujnu 2024. Ministarstvo kulture i medija dodijelilo na trajno korištenje za izložbene programe čeka cjelovita obnova.

The new space in Zagreb’s Oktogon passageway, permanently allocated to the National Museum of Modern Art by the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media in September 2024, is awaiting full restoration.

been showcasing our collections across Croatia, demonstrating pragmatically that our rebranding as the National Museum of Modern Art reflects not just our activities but also our reach − Franceschi noted. Once renovations are complete, the Oktogon passageway will offer nearly 3,000 square metres of exhibition space. The National Museum of Modern Art is particularly pleased that it is Dubravka Lošić’s exhibition that has inaugurated this new space. She is an artist who, with every new exhibition, continues to astonish with the power, creativity, and sheer force of her artistic expression. 

01 Radovi Dubravke Lošić iz ciklusa Tondo (2020. − 2022.) također su bili predstavljeni publici u postavu izložbe Punćela Dubravka Lošić’s works from her Tondo cycle (2020−2022) were also presented at the Punćela exhibition

02 Premijerno je bio predstavljen i recentni ciklus Dubravke Lošić pod nazivom Suton / Kosi let (2021. − 2024.) te radovi iz ciklusa Portreti (2004. i 2012.) Dubravka Lošić’s latest cycle entitled Dusk / Oblique Flight (2021−2024) and works from her Portraits cycle (2004 and 2012) were also premiered at the Punćela exhibition

Kao prva na tom iznimnome mjestu bila je postavljena izložba Punćela Dubravke Lošić, jedne od najznačajnijih hrvatskih suvremenih likovnih umjetnica, koja nosi posebnu simboliku označavajući fazu novog životnog ciklusa.

The first exhibition held in this remarkable space was Punćela by Dubravka Lošić, one of Croatia’s most distinguished contemporary visual artists. The exhibition carried special symbolism as the meaning of the word punćela is silkworm cocoon, which represents a new stage in the life cycle across all cultures.




01 Grožnjan, srednjovjekovni gradić koji živi za umjetnost Grožnjan, a medieval town that lives for art

02 Pogled kroz gradska vrata koja datiraju iz 15. stoljeća

A view through the town gate dating back to the 15th century

Istra, sa svojim prekrasnim krajolicima, povijesnim gradovima i bogatom kulturom, poznata je turistička destinacija. Među brojnim čarobnim mjestima posebno se ističe jedan srednjovjekovni gradić Grožnjan.

Thanks to its stunning landscapes, historic towns, and rich culture, Istria is a famous holiday destination in Croatia. Amongst its many enchanting places, one medieval town stands out − Grožnjan.

Jedan od najupečatljivijih aspekata Grožnjana jest njegova umjetnička scena. Poznat je kao grad umjetnika jer je dom mnogih galerija, ateljea i umjetničkih kolonija. Svake godine Grožnjan privlači umjetnike iz cijelog svijeta.

One of the most striking aspects of Grožnjan is its vibrant art scene. Known as the town of artists, it is home to many galleries, studios, and artists colonies. Every year, Grožnjan attracts artists from around the world.

01 Jedna od mnogobrojnih umjetničkih galerija

One of Grožnjan’s many art galleries

02 Tradicionalni sajam starina održava se svakog četvrtka i traje od travnja do listopada

Grožnjan’s traditional antiques fair is held every Thursday and runs from April to October

03 U sklopu galerije umjetnici često održavaju i radionice

Artists often hold workshops in Grožnjan’s art galleries

Grožnjan, slikovito mjestašce smješteno na brdu iznad doline rijeke Mirne pruža nezaboravno iskustvo za svakog posjetitelja. Ponosi se svojom dugom i bogatom poviješću. Prvi pisani tragovi o naselju potječu još iz 1102. godine, a kroz stoljeća bio je pod vlašću Venecije, Austrije i Italije, što je ostavilo traga na njegovoj arhitekturi i kulturi. Kamene kuće, uske ulice i očuvane zidine pričaju priču o njegovoj burnoj prošlosti. Lokalno stanovništvo zove ga Grisignana. Jedan od najupečatljivijih aspekata

Grožnjana jest njegova umjetnička scena. Poznat je kao grad umjetnika jer je dom mnogih galerija, ateljea i umjetničkih kolonija. Svake godine Grožnjan privlači umjetnike iz cijelog svijeta koji ovdje pronalaze nadahnuće u njegovu jedinstvenom ambijentu. Ljeti grad oživi uz brojna kulturna događanja, uključujući koncerte, izložbe i kazališne predstave.

Šetnja Grožnjanom je poput povratka u prošlost. Glavni trg, Trg lođe, središte je

društvenog života i mjesto gdje možete uživati u kavi ili čaši vina dok promatrate svakodnevni život lokalnog stanovništva. Tu se nalazi i renesansna loža iz 16. stoljeća, jedan od najprepoznatljivijih simbola grada. Ulice Grožnjana popločane su kamenjem i ispunjene cvijećem, što dodatno pridonosi njegovu šarmu. Svaki kutak skriva neku novu galeriju ili trgovinu s unikatnim suvenirima. Ne propustite posjetiti crkvu sv. Vida, Modesta i Krešencije, koja datira iz 1300-ih godina i ima zadivljujuće gotičke i barokne detalje. Osim kulturnih i povijesnih znamenitosti, Grožnjan nudi i brojne mogućnosti za ljubitelje prirode i aktivnog odmora. Okružen vinogradima i maslinicima, idealan je za šetnje i biciklističke ture. Jedna od popularnih staza jest Parenzana, bivša željeznička pruga koja je danas pretvorena u biciklističku i pješačku stazu. Vozeći se njome, možete uživati u prekrasnim pogledima na istarske brežuljke i doline. Za one kojima je draži opušteniji tempo,

01 Grad se u proljeće i ljeto radovima umjetnika pretvori u veliku galeriju na otvorenom

In spring and summer, the works of art displayed by artists turn the town into a large open-air gallery

02 U Grožnjanu je danas dvadesetak galerija i studija

Grožnjan today boasts around twenty galleries and art studios

degustacija lokalnih vina i maslinovih ulja pravi je doživljaj. Grožnjan i okolica poznati su po svojoj vinskoj tradiciji, a brojni vinari rado će vas ugostiti u svojim podrumima i ponuditi vam najbolje od svojih proizvoda.

Istarska kuhinja nešto je što ne smijete propustiti tijekom posjeta Grožnjanu. U lokalnim konobama i restoranima možete uživati u autentičnim specijalitetima poput istarskog pršuta, tartufa, fuža (domaća tjestenina) i plodova mora. Poseban doživljaj jest kušanje jela pripremljenih s tartufima, koji se smatraju pravim draguljem istarske gastronomije.

Grožnjan je također poznat po manifestacijama koje privlače posjetitelje iz cijelog svijeta. Jedna od najpoznatijih jest međunarodni festival Jazz is Back BP, koji se održava svake godine u srpnju. Festival okuplja renomirane jazz glazbenike i pruža jedinstvenu priliku za uživanje u vrhunskoj glazbi u intimnom ambijentu. Osim toga, tu su i brojni drugi kulturni događaji poput likovnih kolonija, filmskih projekcija i kazališnih predstava koje čine Grožnjan kulturnim središtem regije. Iako je Grožnjan malen grad, nudi razne mogućnosti smještaja. Od šarmantnih pansiona i boutique hotela do privatnih apartmana i vila, svaki posjetitelj može pronaći nešto po svojem ukusu. Mnogi smještajni objekti nalaze se u starim kamenim kućama, što dodatno pridonosi autentičnom doživljaju boravka u ovom srednjovjekovnom gradu. Grožnjan je mjesto koje očarava na prvi pogled. Njegova povijest, kultura, prirodne ljepote i gostoljubivost lokalnog stanovništva čine ga idealnom destinacijom za sve koji traže autentično iskustvo Istre. Bez obzira na to jeste li ljubitelj umjetnosti, povijesti, prirode ili dobre hrane, Grožnjan će vas osvojiti svojim šarmom i ponuditi nezaboravan odmor. Posjetite Grožnjan i doživite čaroliju ovog jedinstvenog gradića, koji živi i diše umjetnost i povijest na svakom koraku. 

Perched on a hill above the Mirna River valley, this picturesque townlet offers an unforgettable experience. Boasting a long and rich history, the first written records of the settlement date back to 1102. Over the centuries, it was under the rule of Venice, Austria, and Italy, which left a mark on its architecture and culture. Its stone houses, narrow streets, and well-preserved

03 Detalj s biciklističke i pješačke staze Parenzana, nekadašnje željezničke pruge

A detail from the Parenzana cycling and hiking trail, a former railway line

town walls tell the story of its turbulent past. The locals call it Grisignana.

One of the most striking aspects of Grožn jan is its vibrant art scene. Known as the town of artists, it is home to many galleries, studios, and artists colonies. Every year, Grožnjan attracts artists from around the world who find inspiration in its unique ambience. In summer, the town comes alive with numerous cultural events, including concerts, exhibitions, and theatre perfor mances.

Strolling through Grožnjan is like stepping back in time. The main square, Trg lođe or the Loggia Square, is the social hub of the town and a place where you can enjoy a coffee or a glass of wine while observing the daily life of the locals. This is where you’ll find one of the town’s most recognisable symbols − a Renaissance loggia from the 16th century. The streets of Grožnjan are paved with stone and adorned with flowers, adding to its charm. Every corner hides a new gallery or shop offering unique souve nirs. Be sure to visit the Church of St. Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, dating back to the 1300s, featuring stunning Gothic and Baroque details.

In addition to its cultural and historical land marks, Grožnjan offers plenty of opportunities for nature lovers and those seeking active holidays. Surrounded by vineyards and olive groves, it’s ideal for walking and cycling tours. One popular route is the Parenzana, a former railway line now transformed into a cycling

and hiking trail. While riding along it, you’ll be enjoying breath-taking views of Istria’s hills and valleys. For those who prefer a more relaxed pace, tasting local wines and olive oils is a real treat. Grožnjan and its surroundings are known for their wine tradition, and many winemakers will gladly welcome you into their cellars and offer you the best of their

Istrian cuisine is an absolute must-try during your visit to Grožnjan. In local taverns and restaurants, you can savour many local specialities, such as Istrian prosciutto, truffles, (a type of locally produced pasta), and seafood. You’ll find pure delight in dishes starring truffles, which are considered the true gem of Istrian cuisine. Grožnjan is also known for its events, which attract visitors from around the world. One of the most famous is the international Jazz is Back BP festival, held annually in July. The festival brings together renowned jazz musicians, and offers a unique opportunity to enjoy fantastic music performances in an intimate setting. Additionally, Grožnjan

A staged reading of The Making of a Cake, a play by Jordanian writer Samiha Khrais

02 Festival Jazz is Back BP jedan je od najznačajnijih jazz festivala u regiji

The Jazz is Back BP festival is one of the leading jazz festivals in the region

boasts many other cultural events, such as artists colonies, film screenings, and theatre performances that make Grožnjan a cultural hub of the region.

Although Grožnjan is a small town, it offers various accommodation options. From charming guesthouses and boutique hotels to private apartments and villas, every visitor can find something to appeal to their taste. Many of the accommodation options are located in old stone houses, adding to the authentic experience of staying in this medieval town. Grožnjan is a place that captivates at first sight. Its history, culture, the beauty of its natural landscapes, and the hospitality of the locals make it an ideal destination for those seeking an authentic Istrian experience. Whether you are an art lover, history enthusiast, nature aficionado, or gourmet, Grožnjan will charm you with its allure, and offer you an unforgettable holiday experience. Be sure to visit Grožnjan, and experience the magic of this extraordinary town, whose every corner lives and breathes art and history. 

Scensko čitanje dramskog
teksta Izrada torte
jordanske književnice
Samihe Khrais

Fiksna kamata za dinamičan život

HPB gotovinski nenamjenskikredit

Fiksna kamatnastopa za cijeli rok otplatekredita

• Kamatna stopa već od 4,95 % godišnja, fiksnauz policu osiguranja otplate kredita (EKS 5,96 %)*

• Iznosi od 1.500 EUR do 40.000 EUR

• Rok otplate od 24 do 120 mjeseci

*Za kredit u iznosu od 15.000 EUR, fiksnu kamatnu stopu od 4,95 %, rok otplate od 10 godina (120 mjeseci), otplatu u anuitetima, uz jednokratan trošak police osiguranja otplate kredita u iznosu od 3,90 % od iznosa kredita (585,00 EUR) te pretpostavku isplate kredita 1. 1. i plaćanje interkalarne kamate 1. 2. (61,88 EUR), efektivna kamatna stopa iznosi 5,96 %. Mjesečni anuitet iznosi 158,73 EUR. Kamata za razdoblje otplate kredita iznosi 4.047,82 EUR, a ukupan iznos koji klijent treba platiti je 19.694,70 EUR.



Viška riva od ove je jeseni postala bogatija za jedan novi/stari prostor − Peškariju. Bistro Peškarija fokusira se na jela od plave ribe, dok se u wine shopu prezentiraju i prodaju proizvodi lokalne vinarije Vislander.

This autumn, Vis’s seafront has become richer for one new yet familiar space − the Peškarija Bistro. The bistro’s focus is on dishes starring blue fish, while the wine shop showcases and sells products from the local Vislander winery.


Damir Fabijanić

Pogled iz interijera Peškarije prema Viškoj luci
A view of the Vis Harbour from Peškarija’s interior

01 Detalj središnjeg kamenog stola i pogled na crkvu sv. Jerolima na poluotoku Prilovo

A detail of the central stone table with a view of the Church of St. Jerome on the Prilovo Peninsula

02 Odraz Viške luke na zidnom ogledalu

A wall mirror reflection of the Vis Harbour

03 Večera za središnjim kamenim stolom

Dining at the central stone table

Viška ribarnica, izgrađena na samoj rivi 1911., pod konzervatorskom je zaštitom i izvana obnovljena pod strogim uvjetima, a sada je nanovo zaživjela kao Peškarija, hibrid nekoliko funkcija u jednom, jedinstvenom prostoru, projektu arhitektonskog studia Proarh i arhitekta Davora Matekovića. Postojeći objekt sastavljen od više odvojenih prostorija transformira se u jedan, vizualno homogen, ali funkcionalno heterogen sklop.

Akcent se zadržava na središnjem, masivnom, ovalnom kamenom stolu, izvorno namijenjenom prodaji ribe, koja se i dalje održava u jutarnjim satima, dok iza podneva stol za prodaju postaje stol za objedovanje i tako ribarnica postaje bistro. Promišljeni dizajn usvaja postojeću

konstrukciju drvenog krovišta i fasadnu opnu građevine te joj superponira suvremene elemente i materijale, stvarajući u konačnici nenametljiv spoj tradicije i modernog. Kuhinja, pomoćne prostorije, sanitarije i wine shop formiraju se kao zagasito plavi, kontrastni kubusi umetnuti u objedinjeni jednovolumen novog prostora. Rasvjetom se suptilno osvjetljavaju stolovi uz obod građevine, dok se glavni fokus ostavlja na središnjem stolu, gdje gosti sjede blizu jedni drugih. Stolice predviđene za prostor bistroa jesu stolice iz kolekcije Bik, hrvatskog poduzeća za dizajn i proizvodnju namještaja Prostoria, koja je samo za ovaj projekt razvila visoke stolove kao dio kolekcije Bik, koji se nalaze uz bočni zid i uz prozore restorana. 

Vis’s fish market or peškarija in the local dialect, built right on the seafront in 1911, is a protected heritage site, and was recently restored under strict conservation guidelines. It has now been revived as the Peškarija Bistro − a hybrid space combining multiple functions into one unique venue, a project by the Proarh architectural studio and architect Davor Mateković. The existing structure, originally composed of several separate rooms, has been transformed into a visually cohesive yet functionally diverse space.

The venue’s centrepiece remains the large, oval stone table, once used for selling fish − a practice that still continues in the morning. However, after noon, the fish market seamlessly transforms into a bistro as the fish-selling table becomes a dining table.

The thoughtful design preserves the original wooden roof structure and facade while layering contemporary elements and materials onto them to create a subtle blend of tradition and modernity. The kitchen, auxiliary spaces, sanitary facilities, and wine shop are integrated as deep-blue contrasting cubes within the unified interior. Subtle lighting highlights the tables along the building’s perimeter, while the main focus remains on the central table, where guests sit in close proximity to one another.

The bistro’s seating features chairs from the Bik collection by the Croatian furniture design and manufacturing company Prostoria. For this project, Prostoria also developed high tables as part of the Bik collection, positioned along the side wall and near the bistro’s windows. 


02 Detalj znaka Peškarije

A detail of the Peškarija logo

03 Pogled na drveno krovište s novim sustavom ventilacije i hlađenja

A view of the wooden roof structure with the new ventilation and cooling system

04 Središnji kameni stol sa stolicama Bik

Peškarija’s central stone table featuring Bik chairs

01 Noćni pogled na zgradu Peškarije s rive
night view of the Peškarija building from the seafront

Otkrijte okuse Kvarnera, europske regije gastronomije i uživajte u okusima otoka, primorja i gorja!

Discover the flavours of Kvarner, a European Region of Gastronomy, and enjoy the tastes of Kvarner’s islands, coast, and highlands!

Na Kvarneru možete uživati u sunčanim i zelenim otocima, priobalju i gorskim predjelima, a ta raznolikost prirodnih bogatstava zrcali se i u gastronomiji. Zbog ovih posebnosti i izvrsnosti ugostiteljske ponude zahvaljujući kojoj su kvarnerski restorani već desecima godina svrstani u svjetske vodiče kao što su Michelin, Gault Millau te Jeunes Restaurateurs, kao i zbog obilja autohtonih namirnica, jela i sorti vinove loze, Kvarner je, jedini u Hrvatskoj, proglašen europskom regijom gastronomije. Najbolji način da saznate zašto je Kvar ner nositelj ove titule jest da okusite bogatstvo kvarnerskih okusa koje susrećemo u tri kvarnerske kuhinje − primorskoj, otočnoj i goranskoj. Zaštitni znak primorske kuhinje koja se proteže duž opatijske i crikveničko-vinodolske rivijere te Rijeke sa zaleđem jest jedinstveni kvarnerski škamp u kojemu možete uživati sirovome, na žaru, u

sočnoj buzari ili pak rižotu. Ekskluzivna vina primorskoga kraja jesu jarbola i belica, koje nalazimo samo ovdje, a dođete li u proljeće uživat ćete u okusu divljih šparoga. Primorsko ljeto najavljuju lovranske trešnje, a jesensko doba sažima se u okusima velikih lovranskih kestena − maruna. U zaleđu se jedu krepkija jela poput palente kumpirice s tvrdim ovčjim sirom, slanog presnaca sa sirom, šunkom i špekom, dok zimsko doba karnevala obilježava posebna karnevalska hrana. Krenete li putem kvarnerskih otoka − Krka, Cresa, Lošinja i Raba, potražite fritaju od sušene hobotnice, krčki pršut, ovčju skutu s medom od kadulje, lokalne tjestenine (šurlice i makarune) sa šugom od janjetine, ovčji pršut te maslinova ulja sa zaštićenom oznakom izvornosti. Zasladiti se možete slatkim presnacem od mladoga sira, mirisnom rapskom tortom od badema, lošinjskim krokantom, a svakako

01 File ribe iz Kvarnerskog zaljeva

Fish fillet from the Gulf of Kvarner

Opatija, Kvarner

probajte autohtona otočka vina − žlahtinu, bijelu kraljicu Kvarnera, te lokalne crvene sorte trojiščinu i sansigot.

Ako su vam draže planine i livade, koje ljeti nude predah od vrućina, a zimi se okite snijegom, za vas je Gorski kotar.

Goranska kuhinja nudi jela od divljači, šumskih gljiva i potočne pastrve, a štrudla s divljim borovnicama obavezan je desert ovog kraja. Obilje voća i ljekovitog bilja Gorani koriste za izradu likera, pekmeza i čajeva. Goransko zlato posebna je vrsta meda − medun, proizvod sa zaštićenom oznakom izvornosti, a osnovne namirnice snježnog, zimskog jelovnika Gorana jesu kiselo zelje i repa, koje se spravljaju na varivo ili kao prilog mesnim jelima.

Stoga, što drugo nego reći − Turistička zajednica Kvarnera vas poziva da dođete na naš Kvarner i okusite zašto baš Kvarner, jedini u Hrvatskoj, nosi titulu europske regije gastronomije! 

In Croatia’s region of Kvarner, you can experience sun-drenched and green islands, coastline, and mountainous regions. This diversity of natural wealth is reflected in the region’s gastronomy. Thanks to these unique characteristics and the excellence of its hospitality offerings, which have placed Kvarner’s restaurants in world-renowned guides such as Michelin, Gault Millau, and Jeunes Restaurateurs for decades, as well as its abundance of indigenous ingredients, dishes, and grape varieties, Kvarner is the only region in Croatia to have been named a European Region of Gastronomy. The best way to discover why Kvarner holds this title is to taste the richness of its flavours, found in its three distinct culinary traditions − coastal, island, and highland.

The hallmark of Kvarner’s coastal cuisine, which stretches along the Opatija and Crikvenica-Vinodol rivieras and Rijeka with their respective hinterlands, is the unique Kvarner scampi, which can be enjoyed raw, grilled, in a rich buzara sauce, or in a risotto.

The exclusive wines of the coastal region are jarbola and belica, found only here, while springtime brings the delicate taste of wild asparagus. Lovran’s cherries herald the arrival of summer, while autumn is defined by the flavours of large Lovran chestnuts called maruni. In the hinterland, heartier dishes are enjoyed, such as potato enriched polenta called palenta kumpirica with aged sheep’s cheese, and presnac, a traditional cheese, ham, and pancetta savoury pie, while the winter carnival season is marked by special carnival foods.

If you set out for Kvarner’s islands − Krk, Cres, Lošinj, and Rab − be sure to try their dried octopus frittata, Krk’s prosciutto, sheep’s whey cheese with sage honey, local pasta varieties such as šurlice and makaruni with lamb stew, sheep prosciutto, and extra virgin olive oils with a protected designation of origin. For dessert, indulge in some sweet presnac pie made from fresh cheese, the fragrant almond-based Rab cake, Lošinj croquant, and don’t miss the chance to taste the islands’ indigenous wines − žlahtina, the white queen of Kvarner, along with the local red varieties of trojišćina and sansigot.

If you prefer mountains and meadows, which offer a respite from the heat in summer and are draped in snow in winter, then Gorski Kotar is the place for you. Highland cuisine offers game dishes, forest mushrooms, and fresh trout, while wild blueberry strudel is a must-try dessert of the region. The abundance of fruit and medicinal herbs is used by the locals to produce liqueurs, jams, and teas. The prized gold of Gorski Kotar is a special type of honey − honeydew or forest honey called medun, a product with a protected designation of origin. The staple ingredients of the region’s winter menus are

sauerkraut and pickled turnips, prepared in stews or as accompaniments to meat dishes. So, what else is there to say but − the Kvarner Tourist Board invites you to visit our Kvarner, and discover for yourself why Kvarner is the only region in Croatia that holds the title of a European Region of Gastronomy! 

V. Franolić


Zvončarska priča u Kući halubajskega zvončara primjer je kako jedan lokalni specifikum, spajajući povijest, dizajn i turizam, pretvoriti u inovativan poligon za aktivno doživljavanje baštine i običaja. Kuća svoj narativ gradi oko zvončara iz Viškova, općine povrh grada Rijeke.

The House of the Halubje Bell Ringers is a shining example of how a unique local tradition − by intertwining history, design, and tourism − can be transformed into an innovative space for immersive experiences of heritage and customs. The house builds its narrative around the zvončari or bell ringers of Viškovo, a municipality perched above the city of Rijeka.

PIŠE/BY Ivan Dorotić


Zabavni interaktivni ekrani zaintrigirat će pozivom na igru one najmlađe

The youngest will be intrigued by fun interactive screens inviting them to play

Postoje lokalni običaji koji u sebi sadrže toliku dozu autentičnosti, karaktera i prepoznatljivosti, utemeljenih na tradiciji nekih prošlih generacija, da je sigurno poseban užitak oko takvih folklora razviti priču u kojoj će uživati novi naraštaji.

Upravo su to glavna prednost i koncept lani otvorene Kuće halubajskega zvončara, interaktivnog, zabavnog i dizajnerski atraktivnog interpretacijskog centra, koji spaja bogatu povijest ovoga kraja sa suvremenim načinom izlaganja baštine, sugerirajući kako ispričati osebujan povijesni kontekst, zanimljiv posjetiteljima svih dobnih skupina. Kuća svoj narativ gradi oko zvončara iz Viškova (općine povrh grada Rijeke) i tamošnjih pokladnih ophoda, povezanih s preživljavanjem pastira i njihovom borbom protiv surovosti prirode − drevnih rituala lokalnih zvončarskih skupina iz malih mjesta i sela Kastavštine koji su, svi zajedno, upisani na UNESCO-ov popis nematerijalne svjetske baštine.

Kuća halubajskega zvončara kroz drugačiji pristup oblikovanja interpretacije

i doživljaja postaje mjesto na kojemu možete saznati baš sve o ovoj višestoljetnoj narodnoj predaji poznatih čuvara običaja svojeg kraja, njihovim svečanostima i neobičnim karnevalskim tradicijama. Postav kuće uvlači posjetitelja da istraži čitavu zvončarsku povijest, sve one mitove, pučke legende, a ponekad i

01 Prepoznatljiva odora zvončara

The bell ringers’ distinctive costume

02 Zvona koja zvončari nose straga, oko pasa, služe tomu da preplaše i otjeraju zle sile

The bells that bell ringers wear behind their backs and around their waists serve to scare and ward off evil spirits

Postav Kuće halubajskega zvončara uvlači posjetitelja da istraži čitavu zvončarsku povijest, sve one mitove, pučke legende, a ponekad i bizarne obrede koji karakteriziraju ove glasne ophodnike stočarske pokladne magije.

The exhibition at the House of the Halubje Bell Ringers invites exploration of the bell ringers’ history, myths and legends, folklore, and even the more unusual rituals that define these boisterous keepers of pastoral carnival magic.

01 Različite zvončarske maske prikazuju razne uloge pokladnih ophoda

Different bell ringer masks depicting the different roles they play in carnival processions

02 Kuća je oblikovana u suradnji studija Clinica (produkt dizajn), studija (grafički dizajn) te Vladimira Končara (dizajn interakcija) uz muzeološku koncepciju Nikočević

The House of the Halubje Bell Ringers was designed in collaboration with the Clinica Studio (product design), the Cuculić Studio (graphic design), and Vladimir Končar (interaction design), while the museum’s concept was authored by Lidija Nikočević

Dvije kartice, jedna članarina

Skupljajte nagradne milje uz pametniji način plaćanja.

Zatražite Diners Club Croatia Airlines i/ili Visa Croatia Airlines karticu 100% digitalno preko aplikacije George ili u poslovnici Erste banke, sudjelujte u nagradnom programu Miles & More* i uživajte u brojnim pametnim pogodnostima.

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- Skupljene milje možete udružiti s drugim korisnicima Miles & More nagradnog programa

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Zatražite i aktivaciju paketa za Diners Club Croatia Airlines i Visa Croatia Airlines kartice i plaćat ćete jednu članarinu za obje kartice.

Više informacija na www.erstebank.hr.

* U skladu s Posebnim uvjetima nagradnog programa za korisnike Diners Club Croatia Airlines kartice i Visa Croatia Airlines kartice.
U skladu s Posebnim uvjetima korištenja usluge Airport Lounge za korisnike Diners Club kartica.

Halubajski se zvončari među ostalim zvončarskim skupinama ističu specifičnim izgledom; ogrnuti su gustim ovčjim kožama, odjeveni u bijele hlače i mornarske majice, a u rukama drže ukrašene batine. Na glavama imaju predimenzionirane, lude, nekad i zastrašujuće životinjske maske s isplaženim jezicima. Kao što i samo ime sugerira, oko pasa nose metalna zvona, koja postaju nezaobilazan gromki zvučni efekt njihove povorke i pojavnosti kada pokretima tijela i ritualnim plesovima kreiraju zvonjavu vjerujući da tako tjeraju zla bića i sile, ali i zimu i najavljuju proljeće, štite od uroka te potiču plodnost prirode i ljudi.

Amongst the many zvončari groups, the bell ringers of Halubje stand out for their striking costumes. They wear thick sheepskin cloaks, white trousers, and striped sailor shirts, and carry decorated clubs in their hands. Their oversized, often grotesque and terrifying animal masks feature protruding tongues, and, as their name suggests, they wear large metal bells around their waists. These bells, combined with their rhythmic movements and ritualistic dances, create a thunderous ringing sound believed to ward off evil spirits, drive away winter, and usher in spring − while also protecting against curses, and ensuring the fertility of both land and people.

Ekrani su i edukativni pa posjetitelji mogu naučiti tradicionalne plesove s Kvarnera

The screens are also educational, so visitors can learn traditional dances from the region of Kvarner

above the city of Rijeka, and their ageold carnival processions − rituals born from the struggles of shepherds against the harshness of nature. These unique masked bell ringers from the villages and hamlets surrounding the town of Kastav, part of various local zvončari groups, are recognised as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Through an innovative approach to interpretation and experience design, the House of the Halubje Bell Ringers immerses visitors in the centuries-old traditions of these proud guardians of local customs, their festivities, and carnival traditions.

The exhibition invites exploration of the bell ringers’ history, myths and legends, folklore, and even the more unusual rituals that define these boisterous keepers of pastoral carnival magic. By weaving together cultural identity, history, and modern technology, the centre showcases bell ringing ceremonies and bell ringing itself through masks, artefacts, photographs, texts, projections, screens, interactive games, soundscapes, and immersive installations.

The House of the Halubje Bell Ringers’ thematic sections tell the stories of the lives of the shepherds and farmers of Halubje, their constant battle with nature, fears of the supernatural, and beliefs in protective rituals. You’ll also be able to explore their bell ringing equipment, learn about their routes and processions, dance their traditional dances, experience the vibrant atmosphere of their parades, and discover various carnival traditions. The exhibition’s dark-toned interior evokes an atmosphere of mysticism, inspired by forest landscapes and magical elements, reflecting the supernatural aura of ancient beliefs. The exhibition space is organised in a circular way, which is by no means a coincidence − closing the circle ritually was a key symbolic element in the protective nature of the bell ringers’ processions and routes.

The story of the zvončari at the House of the Halubje Bell Ringers is not just about preserving the legacy of past generations − it’s also a shining example of how a unique local tradition, by blending history, design, and tourism, can be transformed into an original platform for immersive heritage experiences, and the promotion of a distinctive cultural identity, while strengthening its bond with the local community. 



Iako se beru u listopadu i studenom, a samo se šaranje plodova tradicionalno smatra zimskom razbibrigom, da bi tikvice postale umjetničko djelo, valja ih najprije uzgojiti. Stoga i priča o izradi autentičnog slavonskog suvenira počinje onda kada je najljepše putovati istokom Hrvatske. U proljeće.

Although harvested in October and November, with the decoration of gourds traditionally considered a winter pastime, transforming them into works of art begins long before that − it begins with growing them first. That is why the story of this authentic Slavonian souvenir starts in spring − the best time to explore eastern Croatia.

Potraga za marljivim čuvarima pučke tradicije ukrašavanja tikvica vodi me u istočnu Hrvatsku. Nakon dva i pol sata vožnje od Zagreba u smjeru Lipovca, pred zelenim tunelom Spačvanske šume, koja posljednje kilometre autoceste spaja s graničnim prijelazom Bajakovo, silazim u svijet ušorenih sela županjske Posavine. I odmah se zaustavljam u jednom takvom selu, tek koji kilometar sjeverno od izlaza za Županju. Zbog ravničarskog krajobraza kojim se brzo prolazi, vožnja autocestom do početka


Srijema ili na kraj Slavonije nekima prohuji u tili čas. No gotovo i da se može namirisati kako ovdje vrijeme i dalje otkucava taktovima prirode.

Kao mnoga sela Vukovarsko-srijemske županije, Gradište je tipično šokačko, ne toliko zbog svoje veličine, ajnfort kapija i kuća nanizanih uz cestu koliko zbog neke posebnosti koja ga razlikuje od svih drugih sela u bližem ili daljem susjedstvu. Tako, na primjer, Gradištanci koji žive zapadno od glavne ceste od svojih predaka baštine narodnu nošnju urešenu dukatima, dok su istočnjaci više naginjali svili. Postoje čak i razlike u njihovu govoru, no ono po čemu je danas Gradište ipak najpoznatije istaknuto je već na mjesnom grbu. Umijeće ukrašavanja tikvica, tradicija koju mještani, bez obzira na to kojoj strani sela naginjali, već stoljećima predano njeguju.

− Mi Šokci zovemo taj postupak zovemo šaranje tikvica − objašnjava mi Vinko Babić, jedan od najpoznatijih šarača u Hrvatskoj, čije su oslikane tikvice vlasnike pronašle i u japanskoj carskoj obitelji. Ugostio me na svojem salašu u blizini Gradišta i upoznao s tom iznimnom tradicijom koja je, Rješenjem Ministarstva kulture, 2007. godine proglašena zaštićenim kulturnim dobrom Republike Hrvatske. Stan ili salaš izdvojeni je dio seoskog imanja usred polja, livada i uz šume, katkada, kao i ovaj Vinkov, udaljen više kilometara od sela. Moj lakonski zaključak, da su na

ovakvim mjestima ljudi nekada provodili veći dio svojega života, nije daleko od istine.

Danas pretežno ukras na vitrini, šarane tikve nekada su naveliko bile u uporabi. Kao posude za držanje raznih tekućina ili kapaljke za izvlačenje rakije i vina iz buradi. Najstarija šarana tikvica u Hrvatskoj datira iz 1734. godine i može se vidjeti u Osijeku, u Muzeju Slavonije. Tikvice koje rastu penjući se uz drvene ograde, kao uostalom i ljubav, treba redovito okopavati i zalijevati. I tako sve do jeseni kada dozrele i ubrane plodove valja što prije ostrugati te pod strehom ili iznad

peći polako i pažljivo osušiti. Često ih se buši pomoću užarene žice ili režu vrhovi kako bi im se čeličnom kukicom odstranile sjemenke. Tek tada kreće šaranje. Olovkom i šestarom iscrtavaju se motivi koji se potom urezuju posebnim nožićem. Očaravaju mnogi detalji čiju mi preciznu sistematizaciju Vinko otkriva nabrajajući izvorno nazivlje: zubre, šare, vezovi, grane, okna, ružice. Na neke iscrtane dijelove tikvice nanosi se dušična kiselina guščjim perom ili drvcem. Pod utjecajem topline svijeće, oni postaju zagasito crveni, lijepo se ističući na žućkastoj površini. Na kraju, prepečenim jezgrama oraha,

01 Tikvice različitih veličina i oblika koje je tehnikom šaranja ukrasio poznati hrvatski šarač Vinko Babić iz Gradišta

Gourds of various shapes and sizes decorated by the famous Croatian gourd decorator Vinko Babić from the village of Gradište using the patterning technique

02 Žir i hrastov list česti su motivi koji se urezuju na šarane tikvice

Acorns and oak leaves are common motifs carved into gourds

03 Tri generacije obitelji Babić u autentičnom interijeru šokačkog stana

Three generations of the Babić family in the authentic interior of a traditional Šokac homestead

Umijeće šaranja tikvica u Slavoniji, pripovijeda Vinko Babić, začelo je još u 18. stoljeću, u doba Vojne krajine. Živjelo se tada u velikim obiteljskim zadrugama, a većina šokačkih sela, uz oranice i šume, imala je i svoje pašnjake. Priča o izradi autentičnog slavonskog suvenira počinje u proljeće, i to ne samo zbog sjetve u travnju, kada prođu mrazovi, a zemlja se ugrije. Naime, dok su čuvali zadružno blago, seoski mladići kratili bi vrijeme prebirući po tamburici i rezbareći tikve u kojima su nosili vodu za piće. Stvaralački zanos mladih pastira procvao bi s proljećem kada su slatke brige postajale pjesme koje će se pjevati djevojkama i što ljepše našarani darovi kojima će im se udvarati. Umjesto proljetnim uskrsnim pisanicama, djecu se na ponegdje na Veliki Petak darivalo šaranim jajolikim tikvicama.

As Vinko Babić recounts, the art of decorating gourds in Slavonia dates back to the 18th century − to the time of the Military Frontier, to be exact. At the time, life was organised in large family cooperatives, and most Šokac villages had communal pastures alongside their fields and forests. The story of this authentic Slavonian souvenir begins in spring, and not just because gourds are sown in April, once the frosts have passed and the soil has warmed. While tending communal livestock, young village men would pass the time playing the tamburica and carving designs into the gourds that held their drinking water. Their creative enthusiasm blossomed with spring, as did the love songs they composed and the beautifully decorated gifts they prepared for courting their sweethearts. In some places, children too were gifted decorated egg-shaped gourds on Good Friday instead of traditional Easter eggs.

sakupljenim pod krošnjama koje likuju dvorištem, zacrne se urezi. Od apstraktnih ornamenata koji u mašti dozivaju daleke krajeve, ali i očiglednih, slavonskih amblema poput hrastova lista, žira, klasja ili ruže, do Vinkovih figurativnih inovacija, ova neupitna umjetnost koja se ogleda u svim aspektima zemlje pravi je hommage upravo njoj, iz koje sve niče i u koju na kraju sve odlazi.

Ispred aleje rascvalih voćki slušam žablji kreket. To su gatalinke, zadovoljno ustvrđuje Vinko. U posljednje vrijeme sve ih je više oko Bosuta i Berave, kao i crnih roda i čaplji. Je li to možda vijest koja najavljuje sretnu budućnost? Lastavica koja nam donosi vječno proljeće? Vinko, u svojim srednjim tridesetima, na budućnost ove tradicije gleda s optimizmom. Smatra da i samo jedna osoba, ako ga dobro savlada, umijeće može sačuvati i prenijeti na nove naraštaje. U tu svrhu, širom Hrvatske drži radionice šaranja tikvica tijekom cijele godine. Nije rijetkost da se tikvičarskom tehnikom koju mi je Vinko pokazao osim tikvica ukrašavaju i razni drugi predmeti. Šarati se, izgleda, može sve: tamburice, volovske rogove, zidne satove, ormare,

Ravničarski krajobraz oko Gradišta, kojim protječu rijeke Bosut i Berava

The flatlands surrounding Gradište, through which the Bosut and Berava rivers flo

klupe, stolice, ograde ili pak uskrsne pisanice. Ako savladate ovo umijeće na nekoj od Vinkovih radionica, slobodno nadopunite niz.

Baština, gastronomija i prirodne znamenitosti snažan su turistički adut županjske Posavine. Uz nezaobilazno Gradište s tradicijom umijeća šaranja tikvica kojemu je posvećena ova priča, ne treba zaobići ni Otočke Virove, muzejske zbirke u Bošnjacima i Županji, kao ni nezaboravne manifestacije Šokačko sijelo i Konji bijelci

A kako je čitav kraj još i prijestolnica kulena, obiteljska poljoprivredna gospodarstva, pecare i tradicionalne seoske kuće preuređene u kuće za odmor široke su ruke. 

Danas pretežno ukras na vitrini, šarane tikve nekada su naveliko bile u uporabi. Kao posude za držanje raznih tekućina ili kapaljke za izvlačenje rakije i vina iz buradi. Najstarija šarana tikvica u Hrvatskoj datira iz 1734. godine i može se vidjeti u Osijeku, u Muzeju Slavonije.

Although today primarily displayed as decorative pieces, decorated gourds were once widely used − as containers for storing various liquids or as pipettes for drawing rakija, a fruit spirit typical of the region, and wine from barrels. The oldest decorated gourd in Croatia dates back to 1734, and is on display at the Museum of Slavonia in Osijek.

My search for dedicated guardians of the folk tradition of gourd decoration leads me to eastern Croatia.

After a two-and-a-half-hour drive from Zagreb bound for Lipovac, I get off to enter the world of villages boasting wide streets in the region of Posavina near the townlet of Županja, just before the green tunnel of the Spačva Forest, which links the final stretch of the motorway to the Bajakovo Border Crossing. I stop at one such village, only a few kilometres north of the Županja exit. For some, to reach the end of Slavonia and the beginning of Srijem or Syrmia, the drive through the flatlands of Slavonia flies by in an instant. Yet, if you pay attention, you can almost sense that time here still follows the rhythms of nature.

Like many villages in the Vukovar-Srijem County, Gradište is a typical settlement of Šokci, a South Slavic ethnic group native to the historical regions of Baranya, Bačka, Slavonia, and Syrmia. Not so much for its size, its grand Einfahrt gates, or the houses neatly lined along the road, but for a certain distinctiveness that sets it apart from the villages in its neighbourhood. For instance, Gradište locals west of the main road have inherited folk costumes adorned with golden ducat coins, while those to the east favoured silk. Even their dialects have subtle differences. However, what truly distinguishes Gradište today is proudly displayed on its coat of arms − the centuries-old tradition of decorating gourds, cherished by all the villagers regardless of which side of the main road they come from.

− We Šokci call this the patterning of gourds − explains Vinko Babić, one of Croatia’s most renowned gourd decorators, whose beautifully adorned gourds have even found their way into the Japanese imperial family. He welcomed me to his salaš near Gradište, and introduced me to this remarkable tradition, which was declared a protected cultural heritage of Croatia by the Ministry of Culture in 2007. A stan or salaš is a rural homestead set amongst fields and meadows or along forests, often several kilometres from the nearest village, just like Vinko’s. My casual remark that people must have once spent most of their lives in such places is not far from the truth. Although today primarily displayed as decorative pieces, decorated gourds were once widely used − as containers for storing various liquids or as pipettes for drawing rakija, a fruit spirit typical of the region, and wine from barrels. The oldest decorated gourd in Croatia dates back to 1734, and is on display at the Museum of Slavonia in Osijek. Gourds, much like love, need regular tending. They are climbers, which means they require weeding and watering until autumn, when the ripe fruit is harvested, scraped clean, and carefully dried under eaves or above a stove. Holes are often burned into them with a heated wire, or their tops are cut off to remove the seeds with a hooked steel rod. Only then does the decorating begin. Designs are first sketched with a pencil and compass, and then carved with a special knife. The level of detail is mesmerising, as Vinko method-

ically explains the traditional terminology of the different designs: zubre, šare, vezovi, grane, okna, ružice. Some carved patterns are treated with nitric acid using a goose quill or wooden stick. Under the heat of a candle flame, these sections turn a deep red, standing out beautifully against the yellowish surface of the gourd itself. Lastly, the carvings are blackened using toasted walnut kernels gathered under walnut trees that shade many a courtyard in the region. From abstract motifs that evoke distant lands to unmistakable Slavonian emblems such as oak leaves, acorns, ears of wheat, or roses − not to mention Vinko’s own figurative innovations − this undeniable art form not only reflects all aspects of the land, but is also a true homage to the very land from which all things spring and to which they all

Amidst a blooming orchard, I listen to the croaking of frogs. European tree frogs, Vinko informs me with satisfaction. Lately, they have been thriving near the Bosut and Berava rivers, along with black storks and herons. Could this be a sign of a prosperous future? A swallow heralding eternal spring? In his mid-thirties, Vinko looks to the future of this tradition with optimism. He believes that even if just one person masters it properly, the art of gourd decoration can be preserved and passed on to future generations. To this end, he holds gourd decorating workshops throughout Croatia year-round. It’s not uncommon for this technique to be applied beyond gourds, embellishing tamburicas, ox horns, wall clocks, cabinets, benches, chairs, fences, and even Easter eggs. If you happen to attend one of

Uskršnja jaja ukrašena tehnikom

šaranja tikvica

Easter eggs decorated using the gourd patterning technique

Oslikane tikvice Vinka Babića, jednoga od najpoznatijih

šarača u Hrvatskoj, vlasnike su pronašle i u japanskoj carskoj obitelji.

Gourds decorated by Vinko Babić, one of Croatia’s most renowned gourd decorators, have even found their way into the Japanese imperial family.

free to add your own creations to the list. Heritage, gastronomy, and natural landmarks are powerful tourism assets of the region of Posavina surrounding the townlet of Županja. Besides Gradište, where the art of gourd decoration takes centre stage, be sure not to miss Otočki Virovi, the museum collections in the townlets of Bošnjaci and Županja, and the unforgettable Šokačko Sijelo and Konji Bijelci festivals. And as the region is also the capital of the kulen salami, family-run farms, distilleries, and traditional rural homes converted into holiday houses welcome visitors with open arms. 



Naša mlada dizajnerica i diplomantica Tekstilno-tehnološkog fakulteta kroz svoj modni rad istražuje različite emotivne aspekte, a odnedavno se bavi i izradom kostima za scenu. Katarina Matulin jedna je od pripadnica nove generacije dizajnera na hrvatskoj modnoj sceni, koja se ističe predanim radom i istraživanjem izvan granica nosivosti odjevnog predmeta. Njezin je pristup artistički, a kroz rad se provlače razne ideje. Najnovija je ona o − kaosu. − Kolekcija Chaos, Please! inspirirana je teorijom kaosa i istražuje suptilnu ravnotežu između reda i nereda, predvidljivog i nepredvidljivog. Teorija kaosa bavi se načinom na koji vrlo male promjene u početnim uvjetima mogu voditi do potpuno različitih rezultata, poznatih kao butterfly effect. Kroz ovu kolekciju taj koncept prenesen je na način da su naizgled suptilni detalji i teksture ključni

u oblikovanju odjeće, navodi 24-godišnja autorica. Središnji motiv kolekcije jesu fraktali − geometrijski oblici koji su samoslični i ponavljaju se na različitim skalama. Metalni elementi poput heklanog lanca, zakovica, kuglica i šiljaka, u kombinaciji s nježnim teksturama čupave vune i čipke, stvaraju napetost koja odražava samu suštinu teorije kaosa. Ova je godina do sada najintenzivnija; mlada autorica otkriva da su novi projekti prilika za rast, eksperimentiranje i istraživanje novih smjerova u dizajnu.

− Trenutačno radim na svojoj diplomskoj kolekciji, koja će biti moja najveća i najozbiljnija do sada. Kroz ovu kolekciju želim istražiti dublje slojeve svojeg dizajnerskog izraza, spajajući tehničku preciznost s konceptualnom snagom. Svaki komad koji nastaje dio je šire priče, a posebnu pažnju posvećujem ručnom radu, detaljima, konstrukciji i materijalima,

PIŠE/BY Dubravka Prpić Znaor


Autorica često istražuje teksture raznih efekata koje onda spaja s bojama poput fuksije

To create various effects, the designer often explores textures, which she then combines with colours such as fuchsia

naglasila je. Osim rada na kolekciji, po prvi put ulazi u svijet scenskog kostima, područje koje ju je oduvijek intrigiralo. Naime, izradila je kostim za Doru 2025. za našu pjevačicu Jelenu Radan i taj projekt smatra zaista posebnim. Usporedno s vlastitim projektima radi u ateljeu Borisa Pavlina, jednog od naših najvećih dizajnera, gdje ima priliku iz prve ruke učiti o tehnikama ručne izrade. Rad u njegovu studiju donosi joj neprocjenjivo iskustvo − svaki dan usvaja nove vještine i sudjeluje u stvaranju kolekcija koje odišu umjetničkim pristupom modi. 

The young Croatian designer and graduate of the Faculty of Textile Technology, Katarina Matulin, explores various emotional aspects of fashion design through her work, and has recently ventured into stage costume design. Katarina Matulin belongs to a new

Shine is a frequent theme in the designer’s work, which she makes use of for styles such as disco and futurism

Sjaj je česta tema u njezinu radu, koji koristi kroz stilove kao što su disko i futurizam


Iako su lanci snažan modni motiv, dizajnerica ih omekšava bojama i mekanim teksturama
chains are a strong fashion motif, the designer softens them with colours and soft textures

generation of designers on the Croatian fashion scene, standing out for her dedicated work and willingness to push back the boundaries of wearability. Her approach is highly artistic, weaving diverse ideas into her creations. The latest? Chaos.

− The Chaos, Please! collection is inspired by chaos theory, and explores the delicate balance between order and disorder, predictability and unpredictability. Chaos theory examines the ways in which small changes in initial conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes, known as the butterfly effect. In this collection, that concept is translated into clothing, where seemingly subtle details and textures play a key role in shaping each piece − explains the 24-year-old designer. Fractals − geometric shapes that are self-similar and repeat on different scales − are the central motif of the collection. Metallic elements such as crocheted chains, rivets, beads, and spikes, combined with the soft textures of fluffy wool and lace, create a tension that embodies the very essence of chaos theory.

This year has been her most intense yet. Katarina reveals that new projects provide her with opportunities for growth, experimentation, and exploring new directions in design.

− I’m currently working on my graduate collection, which will be my largest and most ambitious project so far. Through this collection, I want to delve deeper into my design expression, merging technical precision with conceptual strength. Every piece is part of a larger story, and I pay special attention to craftsmanship, detail, construction, and materials − she emphasises. In addition to her collection, she has stepped into the world of stage costume design for the first time, an area that has always fascinated her. She is currently designing a costume for Croatian singer Jelena Radan’s performance in Dora 2025, Croatia’s national song contest for Eurovision, a project she considers truly special. Alongside her own projects, she works in the atelier of Boris Pavlin, one of Croatia’s leading designers, where she has the opportunity to learn at first hand about the art of haute couture techniques. Working in his studio is an invaluable experience − each day she acquires new skills, and actively participates in the creation of collections that exude an artistic approach to fashion design. 

Pogled na grad Zadar i obližnje otoke
The view of Zadar and nearby islands
F. Šimićev
N. Matić
Uživajte u svjetski poznatom paškom siru Enjoy the world famous Pag cheese
Svjetionik Veli rat na Dugom otoku
The Veli rat lighthouse on the island of Dugi otok

Recite DA Zadarskoj županiji Say YES to the Zadar Region

Ako za svoj zasluženi odmor odaberete Zadarsku županiju, izabrali ste pravo mjesto! Tu ćete sigurno obnoviti svoju energiju, iscijeliti dušu i tijelo te pročistiti um! Uživajte u zdravoj i, posjetite neki od predivnih, mirnih i čarobnih otoka ili budite aktivni u netaknutoj i zadivljujućoj prirodi zadarske regije!

If you choose the Zadar region for your well-deserved vacation, you have chosen the right place! You will surely renew your energy, heal your body and soul, and purify your mind! Enjoy healthy and delicious local food and intoxicating wine, visit one of the beautiful, peaceful and magical islands or be active in the pristine and stunning nature of the Zadar region!

Recite DA hrani i piću

Mediteranska prehrana nezaobilazna je osnova i ovdašnje kuhinje. Riba, školjke i drugi plodovi mora, preliveni maslinovim uljem, u najribarskijoj regiji Dalmacije obavezan su dio jelovnika. Paški, svjetski nagrađivani sir nude svi restorani, a na otoku Pagu možete posjetiti i sirane. Uz sir odlično idu neka od opojnih vina, koja se tu uzgajaju više od 3000 godina. Pravi sladokusci moraju probati peku - klasičnu hobotnicu ili teletinu s krumpirom i povrćem, a paška janjetina je i pod pekom već nadaleko poznata.

Recite DA otocima

Čudesni svijet zadarskih otoka područje je neotkrivenih ljepota, bistrog mora i nedirnute prirode. Stotinu otoka, otočića i hridi, koji se pružaju u četiri niza paralelno s obalom, najrazličitijih oblika i veličina, nastanjeni ili pusti, turistički razvijeni ili neotkriveni. Ovo je područje idealno za sve vrste aktivnosti na moru i pod morem, bilo da ih otkrivate trajektom ili jedrilicom. Unutrašnjost otoka može se najbolje upoznati šetnjama pješačkim i biciklističkim stazama; a plavetne uvale, otočiće ili čak skrivene špilje otkrijte u vožnji kajakom ili SUP-om.

Say YES to Food and Wine

The Mediterranean diet is the indispensable basis of the local cuisine. Fish, shellfish and other seafood, covered with olive oil, are a must-try in the region famous for its world-class fishermen. One of Croatia’s best delicaciesPag’s world-award-winning cheese is offered by all restaurants. Pair it with wonderful wines which have been cultivated here for more than 3000 years. Real gourmands must try „peka“ dish - classic octopus or veal with potatoes and vegetables, or famous Pag’s lamb.

Say YES to the Islands

Opustite se u prirodi

Relax in the nature

Recite DA aktivnostima

Bez obzira na to vozite li se biciklom na dva kotača, planinarite, splavarite niz brzake rijeke, penjete se po stijeni ili testirate ravnotežu na vodi - regija ima nešto za vas.

Brojne biciklističke rute ovdje nude uzbuđenje i prvorazrednu ugodnu rekreaciju. Na usluzi su vam biciklističke karte, aplikacija i niz certificiranih servisa, rentova, agencija i smještaja za ljubitelje bicikliranja. Za ljubitelje pješačenja i planinarenja također pregršt staza! Lungo mare šetnice u primorskim mjestašcima idealne su za završetak dana. Za one ambicioznije najpoznatija planinarska destinacija na ovom području zasigurno je Nacionalni park Paklenica, a nudi ponešto za svakoga - od laganih do zahtjevnih staza.

Ili istražite spektakularni kanjon i vodopade rijeka Zrmanje i Krupe, i to kanuom ili raftom!

Say YES to Activities

Whether you’re bicycling, hiking, rafting down river rapids, rock climbing or testing your balance on the water, the region has something for you. Numerous cycling routes offer recreation and firstclass excitement. There are cycling maps, an app with off-line guidance, certified services, rentals, agencies, and bike friendly accommodation at your service.

The wonderful Zadar archipelago is an area of undiscovered beauty, clear sea and untouched nature. This area is ideal for all kinds of activities at or under the sea, wether you come by ferry or a saining boat. The interior of the island can be best explored by hiking and biking trails, as well as blue bays, islets or even hidden caves on a SUP or kayak.

For those loving walking and hiking, there are also a handful of trails! Lungo mare promenades in coastal towns are ideal for a sunset stroll. For the more ambitious, the most famous hiking destination in this area is certainly the Paklenica National Park which offers something for everyone - from easy to demanding hiking trails. Or explore the spectacular canyon and waterfalls of the Zrmanja and Krupa rivers by canoe or raft!

A. Gospić



Skriven u živahnoj milanskoj četvrti Brera, Orto Botanico di Brera mirna je zelena oaza koja datira iz 1774. godine. Ovaj povijesni botanički vrt nekoć je korišten za istraživanje ljekovitog bilja, a danas pruža posjetiteljima utočište od užurbanoga gradskog ritma. U proljeće njegova stoljetna stabla, šarmantne cvjetne gredice i mirni ribnjaci ožive u punom sjaju. Smješten iza veličanstvene palače Brera, ovaj skriveni vrt savršeno je mjesto za opuštanje i uživanje u nježnijoj strani Milana. Otvoren je radnim danima i ulaz je besplatan.


Tucked away in Milan’s lively Brera district, the Orto Botanico di Brera is a peaceful green haven dating back to 1774. This historic botanical garden, once used for medicinal plant research, now offers visitors a tranquil retreat from the city’s fast-paced rhythm. In spring, its centuries-old trees, charming flower beds, and serene ponds burst into life. Hidden behind the grand Palazzo di Brera, this secret garden is the perfect spot to relax and enjoy Milan’s gentler side. It is open weekdays without charge.

Bukurešt i Split povezani su letovima Croatia Airlinesa srijedom i petkom od 9. svibnja, a Bukurešt i Zagreb od 1. srpnja utorkom, četvrtkom i subotom.

From 9 May, Croatia Airlines will introduce flights between Bucharest and Split on Wednesdays and Fridays, while flights between Bucharest and Zagreb will begin on 1 July, operating on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

U Milano zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa lete iz Splita od 11. svibnja četvrtkom i nedjeljom te iz Zagreba od 2. srpnja ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom.

Croatia Airlines is launching flights to Milan from Split starting 11 May, operating on Thursdays and Sundays, and from Zagreb starting 2 July, operating on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.


Udaljena svega nekoliko minuta vožnje od Bukurešta, Palača Mogos oaia nudi veličanstveno putovanje kroz povijest i bijeg u prirodu. Sagrađena 1702. godine po nalogu kneza Constantina Brâncoveanua, palača je remek-djelo brankovanske arhitekture, u kojoj se stapaju osmanski, venecijanski i barokni utjecaji. U proljeće njezini prostrani vrtovi zasjaje u bezbroj boja, a obližnje jezero zrcali ljepotu ovog povijesnog imanja. Bilo da istražujete muzej smješten unutar palače ili samo šetate njezinim mirnim perivojem, Mogosoaia pruža šarmantno utočište od užurbanoga gradskog ritma.


Just a short drive from Bucharest, Mogos ´ oaia Palace is a splendid escape into history and nature. Built in 1702 by Prince Constantin Brâncoveanu, the palace is a masterpiece of Brâncovenesc architecture, blending Ottoman, Venetian, and Baroque styles. In spring, its vast gardens bloom with colour, while the nearby lake reflects the beauty of the historic estate. Whether exploring the palace’s museum or simply strolling through its peaceful grounds, Mogos ´ oaia offers a charming retreat from the city’s urban buzz.

S. Daino _ Unsplash
C. Kirschnerova _ Unsplash

Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa od 25. svibnja lete iz Zagreba u Tiranu i obratno utorkom, petkom i nedjeljom.

Flights between Zagreb and Tirana will operate from 25 May on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.


Skriven u madridskoj četvrti Alameda de Osuna, El Capricho je mirno proljetno utočište. Park je osmislila vojvotkinja od Osune u 18. stoljeću spojivši francuski, engleski i talijanski vrtni stil, a u njemu se nalaze vijugave staze, elegantne fontane i neoklasicistička palača. U proljeće je prepun cvijeća, a njegove sjenovite aleje pozivaju na opuštene šetnje. Tajni bunker iz Španjolskoga građanskog rata neočekivano je povijesno iznenađenje. Park je otvoren samo vikendom i zbog toga u njemu nema gužve − savršeno mjesto za bijeg od gradskog šušura.


Hidden in Madrid’s Alameda de Osuna district, El Capricho Park is a tranquil springtime escape. Created in the 18th century by the Duchess of Osuna, it blends French, English, and Italian garden styles, with winding paths, elegant fountains, and a neoclassical palace. In spring, flowers bloom across its landscapes, while shaded groves invite quiet strolls. A secret Civil War bunker adds an unexpected historical twist. Open only on weekends, El Capricho remains blissfully uncrowded − a perfect retreat from the city’s buzz.


Dolaskom proljeća u Tiranu, Veliki park postaje središte aktivnosti na otvorenome. Prostirući se na 230 hektara, u bujnom zelenilu parka nalaze se vijugave pješačke staze, mirno umjetno jezero i skriveni kulturni dragulji poput Predsjedničke palače i crkve svetog Prokopija. Mještani i posjetitelji ovamo dolaze u laganu šetnju, na kavu uz jezero ili na osvježavajuću vožnju biciklom u sjeni visokih stabala. Dok priroda buja u punom sjaju, ovo je idealno mjesto za upijanje živahne proljetne energije Tirane.


As spring unfolds in Tirana, the Grand Park becomes a vibrant hub of outdoor activity. Stretching across 230 hectares, this lush green space is home to winding paths, a serene artificial lake, and hidden cultural gems like the Presidential Palace and the Saint Procopius Church. Locals and visitors alike come here for a leisurely walk, a lakeside coffee, or a refreshing bike ride under the shade of towering trees. With nature in full bloom, it’s the ideal spot to embrace Tirana’s lively springtime energy.

Madrid i Zagreb povezani su letovima Croatia Airlinesa od 3. srpnja ponedjeljkom, četvrtkom i subotom.

From 3 July, Croatia Airlines will connect Madrid and Zagreb with flights on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

S. Pjanić
S. Pjanić



Češký Krumlov udaljen je od Praga nešto više od dva sata vožnje automobilom, a smješten je u slikovitoj dolini rijeke Vltave u južnoj Češkoj.

A little more than two hours away from Prague by car, Český Krumlov is nestled in the picturesque valley of the Vltava River in the southern Czech Republic.

Pogled na grad s dvorca Český Krumlov

A view of the town from the Český Krumlov Castle

Smješten u slikovitoj dolini rijeke Vltave u južnoj Češkoj, Český Krumlov pravi je dragulj srednjovjekovne arhitekture i kulture. Ovaj grad bogate povijesti i očaravajućeg ozračja privlači posjetitelje iz cijelog svijeta. Uvršten na popis UNESCO-ove svjetske baštine, Český Krumlov nudi jedinstven spoj povijesnih znamenitosti, kulturnih događanja i prirodnih ljepota.

Povijest Český Krumlova seže u 13. stoljeće, a njegov je dvorac drugi po veličini u Češkoj, odmah iza Praškog dvorca. Dvorac Český Krumlov, smješten na stijeni iznad grada, pruža spektakularan pogled na okolicu i rijeku Vltavu, koja vijuga kroz grad. Kompleks dvorca obuhvaća niz zgrada, vrtova i barokno kazalište, koje je jedno od najbolje očuvanih te vrste u Europi.

Bajkoviti grad na Vltavi

A fairy-tale town on the Vltava River

Gradska jezgra zadržala je srednjovjekovni izgled s prekrasnim renesansnim i baroknim građevinama. Glavni trg, Námestí Svornosti, okružen je povijesnim kućama s lijepo uređenim pročeljima, a tu se nalazi i Gradska vijećnica iz 16. stoljeća.

Český Krumlov kultur no je središte koje tijekom cijele godine nudi bogat program događanja. Među najpoznatijim manifestacijama jest Međunarodni glazbeni festival, koji se održava ljeti i privlači renomirane glazbenike iz cijelog svijeta. Festival petnaestog stoljeća, koji se održava u lipnju, vraća grad u prošlost s povorkama, turnirima i srednjovjekovnim sajmovima.

Rijeka Vltava pruža brojne mogućnosti za rekreaciju, poput vožnje kanuom ili raftinga, što je idealan način da se grad doživi iz drugačije perspektive. Okolica Český Krumlova nudi i predivne pješačke i biciklističke staze koje prolaze kroz šume i brežuljke, pružajući priliku za uživanje u netaknutoj prirodi.

Lokalna kuhinja u Český Krumlovu pravi je doživljaj. U brojnim restoranima i pivnicama možete kušati tradicionalna češka jela, kao što su svinjetina s knedlima i kupusom, gulaš i razni kolači. Grad je također poznat po svojim pivovarama koje nude izvrsno pivo koje svakako treba kušati.

Český Krumlov poznat je ne samo po svojoj povijesnoj arhitekturi nego i kao jedno od rijetkih mjesta gdje se može pronaći kamen moldavit. Ovaj rijetki, zeleni tektit, formiran prije 15 milijuna godina uslijed meteorskog udara, često se nalazi u okolici grada. Lokalni muzeji i trgovine nude posjetiteljima priliku da saznaju više o moldavitu te kupe ovaj dragocjeni kamen kao suvenir. Povezanost Český Krumlova i moldavita dodaje dodatnu dimenziju posjetu ovom šarmantnom gradu, spajajući prirodne ljepote i geološku povijest.

Český Krumlov destinacija je koja očarava svojim bajkovitim izgledom, bogatom poviješću i raznovrsnom ponudom kulturnih i rekreativnih aktivnosti. Bilo da ste ljubitelj povijesti, umjetnosti ili prirode, ovaj grad pruža nezaboravno iskustvo koje ćete dugo pamtiti. 

Postanite korisnik Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartice bez upisnine i članarine* LAST ILI FIRST MINUTE PUTOVANJE?

Slatka je briga... jer Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica nagrađuje Vaše kupnje novim nagradnim miljama.

Svakodnevnom kupnjom sakupljajte nagradne Miles & More milje te uživajte u brojnim pogodnostima:

2.000 nagradnih milja dobrodošlice • sakupljanje milja u omjeru 1 € = 1 Miles & More milja • putno osiguranje • milje ne zastarijevaju** • kupnja na 36 rata bez kamata i naknada

* Pogodnost vrijedi za prvu godinu korištenja Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartice za sve pristupnice primljene od 1.1.2025. do 30.6.2025. ** Nakon što posjedujete karticu najmanje tri mjeseca i dobijete barem jednu milju mjesečno za kupnju karticom

01 Pogled na Plášt’ový most iz parka Jelíní. Dio je dvorca Český Krumlov, gdje povezuje gornji dvorac s baroknim kazalištem dvorca

A view of Plášt’ový Most or the Cloak Bridge from the Deer Garden. It’s part of the Český Krumlov Castle, and bridges the upper castle with the castle’s baroque theatre

02 Pogled na rijeku Vltavu s mosta Lazebnický

A view of the Vltava River from the Lazebnický Bridge

03 Osim što služi češke specijalitete, restoran Krumlovsky Mlyn ima veliki muzej i antikvarnicu

The Krumlovsky Mlyn restaurant doesn’t just serve Czech specialities, but also has a large museum and an antique shop

Český Krumlov is a real gem of medieval architecture and culture, whose rich history and enchanting atmosphere attracts visitors from all over the world. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Český Krumlov boasts a unique blend of historical landmarks, cultural events, and beautiful landscapes.

The history of Český Krumlov dates back to the 13th century. Its castle is the second largest in the Czech Republic, just after Prague Castle. Perched on a rock above the town, Český Krumlov Castle offers spectacular vistas of the surroundings and the Vltava River winding through the town. The castle complex includes a series of buildings, gardens, and a Baroque theatre, one of the best-preserved of its kind in Europe.

The town’s core has retained its medieval look with beautiful Renaissance and Baroque buildings. The town’s main square, Náme˘stí Svornosti or Harmony Square, is surrounded by historic houses with finely decorated facades, whose centrepiece is the 16th-century Town Hall. Český Krumlov is a cultural hub that offers a rich programme of events throughout the entire year. Amongst the most famous is the International Music Festival. Held in summer, it attracts renowned musicians from around the world. Held in June, the Five-Petalled Rose Festival takes the town back in time with parades, tournaments, and medieval fairs.

The Vltava River provides numerous opportunities for recreation, such as canoeing or rafting, which is an ideal way to experience the town from a different perspective. The surroundings of Český Krumlov also boast beautiful hiking and cycling trails that wind through forests and hills, providing you a chance to enjoy unspoiled nature.

The local cuisine is a true delight. In Český Krumlov’s many restaurants and pubs, be sure to try traditional Czech dishes, such as roast pork with sauerkraut and potato dumplings, goulash, and various

pastries. The town is also known for its breweries, which offer excellent beer that you should definitely try.

Český Krumlov is famous not only for its historic architecture, but also as one of few places in the world rich in moldavite. Formed 15 million years ago by a meteorite impact, this rare green tektite is often found in the town’s surroundings. Local museums and shops offer visitors the chance to learn more about moldavite, and to purchase this semiprecious stone as a souvenir. This close connection between Český Krumlov and moldavite adds an extra dimension to visiting this charming town, as it links the beauty of nature with geological history.

Český Krumlov looks as if it’s straight out of a fairy-tale. It’s a destination that captivates with its rich history, and diverse offerings of cultural events and recreational activities. Whether you’re a fan of history, art or nature, you’re bound to have an unforgettable experience in this town. 

U Prag zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa lete iz Splita od 10. svibnja ponedjeljkom i subotom, iz Dubrovnika od 15. svibnja četvrtkom i nedjeljom te iz Zagreba od 2. srpnja ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom.

Flights to Prague will be available from Split starting 10 May on Mondays and Saturdays, from Dubrovnik starting 15 May on Thursdays and Sundays, and from Zagreb starting 2 July on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.



SNikolinom Brnjac, bivšom hrvatskom ministricom turizma i sporta, a sada zastupnicom u Europskom parlamentu, razgovaramo o aktualnostima vezanim uz turizam i promet, dva neizmjerno važna područja u kojima hrvatska zrakoplovna kompanije Croatia Airlines ima iznimno važnu ulogu.  Kako izgleda vaš tipičan tjedan između Bruxellesa, Strasbourga i Hrvatske? Što vam je najizazovnije u tom ritmu putovanja?

− Obično početkom tjedna letim u Bruxelles, gdje sudjelujem na sastancima parlamentarnih odbora i delegacija, ili na plenarne sjednice u Strasbourg. Kalendar Europskog parlamenta predviđa tri tjedna aktivnosti u parlamentu i jedan tjedan mjesečno za druge obveze, od kojih je najvažnija komunikacija s građanima u državi iz koje dolazite. Zapravo putujem na posao zrakoplovom, pa iako sam i ranije kao ministrica turizma puno letjela, sada mi je zrakoplov postao drugi ured u kojem se dodatno pripremam za tjedne obveze. Za svoja tjedna putovanja biram Croatia Airlines jer je sve uistinu odlično organizirano, osoblje je divno i uvijek spremno pomoći i tu se osjećam najsigurnije.

 Bili ste ministrica turizma i sporta u razdoblju kada je turizam prolazio kroz najveće krize, ali je Hrvatska ipak bila među najposjećenijim destinacijama na Mediteranu. Kakvu je ulogu u tom kontekstu imala suradnja ministarstva i avioprijevoznika?

− Tako je, početak mojeg mandata je obilježila epidemija koronavirusa, koja je snažno pogodila turizam općenito, ali posebno avioprijevoznike. Za turizam je

prometna povezanost jedan od glavnih preduvjeta uspjeha, pa smo u razdoblju epidemije nažalost imali prilično velik pad kada je riječ o snažnim aviodestina cijama kao što je Dubrovnik. Suradnja s nacionalnim avioprijevoznikom bila nam je posebno važna jer je Hrvat ska ostala povezana s brojnim važnim destinacijama unutar i izvan Hrvatske, upravo zahvaljujući tomu što je Croatia Airlines optimizirao letove u skladu s epidemiološkom situacijom i tržišnom potražnjom. Nakon krize nastavili smo blisko surađivati pa možemo reći da nacionalni prijevoznik kontinuirano daje ogroman doprinos turističkom uspjehu Hrvatske. Posebno nas vesele linije u zimskom redu letenja, koje pozitivno utječu na turistički promet izvan glavne sezone, što je jedan od glavnih ciljeva naše Strategije razvoja održivog turizma do 2030. godine.

 Kako kao zastupnica u Europskom parlamentu možete konkretno utjecati na politike vezane uz putovanja? − Europski parlament donosi zakone zajedno s državama članicama u Vijeću, a odgovoran je i za europski proračun. Zastupnici iz Odbora za promet i turizam (TRAN), čija sam jedina članica iz Hrvat ske, izravno sudjeluju u pregovorima oko konačnih tekstova zakona. Tako sam, primjerice, uključena u rad na izmjeni direktive o putovanjima u paket aranžma nima, koja će poboljšati zaštitu potrošača ali i agencija. Osobno mi je jako važno saslušati sve dionike na koje neka politi ka ili zakon utječe jer tako dobijem uvid u moguće izazove kao i buduću primjenu − a najvažnije je da provedba novih zakona donese vidljiva poboljšanja.

PIŠE/BY Ksenija Žlof


Prvak fotografije

Vizual služi isključivo u demonstracijske svrhe. Molimo konzultirajte se sa službenim prodajnim mjestom prije kupovine uređaja.

Ideja je u predstojećem razdoblju povezati održivost i konkurentnost na svim područjima, a tu se posebno ističe promet. Zato mi je iznimno drago da Croatia Airlines već radi na smanjenju emisija štetnih plinova.

The goal is to balance sustainability and competitiveness across all sectors, with a particular focus on transport. That’s why I’m pleased that Croatia Airlines is already working on reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

 Što zrakoplovnim prijevoznicima donosi novi zakonodavni ciklus Europske unije koji je započeo prošle godine?

− Svi smo predani radu na poboljšanju uvjeta za prijevoznike i putnike. Kao što znate, u novoj Europskoj komisiji po prvi put imamo povjerenika za održivi promet i turizam, s kojim je Odbor TRAN već započeo intenzivnu suradnju. Ideja je u predstojećem razdoblju povezati održivost i konkurentnost na svim područjima, a tu se posebno ističe promet. Zato mi je iznimno drago da Croatia Airlines već radi na smanjenju emisija, uključujući i kroz kupnju novih Airbusa 220, koji će značajno smanjiti emisije i potrošnju goriva, ali i poboljšati iskustvo putnika.  Često ste u avionima i zračnim lukama, pomaže li Vam to u radu na poboljšanju prava putnika u zračnom prometu?

− Da, i kroz osobno iskustvo vidim koliko su važna prava putnika, posebno u slučajevima kašnjenja, otkazivanja letova ili izgubljene prtljage. EU ima snažne propise koji štite putnike, ali imam dojam da građani još uvijek nisu dovoljno informirani o svojim pravima, zbog čega ću kao zastupnica još više raditi na tome da bi se to poboljšalo. 

We spoke with Nikolina Brnjac, former Croatian Minister of Tourism and Sports, and now a Member of European Parliament, about current affairs related to tourism and transport, two immensely important sectors in which Croatia’s flag carrier, Croatia Airlines, plays a crucial role.

 What does a typical week look like for you as you travel between Brussels, Strasbourg, and Croatia? What do you find most challenging about this travel routine?

− I fly to Brussels, where I participate in parliamentary committee and delegation meetings, or attend plenary sessions in Strasbourg, usually at the start of the week. The European Parliament’s calendar allocates three weeks per month for parliamentary activities, and one week for other commitments, the most important of which is engaging with citizens in our home country. In a way, I commute to work by aircraft, and although I travelled frequently as Minister of Tourism and Sports, aircraft have now become my second office, where I prepare for the week ahead. For my weekly travels, I choose Croatia Airlines because everything is exceptionally well organised, the staff are wonderful and always ready to help, and I feel safest with them.

 You served as Minister of Tourism and Sports during one of the biggest crises in tourism, yet Croatia remained one of the most visited destinations in the Mediterranean. What role did the cooperation between the ministry and airline carriers play in this?

− Indeed, my term began during the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a severe impact on tourism, especially on airlines. Connectivity is a key factor in the success of the tourism sector, and during the pandemic, we unfortunately saw a significant drop in air traffic, particularly in major aviation hubs like Dubrovnik. Our collaboration with Croatia’s flag carrier was crucial in maintaining connections with important destinations within and beyond Croatia. Croatia Airlines optimised its flights according to the public health and safety situation and market demand, which kept Croatia accessible. Even after the crisis, we continued to work closely, and it’s fair to say that Croatia’s flag carrier plays a significant role in Croatia’s ongoing tourism success. We are particularly

pleased with the winter flight timetable, which boosts off-season tourism, one of the key goals of our Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy until 2030.

 As a Member of European Parliament, how can you directly influence policies related to travel?

− The European Parliament legislates alongside the Member States in the Council of the European Union, and is also responsible for the EU budget. As the only Croatian member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism, I am directly involved in negotiations on legislative texts. For example, I am working on revising the directive on package travel, which will enhance consumer protection while supporting travel agencies. It’s important to listen to all stakeholders affected by policies or laws, as this provides insight into potential challenges and issues that may arise during the practical implementation process. The ultimate goal is to ensure that new laws lead to tangible improvements.

 What does the new EU legislative cycle, which began last year, bring for airline carriers?

− We are all committed to improving conditions for both airlines and passengers. For the first time, the new European Commission includes a Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism, with whom the Committee on Transport and Tourism has already established close cooperation. The goal is to balance sustainability and competitiveness across all sectors, with a particular focus on transport. That’s why I’m pleased that Croatia Airlines is already working on reducing emissions, including through the purchase of new Airbus A220 aircraft, which will significantly lower emissions and fuel consumption while enhancing the passenger experience.

 As someone who frequently flies and spends time in airports, does that experience help you in advocating for better passenger rights?

− Yes, my personal experience reinforces how crucial passenger rights are, especially in cases of delays, flight cancellations, or lost luggage. The EU has strong regulations protecting passengers, but I feel that many citizens are still not fully aware of their rights. That’s something I intend to work on improving as a Member of European Parliament. 





U Zagrebu je prošle godine otvoreno prvo arthouse VR kino na svijetu koje je specijalizirano za filmove, a iza tog projekta stoji poznati hrvatski multimedijski umjetnik i pripovjedač priča Davor Rostuhar.

Last year, Zagreb became home to the first arthouse VR cinema in the world dedicated to showcasing films, a project spearheaded by renowned Croatian multimedia artist and storyteller, Davor Rostuhar.

DPIŠE/BY Ksenija Žlof


Davor Rostuhar

avor Rostuhar poznati je hrvatski putnik, pustolov i multimedijski umjetnik. Njegov posljednji projekt bio je Lovci sakupljači, kroz koji je dokumentirao život jednog od posljednjih plemena na svijetu koje žive najstarijim načinom života. Budući da nije bilo drugog načina da VR film pokaže publici, u centru Zagreba izgradio je VR kino, u kojem je odlučio osim svojega prikazivati i po njegovu izboru najbolje druge VR

Davor Rosthar godinama je radio za National Geographic, u suradnji s kojim je, kako kaže, napravio najposjećeniju hrvatsku izložbu i najprodavaniju hrvatsku fotomonografiju Hrvatska iz zraka, sedmogodišnji projekt u kojem je među prvima koristio dronove. Objavio je još osam putopisnih knjiga od kojih su najpopularnije: Polarni san, koji prati njegovu najekstremniju ekspediciju u kojoj je u 47 dana posve sam i bez vanjske podrške prehodao 1200 kilometara od obale

Antarktike do Južnog pola, i Ljubav oko svijeta, u kojem se sa suprugom Anđelom uputio na neobičan medeni mjesec u kojem su proputovali 30 zemalja i istraživali što predstavlja ljubav ljudima u raznim kulturama. Posljednja dva projekta izašla su i u obliku nagrađivanih filmova te multimedijalnog motivacijskog predavanja kojim Rostuhar puni dvorane po Hrvatskoj i šire.

For years, Davor Rostuhar worked with National Geographic, with whom he created Croatia from Above, the most-visited exhibition in Croatia and the country’s best-selling photography monograph. This seven-year project saw him amongst the first to use drones for aerial photography. He has published eight more travel books, the two most popular of which are Polar Dream, which follows his most extreme expedition − crossing 1,200 kilometres from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole entirely alone and without anyone’s outside support or assistance in 47 days − and Love Around the World, which chronicles an extraordinary honeymoon with his wife Anđela, during which they travelled across 30 countries to explore what love means in different cultures. These last two projects have also been adapted into award-winning films and a multimedia motivational lecture that continues to draw packed audiences in both Croatia and beyond.

filmove na svijetu. Primjerice, u kinu se može pogledati film Soloist, koji iz blizine prati ponajboljeg penjača na svijetu Alexa Honnolda kako se penje po nevjerojatnim liticama bez osiguranja; 1 i 2 korak u svemir − VR ekspedicija koja gledatelje vodi na Mjesec i Mars; te Ayahuasca, meditativan film koji vrlo uvjerljivo dočarava gledateljima duhovno iskustvo koje već stoljećima prolaze amazonski šamani nakon konzumacije posebnog halucinogenog napitka.

− U svojim počecima VR nije bio baš dojmljiv pa su mnogi predviđali da neće zaživjeti, međutim nedavno je premašio kritičnu točku, preživio početne izazove te sada počinje žariti i paliti punom parom. Osim što se već dobro utemeljio u sektoru igara, sada se sve više koristi u obrazovanju i raznim aspektima poslovanja, a proživljava i revoluciju u filmovima. Tek prije nekoliko godina počeli su se snimati vrhunski filmovi, a sada se sve više i više ozbiljnih autora okušava u tom poslu. Jednako kao što je fotografija bila revolucionaran medij u odnosu na pisanu priču, pa kasnije video revolucionaran u odnosu na fotografiju, tako je i VR sada posve nova, revolucionarna dimenzija pripovijedanja priča. Budući da se VR kamerom bilježi cijela stvarnost u 360 stupnjeva i 3D-u, to zapravo znači da se gledatelj prenosi unutar samog filma i postaje njegov sudionik. To je sasvim novo i uzbudljivo iskustvo gledanja filmova i zapravo nešto najsličnije teleportaciji što do sada poznajemo − ističe Rostuhar. Iz mjeseca u mjesec broj posjetitelja

01 VR kino Kek u samome centru Zagreba Kek VR cinema in the heart of Zagreb

02 Spoj tehnologije i umjetnosti pruža jedinstven doživljaj gledanja filma

The fusion of technology and art provides a unique film-watching experience

03 VR kino Kek već ima svoju domaću i međunarodnu publiku

The Kek VR cinema already has its own domestic and international audience

raste, a sve je više i turista, koji su redom oduševljeni činjenicom da u Zagrebu pronalaze nešto što ne postoji nigdje drugdje u svijetu. Unikatni koncept kina privukao je pažnju investitora pa se uskoro priprema skaliranje i franšiziranje. Tako bi jedno malo nesvakidašnje kino koje je nastalo iz entuzijazma za pripovijedanjem priča moglo postati zagrebački i hrvatski kulturni izvozni proizvod. 

Petrinjska 51, Zagreb vrkino.kek.hr


‘Rak može biti najlakša i najteža bolest. Mi biramo da bude najlakša.’

Davor Rostuhar, putnik, pustolov i multimedijski umjetnik

Davor Rostuhar, a traveller, adventurer, and multimedia artist

Davor Rostuhar is a well-known Croatian traveller, adventurer, and multimedia artist. His latest project, Hunter-Gatherers, documents the life of one of the world’s last tribes that still live in a hunter-gathering community, the most ancient way of life. With no other way to present his VR film to audiences, he built a VR cinema in the heart of Zagreb. Beyond

showcasing his own work, he decided to feature what he considers to be the best VR films from around the globe. For example, visitors can watch The Soloist, which follows world-class climber Alex Honnold as he scales breath-taking cliffs without any safety gear; 1st and 2nd Step into Space, a VR expedition that takes viewers to the Moon and Mars; and Ayahuasca, a meditative film that vividly recreates the spiritual experience undergone for centuries by Amazonian shamans after consuming a special hallucinogenic brew.

− In its early days, VR wasn’t particularly impressive, and many predicted it wouldn’t catch on. However, it has recently passed a critical threshold, overcoming its initial challenges and now gaining serious momentum. While it has already become well-established in the gaming industry, it is increasingly being used in education and various business sectors. It’s also experiencing a revolution in the film industry. High-quality VR films started being made only a few years ago, and now the number of serious filmmakers exploring the medium is also steadily increasing. Just as photography

was revolutionary compared to the written word, and video later transformed photography, VR is now a completely new, groundbreaking dimension of storytelling. Since VR cameras capture the entirety of reality in 360 degrees and 3D, it means that viewers are fully immersed in the film, becoming participants in it rather than mere spectators of it. It’s a completely new and thrilling way of experiencing cinema, arguably the closest thing we have to teleportation − explains Rostuhar.

Month by month, visitor numbers are rising, and more and more tourists are discovering this one-of-a-kind experience, thrilled to find something in Zagreb that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world. The cinema’s unique concept has caught the attention of investors, and plans for scaling and franchising are already set in motion. What started as a passionate storytelling venture may soon become a cultural export of both Zagreb and Croatia. 

51 Petrinjska Street, Zagreb vrkino.kek.hr



Prošla godina kao i početak ove donio nam je mnogo sportskih radosti, ali i dobre turističke rezultate. Croatia Airlines od svojeg osnutka pruža podršku razvoju hrvatskog turizma i hrvatskim sportašima koje uvijek ponosno prevozi do njihova natjecateljskog odredišta te natrag u domovinu. O svemu tome razgovarali smo s Tončijem Glavinom, ministrom turizma i sporta.  Kako biste ocijenili turističku i sportsku 2024. godinu?

Protekla 2024. godina ostat će upamćena po iznimnim sportskim uspjesima, rekordnim turističkim rezultatima i strateškim iskoracima u razvoju hrvatskog turizma. U oba sektora usporedno ostvarujemo velike iskorake, koji daju konkretne rezultate. Postavljanjem i ostvarenjem strateških ciljeva profiliramo Hrvatsku kao cjelogo-

dišnju destinaciju, što nam potvrđuju i podaci prema kojima smo u prošloj godini ostvarili rekordnu predsezonu i posezonu. To je rezultat svih promjena koje uvodimo, ali i brojnih ulaganja u sektor kroz nove investicije i podizanje kvalitete proizvoda. Trenutačno je u tijeku realizacija investicija od gotovo pola milijarde eura u javne i privatne turističke proizvode, koje je osigurala ova Vlada, a sve u cilju stvaranja konkurentnog i održivog turizma u budućnosti. Kada govorimo o sportu, možemo reći da s pravom nosimo epitet sportske Vlade jer smo šesterostruko povećali ulaganja u sport u našim mandatima, a tako ćemo nastaviti i dalje. Naše sportašice i sportaši to nam vraćaju svojim uspjesima, pa smo tako i u 2024. godini s njima opet slavili i olimpijske i paraolimpijske medalje, ali i ukupno više od 200 medalja

PIŠE/BY Ksenija Žlof

Tonči Glavina, ministar turizma i sporta

Tonči Glavina, Minister of Tourism and Sports

koje su samo u seniorskoj konkurenciji osvojili na svim drugim natjecanjima svjetske i europske razine. Osim ponosa koji nam izazivaju sva njihova postignuća, ona nas i potiču na dodatnu obvezu daljnjeg ulaganja i osnaživanja hrvatskog sporta. Hrvatska je i turistička i sportska velesila. Naša je vizija jasan i održiv razvoj oba sektora jer oni nisu samo ključni za gospodarski rast nego i za međunarodnu prepoznatljivost Hrvatske kao zemlje izvrsnosti i pobjedničkog duha.

 I 2025. godina započela je sjajno za hrvatski sport; Hrvatska je bila domaćin Svjetskog prvenstva u rukometu, a uz to su hrvatski rukometaši osvojili i srebrnu medalju.

Naši rukometaši opet su nam vratili puno radosti u siječnju, kako su to činile gene racije prije njih na svjetskim i europskim prvenstvima u rukometu, koja se uvijek redovito održavaju početkom godine. Ovom prilikom još jednom im čestitam na ovom velikom uspjehu i veseli me što su igrači nakon natjecanja rekli kako ne bi osvojili ovu medalju da nisu igrali doma i pred našim navijačima, koji su ih doslovno nosili do odličja. To je još jedna potvrda kako je u potpunosti opravdana podrška Vlade ovakvim natjecanjima, a posebno kada još dodamo turističku i promocijsku vrijednost ovakvih događaja jer znamo da tada raste i posjećenost našoj zemlji, a prekrasna slika Hrvatske

prenosi se diljem svijeta i naša se domovina promiče kao sportska, ali i turistički poželjna zemlja. Zato smo od početka mandata prepoznali važnost održavanja velikih međunarodnih sportskih natjecanja i njihovu višestruku sportsku i turističku vrijednost te ih podržali čak 188 s iznosom većim od 60 milijuna eura.  U sportskom segmentu 2025. je znači krenula odlično, a što nas čeka u turističkoj 2025.?

Vjerujem da nas i u tom segmentu čeka jako puno dobrih rezultata. Već nam prvi mjeseci ponovo pokazuju veći turistički promet od prošlogodišnjeg rekordnog, što znači da nastavljamo rasti izvan glavnog dijela turističke godine, a to je jedan od naših najvažnijih strateških ciljeva. Očekujemo rast novih investicija, kao i nastavak realizacije reforme koju provodimo već nekoliko godina, a koja u fokus stavlja održivost te daljnju konkurentnost hrvatskog turizma. 

The past year, as well as the beginning of this one, has brought us many sporting triumphs and impressive tourism results. Since its inception, Croatia Airlines has proudly supported the development of Croatia’s tourism, and played a key role in transporting Croatian athletes to and from their competitions with pride. We spoke with Tonči Glavina, Minister of Tourism and Sports, about these successes and future ambitions.

 How would you evaluate 2024 in terms of tourism and sports?

− The past year will be remembered for exceptional sporting achievements, record-breaking tourism results, and

significant strategic advancements in the development of Croatia’s tourism. We are making great strides in both sectors, and the impact is clear. By setting and achieving strategic goals, we are positioning Croatia as a year-round destination, as evidenced by last year’s record-breaking pre-season and post-season figures. This success is the result of policy changes, substantial investments, and improvements in product quality. Currently, nearly half a billion euros, secured by this government, are being invested in public and private tourism projects, ensuring Croatia’s future as a competitive and sustainable destination. As for the sector of sport, our government is justifiably recognised as a strong supporter of it. We have increased funding for sports sixfold during our terms, and we will continue this trend. Our athletes have repaid this commitment with their outstanding performances. In 2024 alone, they brought home Olympic and Paralympic medals, along with over 200 medals at world and European senior-level competitions. Their success fills us with pride, but also reinforces our responsibility to further invest in and strengthen Croatian sport. Croatia is both a sporting and a tourism powerhouse. Our vision is a clear and sustainable development strategy for both sectors, not only because they drive economic growth, but also because they enhance Croatia’s international reputation as a country of excellence and a winning spirit.  2025 has already had a strong start for Croatian sport, with the country hosting the 2025 IHF World Men’s Handball Championship, and the national team winning the silver medal.

− Our handball players once again

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brought us great joy in January, just as previous generations have done at world and European championships, which are traditionally held early in the year. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate them once more on their incredible achievement. It was particularly rewarding to hear the players say that they would not have won this medal if they had not been playing at home, in front of Croatia’s passionate fans who literally carried them to victory. This reinforces the importance of government support for such events, especially considering their tourism and promotional impact. These major competitions not only boost visitor numbers, but also showcase Croatia to the world as a premier sporting and travel destination. That’s why, from the very start of our term, we have recognised the immense value of hosting major international sporting events, from the perspective of both sports and tourism. To date, we have supported 188 such events with over € 60 million in funding.

 2025 has had an excellent start in sports. What can we expect from the tourism sector this year?

− I believe we have plenty of positive developments ahead. The first months of the year are already showing higher tourist traffic figures than last year’s record-breaking ones. This confirms that we are successfully extending the tourism season beyond its peak, which remains one of our key strategic goals. We anticipate further investment growth, as well as the continued implementation of our long-term tourism reform, which focuses on sustainability and strengthening Croatia’s competitiveness as a destination. 





Zagrebački HaHaHouse prvi je Muzej smijeha na svijetu, atrakcija za sve uzraste čija je glavna misija svakom posjetitelju izmamiti osmijeh na lice.

Zagreb's HaHaHouse is the world’s first Museum of Laughter, an attraction for all ages with a mission to bring a smile to every visitor’s face.

Centar Zagreba u siječnju je postao bogatiji za jedinstvenu atrakciju − HaHaHouse, prvi muzej posvećen smijehu! Smješten u Gajevoj ulici 7, ovaj originalni prostor spaja humor, umjetnost i tehnologiju kako bi posjetiteljima pružio nezaboravno iskustvo i, što je najvažnije, izmamio osmijeh na lice. Projektiran u suradnji s talentiranim dizajnerima, arhitektima, umjetnicima i stručnjacima iz Hrvatske i inozemstva, HaHaHouse nudi zabavne i kreativne eksponate koji će oduševiti sve, od najmlađih do najstarijih, bez obzira na to kakvu vrstu humora preferiraju.

Andrea Golubić, osnivačica muzeja, inspiraciju za ovaj projekt pronašla je u želji da ljudima vrati osmijeh i vedrinu u stresnu i iscrpljujuću svakodnevicu.

− HaHaHouse moj je način širenja radosti i povezivanja kroz smijeh. Oduvijek nosim

Kažu da je smijeh najbolji lijek − a sada svoju dozu možete nabaviti bez recepta, samo u Muzeju smijeha. Ako i sami želite doživjeti što HaHaHouse čini posebnim, možete to učiniti svakog dana između 9 i 21 sat na adresi Gajeva 7/1 u Zagrebu. Uz to, HaHaHouse organizira i posebne vrste team buildinga te proslava za odrasle. Pridružite nam se i među prvima otkrijte ovu posebnu priču!

They say that laughter is the best medicine − and now you can get your dose without a prescription, only at the Museum of Laughter. If you want to experience what makes HaHaHouse so special, visit any day between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. at 7/1 Gajeva Street in Zagreb. HaHaHouse also organises unique team-building events and celebrations for adults. Join us, and be amongst the first to discover this extraordinary story!

u sebi želju i potrebu da ljudi oko mene budu sretni, nasmijani i da se osjećaju dobro. Ovaj projekt nastao je iz srca, kao lijek za dušu u sivilu današnjice − pojašnjava Andrea i dodaje: − HaHaHouse je mjesto za sve koji se žele ponovno osjećati radosno i tu radost dalje širiti svijetom. Svako novo nasmijano lice naša je mala pobjeda, a svako lice koje nam se ponovno vrati dokaz je da je svijet postao barem malo bolje mjesto.

Posjetitelji će prolaskom kroz osam zona HaHaHousea otkriti razigrane instalacije i interaktivne izloške koje ih pozivaju na sudjelovanje i dobru zabavu. No osim dobre zabave humorom se nastoji osvijestiti

i važnost smijeha u očuvanju mentalnog zdravlja. Svojim inovativnim pristupom HaHaHouse neiscrpan je izvor razbibrige, oaza opuštanja u kojoj se posjetitelju na jednostavan način omogućava bijeg od svakodnevne monotonije. 

In January, the heart of Zagreb welcomed a unique new attraction − HaHaHouse, the first museum dedicated to laughter. Located at 7 Gajeva Street, this original venue combines humour, art, and technology to offer visitors an unforgettable experience and, most importantly, put a smile on their faces. Designed in collaboration with talented designers, architects, artists, and experts from Croatia and beyond, HaHaHouse features fun and creative exhibits that will delight visitors of all ages, regardless of their sense of humour.

Andrea Golubić, the museum’s founder, found inspiration for this project in her desire to bring joy and lightheartedness to people’s stressful and exhausting daily lives.

− HaHaHouse is my way of spreading happiness and connecting people through laughter. I’ve always had a deep need to see those around me happy, smiling, and feeling good. This project was born from the heart, as a remedy for the soul in today’s grey world − Andrea explains, adding:

− HaHaHouse is a place for anyone who wants to rediscover joy and share it with the world. Every new smiling face is a small victory for us, and every returning visitor is proof that the world has become just a little bit better.

02 Ručno oslikani detalji

Hand-painted details

03 Zona relaksacije skriva iznenađenja

There are surprises in store for you in the relaxation zone

04 Osnivačica muzeja Andrea Golubić

Andrea Golubić, the founder of the museum

As visitors explore the eight zones of HaHaHouse, they’ll encounter playful installations and interactive exhibits that invite participation and fun. But beyond pure entertainment, humour is also used to highlight the importance of laughter in maintaining mental health. With its innovative approach, HaHaHouse is an endless source of amusement − an oasis of relaxation that offers visitors an easy escape from everyday monotony. 

01 Ulaz u postav Muzeja smijeha The entrance to the Museum of Laughter display zones

It's love on every sight.

From ancient city walls to untouched islands, from summer to autumn to winter and spring, from the top of the mountains to the depths of the sea, from opulent history to pampering today, Dubrovnik is a pure joy to experience. So when's a better time to fall in love than now?


Nova Gradiška

IZLOŽBA SJAJ I BOJA do/until 30. 4. Zagrebački Muzej za umjetnost i obrt predstavlja se novogradiškoj publici izlažući dio svoje bogate Zbirke stakla. Ova izložba obuhvaća čak 155 eksponata koji prikazuju tehnički i umjetnički presjek staklarstva 19. stoljeća prema kriteriju izvrsnosti i unikatnosti. Za ovu su izložbu izabrani predmeti koji dosad većinom nisu bili izlagani, a također se ističu reprezentativnošću i majstorstvom izrade. Izložba Sjaj i boja − oblikovanje stakla u 19. stoljeću nastavak je međumuzejskog projekta MUO u Slavoniji − Slavonija u MUO.


Zagreb’s Museum of Arts and Crafts is presenting a selection from its rich Glass Collection to the public in Nova Gradiška. This exhibition features as many as 155 exhibits, offering a technical and artistic cross-section of 19th-century glassmaking based on criteria of excellence and uniqueness. The selected pieces have mostly never been exhibited before and stand out for their representative masterful craftsmanship. Titled Brilliance and Colour − Glass Design in the 19th Century, the exhibition is a continuation of the inter-museum project MUO in Slavonia − Slavonia in MUO.





5. 4. − 12. 4.

U dvadesetak zagrebačkih izvedbenih i drugih kulturnih prostora više od 230 izvođača i izvođačica iz preko 30 zemalja sa šest kontinenata − od Hrvatske, Australije, Hong Konga, SAD-a, Kanade, Argentine i Kostarike do Finske, Belgije, Španjolske, Francuske, Luksemburga, Njemačke, Rumunjske, Turske, Tunisa i mnogih drugih − izvest će program aktualnih glazbenih strujanja koji istražuje teme povezivanja i inovacije od suvremenih i eksperimentalnih formi do interdisciplinarnih suradnji s područja vizualne umjetnosti, elektronike i teatra.


Across some twenty music and cultural venues in Zagreb, more than 230 artists from over 30 countries across six continents − including Croatia, Australia, Hong Kong, the USA, Canada, Argentina, Costa Rica, Finland, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, Germany, Romania, Turkey, Tunisia, and many more − are presenting a programme of contemporary music trends. Exploring themes of connection and innovation, the event is showcasing everything from modern and experimental music forms to interdisciplinary collaborations with the visual arts, electronic music, and theatre.

S. Budek









6. 6. − 8. 6.

Izazovna ruta duga 58 kilometara s više od 2500 metara uspona iznad Zagreba počinje kod kulturnog spomenika Susedgrad i prati Medvedničku transverzalu (1M), prepunu prirodnih dragulja poput slapa Sopot i izvora Kraljičin zdenac, koji u proljeće oživi u punom sjaju. Kraj avanture očekuje vas u Sesvetama, a svaki korak na ovoj stazi pruža nevjerojatan pogled na prirodu koja okružuje grad.


This challenging 58-kilometre route with over 2,500 metres of ascent above Zagreb starts at the Susedgrad cultural landmark and follows the Medvednica Traverse Trail (1M), rich in nature’s gems such as the Sopot waterfall and the Kraljičin Zdenac spring, which comes to life in all its glory in spring. The adventure finishes in Sesvete, with every step along the trail offering breath-taking views of the nature surrounding the city of Zagreb.


13. 4. − 19. 6. Kako bi proslavio 100. obljetnicu svojeg postojanja, Dubrovački simfonijski orkestar pripremio je bogat program koji je u ovom dijelu godine obuhvaćen festivalom Dubrovačko glazbeno proljeće. Veliki obljetnički koncert održat će se 13. travnja u Kazalištu Marina Držića, upravo na isti dan i na istome mjestu kao i prvi koncert Dubrovačke filharmonije 1925. godine. Vrhunac festivala svakako je Zvjezdani ciklus, koji će u atrij Kneževa dvora dovesti legendarnog pijanista Ivu Pogorelića, hornista Radovana Vlatkovića te dirigente Valentina Egela i Uroša Lajovica. Publiku još očekuje i Večer Johanna Straussa mlađeg, nastup francuskog pijanista Ingmara Lazara i brojna događanja dostojna stogodišnjice orkestra.


To celebrate its 100th anniversary, the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra has prepared a rich programme, highlighted at this time of year by the Dubrovnik Musical Spring festival. The grand anniversary concert is taking place on 13 April at the Marin Držić Theatre − on the very same day and at the very same venue as the first concert of the Dubrovnik Philharmonic in 1925. A festival highlight is undoubtedly the Star Cycle, which is bringing legendary pianist Ivo Pogorelić, hornist Radovan Vlatković, and conductors Valentin Egel and Uroš Lajovic to the atrium of the Rector’s Palace. Audiences can also look forward to an Evening of Johann Strauss II, a performance by French pianist Ingmar Lazar, and a whole host of events worthy of the orchestra’s centenary.


S. Kurtagić
V. Levi

Zagreb Classic: Vrhunski glazbeni doživljaj

Zagreb Classic − A world-class musical experience


Zagreb Classic open air glazbeni je festival koji svake godine oduševljava Zagrepčane i goste te na poseban način nizom koncerata dočekuje i obilježava ljeto.

Zagreb Classic is an open-air music festival that delights locals and visitors alike, celebrating the arrival of summer with a series of exceptional concerts.

Početak ljeta na mnogima najljepši zagrebački Trg kralja Tomislava svake godine privlači Zagrepčane, ali i brojne goste iz zemlje i inozemstva. Zagreb Classic open air održava se od 2016. godine, a među umjetnicima i ljubiteljima glazbe uživa kultni status. Treba to zahvaliti toliko važnoj kemiji što povezuje vrhunsku glazbu, odlične izvođače te publiku koja uz omiljene melodije uživa u prekrasnom ambijentu. Tako će biti i ove godine u Zagrebu na samom početku ljeta, s posebnom posvetom kralju valcera, skladatelju Johannu Straussu mlađem, čija se 200.

obljetnica rođenja obilježava 2025. godine.

Popularnost ovoga festivala, koji traje desetak dana, potvrđuje sada već tradicionalno veliko zanimanje gostiju iz zemlje i svijeta, o čemu govori direktorica Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba Martina Bienenfeld:

− Zagreb Classic svake godine privlači sve veći broj ljubitelja klasične glazbe, ne samo iz Hrvatske nego i iz cijelog svijeta, čime se festival afirmira kao važan kulturni događaj na europskoj sceni. Koncerti pod vedrim nebom, u autentičnom ambijentu Trga kralja Tomislava, pružaju publici jedinstvenu priliku za doživljaj vrhunskih interpretacija renomiranih svjetskih solista i ansambala, kao i mladih nadarenih umjetnika, što Zagreb Classic čini posebnim i prepoznatljivim. Besplatan program festivala omogućuje svima da uživaju u koncertima, potičući dijalog između umjetnika i publike te čineći klasičnu glazbu pristupačnom i inspirativnom za sve. Također, festival ima i značajan utjecaj na zagrebačku turističku ponudu, privlačeći goste koji često produljuju boravak kako bi istražili bogatu kulturnu i povijesnu baštinu grada, čime Zagreb Classic postaje važan čimbenik u promicanju Zagreba kao kulturne destinacije.

Kakva pozornica!

Bogatom glazbenom repertoaru dodatnu ljepotu daje ambijent Trga kralja Tomislava. Jedinstvena je to glazbena scena bogatih cvjetnih lijeha, okružena povijesnim zdanjima. Sa sjever ne strane nalazi se Umjetnički paviljon, koji je, jednako kao i fontana na središnjem prostoru, sagrađen krajem 19. stoljeća. S južne se strane od sredine prošloga stoljeća nalazi spomenik kralja Tomislava, čiju 1100. obljetnicu krunidbe obilježavamo ove godine. Rad je to kipara Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića, a spomenik kralja Tomislava jedan je od zagrebačkih simbola i prepoznatljiva zagrebačka razglednica.

I još nešto: pravila odijevanja za ovaj festival jesu casual odjeća i obuća. Poželjan je rekvizit prostirač za sjedenje na travi, a jedina obvezna ulaznica ljubav − prema glazbi. 

Dobro došli!

Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba www.infozagreb.hr

Each year, as summer begins, one of Zagreb’s most beautiful squares − King Tomislav Square − becomes a gathering place for residents and guests from across Croatia and abroad. Since its inception in 2016, Zagreb Classic has gained a cult following amongst artists and music lovers alike. The festival’s unique charm lies in the perfect synergy between outstanding music, world-class performers, and an audience that enjoys beloved melodies in a stunning setting.

This year will be no exception. As summer begins in Zagreb, the festival will pay a special tribute to The King of the Waltz, composer Johann Strauss II, marking the 200th anniversary of his birth in 2025. Lasting around ten days, the festival’s growing popularity is reflected in the increasing number of international visitors. Martina Bienenfeld, CEO at the Zagreb Tourist Board, highlights its significance:

− Zagreb Classic attracts more and more classical music lovers each year, not only from Croatia but from around the world, establishing itself as an important cultural event on the European scene. Open-air concerts in the authentic setting of King Tomislav Square offer audiences a unique opportunity to experience top-tier performances by world-renowned soloists and ensembles, as well as young, talented artists. This makes Zagreb Classic a truly special and distinctive festival. Its free programme ensures that everyone can enjoy the concerts, fostering a dialogue between artists and audiences, and making classical music more accessible and inspiring for all. Moreover, the festival significantly enhances Zagreb’s tourism offering, drawing visitors who often extend their stay to explore the city’s rich cultural and historical heritage. As a result, Zagreb Classic plays a key role in promoting the city as a cultural destination.

What a stage!

The festival’s rich musical repertoire is further enhanced by the breathtaking setting of King Tomislav Square. This one-of-akind venue features vibrant flower beds,

and is surrounded by historic landmarks. On its northern side stands the Art Pavilion, built at the end of the 19th century, as was the square’s centrally placed iconic fountain. To the south stands the monument to King Tomislav, whose 1,100th coronation anniversary is being commemorated this year. Sculpted by sculptor Robert Frangeš-Mihanović, and erected in the mid-20th century, this monument is one of Zagreb’s most recognisable landmarks, and a quintessential image on the city’s postcards.

One final note. The festival’s dress code is casual. A picnic blanket for sitting on the grass is a welcome accessory, and the only admission requirement is a love of music. 

Welcome to Zagreb!

Your Zagreb Tourist Board www.infozagreb.hr

Martina Bienenfeld, direktorica Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba
Martina Bienenfeld, Zagreb Tourist Board CEO


omiljeno zagrebačko izletište

Medvednica, Zagreb’s favourite outing spot

Na Sljeme, na Sljeme, na Sljeme noga vre sama beži… refren je popularne pjesme posvećene zagrebačkom brdu, koje je Zagrepčanima i gostima grada privlačno izletište.

Na Sljeme, na Sljeme, na Sljeme, noga vre sama beži… is the chorus of a popular song dedicated to Zagreb’s mountain, a beloved outdoor getaway for locals and visitors alike.

Prema istraživanju koje je provela Europska agencija za okoliš (EEA), Zagreb se smjestio među najzelenije gradove Europe po postotku zelenih površina i vode sa 74 posto zelene infrastrukture i po tome je drugi glavni grad u Europi, iza Osla!

Jedan je i od malobrojnih europskih, posebno glavnih gradova koji se mogu pohvaliti da im obronci planine na koju se naslanjaju dosežu do samog središta.

Ne čudi stoga što su Medvednica, smještena sjeverno od Zagreba, i njezin najviši vrh Sljeme (1033 metra nm) popularna zagrebačka izletišta uz koja su Zagrepčanke i Zagrepčani posebno vezani.

Ljeti oni omogućuju bijeg od vrućina, zimi su prilika za uživanje na snijegu i u zimskim sportovima, a uvijek su mjesto za rekreaciju te ugodan dan proveden u prekrasnoj prirodi.

01 Utvrda Medvedgrad Medvedgrad Fortress

02 Medvednica Medvednica Mountain

03 Žičara Sljeme Sljeme Cable Car

04 Planinarski dom Grafičar

Brojne uređene pješačke kao i biciklističke staze različite duljine i zahtjevnosti uspona, bogata ugostiteljska ponuda tradicionalnih jela ovog podneblja te raznovrstan smještaj − od soba i planinarskih domova do hotela − čine Medvednicu privlačnom za jednodnevne izlete, ali i duži boravak.

U svako doba godine… Medvednica je atraktivna u svako doba godine i svojevrstan je kontrapunkt užurbanom gradskom životu. Toj uzajamnoj vezi pridonosi i činjenica da je Sljeme, njezin najviši vrh, dostupno i odlično prometno povezano sa središtem grada, pristupačno i osobnim automobilom i autobusom. No najatraktivnije putovanje do vrha Sljemena sigurno je novoizgrađenom žičarom, čija je trasa nešto dulja od pet kilometara, s jednom međustanicom i spektakularnim pogledom na Zagreb. A kad ste ondje, posjetite i obnovljenu povijesnu utvrdu Medvedgrad, u kojoj se nalazi Centar za posjetitelje, čijim otvaranjem priča o parku prirode Medvednica dobiva novi sadržaj. Samo pedesetak metara od gornje stanice žičare nalazi se vidikovac na 83. metru tornja pa je upravo to najviša turistička točka Zagreba. Zapadni dio masiva 1981. godine proglašen je Parkom prirode Medvednica. Područje je visoke vrijednosti i raznolikosti te je dio ekološke mreže Europske unije pod nazivom Natura 2000.

U sklopu parka nalazi se obnovljen rudnik Zrinski, otvoren u 16. stoljeću, a danas je uređen za posjetitelje. S više od sedam kilometara razgranatih kanala špilja Veter-

nica šesta je špilja po veličini u Hrvatskoj, a posjetitelji uz vodstvo stručnog vodiča mogu posjetiti prvih 380 metara špilje i otkriti neke od njezinih tajni.

Tijekom cijele godine Medvednica je i živopisna pozornica brojnih događanja, od planinarskih susreta i sportskih utrka do kulturnih manifestacija i obiteljskih festivala u prirodi. 

According to a study conducted by the European Environment Agency, Zagreb ranks amongst Europe’s greenest cities in terms of the percentage of its green areas and water, with 74 per cent of its area covered in green infrastructure. This makes it the second greenest capital in Europe, just behind Oslo. It is also one of the few European capitals that can boast about the fact that the slopes of the mountain that the city is built next to extend right into the heart of the city.

It is no surprise, then, that Medvednica Mountain, located north of Zagreb, and its highest peak, Sljeme at 1,033 metres above sea level, are amongst the city’s most cherished retreats. In summer, they offer an escape from the heat, while in winter, they provide a setting for enjoying snow and winter sports. Throughout the year, they remain a haven for recreation, and a perfect spot to spend a relaxing day in nature.

With numerous well-maintained hiking and cycling trails of varying lengths and difficulty, a rich gastronomic offering of traditional local dishes, and a range of accommodation options − from rooms and mountain lodges to hotels − Medvednica Mountain is ideal for both day trips and longer stays.

A destination for all seasons

Medvednica Mountain is captivating all year round, serving as a welcome contrast to the city’s fast-paced life. Its close connection to Zagreb is further reinforced by its excellent accessibility − Sljeme, the mountain’s highest peak, is easily reached by car or bus. However, the most scenic journey to the summit is undoubtedly via the recently constructed cable car. Stretching just over five kilometres and featuring a mid-station, the ride offers spectacular views of Zagreb. Once there, be sure to visit the restored Medvedgrad Fortress, home to a Visitor Centre that adds a new dimension to the story of the Medvednica Nature Park. Just some 50 metres from the upper cable car station, you’ll find an observation deck at 83 metres above ground in the Zagreb TV Tower − Zagreb’s highest lookout point.

The western part of the Medvednica massif was designated a nature park in 1981. Recognised for its ecological value and diversity, it is part of the European Union’s Natura 2000 network.

Within the park, visitors can explore the restored Zrinski Mine, which dates back to the 16th century, and which has recently been adapted for tours. The Veternica Cave system, spanning over seven kilometres, is the sixth largest in Croatia. Guided tours allow visitors to explore the first 380 metres, and uncover some of its secrets.

Medvednica Mountain also serves as a vibrant stage for numerous events throughout the entire year − from hiking gatherings and sporting competitions to cultural festivals and family-friendly outdoor celebrations.

J. Duval

Freeda Nera

Immortelle: Kreativnost − put prema autentičnosti

Freeda Nera Immortelle: Creativity − A path to authenticity

Freeda Nera Immortelle (FNI) umjetničko je ime Nere Stipičević, multidisciplinarne umjetnice čiji rad obuhvaća kazalište, glazbu, književnost, podcast i modu. Inspirirana francuskom kulturom, FNI promovira važnost kreativnosti za mentalno zdravlje te potiče međukulturalni dijalog i autentičnost pojedinca. Najpoznatiji projekt FNI jest humanitarni podcast La fleur de la solitude, koji uz originalni soundtrack Rane istražuje teme kreativnog samovanja i unutarnjeg mira. Prateći razvoj prijateljstva između francuske psihoterapeutkinje i hrvatske umjetnice u Parizu, podcast je osvojio globalnu publiku u više od 90 zemalja i 930 gradova svijeta. La fleur de la solitude zauzeo je prvo mjesto na platformi Apple podcast u kategoriji drama, a kritičari ga uspoređuju s globalno poznatim podcastom The Bright Sessions. Knjiga s glazbom Cvit samoće (2025.) najnoviji je FNI projekt i nastavak podcasta čiji popratni program Pod pariškim nebom uključuje koncert i okrugli stol. Pod pokroviteljstvom MKIM RH, u suradnji s 4 Francuske alijanse, Gradom Zagrebom, Le Petit Festivalom Dubrovnik i Kulturnim centrom Osijek, program će biti izveden u pet hrvatskih gradova od ožujka do rujna 2025. te će ulaz uglavnom biti slobodan. FNI je prepoznatljiva i po svojem originalnom odijevanju, posebice po traveršama − stiliziranim pregačama koje simboliziraju važnost posvećenosti svojim darovima i njihovu dijeljenju s društvom. Spajajući tradicionalne motive dalmatinske regije s modernim dizajnom, FNI na suvremen način promiče kulturnu baštinu. Podrš­

ku FNI pružaju međunarodne institucije poput Recollets International Grada Pariza i Francuskog veleposlanstva u Republici Hrvatskoj, čime se potvrđuje njezin međunarodni značaj. Kroz svoj rad, FNI poziva sve da otkriju svoju unutarnju autentičnost i važnost kreativnog izraza. 

Freeda Nera Immortelle (FNI) is the artis tic name of Nera Stipičević, a multidisci plinary artist whose work spans theatre, music, literature, podcasting, and fashion. Inspired by French culture, FNI promotes the importance of creativity for mental well-being, encouraging intercultural dialogue and individ ual authenticity. Her most well-known project is the humanitarian podcast La fleur de la solitude, which, accompanied by the original soundtrack vulNERAbility, explores themes of creative solitude and inner peace.

Following the development of a friendship between a French psychotherapist and a Croatian artist living in Paris, the podcast has captivated a global audience in more than 90 countries and 930 cities worldwide. de la solitude reached the number one spot in the drama category on Apple Podcasts, with critics comparing it to the globally acclaimed The Bright Sessions. FNI’s latest project is The Flower of Solitude (2025), a book with music and a continuation of the podcast. Its accompanying programme, Under the Paris ian Sky, features a concert and a roundtable discussion. Under the auspices of Croatia’s Ministry of Culture and Media, and in collab oration with four French Alliances, the City of Zagreb, Dubrovnik’s Le Petit Festival du Théâtre, and the Osijek Cultural Centre, the

programme will be presented in five Croatian cities between March and September 2025, with free entry to most events.

FNI is also known for her distinctive fashion style, particularly her traverše − stylised aprons symbolising the importance of dedicating yourself to your personal gifts and sharing them with society. By blending tradi-

Glazbeno-književna večer
Freeda Nera Immortelle

To je Hrvatska

Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2021. godine, 3,888.529 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno.

Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije.

This is Croatia

The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2021 census, Croatia’s population was 3,888,529. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited.

The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin.

The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013.

Nacionalni parkovi

Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,

treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova.

National parks

Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe.

Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno­povijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko­sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku.

Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine.

A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is characte-

rized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era.

Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik. The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage.

Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit­odrediπte na Sredozemlju.

Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata.

Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success

Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and inter national experts in tourism.

Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its national carrier, as well as other airliners.

Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland.

Novac i naËin plaÊanja

Od 1. siječnja 2023. novčana jedinica Republike Hrvatske jest euro. Moguće je plaćanje gotovinom i kreditnim

karticama, a novac se može podizati na bankomatima.

Currency and payment methods

The currency of the Republic of Croatia is the euro (as of 1st January 2023). Payments can be made in cash and by credit c ard. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.

Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular

sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

fast roads





Jeste li znali da je ovaj zrakoplov Airbus A220 kojim danas letite dizajniran i konstruiran u Mirabelu u Kanadi, a njegovi su dijelovi proizvedeni diljem svijeta: krila i srednji dio trupa u Ujedinjenoj Kraljevini, podvozje u Njemačkoj, repni konus, vrata te prednji, srednji i stražnji dio trupa u Kini, nosači i unutrašnjost u SAD-u, a motor, pilotska kabina i stražnji dio trupa u Kanadi.

Kabina A220 dizajnirana je s namjerom da putnicima omogući najbolje iskustvo uz prilično velik osobni prostor − jednako dobar ili bolji nego u bilo kojem drugom zrakoplovu − s brojnim značajkama koje pružaju vrhunsku udobnost, uključujući:

 najviše stropove i najveću kabinu u svojoj klasi s okomitim bočnim zidovima koji pridonose proširenju osobnog prostora;

 najšira sjedala u ekonomskoj klasi (47 cm) u zrakoplovima s jednim prolazom između sjedišta, dok su sjedala u sredini još šira (48,3 cm);

 konfiguraciju s pet sjedala u redu, što omogućuje gotovo svakom putniku sjedalo uz prozor ili prolaz;

 najveće prozore u svojoj kategoriji, s više od jednog prozora po redu, omogućujući obilje prirodnog svjetla u kabini;

 prostran prostor za ručnu prtljagu i toalete koji omogućuju bolju pristupačnost za putnike sa smanjenom pokretljivošću;

 katalog modula koji se mogu prilagoditi specifičnim programima zrakoplovne kompanije u pogledu ugostiteljskih i putničkih usluga.

Zrak koji udišete u kabini A220 mješavina je svježeg zraka izvana i zraka koji je prošao kroz HEPA filtere, koji uklanjaju 99,9 posto čestica. Osim toga, zrak u kabini A220 potpuno se obnavlja svake dvije do tri minute!

A220 stapa napredne materijale, optimiziranu aerodinamiku, najnoviju generaciju snažnih i spororotirajućih turboventilatorskih motora PW1500G, koji su iznimno tihi, te napredne materijale trupa, zahvaljujući čemu je ostvareno sljedeće:

 snižene emisije CO2 i potrošnja goriva po sjedalu za 25 posto u usporedbi s

prethodnom generacijom zrakoplova, što znači oko tri četvrtine milijuna tona manje emisija CO2 tijekom 15 godina za flotu od 13 A220 zrakoplova Croatia Airlinesa u usporedbi s flotom od 13 zrakoplova prethodne generacije;

 50 posto niži otisak buke u usporedbi s prethodnom generacijom zrakoplova, što ga čini puno prihvatljivijim za zajednice iznad kojih leti;

 40 posto niže emisije dušikovih oksida (NOx) u usporedbi s industrijskim standardima.

A220 je certificiran za operacije s mješavinom održivog zrakoplovnog goriva (SAF) do 50 posto. Airbusov je cilj da svi zrakoplovi (uključujući A220) budu osposobljeni za operacije s do 100 posto SAF-a do 2030. godine.

Impresivnim dometom do 3600 nm (6700 km) zahvaljujući učinkovitim motorima i laganim krilima od karbonskih vlakana A220 može dosegnuti odredišta diljem kontinentalne Europe i šire. To ga čini iznimno svestranim zrakoplovom, što operaterima na duljim ili kratkim rutama od 30 minuta do dulje od 7 sati pruža znatnu fleksibilnost.

A220 leti dvostruko više (oko 10700m) i dvostruko brže (871 km/h) od turboprop zrakoplova regionalnih kompanija, čime se izbjegne većina turbulencija i nepogoda na manjim visinama.

A220 je certificiran za strmo slijetanje i pristup, što je nužno za neke zračne

luke u urbanim sredinama, a može se koristiti na kratkim pistama duljine od samo 1300 metara.

Piloti obožavaju letjeti u prostranoj modernoj pilotskoj kabini Airbusa A220. Njegovi veliki prozori omogućuju jasan pogled, dok veliki LCD zasloni visoke rezolucije, taktilne tipke i kontrolni uređaj s kuglicom omogućuju pilotima da doslovce nadohvat ruke imaju sve informacije o letu i sustavima zrakoplova.

Nadalje, A220 može biti opremljen i heads-up zaslonom (HUD), koji pilotima pruža poboljšani uvid u situaciju. To je dodatna razina sigurnosti koja omogućuje pilotu praćenje putanje zrakoplova

u stvarnom vremenu dok kroz HUD gleda van.

Krajem prosinca 2024., gotovo 390 zrakoplova A220 bilo je u uporabi kod 24 operatera, a letjeli su na pet kontinenata i na više od 1500 ruta. 


This Airbus A220 aircraft that you are flying today is designed and assembled in Mirabel Canada, and its components are manufactured throughout the world:

 wings and mid-fuselage in the UK;

 landing gears in Germany;

 tailcone, doors, as well as forward, mid and rear fuselages in China;

 pylons and interior in the U.S.;

 engine, flight deck and aft fuselage in Canada.

The A220 cabin has been designed to offer the best passenger experience with generous personal space − as good as or better than you’ll find in any aircraft − with many features offering superior comfort including:

 the highest ceilings and largest cabin in class with vertical sidewalls contributing to provide additional personal space;

 the widest economy seats (47 cm) of any single-aisle aircraft and with middle seats being even wider (48.3 cm);

 a five abreast configuration allowing nearly every passenger to have a window or an aisle seat;

 the largest windows in its category and more than one window per row allowing generous natural light into the cabin;

 spacious overhead stowage and lavatories for improved accessibility for passengers with reduced mobility;

Š. Lugarov

 a catalog of customisable monuments that can be adapted to the airline’s specific missions in terms of catering and passen ger services.

The air that you are breathing in A220 cabins is a mix of fresh air drawn from out side and air that has been passed through HEPA filters, which remove 99.9 percent of air particles. In fact, the air in the A220 cabin is fully renewed every two to three minutes!

The A220 has been designed to combine advanced materials, optimized aerody namics, the latest generation powerful and slow-turning geared-turbofan (i.e. very quiet!) PW1500G engines and advanced airframe materials. These translate into:

 25 percent less CO2 emissions and fuel burn per seat compared to aircraft of the previous generation;

 …equating to around three quarters of a million tonnes less CO2 emissions over 15 years for the 13 A220s in Croatia Airline’s fleet − compared with a fleet of 13 aircraft from the previous generation;

 a 50 percent smaller noise footprint compared to the previous generation of aircraft − making it a good neighbor for the communities which it flies over;

 40 percent less nitrous-oxide (NOx) emissions than industry standards. The A220 is certified for operations with a 50 percent sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) blend. Airbus aims for all its aircraft (includ ing the A220) to be capable of operating with up to 100 percent SAF by 2030. With an impressive range capability of up


U ljetnom redu letenja Croatia Airlines širi mrežu letova Croatia Airlines u ovogodišnjem ljetnom redu letenja, koji vrijedi od 30. ožujka do 26. listopada, značajno širi mrežu međunarodnih letova iz Zračne luke Zagreb uvođenjem novih sezonskih linija Zagreb − Madrid (ponedjeljkom, četvrtkom i subotom), Zagreb − Hamburg (utorkom, petkom i nedjeljom), Zagreb − Prag (ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom), Zagreb − Milano (ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom) te Zagreb − Bukurešt (utorkom, četvrtkom i subotom). Letovi na novim linijama planirani su od početka srpnja do kraja listopada ove godine, a trebali bi se obavljati novim zrakoplovima Airbus A220 kojima nacionalni avioprijevoznik obnavlja postojeću flotu. Croatia Airlines tijekom ovogodišnje turističke sezone planira povezivati glavni grad Zagreb s ukupno 23 međunarodna odredišta, Split će i ove godine biti povezan sa 21 međunarodnim odredištem, odnosno 22 zračne luke, a zračna luka Dubrovnik sa sedam europskih odredišta. Nastavljaju se i cjelogodišnji letovi Rijeka − München i Osijek − München. Tijekom turističke sezone Croatia Airlines planira povezivati Hrvatsku s ukupno 30 međunarodnih odredišta, odnosno 31 europskom zračnom lukom, a zrakoplovi će pritom letjeti na 55 međunarodnih redovitih linija. U ljetnom redu letenja ukupno je planirano više od 18.200 letova (7 posto više u odnosu na isto razdoblje 2024.) na kojima će se ponuditi više od 2,260.000 sjedala (18 posto više nego 2024.), čime će nacionalni avioprijevoznik i ove godine pridonijeti kvaliteti hrvatskoga turističkog proizvoda te unapređenju prometne infrastrukture Republike Hrvatske.

Croatia Airlines expanding its destination network in the summer flight timetable

For the upcoming summer flight timetable, valid from 30 March to 26 October, Croatia Airlines is significantly expanding its international destination network from Zagreb Airport with the introduction of new seasonal routes. These include Zagreb−Madrid (flights available on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays), Zagreb− Hamburg (flights available on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays), Zagreb−Prague (flights available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays), Zagreb−Milan (flights available on Mondays, Wednes-

days, and Fridays), and Zagreb−Bucharest (flights available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays). Flights on these new routes are planned from early July to the end of October, and will be operated by the airline’s new Airbus A220 aircraft, which are part of Croatia Airlines’ ongoing fleet renewal. During this year’s tourist season, Croatia Airlines will connect Zagreb with a total of 23 international destinations, Split with 21 international destinations across 22 airports, and Dubrovnik with seven European destinations. The airline will also continue operating year-round flights on the Rijeka− Munich and Osijek−Munich routes.

During the 2025 tourist season, Croatia Airlines will be operating flights to 30 international destinations across 31 European airports, covering 55 international scheduled routes. In this year’s summer flight timetable, over 18,200 flights are planned (which is a seven percent increase from 2024), on which more than 2.26 million seats will be available (which is an 18 percent increase compared to 2024). With these improvements, Croatia’s flag carrier is continuing to enhance the quality of Croatia’s tourism product, while also enhancing the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia.

Prag Prague

Drugi zrakoplov koji se priključio floti Croatia Airlinesa nosi ime grada Splita

Potkraj prosinca u flotu Croatia Airlinesa stigao je i drugi novi zrakoplov Airbus A220, kapaciteta 149 sjedala. Tako je nastavljen projekt obnove cjelokupne flote, koji je počeo 30. srpnja ove godine, kada je u Zagreb stigao prvi od ukupno 15 novih zrakoplova Airbus A220, kojima nacionalni avioprijevoznik do 2027. godine planira zamijeniti postojeću flotu. Najnoviji zrakoplov Croatia Airlinesa ima registarsku oznaku 9A-CAI i dobio je ime Split. Pokreću ga dva turbofan motora Pratt & Whitney PurePower® PW1500 GTF™ najnovije generacije, a dodatno

vrijedi naglasiti da troši 25 posto manje goriva te emitira isto toliko manje ugljičnog dioksida mjereno po putničkom sjedalu u usporedbi s putničkim zrakoplovima prethodne generacije. Osim toga, A220 emitira 50 posto manje vanjske buke u odnosu na prethodnu generaciju zrakoplova i oko 40 posto manje dušikovih oksida u odnosu na standarde civilnog zrakoplovstva.

Zrakoplovi Airbus A220 projektirani su kao potpuno nov proizvod, koji nudi najbolje performanse u pogledu učinkovitosti i emisije buke u svojoj klasi, te prvorazredno iskustvo posadama i putnicima zahvaljujući inovativnom dizajnu i tehnologiji najnovije generacije. Projektiran za tržišni segment putničkih zrakoplova od 100 do 150 sjedala, zrakoplov A220 ima domet do maksimalno 3600 nm (6700 km). Krasi ga inovativan dizajn putničke kabine usmjeren na vrhunsku udobnost.

Nakon uključenja prva dva nova zrakoplova A220 u flotu tijekom prošle godine, Croatia Airlines u 2025. godini očekuje isporuku sljedećih šest novih zrakoplova A220, četiri u 2026. godini, a tri zrakoplova u 2027. godini. Tako će flota brojiti ukupno 15 novih zrakoplova A220.

Croatia Airlines’ second new aircraft named after the city of Split

At the end of December 2024, Croatia Airlines welcomed its second new Airbus A220 aircraft, whose seating capacity is 149 passengers, continuing the fleet renewal project that began on 30 July with the arrival of the first of 15 new Airbus A220 aircraft. By 2027, these aircraft will completely replace the airline’s existing fleet. The newest addition to the Croatia Airlines fleet, registered as

Dočekali smo i naš drugi Airbus A220
Welcoming our second Airbus A220
Š. Lugarov

No v e ljetne linije iz

Zag r eb a od sr pnj a od 129 €

Milan o Madri d Pra g Ha mbur g

Bukure št cr oatiaai r lines.co m

In spire d by you!

Fly to Croatia's magnificent cities of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Pula, Split and Zadar. Check our timetable and book your flight!

cr oatiaa irlin es .c om

Okusi Dalmacije u našem zrakoplovu Hrvatska je puna okusa, a Dalmacija nudi pregršt okusa s mirisima tradicije. Ako s nestrpljenjem očekujete kad ćete ugledati more i uvijek mu se rado vraćate, uživat ćete u dalmatinskim okusima i u našim zrakoplovima. A dalmatinski okusi nisu samo okusi − to su priče pričane tisućljećima, urezane u svaki naš kamen, uronjene u dubinu morskih prostranstava, u znoj naših vrijednih poljoprivrednika… Posebno je poznata dalmatinska marenda koja nije doručak, brunch, ručak, a ni večera. Ona je slavlje koje se odvija od 11 do 13 sati i svi su pozvani, bez obzira na dob i društveni status. Topla je i jedinstvena, ponekad tajnovita; najbolja je kad se dijeli s obitelji ili prijateljima, ali vašem danu daje posebnu toplinu i ako ste sami. Djelić dalmatinske gastronomije možete doživjeti i u našim zrakoplovima. Kušajte naš veliki snack box s krekerima s bosiljkom, pršutom, šalšom, mandulatom i arancinima te mali snack box, u kojem su krekeri s bosiljkom, pršut i mandulat. Okusi Dalmacije plod su naše tradicije, druženja, strasti i jedne posebne vrste hedonizma. Baš ih takve možete namirisati i dok ste visoko među oblacima. 

The flavours of Dalmatia on our flights

While Croatia is indeed full of flavours, Dalmatia is filled to overflowing with tradition scented flavours. If you’re excited about spotting the sea from the window, and can’t wait to get there, you’ll definitely enjoy the flavours of Dalmatia on our flights. Because the flavours of Dalmatia are not just flavours − they’re stories which have been told for millennia, stories which have been engraved on every piece of stone and every pebble, stories which have been immersed in the depths of the sea, stories which have been the fruits of the labour of our hard-working farmers... Especially famous is Dalmatian marenda, which is not breakfast, it’s not brunch or lunch either, and it most definitely isn’t dinner. Dalmatian marenda is a celebration of food and life that takes place between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., to which everyone’s invited regardless of age and social status. Dalmatian marenda is warm and inimitable, at times even a surprise. It’s best when shared with family and friends, but will warm your heart even if you have it all by yourself. You’ll savour the flavours of Dalmatia on our flights as well. In our large snack box, you’ll find basil crackers, prosciutto, Dalmatian tomato sauce called šalša, almond nougat called mandulat, and sugar-coated orange peel called arancini. Our small snack box contains basil crackers, prosciutto, and almond nougat. The flavours of Dalmatia are the fruits of our tradition, community spirit, passion, and a special kind of hedonism, which is exactly what your taste buds will experience while you’re still high in the sky. 

WiFi u zrakoplovu / on board A220

Ostanite povezani tijekom leta u našem novom Airbusu A220 . Koristite WhatsApp, Messenger, e-poštu i društvene mreže.

Sky Chat (besplatno 10 min): Poruke (bez slika i videa)

Sky Surf (7,95 € ): Poruke, surfanje, e-pošta i društvene mreže (bez videa)

Sky Premium (11,95 € ): Neograničeno surfanje, e-pošta, društvene mreže i kraći videozapisi

Uključite WiFi u zrakoplovnom načinu rada. Spojite se na “CroatiaAirlinesWiFi”. Kupite paket u pregledniku.

Stay connected during your flight on our new Airbus A220 . Use WhatsApp, Messenger, email and social media.

Sky Chat (free 10 min): Messages (photos and videos not included)

Sky Surf ( € 7.95): Messages, surfing, email and social media (videos are not included)

Sky Premium ( € 11.95): Unlimited surfing, email, social media and short videos

Turn on WiFi in airplane mode. Connect to "CroatiaAirlinesWiFi". Purchase a package in your browser.

- 1 EUR = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih

Croatia Airlines card





bilježi se

1 EUR potrošenih preko ove kartice, 1 nagradna milja

-2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More

računu za nove korisnike

-Putno osiguranje

- Milje ne zastarijevaju

-Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje

u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela

Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica

-0,66 EUR = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih

0,66 EU R potr ošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja.

-Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000

DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu.

-2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.

VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 2 EUR uHrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošenu RUE 1inozem stvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja.

Više informacija možete pronaći na: www.milesandmore.com

- 1 EUR = 1 award mile − for every 1 EUR spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

-2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic members

-Travel insurance

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-Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel

Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card

-0,66 EUR = 1 award mile − for every 0,66 EUR spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

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VISA Croatia Airlines credit card

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Please find detailed info at: www.milesandmore.com


Novi zrakoplovi

u našoj floti!

Novi susreti, novi doživljaji...



ekološki prihvatljiviji


croatiaai r li nes .co m

Pred nama je još jedna dinamična turistička sezona

Another dynamic tourist season lies ahead

Ukupno 43 prijevoznika nudi jako zanimljivu i raznoliku mrežu letova koja će osigurati povezanost Zračne luke Split s čak 88 odredišta.

A total of 43 airlines will operate an extensive and diverse network of flights, connecting Split Airport to as many as 88 destinations.

Zračne luke
Split / Split Airport archives

Kad zima konačno popusti i stigne proljeće, s toplijim vremenom i duljim danima raste želja za putovanjima i stjecanjem novih nezaboravnih doživljaja. Mnoga zanimljiva odredišta na istočnoj strani Jadrana nude sjajne prilike za opuštanje, istraživanje novih mjesta ili aktivnosti na otvorenome.

Prispjele najave za letenje u Zračnu luku Split, nakon provedenog postupka usklađivanja redova letenja sa zračnim prijevoznicima, upućuju na to da je pred nama još jedna iznimno sadržajna turistička sezona. Ponuđeni kapaciteti bit će značajan poticaj razvoju turizma na srednjedalmatinskom području.

Ukupno 43 prijevoznika nudi jako zanimljivu i raznoliku mrežu letova koja će osigurati povezanost Zračne luke Split s čak 88 odredišta. Najizraženija prometna potražnja dolazi sa sljedećih tržišta: njemačko, britansko, francusko, nizozemsko, hrvatsko, talijansko, švedsko, poljsko, norveško, austrijsko, švicarsko, dansko, irsko, finsko i španjolsko. 

As winter finally loosens its grip and spring arrives, the warmer weather and longer days awaken a desire for travel and unforgettable new experiences. Many captivating destinations along the eastern Adriatic offer excellent opportunities for relaxation, exploration, and outdoor activities.

The flights announced to be operated to Split Airport, following coordination with airlines, indicate that another exciting tourist season lies ahead. The available flight capacity will provide a significant boost to tourism in central Dalmatia.

A total of 43 airlines will operate an extensive and diverse network of flights, connecting Split Airport to as many as 88 destinations. The strongest travel demand comes from the markets of Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Croatia, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Ireland, Finland, and Spain.

Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm).

Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti.

Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu:

- 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm

- putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe

- bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave

Ručna prtljaga mora biti dovoljno lagana da je putnik može bez pomoći podići u pretinac iznad sjedala.


The carry-on baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm).

Your carry-on baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following:

- 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in);

- each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food;

- disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.

Hand baggage should be light enough for the passenger to be able to lift it to the overhead compartment without assistance.

Važno: Ručna prtljaga se ne smije stavljati ispod sjedala u redu koji vodi prema izlazu.

Please stow larger carry-on items in the overhead compartment or under the seat in the front of you. Important: Carry-on baggage is not permitted under the seat in the exit row.


U zrakoplov se smiju unositi:

- tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta

- tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre

- tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi.


The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:

- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination;


Please ensure smaller carry-on and personal items are stowed under the seat in the front of you. Important: Not for exit rows.

- liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre);

- liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.

U slučaju evakuacije ostavite svu prtljagu u zrakoplovu. In case of an evacuation leave all the luggage behind.
Molimo vas da veće komade ručne prtljage smjestite u pretinac iznad sjedala ili ispod sjedala.
Molimo vas da manje komade ručne prtljage obavezno stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas.
Ručna prtljaga se ne smije stavljati ispod sjedala u redu koji vodi prema izlazu.




U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti

samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplova. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama.

U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplova. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama.



On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same timeeither two dogs or two cats. The transportation of dogs and cats on the same flight is not permitted. A passenger can carry only one pet bag to be held under the seat in front of the passenger throughout the entire flight. Animals that cannot be transported in the passenger cabin due to their size are transported in the aircraft hold if they meet certain conditions. Passengers are required to obtain all the necessary documentation. Animal transportation must be booked in advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.

On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same timeeither two dogs or two cats. The transportation of dogs and cats on the same flight is not permitted. A passenger can carry only one pet bag to be held under the seat in front of the passenger throughout the entire flight. Animals that cannot be transported in the passenger cabin due to their size are transported in the aircraft hold if they meet certain conditions. Passengers are required to obtain all the necessary documentation. Animal transportation must be booked in advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.



Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.

Dopuštene elektroničke naprave:

- mobilni / pametni telefoni

- tablet računala

- digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji

- elektroničke igre

- e-čitači

- prijenosna / notebook računala

- prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji

- Bluetooth uređaji

The carrying of hazar


These ar

oničke naprave:

- mobilni / pametni telefoni

- kamere

- tablet računala

- medicinski uređaji

- slušalice za suzbijanje buke

- digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji

ITEMS NOT ALLOWED dous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law e explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.

- elektroničke igre

- električni brijaći aparati

Zabranjene elektroničke naprave:

- e-čitači

- prijenosna / notebook računala

- prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji

- samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi

- Bluetooth uređaji

- kamere

- medicinski uređaji


- električni brijaći aparati

Zabranjene elektroničke naprave:

The use of electronic devices is allowed only in airplane mode. Heavy and large devices must be stored away while the seat belt sign is on.

- elektronički uređaji za simuliranje pušenja

- samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi

Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft:

- mobile/smart telephones

- tablet computers


- noise-cancelling headphones

- digital audio/MP3 players

- electronic games

- e-book readers

The use of electronic devices is allowed only in airplane mode. Heavy and large devices must be stored away while the seat belt sign is on.

- laptop/notebook computers

- portable DVD/CD players

Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft:

- Bluetooth devices

- mobile/smart telephones

- cameras

- tablet computers - noise-cancelling headphones

- medical devices

- digital audio/MP3 players

- electric shavers

- electronic games

- e-book readers

- laptop/notebook computers

Electronic devices not allowed aboard our aircraft:

- portable DVD/CD players

- Bluetooth devices

- self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked baggage

- cameras

- medical devices

- electric shavers Electr onic devices not allowed aboar d our aircraft:

- electric smoking simulation devices


Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi.

- self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked baggage


Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd.


- Molimo da u svakom trenutku slijedite upute posade. Ako se putnik u zrakoplovu ponaša tako da ugrožava zrakoplov ili bilo koju osobu ili imovinu u zrakoplovu, zadržavamo pravo stavljanja putnika na crnu listu.

- Molimo putnike da obrate pozornost na sigurnosnu demonstraciju. Možda ne letite prvi put, ali svaki zrakoplov je drugačiji i bitno je upoznati se s njim.

- U zrakoplovu nije dopuštena konzumacija vlastitog alkohola.

- Pušenje je zabranjeno tijekom cijeloga leta, uključujući e-cigarete.

The carrying of hazardous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law. These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.

- Molimo da ne fotografirate posadu i putnike. Fotografiranje i snimanje u zrakoplovu moguće je jedino uz dopuštenje posade.

- Molimo putnike koji koriste ton na elektroničkim uređajima da priključe slušalice ili smanje ton na uređaju kako ne bi ometali ostale putnike tijekom leta.

- Preporučujemo da budete vezani tijekom cijeloga leta.


- We kindly ask you to follow the instructions of crew at all times. If a passenger's conduct endangers the aircraft or any person or property on board we reserve the right to put such passengers on our internal blacklist.

Svi su obroci i pića u našim zrakoplovima besplatni, a usluga ovisi o razredu prijevoza, duljini leta i dobu dana. Nudimo vam mogućnost kupnje na letu u našem Sky shopu. Za posebne prigode postoji mogućnost kupnje torte i pjenušca koje poslužujemo na letu. Dopuštena je konzumacija samo onih alkoholnih pića koja su poslužena u zrakoplovu.

- Please pay attention to our safety demonstration. You may have seen it before but each aircraft is different and it is important to familiarize yourself with the aircraft you are currently on.

- Consuming your own alcohol on board our aircraft is not allowed.


- Smoking is prohibited throughout the flight. This includes the use of e-cigarettes.

- Please refrain from taking photographs of other passengers and crew. Taking photographs and filming on board may be exceptionally granted by the crew.

Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.

- slušalice za suzbijanje buke

To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd.

- We kindly ask passengers to use headphones on their electronic device or to turn down the volume on their device to an appropriate level so as not to disturb other passengers during the flight.

- Whenever seated, we recommend keeping your seat belt on.

All meals and drinks aboard our aircraft are free of charge, and the service offered depends on the travel class, the length of flight and the part of day of the flight. During your flight, you can shop in our Sky Shop. For special occasions, a cake and sparkling wine can be purchased to be served during the flight. The consumption of only those alcoholic beverages that are served aboard our aircraft is allowed.

Dopuštene elektr
Mobilna aplikacija za lakši način putovanja!
Mobile app for an easier way to travel!

Preuzmite našu mobilnu

aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo toga...

Aplikacija je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku.

Download it and have everything you need before and during your flight with us in the palm of your hand: flight booking, timetable, flight status, check-in, offers and more...

Our app is available in Croatian, English, German and French.


AMSTERDAM (AMS) Schiphol Amsterdam Airport terminal 1

ATHENS (ATH) Athens International Airport main terminal

BRUSSELS (BRU) Brussels Airport Zaventem terminal A PARIS (CDG) Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport terminal 2D

COPENHAGEN (CPH) Copenhagen Airport terminal 2

DUBLIN(DUB ) Dublin Airport terminal 1

DUSSELDORF (DUS) Düsseldorf Airport terminal B

ROME (FCO) Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport terminal 1

FRANKFURT (FRA) Frankfurt Airport terminal 1

LONDON GATWICK (LGW) Gatwick Airport terminal S

LONDON HEATHROW (LHR) Heathrow Airport terminal 2

LYON (LYS) Lyon Saint-Exupery Inter national Airport terminal 1

MUNICH (MUC) Munich Airport terminal 2

SARAJEVO (SJJ) Sarajevo International Airport terminal B

SKOPJE (SKP) Skopje Alexander the Great Airport main terminal

BERLIN (BER) Berlin Brandenburg Airport terminal 1

VIENNA (VIE) Vienna Airport terminal 3

ZURICH (ZRH) Zurich Airport terminal 1

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information

plesoprijevoz@plesoprijevoz.hr www.plesoprijevoz.hr


Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb

Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport:

5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00

Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb)

Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00

Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call:

ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757

DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094

Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals

Airbus 220-300

Raspon krila

Wing span (m/ft) 35 / 115

Duljina trupa

Fuselage length (m/ft) 38,7 / 127

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina

Maximum take off weight (kg) 62142

NajveÊa letna brzina

Maximum cruising speed (km/h) 871 (470KTS)

Broj zrakoplova u floti

Number of aircraft in fleet 2

Broj sjedala

Number of seats 149


Zrakoplov nove generacije Airbus A220-300 ulazi u našu flotu čime započinje cjelovita obnova flote Croatia Airlinesa.

The delivery of the first new generation Airbus A220-300 aircraft marks the beginning of the complete renewal of Croatia Airlines’ fleet.

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Raspon krila

Wing span (m/ft) 35,8 / 117

Duljina trupa

Fuselage length (m/ft) 37,6 / 123

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina

Maximum take off weight (kg) 77000

NajveÊa letna brzina

Maximum cruising speed (km/h) 834 (450 KTS)

Broj zrakoplova u floti

Number of aircraft in fleet 2

Broj sjedala

Number of seats 174

Raspon krila

Wing span (m/ft) 35,8 /117

Duljina trupa

Fuselage length (m/ft) 33,84 /111

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina

Maximum take off weight (kg) 64000

NajveÊa letna brzina

Maximum cruising speed (km/h) 834 (450KTS)

Broj zrakoplova u floti

Number of aircraft in fleet 4

Broj sjedala

Number of seats 144 / 150

Raspon krila

Wing span (m/ft) 28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa

Fuselage length (m/ft) 32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina

Maximum take off weight (kg) 29257

NajveÊa letna brzina

Maximum cruising speed (km/h) 667 (360 KTS)

Broj zrakoplova u floti

Number of aircraft in fleet 6

Broj sjedala

Number of seats 76

Dash8 - Q400

Sve pogodnosti provjeri na kaufland.hr/kauflandcard







From June 5th to 8th, the breathtaking region of Istria will host the 10th edition of Auto Sport Adria, the region’s most exclusive and thrilling automotive event.

A lineup of premium supercars, including McLaren, Porsche, Lamborghini, Bentley, and Ferrari, will once again take on some of Europe’s most scenic coastal and countryside roads. Against the stunning backdrop of the Adriatic Sea, thousands of spectators will have the rare opportunity to witness a one-of-a-kind automotive spectacle.

“ASA is a memory factory, bringing participants back year after year,” says Kristijan Semulić from the organizing team. “An unparalleled driving experience on closed roads, full police escort, gourmet dining by renowned chefs, and legendary evening parties—ASA has it all. Our clients recognize and appreciate that.”

ASA fosters a family-like atmosphere where new and returning guests quickly feel at home, making it an ideal environment for relaxation, networking, and business collaborations among like-minded individuals.

Beyond the exhilarating drives, ASA also shines a spotlight on Croatia. With event footage and photos frequently trending on social media, ASA contributes to promoting the country as a top destination for luxury tourism and automotive enthusiasts.

With its perfect blend of adrenaline, luxury, and exclusivity, the 10th edition of Auto Sport Adria promises to be an unforgettable experience for both participants and spectators alike.

Direkcija / Head office

Bani 75B, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66

Fax (+385-1) 6160 153

E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses

President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr

Marketing/advertising@croatiaairlines.hr Sales/sales@croatiaairlines.hr Cargo/cargo@croatiaairlines.hr

Kontakt centar / Contact Center

072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia

Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr

Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept.

Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 http://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claim

Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team

072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia

Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office

Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd

Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46 info@obzorputovnja.hr

Travel centri u zračnim lukama

Travel centar Dubrovnik

Zračna luka Dubrovnik 20 213 Čilipi Tel. (+385-20) 773 332 airport.ticketingoffice@airport-dubrovnik.hr

Travel centar Osijek

Zračna luka Osijek Vukovarska 67, 31207 Klisa Tel. (+385-31) 284 611 agencija@osijek-airport.hr

Travel centar Pula

Zračna luka Pula Valtursko polje 210, Ližnjan Tel. (+ 385-52) 550 927 travel.centar@airport-pula.hr

Poslovnice / Town and airport offices

Brussels Belgium

Tribes Brussels Central Station Koloniënstraat, 56 1000 Brussel - België Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr


Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt

Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr



71 000 Sarajevo

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr


1000 Skopje

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr




21 000 Split

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr

23 000 Zadar

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr

10 000 Zagreb

Trg Nikole Zrinskog 17

Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr

Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930



19 Boulevard Malesherbes 75008 Paris

Tel.: (+ 33 1) 8880 6941 parto@croatiaairlines.hr

51 000 Rijeka

JelaËiÊev trg br. 5

Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr

Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr

Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents

Europa / Europe

»eπka / the Czech Republic

CK Blue Sky Travel

Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr

GrËka / Greece

Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Marathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli − Greece

Tel. + 30 210 371 6381 Fax + 0030 210 324 9152 www.intermodalair.gr


APG Portugal

Rua Tojalinho da Areica, nr. 15 Bolembre

2705-553 São João das Lampas


Tel. +351 211 930 226 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com


Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County

Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr

SlovaËka / Slovakia

CK Blue Sky Travel

Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava

Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr

Španjolska / Spain

Global Representacion Turistica / GRT

Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona

Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr

Bliski istok / Middle East

Izrael / Israel

Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802

Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 yael@croatiaairlines.co.il

Indija / India

STIC Travel Group

2nd Floor, Tower C,

Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III

Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com

Novi Zeland / New Zealand

CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz


Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp

Koreja / Korea


1901-1, 19F Coryo Daeyungak Tower, 97 Toegye-ro Jung-gu, Seoul

South Korea (04535) croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr

Tajvan / Taiwan

Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw

Kina / China

Pacific Aviation Marketing 12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel. +862164400032 Jenniferhuo@pam.com.hk

Hong Kong

Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd. Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk

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