Johns & Patrick A PBS Production
Based on review of 11,000 studies spanning 50 years, researchers determined the most important factor governing student learning is classroom management. Margaret Wang, Geneva Haertel, & Herbert Walberg, 1994
Teacher! I don’t have a pencil!!
What IS Classroom Management?
Effective Teachers: ยก Cultivate a positive reputation ยก Regularly communicate with students and parents ยก Greet students daily
Establish Yourself as a Reinforcer ¡ Know students on a personal level ¡ Be sincere ¡ Be honest ¡ Be direct clear ¡ Let them know you care ¡ Notice small accomplishments ¡ Praise appropriate behaviors
Making the Most of Praise ยก Make eye contact ยก Use behaviorally specific language ยก Provide immediate feedback ยก Acknowledge appropriate behavior often
Effective Teachers ยก Prepare, prepare, prepare ยก Prepare for effective work ยก Maximize proximity: students & materials ยก Teach classroom routines ยก Avoid confusion and/or wasted time
Proactively Structure the Environment ยก Space ยก Time ยก Materials ยก Interactions
Effective Teachers ยก Clearly state positive expectations ยก Create a climate of positive expectations for all ยก Establish effective management techniques ยก Set a goal to achieve high expectations
Classroom Rules ¡ Teach, re-teach, role-play ¡ Acknowledge rule-following behaviors ¡ Refer to the rules often ¡ Post in prominent location ¡ Link to consequences ¡ Embed into all interactions
Classroom Roles ‚ Monitors: door, light, plant ‚ Cleaning: white board ‚ Supplies: pencils, paper ‚ Attendance folders ‚ Absentee folders ‚ Library books ‚ Flag salute ‚ Runner ‚ Chairs ‚ Phone
I sure hope he lets me clean the whiteboard this week!
Effective Teachers ยก Think through a discipline plan and convey it to students ยก Involve the administration to guarantee and enforce the plan ยก Have high expectations and confidence to teach students self-discipline
Behavior ¡ Pre-plan “consequences” & evaluate effectiveness ¡ Frequently reinforce the right behaviors ¡ Address behaviors while they are small ¡ Utilize peer attention to your advantage
Effective Teachers ยก Have well-thought-out and structured procedures for EVERY activity ยก Teach the procedures often ยก Rehearse procedures until they become class routines ยก Re-teach procedures when necessary ยก Acknowledge when procedures are appropriately followed
Procedures Œ Entering the classroom: on-time, tardy Œ Getting to work immediately Œ Being dismissed from class Œ Participating in class discussions Œ Obtaining pencil/paper Œ Keeping an orderly desk Œ Checking out class materials Œ Indicating an understanding
Procedures Œ Coming to attention Œ Making up work: absent, out of room Œ Working cooperatively Œ Getting directions for assignments Œ Changing groups Œ Keeping a notebook Œ Going to the office Œ Asking for help Œ Knowing the schedule Œ Keeping a progress report
Procedures Œ Passing in and exchanging papers Œ Returning student work Œ Getting materials without disturbing others Œ Distributing playground equipment Œ Moving about the room Œ Going to the library Œ Headings on papers Œ Finishing early
Procedures Œ Returning to task after interruptions: guest, announcements, drill Œ Asking a question Œ Walking in the hall: class time Œ Going to support staff: nurse, RSP
Effective Teachers ยก Teach students - not a subject or grade level ยก Maximize academic learning time ยก Have students earning their own achievement ยก Keep students actively engaged in learning
Ability Differences ‚ Team teach ‚ Targeted skill development based on data ‚ Learning centers: class, school-wide ‚ Assign academic mentors ‚ Utilize alternative strategies: computer, OT
Classroom Schedules ยก Clearly define and post classroom schedule ยก Prepare students for changes: assembly, Guest Teacher ยก Stick to the schedule
Effective Teachers: Manage their classrooms rather than discipline their classrooms
So What IS Classroom Management? All the things a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so that instruction in content and student learning can take place.
Students want a well-managed classroom...because a well-managed classroom gives students security. There are no surprises and no yelling in a classroom where everyone knows what is happening.
Credits: Œ Harry K. Wong & Rosemary T. Wong (1998).
How to
Be an Effective Teacher: The First Days of School. Harry K. Wong Publications: Mountain View, CA
Œ Ginger Rhode, Ph.D., William R. Jenson, Ph.D., & Kenton Reavis, Ed.D. (1992). Tough Kit Book: Classroom Management Strategies. Sopris West. Œ Stan C. Paine, JoAnn Radicchi, Lynne C. Rosellini, Leslie Deutchman, Craig B. Darch (1983). Structuring Your Classroom for Academic Success. Research Press.
Thank You
Jacquelin Patrick
Suzy Johns