October prayer calendar

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23 Father God, let us never forget that

praise is a privilege as well as a duty. Psalm 24:7

24 Lord help us all in our everyday

circumstances, to promote real faith to a lost world.

30 Give thanks for the Pioneer Café. Ask God’s blessing upon those who serve and those who receive.

31 Remember those in Malawi. May God meet their every need and grant them His blessing.

25 Pray for the men and women in the

armed forces who are serving in this country and abroad. Ask for God’s protection.

26 Give thanks and ask God’s blessing on those who arrange, deliver and receive the Church flowers each Sunday.

27 Pray for all service chaplains who

minister to our armed services, that they would be used by God to bring comfort and peace to those who serve.

Reading 28 Please pray for those in our community who are destitute - those homeless or hungry.

29 Please pray for all those involved in the

Christ In Action emergency food parcel project. For those who deliver and for those who receive.

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


Charity Number: SC004271

This month we will take some time to focus on the situation in Iraq 1 Pray for the 3 million refugees who have been displaced.

9 Pray for the safety of Bible Society staff and volunteers working on the ground in the country and the camps.

2 Pray for strength for Christians who face 11 Pray for those who are suffering to find strength and comfort in Jesus.

12 Pray that in the midst of this trauma each refugees in the region.

person will know that there is a God who loves them and that they find strength and comfort in his care.

5 Pray for protection from disease, especially for

children and the elderly, because of the conditions in the camps. Pray for them today as they find somewhere to worship.

6 Pray for the daily provision of food and drink, particularly milk and baby formula.

13 Give thanks for the Discovery team and their work with the folks at Sutherland House. May their work be richly blessed.

14 Pray for David, Elders and Leaders of all 7 Pray for warm clothes, blankets and tents for the refugees.

church organisations, that they will seek His face in any decisions that need to be made.

15 And they that know you name will put their 8 Pray for doctors and other experts as they help people to cope with the emotional and psychological trauma they have experienced.

17 As we see conflict escalating around the

world, ask God’s guidance and protection for all those who work for peace and reconciliation.

18 Pray for all those who are ill at this time.

3 Pray against the evil actions of I S. 4 Pray for all those who seek to bring help to the

Journalists working in all areas of conflict and war, as they seek to expose the atrocities being committed against humanity.

10 Pray that God will bring an end to this suffering and heal this nation.

extreme persecution.

16 Pray God’s integrity and protection on the

trust in you. Give thanks and praise for the wonder and beauty of this world. His loving creation. Psalm 9:10

Ask God’s hand of healing to be upon them.

19 Pray for

all the congregations in Prestwick, that God would give them a special blessing as they worship Him today.

20 Pray today for someone known to you

who is disabled. Whether that is physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, that they may feel the love and comfort of God in their lives.

21 Pray for David Watson as he leads us

in worship. Pray God’s anointing upon him. Pray for those doing the Alpha Course

22 We give thanks for the greatest treasure the Bible. Father, may we walk closer with you each day on our spiritual journey.

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