February 2020 Prayer Calendar

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22 Give thanks to God for the strength and hope we find in His Word.

23 As we go forward in this new year, ask God to give you wisdom to help our churches in Prestwick & Monkton move forward to further God s kingdom here in South Ayrshire.

29 Pray for the victims of climate change

everywhere. For those who have lost their homes or livelihoods to the ravages of fire, famine or floods.

Connecting with God, each other and the world

24 Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to

strengthen David and Morag in their work for Him.

25 The Lord replied-My presence will go with you and I will give you rest. Exodus 33:14. Pray for those in our Church family who are terminally ill.

26 Lord, bless those who have no self esteem

and are in need of reassurance that you love them, Isaiah 49: 16.

27 As we face election & political upheaval

remind us Lord that You are the “King of Kings , Lord of Lords, the everlasting Father , the Prince of Peace� Amen

28 Pray today for people affected by mental

health issues. Lord, touch wounded lives with your healing hand and bring they your comfort and peace.

Reading Psalm 113: 1-3 Praise the Lord, you his servants; praise the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.


Charity Number: SC004271

1 Help us this morning to be still and know that you are God.

2 May we come to Church today with a heart full of worship for God.

8 Blessed are they who mourn for they will be

comforted. Matthew 5:4. We bring the families and friends of the recently bereaved before Him today as they come to terms with their individual losses.

9 Give thanks for the volunteers who move 3 We lift up all war torn countries to you Lord.

Breath you peace across these nations and lay your hand of calm on them.

and stack chairs, organise and clear tables for the comfort and well being of the Church Family.

15 Father we ask that you walk beside all

your children who are stuck in the stormy seas of anxieties. Calm the seas with your presence and take their hand so they have the courage to walk with you.

16 Lord, we lift your name up high and as we come together to worship you in safety. We ask that you bless all those who have to worship you in secrecy.

10 Pray for all the protection of Christian marriages.

4 Holy Father forgive us for every deed word or thought that has not been pleasing or accepting to you. In Jesus name—forgive us.

11 Pray for the protection of all Christian

Missionaries actively spreading the Gospel of our Lord abroad. They shine as bright lights in a dark world.

17 Give thanks and praise for the work of the RNLI crews who risk their lives to save others in distress at sea.

18 This is the day that the Lord has made— 12 Pray today for the work of Christ in Action 5 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and

grant unto me a willing spirit to sustain me. Psalm 51 v 12.

6 Lord there is so much poverty in this country

with no sign of getting better so we come to you and raise all the families young and old who are caught up in the poverty trap. Speak to the hearts of the politicians in government and say your people are suffering.

7 Continue Lord to guide the Leaders who work with the young people. May your name be glorified in all they seek to do.

food-bank & food-bank s throughout the country. Pray that the volunteers will have the resources & personal strength to carry out this vital work.

13 God of healing, be with those who are in

charge of the N.H.S and all that happens in it. Be with those who make decisions. Touch their heart’s so they make the right choice and for all the doctors and nurses let them feel your love and not to give up hope as you will be walking beside them always.

14 “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never end They are new every morning , great is thy faithfulness” No matter what a day may send start the next day with these words.

let us rejoice and be glad in it. 118:24.


19 Pray and give thanks for the Bible Study Group today as they meet to seek the face of God through discussion and reflection of His word.

20 Pray for our elders—that they would lead by example in prayer and service and give then strength and grace to fulfil the role you have called them to.

21 Pray and give thanks for the love and

blessings poured out on us each day. Give thanks for the seen and unseen work of His hands in our lives.

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