February 2019 Prayer Calendar

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22 Father God, You know what faces me today. I am turning my cares over to you. Please strengthen me and help me to trust You with the struggles I face.

28 Pray that a spirit of Unity will be fostered among the churches of Prestwick as we look to the future of ministry in our town.

Connecting with God, each other and the world

23 Lift up the many Iraqi Christian refugees

who, having fled a genocide, can no longer imagine a future in the country that was once their home. Pray that the Lord will watch over His people who have suffered so much and guide them into the future.

24 Peter Barton of Adopt-a-child will be with

us at morning worship today. Pray for the work this charity does providing food, medical and dental care and evangelism to children and their families in Albania and Guatemala.

25 Pray for the Church of Scotland’s

‘Renewing Ministry’ conference on this week in Perth. May those who attend return to their ministries refreshed, renewed and ready to face the challenge of leading the church forward into the future.

26 Pray for the work of the Pioneer Café in

Monkton. Ask God to show us His plan for this amazing resource we are so lucky to have.

27 Pray for the children of persecuted

Christian families around the world. Ask the Lord to be their Protector and their Comforter in the face of danger. Ask that God will enable children to break free from the cycle of poverty and illiteracy, and give them a safe and nurturing learning environment.

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.


Colossians 3: 12-14 Charity Number: SC004271

15 Christ be glorified we pray, in each and

1 Pray for the congregation of St Nicholas as

they face fear and uncertainty for the future as their Minister retires.

8 In this time of political uncertainty in our

country, remember to trust God, the God of hope.

2 Pray for the Girls’ Brigade Ceilidh this

evening. May it go well and the Lord be in all that they do.

3 Pray for the meeting at Monkton this evening. Some members of the congregation have felt God directing them to pray about increasing our presence in Monkton. Join with them in prayer as we try to discern God’s plan for us.

9 Pray for those in our church family who are no longer able to worship with us on a Sunday. Pray they will feel the “everlasting arms of God” surrounding them.

16 Father God, as we look back on our lives we see where Your hand has led us. Thank you for guiding and protecting us.

10 As we gather for worship today pray the

17 Heavenly Father, when I face temptation

Lord will speak into our hearts.

4 Pray for the volunteers of the Christ in

Action Foodbank as they meet this evening, May they know the difference they are making and help them to demonstrate God’s love for all the service users.

5 Pray for the Talking Jesus course continu-

ing today. May it help people to have those conversations about faith that can make God known to our community.

6 Lord, we bring before You today all who are involved in the Lunch Club. Help the volunteers to know that they are serving You faithfully and those who attend to have their hearts filled with Your love.

7 “For I know the plans I have for you, de-

clares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” Jeremiah 29:11

every member of Your body. Keep us from petty arguments and careless words as we remember that we are all parts of the body of Christ, each with their own talents and function.

steer me into Your way. Let me absorb Your goodness and truth.

18 ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’, 11 Lord, we pray for every person who uses our church building . May they truly get a sense of Your Holy presence.

12 Lord, we pray for all the churches in

Prestwick. As decisions & ideas are discussed help us to always put You first. Help us to hear Your voice.

13 “Do not be conformed to this world, but

be transformed by the renewal of your mind. That by testing, you may discern the will of God- what is good, acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:2

14 Pray for those attending Coffee and Chat today. May they minister to one another in true Christian fellowship and love.

that’s what Jesus said. Without the Way, there is no going. Without the Truth, there is no knowing. Without the Life, there is no living. ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life’, that’s what Jesus said.

19 Father God, thank you for our families

whatever our circumstances. Help us to know You are our heavenly Father who gives us everything we need.

20 Pray for the Mission and Discipleship

Council’s ‘Community of Faith Conference’ for youth and family workers beginning today in Kinross.

21 Pray for the Presbytery Committee meetings taking place this evening as they seek God’s plan for His church in the Presbytery of Ayr and nationally.

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