All-City Arts Festival Henry Maier Festival Park 200 N. Harbor Dr. • Milwaukee, WI 53202
May 9-11, 2018 Presented by:
SUMMERFEST FO NDATION, INC. © 2018 Milwaukee Public Schools
Welcome from Dr. Darienne B. Driver, Superintendent of Milwaukee Public Schools Welcome to the first MPS All-City Arts Festival hosted by Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. and the Summerfest Foundation, Inc.! During these three days, I hope you’ll be surprised and delighted by the talents of our students and our community. This festival has many art forms to offer: music, dance, theater, spoken word, visual arts, culinary arts, and more. We are proud to showcase more than 190 different performing groups from more than 120 schools across the city. The Summerfest stages, which host some of the biggest acts in music, will provide an unforgettable experience to more than 8,000 students. This event is built upon the foundation of the MPS Biennial Music Festival, which celebrated its 46th year in 2016. This historic event featured thousands of students from across the district making music in bands, choirs, and orchestras. Then – and now – the festival represents the collective effort and expertise of many people in order to showcase the talents of our students. As the grand finale to the MPS Year of the Arts, I’m excited and thrilled by what this year has offered our students. This effort was about much more than making art or staging performances. The arts teach creativity, persistence, and problem solving, and they nurture teamwork, pride, and self-confidence in our young people. The value of these experiences will last a lifetime. The All-City Arts Festival would not be possible without the dedication and support of many individuals and organizations, including Milwaukee World Festival Inc., the Summerfest Foundation, Inc., the MPS Foundation, the many community arts organizations that have supported our schools this year, and our teachers, staff, school leaders, and families. On behalf of the entire district and all our students – thank you! Please enjoy our festival and show your appreciation to our students, staff, and volunteers! Best,
Darienne B. Driver, Ed.D. Superintendent Milwaukee Public Schools
“Music is a world within itself, it’s a language we all understand, with an equal opportunity for all to sing, dance, and clap their hands.” - Stevie Wonder As Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. and the Summerfest Foundation, Inc. welcomes the students, educators, administrators and volunteers of Milwaukee Public Schools, I am reminded of these words from the legendary performer Stevie Wonder. Indeed, we all have this opportunity to sing, dance and celebrate the Milwaukee Public Schools Year of the Arts! On behalf of the board of directors and staff of Milwaukee World Festival, Inc., and the Summerfest Foundation, welcome to Henry Maier Festival Park. This facility is one of the jewels of our community and it is a perfect setting for this important event. Over the next three days, students from 120 Milwaukee schools will share the same facility that will soon host world-renowned artists and hundreds of thousands of fans. Yet, we know all successful performers gain a strong foundation through education. For that reason, we could not be more proud to kick off our 2018 summer season with the MPS All-City Arts Festival. Just as Summerfest was founded on the principle to showcase the diversity of Milwaukee, the MPS Year of the Arts embraces a wide variety of art forms and the students who represent them. From dance and choral arts to classical music and culinary arts, the MPS All-City Arts Festival represents the vibrant and diverse nature of our city and will create lifelong memories for all those involved. To the students: This three-day event is a celebration of all your dedication, hard work and talent. We are exceptionally proud of you and congratulate you on all that you have achieved. We applaud you! In closing, we are honored to support the MPS All-City Arts Festival in their mission to encourage our community’s youth to express themselves through art and performance. Thank you to all participating students, teachers, chaperones and parents for this opportunity to showcase Milwaukee’s youth. In Celebration,
Don Smiley President & CEO Milwaukee World Festival, Inc.
SUMMERFEST FO NDATION, INC. All-City Arts Festival | 1
General Information
In collaboration with Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. and the Summerfest Foundation, Inc., Milwaukee Public Schools presents the MPS All-City Arts Festival! This three-day event features thousands of students from City of Milwaukee schools showcasing all art forms including visual arts, music, dance, theater, spoken word and much more!
Contents General Information...............................2 Art Gallery.............................................5 Arts Activities........................................6 Wednesday, May 9 Lineups...................8 BMO Harris Pavillion..........................8 Briggs & Stratton...............................9 South Pavillion.................................10 Map ....................................................12 Thursday, May 10 Lineups..................14 BMO Harris Pavillion........................14 Briggs & Stratton.............................16 South Pavillion.................................17 Friday, May 11 Lineups.......................18 BMO Harris Pavillion........................18 Briggs & Stratton.............................20 South Pavillion.................................22
Connect With Us
] F MilwaukeePublicSchools ] T ] I ] # MPSArts ]m
Admission and Hours The MPS All-City Arts Festival offers free admission and runs: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Thursday, May 10, 2018 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Friday, May 11, 2018 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. 2 | All-City Arts Festival
Parking Complimentary parking is available in Lots P and H adjacent to the South Admission Gate. All parking is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Security Policies Please keep the following security policies in mind as you plan your visit to Henry Maier Festival Park (Summerfest Grounds): ] Patrons/guests should be prepared to comply with metal detection and other security screening requirements before entering the Summerfest grounds. ]A ll bags will be searched upon entering. ] A patron may not enter or remain on the grounds while concealing or openly carrying any knife, firearm or other weapon. Failure to comply with this notice will result in immediate ejection from the festival.
First Aid Station A first aid station for this event is located on the south end of the grounds on the south side of the Water Street Brewery building. First aid services are provided by Bell Ambulance.
Ground Stage Performances Seating: All major stage areas throughout the festival grounds offer accessible viewing areas near the stage or on raised platforms on a first-come, first-served basis. Accessible seating at picnic tables is located throughout the grounds.
SUMMERFEST FACILITY ACCESS – Summerfest is continuously making accessibility improvements to enhance the festival experience.
Koepsell’s Popcorn will offer popcorn, candy, slushies, soda, lemonade and water:
Accessible picnic tables, drinking fountains and accessible restrooms are located throughout the grounds. Accessible seating is also available at at all stage areas on a firstcome, first-served basis.
Wednesday, May 9 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Thursday, May 10 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Friday, May 11 • 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Accessible Parking and Loading Zones Designated accessible parking spaces for lots H and P are located at the front of Lot H. Vehicles must have appropriate plates or a permit to park in accessible spaces. All parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. Passengers in personal vehicles may also be dropped-off and/or picked-up at the South Gate.
Information & Services An Information Center is located adjacent to the South Admission Gate for this event. Program volunteers will be stationed at the South Gate information center and throughout the festival grounds to provide support if needed and are identifiable by their orange Year of the Arts T-shirt. In addition, security personnel are stationed at all gate areas and throughout the grounds and are available to answer questions and provide directions.
325 A - white
Cousin’s Subs will offer sandwiches, fries, cheese curds, chips and beverages: Friday, May 11 • 12 – 6 p.m.
Service Animals We gladly welcome service animals and service animals-in-training. If you are a service animal trainer, the animal must wear a harness or leash and special cape denoting that the animal is in training and not merely a pet. If you require the use of the animal to enjoy the event, we strongly encourage the use of an identifying vest, harness, cape, or leash, so other patrons do not attempt to pet or play with your service animal. Upon arrival, Summerfest staff may ask you if the animal is a service animal required because of a disability or if the animal is being trained to be a service animal. If the animal is a service animal-in-training, please be prepared to produce certification or other credentials from a school for training animals that the animal is in training currently. Summerfest will NEVER ask for certification or other credentials of a disability. Please note that Summerfest reserves the right to remove both animal and patron if the animal jeopardizes the safety of other patrons, staff, or volunteers. Summerfest will NEVER separate or attempt to separate you from your service animal or service animal-in-training.
All-City Arts Festival | 3
Make an investment in education. Create future leaders. Transform lives. Support the MPS Foundation today. 4 | All-City Arts Festival • (414) 874-5290
Art Gallery
Visit the MPS All City Art Gallery to see work from students across the district. More than 40 schools from across the city have provided work to be displayed in this gallery. There is a variety of digital media, 2D and 3D art objects from students in grades K-12. Participating schools include: ] A cademy of Accelerated Learning
]G olda Meir School
] A llen-Field School
]G roppi High School
]B ay View High School
]G wen T. Jackson School
]B ethune Elementary
]H amilton High School
]B rowning Elementary
]H awthorne School
]B urbank School
]H umboldt Park
]C lement Ave. School
]C urtain Leadership Academy
] K ing Elementary School
]D oerfler School ] E lm Creative Arts School ] F airview School ] F ernwood Montessori School
]G reenfield School
] K ing IB Middle School ] L incoln Center of the Arts ]M adison High School ]M ilwaukee Academy of Chinese Language
] F orest Home Ave. School
]M ilwaukee High School of the Arts
]G aenslen School
]M ilwaukee Parkside School
]M ilwaukee School of Languages ]M ilwaukee Spanish Immersion School ]M itchell School ]O bama SCTE ] P ierce School ] P roject STAY ]R iverside University High School ]R onald Reagan High School ] S iefert School ] V ictory School ] V ieau School ]W ebster Secondary School ]W edgewood Park School
All-City Arts Festival  |  5
Arts Activities
Students attending the All-City Arts Festival will participate in a variety of arts activities led by our partners. These activities will enhance the festival experience and introduce students to new art forms. The Truck Studio provides meaningful, drop-in art-based enrichment activities free of charge to youth. We help young people become more inquisitive, creative, flexible, imaginative and confident while fostering a sense of community among children, artists, and neighborhoods. Arts @ Large will be facilitating a mixed-media visual arts project with students at the All-City Arts Festival. The students will have the opportunity to explore the art of zentangle using metal embossing techniques and fine markers on wood. ArtWorks for Milwaukee and Milwaukee Film will engage students in film viewing and filmmaking in a sequential set of activities, including viewing films screened in the Rated K: For Kids festival program; filming (capturing students’ opinions of the films they viewed); and editing the gathered footage. The Mad Hot Dance Party will bring together students of all ages for a shared dance experience. Danceworks instructor/s will demonstrate and review a simple dance, like the Mad Hot Salsa, and then orchestrate dance time to allow students to dance together. Join DJ Bizzon and students from Reagan’s DJ Club and DJ Bizzon’s Scratch Sessions for a quick lesson on DJing techniques. Join Express Yourself Milwaukee artists as we co-create colorful abstract designs on paper with watercolor paint and spray bottles. We will also do printmaking with stamps, carved blocks, and ink onto colorful paper. Join musicians as we explore rhythms and sounds created by a variety of percussion instruments from around the world. Students will receive an introduction from First Stage to the world of puppetry and toy theater. Students will be put into small groups to put on their own production of the Three Little Pigs using a cardboard toy theater box and pre-made puppet characters. Milwaukee producer and musician Kiran “Q the Sun” Vedula of the collective New Age Narcissism will lead young people in the creation of hip-hop/rap beats using the software Ableton Live. 6 | All-City Arts Festival
Kohl's Color Wheels is the Milwaukee Art Museum's off-site studio program that sets up art projects (inspired by the museum's collection and feature exhibitions) at school and community events year-round. This fast-paced workshop will give students the chance to explore the fundamentals of acting, storytelling, and improvisation alongside Milwaukee Rep teaching artists, teen council members, and youth leaders. Students will be invited to collaborate, say, “YES!”, make big choices, and use their actor tools to go in-role and positively communicate and express themselves. Join Skai Academy’s Kai Simone as she takes you on a fun, interactive musical journey as she blends jazz, blues, pop, gospel and funk with traditional and original children’s songs. Each 30 minute performance will include creative movement, opportunities for rhythmic instruments and a visit from Bark Bark the puppet and his sidekick LaLa. TBEY’s dance team will perform an interactive dance demo where the students can follow along and participate. The dancers will show off their skills and teach steps to a few simple to learn dances. TBEY’s visual art instructor will demo the art of printmaking and create original works of art throughout the day. The instructor will guide students through the process of making prints – from a blank sheet of paper to finished artwork. ProStart® students will be doing a cooking demonstration where they will display their culinary knowledge learned in the classroom. Wisconsin Conservatory of Music faculty will be onsite at various locations to offer students the opportunity to try out playing an instrument – trumpet, trombone, clarinet, flute, violin, cello, guitar, saxophone, keyboard and more. Xalaat youth ensemble will entertain students with a quick performance before Xalaat instructors lead a drum and dance workshop. Students will have the opportunity to test out their own skills by dancing and drumming to the African music.
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BMO Harris Pavilion Lineup Time +
10:00 AM
Maryland Avenue Montessori
Music and Art Integration
10:15 AM
Cooper School Greenfield School
Cooper and Greenfield Concert Band
10:30 AM
Curtin Leadership Academy Curtin and Lincoln Ave. Concert Lincoln Ave. School Band
10:45 AM
Milwaukee School of Languages
String Orchestra
11:00 AM
Milwaukee School of Languages
Concert Band
11:15 AM Burdick School
Concert Band
11:45 AM Hi-Mount School
12:00 PM Hopkins-Lloyd School
Drum and Dance
12:15 PM Burbank School
Multicultural Drumming
12:30 PM Wedgewood Park School
IB Experience
1:00 PM
Garland School
Theater Group
1:15 PM
Forest Home Ave. School
Alice in Wonderland
1:30 PM
Lincoln Center of the Arts
Sideways Stories from Wayside School
* Genre Key
+ Schedule is subject to change
8 | All-City Arts Festival
Time +
10:00 AM Green Bay Avenue School
Green Bay On The Beat
10:15 AM Riley School
Somos Riley
10:30 AM King IB Middle School
10:45 AM
Barton School Bruce School
Barton and Bruce School Elementary Choir
11:00 AM
Milwaukee German Immersion School
11:15 AM Burdick School
Boot Scootin' Burdickians
11:30 AM Forest Home Ave. School
11:45 AM Pulaski High School
Vocal Ensemble
12:15 PM Doerfler School
Grades 4, 5, and 8
12:30 PM Hartford University School
12:45 PM
Maryland Avenue Montessori
1:00 PM
Kluge School
Musical Theater Ensemble
1:15 PM
Gaenslen School
Take A Dip In A Book! Literacy!
1:30 PM
Auer Avenue School
1:45 PM
Barbee Montessori School
* Genre Key
+ Schedule is subject to change
All-City Arts Festival | 9
Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard Lineup
South Pavilion Lineup Time
10:00 AM Groppi High School
10:15 AM
Milwaukee German Immersion Tanzgruppe School
10:30 AM
Milwaukee French Immersion School
Mad Hot Ballroom Dancers African Dancers
10:45 AM Forest Home Ave. School
Mad Hot Tap
11:00 AM Greenfield School
Mad Hot Ballroom Performers
11:15 AM Greenfield School
Cantos Performers
11:30 AM Kilbourn School
4th Grade Ballroom Dancers
11:45 AM Burdick School
The Boisterous Burdickians
12:00 PM Burdick School
Dance Team
12:15 PM Lowell School
Dramatic Poetry Team
12:30 PM Zablocki School
Dance Team
12:45 PM Mitchell School
La Conga
1:00 PM
Mitchell School
Spoken Word
1:15 PM
Pierce School
Ballroom Dancers
1:30 PM
Vieau School
1:45 PM
Bradley Tech High School
Student Composers and Hip-Hop Dancers
* Genre Key
+ Schedule is subject to change
10 | All-City Arts Festival
Spoken Word
TWILIGHT CENTERS IN THE SUMMER Twilight Centers are safe places for you to hang out with your friends. Open to students ages 12-18. Below are Twilight’s special summer hours.
FREE DROP-IN PROGRAM! Madison • South Division • Obama Dates: May 21 - August 11 Hours: Mondays - Thursdays 5:30 PM - 9 PM/ Saturdays 5:30 PM -10 PM Washington • North Division • Pulaski • Bay View Dates: June 18 - July 28 (only open during this date range in summer) Hours: Mondays - Thursdays 5:30 PM - 9 PM/ Saturdays 5:30 PM -10 PM
Game room • Open gym • Open swim (Select Locations) • Family Saturday Nights • Enrichment Activities • and more! Please visit for more information and call (414) 475-8811 with any questions. For program updates, text @twilighter to 81010. Activities vary by site.
All-City Arts Festival | 11
12 | All-City Arts Festival
First Aid
Art Gallery
Arts Activities
Dance Tent
Student Pick-Up/ Drop-Off
Lost and Found
C South Pavilion
B BMO Harris Pavilion
A Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard
All-City Arts Festival | 13
BMO Harris Pavilion Lineup Time
10:00 AM ALBA
Concert Band
10:15 AM Whitman School
Grades 5-8 Concert Band
10:30 AM
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2018
Congress School Fifty-Third St. School
Congress and Fifty-Third St. School Concert Band
11:00 AM Whitman School
Multicultural Performance
11:15 AM Whitman School
Multicultural Performance
11:30 AM Metcalfe School
African Dance Group and Drummers
11:45 AM
Browning School Ninety-Fifth St. School
Bucket Drumming
12:00 PM Manitoba School
12:15 PM Metcalfe School
African Drummers
12:30 PM Keefe Avenue School
Chess: The Game of Life
1:00 PM
Story School
Story Speaks
1:15 PM
Lancaster School
Modern Band
1:30 PM
Lancaster School
1:45 PM
Sherman School
Scenes from Aladdin
2:00 PM
Roosevelt Creative Middle School
* Genre Key
+ Schedule is subject to change
14 | All-City Arts Festival
MUSIC LAB Grace Weber's Music Lab is a free monthly arts program for Milwaukee area high schoolers to connect and learn from music industry professionals from around the country. Each lab includes one special guest performance, a Q&A conversation and an open mic session for students to sing, rap, recite, dance or express their creativity in any other way.
All-City Arts Festival | 15
Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard Lineup
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2018
Time +
10:00 AM Morgandale School
4th Grade Choir
10:15 AM King Elementary School
Voices of Freedom
10:30 AM Story School
Inspirational Ensemble
10:45 AM Story School
11:00 AM Bethune Academy
B.R.A.T.S. (The Brats)
11:15 AM Whittier School
11:30 AM ALBA
11:45 AM Goodrich School
12:00 PM Grantosa Drive School
12:30 PM Congress School
12:45 PM
MacDowell Montessori School
1:00 PM
Keefe Avenue School
Choral Group
* Genre Key
+ Schedule is subject to change
16 | All-City Arts Festival
South Pavilion Lineup Time +
10:00 AM Hayes Bilingual School
Grupo de Danza de Hayes
10:15 AM
Milwaukee Academy of Chinese Language
Bollywood Dancers
10:30 AM
Milwaukee Academy of Chinese Language
Tanzanian Dancers
10:45 AM
Milwaukee School of Languages
African Dance The Dancing Tigers
11:15 AM Bruce School
4th Grade Tappers
11:30 AM Bryant School
11:45 AM Emerson School
Dance Team
12:00 PM Clemens School
12:30 PM Metcalfe School
Praise Angels Dance Group
12:45 PM Holmes School
African Dancers
1:00 PM
Keefe Avenue School
Spoken Word
1:15 PM
Story School
Mad Hot Ballroom
1:30 PM
Gwen T. Jackson School
Dance Team
1:45 PM
Sherman School
5th Grade Tappers
* Genre Key
Spoken Word
+ Schedule is subject to change
All-City Arts Festival | 17
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2018
11:00 AM Kagel School
BMO Harris Pavilion Lineup Time +
Brown St. School Fifty-Third St. School 10:00 AM Hampton School Parkview School Townsend Street School
World Drumming and Dance
FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2018
Academy of Accelerated Learning 10:15 AM Howard Montessori School Elementary String Ensemble Milwaukee Spanish Immersion 10:30 AM Fairview School
All Star Band
11:00 AM Maple Tree School
African Drum & Dancing Troupe
11:15 AM Townsend Street School
11:30 AM Craig Montessori School
African Drum and Dance Teams
11:45 AM Trowbridge School
Latin Percussion Ensemble
12:15 PM La Escuela Fratney
12:30 PM Fernwood Montessori School
Half Glass Full, The Uke, Stay
12:45 PM Howard Montessori School
Drama Club
1:00 PM
Longfellow School
Journey Into Outer Space
1:45 PM
Grant School
Musical Theater Group
2:00 PM
Bay View High School Milwaukee Parkside School
Milwaukee Parkside and Bay View High School Drumline and Color Guard
2:15 PM
Morse Middle School
Concert Band
2:30 PM
Stuart School
Drumline and Dance
18 | All-City Arts Festival
Time +
2:45 PM
Pulaski High School
Concert Band
3:00 PM
Milwaukee Marshall High School
Concert Band
3:15 PM
Hamilton High School
Concert Band
3:30 PM
Lincoln Center of the Arts
3:45 PM
Golda Meir School
High School Band
4:00 PM
Golda Meir School
Honors Orchestra
4:15 PM
4:30 PM
Milwaukee Police Band
Milwaukee Police Band – Bluecoats
5:00 PM
King IB High School Milw. High School of the Arts Reagan High School Riverside University High School
All-City High School Orchestra
5:30 PM
Audubon High School King IB High School Milw. High School of the Arts Milw. School of Languages Pulaski High School Reagan High School Riverside University High School
All-City High School Band
+ Schedule is subject to change
All-City Arts Festival | 19
FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2018
* Genre Key
Briggs & Stratton Big Backyard Lineup Time +
10:00 AM Lincoln Center of the Arts
Group Choir
10:15 AM Academy of Accelerated Learning Chorus 10:45 AM Zablocki School
11:00 AM Rogers St. Academy
FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2018
11:15 AM Milwaukee Sign Language School Kindergarten 11:30 AM Eighty-First St. School
K4 & K5 Singers
11:45 AM Curtin Leadership Academy
Grade 2
12:00 PM Carson Academy
12:15 PM Curtin Leadership Academy
Grade 5
12:30 PM Victory School
Grades 4 & 5 Victory Singers
12:45 PM Allen-Field School
1:00 PM
Carver Academy Engleburg School Fifty-Third St. School Grantosa Drive School Keefe Avenue School Siefert School
Elementary Choir
1:15 PM
Eighty-First St. School
Grades 3-5 Choir
1:30 PM
Golda Meir School
Middle School Choir
2:00 PM
South Division High School
Hmong, Puerto Rican, Karen, Indian, Kachin, African, Laotian, Middle East
20 | All-City Arts Festival
Time +
2:15 PM
North Division High School
Arts Mash-up
2:30 PM
Alliance School
2:45 PM
Still Waters Collective
Spoken Word
3:00 PM
Turn on the Talent
Turn on the Talent Winners
4:00 PM
Tajh Virgil
4:15 PM
Creative Scales
4:30 PM
Kaleo Musiq
* Genre Key
Spoken Word
+ Schedule is subject to change
FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2018 All-City Arts Festival | 21
South Pavilion Lineup Time +
10:00 AM Honey Creek School
Fourth Grade Orff Ensemble
10:15 AM Honey Creek School
Fifth Grade Orff Ensemble
10:30 AM Clement Ave. School
K4 Performers
10:40 AM Clement Ave. School
Drama Club
10:50 AM Clement Ave. School
K5 Performers
11:00 AM Clement Ave. School
11:15 AM
FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2018
Milwaukee Spanish Immersion School
Un Tributo a Puerto Rico
11:30 AM Milwaukee Parkside School
Ballet and Hip-Hop Dance
11:45 AM Elm Creative Arts School
Ain’t No Stopping Us Now!
12:00 PM Allen-Field School
Ballet Performers
12:15 PM Westside Academy
Westside Tap Dancers and Primary Dancers
12:30 PM Thurston Woods School
Girls Growing Together Positively (GGTP)
12:45 PM Neeskara School
Express Yourself with Neeskara School
1:00 PM
Grant School
Tap and Ballroom Dance
1:15 PM
Humboldt Park School
Hmong Dance
1:30 PM
Hawley Environmental School
Bomba Dancers
1:45 PM
Longfellow School
22 | All-City Arts Festival
Time +
2:00 PM
Q the Sun
House Band
2:10 PM
Q the Sun
Youth Showcase
3:15 PM
Q the Sun
Dancers or Drummers
3:25 PM
Q the Sun
MT Twins
3:45 PM
Q the Sun
Hype Dance Team
4:00 PM
Q the Sun
Munch Lauren
4:20 PM
Q the Sun
4:45 PM
Q the Sun
Closing Medley/Cypher
* Genre Key
+ Schedule is subject to change
FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2018 All-City Arts Festival | 23
DISCOVER & EXPLORE 2018 MPS Summer Programs Catch up, strengthen skills, and get ahead! Summer learning helps all students start strong in fall. JUNE TERM (J-TERM): JUNE 4–29 • SUMMER ACADEMY: JULY 2–27
Free to all students who reside in the city of Milwaukee Free breakfast and lunch for all summer students Many schools offer before- and after-school care (fees may apply) HIGH SCHOOL
Credit recovery • Credit acceleration • Internships ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL
Field trips • Adventures in science, technology, engineering, math and the arts outFestival more 24 | Find All-City Arts
at or call 414-475-8238.
Milwaukee Board of School Directors Board members may be contacted at the MPS Office of Board Governance, (414) 475-8284. Jacqueline M. Mann, Ph.D., Board Clerk/Chief
Mark Sain District 1, President
Larry Miller Wendell Harris, Sr. District 5, Vice-President District 2
Luis A. Báez (Tony), Ph.D. District 6
Paula Phillips District 7
Michael Bonds, Ph.D. District 3
Carol Voss District 8
Annie Woodward District 4
Terrence Falk At-Large
Darienne B. Driver, Ed.D., Superintendent
5225 W. Vliet St. Milwaukee, WI 53208 (414) 475-8002
Senior Team Gina Spang, P.E., Chief of Staff Tonya Adair, Chief Innovation and Information Officer, Acting Chief Academic Officer Thomas P. Conjurski, Chief Financial Officer Himanshu Parikh, Chief Human Resources Officer Keith Posley, Ed.D., Chief School Administration Officer Wendell Willis, Chief Operating Officer Sue Saller, Manager, Superintendent’s Initiatives Maricha Harris, Special Assistant to the Superintendent
It is the policy of the Milwaukee Public Schools, as required by section 118.13, Wisconsin Statutes, that no person will be denied admission to any public school or be denied the benefits of, or be discriminated against in any curricular, extracurricular, pupil services, recreational or other program or activity because of the person’s sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. This policy also prohibits discrimination under related federal statutes, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (race, color, and national origin), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (sex), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (disability), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (disability). The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
For section 118.13, Wisconsin Statutes, federal Title IX: Matthew Boswell, Director, Department of Student Services, Room 133, Milwaukee Public Schools, 5225 W. Vliet St., P.O. Box 2181, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53201-2181 (414) 475-8027.
For Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), federal Title II: Jeff Molter, 504/ADA Coordinator for Students, MPS Department of Specialized Services, 6620 W. Capitol Drive, Room 216, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53216. (414) 438-3677 TTY: (888) 692-1408.
] We welcome ALL children ] We have quality teachers in safe, caring learning environments ] Before- and after-school care is available at most schools ] Transportation is available ] All students receive free breakfast and lunch ] Parent coordinators are located at every school to support families