6 minute read

Housing and Shelter Resources

24-hour shelter assistance at IMPACT 211 . Call 211, (414) 773-0211 or toll free (866) 211-3380 . Text your zip code to 898211 . Monday – Friday, 9:00 a .m . – 9:00 p .m . Visit www.impact.org/impact-2-1-1 to chat with a representative .

ACTS Housing ........................................................ (414) 933-2215 www.actshousing.org


2414 W . Vliet St ., Milwaukee, WI 53205 Provides services families need to buy a home including home buyer and rehab counseling, real estate, loans and grants. Orientations on Wednesdays. Call for appointment.

American Red Cross .................................................. (414) 342-8680 www.redcross.org

For help with homelessness due to fire or natural disaster.

Community Advocates ................................................. (414) 449-4777 www.communityadvocates.org

728 N . James Lovell St ., Milwaukee, WI 53233 • Homelessness Prevention Program prevents eviction and homelessness . • Security Deposit Repayment Program helps guarantee security deposits for new apartment .

Department of Neighborhood Services ................................... (414) 286-2268 www.city.milwaukee.gov/DNS

To report code violations and other problems with your apartment (if your landlord refuses to make repairs) and for rent abatement programs.

Housing Authority (City of Milwaukee). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (414) 286-5678 / TDD (414) 286-3504 www.hacm.org

For low-income housing applications and information.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) ................. (414) 297-3214 / TTY (414) 297-1423 www.hud.gov/states/Wisconsin/offices

Government subsidized rental housing listings.

Housing Resource Center ........................................ (414) 895-RENT (7368) www.renthelpmke.org

728 N . James Lovell St ., Milwaukee, WI 53233 Collaboration of agencies that assist with eviction prevention, mediation between renters and landlords, legal support and other resources related to housing.

Mediate Wisconsin .................................................... (414) 939-8800 www.mediatewisconsin.org/tenants

1915 N . Dr . Martin Luther King Dr ., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Eviction help for tenants.

Milwaukee Drug Abatement Program .................................... (414) 935-7741

To anonymously report a drug house in your neighborhood.

Milwaukee Rental Assistance Program – SDC www.cr-sdc.org/services/residential-services/milwaukee-rental-assistance-program

• Main: 1730 W . North Ave ., Milwaukee, WI 53205 ............................. (414) 906-2700 • Teutonia: 6850 N . Teutonia Ave ., Milwaukee, WI 53209 ........................ (414) 963-2684

Rent Assistance and Housing Programs

• City of Milwaukee .................................................... (414) 286-5650


• Milwaukee County ................................................... (414) 278-4894

www.communityadvocates.net/what-we-do/rent-assistance.html Smoke Alarm Program – Milwaukee Fire Department ....................... (414) 286-8980

For free smoke alarms to those who qualify.

University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee (UWM) Off-Campus Housing ............ (414) 229-6999 www.neighborhoodhousing.uwm.edu Wisconsin Housing Search www.wihousingsearch.org

An online resource for currently available rental units.

Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing for Adults

Shelters with (211) after the name indicates that you must call 211 for bed availability. All other emergency shelters can be contacted directly.

Casa Maria .......................................................... (414) 344-5745 www.casamariacatholicworker.weebly.com

1131 N . 21st St ., Milwaukee, WI 53233 Emergency shelter for homeless families, mothers and children.

Cathedral Center (211). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (414) 831-0394 www.cathedralcenter.org

845 N . Van Buren St ., Milwaukee, WI 53202 A shelter for single women and families. Call for appointment.

Connections Program of Lad Lake ....................................... (414) 332-2690 www.ladlake.org/programs/independent_living

225 W . Capitol Dr ., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Transitional living (adults, 18–21) who have been in foster care at some time.

Guest House (211) .................................................... (414) 345-3240 www.guesthouseofmilwaukee.org

1216 N . 13th St ., Milwaukee, WI 53205 A shelter for single adult males, and also offering AODA treatment.

Hope House (211) ..................................................... (414) 645-2122 www.hopehousemke.org

209 W . Orchard St ., Milwaukee, WI 53204 Emergency shelter for single men, women and families.

Hope St. Ministries .................................................... (414) 445-5404 www.hopestreetministry.org

2522 W . Capitol Dr ., Milwaukee, WI 53206 Transitional living for single men and women with AODA issues.

Joy House (Milwaukee Rescue Mission) .................................. (414) 344-3774 www.milmission.org/programs/Joy-house

830 N . 19th St ., Milwaukee, WI 53233 A shelter for single women and women with their children.

La Causa, Inc. Crisis Nursery. ........................................... (414) 647-5990 www.lacausa.org

522 W . Walker St ., Milwaukee, WI 53204 Free, short-term child care for children in emergency situations.

MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary ................................... (414) 305-8997 www.mbsanctuary.org

2461 W . Center St ., Milwaukee, WI 53206 Daytime sanctuary and multi-resource center for homeless and at-risk homeless individuals.

Milwaukee Women’s Center (211) Shelter and Crisis Line .................... (414) 671-6140 www.communityadvocates.net/what-we-do/milwaukee-womens-center/overview.html

3025 W . Mitchell St ., Milwaukee, WI 53204 Homeless and/or domestic violence shelter for single women or women with children.

Outreach Community Health Centers ..................................... (414) 374-2400 www.orchc-milw.org

711 W . Capitol Dr ., Milwaukee, WI 53206 Offers housing services.

Project Heat ......................................................... (414) 342-5959

2904 W . Wells St ., Milwaukee, WI 53208 Bridge housing for single adults receiving outpatient services after inpatient AODA and mental health treatment.

Repairers of the Breach ................................................ (414) 342-9323 www.repairers.org

1335 W . Vliet St ., Milwaukee, WI 53205 A day shelter only.

Safe Harbor (Milwaukee Rescue Mission) ................................. (414) 935-0200 www.milmission.org

1820 W . Wells St ., Milwaukee, WI 53233 Shelter for single men.

Salvation Army Shelter (211) ........................................... (414) 265-6360 www.centralusa.org.salvationarmy.org/milwaukee/emergency-lodge

1730 N . 7th St ., Milwaukee, WI 53205 For men, women, and families.

Sojourner Family Peace Center .......................................... (414) 933-2722 www.familypeacecenter.org

619 W . Walnut St ., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Sojourner Family Peace Center’s shelter for women leaving abusive relationships and their children.

St. Catherine Residence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (414) 272-8470 / TTY (800) 877-8973 www.mercyhousing.org/mountain-plains/st-catherine-residence

1032 E . Knapp St ., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Transitional housing for single women and first-time pregnant women.

United Methodist Children’s Services .................................... (414) 344-1818 www.umcs-wi.org

3940 W . Lisbon Ave ., Milwaukee, WI 53208 Transitional housing for women and their children (under 12 years of age).

Vet’s Place Central .................................................... (414) 342-5000 www.cvivet.org/transitional-housing

3330 W . Wells St ., Milwaukee, WI 53208 Transitional housing for veterans.

Winterstar (Salvation Army) ............................................ (414) 342-6203 www.centralusa.org.salvationarmy.org/milwaukee/winterstar-supportive-transitional-housing

Transitional living for single men and women with a history of AODA, mental health issues or a disability.

Area Transitional Living Programs, Shelters, and Outreach for Teens, Teen Parents and Young Adults

If you are not living with a parent or caretaker relative, you can apply for BadgerCare and FoodShare Wisconsin on your own. Applying for Benefits

Online: Apply at access.wi.gov – “Apply for Benefits” Mail: Call MiLES (Milwaukee Enrollment Services) at (888) 947-6583 to be sent a paper application . In Person: Go to Coggs Center – 1220 W. Vliet St., Milwaukee, WI 53205

By Phone: Call (888) 947-6583 .

Insights Housing Program .............................................. (414) 647-8200 www.walkerspoint.org/transitional-supportive-housing-program

This program offers housing (up to 24 months) and support services to prepare for self-sufficiency and independence for men and women (ages 17–24 ) and their children.

Pathfinders Drop-In Center ............................................. (414) 964-2565 www.pathfindersmke.org/our-services

4200 N . Holton St ., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Offers basic needs assistance such as food, clothing, shower and laundry facilities to homeless teens and young adults. Other services offered as well.

Pathfinders Youth Shelter .............................................. (414) 271-1560 www.pathfindersmke.org/our-services

1614 E . Kane Pl ., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Shelter for homeless and runaway youth under 18 years old.

Pathfinders Q-BLOK ................................................... (414) 964-2565 www.pathfindersmke.org/our-services

4200 N . Holton St ., Milwaukee, WI 53212 LGBTQ Young Adults Housing Initiative – Supportive housing, financial assistance and case management for LGBTQ-identified young adults, 18–25 years old.

O-YEAH ............................................................. (414) 257-7607 www.wraparoundmke.com/programs/92-2

Program for youth and young adults, ages 16.5–23, that are Milwaukee County residents and have serious emotional and behavioral challenges and who need help to plan for future independence and support.

Street Beat Youth Outreach Program ....................... (414) 852-3027 / (414) 840-4990 www.pathfindersmke.org/our-services

A collaborative program between Walker’s Point Youth & Family Center and Pathfinders; provides outreach and advocacy to transient, homeless and exploited youth (ages 14–21) in Milwaukee neighborhoods.

Walker’s Point Youth and Family Center Runaway and Teen Crisis Shelter ...... (414) 647-8200 www.walkerspoint.org/runaway-teen-crisis-program

732 S . 21st St ., Milwaukee, WI 53204 Shelter for homeless and runaway youth under 18 years old.

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