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Human Trafficking

Local resources and services for victims of sex and labor trafficking:

Asha Family Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (414) 252-0075 www.ashafamilyservices.org


3701 W . Center St ., Milwaukee, WI 53210

BeFree Textline ............................................ Text HELP “BeFree” (233733) www.humantraffickinghotline.org/befree-textline/stats

Text HELP “BeFree” (233733), 3:00 – 11:00 p .m . EST

Convergence Resource Center .......................................... (414) 979-0591 www.convergenceresource.org

7961 N . 76th St ., Milwaukee, WI 53223 Supportive services.

National/International Resources ........................................ (866) 347-2423 www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign/identity-victim

Call to report suspected human trafficking.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children www.missingkids.org Pathfinders .......................................................... (414) 587-2553 www.pathfindersmke.org

Services for youth and young adults ages 11–25 who have experienced sexual exploitation and trafficking.

Polaris Project ....................................................... (888) 373-7888 www.polarisproject.org “Represent!” ........................................................ (414) 212-5121 www.rethinkresources.net/contact-me/

P .O . Box 11293, Milwaukee WI 53211; hello@representmke .org Milwaukee-based assistance and services for teens involved or affected by sex trade or trafficking.

Shared Hope International www.sharedhope.org Sojourner Family Peace Center .......................................... (414) 933-2722 www.familypeacecenter.org

619 W . Walnut St ., Milwaukee, WI 53212

Street Beat Youth Outreach Program ....................... (414) 852-3027 / (414) 840-4990 www.facebook.com/streetbeatmke

A collaborative program between Walker’s Point Youth & Family Center and Pathfinders; provides outreach and advocacy to transient, homeless and exploited youth (ages 14–21) in Milwaukee neighborhoods.

UMOS Latina Resource Center .......................................... (414) 589-6500 Bilingual Crisis Hotline 24/7 ............................................ (414) 389-6510 www.umos.org

2701 S . Chase Ave ., Suite D, Milwaukee, WI 53204

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/ United States Department of Homeland Security – Blue Campaign www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign

Website provides information regarding immigration assistance for non-U.S. citizen victims of human trafficking.

Walker’s Point Youth and Family Center .................................. (414) 647-8200 www.walkerspoint.org

732 S . 21st St ., Milwaukee, WI 53204

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