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Pregnancy-Related Programs & Services

Services for pregnant women and their partners or support person

Aurora Childbirth Education Classes for Teens and Young Adults .............. (414) 219-2000 www.aurorahealthcare.org/events/_hidden/search.asp?ID=9128


Aurora Sinai Medical Center: 960 N . 12th St ., Milwaukee, WI 53223 West Allis Medical Center: 8901 W . Lincoln Ave ., West Allis, WI 53227 Information and education on childbirth, breastfeeding and newborn care offered at a variety of locations. Call at least two months before your due date.

Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin, Inc. – Milwaukee Healthy Beginnings Project ................................... (414) 933-0064 www.bhcw.org

3020 W . Vliet St ., Suite 1, Milwaukee, WI 53208 Preventative, in-home services for pregnant women in Milwaukee.

Blanket of Love (Ascension Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital Milwaukee) ......... (414) 793-0328

3132 N . Martin Luther King Dr ., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Provides weekly prenatal and parenting classes for teens and young mothers, mentoring, and community service referrals.

Children’s Wisconsin Community Services – Pregnancy and Counseling Resources .................................. (414) 231-4827 www.childrenswi.org

620 S . 76th St ., Milwaukee, WI 53214 Offers all-options based counseling for pregnant women; provides pregnancy and parenting guidance for young mothers through the baby’s first birthday; home visits, community resource referrals, pregnancy education and parenting support are available.

City of Milwaukee Health Department .................................... (414) 286-8620 city.milwaukee.gov/health

Southside Health Center: 1639 S . 23rd St ., Milwaukee, WI 53204 Provides free pregnancy testing, Cribs for Kids program and several nurse home visiting programs for pregnant women and families with infants in Milwaukee.

Easter Seals Safe Babies Healthy Families Program ........................ (262) 953-2205 Resource Hotline ..................................................... (414) 449-4444 www.easterseals.com/wi-se/our-programs/childrens-services/safe-babies-healthy-families.html

505 Northview Rd ., Waukesha, WI 53188 Focuses on ensuring children are born into safe and healthy environments.

La Leche League, International – Wisconsin www.lllofwi.org

Breastfeeding information and support. See website for area services and contact information for leaders in your area.

Milwaukee Health Services, Inc. ......................................... (414) 372-8080 www.mhsi.org

2555 N . Dr . Martin Luther King, Jr . Dr ., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Offers prenatal care and support groups during the first year of life.

Next Door ........................................................... (414) 562-2929 www.nextdoormke.org

Early Head Start Home Visitation Program – 2545 N . 29th St ., Milwaukee, WI 53210 Offers an early Head Start prenatal program and health services including home visitation program, parenting guidance, nutrition information, infant massage training and services for expectant fathers.

The Parenting Network ................................................ (414) 671-5575 24-Hour Parent Helpline ............................................... (414) 671-0566 www.theparentingnetwork.org

7516 W . Burleigh St ., Milwaukee, WI 53210 Offers “Welcome, Baby” and other programs for expectant and new parents. Call the Parent Helpline for more information and to register for classes.

Prenatal Care Coordination ....................(800) 362-3002 / TTY: (800) 947-3529 Ext. 711 www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/mch/pncc.htm

Provides resources and assists pregnant mothers obtain the tools that are needed to help deliver healthy babies with training/support to ensure that the mother knows how to properly care for her baby.

Safe Place for Newborns ............................ (877) 440-2229 / TEXT: (414) 491-8943 24 Hour Crisis Line Available ........................................... (877) 440-2229 www.safeplacefornewborns.org

Administrative Office – 5000 W . Chambers St ., Milwaukee, WI 53210 For women in crisis who may be hiding their pregnancy. State law says you can give your newborn, up to 3 days old, to any employee of a hospital or fire/police station without getting into trouble. Dial 911 for additional help.

Women’s Outpatient Center ............................................ (414) 447-2275 www.healthcare.ascension.org/Specialty-Care/Womens-Health

Wheaton-Franciscan/St . Joseph Campus – 5000 W . Chambers St ., Milwaukee, WI 53210 Comprehensive prenatal care, help with medical assistance, and programs related to pregnancy and women’s health issues.

Lost housing? Living with another family due to financial or other family problems?

Your children may qualify for school-related benefits under the federal McKinney-Vento Act. To find out if you qualify, talk to the MPS school social worker at your child’s school. HOMELESS EDUCATION PROGRAM HOMELESS EDUCATION PROGRAM



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