MPS Culture & Climate Toolkit 2021–22

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What is Restorative Practices? In MPS, restorative practices is a framework that emphasizes the value of relationships. It is founded on the belief that a high level of accountability and a high level of support combine to promote a safe and equitable environment. The restorative framework includes a continuum of practices for building community and repairing relationships when harm has occurred. More information and The Restorative Practices Educator Guide can be found on the MPS Restorative Practices Toolbox: home.

Principles of a Restorative School Community The use of restorative practices is one way to build and maintain the relationships that are integral to a healthy learning environment, but this adoption is not a quick fix. Long-term change in both adult and student behavior requires dedication to this mindset shift and a willingness to try these practices, selfreflect, and adapt as necessary. ] Building relationships is central to healthy communities. ] Relationships are strengthened by focusing on harm done rather than on rules alone. ] The focus is on an individual’s needs rather than their behavior. ] All voices are valued and everyone is heard, ensuring equity of voice. ] Collaborative problem solving is promoted. ] There is an emphasis on doing things “with” others instead of “to” or “for” them.

Benefits of Restorative Practices in Schools ] A safe and supportive learning environment ] A more effective teaching and learning environment ] A reduction in interpersonal conflicts among the members ] Greater awareness of the importance of connectedness among young people ] Recognition of the need to belong and feel valued by peers and significant adults ] Greater emphasis on responses to inappropriate behavior that seek to reconnect school community ] Reductions in suspensions and expulsions due to shifts in mindsets by all school community members, not reductions in accountability


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