Responding to Individual Problem Behaviors – Flowchart (Example) Classroom-Managed Behavior What Teachers Will Do
Office-Managed Behavior What School Leaders Will Do
Step 1: Redirection Statement
Behavior referral in Infinite Campus is required.
Reminder Statement: “Remember, the expectation is that we keep our hoods down in class. Please take yours down.” Teacher walks away and gives student time to comply.
Administration uses Incident Intervention Toolbox to determine office-level response and implements response
Affective Statement: I + feeling word + impact + expectation. “I feel disrespected when you talk over me. It’s my job to make sure the class knows this information. Please stop talking.”
Reviews PLP to identify classroom strategies implemented by teachers. Uses restorative strategies, as needed, to resolve issue with student.
Positive Affective Statement to Others: “I feel proud when students try hard to focus and take notes while I’m talking.”
Refers to Administrator Guide to Discipline for discipline levels and possible next steps.
Classroom behaviors are documented in Infinite Campus in PLP under Classroom Behavior tab.
Going forward after discipline, the administrator should monitor the following:
Step 2: Teacher Response Strategy
• Teacher use of classroom management strategies • Universal supports for all students • Disproportionality data • BIT/PBIS team meetings • Use of restorative practices
Planned ignoring, redirection, secret signal, 1:1 conference, meet and greet, proximity control, move seat, acknowledgment, praise
Step 3: Responsive Conversation Affective Question: Ask student about their feelings and the feelings of others. “I noticed you weren’t paying attention in class. How are you feeling today?” Small Impromptu Conference: “What happened? Who was affected? What can you do to make things right?”
Step 4: Classroom-Level Consequence Implement classroom consequence such as seat change, loss of a privilege, call home, etc.
Step 5: Submit Behavior Referral If behavior continues over time, submit a behavior referral and include documentation of strategies.