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Network – Families Have Skills and Knowledge to Support Virtual and In-Person Learning
Tools and Knowledge are Critical to Build Relationships MPS views families as equal partners in student achievement . Schools that struggle to foster partnerships with families will ultimately struggle with student achievement . That is why it is important that schools develop engagement strategies to build relationships with families . Examples of engagement strategies are: School Engagement Councils, parent coordinators and the District Advisory Council . Each school should use their knowledge of their unique families to identify engagement strategies that will help them develop relationships with the families they serve .
Connections are Vital to Peer Relationships and Accessing Resources Schools must work together to help families build peer networks . Peer networks help families feel more connected to the schools their children attend . When families feel connected, this improves school culture and contributes to a more welcoming environment . Most importantly, peer networks enhance the school’s capability of working on issues that affect the school and helps to close the achievement gap . PCs can help parents develop peer networks . The Parent Center is set up to be a place for families to gather and connect . PC create opportunities for families to contribute in active leadership roles or participate in Parent–Teacher Organizations (PTO) in the school . PC ensure that families are engaged in regular social and community-building events at the school along with sharing options and ways for group volunteering .
Network – Families Have Skills and Knowledge to Support Virtual and In-Person Learning
Raising a successful and high-achieving student is more challenging than ever . This is especially true in the age of Common Core, computerized assessments, and online platforms such as Infinite Campus and Class Dojo . Families who want to support their student learning may not always have the tools and knowledge needed to do so . Schools must work to ensure their families have the skills and knowledge to support their child’s success . Parent coordinators can help by coming familiar with necessary curriculums and technologies . This way, the parent coordinators will be able to help parents navigate these systems when they seem to be having trouble .
Community and Neighborhood Engagement Supports Teaching and Learning The City of Milwaukee has over 75 distinct communities and neighborhoods . MPS not only serves students and their families, but also the surrounding neighborhoods and communities . To educate our students, MPS must engage with the community in meaningful ways . This includes not only the local residents, but also businesses, places of worship, non-profit organizations and other key stakeholders . Each school must work to identify ways to leverage the unique resources of the surrounding community for school improvement .